The 2003 Officers Leadership Academy will be held August 6 through August I 0, 2003 at Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center in Olive Branch, Mississippi, just minutes away from Pi Kappa Alpha's Memorial Headquarters and the City of Memphis.

WHISPERING WOODS Hotel and Conference Center

Registration available soon at

Leadership and Chapter Programming Fraternity staff, officers and guest faculty will facilitate four days of programs on identifying personal strengths, building a mission statement, clarifying goals and developing a leadership strategy. Sessions will be presented on recruitment, risk awareness, chapter finances, the Fraternity's history and Ritual, campus relations, alumni development, housing, pledge education, chapter retreats and "motivating the membership".

Highlights The Officers Leadership Academy will feature the presentation of the Fraternity's chapter programming awards (including the Smythe and Newell Awards), the Distinguished Achievement Award and the Loyalty Award. The final banquet will take place at the Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis, only blocks away from the new Peabody Place entertainment complex and historic Beale Street, so participants will have the opportunity to enjoy some of Memphis' exciting night life and social events.

For more information, visit us on the web at, _ or call Pi Kappa Alpha's Memorial Headquarters, 901-748-1868. SIDELD&DWIOD

RIGHT The University of Delaware is home once again to Delta Eta Chapter. At right, the Blue Hens play an evening game at Delaware Stadium. Un iversity of Delaware photo by Eric Crossan. Rechartering story on page 5.

ON THE COVER. Purdue running back joey Harris (Beta Ph i '0 I) pounds out the yardage for the Boilermakers. Photo courtesy of Purdue University. The 2002-2003 Sports Review begins on page 16.

FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK 4 FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: JEFFREYT. DUNN 27 by Christopher M. Peters DELTA ETA CHAPTER RECHARTERED 5 ATU !VERSITYOF DELAWARE PI KAPPA ALPHA EDU CATIONAL FOUNDATION 30 by Bill Ackerman Welcome New Giving Society Members Bob T. Wi lliams Memorial Golf Classic YOU'RE INVITED TO JOIN Charles R. Fellers Appointed Director ofD evelopment SPRI G2003 I TE RNATIONAL WORK DAY 6 ALUMN I ASSOCIATIO EWS 35 CHAPTER NOTES 9 ALUMNI HEADLIN ES 39 RECRUITMENT 13 Lamar Pike Offers Texas R&B Why I Pledged: Scott A. Himes Ma~ylandAlum Markets Success


PI KE PRESE TSTHE2002-2003 PORTSREVIEW 16 EWS OFBYGO EDAYS 51 by jay Langhammer TELL US WHAT 'S NEW 56 PIKES IN THE BIG LEAGU ES: A RETROSPECTIVE 23 by jay Langhammer CHAPTER ETE RNAL 57 Glenn Dobbs THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECT IVE PEOPLE 26 Tommy Loy Habit 7-by Stephen R. Covey David C. Cross

VOLUME 114 I NUMBER 1 I SPRING 2003 FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK by D. Mark Anderson (Wofford, Nu '76), International Preside nt

n the Februa ry is ue of our members a re experiencing something I Fo rbes m agazin e there that will benefitthem fo r the restoftheir lives appea rs a n a rticle e n ­ and that they are unaware of the fu ll impact Letters to the Editor titled "Best Fra te rnities of their gro wth, as it was in my case, until it My wife, Polly, a nd 1 d ecided to for Future CEOs."The ar­ is behind them. spend a morning in Me mphis, Ten­ ticle cites that"the social As internati onal president, I have the op­ nessee recently. We drove the re a nd skill th at help students portunity to meet yo ung men from through­ ate, but by the time we found out that ga in admittance into the out North Ameri ca who comprise our cur­ the Headqua rters had moved from Greek sys te rn a re the D. Mark rent undergraduate membership. For in­ Unive rsity Drive (as I remembered it) same aptitudes that later Anderson sta nce, this past Ja nua ry the Frate rnity to West Range Cove, it was quite late. 76 gave them a leg-up in cor- (Wofford, Nu ) hosted the Chapter Presid ents Conference, Th e Headqua rte rs s ta ff were ex­ porate cl imbing." While whi ch commemorated its thirtieth anniver­ tremely polite and we got a tour ofthe only8.5% offull -time unive r ity undergradu­ sary, in Memphis, Tennessee. Chapter presi ­ whole house. If you can, include that atesare members of either a fraterni ty orso­ dents and rush chairmen cam e, attheir own in a tour (whe n visiting Memphis)­ rority, Greek organizations have been the expense, from across North Am eri ca to ex­ you' LI Iove it, and be treated like a king! breedingground for 120 of Forbes 500CEOs. peri encea weekend of seminars designed to Greeks also represent 48% of all U.S. presi­ sharpen their leadership abili ties. The qual­ Mi chael Ditto dents, 42% ofU.S . senators, 30% ofU.S. con­ ityofthis conference is only surpassed by the (Texas, BetaMu '58) gressmen, a nd 40% ofU .S. Supreme Court quality ofthe participants. I had the privilege justi ces. of meeting a nd talking with several of our Fo r us alumni, this news comes as no sur­ yo ung leaders-I was impressed by their self­ pri se. The Frate rnity is a school not in the assurance, intell ect and vision for what they (Upon receiving the Winte r 2002 tradi tion al sense of sitting in a cl assroom, wished to accomplish in their chapte rs. Shield & D iamond) I immediately but in offering opportunities to exercise What struck me most about these men was jumped onto the article a bout Bud judgment, moti va te others and develop the their strong determination and enthusiasm Sha nk (North Carolina, Tau '44) by skills that make good leaders. Hopefully, that for the journey ahead. The commitment of Ch uck Fell e rs. Chuck has writte n a is the experi ence for the majori ty ofour mem­ the leaders assembled in Memphis to buil d li vely, interesting, insightful account ber . While we we re give n these opportuni­ a better Pi Ka ppa Alpha was inspiring. As I ofBud. ltmightjustbringsomecyber­ ti es, wegrewup with a group of men who, in boarded the flight to return to Atl anta on the reunions among Bud and his buddies. ma ny cases, became the cl osest fri ends that lastdayofthe conference, I real ized that our I look at theTau Chapter 1944 mug we could ever hope to have. Life's lessons chapters are in very good hands and that2003 on my shelf and enjoy great memories. which we learn ed had nothing to do with the is go in g to be a ve ry good year fo r Pi Ka ppa Cheers, qua li ty of the cha pte r house, number of AJph a. Lewis W. Heniford peopl e attending a social event or the num­ (North Carolina, Tau '44) ber oftrophi es acquired. Rathe r, those les­ Fraterna ll y, sons were based o n the fri e nds hips we for med a nd the importa nce we placed on Deadline for news to be included in the bein g a good friend. Summer 2003 Shield & Diam ond: A we all know, the coverage fra ternities D. Ma rk Anderson Aprill5, 2003 receive in the press is often less than favo r­ Internati onal Presid ent Submit Chap ter N otes online: able. Admittedly, irresponsible behavior and bad social cl imate do exist in some fraterni ­ Submi tA lumni N otes online: ti es. I beli eve, however, that the majo ri ty of .html

B. E. Perkins 2002-2004 Supreme Council ~ Editor D. Mark Anderson MEMBER COLLEGEFAATEANITYEDITORSASSOCIATION Preside/11 Mindy Costabile Howard E. Goldstein SHIELD & DIAMOND (ISSN 8750-7536) is an educational Editorial Assistant jou rnal published b)• the Pi K..1 ppaAipha Fratern ity. 8347 Vice Presidelll SIDELD& West Range Cove, M e m ph i~. TN quarterly in Autumn. Winter. Spnngand Summer. Each member receives a Bill Ackerman Allen W. Groves copyoftheShie/d&DilimOiui.Sendcorrcspondencetothe Stephen A. Covey Vice Pres idem ~a rn e address. Nlanuscripts are invi tt.>d , but the publisher willnm assumc rcspo nsibi1ityforthc retum ofunsolicitcd Jay Langhammer Kevin G. Knaus material. Change ofaddr ess must be reponed promptly Christopher M. Peters Vice President by giving full name. cha pte r, o ld a nd new address Undergraduate copies arc ma iled to parenh' home DWIOND Cant ribu tors address u n ti I add rcss change

4 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 by Bill Ackerman (Delaware, Delta Eta , '02) Delta Eta Chapter Rechartered At the University of Delaware

n ovember 16,2002, Delta Eta Chap­ for chartering from every chapter, in ­ Oter, which had been silent since 1998, was ternational officer and member of the rechartered at the UniversityofDelawarewith Supreme Council. 81 members initiated into the bond . On Friday, November 15th, 81 enthu­ The colony took shape in Mayof200 l after siastic colony members were initiated expansion consultant Mike McMillan (Cali­ into the brotherhood.T his massive u.n­ fornia-SanDiego,KappaPhi'97)andDruWil­ dertakingwassuccessfuUycompleted son (East Central, Epsilon Omega '96) re­ thanks in no small part to the partici­ cruited the fin est scholars, leaders, athletes, pation oflota Lambda Chapter (Co­ and gentlemen at the UniversityofDelaware. lumbia), Delta Psi Chapter (MaJy ­ Over the next three terms, colony members land), and Beta Pi Chapter. Also con­ Delta Eta Chapter President Scott Hausknecht (left) presented wo rked diligently to attain their chartering d ucti.ngirutiations were a team ofDelta a check for $5 00 to !he Newark Fire Department on !he goals. They petitioned for installation in early Eta alumni and a team from Interna­ chapter's behalf at !he chartering banquet fall, and in October the colony was formally tional Headquarters. Initiations began inspected. On the inspection team were rep­ at5:00 p.m. and continued into the ni ght un­ come to Delawareinl948, founded by a band resentatives from Beta Pi Chapter (Pennsylva­ til their effortsculminated with the initiation ofbrothers who had served in World War II. He nia) and Lambda Zeta Chapter (Drexel}, along of Colony Presid entScottHausknecht (Dela­ expressed how exposure to Pi Kappa Alpha with Lambda Zeta ChapterA dvisor Eri c Pettine ware, Delta Eta, '02) at 11:30 p.m. will impact each new brother, and how excit­ (Coastal Carolina, Kappa Rho '97). The colony On Saturday, November 16, the colonywas ing it was to have Delta Eta Chapter back in the passed its inspection and received approval officially installed as the Delta Eta Chapter in active ranks ofPi KappaAJpha. Delta Eta Chap­ a morning ceremony. Fo Uowingthe installa­ ter Advisor BobTkachick (Delaware, Delta Eta, tion, a banquet was held on campus to recog­ '75) received an award from thechapterfor his HEADQUARTERS UPDATE ni ze the new chapter. Attending were Inter­ devotion to Pi Kappa Alpha and Delta Eta n a tiona l Presid e nt D. Mark Ande rson Chapter. BrotherTkachick offered encourag­ 1\vo Consultants Added (Wofford, Nu '76), International Vice Presi­ ing words and delivered messages on behalf of dents Bruce Wolfson (Pennsylvania, Beta Pi chapter alumni, manyofwhom are members To Expansion Team '71 ) and Howard Goldstein (Lehigh, Gamma oftheaward-winningDelawareAJ Asso­ Lambda '81), and orth Atl antic Regional ciation. Fin all y, UniversityofDelaware Pro­ Execu tive Vice President Orians is President Mark Robertson (SouthernMethod­ gram Coordinator Eri c Norman praised the pl eased to announce two additions to the ist, Beta Zeta '82).Also present were past and chapter for their work and in vo lvem ent on Fraternity's consultant corps. Brya n L. campus. Schubert (Southeast M issouri tate, Epsi­ present members ofth e international staff, in ­ dud in g Director ofHousi ng Programs )usti n As a unique touch, Delta Eta Chapter Presi­ lon Iota '99) and J. Burke Smith (Alberta, LambdaEpsilon '00) will join the expan­ Buck (SoutheastMissouri,Epsilonfota '96}, Di ­ dentHausknecht presented the Newark Fire sion department to assist in colonization rectorofExpansion Ryan VanA.ndel (Berkeley, Department with a $500 check as a donation. projects and recruitment program support AlphaSigma '97) and former Expansion Co n­ The money raised by Delta Eta's a nnua l to chapters. sultantWilson. "Piketoberfest" festival on October25, 2002 was Schubert received his Speakers at the banquet included Interna­ deli vered to four members from the depart­ bachelors degree in tional President Anderson, who deli vered a ment. The donation served as a perfect sym­ business with a minor in powerful message to Delta Eta Chapter. bol of the colony's hard work and dedication psychology. He served Anderson recounted howthechapterhad first to the community, campus, and Pi KappaAJ­ his chapter as secretary, phafamily. vice presid e nt an d • president. He was also Bryan Schubert chairman ofthestudent government associa­ tion's finance commit­ Highlights tee. Smith received his • University of Delaware founded in bachelor of commerce 1921 degree i.n entrepreneur­ • Delta Eta Chapter originally founded ship and small business in 1947 management. He is a BurkeSmith • 81 men initiated at the chapter's fo undingfatherofLambda Epsilon Chap­ rechartering on November 15, 2002 ter, and served as rush chairman, vice pre i­ • 3.3 Chapter G.P.A.- Higher than any dentand presid ent. Hewasalsoa member other Greek or non-Greek campus of the NominatingCommittee at the2002 organization International President Anderson (left) with Delta Eta Convention. • Members on I 0 varsity athletic teams Chapter President Hausknecht at the chartering banquet

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 5 / I ALABAMA Central Arkansas James Hollensworth Auburn 19 Susan Ln . Zach Davis Conway AR 72032 840 West Magnolia 870/51 0·0807 Auburn, AL 36830 jdh2815 334/826-7978 AprilS , 2003 [email protected] April 1, 2003 ARIZONA

University of North Alabama Arizona Duslin McCown David Weed 727 Easl McCown 1525 E. Drachman Florence AL 35630 Tucson , AZ 85719 256/412·7133 520/695-4455 ext. 107 dus1inmccown [email protected] .edu April19, 2003 March 29, 2003

Alabama CALIFORNIA Matt Ea sterling 82 Cedar Crest Southern California Tuscaloosa AL 35401 Brad Rutt 205/936·6120 624 W. 28th Slreet jlynn 1212 Los Angeles, CA 90007 April 26, 2002 213n 42-6779 rutt South Alabama March 1, 2003 Russell Goode U 1642 University of South Chapman Alabama 470 North Glassell Street, Apt. A Mobile AL 36688 Orange, CA 92866 251 /341-4780 714/679-4578 Trjan MnOO lracy100 March 8, 2003 March 15, 2003

Alabama-Huntsville California Riverside Jeremy Hughes Mike Breyer 120 Carnegie Loop 3471 Green Wood Dr. Meridianville AL 35759 Sierra Vista AZ 85635 256/656-9935 HuskieQB Pyle 171 909/640-7239 May 6, 2003 Califorma -Berkley AR KANSAS Brad Burnett 2324 Piedmont Arkansas Berkley CA 94 704 Ben Pierce 949/413-5775 320 North Arkansas Avenue picka1ruth Fayetteville, AR 72701 April! , 2003 479/409-8172 bjpierc UCLA April12, 2003 Scott Slenklyfl 555 Gayley Ave. Arkansas State Los Angeles CA 90024 Matt George 310/443-1592 201 Pearl St. [email protected] Jacksonville AR 72076 April19, 2003 501 /690-8282 halbrook 1396 @hot Pacific March 1, 2003 Chris Cabuhat 3640 Pacific Ave . Arkansas-Little Rock Stockton CA 95204 John M. Peebles 209/946-2020 5701 W. 291h St. cwcabuhat Little Rock AR 72204 April 5, 2003 501 /590-8427 [email protected] April 26, 2003 San Jose State FLORIDA Western Illinois KANSAS Walker Kellogg Shaun Lynch 38615JonesWay Universtiy ol Central Florida 812 Wigwam Hollow Rd . Kansas State Fremont CA 94536 Oren Falkowitz Macomb IL 61455 Mike Riley 5101928 -1879 4100 Greek Park Dr. 630/235-7088 609 Shawnee Street [email protected] Orlando FL 32816 [email protected] Hiawatha KS 66434 March 15, 2003 407/281-3723 April 26, 2003 785n42-2t2t OrenFalkowitz [email protected] CANADA March t , 2003 Illinois August 16, 2003 Bill DiCicco Alberta Fl orida 102 E. Chalmers Rockh urst Ross McAdam Even Kyj Champaign IL 61820 141 08 Park Hill Lane 25 Wellington Cres. 1904 West University Ave. 217153 1-2073 Overland Park KS 66221 Edmonton AB T5N 3V2 Gainesville FL 32603 dicicco@ 913/634- 1854 780/452-9932 610/529-3373 March 15, 2003 KrausB rmmcadam [email protected] March 15, 2003 March 15, 2003 Apri l12, 2003 Illinois State Drew Olsen KENTUCKY Western Ontario Miami 904 W. Hovey Ave . Alex Leduc 5800 San Amaro Dr. NormaiiL 6176 1 Transylvania 300 Princess Ave . Coral Gables FL 33146 309/242- 1868 Richard Hartsough London Ont. N6B 2A6 443/415-9507 dtolson 300 N. Broadway 519/850-7453 MCShuShu March 1, 2003 Lexington KY 40508 iotaomegapikes @hotmail .com Apri16, 2003 8591229-6667 May 24, 2003 Southern Illinois-Carbondale [email protected] Florida Institute of Technology Josh Turnbull April 26, 2003 COLORADO Paul Sliwinski 408 West Mill 2401 Riverview Dr. Carbondale IL 62901 Kentucky Colorado-Boulder Palm Bay FL 32905 618/521-5514 Dan Wrigh t Mike Levinson 32 1n20-8273 [email protected] 459 Huguelet Drive 1101 Universtiy Ave . pasliwin@ April 5, 2003 Lexington KY 40508 Boulder CO 80302 April12, 2003 859/494-2742 mike.Ievinson INDIANA dlwrig 1@ 303/915 -1759 Florida State April I , 2003 Michigan State Sain t Lou is April12 , 2003 Matt Schul is Indiana Southeast Phillip Tocco Derek Weber 629 West JeHerson Street Josh McKinley Murray State 405 Hillcrest 3701 Lindell Blvd Apt. 13c Colorado State Tallahassee FL 32304 3845 Rainbow Drive Tripp Gibson East Lansing Ml 48823 St. Louis MO 63108 Tom Doyle 850/513-9813 New Albany IN 47150 1401 Apt. A Stadium View Drive 5171214-7865 314/446-4756 9400 E. lliHAve. #123 mls9118 812/949-5139 Murray KY 42071 Toccophi@msu .edu dwebOO @hotmai/ .com Denver CO 80231 March 23, 2003 kin/eydog@ 270/559-9327 April 12, 2003 April 5, 2003 3o3n92-8736 March 15, 2003 [email protected] [email protected] GEORGIA April 26, 2003 Wayne State Missouri April12, 2003 Pu rdue David Ahee Ricky Bridgman Georgia Southern Jim Potter Western Kentucky Universtiy 425 1 Cass Ave . 916 South Providence CONNECTICUT Richard Sanders 629 University St. Matt Hernandez Detroit Ml48201 Columbia MO 65203 26 North Main St. West Lafayette IN 47906 1430 Chestnut St. 3131550-7579 573/424-3882 Connecticut Columbus GA 30458 765/430-0475 Bowling Green KY 42101 pikedja@ rgbaBe@ Chris Wetzel 912/871-3336 Potterje kelfea May 24, 2003 April19, 2003 101 Fairfield Hall, University of pike_sanders 1@hot March 29, 2003 270n96-8555 Conn . April29, 2003 April 12 , 2003 Kettering William Woods Storrs CT 06269 Rose -Hul man Institute of Wes Cashman Ph ilip Hughes 860/644-4657 Georgia Technology LOUISIANA 525 N Center St. 1 University Ave. [email protected] Jared Schmidt Matthew Brandt Royal Oak Ml 48067 Fulton MO 65251 April t , 2003 360 South Lumpkins St. 7140WabashAve. Louisiana State 810/874-6828 573/592-4582 Athens GA 30606 Terre Haute IN 47803 Nicholas Pelli ssier [email protected] [email protected] DELAWARE 706/369-0689 260/438-7635 Baton Rouge LA 70894 May 17, 2003 April 5, 2003 [email protected] matthew.brandt @rose- 225/387-1290 Delaware April 12, 2003 npelfl1 MISSISSIPPI MONTANA Brll Ackerman March 29, 2003 April12, 2003 171 S. Chapel St. Georgia Tech Southern Mississippi Montana Sta te Newark DE 19711 ZackAIIen Indiana State Louisiana Tech Jamie Lee or Darbey Usey Clint Reynolds 302/737-2515 260 Ferst Dr. Mike Fromme Kevin Driggers United States Marine Corp Box 1321 South 5th [email protected] AtlantaGA30318 840 North 7th Street 110 Western Street Apt. 2 8427 Bozeman MT 59715 April 17, 2003 4041895-0986 Terre Haute IN 47807 Ruston LA 71270 Hattiesburg MS 39406 406/698-8438 gtg586a 81 2/478-3202 318/251-8100 601/266-2570 [email protected] March 22, 2003 [email protected] hoke 1384 [email protected] [email protected] March 29, 2003 March 15 , 2003 February 22, 2003 sar3131 @lheglobal .net Emory March 1, 2003 Matthew Vandivort IOWA Louisiana-Monroe Mississippi Drawer R, Emory University Liner Gibbs Justin Odom NEBRASKA Atlanta GA 30322 Iowa State ULM Box 5331 573 H Hwy. 6 West 3t4n49-t096 Chris Zimmerman Monroe LA 71212 Oxford MS 38655 Creighton [email protected] 21 12 Lincoln Way [email protected] 901/351-5735 Joe Tippins March 29, 2003 Ames lA 500 14 May 1, 2003 bmhise 3100 Chicago Street 515/296-2112 ext. 131 April12, 2003 Omaha NE 68131 IDAHO chriszim 10 MARYLAND 402/659-6 151 April19, 2003 MISSOURI [email protected] Idaho Maryland April19, 2003 Pete Roberts Iowa Brian Novell Missouri-Rolla 715 Nez Perce Drivel P.O. Box Erik Shewmaker 2 Fraternity Row PO Box 156 Nebraska-Omaha 3098 1032 N. Dubuque St. College Park MD 20740 Rolla MO 65402 Nick Rosenberry Moscow ID 83843 Iowa City lA 52245 914/760-6041 3t4/210-1358 7616 S. 138th Street 208/885-7926 319/338-799 1 nove/OOl [email protected] Omaha NE 68138 [email protected] lane-shewmaker@uiowa .edu March 16, 2003 AprilS, 2003 402/968-8273 March 15, 2003 April 26, 2003 [email protected] MICHIGAN Southeast Missouri State March 29, 2003 ILLINOIS Drake David Martorano Jim Watson Ferris State 6014 Marquette Nebraska-Kearney Bradley 1218 34th St. Nick Enders St. Louis MO 63139 David Liakos Jon Fox Des Moi nes lA 503 11 607 S. Michigan Ave . 5731587-957 t 1601 University Dr. URN 201 C 706 North Institute 515/255-7453 x17 Big Rapids Ml 449307 martorano [email protected] Kearney NE 68845 Peoria IL 61808 drakeqb5 23 1/592-5595 April 26, 2003 308/865-4555 307/676-7469 April 12, 2003 nickenders [email protected] jonfox@ April 12, 2003 June 1, 2003 continued on next page

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 7 Nebraska-Lincoln UNC·Charlotte Dayton Carnegie Mellon Middle Tennessee State Utah State Josh Tanner Matt McGinnis Kevin Clarke Thomas Matteo Tim Kappel Justin Ego 330 Nebraska Union 1614 Van Dyke Dr. 714Aiberta 1079 Morewood Avenue 1301 East Main St. Box SS4 7S7 E 700 N Lincoln NE 68S88 Charlotte NC 28213 Dayton OH 4S409 Pittsburgh PA 1S213 Murfreesboro TN 37132 Logan UT 84321 402/436·0301 [email protected] 937/422·6717 4121862·3776 61S/494·8721 43Sn70·8104 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] trwk504@ hotmai/.com [email protected] April S, 2003 Appalachian State March 29, 2003 March 1S, 2003 March 29, 2003 April 4, 2003 Scott Lampe NEW HAMPSHIRE 3707 Waterton Leas Ct. Miami Drexel Tennessee Tech VIRGINIA Charlotte NC 28269 Brian Mack Jason Rafoth Andy Allred New Hampshire 704/4SS·OS30 410 East Church St. RM 1S 210 N. 34th St. SOO W. Stevens St. Apt. D3 Virginia Tech Andrew C. Turbide [email protected] Oxford OH 4SOS6 Philadelphia PA 19104 Cookeville TN 38S01 Jeremy R. Moss SStrafford Ave. April 26, 2003 S13/2S4·1667 41 0/S70-644S 931/260·3S42 213 SPH·B; Virginia Tech Durham NH 03824 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Blacksburg VA 24060 6031661·2838 UNC·Chapel Hill AprilS, 2003 April12, 2003 March 22, 2003 S40/232·2934 [email protected] Thomas Bumgardner [email protected] April S, 2003 219 Columbia Place Drive OKLAHOMA Pennsylvania Tennessee-Knoxville March 1S, 2003 Chapel Hill NC 27S16 George Holeman Jacob Wheeler NEW MEXICO 919/960·06S3 Oklahoma 3916 Spruce St. 1820 Fraternity Park Dr. Roanoke College [email protected] Donovan Beswick Philadelphia PA 19104 Knoxville TN 37931 Tyler Puckett New Mexico Apri/12, 2003 1203 South Elm 21S/417·S072 86S/384·S294 Roanoke College Box 20S6 Rich Baca Norman OK 73072 georgerh@ sas. [email protected] Salem VA241S3 700 University NE Wake Forest 40S/2SS·0792 March 29, 2003 April S, 2003 S40/37S·S278 Albuquerque NM 87106 Jason Davin [email protected] QuikSi/[email protected] SOS/61S·7424 Box 74 7 4 Winston Station March 29, 2003 Pittsburgh Memphis Apri/12, 2003 rdb 1868 @yahoo. com Winston-Salem NC 27109 Erik Johnson John Ricci 3611 Midland Ave. Apri/26, 2003 336/7S8·6291 Tulsa 3731 Sutherland Dr.; 303·1 Pi George Mason [email protected] James Campbell Kappa Alpha Memphis TN 38111 Adolfo T. Monteagut 3123 E. 7th St. Pittsburgh PA 1S213 901/292·2689 4237 L Jefferson Oak Circle New Mexico State Apri/12, 2003 [email protected] Mike Kingery Tulsa OK 74101 4121648·280S Fairfax VA March 22, 2003 1943 Windsor Pl. North Carolina State 918/408·3909 [email protected] 703/383·0643 Las Cruces NM 8800S Spencer Sibley [email protected] Apri/12, 2003 [email protected] Rhodes College AprilS, 2003 SOS/S26·8716 214 South Fraternity Court April 26, 2003 Will Tyler SOUTH CAROLINA [email protected] Raleigh NC 27606 2000 North Parkway Richmond April S, 2003 919/637·S972 Oklahoma State Memphis TN 38112 Wofford College Evan Chalk [email protected] Pete Bullock 901/843·S127 NEW YORK April S, 2003 221 South Lincoln Patrick Kay [email protected] 7616 Marilea Road Stillwater OK 74074 429 N. Church Street Apri/12, 2003 Richmond VA 2322S Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Duke 40S/742-S1S1 Spartansburg SC 29303 804/334·3826 Justin Crook Andy Miller [email protected] 864/S97·S318 Tennessee-Martin echalk@ richmond. edu 2228 12th Street 122 Wannamaker Dorm, Duke April S, 2003 [email protected] Jereme Thaxton March 1S, 2003 Troy NY 12180 University Apri/12, 2003 220 Hannings Ln. 401/641 ·S627 Durham NC 27708 OREGON Martin TN 38237 Washington and Lee [email protected] 919/613·11S4 Clemson 931/237·07SS Andrew Riffe [email protected] [email protected] Oregon Matthew Fiorello thaxtonjdl 106 North Main Street ppka April S, 2003 Billy Cox 401 Lacustrian Lane March 22, 2003 Lexington VA 244SO Apri/13, 2003 729 E. 11th Street Clemson SC 29630 S40/462·2984 OHIO Eugene OR 97401 864/6S4·8882 TEXAS [email protected] New York S41/S20· 7979 fiorelm @clemson. edu May 3, 2003 Greg Silverstein Ohio State voyd21 March 29, 2003 Southwest Texas State 7S 3rd Avenue #2426 Adel Boukheir Apri/13, 2003 Brandon Jacobs WASHINGTON New York NY 10003 1769 Wyandotte Rd. Francis Marion 1608S N. Hwy123 2121443·9829 Columbus OH 43212 Linfield College Paul Wiggins San Marcos TX 78666 Washington [email protected] 614/273·7704 Joe Fisher 813 West Evans Street S12/787·1308 Robb Jacobs March 17, 2003 [email protected] 43S College Ave. Florence SC 29S01 bj1001 Seattle WA 981 OS May 2S, 2003 McMinnville OR 97128 843/230·19S9 May 3, 2003 206/S28·3807 Columbia S03/472·472S [email protected] rdjacobs @u. Jeffrey Lorch Toledo [email protected] Angelo State April12, 2003 4901 Lerner Hall Jeff Morris Apri/19, 2003 Winthrop Ryan Christianson New York NY 10027 2999 W. Bancroft Street, Bill Johnson 19202 Windsor Pointe Ct. Washington State 21218S3·3711 McComas Village #A-1 PENNSYLVANIA 10SS Park Ave. Ext. Tomball TX 7737S Jameel Rayam [email protected] Toledo OH 43606 Rock Hill SC 29732 713/9S7·8971 710 NE California Street April S, 2003 419/4S0·8161 Gannon 803/324· 74S3x23 [email protected] Pullman WA 99163 [email protected] Justin Mitchell wupike21 @yahoo. com Apri/19, 2003 S09/333·S08S NORTH CAROLINA Apri/12, 2003 S1S West 7th Street March 22, 2003 [email protected] Erie PA 16S02 Chad Sakonchick Apri/13, 2003 East Carolina Cincinnati 814/4SS·S282 SOUTH DAKOTA 2400 Leon St. AM# 3 Kyle Wigley Mark Stuhlreyer justin7113@ Austin TX 7870S WEST VIRGINIA 410 Elizabeth Street 3400 Brookline Ave. April 26, 2003 South Dakota csakon@ mail. Greenville NC 27834 Cincinnati OH 4S220 John Prickett S121736·S6S2 Marshall 2S217S7·0971 S13/226·1 034 Pennsylvania State S01 North Pine Street Mike Hazlewood jkw0731 [email protected] Brian McMahon Vermillion SO S7069 Texas Tech 1411 SthAvenue February 1S, 2003 April s, 2003 2290 W. Galesburg Road 60S/624·9622 ZackWall Huntington WV 2S701 Warriors Mark PA 16877 [email protected] 1003 Kirby 304/S22·9S38 Western Carolina Ohio 814/3S7·868S June 1, 2003 Lubbock TX 79416 [email protected] Eddie Beverly Tom Holzheimer brian.mcmahon 806/346·3219 Apri/26, 2003 7S Gribble Gap Rd 12 North College Rm# 301 April12, 2003 TENNESSEE [email protected] Sylva NC 28779 Athens OH 4S701 April12, 2003 WISCONSIN 828/293·S930 740/S89·S431 Austin Peay State zetaxipike@ [email protected] Dale Krupla Texas A&M-Commerce Wisconsin-Whitewater April t 2, 2003 Apri/12, 2003 840 Isaac Dr. ian Moreau Jeff Davis Clarksville TN 37040 1400 Maple St. Apt #1 06 122 South Whiton 931/216·709S Commerce TX 7S428 WhitewaterWI S3190 ronjer_l @yahoo. com 214/298·2440 608n78·0410 Apri/12, 2003 PiKA_ [email protected] [email protected] AprilS, 2003 Keep Up- To-Date! East Tennessee State WYOMING Matthew Burgess UTAH ~- · · Check out our website for the 406 West Pine St. Wyoming latest updates on event dates and times. Johnston City TN 37604 Utah Cory Baker 423/928·0927 Parker Bradley 1624 Fraternity Park 2003 International Work Day burgess 713 41 South University Laramie WY 82070 AprilS, 2003 Salt Lake City UT 841 02 307/766·8113 or Join us in building our future! 80 1/3SS·S220 303/3S8·42SO [email protected] coryb@ uwyo. edu Apri/26, 2003 Apri/12, 2003


GAMMA CHAPTER r William and Mary Delta Nu Chapter celebrates as Brother Alexander Glick '02 won the Gamma Chapter placed first in William title of Homecoming King lost fall. and Mary's Greek intramural tournament. Ru sh was also ve ry successful this fall with 13 men initiated , a nd the chapter is ex­ pecting spring rush to be just as strong. T h e unde rgradua te brothe rs wa nt to thank the alumni who contributed to the capital campaign last year. Gamma Chap­ te r has pledged $5,000 ove r the next five years to a schola rship at Willia m and Mary established to honor the life ofbrother Jim Reill y '99 who los t his life in the World Trad e Cente r a ttacks. The 13th annual Wiffl eball Tourna me nt is scheduled for April 12, 2003, with proceeds benefiting both the Jim Re il ly Scholarship and the Muscular Dys trophy Association. Ma ny Ga mma alumni are interested in reviving a n alumni associa ti o n to be tte r coordi­ nate events and contacts- pl ease contact Eva ns Poston '02 at eposton@cox. net, or Bobbin Tuleya '93 at [email protected] for more information. Pikes Dominate lntramurals, Philanthropies

ZETA CHAPTER Tennessee Z sadors program, stude nt assistant coach BETAZETA with NC Sta te football , a nd design societ­ Southern Methodist Zeta Cha pte r brother Dustin Colquitt Bz ies. '00 was named one of three fin ali sts fo rt he Beta Zeta Chapter held a haunted house Ray Guy award , whic h is give n to th e BETA BETA CHAPTER fo r local child ren, tra nsforming the e ntire n atio n's to p pun te r. Colquitt was a ls o BB Washington chapter house for the even t. On campus, na med to the second team All- EC Foot­ bro the rs serve as Interfraternity Co uncil ba ll Team . Ze ta Cha pter rem a in s one of Beta Beta Cha pter has a strong showing presid ent, Interfra te rni ty Co uncil recruit­ the to p acad e mi c ch a pte rs on campus in campus s ports with b ro thers on the me nt director, Stude nt Body presid en t, with a 2.79 overa ll GPA . In Ja nuary 2003 c rew, rugby, a nd vo ll eyba ll teams. Th e and fac iJi ties chair fo r Mustang Ma rathon, they ini tiated 32 pledges who also lead the Pikes' spring GPA was a 3.28, with ove r 25 a dance ma ra thon progra m tha t raised campus academi call y for the fa ll semes­ me n on the Dean's List. In alum ni news, over $45,000 fo r pedia tri c HI V/A !DS last te r. The cha pte r's a nnual Founde rs Day th e Pa re nts' nigh t/Smythe ins ta ll a tio n yea r. The chapte r was praised by th e coer- cere mony was held on March 8, 2003. was on December 7, 200 2; a nd the build­ co ntinued on next page in g of the retaining wa ll and the purchase ALPHA EPSILON CHAPTER of the walk-in freezer were both made AE North Carolina State possible th ro ugh alumni assista nce. The annual alumni softball ga me will be held Du e to the successful fa ll athleti cs, Al­ in spring2003. Thi year's community ser­ pha Epsilon Chapter leads the points race vice events have incl uded tree pl anting, a in the highl y competitive Presid ent's Cup Boy a nd Girls Club Hall oween pa rty, and fo r C Sta te intra murals. The cha pter is the Figgy Pudding Ca roling on test. On also pro ud to report tha t during the fall se­ campus, Beta Beta has a photographer on mester fo ur bro the rs made a 4.0 a nd sev­ the campus newspa per and me mbers on enteen brothers made the Dean's List. In the s tude nt sena te, assists the so rority the area of community service, the annual phila nthropies, is invo lve d in the do n~es­ Bri an Cardini Vo ll eyball To urna ment will ti c viole nce prevention p rogram, ra 1ses be held this spring. Fo r sponsorship and fund for AIDS research, and has brothers p a rti c ipatio n info rm a ti o n vis it the takin g notes fo r disabl ed student . The fa ll web s ite a t www. ncs tud_orgsl pledge cl ass consisted of 23 me n, and ~c­ f rat_sorlpi_kappa_alphalhome. html. The tive cha pte r membership is approach1n g cha pter co ntinues to be in volved in ser­ 100 men. vices such as Adopt-A- Highway, Ha bita t fo r Huma ni ty, a nd tutorial assista nce. On campus, the brothers a re in vo lved in stu ­ dent government, the unive rsity a m bas-

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 9 food drive to support the local food bank. Working together with other organiza­ tions, the food drive resulted in over 300 pounds of non-perishable food items be­ ing donated. They also hosted a Christmas for Kids event at the chapter house. Broth­ ers decorated the house and were able to provide Christmas for approximately 30 lo cal children.

GAMMA BETA rB Nebraska-Lincoln Gamma Beta Chapter holds the lead in intramural sports with highest overall points. The "Greek Man oft he Year" com­ petition, hosted by IFC, had two Gamma Beta men in the top three positions. The Beta Upsilon Chapter members participated in the Adopt-A-Highway program. men are also involved in founders day pre­ sentations for the sororities on campus, dina tor of Student Activities and Frater­ BETA UPSILON CHAPTER speaking to the women about their sorori­ nity Programs at SMU for outstanding ser­ By Colorado ties' founding members and principles. vice and leadership on campus and in the Fall rush was successful with 24 men be­ community. In intramural sports, Beta Upsilon ing initiated. Gamma Beta alumni have Chapter won the basketball tournament recently formed an alumni association, BETA KAPPA CHAPTER for the third season in a row. The Co lorado and a ll interested brothers are encour­ BK Emory Pikes have the second highest GPA on aged to contact Kevin Klein at campus, with one brother reporting a [email protected]. Beta Kappa Chapter's involvement in 3.96. The men received the 2002 Adopt-a­ the athl etic programs on the Emory cam­ School Award for their work with a lo cal A A DELTA LAMBDA CHAPTER pus include members on the track team, elementary school. They have also been til \. Florida State one brother as the captain of the swim involved in the Adopt-A-Highway pro­ team, two brothers who were named All gram, and chapter members are coaching Delta Lambda Chapter is proud to have Americans at the NCAA Championships, a youth field hockey and yo uth football raised $1,784,325 as of January 22, 2003 and one brother who holds the varsity team. The chapter hosted Greek Fight for the new chapter house. record in the javelin. In intramural sports, Night, a boxing tournament, to raise Pikes won the fraternity championship in money for a local charity. Beta Upsilon's A ~ DELTA SIGMA softball , football, punt, pass, and kick, and full color magazine, Pike Life, proved to be ~ Bradley also won the basketball and vo ll eyball an asset during their successful rush. At tournaments. They are on their way to the IFC banquet, Pike received the award The Bradley Pikes are establi shing an matching last year's All Row Champion­ for best rush on campus. alumni association, with events planned ship. The Pikes' GPA rose for the third se­ for June and August 2003, including a golf mester in a row, with several brothers on £h BETA PHI CHAPTER outing. For more information, visit the the Dean's List. In community service, the B '¥ Purdue website at, or con­ pool tournament shattered its previous tact Jon Fox '00 at [email protected]. mark by raising over $7,000, and the soc­ Beta Phi hosted two successful projects Delta Sigma Chapter has continued to cer tournament raised over $1,500. The in December 2002. The first project was a have great success with the year-round men of Beta Kappa were recog­ philanthropy project supporting nized with the international Th e Salvation Army's Tree of award for their service to the lo­ Lights Campaign. Proceeds from cal Boys and Girls Club. On cam­ sales of the Pike Calendar have pus, five members received rec­ enabled the chapter to give mul­ ognition for their service to the tiple donations to the charity Interfraternity Council. Mem­ throughout the year. The chap­ bers also serve on the Emory ter would like to thank the Pikes Wheel newspaper, the Greek Ju­ around the country for support­ dicial Council, the Educational ing the calendar and making the Policy Committee, and the project a huge success. Greek Life program. A 1\. T DELTA NU L..1.1"' Wayne State

Homecoming was celebrated Delta Sigma Chapter Pikes support the Salvation Army with by Delta Nu Chapter brothers as a year-round philanthropy project.

