
BENTHIC REPOPULATION OF THE RARITAN RIVER ESTUARY FOLLOWING POLLUTION ABATEMENT1 David Dean Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Connecticut, Storrs and Harold H. Haskin Department of Zoology and Dcpartmcnt of Oyster Culture, , New Brunswick,

ABSTRACT A total of 69 samples of benthic animals was taken in the lower 20 km of the Raritan River estuary from 1957 to 1960. During 1957, under heavily polluted conditions, no frcsh- water spccics wcrc discovered. Of the I7 marinc species found, the barnacle BaEanus im- prouisus extended 8.5 km above the river mouth; the remaining species were confined to the seaward 4.6 km of the river. In January 1958, a trunk sewer system began operation in the lower Raritan Valley, and pollution was abated in the river. Rapid repopulation of the estuary occurred. The se- quence and numbers of freshwater and marinc species invading the estuary and colonizing the bottom sediments were followed in the samples of 1958, 1959, and 1960. The most obvious change in 1958 was the distribution and density of Balanus improuisus. Thcsc barnacles coated all firm substrata in the previously uninhabited section, extending upriver to the limit of salt penetration. The 12 stations sampled in both 1958 and 1959 yielded 6 freshwater and 21 marine species in 1958 and 8 freshwater and 28 marine species in 1959. In 1960, frcshwatcr species continued to increase, but there was a slight decrease in the number of marine species. Dominant components of the freshwater fauna were the oligochaetes Limnodrilus spp., the leech Erpobdella punctata, and the bivalve Sphaerium sp. A density of 7,102 organisms/ma was found at one of the freshwater stations in 1960. Marinc spccics that invaded the river following pollution abatement aro placed in five groups -three of pioneers, one of secondary invaders, and one of progressive pcnetrators- on the basis of their year of arrival, penetration, and length of stay. By the end of the study, biotic recovery had so progressed that a plot of the quantitative distribution of spccics illustrated the classic V-shaped curve for estuaries. A similarly shaped curve was obtained for the distribution of population clensitics.

INTRODUCllON pollution reduction in the marine environ- ment. No investigations of this type have Much attention has been given to the been reported from an estuary. Opportu- qualitative and quantitative distribution of nity to study such a situation was afforded biota in polluted and unpolluted fresh- in the Raritan River- estuary waters ( Klein 1957) and estuaries ( Alexan- during and following 1957. This report der, Southgate, and Bassindale 1935; Filice concerns the changes in the Raritan River. 1954a, b, 1958; Hedgpeth 1957). Relatively The Raritan River, with a drainage area few studies, however, have dealt with of 2,862 km”, is the largest intrastate river biotic changes following pollution abate- system in New Jersey. There is a gradual ment. Carpenter ( 1924) and Laurie and transition from the rapid, trout-supporting Jones ( 1938) followed biotic recovery of streams of its headwaters to the slow-mov- freshwater streams after cessation of lead ing river in the lower Raritan Valley (Fig. mining operations, and Reish ( 1957) made 1) , In its last 16.7 km, it meanders through similar studies of conditions of temporary a tidal marsh. At its mouth, it broadens into the shallow and approximately tri- l This project was supported in part by U.S. angular Raritan Bay. The river is subject Public Health Service Grant RG-5278 (later WP261) and in part by the Middlcsex County to tidal effects for about 33 km above its Scwcrage Authority. mouth, although the penetration of saline 551 552

