Classification Chart (Organization)

Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 01 - Office of the President 01 - ivóªcwZi Kvh©vjq 0101-0120 - Administration 0101-0120 -cªkvmb 0101 - Office of the President 0101 -ivó«cwZi Kvhv©jq 01010001 - President 01010001 -ivó«cwZ 01010002 - Personal 01010002 -Avcb wefvM 01010003 - Public Division 01010003 -Rb wefvM 01015004 - Test 01015004 -Test 0199-0199 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0199-0199 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0199 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0199 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 01990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 01990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 02 - Parliament 02 - RvZxq msm` 0201-0220 - Administration 0201-0220 -cªkvmb 0201 - Secretariat 0201 -mwPevjq 02010001 - Secretariat 02010001 -mwPevjq 02010005 - Parliament Medical Centre 02010005 -RvZxq msm` ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª 02015001 - stray public accounts committee 02015001 -†÷«s‡`wbs cvewjK GKvD›Um KwgwU (01/09/2006-31/08/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 02015010 - Assistance of Establishment of Permanent 02015010 -G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae Gwkqvb cvjv©‡g›Um di cxm (GGwcwc) Secretariat Association of Asian Gi ¯’vqx mwPevjq cÖwZôvq mnvqZv cÖ`vb Parliament for Piece (AAPP) 02015011 - Koica e-Perliament and ICT Project 02015011 -KBKvi Gi mnvqZvq B-cvj©v‡g›U GÛ AvBwmwU kxlK© cªKí 02015012 - Strengthening Parliament Capacity in 02015012 -†÷ªs‡`wbs cvj©v‡g›UÕm K¨vcvwmwU Bb Bw›Uª‡MÖwUs ccy‡jkb Integrating Population Issues into Bmy¨R Bb Uz †W‡fjc‡g›U (GmwcwmwcwW) Development (SPCPD) (01/07/2012-31/12/2016), Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2012-31/12/2016) 02015020 - Block allocation for unapproved projects 02015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ** 02015030 - Improving Democracy Through 02015030 -BgcÖywfs †W‡gv‡µwm _ª“ cvj©v‡g›Uvwi †W‡fjvc‡g›U Bb Parliamentary Development in evsjv‡`k (AvBwcwW) (01/07/10 - 30/06/14) (IPD) 1/7/2010 – 30/06/2014. Aby‡gvw`Z 02015040 - Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight 02015040 -†÷«s‡`wbs cvj©v‡g›Uvwi IfvimvBU, (1/7/2010 - (1/7/2010 – 30/06/2014) 30/06/2014), Aby‡gvw`Z 02015050 - Solar Power System in Bangladesh 02015050 -‡mvjvi cvIqvi wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k 02015060 - Building Accountability to Women through 02015060 -wewìs GKvD‡›UwewjwU Uy DB‡gb _ª“ w` DB‡gb the Women Parliamentarians cvj©v‡g‡›Uwiqvbm 02015241 - Involvement of Parliamentarian in 02015241 -Bbfjf‡g›U Ae cvjv©‡g›Uvwiqvbm& Bb Bw›U‡Mªkb Ae integration of reproductive health wi‡cÖvWvw±f ‡nj_&, wi‡cÖvWvw±f ivBU GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R DB_ ‡W‡fjc‡g›U (01/01/2006 - 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 02015301 - Strengthening the parliamentary 02015301 -†÷«s‡`wbs w` cvj©v‡g›Uvwi ‡W‡gv‡µwm democracy (15/4/1997-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 02015320 - Involvment of Partiamentarians in 02015320 -Bbfjf‡g›U Ae cvj©v‡g›UvwiqvÝ Bb ccy‡jkb GÛ Population and Development †W‡fjc‡g›U| (01/1/2003 - 31/12/2005) (01/01/2003-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 0206 - International Organisations 0206 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg‚n 02064171 - Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 02064171 -KgbI‡qj_ cvj©v‡g›Uvwi G‡mvwm‡qkb 02064172 - Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member 02064172 -cvj©v‡g›Uvwi BDwbqb Ae w` IAvBwm †g¤¦vi ‡÷Um States (PUIC) 02064173 - Inter-Parliamentary Association 02064173 -AvšZt cvj©v‡g›Uvwi G‡mvwm‡qkb 02064174 - Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) 02064174 -Gwkqvb cvj©v‡g›Uvwi G‡m¤¦wj 02064175 - Association of Parliamentary Librarians of 02064175 -G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae cvj©v‡g›Uvwi jvB‡eªwiqvbm Ae Gwkqv Asia and the Pacific (APLAP) GÛ w` c¨vwmwdK 0221-0230 - Assembly 0221-0230 -msm` 0221 - Assembly 0221 -msm`

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 02210001 - Assembly-General 02210001 -msm`-mvaviY 02210005 - Parliamentary Standing Committee 02210005 -msm`xq ¯’vqx KwgwU 02210010 - Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Staff 02210010 -w¯•Kvi, ‡WcywU w¯•Kvi Ges Kg©Pvixe„›` 02210020 - Leader & Deputy Leader of the House and 02210020 -msm` †bZv, Dc‡bZv I Kg©Pvixe„›` Staff 02210030 - Leader & Deputy Leader of Opposition and 02210030 -we‡ivax `‡ji †bZv, Dc‡bZv I Kg©Pvixe„›` Staff 02210040 - Chief Whip and Whips and Staff 02210040 -Pxd ûBc, ûBc Ges Kg©Pvixe„›` 02210050 - Members 02210050 -m`m¨e„›` 0296-0298 - Development Programme Financed by 0296-0298 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 0296 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 0296 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Budget 02964501 - Parliament 02964501 -msm` evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb 02964502 - Programme for Creating Connectivity and 02964502 -gvbbxq msm` m`m¨M‡Yi Kv‡bKwUwfwU I RvZxq msm‡` Intranet Application in the Parliament for B›U«v‡bU GwcЇKkb ˆZixi Kg©mwP Honourable MP''s 02964503 - Production of Network Core Equipment 02964503 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm‡`i AvBwU AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi j‡ and Establishment of Modern Data Centre ¶¨ †bUIqvK© †Kvi BKzBc‡g›U msMªn Ges AvaywbK WvUv to Develop IT infrastructure of Bangladesh †m›Uvi ¯’vcb National Parliament 0299-0299 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0299-0299 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0299 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0299 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 02990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 02990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 03 - Prime Minister's Office 03 - cªavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq 0301-0320 - Administration 0301-0320 -cªkvmb 0301 - Prime Minister's Office 0301 -cÖavbgš¿xi Kvhv©jq 03010001 - Prime Minister 03010001 -cªavbgš¿x 03010002 - Prime Minister's Office 03010002 -cÖavbgšÎxi Kvh©vjq 03010003 - 03010003 -we‡kl wbivcËv evwnbx 03015010 - Worth of supplied food for Food for Work 03015010 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q mieivnK…Z Lv`¨ mvgMÖxi g–j¨ (GwWwc (Out of ADP) ewnf©Z) 03015011 - Access to Information Program BGD 03015011 -A¨vK‡mm Uz Bbdi‡gkb †cÖvMÖvg (01/10/06-30/09/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015012 - Access to Information (ll) 03015012 -G‡·m Uy Bbdi‡gkb cÖKí 03015020 - Unapproved Block Allocation 03015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 03015031 - Supporting Good Governance Initiatives: 03015031 -mv‡cvwU©s ¸W Mf‡b©Ý Bwbwm‡qwUf: mv‡cvU© di cvewjK Supporting for Public Sector Anti †m±i Gw›U Kivckb Bwbwm‡qwUf Corruption Initiatives (01/10/2003-30/09/2004) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 03015041 - Strengthening ICT Capabilities of Prime 03015041 -cÖavbgvš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi AvBwmwU ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY Minister's Office (01/01/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015110 - Support to Information Technology Task 03015110 -mv‡cv©U Uz Bbdi‡gkb †UK‡bvjRx Uv¯‹ †dvm© Force 03015121 - Support to Digital Bangladesh 03015121 -mv‡cvU© Uy wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k cÖKí 03015131 - Public Private Partnership Program 03015131 -cvewjK-cÖvB‡fU cvU©bvikxc †cÖvMªvg Acv‡ikbvjvB‡Rkb cÖKí (05/05/2011-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015810 - Lump provision for canal digging 03015810 -Lvj Lbb Kg©mPxi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ programme 03015820 - Modernisation of Information 03015820 -cÖavbgvš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ e¨e¯’vi Communication Technology Systems at Dbœqb (01/01/2002-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ prime Minister's Office Aby‡gvw`Z (1/7/2002-30/6/2004) 03015821 - Improvement of the Image of Bangladesh 03015821 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ad w` B‡gR Ae evsjv‡`k AvDU mvBW di outside for creating enabling enviornment wµ‡qwUs G¨vbvewjs Gbfvqi‡g›U di Bb‡fó‡g›U GÛ for investment and growth †MÖv_

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 03015822 - Lump provision for development of special 03015822 -we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg areas (Except Hill Tracts) e¨ZxZ) 03015830 - 03015830 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) †ecRv AsM , 1/11/2004-30/6/2008 Aby‡gvw`Z 03015840 - 03015840 - Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB,wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) wewb‡qvM †evW© AsM (1/11/2004-30-6-2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015850 - 03015850 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) cªvB‡fUvB‡Rkb †evW© AsM (1/11/2004-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015860 - 03015860 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) wewmK AsM 1/11/2004-30-6-2008 Aby‡gvw`Z 03015870 - 03015870 -cÖvB‡fU †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U mv‡cvU© (wewb‡qvM †evW©) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 03015880 - 03015880 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) - cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki Kvh©vjq (01/11/04 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015890 - Prime minister office 03015890 -cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi AvBwmwU ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY (2q ms†kvwaZ) (01/01/2004 - 30/11/2007) 03016020 - 03016020 - 0303 - Ad-hoc Commissions 0303 -GWnK Kwgkbmg–n 03030000 - Ad-hoc Commission 03030000 -GWnK Kwgkb mg–n 0305 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0305 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 03052828 - Privatisation Commission 03052828 -cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Kwgkb 03052829 - Bangladesh Small NGO Foundation 03052829 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª GbwRI dvD‡Ûkb (cÖ¯vweZ) (Proposed) 03052830 - Export Processing Zone Authority 03052830 -ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv KZ©„c¶ 03052831 - Public Private Partnership (PPP) 03052831 -cvewjK cÖvB‡fU cvU©bvikxc (wcwcwc) 03052832 - Bangladesh Economic Area 03052832 -evsjv‡`k A_©‰bwZK AÂj KZ©„c¶ 03054717 - Activities of Nirbahi Cell 03054717 -wbe©vnx †m‡ji Kvh©µg 03055010 - Capacity Building of Privatization 03055010 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae cÖÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Kwgkb Commission 03055011 - Support to Capacity Building of 03055011 -mv‡cvU© Uy K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k B‡KvbwgK †Rvb Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority A_wiwU (01/11/2011-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 03055012 - Bangladesh Economic Zone Development 03055012 -evsjv‡`k BK‡bvwgK †Rvbm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project (Phase-1) (†dR-1) 03055830 - 03055830 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷s`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewcwcG) †ecRv AsM , Aby‡gvw`Z 1/11/2004-30/6/2008 03056531 - 03056531 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ Uz cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Kwgkb (01/07/2003-31/12/2005) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 0321-0340 - Departments 0321-0340 -Awa`ßimgn 0321 - National Security Intelligence 0321 -RvZxq wbivcËv †Mv‡q›`v Awa`ßi 03210000 - National Security Intelligence 03210000 -RvZxq wbivcËv ‡Mv‡q›`v Awa`ßi 03215010 - Consrruction of 10 (ten) storied office 03215010 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae 10 †óv‡iW Awdm wewìs di GbGmAvB building for N.S.I with 20 (twenty) stories DB_ 20 †óv‡iW dvD‡Ûkb GÛ G †eR‡g›U foundation and a basement (01/10/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/10/2013-30/06/2016) Approved 0323 - NGO Affairs Bureau 0323 -Gb.wR.I G¨v‡dqvm© ey¨‡iv 03230000 - NGO Affairs Bureau 03230000 -Gb.wR.I G‡dqvm© ey¨‡iv 03235010 - Construction of NGO Affairs Bureau Office 03235010 -GbwRI G¨v‡dqvm© ey¨‡ivi Awdm feb wbg©vY cÖKí Building 03235011 - Construction of Office Building and 03235011 -GbwRI ey¨‡ivi Awdm feb wbg©vY cÖKí modernization of NGO Affairs Bureau 0325 - Export Processing Zone Authority 0325 -ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY AÂj KZ…©c¶ 03250003 - Export Processing Zone- 03250003 -ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY AÂj-XvKv 03250005 - Export Processing Zone- 03250005 -ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY AÂj-PÆMªvg

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 03255010 - Iswardi EPZ 03255010 -Bk¦i`x Bwc‡RW (1g ch©vq) cÖK‡íi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY(01/07/2010-30/06/2012) 03255011 - Capacity Building of Bangladesh Export 03255011 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ad evsjv‡`k ißvbx cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv Processing Zones Authority KZ©„c¶ 03255020 - Capacity Building of Bangladesh Export 03255020 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k G•‡cvU© cÖ‡mwms †Rvbm Processing Zones Authority A_wiwU 03255999 - Block allocation for unproved new projedt 03255999 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 03256010 - Dhaka export processing zone 03256010 -ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY AÂj KZ©„c¶ 03256020 - Chittagong export processing zone 03256020 -PÆMªvg ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY AÂj (ch©vq-3) (Phase-III) 03256040 - Dhaka export processing zone 03256040 -XvKv ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY AÂj m¤•ªªmviY 03256050 - Foreign investment promotion assistance 03256050 -‡ecRvi Rb¨ we‡`kx wewb‡qvM Dbœqb mnvqZv to BEPZ 03256210 - Construction of factory building at DEPZ 03256210 -XvKvq ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY A‡j KviLvbv feb wbg©vY 03256220 - Feasibility study for Mongla export 03256220 -gsjv ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY A‡ji m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB processing zone 03256230 - Construction of factory building at 03256230 -PÆMªvg ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY A‡ji KviLvbv feb Chittagong export processing zone wbgv©Y 03256310 - Gazipur export processing zone (Phase-1) 03256310 -MvRxcyi ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY AÂj (ch©vq-1) 03256320 - Expansion of Dhaka export processing 03256320 -XvKv ißvwb cÖwµqvRvZKiY AÂj m¤•ªªmviY zone 03256330 - Mongla export processing zone (Phase-1) 03256330 -gsjv ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv (ch©vq-1) (01/7/1998-1/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 03256340 - Ishwardi export processing zone 03256340 -Ck¦i`x ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv (ch©vq-1) (Phase-1) (01/07/1998-1/06/2006 Aby‡gvw`Z 03256350 - chittagong sttile mill 03256350 -PÆMªvg ÷xj wgj GjvKvq KY©dzjx Bwc‡RW ¯’vcb (1/7/2004-1/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 03256360 - EPZ Chittagong 03256360 -Bwc‡RW PU«Mªv‡g ˆ`wbK 20 j¶ M¨vjb f‚Mf©¯’ cvwb D‡ Ëvjb I cwi‡kvab c–e©K mieivn (1/1/2005-1/10/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 03256370 - 03256370 -wi-dvwek‡g›Æ Ae G‡mUm Ae wPUvMvs wój wgjm GÛ Av`gRx RyU wgjm di KbfvwUs Bb Uz Bwc‡RW ( 01/7/2005-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 03256380 - Re-furbishing Assets of Chittagong Steel 03256380 -wi-dvwb©k‡g›U Ae G‡mUm Ae wPUvMvs w÷j wgjm GÛ Mills and Adamjee Jute Mills for Converting Av`gRx RyU wgjm& di KbfvwUs Bb Uz Bwc‡RW into EPZs (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 03256390 - Chittagong EPZ ...... 03256390 -PÆMªvg Bwc‡R‡W GKZjv KviLvbv fe‡bi ¯’‡j PviZjv KviLvbv feY wbg©vY (01/02/10 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 03256510 - Comilla export processing zone ( Phase-1) 03256510 -Kzwgj­v ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv (chv©q-1) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/04/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 03256514 - Syedpur export procssing zone (Phase-1) 03256514 -‰mq`cyi (DËiv) ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv (chv©q-1) (01/07/1999-1/6/2006) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 03256520 - Construction of Multistorage Complex for 03256520 -eûZj wewkó †ecRv Kg‡c­· wbg©vY(Aby‡gvw`Z) BEPZA 03256530 - 03256530 -DËiv ißvbx cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv (1g ch©vq) (01/07/99 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 0327 - Bureau of Anti-corruption 0327 -`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡iv 03270000 - Bureau of Anti-Corruption 03270000 -`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡iv 0329 - Board of Investment 0329 -wewb‡qvM †evW© 03290000 - Board of Investment 03290000 -wewb‡qvM †evW© 03290003 - Invest Offices Abroad 03290003 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z wewb‡qvM Awdm 03295010 - Construction of 14 Storied Building With 03295010 -14 Zjv wbR¯^ feb wbg©vb Three Basements for Head Office of Board of Investment (BOI) at S.B. Nagar, Dhaka. 03296411 - Establishment of a BOO/BOT infrastructure 03296411 -‡emiKvix Lv‡Z †ev/†evU c×wZ‡Z AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb development unit in the Board of cÖKí MªnY Ges ev¯evq‡b mnvqZv Kivi j‡¶¨ wewb‡qvM Investment †ev‡W© GKwU AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb BDwbU ¯’vcb 0331 - Abasan Projects Implementation Agency 0331 -Avevmb cÖKí Ÿv¯@evqb ms¯’v

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 03310000 - Settlement Project Implementation Agency 03310000 -AvkªqY cÖKí ev¯evqb ms¯’v 03315980 - 03315980 - 03316350 - Ashrayan-2 03316350 -AvkªqY-2 03316510 - Asrayan-housing & self employment 03316510 -AvkªvqY-evsjv‡`‡ki f‚wgnxb‡`i Rb¨ evmM„n I programme for the landless AvÍKg©ms¯’vb Kg©m–wP (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 03316520 - Abashan (Poverty Alleviation & 03316520 -Avevmb (`vwi`ª we‡gvPb I cyb©evmb) cÖKí Rehabilitation) Project 1/7/02-30/6/09) (ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z) (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) Approved 03316530 - Ashroyan-2 Project 03316530 -Avkªqb-2 cÖKí 03316580 - 03316580 - 0396-0398 - Development Programme Financed by 0396-0398 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 0396 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 0396 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget 03964310 - Strengthening of BSS ICT System 03964310 -evmm Gi AvB.wm.wU wm‡÷g kw³kvjxKiY 03964312 - Ensuring Public Service Delivery through 03964312 -`¶Zv e¨e¯’vcbv D™¢vebx cÖqv‡mi gva¨‡g bvMwiK †mev Performance Management and Innovation wbwðZKiY 0399-0399 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0399-0399 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0399 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0399 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 03990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 03990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 04 - Cabinet Division 04 - gš¿xcwil` wefvM 0401-0420 - Administration 0401-0420 -cªkvmb 0401 - Secretariat 0401 -mwPevjq 04010001 - Secretariat 04010001 -mwPevjq 04010003 - Public Administration Reform 04010003 -Rb cÖkvmb ms¯‹vi Kwgkb Commission 04010004 - Abolished Anti-corruption Bureau 04010004 -Aejyß `ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡iv 04010005 - Uttara Gono Bhaban 04010005 -DËiv MYfeb 04015010 - 04015010 -BDGbwWwc KZ©„K ev¯evqbvaxb `w¶Y Gwkqv `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©mPxi AvIZvq wewb‡qvM †hvM¨ Znwe‡ji gva¨ ‡g wK‡kviMÄ m`i _vbvq ¸”Q MÖvg msMVb mg‡ni `¶Zv 04015011 - Supporting Good Governance Initiatives 04015011 -mv‡cvwU©s ¸W Mfi‡bÝ B‡bwm‡qwUfm (ms‡kvwaZ) cvU© (Revised) Part B: Support for Public Sector wet mv‡cvU© di cvewjK †m±i Gw›U Kivckb Anti Corruption Initiatives Bwbwk‡qwUfm(01/07/06-30/06/07)Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2006-30/06/07) 04015012 - Preparatory Activities to Develop and 04015012 -wcÖcv‡iUix GKwUwfwUR Uz †W‡fjc GÛ Bgwc¬‡g›U Implement Enabling Open Government B‡bewjs I‡cb Mfb©‡g›U cÖ‡R± (BIwRwc) Project (EOGP) (01/10/2012-30/06/2013) (01/10/2012-30/06/2013) 04015013 - Improving Public Administration and 04015013 -BgcÖ“wfs cvewjK G¨vWwgwb‡÷«kb GÛ mvwf©m †Wwjfvix _ª Service DeliveryThrough e-solution; “ B-mwjDkb; BgcÖ“wfs wMªf¨v›m wi‡W«m wm‡÷g Improving grievance redress system (AvDUcyU-3) (01/01/2014-31/12/2015) 04015014 - National Integrity Strategy Support Project. 04015014 -RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj ev¯Zevqb mnvqZv cÖKí (01/02/2015-31/01/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 04015020 - Block allocation for unproved new projedt 04015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 04015031 - Supporting Good Governance Initiatives: 04015031 -mv‡cvwU©s ¸W Mfv‡b©›m Bwbwm‡qwUf :cvU©-we mv‡cvU© di Supporting for Public Sector Anti cvewjK †m±i Gw›U Kivckb Bwbwm‡qwUf Corruption Initiatives (01/10/2003-31/05/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Supporting Good Governance Initiatives: Supporting for Public Sector Anti Corruption Initiatives 04015041 - 04015041 -wcÖcvwis w` ¸W Mfb©‡bÝ cÖ‡R± (01/07/2006-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 04015051 - 04015051 -mv‡cvU© ¸W Mf‡b©Ý Bwbwm‡qwUUfm (2q ch©vq) (01/01/2007-31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 04015740 - Special assistance project for cyclone 04015740 -Bdv` mvnvh¨cyó NwY©So Dc`ª“Z MªvgxY cwievie‡M©i Rb¨ affected families with the help of IFAD we‡kl mvnvh¨ cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (Revised) 04015750 - Strengthening the public administration 04015750 -†÷ªs‡`wbs w` cvewjK GWwgwb‡÷ªkb widg©m Kwgkb reforms commission (01/07/1997-11/12/2000) 04015752 - Increasing efficiency of the rural 04015752 -BDGbwWwc KZ©„K ev¯evqbvaxb `w¶Y Gwkqv `vwi`ª organisations of Kishorgonj sadar Upazilla we‡gvPb Kg©mPxi AvIZvq wewb‡qvM‡hvM¨ Znwe‡ji gva¨ created through UNDP executed South ‡g wK‡kviMÄ Dc‡Rjvq m„ó MÖvg msMVbmg‡ni `¶Zv Asian poverty alleviation programme e„wä 04015760 - Special Multipurpose Development Project 04015760 -`y‡h©vMc–Y© GjvKvi `vwi`ª we‡gvPbK‡í we‡kl eûgyLx for Poverty Alleviation of Disaster Affected Dbœqb (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) Areas 04015761 - Supporting the good Governance 04015761 -mv†cvwU©s `¨v ¸W Mf‡b©Ý ‡cÖvMÖvg (cvU©-G) gš¿xcwil` Programme (Part - A), Cabinet Division wefvM Ask (01/11/07-30/10/11) Part (01/11/2007-30/10/2011) 0403 - Ministers 0403 -gš¿xMY 04030000 - Ministers 04030000 -gšÎxMY 04030001 - Mufassil Jouney Expenditure of the 04030001 -gš¿xM‡Yi gd¯^‡ji mdim–wP e¨q Minister's 04035201 - Test 04035201 -‡U÷ 0405 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0405 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 04052901 - Privatisation Commission 04052901 -cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Kwgkb 04057011 - Technical assistance for government 04057011 -‡UK&wbK¨vj Gwmm&‡U›m di Mfb©‡g›U cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb privatisation programme †cªvMªvg 04057021 - Institutional strengthening of the 04057021 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †óªs‡`wbs Ae w` cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb †evW© Privatization Board 04057031 - Strengthening the one-step service 04057031 -wewb‡qvM †evW© ¯’vwcZ Iqvb óc mvwf©m AwaKZi Kvh©¶g programme of Investment Board Kiv 04057110 - Support to the Privatisation Board 04057110 -mv‡cvU© Uz w` cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb †evW© 0496-0498 - Development Programme Financed by 0496-0498 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 0496 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 0496 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 04964300 - Capacity Devlopment of Cabinet Division. 04964300 -K¨vcvwmwU †Wfjc‡g›U Ad †Kwe‡bU wWwfkb 04964301 - Capacity Development of Cabinet Division 04964301 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡gbU Ae †Kwe‡bU wWwfkb (Rvby-2013-Ryb2014) 04964302 - Capacity Development of Field 04964302 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae wdì GWwgwb‡÷«kb Administration 04964864 - Field Administration Coordination Program 04964864 -wfwWI Kbdv‡iw›ms-Gi gva¨‡g gvV cÖkvm‡bi mv‡_ mg¤ through Video Conferencing ¦q Kg©m–wP 0499-0499 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0499-0499 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0499 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0499 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 04990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 04990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 05 - Special Affairs Division 05 - ‡¯•kvj G‡dqvm© wefvM 0501-0520 - Administration 0501-0520 -cªkvmb 0501 - Secretariat 0501 -mwPevjq 05010001 - Secretariat 05010001 -mwPevjq 05010003 - Rehabilitation Programs in Hill Districts 05010003 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvmgn cybe©vmb Kg©mPx 05015760 - Lump provision for 05015760 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg Dbœqb eve` †_vKeivÏ development 05015821 - TA for Sloping agriculture land technology 05015821 -‡úvwcs GwMªKvjPvi j¨vÛ †UK‡bvjwR (më) cªK‡íi Rb¨ (Salt) project KvwiMix mnvqZv 05015822 - Lump provision for development of special 05015822 -we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg areas (Except Hill Tracts) e¨ZxZ)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 05015831 - Mountain environment & natural resources 05015831 -gvD‡›Ub Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ †bPvivj wi‡mv‡m©m information system for hill districts Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g di wnj wWw÷«± 05016010 - Pre-Investment study for Socio-econimic 05016010 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq mvwe©K Av_© mvgvwRK Dbœq‡bi j‡ development of CHT ¶¨ cÖvK-wewb‡qvM mgx¶v 05016111 - Assistance to Cell formed for development 05016111 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ MwVZ †mj‡K of CHT mnvqZv 05017270 - Lump provision for three Local 05017270 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªv‡gi 3wU ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡`i Rb¨ Government Parishad †_vKeivÏ 0505 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0505 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 05057270 - Lump provision for three local Government 05057270 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi wZbwU ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡`i Rb¨ Parishads of Chittagong Hill Tracts †_vKeivÏ 05057280 - Unpaid steelement schemen under 05057280 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg gvw_‡m_ivj Dbœqb cªK‡íi Aaxb¯’ Chittagong hill tracts D”Pf‚wg 05057290 - Lump provision for Chittagong Hill Tracts 05057290 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ Development Board 05057310 - Integrated community development 05057310 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j mgwš^Z KwgDwbwU Dbœqb Kg©mPx programme of Chittagong 05057320 - Upland settlement scheme in Bangladesh 05057320 -ev›`ieb †Rjvq D”Pfwg e‡›`ve¯xKiY cªKí hill district 05057410 - Integrated community development project 05057410 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg GjvKvq mgwš^Z mgvR Dbœqb cªKí for Chittagong Hill Tracts (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) 05057610 - Lump provision for development of special 05057610 -we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg area (Except Chittagong Hill Tracts) e¨ZxZ) 05057710 - Lump provision for new project of 05057710 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ Chittagong Hill Tracts 05057720 - Construction of 05057720 -evNvBnvU-gvmvjs-mv‡RK moK wbgv©Y Baghaihat-Masalong-Sajek road 05057730 - Pre-Investment study 05057730 -cÖvK wewb‡qvM mgx¶v 0506 - International Organisations 0506 -AvšR©vwZK cªwZôvbmgn 05064411 - ICIMOD 05064411 -cve©Z¨ Dbœqb welqK AvšR©vwZK †K›`ª 06 - Election Commission Secretariat 06 - wbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevjq 0601-0610 - Administration 0601-0610 -cªkvmb 0601 - Secretariat 0601 -mwPevjq 06010000 - 06010000 06010000 -06010000 06010001 - Secretariat 06010001 -mwPevjq 06010002 - 06010002 - 06010003 - Election Training Institute 06010003 -wbe©vPbx cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU 06010050 - Transport Allowance 06010050 -hvbevnb fvZv 06015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects 06015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 06015011 - Support to the Electoral Process in 06015011 -mv‡cvU© Uy w` B‡j‡±vivj cÖ‡mm Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 06015012 - Identification for enhancing access to 06015012 -AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb di Gbn¨vwÝs G‡¯‹m Uz mvwf©‡mm services (AvBwWqv) 06015013 - Strengthening Election Management in 06015013 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs B‡jKkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 06015014 - Election Recources center 06015014 -B‡jKkb wi‡mvm© †m›Uvi 06015015 - Construction of Upzila & Regional Server 06015015 -K›mU«vKkb Ae Dc‡Rjv GÛ wiwRIbvj mvf©vi †÷kbm Stations for Electoral Database. di B‡jK‡Uvivj WvUv‡eR (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/10/08 - 31/12/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 06015020 - 06015020 -9g RvZxq msm` wbe©vP‡bi Rb¨ wbe©vPbx Kg©KZ©v‡`i `¶Zv e„w× Ges †fvUvi m‡PZbZv e„w× (01/07/06-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 06015030 - Election research development centre 06015030 -wbe©vPbx M‡elYv Dbœqb †Kvl 06015040 - Voter List and National ID Card Project 06015040 -Qwemn †fvUvi ZvwjKv cÖYqb I RvZxq cwiPq cÎ cÖ`v‡b mnvqZv cÖ`vb (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 06015050 - 06015050 -U«v›mjy‡m›U e¨vjU ev· (wUwUwe)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 06015060 - Construction of Upzila & Regional Server 06015060 -K›mU«vKkb Ae Dc‡Rjv GÛ wiwRIbvj mvf©vi †÷kb di Stations for Electoral Database. B‡jK‡Uvivj WvUv‡eR (01/10/08 - 31/09/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 06015070 - Preparation of Voter ID cards and 06015070 -evsjv‡`‡ki †fvUvi AvB. wW. KvW© ˆZqvi I weZiY distribution in Bangladesh (ms‡kvwaZ) 06015080 - Translueent Ballot Boxes Project 06015080 -U«v›mjy‡m›U e¨vjU e· (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 06015090 - Election Training Institute 06015090 -wbe©vPbx cªwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU 06015100 - 06015100 -K›mU«vKkb Ae Dc‡Rjv GÛ wiwRIbvj mvf©vi †÷kb di B‡jK‡Uvivj WvUv‡eR (01/10/2008-31/09/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 06015110 - Strengthening Election Management in 06015110 -‡÷«s‡`wbs B‡jKkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (SEMB) (GmBGgwe) cÖKí 06015120 - Establishment of Election Resource 06015120 -B‡jKkb wi‡mvm© †m›Uvi wbg©vY(01/07/2011 n‡Z Centre 31/12/2015) 06015130 - Identification system for enhancing access 06015130 -AvB‡Ww›Uwd‡Kkb wm‡÷g di Gb‡nbwms GK‡mm Uy to Services mvwf©‡mm 06015261 - Strengthening of Election Commission 06015261 -wbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevjq‡K kw³kvjxKiY I wbe©vPb and modernisation of Electroral Process cªwµqv AvaywbKxKiY (ms‡kvwaZ) 06015290 - Support to the electoral process -1996 06015290 -mv‡cvU© Uz w` B‡j‡±vivj cª‡mm-1996 06015320 - Election research institution 06015320 -wbe©vPb M‡elYv BbwówUDU 06015411 - Strengthening the Election Commission 06015411 -†÷«s‡`wbs w` B‡jKkb Kwgkb di BgcÖ“f‡g›U Bb w` on transparency in the electoral process B‡jK‡Uvivj cÖ‡mm (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/97 - 30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 0602 - Field Offices 0602 -gvV ch©v‡qi Kvh©vjq 06020000 - Field Offices 06020000 -gvV ch©v‡qi Kvh©vjq 06020001 - 06020001 - 0603 - Upazilla Offices 0603 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 06030000 - Upazilla Offices 06030000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjq mg–n 0606 - International Organisations 0606 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg‚n 06064460 - Association of the Asian Election 06064460 -G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae w` Gwkqvb B‡jKkb A‡_vwiwUR Authorities 0611-0620 - Election 0611-0620 -wbe©vPb 0611 - Elections 0611 -wbe©vPb 06110001 - Elections 06110001 -wbe©vPb 06110005 - Parliamentary Elections 06110005 -RvZxq msm` wbe©vPb 06110010 - Parliamentary By-elections 06110010 -RvZxq msm` Dc-wbe©vPb 06110015 - District Council Elections 06110015 -‡Rjv cwil` wbe©vPb 06110020 - Hill District Councils Elections 06110020 -cve©Z¨ ‡Rjv cwil` wbe©vPb 06110025 - Union Council Elections 06110025 -BDwbqb cwil` wbe©vPb 06110030 - Poursavas Elections 06110030 -‡cŠimfv wbe©vPb 06110035 - City Corporations Elections 06110035 -wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb wbe©vPb 06110040 - District Council By-elections 06110040 -‡Rjv cwil` Dc-wbe©vPb 06110045 - Hill District Councils By-elections 06110045 -cve©Z¨ ‡Rjv cwil` Dc-wbe©vPb 06110050 - Union Council By-elections 06110050 -BDwbqb cwil` Dc-wbe©vPb 06110055 - Pousavas By-elections 06110055 -‡cŠimfv Dc-wbe©vPb 06110060 - City Corporations By-elections 06110060 -wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb Dc-wbe©vPb 06110065 - Referendum 06110065 -RvZxq MY‡fvU 06110070 - Upazilla Parishad Election 06110070 -Dc‡Rjv cwil` wbev©Pb 06110075 - Upazilla Parishad By-election 06110075 -Dc‡Rjv cwil` Dc-wbev©Pb 06110080 - Other Elections 06110080 -Ab¨vb¨ wbe©vPb 0699-0699 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0699-0699 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0699 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0699 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 06990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 06990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 07 - Ministry of Establishment 07 - Rbckvmb gš¿Yvjq 0701-0720 - Administration 0701-0720 -cªkvmb 0701 - Secretariat 0701 -mwPevjq 07010001 - Secretariat 07010001 -mwPevjq 07010003 - Government Employees Hospital, Dhaka 07010003 -miKvix Kg©Pvwi nvmcvZvj, XvKv 07015010 - Personnel management information 07015010 -cv‡m©vbvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡óg GÛ system and management services wing of g¨v‡bR‡g›U mvwf©‡mm DBs Ae w` Góvewjk‡g›U wWwfkb Ministry of Establishment 07015011 - Managing at the top; a leadership 07015011 -g¨v‡bwRs GU w` Uc-G wjWvikxc †W‡fjc‡g›U di `¨v development for the top Bangladesh Civil Uc evsjv‡`k wmwfj mvwf©m (ms‡kvwaZ) Service 07015012 - Digitaliazation of Bangladesh Public 07015012 -wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb Ae evsjv‡`k †jvK cÖkvmb cÖwkY †K›`ª Administration Training Center 07015013 - Developing the Training Capacity of 07015013 -†W‡fjwcs `¨v †Uªwbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae evsjv‡`k wmwfj Bangladesh Civil Service Administration mvwf©m GWwgwb‡óªkb GKv‡Wgx (2q ch©vq) kxl©K cÖKí Academy (2nd Phase) 07015014 - Construction of Sylhet, Barisal and 07015014 -wm‡jU, ewikvj I iscyi AvÂwjK †jvK cÖkvmb cÖwkY Rangpur Regional Public Administration †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí Training Centre 07015015 - ICT Development in the Ministry of 07015015 -AvBwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb `¨v wgwbwóª Ae óvewjm‡g›U Establishment 07015016 - institutational Development of Bangladesh 07015016 -Bbw÷wUDUkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k wmwfj Civil Service Administration Academy (2nd mvwf©m GWwgwb‡†÷«kb GKv‡Wwg kxl©K cÖKí (2q ch©vq) phase) 07015017 - Construction of Mymensingh District 07015017 -gqgbwmsn †Rjv cÖªkvm‡Ki bZyb Kv‡j±‡iU feb wbgv©Y| Collectorate Bhaban 07015018 - Construction of Rangpur Division 07015018 -iscyi wefvMxq Kwgkbv‡ii Kvh©vjqmn AvbylvswMK feb Commissioner Office Building wbg©vY| 07015020 - BMRE of the government presses 07015020 -miKvwi †cªmmg–‡ni weGgAviB (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 07015021 - Advocacy on Reproductively Health and 07015021 -GW‡fv‡Kwm Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_& GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R Gender issues _ª“ `¨v †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU Ae wgwb÷ª Ae G÷vewjk‡g›U| (01/1/2003 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 07015030 - Construction of new circuit house (Type-1) 07015030 -h‡kvni †Rjv kn‡i bZyb mvwK©U nvDR (UvBc-1) wbgv©Y I in Jessore dist. town with kitchen, garrage, ZrmsjMœ wK‡Pb, M¨v‡iR, Af¨š@ixY iv¯@v, cv¤• nvDR I internal road, pump house and renovation cyivZb feb cybwbgv©Y| (01/7/99 - 31/12/2004) of old circuit house wcwmwc Aby‡gvw`Z 07015031 - Fellowship programme for faculty 07015031 -†d‡jvkxc †cÖvMÖvg di d¨vKvwë †Wfjc‡g›U Ae development of BPATC on Reproductive wewcGwUwm Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_& GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R health of gender issue 07015040 - Strengthening Sample Vital Registration 07015040 -†m¤•j fvBUvj †iwR‡ó«kb c×wZ kw³kvjKiY cÖKí System Project 07015041 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health and 07015041 -GW‡fv‡Kwm Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ GÛ †RÛvi Bm¨yR Gender Issues Through the Training _ª“ w` †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU Ae wgwbw÷« Ae G÷vewjk‡g›U Institute of Ministry of Establishment (1/1/2003-31/12/2005) 07015050 - Establishment of E-mail Connection for 07015050 -mKj gš¿Yvjq/wefvM, wefvMxq Kwgkbvi I mKj †Rjv every offices of District Commissioner, cÖkvmK†`i `߇i B-†gBj ms‡hvM ¯’vcb| (01/7/99- Divisional Commissioner and Ministries 30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z /Division 07015051 - strengthening of Bangladesh 07015051 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k cvewjK G¨vWwgwb‡÷«kb †Uªwbs administration training center †m›Uvi (†dBR-2) 07015060 - Modernization of Fullbaria Government 07015060 -XvKv¯’ dzjevoxqv miKvix Kg©Pvix nvmcvZv‡ji Services Hospital at Dhaka AvaywbKxKib 07015061 - ICT Development in the Ministry of Public 07015061 -AvBwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb w` wgwbw÷« Ae cvewjK Administration G¨vWwgwb‡÷«kb 07015070 - Block allocation for unapproved projects 07015070 -Abbz‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ**

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 07015080 - Institutional Development of BCS ( 07015080 -wewmGm (cÖkvmb) GKv‡Wgxi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb (chv©q-2) Administration) Academy 07015081 - Strengthening Institutional Capability of 07015081 -‡óªs‡`wbs Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvwewjwU Ae wewmGm BCS Administration Academy GWwgwb‡óªkb GKv‡Wwg 07015090 - Election training institute 07015090 -wbe©vPYx cªwkÝY BbwówUDU 07015100 - Strengthening Government Through 07015100 -‡ó«s‡`wbs Mf©‡g›U ‡_ªv K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w` Capacity Development of the BCS Cadre wewmGm K¨vWvi Awdwmqvjm Officials 07015110 - Regional public administration training 07015110 -AvÂwjK †jvK cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K›`« (chv©q-2) centre (Phase-2) 07015120 - Bangladesh Institute of Administration and 07015120 -evsjv‡`k BbwówUDU Ae GWwgwb‡ó«kb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management (BIAM) (weqvg) 07015130 - Procurement of car for full time use of 07015130 -cÖvwaKvi cÖvß hyM¥ cÖavb‡`i Rb¨ mve©¶wYK Mvox I entitled Joint Chiefs and procurement of Avbylw½K hšcvwZ µq accessories 07015140 - Extension programme for the ICMAB at 07015140 -AvB. wm. Gg. we -XvKvi m¤•ªªmviY Kvh©µg Dhaka 07015150 - Bangladesh Public Administration Training 07015150 -‡jvK cªkvmb `¶Zv Dbœqb (wewcGwUwm 3q ch©vq) (3q Centre (Phase-3) ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1996 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 07015160 - BCS Administration 07015160 -wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wwgi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb (2q ch©vq ms‡kvwaZ) (01/7/04-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 07015170 - Regional Public Administration Training 07015170 -AvÂwjK †jvK cªkvmb cªwk¶Y †K›`« Centre (Phase-2) (chv©q-2)|(01/7/99-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 07015180 - Strengthening Of Bangladesh Public 07015180 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k cvewjK A¨vWwgwb‡÷ªkb †UªBwbs Administration Training Center(Phase-3) †m›Uvi (†dBR - 3) (01/07/2008 - 30/06/2013) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) 07015190 - Institutional Capacity Building Of 07015190 -BÝwUwUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k wmwfj Bangladesh Civil Service Administration mvwf©m GWwgwb‡÷ªkb GKv‡Wwg (01/07/2008 - Academy(01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30/06/2011) 07015191 - EDI-BPATC technical assistance 07015191 -BwWAvB-wmwcGwU wm †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm&‡UÝ collaboration programme †Kvjv‡ev†ikb †cÖvMªvg 07015200 - Strengthening of Bangladesh Public 07015200 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k cvewjK A¨vWwgwb‡÷ªkb †Uªwbs Administrative Training Centre †m›Uvi (01/11/08 - 30/06/18) Abby‡gvw`Z (01/11/08-30/06/18) Approved. 07015210 - Char Development and Settlement 07015210 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKít 4 (‡bvqvLvjx Project-4 †Rjv cÖkvmb Ask) (01/01/11 - 31/12/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 07015211 - Efficiency development of B.C.S officers 07015211 -Bwdwm‡qwÝ †Wfjc‡g›U di wewmGm Awdmvm© wbD new generation (Phase-1) †Rbv‡ikb (chv©q-1) 07015221 - Survey of Govt. training institute 07015221 -miKvix cªwZôvbmgy‡ni Dci Rixc 07015231 - Organisation and management study on 07015231 -KwZcq gšYvj‡qi msMVb I e¨e¯’vcbvi Dci mgx¶v selected ministry 07015281 - Commonwealth Consultants for PACC 07015281 -KgbI‡qj_ Kbmvj‡U›U di wcGwmwm 07015310 - Construction of a new circuit house at 07015310 -PÆMªv‡g GKwU bZzb mvwK©U nvDR wbg©vY Chittagong 07015330 - Project to be implemente it from block 07015330 -‡Rjv, Dc‡Rjv AeKvVv‡gv †_vKeivÏ †_‡K ev¯evqbvaxb allocation 07015340 - Procurement of transports for districts 07015340 -‡Rjv cªkvm‡b b¨¯ cªwZ¯’vcK Mvox msMªn administration 07015350 - Procurement of cars for officers 07015350 -mve©¶wYK cÖvwaKvi cÖvß Kg©KZ©v‡`i eive‡i b¨¯ Mvoxi cÖwZ¯’vcK Mvox 07015360 - Construction of circuit house in new 07015360 -bem„ó †Rjv m`‡i bZzb mvwK©U nvDm wbg©vY districts 07015370 - Construction of Government offices and 07015370 -54wU †Rjv m`‡i miKvwi Awdm I evmfeb wbg©vY residential buildings in 44 newly created (01/07/1984 - 30/06/2008) ms‡kvwaZ district headquarters Abby‡gvw`Z 07015380 - Construction of divisional headquarter in 07015380 -ewikv‡j wefvMxq m`i `ßi wbg©vY Barisal 07015390 - Procurement of Jeep vehicle for TNO 07015390 -_vbv wbe©vnx Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ Rxc Mvox-¯•xW‡evW msMÖn

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 07015510 - Construction of residential building for 07015510 -cvebvi †WcywU Kwgkbv‡ii, Kv‡j±‡iU fe‡bi m¤•ªªvmviY Deputy Commissioner of Pabna, Ges h‡kvn‡i †WcywU Kwgkbv‡ii evmfeb wbgv©Y renovation and extension of Collectorate building 07015520 - Bangladesh Institute of Administration and 07015520 -evsjv‡`k BÝw÷wUDU Ad GWwgwb‡÷«kb GÛ Management (Phase-2) g¨v‡bR‡g›U weqvg (chv©q-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) 07015530 - Publication of National District Gazetteeer 07015530 -RvZxq †Rjv †M‡RwUqvi cªKvkbv cªKí project 07015531 - Publications of National District Gazetteer 07015531 -RvZxq †Rjv †M‡RwUqvi cªKvkbv cªKí project 07015550 - Construction of community centre for 07015550 -miKvix PvKzixRxex‡`i Rb¨ KwgDwbwU †m›Uvi wbgv©Y Government empolyees 07015610 - Modernisation of Government presses and 07015610 -miKvwi †cÖmmg–‡ni AvaywbKvqb I Avevmb cÖKí accommodation project 07015620 - Extension and development of Gopalgonj 07015620 -‡MvcvjMÄ mvwK©U nvDm m¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb Circuit House 07015630 - Construction of new court building 07015630 -bZzb Av`vjZ feb wbgv©Y PÆMÖvg (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 07015640 - Establishment of Independent Radio 07015640 -gvV ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ cÖ_g ch©v‡q †Rjv ch©v‡q Communication System within ¯^Zš¿ †eZvi †hvMv‡hvM ¯’vcb District-Thana-District for Field Level Officials (Phase-1) 07015650 - 07015650 -wm‡jU I ewikvj AvÂwjK †jvK cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª wbgv©Y cÖKí 07015651 - Strengthening of public administration 07015651 -†ó«s‡`wbs Ae cvewjK GWwgwb‡÷ªkb †UªBwbs Bb training in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 07015661 - Strengthening the training programme of 07015661 -wewmGm (cªkvmb) GKv‡Wwgi cÖwk¶Y Kg©mPx BCS (Administration) academy kw³kvjxKiY 07015780 - 07015780 -g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gwdwm‡q›mx Gb‡n›m‡g›U †cÖvMªvg di wmwfj mv‡f©›Um Ae evsjv†`k (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) Abbyt 07015790 - 07015790 -weqvg dvD‡Ûk‡bi cÖavb Kvhv©j‡qi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY Ges e¸ov K·evRv‡i AvÂwjK †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyt 07015800 - 07015800 -wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wgxi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 07018391 - Construction of divisional headquarters in 07018391 -wm‡j‡U wefvMxq m`i `ßi ¯’vcb Sylhet 07018410 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 07018410 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 07018420 - Construction of Multi-stored building for 10 07018420 -wm‡jU wefvMxq Kwgkbv‡ii Awdm feb msjMœ ¯’v‡b Divisional Offices near the Office of eûZj feb wbgv©Y K‡i 10(`k) wU wefvMxq Awd‡mi ¯’vb Divisional Commission of Sylhet msKzjvbKiY| (01/07/2003-30/6/2006) (Aby‡gvw`Z ) 07018430 - Biam of 07018430 -weqvg Gi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY Ges e¸ov I K·evRv‡i weqvg AvÂwjK †K›`ª ¯’vcb (weqvg dvD‡Ûkb Gi cªavb Kvh©vj‡qi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY Ges e¸ov I K·evRv‡i weqvg dvD‡Ûk‡bi AvÂwjK †K‡›`ªi g‡a¨ 1g ch©v‡q e¸ov †K`ª ¯’vcb ( 01/07/2004-30/6/07 ) Aby‡gvw`Z 07018431 - Strengthening Government Through 07018431 -‡÷«s‡`wbs MfY©‡g›U _ª“ K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w` Capacity Development of the BCS Cadre wewmGm K¨vWvi Awdwmqvjm Officials (01/07/09-30/06/14) Approved. (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 07018441 - Managing at the Top- (MATT-2) 07018441 -g¨v‡bwRs GU w` Uc-2 (g¨vU-2) evsjv‡`k cvewjK (01/09/04-31/08/11) Approved. mvwf©m K¨vcvwmwU wewìs †cªvMªvg (1/9/2004-31/8/2011) Aby‡gwv`Z 07018451 - 07018451 - †W‡fjwcs wmwfj mvwf©m K¨vcvwmwU di Uz‡qw›U dv÷© ‡mÂyix GWwgwb‡ó«kb †mÂywi GmwcBwm mycvwikK…Z (15/5/2005-14/5/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 07018461 - 07018461 -evsjv‡`k †jvK cªkvmb †Kb`ª kwË“kvjxKiY (01/07/05-30/06/07) Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 07018471 - Developing Training Capacity of 07018471 -‡W‡fjwcs †U«wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae evsjv‡`k wmwfj mvwf©m Bangladesh Civil Service Administration GWwgwb‡÷«kb GKv‡Wwg (01/07/07-31/12/09) Academy (01/10/07-31/12/09) Approved. 07018481 - Enhanching Capacity of Public Service 07018481 -G¨vb‡nw›ms K¨vcvwmwU Ae cvewjK mvwf©m †U«wbs Bb Training in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (31/12/08 - 30/06/10) Aby†gvw`Z (31/12/08-30/06/10) Approved. 07018491 - Civil Service Change Management 07018491 -wmwfj mvwf©m †PÄ g¨v‡bR‡g›U †cÖvMªvg Programme (01/07/08-31/12/12) Approved. (01/07/2008-31/12/2012) Abyt 0705 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0705 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 07052911 - Bangladesh Public Administration Training 07052911 -evsjv‡`k †jvK cªkvmb cªwk¶Y †K›`ª Centre 07052912 - Civil Service College, Dhaka 07052912 -wmwfj mvwf©m K‡jR, XvKv 07052919 - Bangladesh Institute of Adminstration & 07052919 -evsjv‡`k cÖkvmb I e¨e¯’vcbv Bbww÷wUDU Management 07053541 - Retired Govrnment Servant Welfare Society 07053541 -Aemi cÖvß miKvwi Kg©Pvix Kj¨vY mwgwZ 07053545 - Bangladesh Employees Welfare Board 07053545 -evsjv‡`k Kg©Pvix Kj¨vY †evW© 07053951 - Transport project 07053951 -cwienb cªKí 07053961 - Swanirvar Training Poject 07053961 -¯^wbf©i cªwk¶b cªKí 07055010 - Digitalization of BPATC 07055010 -wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb Ae wewcGwUwm (01/10/2012-30/06/2016) Approved (01/10/2012-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 07055011 - Improving Public Services Through Total 07055011 -B¤•ª“f‡g›U cvewjK mvwf©‡mm _ª“ †UvUvj †KvqvwjwU Quality Management (IPS-TQM) g¨v‡bR‡g›U (AvBwcGm-wUwKDGg) (01/07/13-30/06/16) 07057000 - Extension of Abasar Bhaban for 07057000 -G·‡Ubkb Ae Aemi feb di Kb÷«vKkb Ae G Construction of a Hospital and Office nmwcUvj GÛ Awdm wewìs Building (01/07/08-30/06/10) Approved. 07057010 - Strenthening of Bangladesh Public 07057010 -†÷«s‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k cvewjK GWwgwb‡U«kb †U«wbs Administration Training Center (Phase-III) †m›Uvi (†dBR-3) (01/11/2008-31/12/2014) 07057011 - Establishment of Regional Centre of Biam 07057011 -K·evRvi weqvg dvD‡Ûk‡bi AvÂwjK †K›`ª ¯’vcbmn Foundation in Cox's Bazar and weqvg dvD‡Ûk‡bi cÖavb Kvh©vj‡qi Amgvß KvR Completion of Unfinished work of Biam mgvßKiY (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Headquarters(01/07/09-30/06/12) -Approved 0707 - Training Facilities 0707 -cªwk¶Y myweav 07070005 - BCS Administration Academy 07070005 -we wm Gm (cªkvmb) GKv‡Wwg 07070010 - Staff Training Institute 07070010 -÷vd †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU 07075010 - Institutional Development of Bangladesh 07075010 -B›mwUwUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k wmwfj mvwf©m Civil Service Administration Academy (2nd GWwgwb‡ó«kb GKv‡Wgx (2q ch©vq) phase) 0741-0750 - Field Administration 0741-0750 -AvÂwjK `ßi 0741 - Divisional Administration 0741 -wefvMxq cªkvmb 07410000 - Divisional Administration 07410000 -wefvMxq cªkvmb 0742 - District Administration 0742 -‡Rjv cªkvmb 07420000 - District Administration 07420000 -†Rjv cÖkvmb 07420001 - Deputy Commissioners 07420001 -‡Rjv cªkvmKMY 07420200 - Staging Bungalows 07420200 -‡÷wRs evs‡jv 07420300 - Circuit Houses 07420300 -mvwK©U nvDm 07424306 - Special Repairing Works of the Roads 07424306 -†bvqvLvjx †Rjv gvBR`x¯’ †Rjv cÖkvmK, †Rjv RR, Situated in front of the Resedence of DC, cywjk mycvi, wmwfj mvR©b, wbe©vnx cÖ‡KŠkjx (MYcZ©) Gi DJ, SP, CS and ExEn. at Maijde, Noakhali evmfe‡bi mvg‡b iv¯vi we‡kl ‡givgZ KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mywP 0743 - Upazilla Administration 0743 -Dc‡Rjv cªkvmb 07430000 - Upazilla Administration 07430000 -Dc‡Rjv cªkvmb 0744 - District Gazetteers 0744 -‡Rjv †M‡RwUqvi 07440000 - District Gazetteers 07440000 -‡Rjv †M‡RwUqvi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 0751-0780 - Common Services 0751-0780 -Kgb mvwf©m 0751 - Office of the Controller of Printing & Stationery 0751 -gy`ªY, †jLv mvgMÖx dig I cÖKvkbv `ßi 07510000 - Office of the Controller of Printing & 07510000 -gy`ªY, †jLv mvgMÖx dig I cÖKvkbv `ßi Stationary 07510001 - Headquarters 07510001 -m`i `ßi 07510011 - Stationery Office 07510011 -‡÷kbvwi Awdm 07510013 - Stationery Stores 07510013 -‡÷kbvwi †÷vim 07510015 - Bangladesh Forms and Publications 07510015 -evsjv‡`k dig I cªKvkbv Awdm Office 07514308 - Completion of Unfinished Building No. 08 07514308 -MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm ÷vd †KvqvU©v‡ii wbwg©qgvb of the Govt. Printing Press Staff Quarter AvevwmK 8bs fe‡bi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 07515610 - Mordernization of Government presses 07515610 -miKvwi †cÖmmg–‡ni AvaywbKvqb I Avevmb cÖKí and accommodation project 0752 - Regional Offices 0752 -AvÂwjK Kvh©vjqmg–n 07520000 - Regional Offices 07520000 -AvÂwjK Kvh©vjqmg–n 0755 - Printing Presses 0755 -gy`ªYvjq mg–n 07550017 - Government Printing Press 07550017 -miKvi cwiPvwjZ gy`ªYvjq 07550019 - Bangladesh Government Press 07550019 -evsjv‡`k miKvwi gy`ªYvjq 07550021 - Security Printing Press 07550021 -wbivcËv gy`ªYvjq 0761 - Department of Govt. Transport 0761 -miKvwi hvbevnb Awa`ßi 07610000 - Department of Govt. Transport 07610000 -miKvwi hvbevnb Awa`ßi 07610001 - Headquarters 07610001 -m`i `ßi 07610005 - Transport Pool 07610005 -cwienY cyj 07610006 - Divisional/District Transport Pool 07610006 -cwienY cyj wefvMxq/†Rjv Awdmmgn 07610007 - Workshop and Ancillary Transport 07610007 -KviLvbv I mnvqK cwienY 07610009 - Central Workshop 07610009 -‡K›`ªxq KviLvbv 07610011 - Government River Transport 07610011 -miKvwi †bŠ cwienY 07610012 - Government Shipping Offices 07610012 -miKvix †bŠ-cwienY Awdmmgn 07610013 - Petrol Pump 07610013 -‡cU«j cv¤• 0771 - Government Employees Welfare Directorate 0771 -miKvix Kg©Pvix Kj¨vY Awa`ßi 07710000 - Government Employees Welfare 07710000 -miKvix Kg©Pvix Kj¨vY Awa`ßi Directorate 07710001 - Headquarters 07710001 -m`i `ßi 07710005 - Regional Offices 07710005 -AvÂwjK `ßimgn 07713951 - Transport Programme 07713951 -cwienY Kg©m‚wP 0781-0785 - Special Programmes 0781-0785 -we‡kl Kg©mPxmgn 0781 - Special Programme 0781 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 07814653 - 07814653 -gvV ch©v‡q Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq) Kg©mPx 07814654 - 07814654 -Kv‡j±‡iU Ges †Rjvq mswk­ó Awdmmgn AvaywbKxKiY I Kw¤•DUvivqb 0796-0798 - Development Programme Financed by 0796-0798 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 0796 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 0796 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 07964301 - Construction of Record Room Building at 07964301 -wm‡jU †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kvh©vjq PZ¡‡i GKwU †iKW© i“g D.C. Office, Sylhet wbg©vY KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 07964302 - Vertical Extension of Divisional 07964302 -wm‡jU Avjgcyi¯’ wefvMxq Kwgkbvi I wWAvBwRwc-Gi Commissioner's and DIGP'S Office Awd‡mi 3q Zjvi Dci 4_© Zjvi DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ªmviY Alampur, Sylhet KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 07964303 - Reconstruction of Boundary Wall of Sylhet 07964303 -wm‡jU mvwK©U nvD‡Ri mxgvbv cÖvPxi cybtwbg©vY, cyivZb Circuit House, Modernization of Old Circuit mvwK©U nvD‡Ri AvaywbKvqb ms¯‹vi, mvwK©U nvD‡Ri house, Partial Repariing of parking area cvwK©smn Af¨šixY weUywgbvm iv¯vi AvswkK Kv‡c©wUs and inernal roads of Circuit House, bevqb, mvwK©U nvDR †_‡K †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki evs‡jv‡Z wU‡bi Pvjvi AvswkK wUb I KvV bevqb I wfwfAvBwc construction of RCC Road internal roads mvwK©U nvD‡Ri evwn‡ii I‡q`vi †KvUKiYmn cÖ‡qvRbxq of Circuit house, Construction o f RCC †givgZ I ms¯‹vi wbg©vY KvR kxl©K Dbœhb Kg©mwP Road internal roads of Circuit House, Construction of RCC Road ( Width 8"-0") from Circuit House to DC's Residence, Partial Reparing of Tin and Wood of DC's Residence and Repairing, Painting and weather coating of VVIP Circuit House) 07964304 - Vertical Extension of Circuit House 07964304 -Lyjbv mvwK©U nvDR (bZyb feb)-Gi DשgyLx m¤•ªmviY (New Building at Khulna) KvR 07964305 - Modernization and Strengthening the 07964305 -miKvwi hvbevnb ‡givgZ KviLvbv AvaywbKvqb kxl©K Capacity of Government Motor Vehicle Dbœqb Kg©mwP Workshop 07964306 - Special Repairing Works of the Roads 07964306 -†bvqvLvjx †Rjv gvBR`x¯’ †Rjv cÖkvmK, †Rjv RR, Situated in front of the Resedence of DC, cywjk mycvi, wmwfj mvR©b, wbe©vnx cÖ‡KŠkjx (MYcZ©) Gi DJ, SP, CS and ExEn. at Maijde, Noakhali evmfe‡bi mvg‡b iv¯vi we‡kl ‡givgZ KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mywP 07964307 - Heightening 2"-o" of Ground Floor, 07964307 -‡Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kvh©vjq, †bvqvLvjx Gi bxPZjv 2 Bw Repairing of Swerage line, Shutting down DPyKiY KvR, myqv‡iR jvBb ms¯‹vi, Qv‡`i cvwb Pyqv‡bv of Water Exulting on Roof and Setting up e‡Üi KvR Ges wmwo, jwe I eviv›`vq UvBjm ¯’vcb KvR tiles for Stairs, Lobby and Balcony of the kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP DC Office, Noakhali 07964308 - Construction of Academic Building Officers 07964308 -evsjv‡`k †jvK-cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Aaxb¯’ PU«Mªvg Dormitory cum Staff Quarter at Regional AvÂwjK ‡jvK-cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ GKv‡WwgK Public Administration Training Center Kvg Awdmvm© WiwgUwi I ÷vd †KvqvU©vi wbg©vY KvR (RPATC) Chittagong Under BPATC kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 07964309 - Construction/Development of Bangladesh 07964309 -evsjv‡`k ‡jvK cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi feb Public Administration Training Centre's wbg©vY/Dbœqb I Ab¨vb¨ miÄvgvw` µq (WiwgUix-2 I 3 Building and Purchase of Other bs fe‡bi f¨vwU©K¨vj G·‡Ubkb KvR) kxl©K Dbœqb Instruments (Vertical Extension Works of Kg©mwP Dormitory Building No. 2 and 3 07964310 - Increasing of Production and 07964310 -evsjv‡`k miKvwi gy`ªYvj‡qi Drcv`b e„w× &I †gwkbvw`i Modernization of Machineries in Govt. AvaywbKvqb kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Printing Press 07964315 - Construction of boundary wall, 07964315 -cUyqvLvjx †Rjv cÖkvmK Kvh©vj‡qi mxgvbv cÖvPxi, drain-approne, garage of Patuakhali DC †W«b-G‡cÖvb, Mvoxi M¨v‡iR wbg©vY, †Rjv cÖkvmK, office including maintenance of the office AwZwi³ †Rjv cÖkvmK, †bRviZ †WcywU Kv‡j±i I rooms of DC, ADC & NDC and mZKvix KwgkbviM‡Yi i“‡g _vB G¨vjywgwbqvg I UvBjm ¯’vcb, †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki I AwZwi³ †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki evmvi construction of boundary walls of mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY KvR (2014-15) residences of DC & ADC 07964316 - Renovation and maintenance work of 07964316 -XvKvi kvnevM GjvKvq Aew¯’Z wewmGm (cÖkvmb) B.C.S (Admin) Academy office building GKv‡Wwgi Awdm feb, iv¯v, AwW‡Uvwiqvg, mxgvbv cÖvPxi internal roads, auditorium, boundary wall Ges bxj‡¶Z GjvKvq Aew¯’Z wewmGm (cÖkvmb) located at shahbag area and construction GKv‡Wwgi Kg©KZ©v‡`i AvevwmK fe‡bi iv¯v Ges mxgvbv cÖvPx‡ii wbg©vY, ms¯‹vi I †givgZ KvR (2014-15 n‡Z including maintenance of boundary wall, 2015-16) internal roads of the officer's quarter's of BCS (admin Academy located at Nilkhet. 07964318 - Providing roof treatment in main building 07964318 -gvwbKMÄ †Rjv Kv‡j±‡iU fe‡bi (bZyb feb) i“d including internal and external sanitary & wU«U‡g›U KvRmn fe‡bi Af¨šixY I ewnt¯’ cqtcÖYvjx water supply at District Collectorate Ges cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi we‡kl ms¯‹vi KvR (2014- Building, Manikgonj 15) 07964320 - Unfinished Building No. 08 of the Govt. 07964320 -MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm ÷vd †KvqvU©v‡ii wbwg©qgvY Printing Press Staff Quarter AvevwmK 8bs fe‡bi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY (2014-15) 07964589 - Construction of Staff Quarter Building, 07964589 -wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wwgi Kg©Pvix‡`i Avevmb feb| Road and other Development Works of moK I Ab¨vb¨ DbœqbgjK wbg©vY KvR BCS Administration Academy

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 07964590 - Development of Net-working Automation 07964590 -RbcÖkvmb gšYvj‡qi †bUIqvwK©s A‡Uv‡gkb I WvUv‡eR and Database in Ministry of Public Dbœqb kxl©K Kg©mwP Administration 07964591 - Modernization of Confidential Section of 07964591 -evsjv‡`k miKvwi gy`ªYvj‡qi †Mvcbxq kvLv AvaywbKvqb Bangladesh Govt. Printing Press kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 07964592 - Modernization Work of Govt. Printing Press 07964592 -Mfb©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖ‡mi gy`ªY KvR AvaywbKvqb kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 07964593 - Special Repairing work with Ceiling of 07964593 -Kzwgj­v †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki evmfe‡bi wRcmvm †ev‡W©i wmwjs Zipsas Board and Placing Thi System in I Rvbvjvi _vBKiYmn we‡kl †givgZ KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Window of the Residence of D.C in Kg©mwP Comilla 07964594 - Special Repairing Work of Two Rooms 07964594 -Kzwgj­v Kv‡j±‡iU †KvU© fe‡bi Z„Zxq Zjvq wWw÷«± Including D.C. Conference Room, Office Bbdi‡gkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb ‡UK‡bvjwR †m›Uvi and Veranda with Tiles to Build up District (wWAvBwmwUwm) j¨ve ¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ 2wU K‡¶i we‡kl Information and Communication ms¯‹vi KvRmn †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki m‡¤§jb K¶, Awdm Ges eviv›`vq UvBjmmn we‡kl †givgZ KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Technology Centre (DICTC) Lab on 3rd Kg©mwP Floor of Collectorate Court Building in Comilla 07964653 - Establishment of Telecommunication 07964653 -gvV ch©v‡q Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q Network for Field Level Offices at UpaZilla †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq) Kg©mPx (2003- Level (1st Phase) (2003-04 to 2005-06) 04 n‡Z 2005-06) 07964654 - Modernisation and Computerisation of 07964654 -Kv‡j±‡iU Ges †Rjvq mswk­ó Awdmmgn AvaywbKxKiY I Collectorates and Concerned District Kw¤•DUvivqb (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) Offices(2003-04 to 2005-06) 07964677 - Extension and Modernisation of the 07964677 -ms¯’vcb gšYvj‡qi we`¨gvb Kw¤•DUvi wm‡óg I cÖwk¶Y Existing Computer System and Training of m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKvqb (2003-04 n‡Z 2004-05) the Establishment Ministry (2003-04 to 2004-05) 07964678 - Post graduate Diploma Course in 07964678 - Governance Studies 07964691 - Repairing Renovation, Maintenence of 07964691 -evsjv‡`k ‡jvK cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi †fŠZ Physical Infrastructure, Purchasing of AeKvVv‡gv †givgZ, ms¯‹vi, i¶Yv‡e¶Y Ges Furniture and Office Equipments of AvmevecÎ µq/‡givgZ Ges Awdm miÄvgvw` µq Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre 07964695 - Ensuring the Enhancement of Production 07964695 -evsjv‡`k miKvwi gy`ªYvjq Gi Drcv`b e„w× I wbivcËv Capacity & Security of BG Press wbwðZKiY 07964734 - Enhancing the Training Facilities of BIAM 07964734 -weqvg dvD‡Ûk‡bi cÖwk¶Y myweav e„w×KiY Foundation 07964763 - Ensuring the Enhancement of Production 07964763 -MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖ‡mi Drcv`b e„w× wbwðZKiY Capacity of Government Printing Press 07964791 - "Postgraduate Diploma course in 07964791 - Governance Studies" 07964793 - Post graduate Diploma Course in 07964793 -‡cv÷ MªvRy‡qU wW‡c­vgv ‡Kvm© Bb Mfb©¨v›m ÷vwWR Governance Studies (2006-07 to 2010-11) (2006-07 n‡Z 2010-11) 0799-0799 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0799-0799 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0799 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0799 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 07990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 07990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 08 - Public Service Commission 08 - miKvwi Kg© Kwgkb 0801-0820 - Administration 0801-0820 -cªkvmb 0801 - Public Service Commission 0801 -miKvwi Kg© Kwgkb 08010000 - Public Service Commission 08010000 -miKvwi Kg© Kwgkb 08010001 - Secretariat 08010001 -mwPevjq 08010010 - Regional Offices 08010010 -AvÂwjK `ßimgn 08015010 - 08015010 -XvKv¯’ †k‡i evsjv bM‡i evsjv‡`k cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgkb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (1g ce©) (1/5/05-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 08015020 - Block allocation for unapproved projects 08015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ** 08015030 - Construction of Bangladesh Public 08015030 -XvKvi †k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ AvMviMuvI‡q evsjv‡`k cvewjK Service Commission Complex(Phase II )in mvwf©m Kwgkb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (2q ce©) (01/07/09 - Agargaon, Dhaka. (01/07/09-30/06/11)- 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 08015271 - Institutional development of PSC 08015271 -evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg©Kwgk‡bi cªvwZôvwbK Dbœqb (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) 08015281 - Strengthening BPSC's Organisational 08015281 -†÷«s†`wbs wewcGmwmÕR AM©vbvB‡Rkbvj ÷«vKPvi DB_ Structure with Emphasis on it's Ggd¨vwmm Ab BUÕm wiµzU‡g›U dvskbm (01/01/08 - Recruitment Functions 31/12/09) (01/01/2008-31/12/2009) 0899-0899 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0899-0899 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0899 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0899 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 08990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 08990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 09 - Finance Division 09 - A_© wefvM 0901-0910 - Administration 0901-0910 -cªkvmb 0901 - Secretariat 0901 -mwPevjq 09010001 - Secretariat 09010001 -mwPevjq 09010002 - Pay and Service Commission, 2013 09010002 -†eZb I PvKwi Kwgkb. 2013 09010003 - National Pay Commission 09010003 -RvZxq †eZb Kwgkb 09010005 - Have to remove 09010005 -ads 09010010 - Monitoring Cell 09010010 -gwbUwis †mj 09010011 - National Pay commission 2008 09010011 -RvZxq †eZb Kwgkb 2008 09010015 - Innovative Programmes for Environment 09010015 -cwi‡ek I cbe©mwZ msµvš D™¢vebgjK Kvh©µg and Resettlement 09010020 - Govt. Expenditure Review Commission 09010020 -miKvwi e¨q ch©v‡jvPbv Kwgkb 09010021 - National Pay Commission 09010021 -RvZxq †eZb Kwgkb 09015010 - Small Enterprises development project 09015010 -¯§j G›UvicÖvB‡Rm †W‡fjc‡g›U ‡µwWU cÖ‡R± (wW‡m¤^i (Approved) (1/12/2002-30/6/2006) 2002-Ryb 2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015011 - Institutional support to the Ministry of 09015011 -BbwówUDkbvj mv‡cvU© Uy w` wgwbwó« Ae dvBb¨v›m Finance 09015012 - Small Enterprise Development Creadit 09015012 -¯§j G›UvicÖvB‡Rm †W‡fjc‡g›U ‡µwWU cÖ‡R± (wW‡m¤^i Project(Dec 2002-Dec 2008) 2002-wW‡m¤^i 2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved-ASS 09015013 - Strengthening Operationalization of 09015013 -†÷«s‡`wbs Acv‡ikbvjvB‡Rkb Ae †RÛvi †imcbwmf Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in ev‡RwUs (wRAviwe) Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 09015014 - Skills for Employment Investment Program 09015014 -w¯‹jm di Bgc­q‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMªvg (GmBAvBwc) (SEIP) (Phase-I) 1g ch©vq cÖKí 09015015 - Support to Skill Development Coordination 09015015 -mv‡cvU© Uy w¯‹j †W‡fjc‡g›U †KvAwW©‡bkb GÛ gwbUwis and Monitoring (SDCMU) BdwbU (GmwWwmGgBD) cÖKí 09015016 - Strengthening Capacity for Child focused 09015016 -‡÷«s‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU di PvBì †dvKvm ev‡RwUs Bb Budgeting in Bangladesh (SC-CFB) evsjv‡`k 09015017 - Strengthening Public Financial 09015017 -‡÷«s‡`wbs cvewjK dvBbvw›mqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U di †mvkvj Management for Social Protection †cÖv‡UKkb AvÛvi GmwRGmwc (SPFMSP) under SGSP 09015021 - Reforms in Budgeting and Expenditure 09015021 -widgm© Bb ev‡RwUs GÛ G·‡cwÛPvi K‡›Uªvj (chv©q-2) Control (Phase-2) 09015031 - Financial sector credit reform 09015031 -dvBb¨vw›mqvj †m±i †µwWU widg©m †cÖvMªvg (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) 09015041 - Loan programme for small enterpreneurs 09015041 -wØZxq †bvivW Aby`v‡b ¶z`ª D‡`¨v³v‡`i Rb¨ FY Kg©mPx under 2nd NORAD 09015050 - Upgrading the Skill ness of Financial 09015050 -Avw_©K e¨e¯’vcbvi `¶Zv DbœxZKiY Management (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 09015051 - Financial Institute Development project 09015051 -wdb¨vbwmqvj BÝwUwUDkb †W‡f‡jc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/02/2000-01/02/2005) (01/02/2000-01/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09015061 - 09015061 -‡cbkb GÛ Bbmy¨‡iÝ †m±i cÖ‡R±m (03/03/2002-01/01/2003) 09015071 - Financial Management Reforms program 09015071 -wdb¨vbwkqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U widg©m †cÖvMÖvg (1/7/2002-30/6/2007) (1/7/02-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015081 - .Efficiency Enhansement of fiscal 09015081 -Gwdwm‡qbwÝ Gbnv›m‡g›U Ae wdmK¨vj g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management (part-2)(1/7/2002-30/6/2004) (chv©q-2) (1/7/02 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015090 - Constuction of Audit Bhaban 09015090 -AwWU feb wbg©vY (1/7/04-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015091 - Deepening MTBF and Strengthening 09015091 -wW‡cwbs GgwUweGd GÛ †÷«s‡`wbs dvBb¨vw›mqvj Financial Accountability Project GKvD‡›UwewjwU (01/04/2009-30/06/2014) Abyt (01/04/2009-31/03/2014) Approved 09015101 - Supporting Good Governence Iniative 09015101 -mv‡c©vwUs ¸W Mfv‡b©Ý Bwbwm‡qwUf - Gw›UKivckb Bb (Part-A) wmwKDiW dvBb¨vwÝs †m±i (1/10/03 - 30/8/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015110 - Institutional development of FIMA 09015110 -wbix¶v Ges wnmve cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwgi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015111 - Computerisation of Project Account 09015111 -Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb Ae cÖ‡R± GKvD›U g¨vbyqvj Mannual, Development of Asset †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae G¨v‡mU g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ widwg©s cÖ Management and Reforming Project Audit ‡R± AwWU †g_WjwR (1/10/03 - 31/12/05) Methodology Abygvw`Z 09015120 - strengthening Comptroller 09015120 -†÷«s‡`wbs K¤•‡U«vjvi GÛ IfvimvBU Ae cvewjK G· ‡cwÛPvi cÖKí (01/02/07 - 31/01/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015121 - Reforms in Budgeting & Expenditure 09015121 -widg©m& Bb ev‡RwUs GÛ G·‡cwÛPvi K‡›Uªvj - wi‡eK Control - RIBEC 2000 2000 (01/04/1999-30/06/2002) 09015131 - 09015131 -G›UvicªvBR †Mªv_ GÛ e¨vsK gWvb©vB‡Rkb cª‡R± (BwRweGgwc)(1/7/2004-31/7/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015141 - SPEMP-B: Strengthening the Office of the 09015141 -‡÷«s‡`wbs `¨v Awdm Ae `¨v K¤•‡U«vjvi GÛ AwWUi Comptroller and Auditor General †Rbv‡ij 09015161 - Strengthening Accounting and Auditing 09015161 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs GKvDw›Us GÛ AwWwUs cª¨vKwU‡mm Bb Practices in Corporate Sector K‡c©v‡iU †m±i (31/3/2005-31/12/2009) (31/03/05-31/12/09) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 09015201 - Development support to the audit system 09015201 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U mv‡cvU© Ae `¨v AwWU wm‡÷g Ae `¨v of the foreign aided projects d‡ib GB‡WW cÖ‡R±m 09015210 - Remittance and Payment Partnership 09015210 -†iwgU¨vÝ GÛ †c‡g›U cvU©bvikxc cÖ‡R± (01/10/06 - Project (01/10/06 - 30/09/09) Approved 30/09/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 09015999 - Block Allocation for New Projects 09015999 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 09016211 - Commercial Banking Reforms 09016211 -Kgv©wkqvj e¨vswKs widg©m 09016221 - Strengthening the office of the C&AG 09016221 -‡÷«s‡`wbs w` Awdm Ae w` wm GÛ G wR (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 09016231 - EEFM 09016231 -Avw_©K e¨e¯’vcbvi `¶Zv DbœxZKib cÖKí 09017081 - Enhancing training facilities of Financial 09017081 -Gb‡nw›ms †U«wbs d¨vwmwjwUR Ae dvBb¨vw›mqvj GKv‡Wwg Academy (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 09017091 - Reforms in Government Audit 09017091 -widg©m& Bb Mfb©‡g›U AwWU (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 0902 - Treasury Establishment 0902 -‡UªRvwi cªwZôvb 09020000 - Treasury Establishment 09020000 -‡UªRvwi cªwZôvb 0903 - Coinage and Mint 0903 -UvKkvj 09030000 - Coinage and Mint 09030000 -UvKkvj 0904 - Currency 0904 -gy`ªv 09040000 - Currency Management 09040000 -gy`ªv e¨e¯’vcbv 0905 - Autonomous Bodies and Other Institutions 0905 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 09050005 - Protibandhi Foundation 09050005 -cÖwZeÜx dvD‡Ûkb 09052501 - 09052501 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 09052503 - Sonali Bank 09052503 -‡mvbvjx e¨vsK 09052505 - Agrani Bank 09052505 -AMªbx e¨vsK 09052507 - Janata Bank 09052507 -RbZv e¨vsK 09052509 - Rupali Bank 09052509 -iƒcvjx e¨vsK 09052511 - Uttara Bank 09052511 -DËiv e¨vsK 09052513 - Bangladesh Shilpa Bank 09052513 -evsjv‡`k wkí e¨vsK

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09052515 - Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha 09052515 -evsjv‡`k wkí FY ms¯’v 09052517 - Investment Corporation of Bangladesh 09052517 -Bb‡f÷‡g›U K‡cv©‡ikb Ae evsjv‡`k 09052519 - Bangladesh Krisi Bank (BKB) 09052519 -evsjv‡`k K…wl e¨vsK 09052521 - Krishi Unnayan Bank (RKUB) 09052521 -ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK 09052523 - House Building Finance Corporation 09052523 -nvDR wewìs dvBb¨vÝ K‡c©v‡ikb 09052525 - Securities Exchange Commission 09052525 -wmwKDwiwUR G·‡PÄ Kwgkb 09052527 - Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation 09052527 -cj­x Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûkb 09052528 - Microcredit Regulatory Authority 09052528 -gvB‡µv‡µwWU †i¸‡jUix A_wiwU 09052529 - Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market 09052529 -evsjv‡`k B››mwUwUDU Ae K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©U (weAvBwmGg) (BICM) 09052539 - Pubali Bank 09052539 -cevjx e¨vsK 09052541 - Grameen Bank 09052541 -MÖvgxY e¨vsK 09052543 - IFIC Bank 09052543 -AvB Gd AvB wm e¨vsK 09052545 - Arab Bangladesh Bank 09052545 -Avie evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 09052547 - National Bank Limited 09052547 -b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjt 09052549 - The City Bank Limited 09052549 -wmwU e¨vsK wjt 09052551 - United Commercial Bank Limited 09052551 -BDbvB‡UW Kgvwk©qvj e¨vsK wjt 09052553 - Islami Bank Ltd 09052553 -Bmjvgx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 09052555 - Al-Baraka Bank Bangladesh Limited 09052555 -Avj evivKv e¨vsK evsjv‡`k wjt 09052557 - Prime Bank 09052557 -cÖvBg e¨vsK 09052561 - Ansar VDP Bank 09052561 -Avbmvi wf, wW, wc e¨vsK 09052563 - AL Arafat Bank 09052563 -Avj AvivdvZ e¨vsK 09052565 - Dhaka Bank 09052565 -XvKv e¨vsK 09052567 - South East Bank 09052567 -mvD_ Bó e¨vsK 09052569 - Dutch Bangla Bank 09052569 -WvP evsjv e¨vsK 09052571 - Trust Bank 09052571 -Uªvó e¨vsK 09052572 - Industrial Development Leasing Co. Ltd. 09052572 -BÛvw÷«qvj †W‡fjc‡g›U wjwRs †Kvs wjt 09052573 - BASIC Bank 09052573 -‡ewmK e¨vsK 09052574 - United Leasing Co. Ltd. 09052574 -BDbvB‡UW wjwRs †Kvs wjt 09052576 - Employment Bank 09052576 -Kg©ms¯’vb e¨vsK 09052577 - Social Investment Bank 09052577 -‡mvkvj Bb‡fó‡g›U e¨vsK 09052579 - SABINCO 09052579 -mvweb‡Kv 09052589 - Eastern Bank 09052589 -Bóvb© e¨vsK 09052593 - Other Banks 09052593 -Ab¨vb¨ e¨vsK mgyn 09052597 - Bank and Corporation 09052597 -e¨vsK I K‡c©v‡ikb 09052598 - Banks and Institutions 09052598 -e¨vsK I cÖwZôvb 09052599 - Other Financial Institutions 09052599 -Ab¨vb¨ Avw_©K cÖwZôvb 09052703 - Jiban Bima Corporation 09052703 -Rxeb exgv K‡c©v‡ikb 09052705 - Shadharan Bima Corporation 09052705 -mvaviY exgv K‡c©v‡ikb 09052741 - Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) 09052741 -evsjv‡`k RyU wgjm K‡cv©‡ikb 09052751 - Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation 09052751 -evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wgjm K‡cv©‡ikb (BTMC) 09052795 - Bangladesh Shipping Corporation 09052795 -evsjv‡`k wkwcs K‡c©v‡ikb 09052801 - Bangladesh Biman 09052801 -evsjv‡`k wegvb 09053225 - Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries 09053225 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª I KzwUi wkí K‡cv©‡ikb 09053241 - Bangladesh Agricultural Development 09053241 -evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 09053901 - Japanese Grant Grameen Bank 09053901 -Mªvgxb e¨vs‡Ki Rb¨ Rvcvbx gÄyywi 09053902 - The UAE-Bangladesh Invstment Company 09053902 -w` BDGB-evsjv‡`k Bb‡fó‡g›U †Kv¤•vbx wjt Limited 09053903 - ADP Loan for Small and Cottage 09053903 -¶z`ª I KzwUi wk‡íi Rb¨ GwWwc FY Industries

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09053907 - ADB Loan for Second Fisheries Project 09053907 -wØZxq grm¨ cªK‡íi Rb¨ GwWwe FY 09053909 - Loan for Poultry and Cattle Development 09053909 -nvm gyiMx I Mevw` cï Dbœqb cªK‡íi Rb¨ FY 09053913 - Loan for Private Sector Industrial Project 09053913 -‡emiKvix Lv‡Zi wkí cªK‡íi Rb¨ FY 09053915 - Loan for the Cyclone Affected Families 09053915 -Nbx©S‡o ¶wZMª¯’ cwiev‡ii Rb¨ FY 09053917 - UDP Loan to BKB 09053917 -evsjv‡`k K…wl e¨vs‡Ki Rb¨ BDwWwc FY 09053919 - ADB Loan for North East Irrigation Project 09053919 -DËi-ce© †mP cªK‡íi Rb¨ GwWwe FY 09053923 - IFAD Loan to Small Fisheries Project 09053923 -¶z`ª grm¨ cªK‡íi Rb¨ Bdv` FY 09053925 - ADB Loan to BKB for Creating Employment 09053925 -Mªvgxb gwnjv‡`i PvKzix ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ K…wl e¨vsK FY Rural Women 09053927 - OPEC Loan for Agrani Bank for Small 09053927 -¶z`ª wk‡íi Rb¨ AMªbx e¨vsK‡K †`q I‡cK FY Industries 09053953 - Export Development Fund 09053953 -ißvbx Dbœqb Znwej 09053954 - Self Employment Scheme 09053954 -‡mjd Ggc­q‡g›U ¯‹xg 09053955 - Guarantee Scheme 09053955 -M¨viv›Ux ¯‹xg 09053957 - Youth Development Programme 09053957 -hye Dbœqb Kg©mPx 09053958 - Rural Development Programme (RDP) 09053958 -cj­x Dbœqb Kg©mPx 09053959 - Rural Service Credit Programme 09053959 -i“ivj mvwf©m †µwWU †cªvMªvg 09053999 - Other Non ADP Projects 09053999 -wewea/Ab¨vb¨ 09054010 - Institution of Publice Finance, Bangladesh 09054010 -BbwówUDU Ae cvewjK dvBb¨vÝ, evsjv‡`k 09055010 - mm 09055010 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj mv‡cvU© di gvBMªv›U IqvK©vm© †iwgU¨v›mt wi‡qj UvBg Mªm †m‡Uj‡g›U (AviwUwRGc)t K‡¤•vb¨v›U 'G' (01/07/2013-31/01/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 09055011 - Investment Promotion and Financing 09055011 -Bb‡f÷‡g›U cÖ‡gvkb dvBb¨vwÝs d¨vwmwjwU Facility (IPFF) Project 09055021 - Improvement of Capital Markets 09055021 -B¤•Ö“f‡g›U Ae K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©Um Mfvb©‡bÝ cÖ‡R± Governance Project (01/07/06 - 31/12/09) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 09055031 - Capasity Building of security & exchange 09055031 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb commission & selected capital market GÛ wm‡j±W K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©U BÝwUwUDU Institute (1/7/01-30/6/2004) (001/07/2001-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 09055041 - Loan programme for small entrepreneurs 09055041 -wØZxq †bvivW Aby`v‡b ¶z`ª D‡`¨v³v‡`i FY Kg©mPx under 2nd NORAD 09055051 - Enhancement of Governance and Capacity 09055051 -AvBwmwei Mf©‡bÝ I K¨vcvwmwU e„w× of ICB(EGCI) 09055090 - 09055090 -AwWU feb wbg©vY (1/7/04-30/6/2006) 09055110 - Institutional development of FIMA 09055110 -wbix¶v I wnmve cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwgi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb 09055121 - Central Bank Strengthening Project 09055121 -†m›U«vj e¨vsK †÷«s‡`wbs cÖ‡R± (1/7/2004-30/6/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 09055131 - Enterprise Growth and Bank Modernization 09055131 -G›UvicªvBR †Mªv_ GÛ e¨vsK gW©vbvB‡Rkb cª‡R± Project (EGBMP) (01/07/04 - 31/12/2010) (BwRweGgwc)(1/7/2004-31/7/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 09055141 - 09055141 -wcª‡cqvwis w` wdbvwÝqvj gv‡K©Um Mf©‡b›m †cªvMªvg (1/9/2004-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 09055161 - 09055161 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs GKvDw›Us GÛ AwWwUs cª¨vKwU‡mm Bb K‡c©v‡iU †m±i (31/3/2005-31/12/2009) 09055941 - Community Livestock and Dairy 09055941 -KwgDwbwU jvBf‡óvK GÛ †WBix †Wfjc‡g›U Development 09056221 - Strengthening the office of the C&AG 09056221 -‡ó«s‡`wbs `¨v Awdm Ae `¨v wm GÛ G wR 09057020 - Evaluation of ICB activities 09057020 -AvBwmwe-Gi Kvh©vejx gj¨vqb 09057031 - Small Initiative Development Project 09057031 -¶z`ª D‡`¨vM Dbœqb cÖKí (Gm B wW wc) (SEDP) (01/07/1995-04/03/2001) 09057041 - Institutional strengthening and 09057041 -BbwówUDkbvj †óªs‡`wbs GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w` development of the Securities and wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb Exchange Commission 09057051 - Capacity building of Securities and 09057051 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae wmwKDwiwU GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb Exchange Commission and Stock GÛ óK G·‡PÄ Exchange

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09057061 - Support for establishment of a National 09057061 -mv‡cvU© di Góvewjk‡g›U Ad b¨vkbvj óK G·‡PÄ Stock Exchange 09057071 - Institutional strengthening and 09057071 -Bbw÷wUDUkbvj †÷ªb‡`wbs GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae development of Security and Exchange wmwKDwiwU GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb Commission 09057081 - Enhancing training facilities of Financial 09057081 -Gb&‡nwÝs †Uªwbs d¨vwmwjwUR Ae dvBb¨vwÝqvj GKv‡Wgx Academy 09057091 - Reforms in Government Audit 09057091 -widg©m& Bb Mfb©‡g›U AwWU 09058011 - Grameen Fish Foundation Livestock 09058011 -MÖvgxY grm¨ dvD‡Ûkb jvBf÷K cÖ‡R± Project (01/07/1999-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 09058012 - Grameen Fish Foundation Livestock 09058012 -MÖvgxY grm¨ dvD‡Ûkb jvBfóK cÖ‡R± Project (01/07/1999-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 0906 - International Organisations 0906 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 09064471 - Association of Govt. Account Organisation 09064471 -G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae Mfb©‡g›U GKvD›U AM©vbvB‡Rkb Ae of Asia (AGAOA) Gwkqv (G wR G I G) 0907 - Monitoring Cell 0907 -gwbUwis †mj 09070000 - Monitoring Cell 09070000 -gwbUwis †mj 0909 - 0909 -Ki b¨vqcvj Kvh©vjq 09090000 - 09090000 -Ki b¨vqcvj Kvh©vjq 0910 - Banking Division 0910 -e¨vswKs wefvM 09100000 - Chief Controller of Insurance 09100000 -cÖÖavb exgv wbqš¿K 09100040 - Chief Controller of Insurance 09100040 -cªavb exgv wbqš¿K 09105090 - Enhancement of Governance and Capacity 09105090 -Gbn¨v݇g›U Ae Mf‡b©Ý GÛ K¨vcvwmwU Ae BÝy¨‡iÝ of Insurance Sector (01/01/07 - 31/12/09) †m±i (01/01/07 - 31/12/09) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 0911-0920 - Accounts 0911-0920 -wnmve 0911 - Controller General of Accounts 0911 -wnmve gnvwbqšK 09110000 - Controller General of Accounts 09110000 -wnmve gnvwbqšK-Gi Kvh©vjq 0913 - Chief Accounts Offices 0913 -cÖavb wnmvei¶Y Kg©KZ©vi Kvh©vjqmg–n 09130000 - Chief Accounts Offices 09130000 -cÖavb wnmvei¶Y Kg©KZ©vi Kvh©vjqmg–n 09130001 - Office of the President 09130001 -ivóªcwZi Kvh©vjq 09130002 - Parliament 09130002 -RvZxq msm` 09130003 - Prime Minister's Office 09130003 -cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq 09130004 - Cabinet Division 09130004 -gš¿xcwil` wefvM 09130006 - Election Commission, Public Service 09130006 -wbe©vPb Kwgkb, cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgkb Ges gnv-wnmve Commission and C&AG wbix¶K I wbqš¿K 09130007 - Ministry of Establishment 09130007 -ms¯’vcb gš¿Yvjq 09130009 - Finance Division 09130009 -A_©-wefvM 09130011 - Internal Resources Division 09130011 -Af¨šZixY m¤•` wefvM 09130012 - Economic Relation Division 09130012 -A_©‰bwZK m¤•K© wefvM 09130013 - Economic Relation Division 09130013 -A_©‰bwZK m¤•K© wefvM 09130014 - Ministry of Planning 09130014 -cwiKíbv gšÎYvjq 09130015 - Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation 09130015 -ev¯Zevqb, cwiex¶Y I g–j¨vqb wefvM Division 09130017 - Ministry of Commerce 09130017 -evwYR¨ gš¿ÎYvjq 09130018 - Ministry of Foreign Affaris 09130018 -ciivóª gš¿Yvjq 09130019 - Ministry of Defence 09130019 -cÖwZi¶v gš¿Yvjq 09130021 - Law, Justice and Parliament Affairs 09130021 -AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gšÎYvjq 09130022 - Ministry of Home 09130022 -¯^ivóª gš¿Yvjq 09130024 - Ministry of Primary & Mass Education 09130024 -cÖv_wgK I MYwk¶v gšÎYvjq 09130025 - Ministry of Education 09130025 -wk¶v gš¿Yvjq 09130026 - Ministry of Science and Information & 09130026 -weÁvb Ges Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ gšÎYvjq Communication Technology 09130027 - Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 09130027 -¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vY gš¿Yvjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09130029 - Ministry of Social Welfare 09130029 -mgvR Kj¨vY gšÎYvjq 09130030 - MInistry of Women & Child Affairs 09130030 -gwnjv I wkï welqK gš¿Yvjq 09130031 - Ministry of Labour & Employment 09130031 -kªg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvjq 09130032 - Ministry of Housing & Public Works 09130032 -M„nvqY I MYc–Z© gš¿Yvjq 09130033 - Ministry of Information 09130033 -Z_¨ gš¿Yvjq 09130034 - Ministry Cultural Affairs 09130034 -ms¯‹„wZ welqK gšÎYvjq 09130035 - Ministry of Religious Affairs 09130035 -ag© welqK gš¿Yvjq 09130036 - Ministry of Youth & Sports 09130036 -hye µxov gš¿Yvjq 09130037 - Local Government Division 09130037 -¯’vbxq miKvi wefvM 09130038 - Rural Development & Co-operative 09130038 -cj­x Dbœqb I mgevq wefvM Division 09130039 - Ministry of Industries 09130039 -wkí gš¿Yvjq 09130040 - Ministry of Textile & Jute 09130040 -e¯Î I cvU gš¿Yvjq 09130041 - Ministry of Textile 09130041 -e¯ gšYvjq 09130042 - Petrolium & Mineral Resources Division 09130042 -R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤•` wefvM 09130043 - Ministry of Acriculture 09130043 -K…wl gšÎYvjq 09130044 - Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock 09130044 -grm¨ I cï m¤•` gš¿Yvjq 09130045 - Ministry of Forest & Environment 09130045 -cwi‡ek I eb gš¿Yvjq 09130046 - Ministry of Land 09130046 -f–wg gš¿Yvjq 09130047 - Ministry of Water Resources 09130047 -cvwb m¤•` gš¿Yvjq 09130048 - Ministry of Food and disester Management 09130048 -Lv`¨ I `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv gš¿Yvjq 09130049 - Ministry of Disaster Management & Relief 09130049 -`‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY gšYvjq 09130050 - Ministry of Communication 09130050 -‡hvMv‡hvM gš¿Yvjq 09130052 - Ministry of Shipping 09130052 -‡bŠ-cwienY gš¿Yvjq 09130053 - Ministry of Civil Aviation & Tourism 09130053 -‡emvgwiK wegvb cwienY I ch©Ub gšÎYvjq 09130054 - Postal Department 09130054 -WvK wefvM 09130055 - Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts 09130055 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg welqK gš¿Yvjq 09130056 - Energy Division 09130056 -we`y¨r wefvM 09130057 - Telephone & Telegraph 09130057 -wU GÛ wU 09130061 - Supreme Court 09130061 -mywcÖg †KvU© 09130063 - Ministry of Liberation Affairs 09130063 -gyw³hy× welqK gš¿Yvjq 09130065 - Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and 09130065 -cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gšÎYvjq Overseas Employment 0914 - Divisional Controller of Accounts 0914 -wefvMxq wnmve wbqš¿K-Gi Kvh©vjqmg–n 09140000 - Regional Accounts Offices 09140000 -wefvMxq wnmve wbqš¿K-Gi Kvh©vjqmg–n 09140001 - Dhaka Division 09140001 -XvKv wefvM 09140002 - Chiggatong Division 09140002 -PÆMªvg wefvM 09140003 - 09140003 -ivRkvnx wefvM 09140004 - Khulna Division 09140004 -Lyjbv wefvM 09140005 - Barishal Division 09140005 -ewikvj wefvM 09140006 - Sylhet Division 09140006 -wm‡jU wefvM 0915 - District Accounts Offices 0915 -‡Rjv wnmvei¶Y Kg©KZ©vi Kvh©vjqmg–n 09150000 - District Accounts Offices 09150000 -‡Rjv wnmvei¶Y Kg©KZ©vi Kvh©vjqmg–n 0916 - Accounts Offices 0916 -Dc‡Rjv wnmvei¶Y Kg©KZ©vi Kvh©vjqmgn 09160000 - Upazila Accounts Offices 09160000 -Dc‡Rjv wnmvei¶Y Kg©KZ©vi Kvh©vjqmg–n 0921-0940 - General Financial Management 0921-0940 -mvaviY A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’vcbv 0921 - Pensions Management 0921 -Aemi fvZv e¨e¯’vcbv 09210000 - Pensions Management 09210000 -Aemi fvZv e¨e¯’vcbv 0923 - Unexpected Expenditure Management 0923 -AcªZ¨vwkZ e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv 09230000 - Unexpected Expenditure Management 09230000 -AcªZ¨vwkZ e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv 09230007 - Implementation of new pay scale 09230007 -bZyb †eZb †¯‹j ev¯evqb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 0924 - Special Programme Management 0924 -we‡kl Kg©mPx e¨e¯’vcbv 09240000 - Special Programme 09240000 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 0925 - Management of Capital Outlay on Currency 0925 -gy`ªvgvb mgš^q e¨e¯’vcbv 09250000 - Management of Capital Outlay on Currency 09250000 -gy`ªvgvb mgš^q e¨e¯’vcbv 0927 - Structural Adjustment Expenditure 0927 -KvVv‡gvMZ mgš^q e¨q 09270001 - Manpower Rationalisation Loan 09270001 -Rbej mylgKi‡bi Rb¨ FY 0931 - Extra-ordinary Expenditure Management 0931 -AmvaviY e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv 09310003 - Management of Compensation to Foreign 09310003 -we‡`kx †kqvi †nvìvi‡`i ¶wZciY cÖ`vb e¨e¯’vcbv Shareholders 09310005 - Management of Compensation to Local 09310005 -¯’vbxq †kqvi †nvìvi‡`i ¶wZciY cÖ`vb e¨e¯’vcbv Shareholders 09310007 - Management of Disinvestment of Industrial 09310007 -wkí BDwb‡Ui cuywR cÖZ¨vnvi e¨e¯’vcbv Units 09310009 - Manpower Rationalisation Management 09310009 -Rbej mylgKiY 09310010 - Directorate of Food 09310010 -Lv`¨ Awa`ßi 09310011 - Other 09310011 -Ab¨vb¨ 09310013 - LA Case No. 41/64-65 09310013 -GjG †Km bs 41/64-65 09310015 - L A Case no 5/72-73 09310015 -Gj G †KBm bs 5/72-73 09310099 - Others 09310099 -Ab¨vb¨ 09310111 - Others 09310111 -Ab¨vb¨ 09310113 - LA Case No. 41/64-65 09310113 -GjG †Km bs 41/64-65 09310114 - LA Case No. 5/72-73 09310114 -GjG †Km bs 5/72-73 09312507 - Janata Bank 09312507 -RbZv e¨vsK 09312509 - Rupali Bank 09312509 -iƒcvjx e¨vsK 09312721 - Bangladesh Chemical Industries 09312721 -evsjv‡`k imvqb wkí ms¯’v Corporation 09312723 - BSEC 09312723 -evsjv‡`k B¯•vZ I cÖ‡KŠkj K‡c©v‡ikb 09312725 - Sugar, Food and Allied Industries 09312725 -evsjv‡`k wPwb I Lv`¨ wkí K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation 09312741 - Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation 09312741 -evsjv‡`k cvUKj K‡c©v‡ikb 09312751 - BTMC 09312751 -evsjv‡`k e¯Kj K‡c©v‡ikb 09313130 - Bangladesh Times 09313130 -evsjv‡`k UvBgm& 09313241 - BADC 09313241 -evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb 0933 - Subsidy Management 0933 -fZz©wK e¨e¯’vcbv 09330000 - Subsidy Management 09330000 -fZy©wK e¨e¯’vcbv 0934 - Miscellaneous Investment 0934 -wewea wewb‡qvM 09340000 - Miscellineous Investment 09340000 -wewea wewb‡qvM 09340007 - Public Private Partnership Fund 09340007 -cvewjK cªvB‡fU cvU©bvikxc dvÛ 0935 - Programme Management 0935 -‡cÖvMÖvg/Kg©m–wP e¨e¯’vcbv 09350000 - Miscellaneous 09350000 -wewea 09350001 - Housing Programme for the Homeless 09350001 -ev¯ynviv‡`i Rb¨ M„nvqY Kg©mPx 09350003 - Silk Foundation 09350003 -wmé dvD‡Ûkb 09350004 - Destitute Women and Chield Welfare Fund 09350004 -`yt¯’ gwnjv I wkï mvnvh¨ Znwej 09350005 - Support to Agro-based Industries 09350005 -K„wlwfwËK wk‡íi Rb¨ mnvqZv 09350007 - Attachment Support for Scientific Research 09350007 -ˆeÁvwbK M‡elYvgjK Kv‡Ri Rb¨ mshyw³ mnvqZv 09350009 - Assistance for Windows and 09350009 -`yt¯’ ZvjvKcÖvßv/¯^vgx cwiZ¨³v I weaev gwnjv‡`i divorced/deserted Women in distress mnvqZv 09350010 - Special Fund for Employment Generation 09350010 -AwZ `wi`ª Rb‡Mvôxi Kg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl Znwej for the Extreme Poor 09350011 - Public Private Partnership Fund 09350011 -cvewjK cÖvB‡fU cvU©bvikxc dvÛ

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09350012 - Special Fund for Retraining and 09350012 -‡¯^”Qv-Aemi MªnYKvix/Kg©Py¨Z kªwgK-Kg©Pvix‡`i Employment Generation for cybtcÖwk¶Y I Kg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl Znwej Self-Retiring/Retrenched worker and employees 09350013 - Debt Support Fund for Small 09350013 -¶z`ª D‡`¨v³v FY mnvqZv Znwej Entrepreneurs 09350014 - 09350014 -N‡i †div Kg©m–wP 09350015 - Enviornment Development Programme 09350015 -cwi‡ek-XvKv kn‡ii evqy `lY wbqšY Kvh©µg 09350017 - IDCOL 09350017 -AvBwWwmIGj 09350018 - Children Welfare TRust 09350018 -wkï Kj¨vY Uªv÷ Gi Rb¨ GÛvD‡g›U dvÛ 09350019 - Special Allocation for Enclave 09350019 -wQUgnj Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl eivÏ Development 09350020 - Development Fund for Mentally Disabled 09350020 -gvbwmK cÖwZeÜx Dbœqb Znwej (GÛvD‡g›U dvÛ ) 09350021 - BFA Skill Development and Orphanage 09350021 -weGdG ¯‹xj †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ Aidv‡bR 09350022 - Bangladesh Development Council 09350022 -evsjv‡`k Dbœqb cwil` 09350023 - Bangabondhu Fine Arts 09350023 -e½eÜz jwjZKjv GKv‡Wwg (wLjMvI, XvKv) Gi Rb¨ Academy,Khilgaon,Dhaka GÛvD‡g›U dvÛ 09350024 - Special Assistance Fund for Woman 09350024 -bvix Dbœqb we‡kl mnvqZv Znwej Development 09350025 - ENT Endowment Fund 09350025 -w` BGbwU GÛ †nW-†bK K¨vÝvi dvD‡Ûkb Ae evsjv‡`k Gi AbyK‚‡j GbWvD‡g›U dvÛ 09350026 - Special Assistance Fund for District 09350026 -†Rjv cwil‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl Dbœqb mnvqZv Council 09352527 - Palli Kormo Shohaek Foundation (PKSF) 09352527 -cj­x Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûkb 09352528 - Municipal Development Fund 09352528 -wgDwbwmc¨vj †Wfjc‡g›U dvÛ 09352829 - Bangladesh NGO Foundation 09352829 -evsjv‡`k GbwRI dvD‡Ûkb 09352997 - Dhaka University 09352997 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq 09352999 - Special Fund for Retraining and and 09352999 -ˆZix †cvlvK wk‡íi kªwgK Kg©Pvix‡`i cybtcÖwk¶Y I Employment Generation for RMG Workers Kg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl Znwej 09353015 - Bangladesh Agriculture University 09353015 -evsjv‡`k K„„wl wek¦we`¨vjq 09353487 - Social Development Fund 09353487 -mvgvwRK Dbœvqb Znwej 09353489 - Equity Development Fund 09353489 -mgg–jab Dbœqb Znwej 09353490 - Equity Development Fund-IT 09353490 -mgg–jab Dbœqb Znwej-AvBwU 09353555 - Fund for Assistance to the Opprened 09353555 -wbh©vwZZv gwnjv mnvqZv Znwej Women 09353560 - Special Fund for the Works Retraining 09353560 -‡¯•kvj dvÛ di w` IqvK©m wi‡Uªwbs 09353956 - Packaging Assistance for Exportable 09353956 -ißvYx‡hvM¨ K…wl c‡Y¨i c¨v‡KwRs mnvqZv Kg©mPx Agri-product 09353960 - Old Age Pension Scheme 09353960 -eq¯‹ fvZv w¯‹g 09353961 - Swanirvar Trainign Programme 09353961 -¯^wbf©i cÖwk¶Y Kg©m–wP 09353962 - Social Development Foundation (SDF) 09353962 -‡mvm¨vj ‡W‡fjc‡g›U dvD‡Ûkb (Gm wW Gd) 09353963 - Dhaka WASA 09353963 -XvKv Iqvmv 09353964 - Fund for Reduction of Temporary 09353964 -mvgwqK †eKviZ¡ †gvPb Znwej Unemployment 09353965 - Palli Daridra Bimochon Foundation 09353965 -cj­x `vwi`ª we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb 09353993 - Programme for Science and Technology 09353993 -weÁvb I cÖhyw³i Rb¨ Kg©mPx 09353994 - Sick Industries Rehabilitation Programme 09353994 -i“Mœ wkí cybe©vmb Kg©mPx 09353995 - Credit, Bridge and Standy Facility (CBFS) 09353995 -†µwWU, eªxR GÛ ó¨vÛevB d¨vwmwjwU (wmweGdGm) 09353996 - Fund for disaster affected marginal farmer 09353996 -`y‡h©v‡M ¶wZMª¯’ ¶z`ª K…lK I ‡cvjwUª Lvgvix‡`i mnvqZv and poulty farm owner Znwej 09353997 - Palli Daridra Bimochan Foundation 09353997 -cj­x `vwi`ª we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb 09353998 - Renewable Energy Development Fund 09353998 -bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwb Dbœqb Znwej 09353999 - Fund for training to increase efficiency of 09353999 -ˆZix †cvlvK wk‡íi kªwgK/Kg©Pvix‡`i `¶Zv Dbœq‡b RMG workers/staff cÖwk¶Y Znwej

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09354000 - Welfare Fund for Ready Made Garments 09354000 -‰Zix †cvlvK wk‡íi Kj¨vY Znwej Industries 09354001 - 09354001 -ÕwmWi Avµvš `M©Z `wi`ª Rb†Mvôxi AvZœKg©ms¯’vb m„wói Rb¨ ¶z`ª FY Kvh©µgÕ 09354002 - poor 09354002 -"AwZ `wi`ª †eKvi Rb‡Mvôxi Rb¨ 100 w`‡bi Kg©m„Rb Kg©mwPÕÕ 09354003 - 09354003 -ÔÔ Rjevq„ cwieZ©bRwbZ SuywK e¨e¯’vcbv ZnwejÕÕ 09354004 - Investment Promotion and Financing 09354004 -Bb‡f÷‡g›U cÖ‡gvkb GÛ dvBb¨vwÝs d¨vwmwjwU Facility(IPFF) (AvBwcGdGd) 09354005 - Working Lactating Mother Assistance Fund 09354005 -Kg©Rxwe j¨vK‡UwUs gv`vi mnvqZv Znwej 09354006 - Widening of Cutural Activities 09354006 -‡`kR ms¯‹…wZi weKvk Kvh©µg 09354007 - Prime Minister's Education Assistance 09354007 -cÖavbgšxi wk¶v mnvqZv dvD‡Ûkb Foundation 09354008 - National Service Programme 09354008 -b¨vkbvj mvwf©m †cÖvMªvg 09354009 - Pension Insurance Scheme 09354009 -‡cbkb exgv ¯‹xg 09354010 - Institute of Public Finance, Bangladesh 09354010 -Bb&w÷wUDU Ae cvewjK dvBb¨v›m, evsjv‡`k (IPFB) (AvBwcGdwe) 09354011 - Women Enterpreneur Fund 09354011 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Znwej 09354012 - Skill Development Fund 09354012 -¯‹xj †W‡fjc‡g›U dvÛ 09354013 - Programme for Establishment of Cultural 09354013 -†KvjKvZv Ges wbDBq‡K© mvs¯‹„wZK †K›`ª ¯’vcb †cÖvMªvg Center at Kolkata and NewYork 09354014 - Special Assistance for National Art Gallery. 09354014 -b¨vkbvj AvU© M¨vjvixi Rb¨ we‡kl mnvqZv 09354015 - Capital Assistance Fund for NGO 09354015 -GbwRI dvD‡Ûk‡bi Rb¨ gjab mnvqZv Znwej Foundation. 09354016 - Endowment Fund for Dhaka School of 09354016 -XvKv ¯‹yj Ae B‡KvbwgKm Gi GbWvD‡g›U dvÛ Ecoomics. 09354017 - Endowment Fund for Bisshaw Sahitya 09354017 -wek¦ mvwnZ¨ †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ GbWvD‡g›U dvÛ Kendro. 09354018 - Endowment Fund For BIAM Foundation. 09354018 -weqvg dvD‡Ûk‡bi Rb¨ GbWvD‡g›U dvÛ 09354019 - Special Assistance for National ENT 09354019 -gyK I ewai‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl ai‡bi hš µ‡qi wbwg‡Ë Institute for procurement of special b¨vkbvj BGbwU Institute for Speech and Hearing Impaired Bb&w÷wUDU Gi AbyK‚‡j we‡kl mnvqZv Persons 09354020 - Enhanced Honarium Programme for the 09354020 -gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Rb¨ ewa©Z m¤§vbx ‡cÖvMªvg Freedom Fighters 09354021 - Endowment Fund for Creating Pension 09354021 -wePvi cÖkvmb Bbw÷wUDU-Gi †cbkb ¯‹xg cÖeZ©‡bi Rb¨ Scheme of Judicial Administration Institute GbWvD‡g›U dvÛ 09354022 - a 09354022 -ms¯‹„wZi weKvk mva‡bi Rb¨ mnvqZv Znwej 09354023 - a 09354023 -wkï‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl Znwej 09354024 - a 09354024 -nvIo Dbœqb gnv-cwiKíbv I WvUv‡eR 09354025 - MMMMMMMM 09354025 -evsjv‡`k Aemi cÖvß miKvwi Kg©Pvix Kj¨vY mwgwZi AvIZvaxb wPwKrmv †K‡›`ªi Kvh©µg m¤•ªmvi‡Yi j‡¶¨ GbWvD‡g›U dvÛ 09354026 - ??????????? 09354026 -c­vw÷K †m±i Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae c­vw÷K BwÂwbqvwis GÛ †UK‡bvjwR ¯’vcb eve` we‡kl mnvqZv 09354027 - Special Assistance for infrastructure 09354027 -Pi A‡ji AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl mnvqZv development in Char Areas. 09354028 - Specail assistance for reform and 09354028 -‡Ljvi gvV Dbœqb I ms¯‹vi Ges cÖwk¶Y Kv‡R we‡kl development of Play ground. mnvqZv 09354029 - Specail Assistance for the development of 09354029 -`wjZ Rb†Mvwôi Dbœq‡b we‡kl mnvqZv Dalit People 09354079 - PL-480 09354079 -wcGj-480 09354080 - Capacity Building of FBCCI Outside 09354080 -‡g‡U««vcwjUvb wmwUi evB‡i GdwewmwmAvB msMV‡bi Metropolitan City `¶Zv ew× 09354081 - SABAH Bangladesh 09354081 -mvevn evsjv‡`k 0936 - Public Private Partnership 0936 -cvewjK cÖvB‡fU cvU©bvikxc 09360001 - Public Private Partnership 09360001 -cvewjK cÖvB‡fU cvU©bvikxc

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 0937 - Incometax Management of Govt.Officers and 0937 -miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i AvqKi e¨e¯’vcbv Staff 09370000 - Income Tax for Public Employees 09370000 -miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i AvqKi e¨e¯’vcbv 0938 - Miscellaneous 0938 -wewea 09380000 - Miscellaneous 09380000 -wewea 09380015 - Postal Life Insurance 09380015 -WvK Rxeb exgv 09380020 - State Provident Fund 09380020 -ivóªxq cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ 09383999 - Other Programmes 09383999 -Ab¨vb¨ Kg©mPx 0951-0970 - Management of Loans and Advances 0951-0970 -FY I AwMªg 0951 - Bangladesh Bank 0951 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 09512501 - Bangladesh Bank 09512501 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 09512578 - Jute sector adjustment Cridit 09512578 -RyU †m±i G¨vWRv÷‡g›U †µwWU 09512598 - Interest Bearing Loans for Corporations 09512598 -wewfbœ K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Rb¨ my`gy³ FY cÖ`vb Kvh©µg 09512801 - Bangladesh Biman Corporation 09512801 -evsjv‡`k wegvb K‡c©v‡ikb 0953 - Other Banks and Financial Institutions 0953 -Ab¨vb¨ e¨vsK I Avw_©K cªwZôvb 09530000 - Miscellaneous 09530000 -wewea 09532501 - Bangladesh Bank 09532501 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 09532503 - Sonali Bank 09532503 -‡mvbvjx e¨vsK 09532505 - Agrani bank 09532505 -AMªbx e¨vsK 09532507 - Janata Bank 09532507 -RbZv e¨vsK 09532509 - Rupali Bank 09532509 -iƒcvjx e¨vsK 09532511 - Uttara Bank 09532511 -DËiv e¨vsK 09532513 - Bangladesh Shilpa Bank 09532513 -evsjv‡`k wkí e¨vsK 09532515 - Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha 09532515 -evsjv‡`k wkí FY ms¯’v 09532517 - Investment Corporation of Bangladesh 09532517 -Bb‡f÷‡g›U K‡cv©‡ikb Ae evsjv‡`k 09532519 - Bangladesh Krisi Bank 09532519 -evsjv‡`k K…wl e¨vsK 09532521 - Bangladesh Infrastructure Financed Fund 09532521 -evsjv‡`k Bbd«v÷ªvK&Pvi dvBb¨vÝ dvÛ wjwg‡UW Limited (weAvBGdGdGj) 09532523 - House Building Finance Corporation 09532523 -nvDR wewìs dvBb¨vÝ K‡cv©‡ikb 09532527 - Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation 09532527 -cj­x Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûkb 09532531 - Export Development Fund 09532531 -ißvwb Dbœqb Znwej 09532539 - Pubali Bank 09532539 -cevjx e¨vsK 09532541 - Grameen Bank 09532541 -Mªvgxb e¨vsK 09532543 - IFIC Bank 09532543 -AvB Gd AvB wm e¨vsK 09532545 - Arab Bangladesh Bank 09532545 -Avie evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 09532547 - National Bank Limited 09532547 -b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjt 09532551 - United Commercial Bank Limited 09532551 -BDbvB‡UW Kgvwk©qvj e¨vsK wjt 09532553 - Islami Bank Ltd 09532553 -Bmjvgx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 09532572 - IDLC 09532572 -BÛvwó«qvj wjwRs †W‡fjc‡g›U †Kvs wjt 09532573 - BASIC Bank 09532573 -‡ewmK e¨vsK 09532574 - United Leasing Co. Ltd. 09532574 -BDbvB‡UW wjwRs †Kvs wjt 09532579 - SABINCO 09532579 -mvweb‡Kv 09532593 - Other Banks 09532593 -Ab¨vb¨ e¨vsK mgyn 09532598 - Loan for Different Corporation 09532598 -wewfbœ K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Rb¨ my`hy³ FY cÖ`vb Kvh©µg 09532599 - Other Financial Institutions 09532599 -Ab¨vb¨ Avw_©K cÖwZôvb 09532711 - Freedom Fighters Welfare Trust 09532711 -gyw³‡hv×v Kj¨vY Uªvó 09532718 - Dhaka WASA 09532718 -XvKv Iqvmv 09532719 - Chittagong WASA 09532719 -PUªMÖvg Iqvmv 09532767 - Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (DESA) 09532767 -XvKv we`y¨r weZiY KZ…©c¶ (‡Wmv) 09532807 - Hotel International Limited 09532807 -‡nv‡Uj B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjt 09533201 - Dhaka WASA 09533201 -XvKv Iqvmv

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09533203 - Chittagong WASA 09533203 -PUªMÖvg Iqvmv 09533947 - Infrastructure Development Company 09533947 -Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U †Kv¤•vbx wjwg‡UW (BWKj) Limited (IDCOL) 0955 - Non-Financial Institutions 0955 -Avw_©K cÖwZôvb ewnf©–Z ms¯’v 09551716 - Bangladesh Film Development 09551716 -evsjv‡`k Pjw”PÎ Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation 09552580 - Co-Operative College 09552580 -mgevq gnvwe`¨vjq 09552581 - Bangladesh Samabay Shilpa Sangstha 09552581 -evsjv‡`k mgevq wkí ms¯’v 09552582 - Water Development Board 09552582 -cvwb Dbœqb †evW© 09552583 - Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation 09552583 -evsjv‡`k ch©Ub K‡c©v‡ikb 09552584 - Chittagong Port Authority 09552584 -PÆMªvg e›`i KZ©„c¶ 09552585 - Rural Power Company 09552585 -i“ivj cvIqvi †Kv¤•vbx 09552586 - Power Greed Company Ltd. 09552586 -cvIqvi MªxW †Kv¤•vbx wjt 09552587 - Dhaka Electric Supply Co. Ltd. 09552587 -XvKv we`y¨r mieivn †Kvs wjt 09552588 - Decapitalised Textile Industries 09552588 -cuywR cÖZ¨vnviK…Z e¯wkí 09552590 - Sonali Bank 09552590 -‡mvbvjx e¨vsK 09552706 - Bangladesh Tea Board 09552706 -evsjv‡`k Pv †evW© 09552711 - Freedom Fighters Welfare Trust 09552711 -gyw³‡hv×v Kj¨vY Uªvó 09552716 - Film Development Corporation 09552716 -Pjw”PÎ Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb 09552718 - Dhaka WASA 09552718 -XvKv Iqvmv 09552719 - Chittagong WASA 09552719 -PUªMÖvg Iqvmv 09552721 - Bangladesh Chemical Industries 09552721 -evsjv‡`k ‡KwgK¨vj BÛvwó«R K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 09552723 - Bangladesh Steel and Engineering 09552723 -evsjv‡`k ÷xj GÛ BwÄwbqvwis K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 09552725 - Sugar, Food and Allied Industries 09552725 -myMvi, dzW GÛ GjvBW BÛvwó«R K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 09552729 - Bangladesh Small & Cottage Industries 09552729 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª I KzwUi wkí K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation 09552741 - Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation 09552741 -evsjv‡`k RyU wgjm K‡cv©‡ikb 09552750 - Bangladesh Setu Kortipakka 09552750 -evsjv‡`k †mZz KZ…©c¶ 09552751 - Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation 09552751 -evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wgjm K‡cv©‡ikb 09552761 - Petro Bangla 09552761 -‡c‡Uªv evsjv 09552763 - Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation 09552763 -evsjv‡`k ‡c‡Uªªvwjqvg K‡c©v‡ikb 09552765 - Power Development Board 09552765 -we`¨yr Dbœqb †evW© 09552767 - Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (DESA) 09552767 -XvKv we`y¨r weZiY KZ©„c¶ (†Wmv) 09552769 - Rural Electrification Board 09552769 -cj­x we`¨Zvqb †evW© 09552775 - Bangladesh Fisheries Development 09552775 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation 09552777 - Forest Industires Development 09552777 -eb wkí Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation 09552778 - North West Power Generation Company 09552778 -b_© I‡q÷ cvIqvi †Rbv‡ikb †Kv¤•vbx wjt Ltd. (NWPGC) (GbWwe­DwcwRwm) 09552781 - Bangladesh Road and Transport 09552781 -we,Avi,wU,wm Corporation 09552782 - Electricity Generation Company Of 09552782 -B‡jKwU«wmwU ‡Rbv‡ikb ‡Kv¤•vbx Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (EGCB) Limited (BwRwmwe) wjwg‡UW 09552791 - Chittagong Port Authority 09552791 -PÆMªvg e›`i KZ©„c¶ 09552793 - Mongla Port Authority 09552793 -gsjv e›`i KZ©„c¶ 09552795 - Bangladesh Shipping Corporation 09552795 -evsjv‡`k wkwcs K‡cv©‡ikb 09552797 - Bangladesh Inland Water Transport 09552797 -evsjv‡`k Af¨šixY †bŠ-cwienY K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 09552801 - Bangladesh Biman Corporation 09552801 -evsjv‡`k wegvb K‡c©v‡ikb 09552803 - Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority 09552803 -evsjv‡`k wmwfj Gwf‡qkb A_wiwU

