
Mrs. Keadle JH Science

Name ______Date ______Period ______Spontaneous Generation and the Discovery of the

Using the information you read in “The Debate Over ” and “Discovery of the Cell and Mitosis”, answer the following questions, and create a historical timeline.

1 Which of the following gave us a modern understanding of cell reproduction (mitosis)?

A Schleiden

B Schwann

C Virchow

D all of the above

Ashley repeated Francisco Redi’s for a spontaneous generation project. She placed meat in two identical jars. She placed a stopper in the top of one jar and left the other uncovered. After a few days, Ashley observed young () on the meat in the open jar. There were no flies in the sealed jar.

2 What hypothesis was Ashley trying to test?

A Decaying meat produces maggots

B Maggots prefer one type of meat over another.

C Maggots need a certain temperature to appear.

D Plastic wrap keeps meat from spoiling.


Create a timeline using the articles. You can cut out and paste each block in the correct location on the timeline. You will tape the two pages together to complete the timeline.

1 Spontaneous Generation and the Discovery of the Cell Mrs. Keadle JH Science

Matthias Schleiden concluded saw and described that all plant tissues are cells for the first time. composed of cells.

Antony von Leeuwenhoek was Theodore Schwann concluded the first to describe protists and that all animal tissues were bacteria. . made of cells. claimed that air had a These statements were the force and could cause spontaneous beginning of the cell theory generation. disagreed and repeated Needham’s but boiled the soup longer and used truly sealed conatianers.

Zacharias Janssen creates the first compound microscope using lenses he created.

Francis Crick, , Maurice Wilkins and simultaneously discover and describe DNA for the first time.

Barthelemy Dumortier observed the first evidence of cell division in plants. challenged the idea of spontaneous generation using an experiment with meat in sealed and unsealed containers. 2 Spontaneous Generation and the Discovery of the Cell Mrs. Keadle JH Science

400 BC 0 1590 1665 – 1740 - 1832 1670 1770

3 Spontaneous Generation and the Discovery of the Cell Mrs. Keadle JH Science

1838 - 1860 - now 1930- 1953 1855 1890 1933

4 Spontaneous Generation and the Discovery of the Cell Mrs. Keadle JH Science

Leo Szilard, Ernst Rusk, and Max Knoll design and build the first electron Walter Flemming was the first microscope. This allows for much to study mitosis and higher magnification and unlocks a new describe chromosomes. world in cell study

Louis Pasteur ended the debate over spontaneous generation by using swan necked bottles that would allow in oxygen but

not microbes in the air. The earliest descriptions Robert Remak was able to of spontaneous observe cell division in animal generation date back to cells. at least the time of . completed the cell theory by stating that all cells come from other cells.

5 Spontaneous Generation and the Discovery of the Cell