THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD, BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Team Belmont gets ready to take the ‘Plunge’ BY DONNA RHODES seemed to be the natural nations,” said Poslusny. Education, Briggs also
[email protected] thing to do now that he, And that is what he is serves as the school’s BELMONT — Fresh- too, is eligible to partici- now helping his friends Unified Sports coach. man Devin Poslusny and pate. and classmates do “It’s been great to a hardy group of his fel- “I’m the one who’s through individual and have his support as our low students at Belmont been there if someone team web sites to raise faculty advisor because High School are reach- with special needs in my funds for the cause. I think having a Unified ing out to the communi- class needed help with “People can go online Sports program here ty to help Team Belmont anything. I mean, why to First Giving and con- this year has helped to have a successful year not? We’re all in this tribute to an individual generate more interest in the High School Pen- together. I felt this was or they can donate to in Special Olympics and guin Plunge at Hampton the least I could do- raise the team, which we’ll the Penguin Plunge,” Beach next month in money for Special Olym- then divide up among said Poslusny. support of Special Olym- pics,” said Poslusny. those who might need While the adult Pen- pics New Hampshire. Last week, Poslusny more donations for the guin Plunge will take “My dad works at began recruiting stu- DONNA RHODES plunge,” he said.