water does not extend more than about in January 1958, gives primary treatment 19 km above the mouth even under ex- to both domestic and industrial wastes, treme drought conditions. Chlorinated liquid effluents are discharged The development of pollution in the into the head of the bay ( Fig. 1)) while Raritan River from the time the water was the removed solids are transported out to considered suitable for drinking purposes sea by barges. The change in the environ- to the state of heavy pollution has been ment brought about by pohution abate- reviewed by Rudolfs and Fletcher ( 1951). ment afforded the opportunity to follow An indication of the degree of pollution is repopulation of the bottom sediments by shown by their analyses of certain indus- both freshwater and estuarine fauna. trial wastes being dumped into the river: We are grateful to our colleagues who phenols, 1,087 ppm; formaldehyde, 1,960 aided in the sampling on the River and Bay pPm; copper, 5.8 ppm; and arsenic, 375 Project, especially Mr. A. F. Eble and Drs. ppm. They concluded that organic pollu- M. R. Tripp, S. Y. Feng, B. C. Pattcn, and tion existing in the river in 1950 was equiv- H. P. Jeffries. Acknowledgment is made to alent to raw sewage discharged by more Mr. N. K. Ebbs for assistance in data than 750,000 persons. Rudolfs and Fletcher tabulation, to Dr. P. J. S. Raj for leech also rcportcd that pollution increased pro- identifications, to Dr. M. H. Pettibone for gressively downstream and reached a maxi- identification and confirmation of some mum below New Brunswick. Seaward of polychaete specimens, and to Messrs. N. this point, the pollution concentration de- K. Ebbs, D. Nelson, W. F. Faustman, and creased owing to dilution with salt water E. Hoffmann for technical assistance. and stream self-purification. These condi- tions were highly unfavorable for benthos METRODS in the Raritan River. Samples were taken during the summers A major trunk sewer system, which be- of 1957 through 1960 and during November gan operation in the lower Raritan Valley 1958 and March 1959. Nineteen sampling BENTHIC REPOPULATION OF THE RARITAN RIVER ESTUARY 553 stations, a through s, were established in About 0.5 liter of sediment from a separate the river from New Brunswick to the quantitative haul at each point was saved river mouth ( Fig. 1). Sixty-nine benthic for mechanical analysis of the sediments. samples were taken during the four-year Surface and bottom salinity determina- period at these points. Some stations were tions and temperature measurements were sampled only once, while others were made at each station. Beginning in 1958, sampled up to six times. Except as noted dissolved oxygen content was determined. below, all sampling was done from a The Knudsen or Harvey methods were chartered 43-ft ( 13-m) boat. Petersen or used to determine salinity. The unmodi- Van Veen grabs were used to obtain ficd Winkler method was used for the quantitative samples, and a crab dredge analysis of dissolved oxygen. Procedure was used for qualitative samples. It was for hydrometer and screen analysis of sedi- necessary to anchor the boat while quanti- ments was modified from ASTM Standard tative and hydrographic samples were D 422-51. The method described by taken. To anchor, the crab dredge was Shepard (1954) was used to classify sedi- lowered and towed under power with the ment types. current until the boat was on station. With No chemical or bacterial analyses (other the power in neutral, the crab dredge acted than dissolved oxygen) were made in this as an anchor and held the vessel stationary study to assess the degree of pollution in the current. Stations (7, r, and s were abatement. However, unpublished data, located by triangulation with sextants; all courtesy of the Middlcsex County Sewer- other stations were found by ranges on age Authority, on changes in most probable fixed landmarks. At four upriver points number of bacteria, biochemical oxygen during the summer of 1958, and during demand, and dissolved oxygen indicated a the surveys of November 1958 and March marked reduction in pollution, 1959, samples were taken using an Ekman grab and a small dredge towed behind a RESULTS skiff. The combined factors of the grab’s lightness, strong tidal currents, and the ex- Salinity tensive hard bottom made the Ekman grab Differences between surface and bottom unsatisfactory for quantitative work in this salinities seldom exceeded l%o except at environment. Hence, all samples taken from the deeper seaward stations, m and p, the skiff are treated as qualitative only. where differences approached 9%,. Bottom The sample at each point consisted of salinity ranged from about 240/,0 at the three to six pooled grabs, depending upon mouth of the river to l%, at New Bruns- the type of sediment, apparent number of wick ( Table 1). Salinities during the un- organisms, and available time. The samples usually dry summer of 1957 were much were washed through a graded series of higher than in the following three years. screens, the finest mesh b&g 1.5 mm, and The salinities observed in 1958-1960 show, all macroscopic organisms were picked in general, a range less than 4%0 at any from the screens and preserved. Full- station. One exception, Station m, has a strength formalin was added to the sample range of 12%0. This station is located at jars to give approximately a 10% mixture. a split in the channel, and the salinity The specimens were identified and counted variation observed might be due to current later. On occasion, weather and lack of shifts. time prevented field separation of animals Our observations on the distribution of from sediment and debris remaining on the salinity agree with those of Ketchum, fine screen. In these cases, the material, Ayers, and Vaccaro (1952) except for the or an aliquot, was preserved for later uppcrmos t reaches. They found higher separation in the laboratory, Screens were salinities near New Brunswick than were scrubbed and washed between stations, found in 1957, even though riverflows were 554 DAVID DEAN AND l3AROLD I-1. HASKIN

