EXPLORERS Community Discussions

Stagger Lanayru79 07/08/2017 9:06 PM t Event Closed “whatever this becomes” I'm too lazy to rummage around for my Explorers cartridge, but eventually this post should deal w/ being played on PS4. I'm too wound up from reaching the Grandmaster Galaxy in SMG2 right now, and must rant and rave about how obnoxious that game is first. :p

WARNING: Spoilers are awfully likely and I'm not marking unless a participant requests it ...

E Yeah! e 7 r 100


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Stagger 07/08/2017 9:09 PM That there is a fully-faced Ed quote in the subject line. It's under seven words though, so anyone can plagiarize it ruthlessly. 3ds Miiverse doesn't show total comments very conveniently, so I was unaware my last post filled up while I was off in Mario's inferior set of galaxies. I'd really like a defense from you SMG2 proponents to my final indictment of the green star hunt. Why couldn't this

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Stagger 07/08/2017 9:13 PM have taken place during the main game, and furthermore, why are they given the whole cut-scene and exit to ship treatment? It's just excessive, and shows no regard for the player's time. Most of them are essentially just presented to the player for going through the stage again and making a sporty jump.

I will say that in doubling my star count from 120 to 240, I generally had fun and was

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Stagger 07/08/2017 9:16 PM pleasantly challenged. I appreciate the stages to a certain extent, but they strike me as an inferior collection to the original SMG's. Again, my opinion of Mario games isn't all that high to begin with ... Grandmaster Galaxy was awesome. I got the 241st star and 49th comet coin, but that's where I'm stopping for now. Going through that unscathed w/ no checkpoints is not what I'd consider a reward

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Stagger 07/08/2017 9:20 PM for the time I've spent getting that far. It's cruel and unusual punishment.

In conclusion to Mario jabber, playing the Wii titles did convince me that Odyssey will be worth my time eventually, but conversely, mainly reaffirmed my suspicion that Sunshine is probably the SMB for me. Hope that makes the Switch VC ...

Tomorrow, FFX. Bile succesfully purged. :p E Yeah♥ e 1

Blake 07/08/2017 9:23 PM Screenshot for color.

I actually rather liked this game. I should finish off some of the DLC sometime, even if it is by myself. With ZNGers would be better, of course.

Also, this comment is a rehollad because it was upsetting seeing one white comment breaking up your thoughts.

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Stagger 07/08/2017 9:23 PM Oh Blake-chan ... the only way I'd play more of this is w/ Zaganaga's Nefarious Gasbags. Definitely open to doing so, but you must summon.

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Blake 07/08/2017 9:28 PM And I forgot the screenshot in the reupload.

My appreciation for this game is probably 80% because of the ZNG. The other 20% is probably fond memories because of the ZNG.

E Yeah♥ e 2 D Rau 07/08/2017 9:29 PM I need to get sunshine for my game cube. I don't even know how I haven't olayed that yet. I remember getting to the last level of mario galaxy ages ago, but the only mario ive EVER beaten is the first NES one. I like that one.

All in all I'm not much of a mario fan.

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Stagger 07/08/2017 9:36 PM Do you fancy any other platformers Rau? I don't like Sonic, heh. Old time Crash was good. DKTCF and Shovel Knight are the best. Now that I've played SMG2, Sunshine and 3D World are the only two main series, console titles I haven't played and finished. I'm tough to please at this point in gaming life, when it comes to pure platformers and RPGs especially. *shrug*

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Rau 07/08/2017 9:51 PM I very much enjoyed Kero Blaster.

I've never played a DK game, but my friend has a cartridge i can get for a steal.

I have some fond memories of Prince of persia. I have a feeling sands of time may hold up well.

I do plan to play sly cooper, but honestly it's not my genre. I'm trying so hard to think of platformers but I'm drawing blanks. I oft confuse the genre with collectathons

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Rau 07/08/2017 9:54 PM If one could call cave story a platformer than I'd nominate that alongaide kero blaster. Both have great worlds and storylines for their genre.

Oh! Yoshi games intrigue me, and I'll give an opinion when i get my hands on wooly world.

Shovel knight was one heck of a game.

