23 Teams Will Compete in Star Junior Baseball Loop

23 Teams Will Compete in Star Junior Baseball Loop

TACK 12 TTTE SEATTLE STAR TTTUTtSDAY, MARCH 30. 1022. Players Signed for Opening Games in Star League *Tt. He? Flnnes Tom An<l#r««»n, Arthnr IMtier fillbeet. Charts* Carroll. Frank Wendell Muiphf, <*larenre Hang, Vernon ry. Wealey Fatarsoa, Mtrliela l»el w**ni%<iTON ftnit roi.n l/H IK'H F 11. f I,r.4NKHH nff>r.i'K«iimTf Here Jire the men signed f, , V|aii«f«r Mutter. Her tor U CIiMM, Mdluern, I .om* Uourtnaa, Alei Me- M'lwell. t Si % la IN.well. Favale VI alter I Indberg. Manager I*. |». O'tf "HUM, MMiager Ronald Willis. Dm, I.lord Mltla. Kite l»e Julio, Mhll '' tip by the tennis that will WhilfnM w h»«i r hooter Todd, Muarrla. Marry feldman Itufue larton. firvllle Hi hrader, Wilfred Walter Hindhrrg. (leorga M«ra Mete HhleJds (Jarman, fjaorgs 11'Vf, Hen l<r«ta Ifalman. II I. Arnu<f#ar. vim Myers. Antoa It. Vlllata, William Kohler,, Mitchell, Melons 14. Merrll IIaIRm, CHtilvy Hardin. IHniKMtN CO. Murph%, Qaarga Irving I'earsen. Hugh Griffiths. K James !». J. M' Nsrnee. Qul< k*ia<l. H*r%#rt QtiirMUi I* V M alrnen. start the season Sunday: I»lck Muhonoy. \ Maae|#r HI tillk nnitka Frsd I'lrlrh Wllltsm Mteii, Theelara "*ly. A Met/ K»)»ll»f»k»r#. > la erne relerana. WMf HTr !.?« Murk* N Wlet. Mfi«ll«nlWirc. Arthur nw4 *II K Hit I I K in rrank John linker. Maa<ager It tN FH WII.IM Mill Orlfflths Mark H« hluee* r Hill Wa> Hlrhsrd Hreen. AON INIHOMT ai'|,ONM J Vuysteke, Harold Megrt>, MT ATH <» o'[>«iin»!l, llsr Ammi'lwn I*ahd«, '<*«!* »» «»*- ? Mmund i «»r»n«»r, John llllant UwJt A. XaimgiT Tom t»an aioan. Mtanl« * DAVI*. Hubert Moe« II Mirk, Arthur htnlih, ' laieix or*. MtMtW MIIIUmw. Jobneon. Win fmith John Anlhone. IU>I Haient, Manage* Mlllest old llmrki-n, May Usyaulea, Jamn Mul* Mo*il«nl»arff Oral Wllttuflr 1 yto oamhlf Maul Olebs. k. Metre Moi |V>«n Hvit Ihatrle, H<>ger Iter Wetter Teutoaee, Mai-y Msrton. Ralph Nag**!. John Tuiln, l ugene CrooH. ad Monro* demtnlll. BandsiroM. Fr|r-k*en tally, Arthur l#uffy. HM! WOODI.AMI MKIU'IfASVTH te«ky. William Welter*. Torn %\ hit man. Herbert l.araon. |)|>ld llarl, I .en U William Meeea, Her Msnusl hhatieliy. Itiibert F>»eier, Atilhany Isrne Ref Hon 111 1.1 MtN Mr.lM HANTM worth. Verne Metereea. eld klit, Addison Ame* llsyward R Art Horw, Clar»ac« M»i«tn. K.l«ar»l Tenhsrt Reh- Hotter* 11« raid Henderson. Kit«ar<l Jon**. dan Anderson ltneeell ffimian. Nells Morgensen, l»srs. I »till I akiiian. Maaacer I AI4TOM ATMIFTir CM Howard Mianlsp M< Kinarry, Harry Manager Ctrl p#t«m, W*Jb.. M*»h Frtilr. ert Hilt*, H««ff Mullen, CharlM Walters, Alet Mi'NmU, Vim-eat Mr» *\jtrhln. »? RO*«* f| n* ICdwsrd Tulln, Moir tisterman Womaotl. Fred hwmasy. North t «»rnf<»rih, Cred flerelter, 'rye J'H» Mn«*, T>i«*wa« Rleaehant, Moatoaky, tlllmorr Hrtmin llarry Christian lliamaa Flail, M«*efer TIIHIJ HHOTIIFMn IMP MOHklt Italph Itnberieon Htewart Meg. Mepln, Kddie