Publication information Becoming a sustaining subscriber Table of Subscriptions to Fightback are available for $16.50 a year, this covers the costs Contents of printing and postage. At present the writing, proof reading, layout, and 3 Editorial distribution is all done on a volun- 3 In brief teer basis. To make this publication sustainable long term we are asking for 4 Union movement gathers for people to consider becoming ‘Sustain- ‘Fairness at Work’ ing subscribers’ by pledging a monthly 6 Bid for recognition of first official amount to Fightback (suggested $10). climate change refugee Sustaining subscribers will be send a free copy of each of our pamphlets to 7 Pacific migration: Climate thank them for their extra support. The change and the reserve army of name of the magazine will change to labour Fightback, but current subscriptions 8 A discourse on brocialism will remain unaltered. To start your sustaining subscription 15 Education and Capitalism: set up an automatic payment to 38- Behind the Massey-McDonald’s 9002-0817250-00 with your name in partnership the particulars and ‘Sustain’ in the code 17 National youth wellbeing and email your name and address to research highlights the impacts
[email protected] of increasing poverty 18 Palestine: Queer Liberation vs Pinkwashing Get Fightback each month 21 Love and Marriage: Queers, Capitalism and Equality Within NZ: $20 for one year (11 issues) or $40 for two years (22 issues) Rest of the World: $40 for one year or $80 for two years Send details and payments to: Fightback, PO Box 10282 Dominion Rd, Auckland or Bank transfer: 38-9002-0817250-01 Donations and bequeathments Fightback is non-profit and relies on financial support from progressive people, supporters and members for all its activities including producing this magazine.