The Westfield Leader 8:30 P.M
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roc: «WC*IAL UBW* m JtMstx O 33 M - OC3 ^~ bo <•-, c: K Town Council VO Meets Tuesday THE WESTFIELD LEADER 8:30 P.M. The Leading and MoU Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Vnion County Bemud CIK» I'oatiiKP 1'KIJ Publlnhtd EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR—Ko. 3« nl Weiirlrld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL ID, 15)73 Kvery ThurMduy 28 Pages—10 Cents Frank MacPherson Seeks Trinity Parents joint |jse of Columbus School Ward 2 Council Seat To Plead Parochiad Frank MacPnerson. local idea will affect the overall Suggested to Board businessman and prominent quality of life in West- Republican leader in field that we don't find The Citiiens' Committee that can be supported and ferson Schools in Sep- unanimously adopted by the Westfleld, has annouocad ourselves changing simply on the Future Uses of funded. tember. full committee at its final that he wUl seek election to for change sake." With Legislators Columbus School has The committee of 20 Fifteen alternative uses of meeting on Apr. 4. Town Council from Ward 2,. MacPherson, who has unanimously recommended citizens has been studying the building were studied by The committee felt that Hie Mat ia currently held by Uved in Westfield since MM, to the Westfleld Board of alternate uses of the school the committee since its the building should be James Skinner who will not Parents of Holy Trinity legislators that at least a has served as president of High and Elementary stay of the court order be Education that the school be which will be phased out in initial meeting on Oct. 12, retained for current and seek re-election. both the Jayceea and the jointly used by the Union 1972. The uses were broken f Schools will travel to granted to permit funds Jute as part of the Board of future Westfleld community In announcing his can- Westfield Y s Men's Club Trenton May l to visit already appropriated for Cpunty Educational Serv- Education's desegregation down into three main areas: needs. didacy, MacPhenon stated: and has been chairman of various legislators asking this year. ices Commission and the plan to achieve better racial income, educational and "The best Immediate use "Each year hundreds of the Yi Men's annual Westfield Recreation balance. Kindergarten town-wide use. of Columbus School and the Halloween Parade and for a continuance of state At the next Parents' Guild Westfield residents coo- aid to parochial schools. The meeting, May 17, a letter Commission until the through second grade In a 28-page report which recommendstion of this tribute a great deal of time annual Christmas Tree Sale. recreation commission can students now at Columbus the committee has sub- committee is the Joint use by He has been actively In- state had contributed funds writing campaign with the and talent and effort toward for the purchase of equip- same purpose will be held. demonstrate a need and a school will be reassigned to mitted to the board, the final the Union County making Westfield one of the volved m the United Fund program for full time use Grant, Lincoln and Jef- recommendation, was Educational Services drives over the yean and ia ment (tape recorders, On May IB, liturgical ser- finest communities in the movie projectors, trans- vices will be held Commission (day-time use area. I would like to add my presently the Assistant parencies and gym until 3 p.m> and the West- own contribution as a Manger of the PILOTS the state with the equipment) and provided praying that "legislators field Recreation Com- member of our Town softball team in the Girls FraakMacPkenaa the services of a speech $200,000 Raised for Y Center mission (late afternoon) and Council and will in the Softball League. will have the wisdom to evenings until 10 p.m. for a therapist, a reading in- discern a proper course of months ahead, present my He is a MM graduate of Westfleld. structor and a teacher's The two-week-old cam- period of time until the views on how we can Worcester Polytechnic He resides at BS Canter- aide until the recent N.J. action and the strength to paign for the Westfield Westfield Recreation maintain the best of what so Institute where he earned a bury Rd. with his wife State Supreme Court follow their moral con- YMCA-YWCA Four Seasons Commission can demon- many have worked to hard to> bachelor of science degree Margaret and their children decision discontinuing aid. victions." A gospel service Outdoor Center today ex- • strate a need and a program give us. I also intend to in electrical engineering Susan, Jane and Carol. Parents hope to convince was held at the high school ceeded $300,000 of Its goal for full time use that can be present my thoughts on how and is the founder and by Father