I 0 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Brother Alexander Glick '02 won the title of Homecoming King. The ch a pter has b een re presented in 23 co nsecutive Homecoming titles. The men participated in the Annual Pumpkin Painting project for the Children's Hospital of Detroit. The pumpkins were distributed to the chi l­ dren in the hospital on Halloween.

A V DELTACHI L..l..A. Nebraska

Delta Chi Chapter recruited the largest pledge class on campus, including five current or ex-varsity athletes. Pike main­ tains an overwhelming lead in this year's sports cup standings, earning first place in six of the seven sports. The chapter fin­ ished the spring 2002 semester with a cu­ mulative GPA above 3. 0, earning the high­ The brothers of Epsilon Nu Chapter hosted a philanthropic flag football event to est fraternity GPA average. The Pikes en­ benefit survivors of September I I, 200 I. joyed a successful fall golf outing with approximately 100 alumnus m e mbe rs 7~ ZETA SIGMA '94, Ri ckMciUnney '71, Jim Bean '71,Andy participating. On campus, Pike was first in L.....d..i Florida Tech Sonnenberg '99. Front row, Marshall King fraternity points for Homecoming 2002, '76, Mike Noyd '71, Mike Brown '71, and wi nning several events. In addition, four Zeta Sigma Chapter presented Florida Ga ry Rogers '71. chapter members earned positions on the Tech with its first annual Teacher Appre­ Student Senate a nd three m embers ciation Day. The breakfast event was well KAPPA EPSILON earned positions on Student Court. Pikes attended by the faculty, including visits KE Rockhurst currently hold the president positions for from Florida Tech's Greek advisor, dean of both Order of Omega and IFC. students and other professors. This suc­ In intramural sports, the men of Kappa cessful event helped bring the Greek com­ Epsilon Chapter won the volleyball and EPSILON KAPPA munity a nd faculty together in a social co-ed softball tournaments, and made the EK Lamar setting. The chapter has plans for another play-offs in soccer. Rockhurst Pikes re­ similar event in the future. ceived the Scholarship Cup at the 2002 Pi At the IFC Awards Banquet, Epsilon Kappa Alpha Frate rnity Internationa l Kappa received awards for Most Improved ETA EPSILON Co nve ntion. They also received the Heart­ Chapter GPA, Highest Pledge Class GPA, HE Angelo State land Region Scholarship Award at their Highest Pledge GPA, and Highest Chapter regional convention. During the fall se­ GPA. In November 2002, cha pter a lumni mester, the men volunteered over 2, 000 helped the 18 Eta Epsilon members ini ­ community service hours. The second EPSILON NU tiate 31 new members! Pictured at the ini ­ annual haunted house was a successful EN Georgia State tiation (below) are seven founding fathers fundraiser benefiting the American Ca n­ of the chapter. Pictured are, back row, left cer Society Foundation and the National Epsilon u Cha pter successfull y per­ to right, W.D. Hinojosa '00, Eric Wilson '85, Parkinson's Fund. Two major fundraisers formed an event that fulfilled community Brice Foster '98, Jerry Wil son '71 , Mike are scheduled for the spring semester, the service goals while exempli fy ing the im­ Joyce '76, Don Larimore '71 , Mike Mitchell annual Skate-a- thon, Dalmatians on Ice, portance of support from the benefiting Big Brothers and Big Greek community to the fami­ Sisters, and the annual Pike Spike li es of the Se ptember 11 , 2001. vo lleyba ll tourna m e nt. Two T h e m e n hosted a philan ­ Kappa Epsilon brothers are dedi­ thropic fl ag football event that cating their Spring Break to ser­ gained s upport from m a n y vice around the world. On cam­ Greeks o n campus a nd lo cal pus, Kappa Epsilon men hold po­ businesses. T-shirts were made sitions with IFC, student govern­ for this event, and sponsors ment, Alpha Phi Omega service made monetary donations and fraternity, the Lacrosse Club, and donated raffle prizes. All pro­ the Stud ent Ambassador pro­ ceeds from the sa le of the t­ gram. s hirts and the raffle were do­ nated to the Fa milies of the Sep­ I'IKE INITIATES tember 11 , 2001 Reli ef Fund. ETA EPSILON FALL 2002 continued on next page

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND I I KAPPA LAMBDA club, the Stude nts In Free Enterprise attaining a chapter house. The alumni are KA Western Illinois Team, the Order of Omega, and the Coy­ establishing an alum ni association, and ote Orientation Team. Kappa Pi alumni all interested brothers are en couraged to Kappa La m bda Ch a pte r h a d three recently established a new board of direc­ contact Brian Johnson at brian_j_johnson members inducted into Order of Omega. tors and officers fo r the Housing Corpora­ @hotmail. com for more information. Al umni, parents and members are prepar­ tion, and are working diligently towards ing for the biggest International Wo rk Day in chapte r history. Scheduled fo r Ap ril 2003, the Work Day p romises a day of CHAPTER NOTES ELIGIBILITY brotherhood and fun for all invo lve d. Bill Supreme Council policy rules that chapters that have an outstanding balance with either Navy is organizing a Pike outing at Wrigley Field fo r the Cubs vs . Sox game, and wo uld the General Fund or the Self Retention Fund, and are not on a current payment plan, like all interested brothers to contact him are not eligible to have news published in Chapter Notes.To check on your chapter's at [email protected]. If enough people eligibility status, please contact either Jessica Mann or Judy Connelly at the Memorial respo nd, he may be able to a rran ge a Headquarters, 901/748-1868. group discount. The chapter continues to HOW TO SUBMIT CHAPTER NOTES: Chapter Notes are most easily submitted via visit a retirement home for po ker and the internet at They may also be submitted via e-mail to bingo gam es. The men also entered a team [email protected], or sent via postal mail to Shield & Diamond Chapter Notes, 8347 in the St. Jude Hospital fund raiser, "Up 'Til West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125. Please note that the optimal length for chap­ Dawn". The rush chairman attended the Preside nt/ Rush Summit, and has held ter notes is 125 words or less. several rush retreats fo r the chapter. PHOTOS: Photographs should be mailed to Shield & Diamond Chapter Notes, 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125. They must arrive at the Memorial Headquar­ KAPPAPI ters no later than the deadline date for the applicable issue. It is strongly advised that a chapter KIT South Dakota send copies of any photos or slides which are valuable, as the Shield & Diamond will not return any materials submitted unless this is specifically requested and accompanied by a Kappa Pi Chapter had an impressive Fa ll stamped, self-addressed envelope. Digital photographs may be sent via e-mail to [email protected]. 2002 academically with a chapter GPA of Photos in this form must be at least 300 dpi in resolution to be usable. 3.35. On campus, the brothers are in­ vo lve d in Delta Sigm a Pi, the fin a ncial NEXT DEADLINE: APRIL I 5, 2003 m a nagem en t association , the biology

Can our service make a difference in your chapter? Many ofyour Pi Kappa Alpha brothers think so! '7 have been very impressed with the service ofOmega Financial Inc. The amount ofinformation provided to me in their "Term Review" report helps us to stay abreast ofhow good things are going for the chapter. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what Omega has done for the chapter andfor making my job a lot easier. " ]. Lewie Sanderson, House Corporation, Gamma Chi "Omega is incredible!!! I can't tell you how happy I am with the service they provide. we made the mistake oftrying another service because it was cheaper. What a mistake! we couldn't access information on-line like we can with Omega and their statements were printed unprofossionally and quite often incorrect. Thanks Omega!" Brandon Mason, Treasurer, Iota Iota "For the first time since I can remember, we will enter the foil semester here with no outstanding balances! By using Omega Financial we have been able to eliminate debt, plan, and budget better. In addition, communication throughout the chapter has increased and the overall cooperation ofthe brotherhood is incredible! Omega made it possible!" Brad Hanneman, Treasurer, Alpha Omega "Since we implemented Omega's service, our chapter's collection rate reached an all­ time high. Even better, the collection rate has consistently remained high! Because oftke help and serv~:e Omega provides, I actually enjoy a.& £ G my;ob as treasurer. ~ Mikejolnu- T""""""' Ga....w ChMga ~

1:'?7 ~ I,YJ\NctAl. \~(...

12 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Sp ring 2003 RECRUITMENT ry-1-le "Why I Pledged" feature has focused on .1. seasonedPiKappaAlphaalumni in past WHY I PLEDGED: issues, but the insights ofourrecentgraduates can be equally instructive. Scott A. Himes (Rose-Hulman, Iota Delta '98) Scott Himes was appointed to a one-year Former Supreme Council Undergraduate Vice President term as undergraduate Supreme Co uncil vice presiden tat the 2001 Officers Leadership Academy in Memphis. He served Iota played football, volleyball and other sports), DeltaChapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of movie nights and dinners. Even though the Technology as president, rush chairman and large group events were a lot of fun and a assistant rush chairman. He is a member of good chance to meet several guys at once, I the Educational Foundation's Sabre & Key was most impressed by the small dinners to Honor Society for outstanding academic which I was invited. At least once a week a performance. Himes graduated in 2002 and small group of Pikes would take me out to currently resides in Dallas, Texas where he dinner, where we wo uld have a chance to works for Texas Instruments in technical relax and socialize. Those were great oppor­ sales. tunities for me to ask any questions that I had The Shield & Diamond asked Himes to tell as well as get a good id ea of what fraternity usabouthisrushexperience,andwhyhechose life was really like. to pledge Pi KappaAlpha: I also attended an informalinterviewatthe beginningofrush, which provided a chance for the freshmen to see the house and meet What first attracted you to the guys for the first time. As rush went on I Pi Kappa Alpha? went to two formal interviews, which gave the Pikes a chance to evaluate me as a per­ I had not planned on joining a fraternity surprised by how serious they took not only son and decide ifi would be a good fit for their when I first came to Rose-Hulman. I came to their academics, but also extracurricular in­ Fraternity. I was very impressed with the school to focus on my classes, get good vo lve m ent and holding leadership posi­ Pikes' professionalism at these interviews, gradesandagoodjobtostartmyprofessional tions. They were known as the 'milk and because the other fraternities I visited were career. I viewed fraternities as disruptive, cookie boys' on campus, and other fraterni­ not nearly as organized. After my very last in­ harmful and completely incompatible with ties would try to portray this image ina nega­ terview, I was led into the chapter room academic success. Even after I arrived on tive way. However, for an 18 year-old fresh­ where the rush chairman extended a formal campus and met some members of various man whodrankveryrarely, theimageofafra­ bid.l could tell this was something they took fraternitie , I was not interested in joining. ternitythat placed li ttle emphasis on drink­ very seriously and only gave to people who The guys I met seemed to be great, but! still ingappealed to me very much. When bid day they really wanted. After this I was sure that doubted where their priorities were a frater­ arrived, it came down to the friends I made. Pi Kappa Alpha was right forme. nitymen. I formed more fr iendships with Pikes than Thankfully, our school had an 8-week for­ with members of any other fraternity, and Why is rush so important? mal rush program. As time went on I met this is the main reason !joined Pi Kappa Al­ more members of various fraternities and I pha. Any organization or group wi ll change began to learn what a fraternity really was. over time as its members change and move The stereotypical picture I had in my mind What rush techniques did the Pikes through different phases of their life. This is began to disappear as I saw first hand the especially true with fraterniti es, which have good work the fraternities did and type of at Rose-Hulman use? members who are only active undergradu­ people that fraternities attracted. The Pi ates for4-5years at the most. Due to this short KappaAlpha Fraternity stood out from all the Since rush lasted eight weeks, the Pikes active period, it is important that fraternities rest for several reasons. The Pikes seemed to were able to use a variety of techniques to be the guys who were most like myself and attract me. I attended events such as laser made an extra effort to get to know me. I was tag, bowling, cookouts, Pike Day (where we continued on page 15

TOP PLEDGING CHAPTERS, OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2002 Rush Recommendations The following chapters have placed their chapters in a posit ion for outstanding success. These leaders are making a difference for Pi Kappa Alpha by win ning rush! You can make your rush recommendation

Gamma Iota (Mississippi) ...... 72 Iota Nu (Saint Loui s) ...... 26 online at Zeta Theta (Southwest Texas State) ...... 40 Gamma Beta (Nebraska) ...... 25 Gamma Delta (Arizona) ...... 38 Kappa Psi (Cal Poly-Pomona) ...... 25 Membership selection into Pi Kappa Alpha Gamma Theta (Mississippi State) ...... 3 7 Delta Sigma (Bradley) ...... 24 is a decision which rests entirely with the Zeta (Tennessee) ...... 36 Beta Beta (Washington) ...... 23 individual chapter. You may also mail your Iota Delta (Rose-Hulman) ...... 34 Epsilon Zeta (East Tennessee State) ...... 23 Kappa Theta (George Mason) ...... 3 2 Zeta Kappa (Ferris State) ...... 23 rush recommendations to: Eta Zeta (Middle Tennessee State) ...... 3 I Lambda Iota (Central Oklahoma) ...... 23 Rush Coordinator Gamma Xi (Washington State) ...... 30 Iota Alpha (Wyoming) ...... 23 TTKA Memorial Headquarters Eta Alpha (Clemson) ...... 30 Epsilon Chi (Pittsburg State) ...... 22 8347West Range Cove Gamma Alpha (Al abama) ...... 28 Delta Mu (Southern Mi ssissippi) ...... 2 I Gamma Tau (Rensselaer) ...... 28 Epsilon Omicron {Stephen F. Au stin State) ...... 21 Memphis,TN 38125 Epsilon Epsilon (Toledo) ...... 27 Alpha Omega (Kansas State) ...... 20

Spring 2003 • SH IELD & DIAMOND 13 2003 Chapter Presidents Conference Recap

Rush Chairmen Join Presidents In Year's First Educational Event PHOTOS BY SANDRA H.NEWSOM

he Peabody Hotel in downtown Mem­ gan with "Winning Rush". International the work of these brothers, and this year's Tphis, Tennessee was the site ofthe3lst Rush Director Todd Mudd (Missouri,Alpha program was an outstanding success. annual Chapter Presidents Conference held Nu '81) and International Rush Advisory Friday's agenda began with a program by January9-ll, 2003. This year's agenda once Committeemen Steve Heck (Kansas State, Past National President Jerry Askew (North again included a special program for chap­ Alpha Omega '88) and Darius Sidebotham Carolina, Tau '74) entitled "Strategic Lead­ ter recruitment chairmen, entitled the Rush (Florida Tech, Zeta Sigma '94), assisted by ership". Askew's program was a fitting begin­ Summit. The combined programs began on Fraternity staffers Ryan Van Andel (Califor­ ning to the Conference, as it focused on the Thursday evening, January9, and concluded nia-Berkeley, Alpha Sigma '98) and Ryan concept of advancing the interests of the with a final banquet on Saturday evening, Flickinger (IotaMu, Southern illinois '94), chapter and Fraternity through empathy and January 11. Nearly300 undergraduates were led attendees through a high-energy and in­ mutual commitment. The day continued in attendance for this year's event, making formative look at the" hows'' and "whys" ofef­ with a presentation from members ofThe it the largest Chapter Presidents Conference fective chapter recruitment. Pi Kappa Alpha Prouty Project, a Minneapolis-based strate­ to date-the fourth year in a row that a new remains a worldwide leader in the area offra­ gic planning firm. Jeff Prouty and Mike attendance record was set. ternity recruitment due in no small part to Felmlee, who also facilitated a meeting of the The Chapter Presidents Conference is Fraternity's strategic planning group that unique among Pike leadership events in weekend, provided presidents and rush that its highly focused curriculum allows chairs with a multimedia look at the ad­ for intensive interaction among chapter ventures and the lessons they learned leaders, Fraternity officers and staff. during a climb to the top of Mt. Presidents are exposed to a program spe­ Kilimanjaro (the highest peak in Africa), cifically designed for chief chapter execu­ and how those same concepts could be tive officers. The agenda rivals that found applied to successful chapter operations. at many similar corporate programs; The day also contained an informative topics such as leadership, motivation, presentation by International Legal strategic planning, goal setting and ethi ­ Counsel Pat Talley (Armstrong, Eta Mu cal decision-making are featured each '74) on the hazards associated with poor day. Rush chairmen are likewise given the risk awareness planning, and how chap­ unique opportunity to participate in an ters can develop programs to address event custom tailored to address the chal­ their needs. Executive Real Estate Officer lenges and opportunities of the chapter Daniel W. Corah (Colorado State, Epsilon rush program. In addition to attending Theta '83) kicked-offthe first of the chap­ many of the leadership development and ter president-specific sessions with his motivation sessions with their chapter look at how presidents can organize and presidents, rush chairmen also were charged with working hard during four different recruitment sessions. Student leaders hod the opportunity to The Conference was loaded with an all­ become familiar with programs offered star cast of Pi KappaAlpha officers, staff, by the Educational Foundation and the volunteers and guests. The program be- Fraternity's Reo/ Estate Deportment.

14 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 ali gn their officers and committeem en for how chapters can develop their own "Return Pi Ka ppa Alpha has become a leade r in maxi mum perfo rmance. To Valu es Initiati ve" with programming that educational programming due to the dedi ­ The Co nfe rence's final day began with an will create a local focus on the importa nt cation of the undergraduates who travel energetic p re entation by MarkDziatczak principles contained therein.A new educa­ from across North Am eri ca to participate in (Wayne tate, Delta u '90) entitled "O ne ti o nal session, unve il ed fo r the fi rs t time at programs such as the Chapter Presid ents Man -T h e Lead ership Diffe re n ce". the Confe rence, concluded the weekend's Conference, the volunteers who serve as Dziatczak p rovid ed a ttendees with the in ­ educational progra ms. In te rna ti o nal Vice conference fac ul ty and the local alumni ad­ spiratio n -and demanded th eir dedicati on President AJl en W. Groves (Stetson, Delta visors or hou e corporation members who - to becoming a fo rce forchangewithin their Upsilon '79) presented "Ac ti ve Leadership assist in the pl anning or funding to a ttend cha pte r. Chapte r preside nts, still buzzin g and the ArtofPersuasion", an analys is of the these events. We a re grateful to all these fro m this presenta ti o n, were the n a ble to behind the scenes work th a t must be con­ brothers. You too can help advan ce Pi Kappa pa rticipate in a specia l two-pa rt cha pte r ducted by leaders in o rd er to be successful , AJph a. In order to m aintai n affordabl e con­ presid ent track, again led by Dziatczak. ln­ and how presid ents can develop these tools fe re nce costs, you can d o na te to the Pi ternational Histo rian a nd Pa t a ti o na l of change. Ka ppa Alpha Educati onal Foundatio n - a President Dr. Jerome V. Reel (Eta, Tulane '57) The 2003 Chapter Presidents Confe rence primary underwriter ofthese program s. Fo r faci li tated a look a t the Frate rnity's Ritual co n c lud e d w ith t h e Inte rn atio n a l more information, call (9 01) 748- 1948. • a nd history. The ini tiated m ember abl e to Presid ent's Leadership Ba nquet, fea turin g a attend were o n ce again a m azed b y the keynote address fro m In tern ati onal Presi­ breadth and depth of Reel's kn owledge of the d entD. Mark Anderson (Woffo rd, Nu '76) . Why I Pledged Fraterni ty, including Pi KappaAJ pha's found­ Anderson called o n presid e nt and rush - co ntinued from page 13 ing traditions ofaggressivegrowth and focus chai rmen to carry the ideas they learned and o n c ha racte r, no t d e m ogra phic . After energy theycreated in Memphis back to their continua ll y seek out new m e mbe rs. breakout sessions on public and campus re­ home chapters- to better their chaprersand One bad rush can cause a fr a ternity to decrea e by halfinjustone to two years. lati ons, membership development, chapter advance all of Pi Ka ppa Alpha. The banquet On every campus you can find ex­ operations and housing, Internati onal Vice also incl uded a special thank yo u to and from amples of fr aternities that were once President Bruce A. Wo lfso n (Pennsylvania, Educati onal Foundation Presid ent Marvin dominant and because of one or two Beta Pi '7 1) gave a n ove rview of t h e Dennis (Illinois, Beta Eta '55). Dennis and his bad ru shes are now bottom-ti er. Fraternity's va lues sta teme nts (the newly­ wife, Nancy, began the endowme nt tha t Sin ce rush occurs at the beginning of ad opted Mission, Visio n a nd Creed ) and funds the Cha pter Pre id ent Conference, the year for most chapters, it is also the and aTe its laTge t contributors. His thank catalys t for a successful year. If rush goes yo u to the men who attended turned into well in the fall , everything else that a th ank you fro m theaudienceforhis lead­ comes aft er will go much smoother.T he ership and generosity. By the end of the conve rse is also true, if rush goes poo rl y, ba nque t no o ne could help but be in - then it will be very difficult to motiva te pired and energized - provi ding a great members and be successful in other ar­ kick-off fo r Pi Ka ppa Alpha in the ew eas. Ru sh is the key indicatorto peopl e Year! outside the fraternity, other fraterni ties and member inside the chapter, of how successful and domina nt that chapter is compa red to its competitio n . Yo u Faculty for the 2003 programs included ve ry rarely see the bottom-tier fr aterni­ Pi Kappa Alpha staff veterans Darius ti es o n campus domina ting rush a nd Sidebotham (left) and Mark taking a lot o f members. • Dziatczak.

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DI AMOND I 5 schools were EricSchmidtz (A lpha Phi '01) of the Iowa State Humanitarian Bowl club and Geoff Rigsby (Eta A lpha '02) of the Clemson Tangerine Bowl team. A key spe­ cial teams player for the Florida State Sugar Bowl squad was wide receiver Joey Kaleikini (Delta Lambda '01). Valuable offensive line­ men were tackle Justin Brown (Gamma Eta '01) of the USC Orange Bowl champs, tackle Jerry Reith (A lpha Zeta '00) of the Arkansas Music City Bowl team, tackle Nike Dupuis (A lpha Gamma '01) of the LSU Cotton Bowl team and guard Beau Cleland (Alpha Delta '01) of the Georgia Tech Silicon Valley Foot­ ball Classic team. Other Pikes on bowl teams included fullback Braxton Snyder (AlphaMu '99)oftheGeorgia Sugar Bowl champs, defensive end Andre SomerseU (Epsilon Theta '01) and wide receiver Caleb Atchison (Epsilon Theta '02)oftheColo­ rado State Liberty Bowl club; running back Billy Wright (BetaMu '00) of the Texas Cotton Bowl champs; and running back Robin Miller (Gamma Beta 'OO)ofthe Nebraska Indepen­ denceBowlteam. Kevin O'Connell (ZetaMu '99)startedatfull­ backagain for ldahoandcaught 18 passes for he _2002-2003 acade~ic year is yielding Peach Bowl team, who ranked 12th in NCAA T a fme roster of varsity athletes for Pi Division 1-A punting with a43.2 average on 59 101 yards. Arkansas State quarterbackElliott Kappa Alpha. Over 100 schools boast more punts. He boomed a career best68-yarderand Jacobs (Delta Theta '01) completed 136 of258 than 300 athletes in every sport from football had 22 punts downed inside the 20yard line. for 1,751 yards,sevenTDsandrushedfor 193 to crew. Coaches, athletic directors and pro Dustin was named to the All-Southeastern yards and six scores. Also playing were team­ athletes also represent the brotherhood. Conference firstteam and the NorthAmerican matesFrankArritt (Delta Theta '01) attightend Pike is proud to present the year's highlights: InterfraternityConferenceAll-Fraternity All­ andBurtSamples(DeltaTheta'OO)atoffensive Americanfirstteam. tackle. Starting at fullback again for Central FOOTBALL Purdue running back Joey Harris (Beta Phi Florida was Sean Gaud ion (Eta Phi '00) and teammate Brian Miller (EtaPhi '00) saw action Heading the list of outstanding Pi Kappa '01 ) became the seventhrunnerinschool his­ tory to rush for over l,OOOyards (1 ,022 on 227 at quarterback. Alpha standouts is Ray Guy Award finalist Playing for SMU was kicker Trent Dustin Co lquitt (Zeta '01 ) of the Tennessee carries with seven touchdowns). An NICAil­ Fraternity first teamer, he had five 100 yard games (high of 144 versus Illinois) and played in the Sun Bowl. NamedSunBowlPlayerofthe Game was Boilermakers quarterback Kyle Orton (Beta Phi '02), who completed25 of37 for 283 yards and two scores. For the season, he 167 of280for 1,974 yards and 11 touch­ downs. Kyle's best game was 24 of 43 for 331 yards, threeTDsversusWake Forest. Also play­ ing for Purdue was defensive end Bedran Dzolovic (Beta Phi '01) , who had four starts and 21 tackles. Leading Washington State to aRose Bowl berth was top scorer Drew Dunning (Gamma Xi'OO) , who had 111 pointson22fieldgoaJsand 45 extra points. He booted four fie ld goals against Washington and three each versus SouthemCaliforniaandArizonaState.Drew's longest kick was 48 yards against California­ Berkeley. Quarterback Kevin Fant (Gamma Theta '01 ) of Mississippi State connected on 163of311 for l,918yardsand lOtouchdowns " andJon MoUerup (Epsilon 'OO)kickedoffagain for the Virginia Tech San Francisco Bowl team. . --- / - -r; - essee's A number of other Pikes were members of ~ olquitt bowl teams. Regular deep snappers for their

16 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 McAdams (Epsilon Sigma '02) The Pennsylvania quad featuredAil­ Fratemityfirstteam andAJJ-Ivy League sec­ ond team offensive tackl e Ben oll (Beta Pi '01 ), tight end Matt Michale ki (BetaPi '00), who caught 10 passes, fu llback Kevin DeSchmidt (BetaPi '02) and offensive line­ men Kevin Doyle (Beta Pi '01 ), Eric Curtis (BetaPi '02) and PatO'Donnell (BetaPi '02). EarningAJJ -Pioneer Football League North Division honorable mention fo r Drake were Linebacker Adam Lackey (Delta Omi­ cron '00), who had 75 tackl es (team high 14 for loss) and lin ebacker ick Rouse (Delta Omicron '99), who had 51 tops and was the team Co-Defensive Player of the Year. Also on the Bulldogs squad were defensive back Curtis Martindale (Delta Omicron '01), who m ad e 26 tackles; wide receiver Ryan Bauman (Delta Omicron '99); nose guard Ryan Siegert (Delta Omicron. '99); and cen­ Stephenson (Beta Zeta '02), who kicked seven ter Chris Goncoe (Delta Omicron '02). field goals in 10 attempts. Handling kicking Starting l 0 games atcen ter for Delaware duties again for Baylor was Daniel Andino was Matt Graviet (Del ta Eta '02) a nd (Theta u '00), whoscored37 points (seven Florida Atlantic quarterbackGarretJahn field goals, l6extra points) and had 13 punts. (Lambda Beta '01)completed 21 passesfor353 Other Division I-A players included defensive yards and three scores. Pl aying in 12 contests career high 381 yards and two scores in a end Casey Adams OotaAlpha '99), who had 13 for Appalachian State was defensive tackle quarterfinals game versus Texas A&M­ tackles for Wyoming; tight end JeffCameron Jason Blalock (Iota Psi '98) while offensive Kingsvil le. Playi ng for North Alabama were (D elta Zeta '00) of guard Brad Justus (Eta Tau '00) go t into seven center Garret Keith (Theta Alpha '01 ), who Memphis; the Ari­ games for Austin Peay. Wide receiver Matt started eight games, and wide receive r Chi p zona duo of wide Ryan (Lambda Theta '01)sawpl ayi ngtimefor Long (ThetaAlpha '02). West Georgia quar­ receiver Scott Dayton. Seeing action atquatterbackforCon­ terback Corry Strange (Eta Sigma '01) com­ Altick (Gamma necticut was former chapter president Jeff pleted93ofl83 for 1,101 yru-dsandsevenTD . D elta '00) a nd Larson OotaChi'OO). MembersoftheWofford WmningAU-SouthAtlanticConferencesec­ punter Ryan Fusco squad again were tight end Steve Prochak (Nu ond team honors for Presbyterian was offen­ (Gamma Delta '01 ) and Lin ebacker MattAJJison (Nu '02). Line­ sive tackle Chris Dickerson (Mu '00). Otl1er key '02); and San Jose backer MaxWagenblast (Eta Theta '98) was teammates were linebacker Seth Murdock State ki cker Creig again a key special teruns performer for Weber (Mu '01), who was tl1.ird with 79 stops; quarter­ akano (Delta Pi State. back ickHarris (Mu '00), whohit88ofl69for '02). Leading California-Davis to the NCMDi­ l, 125 yard and nineTDs; quarterbackZach H e lping lead vision II playoff was quarterback Ryan Ellis (Mu '02), who threwfor640 yardsandsix Murray State to Flanigan (Theta Omega '00) who completed TDs (44of90); defensive backDonnyStamper theDivi ion I -M playoffs was defensive back/ l66of252 for2,397yru-dsru1d 20TDs. He ranked (Mu '02), who had 23 tackles and six deflec­ Linebacker Bobby Sanders (Epsilon Lambda fourth in Di vision passing efficiency wi th a tions; and wide receiver Barrett Fleming (Mu '00), who led with 99 tackles. He was named to 163.4 rating. Ryan's topgamewas25 of45fora '01), who caughtnine balls for ll9yards. Play­ the lC All-Fraternity first team, in g again for East Central were the Division l-M Academic AII­ defensive back DougTaron (Ep­ StarTea m and the Al l-Ohio Valley silon Omega '99) and offensive Conference econd team. Seeing lin e man Jo e Price (Epsilon. startingdutyatfullbackwas team­ Omega 'Ol). mate Bo Baxter (Epsilon Lambda Eleven Pikes were on t11 e Cen­ '02) while Clay Harri son (Epsilon tral Arkansas squad. Kicker Jus­ Lambda '02) was a long snapper tin Smith (Epsilon Phi '01) to­ and tight end. Key players on the taled 52 points on seven field Morehead State Division 1-AA goalsru1d3l extra points. Keyde­ playoff club were defensive back fenders were back Trey Jordan Matt Keeney (Eta Eta '02), who had (Ep ilon Phi '01), who had 29 34 tackles and a50yardTD intercep­ tackles: tackle Jon Barbru·ee (Ep­ tion return, a nd linebacker Jeff silon Phi '00), who was in on 26 Merrett (Eta Eta '01). Seeing action stops: nose guard Bryan Peoples atquarterbackforTennessee-Mar­ (Epsilon. Phi '02), who posted 26 tinwasRobertHines(EpsilonSigma tackles and ledwitl1 three fumble 'OJ) a nd tight e nd Jonathan recoveri es; back Chris Jordan

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 17 (EpsilonPhi '01), with 20 tackles; and end Chad club was defensemanPhillip Hucles (Gamma Taylor (Epsilon Phi '02). Seeing action at wide 'OO).He helped the team post eight shutouts receiver for UCA was Ricky Braden (EpsilonPhi and scored 11 points (five goals, oneassist).A '00). key player for the 13-5-1 California-Davis Quarterbacking the Plymouth State team squad was mid fielder DerrickThomas (Theta again was Matt Simpson (Kappa Chi '00) who Omega '03), whowasthirdwithninepoints. hitl45of305forl,711 yards and 11 touchdowns. Appearing in 14 contests for the 12-7-2 Also playing were tight end Mike LeCourt Montclair State team was midfielder Jeff (Kappa Chi '01) and linebacker EricKrasker Fiorino (Lambda Gamma '01). (Kappa Chi '02). EarningAll-UCA honorable Ten Pike players dominated the 9-5-2 Mis­ mention for Rensselaer was defensive end souri-Rolla squad. Second with ll points To m Bernard (Gamma Tau '00), who was (i n cluding a team high five goals) was fourth with 48 tackles. Also playi ng well was midfielderSebastian Bustamont (A lphaKappa tight end Greg Johnson (Gamma Tau '98). '02). Third in scoring was mid fi elder Sean Other good players were defensive lineman Ackley (A lpha Kappa 'OO)with 10 points (four ScottPhiUips (Theta Psi '00), who had 20 tack­ goals, two assists). Other key regulars were les for Chapman, kicker HunterTigert (Theta midfielder Ryan Coates (A lphaKappa '01), for­ '02) of Rhodes and defensive back Neil ward Chris Shaw (A lpha Kappa '01), Ternovatsky (Lambda Epsilon '02)ofAiberta. defensemanJeffLeonard (A lpha Kappa '00), ContinuingasheadcoacheswerefourPike defensemanTom Buerk (A lphaKappa '02) and alumni. Florida State legend Bobby Bowden defenseman DerekOgg (A lpha Kappa '01 ). (Samford, AlphaPi '49) took the Seminoles to Seeing action for the 15-2-2 Linfield Divi ­ a 9-5 record and Sugar Bowl berth. Marshall sion III playoff club were forward Todd Dolan head coach Bob Pruett (Marshall, Delta Iota (Delta Rho '99) and midfielder Garth Williams '62), posted an 11-2 record and won theGMAC (DeltaRho '99), who won the Wildcats Coaches Bowl again. His Marshall teams have now won Award for inspiration and enthusiasm. For­ five straight bowl games, the longest streak in ward Tyler Reisinger (Iota Zeta '00) started Two returning .300 hitters in 2002 are back the nation. Second year Florida Atlantic head seven games for 11-8-1 Randolph-Macon and at California-Santa Barbara. CatcherTaylor coach Howa rd Schnellenberger (Miami, mid fielder Brian Page (IotaDelta '02) got into Vogt (Iota Kappa '00) batted .318 (34 of107) Gamma0mega'85)sufferedthrougha2-9sea­ 16 games fo r Rose-Hulman . Playing for with 24 runs and 23 RBI while infielder Matt son. Dan Simrell (To ledo, Epsilon Epsilon '83) Chapman were four year starting midfielder Stevens (lotaKappa '01) hit.378 (17 of45) with was namedGUACCoachoftheYearafterpost­ Shawn Wherry (Theta Psi '99), who scored six 12 RBI. Battling back fro m arm problems at St. inga9-2 record in his third season at Findlay. points; midfielderScott Ross (Theta Psi '00), Louis is Zach Placzek (IotaNu '00) . Named as Ball State quarterbacks coach in who scored seven points, and defensemen Teammate Tyler Moore (IotaNu '02) looks for JanuarywasJeffHeck.linski (Western Illinois, Matt Carlson (ThetaPsi '00), Mike Rich (Theta playing time in the infield. KappaLambda'95). He hadspentthe lasttwo Psi '02)andJesseBlais(ThetaPsi '02).Valuable All- Ivy Leaguehonorablemention infielder years as offensive coordinator and quarter­ pl ayers for Southwestern were defenseman Mike Goldblatt (Beta Pi '01) is back for Penn­ backs coach at Central Missouri State and Eric McLin (A lpha Omicron '01), midfielder sylvania after hitting .318 (42 ofl32) with 22 played pro ball with theAlbany Firebirds of the Jaso n Gray (A lpha Omicron '01) and runs and 22 runs batted in. Teammate Ben· Arena Football League in 1998. defenseman Clifton Barnes (A lpha Omicron Krantz (BetaPi '00) also returns after ranking '02). Midfielder Doug Crowley (Beta Kappa '00) second with44 in 46.2 innings. A SOCCER got into lOcontests for ll-6-2EmoryandMike strongpitchingcandidate on the Mississippi EarningAli-CAA first team honors for the 14- Arend (Kappa Epsilon '02) saw action in goal State staff is Brian Owens (Gamma Theta '02) 7-1 William & Mary NCAA Di vision I playoff for Rockhurst. and Ryan Sanders (Beta D elta '01 ) is a valuable catcher for New Mexico. Pitcher Bart Peach BASEBALL (Epsilon Lambda '00) is back at Murray State Three Pikes are key returnees to the USC after 13 appearances in2002 and teammate Bo squad, which had a37-24 record in 2002. Pitcher Baxter (EpsilonLambda '02) looks for playing Jon Williams (GammaEta '01) had a 5-2 record time behind the plate. Other Division I pl ay­ and three saves in 29 appearances. Pitcher ers this spring include Creighton outfielder Chad Clark (Gamma Eta '01) pitched in 10 Gabe Lap ito (Theta Lambda '02), Tennessee­ games last season and was selected in the 17th Martin pitcher Kyle McBride (Epsilon Sigma roundofthesurnmerdraftbytheSt.LouisCar­ '02) and Vermont hurler Jared Slater (Lambda dinals. Hoping to see more dutyin the Trojans Delta '00), who had a 3. 18 earned average outfield is Spencer Gordon (Gamma Eta '00). in nine 2002 games. Infielder Hunter Rigby (Zeta '00) returns to the Four Pike veterans a re back on the Ne­ Tennessee squad after playing in 26 games braska-Kearney team. Shortstop Derek last year. Fleshman (Iota Gamma '02) hit .259 (37 ofl43) Returning at first base for Arkansas is Nick with seven home runs and 28 RBI last season. Pitts (A lpha Zeta '00), who batted .271 (52 of Eric West (Iota Gamma '99)was the top pitcher 192) withfourhomersand25 runs batted in last witha4-3 record and also playing shortstop spring. Outfielder Mike Heldoorn (ThetaNu (four homers, 21 RBI) . Other starters last sea­ '01) looks for more action at Baylor after play­ son were outfielder Brad Palu (Iota Gamma ing 10 games in 2002. '01),whohad23starts,andcatcher ateBruner

