TACK 12 TTTE SEATTLE STAR TTTUTtSDAY, MARCH 30. 1022. Players Signed for Opening Games in Star League

*Tt. He? Flnnes Tom Anr.i'K«iimTf Here Jire the men signed f, , V|aii«f«r Mutter. Her tor U CIiMM, Mdluern, I .om* Uourtnaa, Alei Me- M'lwell. t Si % la IN.well. Favale VI alter I Indberg. Manager I*. |». O'tf "HUM, MMiager Ronald Willis. Dm, I.lord Mltla. Kite l»e Julio, Mhll '' tip by the tennis that will WhilfnM w h»«i r hooter Todd, Muarrla. Marry feldman Itufue larton. firvllle Hi hrader, Wilfred Walter Hindhrrg. (leorga M«ra Mete HhleJds (Jarman, fjaorgs 11'Vf, Hen l la erne relerana. WMf HTr !.?« Murk* N Wlet. Mfi«ll«nlWirc. Arthur nw4 *II K Hit I I K in rrank John linker. Maa Hlrhsrd Hreen. AON INIHOMT ai'|,ONM J Vuysteke, Harold Megrt>, MT ATH <» o'[>«iin»!l, llsr Ammi'lwn I*ahd«, '<*«!* »» «»*- ? Mmund i «»r»n«»r, John llllant UwJt A. XaimgiT Tom t»an aioan. Mtanl« * DAVI*. Hubert Moe« II Mirk, Arthur htnlih, ' laieix or*. MtMtW MIIIUmw. Jobneon. Win fmith John Anlhone. IU>I Haient, Manage* Mlllest old llmrki-n, May Usyaulea, Jamn Mul* Mo*il«nl»arff Oral Wllttuflr 1 yto oamhlf Maul Olebs. k. Metre Moi |V>«n Hvit Ihatrle, H<>ger Iter Wetter Teutoaee, Mai-y Msrton. Ralph Nag**!. John Tuiln, l ugene CrooH. ad Monro* demtnlll. BandsiroM. Fr|r-k*en tally, Arthur l#uffy. HM! WOODI.AMI MKIU'IfASVTH te«ky. William Welter*. Torn %\ hit man. Herbert l.araon. |)|>ld llarl, I .en U William Meeea, Her Msnusl hhatieliy. Itiibert F>»eier, Atilhany Isrne Ref Hon 111 1.1 MtN Mr.lM HANTM worth. Verne Metereea. eld klit, Addison Ame* llsyward R Art Horw, Clar»ac« M»i«tn. K.l«ar»l Tenhsrt Reh- Hotter* 11« raid Henderson. Kit«ari«*wa« Rleaehant, Moatoaky, tlllmorr Hrtmin llarry Christian lliamaa Flail, M«*efer TIIHIJ HHOTIIFMn IMP MOHklt Italph Itnberieon Htewart Meg. Mepln, Kddie Thorn** JariiM Thomas, Arthor I llsrry Wooden, Mar Dae- Ktwwr. Kdwsrtl V|a«eat. Mager, Ainos Teeter*. Frye, I Marling H»««, Albert How. ? *lt*a I*. flatten k i (Irani llornlg ilenrge C ntahl, J. W llaanglmian. Manager John lisrrett. At- M< Honal'l, William ltu«-k Kenny oott, Ha/old J. O'Keefe. i hi it im f*eder Itfinald ()»"rge Neylan. Ifarpar, Art Uorm», Ja- * W«j|#r trkoii.NK CIM K«l«rxril KnwMni, Mana««r Nell Wlrk* Mrße>n«!de. Carl tarl- Harry Upeidei. Itelph ry, Jeha (?III FN I AkF .11 HllllUt Htaat*, Vernie I'enegor, Jerome M«Hon- lie I »*t«arg. Hldney Mlo*"*. \n>nt.»ll. lh»n Young. j»r. Jerk Robert ?«»n. Clgfeni-e Altleeon. Italph llskaneon, Hengatt, Ahner. Msymond Jury, Manage* sld, Ueorge Anion Mipley, John (Jiddlnge A. U Mrnlih, Krvla Manafer Marbet. Kverett Miller, Ted AI AIImwI Tar a. Wshr John l^wrj. Wtnts Uad, Char lea Newmmh. touts Ttlilir. ICdward Krfn»tr< llenry Helium, ttobwrt niamhaugh. Kdwln Ihanelljr, I: U Harbsria lhanald Manning. Troy Trsrin, Ralph Ihrlgh ller.ry Yamoaka, James Hwyer, Hon M'Ullvrey I.dward tlarreit # M«lvla T*x. 1% II laMherv. Howard Heath, dvaries l.jn.h. Parrel I'tlMt Mason. Raymond Jensen. Henry Allen, Hatph Milter, Kenneih Mulnam, Hnbatt Hytlengren Mhll Nordaimni, la«r»nr» MANTIOHS lIKUtIN HHOTIIFIta Mil I 14KHR AMMf nm fwrre ftteen. Clarence Uinil, A. Herman- Itreiiuen. J. Ra\m«nd. ma t 1a r won, Thomas I'tatis, llouuh Horyer. Ivan Juhea, Kd hwlft. Car I Uue. Henann, illlltert Hanen, Fdgar Hagiat. Vlelmer JnliNMia. Manaier Maipb lew. Mewager H. <>?