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Town Council VO Meets Tuesday THE WESTFIELD LEADER 8:30 P.M. The Leading and MoU Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Vnion County

Bemud CIK» I'oatiiKP 1'KIJ Publlnhtd EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR—Ko. 3« nl Weiirlrld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL ID, 15)73 Kvery ThurMduy 28 Pages—10 Cents

Frank MacPherson Seeks Trinity Parents joint |jse of Columbus School Ward 2 Council Seat To Plead Parochiad Frank MacPnerson. local idea will affect the overall Suggested to Board businessman and prominent quality of life in West- Republican leader in field that we don't find The Citiiens' Committee that can be supported and ferson Schools in Sep- unanimously adopted by the Westfleld, has annouocad ourselves changing simply on the Future Uses of funded. tember. full committee at its final that he wUl seek election to for change sake." With Legislators Columbus School has The committee of 20 Fifteen alternative uses of meeting on Apr. 4. Town Council from Ward 2,. MacPherson, who has unanimously recommended citizens has been studying the building were studied by The committee felt that Hie Mat ia currently held by Uved in Westfield since MM, to the Westfleld Board of alternate uses of the school the committee since its the building should be James Skinner who will not Parents of Holy Trinity legislators that at least a has served as president of High and Elementary stay of the court order be Education that the school be which will be phased out in initial meeting on Oct. 12, retained for current and seek re-election. both the Jayceea and the jointly used by the Union 1972. The uses were broken f Schools will travel to granted to permit funds Jute as part of the Board of future Westfleld community In announcing his can- Westfield Y s Men's Club Trenton May l to visit already appropriated for Cpunty Educational Serv- Education's desegregation down into three main areas: needs. didacy, MacPhenon stated: and has been chairman of various legislators asking this year. ices Commission and the plan to achieve better racial income, educational and "The best Immediate use "Each year hundreds of the Yi Men's annual Westfield Recreation balance. Kindergarten town-wide use. of Columbus School and the Halloween Parade and for a continuance of state At the next Parents' Guild Westfield residents coo- aid to parochial schools. The meeting, May 17, a letter Commission until the through second grade In a 28-page report which recommendstion of this tribute a great deal of time annual Christmas Tree Sale. recreation commission can students now at Columbus the committee has sub- committee is the Joint use by He has been actively In- state had contributed funds writing campaign with the and talent and effort toward for the purchase of equip- same purpose will be held. demonstrate a need and a school will be reassigned to mitted to the board, the final the Union County making Westfield one of the volved m the United Fund program for full time use Grant, Lincoln and Jef- recommendation, was Educational Services drives over the yean and ia ment (tape recorders, On May IB, liturgical ser- finest communities in the movie projectors, trans- vices will be held Commission (day-time use area. I would like to add my presently the Assistant parencies and gym until 3 p.m> and the West- own contribution as a Manger of the PILOTS the state with the equipment) and provided praying that "legislators field Recreation Com- member of our Town softball team in the Girls FraakMacPkenaa the services of a speech $200,000 Raised for Y Center mission (late afternoon) and Council and will in the Softball League. will have the wisdom to evenings until 10 p.m. for a therapist, a reading in- discern a proper course of months ahead, present my He is a MM graduate of Westfleld. structor and a teacher's The two-week-old cam- period of time until the views on how we can Worcester Polytechnic He resides at BS Canter- aide until the recent N.J. action and the strength to paign for the Westfield Westfield Recreation maintain the best of what so Institute where he earned a bury Rd. with his wife State Supreme Court follow their moral con- YMCA-YWCA Four Seasons Commission can demon- many have worked to hard to> bachelor of science degree Margaret and their children decision discontinuing aid. victions." A gospel service Outdoor Center today ex- • strate a need and a program give us. I also intend to in electrical engineering Susan, Jane and Carol. Parents hope to convince was held at the high school ceeded $300,000 of Its goal for full time use that can be present my thoughts on how and is the founder and by Father Harrington at of $425,000. . supported and funded," the They are members of the which Father Michael we should qualify new ideas president of MacPhenon PresbyterianChurchof West- The first report on the report states. by first asking how the new Control Products, Inc. of Desmond explained the field. Are You question to the students. fund drive came on the eve ''The Union County of the general teams Educational Services These plans were division which will open Commission (U.C.E.S.C.) . Registered? discussed by Sister. Mer- Apr. 26. Mrs. Joan now rents several Bosland, Wiley Join cedita, principal, at the McAullffe and Richard A. classrooms at the Westfield Extended periods for executive board meeting of Dugan have been named to Presbyterian Church and at registration for the June the parents' guild held in the head the effort. the Westfleld Baptist Primary Election have been Music Room, Apr. 12. "Initial response to our Church to educate and train YM Bd. of Directors scheduled by the Town A report on the sports campaign has been most emotionally disturbed dinner to be held on May 30 Paul C. Bosland, Church, Ids hobbies are Clerk's office. Residents gratifying," campaign Mn. Joan McAullffe children from varioua Dental School, he lives with may register through Apr. at the Westwood was given chairman Norbert Weldon school systems in Union president of the National music, basketball and Ms wife, Eva Marie, and by Harry Wright, chairman. County, including Westfleld. Bank of New Jersey, and said in issuing the initial Presbyterian Church, a tennis. A graduate of their infant son, John Clark, The Town Clerk's office Mrs. John McGuire gave the report. "We've really just former director of Highland These sending school Or. John Wiley Jr., West Dickinson College and the at 2S0 Edgewood Ave. will be open for registration treasurer's report and begun, however, and to Swim Club, and former systems currently pay field dentist, have been University of Pennsylvania from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the announced that the Insure the success of this chorus director and tuition of approximately named to the Westfield following dates, as well as chaperones for the Senior great experiment we are president of Westfield 13,300 per year per pupil. YMCA board of directors. the normal 9 to 5 office Prom will be Mr. and Mrs. counting on all area chapter, Society for the This program Is a state- The new directors were hours; tonight and all next Frank Delgauuo, Mr. and residents to support our Preservation and mandated procedure and is elected and installed at the w««k through Thursday, Mrs. JosefrVNolan,Mr. and drive." Encouragement of Barber funded by state payments to Y's 50th annual dinner To register, persons must Mrs. Robert! McDonough The campaign will finance Shop Quartet Singing in the local districts. Toe meeting at the be 18 years of age on or and Mr. and Mrs. Harry a new concept in outdoor America. VCESC is enthusiastic that Shackamaxon Country before June 5, and must Wright. James McKeon recreation — combining day the Columbus School Ch». have lived in New Jersey 40 presided. camping and family ac- A sports buff, Ms hobbles building will fill their needs days by June Sin order to tivities with environmental are golf and duplicate very well and permit them Eleven other directors vote in the Primary. education, four seasons of bridge. to offer better opporttaiitiea have been named to new Those who have changed Contenders the year. to the handicapped an address may notify the Mr. Dugan, a graduate of three-year terms on the "It's unique, because as the University of Michigan, youngsters ranging in age board. They include James County Board of Elections, far as we can tell, no other from 5 to 16. The UCESC has 208-210 Commerce Place, lives at 775 Oak Ave. with Indicated a willingness to W. Cooper, Richard Dugan, For Governor private organization has his wife Madeleine and sons Or. Stacy N. Ewan Jr., Elizabeth Change of ad- such a facility dedicated to share the facilities after Thomas F. Jackson, Ralph dress cards may be obtained Randall and Peter. hours with other approved from the Town Clerk's office Here Thursday users." H. Jones, Laurence or voter registration cards Masters, Robert E. Ohaus, may be used. groups and community g~\ /•/• rr% Richard A. Ougan The proposed use that the Ernest R. Powell, William The four major con- organizations; said Mr. COf f«2€?« 1 #3e9 committee felt would Taylor, Robert C. Thomson It is possible to register at tenders for the Democratic 7 the office of any Municipal Weldon. ** provide the greatest long- Jr. and Herbert T. Wight. nomination for Governor of The Y's hoppe toto raise term benefits to the town of Clerk in Union County New Jersey, former State Westfield is the full time use Dr.JekaWUey.Jr. PasdC. Beslaad regardless of where a Senator Richard J. Coffee, $42S,0O0 from the general Egg Hunt Mr. Bosland, 39, has person resides. public and 9125.000 from And Music of the building by the spearheaded many civic State Senator J. Edward foundations. The initial gift Westfield Recreation projects. He ii vice Crabiel, State Senator, Department. However, a Ralph DeRose, and of 640,000 came from the Saturday president of the board of Pleister Fund and Mr. and At Library major question - financing managers of Children's Assemblywoman Ann Klein the proposed program - Arbor Day Events Friday, Apr. 27 will highlight the monthly Mrs. Carleton Bunker. The annual Easter Egg Specialised Hospital, The campaign is There's something new at could not be resolved by the meeting of the Westfleld Hunt sponsored by the committee. The committee general campaign chairman School children and the and at the southside train Club of Westfield; Democratic Women's scheduled to be successfully the library today In addition of the United Way of Union Westfield .public will ob- station. Details of these completed by May. 11. Westfield Lion's Club will be felt that the value of such a Tamaques, flowering crab- Organisation on Thursday, to the teen-age staff in held Saturday, in Mln- program merited County for 1972-1S73, a serve . Arbor Day Friday, programs will be announced apple, Mrs. Al Roche of the Apr. 26 at the YMCA of A member of the board of charge of Page Day. trustee and past president of Apr. 27, with programs dowaskin Park starting at 2 development of a phasing-ln next week. Garden Club of Westfield; Westfield, directors of the YWCA, Mrs. Refreshments are being p.m. The program Is for all program over two, three or the board of directors of the initiated by the Mayor's At Westfield's grade Lincoln, a yew to be McAullffe Is secretary of the served • all day - so Westfield Community, and a Westfield children up to and more years. BeautlfIcation Committee in schools trees will be planted presented by the Rake and Altar Guild of St. Paul's browsers csn read their Including 7 years of age. trustee of the Miller-Cory conjunction with the following appropriate Hoe Garden Club; and The candidates' forum Episcopal Church where she favorite magazines and The committee requested house. Westfield public schools. ceremonies led by garden beginning at 9 p.m. will teaches confirmation enjoy coffee or tea provided Colored, hard boiled eggs in its report that any user be McKinley, an ilex by a afford residents of Westfield will be hidden throughout In elementary school club representatives as representative of the garden classes. A Senior Girl Scout by the young staff, There is the park grounds. Children requested to Install some An enthusiastic swimmer, events arranged by Mrs. follows: department of the Woman's an opportunity to both hear leader and member of Echo music, too. A page who was minimal library-type he was largely responsible Edward L. Coffey, Elm St. School, a and pose questions to the Lake Country Club, Mrs. graduated a couple of years who do not find any eggs will facility in the building since Club of Westfletd. prospective candidates. be given trinkets at a stand last fall for establishment of representative of the rhododendron presented by In ceremonies last week McAullffe was graduated ago listened to plans for the this request kept recurring on the east side of the park. throughout the committee's the Y's "Dlpat-Dawn" mayor's committee, and the Men's Garden Club of at the Municipal Building, from Rollins College. day and decided he might In the case of rain or program for early morning Mrs. Marie Sclan, coor- Westfield; Franklin, a white Mayor Donn A. Snyder Preceding the candidates, A Westfield resident for 22 come back as a "page considerations. the regular business muddy park grounds, the swimmers. A graduate of dinator of elementary pine from the Gardenalres; proclaimed Apr, 27 as Arbor years she has four children, emeritus" just to get in on Lion's Club wilfhave a stand The report concludes: Brown University, Mr. education. Arbor Day Wilson, a hemlock by the Day, saying: meeting beginning at 8:15 Polly, 21. John, 20, Eloise, 17 the activities. " is the strong recom- p.m. will report on, among near the Broad St, entrance Bosland holds a master of ceremonies will be held in Mountainside Garden Club; "WHEREAS, the and Linda, IS. where the children may mendation of this com- business administration various schools at 9:30 a.m. Washington, a spreading Legislature of the State of other Items, the Impact of A sales engineer and New Dlrector-for-the-Day mittee that Columbus the recent meat boycott and come to get eggs and degree from Apr. 27. Speakers will be Ilex, Club of the Little New Jersey has adopted an York district manager for Richard Klein invites trinkets. School remain under Board University. He lives In representatives of local Gardens. act designating Arbor Day plans for future consumer IRD Mechanalysls Inc.. Mr. Westfleld residents to visit of Education ownership and garden clubs. action In the Westfleld area. At the start of the hunt, be used for the benefit of the Short HUls with his wife, Grant, a white dogwood, and by that act has Dugan Is a deacon of the the library today, haw children will be divided Into Helen, and sons Richard, 14, Memorial tree plantings Garden Club of Westfield; designated the last Friday refreshment! and enjoy total community." Page Day. The event Is In three groups as follows: and James 11. He Ii a also will be held Friday at Jefferson, white dogwood, In April as Arbor Day, and Boys ana girls five years An analysis of the 19 member of Christ Episcopal Memorial Hill at the Plaza Mrs. A.B. Small, Garden (Conllnuxl on observance of National alternatives uses studied by Church in Short Hills. Library Week, Apr. 815, old and under are to the committee appears In CofC postponed to this week's assemble at the Euclid Ave. entrance. the report. Dr.Wiley,M,lsanat!veof school vacation so pagos The Westflold Recreation WastHeld, Also active In could to at tht) library nil Hoys nix und seven years Commission uso of tho 44 To Honor Kamler day. old will gather nt the community life, he has Mountain Avo entrance, year old school building was worked on the United Fund The Wostflold Area orchestra will be playing Girls nix und seven years tho only acceptable use campaign from 1W through Chamber of Commerce will from tho cocktail under the town-wide uses II hour old will niwembla ut the category, 1173, with the Adult School honor Morris Kamler at o throughout the ovenlng, Hunt llrotid St. entrance, near Association, and In the Y's dinner dance .Saturday, May Reservation*! and ticket I'olli'o Headquarter*. Committee acceptance of Four Seasons Outdoor 12, at the Lotus Gardens, Information rimy be ob- recreation commission use Center Campaign, Route 22, Mountalnnlde, tained by calling the On <;«<•<•<• if»iu PI. in the afternoon or evening, Dinner will be served at H Chamber office between I INIIMM' In conjunction with a day An active member of the p.m. priccfJcil by dutch and 4 miv weekday, An (Caster egg hunt will be rental, was the most Im- First United Methodist treat cocktails, punch ami Membem or the dinner held at 3 o'clock Saturday, mediate possibility. snacks, dance committee Include at the Westfleld Neigh- Ultimate full time use by the Mr, Kninler, long time llttyiiioml Koslytu'k of Iwrhood Council playground The Kev, recreation commission MV ler has been membeMIVIIIUVrI Uofl thlire Chamber*JI»«», ,,./*, ,, ,rIai llaymond'III* J IIIUIIU Kn Ill'niHUItestaurantI Hill,, mat 12••*7 v,ovw«,Cucclolan PI« ••. Al,nil . .• • |.. i it*,.. .« I ICdnllnuctlnn P«g« 41 CIOIMHI Tomorrow a former (own councilman chairman; Holwrt Miller of children from kindergarten if™**' "> "|N|MIC ' rlia? *• and originator DfWestfleld'n Bob Mllkr Tires; Jack through ilxth grade are ravlm^ Jr ^mwl^ Director Hay J, Marlnl flag program. He Cohen of Made In America; ellglbh Todny'tt Index today announced all Stale proprietor of Jeannelle'a Mr*. Sally Harton of Church at Inspection stations and Gift Shop, Kast Broad 81. Clallnkln and Marlon; Mrs. Jean wM effective III June. motor vehicle agencies will The general public In Hubert Wyntl of Wyatt leader of Cadet Troop 497, Tht' HPV. St'hleslnger and l 12.13 Included In an Invitation and the Ikmiu will help with ttls wife, MHHIMP. currently Chufth ii be cloned tomorrow and llrolliem: Kulfili Yeaijer of live in Edsnn where he lias feditoiliili e Saturday for the Baiter extended to all members Union County Printing ami the festivities Donations of : -•- , ltk and businessmen to join In 16 S3 holiday Mayer D»nn A, Dnvdcr, center, reads Arbor Day proclamation lo Oirl Htwits Megan MalllHH and Carmine egg* may h* left at the wnservitiuajpastHrofthe StwHi All facilities will reopen Kaftfl, Betsy 0IMml«ve, Helh KselMut and Lisa Illekmsn, the salute to Mr, Kamler Cusitiano of Mltl Stair center from 14 p,m, today Umtexl MettwHit Church ThflUf Mi Monday, Pat f)l Pabla and hlit and temttrrttw, fur the i»utt «IK yearn, THE WESTKIELO (N.J.)' LEJUJEK, THUBSDAV, APRIL 18, 1873" Response to "Practical Survival Spring Brings May Days, Song to Schools D. Northever, all elemen- time elementary vocal mus- In the spring, elementary tary vocal music teachers; ic teacher. school children in West- and three instrumental The 1973-74 school budget Course Claimed "Overwhelming field's 10 public schools have music teachers: John C. includes funds for three While many working "There are just too many and be able to repair faulty quantities for freezing or the opportunity at May Furia, Robert C. Ritzke and additional special teachers, adulti lie in deep slumber on incompetent mechanics," sinks and tiolets, hot water entertaining in the most Days, spring music David P. Shapiro. Mrs. one each in art, music and Saturday mornings catching stated Joseph Lozowski of heaters, and boilers. exciting, economical way. programs and art shows to Louise W. Brown is a part- physical education. up what they've missed, Mountainside, a senior Jeff Meredith of Students have made demonstrate to their other* energetically arise to system analyst with Esso Irvington, a chemist with scallops Parisian, chicken parents what they've flx leaky faucet*, prepare i International, in explaining C.N. Burman Co., of cordon bleu, Alaskan crab, learned during the year in •tuffed flounder, repair why he enrolled in Outboard Paterson, thinks the and a variety of desserts physical education, music their lawn mowers, and Motor Maintenance Repair. plumbing class is great and hors d'oeuvres. Rarely and art. The Gifted Hand condition their outboard The owner of a 14-foot because students bring their do the students get to take Each year the schools motors for the spring. aluminum row boat, a 15-foot own problems to school. home their creations - - they rotate their programs so The action is nicknamed fiberglass boat, and three "I go to Stevens Institute enjoy the feast at the end of that each school has Art Needlework "practical survival" by the motors, Mr. Locowski finds at 'night to work on my the class. demonstration in each participants and the scene is it worthwhile to be able to master's degree, but my The only grunts heard discipline every three years Antiques Union County Technical winterize his own equip- wife prefers my coming abou the Saturday morning This year, art shows were Institute, not your neigh- ment, service the engines here because it's prac- "survival" programs at held at Tamaques School bor's backyard. himself, and understand the tically-oriented,'r he UCTI came from the auto and Washington School. 9:30 to For the first time this year, general operations. laughed. body shop where students May Day programs for 676 Morris Ave. 4:Afl pally the Division of Continuing "If you run into car troub- The lone woman in the were studying "Minor Auto physical education ART TEACHER Fraak Battle w«*fcs wtth Tom Ta44el at Springfield Call us to find us * 379-1332 Education offered a vareity le, you can stop. In a boat, class, Mrs. May Ho of Body Repair." While demonstrations will be held WashlagtM Bebeel la preaaratlaa) for art skew. Mr. of courses deiigned to you have to know what to do Weatfield, has been fondly participants gain ex- at Franklin School on May Battle Is eae ef three sack special teachers la the West- acquaint homeowners with and fast," he pointed out. nicknamed "Josephine" by perience in painting, fixing 10, at Lincoln School on May field public scbeal system. the maintenance and repair Mr. LaiowsRi is also her male counterparts. Her dtnto, welding adjustments, 15, at Elm Street School on of common household enrolled in a traffic safety husband Don initially atten- and purchasing equipment, May 17 and at Grant School years. Westfield's Kodaly-Orff," the stated. Westfield's Finest Luncheon Restaurant equipment. Courses ranged course for boat owners ded the first five sessions of some claim the 15-week on May 24. Spring Music elementary physical The spring music fromParty and BuHetCook- conducted by the the plumbing course but he course is too short for Programs will be held at education teachers are Mr. programs will include OH tag. and Practical House Kenilworth Power became ill and couldn't enough "hands-on" ex- McKlnley School on May 17, and Mrs. David J. Bell. Kodaly-Orff demonstra- Plumbing to Maintenance of Squadron. continue. By asking a lot of perience. Nonetheless, the at Wilson School on May 17 music programs tion!, choral and in- Specialists Gasoline Powered Lawn In a lawnmower main- questions, Mrs. Ho picked students found the course and at Jefferson School on held this year by strumental music movers, Snow blowers, and McKlnley and Wilson presentations and work with Mini-bikes. tenance and repair class at up the second half of the helpful. May 24. for any size group UCTI students can be found class. One young man who Mrs. Rachel M. Sullivan, Schools on May 17 and by recorders. Hie response was over- on Saturdays repairing "We couldn't let that owned a Corvette that had elementary art supervisor, Jefferson School on May 9k. at your premise* whelming. chain saws, their own money go down the drain," about seven minor hits said that the school system's According to Mrs. Jen The school system has According to Richard mowers, and other gas- she laughed as her brought it to be repaired three art teachers have been McDermott, head of the •even and a half special Kay, director of continuing powered engines. classmates growled at the commercially and have the working throughout the elementary music depart- music teachers for the education, hundreds of •This course and all the pun. entire car repainted. school system with ment, one of the basic alms elementary schools. They adults welcomed the op- Saturday morning classes at The plumbing course "The Job was horrid. I had classroom teachers. of the department is are: Miss Deborah B. portunity to attend the Union County Tech are long already proved valuable for to redo it myself," he said. Columbus School, with teaching all children to read Waterhouse, Alphonse R. Saturday morning classes. overdue for homeowners, Sabatino Costanzo, a potter Because of the en- kindergarten through • musie.^This is being done- Telymonde, Mrs. Drude The student body was said Joseph Cutrona of from Livingston, and his thusiasm generated by the second grade students, will through the methodology of S. Chancellor, Mrs. Muriel fM tJarlii amtk largely made up of Clark. "Repairs are costly wife Jane. He spent *l .25 for Saturday morning classes, have an impromptu professional working and take too much time in some parts and he fixed a UCTI will be offering clothes'line^' art "A highbrow i« a kind of jxraon who lookf at i uuuf< and people, men and women the shop." leaky toilet in their summer similar intensive five-week demonstration sometime in thinki of Pleauo." (Aim Patrick Herbert) /fefatW JM*|tV ••' ettfral AM. JfctifttlJ tired of paying maintenance Practical House Plumb- home in the Poconos. programs beginning April May. The three art teachers bills for a Job they could to ing attracted a variety of In the kitchen on Saturday 28, which will continue until are Frank Battle, Mrs. themselves, and many felt personalities at UCTI, with mornings, several women summer courses begin. Marcia Kantner and Mrs. they ought to know and one gentleman are Among the classes being something about equipment everyone determined to Rose Boox. operations for their own learn how to replace learning Practical Party added are "Until the This year, students have protection. washers, understand the and Buffet Cooking, Lawyer Comes," designed worked in many different installation of dishwashers, preparing foods in large to acquaint laymen with art forms including work laws dealing with contracts, with clay, batik dying, tie- real estate and auto pur- dying, copper repousee, chases, wills, criminal pariscraft, sculpturing John franks arrests, and marital status; paper masks, tissue paper "Practical House Wiring," stained glass and O-Jo-Dios, "Creative Cooking on a or God's Eyes. Budget," "Motorcycle Miss Lillis A. Hull, Tune-up", and "Practical elementary physical Residential Air-Conditio- education, health and safety ning Installation." supervisor, said May Day '"Do-it-yourself is the physical education only way we can survive demonstrations have been these days," commented held as long as she has been Mr. Kay. with the school system - 38

Alexander Graham Bell's assistant, Thomas Watson, Mereness built the first telephone booth out of blankets and In Ne,w Post EMERGENCY EVACUATION - of Union County Regional High School busses was barrel hoops at a rehearsed by Regional students in accordance with a new State mandate calling for Philadelphia Centennial Henry M. Mereness has exhibit in 1878. been appointed president of two such drills anrually In all New Jersey public schools. Sequradora Industrial e Mercantil, flagship com- pany of the IPIRANGA Financial Group, a large Brazilian banking, in- surance and investment complex based in Rio de ONE WAY Janeiro. The group also has interests in Europe and South Africa and is looking toward the and Japan for future ex- pansion. Mr. Mereness, a graduate of Northwestern University, was for many years a vice president of the Allstate insurance Companies, He has had extensive ex- perience in the banking field as well, having served several banks as a director. He and Mrs. Mereness are now living in Rio, where he assumed his new duties on Jan. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Mereness have been long-time residents of Westfield and members of Echo Lake Country Club. They expect to return to the U.S. in May and periodically thereafter. Plant Exchange A snlud luncheon and plnnt exchange will be highlights of the April 26 meeting of the Harden department of the Woman's Club of Wcstflcld at 12:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. new can Loan Hostesses will be Mrs, Anthony J. Stark Jr. nnd $ e Mi's. Jinnos tC. Hyan, saveuPT0 21O? INy< h. Clinic

Tin- Union County Many people linvo found thai nil thu sm/lnfl tonll/ml by (hopping Psychiatric clinic wn» (or the bait car donl It quickly loit wlitm limy notes to providing psychiatric Hathaway's half sleeve dress convenient, yet cosily llnitnulny nml limit mice plnns available, COMPARE RATES BEFORE YOU BUY treatment for l,2ti:i iwddontH Smart biiyormlio »liop lor thu IMIII llnnnclua. They find the plan IT COULD SAVE YOU MONEY of Union County lit year's shirts for Spring. we of fat tit The National t)ii» • Comltlor thmo Important (adorn, loot recently rWciiM'd by Hen- • The traditional NBNJ low rote • One day lervlee • No hidden ITIM NtwAuro NAT! Hathaway offerg a tasteful ooHeotlon of oool, LOAN Jiiiuln II. Haddock of almmlcki-noted tape • Chooie your own lniur«nce plan • Not Ammmf r'miwnod, clinic executive oomfortabla haM-i»eeved •hlrtlnoi for Spring, naenwry to Imunt 3 yean In Mlvunee • Crwlit lite Iniuranc* HtNlW •JOO.I fli MM* n C*f tttiM director. Till* Included (123 available • Uswl sat* also financed. children mid (mi mlult*. Chotoa new tolM ooloringf In a fine Durable mmtrar"** • I*H HMCCNfAae l.fM 11.«» The non-profit While Preis fabric. The distinctive oolitr It Hatha- HAH hkHtill*' »l services nil coitihuinltleH In way's oomfoftable Warwick. Hathaway'i single Mni.thl, LMH ,W » M M Union County and In Nurtli THE NATIONAL BANK hivri Irt Berkeley H«ii(tiu • Cutntsttl iOijtwoat) • Metucheti wsr jjlven to patient* at offices • MltWI«e* •NewBiuHiwicir • Ntjiih Bfumwlcfc • Plmnluld FINANCE S»m0»KHAftafl fh« located convenient to public 207 C. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD • 233-1171 i Smith Pimm • teuih Siuhttvit'lt • Swinvrod • Wf NltiHH* lank •210.0S Member £id#my Union B8Mtott*>t»tion • t»f N»w Jw*#v Irmtuportatlon throughout OMN MONDAY tVINIHO UNTI1 • P.M. ,the county, -THE WESTFIELD (NJ.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL IS, IMS Municipal Court Bicentennial Sawyer Named Borden Mgr. Sewall (Bud) Sawyer has Two Westfield men were Uoyd A. Bobbit, East William J. Barnes, 1305 'lane Underway positions he held include advertising agencies for the lven conditional been named corporate vice president and media Foods, Dairy it Services and Orange, failure to repair Francis Terr., inoperable A brochure explaining marketing services IIscharges, tix month! vehicle, $10, $10 court costs, vehicle, $25, $15 costs; dog director at Ted Bates k Chemical divisions. probation and fined fis in how the state of New Jersey manager of media for Company, Inc., associate Mr. Sawyer holds a B.A. $25 contempt of court, $25 st large, $10, $10 costs, functions with respect to the Borden, Inc., and will be court costs last week in court costs on contempt contempt of court, $25. media director at Dancer degree in English from Municipal Court by Judge preservation of historic located at Borden ad- Fitzgerald Sample, Inc., Dartmouth and attended citation. Nelson Johnson, 405 West places has just been issued ministrative headquarters David J. Meeker. Lany Lorraine E. Monaghan, Broad St., public in- media buyer at Lennen £ Yale University graduate Lieberman of 740 Eait by the Department of En- in Columbus, Ohio. Newell and media planner school. Formerly a resident Warren, speeding Mmph in toxication, one year vironmental Protection. Broad St. and Robert Harley 35 mile tone, $40, $10 costs. probation. Before joining Borden, at William Esty Company, of Westfield, he is moving to of 312 Lynn La. both had Debra E. Huff, vn Entitled "Historic Sites," Mr. Sawyer was vice Inc. Columbus, Ohio, with his been charged with Woodmer* Dr., speeding 50 Rummage Sale the folder describes briefly president and senior In his new position as wife, Elspeth snd their three possession and being under mph in 25 mile tone, $30,10 the program which has been associate at Vitt Media manager of media, Mr. children, Elspeth, Heather the influence of a controlled April 27 and 2$ are the mapped for completing International, Inc. Prior to Sawyer will be responsible and Jim. costs. reitoration and in- that he was president of his dangerous substance. George Steinberg, Rah- dates Kt for the annual for coordinating the media spring rummage ssle at St. terpretative facilities at own media aervices firm, planning and buying for "Cigarettes: Killer* that Other penalties levied by way, stop sign violation, $10, Sawyer Group, Inc. based in Judge Meeker last week $10 costs. Paul's Episcopal Church. state-owned historical sites The palaUajs ef Mary Begata*. local WeitfleM artist. Borden products. He will be travel in pack*." (Mary 8. Hours Friday are 9:30-4:30 in time for the 1*76 Bi- . Other working with the Borden Ott) Chris Day, 99$ South Ave., and Saturday, 9:30-noon. arc oa display la the side wiadow of Jsy Brawa. Inc., Peter Uguah, Watching, abandonment of motor centennial observance of the Realtor, lit Elai St, careless driving, $80, $10 vehicle, $20, $10 costs. There will be a wide 200th anniversary of the Mrs. Bagallw is a memker of the WesUleM Art court costs. Jane D. Macaluso, 110 variety of clothing and signing of the Declaration of Aissctati—, the Fanw«es%8cotcli Platas Art Association Peter Cherr, Ml Otisco Clark St., speeding 42 mph accessories for all ages, Independence. and taeSaamllArt Asssclstiaa. She has exhibited In Dr., careless driving, $35, in 25 mile lone, $17, $10 household goods, white The brochure spells out both local and state skews. $10 costs. elephants and other items. the criteria for adjudging a She la a grtfute ef Pratt iastltate School of Fiae Arts place an historic site, and and Rutgers Ualverslty. Mrs.Bogatko has studied with LOOK FOR THE W001V RAINBOW describes the steps to be Maxwell Stewart Jtapsoa, Job* R. Grabach, Henry taken to assure its Gasser, Paallae Ureate aad Kataerlae D. Sailer. preservation. It explains the She la a tower art teacher la the Irvingtsn and Cranford functions and membership BMbUe school system. She resides with her family at 14 of the state Historic Sites Stanley Oval. Council and the New Jersey COMMUNION DRESSES Historic Trust. It also outlines the department's responsibilities in this field Tapped At Kansas

524 Springf fold Av«.r Wtstfidd, N. J. Day of Deposit to DayofVVIthdrawal Coiitinuous Compoundshg

New and present depositors are invited to transfer to continuous compounding. Simply bring In your ptubook • and kaep $26 or Join The Easter Parade To Williams Nursery more to the end of the quarter, This y«ar w« will offer th« largest s«ltKtion off Eastor Flowors #v#>r feUKZttfri-. 1. TUUM 7. HYDRANWAS CTS®»5/ 2. HYACINTHS t. DAMODUS NO ONE ELSE IN TOWN CAN MATCH IT' t. CAMIUAS ill/UK* «• HARDY AZAIIAS 10. •lOWIIINO ROSI IUSHIS WMWy 5 CHRYSANTHIMUMS 11. APRKAN VIOIITS MlJaT * OLOXINIAS 12. M0ONIAS 1% ex pen HIK^ Plus many ofh«r unusual vari«fi«s of o^L^Vpen ANNUM 97: ANNUM 5••ANNUM ^a«^r ANNUM HK[ flowering or gr««nhouM plants TIM! IAVIN0S ACCOUNT TIME 8AVINQ8 ACCOUNT TIME 8AVINQS ACCOUNT MONTHLY 10 OAV DOACe ACCOUNT nnagulal r ptttbook,bk now OP NO DIUVIRIIS JUST THI NST VALUIS Annual rit* from Annuil iat* Iron* Annual rate from day uoundm quarlirly, ri«. rt«y o( cJniKiiit tin"' flay of rJ«[>Gil1 <4M»r III [IdflUllt (J"»'«"t««l S^f NO CHAROIS IN TOWN AT THI iOWIST inWHt lot lw» v««f« miimil fur one yimr fur 9lM rnunthl poiltimxl. hyirtt 101(1 mini MIUMI 11,000, of ««h month ram from \\J NO SIRVICI CASH MrCIIII minimum 13,000. minimum 42,000, thi in, ^=r"^ NO HIDMN IXnNSIS

•ASTIR SHCIAl COUPON At in «M«4 Initfrtlvs ftr rMuHna «wr ae) w# will five yaw an 11.00 Off sny pwrtlwM «ver SM.OO with tt»H ttMjMfi, " OH A stntl* OrehW CeTtasa R«U,Mfef||.W OR A tfsvtel* OMtiM CMMH Kti.N.OOfSfll.M