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Stagger 07/08/2017 10:02 PM Captain Toad can't jump. I think that eliminates it from the genre. Metroid, modern Castlevania and their ilk are given a distinction despite subsuming most of platforming's elements. Item locked instead of stage locked progression is the discrepancy. Cave Story falls w/in that niche, right? Ergo, not a pure platformer ...

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Rau 07/08/2017 10:10 PM Alas then, the genre becomes more barren. I think kero blaster and shovel knight may be my favourites in this case.

Care to illuminate me on your issues with RPGs? I'd love to hear.

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Christian 07/08/2017 10:15 PM I daresay 3D World will impress you. Compared to many other games that came around the same time, it's great, but compared to the whole of the 3D Mario scene, it's one of the weakest. Didn't stop me from enjoying it, though. One of the highlights was the inclusion of Captain Toad levels.

My green star argument is the devs were very intentional about how the stars might impact players. Including

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Stagger 07/08/2017 10:18 PM Much more muddied genre - to me, Souls, LoZ, and a number of other games are incorrectly lumped in w/ RPGs when they are in fact action/adventure games. In video gaming, to me RPG means indirect combat when it comes to player input. I select my action from a menu, palette, what have you, and watch it unfold, rather than see simultaneous results of my input on the screen. The line gets blurrier all

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Stagger 07/08/2017 10:23 PM the time there. Give Final Fantasy XV a shot, heh.

Still, I'm just not okay w/ The Witcher III and Shadow of Mordor being in the same genre w/ Earthbound and Dragon Quest. I'm much more forgiving about action/adventure games, whether they are open world or more stage to stage. So to get to the point, my problem playing RPGs is I'm incredibly bored in traditional turn-based combat.

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Christian 07/08/2017 10:27 PM them in the main game would remove any semblance that the stars are, in fact, meant to be a reward for the player. The simple act of rewarding the player with the ability to collect the stars *after* completing the main game is an important one, because it communicates that the player has accomplished something big and they are now being promoted.

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Rau 07/08/2017 10:32 PM Rpg should only mean what it stands for. It is an element rather than a genre. Role playing game. Action adventure rpg, turnbased rpg, but instead we now use the terms western and jrpg as if they actually help us identify something. Which they really don't.

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Stagger 07/08/2017 10:33 PM That's a fair rebuttal to my critique Christian. I didn't feel special or advanced though. I felt like the game had been padded, and perhaps moreso than any game I've ever played. Double the objectives just to look back through the same 48 stages I've just played and make two or three fancy jumps? One at a time? Bother and balderdash.

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Stagger 07/08/2017 10:37 PM Right right right Rau. I mean, I grew up playing the dice and character shhet variety ... but your larger point is spot on. Every game involves playing a role. It's all mumbo-jumbo at this point. I just know playing Final Fantasy or Xenoblade does not feel like playing Mass Effect or Red Dead. They can't all be RPGs. The shame is it's too late to get the term out of the culture.

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Rau 07/08/2017 10:37 PM On the subject of being bored in turn based games.. that's hard for me to say. It took me a long time to beat ffX. I both loathed the slow monotany and adored the difficult strategic segemnts.

I also seem to enjoy turn based strategy titles like the GBA fire emblems.

I prefer static combat, but I find during busy times in my life, that i like to slowly tackle these games at a different pace.

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Christian 07/08/2017 10:41 PM That, my dear Stagger, would be the result of you looking at things logically, economically, business and game development-wise, rather than suspending your disbelief. Not necessarily a fault, but interesting to note. :P

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Stagger 07/08/2017 10:46 PM See, I can't do that Rau. Once I start something, I have no ability to pace myself. Downhill, breakneck, etc. I'm very hopeful that I can rekindle my love of turn based combat here.

G'night fellows. Thanks for being such a good sport Christian. Aaron told us certain people like this, and certain people like that, right? :)

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Rau 07/08/2017 10:47 PM Perhaps the problem is how dated the turn based combat seems at points. Why is it that chrono trigger and secret of feel more advanced than most jrpgs on the ps2 and beyond. It boggles my mind.

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Christian 07/08/2017 10:47 PM True that, Rau. As if knowing a game's mechanics are inspired by the Japanese will influence my decision to buy the game, or if I'll like it. :P

That he did, Stag, and it's some good wisdom. Goodnight my sir!

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Hidalgo 07/08/2017 11:35 PM Inferior? The game takes everything about the level design of the original mario galaxy and makes it better. And the green stars were meant to be extra.