TABLE 1. Station characteristics, 1957-l 960. Arrow show change in sediment type. Co = cobble; Gr = gravel; Sa = sand; Si = silt; C2 = clay

Distance Depth at Bottom salinity ( zO) ~-- above mean low Station 1958-1960 Scdimcnt mouth water 1957 -~ (km) (m) Min Max 1 1 Co and Gr over Cl ;4 20.419.8 2 1 1 1 Co and Gr ii 18.918.0 3.75.2 4.02.3 1 2.3 Gr+Sa+Si 1 3.9 Gr+ Cl-Si ; 15.914.6 3.7 -8.2 1 3.9 Gr+ Sa-Gr - - Gr g 13.7 3.7 14.0 2.5 4.5 Gr h 11.5 8.5 18.3 5.6 9.9 Co and Gr i 10.2 3.7 7.5 8.7 Si-Sa 8.3 9.7 %I R 8.5 4.95.2 21.922.7 10.3 13.3 Si-Sa-+Cl-Si 1 E 5.5 Si-Sa m 4:6 8.5 23.4 -9.7 2G Cl-Si n 3.9 3.4 - - 16.4 Cl-Si 0 3.1 2.1 - 2s 22.016.8 Cl-Si P 2.4 7.6 24.4 Si-Sa+Sa-Si 4 1.3 2.7 18.5 20.7 Cl-Si 1 0.7 4.3 2z 21.5 22.9 Si+Cl-Si s 0.4 2.7 27.0 21.2 24.1 Sa-Si-Cl+ Si-Sa -- _-..---__ approximately the same for the two periods, the river during the summer sampling of The most extensive salinity records avail- 1959 did not exceed 30% of saturation-far able arc those of Jeffries ( 1962)) whose less than the preceding summer. 16-month study in 1957 and I958 was one The Middlesex County Sewerage Author- aspect of this pollution abatement project. ity (unpublished data) sampled at several IIis Station 1 at the head of Raritan Bay of their river stations on both flood and coincides with our Station s. The salinities ebb phases of the tide at an interval of found at Station s fall within the summer five hours. They found that dissolved salinity ranges given by Jeffrics for his oxygen concentrations in the surface waters Station 1. may differ by as much as 1.6 ppm at a given station. Should this variation apply Dissolved oxygen to the bottom waters as well, it might be The change in the dissolved oxygen con- significant in the distribution of benthic ckntration since the start of the survey has animals in the river, especially since the been striking. As noted by Jcffries (1962, amount of dissolved oxygen in the water p. 25) in August 1957, “No oxygen could be detected in surface and bottom samples D----o 1958 JULY-AUG taken 3.8 and 7.4 miles upstream from the n . . ..-.--m 1958 NOV 0- - -0 1959 JULY river’s mouth.” The distributions of dis- 0-O 1960 AUG solved oxygen for the summer surveys of 1958, 1959, and 1960 and the November 1958 cruise are shown in Fig. 2. In the summer of 1958, dissolved oxygen concen- trations at the bottom were 36% of satura- tion or greater at almost all stations in the

river. Bottom dissolved oxygen during the RIVER STATIONS November 1958 sampling was much higher, FIG. 2. Per cent saturation of dissolved oxygen ranging from 44 to 92% of saturation. Dis- in the Raritan River during the surveys of 1958- solved oxvgen concentrations throughout ‘1960. Bl%NTHIC REPOPULATION OF THE RARITAN RIVER ESTUARY 555

TABLE 2. Qualitative and quantitative distribution of macrobenthic animals, summer 1957. X = species obtained from qualitative sampling; numbers folbwing station lett~ show number of hauls taken with sampler; tabulated values are no./m’. Sampling dates: 19 June, 2 July, and 20 August I__- ~~ Stations Mnrinc spccics Freshwater spccics o-h- 3 or more i-3 k-3 m-3 P-3 r-3 s-6 21 x 3 Sagartia sp. X RhynchocoeZa unidcnt. 3 Eteone alba X Eumida sanguinea 9 159 12 48 Neanthes succinea X Neathes sp. A 3 24 X X Polydora ligni 150 X Streblospio benedicti 3 Lacuna vincta X Modiolus demissus X M ytilus edulti 15 9 Macoma sp. 6 ;“5 M ya arenaria X 660 x X Balunus improvisus 13 Cyathura polita 3 Ampelisca sp, X 3 Limulus polyphemus Total no./m2 0 0 0 180 882 15 135