««*?. MMißfrr ?en W. Hermartsen. H W. Mapper, lUp I*lhat rn Bard all. V. h Hove 11 a. Tom HrHengraft, Walla'* Mafferty. Al- Ifelmer Johns«>n Hwift. Arden Frank Hsrrlgan «4* 11 Kelly. Win n. It "fin M Hhlffakf. K. rtMl. Km Arnetin. C. I»le* tedaht, Has Otmnee* lUxtnfT «?lliM-rt. Mastfer tl AMIINfITON CO. » KIM iioiriit a i.itmi bert Torn, John IMgetaw, Nely Huiilvan; Maghmon. Wlllard Huwman, Joe Mrad Urnlth. Vlrgn Moeter. Mohart Klllott. Al Ami, T. Tmkttßi. M. Artl. K !<*??. If Ilia, TakaayM*!, wKirr * wiirtivHiihkhii rtu l>elhert tlamhettl. Orla *tt*eetlg, Jtrk I l«le Fowetl. Manafer I layd I Manager Italph Rnuaa. ley. Albert Fairbanks. Harold I'uffy, (in*. J*-k llarlow, Mslph 1 *++ Alfred K. u»n»«i« T r lemkrt. Manacer *rhe arts John Henner. l.y|e Know lev, Carol r»urkee. William Matetaky, Krer.k William I'saimm Hslph Hoppge, Wit ? I bur gandstreni. Hsrvey Mags a. Mudd Kart hwenson William Hiseonstis, Harry Young. <;eorg* Megenthsler, Jamas Hurt. V. NaftmiM T Takala, T. If Hay Meree. Cecil Ktrkey, Walter MHelt- u . »x - |«|| J.,0 M K«* Mm 4 Tyo. Weir h tigward Mutton. Noel Meeea, tlam Montgomery, Kd Thomps«in. Hsnnle Walker < anal, Joe Welsh Idoyd Hrrilth, Jos Harrlg»n K. Aral. M Hmlntrvitra. 23 TEAMS WILL COMPETE IN STAR JUNIOR BASEBALL LOOP Don't Shape Up Can He Do It? Season Opens Sunday; as Contenders, Altho Dangerous Thai's what Coast league fans are asking about El- One Team Drops Out mer Ponder, the new Los Angeles heaver. He is eoaajss Reda Are Depending Upon Young Coaat Infielders; Pitching Not Overly Strong; All but Silent Frats File Contract* Wednesday; expected to fill the gap left in the Champions' *«»rr «hl' tK? p. mi mt !!?«> Amy *ll imm. trill Paper lav I*4 Warriors Look on and Art Reinhart. comes r#«4|; f«r if r I Ml»Ion I ridmr for Sunday's Games Is Ready bonder from the Cubs. l.?m !'?»«? mrtmrrr »bmild iiMaln i#«ml < wyiw brfor# INERAL WELLS, Tex., March 110.?Pat Mornn, this year, is attempting *«tn«l«> \u25a0 gaiHM Ha illailf lr»i|iwf ? Mil »? lb* M>rr?\u25a0 mt lb* IrafM to get back in the pennant race with a bunch of new bail lhal all «f |»mi« »r* lim«4 players ones sprinkled In prwpllf, «* IHal U lb# Milf and a few of his old in. mrtlMMi |»y aabl'b limy ratai la* »k- Last Call for Silent Frats impossible to toretell success the Cincinnati UiMxl by Tka f*lA# At this date it is what HHmt wrrn dour in an rffort to maka skipper will enjoy, lie has an outside chance. Aa thr KnU Tbn nrba4*iln far Iba w«i» th# only liawn to liU an thr Incur contain an era Pat always optimistic, is