And considering that some green stars can only be found in certain missions it makes sense the get the outro sequence of the other stars.

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Hidalgo 07/08/2017 11:40 PM 3D world and land are boring. They clung to the same bail out as the nsmb series did. Making the same game over and over again and acting as if it were a new experience.

As for mario sunshine, I love it. The game is just fun to play imo. I have absolutely no idea if you will like it though considering your opinion on the mario galaxy games.

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Blake 07/08/2017 11:58 PM What makes Xenobkade so different?

Wait, I already played Xenoblade, that's a dumb question.

Uh, are there elements in some RPGs that you find more appealing than others? Is ATB superior to turn-based? Would you try Fire Emblem? Do you regret not experiencing the deep characters, good plots, and expansive worlds?

I should go to sleep, I walked through DC for hours today...

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Nintendoer 07/09/2017 4:04 AM Chris took the words right out of my mouth; I largely consider the Green Stars as a reward to be earned that falls outside of the "100%" of the initial 120, and enjoyed collecting them as such. In addition, I like to compare them to the SMG equivalent; playing the game all over again as Luigi, with the only notable differences being the cosmic races. After that, the green stars were a pleasant...

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Nintendoer 07/09/2017 4:05 AM ...surprise. The same is true of the Grandmaster Galaxy; vastly superior to the glorified congratulatory purple coin hunt...plus, I enjoyed the challenge! Especially the perfect run. Sorry you weren't up to it. =P Use clouds wisely... Other than that, I just find the level design to be vastly superior. The game took some unfortunate blows such as in the hub area, but IMO the levels themselves

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Nintendoer 07/09/2017 4:06 AM outweigh them all.

Anyway, I don't know how likely this is considering your aversion to pure turn-based gameplay, but I hope you enjoy FFX! My advice is to play using the Expert Grid. Inappropriately named, as it doesn't make the game any more challenging, but it does offer a more interesting experience, as characters aren't confined to their own sections of the grid.

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Stagger 07/09/2017 9:33 AM I can't imagine having a good time explaining why Shiverburn is impoverished compared to Freezeflame, or listing a litany of such examples. You won't hear a peep more about these games from me gents, since no one has really answered my design complaint. Back to the ship, enter the stage, make one new jump, back to the ship ... 120 times. Self- congratulatory? Never! Really though, I won't speak on

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Stagger 07/09/2017 9:40 AM the galaxies further.

Fire Emblem? Nah Blake. I've got my share of soap opera gaming that doesn't involve positioning units, striving to never lose a character, all of that jazz ... I think the story will carry me along Nintenbroer.

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Stagger 07/09/2017 10:06 AM Expert grid, check sensei. Original or arranged soundtrack? Eek! Honestly, more unpopular opinions from Stagger here, but I've never run across a soundtrack from Square that I thought was mindblowing. Pretty average. Compared to XC music, just forget about it ...

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Rau 07/09/2017 10:16 AM Ffx was my first excursion into the series, I enjoyed most of it. My goodness I need ff6 for the snes.

I do think pre modern fire emblem is worth an excursion. But the series is mostly laughable in its current state.

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Brandon 07/09/2017 10:31 AM Somebody else that doesn't think the music in FF is amazing? Yay! I'm unimpressed with FF as a whole. The only ones I've kind of enjoyed have been the spinoffs like Crystal Chronicles (and even that it wasn't amazing) or FFXII: Revenant Wings (which was a pretty cool RTS for the DS. I've tried III and IV but couldn't stick with it. Story alone can't drive gameplay for me.

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Blake 07/09/2017 10:31 AM I thought that FFVI had superior music to Xenoblade... It was less catchy but more memorable.

I've refrained from commenting on FFX, but I will recommend that you start with Arranged and switch to Original sometime later. Variety is nice.

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Hidalgo 07/09/2017 10:40 AM Certain green stars can only be found in a specific mission of a specific level though. That's why they needed there own outro. And as for level design I can't even imagine how you could even start your argument about SMG2 not having superior levels then its predecessor.

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Matthew 07/09/2017 10:48 AM See I think the green stars are silly too, but I don't force myself to 100% games, so while I did get a few stars more than required to defeat Bowser in SMG2 it was only ones I found fun. Never touched the green stars. Helps my outlook on games immensely, as long as I don't feel as if I missed out.

