The 2003 Officers Leadership Academy will be held August 6 through August I 0, 2003 at Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center in Olive Branch, Mississippi, just minutes away from Pi Kappa Alpha's Memorial Headquarters and the City of Memphis. WHISPERING WOODS Hotel and Conference Center Registration available soon at www.pikes.org Leadership and Chapter Programming Fraternity staff, officers and guest faculty will facilitate four days of programs on identifying personal strengths, building a mission statement, clarifying goals and developing a leadership strategy. Sessions will be presented on recruitment, risk awareness, chapter finances, the Fraternity's history and Ritual, campus relations, alumni development, housing, pledge education, chapter retreats and "motivating the membership". Highlights The Officers Leadership Academy will feature the presentation of the Fraternity's chapter programming awards (including the Smythe and Newell Awards), the Distinguished Achievement Award and the Loyalty Award. The final banquet will take place at the Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis, only blocks away from the new Peabody Place entertainment complex and historic Beale Street, so participants will have the opportunity to enjoy some of Memphis' exciting night life and social events. For more information, visit us on the web at www.pikes.org, _ or call Pi Kappa Alpha's Memorial Headquarters, 901-748-1868. SIDELD&DWIOD RIGHT The University of Delaware is home once again to Delta Eta Chapter. At right, the Blue Hens play an evening game at Delaware Stadium. Un iversity of Delaware photo by Eric Crossan. Rechartering story on page 5. ON THE COVER. Purdue running back joey Harris (Beta Ph i '0 I) pounds out the yardage for the Boilermakers. Photo courtesy of Purdue University. The 2002-2003 Sports Review begins on page 16. FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK 4 FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: JEFFREYT. DUNN 27 by Christopher M. Peters DELTA ETA CHAPTER RECHARTERED 5 ATU !VERSITYOF DELAWARE PI KAPPA ALPHA EDU CATIONAL FOUNDATION 30 by Bill Ackerman Welcome New Giving Society Members Bob T. Wi lliams Memorial Golf Classic YOU'RE INVITED TO JOIN Charles R. Fellers Appointed Director ofD evelopment SPRI G2003 I TE RNATIONAL WORK DAY 6 ALUMN I ASSOCIATIO EWS 35 CHAPTER NOTES 9 ALUMNI HEADLIN ES 39 RECRUITMENT 13 Lamar Pike Offers Texas R&B Why I Pledged: Scott A. Himes Ma~ylandAlum Markets Success 2003 CHAPTER PRES ID E T CONFERE CE RECAP 14 ALUM I NOTES 40 PI KE PRESE TSTHE2002-2003 PORTSREVIEW 16 EWS OFBYGO EDAYS 51 by jay Langhammer TELL US WHAT 'S NEW 56 PIKES IN THE BIG LEAGU ES: A BASEBALL RETROSPECTIVE 23 by jay Langhammer CHAPTER ETE RNAL 57 Glenn Dobbs THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECT IVE PEOPLE 26 Tommy Loy Habit 7-by Stephen R. Covey David C. Cross VOLUME 114 I NUMBER 1 I SPRING 2003 FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK by D. Mark Anderson (Wofford, Nu '76), International Preside nt n the Februa ry is ue of our members a re experiencing something I Fo rbes m agazin e there that will benefitthem fo r the restoftheir lives appea rs a n a rticle e n ­ and that they are unaware of the fu ll impact Letters to the Editor titled "Best Fra te rnities of their gro wth, as it was in my case, until it My wife, Polly, a nd 1 d ecided to for Future CEOs."The ar­ is behind them. spend a morning in Me mphis, Ten­ ticle cites that"the social As internati onal president, I have the op­ nessee recently. We drove the re a nd skill th at help students portunity to meet yo ung men from through­ ate, but by the time we found out that ga in admittance into the out North Ameri ca who comprise our cur­ the Headqua rters had moved from Greek sys te rn a re the D. Mark rent undergraduate membership. For in­ Unive rsity Drive (as I remembered it) same aptitudes that later Anderson sta nce, this past Ja nua ry the Frate rnity to West Range Cove, it was quite late. 76 gave them a leg-up in cor- (Wofford, Nu ) hosted the Chapter Presid ents Conference, Th e Headqua rte rs s ta ff were ex­ porate cl imbing." While whi ch commemorated its thirtieth anniver­ tremely polite and we got a tour ofthe only8.5% offull -time unive r ity undergradu­ sary, in Memphis, Tennessee. Chapter presi ­ whole house. If you can, include that atesare members of either a fraterni ty orso­ dents and rush chairmen cam e, attheir own in a tour (whe n visiting Memphis)­ rority, Greek organizations have been the expense, from across North Am eri ca to ex­ you' LI Iove it, and be treated like a king! breedingground for 120 of Forbes 500CEOs. peri encea weekend of seminars designed to Greeks also represent 