exceedingly proud of his crop of Will bn ritdf for pul>llt«il«B HniurUay iiumbrr of li irunt, n no Moran. rnlry In Th<- Mir Junior young players has rather high hopes for his team. However, he wiuiil will hav« to be Mb and In rt|l«r«(lA* bn mm** fail nitniac mar Hiwt>ll Irifw to lo during Ihr prrliminar7 \u25ba«*»? is making no predictions as to where his club will finish. \u2666 »«r W» rn until tonight l« wid tt«mn The Star by ? p. nv today if Moran has ? <»«irtr( ano n#ar mini t*a»m mrm ?'l'lui, bring every one to give him his best efforts and that he will be satisfied with iba Mm«i uf fh«- m«i lh« r>»w plnyara In to Thf Star b»for» hia tram plana to go thru ara lo m>l«M Will lift** I© bo OtlOe warmly welcomed by Moran. the Cincinnati leader * If Roush he Iluf nn4 HIJI Griffith* tbn WirHHif. League No. I?Three Brothers Dye Works, Falcon Ath- is not figuring on Eddie. Incidentally if the salary difference is patched up, it is question- lon ftrk boyi who h»*» flfurH In Hfmr itkr M » UvIUN for tba fUI l»« letic club, Washington Laundry Co., Pirates, season ?/« tanm able if Roush will be in condition to start the in his best form. pifi. Jma4 up by lb* pnrb ? 4iamon4 aanaun Tba Cubs, ililman Merchants, Independent*. reports, will start season with a mighty good out- ??in for tba /erolene Whether or not Roush the Reds the i Griffith l*r«li>«fi Aim v>iar«4 U«k*tWii Wildcats, Dry wcctf. League No. 2?Mt. Baker Louie's French field. The trade which brought nn4 Billiards, George Bums from the New Cleaners, Fremont Cyclones, Brown Brothers Tha rr«mnn| baa-a on* ©f tbn Panthers, Ross Cubs, L. V. York Giants in exchange for KmiifMl rltU In tbn ao«*i©. Ju4|»i| from »-\u2666«»? of lb* latent lin»>l up to far Westerman Co. Heine Groh has made pos- Mm( mmmi, ???«!<-# ft© it of «halr playwi hnva No. I- \V»*Mnrt«n Park. Lee Fohl Has Hi. Eumsh Is Hardier ? Uaruii lib tha ttmrk rtltMl inma sible. irammtr AxaM (iwn I«k«, Wert that l» I* Iter rtu iorn»4 vat la (b« Cul*. Outfielders and I>e Red* will open the aaaion put fa ? MM«ai Woodland Merchants. Wmt Peatlle Homslby, with l"at l>unran in left. <«a ore* J»ye Work*. Fred Hopper's *Junta, Catchers in Line to right, Piftsk Hum* In center and Neal* In Vtnlpfc m%m la rmmnt*4 mpmm * Thsum Wheeler, Vlllrv Wilson Krlette Co.. West Aia, March 4» mt Ik* r«irMn| for tn addition Mran ha* two promt* In mat lb* Überty Luf( of Wlngo aid #Ttt*n »f tha T *»»»!! ?ehi«t tor Pub* «\u25a0 Tliree BiaChsa enfUnt Hornsby grant Horeaby right-hander whDe lMlael«:i Th« Worka el Welle Well* at » » *». that I'mt CbQlna baa arrive# and Rrnuh ara Wttr»m. la a W«iMnf«n ?* lUrvnra. !? AtM«M» »l»» lad*r«aiMla Rough from the laft rid* tha maklr.® thta rw<4 !