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Jayse 07/09/2017 12:20 PM I enjoyed the concept of the green stars, but I do agree that getting kicked back to the faceship is annoying. I replayed Galaxy 2 in late June, but haven't finished it yet because I did get burned out on the green stars, so I hear your complaints Stagger. :/ It probably could have been implemented better.

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Stagger 07/09/2017 1:38 PM Not going back on my word in order to respond 'dalgus ...

I'm pretty sure I already missed one of the book things that allows me to translate that other language, probably permanently since I doubt I'll be on that ship again. *shrug* Rules for object interaction are loose at best.

I can see the character switching making the combat interesting. It's so hard to go back and play older RPGs though.

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Stagger 07/09/2017 1:40 PM The voice acting is hit and miss, heh. The hallway effect is strong so far too. I have steeled myself for these antique elements though, and am really enjoying myself for the most part. E Yeah! e 0

Hidalgo 07/09/2017 4:29 PM COWARD! How dare'eth tho refuse'eth thine dual! Your credibility be'th in question sir stagger!

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Stagger 07/09/2017 4:48 PM Hahaha ... ah you're the best Hidalgo. My word is my bond. I shall speak no more of that racial stereotype and his incredibly mediocre gaming series here. :p

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Hidalgo 07/09/2017 5:25 PM You should be flattered. I only usually do that to Ed.

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Stagger 07/09/2017 7:17 PM Blitzball seems like it would completely kill the momentum of the tale later on. This is a whole lot of tutorial here. Glad we're early in the going ... I'm entertained by this whole father/son relationship expressed through sport.

The temple cloisters are kind of cool btw. Hope those get intricate ...

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Nintendoer 07/09/2017 7:21 PM Not to worry, only one match is required. After that, it's just an optional minigame to pursue at your leisure.

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Stagger 07/09/2017 7:26 PM Ooh but I badly want to beat these weasels from Luca. E Yeah♥ e 1

Rau 07/09/2017 7:31 PM I ignore games when they try to tell me how to play. You can imagine what lucca did to me. And how quickly.

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Stagger 07/09/2017 8:00 PM Don't quite understand why the tutorial is separated from the Blitzball game by running around the city looking for Auron, but okay ... I'm getting a great vibe from this game though. Like the joy I felt playing VII rather than the dismay I felt playing VIII ...

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Stagger 07/09/2017 8:05 PM Wait, I'm STILL not playing Blitzball? Yeesh.

Anyway, the combat isn't remotely miserable. There are some small tweaks, mainly the character swapping, that don't send me that bored menu glaring and taking turns feeling. I can't wait until I can set my limit breaks, err overdrives to other options than Stoic. I'm mildly concerned about character homogenization through the sphere grid, but weapon

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Stagger 07/09/2017 8:09 PM differences seem to be such that each will maintain a nice niche purpose while rounding out.

As for the story, clearest premise in a post- FF game I've experienced ... a refresher on my FF play history - I, IV, VI, VII, VIII and XV. Anyway, digging the subtle, dovetailed background reveals surrounding each character ... this voice acting though. Ha!

E Yeah! e 1 Stagger 07/09/2017 8:23 PM There is always a Cid. He's usually someone's uncle. There better be a Biggs and Wedge. :p

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Stagger 07/09/2017 8:59 PM Take that Goers! :p Interesting scripting to that match ... I got up 3-1 w/ and then the scene swapping him w/ Wakka occurred. Was that based on score, time remaining in the match, or something else? Also, for the record, the tournamrnt format was not functional. Six teams, two byes, sure - but the teams w/ byes can't play in opening ceremony matches. Smzll quibble from a sports fan heh ...

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Nintendoer 07/09/2017 9:15 PM ·Spoilers Time-based.

You should consider yourself lucky to have won that match on your first playthrough. Because that's exactly what it takes; 80% luck, 20% knowledge of how the minigame works, and more or less impossible without the Jecht Shot (which I assume you have).

Fun fact; the reward for beating the Goers in the original Japanese version of the game was...a potion.