18 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 (Iota Gamma '01 ), who started 18 contests. at the Florida Tech Invitational; Looking for outfield playing time at Califor­ 15th (27:35) at the 8KWe t Coast nia-San Diego is Tyler Smith (Ka ppaPhi '02) . Conference meet; and 64th (35: 19) The Nebraska-Omaha squad features catcher at the 10K Division II South Re­ Zach Ries (Delta Chi '01 ) and Marc gional. Teammate Joseph Es tevez Badalucco (Delta Chi '01 ) and Nate McCabe (Ze ta igma '02) had a 29 th place (Delta Chi '01 ). fin ish at theWCC meet. Veterans back on the Missouri-Rolla squad Ben Leonard (Iota. Delta '02) of are pitcher Eric Walling (A lphaKappa '01) and Rose-Hulman competed at the infielderTom Morris (A lpha Kappa '02). Re ­ NCAADivision III championships turning as mound veterans for Rhodes are after placing 23 rd (28: 09) at the Matt Monda (Theta '00) and Ryan Berens Southern CoUegiateAthleti cCon­ (Theta '00). Teammates vyingforplayingtime ference meet. Marcus Cleveland arefirstba emanBobbyHumble (Theta '01) (Phi '01 ) of Roanoke placed 31st and outfielder Travis Cox (Theta '02). Brian (o utof94 runners) atthe Maroon Rickert (Gamma Tau '01) is on the mound Invitational and 50th at the8KOid again for Rennselaer after a 1.25 ERA in 13 Dominion Ath letic Conference games Ia t year. Starting again at catcher for meet. Presbyterian runner Ben Georgetown is Chase Hoove r (A lpha Rosebrock (Mu '01 ) competed at Lambda '00), whodrovein20run last season. the So uth Atlantic Co nference The Pike-dominated William Woods team meet. Members of the Cal Poly­ features returneeTrevorYates (Lambda Eta Pomona squad were JulianAstudiUo (Kappa Middle Tennessee State is Adam Osborne '01 ), a .325 hitterwith 24stolen bases. Psi '02) and Pete Ortiz (KappaPsi '02). (EtaZeta '01 ). Other players who figure to see action on the A big ma n in the middle for Nebraska­ diamond inc! ude Transylvania pitcher Bran ­ BASKETBALL Omaha is center Chris DeSpain (Delta Chi don Cunningham (Kappa '03); infielder Ben Closing out hiscareera one of the best play­ '02) . Maine transfer Chris Gray (Kappa Tau McCown (lotaXi '02) ofChicago; outfielder ers in Chicago history this winter was forward '02) is pl aying center-forward for Colby-Saw­ Andy Gilbert on (Kappa Omega '01 ) ofWis­ Derek Rei ch (lotaXi '00). Through d1e first 16 yerCollegeagain aftersettingaschool record consin-Whitewater; pitcher Travis Kramer games, he ranked as oneofDivision Ill's top with seven blocked shots in a gan1e. Arkansas (KappaEpsilon '02)and infielder ChrisWalk er corers with a26.1 average (418 points) . His top State transferTrey Harding (Delta Theta '02) (Kappa Epsilon. '01), both ofRockhurst. games were44 points ve rsus Southwestern, 41 is a guard for d1 eWiiJ iams Baptist squad. Also points against Wheaton and 40 points against playi ngd1is win terwas forwardVivian Fongue (Kappa Epsilon '01) WATER POLO Thiel. Priortothestcutofthe eason, Derek al­ ofRockhurst. California-Berkeley had a20-7 record , won ready ranked a the chool's career scoring ow in his fourth season at Vanderbilt is Kevin Stallings (Purdue, Beta. Phi '80) and Walt the Mow1tain Pacific Sports Federation titl e leaderwith 1,618 point .AI ostartingcu·e team­ Corbenn (Indiana U. -Southeast, Theta Kappa and played in the eM championship finals. mates Mike Dolezal (lotaXi '02), a forward who '01 ) is in his third year at Indiana-Southeast. amed to the CAA All-Tournament first wasaveraging8.2 points a game, and guard Back in coaching is James Dickey (Centra/Ar­ team and theAli-MPSFsecond team was An­ Mike Lowney (Iota Xi '0 1). Guard Bryan kansas, Epsilon. Phi '74), who is now an as is­ drew toddard (A lphaSigm.a '99), who scored Fitzgerald (lotaXi '02) played in 12 of the first tantcoachatOklahomaState. He was an OSU 32goals. HewasMPSFPiayeroftheWeekafter 16games for the Maroons. a three goal game versus Cal-Irvine (o ne of Back on the court for Florida three hat tricks for him). Will Quist (A lpha State is forward Ada m Sigma '99) had three goals in the cham pion­ Waleskowski (Delta Lambda '01 ), ship final and was chosen forthe NCAAAI I­ who started seven of the first 17 Tournamentsecond team. Hewa third with ga mes. Joining him on the Semi­ 30 goals and received Ali-MPSF honorabl e noles quad isguardWil1Wightman mention.GregPanawek (AlphaSigma'99)was (Delta Lambda '02). Seeing action also named to the CMAI1-To urnamentsec­ at center for Old Dominion i cen­ ond team.Aiso playingfortheirschools were ter Jo e Principe (Zeta I ota '02) driver ScottVelenzuela (KappaNu '01 ) ofPa­ whileGeoffShyatt (EtaAlpha '02) cific and defensemanAaron Andrikopoulos hasseenguarddutyforCiemson. (Theta Omega '00) ofCalifornia-Davis. Starting the first 18 game for Wyoming was Ja y Straight (i ota CROSS COUNTRY Alpha'02),whowas leadingwith 59 A leading runner for Santa Clara was assists while scoring 156 points (8. 7 per ga me, including 22 ve rsus Dominic Ri cci (Iota Omicron '00), who was named to theWestCoastConferenceAII-Aca­ ColoradoState).Aiso on the Cow­ demic team and competed at the NCAA Di vi­ boys' squ a d is forward Supo s ion I West Regional. He pl aced eighth Jegede (lotaAlpha02). Back court (26:22. 10) at the 8K SFB U Invitational; 14th competitors for their schools are David Ea ton (Nu 'OJ ) of Wofford (26:46) atthe8KWestCoastConference meet; and Ri chard Rose (KappaNu '02) and 15th at the USF invitational. Steven Go uld of Pacific. Playing forward for (Zeta Sigma '02)ofFioridaTech was seventh

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 19 Emory is Jimmy McGee (Beta Kappa Murdock (A lpha Omicron '01) and Rya n '02) who s pecia lizes in the 100 Murphy (A lpha Omicron '00). freestyle. Returning to the Wayne State GOLF squad a re freestyler Ian Maguire FourPikesarekeyperformersforthePacific (Delta Nu '00) a nd breaststroker squad coached by Jason Pre eo (Pacific, Kappa Scott MacDonald (D elta Nu '98). Nu '97). ReceivingGCAAAII-American hon­ The leading returnee at Rose­ orable mention last year was Matt Hansen Hulman is David Breiding (Iota (KappaNu '00), who tied for 38th (299) at the Delta '01 ), who placed 24th in the200 NCAA Di vision I meet. He ti ed for medalist backstroke and 25th in the 100 back­ honors attl1e Big West Conference and placed stroke at the 2002 Division III meet. fourth at the NCAA West Regional. Forme sea­ Joining him are teammates Cliff son, Matt averaged 72.48 over 33 rounds. Troy Breiding (Iota Delta '01 ), Phillip McKinley (KappaNu '00) was the medalist at Is om (Iota Delta '00), Kyle Spontak the Pacific Invitational, earned All-BigWest (Iota Delta '99), Joe Teal (Iota Delta second team honors and averaged 74 .61 for 31 '01 ) and Ryan Mackos (Iota Delta rounds. Also playing are Miles Kirkpatrick '02).AndyGilbertson (Kappa Omega (KappaNu '01 ), who averaged 78.08 over 12 '01) ofWisconsin-Whitewater is the rounds last year, and Andrew Bostrom (Kappa retu rningWisconsin Intercollegiate Nu'02). At hl etic Co nference champion in A leading player again for Virginia is captain the200 butterfl y. Ju stin Goodhue (A lpha '00). Last spring, he Two Transylvania Pikes who averaged 74.25 over 20 rounds, tyingforsixtl1 completed at the2002 NA!Acham­ (2 16) at the Wofford Invitational and tying for pionships are back tllis winter. Andy 18th (22 1) attl1e NCAAEastRegional. LastfaU , Barrick (Kappa '01) wasfourth in the hewaseightl1 (218) at the Hawaii FaUClassic; assistant from 1981 to 1989 before movi ngto 200 breaststroke, fifth in the 200 individual placed lOth (2 17) attheAdamsCupofNewport; Texas Tech as first an ass is tan tan d then head medley and sixth in the 100 breaststroke. He and ti ed for 13th (220) at the Duke Classic. coach. Last season, )ames served ascolorcom­ was also on five relays that placed in the top Teammate Kevin O'Connell (A lpha '01 ) is back mentatoron OSU broadcasts. six.Tearnma teJolu1 SaUee (Kappa '03) was fifth after averaging76.91 over 11 spring rounds. on the lOOfreestyleand medley relaysand sixth SWIMMING Will iam & Mary captain Justin Ragognetti on the 400 medley relay. Other swimmers of (Gamma 'OO)won lastspring'sEIDiablo Inter­ Even though hiscollegeeligibility hasended, note include Lu Cai (Alpha Upsilon '01) ofNYU; collegiate (2 13, including a 68); tied forninth for mer USC and Texas diver Justin Dumais Warren Kenzie (Theta Omega '00) ofCalifor­ (2 15) at theCAA meet; and ti ed for 13tl1 atthe (USC, Gamma Eta '98)will continue training nia-Davis; Drew Catanese (Pi '01 ) of Wash­ Princeton Invitational.T he leading player for & andcompetingin amateur meets in anticipa­ ington Lee; and the Southwestern qua r­ Ohio is JeffChadwell (Gamma Omicron '00) (A lpha Omicron '01 ), tion of the 2004 Olympic trials. At the Speedo tetofBradford Barron and Russell Surber (BetaMu '99) returns tome National championships, he won the men's Graham Ice (A lpha Omicron '02), Marcus Texas squad. Competing for playing time ar(;! platform finals to clinch aspoton the2003U.S. the Creighton duo ofJohn Finken (Theta national team and teamed with his brother Lambda '01) and Adam O'B rien (Theta Troy to win the synchronized platform title. Lambda '00); P.J. Martin (Beta '01) of ReturningtothecollegiateranksisGeorgia Davidson; Artl1ur Lynch (Delta Zeta '01 ) of Tech diver Paul McCarty (A lphaDelta '01), who Memphis; JackBabashanian (Zetaiota '02) of placed third on the one meter board at the At­ Old Dominion; and Tristan Gardner (Iota lanticCoastConference meetlastwinter. St. Theta '02) of Cal Poly-SLO. Louis swimmer Mike Hengel mann (IotaNu Co-captain Phil Giordano (A lpha Upsilon '01) is backafteracareer-besttimeofl:07.79 in '01) ofNYU returns afterearningAll-University the 100 meter breaststroke. Jason Martinell i AthleticAssociation second team honors in (Lambda Gamma '01 ) is back at Montclair 2002. The top two players for Rhodes a re State after posting the team's best 50 freestyle Patrick Browne (Theta 'OO)a nd Dan Norton time last season. (Theta '00). The Rockhurst squad features The Emory squad has four key Pike return­ regular Drew Hatten (Kappa Epsilon '01) and ingDivision III All-Americans. Chris Halstead the Slippery Rock roster includes Kevin (Beta Kappa '02) placed third in the 200 back­ Pasarilla (Kappa Sigma '01 ) and Mario strokeatthe CAA meet and al so swims the Verticelli (Kappa Sigma '01 ). 200 individual medley and 100 backstroke. Other key players on the links tl1i s spring David Hiller (Beta Kappa 'OO)waso n three All­ include Craig Mangum (Zeta Beta '02)ofDelta American relays at the CAA meet and is the State, Curtis Phelps (Eta Rho '01) ofNorthern school's top 50 freestyler. Chris Press (Beta Kentucky, Curtis Co llinge (Epsilon Chi '01)of Kappa) was on two All-American relays and Pittsburg State, David Bates (A lpha Lambda alsocompetedinthe 100butterflyatthe CAA '02) of Georgetown and the William Woods meet. Tory Rooney (Beta Kappa '02)was on the trio ofMikael Andersson (Lambda Eta '01 ), 2002 fourth place800 freestyle relay and also Brandon Cox (Lambda Eta '01 ) and Kurt Huels warn the 200 freestyle. Al so swimming for (Lambda Eta '01).

20 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 TRACK North Carolina-Charlotte pole vau lter Brad Maynard (Kappa Kappa '00) placed 12th Two Illinois Pike teammatesrankamongthe at the Conference USA outdoor meetlastyear Big lO's best. Kurt Glesne (Beta Eta '02) placed andteammateLukePitman(KappaKappa'02) fifth in thediscusatlastyear'sconference meet had a best800 meteroutdoortimeofl:59.85at and had a bestofl64'7" at the Florida Re lays. the Conference USAmeet.Afterplacingfourth Running the mile and 800 meters again for the in the Southland Conference decathl on in lllini is Aaron Wahls (Beta Eta '01). Miami 2002, Jonathen Robertson (Epsilon Omicron polevaulterAaronBass (Gamma Omega '01) '03)ofStephen F. Austin issittingoutthissea­ reached a bestheightofl5"ll" outdoors and son due to an inj ury. He is the school's decath­ 15"1" duringtheindoorseason. Competing in lon record holder with 6,726points. Compet­ sprint events for Purdue this spring is football ing at 200 meters for Western Kentucky is star Joey Harris (Beta Phi '01). Brad Eickoff (Zeta Epsilon '01 ) and Bryan The Florida State squad features six Pike Espinosa (Beta Delta '02) isa hurdlerat New standouts. Kolby Jones (Delta Lambda '01 ) Mexico. was 2002 Atlantic Coast Conference cham­ A standout on the Wyoming squad is Dan pion in the longjump (24'9") and was eighth Williams (Iota Alpha '00), who was named at 100 meters (10.67). Pole vaulters Jeff Mountai n West Indoor Track Athlete of the Atkinson (Delta Lambda '01 ) placed thi rd Weekafterwinningtheshotput (52'8 1/4") at (16'6.75") and Jared Sweetser (Delta Lambda the indoor Kansas State Invitational in Janu­ '01) seventh (15'9") at the ACC meet. Gary ary. Also on the Wyoming squad are high Visser (Delta Iota '01) wasoneofthe topACC jumperTom Hall (lotaAlpha '02) and triple decathletes. Pole vaulter PatGerberich (Delta jumper Blake Jackson (!otaAlpha '02). Com­ Lambda '01) had a third place pole vault finish peting for Delaware is middle distance run­ at this winter's LSU Purple Tiger Invitational ner Eric Schmidt (Delta Eta '02). The and is joined on the squad by Matt Michelson and GregGor ki (DeltaLambda '01) is a javelin Morehead State team features the talents of (Theta '02). Returning at Southwestern is All­ thrower for the Seminoles. sprinter Jason Ratliff(EtaEta '02)and thrower SCAC first teamer Michael Mendelov (Alpha Competing again for Mississippi is Brett Brandon Gulley (Eta Eta '01). Omicron '00), Travis Bias (A lpha Omicron '01 ) Canale (Gammalota '01). He threwthe35lb. Other competitors thisspringinclude UAA andT.J.Walthall (A lpha Omicron '02). Weight55' l " in December and will throw the javeli n record holder Felipe Custer (Be ta Returning as regulars for East Central are shot put during the outdoor season. Mike Kappa '00), discus thrower Josh Heiber (Beta Thad Chance (Epsilon Omega '01}, Austin George (Beta Pi '00) ofPennsylvania qualified Kappa '01 ) and thrower Matthew Pek (Beta Haden (Eps ilon Omega '01) and Chad Waller fortheiC4A meet in the decathlon last season Kappa '00), all from Emory; distance runner (Epsilon Omega '02). Craig Campbell (A lpha and had a best total of6,219 points. His best Ben Leonard (lotaDelta '02)ofRose-Hulman; Lambda '00) captains the Georgetown events are the hurdles, pole vault and high longjumper BlairGrende (LambdaEpsilon '00) squad, which includes Dennis Hall (A lpha jump. Back for Illinois State are middle dis­ of Alberta; pole vaulterWiU Barnes (Gamma Lambda '01) and ickLanders (A lphaLambda tancerunnerSteveCotman(KappaAlpha'OO) Tau '00) of Rennselaer; and Cal Poly­ '01). Other fine players this spring include the and hurdler Pierre Woods (KappaAlpha '0 1). Pomona distance runner Juli an Astudillo (KappaPsi '02). TENNIS Ben Stapp (Delta Zeta '01) plays both #1 singles and doubles for Memphis and com­ peted in doubles competition at the fall ITA Al l-American meet. Taylor Curran (!ota Nu '01) returns at St. Louis after posting a 12-12 singles record (primarilyatthe#5 position) last year. Mike Garcia (Theta Nu '99) is back at Baylor and had an 8-6 record in fall competi­ tion. Brandon Smith (Nu '01) and Jason Mengl (Nu '01 ) return as regulars for Wofford and teammate Edward Moseley (Nu '00) should seesomedoublesaction. DerekBetyar (Lamda Alpha '00) is a regular again for California-Riv­ erside. BackatEmoryafterwinningDivision III All ­ American honors for the last two years is Alex Jacobs (Beta Kappa '02). Last season, he was l9-5insinglesand2l-l0indoubles. He and his doubles partner placed second at the fall ITA national meet after winning their ITA small college regional event. Adam Dietz (Theta '01) ofRhodes also played in the fal l ITA regional

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 2 1 California-San Diego duo ofJeff haysjam@tularosa. net. You can also Wi lson (Kappa Phi '01) and Sean keeptrackofTeam USA's progress at agel (Kappa Phi '00); and Jeremy Wolff (Kappa Epsilon '01) of Another future Olympic candi­ Rockhurst. date is LSU weightlifterMattBruce (A lphaGamma'01).Heranked15th WRESTLING on the USA Weightli ft ingrankings A key veteran on the Iowa State after placing third in his weight class squad is Brad Howard (A lphaPhi at the December American Open. '01), who competes at 149 pounds. Former West Virginia decathlete The Tennessee-Chattanooga JeffGiosi (WestVirginiaColony)won team is led by Jared Sullivan (Delta the 2002 men's lightweight compe­ Epsilon '00), oneofthe leadingwres­ tition at the Mid-AtlanticGrand Prix tlers in the Southern Conference. bodybuilding competition. Tae Hecompetesat 141 pounds and is KwonDoexpertDonovanBeswick joined on the squad by Ryan Mays (Beta Omicron '01), who has served (D elta Epsilon '00). Jake Leair as chapter house manager at Okla­ (Gamma Pi '00) is competing again homa, won the2002 National Col­ for Oregon and Steven Roy legiate title in themiddleweightdi- (Lambda Gamma '01) is back on the vision and won the USA Open Gold Montclair State squad this winter. Wrestling Medal in2000. He has competed internation­ for Washington & Lee are John Po lena (Pi ally in Spain, Germany and Belgium. '00), Jason Smee (Pi '00) and BrianAvello (Pi Sean Cefalo (A lpha Psi '00) is captain of the '02). RutgerslightweightcrewteamandBillListon (Beta Beta '01) and John Heylin (Beta Beta '02) OTHER SPORTS are members of the Washington crew team. Returning first team All-American Jason ADMINISTRATORS Rostan (Iota '01) is back for Hampden­ Sydney. The 2002 Old Dominion At hletic Bob Marcum (Marshall, Delta iota '56) re­ ConferencePlayeroftheYear,hehadthethird­ turned torus alma mater as atluetic director in rughestpointtotal inschoolhistorywith 47 (23 ber, rus team competed at theWorld Cup Races July 2002 after nine years as atlUetic director at goals, 24 assists). In goal for HSC is teammate inGermanyand will participate in theWorld Massachusetts. Under his leadership, the Peter Ellington (Iota 'Ol ).Also on the lacrosse Championships in Lake Placid, NY. Because UMass 29 sport atluetic program was recog­ field this spring is the Rennselaer duo ofgoalie the U.S. bobsledding program does notre­ nizedasoneofthe nation's20 best in March of Matthew Moog (Gamma Tau '00) and ceive government funding, funds needed for last year by USNews&WorldReport. Bobpre­ mid fie lder Ryan Frisch (Gamma Tau '02). research, development, new equipment and viouslyserved as associate athletic director at Olympic bobsledding Silver Medal winner training must come from individuals or cor­ Iowa State (1971-78), director of athletics at Todd Hays (Tulsa, Gamma Upsilon '90) has porations. If any Pike Brothers wish to contrib­ Kansas (1978-82) and director of athletics at been training with a new team and is looking ute to help Todd and his team, you can e-mail South Carolina (1982-88). Before going to toward the2006WinterGames. In late Novem- his father, Jack Hays, for more information at UMass, he was vice presidentoftheCharlotte Motor Speedway for more than two years. PIKES IN THE PROS Attention Seven Pikes were on active rosters during the Chapters and Colonies: 2002 season. Jeff Feagles (Miami, Gamma Omega '86) com­ It's never too early to submit your pleted his lStl1 pro year and averaged 41.7 on chapter's Varsity Athletes for 61 punts for ilie Seattle Seahawks. Quarterback Gus Frerotte (Tulsa, Gamma Upsilon '90) inclusion in the Spring 2004 spent his ninth NFL season with the Cincin­ Shi eld & Diamond! Report your nati Bengals. Chicago Bears offensive guard chapter's best online at Rex Tucker (TexasA&M, Theta Theta '97)was a starter until suffering a broken leg and dislo­ or mail, fax, or e-mail to: cated ankle against the Green Bay Packers on October?, 2002. Packers offensive tackle Chad Shield & Diamond Varsity Athletes Clifton (Tennessee-Martin,EpsilonSigma.'01) 834 7 West Range Cove started nine games before suffering a season­ Memphis, TN 38125 ending pelvis injuryversusTampaBay. Fax: 901-748-3100 Offensive guard Cameron Spikes (Texas A&M, Theta Theta '97) waswith the first year E-mail: [email protected] . Debuting as NFL rookies wereArizonaCardinalsquarterbackPreston

22 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Parsons (Theta Rho '99, Northern Arizona) and defen sive end Will Overstreet (Zeta '99, Tennessee) , who played two games for theAt­ lantaFalconsbeforegoingoutwithashoulder injury. Offensive tackl e Jeff Hatch (Pennsyl­ Pikes in the Big Leagues vania, Beta Pi '98) spent theentireseason on the New York Giants' injured reserve li st after A Baseball Retrospective beinga thirdrounddraftpick. by J a y L a n g h a m m e r Signingwith the Buffalo Bills for2003 was linebacke r Josh Stamer (South Dakota, embe rs of Pi Kappa Alpha have Kappa Pi '97) . Hespentthefall training camp with the eattle Seahawks after previously M played a rol e in major league base­ playing for the Amsterd am Admirals of FL ball for ninety years. Two brothers became Europe in 2002. Punter Adam Wulfeck (Cin­ the first known Pike big leaguers when cinnati, Alpha Xi '99) of the Detroit Lions they broke in during the 1913 season. practice squad was assigned to FL Europe Catcher Bill McAllester (Tennessee, Zeta this spring. Playing in Arena Football League '08) got into 49 ga mes for the St. Louis II last springwas quarterback Andy Rogers Browns and lefthanded pitcher George (CentralArkansas, Epsilon Phi '99), who wa Clark (Iowa State, Alpha Phi'13) ap­ with the Arkansas Twisters. pearedin 11 contests fortheNewYorkYan­ Cl eveland Browns defensive coordinator kees. Outfielder SammyVick (Millsaps, Foge Fazio (Pittsburgh, Gamma Sigma '82) Alpha Iota '15)broke in with the Ya nkees retired foll owi ngthe2002seasonafter 15years in 1917 and was a regul ar in 1919, batting as an FLa sistant,23yearsasacollegecoach .248 in 109 ga mes. After playing for the and fi ve years as a high chool coach. Other in 192 1, he retired with a Pikes in key FL rol es were Pat Bowlen (Okla­ .248 average over four seasons. homa, Beta Omicron '63), pre ident-chiefex­ The Fraternity's firsts tar playerwas out­ ecutive offi cer of the , and fi elderTaylor Douthit (California-Ber­ wi de receive rs coach Steve Walters (Arkan­ keley,AlphaSigma '19), who was with the sas,AlphaZeta '67) of the Tennessee Titans. St. Louis Cardinals (1923-3 1), Cincinnati The a ti ona! Basketball Association fea­ Reds (1931-32) and Chicago Cubs (1933). tures the talents of fi ve ve teran Pike players. Over 1,074games, he batted .29 1 with 1,201 Pittsburgh Pirates (1929-31); infield e r Fo rward Horace Grant (Clemson, Eta Alpha hits, 665 runs scored and 396 runs batted Tommy Sewell (Alabama, GammaAlpha '91) ofthe0rl ando Magicstartedhi 16th BA in. Taylor's bestyearwas 1929, when he hit '24), who was with the 1927 Chi cago Cubs; season but played just fi ve games before being .336with 206 hits, 128 runs and 52 RBI. He a nd third baseman Ed Crowley (Georgia released . Eight year vete ra n gua rd Fred also had a big year in 1930, batting .303 wi th Tech, Alpha Delta '25) who was with the Hoiberg (lotaState,Alpha Phi '91) iswith the 201 hits, 109 runs a nd 93 RBI. Frank 1928 Senators. Chi cago Bull again . Center Travis Knight Brower (Washington & Lee '13) pl ayed Four more Pike brothers broke in during (Co nnecticut, Iota Chi '94) of the New York third base, first base, outfield and pitcher the decade of the 193 0s. Shortstop-third Kni cks, center Jake Voskuhl (Connecticut, during five big league easons. He joined basema n Charlie Wilson (Presbyterian, Iota Chi '96) of the PhoenixSuns and forward the Washington Senators in 1920 and hit Mu '25) was with the Boston Braves (1931) Jason Collier (Indiana, Delta Xi '97) of the .33 1 in 36 games. He hit .293 with 71 RBI a nd St. Louis Ca rdinals (1932-33, 1935). Hou ton Rockets are also in acti on this win ­ for the Senators in 1922 then pl ayed two Outfield er Hal Warnock (A rizona, Gamma ter. seasons with the Cleveland Indians. Ove r Delta '30) pl ayed in six contests for the After signing as a free agent, rookie guard 450 career games, Frank hit .286. Browns in 1935. lnfielder Johnny Gerlach Luke Recker (Indiana, DetaXi '98) pl ayed Righthander Gordon "Dusty" Rhodes (Wisconsin, Beta Xi '36) wi th the Miami Heat' summer league squad (Utah, Alpha Tau '29) had brie f appeara n ces and averaged 10.0 per game. He wa released pitched briefl y for the with the Chicago White by th e Heat just before the BA season Yankees in 1929-30 th en Sox in both 1938and 1939. opened. Pitcher Seth Greisinger ( Vi rginia, posted a 6-3 record in Pitching for both the Red Alpha '95)ofthe DetroitTigers and pitcher Ben 1931. He was traded to Sox (14 gam es) a nd Kozlowski (Central Florida, Eta Phi '99) ofthe Texas Ranger were the Fraternity's two big th e Red Sox mid way Brooklyn Dodgers (12 league baseball players duringthe2002 season. through the 1932 season, games) during the 1938 Veteran pro golfer Hubert Green (Florida then won 12 game each season was Lee Rogers State, Delta Lambda '65) had his second-best of the next two easons. (A labama, GammaAl­ season outofsix since movin g to the PGA Se­ Go rdon fini shed up as a pha'32). niorTour in 1997. He ranked 16th in earnings starter with the Philadel­ Cra ft y le fth a nd e r with $1,218,392 in earnings for2002. phia Athle ti cs in 1936. Tomm y Byrne (Wake Also playing during the Forest, GammaPh.i'40) 1920s were shortstop Ben Sankey (Auburn, Upsi­ co ntinued on • lon '25), who was with the next page

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 23 had a good 13yearbigleaguecareerwith theYankees .233 over 538 big league con­ (1943, 1946-51, 1954-57),Browns (1951-52).WhiteSox tests. Reliever Bob (1953) and Senators (1953). In Humphreys (Hampden­ 1955, he led the Ameri­ Sydneylota '55) pitched in can League with a .762 319 games for the Detroit winning percentage Tigers (1962). Cardinals (16-5 record ) and also (1963-64), Cubs (1965), had 15wins duringthe Senators (1967 -70) and 1949 and 1950 seasons. Milwaukee Brewers Tommy pitched in four (1970). His career record World Seri es for the Yan­ was 27-2 1 with a 3.36 kees and was one of the ERA. Bob stayed in the ga me's best-hitting hurl­ game and is now minor ers, posting a .238 career average with league field coordinatorforthe Cardinals. He 145 hits, 14 home runsand98runs bat­ also spent 14 years as Milwaukee's coordina­ ted in. tor of pitching and player development and Joining the big league ranks during the five seasons as minor league pitchingcoordinatorfortheToronto 1940s were three more Pike players. Lefty Blue Jays. Charlie Ripple (Wake Forest, Three pitchers from California-Berkeley Gamma Phi '41) pitched reached the majors during for the Philadelphia the 1960s. Lefty Rich Nye Phillies in parts of three (California-Berkeley, Al­ seasons (1944-46). Catcher Fred Walters (Mississippi pha Sigma '65) joined the State, Gamma Theta '34)spenta numberofyearsin Cubs for three games at the the minors before playingin40 games for the Red Sox end of the 1966season then in 1945. Catcher Ferrell Anderson (Kansas, Beta had a good year the fo llow­ Gamma '38) also had a lengthy minor league career ingseason as a rookie: l3- with two big league shots: 79gameswith the 1946Dodg­ lOrecord,3.20ERAand 119 ers and 18 games with the 1953 Browns. strikeouts in 205 innings. The Fra ternity's top big leaguer, pitcher Lew He also pitched for the Burdette (Richmond, Cubs in 1968-69 then split Omicron '46) broke in with 1970 b etween the the Yankees in 1950 (two Montreal Expos and Car­ games), pitched three dinals. Lefty Dave games for the Boston Dowling (California­ Braves in 1951 thenwaspri­ Berkeley,Alpha Sigma marilyarelieverin45games '63) pitched briefly for fortheBravesin 1952.When the Cardinals (1964) and Cubs (1966). the club moved to Milwaukee in 1953, he Righthander Larry Colton (Alpha Sigma, became a starter and wo n at least 10 California-Berkeley '62) pitched six games for the next 10 seasons. He led seasons in the minors before getting the Natio na l League with a 2.70 into onegameforthe 1968 Phil li es. average while posting 19 Playing three positions (first base, wins in 1956 then won 20 games in outfield, designated hitter) over four 1958 and 21 in 1959. Lew was Wo rld big league years was Sam Ewing Series MVP with three wins in the (Tennessee, Zeta '70). He was with 1957 series, following a 17-9 regular the White Sox in 1973and 1976, then season. He later pitched for the Car­ had his best year in 1977 for the dinals (1963-64). Cubs (1964-65). first year Blue Jays, Phil li es (1965) and California Angels (1966- batting .287 in 97 67). posting a 203-144 career games. He also was record, 3.66 with Toronto for40 a nd 1,074 strikeouts over 626 games in 1978. games and 3,068 innings. Righthander Jack All -American quarterback Jake Whitlock (Arkansas, Gibbs (Gammalota, Mississippi Alpha Zeta '61) '59) passed up pro foot ball to sign spent a long time in a bonus contract with the Yankees the minors before as a catcher. After reaching the big making his only ap­ league club at the end oft he 1962 pearance for the Tigers in 1971. TheonJyPike major season, he played nine more sea­ leaguer of the 1980s was outfielder Mike Fuentes sonsfor ewYorkbefore retiringaf­ (FloridaState,DeltaLambda '78). The former All­ terthe 1971 season. Jake averaged American had brief shots with the Expos in both

24 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 1983 and 1984, appearing in a total of nine con­ Rangers in a minor league deal last spring. Ko zlowksi tests. received the No lan Ryan Minor League The 1990s saw four more brothers earn their PitcheroftheYearaward at the team's mid-winter ban­ big league stripes. All-American righthander quet. Sti ll hoping for his big league shot after playing Richie Lewis (Florida State, Delta Lambda ... inTripleAthelasttwo summersis infielderJoshKiimek '86) played for the first of his five big league ""' (Illinois, Beta Eta '94), who hit .262 fort he Blue Jays clubs, the Baltimore Orioles, in 1992. He then Syracuse farm club oft he . pitched for the Florida Marlins (1993-95), Ti­ Two Clemson Pikes were in the Reds organization in gers (1996). (1996) and Cin ­ 2002. Former Cleveland Indians first round pick David cinnati Reds (1997) before rejoining the Ori­ 38 Miller (Clemson, EtaAlpha oles for two games in 1998. Over217 contests, '95) played briefly in the he was 14-15 with 244 strikeouts in 293 in­ Southern Leagueafterthree nings. Lewis continued pitching in the minor seasons at the Triple A level leagues thelast threeseasons, primarily in the as an outfield erwithBuffalo. International and Mexican A future big league prospect Leagues. is righthander Ryan Mottl (Clemson, Righthanded reliever Matt EtaAlpha '96), a sixth round pick of Whiteside (Arkansas State, Delta the Reds in 2000. He posted a 15-6 Theta '87) saw action for Colorado record for Dayton of the Midwest Springs of the Pacific Coast League in League in 2001, then was 13-6 with a 2002afterpitchingin the big leagues 3.50ERAand l48strikeouts in 180 in ­ for 10 consecutive seasons. He was nings for Stockton of th e Cali fornia with the Texas Rangers (1992-97), League in 2002. Phillies (1998), San Di ego Padres Other members of Pi Kappa Al­ (1999-2000) a nd Atla nta Braves pha have made contributions to (2001). Hisbu iestyearwas l993with as execu­ 60 appearances and he had three tives. Serving as the second com­ other years with 40 or more games. missionerofbaseball from 1945 to Whitesid e was 18-15 with nine saves 1951 was Albert B. "Happy" Chandler (Transylvania, over 284 games and 402 innings. In Kappa '19), a 1982 inductee 2002, he had 26 saves in 60 games for into the Baseball Hall of Fa me. Colorado Springs and signed a 2003 DuringWorldWarii, he spoke contract to pitch for the Yokohama out about his belief that base­ BayS tars ofJapan's Central League. ball should remain in operation OutfielderAndyTomberlin(WestemCarolina,ZetaXi '86) spent through the war years for the seven seasons in the minors before joining the Pi rates for 27 games fans. Hi s support for integra­ in 1993. The lefthandedhitterthen played for the Red Sox (l994).Ath­ tion madeJackieRobinson'sap- letics (1995). ew York Mets (1996-97) a nd Tigers pearance in the big leagues pos­ (1998). Over 192 career si ble in 1947, despite opposi­ games, he hit .233 with ll tion from many team owners. homers and 38 RBI. Ga ry Hughes (San} ose State, Tomberlin retired after D elta Pi '60) has b ee n spendingthel999-2000 sea­ Cin cinnati's director of pro so n s in the International scouting/special assistant to the League a nd is npw a scout for general manager since Decem­ the Brewers. berofl999. That season, Baseball Tigers firs t round draft America named him as one of the choice Seth Greisinger (Vir­ 20th century's Top 10 Scouts and ginia, Alpha '95) joined the one of the top three men in pl ayer club in his second pro season developmentduringthe 1990s. Hughes (1998). started 21 games and began hi s scouting career in 1967 a nd had a 6-9 record. Arm problem has worked for the Yankees, Expos, Mar­ caused him to miss all but three lins and Colorado Rockies in key front minorleaguegarnesin 1999and office posts. the entire 2000-2001 seasons. • Greisingerpitched brieflyforTo­ ledo of the International League and Eri e of the Eastern League during2002, but was dropped About thea uthor:]ay La nghammer is a from the Tigers' 40 man roster fo ll owing the season. 1966 initiateof Delta TauDeltaFraternity The Fraternity's newest big leaguer is lefty Ben Kozlowski at Texas Christian University. He is a well known and respectedauthorin the Greek (Central Florida, EtaPhi'99), who pitched forthe Rangers at the end of the 2002 season. A 12th round pi ckofthe Braves, he communi/)!, having written arric/esforor­ ga nization magazines for many years. spent four seasons in the Braves system before go ing to the Langham mer lives in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 25 EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION by Stephen R. Covey (Utah , Alpha Tau '50)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

HABIT 7 renews your core, yo ur center, yo ur com­ The noon prescription read, "Try reach­ mitment to all your principles. People do ing back." To what? He thought of the joy­ this in a variety of ways. Some meditate on ful times of his childhood, and fe lt a grow­ Sharpen the Saw. the scriptures. Others immerse them­ ing warmth inside. selves in great literature or music, or com­ The 3 p.m. message threw some cold uppose yo u come mune with nature. water on him: "Examine your motives." At Supon a man in the In a story called "The Turn of the Tide," first, he was defensive. Of course he woods feverishly saw­ Arthur Gordon describes a time when he wanted success, fame, security- he could ing down a tree. "You Stephen R. Covey found his world stale and flat. His enthu­ justify them all. But then it occurred to look exhausted!" you siasm for life waned, and he was getting him that these motives weren't good exclai m. "How long have you been at it?" worse daily. enough, and that fact was making him "Over five hours," he replies, "and stagnant. "It makes no difference," he I'm beat. This is hard." wrote later, "whether you are a mail­ Urgent Not Urgent "Maybe you could take a break for a man, a hairdresser, a housewife­ few minutes and sharpen that saw. whatever. As long as you feel you are Then the work would go faster." "No I II .. serving others, you do the job well. time," the man says emphatically. c • Crises • Preparation When you are concerned only with 0 • Pressing problems • Prevention ''I'm too busy sawing." .... helping yo urself, you do it less well­ Habit seven is taking time to 0 • Deadline-driven projects, • Developing Mission 0. meetings, preparations • Planning a law as inexorable as gravity." sharpen the saw (yo u being the saw). E • Immedia tely productive • Relationship building When 6 p.m. came, the final pre­ It's the habit that makes all the others a ctivities • True re-creation • Empowerment scription didn't take long to fill: "Write possible. your worries on the sand." He knelt To sharpen the saw means renew­ ---- - • Trivia, busywork and wrote several words with a piece in g ourselves, in all four aspects of our .. • Interruptions, some c phone calls • Junk ma il of broken shell; then he turned and natures; ~ • Some moil, some reports • Same phone calls walked away. He didn't look back; he 0 • Some meetings • Time wa sters • Physical- exercise, nutrition, stress 0. • M any proxim ate, • " Escape" a ctivities knew the tide would come in . management; E pressing moHers • Mental-reading, visualizing, plan­ .. • Many papular activities 0 ning, writing; z Ill IV • Social/Emotional- service, empa­ • thy; synergy, security; • Spiritual- spiritual reading, study, and A medical doctor found nothing physi­ Dr. Stephen R.Covey is a 1950 initiate ofPi meditation. callywrongwith him, but said he might be Kappa Alpha at the University ofUtah'sAipha To exercise in all these necessary di­ able to help if Gordon could follow his in­ Tau Chapter. He was pledge number 22 in a mensions, we must be proactive. No one structions for one day. He was to spend class of2 6, and he and his pledge brothers still can do it for us or make it urgent for us; it the next day in the place where he'd been gather each year for a reunion at Covey's cabin is a Quadrant II activity. For instance, ex­ happiest as a child. He was not to talk to ercise is a typical, high-leverage, Quad­ anyone, nor to read, write, or li sten to the in the mountains ofUtah . Covey is the founder rant II activity that most of us don't do radio. The doctor then wrote out four pre­ of the Covey Leadership Center and the co­ consistently enough. scriptions and told him to open one at 9 founder of the Franklin Covey Company, the We think we don't have time to exercise. a.m., noon, 3p.m., and 6 p.m. largest management and leadership develop­ What distorted thinking! We don't have The next morning, Gordon went to the ment organization in the world. He is the au­ time not to. We're talking about three to beach. His first prescription said only thor of several best selling books and is per­ six hours a week. That's a drop in the this: "Listen carefully." It seemed insane haps best known for The 7 Habits of Highly bucke t compared with the enormous, to li sten to waves for three hours. But he Effective People, FirstThings First, and Prin­ beneficial impact on the other 162-plus did it- and began to hear more and more ciple Centered Leadership. hours in the week. Be proactive. If it's sounds that weren't obvious at first. He Covey's goal is to bring principle-centered raining on the morning yo u've scheduled began to think of lessons he'd learned as leadership to the world. His writings and teach­ to jog, do it anyway. "O h good!" yo u'll cry. a child from the sea; patience, respect for ings have helped millions improve their lives, "It's raining! I getto develop my willpower the interdependence of things. He felt a and he is now turning his attention specifically as well as my body!" growing peace. to his Pi Kappa Alpha brothers. Reading for your work and planning re ­ This ongoing 7 Habits of Highly Effective · quire their own allotment of Quadrant II People series is being produced in conjunc­ time; and yo u obviously must be wise tion with the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foun­ enough notto "sacrifi ce" so much for your dation, whose primary mission is supporting profession that yo u neglect yo ur family, the development ofour undergraduate broth­ friends, and co mmunity. ers through leadership education and training. Taking care of yo ur spiritual dimension


illions of people around the world enjoy Coca-Cola prod­ M uct everyday, but for Jeff Dunn, The Coca-Cola Company truly is in his blood. Dunn literall y grew up at Coca-Cola. During his 21 years at Coke, he has experienced a rapid ascent through lead­ ership positions in everalareasofthecompany. Dunn is now presi­ dent and chief operating officer of Coca-Cola North America a nd erves as executive vice president ofThe Coca-Cola Company. Dunn is a second generation Coke executive, following in the foot tep of his father, Walter, who spent47 years with the soft drink giant and who is revered as a pioneer in sports marketing. The younger Dunn is known throughout the beverage industry as an innovative thinker and manager who empowers his associates and encourage them to bring fresh perspectives to their jobs. He is recognized as a leading authority on the integration of marketing with new technologie . Dunn i also renowned for the relationships he build with Coke's major customers. Accordin g to Dunn, "the key to great customer relationships is caring about their business first. If you care about their business first, and then figure out how your product or service really delivers benefits to their business, then you wi ll develop trust and both parties wi ll succeed." The Educational Foundation's former Director of Development Chris Peters at down with Dunn recently in his Atlanta, Georgia office to talk about his busines , Pi Kappa Alpha, and his views on the importance leadership plays in li fe.