ADMIll (limit SIM ft family) "ficwfng Qjnloh. ©cean and 2owG/(S6t 124 IMINOCIILD AVI.# WMTFIIIO 0«w«*s M» Uka C»M,y CM 222-407* THK (KfV.) LEAPEB, THUSSDAV, AfBIt l», »»7S community with loss of the evenings) and the Westfield Gerald R. Gillespie Don J. Hopkins Charles P. Howe, school. Recreation Commission OBITUARIES Don J. Hopkins, 36, of Ml The Union County during the summer. Gerald (Robby) Robbins Killed in Spain Educational Services Howard Tomlinson, Gillespie, 14, of 747 Warren Coolidge St., died Monday in Overlook Hospital. Charles P. Howe, 21, son Commission use of the assistant superintendent of St. died Sunday at St. building wat studied under schools in charge of Robert D. Brown Mrs. CM. Turner Elizabeth's Hospital. Born in Shreveport, La., of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. Hopkins had lived in | Howe of 539 Lawrence Ave., the category "income business and plant main- Robert D. Brown, 47, of Memorial services for Born in Greensburg, Pa., through sale or lease" and tenance, estimates that the Mrs. Edris Bigelow Turner, Westfield five years. A was one of two American Pittstown, son of Mrs. Anna he was an eighth-grade students killed Monday was strongly recommended annual coat to maintain 72, of Hendersonville, N.C., student at Edison Junior chemical engineer R. Brown of Westfield, died associated with Eiso when a tour bus collided by the committee for use of Columbus School as a full- Sunday at Hunterdon were held in ' the High School, where he was the educational building use school would be $30,613 Presbyterian Church of Research and Engineering with a truck in Almeria, Medical Center In on the football team. He also Spain. during day hours. The •for salaries for two Westfield Tuesday with the played Little League Co., Linden, for 13 years, he Flemington. was a UM graduate of Mr. Howe, a junior UCESC has funds to pay custodians, utilities, Born in Newark, Mr. Rev. Dr. Frederick E. baseball and was a member rent, currently operates in Custodial supplies, main- Christian officiating. In- of the 4-H camera club and A * M and earned his majoring in history at Bates Brown had lived in master's dugrae from the College in Lewiston, Me., Westfield, will use the total tenance (repairs and Bkwtnfield before moving to terment was in Fairview an altar boy at Holy Trinity facility, presents no zoning supervision), insurance, Cemetery. Church. University of Michigan in was an exchange student at Plttstown two yean ago. A 1M0. He was a member of the University of Leeds in problems, meets a definite' ;«eavenger and painting (the graduate of Newark College Mrs.*'Edris, a •former He leaves his parents, the American Institute of England. He was on a social and educational need outside, every four years). of Engineering!, he was a resident of Westfield for 20 Gerald J. ami Charlotte Chemical Fr'ifmmi • and of student tour beading south and is willing to share the self employed civil engineer years, died suddenly Jaquish Gillespie; two Echo Lib* Church of Christ. to the retort town of building after hours. and had been supervisor of brothers, MarkD., a student Wednesday, Apr. 11. He is aurWvad by his wife, Marbella in Spain for Easter The investigation of the tne Spruce Run Reservoir at State College alternatives was facilitated Ortho Promotes She was a graduate of the in Pennsylvania, and John Mn. HetM D. Hopkins; a vacation. H ESTFIELD'8 FINEST • Officer Walton of Ike WettfleM daughter. MartfetXand a Born inEvanmton, III., Mr. by dividing the committee Palfce Department vMIMI Me first grade clan «f Mrs. Also surviving are his University of Washington in P., a Rutgers University Seattle and when a resident son, Jamas D., at home; his Howe had lived in Westfield into three subcommittees Dr. Pollack Steataale PeOkaM at Fraaklla School to speak to the wife, Mrs. Ann Luchko student; a sister, Miss which met with interested here was a member of the Catherine D., at home, and a parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Leo for II years and was a children abwt Ms duties as a paUce officer. He Brown, and two sons, V. Hopktaa of Carthage, member of St. Paul's groups, met la business Marilyns. Pollack, Ph.D., Robert D. and Matthew G., Presbyterian Church, the grandfather, John J. demoniratea eqitfpmeat. answered QUMUOMI ami tried College Woman's Club of Tex; and a Maw, Harold Episcopal Church. sessions and reported to the of 617 East Broad St., has both at home. Jaquish of Tunkhannock, committee of the whole. to shaw the eailarea that a policeman b their frieadly Westfield and of PEO. Pa. D. Hopklaf ef Auatin, Tex. In addition to his parents, been promoted to senior helper. Officer Waltoa Is shown giving a soaveab- buttea Funeral services were Income alternatives scientist in the division of held yesterday at the The Gray Funeral Home Mtmtrail aanrfen will be he it survived by two to Patrick Brady, a member of the class. Mrs. Edris is survived by conductad at l-.W o'clock sisters, Laurel and Holly, rejected included com* immunology of the Ortho Immaculate Conception her husband, C. Maynard is handling arrangements. mercia) lease, sale of Research Foundation. She Church in Annandale. Funeral services were UusaflanmatyKMarJ. E. and a brother, Richard L., Turner of Hendersonville; a Shewmafear at Scho Lake all at home; and his grand- property, the Union County will continue to do research Interment was in St. Ger-daughter, Mrs. Annette held yesterday morning at Technical Institute, and the in the areas of tumor im- trude's Cemetery, Wood- Holy Trinity Church. Churdiaf CMM. Interment mothers, Mrs. Alice G. Marsland of Raleigh, N.C.; will be la ralrview Mercer of Westfield and Union County Extension munology. bridge. a son, David M. Turner of Interment was in Fairview Services,. Rejected Cemetery. Mrs. Howard J. Henderson In January, 1972, Dr. Cleveland, Ohio; a brother, of Rochester, N.Y. educational alternatives Pollack Joined Ortho Paul Bigelow of Centralia, included using the building Diagnostics as a scientist. Wash.; and eight grand- Funeral arrangements Robert J. Teuscher Mrs. John LeBedda Mn. Eittcii Couch are being completed by the as a multi-media center for Before Joining the company, children. the school system, as an wHSNm Gray Funeral Home, 316 she spent one year of MOUNTAINSIDE • Memorial services were MM. Dorothea M. A Weetfleld East Broad St. innex to Westfield High postdoctoral study at the Services were held Friday held earlier in the week in Lebedda, S9, of Shrewsbury natb*, Caaarta School, as a pilot facility for University of Paris, Faculty for Robert J. Teuscher, 46, Cd new educational approaches TIMETO MOVE Hendersonville. died Monday In the Mon- of Medicine, and continued Mrs. J. W. Dittus and as administrative of- «f 331 Tanager Way, who The family requests that mouth Medical Center, Long St. died Monday in Nyack, Branch. had aawl U yiara ago Mrs. Katherine Donohue fices for the school system. memorial contributions be Town-wide uses rejected N.Y., Hospital, where he made the the Children's Born in Elizabeth, Mrs Maaittv«dat Dittus, 63, wife of Joseph W. had been confined two Dittus of 45 Fieldcrest Drive by the committee included a Specialized Hospital in Lebedda lived many yean IMDalAm.Ltadan. library facility, Day Care weeks following an auto Mountainside. in Westfield before moving -Mn- . — ** —AAMU Scotch Plains, died Tuesday accident in Nyack. at her home. Center, drag rehabilitation to Shrewsbury 23 yean ago. of WOMWHIOW center, adult community Born in Newark, Mr. im. dladln Born in Jersey City, she Frederick J. Faas She was a communicant of had lived for 42 years in center and Community Teuscher lived many year in abtwwa Players. Kenilworth before moving St. James Church, Red St. UaafcaaVa Caarcb Westfield before moving to to Mountainside nine yean Frederick J. Faas, 91, of Bank, and a member of its Scotch Plains 13 years ago. Committee members and ago. He was self-employed 1527 Lambert's Mill Road Rosary Alter Society. She A graduate of St. their affiliation are: Lois in the marketing business. died Monday at home. was a member of the Elizabeth's School of Boston, Planning Board; He attended Notre Dame hrewsbury Historical Nursing in 1933, she had Doris Botwinick, Committee University and Georgetown Mr. Faas, born in Society and a volunteer been a private nurse for 20 Newark, lived most of his for Alternatives in Public University Law School. worker for the Shrewsbury years. Education; Nyda Boerer, life in Kearney. He resided Chapter of the American Stuart, WHS student council; John Surviving are his widow, in Matawan before moving Also surviving are a Mrs. Mary Dermody RedCroN. Mm. daughter, Carolyn, at home; Daly, Parent-Teacher Teuscher; a son, Robert T.; to Westfield 10 years ago. Mrsi.. Aadajajr laaan a son, Joseph Frederick, of Council; Margaret Fischer, two daughters, the Misses He retired 45 years ago Surviving are her f WeatflafiL mi Mrs. Pluckemin; and a sister, Junior Woman's Club; Susan H. and Constance, after having been employed husband, John M. Lebedda; Clifforfrondt MM af Lake Mrs. Joseph O'Neill of Anthony Fotiu, WHS staff; and his mother, Mrs. Arthur or about 20 years as a son, John M. Lebedda 2nd, Park., FU., two Middlesex. Ronald Grant, Neigh- plumber with the Esel C. Teuscher. at home, and a aiiter, Mrs. grandcMlftm Services will be held at 9 borhood Council. Grothy Co. of Newark. ' Helen Cavanagh of Arrangements were The funeral wee held a.m. Saturday at the Gray Also, Lynn Haimi, Dr. Marilyn Pollack Somervllle. Monday at tat Daolty HENRY P TOWNS END completed by Smith and At the time of his death he Funeral Home, 318 East Committee for Alternatives postdoctoral study at Smith Suburban, 415 Morris Colonial Heaw, «f Weft- Broad St., followed by a in Public Education; ALLIED • was a member of Zion A funeral mass will be field Ave. aatf at Holy Rutgers University in the Ave., Springfield. Lutheran Church of Rah- held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at blessing at 9:30 a.m. at Charles Mayer, former department of biochemistry Trinity Cam* wkam a Immaculate Heart of Mary school board member; way. He was a 50-year St. James RC Church, Red funeral maae wat aflarad by and microbiology at the member of Orient Lodge 51, Bank. Interment wai in Church, Scotch Plains. A William Northover, Mayor's Institute of Microbiology. Howard B. Day the pastor, Maar. Clarlaa 8. funeral mass will be offered Committee on Community F&AM, of Newark. Wrview Cemetery today Murphy. lataraaat took A summa cum laude following services at the at Immaculate Heart at 10 Relations; Robert Ohaus, graduate of the University place in St. GertnaVa Cem- a.m. Monday. president - YMCA and Memorial services were He and his wife, Mrs. John E. Day Funeral Home, etery, WoodMdje. of California at Berkeley, held Sunday for Howard B. Christina Busch Faas, Red Bank. Visitors may call at the former board member; Dr. Pollack received A.B. Day; formerly of Westfield, observed their 64th wedding Gray Funeral, Home from 7- Plinton Hollis, Westfield and M.A. degrees in in the Montgomery anniversary. Charlea A. Wilton 9 p.m. today and 2-4 and 7-9 Recreation Commisiion; physiology there, and a Ph.- TIFFANY^ Presybterian Church, Arthur J. Pfaff tomorrow. ' Charles Rokosny, realtor. D. degree in physiology and Belleville. Surviving also are two Services were held Also, Walter Stockman, biochemistry from Rutgers Mr. Day died Apr. 8. daughters, Mr. Charles Monday for Charles A. having exercises pertaining Mayor's Task Force on University. She has also — TWO WAY RADIO — Schultz with whom he lived, Arthur J. Pfaff, 55, of 529- Wilson, of, of MS Summit Facilities: Raymond W. First St., died Friday at St. to Arbor Day and planting attended Cornell University, Father of the Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Gawlik of Ave., who died Thursday at trees on the school grounds, Stone, president - Manor and is a member of the Howard B. Day Jr. of Middletown, Del., a son, Barnabas Medical Center, Muhlenberg Hospital, Park Association; Janet TO INSURE SPEEDY SERVICE Livingston, as a result of which are gifts of the Society of General Belleville and Mrs, Robert William Faas, of Matawan, PlainfieW, after a short members of various garden Turner, Neighborhood Physiologists, the American OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. "til 10 p.m. W. Snow of Carlsbad, N. M., eight grandchildren and burns suffered Mar. 10 in a illness. Council- Chatlice Weiss, work accident at the Singer clubs of Westfield and the Society for Microbiology, SUNDAY 9 a.m. 'til 6:30 p.m. Mr. Day also is survived by three great-grandchildren. elementary Parent-Teacher former school board the New York Academy of two brothers, Robert F. Day Manufacturing Co., Eliza- Born in Jersey City, he member; Kathleen Zepf, beth. lived in Westfield 62 years. Associations, and Science, the American of Westfield and Walter L. The Rev. W. J. Maier of principal of Columbus Association for the Ad- Day Jr. of Sea Girt and six the Zion Evangelical He was employed as a "WHEREAS, through the School; Douglas J. Camp- Mr. Pfaff has been em- buyer for the Diehl Co., cooperation of interested vancement of Science, Phi AD 3-2200 grandchildren. Lutheran Church officiated bell and Clark S. Leslie, Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi. ployed for 20 years in the Finderne, retiring in 1970 residents of this Town of school board members who •RUSSELL STOVER CANDY at services yesterday af- i after 25 years. Memorial contributions ternoon at the Gray Funeral maintenance department. Westfield with the Arbor served as chairman and may be made to the Mon- Born in Elizabeth, he hadI Mr. Wilson was an out- Day committee memorial vice-chairman of the • PANTENE ft LOREAL Home, 318 East Broad St. standing athlete at West- plantings are made in Ping, Pang and Pong are tgomery Presbyterian Interment was in Fairmont lived 53 years in Westfield. committee. Church, Belleville. field High School in several various areas of our Town, NOT sounds from a table HUDSON VITAMIN PRODUCTS Cemetery, Newark. Mr. Pfaff was graduated tennis game, Encyclopedia from Holy Trinity High sports. He attended Colgate and During this past year the University.' school was used for after- Americana points out. They •Hit PICK UP AND MLIVIRY School and was a com- "WHEREAS, the are characters from Puc- municant of Holy Trinity He was the husband of the beneficial effects of tree school activities as follows: Amato Free ParMnaj late Mrs. Margaret H. Primary election, General cini's famous opera, HIS SOUTH AVI. W. WUTFIILD Church. planting will enrich our Turandot; the grand Wilson. town and we can pass on an election, Girl Scouts Survivors include his (Brownies), the Westfield chancellor, general pur- Surviving are his mother, enduring heritage to suc- veyor and chief cook, al mother, Mrs. May C, Mrs. Cora Wilson, of ceeding generations, and Neighborhood Council Powers Pfaff; a brother, Westfield, and a brother, W. (recreation program - three respectively. Robert J. of Colonia; two "WHEREAS, this is the Now! Elbert Wilson of Orefield, one hundredth and one listers, Mrs. John A. Pa. Tammaro of Spring Lake anniversary of the Arbor OVER 2,000 LAWN The Rev. James C. Day celebration; AND PATIO ITEMS and Miss Eleanor Pfaff of Whitakcr of the First United Westfield, supervisor of "NOW, THEREFORE, I, •ring the Methodist Church officiated Donn A. Snyder, Mayor of ARE YOU MISSING music in the Chatham Boro at the funeral at the Gray Alter 23 yean ai manufacturing public school system. the Town of Westfield, do Wfcala Family distributors, Cai*mor«lla offers Funeral Home, 318 East hereby proclaim Friday, AN IMPORTANT PART their catt stone quality product* Broad St. Interment was in April 27,1973, as Arbor Day on Itit retail l«vtl. The funeral was held for Tuesday at the Dooley the Presbyterian Cemetery, in the Town of Westfield, Stop In soon and •*• our Woodbrldge. OF YOUR LIFE? complete lln* .. . Colonial Home, 556 West- and urge everyone to ob- field Ave., and at Holy Tri- serve this day by the Indoor ant! Outdoor Fountains • nity Church where a funeral Arbor Day planting of one or more KNOW YOUR Indoor St.itLMry • Oird Oaths • mass was offered by the pa- trees and by participating in PlaniiMS • rigunmis * Urns • (Continued from Pap* 1) the programs that the Arbor Imported Mar hip Top TatilRS • stor, the Rev. Msgr. Charles ZENITH DEALER... Original impound OH Paintings B. Murphy. Interment was Day committee may and Benches nnd Frames in St. Mary's Cemetery, "WHEREAS, It Is the provide." We may help you to BETTER HEARING Plainfield. purpose of (he designation of this day throughout the Nation to encourage the Columbus Robert Mitchell planting of trees and shrubs to encourage conservation School Browsers wwvome' (Continued from P«j» 1) Robert Mitchell of 855 of native plnnt material, to Authorized Fnlrfleld Clr. died suddenly foster tho education of our would best serve Westfield, To complete tha pleasure of a happy 1001b WE NOW 8TOCK HYDROCAL Tuesday while vacationing youiiH people In the ways of the report notes. with his wife In Dciiufort, hcautifk'tition and con- Recreation Commission ZENITH Eatter, bring the family hare ... for S.C. servation, iini use would serve all ages of HEARING AID DEALER Ho was general miimiKcx "WIIKRKAS, the the entire town, would not delicious holiday dining out. Our CASAMORELLA, Inc of tho U.S. Ci'um Co. In rtcmctitnry MNKICH of the require extenrilve remodeling of the building. MountnlnNkk'. public school system of cuWine li iecond to none, sarvlca HI. 22 (Enstbound Lnrio), NORTH BRANCH, N.J. Wcslfield cooperate in and would fill a void In the Jnoti nr.Dlr. Norn Bomorvillu Drivii-ln Movm 725-7019 xoincnlM are IH-IIIH nimlf by the tirny Wo nro now fl pnrt of 1ho Zonlth Honrlng Aid prortpt gnd gracious, and our otmoi- HOURS Workdays 8-430 Sundays 1 -5 Kunci'iil Homo, mi! Knn't Family of Deolors. Lota got acquainted, Helping Hroml St. poopln wllli tiny oloctronlcnlly-corroctnblo loss phare.1i relaxtd. Is our lumlnoaci. It you havo !h lull rnnf)o of tiorvlcns-oxporlnncod nclvlco, plus ballerina, (it;t;nsso'itj», nnd eorvlcn lor nil makes •hen* 333-3171 M of henrlng aldi 110 CENTRAL AVENUE HEARING AID CENTER Halfway House DIMCTOU WESTFIELD 110 CENTRAL AVE. PneOM.OHAV.JN, Ititavmnt o C««hl«ll Uwnft • Pr«io«nl ind Otntul Mtntw ' l 233-5S12 OAVIDB.CflABiet WoMfk-M, N.J. 6BWAMD T, ENNII Oppoitt MunMptl Ftrktoi Ut RT, 33 laitbound «• ««• *'»* it, "rei M. Qn^nS metal i ftnm Mimitiual Purknig Lul MOUNTAINflDI




KIIP YOUi COOL 1, AMIR'S 13. 1ANCAITIR, INC. ALL SUMMIR LONOI 4v, GMft, Acct IMHIVI CM*, Stattofwry, CHh I, ARTHUR STIVINf 14. MAW IN AMI RICA STORI •UY NOW AND MAT Ho«M*«MH, Cewiml AtctMOfkt THI BUIHI WI'LL HOLD 1. AUSTIN'S IS. MARTIN tfWf IIRS CMH i, CM* Apt****** * POD MAY INSTALLATION 4. CAttU BOOTtRV U. MMADV'S SHOP PRICIS FROM $ft.?5 fc Mlanh. CMMftn't, T««nt S, C1ARA lOUISI 17. RANDAL *HOfS, INC. Hamilton fim*y »*•**, H*nMa|i Hot Point Whirlpool «. DRMMN CURTAIN) it, icon'* o» wuTfiuo lj Dv*«tint i« WMW a 19. THI UAMR STORI 7. HM RAOtO t TV Bsv'i, M*n'« Mtm, IfafllffR Good*


Robert S, TullU a student WOOD, WALKER * CO. •t Wlllliton-Northampton FIRST FEDERAL School, Ksithampton, Mass,, has been named to NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SAVINGS third honors for academic WESTFIELD EDISON CLARK excellence during the winter M0 Elm Street Grant City Shopping Center ttrm, Bob Is a member of WesHield, N.J. 46 Partonage Road, Editon, N.J, Clark, N.J, the senior clam end the son OPEN THURSDAY KVKN1N08 Acrcm from Mpnlo Pk. Shopping Clr. of Mr, and Mri, Robert H, 7 • t P.M. MOUNTAINSIDE WOODBRIDGE SOUTH PLAINFIELD Tullis Jr. of 930 Klmball 865 Mountain Ave,, Middles* Mall, Sfelton Roorf, Avt. 117 Main Street Mountalnilde, N.J, Weodbrtdge, N.J, South Plainfleld, N.J, -THE WESTFIELD (NJ.) LEADER, THl RSUAV, AfKIL IU, 197;) Vagr American Cancer Society by counted as we daily make calling 354-7373 or 232-0*41. the decisions and determine Commemorative Letters to Editor Thank you! the priorities that will again AlDe Lorenzo let us be persona, and not Panels Available Acting Chairman merely an amorphous A new series of BV x LAITD8 LIBRARY arts, customs, foods, in- Union County Ostomy Club consumer nonentity. Hiiabeth.N.J. Sally Schmalenberger 1IV4" panels, produced in ventions, transportation and conjunction with selected Editor, many others. 417 Prospect St •BECOME PRODUCER" commemoratives, has been Thii letter is an un- Many other people have released by the U.S. Post solicited tutlmonlil to our found the library habit to be Editor, Leader; To Conduct In our goal-oriented Office. Each panel ia a work CHARLES W.COUNZA Wettfield Memorial a satisfying eiperience. of art, combining a block of Library. It is written with Perhaps others would like to society that measures worth Radar Study a iLMrrmtT and progress only in terms four stamps, a series of the hope that jt might en- visit and become members. The Radio Networks related historic engravings, WCtTFtfLO U courage our dozens to avail In any event I am grateful of material visibility, justified in national and (ABC, CBS, MBS and NBC) and interesting information Thii agtnt provided hii themselves of the enrich- that there is a Westfield have commissioned about the stamp subject. pcrilcyholdara with mor« ment available in this Memorial Library. individual self-righteous- than $1,000,000 of lift pro- ness, Isst week's meat Statistical Research Inc. tection list year. And it's no treasurebouse. There is L.S.BeekmanJr. (SRI) of Westfield to con- Thete panels may be used in material here to instruct, boycott might seem paltry •ecret how ha did it. Whan W Benson PI. in the face of the man-eating duct the ninth in a series of many ways - collected in an he't callad upon to prepare « interest and entertain all RADAR (Radio's All- album, framed and plan of life Insuranc*. ha OSTOMY CLUB Hydra that is our economic displayed, utilized as prizes makM earttin it'a the right system. But the meat Dimension Audience II one is a student of Research) studies this ana awards for appropriate plan for tht altuatlon. And graduate he will discover Editor, Leader; boycott cannot be evaluated occasions, etc. For exam- ha'a always availabla for only in terms of lower meat spring. The study will in- 1 prompt, partonal Mrvica textbooks, illustrated, or Thanks to advances being clude the measurement of ple, "Tom Sawyer ' panel is made in research prices, butchers out of work, wtienaver hi* pollcyholdart even some recorded individuals listening to all appropriate to school and need halp. Oapandabillty resources. (There are also laboratories and other wrathful farm unions. Us libraries, American history has mad* thii man an tiicap? medical facilities, progress validity can best be radio, AM and FM, to supplementary services.) network-affiliated radio studies, American literature tional life insurance agtnt To name just a few is being made in the fight measured symbolically, as studies, or general youth and qualifiad him for mam- against cancer. This year an a spontaneous consumer stations and to network banhlp in the Stata Farm available categories there programs. programs. The Wildlife are: - Art, architecture, estimated 222,000 statement of frustration and Millionaire Club. anger. The millions in the RADAR audience series would be appropriate We're proud of him and horticulture, encyclopaedic Americans' lives will be to ecology organisations, want everyone to know it. saved from this disease. country who joined the estimates will be based on reference, music, plays, daily telephone interviews nature dubs, scout groups, crafts, history, "how-to" However, many of these boycott were men and and so forth. books, fiction, mystery, people will have had major women, poor and well-to-do, covering seven consecutive operations which drastically young, middle-aged and days among a sample of current events, sociology, Currently the following KEY CORRESPONDENCE - Is demonstrated by the officers of the Jonathan Dsytea religion, philosophy, travel changed the normal routine elderly, cutting across the approximately 4000 in- American Commemorative of life. political, cultural and dividuals. Contacts over the Regional High School Key Club who are writing letters to Fernando Morales, a nlae or the classics. panels are available: Tom year oM boy from Columbia they adopted through the Save The Children Federattea. After the doctors have ideological boundaries that span of a week will enable Sawyer, Wildlife, Phar- ingredient My particular interest for usually divide us. Under- the reporting of daily and The above Key Club members are: Jim Robinson. President; Rich SUverstebs, Vice many years has been performed their operations, macy, Osteopathy, Love President; John Potoaskl, Secretary; Tom Lowy, Treasurer; and Dan Gecker, Lt. and the hospitals have cared stood symbolically, the weekly cumulative Stamp, Mail Order Business lability America and on frequent boycott could mark the end audiences, in addition to Governor. Standing left to right are Mr. Thomas Baker, faculty advisor; Stu Shermaa, visits during this time I have for these patients, their quarter-hour by quarter- and Stamp Collectors Lt. Governor, Division IS; JonStcber and Joel Goldberg, Lt. Governors-elect. been rewarded to find physical needs have been of an era, that of the mani- Stamp. met. Unfortunately, pulated and mauled con- hour audience estimates. related books on colonial sumer. The sample will be based on architecture, sociology, however, many of us who a random-digit dial design "• MEN'S SHOP- SUTE MM UH IMIMMCC COKfMY trades, history, gardens, have had operations which . We are tired of our only with maximum geographic •WMUfnCK RlMMM|ttMi llllMll change body functions need viable, political, economic dispersion; virtually all more than the immediate and moral role in today's selected sample individuals medical care to get us back society being one of con- will live in different on the road to fuD recovery. sumption, whether we are telephone central offices (or ROIIINS& ALLISON INC. A new group is being consuming inflationary neighborhood!). The field In Our New Shirt Collection - formed to meet the. needs of prices, a technology that survey dates will be in the Union County residents who dehumanizes us, a political EstaMWied 19|2 spring of 1073, with one-half have undergone an system that ignores and of the sample being con- "ostomy" operation. On corrupts us, an environment tacted in each of two con- Just What He Needs For Easter Monday evening April 2, at S that sickens and destroys secutive weeks. p.m., a meeting will be held us, a mass media that it LOCAL AND at 512 Westminster Avenue, demean and ridicules us. It The audience data will be LONGDISTANCE Elizabeth to organise a self- is time the- consumer published in three volumes MOVING help rehabilitation program became producer, with the initial volume on *STORAGE for ostomates. producing a life style based audiences to network- on integrity and applied affiliated stations scheduled * PACKING Inasmuch as it is ex- Whether he is a Slim, tremely difficult to locate intelligence, passionately to be released in the late individuals who have had concerned with life lived at spring. The study is Regular or Husky, he TIL. VMM this operation, I would like a far greater depth of available on a subscription to extend an invitation to awareness and commitment basis to advertisers and will find it here in our any ostomate to Join us at than the one our consumer agencies. society now not only offers In addition to the standard CRANFORD this meeting. Boys' Shirt Department. 213 SOUTH AVE., E. Additional information us, but force feeds us. tabulations, an integrated may be obtained from the Let us, each one, be computer facility will enable all subscribers to Solids, Plaids, Checks and obtain a broad range of special tabulations of the Stripes - Short or study results. These can include audience estimates Long Sleeves ... All on a time period or program basis for particular days permanent press . . . and time periods, for net work affUUMe or g and just perfect, for of one network or a bination of networks, sad Spring and the holidays for the audtmcas la total and by ittectod ahead. demographics, including place of listening, i.e., at home in a car or at awe Regulars from 8 to 20- other location. In total, several hundred UMUHM Huskies from 10 to 20 different types of special tabulations can be delivered From $4.00 promptly and relatively inexpensively. ON STATE COMMITTEE H. Kenneth Mathis Sr, Bruxton The Famous Quality Lawn Products vice president of Lincoln Federal Savings and Loan Uttd By tht "Pro" Gardtntrs, New Association, has been reappolnted to the lending Available to Every N.J. Homeownerl policies committee of the (shown above) New Jersey Savings Sea Shell Print by GRASS FOOD Bruxton with Round $ TRANSFERRED? HOMMICA, INC. wM nab) Point Collar 4°° OFF r^sj TaVW your nmmf HMt0 MM*, be* coven 13,000 ssj. ft. anywhere in the United $5.50 R«f. $14.99-leewS10.fS States WITHOUT CHAROI. $ OBJECTIVE: to help you find your next home with 2°°OFF a minimum of effort, 40-lb. boo coven 10,000 ssj. ft. time and expense. I f you plan to move to an Rof.l10.0S- New $*.M unfamiliar city, or just to relocate near your pres- $ ent home, HOMERICA 1°°OFO F INC. will help you find JO-lb, bag covers 3,000 to. ft. the right house, In the •efl.fS43-NewS4 45 right neighborhood, i n the new area! SCOPE: Operation throughout the United States enables Homertca to furnish you with de- tailed information o n Bruxton houses which fit your re- quirements even before (shown above) your first visit to the new WEED CONTROL $ areal The perfect fitting shirt $ REMEMBER: Homerica 2°°OFF works only for YOU I All for a Husky Boy. 2°°OFF 40-Hr k*o NHN 10,000 to. fl of their efforts — re- search, reports and ad- $5.50 1l-h. boo covors 5,000 so., ft. R«f. $14.93-Now S13.9S vice — are exclusively on Rof.S14.9S-Now $12.99 behalf of the prospective buyer, They hive no con- nection with the seller. $too 0Fp It is their retponslblllty 30-lb. bog covers S,000 so. ft. to guard YOUR interests r *1°°OFF Rea »7>3-NOWSO9J For further details, ptesie call our local representa- WYATT 1 i I /Mb, boo covert 9.SO0 •*}, ft. tive, Pcaraall and Frank- enbach, Inc., 119 Elm BROTHERS St., Westfield, 201 • 233- 4700 «r call us direct, STEUERNAGEL'S NURSERY 138 Central Avenue, Westfield 232-2700-01 AND FLOWER SHOP Pro* Parkins In Our Own Lot*Ma|or Charaoi Honored 240 SPRINGFIELD AVE(/ WESTFIELD 233-6355 -233-3650 On The Wsilfield Cranford Una Open Thursday Evening* HOUflSi Mondty thru lltufdiy 9:00 8:00, lumtsy 900 • 3:00 THK WKSTMKLO rganization was initiated a manner similar to a first." To convince the dietician," Chef Johnson has been designated Kleinert at a luncheon in oday when the United vacation club. During the Bank officials feel the group of the need for more recalls, "but having her "Industrialist of the Year" Hotel Robert Treat, ounties Trust Company term of the program the bond program is a par- answers and to show how here has been an y«'n t*f ti ktciM i for 1972 by the New Jersey Newark, Thursday, May 10. iccepted the first ap- bank credits the member ticularly appropriate use of various factions disagree, a education." Approximately 600 leaders ilication from the Israeli with interest and when the two part unit was un- Chapter, Association of the computerized club Together they monitor SitH> CUtMlrl 1st Industrial Advertisers. in business, industry and tend Club of Elizabeth. goal is reached issues a savings plan which the bank dertaken. government are expected to The idea, which was check to the club which nutritional levels of food designed and promoted in served the young patients at ttsli ttaptiic isNs art Mitchell Krauss of 33 attend. onceived by Ari Halpern of purchases an Israeli Bond in 1988. United Counties Trust First the students learned, the member's name. Thus, in a personal way, of the Children's Specialited Company is able to offer Hospital. the member has the ad- Christmas club type acute shortages of fuel. The iftfftti'i fniriti vantages of accumulating programs which can be supplies were compared to a As everything else, the funds in a most painless started at any time in a huge candy dish. For many cost of feeding • patient has manner, receiving interest variety of weekly amounts. years the dish appeared increased since Chef bottomless. Now, each piece Johnson first wielded a of candy taken means less spatula in the local health for the future. care facility's kitchen. j Urges Ban Part two of the program ' "I'd say ii costs 3 to 4j divided the class up into times ss much to feed a' Excellent three groups: technology patient In 1973 as it did when (represented by I first came here in 1MB," OMft* New* OAH.V on Dumping smokestacks), environment Chef Johnson estimates. NORTH AVtNtfg, OtaajgNe HjLi (by trees) and judges. Ten "But," he notes, "though Plants In Flower An appeal has been made assign some boys 18 to U realistic problems were prices continue to rise, we by the Union County Park years of age, working in presented. nave consistently purchased Commission for greater past summer youth em- Axaloos Tulips, public cooperation in ployment programs, Jut to The result showed the preventing the dumping or waterways clearance. All of class that more than Just • Pansies discarding of debris and this is not only costly but money is needed to clean up. other rubbish in the areas of time-consuming, the There are no simple an- "WHY I'M RUNNING swers. • Hyacinths • lilin waterways of the county. commission pointed out. "Bebris, ranging from old The Park Commission tires, lumber, oil drums and paid tribute to OWN who The unit will end shortly. FOR GOVERNOR" •Begonias abandoned refrigerators to have given it assistance in The last part will be another shopping carts and card- the past, commenting that it division and a tripartite byAnnKltln board cartons, definitely debate among members of • "has enjoyed the tenants association, a should not be carried cooperation and aid of conservation society and Flowering Shrubs through the waterways of concerned voiuntMr groups I am always amazed at the number of existence of genetically linked diseases landlords association. people who seek public office consider- the' county," the com- who made clean MM their and ailments and of test* and counsel- A Lasting Gift mission said. "Un- projects. Tko Pant Com- ing that the labor is exhausting, merci- ling help available ("Genetic Diseases fortunately, it does appear, mission will always work Auto Tests less, and so very public. Apparently, they Information Act of 1972"). especially and more closely with them and see to are all rewarded sufficiently to persist. • appropriating H,000,OOo for fwiu noticeably after heavy it that all debris that Is But it is because I feel very strongly ily planning. storms," a statement noted. removed Is properly Rescheduled about this state and what it needs, that • banning the use of m»» in b»by Hanging Planters made up or I am running for the Democratic nom- Trash is a bit more obvious disposed of. Area motorists still have foods, at this time of the year "It would be of greater ination for Governor. • requiring high hool American an opportunity to have their Before I tell you why I want to be ac All types of Hangers, Plants & because of the absence of benefit to all the population autos tested for excessive history courses to include b'ack hl»tory. foliage on trees and if, first of an, people would Governor, let me introduce myself to • appropriating $10,000,000 for the exhaust emissions, free of those of you who may not know me. shrubbery in park areas. stop creating the problem charge today until 3 p.m. at acquisition of lands for recreation and Planters to make Your Own. of trash In park areas, I am, at present, Assemblywoman conservation. The commission con- the Metro Field Office of the from Morris County. I have lived in tended that "it is obvioUB making it unnecessary for Bureau of Air Pollution • requiring an accounting of lottery the clean-up sequence," the Morristown for 23 years, raisin? a fam- money. that individuals, stores or Control, Route 22, ily, getting involved first in school and commission statement Springfield. • granting municipalities access to industries are the source of concluded. community affairs, later on a statewide state funds to make necessary housing dumping or discarding of level as President of the New Jersey repairs. Terroriums, Terrarium such items in or close to the League of Women Voters and then as waterways - as well as in Governor Hughes' appointee to the New • niakinR emergency repairs deduct- Plants & Terrarium Soil ible from tenants' rent. various lakes and ponds and Jersey Council Against Crime and to the - • requiring the Board »t Public Util- also on developed and un- State Tax Policy Commission. ities to consult with the Department of developed parklands. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Terirta An Stnmiaf! Environmental Protection before grant- Stressing that it is a Plnl Democrat In SO Years ing franchises and privileges to public violation of the law, the CLOSED EASTEK SUNDAY It was my work in these areas, seeing utilities. commission asked that the need for fairer laws, particularly • tnaking psychological service bene- police be notified if anyone regarding the tax structure, that made fits available under group health insur- sees it being done, so proper CALL TODAY me decide to run for the State Assem- ance. action can be taken. bly. When I won, in 1971, I became the Every year it is necessary first Democrat to hold that seat In over Campaign on law* for the Park Commission to 60 years. I list these examples only to show that MEEKER'S INSPECTION! I now find myself the first woman to spend thousands of dollars my interests are the interests of all the lo try to clear debris from seek a major party's nomination for people of the state, not just the women, various river beds and Governor of this state. As you know, to not just the special Interests. While It banks, including diverting vote In the New Jersey primary one would be exciting and historic for New . . . DON'T TAKi CHANCES WITH THI does not hnve to be a registered Demo- limited equipment and IARQEST INVESTMENT O« YOUR UK . . . Jersey to hnve the first Woman chief maintenance crews from crat, merely a registered voter. Thus I executive, that is not what this cam- YOUR HOME! UT TRAINED SPECIAUSTS DO ask every one of you to be sure to vote paign is about. It ia about Issues, very other park and recreation THE JOB RIGHT. projects. It was noted that on Primary Dny, June 6. The kind of real nnd pressing issues. ' do not pre- the commission has had to campaign that Is waged will make a big tend to have all the answers. But I do difference In the kind of administration believe I see the problems and have the wo get, no matter who wins In Novem- experience to find and inspire the very Students "Eating ber. It will nlso iiffcct the nature of the best people to explore these problems. Legislature. One of the greatest prob- 1100 SOUTH AVI., WISTHHD HOW TO DISTINGUISH The people of New Jerfiey have lost faith Up" Nutrition lems tn getting nny reform through Is In their government. And, afraid, LOADS OF ROOM TO PARK FREE the backing, or lack of it, In the legis- for Very good reason. \Ve i» the 5th The "Dining Tnble" In the TERMITES... lature. rc 29147.7 third grade at Our Lady of richest state, yet we cannot provide So do be sure to vote on June G. adequate noi,a|,,g for ,,|| our people. The Lourdcs is teaching students TERMITES ANTS about' good nutrition. The Now, why do I nsk you to vote for me? New Jersey honieowilcr pny8 the high- children have been learning •t. LaoiaWlnga l.'Rataln Wing* est property tnx in the country. jn many about the four food groups! 2. Solid Black BodlM 1. Wilp Wal.tad Brown or Independent Candidate •Instances thoy (ire imylng on \vnat they Your Local 3. SwarmUsually Batwa«n • laok BodlM Of nil lhi> Democratic candidates I am owe — mortgngoB ~_ rnthcr than on and n well balanced diet. At' 9:30 a.m 3. Swarm Anyllma, Day or what they own. Om. jtica , being the Dining Table, three Night the only one that In not the product of n c ire machine, I believe all the voters should abandoned by Industry because they children can get together find It less costly to operMo In tho sub- and practice what they've be glvon mi opportunity lo jissesit their cnndldnti'A. I'or that reimoii I refused to urlm. This louv,.H a vor,IH of joble«s In learned. One child, the chef, the eltlcHi our unemployment Is 40% prepares a platter, choosing uppeiir before the Pwnwrntlu party's screening committee, preferring, In- higher tlum the rest (lf tfie country. The. food pictures pustt'd onto 1'ori Authority, wh| |, wan established oaktug, and serves it to the Free stead, to bring mynulf mill my record to e B. B. D. A. CALL TODAX to provide truiisi>«i(iitl<,ii. hit, |,,,en tier- you, thi'Vt other two children. The chef While tells them a curtain nival STORE nml they proceed to nerve Inspection theniHelveN n wcll-bulnnctHi is breakfnnt, lunch or dinner, A WESTFIELD NAMKDATWHKATON COMPANY 1'nve or religion shmilil lie given every weekly WILLIAMS opportunity for eilucaMnii and for serv- (lintt III.,, »uitl||,|,,'f«r u J| Station Radio and T.V. Wheaton (111.) College tin* 1 |i«-r Ilicottji.' e« of f()urwh( ) ncvi named to Its winter quarter NOT AN ice III our oiK'lety, However, while In tin Amu'lnbly I Kpoiniured 2M Mils, vu-npnn- I'l'iHiinh . WWhyh 1,,,-t it nub. dean'* list Douglas Allan ANSWERING Ilithliiu "iillollii- Warning f 127 Control Avo. Kclch, non of Mr. and Mrs. TERMITE iiihil Oil tif them, Thpy W'MPP I'lincnrnpil o SERVICE with II IH'UIHI >| ice tin in nf problem* - 'i-iiuds, the w/iy «ulor ,i,ltw) Elroy Ketch, n senior; Qlcnn consumer protect Ion, priiii'iilton, eenl- '(M" (ifnl'lfn ( " — Wostfiold, N J Ward Griffith son of Mr. and oiry, Inminiiice, lumping, laliur rpliitlons, Mrs. Frederick J. Griffin, CONTROL taxes, tniimiiiii'liilliin. In Ihe and Robert Samuel KINNITH I. WILUAMI r,, I will lie writing Mehortor, ton of Mr, and Formerly ef 427 SOUTH AVI. For example, I Introduced bills; fli WISTHIIO, NJ. • rpt|iilHiitf every fippllviinl for u IIIPSII I .iMit -.' me em 232-4660 Mrs, Robert Mehortor, both Ttrmltt Centrel lit*. 1 thai lime ynii'll tiHVf Hie n»Jtxvr>f to "' gophomores, Hiarrlnge Iliwine in he Informed "f (In I'm rnulil'Ut fur 'InviifdiiC" PAID POH BV' A let at ptopn tat Ann Kltlrt lot Oantmor -THE WE8TFIELD (NJ.) LEADER, THURSDAY. AFHIL lit. 1973 Mrs. Fenwick LWV Guest On May 2 Red Cross Millicent Fenwick, department and to learn and selection of local rtcently appointed New what role an individual can program study items. Drive At 85% Jersey Director of Coo- play to ensure compliance HMT Protection, wiU be with the department's Prospective members of Goal guest speaker at the annual directives." who wish to participate in bay meeting of the West- Mrs. CUuuen went on to the business session may The Westfield-Moun- field Area Letgueof Women say that "during her years formalize their status by tainside Chapter of the Voters. The 13:JO p.m. in the State Assembly Mrs. sending a dues check to Mrs. American National Red luncheon at the Fenwick became known as a Joseph Chaiken, mem- Cross has expressed its Shackamaaon Country Club witty and forceful speaker bership chairman. "sincere appreciation" to ia open to rtpreeentaU vee of on a wide range of subjects, all Mountainside residents other organisations and to and we feel very fortunate to and businesses who have individuals who are in- responded so generously to have her with us on May 3." Garage Sale the annual Mountainside terested in state plans tor League members are improved consumer At Center Red Cross fund drive. safeguards. urged to bring guests for the Mrs. Elmer A. Hoffarth, luncheon and afternoon chairman of the drive, has In making the an- program. Non-members The Westfield Community been "elated with the nouncement Mrs. Harold may make reservations by Center Preschool is holding prompt replies to the plea Clausen, general chairman calling Mrs. Clauasen. a fund raising garage sale for funds.'iler "confidence of the event, said, "The The day's events will Thursday, May 3. Items to end faith in Mountainside as responsibilities Mrs. include the local League's be donated to the sale may a 'caring' community is Fenwick has assumed cover yearly business meeting, be brought to 60S Cum- being justified dally." nearly every area of a which will begin at 10:30 berlandSt. dtlxen'i daily life. We hope a.m. Attendance will be Mrs. Hoffarth stated that Brace Rotker, phot* the drive has reached about local residents will take limited to members only. A similar sale in WestfteM Conmuaity Coacerts Week Is proclaimed ky Mayer Deaa Sayder as Or. advantage of this op- The agenda will include November netted over $100. 86 percent of the goal and Robert Feese, vice presides*, aad Campaign Ce-Chalnaea Mrs. F. W. Kept aad Mrs. she hopes that those who portunity to increase their election of officers, adoption The money purchased much Daaald Way watch. knowledge about the of the coming year's budget, needed outdoor equipment. have not sent in their donations will do so Mnptly in order that the Mayor Proclaims drive will go over the top. I ,<>n 233-5542 pressing man's deepest series to the cultural life of 232-M41 for information. During his six weeks at feelings; and good musical Westfield, by supporting the Included in the 1973-74 the Air Training Com- entertainment is a necessity Association's campaign." Mason will bo Ciro and his mand's Lackland AFB, in a mature civilization, A campaign headquarters Ballet Espanol, William Tex., he studied the Air will be open at Auster's Walker, baritone, the Force mission, organization "WHEREAS the West- Appliance Store at 143 East Rochester Philharmonic and customs and received TAKE ALONG A field Community Conceits Broad Street next week Orcheatra and Cristina special instruction in human Association adds to the Ortiz, Brazilian pianist. culture and enrichment of from 9 to 4 each day, and 9 to relations. the community by providing The airman has been HOUSE 1 T|a. the citizens of Westfield the assigned to the. Technical GIFT BOX opportunity to hear music Training Center at Shep- performed by world famous New Books At Library pard for specialized training n M w i n i M. IN i artists, and Contemporary Protest as a computer systems The new book by Thomas specialist. Pyhchon, "Gravity's Poetry," Cargaa7 ; Jencks' U.S. WOUTC ». MOUNTAMMM, N.J. •WHEREAS the West- "Inequality,' and Gutt- Airman Betau, a 1972 PttflMTE PARTIES 10 TO 200 field Community Concerts Rainbow," which has been praised widely, is now in macher'a work on graduate of Scotch Plains LUNCHEON • COCKTAH.S • MNNtSJ Association is holding its "Pregnancy, Birth and Fanwood High School, at I" A WK 'N( , annual membership circulation at Westfield Memorial Library. Also Family Planning." tended Union College. C m l available are Shaw's * JSw! THEREFORE. I. "Evening in Byzantium;" "The Call Girls," Koeslter, and Ludlum's "The Mattock DACHSHUND SHOW Paper." Keating has The Dachshund Club of another mystery, New Jersey will have its "Inspector Ghote Trusts the first independent specialty Heart," and there Is show on Friday, May 4, at At wood's "Surfacing." the Holiday Inn on Route 206 Readers will find more than In Bordentawn. 30 other new w«rks of fiction have been added since the first of April.' To the phone Biographies of interest Include: "Talleyrand," Bernard; Longford's "Wellington: Pillar of State;" "Marie of Romania," Hsberry, and Kenner's book about R. Buckminster Fuller, Bucky." repairman, An excellent book on macrame, Bress' "The Macrame Book," has been added to the several others » the library has on the craft. Also in the craft field are "Bargello Magic," Fischer; yourea Snook's "Florentine Embroidery;" and "Weaving is Creative," Wilson. Though the football season is over, enthusiasts are always eager for any information on the sport. problem. For them there are Pete Gogolak's "Kicking the || rillO! KIIMNO YOUR HOMI IN OOOD CONDI- Football Soccer Style7' and TION IS NOT AN IXPINM - HIT AN INVISTMINT THAT "Offensive Football," by Bob Griese, of the Dolphins. ASSUMES NO LOSS IN VAIUI. Other books which the library expects to be on its reserve list include Bum- Almost everything y*u ne*e) t* (U *• (aba, ysw con find here ham's "The Art Crowd;" "American Film Criticism — Among thorns from the Beginnings to Citizen Kane," Kauffman; Wood and Tile par»Hln, • Poors • Cabineto • Moor and Coiling Tile "Daniel Berrigan and Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors • Wallboard • Roofing ACCEPTED BY COLLEGE False Siding • Cement • Driveway Patch • lumber For All Purposes Emily E. LaCosta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LaCosta, has been accepted for admission at Every time the telephone repairman repairmen are going all out to do the And In Our Hardware Department Eckerd College, St. job like they want it done in their own Petersburg, Fla. In the (all goes out on a job, it's to solve a prob- •rashes • Kellers » All Tools of 1973. lem. Usually it's a minor technical one homes. Pratt A Lambert Paints A Westfield student that any trained repairman can handle. To see that it is, we spent 124,000 Sanders and Drills e UfhMwIrches Hardware currently enrolled at Eckerd, formerly Florida But sometimes the problem is more hours last year training repair people. Presbyterian College, Is involved. And the customer is without We're also building a new training Leslie K. Waters. phone service for a time. Now he's center with the latest, most modern Iff You're Not Sure "How To Do It" - Ask Us I upset at the phone company. And in equipment, including three practice turn, at the repairman. The situation homes. calls for tact as well as technical skill. All these things will help us do a That's a pretty big responsibility to good job. But people make the differ- TIRED OF TRACKING DOWN MISLEADING ADS? shoulder. But people have always ex- ence. And because telephone people OGT THE ENTIRE pected more from the telephone com- are genuinely concerned about pro- MARKET PICTURE IN PULL COLOR IN pany. So being good Isn't good enough viding good service, they're going all LIVING ROOM COMFORT. PRI6N0LY-HILPPUL Our repairmen know this. And be- out to live up to the high standard SALE8 COUNSELLORS! cause they're committed to satisfying we've set for New Jersey phone «L S JRVINCL COMPANY each and every customer, telephone service. •OO SOUTH AVL.WtUT WKITNILD, NtW JHIIY "Building Headquartort* New Jersey Bed lUMMft e MHIWOMC e MASON* MATIMAU • KAHOWAH e WIU Being good isn't good enough. •Hone 2JM4W t», m$' Trinity- Honor Roll Announced Sr. Mercedita, Holy Trinity High School prin- cipal, has announced that the following students have made honors for the fourth marking-period: FIRST HONOR ROLL: SENIORS Loretta Kiel SPRING CHICKENS - Dcaorah Lowden and Colleen Edward Liebelt KeUy. third gradcn at FrankUn School, tend to the needs John Maher of news*** cWcm which hatched recently In their Robert O'Brien F«ty*fMr Members, with M taawa here, attended laws 0MG«SI1RIMML WaHsMS)«f IM West Dadley Av«. elaiiroom incubator. Mri. Margaret Dambech's party Sept- **, ltM, ea the laws) of past director ef Ike Mr, WMtsmta is staadtag at right of pfctare. itudeaU eMalaed egg* '«•»•» *• Batgen Eiperiemeatal SECOND HONOR ROLL: Farm ai part of • science project on "Living Things." Mary Lynne Ament Alter hatching. the cMeks were placed hi a wire pen Anne Blaseo Higher Benefits For where the children feed them • daily diet of main and Domenick Dilorio water. Michael Fitzpatrick Over-65 Workers Hop to it! r Hop to it! Paul Genova Kathy Grausam ' A worker who doesn't get Send the FID Hop to it! Send the FTD sales, marketing, service, Ann Marie Gray any social security benefit! To Honor and advertising. Donna Ianiro before he is 65 and delaylayss hihiss Send the FTD Ashforth ii vice-president John Licata retirement past that age will Ashforth of the New Jersey Office Kathy McDonough be eligible for higher Happy Happy Supply Company, buslneas Cathy McGuire payments when he retires, according to Ralph W. Happy Bruce W. Ashforth of 1249 equipment, Newark. He is a Stephen Pope Prospect St. will be honored graduate of Rutgers with a Steve Sexton' Jonei, social security Nest Nest at a testimonial dinner B.S. in marketing. The Susan Stanziano district manager in dance given by the New (atner of four children, he is Stephen Siswo Elizabeth. Nest married to the farmer Edna Benefits increase one-, V. Barton, and has been JUNIORS twelfth of 1 percent for each active locally as an umpire FIRST HONOR ROLL: Fred Porter, Ed Walker and Louis Berg are pictured on month - or 1 percent for each in the Westfield Boys Eileen Me Donough Sept. l», 1M7, In front of log cabin at Tamaqnes Park, year - after 1970 if the Baseball League. Patricia McGrath where the Old Guarders frequently congregate In the worker doesn't get social Nancy Murphy summer months. security benefits between Wilson Students age 65 and 72 because of his SECOND HONOR ROLL. earnings. Watch Eggs Hatch Denise Anthes Old Guard Recalls "This higher benefit can Brighten Easter Brighten Eaitar Allison Borushko be paid to retired workers for someone for someone After viewing a filmstrip under a new provision of the Brighton Baiter on the hatching of baby John Grace special by sending special by landing Alfred Harris Past, Looks to Future social security law," Jones thaPTOS for i hrrrjs chicks, Wilson School third said. "It doesn't affect HappyNest. pecial by sending HappyNest graders decided to ex- Julie Kennelly Julie Lelwica The Westfield chapter of sunset, the dawn of another social security payments to Call or visit ui thoFTD* Call or visit ui periment on their own. the Old Guard held its 40th 40 years gives promise of their families." today, and we'll KappyNtrt today, and we'll Mrs. Erich Martin, room- Thomas Olsen arrange for your Call or visit u» arrange for your Kathy O'Toole anniversary luncheon on continued success for the The new provision will today, and wrtl HappyNest to mother, obtained six fertile Thursday at the Moun- Old Guard of Westfield. mean additional benefits to HappyNest to eggs from a farm in New Barbara Van Arnum be on its way. arrange for your be on its way. tainside Inn where they On Apr. 10, the chat some workers already We Deliver Arson* The car** HappyNeatto Brunswick. She then rented were Joined by members chorus and musicians getting social security be on its way. an incubator from the 4-H SOPHOMORES Or Around TneMftjrM FIRST HONOR ROLL: from chapters in Plainfield, visited the Westfield payments, Jones reported. Club of Westfield. Romando Point Pleasant, Summit, Convalescent Center, where "If a worker already on the Bruce W.Ashfortk James, a representative of Carol Laurent Mary McDonough Livingston, Long Branch, they entertained with rolls qualifies for a higher McEwen WESTFIELD Jersey Office Machine the club, visited the class to Ramsey, Caldwell, popular music and songs payment because of the Dealers Association on speak briefly on the care of Rutherford, Millburn, with patients joining them change, he will get an FLOWER the eggs. SECOND HONOR ROLL: automatic increase in June, Flowers Saturday, May 12, at Janice Bellew Elizabeth, Orange, Jersey for group singing. Llewellyn Farms, Morris Youngsters watched five City, Red Bank, Hillside, and it will be retroactive to Etlebllihed 1921 SHOP Teresa Bill son January, 1873," he said. FREE OFF-THE-STREET 321 SOUTH AVI. Plains, the affair is being of the six eggs hatch before Fred Burk Morris County and the Shore At the regular meeting their eyes. The baby chicks Area. The 350 members and »day, Earl R. Zea, trust Over 5 million workers FRONT DOOR PARKING John C. SNiMrnofltl WISTrrflO held in recognition of Mr. James Coffey ISO IMMNOHHB Ml WOP IM SOUTH MM M« remained in the classroom Jean Del Monaco guests were greeted by officer of the Central Jersey will receive f 198 million in Orm* ft. t* W«fHsM AMI. Ashforth's outstanding for three days where they Director Samuel T. Boeder, social security increases in service as president of the Thomas Eagan Bank & Trust Co., will WettffeM. 293-1142 received a great deal of John Fagan who was also the master of discuss "Wills, Trusts and 1974 under the new Open B iJti. to 5:30 PM. dally association for two years tender loving care. Three ceremonies. The program Estates." provision. and as chairman of its board children from the class then Peter Legowski included singing led by Paul of directors. Ashforth is also took the chicks home to Stephanie Macaluso Sutton and an instrumental being recognized for his keep. Thomas McCarthy selection with violins and services to the National Diane McGuire Janice Murphy cello. Office Machine Dealers Judge Confirmed Janet Ward Ray Davlson, anniversary Association as a member of John A. Ackerman of chairman, introduced the the board of directors, Westfield was confirmed FRESHMAN Rev. W. Gordon Lowden where he has acted In the Monday by the New Jersey FIRST HONOR ROLL: from Alpine, who spoke on capacity of director of State Senate for a judgeship Mary Sue Allegrini "What to Do When training and a lecturer on in the Superior Court. Mary Ellen Sexton Everything is Changing". It Hop to Sendthe Victory Ylagan was both a serious and Donna Zarrello whimsical comparison of c present day feelings or SECOND HONOR ROLL: emotions In general conduct FTD HappyI%St for Easter Carolyn Casiere andd thinking, as compared Mary Jo D'Addesa with the not too distant past. Robert Dahlinger At the chapter's 25th Raymond Gessner anniversary, the late MITES Mary Ann Ianiro Admiral E. D. Stanley, a Grown-ups go for Easter baskets, too. And you Rebecca Kendall past director, summarized wouldn't want someone special to miss the Janet Laurent lis concept of the Old Guard excitement and surprise of an FTD HappyNest. James Manahan in a speech delivered on that Sally Slotterback occasion. He said in part, Sparkling spring flowers host a nappy crew of Kathy Walsh "The Old Guard has no holiday bunnies and colorful Easter eggs in official prescribed oaths, a handsome woven basket. obligations, passwords or Studying Bones grips -- so Old Guard You can send a HappyNest almost anywhere members stand on the same by calling or visiting your nearby FTO Florist. level, seeking no objective (Most FTD Florists accept major credit cards.) One of the Elementary but the mutual respect and Science Study units being kindness and charity toward Order now and start feeling good explored by the fourth each other, in a spirit of about Easter right away. graders at Our Lady of generosity and reciprocity." Lourdes School is the unit on On this 40th anniversary Usually available BE SURE .S^BUSS hat been serving Iht Horn* Owner "Bones." During most of these sentiments still for less than for 90 YEARS. For a MCE INSPECTION of this unit the children will be engaged in activities with remain valid, according to your home by a Termite Control Expert, aupervlieri real bones. Through this an Old Guarder, "ana as by the fineit technical Had, phone our naarott direct contact, they will this anniversary fades in the local office: learn many things about the skeletal system. The "Second Sun" disassembled skeletons of two cats, rabbits and minks AD3-4448 are used by small groups of Open to Public children who experiment and do a limited amount of "The Second Sun," Public BUSS TERMITE CONTROL CORP. research individually. Service Electric and Gas Charts and picture books Company's floating Nuclear DIV. Of BUSS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 related to the unit are Information Center, is open available for study to the public at the Salem One of the Oldest 4V Largest reference. Nuclear Generating Station which is under construction in Lower Alloways Town- ship on the Delnwarc River. The center will be open from, noon to 6 p.m. on Sundays; from 0 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays, Thurs- days and Fridays; and be- tween 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturdays. TREE EXPERT CO. More than 180,000 persons have visited the center since MARTIN SCHMIEDE it was dedicated nt the company's Mercer STATE CERTIFIED TREE EXPERT Generating Station on the Delaware near Trenton on •TREE PRUNING May 21, 1909. Prior to moving to Stilvm. the bunt •SURGERY was at PSE&G'a Hurllngton Generating Station on Die 'REMOVAL Delaware, The n ue I on r showboat, WOOD CHIPS which IB open free to the public, lins n thoutor of- fering an Impressive iiiidlo- SPECIALISTS IN vlsunl show, an well us ROTO-MIST AND HYDRAULIC POWER SPRAYING numeroiiH popularized scientific exhibits, MODERN EQUIPMENT • INSURED SERVICES "The Second Sun" In n converted ferryboat, the Established in 1966 "Elhabelh". which until Aik about FTD Extra Touch Service"—Flowers with Silver, Fine China, Pottery or Cryital... for that Extra Touch 11)07 shuttled commutm Fanwood, N.J. ncroBs the Hudson Itlver be- Ai an Indtpendint builntuman, itch FTO Mtmbtr Florin tali hla own prlon. e 1973 Plorltti' Tr«n»world Dtllviry Auoolitlon, 322-9109 tween Jeraoy City nml New York. -1HJE WE8TFIELO It THE WKSTF1BLD (NJ.) LKADKlt, THUR8BAV, AIWIL • RIAL ISTATI SAU • » REAt ESTATE SALE » * »IAL ISTATI SALE • • MAL ESTATE SAL! • • *EAl ESTATE SAU • • RIAL ISTATI SAL! • • RIAL ESTATE SAU • • RIAL ESTATf SAU • • RIAL ESTATE SAU •