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09552805 - Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation 09552805 -evsjv‡`k ch©Ub K‡cv©‡ikb 09552807 - Hotel International Ltd. 09552807 -‡nv‡Uj B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjt 09552816 - Bangladesh Telecom Company Ltd. 09552816 -evsjv‡`k †UwjKg †Kv¤•vbx wjt 09552830 - Export Processing Zone Authority 09552830 -ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv KZ…©c¶ 09552831 - Eseential Drug 09552831 -G‡mbwmqvj WªvM 09552935 - Bangladesh Tea Board 09552935 -evsjv‡`k Pv †evW© 09553111 - Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha 09553111 -ivRavbx Dbœqb KZ©„c¶ 09553113 - Chittagong Development Authority 09553113 -PUªMÖvg Dbœqb KZ©„c¶ 09553115 - Khulna Development Authority 09553115 -Lyjbv Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 09553211 - Bangladesh Rural Development Board 09553211 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb †evW© 09553215 - Rural Development Academy, Bogra 09553215 -cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx, e¸ov (Avi.wW.G) (R.D.A) 09553221 - Bangladesh Film Development 09553221 -evsjv‡`k Pjw”PÎ Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation 09553235 - Bangladesh Handloom Board 09553235 -evsjv‡`k ZuvZ †evW© 09553237 - Bangladesh Sericulture Board 09553237 -evsjv‡`k †ikg †evW© 09553238 - Dis-invested Textile industries 09553238 -cywR cÖZ¨vnviK…Z e¯ wkí 09553241 - Bangladesh Agriculture Development 09553241 -evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation 09553267 - Bangladesh Fisheries Development 09553267 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation 09553281 - Water Development Board 09553281 -cvwb Dbœqb †evW© 09553291 - Bangladesh Inlan Water Transport 09553291 -evsjv‡`k Af¨šixY †bŠ cwienb KZ©„c¶ Authority 09553297 - Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority 09553297 -hgybv eûgyLx †mZz KZ…©c¶ 09553735 - Others 09553735 -Ab¨vb¨ 09553747 - City Corporations 09553747 -wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb mgn 09553749 - Dhaka City Corporation 09553749 -XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 09553751 - Rajshahi City Corporation 09553751 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 09553753 - Khulna City Corporation 09553753 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 09553755 - Chittagong City Corporation 09553755 -PÆMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 09554712 - A 09554712 -A 09555753 - Khulna City Corporation 09555753 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 0956 - 0956 -Avw_©K cÖwZôvb I ms¯’v 09560000 - 09560000 -eÛ Bmy¨i gva¨‡g `vq cwi‡kva 0957 - Non-Profit Institutions 0957 -A-jvfRbK cªwZôvb 09572706 - Bangladesh Tea Board 09572706 -evsjv‡`k wU †evW© 09572716 - Film Development Corporation 09572716 -Pjw”PÎ Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb 09572718 - Dhaka WASA 09572718 -XvKv Iqvmv 09572719 - Chittagong WASA 09572719 -PÆMªvg Iqvmv 09572729 - Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries 09572729 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª I KzwUi wkí K‡cv©‡ikb 09572775 - Bangladesh Fisheries Development 09572775 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 09572777 - Forest Industries Development 09572777 -evsjv‡`k eb wkí Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 09572935 - Bangladesh Tea Board 09572935 -evsjv‡`k wU †evW© 09573111 - Rajdhani Unnayan Katripaksha 09573111 -ivRavbx Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 09573113 - Chittagong Development Authority 09573113 -PÆMªvg Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 09573115 - Khulna Development Authority 09573115 -Lyjbv Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 09573129 - Dainik Bangla 09573129 -‰`wbK evsjv 09573211 - Bangladesh Rural Development Board 09573211 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb †evW© (BRDB)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09573215 - Bogra Rural Development Academy 09573215 -cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx, e¸ov (weAviwWwe) (BRDA) 09573235 - Handloom Board 09573235 -evsjv‡`k ZuvZ †evW© 09573237 - Sericulture Board 09573237 -evsjv‡`k †ikg †evW© 09573241 - Bangladesh Agricultural Development 09573241 -evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 09573281 - Bangladesh Water Development Board 09573281 -evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© 09573291 - Bangladesh Inland Water Transport 09573291 -evsjv‡`k Af¨šixY †bŠ cwienb KZ©„c¶ Authority 09573531 - Fisheries Co-operative 09573531 -wdmvixR †Kv-Acv‡iwUf 09573535 - Jute Growers Co-operative 09573535 -cvU Pvlx mgevq 09573537 - Co-operatives General 09573537 -mgevq mvaviY 09573539 - Milk Producers Co-operative 09573539 -`y» Drcv`bKvix mgevq 0958 - Payment of Liability vested upon Government 0958 -miKv‡ii Dci Awc©Z `vq cwi‡kva 09580000 - 09580000 -miKv‡ii Dci Awc©Z `vq cwi‡kva 0959 - Non-Government Institutions 0959 -‡emiKvix cªwZôvb 09592527 - 09592527 - 09593129 - Fisheries Co-operative 09593129 -grm¨ mgevq 09593531 - Fisherman Co-operative 09593531 -wdmvixR †Kv-Acv‡iwUf 09593534 - Mechanised Cultivation 09593534 -hvwšK Pvlvev` 09593535 - Jute Growers Co-operative 09593535 -cvU Pvlx mgevq 09593536 - Zonal Co-operative College 09593536 -AvÂwjK mgevq K‡jR 09593537 - Co-operative General 09593537 -mvaviY mgevq 09593539 - Milk Products Co-operative 09593539 -`y» Drcv`bKvix mgevq 09593912 - 09593912 - 0961 - Local Bodies 0961 -¯’vbxq cªwZôvb 09610000 - Local Bodies 09610000 -¯’vbxq cÖwZôvb 09613749 - Dhaka City Corporations 09613749 -XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb 09613751 - Rajshahi City Corporation 09613751 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb 09613753 - Khulna City Corporation 09613753 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb 09613755 - Chittagong City Corporation 09613755 -PÆMªvg wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb 0962 - Government Employees 0962 -miKvwi Kg©Pvix 09620000 - Government Employees 09620000 -miKvwi Kg©Pvix 09620001 - Civil Employee 09620001 -‡emvgwiK Kg©Pvix 09620003 - Defence Personnel 09620003 -mvgwiK Kg©Pvix 09620005 - Railway Employees 09620005 -‡ijI‡q Kg©Pvix 0963 - Government Departments/Funds 0963 -miKvwi wefvM/Znwej 09630005 - T & T 09630005 -Zvi I †Uwj‡dvb 09630010 - Railway 09630010 -‡ijI‡q 09630015 - Post 09630015 -WvK wefvM 09630020 - Geological Survey Department 09630020 -fZvwËK Rwic Awa`ßi 0964 - Non-ADP Projects 0964 -evwl©K DbœqY Kg©m–wPi ewnf©–Z cÖKí 09640003 - Silk Foundation 09640003 -wmé dvD‡Ûkb 09643901 - Jananeese Grant Grameen Bank 09643901 -MÖvgxY e¨vs‡Ki Rb¨ Rvcvbx gÄyix 09643903 - ADP Loan of Bangladesh Bank for Small 09643903 -evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡K ¶z`ª I KzwUi wk‡íi Rb¨ GwWwc FY and Cottage Industries 09643905 - Strengthening Operationalization of 09643905 -‡÷«b‡`wbs Acv‡ikbvjvB‡Rkb Ae †RÛvi †imcbwmf Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in ev‡RwUs (wRAviwe) Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh. 09643906 - Strengthening Operationalization of 09643906 -‡÷«b‡`wbs Acv‡ikbvjvB‡Rkb Ae †RÛvi †imcbwmf Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in ev‡RwUs (wRAviwe) Bb evsjv‡`k †dBR-2 Bangladesh Phase-2 09643907 - ADB Loan for Second Fisheries Project 09643907 -wØZxq grm¨ cªK‡íi Rb¨ GwWwe FY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 09643908 - IDA Credit (2922-BD) to Small Credit 09643908 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK‡K †emiKvix Lv‡Z `wi`ª we‡gvPbK‡í Project under Bangladesh Bank for poverty ¶z`ª FY cÖK‡íi Rb¨ AvB wW G FY (2922-wewW) alleviation 09643909 - IFAD Loan (378-BD) to Agrani Bank for 09643909 -AMÖYx e¨vsK‡K `wi`ª Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó cÖK‡íi Rb¨ Bdv` creating employment for the Poor FY (378-wewW) 09643910 - German grants to Grameen Bank 09643910 -MÖvgxY e¨vsK‡K cÖwk¶‡Yi Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖK‡í Technical Assistance Project for Training Rvg©vb Aby`vb 09643912 - Micro Credit Programme of PKSF 09643912 -cj­x Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûk‡bi gvB‡µv †µwWU Kg©m–Px 09643913 - Loan for Private Sector Industrial Project 09643913 -‡emiKvix Lv‡Zi wkí cªK‡íi Rb¨ FY 09643915 - Loan for the Cyclone Affected Families 09643915 -Nbx©S‡o ¶wZMª¯’ cwiev‡ii Rb¨ FY 09643919 - ADP Loan for North East Irrigation Project 09643919 -DËi-ce© †mP cªK‡íi Rb¨ GwWwc FY 09643927 - OPEC Loan for Agrani Bank for Small 09643927 -¶z`ª wk‡íi Rb¨ AMªbx e¨vsK‡K †`q I‡cK FY Industries 09643934 - 09643934 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK‡K †emiKvix Lv‡Z wkí cÖK‡íi Rb¨ AvBwWG FY 09643943 - Shrimp Intensive Cultivation Project 09643943 -wPswo wbweo Pvl cªKí 09643946 - Social Development Foundation 09643946 -†mvk¨vj ‡W‡fjc‡g›U dvD‡Ûkb 09643947 - Infrastructure Development Company 09643947 -Bbd«vóªvKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U †Kv¤•vwb wjt Limited 09643948 - I.I.F.C 09643948 -AvB.AvB.Gd.wm 09643949 - Miscellaneous/Other 09643949 -Ab¨vb¨ evwl©K Dbœqb Kg©m‚Px ewnf‚©Z cÖKí 09643994 - Sick Industries Rehabilitation Programme 09643994 -i“Mœ wkí cbe©vmb Kg©mPx 09643995 - Credit, Bridge and Standby Facilities 09643995 -‡µwWU, eªxR GÛ ó¨vÛevB d¨vwmwjwUR (wm we Gm Gd) (CBSF) 09643996 - Municipal Development Fund (MDF) 09643996 -wgDwbwmc¨vj †Wfjc‡g›U dvÛ 09643998 - Small Enterprise Fund(ADB Finance) 09643998 -¯§j G›UvicÖvBR dvÛ (GwWwe A_©vqb) 09643999 - Investment Promotion and Financing 09643999 -Bb‡fó‡g›U cÖ‡gvkb GÛ dvBb¨vwÝs d¨vwmwjwU Facility (IPFF) (AvBwcGdGd) 0965 - Other 0965 -Ab¨vb¨ 09650000 - Others 09650000 -Ab¨vb¨ 09650001 - Block Allocation 09650001 -‡_vK eivÏ 09652515 - Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Shangstha 09652515 -evsjv‡`k wkí FY ms¯’v (weGmAviGm) 09652523 - House Building Finance Corporation 09652523 -nvBR wewìs dvBb¨v›m K‡c©v‡ikb 09652597 - Bank and Corporation 09652597 -e¨vsK I Ki‡cv‡ikb 09652723 - Bangladesh Steel and Engineering 09652723 -evsjv‡`k B¯•vZ I cÖ‡KŠkj K‡cv©‡ikb (weGmBwm) Corporation 09652741 - BJMC 09652741 -evsjv‡`k RyU wgjm K‡c©v‡ikb 09652751 - Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation 09652751 -evsjv‡`k e¯Kj K‡c©v‡ikb 09652781 - Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 09652781 -evsjv‡`k moK cwienY K‡cv©‡ikb (weAviwUwm) (BRTC) 09652795 - Bangladesh Shipping Corporation 09652795 -evsjv‡`k wkwcs K‡c©v‡ikb 09653235 - Handloom Board 09653235 -ZvZ †evW© 09653237 - Sericulture Board 09653237 -‡ikg †evW© 09653241 - Bangladesh Agriculture Development 09653241 -evsjv‡`k K…wl DbœqY K‡cv©‡ikb (weGwWwm) Corporation 09653531 - Fisheries Co-operation 09653531 -grm¨ mgevq 09653533 - Rural Co-operative Milk Project 09653533 -MÖvgxY mgevq `y» cÖKí 09653941 - Lump for Interest Free Loan 09653941 -my`gy³ F‡Yi †_vK 09653943 - Semi-intensive Shrimp Cultivation Project 09653943 -Avavwbweo cªwµqvq wPswo Pvl cªKí-AMªbx e¨vsK 09653945 - Semi-intensive Shrimp Cultivation 09653945 -Avavwbweo wPswo Pvl cªKí Project-Agrani 0971-0990 - Domestic Debt Management 0971-0990 -Af¨šixY FY e¨e¯’vcbv 0971 - Bangladesh Bank 0971 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 09712501 - Bangladesh Bank 09712501 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 0983 - Government Departments/Funds 0983 -miKvwi wefvM/Znwej 09830005 - T & T 09830005 -Zvi I †Uwj‡dvb 09830010 - Railway 09830010 -‡ijI‡q 09830015 - Post 09830015 -WvK Rxeb exgv 09830020 - General Provident Fund* 09830020 -mvaviY fwel¨ Znwej* 09830025 - Other Provident Fund* 09830025 -Ab¨vb¨ fwel¨ Znwej* 09830030 - National Savings Instruments 09830030 -RvZxq mÂq cÎmg–n 0996-0998 - Development Programme Financed by 0996-0998 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 0996 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 0996 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 09960000 - Block Allocation 09960000 -‡_vK eiv× 09964827 - Modernizing Finance Division through 09964827 -Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g A_© wefvM Extensive use of Information and AvaywbKxKiY Communication Technology 09964971 - Construction of Divisional Controller of 09964971 -wWwmG Lyjbv Kvh©vj‡qi wbR¯^ feb wbg©vY (5 Zjv wfZ Accounts Office Complex at Bogra, Khulna wewkó 4 Zjv feb) (4 Storied Building with 5 Storied Foundation) 09964972 - Construction Of DCA Chittagong Office 09964972 -wWwmG PÆMÖvg Kvh©vj‡qi wbR¯^ feb wbg©vY I cÖ‡qvRbxq Building and Necessary Extension m¤•ÖmviY KvR 09964973 - Strengthening Public Expenditure 09964973 -miKvwi e¨q e¨e¯’vcbv kw³kvjxKiYt AMªvwaKvi Management: Continuation of Priority Kvh©µgmg‡ni avivevwnKZv i¶v kxl©K Kg©mwP ongoing Activities Programme 0999-0999 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0999-0999 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0999 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0999 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 09990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 09990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 10 - Finance Division - Comptroller & Auditor General 10 - A_© wefvM-gnv-wnmve wbix¶K I wbqšÎK-Gi Kvh©vjq 1001-1030 - Statutory Audit 1001-1030 -wewae× wbix¶v 1001 - Comptroller and Auditor General 1001 -gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqš¿K 10010000 - Comptroller and Auditor General 10010000 -gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqš¿K 10010001 - Office of the Comptroller and Auditor 10010001 -gnv wnmve wbix¶K I wbqš¿K Gi Kvh©vjq General 10010005 - Bangladesh Mission Audit, 10010005 -evsjv‡`k wgkb wnmve wbix¶v, jÛb 10015010 - Strengthening the office of the C&AG 10015010 -wmGwR Kvh©vjq‡K kw³kvjxKiY (SPEMB-B) 1009 - Department of Civil Audit 1009 -wmwfj AwWU Awa`ßi 10090000 - Department of Civil Audit 10090000 -wmwfj AwWU Awa`ßi 1010 - Directorate of Performance Audit 1010 -cvidi‡g›m AwWU Awa`ßi 10100000 - Directorate of Performance Audit 10100000 -cvidi‡g›m AwWU Awa`ßi 1011 - Department of Mission Audit 1011 -`–Zvevm AwWU Awa`ßi 10110000 - Department of Mission Audit 10110000 -`–Zvevm AwWU Awa`ßi 1013 - Department of Foreign Aided Projects Audit 1013 -‰e‡`wkK mvnvh¨cyó cªKí AwWU Awa`ßi 10130000 - Department of Foreign Aided Project Audit 10130000 -‰e‡`wkK mvnvh¨cyó cªKí AwWU Awa`ßi 10135040 - Development of the audit system of the 10135040 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U mv‡cvU© Ae `¨v AwWU wm‡÷g Ae `¨v foreign aid d‡ib GB‡WW cÖ‡R±m 1015 - Department of Local and Revenue Audit 1015 -¯’vbxq Ges ivR¯^ AwWU Awa`ßi 10150000 - Department of Local and Revenue Audit 10150000 -¯’vbxq I ivR¯^ AwWU Awa`ßi 1017 - Department of Commercial Audit 1017 -evwYwR¨K AwWU Awa`ßi 10170000 - Department of Commercial Audit 10170000 -evwYwR¨K AwWU Awa`ßi 1019 - Department of Works Audit 1019 -c–Z© AwWU Awa`ßi 10190000 - Department of Works Audit 10190000 -c–Z© AwWU Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 1021 - Department of Railway Audit 1021 -‡ijI‡q AwWU Awa`ßi 10210000 - Department of Railway Audit 10210000 -‡ijI‡q AwWU Awa`ßi 1023 - Department of Defence Audit 1023 -cªwZi¶v AwWU Awa`ßi 10230000 - Department of Defence Audit 10230000 -cªwZi¶v AwWU Awa`ßi 1025 - Department of Post, Telegraph & Telephone 1025 -WvK, Zvi I `–ivjvcwb AwWU Awa`ßi Audit 10250000 - Department of Post, Telegraph & 10250000 -WvK, Zvi I `–ivjvcwb AwWU Awa`ßi Telephone Audit 1027 - Financial Management Academy (FIMA) 1027 -wdb¨vwÝqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U GKv‡Wwg (wdgv) 10270000 - Financial Management Academy (FIMA) 10270000 -wdb¨vwÝqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U GKv‡Wwg (wdgv) 10275110 - FIMA - Institutional Development of Audit 10275110 -wbix¶v Ges wnmve cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwgi cÖwZôvwbK Dbœqb and Accounting Training Institute 1031-1060 - Accounts 1031-1060 -wnmve 1031 - Controller General of Accounts 1031 -wnmve gnv wbqšK 10310000 - Office of the CGA 10310000 -wnmve gnv wbqš‡Ki Kvh©vjq 1033 - Chief Accounts Offices 1033 -cªavb wnmve i¶Y Kvh©vjqmgn 10330005 - Civil Secretariat 10330005 -‡emvgwiK mwPevjq 10330007 - Parliament 10330007 -RvZxq msm` mwPevjq 10330010 - Education, Culture, Youth and Sports 10330010 -wk¶v, ms¯‹…wZ, hye I µxov gšYvjq 10330015 - Health and Family Welfare 10330015 -¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vY gšYvjq 10330020 - Home Affairs 10330020 -¯^ivó« gšYvjq 10330025 - Internal Resources Division 10330025 -Af¨šixY m¤•` wefvM 10330030 - Agriculture and Forests 10330030 -K…wl, cwi‡ek I eb gšYvjq 10330035 - Land and Law and Justice 10330035 -f‚wg, AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gšYvjq 10330040 - Food 10330040 -Lv`¨ gšYvjq 10330045 - Establishment,Cabinet and Defence 10330045 -ms¯’vcb, gwšcwil` I cÖwZi¶v 10330050 - Local Government, Rural Development 10330050 -¯’vbxq miKvi, cj­x Dbœqb I mgevq wefvM and Co-operatives 10330055 - Information 10330055 -Z_¨ gšYvjq 10330060 - Industry, Jute and Textiles 10330060 -wkí, cvU I e¯ gšYvjq 10330065 - Statistics, Energy Resources & Minerals, 10330065 -cwimsL¨vb wefvM, we`y¨r, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤•`, grm¨ I Fisheries & Livestock cï m¤•` wefvM 10330070 - Commerce, Shipping, Civil Aviation & 10330070 -evwYR¨ gšYvjq, ‡bŠ cwienb, ‡emvgwiK wegvb PjvPb I Tourism ch©Ub wefvM 10330075 - Social Welfare, Women Affairs, Labour & 10330075 -mgvR Kj¨vY, gwnjv welqK, kªg I Rbkw³ I ag© welqK Manpower and Religious Affair gšYvjq 10330080 - Housing and Public Works 10330080 -M„nvqb I MYcZ© gšYvjq 10330085 - Postal Department 10330085 -WvK wefvM 10330090 - Telegraph & Telecommunication 10330090 -Zvi I †Uwj‡dvb 10330095 - Roads and Road Transport 10330095 -moK I moK cwienb wefvM 10330100 - Foreign Affairs 10330100 -ciivó« welqK gšYvjq 1035 - Regional Accounts Offices 1035 -AvÂwjK wnmve i¶Y Kvh©vjqmgn 10350000 - Regional Accounts Offices 10350000 -AvÂwjK wnmve i¶Y Kvh©vjqmgn 1037 - District Accounts Offices 1037 -‡Rjv wnmve i¶Y Kvh©vjqmgn 10370000 - District Accounts Offices 10370000 -‡Rjv wnmve i¶Y Kvh©vjqmgn 1039 - Upazilla Accounts Offices 1039 -Dc‡Rjv wnmve i¶Y Kvh©vjqmgn 10390000 - Upazilla Accounts Offices 10390000 -Dc‡Rjv wnmve i¶Y Kvh©vjqmgn 1041 - Chief Accounts Offices 1041 -cÖavb wnmve i¶b Kvh©vjqmgn 10410001 - Office of the President 10410001 -ivóªcwZi Kvh©vjq 10410002 - Parliament 10410002 -RvZxq msm` mwPevjq 10410003 - Prime Minister's Office 10410003 -cÖavb gšxi Kvh©vjq 10410004 - Cabinet Division 10410004 -gwšcwil` wefvM

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 10410006 - Election Commission, Public Service 10410006 -wbe©vPb Kwgkb, miKvix Kg©Kwgkb Ges gnvwnmve Commission, C&AG wbix¶K I wbqšK 10410007 - Ministry of Establishment 10410007 -ms¯’vcb gšYvjq 10410009 - Finance Division 10410009 -A_© wefvM 10410011 - Internal Resources Division 10410011 -Af¨šixY m¤•` wefvM 10410012 - Economic Relation Division 10410012 -A_©‰bwZK m¤•K© wefvM 10410013 - Economic Relation Division 10410013 -A_©‰bwZK m¤•K© wefvM 10410014 - Planning Division 10410014 -cwiKíbv wefvM 10410015 - Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation 10410015 -ev¯evqb, cwiex¶Y I gj¨vqY wefvM Division 10410017 - Ministry of Commerce 10410017 -evwYR¨ gšYvjq 10410018 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs 10410018 -ciivóª gšYvjq 10410019 - Ministry of Defence 10410019 -cÖwZi¶v gšYvjq 10410021 - MInistry of Law, Justice & Parliament 10410021 -AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gšYvjq Affairs 10410022 - Ministry of Home 10410022 -¯^ivóª gšYvjq 10410024 - MInistry of Primary & Mass Education 10410024 -cÖv_wgK I MYwk¶v gšYvjq 10410025 - Ministry of Education 10410025 -wk¶v gšYvjq 10410026 - Ministry of Science and Information & 10410026 -weÁvb Ges Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ gšYvjq Communication Technology 10410027 - Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 10410027 -¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vY gšYvjq 10410029 - Ministry of Social Welfare 10410029 -mgvR Kj¨vY gšYvjq 10410030 - Ministry of Women and Children Affairs 10410030 -gwnjv I wkï welqK gšYvjq 10410031 - Ministry of Labour and Employment 10410031 -kªg I Kg©ms¯’vb gšYvjq 10410032 - Ministry of Housing and Public Works 10410032 -M„nvqY I MYcZ© gšYvjq 10410033 - Ministry of Information 10410033 -Z_¨ gšYvjq 10410034 - Ministry of Cultural Affairs 10410034 -ms¯‹„wZ welqK gšYvjq 10410035 - Ministry of Religious Affairs 10410035 -ag© gšYvjq 10410036 - Ministry of Youth & Sports 10410036 -hye I µxov gšYvjq 10410037 - Local Government Division 10410037 -¯’vbxq miKvi wefvM 10410038 - Rural Development & Co-operative 10410038 -cj­x Dbœqb I mgevq wefvM Division 10410039 - Ministry of Industries 10410039 -wkí gšYvjq 10410040 - Ministry of Jute 10410040 -cvU gšYvjq 10410041 - Ministry of Textile 10410041 -e¯ gšYvjq 10410042 - Petrolium and Mineral Resources Division 10410042 -R¡vjvbx I LwbR m¤•` wefvM 10410043 - Ministry of Agriculture 10410043 -K…wl gšYvjq 10410044 - Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock 10410044 -grm¨ I cïm¤•` gšYvjq 10410045 - Ministry of Environment and Fisheries 10410045 -cwi‡ek I eb gšYvjq 10410046 - Ministry of Land 10410046 -fwg gšYvjq 10410047 - Ministry of Water Resources 10410047 -cvwb m¤•` gšYvjq 10410048 - Ministry of Food 10410048 -Lv`¨ gšYvjq 10410049 - Ministry of Disaster Management and 10410049 -`‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY gšYvjq Relief 10410050 - Ministry of Communication 10410050 -†hvMv‡hvM gšYvjq 10410052 - Ministry of Shipping 10410052 -†bŠ-cwienb gšYvjq 10410053 - Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism 10410053 -†emvgwiK wegvb cwienb I ch©Ub gšYvjq 10410054 - Postal Department 10410054 -WvK wefvM 10410055 - Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracks Affairs 10410055 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg welqK gšYvjq 10410056 - Energy Division 10410056 -we`y¨r wefvM 10410057 - Telegraph and Telecommunication 10410057 -Zvi I `ivjvcbx wefvM 10410061 - Supreeme Court 10410061 -mycÖxg †KvU© 10410063 - Ministry of Liberation Affairs 10410063 -gyw³hy× welqK gšYvjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 10410065 - Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and 10410065 -cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gšYvjq Overseas Employment 1043 - Divisional Accounts Offices 1043 -wefvMxq wnmve wbqš‡Ki Kvh©vjqmgn 10430000 - Divisional Controller of Accounts Office 10430000 -wefvMxq wnmve i¶Y Kvh©vjqmgn 10430001 - Dhaka 10430001 -XvKv 10430002 - Chittagong 10430002 -PÆMªvg 10430003 - Rajshahi 10430003 -ivRkvnx 10430004 - Khulna 10430004 -Lyjbv 10430005 - Barishal 10430005 -ewikvj 10430006 - Sylhet 10430006 -wm‡jU 1051 - Public Account Management 1051 -cÖRvZ‡ši miKvix wnmve e¨e¯’vcbv 10510000 - Public Account Management 10510000 -cÖRvZ‡ši miKvix wnmve e¨e¯’vcbv 1096-1098 - Development Programme Financed by 1096-1098 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 1096 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 1096 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget 10964301 - Vetical Expansion work of 5 storied Audit 10964301 -XvKvi KvKivBj¯’ 77/7 AwWU fe‡bi 5g Zjvi Dci bhaban at Kakrail, Dhaka (6th, 7gh and 8th DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ÖmviY (6ô, 7g 8g Zjv) KvR floor) Implementing agency 1099-1099 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 1099-1099 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 1099 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 1099 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 10990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 10990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 11 - Internal Resources Division (IRD) 11 - Af¨š@ixY m¤•` wefvM 1101-1120 - Administration 1101-1120 -cªkvmb 1101 - Secretariat 1101 -mwPevjq 11010001 - Secretariat 11010001 -mwPevjq 11010015 - Stamp Administration-Judicial 11010015 -÷¨v¤• cªkvmb-RywWwmq¨vj 11010020 - Stamp Administration-Non Judicial 11010020 -÷¨v¤• cªkvmb-bbRywWwmq¨vj 11010025 - Stamp Administration-Others 11010025 -÷¨v¤• cªkvmb-Ab¨vb¨ 11010030 - Revenue Reforms Commission 11010030 -ivR¯^ ms¯‹vi Kwgkb 11015010 - Unapproved Block Allocation 11015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 1103 - National Board of Revenue 1103 -RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© 11030000 - National Board of Revenue 11030000 -RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© 11030001 - National Board of Revenue 11030001 -RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© 11030003 - CIC 11030003 -‡m›U«vj B‡›Uwj‡R›m †mj 11030005 - Customs Office Brussels 11030005 -Kv÷gm Awdm, eªv‡mjm 11030006 - B 11030006 -e„nr Ki`vZv BDwbU gymK 11030007 - ASYCUDA WORLD 11030007 -GmvBKzWv Iqvì© 11035010 - Construction of Office, Rest house, 11035010 -jvjgwbinvU †Rjvq eywogvwi ¯’j ïé †÷k‡bi Kv÷gm I Residential house, Godown and Boundary f¨vU wefv‡Mi Awdmfeb, †i÷ nvDR, evmfeb, ¸`vgNi wall of Custom and VAT Division of I mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbgv©Y KvR (Abby‡gvw`Z) Burimary land Custom at Lalmonirhat Dis. (1/1/01-30/6/04) 11035011 - Governance Management project : 11035011 -Mf‡b©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R±t K‡¤•v‡b›U Gt AbjvBb Components A: Online filing and dvBwjs GÛ wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ae U¨v· wiUvb©m, K‡¤•v‡b›U Digitization of Tax return wm t G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae U¨v· †cqvim© Bbdi‡gkb GÛ mvwf©m †m›Uvi (01/07/11-31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 11035012 - VAT & Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 11035012 -f¨vU GÛ mvwc­‡g›Uwi wWDwU G¨v±, 2012 Bw¤•‡g›Ukb Implementation (VAT: Online) Project (f¨vU AbjvBb cÖ‡R±) (01/01/2013-31/12/2018) 11035020 - Construction of Office, Residential house, 11035020 -w`bvRcyi †Rjvq wnwj ïé e›`‡i wbR¯^ Rwg‡Z Awdm Godown on the own land at the Hill land feb ¸`vgNi I AvevwmK feb wbgv©Y KvR (Abby‡gvw`Z) Custom in Dinajpur District (01/01/2001-30/06/2002) (01/01/2001-30/06/2004)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 11035030 - Construction of Revenue Building 11035030 -ivR¯^ feb wbg©vY (01/01/09 - 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/09-31/12/13)-approved 11035040 - aaa 11035040 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae Mf©b¨v›m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± t (G) Ab jvBb wdwjs GÛ wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ae †U· wiUvY©m& wmt G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae ‡U· ‡cqvim Bbdi‡gkb GÛ mvwf©m †m›Uvim& (01/07/2011-31/12/13 ) Aby‡gvw`Z 11035050 - Custom Administration Modernization 11035050 -Kv÷gm GWwgwb‡÷ªkb gWv©bvB‡Rkb (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 11035060 - Chittagong port 11035060 -PÆMªvg e›`i †UªW d¨vwmwj‡Ukb (RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW© PÆMªvg Kv÷gm& nvDR) (1/7/04-30/6/09) Abby‡gvw`Z 11035061 - Modernization and Automation Project 11035061 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb GÛ A‡Uv‡gkb cÖ‡R±(g¨vc) Ae GbweAvi (MAP) of NBR( 01/07/05-31/12/09) Revised (01/05/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z unapproved 11035071 - Reforms in Revenue administration 11035071 -widg©m Bb †iwfwbD GWwgwb‡÷ªkb (1/1/2002-31/12/2006) (01/01/2002-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 11035081 - 11035081 -gWvbvD‡Rkb GÛ A‡Uv‡gkb cÖ‡R± 11035101 - Customs and Excise administration 11035101 -ïé I Awdm AveMvix cªkvmb 11035111 - E.T.A.C data computerisation 11035111 -BUvK WvUv Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb cÖKí 11035121 - Strengthening Value Added Tax 11035121 -†÷«s‡`wbs f¨vjy G‡WW U¨v· GWwgwb‡÷«kb Administration (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) (ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z) 11035311 - Implementation of direct taxes study 11035311 -Bgwc­‡g›Ukb Ae WvB‡i± U¨v‡·m ÷vwW cÖ‡R± project 11035321 - Integrated VAT development and 11035321 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW f¨vU †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb cª‡R± implementation project 11035330 - Construction of Tax Bhaban (Phase-1) 11035330 -Ki feb wbg©vY (chv©q-1) 11035340 - Construction of Benapole custom office, 11035340 -‡ebv‡cvj Kv÷gm Awdm, AvevwmK feb wbgv©Y, ivmvqwbK Residential buildings, Chemical cix¶vMvi, wbivcËv dUK, IRbgvcK †mZy ¯’vcb, †Wªb laboratory, Security gate and weighting GÛ wmwKDwiwU †dwÝs wbgv©Y (1/7/00-30/6/04) bridge Abby‡gvw`Z 11035341 - Tax Administration Capacity and tax payer 11035341 -U¨v· GWwgwb‡÷ªkb K¨vcvwmwU GÛ U¨v· †cqvi mvwf©‡mm Services (01/03/09-28/02/14) -approved (01/03/2009-28/02/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 1104 - Directorate of Complaints Investigation 1104 -Awf‡hvM Z`šZ cwi`ßi 11040000 - Directorate of Complaints Investigations 11040000 -Awf‡hvM Z`šZ cwi`ßi 1106 - International Organisations 1106 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 11064101 - Customs Co-operation Council 11064101 -Kv÷gm †Kv-Acv‡ikb KvDwÝj 11064103 - Colombo Plan Bureau Drug Advisory 11064103 -Kj‡¤^¦v c­¨vb ey¨‡iv WªvM GWfvBRvwi †cªvMÖvg Programme 11064105 - International Savings Bank Institute 11064105 -AvšR©vwZK mÂq e¨vsK Bbw÷wUDU 11064107 - Commonwealth Association of Tax 11064107 -KgbI‡qj_ G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae U¨v· GWwgwb‡÷ªkb Administration 1131-1140 - Customs, Excise and VAT 1131-1140 -ïé, AveMvix I f¨vU 1131 - Customs Houses 1131 -ïé febmg–n 11310000 - Customs House 11310000 -ïé febmg–n 11310005 - Customs House , Dhaka 11310005 -ïé feb, XvKv 11310007 - Customs House , Benapole 11310007 -ïé feb, ‡ebv‡cvj 11310010 - Customs House, Chittagong 11310010 -ïé feb, PÆMªvg 11310012 - Customs House (Export), Cittagong 11310012 -ïé feb (ißvwb), PÆMªvg 11310015 - Customs House, Mongla 11310015 -ïé feb, gsjv 11310020 - Custom House (ICD), Kamalapur, Dhaka 11310020 -ïé feb (AvBwmwW), Kgjvcyi, XvKv 11310025 - Custom House, Pangaon 11310025 -Kv÷g nvDR, cvbMuvI 11310030 - Coustoms House, Dhaka (East) 11310030 -Kwgkbv‡iU, XvKv (ce©) 1133 - Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate 1133 -ïé, AveMvwi I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU 11330000 - Customs, Taxes and VAT 11330000 -ïé, AveMvwi I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU Commissionarate 11330001 - Commissionerate, Khulna 11330001 -Kwgkbv‡iU, Lyjbv 11330005 - Commissionerate, Jessore 11330005 -Kwgkbv‡iU, h‡kvi

Government of Bangladesh Page 34 of 640 Print Date and Time : 3/2/2016, 9:59:10AM Classification Chart (Organization)

Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 11330006 - LTU 11330006 -e„nr Ki`vZv BDwbU (gmK) 11330010 - Commissionerate, Dhaka-South 11330010 -Kwgkbv‡iU, XvKv `w¶Y 11330015 - Commissionerate, Dhaka-North 11330015 -Kwgkbv‡iU, XvKv DËi 11330018 - Commiossionarate, Sylhet 11330018 -Kwgkbv‡iU, wm‡jU 11330020 - Commissionerate, Rajshahi 11330020 -Kwgkbv‡iU, ivRkvnx 11330025 - Commissionerate, Chittagong 11330025 -Kwgkbv‡iU, PÆMªvg 11330030 - Commissionarate, Dhaka (East) 11330030 -Kwgkbv‡iU, XvKv (c–e©) 11330035 - Commissionarate, Dhaka (West) 11330035 -Kwgkbv‡iU, XvKv (cwðg) 11330040 - Commissionarate, Comilla 11330040 -Kwgkbv‡iU, KzwgjÐv 11330045 - Commissionarate, Rangpur 11330045 -Kwgkbv‡iU, iscyi 1135 - Appellate Commissionerate 1135 -Avwcj Kwgkbv‡iU 11350001 - Appeal Commissionerate, Chittagong 11350001 -Avwcj Kwgkbv‡iU, PÆMªvg 11350005 - Custom, Excise and VAT Appeal Court, 11350005 -ïé AveMvwi I f¨vU Avwcj †KvU©, XvKv Dhaka 11350010 - Custom, Excise and VAT Appelate Tribunal 11350010 -ïé, AveMvwi I f¨vU Avwcj U«vBeybvj 11350015 - Apeallate Commissionarate, Dhaka-1, 11350015 -Avwcj Kwgkbv‡iU, XvKv-1, XvKv Dhaka 11350020 - Apeallate Commissionarate, Dhaka-2, 11350020 -Avcxj Kwgkbv‡iU, XvKv-2, XvKv Dhaka 11350025 - Apeallate Commissionarate, Khulna 11350025 -Avcjx Kwgkbv‡iU, Lyjbv 1136 - Bond Commissionarate 1136 -eÛ Kwgkbv‡iU 11360005 - Bond Commissionarate, Dhaka 11360005 -eÛ Kwgkbv‡iU, XvKv| 11360010 - Bond Commissionarate, Chittagong 11360010 -eÛ Kwgkbv‡iU, PÆMÖvg 1137 - Intelligence and Inspection 1137 -ïé †Mv‡q›`v I Z`šZ `ßi 11370001 - Customs Intelligence & Inspection, Dhaka 11370001 -ïé †Mv‡q›`v Z`š cwi`ßi, XvKv 11370005 - Inspection Directorate-C & E Dhaka 11370005 -cwi`k©b cwi`ßi-ïé I AveMvwi, XvKv 1139 - Training 1139 -cªwk¶Y 11390001 - C & E Training Academy, Chittagong 11390001 -ïé I AveMvwi cªwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg, PÆMÖvg 1140 - Other Customs and VAT Offices 1140 -Ab¨vb¨ ïé I f¨vU `ßimg–n 11400001 - Drawback and Exemption Directorate 11400001 -ïé †iqvZ I cªZ¨c©Y cwi`ßi, XvKv 11400005 - Turnover Tax Settlement Commission 11400005 -Uvb© Ifvi Ki wba©viY Kwgkb 11400007 - Controller Customs Valuation, Chittagong 11400007 -wbqšÎK-ïé g–j¨vqb,PÆMÖvg 1141-1150 - Income Tax 1141-1150 -AvqKi 1141 - Tax Zones 1141 -Ki AÂj 11410000 - Taxes Zone 11410000 -Ki AÂj 11410001 - Tax Zone-1, Dhaka 11410001 -Ki AÂj-1, XvKv 11410005 - Tax Zone-2, Dhaka 11410005 -Ki AÂj-2, XvKv 11410010 - Tax Zone-3, Dhaka 11410010 -Ki AÂj-3, XvKv 11410015 - Tax Zone-4, Dhaka 11410015 -Ki AÂj-4, XvKv 11410020 - Tax Zone-5, Dhaka 11410020 -Ki AÂj-5, XvKv 11410025 - Tax Zone-6, Dhaka 11410025 -Ki AÂj-6, XvKv 11410030 - Tax Zone-7, Dhaka 11410030 -Ki AÂj-7, XvKv 11410035 - Tax Zone-8, Dhaka 11410035 -Ki AÂj-8, XvKv 11410040 - Tax Zone-1, Chittagong 11410040 -Ki AÂj-1, PÆMÖvg 11410045 - Tax Zone-2, Chittagong 11410045 -Ki AÂj-2, PÆMÖvg 11410050 - Tax Zone-3, Chittagong 11410050 -Ki AÂj-3, PÆMÖvg 11410055 - Tax Zone - Khulna 11410055 -Ki AÂj - Lyjbv 11410060 - Tax Zone, Rajshahi 11410060 -Ki AÂj, ivRkvnx 11410065 - Tax Zone-1, Rangpur 11410065 -Ki AÂj - iscyi 11410070 - Tax Zone - Sylhet 11410070 -Ki AÂj - wm‡jU 11410075 - Tax Zone - Barishal 11410075 -Ki AÂj - ewikvj

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 11410080 - Tax Zone-9, Dhaka 11410080 -Ki AÂj-9, XvKv 11410085 - Tax Zone-10, Dhaka 11410085 -Ki AÂj-10, XvKv 11410090 - Tax Zone-11, Dhaka 11410090 -Ki AÂj-11, XvKv 11410095 - Tax Zone-12, Dhaka 11410095 -Ki AÂj-12, XvKv 11410100 - Tax Zone-13, Dhka 11410100 -Ki AÂj-13, XvKv 11410105 - Tax Zone-14, Dhaka 11410105 -Ki AÂj-14, XvKv 11410110 - Tax Zone-15, Dhaka 11410110 -Ki AÂj-15, XvKv 11410115 - Tax Zone, Narayanganj 11410115 -Ki AÂj, bvivqYMÄ 11410120 - Tax Zone, Gazipur 11410120 -Ki AÂj, MvRxcyi| 11410125 - Tax Zone, Mymensingh 11410125 -Ki AÂj, gqgbwmsn 11410130 - Tax Zone, Comilla 11410130 -Ki AÂj, KzwgjÐv 11410135 - Tax Zone, Chittagong 11410135 -Ki AÂj, PÆMÖvg 11410140 - Tax Zone, Bogra 11410140 -Ki AÂj, e¸ov 1143 - Tax Appellate Zone 1143 -Ki Avwcj AÂj 11430001 - Tax Appellate Zone-1, Dhaka 11430001 -Ki Avwcj AÂj-1, XvKv 11430005 - Tax Appellate Zone-2, Dhaka 11430005 -Ki Avwcj AÂj-2, XvKv 11430010 - Tax Appellate Zone-3, Dhaka 11430010 -Ki Avwcj AÂj-3, XvKv 11430015 - Income Tax Appellate Tribunal 11430015 -AvqKi Avwcj UªvBe¨ybvj 11430020 - Tax Appellate Zone, Chittagong 11430020 -Ki Avwcj AÂj, PÆMÖvg 11430025 - Tax Appellate Zone, Khulna 11430025 -Ki Avwcj AÂj, Lyjbv 11430030 - Income Tax Arbitration Commission 11430030 -Ki gxgvsmv Kwgkb 11430035 - Tax Appellate Zone-4, Dhaka 11430035 -Ki Avwcj AÂj-4, XvKv 11430040 - Tax Appellate Zone, Rajshahi 11430040 -Ki Avwcj AÂj, ivRkvnx 1145 - Tax Intelligence and Inspection 1145 -Ki †Mv‡q›`v I Z`šZ Awa`ßi 11450001 - Income Tax Inspection Directorate 11450001 -Ki cwi`k©b cwi`ßi 11450005 - Central Tax Survey Department, Dhaka 11450005 -‡K›`ªxq Ki Rwic AÂj, XvKv 11450010 - Large Tax Payers Unit 11450010 -e„nr Ki`vZv BDwbU 1147 - Training 1147 -cªwk¶Y 11470001 - Income Tax Training Academy 11470001 -Ki cªwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg, XvKv 1151-1160 - Savings 1151-1160 -mÂq 1151 - Directorate of National Savings 1151 -RvZxq mÂq cwi`ßi 11510000 - Directorate of National Savings 11510000 -RvZxq mÂq cwi`ßi 11510001 - Headquarters 11510001 -cªavb Kvh©vjq 11510005 - Field Offices 11510005 -gvV ch©v‡qi Kvh©vjq 11510010 - National Savings Schemes 11510010 -RvZxq mÂq cÖKí 11510030 - 11510030 - 1180-1185 - Special Programmes 1180-1185 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 1180 - Special Programme 1180 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 11804511 - 11804511 -†ebv‡cvj Kvóg nvDR wbg©vY 1196-1198 - Development Programme Financed by 1196-1198 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 1196 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 1196 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 11964511 - Construction of Benapole Customs House 11964511 -†ebv‡cvj Kv÷g nvDR wbg©vY (2003-04 n‡Z (2003-04 to 2005-06) 2005-06) 11964512 - Estimation for different building 11964512 -Kv÷gm, G·vBR I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU, wm‡jU Gi construction and repair under Customs AvIZvq wewfbœ feb wbg©vY I †givgZ Kg©mwP Excise and Vat Commissionarate of Sylhet

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 11964513 - Estimation for repairs and maintenance 11964513 -Kv÷gm&, G•vBR I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU, wm‡jU Gi work of Civil, sanitery and Electical works AvIZvq QvZK I mybvgMÄ Gi Awdm fe‡bi wmwfj, of office building of Chattok and †mwbUvix, ˆe`y¨wZK †givgZ I i¶Yv‡e¶Y Ges DËi Sunamgonj of construction of rest portion ce©vs‡ki Aewkó mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY Kv‡Ri cÖv°jb| boundary wall of north and east side of Customs, excise and Vat Commissionarate of Sylhet 11964514 - Estimation for repairs to Onnesha-1 11964514 -XvKvi gnvLvjx¯’ (A‡š^lv-1) cÖK‡íi ‡givgZ msµvš project at Mohakhali, Dhaka KvR 11964515 - Estimate for raising of boundary walls and 11964515 -ebvbx¯’/gnvLvjx¯’ ïé wefv‡Mi AvevwmK febmg‡ni repairs and maintenance works of evDÛvix Iqvj DPyKiY, febmg~‡ni †givgZ I ms¯‹vi residential building of Customs KvR department at Banani and Mohakhali, Dhaka 11964516 - Estimate for repairs to Electrical works of 11964516 -gnvLvjx¯’ Kv÷gm G·vBR I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU Gi different residential building of Onnesha ÒA‡b¦lvÒ AvevwmK cÖK‡íi wewfbœ AvevwmK fe‡bi Af¨ projet of Custom Excise Vat šixY A‡K‡Rv ‰e`y¨wZK K‡›Uªvj, Gm,wW,we, cvIqvi Commissionarate at Mohakhali, Dhaka m‡KU cvIqvi I mve-‡gBb Aqvwis cÖwZ¯’vcbKiY KvR| 11964517 - Estimate for repairs and revewing of 11964517 -gnvLvjx¯’ Kv÷gm G•vBR I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU Gi existing security light, service cables and ÒA‡b¦lvÒ AvevwmK cÖK‡íi wewfbœ AvevwmK feb K¤•vD‡ 30 H.P. sentrifugal punp motor set of Û we`¨gvb wbivcËv evwZ, AvevwmK fe‡bi A‡K‡Rv ONNesha project of Custom Excise Vat µwUc‚Y© mvwf©m K¨vKj I 30 Ak¦kw³ m¤•bœ †mw›UªwKDcvj cv¤• gUi †mU †givgZ cÖwZ¯’vcbKiY KvR Commissionarate at Mohakhali, Dhaka 11964518 - Estimate for renewing 30 HP Centrifugal 11964518 -ebvbx¯’ Kv÷gm G·vBR I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU Gi 1250 pump motor, security light and gate light of etdzt AvevwmK feb GjvKvi we`¨gvb µwUcY© Ges 1250 sft. residential building of Customs †givg‡Zi Abyc‡hvMx 30 Ak¦kw³ m¤•bœ †mw›UªwKDcvj Excise and Vat Commissionarate at cv¤• gUi cwieZ©b Ges K¤•vD‡Ûi wbivcËv evwZ I †MU jvBU cÖwZ¯’vcbKiY KvR | Banani, Dhaka 11964519 - Estimate for repairs of renewing of internal 11964519 -ebvbx¯’ Kv÷gm G·vBR I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU Gi 4 Zjv electrical works of Building no. 17, 24, BDwbU wewkó wW UvBc (1200 etdzt) 8wU AvevwmK 29,30,31,32,33 & 34 of 8 Nos D-type (1200 fe‡bi BgviZ bs 17, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, I sft) residential building of Customs Excise 34 Gi Af¨šixY ˆe`y¨wZK †givgZ I cÖwZ¯’vcb KvR and vat Commissionarate at Banani Dhaka 11964520 - Estimate for repairs to officers building 11964520 -PÆMªvgv¯’ Kv÷g G·vBR I f¨vU wefv‡Mi Awdm (AwWU raising of roads of surrounding of campus feb) I Awdmvm© †KvqvUv‡ii Dbœqb, iv¯v I fe‡bi PZyi development of Lawn of garden of Audit cv‡k DPyKiY, cv¤• nvDm †givgZ I evMv‡bi jb Dbœqb building of Customs and Excise I AvbylswMK †givgZ department of Chittagong 11964521 - Estimate for Construction and others of 11964521 -mvZ¶xiv †Rjvaxb ‡fvgiv¯’ ïé †÷k‡bi Awdm feb, Custom Excise department at Vomra AvevwmK feb, ¸`vgNi I Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vcbv wbg©vY station, shatkhirs 11964522 - Estimation for Construction of Shekhbari 11964522 -Lyjbv †Rjvaxb †kL evoxqv (AvswUnviv) j¨vÛ Kv÷g † (Angtihara) Land Custom station (Civil, ÷kb wbg©vY KvR (wmwfj †mwbUvix, ˆe`¨ywZKiY, Af¨ Sanitary, Electrical internal roads, šixY iv¯v, evDÛvix Iqvj, fwg Dbœqb I †Wª‡bR jvBb) boundary walls, land development and drainage line) at Khulna 11964523 - Estimate for repair works of custom and 11964523 -ïé, AveMvix I f¨vU Kwgkbv‡iU, Lyjbv Gi Awa‡ vat office at Barisal and Khulna Customs, µvofy³ wefvMxq `ßi, ewikv‡ji i¶Yv‡e¶Y I †givgZ Excise and Vat Commissionarate KvR| 11964524 - Estiamte for different Construction of 11964524 -Zvcm KzwU‡i Aew¯’Z K÷gm, G·vBR I f¨vU repairs works of main office building of Kwgkbv‡iU Gi gj fe‡bi cwðg As‡ki Da©g~Lx Custom Excise and Vat Commissionarate m¤cÖmviY, we`¨gvb Kv÷gm, G·vBR I f¨vU at Taposh Kutir Kwgkbv‡iU Gi ce© As‡ki 4_© Zjv fe‡bi _vB G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi Rvbvjv I †g‡S‡Z UvBjm ¯’vcbmn ms¯‹vi/bevqb Ges Zvcm KzwUi (cyivZb fe‡bi) Uq‡jU wbg©vY, M¨v‡iR m¤cÖmviY, cvwK©s †mW I cwðg As‡ki mxgvbv cÖvPxi DuPyKiY KvR| 11964525 - a 11964525 -Kzwóqv Kv÷gm, G·vBR I f¨vU wefvMxq `߇ii Awdm feb, ¸`vg Ni, †ió nvDR, wefvMxq Kg©KZ©vi evmfeb, †M‡R‡UW Kg©KZ©vi bZyb febmn mxgvbv cÖvPx‡i bZyb KvUv Zvi ¯’vcbmn †givgZ KvR

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 11964526 - a 11964526 -Kv›Ug nvDm, ‡ebv‡cvj Gi `w¶Y cwðg Ges ce© cv‡k©¦i mxgvbv cÖvPxi DuPyKiY I KvUvZv‡ii ‡eov ¯’vcb 11964527 - a 11964527 -RvZxq ivRm¦ †ev‡W©i Aaxb¯’ h‡kvi MYcZ© wefv‡Mi Aaxb †ebv‡cvj Kv÷gm Gi wewfbœ ¯’vcbvi ms¯‹vi I †givgZ KvR 11964528 - a 11964528 -PÆMªv‡gi mvMwiKv¯’ ïé, AveMvix I f¨vU ‡UªwYs GKv‡Wgx Gi wØZxq †kÖYxi WigxUixi ˆe`y¨wZK Iqvwis wdwUsm, wdKmvR© cwieZ©b I †givgZKiY KvR 11964529 - a 11964529 -PÆMªv‡gi mvMwiKv¯’ ïé, AveMvix I f¨vU ‡UªwYs GKv‡Wgx Gi wR-UvBc 9-BDwbU, 2-wmwi) AvevwmK †KvqvUv‡ii Af¨šixY ˆe`y¨wZK Iqvwis, wdwUs wdKmvR© cwieZ©b I †givgZ KvR| 11964530 - a 11964530 -evsjv‡`k Kv÷gm G·vBR f¨vU †Uªwbs GKv‡Wwgi wR-16 I wR-9 UvBc fe‡bi Qv‡`i cvwb cov eÜ KiYmn we‡kl †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR 11964531 - a 11964531 -evsjv‡`k Kv÷gm G·vBR f¨vU †Uªwbs GKv‡Wwg, PÆMªvg Gi wmDqv‡iR jvBb, mvi‡dR †Wªb Ges †mcwU U¨vsK ms¯‹vi I cyYtwbg©vY KvR 11964532 - a 11964532 -PÆMªv‡gi †dŠR`vi nvU¯’ evsjv‡`k Kv÷gm G·vBR f¨vU †Uªwbs GKv‡Wwgi B‡j±ªwbK mve-‡÷kb (cvIqvi nvDR) fe‡bi ms¯‹vi I we‡kl †givgZ KvR 11964533 - a 11964533 -iscyi Kv÷gm, G•vBR I f¨vU wefvMxq `ßi, iscyi Awdm feb, AvevwmK feb wbg©vY I cyivZb Awdm feb †givgZ ms¯‹vi KvR 11964534 - a 11964534 -Lyjbv Ki feb †givgZ I msi¶Y 11964535 - a 11964535 -RvZxq ivRm¦ †ev‡W©i Aaxb¯’ ewikvj I cUyqvLvjx †Rjv¯’ Ki fe‡bi ms¯‹vi/‡givgZ KvR 11964536 - a 11964536 -(K) Kv÷g nvDm, PÆMªv‡gi wbqš¿Yvaxb nvwdR feb †i÷ nvD‡mi †MU jvBU, Mv‡W©b/e¨envi Abyc‡hvMx f~f©¯’ K¨vej †givgZ/cwieZ©b KvR (9.97 j¶ UvKv),(L) Kv÷g nvDm PÆMªv‡gi wbqš¿Yvaxb nvwdR feb (wZb Zjv) wewkó fe‡bi Af¨š—ixY RivRxY© Iq¨vwis, wdwUsm, wdKPvm© †givgZ/cwieZ©b KvR (8.97 j¶ UvKv) Ges (M) Kv÷g nvDm, PÆMªv‡gi nvwdR fe‡bi wbivcËvi †gUvj †nWjvBU mieivn I ¯’vcb Ges Mvwo PvjK i“g `ywU Ges cv¤ú nvD‡mi RivRxY© Iqvwis I †givgZ Ges D³ fe‡bi 9wU `yB Ub GqviKzjvi †givgZ, mvwf©wmsKiY KvR 11964537 - a 11964537 -(K) Kv÷g nvDm, PÆMªv‡gi wbqš¿Yvaxb ÷vd †KvqvU©vi wbivcËvi Rb¨ fv½v‡cvj, R¡‡jÐcy‡o f~ÐMf©¯’ K¨vej cwieZ©b, bZyb Ifvi‡nW jvBU I wbivcËv evwZb mieivn I ¯’vcb KvRZ (5.47 j¶ UvKv) (L) Kv÷g nvDm, PÆMªv‡gi wbqš¿Yvaxb ÷vd †KvqvU©vi Gi GBPÐUvBc 48 BDwbU 04(Pvi) wmwo wewkó fe‡b RivRxY© e¨v‡Ub Iq¨vwis, wdwUsm, wdKPvm© †givgZ/cwieZ©b KvR (22.07 j¶ UvKv) Ges (M) Kv÷g nvDm PÆMªv‡gi wbqš¿Yvaxb ÷vd †KvqvU©vi wR-UvBc 8 BDwbU 01 (GK) wmwo wewkó fe‡b RivRxY© e¨v‡Ub, Iq¨vwis, wdwUsm, wdKPvm© †givgZ/cwieZ©b KvR (3.83 j¶ UvKv) 11964538 - a 11964538 -Kv÷g nvDm, PÆMªv‡gi we‡kl †givgZ/ms¯‹vi KvR (K) gj fe‡bi †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR (L) gj fe‡bi Z„Zxq Zjvi K¬v‡ei AvaywbKvqb I ms¯‹vi KvR (M) wc- UvBc wewìs 2 I 3 Gi †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR Ges (N) j¨ve‡iUwi feb Gi wcQ‡bi wbivcËv †`qvj 20-0Ô DPyKiY KvR 11964539 - a 11964539 -Kv÷g nvDm, PÆMªv‡gi wbqš¿Yvaxb nvwdR feb †i÷ nvD‡mi evwn¨K I Af¨šixY ms¯‹vi/‡givgZ KvR 11964540 - a 11964540 -Kv÷g nvDm, PÆMªv‡gi Kv÷gm K¨vw›Ub Gi †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR 11964541 - a 11964541 -Kv÷g nvDm, PÆMªv‡gi wewfbœ RivRxY©/A‡K‡Rv ˆe`¨wZK KvR m¤•v`b 11964542 - a 11964542 -PÆMªvg Kv÷gm G·vBR I f¨vU ‡U«wbs GKv‡Wgx PZ¡‡i Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb KvR 11964812 - Income Tax Division's Computerization, 11964812 -Ki wefv‡Mi Awdmmg–‡ni Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb, Netwarking and Internet †bUIqvwK©©s Ges B›Uvi‡bU ms‡hvM

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 1199-1199 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 1199-1199 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 1199 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 1199 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 11990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 11990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 12 - Banking Division 12 - e¨vswKs wefvM 1201-1220 - Administration 1201-1220 -cªkvmb 1201 - Secretariat 1201 -mwPevjq 12010001 - Secretariat 12010001 -mwPevjq 12011911 - 12011911 -ev‡RqvßKiY (¯’vbxq) 12011912 - 12011912 -ev‡RqvßKiY (ˆe‡`wkK m‡Î cÖvß) 12015010 - Small Enterprise Development Credit 12015010 -¯§j G›UvicÖvB‡Rm †W‡fjc‡g›U ‡µwWU cÖ‡R± Project 12015020 - Block Allocation for Unapproved Project 12015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 12015030 - aaa 12015030 -wdb¨vbwmqvj ‡m±i †cÖv‡R± di †Wfjc‡g›U Ae m¥j GÛ wgwWqvg mvBRW G›UvicÖvB‡Rm (01/09/2011-31/03/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 12015210 - Remitance and Payment Partnership 12015210 -‡iwg‡UÝ GÛ †c‡g›U cvU©bvikxc cÖ‡R± (01/10/06 - (RPP) Project 30/09/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 1205 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 1205 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 12052501 - Bangladesh Bank 12052501 -evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 12052503 - Sonali Bank Limited 12052503 -‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 12052505 - Agrani Bank Limited 12052505 -AMªYx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 12052507 - Janata Bank Limited 12052507 -RbZv e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 12052509 - Rupali Bank 12052509 -iƒcvjx e¨vsK 12052511 - Uttara Bank Limited 12052511 -DËiv e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 12052513 - Bangladesh Shilpa Bank 12052513 -evsjv‡`k wkí e¨vsK 12052515 - Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha 12052515 -evsjv‡`k wkí FY ms¯’v 12052517 - Investment Corporation of Bangladesh 12052517 -Bb‡f÷‡g›U K‡cv©‡ikb Ae evsjv‡`k 12052519 - Bangladesh Krisi Bank 12052519 -evsjv‡`k K…wl e¨vsK 12052525 - Securities Exchange Commission 12052525 -wmwKDwiwUR G·‡PÄ Kwgkb 12052526 - Youth Commission 12052526 -hyeK Kwgkb 12052528 - Microcredit Regulatory Authority 12052528 -gvB‡µv‡µwWU †i¸‡jUwi A_wiwU 12052529 - Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market 12052529 -evsjv‡`k B››mwUwUDU Ae K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©U (weAvBwmGg) (BICM) 12052530 - Bangladesh Insurance Academy 12052530 -evsjv‡`k BÝy‡i›m GKv‡Wwg 12052531 - Insurance Development and Regulatory 12052531 -exgv Dbœqb I wbqšY KZ©„c¶ Authority(IDRA) 12052535 - Probashi Kollyan Bank 12052535 -cÖevmx Kj¨vY e¨vsK 12052541 - Grameen Bank 12052541 -MÖvgxY e¨vsK 12052543 - IFIC Bank Limited 12052543 -AvB Gd AvB wm e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 12052545 - Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited 12052545 -Avie evsjv‡`k e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 12052551 - United Commercial Bank Limited 12052551 -BDbvB‡UW Kgvwk©qvj e¨vsK wjt 12052555 - Al-Baraka Bank Bangladesh Limited 12052555 -Avj evivKv e¨vsK evsjv‡`k wjt 12052559 - Standard Chartered Bank 12052559 -÷¨vÛvW© PvU©vW e¨vsK 12052563 - AL Arafat Bank 12052563 -Avj AvivdvZ e¨vsK 12052565 - Dhaka Bank 12052565 -XvKv e¨vsK 12052567 - South East Bank 12052567 -mvD_ Bó e¨vsK 12052569 - Dutch Bangla Bank 12052569 -WvP evsjv e¨vsK 12052571 - Trust Bank 12052571 -Uªv÷ e¨vsK 12052573 - Basic Bank 12052573 -‡ewmK e¨vsK 12052577 - Social Investment Bank 12052577 -‡mvkvj Bb‡fó‡g›U e¨vsK 12052579 - SABINCO Limited 12052579 -mvweb‡Kv wjwg‡UW

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 12052589 - Eastern Bank Limited 12052589 -Bóvb© e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 12052593 - Other Banks 12052593 -Ab¨vb¨ e¨vsKmgyn 12052703 - Jiban Bima Corporation 12052703 -Rxeb exgv K‡c©v‡ikb 12052705 - Shadharan Bima Corporation 12052705 -mvaviY exgv K‡c©v‡ikb 12053423 - Human Development Foundation 12053423 -wnDg¨vb †Wfjc‡g›U dvD‡Ûkb 12053902 - The UAE-Bangladesh Invstment Company 12053902 -w` BDGB-evsjv‡`k Bb‡fó‡g›U †Kv¤•vbx wjt Limited 12053961 - Swanirvar Training Poject 12053961 -¯^wbf©i cªwk¶Y cÖKí 12055010 - Capital Market Development Programme-2 12055010 -Kv¨vwcUvj gv‡K©U †W†fjc‡g›U †cªvMªvg-2 (01/07/2011 (01/07/2011 - 30/06/2012) Approved - 30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 12055011 - Capacity Building of Bangladesh Bank 12055011 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k e¨vsK (G.wW.we.) (ADB)-Unapproved Abby‡gvw`Z 12055012 - Institutional Support for Migrant Workers 12055012 -Bbw÷wUDkvj mv!cvU© di gvB!Mª›U IqvK©vm !iwg!U›m Remittance Part -A Bangladesh Bank (cvU© -G evsjv!`k e¨vsK) - (GwWwe) Abby!gvw`Z 12055013 - Second Capital Market Development 12055013 -†m‡KÛ K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©U ‡W‡fjc‡g›U ‡cÖvMªvg Programme (SEC-ADB) (Gm.B.wm.-G.wW.we.) Abby‡gvw`Z 12055014 - Enhancing Efficiency of the Capital Market 12055014 -G¨vbn¨vw›ms Bwdwm‡qw›m Ae `¨v K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©U (01/11/2012-31/12/2014) (01/11/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 12055015 - Institutional Support for Migrant Workers 12055015 -B›mwUwUDkbvj mv‡cvU© di gvBMªªv›U IqvK©vm© ‡iwgU¨v›mt Remittance: Real Time Gross Settlement wi‡qj UvBg Mªm †m‡Uj‡g›U (AviwUwRGm)t K‡ (RTGS): Component-'A' (01/07/2013 - ¤•vb¨v›U-ÕGÕ (01/07/2013 - 31/01/2016) 31/01/2016) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 12055016 - Pilot Project on weather index based Crop 12055016 -cvBjU cÖ‡R± Ab I‡q`vi Bb‡W·-†eBRW †µvc Insurance BbwmI‡i›m (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 12055017 - Construction of 10 stried Building Youth 12055017 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae 10-†÷i‡qW wewìs DB_ Iqvb One Baisement for Bangladesh Security †eBR‡g›U di evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwU GÛ G•‡PÄ Kwgkb and Exchange comission (weGmBwm) G¨vU †k‡i evsjv bMi, XvKv (01/01/2014-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw 12055018 - Capital Market Development Program-III 12055018 -K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©U †W‡fjc‡g›U ‡cÖvMªvg-3 cÖKí (CMDP-III) 12055021 - Improvement of Capital Markets 12055021 -B¤•Ö“f‡g›U Ae K¨vwcUvj gv‡K©Um Mfvb©‡bÝ cÖ‡R± Governance Project (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 12055030 - Financial Sector Project for Development 12055030 -wdb¨vbwmqvj ‡m±i †cÖv‡R± di †Wfjc‡g›U Ae m¥j GÛ of Small & Medium Sized Enterprises- wgwWqvg mvBRW G›UvicÖvB‡Rm (01/09/2011-31/03/2016) Approved (01/09/2011-31/03/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 12055051 - Enhancement of Governance and Capacity 12055051 -Gb‡n݇g›U Ae Mf‡b©Ý GÛ K¨vcvwmwU Ae AvBwmwe of ICB (Revised)(01/09/06 - 30/06/11) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/09/06 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 12055121 - Central Bank Strengthening Project 12055121 -‡m›Uªvj e¨vsK †÷«s‡`wbs cÖ‡R± (01/07/04 - (CBSP) 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 12055131 - Enterprise gorwth and Bank Modernization 12055131 -G›UvicÖvBR †MÖv_ GÛ e¨vsK gW©vbvB‡Rkb cÖ‡R± Project (EGBMP) (BwRweGgwc) (01/07/04 - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 1210 - Chief Controller of Insurance 1210 -cÖÖavb exgv wbqš¿K 12100000 - Chief Controller of Insurance 12100000 -cÖavb exgv wbqš¿K 12105090 - En 12105090 -Gbn¨v݇g›U Ae Mf‡b©Ý GÛ K¨vcvwmwU Ae BÝy¨‡iÝ †m±i (01/01/07 - 31/12/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 1221-1240 - General Financial Management 1221-1240 -mvaviY A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’vcbv 1235 - Programme Management 1235 -‡cÖvMÖvg/Kg©m–wP e¨e¯’vcbv 12350001 - Housing Programme for the Homeless 12350001 -ev¯‘nviv‡`i Rb¨ M„nvqY Kg©m–wP 12350005 - Support to Agro-based Industries 12350005 -K…wlwfwËi wk‡íi Rb¨ mnvqZv 12350014 - 12350014 -N‡i †div Kg©m–wP 12352527 - Palli Kormo Shokak Foundation(PKSF) 12352527 -cj­x Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûkb 12352528 - Municipal Development Fund 12352528 -wgDwbwmc¨vj †Wfjc‡g›U dvÛ 12352530 - xx 12352530 -cuywRevRv‡i ¶wZMª¯ ¶z`ª wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i mnvqZv Znwej 12352829 - Bangladesh NGO Foundation 12352829 -evsjv‡`k GbwRI dvD‡Ûkb 12353489 - Equity Development Fund-Agriculture 12353489 -mgg–jab Dbœqb Znwej-K…wl

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 12353490 - Equity Development Fund-IT 12353490 -mgg–jab Dbœqb Znwej-AvBwU 12353961 - Swanirvar Trainign Programme 12353961 -¯^wbf©i cÖwk¶Y Kg©m–wP 12353962 - Social Development Foundation (SDF) 12353962 -†mvmvj †W‡fjc‡g›U dvD‡Ûkb (GmwWGd) 1251-1270 - Management of Loans and Advances 1251-1270 -FY I AwMªg 1253 - Other Banks and Financial Institutions 1253 -Ab¨vb¨ e¨vsK I Avw_©K cªwZôvb 12532513 - Bangladesh Shilpa Bank 12532513 -evsjv‡`k wkí e¨vsK 12532515 - Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha 12532515 -evsjv‡`k wkí FY ms¯’v 12532517 - Investment Corporation of Bangladesh 12532517 -Bb‡f÷‡g›U K‡cv©‡ikb Ae evsjv‡`k 12532519 - Bangladesh Krisi Bank Limited 12532519 -evsjv‡`k K…wl e¨vsK wjwg‡UW 12532523 - House Building Finance Corporation 12532523 -nvDR wewìs dvBb¨vÝ K‡cv©‡ikb 12532527 - Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation 12532527 -cj­x Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûkb 12532541 - Grameen Bank 12532541 -MªvgxY e¨vsK 1264 - Non-ADP Projects 1264 -evwl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP ewnf©Z cÖKí 12643912 - Palli Karmo Shohayak Foundation (PKSF) 12643912 -cjÐx Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûkb (wc‡KGmGd) 12643924 - Financing Brick Kiln Efficiency 12643924 -dvBb¨vw›ms weªK wKjb Bwdwm‡qw›m BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖKí Improvement Project (BKEIP) (we‡KBAvBwc) 12643926 - Small and Marginal sized Farmers 12643926 -¯§j GÛ gvwR©bvj mvBRW dvg©vim GwMÖKvjPvivj Agricultural Productivity Improvemnet and †cÖvWvKwUwfwU BgcÖ“f‡g›U GÛ WvBfvwm©wd‡Kkb Diversification Financing Project dvBb¨vwÝs cÖ‡R± 12643930 - "Financial Sector support Project (FSSP)" 12643930 -"wdb¨vwÝqvj †m±i mv‡cvU© cÖKí (GdGmGmwc)Ó 12643946 - Social Development Foundation (SDF) 12643946 -‡mvmvj †W‡fjc‡g›U dvD‡Ûkb (GmwWGd) 12643996 - Municipal Development Fund 12643996 -wgDwbwmc¨vj †Wfjc‡g›U dvÛ 12643997 - Finalcial Sector Project for the 12643997 -dvBb¨vw›mqvj †m±i cÖ‡R± di w` ‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae m¥j Development of Small and Medium-sized GÛ wgwWqvg mvBRW G›UvicÖvB‡RR Enterprises (FSPDSME) (GdGmwcwWGmGgB) 12643998 - Small Enterprise Fund (ADB Finance) 12643998 -¯§j G›UvicÖvBR dvÛ (GwWwe A_©vqb) 13 - Economic Relations Division (ERD) 13 - A_©‰bwZK m¤•K© wefvM 1301-1320 - Administration 1301-1320 -cªkvmb 1301 - Secretariat 1301 -mwPevjq 13010001 - Secretariat 13010001 -mwPevjq 13015010 - Strengthen External Aid Management 13015010 -‡÷«b‡`b G·Uvibvj GBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU Capacity (SEAMC) (01/01/14-30/06/17) (GmBGGgwm) cÖKí (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 13015011 - 13015011 -BDwUjvB‡Rkb Ae RvcvbxR G·cvU©m Bb AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb GÛ wWRvBwbs cÖ‡R±m AvÛvi RvcvbxR GwmmU¨vÝ (01/07/1995-30/06/2003) 13015012 - Support Implementation of the Revenue 13015012 -mv‡cvU© Bw¤•‡g›Ukb Ae w` †iwfwbD gwejvB‡Rkb Mobilization Program for Result: VAT †cÖvMªvg di †iRvë: f¨vU B¤•ª“f‡g›U †cÖvMªvg Improvement Program. (01/07/2014-30/06/2020) (01/07/2014-30/06/2020) 13015020 - Unapproved Block Allocation 13015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 13015021 - Joint Government UNICEF advisory 13015021 -R‡q›U Mf©b‡g›U BDwb‡md GWfvBRvix †m‡µUvix‡qU secretariat 13015030 - aaa 13015030 -‡m›U«vj †Kv-AwW©‡bkb BDwbU Ae `¨v cÖvB‡fU †m±i †Wfjc‡g›U mv‡cv©U cÖ‡R± (wm.wm.BD. cÖ‡R±) (01/01/12 - 30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 13015031 - Transfer of technical knowledge through 13015031 -cªevmx evsjv‡`kx bvMwiK‡`i gva¨‡g KvwiMix Ávb n¯ expatriate vši 13015041 - International development assistance for 13015041 -AvšR©vwZK Dbœqbms¯’v mnvqZv Kvh©µg cªYqb, ev¯evqb Pre. of programme implementation I cwienY 13015051 - Implementation of SIFAD task-force 13015051 -wmdv` Uv¯‹ †dv‡m©i mycvwikgvjv ev¯evqb (ms‡kvwaZ) recommendations (01/07/1991-30/06/2002) 13015061 - Monitoring analysis and management of 13015061 -gwbUwis GbvjvBwmm GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae G·Uvibvj external debt and strengthening of DFABA †WU GÛ †ó«s‡`wbs Ae wWGdGweG Ae BAviwW of ERD 13015071 - Development Management support to 13015071 -†Wfjc‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U mv‡cvU© Uz BAviwW ERD (Revised-Unapproved) (1/7/1998-30/6/2002)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 13015081 - Capacity building for management of 13015081 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae d‡ib GBW Bb foreign Aid in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 13015091 - Setting up of a computerised database for 13015091 -‡mwUs Avc Ad G Kw¤•DUvivBRW W¨vUv‡eR di gwbUi monitoring the processing time for `¨v cÖ‡mwms UvBg di Gcªyfvj Ad wUGwcwc approval of TAPP 13015111 - Capacity building of ADB branch of ERD 13015111 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ad GwWwe eªv Ad BAviwW 13015121 - Capacity building for sub-regional 13015121 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di mve-wiwRIbvj †Wfjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Development Project 13015131 - o 13015131 -wmdv` Uªv¯‹ †dv‡m©i mycvwikgvjv ev¯@evqb (wmdv`-2) cÖKí 13015141 - 2nd Capacity Building for Management of 13015141 -†m‡KÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae d‡ib Foreign Aid in Bangladesh GBW Bb evsjv‡`k Zvs ( 01/09/06--28/02/09) Aby‡gvw`Z|| 13015151 - Japan Human Resource Development 13015151 -Rvcvb wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© †W‡fjc‡g›U ¯‹jviwkc ( Scholarship †RwWGm) (01/07/07--30/06/12) 13015161 - Support to strengthening Institute of ERD 13015161 -mv‡cvU© Uy †÷ªs‡`wbs Bbw÷wUDU Ae BAviwW Uy GbvjvBR to analyse and disseminate external GÛ wW‡mwg‡bU G·Uvibvj BKbwgK cwjwm Bmy¨R economic policy issues (01/09/08 - 30/06/11) Aby†gvw`Z (01/09/2008-30/06/2011) -approved 13015171 - aaa 13015171 -‡÷«s‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU di GBW B‡dKwUf‡bm Bb evsjv‡`k (01/11/2011-30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 13015211 - Data monitoring project 13015211 -AvšR©vwZK DbœqY ms¯’v mnvqZv Kvh©µg cªbqb, ev¯evqb I cwienb 13015311 - Programme support unit 13015311 -‡cÖvMªvg mv‡cv©U BDwbU 13015411 - Institutional strengthening of the Asia Wing 13015411 -BÝwUwUDkbvj ‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae w` Gwkqv DBs Ae BAviwW of ERD 13015421 - External debt management for 13015421 -G·Uvibvj †WU g¨v‡bR‡g›U di evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 13015441 - Strengthening the capacity of JAGUAG 13015441 -†÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae Rv¸qvM (1/1/97-30/6/2001) 13015510 - IDATA programming implementation and 13015510 -AvBwWGwUG †cÖvMÖvwgs Bw¤•­‡g‡›Ukb GÛ gwbUwis cÖ‡R± monitoring project (2nd Revised) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) 13015511 - NEX management support programme 13015511 -‡b· g¨v‡bR‡g›U mv‡cvU© †cÖvMÖvg (22/11/1998-30/06/2002) 13015512 - Formulation, implementation and 13015512 -AvB wW G KvwiMix mnvqZv Kvh©µg cÖYqb, ev¯evqb I monitoring of IDA technical assistance cwiaviY (ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z) (1/7/95- programme 31/12/2000) 13015551 - Next Management Support Programme 13015551 -†b· g¨v‡bR‡g›U mv‡cvU© †cÖvMÖvg (01/11/98-31/12/2002) (1/11/1998-31/12/03) Aby‡gvw`Z 13015610 - Utilisation of Japanese expert in 13015610 -BDwUjvB‡Rkb Ae RvcvwbR G·cvU© Bb identification and designing of projects AvB‡Ww›UwUwd‡Kkb GÛ wWRvBwbs Ae cÖ‡R±m AvÛvi under Japanese assistance RvcvwbR Gwmm&‡UÝ (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 13015611 - Establishment of project unit for private 13015611 -‡emiKvix LvZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ cÖKí sector infrastructure development project BDwbU cÖwZôv (1/7/1999-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 13015651 - IDATA Programme 13015651 -AvBwWGwUG Kvh©µg 13015999 - 13015999 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 13016011 - Strengthening external date Management 13016011 -†÷ªs‡`wbs G·Uvibvj †WU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU di Capasity for Non-consasonal borings bb-Kb‡mbkbvj e‡ivBsm (1/7/01-30/6-04) App: (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 13016031 - Central Co-ordination and management of 13016031 -‡m›Uªvj †KvAwW©‡bkb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ad BKbwgK economic Management technical g¨v‡bR‡g›U †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ †cªvMªvg assistance programme (01/09/04 (01/9/2004-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z -31/12/09 ) - Revised approved 13016041 - 13016041 -mv‡cvU© Uy †b· g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ GBW †Kv-AwW©‡bkb evB BAviwW (1/10/2004-30/9/07) GmwcBwm mycvwikK…Z 13016051 - Capacity Building of ERD 13016051 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae BAviwW (01/07/08 - 31/12/13) (01/07/08-30/06/11) - unapproved Aby‡gvw`Z 13016061 - 13016061 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs w` K¨vcvwmwU Ae Rv¸qvM (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/1997-30/06/2002)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 13016131 - Strengthening Institutional Capacity of 13016131 -†÷ªs‡`wbs BÝwUwUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Ae Rv¸qvM GÛ Jaguag & MWCA GgWvwe­DwmG Uy c­¨vb di wPj‡Wªb GÛ I‡gb BAviwW Ask (1/7/02-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 13016141 - Support to Strengthening Institutional 13016141 -mv‡cvU© Uz †óªs‡`wbs BbwówUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Ae BAviwW capacity of ERD Analize and G¨vbvjvBR GÛ wWwgwm‡bkb G¨v·vUvbvj B‡KvbwgK Dessemination External Economic Policy cwjwm Bm¨yR (31/05/02-31/03/04) Aby‡gvw`Z Issues (31/05/2002-31/3/2003) 13016151 - 13016151 -B‡KvbwgK g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m †cÖvMªvg (BGgwUGwc) 1303 - Economic Offices Abroad 1303 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z A_©‰bwZK `ßimg–n 13030001 - Washington DC 13030001 -IqvwksUb wWwm 13030005 - Bangkok 13030005 -e¨vsKK 13030010 - New York 13030010 -wbDBqK© 13030015 - Tokyo 13030015 -‡UvwKI 13030020 - Riyadh 13030020 -wiqv` 13030025 - Berlin 13030025 -evwj©b 13030030 - Stockholm 13030030 -÷K‡nvg 13030035 - Rome 13030035 -‡ivg 13030040 - Kuwait 13030040 -Kz‡qZ 13030045 - Brussels 13030045 -eªv‡mjm 1306 - International Organisations 1306 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 13064001 - IBRD 13064001 -AvB we Avi wW 13064003 - IDA 13064003 -AvB wW G 13064005 - ADB 13064005 -G wW we 13064007 - USAID 13064007 -BD Gm G AvB wW 13064009 - UNDP-HQ 13064009 -BD Gb wW wc-m`i `ßi 13064011 - UNDP-Local Programme 13064011 -BD Gb wW wc-¯’vbxq Kvh©µg 13064013 - Capital Development Fund 13064013 -K¨vwcUvj Dbœqb Znwej 13064015 - Commonwealth Fund for Technical 13064015 -KvwiMwi mn‡hvwMZvi Rb¨ KgbI‡qj_ Znwej Co-operation 13064017 - Commonwealth Foundation 13064017 -KgbI‡qj_ dvD‡Ûkb 13064019 - Colombo Plan for South and South-East 13064019 -`w¶Y I `w¶Y-ce© Gwkqvi KvwiMwi mn‡hvwMZv Asia TA 13064021 - Asia Pacific Development Centre 13064021 -Gwkqv c¨vwmwdK Dbœqb †K›`ª 13064023 - Singapore-Colombo Plan Staff College 13064023 -wm½vcyi-Kj‡¤^v c­vb ÷vd K‡jR 13064025 - UN Industrial Development Fund 13064025 -RvwZmsN wkí Dbœqb Znwej 13064027 - Asian Statistical Institute in Tokyo 13064027 -‡UvwKIi Gkxq cwimsL¨vb cªwZôvb 13064029 - Bangladesh Colombo Plan TA Prog. for 13064029 -evsjv‡`k Kj‡¤^v c­vb wk¶v_x©‡`i KvwiMix mnvqZv Apprentice 13064031 - International Fund for Agricultural 13064031 -AvšZR©vwZK K…wl Dbœqb Znwej Development 13064033 - UN Volunteers 13064033 -RvwZms‡Ni †¯^”Qv‡meK evwnbx 13064034 - International Fund for Agricultural 13064034 -AvšR©vwZK K…wl Dbœqb Znwej (Bdv`) Development (IFAD) 13064035 - UN Environment Programme 13064035 -RvwZms‡Ni cwi‡ek cªKí 13064036 - Asian Development Bank (ADB) 13064036 -Gkxq Dbœqb e¨vsK (GwWwe) 13064037 - UN Science and Technology Convention 13064037 -RvwZms‡Ni weÁvb I cªhyw³ we`¨v m‡¤§jb 13064039 - UNICEF 13064039 -BDwb‡md 13064041 - UN Fund for Natural Resources 13064041 -cÖvK…wZK m¤•‡`i Rb¨ RvwZmsN Znwej (UNFNRE) (BDGbGdGbAviB) 13064043 - UN Family Planning Programming (UNFP) 13064043 -RvwZms‡Ni RbmsL¨v welqK Kvh©µg (BDGbGdwc) 13064045 - World Food Programme (WFP) 13064045 -wek¦ Lv`¨ Kg©mPx (Wwe­DGdwc) 13064047 - UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control 13064047 -BD Gb dvÛ di WªvM G¨vweDR K‡›Uªvj 13064049 - UN Trust Fund for the International Year for 13064049 -BD Gb ó«vó dvÛ di w` B›Uvib¨vkbvj Bqvi di Disable wWRGej

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 13064051 - UN Fund for Women Development 13064051 -RvwZmsN bvix Dbœqb Znwej 13064052 - UN WOMEN 13064052 -BDGb I‡gb 13064053 - Fund for Disabled Persons in Asia-Pacific 13064053 -Gwkqv I cªkvš gnvmvMixq A‡ji weKjv½‡`i Rb¨ Region Znwej 13064054 - UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Trafficking in 13064054 -BDGb f‡jbUvwi U«v÷ dvÛ di U«vwdwKs Bb cvimbm persons 13064055 - SAARC Fund 13064055 -mvK© dvÛ 13064057 - OPEC 13064057 -I‡cK 13064059 - ODA 13064059 -I wW G 13064061 - International Finance Corporation 13064061 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj dvBb¨vÝ K‡c©v‡ikb 13064062 - International Aid Transparancy Initiative 13064062 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj GBW UªvÝcvi‡iÝx B‡bwm‡qwUf (IATI) (AvBGwUAvB) 13064063 - Global Environment 13064063 -‡M­vevj Gbfvqib‡g›U 13064065 - Islamic Development Bank 13064065 -BmjvwgK Dbœqb e¨vsK 13064067 - Long Term Commercial Project of IDB 13064067 -AvBwWwe-Gi `xN© †gqv`x evwYwR¨K cÖKí 13064069 - Islamic Corporation 13064069 -BmjvwgK K‡c©v‡ikb 13064070 - ESCAP Multi Donor Trust Fund 13064070 -GmKvc (BGmwmGwc) gvwë †Wvbvi Uªv÷ dvÛ 13064071 - Infrastructural Development Co. Limited 13064071 -Bbd«vóªvKPvivj †W‡fjc‡g›U †Kv¤•vbx wjt 13064074 - South-South Co-operation 13064074 -mvD_-mvD_ †Kv-Acv‡ikb 13064075 - Islamic Corporation for the Development of 13064075 -BmjvwgK K‡c©v‡ikb di w` †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w` the private sector (ICD) cÖvB‡fU †m±i (AvBwmwW) 13064076 - Increase of 5th General Capital of Asian 13064076 -Gkxq Dbœqb e¨vsK (GwWwe) Gi 5g mvaviY gjab e„w× Development Bank (ADB) (GCI-V) (wRwmAvB-5) 13064078 - Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of 13064078 -BmjvwgK K‡c©v‡ikb di w` B›my‡i›m Ae Bb‡fó‡g›U Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) GÛ G·‡cvU© †µwWU (AvBwmAvBBwm) 13064456 - Islamic solidarity fund for Development 13064456 -BmjvwgK mwjWvwiwU Dbœqb Znwej (AvB.Gm.Gd.wW) (ISFD) 13064460 - Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust 13064460 -‡MÐvevj Gbfvqib‡g›U d¨vwmwjwU (wRBGd) Uªvó dvÛ Fund 1321-1330 - Foreign Debt Management 1321-1330 -‰e‡`wkK FY e¨e¯’vcbv 1321 - International Development Institutions 1321 -AvšZR©vwZK Dbœqb cªwZôvbmg–n 13210000 - International Development Institutions 13210000 -AvšZR©vwZK Dbœqb cªwZôvbmg–n 13214001 - I B R D 13214001 -AvB we Avi wW 13214003 - I D A 13214003 -AvB wW G 13214005 - ADB 13214005 -G wW we 13214007 - USAID 13214007 -BD Gm G AvB wW 13214011 - UNDP 13214011 -BD.Gb.wW.wc. 13214037 - UN science and Technology conference 13214037 -RvwZms‡Ni weÁvb I cÖhyw³we`¨v m¤§‡Ü m‡¤§jb 13214039 - UNICEF 13214039 -BDwb‡md 13214043 - UNFPA 13214043 -RvwZms‡Ni RbmsL¨v welqK Kvh©µg (BDGbGdwc) 13214045 - WFP 13214045 -Wwe­D.Gd.wc. 13214047 - UN Fund for Drug abuse control 13214047 -BD Gb dvÛ di W«vM G¨vweDR K‡›U«vj 13214057 - OPEC 13214057 -I‡cK 13214059 - DFID 13214059 -wWGdAvBwW 13214063 - I D B 13214063 -BmjvwgK Dbœqb e¨vsK 13214065 - Long term Commercial Project of IDB 13214065 -BmjvwgK Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki `xN© †gqvw` evwYwR¨K cÖKí 13214073 - IFAD 13214073 -Bdv` 13214077 - O E C F 13214077 -I B wm Gd 13214079 - PL-480 13214079 -wc Gj-480 13214081 - Standard Charterd Bank,UK 13214081 -÷¨vÛvW© PvUvW© e¨vsK, BD.†K 13214083 - DANIDA 13214083 -W¨vwbWv 13214085 - EEC 13214085 -BBwm

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 13214087 - Canadian International Development 13214087 -wmWv Agency (CIDA) 13214088 - HSBC Bank 13214088 - 13214221 - World Health Organization(WHO) 13214221 -wek¦ ¯^v¯’¨ ms¯’v 13214293 - UNIDO 13214293 -BDwb‡Wv 1322 - Foreign Governments 1322 -‰e‡`wkK miKvimg–n 13220000 - Foreigh Governments 13220000 -‰e‡`wkK miKvimgyn 13220001 - Australia 13220001 -A‡÷ªwjqv 13220005 - Belgium 13220005 -‡ejwRqvg 13220010 - Bulgaria 13220010 -eyj‡Mwiqv 13220015 - Canada 13220015 -KvbvWv 13220020 - China 13220020 -Pxb 13220025 - Denmark 13220025 -‡WbgvK© 13220030 - Finland 13220030 -wdbj¨vÛ 13220035 - France 13220035 -d«vÝ 13220040 - Germany 13220040 -Rvg©vwb 13220045 - Japan 13220045 -Rvcvb 13220050 - Kuwait 13220050 -Kz‡qZ 13220055 - 13220055 -‡b`vij¨vÛ 13220060 - New Zealand 13220060 -wbDwRj¨vÛ 13220065 - Norway 13220065 -biI‡q 13220070 - Sweden 13220070 -myB†Wb 13220075 - Switzerland 13220075 -myBRvij¨vÛ 13220080 - UK 13220080 -hy³ivR¨ 13220085 - USA 13220085 -hy³ivó« 13220090 - Russia 13220090 -ivwkqv 13220095 - India 13220095 -fviZ 13220100 - Iraq 13220100 -BivK 13220105 - Iran 13220105 -Bivb 13220110 - Libya 13220110 -wjweqv 13220115 - Pakistan 13220115 -cvwK¯vb 13220120 - 13220120 -‡cvj¨vÛ 13220125 - Rumania 13220125 -i“gvwbqv 13220130 - Saudi Arabia 13220130 -‡mŠw` Avie 13220135 - Qatar 13220135 -KvZvi 13220140 - UAE 13220140 -mshy³ Avie AvwgivZ 13220145 - Korea 13220145 -‡Kvwiqv 13220150 - North Korea 13220150 -DËi †Kvwiqv 1323 - Other 1323 -Ab¨vb¨ 13230000 - Other 13230000 -Ab¨vb¨ 1325 - Foreign Debt - Permanent 1325 -‰e‡`wkK FY - ¯’vqx 13250000 - Foreign Debt-Permanent 13250000 -‰e‡`wkK FY-¯’vqx 1326 - IDCOL 1326 -AvB wW wm I Gj 13260000 - IDCOL 13260000 -AvB wW wm I Gj 1399-1399 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 1399-1399 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 1399 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 1399 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 13990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 13990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 14 - Planning Division 14 - cwiKíbv wefvM 1401-1420 - Administration 1401-1420 -cªkvmb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 1401 - Secretariat 1401 -mwPevjq 14010001 - Secretariat 14010001 -mwPevjq 14010002 - Social Science Research Council 14010002 -mvgvwRK weÁvb M‡elYv cwil` 14010010 - Planning Commission 14010010 -c­vwbs Kwgkb 14015000 - Updating & Extension of Agriculture 14015000 -K…wl `vM¸‡”Qi nvjbvMv`KiY I m¤cÖmviY Ges Drcv`b Cluster Plots & Survey of Cost of LiP Rwic Production (UCPSCP) 14015009 - Planning Division unallocated block (Food 14015009 -AeivÏK…Z †_vK (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨ Ask) Aid part) 14015010 - Block allocation for CDST 14015010 -wmwWGmwU Gi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ 14015011 - Programme Support Plaining 14015011 -†cÖvMÖvg mv‡cvU© BDwbU c­¨vwbs Kwgkb Commission (Revised Unapproved) (01/10/2006-30/09/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015012 - Infrastructure Development of BIDS 14015012 -Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae weAvBwWGm 14015013 - Assistant to SICT for Strengthening 14015013 -G¨vwmm‡U›U Uz GmAvBwmwU di †÷ªs‡`wbs c­¨vwbs wWwfkb, Planning Division, ERD, IMED through ICT BAviwW, AvBGgBwW Uª~ AvBwmwU cÖ‡R± Project 14015014 - Enhancing the Capacity of SEI Division to 14015014 -Gbn¨vbwms `¨v K¨vcvwmwU Ae GmBAvB wWwfkb Uy Bw›U‡Mª integrate Population and Gender issues ‡UW ccy‡jkb GÛ †RÛvi Bm¨ym BbUy †m±ivj cШvwbs into Sectoral Planning (01/01/13-31/12/16) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2013-31/12/2016) 14015015 - Strengthening Capacity of the General 14015015 -†÷«s‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae `¨v †Rbv‡ij B‡KvbwgK Economics Division (GED) to Integrate wWwfkb Uy Bw›U‡Mª‡UW ccy‡jkb Bm¨ym BbUy †W‡fjc‡g›U Population Issues into Development Plans c­¨vb| (01/07/2012-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015016 - Implementation of Digital ECNEC 14015016 -Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae wWwRUvj GK‡bK (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015017 - Preparation and Monitoring of Medium 14015017 -wcÖcv‡ikvb GÛ gwbUwis Ae wgwWqvg Uvg© †W‡fjc‡g›U Term Development Plans (Seventh Five c­¨vbm (†m‡fb_ dvBf Bqvi c­¨vb) cÖKí Year Plan) 14015018 - Support to Sustainable and Inclusive 14015018 -mv‡cvU© Uy mvm‡UB‡bej GÛ BbK¬ywmf c­¨vwbs Planning (SSIP) (GmGmAvBwc) cÖKí (01/07/13-30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z| 14015019 - The Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 14015019 -evsjv‡`k †Wëv c­¨vb 2100 cÖYqb cÖKí Formulation Project (01/07/13-31/12/15) Aby‡gvw`Z| 14015020 - Strengthening capacity of social science 14015020 -mvgvwRK weÁvb cwil` I Bnvi WKz‡g‡›Ukb †K‡›`ªi Kg© research council and establishment of a ¶gZv e„w×KiY (ms‡kvwaZ) documentation centre (01/07/1997-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015021 - North - West region development cell 14015021 -b_© I‡q÷ wiwRIb †Wfjc‡g›U †mj (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015022 - Strengthening Public Investment 14015022 -‡÷«s‡`wbs cvewjK Bb‡f÷‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g Management System (SPIMS) cÖKí 14015023 - Up-gradation of E/M (Electrical Mechanical) 14015023 -Avc‡Mª‡Wkb Ae B/Gg (B‡jKwU«K¨vj g¨vKvwbK¨vj) Work and Arboriculture Work of Planning IqvK© GÛ G‡eªvwiK¨vjPvi IqvK© Ae c­¨vwbs Kwgkb Commission Campus K¨v¤•vm 14015030 - Introduction of integrated computer system 14015030 -cwiKíbv Kwgkb I AvBGmBwW-Gi Rb¨ Kw¤•DUvi for Plannning Commission ¯’vcb 14015031 - Strengthening institutional system in 14015031 -‡÷«s‡`wbs B›mw÷wUDUkbvj wm‡÷g Bb c­¨vwbs planning (TA) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999-31/12/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015040 - Preparation of development plan (Revised) 14015040 -Dbœqb cwiKíbv cªYqb (ms‡kvwaZ) 14015041 - Strengthening capability for participatory 14015041 -‡ó«s‡`wbs K¨vcvwewjwU di cvwU©wm‡cUix c­¨vwbs G¨vU planning at local level (TA) †jvKvj †j‡fj (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015050 - 14015050 -LvZIqvix †_vK 14015051 - Strengthening the efficiency of Energy 14015051 -GbvwR© g‡Wwjs GÛ BKbwgK DBs Gi `¶Zv e„w×KiY modeling and Economic wing 14015052 - Strengthening the Capacity of GOB for 14015052 -†÷ªs‡`wbs w` K¨vcvwmwU Ae wRIwe di mvm‡UB‡bej Sustainable Development Planing of †W‡fjc‡g›U c­¨vwbs Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) Abby‡gvw`Z 14015054 - 14015054 -†÷«s‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU di cvwU©wm‡cUix c­¨vwbs G¨vU †jvKvj †j‡fj (1-7-98-30-6-05) Abyy‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 14015060 - Strengthening the Chittagong Hill Tracks 14015060 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ MwVZ †mj Cell †Rvi`viKib 14015061 - Strengthening of Monitoring System of the 14015061 -RvZxq wnmve I `vwi`ª cwiw¯’wZ ch©‡e¶Y c×wZ kw³kvjx National Accunts and Poverty KiY (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015062 - Strengthening the Statistics Training 14015062 -cwimsL¨vb cÖwk¶Y BÝwUwUDU kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Institute 14015063 - Strengthening of agriculture information 14015063 -weweGm-Gi K…wl Z_¨ c×wZ kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí system of BBS (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 14015064 - Economic census -2000 (Excluding 14015064 -A_©‰bwZK ïgvwi-2000 (ms‡kvwaZ) agriculture) (01/07/1998-30/06/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015065 - Construction of statistics bhaban 14015065 -evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb feb wbg©vY (chv©q-2) (2q (Phase-2) ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/98-30/6/03) 14015066 - Project for regional social database and 14015066 -wiwRIb¨vj †mvk¨vj WvUv‡eR GÛ B‡KvbwgK óvwWR Ae economic strategy of Chittagong Hill Tracts wPUvMs wnjUªv± cÖ‡R± (01/07/1998-30/06/2000) 14015067 - Environment statistics development 14015067 -cwi‡ek cwimsL¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí proejct 14015068 - Improvement of household expenditure 14015068 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae nvDR‡nvì G·‡cwÛPvi mv‡f© survey (01/07/1998-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015069 - Agriculture Census 2002 Project 14015069 -K…wl ïgvix 2002 cÖKí 14015070 - Strengthening of Physical and Actability of 14015070 -cwiKíbv I Dbœqb GKv‡Wgxi †fŠZ myweav I Kg©¶gZv Planning and Development Academy †Rvi`viKiY (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 14015071 - Development of Cartography and GIS 14015071 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Kv‡W©vMÖvwd GÛ wRAvBGm g¨vwcs Bb Maping in BBS Project weweGm cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 14015072 - Modernization of Bangladesh Statistic 14015072 -evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv Kw¤•DUvi DBs AvaywbKvqb Bureau Computer Wing (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 14015073 - Strengthening Sample Vital Registration 14015073 -†m¤•j fvBUvj †iwR‡÷kb c×wZ kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí System Project ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015074 - Monitoring the Situation of Children and 14015074 -gwbUwis `¨v wmPz‡qkb Ae wPj‡Wªb GÛ Women I‡gb(1/7/2001-31/12/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015075 - National Data Bank (Phase-2) 14015075 -b¨vkbvj WvUv e¨vsK (chv©q-2) 14015076 - Population and housing census-2001 14015076 -Av`gïgvwi I M„nMYbv-2001 (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015077 - Modernisation of reproduction, 14015077 -wicÖWvKkb, WKz‡g‡›Ukb Ges cvewj‡Kkb DBs documentation and publication wing AvaywbKxKiY (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015079 - 14015079 -wfkb-2021t †cÖw¶Z cwiKíbv c­vm (¯^vaxbZvi 50 eQi) wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW (01/07/2004-30/06/2005) Abbyt 14015080 - Special Lump 14015080 -`vwi`ª we‡gvPb Lv‡Zi Rb¨ we‡kl †_vK 14015081 - Technical Support to BBS 14015081 -‡UKwbK¨vj mv‡cvU© Uy weweGm 14015090 - b 14015090 -we‡kl cÖ‡qvR‡b Dbœqb mnvqZv 14015091 - Surengthening the Integration of 14015091 -‡÷«s‡`wbs `¨ BbwU‡MÖkb Ad ccy‡jkb GÛ Population and Development into Sectoral †W‡fjc‡g›Æ Bb Uz †m‡±vivj cwjwm GÛ c­¨vwbs policy and Planning (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/1/03-31/12/06)Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2003-31/12/2005) 14015092 - Special Need for land Requisition 14015092 -f–wg AwaMªn‡Yi Rb¨ we‡kl Dbœqb mnvqZv 14015093 - Others - Without land requisition for 14015093 -f–wg AwaMªnY Qvov we‡kl cÖ‡qvR‡b Dbœqb mnvqZv special need 14015100 - Capacity Building of SI Division of the 14015100 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae GmBAvB wWwfkb Ae w` c­vwbs Planning Commission Kwgkb (01/06/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015101 - 14015101 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di w` †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae UªvÝ ‡cvU© KwiWim di †UªW d¨vwmjvB‡Ukb 14015110 - Capacity Building of SI Division of the 14015110 -AcwUK¨vj WvUv AviKvBf GÛ †bUIqvwK©s Planning Commission (Approved) (10/07/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015111 - Bangladesh Integrated transport sector 14015111 -evsjv‡`k mgwš^Z cwienY e¨e¯’v mgx¶v study 14015120 - Sample Vital Project 14015120 -m¨v¤•j fvBUvj cÖ‡R± 14015121 - Monitoring the Situation of Children & 14015121 -gwbUwis wmPy‡qkb Ae wPj‡W«b GÛ DB‡gb- 2q ch©vq Women-2nd Phase (01/01/07-31/12/10)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 14015130 - Emergency Cyclone Revocery and 14015130 -Bgvi‡Rw›m 2007 mvB‡Kvb wiKfvwi GÛ ‡im‡Uv‡ikb cÖ Restoration Project :Project co-operation ‡R±t cÖ‡R± †Kv-AwW©‡bkb GÛ gwbUwis BDwbU and Monitoring Unite (PSMU) (01/08/08 - (wcwmGgBD) 30/06/13) 14015131 - Strengthening ICT Training and Systems 14015131 -‡÷«s‡`wbs AvBwmwU †U«wbs GÛ wm‡÷g Ae weweGm of BBS 14015140 - Strengthening of public expenditure 14015140 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae cvewjK G·‡cbwWPvi c­¨vwbs GÛ planning and programming system †cÖvMªvwgs wm‡÷g 14015141 - Capacity Building for the Planning 14015141 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di w` cШvwbs Kwgkbt †cvfvwU© Commission: Poverty Environment and Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ K¬vB‡gU †gBbw÷ªwgs (wcBwmGg) Climate Mainstreaming (PECM) 14015150 - Population and Housing Census 2011 14015150 -Av`gïgvwi I M„n MYbv-2011 14015160 - Introduction of Bo and boat to models for 14015160 -Bb‡UªvWvKkb Ae †ev GÛ ‡evU g‡Wjm di GwmmwUs Bb assisting 14015170 - Establishment BCS Economy Academy 14015170 -wewmGm B‡KvbwgK GKv‡Wwg cÖwZôv (01/10/2009-30/06/2012) Approved (01/10/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015190 - Technical cell for strengthening health 14015190 -‡UKwbK¨vj †mj di †÷ªs‡`wbs †nj_& DBs Ae c­vwbs wing for Planning Commission Kwgkb 14015210 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR URBAN 14015210 -evsjv‡`‡k bMiv‡ji `vwi`ªZv m¤•wK©Z KvwiMix POVERTY STUDY mnvqZvgjK mgx¶v cÖKí 14015221 - Support for monitoring sustainable human 14015221 -mv‡cvU© di gwbUwis mvm‡UB‡bej wnDg¨vb †Wfjc‡g›U development unit in Bangladesh Bb evsjv‡`k (ms‡kvwaZ-3) (Revised-2) (1/7/94-30/6/04)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015231 - Participatory planning exercise in 14015231 -evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ Askx`vwiZ¡gjK cwiKíbv cªYqb Bangladesh (Revised) Abykxjb (ms‡kvwaZ) 14015330 - North West study for optimum benefit of 14015330 -hgybv †mZzi m‡ev©Ëg Dc‡hvM jv‡fi Rb¨ †`‡ki Jamuna bridge DËi-cwðgvÂj mgx¶v cÖKí 14015350 - Strengthening of ECNEC and coordination 14015350 -GK‡bKI mgš^^q DBs Gi Kg©`¶Zv e„w×KiY wing 14015510 - Assistance to policy planning for 14015510 -Kg©ms¯’vb I `vwi`ª we‡gvP‡bi Rb¨ bxwZ cwiKíbv cÖYq‡b employment and poverty alleviation mnvqZv 14015511 - Operational suport unit in the 14015511 -Acv‡ikbvj mv‡cv©U BDwbU Bb w` †cªvMªvwgs wWwfkb Programming Division (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1996-30/6/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015720 - Block allocation for rehabilitation 14015720 -cybev©mb eve` †_vKeivÏ 14015740 - Lump grant for rural area self 14015740 -cj­x A‡j Kg©ms¯’vb Kvh©µg cªK‡íi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ employment activities 14015810 - Capacity Building of Planning 14015810 -cwiKíbv Kwgkb/wefv‡Mi Kg©¶gZv e„w×KiY 2q ch©vq Commission/Planning Division-2nd (01/03/07 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Phase (01/03/07-30/06/12) 14015811 - Strengthening the efficiency of Planning 14015811 -cwiKíbv Kwgkb/wefv‡Mi Kg©¶gZv e„w×KiY Commission/Division (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998-30/6/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 14015821 - Support to Monitoring Poverty Reduction 14015821 -mv‡cvU© Uz gwbUwis †cvfvwU© wiWvKkb ÷ª¨v‡UwWR Strategics (PRS) and MDGS of (wcAviGm) GÛ GgwWwRGm Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (01/11/2005-31/10/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015911 - Strengthening the planning capacity of 14015911 -†÷ªs‡`wbs w` c­¨vwbs K¨vcvwewjwU Ae Mfb©‡g›U Ae Government of Bangladesh (GoB) evsjv‡`k (wRIwe) (01/07/1997-31/12/2003) 14015921 - Assistance to cell for Chittagong Hill Tracts 14015921 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ MwVZ †mj‡K development mnvqZv 14015922 - Capacity building of General Economics 14015922 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae †Rbv‡ij BK‡bvwg· wWwfkb di Division for preparation of development wcÖcv‡ikb Ad †W‡fjc‡g›U c­¨vbm plans (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 14015930 - Strengthening the Planning Capabilities of 14015930 -†óªs‡`wbs w` c­vwbs K¨vcvwmwewjwU Ae Mf: Ae evsjv‡`k GOB 14015931 - Formulation of national action plan for 14015931 -dg©y‡jkb Ae b¨vkbvj GKkb c­¨vb di bb&digvj nonformal employment generation in Ggc­q‡g›U Bb evsjv‡`k (1/7/87-31/12/03) Bangladesh 14015941 - 14015941 -‡óªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU di cvwU©wm‡cUix c­¨vwbs G¨vU †jvKvj †j‡fj (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 14015981 - Participatory planning exercise for 14015981 -cvwU©wm‡cUix c­¨vwbs G·vimvBR di evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 14015999 - Block Allocation for new Projects. 14015999 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 14016000 - JDCE Development Project 14016000 -‡RwWwmGd Dbœqb mnvqZv 14016010 - 14016010 -Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq wbe©vwPZ cÖKí/Kvh©µg A_©vq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK 14016020 - Formulation of Outline Participatory 14016020 -dg©y‡jkb Ae AvDUjvBb c¨vwU©wm‡cUix cvm©‡cw±f c­¨vb Parspective Plan (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 14016028 - Technical Assistance to BBS 14016028 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwm‡ó›m Uy weweGm (1/7/03-30/6/05) (01/07/2002-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 14016030 - National Survey for child lebour. 14016030 -RvZxq wkï kÖg Rwic (1/7/03-31/12/03)Aby‡gvw`Z 14016040 - Support to ICT Task Force Programme 14016040 -mv‡cvU© Uy AvBwmwU Uv¯‹ †dvm© †cÖvMªvg (1/7/02-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 14016050 - strengthening operational 14016050 -†÷«s‡`wbs Ae Acv‡ikbvj mv‡cvU© BDwbU Bb w` †cÖvMÖvwgs wWwfkb (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 14016060 - Agriculture Causes 2007 (01/07/07 - 14016060 -evsjv‡`k K…wlïgvwi 2007 30/06/10) Approved (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 14016070 - s 14016070 -K…wl `vM¸‡”Qi nvjbvMv`KiY I m¤•ÖmviY Ges Drcv`b LiP Rwic (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 14016080 - Capacity Building of Bureau of Statistics 14016080 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k ey¨‡iv Ae ÷¨vwUmwUK&m (01/01/08-31/12/09) Approved (01/01/08 - 31/12/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 14017011 - Strengthening the physical facilities and 14017011 -cwiKíbv I Dbœqb GKv‡Wgxi †fŠZ myweav I Kg©`¶Zv efficiency of Planning and Development †Rvi`viKiY Academy (Phase-2) 14017030 - Assistance to SICT for Strengthening 14017030 -Gwmm‡U›m Uyy GmAvBwmwU di †÷«s†`wbs c­¨vwbs Planning Division, ERD IMED-ICT wWwfkb,BAviwW,AvB,Gg,BwW _ªyy AvBwmwU (01/01/05 - 30/06/11) Approved (1/1/05-3/12/07) Abyy‡gvw`Z| 14017031 - Identification and Preparation of Suitable 14017031 -AvB‡Ww›Uwd‡Kkb GÛ wcÖcv‡ikb Ae myBU¨vej †cÖvMÖvg Programm for the North-west and di w` b_©-I‡q÷ GÛ mvD_-I‡q÷ wiwRIb South-west Region (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyy‡gvw`Z (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) 14017040 - 14017040 -Rvcvbx FY gIKzd eve` †_vK 14017051 - To Be Included 14017051 -†÷«s‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae weweGm Bb WvUv Kv‡jKkb GÛ G¨vbvjvBwmm BDwRs wRAvBGm g¨vcm (01/0106-31/12/10) 14017061 - i 14017061 -BbwU‡Mªkb Ae ccy‡jkb GÛ †RÛvi Bb Uy b¨vkbvj GÛ †m±ivj c­­­¨vwbs (01/01/06-31/12/10) 14017071 - i 14017071 -BgcÖ“wfs b¨vkbvj GKvD›Um cÖvBm GÛ I‡qR ÷ ¨vwUmwUKm (01/01/06-31/12/08) 14017081 - Household Income and Expenditure 14017081 -nvDR‡nvì BbKvg GÛ G·‡cwÛPvi mv‡f© (01/07/09 - Survey (01/04/09 - 31/03/12) Approved 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 14017090 - Capacity Building and Support to the 14017090 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GÛ mv‡cvU© Uz `¨v Uªv݇cvU© †m±i Transport Sector Co-ordination Wing of the †Kv-AwW©‡bkb DBs Ae `¨v cШvwbs Kwgkb (01/01/11 - Planning Commission 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 14017100 - Formulation of Outline Participatory 14017100 -dg©y‡jkb Ae AvDUjvBb cvwU©wm‡cUix cvm©‡cw±f cШvb Perspective Plan (3rd Revised) (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/05 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 14017110 - Strengthening of National Academy for 14017110 -‡fŠZ I cÖwk¶Y myweavw` e„w×i gva¨‡g RvZxq cwiKíbv Planning and Development by Increasing I Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg kw³kvjxKiY (01/11/10 - Physical and Training Facilities 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 14017120 - Capacity Building for the Planning 14017120 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di `¨v cШvwbs Kwgkbt †cvfvwU©, Commission: Poverty, Environment and Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ K¬vB‡gU †gBbw÷ªwgs (wcBwmGm) Clymet Mainstreaming (PECS) (01/07/10 - 30/09/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 1405 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 1405 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 14052921 - Planning and Development Academy 14052921 -cwiKíbv I Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg 14052923 - Bangladesh Institutes of Development 14052923 -evsjv‡`k Dbœqb M‡elYv cÖwZôvb Studies 14052925 - Bangladesh Social Science Research 14052925 -evsjv‡`k mgvR weÁvb M‡elYv KvDw›mj Council 14052927 - National Statistics Council 14052927 -RvZxq cwimsL¨vb KvDw›mj

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 14053033 - BCSIR 14053033 -evsjv‡`k weÁvb I wkí M‡elYv cwil` 14056024 - Agriculture Sample Survey Project - 2003 14056024 -K…wl bgybv Rwic 2003 cÖKí (1/7/02-30/6/06)Abby‡gvw`Z 14056030 - Support to ICT Task-force Programme 14056030 -mv‡cvU© Uy AvBwmwU Uv¯‹ †dvm© †MªvMªvg (1/7/02-30/6/05)Aby‡gvw`Z 14057011 - Strengthening the physical facilities and 14057011 -cwiKíbv I Dbœqb GKv‡Wgxi ‡fŠZ myweav I Kg©`¶Zv efficiency of Planning and Development †Rvi`viKiY Academy (Phase-2) 14057014 - Strengthening Working Power of Planning 14057014 -cwiKíbv I Dbœqb GKv‡Wwgi Kg©¶gZv †Rvi`viKiY and Development Academy (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2000-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 14057020 - Intigrated Energy Modeling for sustainable 14057020 -Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW GbvwR© GÛ Gbfvqvib‡g›Uvj g‡Wwjs di development. mvm‡UBbG‡ej †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) GmwcBwm mycvwikK…Z 14057030 - 14057030 -Gwmm‡U›m Uyy GmAvBwmwU di †÷«s`wbs c­¨vwbs wWwfkb,BAviwW,AvB,Gg,BwW _ªyy AvBwmwU| (1-1-05-31-12-07) 14057040 - P 14057040 -‡fŠZ I cÖwk¶Y myyweav e„„w×i gva¨‡g cwiKíbv I Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg kw³kvjxKiY (1-7-04 - 30-6-06) Abyy‡gvw`Z| 14057051 - 14057051 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae weweGm Bb WvUv Kv‡jKkb GÛ G¨vbvjvBwmm BDwRs wRAvBGm g¨vcm (01/01/2006 - 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 14057061 - 14057061 -BbwU‡MÖkb Ae ccy‡jkb GÛ †RÛvi BbwówUDkbvj GÛ †m‡±vivj c­¨vwbs (01/01/2006-31/12/2010) 14057071 - 14057071 -BgcÖ“wfs b¨vkbvj GKvD›Um& cÖvBm GÛ I‡qR ÷¨vwUKm& (01/01/2006-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 1406 - International Organisations 1406 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg‚n 14064111 - Statistics Bureau of Islamic Country 14064111 -BmjvwgK †`k mg–‡ni cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv 14064113 - International Statistical Institution 14064113 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj ÷¨vwUmwUK¨vj BbwówUDkb 14064114 - Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific 14064114 -†÷wUKwUK¨vj Bbw÷wUDU di Gwkqv GÛ w` c¨vwmwdK (SIAP) (GmAvBGwc) 1431-1440 - Divisional Offices 1431-1440 -wefvMxq Awdmmgn 1431 - Statistics Bureau 1431 -cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv 14310000 - Bureau of Statistics 14310000 -cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv 14310001 - Headquarters 14310001 -m`i `ßi 14310002 - Survey Activities under Programme 14310002 -Kg©mPxi AvIZvq Rwic Kvh©µg 14315000 - 14315000 -K…wl `vM ¸‡”Qi nvjbvMv`KiY I m¤•ªmviY Ges Drcv`b LiP Rwic 1433 - District Offices 1433 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 14330000 - District Offices 14330000 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 1435 - Upazila Offices 1435 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 14350000 - Upazila Offices 14350000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 1480-1485 - Special Programmes 1480-1485 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 1480 - Special Programme 1480 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 14804551 - 14804551 -A_©‰bwZK ïgvix 2000 14804553 - 14804553 -K…wl bgybv Rwic-2003 14804669 - Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) 14804669 -cY©v½ `vwi`ª we‡gvPb †KŠkj cÎ cÖbqY 1496-1498 - Development Programme Financed by 1496-1498 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 1496 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 1496 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 14964356 - Enhancement of Residential Facility of 14964356 -RvZxh cwiKíbv Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx (GbGwWwc)ÑGi National Academy for Planning and AvevwmK myweav e„w× Development (NADP) Program 14964551 - Economic Census 2000 (2003-04 to 14964551 -A_©‰bwZK ïgvix 2000 (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) 2005-06) 14964553 - Agricultural Sample Census 2003 14964553 -K…wl bgybv Rwic-2003 (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) (2003-04 to 2005-06)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 14964554 - Survey of Annual Labour Power : 2005-06 14964554 -evwl©K kªgkw³ Rwic t 2005-06 14964662 - Program for 'Strengthening Social Science 14964662 -mvgvwRK weÁvb M‡elYv cwil` I Dnvi WKz‡g›Ukb Research Council' and its Documentation †K‡›`ªi ¶gZv e„w×KiY kxl©K Kg©m–wP (2005-06 n‡Z Centre (2005-06 to 2009-10) 2009-10) 14964666 - Conduct of Survey on Certain Economic 14964666 -wba©vwiZ A_©‰bwZK Kg©Kv‡Ûi Dci Rwic cwiPvjbv Activities (2004-05) (2004-05) 14964669 - Compilation of Poverty Reduction Strategy 14964669 -cyY©v½ `vwi`ª we‡gvPb †KŠkj cÎ cÖbqY (2003-04 n‡Z Paper (PRSP) (2003-04 to 2004-05) 2004-05) 14964691 - Conduct of Survey on Certain Economic 14964691 -wba©vwiZ A_©‰bwZK Kg©Kv‡Ûi Dci Rwic cwiPvjbv Activities (2004-05 to 2008-09) (2004-05 n‡Z 2009-10) 14964714 - Rivision and refinement of National 14964714 -RvZxq †UKmB Dbœqb †KŠkjcÎ ms‡kvab I cwigvR©b Sustainable Development Strategy 14964862 - 14964862 -6ô cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbv (2011-2015) 14964863 - Block Allocation for Unapproved 14964863 -Abby‡gvw`Z Kg©m–wPmg–‡ni Rb¨ eivÏ Programmes 14964864 - Strengthening the Capacity of Social 14964864 -mvgvwRK weÁvb M‡elYv cwil` I Bnvi WKz‡g‡›Ukb Science Research Council & it's †K‡›`ªi Kg©¶gZv e„w×KiY -kxl©K Kg©mwP Documentation Center 1499-1499 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 1499-1499 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 1499 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 1499 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 14990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 14990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 15 - Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division 15 - ev¯@evqb cwiex¶Y I g‚j¨vqb wefvM 1501-1520 - Administration 1501-1520 -cªkvmb 1501 - Secretariat 1501 -mwPevjq 15010001 - Secretariat 15010001 -mwPevjq 15010002 - National e-Gp Portal 15010002 -b¨vkbvj B-wRwc †cvU©vj 15015010 - Block Allocation for Unapproved Project 15015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 15015011 - Public Procurement Reforms Project. 15015011 -cvewjK cÖwKDi‡g›U widg©m cÖ‡R± (01/05/2002 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 15015012 - Strengthening and Expansion of 15015012 -???????????? ???? ????????? ?? ?-????????? E-Tendering 15015013 - Strengthening of Monitoring Activities of 15015013 -???????’? ??????? ????????? ???????????? IMED 15015014 - Automation of IMED for Electronic 15015014 -A‡Uv‡gkb Ad AvBGgBwW di B‡jKUªwbK wi‡cvwU©s wm‡ Reporting System ÷g 15015015 - Setting up of a Testing Laboratory in IMED 15015015 -gwbUwis Ges g~j¨vqb c×vZ‡K kw³kvjxKi‡Yi Rb¨ to Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation AvBGgBwW‡Z GKwU ‡Uw÷s j¨ve‡iUix ¯’vcb System 15015016 - Strengthening of Evaluation Sector of IMED 15015016 -cÖK‡íi cÖfve g~j¨vqb Kvh©µg‡K AvaywbKvqbK‡íi to Modernize the Impact Evaluation AvBGgBwWÕi g~j¨vqb †m±i‡K kw³kvjxKiY Process of the Projects 15015017 - Strengthening of IMED 15015017 -AvBGgBwW kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 15015018 - Strengthening of Result Based Monitoring 15015018 -‡÷ªb‡`wbs Ad †iRvë †eBRW& gwbUwis GÛ Bfvjy‡qkb and Evaluation of IMED Ad AvBGgBwW 15015019 - Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation 15015019 -†÷«b‡`wbs gwbUwis GÛ Bfvjy‡qkb K¨vcvwewjwUR Ae Capabilities of IMED (SMECI) AvBGgBwW (GmGgBwmAvB) (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 15015020 - Capacity Development for Monitoring and 15015020 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U di gwbUwis GÛ wi‡cvwU©s Uy Reporting to increase Effective Coverage BbwµR B‡dKwUf Kfv‡iR Ae †ewmK †mvk¨vj mvwf©‡mm of Basic Social Services (ECBSS) for (BwmweGmGm) di wPj‡W«b GÛ DB‡gb Bb evsjv‡`k Children and (01/07/14-31/12/16) (01/07/14-31/12/16) 15015021 - Strengthening of Project Portfolio 15015021 -†÷«s‡`wbs Ae cÖ‡R± †cvU©dwjI cvidi‡gÝ ms‡kvwaZ Performance. (1/5/2002-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 15015170 - Strengthening of population development 15015170 -RbmsL¨v Dbœqb I gj¨vqb BDwbU kw³kvjxKiY and evaluation

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 15015180 - Strengthening the post evaluation 15015180 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs w` †cv÷ Bf¨vwjDGBkb K¨vcvwewjwU Ae capability of IMED AvBGgBwW 15015411 - Training on procurement of goods and 15015411 -†Uªwbs Ae cªwKDi‡g›U Ae ¸Wm GÛ mvwf©‡mm services (Revised) (ms‡kvwaZ) 15015421 - Project implementation (IMED) 15015421 -cÖKí ev¯evqb kxl©K KvwiMix cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) 15015510 - Study on reproductive behaviour of female 15015510 -‡cvlvK wk‡í wb‡qvwRZ gwnjv Kgx©‡`i cÖRbb AvPiY garments workers and services rendered Ges Avc-‡cÖ‡WW cwievi Kj¨vY †K‡›`ªi †mev`vb by upgraded FW centres m¤•wK©Z mgx¶v 15015520 - Study on the impact of some selected 15015520 -`wi`ª Rb‡Mvôxi Dci KwZcq evQvBK…Z mgvß cÖK‡íi projects on poorer section of population cÖfve wbiƒc‡Y mgx¶v 15015521 - Strengthening Project Portfolio 15015521 -†ó«s‡`wbs cÖ‡R± †cvU©‡dvwjI cvidi‡gÝ Performance 15015527 - Evaluation of Sixteen Selected Project 15015527 -Bfvjy‡qkb Ae Uy‡qw›U wm‡jK‡UW cÖ‡R± (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 15015530 - strengthening result 15015530 -‡÷«s‡`wbs †iRvë †eRW& g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwewjwU Ae AvBGgBwW GÛ dvcvW Bb w` gwbUwis GÛ Bfvjy‡qkb Ae w` cÖ‡R±m& 15015540 - Public Procurement Reforms Project-2 15015540 -cvewjK cÖwKDi‡g›U widg©m& cÖ‡R±-2 (01/07/07 - (01/07/07 - 30/06/13) Approved 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 15015550 - Monitaring 15015550 -gwbUwis Bgvi‡Rw›m wWRv÷vi W¨v‡gR wi‡nwewj‡Ukb 2007 (15/12/08-30/06/10) Aby†gvw`Z 15015560 - 15015560 -B‡jKU«wbK Mf©‡g›U cÖwKDi‡g›U BwRwc †iwW‡bm G‡mm‡g›U GÛ Bwè‡g‡›Ukb cШvb (01/07/05 - 30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 15015730 - Study on the impact of selected completed 15015730 -`wi`ª Rb‡Mvwôi Dci KwZcq evQvBK…Z mgvß cªK‡íi projects cÖfve wbiƒc‡Y mgx¶v 15016011 - Electronic Government Procurement 15016011 -B‡jKUªwbK MfY©‡g›U cÖwKDi‡g›U (B-wRwc) †iwW‡bm (e-GP) Readiness and Implementation G‡mm‡g›U GÛ Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb c­¨v›U (01/07/2005-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 15016021 - 15016021 -mv‡cvU© di gwbUwis GÛ wdb¨vbwkqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae GwWwe Gwmm‡UW Ggvi‡Rw›m d¬vW W¨v‡gR win¨vwe‡j‡Ukb (01/07/2005-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 1596-1598 - Development Programme Financed by 1596-1598 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 1596 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 1596 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget 15964690 - Technical Evaluation of Development 15964690 -Dbœqb cÖKí/Kg©mPxi KvwiMwi gj¨vqb Kvh©µg (2005- Projects/Programmes (2005-06) 06) 15964693 - 15964693 -‡UKwbK¨vj Bf¨vjy‡qkb Ae †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±m 1599-1599 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 1599-1599 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 1599 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 1599 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 15990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 15990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 16 - Statistics Division 16 - cwimsL¨vb wefvM 1601-1620 - Administration 1601-1620 -cªkvmb 1601 - Secretariat 1601 -mwPevjq 16010001 - Secretariat 16010001 -mwPevjq 16015000 - Updating and Expansion of Agriculture 16015000 -K…wl `vM¸‡”Qi nvjbvMv`KiY I m¤•ÖmviY Ges Drcv`b Cluster Plots and Survey of Cost of LiP Rwic cÖKí (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Production Project (01/07/07-30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 16015006 - Strengthening of Industrial Statistics 16015006 -†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae BÛvw÷qvj ÷¨vwUmwUK&m (g¨vby‡dKPvwis (Manufacturing Sector) in Bangladesh †m±i) Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/10-30/06/13) (01/01/11- 30/06/13) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 16015007 - 16015007 -wbDwUªkbvj mvi‡fBj¨vÝ K‡¤•v‡b›U cÖ‡R± 16015010 - Bangladesh agriculture census project 16015010 -evsjv‡`k K…wl ïgvix cªKí (1991-95) (1991-95) 16015011 - 16015011 -RvZxq wnmve I `vwi`ª cwiw¯’wZ ch©‡e¶Y c×wZ kw³kvjx KiY (01/07/2001-06/07/2004)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 16015012 - Bangladesh Civil Service(Statistics) 16015012 -evsjv‡`k wmwfj mvwf©m (cwimsL¨vb) GKv‡Wgx Academy 16015013 - Baseline Survey on ICT Statistics 16015013 -???? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????????????? ??????? 16015014 - Capacity Building of BBS Project (Phase-3) 16015014 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae weweGm cÖKí (†dR-3) 16015015 - Digital Information System Project 16015015 -??????? ???????? ??????? 16015016 - Economic Census 2013 Project 16015016 -A_©‰bwZK ïgvwi 2013 cÖKí 16015017 - National Data Resource Centre 16015017 -???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? 16015018 - National Population Register 16015018 -???????? ??????? ????????? 16015019 - Optical Data Archive and Networking 16015019 -????????? ???? ??????? ???? ??????????? ??????? (?? Project (2nd Phase) ??????) 16015020 - The study of current use of agriculture 16015020 -cÖavb cÖavb k‡m¨ K…wl DcKiY e¨envi Rwic cÖKí inputs for major crops in Bangladesh 16015021 - Project for regional social dataset and 16015021 -wiwRIbvj †mvkvj WvUv‡mU GÛ BK‡bvwgK ó¨vwUmwU· economic statistics of Chittagong Hill Ae wUPvMvs wnjUª¨v± cª‡R± Tracts 16015022 - Census and Housing census 2001 16015022 -Av`gïgvix I M„nMYbv 2001 16015023 - Strengthening National Accounts of 16015023 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq wnmve kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Bangladesh 16015024 - Time Used Survey Project 16015024 -UvBg BDRW mv‡f© cÖKí 16015025 - Preparing a Comprehensive List of 16015025 -????????? ??? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ??????? hard-core poor in Bangladesh Project 16015030 - Health demographic survey 16015030 -¯^v¯’¨ I RbZË¡ Rwic cªKí 16015040 - National data bank 16015040 -b¨vkbvj WvUv e¨vsK (ms‡kvwaZ-2) (01/07/1994-30/06/2001) 16015050 - National accounts development 16015050 -RvZxq wnmve kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 16015060 - Continuous monitoring of poverty situation 16015060 -evsjv‡`‡ki `vwi`ª cwiw¯’wZi wbqwgZ I avivevwnK in Bangladesh mgx¶v/cwiex¶Y 16015070 - New census study and application of 16015070 -bZyb ïgvix mgx¶v I cªhyw³ Ges AeKvVv‡gv technology kw³kvjxKiY 16015077 - Modernisation of reproduction, 16015077 -wicÖWvKkb, WKz‡g‡›Ukb Ges cvewj‡Kkb DBs documentation and publication wing AvaywbKxKiY (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 16015080 - Strengthening the Statistics Training 16015080 -cwimsL¨vb cÖwk¶Y BÝwUwUDU kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Institute 16015090 - Population and housing census-2001 16015090 -Av`gïgvwi I M„nMYbv-2001 (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) 16015100 - Capacity Building of BBS (Phase-2: 16015100 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae weweGm (†dBR-2, b¨vkbvj †÷«wR National Strategy for the Development of di w` †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae ÷vwUKm Statistics (NSDS) Preparation) 16015110 - Construction of BBS building (Revised) 16015110 -cwimsL¨vb feb wbgv©Y cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) 16015120 - Local level development monitoring project 16015120 -¯’vbxq chv©q Dbœqb cwiex¶Y cÖKí 16015121 - Monitoring the Situation of Children and 16015121 -gwbUwis `¨v wmPz‡qkb Ae wPj‡Wªb GÛ DB‡gb - 2q Women-2nd Phase (01/01/07 - 30/06/11) ch©vq (01/01/07 - 30/06/11) 16015130 - Statistical staff training institute 16015130 -ó¨vwUmwUK¨vj óvd †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU (ms‡kvwaZ-2) (Revised-2) (01/07/1990-30/06/2001) 16015131 - 16015131 -†÷ªs‡`wbs AvB.wm.wU †Uªwbs GÛ wm‡÷g Ae weweGm (01/07/08 - 31/12/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 16015140 - Follow-up census project 16015140 -ïgvix d‡jvAvc cÖKí 16015141 - Follow-up census project 16015141 -ïgvix d‡jvAvc cÖKí 16015150 - Population Genus Household 16015150 -Av`gïgvwi I M„nMYbv-2011 (01/07/08 - Counting-2011 (01/07/08 - 30/06/14) 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 16015160 - Assistance to National Accounts 16015160 -Gwmm‡U›U Uz b¨vkbvj GKvD›U †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb development in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 16015170 - Block Allocation of unapproved Projects 16015170 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 16015171 - Child nutrition survey 16015171 -wkï‡`i cywógvb Rixc (01/07/1994-30/06/2001) 16015180 - Nutrition Survellance Component 16015180 -wbDwUªkbvj mv‡f©j¨vÝ K‡¤•v‡b›U (01/07/09 - (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Approved 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 16015191 - Labour force and child activity survey 16015191 -‡jevi †dvm© GÛ PvBì GKwUwfwUm mv‡f© 16015210 - Modernisation of reproduction, 16015210 -wicÖWvKkb, WKz‡g‡›Ukb Ges cvewj‡Kkb DBs documentation and publication wing AvaywbKxKiY (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 16015220 - Strengthening of Computer Data 16015220 -Kw¤•DUvi WvUv cª‡mwms DBs kw³kvjxKiY Processing Wing 16015230 - Strengthening of agriculture information 16015230 -weweGm-Gi K…wl Z_¨ c×wZ kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí system of BBS (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 16015260 - Strengthening Poverty Monitoring System 16015260 -‡óªs‡`wbs cÖfvwU© gwbUwis wm‡óg GÛ BbwówUDkb cÖ‡R± and Institution Project 16015311 - Strengthening the data entry system for 16015311 -†÷ªs‡`wbs w` WvUv Gw›Uª wm‡óg di nvDR †nvì G· household expenditure survey ‡cbwWPvi mv‡f© 16015321 - Monitoring the world summit goals on 16015321 -gwbUwis w` Iqv©ì mvwgU ‡Mvj&m Ab PvBì mvfv©Bfvj child survival development and protection †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †cÖv‡UKkb 16015341 - Development of Cartography and GIS 16015341 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Kv‡W©vMÖvwd GÛ wRAvBGm g¨vwcs Bb Maping in BBS Project weweGm cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 16015410 - Agriculture census in municipal areas 16015410 -‡cŠi GjvKvi K…wlïgvix cÖKí 16015420 - Economic census -2000 (Excluding 16015420 -A_©‰bwZK ïgvix-2000 (ms‡kvwaZ) agriculture) (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) 16015430 - Construction of statistics bhaban 16015430 -evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb feb wbg©vY (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 16015431 - Technical Support to BBS 16015431 -‡UKwbK¨vj mv‡cvU© Uy weweGm 16015432 - Project for regional social database and 16015432 -wiwRIb¨vj †mvk¨vj WvUv‡eR GÛ B‡KvbwgK óvwWR Ae economic strategy of Chittagong Hill Tracts wPUvMs wnjUªv± cÖ‡R± (01/07/1998-30/06/2000) 16015433 - Environment statistics development 16015433 -cwi‡ek cwimsL¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí proejct 16015440 - Improvement of household expenditure 16015440 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae nvDR‡nvì G·‡cwÛPvi mv‡f© survey (01/07/1998-31/12/2002) 16015447 - Agriculture Census 2002 Project 16015447 -K…wl ïgvix 2002 cÖKí 16015450 - Modernization of Bangladesh Statistic 16015450 -evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv Kw¤•DUvi DBs AvaywbKvqb Bureau Computer Wing (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 16015460 - Strengthening Sample Vital Registration 16015460 -†m¤•j fvBUvj †iwR‡÷ªkb c×wZ kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí System Project (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 16015810 - Monitoring the Situation of Children and 16015810 -gwbUwis `¨v wmPz‡qkb Ae wPj‡Wªb GÛ I‡gb Women 16015820 - National Data Bank (Phase-2) 16015820 -b¨vkbvj WvUv e¨vsK (chv©q-2) 16015831 - 16015831 -wiwRIbvj †mvkvj WvUv‡mU GÛ BK‡bvwgK ÷¨vwUmwUK Ae wPUvMvs wnjvUªv± cÖ‡R± (01/07/1998-30/06/2000) 16016060 - Bangladesh Agricultural Genus 2007 16016060 -evsjv‡`k K…wlïgvwi 2007 (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 16016070 - 16016070 -K…wl `vM¸‡”Qi nvjbvMv`KiY I m¤•ÖmviY Ges Drcv`b LiP Rwic cÖKí (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 16017051 - Strengthening Capacity of BBS in Data 16017051 -†÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae weweGm Bb WvUv Kv‡jKkb GÛ Collection and Analysis Using JIS Maps G¨vbvjvBwmm BDwRs wRAvBGm g¨vcm (01/01/06 - (01/01/06 - 31/12/10)Revised Unapproved 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 16017071 - Improving National Accounts, Price and 16017071 -BgcÖ“wfs b¨vkbvj GKvD›Um&, cÖvBm GÛ I‡qR ÷ Wage Statistics (01/01/06 - 30/06/11) ¨vwUmwUKm& (01/01/06 - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z Revised Unapproved 16017081 - Household Income and Expenditure 16017081 -nvDR‡nvì BbKvg GÛ G·‡cwÛPvi mv‡f© (01/07/09 Survey (01/04/09 - 30/06/12) Approved - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 1605 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 1605 -¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 16052927 - National Statistics Council 16052927 -RvZxq cwimsL¨vb KvDwÝj 1606 - International Organisations 1606 -AvšR©vwZK cªwZôvbmgn 16064111 - Statistical Bureau in Islamic Countries 16064111 -BmjvwgK †`kmg‡ni cwimsL¨vb e‚¨‡iv 16064113 - International Statistical Institution 16064113 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj ÷¨vwUmwUK¨vj BÝwUwUDkb 16064114 - UNESCAP Regional Institutions, Statistical 16064114 -BDGbGmKvc wiwRIbvj Bbw÷wUDkb, m¨vw÷mwUK¨vj Institute for Asia and the Pasific (SIAP) Bbw÷wUDU di Gwkqv GÛ w` c¨vwmwdK (wmqvc)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 1631-1640 - Departmental Offices 1631-1640 -wefvMxq Awdmmgn 1631 - Bureau of Statistics 1631 -cwimsL¨vb e¨y‡iv 16310000 - Bureau of Statistics 16310000 -cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv 16310001 - Bureau Headquarters 16310001 -m`i `ßi 16310005 - Survey 16310005 -Rwic 16315000 - Updating and Expansion of Agriculture 16315000 -K…wl `vM¸‡”Qi nvjbvMv`KiY I m¤•ÖmviY Ges Drcv`b Cluster Plots and Survey of Cost of LiP Rwic cÖKí (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Production Project (01/07/07-30/06/11) Approved 16315006 - Strengthening of Industrial Statistics 16315006 -†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae BÛvw÷«qvj ÷¨vwUmwUK&m (g¨vby‡dKPvwis (Manufacturing Sector) in Bangladesh †m±i) Bb evsjv‡`k (01/01/11-30/06/13) (01/01/11- 30/06/13) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 16315010 - Capacity Building of BBS (Phase:2-NSDS 16315010 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae weweGm (‡dR-2 : GbGmwWGm Preparation) Project wcÖcv‡ikb) cÖKí 16315011 - Economic Census-2013 Project 16315011 - A_©‰bwZK ïgvwi-2013 cÖKí 16315012 - Monitoring the Situation of Vital Statistics of 16315012 -gwbUwis `¨v wmPz‡qkb Ae fvBUvj ÷¨vwUmwU· Ae Bangladesh (MSVSV) evsjvv‡`k (GgGmwfGmwe) 16315013 - Development of Bangladesh Poverty 16315013 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae `¨v evsjv‡`k †cvfvwU© WvUv‡eBR Database (BPED) Project (wewcwW) cÖKí 16315014 - Preparation of National Population 16315014 - wcÖcv‡ikb Ae b¨vkbvj ccy‡jkb †iwR÷vi GÛ `¨v wj÷ Register and the List of Hardcore poor Ae nvW©‡Kvi †cvi nvDR‡nvì cÖ‡R± Household Project 16315015 - Assistant In Harmonization and 16315015 - G¨vwmm‡UÝ Bb nvi‡gvbvB‡Rkb GÛ wW‡mwg‡bkb Ae Disseminations of Unified Agriculture BDwbdvBW GwMÖKvjPvi cÖWv±mb ÷¨vwUmwU· Bb Production Statistics in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 16315016 - Strengthening of National Accounts Project 16315016 -RvZxq wnmve kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 16315017 - Baseline Survey of ICT Statistics Project 16315017 -‡emjvBb mv‡f© Ae AvBwmwU ÷¨vwUmwU· cÖKí 16315018 - National Data Resource (NDRS) 16315018 - b¨vkbvj WvUv wi‡mvm© †m›Uvi (GbwWAviGm) 16315019 - Optical Data Archive and Networking 16315019 -AcwUK¨vj WvUv AvK©vBf GÛ †bUIqvwK©s cÖ‡R± Project (Phase-2) (†dR-2) 16315020 - Digital Information system 16315020 -wWwRUvj Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g 16315021 - Multiple Land Used Census-2012-13 16315021 - gvwëcjm& j¨vÛ BDR †mÝvm 2012-13 16315022 - BCS (Statistics) Academy 16315022 -wewmGm (cwimsL¨vb) GKv‡Wgx 16315023 - Capacity Building of BBS Project (Phase-3) 16315023 - K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae weweGm cÖKí (†dR-3) 16315024 - Monitoring the Situation of Vital Statistics of 16315024 -gwbUwis `¨v wmPz‡qkb Ae fvBUvj ÷¨vwUmwU· Ae Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 16315025 - Monitoring the Situation of Children and 16315025 -gwbUwis `¨v wmPz‡qkb Ae wPj‡Wªb GÛ DBg¨vb (3q Women (3rd Phase) Project ch©vq) cÖKí 16315026 - Preparation of National Population 16315026 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae b¨vkbvj ccy‡jkb †iwR÷ªvi GÛ `¨v wj÷ Register and the list of Hardcore Poor Ae nvW©‡Kvi †cvi nvDR‡nvì cÖ‡R± Household Project 16315027 - Assistance in Harmonization and 16315027 -G¨vwmm‡UÝ Bb nvi‡gvbvB‡Rkb GÛ wW‡mwg‡bkb Ae dissemination of Unified Agriculture BDwbdvBW GwMÖKvjPvi cÖWv±mb ÷¨vwUmwU· Bb Production Statistics in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 16315028 - xxxx 16315028 -RvZxq wnmve kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 16315029 - Baseline Survey of ICT Statistics Project 16315029 -‡emjvBb mv‡f© Ae AvBwmwU ÷¨vwUmwU· cÖKí 16315030 - National Data Resource Centre (NDRS) 16315030 -b¨vkbvj WvUv wi‡mvm© ‡m›Uvi (Gb.wW.Avi.Gm.) 16315031 - Optical Data Archaive and Networking 16315031 -AcwUK¨vj WvUv AvK©vBf GÛ †bUIqvwK©s cÖ‡R± Project (Phase-2) (†dR-2) 16315032 - Multiple Land Use Census 2012-13 16315032 -gvwëcjm& j¨vÛ BDR †mÝvm 2012-13 16315033 - BSC (Statistics) Academy 16315033 -we.wm.Gm. (cwimsL¨vb) GKv‡Wgx 16315034 - Capacity Building of BBS Project (Phase-3) 16315034 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae we.we.Gm. cÖKí (†dR-3) 16315035 - Harmonization and Dissemination of 16315035 -ni‡gvbvB‡Rkb GÛ wWwmwg‡bkb Ae BDwbdvBW Unified Agricultural Production Statisties GwMªKvjPvivj †cÖvWvKkb ÷vwUK&wU· 16315036 - Strengthening Capacity of BBS in 16315036 -†÷«b‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae weweGm Bb ccy‡jkb GÛ population and demography data †W‡gvMªvwdK WvUv Kv‡jKkb BDwRs wRAvBGm collection using GIS