TotalNo. speciesno. species quantitative 0 01 0 75 :: 62 1; is very low and is probably near the subsequent years had less oil smell, al- threshold for many organisms. though at Station i the smell still persisted strongly in 1960. Sediments Biota Sediments of the Raritan River tend to decrease in mean particle size from New The qualitative and quantitative dis- Brunswick to the river mouth (Table 1). tributions of animals found in the river From New Brunswick to the Washington during 1957-1960 are reported in Tables 2- Canal ( Station h), cobble and gravel cover 7. In 1957, no freshwater species was found finer material. Seaward from the Wash- ( Table 2). Seventeen marine species were ington Canal, the sediments grade from recorded. One, the barnacle Bnlanus im- sand to silty sand to clayey silt. Near the pro&us, extended 8.5, km above the mouth. river mouth, the particle size increases The remaining 16 species were confined again through silt to sand-silt-clay or silty to the seaward 4.6 km of the river. The sand. dominant fauna were: the polychaetes During 1957, between Stations a and h, Ncanthes succinc?a, Streblospio benedicti, no surface sediment was found that could and PoZycZora ligni; the lamellibranchs be classified as being finer than gravel. Mya and Macoma; and the cirripede The investigations of 1958, 1959, and 1960 Balunus improuisus. revealed larger amounts of decaying plant The distribution of benthos the following material on the bottom, as well as increas- summer, 1958, is shown in Table 3. Al- ing amounts of sands, silts, and clays. though the three uppermost river stations Sediment samples from all parts of the wcrc not sampled, 5 freshwater species river in 1957 emitted droplets of oil when were found at Station d, 6 at Station e, and brought on deck. Samples smelled of oil 1 at Station g, The pioneering freshwater or tar, and at some stations chunks of tar fauna included 2 species of oligochaetes, 2 and oily debris were found. Samples from species of pulmonate gastropods, and 2


TABLE 5. Qualitative and quantitative distribution of macrobenthic animals, summer 1960. X = species obtained from qualitative sampling; number of Petersen hauls taken follows station letter; tabulated values are no./m2. All samples were taken on 10 August

Stations Freshwater species Marine species --.- - b-6 _-- c-6.;-_ ---e-6 -. i-6___--~--- k-3$ m-3 s-6 Cordylophora lacustris 5 x Hydroid unidcnt. 10 Sagartia leucolena X Anemone unidcnt. X Turbcllaria unident. 5 Neanthes succinea X 15 Polydora Eigni 130 Polydo,ra sp. 3 Spio setosa 15 Spio filicornis 5 Strebtospio benedicti 3 Tharyx sp. 3 Amphicteis gun.neri Peloscolex multisetosa 5 Oligochaeta spp. 6,648* 2,405” Erpobdella punctata 13 220 8 3 Acteon punctostriutus Helisoma sp. 5 Lymnaea sp. 15 Physa sp. 115 43 Sphaerium 278 1,675 8 25 5 Macoma sp. 3 55 1,238 M ya arenaria 568 X Balanus improvisus Amphipoda unident. 3 20 140 75 3 5 28 Cyathura polita 3 Crag0 septemspinosus 5 15 Rhithropanopeus harrisi Diptera larvae 5 33 Odonata larvae 3 Coleoptera larvae 3 3 Bugula sp. 5 Bowerbankia gracilis Total no./m2 7,102 4,527 799 47 5 85 1,313 No. species quantitative 14 14 8 6 1 3 10 Total no. species 14 14 8 6 1 8 10 ------~__-- - ~~ -..- * Predominantly Limnodrilus spp. L. udekemianus, L. claparedianus, and l’ubijex tubijex were identified in the samples. Approximately 3 additional undetermined species wcrc also noted (see text). 1’ Shells of Helisoma antrosa, H. trivolvis, and Lioplaz sp. were noted. $ Stunted shells of Mya arena&z were found.