PEARSAU Joy Brown, Inc. JAMES J. DAVIDSON Daakor ft ASSOCIATES, INC. INC. AND REALTOR INC * REALTORS MALTOU » HiWIOM 14* li * * * nUNKENBACH 4rl^|pPV«pvA^uhlsseWW UssfiRaasE»E^pyiPl*pi Stfa^dHssvp*BBjmmmtj Iteatten ^ hwrara BARRETT & (RAIN mtmhttm •» Multlpit Uatlaaj he. An Aree Fund Aeeoriste £ & * REALTORS -% -ft * 233-2222 Member filebel Reel Eeteto 2J2-4MS REALTORS MIMIMI R«ferrel Service "Three Celeniol OHkM" WIST'IILO MULT»U LISTIN6 (VSTIM ISTAILISHID 1922 233-5555 WESTfiELD ' . . 2I2-IM0 VALUE PLUS AT MOUNTAINSIOI 23MM0 IISItMStfMt N F R A LIIMTY CORMH (IASKING RIMS!) . . 447-5700 $59,900! 201 • U147M OUR NEWEST "NIXT TO RIALTO TNIATR1" 41,900 Brand new cohmtal in W«tfieW — 3 bedrooms — W«*H*M "RID CARPET SIRVICI" LISTING! BEAUTIFUL iy, baths — aU electric home — ready to move ifll Handsome 8 room Brick am SPLIT LEVEL J1.W0 Frame Home In delightful MOUNTAINSIDE Country Batting — clo*» to an Brand a«w Bi-Levcl just beta* completed on m quiet NANCY F. REYNOLDS Ft* MOMMKA Tfc* acre, 4 bedrooms. 2 bathi, pan- IN A-l CONDITION! •tract in Scotch Plains — 4 bedrooms — IVi baths — 0M**-Uf|** elled den with bar, panelled TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN Panelled Family Room — maintenance free Alumtam library. Beautiful Scotch Plain LARGE WELL Siding — Ultra Modern Kitchen — Immediate Oeea- ASSOCIATES, INC. area. 167,500. $84,500 MALTOM LANDSCAPED LOT panejr. 54,tOO We've just been privileged to list this exciting CHARMING CONTEMPORARY "View Property" at the very top of the Watchung Tun of the century center hall colonial located m 302 te* Iteed Shoot GOLF EDGE AREA Range. Designed by famed "early American" archi- $72,500 GRADE LEVEL WeatNdd Avenue — 5 bedrooms — 2 baths — large WestfleM, N. J. In Mountalnalde, Brick and Cy- tect, Ray O. Peck, to fit its superb hilltop location. kitchen with breakfast space — panelled den on 1st press, 13 picture windows. On The eight room interior plan includes 4 bedrooms, FAMILY ROOM floor — 2 car detached garage — large treed lot. 232-4900 BRICK 4 CEDAR the hillside In a beautiful wood- ed setting, 4 bedrooms, 2% 2 baths and library with corner picture windows. MOUNTAINSIDE 31.500 baths, 22' sundeck. Flagstone Magnificent panoramic view from almost every FINISHED terrace and patio. }O2,5O0. English Tudor — excellent northside location — 4 $69,500 room in the house. Lovely deep yard with tall trees BASEMENT bedrooms — 2 baths — modern kitchen — jaloasied . . . Inground swimming pool .. . more land avail- DENTIST'S porch — baaemeqt rec room — July 1st poostssloa. This churning; beautifully m»in- able if desired. Please turn to page 14, of this issue PLAYROOM NORTH... Ulned four bedroom home h»« of the LEADER for our artist's rendering of this «*,soo so many "pluses" . . . Custom FOR RENT exciting new listing;. Appointment gladly arranged. HOME AND OFFICE FOUR built twelve years *fo, it boasts Large Bi-Level Ranch in the Golf Edge area — 4 Bed- a large living room with pretty Sparkling 8 room home in love- PRETTY BEDROOMS rooms — 2i/, Baths — Modern Kitchen with large EAST .... bow window, formal dining ly Scotch Plains setting. Ex- An unusual opportunity, Breakfast Area — Centrally Air Conditioned — In- room, up-to-the-minute kitchen cellent condition, modem kitch- tereem System — 3 Zone Heating — Early Summer with heating space for a large en and bath. Possession May 2Vi BATHS family, two lovely tiled baths, 1st |37B. per month. for country living on Possession. family room, powder room, TWO NEW LISTINGS SOUTH... laundry room and two car ga- LARGE 4M00 rage ... We have the key one of Mountainside's Center hall colonial just twelve years old in the Law- and would be so happy to show YOUR WESTFIELD COVERED PATIO rence Avenue area — raised hearth fireplace) in the NO* WEST.. oul beautiful wooded lota— (13x27) living room — panelled den — 1st floor laundry room DREAM HOUSE? — modern kitchen with eating area — 3 bedrooms — plus—a wing containing 2 CAR GARAGE 2-Vt baths — many extras included — June 1st pos- If you an looking for a four session. bedroom horns with large liv- ON FOREST AVE. complete 5 room facili- CENTER HALL ing- room with cathedra] celling-, 74,900 - room, a deluxe ENTRANCE Folks are beinjr t ran if erred in ENGLISH TUDOR $63,900 ties for dental practice This 4 bedroom — 3 bath split level is nestled among •o many different direction! by the trees on tt beautiful acre in the Seotchwood sec- larRe firms that those of us (n 22 FOOT Photogenic center entrance Colonial with all the — comfortable 3 bed- tion of Scotch Plains — large family room — living New Jersey who belonj? to 40 YEARS OF room fireplace — full basement — 20x40 in ground BELO-INTBR-CITY REFERRAL rooms you really need for your second move. Eight room home with a large LIVING ROOM SERVICE spent moat of one day rooms ... 4 bedrooms . . . 2>/, baths . . . double pool — central air conditioning —transferred owners recently dlncuflilnjr w&yn of ex- THINK SUMMER offer early July possession. pediting theao movei) . . . CHARM garage . . .pretty den. The bright & Cheerful kitch- amily room over-look- SEPARATE -THINK SUN en has breakfast & dining area plus dishwasher DINING ROOM 79,900 Over 600 offices across the Here's a great house — stucco and disposal. Carpeting in many rooms and a play- ng 230' deep park-like Beautiful ranch in Mountainside overlooking the U. S, A. . , . all carefully acreen- & shingle. Living room with Go swimming In the 20'x40' in- house for the "young uns" out back. Please don't Watchung mountains — 3 bedrooms — IVi baths — «d , , . fire dally concentratlnK replace, dining room and ground pool. 4 bedrooms, 3 delay your inspection. SPIC & SPAN on halplnK these trnnaforces find itchen with eating space, four baths. ?74,WX>. in Scotch Plains. rear yard. Many extras Florida room overlooking private rear yard — tre- the homo of their choice In bedrooms, two baths and SPACIOUS KITCHEN mendous (26 x 23) basement play room — much more their new area. 1x15 recreation room. Beau- ncluding central air- — vacant ready for immediate occupancy. tifully landscaped and near FAST POSSESSION! Tf you are trnnnferred why schools. Don't wait. I5g,500. NEW COLONIAL :onditioning. There is not tot us RIVO you the rmrno of our collenffuo whoso office In Scotch Plains: 5 bedrooms, 2'/4 CALL NOW — 91.500 •Uuated in the now area, to baths, beamed ceiling, raised n adjoining lot for IT WON'T LAST! On a beautifully wooded acre in Scotch Plains — which you are got tiff and we hearth flro place and redwood ON HANFORD PLACE large center hall ranch — 3 bedrooms on first floor wlU hnmoiilaloly nrranice for deck off the family room. sale, also. Gall today them to send you pertinent in- 189,000 plua another on the 2nd — 3 full baths — panelled formation which wl]] help you METICULOUS $53,900 t den, central air conditioning- — many extras im- In choosing THB RIOHT HOME and let us tell you more. mediate possession. •t the new location . , , AND MEMORABLE /t bnths. The outdoor family osa Interior and exterior. Fam- uxurious 20x20. Dining room, will surely enjoy the rear porch that opens onto a ON SECOND in nearby Scotch Plaing. A group of magnificent new IDEAL LOCATION ily room, attached garage on den, family room, living room, days. Many other fea- homes on one acre lots. Why not call today for more large property. recreation room, 3 full baths patio complete with barbecue and the attractive on a lovely north side street level lot of aliout an ncrc with n good sized garden FULL BASEMENT A real buy at $87,000. Wost tures, a lovely patio flelcl. iiren. Our "country office" will be most pleased to show at your convenience . . . 617-5700. and an attached garage. CARPETING PRETTY SPLIT! INCLUDED $49,500 Interested? Let us an- LOW TAXES — COME QUICK! swer your questions. 0790.00! • ARIA MrMStNTATIVI1 FOR JALOUSIED PORCH PLOT 112x140 PEARSAU 7 ROOM HOME Joy Brown, Inc. JUNE POSSESSION $67,900 AND REALTOR BARRETT & CRAIN EXCELLENT VALUE r pment Co.. 1042 !.E. Wash- pictured above. This wa* a roomi, bath, •tor«r* «, Two car garage, electric door opera- fi *8I.*SS!L~ con*»nlsnt lota- Incton St.. , IndianapolisIndianapolis. Indiana tor*. Concrete In around Sylvan pool, cabanas, patloa. tool tlon. HI-1021. 10/M/71 TFSllvl. S/JI/7J 4T clothe* dryer, patented in house, many extra*. Beat of construction one owner home. THE ULTIMATE IN ULUNQ 1*1$ by S. P. Mecay and ORPURCHASINaVOUM Tiuraoiia •OIICROM work for elothlnv drive from your bears Patent No. lt»,$U. HOME! home all areas. Call 151-4053. . COZY CAN 4/1/71 JT Trifle model* were sold by the government during the Jwt right for a youna; couple. Three bedrooms, two first floor, another spacious bedroom saeond floor, cheerful kitchen, In- Coolidgc Administration vltlnc llvlna; room; full basement. Excellent Penwood area. and after many tramfen, ended up in the collection of TWO POR THI PRICI OP ONI Mr. and Mre. O. Rundle WILUAM A. CLARK, INC. — RIALTORS Gilbert of Garritan, N. Y. •even room ranch for eaay one floor living. 21' basement WORKINO OUTDOORS AND ame room: two car f arise. Added bonus — a guest house of WOULD LIKE TO MOVE INTO R>ur rooms presently rented. Mountainside. M5,toO. . THE HIOH IINCOM E BRACKRBRACKRT LMAL N0HCI CALL SI7-41I-I205 OR WRITK PICTURI MMK RANCH NEW KORIZONB UNLIMITED I Truly a lovely clean and naat hom« In move-tn condition lo- COLONIAL furnlshsij SHO ». MADISOM N AVK HIJITR NOTICBOat cated In Weelfleld on a largo well kept 75»1«J lol, It hu S INDIANAPOLIS. PRIMARY ILICTION bedrooms, screenescreend * classeclassd porchporc,, if kitchen witwith self- So neat and clean you could move right In. Attractive living TswsC(erk-> Office cUanlnUanlnr oven and 2»ilS recreation room In ba*emenba*ementt .W/W room flrepUee; side sc. porch for summer; modern kitchen, new SJiinlfll al^si carpeting — Baseboard' hot water heal and attached sarafe. ~ **~" ~ ** irge dining room, three bedrooms, garage. WifflaM. M»J, you will love, the setting with the whit* brick front. Hay we In conformity with Hie provlaim allow you Ihle fine homer M an axt tnlltlsa) "An Act to Regulate Eltcflom" Title l», RRICK RANCH Revised statutes ef New jerwy ana) JICB Comfortable Room In Quiet •he amendmtnti and aupelemanh SICLUDID CALIFORNIA STYU RANCH home for Business Oentleman. If you like a bit of unuiual •tyltns with brick A cyprew In a On a beautiful wooded Hountalnalde lot with a brook runnln thtrtto, nstlci It hereby given that rustic i«ttlnr, we •u.fviat you •«• thla aeeluded (on a private Convenient to town, In «ood qualified voters ef taltf Town ef read) 10 room honri*. There are 4 or S bedroom* — 2*b*th» nslarhborhood. Can >li-l«l4, Wettflald) not already registered in — flun deck — Terrace — Patio and 2 car sara^e. is Picture aald Town under the Ian ef New window*—acoustical tile celUnara; w/W carMtlnr— very lar«e rrfaet KwhrliMM «r • «utN placa I* nMn H. FLBXIBLB HOUIU — typlnir Jeney governing permanent lot — located in the foothill* of Mountatnilde. » •Hmn m hill «Hninf NM «IM| tw* Mntm* ar • APARTMENTS RINT • ookkeeplns; clerical dunes: reolttrstlon, may ragltter with the custom built home. IK,500. prlnjHIeld area; «ar necessary. Town Clark of said Town of Wnl *!»• MIMMJMm • «»*#Jy. IrMMway t* attwckctj field at the saM office In the Muni- WBarriBi.D — l room furnish- cipal Building. Wsillleld, New t*. 949(900 ed efficiency air conditioned WILUAM A. (LARK, INC - ttfALTORS THE JOHNSON ACENCY, INC apartment. All utilities supplied. Jerley, at any time up to. and In. il-H blocks from train and Town. eluding, Thuridey, April 2», it7J, on 4M SOUTH AVI., W.. WtSTPHLO — 212-254)0 Iseeurlty required. 116. per week. rilU TIMB Salesperson which dale the reglttratlon baeka MALTOftS A LITTLE DIFFERENT 1 year lease. 2Ji-Sil». will be clotad until altar the form MIMMR Of WUTPIILO MAID AND for «lft shop; knowlsdaa coming Prlmsry Election to be held TOWN HODiB — Immaculate of China, Cryatal and on Tuesday. June s, 1»73 Notice It SOMIRMT COUNTY MAJTO Of MALTOM 20 PrmfiK* SttMt 2)2-0.100 WmtfteM, N. J. — 6 rooms, 1-H Baths, Air con- hereby given that the District BWd ditioned, Dishwasher. New »ash- fine Porcelalna Sea Mra. of Registry and Election in and far MIMMt W NATIONAL HOMINNMU iitVKIS. INC. . UUIM 1. Johnt«« — 232-0302 r and dryer, Basement cara«e. Richards, Jane Smith, 117 the various Election Districts of the •veaiaflt u»i 1 <2S per month — ADUL.TB TOWN OF WESTFIELD, will meet L DNR JohnMii. Jr. — 232-47M JNLJNLJr eSir montt h d fADUL.TB Central Ave. 4/ll/TF in the places hereinafter detlgnatscj .. 2II-SIU Iw WIMw ••••«•IS fcttte PUm %t*m* — 211-1 Mt Security and references. on the datn and between the hours .. 211-«l«l llalM Call UI-MZ4 232-805S, hereinafter set forth, for the purpose , MOMW «f WootKoM »J tfotntrao. Co*jnry CRANroBD—rirat floor, I fam- of conducting a Primary Election ily In a residential area: 4 roome . MislN»to - - - - with modern kitchen and bath. MOTMBsVa nirn — Hl«h for the nomination end election of Enclosed yard. 1210 Includes heat school student or youni college ptrtont to the various otlices lilted NiUanwMt MNO-A-HOMI (train Iw. and water. Call Friday or gatur- Ctrl. Two boys acas > and 10below: day 742-IU4 or 33»«7»1. onths. Biceflent salary" . Cal~ "l The hours and dates of said 4-6754 attsr 5 I'M. election are as follows: IBDIOAL TStCHNICIAN — part PRIMARY DAY, June S. 1173 be. • HOMIS FOR HINT • time, Weat'leld's doctor's office. tween the hours of 7 a.m, and • p.m. A.M. hours. I or I daya a waek Including Baturdaye. Oood sal- The following Is a list of the office* iWB HAVK several homes (or ary, call MJ8I4I t a.m. to I to be voted tor at the said PR IMARY RIALTOM rent In and about our area us- i.m. Monday thru Friday. ELECTION: TWO HANDYMAN SPECIALS ually runnlnn from 1150. per A Governor of the Sttte of New CLBANINO WOMAN — I daya a Jersey up pw 'eek, exceliene" - l salary. Own NIWIR OLDIR -i^ /"^ KK ransportatlon. cal'-"TMl . One Senator, Mm District fler 6 P.M. One Senator, trh Senate District, This 1 bedroom split built This sturdy 4 bedroom home unexplred term NRST TIMI OPPIRID In 1»M with dlnlnx room, hullt In ltSO offers lots of •ABT _jntal aaalatant. Two Assemblymen, JOth District (rade level family room and llvIn* space. Taxes under This aitMctsV* aitai Mfmimt IMIM affairs few MC- Male and Female member of the attached mraare set on a $1000, Near schools and Mu- sssaBsssal sl^BaBBaaBB.SBt aWass^tsBHaBBaBSsBBBBiA saaSBBkaal Saawassi Bahasaatsssiam S--^. *. gXasssSeW LauskJ • VACATION PLACU • ivenlngookkeeper/receptlonlsla Included. .Par, t dent, timae State Committee will be elected by sllaht knoll in pretty Fan- nicipal Pool, There Is a Sun > fflce. Bend resume to Bos 47the Republican end Democratic wood can be iranaformed Room, Dlnina- Room and vnw ••^ v* ifiiMini IHV iwv proii pin w IIim BW" 7o The Westfleld Leader, 59 Elm Into a beauty with Just a even a. Dinette and Pantry rawN M Hi* riilra) Hear. Ttt« flrtt MM* has an Bummer or year round enjoy parties little lovins; care. The Joys oft a spacious kitchen. All Barnegat Bay and ocean, Call It.. Westfleld. 4/11 it A Surrogate of ownlnar a. home like this that*! needed it a handyman •ntraiKa kail, 24' livim mil wMi Nraplaca, 4an, 793-S2SS or write •••I-DRIVBM A Regular 01 Deeds end Mort- can be yours for Just S42.S00. with paint and roller and a saaaaVssi Bff SafsBsSBBBSBBssBBi assss%SB£aW assV IftasfaTantslakS; k^^^Bass) a>aaa aslaBBi AStf ^IBSBBIBBBBS* few other tools. Can be WWeTI •^••^^WVVaS ^B^s*BvVFIa 4*"% Wvwiw •F,"^BffBsTvW In fSaw VSvv•^VfOT BTEVBNION HEALTT Karihornt I1Eperio0 -117d o6f certificationper week .afte Nor Three members of Bosrd of your* for $11,000. WBIT rqiNT ISLAND experience necessaryl Will tralnl Chosen Freeholders . laxaMaaj. I4S.7S0 LAVAM£TTB. N. J. •lacement (Uaranteed. Call 117- -2-3314 or write Trallmasters One Councilman from each of the ON A PRIVATE ROAD 4/U/TI 4T 40 8. Madison Ave., Suite «5, Four Wards idianapolls, Indiana 441J7. Male and Female member of me (HAIUS W. ROKOSHY BAY HBAD — Bank Vice Presl 4/11/7S 4T County Committee will be elected by dent's summer home available the Republican and Democratic July 1 to Auauat IS: I-Vi blocks from ocean, i bedrooms, 3 baths •AHYMTTRR rOR 2-Vj year parties from each Election District esvuvw- tjra/metf' — moo. call I7S-24K weekdaya 11a, ami •Dnnluy (too Fridayv riaay. The places In the several districts or 213-0030 evenlncs and weefc- oldReterence. I toa 4required Monday. Write Box where the said Boards of Registry 46, c/o The Weatneld Leader. 60 and Election will meet are as 111 Central A«M*M 2S2-9SM end. Elm St.. Weatfield. '4/ 11/7$ ITfollow** REALTORS HBNT the main houae of a •ALBIPKIMON — 3 daya a week Flrtt'ward, First District-Root- acre worklnir Pennsylvania di Aaply In person at Arthur Ste- even Junior Hloh School, Ml Clark r>. HsN 2I2-S74I farm Beautiful view, well ate vene, til C Broad St.. WesMold. 2*1-4500 ed flanlne: on the property 4/13/73 TP First Ward, Second District — weekly or by the month. Her Roosevelt junior High School. Wright 231-K44 or JS2-!*»». First Wtrd, Third District — ISO Mart* AvaniM W. WaaHtoM, N. J. Benlamln Franklin School, 700 Prospect St. WTIHSON-MNOLI AOtHCY FOR SALE IMPLOYMINT First Ward, Fourth District — WANT1D Municipal Building, 425 E. Broad St. XBROX COPIES First ward. Film District — "W»*TM \thtj ofNewJermy" MTIRSON-ftlNQLI SHCIALS Benlamln Franklin School while you wait IN47BO woman wishes First Ward, Sixth District - UNION COUNTY PStlNTIFHO , •••NCGeneraI l housework on Municipal Building |41.500 — W« have just lilted this Immaculate Enrllih atyled 201 Elmer Street day wora._0e Second Wsrd, First District — WwHUM, i—Wiat^iei M— bungalow on a tree lined itreet In Panwood, Ideal for th« Westfleld — 232-I3I] bus line *>«». Call 5I1-H71. Grant School, S» E. Broad St. your.* famtly. Lelvinff room w/flrepl*ce, formal dining room, 1-22-72 TV MAN WISHES, day's work — Second Ward, Second District — 21' 'maatar Mdroom. plus 2 other bedrooms, 1*& bathr Call KNUI.ISH HIDINO landscaping, painting, etc. Call Grent School quickly. coats, breeches, helmets, Jodh 75T-O4HI. Second Wsrd, Third District — purs, crops, shirts, boots, h Washington School, MM St. AAirkt (63,500 — Alao another newly Hated colonial In one of Weat- Cooks. Comblas. 44 Maple ... YOl'NO MAN — houra l-«: must fleld'a moat popular sr&de achool*. 25' living room w/wood Thlt cypMM m*A thtt turn* Mj*yt 8ummlt, 9/it/73 4T have driver's license and desire burning. fireplace, large family aiied dining room, 19' den cautafiwaa. Tli* iftwclMit tm M*)M PMtural o work. Union County Printing Second Ward. Fourth District — w/bullt-lns* Three ova ml zed bedrooma and 2 bat hi on the sec- WESTINUHOUM! 4.4 cubic foot X, 20« Elmer at, WestMeld. Wilson School, 301 Linden Ave. ond floor, plua another bedroom and storage on the 3rd floor iMtwriaM Jnclutfaa four t fiv* txl. ovena, dlshwaaner & large eating perfect condition with sllpco 1 speech c Inlc as receptionist/ Lincoln School, 7tt Wetttleld Ave. area. Paneled family room & den or office. Glass ana acreened reaaonable. Call after 5 1 «retary and will be an asset Third Ward, Third District — Pamper yourself — In this comfortable colonial home designed rch opening to patio. 3 twin alsed bedrooms, 2 full batha. 245-4330. :o any employer. Call 239-3144. Columbus School, 741 Grandvlew for gracious entertaining;, Country-slse kitchen make* cooking; rcar garage. Transferred owner off era possession end of June, 4/1* 2t Ave. and family dining a pleasure, 3 large bedrooms with breege Third Ward, Fourth District — catching windows, living- room, with a. raised hearth fireplace, 187.500 — Nearly new center hall colonial on over an acre In e PAIRS men's Supp-hose. Slse— formal dining room, first floor famtly room and laundry plus South Scotch Plains. New cuatom designed kitchen w/all the medium refUlar. One new un- Lincoln School the convenience of 2\k bathjl. Built In 1*80 In a. lovely area latest equipment; double self-cleaning ovens, dishwasher, Ron- opened — IS, Inquire 2J3-0417. Third Ward, Fifth District — of Weatfleld, this home la one you should consider. Call us son food center, sub-aero refrigerator freezer, plus separate Jefferson school, no Boulevard dining area, formal dining room, cathedral ceiling In the living Third Ward, Sixth District — for more details! Asking 168,900. room, large cosy den has raised hearth, atone fireplace. 4 Twin MAHOOANY bedroom set IJJOO. sJsed bedrooms, iy% baths, 2 car garage, screened porch. Central ifahosany dlnlnar room set 1800.. Services Columbus School Air conditioning plus many other extras Included. Call now leveral ohalra and lamps. Call Fourth Ward, Flrtt District — to see this new listing. 232-»4>4. T McKlnley School, MO First St. WESTFIELD GALLERY Fourth Ward, Second District — |12S,000 — English Tudor custom built In 1970 for the present 233 NORTH AVENUE, E. UNeed McKlnley School owner, on a cul-de-sac In suburban Scotch Plains. 22W living Corner Elmer SI. TRAVIL Fourth Ward, Third District — room w/beamed cathedral celling, large formal dining, panelled (201)233-0065 Senior High School, Uo Dorian Rd family room, laundry and y% bath all on the first floor. Master bedroom suite, plus 3 other bedrooms, and 2 baths on the second OPPORTUNITY for students PAINTINM, HOOPING. Fourth Ward, Fourth District — floor. Central air conditioning, 200 amp, service, 2 car garage. aces 14-11 to live In Bwltser- OUTTRBa ANII RKPAIHR Senior High School MALTOtS Call ua for an appointment to see thla beautiful home. AMPLE PARKING and this summer. The European LEONARn MICKUI.KKI, ISV. Fourth Ward, Fifth District — BOTH OFFICESI Camplnjr Association la conduct- SH VALI.RY HOAO Jefferson School ing; two 4-week prosrrams in Zer- ito*ru,i.r: PARK, N, J. Information regarding polling 232-1400 matt. Your choice: from June 26 Fit KB KaTIMATR* places msy be obtained from the PHOKON-MNCU ACENCY FANWOOD GALLERY to July 22 or July 23 to Aujr. 31. Town Clerk's Office, 419 East Broad Ixclutlva area MajMMnteiHv* Hr "Parfaet Mam" 2M SOUTH AVENUE Live In your own chalet wit•"-h 8/3I/7J 4T Street, 211 aooo Monday through jther U. 8. students. Optional ALFRED Friday 9 5, Election Day 1 A.M. to I Comar Martin* Av«, activities include: Skiing, nlklnr, 225 LENOX AVENUE WESTFIELD, N. J. CALL 322-5800 ANY TIMI (201) 322-7700 mountain climbing, cycHng, ten- MBN'S HAIR HTVLIBT P.M. nis, swimming, Alpine camping, JOYC. VREELAND, French, dermal), photography, BVRHBR IMOP Town Clerk ISO PARK AVINUI SCOTCH PLAINS, N. J. ecology, arts and crafts, nature, 113 Qulmby St. 4 13 73 2T Feee«7e.W ontinental cooklns;, coed sports, WestKeld «M: ?W bus tour of ths Alps and By appointment 232-6353 pedal trips. For further I: 4/6/73 TF • AUTOS POR SALI • RANDOLPH-WIECMAN CO. Rath C. Tata 2I1-I<5« nation contaot Doutr Wlrht, 232- SPIRO'a PAINTINO Marl* C, WaMbwi 711-4114 or 4H9-448I...... s/12/73 "4"T Interior - Exterior Matron Mamtn OnWr .'. ll*-TJtl Call for free estimate I47-ED1I PARTS/ACCESSORIES H M. Cr«w 2I2-Stt4 WANTID 1/1/73 1IT for IMPORTS/SPORTS Mttkiate Lhrlni Meejeen oAhut Johnston,, Inc. • ILIM., CONTRACTING HOOKS — Vsei Books wanted — A MODIRNIZINQ WE GIVE PLAID STAMP! I SI MOUNTAIN AVI., WMTPIILft ''•.I ALTO* New Jersey's lariest-oldest-nlceif uppller. Ar»« nanctBtaUn far GI.BNMAMC PVVMWIina AND IMPORTED AUTO CBNTBH 232-4409 HBATINO COMPANY . •*>••« HallreM tlatlesi AIL rOINTI RKLOOAVION I'hilln nosenwald Merrielewa Bse-SUa MEIERDIERCK ft MAIM, INC Hot water heaters, plumbing re- NORTHSIDI COLONIAL TV SBTI WANTED >alrs gk alterations, sewers clean- portable 23" and Color rnr. Have Htate license. Call 381- BRAND NHW DUNK BUOOV $SM0© Call 6S7-««74 2->4-tf 233» day or evening. 1/J6/73TF with a 98 VW englno, Metallo RIALTORS NORTH WILLOW Green with White Vinyl ton. If you are seeking an older house .M 233-MTI. whfth has been perteoliy tnaintalnsii (and even improved aj TRII SUROIONS 4/12/73 2T witness a modern kitchen find Jalousled porohj . ; • I' *<»* "M « M" LISTINGS $44,900. INSTRUCTIONS want a good Westfieltl location (schools, town. Y, railroad sta- l«Tl VOLKSWAGEN KHAR-NAN tion) ... If a beautifully shrubbed yard means anything to If yaw Mlaw tM wlnsJInf paftii, ymt may KHMIIDI mil IXriRT CO. GIIIA — convertible: green with you , . . Ceasvlele ItMera Ts«e ienlee beige top: saddle Interior; 6,(100 maa* Mi« W , IMP P',Y-MOUTH noad Runner— room. nee. room In foasomeiit) ..rJisa, Amarlcan fumlililiift. A c*mpl«t« •tnw- ISTATI 383. Automatic. Jdnor, 1VB, 3a.0O0 SCOTCH PI 147,100, TUB SltD. tural mMttrnliatran hai left itathlnf t* miles, new tires I112C, Cull 4«4- PIANO i.masoNa TAUGHT MY APPRAISIRS E44S. • QUALITY 19J0 COLONIAL IN TOI> LOCATION. ItBUAX ON ba »JM* H»t cauM «M >• tha tnisyniMi* IXPORIRNOHD MUSICIAN, DAY ~ SOUTHSIDI SPLIT LIVIL fHB I'ATIO OH 1NTHH KITOHBN HATINO A<11DA AND BN- R nVHNINO CLAUSES, YOU It First Appraise!! Buy, sell, 1.TI1 country Squire 390390, , full $36,900 JOY AN OUTSTANDING VIHW, 3 IIISUIIOOMB. 2M OATH». •f Ihli ilit r«am Colwilal an • l*¥My Pan- IU>I;B<>nH (on MINssmfsgB , RBOINNKKncoi I Iradradee, mortvavetsrasre, orr even bebe- Dower, air condltlonlnercodltll . s; d 18T FLOOH FAMILY HOOM ANB LAUNDRY. 2 CAB AT- WOMI lacatlM, ih««ja«] by wlllawt aiHl WHLt'OMn. (JAM, TH-anT. ueath. Hut Tlrst Appralsell shapeh . 233.87172338717^ Four bedrooms, 814 batha, 8 car Kiimith ««J far minimum *«t*)««r ISO 10, Broad HI, Westnel2P T Js VOI,KI itM — sjood tires, new lltl RAIHtCU KANPII ON CUL-DK-BAC HTHHBT OKPK •fill acilool, student will tutor bHttery, recent tune up . 1400. Homo sully accessible In town, scliools, Gterilen Slate park- VBNIBNOa AND KAHY MAINTHNANOKK.. LIVING IIOIIOOMO . _ car*. It's truly ayr favarfta h*ma mmi wa inlor hlffh sohool or grammar JS4-4545 l/!/ll TK Call 233-M48. • way, nnhwAy — ttnd good-luokhiK. iVo KOOJf. MODHKN KITCIIHN, il IIHIIROOMBIIHIIROOMB , 22 DAT.i think yau'll Ilka ft, taa. Waa't yow call i» honl subjects, my house or FAMILY HOOM, « 1IATII. a l OAItAOB AT LOWB ours, C';*la l Turn 233-9911, I/2D TF • PIANO TUNING • • TMAILIRS POR SALI • PANWOOD SPLIT LEVEL, PANWOOD, 154,900, HIIRHHT YOUNO MBJlBB CHIMCMNT COIiONIAU UrTAH INSTMIICTlem — Folk Concert Tuner for major N. V, $54,900 W K ITCIIBfe« N T-oitciI'OllCII r '1H «-jiATlir> HATIIHT < "u uslo, oountry blues, flna/er plck- TV networks. Membor Piano AIHXTIWAM Trnvol Trnllors, 30 BlfTINO KUOhi AND IIRIMWOM Ol iK, bnvlnnem, classicalssical, theory Tnahnloiaiis Ciulld. Itobulldlnv, yrn oxporlonco Nlblnok Trnller Three tiodrounia, 1% bitths, ountral nlr-ootnlltlonlng. 5« WBBTFIBL,!), |BO,f,00, ui tiar training. ClCall l iu-iTi>iuiTi> Ijuyn and soils, all repairs— lone Hules B»l MoLenn Ave., Yonkers, • 233-1771. 2/1/73 TT mid tuuoli roirulRtlna*. 7Dn<1130, N V. 10 it) lull too Norm Uoorjcp Of esnoolnl Internnl! — a first level family rorim (iv.JOx 1>.«) oAlanJohnstoth, Inc. WaslilMKloli Hrldifo. 1/4/73 TF III nilJllliiii lii a largn MvltiK mum, full clliilnu rntim. iincl kltenan l/aC/73 TF with »i IIVK aiMiie, d)i!hwiish«r, tnul« l"l> r«nno and wall oven •'I Nata tha "T"| I.HAKNIWO OHI>TBM • rnirrHlilH In rfiadlMK, np«IHri« laa a KMI'S lovnl 18.4 x 11,9 den. REALTOR ill inath. I'rlvale hnrne lutorlnf, rII prlnin oond It I un. no cllaxnosllo Inatlnar Call 133- MEIERDIERCK & MAISH, INC. 111 netween noon anif INDIAN PORIST COLONIAL 1534 Ront$ %% 232-5664 Whtn you think of buying a homo, $191,000 RIALTORS MoHtttniftsuU Why iry tu flMorMm ihl» fl lwilriM.ii;. V*l>«th. all lirlok home — WtrrlliM MuKlsl* LMlNI • LOST AND POUND • II llisrili ft Kiwi! l<«'k. Mlogimt. J««l etegmit. ,OST — Haahkeeh »M-saaa>li think of Mo WottfloM Loador M#fwfc#r MHHI^M MttIfff Mlled Mtittes Mavlnits {lank of IITTY L. WIIGMAN 211 Ittt tmmi Stnuf WHt««M nwnrk, U. 3, (.'all Will am W, Ilinan IH4-4180, 4/13/78 ft IVM. Rat. 21MJI4 IVININCI I Aitknr MWt April lTth — nlnarln all-Mid Olaislfiotf PagosZ MUTN I, MIIIRPtMCK, 111.74*0 HMT> I, M MJJfJJ f nsarls between Ills llnlillm iiii •ILL MAIIH, f lliuroh and ««4 •Tn»Bsol Sireel, I. r»« teward — III«HS« UO.II aaa-101*. B 211.1154 H THB WESTFIKLU (N.4.) MCADKK, THl'KSOAV, 4t>HIL »», ItTJ*- Barbershoppers Will Sing New Post For Forsyth "Mini-SurvivaT Our F. Paul Forsyth, formerly former member of the Classes at UCTI For Union Alumni of Westfield, has been Professional Businessmen's named assistant vice Association of Liverpool, Nine mini-surviva An evaning of vibrant formed for the Alumni at the Changing president at City Federal N.Y., he has also served as a courses which will last five nog M rendered by a College and the evening of Savings and Loan weeks each will be offered robust, championship, 80- entertainment was so well Association according to an at Union County Technical man aggregation along with received that this conceit by announcement by Gilbert G. Institute this spring, It was • pair of noted barbershop the Montdair organization Schools Roessner, president of the 27 announced by Richard Kay, and atylixed quarteti it in was scheduled. by Donald 8. Roiser office institution. Forsyth director of continuing •tore for Union College The Cultural Arts Series is New Jersey Education presently serves as the education. alumni Saturday, May S. presented free of charge by Assn. mortgage representative for "Until the Lawyer Clarence Menzer of the Alumni Association and the Plalnrteid area for City Comes" will acquaint Fanwood, preaident of the Union College as a gesture One unsolved problem in Federal and is responsbile participants with many of Union College Alumni of appreciation to the education is deterring for mortgage origination in the technicalities governing Aaaociation, haa announced alumni for their support children from smoking. the Western Union County real estate- and automobile that the festive evening will over the years. From amid student-made and Somerset County areas. contracts, will be the final offering in the Those wishing to obtain fumes, health teachers are Prior to joining City repossession, marital and Association's Cultural Arts tickets for the performance asking "Where did we go Federal in 1972, Forsyth was divorce procedures, Series. It will be held at B should contact the Alumni wrong?" associated with First criminal arrest, and in- .m. in the Cranford Offloe . A limit of four tickets The poblem is obvious. Federal Savings and Loan of dividual rights. Sampus Center Theatre. per family has been 'Not only are more young Westfield as Us mortgage "Residential Central Air Entertainment will be established. people smoking than ever loan officer and manager of Conditioning Installation" is provided by The Montclalr before," reports Walter G. their Woodbridge office. In designed for the homeowner Chorua, Society for The James, vice president for August or 1972, he was who has an existing fan The wiaaer of WestfleM-MomaUlflstde B'nai B'rila's third annual photo show, Steve* Preservation and public education of the named mortgage forced hot air system and Rakitt of Wayne, la pictured above (left) receiving a plaque for Ms photo "Will The American Cancer Society, representative at City who would like to purchase Last One, Please Turn Off The Light." David Bregman, president of the lodge presents Encouragement of Bar- the award. The show's theme was "Ecology: Beaullflcauon or Destruction", and mere bershop Quartet Singing In but smoking is starting Federal and wai assigned to P. Paul Forsyth and install a central air America, which is com- younger and younger in our the association's Plainfield conditioning system in his than 2M print* were submitted. prised of 80 mm and ii one children." office. director of the Chamber of own home. of OK largest chapters of its Many published materials A native of Oswego, N.Y., Commerce in Westfield and kind in the state. This are based on the false Forsyth attended the Woodbridge. He is a former Seven other courses, all Chorus during its long assumption that alerting Elmira Aviation Ground first vice president of the designed to make life easier career has walked off with students to the dangers of School in Elmira, N.Y., and Lions Club of Westfield. for the home or car owner, many area and divisional smoking would stop them served in the United State* will be offered this spring. titles and has entertained from doing it. Scare tactics Air Force in Central Europe Classes will be held on five HERSHEY'S throughout the Eastern won't even keep an obese during World War II. A Saturday mornings Seaboard. Following its woman from eating banana Booz, Allen beginning Apr. 28 from » appearance in Cranford, the splits or persuade a grown "A Personal Memo For a.m. until noon. GIANT SUBMARINES Itn Mid-Atlantic District man to drive more Today", a brochure ex- Among the other courses ChorO Champions will carefully. There's little hope plaining the process of Elects offered will be motorcycle prepare to represent 5,000 that it will work with breast self-examination is tune-up, lawnmower barbershoppers In the children on an activity as available, free of charge, by maintenance and repair, International Contest slated complex as smoking is. contacting the Union County Farley keypunch operation, basic for Portiano, Oregon, later "Smoking takes in Unit of the American filmmaking, practical house this Spring. questions of social Cancer Society, 512 West- At a recent board of wiring, creative cooking on The two quartets that will psychology, history, minster Avenue, Elizabeth. directors meeting, Booz, a budget, and spring perform are "The Perfect Dennis V. Crow of l«l economics, family Allen k Hamilton Inc. automotive maintenance. Alibis" of Asbury Park and Woodacres Dr., Moun- relationships, and peer sisters, and remind them of elected James B. Farley of Westfield, as well as the tainside, recently group behavior - to mention their influence on children's Weitfield as president. A brochure outlining "Yankee Doodle Dandies" celebrated his 30-year an- only a few of the involved smoking behavior," James Mr. Farley, currently a topics to be covered in each of Livingston. niversary with Esso elements," James com- suggests. "Of what use is it group vice president and a class may be obtained by Coordinating the Research and Engineering ments. "It is woven into the to give children the facts director, has served many contacting Mr. Ksy at the arrangements between the Company. Mr. Crow works fabric of human cussedness about cigarettes when they of the firm's industrial and technical institute. vocal groups and the College as a photographer In which seems often to drive continually see adults go off commercial clients and has OPEN EASTER SUNDAY is Daniel Heyburn, of research corporate services some of us directly toward to have a smoke?" been in charge of Cranford, a member of the division st the Esso the things we know are bad Finally, James urges that management consulting and Westfield Colonial Chorus. Research Center In Linden. for us. And, of course, let's educational programs "Let No Woman Be 8:30 A.M. to MIDNIGHT It was a year ago that the Mr. Crow Joined the com- not overlook the constant aimed at children begin Overlooked" is the slogan of pany In 1S43. the Union County Task Westfield Chapter per- skillful manipulation of this earlier in life. Where Force To Conquer Uterine aspect of the human spirit smoking education usually Cancer. As part of a Sets Academy Exam Dale by the best brains in ad- starts in the 7th or 8th nationwide project of the Hershey Ice Cream & Delicatessen Senator Clifford P. Case to legal residents of New vertising In most of the grades, it should originate countries of the world." by 4th grade. American Cancer Society, today announced plans to Jersey. All persons desiring the goal of the Task Force is MONDAY THRU SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT hold a Civil Service to take the test should write Children are more in- The only comfort teachers to encourage every' woman examination on Saturday, to Senator Case, Room 315, fluenced by what they see can take from their efforts in Union County to have a Sept. 29, to assist him inOld Senate Office Building, adults do than by what they in smoking education is that "pap" test by 1976. The test selecting his nominees for Washington, DC. 20510. hear adults tell them. The it may have kept some is simple, painless and only 221 SOUTH AVE., E., WESTFIELD the U.S. Air Force, Military, Applicants should beat least approach that James students from getting takes a few minutes. You Naval and Merchant Marine 17 years of age and must not suggests is to stop trying to hooked. "Without our can help by having your Academics, for the classes have reached their 22nd change children and, in- educational efforts," James "pap" test and urging 232-9788 entering in the summer of birthday by July 1 of the stead, try to change adults. says, "the quoted figures others to do the same. It 1974. year in which they will enter "Let's seek out teachers, might be even more may save your life or that of NEXT TO HICKORY FARMS The examination is. open one of the academics. parents, older brothers and distressing." a friend or neighbor. 30-MILE VIEW James B.Farley information systems divisions. He will continue to be based in the firm's New York office. Mr. Farley, 42, joined THE Booz, Allen & Hamilton in 1963 and was elected a vice president in 1966. Prior to joining the GANT ATTITUDE company, he held management positions with the Crowell-Colller Publishing Company and with the United States Steel Corporation. He received his B.S. degree in business adminis- tration from Duquesne Uni- versity and his M.B.A, from Renaissance of the button-down Case-Western Reserve Uni- oxford, reborn with new versity. vitality, new lines. In polyester cotton with Gant's tailored fit, single-needle ,•;,',•« Wanted-Fuiure stitching, meticulous detail. By Gant Shirtmakers Miss America Union County girls are being offered an opportunity for fame' and fortune TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN through participation in the Miss Union County Pageant $84,500 which will be presented May 19 at the Scotch Plains Gorgeous new listing on the very top of the Watchung Fanwood High School auditorium. Range in Mountainside commanding a breathtaking The local pageant, panoramic view of the surrounding countryside. This sponsored by the Fanwood Scotch Plains Jaycees, has custom built home was designed for its hilltop been a proven success with site by famed "early American" architect, Ray O. Peck, five of its winners going on to become Miss New Jersey The exciting 8 plus room plan includes 4 bedrooms, during the past thirteen 2 baths, double garage, screen porch and library years. Any girls residing in Neck Sizes: 141/i-17 with corner picture windows. Flagstone patio in the or going to school In Union Sleeve Sizes: 32-35 County, between 18 and 28 beautiful yard and an inground swimming pool. Truly years of age, single and a Colors: Blue, Yellow a remarkable home available because of retirement. senior In or a high school $13.00 graduate may be nominated as entrant in the pageant. Matching Striped Tie: $6.50 While there is a BARRETT & C RAIN tremendous amount of prestige for the girl who goes on to represent Union ft ft ft ft REALTORS ft ft ft ft County in the Miss New Jersey Pageant, there is also I he opportunity for "Three Colonial Offlcei' substantial scholarship awards. The winner of the Miss New Jersey pageant 2 New Providence Road .... 233-1800 receives a $1000 scholarship and the winner of the Miss America Pageant receives it $10,000 scholarship. 43 Elm Street ••I., • «• » • 232-1800 13111 Newell, director of the MISB Union County Pufiuanl, Is accepting nominations 264 E. Broad'St.; W.irfl.ld Liberty Corner (Basking Ridge) . . . 647-5700 and ask thatanyone who Is interested contact him at 119 AD 2*2900 Hunter Ave., Fanwood. PARKINS DIRECTLY TO REAR QF 8TDRE -THE WE8TTIELD (NJ.) LEAUKR, THI RSOAV, AtHU. ID, l»78 l'aKr 1.1 Social and Club News of the Westfield Area