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Stagger 07/09/2017 9:43 PM I do not have the Jecht shot. I failed at that on the bow. I just repeatedly passed the ball ahead to Tidus and shot w/ him a whole lot. In the second half Tidus had learned a crzy Sphere shot that helped too, and I should have been scored on to trail at half but time ran out mid-shot. *shrug*

Auron has that Vincent and Edge thing going on ... I'm really getting a great feeling from this game. E Yeah! e 0

Blake 07/09/2017 11:09 PM A great feeling?

I think I missed something when I played this game. I was just plain confused at your point. Does the advanced Sphere grid make the game that much better?

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Stagger 07/09/2017 11:26 PM Yeah, like it has potential to surpass other FF games I've played. I'm not remotely as in love w/ VI as most fans are. As you know, I preferred IV. I'd really need to replay both again as an adult to have a full grasp of them again, which is unlikely to happen in the near future. Not sure what the rest of your comment is about Clay Blaken ... got to eat and sleep homie.

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Hidalgo 07/10/2017 4:15 AM What's a good FF game to play for a person who has never played a game in the series?

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Blake 07/10/2017 7:19 AM Hidalgo, Final Fantasy VI. It's on Wii eShop as Final Fantasy III and will also be on SNES mini.

I'm beginning to wonder why people like and don't like certain Final Fantasy games. There seems to be a degree of taste involved in deciding favorites.

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Rau 07/10/2017 7:26 AM Oh, Stagger. FEZ, that was the platformer I couldn't remember. Great game.

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Stagger 07/10/2017 6:41 PM I am about to ride a shoopuf.

The Djose Cloister of Trials was pretty good. It was also the first one where I didn't find a Destruction Orb, which bugged me. Pretty good fight w/ the Sinspawn prior to that, and an enjoyable long road to it ... I wonder if we ever get revenge on that hunting beast. Ochus are the first enemy I've found excessively tedious - way too high a rate of appearance

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Stagger 07/10/2017 6:44 PM for something that takes that much work at this stage in character development ... am I supposed to be able to win those summoning tutorial duels btw? Can't remember the character's name, but in the second one 's aeons both had ridculous output to no avail ...

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Nintendoer 07/10/2017 6:53 PM I second playing FEZ at some point.

There are actually multiple outcomes to the Chocobo Eater battle. You fell off the cliff, eh? Ouch...no reward for you then. =P

As for the Aeon battles, they are doable with a bit of luck and strategy.

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Hidalgo 07/10/2017 6:55 PM Are you sure about final fantasy Vi? You better not be act'en deh mickey blake...

E Yeah!? e 0 Stagger 07/10/2017 7:01 PM Aw, that's bogus! The chocobo eater knocked me off, but I had pushed him back to starting position once. He was roughly half dead. Then the brute pushed me on consecutive turns. It was not very fair. Grumble!

What is this FEZ you two are on about? Never heard of it ... Hidalgo, it really doesn't matter what FF youstart with unless you have an aversion to vintage style rpgs. Even X is what, over

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Stagger 07/10/2017 7:04 PM fifteen years old now? It's hallway stuff from VII on until XV broke that mold. VI is a good suggestion for you I think, because you love SNES era stuff ...

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Nintendoer 07/10/2017 7:10 PM Small correction; XII broke the mold first. Then XIII re-established it. =P It's not quite open-world like XV is, but it's far from being a hallway too. You can still get in a lot of trouble going to places or picking fights you shouldn't be...

I think you would like it, honestly.

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Stagger 07/10/2017 7:13 PM I almost added another comment that I can't speak to XII and XIII, heh. Thanks comrade. XV was the first to really embrace piles of sidequests, right? I'm loving X as an old school game, but I much prefer the diversions more recent rpgs offer.

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Nintendoer 07/10/2017 7:15 PM As for FEZ...it's a platformer with a unique gimmick on the surface, but if you dig a little deeper you'll find it has very cryptic puzzles that'll really make you think. Kinda hard to describe in any more detail than that without giving anything away though...I'll just say this, as of when I played it (a couple years after release), there was still a puzzle that nobody quite knew how to solve...

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Nintendoer 07/10/2017 7:16 PM ...and only knew the solution from digging into the game's code. I don't have a clue if the proper solution has been found yet or not, though.