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 16315037 - Monitoring the Situation of Vital Statisties of 16315037 -gwbUwis `¨v wmPy‡qkb Ae fvBUvj GóvwUwU• Ae Bangladesh (MSVSB) evsjv‡`k 16315038 - Agriculture Census-2013 16315038 -K…wl ïgvwi-2013 16315039 - Supported to newly created Division and 16315039 -mv‡cv©‡UW Uy wbDwj wµ‡q‡UW wWwfkb GÛ wWw÷«Km Ae District Statistics Offices ÷¨vwUKwUm Awd‡mm 16315040 - Optical Data Arcrive and Networking (2nd 16315040 -AcwUK¨vj WvUv AvK©vBf GÛ †bUIqvwK©s (2q ch©vq) Phase) (01/09/14-30/06/18) cÖKí (01/09/14-30/06/18) 16315041 - Improving Labour Statistics and Labour 16315041 -B¤•ª“wfs †jevi ÷vwUKm GÛ †jevi gv‡K©U Bbdi‡gkb Market Information System (LMIS) through wm‡÷g (GjGgAvBGm) _ª“ c¨v‡bj mv‡f© Panel Survey (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 16315042 - Census of the undocumented Myanmar 16315042 -evsjv‡`‡k Ae¯’vbiZ AwbewÜZ wgqvbgvi bvMwiK ïgvwi Nationals Staying in Bangladesh 2015 2015 16315043 - Strengthening Agriculture Market 16315043 -†÷ªs‡`wbs GwMÖK¨vjPvi gv‡K©U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g Bb Information System in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 16315044 - Household Income & Expenditure Survey 16315044 -nvDR‡nvì BbKvg GÛ G•‡cbwWPvi mv‡f© (HIES) (GBPAvBBGm) cÖKí 16315045 - Digitization of BBS Publications and Online 16315045 -wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ae weweGm cvewj‡Kkbm GÛ AbjvBb Secondary data collection †m‡KÛvix WvUv Kv‡jKkb 16315120 - Strengthening Sample Vital Registration 16315120 -m¨v¤•j fvBUvj †iwR‡÷ªkb c×wZ kw³kvjxKiY (2q Method (2nd Phase) (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) ch©vq) (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 16315121 - Monitoring the Situation of Children and 16315121 -gwbUwis `¨v wmPz‡qkb Ae wPj‡Wªb GÛ DB‡gb - 2q Women-2nd Phase (01/01/07 - 30/06/11) ch©vq (01/01/07 - 30/06/11) 16315150 - Population Genus Household 16315150 -Av`gïgvwi I M„nMYbv-2011 (01/07/08 - Counting-2011 (01/07/08 - 30/06/14) 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 16315170 - Block Allocation of unapproved Projects 16315170 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 16315180 - Nutrition Survellance Component 16315180 -wbDwUªkbvj mv‡f©j¨vÝ K‡¤•v‡b›U (01/07/09 - (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Approved 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 16316060 - Bangladesh Agricultural Genus 2007 16316060 -evsjv‡`k K…wlïgvix 2007 (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 16317051 - Strengthening Capacity of BBS in Data 16317051 -†÷ªs‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae weweGm Bb WvUv Kv‡jKkb GÛ Collection and Analysis Using JIS Maps G¨vbvjvBwmm BDwRs wRAvBGm g¨vcm (01/01/06 - (01/01/06 - 31/12/10)Revised Unapproved 31/12/10) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 16317071 - Improving National Accounts, Price and 16317071 -BgcÖ“wfs b¨vkbvj GKvD›Um&, cÖvBm GÛ I‡qR ÷ Wage Statistics (01/01/06 - 30/06/11) ¨vwUmwUKm& (01/01/06 - 30/06/11) ms‡kvwaZ Revised Unapproved Abby‡gvw`Z 16317081 - Household Income and Expenditure 16317081 -nvDR‡nvì BbKvg GÛ G·‡cwÛPvi mv‡f© (01/04/09 Survey (01/04/09 - 30/06/12) Approved - 31/03/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 1632 - Divisional Statistics Offices 1632 -wefvMxq cwimsL¨vb Kvh©vjqmgn 16320000 - Divisional Statistics Offices 16320000 -wefvMxq cwimsL¨vb Kvh©vjqmgn 1633 - District Offices 1633 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmgn 16330000 - District Offices 16330000 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmgn 1635 - Upazilla Offices 1635 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 16350000 - Upazilla Offices 16350000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 1696-1698 - Development Programme Financed by 1696-1698 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 1696 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 1696 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Budget 16964301 - Strengthening the Library of BBS 16964301 -evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi jvB‡eªix kw³kvjxKiY 16964302 - Productivity Assessment survey of Different 16964302 -‡cÖvWvKwUwfwU G¨v‡mm‡g›U mv‡f© Ae wWdv‡i›U Agricultural Crops GwMªKvjPvivj µcm 16964303 - Bangladesh Census of Slum Areas and 16964303 -ew¯ ïgvwi I fvmgvb †jvK MYbv-2014 Floating Population2014 16964304 - Improvement of National Accounts 16964304 -RvZxq wnmve Dbœqb Kg©mwP 16964305 - Test Phase for National Population 16964305 -‡U÷ ‡dR di b¨vkbvj ccy‡jkb †iwR÷«vi Registry

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 16964306 - Rural Credit Survey 2012-14 16964306 -cj­x FY Rwic 16964307 - Survey on the Use of Remittance (SUR) 16964307 -cÖevm Av‡qi e¨envi m¤•wK©Z Rwic/2013 -2013 16964308 - Modernization of Statistical Staff Training 16964308 -÷¨vwUmwUK¨vj ÷vd †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU AvaywbKxKiY Institute of BBS kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mywP 16964309 - Health and Morbidity Status Survey-2014 16964309 -†nj_ GÛ giwewWwU ÷¨vUvm mv‡f© 2014 kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 16964310 - Impact of Climate Change on Human 16964310 -RbRxe‡b Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi cÖfve Kg©m–wP. ( 2013-16) Life-2013-16 16964311 - Strengthening of Geo-coding System 16964311 -†÷ªb‡`wbs wR&I †KvwWs wm‡÷g kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 16964312 - Improving Investment Estimates in 16964312 -RvZxq Av‡q wewb‡qvM cÖv°jb kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP National Accounts (IIENA) Program 16964313 - Quality Improvement of Regular 16964313 -Gb G DBs Gi wbqwgZ cÖKvkbvi gvb Dbœqb kxl©K Dbœqb Publication under NA Wing Kg©m–wP 16964314 - Preparation of District Gazetteer 16964314 -†Rjv †M‡RUxqvi cÖYqb kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 16964315 - NSDS Implementation Support Program, 16964315 -GbGmwWGm ev¯@evqb mnvqZv Kg©m–wP 2014-15 2014-15 16964554 - Survey of Labour Power (2009-10 to 16964554 -kªgkw³ Rwic (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) 2010-11) 16964691 - Conduct of Survey on Certain Economic 16964691 -wba©vwiZ A_©‰bwZK Kg©Kv‡Ûi Dci Rwic cwiPvjbv Activities (2004-05 to 2008-09) (2004-05 n‡Z 2009-10) 17 - Ministry of Commerce 17 - evwYR¨ gš¿Yvjq 1701-1720 - Administration 1701-1720 -cªkvmb 1701 - Secretariat 1701 -mwPevjq 17010001 - Secretariat 17010001 -mwPevjq 17010002 - Supply and Inspection Directorate 17010002 -mieivn I cwi`k©b Awa`ßi (wejyß †mj) (obsolete cell) 17010003 - Coal Sub-division (Obsolete) 17010003 -Kqjv cwi`ßi (wejyß) 17010004 - Subsidy for TCB  17010004 -wUwmweÕi fZ©wK 17010005 - Transshipment Task Force 17010005 -UªvÝwkc‡g›U Uv¯‹ †dvm© 17015010 - Development of Accounting and Auditing 17015010 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae GKvDw›Us GÛ AwWwUs ÷¨vÛv©m Bb Standard in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 17015011 - Development of Accounting and Auditing 17015011 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae GKvDw›Us GÛ AwWwUs ÷¨vÛv©m Bb Standard in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/07/2000-30/06/2002) (01/07/2000-30/06/2002) 17015012 - Agribusiness for Trade Competitiveness 17015012 -GwMªweR‡bm di †U«W Kw¤•wUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GwUwmwc) Project (ATCP) (15/10/2013-15/03/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 17015013 - Economic opportunity and Sexual and 17015013 -B‡KvbwgK AciPywbwU GÛ †m·yqvj GÛ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf Reproductive Health and rights a Pathway †nj_ GÛ ivBUm -G cv_I‡q Uy GgcvIqvwis Mvj©m GÛ to empowering girls and women in I‡gb Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2013-31/12/2014) Bangladesh Aby‡gvw`Z 17015014 - Agribusiness for Trade Competitiveness 17015014 -GwMªweR‡bm di †U«W Kw¤•wUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GwUwmwc) Project (ATCP) (15/10/2013-15/03/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 17015015 - Support to PSES enforce to Ensure 17015015 -mv‡cvU© Uy wcGmBGm G‡dvU©m Uy G¨vbwmDi †W‡fjc‡g›U Development in the RMG Industry. Bb `¨v AviGgwR BbWvw÷« (01/11/2014-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 17015020 - Unapproved Block Allocation for New 17015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** Project 17015021 - Support to Banglaesh RMG Sector in the 17015021 -mv‡cvU© Uz evsjv‡`k AviGgwR †m±i Bb w` †cv÷ post MFA (Approved) GgGdG (01/07/06 - 30/06/10) 17015030 - Developing Business Services Markets in 17015030 -‡W‡f‡jvwcs weR‡bm mvwf©‡mm gv‡K©Um Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (phase-II) (†dR-2) (01/03/2008-31/03/2013) (01/03/2008-31/03/2013) 17015031 - Bangladesh Leather Service Centre 17015031 -evsjv‡`k †j`vi mvwf©m †m›Uvi (weGjGmwm) di G· (BLSC) for Export Development ‡cvU© †W‡fjc‡g›U (d‡jv-Avc) cÖ‡R± (Follow-up) Project (01/07/09-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 17015040 - Promotion of Social and Environmental 17015040 -cÖ‡gvkb Ae †mvm¨vj GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj ÷¨vÛvW© Bb Standard in the Industries. w` BÛvw÷«R(01/07/10-30/06/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 17015041 - Support to Bangladesh RMG Sector under 17015041 -mv‡cvU© Uy evsjv‡`k AviGgwR †m±i AvÛvi weWwe­DwUwR BWTG Component of BEST Programme K‡¤•v‡b›U Ad weBGmwU †cÖvMªvg(01/07/10-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 17015050 - Bangladesh Trade Policy Support 17015050 -evsjv‡`k †U«W cwjwm mv‡cvU© ‡cÖvMªvg Programme (01/10/09-30/09/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z 17015051 - RMG Trade Promotion 17015051 -AviGgwR †U«W cÖ‡gvkb (01/07/09-31/12/2011) (01/07/09-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 17015061 - Bangladesh Economic groth programme 17015061 -evsjv‡`k B‡KvbwgK †Mªv_ †cÖvMªvg (01/02/08-08/02/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 17015111 - Review study on BIMA industry pension 17015111 -exgv wkí ‡cbkb I fwel¨r Znwej msµvš Kvhv©ejxi GPS activities Dci mgx¶v 17015121 - Study on final documents on Uruguya 17015121 -Di“¸‡q ivDÛ eûgyLx evwYR¨ Av‡jvPbv Povš `wj‡ji Round Agreements Dci mgx¶v 17015130 - Strengthening of the Office of the Focal 17015130 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae w` Awdm Ae w` ‡dvKvj c‡q›U (Wwe­DwUI Point(WTO Cell of the ministry of †mj Ae w` wgwbw÷« Ae Kgvm©) Bb cÖ‡gvwUs GÛ Commere) in Promoting and Diversifying WvBfviwmdvBs w` †U«W (01/01/11-31/12/2011) the Trade. Aby‡gvw`Z 17015131 - Business advisory service for export 17015131 -weR‡bm& GWfvBRix mvwf©m di G·‡cvU© Iwi‡q‡›UW ¯§j oriented small and medium sized GÛ wgwWqvg mvBR G›UvicÖvB‡Rm enterprises 17015141 - Survey on textile products 17015141 -e¯RvZ mvgMªx mgx¶v 17015151 - Establishment of computer facilities in 17015151 -Góvwe­k‡g›U Ae Kw¤•DUvi d¨vwmwjwU Ae †m›Uvi, BMDC, Chittagong PÆMªvg I Lyjbv 17015211 - Study on promotion of regional trade 17015211 -AvÂwjK evwYR¨ m¤•Kx©q mgx¶v (mvcUv) (SAPTA) 17015221 - Enterpreneurship development for 17015221 -G›Uviwcªwbqikxc †Wfjc‡g›U di GWz‡KUW AvbGgc­ educated unemployed women ‡qW DB‡gb 17015231 - Continuous study on industrial production 17015231 -Kw›UwbDqvm óvwW Ab BÛvw÷«qvj cªWvKkb cwjwm policy (CSIPP) (wmGmAvBwcwc) 17015241 - Integrated market promotion programme 17015241 -`w¶Y Av‡gwiKvi mgwš^Z gv‡K©U cª‡gvkb †cªvMªvg I in South America wmAvBGg K›U«v± cÖ‡gvkb msMVb 17015511 - Institutional development of FBCCI for 17015511 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U Ad GdwewmwmAvB di cª promotion of private sector investment and ‡gvkb Ae cÖvB‡fU †m±i Bb‡f÷‡g›U GÛ G·‡cvU© export 17015580 - Development and extension of ICMAB, 17015580 -AvBwmGgGwe-XvKvi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb Kvh©µg Dhaka 17015711 - Integrated market promotion programme 17015711 -DËi Av‡gwiKvq mgwš^Z gv‡K©U cª‡gvkb †cªvMªvg I in North America wmAvBGm K›Uªv± cÖ‡gvkb †cÖvMªvg msMVb 17015721 - Export development of toys, laggage, silk 17015721 -G·‡cvU© †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae U‡qR, jv‡MR, wmé GÛ wmé and silk product and stationery, bathroom †cÖvWv± GÛ †ókbvwi, ev_i“g wdwUsm (†cÖvWv± fittings (product development) †W‡fjc‡g›U) 17015731 - Establishment of information and data 17015731 -GdwewmwmAvB-Gi Bbdi‡gkb †m›Uvi Ges WvUv e¨vsK bank centre for FBCCI ¯’vcb 17015999 - Block Allocation for New Projects 17015999 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 17017351 - Export Divercification Project Product and 17017351 -G·‡cvU© WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb cÖ‡R±: †cÖvWv± GÛ gv‡K©U Market Development and Project †W‡f‡jc‡g›U, cÖ‡R± †Kv-AwW©‡bkb GÛ †W‡f‡jc‡g›U Co-operation and Development Support mv‡cvU© K‡¤•v‡b›U (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Component Aby‡gvw`Z 1705 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 1705 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 17052701 - Trading Corporation of Bangladesh 17052701 -‡UªwWs K‡cv©‡ikb Ae evsjv‡`k 17052703 - Jiban Bima Corporation 17052703 -Rxeb exgv K‡c©v‡ikb 17052705 - Shadharan Bima Corporation 17052705 -mvaviY exgv K‡cv©‡ikb 17052706 - Bangladesh Tea Board 17052706 -evsjv‡`k wU †evW© 17052708 - Coscor 17052708 -KmKi 17052931 - Bangladesh Tariff Commission 17052931 -evsjv‡`k U¨vwid Kwgkb 17052933 - Export Promotion Bureau 17052933 -ißvwb Dbœqb ey¨‡iv 17052934 - FBCCI 17052934 -†dWv‡ikb Ae evsjv‡`k †P¤^vi Ae Kgvm© GÛ BÛvwóªR 17052935 - Bangladesh Tea Board 17052935 -evsjv‡`k wU †evW©

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 17052939 - Institute of Cost Management 17052939 -BÝwUwUDU Ae K÷ g¨v‡bR‡g›U 17052941 - Institute of Chartered Accounts 17052941 -BÝwUwUDU Ae PvUvW© GKvD›U‡U›Um 17052942 - Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute(BFTI) 17052942 -evsjv‡`k d‡ib †UªW Bbw÷wUDU (weGdwUAvB) 17052943 - National Consumer Rights Protection 17052943 -RvZxq †fv³v AwaKvi msi¶Y cwil` Council 17052944 - Institute of Chartered Secretaries of 17052944 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae PvUvW© †m‡µUvwiR Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 17052945 - Business Promotion Council 17052945 -weR‡bm cÖ‡gvkb KvDw›mj 17052946 - Bangladesh Women Chamber of 17052946 -evsjv‡`k I‡gb †P¤^vi Ae Kgvm© GÛ BÛvwóª Commerce and Industry 17053999 - Miscellaneous/Other 17053999 -wewea/Ab¨vb¨ 17054723 - Construction Assistance of Chamber 17054723 -49wU ‡Rjvq †P¤¦vi wewìs wbg©vYKv‡R ev‡RU mnvqZv Building in 49 Districts 17054724 - FBCCI 17054724 -GdwewmwmAvB Gi Awaf–³ G‡mvwm‡qkbmg–‡ni AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mnvqZv 17055010 - Economic Opportunities and sextual & 17055010 -B‡KvbwgK AciPy¨wbwUm GÛ †m•yqvj GÛ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf Reproductive Health and Rights-a Pathway †nj_ GÛ ivBmU-G cv_I‡q Uy GgcvIqvwis Mvj©m GÛ to Empowering Girls and Women in I‡gb Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 17055011 - Establishment of Bangladesh-China 17055011 -evsjv‡`k-Pvqbv †d«Ûkxc Gw•wekb †m›Uvi wbg©vY cÖKí Friendship Exazibition Centre 17055021 - 17055021 - 17055131 - Business Advisory Service For Export 17055131 -weR‡bm GWfvBRix mvwf©m di G·‡cvU© Iwi‡q›U‡WU m¥j Oriented Small And Medium Size GÛ wgwWqvg mvBR G›UvicÖvB‡Rm (chv©q-2) Enterprise (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 17055511 - Institutional Development of FBCCI for 17055511 -B›mwUwUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U Ad GdwewmwmAvB di cÖ Promotion of Private Investment and Export ‡gvkb Ae cÖvB‡fU Bb‡fó‡g›U GÛ G·‡cvU© (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 17056981 - Modernisation and strengthening of trade 17056981 -‡U«W gvK© †iwRwó« AvaywbKiY I ‡Rvi`viKiY mark registry 17057010 - Construction of 8th and 9th floor of institute 17057010 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae PvU©vW© GKvD‡›U›U cªwk¶Y Kvh©vejx of Chartard Accountants m¤•ªmviY Gi Rb¨ 8g I 9g Zjv wbgv©Y 17057020 - Bangladesh China 17057020 -evsjv‡`k Pvqbv †d«Ûkxc Gw·weDkb †m›Uvi (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 17057031 - Export development and promotion bureau 17057031 -ißvwb Dbœqb ey¨‡ivi m¤•ªmvib 17057041 - Institutional development of Tariff 17057041 -U¨vwid Kwgk‡bi cªvwZôvwbK Dbœqb Commission 17057051 - Development of cost and management 17057051 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Kó GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U GKvDbwUs cª accounting profession ‡dkb 17057061 - Training of Charter Accountant of 17057061 -‡U«wbs Ae PvUv©i GKvD‡U›U Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 17057121 - Organising training, seminar and 17057121 -AM©vbvBwRs †U«wbs, †mwgbvi GÛ IqvK©kc workshop 17057310 - Construction of TCB godwon at Chittagong 17057310 -PÆMªv‡g wUwmwe-Gi My`vgNi wbg©vY 17057320 - Construction of residential quarters for 17057320 -DËivq mvaviY exgv K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i employees at Uttara Rb¨ evm¯’vb wbgv©Y cÖKí (chv©q-1) 17057330 - Construction of ICAB's academic complex 17057330 -AvBwmGgGweÔi GKv‡WwgK Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) 17057341 - Export divercification, protection analysis 17057341 -G·‡cvU© WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb cÖ‡R± †cÖv‡UKkb and trade co-operation GbvjvBwmm GÛ †UªW †Kv-Acv‡ikb (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 17057351 - Marketing Skills Development Scheme for 17057351 -gv‡K©wUs w¯‹jm& †W‡fjc‡g›U ¯‹xg di w` †j`vi †m±i the Lather Sector (1/7/2002-30/10/2003) (01/07/2002-30/10/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 17057361 - Project Preparatory Technical Assistance 17057361 -XvKv †P¤¦vi Ad Kgvm© t cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj for Small and Medium Enterprise G¨vwmm‡U›m di m¥j GÛ wgwWqvg G›UvicÖvBR Development and Export Expansion †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ G·‡cvU© G·cvbkb †cÖvMªvg Programme (SMEDEP) (Gm.Gg.B.wW.B.wc) (01/08/2002-07/09/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z (1/8/2002-31/3/2003)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 17057580 - Expansion of ICMAB programme 17057580 -AvBwmGgGwe-Gi XvKvi m¤•ªmviY Kvh©µg (Phase-2) 17057610 - Construction of 5th & 6th floor of TCB 17057610 -KvIivb evRvi¯’ wUwmwe fe‡bi 5g I 6ô Zjv wbgv©Y Bhabon at Kawran Bazar. 17058371 - Developing Business Services Markets 17058371 -‡W‡fjwcs weR‡bm mvwf©‡mm gv‡K©Um (wWweGmGg) Programme in Bangladesh. †cÖvMªvg Bb evsjv‡`k (01/09/2003-30/09/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 17058381 - Preparatory Assistance for Trade and 17058381 -wcÖcv‡iUix A¨vwmmU¨v›m di †U«W GÛ wnDg¨vb Human Development †W‡fjc‡g›U Ggc­q‡g›U Bgwc­‡Kk›m Ae Gg.Gd.G‡dBR AwWU GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej cwjwm Ack›m (1/4/2004-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 17058391 - Business Development Services for 17058391 -weR‡bm †W‡fjc‡g›U mvwf©‡mm di cÖvB‡fU †m±i cÖ Private Sector Promotion ‡gvkb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abyy‡gvw`Z 17058398 - Small Project Facilities. 17058398 -m¥j cÖ‡R± d¨vwmwjwUR (01/07/2004-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 17058400 - Bangladesh Trade Support Programme 17058400 -evsjv‡`k †U«W mv‡cvU© †cÖvMªvg (Approved) (1/1/2005-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 17058401 - strengthening accounting and auditing 17058401 -‡÷«s‡`wbs GKvDw›Us GÛ AwWwUs ÷¨vÛvm© GÛ cÖvKwU‡mm Bb w` K‡c©v‡iU †m±i (1/3/2006-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 17058402 - Computerization of The Office 17058402 -Kw¤cDUvivB‡Rkb Ae `¨v Awdm Ae †iwR÷vi R‡q›U ÷K †Kv¤cvwbR GÛ dvg©m (1/4/2005-31/3/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 17058410 - Bangladesh leather service center 17058410 -evsjv‡`k †j`vi mvwf©m †m›Uvi (weGjGmwm) di G· ‡cvU© †W‡fjc‡g›U †dBR-1 (01/01/2006-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 17058420 - Quality support export diversification 17058420 -†KvqvwjwU mv‡cvU© G·‡cvU© WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb †cÖvMÖvg programme (01/01/06-30/06/2007) wWGmwcBwm mycvt 17058430 - 17058430 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae GdwewmwmAvB (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 17058440 - Strengthening of FBBCI Research Base 17058440 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae GdwewmwmAvB wimvP© †eBR (Approved) (01/07/2008-30/06/2009) Abby‡gvw`Z 17058450 - Promition of Social Environmental & 17058450 -cÖ‡gvkb Ae †mvkvj Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj GÛ †cÖvWvw±wfwU ÷ Productivity Standards in the Readymade ¨vÛvm© Bb w` †iwW‡gU Mv‡g©›U †m±i (‡cªv‡Mªm) Garments sector (progress) (Approved) (01/10/2008-30/06/2010) 17059610 - Construction of second floor of TCB 17059610 -Lyjbvq wUwmwe-Gi we`¨gvb 1g Zjv Awdm fe‡bi 2q bhaban of Khulna Zjv wbgv©Y 17059620 - Construction of four storied building of 17059620 -KvIivb evRvi¯’ we`¨gvb wUwmwe fe‡bi 4_© Zjv wbgv©Y TCB at Karwan Bazar 1706 - International Organisations 1706 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 17064121 - Global System of Trade Preference (GSTP) 17064121 -‡M­vevj wm‡÷g Ae †UªW wcªdv‡iÝ (wRGmwUwc) 17064123 - Islamic Trade Development Centre 17064123 -BmjvwgK e¨emv Dbœqb †K›`ª 17064125 - International Textile Clothing Bureau 17064125 -AvšR©vwZK †U·UvBj †K¬vw_s e‚¨‡iv 17064127 - Economic Co operation for Developing 17064127 -Dbœqbkxj †`kmg‡ni A_©‰bwZK mn‡hvwMZv Countries 17064129 - World Trade Organisation (Former GATT) 17064129 -Iqvì© †UªW AM©vbvB‡Rkb (mv‡eK M¨vU) 17064130 - Corporate Registers Forum(CRF) 17064130 -K‡c©v‡iU †iwR÷«vm© ‡dvivg (wmAviGd) 1731-1750 - Trade and Commerce 1731-1750 -e¨emv I evwYR¨ 1731 - Chief Controller of Imports and Exports (CCIE) 1731 -Avg`vwb I ißvwb gyL¨ wbqšK-Gi `ßi 17310001 - Chief Controller of Imports and Exports 17310001 -Avg`vwb I ißvwb gyL¨ wbqšK-Gi `ßi (wmwmAvBB) (CCIE) 17310005 - CCIE-Regional Offices 17310005 -wmwmAvBB-AvÂwjK Awdmmg–n 17310010 - CCIE-District Offices 17310010 -wmwmAvBB-‡Rjv Awdmmgn 1733 - Chief Controller of Insurance 1733 -cªavb exgv wbqš¿K 17330000 - Chief Controller of Insurance 17330000 -cªavb exgv wbqšÎK 17335010 - 17335010 -Gbn¨v݇g›U Ae Mf‡b©Ý GÛ K¨vcvwmwU Ae BÝy¨‡iÝ †m±i (01/01/2007-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 17338450 - 17338450 -cÖ‡gvkb Ae †mvkvj Gbfvqb‡g›Uvj GÛ †cÖvWvw±wfwU ÷ ¨vÛvm© Bb w` †iwW‡gU Mv‡g©›U †m±i (01/10/2008-30/06/2010)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 1735 - Registrar of Joint Stock Companies 1735 -‡iwR÷ªvi Ae R‡q›U ÷K †Kv¤•vwbR 17350000 - Registrar of Joint Stock Companies 17350000 -‡iwR÷ªvi Ae R‡q›U ÷K †Kv¤•vwbR 1737 - Controller of Coal 1737 -Kqjv wbqšK 17370000 - Controller of Coal 17370000 -Kqjv wbqšK 1739 - Department of Supplies and Inspection 1739 -mieivn I cwi`k©b wefvM 17390000 - Department of Supplies and Inspection 17390000 -mieivn I cwi`k©b wefvM 1741 - Directorate of Agriculture Marketing and Grading 1741 -K…wl cY¨ wecYb I †kªYxweY¨vm cwi`ßi 17410000 - Directorate of Agriculture Marketing and 17410000 -K…wl cY¨ wecYb I †kªYxweb¨vm cwi`ßi Grading 1742 - Preservation of National Consumer Rights 1742 -RvZxq †fv³v AwaKvi msi¶Y Awa`ßi Department 17420000 - Preservation of National Consumer Rights 17420000 -RvZxq †fv³v AwaKvi msi¶Y Awa`ßi Department 1743 - Price and Market Intelligence 1743 -cY¨gj¨ I wecYb Z_¨ cwi`ßi 17430000 - Price and Market Intelligence 17430000 -cY¨gj¨ I wecYb Z_¨ cwi`ßi 1745 - Trade and Commercial Offices in Foreign 1745 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z evwYwR¨K Kvh©vjqmg–n Countries 17450000 - Trade and Commercial Office in Foreign 17450000 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z evwYwR¨K Kvh©vjq mgn Countries 17450005 - Delhi 17450005 -w`j­x 17450010 - Calcutta 17450010 -KwjKvZv 17450015 - Moscow 17450015 -g‡¯‹v 17450020 - London 17450020 -jÛb 17450025 - Tokyo 17450025 -‡UvwKI 17450030 - Geneva 17450030 -‡R‡bfv 17450035 - Brussels 17450035 -eªv‡mjm 17450040 - Beijing 17450040 -‡eBwRs 17450045 - Washington 17450045 -IqvwksUb 17450050 - Kuala Lumpur 17450050 -Kzqvjvjvgcyi 17450055 - Abu Dhabi 17450055 -Aveyavex 17450060 - Colombo 17450060 -Kj‡¤^v 17450065 - Tehran 17450065 -‡Znivb 17450070 - Ottawa 17450070 -A‡Uvqv 17450075 - Nairobi 17450075 -bvB‡ivwe 17450080 - Canberra 17450080 -K¨vb‡eiv 17450085 - Jeddah 17450085 -‡RÏv 17450087 - Pretoria 17450087 -wcª‡Uvwiqv 17450090 - Spain (Madrid) 17450090 -‡¯•b (gvw`ª`) 17450091 - Dubai 17450091 -`yevB 17450092 - Sydney 17450092 -wmWbx 17450093 - Paris 17450093 -c¨vwim 17450094 - Berlin 17450094 -evwj©b 17450095 - Los Angeles 17450095 -jmG‡Äjm 17450097 - Yangon 17450097 -Bqvs¸Y 17450099 - Singapore 17450099 -wm½vcyi 1796-1798 - Development Programme Financed by 1796-1798 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 1796 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 1796 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Budget 17964739 - National Trade Portal 17964739 -RvZxq †U«W †cvU©vj ¯’vcb 1799-1799 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 1799-1799 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 1799 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 1799 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 17990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 17990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 18 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18 - ciivó« gšÎYvjq 1801-1810 - Administration 1801-1810 -cªkvmb 1801 - Secretariat 1801 -mwPevjq 18010001 - Secretariat 18010001 -mwPevjq 18010002 - External Publicity Wing 18010002 -ewnt cÖPvi AbywefvM 18010003 - Protocol 18010003 -ivóªvPvi 18010005 - State Guest House 18010005 -ivóªxq AwZw_ feb 18010010 - Training Institute of Foreign Affairs 18010010 -ciivó« gšYvjq c«wk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU 18010011 - Assistance to Foreign Countries 18010011 -Ab¨vb¨ †`‡ki Rb¨ mnvqZv 18010012 - NAM Conference 18010012 -b¨vg m‡¤§jb 18010013 - National Maritime Division 18010013 -RvZxq †gwiUvBg wefvM 18010015 - 18010015 -RvwZmsN mgy`ª AvBb Kb‡fbkb ev¯evqb Kg©mPx 18015010 - Support for the Co-ordination of 18015010 -mv‡cvU© di `¨v †Kv-AwW©‡bkb Ad B›Uvib¨vkbvj International observes AeRvifvim 18015020 - Construction of chancery building for 18015020 -IqvwksUb¯’ evsjv‡`k `Zvev‡mi Rb¨ P¨vÝwi Kg‡c­· Bangladesh embassy in Washington wbgv©Y (ms‡kvwaZ) 18015030 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 18015030 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK ** 18015040 - aaa 18015040 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae evsjv‡`k P¨v›mvwi Kg‡c­• Bb †UvwKI, Rvcvb 18015110 - Construction of chancery building in 18015110 -bqvw`j­x¯’ evsjv‡`k `Zvev‡mi P¨vÝvwi Kc‡c­· wbgv©Y Bangladesh mission in Delhi 1805 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 1805 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 18052951 - Bangladesh Institute of International & 18052951 -evsjv‡`k AvšZR©vwZK m¤•K© I iY‡KŠkjMZ mgx¶v Strategic Studies cÖwZôvb 18053401 - Bangladesh Law and International Affairs 18053401 -evsjv‡`k AvBb I AvšZR©vwZK welqvejx cÖwZôvb 18053403 - Bangladesh UN Association 18053403 -evsjv‡`k RvwZmsN mwgwZ 18053405 - American Institute of Bangladesh 18053405 -Av‡gwiKvb Bbw÷wUDU Ae evsjv‡`k 18053406 - Dhaka 18053406 -XvKvq wegm‡UK-Gi ¯’vqx mwPevjq 18054301 - Allocation for other Programme of SAARC 18054301 -mv‡K©i Ab¨vb¨ Kg©mwPi Rb¨ eivÏ 1806 - International Organisations 1806 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 18064035 - UN Environment Programme 18064035 -RvwZmsN cwi‡ek Kvh©µg 18064036 - Asia Europe Foundation (ASEE) 18064036 -Gwkqv BD‡ivc dvD‡Ûkb (GGmBGd) 18064037 - Climate Vulnerable Forum Trust Fund 18064037 -wmwfGd U«vó dvÛ (CVF) 18064038 - South Asian Regional Standards 18064038 -`w¶Y Gkxq AvÂwjK gvb ms¯’v Organization 18064071 - United Nations 18064071 -RvwZmsN 18064073 - UN Peace Keeping Force 18064073 -RvwZmsN kvwši¶x evwnbx 18064131 - Commonwealth Secretariat 18064131 -KgbI‡qj_ †m‡µUvwi‡qU 18064133 - Commonwealth Institute 18064133 -KgbI‡qj_ Bbw÷wUDU 18064135 - Organisation of Islamic Conference 18064135 -BmjvwgK m‡¤§jb ms¯’v (IAvBwm) 18064136 - United Nations 18064136 -RvwZmsN 18064137 - UN Environment Programme 18064137 -RvwZmsN cwi‡ek Kvh©µg 18064138 - UN Peace Keeping Force 18064138 -RvwZmsN kvwšZi¶x evwnbx 18064139 - SAARC Secretariat 18064139 -mvK© †m‡µUvwi‡qU 18064141 - SAARC Meteorological Research Centre 18064141 -mvK© AvenvIqv M‡elYv †K›`ª 18064142 - Bay of Initiative for Multisectoral 18064142 -wegm‡UK mwPevjq I wegm‡U‡Ki †K›`ªmg–n Technical & Economic Co-operation (BIMSTEC) 18064143 - SAARC Agricultural Information Centre 18064143 -mvK© K…wl Z_¨ †K›`ª 18064145 - Other SAARC Programmes 18064145 -mv‡K©i Ab¨vb¨ Kg©m–wP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 18064146 - Bangabandhu Fellowship at South Asian 18064146 -nvB‡WjevM© wek¦we`¨vj‡qi `w¶Y Gwkqv BÝwówUD‡U Institute of Hydelburg University e½eÜz †d‡jvwkc 18064147 - Non Aligned Conference 18064147 -‡RvU wbi‡c¶ m‡¤§jb 18064148 - Indian Ocean Regional Co-operative 18064148 -fviZ gnvmvMi ejq AvÂwjK mn‡hvwMZv ms¯’v Organization 18064149 - SAARC Development Fund (S D F) 18064149 -mvK© Dbœqb Znwej (Gm wW Gd) 18064150 - South Asian University 18064150 -`w¶Y Gwkq wek¦we`¨vjq 18064453 - D-8 18064453 -wW-8 1811-1820 - Diplomatic and Consular Services 1811-1820 -wW‡cÐv‡gwUK Ges Kbmyjvi mvwf©‡mm 1811 - Embassies 1811 -`yZvevmmg–n 18110000 - Embassies 18110000 -`Zvevm mgn 18110005 - Abu Dhabi 18110005 -Aveyavwe 18110010 - Ankara 18110010 -AvbKviv 18110015 - Oman 18110015 -Igvb 18110020 - Baghdad 18110020 -evM`v` 18110025 - Bahrain 18110025 -evnivBb 18110030 - Bangkok 18110030 -e¨vsKK 18110035 - Brasilia 18110035 -eªvwmwjqv 18110040 - Bonn 18110040 -evwj©b 18110045 - Brussels 18110045 -eªv‡mjm 18110050 - Bucharest 18110050 -eyLv‡ió 18110055 - Cairo 18110055 -Kvq‡iv 18110060 - Dakar 18110060 -WvKvi 18110065 - Jakarta 18110065 -RvKvZ©v 18110070 - Rabat 18110070 -ivevZ 18110075 - Riyadh 18110075 -wiqv` 18110080 - Geneva 18110080 -‡R‡bfv 18110085 - Kathmandu 18110085 -KvVgyÛy 18110090 - Kabul 18110090 -Kveyj 18110095 - Kuwait 18110095 -Ky‡qZ 18110100 - Manila 18110100 -g¨vwbjv 18110105 - Moscow 18110105 -g‡¯‹v 18110110 - UN-New York 18110110 -BD Gb-wbDBqK© 18110115 - Beijing 18110115 -‡eBwRs 18110120 - Paris 18110120 -c¨vwim 18110125 - Qatar 18110125 -KvZvi 18110130 - Yangon 18110130 -Bqvs¸b 18110135 - Rome 18110135 -‡ivg 18110140 - Stockholm 18110140 -÷K‡nvg 18110145 - Tehran 18110145 -‡Znivb 18110150 - Thimpu 18110150 -w_¤•y 18110155 - Tokyo 18110155 -‡UvwKI 18110160 - Tripoli 18110160 -w·cvjx 18110165 - Washington DC 18110165 -IqvwksUb wWwm 18110170 - Warsaw 18110170 -Iqvik 18110175 - Seoul 18110175 -wmDj 18110180 - Tashkent 18110180 -ZvmL›` 18110185 - Hanoi 18110185 -n¨vbq 18110190 - Belgrade 18110190 -‡ej‡MªW 18110195 - Algiers 18110195 -AvjwRqvm© 18110200 - Berlin 18110200 -evwj©b

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 18110205 - Hague 18110205 -‡nM 18110210 - Belgium 18110210 -‡ejwRqvg 18110215 - Namibia 18110215 -bvwgweqv 18110220 - Madrid 18110220 -gvw`ª` 18110225 - Zardan/Amman 18110225 -R`©vb/Av¤§vb 18110230 - Maldivs 18110230 -gvjØxc 18110235 - Athens 18110235 -G‡_›m 18110240 - Khartum 18110240 -LvZy©g 18110245 - Free Town 18110245 -wd« UvDb 18110250 - Meixco City 18110250 -‡gw·‡Kv wmwU 18110255 - Port Luis 18110255 -†cvU© jyBm 18110260 - Beiurut 18110260 -ˆei“Z 18110265 - Lisbon 18110265 -wjmeb 18110270 - Brasilia 18110270 -eªvwmwjqv 18110275 - Vienna 18110275 -wf‡qbv 18110280 - war ash 18110280 -Iqvik 18110285 - Copenhagen 18110285 -†Kv‡cb‡n‡Mb 18115010 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18115010 -‡mŠw` Avi‡ei wiqv‡` evsjv‡`k P¨v›mwi Kg‡c­­· wbg©vY complex in Riyadh, Soudi Arabia. (1g ch©vq) (01/07/2008-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 18115011 - Ankara Chancery building 18115011 -Zyi‡¯‹I AvsKviv‡Z P¨vÝvix feb wbgv©b 18115012 - Kathmunda chancery 18115012 -‡bcv‡ji KvVgyÛ P¨vÝvix feb wbgv©b 18115013 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18115013 -Ab¨vb¨ wgkbmgy‡n P¨vÝvix feb wbgv©b complex in Other missions 18115014 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18115014 -gvqvbgv‡ii †bwc‡Z P¨vÝvix feb wbgv©b complex in Napite 18115015 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18115015 -‡mŠw` Avi‡ei wiqv‡` evsjv‡`k P¨v›mix Kg‡c­­· wbg©vY complex in Riyadh, Soudi Arabia. (1g ch©vq) (01/01/2009 - 30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 18115016 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18115016 -‡mŠw` Avi‡ei wiqv‡` evsjv‡`k P¨v›mix Kg‡c­­· wbg©vY complex in Riyadh, Soudi Arabia. (1g ch©vq) (01/01/2009 - 30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 18115020 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18115020 -GgcÐqb‡g›U Ae Kbmvj‡U›U di wcÖcv‡ikb Ae `¨v complex in Tokyo, Japan. wWRvBb GÛ K÷ Bw÷‡gU di Kb÷ªvKkb Ae evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvwi Kg‡cз Bb †UvwKI, Rvcvb (01/11/2009 - 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 18115040 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18115040 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae evsjv‡`k P¨v›mvwi Bb †UvwKI, Rvcvb complex in Tokyo, Japan (01/07/2011-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 1812 - High Commissions 1812 -nvBKwgkbmg–n 18120000 - High Commissions 18120000 -nvB Kwgkb mgn 18120005 - Birmingham 18120005 -evwg©snvg 18120010 - Calcutta 18120010 -KwjKvZv 18120015 - Canberra 18120015 -K¨vb‡eiv 18120020 - Colombo 18120020 -Kj‡¤^v 18120025 - Nairobi 18120025 -bvB‡ivwe 18120030 - Kuala Lumpur 18120030 -Kzqvjvjvgcyi 18120035 - London 18120035 -jÛb 18120040 - Manchester 18120040 -gv‡Â÷vi 18120045 - New Delhi 18120045 -bqvw`j­x 18120050 - Ottawa 18120050 -A‡Uvqv 18120055 - Singapore 18120055 -wm½vcyi 18120060 - Harare 18120060 -nviv‡i 18120065 - Islamabad 18120065 -Bmjvgvev` 18120070 - Pretoria 18120070 -wcª‡Uvwiqv 18120075 - Male 18120075 -g¨v‡j 18120080 - Brunei 18120080 -eª“bvB

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 18120085 - Khartum 18120085 -LvZz©g 18120090 - Free Town 18120090 -wd« UvDb 18120095 - Mumbai 18120095 -gy¤^vB 18120100 - Port Luis 18120100 -‡cvU© jyBm 18125010 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18125010 -cvwK¯@v‡bi Bmjvgvev‡` evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvwi Kg‡cз wbg©vY complex in Islamabad, Pakistan. (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 18125011 - Construction of Bangladesh chancery 18125011 -gvjqwkqvi Kzqvjvjvgcy‡i P¨vÝvix feb wbgv©b complex in Kualampur 18125020 - 18125020 -†mŠw` Avi‡ei wiqv‡` evsjv‡`k P¨v›mvix Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (01/07/2008-30/06/2008) 1813 - Consular Offices 1813 -Kbmyjvi `ßimg–n 18130000 - Consular Offices 18130000 -Kbmyjvi `ßi mgn 18130003 - Karachi 18130003 -KivPx 18130005 - Los Angeles 18130005 -jmG‡Äjm 18130007 - Agartala 18130007 -AvMiZjv 18130009 - Akyab (Mayanmar) 18130009 -AvwKqve (gvqvbgvi) 18130011 - Dubai 18130011 -`yevB 18130013 - Hong Kong 18130013 -nsKs 18130015 - Jeddah 18130015 -‡RÏv 18130017 - New York 18130017 -wbDBqK© 18130019 - Sydney 18130019 -wmWbx 18130021 - Milan (Italy) 18130021 -wgjvb (BZvjx) 18130023 - Consulate General Office,Istambul,Turkey. 18130023 -B¯v¤¦yj 18130025 - Kung Ming 18130025 -Kzbwgs 1815 - Other Services 1815 -Ab¨vb¨ 18150000 - Other Services 18150000 -Ab¨vb¨ 18150001 - Diplomatic and Consular Functions 18150001 -Ab¨vb¨ wW‡c­v‡gwUK I Kbmyjvi Kvh©µg 18150003 - Miscellaneous Functions 18150003 -wewea Kvh©µg 1880-1885 - Special Programmes 1880-1885 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 1880 - Special Programme 1880 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 18805561 - 18805561 -RvwZmsN mgy`ª AvBb Kb‡fbkb 1982 ev¯evqb 1896-1898 - Development Programme Financed by 1896-1898 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 1896 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 1896 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 18964683 - United Nations Convention on the Law of 18964683 -RvwZmsN mgy`ª AvBb Kb‡fbkb ev¯Zevqb (2003-04 the Sea (UNCLOS, 1982) (2003-04 to n‡Z 2006-07) 2006-07) 18964684 - MRP Acceleration Program for Africa, Asia 18964684 -Avwd«Kv, Gwkqv I cÖkvš@ A‡j GgAviwc cÖ`vb and Pacific Z¡ivwš^ZKiY (†deª“qvix 2015-Rvbyqvix 2016) 18964685 - MRP Acceleration Program for Europe and 18964685 -BD‡ivc I Av‡gwiKv‡Z GgAviwc cÖ`vb Z¡ivwš^ZKiY America (†deª“qvix 2015-Rvbyqvix 2016) 18964830 - Construction of Dubai Consulate 18964830 -`yevB‡Z evsjv‡`k Kbmy¨‡jU feb wbg©vY 18964831 - Block allocation 18964831 -†_vK eivÏ 18964991 - ICT Application(01/10/2010-01/06/2012) 18964991 -AvBwmwU A¨vwc­­‡Kkb(01/10/2010-01/06/2012) 1899-1899 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 1899-1899 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 1899 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 1899 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 18990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 18990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 19 - Ministry of Defence 19 - cªwZi¶v gš¿Yvjq 1901-1910 - Administration 1901-1910 -cªkvmb 1901 - Secretariat 1901 -mwPevjq 19010001 - Secretariat 19010001 -mwPevjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 19010003 - Department of Cypher 19010003 -mvBdvi cwi`ßi 19015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 19015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 19015011 - Extension and Modanization of C.M.H 19015011 -wmGgGBP XvKv m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKvqb (2q ch©vq) Dhaka (2nd Phase) (01/01/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2013-30/06/2014) 19015012 - Establishment of BASB Automation 19015012 -G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae we.G.Gm.we A‡Uv‡gkb wm‡÷g System (01/01/2015-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 1905 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 1905 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 19052711 - Freedom Fighters Welfare Trust 19052711 -gyw³‡hv×v Kj¨vY Uªv÷ 19052915 - Bangladesh Institute of International and 19052915 -evsjv‡`k AvšR©vwZK m¤•K© I iY‡KŠkjMZ mgx¶v Strategic Studies cÖwZôv 19052961 - SPARSSO 19052961 -evsjv‡`k gnvKvk M‡elYv I `i Abyaveb ms¯’v 19052963 - Cadet Colleges 19052963 -K¨v‡WU K‡jR 19052965 - Bangladesh National Cadet Corps 19052965 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq K¨v‡WU †Kvi (BNCC) 19055010 - Stablish Two Grils Cadet College 19055010 -02wU Mvj„m K¨v‡WU K‡jR ¯’vcb 19055011 - Repair, Rehabitation and Expansion 19055011 -!givgZ, cyY©evmb Ges m¤•ªvmviY cÖKí-K¨v!WU K!jR Project-Cadet Colleges mgn 19057010 - Development of Bangladesh National 19057010 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq K¨v‡WU †Kv‡ii Dbœqb Cadet Corps 19057020 - Establishment of a girl's cadet college at 19057020 -‡dbx‡Z GKwU gwnjv K¨v‡WU K‡jR ¯’vcb Feni 19057030 - Establishment of a Bir Uttam Mahbub 19057030 -exi DËg gvneye (cve©Zxcyi) iv½vgvwU I LvMovQwo‡Z (Parbotepur) Cant Public School at K¨v›U cvewjK ¯‹zj ¯’vcb Rangamati and Khagrachari 19057040 - Environment desaster 19057040 -Gbfvqib‡g›U wWRv÷vi gwbUwis wm‡÷g (BwWAviBGgwWGm) (01/07/07 - 30/06/08) Abby‡gvw`Z 1906 - International Organisations 1906 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 19064151 - World Meteorological Organisation 19064151 -wek¦ AvenvIqv ms¯’v 19064460 - Asia Pacific Space Cooperation 19064460 -Gwkqv GÛ w` c¨vwmwdK ­c­¨v›U cÖ‡UKkb Kwgkb Organization (APSCO) (Gwcwcwcwm) 1907 - Controller General Defence Finance 1907 -K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij wW‡dÝ dvBb¨vÝ 19070001 - Controller General of Defence Finance 19070001 -K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij wW‡dÝ dvBb¨vÝ 19070005 - Area Finance Controller 19070005 -AvÂwjK A_© wbqšK 19070010 - Senior Finance Controller Army 19070010 -wmwbqi dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-‡mbvevwnbx 19070020 - Senior Finance Controller Navy 19070020 -wmwbqi dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-‡bŠevwnbx 19070030 - Senior Finance Controller Air Force 19070030 -wmwbqi dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-wegvb evwnbx 19070040 - Senior Finance Controller Defence 19070040 -wmwbqi dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-cªwZi¶v µq Purchase 19070050 - Senior Finance Controller Works 19070050 -wmwbqi dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-c–Z© 19070060 - Finance Controller Log 19070060 -dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-jM 19070070 - Finance Controller Miscellaneous 19070070 -dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-wewea 19070071 - Finance Controller Army-Pay 1 19070071 -dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-(†mbv)-‡eZb-1 19070072 - Finance Controller Army-Pay 2 19070072 -dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi (†mbv) †eZb-2 19070080 - B.O.F. 19070080 -dvBb¨vÝ K‡›Uªvjvi-(weIGd) 19070085 - Regional Finance Controller, Chittagong 19070085 -AvÂwjK A_© wbqšÎK, PÆMªvg 19070086 - Regional Finance Controller, Comilla 19070086 -AvÂwjK A_© wbqšÎK, Kzwgj­v 19070087 - Regional Finance Controller, Jessore 19070087 -AvÂwjK A_© wbqšÎK, h‡kvni 19070088 - Regional Finance Controller, Rangpur 19070088 -AvÂwjK A_© wbqšÎK, iscyi 19070089 - Regional Finance Controller, Bogra 19070089 -AvÂwjK A_© wbqšÎK, e¸ov 19070090 - Regional Finance Controller, Savar 19070090 -AvÂwjK A_© wbqšÎK, mvfvi 1911-1920 - Survey and Meteorology 1911-1920 -Rwic I AvenvIqv 1911 - Survey of Bangladesh 1911 -evsjv‡`k Rwic Awa`ßi 19110000 - Survey of Bangladesh 19110000 -evsjv‡`k Rwic Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 19115010 - Development of Mapping System 19115010 -wWwRUvj g¨vwcs c×wZi Dbœqb 19115011 - Strengthening the Digital Cartographic 19115011 -†÷«s‡`wbs w` wWwRUvj Kv‡U©vMªvwdK K¨vcvwmwU Ae mv‡f© Capacity of Survey of Bangladesh Ae evsjv‡`k (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) 19115091 - Strengthening the capability of survey of 19115091 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs w` K¨vcvevwjwU Ae mv‡f© Ae evsjv‡`k Bb Bangladesh wRI‡Wwm (chv©q-1) 19115111 - ESTABLISHMENT OF CARTOGRAPHIC 19115111 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Kv‡U©vMªvwdK †m›Uvi AvÛvi mv‡f© Ae CENTRE UNDER SURVEY evsjv‡`k 19115121 - Strengthening the capability of Bangladesh 19115121 -†ó«s‡`wbs `¨v K¨vcvwewjwU Ae evsjv‡`k Bb wRI‡Wmx in Geodesy (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) 19115131 - Topographic mapping of 19115131 -U‡cvMªvwdK g¨vwcs Ae evsjv‡`k, cªwKDi‡g›U Ad Bangladesh-Procurement of equipment BKzBc‡g›Um GÛ †gwmbvwiR and machineries 19115141 - Hydro-Bangladesh project for 19115141 -evsjv‡`k †bŠevwnbxi nvB‡W«vMªvwdK GÛ Im‡bvMªvwdK strengthening of 's Rwic kw³kvjxKi‡Y nvB‡W«v evsjv‡`k cÖKí Hydrographic and orsonographic survey 19115151 - Supply of cartiographic equipments 19115151 -mvc­vB Ae Kv‡U©vMªvwdK (Revised) BKzBc‡g›U|(01/7/99-31/12/2003) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 19115161 - Topographic Mapping of Bangladesh : 19115161 -U‡cvMÖvwdK g¨vwcs Ae evsjv‡`kt cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae Procurement of Equipment and BKzBc‡g›U GÛ †gwkbvixR (2q ms‡kvwaZ) Machinery's 19115251 - The Study of Urban Information 19115251 -w` ÷vwW Ab Avievb Bbdi‡gkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U di †MÖUvi Management for Greater Dhaka City XvKv wmwU (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 19115252 - Army Head Quarter 19115252 - 19115253 - Establishment of Public 19115253 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR School and College at Artilary and School G¨vU AvwU©jvwi †m›Uvi GÛ ¯‹zj, nvwjkni, PÆMÖvg GÛ Halishahar, Chittagong and Rajshahi ivRkvnx K¨v›Ub‡g›U (01/01/10 - 31/12/12) Cantonment (01/01/10 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 1913 - Meteorological Department 1913 -evsjv‡`k AvenvIqv Awa`ßi 19130000 - Meteorological Department 19130000 -evsjv‡`k AvenvIqv Awa`ßi 19135010 - Establishment of Metrological Radar 19135010 -G÷vewj÷‡g›U Ae †g‡›UªvjwRK¨vj i¨vWvi wm‡÷g G¨vU system at MoulviBazar †gŠjfxevRvi| 19135011 - Establishment of Automatic Meteorological 19135011 -AvnvIqv Awa`߇i ¯^qswµq AvenvIqv ch©‡e¶Y c×wZ Observing System and Wind Profilers for Ges DBÛ †cÖvdvBjvi ¯’vcb Bangladesh Meteorological Department. 19135012 - Preparation of Wind Map of Coastal Areas / 19135012 -w¯’wZ kw³ Drcv`‡b evsjv‡`‡ki DcK~jxq /m¤¢ve¨ AÂj Feasible Areas of Bangladesh for wbe©vPbK‡í evqy gvbwPÎ cÖ¯‘ZKiY Assessing Power Generation Potential 19135013 - Improvement of DMO Sylhet and PBO Feni 19135013 -wWGgI wm‡jU I wcweI †dbx Gi Dbœqb Ges Acv‡ikbvj & Construction of Residential Building at Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ Kg©KZ©v/Kg©PvixM‡Yi Rb¨ XvKvq Dhaka For Operational Officers and Staffs AvevwmK feb wbg©vY of BMD 19135014 - Improvement and Extention of DMO Sylhet 19135014 -wm‡jU¯’ wbf©ikxj AvenvIqv Awdm, †dYx¯’ cvBjU †ejyb & PBO Feni ch©‡e¶YvMvi Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY 19135015 - Replacement of Hydrogen Plant of BMD 19135015 -AvnvIqv Awa`߇ii nvB‡Wªv‡Rb c­v›U-Gi cÖwZ¯’vcb 19135016 - Improvement & Relocation of Dhaka 19135016 -RvZxq `y‡h©vM n‡Z wbivc` wegvb I †bŠ PjvPj Ges kû Meteorological Radar System for ‡i c×wZ i¶vK‡í XvKv¯’ AvenvIqv ivWvi ¯’vbvšZi I Operation in Aviation and Riverine Sectors Dbœqb and Protection of Urban System against Na 19135017 - Strengthening of meteorological 19135017 -13wU b`x e›`‡i 1g †kªYxi AvenvIqv †hvMv‡hvM observatories located at 13 River Port kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z Areas of Bangladesh (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) approved 19135018 - Improvement of Meteorological Radar 19135018 -XvKv I iscyi¯’ AvenvIqv ivWv‡ii Dbœqb cÖKí System in Dhaka and Rangpur

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 19135020 - Establishment og 1st Class 19135020 -G÷vewj÷‡g›U Ad dv÷ K¬vm †g‡_vjwRK¨vj Meteorological Observatory at Five Places AeRvi‡fUwi GU dvBf †c­‡mm (Panchaghar, Kishoregong, (cÂMo,wK‡kviMÄ,LvMovQwo, K·evRvi GÛ ev›`ievb) Khagrachari,Cox’sBazar & Bandarban) (01/01/2009-2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135030 - Improving of Agro-Metiorological Services 19135030 -G‡Mªv-wgwUI‡ivjwRK¨vj mvwf©‡mm Gi Dbœqb (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Approved (01/01/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135040 - Development of Human Capacity on 19135040 -AvenvIqv DcvË we‡k­lY I ce©vfvm Kvh©µ‡gi Dci gvbe Operation of Weather Analysis and m¤•‡`i Dbœqb cÖKí Forecasting 19135110 - Shifting and reconstruction of Sandwip 19135110 -m›Øxc¯’ cÖ_g †kÖYxi AvenvIqv ch©‡e¶YvMvi ¯’vbvš@i I meteorological observatory centre cybt wbgv©Y (01/07/98-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135120 - Establishment of High Power Computer 19135120 -wbD‡gwiK¨vj I‡q`vi wcÖwWKkb †UKwb· cÖeZ©‡b for Numerical Weather Prediction D”PMwZ m¤•bœ Kw¤•DUvi ¯’vcb Techniques 19135130 - Transfer, Reconstruction and Equipment 19135130 -XvKv¯’ nvB‡Wªv‡Rb c­v›U ¯’vbvš@i cybtwbg©vY I hš¿cvwZ Replacement of Dhaka Hydrogen Plant cÖwZ¯’vcb| (01/7/2000 - 30/6/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135140 - Shifting and Reconstruction of class I 19135140 -m›`¦xc¯’ 1g †kÖYxi AvenvIqv ch©‡e¶bvMvi ¯’vbvš@i I metorological observetory in Sandeep. cybwbg©vY|(01/7/2003 - 30/6/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 19135210 - Improvement of Agrometelogical and 19135210 -G‡Mªv‡g‡U‡ivjwRK¨vj Ges wmm‡gvjwRK¨vj mvwf©‡mm Sismological services development Dbœqb 19135220 - Reconstruction and transfered of 1st 19135220 -nvwZqv¯’ cª_g‡kªYxi AvenvIqv ch©‡e¶YvMvi ¯’vbvši I class medreolag cybtwbgv©Y 19135230 - Strengthening of weather warning 19135230 -cªvK…wZK `‡h©vM †gvKvwejvq AvenvIqv mZKx©KiY c×wZ systems †Rvi`viKiY 19135240 - Construction of SARRC weather research 19135240 -XvKv¯’ †k‡ievsjvbM‡i mvK© AvenvIqv M‡elYv †K›`« feb centre at Shere-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka wbgv©Y (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135250 - The Improvement of Meteorological Rader 19135250 -K·evRvi I †Lcycvov¯’ AvenvIqv wbix¶Y †g‡U«vjwRK¨vj system at Cox's Bazer gfnd Khepupra ivWv‡ii Dbœqb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135251 - The Study of Urban Information 19135251 -w` ÷vwW Ab Avievb Bbdi‡gkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U di †MÖUvi Management for Greater Dhaka City. XvKv wmwU (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135260 - Development of Sysmological Services. 19135260 -wmm‡gvjwRK¨vj mvwf©‡mm Gi Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135310 - Shifting & Reconstruction of Sandwip 19135310 -m›Øxc¯’ cÖ_g †kªYxi AvenvIqv ch©‡e¶YMvi ¯’vbvši I Meteorological observatory centre cybt wbgv©Y 19135320 - Development of Agro-meteorological 19135320 -G‡MÖv‡gwUI‡ivjwRK¨vj I wmm&‡gvjwRK¨vj mvwf©‡mm-Gi department and Seismological services Dbœqb 19135330 - 19135330 -‡gŠjfxevRvi AvenvIqv wbix¶Y ¯’vcb 19135340 - 19135340 -K·evRvi I †¶cycvov¯’ AvenvIqv wbix¶Y ivWvi؇qi cÖwZ¯’vcb 19135350 - Neumrical weather prediction system 19135350 -wbD‡gwiK¨vj I‡q`vi †cÖwWKkb wm‡÷g ¯’vcb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 19135370 - Establishment of Inland River Port 19135370 -‡bŠ-`yN©Ubv cÖkgbK‡í †bŠ PjvPj c–e©vfvm †K›`ª ¯’vcb WeatherForcasting & Warring Center for (01/03/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Reducing Accident of River ------Vessel (2nd Revised) (01/03/05 - 30/06/10) Approved 19135380 - Establishment of Meteorological Radar 19135380 -†gŠjfxevRv‡i AvenvIqv wbix¶Y ivWvi ¯’vcb System of Moulvibazar (01/07/07 - (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 31/12/10) Approved 19135390 - Development of Human Capacity on 19135390 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae wnD‡gb K¨vcvwmwU Ab Acv‡ikb Ae Operation of Weather Analysis and I‡q`vi GbvjvBwmm GÛ †dviKvw÷s (01/07/10 - Forecasting 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 19137030 - Establishment of Bir Uttam Mahbub 19137030 -exi DËg gvneye (cve©Zxcyi) iv½vgvwU I LvMovQwo‡Z (Parbotipur) Cant Public School at K¨v›U cvewjK ¯‹zj ¯’vcb Ranglamati and Kahgrachari 1915 - Bangladesh National Cadet Corps (BNCC) 1915 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq K¨v‡WU †Kvi 19150000 - Bangladesh National Cadet Corps 19150000 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq K¨v‡WU †Kvi (BNCC)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 1921-1950 - Defence 1921-1950 -cÖwZi¶v 1921 - Armed Forces Division 1921 -mk¯¿ evwnbx wefvM 19210000 - Armed Forces Division 19210000 -mk¯Î evwnbx wefvM 1931 - 1931 -evsjv‡`k †mbv evwnbx 19310000 - Bangladesh Army 19310000 -evsjv‡`k †mbv evwnbx 19310001 - Armed Forces Division 19310001 -mk¯ evwnbx wefvM 19310100 - Bangladesh Army-Forces 19310100 -evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbx - evwnbxmg–n 19310110 - Military Dairy Farm 19310110 -mvgwiK `y» Lvgvi 19310120 - Military Engineering Services (Army) 19310120 -c–Z© cwiPvjK I cÖavb cÖ‡KŠkjx-†mbv 19310200 - Bangladesh Navy 19310200 -evsjv‡`k †bŠ evwnbx 19310220 - MES (Navy) 19310220 -mvgwiK cÖ‡KŠkj mvwf©mmgn (†bvevwnbx) 19310300 - 19310300 -evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx 19310320 - MES (Air) 19310320 -mvgwiK cÖ‡KŠkj mvwf©mmgn-(wegvb evwnbx) 19315010 - Establishment of Cantt. Public School & 19315010 -wgicyi †mbvwbev‡m K¨v›U cvewjK ¯‹yj I K‡jR ¯’vcb College at Mirpur Cant. 19315011 - Repair/Expansion/Improvement of 19315011 -†dŠR`vinvU, wSbvB`n, wgR©vcyi Ges ivRkvnx K¨v‡WU Infrastruction of Faujdarhat, Jhenaidah, K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi/m¤•ªmviY/Dbœqb Mirzapur & Rajshahi Cadet College 19315012 - Modernization of Military Farms 19315012 -wgwjUvwi dvg© AvaywbKvqb cÖKí 19315013 - Establishment of BOF Cant Public School 19315013 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae weIGd K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj GÛ & College at Gazipur Cant. K‡jR G¨vU MvRxcyi K¨v›Ub‡g›U (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) (01/07/2013-30/06/2016)Aby‡gvw`Z 19315014 - Establishment of Cant Public School & 19315014 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj GÛ K‡jR College at Dhamalkote Area Dhaka Cant. G¨vU avgvj‡KvU Gwiqv XvKv K¨v›Ub‡g›U (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 19315015 - Establishment of English Version Cant 19315015 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Bswjk fvm©b K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj Public School & College under National GÛ K‡jR AvÛvi b¨vkbvj KvwiKzjvg G¨vU avgvj‡KvU, Curriculum at Dhamalkote Area Dhaka XvKv K¨v›Ub‡g›U (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Cant. (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 19315016 - Establishment of English Version 19315016 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Bswjk fvm©b K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj Cantonment public School & College GÛ K‡jR AvÛvi b¨vkbvj KvwiKzjvg G¨vU h‡kvi under national curriculum at Jessore K¨v›Ub‡g›U, h‡kvi (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Cantonment, Jessore. Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) 19315017 - Establishment of English version cantt. 19315017 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Bswjk fvm©b K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj Public School & college under National GÛ K‡jR AvÛvi b¨vkbvj KvwiKzjvg G¨vU Kzwgj­v Curriculum at Comilla Cantt, Comilla K¨v›Ub‡g›U, Kzwgj­v (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 19315018 - Establishment of English Version Cant 19315018 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Bswjk fvm©b K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj Public School & College under National GÛ K‡jR AvÛvi b¨vkbvj KvwiKzjvg G¨vU knx` Curriculum at Shahid Shalahuddin mvjvDwÏb K¨v›Ub‡g›U, NvUvBj, UvsMvBj Cantonment, Ghatail Tangail. (01/01/2015-30/06/201 19315019 - Construction of Corps of Military Police 19315019 -mvfvi †mbvwbev‡m wgwjUvwi cywjk †m›Uvi I ¯‹yj wbg©vY Center & School at Saver Cantt. 19315020 - Construction of BMA Bangabandhu 19315020 -weGgG e½eÜy Kg‡c­• wbg©vY, fvwUqvix, PÆMªvg Complex Bhatiary, Chittagong 19315030 - Construction of BMA Bangabandhu 19315030 -we Gg G e½eÜy Kg‡cз wbg©vY, PÆMÖvg (01/07/10 - Complex at Chittagong 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 19315040 - Establishment of Cantonment Public 19315040 -wgicyi †mbvwbev‡m K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj I K‡jR School & College at ¯’vcb (01/07/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 19315050 - Extension of Siraj-Khaleda Memorial 19315050 -wmivR Lv‡j`v †g‡gvwiqvj K¨v›Ub‡g›U †evW© †Rbv‡ij Cantonment Board General Hospital nvmcvZvj m¤•ªmviY cÖKí 19315253 - Establishment of Cantonment Public 19315253 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR School and College at Artilary and School G¨vU AvwU©jvwi †m›Uvi GÛ ¯‹zj, nvwjkni, PÆMÖvg GÛ Halishahar, Chittagong and Rajshahi ivRkvnx K¨v›Ub‡g›U (01/01/10 - 31/12/12) Cantonment (01/01/10 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 1933 - Bangladesh Navy 1933 -evsjv‡`k †bŠ evwnbx 19330000 - Bangladesh Navy 19330000 -evsjv‡`k †bŠ evwnbx 19330001 - Bangladesh Navy 19330001 -evsjv‡`k †bŠ-evwnbx - evwnbxmg–n 19330100 - MES-Navy 19330100 -c–Z© cwiPvjK I cÖavb cÖ‡KŠkjx-†bŠ 19335010 - Establishment of academic Building and 19335010 -evsjv‡`k †bŠ evwnbx PÆMªvg I Lyjbvq weGb ¯‹yj I Ancillary Works for BN School & College K‡j‡Ri Rb¨ Avbylvw½K KvRmn GKv‡Wwg feb wbg©vY Chittagong & Khulna (01/01/09-30/06/11) (01/01/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 19335011 - Construction of BNA Banghabandu 19335011 -weGbG e½eÜy Kg‡c­• wbg©vY, c‡Z½v, PÆMªvg Complex, Patanga, Chittagong (01/08/2013-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z| (01/08/2013-31/12/2017) 19335020 - Construction of Academic Building for BN 19335020 -†bŠevwnbx ¯‹yj I K‡j‡Ri GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY, gsjv, School & College, Mongla, Bagerhat ev‡MinvU 19335030 - Construction of Academic Building of 19335030 -‡bŠ-evwnbx ¯‹zj I K‡j‡Ri GKv‡Wgx feb wbg©vb, gsjv Naval School and College at Mongla, ev‡Mi nvU (01/07/10 - 31/07/13) Aby‡gvw`Z Bagerhat 19335031 - Bangabandhu multipurpose complex 19335031 -evsjv‡`k †bfvj GKv‡Wgx‡Z (weGbG) (6Zjv wfZmn m‡e©v”P 72 dyU D”PZv wewkó) e½eÜy gvwëcvicvm Kg‡c­ · wbg©vb, c‡ZsMv, PÆMªvg 19335032 - Accademic Building at Khilkhet 19335032 -XvKv¯’ †bŠevwnbx wLj‡¶Z GjvKvq AvbylswMK KvRmn ¯‹yj I K‡j‡Ri Rb¨ 1wU GKv‡WgxK (6Zjv wfZmn 4Zjv) feb wbg©vY| 19335033 - a 19335033 -evsjv‡`k †bfvj GKv‡Wgx‡Z (weGbG) (6Zjv wfZmn m‡e©v”P 72 dyU D”PZv wewkó) e½eÜy gvwëcvicvm Kg‡c­ · wbg©vb, c‡ZsMv, PÆMªvg 19335034 - b 19335034 -XvKv¯’ †bŠevwnbx wLj‡¶Z GjvKvq AvbylswMK KvRmn ¯‹yj I K‡j‡Ri Rb¨ 1wU GKv‡WgxK (6Zjv wfZmn 4Zjv) feb wbg©vY| 1934 - Bangladesh Air Force 1934 -evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx 19340000 - Bangladesh Air Force 19340000 -evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx 19340001 - Bangladesh Air Force 19340001 -evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx - evwnbxmg–n 19340002 - Arrear of Aircraft of Airforce 19340002 -wegvb evwnbxi AvKvkhv‡bi e‡Kqv `vq 19340100 - MES-Air 19340100 -c–Z© cwiPvjK I cÖavb cÖ‡KŠkjx-wegvb 19345010 - Establishment of Bangabandhu Complex 19345010 -ev we ev NvwU exi!kªô gwZDi ingv!b e½eÜy Kg!c­· at BAF Base Birshresto Matiur Rahman wbgv©Y 19345011 - Expansion and Development of BAF 19345011 -weGGd kvnxb ¯‹yj I K!jR Kzwg©!Uvjv I PÆMªvg Gi Shaheen School & College Kurmitola and m¤•ªmvib I Dbœqb Chittagong 19345012 - Establishment of BAF Shaheen School & 19345012 -weGGd wmGÛGg BDwbU jvjgwbinvU weGGd kvnxb ¯‹yj College at BAF C&M Unit, Lalmomithat I K!jR ¯’vcb 19345013 - Establishment of BAF Shaheen School & 19345013 -evweev ivWvi BDwbU e¸ovq weGGd kvnxb ¯‹yj I K!jR College at BAF Radar Unit, Bogra ¯’vcb 19345014 - Establishment of BAF Shaheen School & 19345014 -evweev wmGÛGg BDwbU ewikv!j weGGd kvnxb ¯‹yj I College at BAF C&M Unit, Barisal K!jR ¯’vcb 19345015 - Construction of BAFA Bangabandhu 19345015 -weGdG e½eÜy Kg‡c­· wbg©vY, h‡kvi Complex at Jessore (01/07/2013-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z| 19345020 - Establishment of BAF Shaheen School 19345020 -evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx NuvwU kg‡ki bMi, †gŠjfxevRvi and College at BAF Base Ges cvnvo KvÂbcyi, UvsMvB‡j weGGd kvwnb ¯‹yj I PaharKachanpur, Tangail and K‡jR ¯’vcb (01/01/2009-30/06/2011) Abyt Shamsernagar, Moulvibazar (01/01/09-30/06/11) Approved 1935 - Inter Services Departments 1935 -Avš@t evwnbx wWcvU©‡g›Um 19350000 - Inter Services Department 19350000 -Avštevwnbx mgn 19350010 - Directorate of Forces Intelligence 19350010 -cÖwZi¶v †Mv‡q›`v Awa`ßi 19350020 - Directorate of Defence Purchase 19350020 -cÖwZi¶v µq Awa`ßi 19350030 - ISPR 19350030 -AvšZt evwnbx MYms‡hvM (AvBGmwcAvi) 19350040 - Chief Administrative Officer 19350040 -cÖavb cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v 19350050 - DGMS 19350050 -wW wR Gg Gm

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 19350053 - Armed forces Medical College 19350053 -Avg©W †dv‡m©m †gwWK¨vj K‡jR 19350055 - Military Institute of Science and Technology 19350055 -wgwjUvwi Bbw÷wUDU Ae mvB›m GÛ †UK&‡bv‡jvwR 19350060 - ISSB 19350060 -AvšZt evwnbx g‡bvbqb cl©` (AvBGmGmwe) 19350070 - Directorate of Military Land and 19350070 -mvgwiK fzwg I †mbvwbevm Awa`ßi Cantonment 19350080 - Engineer in Chief 19350080 -cÖavb cÖ‡KŠkjx 19350090 - Defence Attache 19350090 -cÖwZi¶v GUvwP 19350100 - Staff College 19350100 -÷vd K‡jR 19350103 - National Defence College 19350103 -b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR 19350110 - Bangladesh Ordnance Factory 19350110 -evsjv‡`k mgiv¯Î KviLvbv 19350120 - Armed Forces Board 19350120 -mk¯Î evwnbx †evW© 19350130 - Ministry of Defence Constabulary 19350130 -Gg I wW wm 19355000 - Expansion of Physical facilities of the 19355000 -G·cvbkb Ae wdwRK¨vj d¨vwmwjwUR Ae w` wW‡d›m Defences Services Command and Staff mvwf©‡mm GÛ KgvÛ ÷vd K‡jR (wWGmwmGmwm) GU College (DSCSC) at Mirpur Cantonment wgicyi K¨v›Ub‡g›U (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) (01/01/09-31/12/11) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 19355010 - National Defence College (NDC) 19355010 -wgicyi †mbvwbev‡m b¨vkbvj wW‡d›m K‡jR (GbwWwm) Gi Rb¨ Avbylw½K KvRmn evm¯’vb wbg©vY (01/01/10-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 19355011 - Establishment of Savar DOHS 19355011 -mvfvi †mbvwbev‡m wWIGBPGm mvfvi GjvKvq Cantonment Public School & College at K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR ¯’vcb Savar Cantonment. 19355012 - Establishment of Cantonment Public 19355012 -knx` mvjvnDwÏb †mbvwbev‡mi AvIZvaxb wewe GjvKvq School & College at BB area under K¨v›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR ¯’vcb| Shaheed Salahuddin Cantonment. 19355013 - Establishment of Jessore International 19355013 -h‡kvi †mbvwbev‡m B›Uvib¨vkbvj ¯‹zj I K‡jR ¯’vcb School & College (JISC), Jessore KiY| Cantonment, Jessore. 19355014 - Self Reliance & Modernization of Military 19355014 -evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbxi wgwjUvix dvg© AvZ¡wbf©ikxj I Firm, Bangladesh Army. AvaywbKvqb KiY | 19355015 - Construction of Bangladesh Army Olympic/ 19355015 -evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbxi Awjw¤úK/ µxov cj­x wbg©vY| Sports Village. 19355016 - Construction of Sewerage System in 19355016 -†mbvwbevmmg~‡n myqv‡iR wm‡óg wbg©vY KiY| Different 19355017 - Procurement and fixing of Solar Panels 19355017 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvgmn mKj †mbvwbev‡mi Awdm/ evm¯’v‡b installing in 500 Office/ Residential Bldg at cÖv_wgKfv‡e 500 fe‡b †mvjvi c¨v‡bj wm‡óg ¯’vcb different Cantonments incl Chittagong Hill KiY| Tracts 19355018 - Establishment of Disaster Management 19355018 -XvKv †mbvwbev‡m evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbxi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq Cell with associate equipments for hš¿cvwZmn `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv †K›`ª ¯’vcb| Bangladesh Army at 19355019 - Development of Army Central Mosque at 19355019 -XvKv †mbvwbev‡m †mbv †K›`ªxq gmwR‡`i Dbœqb| Dhaka Cantonmen. 19355020 - MIST 19355020 -wgicyi †mbvwbev‡m wgwjUvix BbwówUDU Ae mv‡qÝ GÛ †UK‡bvjRx (GgAvBGmwU) Gi Rb¨ AvbylvswMK KvR mn GKv‡WwgK I IqvK©mc wewìs ¯’vcb| 19355021 - Construction workshop of Infrastructure of 19355021 -wgicyi †mbvwbev‡m wgwjUvix BbwówUDU Ae mv‡qÝ GÛ the MIST at Mirpur Cantonment. †UK‡bvjRx (GgAvBGmwU) Gi Rb¨ AvbylvswMK KvR mn GKv‡WwgK I IqvK©mc wewìs ¯’vcb| 19355022 - Siraj-Khaleda Memorial 19355022 -wmivR-Lv‡j`v †g‡gvwiqv K¨v›Ub‡g›U †evW© †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj 19355023 - ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICERS MESS 19355023 -XvKv †mbvwbev‡m WvB‡i±‡iU †Rbv‡ij Ae †dv‡m©m COMPLEX INCLUDING ANCILLARY Bw›Uwj‡RÝ (wW.wR.Gd.AvB.) Gi Rb¨ Avbylw½K KvRmn WORKS OF DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF 1wU Awdmvm© †gm Kg‡cЭ· Ges XvKv †mbvwbev‡m WvB‡i± FORCES INTELLIGENCE (DGFI) AT ‡iU †Rbv‡ij Ae †dv‡m©m Bw›Uwj‡RÝ (wW.wR.Gd.AvB.) Gi Rb¨ Avbylw½K KvRmn Awdmvm© evm¯’vb (1wU 52wm DHAKA CANTONMENT AND ESTABLI Ges wW UvBc) wbg©vb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 19355030 - Establishment of public school & colleges 19355030 -XvKv (†g‡q‡`i Rb¨) iv‡R›`«cyi, gqgbwmsn I wm‡jU in Dhaka (girls only), Rajendrapur, †mbv wbev‡m K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj I K‡jR ¯’vcb Mymensingh and Sylhet Army Headquarters 19355040 - Study on the establishment of Cadet 19355040 -K¨v‡WU K‡jR ¯’vc‡bi wel‡q e¯ywbô mgx¶v colleges 19355050 - Expansion and development of existing 10 19355050 -we`¨gvb 10wU K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj I K‡jR Gi cantonment public school and Colleges Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY 19357000 - 19357000 -†W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ G·‡Ubkb 10 G·‡mmwUs K¨v‡WU K‡jR 19357010 - Development of Bangladesh National 19357010 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq K¨v‡WU †Kv‡ii Dbœqb| Cadet Core (01/7/89-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 19357020 - 19357020 -wmGgwm XvKv G·‡Ubkb GÛ gWvbvB‡Rkb cÖ‡R± 19357030 - Establishment of Bir Uttam Mahbub 19357030 -exi DËg knx` gvneye (cve©Zxcyi LvMovQwo‡Z I (Parbotipur) Cant Public School at ev›`ieb †mbvwbev‡m ) K¨v›U cvewjK ¯‹zj I K‡jR Ranglamati and Kahgrachari ¯’vcb| (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/7/2000-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 19357040 - Construction of Infrastructure of the MIST at 19357040 -wgicyi †mbvwbev‡m wgwjUvix Bbw÷wUDU Ae mv‡qÝ GÛ Mirpur Cantonment. †UK‡bvjwRi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Kvh©µg (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 19357050 - Establishment of a Girls Cadet College at 19357050 -†dbx‡Z GKwU Mvj©m K¨v‡WU K‡jR ¯’vcb Feni (2nd Phase) (1st Revised) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/08/06-31/12/09) Approved 19357060 - 19357060 -Rqcyinv‡U GKwU Mvj©m K¨v‡WU K‡jR ¯’vcb (01/03/2005 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 19357070 - 19357070 -we`¨gvb 10wU K¨v‡WU K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY (01/07/2005 - 31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 19357080 - Expansion & Modeenization of CMH, 19357080 -wmGgGBP, XvKv m¤•ÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí Dhaka (01/07/06 - 31/12/10) Approved (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 19357081 - Infrastructure Development of 19357081 -Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae B›Uvi mvwf©‡mm Inter-services Selection Board (ISSB) wm‡jKkb †evW© (AvB.Gm.Gm.we) (01/03/10 - (01/03/10 - 30/06/13) Approved 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 19357082 - Unapproved Project 19357082 -Abby‡gvw`Z cÖKí 1945 - Other Defence Functions 1945 -Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZi¶v Kvh©µg 19450000 - Other Defence Functions 19450000 -Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZi¶v Kvh©µg 1996-1998 - Development Programme Financed by 1996-1998 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 1996 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 1996 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 19964300 - Bolck Allocation for Unapproved 19964300 -Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ cÖwµqvaxb Kg©m–wPmg–‡ni Rb¨ †_vK Programme under process eivÏ 19964301 - infrastructure 19964301 -‡dŠR`vinvU, wSbvB`n, wgR©vcyi Ges ivRkvnx K¨v‡WU repair/expansion/developmen of K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi/ m¤•ªmviY/ Dbœqb Fouzderhat,Jinadah,Mirzapur and Rajshahai Cadet College. 19964302 - The activities for building, extenstion, 19964302 -‡dŠR`vinvU, wm‡jU, iscyi, ewikvj, cvebv, gqgbwmsn repair and renonation of infrastructure and I Kzwgj­v K¨v‡WU K‡j‡Ri feb I AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi, building of Fauzderhat, sylhet, Rangpur, ‡givgZ, m¤•ªmviY Ges wbg©vY Kvh©µg Barisal, Pabna, Mymensingh and Comilla Cadet College 19964758 - Bangladesh National Cadet Core 19964758 -RvZxq K¨v‡WU †Kv‡ii Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) Kg©mPx (Phase-II) 19964822 - Integrated Cypher documents printing and 19964822 -mgwš^Z mvBdvi `wjjvw` gy`ªY Ges mvBdvi cÖwk¶Y development of Cypher training e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb management 19964825 - 19964825 -" mvfvi Mjd K¬ve nvD‡Ri Amgvß KvR mgvßKiYÕÕ 19964839 - Buying cows for Military Farm 19964839 -mvgwiK Lvgv‡ii Rb¨ `yavj Mvfx µ‡qi we‡kl Kg©m–wP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 19964933 - Construction of Accommodation Building 19964933 -cÖwZi¶v †Mv‡q›`v gnvcwi`߇ii gnvcwiPvj‡Ki Rb¨ evm Including Other Infrastructure of Director febmn Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY General of Director Generel Field Intelligence 19964985 - Development of Infrastructure of 19964985 -evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbxi Z_¨ cÖhyw³i AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Information Technology for Bangladesh Army 1999-1999 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 1999-1999 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 1999 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 1999 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 19990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 19990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 20 - Armed Forces Division 20 - mk¯Î evwnbx wefvM 2000-2099 - Armed Forces Division 2000-2099 -mk¯ evwnbx wefvM 2000 - Defence Services 2000 -wW‡d›m mvwf©‡mm 20000000 - Defence Services 20000000 -wW‡d›m mvwf©‡mm 2001 - Defence Services 2001 -wW‡d›m mvwf©‡mm 20010000 - Defence Services 20010000 -wW‡d›m mvwf©‡mm 2031 - Armed Services 2031 -mk¯ evwnbxmgn 20310000 - Armed Services 20310000 -mvgwiK evwnbx 20310001 - Armed Forces Division 20310001 -mk¯ evwnbx wefvM 20310100 - Bangladesh Army 20310100 -evsjv‡`k †mbv evwnbx 20310200 - Bangladesh Navy 20310200 -evsjv‡`k †bŠ evwnbx 20310300 - Bangladesh Air Force 20310300 -evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx 2035 - Inter Services Departments 2035 -Avšt evwnbxmgn 20350000 - Inter Services Department 20350000 -Avštevwnbx wefvMmgyn 20350010 - Directorate of Forces Intelligence 20350010 -cªwZi¶v ‡Mv‡q›`v Awa`ßi 20350020 - Directorate of Defence Purchase 20350020 -cªwZi¶v µq Awa`ßi 20350030 - ISPR 20350030 -Avštevwnbx MY ms‡hvM 20350040 - Chief Administrative Officer 20350040 -cªavb cªkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v 20350050 - DGMS 20350050 -wW wR Gg Gm 20350060 - Inter Service Selection Board 20350060 -Avšt evwnbx g‡bvbqb cl©` (AvBGmGmwe) 20350070 - Directorate of Military Land and 20350070 -mvgwiK f‚wg I †mbvwbevm Awa`ßi Cantonment 20350080 - Engineer in Chief 20350080 -BwÄwbqvi-Bb-Pxd 20350090 - Defence Attachi 20350090 -cªwZi¶v GUvwP 20350100 - Staff College 20350100 -÷vd K‡jR 20350110 - Bangladesh Ordnance Factory 20350110 -evsjv‡`k mgiv¯ KviLvbv 20350120 - Armed Forces Board 20350120 -mvgwiK evwnbx †evW© 20350130 - Ministry of Defence Constabulary 20350130 -Gg I wW wm 20355030 - Establishment of public school and 20355030 -XvKv iv‡R›`«cyi, gqgbwmsn I wm‡jU †mbv wbev‡m college in Dhaka K¨v›Ubg¨v›U cvewjK ¯‹yj I K‡jR ¯’vcb 20355050 - Expansion and development of existing 10 20355050 -we`¨gvb 10wU K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹yj I K‡jR Gi cantonment school and colleges Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY 21 - Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs 21 - AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvjq 2101-2120 - Administration 2101-2120 -cªkvmb 2101 - Secretariat 2101 -mwPevjq 21010001 - Secretariat 21010001 -mwPevjq 21010002 - Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission 21010002 -evsjv‡`k RywWwkqvj mvwf©m Kwgkb 21010010 - Administrative Tribunal 21010010 -cªkvmwbK UªvBe¨ybvj 21010020 - Administrative Appellate Tribunal 21010020 -cªkvmwbK Avwcj UªvBe¨ybvj 21010030 - Administrator General, Official Receiver 21010030 -GWwgwb‡÷ªUi †Rbv‡ij Ges Awdwmqvj wiwmfvi Ges and Official Trustee Awdwmqvj U«vw÷

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 21010035 - Law Commission 21010035 -AvBb Kwgkb 21010040 - Training Institute of Law Administration 21010040 -wePvi cªkvmb cªwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU 21010045 - Truth Commission 21010045 -U«y_ Kwgkb 21010046 - National Human Rights Commission 21010046 -RvZxq gvbe AwaKvi Kwgkb 21010050 - Tribunal and Presecutor for the War 21010050 -hy×vcivax‡`i wePvi msµvšZ U«vBey¨bvj I cÖwmwKDUi Criminals 21015010 - Legal and Judicial capacity building project 21015010 -wjM¨vj GÛ RywWwkqvj K¨vcvwmwU wewìs cÖ‡R±| (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2008) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 21015011 - Action research study on the institutional 21015011 -GKkb wimvP© ÷vwW Ab w` Bbw÷Dkbvj †Wfjc‡g›U Ae development of human rights in wnDg¨vb ivBU&m Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 21015012 - Construction of District Registers and 21015012 -‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq †Rjv †iwRw÷« Awdm I Dc‡Rjvq Upzilla Sub-registers Office (2nd phase) mve-†iwRw÷« Awdm feb wbg©vY cÖKí-2q ch©vq| 21015013 - Construction/Reconstruction of Court 21015013 -‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY/cybwbg©vY cÖKí Buildings at Different Districts 21015014 - Establishment of Judicial Administration 21015014 -wefvMxq m`‡i RywWwkqvj GWwgwb‡÷«kb †U«wbs Training Institute at Divisional head Bbw÷«wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí quarters 21015015 - Digital Case and Court Management 21015015 -wWwRUvj †KBm GÛ †KvU© g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g Bb System in Bangladesh Judiciary. evsjv‡`k RywWwkqvix| 21015016 - Construction of Court Building at some 21015016 -KwZcq †Rjv Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY cÖKí Districts 21015017 - Construction of chief Judicial Court 21015017 -†`‡ki 30wU †Rjv m`‡i Pxd RvywWwmqvj g¨vwR‡÷«U Building in 30 Districts Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY cÖKí 21015018 - Judicial Sector Support facilities 21015018 -RywWwmqvj †m±i mv‡cvU© d¨vwmwjwUR 21015019 - Construction of Residential Quaters for 21015019 -‡Rjv ch©v‡q wePvi wefvMxq Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ Avevmb Judicial Officers at Districts wbg©vY cÖKí 21015020 - Construction of Chief Judicial Magistrate 21015020 -evsjv‡`‡ki 64wU †Rjv m`‡i wPd RywWwkqvj g¨vwR‡÷«U Court Building (1st Phase) in 64 Districts Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY (1g ch©vq) of Bangladesh, Approved (01/02/09 - (01/02/2009-30/06/2014) 30/06/14) 21015021 - 21015021 -mv‡cvwU©s ¸W Mf‡b©Ý Bwbwm‡qwUf (cvU© Gt Gw›UKivckb Bwbwm‡qwUf Bb wmwKDiW dvBb¨vw›ms †m±i, cvU© wet mv‡cvU© di cvewjK †m±i Gw›UKivckb Ae cvwU©Kzjvi Acv‡ikbvj bxWm Ae w` RywWwkqvj mvwf©m Kwgkb, cvewjK cÖwmwKDkb wm‡óg GÛ jxM¨vj GWz‡Kkb wm‡óg (01/10/2003 - 31/05/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015022 - Block Allocation 21015022 -ww 21015023 - Justice Reform and Corruption Prevention 21015023 -Rvw÷m widg© GÛ Kivckb wcÖÖ‡fbkb (01/07/13-30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z| 21015024 - Judicial Strengthening (Just) 21015024 -RywWwkqvj †ó«s‡`wbs (Rv÷) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (Approved (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Abyt 21015025 - Justice Reform and Corruption Prevention 21015025 -Rvw÷m widg© GÛ Kivckb wcÖÖ‡fbkb 21015026 - Vertical Extension of 28th Districts Court 21015026 -28wU †Rjvq Avbylvw½K myweavw`mn †Rjv RR Av`vjZ Buildings with anciliary Facilities fe‡bi DØ©gyLx m¤•ªmviY (01/02/2014-30/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015030 - Construction of Dinajpur district Judge 21015030 -w`bvRcyi †Rjv RR‡KvU© feb wbg©vY Ges cyivZb †Kv‡Ui Court building and development of old febvw`i ms¯‹vimvab Court Building 21015031 - Promoting Access to Institute and Human 21015031 -cÖ‡gvwUs GK‡mm Uz R¨vw÷m GÛ wnDg¨vb ivBUm Bb Rights in Bangladesh (01/07/05 - evsjv‡`k (01/07/2005 - 31/12/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/12) Approved 21015041 - Capacity Building of the Judicial 21015041 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae w` RywWwkqvj GWwgwb‡÷«kb †U«wbs Administration Training Institute (01/01/09 Bbw÷wUDU (01/01/2009-31/12/2010) - 30/06/11) Approved 21015051 - Addressing Violence Against Women 21015051 -G¨vW‡iwms fv‡qv‡j›m G¨v‡MBb÷ I‡gb _ª“ AvBIGg through IOM (01/11/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015171 - Support to the Establishment of on 21015171 -mv‡cvU© Uz w` Góvewjk‡g›U Ae Gb AgeyWmg¨vb Embossment Institute in Bangladesh BbwówUDkb Bb evsjv‡`k (15/02/1999-30/06/2002) (15/02/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 21015180 - Construction of Jessore district Judge 21015180 -h‡kvni †Rjv RR Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY cªKí court building 21015181 - Project Preparation for Legal and Judicial 21015181 -cª‡R± wcªcv‡ikb di wjM¨vj GÛ RywWwkqvj K¨vcvwmwU Capacity Building wewìs 21015191 - Capacity enhancement of the judicial 21015191 -K¨vcvwmwU Gb‡n݇g›U Ae w` RywWwmqvj †m±i sector 21015210 - Construction of residential quarters for 21015210 -XvKv, Lyjbv, ewikvj, ivRkvnx I PÆMªv‡g wePvi wefvMxq judicial officers Kg©KZ©v‡`i AvevwmK feY wbgv©Y 21015220 - Construction/Reconstruction of 21015220 -‡`‡ki KwZcq †Rjvq †Rjv ‡iwRw÷« Awdm I Sub-registry office and District Registry mve‡iwRw÷« Awdm wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY (01/07/1997 - office at different districts of the country 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015230 - Construction/Reconstruction of 21015230 -‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq †Rjv †iwRw÷« Awdm I Sub-registry office and District Registry mve‡iwR÷«vi Awdm wbgv©Y/cyYt wbgv©Y office at different districts of the country 21015310 - Construction of 4 storied annex building in 21015310 -evsjv‡`k mywcªg †KvU© cÖv½‡b PviZjv wewkó G‡b· feb supreme court premises wbgv©Y (01/07/1997-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015320 - Construction of Four Storied Annex 21015320 -evsjv‡`k mywcÖg †KvU© AvBbRxwe mwgwZi cÖ¯@vweZ 4Zjv Bhabon of Bangladesh Supreme court wewkó G‡b· feb wbgv©Y (01/01/2001-31/12/2004) (01/01/2001-30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015330 - 21015330 -XvKv Kv‡jKU‡iU PZ¡‡ii gL¨ gnvbMi nvwKg Av`vjZ feb wbgv©Y 21015340 - Construction of New District Judge Court 21015340 -†kicyi cyivZb Av`vjZ feb GjvKvq GKwU bZzb †Rjv building at Sherpur old Judge Court RR Av`vjZ feb wbgv©Y| (01/7/2001-30/6/2005) building area (01/07/2001-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015350 - 21015350 -GUwb© †Rbv‡ij Ges mwjwmUvi Kvhv©j‡qi ¯’vb msKzjv‡bi Rb¨ mycÖxg‡KvU© cÖv½‡b eûZjv wewkó feb wbgv©Y 21015360 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 21015360 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 21015370 - Construction of Office Building for Atorney 21015370 -evsjv‡`k mywcÖg †KvU© GjvKvq GUwb© †Rbv‡ij Ges General and Solicitor in the Supreme mwjwmUi Awdm feb wbg©vY Court Campus. (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015380 - Construction of District Registry Office in 21015380 -†`‡ki 20wU †Rjvq †Rjv †iwRw÷ª I 63wU Dc‡Rjvq 20 Districs and Subregistry office in 63 mve‡iwRw÷ª Awdm wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) Upazilla (1st Phase Revised) (01/07/06 - (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/12) Approved 21015381 - Strengthening Natural Capacity to Promote 21015381 -†÷ªs‡`wbs b¨vkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Uz cÖ‡gvU GÛ cÖ‡U± and Project Human Rights in Bangladesh. wnDg¨vb ivBU Bb evsjv‡`k (wcÖwcqvwis G¨vwmm‡UÝ) (01/09/2003-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015390 - 21015390 -wjM¨vj widg© cÖ‡R± (cvU© G GÛ we) (1/7/02- 30/6/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015400 - 21015400 -KgcvB‡jkb, cvewj‡Kkb GÛ Uªvb‡úkb Ae jR (wWGmwcBwm) (01/04/08-30/04/12) 21015410 - Supporting the Good Governance Program 21015410 -mv‡cvwU©s w` ¸W Mf‡b©Ý †cÖÖvMªªvg (cvU©-we)t AvBb, wePvi (Part-B) Law, Justice and Legislative I msm` welqK gš¿Yvjq Ask (GmwcBwm mycvt) Affairs Ministry's part (Approved) (01/01/07-30/10/11) (01/11/07-30/10/11) 21015411 - Construction of Chief Metropolitan and 21015411 -XvKv Kv‡j±‡iU PZ¡‡i gyL¨ gnvbMi nvwKg Av`vjZ feb Hazadkhana cum police barak in the I nvRZLvbv Kvg cywjk e¨vivK wbg©vY 2q ch©vq compound of Dhaka Collectorate Phase II (01/07/09 - 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 21015412 - Legal Reform Project Part-B 21015412 -wjM¨vj widg© cÖ‡R± cvU©-we (01/07/09 - 31/03/11) (01/07/2009-31/03/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 2102 - Ombudsman 2102 -b¨vqcvj 21020000 - Office of the Ombudsman 21020000 -b¨vqcvj Gi Kvh©vjq 2103 - Attorney General's Office 2103 -A¨vUwb© †Rbv‡ij 21030000 - Attorney General's Office 21030000 -A¨vUwb© †Rbv‡ij Gi Kvh©vjq 2104 - Office of the Assistant Atorney General 2104 -mnKvix GUb©x ‡Rbv‡ij-Gi Kvh©vjq 21040000 - Government Attorney Directorate 21040000 -miKvix GUbx© Awa`ßi 2105 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2105 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 21053565 - Bar Council 21053565 -evi KvDbwmj& 21053566 - National Legal Aid Services Organisation 21053566 -RvZxq AvBbMZ mnvqZv cÖ`vb ms¯’v

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 21053999 - Other Non-ADP Project 21053999 -wewea/Ab¨vb¨ bb GwWwc cÖKí 21055010 - Support to the Improvisation of 21055010 -miKvwi AvBwb †mevi gv‡bvbœq‡b mnvqZv cÖ`vb cÖKí Government Legal Aid Services 2106 - International Organisations 2106 -AvšZR©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 21064161 - Commonweaith Legal Advisory Service 21064161 -KgbI‡qj_ jxM¨vj G¨vWfvBRvwi mvwf©m 21064163 - Commonwealth Magistrates Association 21064163 -KgbI‡qj_ g¨vwR‡÷ªUm G‡mvwm‡qkb 21064165 - Asia African Legal Consultative Committee 21064165 -Gwkqv Avwd«Kvb jxM¨vj KÝvj‡UwUf KwgwU 21064167 - Training Centre for International Law 21064167 -AvšR©vwZK wel‡q AvBb cªYqb cªwk¶Y †K›`ª 21064169 - Asia/Pacific Croup on Money Laundering 21064169 -Gwkqv c¨vwmwdK Mª“c Ab gvwb jÛvwis (APG) 21064311 - Food And Agriculture Organisation (FAO) 21064311 -Lv`¨ I K…wl ms¯’v (GdGI) 21064313 - Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau 21064313 -KgbI‡qj_ K…wl e¨y‡iv 21064315 - RNAM 21064315 -Avi Gb G Gg 21064317 - CGPRT 21064317 -wm wR wc Avi wU †m›Uvi 21064319 - APAARI 21064319 -G wc G G Avi AvB ms¯’v 2107 - Metropolitan Magistrate Court 2107 -‡g‡UªvcwjUb g¨vwR‡÷U Av`vjZ 21070000 - Metropolitan Magistrate Court 21070000 -‡g‡UªvcwjUb g¨vwR‡÷«U Av`vjZ - XvKv/PÆMÖvg/ivRkvnx/Lyjbv/ewikvj/ wm‡jU 2108 - Zila/Upazila Judicial Magistrate Court 2108 -‡Rjv/ Dc‡Rjv RywWwmqvj g¨vwR‡÷ªU Av`vjZ 21080000 - Zila/Upazila Judicial Magistrate Court 21080000 -‡Rjv/ Dc‡Rjv RywWwmqvj g¨vwR‡÷«U Av`vjZ 2131-2150 - Law Courts 2131-2150 -AvBb Av`vjZmgn 2131 - Supreme Court 2131 -mwycªg‡KvU© 21310000 - Appellate Division 21310000 -Avwcj wefvM 21310010 - Appellate Division 21310010 -Avwcj wefvM 21310020 - 21310020 -nvB‡KvU© wefvM 21313565 - Bar Council 21313565 -evi KvDbwmj& 2141 - Civil and Session Courts 2141 -‡`Iqvwb I `vqiv Av`vjZmg–n 21410000 - Civil and Session Courts 21410000 -‡`Iqvwb I `vqiv Av`vjZmg–n 21410001 - Civil and Session Courts 21410001 -‡`Iqvwb I `vqiv Av`vjZmg–n 21410005 - Process Serving Establishment 21410005 -mgb Rvix cªwZôvb 2161-2170 - Registration 2161-2170 -‡iwR‡÷ªkb 2161 - Registration Department 2161 -wbeÜb cwi`ßi 21610000 - Registration Department 21610000 -wbeÜb cwi`ßi 21610001 - Headquarters 21610001 -m`i `ßi 2162 - District Offices 2162 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 21620000 - District Offices 21620000 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 2163 - Upazilla Offices 2163 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 21630000 - Upazilla Offices 21630000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 2196-2198 - Development Programme Financed by 2196-2198 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 2196 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 2196 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 21964501 - Vertical Extension of 9th & 10th (part) floor 21964501 -wePvi cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDkb fe‡bi 8g Zjvi for bangladesh Judical Service Dci evsjv‡`k RywWwkqvj mvwf©m Kwgkb mwPevj‡qi Rb¨ Commission Secretariat over the existing 9g Zjv Ges 10g Zjvi (AvswkK) DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ªmvib 8th floor of Judicial Administrative KvR kxl©K Kg©mwP 21964502 - Construction of Judge's Record Room 21964502 -PyqvWv½v †Rjv RR Av`vjZ fe‡bi †iKW© i“g wbg©vY under the District of Chuadanga kxl©K Kg©mwP 21964503 - Construction of Foot Over Bridge from New 21964503 -PU«Mªvg bZyb Av`vjZ feb I G‡b· fe‡bi g‡a¨ GKwU Court Building to Annex Building at Court ms‡hvM dzU Ifvi eªxR wbg©vY kxl©K Kg©mwP Hill Chittagong 21964504 - Construction of South Aicha Sub-registry 21964504 -†fvjv †Rjvi `w¶Y AvBPv mve-†iwRóªx Awdm AeKvVv‡gv Office Building in the District of Bhola wbg©vY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 21964505 - Construction of Badargong sub-registry 21964505 -iscyi †Rjvi e`iMÄ mve-‡iwRw÷« Awdm feb I mxgvbv Office Building and Boundary Wall in the cÖvPxi wbg©vY District of Rangpur 21964506 - Construction of Borhanuddin sub-registry 21964506 -‡fvjv ‡Rjvi ‡evinvbDwÏb mve-‡iwRw÷« Awdm Office Building in the District of Bhola AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY 21964507 - Deed Registration System Digitization and 21964507 -`wjj wbeÜb c×wZ AvaywbKvqb I wWwRUvB‡Rkb Automation 21964508 - Painting inside and outside the records 21964508 -wm‡jU cyivZb †Rjv RR †KvU© (gnv‡dRLvbv) fe‡bi room of the Sylhet old judges court wfZi I evwn‡i isKiY, ev_i“‡g UvBjm ¯’vcb, †Rjv building (mohafex Khana), construction RR Av`vjZ K¤•vDÛ 4_© Zjv 8 BDwbU wewkó with tiles at bathroom, installation of 3 RywWwmqvj ÷vd ‡KvqvU©vi K¤•vDÛ Ges †Rjv RR evs‡jv‡Z 75 wgtwgt * 150 wgtwgt e¨v‡mi BDwcwfwm deep tube-well measuring 75 cvB‡ci 3wU Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb mmX150mm at the campus of judges court, residential staff quarters and residence of the district judge 21964509 - Construction of 2 (two) Storied buskhali 21964509 -PU«Mªvg †Rjvi evukLvjx ‡PxwK Av`vjZmg‡ni Rb¨ 4-Zjv choki Court Building with 4 (four) Storied wfZhy³ eZ©gv‡b `yBZjv wewkó feb wbg©vY foundation in the District of Chittagong 21964602 - Construction of Court Building at Monpura 21964602 -‡fvjv †Rjvi gbcyiv Dc‡Rjv †KvU© feb wbg©vY Upozila in the District of Bhola 21964623 - Construction of Charfashion Court 21964623 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb †KvU© feb wbg©vY KvR Building in the District of Bhola 21964624 - Construction of District Lawer Somittee 21964624 -PU«Mªvg †Rjv AvBbRxwe mwgwZ feb I dzU IfviweªR Building and Foot-over-Bridge in wbg©vY Chittagong. 21964625 - Construction of 5 Storied Building Sylhet 21964625 -wm‡jU †Rjv RR †KvU© K¤•vD‡Û †Rjv evi nj bs-5 (5 district bar hall no.-5 with 5 storied Zjv wfZ wewkó 5 Zjv) feb wbg©vY| foundation at district judge court compound in Sylhet. 21964626 - Construction of Dhaka District Lawer's 21964626 -XvKv †Rjv AvBbRxwe mwgwZi 9 Zjv wfZwewkó AvaywbK Associations 09 (Nine) Storied Modern feb wbg©vY| Building 21964627 - Construction of Char Shoshivusion 21964627 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvi Pi kkxflb Sub-Registry Office at Charfashion Upozila mve-†iwRwóª Awdm wbg©vY in the District of Bhola 21964628 - Construction of Monpura Upozila 21964628 -‡fvjv †Rjvi gbcyiv Dc‡Rjv mve-†iwRwóª Awdm feb Sub-registry office Building in the District of wbg©vY Bhola. 21964629 - Repair and Rennovation work of 21964629 -evsjv‡`k mywcÖg †Kv‡U©i gj fe‡bi †givgZmn Ab¨vb¨ Bangladesh Supreme Court Main Building AZ¨vek¨Kxq †givgZ I msi¶Y KvR and Other Necessary Works 21964630 - Construction of Judge and stuff Quarters 21964630 -‡fvjv †Rjv Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvq wePviK I óvd‡`i (1250 sft. 6-unit and 800 sft. 4 unit) at †KvqvUvm© (1250 etdt 6 BDwbU Ges 800 etdt 4 Charfashion Upozila in the District of Bhola BDwbU) wbg©vY KvR 21964631 - Vertical extension of 2-Storied Court 21964631 -Kzwgj­v †Rjv RR Av`vjZ K¤•vD‡Û wØZj wewkó Building and Construction of 2-Storied Av`vjZ fe‡bi 3q Zjvi DשgyLx m¤•ªmviY KvR I Separate stair case in the Comilla District wØZj wewkó Avjv`v wmwo †KvVv wbg©vY KvR Judge Court Compound 21964632 - Renovation of 7th and 8th floor of Judicial 21964632 -wePvi cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU fe‡bi 7g I 8g Zjvi Administrative Training Institute Complex wi‡bv‡fkb Ges 8g Zjvi Dci 9g I 10g Zjvi and Vertical Extension of 9th and 10th (AvswkK) DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ªmviY KvR (part) floor over the existing 8th floor 21964633 - Temporary Shifting of CJM and CMM (Part) 21964633 -wm,†R,Gg Ges wm, Gg, Gg (AvswkK) †KvU© XvKv-Gi Court Building in The Bar Office A¯’vqx Kvh©vjq cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ we`¨gvb evi Kvh©vjqwU wm,‡R,Gg Ges wm, Gg, Gg ‡Kv‡U© iƒcvš‡ii Rb¨ cÖ ‡qvRbxq cZ©, m¨vwbUvix I ˆe`y¨wZK KvR 21964635 - Repair and Renovation work of District 21964635 -kixqZcyi †Rjv I `vqiv R‡Ri evmfe‡bi †givgZ I Judge Quarters of Shariatpur ms¯‹vi KvR 21964655 - Vertical Extension of 6th & 7th floor over the 21964655 -wePvi cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y B›mwUwUDU fe‡bi 6ô Zjvi Dci existing 5th floor of Judicial Administrative 7g I 8g Zjvi DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ªmviY KvR Training Institute Complex

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 21964661 - Remaining Work for Construction of 21964661 -bIMv †Rjvi avgyBinvU mve-†iwRw÷ª wbg©vYvaxb Awdm Sub-registry Office (Civil, Sanitary & fe‡bi (wmwfj, m¨vwbUvwi I ˆe`y¨wZK) Aewkó As‡ki Electrification ) at Dhamoirhat Upazila in KvR the District of Naogaon) 21964663 - Remaining Work for Construction of 21964663 -bIMv †Rjvi cwZœZjv mve-†iwRw÷ª wbg©vYvaxb Awdm Sub-registry Office (Civil, Sanitary & fe‡bi (wmwfj, m¨vbUvwi I ˆe`y¨wZK) Aewkó As‡ki Electrification ) at Patnitala Upazila in the KvR District of Naogaon) 21964676 - Civil and Electrical Repairing Work of 21964676 -bIMv †RjvRR Gi evmvi wmwfj I ˆe`y¨wZK †givgZ District Judges Residence of Naogaon KvR 21964707 - Construction of Boundary Walls of Old 21964707 -j¶¥xcyi mve-RR mv‡ne cyivZb gyb‡md †KvqvUv‡ii Nunsef Quarter at Lakshmipur mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY KvR 21964718 - Construction of Charfashion Sub-registry 21964718 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb mve-†iwRw÷ª Awdm feb wbg©vY Office Building in the District of Bhola KvR 21964731 - Special Reparis to Court Building at 21964731 -cUyqvLvjx †Rjvaxb MjvwPcv Dc‡Rjv †KvU© wewìs Gi Galachipa in the District of Patuakhali we‡kl wmwfj I ˆe`y¨wZK †givgZ KvR 21964779 - Construction of Gomustapur Sub-registry 21964779 -PvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvaxb ‡Mvg¯vcyi Dc‡Rjv mve-†iwRw÷ª Office-Cum-Residence under Gomustapur Awdm Kvg evmfeb wbg©vY KvR Upazila in the District of Chapainawabganj 21964808 - Construction of Charfashion Upazila Court 21964808 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjv ‡KvU© fe‡bi Qv‡`i Building's roof Patent Stones Including c¨v‡U›U †÷vbmn Avjv`v Uq‡jU wbg©vYmn ˆe`y¨wZK Separate Toilet and Special Repairing and we‡kl †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR Renovation of Electrical Work 2199-2199 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 2199-2199 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 2199 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 2199 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 21990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 21990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 22 - Ministry of Home Affairs 22 - ¯^ivó« gš¿Yvjq 2201-2210 - Administration 2201-2210 -cªkvmb 2201 - Secretariat 2201 -mwPevjq 22010001 - Secretariat 22010001 -mwPevjq 22010010 - Advisory Board (Special Act of 1974) 22010010 -GWfvBRvwi †evW© (†¯•kvj G± Ae 1974) 22010011 - International Crime Tribunal 22010011 -AvšZR©vwZK Aciva U«vBey¨bvj 22010012 - National Telecommuniction Monitoring 22010012 -b¨vkbvj †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb gwbUwis †m›Uvi (GbwUGgwm) Center (NTCMT) 22015010 - Construction of Chief Metropolitan 22015010 -XvKv Kv‡j±‡iU PË¡‡i gyL¨ gnvbMi nvwKg Av`vjZ feb Magistrate Court Building in the Vicinity of wbgv©Y| (01/7/2002-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z Dhaka Collect orate 22015011 - Protection and Enforcement of women 22015011 -‡cÖv‡UKkb GÛ Gb‡dvm©‡g›U Ae D‡gb ivBUm rights. (01/03/2013-31/12/2016) 22015020 - Forensic Laboratory in Chittagong, 22015020 -d‡ibwmK j¨ve‡iUwi Bb wPUvMvs, evsjv‡`k cywjk (¯^ivóª (Ministry of Home gš¿Yvjq) (01/07/2007-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Affairs) (01/01/2008-31/12/2009) 22015030 - Improvement of the real situation of over 22015030 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae w` wi‡qj wmPy‡qkb Ae IfviµvDwWs Bb crowding in prison in Bangladesh wcÖRbm Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) (1/7/08-30/6/11)- approved GmwcBwm mycvwik 22015040 - Community biased work to develop child 22015040 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW IqvK© Uy †W‡fjc PvBì cÖ‡UKkb protection mechanism (01/7/08-31/12/10) †gKvwbRg (01/07/2008-31/12/2010) Aby†gvw`Z -approved 22015050 - Overall management development and 22015050 -mxgv‡š@ †PvivPvjvb, bvix I wkï cvPvi †iv‡ai Rb¨ increase or BGB strength to protect wewWAvi Gi mvwe©K e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Ges kw³ e„w×KiY Smuggling trafficking woman and children (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z at Bordering Area (01/10/08-30/6/11) Unapproved 22015061 - Master plan for Drug abuse control in 22015061 -gvóvi c­¨vb di W«vM GweDR K‡›U«vj Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 22015071 - Advocacy on reproductive health and 22015071 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvw±f †nj_& GÛ †RÛvi Bm¨ gender issue

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 22015210 - Establishment of central chemical 22015210 -gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇ii †K›`«xq ivmvqwbK cix¶vMvi laboratory for the Directorate of Drug and ¯’vcb Narcotics Control 22015211 - Advocacy on reproductive health and 22015211 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_& BÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R gender issues through training Institutes †_ªv †Uªwbs BbwówUDU Ae w` wgwbwóª Ae †nvg G¨v‡dqvm© of the Ministry of Home Affairs 22015290 - Construction of 100 bed hospital at Ansar 22015290 -AvbQvi I wfwWwc GKv‡Wwg, kdxcyi, MvRxcy‡i 100 kh¨v and VDP Academy at Shafipur wewkó nvmcvZvj wbgv©Y cÖKí| (01/7/99-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 22015680 - Modernisation of Bangladesh Police 22015680 -evsjv‡`k cywjk nvmcvZvjmg–n AvaywbKxKiY (1g c‡e© Hospitals (7 Hospitals) (Phase-1) 7wU) (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 22015690 - Modernization and expansion of BDR 22015690 -wcjLvbv XvKvq Aew¯’Z wewWAvi nvmcvZvj 200 nB‡Z Hospital from 200 Bed to 300 Bed 300 kh¨vq AvaywbKxKiY I m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 22015710 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 22015710 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 22015861 - Capacity Building Initiative Law Enforcing 22015861 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Bwbwm‡qwUf j Gb‡dvwm©s G‡RwÝm Uz cÖ Agencies to Promote Reproductive Health ‡gvU wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf ivBU GÛ wcÖ‡f›U Reproductive Right and Privent Zender †RÛvi †eBRW fv‡qv‡jÝ GÛ GBPAvBwf/GBWm Based Violence and HIV/AIDS (01/01/2006-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z| 22015870 - Computerised of Police Station-1st Phase 22015870 -Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb Ae cywjk †÷kb-1g ch©vq (ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z) (01/01/06-30/06/08) 22015891 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health and 22015891 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R Gender Issues. (2q ch©vq) (01/07/03 - 31/03/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 2205 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2205 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 22053411 - Kindergarten School at Sarda Police Trng. 22053411 -mvi`v cywjk cªwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg msjMœ wKÛviMv‡W©b Academy 22054720 - National Acid Control Council 22054720 -RvZxq GwmW wbqš¿Y KvDwÝj 22054842 - National ID Registration Authority 22054842 -RvZxq cwiPq wbeÜb KZ©„c¶ 2206 - International Organisations 2206 -AvšZR©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 22064181 - Interpol 22064181 -B›Uvi‡cvj 2208 - Metropolitan Magistracy 2208 -‡g‡UªvcwjUvb g¨vwR‡÷ªwm 22081000 - Dhaka 22081000 -XvKv 22081300 - Chittagong 22081300 -PÆMªvg 22081500 - Rajshahi 22081500 -ivRkvnx 22081800 - Khulna 22081800 -Lyjbv 2211-2230 - Police 2211-2230 -cywjk 2211 - Bangladesh Police Directorate 2211 -evsjv‡`k cywjk Awa`ßi 22110000 - Bangladesh Pollice Directorate 22110000 -evsjv‡`k cywjk Awa`ßi 22110001 - Headquarters 22110001 -m`i `ßi 22110002 - Highway Police 22110002 -nvBI‡q cywjk 22110003 - Police Bureau of Investigation 22110003 -cywjk ey¨‡iv Ae Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb (wcweAvB) 22110004 - Victim Support Centre 22110004 -wfKwUg mv‡cvU© †m›Uvi 22110005 - Foodstuffs at Concession Rate 22110005 -‡iqvwZ nv‡i Lv`¨ mvgMªx 22110007 - Embodied Ansar 22110007 -A½xf–Z Avbmvi 22110008 - Rapid Action Batellian 22110008 -i¨vwcW G¨vKkb e¨vUvwjqvb 22110009 - Industrial Police Unit 22110009 -wkívÂj cywjk BDwbU 22110010 - Tourist Police 22110010 -Uywi÷ cywjk 22110011 - River Police 22110011 -‡bŠ cywjk 22110017 - VDP Platoon 22110017 -wfwWwc c­vUyb 22115010 - Public access to Justice 22115010 -cvewjK GK&‡mm Uz Rvw÷R 22115011 - 22115011 -Gb G‡mm‡g›U óvwW di wPj‡Wªb G¨vU wim&K Ad Kvwgs Bb K›UªvK DB_ wµwgbvj GKwUwfwUm (Bb wm· wWwfkbvj wmwUm Ae evsjv‡`k) (01/07/06 - 30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 22115012 - Construction of 45 Offices for CID by 22115012 -45 wU †Rjvq cywjk mycv‡ii we`¨gvb Awdm feb Da¡©gyLx Vertical wxtension of the existing offices of m¤•ªmviY K‡i wmAvBwWi 45wU Awdm feb wbg©vY Police supers in 45 districts 22115013 - Construction of 101 Dilapidated Thana 22115013 -cywjk wefv‡Mi 101 wU RivRxY© _vbv feb UvBc c­¨v‡b Building in Type Plan for Police wbg©vY Department 22115014 - Establishment of Five RAB complex and a 22115014 -5wU i¨ve Kg‡c­• Ges GKwU i¨ve †U«wbs ¯‹yj Kg‡c­• RAB Training School wbg©vY 1/1/2013-30/06/2015) 22115015 - The Project for Enhancing cyber crime 22115015 -w` cÖ‡R± di Gbn¨vw›ms mvBevi µvBg Bb‡fwó‡Mkb investigation Capability of Bangladesh K¨vcvwewjwjwU Ae evsjv‡`k cywjk Police (01/04/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115020 - Modernization of Police Wireless 22115020 -e„nËi †Rjvmg‡ni cywjk wefv‡Mi †eZvi AvaywbKxKiY Department at Greater District 22115030 - 22115030 -. 22115040 - 22115040 -G¨vb G‡mm‡g›U ÷vwW di wPj‡W«b GU wi· Ae Kvwgs Bb KbUv± DB_ wµwgbvj Gw±wfwUR (6wU wefvMxq kn‡i) (01/09/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115050 - Construction of 60 Investigation Centers in 22115050 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b cywjk wefv‡Mi 60wU Z`šZ type Plan for Police Department in Different †K›`ª UvBc c­¨v‡b wbg©vY (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) Places of Bangladesh Aby‡gvw`Z 22115051 - Planning and training support for 22115051 -evsjv‡`k cywjk †dv‡m©i Rb¨ cwiKíbv I cªwk¶Y mv‡c©vU Bangladesh Police 22115060 - Construction of 7 Rab Complex 22115060 -7 wU i¨ve Kg‡cз wbg©vY (01/01/10 - 31/12/13) (01/01/10-31/12/13) -approved Aby‡gvw`Z 22115070 - Construction of 50 Highway Police outpost 22115070 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b cywjk wefv‡Mi 50wU nvBI‡q ((01/01/10-31/12/11) -approved cywjk AvDU‡cv÷ wbg©vY (01/01/10 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115080 - Construction of 10 Police barac complex 22115080 -cywj‡ki Rb¨ 10wU e¨vivK feb wbg©vY (cÖwZwU 500 Rb) (500 person/Barac) (01/01/10-31/12/11) (01/01/10 - 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z -approved 22115090 - Police reform programme (2nd Phase) 22115090 -cywjk ms¯‹vi Kg©m–wP (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2010-30/09/2014) (01/07/2010-30/09/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115121 - Technical assistance for HF 22115121 -evsjv‡`k cywj‡ki Rb¨ 10wU DcK‚jxq †Rjvq †eZvi communications network in the coastal ‡hvMv‡hvM ¯’vcb msµvš@ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí (chv©q-2) areas for Bangladesh Police 22115131 - Traffic control and management project 22115131 -UªvwdK K‡›Uªvj GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U cªKí 22115330 - Construction of 57 investigation centres for 22115330 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b cywjk wefv‡Mi 57wU Z`š@ †K›`« police department UvBc c­¨v‡b wbgv©Y| (01/7/94 - 30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115340 - Construction of damaged and dilapidated 22115340 -cywjk wefv‡Mi RivRxY© Dc‡Rjv febmg–n UvBc c­v‡b Upazilla Bhaban for police department as wbgv©Y per type plan 22115510 - Modernisation of Police Academy Sardah, 22115510 -cywjk GKv‡Wwg mvi`v ivRkvnxi AvaywbKxKiY (chv©q-2) Rajshahi (Phase-2) 22115610 - Modernisation of of Dhaka Metropolitan 22115610 -XvKv †g‡U«vcwjUb cywjk wbqš¿Y K‡¶i AvaywbKxKiY Police Control room (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 22115620 - Con 22115620 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae b¨vkbvj µvBg K‡›U«vj GÛ Acv‡ikb gwbUwis wewìs (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z 22115630 - Construction of 12 administration building 22115630 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae 20 GWwgwb‡÷«wUf wewìs Kvg eªvK Ggs cum barac and newly approved police wbDwj G¨v‡cÖvfW cywjk †÷kb station (1/7/09-30/6/11) -approved (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z 22115660 - Construction of 4 (Four) Police Training 22115660 -4 wU we`¨gvb cywjk ‡U«wbs †m›Uvi Dbœqb| Centres (01/7/97-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115830 - Re-construction of 95 dilapidated Upazilla 22115830 -cywjk wefv‡Mi 48wU RivRxY© _vbv feb UvBc c­¨v‡b wbgv©Y bhaban (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 22115840 - 22115840 -ivRviev‡M (gwnjv) cywjk e¨vivK wbgv©Y (01/07/2002-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115850 - 22115850 -cywjk GKv‡Wgx mvi`vq Ava~wbKxKiY (chv©q-3