Carol Stempl, John Cook Women To Mark On Honeymoon In West Indies Conclusion Of The Presbyterian Church attendant. Bridesmaids was the setting Saturday wen Mrs. Vemon Lyle, UJA Campaign morning for the wedding of Mn. William Lott and Mm. "One Day for UJA," the Miss Carol Elinor Stempel, Arthur Kaufman, annual luncheon which has daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Serving Mr. Cook as best come to signify the con- Bruno Stempel of 17 man was Frank Ueto of clusion of the Women's Woodbrook Circle, to John Trenton. Ushers were Division United Jewish Frederick Cook. He is the Donald and Robert Cook, Campaign, will be held at 10 son of Donald Cook and Mrs. brothers of the bridegroom, a.m. Thursday, May 3 at the Edgar Wrightson of and Jim Stempel, the Trenton. Short HiUs Caterers. bride's brother. Mn. Reuben NateUon, The eleven thirty o'clock president of the Women's ceremony, performed by the Mn. Cook, a graduate of Westfield schools and Division of the Union County Rev. Dr. Frederick Jewish Federation, has Christian, was followed by a Gettysburg College, is a member of Alpha Delta Pi revealed that the program Mr. and Mn. Edgar F. Widin reception at the Towers, will include an up-to-date Mountainside. After a sorority and Pi Lambda Sigma honorary. She is an analysis of the situation in Widins Mark Golden Wedding honeymoon in St. Maarten, the Middle East by Col. Edgar messages from well-wis Dutch West Indies, the associate manager with WidiMrn. oanf d6 MrsKare. nEdga Terracr Fe. wamessages a congraturaiors from well-wishery Tetters Prudential Insurance Co. Stella Levy, of the Israeli couple will reside in Roseile Defense Forces, and as a recently celebrated their from Governor Cahill. Park. Her husband is an salute to Israel's 25th An- 50th wedding anniversary Escorted to the altar by ahimnusofRiderCollege.He niversary, the presentation with a dinner for family and her father, the bride had is assistant controller for of "To Live Another Sum- friends at Redwood Inn, THERE'S NO Miss Gretchen Senff of Gentry International, mer", the Broadway show Bridgewater. SUBSTITUTE Hatfield. Pa. as her honor Fairlawn. now making special ap- Mr. and Mrs. Widin were pearances around the married April 7, 1923 in St. for United States. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Philadelphia. Mr. KNOWLEDGE Invitations have been sent Widin has been a Westfield to women throughout Union IT COSTS NO MORE TO County. Since seating is resident since early I limited, women are urged to childhood. She moved here Store Your Furs make their reservations as after their marriage. P«ttr Wallburg soon as possible. The Widins are parents of Mr*. Douglas Lambert Irwin the late Edgar G. Widin and Master Furrier Mr*. William J. FarnnM "To Live Another Sum- mer", the musical revue of of R. Peter Widin of Wat- MINIMUM RATES Wedding Ceremony Unites Jewish and Israeli history chung. There arc seven MAXIMUM CARE Linda Seals Is Bride from Noah to Golda, has grandchildren. FREE APPRAISAL Miss Meierdierck, Mr. Irwin been called by various Among the many Of William Farneski critics "joyous, spirited, To Be Initiated CUSTOM CLIANMt* Baskets of white car- chiffon with bands of venise Miss Joanne Meierdierck, R.I., their cousin; Charles wonderful, wry, sen- it FURS * CLOTH daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Meierdierck III of timental, humorous and James R. Barrett is one of nations and gladioli lace and a matching 10 Belmont Abbey College MAN-MADE "FURS" decorated the Presbyterian headpiece. Similarly attired Charles G. Meierdierck Jr. Manchester, Conn., the gently life-assertive." It of 1412 Orchard Rd., bride's brother; John H. opened in October, 1971, students who will be Church Saturday afternoon in yellow chiffon were her initiated into the North MMOOILINO for the marriage of Miss other attendants, Miss Jane Mountainside, and Douglas Greene of Westfield and stayed on Broadway until Lambert Irwin, son of Mr. Gary W. Hunt of Roxboro, the Spring of 1972, went on Carolina Rho Chapter of Pi MPAIRINtt Linda Jean Seals, daughter Seals, another sister; Miss Gamma Mu, national social of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Suzanne Bideau, a cousin, and Mn. William Irwin of N.C. tour, and is back with an all- MLININft 640 Prospect St., were Israeli cast. science honor society. A Seals of 1136 Central Ave., and Miss Clare Donnelly. Mrs. Irwin and her rising senior and a dean's Free I and William J. Farneski, united in marriage the af- husband are graduates of Mrs. Stanley Sloane of Serving his brother as ternoon of April 7. list student, he is the son of son of Mrs. Andrew Far- best man was John Far- Westfield High School. She Westfield is co-chairing the Mr. and Mrs. Frederick neski of Dunellen and the neski. Ushers were Fred The Rev. Canon Richard earned a B.A. degree in event. Other area women Barrett, 769 First St. late Mr. Farneski. DeMarco, Joseph Chyb and J. Hardman officiated at the sociology from Douglass assisting are Mrs. Alan Vince Farrington. four o'clock ceremony in St. College. The bride is the Fromer and Mrs. Arthur A reception at Arbor Inn, Paul's Episcopal Church. A granddaughter of Mrs. Sommerfield. Senior Accepted "Weilllald't Fur Shop Piscataway, followed the Miss Farneski, Class of o< Distinction" reception fallowed at the Charles G. Meierdierck of Stephanie A. Cimaglia is four o'clock ceremony at l»67 at Westfield High Mountainside Inn. Mountainside and the late MI88ROO8NAMED which the Rev. Richard School, was graduated in Mr. Meierdierck, formerly TO PHI BETA KAPPA one of 106 high school Smith officiated. For her 1970 from the Somerset Escorted to the altar by seniors to be accepted into 34* I. MOAO IT1IIT her father, the bride wore a vice president of the Oppoilt* Klallo Thcotra wedding the bride wore an Hospital School of Nursing. Fidelity Union Trust Karen Richardson Roos a the Class of 1977 at Mount wutniio n empire style dress of angel Her husband is an alumnus princess style wedding member of the Class of 1974 Holyoke College under the dress of peau de sole Company of Newark-, and of crepe enhanced with of Dunellen High School. the late Gen. and Mn. at Brown University, has Early Decision Plan. A DONTRETItt Chantilly lace and a bouf- They are on a wedding trip trimmed with venise lace. been selected as a new senior at Westfield High Her long illusion veil fell Charles S. Glelm, formerly member by the Rhode fant veil which fell.from a to Florida. . : . . of WesUield and Wilton, School, she is the daughter THAT TIRED OLD FUR- Juliet cap. The bridegroom's mother from • hcadpieot qC match- Island Alpha of Phi Beta of Mr. and Mrs. John .. Bradford BacNraeh ing lace. She carriea •' N.H. Kappa and was initiated on Cimaglia, 21 Bennett PJ IT I Miss Karen Seals, her entertained at the rehearsal cascade bouquet of daisies Mr. Irwin, an accountant sister's maid of honor, wore dinner in the Coral Lounge, Mn. John Frederick Coast Aprflll. a long dress of Nile green South Plainfield. and babies breath. with Haskins and Sells, The daughter of Mrs. Maid of honor was Miss Newark, was awarded a Marian Roos, »1 Wells St., Anita Mendez of Princeton. B.S. degree in business and she Is seeking a B.A. in Mrs. Montgomery To Address NSA L.F. Cagnassolas Renew Vows Bridesmaids were Miss economics at Lehigh ColonialHill Janet C. Porter of Westfield University. He is a grandson lection at Brown is Learning Center "Better Secretaries Mean Club, for secretaries and On 50th Wedding Anniversary and Mn. Franklin of the late Mrs. Anna F. especially difficult since Cm Iliad by N.I. Slal* Dap t. of Education Better Business" is the their bosses, will be Mrs. Srodgrass of Mobile, Ala., Irwin of Millburn and the many students take courses theme of the 22nd Annual Charlotte Montgomery of the bride's sister. With their late Mr. and Mrs. John S. on a satisfactory no credit Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Cagnassola of Westfield, Ware of Short Hills. Hit NURSERY SCHOOL Secretaries Week to be Westfield, contributing Cagnassola of Manasquan, long flower print dresses bssis. In the spirit of iTntaaJpacaky A.M. in*- P.M. Snacks owned the Broad Street they wore large straw hats maternal grandmother was observed April 22-21. It U editor of Good formerly of Westfield, Delicatessen and Brown's new curriculum, V WsttEiMiapairfaycroi sponsored by The National Housekeeping magazine. and carried baskets of Mildred Lambert whose the national society of Phi Directed Pioywn marked their golden wed- Restaurant, East Broad St. family owned and operated Secretaries Association To be honored at the ding anniversary on Sun- f torn 1919. In 193S, he and his daisies. Beta Kappa places great IPORTATION •flOVIOip" (International). luncheon are Miss Nancy M. W. John Irwin II of the historic Lambert's Mill Importance on written day. wife, the former Una Ratti of Scotch Plains. Mrs. Gertrude Moren of Scaiessa of New The day began when the of Cranford, obtained the Pasadena, Calif., was best evaluation forms from WESTFIELD Call Elizabeth, assistant Providence, this year's couple renewed their first Package Liquor Store man for his brother. After a wedding trip to professors which sup- secretary and assistant recipient of a chapter marriage vows in a mass at license in Westfield and Ushering were Richard F. Bermuda, the Irwlns will be plement the simple "S" treasurer of C.H. Winans scholarship award, and Holy Trinity Church. Altar renovated the business Into Langborgh of Warwick, at home in Ricky Hill. grade. Company, Roseile, it Miss Donna Ayers of Scotch boys were their grandsons, "The Broad Street TO BE IN SWIM SHOW chairman of Secretaries Plains, secretary to Charles Mark and Christopher Delicatessen and Uquon. Week activities for the B. Wigton Jr., president of Mary Louise Kupfer, Cagnassola. The mass was They retired In 1963, moving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Union County Chapter of Wigton-Abbott Corporation, followed by a breakfast in from their home on Hyslip NSA. Speaker at the Plainfield, who has been Milton Kupfer of 972 the home of their only son, Ave. to the Jersey shore. Cherokee Ct. and a Bucknell chapter's annual executive chosen the chapter's Louis R. Cagnassola and his luncheon at Colonia Country Secretary of the Year. The Cagnassolas are freshman, is one of 28 wife, 416 Westfield Ave. parents also of two other students selected to take In the evening, the couple daughters; Gloria, who is part In the 1973 aquatic show was surprised at a dinner married to Mario April 26, 27 and 29 by Syn- party in the American diGirolamo of Toms River, chronettes, the women's Hotel, Freehold, attended and Dolores, who is married synchronized swim club at FOR YOUR by 90 relatives and friends. to Gerald G. Robertson of the University. This year's The party was hosted by 544 Hort St. There are 17 presentation is titled their daughter, Franclne grandchildren. ''Liquid Refreshment." and her husband, Philip T. EASTER NEEDS Blado of Freehold. Guests NAMED BY DEAN Included the Rt. Rev. Diane Chewey, daughter Raymond Waldron of St. of Mr. and Mrs. John Wedding Cokes Michael's Church, Union, Chewey of 665 Carleton Rd. AtW for Loirr . . . WE HAVE A and Mrs. James Cagnassola and a senior at Marywood Auwtwl Wnlatun COMPLETE SELECTION of Westfield who was maid College, Scranton, Pa., has Pnfelti of honor at the wedding in been named to the second OP 1923 at St. Michael's Church, honors dean's list for the fall LAMB CAKES Cranford. semester. She is working HEN CAKES Mr. Cagnaisola, son of the towards a B.S, degree in EQG CAKES EASTER CARDS late Mr. and Mn. John J. psychology. mar^ie s cake Gifts Design Problems? box

