11095 Hon. Spencer Bachus Hon. Jeff Miller Hon
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June 13, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 8 11095 Mr. Speaker, CdLS is a congenital condi- Optometric Association’s 109th annual con- River community in south Mobile County, AL, tion, which means it is present from birth. It vention. On Saturday, June 24, they will elect Fred Carley earned three degrees during his impacts on virtually all of a person’s being. Dr. Tommy Crooks as the association’s 85th two active military tours at Auburn University, Physical and mental manifestations of CdLS president. where he excelled in athletics, the arts, and may include: missing limbs or fingers; severe Doctors of optometry are the Nation’s larg- academics. reflux; feeding difficulties; cleft palate; eye est eye care profession, serving patients in During his professional career as an engi- problems; hearing loss; seizures; and behav- nearly 6,500 communities across the country, neer, he still found time to coach both the ioral issues. Overall, cognitive and physical in more than 3,500 of these communities; they Murphy High School and University of South development is slowed, and delays in speech are the only eye doctors. The American Opto- Alabama track and cross-country teams, which and communication are even more pro- metric Association is the professional society went on to win many awards. Since his trans- nounced. for optometrists nationwide and has more than fer to Eglin Air Force Base in 1969, Fred The foundation celebrated a medical and 34,000 members. Dr. Crooks will lead the as- Carley has contributed to the fitness and well- scientific breakthrough in April 2004 when a sociation on its mission to improve eye and vi- being of countless young athletes in Northwest research team led by scientists at the Chil- sion care in the United States. Florida, often leading them to national records dren’s Hospital of Philadelphia identified a Dr. Crooks is a resident of Birmingham, AL. and championships. He has also served as a gene on chromosome 5 that, when mutated, He is a native son, a 1975 graduate of the member of the Senior Bowl Committee, causes CdLS. NIH recently made a substantial University of Alabama and a 1979 graduate of SEAAU chairman of athletics, and president of grant to support continued research designed the University of Alabama’s School of Optom- the Air Force Engineering Association. to help families and scientists alike understand etry who has practiced optometry in our State Lieutenant Colonel Carley has received the cause of CdLS and improve care for peo- for 27 years. He is currently president and many awards for his achievements. He was ple living with this diagnosis. CEO of Eyecare Associates, Inc., in Bir- honored with the Presidential Physical Fitness As a result of this discovery, we now know mingham, AL, a group practice consisting of Leadership Award, selected as 1 of 12 in the that CdLS affects approximately 1 in 10,000 19 locations and 33 doctors. Nation, in 1964. He was also elected to the live births, and it is thought to be present in as Dr. Crooks has been a leader in his profes- U.S. Military Packaging Hall of Fame for his many as 20,000 children who have not been sion at the State, regional and national levels. work with the Department of Defense. diagnosed. The foundation faces a significant He has been a member of the Alabama Opto- Mr. Speaker, the dedication that Frank challenge as it attempts to reach out to fami- metric Association since 1979, serving as Carley has shown to his students, community, lies who have a child with CdLS, especially president in 1990. In 1985, the Alabama Opto- and country is immeasurable. His service as a those with more mild cases. Interventions and metric Association named Dr. Crooks Alabama coach, mentor, U.S. Air Force officer, and en- strategies for managing the syndrome and Optometrist of the Year. He is also a past gineer has benefited so many in Florida’s First caring for these children can only be utilized president of the Southern Council of Optom- District and its surrounding areas for over 50 once the presence of the syndrome has been etrists and the Birmingham Area Optometric years. I congratulate LTC Frank Carley for his confirmed. Society and in 1990 was named University of induction into the Mobile Alabama Hall of In order to raise the visibility of the syn- Alabama-Birmingham Alumnus of the Year. Fame and wish to thank him on behalf of the drome, the foundation distributes publications At the national level, Dr. Crooks has been a United States Congress for serving as a to families and medical professionals, and member of American Optometric Association, strong role model for generations to come. hosts meetings and conferences where re- AOA, since 1979, and has served in the asso- searchers and families can meet to exchange ciation’s volunteer structure since 1989. He f information. The foundation also acts as a was elected to the AOA Board of Trustees in TRIBUTE TO DONNIE IRIS facilitator between families and the medical 1999 and was re-elected in 2002. community, utilizing the expertise of its Clinical Dr. Tommy Crooks has built a distinguished Advisory Board, a team of more than 40 clin- record of service and leadership in his profes- HON. MELISSA A. HART ical and education professionals who act as sion and in his community. I am confident that OF PENNSYLVANIA on-call advisors. he will have a very successful term as presi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Once a family understands that their child dent of the American Optometric Association. Tuesday, June 13, 2006 has been touched by the syndrome, the foun- I join his wife Kaye and their two sons, his dation relies on its strong volunteer network to friends and colleagues in congratulating him Ms. HART. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take support children and families affected by on this achievement and wishing him good this opportunity to recognize Donnie Iris, an CdLS, as well as educate local community luck and good health. entertainer who hails from my district, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. members, government officials, and media f about the syndrome. Most of these volunteers Donnie Iris, a singer, first learned how to are family members of someone living with RECOGNIZING THE INDUCTION OF sing from his mother. In 1970, as a member CdLS. LIEUTENANT COLONEL FRED H. of the Jaggerz, he earned a gold record for Mr. Speaker, I am proud that an organiza- CARLEY INTO THE MOBILE, AL, writing and singing the song ‘‘The Rapper’’. tion with such integrity and willingness to help HALL OF FAME He then formed ‘‘Donnie Iris and the Cruisers’’ their fellow citizens has called Avon, CT its with his friend Mark Avsec. The band had the home. I ask my colleagues to join me in HON. JEFF MILLER hit song ‘‘My Girl’’ and began to tour non-stop thanking and recognizing the Cornelia de OF FLORIDA in 1980. Lange Syndrome Foundation for its tremen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In August 2004, the band celebrated their dous efforts. 25th anniversary. This past May they released Tuesday, June 13, 2006 f the album ‘‘Ellwood City’’. The title track Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is a ‘‘Ellwood City’’ is reminiscent of Iris’s child- PAYING TRIBUTE TO DR. TOMMY great honor for me to rise today to extend my hood growing up in the area. On Saturday, CROOKS congratulations to LTC Fred H. Carley for his June 17, 2006 Armstrong cable is hosting an induction into the Mobile Alabama Hall of event honoring the musical achievements of HON. SPENCER BACHUS Fame. As a resident in my district, Mr. Carley Donnie Iris at the Folino Entertainment Stage OF ALABAMA has left a great and lasting impact on North- in Ewing Park. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES west Florida and Southeastern Alabama. I ask my colleagues in the United States Fred Carley has always served as an active House of Representatives to join me in recog- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 member in his community, be it encouraging nizing Donnie Iris and all of his musical and Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, doctors of op- young people through physical fitness and ac- entertainment accomplishments. It is an honor tometry from around the Nation will convene in tivities or proudly serving his country as an of- to represent the Fourth Congressional District Las Vegas, NV, June 22–26 for the American ficer in the Air Force. A native of the Fowl of Pennsylvania. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:32 Mar 24, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00219 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR13JN06.DAT BR13JN06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.