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 22115851 - Expansion of HF communications network 22115851 -evsjv‡`‡ki cywj‡ki Rb¨ 10 wU DcK‚jxq †Rjvq †eZvi to 10 coastal districts for Police †hvMv‡hvM ¯’vcb kxl©K m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí (chv©q-2 22115860 - Modernization of Betar Communication of 22115860 -evsjv‡`k cywjk wefv‡Mi †eZvi †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v Police Department to Greater Districts AvaywbKxKiY (PviwU †g‡U«vcwjUb GjvKv ev‡`)| (1/7/2002-30/6/2004) (01/7/2002-30/6/2006)ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 22115861 - capacity building 22115861 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Bwbwm‡qwUf j Gb‡dvmwms G‡RwÝm Uz cÖ‡gvU wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf ivBU GÛ wcÖ ‡f›U †RÛvi †eBRW fv‡qv‡jÝ GÛ GBPAvBwf/GBWm (01/01/2006-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z| 22115870 - Strengthening of Bangladesh Police 22115870 -†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k cywjk KvwiMix mnvqZv Technical Assistance. (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115880 - Rehabilitation and Expansion of Central 22115880 -XvKvq †ZRMuvI¯’ †K›`ªxq gv`Kvmw³ wbivgq †K‡›`ªi Drug addiction Cure Center at Tejgan, m¤•ªmviY I cybe©vmb †K›`ª ¯’vcb Dhaka. (01/01/2004-30/09/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115890 - 22115890 -XvKv e¨ZxZ Ab¨vb¨ wefvMxq m`‡i gwnjv cywjk m`m¨ ‡`i Rb¨ Wi‡gUix feb wbg©vY (1/5/05-30/6/06) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 22115891 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health and 22115891 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R Gender Issues. (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2003-31/12/2008) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 22115900 - 22115900 -‡Rjv gwnjv cywjk m`m¨†`i WiwgUix feb (Abbyt) (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) 22115910 - 22115910 -mykvmb-cywjk wefvM kwË“kvjxKiY (Rvcvbx FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115911 - Bangladesh Police 22115911 -‡÷«s‡`wbs evsjv‡`k cywjk (1/7/05-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 22115920 - Police stations 22115920 -cywjk †÷kbmg–‡ni Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2005- 31/12/2007)Aby‡gvw`Z 22115940 - Enhancing the capacity of Bangladesh 22115940 -GbnvÝwms w` K¨vcvwmwU Ae evsjv‡`k cwjwm policy 22115950 - Strengthening of police staff college 22115950 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae cywjk ÷vd K‡jR (1/7/08-30/6/11) -approved (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z 22115960 - 22115960 -†÷«s‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k wcÖRbm wWcvU©‡g›U †_ªv ‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U Ae gWvb© BKzcU, ƪv›m‡cvU©, Kb÷«vKkb Ae wi‡j‡UW ÷«vKPvi (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Abby‡gvw`Z 22115970 - Construction of 50 dilapidated police 22115970 -cywjk wefv‡Mi 50wU RivRxY© _vbv feb wbg©vY station (1/7/08-30/6/13) Approved (01/03/08 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 22116000 - Establishment of DNA Laboratory 22116000 -wWGbG j¨ve‡iUwi ¯’vcb (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) (01/7/09-30/6/11) -unapproved Abby‡gvw`Z 22116001 - Modernization of Bangladesh police 22116001 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae evsjv‡`k cywjk GKv‡Wwg, mvi`v Academy SARDAH (01/07/10-30/6/13) (01/07/10 - 30/06/13) Abby‡gvw`Z Unapproved 2212 - Metropolitan Police 2212 -‡g‡UªvcwjUvb cywjk 22120000 - Metropalitan Police 22120000 -†g‡U«vcwjUb cywjk 22121000 - Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi and Khulna 22121000 -XvKv, PÆMÖvg, ivRkvnx I Lyjbv 22121100 - Dhaka Metropolitan Police 22121100 -XvKv †g‡U«vcwjUb cywjk 22121300 - Chittagong 22121300 -PÆMªvg 22121500 - Rajshahi 22121500 -ivRkvnx 22121800 - Khulna 22121800 -Lyjbv 2213 - District Police Forces 2213 -‡Rjv cywjk 22130000 - 22130000 22130000 -22130000 22130001 - District Executive Police Forces 22130001 -‡Rjv cywjk 22130100 - Police Hospital 22130100 -cywjk nvmcvZvj 22130200 - Port Police 22130200 -e›`i cywjk 22130300 - Police Wireless 22130300 -cywjk Iqvi‡jm ms¯’v 22130400 - Armed Police Battalion 22130400 -mk¯Î cywjk e¨vUvwjqb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 2214 - Upazilla Police Forces 2214 -Dc‡Rjv cywjk 22140000 - Upazilla Police Forces 22140000 -Dc‡Rjv cywjk 2215 - Railway Police 2215 -‡ijI‡q cywjk 22150000 - Railway Police 22150000 -‡ijI‡q cywjk 2216 - Criminal Investigation Department (CID) 2216 -wm. AvB. wW 22160000 - CID 22160000 -wm AvB wW 2217 - Police Training Schools 2217 -cywjk cªwk¶Y ‡K›`ª 22170000 - Police Training Schools 22170000 -cywjk cªwk¶Y ‡K›`ªmg–n 22170001 - Police Staff College 22170001 -cywjk ÷vd K‡jR 2218 - Special Branch 2218 -†¯•kvj eªv 22180000 - Special Branch 22180000 -‡¯•kvj eªv 2231-2240 - 2231-2240 -eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k 2231 - Bangladesh Rifles 2231 -evsjv‡`k ivB‡djm 22310000 - Bangladesh Rifles 22310000 -evsjv‡`k ivB‡djm& 22310001 - Headquarters 22310001 -m`i `ßi 22310005 - Battalion 22310005 -e¨vUvwjqb 22315010 - 22315010 -wewWAvi nvmcvZvj AvaywbKxKiY I m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí, wcjLvbv, XvKv (2q ce©) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 22315011 - 165 BOP 22315011 -‡mŠikw³i gva¨‡g eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi 165wU weIwc we`y¨Zvqb 22315012 - Installation of Electric Connection work at 22315012 -mxgv‡šZ 29wU weIwc‡Z we`¨yr ms‡hvM Ges †mŠi kw³i 29 BOP’s and Electrification therough gva¨‡g eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi 168wU weIwc‡Z solar power system for 168 BOP’d of we`¨yZvqb Border Guard Bangladesh 22315013 - Border Management Equipment of Border 22315013 -eW©vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U BK¨yBc‡g›U di eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Guard Bangladesh (BGB) (wewRwe) 22315014 - Construction of 60 BOP's in Border Areas 22315014 -eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi mxgvšZ GjvKvq 60wU weIwe of Border Guard Bangladesh. wbg©vY cÖKí 22315015 - Construction of 2X15 Storied JCO's and 22315015 -wewRweÕi m`i `߇i ‡RwmI Ab¨vb¨ c`avix‡`i (ORs) Other Ranks (ORs) Family Quarter at BGB Rb¨ 02wU 15 Zjv wewkó AvevwmK feb wbg©vY cÖKí Headquarters. 22315020 - Establishment of 50 beded BGB Hospital, 22315020 -50 kh¨v wewkó wewWAvi nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb, mvZKvbxqv, of Shatkania, Chittagong (1/7/06-30/6/10) PÆMÖvg (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 22315030 - Construction of 50 Nos BOPs in border 22315030 -evsjv‡`k ivB‡djm Gi Rb¨ mxgv‡š@ 50wU weIwc wbg©vY area Bangladesh Reffiles (1/1/09-30/6/11) (01/01/09 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z -unapproved 22315040 - 50 Beds 3 BDR Hospital 22315040 -50 kh¨v wewkó 3wU wewWAvi nvmcvZvj (PyqvWv½v, VvKziMuvI Ges LvMovQwo) ¯’vcb (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 22315050 - Construction of 40 KM Flexible pavement 22315050 -evsjv‡`k ivB‡djm Gi e¨vUvwjqvbmg–‡ni AvIZvaxb Road in Different Rifle Battalian of Border mxgvš@ GjvKvq 40 wKt wgt iv¯@v wbg©vY (01/01/10- Guard Bangladesh (1/2/08-30/6/10) 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 22315060 - Construction of Nos Cyclone Shelter type 22315060 -eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi mxgvš GjvKvq 15wU ÔmvB‡K¬vb BOPS in Border area of Border Guard †m›Uvi UvBcÕ weIwc wbg©vY Bangladesh. 22315070 - aaa 22315070 -eWv©i MvW© evsjv‡`‡ki mxgvš mgZj GjvKvq 85wU we.I.wc. wbgv©Y (01/10/2011 - 30/06/2014) 22315230 - Construction of 30 nos Bop and 24KM 22315230 -evsjv‡`k ivB‡djm& Gi Rb¨ mxgv‡š@ 30wU weIwc Ges Flexible pavement Road in Different Rifle e¨vUvwjqbmg–‡ni Af¨š@ixY 24 wKtwgt iv¯@v wbg©vY Vattalion of Border Guard of (Aby‡gvw`Z) (01/02/08-31/12/09) Bangladesh(1/2/08-30/6/10) Approved 22315231 - Procurement of modern equipment and 22315231 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae gWvb© BKzBc‡g›U GÛ d¨vwmwjwUR di facilities for border Guard Bangladesh eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k (01/01/10 - 30/06/11) (01/01/10-30/6/11) -unapproved Abby‡gvw`Z 2241-2250 - Bangladesh Ansars 2241-2250 -evsjv‡`k Avbmvi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 2241 - Department of Ansars and Village Defence 2241 -Avbmvi I Mªvg cªwZi¶v Awa`ßi 22410000 - Department of Ansars and Village Defence 22410000 -Avbmvi I MÖvg cªwZi¶v Awa`ßi 22410001 - Headquarters 22410001 -m`i `ßi 22410003 - 22410003 -Avbmvi I Mªvg cÖwZi¶v nvmcvZvj (mwdcyi, MvRxcyi)| 22410005 - Ansar Organisation 22410005 -Avbmvi cªwZôvb 22410006 - Embodied Ansar (Hill) 22410006 -A½xfZ Avbmvi (cve©Z¨) 22410007 - Embodied Ansar 22410007 -A½xf–Z Avbmvi 22410010 - Ansar Battalion 22410010 -Avbmvi e¨vUvwjqb 22410011 - Ansar Batellian/Women Ansar (Allowance 22410011 -Avbmvi e¨vUvwjqb/gwnjv Avbmvi (fvZv wfwËK) Wise) 22410015 - Village Defence Parties 22410015 -Mªvg cªwZi¶v `j 22410017 - VDP Platoon 22410017 -wfwWwc c­vUyb 22415010 - 22415010 -XvKv Kv‡j±‡iU PË¡‡i gyL¨ gnvbMi nvwKg Av`vjZ feb wbgv©Y 22415011 - Construction of Battalion Headquarters 22415011 -Avbmvi I wfwWwc e¨vUvwjqvb m`i `ßi Kg‡c­• wbg©vY Complex of s Ansar & VDP (1g ch©v‡q 15wU Avbmvi e¨vUvwjqvb) (01/07/2013-31/12/2017) 22415230 - 22415230 -Avbmvi wfwWwc GKv‡Wgx‡Z (kwdcyi, MvRxcyi) cÖwk¶Y Kg‡c­· feb wbgv©Y 22415280 - Construction of 4 storied barracks for 22415280 -‡Rjv m`‡i I e¨v‡Uwjqvb m`‡i Avbmvi I wfwWwc-4Zjv Ansars at district sadar and Battalion e¨vivK wbgv©Y (01/07/1995-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z headquarters 22415290 - Construction of 100 bed hospital at Ansar 22415290 -Avbmvi I wfwWwc GKv‡Wwg mwdcyi, MvRxcyi 100 kh¨v & VDP Academy at Shafipur wewkó nvmcvZvj wbg©vY cÖKí 22417030 - 22417030 -gywRebM‡i AvbQvi I wfwWwc Awa`ßi e¨vivK-Kvg-†i÷nvDR wbgv©Y 2251-2260 - Department of Prisons 2251-2260 -Kviv Awa`ßi 2251 - Department of Prisons 2251 -KvivMvi Awa`ßi 22510000 - Department of Prisons 22510000 -KvivMvi Awa`ßi 22510001 - Inspector General of Prisons 22510001 -B݇c±i †Rbv‡ij Ae wcªRbm 22510005 - Foodstuffs at Concession Rate 22510005 -‡iqvwZ nv‡i Lv`¨ mvgMªx 22510010 - Jails 22510010 -KvivMvimg–n 22510015 - Jail Manufactures 22510015 -KvivMv‡i Drcvw`Z `ªe¨ 22515010 - Creation of Physical facilities for separate 22515010 -†`‡ki eo eo 8wU †Rjv I †K›`ªxq KvivMv‡i K‡q`x Ges Accommodation of convicted and under jail nvRZx e›`x‡`i c„_K ivLvi e¨e¯’v KiY prisoners in eight greater district and central Jail 22515011 - Construction of Sylhet Central Jail 22515011 -wm‡jU †K›`ªxq KvivMvi m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/09-30/06/13)- Approved (01/01/12-30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 22515012 - Improvement of the real Situation of over 22515012 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae w` wiqvj wmPy‡qkb Ae Ifvi µvDwWs Crowding Prisons in Bangladesh. wcÖR›m Bb evsjv‡`k (1/7/2012-31/08/2015) 22515020 - Construction of Central jail for under trial 22515020 -XvKv †Rjvi †KivbxM‡Ä wePvivaxb Avmvgx‡`i Rb¨ prisoner at karanigonj under Dhaka district †K›`ªxq KvivMvi wbg©vY (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) (1/07/05-30/6/2010) Unapproved Aby‡gvw`Z 22515030 - Reconstruction of Dinajpur District Jail 22515030 -w`bvRcyi †Rjv KvivMvi cybt wbg©vY (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 22515040 - aaa 22515040 -Lyjbv †Rjv KviMvi ¯’vbvši (01/01/2011- 30/06/2016) 22515250 - Construction of Jail in 19 districts 22515250 -19wU †Rjv KvivMvi wbg©vY (01/07/1998-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 22515260 - Construction of central jail at Kashimpur 22515260 -MvRxcyi †Rjvi Kvwkgcy‡i XvKv †K›`ªxq KvivMvi wbg©vY (01/07/1995 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 22515270 - Construction of jail in 12 districts 22515270 -12 wU †Rjv KvivMvi wbg©vY (01/07/1996-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 22515280 - Development of Jail Product 22515280 -Kviv wkí Dbœqb 22515290 - Construction of 3 Jail at Hill Tracks 22515290 -3wU cve©Z¨ KvivMvi wbg©vY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 22515300 - Construction Infrastructures for 3 District 22515300 -3wU †Rjv KvivMv‡ii AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Ges 2wU †Rjv Jail and Completion of the remaining KvivMv‡ii Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY works of 2 District Jail. (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 22515310 - Reconstruction of cyclone SIDR Affected 22515310 -a Borguna,Patuakhali, Jhalokathi and Barisal Jail. 22515620 - Construction of headquarter building for 22515620 -Kviv Awa`߆ii cªavb Awdm feb wbg©vY Department of Prisons 22515630 - Construction of prisons in 3 (three) 22515630 -3 wU †Rjv KvivMvi wbg©vY districts (01/07/1997-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 22515810 - Modernisation and expansion of 22515810 -PÆMÖvg †Rjv KvivMvi m¤•ÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY Prison (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007 Aby‡gvw`Z 22515820 - Improvement/renovation of prisons 22515820 -Kviv ms¯‹vi/Dbœqb (wewfbœ KvivMv‡ii Kviv cÖvPx‡ii evwn‡i Lv`¨¸`vg wbg©vY Ges Kviv Af¨š@‡i AwZwi³ ivbœvNi wbgv©Y) (01/07/1998-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 22515830 - 22515830 -wm‡jU †K›`ªxq KvivMvi m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKxKiY (Abbyt) (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) 22515840 - 22515840 -‡`‡ki ¸i“Z¡cY© Dc‡Rjv m`‡i 59wU wØZxq †kÖbxi Ges 6wU b`x dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ †÷kb ¯’vcb 22515850 - Construction of of High Security prison in 22515850 -MvRxcyi †Rjvi Kvwkgcyi nvB wmwKDwiwU wcÖRb wbg©vY kashimpur Gazipur (1/2/06-30/6/10) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z -approved 22515960 - Strengthening of Bangladesh department 22515960 -†÷«s‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k wcÖRbm wWcvU©‡g›U †_ªv through-procurement of modern ‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U Ae gWvb© BKzBcU, ƪv›m‡cvU©, Kb÷«vKkb equipment, transport construction of Ae wi‡j‡UW ÷«vKPvi (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) related structure (1/4/09-30/6/10) Aby‡gvw`Z approved 2261-2270 - Fire Service and Civil Defence 2261-2270 -‡emvgwiK cªwZi¶v I AwMœwbe©vcY 2261 - Department of Fire Service and Civil Defence 2261 -‡emvgwiK cÖwZi¶v I AwMœwbev©cY Awa`ßi 22610000 - Directorate of Fire Service and Civil 22610000 -‡emvgwiK cªwZi¶v I AwMœwbe©vcY Awa`ßi Defence 22610005 - Foodstuff at Concession rate 22610005 -‡iqvwZ nv‡i Lv`¨ mvgMÖx 22615010 - Establishment of Fire Service & Civil 22615010 -†`‡ki ¸i“Z¡cY© wewfbœ Dc‡Rjv m`i/¯’v‡b 156 wU dvqvi Defence Station in 156 important mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m †÷kb ¯’vcb Upazila/places of the country 22615011 - Establishment of Fire Service & Civil 22615011 -Góvewjk‡g›U Ae dvqvi mvwf©m GÛ wmwfj wW‡d›m evY© Defence Burn Treatment Hospital wU«U‡g›U nmwcUvj 22615012 - Expansion of Ambulance Service of Fire 22615012 -dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m wefv‡Mi G¨v¤¦y‡j›m †mev Service & Civil Defance m¤•ªmviY cÖKí 22615013 - Procurement of 40 feet Air Breathing Gas 22615013 -40 dzU ˆ`N¨© wewkó Gqvi weªw`s Ges M¨vm dvqvW© dvqvi Fired Fire Fighting Training Gallery and dvBwUs M¨vjvix Ges NvUwZ dvqvi dvBwUs †imwKD shortage of Fire Fighting & Rescue miÄvg msMªn (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Equipment Aby‡gvw`Z 22615014 - Morernization of Fire Service & Civil 22615014 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae dvqvi mvwf©m GKW wmwfj wW‡d›m Defence (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z approved 22615040 - Establishment of Fire Service & Civil 22615040 -32wU ¸i“Z¡c–Y© Dc‡Rjv m`‡i dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj Defence station at 32 important Upazilla wW‡dÝ ‡÷kb ¯’vcb (01/7/94 - 30/6/2004) HQ Aby‡gvw`Z 22615220 - Expansion of Fire Service and Civil 22615220 -dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ mvwf©m cªwZ¯’vcb I Defence services (2nd Phase) m¤•ªmviY (chv©q-2) 22615230 - Procurement of modern fire fighting 22615230 -AZ¨vaywbK AwMœ wbe©vcK Mvox cv¤• I D×vi hšcvwZ equipment msMªn 22615310 - Establishment of 3 fire service and civil 22615310 -j²xcyi,kwiqZcyi I ei¸bv †Rjv m`‡i 3wU AwMœ wbev©cY defence station at Laxmipur, Shariatpur `ßi ¯’vcb and Barguna 22615320 - ESTABLISHMENT OF FIRE SERVICE & 22615320 -wmivRMÄ-†Rjvi kvnvRv`cyi Dc‡Rjv m`‡i GKwU CIVIL DEFENCE STAT dvqvi mvwfm© I wmwfj wW‡d›m ‡÷kb ¯’vcb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 22615440 - Establishment of Fire Service & Civil 22615440 -‡`‡ki ¸i“Z¡cY© 25wU _vbvq dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj Defence Stations at 25 upazilla HQ wW‡d›m ‡÷kb ¯’vcb (01/07/1996-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 22615640 - Establishment of Fire Service and Civil 22615640 -‡`‡ki ¸i“Z¡cY© 47 wU _vbv m`‡i dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj Defence Station at 40 Important Upazillas wW‡d›m ‡÷kb ¯’vcb (01/07/1997-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 22615650 - Modernisation of communication 22615650 -dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ Awa`߇ii †hvMv‡hvM (wireless) system of Fire Service & Civil (I‡qi‡jm) c×wZi AvaywbKxKiY Defence 22615660 - MODERNISATION OF SARDA POLICE 22615660 -ivRkvnx cywjk GKv‡Wgx AvaywbKxKiY (chv©q-2) ACADEMY AT RAJSHAHI 22615840 - Establishment of 6 river and 59 second 22615840 -‡`‡ki ¸i“Z¡c–Y© _vbv m`‡i 74wU 2q †kªYxi Ges 3wU class Fire service and Civil Defence b`x dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ †÷kb ¯’vcb Stations at improtant upazilla (01/07/1998-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Headquarters 22615850 - 22615850 -dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m Ggey‡j›m mvwf©m I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí (ce©-1) 22615860 - 22615860 -dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m †U«wbs Kg‡c­· AvaywbKvqb (01/07/04-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 22615870 - m 22615870 -‡`‡ki ¸i“Z¡cY© 78wU Dc‡Rjv m`i/¯’v‡b dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 22615880 - Procurement Of Modern Equipement For 22615880 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae gWvb© BKzBc‡g›Um di dvqvi mvwf©m Fire Service & Civil Defence GÛ wmwfj wW‡dÝ (†gvnv) (01/07/2007-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 22615890 - 22615890 -†`‡ki ¸i“Z¡c–Y© 16wU Dc‡Rjv m`‡i/¯’v‡b dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ †ókb ¯’vcb (01/03/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 22615900 - Construction and Reconstruction of 54 old 22615900 -54wU cyivZb RivRxY© dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ † Fire Service & Civil defense Station ÷kb wbg©vY I cybtwbg©vY (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) (1/7/08-30/6/11) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 2271-2280 - Other Departments 2271-2280 -Ab¨vb¨ Awa`ßi mgn 2271 - Coast Guard 2271 -‡Kv÷ MvW© 22710000 - Coast Guard 22710000 -‡Kv÷ MvW© 22715010 - Construction of Potauakhali Coast guard 22715010 -cUyqvLvjx‡Z †Kv÷Mv‡W©i NuvwU wbg©vY (01/07/09 - station (01/07/09-30/06/2010) 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 22715011 - Procurement of Sea Going Vessels and 22715011 -‡Kv÷ Mv‡W©i Rb¨ mg~`ªMªvgx Rjhvb msMªn Ges Ab¨vb¨ Infrastructure Development AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY cªKí 22715012 - Procurement of Sea water vechels and 22715012 -evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ Mv‡W©i Rb¨ mgy`ªMvgx Rjhvb msMªn I Established of infracture. AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY ( 1/7/2013-31/12/2016) 22715013 - Enhancement of Operational Capability of 22715013 -Gbn¨v›m‡g›U Ae Acv‡ikbvj K¨vcvwewjwU Ae evsjv‡`k . †Kv÷ MvW© cÖKí 22715020 - Strengthening of Bangladesh Coast Guard 22715020 -evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ MvW©‡K kw³kvjxKiY 22717010 - 22717010 -‡Kv÷Mv‡o©i Rb¨ 6wU dv÷ †c‡Uªvj ‡evU 22717020 - 22717020 -evsjv‡`k †Kv÷MvW© kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/2002-30/6/2005) Abby‡gvw`Z 2273 - Narcotics Control Department 2273 -gv`K `ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`ßi 22730000 - Narcotics Control Department 22730000 -gv`K `ªe¨ wbqšY Awa`ßi 22735010 - Construction of office building Narcotics 22735010 -wefvMxq kn‡i (XvKv, PÆMªvg, ivRkvnx, ewikvj I wm‡jU) control directorate in Division gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇ii Awdm feb wbg©vY Towns(Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, (01/01/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z Barisal & Sylhet) (1/1/10- 30/6/11) Approved 22735011 - Construction of Head Office Building for 22735011 -gv`K`ªe¨ wbqšY Awa`߇ii cÖavb Kvh©vj‡qi Rb¨ eûZj Department of Narcotics Control at Segun feb wbg©vY (01/07/2015-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z Bagicha, Dhaka 22735061 - Master plan for drug abuse control in 22735061 -gvóvi c­vb di WªvM GweDR K‡›Uªvj Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 22735071 - Advocacy on reproductive health and 22735071 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_& GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨ gender issue

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 22735111 - Procurement of machinery and equipment 22735111 -gv`K`ªe¨ Awa`߇ii hšcvwZ I miÄvg msMªn for Dept. of Narcotics Control 22735112 - aa 22735112 -wewfbœ Dc AvÂwjK Kvh©vj‡qi Awdm feb wbg©vb| 22735113 - sdfa 22735113 -cÖavb Kvh©vj‡qi Awdm feb wbg©vY| 2275 - Department of Passport and Immigration 2275 -cvm‡cvU© I ewnivMgb Awa`ßi 22750000 - Passport and Immigration Offices 22750000 -cvm‡cvU© I ewnivMgb Awa`ßi 22755010 - Construction of zonal pass port offices 22755010 -wewfbœ wefvMxq I †Rjv kn‡i AvÂwjK cvm‡cvU© Awdm (Division/District) (1/7/06-30/6/13) wbg©vY (01/07/06 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 22755011 - Construction of Passport Personalization 22755011 -cvm‡cvU© Z_¨ msi¶Y ‡K›`ª ¯’vcb Complex (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 22755020 - Introduction of machine readable passport 22755020 -B‡›U«vWvKkb Ae †gwkb wi‡Wej cvm‡cvU© (GgAviwc) (RMP) and Machine readable visa (MRV) in GÛ †gwkb wi‡Wej wfmv (GgAviwf) Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh(1/7/09-30/6/14) Revised (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z unapproved 22755030 - Construction of Regional Passport Offices 22755030 -wewfbœ †Rjv I wefvMxq kn‡i 11wU AvÂwjK cvm‡cvU© at 11 Different Districts and Divisional Awdm wbg©vY Towns 22755040 - aaa 22755040 -19wU AvÂwjK cvm‡cvU© feb wbgv©Y (01/01/2012-31/12/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 22755520 - Construction of 9 stored building for 22755520 -ewnivMg I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii †k‡ievsjv bMi¯’ Passport and Immigration wbR¯^feb wbgvY© cÖKí (chv©q-2) (4_© Zjv nB‡Z 9g Zjv) Gi AmgvßKvR mgvßKiY cÖKí 22755670 - Construction of 9 storied building for 22755670 -XvKv †k‡i evsjv bM‡i Bwg‡Mªkb I cvm‡cvU© feb wbgv©Y immigration and passport (2nd Phase) (chv©q-2) (4_© Zjv nB‡Z 9g Zjv ch©š) 22755680 - Construction of Passport & Immigration 22755680 -XvKv †k‡i evsjv bM‡i Bwg‡MÖkb I cvm‡cvU© feb wbg©vY building at Sher-E-Banglanogor in Dhaka ( 2q ch©vq 4_© Zjv n‡Z 9g Zjv ch©š@) 22755690 - Study on Mordernization of Bangladesh 22755690 -evsjv‡`k cvm‡cvU© AvaywbKvqb mgx¶v Passport 2296-2298 - Development Programme Financed by 2296-2298 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 2296 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 2296 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 22964301 - Construction of infrastructure in the newly 22964301 -‡fvjv †Rjvi beMwVZ kkxflY I `w¶Y AvBPv _vbvi established police station at AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Shashibhushob and south Aicha in Bhola District 22964302 - Construction of Coast Guard Base in 22964302 -evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ MvW© †eBR PU«Mªvg, gsjv, †fvjv I wmwR Chittagong, Mongla and Bhola and C.G. †÷kY mvs¸ I station at Sangu and Construction of other Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY infrastructure 22964303 - Installation of Solar Panel System in the 22964303 -evsjv‡`k †Kv÷Mv‡W©i feb I ¯’vcbvmg‡n ‡mvjvi Coast guard Bhaban and different c¨v‡bj ¯’vcb kxl©K Kg©mwP Structure 22964304 - Purchase of Fire fighting Equipment 22964304 -KwgDwbwU fjvw›Uqvi cÖwk¶‡Yi Rb¨ BKzBc‡g›U µq I forCommunity Volunteer's training & Fire AwMœ wbe©vcYx cv¤• cÖwZ¯’vcb kxl©K Kg©mwP fighting Pump Installed by Directorate of Fire Service & Civil Defence 22964305 - Procurement of Computer Printer, Laptop 22964305 -B-†mev ev¯evqb I cÖwk¶‡Yi Rb¨ Kw¤•DUvi, wcÖ›Uvi, & Multimedia for implementation of j¨vcUc I gvwìwgwWqv msMªnKiY kxl©K Kg©mwP E-Service, and Training by Directorate of fire service & Civil Defence. 22964306 - Urgent Construction, Repairs & 22964306 -ewikvj, Lyjbv, iscyi, PU«Mªvg I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi wewfbœ Maintenances of different Jails in Barisal, KvivMv‡ii Ri“ix wbg©vY I †givgZ KvR ev¯evqb Khulna, Rangpur, Chittagong & Sylhet Division 22964307 - Reconstruction of Unsafe Perimeter wall 22964307 -XvKv †K›`ªxq KvivMv‡ii SywKcY †cwiwgUvi Iqvj alongwith other reform work of Dhaka bevqbmn Avbylw½K ms¯‹vi KvR Central Jail

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 22964308 - Construction of newly Created Damar 22964308 -evsjv‡`k cywjk wefv‡Mi gv`vixcyi ‡Rjvi bem„ó Wvmvi Thana's building of Madaripur District for _vbv feb wbg©vY the Departments of Police of Bangladesh 22964309 - Infrastructure development of two Police 22964309 -evsjv‡`k cywjk wefv‡Mi †fvjv †Rjvi `w¶Y AvBPv Investigation Centers of Dhalchar and _vbvi Aš‘M©Z XvjPi KzKix-gyKix BDwbq‡b 2wU cywjk Char Kukri-Mukriunion under South Aicha Z`š@ †K‡›`ª 2wU AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY kxl©K Kg©m–wP Thana of Bhola District 22964310 - Reconstruction alongwith repair of 22964310 -MZ 22/03/2013 Zvwi‡L msMwVZ U‡b©‡Wv‡Z perimeter wall Segregation wall and ev¶Yevwoqv †Rjv KvivMv‡ii †f‡½ cov †cwiwgUvi boundary wall of Bramanbaria district jail †`qvj, †mwMÖ‡MkY †`qvj, mxgvbv cÖvPxi cybt wbg©vYmn cÖ which was disrupted during tornedo ‡qvRbxq †givgZ/ms¯‹vi KvR ev¯@evqb kxl©K Kg©m–wP apprehended on 22 March, 2013 22964312 - Urgent Construction, Repairs and 22964312 -XvKv wefv‡Mi wewfbœ KvivMv‡i Ri“ix wbg©vY I †givgZ Mainteances of different Jails in Dhaka KvR Division 22964315 - BGB ICT Facilities expansion by 22964315 -eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi GKwU wiwRqb m`i, 6wU †m±i underground fibre Optic Connectivity to one m`i `ßi Ges 28wU e¨vUvwjqb m`i `ßimg–‡n f‚-Mf©¯’ Region, six Sector HQ & 28 Battalion AcwUK¨vj dvBevi Kv‡bKwUwfwU cÖ`vb KiZt AvBwmwU myweavw` m¤•ÖmviY Kiv 22964722 - Attached of Modern Fire Extingisher for 22964722 -‡gvn¤§`cyi dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m ‡÷k‡b Mohammadpur Fire Service and Civil AvaywbK AwMœwbe©vcb e¨e¯’vw` mshyw³KiY Defense Station 22964724 - Land Acquisition Programme for 22964724 -XvKv †Rjvi †KivbxMÄ _vbvaxb I ZrmsjMœ †gŠRvq Construction of Central Jail for the under wePvivaxb e›`x‡`i Rb¨ †K›`ªxq KvivMvi I Kviv cÖwk¶Y trail detainees and Jail Training Institute in BbwówUDU wbg©vYK‡í fwg AwaMªnY Kg©mPx (2004-05 the Keranigonj Thana of Dhaka District & n‡Z 2005-06) its adjacent mouza (2004-05 to 2005-06) 22964725 - Formation of Program Managemetn Unit 22964725 -‡gwkb wi‡Wej cvm‡cvU©, †gwkb wi‡Wej wfmv I b¨vkbvj (PMU) for introducing machine readable AvBwW KvW© cÖeZ©‡bi j‡¶¨ †cÖvMªvg g¨v‡bR‡g›U BDwbU passport, machine readable visa and (wcGgBD) MVb (2005-06) national ID card (2005-06) 22964726 - Repair Maintainance and drinking water 22964726 -eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi cÖZ¨š A‡j 250 weIwc supply of 250 VOP of Border guard of (ˆmwbK evm¯’vb) †givgZ I msi¶Y Ges 250 weIwc‡Z Bangladesh my‡cq cvwb mieivn 22964727 - Construction of officers Quarter and Family 22964727 -eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi wewfbœ e¨vUvwjq‡bi Awdmvm© Quarter of other's and SM. Barak Koath †KvqvUv©i, Ab¨vb¨ c`exi cvwievwiK evm¯’vb, GmGg Magagin and VOP. e¨vivK, ‡KvZ, g¨vMvwRb Ges weIwc wbg©vY 22964728 - Construction of 50 VOP LMG post and 25 22964728 -eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k Gi wewfbœ e¨vUvwjq‡bi 50wU weIwc VOP Banker plus WC bath GjGgwR †cvó, 25wU weIwc‡Z e¨vsKvi Ges Wwe­Dwm ev_ wbg©vY 22964729 - Repair Maintainance work of Ansar VDP 22964729 -Avbmvi I wfwWwc KZ©„K ev¯evwqZe¨ Avbmvi I wfwWwci wewfbœ ¯’vcbvi wbg©vY/ms¯‹vi/msi¶Y KvR 22964730 - Highest Extention work of Rajshahi, Sylhet, 22964730 -evsjv‡`k cywjk wefvM KZ©„K ev¯vevwqZe¨ wm‡jU, Rangpur and Comilla District police Barak ivRkvnx, iscyi Ges Kzwgj­v †Riv cywj‡ki e¨vivK fe‡bi DשgyLx m¤•ªmviY KvR 22964731 - Construction of paradeground Saluting 22964731 -evsjv‡`k cywjk GKv‡Wgx mvi`v ivRkvnxi c¨v‡iW MªvDÛ dias, parade shade supply of new Cheni of †mjywUs Wvqvm I c¨v‡iW †mW wbg©vY, †Pwb †g‡gvwiqvj memorial Hall and construction of CID n‡j bZyb †Pqvi, wmAvBwW Awd‡mi Rb¨ wewfbœ cywjk Office Awd‡mi DשgyLx m¤•ªmviY KvR 22964732 - Repair Maintainance work of Jails 22964732 -Kviv Awa`ßi KZ©„K ev¯evwqZe¨ Kviv Awa`߇ii wewfbœ KvivMv‡ii wbg©vY I †givgZ KvR ev¯evqb 22964784 - Bangladesh Police 22964784 -evsjv‡`k cywjk Awa`߇ii Ab¨vb¨ feb I AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Kg©m–wP 22964785 - 22964785 -evsjv‡`k ivB‡dj&m-Gi Ab¨vb¨ feb I AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Kg©mPx 22964786 - Bangladesh Police 22964786 -evsjv‡`k †Kv÷Mv‡W©i Ab¨vb¨ feb I AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Kg©m–wP 22964798 - Anser 22964798 -Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii Ab¨vb¨ feb I AeKvVv‡gv Kg©m–wP 22964799 - 22964799 -‡`‡ki mKj KvivMv‡i wbivcËv †Rvi`vi, e›`x I Kg©Pvix‡`i myweav e„w×KiY 22964800 - 22964800 -AwMœ wbe©vcbx I D×vi Kvh©µg AvaywbKvqb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 22964801 - 22964801 -evsjv‡`k †KvóMv‡W©i 49wU Rjhvb msMªn 22964843 - Recuiting Inteligent and Professionaly 22964843 -‡gwkb wi‡Wej cvm‡cvU© (GgAviwc), †gwkb wi‡Wej Knowladgeble Consultant for Introducing wfmv (GgAviwf) cÖeZ©‡b eyw× e„wËK I †ckvMZ Machine Readable Passport (MRP), Ávbm¤•bœ civgk©K wb‡qvM Kg©mwP Machine Readable Visa (MRV) 22964962 - Construction of BOP/ICP of Bangladesh 22964962 -evsjv‡`k ivB‡djm& Gi weIwc/AvBwmwc wbg©vY Rifles 22964979 - Construction of Electric Sub-station For 22964979 -‡Kv÷ Mv‡W©i wewfbœ ¯’vcbvi Rb¨ B‡jKwU«K mve †÷kb Different Installation of Coast Guard. wbg©vY 22964986 - 125 Repair and Renovation Works of the 22964986 -dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m Awa`߇ii dvqvi ‡ Directorate of Fire Service and Civil ÷k‡bi 125wU †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR Defence 22964987 - 116 Repair and Renovation Works of the 22964987 -dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡d›m Awa`߇ii dvqvi † Fire Directorate of Fire Service and Civil ÷k‡bi 116 wU †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR Defence 22964994 - Repair/Maintanance work of Bangladesh 22964994 -Avbmvi I wfwWwcÕi wewfbœ ¯’vcbv ms¯‹vi/‡givgZ KvR Ansar and VDP 22964995 - asfsd 22964995 -gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇ii wewfbœ cY¨vMv‡ii †QvULvU †givgZ Ims¯‹vi msµvš— c~Z© e¨q| 22964996 - hjhj 22964996 -gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇ii Aciva `gb Kv©h©µ‡g MwZkxjZv Avbqb| 22964997 - dssd 22964997 -gv`K`ª‡e¨I Ace¨envi we‡ivax cÖPvi I mfv †mwgbvi Abyôv‡bi gva¨‡g Awa߇ii Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY| 22964998 - erwe 22964998 -gv`K Aciva `gb Kvh©µ‡g wWwRUvj Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv †Uwj †hvMv‡hvM I Kw¤úDUvi †bUIqvK©© cÖeZ©b| 2299-2299 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 2299-2299 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 2299 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 2299 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 22990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 22990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 23 - Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division 23 - †jwRm‡jwUf I msm` welqK wefvM 2301-2310 - Administration 2301-2310 -cªkvmb 2301 - Secretariat 2301 -mwPevjq 23010001 - Secretariat 23010001 -mwPevjq 23010002 - Law Commission 23010002 -AvBb Kwgkb 23010003 - National Human Rights Commission 23010003 -RvZxq gvbevwaKvi Kwgkb 23015004 - Policy advocacy and lagislative reform 23015004 -cwjwm GW‡fv‡Kwm GÛ †jwRm‡jwUf widg© (01/07/09 (01/07/2009-31/12/2011) - 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 23015010 - Complilation,Publication and Tranlation of 23015010 -KgcvB‡jkb, cvewj‡Kkb GÛ U«v›m‡jkb Ae jR LAWS. 23015011 - Implementation of CEDAW for Reducing 23015011 -Bgwc­­‡g‡›Ukb Ae wmBwWGWwe­D wiwWDwPs fv‡qv‡j›m Violence Againist Woman G¨v‡MB›U DB‡gb(01/07/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 23015012 - Policy advocacy and legislative reform for 23015012 -cwjwm GW‡fv‡Kwm GÛ †jwRm‡jwUf widg© di wPj‡W«b Children (01/01/13 – 30/06/16) Approved (01/01/13 - 30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 23015013 - Promoting Access to Justice and Human 23015013 -†cÖv‡gvwUs GK‡mm Uy Rvw÷Q GÛ wnDg¨vb ivBUm Bb Rights in Bangladesg (2nd Phase) evsjv‡`k (2q ch©vq) 23015020 - Unapproved Block Allocation 23015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 23015021 - Promoting Access to Institute and Human 23015021 -cÖ‡gvwUs GK‡mm Uz R¨vw÷m GÛ wnDg¨vb ivBUm Bb Rights in Bangladesh (01/07/05 - evsjv‡`k (01/07/05 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/12) Approved 23015031 - Promoting Access to Institute and Human 23015031 -cÖ‡gvwUs GK‡mm Uz R¨vw÷m GÛ wnDg¨vb ivBUm Bb Rights in Bangladesh (01/07/05 - evsjv‡`k (01/07/05 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/12) Approved 2306 - International Organisations 2306 -AvšR©vwZK cªwZôvbmgn 23064162 - International Criminal Court 23064162 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj wµwgbvj †KvU© 24 - MInistry of Primary and Mass Education 24 - cÖv_wgK I MY wk¶v gš¿Yvjq 2401-2420 - Administration 2401-2420 -cªkvmb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 2401 - Secretariat 2401 -mwPevjq 24010001 - Secretariat 24010001 -mwPevjq 24010002 - Compulsory Primary Education 24010002 -eva¨Zvg–jK cÖv_wgK wk¶v ev¯Zevqb I cwiex¶Y BDwbU Implementation & Evaluation Unit 24010003 - Education Week 24010003 -wk¶v mßvn 24010004 - Implementation of Schemes 24010004 -¯‹xg ev¯Zevqb 24010005 - Implementation and Monitoring Cell 24010005 -ev¯Zevqb I cwiex¶Y †mj 24015000 - Primary Education Development 24015000 -cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©m–wP-2 Programme-2 (1/7/2003-30/6/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 24015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 24015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 24015022 - US Aid PL-480 Government Primary 24015022 -BDGmGBW mvnvh¨cyó wcGj-480 Gi Aax‡b 1998 School mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq Kvg eb¨vkªq †K›`ª wbgv©Y cÖKí 24015023 - ghjghj 24015023 -need name 24015024 - PPPP 24015024 - 24015025 - Strengthening of CPEMIU 24015025 -wmwcBGgAvBBD Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY 2403 - Third Primary Education Development Program 2403 -Z„Zxq cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©mwP (wcBwWwc-3) (PEDP-III) 24035370 - Third Primary Education Development 24035370 -Z„Zxq cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©mwP (wcBwWwc-3) Program (PEDP-III) 24038000 - Third Primary Education Development 24038000 -Z„Zxq cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©mwP (wcBwWwc-3) Program (PEDP-III) 24038101 - Each Child Learns 24038101 -wkL‡e cÖwZwU wkï 24038102 - School and Classroom based 24038102 -we`¨vjq Ges †kªYxwfwËK gj¨vqY assessment 24038103 - Curriculum and Textbooks Strengthened 24038103 -wk¶vµg Dbœqb 24038104 - Production & Distribution of Text books. 24038104 -cvV¨ cy¯K weZiY 24038105 - ICT In Education 24038105 -wk¶vq Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ 24038106 - Teacher Education & Development 24038106 -wk¶K cÖwk¶Y I Dbœqb 24038201 - Second chance & Alternative Education. 24038201 -weKí wk¶v Ges wk¶vq wØZxq my‡hvM 24038202 - Pre-Primary Education 24038202 -cÖvK-cÖv_wgK wk¶v 24038203 - Mainstreaming Inclusive Education 24038203 -GKxfZ wk¶v 24038204 - Education in Emergencies 24038204 -Ri“wi Ae¯’vq wk¶v 24038205 - Communication and Social Mobilization 24038205 -‡hvMv‡hvM Ges mvgvwRK DØy×KviY 24038206 - Targeted Stipend 24038206 -Dce„wË 24038207 - School Health & School Feeding 24038207 -wkï ¯^v¯’¨ I Lv`¨ Kg©mwP 24038208 - School Physical Environment 24038208 -we`¨vjq cwi‡ek 24038209 - Need based Infrastructure Development 24038209 -Pvwn`vwfwËK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 24038301 - Field level Offices Strengthened 24038301 -gvV ch©v‡qi Awdm kw³kvjxKiY 24038302 - Decentralized School Management and 24038302 -we‡K›`ªxfZ we`¨vjq e¨e¯’vcbv Ges cÖkvmb Governance 24038303 - School level Leadership and Development 24038303 -we`¨vjqwfwËK †bZ„Z¡ Ges Dbœqb 24038304 - Organizational Review and Strengthening 24038304 -cÖvwZôvwbK ms¯‹vi Ges kw³kvjxKiY 24038305 - Grade 5 Terminal Examination 24038305 -5g †kªYxi mgvcbx cix¶v †Rvi`viKiY 24038306 - Teacher recruitment and Development 24038306 -wk¶K wb‡qvM, c‡`vbœwZ Ges e`jx 24038307 - Annual School Census 24038307 -evrmwiK we`¨vjq Rixc 24038308 - National Assessment of Students. 24038308 -RvZxqfv‡e wk¶v_©x gj¨vqY 24038401 - PEDP III Management and Governance 24038401 -wcBwWwc-3 e¨e¯’vcbv Ges cÖkvmb 24038402 - PEDP III Financial Management. 24038402 -wcBwWwc-3 Gi Avw_©K e¨e¯’vcbv 24038403 - Sector Finance 24038403 -‡m±i dvBbv›m 24038404 - Strengthen Monitoring Function 24038404 -cwiex¶b Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY 24038405 - Human Resources Development 24038405 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb 24038406 - Public Private Partnership 24038406 -miKvwi-†emiKvwi Askx`vwiZ¡

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 2405 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2405 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 24053455 - Registered Non Govt. Primary Schools 24053455 -‡iwR÷vW© †emiKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq 24053456 - Community Schools 24053456 -KwgDwbwU ¯‹zj 24053983 - Education Week 24053983 -wk¶v mßvn 24053987 - Implementation of Schemes 24053987 -¯‹xg ev¯evqb 24053988 - 24053988 -†iwR÷vW© †emiKvix cÖv_wgK wk¶v Kj¨vY U«v÷ 24054709 - National Primary Education Academy 24054709 -RvZxq cÖv_wgK wk¶v GKv‡Wwg 24054710 - Infrastructure Development of NAPE 24054710 -‡b‡ci AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 2431-2460 - Primary and Mass Education 2431-2460 -cªv_wgK I MYwk¶v 2431 - Department of Primary Education 2431 -cªv_wgK wk¶v Awa`ßi 24310000 - Department of Primary Education 24310000 -cÖv_wgK wk¶v Awa`ßi 24310001 - Headquarters 24310001 -m`i `ßi 24310007 - National Academy for Primary Education 24310007 -RvZxq cªv_wgK wk¶v GKv‡Wwg 24313455 - Registered Private Primary School 24313455 -wbeÜxK…Z †emiKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq 24315000 - Primary Education Development 24315000 -cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©m–wP-2 (01/07/03 - Programme-2 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315010 - Development of primary education in 24315010 -PÆMªvg wefv‡M cªv_wgK wk¶vi Dbœqb cªKí Chittagong division 24315011 - English in Action 24315011 -Bswjk Bb G¨vKkb 24315012 - China Assisted Construction of 2 Model 24315012 -Pvqbv mnvqZvcyó 2wU g‡Wj miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq Primary Schools wbg©vY cÖKí 24315013 - Need Based Reconstruction, Renovation 24315013 -Pvwn`vwfwËK cÖvK…wZK `‡hv©M I Rjevqy cwieZ©bRwbZ and Repair of Primary Schools Affected by Kvi‡b ¶wZMª¯’ cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cybwb©gv©Y, ms¯‹vi I Climate Change Induced Natural Disaster †givgZ cÖKí 24315014 - Reaching Out of School Children Project 24315014 -wiwPs AvDU Ae& ¯‹zj wPj‡Wªb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase) (01/01/2013-31/12/2017) (01/01/2013-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315015 - Field Application Trial for Primary 24315015 -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Education Governance 24315020 - Reconstruction and Renovation of Govt. 24315020 -miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vjq cybwbg©vY I ms¯‹vi cÖKí Primary School (01/07/1994-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315021 - School performance and monitoring 24315021 -¯‹zj cvidi‡gÝ GÛ gwbUwis cÖ‡R± project (1/7/98-30/6/2001) 24315030 - Development of primary schools in Dhaka, 24315030 -XvKv, ivRkvnx I Lyjbv wefv‡Mi cªv_wgK wk¶vi Dbœqb Rajshahi and Khulna Division 24315040 - Flood rehabilitation project under EEC's 24315040 -BBwm mvnvh¨cyó eb¨v‡Ëvi cybe©vmb cªKí (chv©©q-1) assistance 24315050 - Construction of primary school cum 24315050 -‡mŠ`x Aby`v‡bi AvIZvq miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq, cyclone shelter (Saudi Assistance) gmwR`, wK¬wbK I `y‡h©vMKvjxb mg‡q Avkªq †K›`« wnmv‡e e¨envi‡hvM¨ eûZj feb wbg©vY 24315060 - Construction of multistoried building for 24315060 -Bmjvgx Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki Aby`v‡bi AvIZvq miKvwi primary school cum cyclone shelter (IDB) cªv_wgK we`¨vjq Ges `z‡hv©MKvjxb mg‡q Avkªq †K›`« wnmv‡e e¨envi‡hvM¨ eûZj feb wbgv©Y 24315062 - Construction of German aided Primary 24315062 -Rvg©vb mvnvh¨cyó cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq-Kvg-N–wY©So Avkªq school-cum-cyclone shelter †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí (1/4/99-30/6/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 24315063 - Emergency repair and rehabilitation of 24315063 -1998 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯ cÖv_wgK we`¨vjqmg‡ni Primary schools damaged by 1998 flood Ri“ix †givgZ I cybe©vmb 24315064 - Construction of Primary schools-cum-flood 24315064 -BDGm mvnvh¨cyó wcGj-480 Gi Aax‡b cÖv_wgK shelter under USA assisted, PL-480 wk¶v-Kvg-eb¨vkªq †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí 24315070 - Development of curriculum and text book 24315070 -cªv_wgK ¯@‡ii wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯@‡Ki Dbœqb for primary level 24315080 - Introduction of Business Management 24315080 -‡emiKvwi wk¶v cªwZôv‡b D”P gva¨wgK (GBPGmwm) Course at HSC Level e¨emvq e¨e¯’vcbv †Kvm© cÖeZ©b 24315090 - 24315090 -cÖv_wgK wk¶vi Rb¨ Dc-e„wË cÖ`vb 24315100 - Expansion of Cub Scouting in Primary 24315100 -cÖv_wgK we`¨vjqmg–‡n Kve-¯‹vDwUs m¤•ªmviY School (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315110 - Government Primary Education 24315110 -miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cybtwbg©vY I ms¯‹vi (2q ch©vq)|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 24315120 - Registration non government primary 24315120 -†iwRt †emiKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) school (01/07/2006-30/07/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315130 - 24315130 -Bgvi‡Rw›m ¯‹yj wdwWs G¨vw±wfwU Bb wmWi G¨v‡d‡±W Gwiqv (01/11/2008-31/10/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315140 - 24315140 -cÖv_wgK wk¶vi Rb¨ Dce„wË (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315150 - EC Assisted School Feeding Program 24315150 -Bwm G¨vwm‡÷W ¯‹yj wdwWs †cÖvMªvg (01/01/2009-30/06/2013) (01/01/2009-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315160 - Preparatory Technical Assistance for 24315160 -wcÖcv‡iUwi †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di Bswjk Bb English in Action (01/05/09 - 31/10/10) G¨vKkb (01/05/09 - 31/10/11) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 24315170 - Project Preparatory Technical Assistance 24315170 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di cÖvBgvix for Primary Education Sectro Development GWy‡Kkb †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMªvg Programme (01/09/2009-28/02/2010) (01/09/2009-28/02/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 24315180 - Establishment of 1500 New Primary 24315180 -we`¨vjqwenxb GjvKvq 1500 cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq ¯’vcb school Buildings in the unschooled areas (01/07/10-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315190 - Construction to multistored building for 24315190 -BBwm Aby`v‡bi AvIZvq miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vjq Ges Primary school cum cyclone shelter `y‡hv©MKvjxb mg‡q Avkªq †K›`« wnmv‡e e¨envi‡hvM¨ eûZj feb wbgv©Y 24315200 - School feeding Programme in Poverty 24315200 -`vwi`ª-cxwoZ GjvKvq ¯‹yj wdwWs Kg©m–wP (01/01/2010- prone areas 31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315210 - Construction of primary school cum cylone 24315210 -I‡cK mvnvh¨cyó miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vjq Ges shelter (OPEC) `y‡hv©MKvjxb mg‡q Avkªq †K›`« wnmv‡e e¨envi‡hvM¨ eûZj feb wbgv©Y 24315220 - Rehabilitation of Government primary 24315220 -AvBwWwe (FY) mvnvh¨ cªv_wgK we`¨vjq cybev©mb school under IDB assistance 24315230 - Rehabilitation and re-construction of 24315230 -1988 mv‡ji eb¨vq weׯ gv`ªvmv wk¶v cªwZôv‡bi Madrasas affected by 1988 flood cybev©mb 24315240 - Integrated non formal education project 24315240 -mgw¤¦Z DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v we¯vi Kvh©µg 24315250 - Non formal mass education project of 24315250 -‡Rjvi AbvbyôvwbK MYwk¶v cªKí †bvqvLvjx, cUyqvLvjx Noakhali and Potuakhali district 24315260 - Construction of PTI in the District 24315260 -SvjKvwV, kixqZcyi, bivqbMÄ, jvjgwbinvU, -Jhalokati, Shariyatpur, Narunyanjong, †MvcvjMÄ, XvKv, †kicyi, bovBj, †g‡nicyi, ev›`ievb, Lalmanirhat, Gopaljong, Dhaka, Sherpur, LvMovQwo I ivRevox †Rjvq wcwUAvB ¯’vcb Naril, Maherpur, Bandarban, Khagrachari (01/07/10-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z and Rajbari. 24315270 - Food for education programme 24315270 -wk¶vi Rb¨ Lv`¨ Kg©mPx (1/7/99-30/6/2001) 24315280 - Strengthening the efficiency of primary and 24315280 -cªv_wgK I MYwk¶v wefv‡Mi `¶Zv e„w×KiY cªKí mass education division 24315290 - Construction of primary school cum 24315290 -‡bvivW mvnv‡h¨ cªv_wgK we`¨vjq-Kvg-mvB‡K¬vb †m›Uvi cyclone centre under Norad assitance wbgv©Y cÖKí 24315300 - Renovation and repair of the government 24315300 -miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vjq cybtwbg©vY I ms¯‹vi cªKí primary school 24315310 - Development of registered 24315310 -‡iwR÷v©W ‡emiKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vjq Dbœqb cªKí (2q non-government primary schools chv©q) (01/08/95-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315320 - Development of primary education with 24315320 -Rvg©vb mvnvh¨cyó cªv_wgK wk¶vi Dbœqb cªKí (ms‡kvwaZ) German assistance (01/03/1996-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315330 - Construction of 4000 satellite schools 24315330 - m¨v‡UjvBU we`¨vjq wbg©vY cªKí (1/7/95-31/12/2003) 24315340 - Expansion of cub-scouting in primary 24315340 -cªv_wgK we`¨vjqmg–‡n Kve ¯‹vDwUs m¤•ªmviY cªKí schools (chv©q-2) (1/7/95-30/6/2002) 24315350 - Expansion of Cub-Scouting among the 24315350 -cÖv_wgK we`¨vjqmg–‡n Kve-¯‹vDwUs m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (2q Primary Schools. ch©vq) (01/01/2001-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315360 - Non formal and aged education in 24315360 -wbe©vwPZ †Rjvq AbvbyôvwbK I eq¯‹ wk¶v Kvh©µg selective district 24315370 - Third Primary Education Development 24315370 -Z„Zxq cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©mwP (wcBwWwc-3) Program (PEDP-III) 24315380 - Primary Education Development Project 24315380 -cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb cÖKí (AvBwWwe) (IDB) (01/01/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 24315390 - aaa 24315390 -AvBwWwe mvnvh¨cyó miKvix cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq wbgv©Y cÖKí (3q chv©q) 24315400 - Development of primary education through 24315400 -Bb‡Ubwmf wWw÷«± G¨v‡cªv‡Pi gva¨‡g cªv_wgK wk¶vi intensive district approach Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1996-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315410 - Construction of primary school cum flood 24315410 -AvBwWwe mvnvh¨cyó miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vjq-Kvg-eb¨v shelter (IDB) Avkªq †K›`« wbgv©Y 24315420 - Development of primary education under 24315420 -biI‡q mvnvh¨cyó cªv_wgK wk¶vi Dbœqb cªKí NORAD aid (01/07/1997-31/12/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315430 - Development of primary education in 24315430 -XvKv, ivRkvnx I Lyjbv wefv‡Mi cªv_wgK wk¶vi Dbœqb Dhaka, Rajshahi and Khulna division cÖKí (2q chv©q) ms‡kvwaZ (1/7/1998-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315432 - Structural Rearrangement and Adjustment 24315432 -XvKv gnvbM‡i miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi KvVv‡gvMZ of Govt. Primary School of Dhaka cybwe©b¨vm I my‡hvM myweavi mvgÄm¨ weavb cÖKí Metropolitan City. (1/7/98-30/6/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 24315440 - Development of primary education in 24315440 -PÆMªvg, wm‡jU Ges ewikvj wefv‡M cªv_wgK wk¶vi Dbœqb Chittagong, Sylhet and Barisal division cªKí, ms‡kvwaZ (chv©q-2) (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) 24315450 - Establisment of PTI in Barguna 24315450 -ei¸bv †Rjv m`‡i cÖv_wgK wk¶K cÖwk¶b Bbw÷wUDU wcwUAvB ¯’vcb (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/99-30/6/2003) 24315451 - Strengthening of institutional structure of 24315451 -cªv_wgK wk¶v Awa`߇ii cªvwZôvwbK KvVv‡gv primary education department †Rvi`viKiY 24315460 - Construction of Government Primary 24315460 -AvBwWwe mvnvh¨cyó miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq wbgv©Y (2q school under IDB assistance ch©vq) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315470 - Food for Education Programme 24315470 -wk¶vi Rb¨ Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP (1/7/99-30/6/2001 24315471 - Preparation of general education project 24315471 -mvaviY wk¶v cÖKí cÖ¯‘ZKiY (2q ch©vq) (Phase-2) 24315480 - Construction of Government Primary 24315480 -BD Gm GBW mvnvh¨cyó 1998 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ School and Flood Shelter Centre miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq I eb¨vkÖq †K›`ª wbgv©Y Damaged by Flood 1998 Under USAID (1/7/2000-30/6/2003) Assistance 24315491 - PREPARETION OF A D B ASSISTED 24315491 -GwWwe mvnvh¨cyó cªv_wgK wk¶vi Dbœqb (chv©q-2) cÖ¯ PRIMARY EDUCATION DE yZKiY cÖKí 24315520 - Primary school reconstruction project 24315520 -GwWwe mvnvh¨cyó cªv_wgK we`¨vjq cybtwbg©vY cªKí under A D B assistance 24315810 - Training of registered non-government 24315810 -‡iwR÷v©W †emiKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi wk¶K‡`i primary school teachers cªwk¶Y 24315820 - Mass Literacy Programme (Non-Formal 24315820 -mvwe©K mv¶iZv Kg©mPx (DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v-4) Education-4) 24315830 - Project for distribution of text books to 24315830 -cªv_wgK we`¨vj‡q cvV¨ cy¯K weZiY cªKí (XvKv, Lyjbv primary schools I ivRkvnx wefvM) 24315910 - 24315910 -m¨vUvjvBU we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (chv©q-2) (01/01/2003-31/12/2007) 24315920 - Development of primary schools in Dhaka 24315920 -XvKv kn‡ii cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq Dbœqb city 24315930 - 24315930 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ ¯^v¶iZv DËi I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v 24315941 - TA project for institutional support to village 24315941 -MÖvg wk¶v wgjb †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ cÖvwZôvwbK mvnvh¨ msµvš education centres KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí 24315945 - 24315945 - 24315951 - Effective school through enhanced 24315951 -G‡dKwUf ¯‹zj †_ªv Gbn¨vÝW GWz‡Kkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U education management (1/7/99-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315955 - Award of Stipends for Primary Education 24315955 -cÖv_wgK wk¶vi Rb¨ Dce„wË cÖKí (01/07/2002-30/06/2007)Aby‡gvw`Z 24315960 - Reaching out of School Children Project. 24315960 -wiwPs AvDU Ae ¯‹zj wPj‡Wªb cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315961 - Comprehensive Primary Education Project 24315961 -KgwcÖ‡nbwmf cÖvBgvix GWy‡Kkb cÖ‡R± (chv©q-2) (2nd Phase). (1/7/02-30/6/04)Aby‡gvw`Z 24315970 - Repair/Rehabilitation of 24315970 -2000 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ miKvwi/†iwR÷vW© Government/Registered Non Government †emiKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq †givgZ/cY©evmb Primary School Affected under year of 2000 (1/2/2001-30/4/2001) Flood

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 24315971 - Project Preparatory TA for ADB Assisted 24315971 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di GwWwe Primary Education Sector Improvement G¨vwmm‡UW cÖvBgvix GWy‡Kkb †m±i B¤cÖ“f‡g›U cÖ Project. ‡R±(ms‡kvwaZ) (1/4/02-30/6/03) 24315980 - 24315980 -2004 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ cÖv_wgK wk¶v cÖwZôvb cybe©vmb/cybt wbg©vY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 24315990 - 24315990 -bvix wk¶v we¯viK‡í cÖv_wgK chv©‡q QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí (chv©q-3) †bvivW 24316000 - Panchogor District 24316000 -cÂMo †Rjv m`‡i cÖv_wgK wk¶K cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU (wcwUAvB) ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 24316010 - 2007 Flood Damaged & River Eroded 24316010 -2007 mv‡ji eb¨vq I b`x fv½b GjvKvq ¶wZMª¯’ Primary School Reconstruction Project cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cybtwbg©vY (01/01/2008-30/06/2011) Approved (01/01/2008-31/12/2010) 24316020 - Stipened Project for Primary Education 24316020 -cÖv_wgK wk¶vi Rb¨ Dce„wË cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase)(01/07/2008-30/06/2013) 24318020 - 24318020 - 24318030 - 24318030 24318030 -24318030 24318101 - Each Child Learns 24318101 -wkL‡e cÖwZwU wkï 24318102 - School and Classroom based 24318102 -we`¨vjq Ges †kªYxwfwËK gj¨vqY assessment 24318103 - Curriculum and Textbooks Strengthened 24318103 -wk¶vµg Dbœqb 24318104 - Production & Distribution of Text books. 24318104 -cvV¨ cy¯K weZiY 24318105 - ICT In Education 24318105 -wk¶vq Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ 24318106 - Teacher Education & Development 24318106 -wk¶K cÖwk¶Y I Dbœqb 24318200 - Participation & Disparities 24318200 -cvwU©wm‡ckb GÛ wWmc¨vivBwUm 24318201 - Second chance & Alternative Education. 24318201 -weKí wk¶v Ges wk¶vq wØZxq my‡hvM 24318202 - Pre-Primary Education 24318202 -cÖvK-cÖv_wgK wk¶v 24318203 - Mainstreaming Inclusive Education 24318203 -GKxfZ wk¶v 24318204 - Education in Emergencies 24318204 -Ri“wi Ae¯’vq wk¶v 24318205 - Communication and Social Mobilization 24318205 -‡hvMv‡hvM Ges mvgvwRK D×y×KviY 24318206 - Targeted Stipend 24318206 -Dce„wË 24318207 - School Health & School Feeding 24318207 -wkï ¯^v¯’¨ I Lv`¨ Kg©mwP 24318208 - School Physical Environment 24318208 -we`¨vjq cwi‡ek 24318209 - Need based Infrastructure Development 24318209 -Pvwn`vwfwËK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 24318300 - Decentralization and Effectiveness 24318300 -wWm¨vbU«vjvB‡Rkb GÛ B‡d±wUfb¨vm 24318301 - Field level Offices Strengthened 24318301 -gvV ch©v‡qi Awdm kw³kvjxKiY 24318302 - Decentralized School Management and 24318302 -we‡K›`ªxfZ we`¨vjq e¨e¯’vcbv Ges cÖkvmb Governance 24318303 - School level Leadership and Development 24318303 -we`¨vjqwfwËK †bZ„Z¡ Ges Dbœqb 24318304 - Organizational Review and Strengthening 24318304 -cÖvwZôvwbK ms¯‹vi Ges kw³kvjxKiY 24318305 - Grade 5 Terminal Examination 24318305 -5g †kªYxi mgvcbx cix¶v †Rvi`viKiY 24318306 - Teacher recruitment and Development 24318306 -wk¶K wb‡qvM, c‡`vbœwZ Ges e`jx 24318307 - Annual School Census 24318307 -evrmwiK we`¨vjq Rixc 24318308 - National Assessment of Students. 24318308 -RvZxqfv‡e wk¶v_©x gj¨vqY 24318400 - Planning and Management 24318400 -c­¨vwbs GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U 24318401 - PEDP III Management and Governance 24318401 -wcBwWwc-3 e¨e¯’vcbv Ges cÖkvmb 24318402 - PEDP III Financial Management. 24318402 -wcBwWwc-3Gi Avw_©K e¨e¯’vcbv 24318403 - Sector Finance 24318403 -‡m±i dvBbv›m 24318404 - Strengthen Monitoring Function 24318404 -cwiex¶b Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY 24318405 - Human Resources Development 24318405 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb 24318406 - Public Private Partnership 24318406 -miKvwi-†emiKvwi Askx`vwiZ¡ 24319420 - Development of educational curriculum 24319420 -cªv_wgK I gva¨wgK ¯@‡ii wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯@‡Ki Dbœqb and text book for primary and secondary level

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 24319423 - Mid-day Meal to Primary School Children 24319423 -6wU wefv‡Mi wbe©vwPZ 6wU Dc‡Rjvq cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi under Six Selected Upazila of Six Division wkï‡`i Rb¨ wgW-†W-wgj cÖKí 24319426 - Construction of Boundary wall for selected 24319426 -wbe©vwPZ miKvix cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY Govt. Primary Schools. cÖKí 24319427 - Award of Sti;ends for Primary Education 24319427 -cÖv_wgK wk¶vi Rb¨ Dce„wË cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (3rd Phase) 24319428 - 24319428 -wbe©vwPZ miKvix I †iwRt cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q Uq‡jU I bjKzc ¯’vcb cÖKí 24319429 - 24319429 -3q cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©m–Px 24319430 - 24319430 -55wU wcwUAvB mg–‡n AvBwmwU Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 24319431 - Mid-day-Meal Project 24319431 -wbe©vwPZ miKvix, †iwRt I KwgDwbwU cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi wgW-†W-wgj cÖKí 24319432 - 2007 Flood & River Erroted Primary School 24319432 -2007 mv‡j eb¨v I b`xfv½‡b ¶wZMª¯’ cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq Reconstruction Project cb©wbg©vY cÖKí (01/01/2008-30/06/2011) (01/01/2008-30/06/2011) 24319433 - Selected Govt. Primary School Boundary 24319433 -wbe©vwPZ miKvix cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY Wall Construction Project cÖKí 24319434 - Selected Govt. Primary School Boundary 24319434 -wbe©vwPZ miKvix cÖv_wgK we`¨vj†qi mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY Wall Constuction Project cÖKí| 24319435 - Primary Education Stipen Project (2nd 24319435 -cÖv_wgK wk¶vi Rb¨ Dce„wË cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Phase) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) 24319436 - EC Asisted School Feeding Programe 24319436 -Bwm mvnvh¨cyó ¯‹yj wdwWs †cÖvMªvg (01/01/2009-30/06/2013) (01/01/2009-30/06/2013) 24319437 - Third Primary Edcuation Development 24319437 -Z…Zxq cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (wcBwWwc-3) Programme (PEDP-3) 24319438 - Introducing pre-primary education in 24319438 -wbe©vwPZ GjvKvq cÖÖvK-cÖÖv_wgK wk¶v PvjyKiY cÖÖKí selected areas 01/01/2009-30/06/2012) (01/01/2009-30/06/2012) 24319439 - "Establishment of 10 Primary Training 24319439 -cÖÖv_wgK wk¶K cÖÖwk¶Y Bwbw÷wUDU (wcwUAvB) wenxb Institute (PTI) in 10 non-PTI Districts" wbe©vwPZ 10wU †Rjv kn‡i wcwUAvB ¯’vcb cÖÖKí Project 24319440 - Estublist of 1500 Primary Schools in 24319440 -we`¨vjqwenxb GjvKvq 1500 cÖÖv_wgK we`¨vjq ¯’vcb Unschooled Areas cÖÖKí (Rvby:2010-Ryb 2014) (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) 24319441 - Establisment of Child Friendly Learning 24319441 -Pi, nvIo I evIo, Pv evMvb I `yM©g GjvKv Ges wk¶v † Centre for Children of Char, Haor, Baor, ¶‡Î wcwQ‡q cov GjvKvi wkï‡`i Rb¨ wkï-evÜe wk¶v Tea Garden, Inaccessible and †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖÖKí (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Educationally Disadvantaged Area (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) 24319442 - School Feeding Program 24319442 -`vwi`ªª¨-cxwoZ GjvKvq ¯‹yj wdwWs †cÖÖvMÖÖvg 24319443 - Preparatory Tachnical Assistance for 24319443 -cÖÖ‡R±± wccÖÖv‡iUwi †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwm‡÷›m di cÖÖvBgvix Prmary Education Development Program GWy‡Kkb †m±i †W‡fjc‡g››U †cÖÖvMÖÖvg (01/09/2009-28/02/2010) (01/09/2009-28/02/2010) 24319444 - Preparetory Technical Assistance for 24319444 -wcÖÖcv‡iUwi †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwm‡÷››m di Bswjk Bb English in Action G¨vKkb 24319445 - School Feeding Program in the Poverty 24319445 -`vwi`ª-cxwoZ GjvKvq ¯‹yj wdwWs †cÖvMªvg (01/01/2010- Prone Areas (01/01/2010- 31/12/2013) 31/12/2013) 24319446 - IDB Assisted Govt. Primary School 24319446 -AvBwWwe mvnvh¨cyó miKvix cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq wbg©vY Construction Project-3rd phage cÖKí-3q ch©vq (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 24319447 - Government Primary School 24319447 -kni A‡ji miKvix cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cybwb©g©vY I Reconstruction and Renovation in Urban ms¯‹vi cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/07/2015) Area (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 24319448 - AILA affected Government Primary School 24319448 -AvBjvq weaŸ¯ miKvix ¯‹yj cybwb©g©vY cÖKí Reconstruction Project (01/04/2010-30/06/2014) (01/04/2010-30/06/2014) 24319449 - Expansion of Cub-Scouting in the Primary 24319449 -cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q Kve-¯‹vDwUs m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (3q Schools (3rd Phase) ch©vq) 24319450 - ICT infrastructure development in primary 24319450 -cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q AvBwmwU AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí schools (June 2011 to July 2016) (RyjvB 2011 n‡Z Ryb 2016)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 24319451 - Need based reconstruction and 24319451 -Pvwn`v wfwˇZ cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Rjevqy cwieZ©bRwbZ maintanance of primary schools affected Kvi‡Y ¶wZMª¯ cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cybwb©g©vY, ms¯‹vi I by natural disaster and climate change †givgZ cÖKí (RyjvB 2011 n‡Z Ryb 2014) (July 2011 to June 2014) 2432 - Government Primary Schools 2432 -miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vjqmg–n 24320000 - Primary Schools 24320000 -cªv_wgK we`¨vjqmg–n 2433 - Primary Training Institutes 2433 -cªv_wgK cªwk¶Y cªwZôvbmg–n 24330000 - Primary Training Institutes 24330000 -cªv_wgK cªwk¶Y cªwZôvbmg–n 2434 - Upazilla Education Offices 2434 -Dc‡Rjv wk¶v Kvh©vjqmg–n 24340000 - Upazilla Education Offices 24340000 -Dc‡Rjv wk¶v Kvh©vjqmg–n 2440 - Primary Education Implementation & Monitoring 2440 -eva¨ZvgjK cÖv_wgK wk¶v ev¯evqb I cwiex¶Y BDwbU Cell 24400000 - Compulsory Primary Education 24400000 -eva¨ZvgjK cÖv_wgK wk¶v ev¯evqb I cwiex¶Y BDwbU Implementation and Monitoring Cell 2450 - Bureau of Non-formal Education 2450 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v ey¨‡iv 24500000 - Directorate of Non-Formal Education 24500000 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v ey¨‡iv 24505010 - Technical assistance project for post 24505010 -gvbe Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mv¶iZv DËi I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v cÖKí literacy continuous education for human cÖ¯ywZi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí (1/1/99- resource development 30/6/2000) 24505011 - Equivalence Non-Formal Vocational 24505011 -BKzBf¨v‡jÝ bb-digvj f‡Kkbvj GWz‡Kkb KvwiKzjvg Education Curriculum Development †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (ms‡kvwaZ) Project (01/07/2012-31/12/2013) (01/07/2012-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 24505012 - Capacity Development for Education for All 24505012 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U di GWy‡Kkb di Aj (CapEFA)-Literacy and Non-Formal (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z Education Programme (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) 24505013 - Basic Education Project (64 District) 24505013 -‡gŠwjK mv¶iZv cÖKí (64 †Rjv) 24505014 - Basic Literacy project 24505014 -‡gŠwjK ¯^v¶iZv cÖKí (64 †Rjv) (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 24505260 - Development of registered 24505260 -‡iwRó«vW© †emiKvix cªv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb non-government primary school 24505310 - Develoment of Registered 24505310 -‡iwR÷v©W †emiKvix cªv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb (ch©vq-2) Non-Government Primary Schools (2nd Phase) 24505350 - Non-formal education programme-1 24505350 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v Kvh©µg-1 1/7/96-30/6/2001) 24505380 - Non-formal education programme-2 24505380 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v Kvh©µg-2 (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1995-31/12/2002) 24505390 - Non-formal education programme-3 24505390 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v Kvh©µg-3 (01/01/1996-31/12/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 24505481 - Preparation of non formal education 24505481 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v we¯vi Kvh©µg cª¯yZKiY cªKí extension project 24505910 - Non-formal education programme-4 24505910 -mvwe©K wbi¶iZv `–ixKiY Kg©m–wP (DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v 4) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/04/1997-31/12/2003) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 24505911 - Family education under non-formal 24505911 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v Kg©m–wP‡Z cvwievwiK Rxeb wk¶v cÖKí education programme (1/1/99 - 31/12/2003) 24505921 - Technical Assistance for Preparation of 24505921 -GwWwei mnvqZvq wØZxq DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v cÖKí cÖYq‡bi Second Non-formal Education Project Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv (1/10/2000 - 30/3/2001) under ADB 24505930 - Post Literacy and Continuing Education 24505930 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ ¯^v¶iZv DËi I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v Programme for Human Resources cÖKí - 1 (2q chv©q) (01/01/2001-31/12/2007) Development Aby‡gvw`Z 24505940 - IDB Assist Post literacy and continuing 24505940 -AvBwWwe mnvqZvcyó ¯^v¶iZv-DËi I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v Education for Human Development cÖKí-3 (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Project-1 24505950 - IDB Assist Post literacy and continuing 24505950 -AvBwWwe mnvqZvcyó ¯^v¶iZv DËi I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v cÖKí Education for Human Development - 2 Project-2

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 24505960 - Post literacy and continuing Education for 24505960 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ ¯^v¶iZv DËi I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v Human Development Project-2 cÖKí-2 (01/07/2002-30/06/2007)Aby‡gvw`Z 24505964 - Basic Education for Hard to Reach Urban 24505964 -kn‡ii Kg©Rxwe wkï‡`i Rb¨ †gŠwjK wk¶v cÖKí (2q Working Children (2nd Phase) 01/07/04 - ch©vvq) (1-7-04 - 30-6-09) Abyy‡gvw`Z 30/06/12) 24505970 - 24505970 -gvbem¤•` Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ ¯^v¶iZv DËi I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v cÖKí-3 (01-07-2001 - 30-06-05) Abyy‡gvw`Z 24505971 - Non-Formal Education 24505971 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v Kg©m–wPi gva¨‡g cvwievwiK Rxeb wk¶v (1/1/2003-31/12/2007) cÖKí (ch©vq-2) (01/01/2003 -31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 24505972 - Non-formal Bridging Programme 24505972 -DcvbyôvwbK weªwRs Kg©m–wP 24505973 - Integrated Non-Formal Education Program 24505973 -mgwš^Z DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v Kg©m~Px (Bb‡dc-2) (INFEP-2) 24505974 - Integrated Non-Formal Education Program 24505974 -mgwš^Z DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v Kg©m~Px (Bb‡dc-2) (INFEP-2) 24505975 - Integrated Non-formal Programme 24505975 -mgwš^Z DcvbyôvwbK Kg©m–Px 24505976 - Intregrated Non-Formal Education 24505976 -mgwš^Z DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v Kg©m–wP Program 24505977 - Bridging Program for Neo-Literate 24505977 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶v_©x‡`i Rb¨ weªwRs Kg©m–wP 24505978 - Post Literacy and Continuing Education for 24505978 - Human Development Project-4 24505979 - Post Literacy and Continuing Education for 24505979 -gvbe Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mv¶iZv DËi I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v Human Development Project-4 cÖKí-4 24505980 - NFE Project on Basic Literacy and 24505980 -‡gŠwjK mv¶iZv I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v Kg©m–wP (32 †Rjv) Continuing Education (32 districts) 24505981 - NFE Project on Basic Literacy and 24505981 -‡gŠwjK mv¶iZv I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v Kg©m–wP (29 †Rjv) Continuing Education (29 districts) 24505982 - NFE Project on Basic Literacy and 24505982 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvi Rb¨ †gŠwjK mv¶iZv I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v Continuing Education in 3 Hill districts Kg©m–wP (3 †Rjv) 24505983 - Basic Education & livelihood skill training 24505983 -wQbœgyj wkï/wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix‡`i Rb¨ †gŠwjK wk¶v I for Urban Disadvantage Children (64 `¶Zv Dbœqb cÖKí (64wU †Rjv kni) districts) 24505984 - Non-Formal Pre-primary, Primary, Basic 24505984 -Avevmb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ DcvbyôvwbK cÖvK-cÖv_wgK, cÖv_wgK, and Continuing Education for the Abasan †gŠwjK mv¶iZv I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v (60 †Rjv) Project (60 districts) 24505985 - NFE Project on Basic Litercy and 24505985 -†gŠwjK mv¶iZv I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v Kg©mwP (64 †Rjv) Continuing Eduation (64 district) 24505986 - Equivalency in Non-Formal Education of 24505986 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶vq mgZv¯’vcK Kg©mwP (2010-2015) Bangladesh (2010-2015) 24505987 - Lifelong Learning through Information 24505987 -Z_¨ cÖÖhyw³i gva¨‡g Rxebe¨vcx wk¶v cÖÖKí Communication Technology (LL-ICT) 24505988 - Basic Literacy and Continuing Education 24505988 -‡gŠwjK mv¶iZv I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v cÖKí-1 (61 †Rjv) Project-1 (61 District) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) 24505989 - Basic Literacy and Continuing Education 24505989 -‡gŠwjK mv¶iZv I Ae¨vnZ wk¶v cÖKí-2 (3wU cve©Z¨ Project-2 (3 Hill District) †Rjv) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) 24505990 - Basic Education & Livelihood Skill Training 24505990 -Kg©Rxex wkï‡`i Rb¨ †gŠwjK wk¶v I `¶Zv Dbœqb for Urban Working Children (56 Districts) cÖKí (56 †Rjv) ( 01/01/2010-31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 24505991 - Introduction of Climate Change Education 24505991 -DcvbyôvwbK wk¶vq Rjevq cwieZ©b welqK wk¶v (CCE) through Non-Formal Education (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) 24505992 - Expansion of Cub-Scout in the Primary 24505992 -cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q Kve-¯‹vDU m¤•ªmviY cÖKí Schools (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 2499-2499 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 2499-2499 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 2499 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 2499 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 24990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 24990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 25 - Ministry of Education 25 - wk¶v gš¿Yvjq 2501-2520 - Administration 2501-2520 -cªkvmb 2501 - Secretariat 2501 -mwPevjq 25010001 - Secretariat 25010001 -mwPevjq 25010010 - National Commission for UNESCO 25010010 -BD‡b‡¯‹v msµvšZ evsjv‡`k RvZxq Kwgkb 25010015 - Academic Talent Hunt Programme 25010015 -m„Rbkxj †gav A‡¤¦lY 25010020 - Bureau of Educational Information and 25010020 -evsjv‡`k wk¶v Z_¨ I cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv Statistics 25010030 - Education Offices Abroad 25010030 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z wk¶v `ßi mg–n 25015010 - Strengthening the management 25015010 -wk¶v gšYvj‡qi e¨e¯’vcbv, Z_¨ I cwimsL¨vb mvwf©m information and statistical services of kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/1991-30/06/2001) Ministry of Education 25015012 - The National Enacyclopaedia of 25015012 -w` b¨vkbvj GbmvB‡K¬v‡cwWqv Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (01/07/1998-31/12/2003) 25015020 - Bangabandu 25015020 -e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq University of Sciencr & Techonology ¯’vcb, †MvcvjMÄ (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25015030 - Expansion of Bangladesh Scouts 25015030 -evsjv‡`k ¯‹vDwUs m¤•ªmviY (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) (01/07/1998-30/06/2001) 25015050 - Institutionalisation of population education 25015050 -evsjv‡`‡ki we`¨vjq wk¶vq RbmsL¨v wk¶v in the formal education of Bangladesh cÖvwZôvwbKxKiY (chv©q-1) 25015060 - Establishment of English Language 25015060 -Bs‡iwR fvlv wk¶v Dbœqb cÖKí Institute (01/07/1997-30/06/2000) 25015070 - National Academy for Education 25015070 -RvZxq wk¶v e¨e¯’vcbv GKv‡Wwg (bv‡qg) Dbœqb cÖKí Management (NAEM) Development (01/07/2002-30/06/2007)Aby‡gvw`Z Project. 25015080 - Bangladesh Scouting Expansion Project. 25015080 -evsjv‡`k ¯‹vDwUs m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (3q ch©vq) (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25015940 - Development of Rajuk Uttara Model School 25015940 -ivRDK DËiv g‡Wj ¯‹yj I K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb and College 25016150 - Institutionalisation of Population (1st 25016150 -RbmsL¨v cªvwZôvwbKxKiY (chv©q-1) Phase) 25016380 - Development of training materials for 25016380 -bUªvgm Gi cÖwk¶Y DcKiYvw` Dbœqb cÖKí NTRAMS 25016382 - Development of Rajuk Uttara Model School 25016382 -ivRDK DËiv g‡Wj ¯‹zj I K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb and College (01/07/1998-30/06/2001) 25016384 - Establish International Mother Language 25016384 -Avš@R©vwZK gvZ…fvlv Bwbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (01/07/2000- Institute 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25016390 - Expansion of Bangladesh Scouting Project 25016390 -evsjv‡`k ¯‹vDwUs m¤•ÖmviY (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 25016480 - Computerization of Examination Related 25016480 -evsjv‡`k †UKwbK¨vj GWy‡Kkb †ev‡W©i cix¶v Kvh©vejx Activity of the BTEB. Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb| (01/07/2002-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 25016490 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 25016490 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 25016500 - Construction of 1000 beatged Hostel 25016500 -B‡Wb gwnjv K‡j‡R 1000 Avmb wewkó QvÎxwbevm wbg©vY Building at Eden Girls college Dhaka. (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2009) Abby‡gvw`Z 25019440 - Establishment of population in the formal 25019440 -evsjv‡`‡ki AvbyôvwbK we`¨vjq wk¶v e¨e¯’vq RbmsL¨v education 25019441 - Srengthening of National Database and 25019441 -wk¶v cÖwZôvb Rwic-2007 Gi gva¨‡g RvZxq †WUv‡eR GIS Info Maps through Educational Ges wRAvBGm kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Institution Survey-2007 and Capacity Building of Banbaise 25019442 - Stablishment of Bangladesh-Korea ICT 25019442 -evsjv‡`k-†Kvwiqv AvBwmwU †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Centre for Education 2505 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2505 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 25052715 - Bangladesh Textbook Board 25052715 -evsjv‡`k †U·UeyK †evW©, XvKv 25052971 - Dhaka Residential Model College 25052971 -XvKv ‡iwm‡Wbwmqvj g‡Wj K‡jR

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25052972 - 25052972 -ÔÔD”P wk¶v wewbgqÕÕ 25052973 - National Research Education 25052973 -RvZxq M‡elYvg–jK wk¶KZv 25052974 - International Mother Language Institute 25052974 -AvšR©vwZK gvZ„fvlv Bbw÷wUDU 25052975 - Co - operation with UNESCO 25052975 -BD‡b‡¯‹vi mv‡_ mn‡hvwMZv 25052977 - Bangladesh Textbook Board 25052977 -evsjv‡`k †U·UeyK †evW©, XvKv 25052993 - Bangladesh Institutes of Technology 25052993 -evsjv‡`k BbwówUDU Ae †UK‡bvjRx 25052998 - 25052998 -K¨v¤•vm mgvR Dbœqb †K›`ª 25053432 - Dhaka School of Economics 25053432 -XvKv ¯‹yj Ae& BK‡bvwgKm& 25053433 - Special Grants to Educational institutes, 25053433 -wk¶v cÖwZôvb, wk¶K I QvÎe„‡›`i Rb¨ we‡kl gÄywi Teachers 25053435 - Implimentation of Education Pact 25053435 -wk¶v Pzw³ ev¯evqb 25053437 - Bangladesh Economic Association 25053437 -evsjv‡`k A_©bxwZ mwgwZ 25053439 - Bishwa Sahitya Kendra 25053439 -wek¦ mvwnZ¨ †K›`ª 25053441 - Bangladesh Scouts 25053441 -evsjv‡`k ¯‹vDUm 25053443 - Girls Guide Association 25053443 -Mvj©m MvBW G‡mvwm‡qkb 25053445 - Khulna Public College 25053445 -Lyjbv cvewjK K‡jR 25053447 - FREPD 25053447 -‡d«cW 25053449 - National Computer Training and Research 25053449 -RvZxq Kw¤•DUvi cªwk¶Y I M‡elYv GKv‡Wwg Academy 25053451 - Other Associations 25053451 -Ab¨vb¨ mwgwZ 25053453 - Documents Collection, Research and 25053453 -Av_©-mvgvwRK `wjj msMÖn, M‡elYv I Z_¨ †K›`ª Information Centre 25053455 - Registered Non-Govt. Primary School 25053455 -wbeÜxK…Z †emiKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq 25053456 - Community Primary School 25053456 -KwgDwbwU cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq 25053457 - Bangladesh Society for Training and 25053457 -evsjv‡`k cÖwk¶Y I Dbœqb mwgwZ (weGmwUwW) Development (BSTD) 25053458 - Somunnoy 25053458 -mgybœq 25053463 - Test 25053463 -‡U÷ 25053963 - Co-operation with UNESCO 25053963 -BD‡b‡¯‹vi mv‡_ mn‡hvwMZv 25053964 - Implementation of Education Pact 25053964 -wk¶v Pzw³ ev¯evqY 25053983 - Education Week 25053983 -wk¶v mßvn 25054191 - East-West Center 25054191 -Bó-I‡qó †K›`ª 25054193 - Commonwealth Distance Education 25054193 -KgbI‡qj_ `i-wk¶Y mn‡hvwMZv 25054195 - ISISCO 25054195 -AvB Gm AvB Gm wm I 25054197 - UNESCO 25054197 -BD‡b‡¯‹vi mv‡_ mn‡hvwMZv 25054199 - Non-Government Teacher Registration & 25054199 -†emiKvwi wk¶K wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb KZ©„c¶ Certificate Authority 25054201 - Quality Education Foundation 25054201 -†KvqvwjwU GWy‡Kkb dvD‡Ûkb 25054718 - "Asian University for Women'' 25054718 -Gwkqvb BDwbfvwm©wU di DB‡gb 25054720 - ???? 25054720 -cÖavbgšxi wk¶v mnvqZv U«v÷ 25054730 - Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad 25054730 -evsjv‡`k Dbœqb cwil` 25057000 - Human Resource Development through 25057000 -wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© †W‡fjc‡g›U _ª“ ¯‹vDwUs Scouting (01/07/10-31/12/2013) Approved (01/07/10-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 25057001 - Infrastrucature Development & Organizing 25057001 -AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Ges 2012 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡k AbywôZ the 24th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout 24Zg Gwkqv c¨vwmwdK wiwRIbvj ¯‹vDU Kbdv‡i›m Ges Conference and other anciellary events in mnvqK B‡f›Umgn| 2012 in Bangladesh. 25057010 - Establishment of International Mother 25057010 -AvšR©vwZK gvZ„fvlv Bb&w÷wUDU ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) Language Institute (2nd Phase) (01/11/11 - 30/10/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 25057020 - aaa 25057020 -AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vimn 24Zg Gkxq cÖkvš@ gnvmvMixq AvÂwjK ¯‹vDU m‡¤§jb Av‡qvRb (01/07/2011-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 2506 - International Organisations 2506 -AvšZR©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 25064191 - East-West Centre 25064191 -Bó-I‡qó †m›Uvi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25064193 - Commonwealth Distance Education 25064193 -KgbI‡qj_ `–iwk¶Y mn‡hvwMZv 25064195 - ISISCO 25064195 -AvBwmm‡Kv 25064197 - UNESCO 25064197 -BD‡b‡¯‹vi mv‡_ mn‡hvwMZv 25064455 - Islamic University of Technology(IUT) 25064455 -ÔÔ BmjvwgK BDwbfvwm©wU Ae †UK‡bvjwR (AvBBDwU)ÕÕ 2531-2550 - Secondary and Higher Education 2531-2550 -gva¨wgK I D”P wk¶v 2531 - Department of Secondary & Higher Education 2531 -gva¨wgK I D”P wk¶v Awa`ßi 25310000 - Department of Secondary & Higher 25310000 -gva¨wgK I D”P wk¶v Awa`ßi Education 25310001 - 25310001 - 25310003 - Junior Scholarship Examination 25310003 -Rywbqi e„wË cix¶v 25314331 - Repair and Renovation and Vertical 25314331 -XvKv gnvbMixi †gvnv¤§`cyi g‡Wj ¯‹yj GÛ K‡j‡Ri Extension of 6th floor of Existing 6th storied we`¨gvb 6 Zjv fe‡bi Dc‡i 7 Zjv DשgyLx m¤•ªmviY Building of Mohammadpur Model School Ges †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP and College, Dhaka 25314332 - Construction of Auditorium Cum 25314332 -bIqve dqRy‡bœQv miKvwi evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq Ges Multipurpose Hall at Nowab Foyzunnessa Kzwgj­v miKvwi gwnjv K‡j‡Ri AwW‡Uvwiqvg Kvg Govt. Girls High School and Comilla Govt. gvwëcvicvm nj wbg©vY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP Mohila College 25314810 - 25314810 - 25315010 - Transformation of existing government 25315010 -U«v›mdvi‡gkb Gw•wUs bb-Mf©‡g›U ¯‹yjm Bb Uy g‡Wj schools into model schools in selected ¯‹yjm Bb wm‡jK‡UW 306 Dc‡Rjv †nW‡KvqvUvi 306 Upazilla Headquarters 25315011 - Capacity Development for Madrasah 25315011 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjvc‡g›U di gv`ªvmv GWy‡Kkb Education Project (01/07/09 - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 25315012 - Teaching Quality Improvement-ll (TQ-ll) in 25315012 -wUwPs †KvqvwjwU BgccÖ“f‡g›U cÖKí (TQI-SEP ll) Secondary Education Project 25315013 - Establishment of Foreign Language 25315013 -G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae d‡ib †U«wbs †m›Uvi Training Centers-ll (FLTC-ll) 25315014 - Establishment of 7 Government school in 25315014 -wm‡jU, ewikvj I Lyjbv kn‡i 7 wU miKvwi gva¨wgK Sylhet, Barisal & Khulna Metropolitan City we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 25315015 - Development of Selected Non-government 25315015 -Z_¨ cÖhyw³i mnvqZvq wk¶vi gv‡bvbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ wbe©vwPZ Colleges Along with ICT Facilities for †emiKvwi K‡jRmg–‡ni Dbœqb Improving Quality of Education 25315016 - Establishment of of Bheramara Home 25315016 -!fovgviv Mvn©¯’ A_©bxwZ K!jR ¯’vcb cÖKí| Economics College (Government), Kustia 25315017 - Establishment of of Agricultural College at 25315017 -Lyjbvi cvBKMvQvq GKwU K…wl K!jR ¯’vcb cÖKí Paikgacha of Khulna District 25315018 - Establishment of Bagerhat Polytechnic 25315018 -ev!Minv!U GKwU cwj!UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí| Institute 25315019 - Establisment of Seven Goverment 25315019 -wm!jU, ewikvj I Lyjbv kn!i 07wU miKvix gva¨wgK Secondary School at Sylhet, Barisal & we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cÖKí| Khlunal City. 25315020 - Development of Post-Graduate 25315020 -wk¶vi gv‡bvbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z miKvwi Government College at the District head †cvó MªvRy‡qU K‡jRmg‡ni Dbœqb Quarters for Improving Quality of Education 25315021 - Policy Advisory Technical Assistance to 25315021 -cwjwm GWfvBRwi †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwm›U¨v›m Uy Develop an Implementation Strategy of the †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ Bgwc­‡g‡›Umb ÷vwWR Ae `¨v b¨vkbvj National Education Policy for Secondary GWy‡Kkbvj cwjwm DB_ Ggdvwmm Ab †m‡KÛvix Education Sector Project GWy‡Kkb †m±i (01/05/2011-31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 25315022 - Infrustractural Development of Selected 25315022 -AbybœZ Dc!Rjvq wbe©vwPZ emiKvix ¯‹y!ji (350wU ¯‹yj) Non-Government School (350 Schools) in AeKvVv!gv Dbœqb| Undevelopped Upzilla. 25315023 - Establishment of foreign language training 25315023 -G÷vwe­m!g›U Ae d!ib j¨vs¸!qR U«wbs m›Uvi center (FLTC-2) (GdGjwUwm-2) 25315024 - Establishment of Autistic Academy in 25315024 -evsjv!`!k AwUw÷K GKv!Wgx ¯’vcb cÖKí| Bangladesh

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25315025 - Policy Advisory Technical Assistance to 25315025 -cwjwm G¨vWfBRix †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ Uz wWRvBb GÛ Design and Develop the Secondary †W‡fjc w` †m‡KÛvix GWz‡Kkb †m±i †W‡fj‡g›U cÖ Education Sector Development Project-2 ‡R±-2 (GmBGmwWwc-2) (SESDP-2) (01/10/12 - 01/08/19) (01/10/2012-01/08/2019) 25315026 - Secondary Education Sector Investment 25315026 -†m‡KÛvix GWy‡Kkb †m±i Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMªvg Program (SESIP) (†mwmc) cÖKí 25315027 - Establishment of IT Labs in Selected 25315027 -XvKvi gva¨wgK ch©v‡qi wk¶v cÖwZôvbmg‡n AvBwU j¨ve Secondary Level Institutions in Dhaka ¯’vcb cÖKí 25315028 - Establishment of Autistic Academy 25315028 -AwUw÷K GKv‡Wwg ¯’vcb (01/01/2014-03/06/2016) (01/01/14-30/06/16) 25315029 - Sheakh Hasina Acadamy and Women 25315029 -†kL nvwmbv GKv‡Wgx GÛ DB‡g›m K‡jR, KvjwKwb, College, Kalkini, Madaripur. gv`vixcyi Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 25315030 - Secondary Education Stypen Project 25315030 -‡m‡KÛvwi GWy‡Kkb ÷vB‡cÛ cÖ‡R± 25315031 - GENERATION BREAKTHROUGH: A 25315031 -‡Rbv‡ikb †eªK _ª“t G gvwë-cÖÛW G‡cÖvwPs Uy cÖvBgvix wcÖ Multi-pronged Approach to Primary ‡fbkb Ae †RÛvi †eRW fv‡qv‡j›m GÛ wgwUs Prevention of Gender Based Violence and GmAviGBPAvi wbWm Ae GW‡j›m GÛ DB_ Bb Meeting SRHR Needs of Adolescent and evsjv‡`k cÖ‡R± (01/07/2014-31/12/2016) Aby‡ygvw`Z youth in Ban 25315032 - Higher Secondary Stipend Project 25315032 -D”P gva¨wgK Dce„wË cÖKí (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡ygvw`Z 25315033 - Secondary Education Stipend Project 25315033 -gva¨wgK wk¶v Dce„wË cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡ygvw`Z 25315040 - ICT for Education in Secondary and Higher 25315040 -AvBwmwUi gva¨‡g gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK ¯‡i wk¶vi Secondary Level Project. cÖPjb cÖKí| 25315050 - Establishment of New 11 Govt. Secondary 25315050 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z 11wU gva¨wgK we`¨vjq I 6wU Schools and 6 Govt. Collages in Dhaka gnvwe`¨vjq (miKvwi)¯’vcb cÖKí City Project 25315060 - Development of Post Graduate Govt. 25315060 -wk¶vi gv‡bvbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z †cv÷ Colleges at the District Head Quarters for MªvRy‡qU K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb cÖKí Improving Quality of Education Project 25315070 - Quality Improvement Including Computer 25315070 -wk¶vi ¸YMZgvb e„w×i j‡¶¨ Kw¤•DUvi wk¶vmn Education for the Selected 500 Non-Govt. wbe©vwPZ †emiKvwi K‡j‡Ri (500 K‡jR) Dbœqb cÖKí Colleges Project 25315080 - Development of Selected Schools (Govt.) 25315080 -wbe©vwPZ gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg‡ni (miKvix) Dbœqb cÖKí Project 25315090 - Repair, Renovation and Rehabilitation of 25315090 -2009 mv‡ji AvBjv /eb¨v / Nwb©S‡o ¶wZMª¯ †emiKvix Non-Govt. Education Institution Affected by wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi †givgZ, ms¯‹vi I cbe©vmb cÖKí ILA / Flood/ Cyclone in 2009 Project 25315100 - Quality Improvement of Govt. Collage 25315100 -miKvix K‡jRmg‡n D”P wk¶vq wb‡qvwRZ wk¶K‡`i Teachers Engazed in Higher Education ¸YMZ gv‡bvbœqb cÖKí Project 25315110 - Female Stipend for Degree (pass) and 25315110 -øvZK (cvk) I mggvb ch©v‡q QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb Equivalent Level Project cÖKí 25315190 - Construction of BAF Shahin College cum 25315190 -PÆMªvg wegvb evwnbx NvwU‡Z weGGd kvnxb cyclone centre at Chittagong BAF base K‡jR-Kvg-mvB‡K¬vb †mëvi 25315220 - Female Secondary Stipends Project, 25315220 -wd‡gj †m‡KÛvwi GWyy‡Kkb ÷vB‡cÛ cÖ‡R± NORAD (2nd Phase). (GdBGmwc) (3q chv©q) (01/07/04-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25315225 - Female Secondary Stipends Project, 25315225 -gva¨wgK QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb †bvivW (3q ch©vq) NORAD (3rd Phase) (01/01/2004-31/12/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 25315230 - Educational stipend for expansion of 25315230 -bvix wk¶v we¯@viK‡í gva¨wgK chv©‡qi QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË female education at secondary level cÖ`vb cÖKí 25315240 - Scholarship programme for general 25315240 -mvaviY wk¶vi Rb¨ Af¨šixY e„wË cª`vb education 25315250 - Rehabilitation and re-construction of 25315250 -1988 mv‡ji eb¨vq wea¡¯@ gv`ªvmv wk¶v cªwZôv‡bi Madrasas affected by flood of 1988 cybev©mb 25315260 - Secondary education development project 25315260 -gva¨wgK wk¶v Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/1993-31/12/2000) 25315270 - Higher secondary education project 25315270 -D”P gva¨wgK wk¶vLvZ cªKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25315290 - Development of selected government 25315290 -øvZ‡KvËi chv©‡q wk¶vi Rb¨ cyivZb †Rjv m`‡i colleges situated at greater district HQ for miKvwi K‡j‡Ri we‡kl Dbœqb (15wU) post graduate education 25315320 - Introduction of computer course to same 25315320 -wbev©wPZ K‡qKwU ¯‹z‡j Kw¤•DUvi †Kvm©-Gi cÖeZ©Y selected schools 25315330 - Subvention to non Govt. schools outside of 25315330 -‡cŠi GjvKvi evwn‡i Aew¯’Z miKvwi I †emiKvwi wk¶v municipal area cÖwZôv‡b Aa¨qbiZ QvÎx‡`i 8g †kªYx ch©š@ †eZb gIKzd 25315350 - Development of govt. music college, 25315350 -msMxZ K‡jR, XvKv Gi Dbœqb Dhaka 25315360 - Development of Government and craft art 25315360 -miKvwi Pvi“Kjv K‡jR, PÆMªvg Gi Dbœqb college Chittagong 25315370 - Establishment of a Home Economics 25315370 -PÆMªvg wefvMxq m`‡i Mvn©¯’¨ A_©bxwZ K‡jR cªwZôv College at divisional HQ in Chittagong 25315380 - Female Secondary School assistance 25315380 -wd‡gj †m‡KÛvwi ¯‹yj Gwmm&‡U›m c«‡R± (chv©q-1) project (01/07/1993-30/06/2001) 25315390 - Female Secondary Stipends Project 25315390 -gva¨wgK ¯@‡ii QvÎx‡`i Dc-e„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí (6ô-10g) (Class : VI-X) (Phaase-2) (5g ms‡kvabx) (01/07/1994- 30/06/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 25315410 - Award of stipend for female students (from 25315410 -gva¨wgK ¯‡i QvÎx‡`i Rb¨ Dce„wË cª`vb (6ô nB‡Z VI to X) of secondary schools 10g †kªbx) 25315420 - Renovation and development of selected 25315420 -wbev©wPZ †emiKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi bevqb I Dbœqb non-govt secondary shools (01/07/1992-30/06/2001) 25315430 - Construction of second block of Shikka 25315430 -wk¶v fe‡bi wØZxq e­K wbgv©Y (chv©q-2) Bhaban (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 25315440 - Development and renovation of secondary 25315440 -gva¨wgK wk¶v cªwZôvb Dbœqb I cybe©vmb (miKvwi I schools(Govt./Non-Govt.) †emiKvwi) (01/07/1993-30/06/2002) 25315450 - Construction of madrasha cum calamity 25315450 -Bmjvgx Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki Aby`v‡bi AvIZvq gv`ªvmv I shelters under IDB assistance `y‡hv©MKvjxb mg‡q Avkªq ‡K›`« wnmv‡e eûZj feb wbgv©Y 25315460 - Reconstruction/expansion project of 25315460 -Bmjvgx Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki mn‡hvwMZvq gv`ªvmvmg–n madrasha under IDB assistance cybtwbgv©Y/m¤•ªmviY cÖKí 25315470 - Construction of madrasas, mosque and 25315470 -‡mŠ`x Aby`v‡bi AvIZvq gv`ªvmv gmwR` Ges I multistored building for cyclone centre `y‡hv©MKvjxb mg‡q Avkªq ‡K›`« wnmv‡e eûZj feb wbgv©Y under KSA assistance 25315490 - Development of 365 selected 25315490 -wbe©vwPZ 365 wU †emiKvwi K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb non-government colleges (01/07/1994-30/06/2001) 25315510 - Development of secondary and higher 25315510 -XvKv †g‡U«vcwjUb GjvKvi gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v secondary educational institutions in cÖwZôv‡bi Dbœqb (miKvwi I †emiKvwi) Dhaka Metropolitan area (01/03/1995-30/06/2001) 25315520 - Development of selected government 25315520 -weÁvb wk¶vi ¸i“Z¡ Av‡ivcmn wbe©vwPZ miKvix wWwMª degree colleges with emphasis on K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb (80 wU) science education 25315530 - Special development of 6 government 25315530 -6wU øvZ‡KvËi miKvwi K‡j‡Ri we‡kl Dbœqb colleges for post graduate education 25315540 - Development of 16 commercial institutes 25315540 -16wU Kgvwk©qvj Bbw÷wUD‡Ui Dbœqb (01/07/1993-30/06/2001) 25315550 - Development of selected 65 non Govt. 25315550 -wbe©vwPZ 65 wU †emiKvwi wWwMª K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb degree college 25315560 - Award for internal merit scholarship for 25315560 -mvaviY wk¶vi Rb¨ Af¨š@ixY †gav e„wË cÖ`vb general education (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) 25315570 - Support for gender equity in rural 25315570 -mv‡cv©U di ‡RÛvi BKy¨wqwU Bb i“ivj †m‡KÛvwi ¯‹yj secondary school 25315580 - Introduction of double shift and expansion 25315580 -wbe©vwPZ gva¨wgK we`¨vjq (miKvwi I †emiKvwi) Wvej of selected secondary schools (govt. & wkd&U PvjyKiY Ges m¤•ÖmviY Non-govt.) (01/07/1995-30/06/2002) 25315590 - Introduction of computer science and 25315590 -wbe©vwPZ K‡j‡R Kw¤•DUvi weÁvb †Kvm© PvjyKiY I training of teachers in selected colleges wk¶K cÖwk¶Y (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) 25315620 - Secondary Education Quality and Access 25315620 -‡m‡KÛvwi GWy‡Kkb ‡KvqvwjwU GÛ GK‡mm Gbn¨v÷ Enhancement Project ‡g›U cÖ‡R±

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25315630 - Recruitment of female teacher in rural 25315630 -MªvgxY †emiKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q gwnjv wk¶K wb‡qvM non-government secondary schools cÖKí (cÖ‡gvU) (01/07/1995-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25315640 - Establishment of madrasha teachers 25315640 -gv`ªvmv wk¶K cªwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cªKí training institute (01/07/1996-31/12/2000) 25315650 - Development of Madarbaksh Home 25315650 -gv`vie· Mvn©¯’¨ A_©bxwZ K‡jR, ivRkvnx -Gi Dbœqb Economics College at Rajshahi 25315890 - Construction of BAF Shahin school and 25315890 -wegvb evwnbx NvwU Rûi“j nK, PÆMªv‡g weGGd kvnxb ¯‹yj college I K‡jR 25316010 - Stipend for girls students at higher 25316010 -D”P gva¨wgK ch©v‡qi QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb secondary level (01/01/2002-30/06/2002) 25316020 - Stipend for girl students at secondary level 25316020 -bvix wk¶v we¯@viK‡í gva¨wgK ch©v‡q QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË (Phase-2) cÖ`vb cÖKí (chv©q-2) (01/07/1997-31/03/2001) 25316030 - Scholarship to students studying business 25316030 -GmGmwm/GBPGmwm e¨emvq e¨e¯’vcbv †Kv‡m© Aa¨qbiZ management at SSC/HSC level QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i e„wË 25316040 - Development of selected madrashas 25316040 -wbe©vwPZ gv`ªvmvmg–‡ni Dbœqb (miKvwi I †emiKvwi) (Govt. & Non-Govt.) (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25316050 - Development of selected secondary 25316050 -wbe©vwPZ gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg–‡ni Dbœqb (miKvwi I schools (Govt. & Non-Govt.) †emiKvwi) (01/07/1997-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25316060 - Development of selected colleges (Govt. & 25316060 -wbe©vwPZ K‡jRmg–‡ni Dbœqb (miKvwi I †emiKvwi) Non-Govt.) (01/07/1997-30/06/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 25316070 - Development of selected district education 25316070 -‡Rjv wk¶v Awdm mg‡ni Dbœqb (†Rvbvj wWwW Awdm offices (Including Zonal DD Office) mn) 25316080 - Development of newly nationalised Mohila 25316080 -bZybfv‡e RvZxqKiYK…Z miKvwi gwnjv K‡jRmg–‡ni Colleges Dbœqb (01/07/1997-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25316090 - Establishment of education complex at 25316090 -‡g‡nicyi †Rjvi gywRebM‡i miKvwi cªv_wgK we`¨vjq, Meherpur gva¨wgK we`¨vjq I K‡jRmn 1wU wk¶v Kg‡c­· cÖwZôvKiY 25316100 - Teachers training programme at 25316100 -gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK ch©v‡q wk¶K cªwk¶Y Kvh©µg secondary and higher secondary level 25316110 - Award of General Scholarship and 25316110 -mvaviY wk¶vi Rb¨ Af¨š@ixY †gav e„wË (chv©q-2) Stipends in Bangladesh (Phase-2) (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) 25316120 - Female (Secondary) Education Stipend 25316120 -bvix wk¶v we¯@viK‡í gva¨wgK chv©‡q QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË Project (Phase-3) cÖ`vb cÖKí (chv©q-3) (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) 25316230 - Development of District educational offices 25316230 -‡Rjv wk¶v Awdm mg‡ni Dbœqb (†Rvbvj wW. wW Awdm (Zonal DD Office) mn) 25316240 - Development of newly Nationalised 25316240 -bZybfv‡e RvZxq KiYK…Z miKvix gwnjv K‡jR mg‡ni Government Mahila Colleges Dbœqb 25316250 - Establishment of a educational complex 25316250 -‡g‡nicyi †Rjvi gywRebM‡i miKvix cªv_wgK we`¨vjq, including Govt. primary, secondary school gva¨wgK we`¨vjq I K‡jRmn 1wU wk¶v Kg‡c­· and a college at in Meherpur cÖwZôvKiY district 25316260 - Teacher's training programme at 25316260 -gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK ch©v‡q wk¶K cªwk¶Y Kvh©µg secondary and Higher secondary level 25316310 - Construction of second block of 'Shikha 25316310 -wk¶v fe‡bi wØZxq e­K wbgv©Y (chv©q-2) Bhaban' 25316320 - Introduction of computer course in class 25316320 -wbev©wPZ gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi beg †kªYx‡Z Kw¤•DUvi nine in some selected secondary schools weÁvb †Kvm© cÖeZ©b (miKvwi I †emiKvwi) (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25316330 - Vertical expansion of some selected non 25316330 -wbev©wPZ †emiKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq fe‡b (†kªYx K¶) government school building DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ÖmviY 25316340 - Reconstruction of very old building of non 25316340 -wk¶v cÖwZôvb feb wbgv©Y Ges AwZ cyivZb (40 ermi I government schools Z`ya©) feb cybt wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/1999-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25316350 - Female Secondary School Assistance 25316350 -wd‡gj †m‡KÛvwi ¯‹zj G¨vwm÷¨vÝ cÖ‡R± (2q ch©vq) Project (Phase-2) (01/07/2001-30/06/2007)Aby‡gvw`Z 25316360 - Construction of Boundary Wall, Auditorium 25316360 -wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b mxgvbv cÖvPxi and Hostel in Selected Non-Government AwWUwiqvg I †nv‡ój wbgv©Y Educational Institutions (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 25316370 - Reconstruction and Extension of 25316370 -Bmjvgx Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki mn‡hvwMZvq (FY) gv`ªvmvmg–‡ni Madrashas under IDB Assistance (Loan) cyYtwbgv©Y I m¤•ªmviY (01/07/1994-30/06/2003)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25316410 - Secondary education sector project 25316410 -†m‡KÛvwi GWz‡Kkb †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± 25316420 - Population education in secondary, higher 25316420 -cÖv_wgK, gva¨wgK, D”P gva¨wgK, KvwiMwi e„wËgjK I secondary, vocational and madrasha gv`ªvmv wk¶vavivq RbmsL¨v wk¶v (01/07/1998- education 31/12/2002) 25316430 - Establishment of 3 TTCs in greater Sylhet, 25316430 -e„nËi wm‡jU, dwi`cyi Ges cvebv †Rjvq 1wU Kwiqv Faridpur and North bengal 3wU miKvwi wUwUwm ¯’vcb I D”P wk¶vq wb‡qvwRZ wk¶K‡`i cÖwk¶Y (01/07/1997-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 25316432 - Expansion of existing buildings in selected 25316432 -wbe©vwPZ wk¶v cÖwZôvbmg–‡ni we`¨gvb fe‡bi m¤•ÖmviY educational institutions (01/07/1999-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25316433 - Stipend project for girls at National level 25316433 -RvZxq ch©v‡q QvÎx Dc-e„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí 25316434 - Secondary education sector improvement 25316434 -†m‡KÛvwi GWz‡Kkb †m±i BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± project (01/07/1999-31/12/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 25316435 - Establishment of 10 (ten) Govt. Higher 25316435 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z 6wU wefv‡M 11wU D”P gva¨wgK Secondary Model Schools (Class IX-X) in (†emiKvwi) g‡Wj we`¨vjq ¯’vcb Dhaka city (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25316436 - Reconstruction/expansion of selected 25316436 -Bmjvgx Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki mnvqZvq wbe©vwPZ gv`ªvmvmg–‡ni madrasha under Islami Developement wbg©vY (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) Bank assistance 25316440 - Repair & rehabilitation of Secondary and 25316440 -1998 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯ gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK Higher Secondary Schools damaged in ch©v‡qi wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi †givgZ I cybe©vmb 1998 flood 25316450 - Establishment of a new Vocational 25316450 -GKwU bZzb f‡Kkbvj wk¶K cÖwk¶Y BÝwUwUDU Teachers Training Institute and expansion (wfwUAvB) ¯’vcb Ges we`¨gvb wfwUAvB Gi ms¯‹vi, and renovation of existing VTIS bevqb I m¤•ÖmviY 25316460 - Establishment of 3 Female Polytechnic 25316460 -wefvMxq m`‡i 3wU gwnjv cwj‡UKwbK BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb Institutes of Divisional Head Quarter 25316470 - Stipends of Students studying business 25316470 -GmGmwm/GBPGmwm (†fv‡Kkbvj) I GBPGmwm e¨emvq management for Vocational education at e¨e¯’vcbv †Kvm© G Aa¨vqbiZ QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i Af¨šixY HSC level Dce„wË 25317010 - Female Higher Secondary Stipends 25317010 -D”P gva¨wgK ch©v‡qi QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí (2q Project (2nd Phase). ch©vq) (01/07/2002-30/06/2007)Aby‡gvw`Z 25317021 - Support to Teaching Quality Improvement 25317021 -mv‡cvU© Uz wUwPs †KvqvwjwU BgcÖ“f‡g›U Bb †m‡KÛvix is Secondary Education project GWz‡Kkb cÖ‡R± (01/01/2003-31/12/2003) (1/1/2003-30/6/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 25317030 - Advocasy on Adolocent Reproductive 25317030 -G¨vW‡fv‡Kmx Ab G¨‡Wv‡j‡m›U wi‡cÖvWvwUf †nj_ †_ªv Health through peer group. wcqvi MÖ“c (1/7/03-30/6/06)Aby‡gvw`Z 25317040 - Teaching Quality Improvement in 25317040 -wUwPs ‡KvqvwjwU BgcÖ“f‡g›U Bb †m‡KÛvwi GWyy‡Kkb cÖ Secondury Education Project ‡R± (01/04/2005 -30/06/2011) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25317050 - Elected Private Colleges Academic 25317050 -wbe©vwPZ ‡emiKvwi K‡jRmg–‡ni GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY Building (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25317060 - 25317060 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z 5wU I Ab¨vb¨ 5wU wefvMxq kn‡i 5wUmn †gvU 10wU wbe©vwPZ miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q D”Pgva¨wgK †kªYx PvjKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ AeKvVv‡gvMZ myy‡hvMmyyweav e„„w× (1-1-05 - 30-6-07) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25317070 - 25317070 -‡iwm‡Ww›mqvj K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹yyj,dyyjZjv (Avi,wm,Gm,wc) Ljbv Gi Dbœqb (1-7-04 - 30-6-07) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25317090 - 25317090 -‡m‡KÛvix GWyy‡Kkb †m±i BgcÖyyf‡g›U cÖ ‡R±-2(GmBGmAvBwc-2) (1/5/05 - 31/10/06) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25317096 - Further Development of 16 Govt. 25317096 -16wU miKvix Kgvwk©qvj BbwówUD‡Ui AwaKZi Dbœqb commercial institutes cÖKí (Abby‡gvw`Z) 25317098 - Construction of 06 Storied Building in the 25317098 -wk¶v feb Kg‡c­· Awdm msµvš cY©v½ ¯’vb msKzjv‡bi Shikkha Bhaban Complex for providing wbwg‡Ë 20 Zjv dvD‡Wkb wewkó 6 Zjv feb wbg©vY proper accomadation of the personnel of cÖKí the DSHE. 25317099 - Secondary Stipend Project for the Pro-Poor 25317099 -PviwU †g‡UªvcwjUb kni XvKv, PÆMÖvg, ivRkvnx I Lyjbvi students in Secondary Levle in Dhaka, AwZ `wi`ªQvÎ Ges QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí Chitttagong, Rajshahi & Khulna Metropolitan City Areas

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25317100 - Introduction of IT Course in the Premier 25317100 -e„nËi †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z HwZn¨evnx øv‡Zv‡KvËi Govt. Colleges at the greater district miKvix K‡j‡R Z_¨ cÖhyw³ wk¶v †Kvm© cÖeZ©b headquarters 25317101 - Introducing of Computer Science 25317101 -wbe©vwPZ miKvix I †emiKvix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤úDUvi Course/ICT Course in the selected Govt. weÁvb / AvBwmwU †Kvm© cÖeZ©b kxl©K cÖKí and Non Govt. Educational Institution 25317102 - Establishment Higher Secondary Non 25317102 -cÖwZwU †Rjvq GKwU K‡i g‡Wj D”P gva¨wgK we`¨vjq Government Model School (English (Bs‡iRx gva¨g) ¯’vcb cÖKí Medium) in 64 districts Headquarters 25317103 - Development of Bangladesh Madrasa 25317103 -evsjv‡`k gv`ªvmv wk¶K cÖwk¶Y BÝwUwUDDU Dbœqb kxl©K Teachers Training Institute cÖKí 25317104 - Development of Selected Secondary 25317104 -wbe©vwPZ gva¨wgK we`¨vjq (miKvix I †emiKvix) mg‡ni Schools (Govt. & Non Govt.) -Phase-2 Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí - 2q ch©vq 25317105 - Establishment of lower secondary schools 25317105 -`yM©g GjvKvq ¯^í e¨‡q wbæ gva¨wgK (Kg©gLx / with low cost in the remote areas in f‡Kkbvj) we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cÖKí Bangladesh 25317107 - Construction of Fourteen (14) Storied 25317107 -wk¶v feb Kg‡c­· Awdm msµvš cY©v½ ¯’vb msKzjv‡bi Building with the Foundation of 20 storied wbwg‡Ë 20 Zjv dvD‡Wkb wewkó 14 Zjv feb wbg©vY for Accomadation of the Officials of DSHE cÖKí at the Shikkha Bhaban Compl 25317108 - Construction of Ten (10) storied shikkha 25317108 -cyivZb gj fe‡bi ¯’‡j 10 Zjv (M¨v‡iR mn MÖvDÛ bhaban instead of existing old building ‡d¬vi ) wk¶v feb wbg©vb cÖKí (basement park in the ground floor) 25317109 - Construction of 10 storied project complex 25317109 -avbgwÛ¯’ †MvWvD‡bi ¯’‡j Ó10 Zjv wk¶v cÖKí febÓ instead of existing godown at Dhanmondi wbg©vb cÖKí(M¨v‡iR mn MÖvDÛ †d¬vi) (basement park in the ground floor) 25317110 - Development of Selected Colleges (Govt. 25317110 -wbe©vwPZ K‡jR mg‡ni Dbœqb (miKvwi I †emiKvwi) & Non Govt.) - Phase-II kxl©K cÖKí - 2q ch©vq 25317111 - Graduate Level Female Stipend Project 25317111 -øvZK ch©v‡q QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí RyjvB, 2010-Ryb, 2015 (Abby‡gvw`Z) 25317112 - Development of Laboratory and 25317112 -weÁvb wk¶v Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ M‡elYvMv‡ii Dbœqb I wk¶v Distribution of Teaching Learning DcKiY mieivn cÖKí Ryjv, 2010 †_‡K Ryb, 2013 materials for the Improvement of Science (Abby‡gvw`Z) Education Project 25317113 - Establishment of Non-government 25317113 -miKvwi we`¨vjq wenxb 306 Dc‡Rjv m`‡i wbe©vwPZ Schools in Selected 306 Upazilla †emiKvwi we`¨vjqmg–n‡K g‡Wj ¯‹y‡j iƒcvšZi Headquarters without having govt. School (01/01/09-31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25317114 - Establishment of Government Schools at 25317114 -XvKv kni mwbœKUeZx© GjvKvq miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq the Vicinyty/Parufery of Dhaka City Project ¯’vcb cÖKí RyjvB, 2010 †_‡K Ryb, 2014 (Abby‡gvw`Z) 25317115 - Life-skills Based Education Project 25317115 -Rxeb `¶Zv wfwËK wk¶v cÖKí RyjvB, 2010 †_‡K Ryb, 2015 (Abby‡gvw`Z) 25317116 - Construction of 06 Storied Building for 25317116 -wk¶v feb Kg‡c­· 20 Zjv dvD‡Ûkb wewkó 6 Zjv Providing Propoer Accommodation of the feb wbg©vY cÖKí RyjvB, 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2012 Personnel of the DSHE (Abby‡gvw`Z) 25317117 - Teaching Quality Improvement in 25317117 -wUwPs †KvqvwjwU BgcÖƒf‡g›U Bb †m‡KÛvwi GWy‡Kkb cÖ Secondary Education Project (TQI-II) ‡R± (wUwKDAvB-2) (30/06/10-31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 25318000 - Establishment of Higher Secondary 25318000 -kªxg½‡j cwiZ¨³ nvmcvZv‡ji ¯’‡j GKwU Av`k© D”P Residential Model Girls' High School by gva¨wgK AvevwmK evwjKv we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/07/2006 abonding of Hospital at Srimongal - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25318010 - Higher Secondary Female Stipend Project 25318010 -D”P gva¨wgK ch©v‡qi QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb (3q ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25318020 - Secondury Student Staifan 25318020 -gva¨wgK ¯@‡ii QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - 31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25318030 - Secondary Education Sector Development 25318030 -gva¨wgK wk¶vLvZ Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/07 - Project 30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 25318040 - Life Skills based education for in school 25318040 -jvBd w¯‹j †eBRW wi‡cÖvWvw±f †nj_& GWy‡Kkb di Bb youth and adolescents through peer ¯‹yj Bqy_ GÛ G‡Wv‡j‡m÷m& _ª“ wcqvi G‡cÖvm approach (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (KvwiMwi mnvqZv)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25318041 - Increasing the opportunity for the disable 25318041 -gva¨wgK ¯—‡i cÖwZeÜx wk¶v_©x‡`i my‡hvM e„w× kxl©K students in the secondary level cÖKí cÖ`vb 25318042 - Stipend Project for Pro-Poor Students in 25318042 -AwZ `wi`ª QvÎQvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí Grade VI-XII 25318043 - Development of selected non government 25318043 -weÁvb wk¶vi Dci ¸i“Z¡v‡ivcmn wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix higher secondary schools by emphasising gva¨wgK/ D”P gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb on science education 25318044 - Further development of selected 25318044 -wefvMxq Ges †Rjv m`‡i wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix D”P secondary schools in the districts and gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí divisional headquarters 25318050 - Establishment of 306 Higher Secondary 25318050 -Kgwc­‡g›Uvwi †m±i widg© cÖ‡R± (01/07/06 - Model School in selected for 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z improvement of the quality of education under Non Goverment Management 25318060 - Rehabilitation and re-construction of non 25318060 -2007 mv‡j eb¨vq ¶wZMª¯’ ‡emiKvwi wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi government educational institutions ‡givgZ I ms¯‹vi Ges cybe©vmb affected by flood of 2007. (01/01/2008-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z| 25318061 - Introduction of ICT Education at Secondary 25318061 -gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK ¯Z‡i AvBwmwU wk¶vi cÖPjb & Higher Secondary Lavel Project. cÖKí 25318062 - Graduate Level Female Stipend Project 25318062 -øvZK ch©v‡q QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖKí 25318063 - Quality Improvement for Govt. College 25318063 -miKvix K‡jRmgy‡n D”P wk¶vq wb‡qvwRZ wk¶K‡`i Teachers Engaged in Higher Education ¸YMZ gv‡bvbœqb cÖKí Project 25318064 - Development of Post-Graduate 25318064 -wk¶vi gv‡bvbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z miKvwi Government Colleges at the District †cv÷ MÖvRy‡qU K‡jRmg–‡ni Dbœqb (01/07/10- Headquarters for Improving Quality of 31/12/14) Aby‡gvw`Z Education 25318065 - Establishment of new 11 Government 25318065 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z 11wU bZzb miKvix ¯‹zj I 6wU miKvix Secondary Schools and 6 Government K‡jR wbg©vY cÖKí Colleges in Dhaka City Project 25318066 - Quality Improvement Including Computer 25318066 -wk¶vi ¸YMZgvb e„w×i j‡¶¨ Kw¤•DUvi wk¶vmn Education for the Selected 500 wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix K‡jRmg‡ni (500 K‡jR) Dbœqb Non-Government College Project cÖKí 25318067 - Development of Selected Schools (Govt. 25318067 -wbe©vwPZ gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg‡ni Dbœqb (miKvix I and Non-Govt.) Project (2nd Phase)) †emiKvix) cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 25318068 - Development of Selected Non-Government 25318068 -wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix gv`ªvmvmg‡ni Dbœqb cÖKí Madrasha Project 25318090 - 25318090 -D”P gva¨wgK ch©v‡qi QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb (4_© ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25319999 - Stipend for the Pro Poor Students 25319999 -AwZ `wi`ª wk¶v_©x‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí 2532 - Divisional Offices 2532 -wefvMxq Kvhv©jq mg–n 25320000 - Divisional Offices 25320000 -wefvMxq Kvhv©jq mg–n 2533 - District Offices 2533 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jq mg–n 25330000 - District Offices 25330000 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jq mg–n 2534 - Upazilla Offices 2534 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 25340000 - Upazilla Offices 25340000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 2535 - Teachers Training Colleges 2535 -wk¶K cªwk¶Y gnvwe`¨vjqmg–n 25350000 - Teachers Training Colleges 25350000 -wk¶K cÖwk¶Y gnvwe`¨vjqmg–n 2536 - Government Secondary Schools 2536 -miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg–n 25360000 - Government Secondary Schools 25360000 -miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg–n 2537 - Government Colleges 2537 -miKvwi gnvwe`¨vjqmg–n 25370000 - Government Colleges 25370000 -miKvwi gnvwe`¨vjqmg–n 2538 - Government Madrashas 2538 -miKvwi gv`ªvmvmg–n 25380000 - Government Madrashas 25380000 -miKvwi gv`ªvmvmg–n 2539 - Commercial Institutes 2539 -evwYwR¨K wk¶v cÖwZôvbmg–n 25390000 - Commercial Institutes 25390000 -evwYwR¨K wk¶v cÖwZôvbmg–n