Planning To Redecorate? 1M« SOUTH AVE. Man's Diamond PLAINflELD Ring: $300. Party Goods IN«m T.rtlll Fid.) Cloiad Mondayl 755-S311 GIVE Just bocauso It's April. And April's blrthsrone BARRICINI CANDY Is the diamond. Or just bocauso ho's wonderful. Indulge him with n diamond, WHfiBtone FOR EASTER Detlgner and Decorator ol lovo. From Mcircuo A dazzling diamond, Tht surrounded by soil wWo\ black antiquing Of In 11K gold. Junt one In a stunning collection. W« will wrap •««" RMII y«»r Interior* TURH-STYlf Unsuio about dlnmond solocllon? Don't glvo purcham anywhtr* ft a thoughl. You don't Imvo to know diamonds. SPECIAL *6" You just havo ta know Marcua. There Is No Substitute for training ANTIQUM AND Jeannette's Gift Shop and 23 years of professional experience, SKOND HAND She's 3 to 8X and a city slicker s vinyl patch-pock- I'orAn Interior Fresli In Approach, rURNITUM et coat with Its own hat & matching umbrella. HwdquorHrt far HaHftiark Car* and Sarrltlnl Candy Exciting, functional, Practical and Designed and gehf $6.00 for 3 pieces. 227 I. Broad Stawl In Accord with Individual NIWDS. SHOP IN WIITMUO - aiMMY - IMVICI - VAIUH Estate Sales Managed Tht pillion lo pawn In/tin R«ar Intrant* to Munlil|H>l Parkins U« 23J-107K —For Appointment Call— jane smi Optn Thursday iv.nlng 'III 9 p.m. Robert Reay 17231. Steam) St. Thuri, 9 to 9 Ketch Platni WCENfTAA•Nil t AVENUE, WESTFIELD, N.I. (POM 206 E. Broad St. / WE8TFIEID, N.J. / 233 06H 1M-70M Phono 232-4B00 Alto In RUTHERFORD, RIDQEWOOO stid HACKEN9ACK OMNTMUM.TiLIP*. 754-0270 MMCUS CIIAHOI AMtmcAN iirntsi IMMMtMCMD Open 0:30 a.m. to 8 p,m. Prat Cuttomsr >trHbn ht our Lot it 1*1 INIMT Strict tfmf 16 THK WKSTFIELD (KJ.) LKADEH, THVKSDAY, APKIL. 18. I»7S- Academy Staging Men Catching Up to Women "Man of la Mancha " In Benefits Behearsals have begun membership from local the coming weeks. E. You generally hear for the spring production of junior high, high school and Robert Norris has charge of nowadays about women "Man of La Mancha." The college age youth. The scenic design, Mrs. Samuel lacking equality with men - Cervantes musical which Westfield Recreation Stone will handle but it has been the other way has achieved nationwide Commission continues to costuming, Mrs. Lawrence around in figuring success for its musical sponsor its activities. Sheldon will serve as retirement benefits under scores, choreography, and In addition to regular choreographer, and ' John social security, according to dramatic impact, will be shows, Director Edwin Wallace will handleset con- Ralph W. Jones, social presented by the Westfield lUiano has run a continuous struction and lighting. security district manager in Academy of the Performing workshop program since Arts May 18 and 19. Elizabeth. 1989. Assisted by Barbara Limited openings still "For example," Jones The Westfield area public Sheridan of Westfield, they exist. Young people in- said, "a woman of SS who will remember former have also presented benefit terested in volunteering for has always earned the Academy productions. shows to veteran and senior the ensemble should contact maximum amount that These include "L'il Abner," citizen groups. Fully in- Mrs. Sheridan of 836 St. could be credited for social "A Streetcar Named corporated, the academy Marks Ave. Present needs security would get about Desire," "Picnic" and holds the status of a non- include percussion, taav a month if the retires "Guys and Dolls." In Its profit educational organiza- woodwind and brass. Male fourth year, the Academy now. But a man - who is the tion. Several professionals chorus aspirants should same age and has exactly continues to draw its entire will lend their expertise in contact director Illiano. Auditions will be arranged. the same earnings - would April rehearsals will be held get only «2S0." twice a week. The youthful The new social security RONl MAHLER, former ballerina of American Ballet company hopes to ignite Preparing for the Kitchen Tour and Brunch May 5, sponsored by the Woman's Club of law will eliminate that Theater, will»Jar !r> (hepremiere of Gabrielta Darvaih's Westfield with a not-so- Westfield are, /rom left, Mrs. David Baizer with poster; Mrs. Charles M. Pond, club difference over the next 3 "Walpurgls Nght" In a Garden State Ballet per- impossible dream and president; Mrs. Herbert Frapwell and Mrs. George W. Frqter. years, he said. formance, alto featuring George Balanchlne classics, at sponsors and participants Under present law, S p.m.. May 20, at Westfield High School will attempt to draw benefit amounts for both surrounding populations to men and women are based the exxclusive Westfield Brunch During Kitchen Tour on average earnings, but Ballet Benefit Committee showing. average earnings are figured up to age 62 for May 5 Will Feature Omelets women and up to age 65 for Adds Directors men. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. lormer soloist of American Omelets, coffee cake, terned their kitchen after a col lee cakes were tested 'Both men and women Sommerfield of Lynn Lane, Ballet Theater, will guest BATESPROCTER juices and beverages will be mural of Montmartre they Monday. Thirty two Mrs. Thomas J. Mullancy star in the Westfield per- Louise Rozene, daughter can strike out some years of offered at the brunch to be have on one wall depicting members will serve at the low earnings, but because Jr. of Highland Ave. and formance, along with Paul of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin served at the Woman's Club an outdoor cafe by using a club and will be on duty in Mrs. E.L. MacDonald of Russell of Arthur Mitchell's Rozene, has been selected the different ages are used it of Westfield May 5 during its similar breakfast table and the homes. works out that men must use Hawthorne Drive have been Dance Theater of Harlem. Our Basket of Beauty- as a proctor for the 1973-74 Tour of Kitchens from 10 garden chairs. The outdoor named to top planning posts academic year at Bates Mrs. George W. Fraser is 3 more years of earnings a.m. - 2 p.m. feeling is reinforced by the chairman of hostesses and than women do in figuring for the Garden State Ballet's College, Lewiston, Maine. A white linoleum floor benefit performance at 8 EARNS 4.» AVERAGE sophomore biology major, Five area houses will be of brunch arrangements. the average yearly earnings is waiting for opened for the tour. One of resembling stone pavement Tickets for the event may on which the monthly p.m. May 20, at Westfield she is a reporter for the and another wall of High School. Elizabeth Griffin has been student newspaper and a the older homes is that of be purchased from com- benefit rate is based," Jones Mr. and Mrs. D.F. Sweet at simulated brick. Under the mittee members, at Felice's explained. Heading the committee named to the honor roll at mamber of the Campus Transylvania University for 544 Lenox Ave. Each room cabinets of cherry wood and at Lancaster's. Under the new law, men for the Westfield per- Association. She also serves has been attractively over the white formica formance are Kenneth E. the winter quarter with a as a tutor, and is active in who reach 62 in 1973 will be perfect 4.0 Average. The restored and the kitchen counter are florescent able to drop an additional Hill of Golf Edge and John the College-based Big- lights. Between the stove daughter of Mr. and Mrs. made particularly ap- WITTENBERG CHOIR year of low earnings, men T. Scott of Canterbury Brother, Big-Sister pealing. wall and sink is a folding, Road. John H. Griffin, has com- program. reaching 62 in 1974 will drop pleted required courses for HAIR CARE The Sweets have pat- sectional door allowing easy SETSPRECEDENTS an additional 2 years, and The performance by Fred access to Lazy Susan the A.B. degree in Sally A. Staub of 533 Birch men reaching 62 in 1975 will Daniel!'s Garden State shelves. Beside the sink is a Ballet will highlight two elementary education and EXTRAORDINAIRE Ave., a Wittenberg drop an additional 3 years. will be formally graduated iss cutting board, also University student from Also, reduced benefits will clastic masterpieces by good for hot pots. Adding to George Balanchlne, his from Transylvania on June Westfield, traveled with the now be provided for non- 3. the scene is a street lantern. Wittenberg Choir this spring disabled widowers at age 60, 'Concerto Barocco," to Other homes on the kit- during the singing group's as is now the case for Bach's Double Violin chen tour are those of Mr. 10-day concert tour of Spain widows. toncerto, and "Valse SENIORS ACCEPTED and Mrs. V.J. LeGrange, and Portugal. So in 1975, at least in Fantaisie," a frolic to BYMT.HOLYOKE 1384 Outlook Dr., Moun- The 80-voice choir set these respects, men and Glinka. Two Weatfield High tainside; Mr. and Mrs. F.J. numerous precedents for women will be just alike," Also billed for the School seniors have been Waehler, 760 Lawrence American singing groups in Jones said. Westfield stage is the U.S. accepted Into the Class of Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. John the Iberian Penniiuula. It premiere performance of l»77 at Mount Holyoke Sheppard, 100 Winchester Gabrlella Darvash's bac- •BATINO AIR CONDITIONING was the first co-educational Benefits Will Aid College under the Early Way, and Mr. and Mrs. F.J, group toting in the choir loft chanal from the opera Decision Plan. They are FUR Oil Schilling, 6S0 Washington St. 471 NORTH AVE. E.. WESTF1ELD of the Cathedral of Toledo in Vietnam Children Faust" • - the "Walpurgls Susan M. Moran, daughter ADarai Mill In the clubhouse, the 300 years, the first Reports on lait weekend's Night" scene she created for of Mr. and Mrs. James C. tOO ELMER ST. WESTFIELD 232-0700 Omelet King, Jerry Holmes, American singing group to garage sale will be made a Rumanian premiere in Moran, 301 Massachusetts lUbllihed by F. B. McDowell — 1921 will prepare five omelets a perform In the private 969. St., and Mellnda A. Shapiro, CALL FOR APPOINTMENT CLOSED MONDAY minute. Recipes for the thia evening when Friends residential palace of the of Children of Vietnam meet Sara Leland, principal daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal of Seville, the most dancer of the New York City Jack Shapiro. 46 Sandy Hill in the home of Nancy Krivit, Rd. prestigious religious figure 37 Dale Dr.. Edison. Ballet, and Roni Mahler, in Spain. The Wittenberg Even though our military concert the Cardinal at- involvement has ended, the ROYAL WORCESTER: tended that same evening is group is still sending believed to be the first • "»«*§jii financial support to or- PASSPORT PHOTOS American choir concert he phanages in Vietnam. ever attended. Future money raising After a spontaneous projects include selling QUICK SERVICE performance in the candy, cake and stationary Alhambra of Granada, the April 28 during the fair at choir was invited to sing at the Fanwood Railroad an international music Station and a pot luck festival there in June. The supper May 5 in the home of Women of the choir were the Nancy Gard. To start the first females ever permitted ummer, a moonlight picnic to sing in the choir loft in the s planned June 16 in SOUTH AVENUE 233 6662 WESTFIELD cathedral of the Monastery >inceton. of St. Jerome in Lisbon, Portugal, since its con- struction SOO years ago. It is also believed that the Wittenberg Choir is first American choir ever to sing I at a Portugese wedding. Europe*73 Police Wives Make Donations Free The Police Wives of Westfield Association voted April 10 to donate $50.00 to '- •;;<>.,.- .l!i the Westfield Rescue Squad. They also voted to donate a FroHere's thme book (hat make CIEs Europe Irresistible. And It's yours!, tree to the town to be free, from CIE. 32 pages of everything you need to know planted on Arbor Day on the about planning, enjoying and getting your money's worlh out of grounds of the Municipal a trip to Europe. With the people who know Europe best. Building honoring all Just clip and send the coupon. Once you've read1 all about Westfield police officers. Europe, you'll want to see II lor yourself. I The women will sponsor a ! bake sale Saturday, May 12, Trsvelong . 122 Elm St. at the Big Buy store on Elm Telephone (212) 765-5530 Now your table can be completely set St. It will begin at 9 a.m. Esc Please aend me youf Europe 73 Vacallom Programme with escorted tours t Choice of 15 countries and unescorted lours ol 15, 17 and 21 days, at land tares Irom with imported Royal Worcester every- • Cholca of 3 tofl countrie s per thing. After a day of baking, boiling, sim- tour on tours ranging from IS J240 to 5660. • to 22 days • Expert CIE Name . . mering, sauteeing, the casseroles, souf- couriers on every escorted fles and baking dishes are still refreshed tour • Helplul CIE hosts on Street ______unescorted lours. City. , Stale 7lp enough to join the matching dinner To see what'i coming your way plates, soups, salads, cups and saucers at from CIE, send the coupon. the table. In luscious Fruit and Flower Then see your Travel Agent. patterns.

The new gourmet likes cooking-with-porcelain, eating-with-porcelain. In ,2 fine English dinnerware patterns with 42 flameproof oven-to-tableware collectibles in each. OIL MAT Choose your favorite pattern or serving pieces at miunMMi Traveling INC. CONVsNMNTTUUM PKMH iai-i4ta 122 ELM ST. WESTFIELD • 233*2300 Chatham • Summit • Elizabeth, OPEN THURSDAY lane smith FREE CUSTOMER PARKING ENF UMttM • tUUWOM • MIIIIW EVENINGS 137CEN/TRAL AVENUE, WESTFIELD, N.f. 07090 IN OUR LOT aUfttUUI • |U»WMI • IMS Short Jfills e miltown UNTIL 9 PM, Phone 232-4800 At 132 Elmer St. THE WE8TFIKLD N.J.) LKAUKR. TIU'KMIAV. AFHII. If). I8M I'u, IT M'side Residents African Violet Show, Sale To Appear On TV Begins Tomorrow Evening Mr. and Mrs. Alan Goldenberg and Dr. and The 20th annual Violet Shows, There will be artistic Mrs. Edward Noe of Show and Plant Sale of the plantings, a horticultural Mountainside will appear on Union County Chapter of the division and a design the David Susskind show, African Violet Society . of division. For those who have "Marriage Encounter", america opens its doors at 6 questions about one of A- which wiU be aired Easter p.m. tomorrow in the merica's most popular Sunday, April 22, at 11:30 american Legion Hall, 1003 houseplantstherewill be an p.m. on Channel S. North Ave., West. educational display table "Marriage Encounter" is The doors will close at 10 where experts will give a movement that is p.m., but reopen at 8 a.m. advice on the propagation sweeping the world. It was Saturday until 4 p.m. and culture of violets. started in Spain and came to Admission is free. Violets on the stage will be this country in 1967. It has The theme, "Reflections" courtesy of Max Maas of spread rapidly throughout notes the chapter's two Hilton Dahlia Farm, the United States. Briefly. decades of African Violet Springfield, Marriage Encounter is a week-end experience for married couples at every CITED AT DARTMOUTH Clarkin is cited for an out- level of happiness, wherein A Dartmouth College standing final examination. they learn to Improve freshman from Westfield A very promising student." communication, gain a new has been cited by a The son of Mr. and Mrs. insight into themselves, professor of English for out- James Clarkin, M2 Summit each other and the feelings standing academic Ave., he is a l«72 graduate of achievement during the past Westfield Senior High ' Barbara Scott R««l Gtorf arm Franc** Ro*t Sutan Maria Motte* Katnleen Jo Freiherr they share in all aspects of their life together. term. Sean Clarkin was School where he was a cited by Professor Jeffrey member of the National Barbara Reel Georgann Rost To Wed In June Susan Mottes Miss Freiherr Plights Troth Hart who wrote "Mr. Honor Society. Kick-Off Party Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. George F. employed at Decorators Plans Wedding The engagement of Miss She is an alumna also of Rost of 227 Golf Edge have Decor Gift Shop, 228 E. Kathleen Jo Freiherr, who Kansas State University For Outing Club Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. announced the engagement Broad St. Mrs. C. A. Mottes of 1610 served for a year as a where she majored in in- of their daughter, Georgann Mr. Puelsch is a graduate Summit Ave. announces the VISTA volunteer in Miami, terior design. Persona interested in Reel of Tanglewood Lane, weekend and day trips, a Mountainside, have an- Frances to Friedrich Luer of Gewerbliche Lehran- engagement and ap- Fla., to First Lieut. Mark Her fiance, son of Mr. and Puelsch, son of M r. and Mrs. stalten in Bremerhaven, proaching marriage of her Steven Fowler, U.S. M.C., Mrs. J.R. Fowler, of San wide variety of dances, nounced the engagement of parties, and other social their daughter, MiM Barbara Luer Puelsch of Germany. He is employed daughter, Susan Marie, to has been announced by her Carlos, Calif., entered the Grossenhian, Germany. by Chester West Electrical Michael Sean McMahon of parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Marine Corps in 1969 and is events; and athletic ac- Scott Reel, to Michael Louis tivities such as sailing, Crenco of Turnersville. He Miss Rost is a graduate of Contracting Company in New Brunswick. The Frank Freiheer of 304 Hazel currently attached to Westfield High School, Class Westfield. wedding will take place Ave. Pensacola Search and camping, bicycling, hiking, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. canoeing, golf, swimming, Louis J. Crenco of Landing of 1968, and of Mount Ida The wedding will take June 2 at the Church of St. Miss Freiherr, now em- Rescue. He is a graduate of Junior College, Newton Helen. ployed as an architectural Hinsdale (III.) Township tennis, Softball, volleyball, Road, Hilltop. place June 23 at the Holy and other sports are invited Centre. Mass. She is self Trinity Church. The prospective bride, drafter in Pensacola, Fla., High School and Kansas Miss Reel -attended the daughter also of Joseph R. was graduated from West- Wesleyan University, Class to attend the Annual Kick- Friends School, Plymouth Mottes of Philadelphia, is a field High School in 1967. of 1969. Off Party of the Short Hills Meeting, Pa., and was graduate of Westfield High Outing Club. It will be held graduated from the Outdoor Center To Be School. She is a sophomore Sunday, April 29, from 6:30 - Governor Livingston at Douglass College. 11 p.m. at Walley's Tavern Asia, Africa AAUW on The Hill, Watchung Regional High School and Project Of Gardenaires Her fiance is the son of Glassboro State College, Mrs. Sherry Walker of Topic Tonight Spring-Summer activities Class of 1872. She is When the Gardenairei volved in an outdoor, spring Daytona Beach, Fla. and of include weekly meetings presently instructing eighth meet at the YWCA at 1 p.m. clean-up yesterday ana Chadwick McMahon. He is during May-Oct. on grade mathematics at the The Mountainside Branch A.A.U.W. members are Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. in the April 25, Min Pat Shrlver, employed at Clinton Square of the American Association invited to bring guests this Monroe Township School. director of the Y's Foui today at the Miller-Cory American Legion Hall, Bond Auto Parts, Inc., New of University Women will evening. Once again It'* EatUr, a lint* to •IKhanM Seasons Outdoor Center, House. Brunswick. Drive, Union. Guesta are Mr. Crenco prepared for have Miss Emily Gulick as Any woman who holds a welcome. For further in- good withal among family and frl*nd«. will narrate a film stri[ guest speaker this evening bachelor degree from an Add to your lilt of greeting!, aura — with college at St. Joseph's showing the facilities and formation write: SHOC, Box the hap* thai thlt Eatter ScaMn may b* School, Camden, and is a at 8 p.m. in the Moun- accredited college is eligible 1127, Union. outlining future plans for th« American Legion Auxiliary tainside library. She wiU to join A.A.U.W. and wiU be a moit |oyou> on* lor you and youn. 1970 graduate of Trenton Center. State College where he is-" speak on Asia and Africa, welcomed at this meeting. presently pursuing a Mrs. Daniel Frantz Marking 52nd Birthday illustrating her lecture with Further information may be master's program. He in- service chairman, has slides and artifacts of the obtained from Mrs. Robert announced that the club will various countries. Kierspe, 30 Bayberry Lane. The Beauty Center structs language arts and The Martin Wall berg Birthday cake and coffee social studies at the Monroe be responsible for the Miss Gulick, a member of 102 QUIMBY ST. WESTFIELD restoration of the small, pre- American Legion Auxiliary win be served by Mrs. Township Middle School. Albert Moeller. a family who have resided in CivU War, family cemetery will celebrate its 52nd year New Jersey for over 300 CITED AT OREGON 232-1033 Miss Reel is the grand- on the Center property. To on Wednesday, April 25, at years, was a former high Mark V. Baker has been !>!•» daughter of Mrs. I. Grant accomplish this, the May 23 the post home. school teacher of French, named to the president's list Scott of Four Winds, Cape meeting will consist of an Mrs. William Die^ze, Barnard Club She is an avid traveler and (grade point average 3.5- May and the late Senator all-day workshop and field president, has invited photographer and' has 4.0) for the winter term at Scott and of the late Mr. and trip to the Center. Box special guests to participate To Meet visited a great many Oregon Technical Institute. Mrs. Walter C. Reel of lunches will be provided by in the festivities. Present countries throughout the He is majoring in dlesel Columbus, Ohio. the hospitality committee The Barnard College Club world. ^J technology. will be Commander George of North Central New Jersey An August wedding is As another community Walsh and post members, will have its annual meeting planned. project, members are in county officers, Girl Staters April 25 at * Pete and and winners of the Charlie's Restaurant, Short Americanism Essay Con- Hills Mall. test. Mrs. Henry Barrett will Guest speaker will be ftemingion fUrs introduce the Girl State Miss Inez Nelbach, a Seiko presents representatives who will Barnard alumna and former make their reports. Mrs. faculty member. She is now Ernest Dunham will present dean of the College of awards to the essay contest Liberal Arts at Drew New Faces of '73 winners. University. IS A TRADITION A highlight of the evening Luncheon reservations at '72 prices! will be the first appearance must be made with Mrs. of the Auxiliary's Girl Color David F. Greene, 10 Guard. The group was Plymouth Hd , Westfield, by organized by Miss Judy April 23. There are lew places In the world that care lor your Dletae. precious furs like the Remington Fur Company, one ol the world's leading specialists In line lurs.

At Remington your lurs It's Not Too Late For Gill dial. I7S.00 m. MS% *»••>* tiaiiA ' are stored in the AND wLMANIItU world's most modern, sclentillcally-controlled, llreprool, theltprool, lully- Inaured, spaclout cold itorage vaults. But first, they're thoroughly Inspected and revitalized with Flemington's special sterilization and fumigation process and you can have Remington's exclusive "Sa-Furlzlng"* cleaning process restore natural softness, lustre and beauty to your furs for as little as $6.50.

FUR REMODELING The fur experts at Easter Flemlngton can work • Cut Flowers wonders in redesigning and caretully hand-craltlng Stride Rites your old fur into the • Potted Plants latest 1973 style. They want terrific-looking shoes. They can turn your Mother knows they have to fit tired old fur Into the • Arrangements perfectly. With stylish Stride Rites, fur fashion hit of the Gill dial. $79 50 year-the "mini )acket"l Gill dial. $85.00 fitted by our trained professionals, it'll be a Bring your (ur to • Corsages Happy Easter for everybody, Stride Rite. Flemlngton lor a free Seiko watches have long been The most trusted name in children's shoes. fashion evaluation an exceptional value, and estimate. You'll be Utilizing spfcce-age technology. To pro- SrrideRlte amazed at how little it costs to Beautiful Fresh Blooms duce a fine watch through automation, So you give yesterday's lur the bright pay only for the time piece. Not the time It new look ol today. In Great Profusion takes to make It, Now, we offer you a truly unbeatable buy: As we debut the exciting new Seiko models for men and women, While holding the price Come in and See or Telephone line, That's right.,, Seiko is being offorod LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! at pre dollar-devaluation price;I UM of Orttt*B*dl« ffc»M And ... you get the best for less at Flemlngton-the It's time finest storage and lur care facilities at the lowest rates, Nearby Deliveries DocTom MMciurnoNt ACCMATKY MUD- anywherel Mlnlmums: $5 for most lurs, S4 lor cloth to make a coats; 83.60 lor for hats, Including special hat box. FTD Service Everywhere W* KMB ACCURATI MCOIDI af AH MMnas snap-it-tip dccittlon t Mall RIMINOW CARDS HANDI-CHAROE, PBH8ONAL CHAH06, Pr«vM* Nil till CMiCKUM OPEN EASTER SUNDAY TIL NOON BUDGET « LAYAWAY PLANS flemington "Mak* Randal's A Family Affair" /Ur company WESTFIELD FLOWER SHOP •1MMIT. AOAMH M4M OMN SUNDAY 4 IVIHYDAY TO I P.M. . , , tLM ft QUIMBY 8T8, WESTFIELD • 23297U WIDNItDAY « miOAY TO 10 P.M, JOHN C, ST^UERNAGEL NO, I O'RINO ST., FlIMIMOTOM, NIW JlntlY Randal's 0n« ol IM Woilrf'i Ltrgtil S»Mlilltli In rin« run. 260 Springfield Ave., Near Broad St. Open Dally 9:39 to 3130 Crinford •xctpt WED, •iMtO.liM 233-3650 Thurl. *iM to 1:30 12 North Av#., W, P«ge IS THE WESTFIKLD (NJ.) LKADEK. THl'RSDAY, AI'KII, l», 1073- Holowach Friendship Guild TO TEACH IN VA. I STORK I Rachel Maidment, who Graduates Mr. and Mrs. William L. The Friendship Guild of will graduate in June from Martin of New Hartford, the First Baptist Church will Cedar Crest College, Airman Charles A. Conn, became parents of a meet at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Allentown, Pa., has ac- Holowach, son of Michael second son Justin Mathis, April 24, in the church cepted a teaching position Holowach of 1979 Bartle April 9 at Winsted Memorial lounge with Mrs. V.S. Klezer at a math teacher in the Ave., Scotch Plains, has Hospital, Winsted, Conn. presiding. Love Gift public school system of graduated at Sheppard Mrs. Martin is the former devotions will be led by Miss Fairfax County, Virginia. Dorothy Bushby. AFB, Tex,, from the U.S. Linda Mathis, daughter of The daughter of Mr. and Air Force aircraft mechanic Mr. and Mrs. Garrett C. The program will be about Mrs. William Maidment Jr., course conducted by the Mathis, former Westfield cancer prevention. Refresh- of 108 Dickson Drive, she ii Air Training Command. residents. The Martin's old- ments will be served by a dean's list student and a The airman, who was er son is Benjamin Garrett. Miss Bushby and Mrs. John member of Delphi, honorary trained to repair current Air Miller. scholastic society, and the Force jet fighters, is Susan is the name Mr. and BEGINS CAREER IN Women's Athletic being assigned to Mrs. Stephen Finkle of 856 Association. Columbus AFB, Miss., for Rahway Ave. have given to AVIATION duty with a unit of the Air their daughter who was Craig L. Meister, son of Training Command which born March 24 at Overlook Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alex Simon of the Paul Simon Shop on Qulmby St. is Isaacson of 436 Roanoke provides Hying, technical shown discussing the spring fashion show and luncheon Hospital. Their son, Adam, and baric military training is 2>£. Road, has entered training for Air Force personnel. of the Lafayette College Women's Auxiliary which will be a t Pittsburgh Institute of held April 26 at the Chanticler, Millburn, with Mrs. Aeronautics, Allegheny Airman Holowach at- Wlllard Whltbred, left, and Mrs. Byron Dimmlch of Their first son and second child was born April 5 to Mr. County Airport. A graduate tended Scotch Plains Mountainside. Proceeds will go towa rd the proposed new of Coastal Carolina Com- Fanwood High School. infirmary at the college. and Mrs. Paul A. Battiloro Jr. of 220 Ross PI. The in- munity College this is the fant, named Christopher first step of Craig's career Eugene, Joines a sister, in the Aviation Industry. He Jennifer Lynne. Mrs. is scheduled to graduate Azalea and rhododendron bushes, contoneaster and dogwood trees were planted last Get on the Bandwagon Battiloro is the former Judy with an associate degree in week by the Blue Star Memorial Byways Program, sponsored by the Garden Club of Chrone, daughter of Mrs. specialized technology and a New Jersey, on Route 22 and Mountain Ave. in Scotch Plaint. Eugene Chrone. Paternal Federal Aviation The plantings of the 124 bushes and trees were under the supervision of Stephen A. BOYCOTT THE RISING grandparents are Mr. and Administration license as an Garibaldi, landscape foreman of the N.J. State Transportation Department, and his Mrs. Battiloro, also of West- aeronautical maintenance assistant, Armand Alose. COST OF BEAUTY SERVICES- field. technician in Dec. 1974. The Blue Star Memorial Is a continuing project which was originated to honor the Gold Star Mothers of boys feilled in World War II. Many garden clubs in Areat IV and V Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Women Golfers participate in the project. Tab Advantage of SET *ri SAVE? Garner of Clark announce Shown above discussing the landscape design plan are Mr. Garibaldi, Mrs. Charles the birth March 31 of a Elect Officers R. Mayer, Area IV director, Garden Club of New Jersey, and Mr. Alose. M daughter, Jennifer Lyndon, The 18-hole golf group at " 10W, at Overlook Hospital. The Plainfield Country Club was baby's grandparents are greeted at its spring lunch PRICES! Mrs. Raymond L. Garner eon April 10 by the club's Museum Shop To Offer Baked and Mr. and Mrs. Robert R, new pro, John Buczek. Maddocks. Mrs. William R. Barrett Goods, Boutique on Saturday & Set heads the group. Chairmen Mon., Tu«..Wed. A son, Frank David, was are Mrs. Albert E. Binger, Hear Ye! Hear Ye! An himselt will make a trip to 50c Extra Thur»., born March 25 at Overlook tournament; Mrs. Maxwell extraordinary bake sale and the Miller-Cory Museum Fri.ft Sat. Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. R./Morse, secretary; Mrs. a unique boutique will take Shop; where else would he Robert Rohm of 207 Sunset Charles Daniels, treasurer place at the National Shoe find bunny mint molds to put Ave. The Rohms are parents prizes; Mrs. Fred B. Mit-Rebuilders on West Broad in good little children's Kohcuta Tememt Warn also of two girls, Kathleen chell, handicaps; Mrs. St. (across the street from Easter baskets? Include. (AM 4'4 and Emily 1V4. Peter J. Ventrella, the Rialto Theatre) this As in the past two weeks, a Shampoo t, Sol Upf T^W*»» publicity; Mrs. Olin Boone, Saturday from 10 til 5. Once colonial craft will be in Current Books hospitality. again mob-capped volun- progress throughout the teers working for the Miller- day. As visitors browse Includes To Be Discussed Cory House will welcome through the colorful shop, Shampoo & Set Holy Trinity visitors to a delightful corn husk dolls will be A number of current museum shop. books will be discussed at fashioned, amusing young Includes . the April 23 meeting of the Garage Sale The bake table boasts an and old alike. Shampoo & Set (UM unusual and delectable tffOO literature and drama Preparations are un- All profits from the department of the Woman's derway for a garage sale to array of treats, home baked THE PATRICK L. HEDDEN AGENCY, a member of rom authentic Colonial boutique and bake sale will Multiple Lilting Service! in Union, Somerset and Hun Club of Westfield at 1:30 in be held on Thursday, April benefit the Miller-Cory Sewice* the clubhouse. 26, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in recipes - just the thing for terdon Counties it pirated to announce the appoint- the Holy Trinity Elemen- your festive holiday table. House Colonial Museum. ment of Mr. Paul Tilyou as Sales Associate with Its Mrs. Richard Lake will Anyone wishing to donate a Scotch Plains office. Mr. Tilyou resides with his wife Rtoe M mention "The Camerons by ary School cafeteria. Those who haunt boutique Proceeds will benefit the hops looking for the boutique item or baked and 3 children in Westfield. Robert Criehton, "Twice goodie is invited to bring it Over Lightly" by Helen Home and School unusual, will find a truly Association. unique selection of hand- to the shop on Saturday Hayes and Anita Loos and morning. "The Great Bridge" by A variety of new and used crafted items here. Colonial David McCullough. Mrs, items such as glassware, inspired, gifts range from Herbert Frapwcll will talk kitchen equipment, triple beautiful dried apple dolls about "The Hessian" by track storm windows, and patchwork pillows Howard Fast, "The Odessa jewelry, bric-a-brac, tools, (using 18th century pat- File" by Frederick Forsyth panics, toys and much more terns, of course!) to 61S CENTRAL Ml WKTFIEID OKI 291-0018 and "Jonathan Livingston, will be offered. A special delightful miniature gar- Anctaw't Slue* feature will be five and ten dens and clothes pin dolls. PUBLIC Seagull" by Richard Bnch. IIHIWIHIUIHinilUHIIIIIIIUIIIIIII Mrs. J. Russell Freeman cent bargain tables for No doubt, the Easter Bunny has chosen "China Today" children. Doughnuts and by Ross Terrill for her coffee will be served. "If you have charm, you discussion. Anyone wishing to donate don't need to have any' NOTICE thing else; and if you don't Tea will be served a new or used item please hnve U, iL doesn't mailer following the program by contact Mrs. Wayne what else you have." (Jnmes FROM THE HEN HOUSE OF WESTFIELD Mrs. George W. Fraser. Hopkins, sale chairman. Matthew Barrie) EMERGENCY

In Blue & White Black & White, Brown & While CASH RAISING Patent $20.00 SALE ! "' 20%-40% off

AND 50% off MORr

Ahead of the field in the ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE spectator race. The classic sporty look, Traditionally from McEwen's NOTHING HELD BACK - freshly paced for spring Brand Now Spring and Summor Shipments with a matching handbag. Fresh Flower Arrangements and Baskets From Our Regular Manufacturers are included! of Fresh Easter Flowers. Also we have Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL, and PATIENCE ON SALE NOW ,^ the F.T.D. Happy Nest Basket. U',1 MAMIII I MAI: li required we give It gladly and courteouily. MA', II II I M A 1(1,1 liANKAMI Illl mill Come visit our Greenhouses, brimming with colorful Easter Plants.