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Nintendoer 07/10/2017 7:23 PM XII had quite a few, as well. About 50 or so monster hunts (all of which are basically boss fights in their own right; much higher quality than XV's hunts, IMO, at least the ones I've experienced), and some other sidequests scattered here and there, very few of which are fetch quests. The game is probably 50% optional content, if not more.

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Nintendoer 07/10/2017 7:26 PM The game does suffer from homogenization issues thanks to each character starting at more or less the same position on the same License Board (similar to the Sphere Grid, but with several key differences), but I have a feeling the Zodiac Age's job system fixes that nicely. Might even climb the ranks a bit...

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Stagger 07/10/2017 7:29 PM Great, because that's obviously the version I'll eventually play ... glad to hear all of that. I'll have to look into FEZ. Steamworld Dig was pretty good, although I didn't quite finish Heist and need to go back to it sometime. Okay, time to get on that shoopuf ...

E Yeah! e 0 Blake 07/10/2017 7:39 PM Hidalgo, FFVI is my third favorite game of all time. FFIX might take that title, but I've only played three hours. I'm going off of a "good feeling", like Stagger.

Um, there are reasons to try other games first though. I'll elaborate in my next comment, which isn't a spoiler but rather an assessment of each game's strengths.

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Blake 07/10/2017 7:41 PM ·Spoilers FFVI had amazing characters, perhaps the best I've seen in a game. FFX had better combat and graphics. The plots of both are all over the place and don't make too much sense, but I thought FFVI's plot made a tad bit more sense overall.

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Stagger 07/11/2017 10:16 PM Putting the player through this loathsome bit w/ Seymour and Yuna is rather hackneyed storytelling. It's not like FF games move at a pace that this obvious bid to induce jealousy on Tidus' behalf will resolve itself before becoming a grim shadow ... I knew I should have bucked the game's narrative for these two. Bah. Yuffi, I mean , lacks consistency as a character too, but oh well.

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Stagger 07/14/2017 3:49 PM Bleh. I've been unable to muster interest in FFX for a couple of days. Wednesday night I rolled through to the inevitable Seymour fight and suffered my first game over. Since I either failed to observe a save point or one doesn't exist between the Al-Bhed boss/snowmobile ride and Seymour, replaying the mass of cut scenes that can't be skipped confronted me. Not appealing ... was already teetering

E Yeah! e 1 Stagger 07/14/2017 3:56 PM towards boredom - that would put me over the edge. I'd imagine I'll get back to it someday, but I've got to tell y'all, it hasn't really impressed me to any extent that I'll make a priority of it. Jecht and Jaska's legacies are not compelling. Zero attachment to these characters given their utter lack of consistency and depth in behavior, and while the turn-based gameplay is decent, way too high

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Stagger 07/14/2017 4:02 PM a rate of random encounters ... pretty much the reason I don't dawdle w/ traditional rpgs anymore.

The first brief dlc for Little Nightmares was excellent. I shall seek my entertainment in Fallout 3 for a couple of weeks ... sorry FF fans. I think I'm just in Brandon's camp on the series. They can't write a lick imo, and the gameplay makes me sleepy. XV looks better and better to me.

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Rau 07/14/2017 6:53 PM It took me so long to muster the want to beat that game. The curse of the turnbased jrpg. I still feel that it's a good game. Many hail it as the last good traditional FF. But besides playing VI, I don't think I'll return to the series classic style, unless VII becons.

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Matthew 07/14/2017 6:56 PM Turn based JRPGs with long cutscenes and random encounters is a surefire way to make sure I never play, much less complete, a game....

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Blake 07/14/2017 6:57 PM Don't think that I agree with you 100% because I "Yeah!"ed all three of those comments. FF has been fairly hit or miss for me, with some pretty big hits and some mediocre misses. I love the characters and the themes. The plots range from good enough to emotional nonsense to unskippable emotional nonsense. The combat ranges from pretty good to bearable.

That's why FFVI is my third favorite game

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Blake 07/14/2017 6:59 PM While FFX is kind of meh IMO. FFIV alternates between great moments and meh moments. From what I've played of FFIX, it might even be better than FFVI. It's all in the characters.

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Blake 07/14/2017 7:16 PM Also, is there a connection between loving Skyward Sword and disliking turn-based RPGs? If there is, it probably has to do with control.