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 2540 - Non-government Institutions 2540 -‡emiKvwi wk¶v cÖwZôvbmg–n 25400001 - Non-Government Institutions 25400001 -‡emiKvwi evwYwR¨K cÖwZôvb 25400003 - Non-Government Colleges 25400003 -‡emiKvwi gnvwe`¨vjqmg–n 25400004 - Non-government Technical Colleges 25400004 -‡emiKvwi KvwiMwi gnvwe`¨vjqmg–n (weR‡bm (Business Management) g¨v‡bR‡g›U) 25400005 - Non-Government Schools 25400005 -‡emiKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg–n 25400006 - Non-Government 25400006 -†emiKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg–n (†fv‡Kkbvj) 25400007 - Non-Government Madrashas 25400007 -‡emiKvwi gv`ªvmvmg–n 25400008 - b 25400008 -†emiKvwi gv`ªvmvmg–n (†fv‡Kkbvj I weR‡bm g¨v‡bR‡g›U) 25400009 - Ebtedayee Madrashas 25400009 -Ge‡Z`vqx gv`ªvmvmg–n 25400011 - Non-Government Buddhists and Sanskrit 25400011 -‡emiKvwi †eŠ× Ges ms¯‹…Z †Uvj Tols 25400013 - Newly Recognised Non Government 25400013 -bZzb ¯^xK…wZcÖvß ‡emiKvwi wk¶v cÖwZôvb Institutions 25400015 - Other Non-Government Institutions 25400015 -Ab¨vb¨ †emiKvwi cÖwZôvb 25400017 - Non-Government Teacher Welfare Fund 25400017 -‡emiKvwi wk¶K‡`i Kj¨vY Znwej 2541 - Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute 2541 -D”P gva¨wgK wk¶K cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU 25410000 - Higher Secondary Teachers Training 25410000 -D”P gva¨wgK wk¶K cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU Institute 2542 - Bangladesh Madrasha Teachers Training 2542 -evsjv‡`k gv`ªvmv wk¶K cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU Institute 25420000 - Bangladesh Madrasha Teachers Training 25420000 -evsjv‡`k gv`ªvmv wk¶K cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU Institute 2551-2560 - Technical Education 2551-2560 -KvwiMwi wk¶v 2551 - Department of Technical Education 2551 -KvwiMwi wk¶v Awa`ßi 25510000 - Technical Education Department 25510000 -KvwiMwi wk¶v Awa`ßi 25510002 - Sylhet Engineering College 25510002 -wm‡jU cÖ‡KŠkj gnvwe`¨vjq 25510003 - Mymensingh Engineering College 25510003 -gqgbwmsn cÖ‡KŠkj gnvwe`¨vjq 25510004 - Faridpur Engineering College 25510004 -dwi`cyi cÖ‡KŠkj gnvwe`¨vjq 25515010 - Introduction of Vocational Course in 25515010 -wbev©wPZ gv`ªvmvq `vwLj (†fv‡Kkbvj) †Kvm© cÖeZ©b (1g Selected Dakhil Madrasa. ch©vq) (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25515011 - Establishment of Seven Mohila Technical 25515011 -07wU wefvMxq m`‡i 07wU gwnjv †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹yj I School and College in seven Divisions. K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí| 25515012 - Establishment of 13 Polytechnic Institutes 25515012 -Aewkó 13wU †Rjvq 13wU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb in Remaining 13 Districts. cÖKí| 25515013 - aa 25515013 -BKzBf¨v‡jÝ bb-digvj f‡Kkbvj GWz‡Kkb KvwiKzjvg †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/07/2012-31/12/2013) 25515014 - Technical Assistance for Skills and 25515014 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di w¯‹j&m GÛ G¨vgc¬q‡g›U cÖ‡R± Employment Project (01/05/2012-31/01/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/05/2012-31/01/2013) 25515015 - Establishment of Technical School of 100 25515015 -100wU Dc‡Rjvq 1wU K‡i †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹yj ¯’vcb cÖKí Upazila. (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 25515016 - Bangladesh Skills for Employment and 25515016 -evsjv‡`k w¯‹jm di Ggc­q‡g›U GÛ †cÖvWvw±wfwU Productivity (01/01/14-31/12/18) (01/01/2014-31/12/2018) 25515020 - Skills Development Project 25515020 -w¯‹jm& †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± 25515030 - Skills and Training Enhancement Project 25515030 -w¯‹jm& GÛ †Uªwbs Gbn¨v݇g›U cÖ‡R± (GmwUBwc) (STEP) 25515040 - Establishment of Barisal Engineering 25515040 -ewikvj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’vcb College 25515690 - Renovation and re-organisation of 4 25515690 -4wU wfwUAvB (ewikvj, cvebv, iscyi I wm‡jU) Gi Vocational trining institution (Barisal, AaywbKvqY Pabna, Rangpur and Sylhet) 25515710 - Establishment of Polytechnic institute at 25515710 -UvsMvBj I cUyqvLvjx‡Z cwj‡UKwbK B›mwUwUDU ¯’vcb Tangail 25515720 - Scholarship for the student of technical 25515720 -KvwiMix wk¶vqZ‡bi QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i Af¨šixY e„wË cÖ`vb institute

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25515730 - The Technical and Vocational Education 25515730 -w` †UKwbK¨vj I f‡Kkbvj GWy‡Kkb cª‡R± (wUwfBwc) Project (TVEP) 25515750 - Renovation of Graphics Arts Institute and 25515750 -MªvwdK AvU©m B›mwUwUD‡Ui ms¯‹vi, AvaywbKxKiY I introduction of computerised training Kw¤•DUvi wfwËK cÖwk¶Y cÖeZ©b system 25515760 - Introduction of SSC vocational course in at 25515760 -‡`‡ki cªwZwU _vbvq wbev©wPZ †emiKvwi wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b least 2 non-government secondary GmGmwm †fv‡Kkbvj †Kvm© cÖeZ©b schools of each upazilla (01/07/1995-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25515770 - Establishment of 13 new and 25515770 -GmGmwm I GBPGmwm †fv‡Kkbvj †Kvm© cªeZ©‡bi j‡¶¨ improvement of existing VTIs for 13 wU bZyb wfwUAvB ¯’vcb (†hLv‡b †Kvb wfwUAvB ev introduction of SSC and HSC vocational wUwUwm bvB) Ges we`¨gvb wfwUAvBmg–‡ni ms¯‹vi I courses Dbœqb (1/7/96-30-6-04)Aby‡gvw`Z 25515780 - Award of internal scholarship for students 25515780 -KvwiMwi wk¶vqZ‡bi QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i Af¨šixY e„wË of technical institutes (01/07/1995-30/06/2003) 25515810 - Develoment and renovation of BIT in 25515810 -weAvBwU PÆMªvg, Lyjbv, ivRkvnx I XvKv Gi m¤cÖmviY Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi and Dhaka Ges AwaKZi Dbœqb (01/07/1995-30/06/2007) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 25515820 - Renovation, expansion and modernisation 25515820 -K‡jR Ae †U·UvBj †UK‡bvjwRi ms¯‹vi, m¤•ªmviY I of college of textile technology AvaywbKxKiY Ges 4wU wefvM PvjyKiY (01/07/1996-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25515830 - Renovation, reorganisation and 25515830 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae †j`vi †UK‡bvjwRi ms¯‹vi, modernisation of college of leather AvaywbKxKiY I cybM©Vb (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) technology Aby‡gvw`Z 25515841 - Strengthening EMIS of the directorate of 25515841 -KvwiMwi wk¶v Awa`߇ii BGgAviGm kw³kvjxKiY technical education 25515860 - Strengthening of Technical 25515860 -‡UKwbK¨vj wUPvm© †U«wbs K‡jR kw³kvjxKiY TeachersTraining College 25515870 - Production of text book in bangla as per 25515870 -evsjv‡`k KvwiMwi wk¶v †evW© KZ©„K Aby‡gvw`Z wk¶vµg curriculum of BTEB Gi cvV¨ wel‡qi evsjv cy¯K cÖYqb 25515970 - Expansion of Bangladesh Technical 25515970 -evsjv‡`k KvwiMwi wk¶v †ev‡W©i m¤•ªmviY Education Board 25516110 - Renovation and modernisation of 25516110 -evsjv‡`k M­vm GÛ wmivwgK Bbw÷wUD‡Ui ms¯‹vi I Bangladesh Glass and Ceramic Institute AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25516120 - Modernisation of existing 20 Polytechnic 25516120 -we`¨gvb 20wU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUD‡Ui AvaywbKxKiY I Institute and establishment of 15 new 18wU bZyb cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (01/07/1998 Polytechnic Institutes - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516130 - Establishment of a New Vocational 25516130 -PÆMªvg wefv‡M GKwU bZyb ‡fv‡Kkbvj wk¶K cªwk¶Y Teachers Training Institute in Chittagong Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb Division 25516140 - Establishment of a new textile college in 25516140 -Lyjbv wefv‡M 1wU bZyb †U·UvBj K‡jR ¯’vcb Khulna divisional HQ (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) 25516150 - Establishment of Survey Institute at 25516150 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi `kwgbv Dc‡Rjvq GKwU mv‡f© Dashmina Upzilla of Patuakhali District BbwówUDU ¯’vcb (01/07/2000-30/06/2002) 25516300 - Renovation and modernisation of 25516300 -evsjv‡`k Rwic B›mwUwUD‡Ui ms¯‹vi cybM©Vb I Bangladesh Survey Institute AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 25516350 - Establishment three Women Polytechnic 25516350 -wefvMxq m`‡i 3wU gwnjv cwj‡UKwbK BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb Institute in three Divisional Headquarter 25516440 - Introduction of business management 25516440 -‡emiKvwi wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b D”P gva¨wgK (GBPGmwm) course at HSC level in non-govt. schools e¨emvq e¨e¯’vcbv †Kvm© cÖeZ©b (cvBjU cÖKí) (01/07/1995-30/06/2000) 25516450 - Establishment of a new vocational 25516450 -GKwU bZzb †fv‡Kkbvj wk¶K cÖwk¶Y BÝwUwUDU teachers training institute and expansion (wfwUAvB) ¯’vcb Ges we`¨gvb wfwUAvB Gi ms¯‹vi, and renovation of existing VTIs bevqb I m¤•ÖmviY (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) 25516460 - Establishment of 3 female polytechnic 25516460 -wefvMxq m`‡i 3wU bZzb gwnjv cwj‡UKwbK BÝwUwUDU institutes ¯’vcb (01/07/1998-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516462 - Establishment of a Computer Institute in 25516462 -‡dbx †Rjvq GKwU Kw¤cDUvi BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb Feni District. (1/7/2002-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516464 - Establishment of Sylhet Engineering 25516464 -wm‡jU cÖ‡KŠkj gnvwe`¨vjq ¯’vcb (1-7-04 - College (01/07/04-30/06/10) Approved. 30-6-06) Abyy‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25516470 - Stipends to students studying HSC 25516470 -GmGmwm/GBPGmwm (†fv‡Kkbvj) I GBPGmwm e¨emvq Business Management and SSC/HSC e¨e¯’vcbv †Kv‡m©i Aa¨qbiZ QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i Dce„wË cÖ`vb (vocational) courses (01/07/1996-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25516480 - 25516480 -evsjv‡`k †UKwbK¨vj GWy‡Kkb †ev‡W©i cix¶v Kvh©vejx Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb| 25516490 - kishorgonj district 25516490 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvq GKwU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2006) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25516496 - Introduction of SSC (VOC) Courses in 25516496 -‡emiKvwi cÖwZôv‡b GmGmwm (†fv‡Kkbvj) †Kvm© cÖeZ©b Non-Government Institutes 25516499 - Establishment of 5 New Textile 25516499 -5wU bZzb ‡U·UvBj †UK‡bvjwR K‡jR ¯’vcb Technology College 25516500 - V 25516500 -KvwiMwi wk¶v Awa`߇ii feb wbg©vY Ges cÖ‡qvRbxq †fŠZ my‡hvM myweav m„wóKiY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516501 - Establishment of a New Graphic Arts 25516501 -GKwU bZzb MÖvwdK AvU©m Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb I we`¨gvb Institute and Renovation Modernization of MÖvwdK AvU©m Bbw÷wUD‡Ui ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKxKiY Existing Graphic Arts Institute 25516502 - Modernization of existing Courses of 25516502 -mv‡f© ‡UK‡bvjwR †Kv‡m©i AvaywbKxKiY Ges ev‡sjv‡`k Bangladesh Survey Institute and mv‡f© Bbw÷wUD‡U wmwfj Ges Kw¤•DUvi †UK‡bvjwR Introduction of three new Courses †Kvm© PvjyKiY 25516503 - Establishment of a New Glass and 25516503 -GKwU bZzb Bbw÷wUDU Ae MÐvm GÛ wmivwgKm ¯’vcb Ceramic Institute 25516504 - Establishment of Mymenshingh 25516504 -gqgbwmsn BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’vcb Engineering College 25516505 - Introduction of Diploma in Engineering 25516505 -20wU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUD‡U wW‡cÐvgv Bb BwÄwbqvwis (Textile) Courses in 20 Polytechnic (†U·UvBj) †Kvm© cÖeZ©b Institutes 25516506 - Upgradation of College of Textile 25516506 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae †U¯‹UvBj †UK‡bvjwR‡K evsjv‡`k Technolog to Bangldesh University of BDwbfvwm©wU Ae †U·UvBj mv‡qÝ A¨vÛ BwbÄwbqvwis -G Textile Science & Engineering. DbœxZKiY 25516507 - Further Development of Bangladesh 25516507 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae †j`vi †UK‡bvjwRi AwaKZi College of Leather Technology Dbœqb cÖKí 25516508 - Further Development of Bangladesh 25516508 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae †j`vi †UK‡bvjwRi AwaKZi College of Leather Technology Dbœqb 25516509 - Establishment of Polymer and Material 25516509 -evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae M­­vm A¨vÛ wmivwgKm G cwjgvi Technology Department in Bangladesh A¨vÛ g¨v‡Uwiqvj †UK‡bvjwR wWcvU©‡g›U ¯’vcb cÖKí Institute of Glass & Ciramics (BIGC) 25516510 - Chapainawabgonj district 25516510 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvq GKwU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516511 - Establishment of one Polytechnic Institute 25516511 -23wU †Rjvq GKwU K‡i cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb in each of 23 Districts cÖKí 25516512 - Establishment of Women Technical 25516512 -6wU wefv‡Mi cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡Z 1wU gwnjv †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I School & College in each of 6 Divison K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí 25516513 - Establishment of Female Politechnic 25516513 -wm‡jU I ewikvj wefv‡M GKwU K‡i gwnjv cwj‡UKwbK Institute in each of Sylhet and Barisal BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí Division 25516514 - Introduction of Non-formal Technical and 25516514 -AbvbyôvwbK KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶v cÖeZ©b cÖKí (6ô Vocational Education (including I 7g †kÖYx‡Z KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶v cÖeZ©bmn) introduction of Technical and vocational education in class Vi & VII) 25516515 - Updation and Job responsive of Technical 25516515 -KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶v nvjbvMv` I Re and Vocational Education †imcbwmfKiY cÖKí 25516516 - Quality of Improvement of Tehnical and 25516516 -KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶vi gv‡bvbœqb cÖKí Vocational Education System. 25516517 - Quality improvement of Non-govt. 25516517 -‡emiKvwi KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi Technical and Vocational Eudation wk¶K‡`i gv‡bvbœqb cÖKí Teachers. 25516518 - Introduction of of SSC (Vocational) courses 25516518 -500wU †emiKvwi wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b GmGmwm (†fv‡Kkbvj) in Non-Govt. Institution (3rd phase) †Kvm© cÖeZ©b (3q ch©vq)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25516519 - Introducation of Stipend programme for 25516519 -‡emiKvwi KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi Non-Govt. Tehcnical and Vocational QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Rb¨ e„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí Education students 25516520 - Magura District 25516520 -gv¸iv †Rjvq GKwU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516521 - Further Development and Modernization of 25516521 -‡UKwbK¨vj wUPvm© †Uªwbs K‡jR Ges †fv‡Kkbvj wUPvm© Technical Teachers Training College and †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUD‡Ui AwaKZi Dbœqb I AvaywbKxKiY Vocational Training Institutions 25516522 - Establishment of 5 New Leather 25516522 -5wU bZzb †j`vi †UK‡bvjwR K‡jR ¯’vcb Technology College 25516523 - Creation of new infrastructure for 25516523 -f‡Kkbvj †Uªwbs BÝwUwUDUmg‡ni †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I conversion of vocational training institutes K‡j‡R DbœxZKi‡Yi Rb¨ bZzb AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY cÖKí to technical school and college 25516524 - Industrial attachment training for the 25516524 -‡emiKvix KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi students of Non-Govt. Technical and QvÎQvÎx‡`i Rb¨ wkí KviLvbvq cÖwk¶Y Vocational Institutions 25516530 - Moulovibazar District 25516530 -‡gŠjfxevRvi †Rjvq GKwU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (01/01/2006 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516540 - Establishment of Technical School and 25516540 -KvbvBNvwU Dc‡Rjvq GKwU ‡UKwbK¨vj ¯‹yj I K‡jR College in Kanaighat ¯’vcb (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516550 - Establishment of Faridpur Engineering 25516550 -dwi`cyi BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’vcb (01/01/2006 - College 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516560 - Establishment of Mymensingh 25516560 -gqgbwmsn BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’vcb (01/07/2006 - Engineering College 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516562 - Establishment of 5 New Textile 25516562 -5wU bZzb †UK&mUvBj †UK‡bvjwR K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí Technology College 25516563 - Establishment of 5 Textile Technology 25516563 -5wU bZzb †UK&mUvBj †UK‡bvjwR K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí College 25516564 - Establishment of 5 New Leather 25516564 -5wU bZzb †j`vi †UK‡bvjwR K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí Technology College 25516565 - Establishment of a Polytechnic Institute dt 25516565 -RqcyinvU †Rjv m`‡i GKwU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU Joypurhat District HQ ¯’vcb cÖKí 25516566 - Establishment of a Polytechnic Institute in 25516566 -gv`vixcyi †Rjvq GKwU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb Madaripur District cÖKí 25516567 - Establishment of a Polytechnic Institute at 25516567 -wc‡ivRcyi †Rjv m`‡i GKwU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU Pirojpur District HQ ¯’vcb cÖKí 25516568 - Further Development and Modernization of 25516568 -‡UKwbK¨vj wUPvm© †Uªwbs K‡jR Ges †fv‡Kkbvj wUPvm© Technical Teachers' Training College and †Uªwbs BbwówUD‡Uii AwaKZi Dbœqb I AvaywbKxKiY Vocational Teachers' Training Institute 25516569 - Establishment of a New Glass and 25516569 -GKwU bZzb M­vm GÛ wmivwgK&m BbwówUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí Ceramic Institute 25516570 - Establishment of Technical School and 25516570 -ZvovBj Dc‡Rjvq GKwU †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹yj I K‡jR ¯’vcb College (01/01/06 - 30/06/08) Ayb‡gvw`Z 25516571 - 25516571 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di wcÖ‡cqvwis w` w¯‹j †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/09/06 - 28/02/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516572 - Introduction of SSC(VOC) Courses in 25516572 -‡emiKvix cÖwZôv‡b GmGmwm (†fv‡Kkbvj) †Kvm© cÖeZ©b Non-Gvernment Institute cÖKí 25516573 - Extablishment of Girls Technical School 25516573 -6wU wefvMxq kn‡i gwnjv †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I K‡jR ¯’vcb and College in six division cÖKí 25516574 - Establishment of a new Graphic Arts 25516574 -we`¨gvb MÖvwdK AvU©m BbwówUD‡Ui AvaywbKvqb I bZzb Institute and renovation, mordernization of GKwU MÐvm GÛ wmivwgK BbwówUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí existing Graphic Arts Institute 25516575 - Extablishment of Polytechnic Institute in 25516575 -cÖwZwU †Rjvq 1wU Kwiqv cwj‡UKwbK BbwówUDU ¯’vcb each District cÖKí 25516576 - Modernization of existing courses of 25516576 -we`¨vgvb mv‡f© BbwówUD‡U eZ©gvb †Kvm© AvaywbKvqb Ges Bangladesh survey Institute and 3wU bZzb †Kvm© Pvjy KiY cÖKí Introduction of three new courses

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25516577 - Introduction of Diploma in Textile 25516577 -20wU cwj‡UKwbK BbwówUD‡U wW‡cÐvg Bb BwÄwbqvwis Technology Course in Existing 20 (†U·UvBj) †Kvm© cÖeZ©b cÖKí Polytechnics 25516578 - Infrastructure Construction for 25516578 -‡fv‡Kkbvj BbwówUDU mg–‡ni †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I K‡j‡R Upgradration of Vocational Institutes into DbœxZKi‡Yi Rb¨ bZzb AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY cÖKí Technical School and College 25516579 - Establishment of Women Polytechnich 25516579 -wm‡jU I ewikvj wefv‡M GKwU K‡i gwnjv cwj‡UKwbK Institutes in Sylhet and Barisal BbwówUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí 25516580 - Technical and Vocational Education and 25516580 -†UKwbK¨vj GÛ †fv‡Kkbvj GWz‡Kkb GÛ †Uªwbs Training (TVET) Reform in Bangladesh (wUwfBwU) widg© Bb evsjv‡`k (01/01/08 - 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516581 - Upgrading Technial and Vocational 25516581 -KvwiMwi I e„wËg–jK wk¶v nvjbvMv` I Re †imcbwmf Education and Job responsiveness KiY 25516582 - Quality improvment project for 25516582 -‡emiKvwi KvwiMwi I e„wËg–iK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi Non-Government Technical and Vocational wk¶K‡`i gv‡bvbœqb cÖKí Techers 25516583 - Introduction of SSC (Voc) course in 500 25516583 -500wU †emiKvwi wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b GmGmwm (†fv‡Kkbvj) Non-Government School (3rd phase) †Kvm© cÖeZ©b cÖKí (3q ch©vq) 25516584 - Stipend project for Non-Government 25516584 -‡emiKvwi KvwiMwi I e„wËg–jK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi Technical and Vocation Students QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Rb¨ e„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí 25516585 - Industrial Attachment project for 25516585 -‡emKvwi KvwiMwi I e„wËg–jK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi Non-Government Technical and Vocational QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i Rb¨ e„wË wkí KviLvbvq cÖwk¶Y cÖKí Students 25516586 - Establishment of Polymer Science 25516586 -evsjv‡`k BbwówUDU Ae MÐvm A¨vÛ wmivgKm G cwjgvi Department in Glass and Ceramic Institute A¨vÛ g¨v‡Uwiqvj †UK‡bvjwR wWcvU©‡g›U ¯’vcb cÖKí 25516587 - Further Improvent project for Leather 25516587 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae †j`vi †UK‡bvjwRi AwaKZi Technology College Dbœqb cÖKí 25516588 - Bangladesh College of 25516588 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae 25516589 - Upgrading College of Textile Technology 25516589 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae †UK‡bvjwR‡K evsjv‡`k into University BDwbfvwmwU Ae †U·UvBj mv‡qÝ A¨vÛ BwÄwbqvwis-G DbœxZKiY cÖKí 25516590 - Establishment of Technical School and 25516590 -6wU wefv‡Mi cÖ‡ZKwU‡Z GKwU K‡i gwnjv †UKwbK¨vj College in each divisional Head Quarter ¯‹zj I K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí 25516591 - Quality Improvment of Technical and 25516591 -KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶vi gvb Dbœqb cÖKí Vocational Education Project 25516592 - Establishment of a Technical School and 25516592 -ivDRvb Dc‡Rjvq GKwU †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I K‡jR ¯’vcb College at Raujan (Gohia) Upazila cÖKí 25516593 - Rehabilitation Programme (Vocational and 25516593 -`wi`ª GjvKvq `wi`ª Rbmvavi‡Yi Rb¨ cybev©m‡bi cÖKí Technical Education )for the Ultra poor Areas of Bangladesh 25516594 - Skill Development Project 25516594 -w¯‹j †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖKí 25516595 - Establishment of Engineerint College of 25516595 -B÷vewjk‡g›U Ae BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR Ae ewikvj Barisal 25516596 - Establisment of polytechnic Institute in 23 25516596 -B÷vewjk‡g›U Ae cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU Bb †ZBk district (1st phase:12 Nos.) †Rjv (1g ch©vq: 12 bs) 25516597 - Estblishment of Engiineering College at 25516597 -ewikvj ‡Rjvq 01wU BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’vcb Barisal (01/07/10-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516598 - Establishment of New glass and ceramic 25516598 -GKwU bZzb M­vm GÛ wmivwgK BbwówUDU ¯’vcb Institute 25516599 - Establishment of Polytechnic Institute in 23 25516599 -23wU †Rjvq cwj‡UKwbK BbwówUDU ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq districts (1st phase :12 nos) 12wU) 25516600 - Estblishment of Technical School and 25516600 -414wU Dc‡Rjvq GKwU Kwiqv †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj GÛ College in 414 Upazila ( 1st Phase : 64 K‡jR ¯’vcb (1g ch©v‡q 64wU) nos) 25516601 - Skills Development Project 25516601 -w¯‹jm& †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/07/08 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25516602 - Technical and Vocational Education and 25516602 -wUwfBwU widg© Bb evsjv‡`k Training (TVET) Reform in Bangladesh

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25516603 - Establishment of a new Graphic Arts 25516603 -zivRkvnx‡Z GKwU bZyb MªvwdK AvU©m BbwówUDU ¯’vcb I Institute at Rajshahi and renovation & we`¨gvb MÖvwd· AvUm© BbwówUDU AvaywbKvqb modernization of Existing Graphic arts Institute 25516604 - Estblishment of College of textile 25516604 -ivRkvnx, Lyjbv , gqgbwms‡n †U·UvBj K‡jR ¯’vcb Technology in Rajshahi , Khulna & Mymensinhg 25516605 - Introduction of S.S.C (Voc) Course in Non - 25516605 -‡emiKvix cªwZôv‡b Gm Gm wm (†fvK) †Kvm© PvjyKib Government Institutes 25516606 - Estblishment of Leather Technology 25516606 -PU«Mªvg , cvebvq †j`vi †UK‡bvjRx K‡jR ¯’vcb College in Chittagong and Pabna 25516607 - Modernization of Existing Courses of 25516607 -we`¨gvb mv‡f©‡UK‡bvjwR †Kvm©Gi AvawbKxKiY Ges Bangladesh Survey Institute and bZb †Kvm© Pvjy cÖeZ©b| Introduction of 3 new courses 25516608 - Establishment of Engineering college at 25516608 -e¸ov I Kzwgj­vq cÖ‡KŠkj gnvwe`¨vjq m&_vcb Bogra and Comilla 25516609 - Further Development and modernization of 25516609 - KvwiMwi wk¶K cªwk¶Y gnvwe`¨vjq I †fv‡Kkbvj †Uªwbs Technical Teachers Training college & BbwówUDU Gi AvaywbKvqb vocational Training Institutes 25516610 - Etablishment of Technical School and 25516610 -ivDRvb Dc‡Rjvq GKwU †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹j I K‡jR ¯’vcb college at Roujan upazila 25516611 - Vocational and Technical Training for 25516611 -AwZ `wi`ª¨ RbM‡Yi Rb¨ `vwi`ª wbm‡bi Rb¨ †fv‡Kkbvj poverty reduction in the ultra poor areas of cÖwk¶Y Bangladesh 25516612 - Introduction of Diploma in Textile 25516612 -we`¨gvb 20wU cwj‡UKwbK BbwówUDU G wW‡c­vgv Technology in existing 20 Polytechnics †U·UvBj †Kvm© cÖeZ©b 25516613 - New construction for upgradation of 25516613 -‡fv‡Kkbvj BbwóDU‡K †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR Vocational Institutes into Technical School iƒcvš‡ii Rb¨ bZzb wbg©vY and College 25516614 - Establishment of Women Technical 25516614 -6wU wefv‡Mi kn‡i GKwU Kwiqv gwnjv †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj School and College in 6 Divisions GÛ K‡jR ¯’vcb 25516615 - Establishment of women polytechnic 25516615 -wm‡jU Ges ewikvj wefv‡M gwnjv cwj‡UKwbK ¯’vcb institutes Sylhet and barisal divisions 25516616 - Introduction of Non-formal Technical and 25516616 -AbvbyôvwbK KvwiMwi I wfwËgjK cÖwk¶Y †Kvm© cÖeZ©b vocational education (introduction of (6ô I 7g) technical and vocational education in sixth and seventh grade) 25516617 - Modernization of technical and vocational 25516617 -KvwiMwi I wfwËgjK wk¶v‡K AwaKZi AvaywbKvqb I Re education ‡ik‡cvbwmf KiY 25516618 - Quality improvement of Technical and 25516618 -KvwiMwi I e„wËgjK wk¶vi gvb Dbœqb cÖKí Vocational 25516619 - Improvement of TVET teachers in 25516619 -‡emiKvix wUwfBwU BbwówUDU Gi wk¶K‡`i Dbœqb cÖKí non-government TVET institutes 25516620 - Introduction of Stopend for the Student of 25516620 -†emiKvix wUwfBwU BbwówUDU Gi wkv_©x‡`i Rb¨ e„wË Non-government TVET institutues cÖ`vb cÖKí 25516621 - Introduction of polymer & material 25516621 -evsjv‡`k M­jvm GÛ wmivwgK BbwówUDU cwjgvi I technnlogy department in Bangladesh †gUvwiqvm †UK‡bvjwR Pvjy KiY Institute of Glass & Ceramic 25516622 - Further Improvement of Bangladesh 25516622 -evsjv‡`k †j`vi †UK‡bvjwRi AwaKZi Dbœqb College of Leather Technology 25516623 - Upgradation of Bangladesh College of 25516623 -K‡jR Ae †U·UvBj †UK‡bvjwR‡K evsjv‡`g Textile techn ology into Bangladesh BDwcfvwm©wU Ae †UKUªvBj †UK‡bvjwR‡Z DbœxZ KiY university of textile science and Engineering 25516624 - (Establishment of 10 Polytechnic Institutes 25516624 -Aewkó 23wU †Rjvq 10wU cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb in remaining 23 Districts and three Mohila Ges ewikvj, wm‡jU I iscyi wefvMxq m`‡i 03wU gwnjv Polytechnic Institutes in Barisal, Sylhet and cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí Rangpur Divisional Head Quarter) 25516625 - Establishment of Technical Schools (TS) 25516625 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj ¯’vcb cÖKí| in Upazilla.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25516626 - Establishment of Enginerring College at 25516626 -iscyi I Kzwgj­vq cÖ‡KŠkj gnvwe`¨vjq ¯’vcb| Rangpur and Comilla. 25516627 - Physical Infrastucture Development and 25516627 -‡emiKvix KvwiMwi wkv cÖwZôvb Ges weR‡bR g¨v‡bR‡g›U Modernization of Non-Government K‡jR mg~‡ni AvaywbKvqb I †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| Technical School and Business Managment College. 25516628 - (Strengthening of ICT in Selected 25516628 -wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix KvwiMwi we`¨vjq Ges weR‡bm Non-Government Technical School & g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡jRmg‡ni AvBwmwU e¨e¯’v kw³kvjxKiY Business Management College) cÖKí 25516629 - (The Scheme for the internal 25516629 -†emiKvix e„wËgyjK Qv·`i e„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí Scholarship/Stipend to the Non-Government vocational Students) 25516630 - Development of Survey Institute and 25516630 -mv‡f© Bbw÷wUD‡Ui Dbœqb Ges bZyb †UK‡bvjwRmg‡ni Introduction of new technologies ms‡hvRb cÖKí 25516631 - Development of Institute of Glass & 25516631 -M­vm GÛ wmivwg• Bbw÷wUD‡Ui Dbœqb Ges bZyb Ceramics and Introduction of new †UK‡bvjwRmg‡ni ms‡hvRb cÖKí technologies 2552 - Technical Teachers Training College 2552 -KvwiMwi wk¶K cªwk¶Y gnvwe`¨vjqmg–n 25520000 - Technical Teachers Training Colleges 25520000 -KvwiMwi wk¶K cªwk¶Y gnvwe`¨vjqmg–n 2553 - Polytechnic Institutes 2553 -cwj‡UKwbK wk¶vjqmg–n 25530000 - Polytechnic Institutes 25530000 -cwj‡UKwbK wk¶vjqmg–n 2554 - Vocational Training Centres 2554 -‡fv‡Kkbvj cªwk¶Y †K›`ªmg–n 25540000 - Vocational Training Centres 25540000 -‡fv‡Kkbvj cªwk¶Y †K›`ªmg–n 2555 - Other Technical Institutes 2555 -Ab¨vb¨ KvwiMwi wk¶v cªwZôvb 25550001 - Bangladesh College of Leather 25550001 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae †j`vi †UK‡bvjwR Technology 25550003 - Feni Computer Institute 25550003 -‡dbx Kw¤•DUvi Bbw÷wUDU 25550005 - Graphic Art Institute 25550005 -MªvwdK AvU©m& Bbw÷wUDU 25550010 - Bangladesh Institute of Ceramic and 25550010 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae M­vm GÛ wmivwgK Glass 25550015 - College of Textile Technology 25550015 -K‡jR Ae †U·UvBj †UK‡bvjwR 2561-2570 - University Education 2561-2570 -wek¦we`¨vjq wk¶v 2561 - University Grants Commission 2561 -wek¦we`¨vjq gÄyix Kwgkb 25612995 - Grants Commission 25612995 -gÄyix Kwgkb 25612996 - Universities 25612996 -wek¦we`¨vjqmg–n 25612997 - Dhaka University 25612997 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq 25612999 - Rajshahi University 25612999 -ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq 25613001 - Chittagong University 25613001 -PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq 25613003 - Jahangir Nagar University 25613003 -RvnvsMxi bMi wek¦we`¨vjq 25613005 - Shahjalal University 25613005 -kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq 25613007 - Khulna University 25613007 -Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq 25613009 - National University 25613009 -RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq 25613011 - Islamic University 25613011 -BmjvwgK wek¦we`¨vjq 25613013 - Bangladesh Engeneering and Technology 25613013 -evsjv‡`k BwÄwbqvwis I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq (ey‡qU) University 25613015 - Agricultural University 25613015 -K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq 25613017 - Bangladesh Open University 25613017 -evsjv‡`k D¤§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq 25613019 - Bangabandhu Seikh Mujibur Rahman 25613019 -e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq Agriculture University 25613021 - Bangabandhu Seikh Mujib Medical 25613021 -e½eÜz †kL gywRe †gwWK¨vj wek¦we`¨vjq University 25613023 - Sher-e-Bangla Agruculture University 25613023 -‡k‡i evsjv K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq 25613025 - Haji Mohammad Danesh Science & 25613025 -nvRx †gvnv¤§` `v‡bk weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Technology University

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25613027 - Patuakhali Science & Technology 25613027 -cUyqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq University 25613029 - Moulana Bhasani University of Science 25613029 -gvIjvbv fvmvbx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq and Technology 25614326 - Horizontal Extension of Rokeya Hall at 25614326 -Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †iv‡Kqv n‡ji Khulna Engineering andTechnology AvbyfwgK m¤•ªmviY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP University, Khulna 25615010 - Establishment of National Energy and 25615010 -evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡q RvZxq R¡vjvbx I Environment Instititue at BUET cwi‡ek Bbw÷wUDU cÖwZôv Kg©K‚Px 25615011 - Establishment of a research & health 25615011 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae G wimvP© GÛ †nj_ †m›Uvi G¨vU w` centre at the University of Dhaka BDwbfvwm©wU Ae XvKv 25615012 - Opening the Department of Architecture 25615012 -PÆMªvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj†qi ¯’vcZ¨ Ges bMi and urban & rural planning in the Ges AÂj cwiKíbv wefvM PvjyKiY Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology 25615013 - Further Development of Rajshahi 25615013 -ivRkvnx cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb University of Engineering & Technology 25615014 - Further Devolopment of Jessore Science & 25615014 -h‡kvi weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb Technology University 25615015 - Dev. of Mawlana Bhashani Science & 25615015 -gvIjvbv fvmvbx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb Technology University 25615016 - Further Development of Science and 25615016 -cUyqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb( Technology University 01/07/2013-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615017 - Dev. of Jatyo Kobi Uni. 25615017 -RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb 25615018 - Enhancement of Infrastructural Facilities at 25615018 -Rvnv½xibbMi wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AeKvVv‡gvMZ myweavw` m¤ Jahangirnagar University žªmviY 25615019 - Further Development of Bangabandhu 25615019 -e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural Dbœqb (01/01/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z University 25615020 - Development of Advanced Fisheries 25615020 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae G¨vWfv›mW wdkvwiR wimvP© d¨vwmwjwU Research Facility & Aqua-garden in GÛ G¨vKzqv Mv‡W©b Bb Rvnv½xibMi BDwbfvwm©wU K¨v¤žvm Jahangirnagar University Campus 25615021 - Development of Bangladesh University of 25615021 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k BDwbfvwm©wU Ae cÖ‡dkbvjm Professionals 25615022 - Establishment of Advance Research 25615022 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ad GWfv›m wimvP© j¨ve‡iUix GU w` Laboratory at the Department of Chemistry wWcvU©‡g›U Ae †Kwgw÷« Ad Rvnv½xibMi BDwbfvwm©wU of Jahangirnagar University 25615023 - Further Development of Noakhali Science 25615023 -‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb & Technology University 25615024 - Further Development of Bangladesh 25615024 -evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb Agricultural University 25615025 - Further Development of Bangladesh 25615025 -evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb University of Engineering & Technology 25615026 - Estatblishment of Department of Industrial 25615026 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wWcvU©‡g›U Ad w` BÛvmwU«qvj GÛ and Production Engineering and cÖWvKkb BwÄwbqvwis GÛ AvwK©‡UKPvivj Bb XvKv cÖ Architectural in Dhaka University of ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjh Engineering and Technology 25615027 - Further Development of Hajee Mohammad 25615027 -nvRx †gvnv¤§` `v‡bk weTMvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Danesh Science & Tech University AwaKZi Dbœqb 25615028 - Development of Comilla University-1st 25615028 -Kzwgj­v wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb-1g ch©vq phase 25615029 - Further Development of Islamic University 25615029 -Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 25615030 - Foreign Training for Higher Education of 25615030 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wk¶K‡`i DžP wk¶v‡_© we‡`‡k Dhaka University Teachers cÖwk¶Y 25615031 - BUET-DUT Co-operation in the Field of 25615031 -ey‡qU-WvU †Kv-Acv‡ikb Bb w` wdì Ae IqvUvi Water Resources Engineering Project (3rd wi‡mv‡mm© BwÄwbqvwis cÖ‡R± (3q ch©vvq) (01/07/2001 Phase). - 30/07/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615032 - Emergency Devolopment of Dhaka 25615032 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Rižix Dbœqb University

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25615033 - Special Development of Rajshahi 25615033 -ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb University (01/01/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615034 - Establishment of IIT, IDM & Centre for 25615034 -cUyqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AvBAvBwU, Marine Fisheries Resource Research and AvBwWGg Ges †m›U«vj di †gwib wdkvwiR wi‡mv‡m©m Automation of University Library at wimvP© PvjyKiY I BDwbfvwm©wU jvB‡eªix A‡Uv‡gkb Patuakhali Sc. & Tech. Uni 25615035 - Development of Pabna Science & 25615035 -cvebv weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb-1g ch©vq Technology University-1st Phase 25615036 - Infrastructural Development of Chittagong 25615036 -PÆMªvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb University 25615037 - Further Development of Chittagong 25615037 -PÆMªvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ AwaKZi Dbœqb University of Engg. & Tech. 25615038 - Development of Chittagong University 25615038 -6ô cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq PÆMªvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb During 6th Five Years Plan 25615039 - Short-term, Mid-term & Long-term Work 25615039 -evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ¯^í†gqv`x, ga¨‡gqv`x I Plan of Bangladesh Agricultural University `xN©‡gqv`x Kg©cwiKíbv 25615040 - Introduction of ICT Course in 24 25615040 -24wU mªv‡ZvKËi K‡j‡R AvBwmwU †Kvm© cÖeZ©b Postgraduate Colleges 25615041 - Equiping the Center for Advanced 25615041 -BKzBwcs w` †m›Uvi di GWfvÝ wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Research and Development Information Bbdi‡gkb †UK‡bvjwR (01/07/2001-30/06/2002) Technology (01/07/2001-30/06/2002) 25615042 - Extension of Academic Facilities of Khulna 25615042 -Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK my‡hvM University of Engg & Tech. myweavw` m¤žªmviY 25615043 - Development of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural 25615043 -†k‡ievsjv K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb-2q ch©vq University-2nd Phase 25615044 - Further Dev. of Shahjalal University of 25615044 -6ô cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Science & Tech During 6th 5 year plan wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 25615045 - Establishment of Bangladesh Textile 25615045 -evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wek¦we`¨vjh ¯’vcb University 25615046 - Establishment of an Agrgicultural 25615046 -Lyjbvq GKwU K…wl wek¦we`¨vjh ¯’vcb University in Khulna 25615047 - Development of Sylhet Agricultural 25615047 -wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb-2q ch©vq University-2nd Phase 25615048 - Molecular epidemiology microbacterium 25615048 -gwjwKDjvi Gwc‡WwgIjwR Ae gvB‡µve¨vK‡Uwiqvg bovis infection in animals and man in ewfm Bb‡dKkb Bb G¨vwbg¨vjm GÛ g¨vb Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 25615049 - Morfological pathoganic and molicular 25615049 -gidjwRK¨vj c¨v_‡RwbK GÛ gwjwKDjvi characterization of collectrotrisum species K¨v‡iKUvivB‡Rb Ae Kv‡j‡UvwU«mg ¯žvBwmm d«g d«yWm from fruits (magnifra incika and musa (g¨vM‡b‡divi BbwmKv GÛ gymv †m) Bb evsjv‡`k GÛ app.) in Bangladesh and their †`qvi K¨v‡bR‡gG›U ev 25615050 - Improvement of Salt and submergence 25615050 -BgcÖžf‡g›U më GÛ mvegvi‡Rb U«jv‡i›U ivBQ _ªž tolerant rice through genetic engineering †R‡bwUK BwÂwbqvwis G‡cÖvP wis dzW wmwKDwiwU DB_ approach to bring food security with Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj †mdwU Bb evsjv‡`k enviorental safety in Bangladesh, S 25615051 - 25615051 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AvaywbK fvlv BÝwUwUD‡U GKwU fvlv M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb (01/07/2001-30/06/2002) 25615052 - Molecular characterization and 25615052 -gwjwKDjvi K¨v‡i±vivB‡Rkb GÛ AvB‡Ww›Uwd‡Kkb Ae Identification of important zoonotic and Bgci‡U›Um Ry‡bvwUK GÛ Bb‡dKmvm wWwRm Ad infectious disease of livestock and poultry jvBd÷K GÛ †cvwÈ« Bb evsjv‡`k in Bangladesh, Chittagong Vaterina 25615053 - Moliqular in Bangladesh 25615053 -gwjKzjvi Gwc!WwgIjwR Ae gvB!µve¨vK!Uwiqvg ewfm Bb!WKkb Bb Gwb!gjm GÛ g¨vb Bb evsjv!`k| 25615054 - Sundorbon And costal Aria. 25615054 -gidjwRK¨vj c¨v_!RwbK GÛ gwjKzjvi Kv!i±vivB!Rkb Ae Kv!jK!UvwU«mvg !¯úwmm d«g d«yWm Bb evsjv!`k GÛ !`qvi g¨v!bR!g›U evB ev!qvG¨vKwUf b¨vPvivj KgcvBÛm 25615055 - Sefty in Bangladesh. 25615055 -BgcÖ“f!g›U Ae më GÛ mve gvi!Rbm U«jv!i›U ivBQ _ª“ !R!bwUK BwÄwbqvwis G!cÖvP Uy wis dzW wmwKDwiwU DB_ Gbfvqib!g›Uvj !mdwb Bb evsjv!`k|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25615056 - Polery in Bangladesh. 25615056 -gwjKzjvi Kv!i±vivB!Rkb GÛ AvB!Ww›Uwd!Kkb Ae Bgdi!U›U RybywUK GÛ Bb!dKmvm wWwR!Rm Ae jvBf÷K GÛ !cvwëª Bb evsjv!`k| 25615057 - Special Development of Bangladesh 25615057 -evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb Agricultural University 25615058 - Development of Infrastructural Facilaties of 25615058 -Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AeKvVv‡gv Khulna University of Engineering and myweavw` Dbœqb (01/07/2012-30/06/2016) Technology Aby‡gvw`Z 25615059 - Development of Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul 25615059 -RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg wek¦we`¨j‡qi Dbœqb Islam University (01/07/2012-30/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615060 - aaa 25615060 -ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (1g chv©q) (01/10/2011-30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615061 - Establishment of a Digital University at 25615061 -MvRxcy!i GKwU wWwRUvj wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cÖKí Gazipur 25615062 - Establishment of a Maritime University at 25615062 -PÆMªv!g GKwU gwiUvBg wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cÖKí Chittagong 25615063 - Establishment of a Marine University at 25615063 -ewikv!j GKwU gwib wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cÖKí Barisal 25615064 - Strengthening of Fisherish Research and 25615064 -†ó«s‡`wbs Ae wdkvwim wimvP© GÛ GKzqv-Mv‡W©b di Aqua-Garden for Biodiversity Conservation ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU KbRvi‡fkb Bb Rvnv½xibMi in Jahangirnagar University BDwbfviwmwU (01/10/2012-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615065 - Specia Development of Begum Rokeya 25615065 -‡eMg †iv‡Kqv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb University (01/01/2015-31/12/2018) (01/01/2015-31/12/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z approved 25615066 - Awarding Scholarships to the 25615066 -wek¦we`¨vjq ch©v!q Aa¨qbiZ gyw³!hv×vi mšvb Descendants of the Freedom Fighters mšwZ!`i wk¶v „wË cÖ`vb Studying at University level 25615067 - Special Development of Sylhet Agricultural 25615067 -wm!jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj!qi we!kl Dbœqb University 25615068 - Establishment of ICT & Wave-based 25615068 -evsjv!`k Db¥y³ wek¦we`¨vj!q AvBwmwU Ges I!qf wfwËK Learning System in BOU wk¶Y e¨e¯’v cÖeZ©b 25615069 - Creation of Residential Facility For 25615069 -PÆMªvg wek¦we`¨vj!qi !e`× I Ab¨vb¨ msL¨vjNy! Buddhist & Other Minority Students of the m¤•ª`v!qi wk¶v_©x!`i Rb¨ Avevmb myweav „wóKiY University of Chittagong 25615070 - aaa 25615070 -e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb 25615071 - Construction of 10-Storied Residential 25615071 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj!qi Awdmvi!`i Rb¨ 10 Zjv AvevwmK Building For The Officers of DU feb wbg©vY 25615072 - Small Scale Technical Assistance for 25615072 -¯§j †¯‹j †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di cvewjK cÖvB‡fU Public Private Partnership in Higher cvU©bviwkc Bb nvqvi GWz‡Kkb Education (01/04/2012-31/03/2013) (01/04/2012-31/03/2013) 25615073 - Establishment Of University of Science 25615073 -iv½vgvwU weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb and Technological, Rangamati (01/01/2013-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2013-30/06/2018) 25615074 - Construction of two Academic Building & 25615074 -wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡q `ywU GKv‡WwgK feb Ges GKwU Auditorium Building at Sylhet Agriculture AwWUwiqvg feb wbg©vY cÖKí University 25615075 - Development of Mawlana Bhashani 25615075 -gvIjvbv fvmvbx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb Science and Technology University cÖKí 25615076 - Development of Noakhali Science and 25615076 -†bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb cÖKí Technology University 25615077 - Infrastructure Facilities for the Department 25615077 -Bbd«v÷«vKPvivj d¨vwmwjwUm di w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae of Industrial and Production Engineering BÛvw÷«qvj GÛ †cÖvWvKkb BwÄwbqvwis GÛ w` wWcvU©‡g›U and the Department of Architecture in Ae AvwK©‡UKPvi Bb Wy‡qU DUET 25615078 - Development of Bangladesh Technical 25615078 -evsjv‡`k †U•UvBj wek¦we`¨j‡qi Dbœqb cÖKí University (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25615079 - Further Development of Bangabandhu 25615079 -e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and AwaKZi Dbœqb, †MvcvjMÄ Technology University, Gopalgonj (01/01/14-30/06/17) 25615080 - aaa 25615080 -Rvnv½xi bMi wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv myweav e„w× (01/01/2012-30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615081 - Further Extension and Development of 25615081 -PÆMªvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨j‡qi AwaKZi Chittagong Science &Technology m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (01/03/14-30/06/18) University (01/03/14-30/06/18) 25615082 - Strengthening the Capacity of Teaching 25615082 -‡÷«s‡`wbs w` K¨vcvwmwU Ae wUwPs GÛ wimvP© d¨vmvwjwUR and Research Facilities at the Department G¨vU w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae ccy‡jkb mvB‡›mb, XvKv of Population Science, Dhaka University wek¦we`¨vjq (01/01/14-31/12/16) (01/01/14-31/12/16) 25615083 - Development of Comilla University-First 25615083 -Kzwgj­v wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb (1g ch©vq) Phase 25615084 - Development of Chittagong Veterinary and 25615084 -PÆMªvg †f‡Uwibvwi I G¨wbgvj mvB‡›mm wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Animal Sciences University Dbœqb cÖKí 25615085 - Further Development of Islamic University 25615085 -Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) cÖKí (2nd Phase) (01/01/2015-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615086 - Construction of the Remaining Part of 7 25615086 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †iv‡Kqv n‡ji 7 gvP© fe‡bi March Building of Rokeya Hall of Dhaka Aewkôvsk wbg©vY (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) University (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z approved 25615087 - Resource on Disasters Prevention 25615087 -wimvP© Ab wWRv÷vi wcÖ‡fbkb/wgwU‡Mkb †gRvm© Mitigation Majorca against Flood and G‡MBb÷ d¬vWm GÛ ÷g mv‡R©m Bb evsjv‡`k Storm Surges in Bangladesh (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) approved 25615088 - Special Project for Creation of Residebtial 25615088 -PÆMªvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †eŠ× I Ab¨vb¨ msL¨vjNy facility for Buddist & other Minority student wk¶v_©x‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK myweav m„wóKiY cÖKí of the University of Chittagong (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615089 - Construction of Twenty Residential Martyr 25615089 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Awdmvi‡`i Rb¨ 20 Zjv AvevwmK Sheikh Rasel Tower Bhobon for officer’s of knx` †kL iv‡mj UvIqvi feb wbg©vY Dhaka Univesity (01/07/2015-30/06/2018) (01/07/2015-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 25615810 - Further Development of Chittagong, 25615810 -weAvBwU PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv, ivRkvnx I XvKv Gi m¤•ªmviY Khulna, Rajshahi and Dhaka BIT. Ges AwaKZi Dbœqb (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25616010 - 25616010 -Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (ms‡kvwaZ) (1995-2003) 25616011 - Arsenic Transfer in Water Soil Group 25616011 -Av‡m©wbK UªvÝdvi Bb IqvUvi m‡qj MÖ“c Gbfvib‡g›U Ae Environment of Bangladesh, India & evsjv‡`k-BbwWqv (I‡q÷ †e½j) GÛ A‡÷ªwjqv Australia. (wi‡jwUs Uz evsjv‡`k cvU©) (01/01/2000-31/12/2002) 25616080 - 25616080 -evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl cÖKí (01/07/2001-30/06/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 25616090 - Further Development of UGC and 25616090 -wek¦we`¨vj‡qi gÄyix Kwgk‡bi I BDwbfv©wmwU wi‡mv©‡mm University Resource Center. †m›Uv‡ii AwaKZi Dbœqb (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 25616150 - After Care Project for Strengthening 25616150 -AvdUvi †Kqvi cÖ‡R± di †ó«s‡`wbs, GKv‡WwgK wimvP© Academic Research and out rich Activities GÛ AvDUixP GKwUwfwUR Ae Bcmv of EPSA (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 25616160 - Establishment of Science and Technology 25616160 -‡`‡ki 12 wU cyivZb †Rjv m`‡i (†hLv‡b †Kvb University at 12 old district HQ wek¦we`¨vjq bvB) GKwU K‡i weÁvb I cªhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (1g chv©†q 6wU) (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25616170 - Special project for further development of 25616170 -cÂg c evwl©K cwiKíbvq XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dhaka University Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25616172 - Further development of Chittagong 25616172 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi University under fifth five-years plan AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25616173 - Further development of Agriculture 25616173 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi University under fifth five-year plan Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25616174 - Further development of BUET under fifth 25616174 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq (1997-2002) cÖ‡KŠkj five-year plan wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25616175 - Further development of Jahangir Nagor 25616175 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq Rvnv½xi bMi wek¦we`¨vj‡qi University under fifth five-year plan AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998-30/06/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 25616176 - Further development of Islami University 25616176 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi under fifth five-year plan AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25616181 - BUET-Dutch co-operation in the field of 25616181 -ey‡qU-WvP ‡Kv-Acv‡ikb Bb w` wdì Ae IqvUvi wi‡mv‡ water resources engineering ©mm BwÄwbqvwis (01/07/1997-30/06/2000) 25616191 - Strengthening institutional research 25616191 -‡óªs‡`wbs BÝwUwUDkbvj wimvP© K¨vcvwewjwU GÛ G· capability and extension in firm power ‡Ubkb Bb dv©g cvIqvi Bmy¨m issues (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25616360 - Further development of Khulna University 25616360 -cÂg c evwl©K cwiKíbvq Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 25616370 - Further development of Hazrat Shahjalal 25616370 -cÂg c evwl©K cwiKíbvq kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Science and Technology University wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (01/07/1998-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 25616380 - Farming systems and environmental 25616380 -dviwgs wm‡÷gm GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj ÷vwWR Bb studies in BAU weGBD 25616390 - Establishment of a Korean Language 25616390 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae G †Kvwiqvb j¨vs¸‡qR j¨ve‡iUwi Bb Institute in Dhaka University w` B›mwUwUDU Ae gWv©b j¨vs¸‡qR Ae XvKv BDwbfvwm©wU 25616410 - Institutional support for introducing applied 25616410 -BÝwUwUDUkbvj mv‡cvU© di †mwUs Avc G¨vc­v‡qW Gb †_ªv anthropology course in Jahangirnagar cwjwR G¨vU GgGmGm †j‡fj Bb Rvnv½xibMi University BDwbfv©wmwU (01/07/1996-30/06/2000) 25616420 - Support for fisheries education and 25616420 -mv‡cvU© di wdmvwiR GWz‡Kkb wUwPs GÛ wimvP© Bb research in Bangladesh Universities evsjv‡`k BDwbfvwm©wUR (01/07/1998-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 25616430 - Strengthening of the seed pathology 25616430 -†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae w` wmW c¨v_jwR j¨ve‡iUwi (chv©q-2) laboratory (Phase-2) (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 25616440 - Economic social and environmental 25616440 -B‡Kv‡bvwgK †mvmvj GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›U B¤•wj‡Kkbm implications of rice integrated farming Ae gªx¯•j ivBm BbwUª‡M‡UW dviwgs wm‡÷g Bb system in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 25616450 - Library automation project of Dhaka 25616450 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq jvB‡eªwi A‡Uv‡gkb cÖ‡R± University 25617010 - Establishment of Islamic University project 25617010 -Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cªKí 25617020 - Establishment of Khulna University project 25617020 -Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cªKí 25617030 - Establishment of Shahajalal Science and 25617030 -kvnvRvjvj weÁvb I cªhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cªKí Technology University 25617040 - Further development of Chittagong 25617040 -4_© cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbvq cybM©Vb, PÆMªvg wek¦we`¨vjq University under 4th annual development 25617050 - Further development of Rajshahi 25617050 -4_© cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbvq cybM©Vb, ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq University under 4th annual development 25617060 - Construction of Residential Hall for 500 25617060 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq 500 QvÎxi Rb¨ GKwU AvevwmK nj Female students of Dhaka University wbgv©Y 25617070 - Further development of Jahangirnagar 25617070 -PZz_© cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbvq cybM©Vb, Rvnv½xibMi University under 4th annual development wek¦we`¨vjq 25617080 - Further development of Bangladesh 25617080 -4_© cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbvq cybM©Vb, evsjv‡`k K…wl Agriculture University under 4th annual wek¦we`¨vjq development 25617090 - Further development of Engineering 25617090 -4_© cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbvq cybM©Vb, cª‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vjq University under 4th annual development 25617100 - Further development of Patuakhali Science 25617100 -cUyqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb and Technology University (01/07/2011-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617110 - Establishment of Open University 25617110 -D¤§y³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cªKí 25617120 - Institute of scientific instrumentation 25617120 -B›mwUwUDU Ae mv‡qw›UwdK B›mUªy‡g›Ukvb (BIMAC) (weAvBGgGwm) 25617130 - 25617130 -nvqvi GWy‡Kkb †KvqvwjwU Gbn¨v›m‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/01/2009-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25617140 - 25617140 -cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjqmg‡ni AwZ cyivZb ¯’vcbvw` †givgZ I ms¯‹vi (01/01/2009-30/06/2011) Abyt 25617150 - Development of Islamic University with 25617150 -Bmjvgx Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki A_©vbyK‚‡j¨ Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vjq IDB assistance Gi Dbœqb 25617160 - Further development of University Grant 25617160 -mKj wek¦we`¨vjqmgn I wek¦we`¨vjq gÄyix Kwgk‡bi Commission and all universities AwaKZi Dbœqb 25617170 - 25617170 -iscyi wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/01/2009-30/06/2012) Abyt 25617171 - University of Alberta-BUET institutional 25617171 -BDwbfvwm©wU Ae AvjevU©v ey‡qU B›mwUwUDkbvj wjs‡KR cÖ linkage ‡R± (chv©q-2) (01/07/1995-31/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617180 - Development of Sylhet Agricultural 25617180 -wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb- 1g ch©vq University- 1st Phase 25617181 - Strengthening the department of 25617181 -†óªs‡`wbs w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae ccy‡jkb mv‡qÝ Ae XvKv population science of Dhaka University. BDwbfviwmwU (01/07/2003-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617190 - Supplementary scheme for enhancement 25617190 -evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ewa©Z GKv‡WwgK of Academic programmes, Kvh©µg Kw¤•DUvivBRk‡bi AwaKZi Dbœqbmn computerization extension of Academic GKv‡WwgK fe‡bi mgcÖvmviY I wk¶K‡`i AvevwmK Building (Phase-2) and Teachers feb wbgv©Y Gi Rb¨ m¤•í Residential Accomma 25617191 - Japan Bangladesh joint study 25617191 -Rvcvb evsjv‡`k ‡hŠ_ wk¶v cªKí (cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vjq) 25617200 - 25617200 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) (01/01/2009-31/12/2013) Abyt 25617210 - 25617210 -cvebv weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/01/2009-30/06/2012) Abyt 25617220 - 25617220 -cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjqmg‡ni Dbœqb (01/01/2009- 30/06/2012) Abyt 25617221 - International training network centre for 25617221 -B›Uvib¨vkvbvj †U«wbs †bUIqvK© †m›Uvi di IqvUvi mvc­vB water supply and waste management at GÛ I‡q÷ g¨v‡bR‡g›U GU ey‡qU BUET (01/07/1994-31/03/2001) 25617230 - 25617230 -evsjv‡`‡ki cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjqmg‡ni wk¶v myweav DbœqbK‡í ˆeÁvwbK hšcvwZ µq (01/01/2009- 30/06/2012) Abyt 25617231 - Strengthening of Seed Pathology 25617231 -‡÷«s‡`wbs w` wmW c¨v_jwR j¨ve‡iUwi - evsjv‡`k K…wl Laboratory, BAU wek¦we`¨vjq 25617240 - 25617240 -10wU øvZ‡KvËK K‡j‡R AvBwmwU †Kvm© cÖeZ©b (cvBjU) (01/10/2008-30/06/2011) Abyt 25617241 - Farming system and environmental 25617241 -dv©wgs wm‡÷g GÛ Gbfvi‡g›Uvj ÷vwWR Bb evsjv‡`k studies in Bangladesh Agriculture K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq University 25617242 - Further development of National University 25617242 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq RvZxq wek¦we`¨vj‡qi under fifth five-year plan AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25617243 - Further development of Rajshahi 25617243 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi University under fifth five-year plan AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/98-30/6/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25617250 - Bangladesh University of Professionals 25617250 -evsjv‡`k BDwbfvwm©wU Ae cÖ‡dkbvjm (01/07/09-30/06/12) Approved. (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617260 - Creation of Infrustructural and Laboratory 25617260 -cuvPwU cvewjK wek¦we`¨vj‡q bZyb wefvM PvjyKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ Facilities of Five Public Universities. AeKvVv‡gvMZ I j¨ve‡iUwii myweavw`i m„wóKiY (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617261 - Fishery science training and research 25617261 -grm¨ weÁvb cªwk¶Y I M‡elYv mnvqZv cªKí assistance project 25617270 - Improvement of Academy and Research 25617270 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae GKv‡Wwg GÛ wimvP© K¨vcvwmwU Ae Capacity of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb GwMªKvjPvi BDwbfviwmwU Rahman Agriculture University (we.Gm.Gg.Avi.G.BD) (01/01/2009-30/06/2010) (B.S.M.R.A.U) (01/01/09-30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved. 25617271 - Procurement of educational items for the 25617271 -‡cªvwKIi‡g›U Ae GWy‡Kkbvj AvB‡Ugm& Uyjm& GÛ Institute of Fine Arts, Dhaka University BKzBc‡g›Um di `¨v Bbw÷wUDU Ae dvBb AvU©m M¨vjvix Ae XvKv BDwbfv©wmwU

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25617272 - Further development of Bangladesh Open 25617272 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq evsjv‡`k D¤§y³ University under fifth five-year plan wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617273 - Further development of University Grants 25617273 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq wek¦we`¨vjq gÄyix Kwgk‡bi Commission and University Resource I BDwbfvwm©wU wi‡mv‡m©m †m›Uv‡ii AwaKZi Dbœqb Centre under fifth five-year plan (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 25617274 - Opening Agriculture Faculty in Rajshahi 25617274 -ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi K…wl Abzl` PvjyKiY University (01/07/1998-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617275 - Support to the department of Population 25617275 -mv‡cvU© Uz w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae ccy‡jkb mv‡q‡Ým Bb XvKv Science in Dhaka University BDwbfvwm©wU (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 25617280 - Establishment of Bangladesh National 25617280 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cªKí University Project 25617281 - Procurement of Education item, tools, 25617281 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae GWz‡Kkbvj AvB‡Ug, Uzjm&, BKzBc‡g›U equipment for the Institute of Fine Arts of di w` BbwówUDU Ae dvBb AvU© Ae wU XvKv BDwbfvwm©wU Dhaka University 25617290 - Enhanching of I.C.T Training in 25617290 -G¨vb‡n›mwms Ae AvB.wm.wU †U«Bwbs Bb Bangladesh-Korea ICT Training Centre for evsjv‡`k-†Kvwiqv AvBwmwU †U«Bwbs †m›U«vi di GWy‡Kkb Education (B.K.I.T.C.E), BANBEIS and (we.†K.AvB.wU.wm.B), e¨vb‡eBm GÛ †÷«s‡`wbs Strenthing Educational Management GWy‡Kkbvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g (B.Gg.AvB.Gm) †bUIqvK© Ae wgwbw÷ª Ae GWy‡Kkb Information System (E.M.I.S) Network of (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Ministry of Education (01/07/09-30/06/13) Approved. 25617300 - Sustainable development of tourism & 25617300 -ch©Ub wk‡íi †UKmB Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ cÖZœZvwË¡K ¯’vb Ges archaeological sites and study of different we‡kl ms¯‹„wZi AwaKvix ¶z`ª RvwZ‡Mvôxi ms¯‹„wZ ethnic cultural traits & their preservation. msi¶Y msµvšZ M‡elYv 25617310 - Construction of flat for DU teachers and 25617310 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wk¶K‡`i Rb¨ d¬vU wbgv©Y Ges hostel for residential students QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i AvevwmK nj wbgv©Y (01/07/1997-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25617311 - Arsenic Transfer in Water Soil group 25617311 -Av‡m©wbK UªvÝdvi Bb IqvUvi m‡qj MÖ“c Gbfvqib‡g›U Environment of Bangladesh West Bangol Ae evsjv‡`k I‡qó †e½j (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 25617315 - Bridging Activities of EPSA and 25617315 -weªwRs GKwUwfwUR Ae Bcmv GÛ e½eÜz GwMÖKvjPvi Bangabandu Agriculture University BDwbfvwm©wU 25617320 - Further Development Project of Chittagong 25617320 -PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi we‡kl Dbœqb cÖKí University (01/07/2000-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 25617321 - Japan-Bangladesh Joint Study 25617321 -Rvcvb evsjv‡`k R‡q›U óvwW (01/07/2000-31/03/2003) 25617330 - Development of Bango Bandhu Shekh 25617330 -cÂg cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvq e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb Muzibur Rahman Agriculture University of K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617331 - Co-operation in the field of Metalogy and 25617331 -†Kv-Acv‡ikb Bb w` wdì Ae †gUvjviwR GÛ Materiel Engineering BUTE task †gUvwi‡qj BwÄwbqvwis ey‡qU (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) 25617340 - Establishment of Comilla University 25617340 -Kzwgj­v wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb | (01/07/04 - 30/06/07) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25617341 - Establishment of a Language Laboratory 25617341 -B÷vewjk‡g›U Ae G j¨v½y‡qR j¨v‡iUwi Bb w` in the Institute of Modern Language of Bwbw÷wUDU Ae gWv©b j¨vs¸‡qR Ae XvKv BDwbfv©wmwU Dhaka University (01/07/2000-30/06/2002) 25617350 - 25617350 -`~N©Ubv wimvP© †m›Uvi ¯’vcb 25617355 - Studies of The Improvement of 25617355 -÷vwWR Ae w` BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae MviwjK GÛ Awbqb Bb evsjv‡`k GÛ BDGm †_ªv f¨vivBUvj †Wfjc‡g›U GÛ ev‡hv‡UK‡bvjwR (1-1-04 - 31-12-07) Abyy‡gvw`Z| 25617360 - Establishment of Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam 25617360 -Kwe bRi“j Bmjvg wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/07/2003 - University. 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617370 - Molecular Gene Transfer for the 25617370 -gwjKzjvi wRb UªvÝdvi di w` †Rbv‡ikb Ae më Generation of Salt Tolerant Repeseed Ujv‡i›U †icmxW (eªvwmKv K¨vg‡cmwUªm) eªvwmKv (bcym) (Brasica Compestries) Brasica (Nopus) f¨vivBwUm (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Varities (014/07/03-30/06/07) Approved 25617380 - 25617380 -hk‡nvi weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 25617381 - 25617381 -ewikvj eªR‡gvnb (weGg) wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (1-1-05-31-12-07) Abyy‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25617390 - 25617390 -RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/01/2005-31/12-2007) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25617400 - 25617400 -XvKv BDwbfvwm©wU t †m›Uvi di GWfv›mW wimvP© Bb wdwRK¨vj, †KwgK¨vj, ev‡qvjwRK¨vj GÛ dvg©vwmDwUK¨vj mv‡q›m (01/07/03 - 30/06/08) Abby‡gvw`Z 25617410 - aaa 25617410 -gwjKzjvi Gwc‡WwgIjwR Ae gvB‡µve¨vK‡Uwiqvg ewfm Bb‡WKkb Bb Gwb‡gjm GÛ g¨vb Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 25617420 - aaa 25617420 -giwdjwRK¨vj c¨v_‡RwbK GÛ gwjKzjvi Kv‡i±vivB‡Rkb Ae Kv‡jK‡UwU«mvg †¯•wmm d«g d«yWm (g¨vM‡b‡div BbwmKv GÛ gymv †m.) Bb evsjv‡`k GÛ †`qvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U evB ev‡qvG¨vKwUf b¨vPvivj KgcvBÛm d«g my›`ieb GÛ †Kv÷vj Gwiqvm (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 25617430 - aaa 25617430 -BgcÖf‡g›U Ae më GÛ mve gvi‡Rbm U«jv‡i›U ivBQ _ª“ †R‡bwUK BwÄwbqvwis G‡cÖvP Uy wis dzW wmwKDwiwU DB_ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj †mdwU Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 25617500 - Improvement of Grain Legomes Through 25617500 -B¤cÖyf!g›U Ae !MªBb wj¸gm& _ªy U«v›mdi!gkb Transformation (01/07/2007 - 30/06/2011) (01/07/2007 - 30/06/2011) 25617560 - Further development of Dhaka University 25617560 -4_© cÂevwl©Kx cwiKíbvq cybM©Vb, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq under 4th annual development 25618011 - Strengthening the department of 25618011 -†óªs‡`wbs w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae ccy‡jkb mv‡qÝ GÛ population science & Human Resources wnDg¨vb wi‡mv‡m©m †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae ivRkvnx Development of Rajshahi University. BDwbfviwmwU (1/7/03-30/6/06)Aby‡gvw`Z 25618021 - Characterization, Conservation & 25618021 -K¨v‡i±ivB‡Rkb, KbRvi‡fkb GÛ B¤•ª~f‡g›U Ae †iW Improvement of Red Chittagong cattle of wPUvMvs K¨vUj Ae evsjv‡`k (1-7-03 - Bangladesh. 30-6-08)Aby‡gvw`Z 25618031 - Institutionalisation of the Department of 25618031 -Bbw÷wUDkbvjvB‡Rkb Ae w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae DB‡g›m Women's Studies of the University of ÷vwWR Ae XvKv BDwbfvwm©wU (1-7-04 - 30-6-09) Dhaka (Revised) (01/07/04-30/06/11) Abyy‡gvw`Z Approved. 25618041 - 25618041 -Av‡m©wbK U«v›mdvi Bb IqvUvi m‡qj µc Gbfvqi‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k GÛ A‡ó«wjqv (wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U wi‡jwUs Uyy evsjv‡`k cvU©) (1-7-03-30-6-06) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25618042 - 25618042 -ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb (1-7-2005- 30-6-2007) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25618049 - 25618049 -nvRx †gvnv¤§` `v‡bk weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb cÖKí 25618050 - 25618050 -gvIjvbv fvmvbx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb 25618051 - 25618051 -cUzqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb cÖKí 25618052 - 25618052 -‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb 25618053 - 25618053 -PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv, ivRkvnx Ges XvKv cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cyivZb febvw` †givgZ I ms¯‹vi 25618054 - 25618054 -‡`‡ki cyivZb wek¦we`¨vjqmg–‡ni febvw` †givgZ I ms¯‹vi 25618055 - 25618055 -Kwe bRi“j wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb cÖKí 25618056 - 25618056 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs `¨v wWcvU©‡g›U Ae ccy‡jkb mv‡q‡Ým G¨vU `¨v BDwbfvwm©wU Ae XvKv di ccy‡jkb wUwPs G¨vÛ wimvP© 25618057 - 25618057 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs `¨v wWcvU©‡g›U Ae ccy‡jkb mv‡qÝ G¨vÛ wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© †Wfjc‡g›U 25618058 - 25618058 -Av‡m©wwbK UªvÝdvi Bb IqvUvi-m‡qj-µc GbfvqiY‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k G¨vÛ A‡÷ªwjqv-2q ch©vq 25618059 - 25618059 -÷vwWR Ab w` BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ad MviwjK GÛ Awbqb Bb evsjv‡`k GÛ BD Gm G _ª“ f¨vivBwUvj †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR 25618061 - Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University 25618061 -‡k‡i evsjv K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25618071 - Jessore Science & Technology University 25618071 -h‡kvi weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25618074 - 25618074 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ad †MÖBb wj¸gm †_ªv UªvÝdi‡gkb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25618075 - Establishment of an Undergraduate 25618075 -G÷vwe­k‡g›U Ae Gb AvÛviMÖvRy¨‡qU wWcvU©‡g›U Ae Department of Textile Engineering and its †U·vBj BwÄwbqvwis GÛ BUm †W‡fjc‡g›U G¨vU Wz‡qU Development in Daka University of (RyjvB,06-Ryb,10) Engineering & Technology (DUET) 25618076 - Establishment of The Department of Glass 25618076 -G÷vwe­k‡g›U Ae w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae M­vm GÛ wmivwgK and Ceramic Engineering in Bangladesh BwÄwbqvwis Bb ey‡qU University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) 25618077 - Establishment of The Department of Glass 25618077 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae M­vm G¨vÛ wmivwgK and Ceramic Engineering in Rajshahi BwÄwbqvwis Bb ivRkvnx BDwbfvwmwU Ae& BwÄwbqvwis G¨vÛ University of Engineering & Technology †UK‡bvjwR (i“‡qU) (RUET) 25618078 - Establishment of a New Undergraduate 25618078 -G÷vewjk Ae G wbD AvÛvi MÖvRy‡qU wWcvU©‡g›U Ae Department of Leather Engineering in †j`vi BwÄwbqvwis Bb Kz‡qU KUET 25618079 - Establishment of the Faculty of Mining 25618079 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae w` d¨vKvwë Ae gvBwbs BwÄwbqvwis Engineering in CUET Bb Pz‡qU 25618081 - Establishment of Sylhet Agriculture 25618081 -wm‡j‡U GKwU K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/01/2006 - University 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25618091 - 25618091 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25618092 - Special Development of Dhaka University 25618092 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (Phase-II) (Revised) ((01/07/06-30/06/10) (01/07/06 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved. 25618093 - Scheme for Development of Quality in 25618093 -wek¦we`¨vjqmg–‡ni wk¶vi ¸YMZ gvb Ges Higher Education and Infrastructural AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ Avg‡eªjv cÖKí (01/07/06 Facilities in the Universities (Phase-1) - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z (Revised) (01/07/06-30-06-11) Approved. 25618094 - Repair,Renovation and Reconstruction of 25618094 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi KvR©b nj Ges nj GjvKvi Ab¨vb¨ Karjan Hall,Applied Physics and Electronix feb I ¯’vcbvmgn †givgZ, ms¯‹vi I cybrwbg©vY cÖKí and Bio-Chemistry Building keeping bthe heritage intact 25618095 - 25618095 -wW†UKkb Ae ‡cwómvBW ‡iwm‡W‡›mm Bb m‡qjm& GÛ µc Aci c­vw›Us w` ‡KvqvwjwUR Ae †fwR‡Uej GÛ †MªBb dzW µcm (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619001 - 25619001 -evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb ( 01/01/2006 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619011 - Detection of Arsenic in the Food Chains 25619011 -wW‡UKkb Ae Av‡m©wbK Bb w` dzW †PBbm& GÛ Gwbg¨vj and Animal Samples and Study the m¨v¤•j GÛ ÷vwW w` wcÖ‡fbwUf †gRvi w` †eó Preventive Measure Using the Best Cost jvBf÷K, evK…we (01/01/2005 - 30/06/2009) Effective Agricultural Products Based Aby‡gvw`Z Spirulina Against Arseniasis in Man and Livestock, BKB (01/01/05-30/06/10) Approved. 25619021 - Conservatin of Black Bangle Goat as the 25619021 -KbRvi‡fkb Ae e­¨vK ‡e½j †MvU G¨vR w` c‡Ubwkqvj Potential Jenetic Resource in Bangladesh, †R‡bwUK wi‡mvm© Bb evsjv‡`k, evK…we (01/07/2005 - BKB (01/07/05-30/06/10) Approved. 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619031 - Stablisment 25619031 -÷vewjk‡g›U Ae G c­v›U wWwRR WvqvMbwóK wK¬wbK G¨vU evsjv‡`k GwMªKvjPvivj BDwbfvwm©wU, evK…we (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619041 - Formulation of Bio-pesticides in 25619041 -digy‡jkb Ae ev‡qv †cw÷mvBWm& Bb K‡›U«vwjs Controlling Phomopsis Fruit Rot, ‡dvbmcÖwmm d«›U †evU, dzU‡Kbvi †evU GÛ my¨U GÛ dzU Foot/collar Rot and Shoot and Fruit Borer †evivi Ae GM c­¨v›U, evK…we (01/07/2005 - of Eggplant BKB (01/07/05-30/06/10) 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved. 25619051 - Ex-setu Conservation of Some Indigenous 25619051 -G·wmZy KbRvi‡fkbm Ae mvg BbwWwRbvm wd‡mm Ae Fishes of Bangladesh by Selecting the evsjv‡`k evB wm‡jKwUs w` †e÷ ÷K _ª“ wWGbG gvK©m, Best Stock Through DNA Markers, BKB evK…we (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/05-30/06/10) Approved.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25619061 - Screening Selection and Molecular 25619061 -w¯Œwbs wm‡jKkb GÛ gwjwKDjvi K¨v‡iUvivB‡Rkb Ae Characterization of Boron Efficient Wheat †eviY Bwdwm‡q›U ûBU †R‡bUvBcm&, evK…we Genotypes, BKB (01/07/05-30/06/10) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved. 25619071 - Introduction of Herd Health Services for 25619071 -Bb‡U«vWvKkb Ae nvW© †nj_& mvwf©‡mm di mvm‡UBb¨vej Sustainable Improvemet of Dairy BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae †WBwi †cÖvWvKkb GÛ gv‡K©wUs _ª“ Production and Marketing Through dvigvm© G‡mvwm‡qkb Bb evsjv‡`k, evK…we - Aby‡gvw`Z Farmers Association in Bangladesh, BKB (01/07/05-30/06/10) Approved. 25619081 - Automated Sequencing of Old Genes for 25619081 -A‡Uv‡g‡UW wmKz‡qw›ms Ae †KvjW wRm di Kbdvwis Conferring Biotic Abretic Stretch Tolerant ev‡qvwUK G¨ve‡iwUK w÷P Ujv‡ib GÛ gvK©we GbvjvBwmm and Marker Analysis for Related di wi‡j‡UW †Kvqvw›U‡UwUf †U«BU †jvmvB Quantitatives Treat Losai (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/05-30/06/10) Approved. 25619091 - Evaluation the Rule of Arbuscular 25619091 -Bfvjy‡qkb w` i“j Ad AvievmKzjvi gvBdiwnRj di Mycorrhizal Fungi in Arsenic Uptake by Bb Av‡m©wbK Avc‡UK evB †µvcm (01/07/2005 - Crops (01/07/05-30/06/10) Approved. 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619092 - Identifying and Developing the 25619092 -AvB‡Ww›UdvBs GÛ †W‡fjwcs w` g¨v‡bR‡g›U †UKwbK Management Techniques of Suitable Ae myB‡Uej d‡i÷ wU« ‡UKwbK Ad myB‡Uej d‡i÷ Forest Tree Species of Agro Ecological wU« ‡¯cwmm Ae G‡Mªv B‡KvjwRK¨vj Zones Using Climate Change Scenario for evsjv‡`k (01/07/2005 -30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangladesh (01/07/05-30/06/10) Approved. 25619093 - Genes in the Major Salinity Tolerance 25619093 -wRbm& Bb w` †gRi †mwjwbwU Ujv‡i›m †jvKvj Ae w` Locus of the Traditional Rice Pokkali †U«wWkbvj ivBm †cvKvKvwj 01/07/2005 - (01/07/06-30/06/10) Approved. 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619094 - Development of Jute EST cDNA Libraries 25619094 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae RyU B÷ wmwWGbG jvB‡eªwi GÛ and Identification of Genes of Economic AvB‡WwfwP‡Kkb Ae wRb B‡Kv‡bvwgK Bg‡cÖv‡Uj Importance (01/07/06-30/06/10) Approved. (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619095 - Strengthening the Department of 25619095 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae ccy‡jkb mv‡q‡›mm G¨vU w` Population Sciences at the University of BDwbfvwm©wU Ae XvKv (01/01/2006 -30/06/2010) Dhaka (01/01/06-31/12/10) Approved. Aby‡gvw`Z 25619096 - Studies on Digression of Upland 25619096 -÷vwWR Ab wW‡Mªkb Ad Avcj¨vÛ IqvUvi‡kW Bb Watershed in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/05-30/06/10) Approved. 25619097 - Repair, Revation and Re-Consrtruiction of 25619097 -wi‡cqvi, wi‡bv‡fkb GÛ wiKb÷«vKkb Ad KvR©b nj, Karojon Hall Gc­vBW wdwR· GÛ B‡jKU«wb· GÛ ev‡qv-‡Kwg÷«ª wewìs wKwcs w` ‡nwi‡UR BbU¨v± (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 25619098 - Studies of the Improvement of Garlic and 25619098 -÷vwWR Ae w` BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae Mvwj©K GÛ Awbqb Bb Onion in Bangladesh and the United evsjv‡`k GÛ BDGmG, evKzwe (01/01/2004 - States Through Vertical Development and 31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Biotechnology, BKB (01/01/04-30/06/10) Approved. 25619099 - Impact of The Sprimp Farming on 25619099 -Bgc¨v± Ae w` wkª¤• dvwg©s Ab GwMªKvjPvivj G‡KvjwR Agriculture and Social Economics of the GÛ ‡mvwmI B‡Kvbwg· Ae w` ‡Kv÷vj wiwRIb Ae costal Region of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/11/06 - 31/10/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619102 - Establishment of Shahid 25619102 -knx` wRqvDi ingvb wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb, ewikvj University, Barisal 25619103 - Establishment of Rangpur University 25619103 -iscyi wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (01/01/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619104 - Establishment of an Undergraduate 25619104 -G÷vwe­k‡g›U Ae G¨vb AvÛviMÖ¨vRy‡qU wWcvU©‡g›U Ae Department of Textile Engineering and its †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis GÛ BUm †W‡fjc‡g›U G¨vU Wz‡qU Development at DUET 25619105 - Establishment of the Department of Glass 25619105 -G÷vwe­k‡g›U Ae w` wWcvU©‡g›U ve M­vm GÛ wmivwgK & Ceramic Engineering at BUET BwÄwbqvwis G¨vU ey‡qU 25619106 - Establishment of the Department of Glass 25619106 -G÷vwejk‡g›U Ae w` wWcvU©‡g›U Mv M­vjm GÛ wmivwgK & Ceramic Engineering at RUET BwÄwbqvwis G¨vU i“‡qU 25619107 - Establishment of a New Undergraduate 25619107 -G÷vwe­k‡g›U Ae G wbD AvÛviMÖvRy¨‡qU wWcvU©‡g›U Ae Department of Leather Engineering at †j`vi BwÄwbqvwis G¨vU Kz‡qU KUET

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25619108 - Establishment of the Faculty of Mining 25619108 -G÷vwek‡g›U Ae w` d¨vKvwë Ae gvBwbs BwÄwbqvwis Engineering at CUET G¨vU Pz‡qU 25619109 - Construction of a new building for 25619109 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi RMbœv_ n‡ji knx` m‡švl P›`ª accommodation of 1000 students in place fÆvPvh© fe‡bi ¯’‡j GKwU bZzb feb wbg©vY of Shahid Santosh Chandra Bhattacharyya Bhaban of the Jagannath Hall of Dha 25619110 - Special project for creation of Academic & 25619110 -PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡q GKv‡WwgK I †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gvMZ Physical facilities in the University of myweav m„wói Rb¨ we‡kl cÖKí Chittagong 25619111 - Project of Dhaka University Teachers 25619111 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wk¶K‡`i we‡`‡k cÖwk¶Y Overseas training programme 25619112 - Project for Khulna University Teachers 25619112 -Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wk¶K‡`i we‡`‡k cÖwk¶Y Overseas training programme 25619113 - Project for Academic & Infrastructural 25619113 -cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjqmg‡ni GKv‡WwgK Ges Development of the Public Universities AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb cÖKí 25619114 - Project for Capacity Building & Staff 25619114 -wek¦we`¨vjq gÄyix Kwgk‡bi K¨vcvwmwU we­wÛs GÛ ÷vd Development of UGC †W‡fjc‡g›U 25619115 - Procurement of Scientific equipment for 25619115 -4wU cvewjK wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wk¶v myweavw` DbœqbK‡í improvement of Educational Facilities in ˆeÁvwbK hšcvwZ msMÖn four public universities 25619116 - Establishment of an Education & 25619116 -Rvnv½xbMi wek¦we`¨vj‡q wk¶v I M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Research Institute in Jahangirnagar cÖwZôv University 25619117 - Repair & Renovation of the old buildings & 25619117 -PÆMÖvg, ivRkvnx, Lyjbv Ges XvKv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ other structures of CUET, RUET, KUET & wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cyivZb febvw` I Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vcbvmgn DUET †givgZ I ms¯‹vi 25619118 - Supplementary scheme for extension of 25619118 -‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i nj Students Halls & Admin. building of I cÖkvmwbK feb m¤•ÖmviY Noakhali Science & Technology University 25619119 - Development of Hajee Mohammad 25619119 -nvRx †gvnv¤§` `v‡bk weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb Danesh Science & Technology University 25619120 - Development of Mawlana Bhashani 25619120 -gvIjvbv fvmvbx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb Science & Technology University 25619121 - Development of Patuakhali Science & 25619121 -cUzqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb Technology University 25619122 - Development of Noakhali Science & 25619122 -‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb Technology University 25619123 - Development of National Poet Kazi Nazrul 25619123 -RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb Islam University 25619124 - Development of Chittagong Veterinary & 25619124 -PÆMÖvg †f‡Uwibvwi GÛ G¨vwb‡gj mvB‡Ým wek¦we`¨vjq animal Sciences University Dbœqb 25619125 - Repair & Renovation of the old buildings & 25619125 -cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjqmg–‡ni AwZ cyivZb ¯’vcbvw` †givgZ other structures of the public universities I ms¯‹vi (01/01/09 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619126 - Improvement of Grain Legumes through 25619126 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae †MÖBb wj¸gm _ª“ UªvÝdi‡gkb transformation (01/07/2007-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z| 25619128 - 25619128 -wek¦we`¨vjqmg–‡ni wk¶vi ¸YMZgvb Ges AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb 25619129 - Special Development of Dhaka University 25619129 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb 25619130 - Special Development of Dhaka University 25619130 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb 25619131 - Introduction of ICT Course in 25619131 -Bb‡UªvWvKkb Ae AvBwmwU †Kvm© Bb †cvó MÖvRy‡qU post-graduate colleges of Bangladesh K‡j‡Rm Ae evsjv ‡`k 25619132 - Special Development of Dhaka University 25619132 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) (3rd Phase) (01/01/09 - 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619133 - Introduction of ICT Course in 25619133 -B‡UªvWvKkb Ae AvBwmwU †Kvm© Bb †cvó MÖvRy‡qU post-graduate colleges of Bangladesh K‡j‡Rm Ae evsjv ‡`k 25619134 - Procurement of Scientific Equipment for 25619134 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae mvBbwUwdK BKzBc‡g›U di BgcÖ“f‡g›U Improvement of Education Facilities in the Ae GWy‡Kkb †dwmwjwUR Bb w` cvewjK BDwbf©vwmwUR Public Universities. (01/07/2008-30/06/2012)Abby‡gvw`Z|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25619135 - Introduction of ICT Course in 10 Post 25619135 -B‡bv‡fkb Ae AvB.wm.wU †Kvi‡mm Uy w` cvewjK Graduate Colleges (Pilot) BDwbf©vwmwU K‡jR (01/07/2008-30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z| 25619136 - BUET-JAPAN 25619136 -ey‡qU-Rvcvb Bbw÷wUDU Ae wWRv÷vi wcÖ‡fbkb GÛ Avievb †mdwU (ey‡qU-wRWcvm) (01/07/2008-30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z| 25619137 - Higher Education Quality Enhancement 25619137 -nvqvi GWy‡Kkb †KvqvwjwU Bbn¨v›m‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project (01/01/09 - 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619138 - Establishment of Pabna Science & 25619138 -cvebv weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq (01/01/09 - Technology University, Pabna 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619139 - Development of Public Universities 25619139 -cvewjK wek¦we`¨vjqmg–‡ni Dbœqb(01/01/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619140 - Creation of Infrastructural and Labratory 25619140 -cvuPwU cvewjK wek¦we`¨vj‡q bZzb wefvM PvjyKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ Facilities for Introducing New Departments AeKvVv‡gvMZ Ges j¨ve‡iUixi myweav m„wóKiY in Public Universities. 25619141 - Improvement Accademic and Research 25619141 -BgcÖzf‡g›U GKv‡Wwg GÛ wim©vP †KcvwmwU Ae e½eÜy Capacity of Bangabandhu Seihk Mujibur †kL gwReyi ingvb GwMªKvjPvivj BDwbfvwm©wU Rahman Agricultural University 25619142 - Establishment of Bangladesh University of 25619142 -evsjv‡`k BDwbfvwm©wU Ae cÖ‡dkbvjm(weBDwc) ¯’vcb Professionals (BUP) at mirpur Cantt (Phase) 25619143 - Special Project for Moderaization of 25619143 -‡¯•kvj cÖ‡R± di gWv©ivB‡Rkb Ad j¨ve‡iUix Laboratory Facility in the Dept. of d¨vwmwjwU Bb w` wWcvU© Ad †KwgmUªx Ad w` BDwbfvwm©wU Chemistry of the University of Chittagong, Ad wPUvMs 25619144 - Special Scheme for Further Development 25619144 -Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb of Khulna Univerity (01/07/10-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619145 - Special Development of Khulna University 25619145 -Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb of Engineering & Technology 25619146 - Special Project for increasing the 25619146 -evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡q QvÎx‡`i Avevmb myweav e„w×i accommodation facilities for the female j‡¶¨ cÖKí students of Bangladesh Agricultural Univeristy 25619147 - Shahajalal Science & Technology 25619147 -kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡q QvÎx nj wbg©vY University female Studant hall (01/07/10-31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619148 - Modernization Patuakhali Science & 25619148 -gW©vibvB‡Rkb Ae cUzqvLvjx mv‡qÝ GÛ †UK‡bwjwR Technology University Library Bywfvwm©wU jvB‡eªix 25619149 - Further Development of Sher-e-Bangla 25619149 -‡k‡ievsjv K„wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb Agricultural University (01/07/10-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619150 - Estublishment of Rangamati Science & 25619150 -iv½vgvwU weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦`¨vjq ¯’vcb Technology University 25619151 - Further Development of Islami University 25619151 -Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (01/01/11-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619152 - Establishment of Jagannath University 25619152 -RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase) (01/07/10-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619153 - Spcial Development of Bangabandhu 25619153 -e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Sheikh Mujibur Rahman agricultural Dbœqb (01/01/11-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z University 25619154 - Establishment of Information & 25619154 -kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AvBwmwU feb Communication Institute of ShahJalal wbg©vY (01/01/11-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z Science & Tachnology University 25619155 - Academic & Infrastructural Development of 25619155 -PÆMªvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gvMZ Chittagong University Dbœqb(01/01/11-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619156 - Spcial Development of Dhaka University - 25619156 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq) (4th Phase) (01/07/10-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619157 - Spcial Development of Khulna 25619157 -Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb Engineering & Tachnology University cÖKí 25619158 - Development of Sylhet Agricultural 25619158 -wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb-1g ch©vq University-1st Phase 25619159 - Development of Jessore Sciecce & 25619159 -h‡kvi weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb-1g ch©vq Technology University-1st Phase

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25619160 - Infrastrectural Development of Rajshahi 25619160 -ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb University 25619161 - Further Development of Jahangirnagar 25619161 -Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb University (01/07/10-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619162 - Development of stress tolerant peanut and 25619162 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †÷«m Ujv‡i›U wcbvU (Avivwcm Cowpea breeding lines using modern nvB‡cvwRqv Gj) weªwWs jvB›m BDwRs biotechnology gWvY©-ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq. XvKv (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619163 - Biotechnological Producaiton of Bacillus 25619163 -ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwRK¨vj †cÖvWvKkb Ae †ewmjvm thuringiensis Biopesticides for the Control w_Dwibhvq‡bvwmm ev‡qv‡cw÷mvBW di `¨v K‡›U«vj Ae of Major Vegetable Pests in Bangladesh †gRi †fwR‡Uej †c÷m Bb evsjv‡`k, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq, XvKv (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619164 - Improvement of Some Vegetable Species 25619164 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae mvg †fwR‡Uej †¯cwmm Ae of Cucurbitaceae Family through Breeding wKDKviwe‡Uwmqv d¨vwgwj _ª“ weªwWs GÛ and Biotechnological Approaches ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR†Kj G‡cÖv‡mm, ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq, ivRkvnx (01/03/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619165 - In Vitro Regeneration of Orchids for 25619165 -Bb wf‡U«v wi‡Rbv‡ikb Ae AwK©Wm di Kgv©mwkqvj Commercial Producation and †cÖvW«vKkb GÛ KbRvi‡fkb Ae Gb‡WbRvW© ‡¯cwmm, Conservation of Endangered Species evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq, gqgbwmsn (01/01/09 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619166 - Genctic improvement of teasle gourd 25619166 -‡R‡bwUK Bgcªyf‡g›U Ae wUmwj MvW© _ª“ through biotechnological approaches ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwRK¨vj G‡cÖv‡mm, evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq, gqgbwmsn (01/01/09 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619167 - Development of high yielding rice variety 25619167 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae nvB B‡qjwWs ivBm (AwiRv †mwUfv having gene of tolerant Gj) f¨vivBwU n¨vwfs wRb Ae Ujv‡i›U Ae G¨vev‡qvwUK w÷ª‡mm GÛ ÷vwW Ae †`qvi gwjwKDjvi GÛ †R‡bwUK g¨vKwKRg Ae G¨vev‡qvwU w÷ªm G¨vWv‡Kkb, PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq, PÆMÖvg (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619168 - Molecular Taxonomy and Barcoding of 25619168 -gwjKzjvi †U·‡bvwg GÛ wWGbG evi‡KvwWs Ae agromyzid leaf miner pests of Agricultural G‡MªvgvBwRW wjd gvBbvi †c÷m Ae GwMªKvjPvivj † corps and their contorl by natural enemies µvcm GÛ †`qvi K‡›U«vj evB b¨vPvivj Gwbwgm Bb in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k, PÆMÖvg wek¦ve`¨vjq, PÆMÖvg (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619169 - Evaluation of fruit germplasm available in 25619169 -Bfvjy‡qkb Ae d«yU Rvg© cЭvRg G‡fB‡jej Ab `¨v the southwestern region of Bangladesh mvD_-I‡q÷vb© wiwRqb Ae evsjv‡`k Bb w` †ewmm Ae †`qvi wdwRI †KwgK¨vj K¨v‡iKwUKwUm GÛ †R‡bwUK †fwi‡qwewjwU evB i¨vbWg G¨vgwc­dvBW cwjgiwdqv wWGbG (AviGwcwW) G¨vbvjvBwmm, Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq, Lyjbv (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619170 - Carbon sequestration, salt tolerance and 25619170 -Kve©b wm‡Kv‡qm‡U«kb, më Ujv‡i›m GÛ †Mªv_ Ae `¨v growth of the major timber species of the †gRi wU¤¦vi w¯c‡mm Ae w` my›`ieb g¨vb‡Mªvf d‡i÷ mangrove forest and their GÛ †`qvi †i÷‡ikb †cÖvm‡c±vm Bb w` Kb‡U·U Ae restoration prospects in the K¬vB‡gU †PBÄ, Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq, Lyjbv (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619171 - Multiplication and conservation of 25619171 -gvwëwc­‡Kkb GÛ KbRvi‡fkb Ae Gb‡WbRvW© wU« endangered tree species of Sundarbans (RvB‡jvKvicvm Mªv‡bUvg) ‡¯cwmm Ae my›`i eb mangrove forest g¨vb‡Mªvf d‡i÷ _ª“ gvB‡µv‡cÖvcv‡Mkb †UKwbK GÛ †`qvi †cÖvm‡c± Bb †i‡÷v‡ikb †cÖvMÖvg Bb w` †Kv÷vj †Rvb Ae evsjv‡`k, Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq, Lyjbv (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619172 - Detection of enterovirulent Eschrichia 25619172 -wW‡UKkb Ae G›UvifvB‡iv‡j›U Bmwµwmqv Kwjm‡UªB›m Colistrains by a sensitive and versatile evB G †mbwmwUf GÛ fvi‡mUvBj gvwë‡c­· cwjgvm© multiplex Polymerase chain reaction †PBb wiqvK©kb (wcwmAvi) wm‡÷g Bb wkÖ¤• dvg©m, Lyjbv system in shrimp farms wek¦we`¨vjq, Lyjbv (01/03/09 - 28/02/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25619173 - Molecular Detection of Bacterial and 25619173 -gwjwKDjvi wW‡UKkb Ae e¨vK‡Uwiqvj GÛ dvsMvj Fungal Diseases of Freshwater Fish and wWwR‡mm Ae Kvc© GÛ K¨vUwdm GÛ nvievj wU«U‡g›U di Herbal Treatment for Remedy of the wi‡gwW Ae w` wWwR‡mm, kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Diseases wek¦we`¨vjq, wm‡jU (01/03/09 - 28/02/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 2571-2580 - Other Educational Services 2571-2580 -Ab¨vb¨ wk¶v mnvqK cªwZôvb 2571 - Education Engineering Department 2571 -wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi 25710000 - Education Engineering Department 25710000 -wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25710003 - Program for Repair and Rehabilitation of 25710003 -miKvix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b †givgZ I cbe©vmb Kg©mPx Govt Educational Institute 25710005 - Program for Repair and rehabilitation of 25710005 -‡emiKvix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b †givgZ I cbe©vmb Kg©mPx Non-Govt. Educational Institute 25710007 - Program for Repair and Rehabilitation of 25710007 -KvwiMix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b †givgZ I cbe©vmb Kg©mPx Technical Educationa Institution 25714729 - L 25714729 -l 25715010 - Development of Shake Hasina Girls high 25715010 -†kL nvwmbv evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq I K‡jR †MvcvjMÄ Gi school and college Dbœqb (01/07/2011-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 25715011 - Devolopment of Non-Govt.Secondary 25715011 -XvKv, PU«Mªvg, ivRkvnx, Lyjbv, wm‡jU, Kzwgj­v, bvivqbMÄ Schools of I ewikvj gnvbMixi †emiKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg–‡ni Dhaka,Chittagong,Rajshahi,Khulna,Sylhet, Dbœqb cÖKí Comilla,Narayangonj & Barisal Metropolitan Cities. 25715012 - Vartical Extension of Academic Building of 25715012 -wewfbœ cÖK‡íi AvIZvq wbwg©Z †emiKvwi gva¨wgK Selected Non. Goverment Secondary we`¨vjqmg–‡ni GKv‡WwgK fe‡bi DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ÖmviY Schools in Different Project. kxl©K cÖKí 25715013 - Construction of National Training Academy 25715013 -evsjv!`k b¨vkbvj K¨v!WU Kvi (weGbwmwm) Gi RvZxq for BNCC at Baipail, Savar, Dhaka. cÖwk¶Y GKv!WgxK feb wbg©vY cÖKí| 25715014 - Vertical Extension of the Existing Building 25715014 -wbe©vwPZ emiKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg!ni DשgyLx Constructed in defferent projects of m¤•ªmviY kxl©K cÖKí| selected Non-govt.secondary schools. 25715015 - Construction of 500 Beded Female Hostel 25715015 -mLxcyi gwnjv K!j!Ri e½gvZv dwRjvZy!bœQv wUb!kW Building at Sakhipur Residential College, QvÎx wbev!mi ¯’!j 500 Avmb wewkó QvÎx wbevm wbg©vY Sakhipur upzilla, Tangail. cÖKí| 25715016 - Establishment of of Agricultural College at 25715016 -Lyjbvi cvBKMvQvq GKwU K…wl K!jR ¯’vcb cÖKí Paikgacha of Khulna District 25715017 - Enhancing the Learning Environment of 25715017 -wbe©©vwPZ gv`ªvmvmgy‡n eb¨v Avkªq‡K›`ª -Kvg-GKv‡WwgK Selected Madrashas in Bangladesh. feb wbg©vbÔÔ kxl©K cÖKí| 25715018 - Construction of 500 beded female hostel 25715018 -mLxcyi AvevwmK gwnjv K‡j‡Ri e½gvZv dwRjvZy‡bœQv building at Sakhipur residential mohila 500 Avmb wewkó QvÎx wbevm cÖKí College 25715019 - Establishment of Paikgacha Agriculture 25715019 -cvBKMvQv K…wl K‡jR ¯’vcb, Lyjbv College, Khulna. (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 25715020 - Infrastrycture Development of Sheikh 25715020 -‡kL nvwmbv GKv†Wwg A¨vÛ DB†gb K‡jR,KvjwKwb, Hasina Academy & Womens College, gv`vixcyi-Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Kalkeni Upazilla, Madaripur District. (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) approved 25715021 - Strengthening of Education Engineering 25715021 -m`i `ßi I †Rjv Kvh©vjq ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g wk¶v cÖ Department by Establishing Head Quarter ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKiY and District Offices (01/01/14-31/12/16) (01/01/14-31/12/2016) 25716500 - 25716500 - 25717040 - 25717040 - 25717050 - selected nongovernment college 25717050 -wbe©vwPZ ‡emiKvwi K‡jRmg–‡ni GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25717060 - Dhaka city 25717060 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z 5wU I Ab¨vb¨ 5wU wefvMxq kn‡i 5wUmn †gvU 10wU wbe©vwPZ miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q D”Pgva¨wgK †kªYx PvjyKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ AeKvVv‡gvMZ myy‡hvMmyyweav e„„w× (01/01/2005 - 30/06/2007) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25717070 - Residential college 25717070 -‡iwm‡Ww›mqvj K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹yyj,dyyjZjv (Avi,wm,Gm,wc) Lyjbv Gi Dbœqb cÖKí (1-7-04 - 30-6-07) Abyy‡gvw`Z 25717071 - 25717071 -wbev©wPZ gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi AvaywbK Uq‡jU I Av‡m©wbKgy³ cvwb mieiv‡ni e¨e¯’v MÖnb cÖKí 25717073 - 25717073 -wbev©wPZ †emiKvix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi mxgvbv cÖvPxi I †nv‡ ój wbgv©b| 25717074 - 25717074 -‡`‡ki mKj miKvix K‡j‡Ri AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí| 25717075 - 25717075 -wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߆ii †Rjv I Dc‡Rjv Awdm ¯’vcbmn wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi kw³kvjx Kib cÖKí|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25717077 - 25717077 -Bmjvgx Dbœqb K¨vs‡Ki mnvqZvq wbev©wPZ gv`ªvmv mg–‡ni cybtwbgv©b I m¤•Ömvib cÖKí| 25717080 - Secondary and Higher Secondary 25717080 -gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b eb¨v cybe©vmb Kvh©µg (01/07/2005 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 25717081 - 25717081 -wbev©wPZ †emiKvix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí ¡| 25717082 - 25717082 -uwbev©wPZ †emiKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mg–‡n GKv‡WwgK feb wbgv©b cÖKí| 25717084 - 25717084 -ivó«cwZ cÖ‡dmi Wt BqvR DÏxb Avn‡g` †iwm‡WwÝqvj g‡Wj ¯‹zj I K‡jR ¯’vcb 25717090 - President 25717090 -ivóªcwZ cÖ‡dmi Wt BqvR DwÏb Avn‡g` †iwm‡WwÝqvj g‡Wj ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25717100 - Development of Residential Model College 25717100 -XvKv †iwm‡Ww›mqvj g‡Wj K‡jR I ivRDK DËiv g‡Wj and Rajuk Uttara Model College K‡jR Dbœqb (01/01/10 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/10-30/06/11) Approved. 25718000 - 25718000 -wewfbœ wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b DuPy fx‡Zi Dci eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª wnmv‡e e¨eüZ GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25718010 - Further Reconstruction of Selected 25718010 -BmjvwgK Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki mnvqZvq wbe©vwPZ gv`ªvmvmg‡ni Madrashas Under the Assistance of cybtwbg©vY m¤•ªmviY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/06-31/12/07) Approved. 25718020 - 25718020 -Lyjbv †bŠevwnbx we`¨vjq‡K D”P gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q DbœxZKiY kxl©K cÖKí (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25718030 - 25718030 -Lyjbv cvewjK K‡jR Dbœqb (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 25718040 - Selected Non-Government 25718040 -wbe©vwPZ †emiKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg–‡ni GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 25718041 - 25718041 -B‡Wb gwnjv K‡j‡R 1000 Avmb wewkó QvÎxwbevm wbg©vY kxl©K cÖKí 25718042 - Construction of 1000 Beded Women 25718042 -B‡Wb gwnjv K‡j‡R 1000 Avmb wewkó QvÎxwbevm wbg©vY Hostel of Eden Women College kxl©K cÖKí 25718043 - Construction of Academic Building in 25718043 -wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix gv`ªvmv mg–‡n GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vb Selected Non-Govt. Madrasha kxl©K cÖKí 25718044 - Eatablishment of Higher Secondary Model 25718044 -‡`‡ki cÖwZwU †Rjvq GKwU K‡i Dc-†Rjvq GKwU D”P School at Selected One Upazila in Every gva¨wgK we`¨vjq ¯’vcb cÖKí District 25718045 - Establishment of Higher Secondary Model 25718045 -AvBwWwei Avw_©K mnvqZvq wbe©vwPZ 15wU †Rjvq I School at Selected 15 Upazila in 15 District wbe©vwPZ 15wU Dc‡Rjvq D”Pgva¨wgK g‡Wj we`¨vjq under the assistance of Islamic ¯’vcb cÖKí Development Bank (IDB) 25718046 - Development of 4 Selected Govt. 25718046 -Pxb miKv‡ii mnvqZvq 4wU wbe©vwPZ miKvix gva¨wgK Secondary School Assistant of China Govt. we`¨vjq Dbœqb cÖKí 25718047 - Establishment of 6 Madrasha in 6 25718047 -AvBwWwei Avw_©K mnvqZvq wbe©vwPZ 6wU †Rjv kn‡i 6wU Divisions under the assistance of Islamic g‡Wj gv`ªvmv ¯’vcb cÖKí Development Bank (IDB) 25718048 - Capacity buildup and strenghtening of 25718048 -wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii †Rjv I Dc‡Rjv Awdm ¯’vcb Educational Engineering Department Ges wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii kw³kvjxKiY 25718049 - Construction of Modern Sanitary Latrene 25718049 -wbe©vwPZ gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q AvaywbK Uq‡jU I and Supply of Arsenic free water to Av‡m©wbKgy³ cvwb mieiv‡ni e¨e¯’vKiY selected Secondary School 25718050 - Construction of boundary wall & Hostel 25718050 -wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi mxgvbv cÖvPxi I †nv‡ Building to selected Non-Govt. Secondary ój feb wbg©vY Institutions 25718051 - Further development of Non-Govt. 25718051 -wbe©vwPZ †e-miKvix gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi AwaKZi Secondary Educational Institutions Dbœqb 25718052 - Further development of all Govt. College 25718052 -‡`‡ki mKj miKvix K‡j‡Ri AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí 25718053 - Construction of Academic Buidling to 25718053 -wbev©PZ †emiKvix gv`ªvmv mg‡ni GKv‡WwgK feb wbgv©Y selected Non. Govt. Madrashas.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25718054 - Construction of Cyclone 25718054 -wmW‡i m¤cY© wea¡¯’ wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b mvB‡K¬vb †mëvi shelter-cum-Academic Building to fully Kvg-GKv‡WwgK feb wbgv©Y cÖKí| damaged Educational Institution by SIDR. 25718055 - Capacity buildup and strengthening of 25718055 -wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii †Rjv Awdm ¯’vcbmn wk¶v cÖ Educational Engineerign Department ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi kw³kvjxMiY cÖKí| through establishment of District Office. 25718056 - "Establishment of President Prof. 25718056 -Ôivó«cwZ cÖ‡dmi W. BqvRDwÏb Avn‡g` †iwm‡Ww›mqvj Dr. Residential Model g‡Wj ¯‹yj GÛ K‡jR ¯’vcbÕ (2q ch©vq) School And College" (2nd phase) 25718057 - Further Development of Govt. Secondary 25718057 -mKj miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb Schools. cÖKí| 25718058 - Construction of Boundary wall to selected 25718058 -cix¶v †K›`«mn wbev©wPZ gva¨wgK evwjKv we`¨vj‡q mxgvbv girls Secondary Schools including cÖvPxi wbgv©Y Examination Center. 25718059 - developmemt of physical infrastructure to 25718059 -wbev©wPZ †emiKvix K‡jR mgy‡n †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv selected Non-Govt. Colleges DbœqbÕÕ kxl©K cÖKí| 25718060 - Provinding Boundary wals to the selected 25718060 -wbev©wPZ †emiKvix gva¨wgK evwjKv wk¶v cÖwZôvb Ges Non-Govt. Female educationals & cix¶v‡K›`ª wnmv‡e e¨eüZ wbev©wPZ †e-miKvix wk¶v Selected Non Govt. Examination Centre. cÖwZôv‡b mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbgv©bÕÕ gxl©K cÖKí| 25718061 - Construction of Cyclone shelter-cum 25718061 -mgy`ª DcK‚j GjvKvq mvB‡K¬vb †mëvi Kvg- GKv‡WwgK Academic building in coastal belt. feb wbgv©bÕÕkxl©K cÖKí| 25718062 - Strengthening of Education Engineering 25718062 -wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii †Rjv Dc-†Rjv Awdm Department Through Establishment ¯’vcbmn wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii kw³kvjx Kib District & Upa-Zilla Offices cÖKí| 25718063 - Construction of Academic building of 25718063 -wbev©wPZ gv`ªvmv mgy‡n GKv‡WwZK feb wbgv©b cÖKí| Selected Madrasha. 25718064 - Dedelopment of RAJUK Uttara Model 25718064 -ivRDK DËiv g‡Wj K‡jR Dbœqb College. 25718065 - Development of Dhaka Residential Model 25718065 -XvKv †iwm‡WwÝqvj g‡Wj K‡jR Dbœqb College. 25718066 - Development of Guide House at 25718066 -evsjv‡`k Mvj© MvBW G¨v‡mvwm‡qk‡bi MvBW nvDR Dbœqb Bangladesh Girl Guide Association, Dhaka 25718067 - Development of Selected Non-Govt. 25718067 -wbev©wPZ †e-miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmgy‡ni Dbœqb Secondary School. 25718068 - Construction of new Academic building & 25718068 -wm‡jU †Rjvi weqvbxevRvi Dc‡Rjvaxb cÂLÛ ni‡Mvwe›` Internal road with supply of furniture to DžP we`¨vj‡qi GKwU GKv‡WwgK feb I Af¨šixb iv¯v Panchakhondo Horogobindo High Schook, wbgv©bmn vmevecÎ mieivn| Bianybazar, Sylhet. 25718069 - Development of Dhaka Residential Model 25718069 -XvKv †iwm‡W›mqvj g‡Wj K‡jR I ivRDK DËiv g‡Wj College and RAJUK Uttara Model College. K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí| 25718070 - Development of Physical Infrastructure to 25718070 -uwbev©wPZ †e-miKvix K‡jR mg‡n †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv selected Non-Government Colleges. DbœqbÔ kxl©K cÖKí| 25718071 - Strengthening of Education Engineering 25718071 -wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii cªavb Kvh©vjq, wefvMxq I Department Through Establishment of †Rjv Awdm ¯’vcbmn wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi EED Head Office, Division & District Level kw³kvjxKiYÔ kxl©K cÖKí| Offices. 25718072 - Construction of Academic Building to 25718072 -uwbev©wPZ gv`ªvmvmg‡n GKv‡WwgK feb wbgv©bÔ kxl©K delected Non-Govt. Madrasha. cÖKí| 25718073 - Development of Guide House of 25718073 -evsjv‡`k Mvj© MvBWm G‡mvwm‡qk‡bi MvBW nvDm Ges Bangladesh Girl Guides Association and Kvwjqv‰K‡ii ev‰ocvov¯’ Mvj© MvBWm K¨v‡¤ži DbœqbÔ Baraipara Girl Guide's Camp at Kaliakoir. kxl©K cÖKí| 25718074 - Development of Physical Infrastructure of 25718074 -wbev©wPZ †emiKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg‡ni †fŠZ Selected Non-Govt, Secondary Schools. AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí| 25718075 - Infrastructure Development of Non-Govt. 25718075 -wbev©wPZ AbMªmi Dc‡Rjv mg‡n †emiKvix gva¨wgK Secondary School at selected Under wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí| Served Upazila's. 25718076 - Development of Selected Non-Govt. 25718076 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvaxb †KvUvjxcvov I Uy½xcvov Dc‡Rjvi School of Kotalipara & Tungipara under wbev©wPZ we`¨vjqmg‡ni Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí| Gopalgonj District.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25718077 - Development of Physical Infrastructure to 25718077 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Uy½xcvov I †KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjvq selected Govt. & Non-Govt. Colleges of wbev©wPZ miKvix I †emiKvix K‡jR mg‡n †fŠZ Tungipara & Kotalipara Upazilla under AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí| Gopalgonj District. 25718078 - Development of Physical Infrastructure to 25718078 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Uy½xcvov I †KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjvq delected Non-Govt. Madrashas of wbev©wPZ †emiKvix gv`ªvmvmg‡n †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Tungipara & Kotalipara Upazilla under kxl©K cÖKí| Gopalgonj District. 25718079 - Development of M.C. College, Sylhet. 25718079 -wm‡jU Gg,wm K‡jR Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí| 25718080 - Development of Mohammadpur Kendriya 25718080 -†gvnv¤§`cyi †K›`ªxq K‡jR, jvjgvwUqv gwnjv K‡jR I college, Lalmatia Mohila College and AvMviMuvI ZvjZjv miKvix K‡jvbx nvB ¯‹zj I K‡jR Agargoan Talyala Govt. Colony High wbgv©b cÖKí| School & College Project. 25718081 - Construction of cyclone shalter cum 25718081 -wBmjvwg Dbœqb e¨vsK Gi mn‡hvwMZvq mgy`ª DcKzj Academic Building Selected Educational GjvKvq wbev©wPZ wk¶v cÖwZôvbmgy‡n mvB‡K¬vb †mëvi Institution in the coastal area under Kvg GKv‡WwgK feb wbgv©b kxl©K cÖKí| Islamic Development Bank(IDB). 25718082 - Construction of New Academic building to 25718082 -Ôwbev©wPZ wk¶v cÖwZôvbmgy‡n (miKvix I †emiKvix) selected (Govt & Non-Govt.) educational A‡K‡Rv feb Acmvib c~e©K b~Zb GKv‡WwgK feb wbgv©b institution by Replacement of old damaged kxl©K cÖKí| building. 25718083 - Construction of mother Language & 25718083 -ÔmgMÖ †`‡ki †Rjv Dc-‡Rjvq bev©wPZ wk¶v Liberation War Research Center to cÖwZôvbmgy‡n gvZ…fvlv I gyw³hy× M‡elbvMvi †mëvi Selected Educational Institution at wbgv©b kxl©K cÖKí| Zila/Upa-Zila Level in throughout the Country 25718084 - Construction of Flood shelter 25718084 -Ôwek¦ e¨vs‡Ki AvIZvq mgMÖ evsjv‡`k wk¶v cÖwZôvb cum-Academic building to selected mgy‡n eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª Kvg-GKv‡WwgK feb wbgv©b educational institution of all over kxl©K cÖKí| Bangladesh under world Bank. 25718085 - Transfortation of existing non-govt.Schools 25718085 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q 306wU gva¨wgK ¯‹zj‡K g‡Wj ¯‹z‡j in selected 306 upzila head quater. DbœwZ KiY cÖKí| 25718086 - Development of Girls 25718086 -‡k_ nvwmbv DžP evwjKv we`¨vjq I K‡jR (†MvcvjMÄ) School & College At Gopalgonj. Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí| 25718087 - Construction of incomplete work of the 25718087 -‡`‡ki cÖwZwU _vbvq †emiKvix wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b project intruduction of S.S.C (Vocational) GmGmwm(†fv‡Kkbvj) †Kvm©cÖeZ©b kxl©K cÖK‡íi Cource in selected non- Govt.Educations Amgvß KvR mgvß Kib| in all Upa-Zila. 25718088 - Farther Development of Military Collegiate 25718088 -wgwjUvix K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹yj dzjZjv, Lyjbvi(cÖv³b School(Former RCSP) Phultala, Khulna. vcwmGmwc) AwaKZi Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí| 25718089 - Farther Development of Khulna Public 25718089 -Lyjbv cvewjK K‡j‡Ri AwaKZi Dbœqb kl©K cÖKí College. 25718090 - Development of Non-Govt. Secondary 25718090 -pvKv I PU«Mªvg gnvbMixi †emiKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq School in Dhaka & Chitagong Metro mgy‡ni Dbœqb Politon Cities 25718091 - Development of Non-Govt. Secondary 25718091 -pvKv I PU«Mªvg gnvbMixi †emiKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq School in Dhaka & Chitagong Metro mgy‡ni Dbœqb Politon Cities 25718092 - Enhancement the Learning Environment of 25718092 -G¨vbn¨vbm‡gbU w` jvwY©s GbfvqiY‡gbU Ae wm‡jKUW Selected Madrasa in Bangladesh ( gv`ªvmv Bb evsjv‡`k (01/04/2013 – 30/06/2015) 01/04/2013-30/06/2015) Approved 2573 - Directorate of Inspection and Audit 2573 -cwi`k©b I wbix¶v Awa`ßi 25730000 - Directorate of Inspection and Audit 25730000 -cwi`k©b I wbix¶v Awa`ßi 2575 - Institute of Distance Education 2575 -`i wk¶Y cªwZôvb 25750000 - Institute of Distance Education 25750000 -`i-wk¶Y cªwZôvb 2577 - National Academy for Education Management 2577 -RvZxq wk¶v e¨e¯’vcbv GKv‡Wwg 25770000 - National Academy for Education 25770000 -RvZxq wk¶v e¨ve¯’cbv GKv‡Wwg (bv‡qg) Management 25775010 - ICT in Education Survey 25775010 -wk¶vq Z_¨ †hMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ Rwic