In the summer of 1959, 15 stations from fauna were noted in the 1959 summer survey. a through s were sampled and a total of 28 Spio setosa, found in November at Stations marine and 13 freshwater species was d and g, was present at Stations k, r, and s. found (Table 4). Of the 15 stations, 12 (d, Both Mulinia lateralis and Molgula man- e, g, h, i, i, k, m, p, q, r, and s ) had been hatter&s were found at 3 stations, Edotea sampled in 1958. These 12 stations yielded triloba at 2, and Rhithropanopeus harrisi at totals of 6 freshwater and 21 marine species 8 stations. R. harrisi had not been found in 1958, and 8 freshwater and 28 marine in the river until November 1958, and then species in 1959. It is interesting that the at Stations h and k only. By the following freshwater and marine species increased summer, R. harrisi was distributed from proportionately in abundance. the mouth of the river to Station e, a dis- Several significant changes in the marine tance of 15.9 km, and had attained a den- Bl3NTEIIC AEl?Ol?ULA’l’ION 011‘ ‘I-HE RARI’I‘AN RIVER E:STUARY 559

TABLE 6. Qualitative &&rib&on of macrobenthic unimals on 26 November 1958 __.~- __ .~-. - -.~ Stations Freshwntcr spccics Marine spccirs a d e E: h i k nt P Turbellaria unident. X X X Neanthes succinea X Polydora 1ign.i X Polydora sp. X X Spio setosa X x x Heteromastus filiformis x x Arabella iricolor Oligoclxwta unidcnt. X X” x.1 Ferrissin sp. X Helisoma trivolvis X Physa sp. x x X x x M ya arenaria x x x x X Balanus improvisus X Erichsonella attenuata X Cyathura polita x x X X Crag0 septemspinosus X X Rhithropanopeus harrisi Total no. spccics 2 12 7 4 4 2 4 3 1

* Two species of Linmodrilus plus 1 undetermined. j- One species of Limnodrilus plus 1 undctcrmincd. sity of 8 specimens/m2 at Station 6. At the expcriencc in the river, sampling in 1960 most seaward station, s, 3 specimens of was reduced to seven representative sta- Thuryx sp. and 4 of Nassarius obsoletus tions (Table 5). A total of 17 freshwater were also noted as new additions to the and 21 marine species was found in 1960, marinc fauna in the river. as compared to 13, and 25 species, respec- Freshwater species wcrc not found so far tivcly, for the same stations in 1959. The downstream in the summer of 1959 as in changes in total numbers of freshwater or 1958. Cordylophora lacustris, found as dc- marinc species may not be so significant composing colonies in the spring, grew in as the changes in species composition and large abundant colonies at Station e in the population densities. summer. Oligochaetes were much more New additions of marine fauna to the abundant than in the summer of 1958 or river in 1960 were the polychaetes Spio in the subsequent fall and spring surveys. filicornis and Amphictds gunner8 and the Although several species of oligochaetes cctoproct Bo,werbankia gracilis. It is in- were found, there was a change in the interesting to note that these species ap- relative proportion of species from Stations peared near the limits of saline penetration. b through d. At Station b, Tubifex tubifex Of the 12 marine species prcscnt in 1959 was the most abundant oligochaete, while but not found in 1960, only Citienides at Station c its relative abundance dc- gouldi, Neanthes sp. A, E&one alba, and creased, and at Station d it was not found. Mulinia lateralis had occurred in any The distribution of Limnodrilus hoffmeis- abundance or had been distributed at more teri was almost the reciprocal of T. tubifex, than one of the stations samplod in 1960. that is, present at Station b and increasing It is unlikely that their disappearance can in relative abundance through Station d. bc accounted for by errors in sampling. The leech Erpobdeklu punctuta, the gastro- The distribution and abundance of pod Lymnaea sp., and the lamellibranch Neanthes succineu underwent a marked Sphaerium sp. were faunal components not change. From 1957 through 1959, N. SW- found in previous surveys. cinecc was one of the most abundant and On the basis of three years of sampling widely distributed worms in the river. In 560 DAVID DEAN AND HAROLD H. IIASKIN

TABLE 7. Qualitative distribution of macrobenthic animals on 23 March 1959

Stations Freshwater spccics - -~ -.-- Mnrine species a d e 6 h i m P Cordylophora Eacustris X x x Neanthes succinea X Spionidae unident. Limnodrilus spp. X” x Oligochaeta unident. X X Helisoma trivolvis x x X M ya arenaria x x x x Balanus improvises x x x x Cyathura polita X Rhithropanopeus harrisi Diptera larvae X Odonata larvae X Coleoptera larvae X Total no. species 4 5 4 3 6 2 0 1

* Two species.

