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Pp194509.Pdf . BUBO~A''SPOREALI s C 1, , Volume a,Xumber Septembekoctober 29% 1' I ,'I' 0. , - MMNESOTA Pre~ent .Futwe .a- . 5. The frost has hit the earnfields, A blizzard s fiue .. .4 - The oaks have turned to redi Most' any dqt 60 get the boots &. But, Golly, ain't the sunshine swell *.1. Ashinin1 on you~he&? And mi$te~ngay. .. , There1s nothin' like an autwnn sun Mow machen Sie To nut your heart in tune: Die Fenster zu October "tempstthit eighty-one, Turn an the steam You'd think it should be June. And wra~up too, September slo~~edus up a bit Turn on the light '%as when the race was run Forget the sun 'Twixt poor King Corn and old Jack Frost At four p. m. and tricky Jackie won, The Bay is dose, The snow came down in right big flakes The wind tirill blow One late September morn The blood congeal Twas all a farce we'd have you know The hands get numb To make us feel forlorn, . And have no feel. .. .. ., . A good Chinook came from the west Eaul out the skates .. .L :. And now we're glad and gay Strap on the skis. , . Fle've harnessed it for quite a while Prepare to like .) . , So Indiap ~umme'r's here to stay, That vislter freeze, .I . " ;." ..4 ,. *4*. I td /'- % 3 ' r--? /, .>* ' ./C . c.. , , /- . .. ' . .,%$>,, is I-'. .. ,, /. I. L ,' -- C - , .. ,/" -_---. .i - 8. '4 . '. > + -- ~. # L ,-' '. I / I d /I ' ". .<.! ) '4 . 0 ,,. We welcome you to the United States, ed! Old Timers at St, Paul and in ether arts of the couptry d are pleased th&t you rare within Our bordars - aga$n, and we hope that myof us win Bwe the pleasure of renewing your acquaintance, Those who da not know you ~ecsonallyare . , looking fewward -to mating you, ..I .. > '* . On ~ctober:7, ,$r. Robert J. NOBLE left bust rdia by plane for ' Qu&bec, Cba. to represent the C~mmonw~althof Australia at 9 meetiqg of the United,PTations. Food and Agriculture Organizationt On Ocltober 10 he arrived in San Diego, and the following day, enroute east, had o-mortunity.to send greetings from Dallas, Texasc expects to havg ,sev&ra$weeks. in Canada and the united States after the meetia'gg Qn 'CiYejec terpinate, ,k . , .. ' . , ' ... < .. Z... .. .-. --. N+*ii -. a. , . - ** ,-*, .: * - 2- . ..I .a ,'.."," -,, *,,.. *. '.,.., ".'k .!* .-*;- ...&.-', ,'f .% . ?' 1 . I,, , ?"-. * s'topnid lh st; ~ii3k''in the course . on alfalfa wilt. Seeing Cormack beginb'to tell how the ko.mgsters of boy, John, is quYte the young inan I :. daughter Vaughny is in the East in college. in Como Pkrk at which D~rsl C'owack rose to. -. " 1 ' u * ' 1 *************a$ * . * ".. ai, - fleeting as a bur,is ' ' ' Dr. Frank GREANEY, On October 26 his face and shoulders were seen round the edge of the goor;' he said''h6 ha,d to catch a train; %h&n he was gone $ HB had G, spent his hdi a-~y:: ?avelin:$ by car with Donald Fletcher, of the Rus* . Prevy+i?n ?LRs;Jc!~:~~:~~):J,ie&tl/?s some of thk 6ountry td tl-e east of us. snd I~-:-q-~.:r~e- ~txi.t Y;hc-' .~:lt:~.t?! rz4::i.3n of barberry eradic~;;'.~:~'ihs fol.loa.i~k.news' 11;' c\.kt-!ti. L'C!L,~ ?'-TJ'~J:; :or;! $:.,>TI Sreaney, but he didrfi, ?tpy 1ol.g r;n~~.;hto - , .. :9.1i j i-.