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25775011 - Two Regional Project RAEM under NAEM 25775011 -bv†qg Gi Aax‡b `ywU AvÂwjK cÖ‡R±, iv‡qg 25775020 - Reconstruction of National Academy for 25775020 -RvZxq wk¶v e¨e¯’vcbv GKv‡Wwg cybM©Vb (bv‡qg) Education Management (NAEM) 25775021 - Human Resource Development 25775021 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí 25775022 - Strengthening NAEM for Quality Education 25775022 -¸bMZ wk¶vi j‡¶¨ bv‡qg kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 25775023 - Training Quality Development 25775023 -cÖwk¶Y gvb Dbœqb cÖKí 25775024 - Eastablishment of NAEM Regional 25775024 -AvÂwjK wk¶v e¨ve¯’vcbv GKv‡Wgx ¯’vcb cÖKí| Centers Project 25775025 - Establishment if Two Regional Academies 25775025 -2wU AvÂwjK wk¶v e¨e¯’vcbv GKv‡Wgx ¯’vcb (iv‡qg) for Educational Management (RAEM) cÖKí Project 2579 - Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics 2579 -evsjv‡`k wk¶v Z_¨ I cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv 25790000 - Bureau of Educational Information and 25790000 -evsjv‡`k wk¶v Z_¨ I cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡iv Statistics 25790001 - Eslablishment of Bangladesh Korea ICT 25790001 -evsjv‡`k-†Kvwiqv AvBwmwU †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Centre for Education (BKICTCE) (we‡KAvBwmwUwmB) 25790002 - Strenthening of National Database and 25790002 -wk¶v cÖwZôvb Rwic-2007 Gi gva¨‡g RvZxq †WUv‡eR GIS Info Maps through Educational Ges wRAvBGm ¯‹zj g¨vwcs kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Institution Syrvey-2007 and Capacity Building of BANBEIS 25795003 - Establishement of Bangladesh-Korea ICT 25795003 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k-†Kvwiqv AvBwmwU †Uªwbs Training Centre for Education (BKITCE) †m›Uvi di GWz‡Kkb (we‡KAvBwUwmB) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) 25795004 - Strengthening of Statistics Services of 25795004 -‡÷ªb‡`wbs Ae G÷vwUmwUK¨vj mvwf©‡mm Ae †eBb‡eBm BANBEIS through Educational Surveys, †_ªv GWz‡Kkbvj m‡f©m, gwbUwis GÛ Bf¨vjy‡qkb, wimvP© Monitoring & Evaluation, Research and GÛ †UªBwbs Training. 25795005 - Human Resource Development for 25795005 -wng¨vb wi‡mvm© †W‡fjc‡g›U di K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Af capacity Building of Officials from BANBEIS Awdwmqvjm d«g e¨vb‡eBm GÛ GgIB and MoE. 25795006 - Restructuring of BANBES through 25795006 -wi÷ªvKPvwis Ae e¨vb‡eBm †_ªv G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wdì Establishment of Field Offices Awd‡mm 25795010 - ICT in Education Survey 25795010 -wk¶vq Z_¨ †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ msµvš Rwic(01/07/2012-30/06/2013) Abby!gvw`Z 25795011 - Stablishment of Bangladesh 25795011 -÷vewj÷‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k-†Kvwiqv AvBwmwU †Uªwbs †m›Uvi di GWz‡Kkb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) 25795012 - Automation of Library & Documentation 25795012 -A‡Uv‡gkb Ae jvB‡eªix GÛ WKz‡g‡›Ukb mvwf©m GÛ Services and Establishment of Information Góvewjk‡g›U Ae Bbdi‡gkb †bUIqvK© wm‡÷g DBZ Network System with AM©vbvB‡Rkb/BbwówUDkb AvÛvi wgwbwó« Ae GWz‡Kkb organizations/Institutions under Ministry of Educa 25795013 - "Strenghtening of BANBEIS Research Unit" 25795013 -e¨vb‡eBm wimvP© BDwbU kw³kvjxKiY 25795014 - Enhancement of ICT Training Programme 25795014 -Bb‡n݇g›U Ae AvBwmwU †Uªwbs †cÖvMÖvg Bb in BKITCE, BANBEIS we‡KAvBwUwmB, e¨vb‡eBm 25795015 - Establishment of Upazila ICT 25795015 -B÷vewj‡g›U Ae Dc‡Rjv AvBwmwU †Uªwbs/wi‡mvm© †m›Uvi Training/Resource Center for Education di GWz‡Kkb (UICTTCE) 25795016 - Secondary School Drop out Survey(SSDS) 25795016 -†m‡KÛvwi ¯‹yj W«c AvDU mv‡f© (GmGmwWGm) (01/07/09 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 25795017 - Establishment of Upzila ICT Training and 25795017 -G÷vewj÷‡g›U Ae Dc‡Rjv AvBwmwU †U«wbs GÛ wi‡mvP© Resource Centre for Education (UITRCE) †m›Uvi di GWy‡Kkb(BDAvBwUAviwmB) 25795018 - Enhancement of ICT Training in BKITCE, 25795018 -Gb‡n›m‡g›U Ae AvBwmwU †U«wbs Bb evsjv‡`k-†Kvwiqv BANBEIS Strengthening EMIS Network of AvB. wm. wU. ‡U«wbs †m›Uvi di GWy‡Kkb (we. †K. AvB. MOE wU. wm. B), e¨vb‡eBm GÛ ‡÷«s‡`wbs GWy‡Kkbvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g ( B. Gg. AvB. Gm) †bUIqvK© Ae wgwb÷« Ae GWy‡Kkb (01/07/09-30/06/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z| 25795019 - Library of Documentation Service 25795019 -jvB‡eªix Ae WKz‡g‡›Ukb mvwf©m A‡Uv‡gkb GÛ Automation and Networking (LIBNET) †bUIqvK© wje‡bU)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25795020 - Survey on school age population and 25795020 -mv‡f©Ab ¯‹yj GR cycy‡jkb GÛ wW‡Rej ÷y‡W›Um A¨vU Disable students at selected areas in wm‡jK‡UW Gwiqvm Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 25795021 - Bangladesh Education Lonitudinal 25795021 -evsjv‡`k jswMPywWb¨vj wk¶v mgx¶v Rwic Study(BELS) (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Abby!gvw`Z 25795022 - Modernization of Libraries in Education 25795022 -evsjv‡`‡ki wk¶v‡¶‡Î jvB‡eªix AvaywbKxKiY t Sector in Bangladesh : Koha-Greenstone †Kvnv-Mªxb‡óvb BbwU‡Mª‡‡UW jvB‡eªix wm‡÷g Gi gva¨‡g Integrated Library System . jvBeªixi Dbœqb (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Abby!gvw`Z 2596-2598 - Development Programme Financed by 2596-2598 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 2596 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 2596 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 25960000 - Block Allocation 25960000 -‡_vK eiv× 25964300 - Construction of 4th & 5th Floor of Old 25964300 -PÆMªvg †f‡Uwibvwi I Gwbg¨vj mvB‡›mm wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Academic Building and 4th Floor of New cyivZb GKv‡WwgK fe‡bi 5g I 6ô Zjv wbg©vY Ges Academic Building of Chittagong bZyb GKv‡WwgK fe‡bi 5g Zjv wbg©vY Veterinary and Animal Science University 25964301 - Single Accommodation for Female 25964301 -cUyqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡q Kg©iZ gwnjv Teacher's & Officer's of Patuakhali Science wk¶K I Kg©KZv©‡`i Rb¨ WiwgUix wbg©vY and Technology University 25964302 - Programme for Development of Noakhali 25964302 -‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb Kg©mPx Science & Technology University 25964303 - Construction of a Market Complex and 25964303 -Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq K¨v¤žv‡m gv‡K©U Kg‡c­• I †K›`«xq Completion of Incomplete works of Central gmwR‡`i Amgvß KvR mgvß KiY Mosque of Khulna University 25964304 - Extantion of the 2nd block of Academic 25964304 -kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cÖkvmb fe‡bi Building, Guest House, Damage wing of 2q e­K, AwZw_ feb, 1g wk¶v fe‡bi 1g e­‡Ki ¶wZMª¯’ 1st block of 1st Academic building, work DBs. IqvK©kc I †K›`«xq M¨v‡i‡Ri m¤žmviY Kg©mPx Shop and Central Garage of Sahaj 25964305 - Extantion of Academic & Physical Facilities 25964305 -PÆMªvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wk¶K I wk¶v_x©‡`i Rb¨ for Teacher's & Student of the Chittagong GKv‡WwgK I †fŠZ myweavw` Dbœqb University 25964306 - Construction of Auditoriam, Establishment 25964306 -wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨v‡qi AwWUwiqvg wbg©vY, †mvjvb of Solar Panel, Internal Boundary Wall, c¨v‡bj ¯’vcb, Af¨šixY mxgvbv cÖvPxi, Af¨šixY moK, Internal Road, Semi Paka Market and AvavcvKv gv‡K©U wbg©vY Ges wewea †givgZ I ms¯‹vi Others Renovation & Rehabilitati 25964307 - Construction of Begum Fazilatunnesa 25964307 -XvKv wek¦we`¨v‡qi †eMg dwRjvZy‡bœQv gywRe n‡ji I Muzib Hall & Amor Ekushe Hall at Dhaka Agi GKz‡k n‡ji 6ô Zjv wbg©vY University 25964308 - Establishment of National Energy and 25964308 -evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨v‡qi RvZxq R¡vjvbx I Environment Institute at BUET cwi‡ek Bbw÷wUDU cÖwZôv Kg©mPx 25964309 - Construction of 200 Bed Student Hall at 25964309 -ev‡MinvU †Rjvi ivgcvj Dc‡Rjvaxb my›`ieb wWMÖx Sundarban Degree Mohila College, gwnjv K‡j‡Ri 200 kh¨vi QvÎxwbevm wbg©vY KvR Rampal, Bagerhat 25964310 - Development of Noakhali Science and 25964310 -†bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb Technology University 25964311 - Construction of 5th floor (on the 4th floor) 25964311 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †eMg dwRjvZy‡bœQv gywRe n‡ji I of the Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib Hall Agi GKz‡k n‡ji (5g Zjvi Dci) 6ô Zjv wbg©vY and the Amar Equshe Hall of the University kxl©K Kg©mwP of Dhaka 25964312 - Construction of Bangamata 25964312 -Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vj‡q e½gvZv dwRjvZy‡bœQv gywRe Fazilatunnessa Mujib Hall at Jahangir nj wbg©vY kxl©K Kg©mwP Nagar University 25964313 - Establishment of 24 Kilowatts Solar Panel 25964313 -B‡Wb gwnjv K‡j‡R 1000 Avmb wewkó QvÎxwbev‡m 24 in 1000 seated Girls Hostel in Eden Girl's wK‡jvIqvU †mvjvi c¨v‡bj Kg©mwP College 25964314 - Construction of 100 Beded Student Hall at 25964314 -mybvgMÄ †Rjvi RvgvjMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb RvgvjMÄ wWMªx Jamalgonj Degree College, Jamalgonj , K‡j‡R 100 kh¨v wewkó QvÎvevm wbg©vY KvR, RvgvjMÄ, Sunamgonj mybvgMÄ kxl©K Kg©mwP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25964315 - Construction of 100 Beded Student Hall at 25964315 -RvgvjMÄ evwjKv D”P we`¨vj‡q 100 kh¨v wewkó Jamalgonj Girl's High School, Jamalgonj, QvÎxwbevm wbg©vY KvR, RvgvjMÄ, mybvgMÄ kxl©K Kg©mwP Sunamgonj 25964316 - Construction of 50 Seated Student Hall at 25964316 -ewikvj †Rjvi eveyMÄ Dc‡Rjvi Aveyj Kvjvg wWMªx Abul Kalam Degree College, Babugonj, K‡j‡Ri 50 kh¨v wewkó QvÎvevm wbg©vY KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Barisal Kg©mwP 25964317 - Re-construction of Hostel Building and 25964317 -AwMœKv‡Û ¶wZMª¯’ wm‡jU miKvwi Gg,wm K‡j‡Ri Repair-Renovation of Existing Hostel QvÎvevm cybtwbg©vY Ges we`¨gvb cyivZb QvÎvev‡mi Building and Repair-Renovation Existing ‡givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP Hostel Building at Govt. M.C. College, Sylhet Destroyed by Fire 25964318 - Construction of 3 Storied Academic 25964318 -AvBwWqvj ¯‹yj GÛ K‡j‡R 10 Zjv fx‡Zi Dci 03 Building on 10-Storied Foundation Zjv GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY KvR XvKv kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 25964319 - Construction of 50 Seated Student Hall at 25964319 -‡fvjv †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi †fvjv miKvwi Bhola Govt. Fazilatunnesa Mohila College, dwRjvZyb‡bœQv gwnjv Sadar, Bhola K‡jR-Gi 50 kh¨v wewkó QvÎxwbevm wbg©vY KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 25964320 - Construction of Academic Building of 25964320 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb K‡j‡Ri øvZK †kªYxi Degree Class at Charfasion College, GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP Charfasion, Bhola 25964321 - Development work of Khulna Public 25964321 -Lyjbv cvewjK K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP College, Khulna 25964322 - Development of Chouddagram Govt. 25964322 -‡PŠÏMªvg miKvwi K‡jR Dbœqb kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP College, Chouddagram, Comilla 25964323 - Construction of 2nd Floor of Academic 25964323 -Kzwgj­v wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK feb-3 Gi 2q Zjv Building-III in Comilla University, Comilla wbg©vY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 25964324 - Construction of Boundary Wall at 25964324 -Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vj‡q mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY kxl©K Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka Dbœqb Kg©mwP 25964325 - Construction of 4th Floor Old Academic 25964325 -PÆMªvg †f‡Uwibvwi I Gwbg¨vj mvB‡›mm wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Building, 4th Floor of New Academic (wmfvmy) cyivZb GKv‡WwgK fe‡bi 5g Zjv, bZyb Building at Chittagong Veterinary and GKv‡WwgK fe‡bi 5g Zjv wbg©vY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP Animal Sciences University, Chittagong 25964326 - Horizontal Extension of Rokeya Hall at 25964326 -Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †iv‡Kqv n‡ji Khulna Engineering & Technology AvbyfwgK m¤•ªmviY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP University, Khulna 25964327 - Development of Borhamgonj Govt. 25964327 -gv`vixcyi ‡Rjvi wkePi Dc‡Rjvi einvgMÄ miKvwi College, Shibchar, Madaripur K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP 25964328 - Ethoroo- Linguistic Survey of Bangladesh 25964328 -evsjv‡`†ki b„-fvlv ˆeÁvwbK mgx¶v 25964329 - Repairing, Maintenance and Rehabilitation 25964329 -evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwZ cyivZb ¯’vcbvw` of the Oldest Building of Bangladesh †givgZ, msi¶Y I cybe©vmb Agriculture University Mymensingh 25964330 - Development of Sylhet Govt. Pilot High 25964330 -wm‡jU †Rjvaxb wm‡jU miKvwi cvBjU D”P School, Sylhet govt. Arragamy girls High we`¨vjq,wm‡jU miKvwi AMªMvgx evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq I School and College and Sylhet Govt. K‡jR Ges wm‡jU miKvwi gwnjv K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb kxl©K Women College at Sylhet Dbœqb Kg©mwP 25964331 - Repair and Renovation and Vertical 25964331 -XvKv gnvbMixi †gvnv¤§`cyi g‡Wj ¯‹yj GÛ K‡j‡Ri Extension of 6th floor of Existing 6th storied we`¨gvb 6 Zjv fe‡bi Dc‡i 7 Zjv DשgyLx m¤•ªmviY Building of Mohammadpur Model School Ges †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP and College, Dhaka 25964332 - Construction of Auditorium Cum 25964332 -bIqve dqRy‡bœQv miKvwi evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq Ges Multipurpose Hall at Nowab Foyzunnessa Kzwgj­v miKvwi gwnjv K‡j‡Ri AwW‡Uvwiqvg Kvg Govt. Girl's High School and Comilla Govt. gvwëcvicvm nj wbg©vY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP Mohila College 25964333 - Construction of Academic cum Auditorium 25964333 -mybvgMÄ †Rjvi Wzswiqv D”P we`¨vj‡q GKv‡WwgK feb Building at Dungria High School, Kvg AwW‡Uvwiqvg wbg©vY KvR kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Sunamganj 25964335 - Development of Nurul Huda High School 25964335 -w`bvRcyi †Rjvaxb cve©Zxcyi Dc‡Rjvi byi“j û` D”P Parbotipur, Dinajpur we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25964336 - Construction of 5 storied Academic 25964336 -h‡kvi †Rjvi gwbivgcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb gwk¦gbMi gva¨wgK building with 5 storied foundation and we`¨vj‡qi 5 Zjv fxZ wewkó 5 Zjv GKv‡WwgK feb I vertical extention of existing academic we`¨gvb GKv‡WwgK fe‡bi DשgyLx m¤•ÖmviY KvR kxl©K building of Mashimnagar secondary Dbœqb Kg©m–wP school at Monirumpur upazilla, Jessore 25964337 - Development of Labutala High School at 25964337 -biwms`x †Rjvaxb g‡bvni`x Dc‡Rjvi †jeyZjv D”P Monohardi Upazilla under Narsingdi we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb District. 25964340 - Construction of 3 storied building with 25964340 -Qvqvb‡Ui ms¯‹…wZ-mgwš^Z mvaviY wk¶v Kvh©µg bvj›`v eight storied foundation with a single we`¨vj‡qi Rb¨ XvKv †Rjvi †KivbxMÄ Dc‡Rjvq GKwU basement for Nalonda school at †eBR‡g›Umn 8-Zjv fxZ wewkó 3-Zjv feb wbg©vY Keranigonj upazila, district: Dhaka-A culturally integrated general school of CHAYANUAT 25964341 - Construction of boundary wall at 25964341 -PUªMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY kxl©K Dbœqb Chittagong University, Chittagong Kg©m–wP 25964342 - Repair & Renovation works of Lecture 25964342 -XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡hi Kjv feb †jKPvi w_‡qUvi c–Y©v½ Theater Building, Faculty of Arts, University †givgZ ms¯‹viÓ kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP of Dhaka 25964343 - Upper/Vertical Extention of Bangamata 25964343 -Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vj‡q e½gvZv †kL dwRjvZzb‡bQv Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Hall at gywRe nj m¤•ÖmviY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka. 25964345 - Construction of Academic Building & 50 25964345 -"ewikvj †Rjvi gyjv`x Dc‡Rjvaxb bvwRicyi BDbvB‡UW Seated male hostel Building at Nazipur K‡j‡R GKv‡WwgK feb United College, Muladi, Barisal. I 50 kh¨vwewkó QvÎvevm wbg©vYÓ kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 25964511 - Unfinished work of Auditorium the 25964511 -kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhy³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwWUwiqv‡gi Extension of students Hall of Shahjalal Am¤•–Y© KvR mgvßKiY I QvÎ n‡ji m¤•ªmviY Science & Technology University 25964512 - I 25964512 -‡gŠjfxevRvi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb nvRx †gvt gy‡Rdi Bmjvgx `vwLj gv`ªvmvq AvmevecÎ mieivnmn GKwU GKv‡WwgK feb I GKwU QvÎvevm wbg©vY KvR 25964513 - I 25964513 -kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cÖkvmb fe‡bi 2q eЭK. AwZw_ feb, 1g wk¶v fe‡bi 1g eЭ‡Ki ¶wZMª¯’ DBs, IqvK©kc Ges †K›`ªxq M¨v‡iR-Gi m¤•ªmviY 25964590 - Development of Net-Working, Automation 25964590 -RbcÖkvmb gšYvj‡q †bUIqvwK©s, A‡Uv‡gkb I WvUv‡eR and Database in Ministry of Public Dbœqb Administration 25964678 - Initiation of 2nd Shift in Politechnic 25964678 -KvwiMwi wk¶v Awa`ßivaxb cwj‡UKwbK Bbw÷wUDU Ges Institutes, Technical Schools and Colleges †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹yj I K‡j‡R 2q wkd&U PvjyKiY under Technical Education Directorate (2004-05 n‡Z 2009-10) (2004-05 to 2009-10) 25964696 - Establishment of Mobile Unit for Skill 25964696 -åvg¨gvb `¶Zv cÖwk¶Y BDwbU ¯’vcb Kg©mPx (2004- Training (2004-05) 05) 25964725 - Repair, Renovation and Modernisation of 25964725 -evsjv‡`k Mvj©m& MvBW G‡mvwm‡qk‡bi we`¨gvb MvBW Existing Guide House Auditorium of nvDm AwW‡Uvwiqvg †givgZ, ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKxKiY Bangladesh Girls Guide Association 25964728 - Development Programme of NAEM 25964728 -RvZxq wk¶v e¨e¯’vcbv GKv‡Wgx (bv‡qg) Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06) 25964729 - Partial Extention Programme of 25964729 -miKvix/†emiKvix wk¶v cÖwZôvbmg‡ni AvswkK Government/Non-government Educational m¤•ªmviY Kg©m–wP Institutions. 25964730 - Govt. College Computer Lab. Establisment 25964730 -miKvwi gnvwe`¨vj‡q Kw¤•DUvi j¨vet ¯’vcb Kg©mPx Programme. 25964733 - Govt. School Computer Lab Establisment 25964733 -miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q Kw¤•DUvi j¨vet ¯’vcb Kg©mPx Programme. 25964734 - Rehabilitation of Sandwip Hazi A.B. Govt. 25964734 -win¨vwewj‡Ukb Ae †mÛDBc nvRx G.we. miKvwi K‡jR College Programme †cÖvMªvg| 25964735 - Establishment of Computer Centre for 25964735 -gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v †evW©, wm‡jU Gi wbR¯^ Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Kw¤•DUvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb| Board, Sylhet

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 25964753 - Sondip Govt. A.B College 25964753 -m›`xc miKvix nvRx G.we. K‡jR cybe©vmb Kg©m–wP 25964756 - Production & Publication of Bangali Text 25964756 -D”P wk¶v¯‡i evsjvq cvV¨cy¯K cÖbqY I cÖKvkbv (5g Book for Higher Level Education (Phase-V) ch©vq) Kg©mPx 25964758 - Construction of the Building of Bissha 25964758 -wek¦mvwnZ¨ †K›`ª wk¶v feb wbg©vY Shahitta Kendro 25964759 - National Education Surveys & Training 25964759 -b¨vkbvj GWz‡Kkb mv‡f© GÛ †Uªwbs(†b÷) Kg©m–Px (Nest) Programme 25964760 - Introduction of Basic Trade course in 25964760 -cwj‡UKwbK BÝwUwUDU Ges †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj I K‡j‡R Polytechnic Institutes and Technical †ewmK †UªW †Kvm© PvjyKiY Kg©mPx| School and Colleges 25964829 - "National Education Surveys & Training 25964829 -b¨vkbvj GWy‡Kkb mv‡f©m GÛ †U«wbs (&GbBGmwU) (NEST) Program" †cÖvMªvg (2007-08 n‡Z 2009-10) 25964830 - test 25964830 - 25964831 - Development of Nawab Fayzunnesa govt. 25964831 -bIqve dqRy‡bœQv miKvix evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq Ges girls high school and comilla govt.mohila Kzwgj­v miKvix gwnjv K‡j‡Ri AwWUwiqvg Kvg colleges oditorium cum Multiparpas hall at gvwëcvicvm nj wbg©vY Kg©myPx| comilla. 25964856 - Construction of Female Students 25964856 -gvIjvbv fvmvbx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq QvÎx WiwgUwi Dormatory in MBS&TU wbg©vY 25964857 - Development scheme of SK. 25964857 -wc‡ivRci †Rjvi gVevwoqv Dc‡Rjvaxb †kL Fazilatunnesa Mohila Fazil Madrasha, dwRjvZy‡bœQv gwnjv dvwRj gv`ªvmv, bv‡Uvi †Rjvi Mathabaria, Prrojpur, SK. Fazilatunnesa eovBMªvg Dc‡Rjvaxb †kL dwRjvZy‡bœQv gywRe gwnjv Mozub Mohila College, Baraigram Natore wWMx K‡jR I Kzwgj & SK. Fa 25964858 - Construction of new Academic Building, 25964858 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi †KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb †kL iv‡mj Boy's & Girls's Hostel Building Including gnvwe`¨vj‡qi AvmevecÎ mieivnmn GKwU GKv‡WwgK Boundary with supply of Furniture to SK, feb, GKwU QvÎvevm, GKwU QvÎxevm I mxgvbv cÖvPxi Rasel College, Kotalipara, G wbgv©b KvR 25964859 - Construction of new Academic Building, 25964859 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi †KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb †kL iv‡mj Boy's & Girls's Hostel Building Including gnvwe`¨vj‡qi AvmevecÎ mieivnmn GKwU GKv‡WwgK Boundary with supply of Furniture to SK, feb, GKwU QvÎvevm, GKwU QvÎxevm I mxgvbv cÖvPxi Rasel College, Kotalipara, G wbgv©b KvR 25964860 - Repair, Renovation and Modernization of 25964860 -evsjv‡`k Mvj©MvBW nvD‡Ri we`¨gvb AwWUwiqvg Existing Auditorium at Bangladesh Girl †givgZ, ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKxwKib| Guides Association, Ramna, Dhaka. 25964861 - Construction of Academic Building, 25964861 -‡jKmvKv©m DžP evwjKv we`¨vj‡q GKwU GKv‡WwgK Boundary Wall & Supply of Furniture of feb, mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbgv©b IAvmevecÎ mieivn KvR| Lake Circus Girls High School. 25964862 - Construction of a new Academic Building 25964862 -wm‡jU †Rjvi weqvbxevRvi Dc‡Rjvaxb cÂLÛ ni‡Mvwe›` & Internal Road with Supply of Furniture to DžP we`¨vj‡qi GKwU GKv‡WwgK feb I Af¨šixb iv¯v Panchakondo Horogobindo High School, wbgv©bmn vmevecÎ mieivn| Bianybazar, Sylhet. 25964863 - Construction of a new Academic Building 25964863 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi †KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb ivavMÄ including Supply of furniture to Radhagonj mve©Rbxb `vwLj gv`ªvmvq vmevecÎ mieivn mn GKwU Sharbojanin Dhakil Madrasha, Kotalipara, GKv‡WwgK feb wbgv©b| Gopalgonj. 25964864 - Construction of 100-Seated female Hostel 25964864 -K·evRvi miKvwi gwnjv K‡j‡R 100 Avmb wewkó Building at Cox's Bazar Govt. Mohila QvÎxwbevm wbg©vY kxl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP College 25964865 - Establishment of Lift at Academic Building 25964865 -evsjv‡`k BDwbfvwm©wU Ae cÖ‡dkbvjm (weBDwc) Gi and AC at Multipurpose Hall of GKv‡WwgK fe‡b wjdU ¯’vcb Ges cÖkvmwbK fe‡bi Administrative Building Including Different gvwëcvicvm n‡j Gwm ¯’vcbmn wewea myweavw`i Dbœqb Facilities in Bangladesh University of kxl©K Kg©mwP Professionals 2599-2599 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 2599-2599 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 2599 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 2599 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 25990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 25990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 26 - Science and Technology Division 26 - weÁvb I cªhyw³ wefvM

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 2601-2620 - Administration 2601-2620 -cªkvmb 2601 - Secretariat 2601 -mwPevjq 26010001 - Secretariat 26010001 -mwPevjq 26010002 - Office of the Controller of Certifying 26010002 -B‡jKU«wbK ¯^v¶i mvwU©wd‡KU cÖ`vbKvix KZ©„c‡¶i Authority for Electronic Signature Certificate wbqšK-Gi Kvh©vjq 26015000 - Lump grant 26015000 -‡_vK eivÏ 26015010 - Establishment of International centre for 26015010 -weÁvb, cªhyw³ I cwi‡ek msµvš Avš©RvwZK †K›`« ¯’vcb science, Technology and Environment (AvBwmGmwU B) (01/07/99-30/06/2002) (ICSTE) 26015011 - Empwoering Rural Areas through 26015011 -GgcvIqvwis i“ivj Gwiqvm _ª“ KwgDwbwU-B †m›Uvi AvÛvi Community-e centre under SASEC GmGGmBwm †cÖvMªvg (01/07/07 - 31/12/09) Program Aby‡gvw`Z 26015012 - High rise building construction in the 26015012 -nvBivBR wewìs Kbó«vKkb Bb w` K¨v¤•vm Ae campus of BCSIR, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. wewmGmAvBAvi, avbgwÛ, XvKv 26015013 - Capacity Building for Exploration and 26015013 -?????? ???? ????????? ? ????????? ???????? ?????? Research in Nuclear Minerals 26015014 - Study Project for Establishment of Marine 26015014 -÷vwW cÖ‡R± di G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae †gwib G‡Kvwiqvg Aquarium at Bangladesh Oceanographic G¨vU evsjv‡`k Iwmqv‡bvMªvwd wimvP© B›mwUDU, K•evRvi| Research Institute, Cox's Bazar. 26015020 - Construction of science and technology 26015020 -weÁvb I cªhyw³ feb wbg©vY (chv©q-1) building (Phase-1) (01/07/99-30/06/2002) 26015022 - Strengthening of Ministry of Science and 26015022 -weÁvb I cÖhyw³ gš¿Yvjq kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/99- Technology 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 26015023 - Establishment of National technology 26015023 -RvZxq cÖhyw³ n¯vši †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/99- transfer centre 30/06/2003) 26015030 - Establishment of technology 26015030 -weÁvb I cªhyw³ gš¿Yvj‡qi cªhyw³ cªmvi ‡mj ¯’vcb dissemination cell in the Ministry of (ms‡kvwaZ) Science & Technology 26015040 - Search for Alfatoxin and Sycotoxin of 26015040 -evsjv‡`kx Lv`¨k‡m¨ AvcjvUw·b/mvB‡KvUw·b AbymÜvb Bangladeshi food 26015050 - National Institute of Bio-technology 26015050 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae ev‡qv-†UK‡bvjwR (01/07/98-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 26015060 - Development of infrastructure for IT in 26015060 -‡Wfjc‡g›U Ae Bbd«vó«vKPvi di AvB. wU Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 26015070 - Training programme for the analyses of 26015070 -†ckvMZ ¯^v¯’¨ we‡k­lY I `yN©Ubv cªwZ‡iv‡ai Rb¨ ocupational health & prevention of accident 26015080 - Rehabilitation of disabled laboures 26015080 -AvšR©vwZK cigvYy kw³ ms¯’vi KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí 26015090 - Establishment of Hi-Tech Part 26015090 -nvB‡UK cvK© ¯’vcb (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) 26015100 - Bangabandhu Fellowship on SICT( 26015100 -e½eÜy †d‡jvwkc Ab GmAvBwmwU (1/7/2010 - 1/7/2010 – 30/06/2015) 30/06/2015) 26015110 - Expansion of improved stoves (Phase-2) 26015110 -DbœZ Pzjv m¤•ÖmviY (chv©q-2) 26015120 - Bangladesh institute of computer 26015120 -evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae Kw¤•DUvi Bbdi‡gkb information technology †UK‡bvjwR 26015130 - Construction of National Science Academy 26015130 -RvZxq weÁvb GKv‡Wgx feb wbg©vY 26015140 - Development of Computer Trainer by 26015140 -wek¦we`¨vjq KZ©„K D”PZi wW‡c­vgv cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g University through Diploma Course Kw¤•DUvi weÁvb wel‡q cÖwk¶K ˆZix (01/07/99-30/06/2003) 26015150 - Feasibility study for establishment of High 26015150 -nvB‡UK cvK© ¯’vcbvi m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB Tech Park (01/01/200130/06/2001) (01/01/2001-30/06/2001) 26015160 - Technology Dissemination Project 26015160 -cÖhyw³ cÖmvi †mj ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) (Phase-2) (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 26015170 - Establishment of National Polymer 26015170 -b¨vkbvj cwjgvi K‡¤•vwRU †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Composite Centre (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 26015180 - Bangabandu Communication Satelites 26015180 -e½eÜz †hvMv‡hvM DcMÖn-1 gnvKvk f‚-DcMÖn e½eÜz †hvMv‡hvM DcMÖn-1 (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) 26015190 - Establishment of national sea-research 26015190 -RvZxq mgy`ª M‡elYv BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq) institute (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 26015200 - Information technology village 26015200 -Bbdi‡gkb †UK‡bv‡jvwR wf‡jR

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26015210 - 26015210 -G¨vwc­‡Kkb Ae †iwW‡qkb cÖ‡mwms †UK‡bvjwR di g¨v‡Uwiqvjm cvBjU c­v›U Ae cwjgvi †UK‡bvjwR (1/7/2000-30/6/04) 26015220 - 26015220 -evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae Kw¤•DUvi GÛ Bbdi‡gkb †UK‡bv‡jvwR (wewmAvBwmAvB) 26015230 - Lump grant for ministry of labour and 26015230 -kªg I Rbkw³ gšYvj‡qi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ manpower 26015240 - Reforms and development of existing 21 26015240 -we`¨gvb 21wU kªgKj¨vY †K›`ª I wk¶v m¤•‡K© wk¶vqZb labour welfare centre 26015250 - Project for higher academic courses 26015250 -e½eÜz †d‡jvwkc Gi AvIZvq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wel‡q (Ph.D) for scientists under Bangabandhu weÁvbx‡`i D”PZi GKv‡WwgK cÖwk¶Y (wcGBPwW) cÖKí Fellowship (01/07/99-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 26015252 - Bangobandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman 26015252 -XvKv AvaywbK b‡fvw_‡qUvi (ms‡kvwaZ) Novotheater (01/07/96-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 26015260 - Establishment of SASEC Information 26015260 -GmUvwjk‡g›U Ae mv‡mK Bbdi‡gkb nvBI‡q Highway ( Bangladesh Part). 1/7/2010 – (evsjv‡`k cvU©), (1/7/2010 - 31/12/2011) 31/12/2011 26015261 - National stipend training system 26015261 -†cvlvK wkí kªwgK‡`i cªwk¶Y I wb‡qvM 26015321 - Feasibility study for construction of 26015321 -‡dvig¨vb †U«wbs Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vc‡bi m¤¢ve¨Zv Rixc kxl©K Foreman Training Institute cÖKí 26015331 - Promotion of sound labour relation and 26015331 -cª‡gvkb Ae mvD_ †jevi wi‡jkb GÛ BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae improvement of wages I‡qR 26015410 - Strengthening established technical centre 26015410 -we`¨gvb KvwiMwi cªwk¶Y †K`ªmgy‡ni kw³kvjxKiY 26015430 - Language training programme (English, 26015430 -fvlv cªwk¶Y (Bs‡iRx, Aviex, divmx, gvjq) kxl©K cªKí Arabic, Pharsi and Malya) 26015510 - Bangabandhu Communication Satelite-1 26015510 -e½eÜz †hvMv‡hvM DcMÖn-1 (gv‡K©U mv‡f©) (Market survey) (01/01/2001-30/06/2001) 26015520 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 26015520 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 26015530 - 26015530 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae m¥j wewR‡bm AvBwmwU ó«v‡UwRm di evsjv‡`k (1/7/05-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 26015531 - National Institute of Biotechnology 26015531 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR| 26015532 - Empowering Rural Areas Through 26015532 -GgcvIqvwis i“ivj Gwiqvm _ª“ KgywbwU B-†m›Uvi AvÛvi Community E-Centre Under the South Asia `v mvD_ Gwkqv mve-wiwRIbvj BKbwgK †Kv-Acv‡ikb Sub Regional Economic Co-operation 26015533 - Enhancing Agricultural and Industrial 26015533 -Rxe cÖhyw³ e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g K…wl I wk퇶‡Î Drcv`b Production Through Use of Bio-technology e„w× 26015534 - Information Highway Project under SASEC 26015534 -Bbdi‡gkb nvBI‡q cÖKí (mv‡m‡Ki AvIZvq) 26015535 - Bangabandhu Fellowship on Science, 26015535 - Information and Communication Technology(July/2010-June/2015) 26015536 - Establishmed of South Asia Sub-regional 26015536 -mvmK Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Information Highway (Bangladesh Part) Project (July 2010-Dec. 2011) 26015537 - SASEC 26015537 - 26015538 - Bangobandhu Fellowship on ICT 26015538 -e½eÜz †d‡jvwkc Ab GmAvBwmwU (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 26015539 - Establishment of SASEC Information 26015539 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae mv‡mK Bbdi‡gkb nvBI‡q Highway (Bangladesh Part) (evsjv‡`k cvU©) (01/07/2010-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 2605 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2605 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 26053031 - Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission 26053031 -evsjv‡`k cigvYy kw³ Kwgkb 26053032 - Bamgladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority 26053032 -evsjv‡`k nvB‡UK cvK© KZ©„c¶ 26053033 - BCSIR 26053033 -evsjv‡`k weÁvb I wkí M‡elYv cwil` 26053034 - Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory 26053034 -evsjv‡`k cigvYy kw³ wbqšY KZ©„c¶ Authority 26053035 - BANSDOC 26053035 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq ˆeÁvwbK I KvwiMwi Z_¨ msMÖn I weZiY †K›`ª (e¨vÝWK) 26053037 - National Science &Technology Museum 26053037 -RvZxq weÁvb I cªhyw³ hv`yNi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26053039 - Bangladesh Computer Council 26053039 -evsjv‡`k Kw¤cDUvi KvDwÝj (wewmwm) 26053040 - Training Assistance for Information 26053040 -Z_¨ cÖhyw³ cÖwk¶Y mnvqZv Technology 26053041 - National Fellowship Programme 26053041 -RvZxq †d‡jvwkc Kg©mPx 26053043 - National Science & Technology Council 26053043 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ KvDwÝj 26053045 - Research Grants 26053045 -M‡elYv gÄyix 26053047 - Other Institutes and Associations 26053047 -Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb I mwgwZ 26053048 - National Institute of Biotechnology 26053048 -b¨vkbvj Bb&w÷wUDU Ae ev‡qv†UK‡bvjwR 26053049 - Bangabandu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 26053049 -e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi Novo Theatre 26053299 - Other Associations 26053299 -Ab¨vb¨ mwgwZ I cÖwZôvb 26053965 - National Fellowship Programme 26053965 -RvZxq †d‡jvwkc Kg©m–wP 26053993 - Science & Technology Programme 26053993 -weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Kg©m–wP 26055000 - Block allocation 26055000 -‡_vKeivÏ 26055010 - Strengthening the Utilization of TRIGA 26055010 -wUªMv gvK©-2 M‡elYv Pzwj­i e¨envi kw³kvjxKiY Mark-II Research Reactor Project (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) Approved 26055011 - Development of Cyber Network 26055011 -‡Wf‡jc‡g›U Ae mvBevi †bUIqvK© Bbd«vK÷vi GÛ Infrastructure and Related facilities to wi‡j‡UW d¨vwmwjwUR Uz d«vwmwjwU dv÷ GÛ B‡dwUªf facilitate fast and effective communication KwgDwb‡Kkb Ggs weGBwm B÷¨vewe­­­óg¨v›U Ges among BAEC Establishment and Nuclear wbDwK¬qvi †UK‡bvj 26055012 - CONSTRUCTION OF SCIENCE & 26055012 -weÁvb I cÖhyw³ feb wbg©vb TECHNOLOGY BHABAN 26055013 - Extension and Modernisation of National 26055013 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw&³ Rv`yN‡ii m¤úªmviY I Museum of Science & Technology AvaywbKxKiY 26055014 - Autometion & Degitisation of BANSDOC'S 26055014 -A‡Uv‡gkb GÛ wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ae e¨vÝWKÕm mvwf©‡mm Services 26055015 - Establishment of Radioactive Testing and 26055015 -gsjv e›`i, Lyjbvq †ZR¯¿xqZv cix¶Y M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb Monitroing Laboratory at Mongla, Khulna. 26055016 - Development of Industrial Production 26055016 -cvU I cwjgvi K‡¤cvwRU Øviv †WDwUb (RywUb) M„n wbg©vY Technique of Jute Reiforced Polymer mvgMÖx ˆZix I e¨envi Composite Corrugated Sheet (Jutin) 26055017 - Development of Cyber Network for fast and 26055017 -evsjv‡`k cigvYy kw³ Kwgk‡bi ¯’vcbvmg~n †bUIqv‡K©i effective communication among BAEC g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hvM myweav ZivwbœZ Kivi j‡¶¨ mvBevi Establishments and related international †bUIqvK© AeKvVv‡gv Ges mswk­ó ¯’vcbv wbg©vY bodies. 26055018 - Capacity building for atomic Minerals 26055018 -‡KcvwmwU wewìs di G¨v‡UvwgK wgbv‡ij G·c­‡ikb GÛ Exploration and Research in Bangladesh. wiPvR© Bb evsjv‡`k 26055019 - Strengthening Capacity of Laboratory 26055019 -B‡j±«wb·m j¨ve‡iUix myweavw` kw³ kvjxKiY, facilities of Institute of Electronics Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission. 26055020 - . Strengthening SSD Laboratory Facilities 26055020 -GmGmwW j¨ve‡iUwi myweavw` kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 26055021 - Capacity Buildup of Bangladesh Atomic 26055021 -evsjv‡`k cigvYy kw³ Kwgk‡bi AvevwmK K‡jvbx (ebvbx Energy Commission Residential Area of I mvfv‡i Aew¯’Z) AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Banani and Savar. 26055022 - Establishment of Nuclear Medicine Centre 26055022 -RvZxq K¨vÝvi M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU I nvmcvZvj GKwU at National Cancer Research Institute & c~Y©v½ wbDwK¬qvi †gwW‡mb †m›Uvi ¯’vcb, gnvLvjx, XvKv| Hospital Campus Mohakhali, Dhaka. 26055023 - Center for Doagampsos, Treatment and 26055023 -‡m›Uvi di Wvq‡Mv‡bwmm, wUªU‡g›U GÛ wiPvR© DB_ Reaearch with Nuclear Technology at the wbDwK¬qvi †UK‡bvjwR GU w` GBAviB K¨v¤cvm Ad AERE Campus of BAEC, Savar, Dhaka. weGBwm, mvfvi, XvKv 26055024 - Development of Textile Waste water of 26055024 -‡Wf‡jÞ‡g›U Ad †U·vBjm I‡qó IqvUvi Ad Electron Beam radiation and its various B‡j±«wb÷ exg †iwW‡qkb GÛ BUm †fwiqvm G¨vwc­‡Kkb. application. 26055025 - Pogoma (NS) 26055025 -cvigvYweK wewKiY-Gi KvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb evwYR¨K KiY I RbwcÖqZv kxl©K cÖKí 26055026 - Upgrading and Strengthening the facilitie 26055026 -AvU‡MÖwWs GÛ w÷ª÷‡Wwbs wW` d¨v‡mwjwU GU at INMU AvBGbGmBD

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26055027 - School Based early detection of 26055027 -¯‹zj †em Aviwj reproductive health problems in adolesecnt girls and their association with thyroid function status 26055028 - Food handling processing Preservation 26055028 -dzW n¨v‡Ûwjs------wUªU‡g›U| mutrition, Irradiation and Combination trearments. 26055029 - Establishment of Solar Power Plant and 26055029 -‡mŠi we`y¨r cШv›U I †mŠi kw³ cÖhyw³i Dci M‡elYv Reasearch on Solar Energy Technology 26055030 - Using of Isotope Hydrology 26055030 -f––-Mf©¯’ cvwb m¤c` Avni‡Yi Rb¨ AvB‡mv‡Uvc nvB‡W«vjwRi e¨envi 26055031 - Infrustructure Development of Fiber and 26055031 -ißvbxgyLx ˆZix †cvkvK, cvU I cÐvw÷K wkímg–n‡K Polymer Labratory of BCSIR to Support mnvqZv cÖ`v‡bi j‡¶¨ we.wm.Gm.AvB.Avi. Gi dvBevi I Export Oriented RMG, Jute & Plastic cwjgvi M‡elYvMv‡ii AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Industries. 26055032 - Modernization of Pilot Plant Unit to 26055032 -wkíLA‡Z wecyj m¤¢vebvgq we.wm.Gm.AvB.Avi. Gi Commercialize the most Viable R&D D™¢vweZ cY¨mg–n evwYwR¨KxKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ cvBjU cЭ¨v›U Products of BCSIR. BDwbU AvaywbKxKiY 26055033 - Modernization of Animal Laboratory for 26055033 -ev‡qv‡gwWK¨vj Ges Uw·‡Kv‡jvwRK¨vj M‡elYvi Rb¨ Biomedical and Toxicological Research. G¨vwbg¨vj M‡elYvMvi AvaywbKxKiY 26055034 - Establishment of Laboratory for the 26055034 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae j¨ve‡iUwi di wmwKDwiwU Research & Development and Quality Assessment of Alternative and Fossil Fuel to ensure Energy Security. 26055035 - Technology Development for Leather Dye 26055035 -‡UK‡bvjwR †W‡fí‡g›U..... †mv‡m©m| Using Khair (cateche), Lac and other vegetable sources. 26055036 - Establishmenet of Centre for 26055036 -G÷vewjk Ae †m›Uvi (Gb.wm.we.Gm.we.Avi.) Bioequivalence Studied and Bioassay Research (NCBSBR) 26055037 - Institute of Perfurmes and Cosmetica 26055037 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae cviwdDg .... †gŠjfxevRvi| Research (IPCR), Maulvibazar. 26055038 - Establishment of Molecular Genetics Lab. 26055038 -B÷vweë†g›U Ae wewmGmAvBAvi| in BCSIR. 26055039 - Development of Pickpara, Mirpur, Dhaka 26055039 -we.wm.Gm.AvB.Avi. Gi cvBKcvov †KvqvU©vi Dbœqb Residential area of BCSIR. 26055040 - Strengthening of Nuclear Medicine 26055040 -cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª I AvëªvmvDÛ, wgU‡dvW©, Kzwgj­v, Ultrasound Centers at Mitford,Comilla dwi`cyi Gi kw³kvjxKiY ,Faridpur 26055041 - Food and Food Products Microbiology 26055041 -Lv`¨ Ges Lv`¨RvZ c‡Y¨i ¸bMZ gvb wbwðZKi‡Yi Research. Rb¨ `ª“Z Ges hy‡Mvc‡hvMx ¯^qswµq AbyRxexq cix¶v c×wZi e¨envi| 26055042 - Modernization of Glass & Ceramice 26055042 -KvP I wmivwgK M‡elYv I cix¶Y Bbw÷wUDU Gi Research Institute. AvaywbKxKiY| 26055043 - Establishment of waste water treatment 26055043 -ivRkvnx kn‡ii `ywlZ cvwb wely×KiY| plant in Rajshahi City. 26055044 - Strenghening of Fytochemical Research of 26055044 -wewmGmAvBAvi M‡elYvMvi PÆMÖv‡g dvB‡Uv‡KwgK¨vj BCSIR Lab. Ctg. M‡elYv myweav kw³kvjxKiY| 26055045 - Strengthing of Bangabandhu Sheikh 26055045 -e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi kw³kvjxKiY Mujibur Rahman Novotheatre 26055046 - Establishment of National Gene Bank(1st 26055046 -RvZxq wRb e¨vsK ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq) Phase) 26055047 - Constraction of National Science and 26055047 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ feb wbg©vY| Technology Bhaban 26055048 - Extension & Modemisation of National 26055048 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Rv`yNi m¤•ÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY Museum of Science & Technology 26055049 - Construction of Branch of National 26055049 -wefvMxq ch©v‡q RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Rv`yN‡ii kvLv Museum of Science & Technology at wbg©vY Divisional Level

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26055050 - Name to be inserted 26055050 -AbyRx‡ei mvnv‡h¨ Lv`¨mn g–j¨evb `ªe¨ Drcv`b I wbw`©ó ‰ewkó¨ m¤•bœ AbyRxe ˆewPÎ msi¶Y (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 26055051 - Establishment of Designated Reference 26055051 -G÷vvwe­m‡g›U Ae †WwRM‡b‡UW †idv‡iÝ BÝwUwUDU di Institute for Chemical Measurements †KwgK¨vj †gRvi‡g›Um| 26055052 - Establishment of Designated Reference 26055052 -Gw÷vwe­m‡g›U Ae †WwRM‡b‡UW † idv‡iÝ BÝwUwUDU di Institute for Chemical Measurements. †KwgK¨vj †gRvi‡g›Um| 26055053 - Establishment of Pharmaceutical 26055053 -dvg©vwmDwUK¨vj mvB‡Ým wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb Seiences Research Institute 26055054 - Establishment of regional laboratory of 26055054 -we.wm.Gm.AvB.Avi. Gi AvÂwjK M‡elYvMvi, Lyjbv BCSIR in Khulna ¯’vcb 26055055 - Strengthening of Nuclear REgulatory 26055055 -wbDwK¬qvi †i¸‡iUixi AeKvVv‡gv kw³kvjxKiY Infrastructure (SNRI) 26055056 - Centre for Diagnosis, Treatment and 26055056 -cigvYy cÖhyw³ e¨envi K‡i G.B.Avi.B. mvf©v‡i †ivM Research with Nuclear Technolog at the wbY©q, wPwKrmv Ges M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb AERE Campus of BAEC, Savar. 26055057 - School based detection of thyroid and 26055057 -¯‹zjMvgx wK‡kvix †g‡q‡`i _vBi‡qW MÖš’x Ges cÖRbbMZ reproductive health problems in ¯^v¯’¨ mgm¨v wbY©q adolescent girls. 26055058 - Capacity Building for Atomic Minerals 26055058 -cigvYy LwbR AbymÜvb I M‡elYv Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY Exploration and Research in Bangladesh. 26055059 - Establishment of Centers of Nuclear 26055059 -Kzwóqv Ges h‡kvi m`i †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj Medicine & Ultrasound at Sadar Hospital msjMœ PZ¡‡i cigvYy wPwKrmv Ges AvëªvmvDÛ †K›`ª ¯’vcb Campuses of Kushtia & Jessore. 26055060 - Name to be inserted 26055060 -evsjv‡`kx Lv`¨ `ªe¨ Ges cï Lv‡`¨ Gw›Uev‡qvwUK, gvB‡KvUw·b I †cw÷mvBW Gi Dcw¯’wZ wbY©q (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 26055061 - Establishment of Centers of Nuclear 26055061 -UvsMvBj, †bvqvLvjx Ges cvebv m`i nvmcvZvj PZ¡‡i Medicine & Ultrasound at Sadar Hospital cigvYy wPwKrmv Ges AvëªvmvBÛ †K›`ª ¯’vcb Campuses of Tangail, Noakhali & Pabna. 26055062 - Upgrading and Strengthening the Facilities 26055062 -AvB.Gb.Gg.BD. Gi †ivMx wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v kw³kvjxKiY at INMU to Improve Patient Management. 26055063 - Establishment of Medical Physics 26055063 -‡gwW‡Kj wdwR· M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb Research Lab (MPRL) at AECD. 26055064 - Capacity Buildup of Bangladesh Atomic 26055064 -evsjv‡`k cigvYy kw³ Kwgk‡bi AvevwmK K‡jvbxi Energy Commission Residential Area of (ebvbx I mvfv‡i Aew¯’Z) AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb Banani and Savar. 26055065 - Enhancement of the laboratory facilities to 26055065 -hš¿cvwZi gva¨‡g DbœZ †mev cÖ`v‡bi wbwg‡Ë provide better services in the field of M‡elYvMv‡ii myweavw` m¤cÖmviY instrumentation. 26055066 - Development of National Nuclear 26055066 -cigvYy kw³ Kwgkb Ges Avš@R©vwZK wewfbœ ms¯’vi g‡a¨ Information Centre for fast and effective `ª“Z †hvMv‡hv‡Mi wbwg‡Ë RvZxq cigvYy Z_¨ †K›`ª ¯’vcb communication among BAEC establishments and related international bodies. 26055067 - Development of Technology for the 26055067 -¯^íg‚‡j¨ †mŠi we`¨yr Drcv`b cÖhyw³ Dbœqb Production of Low Cost Solar Power 26055068 - Establishment of Designated reference 26055068 -G÷vwe­k‡g›U Ae †WwRM‡b‡UW †idv‡i›m Bbw÷wUDU di Institute for Chemical Amazements †KwgK¨vj †gRvi‡g›Um 26055069 - Development of Fiber & Polymer resource 26055069 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi dvBevi I cwjgvi M‡elYvi Dbœqb of BCSIR cÖKí 26055070 - Development of ISO 17025 Agitated 26055070 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae AvBGmI/AvBBwm 17025 Gwµ‡W‡UW Instrumentation & Calibration Service Bb÷«y‡g‡›Ukb GÛ †Kwj‡eªkb mvwf©m j¨ve‡iUwi di Laboratory for Chemical measurement †KwgK¨vj ‡gRvi‡g›U (01/07/08 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 26055071 - Modernization of Animal resource for 26055071 -ev‡qv‡gwWK¨vj Ges Uw•‡Kv‡jvwRK¨vj M‡elYvi Rb¨ Bio-Medical and Toxicological resource G¨vwbg¨vj M‡elYvMvi AvaywbKxKiY 26055072 - Establishment of Radioactivity Testing and 26055072 -gsjv e›`‡i †ZRw®ŒqZv cix¶Y I gwbUwis M‡elYvMvi Monitoring Laboratory at Mongla, Khulna ¯’vcb 26055073 - Establishment of National Scienc and 26055073 -????? ??????? ? ????????? ????????? ?????? Technology Complex

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26055074 - Modernization of Pilot Plant Unit to 26055074 -????????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ? ???????? ???? commercialize the most viable R&D ???? ??????????????? ??????? ????? ????????? ????? products of BCSIR. ??????????? 26055075 - Establishment of BCSIR LABORATORIES, 26055075 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wewmGmAvBAvi j¨ve‡iUwiR, wm‡jU SYLHET. 26055076 - Technology development for leather dye 26055076 -†UK‡bvjwR †W‡fjc‡g›U di †j`vi WvB BDwRs L‡qi using khair (catechu), Lac and other (K¨v‡UPz) †jQ GÛ Av`vi †fwR†Uej †mvm© vegetable sources. 26055077 - Establishment of a Center for 26055077 -ev‡qvBKzBf¨v‡j›m ÷vwWR Ges Jla welqK Dbœq‡bi j‡ Bioequivalence Studied and Drug ¶¨ M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb Development Research (CBSDDR) 26055078 - Establishment of Regional Laboratory of 26055078 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wewmGmAvBAvi j¨ve‡iUwiR, wm‡jU BCSIR in Khulna. 26055079 - Development of Pickpara, Mirpur, Dhaka 26055079 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae cvBKcvov, wgicyi, XvKv †iwm‡W›U Residential Area of BCSIR. Gwiqv Ae wewmGmAvBAvi 26055080 - Establishment of 'Pharmaceutical 26055080 -Bmó¨vewjó Ae dvg©wmwUK¨vj mvBÝ wimvm© BbwówUDU Sciences Research Institute' (PSRI). (wcGmAviAvB) 26055081 - Establishment of the Bangabandhu 26055081 -????????? ??? ??????? ????? ??????????, ??????? ?????? Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novotheater at ??????? Rajshahi 26055082 - Establishment of National Gene Bank (1st 26055082 -RvZxq wRb e¨vsK ¯’vcb kxl©K cÖKí (1g ch©vq) Phase) 26055083 - Establishment of National Science and 26055083 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb Technology complex 26055084 - Establishment of Bangabandhu Sheikh 26055084 -e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi, ivRkvnx ¯’vcb Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre at Rajshahi cÖKí 26055085 - Bangladesh Institute of Industrial 26055085 -???????? ?????????? ?? ?????????????? ??????? ??? Fisheries and Radiation Technology. ???????? ???????? 26055086 - Gama Bikeron Plant (Cobalt-60 26055086 -Mvgv wewKiY c­v›U (†Kvevë-60) Gi KvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb, evwYwR¨KxKiY RbwcÖqZv kxl©K cÖKí 26055087 - Establishment of Advanced Institute for 26055087 -AvaywbK gv‡bi cigvYy kw³ cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb Nuclear Eduction & Training (AINET) 26055088 - Strengthening of Centre for Nuclear 26055088 -?????? ????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? Medicine & Ultrasound, Dhaka with ??????? ? ????????????? ???????, ????? ???????????? Introduction of Modern Terapeutic Services for Cancer Patients. 26055089 - Establishment of a Center for 26055089 -????????????????? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ???????? Bioequibalence Studies and Drug ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????? development Research (CBSDDR) 26055090 - Establishment of Mineral Processing 26055090 -LwbR cÖwµqvKiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb, AvBGgGgGg, RqcyinvU Center at IMMM, BCSIR, Joypurhat. 26055091 - Establishment of BCSIR Lab, Khulna. 26055091 -??????????-?? ??????? ?????????, ????? ??????? 26055092 - Establishment of BCSIR Lab, Sylhet. 26055092 -??????????-?? ??????? ?????????, ?????, ??????? 26055093 - Establishment of Pharamceutical Science 26055093 -???????????????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? Research Institute. 26055094 - High Rise Bulding Construction In the 26055094 -??????????-?? ????????, ???? ?????????? ????? ??? Campus of BCSIR, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. ???????? 26055095 - Modernization of Pilot Plant Unit to 26055095 -????? ???? ????? ????????? ??????????-?? ???????? Commercialize the most viable R & D ???????? ???????? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ????? Products of BCSIR. ??????????? 26055096 - Construction of Ruppur Nuclear Power 26055096 -iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`¨yr †K›`ª ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq) cÖKí Plant (1st Phase) (01/03/2013-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 26055097 - Modernization of Pilot Plant Unit to 26055097 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae cvBjU c­v›U BDwbU Uy Kgvwm©jvBR w` Commercialize the Most Viable R&D †gvó fvB‡ej AviGÛwW cÖWv±m Ae weGmwmAvBAvi Products of BSCIR 26055098 - High rise building construction in the 26055098 -??????????-?? ????????, ???? ?????????? ????? ??? campus of BCSIR, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. ??????? 26055099 - Establishment of Institute of Nuclear 26055099 -wbDwK¬qvi †gwWK¨vj wdwR· Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb Medical Physics

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26055100 - Establishment of Institute of Nuclear 26055100 -‡k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ knx` †mvnivIqv`x© †gwW‡Kj K‡jR Medicine & allied sciences at nvmcvZvj RvZxq e¶e¨vwa Bbw÷wUDU I nvmcvZvj Ges shere-e-Bangla Nagar shaheed cvebv, Kzwóqv I h‡kvi †gwWK¨vj K‡iR nvmcvZvj K¨v¤ suhrawardy Medical collage Hospital úv‡m Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwK¬qvi †gwWwmb GÛ A¨vjv‡qW mv‡q‡›mm ¯’vcb (RyjvB 2014-Ryb 2018)| campus, & Nationa Institute of Diseases of the Chest & Hospital Campus, Mohakhali and Medical College Hospital Campus, Pabna, Kushtia, Jessore. 26055101 - Establishment of Modernization of 26055101 -Lv`¨ wbivcËv I M‡elYvi j‡¶¨ †iwW‡qkb cÖ‡mwms c­¨v›U Radiation Processing Plant for Food ¯’vcb I AvaywbKvqb (RyjvB 2015-Ryb 2018)| Security and Research. 26055102 - Full facility development of Institute of 26055102 -dzj d¨vwmwjwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae wbDwK¬qvi †gwWwmb GÛ Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, A¨vjv‡qW mv‡q‡›mm, gqgbwmsn Ges Bbgvm wm‡jU Mymensingh & Improvement of service †K‡›`«I †ivMx †mev Kvh©µg Dbœqb| Facility in INMAS, Sylhet. 26055103 - Synthesis and characterization of Magnetic 26055103 -?????????????? ????? ??????????? ? nanoparticles and their research in ??????????????????? ???????? ???????? ??????? bio-nanomedical application. 26055104 - Establishment of Liquid Nitrogen Plant 26055104 -?????? ????? ???????, ????? ?????? ?????????? ??????? and Strengthening of Analytical and ?????? ??? ???????? ???????? ??? ??????????????? ???? Radiation Protection Service Facilities of ????????????? AECD. 26055105 - Balancing, Modernization, Refurbishment 26055105 -mvfvi¯’ cigvYy kw³ M‡elYv cÖwZôv‡bi 3 †gMvIqvU and Extension (BMRE) of Safety Systems ¶gZv m¤žbœ M‡elYv wiA¨v± I d¨vwmwjwUi †mdwU wm‡÷ of the 3 MW TRIGA Mark-II Research ‡gi mgbœqmvab, AvaywbKxKiY, i¶Yv‡e¶Y I ewa©ZKiY Reactor Facility at AERE, Saver. Dha (RyjvB 2014- Ryb 2019)| 26055106 - Capacity Building for Exploration and 26055106 -?????? ???? ????????? ? ????????? ???????? ?????? Reaearch in Nuclear Minerals 26055107 - Establishment of compliance laboratory for 26055107 -?????, ???????, ???????? ? ???? ?????? ???? ??????????? Leather, Footwear, Leather Products and ????????? ??????? Allied Materials. 26055108 - Establishment of National Science and 26055108 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ feb wbg©vY Technology Complex (1st Phase) (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 26055109 - Establishment of Center for Technology 26055109 -B÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †m›Uvi di †UK‡bvjwR U«v›mdvi GÛ Transfer and Innovation B‡bv‡fkvb| 26055110 - Establishment of compliance laboratory for 26055110 -Pvgov, dzUIqvi, PvgovRvZ I m`„k¨ c‡Y¨i Rb¨ Kg‡c­• Leather, Footweear, Leather Products and M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb| Allied Materials 26055111 - Eatablishment of Pharmaceutical 26055111 -ev‡qvBKzBf¨v‡j›m ÷vwWRmn Jla welqK Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ Sciences Research Institute for dvg©vwmDwUK¨vjm mv‡q‡›mm wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb| Bioequivalence Studies and Drug Development 26055112 - Upgrading and Strengthening the Facilities 26055112 -Avc‡MªwWs GÛ †÷«s‡`wbs `¨v d¨vwmwjwUR Ae b¨vkbvj of National Institute of Nuclear Medicine Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwK¬qvi †gwWwmb GÛ G¨vjvBW and Allied Sciences (01/01/15 - 30/06/17) mv‡q›mm cÖKí(01/01/15-30/06/17) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 26055113 - Study Project for Establishing A World 26055113 -÷vwW cÖ‡R± di G÷vwe­wks G Iqvì K¬vm †óU-Ae-AvU© Class State-of-Art Science and Technology mvB›m GÛ †UK‡bvjwR wgDwRqvg Museum 26055114 - Establishment of Centre for Technology 26055114 -wewmGmAvBAvi-Gi cÖhyw³ n¯ZvšZi I D™¢veb Transfer and Innovation (ECTTI) msµvšZ †fŠZ myweavw` m„wó 26055210 - Application for Radiation Processing 26055210 -G¨vwc­‡Kkb Ae †iwW‡qkb cÖ‡mwms †UK‡bvjwR di Technology for Materials, Pilot Plant, g¨v‡Uwiqvjmt cvBjU c­v›U Bbw÷wUDU Ae cwjgvi Institute of Polymer Technology †UK‡bvjwR (01/07/1998-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 26057000 - Implementation of Computer Training 26057000 -64wU †Rjvq 128wU wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤cDUvi cÖwk¶Y Programme in 128 Educational Institutions Kg©m–wP ev¯@evqb cÖKí in 64 Districts Project 26057010 - Project for improvement of innovative 26057010 -Zi“Y I A‡ckv`vi weÁvbx‡`i D™¢vweZ cªK‡íi Dbœqb project developed by young and kxl©K cÖKí (01/07/96-30/06/2001) non-professional scientists

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26057011 - Support for Development of Public Sector 26057011 -mv‡cvU© di †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae cvewjK †m±i BDR AvÛvi use of ICT under EMTAP BGgwUGwc 26057012 - Institute of Mining Mineralogy and 26057012 -Bwbw÷wUDU Ae gvBwbs wgbv‡ivjwR GÛ †gUv‡ivjwR, Metrology, Bishigop, Jaypurhat wewkMc, RqcyinvU (01/07/2000-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057014 - Natural Gas and Patro-Chemical 26057014 -†c‡Uªvimvqb M‡elYv BbwówUDU, wm‡jU Research Institute, Chatok, Sylhet (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) 26057016 - Biogas Pilot Plant (Phase-2) 26057016 -ev‡qvM¨vm cvBjU c­¨v›U (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057017 - Establishment of Footwear Design and 26057017 -dzUIqvi wWRvBb GÛ †Wfjc‡g›U †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Development Centre (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 26057018 - Assistance for Introducing Computer 26057018 -gva¨wgK ch©v‡qi wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi †Kvm© cÖeZ©†b Course in Secondary Educational Institute mnvqZv `vb (001/07/2000-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 26057019 - Construction and Modernization of Nuclear 26057019 -cigvby wPwKrmv †K›`ª PÆMÖvg, ivRkvnx, wm‡jU I Treatment Centre at Chittagong, Rajshahi, w`bvRcy‡ii Rb¨ feb wbgv©Y I AvaywbKxKiY Sylhet and Dinajpur (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 26057020 - Nuclear medicine centre at Barisal, Khulna 26057020 -cigvYyy kw³ wPwKrmv †K›`« ewikvj, Lyjbv I gqgbwmsn and Mymensingh 26057030 - Research, development and training of 26057030 -cigvYy kw³ Kwgk‡bi M‡elYv Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y cªKí BAEC (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 26057040 - Development and modernisation of 26057040 -e¨v›mWK Dbœqb I AvaywbKxKiY Bansdoc 26057050 - Study on pilot plants of research projects 26057050 -wewmGmAvBAvi M‡elYv cÖK‡íi cvBjU c­v›U mgx¶v of BCSIR (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) (01/07/99-30/06/2002) 26057060 - National Science and Technology Museum 26057060 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ hv`yNi (3q ch©vq) ms‡kvwaZ (Phase-3) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057070 - Development of infrastructure for IT 26057070 -‡Wfjc‡g›U Ae Bbd«v÷«vKPvi di AvB. wU Gwc­‡Kkb application 26057080 - Development of aromatics and medicinal 26057080 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae G‡iv‡gwUK&m GÛ †gwWwmb¨vj c­v›U Ae plants of BCSIR (Phase-2) wewmGmAvBAvi (chv©q-2) (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) 26057090 - Training and demonstration of improved 26057090 -‡Rjv wfwËK DbœZ Pzjvi cªwk¶Y I cª`k©b furnace at districtwise 26057100 - Institute for Nuclear Science and 26057100 -Bbw÷wUDU di wbDwK¬qvi mv‡q›m GÛ †UK‡bvjwR ¯’vcb Technology 26057110 - Nuclear Medicine Centre at Bogra, 26057110 -cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª e¸ov, Kzwgj­v, dwi`cyi I m¨vi Comilla, Cox's bazar and Sir Salimullah mwjgyj­¨vn †gwWK¨vj K‡jR medical college 26057120 - Beach rehabilitation and collection centre 26057120 -‰mKZevwj AvniY †K›`ª, K·evRv‡ii cybe©vmb I cvBjU at Cox's Bazar c­v‡›Ui gvb Dbœqb 26057130 - Vegetable Laboratory BCSIR at 26057130 -evsjv‡`k weÁvb I wkí M‡elYv cwil‡`i †fwR‡Uej Bogura/Syedpur (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) M‡elYvMvi e¸ov/ˆmq`cyi 26057140 - Leather Research Institute 26057140 -Pvgov M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU 26057150 - National Science & Technology Museum 26057150 -RvZxq weÁvb I cªhyw³ hv`yNi (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 26057160 - Strengthening of Bangladesh Computer 26057160 -evsjv‡`k Kw¤•DUvi KvDwÝj‡K kw³kvjxKiY (chv©q-1) Council (Phase-1) (01/07/95-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057170 - Conducting computer course at different 26057170 -wefvMxq m`‡i ÷¨vÛvW© Kw¤•DUvi †Kvm© cwiPvjbv district HQ by Bangladesh Computer (01/07/98-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z Council 26057180 - Assistance to introduce computer course 26057180 -gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg‡n Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y cÖ`vb (chv©q- in secondary schools 2) 26057190 - Automation and networking of science and 26057190 -A‡Uv‡gkb GÛ †bUIqvwK©s Ae mv‡q›m GÛ †UK‡bvjwR technology libraries in Bangladesh jvB‡eªwiR Bb evsjv‡`k 26057200 - Chittagong Atomic Energy Centre 26057200 -PÆMªvg cigvYy kw³ †K›`ª ¯’vcb 26057210 - Expansion and Modernization of Research 26057210 -cigvYy kw³ †K›`ª XvKvi myweavw` kw³kvjxKiY Facilities of Atomic Energy Centre,Dhaka

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26057220 - Construction of Atomic Energy 26057220 -cigvYy kw³ Kwgk‡bi cªavb Kvh©vjq wbg©vY Commission HQ (01/07/95-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057230 - Block allocation 26057230 -‡_vKeivÏ 26057240 - Exploration and extraction of Nuclear 26057240 -cigvYy LwbR m¤•` AbymÜvb I AvniY t RqcyinvU, Minerals in Jaipurhat and Sylhet Dauki wm‡jU WvDwKPy¨wZ GjvKv area 26057250 - Construction of residential colony for 26057250 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi AvevwmK K‡jvwb BCSIR 26057260 - Establishment of Glass and Ceramic 26057260 -KvP I wmivwgK M‡elYv cix¶Y Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb Research Institute 26057270 - Establishment of technology exploration 26057270 -weÁvb I cªhyw³ gšYvj‡qi cªhyw³ wePy¨wZKiY †Kvl ¯’vcb cell 26057280 - Screening of Congenial Hypothyroidism in 26057280 -beRvZ‡Ki g‡a¨ Rb¥MZ nvB‡cv_vqi‡qW †iv‡Mi Newborn Babies cÖv`yf©ve mbv³KiY 26057290 - To Set up a Centre of Excellence for the 26057290 -evsjv‡`‡k wfGjGmAvB cÖhyw³i Rb¨ †mÈvi Ae Gw· Development of VLSI ‡j›m ¯’vcb 26057300 - National Science & Technology Museum 26057300 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Rv`yN‡ii M¨vjvwimg–‡ni Rb¨ cÖ`k©bxe¯@y msMªn I ZiyY weÁvbx‡`i D™¢vebxg–jK Kv‡R Drmvn cÖ`vb 26057310 - Atomic Medical Centre Research & Service 26057310 -cÖKí cwiPvjK, cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª e¸ov, ewikvj, Activities Extension and TC-99 Production Lyjbv, gqgbwmsn I iscyi Gi M‡elYv I †mev Kvh©µg in Bogra, Barishal, Khulna, Mymensing & m¤cÖmviY I wUwm-99 Drcv`b Rangpur 26057320 - Development of Materials for Tools and 26057320 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae g¨v‡Uwiqvjm& di Uyjm GÛ Bio-Metallic Implant ev‡qv‡gUvwjK Bgc­¨v›U (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057330 - Establishment of food Safety Laboratary for 26057330 -Lv`¨ wbivcËv M‡elYvMvi cÖwZôvi gva¨‡g wbivc` I research to produce safe and Quality food gvbm¤•bœ Lv`¨ ˆZix‡Z Lv`¨ cÖwµqvRvZKviK‡`i to Support food Processors mn‡hvwMZvi j‡¶¨ M‡elYv (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057340 - Establishment of Institute of National 26057340 -b¨vkbvj GbvjvBwUK¨vj wimvP© Ges mvwf©m Bbw÷wUDU Analytical Research and Service ¯’vcb 26057350 - Nuclear safety and radiation control 26057350 -cvigvbweK wbivcËv I wewKiY wbqšY wefvM division 26057360 - Support to Hi-Tech Park Authority to 26057360 -mv‡cvU© Uy nvB-†UK cvK© A_wiwU Uy GmUvwe­k nvB-†UK Establish Hi-tech Park at Kaliakoir, Gazipur cvK© GU Kvwjqv‰Ki, MvRxcyi 26057370 - Enhancement of Research Facility of 26057370 -Gbn¨v݇g›U Ae wimvP© d¨vwmwjwU Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU National Institute of Biotechnology Ae ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR 26057380 - Institute of food and radiation 26057380 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae dzW GÛ †iwW‡qkb ev‡qvjwR (AvBGdAviwe)-Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I `¶Zv e„w×KiY cÖKí 26057390 - Basic ICT Skill transfer upto Upazila Level 26057390 -†ewmK AvBwmwU w¯‹j U«v›mdvi Avc Uy Dc‡Rjv †j‡fj 26057400 - Support to BCSIR Instrumentation and 26057400 -mv‡cvU© Uy wewmGmAvBBAvi B›mU«y‡g‡›Ukb GÛ Calibration Laboratory ICSL for Chemical K¨vwj‡eªkb j¨vewiUwi AvBwmGmGj di ‡KwgK¨vj Metrology under BEST Program †g‡U«vjwR AvÛvi weBGmwU †cÖvMªvg, 26057410 - Strengthening BCC through Infrastructure 26057410 -AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g wewmwm kw³kvjxKiY Development 01/06/2011-30/06/2014) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 26057420 - Strengthening Nuclear Energy Research 26057420 -mvfv‡i cigvYy kw³ M‡elYv cªwZôvb (GBAviB) Centre at Savar kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/1996-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057430 - Strengthening of Analytical and Microbial 26057430 -wewmGmAvBAvi-Gi PÆMªvg I ivRkvnx †K‡›`ªi Laboratory at BCSIR in Rajshahi and GbvwjwUK¨vj I gvBµvweqvj j¨ve‡iUwi kw³kvjxKiY Chittagong. cÖKí 26057440 - Upgradation of triga mark research reactor 26057440 -AwaKZi AvB‡mvUc Drcv`b I Ab¨vb¨ e¨env‡ii Rb¨ for increased isotope production wUªMv gvK© Uy M‡elYv Pyj­xi DbœZKiY (01/07/1996-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057450 - Cox'sbazar nuclear station 26057450 -K·evRv‡i cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª I GKwU U«v‡qj Bb‡mU †UKwbK BDwbU ¯’vcb 26057460 - Modernisation and construction of Nuclear 26057460 -cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª -XvKvi Rb¨ feb wbg©vY I Medicine Centre building, Dhaka AvaywbKxKiY (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26057470 - Expansion of improved cooking stove 26057470 -DbœZ Pyjvi m¤•ªªmviY 26057480 - Modernisation of fuel research institute 26057480 -R¡vjvbx M‡elYv cªwZôv‡bi AvaywbKxKiY 26057490 - Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control 26057490 -cvigvbweK wbivcËv wewKiY wbqš¿Y wefvM (2q ch©vq) Division-2nd phase & Installation of Digital Ges wUªMv,gvK© -Uz M‡elYv Pzwj­i wWwRUvj wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v Control System for the TRIGA MARK II kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Research Reactor Project Aby‡gvw`Z 26057500 - aaa 26057500 -mvB‡K¬vU«b myweavw`mn †cU wmwU ¯’vcb (01/10/2011-30/09/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057510 - Human resource development project of 26057510 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb cªKí BCSIR (01/07/96-30/06/2002) 26057520 - Human Resources Development of Atomic 26057520 -evsjv‡`k cigvYy kw³ Kwgk‡bi gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb Energy Commission (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) 26057530 - Biogas pilot plant 26057530 -ev‡qv-M¨vm cvBjU c­v›U 26057540 - Development of Innovated Project of Young 26057540 -Zi“Y weÁvbx‡`i D™¢vweZ cÖK‡íi Dbœqb (4_© chv©q) Scientist (Phase-4) (01/01/2001-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057550 - Strengthening of BANSDOC 26057550 -e¨vÝWK kw³kvjxKiY(1g ch©vq) (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) (ms‡kvwaZ) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 26057560 - Modernisation of research centre of BCSIR 26057560 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi M‡elYvMvi I Bbw÷wUDU †m›Uvi¸wji AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/98-30/06/2003) 26057570 - Construction of Bangabandhu Sk. Mujibur 26057570 -e½eÜz †kL gywRei ingvb b‡fv w_‡qUvi wbg©vY Rahman Novotheater 26057610 - Environmental disaster and resource 26057610 -cwi‡ek `y‡h©vM I m¤•` ch©‡e¶Y c×wZ monitoring system (01/07/98-30/06/2005) 26057810 - Processing of radioactive waste and 26057810 -‡K›`ªxq †ZRw¯Œq eR©¨ cªwµqvKiY I msi¶YvMvi establishment of radioactive storage (01/07/97-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z facility 26057820 - Construction and strengthening of 26057820 -PÆMªv‡g †ZRw¯Œq M‡elYvMvi feb wbg©vY I kw³kvjxKiY radiation laboratory building at Chittagong 26057830 - Research on pesticides and environment 26057830 -KxUbvkK Aewkóvsk msµvš@ M‡elYv I cwi‡ek cwiex¶Y monitoring (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057840 - Co-ordinated PV solar energy programme 26057840 -‡Kv-AwW©‡b‡UW wcwf †mvjvi GbvwR© †cªvMªvg 26057850 - Radiation processing technology for 26057850 -‡iwW‡qkb cª‡mwms †UK‡bvjwR di †g‡Uwiqvj cvBjU c­ material pilot plant ¨v›U (01/07/99-30/06/2002) 26057860 - Accelerator laboratory for the BAEC and 26057860 -G·wjUi j¨ve‡iUwi di `¨v weGBwm GÛ d¨vwmwjwU BgcÖ facility improvement of analysis of nail, hair “f‡g›U di GbvjvBwmm Ae †bBj †nqvi GÛ ¯‹xb di and skin for arsenic Av‡m©wbK 26057870 - Fisibility study on R & D of Renewable 26057870 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Ab Avi GÛ wW Ae wiwbD‡q‡ej GbvwR© Energy Technology (Solar, Wind, Mini, †UK‡bvjwR (†mvjvi, DBÛ, wgwb gvB‡µv, nvB‡W«v) Micro, Hydro) (01/07/98-30/06/2001) 26057880 - Studies on the packaging of food stuffs : 26057880 -÷vwWR Ab w` c¨v‡KwRs Ae dzW ÷vdm& B‡d± Ae Effect of packaging materials on the quality c¨v‡KwRs g¨v‡Uwiqvjm& Ab w` †KvqvwjwU dzW (Lv`¨weÁvb food I cªhyw³ Bbw÷wUDU wewmGmAvBAvi) (01/07/98-30/06/2003) 26057890 - Development of infrastructure for IT 26057890 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Bbdªv÷ªvKPvi di AvB. wU Gwc­K¨vkb applications in Bangladesh Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/98-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057900 - 26057900 -cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª wm‡jU, PÆMÖvg, ivRkvnx w`bvRcyi Gi AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 26057910 - Bangladesh Korea Inistitution of 26057910 -evsjv‡`k ‡Kvwiqv Bwbw÷wUDU Ae Bbdi‡gkb GÛ Information nad Comunication Technology KwgDwb‡Kkb †UK‡bvjRx (we‡K, AvB AvB wmwU) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abbygvw`Z 26057920 - 26057920 -cvigvbweK wbivcËv wewKib wbqšY wefvM(2q ch©vq) Ges wUªvMv, gvK© Uz M‡elbv Pzj­xi wWwRUvj wbqšY e¨e¯’v kw³kvjxKiY (1/7/05-30/6/08) Aby‡gvw`Z) 26057930 - Besic Infrustructure for Hightec Park (1st 26057930 -‡ewmK Bbd«v÷vKPvi di nvB‡UK cvK© (1g ch©vq) Phase) Kvwjqv‰Ki,MvRxcyi (01/07/2006-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 26057940 - Completion of essential works for the 26057940 -GKgwc­m‡g›U Ae G‡mbwkqvj GKwUwfwUm Uy Construction of Rooppur Nuclear Power Bw¤cwj‡g›U 1000 †gtIt i“ccyi wbDwK¬qvi cvIqvi c­¨v›U Plant.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26057990 - Identification of Thyroid in New Born Baby 26057990 -beRvZ‡Ki g‡a¨ Rb¥MZ nvB‡cv_vBi‡qW †iv‡Mi cÖv`y©fve mbv³KiY 26058010 - Development of BCSIR human resources 26058010 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb Kvh©µg (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) (01/07/99-30/06/2005) 26058020 - Use of spirulina for prevention of diabates 26058020 -eûgÎ †ivM cÖwZ‡iv‡a ¯•ª~wjbvi e¨envi (01/07/99- 30/06/2001) 26058030 - Development of cyclone affected BCSIR 26058030 -NwY©S‡o ¶wZMÖ¯ PÆMÖvg we.wm.Gm.AvB.Avi laboratory at Chittagong M‡elYvMv‡ii Dbœqb 26058040 - Development of national science and 26058040 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ hv`yN‡ii M¨vjvwii cÖ`k©bx msMÖn technology museum (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) 26058050 - Establishment of DK tank of triga reactor of 26058050 -mvfvi¯’ cigvYy kw³ M‡elYv cÖwZôv‡bi wUªMv wiq¨v‡±‡ii Savar Atomic Energy Centre wW‡K U¨vsK cÖwZ¯’vcb (01/07/96-30/06/2000) 26058060 - Strengthening IFRD tissue bank laboratory 26058060 -AvBGdAviwe wUmy¨ e¨vswKs M‡elYvMvi kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/99-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 26058070 - 26058070 -cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª ewikvj, Lyjbv, iscyi I gqgbwmsn Gi AvaywbKxKiY (2001-2005) 26058080 - Expansion of improved stoves (phase-2) 26058080 -DbœZ Pzjv m¤•ÖmviY (2q ch©vq) (01/07/98-30/06/2001) 26058090 - Bangladesh Institute of Communication 26058090 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae KwgDwb‡Kkb GÛ Bbdi‡gkb and Information Technology (BICIT) †UK‡bvjwR (weAvBwmAvBwU) (01/07/99-30/06/2003) 26058120 - Information Technology Village 26058120 -Bbdi‡gkb †UK‡bvjwR wf‡jR (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) 26058901 - Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant project 26058901 -iƒccyi cigvYy kw³ cªKí 26058902 - Scheme for facilitating the implementation 26058902 -iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r cÖKí Ÿv¯@evq‡bi mnvqK cÖKí of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (01/07/98-30/06/2003) 26058903 - Automation and networking of science and 26058903 -A‡Uv‡gkb GÛ †bUIqvwK©s Ae mv‡qÝ GÛ †UK‡bvjwR technology libraries in Bangladesh jvB‡eªwiR Bb evsjv‡`k (ch©vq-2) (Phase-2) (01/07/99-30/06/2004) 26058904 - Development of the physical facilities of 26058904 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi M‡elYvMvimg–‡ni †fŠZ myweavw`i the laboratories of BCSIR Dbœqb (01/07/99-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 26058905 - Procurement of modern and update 26058905 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi M‡elYvMvi mg‡ni Rb¨ hy‡Mvc‡hvMx equipments for the laboratories of BCSIR AvaywbK hšcvwZ msMÖn 26058906 - Mordernization of BCSIR library 26058906 -wewmGmAvBAvi jvB‡eªix AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/99-30/06/2002) 26058907 - Research laboratory of BCSIR, Rangamati 26058907 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi M‡elYvMvi, ivsMvgvwU (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 26058908 - Human resource development of the 26058908 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Rv`yN‡ii Rbej cÖwk¶Y National Musium for Science and (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) Technology 26058909 - Construction and mordernisation of 26058909 -cigvYy wPwKrmv Bbw÷wUDU, XvKvi Rb¨ feb wbgv©Y I Nuclear Medical Institute building AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2000-30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 26058910 - Procurement of modern and latest 26058910 -wewmGmAvBAvi Gi M‡elYvMvimg–‡ni Rb¨ hy‡Mvc‡hvMx equipments for the laboratories of BCSIR AvaywbK hš¿cvwZ msMÖn (01/07/99-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 26058912 - 26058912 -ev‡qvjwR I wUmy¨KvjPvi BbwówUDU ¯’vcb, XvKv 26058920 - 26058920 -i“ccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯’vc‡bi cÖ¯ywZgjK KvR (2q chv©q) Abbyt (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) 26058921 - (1) Upgradation and Expansion of the 26058921 -(1) e¨vÝWK-Gi †mevmg~‡ni gvb Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY Qualities of BANSDOC Services Ges (2) XvKvq e¨vÝWK-Gi Kvh©Ki ¶gZv m¤cbœ 2007-2010 and (2) Establishment of MÖš’vMvi Ges Lyjbvq e¨vÝWK-Gi AvÂwjK †K›`ª cÖwZôv BANSDOC Virtual Library at Dhaka & Regional Cent 26058925 - Construction of BCC Bhaban (Phase-2) 26058925 -wewmwm feb wbgv©Y (2q chv©q) 26058926 - National Infra-Network Project for 26058926 -b¨vkbvj Bbd«v-†bUIqvK© cÖ‡R± di evsjv‡`k MfY©‡g›U Bangladesh Government (BanglaGovNet) (evsjvMf‡bU) 26058927 - Strengthening the Utilization of TRIGA 26058927 -wUªMv gvK©-Uz M‡elYv PzjÐxi e¨envi kw³kvjxKiY Mark-II Research Reactor. RyjvB-2006-Ryb2009 26058930 - Implementation of Computer Training 26058930 -64wU †Rjvq 128wU wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y Programmes in 128 Educational Kg©m–wP ev¯Zevqb (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z Institutions across 64 Districts

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26058938 - Establishment of PET-CT (Positron 26058938 -cigvby wPwKrmv Bbw÷wUDU †cU-wmwU (cwRkb Gwgkb Emission Tomography Computerized UgUMÖvdx- Kw¤cDUvivBR UgMÖvdx) †mev I cÖhyw³ ¯’vcb| Tomography) technology and Services in the Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Dhaka 26058939 - Establishment of NDT Institute, 26058939 -wkí M‡elYv †¶‡Î e¨env‡ii j‡¶¨ GbwWwU Bbw÷wUDU Replenishment of existing ¯’vcb, GBAviB mvfv‡ii Mvgv †mvm© cÖwZ¯’vcb I wiG¨± gamma-irradiator & activate of unused ‡ii wbDUªb exg‡cvU© Kvh©‡cv‡hvMxKiY| Nutron Beam port of research Reactor at AERE, Savar fo 26058940 - Establishment of Nuclear Medicine Centre 26058940 -†k‡i evsjv bM‡i Lv‡j`v wRqv †gwW‡Kj PZ¡‡i cigvby at Begum Khaleda Zia Medical College wPwKrmv †K›`ª ¯’vcb| Campus at Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 26058941 - Completion of essential works for the 26058941 -iƒccyi cvigvYweK we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯’vc†b Acwinvh©¨ Kvh©vejx Construction of Rooppur Nuclear Power m¤cv`b Plant. 26058942 - Intitute of Herbal Medicine and Research 26058942 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae nvievj †gwWwmb GÛ wimvP© 26058943 - Upgradation and Expansion of the 26058943 -e¨vÝWK- Gi †mevmg~‡ni gvb Dbœqb I m¤úªmviY Qualities of BANSDOC Services 26058944 - Establishment of BANSDOC Virtual Library 26058944 -XvKvq e¨vÝWK- Gi Kvh©Ki ¶gZv m¤cbœ MÖš’vMvi Ges at Dhaka and Regional Centre at Khulna Lyjbvq e¨vÝWK Gi AvÂwjK †K›`ª cÖwZôv 26058945 - IT Villege In Khulna 26058945 -Lyjbvq Bbdi‡gkb †UK‡bvjwR wf‡jR ¯’vcb 26058946 - Pilot Plant Studies on Processing And 26058946 -Avbvim I Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vbxq d‡ji msi¶Y I Preservation of Pineapple and other fruits. cÖwµqvRvZKi‡Yi cvBjU c­v›U ÷ªvwW 26058947 - Industrial Waste Treatment By Useing 26058947 -d‡UvK¨vUvwjK, ev‡qvjwRK¨vj G¨vÛ †KwgK¨vj Photo-Catalytic Biological and Chamical †UK‡bvjwRi gva¨‡g wkí KviLvbvi eRª¨ cvwb cwi‡kvaY Methods. 26058948 - Development of Instrumentation 26058948 -†`ke¨vcx j¨ve‡iUix GKwmWv‡ikb Gi AeKvVv‡gvi Calibaration and Chemical Metrologhy Acwinvh© Ask wn‡m‡e wewmGmAvBAvi Gi Bbw÷ Services Within BCSIR-as an Essential ªD‡g‡›Ukb K¨vwjev‡ikb K¨vwgK¨vj †g‡ÆvjRx mvwf©m Gi Part of Country wide Conformety †Rvi`viKiY Dbœq Assesment In 26058949 - Development of Tools and Biometallic 26058949 -Uzjm I ev‡qvg¨vUvwjK Bgc­v‡›Ui Rb¨ e¯yi Dbœqb Matrials Impact For Industries 26058951 - Studies on the Pulping of Trema 26058951 -wUªgv Iwi‡q›Uvwjm (bvwjZv) cvwís Gi Dci M‡elYv Orientalies (Nalita) 26058952 - Establishing a Hydrogen Energy 26058952 -nvB‡Wªv‡Rb PvwjZ kw³ Drcv`b I cÖhyw³ m¤cªmvi‡Yi j‡ Labaratory to carry out fundamental ¶¨ M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb research in fuel cell and also Hydrogen Technology. 26058953 - Establishment of Nuclear Medicine Center 26058953 -gnvLvwj¯’ K¨vÝvi Bbw÷wUDU K¨v¤cv‡m cigvYy wPwKrmv at National Cancer at National Cancer †K›`ª ¯’vcb (RyjvB 2009-Ryb 2012) Resesrch Institute & Hospital Campus Mohakhali, Dhaka. 26058954 - To Establish appropriate nuclear 26058954 -AvUwU †Rjv m`i nvmcvZvj ch©v‡q †ivM wbY©q I technology center for the diagnosis and wbivg‡qi Rb¨ h_vh_ cigvYy cÖhyw³ †K›`ª ¯’vcb treatment at eight district level hospitals. 26058955 - To introduce new radipharmaceuticals at 26058955 -wewfbœ cigvYy wPwKrmv ‡K›`ª AZ¨vaywbK different nuclear medicine center for the †iwWIdvg©vwmDwUK¨vjm-Gi mvnv‡h¨ K¨vÝvi wbY©q, wbivgq diagnosis, treatment and management of I e¨e¯’vcbv| cancer. 26058956 - Capacity buildup and expansion of Beach 26058956 -‰mKZ evwj¯’ LwbR m¤ú` Dbœqb wel‡q M‡elYv Kv‡Ri Sand Mineral exploration centre Cox's Rb¨ K¨vcvwmwU weì-Avc Ges M‡elYvMvi ¤cÖmviY Bazar. 26058957 - Strengthening of small scale production 26058957 -B‡j±«wb· wm‡ó‡gi ¯^ígvÎv Drcv`b myweavw` facilities of Electronic System and Capacity kw³kvjxKiY I B‡jKÆwb· M‡elYvMv‡ii K¨vcvwmwU build-up of Electronic Research weì-Avc| Laboratory. 26058958 - Construction of Nuclear Medicine Facility at 26058958 -‡bvqvLvjx‡Z cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª ¯’vcb Noakhali General Hospital Campus.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26058959 - Infrastructure Development and capacity 26058959 -wPwKrmv mvgMÖx RxevY~gy³ KiY, Lv`¨ evwnZ †ivM m„wóKvix enhancement for sterilization of Medical RxevY~ Ges AwbóKvix †cvKv`gb Kv‡h©i AMÖMwZi j‡¶¨ Product and Control of food borne AvBGdAviwei AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I ¶gZv e„w×KiY| pathogens of IFRB for Sterilization 26058960 - 26058960 -b¨v‡bv cvwU©‡Kj, b¨v‡bv ÷ªvKP©vivj †gwUwiqvj Ges K‡ ¤cvwRU Gi Dbœqb Ges e¨env| 26058961 - Infrastructure Development and Capacity 26058961 -wPwKrmv mvgMÖxi RxevYygy³KiY, Lv`¨evwnZ †ivMm„wóKvix Enhancement of IFRB for Sterilization of RevYyaŸsmKiY Ges AwbóKvix †cvKv`gb Kv‡h©i medical products and control of food borne AMÖMwZi j‡¶¨ AvBGdAviwe-Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I pathogens and pests. ¶gZve„w×Ki 26058962 - Establishment of Food Safety Laboratory 26058962 -Lv`¨ wbivcËv M‡elYvMvi cÖwZôvi gva¨‡g wbivc` I gvb for Research to Produce Safe & Quality m¤•bœ Lv`¨ ˆZix‡Z Lv`¨ cÖwµqvRvZ KviK‡`i Food to Support Food Processors. mn‡hvwMZvi j‡¶¨ M‡elYv 26058963 - Development of modern molecular 26058963 -Avjyi fvBivm †ivM mbv³Ki‡Y AvaywbK gwjKyjvi c×wZ techniques for potato virus detection. D™¢veb 26058964 - Development of Materials for Tols and 26058964 -Uzjm I ev‡qv‡gUvwjK Bgcøv‡›Ui Rb¨ e¯‘i Dbœqb Bio-Metallic Implant 26058965 - Institute of National Analytical Research 26058965 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae b¨vkbvj GbvjvBwUK¨vj wimvP© GÛ and Services mvwf©mÓ wewmGmAvBAvi ¯’vcb 26058966 - Strengthening the Institute of Mining, 26058966 -RqcyinvU Bbw÷wUDU Ae gvBwbs, wgbv‡ivjwR GÛ Mineralogy and Metallurgy (IMMM), BCSIR, †gUvjvwR©, kw³kvjxKiY Joypurhat. 26058967 - Development of National ICT Infra-Network 26058967 - for Bangladesh Government ("BanglaGovNet") July 2009 - June-2014 26058968 - Development of National ICT Infra-Network 26058968 - for Bangladesh Government ("BanglaGovNet") 26058969 - Development 26058969 - 26058970 - Development of National ICT Infra-Network 26058970 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmwU Bbd«v-†bUIqvK© di for Bangladesh Government evsjv‡`k MfY©‡g›U cÖKí ("BanglaGovnet") July 2009 - June 2012 (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) 26058971 - 26058971 -XvKv¯’ gnvLvjx‡Z AvBwU wf‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí 26058972 - 26058972 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y Kg©mwP ev¯evqb cÖKí 26058973 - 26058973 -nvB‡UK cvK©, MvRxcyi, Kvwjqv‰Ki ¯’vc‡b nvB‡UK cvK© A_wiwU‡K mnvqZvKiY cÖKí 26058974 - 26058974 -wefvMxq ch©v‡q AvBwU wf‡jR/GmwUwc ¯’vcb mnvqZv cÖKí 26058975 - 26058975 -AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g wewmwm kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 26058976 - 26058976 -iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r Pyj­x ¯’vcb 26058977 - 26058977 -wkí I M‡elYv †¶‡Î e¨env‡ii j‡¶¨ GbwWwU Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb 26058978 - 26058978 -RvZxq ch©v‡q wUmy¨ e¨vswKs Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb 26058979 - 26058979 -ebvbx‡Z evsjv‡`k cigvYy kw³ Kwgk‡bi we`¨gvb AvevwmK K‡jvbxi AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb 26058980 - 26058980 -cigvYy kw³ M‡elYv cÖwZôvb mvfv‡i we`¨gvb myweavw` kw³kvjxKiY I †mŠ›`h© ea©Y 26058981 - 26058981 -B‡jKU«wbK wm‡÷‡gi ¯^ígvÎv Drcv`b myweavw` kw³kvjxKiY I B‡jKU«wb· M‡elYvMv‡ii K¨vcvwmwU weìAvc 26058982 - 26058982 -‰mKZ evwj¯’ LwbR m¤•` Dbœqb wel‡q M‡elYv Kv‡Ri Rb¨ K¨vcvwmwU weì Avc Ges M‡elYvMvi m¤•ªmviY 26058983 - 26058983 -cigvYy kw³ M‡elYv cÖwZôvb mvfv‡i we`¨gvb my‡hvM myweav e¨envi K‡i 01wU wPwKrmv †K›`ª ¯’vcb 26058984 - 26058984 -‡bvqvLvjx‡Z cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª ¯’vcb 26058985 - 26058985 -K·evRv‡i cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª I 01wU †÷ivBj Bb‡m± BDwbU ¯’vcb 26058986 - 26058986 -knx` †mvnivIqv`x© nvmcvZvj PZ¡‡i cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª ¯’vcb 26058987 - 26058987 -‡MvcvjMÄ, wK‡kviMÄ I Rvgvjcyi m`i nvmcvZvj PZ¡ ‡i cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª wbg©vY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26058988 - Digital Bangladesh Database (BCSIR) 26058988 - 26058989 - Establishment of Radiactivity Testing and 26058989 - Monitoring Laboratory at Mongla, Khulna 26058990 - Establishment of Radiactivity Testing and 26058990 - Monitoring Laboratory at Mongla, Khulna 26058991 - Establishmentn of Radiactivity Testing and 26058991 - Monitoring Laboratory at Mongla, Khulna 26058992 - Establishmentn of Radiactivity Testing and 26058992 -gsjve›`i Lyjbvi †ZR®ŒxqZv cix¶b M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb Monitoring Laboratory at Mongla, Khulna (RyjvB 11-Ryb 14) 26058993 - 26058993 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmwU Bbd«v‡bUIqvK© di evsjv‡`k Mf©‡g›U (Bb‡dv-miKvi) 26058994 - 26058994 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmwU Bbd«v‡bUIqvK© di evsjv‡`k Mf©‡g›U (Bb‡dv-miKvi) 26058995 - 26058995 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmwU Bbd«v‡bUIqvK© di evsjv‡`k Mf©‡g›U (Bb‡dv-miKvi) 26058996 - 26058996 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmwU Bbd«v‡bUIqvK© di evsjv‡`k Mf©‡g›U (Bb‡dv-miKvi) 26058997 - Development of ICT Infra-Network for 26058997 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmwU Bbd«v‡bUIqvK© di Bangladesh Government evsjv‡`k Mf©‡g›U (01/04/2010-30/06/2014) 26058998 - 26058998 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmU Bbd«v †bUIqvK© di evsjv‡`k Mf©‡g›U 26058999 - Strengthening the Institute of Mining, 26058999 -RqcyinvU¯’ Bbw÷wUDU Ae gvBwbs wgbv‡ivjwR GÛ Mineralogy and Metallurgy of Joypurhat †gUvjvwR© kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/10-30/06/13 Aby‡gvw`Z 26059000 - Automation & Digitization of BANSDOC 26059000 -ggl;kh; Services 2011-2014 26059001 - Establishment of Nuclear Medicine Centre 26059001 -K·evRv‡i cigvYy wPwKrmv †K›`ª I GKwU (Sterile & Sterile Insect Technic Unit at Coxbazar. Insect Unit)¯’vcb 26059002 - Polymer (Jutin) 26059002 -cvU I cwjgvi, K‡¤úvwRU Øviv †WDwUb (RywUb) M„n wbg©vY mvgMÖx ˆZix I e¨envi| 2606 - International Organisations 2606 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 26064201 - Islamic Foundation for Science 26064201 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb di mvBÝ †UK‡bvjRx GÛ Technology and Dev. †W‡fjc‡g›U 26064203 - Commonwealth Science Fund 26064203 -KgbI‡qj_ weÁvb Znwej 26064205 - Asia and Pacific Centre for Transfer of 26064205 -Gwkqv GÛ c¨vwmwdK †m›Uvi di UªvÝdvi Ae †UK‡bvjwR Technology 26064207 - NAM Science and Technology Centre 26064207 -‡RvU wbi‡c¶ Av‡›`vj‡bi weÁvb I cªhyw³ ‡K›`ª 26064208 - International Center for Genetic 26064208 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj †m›Uvi di †R‡bwUK BwÄwbqvwis GÛ Engineering and Bio-technology ev‡qv-†UK‡bvjwR 26064209 - Third World Academy of Science 26064209 -_vW© Iqvì© GKv‡Wgx Ae mv‡qÝ 26064210 - Organization of Islamic Conference 26064210 -AM©vbvB‡Rkb Ae BmjvwgK Kbdv‡i›m ÷¨vwÛs KwgwU Standing Committee on Scientific and Ab mv‡qw›UwdK A¨vÛ †UK‡bvjwRK¨vj †Kv-Acv‡ikb Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH). (Kgm‡UK)| 26064211 - UNICODE Consortium 26064211 -BDwb‡KvW Kb‡mvwU©qvg 26064458 - Asia Pacific Training Centre for Information 26064458 -Gwkqv †cwmwdK †U««wbs †m››Uvi di Bbdi‡gkb GÛ and Communication Technology (APCICT) KwgDwb‡Kkb †UK‡bvjwR (GwcwmAvBwmwU) 2621-2640 - Information & Communication Technology 2621-2640 -Z_¨ I ‡hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ 2621 - Bashani Novotheatre, Dhaka 2621 -fvmvbx b‡fvw_‡qUvi, XvKv| 26210000 - Bashani Novotheatre, Dhaka 26210000 -fvmvbx b‡fvw_‡qUvi, XvKv| 2680-2685 - Special Programmes 2680-2685 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 2680 - Special Programme 2680 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 26804576 - 26804576 -we.wm.Gm.AvB.Avi Gi gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb 2696-2698 - Development Programme Financed by 2696-2698 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 2696 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 2696 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 26964300 - Installation of 3-D Interactive Virtual 26964300 -e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi G w_ª-wW Planetarium at Bangabandhu Sheikh B›UviGKwUf fvP©yqvj c­v‡bUvwiqvg PvjyKiY Mujibur Rahman Novotheatre

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26964301 - Block Allocation 26964301 -??? ?????? 26964658 - Government-Private Initiative on 26964658 -miKvwi †emiKvwi D‡Ï¨v‡M wk¶v e¨e¯’vq Z_¨ cÖhyw³i Information Technology Enhanced e¨env‡i cvBjU Kg©m–wP (2010-13) Education-A Pilot Programme (2010-11) 26964659 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 26964659 -e„nËi dwi`cyi, ewikvj I cUyqvLvwj †Rjvi gva¨wgK I Higher Education Institutes in Greater D”P wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY Kg©m–wP Faridpur, Barisal and Patuakhali Districts (2010-11) (2010-11) 26964660 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 26964660 -e„nËi wm‡jU I Kzwgj­v †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P wk¶v Higher Education Institutes of Greater cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY Kg©m–wP (2010-11) Sylhet and Comilla Districts (2010-11) 26964661 - Strengthening of Tissue Banking 26964661 -AvBwmwU e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g wUmy¨ e¨vswKs M‡elYv I ‡mev Research Activities and Services using ICT Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY 26964662 - Development of Computer Laboratory to 26964662 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Kw¤•DUvi j¨ve‡iUwi Uy d¨vwmwj‡UU Facilitate Research and Academic wimvP© GÛ GKv‡WwgK GKwUwfwUR Ae b¨vkbvj Activities of National Institute of BbwówUDU Ae ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR Biotechnology 26964686 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 26964686 -e„nËi Lyjbv, h‡kvi I Kzwóqv †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P Higher Education Institutes in Greater wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY Kg©m–wP (2010-11) Khulna, Jessore and Kushtia Districts (2010-11) 26964687 - Installation of 3-D Interactive Virtual 26964687 -e½eÜy ‡kL gywReyi ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi G w_ªwW Planetarium at Bangabandhu Sheikh B›UviGKwUf fvPy©qvj c­v‡b‡Uwiqvg PvjyKiY Mujibur Rahman Novotheatre 26964710 - Special Programme for development of 26964710 -AvBwmwU Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl Kg©m–wP ICT sector 26964711 - Human Resources Development through 26964711 -AvBwmwU cÖwk¶‡Yi gva¨‡g gvbe m¤•‡`i Dbœqb ICT Training Programme 26964715 - Science and Information, Communication 26964715 -weÁvb Ges Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyyw³ gš¿Yvjq Ministry Improvement kw³kvjxKiY (2qch©vq) 2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06 26964716 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 26964716 -e„nËi w`bvRcyi I iscyi †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P wk¶v Higher Education Institutesin Greater cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY Kg©m–wP (2010-11) Dinajpur and Rangpur Districts (2010-11) 26964727 - 26964727 -wefvMxq m`‡i ó¨vÛvW© Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y †Kvm© cwiPvjbv Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2007-08) 26964728 - 26964728 -evsjv‡`k Kw¤•DUvi KvDw›mj kw³kvjxKiY (1g ch©vq) mgvß cÖKí 26964729 - Controller of Certifying Authority(CCA) 26964729 -†`‡k wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i cÖeZ©b I K‡›U«vjvi Ad mvwU©dvBs A_wiwU (wmwmG) 26964730 - 26964730 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q KwgDwbwU B-†m›Uvi ¯’vcb 26964731 - 26964731 -wfwWI Kbdv‡iw›ms wm‡÷g ¯’vcb Kg©mwP 26964732 - 26964732 -wfwWI Kbdv‡iw›ms wm‡÷g ¯’vcb Kg©mwP 26964733 - 26964733 -evsjv‡`k Kw¤•DUvi KvDw›m‡ji wefvMxq †K‡›`ª cÖwk¶Y AeKvVv‡gv m¤•ªmviY Kg©mwP 26964734 - 26964734 -wWwRUvj msm` wewbg©v‡Yi j‡¶¨ gvbbxq msm` m`m¨M‡Yi Kv‡b±wUwfwU I RvZxq msm‡` B›Uvi‡bU Gwc­­ ‡Kkb ˆZixi Kg©mwP 26964735 - 26964735 -wefvMxq Kwgkbvi I †Rjv cÖkvmb Kvh©vj‡q LAN ms¯’vcb I cvewjK wŸk¦we`¨vjq I wek¦we`¨vjq K‡jR WiFi wm‡ ÷g Gi gva¨‡g B›Uvi‡bU myweav m¤•ªmviY 26964736 - 26964736 -AvBwmwU wk¶v I wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Kg©mwP m¤•‡K© DØy×KiY Kvh©µg 26964737 - 26964737 -XvKv wefv‡M Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b KwgcDUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb 26964738 - 26964738 -ivRkvnx wefv‡M Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b KwgcDUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb 26964739 - 26964739 -PÆMªvg I wm‡jU wefv‡M Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b KwgcDUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb 26964740 - 26964740 -Lyjbv I ewikvj wefv‡M Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b KwgcDUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26964741 - Formation of Database and Automation of 26964741 -wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Movi Ask wnmv‡e wewmGmAvBAvi Information Technology for BCSIR as a Gi WvUv‡eR cÖ¯‘Z Ges Z_¨ cÖhyw³ ¯^qswµqKiY part of Digital Bangladesh 26964742 - Extension of ICT based Training Facilities 26964742 -miKv‡ii B-†mev wbwðZ Ki‡Z Z_¨ cÖhyw³ Ávb m¤•bœ at BPATC and BCS Admin Academy for †jvKej ˆZwii j‡¶¨ evsjv‡`k †jvKcÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y creating ICT knowledgeable Manpower to †K›`ª (wewcGmwU) I wewmGm (cÖkvmb) GKv‡Wwg‡Z Z_¨ ensure Government's e-service. cÖhyw³ wfwËK cÖwk¶Y myweav m¤•ÖmviY 26964743 - Extension work of National data Center for 26964743 -RvZxq WvUv †m›Uvi AeKvVv‡gv m¤•ÖmviY Kg©m–wP Hosted services. 26964744 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 26964744 -e„nËi XvKv †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v Higher Secondary Institutes of Greater cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY Kg©m–wP Dhaka District. 26964745 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 26964745 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn, Rvgvjcyi I Uv½vBj †Rjvi gva¨wgK Higher Secondary Institutes of Greater I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY Mymensingh,Jamalpur and Tangail District Kg©m–wP 26964746 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 26964746 -e„nËi †bvqvLvjx, PÆMÖvg I iv½vgvwU †Rjvi gva¨wgK I Higher Secondary Institutes of Greater D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY Noakhali,Chittagong and Rangamati Kg©m–wP District 26964748 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 26964748 -e„nËi ivRkvnx, e¸ov I cvebv †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P Higher Secondary Institutes of Greater gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY Kg©m–wP Rajshahi,Bogra and Pabna District 26964767 - Establishment of e-Center in Chittagong 26964767 -PU«Mªvg wefv‡Mi we`y¨r ms‡hvMwenxb BDwbq‡b B-†m›Uvi Division of Unions without electricity ¯’vcb 26964768 - Establishment of e-center in Sylhet 26964768 -wm‡jU wefvM I XvKv wefv‡Mi e„nËi gqgbwmsn †Rjvi Division including grater Mymenshing we`y¨r ms‡hvM wenxb BDwbq‡b B-†m›Uvi ¯’vcb district at Unions with electricity 26964769 - Establishment of e-center in Rajshahi 26964769 -ivRkvnx wefv‡Mi we`y¨r ms‡hvM wenxb BDwbq‡b B-†m›Uvi Division at Unions without Electricity ¯’vcb 26964773 - Establishment of e-center in Dhaka 26964773 -XvKv wefv‡Mi (e„nËi gqgbwmsn †Rjv ev‡`) we`y¨r Division Excluding grater Mymensingh ms‡hvM wenxb BDwbq‡b B-†m›Uvi ¯’vcb district) at unions without electricity 26964787 - Establishment of e-center in Khulna and 26964787 -Lyjbv I ewikvj wefv‡Mi we`y¨r ms‡hvM wenxb BDwbq‡b Barisal Division at Unions with electricity B-†m›Uvi ¯’vcb 26964921 - Introduction of Digital Signature and 26964921 -†`‡k wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i cÖeZ©b I K‡›U«vjvi Ae mvwU©dvBwqs Commencement of Office of the Controller A_wiwUi Kvh©vjq PvjyKiY of Certifying Authority (CCA) 26964922 - Establishment of Community e-Center at 26964922 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q KwgDwbwU B-†m›Uvi ¯’vcb Upazilla Level 26964923 - Establishment of Computer Lab in 26964923 -XvKv wefv‡M Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK Secondary and Higher Secondary wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb Institutions at Upazilla Level in Dhaka Division 26964924 - Establishment of Computer Lab in 26964924 -ivRkvnx wefv‡M Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK Secondary and Higher Secondary wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb Institutions at Upazilla Levell in Rajshahi Division 26964925 - Establishment of Computer Lab in 26964925 -PU«Mªvg I wm‡jU wefv‡M Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gva¨wgK I D”P Secondary and Higher Secondary gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb Institutions at Upazilla Levell in Chittagong and Sylhet Division 26964926 - Establishment of Computer Lab in 26964926 -Lyjbv I ewikvj wefv‡M Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gva¨wgK I D”P Secondary and Higher Secondary gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb Institutions at Upazilla Levell in Khulna and Barishal Division 26964927 - Strengthing Programme of Bangabandhu 26964927 -wWwRUvj wdj¥ I GKwRweU ms‡hvR‡bi gva¨‡g e½eÜy Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novotheatre by †kL gywReyi ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi‡K kw³kvjxKiY Procuring Digital Film and Exhibits

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 26964928 - Strengthening Programme for National 26964928 -RvZxq weÁvb I cÖhyw³ Rv`yNi kw³kvjxKiY Kg©m–wP Museum of Science & Technology 26964929 - Strengthening of the Laboratory for Making 26964929 -g„wËKvi ¯^v¯’¨ I cwi‡e‡ki ¸YMZgvb i¶Y M‡elYvMvi Environmental Quality and Soil Health kw³kvjxKiY 26964930 - Solar Energy Utilization and Development 26964930 -‡mŠi kw³i e¨envi I mswk­ó cÖhyw³i Dbœqb of its Related Technology 26964931 - Extension of Divisional Training Facilities 26964931 -evsjv‡`k Kw¤•DUvi KvDw›m‡ji wefvMxq †K‡›`ª cÖwk¶Y of BCC AeKvVv‡gv m¤•ªmviY 26964932 - Digital Bangladesh Data (BCSIR) 26964932 - 26964933 - Solar Panel 26964933 - 26964934 - Organic and 26964934 - 26964957 - Establishment of Cyber Centres in Pbblic 26964957 -wek¦we`¨vjq I wek¦we`¨vjq K‡j‡R mvBevi †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Universities and University Colleges 26964958 - Establishment of Computer Lab in 26964958 -XvKv I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi †g‡U«v GjvKvq gva¨wgK I D”P Secondary and Higher Secondary gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb Educational Institutions in Metropolitan Areas of Dhaka and Sylhet 26964959 - Establishment of Computer Lab in 26964959 -PU«Mªvg, ivRkvnx, Lyjbv I ewikvj wefv‡Mi †g‡U«v GjvKvq Secondary and Higher secondary gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi j¨ve Educational Institutions in Metropolitan ¯’vcb Areas of Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna and Barisal 26964960 - Establishment of National Data Centre for 26964960 -RvZxq WvUv †m›Uvi AeKvVv‡gv ¯’vcb Hosted Services 26964961 - Procurement of Server and Software for 26964961 -Dchy³ mvf©vi I mdUIq¨vi Øviv RvZxq WvUv †m›Uv‡ii National Data Center AeKvVv‡gv mw¾Z I PvjyKiY 26964968 - Extension of ICT-based training facility in 26964968 -miKv‡ii B-†mev wbwðZ Ki‡Z Z_¨ cÖhyw³ Ávbm¤•bœ BPATC for Developing Human Resource Rbej ˆZixi j‡¶¨ wewcGwUwm-‡Z Z_¨ cÖhyw³ wfwËK in order to establish e-Services cÖwk¶Y myweav m¤•ªmviY 26964969 - Establishment of LAN and Server wtih 26964969 -wefvMxq Kwgkbvi I †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kvh©vj‡q Computer and other accessories in D.C's Kw¤•DUvimn mvf©vi I j¨vb ¯’vcb and Commisioner's office 26964970 - Digital Film Exeibet Program 26964970 -l4lmywh. 26964971 - Laboratory modernization for the quality 26964971 -kgkg'ss[i Assesment and Development of Bio and Fossil Fuel 26964973 - Expansion of Tissue Banking & 26964973 -wUmy¨ e¨vswKs GÛ ev‡qv‡g‡Uwiqvj wimvP© BDwbU Biomaterial Research Unit. 2699-2699 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 2699-2699 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 2699 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 2699 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 26990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 26990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 27 - Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 27 - ¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vY gš¿Yvjq 2701-2710 - Administration 2701-2710 -cªkvmb 2701 - Secretariat 2701 -mwPevjq 27010001 - Secretariat 27010001 -mwPevjq 27010010 - Construction & Maintenance Managenent 27010010 -wbg©vY I i¶Yv‡e¶Y e¨e¯’vcbv BDwbU (wm Gg Gg BD) Unit (CMMU) 27010011 - Globat Alliance on Vaccines and 27010011 -‡M­vevj Gjv‡q›m Ab f¨vKwmb&m GÛ BwgDbvB‡Rkb Immunization (GAVI) (‡RGwfAvB) 27010012 - Performance Based Financing 27010012 -cvidi‡gÝ †em&W dvBb¨vwÝs 27015000 - Health and population sector programme 27015000 -¯^v¯’¨ I RbmsL¨v †m±i Kg©mPx 27015010 - Expanded programme on immunisation 27015010 -m¤•ªªmvwiZ wUKv `vb Kg©mPx 27015011 - Provision for equipment and professional 27015011 -cÖwfkb di BKzc‡g›U GÛ cÖ‡dkbvj ‡U«Bwbs di training for Ahshania Mission Cancer Avnmvwbqv wgkb K¨v›mvi nvmcvZvj hospital (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27015012 - Unapproved Project 27015012 -ttt 27015013 - Sustaining Influenza Surveillance network 27015013 -mvm‡UBwbs Bbd¬y‡qÄv mvwf©‡j›m †bUIqvK© GÛ ‡imcbm and response to seasonal and pendanic Uy wmRbvj GÛ †cb‡WwbK Bbd¬y‡qÄv Bb evsjv‡`k Influenza in Bangladesh (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) Approved 27015014 - Enforcement of the National Tobacco 27015014 -Gb‡dvm©‡g›U Ae w` b¨vkbvj †Uvev‡Kv K‡›Uvj Control Legislation in Bangladesh †jwRm‡jkb Bb evsjv‡`k 27015015 - Solar Micro-utility Enterprises for 27015015 -‡mvjvi gvB‡µv BDwUwjwU G›UvicÖvBR di cÖ‡gvwUs i“ivj Promoting Rural Energy and Productive GbvwR© GÛ †cÖvWvw±f BD‡Rm Bb evsjv‡`k cÖKí uses in Bangladesh 27015020 - Production and distribution of ORS for 27015020 -Wvqwiqv †ivM wbqšYK‡í Lvevi m¨vjvBb Drcv`b I control Diarrhea disease mieivn 27015030 - Development of TB and Leprosy control 27015030 -h²v I Kyô wbqšY mvwf©‡mi AwaKZi Dbœqb services 27015040 - National Nutrition Project-1 27015040 -RvZxq cywó cÖKí-1 (1/7/98 - 30/6/05)Aby‡gvw`Z 27015050 - Establishment of upazilla health complex 27015050 -Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb (chv©q-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (Phase-2 Revised) 27015060 - Expansion of Dialysis Unit of BARDEM 27015060 -evi‡Wg nvmcvZv‡ji WvqvjvBwmm BDwbU m¤cÖmviY Hospital 27015061 - Strengthening Reproductive Health 27015061 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs wi‡cÖvWvw±f †nj_ †cÖvMÖvg †_ªv G¨vW‡fv‡Kwm Programme Through Advocacy (01/02/2002-31/01/2003) (01/02/2002-01/01/2003) 27015070 - Establishment of Shaheed Ziaur Rahman 27015070 -e¸ov knx` wRqvDi ingvb ‡gwW‡Kj K‡jR I 500 kh¨v Medical College and Hospital, Bagura wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 27015080 - Establishment of 300 Bed Hossain Shahid 27015080 -XvKvq 300 kh¨v wewkó knx` †mvn&ivIqv`x© nvmcvZvj Suharawardy hospital ¯’vcb 27015090 - Repair of district hospital and 74 Upazila 27015090 -BBwm Gi mnvqZvq 74wU Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­· I 18wU health complex under EEC assistance 27015100 - 27015100 -`yi‡i mvgv` ingvb †iW wµ‡m›U gwnjv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, 250 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvjI bvwm©s BbwówUDU wbg©vY, †PŠnvÆv, wm‡jU (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 27015101 - kk 27015101 -kk 27015110 - ADB assisted second health and family 27015110 -Gwkqv Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki mvnv‡h¨ 2q ¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi planning services project (Revised) cwiKíbv ‡mev cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) 27015120 - Establishment of Institute of Child and 27015120 -XvKvq GKwU wkï gvZ…-¯^v¯’¨ Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb Mother Health 27015130 - Establishment of 200 beded hospital at 27015130 -dwi`cy‡i 200 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Faridpur 27015140 - Integrated control programme of vector 27015140 -KxUcZ½ evwnZ †ivMmg‡ni mgwš^Z wbqšY borne diseases e¨e¯’vcbv-AvBKz‡fW (ms‡kvwaZ) 27015150 - Family health education programme 27015150 -cwievi ¯^v¯’¨ wk¶v Kg©mPx 27015160 - Strengthening of I.V. fluid plant for 27015160 -i³ msi¶Y e¨vM I cywó d¬yBW ˆZixi Rb¨ AvBwf d¬yBW production of ...... KviLvbv kw³kvjxKiY Ges ˆRweK †ivM wbY©q Drcv`b 27015170 - Management Information System of health 27015170 -¯^v¯’¨ Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ (ms‡kvwaZ) (Revised) 27015180 - Prevention and control of sexually 27015180 -evsjv‡`‡k †hŠb‡ivMmg‡ni we¯vi cªwZ‡iva I wbqšY transmitted diseases 27015190 - Training of direction and manage of 27015190 -wewfbœ †kªYxi wPwKrmv cwiPvh© e¨e¯’v I wewfbœ wPwKrmv various sections 27015200 - Establishment of National Institute of 27015200 -G÷vwe­m‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae j¨ve‡iUwi Laboratory Medicine and referral centre †gwWwmb GÛ ‡idv‡ij †m›Uvi(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 27015201 - Establishment of the management change 27015201 -Bóvewjk‡g›U Ae w` g¨v‡bR‡g›U †PBÄ BDwbU unit 27015210 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 27015210 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 27015220 - Gopalgong Essential drugs co. Ltd. 27015220 -‡MvcvjMÄ G‡mbwmqvj W«vM †Kv¤•vwb wjwg‡UW Gi Z„Zxq kvLv KviLvbv ¯’vcb cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27015230 - Comprehensive public health nutrition 27015230 -e¨vcK Rb¯^v¯’¨ cywó Kvh©µg programme 27015240 - Control of diarrhoeal diseases 27015240 -Wvqwiqv †ivM wbqšY Kg©mPx (chv©q-2) programme (Phase-2) 27015250 - Establishment of 5 medical colleges at 27015250 -w`bvRcyi knx` wRqvDi ingvb †gwWK¨vj K‡jR, e¸ov, Bogra, Faridpur, Khulna, Comilla and dwi`cyi, Lyjbv I Kzwgj­vq †gvU 5wU †gwWK¨vj K‡jR Shahid Ziaur Rahman Medical College at ¯’vcb Dinajpur 27015260 - Repair and renovation of 18 district 27015260 -18wU †Rjv nvmcvZv‡ji Dbœqb (ms‡kvwaZ) hospitals (Revised) 27015270 - Further development of 4 medical college 27015270 -4wU †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj AwaKZi Dbœqb hospitals (Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Sylhet (gqgbwmsn, ivRkvnx, wm‡jU I m¨vi mwjgyj­¨vn and Sir Salimullah Medical College †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj) Hospital) 27015280 - Further development of medical colleges 27015280 -‡gwWK¨vj K‡jRmg‡n AwaKZi Dbœqb 27015300 - Upgrading the BSMMU into a Centre of 27015300 -e½eÜy †kL gywRe †gwW‡Kj wek¦we`¨vjq Excellence (weGmGgGgBD) †K ‡m›Uvi Ae Gw·‡j›m G cwiYZKiY (2q ch©vq) 01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 27015301 - Baseline service delivery survey for 27015301 -†eBR jvBb mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi mv‡f© di gwbUwis evsjv‡`k monitoring Bangladesh fifth Health and wdd_ †nj_ GÛ ccy‡jkb c­vb (n¨vd-5) Population Plan (HAPP-A) 27015310 - Functional Improvement of 50 upazilla 27015310 -Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­‡·i Kg©Kv‡Ûi Dbœqb 1g c‡e© health complexes (Phase-1) 50wU (ms‡kvwaZ) 27015320 - Expansion and development of National 27015320 -RvZxq cªwZ‡laK I mvgvwRK wPwKrmv cªwZôv‡bi Immunization and Social Medicine Institute (wbcmg) Gi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (NIPSOM) 27015330 - Strengthening of ICDCR 27015330 -AvBwmwWwmAvi †Rvi`viKiY 27015340 - Acute respiratory infection control 27015340 -wkï‡`i k¦vm Z‡ši msµvgY (GAviAvB) wbqšY Kg©mPx programme for children (cvBjU cÖKí) 27015350 - Modernisation of reorganisation original 27015350 -we`¨gvb WªvM †Uw÷s j¨ve‡iUwi, XvKv‡K AvaywbKxKiY I drug test cybM©Vb 27015360 - Pilot project for development of maternal 27015360 -cvBjU cª‡R± di †Wfjc‡g›U Ae †gUvibvj GÛ and neonatal health care wbD‡_Uvj †nj_ †Kqvim 27015370 - Strengthening of nursing education 27015370 -bvwm©s wk¶v I mvwf©m kw³kvjxKiY services 27015380 - Establishment of 18 nursing training 27015380 -‡Rjv ch©v‡q 18wU †mweKv cªwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcbmn Ri“ix centers and crash training programme at cÖwk¶Y Kg©mPx district level 27015390 - Establishment of 10 Beded hospital at 27015390 -`nMªvg, AsMi‡cvZv, wQUgn‡j 10 kh¨v wewkó GKwU Dhahagram, Angarpota chitmahal K‡i nvmcvZvj wbgv©Y 27015400 - aaa 27015400 -cÖwfkb di BKzBc‡g›U GÛ cÖ‡dkbvj †U«Bwbs di Avnmvwbqv wgkb K¨v›mvi nvmcvZvj 27015401 - Sector wise management approch 27015401 -†m±i IqvBR g¨v‡bR‡g›U G¨v‡cÖvP UªvbwRkbvj c­¨vb cÖ transition plan project to programme ‡R± Uz †cÖvMÖvg 27015410 - Improving Food Safety, Quality and Food 27015410 -BgcÖ“wfs dzW †mdwU, †KvqvwjwU GÛ dzW K‡›U«vj Bb Control in Bangladesh (Project) evsjv‡`k (01/01/09 - 31/12/10) Aby†gvw`Z 27015420 - Avian Influenza Surveillance in Bangladesh 27015420 -Gwfqvb Bbd¬y‡qÄv mvwf©‡j›m Bb evsjv‡`k (01/04/2008/-30/06/2011) Abyt 27015430 - Strengthening and expansion of chest 27015430 -XvKvq gnvLvjx e¶e¨vwa nvmcvZvj I Bbw÷wUDU †K disease hospital at Mohakhali, Dhaka kw³kvjxKiY I m¤•ªmviYKiY 27015440 - Further development of disabled hospital 27015440 -c½y nvmcvZv‡ji AwaKZi Dbœqb 27015450 - Revitalization of Community Health Care 27015450 -‡iwfUvjvB‡Rkb Ae KwgDwbwU †nj_ †Kqvi Bwbwk‡qwUf Initiative in Bangladesh Bb evsjv‡`k 27015460 - Intestinal parasite control project 27015460 -AvwšK ciRxex wbqšY cªKí 27015470 - Establishment of center for control of 27015470 -XvKvq GKwU evZR¡i I ü`‡ivM wbqšY †K›`ª ¯’vcb rheumatic fever and heart diseases at Dhaka 27015480 - Physical Facilities Development (PFD) 27015480 -wdwRK¨vj d¨v‡mwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27015490 - Human Resources Management (HRM) 27015490 -wnDg¨vb wi‡mv©‡mm g¨v‡bR‡g›U 27015491 - Polio eradication programme 27015491 -‡cvwjI gy³KiY cÖKí 27015500 - Unallocated Lump 27015500 -AeivÏK…Z †_vK 27015510 - Sector-Wide Program Management and 27015510 -‡m±i IqvDW †cÖvMªvg g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ gwbUwis Monitoring (SWPMM) 27015520 - Improved Financial Management (IFM) 27015520 -BgcÖ“fW dvBbvw›mqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U 27015530 - Health Economics and Financing (HEF) 27015530 -‡nj_ BKbwgKm GÛ dvBbvw›ms 27015550 - Rehabilitation of Comilla diabetic hospital 27015550 -Kzwgj­v Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj I cybe©vmb cªK‡íi Dbœqb 27015570 - Repair and rehabilitation of 75 upazilla 27015570 -BBwmÕi mnvqZvq 75wU Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­· Gi eb¨v‡ health complex Ëvi †givgZ I cybev©mb (chv©q-2) 27015580 - Health manpower training 27015580 -¯^v¯’¨ Rbkw³ cÖwk¶Y 27015590 - Conversion of 100 bed Bogra Muhammad 27015590 -100kh¨v e¸ov †gvt Avjx nvmcvZvj‡K 200kh¨v wewkó Ali Hospital into 200 bed medical college †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j DbœxZKiY hospital 27015610 - Establishment of a 31 bed hospital at 27015610 -iscyi †Rjvi nvivMvQvq 31kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Haragacha at Rangpur 27015620 - Upgradation of Jessore 100 bed hospital 27015620 -100kh¨v wewkó h‡kvni †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj‡K 250 into 250 bed hospital kh¨vq DbœxZKiY 27015630 - Construction of 100 bed district hospital at 27015630 -biwms`x‡Z 100kh¨v wewkó †Rjv nvmcvZvj wbgv©Y (bZzb Narshingdi (In new place) RvqMvq) 27015640 - Uprgadation of 50 bed Magura district 27015640 -50 kh¨v wewkó gv¸ov †Rjv nvmcvZvj †K 100 kh¨vq hospital into 100 bed hospital DbœxZKiY 27015650 - Upgradation 50 bed Kishoregonj hospital 27015650 -50 kh¨v wewkó wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv nvmcvZvj‡K 100kh¨vq into 100 bed hospital DbœxZKiY 27015660 - Construction of 100 beded women hostel 27015660 -wm‡jU Gg G wR Imgvbx †gwWK¨vj K‡j‡R 100 kh¨v at Sylhet MAG Osmany medical college wewkó QvÎx wbevm wbgv©Y 27015670 - Establishment of 20 bed hospital at Pekua 27015670 -K·evRvi †Rjvi P‡Kvwiqv Dc‡Rjvi †cKzqvq 20 kh¨v at Chokoria in Cox's Bazar district wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb 27015680 - Establishment of 20 bed hospital at Char 27015680 -‡fvjv wRjvi Pi d¨vkb Dc‡Rjvi `w¶Y AvBPvq 20kh¨v Fashan at Bhola district wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb 27015911 - Development of epidemiological 27015911 -‡Wfjc‡g›U Ae Gwc‡WwgjwRK¨vj mvifvBj¨vÝ GÛ surveillance and control and prevention of K‡›Uªvj GÛ wcÖ‡fbkb Ae K¨vÝvi cancer 27016020 - Modernization and Development of Holy 27016020 -nwj d¨vwgwj ‡iW wµ‡m›U nvmcvZvj wPwKrmvi †mevi gvb Family Red Crescent Hospital's Treatment Dbœqb I AvawbKxKiY (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) quality 27016121 - Baseline survey on maternal and neonatal 27016121 -‡eBR jvBb mv‡f© Ab g¨vUvib¨vj GÛ wbI‡bUvj †nj_ health care †Kqvi 27016131 - Development of health care quality 27016131 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †nj_ †Kqvi †KvqvwjwU Gmy‡q‡i›m assurance 27016141 - Bangladesh AIDS prevention and control 27016141 -evsjv‡`k GBW&m cªwZ‡iva I wbqšY Kg©mPx programme 27016151 - Basic training of newly recruited health 27016151 -be wb‡qvMK…Z ¯^v¯’¨ mnKvix‡`i †ewmK †Uªwbs assistants 27016161 - Procurement of equipment for 8 medical 27016161 -RvZxq ü`‡ivM cªwZôv‡bi 8wU †gwWK¨vj K‡jR colleges under National Heart Institute, nvmcvZvj Ges AvBwcwRGgAvi Gi wmwm BDwbU Ges IPGMR and Cancer Research Institute and K¨v›mvi M‡elYv cÖwZôvb I nvmcvZvj Hospital 27016171 - Formulation of master plan for 27016171 -digy‡jkb Ae gv÷vi c­¨vb di †Wfjc‡g›U Ae wnDg¨vb development of human resources in wi‡mv©m †nj_& hospitals 27016181 - Health Economics Unit 27016181 -¯^v¯’¨ A_©bxwZ BDwbU 27016210 - Strengthening of emergency services in 10 27016210 -evsjv‡`‡ki 10wU †Rjvq Ri“wi cª¯ywZ †mev Kvh©µg district 27016220 - Conduction of training and procurement of 27016220 -wek¦¯^v¯’¨ ms¯’vi A_©vq‡b cªwk¶Y/cwiPvjb Ges hšcvwZ other logistics under World Health miÄgvw` msMªn Organisation assistance