*? ral'M with a vengeance. He Intends hlta of Plata. Tl.a Cincinnati leader figure* hi* M»ma Tfca win K* ln»t» el Welle Welle at 1 p. as. «tndy of tha battnr*. That la al to on him a (mat dnal Grime* la a who make* a careful catching *laff up fo major laagu* Men Survive Final Cut br Tt»* lUmr Mfor# H«a4*r. plrat** vs. lA*aweo4 st ONaaka this on* of the big reaaoos for hla continued aueccaa. Hla opinion there/or* l» X p m. summer to help oat Stal «M. standard. »«aplt* the abaen.-r of ae w»»M»»isai worthy of attention. of WaKhington ba.se hall per- >l?» |y leuadrr burden. The pitching flrld. . formrrs have final of the sea-son TK# 1 TWENTY \u25a0arrived the rut *«wla» tMlldf t«MM flmlMl *o. t Here la hla aize-up of tha National league'* two bert bat*m*n: the thtH tell. If nerwry. Md Ihm i.iunm The ontfleld wttl be Kaa WTD- Moran'a problem I* his Infield nnd by Coach Matthews. tlaaßera ve. L T. can tall almoat exactly what Hornaby Intend* to do from hla poaltlon made the' illerMi# f4kh l#Mi ohaaM loal'a rr»»tl> Drr lams In enter "I pitching Co. al Ao*itti H«etll» at t a. la left. Jaooboon in plate, men (iold r»i«iei it* mwm pr»p»rl y »fUr lh« W*«l*rman at tha but Rouah never. The following will represent the Purple and »*. Uekar at Johnny Tobln right. Will Jimmy Qsveney ba iMn to |MM« if*f«mpleled I'MiMri Hu Wildcats end In t-ack "Oii'H Hornaby take* hla poaltlon at tha plata h* na»a» charge* It. If et I p **- fill tha bill at *hort? Will ISaba on the diamond thin year: Oolumbie Shorten. secured from Detroit, ha crowd* the plata you know ho la trying to hit to right field. If ha aland* Oat-a ?> rrameat Pyeletaae et Jt Plnelll deliver at third? Pitcher*?Ralph I-eonard, Morjran. Don U«m mwal ilm ht«* an t»»plr» will play utility role. you know want* to pull ona to left Arthur Mac- ?n ha* -1 Kundar. ?? all (unea F. t»e* HIP* off ha field. nait L* (ir Xlleet Praia \u25a0!», «ke Cincinnati'* chance* m a two the "Honuiby always takes a healthy awing. It la a rarity for him to bunt meaaura kenzie. Frank Setzer, K. W. Harper, Kd l.iston. hf umplrM Hrethera will pie? hlnga on Cavanay and Ploalll. On llnxa Mlltarrfa on you. Catchers?(iilbert Malonejr, Hob Hovel. \u25a0he trail el aaalh »»a«tle el I e tn. aprtng form tha odd* ar« in of will be llMaf.) "Knowing thewe thing*. 1 pitch to Hornahy accordingly Of cottroa. I favor Anawoacrnifal maia them coming thru. Infielders.?Kosroe Torrance. Hoy Harrett, Clifford GEORGE ROGGE UMIr. MI. * U BOXERS TO don't aJway* fool him. He make* many a haae hit off my delivery. What Pitching I* Moran'* other worry I-anchorne, filenn <.;tllm;in. Hill Hakke, WuMairtati rack *a. threes I*l» St I mean la. there la nothing mysterious about llornaby a Intention* when ha Dick Welts, lelt* at I p. a MEET TACOMA He ha* two worth while HAS OPERATION Or*»a atep* the plate. veteran* In Fred t.eorce Marriott. Rogge, (Iteeia v* AaeM Cuba st Mneela st 1 Washington boxers will close their to Kppa fusey fWirtff. veteran of Waah- p. m. alwaya aam* position and Adolfo I.uque. Pete "On tha other hand. Rouah take* tha whan h* Outfielder*?Hunter Ob tngton'a foot t»*m for the Mwftiarta *a. season with a tournament