-;.t came ".~r IL.*+,V ,tr!: ' * ' * ************* * * . I Tj*iing.. the week precrding September it?,li!Di+. ' draigie bras in Wirinipg for his lkst u-is't for a time. &rs. C;-~;r?i had been !.ern .:-1.1.sqve-c, after s;3y months of k.. :-cy + hcqs in Q':a(!6 13came to 4 9 Liz n5.f y, to 'Qatayiii," 1. - *n*********** * .-., . - ... :tar WJA called in last week on vhe-e he is speilC2~ga short holiday to 5uty F-s a;',civfiian. It is r.i.uloe \Le left the Laboratory ret.~?nsneit'week to take Charge of the Dominion Laboratory of Plat Pathology at Winaipeg, " ******#****** 7- C Bad nerrs al ao was. received from Winnipeg, On Septiember 21 Mrs. U. E: Sackston trrs !;nockcr! 02f kor ticycle and against a telephone pole by a drunken hit-and-run d: ;ccer, • EII. iaScrf s included a fractured left femur, four fractures of the pelvis, a3cL1qinal pobsible cracked ribs, internal injuries, &d cori&ussion, Fortunate- ly she recovered from the emassiqn, 'but <thereare,-st$&l. ahead of her many long tedious rnonthg of recuperation front qtiher in,iuriqs. :~f?~urwishes.. will hdlp, her recovery will be accelerate&: . : I ,;I. ; .,. .a % ..* .. *, + - ** * ****r*r*'**r**! * a . , -Greetings ala& 'ate coniink -in fcom the sec0n4 gendretion of Latin-A # 4 - .,. .I>. American Old Time& ! '.' .'I "1 . .I ' .. , - -i. L . ,. , " . *. .. - .' *I,.. ,.. .. "Patricia Eugenia, baFn*'sin the ''bit$ o? M$%fco,,IT, .Pi, the 7th..di of Sprkl of 1945~was 'b@gt&.zed4n the 10th of .., ..,. Septeqbef; id t%e $ari$h of St,' :Jos&ph, ' * ' ' '. *'- xl . .. " .. 1. , . - .,.. - ". ...* :lHer . a;ent-:",;. ' .,*:..., I .- . - Ber '~od-pardntil' . , :- 7 ' Ing. '~6s: Ilbdtiyez .%llejo ' - J; &~r&e'&rra5 ~uilli&$~&~;Soraviii be 'RodtFguer Georget!ta 'Stegse Wrar : d. 5 li . r.. ,+..-,. *". - . ... ... ' . ." Says Pati.iciii+fiirselfi ':'*~l~'pirentsWeie'izi Ririneaottii my godparents were also ifi Minn.esota, and I am two-thirds Minnesotan. Ri, Minnesetans !" JosB, when la& heard- from, was collectirig rusted wheat and looking for barberries in,-Fortherd'Merim,' bat strt4dd that be .w&ld.nat ovass the border uniil he .could come to Minnesota, ,. -3 . .' . I, .. .I S' : About the time the last f sey$-qf AIROR& w0wt$0 piessAt:'~~oDe~~ge V:'PISCHER beta$$ head of the ~e~'&trnknt' 02 Plant Patholo& -of*Washington-.State .College, at Pniiman. ge congra$ixlnte him,' and we congratulate Washington, Dr. Fischer says . he is looking forward particularly-to t'he"opportunity that the new' position will give him of doing some .tieaching, v d" ,i-'PLP The WAS$IIJDTW-~~ of Scmtember 20 \ " . si, carrics a cover-page ~idtureof Dr. hrles $. IIatTONt qaptkoned "hut Grower,'" B~ltoadecorates a scene as follo~si "Thl;s farm grbw$ng smut so youl's wontto! fame comes t~.ano4iier Old Timer at Pullman. --. $ , 1, \-L, . .-. - *. \ * * ************* - * . Y .* Lieut. .I&,rry YOUNG, Jr. adzwife visited the Department and the scenes bf .their first acq~aint~ce'shipon Secpttsmbe'f 20, As soon as release from the Army comes, Hartjz h6pes 40 reswe gradwte- work. , . - .' ' i * **a********** * . ,Lieu+rs Beib JOIBSOQ <y&tuk&f to' tlis country with the 20th 'kmo red r~visiorl'.an& ' c&l ed at Plant Path; dn ' Sept enb61. 