1960, however, only one specimen was tion of many oligochaetes is difficult and found at one station. Three other species time-consuming, and so only an aliquot was of polychaetes, Polydora ligni, Spio setosa, examined for species composition. How- and Streblospio benedicti, were not found ever, the number of oligochaetes collected so far upriver as in 1959, and the latter was was determined accurately, and worms that more seaward in its distribution than in the appeared different from those already 1957 survey. The isopod Cyathura polita identified were set aside for closer exami- continued its river penetration to Stations nation. In 1959, the dominant oligochacte b and c, tidal freshwater stations. At Sta- at Station b was Tubifex sp., and at Station tion c, C. polita had its highest population c, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri. In 1960, how- density, 140/m2. ever Limnodrilus spp. dominated both At Stations m and s in 1960, there was a Statibns b and c; L. hoffmeisteri appeared marked decrease in density as compared to have been replaced by L. udekemianus with 1959. The large difference can be and 1,. claparedianus. Peloscolex multi- explained by the poorer set of LMya in 1960. setosa and an unidentified amphipod were In both years, Mya was the most abundant collcctcd from the freshwater stations for form at these stations. At Stations c, e, and the first time. i, on the other hand, manifold increases in numbers/m2 were recorded during 1960, DISCUSSION and at Stations b, c, and e the number of Under the conditions of pollution abate- species had increased. Although Station b ment, freshwater and marine (or estuarine) was not sampled quantitatively in 1959, animals rapidly colonized the Raritan River and numerical comparison cannot be made estuary. Marinc species that invaded the with the 1960 data, it was apparent at the river can bc placed in five groups on the time of sampling in 1960 that there had basis of year of arrival, penetration in the been a marked increase in the fauna. The river, and length of stay in or on the sub- only significant change in the species com- strata newly available for colonization: position at the freshwater stations was the variety of oligochaetes. The number of Group I-animals that are pioneers and oligochaete species is given in Table 5. remain as permanent residents: Balanus The designation “approximately” (Table improvisus, Mya arenaria, and Macoma sp. 5, footnote) is used because of limitations Group II-animals that are pioneers but of time and patience. Specific identifica- remain only about two years (Fig. 3) : BENTHIC REPOPULATION OF THE RARITAN RIVER ESTUARY 561

G 5 9. -I----s.------w--

oLL a c e h ik m PO ac e 0 h j k m p 8 R:“ER STATIONS RIVER STATIONS

FIG. 3. Quantitative distribution of nereid FIG. 4. Quantitative distribution of the isopod polychaetes (Neanthes succinea and N. sp. A) in Cuathura in the Raritan River, 1957-1960. The the Raritan River, 1957-1960. The pattern of smoothed curves illustrate progressive penetration distribution is typical for Group II organisms. of Group V organisms.

Neanthes succinea, N. sp. A, Polydora ligni, Group II, as well as Heteromastus and Spio setosa, Streblospio benedicti, Eteone Arabella of Group III, arc usual inhabitants alba, and Cistenides gouldi. of low-salinity waters (Rces 1940; Galtsoff Group III-animals that are pioneers but ct al. 1947; Hedgpeth 1950; Filice 1958; remain one year or less: Heteromastus and others), and it would bc cxpcctcd that filiformis, Amphicteis gunneri, Arabella they would remain in the upper estuary iricolor, and Erichsonella attenuata. after initial colonization. These worms are Group IV-secondary invaders: Spio listed as deposit feeders (Sanders 1956; f ilicornis, Bowerbankia gracilis, Molgula Savilov 1957)) except for Eteone, which manhattensis, and Edotea triloba. Savilov lists as a carnivore or scavenger. Sanders ct. al. ( 1962) conclude that Eteone Group V-progressive penetrators (Fig. heteropoda, however, is a deposit feeder. 4) : Cyathura polita and Rhithropanopeus The feeding type of Neanthes sp. A is un- harrisi. known. Sanders ( 1958) has shown a strong Data on the remaining species are con- correlation between the detritus-rich, fine- sidered inadequate to justify placement in particle sediments and the deposit feeding the above groupings. habit. The lack of such fine sediments in The change in distribution as shown by the upper estuary has probably been the organisms of Groups II and III is difficult most important factor in determining the to explain. The fact that these forms in- relatively short stay of these forms. On the habited lower saline waters successfully basis of similar reasoning, the stay of Spio during their initial penetration into the filicornis (Group IV) can be expected to river indicates that some factor other than be short. salinity probably caused their disappear- The polychaetes found in the upper half ance or seaward rcgrcssion. The worms of of the estuary arc assumed to have arrived 562 DAVID DEAN AND HAROLD II. IIASKIN

