A GUIDE TO YOUR POST-16 OPTIONS 2019 Get Organised Welcome to Get Organised C&K Careers has produced this booklet to provide you with information about all your options after Year 11. In Get Organised you will find information about… The courses offered by schools and colleges in Calderdale and Kirklees School and college open evening dates and times How to write a CV and cover letter How to get an apprenticeship Going for an interview and sitting selection tests Different types of qualifications Volunteering and self-employment But not... Information about different careers - there are just too many (However, great websites are listed where you can find this information) The specific grades you will need to get on specific courses (Schools and colleges set their own entry requirements - you need to check out individual school and college websites) Detailed information about options below level 2 (GCSE level) (Ask your school for a copy of our Get Ahead booklet) You might not need all this information now but you will need some of it during Year 11. For more information look at our website www.ckcareersonline.org.uk. If you would prefer to speak to someone, you can ask for an interview with your careers adviser in school. If you would like a copy of Get Organised in a different format email
[email protected] 2 Your options after Year 11 4 Qualifications 6 How do I know what’s right for me? 8 Careers calendar 10 Full-time education 11 How to apply 13 What will it cost? 14 Where are the courses? 17 Open evenings - Calderdale 25 Open evenings - Kirklees 33 Studying outside Calderdale and Kirklees 36 Apprenticeships and traineeships 39 Apprenticeships 40 How to get an apprenticeship 42 Writing a CV 44 Selection tests 47 Interviews 49 Traineeships 51 Training provider contact information 56 Getting a job, self-employment and voluntary work 61 Where to get help 65 How C&K Careers can help you 66 Useful websites 70 Index 74 C&K Careers centres 75 Disclaimer C&K Careers is not responsible for the content of external websites.