Thorn** JariiM Thomas, Arthor I llsrry Wooden, Mar Dae- Ktwwr. Kdwsrtl V|a«eat. Mager, Ainos Teeter*. Frye, I Marling H»««, Albert How. ? *lt*a I*. flatten k i (Irani llornlg ilenrge C ntahl, J. W llaanglmian. Manager John lisrrett. At- M< Honal'l, William ltu«-k Kenny oott, Ha/old J. O'Keefe. i hi it im f*eder Itfinald ()»"rge Neylan. Ifarpar, Art Uorm», Ja- * W«j|#r trkoii.NK CIM K«l«rxril KnwMni, Mana««r Nell Wlrk* Mrße>n«!de. Carl tarl- Harry Upeidei. Itelph ry, Jeha (?III FN I AkF .11 HllllUt Htaat*, Vernie I'enegor, Jerome M«Hon- lie I »*t«arg. Hldney Mlo*"*. \n>nt.»ll. lh»n Young. j»<ot#a"«, Howard jaakiat, I<? Kh*r«, Waller llwih»mm>r. Jerk Robert ?«»n. Clgfeni-e Altleeon. Italph llskaneon, Hengatt, Ahner. Msymond Jury, Manage* sld, Ueorge Anion Mipley, John (Jiddlnge A. U Mrnlih, Krvla Manafer Marbet. Kverett Miller, Ted AI AIImwI Tar a. Wshr John l^wrj. Wtnts Uad, Char lea Newmmh. touts Ttlilir. ICdward Krfn»tr< llenry Helium, ttobwrt niamhaugh. Kdwln Ihanelljr, I: U Harbsria lhanald Manning. Troy Trsrin, Ralph Ihrlgh ller.ry Yamoaka, James Hwyer, Hon M'Ullvrey I.dward tlarreit # M«lvla T*x. 1% II laMherv. Howard Heath, dvaries l.jn.h. Parrel I'tlMt Mason. Raymond Jensen. Henry Allen, Hatph Milter, Kenneih Mulnam, Hnbatt Hytlengren Mhll Nordaimni, la«r»nr» MANTIOHS lIKUtIN HHOTIIFIta Mil I 14KHR AMMf nm fwrre ftteen. Clarence Uinil, A. Herman- Itreiiuen. J. Ra\m«nd. ma t 1a r won, Thomas I'tatis, llouuh Horyer. Ivan Juhea, Kd hwlft. Car I Uue. Henann, illlltert Hanen, Fdgar Hagiat. Vlelmer JnliNMia. Manaier Maipb lew. Mewager H. <>?««*?. MMißfrr ?en W. Hermartsen. H W. Mapper, lUp I*lhat rn Bard all. V. h Hove 11 a. Tom HrHengraft, Walla'* Mafferty. Al- Ifelmer Johns«>n Hwift. Arden Frank Hsrrlgan «4* 11 Kelly. Win n. It "fin M Hhlffakf. K. rtMl. Km Arnetin. C. I»le* tedaht, Has Otmnee* lUxtnfT «?lliM-rt. Mastfer tl AMIINfITON CO. » KIM iioiriit a i.itmi bert Torn, John IMgetaw, Nely Huiilvan; Maghmon. Wlllard Huwman, Joe Mrad Urnlth. Vlrgn Moeter. Mohart Klllott. Al Ami, T. Tmkttßi. M. Artl. K !<*??. If Ilia, TakaayM*!, wKirr * wiirtivHiihkhii rtu l>elhert tlamhettl. Orla *tt*eetlg, Jtrk I l«le Fowetl. Manafer I layd I Manager Italph Rnuaa. ley. Albert Fairbanks. Harold I'uffy, (in*. J*-k llarlow, Mslph 1 *++ Alfred K. u»n»«i« T r lemkrt. Manacer *rhe arts John Henner. l.y|e Know lev, Carol r»urkee. William Matetaky, Krer.k William I'saimm Hslph Hoppge, Wit ? I bur gandstreni. Hsrvey Mags a. Mudd Kart hwenson William Hiseonstis, Harry Young. <;eorg* Megenthsler, Jamas Hurt. V. NaftmiM T Takala, T. If Hay Meree. Cecil Ktrkey, Walter MHelt- u . »x - |«|| J.,0 M K«* Mm 4 Tyo. Weir h tigward Mutton. Noel Meeea, tlam Montgomery, Kd Thomps«in. Hsnnle Walker < anal, Joe Welsh Idoyd Hrrilth, Jos Harrlg»n K. Aral. M Hmlntrvitra. 