Please tell me about your current role with Coca-Cola.

I currently oversee our orth America strategic business unit (SBU) which is one of fiv e similar units acros the world. Each has a presid ent and chief operating officer. In side the orth America BU are our retail sales division, which sell s concentrate to fran­ chised bottlers, ourfoodservice sales division, which is a direct sale unit that call s on our foodservice customers nationally, and our various support functions including strategy and planning, to roughly 120 bil li on beverages that we sell everyyear. Alotoftho e marketing,innovation, supply chain, finance, etc. are sold one drink at a time, so it's about buiJding the relationship My role in running this business unit is composed of three main between our brands and the ta rget consumers. The second key area responsibilities. One is obviously the profit and loss of the total in vo lves developing the right systems and capabiJities to service our business and driving business results. We use unit cases to convert customers. We service, directl y or indirectly, one million reta il out­ everything back to one measure on a world wide basis, and our unit lets in the United States. The last key area is research and develop­ does about 5.5 billion unit cases annually. Each of those 5.5 billion ment- devisin g innovative capabilities to build new things for the unit cases equals 24 eight-ounce equivalent Cokes or other brands future because the beverage business is constantly evolving. that we ell. That amounts to about 30% of our worldwide vo lume and we have roughly27% of the wo rldwide operating incomeofthe How would you describe your leadership style? compan y. There is about $6.5 billion revenue in our SBU. We have about a 44% market share of the United States soft drink busine s Almost everything ! know about leadership I learned from my fa ­ and about a 20% market sha re of all commercial non-alcoholic ther. Hi s lessons were very straightforward. First and foremost is ready to drink beverages, so about one out of every five products integrity: saying what yo u mean and meaning what you ay, and sold between water, juices, soft drinks, and isoto nics is ours. Thus, keeping your commitments. Maintainingyour integrity at all times my fi rst job is really deli vering operating re ults, profit and setting is so important, because without tha t you don't have anything. the overall business strategy a nd pl a ns for a ll of the business units The second dimension ofleadership that is very important to me, for which I'm responsible. My second responsibility is aligning that and that I try to model, is constant communication with the orga­ strategy with our bottler pa rtners. Coca-Cola Enterprises is the nization. I try to create open lines of communication and environ­ world's largest bottle r a nd the primary bottle r for us in North ment for all levels of the organization to be able to give input and America. My third task is developing the organization, the peopl e, get input. I tend to ubscribe to the theory th at the be t leaders have and the culture. We have over 7, 000 employees in the SBU. a certain degree ofhumility, have an intense passion and focus for what they do, and are good communicators. But what they focus What are the keys to success in the soft drink business? on is servin g the people who do the work. When you combine in­ tegrity with passion for the bu ine sand that servant leadership The keys to this busines are reall y grouped in three key areas. Key mindset, you can accomplish ju t about anything. It is reall y about area one in vo lves havi ng great brands that consumer love whether the achi evements and accomplishments of the team as opposed th ey're Coke, Sprite, Minute Ma id Orange Jui ce, Dasa ni or to what th e individua l leade r is inte rested in. Tha t leadership PowerA d e. Building our bra nds is reall y job one. We're a high trans­ action business with those 5.5 billion cases out there - that equates continued on next page

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 27 mindset has served me we ll. I have gotten a lot of responsibility at high integri ty, passion for the business, di ffe rent kinds of intell ect, a relati vely yo ung age. I think it is a direct resul t ofhavingvery good and the last thing is, forlack of a better word, commitment to build­ people around me and effectively leading them as opposed to try­ in g a career here. We are not naive, we recognize that today there is ing to over-direct or mi cro -manage their day- to-day activi ti es. If much more portability of skills, and jobs aren't done for a lifetime yo u get smart people, give them a vision and a clear strategy, create as they might have been at diffe rent points in the history of Ameri­ a culture of passion for the business, provid e empowerment and can business. Today it's about "while I am here, I am going to com­ accountabili ty, then people can accomplish wo nderful things. mit myself to my own development, to the goals of the organiza­ tion, and to making sure that we are accountable to delive r what In addition to the bottom line profit and loss, are there we said we would delive r. " some other tangible things that you hope to accomplish Do you have any words of wisdom for our undergraduates during your watch? who are striving to be leaders? From a personal standpoint there are a couple of overriding themes that weave their way thro ugh all I do. The first one is inno­ Yes. Not to steal a Nike™ thing, but just do it. If you have an idea vation and our ability to be seen as one of the most in novati ve com­ about doing something, try it. The worst thing you can do is over­ panies in Am eri ca. I don't necessaril y think we are seen that way to­ intell ectualize things. If you have an interest in an industry or an day- we are doing some good things, but we still haven't ra mped area, go volunteer or try to get an internship or just go see so you up what I call our innova tion capabili ty, the constant stream of new can know it. What you need to do is understand what it really is, and id eas, so that innovation is a hallmarkoftheCoca-Cola system. The the only way to really understand something is to go get in the game. second thing is the development of leadership, broad leadership You must identify some areas of interest, whether they are your in the compan y, so much so that we are the place that recruiters turn long- term areas or not it doesn't matter when you are 20, 21, or 22. to first because we produce really strong business leaders whore­ You have a long career so you don't have to have every answer, but fl ect the di ve rsityofAmeri ca today. It's not just making the you do need to id entify some general fi elds of play and then numbers, but how yo u make them - and the side ben­ look for opportunities to get direct experience in those efit of making them is creating opportunities for fields. The type of experi ence doesn't matter as much people. Those are the things that I spend a good deal as just getting out there and talking to people. You of my personal time thinking about: innovation have to find ways to engage people. Then relati ve and leadership and how they work. llook at what to your own development, look at your experi ences are the impediments, what are the enabl ers, and as a journey and not a destination. If you are not how you take a culture and get those imperati ves having fun then you should re-evaluate what you manifested at every level in the company- that is are doing and h ow you are doing it, because it how yo u build a sustained competitive adva ntage. should be fun. You should enjoy your work. You need a life plan. You need cl arity in what is important to you What characteristics do you look for in the and where your career fits in. Keep setting goals foryour- leaders with whom you surround yourself? self and then re-evaluating them.

Passion fo r the business is fi rst and foremost. I don't think yo u What is your favorite part of your job? can make up in in tell ect or anything else for passion for the busi­ ness. We are in a ve ry tough, very competitive, everyday type of I love the process of marketing. Probably the thing that inte res t ~ business. Yo u win and lose in the business everyday, so a strong me the most now, and this would not have been true throughout passion fo r the busin ess and for the peopl e insid e the business is my whole career, is creati vity and innovation. I'm interested in how something I look fo r. I look for intellect, but not necessarily as mani­ yo u take the strategic plans we've built and create environments in fes ted by a 'To p 10' business school MBA. Our business is an up and whi ch people can be very creati ve and translate ideas that light down the street business and wewantthe best. We have a huge entry peopl e up. I love dealing with customers and I think that's reall y program, we recruit outofthe best business schools mosdyfor mar­ where commerce is done. Anyone in my kind of role has to like keting kinds of ro les, and we p ride ourselves on that. But I'm look­ peopl e. People are coming in and out of my sphere of influence all ingfor the 'portfo li o of intellect'. I'm a bi g beli ever in diffe rent kinds day long and I genuinely like interfacin g with people, I like the dia­ of intell igence. In tell ect is not just about people who are hi ghl y log, I like solving problems with teams, and I like leading and help­ analytical, hi ghl y strategic, conceptual, or creati ve. It's about get­ in g peopl e develop their own potential. Doing those things is a lot ting a person who possesses a dive rse portfoli o of those trai ts and of fun fo r me. Over a period of time you can actuall y see individu­ then creating a culture where that di versity can be bro ught to bear als and teams grow and do great things. It's their accomplishment against a problem. In a marketing drive n busin ess like ours, it's ve ry and their reality, but there is something very personal and sustain­ much about strategy and creati ve execution. So we're looking fo r in g in it when you help somebody develop their career. It is a gift in a ense, and they get the benefit throughout their whole career. Things li ke that are your ultimate legacy. Maybe once every 20 years Focus on Leadership is an ongoing series from the Pi Kappa Alpha yo u might create a new brand that sticks, but your real legacy is in Educational Foundation . Its purpose is to provide a forum through which the peopl e. If you think about the power of those people, there is a ideas and insights on leadership can be communicated from Pi Kappa Alpha whole lot more leverage in that legacy than an y other because they alumnus members who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their are going to continue to create and do greatthings. If yo u pass it on chosen vocations. The development of our undergraduate brothers through and yo u help them, generall y speaking, 95% of the time theyarego­ leadership education and training is paramount to the future success of Pi in gto exhibit that behavior forward by helping other people. That's Kappa Alpha, and as such, is one of the Educational Foundation's primary what it's all about. missions.

28 SH IELD & DIAMO ND • Spring 2003 The reality is if you manage the human side and people side of things the right way, and if you have a good business strategy and you have passion for the business, you'll get results. Results are an output of the process, you can't manage them. The be t thing to do is create an engine of growth and the n the results come because people will do the right things, with the right focus, at the right time, and do them in the kind of culture that sustains them and their effort. This is the difference between push and pull. You can push things out to the con umer for a while, but ultimately they have to want to buy your product. A good idea, "Office Boy - 4 p.m.-The Pause That Refreshes" executed well i like pulling a string Poster fo r The Coca-Cola Company by Norman Rockwell, 1930 through your system. Innovation and creativity are important because they reduce friction. If you get a things done.As i thinkaboutbeinga Pike and the things that we did good idea and you execute it well then it wi ll accumul ate its own whil e l was there, we accompli shed a great deal. Just like I talked energy, as opposed to trying to force an id ea through your organi­ about the journey and having fun earli er, we did that in the Pike zation. lfyou find yourself having to force an idea relentlessly, it's chapter. We in creased the number of brothers in the chapter from generally a bad idea. It may be a good idea that is misunderstood, 25 my sophomore year to 130 by the time I graduated as a senior. but when other people are asking "why a re we doing this" then you So we really grew the chapter, made it much more competitive. We should ask yourself the sam e question. were ve ry innovative, we tried lots of different things. While other fraternities had beer parties, we had champagne. We tried to do Tell me about your memories of PiKA. things differently and generate some attention for the chapter. So it was about the camaraderi e, about doing things together and My memories of college at the UniversityofGeorgia and Pi Kappa building those relationships, but it was also about running the Fra­ Alpha are all very positive. One of the biggest things I treasure from terni ty. The chapter is an organi zation that needs revenue, it needs that time is the friendships and the rel ationships I built, many of a position in the market, it needs to recruit, and it needs to uphold which I still have today. That period of yo ur life is such a great time its brand and image. Now 25 years later, I'll run into people here in -we had great times together at the Pike house. The second thing is Atl a nta who may have been in another fraternity. Even ifl didn't the leadership experience. I played multiple rol es within the chap­ know them, our Greek experiences were similar and provide a com­ ter and got some very val uabl e leadership experience early on. I wa mon ground. I wo uld always recommend young people enteri ng rush chairman, social chairman, president, and regional director. co ll ege to have tl1at fraternity experi ence. otjustforwhat happens I held a lot of roles in the chapter whil e simultaneou ly holding full ­ when yo u are in coll ege, but for the ha red experience th at goes time jobs and going to school. That multi-tasking ex peri ence taught forward that you can relate to in bein g part of that community. me to prioritize a nd keep attention to detail so I could get lots of Those are the things in terms of appli cation to my life today that I carry with me. There were ve ry clear experiences that helped me develop my own leadership style, and plus we had a great time and JEFF DUNN FAST FACTS: lots of fun. • Initiated into Pi Kappa Alpha at the University of Georgia's Alpha Mu Chapter in 1976. Is it fair to say that Pi Kappa Alpha prepared you for life in • Received his bachelor degree in Bu siness from UGA and his the working world? MBA in Management from Pepperdine University. I don't think there is any question about that, especiall y during • Served Alpha Mu Chapter as president, rush chairman, social the period of time when I was president and a dear friend of mine chairman. named Mike Lane was the treasurer. We had to go borrow money • Served Pi Kappa Alpha's Dixie Region as regional director from the Bank of Athens to fi x the bathrooms in the house and we • President and Chief Operating Officer of Coca-Cola North had to get our fathers to co-sign the loan. Dealing with those kinds America. of nuts and bolts, real life, profit and loss oriented issues, there is • Executive Vice President of the Coca-Cola Company. no question th at it helped prepare me for the real world. When • Serves on Board of Directors of the National Soft Drink you're in co ll ege, that bridge between yo urdevelopingstages, when Association, the United States Chamber of Commerce, Keep yo u're at home and when yo u're in the worki ng world, is huge. One America Beautiful, the Fou ndation of Motion Picture Pioneers, of the things that J think fraternities do is create a safe transitional Coca-Cola FEMSA Bottling Company and the Coca-Cola environment that helps you bridge into being on yo ur own. otonly Scholars Foundation. doe frate rni ty li fe help from a business and career development standpoint, it helps fro m the personal development standpoint of • Serves as a member of the Goizueta Business School Advisory Board at Emory Un iversity and is on the Board ofTrustees of having those experiences a nd that support ys tem. I don't think Morehouse College. there is any questi on about that. • Resides in Atlanta, Georgia. •

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 29 Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation

Alumni supporting scholastic achievement, leadership training and personal development since 1948.

The Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation Welcomes New Giving Society Members

he Pi Kappa Alpha Ed ucational Foun­ sioner of the Pi Kappa Alpha Educati onal been a big supporter of Ga mma Sigma Tdation a nnua ll y recognizes those Foundation's Endowment Fund. Brother Chapter since his days as an undergradu­ loyal, gene rous brothers who are new Clark was initiated into Epsilon Chapter at ate and in 1999 he endowed the Willard R. members of one oft he Fo undation's seven Virginia Tech in 1973, was the Fraternity's Hoe! Scholarship to be given each year to giving societies, recognizing cumulative Powers Award recipient in 1976, and pro­ a deserving yo ung man from Gamma gift totals. vided lead gift funding for the Robertson Sigma Chapter. Brother Hoel resides in In this issue, the Fo undation is pleased Award endowment at the Pi Kappa Alpha Bloomingdale, Illinois and is still regularly to honor our newest m embers of the Educational Fo undation. He and his wife, involved with Pi Kappa Alpha. Founders Society (cumulative gifts of Nancy, reside in North Salem, New York. $50,000 to $99,999), the Junior Founders They have four children, Caitlin, Meghan, SCOTT D. PIPO Society (c umulative gifts of $25,000 to Andrew, and Michael. (Virginia Tech, Epsilon '72) $49,999), the Sabre & Key Society (c umu­ Brother Pipo is director of sales for RVL lative gifts of$10,000 to $24,999), the Gar­ L. RANDOLPH ISLEY Inc. He received his bachelor of business net & Gold Society (c umulati ve gifts of (North CarolinaState,AlphaEpsilon '60) in 1975 from Virginia Polytechnic Insti­ $5,000 to $9,999) and the Lily of the Val­ Brother Isley is senior vice president tute. Brother Pipo served Epsilon Chapter ley Society (c umulative gifts of $2,500 to and in vestment officer for Wheat First in a variety of positions as an undergradu­ $4,999). Union in Martinsvill e, Virginia. He and his ate. He and hi s wife, Gloria, reside in Wal­ wife, Linda, live in Martinsville. They have nut Creek, California. They h ave two two children, Philip and Elizabeth. daughters, Allison and Shelby.

QUENTIN E. WOOD THOMAS J. TURNER (Pennsylvania State, Beta Alpha '41) (Texas Tech, Epsilon Gamma '67) Brother Woo d is retired a nd lives in Brother Turner re­ FOUNDERS SOCIETY Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, with his wife, ceived his law d egree Louise. Prior to his retirement, he served from Baylor University W. THOMAS CLARK Quaker State Oil Refining Corporation as and practices law as a (Virginia Tech, Epsilon '73) chi ef executive officer and chairman of partner with Turner and Brother Clark retired the boa rd. Brother Wood is a trustee Jordan, P.C. He is a m em­ as managing director emeritus of the Pennsylvania State Uni­ b er of the State Bar of a nd pa rtner from Mor­ ve rsity board oftrustees, and is a member Texas, the Ameri can Bar gan Stanl ey Dean Witter of the board of the American Petroleum Association, American Board ofTrial Ad­ and Com pany in 2002, Institute and the National Petroleum Re­ vocates, the American Trial Lawyers Asso­ and currently serves as finers Association. Brother Wood was ciation, and the Texas Trial Lawyers Asso­ chairman of the Invest­ awarded the Distinguished Ac hievement ciation. Turner is a director em eritus of ment Co mmittee of the Award by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity the Texas Trial Lawyers Associa ti o n. Virginia Tech Fo undation. He is a commis- and was inducted into the Educational Brother Turner serves as chairman of Pi Fo undation's Order ofWest Range. Kappa Alpha's International Alumni Com­ mission. He served as international presi­ Questions regarding or donations dent of the Fraternity from 1992-94. He to the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational serve d as the Fraternity 's legal counsel for Foundation should be directed to: four years, as a Supre m e Co unci l vice president for four years, as a trustee on the The Executive Director Educational Fo undation for four years, JUNIOR FOUNDERS SOCIETY Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation and as Lone Star regional presid ent. 8347West Range Cove Brother Turner and his wife, Lou Pat, re­ WILLARD R. HOEL Memphis,TN 38125 side in Lubbock, Texas and have two ch il ­ (Pittsburgh, Gamma Sigma '58) dren, Lisa and TJ. Phone: 800-456-7452 Brother Hoe! received his bachelor of Fax: 901-748-3100 business administration degree fro m the E-mail : [email protected] University of Pittsburgh in 1960. He has

30 SHIE LD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 WILLIAM C. WATKINS rience in all phases of as­ JOHN L. DOZIER (Auburn, Upsilon '51) set management and dis­ (Southern Methodist, Beta Zeta '91) Brother Watkins is the CEO of ICEE of position for all types of Brother Dozier is first vice pres ident Atlanta, Incorporated and is past chair­ commercial property in­ and district director of Merrill Lynch in man of ICEE Developers, Incorporated. c luding hotels, mote ls Greensboro, North Carolina. His son, John His brother, Larry, is also an Upsilon ini­ and restaurants. He was Jr., is a lso an initiate of Beta Zeta Chapter. tiate. Brother Watkins is a member of the appointed to the board of Brother Dozier serves on the board of di­ Ed ucationa l Foundation's Oak Trust He trustees of the Pi Kappa rectors of the Central North Carolina Mul ­ and hi wife, Shirley, reside in Auburn, Alpha Edu cational Foundation in July tip le Sclerosis Society. He is a former Alabama. They have two children, Sharon 1999, a nd is currently serving as cha irman president and campaign chairman for the and Jana, and they have six grandchildren. of the board of trustees at Drake Univer­ United Way in Marion Coun ty, Florid a. He sity. He is a member of the board of gover­ a nd his wife, Anne, li ve in Greensboro. nors for the Commercial Re al Estate Sec­ They have two sons, John Jr. and Jefferson. ondary Market and Securitization Asso­ ciation, the Mortgage Bankers Association JOET.FORD of America and the Urban Land Institute. (Arkansas, Alpha Zeta '57) Brother Roark and hi s wife, Jui Ling, re ide Brother Ford is chairman of ALLTEL SABRE & KEY SOCIETY in Gig Harbor, Washington. Co rporation . He re­ ce ived his bachelor of DANIEL M. BIRD Others reaching the Sabre & Key Society: business administration (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '59) degree from the Univer­ Larry Crabb (Iowa State, Alpha Phi '67) Brother Bird is an asso­ Charles R. Drake (Iowa State, Alpha Phi '67) sity of Arkansas in 1959. ciate broker in the real Nolan G. McKenzie (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '38) After graduation, Dr. Kenneth R. Riley (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '56) estate firm Gene Francis James P. Sheely (Arizona, Gamma Delta '76) Brother Ford went to and Associates. Here­ work for what was then ceived his bachelor's de­ called Alli ed Telephone Company, which gree from Kansas State is now ALLTEL, and became its president University in 1962. in 1977. In 1983, he became chairman and Brother Bird has served CEO and he led the company through one as a board member of the Kansas State of the most intense eras of change in the University Foundation, KSU Alumni Asso­ telecom and information technology in ­ ciation, the Kansas Livestock Association, GARNET & GOLD SOCIETY dus tries. He was inducted in to the Pi and the ational Cattlemen's Beef Asso­ Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation's ciation. He is al o national co-chair of the STEVEN H. COX Order ofWest Range in 2000. Brother Ford KSU President's Club. Brother Bird and his (Iowa State, Alpha Phi '83) and hi s wife, Jo Elle n , reside in Dallas, wife, Beth, reside in Anthony, Kansa . They Brother Cox is director of sales training Texas, a nd Little Rock, Arkansas. have two children, Lynette and Marshall, a at Merck and Co., Inc. He received his 1986 initiate of Alpha Omega Chapter. bachelor's degree with a n emphasis in CHARLES 0. HOLLIDAY, JR. marketing from Iowa State in 1986. (Tennessee, Zeta '67) JAMES T. JOHNSON Brother Cox is the director of the Central Brother Holliday is (North CarolinaState,AlphaEpsilon '41) Bucks Athletic Association. As an under­ CEO of the DuPont Com­ Prior to his retirement, graduate, he served Alpha Phi Chapter as pany, the 42nd largest in­ Brother Johnson was the presid ent and rush chairman. After gradu­ dustrial service corpora­ owner a nd operator of ation, Brother Cox served the Fraternity as tion in the United States. Johnson and Stone Asso­ a chapter consulta nt, director of educa­ Holliday has b een em­ ciates. He has served his tional programs, a nd as executive direc­ ployed by DuPont for community in a number tor. He and hi wife, Amy, have three chil­ over 30 years, serving the organizations such as the dren and reside in Doylestown, Pennsyl­ company as president-As ia Pacific, senior Kiwanis, American Le­ vania. vice president a nd chairman-Asia Pacific gion, and was named Administrator oft he and executive vice pre ident. As an under­ Year by the orth Carolina Nursing Home MICHAELA. DENISON graduate he served Zeta Chapter as presi­ (Indiana Southeast, Theta Kappa '77) Association. Brother Johnso n a nd his dent and house manager. He serves on the Brother Deni son is a district manager in wife, Margaret, reside in Ahoskie, North Chancellor's Advisory Council for En ­ pharmaceutical sales for Wyeth Pharma­ Carolina. They are the proud pa rents of hancement at the University of Tennes­ ceuticals. He is a g rad u a te of Indiana five children . see, as cha irman for the World Business outheast where in 1980 he received a Co uncil for Sustainable Deve lopment, as bac he lor's d egree with a n emphasis in RONALD E. ROARK a member ofWinterthur Museum & Gar­ political science and in 1987 he received (Drake, Delta Omicron '70) dens in Wi lmington, Delaware. He was a m aste r's d egree with a n e mphasis in Brother Roark is chairman and chief inducted into the Pi Kappa Alpha Educa­ ma rketing. Brother Denison served Theta executive officer of Crown orthCorp, tional Fo undation's Ord er of West Range Kappa Chapter as ecre ta ry and rush Inc. a publicly traded international spe­ in 2000. He and his wife, Ann, resid e in chairma n. He and his wife, Ba rbara, resid e c ialty financial services firm, which he Wi lmington, Delaware. They have two in Ja cksonvill e, Florida. founded in 1977. He has extensive expe- sons, Scot and had.

Spring 2003 • SH IELD & DIAMOND 3 I MICHAEL R. KLISARES tended the School of Law at the Unive rsity Others reaching the Gamet & Gold Society: (Iowa State, Alpha Phi '74) of Arka n sas. Brothe r ic hols was the Col. Charles R. Burton (Kentucky. Omega '41) Bro ther Klisares is a regional marketing Fraternity's special initiate at the 1998 In­ Roy S. Harvey (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '42) directo r fo r Allm e ri ca Fina n c ia l. He tern ational Convention in Toronto. Hi s Dr. Frederick R. Jenkins, Jr (Texas, Beta Mu '54) Pierre E. Prou ty (Creighton, Theta Lambda '77) graduated from Iowa State University in professional acti vities include member­ David B. Sayle (Delta State, Ze ta Beta '69) 1977 with a degree in industrial adminis­ ship in the Ameri can Society of Law and Howard K. Sherwood (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '53) tratio n. Brother Kli sares is a member of Me dicine, Insurors of Memphis and Pro­ the Fin a ncial Pl a nning Asso ciation o f fessional Insurance Agents ofTennessee. Kansas City. He and his wife, Jennifer, re­ He is the past president of the Memphis side in Ove rl and Park, Kan sas with their Chapter oft he Ri sk and In surance Society. two children, Christina and Jack. BRUCE A. WOLFSON FRANCIS M. LINDERMAN JR. (Pennsylvania, Beta Pi '71) LILY OF THE VALLEY SOCIETY (San Diego State, Delta Kappa '54) Bro the r Wol fs on was Brothe r Linde rman is retired a ndre­ elected to the Supre me GEORGE E. ABSHIRE sid es in El Cajon, California. Before his Council as a vice presi­ (East Central, Epsilon Omega '73) re tirement, he was an instructor of draft ­ dent at the 200 2 Interna­ Brother Abshire works ing, photography and was the yearb ook ti o na l Conve ntion in a s a m a thema ti cs in­ advisor in the San Di ego Unified School Palm Desert, California. structor for Jenks public District. As an undergraduate, he served He previously served on schools. He continued Delta Kappa Chapter as pl edge traine r the board of trustees of beyond his undergradu­ a nd treasure r of th e building fund. th e Pi Kappa AJpha Educational Founda­ ate d e gree, earning a Brother Linderman sponsors the Francis tion. He is senior managing director in the m aster 's in education M. Linderman Scholarship at Kappa Phi legal department at Bear, Stearns & Com­ from Okl ahoma Univer­ Chapter, which recognizes academic ex­ pany, Inc. Brother Wolfson received his sity. Brother Abshire is recognized as one cell ence and leadership in the fi elds of bachelor's degree in economics and a ju­ of the leading mathemati cs educators in education and engineering. He is also a ri s doctorate from the University ofPenn­ the country. He is a National Bo ard Ce rti­ member of the Educational Fo undation's sylvania. During his law school years he fied Teacher and was recognized as the Oak Trust. Brother Linderman is a past served as assistant dean for fraternity af­ 1997 Teacher of the Year for the State of presid e nt a nd director of th e Southern fairs, as an advisor to Beta Pi Chapter, and Oklahoma. Brother Ab shire was the re­ California Scholasti c Publications Asso­ was instrumental in the recolonization of cipient of the 1998 Oklahoma Medal for ciati on. He and his wife, Joan, have two Delta Eta Cha pter a t the University of Excell ence in Teaching and was also rec­ children, Jon and Janis. Delaware. Since then he has served as ognized as the 1997 Distinguished Alum­ chapter advisor at Northwestern and Co­ nus of East Central University. As an un­ DANIEL J. NEMMERS lumbia and was the founding president of dergradua te, he served Epsilon Omega (Iowa State, Alpha Phi '75) the Chicago Area Alumni Association. Chapter as president, vice president, rush Brother Ne mmers is seni or vice presi­ Brother Wolfson and his wife, Ell en, reside chairman, and alumni chairman. Brother dent of retirement services for Lockton in New York City with theirtwo daughters, Abshire and his wife, Judy, resid e in Tulsa, Compani es in Denver, Co lorado. He is a Ta mara and Sa rah. Oklahoma. member of the Ameri can Society ofFinan­ cial Services Professionals, International LE ROY"EARL''YOUTZY STEPHEN R. COVEY Society of Ce rtified Employee Benefit Spe­ (Iowa State, Alpha Phi '39) (Utah, Alpha Tau '50) cialists and the Denver Chapter of West­ Prior to his retirement, Brothe r Covey is co­ e rn Pe nsion. As a n und e rgradua te, Broth er Youtzy was a n founder of Fra nklin Brother Nemmers served AJpha Phi Chap­ in s ura nce a ge nt at his Covey Compa ny, th e ter as president and rush chairman . He company, Youtzy Finan­ largest management and and hi s wife, Jane, reside in Ce ntennial, cial Services. He received leadership development Colorado. They have two children, Renee his bache lor's d egree orga nization in the and Dani ell e. from Iowa State Univer­ world. He is perhaps best s ity in 1940. Brother known as the author of GURVIS B. NICHOLS Yo utzy has been involved in many areas of The 7 Habits of Highly Eff ective People, (Western Ontario, Iota Omega '98) hi s community. He served as lay reader which sold more than 12 million copies Brot he r Nichols is a nd Boy Scout lead e r at Wesley United worldwid e. Bro the r Covey received his presid e nt and owner o f Me tho dis t Church for m a n y years. undergraduate degree fr om the Unive r­ Casualty Insurance Co n­ Bro th er Yo utzy is past presid e nt of the sity of Utah, his MBA from Harvard, and sulta nts, a comme rcia l Aurora United Way and the Aurora Salva­ comple te d his doctora te a t Brigh a m brokerage and cons ult­ ti on ArmyCitadel. He and his wife, Jurene, Young Uni ve rsity. In 1994 he was selected ing firm specia li zin g in resid e in Aurora, Illinois. They have two as a member of th e Foundation's Order of the investi gation, litiga­ children, Ma rk and Pam. West Ra nge. In 199 9, Brother Covey re­ ti o n ma nagem e nt a nd ceived th e Fra te rnity's Di s tinguis hed resolutio n of professional and general li ­ Ac hievem ent Awa rd. He and his wife, abili ty cl aims. He graduated from the Uni­ Sandra, resid e in Provo, Utah. ve rsity of the Ozarks in 1972 and then at-

32 SHIELD & DIAMOND· Spring 2003 JACKT. CUNNINGHAM ofTennessee in 1954. Brother Hinds is e m ­ Gilcrease & Philbrook Art (Rhodes, Theta '54) ployed by the East Tennessee Huma n Re­ Museums, University of Brother Cunningha m source Agency. He a nd his wife, Anna, re­ Oklahoma Alumni Asso­ is a pharmacist and owns s id e in Knoxville, Tennessee. c iation a nd the Forest Flippin Drug Store in Ridge Golf Club. Brother Milan, Tennessee. He is a ALEXT. HOSETH Rhoades is actively in ­ 1958 graduate of Rhodes (Minnesota, Beta Chi '91) vo lved in the Salvation Coll ege where h e re­ Brother Hoseth is the director of Army Boys & Girls Club, ce ive d a bachelor's de­ NASDAQ Tra ding for the Royal Ba n k of Tulsa Boys Home, Fri e nds oftheTulsa Zoo gree with an e mphasis in Cana d a. He is the education s taff director a nd is a be n efactor and Santa Cla us im­ Engli sh . Brother Cunningham is a m em­ for the Ski Ja mmers Alpine Ski School, is a pe rsonator at the Annual Cain's Ballroom b er of the board of directors of Bancorp level 3 certified instructor a nd is a n avid Christmas Pa rty for the n eedy. As an un­ So uth, Inc., past president of the Mila n golfer a nd duck hunter. As a n unde rgradu­ dergraduate h e serve d Beta Omi c ron Chamber of Commerce, and past pres i­ ate, Brother Hoseth served Beta Chi Cha p­ Chapter as rush and social ch airman, and dent of the West Tennessee Pharmaceuti­ ter as executive at large, social a nd broth­ as a n alumnus h e has se rved as the Tulsa cal Association. As a n unde rg rad uate h e e rhood chairman. He res id es in Area Alumni Association. He a tte nded the served T h eta Chapter as pl edge traine r. Minne tonka, Minnesota. 2000 Inte rnationa l Convention w ith his Brother C unningham a nd his so n , Chris, who was initiated into Pi wife,Caro lyn , h ave three childre n. IRVIN F. MATSON Kappa Alpha at the Univers ity of Tulsa. (Washington, Beta Beta '48) Broth er Rhoades a nd his wife of27 years, DONALD C. GILES Brother Matson re­ Becky, reside in Tul sa, Okla h oma. They (California-Berkeley, Alpha Sigma '18) ceived his degree from h ave three sons, Jamie, Chris a nd Greg. Prior to his retirement, Brother G il es the Uni vers ity of Was h ­ was preside n t of Delta Welding Products, ington in 1951. Over the SCOTT A. RUSSELL Inc. He is a 1939 graduate of the University years, he has been ins tru­ (Kansas, Beta Gamma '85) of California-Berkeley. After graduation , m e ntal in providing sup­ Brothe r Russell is the Brother Gil es a tte nded Harva rd Business port to Pi Kappa Alpha co mmunity outreach c hool. He has served as a m e mbe r a nd and to Be ta Be ta Chapter. m a nager for Ja n e Mobley chairman of the Stockton Port Authority. Brother Matson is a member of the Seattle Associa tes, a public rel a­ Brother Gi les and his wife, Bonnie, reside Yacht Club, Kiwanis Club of Seattle, a nd tions firm in Kansas City, in Rancho Mirage, California. the Reserve Officers Associa tion. He a nd Missouri. As an unde r­ his wife , Ja ne t, resid e in eattle, Washing­ graduate, he served Beta ALLEN W. GROVES ton. Gamma C hapter as (Stetson, Delta Upsilon '79) president a nd rus h c h a irma n. Brothe r Brothe r Groves is a n JOHN C. MCKIBBEN Russell served in various capacities as a attorney a nd p a rtne r in (Georgia College, Theta Gamma '74) member of the Pi Kappa Alpha Memorial the Atlanta-based law As th e sec re ta r y a nd treasure r of Headqua rte rs professio na l s taff, includ­ firm Seyfarth Sh aw. As a n McKibbe n Funeral Home, Inc., Brother ing An nu a l F und director, director of unde rgrad u a te, Groves McKibbe n works professio n a ll y as a fu ­ ch a pter services, a nd director of alumni served Delta Ups ilon ne ra l director. He is a lso the vice cha irma n affairs. He is a m e mbe r of the Educationa l Ch apter as presid ent and of the boa rd of trustees of West Georgia Fo undation's Oak Trust. Bro the r Russell treasurer a nd se r ved the Health System, a m e mber of the executive serves on the development committee for Sunshine Region as regiona l v ice pre i­ boa rd of directors for LaGrange-Troupe the Laubach Literacy Counci l. He a nd his d ent. Brother Grove served as Pi Kappa Co. a m e mbe r of the Ch amber of Com­ w ife, Kristin , reside in Kansas City, Mis­ Alpha's executi ve director from 1984- m e rce, the advisory boa rd of directors of souri w ith the ir two son s, Matthew a nd 1987. In 1998, h e was appointed legal Flag Bank of LaGrange, the directo r of Adam. counci l to the Supreme Council. In 2000, Unite d Way ofWest Georgia, Inc., and the he was elected to the Supre m e Council as secretary ofTroup Co.-Va ll ey Area Cha p­ ROME E. WELBAUM inte rnationa l vice president. He is now te r. In addition, Brothe r McKibben is a lso (Miami, Gamma Omega '50) serving his second term in that pos ition. the preside nt of the Hogansville Lions Brothe rWelba um is a partne r in the firm Brother Groves h as served Beta Kappa Club, a m e mbe r of the a tiona l Funeral of We lba um, Gu e rnsey, Hingsto n , Ch a pter at Emory Unive rs ity a nd Alpha Directo r As ociation, the Georgia Fu­ Greenl eaf, a nd Gregory. He received his Ch a pte r a t the Univers ity of Virginia as neral Directors Associa tion, a nd the Acad ­ bache lor of business administration from chapter advisor. He resid es in Atla nta, emy of Graduate Emba lmers of Georgia. the University of Miami in 1954. He has Georgia. He a nd his wife, Eve, reside in Hogansvi ll e, served on the International A sociation of Georgia and h ave th ree childre n . Defense Counc il a nd is a li fe m e mber of HOWARD N. HINDS the Miami-Dad e County Bar Association. (Tennessee, Zeta '51) SAMUEL J. RHOADES Brothe rWe lbaum is a m embe r of the Uni­ Brother Hinds serves (Oklahoma, Beta Omicron '71) ve r ity of Miami Sport Ha ll of Fam e. He the International Fra te r­ .1 Brothe r Rhoa d es is th e director of th e and his wife , Joan, h ave three children a nd nity as c h apla in. Here­ -- Rhoa des Fa mily Fo undation. He is a m e m ­ reside in Miami, Flo rida. ceived his bachelor's de­ be r of the Tul sa County Republican Party, gree from the Unive rs ity Rotary C lub, T ul sa Opera Patron , continued on next page