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27016340 - Construction of Dr Shamsul Alam Khan 27016340 -Wvt mvgmyj Avjg Lvb wgjb AwWUwiqvg wbg©vY Milan Auditorium 27016360 - Establishment of 200 bed hospital at 27016360 -wgicy‡i 200 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Mirpur 27016380 - Establishment of 250 beded 27016380 -XvKvq 250 kh¨v wewkó Pxb-evsjv‡`k ˆgÎx †Rbv‡ij China-Bangladesh friendship general hospital 27016390 - Establishment of 250 bed medical college 27016390 -w`bvRcyi 250 kh¨v wewkó †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj hospital at Dinajpur ¯’vcb 27016410 - Establishment of 25 bed diabetic hospital 27016410 -wm‡jU, dwi`cyi, wSbvB`n, e¸ov, h‡kvni, biwms`x I at Sylhet, Faridpur, Jhenaida, Bogra, †dbx‡Z 25 kh¨v wewkó Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Jessore, Narshingdi and Feni 27016420 - Procurement of 124 ambulances and 70 27016420 -‡Rjv I Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­‡·i Rb¨ 124wU G¨v¤¦y‡j›m X-ray machines for different district and Ges 70 wU G·‡i †gwkb µq upazilla health complexes 27016430 - Upgradation of Jamalpur 100 bed hospital 27016430 -100 kh¨v wewkó Rvgvjcyi †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj‡K 250 into 250 bed hospital kh¨vq DbœxZKiY 27016440 - Establishment of 30 bed Bangladesh - 27016440 -mvfv‡i 30 kh¨v wewkó evsjv‡`k - †Kvwiqv ˆgÎx Korea friendship hospital at Savar nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb 27016470 - Establishment of 20 bed hospital at 27016470 -Dj­vcvov (wmivRMÄ) 20 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Ullapara at Sirajgonj 27016480 - Establishment of National Institute of 27016480 -RvZxq P¶z weÁvb BÝwUwUDU I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb (bZyb Ophthalmology and Hospital (in new RvqMvq) place) 27016501 - Survey of the effect of arsenic pollution in 27016501 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq cvwb‡Z Av‡m©wbK `lYRwbZ the human body in different districts gvbe‡`‡n cÖwZwµqvq kxl©K Rwic 27016510 - Upgradation of 250 bed Khulna medical 27016510 -250kh¨v wewkó Lyjbv †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj†K college hospital into 500 bed hospital 500 kh¨vq DbœxZKiY 27016511 - Improvement of women's and maternal 27016511 -Bgcªyf‡g›U Ae DB‡gb Ab †gUvibvj †nj_ health 27016521 - National health accounts 27016521 -b¨vkbvj †nj_ GKvD›Um 27016531 - Logistic support to Civil Surgeons Office 27016531 -h‡kvi †Rjvq cªv_wgK ¯^v¯’¨ cwiPh©v‡K kw³kvjxKi‡Yi for strengthening primary health care of j‡¶¨ wmwfj mvR©b Kvh©vjq Ges kvkv©q, gwbivgcy‡i Ges Jessore district †PŠMvQv Dc‡Rjvq jwRw÷K mv‡cv©U 27016541 - Replicable environmental health 27016541 -wiwc­‡Kej Gbfvqib‡g›U †nj_ B›Uvi‡fbkb cªvBgvwi intervention and primary care: perception †Kqvi cvi‡mckb Ab Gc­vBW wigvm© on applied research 27016580 - Community nutrition programme 27016580 -KwgDwbwU wbDwUªkb †cªvMªvg 27016590 - Upgradation of 250 bed Faridpur medical 27016590 -250 kh¨v wewkó dwi`cyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj‡K college hospital into 500 bed hospital 500 kh¨vq DbœxZKiY 27016600 - Block allocation for health sector in 27016600 -NwY©S†o ¶wZMª® GjvKvq ¯^v¯’¨ †m±‡ii wewfbœ cÖK‡íi different project at cyclone affected area Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ 27016610 - Nutrition programme of Bangladesh 27016610 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq cywó cwil‡`i cywó Kg©mPx nutrition council 27016611 - Assessment of storage requirement of 27016611 -G¨vwmm‡U›U Ae †÷v‡iR wiKzyq¨vig¨v›U Ae †nj_ †m±i health sector 27016620 - Strengthening of Bangladesh Medical 27016620 -evsjv‡`k wPwKrmv M‡elYv cwil`‡K kw³kvjxKiY Research Council (Revised) (ms‡kvwaZ) 27016621 - Supplementary activities for the eradication 27016621 -mvcwj‡g›Uvwi GKwUwfwUR di w` BivwW‡Kkb Ae cwjI of annual immunisation campaign and G¨by‡qj BwgDbvB‡Rkb K¨v‡¤•Bb GÛ †ó«s‡`wbs Ae strengthening of AFP and EPI diseases GGdwcGÛ BwcAvB wWwRR mvwf©‡j›m (1997-2001) services (1997-2001) 27016641 - GoB-WHO collaborative technical 27016641 -wRIwe-Wwe­DGBPI-Kjve‡iwUf †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmmU¨v›m assistance 27016660 - 27016660 -evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae †nj_& mvBÝ 27016690 - Community nutrition programme 27016690 -KwgDwbwU wbDwUªkb †cªvMvg 27016700 - Construction of Mirpur dental college 27016700 -wgicy‡i XvKv †W›Uvj K‡jR nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb hospital in Dhaka

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27016710 - Construction of 100 bed burn unit hospital 27016710 -XvKvq 100 kh¨v wewkó GKwU evb© BDwbU nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb at Dhaka 27016720 - Upgradation of 50 bed hospital into 100 27016720 -‡b·Kvbv, ei¸bv, bIMvu, VvKziMvuI I PvcvBbIqveMÄ bed hospital at Netrokona, Barguna, †Rjvi m`i nvmcvZvjmgn‡K 50 kh¨v nB‡Z 100 Naogaon, Thakurgoan and kh¨vq DbœxZKiY Chapainawabgonj 27016730 - Establishment of 6 (Six) unit In different 27016730 -6wU m¤¢ve¨ `yN©Ubv KewjZ GjvKvq BDwbU ¯’vcb disaster prone areas 27016740 - Extension of the vaccine testing unit of the 27016740 -XvKvq Jla cix¶vKiY j¨ve‡iUwi (wWwUGj) Gi Drug Testing Laboratory (DTL) in Dhaka †fKwmb cix¶vKiY BDwb‡Ui m¤•ªmviY 27016750 - Arabic and English training programme for 27016750 -evsjv‡`k bvwm©s KvDwÝj wbeÜxK…Z bvm©‡`i Aviwe I the nurses registered with Bangladesh Bs‡iwR fvlv cÖwk¶Y Kg©mPx Nursing council 27016760 - Upgradation of 31 Bed Upazilla Health 27016760 -23wU Dc‡Rjv †nj_ Kg‡c­·‡K 31 kh¨v †_‡K 50 Complex into 50 Bed in 23 Upazilla kh¨vq nvmcvZvj DbœxZKiY centres 27016770 - Construction of 250 Bed Hospital at 27016770 -Lyjbv Lvwjkcy‡i 250 kh¨v wewkó we‡kl nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Khalishpur in Khulna 27016780 - Upgradation of 250 bed Comilla medical 27016780 -250 kh¨v wewkó Kzwgj­v †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj‡K college hospital into 500 bed hospital 500 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZv‡j DbœxZKiY 27016790 - National asthma center 27016790 -RvZxq G¨vRgv †m›Uvi 27016800 - Renovation and Expansion of Sir 27016800 -m¨vi mwjgyj­vn †gwWK¨vj K‡j‡Ri m¤•ªmviY I ms¯‹vi Salimullah medical college hospital 27016810 - Establishment of nine 10 badded 27016810 -9wU 10kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb I Lyyjbv ‡Rjvq hospitals and modernisation of 10 bed Kwcjgyw›m‡Z Aew¯’Z 10 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZv‡ji medical hospital at Kapilmunshi in Khulna AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí 27016830 - Further development of post graduate 27016830 -øvZ‡KvËi wPwKrmv I M‡elYv cªwZôv‡bi AwaKZi Dbœqb medicine and research centre 27016840 - Upgradation of 50 bed hospital into 250 27016840 -‡MvcvjMÄ 50 kh¨v wewkó †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj‡K 250 bed hospital at Gopalgonj kh¨vq DbœxZKiY 27016850 - Establishment a 250 bed general hospital 27016850 -‡mŠ`x Aby`v‡b ev‡MinvU †Rjvi dwKinvU Dc‡Rjvi at Godara at Fakirhat upazilla in Bagerhat †Mv`vivq 20 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj wbgv©Y district - Assisted by Saudi Arabia 27016860 - Construction of the 4th floor of the female 27016860 -wm‡jU GgGwR Imvgvbx †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡ji students hostel at Sylhet MAG Osmani QvÎx †nv‡÷‡ji 4_© Zjvi Dci 5g Zjv wbgv©Y medical college hospital 27016871 - Local initiative programme (Phase-3) 27016871 -¯’vbxq D‡`¨vM Kvh©µg (chv©q-3) 27016880 - Bangladesh AIDS prevention and control 27016880 -evsjv‡`k GBWm wcÖ‡fbkb GÛ K‡›Uªvj †cÖvMÖvg programme (Trangision project) (UªvbwRkb cÖ‡R±) 27016881 - Building consensum to ward 27016881 -wewìs Kb‡mbmvg Uz Iqv©W Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae w` wdd_ implementation of Health and Population †nj_ GÛ ccy‡jkb †cÖvMÖvg (n¨vc-5) †_ªv we‡nwfqvi programme through BBC (HAPP-5) †PBÄ KwgDwb‡Kkb (wewmwm) 27016890 - Implementation of safe blood transfusion 27016890 -Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae †md e­vW UªvÝwdDkb 27016891 - Preparatory activities for unified MIS for 5th 27016891 -wcÖcv‡iUix G¨vKwUwfwUR di BDwbdvBW GgAvBGm di health and population programme wdd_ †nj_ GÛ ccy‡jkb †cÖvMÖvg (n¨vd-5) (HAPP-5) 27016900 - Feasibility studies to establish a drug 27016900 -Lyjbvq GKwU Jla Drcv`b BDwbU ¯’vc‡b m¤¢ve¨Zv factory at Khulna mgx¶v 27016901 - Unified logistic management system 27016901 -BDwbdvBW jwRw÷K g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U development for health and poputation di †nj_ GÛ ccy‡jkb †m±i sector 27016910 - Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project 27016910 -evsjv‡`k mgwš^Z cywó cªKí (weAvBGbwc) (BINP) 27016912 - Homestead poultry production as the 27016912 -weAvBGbwc-‡nvgw÷f †cvjwUª †cªvWvKkb GR`v wgbm Ae means of generating income †Rbv‡iwUs Avwb©sm 27016913 - Bangladesh Institute of Health Science 27016913 -weAvBGbwc-evsjv‡`k ¯^v¯’¨ weÁvb B›mwówUDU 27016914 - Assessing the affairs of agricultural policy 27016914 -weAvBGbwc-G‡mwms w` Gwdwm‡qwÝ Ae GwMªKvjPvivj cwjwm 27016915 - Block allocation for the sub projects 27016915 -weAvBGbwc-Ab¨vb¨ Dc-cªK‡íi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27016916 - Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project - 27016916 -evsjv‡`k mgwš^Z cywó cÖKí (weAvBGbwc) msev` gva¨ public awareness programme through ‡g cywó welqK cÖPvivwfhvb news media 27016917 - BINP nutrition information communication 27016917 -evsjv‡`k mgwš^Z cywó cÖKí (weAvBGbwc) cywó Z_¨ †hvMv‡hvM 27016920 - Establishment of 31 bed upazilla health 27016920 -‡Mv`vMvox Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­· Ges dzjMvRx I complex at Godagari, Fulgazi and Dumkee `ygKx‡Z 31 kh¨v wewkó Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb upazilla health complex 27016930 - Further development of national institute of 27016930 -RvZxq Bbw÷wUDU Ae †g›Uvj †nj_& GÛ wimvP© Gi mental health and research and AwaKZi Dbœqb Ges 100 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb establishment of 100 bed hospital 27016940 - Establishment of 250 bed hospital at 27016940 -MvRxcy‡i 250 kh¨v wewkó AvaywbK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Gazipur 27016950 - Establishment of National Cardio-Vascular 27016950 -XvKv RvZxq ü`‡ivM B›mwówUDU I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb diseases hospital at Dhaka (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) 27016960 - National Institute of kidney diseases and 27016960 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae wKWbx wWwR‡Rm GÛ BD‡ivjwR urology 27016970 - School health programme (Pilot project) 27016970 -we`¨vjq ¯^v¯’¨ Kg©mPx (cvBjU cÖKí) 27016980 - Conversion of Bangabandhu Sheikh 27016980 -e½eÜzy †kL gywRe †gwWK¨vj wek¦we`¨vjq ‡K †m›Uvi Ae Mujibur Rahman Medical University in to a GK‡j›m G cwiYZKiY center of excellence 27016990 - Bangladesh AIDS prevention and control 27016990 -evsjv‡`k GBWm& cªwZ‡iva I wbqšY Kg©mPx programme 27017010 - 27017010 -nwj d¨vwgwj †iW wµ‡m›U nvmcvZvj wPwKrmvi †mevi gvb Dbœqb I AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) 27017030 - Support for policy, planning and program 27017030 -mv‡cvU© di cwjwm c­¨vwbs GÛ †cÖvMªvg Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Implementation Reserach within wimvP© DBw`b ccy‡jkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U population and Development (1/1/03-31/12/05)Aby‡gvw`Z (1/1/2003-31/12/2005) 27017040 - Strengthening BCC Unit to Support 27017040 -‡÷«s‡`wbs wewmwm BDwbU Uy mv‡cvU© GW‡fv‡Kwm Advocacy Activity (1/1/2003-31/12/2005) GKwUwfwU (1/1/03-31/12/05)Aby‡gvw`Z 27017050 - Strengthening Delivery of Reproductive 27017050 -‡÷«s‡`wbs †Wwjfvix Ae wi‡cÖvWvw±f †nj_& Health (1/1/2003-31/12/2005) (1/1/03-31/12/05)Aby‡gvw`Z 27017060 - Strengthening Delivery of Reproductive 27017060 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U _ª“ †Uªwbs di `¨v wi‡cÖvWvKwUf Health (1/1/2003-31/12/2005) †nj_ †cÖvMÖvg (1/1/03-31/12/05)Aby‡gvw`Z 27017070 - Local initiative programme. 27017070 -‡jvKvj Bwbwk‡qwUfm †cÖvMÖvg (01/09/1997-30/06/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 27017080 - Establishment of 250 Bedded National 27017080 -250 kh¨v wewkó RvZxq P¶z weÁvb Bwbw÷wUDU I Institute of Opthalmology & Hospital nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq: 250 kh¨v) (01/07/2003 - (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Approved 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 27017090 - Establishment of 250 bedded Medical 27017090 -500 kh¨v wewkó w`bvRcyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj College Hospital at Dinajpur ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq 250 kh¨v) (01/07/2003 - (01/07/03-30/06/07) Approved 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 27017100 - Establishment of Nursing Institute at 27017100 -cÂMo bvwm©s Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcbmn cªªwk¶Y Kg©m–wP Panchaghar (01/07/2003-30-06-2006) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 27017110 - Upgradation of Existing National Institute 27017110 -50 kh¨v wewkó RvZxq K¨v›mvi Bbw÷wUDU I of Cancer Research and Hospital from 50 nvmcvZvj‡K 300 kh¨vq DbœxZKiY cÖKí (1g ch©v‡q bedded to 300 beddedc (1st Phase 150 150 kh¨vq) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2008) bedded) (01/07/03-30/06/06) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 27017120 - Upgradation of 50 bedded Burn Unit to 100 27017120 -50 kh¨v wewkó evb© BDwbU‡K 100 kh¨vq DbœxZKiY Bed (01/07/03-30/06/06) Unapproved (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 27017130 - Establisment of 5 (Five) Nursing Institute 27017130 -5wU bvwm©s Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (wSbvB`n, wK‡kviMÄ, (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Unapproved Rvgvjcyi, Puv`cyi I nweMÁ) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 27017140 - Establishment of National Institute of 27017140 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbD‡ivmv‡q‡›mm ¯’vcb Neuro Sciences (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Unapproved 27017150 - Establishment of Condom Factory in 27017150 -Lyyjbvq KbWg ˆZixi KviLvbv ¯’vcb (1/07/2004 - Khulna 31/12/2006) wcwmwc Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27017151 - Better Sexual and Reproductive Health for 27017151 -‡eUvi †m·yqvj GÛ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ di Bqs wccj Young People for Urban and Peri-urban di Avievb GÛ †cwi-Avievb Gwiqvm Ae evsjv‡`k Areas of Bangladesh (01/04/2003-31/03/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/04/2003-31/03/2006) Approved 27017160 - Support for Policy Planning and 27017160 -mv‡cvU© di cwjwm c­¨vwbs GÛ †cÖvMªvg Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Programme Implementation Research for wimvP© di ccy‡jkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Population and Development (01/01/00-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27017161 - UN Jaint Initiative on Safe Motherhood 27017161 -BD.Gb.R‡q›U Bwbwk‡qwUf Ab †md gv`viûW (UNJSMI) (01/10/2003-30/09/2006) (01/10/2003-30/09/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Aproved 27017170 - Establishment of Maternal and Child 27017170 -wgicyi¯’ jvjKyywV‡Z gvZ„„ I wkï ¯^v¯’¨ cÖwk¶Y I M‡elYv Health Training and Research Institute cÖwZôvb ¯’vcb (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2007) (MCHTI), Lalkuthi, Mirpur. Aby‡gvw`Z (01/7/2006-30/6/2012) 27017171 - Improved Health For Poor 27017171 -BgcªªyyfW †nj_ di cyyqi: †nj_,wbDwUªªkb GÛ ccyy‡jkb wimvP© cªª‡R± (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 27017181 - Construction of 150-bed Modern Hospital 27017181 -miKvwi Kg©Pvix†`i Rb¨ 150 kh¨vi AvaywbK nvmcvZvj for Government Employees ¯’vcb 01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby†gvw`Z 27017182 - Surveillance and Response to Avian and 27017182 -mvwf©†j›m GÛ †imc›m Uy Gwfqvb GÛ c¨vb†WwgK Pandemic Influenza in Bangladesh Bbd¬y†qÄv Bb evsjv†`k (01/10/2007-30/09/2012) Aby†gvw`Z 27017210 - Expansion and Modernisation of Dhaka 27017210 -XvKv †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡ji m¤•ÖmviY I Medical College Hospital. AvaywbKvqb (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27017220 - Establishment of National Institute of ENT 27017220 -G¨v÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae BGbwU ( 1st Phase) in Dhaka (dv÷ †dBR) Bb XvKv (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27018360 - 27018360 -wdwRK¨vj d¨vwmwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/03 n‡Z 30/06/11) 27018500 - 27018500 -BgcÖ“fW dvBb¨vbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (gš¿Yvjq) (01/07/03 n‡Z 30/06/11) 27018540 - 27018540 -cwjwm widi&gm (01/07/03 n‡Z 30/06/11) 27018550 - 27018550 -‡nj&_ BKbwg· BDwbU (01/07/03 n‡Z 30/06/11) 27018630 - 27018630 -wnDg¨vb wi‡mv‡m©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U (gš¿Yvjq) (01/07/03 n‡Z 30/06/11) 27018670 - 27018670 -‡m±i IqvBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U (GgIGBP) (01/07/03 n‡Z 30/06/11) 27018671 - Community clinic 27018671 -KwgDwbwU wK¬wbKmgn kw³kvjxKiY 27018672 - National ENT and Head-neck Cancer 27018672 -BGbwU Ges †nW-‡bK K¨v›mvi dvD‡Ûkb I cÖwZôvb Foundation Hospital (01/07/08 to ¯’vcb (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) (Aby!gvw`Z) 30/06/11) 27018673 - Upgradation of BSMMU to Center of 27018673 -weGmGgGgBD-†K ‡m›Uvi Ae Gw·‡j‡›m cwibZKiY Excellence (01/07/09 n‡Z 30/06/12) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 27018674 - 27018674 -BgcÖ“wfs dzW †mdwU †KvqvwjwU G¨vÛ dzW K‡›Uªvj Bb evsjv‡`k (01-07-2008 n‡Z 30-06-2012) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 27018675 - 27018675 -Gwfqvb Bbd¬z‡qÄv mviwf‡jÝ Bb evsjv‡`k (01-07-2008 n‡Z 30-06-2012) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 27018676 - 27018676 -G·cvbkb G¨vÛ †KvqvwjwU BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae bvwm©s GWz‡Kkb (†RwWwmGd)(01-07-2008 n‡Z 30-06-2012) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 27018677 - 27018677 -¯^v¯’¨, cywó I RbmsL¨v †m±i Kg©mwP 2q ch©vq RyjvB 2011 Ryb, 2016 27018678 - 27018678 -‡eMg dwRjvZy‡bœQv gywRe P¶z nvmcvZvj I cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU, †MvcvjMÄ b‡ft 2009 A‡±vt2012 27018679 - 27018679 -Kzwóqv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯’vcb (wW‡m¤¦i 2009 b‡f¤ ¦i2012) 27018680 - 27018680 -b¨vkbvj BbwówUDU Ae j¨ve‡iUix †gwWwmb GÛ †idv‡ij †m›Uvi (b‡f 2009-A‡±vei2012) 27018681 - 27018681 -G·‡Ubkb Ae XvKv wkï (wPj‡W«b) nmwcUvj, †k‡i evsjvbMi, XvKv (Rvbyqvix 2010-Ryb 2012) 27018682 - 27018682 -RvZxq W«vM j¨ve‡iUix ¯’vcb cÖKí (Rvbyqvix 2010-Ryb2012)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27018683 - 27018683 -PU«Mªvg †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡ji Ges PU«Mªvg †Rjvi 3wU Dc‡Rjvq beRvZK †mevi m¤•ªmviY (Rvbyqvix 2010-wW‡m¤¦i 2013) 27018684 - 27018684 -†U«wbs GÛ BbcÖ“f‡g›U Ae bvwm©s wUPvm© GÛ bv‡m©m Bb w` wccyjm& wicvewjK Ae evsjv‡`k (RyjvB 2009-Ryb 2014) 27018685 - 27018685 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae WvB‡Rw÷f wWwW‡RR GÛ wimvP© (RyjvB 2009-Ryb 2013) 27018686 - 27018686 -‡kL jyrdi ingvb †W›Uvj K‡jR, †MvcvjMÄ (RyjvB 2009-Ryb 2013) 27018687 - Expansion and Quality improvement of 27018687 -G·‡cbmb GÛ †KvqvwjwU BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae bvwm©s Nursing Education (July 2008-June 2012) GWy‡Kkb (RyjvB 2008 -Ryb 2012) 27018688 - Conversion of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib 27018688 -Kbfvimb Ae e½eÜy ‡kL gywRe †gwW‡Kj BDwbfvwm©wU Medical University (BSMMU) into centre of (weGmGgGgBD) BbUy †m›Uvi Ae G·wm‡j›m (2q excellence(2nd Phase)(January ch©vq) (Rvbyqvix 2010-Ryb 2013) 2010-June 2013) 27018689 - Establishment of Begum Fazilatunneasa 27018689 -‡kL dwRjvZzb‡bQv gywRe P¶z nvmcvZvj I cÖwk¶Y Mujib Eye Hospital and Training Institute, cÖwZôvb ¯’vcb, †MvcvjMÄ (01/01/2010-30/06/12) Gopalganj Aby‡gvw`Z 27018690 - National ENT Institute 27018690 -RvZxq BGbwU BbwówUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí 27018691 - National Institute of Laboratory Medicine 27018691 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷DU Ae j¨ve‡iUix †gwWwmb GÛ †idv‡ij and Referal Centre †m›Uvi 27018692 - Improved Food Safety, Quality and Food 27018692 -BgcÖ“fW dzW †mdwU, †KvqvwjwU GÛ dzW K‡›U«vj Bb control in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 27018693 - Servilance and Ramps To Avian and 27018693 -mviwf‡j›m GÛ †i¤•m Uy Gwfqvb GÛ †cb‡WwgK Pendamic Influenza In Bangladesh IEDCR Bbd¬y‡qÄv Bb evsjv‡`k AvBBwWwmAvi 27018694 - Governance, Steuwardship, HR and 27018694 -MfY©‡b›m, w÷DqvW©wkc, GBPAvi GÛ wdbvw›mqvj Financial Management g¨v‡bR‡g›U 27018695 - Sectorwide Programme Management and 27018695 -‡m±i-IqvBW †cÖMªvg g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ gwbUwis Monitoring 27018696 - Health Economic and Financing 27018696 -‡nj_ B‡Kvbwg· GÛ dvBbvbwms 27018697 - Provision For Equipment and Profesional 27018697 -cÖwfkb di BKzBc‡g›U GÛ cÖ‡dkbvj †U«wbs di Training For Ahasania Mission Cancer Avnmvwbqv wgkb K¨v›mvi nvmcvZvj Hospital 27018698 - Improved Health for the Poor Health 27018698 -BgcÖ“fX †nj_ di w` cyqi †nj_ wbDwU«kb GÛ ccy‡jkb Nutrition and Population Research Project wimvm© cÖ‡R± 27018699 - Vertical Expansion of ICDDRB's Hospital 27018699 -fvwU©K¨vj G·cvbkb Ae AvB.wm.wW.wW.Avi.weÕm and Lab Facilitize nvmcvZvj GÛ j¨ve †dwmwjwUR 27018700 - Avian Enfluenza Servilance in Bangladesh, 27018700 -Gwfqvb Bbd¬y‡qÄv mvwf©‡j›m Bb evsjv‡`k, ICDDRB AvB.wm.wW.wW.Avi.we 27018701 - Support For Policy, Planning and 27018701 -mv‡cvU© di cwjwm, c­vwbs GÛ †cÖvMªvg Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Programme Implementation Research for wimvm© di ccy‡jkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Population & Development 27018702 - Training Research and Development for 27018702 -‡U«wbs wimvm© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U di ccy‡jkb mvwf©‡mm Population Services 2703 - Health and Population Sector Programme 2703 -¯^v¯’¨ cywó I RbmsL¨v †m±i Kg©m–wP 27032020 - 27032020 27032020 -27032020 27035000 - Health and Population Sector Programme 27035000 -¯^v¯’¨ I RbmsL¨v †m±i Kg©m–wP (01/07/98-30/06/2003)ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 27035200 - Establishment of National Institute of 27035200 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ad b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ad j¨ve‡iUix, Laboratory,Medicine & Referal Centre †gwWwmb GÛ †idv‡ij †m›Uvi 27036000 - HNPSP 27036000 -¯^v¯’¨,cywó I RbmsL¨v ‡m±i Kg©m–wP (GBP,Gb,wc,Gm,wc) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 27036350 - 27036350 - 27038000 - Essential Service Delivery (01/07/2003 - 27038000 -G¨v‡mbwkqvj mvwf©©m †Wwjfvwi (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Approved 30/06/2010) Abyy‡gvw`Z 27038001 - ESP Support Services & Coordination 27038001 -BGmwc mnvqK †mev I mgš^q 27038002 - Reproductive Health Care 27038002 -cÖRbb ¯^v¯’¨ †mev 27038003 - Child Health Under ESD 27038003 -B Gm wW Gi AvIZvq wkï ¯^v¯’¨

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27038004 - Limited Curative Care 27038004 -mxwgZ cÖwZ‡laK †mev 27038005 - Urban Health Services 27038005 -bMi ¯^v¯’¨ †mev 27038007 - Health and Nutrition Population 27038007 -¯^v¯’¨ I cywó RbmsL¨v Kg©m–wP B Gd wW Iqvó g¨v‡bRg›U Programme - EFD Waste Management 27038010 - Communicable Diseases Control 27038010 -KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm K‡›U«vj (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038015 - T.B and Leprosy Control 27038015 -wUwe GÛ †jc‡ivwm K‡›U«vj (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038020 - clinical contraseption services 27038020 -wK¬wbK¨vj K›U«v‡mckb mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvwi (01/07/2003 delivery(01/07/2003-30/06/2010) - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038021 - NGO Grant 27038021 -GbwRI gÄyix 27038022 - Clinical Contraception Service Delivery 27038022 -wKwbK¨vj cwievi cwiKíbv †mev`vb 27038023 - Metarnal Child and Re-prodctive Health 27038023 -g¨vUvibvj PvBì GÛ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj&_ mvwf©‡mm Services Delevary †Wwjfvwi (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038024 - Support Service 27038024 -mnvqK †mev 27038025 - Adolescent Health 27038025 -eq:mwÜKvj ¯^v¯’¨ †mev`vb 27038030 - Family Planing field services delivery 27038030 -d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs wdì mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvwi (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038031 - Family Planning Field Service Delivery 27038031 -gvV ch©v‡q cwievi cwiKíbv †mev`vb 27038040 - Procurement, Storage and Supply 27038040 -‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U,†÷v‡iR GÛ mvc­vB g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management (wWGdwc) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038042 - Logistic Management 27038042 -jwRwóK g¨v‡bR‡g›U 27038043 - Procurement Clearance 27038043 -cÖwKDi‡g›U wK¬qv‡iÝ 27038044 - Storage and distribution 27038044 -fvÛvi I mieivn 27038046 - Repair and Maintenance 27038046 -†givgZ I msi¶Y 27038050 - National Eye Care 27038050 -b¨vkbvj AvB †Kqvi cÖ‡R± (01/07/03-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038060 - Management for Procurement, Logistics 27038060 -g¨v‡bR‡g›U di ‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U,jwRmwUKm GÛ mvc­vBR and Supplies (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038061 - Administration and Management (Costs of 27038061 -cÖkvmb Ges e¨e¯’vcbv (cÖvwZôvwbK e¨q) Establishment) 27038062 - Procurement and Clearances Charges 27038062 -msMÖn Kvh©µg cÖwµqvKiY e¨q 27038064 - Improvement of Warehouses 27038064 -fvÛvi I mieivn e¨e¯’v DbœZKiY 27038065 - Logistics MIS 27038065 -jwRwóK g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g 27038080 - MIS-Health Services & Personal 27038080 -GgAvBGm †nj_& mvwf©‡mm GÛ cvi‡mv‡bj (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038085 - Strengthening the MIS (procurement, 27038085 -GgAvBGm kw³kvjxKiY (msMÖn, fvÛvi BZ¨vw`) Ges Logistics etc.) & Personal (H) Rbej (¯^v¯’¨) 27038100 - Information, Education and 27038100 -Bbdi‡gkb,GWy‡Kkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb (Gdwc) Communication (FP) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038101 - Capacity Building and Logistic Support 27038101 -¶gZv ‰Zix Ges gvjvgvj mnvqZv 27038102 - 27038102 - 27038103 - 27038103 - 27038104 - Media campaign & transmission 27038104 -MYgva¨‡g cÖPvi I mÂvjb 27038120 - In-Service Training 27038120 -Bb mvwf©m †U«wbs (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038121 - Strengthening In-service Training 27038121 -PvKzixKvjxb cÖwk¶Y kw³kvjxKiY 27038122 - Training Support and Strengthening of 27038122 -AvBwmGgGBP Gi cÖwk¶Y mnvqZv I kw³kvjxKiY ICMH 27038123 - New Code 27038123 -AvBBwWwmAvi Gi cÖwk¶Y mnvqZv I kw³kvjxKiY 27038124 - New Code 27038124 -New Code 27038126 - NIKDU 27038126 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae wKWwb wWwRR G¨vÛ BD‡ivjwR (NIKDU) 27038127 - Strengthening of NICVD 27038127 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae KvwW©IfvmKzjvi wWwRR (NICVD) kw³kvjxKiY 27038128 - Strengthening of NIMH(Dhaka &Pabna) 27038128 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae †g›Uvj †nj_ (XvKv I cvebv) kw³kvjxKiY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27038140 - Human Resource Management (Health) 27038140 -wnDg¨b wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U (†nj_) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038141 - Human Resource Management, Planning 27038141 -Rbm¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv, cwiKíbv I Dbœqb (¯^v¯’¨) and Development-DGHS 27038150 - Human Resource Management (FP) 27038150 -wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gdwc) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038151 - Human Resource Management, Planning 27038151 -Rbm¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv, cwiKíbv I Dbœqb (cwievi and Development-DGFP cwiKíbv) 27038160 - Improved Hospital Services Management 27038160 -BgcÖyfW nmwcUvj mvwf©‡mm g¨v‡bR‡g›U (01/07/2003 - 30/6/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038169 - Burn and Plastic Surgery unit at DMCH 27038169 -XvKv †gwW‡Kj K‡j‡R evY© Ges c­vwóK mvR©vix BDwbU 27038170 - New Code 27038170 -New Code 27038172 - Bangladesh-Kuwait Moitree Hospital 27038172 - 27038174 - National Asthma Center 27038174 -RvZxq A¨vRgv †K›`ª 27038176 - 27038176 - 27038179 - 100 bed district hospital at Narsingdi 27038179 -biwms`x‡Z 100 kh¨v wewkó †Rjv nvmcvZvj 27038182 - Establishment of TB-Hospital, 250 bed 27038182 - 27038183 - Establishment of 100 beded hospital at 27038183 - chittagong port area 27038188 - Institute of Child and Maternal Health 27038188 - (ICMH) 27038189 - 27038189 - 27038190 - 27038190 - 27038193 - Strengthening of TEMO 27038193 -‡U‡gv (TEMO)‡K kw³kvjxKiY 27038197 - Jamalpur General Hospital 27038197 -Rvgvjcyi †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj 27038199 - Bangladesh-Korea friendship 30 bed 27038199 -mvfv‡i 30 kh¨v wewkó evsjv‡`k †Kvwiqv ˆgÎx nvmcvZvj hospital at Savar 27038200 - Nursing education and services 27038200 -bvwm©s GWy‡Kkb GÛ mvwf©‡mm (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038201 - Strengthening Nursing Services 27038201 -bvwm©s †mev kw³kvjxKiY 27038202 - Strengthening Nursing Education and 27038202 -bvwm©s wk¶v Ges cÖwk¶Y kw³kvjxKiY Training 27038220 - Quality Assurance 27038220 -‡KvqvwjwU G¨vmy‡i›m (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038221 - Strengthening Quality Assurance Services 27038221 -¸bMZgvb wbwðZKiY †mev‡K kw³kvjxKiY 27038230 - Pre-Service Education 27038230 -wcÖ-mvwf©m GWy‡Kkb (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038231 - Medical Education, incl. Postgraduate 27038231 -†cvó MÖvRy‡qU ‡gwW‡Kj wk¶v mn †gwW‡Kj wk¶v Medical Education 27038232 - Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka 27038232 -XvKv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, XvKv 27038233 - Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka 27038233 -m¨vi mwjgyj­vn †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, XvKv 27038234 - Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi 27038234 -ivRkvnx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, ivRkvnx 27038235 - Rangpur Medical College, Rangpur 27038235 -iscyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, iscyi 27038236 - Mymensingh Medical College, 27038236 -gqgbwmsn †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, gqgbwmsn Mymensingh 27038237 - Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong 27038237 -PÆMÖvg †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, PÆMÖvg 27038239 - She-e-Bangla Medical College, Barishal 27038239 -‡k‡i evsjv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, ewikvj 27038240 - 27038240 - 27038241 - Faridpur Medical College, Faridpur 27038241 -dwi`cyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, dwi`cyi 27038248 - Strengthen Local Training Facilities for 27038248 -Bbw÷wUDU di †nj_ †UK‡bvjRxi ¯’vbxq cÖwk¶Y myweav Institute for Health Technology kw³kvjxKiY 27038251 - Dinajpur Medical College 27038251 -w`bvRcyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR 27038253 - Technical Unit. Pre-service Education, 27038253 -‡UKwbK¨vj BDwbU, wcÖ-mvwf©m GWy‡Kkb, ¯^v¯’¨ Awa`ßi DGHS 27038270 - Research and Development-(Health) 27038270 -wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U (†nj_) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038271 - Strengthening Research Capacity 27038271 -M‡elYv K¨vcvwmwU kw³kvjxKiY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27038280 - Training, Research and Development 27038280 -‡U«wbs,wimvP© GÛ ‡W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038281 - Administration of NIPORT 27038281 -cÖkvmb, wb‡cvU© 27038282 - Training 27038282 -cÖwk¶Y 27038283 - Research and Development (FP) 27038283 -M‡elYv I Dbœqb (c:c:) 27038290 - Sector-Wide Program Management 27038290 -†m±i IqvBW †cÖvMªvg gv¨‡bR‡g›U (‡nj_) (Health) (01/07/2003 - 30/6/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038291 - Sector-wide Programme Management & 27038291 -†m±ie¨vcx Kg©m~Px e¨e¯’vcbv Ges ¯’vbxq ch©v‡q cwiKíbv LLP (DGHS) (¯^v¯’¨) 27038300 - Non-Communicable Diseases and Other 27038300 -bb KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm GÛ Av`vi cvewjK †nj_ Public Health Intervention B›Uvi‡fbkbm (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038302 - Environmental and Occupational Health 27038302 -cwi‡ek I †ckvMZ ¯^v¯’¨ 27038320 - National Nutrition Programme (NNP) 27038320 -b¨vkbvj wbDwU«kb †cÖvMªvg (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038321 - National Nutrition Programme 27038321 -RvZxq cywó Kvh©µg 27038340 - Micronutrient Supplementation 27038340 -gvB‡µv-wbDwU«‡q›U mvwc­‡g‡›Ukb (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038341 - Micro Nutrient Supplementation 27038341 -Abycywó m¯cyiK 27038350 - Alternative Medical Care 27038350 -Aëvi‡bwUf †gwWK¨vj †Kqvi (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038351 - Alternative medical care (Homeo, Unani 27038351 -evQvBK…Z nvmcvZv‡j weKí wPwKrmv †mev (†nvwgI, and Ayurvedi) in selected Hospitals BDbvbx Ges Avqy‡e©w`K) 27038360 - Physical Facilities Development 27038360 -wdwRK¨vj d¨vwmwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038363 - Upgradation of District Hospitals from 150 27038363 -‡bvqvLvjx‡Z †Rjv nvmcvZv‡ji gv‡bvbœqb 150 kh¨v to 250 Beds at Noakhali (1 Nos) †_‡K 250 kh¨v (1wU) 27038364 - Upgradation of District Hospitals from 50 27038364 -‡Rjv nvmcvZvj mg~‡ni gv‡bvbœqb 50 kh¨v †_‡K 100 to 100 Bed (5 Nos) kh¨v (5wU) 27038366 - Upgradation of District Hospitals from 100 27038366 -Uv½vB‡j †Rjv nvmcvZv‡ji gv‡bvbœqb 100 kh¨v †_‡K to 250 Beds at Tangail (1 Nos) 250 kh¨v (1wU) 27038367 - Upgradation of District Hospitals from 100 27038367 -cvebv‡Z †Rjv nvmcvZv‡ji gv‡bvbœqb 100 kh¨v †_‡K to 250 Beds at Pabna (1 Nos) 250 kh¨v (1wU) 27038368 - Upgradation of Bagerhat Paramedics from 27038368 -ev‡MinvU c¨viv‡gwW· Gi gv‡bvbœqb 50 wmU †_‡K 100 50 to 100 Seats (1 Nos) wmU (1wU) 27038369 - Construction of UHFWC and Upgradation 27038369 -BDwbqb ¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vY †K›`ª wbg©vY I cj­x of RDS (320 Nos) Dc¯^v¯’¨ †K‡›`ªi gv‡bvbœqb (320) 27038370 - Construction of 20 beds hospitals (8 Nos) 27038370 -20 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj wbg©vY (9wU) 27038372 - Construction of MCWC (4 Nos) 27038372 -gv I wkï Kj¨vY †K›`ª wbg©vY (4wU) 27038373 - Construction of NTC (4 Nos) 27038373 -‡mweKv cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª wbg©vY (4wU) 27038375 - Construction of 31 bed Hospital at 27038375 -gywÝMÄ †Rjvi †jŠnRs-G 31 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj Lohazong under Munshigonj district (1 wbg©vY Nos) 27038376 - Establishment of Nursing college at Bogra 27038376 -e¸ov‡Z bvwm©s K‡jR cÖwZôv (1wU) (1 No) 27038377 - Construction of 200 beds Dental hospitals 27038377 -XvKv‡Z 200 kh¨v wewkó ‡W›Uvj nvmcvZvj I 100 wmU and 100 seats students hostel at Dhaka wewkó QvÎ †nv‡÷j wbg©vY Ges PÆMÖvg I ivRkvnx and Improvement of Dental Units at †gwW‡Kj K‡j‡Ri †W›Uvj BDwbU DbœxZKiY Chittagong and Rajshahi Medical colleges (3 Nos) 27038378 - Construction of Teaching Morgue at 27038378 -PÆMÖvg †gwW‡Kj K‡j‡R kevjq wbg©vY (1wU) Chittagong Medical college (1 Nos) 27038380 - Construction of 200 seated girls hostel & 27038380 -Kzwgj­v‡Z Kzwgj­v †gwW‡Kj K‡j‡R 200 wm‡Ui gwnjv academic building at comilla Medical †nv‡÷j I GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY (1wU) college, Comilla (1 Nos) 27038386 - Construction of Upzila Stores (30 Nos) 27038386 -Dc‡Rjv ¸`vg wbg©vY (30wU)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27038388 - Establishment Institute of Health 27038388 -Lyjbv, gqgbwmsn, wm‡jU, ewikvj Ges PÆMÖv‡g Technology at Khulna, Mymnsingh, Sylhet, Bbw÷wUDU Ae †nj_ †UK‡bvjRx cÖwZôv (5wU) Barisal & Chittagong ( Attach to existing medical college, 5 Nos) 27038391 - Construction of 25 Children Hospital at 27038391 -wSbvB`‡n 25 kh¨v wewkó wkï nvmcvZvj wbg©vY Jhinadha 27038400 - Construction of 100 beds Diabetic 27038400 -ivRkvnx Ges ewikv‡j 100 kh¨v wewkó Wvqv‡ewUK Hospital at Rajshahi & Barisal (2 No) nvmcvZvj wbg©vY (2wU) 27038401 - Construction of Family Planning Services 27038401 -XvKvi KvIivb evRv‡i cwievi cwiKíbv †mev feb wbg©vY Bhabon at Kawranbazar, Dhaka (1 No) (1wU) 27038410 - Periodical Maintenance & Upkeeping of 27038410 -wcwiIwWK¨vj †gBb‡Ub¨v›m GÛ BcwKwcs Ad Gw·mwUs existing Physical Facilities under MOHFW wdwRK¨vj d¨vwmwjwUm BÛvi GgIGBGdWwe­D 27038411 - Upgradation and Repair, Renovation Work 27038411 -Bc-‡M‡Wkb GÛ wiwcqvi wi‡bv‡fkb IqvK© Ad of Existing Union Health & Family Welfare Gw·mwUs BDwbqb †nj_& GÛ †dwgwj I‡qj‡dqvi †m›Uvi Centers (UHFWCs) 27038413 - Installation of Medical Gas in NITOR at 27038413 -Bbó‡jkb Ad †gwW‡Kj M¨vm Bb wbUi GU Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka †ki-B-evsjvbMi, XvKv 27038500 - Improved Financial Management (MOH) 27038500 -BgcÖyf‡g›U dvBb¨vbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gg I GBP) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038501 - Improved Financial Management 27038501 -DbœZZi Avw_©K e¨e¯’vcbv- (¯^v c K g) (MOHFW) 27038520 - Improved Financial Management (Health) 27038520 -BgcªªyyfW dvBb¨vw›mqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (‡nj_) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038521 - Improved Financial Management(DGHS) 27038521 -DbœZZi Avw_©K e¨e¯’vcbv- ¯^v¯’¨ 27038530 - Improved Financial Management (FP) 27038530 -BgcªªyyfW dvBb¨vw›mqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gdwc) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038531 - Improved Financial Management -DGFP 27038531 -ev‡RU I wnmve (Budget & Accounts) 27038532 - Internal Audit (FP) 27038532 -Avf¨šixb AwWU (c:c:) 27038540 - Policy Reforms 27038540 -cwjwm widg©m (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038542 - GNSP Unit 27038542 -†RÛvi, GbwRI †÷K‡nvìvi cvwU©wm‡ckb BDwbU 27038550 - Health Economics Unit (OP, HNPSP) 27038550 -‡nj_ BK‡bvwgKm& BDwbU (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038551 - Health Economics Unit 27038551 -¯^v¯’¨ A_©bxwZ BDwbU 27038555 - Strengthening the National Health Library 27038555 -b¨vkbvj †nj_ jvB‡eªix Ges WKz‡g‡›Ukb †m›Uvi and Documentation Center kw³kvjxKiY 27038600 - National AIDS/STD Programme and Safe 27038600 -b¨vkbvj GBW&m&/GmwUwW †cÖvMªvg GÛ ‡mBd e­vW Blood Transmision U«v›mwgkb (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038602 - National AIDS/STD Programme 27038602 -RvZxq GBWm/GmwUwW Kvh©µg 27038603 - Safe Blood Transfusion 27038603 - 27038620 - strengthening of Drug Addministration and 27038620 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ad W«vM GWwgwb‡÷«kb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Manegment (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038630 - Human Resource Management (MOH) 27038630 -wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gg I GBP) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038631 - Human Resource Management, Planning 27038631 -Rbm¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv, cwiKíbv I Dbœqb (¯^v c K g) and Development-MOHFW 27038640 - MIS Services & Personal (FP) 27038640 -GgAvBGm mvwf©‡mm GÛ cvi‡mvbvj (Gd wc) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038641 - MIS-Services and Personnel (MIS-FP) 27038641 -GgAvBGm - †mev I Rbej (cwievi cwiKíbv) 27038650 - Health Education and Promotion 27038650 -‡nj_ GWy‡Kkb GÛ †cÖv‡gvkb (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038651 - Capacity Building and Logistic Support of 27038651 -¶gZv ˆZix I jwRwóK mnvqZv BHE 27038652 - Health Education Strategy Development 27038652 -¯^v¯’¨ wk¶v †KŠkj cÖYqb 27038660 - Sector-Wide Management (OP, 27038660 -‡m±i IqvBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gdwc) (01/07/2003 - HNPSP(FP) 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 27038670 - Sector-Wide Management (MOH) 27038670 -‡m±i IqvBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gg I GBP) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27038680 - HNPSP-JDCF 27038680 -‡nj_ †Kqvi cÖ‡R±m-GBP.Gb.wc.Gm.wc (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 27039001 - Support Services and NGO Grant 27039001 -mnvqK Kg©mPx Ges GbwRI gÄyix 27039002 - Reproductive Health 27039002 - 27039003 - Child Health 27039003 -wkï ¯^v¯’¨ 27039004 - Limited Curative Care 27039004 - 27039005 - Communicable Disease Control 27039005 -msµvgY †ivM wbqšY 27039006 - STD/AIDS 27039006 -GmwUwW/GBW&m 27039021 - Support Services and NGO Grant 27039021 -mnvqK Kg©mPx Ges GbwRI gÄyix 27039022 - Clinical FP Service Delivery 27039022 - 27039023 - Maternal Health Care 27039023 - 27039024 - Maternal Nutrition Services 27039024 - 27039025 - Adolescent Health Services 27039025 - 27039026 - Family Planing Service Delivery 27039026 - 27039027 - Muhammadpur Fertility Services and 27039027 - Training Centre 27039028 - Maternal and Child Health Institute, 27039028 -gv I wkï ¯^v¯’¨ BÝwUwUDU, AvwRgcyi Azimpur 27039041 - Strengthening of Logistics Management 27039041 - System 27039042 - Procurement Processing 27039042 - 27039043 - Build Procurement Capacity 27039043 - 27039044 - Improve and Strengthen Storage and 27039044 - Distribution System 27039045 - Structured Monitoring and Supervision 27039045 - System 27039061 - Continue and Strengthening of Logistics 27039061 - Operation System 27039062 - Procurement Processing 27039062 - 27039063 - Build Procurement Capacity 27039063 - 27039064 - Improve Storage and Distribution System 27039064 - 27039065 - Develop and Strengthen Logistics 27039065 - Monitoring System 27039081 - Support Services (SS) 27039081 -mnvqK Kg©mPx (GmGm) 27039082 - Community Surveillance System (CSS) 27039082 - 27039083 - Epidemiological Information System (EIS) 27039083 - 27039084 - Hospital Information System 27039084 - 27039085 - System Support 27039085 -c×wZMZ mnvqZv 27039086 - Other MIS Management 27039086 -Ab¨vb¨ GgAvBGm e¨e¯’vcbv 27039101 - Strengthening the BCC Unit 27039101 -wewmwm-BDwbU‡K kw³kvjxKiY 27039102 - Subcontract different activities related to 27039102 - BCC production and development 27039103 - Monitoring and Evaluation 27039103 -cwiex¶Y I gj¨vqb 27039104 - Health and Population Nutrition Cell 27039104 -¯^v¯’¨ I RbmsL¨v cyw÷ †K›`ª (†iwWI) (Radio) 27039105 - Centre For BCC 27039105 -wewmwm Gi Rb¨ †K›`ª 27039121 - Strengthening In-service Training 27039121 - 27039122 - National Institute of Population Research 27039122 - and Training (NIPORT) 27039123 - Regional Training Centre (RTC) 27039123 - 27039124 - FWV Training Institute (FWVTI) 27039124 - 27039125 - National Institute of Preventive and Social 27039125 - Medicine (NIPSOM) 27039126 - National Institute of Kidney Diseases and 27039126 - Urology, Dhaka

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27039127 - National Institute of Cardio Vascular 27039127 - Disease (NICVD), Dhaka 27039128 - National Institute of Mental Health 27039128 - Research and establishment of 100 bed hospital at Pabna 27039141 - Strengthening HRM-Health Service 27039141 - 27039151 - Strengthening HRM-Family Planning 27039151 - 27039161 - Strengthen and upgrade hospitals 27039161 - selected for Improved Hospital Management 27039162 - Establishment of a Regulatory Unit in 27039162 - DGHS for accreditation and medical audit 27039163 - Establishment of Blood Bank Agency and 27039163 - make it fully operational 27039164 - Preparation of proposal and legal charter 27039164 - for NEMEW along with regional repair & maintenance workshops to be a Public Limited Company 27039165 - Strengthening of MCH care in district 27039165 - Hospitals 27039166 - 250 bed Medical College Hospital at 27039166 - Dinajpur 27039167 - National Eye Science Institute and 27039167 - Hospital (at new site) 27039168 - Khulna Medical College Hospital 27039168 - 27039169 - 50 Bedded Burn Unit at Dhaka Medical 27039169 - College Hospital 27039170 - 250 Bedded Specialised Hospital at 27039170 - Khalishpur, Khulna 27039171 - Faridpur Medical College Hospital 27039171 - 27039172 - 8 Trauma Unit at Different Accident Prone 27039172 - Area Near Highway 27039173 - Vaccine Testing Unit of DTL 27039173 - 27039174 - National Asthma Centre 27039174 - 27039175 - Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital 27039175 - 27039176 - National Centre for Control of Rheumatic 27039176 - Fever and Heart Diseases 27039177 - National Institute of Mental Health 27039177 - Research 100 bed Hospital 27039178 - National Institute of Cardiovascular 27039178 - Diseases 27039179 - 100 bed District Hospital at Norsingdhi 27039179 - 27039180 - Comilla Medical College Hospital 27039180 - 27039181 - Bogra Medical College Hospital 27039181 - 27039182 - ADB Assisted 2nd Health and Family 27039182 - Planning Service 27039201 - Strengthening Nursing Directorate 27039201 - 27039202 - Strengthening Nursing Education 27039202 - 27039203 - Bangladesh College of Nursing 27039203 - 27039204 - Nurses Training Centre (NTC) 27039204 - 27039221 - Strengthening Quality Assurance Services 27039221 - 27039231 - Strengthening of Medical Educaiton 27039231 - 27039232 - Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka 27039232 - 27039233 - Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka 27039233 - 27039234 - Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi 27039234 - 27039235 - Rangpur Medical College, Rangpur 27039235 -

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27039236 - Mymensingh Medical College, 27039236 - Mymensingh 27039237 - Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong 27039237 - 27039238 - Sylhet Medical College, Sylhet 27039238 - 27039239 - She-e-Bangla Medical College, Barishal 27039239 - 27039240 - Pabna Medical College, Pabna 27039240 - 27039241 - Faridpur Medical College, Faridpur 27039241 - 27039242 - Bogra Medical College, Bogra 27039242 - 27039243 - Khulna Medical College, Khulna 27039243 - 27039244 - Comilla Medical College, Comilla 27039244 - 27039245 - Dhaka Dental College, Dhaka 27039245 - 27039246 - Rajshahi Dental College, Rajshahi 27039246 - 27039247 - Chittagong Dental College, Chittagong 27039247 - 27039248 - Paramedical Institutes 27039248 - 27039249 - Homeopathic Colleges 27039249 - 27039250 - Ayurvedi Education 27039250 - 27039271 - Development & Strengthening capacity for 27039271 - research 27039272 - Bangladesh Medical Research Council 27039272 - (BMRC) 27039273 - Institution of Epidemiology and Disease 27039273 - Control Research (IEDCR) 27039274 - CME 27039274 - 27039291 - Strengthening SWM -Health Service 27039291 - 27039301 - Establishment of Centre for Enviornmental 27039301 - and Occupational Health 27039302 - Improving Environmental and Occupationl 27039302 - Health 27039303 - Arsenic Related Services 27039303 - 27039321 - Ploultry Nutrition 27039321 - 27039322 - Household food security through Nutrition 27039322 - Gardening 27039323 - Assessing the effects of Agricultural 27039323 - policies and programmes of food consumption and nutrition 27039324 - Publicity campaign on nutrition in the news 27039324 - media (PID) 27039325 - Nutrition communication activities 27039325 - 27039326 - Nutrition Information & Communication 27039326 - activities through BTV 27039327 - Development of nutrition programme 27039327 - through intensive publicity and exhibition of documentary films 27039328 - Reduction of Malnutrition of Women and 27039328 - Children in Bangladesh 27039341 - Strengthening of Nutrition unit of DGHS 27039341 - 27039342 - BMS code monitoring and promotion of 27039342 - Iodised salt 27039351 - Pilot alternative medical care (Homeo, 27039351 - Unani and Ayurvedi) in selected Hospitals 27039361 - Up-keeping and Periodical Maintenance 27039361 - 27039362 - Upgradation of Health and Family Welfare 27039362 - Centers -HFWCs at Union Level 27039363 - Upgradation of Upazilla Health Complex 27039363 - 27039364 - Upgradation of District Hospitals 27039364 -

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27039365 - Remodeling of Union Health and Family 27039365 - Welfare Centres-HFWCs 27039366 - Remodeling of Upazilla Health Complexes 27039366 - 27039367 - Remodeling of District Hospitals 27039367 - 27039368 - Construction of Community Clinics 27039368 - 27039369 - Construciton of Doctors Quarter at Union 27039369 - Level 27039370 - Construction of Doctors Quarter at Upazilla 27039370 - Level 27039371 - Construction of Upazilla Stores 27039371 - 27039372 - Construction of MCWCs 27039372 - 27039373 - Construction of NTCs 27039373 - 27039374 - Construction of Health & Population 27039374 - Bhaban 27039375 - Supervision and Management 27039375 - 27039376 - Baseline survey/repeat survey 27039376 - 27039377 - Consultant 27039377 - 27039378 - Establishment of National Institute of 27039378 - Kidney Disease and Urology 27039379 - Conversion of IPGMR into a Centre of 27039379 - Excellence (Phase-1) 27039380 - Establishment of 250 bed Medical College 27039380 - at Dinajpur 27039381 - Establishment of National Eye Science 27039381 - Institute and Hospital (at new site) 27039382 - Upgradation of 250 bedded Khulna 27039382 - Medical College Hospital to 500 bedded Medical College Hospital 27039383 - Establishment of 50 bedded Burn Unit at 27039383 - Dhaka Medical College Hospital 27039384 - Establishment of 250 bedded Specialised 27039384 - Hospital at Khalishpur, Khulna 27039385 - Upgradation of 250 bedded Faridpur 27039385 - Medical Hospital to 500 bedded Medical College Hospital 27039386 - Establishment of 8 Trauma Unit at 27039386 - Different Accident Prone Area Near Highway 27039387 - Expansion of vaccine Testing Unit of DTL 27039387 - 27039388 - National Ashtma Centre 27039388 - 27039389 - Expansion & Modernization of Sir 27039389 - Solimullah Medical College 27039390 - Establishment of National Centre for 27039390 - Control of Rheumatic Fever and Heart Diseases 27039391 - Further Development of National Institute 27039391 - of Mental Health Research & Establishment of 100 bed Hospital 27039392 - Establishment of National Instiute of 27039392 - Cardiovascular Diseases 27039393 - ADB assisted 2nd Health and Family 27039393 - Planning Services 27039394 - Establishment of 100 bedded District 27039394 - Hospital at Norshingdhi 27039395 - Establishment of 20 bedded hospital at 27039395 - Ullapara

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27039396 - Establishment of 5 Medical Colleges at 27039396 - Comilla, Dinajpur, Bogra, Faridpur and Khulna 27039397 - Establishment of 31 bed hospital at 27039397 - Haragacha 27039398 - Establishment of Health Complexes with 27039398 - 31 bed at Godagari, Fulgazi and Dumki 27039399 - Establishment of 25 bedded Diabetic 27039399 - Hospitals in 7 Districts 27039400 - Establishment of 20 bedded hospital in 27039400 - Godara, Bagerhat (SDF Funded) 27039401 - Block Allocation for New of other Spill-over 27039401 - Projects including Chittagong Hill Tracts 27039402 - Block Allocation for Post Flood 27039402 - Rehabilitation 27039501 - Establish MAU & implement financial 27039501 - management system including traininig 27039502 - Accounts, Report and IT Cell (ARIT) 27039502 - 27039503 - Program Finance Cell (PFC) 27039503 - 27039521 - Strengthening Financial Management 27039521 - System-Health Service 27039531 - Strengthening Financial Management 27039531 - System-DGFP 27039541 - Management Change Unit 27039541 - 27039551 - Strengthening Capacity in Health 27039551 - Economics 27039552 - Establish Institute for Health Economics at 27039552 - Dhaka University 27039553 - National Health Accounts 27039553 - 27039571 - HRD Policy Unit 27039571 - 27039572 - Gender Unit 27039572 - 27039573 - Stakeholder Unit 27039573 - 27039591 - Improved Regulatory Service 27039591 - 27039601 - Population 27039601 - 27039602 - HIV/AIDS 27039602 - 27039603 - Arsenic 27039603 - 27039621 - Improvement of Drug Administration 27039621 - 27039631 - Strengthening HRM-MOHFW 27039631 - 27039641 - Strengthening Planning and Research 27039641 - 27039642 - Coordination of research activities of 27039642 - NIPORT 27039643 - Coordination of research activities of 27039643 - BIRPERHT 27039661 - Strengthening Planning Unit of DGFP for 27039661 - SWM 27039671 - Capacity building for SWM 27039671 - 27039672 - Programme Coordination Cell 27039672 - 27039673 - 27039673 -b¨vkbvj AvB †Kqvi 27039674 - test01 27039674 -test01 2704 - Health,Population and Nutrition Sector 2704 -sdf Development Programme 27045010 - Establishment of Essential Drugs 27045010 -G†mbwmqvj WªvMm †Kv¤úbx wjwg‡UW Gi 3q kvLv ¯’vcb Company Ltd. (3rd Phase), Gopalgonj cÖKí, †MvcvjMÄ 27048000 - Maternal, Neonatal, Child & Adolescent 27048000 -‡gUvibvj, wbD‡bUvj, PvBì GÛ G‡Wvj‡m›U †nj_ Health Care

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27048010 - Communicable Diseases Control 27048010 -KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm K‡›U«vj (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048015 - T.B and Leprosy Control 27048015 -wUwe GÛ †jc‡ivwm K‡›U«vj (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048020 - TB & Leprosy Control 27048020 -h¶v I Kzô wbqšÎY Kg©m~Px 27048023 - Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health 27048023 -g¨vUvibvj PvBì GÛ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj&_ mvwf©‡mm Services Delivery †Wwjfvix (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048030 - Family Planning Field Services Delivery 27048030 -d¨vwgjx c­¨vwbs wdì mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048040 - Procurement, Storage and Supply 27048040 -‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U, †÷v‡iR GÛ mvc­vB g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management (wWwRGdwc) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048050 - National Eye Care 27048050 -b¨vkbvj AvB †Kqvi 27048060 - Hospital Service Management & Safe 27048060 -nmwcUvj mvwfm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ †mBd e­vW UªvÝwdImb Blood Transfusion 27048080 - Alternative Medical Care 27048080 -Aívi‡bwUf †gwW‡Kj †Kqvi 27048100 - Information, Education and 27048100 -Bbdi‡gkb,GWy‡Kkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb (Gdwc) Communication (FP) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048120 - In-Service Training 27048120 -Bb mvwf©m †U«wbs (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048140 - Planning, Monitoring & Rechers 27048140 -c­¨vwbs, gwbUwis GÛ wim©vm 27048150 - MIS Health Services & Personnel 27048150 -GgAvBGm †nj&_ mvwf©‡mm GÛ cv‡m©v‡bj 27048160 - Health Education & Promotion 27048160 -‡nj_ GWyy‡Kkb GÛ cÖ‡gvkb 27048200 - Nursing education and services 27048200 -bvwm©s GWy‡Kkb GÛ mvwf©‡mm (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048220 - National Nutrition Services (NNS) 27048220 -b¨vkbvj wbDwUªkb mvwf©m(GbGbGm) 27048230 - Maternal, Child, Reproductive & 27048230 -(01/07/2011-30/06/16) Adolescent Health 27048270 - Clinical Contraseption Services Delivery 27048270 -wK¬wbK¨vj K›Uªv‡mckb mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix 27048280 - Training, Research and Development 27048280 -‡U«wbs, wimvP© GÛ ‡W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048290 - Family Planning Field Service Delivary 27048290 -cwievi cwiKíbv wdì mv‡f©‡mm †Wwjfvix 27048300 - Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Program 27048300 -c­vwbs, gwbUwis I g~j¨vqb Kg©m~Px 27048320 - MIS Services and Personel 27048320 -GgAvBGm-mvwf©‡mm GÛ cvi‡mv‡bj 27048340 - Information Education & Communication 27048340 -Bbdi‡gkb GWy‡Kkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb 27048350 - Procurement, Storage & Supply 27048350 -msMÖn, fvÛvi I mieivn e¨e¯’vcbv Management 27048360 - Physical Facilities Development 27048360 -wdwRK¨vj d¨vwmwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U& 27048500 - Improved Financial Management (MOH) 27048500 -BgcÖ“fW dvBb¨vbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gg I GBP) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048520 - Improved Financial Management (Health) 27048520 -BgcÖ“fW& dvBb¨vw›mqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (‡nj_) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048530 - Improved Financial Management (FP) 27048530 -BgcÖ“fW& dvBb¨vw›mqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gdwc) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048540 - Health Economics, Financing and GNSP 27048540 -¯^v¯’¨ A_©bxwZ, dvBbvwÝs GÛ wRGbGmwc 27048550 - Health Economics Unit (OP, HNPSP) 27048550 -‡nj_ BK‡bvwgKm& BDwbU (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048600 - National AIDS/STD Programme and Safe 27048600 -b¨vkbvj GBW&m&/GmwUwW †cÖvMªvg GÛ ‡mBd e­vW Blood Transmision U«v›mwgkb (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048620 - Strengthening of Drug Administration and 27048620 -‡ó«s‡`wbs Ad W«vM G¨vWwgwb‡ó«kb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048630 - Human Resource Management (MOH) 27048630 -wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gg I GBP) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048640 - MIS Services & Personal (FP) 27048640 -GgAvBGm mvwf©‡mm GÛ cvi‡mvbvj (Gd wc) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048650 - Health Education and Promotion 27048650 -‡nj_ GWy‡Kkb GÛ †cÖv‡gvkb (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048660 - Sector-Wide Management (OP, 27048660 -‡m±i IqvBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gdwc) (01/07/03 - HNPSP(FP) 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27048670 - Sector-Wide Management (MOH) 27048670 -‡m±i IqvBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gg I GBP) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 2705 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2705 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 27052716 - The National ENT and Head-Neck Canser 27052716 -w` b¨vkbvj BGbwU GÛ †nW‡bK K¨v›mvi dvD‡Ûkb Ae Foundation of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 27052717 - Chittagong MAA-O SHISHU Hospital 27052717 -PU«Mªvg gv I wkï nvmcvZvj 27052718 - NOLTA Hospital, SATKHIRA 27052718 -bjZv nvmcvZvj, mvZ¶xiv 27053061 - Bangladesh Homeopathy Board 27053061 -evsjv‡`k †nvwgIc¨vw_ †evW© 27053063 - Bangladesh Unani and Ayurvedic Board 27053063 -evsjv‡`k BDbvbx I Avqy‡e©`x †evW© 27053065 - Bangladesh Medical Research Council 27053065 -evsjv‡`k †gwW‡Kj M‡elYv cwil` 27053067 - Bangladesh Pharmacy Council 27053067 -evsjv‡`k dv‡g©mx KvDwÝj 27053069 - Dhaka National Medical Institute Hospital 27053069 -XvKv b¨vkbvj †gwWK¨vj BÝwUwUDU nvmcvZvj 27053071 - Bangladesh Diabetic Association-BIRDEM 27053071 -evsjv‡`k Wvq‡ewUK mwgwZ (evi‡Wg) 27053073 - Bangladesh College of Physicians and 27053073 -evsjv‡`k K‡jR Ae wdwRwkqvb GÛ mvR©b Surgeons 27053075 - Dhaka Shishu Hospital 27053075 -XvKv wkï nvmcvZvj, XvKv 27053077 - Bangladesh Child Health Institute 27053077 -evsjv‡`k wkï ¯^v¯’¨ cªwZôvb 27053079 - Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council 27053079 -evsjv‡`k †gwWK¨vj I †W›Uvj KvDwÝj 27053081 - Bangladesh National Nutrition Council 27053081 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq cywó cwil` 27053082 - Bangabandhu Seikh Mujib Medical 27053082 -e½eÜz †kL gywRe †gwWK¨vj wek¦we`¨vjq University 27053083 - BAVS, Mirpur, Dhaka. 27053083 Gm, wgicyi, XvKv 27053084 - Mother & Child Hospital, Chittatong 27053084 -gv I wkï nvmcvZvj, PÆMªvg 27053085 - Bangladesh Cancer Society 27053085 -evsjv‡`k K¨v›mvi †mvmvBwU 27053086 - Kaderia Cherity Hospital 27053086 -Kv‡`wiqv `vZe¨ wPwKrmvjq 27053087 - Asia Memorial Hospital 27053087 -AvwQqv †g‡gvwiqvj nvmcvZvj 27053088 - TN Mother Chield Hospital 27053088 -wUGb gv`vi PvBì nvmcvZvj 27053089 - Syedpur Fylaria Hospital 27053089 -‰mq`cyi dvB‡jwiqv nvmcvZvj 27053461 - Chittagong Eye Hospital and Training 27053461 -PÆMªvg P¶z nvmcvZvj cªwk¶Y Kg‡c­· Complex 27053462 - Inst. of Applied Health Science & 27053462 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae Gc­v‡qW †nj_& mv‡qÝ GÛ e½eÜz Bangabandhu Memorial Hospital, †g‡gvwiqvj nvmcvZvj,PUªMÖvg Chittagong 27053463 - Bangladesh Association for Voluntary 27053463 -evsjv‡`k G‡mvwm‡qkb di fjv›Uvix †ówijvB‡Rkb Sterilisation 27053465 - Bangladesh Association for the Aged 27053465 -evsjv‡`k cªexb wn‰Zlx msN I Riv weÁvb cÖwZôvb 27053467 - ICDDRB 27053467 -AvšR©vwZK D`ivgq †ivM M‡elYv †K›`ª 27053469 - Bangladesh Institute of Herbal Medicine 27053469 -evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae nvievj †gwWwmb 27053470 - Ambia Hospital, Pirojpur 27053470 -Avw¤^qv nvmcvZvj, wc‡ivRcyi 27053471 - National Heart Foundation 27053471 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb 27053472 - Shishu Sasthya Foundation, Bangladesh 27053472 -wkï ¯^v¯’¨ dvD‡Ûkb, evsjv‡`k 27053473 - Khulna Shishu hospital 27053473 -Lyyjbv wkï nvmcvZvj, Lyjbv 27053475 - Dr. Zahed Shishu Hospital, Faridpur 27053475 -Wv: Rv‡n` wkï nvmcvZvj, dwi`cyi 27053476 - Filaria and General Hospital, Gingira, 27053476 -dvB‡jwiqv GÛ †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj, wRbwRiv, mvfvi, Saver, Dhaka-1341 XvKv 27053477 - Society for Assistance to Hearing Impaired 27053477 -‡mvmvBwU di GwmmU¨vÝ Uz wnqvwis B‡¤•qvW© wPj‡Wªb Children (mvwnK) 27053478 - Bangladesh Thalassaemia Hospital, 27053478 -evsjv‡`k _¨vjvmxwgqv nvmcvZvj, MªxY Mv‡W©b UvIqvi, Green Garden Tower, Dhaka-1205 XvKv 27053479 - Bangladesh Red Crescent Society 27053479 -evsjv‡`k †iW wµ‡m›U †mvmvBwU 27053480 - Moulavibazar BNSB Eye Hospital 27053480 -‡gŠjfxevRvi weGbGmwe P¶z nvmcvZvj 27053481 - Chittagong Children Hospital 27053481 -PÆMªvg wkï nvmcvZvj-AbveZ©K 27053482 - Khulna BNSB Eye Hospital 27053482 -Lyjbv weGbGmwe P¶z nvmcvZvj 27053483 - Bangladesh Family Planning Association 27053483 -evsjv‡`k cwievi cwiKíbv mwgwZ 27053484 - Abeda Nur Hospital for Destitute Mother 27053484 -Av‡e`v byi `yt¯’ gvZv I wkï nvmcvZvj and Child

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27053485 - PARPART 27053485 -evicvU© 27053486 - Bangladesh Diabetic Association 27053486 -evsjv‡`k Wvq‡ewUK mwgwZ 27053487 - OGSB Hospital and Inistitue of 27053487 -IwRGmwe nvmcvZvj I BbwówUDU Ae wi‡cÖvWwUf GÛ Reproductive & Child Health, Plot-No-6/1, PvBì, wgicyi, XvKv Section-17, Mirpur, Dhaka 27053488 - Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation, 27053488 -evsjv‡`k †eªówdwWs dvD‡Ûkb, XvKv Dhaka 27053490 - Aravind Children Hospital, Dinajpur 27053490 -Aiwe›` wkï nvmcvZvj, w`bvRcyi 27053575 - Institute of Child and Mother Health 27053575 -wkï -gvZ„ ¯^v¯’¨ Bbw÷wUDU 27053576 - Sylhet 27053576 -`yi&‡i mvgv` ingvb gvZ„g½j I wkï nvmcvZvj, wm‡jU 27053577 - The National ENT & Head Neck Cancer 27053577 -w` b¨vkbvj BGbwU GÛ †nW †bK K¨v›mvi dvD‡Ûkb Ae Foundation of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 27053578 - Sheass-Bangladesh 27053578 -kxqvm-evsjv‡`k 27053579 - Chittagong Lions Charitable Eye Hospital 27053579 -PÆMªvg jvq›m `vZe¨ P¶z nvmcvZvj 27053580 - Center for Integrated Rural Development 27053580 -mgwš^Z cj­x Dbœqb †K›`ª 27053581 - Bangladesh National Society for the Blind 27053581 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq AÜ Kj¨vY mwgwZ, PuvcvBbeveMÄ kvLv (BNSB), Chapai Nababganj Branch 27053582 - Thengamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha 27053582 -‡V½vgviv gwnjv meyR msN 27053583 - Shamsuddin Nahar Health Project 27053583 -mvgQywÏb bvnvi ¯^v¯’¨ cÖKí 27053584 - Ahsania Mission Cancer Ditection and 27053584 -Avnmvwbqv wgkb K¨v›mvi wW‡UKkb GÛ wU«U‡g›U †m›Uvi Treatment Centre 27053585 - Samaj Nirman Sangstha 27053585 -mgvR wbg©vY ms¯’v 27053586 - Manabota Bikash Karmashuchi (Manobik) 27053586 -gvbeZv weKvk Kg©m–wP (gvbweK) 27053587 - Satota Porebar Porekalpana Ma-O-Shishu 27053587 -mZZv cwievi cwiKíbv gv I wkï ¯^v¯’¨ cÖKí, mvZ¶xiv Prokolpo, Satkhira 27053588 - Dhaka Community Hospital 27053588 -XvKv KwgDwbwU nvmcvZvj 27054713 - Assential Drugs Co. Ltd. 27054713 -G‡mw›mqvj W«vMm& †Kvs wjt 27054714 - Centre for Rehabilitation of the Paralysed 27054714 -c¶vNvZMª¯@‡`i cybe©vmb †K›`ª (wmAviwc) (CRP) 27054719 - Association for Socio Economic 27054719 -G‡mvwm‡qkb di †mvwmI B‡Kv‡bvwgK GWfv݇g›U Ae Advancement of Bangladesh (ASEAB), evsjv‡`k (Avwmqve), cvebv Pabna 27055010 - Establishment of Institute for Paediatric 27055010 -Góvewjk‡g›U Ae BbwówUDU di †cwWqvwU«K wbD‡iv Neuro Disorder and Autism in BSMMU. wWmAW©vi GÛ AwURg Bb weGmGgGgBD cÖKí 27057010 - Modernization and Development of Holy 27057010 -nwj d¨vwgwj ‡iW wµ‡m›U nvmcvZvj wPwKrmvi †mevi gvb Family Red Crescent Hospital's Treatment Dbœqb I AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) quality 27057020 - 27057020 -Lyjbvq KbWg ‰Zixi KviLvbv ¯’vcb 27057030 - Installation of Central Ventilation and 27057030 -Bb÷‡jkb Ae †m›U«vj †fw›U‡jkb GÛ Gqvi-KwÛkwbs Air-conditioning System of ICDDR,B’s wm‡÷g Ae AvBwmwWwW Avi we (f¨vwUK¨vj G•‡cbkb Ae Hospital Building AvBwmwWwW Avi we nvmcvZvj GÛ j¨ve d¨vwmwjwUR 27057040 - Establishment of National Centre for 27057040 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj †m›Uvi di mvwf©K¨vj GÛ †eª Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening and ÷ K¨v›mvi w¯‹wbs GÛ †U«wbs GU we.Gm.Gg.Gg.BD. Training at BSMMU (01/02/12-31/12/14) Aby‡ygvw`Z 27057150 - B 27057150 -Lyjbvq KbWg ˆZixi KviLvbv ¯’vcb 27057161 - D 27057161 -BD Gb R‡q›U Bwbwk‡qwUf Ab ‡mf gv`viûW 27057171 - B 27057171 -BgcÖ“fW †nj_ di cyqi: †nj_, wbDwUªkb GÊ ccy‡jkb wimvP© cÖ‡R± 2706 - International Organisations 2706 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 27064221 - WHO 27064221 -wek¦ ¯^v¯’¨ ms¯’v 27064223 - Eye Programme 27064223 -AvB K¤• (RbmsL¨v e¨e¯’vcbv welqK cwil`) 27064225 - ICDDRB 27064225 -AvB wm wW wW Avi we 27064227 - Population & Development 27064227 -RbmsL¨v I Dbœq‡b Askx`vi (wcwcwW) 27064228 - 27064228 -BD Gb R‡q›U Bwbwk‡qwUf Ab ‡mf gv`viûW 2711-2720 - Health 2711-2720 -¯^v¯’¨ Awa`ßi 2711 - Department of Health Services 2711 -¯^v¯’¨ Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27110000 - Department of Health Services 27110000 -¯^v¯’¨ Awa`ßi 27110011 - Hazz 27110011 -nR¡ 27115010 - Establishedment of Shaikh Fazilatunnesa 27115010 -‡kL dwRjvZyb‡bœQv gywRe P¶z nvmcvZvj I cÖwk¶Y Mujib Eye Hospital, Gopalgonj cÖwZôvb ¯’vcb, †MvcvjMÄ(01/01/2010-30/06/2012) 27115011 - Establishment of Kustia Medical College 27115011 -Kzwóqv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯’vcb (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 27115012 - Establishment of Trauma Centre at 27115012 -G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae U«gv †m›Uvi G¨vU †MvcvjMÄ Gopalgonj (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 27115013 - Sustaining Influenza Surveillance 27115013 -mvm‡Uwbs Bbd¬y‡qÄv mvwf©‡j›m †bUIqvK©m GÛ †imc›m Uy Networks and Response to Seasonal and wmRbvj GÛ c¨vb‡WwbK Bbd¬y‡qÄv Bb evsjv‡`k Pandemic Influenza in Bangladesh. (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) 27115014 - Sustaining Influenza Surveillance 27115014 -mvm‡Uwbs Bbd¬y‡qÄv mvwf©‡j›m †bUIqvK©m GÛ †imc›m Uy Networks and Response to Seasonal and wmRbvj GÛ c¨vb‡WwbK Bbd¬y‡qÄv Bb evsjv‡`k Pandemic Influenza in Bangladesh. 27115015 - Establishment of Shaheed Sayed Nazrul 27115015 -GmU¨vewjó‡g›U Ae knx` ‰mq` bRi“j Bmjvg Islam Medical College and Hospital, †gwW‡Kj K‡jR GÛ nmwcUvj, wK‡kviMÄ| Kishoreganj 27115016 - Extension of National Institute of 27115016 -G·‡Ubkb Ae b¨vkbvj B›mwUwUDU Ae U«vg‡UvjwR GÛ Traumatology and Orthopedic A‡_©v‡cwWK win¨vwewj‡Ukb cÖKí Rehabilitation 27115017 - Sheikh Lutfar Rahman Dental College at 27115017 -†kL jyrdi ingvb †W›Uvj K‡jR ¯’vcb, †MvcvjMÄ Gopalgonj (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) 27115018 - Establishment of Patuakhali Medical 27115018 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvq †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb College and Hospital 27115019 - Development of existing infrastructure of 27115019 -cyivZb †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvjmg~‡ni we`¨gvb old medical colleges and hospital and AeKvVv‡gvi Dbœqb I m¤úªmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g kh¨v msL¨v increase the number of beds by expansion e„w× 27115020 - Extension of Dhaka Shishu (Children) 27115020 -G•‡Ubkb Ae XvKv wkï nmwcUvj Hospital 27115021 - Establishment of Institute of Pediatric 27115021 -G¨v÷vewjm‡g›U Ae Bbw÷wUDU Ae †cwWqvwUªK Neuro-disorder and Autism in BSMMU wbD‡iv-wWmAW©vi GÛ AwUmg Bb weGmGgGgBD 01/07/2014-30/06/2017) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 27115022 - Establishment of a Medical College at 27115022 -Uv½vB‡j GKwU †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯’vcb GeO 250 kh¨v Tangail and Upgradation of 250 bedded wewkó †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj‡K 500 kh¨v wewkó general hospital to 500 bedded hospital nvmcvZv‡j DbœxZKiY 27115023 - Establishment of National Institute of 27115023 -G¨v÷vewjm‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae G¨vWfvÝ Advanced Practice Nurses in Bangladesh cÖvKwUm bv‡m©m Bb evsjv‡`k (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) 27115030 - Establishment of Faridpur Medical College 27115030 -dwi`cyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb cÖKí & Hospital 27115040 - Establishment of Mother and child care 27115040 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae gv`vi GÛ PvBì †Kqvi nmwcUvj Hospital under A.K Khan health care AvÛvi G, †K Lvb †nj_ †Kqvi ‡m›Uvi Ae Gw·‡j›m centre (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡ygvw`Z 27115050 - Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent 27115050 -†gUvibvj, wbD‡bUvj, PvBì GÛ GWy‡j‡m›U †nj_ Health (MNCAH) 27115060 - Essential Services Delivery (ESD) 27115060 -G‡mbwmqvj mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi 27115070 - Community Based Health Care (CBHC) 27115070 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW †nj_ †Kqvi 27115080 - TB and Leprosy Control (TB-LC) 27115080 -wUwe GÛ †j‡cÖvwm K‡›U«vj 27115090 - National AIDS And STD Program (NASP) 27115090 -b¨vkbvj GBWm GÛ GmwUwW †cÖvMªvg 27115100 - Communicable Diseases Control (CDC) 27115100 -KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm K‡›U«vj 27115110 - Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) 27115110 -bb-KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm 27115120 - National Eye Care (NEC) 27115120 -b¨vkbvj AvB †Kqvi 27115130 - Hospital Services Management (HSM) 27115130 -nmwcUvj mvwf©‡mm g¨v‡bR‡g›U 27115140 - Alternate Medical Care (AMC) 27115140 -Aëvi‡bwUf †gwW‡Kj †Kqvi 27115150 - In-Service Training (IST) 27115150 -Bb-mvwf©m †U«wbs 27115160 - Pre-Service Education (PSE) 27115160 -wcÖ-mvwf©m GWy‡Kkb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27115170 - Planning, Monitoring and Research 27115170 -c­¨vwbs, gwbUwis GÛ wimvP© (PMR-DGHS) 27115180 - Health Information Systems and E-Health 27115180 -‡nj_ Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷gm GÛ B-†nj_ (HIS-EH) 27115190 - Health Education and Promotion (HEP) 27115190 -‡nj_ GWy‡Kkb GÛ cÖ‡gvkb 27115200 - Procurement, Logistics and Supplies 27115200 -cÖwKDi‡g›U jwRw÷Km GÛ mvc­vBR g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management (PLSM-CMSD) 27115210 - Block 27115210 -‡_vK eivÏ 27115220 - National Nutrition Services (NNS) 27115220 -b¨vkbvj wbDwU«kb mvwf©‡mm 27115230 - Satkhira Medical College and Hospital 27115230 -mvZ¶xiv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡ygvw`Z 27115240 - Establishment of National Institute Of 27115240 -b¨vkbvj Bb&w÷wUDU Ae WvB‡Rw÷f wWwR‡mR wimvP© GÛ Digestive Disease Research and Hospital nmwcUvj (01/09/11-30/09/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 27115250 - aaa 27115250 -‡kL mv‡qiv LvZyb †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj Ges bvwm©s Bb&w÷wUDU (01/03/12-28/02/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 27117080 - NIO 27117080 -500 kh¨v wewkó RvZxq P¶z weÁvb BÝwUwUwDU I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb 27117090 - Dinajpur Medical 27117090 -500 kh¨vwewkó w`bvRcyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb(1g ch©vqt 250kh¨v) 27117110 - Cancer 27117110 -50 kh¨v wewkó RvZxq K¨vÝvi M‡elYv BÝwUwUzDU I nvmcvZvj‡K 300 kh¨vq DbœxZKiY(1g ch©vq t 150 kh¨v) 27117140 - NEURO 27117140 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbD‡ivmv‡q‡Ým ¯’vcb 27118000 - Esential Service Delivery (ESD) 27118000 -G¨v‡mbwmqvj mvwf©m †Wwjfvix 27118010 - Com 27118010 -KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡RR K‡›Uªvj 27118015 - TB 27118015 -wUwe GÛ †jc‡ivwm K‡›Uªvj 27118060 - Manage 27118060 -g¨v‡bR‡g›U di cÖªwKDi‡g›U jwRwóKm& GÊ mvc­vBR 27118080 - MIS Health... 27118080 -GgAvBGm †nj_& mvwf©‡mm GÊ cvi‡mv‡bj 27118120 - IST 27118120 -Bb mvwf©m †Uªwbs 27118140 - HRM 27118140 -wnDg¨vb wi‡mv‡m©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U(†nj&_) 27118160 - IHSM 27118160 -BgcÖ“f&W nmwcUvj mvwf©‡mm g¨v‡bR‡g›U 27118220 - QA 27118220 -‡KvqvwjwU G¨vmy‡iÝ 27118230 - PSE 27118230 -wcÖ-mvwf©m GWy‡Kkb 27118270 - R&D 27118270 -wimvP© GÊ †W‡fjc‡gÈ(‡nj_&) 27118290 - SW 27118290 -‡m±i IqvBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U(†nj&_) 27118300 - NCD 27118300 -bb KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm GÊ Av`vi cvewjK †nj_& B›Uvi‡fbkbm& 27118340 - MNS 27118340 -gvB‡µv wbDwUª‡q›U mvwc­‡g‡›Ukb 27118350 - Alternative Medical Care 27118350 -Aëvi‡bwUf †gwW‡Kj †Kqvi 27118520 - IFM 27118520 -BgcÖ“f&W dvBbvbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U(†nj&_) 27118600 - NASP 27118600 -b¨vkbvj GBW&m/GmwUwW †cÖvMÖvg GÊ †mBd e­vW UªvÝwgkb 27118650 - HEP 27118650 -‡nj_& GWy‡Kkb GÊ cÖ‡gvkb 27118651 - 27118651 -b¨vkbvj AvB †Kqvi 27118652 - 27118652 -Aëvi‡bwUf †gwW‡Kj †Kqvi †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± 27118653 - 27118653 -PÆMÖv‡g GKwU Avš—R©vwZKgv‡bi nvmcvZvj cÖwZôv 27118654 - 27118654 -600 kh¨v wewk÷ XvKv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj m¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY 27118655 - 27118655 -RvZxq BGbwU GÊ †nW †bK K¨vÝvi dvD‡Êkb nvmcvZvj I BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb 27118656 - 27118656 -miKvix Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ GKwU AZ¨vaywbK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb cÖKí 27118657 - IFM 27118657 -BgcÖ“f&W dvBbvbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U(†nj&_) 27118658 - 27118658 -XvKvi dzjevwoqvq miKvix Kg©Pvix‰`i Rb¨ 100 kh¨v wewkó GKwU AvaywbK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27118659 - Imporved Medical services and 27118659 -BgcÖ“fW †gwW‡Kj mvwf©‡mm GÛ win¨vwejvB‡Ukb di w` rehabilitation for the diabetics, diabetics Wvqv‡ewUKm&, Wvqv‡ewUK wi‡j‡UW GÛ bb Wvqv‡ewUK related and non-diabetic, patient, c¨v‡m›U, jvjgwbinvU (01/04/2010 - 31/12/2012) Lalmonirhat (01/04/2010 - 31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 27118660 - Behaviour Change Communication, DGHS 27118660 -wen¨vweqvi †PÄ KwgDwb‡Kkb, wWwRGBPGm 27118661 - Maternal, Newnatal and Child Health Care 27118661 -‡gUvib¨vj, wbD‡bUvj GÛ PvBì †nj_ †Kqvi 27118662 - Hospital Services Management and Save 27118662 -nmwcUvj mvwf©‡mm g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ ‡mf e­vW U«v›mwdDkb Blood Transfution DGHS wWwRGBPGm 27118663 - Public Health Intervantion and Non 27118663 -cvewjK †nj_ B›Uvi‡fbkb GÛ bb KwgDwb‡Kej wWwRR Communicable Disease Control DGHS K‡›U«vj wWwRGBPGm 27118664 - HRM and In -Service Training and Quality 27118664 -GBPAviGg GÛ Bb-mvwf©m †U«wbs GÛ †KvqvwjwU Assurance Programme DGHS G¨vmy‡i›m †cÖvMªvg wWwRGBPGm 27118665 - Procurement, Logistic and Supply 27118665 -cÖwKDi‡g›U, jwRw÷K GÛ mvc­vB g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management DGHS wWwRGBPGm 27118666 - Planning, Monitoring, Financial 27118666 -c­¨vwbs, gwbUwis, dvBb¨vw›mqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ wimvm© Management and Research DGHS wWwRGBPGm 27118667 - Community Based Health Care 27118667 -KwgDwbwU †emBW †nj_ †Kqvi 27118668 - Seikh Lutfur Rahman Dental College, 27118668 -‡kL jy&rdi ingvb †W›Uvj K‡jR ¯’vcb, †MvcvjMÄ Gopalgonj 27118669 - Shatkhira Medical College 27118669 -mvZ¶xiv †gwWK¨vj K‡jR ¯’vcb 27118670 - Shahid Sayed Nazrul Islam Medical 27118670 -knx` ˆmq` bRi“j Bmjvg †gwWKj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj College & Hospital Project ¯’vcb cÖKí 27118671 - Faridpur Medical College & 500 Bed for 27118671 -dwi`cyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I 500 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZvj Hospital wbg©vY 27118672 - Kustia Medical College Project 27118672 -Kzwóqv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí 27118673 - Chittagong Medical College Hospital's 27118673 -PU«Mªvg †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j wbD‡bUvj BDwbU Newnatal Unit Project ¯’vcb cÖKí 27118674 - National Institute of Digestive Disease and 27118674 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae WvB‡Rw÷f wWwR‡RR GÛ wimvm© Research 27118675 - National Institute for Tropical Medicine 27118675 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU U«wcK¨vj †gwWwmb ¯’vcb cÖKí Project 27118676 - Gopalgonj Seikh Fazilatunnessa Mujib 27118676 -‡MvcvjMÄ †kL dwRjvZyb‡bœQv gywRe ‡gwW‡Kj K‡jR Medial College Hospital and Nursing nvmcvZvj Ges bvwm©s Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí Institute Project 27118677 - Central for Ambulance Service 27118677 -‡K›`ªxq G¨v¤¦y‡j›m mvwf©m e¨e¯’v Management 27118678 - Establishment of Health Centre in various 27118678 -XvKv kn‡i wewfbœ Iqv‡W© ¯^v¯’¨ ‡K›`ª ¯’vcb words at Dhaka city Corporation 27118679 - Construction of Gopalgonj District Troma 27118679 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi †Nvbvcvovq GKwU U«gv †m›Uvi wbg©vY Centre at Gonapara 27118680 - Expansion Project of Seikh Abu Naser 27118680 -Lyjbvq †kL Avey bv‡mi nvmcvZvj m¤•ªmviY cÖKí Hospital at Khulna 27118681 - Development of e-Health for Digital 27118681 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae B-†nj_ di wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 27118682 - Extension of-Dhaka Shishu (Children) 27118682 -G·‡Ubkb Ae-XvKv wkï (wPj‡W«b) nmwcUvj, Hospital, Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka †k‡ievsjvbMi, XvKv 27118683 - EDCL for 3rd Branch of Gopalgonj 27118683 -‡MvcvjM‡Ä BwWwmGjGi Z„Zxq kvLv ¯’vcb 2712 - Divisional Establishments 2712 -wefvMxq cÖwZôvbmg–n 27120000 - Divisional Establishments 27120000 -wefvMxq cÖwZôvbmg–n 2713 - Civil Surgeons Offices 2713 -wmwfj mvR©‡bi Kvh©vjqmg–n 27130000 - Civil Surgeons Offices 27130000 -wmwfj mvR©‡bi Kvh©vjqmg–n 2714 - Upazilla Health Offices 2714 -Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kvhv©jq 27140000 - Upazilla Health Offices 27140000 -Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kvhv©jq 2715 - Directorate of Drug Administration 2715 -Jla cªkvmb cwi`ßi 27150000 - Directorate of Drug Administration 27150000 -Jla cªkvmb cwi`ßi 27150001 - 27150001 27150001 -27150001

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27155010 - Strengthening of Drug Administration and 27155010 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae W«vM G¨vWwgwb‡÷«kb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management (SDAM) 27158620 - d 27158620 -‡óªs‡`wbs Ad WªvM G¨vWwgwb‡óªkb GÊ g¨v‡bR‡g›U 2716 - Directorate of Nursing 2716 -‡mev cwi`ßi 27160000 - Directorate of Nursing 27160000 -‡mev cwi`ßi 27165010 - Expansion and quality Improvement of 27165010 -G·cvbkb GÛ †KvqvwjwU BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae bvwm©s Nursing Education GWy‡Kkb 27165011 - Establishment of Nursing Institute at 27165011 -G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae bvwm©s B›mwUwUDU G¨vU cvebv Pabna 27165020 - Nursing Education and Services (NES) 27165020 -bvwm©s GWy‡Kkb GÛ mvwf©‡mm 27165023 - Establishment of National Institute of 27165023 -G¨v÷vewjm‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae G¨vWfvÝ Advanced Practice Nurses in Bangladesh cÖvKwUm bv‡m©m Bb evsjv‡`k (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) 27167130 - V 27167130 -5wU bvwm©s BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb(wSbvB`n, wK‡kviMÄ, Rvgvjcyi, Puv`cyi I nweMÄ) 27168200 - 27168200 -bvwm©s GWy‡Kkb GÊ mvwf©‡mm (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27168201 - Expansion and Quality Improved of 27168201 -G·cvbkb GÛ †KvqvwjwU BgcÖ“fW Ae bvwm©s GWy‡Kkb Nursing Education 2717 - Health Engineering Department 2717 -¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi 27170000 - Health Engineering Department 27170000 -¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi 2721-2740 - Medical Education 2721-2740 -wPwKrmv weÁvb wk¶v 2721 - Medical Colleges 2721 -wPwKrmv gnvwe`¨vjq 27210001 - Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka 27210001 -XvKv 27210005 - Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka 27210005 -m¨vi mwjgyj­vn 27210010 - Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi 27210010 -ivRkvnx 27210015 - Rangpur Medical College, Rangpur 27210015 -iscyi 27210020 - Mymensingh Medical College, 27210020 -gqgbwmsn Mymensingh 27210025 - Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong 27210025 -PÆMÖvg 27210030 - Sylhet Medical College, Sylhet 27210030 -wm‡jU 27210035 - Sher-e-Bangla Medical College, Barisal 27210035 -‡k‡i-B-evsjv, ewikvj 27210036 - 5 Medical Colleges (Dinajpur, Shahid 27210036 -5wU †gwWK¨vj K‡jR (w`bvRcyi, knx` wRqvDi ingvb Ziaur Rahman Medical College, Bogra, †gwWK¨vj K‡jR, e¸ov, dwi`cyi, Kzwgj­v I Lyjbv) Faridpur, Comilla and Khulna) 27210040 - Pabna Medical College, Pabna 27210040 -cvebv 27210041 - Dinajpur Medical College 27210041 -w`bvRcyi 27210042 - Shahid Ziaur Rahman Medical College 27210042 -knx` wRqvDi ingvb †gwWK¨vj K‡jR, e¸ov 27210043 - Comilla Medical College 27210043 -Kzwgj­v 27210044 - Khulna Medical College 27210044 -Lyjbv 27210045 - Faridpur Medical College, Faridpur 27210045 -dwi`cyi 27210046 - Sahid Swarawardi Medical College, Dhaka 27210046 -knx` †mvnivIqv`©x †gwWK¨vj K‡jR, XvKv 27210047 - CoxBazar Medical College 27210047 -K·evRvi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR 27210048 - Jessore Medical College 27210048 -h‡kvi †gwWK¨vj K‡jR 27210049 - Shatkheera Medical College 27210049 -mvZ¶xiv †gwW†Kj K‡jR 27210050 - Bogra Medical College, Bogra 27210050 -e¸ov 27210051 - Abdul Malek Ukil Medical College, 27210051 -Avãyj gv‡jK DwKj †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, †bvqvLvjx Noakhali 27210052 - Sheikh Sayera Khatun Mecical College, 27210052 -‡kL mv‡qiv LvZzb †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, †MvcvjMÄ Gopalgonj 27210053 - Pabna Medical College 27210053 -cvebv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR 2722 - Paramedical Institutes 2722 -c¨viv †gwW‡Kj Bbw÷wUDU 27220000 - Para Medical Institutes 27220000 -c¨viv †gwW‡Kj Bbw÷wUDU 2723 - Medical Assistant Training Schools 2723 -‡gwW‡Kj Gwmm‡U›U cªwk¶Y we`¨vjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27230000 - Medical Assistant Training Schools 27230000 -‡gwW‡Kj Gwmm‡U›U cªwk¶Y we`¨vjq 2724 - TB Control and Training Institute 2724 -h²v wbqš¿Y I cªwk¶Y cÖwZôvb 27240000 - TB Control and Training Institutes 27240000 -h²v wbqš¿Y I cªwk¶Y cÖwZôvb 2725 - Dental Colleges 2725 -`š@ wPwKrmv gnvwe`¨vjq 27250000 - Dhaka Dental College 27250000 -`š wPwKrmv gnvwe`¨vjq, XvKv 2726 - College of Nursing 2726 -‡mev gnvwe`¨vjq 27260000 - College of Nursing 27260000 -‡mev gnvwe`¨vjq 2728 - Sylhet Ayurved & Tibbia College 2728 -wm‡jU Avqy‡e©` I wZweŸqv gnvwe`¨vjq 27280000 - Sylhet Ayurved & Tibbia College 27280000 -wm‡jU Avqy‡e©` I wZweŸqv gnvwe`¨vjq 2729 - Govt. Unani & Ayurvedic Degree College & 2729 -miKvwi BDbvbx I Avq–‡e©w`K wWwMª K‡jR I nvmcvZvj Hospital, 27290000 - Govt. Unani & Ayurvedic Degree College & 27290000 -miKvwi BDbvbx I Avq–‡e©w`K wWwMª K‡jR I nvmcvZvj, Hospital, Dhaka XvKv 2730 - Govt. Homeopathic Degree College & Hospital, 2730 -miKvwi ‡nvwgIc¨vw_K wWwMÖ K‡jR I nvmcvZvj, XvKv Dhaka 27300000 - Govt.Homeopathic Degree College & 27300000 -miKvwi ‡nvwgIc¨vw_K wWwMÖ K‡jR I nvmcvZvj, XvKv Hospital, Dhaka 2731 - Center for Medical Education & Research 2731 -‡Kw›`ªq wPwKrmv I M‡elYv †K›`ª 27310000 - Center for Medical Education & Research 27310000 -‡K›`ªxq wPwKrmv I M‡elYv †K›`ª 2733 - Center for Medical Education 2733 -†m›Uvi di †gwWK¨vj GWy‡Kkb 27330000 - Center for Medical Education 27330000 -‡m›Uvi di †gwWK¨vj GWy‡Kkb 2739 - Others 2739 -Ab¨vb¨ 27390000 - Others 27390000 -Ab¨vb¨ 2741-2750 - Hospitals 2741-2750 -nvmcvZvjmgn 2741 - Medical College Hospitals 2741 -wPwKrmv gnvwe`¨vjq nvmcvZvjmg–n 27410001 - Dhaka Medical College Hospital 27410001 -XvKv 27410010 - Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital 27410010 -m¨vi mwjgyj­vn 27410020 - Rajshahi Medical College Hospital 27410020 -ivRkvnx 27410030 - Rangpur Medical College Hospital 27410030 -iscyi 27410040 - Mymensingh Medical College Hospital 27410040 -gqgbwmsn 27410050 - Chittagong Medical College Hospital 27410050 -PÆMÖvg 27410060 - Sylhet Medical College Hospital 27410060 -wm‡jU 27410070 - Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital, 27410070 -‡k‡i-B-evsjv, ewikvj Barisal 27410080 - Shahid Ziaur Rahman Medical College 27410080 -"knx` wRqvDi ingvb †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj, Hospital, Bogra e¸ovÕÕ 27410090 - Dinazpur Medical College Hospital 27410090 -w`bvRcyi †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj 27410100 - Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College 27410100 -knx` ‡mvnivIqv`x© ‡gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj, XvKv| Hospital, Dhaka 27410110 - Faridpur Medical Collage Hospital 27410110 -dwi`cyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj 27410120 - Comilla Medical College Hospital 27410120 -KzwgjÐv †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj 2742 - District Hospitals 2742 -‡Rjv nvmcvZvj 27420000 - District Hospitals 27420000 -‡Rjv nvmcvZvj 2743 - Other District Hospitals 2743 -Ab¨vb¨ ‡Rjv nvmcvZvj 27430000 - Upazilla Hospitals 27430000 -Dc‡Rjv nvmcvZvj I wPwKrmvjqmgn 27430001 - Narayanganj Hospital (200 bed) 27430001 -bvivqbMÄ nvmcvZvj (200 kh¨v wewkó) 27430010 - Chittagong (200 bed) 27430010 -PÆMªvg nvmcvZvj (200 kh¨v wewkó) 27430015 - Khulna (250 bed) 27430015 -Lyjbv nvmcvZvj (250 kh¨v wewkó) 27430020 - Comilla (250 bed) 27430020 -Kzwgj­v nvmcvZvj (250 kh¨v wewkó) 27430025 - Faridpur (250 bed) 27430025 -dwi`cyi nvmcvZvj (250 kh¨v wewkó) 2744 - Upazilla Health Complex and Sub Centres 2744 -Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­· I cj­x wPwKrmv †K›`ª 27440000 - Upazilla Health Complex and Sub Centres 27440000 -Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡c­· I cj­x wPwKrmv †K›`ª

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 2745 - Union Health & Family Welfare Centres 2745 -BDwbqb ¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vY †K›`ªmg–n 27450000 - Union Health & Family Welfare Centers 27450000 -BDwbqb ¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vb †K›`ª mg–n 2747 - Dental College Hospitals 2747 -‡W›Uvj K‡jR nvmcvZvjmg–n 27470001 - Dhaka Dental College Hospital 27470001 -XvKv †W›Uvj K‡jR nvmcvZvj 2751-2760 - Specialised Hospitals and Institutes 2751-2760 -we‡klÁ nvmcvZvj I cªwZôvbmgn 2751 - Specialised Hospitals and Institutions 2751 -we‡klvwqZ nvmcvZvj I cªwZôvbmg–n 27510010 - Shaheed Suhrawardy Hospital , Dhaka 27510010 -knx` †mvnivIqv`x© nvmcvZvj, XvKv 27510020 - Institute of Post Graduate Medicine & 27510020 -øvZ‡KvËi wPwKrmv gnvwe`¨vjq I M‡elYv cªwZôvb Research, Dhaka 27510030 - Rehabilitation institute and Hospital for 27510030 -c½y cybe©vmb cªwZôvb I nvmcvZvj, XvKv disabled, Dhaka 27510040 - Institute of Ophthalmology 27510040 -P¶z weÁvb Bbw÷wUDU, XvKv 27510050 - Institute of Diseases of the Chest & 27510050 -RvZxq e¶e¨vwa BÝwUwUDU I nvmcvZvj, XvKv Hospital, Dhaka 27510060 - Infectious Diseases Hospital, Dhaka 27510060 -msµvgK e¨vwa nvmcvZvj, XvKv 27510070 - Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, 27510070 -KvwW©IfvmKzjvi wWwRR Bbw÷wUDU, XvKv Dhaka 27510080 - National Institute of Preventive and Social 27510080 -RvZxq cªwZ‡laK I mvgvwRK wPwKrmv cÖwZôvb, XvKv Medicine, Dhaka (wbcmg) 27510090 - Institute of Public Health Nutrition, Dhaka 27510090 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ cywó ‡K›`ª, XvKv 27510100 - Institute of Public Health 27510100 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ Bbw÷wUDU, XvKv 27510110 - Mental Hospital , Pabna 27510110 -gvbwmK nvmcvZvj, cvebv 27510120 - Inst. of Epidermiology, Disease Control & 27510120 -‡ivMZZ¡, ‡ivM wbqš¿Y I M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Research 27510130 - National Centre for Control of Rheumatic 27510130 -RvZxq evZR¡i I ü`‡ivM wbqš¿Y †K›`ª Fever 27510140 - Cancer Institute and Research Hospital, 27510140 -K¨vÝvi BÝwUwUDU I M‡elYv nvmcvZvj Dhaka 27510150 - Institute of Mental Health & Research 27510150 -gvbwmK ¯^v¯’¨ I M‡elYv BÝwUwUDU 27510160 - TB Segregation Hospitals 27510160 -h²v c„_KxKiY nvmcvZvjmg–n 27510170 - Other TB Hospitals 27510170 -Ab¨vb¨ h¶v nvmcvZvjmg–n 27510180 - Leprosy Hospitals 27510180 -Kzô nvmcvZvjmg–n 27510181 - Institute of ORS Production and 27510181 -Lvevi m¨vjvBb Drcv`b I mieivn cÖwZôvb Distribution 27510190 - National Institute of Kidney Diseases and 27510190 -b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae wKWwb wWwR‡Rm GÛ BD‡ivjwR Urology 27510200 - 250 Beded Shahid Sheikh Abu Naser 27510200 -250 kh¨v wewkó knx` †kL Avey bv‡mi we‡klvwqZ Specialized Hospital,Khulna nvmcvZvj, Lyjbv 27510210 - Bangladesh Institute of Tropical Infectious 27510210 -evsjv‡`k B›mwUwUDU Ae U«wcK¨vj Bb‡dKkvm Diseases, Fouzdarhat. Chittagong wWwR‡Rm, ‡dŠR`vinvU, PU«Mªvg 27510220 - Bangladeesh Institute of Tropical and 27510220 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae U«wcK¨vj GÛ Bb‡dKkvm Infectious Diseases (BITID), Faujdarhat, wWwR‡Rm (weAvBwUAvBwW), †dŠR`vinvU, PU«Mªvg| Chittagong. 27510230 - 300 Bedded National Institute of Neuro 27510230 -300 kh¨v wewkó b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbD‡ivmv‡q›m Science and Hospital Ges nvmcvZvj 27510240 - 100 Bed 27510240 -100 kh¨vwewkó ‡kL dwRjvZy‡bœQv gywRe P¶z nvmcvZvj I cÖwk¶Y cÖwZôvb, †MvcvjMÄ 27510250 - National Institute of ENT, Tejgaon, Dhaka 27510250 -RvZxq bvK-Kvb-Mjv B›mwUwUDU, †ZRMvuI, XvKv 27510260 - 500 Bed Kurmitola General Hospital, 27510260 -500 kh¨vwewkó Kzwg©‡Uvjv †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj Dhaka 27510270 - 500 Bed General Hospital, Mogdha, Dhaka 27510270 -500 kh¨vwewkó †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj, gyM`v, XvKv 27510280 - 250 Beded (1st Phase 150 bed) TB 27510280 -250kh¨v (1g ch©v‡q 150 kh¨v) wewkó wUwe nvmcvZvj, Hospital, Dhaka XvKv 2761-2770 - Public Health 2761-2770 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ 2761 - Epidemic Disease Control Centres 2761 -gnvgvix †ivM wbqš¿Y 27610010 - Airport Health , Dhaka 27610010 -wegvb e›`i ¯^v¯’¨ ‡K›`ª, XvKv

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27610020 - Port Health, Chittagong 27610020 -e›`i ¯^v¯’¨ ‡K›`ª, PÆMªvg 27610030 - Port Health, Chalna 27610030 -e›`i ¯^v¯’¨ ‡K›`ª, Pvjbv 2771-2780 - Clinics, Health Centres and Other Facilities 2771-2780 -wK¬wbK I ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ªmgn 2771 - TB Centres (42) 2771 -h²v †K›`ª 27710000 - TB Centres 27710000 -h²v †K›`ª 2772 - School Health Centres 2772 -we`¨vjq ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª 27720000 - School Health Clinics 27720000 -we`¨vjq ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª 2775 - Other Facilities 2775 -Ab¨vb¨ myweav 27750010 - Skin and Social Hygiene Centre , 27750010 -‡K›`ªxq Pg© I mvgvwRK ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª, PÆMªvg Chittagong 27750020 - Secretariat Hospital 27750020 -mwPevjq nvmcvZvj 27750021 - Prime Minister Secretariat Clinic 27750021 -cÖavbgšxi mwPevjq wK¬wbK 27750023 - Shangshad Bhaban Dispensory 27750023 -msm` feb wW‡¯•bmwi 27750025 - Meternity Center, Motijheel 27750025 -gwZwSj gvZ…m`b †K›`ª 27750027 - Model Family Planning Clinic (8) 27750027 -g‡Wj d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs wK¬wbK †m›Uvi 27750030 - Government Employees Hospital , Dhaka 27750030 -miKvwi Kg©Pvix‡`i nvmcvZvj, XvKv 27750040 - National Library and Documentation 27750040 -RvZxq ¯^v¯’¨ Mªš’vMvi I `wjj msi¶Y †K›`ª Centre 27750050 - Transport and Equipment Maintenance 27750050 -hvbevnb I hš¿cvwZ msi¶Y ms¯’v Organisation 27750060 - National Electro-Medical Equipment 27750060 -b¨vkbvj B‡j‡±«v-†gwWK¨vj BKzBc‡g›U †gBb‡Ub¨vÝ Maintenance Workshop and Training IqvK©kc GÛ †U«wbs †m›Uvi Centre 27750065 - Marine Academy Dispensory 27750065 -‡gwiY GKv‡Wwg wW‡¯•bmwi 2776 - Urban Dispensary 2776 -Avievb wWm‡cbmvix (34wU) 27760000 - Urban Dispensory (34) 27760000 -Avievb wWm‡cbmvix (34wU) 2781-2795 - Family Welfare and Family Planning 2781-2795 -cwievi Kj¨vY I cwievi cwiKíbv 2781 - Department of Family Planning 2781 -cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi 27810000 - Department of Family Planning 27810000 -cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi 27815000 - Unallocated block 27815000 -AeivÏK…Z †_vK 27815020 - Management development unit project 27815020 -e¨e¯’vcbv Dbœqb BDwbU cªKí (GgwWBD) (MDU) 27815030 - Construction of family planning godown at 27815030 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q cwievi cwiKíbv ¸`vg wbg©vY upazilla level 27815040 - Mohammadpur fertility services and 27815040 -‡gvnv¤§`cyi Rb De©iZv †mev I cªwk¶Y †K›`ª training center 27815050 - Strengthening of MIS activities 27815050 -Gg. AvB. Gm kw³kvjxKiY 27815060 - Mother and child health coordination cell 27815060 -gvZ…-wkï ¯^v¯’¨ mgš^q †mj 27815070 - National family planning and mother child 27815070 -RvZxq cwievi cwiKíbv I gvZ…wkï Kvh©µg Rb‡Mvôxi programme AskMªnY (wW‡cv‡nvìvi Kg©mPx) 27815080 - Family planning service delivery (Phase-5 27815080 -cwievi cwiKíbv †mev`vb cÖKí (chv©q-5 ms‡kvab) Revised) 27815090 - Strengthening MCH programme 27815090 -gvZ…g½j I wkï ¯^v¯’¨ Kg©mPx kw³kvjxKiY 27815110 - Family planning clinical services project 27815110 -cwievi cwiKíbv wK¬wbK¨vj †mev cªKí (chv©q-4) (Phase-4 Revised-2) (ms‡kvab-2) 27815120 - Support to National institute of population 27815120 -RvZxq RbmsL¨v M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y (chv©q-5) †Uªwbs GÛ research and training (NIPORT) (Phase-4) wimvP© mv‡cvU© Uz wb‡cvU© (chv©q-5) 27815130 - Traditional birth attendant training project 27815130 -†UªwWkbvj ev_© G‡Ub‡W›U cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (Phase-4 Revised ) (chv©q-4-ms‡kvwaZ) 27815140 - Warehousing and distribution system of 27815140 -gvZ…g½j, wkïKj¨vY I cwievi cwiKíbv I JlacÎvw` I the MCH and family planning programme miÄvgvw` msi¶Y I weZiY e¨e¯’v 27815150 - Establishment of union FWC and 27815150 -cj­x A‡j BDwbqb cwievi Kj¨vY †K›`ª wbg©vY I cj­x reconstruction of rural dispensaries `vZe¨ wPwKrmvjq¸wj‡K cwievi Kj¨vY †K‡›`« DbœxZKiY (Phase-4) (chv©q-4)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27815160 - Strengthening of information education 27815160 -Z_¨ wk¶v DØy×KiY, kw³kvjxKiY cªKí (chv©q-4) motivation project (Phase-4) 27815170 - Project finance cell (Phase-4) 27815170 -cªKí A_©‡Kvl (chv©q-4) 27815180 - Establishment of condom industry by the 27815180 -miKvwi ch©v‡q evsjv‡`k KbWg wkí ms¯’vcb Government of Bangladesh 27815190 - Construction of health and population 27815190 -¯^v¯’¨ I RbmsL¨v feb wbg©vY bhaban 27815210 - Health and Family planning MCH 27815210 -¯^v¯’¨ I cwievi cwiKíbv I gvZ…wkï ¯^v¯’¨ welqK D™¢ebx innovation programme (Phase-2 Revised) Kvh©µg (chv©q-2-ms‡kvwaZ) 27815220 - Strengthening of MCH training institute at 27815220 -GgwmGBP †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU, AvwRgcyi I jvjKzwV Azimpur 27815230 - Construction and maintenance of 27815230 -wbg©vY I i¶Yv‡e¶Y e¨e¯’vcbv BDwbU (chv©q-4) management cell (Phase-4) 27815240 - Reorganisation of health and population 27815240 -¯^v¯’¨ I RbmsL¨v Kvh©µg cyb©MVb welqK mgx¶v programme 27815250 - Satellite project of family planning at 27815250 -gnvbMi XvKvi cwievi cwiKíbv †m‡UjvBU cªKí Dhaka city 27815260 - Maternal, Child, Reproductive and 27815260 -‡gUvibvj, PvBì, wi‡cÖvWvKwUf GÛ G‡Wv‡j‡m›U †nj_ Adolescent Health (MCRAH) 27815270 - Establishment of IUD factory 27815270 -AvBBDwW KviLvbv ¯’vcb 27815280 - Project monitoring and supervision unit 27815280 -cªKí cwiex¶Y I Z`viwK BDwbU 27815290 - Clinical Contraception Services Delivery 27815290 -wK¬wbK¨vj K›U«v‡mckb mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi (CCSD) 27815300 - Family Planning Field Services Delivery 27815300 -d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs wdì mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvwi (FPFSD) 27815310 - Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation-DGFP 27815310 -c­¨vwbs gwbUwis GÛ Bfvjy‡qkb-wWwRGdwc 27815320 - Family planning services project (phase-5) 27815320 -cwievi cwiKíbv †mev`vb cÖKí (chv©q-5) 27815330 - Management Information Systems (MIS) 27815330 -g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷gm 27815332 - Community participation in national family 27815332 -RvZxq cwievi cwiKíbv I gvZ…wkï Kvh©µg Rb‡Mvôxi planning Ask MªnY 27815333 - National family planning and mother child 27815333 -Kg©mPx programme 27815340 - Construction of Family planning storeg at 27815340 -Dc‡Rjv chv©‡q cwievi cwiKíbv ¸`vgNi wbgv©b upazilla level 27815350 - Information, Education and 27815350 -Bbdi‡gkb GWy‡Kkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb Communication (IEC) 27815351 - Development programme for family health 27815351 -mgwš^Z Rb‡Mvôx cwievi ¯^v¯’¨ cÖKí Dbœqb Kvh©µg (ev¯ project (implementation phase) evqb chv©q) 27815360 - Procurement, Storage and Supplies 27815360 -cÖwKDi‡g›U †÷v‡iR GÛ mvc­vBR g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management (PSSM-FP) 27815371 - Computer based MIS in the district family 27815371 -†Rjv cwievi cwiKíbv Awd‡m Kw¤•DUvi wfwËK planning offices e¨e¯’vcbv Z_¨ c×wZ 27815381 - Technical assistance to MR programme 27815381 -gvZ…g½j I wkïKj¨vY wfwËK GgAvi Kvh©µ‡g KvwiMwi based on maternal and children welfare mn‡hvwMZv 27815411 - Capacity strengthening BOF BD institute 27815411 -evsjv‡`k AZ¨vek¨K cªRbb ¯^v¯’¨ Dbœqb Ges cªhyw³ of research 27815431 - Support for the BARPART activities and 27815431 -evicv‡U©i M‡elYv I Ab¨vb¨ Kg©Kv‡Ûi mg_©b research 27815441 - Local Initiative programme (LIP) (Revised) 27815441 -¯’vbxq D‡`¨vM Kvh©µg (ms‡kvwaZ) 27815451 - Introduction of Leproscopic technic in 27815451 -Bb‡UªvWvKkb Ae j¨vc‡iv¯‹wcK †UKwbK Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 27815461 - Community education for maternal and 27815461 -KwgDwbwU GWz‡Kkb Ae g¨vUvibvj GÛ wbD‡bUvj †nj_ neonatal 27815471 - Introduction of simple oral pill in 27815471 -evsjv‡`‡k ¯^ígvÎvi Lvevi ewo cªeZ©b Bangladesh 27815481 - Gender training for Family planing 27815481 -‡RÛvi †U«wbs di d¨vwgwj c­vwbs cv‡mv©bvj personnel

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27815491 - Technical assistance for internal 27815491 -AvštLvZ RbmsL¨v cªK‡íi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv population project 27815511 - PRODUCTION OF MEDICINE FOR BLOOD 27815511 -‡`kxq jZv¸j¥ †_‡K i³ Avgvk‡qi Jla ˆZixKiY DESEUTRO FROM IN cÖKí 27815521 - Family planning communication support 27815521 -d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs KwgDwb‡Kkb mv‡cvU© cª‡R± project 27815531 - Strengthening of family planning MCHIEC 27815531 -Gd wc G Gg wm GBP AvB wm Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY programme 27815541 - Family planning logistic management 27815541 -d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs jwRw÷K g¨v‡bR‡g›U 27815551 - Lump allocation 27815551 -‡_vKeivÏ 27815571 - Strengthening of Family planning clinical 27815571 -cwievi cwiKíbv wK¬wbK¨vj †mev kw³kvjxKiY servece 27815581 - Family Planning services and traning 27815581 -cwievi cwiKíbv †mev I cªwk¶Y †K›`ª (GdwcGgwUwm) centre (FPMTC) 27815611 - Technical assistance for 5th population 27815611 -cÂg RbmsL¨v I ¯^v¯’¨ cªKí cªYq‡b KvwiMwi mnvqZv and health project 27815691 - Intensification of primary health and health 27815691 -Bb‡Ubwmwd‡Kkb Ae cªvBgvix †nj_& GÛ †nj_& di Aj for all 27815710 - Construction of union family welfare centre 27815710 -cj­x A‡j BDwbqb ¯^v¯’¨ cwievi cwiKíbv †K›`« wbgv©Y and upgradation of rural dispensaries to I cj­x `vZe¨ wPwKrmvjq¸wj‡K cwievi Kj¨vY †K‡›`« family welfare centre DbœxZKiY 27815811 - Survey of Health establishments for 27815811 -gv÷vi c­¨vb ˆZixi Rb¨ ¯^v¯’¨ cªwZôvbmg‡ni Rwic preparation of master plan 27815821 - Strengthening population and environment 27815821 -†÷«s‡`wbs ccy‡jkb GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›U †cªvMªvg programme of IUB AvBBDwe 27815831 - Women health development programme 27815831 -DB‡gb †nj_ †W‡fjvc‡g›U †cªvMªvg (eª¨vK) (BRAC) 27815840 - Study on reproductive bahaviour of female 27815840 -‡cvkvK wk‡í wb‡qvwRZ gwnjv Kg©x‡`i cªRbb AvPiY garments works for upgraded service Avc-†Mª‡WW cwievi Kj¨vY †K‡›`«i †mev`vb delivery by FWCs 27815851 - Extension and maintenance of the MIS 27815851 -G·‡Ubkb GÛ †gB‡U‡b›m Ae wmGgAvBGm cÖKí project (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) 27815861 - South Asian collaboration and programme 27815861 -mvD_ Gwkqvb K‡jv‡ev‡ikb GÛ †c«vMªvg †W‡fjvc‡g›U development in health and population Bb †nj_ GÛ ccy‡jkb 27815921 - Strengthening population and enviornment 27815921 -†÷ª‡`wbs ccy‡jkb GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg AvBBDwe programme of IUB 27815931 - National integrated poputation and health 27815931 -RvZxq mgwš^Z RbmsL¨v I ¯^v¯’¨ Kg©mPx (AvBwcGBPwc) hrogramme (IPHP) 27815941 - Strengthening of MPMCHIC activities 27815941 -†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae Gg wc Gg wm GBP AvB wm G¨vKwUwfwUm 27815951 - Operational research on obstetrical first 27815951 -Acv‡ikb wimvP© Ab Ae‡÷ªwUK¨vU dv÷ GBW BIwm G¨vU aid EOC in selected unions wm‡jK‡UW BDwbqb 27815960 - Construction of 4th floor at Bangladesh 27815960 -evsjv‡`k mwPevjq wK¬wbK fe‡bi 4_© Zjvi Dci 5g Secretariat Clinic bhaban Zjvi wbgv©Y 27816011 - Building construction towards 27816011 -wewìs Kb‡mbmvm UzIqvW©m Bgwc­‡gbUkb Ae w` wdd_ Implementation of the 5th Health †nj_ ccy‡jkb †cÖvMÖvg (n¨vc-5) †_ªv we‡nwfqvi †PBÄ population programme (HAPP-5) through KwgDwb‡Kkb (wewmwm) behaviour change communication (BCC) 27816021 - Preparatory activities for unified MIS for 5th 27816021 -wcÖcv‡iUwi GKwUwfwUR di BDwbdvBW Gg.AvB.Gm di health and population programme wdd_ †nj_ GÛ ccy‡jkb †cÖvMÖvg (n¨vd-5) (HAPP-5) 27816031 - Unified logistic management system 27816031 -BDwbdvBW jwRw÷K g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U development for Health and Population di †nj_ GÛ ccy‡jkb †m±i sector 27816041 - Development and institutionalised unified 27816041 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ BÝwUwUDUkbvjvBRW BDwbdvBW BCC structure strategies and function wewmwm ÷ªvKPvi ÷ªv‡UwRm GÛ dvskb 27816051 - Establishment of the Management 27816051 -B÷vewjk‡g›U Ae w` g¨v‡bR‡g›U †PBÄ BDwbU Change Unit

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27816061 - Base line survey service delivery survey for 27816061 -‡eBR jvBb mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi mv‡f© di gwbUwis evsjv‡`k monitoring Bangladesh 5th Health and wdd_ †nj_ GÛ ccy‡jkb c­¨vb (n¨vd-5) Population Plan (HAPP-5) 27816071 - Sector wise management approach: 27816071 -‡m±i IqvBR g¨v‡bR‡g›U G¨v‡cÖvP UªvbwRkbvj c­¨vb cÖ transition of plan project to programme ‡R± Uz †cÖvMÖvg 27816081 - Local initiative programme (Phase-3) 27816081 -¯’vbxq D‡`¨vM Kvh©µg (chv©q-3) 27816171 - Sector Wise Management Approach 27816171 -‡m±i IqvBR g¨v‡bR‡g›U G‡cÖvP UªvbwRkbvj c­¨vb cÖ‡R± Transitional Plan Project to Programme Uz †cÖvMÖvg 27816190 - Master plan for drug study control of 27816190 -gvóvi c­vb di W«vM óvwW K‡›U«vj Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 27818020 - 27818020 -wK¬wbK¨vj K›Uªv‡mckb mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix 27818023 - 27818023 -g¨vUvibvj PvBì GÊ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27818030 - D 27818030 -d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs wdì mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix 27818040 - 27818040 -‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U, †÷v‡iR GÊ mvc­vB g¨v‡bR‡gÈ (wWGdwc) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27818100 - 27818100 -Bbdi‡gkb, GWy‡Kkb GÊ KwgDwb‡Kkb (Gdwc) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27818150 - 27818150 -wnDg¨vb wi‡mv‡m©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gdwc) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27818530 - D 27818530 -BgcÖ“f&W dvBbvbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U(Gdwc) 27818640 - 27818640 -GgAvBGm mvwf©‡mm GÊ cv‡m©v‡bj (Gdwc) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27818660 - 27818660 -‡m±i IqvBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Gdwc) (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 27818661 - 27818661 -wgicy‡ii jvjKzwV¯’ gvZ… I wkï ¯^v¯’¨ cÖwk¶Y I M‡elYv cÖwZôvb kw³kvjxKiY 27818662 - Planning Monitoring and Financial 27818662 -­­­­c­vwbs gwbUwis GÛ dvBb¨vw›mqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae Gdwc Management of FP 27818663 - Establishment of Maternal and Child 27818663 -B÷vewjm‡g›U Ae g¨vUvibvj GÛ PvBì †nj_ †U«wbs GÛ Health Training & Research Institute, wimvm© Bbw÷wUDU, jvjKzwV, wgicyi, XvKv LalChuty, Mirpur, Dhaka 2783 - Divisional Offices 2783 -wefvMxq cwievi cwiKíbv Kvhv©jq 27830000 - Divisional Offices 27830000 -wefvMxq cwievi cwiKíbv Kvhv©jq 2785 - District Offices 2785 -‡Rjv cwievi cwiKíbv Kvhv©jq 27850000 - District Offices 27850000 -‡Rjv cwievi cwiKíbv Kvhv©jq 2787 - Upazilla Offices 2787 -Dc‡Rjv RbmsL¨v Kvhv©jq 27870000 - Upazilla Family Planning Offices 27870000 -Dc‡Rjv cwievi cwiKíbv Kvhv©jq 2789 - Hospitals and Dispensaries 2789 -nvmcvZvj I wWm‡cÝvwi 27890000 - Hospitals and Dispensaries 27890000 -nvmcvZvj I wWm‡cÝvwi 2791 - Other Family Welfare Facilities 2791 -Ab¨vb¨ RbmsL¨v wbqš¿Y myweavw` 27910000 - Others Population Maintain 27910000 -Ab¨vb¨ RbmsL¨v wbqš¿Y myweavw` 27910010 - Model Family Planning Clinic 27910010 -g‡Wj d¨vwgwj c­vwbs wK¬wbK 27910020 - NIPORT 27910020 -RvZxq RbmsL¨v M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU (wi‡cvU©) 27910025 - Mohammadpur Fertility Services & Training 27910025 -‡gvnv¤§`cyi dvwU©wjwU mvwf©‡mm GÛ †Uªwbs †m›Uvi - XvKv Centre-Dhaka 27915010 - Training, Research and Development 27915010 -‡U«wbs, wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U (TRD) 27918280 - B 27918280 -‡Uªwbs wimvP© GÊ †Wfjc‡g›U 27918321 - 27918321 -mv‡cvU© di cwjwm c­vwbs GÊ †cÖvMÖvg Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb wimvP© di ccy‡jkb GÊ †W‡fjc‡g›U(DBGbGdwcG 7g †`kxq Kg©m~Px) 2796-2798 - Development Programme Financed by 2796-2798 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 2796 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 2796 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 27964667 - 27964667 -e¸ov †Rjv †÷wWqv‡g d¬vU jvBU ¯’vcb Kg©mPx