EPSTEIN'S We Deliver Around the Cornor or Around the World by Wlro BOOTERY McEWEN FLOWERS Eilobllihod 1921 163 East Broad St., WeitfleW

FREE OFF-THE-STREET FRONT DOOR PARKINO OPEN THURSDAY "TIL 0 Grove St. at Westflold Ave., Weitfleld • 232-1142 HANDI-CHAflQB/BANKAMERICARD/MASTBH CHARGE' 108 QUIMBY 8T - WESTFIELO DAILY 9:30.8:30THURSDAY NITE8 TILL I -THE WESTFIELD (NJ.) LKADER. THHK8UAV, APHIL 19. I97S 5000 New Boats to Ply Mrs. Keane TO ATTEND BRANDYWINE In Ciba Post Miss Virginia Ann Del. for classes beginning in Romagnano, daughter of September. Virginia plans Jersey Waters in '73 Mr*. Marjorie Keane of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph to major in the secretarial Scotch Plains, has been Romagnano of Westfield, curriculum. More than 5,000 new upgrade these conditions in named advertising and has been accepted at Virginia is a senior at recreational boats will ply order to attract more sales promotion planning New Jersey waters this Brandywine College, Mount St. Mary's Academy boaters. We believe this coordinator for CIBA Concord Pike Wilmington, High School. year. Joining 117,000 boats strategy offers the best Pharmaceutical Company, previously registered, opportunity to develop a Diviiion of Ciba-Geigy predicted Herman C. New Jersey boating in- Corporation. Simonse, director of dustry that is dynamic, Mri. Keane Joined Ciba in economic development for contemporary and which 1961, assumed the the New Jersey Department meets the needs and responsibility of Convention Join Us For of Labor and Industry. He realistic expectations of the Coordinator in 1969 and noted that state-wide boating public." became sales promotion Eostor Dinnor at recreational boat registry Simonse ssid the Marine was running "almost S supervisor in 1971. Trades Association, Previously she held per- Th* Stag* Houst) Inn MODEL SEDER. Rabbi Charlei Krolo//, ttandlng, led a percent ahead of last year." sponsors of Expo '73, had sonnel positions with Bro- model Seder celebration at Temple Emanu £J recently Speaking at the opening of taken a leadership role in Dart Industries, Newark, with members from other churches attending. Shown Marine Expo '73 in Point stimulating public Interest and Allen B. Dumont Call now from left are Mri. Stanley Nathanmon, president of the Pleasant, Simonse said that in marine recreation and he Laboratories, Clifton. She Sitterhoodofthe temple; Father Bernadettp of Our Lady the marine recreation in- urged the assocation to help attended the University of for your reservation ofLourdt* Church; Mrs. H. R. Crookall, president of the dustry today aggregates develop fresh, innovative North Carolina, New York Preibyterian Church Women's Asioclatlon: Mri. more than tin million, or concepts that will attract University and Pace Barbara Byron. CCD president at Our Lady of Lourdes. about 10 percent of the recreational boatera. College. Cantor Don Decker of Temple Emanu El and Mrs. A, E. state's total recreation He cited the Hennessy Garnettt, president of the Woman's Group at St. Luke Industry, employing 8,000 Grand Prix which will be 322-4224 A.M.E. Church. persons lull time and 30,000 held July IB this year as an AIL CRIDIT CARDS HONOMD during the summer months. example of the kind of TO STUDY IN N.H. To increase New Jer- sporting event that Accepted as candidates Guests Attend Model Seder sey's share of the stimulates public ex- for B.S. degrees in business recreational boating citement and benefits the administration at Nathaniel At Temple Emanu El market, our primary thnat entire resort Industry. "We Hawthorne College are Paul must be aimed at building need prestige marine races, Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A model Seder was their hostesses for this publk awareness of the fishing tourneys, lake and Richard Wilson 307 Park St., celebrated April 4 with occasion, the Sisterhood of attractiveness of the state ocean sailing regattas to and Eric Wuhl, son of Mr. women from various chur- Temple Emanu El, and shoreline, and its lakes, stimulate public par- Jerry Weiss of Westfield wlft be in the cast of "Milk and and Mri. MichaelWuhl, 7M ches in the surrounding area augmented . by several improving navigational ticipation in marine Honey" which will be presented May 5 at Tempi* Emanu Norman PI. Both are seniors 3M PARK AVI SCOTCH MAINS, N. J. as guests of the Sisterhood members of The Friendship safety and providing recreation," Simonse said El. The few remaining tickets may be obtained from at Westfield High School. of Temple Emanu El. Rabbi modern, conveniently Group of the temple. 1 Commenting; on the theme Carole Kabakow or Marge Fienberg. Charles Kroloff led the located marine facilities/ group through this of Expo '73 -- "Discover the Interspersed with the he said. NEW Jersey," - Simonse celebration and the women The industry now operates said: "It's Ideal because it from the churches par- readings and songs were taste experiences of some of more than 700 boat basins, encourages boating families Bicycle Program ticipated in the responsive marinas and boatyards to explore up and down the reading. the traditional foods used at Passover such as mataoh, throughout the state. New Jersey shoreline, to wine, charoset (the mixture We believe boating travel by boat to historic State Launches Passover recalls the and scenic sites, or to view deliverance of the Jews of apples, nuts and cin- families are entitled to clean The New Jersey Office of and audio communication namon) which was one of water, to well-marked wildlife In quiet, secluded Highway Safety today with motorists, and proper from Egyptian slavery and bays and coves." thanks God for being free. the favorites of the guests. channels, to a pleasant launched a new bicycle riding control. In addition, environment on the water, He noted that marine safety education- program the program stresses Cantor Don Decker led the and to the highest standards Women's Group of St. Luke A question and answer vacationers may obtain a which will reach a naif student involvement in period dealt with the of safety which industry and free 28-page Vacation Guide million of the State's bicycle crash reduction, the A.M.E. Zion Church, The the government can adult role in bicycle safety, Presbyterian Church's religious and culinary ef- by writing to: Division of elementary school children forts involved in this provide," he said. Economic Development, over the next five years. as well as overall com- Women's Association both munity involvement. of Westfield and members of celebration that involves "Our main effort is to P.O. Box 400, Trenton. Ray J. Marini, Governor the Altar Society and the Jews all over the • world. Cahlll's highway safety Starting this week, the CCD. of Our Lady of Mrs. David Bregman and representative, explained Office of Highway Safety Lourdes of Mountainside in Mrs. Lee Stern were co- that the program is will begin mailing kite to the several songs of celebration chairmen for this event. designed to directly counter State's 2,611 elementary Y to Offer the sharp nationwide in- schools, free of charge. appropriate for this oc- crease in bicycle deaths and Louis R, DeCarolis, casion. They were joined by Irish Festival Summer Bike Trips injuries. Manager of the Office, said According to the National distribution will be com- At Arts Center This summer the Frost cooperative living. Safety Council, more than pleted by April 28 so the Cubs Valley YMCA will send Nights will be spent in 850 Americans died in program can get underway youth hostels (farmhouses, before the summer Now that St. Patrick's teenagers on bicycles bicycle accidents and nearly through Nova Scotia, schools, camps, churches, 40,000 were injured in 1972. bicycling season. Knights Day has passed, wearers of Pennsylvania, New or barns that have been the green from throughout This represents a more than "The total program will England, and along the St. converted into structures 100 percent rise in fatalities cost »188,000," Marini said, New Jersey are turning to Lawrence River in Canada. having recreation rooms, For a Night plans for another great day - over the past ten yean. Last "but the cost per student is Each trip is co-ed and will kitchenettes, and male and year in New Jersey, 22 only 38 cents - - a small price Cub Pack 173 of Lincoln - the third annual Irish be directed by four adults, female dorms ' and Festival at the Garden State bicyclists were killed and to pay tor Its potential School became Knights of (two male, two female). washrooms), state parks, 1,800 injured. return." the Tournament for a recent Arts Center. The basic objective of the national parks, camps, and The event wit] be staged churches. "The program will also The funding of this project Pack meeting. bicycling programs is to introduce the students to is part of New Jersey's Each den paraded in on Sunday, July 8, as one of provide each teenager with The staff are mature, a series of heritage festivals basic traffic safety skills to Comprehensive Highway knight regalia including a meaningful and adult personnel who have help them become better Safety Program. The helmets, swords and shields of entertainment for the educational experience had a good deal of ex- drivers when they reach program's federal funds are which they made in den benefit of the Garden State through the media of perience in working with licensing age," Marini provided by the National meetings. Mrs. Natalie Arts Center Cultural Fund, touring, sightseeing, and teenage youth and who are Highway Traffic Safety which sponsors free competent instructors of added. Miller, the wandering The bicycle safety Administration. minstrel, introduced the programs for New Jersey bicycling, camping, and Georgian Court other related arts. program kit, called "Just tournament games. John school children, senior Like A Car", contains a 12- Enrolled At Gibbs Savoca and the Watchung citiiens, disabled veterans The highlights of the bike minute movie, a 20-page and the blind. A "Taster Supper" is trips are: Bowmen presented an ar- planned May 2 by the North- teacher's guide, six Patricia Fiorlno of 618 chery exhibition. Commissioner Joseph C. NEW ENGLAND: classroom posters, a cer- Roosevelt Street, has Awards for the month Irwin of the New Jersey ern New Jersey Chapter of Martha's Vineyard, Cape tificate of completion, and a enrolled at the Katharine include: Den l, Scott Haase, Highway Authority, which the Georgian Court College Cod, Salisbury Beach, reflectorized dot for each Gibbs School, Montclair, for denner, gold arrow, silver operates the Arts Center on Plymouth Hock, Lexington student's bicycle. the otp-year secretarial the Garden State Parkway Alumnae Association at the arrow; Chris Russell, Maplewood Women's Club, & Concord Battlefields, The kit is designed to aid course. The daughter of Mr. assistant denner, bear; and administers the 60 Woodland Road. Walden Pond, Marblehead the regular classroom and Mrs. Joseph Fiorlno, Matt Miller, gold arrow; charitable fund, today (yachting capital of the East teacher in presenting ac- she is a graduate of West- BUI Madden, silver arrow; announced that represen-, All are welcome. Coast), New England tivities to follow up the film. field High School and at- Den 2, Mark Robertson, tatives of New Jersey's Reservations must be made Aquarium, historical Students will learn roadway tended Union College, bear, gold; Keith Arm- Irish-American community Boston, ferryboat trips, scanning techniques, visual Plainfield. strong, bear, two silver; have begun working on with Mrs. Thomas Ryan, 70- York Beach (Maine), etc. Den 3, Bobby Boyle, wolf; arrangements and nave B Brookdale Gardens, PENNSYLVANIA: his- David Hornung, wolf, gold, chosen Robert Emmet Bloomfield. torical Philadelphia (Betsy silver; Den 4, John MUler, O'Brien of Deal as general Ross House, Carpenter's chairman. denner, gold; Chris way Authority added . a Hall, Museum of Art, McCarren, asst. denner, It was the initial Irish Franklin Snstltute, Rodin Festival in '71 that launched second, an Italian Festival, Soar badge; Den S, Robert in 1971. The concept was Museum, Congress Hall, Conway, gold; James the concept of heritage Independence Hall, etc.), programs to broaden Arts enlarged in 1972 with Eisenman, gold; Peter Scandinavian and Polish Pennsylvania Dutch farms, Buopotempo, bear; Jeffrey Center activities and in- Valley Forge, Gettysburg terest while at the same programs added along with Oinat, denner; Sal Pafumi, Irish and Italian. Battlefield, Amlsh families, asst. denner. time assisting the Cultural llershey (Pennsylvania), Four Webelos received Fund, which last year So far this year, six etc. sponsored free en- heritage festivals are on the the craftsman award. The calendar. Besides Irish, NOVA SCOTIA: seaports, boys are in Webelos Den 4 tertainment for more than ferryboats, fisheries, coal 400,000 New Jersey they are Polish, June 3; and are Alan Boylan, Baltic, June 17; Italian, mines, fruit orchards, so Jonathan Freeman, Robert residents. foot Bay of Fundy tides, The first heritage event June 24; Jewish, July 1, and McGovern, and Gregg Scottish, Sept. 23. farming, beaches, rugged Smith. was so successful the High- coastline, scenic Annapolis Royal (oldest settlement In ), historic Just in Timt for "Rain Or Shin* Halifax, etc, ST. LAWRENCE IUVER: Niagara Falls, Lake Our New Collection of Ontario, St. Lawrence This Is (ho time to take advantage ol "right now" wKitos Seaway, 1000 Islands, our sale prices. The expertise of our Thousand Island Museum, 3 professional colorlsts and the prestige ROUX by Naturalizor ALL WEATHER COATS International Bridges, 1000 coloring products assure you tho finest All Colors-AllStylei Islands Cruise, historic service at very special prices. Try Sites 6-18 Kingston, St. Lawrence a brand new shade, hlflhllflhtlng, frosting', In gleaming patent,. . starting today and Ceme in today ene* see our new line ef AN Weather Power Protect, Montreal or just a rinse] shining all through Spring and Summer, From topi Coats that will help yew knew what I* wear when the ("Man and his World," Parli^lio available In blue or black patent, Bcenic Mount Royal, Choose Feather or Cove In blue, black, or red weather doesn't knew what it's going te do. aquarium, zoo. etc.), Roux touch-up patent also. $22,00 each. Roux Fartcl-ful Rinse Shoe Salon, Street Floor For detailed Information (including sot) with shampoo nnrj set on Frost Valley's bicycling Reg. $9,25 Plalnflald and Short Hills Mall uptn CWMMI / / programs, contact the local 5.00 YMCA or the Frost Valley now 8.75 STUUIEMI YMCA at 2B8 Cloremont Ave., Montclalr. Roux Froitlng Perm Special Real AFabuleui fake* for tinted hair hit Trimmed Ceatt Rag. $26 MAWTMOHNI INN 12.9» now 18.95 Fur lined Repair Ht RenuM Ptitiv Tit* MMI »«IHII» IwH (Including cut) AI Off Season Ralr* In Ttl« •••««•< CtethCeat* DliMncUv* FnOllih.Hyl» Inn, flf. tt«n non.1O P.M. Maclean. 705 Carleton Rd. has been recently named 5 Redeemer Fair, P.E.O. since 1927. 26 Garden dept., Woman's KINDLY MAKE RESERVATIONS Robin Wechter, a first organist of the Mother Redeemer Lutheran Club, 12:30 p.m. ML SIC BY THE MKIIT TIPS EVERY FRIDAY %*D Guest of honor will be sophomore at Ohio Church of the Christian 27 Antiques dept., Woman's School, Cowperthwaite Mrs. J. F. Boyd of University majoring in Rarities Will Be Exhibited Club, l p.m. PI., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. NK;HT Albuquerque, N.M., a mathematics and computer Scientist Church in Boston, 5 Tour of Kitchens, spon- Mass. 27 IB Rummage sale, St. trustee of the International science, has been named to At Westfield Antiques Show Paul's Episcopal sored by Woman's Club Peace Scholarship Fund and the dean's list for winter Assisting in planning for Church, Friday 9:30- Of Westfield, 10 a.m.-2 a past president of the New quarter with an average of the concert are Mrs. C. 4:30, Saturday 9:30- p.m. with brunch in Mexico State Chapter, 3.7. Her parents, Mr. and Among antiques that are pottery, dealers will display clubhouse. suddenly becoming both a wide selection of silver, Richard Water house of 583 P.E.O. Other guests will Mrs. Morton Wechter, live Birch Avenue, secretary, 6 Junior Musical Club, home y Cawf, nMiMptr Fai RaamMfam: popular and hard to find are cut glass, crystal and 28 Calico Garden luncheon 7M1tBO-.Ka.141S include Mrs. R. W. Shelly at 35 Woodbrook Circle. and Mrs. James Skinner, and fashion show of of Kathy MacKay, 200 . 202, BERNAHDSVILLE. NJ. roll top desks, DedJiam jewelry on the two floors of Woodland Ave., 3 p.m. pottery, and lift-top com- the church parish house, 125 1020 Wychwood Rd. Altar Rosary Society of modes. Elmer St. "LADIES" Fine examples of each Two other new exhibitors |New Exxon Post November, I960, and served will be on exhibit at the 26th at this year's show are Mr. in various supervisory You Owe It To Yourself annual WeatfieJd Antiques capacities there until May, and Mrs. George Gee of for Jebens 1989, when he was made To Look Your Best Show to be held here May l, Milford, Pa , and Marian TEMPLE EMANU-EL NURSERY 2, and 3 at the First Riley of Florham Park. Walter L. Jebens of operations manager. In Congregational Church. Westfield has been named December, 1989, Mr. Jebens No Appointment Dealers from this are head of the oil movement accepted an assignment as SCHOOL Mrs. June Shepard of returning to the show in- and conservation depsrt- process superintendent Westfield, who will display a clude Elizabeth Ely, during the successful mtinental youth-sized, roll lop desk at PUinfield; the Dominicks, startups of the Singapore 756 E. Broad St. her booth, recalls that only Mrs. Shepard, Ken and and Okinawa Refineries of three yean ago good desks Mary Lawrence, Somer- Standard Oil Company do,* of that type could be bought ville; Betty Grubb, West- (New Jersey), returning to REGISTRATION for tso to $75. "Now, they Monday • South Ave. & Cumberland St., Wejtfield field; Dorothy Daniels, the Bayway Refinery in are very scarce and usually Berkeley Heights; Florence August, 1972, serving as sell for a minimum of $300/' Giesa, North Plainfield; and acting head of the for Sept. 1973 to June 1974 she says. Marge Hornbeck, Westfield. mechanical engineering Horace and Norma Salop Other New Jersey dealers department until his current of New York City, who are will be Lester and Jean appointment. Non-Temple Members: May 1, 1973 1-2 P.M. newcomers among the 23 Karsan, Stockton; Lorene dealers at this year's show, Ruth Case, Parsippany; A native of Buffalo, N.Y. Temple Members: April 24, 1973 1-2 P.M. will feature handthrown and Helen Vott, Florham Park; Mr. Jebens, his wife and son hand-decorated Dedham George and Beatrice Ealer, are residing at 7 Tudor Oval. NON-SECTARIAN Delicatessen pottery, which was made Short Hills; Lynn Hemt Mad* BaktO* Goods near Boston in the 19th Christenson, Fair Haven; "Company" Coming HOT* D'Otovre* century. "Most Dedham Dora Post, Sparta; Flan- Sessions: Cold Cuts — Salads pottery is long gone, and we den Barn Antiques, Dover; To Meadowbrook Cold Cut Platters feel fortunate to have any of Kathryn Conoway, Mar- 3 to 4 year olds: 9 to 12 Noon it," Mr. Salop explains. Fioi«n Foods — l

• Plants • Cut Flowers • Cortaget Easter is Peace Fine selection of Artificial Flowers and Arrangement* Easter is Love We urge an early selection but If that isn't possible for you WE WILL BE OPEN

GAMDERO Today and Tomorrow from 8 A.M. »o 6 P.M. Saturday to 6 P.M. • Easter Sunday to Noon In Blnck or Navy Pntcnl and White Kid. $36.00 \ CAMST CHAnSMMN B1N0M Hit UvlhvrU'i • TMJ • VINYL Anywhere 232-2525 Mmilr 'III HIIIO Nile 'in » Inc. 234 last Bread St., Weitfleld - 233.8702, 233-8711 Use your Ofn Thurul.y 'M t a.m. Matter Charge 333 North Broad St., llliabeth - 289-1501, 355.S554 321 South Ave., WeitfLId Oa*n Men. SMI Thurt, 'Ml f a.m. OUJMtY «t CENTRAL, WESTFtELD • 233-5678 Handl-Charos or BankAmarioard Firkins It ••tl«r aft * -THE WKSTK1KLD (NJ.) LEADER, THUKSIIAY, AVHIL 1», I»7S I*.*, The Easter Bunny's Granddad Was Pennsylvania Dutch On Esster Sunday, if House. This bunny will be you're lucky enough to Me giving out Easter baskets one of those big floppy-eared fUled with Swiss and Dutch bunnici depositing until chocolate eggs and bunnies, Jrily eggi In your backyard, along with other Imported run out quickly and aik him confections and party favors the name of his grandfather. to families who come to the Don't be turpriMd if he Tower for the traditional twitches all over and looks feast of feasts on Easter embarrasaed. Moat bunnies Sunday. don't know that their great In addition, the grandfather, several times decorations at this deluxe removed, was born and bred restaurants will be quite in Pennsylvania where the spectacular, considering kids called him the "Oschter that Mrs. Motter haa Haws". dragooned her entire Though all of this may family, as well as many come as a surprise to the members of the staff into veterant of innumerable helping out with the con- Easter Sundays, the facts struction of such Items aa art well known to Mrs. "egg chandeliers" and Elisabeth Motter. She is spring garlanda which will bast known for the culinary festoon every available delights of her Mountainside ledge, celllng-rafter and restaurant. The Tower chair lag. Steak House. Mrs. Motter is A preview of The Tower familiar with Pennsylvania Steak House Easter menu Dutch folklore and is in a shows that there will be good position to know all delicacies from sea, land about modern American and air on Easter Sunday, Easter bunnies. including Mrs. Motter's unforgettable roast, leg of According to Mrs, Motter, lamb. the ancestor of today's When asked for the secret Easter bunny was brought of her roast leg of lamb to America by Germans who recipe, Mrs. Motter said, settled In Pennsylvania "Moat people overcook their during the early itoo's. She lamb, I don't". The rest of says It was customary for the secrets In her recipe the children in those days to follow: build nests for the Oschter ROAST LEG OF LAMB Haws. These nests wen 5 pound leg of lamb usually made in the barn. 4 garlic cloves There the Easter bunny Salt and pepper could lay his eggs in com- Flour plete privacy far from the y, cup dry red wine prying eyes of the neigh- 1 tablespoon butter. boring children. The eggs Cut aWa in lamb and in- ware always beautifully sert garlic cloves. Put on band decorated with such rack in roasting pan and Pennsylvania Dutch folk sprinkle with salt, and designs as tulips, hearts and pepper and flour. Roast in distelfmk. preheated moderate oven Mrs. Motter says that this (380 degree F) for M Easter Sunday, one of the minutes. Add wine and roast Oschter Haws many great, for 40 minutes more (or great-grandsons is going to longer if preferred) basting be bopping through the occasionally with drippings in pan. Makes 6 to Sserv- inp. New Diagnostic

Livingston Mall Technique at Hospital Montclair r Muhlenberg Hospital, is pJaVntts , Newark. ., •-one of two New Jersey discharged the following organisations to use a new day, it involves less risk and diagnostic technique to find requires Shorter and often remove growths in hospitaliiatlon. the large intestine, ac- This is a savings for the cording to Dr. John Scalera, patient in that he is able tc attending physician at cut his hospital costs and Muhlenberg. return to work earlier. With Dr. Eugene P. Salvati, the colonoscopy there is also attending surgeon at less pain suffered by the Muhlenberg, said the patient. colonoscope hss been Dr. Salvati terms the available for approximately colonoscope a "remarkable 3 years and Muhlenberg has diagnostic and therapeutic had the instrument since tool" which provides September, 1*72. greater diagnostic ac- Eighty percent of can- curacy, financial savings cerous growths or polyps for the pstient, better occur in the left colon which utilization of hospital beds, Is approximately 2.5 feet and involves less risks and long. The conventional pain than surgery. method for detecting polyps or tumors in the colon (Urge intestine) is through a rigid sigmoidoscope. "Through slgmoldoscoplc examina- Record Set tion doctors are able to detect approximately 75 per New Rainfall cent of polyps with the visual range of about 10 If the first three months of Inches," according to Dr. 1873 are any reliable our lawn and leisure centers Scalera. The other 25 per- forecast for the remaining cent are usually detected by nine, we can anticipate a X-ray. However, the x-ray is wet year. pallo furniture, barbecue & garden needs not infallible and can miss In the monthly summary potential cancerous filed with the National growths. Weather Service by Union town and terrace furniture College's Meteorological The new colonoscope Station at the Cranford provides a more accurate handsome indoor-outdoor designs diagnostic procedure. Campus, precipitation for "Through the colonoscope a January, February, and March totaled 12.75 inches, Setting the scene for summer... leisure living at Its best, doctor can visualize pdpys setting a record for the for a length of about 05 In- greatest rainfall since the ches, approximately the in our 1973 Indoor and outdoor furniture collections. entire length of the colon," station opened In 19(0. said Dr. Scalera. This is 55 Last year during the same more Inches than can be three-month period, 11.87 Beoutlful ways to enjoy warm weather living to the fullest. visualized with the older inches of rain fell. sigmoidoscope. In March 1»73, Basically the colonoscope precipitation totalled 3» perch and lawn furniture Is composed of flexible inches, with the greatest fibers which can follow the amount in a 24-hour period folding aluminum furniture wrought Iron 3-ple>ce cafe sett twisting of the colon. The (ailing on Mar. 26 - 1.35 wrought Iron seating groups redwood picnic and seating groups fibers reflect the Image Inches. There were nine back to the doctor allowing days of measurable rainfall wrought Iron umbrella tables gliders, hammocks, garden umbrellas him to visualize any growths, during the month of March, Inside the colon. while traces of snow fell on replacement cushions and rain covers Such an instrument costs March 18 and 22. between fine and seven for outdoor entertaining thousand dollars and Temperatures during the requires special training to month ranged from a high of rjrllls, weber kettles, lilbachls folding metal picnic fables use It. The physician per- 68 degrees on Mar. 16 and 17 forming the colonoscopy to a low of 20 degrees on patio wagons barbecue miffs, aprons should be talented In ab- Mar. 1, The mean tem- dominal surgery In case the perature for the month wai lawn and garden needs diagnosis calls for Im- 46.8 degrees, which was 6.8 mediate surgery. degrees abovo normal. ScoHi' turf builder and oral* teed hand lawn mowers The colonoscopy as an The highest temperature lawn iproaders power lawn mowers alternative to abdominal on record at the Union surgery has several ad- College station for the vantages. If the polyp l» month was 79 degrees on benign and on a stalk, there Mar. 29, IMS. Livingston Mall open 6 nights 'til 9i30—WwrfleM 6 nights 'til 9.0O—MonUlalr 'til 9,00 and Newark 'til 8,00 Mon., Wed., Frl. nlghti Is a wire Attachment which can mate the polyp and Total degree days (or tht remove it without a surgical month was M«, bringing the Incision, Since the colono- total since (he heating •copy can be performed season began on Sept. 1 to within an hour and the 9S2 THE WKSTF1KLD Rev. Robert L. Atwcll Minister (tSS-K7S) The Bev. Eufww A. Rcbwlnkel Minister Rector and union Streets, Tuesday munion on Maundy Thurs- ices. traditional Easter Sunday Thursday, 8 p.m., Maund; The Rev. Carl B. Uracely, Aast. evenings at 7:45. morning breakfast at 6:30 Vicar Terry Mttmer jonatfean Peters Thursday service, communion Sunday, Easter Day, 7 a. m . day morning at 7 a.m. for The sermon, "Really Worship Heoni Associate Minister Sunday, 8:45 and 11 a.m. the Holy Eucharist; 8 a.m., a.m. in the Assembly Hall, •:S0 UL * 11 ajn. Good Friday service ut B HOLT TRINITY early risers, commuters and Alive in Christ," taken from »:S« a.m., Sunday HcBee, p.m. morning worship, sermon b; choral EucharlBt; 10 a.m., the OREEK ORTHODOX students. the text 1 Corinthians 15:12- Dr. Henry G. Bovenkerk CoaflrmaUoa Cl«t»w, Vouth Sunday, worship services •' the Rev. Wllmont J. Murra; Sung Eucharist; 12 p.m., the CHURCH At 7:45 p.m. tonight, Holy 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. with a minister, on the subject, " Holy Eucharist. tsa GaUom Hill Rd. 22, will be preached by the will speak on "The Eternal * Adult Blbl» CIIIIII Day That Never Ends." Chll Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., Young Rev. Peter M. KaleUI* Communion will be Rev. Rehwinkel. The Ilt-ISIT nursery provided both serv' care for pre-schoolers durlnj People's A.A. Tide of Life" at a worship Thursday, 7 a.m., holy com ices; Sunday school and Blbl< Sunday: 10 a.m., Orthos; celebrated. The Rev. organist and Children's service in the chape) classes for all ages at 9:30 both services. 10 a.m., fel Wednesday, 9 a.m., the Holy 10:15 a.m., Sunday School; munlon will be celebrated foi lowship time between thi Eucharist; 7 p.m., Cub ScouU; 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.. Divine Eugene A. Rehwinkel will Choir director is Carolyn following the breakfast. the early rlsera; T:45 p.m. a.m.; Jr., Inter, and Sr. services, deliver the sermon on p.m., Maundy Thursday serv Machen Leagues at 8 p.m. a 7 p.m., B.S. Tr. Ill committee Liturgy. Schanke. Karl Lein will be soloist, Ice with holy communion. the church; Friends In Chris Monday, 7:15 p.m., Bo; meeting. "Christ, You're The Perfect Breakfast will follow this Herbert E. Stevenson song Good Friday, Day Schoo, meet at 8:30 p.m. Scout*, Troop 71. Thursday, Apr. 26, 9:30 THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Dr. Tracey Jo*** Jr. Host." Mrs. Bette Becker service in the parish hall leader and Henry H. An- cloaed until the 30th; 1J.3< Monday, Youth Choir prsc Tuesday, 1 p.m.. Senior Oil- a.m., Bible class; 7 p.m., Jay OF THE HOLY TRINITY will direct the Luther Choir. p.m., service; 7:45 p.m., Tene tice at 7 p.m. Ixens slide show; 7:30 p.m. cettes; 1 p.m., Al-Anon meet- Rt. Bev. Magr. prepared by the Lutheran derson organist. Choral Art Society; 8:15 p.m ing;; 7:15 p.m., Jr. Choir re- Charles. B. Murphy On Good Friday, Youth Organization. brae service. Tuesday, prayer season at 1 Friendship Guild. Guest At FUMC Easter Sunday, 6:30 am p.m. In the Pine Room; Choir hearsal; 8 p.m., Sr. Choir re- B.L.8., Pastor tomorrow at 12:30 p.m., The second service is at The Men's Triangle Bible Wednesday, 9:45 a.m.. Moth. hearsal; 8 p.m., Bible class. Ae*l*taat* sun-rise service with hoi:, practice at 7:45 p.m. er's Study Group. 3 p.m., Clri The Rev. Dr. Tracey K, there will be a worship serv- 8:30 a.m. The Cherub choir Class and members of the communion; Immediately fol- Wednesday, Bible clusa In Saturday, Apr, 28, 9:30 Rev. Them** E. Daly Jone* Jr., head of the United ice with Vicar Terry Ditt- Triangle Bowling League lowing breakfsat will be Galatlans at 10 a.m. with cof- Bcoutu, Troop 219. a.m., confirmation class. Rev. Mkhael Desmond. will sing "Come Ye nerved in the pariah hall; 8:30 fee preceedingr and a nursery Saturday, Apr. 28 and Sun- Bev. Stanislaus Su Methodist Board of Global mer as preacher and Children Sing to Jesus" and their sons, as well aa a.m., service with holy com provided; Senior Sewing Cir- ST. PAUL'S day, Apr. 29, youth convoca- Rev. Robert J. Harrington Ministrtea, will present the liturgist. under the direction of Jane fathers and boys of Boy munion; 11 a.m.. holy com. cle at 11 a.m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH tion, Stokes State Forest. RECTORY: Easter sermon at both the The evening service will Scout Troop 72 have at- munion will be celebrated. A 414 East Bread St. •15 nrst St. — UJ-S1I7 Zetto. The organist is Alan WratfleM, N. I. COMMUNITY CONVENT: •:» and 11 services at begin at 7:45 p.m. when GaNun. The Christian tended this annual Easter all service" the sermon will be FUST UNITED The Rev. Canoe, delivered by the Rev. Eugene METHODIST-CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 5M Trtalty PI. — 1SS-S1M First Methodist Church at Rdeeemer Church will nurture hour is at 9:30 a.m. get-together for more than A. Kehwinke! on "Really Alive Richard J. Hardmaa Meeting House Laae High Scheel — XSS-74SS Wcstfiek). present an original Chancel 40 years. AT WESTFIELD The Rev. Hugh Uvengeod Mountainside, New Jersey Grammar School — XSS-04M At the U a.m. festival In Christ" from the text I Cor At The 1 The Rev. D. Thomas Andrews drama entitled "The inthlans 15:12-22. MUatoU Minister Sunday, Masses at 8:45, 8, Dr. JOM was elected service the Luther Choir will Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Banner Rev. Clark W. The Rev. Charles* A. Ceearettl The Rev. Elmer A. Talcett, Jr. 9:15. 10:30. 11:45 a.m., 1 p.m. chief executive of the Board Passion of Our Lord in The sing two anthems: "On Bunch. 0. The Rev. Herbert ArmaatefiU Dlr. of Christian Education: Chapel Masses, 9:4$, 11 a.m. of Global Ministries, the Third Person" performed Easter Morn" by Shaw- Wednesday, 7 p.m.. Sr. High B. Metterieh Lenten schedule: 7 a.m. and Mis* Linda Gaul High School Mass (Youth largest agency of the by the youth of the Parker and "Allelujah, choir: 8 p.m., voter'* assembly 9:30 a.m., holy communion Thursday, 9:45 a.m., Christ- Maw), 8:30 a.m. congregation. The play was EASTER SPEAKS meeting. r. Monday thru Saturday; 9 a.m., mas workshop; 8 p.m., candle- Saturday Evening Maas, church, Christ is Risen" by Young. A. morning prayer Monday thru light communion service in 5:30 p.m. in 1968. written by Vicar Terry Mrs. Bette Becker will CALVARY hVTtUMAB Holy Week Services at First Friday. the Coptic tradition, new Dittmer, intern. While United Methodist Church at Maundy Thursday, 9:30 members will be received into From 19M to 1968, he was direct from the organ OF LIFE CBVWCB a.m.. Christian healing service, ST. HELEN'S R. C. CHURCH associate general secretary basically a traditional console. IN Eaatmam •treat, Craaford Westfield: Maundy Thursday, the church. Rev. Thomas B. Meaaey, Tenebrae service, this Pastern S p.m., the Last Supper will Canterbury Guild; 8 p.m., holy Friday, 1 p.m., Good Friday Pastor of the World Division, which Protection from dangir and Ike «•». Araold t. lTHsjulit be celebrated with scripture communion. service, prayer and meditation. Bev. William T. Morris, coordinated United drama also utilizes a slide narrative, Passion music, and Qood Friday, 12 noon-3 Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Easter presentation and sound fickrwu can com* from a Rev. Cordon L. Raff Assistant Methodist minion work in Rabbi Potok dttptr undtrstindlng of the On Holy Thursday at 8 p.m.. holy communion. The Rev. p.m., devotions; 8 p.m., litany family service, no Sunday Lambert'* Mill Bead track. The drama is a service of Holy Communion David F, Hanvood and the and penitential office. school; child care wll be pro- at Railway Ave. over 90 countries. He has meaning of Enter. Will be held at Calvary. Pastor Rev. James C. Whitaker will Holy Saturday, 2 p.m., holy vided for children five years Westfleld, N. i. - SSS-1114 also served as executive basically a meditation on To Attend Dahlqulst will preach. lead the service. The Rev. baptism; 11:30 p.m., holy com- and younger. Masses are scheduled as fol- secretary of the World the death of Jesus Christ, The Community Good Fri Philip R. Dletterlch will direct munion and sermon. lows: Daily Mass - 9 a.m.; Division for China and but always in mind is the N.Y. Assembly day Service will be held In the the sanctuary choir. Easter Sunday, holy com- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Sunday Masse* - Saturday at news that Christ will arise Broadcast this week ovtr courtyard around the creases Good Friday, 1 p.m., the munion and sermon at 6:30, SCIENTIST 8:30 p.m., 8:15, 9:30, 10:48, Southeast Asia. miny tutlont including: one-hour service will focus on 7:30, 8:45, 10 and 11:30 a.m. •tt Ea*t Bread Street and 12 noon on Sunday. on the third day,. Rabbi Simon Potok, from 2 to 3 p.m. In case of the cross with the Rev. James Monday In Easter week, Dr. Jones began his Inclement weather, the service WMtftald mission service in China, The organist will be Paul spiritual leader of Temple will be held In the church. C. Whitaker preaching on the 8:30 a.m., holy communion; 10 Sunday Service* — 11 AM. Israel of Scotch Plains- subject, "The Suffering God," a.m., ecclesiastical embroidery Sunday School — 11 AM. where from IMS until 1950 Becker. A Cantata by the Calvary and soloist Sally Schmslen- group; 7:30 p.m., Boy Scouts. TEMPLE ISRAEL Fanwood will attend the Choir will be presented Good Nunenr — 11 AM. the Conservative Synagogue he workedinNanUng. When The Easter observance SundsyMoratai berger singing Bach's "Bleed Tuesday In Easter week, Wednesday E VCBIM Testtimar 73rd annual convention of Friday at 8 p.m. and Break." 9:30 a.m., holy communion. Serving Scotch Plata* he left in 1950, China had «:15i.m. WNBC 660 KC The Cantata Is entitled, "On Easter Sunday, 7:30 a.m., Btecttaga—illS PJK. and Wettfleld been under Communist the Rabbinical Assembly 6:45 un. WNEW 1I3OKC the Passion of Christ" by Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., holy Wednesday Evening Nursery IBM CUffwood St. early next month. He will be breakfast will be served In the communion; 8 p.m.. Cosmo- for children up to *lx yearn— control about six months. Rowe Promoted 8:15 a.m. WERA 1590 ICC David H. Williams. It ia a church social hall. Reserva- politan Club. Scotch Plain*, New Jersey one of more than 500 9:45 ijn. WVNJ 620 KC three movement work tracing tions may be made at the 8:18 PJW. RabM, Simon Potok From 1952 to 1955 he was a our Lord's life through the Lesson Sermon: Doctrine of members of the Inter- church office through today. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Cantor, Milton Kurs missionary to Malaya, serv- By Polychrome Last Supper. His betrayal and 8:15 a.m., Innovative family Atonement. 889-1830 national Association of the the Crucifixion. Greg Funfgeld, OF WE8TFIELD Golden Text: "And we have ing as a pastor in Singapore. worship including contempo- WeatfMd YMCA Friday, Sabbath service, Conservative rabbinate who director of music, will have rary as well a» traditional seen and do testify that the •30 p.m. Born in Boston, Dr. Jones Olive Qelsler. soprano; Donald Its Ferris PL Father sent the Son to be the William Rowe of Westfield plan to attend the five-day Easter music. Dr. James l>. There will be an Easter Saturday, Sabbath service, was educated at Ohio has been promoted to Caldwell, tenor; and Albert Cox will present a lay address Servant of the world." I John :30 a.m. conference to be held at Melton, baritone, singing. morning - Spring celebration 4:14 Wesleyan University, Yale assistant vice president for Grossinger's, New York, fhorHOKS entitled, "Why Joyful?" 9:30 this Sunday. The LRY youth Sunday, morning service, University, and the On Easter Sunday at the 7 and 11 a.m., identical services will prepare a breakfast at :15 a.m. Polychrome Corp. and from May 6 through May id. > Ckrl.tlu 8.I.BS* n*ta Mris* and 8:30 a.m. services. Holy with the Rev. Dr. Tracey K. 9:30 and the service begins at •ANWOOD PRESBYTERIAN Monday, Passover morning University of California. manager of the company's Communion will be celebrated. Jones Jr., preaching. Youth 10:30. Those who have been CHURCH service, 9:30 a.m. Clark facility, Gregory Festival anthems will be sung and adult choirs will provide waiting for a good time to 74 Marttae Ave., South Tuesday. Passover morning: Halpern, president and by the Teen choir at 7 a.m. Easter music ending with visit the fellowship, are en- Rev. George L. Hunt service, 8 a.m. (Yizkor). Bank Reports SAl ES and by the Children's choir at Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus." :ouraged to attend to get to Rev. Elisabeth Y. Anderson Thursday, morning service, chairman of the board, Sf RVICE 8:30 a.m. Pastor Dahlqulst 7 a.m. announced. will preach at 7 a.m. There known people faster In the Ministers Quarterly Income PARTS will be special music for choir, :ongenlal spirit of a family Easter Sunday, 9:30 and 11 Polychrome, headquar- brass and organ at the festi- THE FRESBYTERIAN ireakfast and holiday get-to- .m., Dr. George L. Hunt will val service at 11 a.m. The Cal- CHURCH rether. preach on the topic "Born United Counties Trust tered here, manufactures vary choir will sing anthems IN WESTFIELD Again to Hope," nursery care Company, Elizabeth, has md distributes a wide 140 Mountain Aveaa* is provided; 9:30 and 11 a.m., Prof. W .Hard vacuum clvancrs with the brass quartet includ- TEMPLE EMANU-EL announced income, before ariety of offset-printing cludlng Paul Fetter's, "Easter Minister*, church school through 8th HANDY CHARGE Dr. Frederick E. Christian 786 K, Broad Street grade; 11 a.m., 9th and 10th securities gains or losses, of supplies. Fanfare." The organ and WestfleM braas quartet will present Flor Rev. Richard I* Smith grade confirmation class, 11th Granted Leave $867,587, or 51 cents per Before joining MAS r E R C HARGt Rev. M. Bolln Dnrway Rabbi, Charles A. Kroloff nd 12th grade classes—Fan- Pesters choral fantasy on Cantor, Don 8. Decker share, for the first three Polychrome in 1970, Mr. "Christ, the Lord is Risen Rev. Jack B. Abler* wood Community House. months of 1973, compared to Rowe had been president of Again" and several oilier se- Dr. Henry O. Bovenkerk Tel. *n-wno Monday, !) a.m., senior high Prof. George R. Willard of lections. At the o/fertory, the Carieton I. Ryder, Friday, ShnbbRt Hervlce, work retreat leaves from 722 Boulevard, director of $726,523, or 42 cents per General . Ream Corp., organ selection will be the Director ef TeutfcaVotMHe* 8:15 p.m., Lennard Thai will Church Parking Lot for Cam- Newark. Prior to that, he machines Sunday, 6:30 a.m., Triangle den area; church office closed. the College Success share, for the first quarter "Capricclo" from Richard Pur- speak on "The Evil Yetzer." Program and Spanish in- of 1972. Net income after was vice president of vis' Partita on "Christ the Bible Class Easter breakfast Monday, last day of Pass- Tuesday, 8 p.m., new mem- Phenalk Chemicals, Inc., Lord Is Risen Again," and the followed by service in Chapel; over, Ylrkor will be read, 10 ber class — lounge. structor in the humanities securities transactions was EflRDLYT. PETERSEN CO. Calvary Choir and brass 8, 9:30, 11 a.m., Easter wor- a.m, department at Union $872,305, or 51 cents per Brooklyn, N.Y. quartet will present Eugene ship services — Easter mes- Tuesday, Bible class, 10 WILLOW GROVE College, has been granted a hare, compared to the Mr. Rowe, 53, and his Butter's "An Easter Alleluia." sage by Dr. Christian entitled a.m.; Friendship Group, 1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH wife, Eileen, have two Pastor Huff will preach at "True Resurrection Today;" 8 p.m.; Men's Club Bridge, 8 1M1 Rarltan Rd., leave of absence for theearlier figure of $753,780, or both the 8:30 and 11 a.m. serv- a.m., Westminster Choir, 0:30 s.m. Scotch Plains, N. J. 07071 1973-74 academic year, it 44 cents per share. children. ices. and 11 a.m., Chancel Choir. Wednesday, school commit- Telephone! ISt.Mll was announced today by Or. Deposits totaled $324 Tuesday, 12 noon, Elizabeth tee, 8:15 p.m. Patter: Norton Bible Class luncheon; Thursday, Mnh Jongg, 7:45 Rev. Julian Alexander, Jr. Kenneth W. Iversen, million at Mar. 31, against WOODSIDE CHAPEL. 8 p.m., parish nurture com- p.m. Telephone: 2S2-UW president. $293 million a year-ago. 5 Morse Avenue mission. Associate Pastor: Loans at the end of the first Fanwood, N. J. Thursday, 0:30 a.m., prayer OUR LADY OF LOURDES Rev. Robert T. Cauell The resignation of Prof. quarter of 1973 were $219 Sunday, 7 a.m., Singing at chapel; 10 a.m., spiritual life R. C. CHURCH Telephone: 23S-07M Willard's wife. Mrs. Jane million, up from the $194 John Runnel's Hospital. leaders; 10 a.m., Woman's As- (Alr-Cendlttoned) Thursday, 8:15 p.m., 9:45 Sunday, 11 a.m., Family sociation workshop; 8 p.m., S0O Central Ave., Mountainside p.m., Maundy Thursday •com- Crowe Willard, an in- million reported at Mar. 31. Bible Hour, l*cn Brooks, mis- board of trustees. Rev. Gerard t, McGarry, munion services. structor in the sociology The financial results sionary and rndlo speaker will Friday, 7:30 p.m., Seventh Pastor Friday, 8 p.m., Em mails department, was also an- reported for both years preach. Christian Education and Eighth Crude Fellowship; Assistant* Coffeehouse for Youth. nounced by Dr. Iversen. School from 4 years to Sr. 8:30 p.m., A.A. Rev. Oerard B. Whelan Sunday, 5:30 a.m., youth reflect the combined High at the »nme hour. Nurs- Rev. James F, Benedetto sunrise service, busses leave S. Mr. and Mrs. Willard plan figures, accounted for on a ery provided. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL, Sunday, Masses at 7, 8, 9:15, P. Bnptist Church at 5:10 n.m. to spend the year in Palm pooling of interests basis, of Sunday, 7:30 p.m., Lcn CHURCH 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon. for Watchung Reservation. Beach, Fla. where they will he former Union County Brooks will bring the mnssage. 1X8 Elmer Street 3aturday Evening Moss, 7 Bring folding chair. 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, 8 p.m., prayer Wntfleld, New J«*» p.m. and 11:15 a.m., Easter Sunday pursue graduate studies in Trust Company and service followed by n messngc Minister*! Weekdays, Masses at 7 and worship services, the Rev. their respective fields. Keansburg - Middletown New super Chemp from John Smnrt, President U R. Stanford 8 a.m. Julian Alexander will speak; National Bank, which of EZmm&us Bible School. M. E, McCuUough Holyday Masses, 6, 7, 8, 10 Church School 5th thru 9th Prof. Willard, a graduate merged on Apr. 2, 1972, Wednesday, 10 a.m., Ladlex Sunday. 0:30 a.m., sunrise n.m., 8 p.m. grades at 9:30 a.m.; three mi most Mtraordinapy work day. service nnd Easter breakfast; Miraculous Medal Novena year olds thru 4th grade at of Allegheny College, Pa. under the new name of Saturday, 7:45 p.m., Chris- 0:45 a.m., church school In the and Mass: Monday nt 8 p.m. 11:15 a.m.; crib room nnd holds a master's degree in United Counties Trust cMMrtn't SUM ouaraniN •viri tian Fellowship Rally, special Center; 10 a.m., morning wor- Bcr.edlctlon during- the playpen open at both services. Spanish from Middlebury Company. mualc, Ernesl Woodhouse ship In the Sanctunry, Rev. L,. school yenr on Fridays at Tuesday, 8:10 p.m., Junior College, Vermont, and a from Westwood, N\ J. will be R. Stanford preaching. Ser- 2:30 p.m, dept. tenchers' meeting. professional diploma for 30 If you're not 100% satisfied with the way Keds the speaker Mr. Woodhouse mon Topic: "The Story of A Baptisms on Sunday at 2 Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., Core- Is associated with the Jerry Walk." p.m. by appointment. Ring prayer meeting. lours of graduate work On Honor List New Super Champs wear, we'll give you your McCauley Mission In New Thursday, 7 p.m., Chapel Confessions, Every Saturday beyond the master's degree money back. Or • new pair of Super Champs 'ork City. Choir In Patton Auditorium; and ovc!3 of Holy Days and JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES from Teachers' College of free, Whichever you want. For Information call 88B- 8 p.m., Chancel Choir In Pat- First Fridays, from 4 to 5 and 1170 Old Rarltan Road. Columbia University. He At Pingry School 9224 or 232-1525 ton Auditorium. from 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. Clark, New Jersey You just limply mail them along with your Clark Congregation has completed all his course Westfield students at •ales slip to: Mr. Robert M. Chase, Director Earl D. Myers work for a doctorate from Pingry School who received 1'resldlng Overseer Columbia. of Quality Control, Keds Factory, 2.12-0708 honor grades during the 58 Maple Street, Naugatuck, Conn. Friday, 7:25 p.m., ministry second marking period 06770. school - 8:30 p.m., service Mrs. Willard is a graduate include Michael Curry of 941 meeting. of the College of Saint St. Marks Ave., Augustine He'll tend you a check for the Sunday, 4:05 p.m., Watcli- Elizabeth and holds a Long of 953 Wyandotte Tr., amount on your tale* slip townr study -•- tho title of the master's degree In sociology (excluding taxes of course). article to bo considered by Andrew Siegel of 2038 question nnd answer partlclpn- from Southern Arro.wwood Dr., Jeffrey Or, if you prefer, a new tlon Is, "Be a Vessel for Hon- State College, New Haven. Pribor of 2S5 Munsee Way, pair of the same size ornblo Use." Robert Smith of 23 Super Champ*. Tuesday. 7:30 p.m., 2315 Prof. Willard joined the Longfellow Ave., Scotch Hawthorn Dr., Scott W. It's as simple a* that. Plains, thu Hlble study to bo Union College faculty in Boone of 717 Boulevard and viHcd durlDK a question nnd 196S, Mrs. Willard was Calvin Kebernick of 607 Shoe* must be answer discussion will be appointed to the faculty In "PnradlHe Restored to Man- Dudley Ct, purchased before Mnil Uy Theocracy!" 1970. July 31, 1973.