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 33 T. MORGAN WOODWARD Leslie A. Mclean II (Florida, Alpha Eta '59) Ted Weitzel (Miami-Ohio, Della Gamma '99) Michael A. McNamara (Purdue, Beta Phi '64) Mike Sowers (Miami-Ohio, Della Gamma '99) (Texas, Beta Mu '48) Ray C. Nathurst (Florida Southern, Delta Delta '60) Brendan W. Caver (Miami-Ohio, Delta Gamma '99) Bro ther Woodward is a Gary V. Peterson (Utah State, Gamma Epsilon '62) Ryan Salcido (Miami-Ohio, Delta Gamma '00) F. Dana Powers (Florida. Alpha Eta '53) Todd Merchant (Miami-Ohio, Della Gamma '00) well -known motion pic­ Lansing W. Pritchard (Ferris State, Zeta Kappa '72) Lance F. Grenevicki (Vi rginai Tech, Epsilon '87) ture a nd television actor. Benjamin D. Reams, Jr. (Auburn, Upsilon '64) Donald C. Harvey (Texas Tech, Epsilon Gamma '90) Howard M. Rogers (Miami, Gamma Omega '59) Joseph G. Chaney Jr (Murray State, Epsilon Lambda '66) He has s ta rred in m a ny Donald R. Schreiber (Pennsylvania, Beta Pi '47) Kenneth W. Simonds (East Tenn. State, Epsilon Zeta '55) films including Gunsmoke Roger M. Sherwood (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '55) Christopher C. Newby (Oklahoma Stale, Gamma Chi '01) a nd Coo l Hand Luke. Christopher Stocks (Arizona, Gamma Delta '91) Kyle M. Ward (Oklahoma State, Gamma Chi '01 ) Richard B. Summers (Memphis, Delta Zeta '64) Matthew W. Lemon (Oklahoma State, Gamma Chi '01) BrotherWoodard received Kenneth H. Thomas, Jr. (Emory, Beta Kappa '65) Nathan L. Campbell (Oklahoma State, Gamma Chi '01) his bachelor of business E. James Wilson (Kansas, Beta Gamma ' 54) Kirk A. Smith (Oklahoma State, Gamma Chi '00) Brandon Haber Smith (Arizona, Gamma Delta '90) administra ti on degree from the Uni ve r­ Robert John Hedrick (Arizona, Gamma Delta '89) sity ofTexas in 1951. He was awarded the Doug Ryan Lerner (Arizona, Gamma Delta '89) Welcome New Donors Charley Winston Cope (Ari zona, Gamma Delta '89) Fraternity's Distinguished Ac hi eveme nt Neil Michael Lehoux (New Hampshire, Gamma Mu '81) Awa rd in 1981 and is a membe r of the Edu­ The following ge nerous alumni and John L. Sjulin (Iowa, Gamma Nu '68) cational Fo undation's prestigious Order friends made their first annual gift to the Jay R. Baumann (Miami , Gamma Omega '66) William 0 . Thompson (Wyoming, Iota Alpha '94) ofWestRange. Brother Woodward resides Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation's William Pence Brill (Georg ia Southern, Iota Upsilon '94) in Hollywood, California. PIKE FU D between July 1, 2002 and De­ Kenneth Van Landingham Jr. (Georgia Southern, lola Upsilon '94) cember 31, 2002. Thank You for yo ur gen­ John Spotswood Burwell (Transylvania, Kappa '94) Alexander L. Perez (Florida International, Kappa Gamma '01) Also reaching the Lily ofthe Valley Society: e rous support! Brent Nordman (Florida Intern ati onal, Kappa Gamma '00) Ed ward W. Baker (Wilfrid Laurier, Kappa Mu '96) Ru ssell L. Porter (North Georgia College, Psi '99) Edwin D. Au stin (San Diego State, Delta Kappa '56) Charles H. Fitch Jr (Georgia Tech, Alpha Delta '65) Derek K. Johnson (North Alabama, Theta Alpha '99) Robert L. Bertrand (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '50) Jason Emanuel Eis (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '89) Samuel P. Black, Ill (Pennsylvania State, Beta Alpha '63) David Matthew Sherwood (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '85) David A. Blessing (Syracuse, Alpha Chi '58) Roger M. Sherwood (Kansas State, Alpha Omega '55) Bynum R. Brown (North Carolina, Tau '49) John R. Jordan (Cincinnati, Alpha Xi '56) Charles R. Fellers Joel L. Catania (Pennsylvania, Beta Pi '71) Joe T. Ford (Arkansas, Alpha Ze ta '57) Christopher D. Catlin (Washington State, Gamma Xi '76) John F. Ales (Arkansas, Alpha Zeta '00) Appointed As John H. Ferguson (Kansas State , Alpha Omega '63) David Clark Cross (Georgia, Beta Alpha '89) William N. Frazier II (Tennessee, Zeta '59) Frederick J. Allen (Georgi a, Bela Alpha '74) Educational Foundation's R. Newel l Graham (Mississippi, Gamma Iota '66) Robert J. Musur (Illinois, Beta Eta '72) Frank D. Haas (Davidson, Beta '77) PaulS. Carpenter (Illinois, Beta Eta '70) Director of Development Hollis B. Haughey (Ohio, Gamma Omicron '47) Michael P. Barrell (Il linois, Beta Eta '69) Louis L. Iverson, Jr. (Washington, Beta Beta '49) John L. Ei sel (Illinois, Beta Eta '68) Educational Founda­ William R. Laing (Emory, Beta Kappa '47) Scott Ru ssell Reinecke (Kansas, Beta Gamma '89) tion Execu tive Director Pondelee A. Leoti s (Georg ia, Alpha Mu '47) Richard Blaine Peil (Kansas, Beta Gamma '83) Linwood C. Matthews, Jr (Richmond, Omicron '50) Patrick Haynes is proud to announce the appoint­ ment of Charles R. Fell ers Memphis Pikes Sponsor 16th Annual to the position ofDirector of Development of the Pi Bob T. Williams Memorial Golf Classic Kappa Alpha Educational Fellers Tom Williams (left), son of Foundation. Bob T. Williams and a 1984 initiate of A 1995 initiate of Beta Omicron Chapter Delta Zeta, presented the 2002 at the Un iversity of Oklahoma, Fellers be­ Bob T. Williams Scholarship to gins his second tourofdutywith the Memo­ David Zelinkski at the conclusion rial Headquarters Staff after a four-yearstint ofthe 2002 Classic. in New York City. Brother Fellers worked for Pi Kappa Alpha as a chapter consultant dur­ ing the 1998-99 academic year, providing Tommy Tolleson, Charlie Biter and Mike consulting services to Pi Kappa Alpha chap­ Marshall. ters in the Midwest and Northeast Regions. Proceeds from the annual Classic are At the conclusion of these travels, Fellers added to a scholarship endowment at the headed to the Big Apple, where he worked Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation in the investment and venture capital fields. named in memory ofBrother Bob T. Wi l­ "Charles Fe ll ers brings some unique skills liams, a 1952 initiate of Delta Zeta, and to this position and to the Foundation, all of n May 4, 2002, the Delta Zeta (Mem­ one ofn KA 's most distinguished and be­ which will help us heighten the awareness Ophis) Alumni Association held its loved brothe rs. Thi s endowment pro­ of how support of the Pi Kappa Alpha Edu­ 16th annual Bob T. Williams Memorial vides an a nnual schola rship to an out­ cational Foundation translates into a stron­ Golf Classic at Wedgewood Golf Club in sta nding undergraduate of Delta Zeta ger Fraternity," said Haynes. "He will be Olive Branch, Mississippi. The four- man Chapter. The 2002 scholarship recipient spending a considerable amount oftime on scramble format was fli ghted, and prizes was David Zelinski , a 1998 initiate. the road building better relations with our were awarded to winners in both an open This year's Classic will be held on Sat­ donors and donor prospects, and enhanc­ division and seniors division. First place urday, May 3, 2003 at Wedgewood Golf ing our efforts to secure support from pre­ in the Ch ampionship Flight went to the Club in Ol ive Branch. For more informa­ viously untapped sources including corpo­ team of Ray Orians, Ri ck Charlton, Pat tion, please contact tournam ent director rate grants and foundation-to-foundation Haynes and Ri ck Sowards. The Seniors Marty Gaja (Memphis, Delta Zeta '81) at funding," Haynes added. Di vis ion winners were Bob To lleson , 901-753-4949, or [email protected]:com. Contact Charles Fellers at cfellers@ pikes. org, or 800-456-7452.


Alpha Theta Alumni Association (West Virginia) The Ia testMountaineer Pike newsletter was published in October, 2002.Those who didn't get a copy, please provide updated address in­ formation to the Alumni Association Secre­ tary, 4 7698 LowelandTerrace, Potomac Falls, VA20165. Increased commwlicationscontinue tore­ sult in contacts with brothers dating back to the 1930s. If you're interested in contacting former classmates, either call (703)450-2127 or checkouttheAJphaThetaAJumniAssociation Link at h ttp:llgeocities.comlpikawvu/. That site al o has a schedule of events, pictures of the house since renovation began, and informa­ tion about the new colony and itscurrentac­ tivities. Those will ing to contribute, call the Alumni Association President Doug La dish '62,at(919) 387 -1449or [email protected] UpcomingAJumni Events include: • August2,2003- golftournamentin the Pitts- burgh area. • August9,2003-AJumniAssociation meet­ Alumni Associations Enjoy Holidays, inginMorgantown. •August9, 2003-House Corporation meeting Plan For Founders Day in Morgantown. • December, 2004-There\.yj]J be a major event commemorating the centennial of Alpha Theta. Beta Gamma Alumni Association Gamma Eta Alumni Association In preparation for the centennial, the (Kansas) (Southern California) alumni association i compiling a historyofthe The Beta Gamma AJumniAssociation and OnSaturday,April12,2003 th e Gamma Eta chapter and need pictures, document , per­ MountOread Housing Corporatio n have se­ Alumni Associati on will host a dinner/dance sonal memories in narrative or pictorial form, cured an option to purchase a 21/2 acre lot at event marking th e 1OthAnniv er aryofourre­ and other memorabilia. If you're willing to 1505 Sigma u Place. Theyarecurrentlycon­ chartering. The eventwiU be held at Beaches contribute, calJAJumniAssociation President ductinga feasibilitystudyto determine if the Restaurant, 11 7 Manhattan Beach Blvd., in DougLadish '62at (919)387-1449. MOHC will exe rcise the option, and when a Manhattan Beach, Ca lifornia. Alumni and Alpha Phi Alumni Association new chapter hou e could be constructed. If dates should plan on arriving around 6:00p.m. you would like to participate in the processor Cockta il hour wiLl begin prompdyat6:30 p.m. (Iowa State) the design of the cha pter ho u e, please e­ with dinner and wi ne servi ce to follow. Danc­ AttheJanuary Alpha PhiAJurnniAssociation mail Brothe r Rod Eisenha ue r '89 a t ing and socializing will carry we ll into the meeting,decision weremaderegarding up­ [email protected], the 7th Annual evening. Alumni are encouraged to make ho­ port for the chapter and date for upcoming BGMGolfTournamentwilJ be scheduled d1is tel accommodations iftravelingfrom outside association eve nts.The association decided to spring, o look for details and information on the Soud1Bayarea. offer a performance ba ed scholarship to an www. betagamm a Ti ckets fortheeventare 75 per person and active member based on recruiting results, may be purchased by logging on to ourwebsite while continuing to ponsor a scholarship for Beta Kappa Alumni Association atwww. orcaJJingJohn Moshy'97 outstandingacademicachievement.To help (Emory) at (3 10) 925-8498. Complete event informa­ add tothe ambianceofourlivingroom, the as­ Hopefully all Beta Kappa alumni have re­ tion has been po ted to thewebsit e. Tickets are sociation decided to add a gas log to the fire­ ceived and enjoyed the ovember2002 Oracle limited and will be dispersed on a first-come, pl ace. Washers and dryers, for the chapter newsletter.lfyou didn'tgetit, please send up­ first -served basis, so please RSVP immediately. house, will be purchased with th e revenuego­ da ted address informa tion to bkupdate Ma ny th a nks to Lindsay Lautz '68, Rob ingtothe"Parents Club". Watch the mail and ourwebsite Hammond '93 and JeffGroendal '99 for their The association has decided to feature the ( fordeta il softh e Founders contributions and assi tance in planningthis University of orthern Iowa game on August Dayeventscheduled forMarch29,2003. ext event. We hope you will join us forthisevent. 30, as well as th e orthern Illinois game in Fall ' reunion i bein g planned fortheweek­ The alumni directory is online! Logon to DeKalbon September27,2003. end of eptember 19-2 1,2003. Pl ease join us www. today to update your ad­ The highlightofd1e meeting was when the on email by sending a n ema il to bkpika­ dress and con tact in formation.An yquestions trophy, "The 2112 Cup", was awarded to John s ubscribe@yahoogro 11 ps.c om so you can stay or suggestions regardingalumni relations and Johnson '74 for hi win at Falcon Ridge Golf in touch with your BKbrothers. progra mming should be directed to John Club last August. Two previous winners were Mo [email protected] or (3 10) 925- present, Charles Dra ke '67 and Dave 8498. Tillinghast '79. continued on next page

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 35 Gamma Xi Alumni SuiteS, Box243,Johnson City, TN Association 37604; or viae-mail to bob.cantler (Washington State) @marriott. com. Hundreds of brothers from Gamma Xi made the pilgrimage to Epsilon Iota Alumni Pasadenatorootontheseventh­ Association rankedWashington State Univer­ (Southeast Missouri State) sity Cougars in the Rose Bowl on The Epsilon Iota Alumni Asso­ January 1, 2003. The Gamma Xi ciationhosted its first Holiday Party Alumni Association provided as­ in December 2002 for those mem­ sistance to numerous alumni in bersanddateswhopaidtheirdues obtaining tickets to the game, ho­ infull.Wehad45peopleattheevent tel accommodations, and orga­ with25ofthosebeingalums.Wealso nizing a pre-game Pike get to­ heldour3rdannualSuperBowlBash gether. which raised about$600 and had 50+ On February 1, 2003, the WSU people in attendance. Our next Cougars men's basketball team was event will be Alumni Weekend, in Seattle taking on their cross-state April25-27, 2003. To learn more rival. As usual, the Gamma Xi abouttheseevents, thealumnias­ Alumni Association had pur­ sociationortojoin, visit our website chased a large block oftickets for at thecontest.AlumrugatheredatnearbyGrady's forward to hostingitsnext event. The spring Pub both before and after the contest, where a even twill be hosted inAprilandcoincidewith Zeta Beta Alumni Association good time was had by all. the chapter's largest annual social event. For (Delta State) Upcomingeventsinclude the 15th Annual more information on the newly formed On the weekend ofApril11-13, 2003 the Zeta Gamma Xi Alumni GolfTournament atWil­ GammaPhiAlumniAssociation, please con­ Beta Alumni Association will host anAnniver­ lowsRun GolfCourseon}une 14,2003,and the tact Kirk Nelson '99 at (407) 810-4920 or via saryCelebration to commemorate40years at 5th Annual NWRegional GolfTournamenton email atKirkNelson@alumni. Delta State University. The location for this July 12,2003. year's celebration is just a short drive from For more information, contact Dan Studer Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association Cleveland, Mississippi at the Grand Casino '92 (425 ) 333-5230 danpoppy@hotmail. com. (East Tennessee State) Tunica in Robinsonville. The weekend will The Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association of include a luncheon onApril12 beginning at Gamma Omicron East Tennessee was recently chartered during 11:00am with the alumni association's annual Alumni Association a meeting at the Meadowview Conference meeting. A brother from Zeta Beta's founding (Ohio) Center in Kingsport, Tennessee. There were 16 class will speak, as well as a representative from The Gamma Omicron Alumni Association brotl1ers attending and signing the charter. An the International Headquarters. Immediately will celebrate Founders Day in Cincinnati Ohio effort is being made to secure email and cur­ following, there will beagolftournamenton on April25 and 26, 2003 at the Kings Island rent addresses of all Epsilon Zeta brothers. the Hale Irwin-designed Cottonwoods Golf Holiday Inn. For more information visit the Founders Day is being planned for AprilS, Course. For those members not planning to alumni website at 2003 at the Meadowview Conference Center, play in the golf tournament there are many - pikes!orcall Marshall Miller'58at (513) 932- featuring a golftournamentand banquet. Cor­ other amenities toenjoyattheresort, from the 5927. respondence may be sent to: Epsilon Zeta Willows Sporting Clays to the Bellissimo Spa. AlumniAssociation,3101 Brown'sMillRoad, Brothers, as well as tl1eir spouses, from the 60s Gamma Phi Alumni Association 70s & 80s are especially encouraged to attend. (Woke Forest) A block of rooms has been reserved in theca- On the Homecoming weekend sino hotel and must be confirmed ofOctober 11-13,2002, the Gamma nolaterthanMarch 15,2003. Please PhiAlunmiAssociationhosted its contact Rod Marter '92 at first annual scramble golf tourna­ [email protected] (901) ment. The tournament, held at the 758-2283 forfurtherinformation. Tanglewood Golf and Country The Zeta Beta Alumni Associa­ Club in Clemmons, was attended tion web site is now active at by more than twenty-five colle­ www.zbpikes.01g. The site mcludes giateand alumni brothers. Follow­ up-to-date information on events, ing the golf tournament, prizes news, memberships and an­ were presented at the Fox & the nouncements. Please take a mo­ Hound restaurant. The festivities mentto updateyoure-mail address continued the followingdaywith to receive moretimelycommlmi­ tailgating at the fire truck, a football cations. For more information victory against the Duke Blue Dev­ please contact David Myres '92 at ils,andaformaldancehosted by the [email protected](407) 382- current chapter attheAdam's Mark 2460. Hotel. The weekend was a success From left: Mike Sanz '86, Bob Can tier '81 , Jim Hill '90, Dee Reece and the alumni association looks Lawson '59 and John Loven '91 . Seated in front is David Sosna '86.

36 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Zeta Epsilon Alumni Association (Western Kentucky) The second annual Zeta Epsilon Alumni Golf scramble will be held in Nashville, Ten ­ Join us nessee on Saturday, June 7, 2003. The scramble will be played atTheHermitage Go lfCourse, in an General's Retreat Course at 1:00 p.m. Look for additional information in the next edition of alumni The Word newsletter. If you have not received association pastissues ofTheWord, orifyou wanttosign­ up forthegolfscramble, please contact Matt near you! Hawes '87 at (615) 889-0602 or m._hawes@ bellsou th. net. The Pi Kappa Alpha International Eta Omicron Fraternity currently has over 80 chapter or Alumni Association geographic based alu mni associations across North (Louisiana-Monroe) America. To find an alumni association in your area or for your chapter, visit us on the web at and cl ick on Alumni Resources, or contact Eddie Scott, Director Eta Omicron Chapter and the Eta Omicron of Alumni Affai rs, at 901-748-1868 ext. I 19 or at [email protected]. Alwnni Association will host their3l stAnnual Founders Day weekend Friday, April4, and NEW ALUMNI The followi ng groups are currently in the Sa turday, April S, 2003 in Monroe. Friday's ASSOCIATIONS process of forming an association fo r their acti vities include a crawfish boil and social at respective chapters. If you are an alumnus the house. Saturday's events include rides on of one of the chapter's below and would the fir e truck, annual basketball and football Congratulations and Welcome to our like to participate and have your name tournament, sit down semi -formal dinner I newest alumni associations! The following li sted on the Alumni Association charter, dan ce thateveningat the Monroe Civic Cen­ associations received their charters in use the contact information below to fin d ter.The classofl978will be honored with their January/Feb ruary, 2003. Interested in out more. Take a few moments to join your sil ver certificates for achieving 25 years as joining one of our newest associations/ association and catch up with old friends Pike . The annual workday weekend, along Simply use the contact information listed and make new ones. withPikejam, are still in t11 e planningstages. below to get in touch with a member of Alumni can check the calendar on our home the association. Gamma Beta Alumni Association page or contactTommyWalpole '80 at (3 18) (Un iversity of Nebraska) 343-7789 or [email protected]:com for more de­ Beta Pi Alumni Association Contact: Kevin Klein '99 (Un iversity of Pennsylvania) tails. [email protected] Contact: Joel Catania '71 JLCUI Gamma LambdaAiumni Association Iota Mu Alumni Association (Lehigh University) (Southern Illinois) Gamma Phi Alumni Association Contact: Jeff Boujoukos '87 The Iota Mu Al urnni Association wi ll be cel­ (Wake Fo rest University) [email protected] ebratingthe l35th annive rsaryofPi Kappa AJ ­ Contact: Kirk Nelson '99 pha and the 13th annive rsary oflota Muon [email protected] Delta Nu Alumni Association Saturday,Aprill2, 2003 in Chi cago. Pl ans in­ (W ayne State University) cludea Cubs vs. Pirates baseball outing and a Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association Contact: Ph il Short '0 I at po tgame party. For more information please (East Tennessee State University) pshort I I contactassociati on president Ryan Flickinger Contact: Bob Cantler '81 Scott Trudell' 85 at [email protected] '94, at nrjlick@aol. com.. [email protected] Delta Sigma Alumni Association Big Sky Alumni Association Eta Tau Alumni Association (Bradley University) Contact: Scott Bielaski '99 (Gamma Kappa Chapter,Montana State) (Austin Peay State) Contact:Tom Langford '88 Scott2 8 [email protected] The BSAA wo uld like to extend a heartfelt [email protected] thank yo u to Sam Rotellini '86 forhisyears of Zeta Phi Alumni Association service on the Housing Corporation as well as Inland Empire Alumni Association (Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis) in the role of chapter advisor. His immeasur­ (Lambda Alpha Chapter - UC Riverside) Contact: Ron Chamberlin '94 able influence has been an integral part of the Contact: David Bornn '00 rccham [email protected] chapter's success for the last 13 year . Sam left [email protected] Bozeman in October to pursue new profes­ Kappa Pi Alumni Association sional opportunities in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­ Pikes of Charlotte Alumni Association (University of South Dakota) va ni a. (Charlotte, North Carolina) Co ntact: Brian Johnston '97 The countdown has begun forthe75th a.n­ Contact: Derek B. Smith '98 [email protected] niversaryofGamma Kappa Chapter. Celebra­ Dbs I [email protected] Lambda Epsilon Alumni Association ti ons are scheduled to coincid e with Home­ (Universi ty of Alberta) coming2003 (0 ctober9- l 2) .T he festi vi ti es will Contact: Kirk Duffee '00 incl udean al umni golftoumamentand will be [email protected] continued on next page • Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 37 we havealreadyhad 41 ofl70 al umnioptin. We e ncourage all KM Alumni to contact Brother Jamie Benson '98 atjamesabenson@ or (4 16) 486-0252 for more inform ati on on association acti vi ties, dues and benefitsoftheCAA. The CAA has formalized and launched the Active/ Alumni Mentor program, designed to provide graduating active chapter brothers with alumnus mentors to help in the transi­ tion to their post -graduate years. Each acti ve graduatingbrothercompletesa personal pro­ fi le wi th their five-year personal and career goals. An alumnus brother is matched to help mentor them in achievingtheirgoals.Thegoal of the program is to aetas a catalyst in build­ ing relati onships between the CAA alumni and the active brothers. We are looking fo r alumni "mentors" - ifyou'reinterested, please contact Mike Bartlett '97 at michael_bartlett Alpha Gamma Alumni ranging from the I 960s to the present gathered to help celebrate or (4 16) 698-83 13. the 1OOth anniversary of the chapter at Louisiana State University. Las Vegas Area Alumni Association highlighted wi th a banquet on October 11. The Listed below are upcomingdatesforalurnni The Las Vegas Area AI u mni Associati on is BSM is working to block hotel rooms fo r those association events: hosting an event to celebrate Founders Day on alurnnireturning.Watch for moreinformation • Recognition Ba nquet on receiving our Saturday, March 1, 2003.ASeptember2003 golf a nd u pda te yo ur contact n fo rma ti on at Al umni Associati on Charter to be held on tournament, open to all those within the Las MS March 22,2003 in Chicago. Invi tations will Vegas area, is being organized by Jay Hinkley TheBSMclosed the books on anothersuc­ be sent out to all registered alumni on the '98. For more information please contact him cessfulyear,as membership continuestogrow Ka ppa Lambda website. This event will be a at (702) 561-9825. Also, all alumni in the Las (+20 new members this year) . The associati on nice presentation and semi -fo rmal dinner. Vegas Area as well as Kappa Ornicro n Chapter has been in trumental in the fun d raisingpro­ • InternationalWorkDay isscheduled for Sat­ alumni not currently living in Las Vegas who cessas70%ofthegoal has been attained to date urday, April 26, 2003, at Wes tern Illinois. are interested in participating in alumni for the Gamma Kappa Chapter house renova­ Manyprojectsarebeingplanned and acam­ events are encouraged to contact association ti on. for photos of paign to get the chapter, alumni, and par­ p reside n t John O'Connor '97 a t the renovation. For more information on con­ ents invo lved is being coordinated by Eri c [email protected] or at (702) 349-64 71. tributing to the renovation, please contact We lls '96 [email protected]. Pl ease Bryce Beecher '87 [email protected] check the website ifyou wish to get involved. Orange County Finally, BSMcityeventswere held in Den­ Al l events are couple fr iendly, so feel free to Alumni Association ver, Seattle, Phoenix, Missoula, and Bozeman bringyourwife, fiance, or girlfriend. If you have The OCAA will host an al umni cocktail re­ for the annual Cat/Grizfootball game. any questions about the above events, and ception on Apri lS, 2003 in Orange County in wo uld like to get in vo lved, check the al umni conjuncti on with the Go lden West Regional Garnet & Gold Alumni Association associatio n webs ite a t Leadership Conference. For further details and (Kappa Lambda Chapter, Western Illinois) www. for more detailed to RSVP fo r the reception as well as the dinner/ information, alongwith contact informati on. Homecomingwas agreatsuccess this year! banquet, contact Adam Riffe '92at (714) 612- Thanks to all al umni who attended theFrater­ [email protected] ni tyeventsand supported the chapter at the Platte Valley Alumni Association parade. The al umni wo uld like to congratulate (Nebraska-Kearney) MORE UPCOMING EVENTS: the chapter fo r wi nning Homecomi ng. The The Platte Valley AlwruliAssociati on hosted New Yea r's Eve party at Kev in O'Connor's a gathering of alumni onJanuary25, 2003 in ALPHA PSI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION house was a very good time, with a largeshow­ Omaha thatdrewover45 al umni. During this (Rutgers) ingofbro thers. We appreciate Kevin hosting past yearPVAAeventswere held each month • Annual Alumni Meeting that event. in eithe r Kea rney or Oma ha. Our annual • May 16th, 2003 at 6:00pm al unmi golftournamentwill take place on May • New Brunswick, NJ 3, 2003, wi th a black tieeventto fo ll ow. A suite • Rutgers C lub JOIN THE FUN! has been reserved fo rthatevening. For infor­ • Contact: David Malinowski '95 at mation on the associa ti on and upcoming (609) 707-2 151 or Let your brothers know about your davema/2 5 I alumni association's news and events. events, contact CraigJohring '92 or Matth ew Saathof£'96 at JotaGamma@hotmail. com. Send materials to: GAMMA MUALUMNIASSOCIATION R. Edd ie Scott, Director of Alumni Affai rs (New Hampshire) 8347 W est Range Cove Canadian Alumni Association • Gamma Mu C hapter Clambake Me mphis, TN 38 125 The CAA is continuing its membership • Saturday, May 3, 2003 [email protected] drive for alumnus m embers. Within fo ur • Chapter House, Next deadline: April 15, 2003. monthsofin troducingthe newduesstructure, 5 Strafford Avenue, Durham NH


PIKES ON CD Lamar Pike Offers Texas R&B

"1 have so many things I KacyCrowley, and Tab Benoit to name a few. could tell yo u about my days Recent live performances on the radio in at Lamar and the lifelong Houston and atestablished musicstrong­ friends I have from then," holds such as The Fa bulous a tellite sayssinger-songwriterRob­ Lounge in Houston and Antone's in Aus­ ert Frith (Lama1; Epsilon tin have further solidified his status as a Kappa '86). "A friend with remarkable live performer. whom I grew up was a Pike. Robert Frith In addition to build ing a strong fan It was almost intramural base through constant performing in football season and Epsilon Kappa was in des­ Texas and Louisiana, Fritl1 has released perate need of quarterback. My friend call ed three ful l-length albums. His first al­ me and asked ifi would come to the dorm and bum, "ThatLongBlack Ribbon", featured a meet the guys, so I did, thinkingitwould be a regional hit single," o Need", a guitar-o ri ­ ing bluesrock of fun way to get back into athletics. We a ll got ented blues-rock song along the lines of "Ted To ld Fred" and "Fi lth", the alongsowell that I pledged, quarterbacked the Vaughan and Clap ton th at received substan­ groove oriented "Forever Now", the tender bal­ team to the championship game, and played ti al airplay. Frith's COs are currently being lad "When Ap ril Sees Me" and the Beadesque justabouteverysportthatyear, winning the heard on the radio and jukeboxes in several " o o o", down to thestorytellingcharac­ "AthleteoftheYear" award. I reall y got into the states including Texas, Louisiana, Florida, tersketchof"SavingG ra ce" and the starkly ar­ fraternity life, and much to my mother's sur­ ewYork, evada, Kansas and California. ranged acousti c number, "That Don 'tSitWith prise my grades were always great because of Subsequentsingles from tl1ealbum, including Me".Nowherelea es his mostambitiouseffort the incrediblesupportofmy brothers." the heartfeltVan Morrison tribute"! WantTo to date, "Boogaloo", an amazing 18-trackcol­ Frith's brother have been equallysupport­ Feel" and the soulful "Wo uld You Rather" saw lection wi th a widevarietyofstyles. iveofhis musicalcareer.He has received agreat strong airplay as well. Frith's second effort, Ro be rt Frith's mus ic is avai la ble at deal of attention regarding his outstanding "Pon*Tune", boast even more outstanding and music and electrifying stage shows. Frith and original material, ranging from the hard -driv- • his full band areregarded as the most popular music actin southeastTexas due to theircon- PIKES IN PRINT istently trongdrawingpowerand wide mar­ ket appeal. They have headlined major music events on theTexasGulfCoast, including the Maryland Alum Markets Success annual GulfCoast)am in Port Arthur, Texas as well a theYamahaMu icShowcase in Hous­ Successful Affiliate Marketing for Mer­ industry, and provides a ton. Frith has also been a favorite performer at chants, an easy to understand book on tl1e ba­ road map forthe planning, theannual)anisJoplin Memorial concerts in sicsofhowto plan, implement, and manage a implementation, a nd PortArthur(hometown to boti1Janisand Rob­ succes ful affiliate program , is in its second management of a success­ ert) tluoughoutthe last decade. With his add i­ printing, and has beco me the bestselling title ful affi liate program . tion to theamazon.comlibrary, and a recent in the affiliate marketing category. "S hawn Collins a nd audition at The TonightShowWith]ay Lena, Each chapter in the352-page book contai ns Frank Fiore have done a tre­ Frith i garnering much deserved attention. information about affiliate marketing and how mendous job of packaging Shown Collins Utilizing a style best described as a mix of to be t use it. Au thor Shawn Collins (Mary­ theindustry'sbe tpractices equal parts Bonnie Raitt, Van Morrison, Stevie land, D elta Psi '88}, call ed "o ne of the net's so that you too can succeed in affiliate market­ Ray Va ughan and AI Green, Frith has been mo tastute affili ate program managers" by ing," noted Jam es Marciano, fo underofRefer- compared to The Dave Matthews Band, Blues All an Gardyne, founder of Associate ir. Traveler, and Train. The diversityofhi s origi­, and co-au­ In March 2001 , the nal music has earned him airplay on radio sta­ thor FrankFioreshowreaders Forrester Research report, tions wi th four different format - pop, rock, a ll of the essential compo­ "eCommerce Brokers Arrive" classic rock, and country. nentsofan affi liate program predicted that affi liate pro­ Music personalitie across Texas have been in intricate detail. grams and affiliate networks touting Frith as the "next bi g thing" from the Affiliate marketing, called will represent 20 percent, or southeastTexas/ PortArthurarea and expect "a recession-proof marketing 53 billion, ofe-commerce him to eventuallyenjoythesame market suc­ channel", has een tremen­ sales by2005.That's up from cess as fellow PortArthuranJoplin and current dous growth in the past few an estimated $10.5 miUion in country superstars Tracy Byrd , ClayWalker, yea rs, as other ma rket seg­ affili ate-driven e-commerce and MarkChesnutt, who all hail from that area. m e nts are continua ll y salesfor200l. Frith has shared the stage with both Byrd and shrinkingdue to budget cuts. Successfu l Affiliate Mar­ Walker in several acoustic shows, and has re­ SuccessfulA.ffiliateMarketing ketingforMerchantsisavail ­ cently performed with The Doobie Brothers, for Merchants is an affi liate abl e at Jerry )effWalker, Blessid Union OfSouls, lan m a rketing" HowTo" guide Moore, Storyvill e, Percy ledge, WayneToups, th at covers the history of the •

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 39 ALABAMA ANGELO STATE Greg Martin '75 is the chair of the department Gamma Alpha Eta Epsilon of marketing and economics at the Unive rsity ofWest Florida. Leland Lancaster, Jr. '86 is a staff physician at Gary D. Masters '85 is a retail sales manager UAB Hospital, and is the medi cal director ofUAB wi th McKesson Pharmaceutical. Masters and his Randy Robinson '89 was promoted to the rank Critical Care Transport and Ala bama Lifesave r wife, Kelli e, and their daughter, Ash leigh, Hve in of major, United States Air Fo rce. He is stationed Medical Helicopters. Lancaster is a lieutenant Cibolo, Texas. at F. E. Warren Ai r Fo rce Base, Cheyenne, Wyo­ commander, United States Naval Reserve Medi­ ming. cal Corps. He married Michell e Fortenberry in ARIZONA September 2001. Gamma Delta Richard Schultz '84 is the vice president and general manager of Boyd Metals, Oklahoma City ALABAMA-HUNTSVILLE Dave Cohen '76 is a distri ct manager for operations. He lives in Edmond, Oklahoma with Theta Pi Walgreen's. He lives in New jersey with his wi fe, his wife, )ada, and three sons. Susie, and fo ur children, Ca meron, Candice, Michael Anderson '79 is senior vice president Kenny and Mike. Heath Ward '86 was promoted to chi ef engineer and chief technology officer with Fleming and maintenance manager fo r Cargill, Inc. in Foods in Dallas, Texas. Previous to this posi­ Kenneth Hull '61 is an organizational develop­ the Springdale, Arkansas complex, Turkey Prod­ ti on, An derson was wi th Home Depot for 12 ment speciali st at United Health Services in ucts Division. He serves as the chapter adviso r years. Binghamton, NY. He has received his master's fo r Alpha Zeta, and secreta ry of the Alumni As­ degree in adult education from Elmira Coll ege, sociation. Ward worked on Chancell or Wh ite's Nels R. Benson '82 and his wi fe, Ell en, wel­ in Elmira, New York. Greek Task Fo rce to ove rsee the changes in the comed th ei r son, Andrew Hayes Feeha n University of Arkansas Greek system. Benson, on December 9, 2002. Benson served ARIZONA STATE as the director of information systems and tech­ Delta Tau ARKANSAS-LITTLE ROCK nology to Democratic Leader of the House, Ri ­ Zeta Eta chard Gephardt, and has been asked to remain Jeffrey Brian Schott '00 graduated from Ari­ in that capacity for Democratic Leader, Na ncy zona State in December 2002, wi th a degree in Kent Hardy '80 is one of the owners of Diamond Pelosi, in 2003. Exe rcise and Well ness. Bear Brewing Co mpan y. The company is over two years old and is Arkansas' onl y pro duction Kenneth Satterfield '87 and his wi fe, Sandra, ARKANSAS brewery. Yo u may vis it the Diamond Bear Brew­ have three girls, Jessie Elizabeth, Karlee Mor­ Alpha Zeta ery Co mpany at gan and Rachel Hannah. He is employed by Avoce nt Digi tal Desktops in Huntsville. Lewis DeAngelis '97 coaches the Saline Co unty James Koontz '68 has been appointed to serve Cheer Cats wi th Zeta Eta bro thers Blake Bishop on the Materi als Management and Purchasing '98 and Chris Dow '02. This first year squad re­ Advisory Committee ofTulsa Community Col­ ceived first place at nationals in December 2002. lege as an industry representati ve.


Bill Brown '75 is a dispatcher fo r JB HuntTruck­ ing Company in northwest Arkansas. He and his wife, Deena, have two daughters and li ve in Farmington, Arkansas. He may be reached at deenabrown@arkansas. net.

Jimbo Griffin '89 is a history teacher and head basketball coach at Millington Ce ntral Hi gh School in Mi ll ington, Tennessee. He may be reached at [email protected].

David G. Kimmel, Jr. '93 married Hardin Lee Barton on December 28, 2002. He is the owner of Mid -South Entertainment.

John King '81 marri ed Lesli e Mayo on Decem­ ber 28, 2002. He may be reached a t Auburn Alums Enjoy 1950s Era Reunion jmk563@hotmail. com.

Bill Hutto '53 and his wife, Be tty, hosted a PiKA evening a t the ir h ome in Birming­ Steve McFarland '90 and his wi fe we lcomed ham, Alabama on November 15,2002 for Upsilon Chapter members from the 1950s era. their daughter, Molly Olivia, on October 24, 2002. Attending we re (from lef t) Becky Hutto, Bob Lewis '54, Bob O 'Neill '53 (behind his w ife, Carol) , Ge m Bea ty, Dan Beaty '54 Marc Miles '92 married Lo ri on December 14, and Bi ll Hutto. Not p ic tured are Roy 2002. He wo rks wi th Fa rm Credit and may be reached at [email protected]. Costner '54 and his wife, Be be. With the table adorned in garnet and gold, the Up­ Bill Prescott '55 is an active vo lunteer wi th Habi­ silon brothers recalled the proud day in tat For Humani ty, and currently one of the local 1956 whe n word came that the ch apte r construction managers. Prior to his invo lvement had won the Smythe Award for the 1955- with Habitat Fo r Humanity, Prescott was a 56 academic yea r. Along with their lovely United States Ai r Force figh ter pilot, retiring in 1983, and he then owned and operated a busi­ wives, these Pikes enjoyed memories and ness for 16 years. Prescott and his wife, janette, fell owship that has lasted over 50 yea rs. li ve in Nicevill e, Florid a. His stepson, Bill Branch '75, is a Pike from Florida Southern.