Harrington at of $425,000. supported and funded," the They are members of the which Father Michael we should qualify new ideas president of MacPhenon PresbyterianChurchof West- The first report on the report states. by first asking how the new Control Products, Inc. of Desmond explained the field. Are You question to the students. fund drive came on the eve ''The Union County of the general teams Educational Services These plans were division which will open Commission (U.C.E.S.C.) . Registered? discussed by Sister. Mer- Apr. 26. Mrs. Joan now rents several Bosland, Wiley Join cedita, principal, at the McAullffe and Richard A. classrooms at the Westfield Extended periods for executive board meeting of Dugan have been named to Presbyterian Church and at registration for the June the parents' guild held in the head the effort. the Westfleld Baptist Primary Election have been Music Room, Apr. 12. "Initial response to our Church to educate and train YM Bd. of Directors scheduled by the Town A report on the sports campaign has been most emotionally disturbed dinner to be held on May 30 Paul C. Bosland, Church, Ids hobbies are Clerk's office. Residents gratifying," campaign Mn. Joan McAullffe children from varioua Dental School, he lives with may register through Apr. at the Westwood was given chairman Norbert Weldon school systems in Union president of the National music, basketball and Ms wife, Eva Marie, and by Harry Wright, chairman. County, including Westfleld. Bank of New Jersey, and said in issuing the initial Presbyterian Church, a tennis. A graduate of their infant son, John Clark, The Town Clerk's office Mrs. John McGuire gave the report. "We've really just former director of Highland These sending school Or. John Wiley Jr., West Dickinson College and the at 2S0 Edgewood Ave. will be open for registration treasurer's report and begun, however, and to Swim Club, and former systems currently pay field dentist, have been University of Pennsylvania from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the announced that the Insure the success of this chorus director and tuition of approximately named to the Westfield following dates, as well as chaperones for the Senior great experiment we are president of Westfield 13,300 per year per pupil. YMCA board of directors. the normal 9 to 5 office Prom will be Mr. and Mrs. counting on all area chapter, Society for the This program Is a state- The new directors were hours; tonight and all next Frank Delgauuo, Mr. and residents to support our Preservation and mandated procedure and is elected and installed at the w««k through Thursday, Mrs. JosefrVNolan,Mr. and drive." Encouragement of Barber funded by state payments to Y's 50th annual dinner To register, persons must Mrs. Robert! McDonough The campaign will finance Shop Quartet Singing in the local districts. Toe meeting at the be 18 years of age on or and Mr. and Mrs. Harry a new concept in outdoor America. VCESC is enthusiastic that Shackamaxon Country before June 5, and must Wright. James McKeon recreation — combining day the Columbus School Ch». have lived in New Jersey 40 presided. camping and family ac- A sports buff, Ms hobbles building will fill their needs days by June Sin order to tivities with environmental are golf and duplicate very well and permit them Eleven other directors vote in the Primary. education, four seasons of bridge. to offer better opporttaiitiea have been named to new Those who have changed Contenders the year. to the handicapped an address may notify the Mr. Dugan, a graduate of three-year terms on the "It's unique, because as the University of Michigan, youngsters ranging in age board. They include James County Board of Elections, far as we can tell, no other from 5 to 16. The UCESC has 208-210 Commerce Place, lives at 775 Oak Ave. with Indicated a willingness to W. Cooper, Richard Dugan, For Governor private organization has his wife Madeleine and sons Or. Stacy N. Ewan Jr., Elizabeth Change of ad- such a facility dedicated to share the facilities after Thomas F. Jackson, Ralph dress cards may be obtained Randall and Peter. hours with other approved from the Town Clerk's office Here Thursday users." H. Jones, Laurence or voter registration cards Masters, Robert E. Ohaus, may be used. groups and community g~\ /•/• rr% Richard A. Ougan The proposed use that the Ernest R. Powell, William The four major con- organizations; said Mr. COf f«2€?« 1 #3e9 committee felt would Taylor, Robert C. Thomson It is possible to register at tenders for the Democratic 7 the office of any Municipal Weldon. ** provide the greatest long- Jr. and Herbert T. Wight. nomination for Governor of The Y's hoppe toto raise term benefits to the town of Clerk in Union County New Jersey, former State Westfield is the full time use Dr.JekaWUey.Jr.