obcd a fq h I I k lmnop q rs RIVER STATIONS

FIG. 5. Abundance of spccics in the Raritan River, 1957-1960. Number of snccies includes all FIG. 6. Density of benthic animals in the Rari- spxi& found regardless of s&pling method. tan River, 1957-1960. as larval forms rather than by the migration various places including the abyssal zone of adults. Several juvenile worms found in (Kirkegaard 1954). A study of its larval this area support this assumption, One stages, length of larval life, and sediment wonders why the larvae of thcsc deposit preferences should be rewarding, feeders scttlcd on a substratum of cobble The marked changes in the abundance and gravel. Larvae of a number of poly- of benthic species for the four summers of chaetes are able to test the substratum and study are shown in Fig. 5. The distribu- may even postpone metamorphosis until a tion of species abundance in estuarine substratum is found that is suitable for waters has been studied by several investi- adult life (Thorson 1957). Thorson sug- gators ( see Hedgpeth 1957; Filice 1958). gcsts that larvae may sometimes be de- The pattern of distribution in both polluted ceived by a layer of soft substratum over- and unpolluted estuaries is relatively con- laying a hard bottom. However, at the sistent: as the estuary is ascended from upriver stations where the larvae of deposit the sea, the total number of species de- feeding polychaetes had settled, the low creases to a low point in the upper estuary percentages of fine particles in the sedi- and then increases as freshwater is ap- ment (at Stations e to h, for example) make proached and entered, Under the heavily this possibility remote. polluted conditions in the Raritan River The presence of Erichsonella attenuata, during 1957, the number of species dimin- Amphicteis gunneri, Arab& iricolor, and ished to a low level in the midsection of Spio filicornis in the upper estuary is note- the river but did not increase again in the worthy. These species were found nowhere freshwater section. Following pollution else in the Raritan River during the study; abatement, the number of species in the further, I78 sampling stations extending to less saline section increased each year. By the edge of the failed to the summer of 1960, approximately two and yield a single specimen of these species one-half years after the trunk sewer began ( Dean and Haskin, unpublished #data). operation, the classic V-shaped curve of Estuarine ecology classes at Rutgers Uni- species distribution was assumed. versity have found all four of these species The change in benthos densities is shown in the , an estuary with a in Fig. 6. The increase in densities upriver drainage opening to the Raritan Bay system from Station 7cis most striking. The pattern near Sandy Hook. Amphicteis gunneri, of distribution of benthos densities in the found in the Raritan River at a salinity of river shows a much lower density in the less than 4%0, has been reported from center section of the estuary than in either BIDJTEIIC REl?OPULhTION 017 THE RARITAN RIVER ESTUARY 563