40 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Joe Spivey '78 works for Sa m's Management, a ceuticals as a senior care representative deal­ Hap Deneen '90 and his wife Jennife r are proud pouluy exporting company which also acquires ing with the long-term care market. He a nd his to announce the birth of their fir t child, Dalton and rebuilds failing bu in esses. Spivey and his wife, Kathy, live in Moore, Oklahoma. Carpen­ Jake Deneen, in Los Angeles on October 22, 2002. wife, Suzanne, have t\.vo children, John-Rex and ter would like to hear from Theta Nu brothers, Mary Clair. They li ve in Roger , Arkansas. He or other Pike alumni in the area. He may be Brett Rota '90 sepa rated from acti ve duty Ai r may be reached [email protected] reached at acarpen915@ao l. com. Force service in May 2002. Rota spent nine years fl ying heli copters in the Army and then the Ai r Brett Walker '90 and his wife, Lori, announce BOWLING GREEN Force. He spent the summer in Washington, D.C. the birth of their t\.vin boys, Joshua and Zachary, Delta Beta working as the military legislative assistant for on October 28, 2002. Walker is the trauma pro­ Senator John Ensign of Nevada. Rota moved to gram man ager at Research Medical Center. They Jeffrey Day '90 welcomed his son, Ril ey Jeffrey, Boston in August 2002 to begin the two-year live in Kansas City, Mi ssouri. on September 25,2001. master's of business administrati on program at Harvard Busin ess School. Joel Weems '92 is the athletic department com­ Matthew Faucher '72 is a senior systems engi­ plian ce coordinator at The Unive rsity of Missis­ neer with Inter-Tel Technologies headquartered CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE· sippi, monitoring compliance records and docu­ in Phoenix, Arizona. SAN LUIS OBISPO menting recruiting, financial aid, and practice Iota Theta a nd competitio n acti vities. He a nd his wife, BRADLEY Dabney, reside in Oxford. Delta Sigma Geoff Austin '88 has been promoted to seni or associa te with ECG Ma nagement Consultants, Matt Whiteside '87 has signed with Japan's pro­ Dan Koneicko '94 a nd Mary Kate Mcparl and fessio n al baseb a ll tea m , Th e Yo ko h a m a were married on eptember 21,2002. a national healthcare consulting firm . He and BayStars. He previously played with the Texas his wife, Catherine, live in Seattle. Ra ngers, Atl anta Braves, David Lesperance '78 is the presid ent and gen­ and Colorado Rocki e . eral manager of Aurora Custom Machining, Inc. Alan DeWeese '89 and his wi fe, Caroline, and two sons, An thony and Nathan, li ve in an Di ­ AUBURN Geoffrey Pomerantz '90 and his wife live in ego. DeWeese has worked wi th Webtrend as a Upsilon London, UK. He works in public relati ons as a printing, mailing and fulfillment account execu­ media relations expert for professional services ti ve for ten years. Gary Crews '76 ha opened a law practi ce con­ firm s. ' centrating in the area of corporate law, merg­ CALIFORNIA STATE-NORTHRIDGE ers and acqui itions, estate pla nning, probate Scott Price '74 works fo r John Deere and li ves Zeta Omicron a nd guard ianship. in Galena, Illinois. James Helgager '86 announces the birth of his John Garlinghouse '90 and his wi fe, Cezanne, CALIFORNIA-DAVIS son, Robert Ja mes, born April 24, 2002. announce the birth of their second daughter, Theta Omega Lesil e Grace. Garlinghouse practi ces dentistry Matthew Kenney '85 is a partner inK. B. Co n­ in Fayetteville, Arka nsas. Chad Morris '97 founded CM Home Loans, a tract Interiors, an offi ce furniture supplier in real esta te fin ance company based in Sacra­ Canoga Park, Cali fo rnia. Ke nney and his wife, Bill Ham, Jr. '73 has recently completed hi first mento, Cal ifo rnia. The company experi enced Sylveen, have a daughter, So fi a Marie. fo ur-year term as mayor of Auburn, Alaba ma. rapid growth in 2002 originating over $25 mil ­ Prior to this po iti on he served 12 years on the li o n in new business. He may be reached at CALIFORNIA STATE-SACRAMENTO city council . chad@cmhomeloans. net. Theta Tau

Thomas Hirsch '85 marri ed Paul a Scott on June Brian Oard '85 welcomed Athena Tu-Lee on De­ Paul Andrews '90 and his wife, Kristi , announce 29, 2002 in Dunedin, Florida. cember 16,2002. the birth of their son. Cole Jame , on August 23, 2002. Gregory Rust '58 resides in Pensacola, Florida Cameron Smyth '90 was in­ where he works in aircraft restorati o n at the s ta ll ed as mayor of the City Jeffrey Hamblin '93 marri ed ational Museum of a val Avia ti on. He is also of a nta Cla rita, Califo rnia Chety l Cole on October 26, a volunteer ca eworker for the Navy Marine o n Decembe r 10, 2002, a nd 2002. Hamblin is a captain in Corps Reli ef Society, providing support to ac­ i o neoftheyounge t may­ the United States Ai r Force at tive duty personnel as well as retiree and wid ­ o rs in Califo rnia histo ry. In Eg lin Air Force Ba e, a nd ows. 1994, Sm yth was a fi eld rep­ serves as the program man­ resenta ti ve fo r the Cali fo r­ ager of weapon integration. Lee Sheppard '92 graduated fro m th e Univer­ ni a Re publica n Pa rt y. ity of Alabama School of Law, and i a n associ­ Sm yth the n served as deputy chi ef of staff fo r ate with tl1 e law fi rm of Lightfoot, Franklin & Sena to r "Pe te" Kni gh t. He began servi ng a Gregory Meyer '82 is an assistant district attor­ White, LLC, in Birmingham. fo ur-year term on the Santa Clarita City Co un­ ney for the Fifrh Circuit Court Di trict in Missis­ c il in 2000, a nd will serve a one-year term as sippi. He li ves in Grenada, Mississippi and may Whit Wyatt '90 is a senior project manager for mayor. be reached at bigsky24@hotmail. com. H. E. Hennigh/ Parsons Corporatio n. He resid es in Cedartown, Georgia. Patrick Tierney '86 graduated from the Execu­ Jacob Vculek '97 is working as a nurse in Sa n ti ve MBA program at the UCLA Anderson School Di ego. AUSTIN PEAY STATE of Busine s in the summer of 2002. He is em­ Eta Tau ployed wi th Qualcom m, Inc. as a senior prod­ CARNEGIE MELLON uct/ busi ness development manager fo r COMA Beta Sigma Michael Fowler '75 wa awarded the 2002 Sales­ test and deployment products. ma n of the Year fro m Dynabrade, In c., a manu­ James Plymyer '74 is the USAF program man­ facturer of industri al power tools in larence, CALIFORNIA-SANTA BARBARA ager fo r Ame rica n Syste ms Corpo ra ti on in New York. Fowle r is the southeast te rrito ry Iota Kappa Chantill y, Virginia. manager. Jim Beighley '89 a nd his wife, Li za, announce EricTenbus '85 completed his PH .D. in Bri tish BAYLOR UNIVERSITY the birth of their son, Joshua Robert Beighl ey, Histo ry at Flori da State University in May 2001. Theta Nu o n Jul y 29, 2002. The Beighl ey family li ves in He is a professor of history at Central Mi s ouri Hong Kon g. Brian Carpenter '81 works with Forest Ph arma- State.

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 41 CHAPMAN COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES Delta Phi ~Q Theta Psi Delta Omega Chapter Ted Francisco '88 is the vice president, man­ Roger Abel '62 recently retired as president of High Point University agement supervisor, at Young & Robinson Ad­ Occidental Oi.l and Gas Corporation. He came 50th Anniversary Banquet ve rtisin g, servicing Lin coln Mercury. He and his out of retirement to head an independent oil and gas company, Austex Production Company. Saturd ay, March 29, 2003 wife, Kristin, welcomed twins, Emerson Brenna and Peyton Michael, on April 2, 2002. Abel resid es in Austin, Texas. Greensboro Marriott Greensboro, C CINCINNATI COLORADO STATE Alpha Xi Epsilon Theta Keynote Speaker Past International President and David Hastings '81 is the CEO of Hastings Wa­ Vance Orlando Knapp '87 is a senior associate ter Works, a full service man agement, builder at the law firm ofRothgerber, Johnson & Lyons, International Historian and maintenance compan y of aquati c facilities. in Denver. Hi s practice focuses on employment Dr. Jerome V Reel Hi s company has been nam ed one of Northern litigation representing management. Ohio's fa stest growing companies, with a five­ For more information contact year growth rate of 240%, by Case Western Re­ Michael Larsen '64 retired from Mobil Oil Cor­ Dr. Patrick Haun at (336) 841-9242 serve University. Hastings a nd hi s wife, Linda, poration in Dallas, Texas in December 2001. He [email protected] live in Bath, Ohio. Hastings may be reached at and his wife have moved back to Colorado dave@ha Springs, and have four children.

CLEMSON CONNECTICUT CASE WESTERN RESERVE Eta Alpha Iota Chi Epsilon Xi John Diaz '88 earned a master of bu iness ad­ Eric Oh '95 has accepted a position witl1 the Jonathan Batross '89 and his wife, Ga il , wel­ ministration degree from the Fuqua School of National Institutes of Health in their drug abuse comed their third son, Tyler Joseph, on Septem­ Business at Duke University on October 13,2002. branch in Baltimore, Maryland ber 12, 2002. Batross works for Ford Motor Com­ pany in Cincinnati as the gear lab supervi sor. Bobby Frye '85 is a senior agency specialist with CORNELL State Farm's Age ncy Management Office in Beta Theta CENTRAL ARKANSAS Charleston. Epsilon Ph i Logan Cheek, !II '57 has been appointed chair­ Stephen Trotman '77 has been promoted to man and chief executive officer of HDJ, Inc., a Stan Hancock '87 married Suzie Engelmann on senior vice president of industry relations for data integration software and service company. October 5, 2002. Pikes in the wedding party in ­ the Association of Commurtications Enterprises, cluded Earl Sanders '88, Rob Scott '86 and a national telecommunications industry trade Robert Mateus '75 continues to manage the John Tate '87. association located in Washington, D. C. downside in the high-tech industries in Silicon Valley fo r SOLECTRON Corporation as the Cali ­ fornia Site NPI Manager. He and his wife, Jean ie, CENTRAL FLORIDA COASTAL CAROLINA have two daughters, Elena Marie and Veronica Eta Ph i Kappa Rho Anne. Kurt Aken '87 and his wife, Teresa, recentl y cel­ Shawn Angell '97 is a territorial representative Alexander Shealy, Jr. '56 is president and owner ebrated their eighth wedding anniversaty. Aken fo r Ben co Dental in Atlanta, Georgia. He enjoys is the regional business manager for the South ­ of Shealy Consu lting Group, a manageme nt hi s career and is ranked sixth among the 31 rep­ consul ting firm. eastern United States for Fresh Express, makers resentatives. of pre- packaged salads. The Akens live in Windermere, Florida with their son, Al ex, and CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY COLORADO Theta Lambda daughter, Ash ley. Beta Upsilon

Bert Burns '80 lives in Alpharetta, Georgia with Matthew Hunt '95 wo rks with Hunt Insurance Tom Briggs '94 has relocated to Denver, Colo­ Group, an agency that has speciali zed in com­ hi s wife and twins, Emma Grace and Wil liam rado to work for UBSPaineWebber as a finan­ Bradford. mercial and personal insura nce for over 50 cial advisor. years. He lives in Orland Park, Illinois, and may be reached at [email protected]. John Felix '84 graduated from the University William Haselmire '58 retired from of South Florida Co ll ege of Medicine in May, DaimlerChrys le r in Ma rch 2001 where he DAVIDSON 2002. He is now a resid ent in orthopedic sur­ worked in electromagneti c compatibility in Beta gery at LSU in ew Orleans. Chrysler's scientific labs. He and his wife li ve on a lake in Hi ghl and, Mich igan and enjoy fi sh­ Michael Wray Pearce '89 is teaching in Wash­ Penn Holsapple, Ill '89 is the general manager ing and boating. ington, D. C. fo r RomanRock, a manufacturer that produces a new construction materi al that repl aces deco­ Charles Matheson '55 has recently retired from DELAWARE rative pre-cast and s ty rofoam. He may be his position as chief judge of the United States Delta Eta reached at Bankruptcy Co urt for the District of Colorado where he had presid ed for more that 15 years. Michael Blando '83 and his wife, Janeen, an­ Scott Orasini '83 married Heather Sproul on He and his wife, Marian, are enjoyin g retirement nounce the birth of their son, Damien Charles, April13, 2002. He continues to practice law with and the time to travel a nd see fr iends. on December 29, 2002. He joins his sister, Julia, the firm of Orsini & Rose Law Group, LLC. and brother, Michael, in their Glen Rock, ew Scott Ph ill ips '97 is currentl y serving as an air­ Jersey home. Randall S. Walker '83 is president of the newly borne ranger platoon leader with U.S. Army lOth formed BroMad Properties, LLC. , whil e retain­ Mountain Division. This unit participated in Edward Carr '68 announces the birth of his first ing hi s position with Alberto Cul ve r asWal-Mart Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan grandchild, Gabriell a EUzabeth Carr, on July 2, national business ma nager. Wa lke r li ves in during Fa ll 'Olthrough pring '02. 2002. Bentonville, Arkan a .

42 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Stephen Considine '85 is stepping down as DRAKE Ryan Lehman '88 is a captain and detachment President of d1 e Delaware Area PiKA Numni Delta Omicron commander in the United States Army in Ft. Association after dlirteen years ofloyal and dedi­ Bragg, No rth Ca ro lina. He and hi s wife, Jeni , cated service. During his tenure the Associati on Greg Fridner '89 married Laura Kri ss on Octo­ have two children, Ca meron and Carter. He may received dlree ester Awards while the chapter ber 18, 2002. be co ntacted at Stchristopher351 was sile nt. He m ay be reach ed at Con.sidineCPA Jeff Glassheen '89 is th e assistant professor of James Maynard '93 is an environmental coor­ medicine at dle University of Colorado. din ator with the Lower Colorado Ri ve r Author­ Jerry Domanico '82 is department coordinator ity. He lives in Austin, Texas, and may be reached ofdle Biochemistry Department at dle Univer­ DREXEL at n.ervouswreck [email protected]. sity of Maryland where he completed a master Lambda Zeta of science degree in Information Systems Man­ Gary May '82 resid es in Houston, Texas and may agement in December 2002. Vincent Roth '01 is a fin ancial advisor at Mor­ be reached atga~y@may. nam e. gan Stanley in New York. Preston Hitchens '78 is working for Pennoni Steve Moon '92 and his wi fe, Shannon, resid e Associates as the transportation division man­ DUKE in Maryland with their two sons, Jackson a nd ager in Clifton, ew Jersey. Alpha Alpha Tyle r. He is a research biologist with the United States Government. He may be reached at Christopher Kittila '83 and his wife, Brenda, Andrew Maclean '82 graduated from the Main e moon.sj21 announce dle birdl of their daughter, Audrey, School of Law in 1991. He serves as the general on October 7, 2002. She joins her big sister, counsel and director of governmental affairs of Rick Myskey '89 is a unit commander in the Caitlin, at dleir home in Plano, Texas. the Maine Medical Association, a professional United States Military in Fort Bragg, No rdl Caro­ organizatio n of phys icia ns in Mancheste r, lina. He and his wife have five children. Myskey Patrick Reilly '75 was part of the first graduat­ Maine. He li ves with hi s wife and two children may be reached at rjmyskey@earthlink. net. ing class of Concord Law chool, dle world's in Ga rdiner, Maine. first and only completely online law school. Mike Newcombe '77 and his wife live in Okla­ ReiLly has been developing business opportu­ EAST CAROLINA homa City and have one daughter, Mandi. He is nities and marketing iJlitiatives widl companies Epsilon Mu employed with Oklahoma Gas & Electri c Com­ such as Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Motorola, pany as the coordinator of the builder and de­ Philips, IBM and General Electric. As a patent Don Bunn '65 has retired and is teaching shag ve loper programs. He may be contacted at agent and intellectual property (TP) strategist he dance lessons in Ral eigh, No rth Carolina on n.ewcommw@oge. com/ prosecutes patents for software developers and Monday and Tuesday ni ghts at Reds Beach Mu ­ in MEMS and optical technologies, develops sic. David Pierce '78 is a national sales manager fo r patent strategies, creates IP partnerships, and Charl es Machine Works, Inc. He and his wife, negotiates IP co-venture agreements. Greg Garland '70 has been elected to the board Lori, and daughter, Chloe, resid e in Perry, Okla­ of directors of the Ne braska Association ofTri al homa. He may be reached at dpierce@ George Rosser '83 is dle operations officer for Attorneys. He resides in Omaha, Nebraska. d1 e 1-124 Infantry Regiment of d1 e Florida Na­ tional Guard, a unit which has been mobilized Kevin Roscoe Plotkin '86 and hi s wife, Mo lli e, to the Persian Gulf region for a one year de­ announce the birth ofdleir third child, Hannah Need a ployment. Ro se, on October 4, 2002.

Keith Stanton '75 is the chief operating officer EAST CENTRAL UNIVERSITY graduation gift? of a consulting and tax- preparation business in Epsilon Omega ashvi.U e. . Leroy Cantrell '76 and his wife, Cindy, li ve in . DELTA STATE Oklahoma City with dleir two children, Co nnor StraiRht Ftom tne POPUlar seminars .. Zeta Beta and Mall ory. He is a teacher/coach at Mount .. Saint Mary High School. He may be reached at life after school. explained. Todd Ballard '97 and hi s wife, Shelli e, li ve in hlc@swbell. net. dinner money Pardeeville, Wisconsin. HMOs Charles Carpenter '88 and his wife, Karie, re­ apartments . taxes Roy Byars '90 is a seni or software engineerwidl side in Ardmore, Okla homa with their two and more ... Trugreen-Chemlawn. daughters, Kendall and Mackenzie. Ca rpenter is a sixth grade teache r and high school go lf David L. Gladden, Jr. '96 graduated from dle coach at Di ckson Hi gh School. He may be con­ Purchase• the humorous book Mississippi Co ll ege School of Law in 2002. He is tacted ar [email protected]. that explains the "life skills" an associate attorney in the law firm of Clark, rarely taught in the classroom, Scott and Streetman, P.A., in Jackson. Gladden Brent Green '93 resid es in Bethany, Oklahoma, practices insura nce defense law and is a mem­ where he erves as a poli ce office for dle Bethany but needed after graduation ... ber of the Mississippi Bar Association, AJn eri ­ Po li ce Department. He may be reached at can Bar Association, Ja ckson Young Lawyers [email protected]. Association, and the Mississippi Defense Law­ yers Association. Don Hall '64 is the vice presid ent of in vestments for Smidl Barney, In c. in Da ll as, Texas. He and Rod Marter '92 and his wife, Kr isty, announce hi s wife, Donna, have three children, Ami, the birth of th eir son, Grason Va ughn, on o­ Donny a nd Judi. He m ay be con tacted at vember 28, 2002. donha l/@con.een tric. net. To order online ($ 12.95): Hal Moore '81 and his wife, Tammy, welcomed Jeff King '90 and his wife, Sa rah, have a son, their second daughter, Sara Grace, on August Co le. They reside in Ka nsas City, Ka nsas, where 29, 2002. Moore works for the U.S. Postal Ser­ King is the head golf professional at Mission To order by phone ($ 13.95): vice and li ves in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Hill s Co untry Club. He may be reached a t (866} 543 - 3397 [email protected]. Use PIKE code PPM8 78 for a discount.

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 43 Shawn Rogers '79 and his wife, Lisa, reside in EASTERN ILLINOIS ter, Mckenzie Jayne, at home in Tampa. Diaz is Henryetta, Oklahoma, where they own and op­ Zeta Gamma an account executive at UP 44 -TV in Ta mpa. erate the Rogers Funeral Home. They have two children, Kaitlyn and Ross. Jason Adams '94 co-man ages his family floor Mike Hatcher '78 h as covering business. Adams li ves in Mokena, ILli­ opened Hatcher Insuran ce, Brad Sloan '96 and his wife, Patty, reside in nois. Inc. in the College Park sec­ Phoenix, Arizona. He is employed wi th Am eri ­ don of Orlando. He has been can Barcode Corporati on as a regional sales John Lead ley '94 is living in Chicago where he in the insuran ce business for m anager. He m ay be contacted a t Brads@ produces a weekl y improvised comedy revue 21 years, and the new agency amerbm:com. that is now in its eighth month of an open run. offers commercial insurance. He is also a fea tured pl ayer in the popular Hatcher and his wife, Holl y, Ken Stoner '87 and his wife, Barbara, announce improv/sketch troupe Sleauburn. Sleauburn has and tl1 eir three children, re­ t11 e birth of their son, William An derson, on De­ recently been the headliner of the Chris Fa rl ey side in Coll ege Park. cember 19, 2002. The Stoners may be reached at Fo undation Marathon in St. Louis and a featured [email protected]. act at the Del Close Maratl1on in New York City. Anthony Petrillo '84 and his wife, Elaine, an­ nounce the birth of their second daughter, La ura Michael Stapp '96 lives in Oklahoma City and EASTERN KENTUCKY Michelle. Petrillo is a parmer in the law firm of is employed as a fin ancial analyst with Chesa­ Zeta Tau Luks, Santani ello, Perez, Petrillo & Gold. He is peake Energy Corporation. He may be reached the managing partner of the Ta mpa office, and at [email protected]. William Cary '85 has transferred to the Phoe­ tl1 e firm also has offices in Ft. Lauderdale and nix, Arizona area to handle fire protection con­ Orlando. J. Andy Tompkins '66 and his wife, Glenda, re­ sulting in tl1e Southwest territory for Global Risk side in To peka, Kansas, with their two children, Co nsultants Corporation. FLORIDA SOUTHERN Amanda and Kyle. He has been an educator in Delta Delta Kansas since 1970 and currently serves as the Woodrow Cornette II '91 is the phys ical direc­ Kansas commissioner of education. To mpkins tor for the Springfi eld Family YM CA in Spring­ Chris Braden '96 has been promoted to the rank may be reached at [email protected]. fi eld , Ohio, supervising aquati cs, health and fit­ of captain in the United States Army. He has fin­ ness, and adult fitn ess classes. ished an overseas tour in Germany and has Ralph Turner '66 is the corporate casualty claim moved back to Ft. Benning, Georgia. man ager for Columbia Insurance Group. He and Kevin Kuhens '74 is an assistant director with his wi fe, Linda, have two sons, Brett (Gamma the United States Department of Defense's Robin Staebler '54 has retired for the second Ch i '98), and Scott, and reside in Columbia, Mis­ Criminal Investi gati ve Service. Kuh ens serves time and still doing emergency room work. He souri. Turner may be reached at Rturner817 as the director of training and is assigned to the li ves in Belfast, Maine. @aol. com. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Brunswi ck, Geo rgia. FLORIDA STATE Bryan Whitwell '92 has a priva te dental practice Delta Lambda in Okl ahoma City. He may be contacted at Barry Lee '97 is teaching social studies in middle [email protected]. school, and is the head coach for t11 e track team William Beaton '79 attended the Honda 300 in and assistant football coach. Surfe rs Paradise, Australia as a guest of Team Kelvin Williams '85 married his wi fe, Amy, on Green Racing. He is planning to return to Aus­ October 26, 2002. Epsilon Omega brothers in EMORY trali a in October for tl1 e 2003 Honda 300. Beaton attendan ce were Matt Bawcum '85, Mike Beta Kappa works for AS I Global Trading LLC, an automated Corcoran '85, Doc Harris '75, Glenn McDaniel futures trading program in Chicago. He can be '88, and Kevin Williams. He li ves in Tokyo, Ja­ Stephen Filreis '74 owns Fiscability, a personal reached at (3 12) 719-6605. pan, and serves AOLTime Warner as executive fin an cial administration firm based in Atlanta, di rector of internati onal relations and public Georgia. He and his wife, Ellen, have two chil­ Elijah Bell '76 has been the head foo tball coach poli cy for Japan and Korea. Williams may be dren, Daniel and Jamie. He may be contacted at and aililetic director at Jay High School in Jay, reached at Kelvin0629 @aol. com. Stephen @Filreis. net. Florida for 13 years. He and his wife, Jenette, have been married fo r 11 years. Robert Zink '89 and his wi fe, Toby, and daugh­ Steven Gurdin '87 is a partner at the law firm of ter, Landri, li ve in Madill, Oklahoma. Zink is the Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Fred Boska '56 is retired, emeritus professor of electronic banking manager for Landmark Ban k. located in Boston. education fro m Georgia Southwestern State He may be reached at robtoby@sbcglobal. net. University. FERRIS STATE EAST TENNESSEE STATE Zeta Kappa Mark Gambill '81 li ves in Whitefi sh Bay, Wi s­ Epsilon Zeta consin and is the vice presid ent of marketing Steve Nartker '89 married Heather Benny on for Manpower, Inc. Sam Burns '87 and his wife, Shannon, an­ August 10, 2002. In attendence at the wedding nounce the birth of Brianna Sloan on May 15, were brothers Chris Hallock '91 a nd Bill Edward Garrison '65 retired in January 2001 2002. Bri anna joins her big sister, Bail ey Eliza­ Longhead '90. Fo r the last four years he has after 32 years as a special agent with the Bureau beth, at home in Greenville, South Carolina. served as president of, a San Di ­ of Al cohol, Tobacco & Firearms. The last 12 years Burns is the distri ct sal es manager fo r United ego, Cal ifo rn ia based internet mortgage lender. with ATF he specialized in bomb and arson in­ Rentals covering South Carolina, Georgia and vesti gation, primaril y determining the ori gin orth Carolina. Craig Tindall '66 was presented the RE/MAX and cause of fir es. Garrison is now in priva te International Li fet ime Achievement Award in business consulting to the insurance industry Peter James Butziger '84 wo rks fo r the Booz 2000. Less than 500 agents out of75,000+ inter­ on fi re investi gati ons. All en & Hamil ton consulting company in the nationally have received this award. Tindall and area of signals intelli gence and data securi ty. his wife , orma, are planning a move to the Michael Harrison '66 and his wi fe, ona Jane, He has had an opportunity to support the De­ Florida Gulf Coast area. li ve on their Little Spring Fa rm outsid e o f partment of Defense and In telligence Commu­ Ashevill e, North Ca rolina. In addition to his ca­ nity in the war on terrori sm. FLORIDA reer with IBM, the Harrisons are the proprietors Alpha Eta of a luxury bed & breakfast. Yo u may view their website at Bill Diaz '89 and his wi fe, Gina, welcomed Will ­ iam Grant on January 30, 2002. He joins big sis-

44 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Trent Mallory '81 started an in urance and fi­ Ted Symon '88 relocated to Pennsylvania with GEORGIA TECH nancial services practice with Northwestern Merck and Company, Inc. to begin his new po­ Alpha Delta Mutual Financial etwork in May2001. Mallory, siti on as educational program integration na­ his wife, Gini, and their daughter, Madeline, li ve tional coordinator. He and hi s wife, Meridith, Andrew Holden '97 completed the 27th Marine in Richmond, Virginia. have a son, Ted Ridley. Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. on Octo­ ber 27,2002 with a time of 4 hours, l3 minutes, Michael Joseph McDonald '85 welcomed his Brian Young '91 is th e regional manager for and 35 seconds. first child, Haley Katherine, on October 11, 2002. Consumer Credit Co unseling Agency of Greater Atlanta. He and hi s wife, Patti, live in Marietta, GEORGETOWN FRANCIS MARION Geo rgia and may be reached at byoung@ Alpha Lambda Theta Delta Randy Hays '90 is the vice president and dean GEORGIA SOUTHERN of student life at Centre Co ll ege in Danville, Iota Upsilon Kentucky.

Brian DeBold '93 opened a retail cigar and pipe Kenny Marcum '98 is employed with shop, Tobacco Trading Company, located in Marketsource, a marketing company handling Buford, Georgia. DeBold and his wife, Shea, and a majority of Hewlett-Packard's in-store promo­ their daughter, Emma Ri ley, li ve in Sugar Hi ll , tions. Georgia. He may be reached at www. m. Joseph Riggs '46 is retired after 30 years of ser­ vice as deputy di rector with the Defense Map­ Chad Burgess '92 married Dana Devine on Jonathan Miller '93 works as a co nstituent case­ ping Agency in the Lo uisville field office. His September 6, 2002, in Charl eston, So uth Caro­ worker specializing in military affairs for U.S. paintings and pastel drawings of thoroughbreds lina. Theta Delta brothers in attendance were Congressman Ri c Ke ll er. Mill er and his wife, are on display in the Kentucky Derby Museum. Chuck Mclain '91 , Travis Lanier '91 , John Alice, reside in Casselberry, Florid a. Riggs would like to hear from his brothers fro m Conti '89, Brian Kelley '93, Rich Maloney '92 , the '46-'48 era. He may be co ntacted at Greg Hutto '92, Ken Flowers '95, and Kent Greg Robertson '82 is employed with P&G . He joeriggsl Stubbs '93. Burgess is an attorney at Wil loughby and his wife, Jenntfer, reside in Birmingham, & Ho fer in Columbia, South CaroLin a. Al abama with their three sons, Matt, Mike and HAMPDEN-SYDNEY Tim. Robertson is a vo lunteer football coach for Iota GANNON the eighth grade team and the offensive line Epsilon Upsilon coach for the varsity team. Phil Spessard '89 and his wife, Lisa, announce the birth of their daughter, Sydney Ann, on Oc­ Andrew Contreras '93 and his wife, Roseann, GEORGIA STATE tober 14 , 2002. Spessard lives in Atlanta and celebrated the birth of their first child, Gabriell a Epsilon Nu wo rks for Geo rgia Tech. Cecili a, on December 1, 2002. He is a captain in the United States Army currently stationed at Ft. David Fleming '87 works for CNS, In c. as direc­ HOUSTON Benning, Georgia, with plans to move to Ft. tor of ales for national accounts. Fleming, his Epsilon Eta Bragg, North Carolina in the spring. wife, Laurie, and daughters, Gracie and Hannah, li ve in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Gregory Cox '94 and his wife, Anne, welcomed Bob Murray '76 is the owner of RPM Consult­ their first child, Carson Mark, on October 23, ing, a multi-media compa ny publishing Tony Ferrante '80 has recently been named an 2002. website and its companion outside sales representative with FASTS IGNS of piece, The Magazine, which serves Duluth, Geo rgia. Hal Hubbs, Jr. '78 is seeking employment op­ SchuyLkill County, Pennsyvania. portunities in the Houston/SE Texas area. Frank Lott '87 and hi s wife, Maddi, welcomed GEORGE WASHINGTON their son, athaniel Jo seph, in January 2003. Steven Solis '99 and his wife, Melissa, an­ Delta Alpha nounce the birth of their son, Dylan Christo­ pher, on September 16,2002. Edmond Jacoby '64 i a reporter for Cal ifornia's oldest continuously published newspaper, The continued on next page Mountain Democrat. He resides in Placervill e, California.

GEORGIA Once A Pike , Alpha Mu Always A Pike! Michael Floyd '68 published a book, Substance Dale Kimball '77 a nd twin Abuse: A Patien t-centeredApproach along with J. Paul Seale, part of a seri es on patient centered brother, Neal Kimball '77, medicine with the University ofWestern Ontario both initiatesofZeta Pi Chap­ through Radcliffe Medical Press. ter a tthe Univer ityofSouth Florida, visited former Zeta Pi GEORGIA COLLEGE Chapter a d visor and m e ntor Theta Gamma Col. Kermit J. Silverwood Doug Hallenbeck '88 received his Ph.D. in tu­ (Kansas State, Alpha Omega dent personnel administration from Oklahoma '27) last winter. Si lverwood State University. cele brated his 95th birthday on December 16,2002. Th e brothers recall ed tories of how, with Silverwood's sage Jeff Patterson '90 and hi s wife, Nicole, annow1ce guidance, Zeta Pi h a pter rose to the top of a ll fraternities at the Unive rsity of outh the birth of their daughter, Lauren Brooks, on November l , 2002. Florida during the late 1970s.

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 45 ILLINOIS Jerry Vasti ne '94 and his wife, Amy, welcomed IOWA Beta Eta tlleir daughter, Alyssa Lynn, on May 10, 2002. Gamma Nu She joins her big brother, Jacob, at home in Christopher Skinger '93 and hi s wife, Ama nda, Gurnee, Illinoi . Vastine is an application engi­ Gary Carlson '70 is an equity partner and presi­ are currently living in Milan, Italy, where he is neer in the automotive division of Modine dent of Triumph Staffi ng Solutions, a full ser­ employed as an audit manager witl1 Deloitte & Ma nufacturing Company in Racine, Illinois. vice Human Resources consulting firm with Touche. His US mailing address is 1824 multiple offices in Iowa and Denver, Colorado. Rockwell Street, Unit E, Chi cago, Illinois 60647. INDIANA-SOUTHEAST He may also be reached at cskinger@ Theta Kappa Paul Loeffel '70 is tile chief finan cial officer for Anthony Vineyards, In c. in Bakersville, Califor­ John Click '79 was awarded the meritorius ser­ nia. He spent tile '80s and '90s in Central America ILLINOIS STATE vice medal from tile Navel Reserve for servi ce and Asia working for tile Dole banana divison. Kappa Alpha completed as commanding officer naval dental unit, Great Lakes DCL, LouisviUe, Kentucky, Mitchell Lopac '75 has been promoted to na­ Brad Panarese '94 married Al li son Blum on July a val Reserve Center. tional sales manager with Kompac Division of 6, 2002 in Chicago. Fell ow pledge brotller Joe Day International. Gruginski '94 wa in the wedding party. Ma rk Lawrence '79 and hi s wife welcomed their Panarese is a production manager for Capps first child, Lindy Lee, on January 26, 2002. Steven Seymour '65 is tile Digital, a branch of Leo Burnett Advertisi ng managing partner with the Age ncy. The couple li ves in Chi cago, and may William Robinson '94 is president of Pruden­ law firm of Samuels Yoelin be reached at [email protected]. com. ti al Mortgage, In c., a mortgage company he Kantor Seymour & Spinrad founded in December 1998. LLP. He has served as past chairman of the litigation INDIANA STATE section of tile Oregon State Theta Omicron Bar.

Todd Branson '85 has been promoted to re­ IOWA STATE gional manager of the Special ty Diabetes Sales Alpha Phi A Tale of A Paddle Force of Sankyo Pharmacy. San kyo Pharmacy, In c. is tile United States subsidi ary of Sankyo, Chris Knoeppel '86 and his wife, Kim, announce Gary Carlson (Iowa, Gamma Nu '70) In c. ofTokyo, Japan. tile birtll oftlleir son, Colin, on Jul y 9, 2002. Colin has an interest in collecting University of joins hi s sister, Natalie, and brother, Cade, at Iowa homecoming buttons and other Tim Kiely '85 and hi s wi fe, and tlleir tllree daugh­ home in apervi ll e, Illinois. sports-related m emorabilia. He often vis­ ters, li ve in Lake in tile Hills, Illinois. Kiely has its the Ebay website to see what is be ing been with American Airlines for 15 years. Dennis Pelisek '68 is tile superintendent of offered. schools for tl1 e Madrid Community School Dis­ Ken Kramer '85 married Kanessa Cai n on De­ trict. He is actively in volved in the Alpha Phi Trus past spring, he saw a pledge paddle cember 28,2002. Brothers Chris Flynn '86 and Alumni Association. from Iowa, and caJJed the owner for more Darin Smith '84 served as groomsmen, and Greg information. He found that it was in­ Roberts (Epsilon Epsilon '90) was in attendance. Jim Roegiers '85 and his wife, Julia, welcomed scribed "1972, Gamma u Chapter, Pi Kramer is a director fo r transition servi ces with tlleir daughter, Emily Grace, on July 20, 2002. Kappa Alpha, to John, from Shep". He rea­ Fideli ty Investments in Ci ncinnati, Ohio. He is the senior sales engineer witll Co mpres­ soned that the paddle belonged to his sor Co ntrols Corporation. chapter brothe r John Krafka (Iowa, Tim Luker '89 and his wife, Trefin, and two sons, Cade and Cole, have moved to Fuquay-Varina, Ron Sheetz '53 retired in 1999 from Montezuma Gamma Mu '69), so h e bid a dollar a nd North Carolina to be to family and open Livestock Sales Company, Inc. Prior to that, he won the auction. The paddlewassrupped a new office for their financial servi ces business was a farm consultant with Cedar Valley Farm to Krafka in Marietta, Georgia two weeks with Primerica. Business Association. late r. Krafkasupposes that the pledge paddle Gary A. Schopmeyer, Jr. '83 and his wife, Laura, JOHNS HOPKINS was lost shortly after he moved to Atlanta along with his step-daughter, Sara Fon, resid e Iota Tau in Franklin, Tennessee. He is an account repre­ inl974and itdecoratedsom eone's base­ sentative for Middle Tennessee Lumber Com­ mentganleroom for25 plus years. Timothy Min '93 has relocated to New York City pany, In c. in Dickson, Ten nessee. In ovember where he has associated with the customs and " ow what are the ch a nces that the 2002, he received hi s black belt in American inte rna tional tra de law firm of Grunfeld, ownerofthjsold pledge paddle would put Karate. Schopmeyer has also produced andre­ Desiderio, Lebowitz, Silverman & Kl estadt, LLP. it up for auction, and tl1atGruywould visit cord ed a Christian contemporary music CD in He was formerly an attorney with the United theEbaysiteTHATweekthat it was put Nashvill e wi th hi s band, Mordecai. States Customs Service and the United States up for sale, and t11 atGruywould make that Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C. call a nd thus the connection to m e?" Brian Spence '93 received his bachelor of exer­ cise science in 1997 and worked with Power­ muses Krafka, "Amazing coincidences, l KANSAS house Gym, the second largest health club fran­ Beta Gamma thjnk." chise in the world . After four years with Power­ Carlson a nd Krafka (and three other house, the last t\>Vo as regional manager for nine Wa rren Hodges '42 is a retired major general, Pikes from Iowa) have m a intained a heal til clubs, he changed careers. Spence is now United States Army, who served as a combat in­ round robin lette r over the p ast working as a financial advisor with American fantryman in World War II , Korea and Vietnam. tluee decades and got together for a Exp ress Financial Advisors in Jacksonvill e. Hodges has had his leg amputated as a result of football weekend in Iowa last fall. hi s mili tary service. He would like to hear from Dan Stoker '94 is the executive vice president "Rick Shepherd (Iowa, Gamma any of hi s brothers or anyone who knew him for the Association of Fraternity Advisors for when he was a student at tl1 e University of Kan­ Mu '72) is now li v ing in D a ll as 2003-2004. He also wo rks at the University of sas and lettered in football and baseball. His Texas, and has no idea thataJJ of this Indianapolis a the director of co-curricular pro­ address is 1703 Gatehouse Court, Bel Air, Mary­ occurred to his old gift to m e," adds grams. Stoker erved as chapter adviso r for the land 2101 4. Krafka. Ep silon Chi Chapter at Pittsburg State Univer­ sity for five years.