45 On 'Octobe~27 he 'ca~lidin' civilian .atti~e,.'%dis el set to' return to york' an. chrysanthemum diseases with Y'aher Brothers at' . 1; Barberton, ahiol ' 4r , , .a . ****+******** : - 1 6. I . BM 3/c Conrad' OfrS(IIP, heothat hdP of '.:fih& JohnsOn-al son team, dr6pued in In' Octeber l~~~accqmLan.iedby- Jolin,so&-to inforni us that he had been discjiafged f)asta .the Godst %mad Ad baa al~eady repattell. for duty tdth Yoder Brothers t6 cdtinui his former work on control. of insects? - -L'.,*.: * ..-* "%*+********** * * * . **fi+ * ' bn batobgr 99. N$k,&rold IP~O~dropped . lo for a 'm@Ifent,.while en joy;in& zt co-1 R ,of days iaeava,frc~hi* iioik 4th flax mt in gar& wta, 1. ~~.essslalcer,hcttm&er,, and good-caok .Hrs, $lor- .accgmp&ied him, as, gid' daugbt~rskrilyp an$ k@$orie. - *, - . .i . ... " ' _.I - - , ,,.." + -... 7: *' ;:. .. -:**. * ' di~v*****i**** * ** ori'6eitGmber 25, Dr. Fred and vrs, IIelen Pearson DAVIES came .mile the two Bavies cherubs cavorted up and. down the cor3.iQpr-n;l itele J&z$p,' and +b*pger*Pbilfpc rn- gfe-eted a sbme Oif &.el'. f'riads ; ;md .prtpa~bust rmctkd, uq' .% sbddk d ~Wck r, ... r - '; .. - ,>,.,'I<.. and, eh~ode'a wir@ng .hprsd. *.. , .. .: + 1; t,;t , .% !: :,. - .. , .. - *+- *tLC+ryk******* ** .' . 1'. - \I:.. ,? I. , + - " '.Dr. WfltonPEIITT, whose wife visited .. .?? * *' - us last ,spring, .promkbed f% appear personally 4f :, ,, . ,- b, in St, Paul this fall, With Led.eX'&e tabo-r&t~ri&pi.:;,! .,,+, Pearl River, d Y. , he .)rill thl1 us m&et &'oiit hlms elf ~he6he copes.,. ' ct .r I > . ' **tS*c(h;p**+**** , -. , - 5 L . * ..' . 4.I J Anether ofsitbr was Lawrence A, SCfIAA;t, &om same of us saw and some of us didnit see, on September t3 and 10. Laryry ,ke now stationed at. Fdrt Collins, *t@e Colorado, and was making a .sunreg .-:; "9"f, potatb. act$nornjtces,. .- ,.. $ardC&s3 scattered -n A a ,. l thruout the caunt~y..? r ; . ,,.- . *i; , '<a . \ -.. 2 ."i '1 .. , * :: *-5. 'r '.);ir**~ay*q**rk*w* I*'- ' J * .. - ,; .: - 4 ''- " * 4 nrr- . , ' ,.. * -k- . .. I .,', . - 1,. White-~ine b~ikcek&it Donald STEW& of Duluth, with Prs. Stewart, put ip an appearance on the 10th. Don is interested in coqtinuing graduate work during tQa winter quarter, * * * ********** * * * I. *v. .h L. I A crate of Rocky Ford muskmelons was delivered to our - . doorstep on a Thursday morning in September, "to be denat ed tpbthe Thursday e~enipgseminar with the conrplfm ! ' men.ts ~oT"AURO~'-S'I)~IS~The donor 5s Andy R. DOVNSEi . petho~ogistwits theq&e,ric& :~r~ital-a& COW . ., b -4 pl"&t an&' e'x-'ch'af rman'2of lWlia publ.ic~,tion,' ~dr-%enelit: . .. I,. of ex-Coloradans, he sws, "Colorado h&s some !int.erestt$h'@E'. ., but Minnesota is beautiful and withodt beriefi t scenery, \ L cf irrigationsn **But-30 :mehems-?i;ke, the se qer tame from c.j Minnesota:.., - . .. * % ;.* A *, J- , '. + - i .+L * * * * & < * - ... I_ - 5 -- , The following*w& -,.contributed . bp3wtvo of pw.C~I repsrtsrs!, .
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