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Stagger 07/18/2017 7:24 PM Fallout 3 didn't scratch my itch either. It's got a lot going for it, but much like wandering into turn-based combat, it takes close to absolute magic or good friends for me to enjoy FPS play anymore. I turned back to the reliability of Witcher III. The first of the two main dlcs for it was superb. Then I dipped into the goodness of Professor Layton: The Last Specter. Nine days to Sundered ...

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Stagger 07/18/2017 7:28 PM After that indy game that I've been secretly crazy about for months, I have nothing going until the Metroid 2 remake. It's hard to pick what to do. Cave Story on Switch or Ever Oasis maybe ... FFX and Fallout 3 are effort projects. The want to, eh Rau? How's everyone doing? Blake, you're still on vacation right?

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Blake 07/18/2017 9:23 PM I'm still on vacation. I've been sick, but I've been getting better. The East Coast is a pretty interesting place. I made it all the way up to Maine.

FFIV has turned into an effort project for me, but it has still been enjoyable.

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Brandon 07/18/2017 9:29 PM Well, I've mentioned it before but Cave Story is an absolute blast. Engaging story, excellent gameplay, I really love that game. Funny that I've only bought it once on DSiware and have managed to transfers it to all my (3)DS models. Maybe I should get the Switch version.

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Brandon 07/18/2017 9:32 PM It also isn't terribly long so it doesn't overstay its welcome.

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Stagger 07/18/2017 9:33 PM IV is probably where I'm very guilty of nostalgia rather than critical opinion in choosing an FF favorite Blake. It was such a huge leap on the SNES. Are you hitting any major urban areas? Maybe you wound up logging the vacation. I should check. :) As you know, I live on the east coast, a bit south of DC.

E Yeah! e 0

Blake 07/19/2017 6:44 AM The two big places I hit up were DC and NYC, but both were only single day trips. I haven't logged anything yet because I haven't been feeling too well and I'm not too interested in starting another log just yet, but I still think this could make a great log. Another reason I didn't want to log is because I didn't want to release my location too closely. But I previously stayed in Williamsburg.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Blake 07/19/2017 6:53 AM Thinking back on FFVI, it wasn't particularly compelling to play either. It was only in the end that I realized that the characters were really, really good and this game's primary theme is profoundly deeper than any theme in any other game I had played. Of course the rest of the game is really good, but I never played it for 12 hours straight like BotW or Golden Sun.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 07/19/2017 6:12 PM Williamsburg VA? You were like an hour an a half from here, as the Cadillac flies heh ... King's Dominion visit?

I picked up Cave Story br'er Brandon. I'll get into it after work tomorrow. Last Specter has some exemplary Layton brain busters and the typical family friendly, amusing mystery tale to accompany them.

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 07/19/2017 6:13 PM Oh wait, it's Busch Gardens there. King's Dominion is further north ... for all I know y'all partook in the colonial, historical side of the place.

E Yeah... e 1

Blake 07/19/2017 6:45 PM My mom has some fond childhood memories of the historical stuff. We haven't touched an amusement park.

It's not a bad state. It almost reminded me of my home. A few hours of travel north changed the people and infrastructure more than the drive from AR to VA. So there's a chance I could've seen you if I went to a random GameStop 1.5 hours away and made ZNG inside jokes?

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 07/19/2017 7:42 PM It identifies itself as a commonwealth rather than a state, which leads to all sorts of legal hilarity. I've lived all over this country. VA is okay. Just happened to be where I was when I tired of travelling ...

E Yeah! e 0

Blake 07/19/2017 8:04 PM It's a commonwealth? That's obnoxious... The United States of America and Those Couple States that Call Themselves Commonwealths. We're the USoAaTCStCTC. That simply will not do.

Would you mind sharing some of the other states you enjoyed? That would be an interesting if you want to talk about it. It's not off topic when the topic is "whatever this becomes".

Although there's 99 comments.

E Yeah♥ e 2 D

Stagger 07/19/2017 8:37 PM I'm sure to make another rambling, nonsense post for Cave Story and beyond. A non sequitir gaming log has become my main Miiverse output these days ...

I love my birth state of Michigan. New Mexico has a legitimate slogan. Land of enchantment indeed. The cities I've enjoyed living in the most are Chicago and San Diego. Atlanta I'm conflicted about. I like Nintendoer's home state too.

E Yeah! e 2

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