the freshwater or seaward sections. This cffcct of sulfate pulp mill wastes on oysters pattern agrees with that reported by Cas- in the York River, Virginia. U.S. Fish Wild- life Serv. Fishery Bull., 51: 58-186. pers for the Elbc estuary ( Hcdgpcth 1957). IhC;PETH, J. W. 1950. Notes on the marine In the Raritan River, the point of lowest invertcbratc fauna of salt flat areas in Aransas densities fluctuates from year to year be- National Wildlife Refuge, Texas. Publ. Inst. tween Stations i and k. In view of this Marinc Sci. Texas, 1: 103-119. -, [Ed.]. 1957. Treatise on marine ccol- fluctuation, it would seem more appropriate ogy and palcoccology, v. 1. Ecology. Geol. to refer to a low region than to a low point. Sot. Am. Mcm. 67, 1296 p. It is apparent from l?ig. 6 that the classic JIWFRIES, H. P. 1962. Environmental character- V-shaped curve, used to dcscribc the dis- istics of Raritan Bay, a polluted estuary. tribution of species in an estuary, also de- Limnol. Occnnog., 7: 21-31. KE’IXI-IUM, 13. I-I., J. C. AYERS, AND R. F. VACCARO. scribes the distribution of benthos densities 1952. Processes contributing to the dccrcase in an estuary. of coliform bacteria in a tidal estuary. Ecol- It is tempting to conclude that succession ogy, 33: 247-258. occurred during the colonization of sedi- KII~KEGAARD, J. B. 1954. The zoogcography of the abyssal polychaetes. Intern. Union Biol. ments following pollution abatement. The Sci., Ser. B, 16: 40-42. following population changes would sup- KLEIN, L. 1957. Aspects of river pollution. port this conclusion: the pioneering orga- Buttcrworths, London. 62.1 p. nisms that remained only one or two years, LAURIE, R. D., AND J. R. E. JONES. 1938. The faunistic recovery of a lead-polluted river in the appearance of secondary invaders, and North Cardiganshirc, Wales. J. Animal Ecol., the progressive penetration by Rhithro- 7 : 272-289. panopus and Cyathura. However, it is REES, C. B. 1940. A preliminary study of the possible that these changes may have been ecology of a mud-flat. J. Marinc Biol. Assoc. U.K., 24: 185-199. caused by cyclic variations in abundance. RIMI, 11. J. 1957. Effect of pollution on marinc Since data on such cyclic variation are un- lift. Ind. Wastes, 2: 114-118. available for the area, a conclusion con- RTJDOLFS, W., AND A. I-1. FLETCIIEIL 1951. cerning succession would bc speculative. Report on status of pollution of the Raritan River and Bay and effect of discharging into the Bay treated mixed effluents. Mimeo Rcpt., Dep. Sanit. and Div. Environ. &nit., N.J. State Dep. Health. 139 p. ALEXANDEX, W. B., B. A. SOUTI-IGATE, AND R. BASSINDALE. 1935. Survey of the River SANDEW, I-1. L. 1956. Oceanography of Long Tees. Part 11. The estuary. Chemical and Island Sound. X. The biology of marine bot- biological. Ct. Brit. Dep. Sci. Ind. Rcs. tom communities Bull. Bingham Occanog. Water Pollution Rcs. Board Tech. Paper 5, Collection, 15: 345-414. 171 p. -. 1958. Benthic studies in Buzzards Bay. CAI~PENTLLI~, K. E. 1924. A study of the fauna I. Animal-sediment relationships. Limnol. of rivers polluted by lead mining in the Occanog., 3 : 245-258. Abcrystwyth district of Cardiganshirc. Ann. -, E. M. GOUDSMIT, E. L. MLLI,S, AND G. E. Appl. Biol., 11: l-23. HAMPSON. 1962. A study of the intertidal FTLICE, I?. P. 1954cz. An ecological survey of fauna of Barnstablc Harbor, Massachusetts. the Castro Creek area in San Pablo Bay. Limnol. Occanog., 7: 63-79. Wasmann J, Biol., 22: l-24. SRVILOV, A. I. 1957. Biological aspect of the -. 1954b. A study of some factors af- associations of animals of bottom fauna in fecting the bottom fauna of a portion of the the northern part of Okhotsk Sea. [In Rus- San Francisco Bay estuary. Wasmann J. sian.] Tr. Inst. Okcanol. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Biol., 12 : 257-292. 20 : 88-170. -. 1958. Invertcbratcs from the cstuarinc SHEPAlID, F. P. 1954. Nomcnclaturc based on portion of San Francisco Bay and some fac- sand-silt-clay ratios. J. Sediment. Petrol., tors influencing their distributions. Was- 24: 151-158. mann J, Biol., 16: 159-211. TIIORSON, G. 1957. Ch. 17. Bottom communi- GALTSOFP, P. S., W. A. CIIIPMAN, Jn., J, B. tics, p. 461-534. In J. W. Hcdgpcth, [cd.], ENGIX, AND II. N. CALDERWOOD. 1947. Treatise on marine ecology and paleoccology, Ecological and physiological studies of the v. 1. Ecology. Gcol. Sot. Am. Mcm. 67.