48% of all U.S. presi­ sharpen their leadership abili ties. The qual­ Mi chael Ditto dents, 42% ofU.S . senators, 30% ofU.S. con­ ityofthis conference is only surpassed by the (Texas, BetaMu '58) gressmen, a nd 40% ofU .S. Supreme Court quality ofthe participants. I had the privilege justi ces. of meeting a nd talking with several of our Fo r us alumni, this news comes as no sur­ yo ung leaders-I was impressed by their self­ pri se. The Frate rnity is a school not in the assurance, intell ect and vision for what they (Upon receiving the Winte r 2002 tradi tion al sense of sitting in a cl assroom, wished to accomplish in their chapte rs. Shield & D iamond) I immediately but in offering opportunities to exercise What struck me most about these men was jumped onto the article a bout Bud judgment, moti va te others and develop the their strong determination and enthusiasm Sha nk (North Carolina, Tau '44) by skills that make good leaders. Hopefully, that for the journey ahead. The commitment of Ch uck Fell e rs. Chuck has writte n a is the experi ence for the majori ty ofour mem­ the leaders assembled in Memphis to buil d li vely, interesting, insightful account ber . While we we re give n these opportuni­ a better Pi Ka ppa Alpha was inspiring. As I ofBud. ltmightjustbringsomecyber­ ti es, wegrewup with a group of men who, in boarded the flight to return to Atl anta on the reunions among Bud and his buddies. ma ny cases, became the cl osest fri ends that lastdayofthe conference, I real ized that our I look at theTau Chapter 1944 mug we could ever hope to have. Life's lessons chapters are in very good hands and that2003 on my shelf and enjoy great memories. which we learn ed had nothing to do with the is go in g to be a ve ry good year fo r Pi Ka ppa Cheers, qua li ty of the cha pte r house, number of AJph a. Lewis W. Heniford peopl e attending a social event or the num­ (North Carolina, Tau '44) ber oftrophi es acquired. Rathe r, those les­ Fraterna ll y, sons were based o n the fri e nds hips we for med a nd the importa nce we placed on Deadline for news to be included in the bein g a good friend. Summer 2003 Shield & Diam ond: A we all know, the coverage fra ternities D. Ma rk Anderson Aprill5, 2003 receive in the press is often less than favo r­ Internati onal Presid ent Submit Chap ter N otes online: able. Admittedly, irresponsible behavior and www.pikes.org/fsdcorr.html bad social cl imate do exist in some fraterni ­ Submi tA lumni N otes online: ti es. I beli eve, however, that the majo ri ty of www.pikes.org/fnewsl .html B. E. Perkins 2002-2004 Supreme Council ~ Editor D. Mark Anderson MEMBER COLLEGEFAATEANITYEDITORSASSOCIATION Preside/11 Mindy Costabile Howard E. Goldstein SHIELD & DIAMOND (ISSN 8750-7536) is an educational Editorial Assistant jou rnal published b)• the Pi K..1 ppaAipha Fratern ity. 8347 Vice Presidelll SIDELD& West Range Cove, M e m ph i~. TN quarterly in Autumn. Winter. Spnngand Summer. Each member receives a Bill Ackerman Allen W. Groves copyoftheShie/d&DilimOiui.Sendcorrcspondencetothe Stephen A. Covey Vice Pres idem ~a rn e address. Nlanuscripts are invi tt.>d , but the publisher willnm assumc rcspo nsibi1ityforthc retum ofunsolicitcd Jay Langhammer Kevin G. Knaus material. Change ofaddr ess must be reponed promptly Christopher M. Peters Vice President by giving full name. cha pte r, o ld a nd new address Undergraduate copies arc ma iled to parenh' home DWIOND Cant ribu tors address u n ti I add rcss change <t fter graduation. Copyright Bruce A. Wolfson 2003 by Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. All rights rescrvec.l . OF PI KAPPA ALPHA Vice Preside/11 Pe riodicals postage pa id at Memphis, Tc nn es~ce and Gwen DeShazo Irwin additionalmailingoffices. H. King Buttermore Ill Carol A. Patton POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SIII ELD & Past lnremational Presidem Proofreading OIAA IOND, 8347 West Range Cove, Mcmphl<i, TNJ8125. I Christopher Chacey Sandra H. Newsom UndergraduCHe Vice Pres idem Publisl1 ed by Visit Pi Kappa Alpha Circulation Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Trevor Clark online at 8347 West Range Cove Un dergraduate Vice President Ra ymond L. Orians www.pikes.org Memphis, Tennessee 38 125 Patrick A. Talley Jr. 901n 48-1868 Executive Vice President Legal Counsel PRI TE D! U.S.A. 4 SHIELD & DIAMOND • Spring 2003 by Bill Ackerman (Delaware, Delta Eta , '02) Delta Eta Chapter Rechartered At the University of Delaware n ovember 16,2002, Delta Eta Chap­ for chartering from every chapter, in ­ Oter, which had been silent since 1998, was ternational officer and member of the rechartered at the UniversityofDelawarewith Supreme Council.
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