4 6 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Paul Kramer '92 is completing residency in James Hamond '72 is a principal with Ernst & LOUISIANA STATE emergency medicine and will practice in the Yo ung, and a part of their Ameri cas Energy Alpha Gamma Kansas City area. Chemical and Utili ty Industry Services Group. Hammond resides in Sugar Land, Texas. Edward James Gaidry '61 was elected district Matt Roesner '85 has returned from a five year court judge in Te rrebonne Pari sh in 1984. He international assignment in South Africa with Timothy McMurray '90 is the assistant athleti cs served as district court judge until 2002, when SBC Communications, Inc. Upon his return, hi s director for development at Southwest Texas he was elected judge of the First Circuit Court of company promoted him to executive director, State University. He has been wi th SWf for two Appeal. national sales operations, small b usiness. years and is in the midst of a $15 mi ll ion athleti c Roesner, his wife, Katy, and daughters, Kayla and fac ility can1paign. James Phelps '49 has established an endow­ Michelle reside in Chicago, Illinois. ment to the LSU Chancell or's Leadership Schol­ Bruce Thomas '83 is a network engineer with arship Fund. The contribution of $30,000 was John Sheehan '89 and his wife, Darcie, an­ Level 3 Co mmunication, LLC. He resid es in Au­ pledged for the purpose of providing scholar­ nounce the birth of their first child, Lydia Grace, rora, Colorado. ships to enco urage and to recruit outstanding in July 2002. Sheehan is the general sales man­ freshmen. Phelps is a retired U.S. avy captain. ager for KMXV/ KSRC radio station in Kan sas LEHIGH City. Gamma Lambda Jodie Roberts '86 is the owner and execu ti ve director of Bayou Rapides Rehabilitation, a men­ Michael Ward '91 and his wife, Whitney, wel ­ Douglas Braendel '59 retired from tl1 e United tal health and social services agency servin g comed twin boys , Cooper James and Jackson States Army after 30+ years of servi ce. He is the youth with serious emotional disturbances. Ri chard, on November 5, 2002. business manager of White Su lphur Springs Hotel and Conference Center in Manns Choice, TimothyYeaglin '96 has accepted a position as KANSAS STATE Pennsylvania, a ministry of tl1 e Officers' Chris­ an associate with the law firm of Lewis, Ri ce, Alpha Omega ti an Fellowship of the USA. and Fingersh, L.C. in St. Louis, Missouri. He will begin his postion upon graduation fro m Was h­ Jeffrey McMahill '89 has been a regional sales LINFIELD ington University School of Law in May 2003. manager for Mortgage Lenders of America since Delta Rho May 2002. He and his wife, Beth, and three chil ­ dren, Danielle, Madeline and Sean, reside in David Sheppard '69 is a sales and marketing Olathe, Kansas. speciali st for GorgeLife Co nsulting, a data pro­ continued on next page cessing consultation firm specializing in web Greg Skaggs '88 is the facility manager for Ho­ base solutions fo r the modern busin ess envi ­ rizon Milling, LLC in Ogden, Utah. ronment.

KENTUCKY Mike Stephenson '64 sold his commercial print­ Lamar Alumni Reunite Omega ing company. He now works with Pike brothers, Jeff Stephenson '64 and Tim Stephenson '85 The2002 Epsilon Kappa Pi.keAJumni Andrew Alvarez '93 marri ed Jennifer Koch on producing e-commerce sites for their custom ­ Luncheon was held December 27th, ers, primarily The Wall Street journal. October 5, 2002. Al va rez is a physical therapist 2002 at the Saltgrass Steakhouse in for Samaritan Hospital in Lexington. LOUISIANA Houston , Texas. With 21 brothers Tom Bu ford '69 has been Zeta Omega present, attendance was up 233% over elected to a fourth term to the last year's crowd. ominations were Kentucky State Senate. He Kevin Camel '83 welcomed his second child, made for th e most changed, the grayest, currently chai rs the senate Chloe Lo uise, on ovember 15, 2001. He is the the bald est, most weight gained, most banking and insurance com­ president of the Lake Charl es Racquet Club in hair, and for"M r. 'Who in the hell are mittee, is vice chairman of the Lake Charles, Loui iana. yo u! '" However, with everyone nomi­ senate Health and Welfare nated for something, no one was left to Committee, and chairman of LOUISIANA-MONROE vote. Curiously, although there was the Appropriations and Rev­ Eta Omicron enue Sub Committee on Health and Human never a vo te taken, it was announced at Services. Buford and hi s wife, Ca rol, have two William Bishop '81 is the director of pharmacy the end of the event that Nick Lampson children, Beau and Stephanie. services with McKesson Medi cation Manage­ '63 had wonaJlcategories.Whileenjoy­ ment fo r Desert Springs Hospital and Medical ing the event, the brothers of Epsilon Stephen Libhart '91 is a financial consultant Center located in Las Vega , Nevada. KappaaJso paused to remember broth­ withA.G. Edwards& ons, Inc. ers who had passed on and could only Charlie Jaubert '91 is the as istant campus min­ be present in spirit and in their hearts. Brandon Napier '97 ma rried Josephine ister at St. Thomas More Catholic Hi gh School Fina ll y, those attending were chal­ Kluemper on October 5, 2002. Groomsmen in in Lafayette. lenged to each bring one more brother the wedding party included Doug Brauch '97, next year. Atte nding were: James Aaron Dixon '96 and JeffWoesle '96. Other Pike Chase Soong '84 is presid ent of Alarms Plus, brothers in attendance were Ryan Dirks '97, In c. in Raleigh, North Carolin a. Alarms Plus pro­ Hammond '72, David Mullen '62, Scott Herbert '96, Jason Mulvene '96, Ben Ruley vide commercial custom design, assembly, Mike Aldredge '60, Ted L. Reese '63, '96, Eric St. John '96, James Stepusin '96 and testing, install ation and maintenance of inte­ Kenneth Buss '60, Bill Stuessy '62, Russ Woodward '96. grated securi ty and fire alarm systems and ser­ Pike Powers, IV '60, Mickey Trainer vices. '61 , Tyrell Buckley ' 59, Robert LAMAR MacAnelly '68, Mike McCroskey '65, Epsilon Kappa Tommy Walpole '80 has accepted the position Byron Rushing '61 , Robert Pope '60, of associate director of alumni relations for the Pat Parker '61 , Bob Gratzer '65, Larry University of Louisiana-Monroe. He is very Martin '60, Bill Coffey '65 , Jack Roy Frederick '91 li ves in Houston, Texas with happy to be returning to ULM and working in his wife, Sh annon, a nd daughte r, Sloane. alumni relations once again . Mitchell '66, Nick Lampson '63 , Frederick is employed with Trend maker Homes Charles Wilder '62 and Buford Glass as an estimator. '60.

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 47 LOUISIANA TECH Tom McCraw '86 is tl1e chief executive officer MILLSAPS Gamma Psi of Fair & Sons Air Conditioning in Ocala, Florida. Alpha Iota

Scott Harp '88 is the academic coordinator of MIAMI Buddy Buchanan '60 is on the steering com­ clinical education in the College of Health and Gamma Omega mittee to re-colonize Alpha Iota Chapter. He may Public Affairs, Physical Therapy Department, at be contacted [email protected]. the University of Central Florida. He is also CEO Douglas Durnin '57 taught instructional music ofSABO Entertainment, Inc., a company which for 29 years prior to retiring in 1992. He played Charles Ricker '58 is the president of several coordinates fundraising events for central trombone in Corning Philharmonic Orchestra internet companies, including Houston Internet Florida charities. and Elmira Symphony Orchestra for 30 years, Real Estate, Inc., The RealtyWebmaster, The Golf and presently plays with the Corning Commu­ Webmaster, and Golden Go lfer. Gerald Herbert, Jr. '90 and his wife, Robin, an­ nity Orchestra and Family Life Brass in Bath, New nounced the birth of their daughter, Abigail York. Durnin has been married to Nan Landis Michael Van Velkinburgh '81 is vice president Grace, on June 27,2002. for 42 years and they have two children. They of sales and operations of SC3 LLC, the manu­ live in Elmira, ew York, but enjoy spending facturer of the Shaver's Choice line of products. Tim Herbst '95 is a territory representative for winters in Fort Myers Beach, Florida. He lives in Ridgeland, Mississippi. Kay Chemical Company in Dallas, Texas. Matthew S. Gannon '86 is an account opera­ MINNESOTA Matthew Wallace '86 has been named president tions manager for Norte! Networks. Beta Chi and chief executive officer of Aillet, Fenner, Jolly and McClelland, a consulting engineering firm Jonathan Pototsky '84 has relocated to New William A. Folk '96 is a lawyer working for the in Shreveport, Louisiana. York to work with the law offices of Lee S. Marines, based with the first battalion at Camp Jacobowitz. Pendleton, California. LOYOLA MARY MOUNT Theta Eta Jonathan Roth '84 and his wife, Lori, announce MISSISSIPPI the birth of their daughter, Joelle Vivian, on Gamma Iota Jon Wh ited '87 has been promoted to Agency January 19, 2002. She joins her two brothers, Field Co nsultant with State Farm Insurance and Harrison and Spencer, at home in Scottsdale, William E. Cochran '93 married Jennifer Clark relocated to Lodi, California with his wife and Arizona. Roth is president of Hurricane Market­ on July 27, 2002. Cochran is a graduate of the two daughters. ing, a wine and spirits brokerage firm that he University of Memphis Law School, and is asso­ started in 1996. ciated with the law firm of Black, McLauren, Jones MARYLAND and Ryland in Memphis. Delta Psi MIAMI-OHIO Delta Gamma MISSISSIPPI STATE David Crow '72 received his Eagle Scout Award Gamma Theta on September 21, 2002 from Troop 32, Gregory Hardwick '68 married Ann Praven on Monmouth Council, New Jersey. the beaches of the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Emile Bowers '54 retired from Wandel and The Harwicks and their combined family of five Go ltermann in 1998 as vice president of prod­ Rob Walsh '90 is currently in his second year at children and three grandchildren all reside in uct development. Prior to that position here­ Immaculate Conception Seminary studying for Atlanta, Georgia. tired from Be ll labs in 1996 as director of engi­ the Catholic priesthood. neering with 39+ years of service. He and his MICHIGAN wife, Nancy, have been married for 48 years and Bob Woerner '86 and his wife, Kalah, an­ Beta Tau have three chil dren and eight grandchildren. nounced the birth of son, Samuel Elliott, on October 4, 2002. Samuel joins his brother, Jeff Davis '92 practices law in New York City. He Robert Chambers, Jr. '73 is employed at The James, at their home in Clearwater, Florida. may be reached at [email protected]. Dow Chemical Company where he is respon­ sible for all contractor operations at the Louis Zeidman '77 is the director of business MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE Plaquemine, Louisiana faci.lity. He plays with tl1e development for Oracle Corporation in Reston, Eta Zeta Virginia. band called Route 66, and enjoys riding his Harley. He may be reached at [email protected]. Jim Allen '72 is an agency MASSACHUSETTS manager with Tennessee Theta Mu Farmers Mutual Insurance Calvin T. Hull, Jr. '76 is a partner in the Company. He has been in Billingsley Company, leading the marketing Reggie Achilles '88 is the president and owner the top ten for the last ten team with the responsibility of leasing ofEnTact Solutions, Inc., a private environmen­ years in auto and property Billingley's entire portfolio of office and indus­ tal consulting and management services firm in loss ratios. Allen received the trial properties. He may be contacted at Worcester. Achilles and his wife, Marie, wel­ Life Underwriters Training [email protected]. comed a son, Aedan Louis, on June 30, 2002. Council Fellow designation Aedan joins his siblings, Frank and Sophie, at in 1992. MISSOURI home in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Alpha Nu Andrew Margrave '96 is the store manager with MEMPHIS The Mattress Firm in Nashville. He has re­ Ken Flottman '83 is senior counsel of orthrop Delta Zeta mained active with hi chapter. Grumman Corporation at the Ship Systems sec­ tor in Mississippi and Louisiana. Northrop Bob Archer '69 is serving as associate superin­ Thomas H. Tr itschler, Ill '86 resides in Gruman is the avy's largest shipbuilder. tendent of school administration and student Murfreesboro, Tennessee and has been prac­ support for the Memphis City School District. ticing optometry for ten years. In addition to Michael Peak '69 is part of a design team w.ork­ hi s optometry practice, he is working with ing on a new Global Data Warehouse for new Neal Frazier '69 served as president of the Door Swanson Developments, a commercial devel­ General Electric company; GE Global Property and Hardware Institute for the ovember 2001 opment and leasing company. Casualty Reinsurance. He may be reached at -November 2002 term. The DHI is an interna­ [email protected]. tional trade association of over 5,000 members Buddy Wooten, Ill '71 is a senior fin ancial advi­ from around the world representing the busi­ sor with Innovative Financial Group, LLC. AndrewS. Mestman '93 and Jenny Murray were ne s interests of the Architectural Openings In­ Wooten is a certified financial professional and married on October 12, 2002, in St. Louis. Alpha dustry. received his master's in financial planning. u brothers in the wedding party included Doug

48 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Ceresia '93, Kevin Farrell ' 93 and Matt MONTEVALLO Henderson '93. Mestman works with the Cali­ Theta Beta fornia Attorney General's office as a deputy at­ rK torney general for the state and he lives in San Jim Johnson '87 is a claims adjuster for Alfa Diego. Insurance. He and hi s wife, Ch risty, live in Gamma Kappa Chapter Decatur, Alabama. Montana State University Sean Roarty '85 has relocated to Overland Park, 75th Anniversary Kan as to take a position in Anheuser-Busch's MURRAY STATE Regional Field Sales office. Epsilon Lambda October 9-11 , 2003 I MSU Bozeman, Montana Vincent Walker '87 owns Walker Homes, a re­ Joe Chaney '66 received the Max G. Carman For more details, visit modeling and residential home building busi­ Outstanding Teacher Award at Honors Day 2002 ness. He and his wife, Julie, have four children, at MSU. This award recognizes those professors www. msupikes. com/75th Abigail, Adan1, Andrew and Austin. at MSU who excel in the cl assroom and exhibit overall teacher excell ence. Chaney is facul ty MISSOURI-ROLLA adviser to the Student Law Associaton and works Alpha Kappa advising students and conducting workshops NEW HAMPSHIRE to prepare students for the LSAT. He and his wife, Gamma Mu Thomas Polcyn '88 is a partner in the law firm Lynda, have been married for 35 years. of Thompson Coburn, LLP, of St. Louis. He fo ­ T. Smiley Chase '55 operates Gold Coast Signs cuses his practice on mechanical patents and Terry Ellegood '81 is the director of technical & Designs in West Palm Beach, Florida. He also domestic and international trademarks. He and services for The Freeman Companies in Seattle, operates a manufacturing representati ve busi­ his wife, Laura, have one daughter, Reagan. Washington. ness out of West Palm Beach covering Central and South Florida, tl1e Bahamas, Bermuda, and Bradley Stewart '88 is the research and devel­ Bob Jackson '82 was elected Minority Whip for tl1 e U.S. Virgin Islands. opment manager for the Ludlow Division of tl1e Kentucky State Senate on January 7th, 2003. TYCO Healthcare in Chicopee, Maine. Jackson has served as State Senator since 1997. Sean Foley '83 welcomed Emily McKenna on June 5, 2001. She joins her brother, Kyle, at home MISSOURI-ST.LOUIS J. Preston Weatherly '97 and TiffenyWhite were in Snohomish, Washington. Zeta Phi married on September 28, 2002. He works for General Motors Corporation as a safety engi­ Bill Keefe '69 is a practicing ornithologist in Vir­ neer, and lives in Rochester Hil ls, Michigan. ginia. He and his family live in Reston, Virginia.


Travis Morris '99 married Sara Getzfred on July Dave Hendrix '65 and his wife, Jo Ann, cel­ 13, 2002, in Elgin, Nebraska. Groomsmen in­ ebrated their 30th wed cling anniversary and live cluded Nick Burns '99, Nick Fitch '99, Brian in El Paso, Texas. Hendrix has been with Hewlett­ Feller '99, Brent Melliger '00 and Matt Knobbe Packard Company for 34 years. '99. Morris Jives in Lin coln and is a rail car manu­ facturing engineer with Kawasaki. Jeffrey Roberts '95 and his wife, Brenda, wel­ comed their son, Mason Lain, on March 26, 2002. NEBRASKA-KEARNEY Roberts is a territory sales representative for Iota Gamma Wolverine Shoe Company. Jason Liszewski '95 marri ed Melissa elms on June 15, 2002. Best man in the wedding was Tim Roger Sheffield '87 i tl1 e NEW MEXICO STATE Rosenauer '97, and serving as groomsmen were vice president for institu­ Kappa Eta George Brier '94, Ron Chamberlin '94, Bobby tiona l advancement at Griffin '97, and Jesse Hunt '97. The Liszewskis Doane Coll ege in Crete, e­ Chris Flores '95 is manager of financial report­ live in O'Fallon, Missouri with their daughter, braska. He may be contacted ing for AdvancePCS (ADVP) based in Irving, Alix:is. at R [email protected].. California.

Kevin Poe '84 is a financial consultant for Com­ NEBRASKA-OMAHA NEW YORK merce Brokerage in St. Louis. Delta Chi Alpha Upsilon

MONTANA STATE John Carr '58 is the charitable and planned giv­ Andrew Buzin '99 received his master of busi­ Gamma Kappa ing director for the law firm of openbarger & ness administration from the Un iversity of Mi­ Copenbarger, raising approximately one billion ami School of Business Administration. George Baker '59 retired in 1997 from the dol.lars for selected worthy causes. The law firm Puyallup School District, and now drives cars specializes in estate and finan cial planning. NICHOLLS STATE for the South Seattle Auto Auction. He would Zeta Psi like to hear from any brothers in tl1 e Western NEVADA-LAS VEGAS Washington area [email protected]. Kappa Omicron Mark Daniel '74 is a senior sales consultant with First ational Merchant Solutions, handling the Jason Smith '89 is the chief executive officer Jeff Kennedy '98 announces tl1 e birtl1 of his son, credit card processing for both new and exist­ for th e American Red Cross ofVentura County Logan Rile y, on December 18, 2002. ing customer . in outhern Cali fo rni a. He also serves on the organization's Public Affairs Rapid Response Michael Pavicich '97 marri ed Mia Pi cci on No­ Frank J . Pasqua '69 has served as an educator Team as media spokesman for the Red Cross at vember 1, 2002. Groomsmen in the wedding for 34 year , and is currently the supervi sor of the scene of major national and international party were Jason Burley '97, Joshua Dixon '97, child welfare and attendance for Lafourche Par­ di sasters. David Pezzillo '97, Patrick Smith '97 a nd ish Schools in Louisiana. He has two daughters Nathan Turner '97. Chapter Mother Sa ndy Dixon who have both attended Nicholl State Univer­ was in attendan e along with many otl1er Kappa sity. ItKi. Omicron brotl1er .

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 49 NORTH CAROLINA four mont11 deployment in support of Opera­ from his Gamma Rho brothers. Paus lives in Tau ti on Enduring Freedom, fl ying into Afghanistan, Hyde Park and may be reached at gap8246 Pakistan, and Uzbeki stan, earning two ai r med­ @aol. com. Christopher Dixon '95 received his master of als for this work. On September 12,2001 , he fl ew business administration degree fro m Gardner­ a medical team to New Yo rk City to help with OHIO Webb Un iversity in 2002. the World Trade Center disaster. Bowen, his wife, Gamma Omicron An drea, and two sons, Andrew and Ethan, live Chip Smith '76 lives in Ri chmond, Kentucky in Abilene, Texas. Kenneth Mock '70 has accepted a position as and is the director of athletics at Morehead State marketing director with international trade University. Douglas Hosey '83 is the publisher of Arizona show organizer Messe Frankfurt, Inc. Mock and Go lfer's Guide, a publication li sting the best his wi fe, Kay, live in Roswell , Georgia, and have NORTH CAROLINA-CHARLOTTE places to stay and play in Arizona with a reader­ two daughters, Elizabeth and Kristin. Kappa Kappa ship of nearly one million. Rafik Paul Zeineddin '88 married lrinia Nicholas Entas '98 has started a new career in James Kemp '84 graduated from Qinnnipiac Alexandra Stavi tsky in early 2002. After graduat­ real estate with Century 21 in Charlotte. He was College School of Law in 1997 and has been prac­ ing from Ohio, he received his degree from form erly in the financial services industry. Entas ticing in Las Vegas, Nevada since March 2000. George Washington Law School. He is employed may be reached at (800)52 1-2206. Kemp and his wife, Heather, welcomed tl1eir son, at Kenyon & Kenyon in Washington, D.C., where Carson James, on December 27, 2001. he works in patent litigation and licensing. NORTH DAKOTA Zeta Rho NORTHERN ILLINOIS John Guroy '71 is the house corporation presi­ Eta Nu dent for the Buckeye Alumni House Corpora­ James C. Altstatt '94 is in the master of busi­ tion and attends National Conventions and ini­ ness administrati on program at the Unive rsity Chris John Fox '76 is the director of promo­ ti ations. He and his wife, Jo an, have two sons, of St. Thomas, Minnesota. tions and education for Changepoints, a minis­ John and Scott. Guroy officiates at high school try of Oman & Omen Couseling in Ro ckford, Il ­ baseball , basketball , football, and softball John Trouba '85 has completed his master of linois. He travels through the Midwest speak­ events. business administrati on degree in New Ventures ing and teaching on spiritual warfare. Fox and at Penn State, GreatValleyCan1pus. He will con­ his wi fe, Jo, li ve in Rockford, Illinois. OKLAHOMA ti nue his product development job with GO RE­ Beta Om icron TEX Fabrics at W.L. Gore & Associates. Jim Waring '90 was elected to the Arizona State Senate in November 2002.As one of thirty sena­ Bill Liddell '75 is the engineering supervisor in NORTH TEXAS to rs, Waring wi ll represent Phoenix, Scottsdale, charge of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation's Epsil on Delta Cave Creek and Carefree. Operations Intelligence Ce nter.

Tony Rohne '65 has been meeting with many NORTHERN IOWA Richard Resler '75 is the project lead in the alumni of Epsil on Delta, most recently for a din­ Theta Zeta Sofrware and Engineering Tes t Division of Mor­ ner in Dallas wi tl1 125 al umni and wives attend­ gan Research Corporation in Huntsville, Ala­ in g. For information on future meetings contact Bradley Halverson '94 is a supervisor at Ameri­ bama. him at [email protected]. can Eagle, Am erican Airlines' regional affili ate, at the Southwest Florida International Airport Bill Struve '70 is a civilian employee of the NORTHEASTERN STATE in Fo rt Myers, Florida. He has successfull y com­ United States Army, working in Wuerzburg, Ger­ Theta Epsilon pleted Am eri can Eagl e's airport management many. He and his wife, Diane, have two sons development program. who are both Pikes, Dirk (Epsilon Gamma '99) Jim Gray '82 and his wife, and three children, and Kipp (Epsilon Kappa '01 ). Last summer the live in Skiatook, Okl ah oma. He is the principal Rex lll ison '78 is president of Fidelity Nati onal Struves hosted two of Kipp's brothers from chief of the Osage Nati on. Co rporati on. He and his wife have four boys, Lamar, Pep Barranco '98 a nd Brandon Ben, Garrett, Jo e, and Nick. The lllison family Thibodeaux '98. Their visit affirmed that the fra­ Tony Hudson '93 announces the birth of his li ves in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. ternal bond of phi phi kappa alpha indeed does son, William Alexa nder, on September 12, 2002. bridge a 30+ year gap. Joseph Granzow '88 is in his second year teach­ Rocky Stone '75 is the superintendent of ing in Sao Paulo, Brazil at the Escola Graduada OKLAHOMA STATE schools in Stratfo rd , Oklahoma. Stone and his de Sao Paul o Am eri can School. He has been Gamma Chi wife, Brenda, have three childre n, Amber, Leslie teaching outside of the United States for six and Ryan. years. He may be reached at j granzow@ Ken Boyett '86 is a project executive witl1 Cerner graded. hr. Corporation. He li ves in Edmond, Oklahoma NORTHERN ARIZONA and has a daughter, Madison. Theta Rho NORTHERN KENTUCKY Eta Rho Roger Holder '89 announces the birth of his Scott Bowen '87 is a major in the United States fourth child, Ross Andrew, on October 16,2002. Air Fo rce and a C-130 instructor pilot. He had a Keith Sherman '87 was in tile United States Army He is an attorney working as the director of com­ for eleven yea rs, and is now in the civi lian sec­ pliance, employee and labor relations for Tulsa tor. He is an operations supervisor witl1 Airborne Public Schools. ALUMNI NOTES Express in their Al exa ndri a, Virginia offi ce. Robert McManis '92 and his wife, Tammy, wel­ News for the Summer 2003 NORTHWESTERN comed their fust child, Chase, on October 11, issue of Shi eld & Diamond Gamma Rho 2002. McManis is the senior product develop­ must be received on or before ment engineer for SoundTec, Inc. designing im­ Bill Breyer '55 has relo cated to Calabasas, Cali ­ plantabl e hearing devices. The family live in April l5, 2003. fornia after 25 years in Lo ng Beach. He would Piedmont, Oklahoma. Submit your alumni notes like to hear fro m his Gamma Rh o brothers at [email protected]. Shane Stephen Sullivan '93 resides in the up­ online at per west sid e of Fremont, Nebraska. Cli ck on the Alumnus Update link! Greg Paus '65 owns a successful architectural fLrm in No rthern Vermont. He would like to hear

50 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 OREGON outsourcing services for golf courses through­ Gamma Pi out the United States. He started a firm , Logo GolfProducts, that provides priva te label shirts News of Stephen Baker '79 is a partner with the law firm and hats to 2,800 golf courses d1roughout the of Carr, Kennedy, Peterson & Frost in Redding, United States. Cali fornia where he practi ces business litiga­ BYGONE DAYS tion and speciali zes in labor and employment PITTSBURGH law. Baker has three children and enjoys fl y fi sh­ Gamma Sigma 125 Years Ago ... From The HistOty ofPi ing and cycling. Kappa A lpha (1949): In 1878, Alpha William Alexander '88 and hi s wife, Kell y, an­ Chapter ( Virginia) had about a dozen Kenneth Cline '94 and his wife, )en, announce nounce the birth of their daughter, Juli a Grace, men, Gamma Chapter ( William and the birth of their son, Joseph Kenneth, on Octo­ on October 9, 2002. Julia joins her brother, James Maty) was expected to continue, Epsi­ be r 22, 2002. Joseph Ke nneth joins his big Peirce, a t home in Stevensvill e, Ma ryla nd. lon (Virginia Tech), wiili a large chapter, brother, Mi chael, at home in Vancouver, Wash­ Al exander is a senior analys t at Firs t Data Mer­ was in a most promising condition, Eta ington. chant Se rvi ces. (Tulane) had just had an auspicious be­ ginning, and Theta (Southwestern Pres­ Larry Nakatsu '79 ha been teaching health and Willard Hoel '58 retired in October 2002 aft er a fitness for 17 years a nd works at Leota Junior 38 year sales career in the steel industry. byterian- now Rhodes) already looked Hi gh School. Nakatsu and his wife, usan, and ve ry much like a rival of Epsilon. two sons, Blake and Tyle r, li ve in Bothell , Wash­ Dennis Martin '75 is the director of th e foo d in ­ ington. du try division for ChemTreat, In c., a n indus­ 100 Years Ago ... At the 1903 Conven­ trial water treatment company based in Ri ch­ tion, heldApril 7-8 in Nashville, Tennes­ Eric Ramsing '70 is the corporate architect for mond, Virginia. see, 16 out of 21 chapters were repre­ Starbucks Coffee in Seattle. He has two children, sented. They changed ilie distribution of Bert Sichelstiel '51 marri ed Glenda Burkh ard and spends his spare time restoring an 1895 Vi c­ the Shield & Diamond from fi ve times on June 12, 2002. tori an house. per year to three; and a motion to ex­ PENNSYLVANIA PURDUE tend the Fraternity to the west a nd Beta Pi Beta Phi noriliwest was defeated. In the Shield & Diamond, Upsilon Chapter (A labama Ron Brodsky '74 is a pedi atric anesthesiologist James Freeman '64 has re turned to the United Polytechnic - now Auburn) writes: "Un­ at the Medical School and Children's Hospital States after four year i.n Grand Cayman as man­ usual interest was taken here this year in No rfo lk, Virginia. Brodsky is active wi th Op­ ager of two pharmacies for a family owned gro­ in the class foot-ball games, each class eration Smile, a voluntary surgical group that cery company, Fosters Food Fair. He is currently getting out a strong eleven. Brother J.D. goes to Third World countries and performs Cleft working for Kro ger a nd living in Ca ry, No rth Walker, our crack left -field er, again fills Up and Palate repairs on children. His wo rk with Carolina. He and his wife, Kat ie, have 16 grand­ childre n. Freem a n m ay be reached a t the position of Captain ofthe base-baU Operation Smile has taken him to Ve nezuela, team. In base-ball, as in every walk of Columbia, The Phil ippines, Bo livia, Kenya, and j.freema nl 2@nc. n:com. most recently to China. Brodsky has been mar­ life, n .K. A. stands well to the front." ri ed fo r 12 years and has two children, Marl ene RENSSELAER and Saul. Gamma Tau 75 Yea rsAgo ... From the Shield & Dia­ mond, February 1928: Alpha Eta Chap­ Richard J. Heaslip '74 works for Wye th Phar­ Rick Aldrich '90 i the vice presid ent of sales ter owns more real estate ilian any oilier maceuticals. He lives near Yardley/Newtown in and business development wi d1 Metal Supplier Bucks County, Pe nnsylvania wi th his wife, Julie, Onli ne. He and hi s wife, Heather, and daughter, and thei r children, Rick, Cody, and Ke ll ey. Elizabeth, li ve in Sa lem, New Hampshire.

Scott Rothbort '79 is the founder and president H. Frank Hicks, Jr. '41 retired fro m Eas tman of La keView Asset Management, LLC. In addi­ Kodak Co mpany aft er 30 yea rs. He li ves in the tion, Rothbort is the general partner of LakeView hell Point Retirement Co mmunity in Ft. Myers, Florida. Hick has been a Rotarian for over lnve onent Partners, LP. He is also a professional twenty years, and is acti ve in the Rotary Clu b of contri butor to's Real Money Pro Fo rt Myers Beach. He corresponds wi th Gamma website, is a frequent guest on Bl oomberg Ra­ Ta u brothers Charlie Horsfall '41 , Bill Marcon dio, and wi Usoo n be teaching at Seton Hal l Uni ­ '40 and AI Voorhees '42. versity. Rothbart and his wife, Layni , and their fraternity at the Un iversity of Florida, five ch il dren li ve in Millburn, ew Jersey. He Ronald Leong '88 is the global business plan­ and ... has ilie best location on the cam­ welcome e-mail s at [email protected]. ning manager fo r Delphi Harrison Thermal Sys­ pus. Not sati sfi ed wiili a $65,000 home, tems, overseeing a group that perfo rm stra te­ ilie Florida boys engaged ilie servi ces of PENNSYLVANIA STATE gic and revenue pl anning fo r the division. Beta Alpha a landscape a rchitect and began ilie beautification of their property, which RICHMOND cove rs three-quarters of a block. Greg Cross '90 has a web design company. He Omicron lives in Sherman Oaks, California and may be reached at Michael Foreman '60 received the Disti n­ 50 Years Ago ... Delta Omega Chapter guished Service Awa rd and Innovative Advances was chartered at Hi gh Point College on Robert Gliem '91 announces the birth ofhis son, Awa rd from The Virginia upreme Co urt for his February?, 1953. Parke r Ala n. 27 yea rs of leadership and service in The Vir­ ginia Ci rcuit Court Clerks' Associati on. 25 Years Ago ... Theta )(j Chapter was PITTSBURG STATE Epsilon Chi chartered at East Texas State University ROCKHURST (now TexasA&M-Commerce) on March Kappa Epsilon Dennis Shirley '71 and his wife, andra, have 25, 1978. d1ree children, Ash lea, Destre, and Jus ti ce. They Howard Davis '99 marri ed Co ll een Burke on li ve in the Dall as area where he provides con­ july 27, 2002. Th couple li ves in Austin, Texas s ul ti ng services to firm s tha t provid e and may be reached at [email protected].

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMO ND 51 ROSE-HULMAN been recognized as a senior financial and top SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE Iota Delta producer in the Bay Area. Epsilon Iota

Robert Gries hop '97 is a development process Dipak Patel '83 has been appointed to the David Bailey, Jr. '83 is a partner with the law e ngin eer for Proctor & Ga mble in Ca pe Vacaville Planning Commission, Board of Di­ fum of Saale & Bailey, the law firm he founded Girardeau, Missouri. He and his wife, Jen, live rectors ofVacaville Chamber of Co mmerce. He 10 years ago with Shawn Saale (A lpha Nu '85). in Jackson, Missouri. is also a board member ofVacaville Rotary Club. The firm is located in St. Peters, Missouri, and practices in the areas of estate planning, work­ Darren Long '94 and his wife, Corrie, welcomed SETON HALL ers compensation and personal injury. their first child, Ab iga il Elizabeth, on August 27, Eta Beta 2002. Frank Bisconti '75 is the chief financial officer RUTGERS of JH Co ncepts, In c., one of the country's larg­ Alpha Psi est custom-design corporate apparel compa­ ni es. He lives in Ro ckford, Illinois.

Dennis Falci '87 and his wife, Cassie, cel­ ebrated the birth of their son, Devin Walter, on September 10, 2002. He joins his big brother, Derek, at home in Morris Plains, New Jersey. Falci is a regional account manager in managed care with Ave ntis Pharmaceuticals. Clifton Cothern '93 married Tonya Traylor on Jeffrey Kovatch '87 has started a Pike Seton July 27, 2002. Pike brothers pictured are (from Hall alumni e-mail list that has over 150 broth­ left) Anthony LeCour '00, Mike McClure '99, ers and their contact information. Co ntact Brad Guess '98, Cl iff Cothern '93, Jason Kovatch [email protected] to be a part of Henson '00 and Kyle Wellington '98. Cothern Austin Handler '95 married Jennifer Mabley on this contact list. is a creative producer forWBKO 13 in Bowling ovember 2, 2002, in So uthampton, New York. Green, Kentucky. Alpha Psi brothers attending included Bri an Kenneth Serviss '87 has been promoted tore­ Wheelock '96, Eric Landskroner '95, David gional manager for Volt Information Sciences. Marc Baldwin '82 works at CitiFinancial as a Mal inowski and Josh Katz '95. They live in Volt is a recruiting company specializing in in­ consumer lender. He lives in Paducah, Kentucky. Water Mill , New York, where Ha ndler is a formation technology, technology and engi­ freelance graphic designer, and manages his neering professionals. He may be contacted at Larry Berneking '70 has been appointed as an wife's firm , Mabley-Handler Interior Design. a-kserviss@comcast. net. assistant professor in the Teacher Education Department of North Georgia Coll ege and State SACRAMENTO STATE David Vi llalona '85 received his master of busi­ Unive rsity in Dal1lonega, Georgia. Theta Tau ness administration degree from the Univer­ sity of Phoenix in September 2002. He is the Eddie Hendrix '97 works at the University of Michael Wells '96 graduated from the police northeast regional sales incentive consultant Missouri as a database analyst. academy and is employed with the Oakland for General Motors Co rporation. Villalona re­ Police Department. sides in East Brunswick, New Jersey with his Mogens Madsen '97 has accepted a position as wife, Mary, and their two daughters, Angelea SAP consultant for the management consulting SAMFORD and Olivia. Alpha Pi fum Em en tor in Co penhagen, Denmark.