Thnrs- iMinohua. tha Texa* rolleglun, *eem* Miles. Gardner, Gordon Me- hall nut Weat W-MtAleed Waet a gtep* into the batter'* bo*, but ha keep* you constantly bewildered by out »Wlarne!4 al I p m suddenly choke* up on bat or from or Into the ball, other to complete the quar- Olymplo club. These matches with either hla atepa away tet. foot 101 l laeaaon. raee grounds cannot he ob- any poaltlon. In the lie can do of theae thing* from hi* natural Rogge *u Kent on a ru*h ran to tained from the caretaker* of the the Taroma club will give the Wash- "Often from hia poaltlon I make up my mind ha Intend* taka a Cincinnati to hav* pretty that to the hospital aa the result of an et the manner* of home ington mitt men a c.hanoe to fol- faJr batting etrength. plenty of «p*«rd to playfteMs. the healthy awing, only lay tantalising Schaefer to have him down a bunt. Rivers by manager on tbo good catching animation I>r. I>on Palmer. He tram* should call the of the -1 ill the requirements for their min- "More ball game* hava been loat thru bunt* than *. buw*. a»- wu with RIVERH. the crack Tacoma clo*e all the way. with the ahootlng Chicago.Hrhaefer'a total score standing JIMMYlightweight, will get hla flrat needing BY SEABURN of Vlcolnta \u25a0 hance at big inun« on April «, when BROWN himself, Willie llnppe mix tied and "VTkXT Tuesday'* boung «ho*. which the Cascade Athlefle rloh will play. The tiff waa fought on the he meet* Kddle Iturru, an Eastern Franklin high arhool floor. lost hla chanre to retrain hla former boy. who mail* hla debut on the Coaat engineer at the Pavilion. I* pedde.l with claa*. Hobby Michael will is a matter I ? title . frotn Young Jake Khaefer. by giving I'at Wllllama a lacing. Tiste of *lt In the opposite from Krankie Kan-en. the flaahy In Rlv corner California*!, world'a 112 balk line billiard chain era and llurna will head the tobacco quality the main event. Michael bring* a record from the Kant of having kayoed Tacoma plon, here, last night. wlUi the go billed Hud Ridley, and hold* a derlalon over Karl Halrd. Karren ha* won hi* COBB HAS ONE rant. for »lx itate ti jor rounda. We hone* l.iat two fight* In California and aLand* In the firnt rank tn the Sunny When the final block of the 1.800- that the GOOD ROOKIE polnl match the champion Harry Kaglea and Joe Rlack will belief tobacco* used J Mouth. look* ofiened. / Danny Clark to be the twit held a 'cad of 4* point*, but lloppe bo* al* rounda In the aemt wlndup in Chriterfield are of finer | hot among the Ty J Infleldera Cobb him and gained lost a 10 round decialon to quality (and hence of better 1 boy* who ltke the sound of leather thudding against bona may jet ha* gradually overhauled It/ 3!