Prtsoriptions DOOLEY COLONiAL^HOME Drag! Cotmatioi Kodak Oa*ft ThurMky Nlf hit Til » 70IIM ST. 233-7172 WISTFIIID FREE DELIVERY Detter1! •r»«rla

"An optlmlat Is a man who hain't gotten around to reading the morning newapaperi."(Earl WlUon) RUG CLEANING SPECIAL 1/3 off you 11 want to send this Easter Cash and Carry S. K. HAMMH 0MKTS GREETING CARDS DECORATIONS 210 Court Mata, MalnfieM (Bthlnd Plfd. Pollu Olpii PARTY FAVORS GIFTS 7M-14M Frl,, Tr)un,, trt.,14 H«ating Equipment Installed CtemeitEs Bno&ma irmtient liilr rem 3817555 Aa« no barrltr, 4*0 NORTH AVl.lAiT • WlWIIlD.lM.WOtt • 333.1300 Full.or iiart unit, or Five, Men, woi yazdeno FUEL OIL and blU-NUt •IRVICK uiiliont •t, { 6% Wrap j! HiAllHQ MQUIPMtMT INBTAUMD din £den(ot the Perfect /[LlCmtYSIS till, XI. IHH'ltllll CLARKTON iHOWMNO CINTJ*. CLARK. N. J. 14 TWO WKSTKIKIJJ PAINTS 'UPHOLSTERERS "Women's Liberation. Service, Rutgers Univer- From What-To What?" sity: a panel moderated by AUGUSTINE proposes to integrate the Mrs. Jerry English, and an AUSTEfS WESTFIELD m-t4tt Pra* "good" of women's after-lunch talk by Miss MOTORS CENTRAL MARMACY liberation into our home and Dorothy Emerson from the FORD family living. National 4-H Club Foun- A* •ante* »»rt Ovaare far PAINT « Activities for the daydation. B Otae It Taara CMtanal Av», Cm. PMrk U. • DUrWItAll WALLPAPER AWffNTiM^ UOALNOTICI Orw at «M Matt Mttfarn LJOAL Mona, =:;.; •alaa * terete* PORD a aeMaeeesere • Ptaawaetaas •eaia Ir»»rattaiMt fatflea* In *• Area. NOTICI TOCRf OITO«* PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE OF JOHN N. BURNS Scaled proposal! will be received a waaiira aDrrera PW3M>10M TIFFANY DtUOS We aaaclaiiaa la: DMMM4 by trie Town Clerk of me Town of elteaaaa • Aliaratl>aa,A •Uea* • Xllekeaa of Union, mad* or the 11th day of 1973 in the Council Chambers of the Ban* « aja. «• U *m. • Maatla* aa4 Waii* 333 W. Broad StWtitfWd Municipal Building, tn East Broad niun rlll April A.D., 1W», upon the »p •aaliw • •,«.(• IM >.av plication of me undersigned, >t Strtet, Wettf leld. tor the furnishing HfNafthAva,!. WMMIW • Oaraer* Executor of the mtate of MISof motile radio units for me West, Ml I IfMd St. Waatfttfcj Hydawi Vitamin Product. • JaUaalaa • P1UMWNO MCHIM, notice l> htrtty glvm to field Fire Department. DOM'S TOYOTA • Parcke* tM creditors of Mid dtceeied to Bid formt and specification! may • oaraaea exhibit to ttwiubicrlbtr under oath be obtained from me Purchasing • ator» Saafa aU Klttkeaa or affirmation melr culm, ana Agent. Municipal Building. 425 East AUTO SALES UNION COUNTY MOUNTAINSIM demands against the nttte of said Broad Street, Wesff leld. New Jersey ELM RADIO 4 TV, Inc Our tltk Tear at Traatwartar SaittM defeated wlttilnilx mootfij Irom m« o?oto. •entaajtt* VOLKSWAGEN, rraa KttlaatM •tUMWNO « HtAIWM 332-3300 Ckartea A. aaaaakw date of Mid order, or Hiey will be Trie Town reserves me right to Inc. Vlaaaclae AifaiM forever barred from prottcutlno or reicct i»i Meakaalaa FARM i GARDEN 233-0W7 Westfleid. Inc., has applied to the 20 IHH StfWV SUmiESJNC. • INSURANCE 374 SJtett Dr. AMINTEI BALLOTS Retail Distribution License If you ar« a qualified and heretofore Issued for premises RESTAURANTS reglstwred vottr of the State who situated at 34* E. South Ave., ALLSTATE expects to be absent outside the Weslfleld, N.J. STATION RADIO State on June 5, 1*7) or a qualified Objections, if any, should be made GOODWIN MOTOR and registered voter who will be Immediately in writing to Joy c. I TV THE 6RECI-R0MAN wltMn m« Stall on June 5, 1973 but vreeland, Town Clerk, Municipal VOLVO Round a Cedar because ot Illness or physical Building, Westfleid, N.J. CORP. SPICIAITY MOPS disability, or oecauw of the oto- Signed, Split Rail a 8tocke4e servanct of a religious holiday Charles C. LaTerra MIRCtMSIDiZ • tUNKAM Scott's Lawn Car* Produeta YOU pursuant lo ttie fencts of your John LaTerra i HUM mm religion, or o*cau» o< resident Water-SoftenlnsT Salt ta Charlies Italian Tek vision HIM —t BtrrWa Harry E.Gottt, Jr. ROWS attendance at a school, coilvve or Delicatessen of Westtleld, Inc. Dial 388-1581-2- na iKOjim. university, will o« unable to cast 344 E. South Ave. Appliance! • Auto ,*ii MHKI mum m mwjo yovr oallot at m« polling place in Westfleid, N.J. a Finance 1 your district on uc-u. Such request must by the Mayor and Council of the (opp. Oiflmbyl «(KUVnm.UI.4SMMT stsh* four ^me address, and the Town ot westfleid at the Municipal CADILLAC 233-7377 O|M» Mir 11 AM. Te 11 P.M. address ro *nzn said ballot should Building, i25 East Broad Street, IMMIM I *.M. Te II tM. Clatai MlKif 9e sent, and must be signed with Westfleld, New Jersey on Tuesday, »our si« state me reason April 24, 1*73 at 10:00 A.M. VAN'S CALL 2321870 *hy ycu will not be able lo vote at prevailing time for the furnishing of public works equipment including US SOUTH AV W. WUrril Advertise your usual polling place. No civilian PEARSALL & absentee ballot will be furnished or one 11) Hydraulic Pipe Cleaning APPLIANCE CO. • RARBER SHOPS Sf •VINO AUAOVHIYIAM >0 Machine, and one (1) Front End forwaroed any applicant unless Authorized Sales & Service request therefor is received not less Loader, one (I) Existing Allls TAILORS FRANKENBACH, INC ifian 7 days prior to the election, and Chalmers Front End Loader Is to be • Meynf traded. MARTIN'S contains the foregoing information. • Mililpool DM 7M-3341 etmott TAnoMMw JOYC.VREELAND. Proposals must be accompanied • KHchan AM AND ALTEIUnONa Town Clerk by a certified check or bid bond, • Hemlllsn BARBER •9IUtAI> WEAR MNTAt* -a Ett.llSt 4-19 73 IT Feel: $11.04 payable to the order ot the treasurer • MafkChel If aVftMl W« BATE OUR OWN STOCK of Ihe town of Westf ield in an amount • Chryito Airtemp. STYLIST equal to ten-percent of the amount of HM0K1LIUD DHT CUCAMtM the bid. Said proposals must also be \e urvice anil Inuall all maki' On This NOT ice Mr •lOMPT accompanied by a surety company 333-1331 COURTIOUf Sealed proposals will be received certification that the bidder will be CII 333.373* NOWUS CHEVROLET i Balkan u —m Tail by the Mayor and Council of the 111 Qatway K furnished the performance bond Salfatavlt* — Haaar Town of Westfleid at Ihe Municipal required In the specifications. 111 i South Ava. W., Bocakfait Building, 4>S East Brood Street, LaJIM •alnkatla* 332-4700 Weslfleld, New Jersey on Tuesday, Plans, specifications and form of Lwncheoni a Dinners proposal may be seen or procured at April U. 1971 at 10:00 A.M. • run. oil 115 Ilm St. VfnrflaU AfTt* THIATU iNACKS the oil Ice ot the town engineer, •ear*: • AM. la I P.M. prevailing time for the turnlshlng of Charles Van Benschoten. Public • ANHQUIS a MKIWO DOHI OH MiMIMi a fertilizer and other chemicals for the Works Center, 959 North Avenue, Aalherieei 333S305 FUGMANN 1973 season. w.. Westlleld, New Jersey. FOR INSURANCE CALL I CALL 233-07741 Specifications and form of UMI * IBRTICB The Mayor nnd Council reservo IMIkV. OIL COMPANY Us HWYTSO it i.Miu. u. Page proposal may t* s«en or procured at the rluht lo rclcct any and all bids. the owe© ot lhc town engineer, THI ATTIC Major eat Mlaor Hasalia CHARLES W. COSENZA CHARLES VAN BENSCHOTEN Laraa aalacllem et Charles Van Benschoten, Public TOWN ENGINEER 2 Elm StrtttItfftt,, WWtitfit* W • SERVICE STATIONS Works center, 9J9 North Avenue, 417-73 2T Feet $21.12 Vae« Care eat TraaM W., Wesffleld. New Jersey. The town •VII TMw• Wllk reealMUUa* CANDLES 233-liMUiM reserves the right lo have Ihe 0M3I»4M0 product tested upon delivery. NOTICE AM »••• Atlloea* Awards shall be made on Individual Take Notice that Belford Scott Caaajal Af. —4 Westa, Aee. » EUQID •WATER TREATMENT Hems. Mlllerlng and Dorothy D. Ortman STATI FARM The Mayor and Council reserve trading as Cappy's Liquors, have tne right to re|ect any and all bids. applied to the Mayor and Council of Dial 313-1 tU the Town ot Westfleld for renewal of €ffO CHARLES VAN BENSCHOTEN aalea * aemea FLO-SOFT TOWN ENGINEER Retail Distribution License for (JUH ell tk* Clr«M> REIllY 412 73 2T F ••• $15.36 premises situated at 331 .South Watekdor Buraar ftrvlea SERVICE Avenue, E., Westfleld, N.J. Xair Budf at Varaiaal INI WATER CONDITIONING Ob|ectlons, If any, should be made 41SW*Nf!*MAvt. OLDSMOBILE OO. Attkw lTltlka, n«a> immediately in writing to Mrs. Joy A NOTICE Featuring: Dial 333-S373 • WkaalAlltwaaat c. Vreeland, Town Clerk ot West, • Wkaeiaalsartaa son mm mm Take notice that Stop Convenience field, N.J. AulhtdaM •Candles by Bluepte Will INiURANCI Food Stores, Inc.. a New Jersey • Mstar Tuaa-aas Signed &Baumer 3«l South Ava. I. corporation, ?0 Highland Ave., Bollord Scot Mlllerlng alaitacUaaWark SALES AND KNTAIS Metuchen. N.J., has applied to tho 1st Harold Rd •West Vs. Glass & Mosaic Glass. Brake ferrlca — Ka Mayor and Council of the Town ot STATE FARM Wejtfleld, N.J. SA1T AW REPAIRS WesMield, N.J. lor the renewal of the •Constant Flame Candle Lamps Dorothy D. ortman »l«k-a» ft Daltratr Limited Retail Distribution license, DISPLAY RANKIN FUEL CO. INSURANCE COMf ANIEl 49 Farley Ave. for premises situated at 727 Central Complete Line of Candle Home OWicaa: Moaminaton. tlllnola Fanwood, N.J. I MUM ll»t Avenue, Westfieid N.J. MO Nor* Avt. I. AP 2-7*11 Call 232-4744 4 12 73 2T F«.i $12.96 Making Supplies & kits Names of officers and directors of YOUR Ihe corporation are a* follows: 233-6364 •HetMnir CoiaM Llka Mrnaa- 439 North Av*. WestftoM President: Alvin Rockolf. Vice NOTICE TO CREDITORS 640 South Ava. WeitfMd President: Leo Wilson and Arthur ESTATE OF BERNARD J. RAHIL Oil •URNIR AN AD Kramer. Secretary: Henry LY, Deceased ADVERTISEMENT Kosobuckl, Treasurer: Alvin ROTCHFORD PONTIAC •alaa aa« fertlea Pursuant to the order of MARY C. MOUNTAMSm ROCkOff. Directors: Alvin KANANE. surrogate ot the County Aw ON THIS Rockoll, 450 Harrison Avenue. ol union, made on the 13th day of • CLEANERS ft DYERS POIfTUO AMP LSI Dial 374-M00 Highland Park, N. J , Daniel April AD., 1973, upon the ap- IN THIS SERVICE Rockotl. 122 U. Bin Ave , Highland plication of the undersigned, as Park. N.J.; Arthur Kramer. 20 Executors ot the estate of said Salei [230 CartMnntal Avt. CranfM, PAGE MAY Barnacle Dr , Spring Valley. NY . a a»»ke Burnt deceased, notice is hereby given to New and Used Cart Business Leo Wilson, 20 Fourth Ave , Allan!* the creditors of said deceased to SPACE a laalae Taae-aaa Highlands. N.J. exhibit to the subscriber under oath -B«tt»r Dry cmnlni sine* lilt" EARN YOU • Rialtter SUealra Objections, ti any, should oe rnaae or animation their claims and . 232-3700 1 k n immediately in writing lo Joy C demands against the estate of said a> BatUr Dry* Ctvanlna ' "PeeeaeaMa, »ru»aly garrtaa Vreeland. Town Clerk ot Westlield _ deceased within six months from the Sanka and Parti • Shirt Launrtarlna* ataea Ilir MORE •aa* a«r»ie« — aaaw N.J date of said order, or they will be a> cold Fur Storage ktdaiUiaUT Directory Slop Convenience Food lorever barred Irom prosecuting or •AUTO BODY RIPAIU 6643222 • Drlptry and Rug- CUftntaa* Coal HEATINO OILai Coka Stores, me 20H.ghlan;j Ave IK WESTFIF-IJ): IRldta *-0f00 DOLLARS 312*77* Veiucfteri. tt j David S Rah'lly and IODYAIT 11E. Broad St. Diol 736-0100 I aartk A»a. •.- 4-19 73 2T FM1S20 16 Jacturers Hanover Trust 1121 tf. 33 MawnMtMla) Company, of New York, N.V. COUISION SHOP MAIN OFFICE AND PLANT: Advertising t O*orf 1201 South Av»., •lainliald • GLASS ; • LUMRRR I»»IM< t aej PUBLIC NOTICE Olktr Etor» !• PUInfUl* • STORM DOORS Notice »s hereby g.vf 'hs' \»*'*, '^'^. B * r«aturi«» Cone. Type UK >/ , V. 5 f >'\jjnr »o the &rcjef of MART C TRIUMPH STORM Leveling Course f D A 't'.'t'. f-ANANC. 'jMrrogaf* Df the County CurtalDi — Llrnna — Ba4ipfa>*j • WINDOW SHADES Tons Bit Cone Type S" ' '/ . ».-. ', v >' or., rriaoe (ifi the O da/ Oi April Cuiton Maaa MIRROR or HOI Bit. Cone Thtfi 0*r >,, . A O . 'iW}. -JV/T\ the application ol Broken Stonel rOA. )', «-<••.»• "fr ',' -3tr\ gned. avE/ECUTRIXol Blip CoTtra A DraparUe Esl Over 25 Yeats Manholes I- mu-is. m i r •;* 085 "A Complete- ItrjitJrShnp R.C.P.F.D.A , S Inlttl T ,w T, ,t • 'C*W 'J *i-r "'J 'ht rretJitor, C/f (Aid • MOVINO « STORAOI Inlet Type A 46" and opi-' *'J -IM ri^'.*:6\'^i *t, i< jt h^t}< t to the iutfic r«r SM. Weillald (hi Wheel." read In pubhc ftl Dorouyr' K'V '•> '- j'.')'•' 'j*t)t- 'jT /,ft innjt'tm their All work dune at your WOUle No 22. Mou'>'nlns t)c N . 'j' "« " \ ftr.-J 'J^-fT^nrJi ag*,ni' th* AUTOMATIC lluinr Or Office 39 I VRVR. IFACf SV NIpDcCMIKT POLICY Tuesday, May B. 197) »' 1 *( t, •! ti+. 'o'ecer bbrrt-d from SAME DAY SERVICE STORAOI tor Ihe proposed work. unrj,ir».,j [,, • DELICATESSENS fcnrlpl UIMIIETvt SEIiltl 3812083 : 2^370 Robert KoMir, .tr.o 4p MOVINO ft »ACMMO Call: 2^3-7049 proved by thr. Comn .svo'if.r -jl 17 Lincoln Blvd. CLARK 4)3 ipaiipairii ArtArt. ww. WINOOW S1IADKS WWII I(L«»|UK Transportation, nave t;f'c,t *.,*>() Porv Ayr Call 232 7443 AMERICAN DELICATESSEN Conwnl»slon(.'r ol Irnrnporl.if.on. • TOWING iiiiii'io. r, J lit MOUTH AV. I WISTfllU) VHIt Our Showroom Trenton, New J*vs*y, ,ifi«t [>.v,si(jn Opp Imlij AT. *Tha Open Poor ta ltnipllalitj" « n tr MOTORS 12 Echo lhrj|i|>ln« Pill. 01 l.ocnl fjovfrrutiffil Aid l),',lr.( I • rhi-lra fnM r-ule Office IOCOIPO nt liNirii-o Arnif-fy. a drealla a li"ni. maflt S«l«iH • MUSIC INSTRUCTION Rt. 12 » Mountain Av«.,9prlrmfliW Tr-ant'Ch Avfliuc IV liM-rl* Mnyid, NOTICE TO PERJONJ IN SEVELL'S a T-'rni»ti rondfi 37(-1MW Tranock, N i (HfiM mm tuny IJI> MILITARY SKRVICe OR e nonet 9 >'aiicir Orocarlta H Watchung Ava., Ptilnflatd lt I>ATI£NT< IN VBTtRANV y po| v huldrs • Meiaaee ^aaflvfrhi'a rut Vp to Take Out* 7S7-S4M Ouririy Ijusirics*, hours HOSPITAL) AND TO THCIR AUTO BODY CO. Oi>*n litilr «nr1 Nuodaya THE PERFORMING ARTS JOE'S AMOCO KELATIVBS AUDPniliNDI a Jaeaila I'lllMl fliddnrs Will t,v riiriiitlmil wilN n Cl'iiid lloiuUya copy of lit<> sppUfinlHjiis t,y thu •»«r MI r«iti taee lli>UHi>wnrr O'"Slr r» If; yyln, or if yfjij Ki-yn ,\fiit1- r ('UHlnln HiTf JERSEY, Inc. IOUL i LOHO eiiiuici DlrM IIIUS' he Mirtfto on >lnndnrd itrt' n ri'lnllvf ur Irltirnl of n person la Heir Toon* 1123 South Ava. W. Wtttflalt) 1 3MJ454 I '<||' Any Klr t)ttipti\n\ furrtii in Itup in,iiiiti'r who is Ifi Itin rlillllnr / M'rviitf or i\ n riniltr n«p«lri— rilsllef A NeffPralt linlir-nt In n vPlnrntr ' liovpllnl wlio, - Klrilrln!MtlllllitliK) {lesJurmlpd HIMHJIII /tin) ii'i|(iiri>d i>v Ttuta filallaa ••• Deaalni 4*1 I. jcduotlorml itiKltutlaa Ihe stint Ifltrtlilin^, rnusl l,n NH IOVM yliu lif>lll>vi'. will llt'Mfe frj vole I'l thf* r«r»lea Car aerrtee imli ImllKl!y «:Hu) n in In II, In s^alnd Mtvnloj"1^, hi-nrilKj lh<> I'r lilifiry I IM llfin Ni h* ln'ld ofi h/rit> TIIIIIH. Mvn 'III Ii n.ia. t All Orohnlrsl tnaartfi and Dmmatloa ItHMi" ol rftml 0M r vll l> WESTFIEID iU iUUfll Mt W WflfKlLtl Ihull not tip le« limn IIUIMItl mid Im I'.iilol lur n ir-intiyp i»r Irinnil limn Alwny* In Stuck tfellverpd ft\ tlin i)l/tt.n i;n nr Iti'loft* liirtVii nil n|ipll< nliori under onth for n fho hour nditiMl nlnivn t h» nlmmnrd oillitfiry ir-lvliti Ij/tllol to l>fl I'jr BODY WORKS, INC TURNER'" • OPTICIANS pfupawil ttitin ntul the Mini Lrjlluniini wnri'll lo him, slnllny Ifi your flit 232-3631 iitii (ii'oii Mini hf ii) over lltrt nut* of In RIMODIUNO JMCIALTUTI AIM()»Vll tttf Dllnthfl to KIM IIIJJ B. I, Piaeflaaa, rrea, A|i|>cll/lni| Catering SELL IT Evoi-3701131 l)Hfmenl»t »u*tifit«fioin, ii)uio» nl ynrtls nlMI slntlliu hl^ hflittc, %nt\n\ Met aid fer>lot wltltlt will U» (unil»lt"Mi«>, . plltallrjri to tmqlnew. WMP9WT AVTO BOVT j a »*•• "iS'i'f St'yimntr fir Yaw PreKrlpilon Oatlttan IIS By order uf Mayur ami flurui/un trtn IJW Itjurnl ni'xi Affittr" CttUlttlJ I (il mi tit ftfililir ntion t tu\ ue oli • nmt>m •all LEAOIR Harouuli InlrtpiJ Irom lh<* MrulpriiynpiJ THIS Jor t:. VftSRLANt), Dial 332.007J 654-4844 PHONI Mtl Ptal 333-707I JAY-KAY IUI10IM, INC. 1 own ClefK 435 Nurth Ava. I, • Ilm If. A III )1 If fKH: »|l.fJ4 WMrtaM 117 Central ««». W«tflaid SPACE 23M407 4ll-«fl7 -THE U'ESTKIfcLU (N.J.) LKADKK, TIUKSOAV, .tl'KIL, 10, I»J3 fug, ;.-, Named To Honor Society Realtor The Bucknell University highlight of the chapter's chapter of Phi Eta Sigma, 1973 initiation banquet. scholastic honor society for Freshmen accepted into At Seminar freshman men, observed the membership include J. Henry L. Schwiering, vice Recent Real Estate Transactions 50th anniversary of theKeith Dewyngaert, son of president of Alan Johnston founding of the national Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Inc., local real estate firm, organization Apr. 15 as aDewyngaert. attended me1 Ninth annual spring conference of the "A party leftover is one who Employee Relocation doesn't know when to leave." Council, at the Drake Hotel (Anonymous) in Chicago. The council is a non-profit It's Spring on *• organization formed in 19M JtraayShonl REACTIVATED ALUMNI CLUB - Shown during a by representatives of major Com* Enfoyl luncheon program held to reactivate the Alumni corporations that transfer Association of the Eastern School ror Physicians' Aides, their employees from one New York City, are, from left, John Andrews of location to another and are Matawan; Mrs. Grace Depa of MO Forest Ave., Charles confronted by the many LOBSTER R. Mathli, director of the Eastern School, and Or. Grace problems incidental to such Hewell of the Office of Education of the State of New transfer*. mum York, a member of the school's advisory board. Mrs. Once each year the Depa Is the former Grace Mlele. council invites members of the real estate profession Mr. and Mr*. Norman Msdera formerly of Cincinnati, The above Multiple Listed property at 2S7 Bridle Path, and appraisers to meet with Ohio, are now llvlag In their new home at 11 Watson Mountainside, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. John T. Named Corporate Director it and discuss problems of Road, Fanwood. The talc was negotiated by Janet Rit- Whalen, formerly of Somerset. The sale was negotiated mutual concern. The theme chie for the firm of Peai-Mll * Frankenbach, Inc., for Mr. and Mrs. David Scheinner by Helen Ciubackl of The appointment of 1949 with a degree in Realtors. the office of Alan Johnston, Inc., Realtors. William G. Mulhole of West- chemistry and was elected of the conference this year field as corporate director of to Phi Beta Kappa. Prior to was "Moving Together development was anjoinin- g Bard in 1970, heThrough Employee nounced today by J. Wendell served in chemical research* Relocation." Craln, president. Formerly director of market development for the Bard Hospital Division for the wfSTFIEtD paattwo years, Mr. Mulhole RIALTO 232-1211 J Book by Nail Simon Songs by Burt Bacharach Broadway cut NOW THRU TUESDAY APRIL 24 - JUNE 3 We proudly announce the ilgnlng of

"One of the most outspoken, SADA THOMPSON outrageous, and image-shattering who will rtcreata htr TONY AWARD performance film experiences in years." Mr. and Mn. Harry M. Decker formerly of Elliabeth are Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fieeman Jr. have moved Into now residing in their new home at l«i Wood Road, their new home at 2«f Dickson Dr. The sale of this "TWIGS" Scotch Plains. The aale wat negotiated by George P. Hall multiple listed property was negotiated by Patrick D. JUNE 6JULY 1 of the office of Charlea W. Rokosny. Realtor. Minogue of the office of Barrett tc Craln. Inc., Realtor*. Telephone for Reservations: William G. Mulhole will be responsible for MX OFFICE 201-37M343 coordinating Bard's internal Millburn, N.J. and external expansion programs in health care markets. A former Navy pilot, Mr. RESTRICTED UNDER 18 NOT ADMITTED 'Mulhole was graduated from Rutgers University in Sound 9dviA- co**+l*om> Sttt&tU OPENING DAY SUNDAY, APRIL 29th r QUAD

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Shropshire arc the new owners of Mr. and Mrs, Don K. Alpaugh have moved Into their new •01 St. Mark* Avenue In WesttlcM, which they purchased home at 84a Wlnyah Ave. The saleotthU multiple U>t«4 . from Mr. arid MrsV Herbert L. Gibson. This was a property,;was negotiated by Roger D. Love Jr. of the . multiple listed property with the WeitfieM Board of office of Barrett & Crain, Inc. Realtor*. Realtors and sold through The Johnson Agency, Inc. AMBOYS DRIVE IN THEATRE SAYERVUE AT TH6 JUNCTION ROUTES 9*35, SAYERVILLE. GARDEN STATE PKWY EXIT 127 OR TURNPIKE EXIT 11. Experience the uncompromising quality that mikes Marantz the most respected name In Quadraphonic by getting the Marantz 4430 AM/FM Quad-Receivar and four Marantz Modal 7 Speakers and Jive $160.00 during April's Quad Introduction month. Listen to this and other Quad systems In our sound showrooms, plus hear an actual Quadraphonic radio demonstration at 2:00 P.M. Saturdays by special arrangement over WPST Trenton, ;•*&*«&; 97.5, NJ's only 50,000 Watt station. NDAYS This home at II Robin Road, Fanwood was recently Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roll Jr., formerly of North listed and sold by Addle Chaison of Joy Brown, Inc., Plalnfleld, are now residing at IM Burns Way, Fanwoad, Realtor, 112 Elm Street, a member of the Westfield which they purchased from Mr, and Mrs. Ronald B#rk Board of Realtors. through II. Clay Frledrlchs, Inc. Mrs. Katherlne 8. 8 AM to 5PM Boothe of the Fanwood Gallery of Homes, negotiated the sale of the property which was multiple listed with the SNACK BAM WestNeld Hoard of Realtors. 544 NOBIH AVENUE, E./MSTFIEID.NEW JUSET 07090/PHONt 2320413 FOR INFORMATION: GHANUI KALL/RT. 2W/MDI1A*. NE*JtUSE* 011(9/PHONE 526-4434 Mon. Ihuti, K fri. 9:30 - 9:00 • Tun. * Sit. 9:30 - 6:00 • Cloud Wid. 201-721-3401 •ppoinlmlnl on •.•quilt

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-ul SMITH, 'One delightful, hilarious heartache of a movie!"i i THE LEADER

WMTPItLD LIADM Mr. and Mm. James O'llare have just moved Into their Mr. and Mr*, Vincent J, V«tusl httvc moved Into their •0ILMIIT. new home located at 1.11 Park Street., formerly the new home at 12 Indian Itun, Scotch Plains, The sale of residence of Mr, and Mrs. Salvatore Tosto. This sale was this multiple listed property was negotiated by William negotiated by Judith Zane of II. Clay Frledrlchu, Inc. C, Taylor of the office of Hnrntt A (Vain, Inc., Realtors,

, It.