Stuart Wolffe '86 announes the birth of his Greg Schueddig '86 and his wife, Amy, have Bill Nelson '89 announces the birth of his daughter, Saral1 Scott, on Jul y 13, 2002. daughter, Katherine Grace, on January 11, 2002. three children, Elizabeth, Matthew, and Samuel. He is the administrator with Ca mpus Outreach The Schueddig's live in Imperial , Missouri and SOUTH CAROLINA Birmingham, an interdenominational college own Langhorst Co nstruction, In c. , a commer­ Xi ministry. He lives in Pelham, Alabama and may cial company specializing in the installation and be reached at billamyn@att. net. service of spectator seating (bleachers, audito­ David Campbell '85 accepted a position as loan rium seating, etc.) casework, lockers and the SAN DIEGO STATE officer with UPS Capital in June 2002 after l3 erection of scaffolding. Delta Kappa yea rs with Deutsche Financial Services. Campbell is living in Marietta, Georgia. Carl Ward '64 and many of his Epsilon Iota Matt Delaney '80 has been wi th Dell Co mputer brothers from the 1960s have been keeping in in various director capacities for the last eight SOUTH DAKOTA touch through http:l/webpages.charter.netlei­ years. He and hi s wife, Kath y, and two daugh­ Kappa Pi pikes -60s. Many of these brothers have not seen ters, Lauren and Stephanie, li ve in Austin, Texas. each other in 25 years, and now share e-mail on Corey Steele '97 and his wife, Am anda, an­ a daily basis and occasionally have mini-re­ Mike Hardman '86 and his wife, Mabel, wel­ nounced the birth of their second son, Jonas, unions. He encourages aU Epsilon Iota broth­ on August 26, 2002 . comed their second child, Paige Isabella, on ers to visit the website. October 17, 2002. SOUTH FLORIDA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA John Volz '83 has opened hi s own practi ce, The Zeta Pi Gamma Eta Law Office of John C. Volz, in Los Angeles. He has two children, Alexander and Chloe. Volz may Eric Smolin '93 and his wife, Kay, welcomed be reached at (3 10) 462-1572. Yale Gieszl '64 is retired and living in Rolling their first child, Rachel, on October 27, 2002. Hills, Cal ifornia with his wife, Elvie. He may be Smolin is a territory manager for Ab bott La bo­ reached at yale@gieszl. com. SAN JOSE STATE ratories, Ross Products Division in the Phila­ Delta Pi delphia market. Eric Kahnert '00 is a reporter for the BC affili­ Tony Alarcon '89 welcomed his second child, ate in Rochester, Minnesota, KTTC. He may be Alexandra Grace, on April 16, 2002. He is em­ co ntacted a t [email protected] or ployed with WM Fin ancial Services, and has uscho ckey 1O

52 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Richard Launder '39 was presented with the Southern Financial Associates in Jackson, Mi s­ SOUTHWESTERN OKLAHOMA STATE Ju bil ee ofLiberty Medal on November 11, 2002. sissippi. Zeta Zeta The presentation of this medal ymbolizes the gratitude of France to the Allied soldiers who SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STATE James Hutchison '76 is the assistant adminis­ participated in the invasion at ormandy and Zeta Chi trator of I TEGR!S Bass Baptist Health Center the subsequent battles across northern France, in Enid, Oklahoma. Hutchison is the adminis­ ending in victory. Brother Launder's role in the e Ed Camp '94 has graduated with a degree in trator of INTEGRTS Bass Behavioral Health, events is chronicled in his book, College Cam­ information technology. He would li ke to hea r which includes Meadowlake, a children and pus in the Sky (profiled in the Win ter 2002 issue from hi s brothers at [email protected] l. com. adolescent psychiatric hospital, as well as Gen­ of Shield & Diamond). erations, a geriatric psychiatry unit. SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE Raji Narula '91 and his wife, Karen, welcomed a Zeta Theta STATE UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA daughter on ovember 21,2002. Eta Sigma Jeff Bedell '81 retired from Dell Computer Cor­ SOUTHERN ILLINOIS poration in 2000 and now plays hard racing cars. Devan Seabaugh '84 has been elected to serve Iota Mu For more information on his success in the as president of the Kiwanis Club of Marierta, SCCA Pro Spec Racer Series go to Georgia. The Marietta Kiwa ni s Club was char­ Kyle Lucas '90 works for Schefenacker Research or tered in 1930 a nd currently has more that 255 USA as an automotive exterior lighting research acti ve members. engineer. ln the spring of 2002, he co-designed SOUTHWESTERN and built the world's first legally passing LED Alpha Omicron STETSON headla mp mock up. He is prototyping the Delta Upsilon world's first production version of the LED Stuart Colburn '88, hi s wife, Aaren, and hi s step­ headlamp as well as fog/driving lamps. daughter live in picewood, Texas. Colburn is Donald W. Blum '77 is the chief lending officer of counsel with the Dallas law firm of Down for The Provident Bank headquartered in Jer­ John Miller '92 and his wife welcomed their first and Stanford. He works out of his home practic­ sey City, ew Jersey. child, Grace Kingley, on November 14, 2002. ing insurance defense specializing in workers' compensation. Frank Page '74 is a certified public accountant SOUTHERN METHODIST and president of his own firm , Business Devel­ Beta Zeta Larry Nobles '72 is professor of spiritual theol­ opment Partners, Inc., in Orlando, Florida. Page ogy at the Anglican School of Theology at the al so performs stand-up comedy at conventions, Barkley Peschel '94 married Jill Hurst on June University of Dallas. meetings and banquets coast-to-coast. Visit hi s 8, 2002, in Houston, Texas with brother Greg website at www. Page may be Brown '93 serving as a groomsman. The couple Steven Raben '59 is the area managing director reached [email protected]. li ves in Sugar Land, Texas, where Peschel is vice with Ru ssell Reynolds Associates, an interna­ president of development wi th the Greater Fort tional executive search consultants firm, in SYRACUSE Bend Economic Development Co uncil. Houston, Texas. He is a member of the Global Alpha Chi Energy Practice. Gregory Phillips '89 and his wife, Marti, wel­ Giovanni Padula '90 is the United States net­ comed their son, Ma on Gregory, on June 23, James Winn '61 retired after twelve years as the wo rk manager with Brink's Global Services. 2002. Phillips became an associate with the law executive vice presid e nt of the Federation of firm of Herme a rgent Bates, LLP. in Dallas, State Medical Board s of the United States. He is TENNESSEE Texas. now the president of Winn Adviso ry ervices, Zeta tnc., a national consulting company. SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI John Davidson '56 retired from Eastern Ken­ Delta Mu tucky Unive rsity a emeritus professor of chem-

Butch Bourg '57 i a freelance graphic and web designer in the Atlanta area. He ha been pl ay­ From left, Row 1: Bryan Long ing trombone for the past 28 year with the Sen­ '59, Howa rd Morris '50, Joel timental Journey Orchestra, a 19 member swing Traweek '93, Bruce Stewart band. Bourg would like to hear from any of the '56; Row 2: Arthur Mellen '57, Delta Mu brothers from the late 50s at Wayne Hart '60, Bill Nelson '58, [email protected]. SonnyWima n '59, Stephen Porcari '59; Row 3: Bob Brown Charles Byram '84 is the director of tax at '59, William Risher '57, Steven Raytheon Aerospace, LLC. Raytheon Aerospace DeGruiter '94; Row4:John over ees and manages more than 1,800 aircraft William s '55, Jim Bloodworth and other equipment at 299 si tes wo rldwi de, '61, Robert West '49, Ed Craig providing contract maintenan ce and training '58; Row 5: Billy Pa ul Stua rt support for the military, government, and com­ '56, Nicholas Haas '55, Skippy mercial customers. Reynolds '62, David Pyle '59, Mike Ba ll '60, Bob Oglesby'56; Kent Kirkland '80 is the assistant princi pal and Andy Roma no '57 (behind head baseball coach at Picayune Memorial High School in Picayune, Mississippi. Kirkland was John Williams) chosen Clarion-Ledger baseball coach of the year. Hi s team won the class 4A state baseball Southern Mississippi Alumni Gather championship, and were ranked #1 in the state and #5 in the nation by USA Today. Delta Mu Chapter alumni had their first reunion on October 18and 19,2002. Robert West '49, a charter member, was in attendance. On Friday the 18th, alumni enjoyed a Larry Patterson '63 has earned both the char­ tered life underwriter and chartered financial golftournamentand ended theeveningwith a fi h fr y in Bi loxi. On Saturday the 19th, consultant professional designations. He is the they moved to Hattiesburg for Homecoming festivites and the football game. brokerage manager for New England Financial,

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 53 istry. He is on the board of directors at St. Kimball Presley '86 has two childen, Laura Lance Welch '82 is the founding partner of Andrews, a Christi an retirement community in Grace and Lawson Granstaff. Sebring Capital Corporation in Carrollton, Ri chmond, Kentucky. Texas. Mark Sluder '89 is a manager with Lowe's Com­ Rob Key '81 is a major in the United States Army panies, Inc. He has been selected to open a new TOLEDO posted to th e Pe ntagon Office, Army Chief of "Vision II" Lowe's store in Bessemer, AJaban1a, Epsilon Epsilon Staff, Washington, D.C. one of only three nationwide. He and his wife, Laurie, have one son, Joe. Sluder is a li eutenant Gene Herman '65 has joined Health Net of the Stacy E. Latham '93 and his wife, Daniell e. an ­ in the avy Reserves. North East as a network engineer. nounce the birth of their son, Hayden Charles, on November 7, 2002. Hayden joins big brother, Kevin T. Wampler '89 and his wife, Christy, wel­ TRINITY Jackson Edward, at home in Hendersonville, comed their daughter, Chloe Marie, in ovem­ Epsilon Alpha Te nnessee. ber 2002 . Wampler is the southeast area man­ ager for Datascope Corporation. Harry Cohen '91 and his wife, Shari, announce Jason Polley '89 is the senior marketing repre­ the birth of Hannah Rebecca, on November 29, sentative for the retail division of the Weston TEXAS 2002. The Cohen famil y resides in Sharon, Companies, a full servi ce commercial real es­ Beta Mu Massachuettes. tate firm based in Memphis. Lazar Hausman '99 graduated with honors from Charles Kurz '65 served as class president for Stephen Ragland '82 was named a member of the Un iversity ofTexas, and is currently attend­ his 35th reunion at Trinity College. He serves the law firm of Bas , Berry & Sims in the firm's ing the Unive rsity ofTexas Law School. on the Pa re nt's Leadership Committee at Memphis office, and will continue his bank­ Vanderbilt University. Kurz is also a trustee of ruptcy, restructuring, and commercial litigation TEXASA&M Webb Institute, a small college in Glen Cove, practice. Theta Xi New York, which specializes in naval architec­ ture and marine engineering. Worrick Robinson, IV '83 and his wife, Leslie, Jory Raye Russell '93 is a pick-up and delivery have two children, Aubrey and Quint. He is the service manager for FedEx Ground at the Dal­ Louis M. Rogow '62 retired from medical prac­ managing partner in the ashvill e law firm , las Super Terminal. tice to take over a family business, Ideal Win­ Robinson, Reagan and Young, P. C., concentrat­ dow Manufacturing. He is secretary/ treasurer ing in areas of litigation and creditor rights. He Margene Simmons '97 teaches physical edu­ of the foundation board of)FK Medical Center, is also a certifi ed contract advisor with the Na­ cation, criminal justice, and coaches SA football Edison, New Jersey. Rogow established the tional Football League Player's Association rep­ in the Arlington lndependant School District. Helen and Irving Rogow Foundation to provide resenting players in the FL. scholarships for post secondary education for TEXAS-ARLINGTON the children of Ideal employees. Kent Thomas '88 and his wife, Jennifer, an­ Eta Upsilon nounce the birth of their first child, Madeline TULANE Grace, on October 16, 2002. The Thomas family Rod Balderman '81 is a sales representative for Eta li ves in ashville. Phys ician Sales and Service. Balderman li ves in Houston with hi s wife and son, and may be Robert Buesinger '74 and his wife, Susan, wel­ Don Willingham '86 and his wife, Beth, wel­ reached at (2 18) 948-4915. comed their daughter, Emma Rose, on March comed their daughter, Katherine Ryland, on 24, 2002. He is the Americas sales manager for October 21, 2002. She joins her sister, Allie, at John Brazelton '83 is a computer systems ana­ polyethylene plastics for Chevron Phillips home in Germantown, Tennessee. lys t with Ciber, Inc. In addition, he is a major in Chemical Company. the Army Reserves in a computer network de­ TENNESSEE-CHATIANOOGA fe nse unit lo cated in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Kingsley Fife '51 has retired after 40 years of Delta Epsilon private practi ce in Obstetrics & Gynecology in Don Proctor '89 is vice president with Bank of Santa Monica, California. He and his wife, Brian Mill ican '87 welcomed his daughter, America's consumer real estate division. He and Joanne, live in Pacific Palisades, California. Katherine Grace, on July 15, 2001. hi s wife welcomed the birth of their daughter, Eli zabeth Clair, on April 25, 2002. The Proctor Barry Stevens '80 was awarded fellowship in TENNESSEE-MARTIN family li ves in Arlington, Virginia. the American Co!Jege ofDentists on October 18, Epsilon Sigma 2002. Stevens currently serves on the house of Kevin Simmons '76 is on the economics fac­ delegates to the American Dental Association Timothy Rogers '81 is the K-4 principal and the ul ty at Oklahoma City University. He and his and the Florida Dental Association. He is a assistant supervisor of instruction for the Lex­ wife, Susan, will celebrate their 25th wedding member of the board of directors of the North­ ington Tennessee City School System. He was annjversary in 2003. east District Dental Association and is past presi­ elected to the Henderson County Commission dent of the Jacksonvi!Je Dental Society. Stevens for the 6th district and will serve as the chair­ TEXAS TECH has a private endodontic practi ce in Jackson­ man of the county finance committee fo r 2003. Epsilon Gamma ville where he resides with his wife, Rori, and Rogers is also co-host of the sports talk show two children, earl y and Josh. "Th e Sports Blitz" on WBFG 96.5, West Scott Darby '92 is a senior design engineer in Tennessee's only 24 hour ESPN radio show. He research and development for oil servi ce com­ TULSA a nd his wife, Stephanie, have two children, pany, Weatherford lntern ational. Darby and hi s Gamma Upsilon Juliana Caryl and Timothy. wife, Don ice, have a son, Calvi n, and reside in Houston, Texas. Jeffrey Francis '76 is director of church rela­ Ken White '77 is the principal of Rutherford tions and associate university chaplain at the School (K-8) in the Gibson County School Dis­ Tommy Sparks '96 and his wife, Amy, announce University ofTulsa. In the summer of 2002, he trict. White, his wife, Joetta, and their daughter, the birth of their first child, Britton Layne, on took 18 students on a ten day Presbyterian heri­ Kendra, li ve in Trenton, Tennessee. Se ptember 9, 2002. They li ve in McKinney, tage trip to Scotland, part of the Westminster Texas, wh ere Spa rks teach es Engli sh a nd Leaders and Scholars Leadership Program. The TENNESSEE TECH coaches football and basketball at Scott Johnson leadership program was started by Francis in Theta Upsilon Middle School. He also coaches baseball at September 2000 to id entify, nurture and instruct McKinney orth Hi gh School. the best and the brightest of the Presbyterian Da ve Ballance '83 is the enterpri e scheduling Church's (USA) coll ege students toward future analyst for Portland General Electric. congregational leadership. Francis and hjs wife,

54 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Martha, have two children, Morgan (Gamma VANDERBILT own educational consulting firm . Row a nd his Upsilon '01 ) and Megan. Sigma wife, Po ll y, live in Mil l Creek, Washington.

Chris Harmon '94 is a legal specialist for the Orner Eubanks, Ill '75 received his Ph.D. in com­ Randall Schlager '79 is employed with the U.S. Department ofJustice. He is also an editor puter science in November 2001. He works for music and entertainment division ofDMX Mu­ ofTulsa Sports Web. He covers football and bas­ Candle Corporation as a enior softwa re con­ sic, Inc., providing creative services for high-end ketball, is heard on d1e Locker Room radio show, sultant. fashion and hospitality companies worldwide. and produces a weekly newsletter, Hurricane Alert. Harmon may be reached at Chris@ VIRGINIA WAYNE STATE Tu./saSports Web.c om. Alpha Delta Nu

Don Jackson '88 and his wife, Cyndlia, have David King '94 and his wife, Annie, announced Mark Aldrich '99 welcomed his son, Tyler, on two daughters, Chloe and Hannah. The fam ily d1e birth of their daughter, Ril ey, on August 27, ovember 1, 2002. resides in Thlsa where he is a vice president widl 2002. King is a second year resid ent in orthope­ Union Bank ofSwitzerland/PaineWebber. He is dic surgery at Washington Unive rsity/ Barnes William Green '88 and his wife, Ro, announce often seen on d1eABC and BC affiliate station Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri the birth of their daughter, Ella Rose, on Jul y 11 , in Tulsa giving stock market commentary. 2002. Ell a joins brothers, Cameron and Griffin, Scot MacGillivray '86 and hi s wife, Lisa, wel­ at home in Ro chester, Michigan. Green is busi­ Richard Peaster '95 is a bankruptcy speciali st comed d1eir son, Duncan Scot, on March 5, 2002. ness manager at Merck and Company, In c. with dle firm Richard L. Peaster and Associates. VIRGINIA TECH Robert Hayes '57 i the preside nt of Chris Rhoades '98 works with dle Hi ll crest Epsilon GeoForensics, Inc., a forensic geology and en­ Foundation traveling to elementary and middle vironmental consul tin g firm in Wi ll iamston, schools dlroughout eastern Oklahoma teach­ Jon Camden '90 announces the birth of hi s Michigan. He a nd his wife of 28 years, Kadly, ing about health, well ness and dle body. He is fourth child , John Lyon, on June 27, 2002. have three sons. Their oldest son, Bob (Beta Tau al o currently working on a master's of busi­ Ca mden is the district sales ma nager in the '00), was a Pike at the University of Mi chi gan. ness administration at Tulsa. medical division for C. R. Bard. Edward Ross '96 has formed Acrocat Software, Ray Walsh '83 works widl VIA ET.WO RKS as Lance Grenevicki '87 re­ L.L.C., a software company dlat specializes in senior vice president of operations and tech­ ceived a faculty appointment custom software applications. The latest appli­ nology. He is based in London and is respon­ as clinical adjunct as i ta nt cation by Acrocat Software is PDAFitness, used sible for European and ordl American Opera­ professor of surgery at the to track, record, , pl an and view workout tions. Walsh and hi wife welcomed dleir fourdl Un iversity of Florida. and fitn ess routines. This software program is child, Jordan Clair, born in Den Haag, Ne ther­ ava il able in Ta rget and other retail stores. lands. Mike Trudeau '98 married Kri sten Shymanovitz UTAH on October 26, 2002. Pikes in the wedding party AlpahTau Kevin Kelly '88 announces the birth of his son, included Denny Carino '98, Jeff Maurus '98, Carter, on December 16, 2002. Ca rter joins hi s Bruce Mayrand '98 and Jesse Silverstein '97. Kevin Fitzpatrick '76 wore his "Pikes" baseball older sister, Katelyn, at home in Farmvill e, Vi r­ cap while coaching hi s son's All-Star little league ginia. team. His assistant coach, Jim Roslund (Arizona, Gamma Delta '76) saw it and remarked dlat he Stan Maoury '89 has been promoted to senior was a Pike, and the opposing coach, Kevin consultant with Ga rtne r's. He li ve in South Stay Connected! Smith (Missouri-Rolla, Alpha Kappa '78), also Riding, Virginia with hi s wife, Julie, and son, saw it and remarked that he was a Pike! Stanl ey Ill. [f you have n't rece ntly, p lease visit Pi Kappa Alpha at to sub­ Larry Stowe '60 and his wife, Carolyn, are di ­ Tony Morosini '86 has released a new CD, Me­ rectors of their own golf vacation busi ness, mitar1 "Alumnus Update" (located at dle tropolis, widl San Francisco rock band The Min­ bottom of the Fraternity's h ome page). StoweAwayTour .In 2002 dley took two groups eral Kin gs. He rejoined this group in 2001 and This li nk allows you to submit in forma­ to Provence in southern France and pl an on re­ plays bodl drums and guitar on the CD. Morosini tion for tl1 e AJ umni Notes section of the turning tvvice during 2003. They also have two is also a busine s development executive with trips planned to the Lakes of orthern Italy. Sapient Corporati on in San Francisco. Shield & Diamond, and update your Contact towe at contact information with tile Memorial Christopher Spillare '90 and his wife, Kim , wel­ Headquarters. Via t11eAJumnus Update VALPARAISO comed their son, Kyle Thomas, on August 15, you can also choose to be included in Epsilon Beta 2002. dle "Pike Link", the Fraternity's monthly email announcing special Pike n ews Rudolph Mueller '72 was invited to serve as an WASHINGTON and dle p ubli cation ofdle Forum online assistant to the Bishop ofdle Indiana-Kentucky Beta Beta newsletter. You may also mail, fax ore­ Synod of th e Eva ngeli cal Lutheran Church in mail your information. Ameri ca. After 20 years in parish ministry, Eric Hemmen '90 has been promoted to ser­ Mueller and hi s wife, Na ncy, have moved to ln ­ geant for the Kent Police Department in Wash­ di anapoli . SHIELD & DIAMOND ington State. 834 7 West Range Cove Memphis, TN 38125 Robert Vance '86 and hi s wife, Daphne, wel­ WASHINGTON STATE Fax: 901 -748-3 100 comed their second child, Savannah Josephine. Gamma Xi Outside of work he is in his dlird year coaching E-maiJ: [email protected] high school football. Frederick Row '64 retired from public educa­ ti on after 30 yea rs, where he spent 24 yea rs as Visit today! central office administrator for special educa­ tion and health ervices. He now operates hi s

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 55 Arthur Whelan, Jr. '60 and his wife, Pat, are en­ staff attorney for a Kentucky Court of Appeals Anthony Lask '82 has been promoted to the joying retirement in the home they built in Attica, judge, and an adjunct professor at Western Ken­ senior revenue analyst with Anheuser-Busch, Michigan. Whelan i invo lved with the Air Wing tucky University. Emory and hi s wife, Paula, li ve Inc. He lives in Houston, Texas. of the USCG Auxiliary with duties primarily in­ in Crestwood, Kentucky. vo lved with Nati onal Security and the Home­ WILFRID LAURIER land Security Cabinet Department. WESTERN MICHIGAN Kappa Mu Epsilon Psi WEBER STATE Thomas Lennartz '96 is a consultant with Eta Theta Stephen Bishop '88 and hi s wife, jennifer, wel­ He is also an expedition comed a son, Henry Blaise, on April 1, 2002. manager for Arctic Kingdom, an adventure com­ Sheldon Allred '82 has relocated to Apache Junc­ Bishop li ves in Dallas, Texas. pa ny bringing people to the Arctic to swi m up tion, Arizona, to be closer to family. He has two close with beluga, narwhal and bowhead whales. children, Brittney and Dallas. WESTERN ONTARIO En counte rs with polar bear, walrus a nd Iota Omega Greenland shark a re also common. For more Gordon Meyer '83 manages Mac OS X Instruc­ information visit tional Products for Apple Computer, In c. in Mark Neamtu '94 and his wife, Monica, cel­ Cupertino, California. ebrated their first wedding anniversary on May WILLIAM & MARY 19, 2002. Gamma WEST VIRGINIA Alpha Theta WICHITA STATE Jeff Bakewell '77 is a United Airlines 747 pilot Theta Phi based in San Francisco. Richard Little '90 welcomed hi s daughter, Maria Margaret, on February 22, 2002. David Cox '87 has been promoted to chief op­ WITTENBURG erating officer of The Bradbury Company, a Gamma Zeta Brent Pauley '72 is the vice president of opera­ multi-national manufacturer of custom machine tions for The MBC Group, one of the region's tool equipment for the steel industry. He has Peter Miller '83 is a partner/shareholder in the leading full-service advertising and marketing two sons and li ves in Hutchinson, Kansas. law firm of Campbell Miller Zimmerman, P.C., agencies. Pauley resides in Charl eston, West Vir­ in Leesburg, Virginia. He is also invo lved with ginia. Rod Larson '91 and his wife, Pamela, welcomed the Loudon County Bar Association, serving his their son, Ethan Paul, in July 2002. Larson is the fifth tenn as chairman of the law library and tech­ Rocco Procopio '90 and hi s wife, Rebecca, an­ operations manager with Lane Hospitality in nology committee. Miller li ves in Hamilton, Vir­ nounce the birth of their son, Grant Alexander, Northbrook, Illinois, overseeing the informa­ ginia with his wife, Amy, and three sons, Alec, on October 18, 2002. Grant joins his big sister, tion technology, accounting and sta ndards for Jan and Malcolm. Isabell a at home in Eldersbury, Maryland. hotels in their portfolio.

Larry Saunders '63 was previously a DC-9 cap­ tain with Trans World Airlines, and is now with American Airlines. Submit your alumni notes online at, at the Alumnus Update link! WESTERN CAROLINA Zeta Xi Tell Us I UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE Jack Carey, Jr. '73 is teaching tennis and enjoy­ What's New! ing life. I CHAPTER I YEAR INITIATED Brett Sawyer '90 opened an insurance agency 0 New Address in Apri l 2002. He and his ~vife, Vickie, welcomed 0 New Job their daughter, Syd ney, on june 24, 2002. 0 Promotion Name 0 Birth Lew Stewart '67 retired after 30 years in the 0 Death United States Air Fo rce, where he was a colonel. Address He is now a software development program 0 Other manager for Intergraph Corporation at Robins City/State/Zip Air Force Base in Georgia. Please attach mailing label if available. Photos Home Phone Bob Street '77 retired as president from Street will be returned only when ------Construction Co mpany, Inc., and enj oys coach­ accompanied by a self- Work Phone ing his daughter's high school golf team. He addressed, stamped ------would like to hear from his WCU brothers at envelope. Deadline for E-mail Address bst:[email protected]. Summer 2003 Alumni Notes is April 15, 2003. WESTERN ILLINOIS May we print your e-mail address? 0 Yes ONo Kappa Lambda

Riley Oncken '98 married Carin Cadek on Oc- Here's my news: tober 25, 2002. He is a second year law student at No rthern illinois University and plans to prac- tice in the Chicago area upon graduation.


Stephen Emery '79 is working for the Louisville, Kentucky law firm of Segal, Stewart, Cutler, Lind­ say, Janes & Berry, PLLC. Previously he was a Send notes to: Shield & Diamond, 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125

56 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 Tulsa Football Great Glenn Dobbs Leaves Legacy The greatest football player in school history dies at age 82

niversityoiTulsa football legend Glenn from 1961-68. Dobbs led Tulsa to Bluebon­ U Dobbs (Tulsa, Gamma Upsilon '40) netBowlgames in 1964and 1965. His teams died Tuesday night, November 12, 2002 at led the nation for five consecutive seasons his home in Tulsa. A memorial service held in passing, 1962- 66. on Monday, November 18, at the Donald W. "Coach" as he was most endearingly re­ Reynolds Center on The University ofTulsa ferred to, continued hi s involvement with campus was attended by nearly 800 fri ends, the TU a thletic department through the family and former players. years in the areas of fundraising and sup­ Known as the greatest football player in port. school history, Dobbs has been recognized "We are deeply saddened by the passing with numerous awards during and after his of"Coach" Dobbs. He has been such an in ­ collegiate and professional career. tegral figure in Tul sa athletics from the early Dobbs played at Tulsa from 1940-42. He 1940s to present day, " said TV's Director of was a consen sus All -Am erican as a triple Athletics Judy MacLeod. "As a pl ayer, he set Glenn Dobbs threat tailback and safety, He is man Trophy standa rds difficult to duplicate; as a coach, contender, Rookie of the Year and All-Pro he was instrumental in developing a pass­ He was born on July 12, 1920 in McKinney, selection in two professiona l leagues. ing offense that today's game is patterned Texas. He played hi s pre p football in Dobbs was elected to the ational Football aft er; as athletic director he ove rsaw the ex­ Frederi ck, Oklahoma. Foundation College Hall of Fa me in 1980, pa nsion of Skell y Stadium to ove r 40,000 Memorials may be made to: Glenn Dobbs and in 1982 was an inductee into The Uni ­ seats; and, as a person, he was one of the Athletic Fund at The UniversityoiTulsa, De­ ve rs ity o f Tulsa's ina ugural cl ass of the best. He was a perfect gentleman who loved partment of Intercollegiate Athletics, The school's Athleti c Hall of Fam e. He was also this university and community dearl y. He University ofTulsa, 600 South College Ave., inducted into the Oklahoma Sports Hall of will be deeply m"issed by the TU commu­ Tulsa, Oklahoma 74 104-3189. Fame. On October 21 , 2000, Gl enn Dobbs ni ty." - courtesy of The Uni versity of Tulsa Drive was unveil ed on the TU campus as Eighth Street between Ha rva rd a nd Flo ­ rence Ave nues was renamed after the leg­ Renowned Trumpeter Was Fixture At Cowboys Games endary player and coach. On June 5, 2001 , the AIJ -Am eri can Football Fo undation hon­ ored Dobbs with its Pioneer All -Am e ri ca Tommy Loy (Southern Methodist, Beta But it was the Tha nksgiving Day game Award. Mu '49), who for 22 years ope ned Dall as that made Loy famous. The team own er at Dobbs earned hi All -Am eri ca merits in Cowboys home games wi th a solo trumpet the time, Clint Murchison, wanted some­ 1942 after leading the Golden Hurricane to rendition of the nati onal anthem, di ed on thing di fferent fo r the Cowboys' fi rst color a 10-1 record and final nati onal ranking of October 17, 2002 at his Plano, Texas home. broadcast at the Cotton Bowl. fourth in the Associated Press poll. Dobbs He was 72. The day before the game, a fri end tipped led Tulsa to appeara nces in the 194 1 Sun Loy started a Tom La ndry-era Cowboys him off about the tryouts, being held five Bowl and 1942 Sugar Bowl. A three-time tradition when he played before th e start of hours before ki ckoff. Missou ri Va ll ey Co n fe re n ce perfo rme r, the nationally televised ga me on Thanksgiv­ Loy played his solo, competing against a Dobbs led the Hurrican e to an overall 25-6 in g Day 1966. He became so we ll kn own that hi gh school band. He thought the students record during that time span. hi Ia t name was once used as the an swer were a lock and decid ed the audition wasn't In 1942, Do bbs completed 53-percent of to a New Yo rk Times crossword puzzle cl ue: a total loss because he'd get to see the gam e. hi s passes fo r 1,066 ya rd s and led the nati on Cowboys trumpeter. He hadn't been abl e to get a a ti cket. in puntin g with a 48.3 ya rd average. As a A ho usehold na me to a gene ratio n of Five minutes b efo re gam e time, h e team, the Hu rricane led the country in pass­ Cowboys fans, Loy was n a tio naily kn own for learned that he had the job. ing offense with a n average of 233.9 ya rds his work as a record ing engin eer, said his "I didn't have time to get nervo us, so I just per game. To this day, Dobbs still has fo ur of daughter, Li sa Loy Laughlin. He also made marched out to the 50-yard line and pl ayed the top-five longest punts in school history vo ice-over recordings for commercials, but it," he once said . - 87,79,78 a nd 77 yards. During his pl aying his passion wa pl ayi ng the trumpet a nd Loy's cri sp style was the hallmark of hi s days, he led Tulsa in passing, pass efficiency French horn. pre-game solo. and punting in 1941 and 1942, and was the Born in Deni son, Texas, Loy received his "I play it pretty brightly, whi ch is the way team leader in intercepti ons in 1942. Hi s fi rsttrumpet when he wa nine years old . He it's meant to be pl ayed," he said . "The tar o. 45 is one of seven retired jersey num­ began playi ng in the Dal las area in 1947 as a Spangled Banner is not a ball ad." bers. freshma n at So uthern Methodist Univer­ In a fitting tri bute to the team's fo rmer He starred fo r Brookl yn (1946) and Los sity, where he studied music. He graduated coach, Loy played at To m La nd ry's funeral Angeles (1948-50) oftheAI I-American Foot­ in 1965 after servi ng in the Air Fo rce. in February 2000. ball Confere nce and with Saskatchewan He was the fea tu red trumpeter with vari­ His favo rite perfor mance, accord ing to (1951-54) of the Canadi an Football League. ous bands, pl ayin g Dixieland, jazz and clas­ hi s fa mily, was V in Mia mi , Upo n completion of hi s playin g career, sical music. From 1961 to 1974, Loy was a where Da ll as lo t to Ba ltimore. Dobbs returned to the UniversityofTul sa in featured perfo rmer with Ed Bernet and the - by Joe Simnacher 1955 as athl etics director (1955-70). He was Dixieland 7 at The Levee, a Dall a ni ghtspot Reprinted with permission of the Go lden Hurricane head footba ll coach near the SM U campus. The Dallas Morning News

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 57 BIRMINGHAM SOUTHERN David C. Cross Delta (Pennsylvania State, Beta Alpha '89) Brown, Robert David '69, Birmingham, AL 4/24/02 OnJanuary22, 2003, a military helicopter Pitts, Edward B. '28, Birmingham, AL collision in Falcon State Park in South Texas, along the Mexican border, took the li fe of CARNEGIE MELLON Penn State alumnus David Cross. Beta Sigma Lindahl, Harry '43, Mel bourne Beach, FL The 34-year-old Cross was also a State Reuther, Robert '50, Upper Darby, PA 5/10/02 Co ll ege Area High School graduate. He and three other Marine reservists were aiding CENTRAL ARKANSAS the Border Patrol in a drug case when the Epsilon Phi two AH1 W Super Cobra helicopters Boyeskie, John '68, State College, PA 10 /1 9/02 crashed. There were no survivors. CHICAGO Cross grew up in Alexandria, Virginia be­ Iota Xi fore his family moved to State College in Gheorghe, Valentine '90, Stokie, IL 12/18/02 1985. After high school, he became a com­ Jonske, Karl '00, Portland, OR 11 /1/02 munications major at Penn State, his father Capt. David C. Cross, USMC said, and spent a lot of time at Pi Kappa Al­ CINCINNATI pha fraternity, 417 E. Prospect Ave. , where Dan Cross said he regretted not having Alpha Xi Vogel, Cedric '26, Cincinnati, OH 10/2/01 he was a member. more opportunities to see his brother in the Cross enlisted in the Marines while still a last few years. CLEMSON college student. After he graduated in 1991, "One always thinks you have tomorrow to Eta Alpha he became one often to be admitted to the call someone, especially with a sibling you White, Thomas John '88, Chicago, IL 11 /9/02 Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. As of have around you yo ur entire life," he said. last week he was based in Camp Pendleton, Cross was given a gravesid e, full honors COLORADO Beta Upsilon California, where he had learned to fly the military funeral at Arlington National Content, Charles '28, Danville, CA 2/21/02 Cobra helicopters. Cemetary on February 5, 2003. Members Johnson, Clay1on '57, Boulder. CO 10/14/02 "He was very determined to become a of his squadron marched behind the Ma­ pilot, and he did do that," said Cross' father. rine honor guard as they followed the cais­ CORNELL "It was a hard thing to accomplish from the son that carried his flag-draped casket to Beta Theta position he started out at." Atkeson, Peter '77, New York , NY his final resting place: Plot 7188 in section Morton, Lee Eugene '76 Cross' younger brother, Dan, is a student 66, near the corner of Eisenhower and at Co lumbia University in New York City. Bradley Drives. A military brass band - DAVIDSON "If he had a goal, he would do anything to played the Marine Corps Hymn as the pall Beta achieve that goal," said Dan Cross of his bearers picked up the flag draping Cross' Miller, Lison '46, Nashville, TN 4/30/02 brother. "He was also the guy who would coffin and pulled it taught between them. quite literally give you theshirtoffhis back." EAST CENTRAL A religio us service was given by the Navy Epsilon Omega Cross' college roommate and best friend, chaplain, and the guard fired a 21-round Whittmore, Cary '99, Ada, OK 1/1/03 Joe Renda (Beta Alpha '89) of Washington, rifle vo lley in Cross' honor. A memorial ser­ New Jersey, remembers Cross as one of the vice was held atCampPendleton for all four FLORIDA most honest men he'd ever known, a loyal of the reservists who died. Alpha Eta Moore, Anthony '51 , Tequesta, FL 9/16/02 person who would do anything for his "He was probably the best man I knew," friends. He was a lso very determined, Renda said. Renda said. GEORGE WASHINGTON -by Camille Lamb Delta Alpha "We lived together, and one morning I got courtesy of The Daily Collegian Chambreau, Robert '41 , Cocoa Beach, FL up and Dave wasn't around," Renda said. "I Pennsylvania State Unversity, 12/13/02 gotreadyforclass, and as I was going out the with additional information GEORGETOWN door he came in completely drenched in by Daniel Cross sweat. He said, 'I decided to do the Marine Alpha Lambda Corps Marathon and so I just ran 15 miles.' Doak, Alfred '26, Johnson City, TN 9/17/02 And just a few weeks later he completed the GEORGIA TECH Marine Corps Marathon," he said. Alpha Delta Around that time, Cross' goals shifted to ARKANSAS Cox, Walter '19, Jacksonville, FL becoming a Marine, and then a pilot. Alpha Zeta "If I'm not mistaken, he was one of the Park, Joseph Worthington '54, Cabot, AR HAMPDEN-SYDNEY 1/4/02 top-rated pilots in his class. After he com­ Iota Speer, William Dixon '38, Columbia, MO Bridges. Walter '48, Sanford, NC 12/9/02 pleted his requirements to become a pilot, 1/26/02 he was workingatthe base, training younger HOUSTON pilots," Renda said . "I can't stress enough AUBURN Epsilon Eta what a kind, generous person he was .. . a Upsilon Ford, Donald '56, Pasadena, TX 12/8/02 great representative of our country." Batson, Thomas K '53, Mobile, AL 12/4/02 "We've lost not only a great Marine but ILLINOIS AUSTIN PEAY STATE Beta Eta also someone who was a great friend to Eta Tau Kennedy, Eugene '31 , Bloomington, IL 2/6/02 many people," Renda said. Aldridge, Kyle '72, Clarksville, TN 9/4/98

58 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 INDIANA NICHOLLS STATE TENNESSEE Delta Xi Zeta Psi Zeta Haflick, Gene '50, Indianapolis, IN 8/16/02 Chauff, Karl '70, Melairie, LA 11 /02 Bennett, Hugh '29, Cookeville, TN 02/6/02 Obenshain, Victor '48, Bl airsville, GA KANSAS STATE NORTH CAROLINA STATE Alpha Omega Alpha Epsilon TENNESSEE-CHATTANOOGA Bull, Robert '38, San Francisco, CA 05/02 lvey, William '40, Johnson City, TN 11 /00 Delta Epsilon Vanstory, Robert '49, Dallas, PA 10/10/02 Wilkey, Max '55, Hixon, TN 3/29/02 KENTUCKY Worsham, Luther '47, Chattanooga, TN Omega OHIO Abraham, Ronald '53, Huntsville, AL 11 /19/02 Gamma Omicron TEXAS Barker, George '41 , Lexington, KY 10/20/01 Ferry, James '33, North Bend, OR 1 0/18/01 Beta Mu Black, Frank J. '56, Burgin, KY Hester, Frederick '30, Katy, TX Spears, Benny '67, Catlettsburg, KY OKLAHOMA STATE Gamma Chi TEXAS TECH LEHIGH Sanderson, Glenn '40, McAllen, TX 9/22/02 Epsilon Gamma Gamma Lambda Westerfield, Paul '53, Carrolton, TX 06/13/02 Reuther, Robert '50, Upper Darby, PA 5/10 /02 PENNSYLVANIA Beta Pi TULSA LOUISIANA TECH Cannizzaro, Paul Peter '42, Garden City, NY Gamma Upsilon Gamma Psi 7/00 Gibson, Kenneth '40, Tulsa, OK 08/16/02 Shinpoch, George '41 , Gainesville, TX Colton, David '27, Westfield, MA 11 /96 Hamilton, James '47, Oklahoma City, OK 10/13/02 Fuller, Robert '48, San Juan Capistrano, CA 6/17/02 04/02 MEMPHIS Schaefer, Henry '43, Ft. Washington, PA 1977 TULANE Delta Zeta Eta Peterson, John '50, Sun City, AZ PENNSYLVANIA STATE Allain, Daniel '34, New Iberia, LA Williams. Turner '49, Millington, TN 12/01 Beta Alpha Brook, Arthur '36, Las Cruces, NM 1999 Barrickman, William '35, State College, PA MICHIGAN Edel , Leonard '4p , Sherborn, MA 10/14/01 UTAH Beta Tau Tobias, Alfred '42, Orwigsburg , PA 2/6/02 Alpha Tau Schafer, Kenneth '02, Youngstown , OH Howell s. Harold '39, Salt Lake City, UT 5/04/02 10/17/02 PITTSBURG Roberts, Harold '60, Salt Lake City, UT 9/21 /02 Gamma Sigma Tanner, Dean Welton '29, Ogden, UT 08/12/02 MISSISSIPPI Derringer, Albert '45, Cleveland, OH Gamma Iota VALPARAISO Atkinson, Robert '27, Dallas, TX 12/30/01 PURDUE Epsilon Beta Brady, Charles '35, Jackson, MS 11 /29/02 Beta Phi Butcher, Jerrold '69, Sugar Land, TX 3/17/02 McGehee, William R. '28, Franklinton, LA 08/01 Gaston, Ira '38, Indianapolis, IN 4/13/02 Stefanik, Michael '63, Alpharetta, GA 9/24/00 Park, John '30, Newark, OH 06/9/01 MISSISSIPPI STATE VANDERBILT Gamma Theta RENSSELAER Sigma Peeples, William '71 , Eupora, MS Gamma Tau Mason, Joseph '50, Chickamauga, GA Wylie, Frank B. '34, Louisville, KY 10 /14/02 Matthews, John '64, Pasadena, CA 10 /14/01 WASHINGTON MISSOURI SOUTH CAROLINA Beta Beta Alpha Nu Xi Weeks, Greg '68, Ferndale, WA 10/17/02 Bolek, Edward G. '51 , Lorida, FL 09/02 Daniels, Wesley '54, Columbia, SC 11 /30/02 Woock, Robert '38, La Quinta, CA 11 /25/02 Denner, Joseph '28, McAlester, OK Dicus, Clarence '41 , Shawnee Mission, KS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY 11 /29/02 Gamma Eta Beta Lambda Kilmer, John '39, Wichita, KS 07/2/02 Brigante, Richard '66 Miller, Kenneth '37. St. Helena Island, SC 1999 Chapman, Leroy '43, La Mirada, CA MISSOURI-ROLLA Dragna, Frank '46, El Cajon, CA WASHINGTON & LEE Alpha Kappa Harmon, Thomas '47 Pi Timlin, James '48, Jacksonville, FL 04/16/02 Hart, Merton '31, Atascadero, CA Harland, Charles James '69, Richmond, VA Radichel, William '41 , Madison Lake, WI 10/31 /02 MONTANA STATE 8/27/02 Jahncke, Herbert Grant '28, Folsom, LA Gamma Kappa Spydell, Michael '56, San Pedro, CA 11 /22/02 Smalley, Ralph '47, Powell, WY Payne, S. Tilford '33, Louisville, KY 11 /21 /02 SOUTHWESTERN MURRAY STATE Alpha Omicron WASHINGTON STATE Epsilon Lambda Holubec, James '57, Taylor, TX Gamma Xi Buley, Bryan '91 , Henderson , KY 12/25/02 Calvert, Donald '45, Indio, CA 05/10/02 Moses, David '70, Hickman, KY 12/31 /02 STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE Leitch, Robert '39 , Winlock, WA 08/11 /98 Epsilon Omicron Nelson, Earl '29, Spokane, WA 11 /28/02 NEBRASKA English, Joe '65, Houston , TX 05/28/02 Richardson , Frances '29 , Spokane, WA Delta Chi Wireman, Arvel '94, White Oak, TX 4/13/02 01/24/97 Harrington, Max '55, Meadview, AZ WISCONSIN NEW MEXICO Beta Xi Beta Delta Neitzel, Kermit '38, Kimberling City, MO Brooks, James '55, Phoenix, AZ 10/14/02

Spring 2003 • SHIELD & DIAMOND 59