
NATO paint colours

Brilliant BS381c 221 Encycolorpedia data ≃ 575

The hexadecimal colour code #507d3a is a medium dark shade of green. In the RGB colour model it consists of 31.37% , 49.02% green and 22.75% . In HSL colour space it has a of 100.3 degrees, 36.61% saturation and 35.88% . This colour has an approx. wavelength of 557 nm. sRGB colour-space = 80; 125; 58.

Olive Green BS381c 220 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 7498

The hexadecimal colour code #4b5729 is a medium dark shade of -green. RGB = 29.41% red, 34.12% green and 16.08% blue. HSL colour space a hue of 75.65 degrees, 35.94% saturation and 25.1% lightness. This colour has an approx. wavelength of 572 nm. sRGB colour-space = 75; 87; 41.

Deep Green BS381c 224 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 5743

The hexadecimal colour code #3e4630 is a dark shade of green. RGB = 24.31% red, 27.45% green and 18.82% blue. HSL colour space = a hue of 81.82 degrees, 18.64% saturation and 23.14% lightness. This colour has an approx. wavelength of 568 nm. sRGB colour-space = 62; 70; 48.

NATO Green BS381c 285 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 418 The hexadecimal colour code #5f5c4b is a medium dark shade of yellow. RGB = 37.25% red, 36.08% green and 29.41% blue. HSL colour space = a hue of 51 degrees, 11.76% saturation and 33.33% lightness. This colour has an approx. wavelength of 588 nm. sRGB colour-space = 95; 92; 75.

Olive BS381c 298 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 7498 The hexadecimal code #4f5138 is a medium dark shade of yellow-green. RGB = 30.98% red, 31.76% green and 21.96% blue. HSL colour space = a hue of 64.8 degrees, 18.25% saturation and 26.86% lightness. This colour has an approx. wavelength of 579 nm. sRGB colour-space = 79; 81; 56.

Desert Stone BS381c 361 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 4655 The hexadecimal colour code #c29f75 is a medium light shade of . RGB = 76.08% red, 62.35% green and 45.88% blue. HSL colour space = hue of 32.73 degrees, 38.69% saturation and 60.98% lightness. Colour has an approx. wavelength of 599 nm. sRGB colour-space = 194; 159;117.

Camouflage BS381c 380 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 4735 The hexadecimal colour code #bba38a is a medium light shade of brown. RGB = 73.33% red, 63.92% green and 54.12% blue. HSL colour space = hue of 30.61 degrees, 26.49% saturation and 63.73% lightness. This colour has an approx. wavelength of 601 nm. sRGB colour-space = 187; 163; 138.

Camouflage Brown BS381c 411 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 4705 The hexadecimal colour code #74542f is a medium dark shade of brown. RGB = 45.49% red, 32.94% green and 18.43% blue. HSL colour space = a hue of 32.17 degrees, 42.33% saturation and 31.96% lightness. This colour has an approx. wavelength of 600 nm. sRGB colour-space = 116; 84; 47.

Service Brown BS381c 499 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 7519 The hexadecimal #59493e is a medium dark shade of . RGB = 34.9% red, 28.63% green and 24.31% blue. HSL = a hue of 24.44 degrees, 17.88% saturation and 29.61% lightness. This colour has an approximate wavelength of 605 nm. sRGB colour-space = 89; 73; 62.

B60 Engine BS381c 101 Encycolorpedia data Pantone ≃ 624 The hexadecimal colour code #83a89b is a shade of green-. RGB = 51.37% red, 65.88% green and 60.78% blue. HSL colour space = a hue of 158.92 degrees, 17.54% saturation and 58.63% lightness. This colour has an approximate wavelength of 520 nm. sRGB colour-space = 131; 168; 155.

Colour values from http://encycolorpedia.com , http://rgb.to/hex/3e4630 , Military Vehicle Paint and British Standard 381 converter. PDF of BS381c colours here. Other sites: RGB-Pantone and EasyRGB