Essential items:

Perfume High fashion Sunglasses A la carte food

Positive or negative definitions? Which one do you prefer?

Consumerism is an economic and social order that requires us to buy goods and services in order to feel happy about our lives.

Consumerism is the acquisition of goods and services that improve our .

Consumerism is a system whereby stupid people buy only things that they don’t need.

“I shop, therefore I am.”

Match the term to its definition

simple living - eco-conscious shopping - - localvore

The aversion to buying anything as an act of protest against the conventional food system.

A movement to connect food consumer and food producers in the same geographic region.

A voluntary practice to reduce your possessions, or to increase self-sufficiency.

Purchasing goods and services which have reduced, minimized, or no harm to the environment.

Jonah now uses only Dr Bronner’s products because they are made from natural ingredients.

Michael buys all his fresh produce from the village market, which takes place twice a week.

Kate’s wardrobe now contains five shirts, one dress, two skirts and two pairs of jeans.

John obtains his food by searching through the food that restaurants and supermarkets discard.

What kind of consumer are you?

It is important for you to look fashionable and you purchase a lot of clothing each season.

You like to buy luxury brands once in a while.

You stopped using some products because you consider them harmful to the environment.

You often discard food that you bought.

When you buy gifts for others, you buy something the person needs rather than wants. ​ ​ ​ ​

Is it all bad?

Consumerism has given us choice. It has pushed innovation, making people create better products.

Consumerism isn’t bad. It offers me convenience. I can’t help it if consumerism makes lazy people even lazier.

You’ll propably find that the people who decry consumerism don’t have much to spend. They’re already in debt because they didn’t have self-control.

How is each image related to consumerism?