KIDDIE MATINEE ONE YEAR FRIDAY -SATURDAY-SUNDAY Mt(M SHOWING AT: Friday-2:00 P.M. Thin tioint! nt 321 llitrrlNnn Avi>. WON recently nurchHucd Mr, MIUI Mm, Mlchuel (IMIIIM foriiM>rly of Klltabeth are M $5. by Mr, and Mr*. Samuel 8t«ne from Mrs. (truce llnr- now resldliiK In their new liotue ut HIM IrvInK Ave, The tlgan. The NMI« was negotiated by I'nt Klchtarek throuxh I wait n«u«|lHt«d by (leorgr* I', flnll tif the office of th« office of Joy flrown, Inv,, lt«nltor, 112 Kim HI, l W. UokONtiy, Hfnlttir, THE WESTFIKLO (fi.4.) LEADER, THURSDAY, AfML. 18, l»73 Tennis Team Tops Devil Nine Wins First Game, on Courts In Openers

ByRichChamberlin year. Ian MacRitchie Defeats Raiders 4-3 playing at third singles By Steve Brunnquell the scoring with a run in the Danker p 10 0 0 D'Annunzio cfl 1 0 0 Westfield's varsity tennis whipped Scotch Plains' Jim third. With men on first and Jester p,rf 2 0 0 o Blase lb 3 0 2 0 team successfully opened its Hooper 6-1, 6-1. The WHS baseball team second, Crawford let a 23 1 3 0 27 3 6 2 season last week by picked up its first win of the ground ball go pait him, and defeating Summit 4-1. season last week with a 4-3 the run scored. The Devils Edison R H E Westfield AB R H RBI The match featured the decision over Scotch Plaint. came back to come within 001 100 0 2 7 1 Villani If 4 0 1 0 pairing of two excellent first Jr. Booters The win came after a 2-1 one in the fourth. Westfield Crawford 2b 3 1 1 0 singles players, Westfield's defeat against Edison The Blue Devils play 000 100 0 1 3 1 Peckacf 3 0 0 0 Buddy Robinson and earlier in the week. Cranford this afternoon at 4 Vejnoska lb 3 0 0 0 Summit's Kim Fisher. Last Down The Raider game was a and Hillside on Saturday Westfield vs. Scotch Plains Kamins ss 3 2 2 0 season, Robinson as close one from the start afternoon at 2. Both games 4-14-73 Davis 3b 3 0 0 0 sophomore defeated Fisher Westfield opened the will be played at home. Scotch Plains Gigon rf 0 1 0 0 in three extended sets. On Edison scoring in the second inning. AB R H RBI Danker rf 1 0 0 0 Tuesday, Robinson jumped Pete Kamins singled Westfield vs. Edison 4-12-73 GulkaZb 2 10 0 Salomone c 3 0 1 1 out to a 3-0 lead in the first The Westfield Soccer Association juniors sharply to left with one out Edison AB R H RBI Zekasc 3 o o o Jester p 3 0 1 2 set, but faltered somewhat and moved to second on a Muldouneyg*4 o 1 Cook 3b 4 12 1 26 4 6 3 aa Fisher was able to draw tightened their grip on first place by trouncing Edison passed ball. After Gerry Fellows rf 3 0 Riccoliness 4 0 0 0 within one game of him 5-4. Glgon walked, John lingerer* 3 0 GeWerlf 4 0 2 1 Westfield However Robinson came Township by a score of H) R H E last weekend, The juniors Salomone singled in Kamins DiGiovannilf 4 0 Braunp 3 0 0 o 010 210 0 4 6 2 through in the clutch as he for the tally. The Raiders, MinbeUtc 0 Scotch Plains took the tenth game to win posted their third win in a Meeker rf 3 0 0 0 row and their fourth con- though, came back in their Duvalp 0 Richnauakirf0 0 0 0 002 100 0 3 6 2 the first set 6-4. The second half of the third with two AltavUlalb 0 o 0- set saw Robinson adroitly secutive shutout by The Unlvenlty of Georgia'* Nnt basketball ilgnee this year, Tim Gotkl, center, dominating the game from •Igm letter of Intent for the university at ceremonies Sunday night at Warrenbrook runs to put them in the lead, Tangocf 0 o 0 manipulate Fisher to win With a man on second, Valerian) 2b )T. ' ' "1973 MEMBERSHIP" the set 6-2 and the match. the opening whistle. The Country Club. Shown with him are hit dad, Sfgmund, at left, and Lieut. Ray Stdowskl 1 o 0 juniors outshot their op- of the Middlesex County Police Department, Georgia's recruiter in New Jersey. Raider Terry Cook sent a 2 7 1 Dave Robinson playing towering drive past Vic second singles gave Sum- ponents 22-1 in the first half Tim was selected as one of the bett 100 baiketball players in the nation, as well at All- as Dennis Barley and Tom Stale first team guard, All-Area and AHUnkm County. Tim also broke the Weslfleld Villani in left field, Villani Westfield AB R H RBI llJ WATCHUNG LAKE CLUB mit's Peter Lizzote a tennis played the ball well, holding I STIRLING RD., WATCHUNG, N. J. lesson in winning 6-o, 6-o. O. Greany notched goals for High School baiketball asiUt record for one game with a total of 16. Gotkl averaged I» Villani If 0 0 0 the home side. Only some points per game thli year. Cook to a run-scoring Crawford 2b 0 0 0 Robinson displayed his double. Then with two outs, | A Private Family Swim Club extensive repertoire of shots great stops by Edison goalie He it sixth of 12 children in the Gotkl family. Peckacf 1 1 0 Carl Lutz kept the score Kurt Gelber knocked in Vejnoska lb 2 fl 0 1 Op«n Till 1Labor Day as he moved the ball all over Cook with a hit. the court to keep Lizzote off down. The Edison defense Kamins at 3 0 0 0 iff Huiksmai Vtftfaa mmA 1 CMM .. $135.00 seemed to collapse in the Davis 3b,p 2 0 1 balance. Ian MacRitchie Continuing the seesaw 0 | Initiatten H», lit ytmr $10.00 manning the third singles second half as Westfield struggle, Westfield came up Gigonrf 2 0 0 0 slot easily disposed of kept up the shooting gallery. Hedgehopper League with two more runs in the Laiiyab 10 0 0 | ft adrflttanal InfMmatlM call Dennis Barley started Salomone c Summit's Pete Markey 6-2, fourth to go ahead by one 2 0 0 0 1 J«hn lieD*fl«ti|h 4*74470 «• 37«4l>4 64). things off with his second run. After Kamins reached Thome ph 0 0 0 0 ;oal followed by goals by on a single and Gigon was The Blue Devils first 'im Kenny, Johnny Opens New Season hit with a pitch, Bob Jester doubles team of Dave Krakora and Barley again. hit a two-out double to send Krinzman and Mitch San- The assist brigade was led The Hedgehopper League Steve Corless, Frank Lotano two runs for the Gulls in the home both runners. On the dek trounded Summit's 'y John Krakora with two For nine year olds got un- and Mike Nauhauser while first two innings. The Gulls play, Jester tried to stretch Tad Minckler and Jon Lax 6- while Dave Miller, Tom derway Saturday at Cary and Godwin made key exploded for six runs in the his hit into a triple. The 1, 6-3. Greany and John Midkiff Roosevelt Junior High defensive plays. Mound third on hits by Bill Carlson, throw from right field came Westfield's only setback each got one. The juniors School. duties were shared by Mike Jon Mysel and another big in well ahead of him and he was at second doubles outshot their opponents 48-1 Compodonico, Mike Giacone hit by Wasserman. was out on a play that looked where. Ronnie Goldan and so goalie Pete Harley was Bobcats 5, and Scott Morris. The Robins countered more like a football tackle Pete Skyer lost to Summit's only called on to make one Owls 4 John Taylor had a perfect with six runs in the fourth, a than a tag. After the play, Jim Bartz and Jeff save. A long two-out blast to left day at the bat for the Osprey rally highlighted by Dave members of both teams Gamewell 6-2, 5-7, 6-3. by Adolph Franzoi in the team and Dave Jackson Ford's two-run triple and gathered around to what Westfield halfbacks Willy bottom of the sixth drove in During this match, the last and Jimmy Feingold, Stu weighed in with a three- Mike Detlefs' four-bagger. could have been a major of the day, it was obvious the Mark Holmes with the bagger, Nick Dazzo brawl. A fight was avoided, McCracken, Mike Taylor winning run. Ed Nugent and cold winds were affecting and Todd Kessler were able knocked in a run with a though, mainly due to the play on both sides as the Roddy Yatcilla, who shared double. Westfield Assistant Coach to dominate midfield the Bobcat pitching chores, foursome fought bundled up completely and bottle Rifle League Jerry Kohrherr, who in sweat suits. struck out seven between Lions 11, coaches third base for the Edison up in its own end and them. Westfield's scheduled keep Westfield constantly on Tigers 6 To Organize Devils. Eric Carter had tied the John Damato homered to match against Jefferson on the attack. They also Again, the Raiders came Apr. 11 was cancelled managed to get off ten shots game at 4-4 in the fifth with open the ball game and went The Union County Rifle a two-run triple for the three-for-three. Jack back in the bottom of the because Jefferson's home on goal themselves. League will hold its 1973 fourth to tie the game at 3-3. courts were unplayable. Fullbacks Larry Kupfer, Owls. Kevin Allon rapped Baldwin and Ken Chin organizational meeting at 8 two hits and scored twice for pitched effectively for the When Raider Jim On Friday the Blue Devil Ted Barrett, Fabian p.m. Wednesday at the D'Annunzio tried to steal racqucteers blanked Scotch McCartey and Randy the Owls and Scott Fisher Lions. Mike Greco had a big contributed an unassisted Union County Park Com- third after a walk and a base Plains 5-0 and had an easy Hurley were able to wait on day at the plate with three mission's Administration Bored people build bad cars. double play. hits. hit, Devil John Salomone time doing it as alt five the 50 yard line and return Building, Elizabeth. overthrew Bob Davis at matches went only two sets. Edison clearing attempts Anthony Cookdvove in two third and the run scored. Working on an assembly line is monotonous. And boring. And The dosest match of the right back towards the Itluc Jays 14, runs for the Tigers with a Individuals interested in The Devils put the game after a while, some people begin, not to care about their jobs afternoon, if you could term Edison goal area. Eagles 2 single In the fourth and Dan joining the league this year away in the top of the fifth. anymore. So the quality of the product often suffers. it as such, was at first The Blue Jays spotted the Lynch singled in another must attend this meeting. Vic Villani led off the inning In a sense the game was a Eagles two early runs singles where two of the perfect example of a good run. Dave McCornack Competition will begin in with a single to left, but was state's premier singles before exploding for 11 runs surrendered only two runs That's why, at Saab, we're replacing the assembly line with as- team effort against 11 in- May and continue into the forced at second by Cary sembly teams. Groups of just three or four people who are re- players, Buddy Robinson in the third. Key hits by during his stint on the summer, with matches Crawford. Crawford moved dividuals as the Westfield Chris Kennelly and Keith sponsible for a particular assembly process from start to finish. and Plains' Spook Smith boys seemed to be looking mound. scheduled for weekday to second on a ground ball met with Robinson winning Armstrong helped build the evenings at 6:30 p.m. and later scored when Chris for each other for passes rally and Rob Tucker's at the outset 6-4, 6-1. This while Edison was forced to Cheetahs 11, Vejnoska hit a bounding ball match, like all the others, grand slam capped the Jaguars 6 which hit off the third simply kick the ball upfield. uprising. Jack Silver's was hindered to a degree by Coaches Reg Barley, Don Doug McCracken cracked DOG SHOW APR. 29 baseman's glove and ROTCHFORD PONTIAC-SAAB the ever present and gust ing pitching held the opposing two singles, a double and a skipped into left field. Gillis and Pete Latartara bats in check. Twin Brooks Kennel Club 433 North Av*. E, W.trf !«W winds. Buddy Robinson are responsible for the skills triple to pace the victorious will hold an AKC sanctioned echoed the players' lament and discipline shown in the For the Eagles, John Cheetahs. Jeff Wilde OPEN: MON., TUES., and THURS. 9 to 0 in these words: "On one side show Sunday, Apr. 29, at the Earlier in the week, the game. Kokosny pitched shutout stroked a two-run homer. Madison YMCA. Devils lost a close game to WED. and FRI. 9 to 6; SAT. 9 to 5 the ball would fight to reach ball for two innings as John The senior team won its Important fielding con- Edison 2-1. Edison started the service line and on the Norfolk's round tripper put tributions were made by other side it would sail to the game by forfeit 1-0 when the his team temporarily in TO ATTEND CAMP fence. Robinson's strong Edison seniors failed to Neil Palmer, Joey Klsh and front. Tim Smith, while Tom Roger Landew, son of Dr. serve was affected by this appear, keeping them in and Mrs. Melvin Landew of throughout the match possession of first place in Badcr turned in a strong Cougars 7, pitching performance. 26 Carol Rd., will attend the causing him to often miss the senior division. Ted Williams Baseball his first serve and a few Leopards 5 Stash Niedzwiecki and Kevin Morris rapped \ Tom Conheeney helped the Camp from July 1-21 at times double fault when 1 ARE YOU GETTING three hits and hurled two Jaguar cause with excellent Lakeville, Mass. serving into the wind. Softball Din pin's 1 However with the wind at shutout innings for the fielding. Cliff Booth, Jimmy visitors. Bill Hankin and his back he managed to To Riwt Apr. 29 Margulies and Greg Bunting serve four aces that were Steve Pearson each added were effective on the two safeties to the Cougar RADIAL TIRES CHEAP already behind Smith by the mound. A meeting of Amateur attack. time he was able to react to Softball Association them. Panthers 38, Largest Umpires has been scheduled Condors 20, for Sunday morning, Apr. Puma 0 Kn leans 0 A 26-run third inning OR CHEAP RADIAL TIRES ? Dave Kringman and 29, at the administration Mitch Sandek teamed up at building of The Union Circuit clouts by Carl climaxed the Panther SAAB first doubles to bent Scotch County Park Commission, Doerrer and Steven Brown blitzkrieg. Joey Dazzo had Agency! Unfortunotely, you probably won t be able to lell until Plains first duo GO, 6-3. The Acme and Canton Streets, paced the Condor attack two of the six homers you're stuck with them Particularly if you're driving stellar net play of Sandek Kllznbeth, beginning at 11 while Ginncarlo Dilorio and produced by the winners in radials for the first time. You see, most radinls handle that Inning. Grand slam- resulted in numerous a.m. John (iallicliio produced two better than conventional tires under normal circum- unreturniible shots that hits each. Pitchers Kevin mers were added by bounded high over the heads Dick Archer, New Jersey Simons, Gnllichio and Womelsdorf, Joe Brunetto stances. So even o free trio I offer could fool you. Might of the 'Plainsmen. The A.S.A. Umpire-in-chief, will Dilorio conspired for the and Warren Thompson after even give you a false feeling of confidence second doubles team o discuss tlie new rules for shutout. Doug Vaalcr had opened 1S73. The formation of But Irue high performance handling means comrjlete car Ronnie Goldan and Pete David Adrianco of the that holocaust stanza with a control in situations where >nchcs count. Sayer came on strong to Union County A.S.A. Falcons foiled a no-hitter round (ripper. Meanwhile defeat Scotch Plains' Grog Umpires Association will Thompson and Matthew also be discussed. with a second-inning single A PANIC STOP Smith and Bill Hugg (i-2, (in while John Northover Clark collaborated on a no- Dave Robinson, Buddy's turned in a sparkling out- hlttcr, backed by error-less A SUDDEN CURVE sophomore brother hreezee flold cat oil in u losing cause. play In the field. to a t)-2, (!-» victory over I.KTTKMMAN WJ5STF|ELO A QUICK MANEUVER Scotch Plains' Gnry Jeter Steven M. Lee of Westfield won u minor letter for Hawks 20, AND THAT'S WHEN YOU CAN IRELLI Dave has lost but two games OsjIM'J'Htl Hoblns II in his first two matches this basketball at Albright COUNT ON PIRELLI CINTURATOS. College. The llnwk attack was Jim Kntidluirt and Jon CINTURATO 367 featured by key hits by Wnsserman each drove In ESPECIALLY ON RAIN SLICK ROADS. And,of course, they give you all Ihp usual radial tire ad- for imports and American mini-cart vantages in mileage, durability, comfort. And then some. PEACE OF MIND PRICES That's why Cinluratos are original onuipment on so many START 4 of Iho world's finest automobiles. AT: $1 That's why so many veteran radial tire users choose Pirelli, OO9M ^\ SI.ISM.T5 . un't your pcoco of mind worlh a few dollars more, ^m fagV us«i5 "Don't give up the ship!" ^^ ^^ ti*»l«llMiH»

00LFER3! NAMI MAND0 Top Quality Clubs ••at ami Mils .. • Cutty Sark $ AT A MICII TIRE SERVICE CO. (Julfmlile Orlpn limlnll Woods Keffnlahwl Onlf Clubs Kepttlml 909 Clinton Ave.lrvington THE OOLF SHOP 371 11OO ESTABLISHEFUARIICLir.D 193, 0 Half Gallon i 2644 Witinfieltl Avenue Seuteli Plains ISM 741 twiro iTiirn mnrrn mnro mutn fust, to en. 8:90 i.m, =• I rJ « clmtd Sun,* Man., t»M b» ippt THE WESTFflELD ^N.#.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 1», 19711 t>ul(r • Devil Trackmen "Second Devil Relay Team Wins Boosters Plan Annual Dinner Mid-AtLwitic Meet Plans are currently being where more than 100 high Golfers Top formulated for the sixth school lenior athletes are Neil Banta, Paul Healy, annual All-Sportt dinner feted. The date of this year's Best" In Bergen Relays Tom LaCosta and Toni sponsored by the Westfield dinner is set for May 23 at Summit Meyers won the U-U year school Boosters the Gran Centurian in Clark, ky Peter Lewis tint. GUumo aicea with tM McMiller looked flat and By Tucker Marr old J00 yard free relay Association. and plans are being made to leaders for the first Mo. He finished a disappointing championship at Princeton Bob Pecka, chairman, has have a nationally known top [the Westfield spring then "shifted gears" and The WH8 golf team upped fifth in 3.S7.4. McUUsr had its record to four wins and University Saturday formed his committees •thlete ai principal speaker. ack team traveled to kicked the last no. putting the fastest split at :M.S. competing against Middle made up of several mem- i Bergen last Saturday «yarda the field. He was no losses last week m The freshman distance dominating Summit le-l at Atlantic Region finalists bers of the Boosters the Memorial Relays, clocked in 1.00.0. Excellent medley of Lew Graves, from Delaware, Maryland, Executive Dommittee. s Devils emerged second is the word to describe the Devil? fourth straight 3.31.S, Jim Sweeney, S7.S, home match. Today the New Jersey, Pennsylvania Handling the floor plan, t with U points, behind Bruce Koenecke's anchor Tim PennaU, 1.10.4, and and Virginia. Their time menu, and decorations will iramua, IV, and one ahead m. Running against stiff WHS Unksmen boat Brick i!*T0MKIjR0fHlt5 Brian CUncey. 4.40.7 ran Township in what should be was 1:«1J. be "Doc" Usooey and John PlalnfMd, IS. Over 40 competition Including Dave away from the field and In addition Paul Healy Brown. The program will be us from New York and Billups of Plalnfield, a tight contest. Starting shattered the meet recoid time Is slated for S:4S at and Tom LaCoata picked up handled by Charles ' Jersey participated in Kosnecke refused to give by 15 seconds as they won In additional medals, Healy jn Cosensa, and Bill Clancey Mill CHHCT MOM —'meet. ground. His quarter split Echo Lake. ' MiHUUClUUt U.3M. The Summit meet was the 90 free and so fly, and tickets will be In charge [TO* tables were turned at was 57 and bis final time The Invitational waa LaCoata in the SO and 100of Vince Lally and Jim Memorial Belays. The was l.Ss.7. It was a personal played in clear-cool weather highlighted by the distance conducive to golf- Keith Stein. The program com- TROPHIES ft .inters have dominated bast and the fastest West- but It waa the mittee consists of Rock t action from the outset of field «0 of the spring. The Graham, playing la the sprinters and Jumpers that third position forWHS, and Anneae and Larry Shaffer, AWARDS .i spring season, but last overall time of 1.06.2 gave carried the Devils past Twelve Golfers and publicity will be aturday the distance Westfletd the gold. Jim Bandar, competing in Cranford hi last Thursday's the first spot, registered the charged to Pete Tinnen. i appeared from the The 440 relay of Glen home opening dual meet, si- Join 9-Holers The annual dinner is the to provide some Kehler, Marvan Palmer, low scores for both sides as 1 SO, Weatflekfs 41st straight they fired «'s over the front Twelve new golfers Joined single affair on the Ken BlackweU. and Daryl dual meet win and secondof "TWhlghUght of the meet McMiller qualified drat in nine. the Mole group at a lunch- Boosters calendar, Graham was the moat eon opening the season at ithe two mile relay. Rich their heat in 49.7, but Keith Davis remained r running leadoffput finished second to Ferris in consistent of the two as he PlaJnfleld Country Club. ALL-" A" STUDENT unbeaten la the hurdles, parred five of the nine holes. John H. Bucuk, new club Id right In the thick the final with a 4S.S. winning both the highs and Frances Smith and SMMUI Artfcer beta of WestfleM are Elsa Gall Hahn, daughter f things. Ms3.0*.a leg put The M0 relay of co-captain afctartdaaweivcparlag far law Ice flkattag laetttale of His only weak hole was the pro, spoke on rules and Mrrand Mrs. Paul R.T. lows In is.0 ana ».«. sixth where he double regulations. ' i to the middle of the Mike Saunders, Tom Westfield swept the 100 with America ceavecKloa which wUI be heM at the fleaia Hahn, SIS Sherwood Park- at-running three n;an Tavares, Ketth Davis and Meaalan Area* ea Salwraay. bogeyed. Despite his good New officers are Mrs. way, has been named toth e Palmer, Kebler and play he couldn't quite put Ms F.G. Rutan, chairman; Mrs. ~ den Laraen took the Kehler qualified second Saunders, took u in the po dean's list at Wittenberg and "glued" himself behind Lincoln in 1.33.8 but opponent away as he won R.M. Katims, tournament University for the winter with Kehler and Palmer, Wi-V,. Bender's foe also chairman; Mrs. C.H. i the shoulder of the leader slipped to third In the final and took tint in the 440 with Resident Coaches Hockey Teani term with a 4.0 average. She 1103.7 later be handed to at 1.34. managed a half point when Mullendore Jr., secretary; is a senior majoring in McMiller. Bender slowed down over Mrs. J.R. Brewer, Giaimo with Westfield The mile relay of Black- Hie Jumps were another The Cranford Hockey John Masini and Jim Inglia. music education. i the middle of the fight for weU, Palmer, Sawders and Club peewee team, 1073 Top playmaker was Colin the last few holes. However, treaaaurerandprixes; Mrs. hUhUght with Rob Rtx,S'4", his play looked sharp on F.L. Upe, publicity; and Elliot Felbush, 5'J", andwinner of the recent Union Esrle with 3 assists, Mike County Peewee Tour- Uss (2), BIU McKinlay <», most holes, highlighted by a Mrs. J. Farley, hospitality. Pete Nostrand, 8*3" 30 foot birdie putt on the BASKETBALL sweeping the high lump. nament, swept a two game Lou Perez, Steve Oliwa, aeries played in Peabody, Wyatt Malcom and John second hole. COLLEGE BOUND Derails McDuffie and Kehler Mike Farrell, second CAMP HORSEMANSHIP went 1-2 in the long Jump at Massachusetts against two Flight, one each, also aided Christine Brenner of 101 f Masco Youth Hockey in the 10-1 victory. Paul man, bad an extremely Winchester Way has been FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY n'OM" and W «4" close struggle throughout respectively. WestfMd also squads of Boxford Topsfleld, Rinaldi and Dave Breen accepted for admission to Mass., winning lo-i and 3-0 shared the goal tending the matcn and was InDavis and Elkins College for MADISON, N. J. swept the pole vault. Stave danger of losing two points TourteUotte took first at against their Massachusetts duties and had their shutout the fall term beginning in VACATKMS bid spoiled in the second going into the final three September. The daughter of BOYS-GIRLS 8 • 17 10*6" followed by Scott Arrangements for the period by Sean Dolan'a holes. He had to win at least Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mason, lO'O", and Dave two of the three holes for a Brenner, she plane to major Kronkk, •'•". series were made by David marker. Resident & Commuter Facilities Malcolm of Westfield who is In the second game shot at the points. According in early childhood The distance runners to Bender it was at this education. could not manageone win as a former director of the against a strong bantam Thra* 1 WMk MMioni Masco Youth Hockey aggregation although moment that Coach Kehler Au«i(t&-12-ia. Malcolm Pringle outkicked came over and told Farrell HIGH SCORER Brugger in the M0, Jeff organization in Boxford, outmuscled in the opening Openhouse on May 6, 13, and June 3. Mass., and is now a coach in period the Cranford squad's to calm down and con- Janice GaNun of West- Hecher beat Giaimo in the centrate. On the next hole field was fourth highest 2:00 -4:30 p.m. mile, and Dave Stehlin the Cranford Hockey Club Mike LJss scored from a organization. scramble in front of the net Farrell chipped a shot that scorer for the Lebanon Braehura: NJ. All State Baftatball Cams. outdistanced Koenecke in rimmed the cup and just Valley College girls' the 2 mile. In the first game, the with Steve Ollwa drawing to WydwMrw Dftvo . ^ the assist. Tom Rudnicki failed todrop . He went on to basketball team this season WsttfMd, N.J. 07000 Joe DiFrancesco end visitors outclassed a local card a par on the hole and a with 67 points to her credit. Chris Jacob went 1-2 in the all-star team winning 10-1. scoring his first goal of the Call 2334713 season with an assist from par and bogey on the shot put with throws of 45'7" Lou Perez led the scorer* remaining two holes to and 411" respectively. with a hat trick and nil Mike Lisa put the game beyond reach of the locals capture both points and The schedule resumes linemates Bill McKlnlay defeat his opponent Vtk-H today with a dual meet at and John Flight each not- and Mike Liss notched his ched a goal. Other shooters second goal with help from with a nine hole 48. Rabway. Next week's dual The only two WHS golfers Plan your for Cranford were Steve John Masini to clinch the meets are Scotch Plains, to shutout their opponents home, Tuesday and Hillside, Ollwa with two and sweep of the two game singletons by Mike Use, series and cap a great were Bill England and Bob away, Thursday the 10th. season for the Cranford Swab. England shot a 4t and I Anthony pool now! Hockey Club. Again Paul Swab, the only starting too Palmw 10.3 aenlor,, had a 4a. Carl ••• lOO KihlOT 10.3 2nd Rinaldi- and Dave- Breen 1OO Saundcni 10.4 3rd sparkled in conserving the Forsberg, competing in the aao Kthltr 22.7 lit shutout for the visitors. sixth spot, also shot a « 320 Palmw 22.8 2ml Fifteen New Jersey boys 440 McMIUtr 83.3 l«t 880 Brugfw 3.07.8 2nd made the trip which was the Wyatt Malcolm, John mil* Oliimo 4.80.8 2nd highlight of a successful Masini, Tom Rudnicki, a mil* Kocntek* 10.30 2nd season during which the defense, and Colin Earle, v HH Davii 16.0 lat team compiled 20 victory Steve Oliwa, Mike Liu, BUI Mi Davta 20.4 Ut record, with 2 losses and one lour Vv 2nd McKinlay, Lou Pern, John Ml Tnim 23.1 tie. The traveling team was Flight, Jim lnglis, Bun HJ Rii h'4" Id Paul Rinaldi and Dave HJ v r 2nd Delano and Mike Rusica, Hi Nwtnnd 6'2" 3rd Breen, noal, Joe Hilla, forwards. U McDuffi* ITtW lit U Kthtor 17' 2 3/4" 2nd PV TourUllott* 10'6" at 1 PV MMOII 10' 0 2nd l\ 'I PV Kronkk 8' 6" 3rd •ho* OiFrane**eo 48' T lit •Jiot Jacob 2nd 4,i x dUe Htlln 120' 7 3rd Dutlfei 152' 6 3rd

THE PINGRY SCHOOL Awarded Letter ikHtVWsttu 215 North Avenue, Hillside, New Jersey Scott Eichhorn of West- iVWs*Mbr. Held has been awarded a varsity letter for his per- BASKETBALL CAMP formance on the Bucknell U>mto University swimming team. W^toSaV ** get a full season of swimming •OYS • GRADES 4-12 And wedo it . .WjJ*** M "H' "••*••"»• *•» I»-aomt Safety and Performance Inspection. - and lower prices, too! Monday, August 13th • Friday, August 24th If they pissp, , we guarantee 100% the free re- Instruction by school and college coaches. League competition. LEADING BATTER It's bargain time at Anthony — pool prices may never be lower! . Two gyms available • Swimming after practice. John Havas of Westfield for 30daw or 1000miles. Whichever comesflrst. Now's the time to get the buy of the year on a beautiful new has a batting average of .M7 (If tbeylon't pass, we fix what iteodaludng bs- fore we guarantee thsm.) ^^ ^ sculptured gunlte pool and assure your family a full season at Bucknell University of swimming. Coll 35549*0 for reservations where he is a freshman These passed: outfielder on the baseball By ordering now, your pool will be In more quickly — ready THE PINQRY SCHOOL ISA N0NDISCRIMINATORY INSTITUTION squad. for you to enjoy. No snags — no delays to interfere with your swimming funl And you'll get extra savings, too. Here's why: -WEMM' As the world's largest pool builder, Anthony needs volume to keep skilled crews moving. To keep our men busy, we'll give you a big builder's discount. And because Anthony 1$ the only Do You Lease Your Cor? M.«y M WLMWMENS pool builder who actually manufactures a full line of pool FOOTBALL CAMP — IN STOCK — equipment, we'll also give you a special manufacturer's dis- count on your pool equipment, Wouldn't you like to receive delivery FROi IM4 Tl 1172 You can't losol Order now and you gel faster construction Indrucflxi ,,, lowest possible prices with double; savings I Your tdolce of •«< Contact and tervlce on your leased car beautiful contoured shape* and (|u.illty equipment, all backed Com* on in ond i«« our itloctlon by famous Anthony service that gUctrantcrs performance. Start now — call Anthony today lor low prices and a longer from your nearby dealer? swimming season, Good StUcrion of I'm *ure> you would, and 11 tm, at GREAT SAVING! (MM WOULD'! LAHaUT POOL iUILDtR MIL PITI MTOMFMI \fnmtt ttid SttnnKn (sat- AIMTHOiMhJ M STI MUM mtm, Huiir nuut, Ron alW AuMtaWlalB^ \M^^*J^^^^. aCaMBJaW a Civilian at Anthony InSuililn, fn«, for lurthor Information ™JT ST^PWva^avWa^oj^aj YS^B^Bjaje^^B^a^a^fv ejgs^B^ejn^pB* llitiri on tha Amirlsan tlatli l«»hani« 2329700 MM tmtf > m nm • mmtimi • PIMNUVMI* • VIMIKM • MMM/MM • MUW«M • MIMM • Live CONTACT. C$11 or write today.,, AttfNOttr POOH Tlir»« I WMk MIIIOMI JIM* VOLRSWUEIT, IM. 0PSN BIVISN OAYS A WttK S*dt)l» Htaolr, Naw Itlttt Otttt M-30, July I-7, July 1*14, 1IM-11M fCHJTH AVMNNL •SJUNPllUft 838-7f14 mi foot, M«flA(IM( ^ N<» Ihlfl, I. ROTCHFORD PONTIAC full tatQt, ftittii wilff peef plartnmi fdMti tor Itm bfoe(Hjf«*r(i«! C«MII Own Anil*, HMd

W L Chenitz 06 50 Buehler 65 51 Ross 63 S3 Kutxenco 63 S3 JELLY BEANS •aswes is out*, aieeesr ASSET ! Zimmerman 50 57 C Firm President 89 Gilbert Flexi-Van Cor- CHOCOLATE poration announced today he appointment of Harold BUNNY Neiman, 4ft, of Westfleld, formerly vice president of R«g. 1.58 You are finance and treasurer, as C President and ch'ief operating officer of the 98 company. Mr. Neiman, married and the father of three children, resides at 205 Golf Edge. Mr. Neiman' joined our best ilbert Flexi-Van in March Riccr IMS as vice president of XPRAV TOILET, WATER With Fra* f^i Parluma *Q* feature" MADAME ROCNAS OR FEMME TOILET WATER WITH FREE BODY CREAM

Harold Neiman finance and treasurer, posts he held until his designation as president. He Is also a member of the company's board otdirectors ana of its executive committee. .6.00 Prior to Joining the umpany Mr. Neiman had leaded his own financial ARPEGE advisory firm and earlier had held various positions in DUSTING industry and public ac- counting, including that of manager for special ser- POWDER vices with Peat, Marwick * Mitchell, Newark, certified A ARFEOE public accountants. Mr. Neiman is a graduate MIST of , School of Commerce, and is certified public ac- •Q75 countant. He is a member of the Financial Executives Institute, the National Association of Accountants, and the State Society of CPAs in both New York and New Jersey. In addition, he is a member of the prestigious American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

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