P R O F E S S I O N A L B R O C H U R E W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 w w w . s a m o e n s . c o m f a c e b o o k . c o m / s a m o e n s o f fi c i e l SUMMARY WINTER 2019/2020 2 DossierCrédits photo :de presse Tristan - Hiver Shu 2018/2019 / Christian Martelet / Fresh Influence / Nicolas Anthonioz / Fotolia / Joseph Rouget / ZigZag / Bureau des guides Welcome to Contacts/Pratical Information Samoëns Mr. Nicolas Francfort Director Tel. +33 (0) 4 50 34 40 28 Mob.: +33 (0)6 63 64 24 51
[email protected] Ms. Paula Vignola Promotion Manager Tel. +33 (0) 4 50 34 46 57 Mob.: + 33 (0) 6 45 72 60 76
[email protected] Our Our photo library is available on: www.samoens.com/fr/hiver-informations/ espace-presse Website www.samoens.com Social Networks Our quality Approach. In 2013, Samoëns Tourist Offi ce was awarded national “Qualité Tourisme” accreditation in accordance with the quality- based approach taken by tourist offi ces in France. Our quality undertakings: Provide a courteous and effi cient welcome. Be available and attentive to expectations. Provide personalized advice concerning local tourist features. Provide updated and precise information. Measure satisfaction by means of visitor surveys. Be attentive to visitor remarks and suggestions and take them on board. Strive continuously to improve our services. SAMOËNS: A SKI RESORT, A VILLAGE, A HISTORY page 5 SAMOËNS, page 10 ACCESSIBILITY LE GRAND MASSIF page 11 4TH BIGGEST SKI AREA IN FRANCE SAMOËNS, NOT TO MISS page 20 ACCOMMODATIONS Page 22 Hotels page 22 Residences page 45 Holiday Villages page 73 Holiday Centers page 81 Bed and Breakfast page 84 Gites page 91 Campsites page 96 Rental Residences page 107 Refuges page 130 Real Estate Agencies page 135 Incoming Agencies page 145 Samoëns Booking Service page 149 GOOD ADDRESSES page 160 1 SAMOËNS : A SKI RESORT, A VILLAGE, A HISTORY What strikes when arriving at Samoëns, it is the tranquility and charm of the place.