^^ picked up thla year, so far ax a temporary lead. Hut the point lt<*M>y Harper In the laat Tacoma )/ TIEa thrill of the semi wlndup. Marty Foley taite) than in any other ,*\u25a0 I%*} out and Joe Martinson are the hitting I* concerned. Clark* hla hard wallop N handicap was too much for the ex» xhow. hut and the fact / aigned to torment each other. Foley In fairly clever and he demonstrated ha* bran leaning cigarette at the price. p *!;? -w on the apple with champion, altho ha won the final that he enally atayed the limit with a hefty wallop lost we»|c when he distributed tha lanky frame of Rube consistency during the training block. £,!« to 000. Harper have made him a card with La"i Ttistct Finn on tha canvaa. Foley and Martinson fought a fast draw at Tacoma I erlod. the Tacomana. I«*st night's play waa played recently. Kcvrral preliminary goea nnder high nervoua tension. and waa win atart the ahow, all laid over Uie four the moat ragged of the aerlen. round GARDKAT7 and Boy McCamlln are down for a return botrt. In RING BOUT IS route. Hchaefrr required 14 Innings to run their fiatlc joust of a few week* ago MrOuwlln YOUNG won tha rail thru floor- SET FOR bia needed C.OO, ing the Idaho boy twin* In the Initial rtan/ji, hung OMAHA Gardcati on and Johnny Stopper, who murk nr rv*i«ifi»i Rorr.R I .AYS DOWN I.AW weathered the four round* and haa been clamoring for chance at haa never Rrh*»f«r i,», v another taken the count In ring career, t»7. 1. J. J«. »,»!>> PRINtICTON, March SO. Any .he Bremerton ainee. hi* til. »«. I. t» lit »?« AMr mauler ever George 1.f.K0 Princeton player who mlwwji will meet Knorr In a 10 \u25a0M* laot nl(ht. II t-li, (rand tnric. claaae* round bout at Omaha on April 3. 4« 1- It next fait without a goo<| nvtaon will l«A the Canadian ». HOJTK. bantam, wm be on exhibit here for the Hoppe «. I. t. Si. «». IJ, t. in. 1 lie dlatnlaHed from t!re football team, KIT) a. it and 800 In r,:39 3-5. evlla of football. Tad Joints, COLT-McLOljfiHMN, 1103 Klrat head coach at Yale, anya. Ave. Illllc»tt ChesterfieldCIGARETTES 6150. fTTUIS Mike Gibbon* Harry Creb Is being Advertisement bout -ftmoked tip- a* much In OI,\MI'IA SITK I'M Ivl l/ -»\u25a0 fight dispatcher of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos?blended the a* was the melee between Gr*h and Mike's brother PA RIH, March 30. Pershing Tommy. At that, It ahould Lower Prices ,t lie a whirlwind of a battle Greh Is generally stadium, erected by the American NOW OPEN?NEW HOME OF figured a* too heavy for Mike, but the Plttaburger ha* agreed l<» make army In 1919, hns been definitely 20 now 18c _ ]«0 pounds, and If he doe* won't have enough of a weight edge to place chosen for tine 1524 Olympic game «?JllU* (ilbbona appreciable disadvantage, 10 now . at an arch I* n light hitter and r«t* WAKEFIELDS?BILLIARDS 9c by on speed »nd footwork Mike (\u25a0KEEN hla Gibbon* 1 r the clevcrc: t livingmiddle There Is a city In Australia W ILDING?FOURTH AND PIKE (Two 10V-i«c) t weight. I»ok* like Mike will be a tougher which IfjM proposition for a fighter with bear* the name of a fumou* puglllut FOUNTAIN LUNCH Greb'a aUle than waa Tommy. ?BenUlgo. BARBER SHOP