23 TEAMS WILL COMPETE IN STAR JUNIOR BASEBALL LOOP Cincinnati Reds Don't Shape Up Can He Do It? Season Opens Sunday; as Contenders, Altho Dangerous Thai's what Coast league fans are asking about El- One Team Drops Out mer Ponder, the new Los Angeles heaver. He is eoaajss Reda Are Depending Upon Young Coaat Infielders; Pitching Not Overly Strong; All but Silent Frats File Contract* Wednesday; expected to fill the gap left in the Champions' *«»rr «hl<h fnwrt I# ftllnd Outfiald Look* Pretty Good, snd So Doea Catching Staff; How Pst Moran't ?«! a#»4 rilMt ?( IK# hut l»«fnra 1 League U Divided Into Three Divisions; Schedule pitching staff thru graduation of Vic Aldridge ?>' tK? p. mi mt !!?«> Amy *ll imm. trill Paper lav I*4 Warriors Look on and Art Reinhart. comes r#«4|; f«r if r I Ml»Ion I ridmr for Sunday's Games Is Ready bonder from the Cubs. l.?m !'?»«? mrtmrrr »bmild iiMaln i#«ml < wyiw brfor# INERAL WELLS, Tex., March 110.?Pat Mornn, this year, is attempting *«tn«l«> \u25a0 gaiHM Ha illailf lr»i|iwf ? Mil »? lb* M>rr?\u25a0 mt lb* IrafM to get back in the National league pennant race with a bunch of new bail lhal all «f |»mi« »r* lim«4 players ones sprinkled In prwpllf, «* IHal U lb# Milf and a few of his old in. mrtlMMi |»y aabl'b limy ratai la* »k- Last Call for Silent Frats impossible to toretell success the Cincinnati UiMxl by Tka f*lA# At this date it is what HHmt wrrn dour in an rffort to maka skipper will enjoy, lie has an outside chance. Aa thr KnU Tbn nrba4*iln far Iba w«i» th# only liawn to liU an thr Incur contain an era Pat always optimistic, is exceedingly proud of his crop of Will bn ritdf for pul>llt«il«B HniurUay iiumbrr of li irunt, n no Moran. rnlry In Th<- Mir Junior young players has rather high hopes for his team. However, he wiuiil will hav« to be Mb and In rt|l«r«(lA* bn mm** fail nitniac mar Hiwt>ll Irifw to lo during Ihr prrliminar7 \u25ba«*»? is making no predictions as to where his club will finish. \u2666 »«r W»<lD«Mla) by rn«n«|»r« a*r»4ing m* fiil#4 owl in Iba noma wnd in IhWr rontrari* aoti. Thr Krai ma/iagrr sliooid buzzing in nor of his In Mttirtria Pennant ideas are not his head in the heads maoMf aa tha rif»« ftitmtfl »rr* In Urdnrixbr, ihfy will br jl»- not fail lo frt in touch with « mm uM«r players. simply tried to impress on his players that he wants whirl a U«m bmm 11> rn until tonight l« wid tt«mn The Star by ? p. nv today if Moran has ? <»«irtr( ano n#ar mini t*a»m mrm ?'l'lui, bring every one to give him his best efforts and that he will be satisfied with iba Mm«i uf fh«- m«i lh« r>»w plnyara In to Thf Star b»for» hia tram plana to go thru ara lo m>l«M Will lift** I© bo OtlO<bOd This In bring with thr won. the result*. lo M« h Ui*D|l Right off the reel Moran is forced to build hla new team without counting on the punch of his club. Kddie Roush. TH* Ml. Vtekar WlMrnl* m4* ? nb'ii Ihrf IwnJnl Jab"*? 23 teams sure of starting the season, The Star The National league's best outfielder is having his annual salary argu- M*fw.

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