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 27964668 - 27964668 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †mbevM Dc‡Rjvq †÷wWqvg wbg©vY Kg©mPx 27964939 - Centre for Neuro-development and Autism 27964939 -‡m›Uvi di wbD‡iv †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ AwURg Bb wPj‡W«b in Children 2799-2799 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 2799-2799 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 2799 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 2799 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 27990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 27990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 28 - ICT Division 28 - Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cªhyw³ wefvM 2801-2820 - Administration 2801-2820 -cªkvmb 2801 - Secretariat 2801 -mwPevjq 28010001 - Secretariat 28010001 -mwPevjq 28010002 - Office of the Controller of Certifying 28010002 -B‡jKU«wbK ¯^v¶i mvwU©wd‡KU cÖ`vbKvix KZ©„c‡¶i wbqš Authority for Electronic Signature Certificate ‡Ki Kvh©vjq 28015010 - Strengthening Ministry of ICT 28015010 -­­AvBwmwU gš¿Yvjq kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 28015011 - Strengthening Ministry of ICT 28015011 -­­AvBwmwU gš¿Yvjq kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 28015012 - Strengthening of Ministry of ICT through 28015012 -AvaywbKxKiY I `¶Zv e„w×i gva¨‡g AvB.wm.wU. Modernization and Capacity Improvement gšÎYvjq kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (SMICT) 28015013 - Learning and Earning Development 28015013 -jvwb©s GÛ Avwb©s †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 28015520 - Block Allocation for unapproved Projects. 28015520 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 28015539 - Establishment of Information Highway 28015539 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae mv‡mK Bbdi‡gkb nvBI‡q (Bangladesh Part) (evsjv‡`k cvU©) (01/07/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 2805 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2805 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 28053032 - Bamgladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority 28053032 -evsjv‡`k nvB‡UK cvK© KZ©„c¶ 28053039 - Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) 28053039 -evsjv‡`k Kw¤cDUvi KvDwÝj (wewmwm) 28055010 - Leveraging ICT For Growth, Employment 28055010 -‡jfv‡iwRs AvB.wm.wU. di †Mªv_, Ggc­q‡g›U GÛ and Governance Project Mf‡Y©›m cÖKí 28055011 - Establishment of IT Village/STP At 28055011 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ad AvBwU wf‡jR/GmwUwc G¨vU Divisional Level wWwfkbvj †j‡fj 28055012 - Science and Technology 28055012 -Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ gšYvjq kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 28055013 - Establishment of I.T. Village/S.T.P. At 28055013 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ad AvB.wU. wf‡jR/Gm.wU.wc. G¨vU Jessore h‡kvi 28055014 - Empowering Rural Community-Riching 28055014 -GgcvIqvwis i“ivj KwgDwbwUR-wiwPs `¨v AvbwiPW: The Unriched: Union Information and BDwbqb Bbdi‡gkb GÛ mvwf©m †m›Uvi (BDAvBGmwm) Service Centre (UISC) 28055015 - Development of National ICT InfraNetwork 28055015 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmwU Bbd«v‡bUIqvK© di for Bangladeh Government (Info-Soker) evsjv‡`k Mf©‡g›U (Bb‡dv-miKvi) cÖKí 28055016 - Support to Development of Kaliakoir 28055016 -mv‡cvU© Uy †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Kvwjqv‰Ki nvB-†UK cvK© Hi-Tech Park cÖKí 28055017 - Basic Infrastructure for I.T. Village 28055017 -‡ewmK Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi di AvB.wU. wf‡jR gnvLvwj, XvKv Mohakhali, Dhaka 28055018 - Support To Development of Khalikhor 28055018 -mv‡cvU© Uz †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Kvwjqv‰Ki nvB-‡UK cvK© High-Tech Park 28055019 - Jessore Software Technology Park (STP) 28055019 -h‡kvi mdUIq¨vi †UK‡bvjwR cvK© (&GmwUwc) (01/02/2013-30/09/2014), Aby‡gvw`Z 28055020 - Capacity Building of ITEE Management 28055020 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae AvBwUBB g¨v‡bR‡g›U (01/12/2012-31/12/2015), Aby‡gvw`Z 28055021 - Development of National ICT Infra-Network 28055021 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvBwmwU Bbd«v-‡bUIqvK© di for Bangladesh Government Phase-II evsjv‡`k Mf‡g©›U †dR-2 (Bb‡dv miKvi) cÖKí (Info-Sarker) 28057010 - Empowering Rural Communities 28057010 -G¤•vIqvwis i“evj KwgDwbwUR wiwPs `¨v AvbwiPWt Reaching the Unreached Union BDwbqb Bbdi‡gkb GÛ mvwf©m †m›Uvi Information & Service Center (UISC) (01/11/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 28057360 - Support to Hi-Tech Park Authority to 28057360 -mv‡cvU© Uy nvB-†UK cvK© A_wiwU Uy GmUvwe­k nvB-†UK Establish Hi-tech Park at Kaliakoir, Gazipur cvK© GU Kvwjqv‰Ki, MvRxcyi (01/04/2010-31/03/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 28057390 - Basic ICT Skill transfer upto Upazila Level 28057390 -†ewmK AvB.wm.wU. w¯‹j U«v›mdvi Avc Uy Dc‡Rjv †j‡fj project (01/01/11-31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 28057410 - Strengthening BCC through Infrastructure 28057410 -AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g we.wm.wm. kw³kvjxKiY Development (01/06/11 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 28058997 - Development of National ICT Infra-Network 28058997 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj AvB.wm.wU. Bbd«v‡bUIqvK© di for Bangladesh Government evsjv‡`k Mf©‡g›U (01/04/10 - 30/06/014) Aby‡gvw`Z 2806 - International Organization 2806 -AvšR©vwZK cÖwZôvbmgn 28064211 - Unicode Consortium 28064211 -BDwb‡KvW Kb‡mvwU©qvg 28064458 - Asia Pacific Training Centre for Information 28064458 -Gwkqv †cwmwdK †U«wbs ‡m›Uvi di Bbdi‡gkb GÛ and Communication Technology (APCICT) KwgDwb‡Kkb †UK‡bvjwR (GwcwmAvBwmwU) 2811 - Directorate of Information and Communication 2811 -Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ Awa`ßi Technology 28110000 - Directorate of Information and 28110000 -Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ Awa`ßi Communication Technology 28115010 - Establishment of Computer and Language 28115010 -mviv †`‡ki wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤•DUvi I fvlv cÖwk¶Y Training Lab in Educational Institutions all j¨ve ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/01/2015-31/12/2016) over the Country (01/01/2015-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z approved 2896-2898 - Development Programme Financed by 2896-2898 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 2896 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 2896 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Budget 28964301 - Distribution of Digital Signature Certificate 28964301 -B‡jKU«wbK bw_ e¨e¯’vcbvq e¨env‡ii Rb¨ miKvwi `ßi in Different Government Offices for Using mg‡n wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i mvwU©wd‡KU weZiY Electronic File Management 28964302 - National Mobile Application Development 28964302 -RvZxq ch©v‡q ‡gvvevBj Gwc­‡Kkb Dbœq‡b m‡PZbZv I Awareness and Capacity Building `¶Zv e„w× Program 28964303 - Bangla Corpus, Bangla OCR Software, 28964303 -evsjv Kvicvm, evsjv IwmAvi G ‡U·U-Uy-w¯•P Text to Speech and Talking Book mdUIq¨vi ‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ges wWwRUvj UwKs eyK ˆZix Development 28964304 - Cyber Security Programme 28964304 -mvBevi wbivcËv Kg©m–wP 28964305 - Innovation for smart green Building 28964305 -B‡bv‡fkb di ¯§vU© MÖxb wewìs 28964308 - Graff Root Info Window 28964308 -ÒZ…Yg–‡ji Z_¨ RvbvjvÓ Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 28964310 - Development of e-Learning Portal for 28964310 -Kw¤•DUvi †cÖvMÖvwgs wk¶vi Rb¨ B-jvwY©s cШvUdig Dbœqb Computer Programming Kg©m–wP 28964348 - Pilot Programme for Establishment of 28964348 -fvP©yqvj ‡W¯‹Uc Kw¤•DwUs †bUIqvK© j¨ve ¯’vcb cvBjU Virtual Desktop Computing Network Lab Kg©mwP (XvKv, Lyjbv I ewikvj wefvM) (Rvby2013 (Dhaka, Khulna and Barisal Division) -Ryb2014) 28964349 - Pilot Programme for Establishment of 28964349 -fvP©yqvj ‡W¯‹Uc Kw¤•DwUs †bUIqvK© j¨ve ¯’vcb cvBjU Virtual Desktop Computing Network Lab ( Kg©mwP (PU«Mªvg, ivRkvnx, wm‡jU I iscyi wefvM) Chittagong, Rajshahi, Sylhet and Rangpur (Rvby2013-Ryb2014) Division) 28964350 - Development of Interactive Multimedia 28964350 -cÖv_wgK wk¶v Kb‡U›U B›Uvi-A¨vKwUf gvwëwgwWqv Digital Version of Primary Education wWwRUvj fvm©‡b iƒcvši (gvP© 2014-‡deªƒqvix 2016) content 28964351 - Freelancer to Entrepreneur Development 28964351 -wd«j¨v›mvi Uy Gw›U‡cÖwbDi Dbœqb (gvP© 2014 n‡Z †deª “qvix 2015) 28964352 - Bari Bose Borolok-Training Programme 28964352 -evwo e‡m eo‡jvK-cÖwk¶Y Kg©mwP (gvP© 2014 n‡Z †deª “qvix 2015) 28964353 - Mobile Apps Trainer and Creative Apps 28964353 -RvZxq ch©v‡q †gvevBj A¨vcm cÖÖwk¶Y I m„Rbkxj A¨vcm Development in National Level Dbœqb 28964354 - E-shop 28964354 -ÒB-kcÓ Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 28964355 - Implementation of National Mobile Phone 28964355 -ÒRvZxq ch©v‡q me©¯@‡ii RbM‡Yi Rb¨ †gvevBj †dvb Based help Desk for General People wfwËK †ní‡W¯‹ ev¯@evqbÓ Dbœqb Kg©m–wP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 28964501 - Establishment of Software Technology 28964501 -KvIivb evRvi¯’ RbZv UvIqvi‡K md&UIq¨vi †UK‡bvjwR Park at Janata Tower, Kawran Bazar, cv‡K© iƒcvš@iKiY Dhaka 28964502 - Learning and Earning Training 28964502 -jvwb©s Gb Avwb©s cÖwk¶Y Kg©mwP (Rvby2013-Ryb2014) Programme 28964503 - Establishment of Chittagong University of 28964503 -PÆMªvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦¦we`¨vj‡q AvBwU weR‡bm Engineering & Technology (CUET) IT BbwKD‡eUi ¯’vcb (wW‡m¤¦i-2012-wW‡m¤¦i2014) Business Incubator 28964504 - Feasibility Study to Establish IT Villages at 28964504 -wefvMxq ch©v‡q AvBwU wf‡jR ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv Divisional Levels mgx¶v Kg©mwP (Rvby2013-wW‡m¤¦i2013) 28964658 - Government-Private Initiative on 28964658 -miKvwi †emiKvwi D‡Ï¨v‡M wk¶v e¨e¯’vq Z_¨ cÖhyw³i Information Technology Enhanced e¨env‡i cvBjU Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2013) Education-A Pilot Programme (2010-11) 28964659 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 28964659 -e„nËi dwi`cyi, ewikvj I cUyqvLvwj †Rjvi gva¨wgK I Higher Education Institutes in Greater D”P wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY Kg©mwP (RyjvB Faridpur, Barisal and Patuakhali Districts 2010 - Ryb 2012) (2010-12) 28964660 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 28964660 -e„nËi wm‡jU I Kzwgj­v †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P wk¶v Higher Education Institutes of Greater cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2010 - Sylhet and Comilla Districts (2010-11) Ryb 2012) 28964686 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 28964686 -e„nËi Lyjbv, h‡kvi I Kzwóqv †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P Higher Education Institutes in Greater wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY Kg©mwP (RyjvB Khulna, Jessore and Kushtia Districts 2010 - Ryb 2012) (2010-11) 28964710 - Special Programme for ICT Sector 28964710 -AvBwmwU Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl Kg©mwP Development 28964711 - Human Resources Development through 28964711 -AvBwmwU cÖwk¶‡Yi gva¨‡g gvbe m¤•‡`i Dbœqb ICT Training Programme (Rvbyqvwi 2011-Ryb 2013) 28964716 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 28964716 -e„ËËi w`bvRcyi I iscyi †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P wk¶v Higher Education Institutesin Greater cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2010 - Dinajpur and Rangpur Districts (2010-11) Ryb 2012) 28964742 - Extension of ICT based Training Facilities 28964742 -miKv‡ii B-†mev wbwðZ Ki‡Z Z_¨ cÖhyw³ Ávb m¤•bœ at BPATC and BCS Admin Academy for †jvKej ˆZixi j‡¶¨ evsjv‡`k †jvKcÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y creating ICT knowledgeable Manpower to †K›`ª (wewcGmwU) I wewmGm (cÖkvmb) GKv‡Wgx‡Z Z_¨ ensure Government's e-service. cÖhyw³ wfwËK cÖwk¶Y myweav m¤•ÖmviY 28964743 - Extension work of National data Center for 28964743 -RvZxq WvUv †m›Uvi AeKvVv‡gv m¤•ÖmviY Kg©m–wP Hosted services. (Rvby/2011-wW‡m¤¦i/2011) 28964744 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 28964744 -e„nËi XvKv †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v Higher Secondary Institutes of Greater cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY Kg©m–wP (Rvbyqvwi 2011 - Dhaka District. Ryb 2012) 28964745 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 28964745 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn, Rvgvjcyi I Uv½vBj †Rjvi gva¨wgK Higher Secondary Institutes of Greater I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY Mymensingh,Jamalpur and Tangail District Kg©m–wP (Rvbyqvwi 2011-Ryb 2012) 28964746 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 28964746 -e„nËi †bvqvLvjx, PÆMÖvg I iv½vgvwU†Rjvi gva¨wgK I Higher Secondary Institutes of Greater D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY Noakhali,Chittagong and Rangamati Kg©m–wP (Rvbyqvwi 2010-Ryb 2012) District 28964748 - Expansion of ICT in the Secondary and 28964748 -e„nËi ivRkvnx, e¸ov I cvebv †Rjvi gva¨wgK I D”P Higher Secondary Institutes of Greater gva¨wgK wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY Kg©m–wP Rajshahi,Bogra and Pabna District (Rvbyqvwi 2011- Ryb 2012) 28964767 - Establishment of e-Center in Chittagong 28964767 -PU«Mªvg wefv‡Mi we`y¨r ms‡hvMwenxb BDwbq‡b B-†m›Uvi Division of Unions without electricity ¯’vcb (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 28964768 - Establishment of e-center in Sylhet 28964768 -wm‡jU wefvM I XvKv wefv‡Mi e„nËi gqgbwmsn †Rjvi Division including grater Mymenshing we`y¨&r ms‡hvM wenxb BDwbq‡b B-†m›Uvi ¯’vcb (RyjvB district at Unions with electricity 2010-Ryb 2012) 28964769 - Establishment of e-center in Rajshahi 28964769 -ivRkvnx wefv‡Mi we`y¨r ms‡hvM wenxb BDwbq‡b B-†m›Uvi Division at Unions without Electricity ¯’vcb (RyjvB 2010- Ryb 2012) 28964773 - Establishment of e-center in Dhaka 28964773 -XvKv wefv‡Mi (e„nËi gqgbwmsn †Rjv ev‡`) we`y¨r Division Excluding grater Mymensingh ms‡hvM wenxb BDwbq‡b B-†m›Uvi ¯’vcb (RyjvB 2010- district) at unions without electricity Ryb 2012)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 28964787 - Establishment of e-center in Khulna and 28964787 -Lyjbv I ewikvj wefv‡Mi we`y¨r ms‡hvM wenxb BDwbq‡b Barisal Division at Unions with electricity B-†m›Uvi ¯’vcb (RyjvB 2010- Ryb 2012) 28964921 - Introduction of Digital Signature and 28964921 -†`‡k wWwRUvj ¯^v¶i cÖeZ©b I K‡›U«vjvi Ae mvwU©dvBwqs Commencement of Office of the Controller A_wiwUi Kvh©vjq PvjyKiY (A‡±vei 2009 - †m‡Þ¤¦i of 2012) Certifying Authority (CCA) 29 - Ministry of Social Welfare 29 - mgvR Kj¨vY gš¿Yvjq 2901-2920 - Administration 2901-2920 -cªkvmb 2901 - Secretariat 2901 -mwPevjq 29010001 - Secretariat 29010001 -mwPevjq 29013093 - Interest Free Microcredit Programme 29013093 -my`gy³ ¶z`ªFY Kvh©µg 29013094 - Living Standard Development Programme 29013094 -wnRov Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb Kvh©µg For Hizra (Transgender) Community. 29013095 - Living Standard Development Programme 29013095 -`wjZ, nwiRb I †e‡` Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb For Dalit,Horizan and Bede Community. Kvh©µg 29013096 - Programme for Livelihood Improvemnet of 29013096 -Pv kªwgK‡`i Rxebgvb Dbœqb tea labours 29013097 - Financial support Programme for Cancer, 29013097 -K¨v›mvi, wKWbx I wjfvi wm‡ivwmm †ivMx‡`i Avw_©K kidney and Liver Cirrhosis Patients mnvqZv 29013451 - Non Government Orphanages 29013451 -‡emiKvwi GwZgLvbv 29013490 - Service Centre for Disabled 29013490 -cÖwZeÜx †mev I mvnvh¨ †K›`ª 29013495 - Rehabilitation and Creation of Alternative 29013495 -wf¶ve„wˇZ wb‡qvwRZ Rb‡Mvwôi cybe©vmb I weKí Employment for People Engaged in Kg©ms¯’vb Begging Profession 29013496 - Survey on Indentification of Disability 29013496 -cÖwZewÜZv mbv³KiY Rwic 29013960 - Old Ages Scheeme 29013960 -eq¯‹ fvZv cÖ`vb Kvh©µg 29013965 - Assistance for Tortured and Distressed 29013965 -`y¯’ ZvjvKcÖvßv/¯^vgx cwiZ¨³v I weaev gwnjv‡`i mnvqZv Women 29013967 - Fund for Rehabilitation of Acid burn 29013967 -GwmW`» gwnjv I kvwiixK cÖwZeÜx‡`i cYe©vmb Znwej Women and Physically Hnadicapped Peopl 29013970 - Allowances for Diabled Retarded Persons 29013970 -Am”Qj cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ fvZv (Physical and Mental) 29014711 - Educational Stipend Programme for the 29014711 -cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ wk¶v Dce„wË Disabled Students 29015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 29015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 29015020 - Establishment of liver transplantation in 29015020 -G÷vwejk‡g›U Ae wjfvi U«v›mc­v‡›Ukb BDwbU Bb Bangladesh Diabetic Association (BADS) evsjv‡`k Wvqv‡ewUK G‡mvwm‡qkb (weGwWGm) (01/01/2012-31/12/2012) (01/01/2012-31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 29015030 - Establishment of Sunaimuri Andha 29015030 -G÷vwejk‡g›U Ae †mvbvBgywo AÜ Kj¨vY mwgwZ AvB Kollayan Somiti Hospital nmwcUvj Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2011-30/06/13) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 29015040 - Establishment of Chapainawabganj Eye 29015040 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ P¶z nmwcUvj wbgv©Y Hospital (01/07/2011-31/12/2012) (01/07/2011-31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 29015050 - 29015050 -cj­x gvZ…‡K‡›`ªi gva¨‡g RbmsL¨v Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY (chv©q-6) 29015140 - Strengthening population activities through 29015140 -cj­x gvZ…‡K‡›`ªi gva¨‡g RbmsL¨v Kvh©µg ‡Rvi`viKiY rural mother care centres (Phase-5) (chv©q-5) 2905 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 2905 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 29053091 - National Social Welfare Council 29053091 -RvZxq mgvR Kj¨vY cwil` 29053092 - Foundation for Disabled 29053092 -RvZxq cÖwZeÜx Dbœqb dvD‡Ûkb 29053093 - Interest Free Microcredit Programme 29053093 -my`gy³ ¶z`ªFY Kvh©µg 29053094 - Living Standard Development Programme 29053094 -wnRov Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb Kvh©µg For Hizra (Transgender) Community. 29053095 - Living Standard Development Programme 29053095 -`wjZ, nwiRb I †e‡` Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb For Dalit,Horizan and Bede Community. Kvh©µg

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29053096 - Programme for Livelihood Improvemnet of 29053096 -Pv kªwgK‡`i Rxebgvb Dbœqb tea labours 29053097 - Financial support Programme for Cancer, 29053097 -K¨v›mvi, wKWbx I wjfvi wm‡ivwmm †ivMx‡`i Avw_©K kidney and Liver Cirrhosis Patients mnvqZv 29053098 - Trust for the protection of the persons with 29053098 -wbD‡iv-†W‡fjc‡g›Uvj cÖwZeÜx myi¶v U«v÷ neuodevelopmental disabilities 29053099 - Physical Disabled Welfare Trust 29053099 -kvixwiK cÖwZeÜx Kj¨vY U«v÷ 29053451 - Non Government Orphanages 29053451 -‡emiKvwi GwZgLvbv 29053452 - Non Government Institutions for Mentally 29053452 -gvbwmK cÖwZew܇`i Rb¨ †emiKvwi wk¶v cÖwZôvb Retarded 29053459 - 29053459 - 29053487 - Fund for the Assistance of Disable 29053487 -cÖwZeÜx mnvqZv Znwej 29053489 - Shishu Bikash Kendra 29053489 -wkï weKvk †K›`ª 29053490 - Service Centre for Disabled 29053490 -cÖwZeÜx †mev I mvnvh¨ †K›`ª 29053495 - Rehabilitation and Creation of Alternative 29053495 -wf¶ve„wˇZ wb‡qvwRZ Rb‡Mvwôi cybe©vmb I weKí Employment for People Engaged in Kg©ms¯’vb Begging Profession 29053496 - Survey on Indentification of Disability 29053496 -cÖwZewÜZv mbv³KiY Rwic 29053571 - Assistance for Tortured and Distressed 29053571 -weaev I ¯^vgx cwiZ¨³v `yt¯’ gwnjv‡`i fvZv Kvh©µg Women 29053960 - Old Ages Scheeme 29053960 -eq¯‹ fvZv cÖ`vb Kvh©µg 29053962 - Assistance for Poor Freedom Fighters 29053962 -Am”Qj gyw³‡hv×v m¤§vbx fvZv Kvh©µg 29053965 - Assistance for Tortured and Distressed 29053965 -`yt¯’ ZvjvKcÖvßv/¯^vgx cwiZ¨³v I weaev gwnjv‡`i Women mnvqZv 29053967 - Fund for Rehabilitation of Acid burn 29053967 -GwmW`» gwnjv I kvixwiK cÖwZeÜx‡`i cybe©vmb Znwej Women and Physically Hnadicapped Peopl 29053969 - Fund for Comabtting Natural Disaster led 29053969 -cÖvK…wZK `‡h©vMRwbZ SuywK †gvKv‡ejv Znwej Risks 29053970 - Allowances for Diabled Retarded Persons 29053970 -A¶g cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ fvZv (Physical and Mental) 29054711 - Educational Stipend Programme for the 29054711 -cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ wk¶v Dce„wË Disabled Students 29055010 - Construction of Jatio Protobondhi 29055010 -RvZxq cÖwZeÜx Kg‡c­• wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/2013 - Complex(01/07/2013-30/06/2018) 30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 29057010 - Expansion of Bangladesh institute of 29057010 -evsjv‡`k B›mwUwUDU Ae wimv_P G_ wi‡nwejvB‡Ukb Bb research and rehabilitation 29057011 - Supply of Instruments & necessary 29057011 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i mnvqK DcKiY mieivn cÖKí materials to the Persons with Disabilities 29057012 - Construction of Naitoanl Complex for the 29057012 -RvZxq GwZg I cÖwZeÜx Dbœqb Kg‡c­· Development of the Orphans and the Disabled. 29057013 - Establishment of Disabled Development 29057013 -cÖwZeÜx Dbœqb Kg‡cз wbg©vY Complex. 29057014 - Revolving Fund 29057014 -NY©vqgvb Znwej 29057015 - Promotion of Services & Opportunity to the 29057015 -cÖÖ‡gvkb Ae mvwf©‡mm GÛ AciPywbwU Uy `¨v wWRGeì Disabled Persons in Bangladesh (January cvim&b Bb evsjv‡`k (31/07/08-30/06/2013) 2009 to December 2013). Aby‡gvw`Z| 29057021 - Bangladesh 29057021 - 29057022 - Construction of Jatiyo Protibondhi 29057022 -cÖwZeÜx Kg‡c­· wbg©vY, wgicyi, XvKv Complex, Mirpur, Dhaka 29057023 - Construction of Multipurpose Sports 29057023 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i Rb¨ eûgLx µxov Kg‡c­· wbg©vY Complex for Person with Disablity 2931-2950 - Social Services 2931-2950 -mgvR †mev 2931 - Department of Social Services 2931 -mgvR †mev Awa`ßi 29310000 - Department of Social Services 29310000 -mgvR †mev Awa`ßi 29310001 - Juvenile Correction Centre 29310001 -wK‡kvi ms‡kvabx cªwZôvb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29315010 - Institute for the mentally retarded children - 29315010 -gvbwmK cªwZeÜx wkï‡`i c«wZôvb-iDdev`, PÆMªvg Raufbad, Chittagong 29315011 - Construction of Disability Care and 29315011 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae wWmG¨vwewjwU †Kqvi GÛ wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Rehabilitation Centre †m›Uvi 29315012 - Establishment of 30 Bed Diabetic Hospital 29315012 -B÷vewj÷‡g›U Ae 30 †eW Wvq‡ewUK nmwcUvj GU at Manikganj gvwbKMÄ 29315013 - Old home/Life Care Complex/Senior 29315013 -Iì‡nvg/jvBd †Kqvi Kg‡c­•/wmwbqi wmwU‡Rb †Kqvi Citizen Care Centre †m›Uvi 29315014 - Comprehensive and Sustainable Health, 29315014 -KgwcÖ‡nbwmf GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej †nj_, GWy‡Kkb GÛ Education and Livelihood Development wjfwjûW †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMªvg di fvjbv‡iej GÛ Programme for Vulnerable and destitute †WmwUwUDU wccj Bb wSKiMvQv People in Jhikorgacha 29315015 - Implementation of UN Convention on the 29315015 -Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae BDGb Kb‡fbkb Ab `¨v ivBUm Ae Right of Persons with Disabilities cvm©bm DB_ wWRGwewjwUm (BDGbwmAviwcwW) (UNCRPD) (01/01/2012-30/06/2013) 29315016 - Child Sensitive Social Protection in 29315016 -PvBì †mb‡mwUf †mvm¨vj †cÖv‡UKkb Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (CSPB) (wmGmwcwe) (01/01/2012-31/12/2016) (01/01/2012-31/12/2016) 29315017 - Expansion and development OF 50 29315017 -G•cvbkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae 50 †e‡WW dvB‡jwiqv Bedded Filaria hospital with ancillary nmwcUvj DB_ Gbwmjvwi d¨vwmwjwUm (2q ch©vq) facilities (2nd face) 29315018 - Vertical Extension of Sylhet Diabetic 29315018 -fvwU©K¨vj G•‡Ubkb Ae wm‡jU Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj Hospital 29315019 - Child Sensitive Social Protection in 29315019 -PvBì †mb‡mwUf †mvmvj cÖ‡UKkb Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (CSPB) 29315020 - Financial Assistance Scheme for 29315020 -`» RwbZ Kvi‡Y ¶wZMÖ¯’ I `yt¯’ e¨w³‡`i wPwKrmv I Treatment and Rehabilitation of cybe©vmb Avw_©K mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/2002 - Distressed Burn Victims 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/02-30/06/07) Approved 29315021 - Implementation of UN Convention on the 29315021 -Bwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae BDGb Kb‡fbkb Ab `¨v ivBUm Ae Rights of persons with Disabilities cvimb BD_ wWRvwewjwUm (UNCRPD) 29315022 - Establishment of 50 bedded Kidney 29315022 -G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae 50 †e‡WW wKWwb dvD‡Ûkb Foundation Hospital & Research Institute nvmcvZvj GÛ wimvP© B›mwUwUDU (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315023 - Establishment of Sreshtho Nibash OLD 29315023 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †kÖô wbevm Home (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) 29315024 - Establishment of Munshiganj Diabetic 29315024 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae gywÝMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj Hospital (01/10/2012-30/06/2015) (01/10/2012-30/06/2015) 29315025 - Verticle Extension of Sylhet Diabetic 29315025 -fvwU©K¨vj G•‡Ubkb Ae wm‡jU Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj Hospital (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) 29315026 - Establishment of Masterda Surjasen 29315026 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae gv÷vi`v m~h©‡mb †Uªwbs GÛ Training & Rehabilitation Centre for the wi‡nwewj‡Ukb †m›Uvi di `¨v Aidvbm GÛ †WmwUwUDU Orphans & Destitute Children at Barisal wPj‡Wªb GU ewikvj (01/12/2012-30/06/2014) (01/12/2012-30/06/2014) 29315027 - Expansion and Development of 29315027 -G·cvbkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae bxjdvgvix Wvqv‡ewUK Nilphamari Diabetic Hospital nmwcUvj (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) 29315028 - Establishment of Kathalia Community 29315028 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae KvVvwjqv KwgDwbwU nmwcUvj GÛ Hospital & Disable Care Center wWRGej †Kqvi †m›Uvi 29315029 - Establishment of 25 Bedded Diabetic 29315029 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae 25 †e‡WW Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj, Hospital, Pirgonj, Thakurgaon cxiMÄ, VvKziMuvI 29315030 - DAB (Diabetic Association of Bangladesh) 29315030 -Wve (Wvqv‡ewUK G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae evsjv‡`k) KvwW©qvK Cardiac Centre †m›Uvi (01/07/1995-30/06/2002) 29315031 - Establishment of Khulna Shishu Hospital 29315031 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Lyjbv wkï nmwcUvj GÛ bvwm©s and Nursing Institute Bbw÷wUDU 29315032 - Expansion of Existing Prime Mother and 29315032 -G•cvbkvb Ae GM&wRmwUs cÖvBg gv`vi GÛ PvBì †Kqvi Child Care Hospital with Research nmwcUvj DB_ wimvP© †dwmwjwUm Facilities

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29315033 - Expansion of Existing Prime Mother and 29315033 -G•cvbkvb Ae GM&wRmwUs cÖvBg gv`vi GÛ PvBì †Kqvi Child Care Hospital with Research nmwcUvj DB_ wimvP© †dwmwjwUm Facilities 29315034 - Expansion and Development of 29315034 -G·cvbkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae bxjdvgvix Wvqv‡ewUKm Nilphamari Diabetic Hospital, Nilphamari nvmcvZvj, bxjdvgvix (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) 29315035 - Vertical Extension of Sylhet Diabetic 29315035 -wm‡jU Wvqv‡ewUKm nvmcvZv‡ji DשgyLx m¤•ªmviY Hospital (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315036 - Construction of 5 Storied Tribal Welfare 29315036 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae 5 †óv‡iW wU«‡ej I‡qj‡dqvi Association Central G¨v‡mvwm‡qkb †m›Uvi Awdm Kvg KwgDwbwU nj G¨vU Office-Cum-Community Hall at Balashpur, evjvmcyi, gqgbwmsn (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Mymensingh (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315037 - Establishment of Kishor Unnayan Kendra, 29315037 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae RqcyinvU wK‡kvi Dbœqb †K›`ª Joypurhat (01/01/2014- 30/06/2016) (01/01/2014- 30/06/2016) 29315038 - Establishment of Kishor Unnayan Kendra 29315038 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wK‡kvi Dbœqb †K›`ª Bb 4 wWwfkb in 4 Divisions (Sylhet, Chittagong, Khulna (wm‡jU, PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv, Ges ewikvj) (01/01/2014- & Barishal) (01/01/2014- 30/06/2017) 30/06/2017) 29315039 - Expansion and Development of Dr. Zahed 29315039 -G???cvbkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Wvt Rv‡n` Memorial Child Hospital, Faridpur †g‡gvwiqvj wkï nvmcvZvvj, dwi`cyi (01/10/2014- (01/10/2014- 30/06/2015) 30/06/2015) 29315040 - Institute of Juvenile correction 29315040 -wK‡kvi ms‡kvabx cªwZôvb 29315041 - Establishment of Laxmipur Diabetic 29315041 -j²xcyi Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb (01/07/2014- Hospital (01/07/2014- 30/06/2017) 30/06/2017) 29315042 - Re-construction of Rehabilitation Centre 29315042 -wi-K›mU««vKkb Ae wi‡nwewj‡Ukb †m›Uvi di †WmwUwUDU for Destitute Children, Konabari, Gazipur wP‡ìªb, †Kvbvevox, MvRxcyi 29315043 - Development and Mordenization of 29315043 -†W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae cÂMo Wvqv‡ewUK Panchagarah Diabetic Hospital nmwcUvj 29315044 - Establishment of Laxmipur Diabetic 29315044 -G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae j¶¥xcyi Wvqv‡ewUKm nmwcUvj Hospital 29315045 - Establishment of Diabetic, Dabetic 29315045 -G÷vewj÷‡g›U Ae Wvqv‡ewUK, Wvqv‡ewUK wi‡j‡UW GÛ Related & Non-Diabetic Hospital at Rajbari bb-Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj G¨vU ivRevwo 29315046 - Re-construction of Rehabilitation Centre 29315046 -`yt¯’ wkï cÖwkÿY I cybev©mb †K›`ª cyb wbgv©Y, ‡Kvbvevox, Destitute Children, Konabari, Gagipur MvRxcyi (Rvbyqvwi 2014- Ryb 2018) (January 2014- June 2018) 29315047 - Development and Modernization of 29315047 -†W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ gWvb©vB‡Rkb Ae cÂMo Wvqv‡ewUK Panchagarh Diabetic Hospital (July nmwcUvj (RyjvB 2014- Ryb 2018) 2014-June 2018) 29315048 - Establishment of Institution for 29315048 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae BÝwUwUDkb di wi‡nwewj‡Ukb GÛ Rehabilitation and Education for GWz‡Kkb di wbD‡iv-†W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ AwURg Neuro-Development and Autism (IRENA) (AvBAviBGbG) (Rvbyqvwi 2015-wW‡m¤^i 2017) (January 2015-December 2017) 29315049 - Extension & Modernization of 29315049 -G·‡Ubkb GÛ gWvbvB‡Rkb Ae ag©ivwRKv ey× Dharmarajika Bouddha Mahabihar gnvwenvi AwWUwiqvg Kg†cз di `¨v Aidv›m GÛ Auditorium Complex for the Orphans and AvÛviwcwf‡jRW KwgDwbwU †g¤¦vim Ad w` †mvmvBwU Underprvileged Community Members of (01/11/2014-30/06/2016) PjwZ cÖKí the Society 29315050 - Expansion of social service programme on 29315050 -cj­x gvZ„‡K‡›`«i gva¨‡g RvZxq RbmsL¨v Kvh©µg medical Ÿv¯@evqb (01/01/2001-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315051 - Establishment of Munshiganj Diabetic 29315051 -G÷vewjó‡g›U Ad gyw›mMÄ Wvqv‡ewUKm nvmcvZvj Hospital (01/01/2015-30/06/2017)bZzb cÖKí 29315052 - Establishment of Netrokona Diabetic 29315052 -†b·Kvbv Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj ¯’vcb (A‡±vei 2014- Hospital (October 2014- June 2017) Ryb 2017) 29315053 - Safe Motherhood Activities in Two 29315053 -†md gv`viûW GKwUwfwUR Bb Uz Dc‡Rjvm Ae Kzwgjøv Upazillas of Comilla District (January wWw÷ª± (Rvbyqvwi 2015- wW‡m¤^i 2016) 2015-December 2016) 29315054 - Establishment of National Heart 29315054 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nmwcUvj Foundation Hospital Moulvibazar (July †gŠjfxevRvi (RyjvB 2014- Ryb 2016) 2014- June 2016) 29315055 - Establishment of Jamalpur Diabetic 29315055 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Rvgvjcyi Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj (RyjvB Hospital (July 2014- June 2018) 2014- Ryb 2018)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29315056 - Establishment of 50 Bedded Antidrug 29315056 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wddwU †e‡WW Gw›UWªvM wUUª‡g›U Treatment A-Rehabilitation Center G-wi‡nwewj‡Uk †m›Uvi gvbm (RyjvB 2014- Ryb 2016) (Manash) (July 2014- June 2016) 29315057 - Safe Motherhood Activities in 4 Upazilles of 29315057 -†md gv`viûW Gw±wfwUm Bb †dvi Dc‡Rjv Ae Kzwgj­v Comilla District. wWwóKm 29315058 - Establishment of Netrakona Diabetic 29315058 -G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae †b·Kvbv Wvqv‡ewUKm nvmcvZvj Hospital 29315060 - Rehabilitation of physical retareded, 29315060 -kvixwiK cªwZeÜx‡`i, A¶g I Amnvq e„ׇ`i cybe©vm‡bi disable and distress 29315070 - Bangladesh Disabled Institute - Mirpur, 29315070 -evsjv‡`k cÖwZeÜx BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb, wgicyi, XvKv Dhaka (01/07/2001-30/06/2007) Revised (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2007) Unapproved Aby‡gvw`Z 29315080 - 29315080 -cÖwZeÜx‡`i mvgvwRK Dbœq‡b cybev©mb I cÖwk¶Y cÖKí - wgicyi, XvKv (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 29315090 - Establishment of Bangladesh Disabled 29315090 -GwZg I cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y - Rehabilitation Institute, Mirpur, Dhaka dwKinvU, ev‡MinvU (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) (01-07-2005 to 30-06-2008). 29315100 - Chalu 20 government 29315100 -Pvjy 20wU miKvwi wkï cwievi AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315110 - Rehabilitation of street children 29315110 -iv¯vq emevmKvix `y`©kvMª¯ wkky‡`i Kj¨vY I cybe©vmb 29315120 - Development and expansion of the traning 29315120 -`yt¯’ I feNy‡i cªwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ªmg–‡ni Dbœqb I and rehabilitation center for destitutes and m¤•ÖmviY (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/94-30/6/2004) vagrants Aby‡gvw`Z 29315130 - Expansion of educational programme for 29315130 -AÜ wkï‡`i wk¶v Kg©m–wP m¤•ªmviY blind children 29315140 - Strengthening population activities through 29315140 -cj­x gvZ…‡K‡›`ªi gva¨‡g RbmsL¨v Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY rural mother care centres (Phase-5) (chv©q-5) 29315150 - Conversion of existing government Shishu 29315150 -Pvjy miKvwi wkkym`bmg–n‡K wkky cwiev‡i iƒcvš@i Sadan into Shisu Paribar (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1994- (01/07/1994-30/06/2006) 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315160 - Training and rehabilitation of socially 29315160 -mvgvwRK cªwZeÜx †g‡q‡`i cªwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ª handicapped women (XvKv, PÆMÖvg, ivRkvnx, Lyjbv, ewikvj I wm‡jU) (1/7/94-30/6/2002) 29315170 - Establishment of Safe home for the 29315170 -`yt¯’ †g‡q‡`i wbivc` AvkÖq¯’j cÖKí (ce©-2) helpless women. (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) 29315180 - Estabilishment of braile press and artificial 29315180 -kvwiixK cªwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ †eBj †cªm I K…wÎg AsM limbs Drcv`b 29315190 - Conversion of existing Government 29315190 -Pvjy miKvwi wkky m`bmg–n‡K wkky cwiev‡i iƒcvš@i-23wU children care centre into children village 29315200 - Improve Treatment and Rehabilitation of 29315200 -Wvqv‡ewUK, Wvqv‡ewUK mswk­ó bb-Wvqv‡ewUK †ivMxi Diabetic, Diabetic Related and wPwKrmv †mev Dbœqb I cybe©vmb-bxjdvgvix Non-diabetic Patient, Nilphamari (01/07/06-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z (01-07-2006 to 30-06-2009). 29315210 - Expanded rural social services (Phase-4) 29315210 -m¤•ªmvwiZ cj­x mgvRKg© (ce©-5) (1/7/95-30/6/2002) 29315220 - Expansion and development of urban 29315220 -kni mgvR‡mev Kg©m–wPi Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY social welfare programme 29315230 - Rural mother's center for social 29315230 -mgvR Dbœq‡b cj­x gvZ„‡K›`« development 29315240 - Establishment of OPD, Investigation & 29315240 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nvmcvZvj GÛ wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU Rehabilitation Centre of National Heart Gi ewnwe©fvM, cix¶v I cybe©vmb †K›`ª m¤•ªmvviY Foundation Hospital & Research Institute (01/07/06-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2006 to 30/06/2011). 29315250 - Social Welfare Complex 29315250 -mgvR Kj¨vY Kg‡c­· 29315260 - Establishment of Diabetic Hospital for 29315260 -KzwoMÖvg Wvqv‡ewUK mwgwZ nvmcvZvj wbg©vY (01/07/06 Diabetic, Diabetic Related & Non-Diabetic - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z Patient, Kurigram (01-07-2006 to 30-06-2009). 29315261 - Consultancy services for special education 29315261 -K›mvj‡Uw›m mvwf©‡mm di †¯•kvj GWy‡Kkb †cªvMªvg programme

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29315270 - Sirajgong Diabetes Somiti General 29315270 -wmivRMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK mwgwZ †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Hospital (01-07-2006 to 30-06-2009). (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315280 - Establishment of National Heart 29315280 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb, wm‡jU (1g ch©vq) (01/07/06 - Foundation Hospital, Sylhet (01/07/2006 to 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/2011) 29315281 - Establishment of village based institution 29315281 -mvgvwRK A_©‰bwZK Dbœq‡b Mªvg wfwËK cªwZôvb ¯’vcb for socio-economic development 29315290 - Liver Transplantation Services of Diabetic 29315290 -wjfvi UªvÝc­vb‡Ukb mvwf©‡mm Ae Wvqv‡ewUK G‡mvwm‡qkb Association of Bangladesh (01-07-2006 to Ae evsjv‡`k (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) 30-06-2008). Aby‡gvw`Z 29315291 - Institute of correctional service for teen age 29315291 -wK‡kvix‡`i ms‡kvabx cªwZôvb, Kzwgj­v girl, Comilla 29315300 - OGSB Hospital and Institute of 29315300 -IwRGmwe nvmcvZvj I Bbw÷wUDU Ae wi‡cÖvWvKwUf GÛ Reproductive and Child Health PvBì †nj_ (01/06/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (03-07-2006 to 30-06-2009) 29315310 - Expansion & Development Faridpur 29315310 -dwi`cyi Wvqv‡ewUK G‡mvwm‡qkb nvmcvZvj m¤•ÖmviY I Diabetic Association Hospital (01-07-2006 Dbœqb (01/06/06 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z to 30-06-2010). 29315311 - Development and mordernisation of 29315311 -kvixwiK cªwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ wkí Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb (2q "Maitree Shilpa" for the physically ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/97-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z handicapped 29315320 - TN Mother Child & General Hospital 29315320 -wU Gb gv`vi PvBì GÛ †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj (01/01/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315321 - National vocational training institute for the 29315321 -b¨vkbvj ‡fv‡Kkbvj †Uªwbs BÝwUwUDU di w` wWRGejW disabled and orphans GÛ Aid¨vÝ 29315330 - Establishment of Chandpur Diabetic 29315330 -Puv`cyi Wvqv‡ewUK mwgwZ nvmcvZvj wbg©vY Samity Hospital. (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315331 - Support to D. S. S for village based 29315331 -mv‡cvU© Uz wWGmGm di wf‡jR †eBRW BÝw÷wUDU Institute (SDSCD) (GmwWGmwmwW) 29315340 - Support Service Programme for Vulnerable 29315340 -mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm †cÖvMªvg di fvjbv‡iej Mª Group (SSPVG) “c(GmGmwcwfwR) (01/07/09 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315350 - Establishment of Sheikh Fazilatunnessa 29315350 -‡kL dwRjvZy‡bœmv gywRe †g‡gvwiqvj we‡klvwqZ Mujib Specialised Hospotal and Nursing nvmcvZvj GÛ bvwm© K‡jR wbg©vY (1g ch©vq) College (Phase-1) 29315360 - 29315360 -mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii Dbœqb, m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKvqb 29315370 - Community Health and Hearth Hospital, 29315370 -KwgDwbwU †nj_ I nvU© nvmcvZvj, cvebv (1g ch©vq) Pabna (1st Phase) 29315380 - Establishing of DBKP-Community Hospital 29315380 -GmU¨vewjs Ae wWwe‡Kwc KwgDwbwU nmwcUvj GÛ and Vocational Training Center for †fv‡Kkbvj †U«wbs †m›Uvi di fbv‡iej Vulnerable slum Dwellers 29315390 - Establishment of a 50 Bedded Filaria 29315390 -GmU¨vewjó‡g›U Ae G 50 †e‡WÕm wdjvwiqv nmwcUvj Hospital with ancillary facilities DB_ d¨vmvwjwUm 29315400 - Establishment of Hostel for the Visually 29315400 -`„wó cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡ój wbg©vY (37 BDwbU) Impaired Children (37 Unit) 29315410 - Training and rehabilitation of socially 29315410 -‡Rj †diZ K‡q`x‡`i Rb¨ cªwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`« handicapped women and released m¤•ªmviY prisoners 29315420 - Expansion and development of the 29315420 -evsjv‡`k cªexY wn‰Zlx msN I Riv weÁvb cªwZôv‡bi Bangladesh oldaged welfare association m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb and Institute of geriatric medicine 29315430 - Institute of child health complex 29315430 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae PvBì †nj_ Kg‡c­· 29315440 - 75 bed hospital expansion for Dhaka 29315440 -XvKv KwgDwbwU nvmcvZvj Uªv‡÷i m¤•ªmviY, 75 kh¨v community trust hospital wewkó nvmcvZvj 29315450 - Institute of family and social development 29315450 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae d¨vwgwj GÛ †mvm¨vj †Wfjc‡g›U 29315460 - Expansion of cardiac unit at BIRDEM 29315460 -evi‡Wg nvmcvZv‡ji KvwW©qvK BDwbU m¤•ÖmviY 29315470 - Bangladesh heart reasearch institute 29315470 -evsjv‡`k nvU© wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU 29315480 - Natonal heart foundation 29315480 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29315490 - Community welfare and health care centre 29315490 -KwgDwbwU I‡qj‡dqvi GÛ †nj_ †Kqvi ‡m›Uvi Ad of Bangladesh medical studies and evsjv‡`k †gwWK¨vj ÷vwWR GÛ wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU research institute 29315500 - Establishment of Hobigonj Diabetic 29315500 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae nweMÄ Wvqv‡ewUKm nvmcvZvj wbg©vY Hospital (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315510 - Expansion of BIRDAM hospital (Phase-4) 29315510 -evi‡Wg nvmcvZvj m¤•ªmviY (chv©q-4) 29315520 - Disabled rehabilitation and research 29315520 -wWRv‡ejW& winvwejvB‡Ukb GÛ wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU institute 29315530 - Secure shelter for distressed women 29315530 -`yt¯’ †g‡q‡`i wbivc` Avkªq¯’j (ce©-1) (Phase-1) 29315540 - Welfare and treatment centre for 29315540 -`yt¯’ wkky‡`i Kj¨vY I wPwKrmv †K›`ª distressed children 29315550 - Construction of Bangladesh Mohila Somiti 29315550 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae evsjv‡`k gwnjv mwgwZ Kg‡c­· wewìs Complex for the Under Privileged Women di `¨v AvÛvi wcÖwfjvBRW I‡gb Bb `¨v †mvmvBwU in the Society (01/17/2011-30/06/2013) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315560 - Support Service for Vulnerable Group 29315560 -mv‡cv©U mvwf©m di fvjbv‡iej Mª“c (01/12/2011-30/06/2013) Approved (01/12/2011-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315570 - Establishment of Multipurpose 29315570 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae gvwëcvicvm wi‡nwewj‡Ukb †m›Uvi Rehabilitation Centre for Destitute Aged di †WmwUwUDU GBRW Iì wcDwcj GÛ †mvmvwj Pupil and Socially Disabled Adolescent wWRGejW G‡Wv‡j‡m›U Mvj©m Girls (01/07/2011-31/12/2014) (01/07/2011-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315580 - Expansion and Development of PROYAS 29315580 -G·cvbkb GÛ †Wfjc‡g›U Ae cÖqvm G¨vU XvKv at Dhaka Cantonment K¨v›Ub‡g›U (01/10/2011-30/09/13) Aby‡ygvw`Z (01/10/2011-30/09/2013) 29315710 - Sheikh Russel training and rehabilitation 29315710 -‡kL iv‡mj `yt¯’ wkky‡`i cªwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`«, center for distressed children at Uyw½cvov, †MvcvjMÄ (1/7/97-30/6/2001) Tungipara, Gopalgonj 29315811 - Community based prevention of juvenile 29315811 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW& wcª‡fbkb Ae †fbvBj †WwjKz‡qw›m delinquency 29315820 - Construction of baby homes (3 centres) 29315820 -†ewe †nvg ¯’vcb (3wU) (†QvUgwb wbevm) (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) 29315830 - Establishment and development of 29315830 -AvÂwjK cªwk¶Y †K›`« ¯’vcb I Dbœqb (ms‡kvwaZ) regional training center (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315840 - Social security programme for distressed 29315840 -kvwš@ wbevm (1/7/99-30/6/2002) and elderly people 29315850 - Integrated approcach for poverty alleviation 29315850 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW G¨v‡cªvP di †cÖvfvwU© Gwjwf‡qkb Bb in community setting through micro-credit KwgDwbwU †mwU©s †_ªv gvB‡µv †µwWU (c¨v‡KR †cÖvMÖvg (package programme for rural and urban) di i“ivj GÛ Avievb) 29315860 - National organisation for juvenile 29315860 -RvZxq wK‡kvix ms‡kvabx cªwZôvb, XvKv correction, Dhaka (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) 29315880 - Community based rehabilitation for the 29315880 -kvwiixK cªwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ KwgDwbwU wfwËK cybe©vmb physically handicapped (CBR) Phase-I (wmweAvi) 1g ce© 29315890 - Community welfare and health care centre 29315890 -KwgDwbwU I‡qj‡dhvi GÛ †nj_ †Kqvi †m›Uvi Ae of Bangladesh medical studies and evsjv‡`k †gwWK¨vj ÷vwWR GÛ wimvP© BÝwUwUDU research institute 29315910 - Establishment of a "Shisu Paribar" at 29315910 -ev›`ievb †Rjvq wkï cwievi ¯’vcb cÖKí project (1/7/98-30/6/2003) 29315920 - Training and rehabilitation center for the 29315920 -GwZg, Abv_ I wQbœg–j wkï cÖwk¶Y I cybev©mb cÖKí - orphans and distressed children at the gymwjg wgkb, dwi`cyi (1/7/99-30/6/2003) Muslim mission centre, Faridpur 29315930 - Establishment of village based institute for 29315930 -B÷vewjk‡g›U Ae wf‡jR †eBRW BÝwUwUDU di †mvwmI socio economic development B‡Kv‡bvwgK †W‡fjc‡g›U 29315940 - Community based action plan for juvenile 29315940 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW G¨vKkb c­¨vb di Ry‡fbvBj delinquency †WwjKz‡qwÝ 29315950 - .Capacity building for poverty alleviation 29315950 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs, ‡cvfvwU© Gwjwf‡qkb GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej and sustainable livelihood of the socially jvBfwj ûW Ae w` †mvm¨vwjR wWR GWfvb‡URW& I‡gb disadvantaged women and their children GÛ †`qvi wPj‡Wªb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/7/1998-30/6/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29315960 - Appropriate Resources for Improving 29315960 -G‡cÖvwcÖ‡qU wi‡mv‡m©m di BgcÖ“wfs wPj‡Wªb Street Children's Environment (ARISE) Gbfvqib‡g›U (G,Avi,AvB,Gm,B) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/04/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315970 - Establishment of a Government shishu 29315970 -gywRe bMi Kg‡c­‡· miKvwi wkï cwievi ¯’vcb paribar in Muzib Nogar complex (1/7/99-30/6/2002) 29315980 - Development of school for retarded 29315980 -cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ cwiPvwjZ we`¨vjqmg–‡ni Dbœqb children (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 29315990 - Construction of building for National 29315990 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq AÜ Kj¨vY mwgwZi feb wbgv©Y Ges Association for the welfare of the blind and we`¨gvb cybev©mb Kg©m–wPi †Rvi`viKiY, m¤•ÖmviY, rehabilitation,strengthening & expansion of Kywgj­v (1/7/99-30/6/2003) the existing programme 29316000 - Bangladesh National Blindwelfare Somity, 29316000 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq AÜKj¨vY mwgwZ, wSbvB`n Jhinaidha (1/7/99-30/6/2003) 29316010 - Abosar Project 29316010 -Aemi cÖKí (1/7/99-30/6/2003) 29316020 - Development and Expansion of Urban 29316020 -kni mgvR‡mev Kg©m–wPi Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY (2q ch©vq) Community Development Programme (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 29316030 - Upgrading of Dhaka Community Hospital 29316030 -XvKv KwgDwbwU nvmcvZvj 100 kh¨vq DbœxZ KiY I into 100 bed and Expansion of its Training cÖwk¶Y myweavw` m¤•ªªmviY Facilities (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 29316040 - National Heart Foundation (Phase-2) 29316040 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb (2q ch©vq) (ms‡kvwaZ)) (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 29316050 - 29316050 -mgvR Kj¨vY Awa`߇ii e¨e¯’vcbv, Z_¨ mÂvjb cÖwµqv AvaywbKxKiY I Dbœqb (GgAvBGm) (2002-2005) 29316060 - 29316060 -m¤•ªmvwiZ cj­x mgvRKg© ce©-6 (1/7/02-30/6/06) Abby‡gvw`Z 29316070 - 29316070 -evi‡Wg nvmcvZv‡ji Kvi cvwK©s wbgv©Y, AvaywbK wjdU ¯’vcb Ges hšcvwZ AvaywbKxKiY (2002-2005) 29316080 - 29316080 -‡gvmv¤§r mv‡eiv LvZyb Bmjvwgqv wkïm`‡bi feb wbg©vb Ges we`¨gvb Kg©m~Px Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY (2002-2004) 29316090 - 29316090 -myweav ewÂZ wkï wK‡kvix‡`i `¶Zv Dbœqb I cyb©evmb cÖKí, wcGBPwUwm, MvRxcyi (2002-2005) 29317000 - 29317000 -‡dbx AÜKj¨vY cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ª wbg©vY (2002-2005) 29317010 - Institute of research and rehabilitation in 29317010 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae wimvP© GÛ wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Bb Wvqv‡ewUKm& Diabetics 29317011 - Protection of Children at Risk (PCAR) 29317011 -†cÖv‡UKkb Ae wPj‡Wªb G¨vU wi· (01/04/2007-31/12/2011) (01/04/2007-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317020 - Construction of Zia Heart Foundation and 29317020 -100 kh¨v wewkó wRqv nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nvmcvZvj GÛ Research Center (1/7/2002-31/6/2005) wimvP© †m›Uvi (1g ch©vq-50kh¨v) (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 29317030 - Project for Treatment and Rahabilitation of 29317030 -Wvq‡ewUK, Wvq‡ewUK mswk­ó I bb-Wvq‡ewUK †ivMxi Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patient DbœZ wPwKrmv ‡mev cybev©mb, w`bvRcyi Dinajpur (01/07/03-30/06/06) Approved (01/07/03-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317040 - Development of Trainint and Rehab Centre 29317040 -evK I kªeY cÖwZeÜx †Q‡j-†g‡q‡`i cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª Dbœqb for the Deaf and Dumb, Bijoy Nagar, I m¤•ªmviY, weRq bMi, XvKv (ms‡kvwaZ) Dhaka (01/07/03-30/06/05) Approved (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 29317050 - 29317050 -ewai‡`i cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY, weRqbMi, XvKv (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317060 - 29317060 -w`bvRcyi I wSbvB`‡n gyK I ewai Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z 29317070 - 29317070 -GwZg I cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ 6wU wefv‡M 6wU KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y †Kb`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z 29317080 - Establishment of Sheikh Fazilatunnesa 29317080 -†kL dwRjvZy‡bœmv gywRe †g‡gvwiqvj we‡klvwqZ nmwcUvj Mujib Specialised Hospital & Nursing Ges bvwm©s K‡jR wbg©vY (1g ch©vq) College (1st Phase) (01/01/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2010-31/12/2012) 29317090 - Support Services Programme for Socially 29317090 -mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm †cÖvMÖvg di †mvk¨vj wWmGWf¨vb‡UR Disadvantaged Women & Girls I‡gb GÛ Mvj©m (01/01/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2010 - 31/12/2012)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29317094 - Establishment of Hostel for the Visually 29317094 -`„wó cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡ój wbg©vY (36 BDwbU) Impaired Children (36 Units) (January, (Rvbyqvix, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, 2008) 2006 to June, 2008) 29317095 - Modernization of Existing 20 Sarkari 29317095 -Pvjy miKvix wkï cwievimg‡ni AvaywbKxKiY (20wU) Shishu Paribar by upgrading facilities and (Rvbyqvi, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, 2008)| services (Phase-1) (January, 2006 to June, 2008) 29317096 - Extension and Development of Existing 29317096 -`yt¯’ I feNy‡i‡`i cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K‡›`«i Dbœqb I Vagrants Homes (6) (2nd Phase) m¤cÖmviY (2q ch©vq) (Rvbyqvix, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, (January, 2006 to June, 2009). 2009)| 29317097 - Strengthening and Development of 29317097 -we`¨gvb 50wU kni mgvR‡mev Kg©mwPi Dbœqb I Existing 50 Units of Urban Community †Rvi`viKiY (Rvbyqvix, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, 2008)| Dev. Programme (January, 2006 to June, 2008). 29317098 - Assistance Programme for the Victims of 29317098 -moK `yN©Ubvq nZvnZ e¨w³‡`i Riyix mnvqZv Kvh©µg Road Accident (January, 2006 to June, (Rvbyqvix, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, 2009)| 2009). 29317100 - BIRDEM Liver Trans-Plantation (January, 29317100 -ev‡W©g wjfvi U«v›mc­vb‡Ukb 2006 to June, 2008). 29317101 - Construction of Building and Development 29317101 -‡gvQvt Qv‡eiv LvZyb Bmjvwgqv wkï m`‡bi feb wbg©vY I of the Programmes of Mst. Sabera Khatun we`¨gvb Kg©mwPi Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY, iscyi (RyjvB, Islamia Shishu Sadan (July, 2005 to June, 2005 n‡Z Ryb, 2008)| 2008). 29317102 - Social Services and Medicare for 29317102 -‡mvm¨vj mvwf©‡mm Ges †gwW‡Kqvi dj wcÖ‡fbmb GÛ Prevention and Control of HIV Skin K‡›U«vj Ae GBPAvBwf GÛ ¯‹xb wWwR‡mm, XvKv (RyjvB, Discases (July, 2005 to June, 2008). 2005 n‡Z Ryb, 2008)| 29317103 - Project for Providing Improved Medical 29317103 -Wvqv‡ewUK I Wvqv‡ewUK mswk­ó bb-Wvqv‡ewUK †ivMx‡`i Service and Rehabilitation to the Diabetic, DbœZ wPwKrmv †mev I cybe©vmb, bxjdvgvix (RyjvB, 2006 Diabetic Related and Non-Diabetic n‡Z Ryb, 2008)| Patients (Nilphamary) (July, 2006 29317104 - OGSB Hospital and Institute of 29317104 -IwRGmwe nvmcvZvj I BbwówUDU Ae wicÖWvKwUf GÛ Reproductive and Child Health (July, 2005 PvBì †nj_ cÖKí, wgicyi, XvKv (RyjvB, 2005 n‡Z to June, 2008). Ryb, 2008)| 29317105 - Establishment of Sirajganj Diabetic Samity 29317105 -wmivRMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK mwgwZ †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj wbg©vY General Hospital (July, 2005 to June, (RyjvB, 2005 n‡Z Ryb, 2008)| 2008). 29317106 - Establishment of 23 Shishu Paribar and 29317106 -¯^ivó« gšYvjq n‡Z mgvRKj¨vY gšYvj‡q n¯všwiZ Safe Home in 23 Upazila Abandoned Jail 23wU mve-†Rj‡K AvaywbK wkï cwievi I cybe©vmb †K‡›`« Khana (July, 2005 to June, 2008). iƒcvši (RyjvB, 2005 n‡Z Ryb, 2008)| 29317107 - Micro credit Support for Poverty Alleviation 29317107 -gvB‡µv ‡µwWU mv‡cvU© di †cvfvwU© Gwjwf‡qkb GÛ and Sociao-Economic Development of †mvwmI BK‡bvwgK †Wfjc‡g›U Ae wWm‡U«mW †cvi Distressed Poor People of Greater wccj Ae †MªUvi iscyi †Rjv| Rangpur District 29317108 - Rehabilitation of Beggars in Dhaka City, 29317108 -XvKv kn‡ii wf¶zK cybe©vmb-1g ce© (RyjvB, 2006 n‡Z Phase-1 (July, 2006 to June, 2008). Ryb, 2008) 29317109 - Expansion and Development of 29317109 -gwnjv‡`i Av_©-mvgvwRK cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`«i Dbœqb I Socio-Economic Training Centre for the m¤cÖmviY (RyjvB, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, 2009) Women (July, 2006 to June, 2009). 29317110 - Orphan and 29317110 -GwZg I cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ 6wU wefv‡M 6wU KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317111 - Development and Modernization of the 29317111 -kvixwiK cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ wk‡íi Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb Industry for the Physically Handicapped (2q ce©) (RyjvB, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, 2009) (Phase-2) (July, 2006 to June, 2009). 29317112 - Execution of E-Governance (1st Phase) 29317112 -B-Mf‡b©›m ev¯evqb-1g ce© (RyjvB, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, (July, 2006 to June, 2008) 2008) 29317113 - Financial Assistance for Treatment of 29317113 -`»RwbZ Kvi‡Y ¶wZMª¯’ `yt¯’ e¨w³‡`i wPwKrmv I Distressed Burn Victims (2nd Phase) cybe©vm‡b mnvqZv cÖKí (RyjvB, 2007 n‡Z Ryb, 2010) (July, 2007 to June, 2010)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29317114 - Extension of Hospital Social Services at 29317114 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q nvmcvZvj mgvR‡mev Kvh©µg Upazila (64) Health Complex (1st Phase) m¤cÖmviY-1g ch©vq (64 Dc‡Rjv) (RyjvB, 2006 n‡Z (July, 2006 to June, 2008) Ryb, 2008) 29317115 - Expansion and Development of Existing 29317115 -we`¨gvb 5wU cÖvK-e„wËgjK cÖwk¶Y †K›`«mg‡ni Pre-Vocational Training Centre (5 Unit) m¤cÖmviY I †Rvi`viKiY (RyjvB, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, (July, 2006 to June, 2009) 2009) 29317116 - Socio-Economic Development for the Poor 29317116 -MªvgxY `y`©kvMª¯’ `wi`ª I AbMªmi cwiev‡ii Av_©-mvgvwRK Destitute more Vulnerable Rural People Dbœqb cÖKí (318 Dc‡Rjv) (RyjvB, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, (318 Upazila) (July, 2006 to June, 2010) 2010) 29317117 - Poverty Eradication and Environment 29317117 -GwZg I cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg Programme (PEEP) (July, 2006 to June, (wcc), dwiKnvU, ev‡MinvU (RyjvB, 2006 n‡Z Ryb, 2009) 2009) 29317118 - Establishment of Rehabilitation Centre for 29317118 -Bóvewjm‡g›U Ae wi‡nwewj‡Ukb †m›Uvi di †eMvim Beggers (7 Centres) (7wU) (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2010) 29317119 - Establishment of Day Care Centre for the 29317119 -Mixe Kg©Rxwe‡`i wkï mšvb‡`i w`evKvjxb wkï hZž Children of Working Mothers (8) (July 2006 †K›`« (8wU) (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2009) to June 2009) 29317120 - youth baby 29317120 -cÖwZeÜx I `yt¯’ hye wK‡kvix‡`i cÖwk¶Y Ges cybe©vmb †K›`ª, AvivgevM GwZgLvbv, dwi`cyi (1/7/05-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317121 - Construction of Social Welfare 29317121 -mgvRKj¨vY feb wbg©vY-2q ch©vq (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb Building-2nd Phase (July 2006 to June 2009) 2009) 29317122 - Socio-Economic Development 29317122 -Pi GjvKvq `y`©kvMª¯ AbMªmi Rb‡Mvôxi Av_©-mvgvwRK Programme for the Destitute Poor and Dbœqb I cybe©vmb Kvh©µg-1g ce© (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb Backward Segment Population in Char 2010) Area Phase-1 (July 2006 to June 2010) 29317123 - Expansion and Development and 29317123 -cÖwZeÜx Kj¨vY Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí, †gjv›`n, Rehabilitation of Disabled Welfare Project, Rvgvjcyi (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2009) Melandaha, Jamalpur (July 2006 to June 2009) 29317124 - Medical and Welfare Services for the poor 29317124 -‡gwW‡Kj GÛ I‡qj‡dqvi mvwf©‡mm di w` cyIi GÛ and Distress Kidney Patients (July 2006 to wW‡U«mW wKWbx c¨v‡m›U, XvKv (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb June 2007) 2007) 29317125 - Establishment and Development of 29317125 -GwZg cÖwZeÜx Ges `yt¯’ hye wK‡kvi‡`i cÖwk¶Y I Training of Rehabilitation Centre for cybe©vmb †K›`« Wt wmivRyj nK GwZgLvbv, kªxe`©x, †kicyi Orphan, Disabled and Distressed Juvenile (RyjvB 2007 n‡Z Ryb 2009) of Dr. Serajul Hoque Yatimkhana, Sreeb 29317126 - Establishment of a Rehabilitation Project 29317126 -Mfxi ebv‡j wnsmª cÖvYxi Avµg‡b g„Zy¨ eiYKvix/cÖwZÜx for the Destitute children of the persons e¨w³‡`i Amnvq mšvb‡`i cybe©vmb cÖKí (RyjvB 2006 being deal/physically Handicapped n‡Z Ryb 2009) caused by the attack of cruel An 29317127 - Extension of OPD Investigation facilities 29317127 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nvmcvZvj ewntwefvM †ivMx‡`i and Modernization of Cardiac patients, cix¶v wbix¶v Ges ü`‡ivMx‡`i cybe©vm‡bi Avw_©K National Heart Foundation and Research my‡hvM myweav m¤cÖmviY cÖKí (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb Institute (July 2006 to June 2 2009) 29317128 - Kidney Foundation Hospital and Research 29317128 -wKWbx dvD‡Ûkb nvmcvZvj I M‡elYv †K›`«, wgicyi, Centre, Mirpur, Dhaka (July 2006 to June XvKv (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2010) 2010) 29317129 - Construction of Building for 50 Bedded Eye 29317129 -50 kh¨v wewkó P¶z nvmcvZvj wbg©vY, evsjv‡`k RvZxq Hospital, Bangladesh Jatio Andha Kallyan AÜ Kj¨vY mwgwZ, Kzwgj­v (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb Samity, comilla (July 2006 to June 2009) 2009) 29317130 - Establishment of Bangladesh Blind 29317130 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq AÜ Kj¨vY mwgwZ nvmcvZvj m¤•ÖmviY Welfare Somity, Comilla (01-01-2007 to Kzwgj­v (01/07/2007-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 31-12-2009). 29317131 - Development and Estension of Medical 29317131 -Wvqv‡ewU, Wvqv‡ewU mswk­ó bb-Wvqv‡ewUK †ivMxi DbœZ Services of Diabetic, Diabetic related and wPwKrmv †mev cybe©vmb cÖKí, iscyi (iscyi Wvqv‡ewUK non-Diabetic Patients, Rangpur (Rangpur nvmcvZvj) (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2009) Diabetic Hospital) (July 2006

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29317132 - Development and Extension of Medical 29317132 -Wvqv‡ewUK, Wvqv‡ewUK mswk­ó Ges bb-Wvqv‡ewUK †ivMxi Services of Diabetic, Diabetic related and DbœZ wPwKrmv †mev cybe©vmb cÖKí, KzwoMªvg (KzwoMªvg Non-Diabetic Patients, Kurigram Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj) (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2009) (Kurigram Diabetic Hospital) (July 200 29317133 - Construction of Bangladesh Paralyzed 29317133 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae evsjv‡`k c¨vivjvBRW wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Rehabilitation Centre, Feni (July 2007 to †m›Uvi, †dbx (RyjvB 2007 n‡Z Ryb 2010) June 2010) 29317134 - Improving Socio-Economic Conditions for 29317134 -Ae‡nwjZ wcwQ‡q cov wK‡kvix‡`i cÖwk¶Y I ¶gZvqb, the Distressed Adolescent Girl, PSTC, wcGmwUwm, MvRxcyi (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2009) Gazipur (July 2006 to June 2009) 29317135 - Costruction of Vocational Training Centre 29317135 -GwZg †Q‡j‡g‡q‡`i KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y †K›`« I †nv‡÷j and Hostel for the Orphan Boys & Girls, wbg©vY cÖKí, †kicyi (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2009) Sherpur (July 2006 to June 2009) 29317136 - Momtaz Memorial Diagonistic and 29317136 -ggZvR †g‡gvwiqvj WvqM‡bvw÷K GÛ Kbmvj‡Ukb Consultation Centre (July 2006 to June †m›Uvi (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2007) 2007) 29317137 - Establishment of Hospital for the Disabled 29317137 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z People (July 2006 to June 2009) Ryb 2009) 29317138 - National Heart Foundation Hospital, Sylhet 29317138 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb ¯’vcb, wm‡jU (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z (July 2006 to June 2009) Ryb 2009) 29317139 - Social Protection and Empowerment of 29317139 -mvgvwRK myi¶v myweav ewÂZ‡`i ¶gZvqb (†mv‡cÖg) Vulnerable Groups (SOPREMP) (July 2006 (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2011) to June 2011) 29317140 - Development & Strengthening of Existing 29317140 -we`¨gvb 50wU kni mgvR‡mev Kg©m–wPi Dbœqb I 50 UCD Program †Rvi`viKiY (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) (01/07/2007-31/12/2010). Aby‡gvw`Z 29317141 - Expansion and Development of Existing 29317141 -we`¨gvb MªvgxY MYwgjbvqZb †K›`«mg‡ni Dbœqb I Rural Community Centre-1st Phase (1347 m¤cÖmviY-1g ce© (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2010) Unit) (July 2006 to June 2010) 29317150 - 29317150 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡ikb d¨vwmwjwUR di wcÖcvwis wWmvwewjwU GÛ PvBì ‡cÖvUKkb (01/11/07-31/07/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317151 - Capacity Building Poverty Alleviation & 29317151 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs †cvfvwU© Gwjwf‡qkb GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej Sustainable Livelihood of the Socially jvBfwjûW Ae w` †mvm¨vwj wWmGW‡fb‡UBRW I‡gb Disadvantased Women & their Children. GÛ †`qvi wPj‡Wªb| 29317152 - Training & Rehabilitation Centre for 29317152 -cÖwZeÜx I `yt¯’ hye wK‡kvi‡`i cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ª, Disabled & Distitute Youth, Arambagh AvivgevM GwZgLvbv, dwi`cyi| Yeatimkhana, Faridpur. 29317153 - Establishment of hostel for the visually 29317153 -`„wó cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡ój wbg©vY (36 BDwbU)| impaired children (36 unit). 29317154 - Extension and Development of Existing 6 29317154 -`yt¯’ I feNy‡i‡`i cÖwk¶Y I cybev©mb †K›`ª Dbœqb I Vagrant homes-2nd Phase & m¤cÖmviY-2q chv©q Ges GKwU †md †nvg ¯’vcb Establishment of one Safe Home 29317155 - Development & Strengthening of Existing 29317155 -we`¨gvb 50wU kni mgvR‡mev Kg©m–wPi Dbœqb I 50 UCD Program. †Rvi`viKiY 29317156 - Conversion of 21 sub-jail to 20 shishu 29317156 -¯^ivó« gš¿Yvjq n‡Z mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡q n¯@vš@wiZ paribar & 1 safe home handed over Home 21wU Dc-KvivMvi‡K 20wU wkï cwievi I 1wU †md Ministry to Social Welfare Ministry. †nv‡g iƒcvš@i 29317157 - Development & Modernization of Physically 29317157 -kvixwiK cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ wk‡íi Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb-2q Handicapped for Industries-Phase-2 ce© 29317159 - Social Services & Medicare for prevension 29317159 -‡mvm¨vj mvwf©‡mm GÛ †gwW‡Kqvi di wcÖ‡fbkb GÛ & control of HIV & skin deases. K‡›Uªvj Ae GBPAvBwf GÛ w¯‹b wWwR‡Rm 29317160 - Establishment of ICT, Logistic 29317160 -mgvR‡mev Awa`߇i AvBwmwU ¯’vcb, jwRwóK Dbœqb I development & strengthening, DSS-1st †Rvi`viKiY-1g ce© Phase. 29317161 - Establishment of Social Services Complex 29317161 -64 †Rjvq mgvR‡mev Kg‡cз wbg©vY (1g ch©vq-22 in 64 Districts (1st Phase-22 Districts). †Rjv) 29317162 - Development & Extention of Social 29317162 -mgvR‡mev Awa`ßi Kg‡cз Dbœqb I m¤•ÖmviY Services Complex.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29317163 - Development of slum dewellers of 29317163 -XvKv, PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv I ivRkvnx wefvMxq kn‡ii divisional town of Dhaka, Chittagong, ew¯@evmx‡`i Dbœqb-1g ce© Khulna & Rajshahi. 29317164 - Extention & Development of Barisal Heart 29317164 -ewikvj nvU© dvD‡Ûk‡bi m¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb Foundation. 29317165 - Strengthening of Community & Family 29317165 -XvKv KwgDwbwU nvmcvZvj m¤•ÖmviY I AvaywbKvq‡bi gva¨ Health through Extention & Modernization ‡g BbwówUDU Ae KwgDwbwU GÛ d¨vwgwj †nj_ of Dhaka Community Hospital. kw³kvjxKiY 29317166 - Establishment of community eye hospital, 29317166 -KwgDwbwU P¶z nvmcvZvj wbg©vY, gv`vixcyi Madaripur 29317167 - Establishment of OSB Eye Institute 29317167 -IGmwe P¶z BbwówUDU nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb, XvKv Hospital, Dhaka. 29317168 - Establishment of 30 baded word for the 29317168 -Mixe I Amnvq †ivMx‡`i webvg–‡j¨ wPwKrmvi Rb¨ 30 poor & distitute patient, Holly Family Red kh¨v wewkó IqvW© ¯’vcb, nwjd¨vwgwj †iWwµ‡m›U Crescent Hospital, Dhaka. nmwcZvj, XvKv 29317169 - Establishment of TN mother child & 29317169 -wUGb gv`vi PvBì GÛ †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj wbg©vY, mvfvi, general hospital, Savar, Dhaka. XvKv 29317170 - Establishment of Failaria Hospital, Savar, 29317170 -dvB‡jwiqv nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb, mvfvi, XvKv Dhaka. 29317171 - Establishment of Diabetic, Heart & Disable 29317171 -Wvqv‡ewUK, ü`‡ivM I wWRGej †m›Uvi ¯’vcb, mvZ¶xiv Centre, Sathkhira 29317172 - Establishment of Safe Home, Dhaka. 29317172 -‡md †nvg wbg©vY, XvKv 29317173 - Renovation & Repair of damaged building 29317173 -mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii RivRxY© feb cybtwbg©vY I ms¯‹vi of DSS. 29317174 - Construction of Mst. Sabera Khatun 29317174 -‡gvQvt Qv‡eiv LvZzb Bmjvwgqv wkï m`b Gi feb wbg©vY Islamia Shishu Sadan & Development & I we`¨gvb Kg©m–wPi Dbœqb I m¤•ÖmviY Expansion Existing Program. 29317175 - Protection of Children at Risk 29317175 -‡cÖv‡UKkb Ae wUPj‡Wªb G¨vU wi¯‹ 29317900 - Establishing one 30 Bedded Hospital, 29317900 -Mixe I Amnvq †ivMx‡`i webvg‡j¨ wPwKrmvi Rb¨ 30 Care, Medical Word for Poor and Helpless kh¨v wewkó IqvW© ¯’vcb, nwj d¨vwgwj, †iW wµ‡m›U, XvKv Patinets, Holly Family Red Cresent, Dhaka (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z Ryb 2009) (July 2006 to June 2009) 29317950 - 29317950 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡ikb d¨vwmwjwUR Ae wcÖcvwis wWmvwewjwU GÛ PvBì ‡cÖv‡UKkb (01/11/2007-31/07/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317951 - Capacity Building Poverty Alleviation and 29317951 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs †cvfvwU© Gwjwf‡qkb GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej Sustainable Livelyhood of the Socially jvBfwjûW Ae w` †mvm¨vj wWRGWfvb‡UBRW I‡gb GÛ Disadvantaged Women and Their Children ‡`qvi wPj‡W««b 2q ch© (2nd Phase) 29317952 - Establishment of Hostel (36 Unit) for the 29317952 - Visually Impaired Children (01-07-2008 to 30-06-2010). 29317953 - Estension and Development of Existing 6 29317953 - Vagrant Homes 2nd Phase. 29317954 - Conversion of 21 sub-jails into 20 Sarkari 29317954 - Shishu Paribar and 1 Safe Home. 29317955 - Development, Expansion and 29317955 -mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii Dbœqb m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKvqb Modernization of Department of Social (RyjvB/07-Ryb/11) Services (01/07/2007-30/06/2011). 29317956 - Expansion and Development of Barisal 29317956 -ewikvj nvU© dvD‡Ûk†bi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb Heart Foundation. 29317957 - Poverty Reduction of Underpreviliged 29317957 -†`‡ki DËiv‡ji 5wU †Rjvi myweavewÂZ Rb‡Mvôxi People of Northern Districts (5) of the AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’v‡bi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ n«vmKiY cÖKí country through Self employment Generation Project 29317958 - Extension and Development of Ahsania 29317958 -AvnQvwbqv wgkb K¨v›mvi I †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj Mission Cancer and General Hospital 2nd Phase

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29317959 - Social Services and Medicare for 29317959 -‡mvm¨vj mvwf©‡mm GÛ †gwW‡Kqvi di wcÖ‡fbkb GÛ Prevention and Control of STD HIV/AIDs K‡›U«vj Ae GmwUwW GBPAvBwf/GBWm GÛ ¯‹xb and Skin Diseases Project wWwR‡Rm 29317960 - Development and Moderization of the 29317960 -kvixwiK cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ wk‡íi Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb Industry for the Physically Handicapped (2q ch©vq) 2nd phase 29317961 - 29317961 -XvKv, PÆMªvg, Lyjbv I ivRkvnx wefvMxq kn‡ii ew¯ evmx‡`i Ae¯’vi Dbœqb 29317962 - Community Eye Hospital, Madaripur. 29317962 -KwgDwbwU P¶z nvmcvZvj, gv`vixcyi 29317963 - TN Mother Child and General Hospital, 29317963 -wUGb gv`vi PvBì GÛ †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj, Pv›`ywjqv, Chandulia, Savar, Dhaka mvfvi, XvKv 29317964 - Establishment of Diabetic, Heart & 29317964 -Wvqv‡ewUK, ü`‡ivM I wWRGeì †m›Uvi ¯’vcb, mvZ¶xiv Disabled Centre, Shatkhira. 29317965 - Training and Rehabilitation Centre for the 29317965 -‡gvQvt Qv‡eiv LvZyb Bmjvwgqv wkï m`b Gi feb wbg©vY Destitute and Orphan Children Mst. I we`¨gvb Kg©mwPi Dbœhb Sabera Khatun Islamia Shishu Sadan 29317966 - 29317966 -5wU wkï I gvZ„g½j †K›`ª ¯’vcb 29317967 - Dhaka Community Hospital (July/08 to 29317967 -XvKv KwgDwbwU nvmcvZvj m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKvq‡bi gva¨ June/11) ‡g Bbw÷wUDU Ae KwgDwbwU GÛ d¨vwgwj †nj_ kw³kvjxKiY (RyjvB/08 †_‡K Ryb/11) 29317968 - Establishment of Safe Home, Mirpur, 29317968 -†md †nvg wbg©vY, wgicyi, XvKv (RyjvB/08 †_‡K Dhaka (July/08 to June/10) Ryb/10) 29317969 - Establishment of Vocational Training 29317969 -Wvqv‡ewUK †ivMx‡`i Rb¨ c–be©vmb I KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y Centre (RVTC) for Diabetic Patient, Jurain, †K›`ª ¯’vcb (AviwfwUwm) RyivBb, XvKv (01/07/2008 - Dhaka (01/07/2008 - 31/12/2012) 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317970 - Integrated Health Services Project, 29317970 -mgwš^Z ¯^v¯’¨‡mev cÖKí dwi`cyi (01/07/08 - Faridpur (01/07/2008-30/06/2011). 30/06/2011) 29317971 - Ahsania Mission Cancer & General 29317971 -*AvnQvwbqv wgkb K¨v››mvi I †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj Hospital (July, 2008 to June, 2011). (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317972 - Liver Transplantation Services of Diabetic 29317972 -wjfvi U««v››mc­­v‡››Ukb mvwf©‡mm Ae Wvqv‡ewUK Association of Bangladesh (July, 2009 to G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae evsjv‡`k (RyjvB/09 †_‡K Ryb/11)| June, 2011). 29317973 - Services for Children at Risk (January, 29317973 -SuywKc–Y© wkï‡`i Rb¨ †mev cÖ`vb Kvh©µg (01/01/2009 2009 to December, 2013) -31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z| 29317974 - Expantion & Development of Chapai 29317974 -PvcvBbeveMÄ P¶zz nvmcvZvj Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY (RyjvB Nababganj Eye Hospital(July 2010 to June 2011-Ryb 2013) 2012) 29317975 - Development & Rehabilitation of the 29317975 -mvgvwRKfv‡e myweav ewÂZ gwnjv I Zv‡`i mšvb‡`i Socially Disadvantaged & their Children Dbœqb I mvgvwRK cybe©vmb (Rvbyqvix, 2010 †_‡K wW‡m¤ (January, 2010 to December, 2014) ¦i, 2014) 29317976 - Establishment of Pabna Community 29317976 -cvebv KwgDwbwU †Rbv‡ij I nvU© nvmcvZvj (RyjvB, General & Heart Hospital (July, 2009 to 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2012) June, 2012) 29317977 - Poverty Reduction of Underprivileged Poor 29317977 -‡`‡ki AbMªªmi GjvKvi myweavewÂZ `wi`ªª Rb‡Mvôxi People of Backward Areas of the Country AvZ¥¥ Kg©ms¯’v†bi gva¨‡g `vwi`ªª n««vmKiY cÖÖKí Through Self-Employment Generation (Rvbyqvix, 2009 †_‡K wW‡m¤¦i, 2012) Project (January, 2009 to December 2012) 29317978 - Construction of Institution of Geriatric 29317978 -Kb÷««vKkb Ae Bbw÷wUDkb Ae †Rwi‡qwU««K wgwWwmb Medicine and Hospital (July, 2009 to June, GÛ nmwcUvj (RyjvB, 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2012) 2012) 29317979 - Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children 29317979 -‡mvqvK †kjUvi †nvg (RyjvB, 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2014) (SWAC) (July, 2009 to June, 2014) 29317980 - Centre for Rehabilitation, Treatment & 29317980 -e„ׇ`i Rb¨ cybe©vmb, wPwKrmv Ges Dbœqb †K››`ªª (RyjvB, Development of aged Persons (July, 2009 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2014) to June, 2014) 29317981 - Rehabilitation Through Imparting Training 29317981 -DËiv‡ji †Rjvmg‡ni cÖÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ wbivgq †K››`ªª & Establishment of Cure Centre for the I cÖÖwk¶‡Yi gva¨‡g cybe©vmb (RyjvB, 2009 †_‡K Ryb, Disabled Persons of the Norther Districts 2012) (July, 2009 to June, 2012)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29317982 - Estension and Development of Existing 6 29317982 -`yt¯’ I feNy‡i‡`i cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ª Dbœqb I Vatrant homes 2nd Phase & m¤•ªmviY 2q ch©vq Establishment of one Safe Home 29317983 - Establishment of Hostel for the Visually 29317983 -`„wó cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡÷j wbg©vY (37wU) Impaired Children (37 Units) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 29317984 - Development and Modernization of the 29317984 -kvixwiK cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ wk‡íi Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb Industry for the Physiclly Handicapped (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase) 29317985 - Training & Rehabilitation of Centre for the 29317985 -`yt¯’ I GwZg wkï‡`i cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ª, †gvQvt Destitute & Orphan Children, Mosammad Qv‡eiv LvZyb Bmjvwgqv wkï m`b Sabera Khatun Islamic Shishu Sadan. 29317986 - Development, Expansion and 29317986 -mgvR‡mev Awa`dZ‡ii Dbœqb, m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKvqb Modernization of Department of Soical (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Services (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) 29317987 - Community Health and Heart Hospital, 29317987 -KwgDwbwU †nj_ GÛ nvU© nmwcUvj, cvebv (1g ce©) Pabna, Phase-I (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) 29317988 - Improved Medical Services and 29317988 -BgcÖ“f †gwWK¨vj mvwf©‡mm GÛ wi‡nwewj‡Ukb di w` Rehabilitation for the Diabetic, Diabetic Wvqv‡ewUK, Wvqv‡ewUKm, wi‡j‡UW GÛ bb-Wvqv‡ewUK Related and Non-Diabetic Patients, c¨v‡m›U, jvjgwbinvU (01/04/2010-31/12/2012) Lalmonirhat (01/04/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317989 - Establishment of Hobigonj Diabetic 29317989 -G÷vewj÷‡g››U Ae nweMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK nmwcUvj Hospital (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 29317990 - Establishment of Shaikh Rashel Training 29317990 -63 †Rjvq †kL iv‡mj `yt¯’ wkï cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb and Rehabilitation Centre for the Destitute †K›`ª ¯’vcb (2q ce©) Children in 63 Districts (2nd Phase) 29317991 - Establishment of a 50 Beded Fileria 29317991 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae G 50 †e‡WW dvB‡jwiqv nmwcUvj Hospital with ancilare facilities DB_ Gbwmjvwi d¨vwmwjwUm (01/01/2011-30/06/2012) (01/01/2011-30/06/2012) 29317992 - Establishment of District Social Services 29317992 -G÷vewjm‡g›U Ae wWmwU«± †mvm¨vj mvwf©‡mm Kg‡c­­· Complex & Day-Care Centre (64 Unit). GÛ †W-†Kqvi †m›Uvi (64 BDwbU) 29317993 - Support Services Programme for 29317993 -mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm †cÖvMªvg di fvjbv‡iej Mª“c Vulnerable Group (SSPVG) (2nd Phase). (GmGmwcwfwR) (2q ch©vq) 29317994 - Construction of Bangladesh Mohila Samity 29317994 -mgv‡Ri myweavewÂZ bvix‡`i Rb¨ evsjv‡`k gwnjv Complex Building for the Underprivileged mwgwZ Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY Women in the Society (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 29317995 - Training and Rehabilitation Center for the 29317995 -`yt¯’ GwZg wkï‡`i cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ª, †gvQvt Destitute & Orphan Children, Mosammat Qv‡eiv LvZyb Bmjvwgqv wkï m`b Sabera Khatun Islamia Shishu Sadan (01/01/2010-30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2010-30/06/2011) 29317996 - Establishment of Sonaimuri Andha 29317996 -`yt¯’ GwZg wkï‡`i cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ª, †gvQvt Kallayan Samity Eye Hospital Qv‡eiv LvZyb Bmjvwgqv wkï m`b (01/01/2010-30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 29317997 - Construction of Probin Nibas in Five 29317997 -K›mU««vKkb Ae cÖÖexY wbevm Bb dvBf wWwfkbvj †nW Divisional Head Quarters and One Zila †KvqvU©vim GÛ Iqvb wRjv (wWwfkbvj †nW †KvqvU©vim- (Divisional HQ- Chittagong, Rajshahi, PÆMªvg, ivRkvnx, ewikvj, wm‡jU, Lyjbv GÛ wRjv- ev›`i Barisal, Sylhet, Khulna and Zila- Ban 29317998 - Construction of Probin Nibas in Five 29317998 -K›mU««vKkb Ae cÖÖexY wbevm Bb dvBf wWwfkbvj †nW Divisional Head Quarter & One Zila †KvqvU©vim GÛ Iqvb wRjv (wWwfkbvj †nW †KvqvU©vim- (Divisional HQ- Chittagong, Rajshahi, PÆMªvg, ivRkvnx, ewikvj, wm‡jU, Lyjbv GÛ wRjv- ev›`i Barisal, Sylhet, Khulna & Zila- Bandarba 29317999 - Establishing Life Saving DBKP and 29317999 -G÷vewjwks jvBd †mwfs wWwe‡Kwc GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej Sustainable Livelihood Ensuring jvBfwjûW GbwmDwis f‡Kkbvj †U««wbs di fvjbv‡iej Vocational Training for Vulnerable Slum úvg Wy‡qjvm© Dwellers 29318000 - Extension & Modernization of 29318000 -G·‡Ubkb GÛ gWvY©vB‡Rkb Ae ag©ivRx †eŠ× gnvwenvi Dharmarajika Bouddha Mahabihar AwW©‡Uwiqvg Kg‡c­­­­· di w` Ad©vb GÛ AvÛviwcÖÖwf‡jRW Auditorium Complex for the Orphans and KwgDwbwU †g¤¦vim Ae w` †mvmvBwU Underprivileged Community Members of the Society

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29318001 - Extension & Modernization of 29318001 -G·‡Ubkb GÛ gWvY©vB‡Rkb Ae ag©ivRx †eŠ× gnvwenvi Dharmarajika Bouddha Mahabihar AwW‡Uvwiqvg Kg‡c­· di w` Ad©vbm GÛ Auditorium Complex for the Orphans and AvÛviwcÖwj‡fRW KwgDwbwU †g¤¦vm© Ae w` †mvmvBwU Underprivileged Community Members of the Society 29318002 - Construction of Five Storied Trival 29318002 -K›mUªvKkb Ae dvBf †÷v‡iW U«vBfvj G¨v‡mvwm‡qkb Association Central Office Cum †m›UÖvj Awdm Kvg KwgDwbwU nj G¨vU evjvkcyi, Community Hall at Balashpur, gqgbwmsn Mymenshingh 29318003 - Establishment & Development of 29318003 -G÷vewjk‡g›U GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae cÖqvk GU XvKv PROYASH at Dhaka Cantonment K¨v›Ub‡g›U 29318004 - Nakshi Bangla Social Welfare Association 29318004 -bKkx evsjv RbKj¨vY ms¯’v 29318005 - Program for creating social safety net for 29318005 -†cÖvMÖvg di wµ‡qwUs †mvm¨vj †mdwU †bU di w` †eMvi, the begger, distressed and vagrant in wWm‡UªR GÛ †fM‡i›U Bb XvKv †g‡Uªvcwjk Dhaka Metropolis 29318006 - Ataul Taherun Ibrahim Specialized 29318006 -AvZvDj Zv‡ni“b Beªvwng †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj I kvwš Hospital & Santi Nibas (Old Home) wbevm (e„×vkªg) 29318007 - International Medical College & Hospital 29318007 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj †gwWK¨vj K‡jR GÛ nmwcUvj 500 †eW 500 Beds 1st Phase-300 Beds 1g chv©q 29318008 - Establishment of 100 Bedded Kidney 29318008 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae 100 †e‡WW wKWbx dvD‡Ûkb Foundation Hospital & Research Institute nmwcUvj GÛ wimvP© BÝwUwUDU (1g chv©q) (1st Phase) 29318009 - Establishment of Bangladesh Cancer 29318009 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k K¨vÝvi nmwcUvj GÛ wimvP© Hospital & Research Institute (1st Phase) B››mwUwUDU (1g ch©vq) 29318010 - Liver Transplantation Services of Diabetic 29318010 -wjfvi UªvÝc­v‡›Ukb mvwf©‡mm Ae Wvqv‡ewUK G‡mvwm‡qgb Association of Bangladesh Ae evsjv‡`k 29318011 - Specialized Hospital & Research Centre 29318011 -†¯•wmqvjvBRW nmwcUvj GÛ wimvP© †m›Uvi di for Infertile & Childless at Kamrangirchar, BbdviUvBj GÛ PvBì‡jm KvDcjm GU Kvgivw½iPi, Dhaka XvKv 29318012 - ICT set up for DSS & its Districts and 29318012 -AvBwmwU †mc Avc di wWGmGm GÛ BUm wWmwU«± GÛ Upazila Offices for upgraded services to Dc‡Rjv Awdm di Avc‡Mª‡WW mvwf©‡mm Uy w` the beneficiaries †ewbwdwmqvwim 29318013 - Enhancing Human Resource 29318013 -Gb‡nbwms wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© †W‡fjc‡g›U Development 29318014 - Empowerment of communities, groups 29318014 -GgcvIqvi‡g›U Ae KwgDwbwUm, Mª“cm GÛ and individuals (including orphans, BwÛwfRy‡qjm (BbK¬ywWs Aidvbm, wWmwUwUDU wPj‡W«b destitute children and disabled persons, GÛ wWRG‡eì cvm©bm, †fM‡i›Um) †_ªv †`qvi GKwUf vagrants through their active participation cvwU©wm‡ckb Bb †W‡fjc‡g››U †cÖÖvMªªvg di BgcÖÖ“fW †mvm¨vj dvskwbs GÛ †KvqvwUwj Ad jvBd in development Programme for improved social functioning and quality of life 29318015 - Construction of Hostel for the Sarkari 29318015 -K›mU«vKkb Ae †nv‡÷j di w` miKvwi wkï cwievi (7 Shishu Paribar (7 Units) BDwbU) 29318016 - Rehabilitation and Capacity Building of 29318016 -wi‡nwewj‡Ukb GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae †WmwUwUDU Destitute Age-Old People and Socially GBR-Iì wccj GÛ †mvm¨vwj wWmGejW G‡Wvj‡m›U Disabled Adolescent Girls through Mvj©m †_ªv G÷vewjwms gvwëcvicvm Establishing Multipurpose 29318017 - Construction of Vocational Training and 29318017 -KÝUªvKkb Ae f‡Kkbvj †Uªwbs GÛ wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Rehabilitation Centre, CRP-Manikgonj †m›Uvi, wmAviwc, gvwbKMÄ 29318018 - Expansion of Cox’s Bazar Baitus Sharaf 29318018 -G·cvbkb Ae K·mevRvi evBZzm kid nmwcUvj Hospital 29318019 - Establishment of Opthamological Socity of 29318019 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Ac_v‡gvjwRK¨vj †mvmvBwU Ae Bangladesh Eye Institute and Hospital in evsjv‡`k AvB BÝwUwUDU GÛ nmwcUvj Bb XvKv Dhaka (OSB) (IGmwe) 29318020 - Expansion of Existing Prime Mother and 29318020 -G·cvbkb Ae cÖvBg gv`vi GÛ PvBì †Kqvi nmwcUvj Child CareHospital with Research DB_ wimvP© †dwmwjwUm Facilities 29318021 - To Establish Modern Medical Service & 29318021 -Uz G÷vewjk gWvb© †gwWK¨vj mvwf©m GÛ wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Rehabilitation for Diabetic, Daibetic di Wvqv‡ewUK, Wvqv‡ewUK wi‡j‡UW GÛ bb-Wvqv‡ewUK Related & Non-diabetic Patients at Rajbary †c‡m›Um GU ivRevox

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29318022 - Establishment of Khulna Shishu Hospital 29318022 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Lyjbv wkï nmwcUvj bvwm©s B››mwUwUDU Nursing Institute 2933 - District Offices 2933 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 29330000 - District Offices 29330000 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 2935 - Upazilla Offices 2935 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 29350000 - Upazilla Offices 29350000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 2980-2985 - Special Programmes 2980-2985 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 2980 - Special Programme 2980 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 29804581 - 29804581 -m¤•ªmvwiZ cj­x mgvR Kg© ce©-6 2996-2998 - Development Programme Financed by 2996-2998 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 2996 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 2996 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 29960000 - Block Allocation 29960000 -‡_vK eivÏ 29964300 - Treatment Services Programme for the 29964300 -`»RwbZ Kvi‡Y ¶wZMªª¯@ e¨w³‡`i wPwKrmv †mev Kvh©µg Burnt Vulnerable 29964301 - Establishment of 1 Dormitory for the 29964301 -`yt¯’ wkï cÖÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K››`ªª, †Kvbvevox Gi 1wU Destitute Children Training and Wi‡gUix feb wbg©vY Rehabilitation Centre, Konabari 29964302 - Support Services Programme for 29964302 -mv‡cvU© mvwf©m †cÖÖvMªªvg di fvjbv‡iej Mªª“c Vulnerable Group 29964303 - Social Mainstreaming of Hizra (Trans 29964303 -wnRov m¤•ªª`vq‡K mgv‡Ri g–j †mªvZavivq m¤•„³KiY Sexual or Third gender) Community 29964304 - Life development Programme for the 29964304 -`wjZ, nwiRb, †e‡` I mgv‡Ri Ae‡nwjZ m¤•ªª`v‡qi Dalita, Horizon, Bede and Disadvantaged Rxeb Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Community of the Society 29964305 - ICT Training for the Children of Sorkari 29964305 -miKvwi wkkycwievi I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôvbmg–‡ni wbevmx‡`i Shishu Paribar and Other Government AvBwmwU cÖwk¶Y Institute 29964306 - ICT Training for DSS Officials 29964306 -AvBwmwU †Uªwbs di wWGmGm Awdwmqvjm 29964307 - Establishment of Library with ICT Lab for 29964307 -miKvwi wkkycwievi I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôvbmg–‡ni AvBwmwU the Children of Sorkari Shishu Paribar and j¨vemn jvB‡eªwi cÖwZôv Other Government Institute 29964308 - Establishment of Library with ICT Lab at 29964308 -RvZxq mgvR‡mev GKv‡Wwg I AvÂwjK cÖwk¶Y †K›`ªmg– National Social Service Academy and ‡n AvBwmwU j¨ve I jvB‡eªwi cÖwZôv Regional Training Centers 29964309 - Rehabilitation Programme for the inmates 29964309 -miKvwi cÖwZôvbmg–‡ni wbevmx‡`i cybe©vmb Kg©m–wP of Government Institution 29964310 - Development and Strengthening of Rural 29964310 -cj¬x gvZ„‡K›`ªª Kvh©µg Dbœqb I †Rvi`viKiY Mother Centre of Programme 29964311 - Strengthening of Urban Social Services 29964311 -kni mgvR‡mev Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY Kg©m–wP Programme ...... 29964312 - Development of Cochlear Implant 29964312 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae KwK¬qvi Bgcøv›U †cÖvMÖvg Bb e½eÜz Programme in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib †kL gywReyi ingvb wek¦we`¨vjq (2q ch©vq) Medical University Phase-2 29964313 - Livelihood Development Programme for 29964313 -Pv kÖwgK‡`i Rxebgvb Dbœqb Kg©m~wP the Tea Garden Labour 29964314 - Support Services Programme for the 29964314 -K¨vÝvi, wKWbx I wjfvi wm‡ivwmm †ivMx‡`i mnvqZv Cancer, Kidney and Liver Cirrhosis Kg©m~wP Patients’ 29964315 - Foster Care Programme 29964315 -d÷vi †Kqvi Kg©m~wP 29964316 - Construction of Dormitory Building at 29964316 -`yt¯’ wkï cÖwk¶Y I cybe©vmb †K›`ª, †KvbvevoxÕi Wi‡gUix Destitute Children Training and feb wbg©vb Kg©m‚wP Rehabilitation Centre at Konabari, Gazipur 29964317 - MIS Development Programme for The 29964317 -mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡qi GgAvBGm Dbœqb Kg©m~wP Ministry of Social Welfare 29964318 - Reconstruction of PHTC at Chittagong 29964318 -PÆMªvg wcGBPwUwm †m›Uvi wbg©vb Kg©m~wP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29964320 - Procurement of Equipment & Furniture for 29964320 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nvmcvZvj, wm‡jU Gi hš national Heart Fundation Hospital, Sylhet ¿cvwZ/AvmevecÎ µq (2015-16 A_© eQi) 29964506 - Birdem Hospital Dialysis Unit Extenation 29964506 -evi‡Wg nvmcvZv‡ji WvqvjvBwmm BDwbU m¤•ªmviY 29964635 - Computer Training Program for Children 29964635 -wkï‡`i Rb¨ Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y 29964636 - Publication of Live and Workbased books 29964636 -RvwZi RbK e½eÜz Rxeb I Kg©wfwËK wkï MÖš’gvjv on the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu cÖKvk for Children 29964680 - Extended Rural Social Work Phase-6 29964680 -m¤•ªmvwiZ cj­x mgvRKg© ce©-6 (2004-05 n‡Z (2004-05 to 2006-07) 2006-07) 29964682 - Juvenile Rectification Institution ( 2003-04 29964682 -wK‡kvi ms‡kvabx cÖwZôvb (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) tp 2005-06) 29964714 - 29964714 -w`bvRcyi ewai BbwówUDU Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2006-07) 29964732 - Dump & Deaf Residential School, 29964732 -gK I ewai AvevwmK ¯‹yj ¯’vcb, wSbvB`n (2005-06 Jhenaidah. (2005-06 to 2007-08) n‡Z 2007-08) 29964733 - Gausul Azam BNSB Eye Hospital, Dinajpur 29964733 -MvImyj Avhg weGbGmwe P¶z nvmcvZvj m¤•ªmviY I (2005-06 to 2006-07) AvaywbKxKiY, w`bvRcyi (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 29964734 - Shishu Hospital, Jessore (2005-06 to 29964734 -wkï nvmcvZvj, h‡kvi (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 2006-07) 29964735 - Expanded Rural Social Services Phase-7 29964735 -m¤cÖmvwiZ cj­x mgvRKg© ce©-7 29964736 - Urban Community Development Program 29964736 -kni mgvR‡mev Kvh©µg (50 BDwbU ivR¯^ Lv‡Z (50 Unit) cwiPvwjZ) 29964737 - Juvenile Development Centre Phase-2 29964737 -wK‡kvi DbœqY †K›`« ce©-2 29964738 - Socio-Economic Development & Poverty 29964738 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvmg‡ni `wi`ª Rb‡Mvôxi `vwi`ª we‡gvPb I Alleviation for the Poor People of Hill Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb cÖKí (2007-06 †_‡K 2008- Districts (2006-07 to 2008-09) 09) 29964739 - Expansion of Probation & After Care 29964739 -cÖ‡ekb GÛ AvdUvi †Kqvi mvwf©‡mm Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY Services (42 Districts) (2006-07 to (42 †Rjv) (2006-07 †_‡K 2008-09) 2008-09) 29964745 - Proper statistics, Registration & issue of 29964745 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i mwVK cwimsL¨vb, wbeÜxKiY I Identy Card to the Disabled Persons. cwiPqcÎ cÖ`vb cÖKí 29964747 - Ahsania Mission Cancer and General 29964747 -AvnQvwbqv wgkY K¨vÝvi I †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj Kg©mPx Hospital 29964748 - Supply of Instruments & necessary 29964748 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i mnvqK DcKiY mieivn cÖKí materials to the Persons with Disabilities. 29964749 - Expansion of Probation & After Care 29964749 - 42 wU bZzb †Rjvq cÖ‡ekb GÛ AvdUvi †Kqvi mvwf©m Service in 42 District m¤•ÖmviY 29964750 - Supply of Assistive Devices for the 29964750 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i Kj¨v‡Y wb‡qvwRZ cÖwZôvbmg–‡n Institution Link with persons with Dc‡hvMx Z_¨ cÖhyw³ mnvqK DcKiY| Disabilities. 29964751 - Strengthening and Development of Rural 29964751 -cjÐx gvZ…‡K›`ª Kvh©µg Dbœqb I †Rvi`viKiY| Mother Centre. 29964752 - Poverty Reduction & Socio-Economic 29964752 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvmg–‡n `wi`ª Rb‡Mvôxi `vwi`ª we‡gvPb I Development of 3 Hill Districts. Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb| 29964753 - Strengthening of Rural Social Services 29964753 -m¤•ÖmvwiZ cjÐx mgvR‡mev Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY| Program. 29964754 - Modernization & Development of Urban 29964754 -kni mgvR‡mev Kvh©µ‡gi Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µ‡gi Community & Training Program. AvaywbKvqb| 29964755 - Renovation & Development of Existing 29964755 -we`¨gvb MYwgjbvqZb †K›`ªmg–‡ni ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb| Community Centre. 29964756 - Expansion & Development of 29964756 -gwnjv‡`i Av_©-mvgvwRK cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb I Socio-Economic Training Centre for the m¤•ÖmviY| Female 29964757 - Supply of sports & cultural instrument of 29964757 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q †¯^”Qv‡mex mgvRKj¨vY cÖwZôvbmg–‡ni social welfare voluntary organization at the µxov I ms¯‹…wZK miÄvgvw` mieivnKiY| upazilla level. 29964758 - Efficiency development for the staff & 29964758 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q FY MÖnxZv‡`i e„wËg–jK I Kg©Pvix‡`i profitional development for the loan user at `¶Zv Dbœqb cÖwk¶Y| upazilla level.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29964759 - Educaiton, Rehabilitation & Care of 29964759 -GwZg I cwiZ¨³ wkï‡`i mvgvwRKfv‡e jvjb cvjb, Orphan & Destitute Children-1st Phase. wk¶v I cybe©vmb-1g ce© 29964760 - Construction of Dormitory Building & Car 29964760 -mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii Kg‡cІ· Kvi cvwK©s Ges Parking for the Driver of Social Services WªvBfvi‡`i Wi‡gUix wbg©vY Complex. 29964761 - Supply of ID Card, Registration & Actual 29964761 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i mwVK cwimsL¨vb, wbeÜxKiY I Statistics for the persons with Disabilities. cwiPqcÎ cÖ`vb 29964762 - Supply of assistive devices for the persons 29964762 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i mnvqK DcKiY mieivn with disablities. 29964763 - Development & Strenghtening of Rural 29964763 -cj­x gvZ„‡K›`ª Kvh©µg Dbœqb I †Rvi`viKiY (RyjvB, Mother Centre (July, 2009 to June, 2012) 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2012) 29964764 - Establishment of Juvenile Development 29964764 -RqcyinvU wK‡kvi Dbœqb cÖwZôvb (RyjvB, 2009 †_‡K Centre, Joypurhat (July, 2009 to June, Ryb, 2012) 2012) 29964765 - Financial Assistacne for Treatment & 29964765 -`»RwbZ ¶wZMª¯’ `y¯’ e¨w³‡`i wPwKrmv I cybe©vm‡b Rehabilitation Programme of the Avw_©K mnvqZv Kg©mwP (RyjvB, 2009 †_‡K Ryb, Distresed People (July, 2009 to June, 2012) 2012) 29964766 - Strengthening of Expanded Rural Socail 29964766 -m¤•ªmvwiZ cj­x mgvR‡mev Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY (RyjvB, Services Programme (July, 2009 to June, 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2012) 2012) 29964767 - Development & Training Programme for 29964767 -kni mgvR‡mev Kvh©µ‡gi Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µ‡gi Urban Community Development AvaywbKvqb (RyjvB, 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2012) Programme (UCD) (July, 2009 to June, 2012) 29964768 - Development of Sanitation System & 29964768 -†emiKvwi GwZgLvbvmg‡ni RivRxY© AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi Repair of ruined Infrastructure of Ges †mwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Nongovernment Orphanages 29964769 - 29964769 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvmg‡n `wi`ª Rb‡Mvôxi `vwi`ª we‡gvPb I Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb 29964770 - 29964770 -cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i Kj¨v‡Y wb‡qvwRZ cÖwZôvbmg‡n Dc‡hvMx Z_¨ cÖhyw³ mnvqK DcKiY mieivn 29964771 - 29964771 -we`¨gvb MYwgjbvqZbmg‡ni ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb 29964772 - 29964772 -gwnjv‡`i Av_©-mvgvwRK cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY 29964773 - 29964773 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q †¯^”Qv‡mex mgvRKj¨vY cÖwZôvbmg‡n µxov I mvs¯‹„wZK miÄvgvw` mieivnKiY 29964774 - 29964774 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q FYMªnxZv‡`i e„wËgjK I Kg©Pvix‡`i `¶Zv Dbœqb cÖwk¶Y 29964775 - 29964775 - 29964776 - Socio-Economic Development of Merginal 29964776 -cÖÖvwšK Rb‡Mvôxi Av_© mvgvwRK Ae¯’vi Dbœqb (RyjvB, (Disadvantagious) People (July, 2009 to 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2012) June, 2012) 29964777 - Expansion Development & Modernization 29964777 -mgvR‡mev Awa`dZ‡ii m¤•ªªmviY, Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb of Social Services Department (July, 2009 (RyjvB, 2009 †_‡K Ryb, 2012) to June, 2012) 29964778 - 29964778 -cj­x gvZ„‡K‡›`ªi Kvh©µg Dbœqb †Rvi`viKiY 29964779 - 29964779 -`»RwbZ ¶wZMª¯’ `yt¯’ e¨w³‡`i wPwKrmv I cybe©vm‡b Avw_©K mnvqZv Kvh©µg| 29964780 - 29964780 -kni mgvR‡mev Kvh©µg Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µ‡gi AvaywbKvqb 29964781 - 29964781 -cj­x mgvR‡mev Kvh©µg (AviGmGm) Dbœqb I †Rvi`viKiY 29964782 - 29964782 -RqcyinvU wK‡kvi Dbœqb cÖwZôvb 29964995 - Development of Cochlear Implant 29964995 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae KwK¬qvi Bgc­v›U ‡cÖvMªvg Bb e½eÜy†kL Programme in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib gywRe †gwWK¨vj wek¦we`¨vjq Medical University 2999-2999 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 2999-2999 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 2999 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 2999 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 29990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 29990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 30 - Ministry of Women and Children Affairs 30 - gwnjv I wkï welqK gš¿Yvjq 3001-3030 - Administration 3001-3030 -cªkvmb 3001 - Secretariat 3001 -mwPevjq 30010001 - Secretariat 30010001 -mwPevjq 30010005 - VGD Programmes 30010005 -wf wR wW Kvh©µg 30013092 - Fund for Micro-credit for Self -employment 30013092 -gwnjv‡`i AvZœKg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ ¶z`ªFY Znwej of Women 30013103 - Women Voluntary Social Welfare Center 30013103 -gwnjv †¯^”Qv‡mex mgvR Kj¨vY †K›`ª 30013105 - Childrens Award 30013105 -wkï cyi¯‹vi 30013108 - Karmajibi Lactating Mother Sohaita Tohbil 30013108 -Kg©Rxex j¨vK‡UwUs gv`vi mnqZv Znwej 30013109 - In Quest of Joyeeta, Bangladesh 30013109 -RwqZv A‡š^l‡Y evsjv‡`k 30013110 - Women's Skill Based Training For 30013110 -RxweKvq‡bi Rb¨ gwnjv‡`i `¶ZvwfwËK cÖwk¶Y Kg©mwP Livelihood 30013113 - Oppressed destitute women and chilren 30013113 -wbh©vwZZ `yt¯’ gwnjv I wkï Kj¨vY Znwej welfare fund 30013489 - Shishu Bikash Kendra 30013489 -wkï weKvk †K›`ª 30013573 - National Children Day 30013573 -RvZxq wkï w`em 30014715 - Maternity Allowance for the Poor Mother 30014715 -`wi`ª gvÕi Rb¨ gvZ„Z¡Kvj fvZv 30015010 - 30015010 -BD‡gÝ G¨vWfv݇g›U GÛ †RÛvi BKzqvwjwU †cÖvMÖvg (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 30015011 - Capacity Building for Monitoring Child 30015011 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di gwbUwis PvBì ivBUm& (01/03/07 - Rights (01/03/07-31/12/2011) Approved 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 30015012 - Formulation of National Action Plan (NPA) 30015012 -digy‡jkb Ae b¨vkbvj G¨vKkb c­¨vb (Gb.wc.G.) di for Implementation of National Women Ggwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae b¨vkbvj DB‡gb ‡Wfjc‡g›U cwjwm Development Policy, 2011 (01/11/2011-29/02/2012) c­¨vb (01/07/2011-30/06/2012) 30015013 - Enabling Environment for Child Rights 30015013 -wkï AwaKvi cªwZôvi my‡hvM m„wó (01/01/2012 - (01/01/2012 - 31/12/2017) 31/12/2017) 30015014 - Enabling Environment for Child 30015014 -G¨vbvewjs G¨vbfvqibg¨v›U di PvBì Rights(01/07/2012-30/06/2017) ivBUm(01/07/2012-30/06/2017) 30015015 - Investment Compronent for Vulnerable 30015015 -Bb‡fó‡g›U Kg‡cv‡b›U di fvjbv‡iej MÖæc Group development programme ‡Wfjc‡g›U ‡cÖvMÖvg (01/07/2014-30/06/18) (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) 30015016 - Investment Component for Vulnerable 30015016 -Bb‡fó‡g›U K‡¤•v‡b›U di fvjbv‡iej Mª“c Group Development Programme †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMªvg 30015020 - Policy leadership and advocacy for gender 30015020 -cwjwm wjWvikxc GÛ GW‡fv‡Kwm di †RÛvi BKzqvwjwU eqalily ( 2nd project) (01/09/06-30/06/10) (2q ch©vq) (01/07/06 - 30/06/10) 30015021 - Empowerment and Protection of Children 30015021 - GgcvIqvi‡g›U GÛ †cÖv‡UKkb Ae wPj‡W«b (Bwcwm) (01/09/06 - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 30015030 - Strengthening women's Vocational training 30015030 -RbmsL¨v wbqš‡Y gwnjv‡`i e„wËgjK cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg Programme for populations control kw³kvjxKiY (5g ch©vq) 30015040 - Multi sectoral Programme on violence 30015040 -bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡iv‡a gvwë‡m±ivj †cÖvMªvg (2q ce©) against women (3rd Phase) (01/07/2008-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30015050 - Multi-Sectoral Programme on Violence 30015050 -bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í gvwë‡m±ivj †cÖvMªvg (3q ce©) Against Women 30015051 - Technical Assistance for Gender Facilities 30015051 -†UKwbK¨vj GwmmU¨vÝ di †RÛvi †dwmwjwU GÛ and institutional support for BÝwUwUDUkbvj mv‡cvU© di Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae `¨v Implementation of the National Action Plan b¨vkbvj GKkb c­¨vb 30015060 - National 30015060 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb gwnjv I wkï KvwW©qvK BDwbU ¯’vcb (01/01/2012-31/12/2015) Aby‡ygvw`Z 30015061 - Policy Leadership and Advocacy for 30015061 -cwjwm jxWvi mxc GÛ GW‡fv‡Kmx di †RÛvi BK~¨qvwjwU Gender Equality (PLUS) (c­vR) (weªwRs) 30015070 - aaa 30015070 -dimy‡jkb Ae b¨vkbvj GKkb c­vb (GbGwU) di Bw¤•ª ‡g‡›Ukb Ae b¨vkbvj DB‡gb †Wfjc‡g›U cwjwm

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30015250 - Strengthening vocational training 30015250 -RbmsL¨v wbqš‡Y gwnjv‡`i e„wËgjK cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg programme for women for population kw³kvjxKiY (chv©q-5) control (Phase-5) 30015251 - Technical Assistance to the VGD 30015251 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m Uy `¨v wfwRwW ‡cÖvMªvg programme 30015860 - Project for strengthening policy leadership 30015860 -cwjwm wjWviwkc GÛ G¨vW‡fv‡Kwm di †RÛvi BKz¨wqwU and advocacy for gender equity (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 30016120 - Strengthening of vocational training 30016120 -RbmsL¨v I ¯^v¯’¨ wel‡q gwnjv‡`i e„wËgjK cÖwk¶Y programme for women on health and Kvq©µg kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (chv©q-6) population 30016130 - Women's agriculture training 30016130 -gwnjv K…wl cÖwk¶Y BÝwUwUDU - ev‡MinvU institute-Bagerhat (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 30016140 - Development and empowerment of 30016140 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq gwnjv‡`i mvgwMÖK Dbœqb I women in the hill districts ¶gZvqb (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) 30016150 - Capacity building for gender 30016150 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di †RÛvi †gBb w÷ªwgs (2q main-streaming ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 30016170 - Policy Leadership and Advocacy for Geder 30016170 -cwjwm wjWvikxc G¨vÛ G¨vW‡fv‡Kwm di †RÛvi Equality (PLUS) (2nd Face) BK‚¨qwjwU (c­vR) (chv©q-2)(1/7/02-30/6/05) (1/7/02-30/06/05) Unapproved Abby‡gvw`Z 30016171 - Technical assistance for gender facilities 30016171 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ ‡_ªv †RÛvi d¨vwmwjwU (2q chv©q) and institutional support for (31/7/03-30/9/05) Aby‡gvw`Z implementation of the national action plan 30016180 - Block allocation for unapproved 30016180 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** projects.Block allocation for unapproved projects. 30016191 - Project Preparatory Technical Assistance 30016191 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwm‡÷›U di cwjwm for Policy Leadership and Advocacy for wjWvikxc GÛ G¨vW‡fv‡Kmx di †RÛvi BKzwqwjwU Gender Equility (Plaz-2) (c­vR-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/03-31/12/04) (01/07/2003-31/12/2004) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 30016201 - 30016201 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwm‡÷›U (wcwcwUG) di †mvmvj cÖ‡UKkb Ae wWmGWfvb‡UR I‡gb GÛ wPj‡W«b (01/07/2003-31/12/2003) 30016210 - 30016210 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae cvewjK GIqvi‡bm †cÖvMªvg di GBP AvBwf/GBWm GÛ DB‡gb U«vwdwKs (Aby‡gvw`Z) 30016211 - Combating Child Trafficking for Labour 30016211 -Kge¨vwUs PvBì U«vwdwKs di †jevi GÛ †m·yqvj and Sexual Exploitation (TICSA) (Phase-II) G·c­q‡Ukb (wUAvBwmGmG) (ce©-2) (01/10/02-30/09/05) Approved (01/10/2002-30/09/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 30016221 - 30016221 -cwjwm jxWvimxc GÛ GW‡fv‡Kmx di †RÛvi BKzqvwjwU (c­vR) (weªwRs) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/2002-31/12/2003) 30016230 - Multi-Sectoral Programme on Violence 30016230 -bvix wbhv©Zb cÖwZ‡iv‡a gvwë †m±ivj 1g ce© (01/01/04 Against Women (1st Phase) - 31/12/07) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/04-31/12/06) Approved 30016241 - Promotion of Legal and Social 30016241 -‡cÖv‡gvkb Ae wjM¨vj GÛ †mvm¨vj GgcvIqvi‡g›U Ae Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh I‡gb Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) (01/07/03-30/06/06) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 30016243 - Policy leadership and Advocace for 30016243 -cwjwm wjWvikxc GÛ G¨vW‡fv‡Kmx di †RÛvi Gender Eqality (Pase-2) BKz¨vqvwjwU (cÐvR-2) (01/07/2008-31/06/2011) (01/07/2008-31/06/2011) 30016251 - Project for Priparitory Technical Assistance 30016251 -cÖ‡R± di wcÖcvwiUix †UbwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di cwjwm for Policy Leadership and Advocacy for wjWvikxc GÛ GW‡fv‡Kwm di †RÛvi Gender Equality (PLUS-2) BKzqvwjwU(c­vm-2) (1/1/06-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/06-30/06/07) Approved 30016254 - Empowerment and Protection of Childern 30016254 -B¤•vIqvi‡g›U GÛ †cÖv‡UKkb Ae wP‡ìb 30016255 - Capacity Builiding for Monitoring Child 30016255 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di gwbUwis PvBì ivBUm ( Right 01/03/2007-31/12/2010) 01/03/2007- 31/12/2010) 30016256 - Multi-Secroral Programme on Violence 30016256 -bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡iv‡a gvwë †m±ivj (3q ch©vq) Against Women 3rd -01/07/2011-30/06/2016) Phase(01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 30016257 - Empowerment and Protaction of Children 30016257 -GgcvIqvi‡g›U GÛ cÖ‡UKkb Ae wPj‡Wªb (Bwcwm) (EPC) 01/09/2010-31/12/2013 01/09/2010-31/12/2013 Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30016258 - Supporting for Women Enterprenuer's 30016258 -bvix D‡`¨v³v‡`i D`cvw`Z cb¨ evRviRvZ Ki‡Y produced goods for marketing mnvqZvKib cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) project(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30016259 - Establishment of Ahsania Misson Children 30016259 -Góvewjóg¨v›U Ad Avnmvwbqv wgkb wPj‡Wªb wmwU di City for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of KgwcÖ‡nbwmf wi‡nwfwj‡Ukb Ad wWmwUªRW wPj‡Wªb Distressed Children 3005 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3005 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 30053092 - Fund for Micro-credit for Self -employment 30053092 -gwnjv‡`i AvZœKg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ ¶z`ªFY Znwej of Women 30053093 - Bangladesh Shishu Academy 30053093 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wwg 30053101 - National Womens Association 30053101 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v 30053102 - Fund form Distressed women and 30053102 -`yt¯’ gwnjv I wkï mvnvh¨ Znwej children 30053103 - Women Voluntary Social Welfare Center 30053103 -gwnjv †¯^”Qv‡mex mgvR Kj¨vY †K›`ª 30053105 - Childrens Award 30053105 -wkï cyi¯‹vi 30053107 - Widow and Divorced Distressed Women's 30053107 -weaev I ¯^vgx cwiZ¨³v `yt¯’ gwnjv‡`i fvZv Kvh©µg Allowance Scheme 30053108 - Karmajibi Lactating Mother Sohaita Tohbil 30053108 -Kg©Rxwe j¨vK‡UwUs gv`vi mnvqZv Znwej 30053109 - In Quest of Joyeeta, Bangladesh 30053109 -RwqZv A‡š^l‡Y evsjv‡`k 30053110 - Women's Skill Based Training For 30053110 -RxweKvq‡bi Rb¨ gwnjv‡`i `¶ZvwfwËK cÖwk¶Y Kg©mwP Livelihood 30053111 - Empowering Adolescent through 30053111 -K¬v‡e msMwVZ K‡i mgv‡Ri BwZevPK cwieZ©‡b organising them in Adolescent club for wK‡kvix‡`i ¶gZvqb Bringing positive change within the communities 30053112 - Joyeeta Foundation 30053112 -RwqZv dvD‡Ûkb 30053113 - Oppressed destitute women and chilren 30053113 -wbh©vwZZ `yt¯’ gwnjv I wkï Kj¨vY Znwej welfare fund 30053489 - Shishu Bikash Kendra 30053489 -wkï weKvk †K›`ª 30053555 - Fund for the Assistance of Oppressed 30053555 -wbh©vwZZ gwnjv I wkï mnvqZv Znwej Women and Children 30053572 - Bangladesh Mohila Samitee 30053572 -evsjv‡`k gwnjv mwgwZ 30053573 - National Children Day 30053573 -RvZxq wkï w`em 30053966 - Childrens Award 30053966 -wkï cyi¯‹vi 30054715 - Maternity Allowance for the Poor Mother 30054715 -`wi`ª gvÕi Rb¨ gvZ„Z¡Kvj fvZv 30055010 - Project Name to be Included 30055010 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’vi †Rjv Kg‡c¬· cÖKí (3q ch©vq) ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/10 - 31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 30055011 - Need to be updated 30055011 -wkï weKv‡k cÖviw¤¢K wk¶v cÖKí 30055012 - Construction project of Bangladesh 30055012 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgxi 10 wU ‡Rjv kvLv Kg†cз Shishu Academoy Complex Building in 10 wbg©vY cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (01/07/12 - 30/06/15) Districts ( 2nd phase) 01/07/2012-30/06/2015 30055013 - Cultural training program for children in 30055013 -wefvMxq kn‡i wkï‡`i mvs¯‹„wZK cÖwkÿY ‡K›`ª divisional cities(01/07/2015---30/06/2018) Pvj~KiY| 30055014 - Promotion of Human and Legel Rights of 30055014 -evsjv‡`‡ki gwnjv‡`i gvbewaKvi I AvBbMZ AwaKvi Women in Dbœqb cÖKí(01/07/2013-30/06/2017)| Bangladesh(01/07/2013-30/06/2017). 30055015 - Construction of JMS District Complex for 30055015 -gwnjv Dbœq‡b RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v †Rjv kvLv Kg‡cз Women Development feb wbgv©Y cÖKí (01/07/13 - 30/06/17) Project(01/07/2013-30/06/2017). 30055016 - Integrated Women Computer Training 30055016 -mgwš^Z gwnjv‡`i Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (01/07/12 Project(01/07/2012-30/06/2017). - 30/06/17) 30055017 - Project for Activity Extention of BSA in 30055017 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgxi Kvh©Îæg Upazila Level.(01/07/2012 - 30/06/2017) m¤cªmviY cªKí (01/07/2012 - 30/06/2017) 30055018 - Project for Extention of BSA in Upazila 30055018 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgxi Kvh©Îƒg Level(01/07/2013- 30/06/2018) m¤cªmviY cªKí (01/07/2013- 30/06/2018)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30055019 - District Based Women Computer Training 30055019 -‡RjvwfwËK gwnjv Kw¤úDUvi cÖwkÿY cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Project (3rd Phase) (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) 30055020 - District Based Women Computer Training 30055020 -†RjvwfwËK gwnjv Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (64 †Rjv) Project (64 District) (01/07/2013 - 30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 30055021 - wwwwwwwwwwwwwww 30055021 -gwnjv‡`i AwaKvi iÿvq mgwš^Z mnqZv cÖ`vb cÖKí (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) 30055022 - Establisment of Ahsania Mission 30055022 -Amnvq ,weËnxb, wQbœg~j wkï‡`i mvgwMÖK cyb©evm‡bi Rb¨ Children City for Comprehensive Avnmvwbqv wgkb wkï wmwU wbg©vY Rehabilitation of Distressed Children (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) 30055030 - Vocational training programme for women 30055030 -RbmsL¨v Kvh©µg Gi Rb¨ gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ e„wËgjK on population cªwk¶Y 30055040 - District Based Women Computer Trainint 30055040 -‡Rjv wfwËK gwnjv Kw¤cDUvi cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (10wU (10 Centres) Project (01/07/02-30/06/05) †K›`ª) (01/07/2002 - 28/02/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 30055050 - 30055050 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v Kg‡c­· m¤cÖmviY I Dbœqb (chv©q-2) 30055060 - Day Care Programme for Children of the 30055060 -†Rjv kn‡i kÖgRxwe gv‡q‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ w`evhÍ working Women in District Town Kg©mPx 30055110 - Urban based women development project 30055110 -bMi wfwËK gwnjv Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) (01/07/1996-30/06/2003) 30055280 - Women Agriculture and Handicraft 30055280 -gwnjv n¯wkí I K…wl cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª, ivRkvnx Training Center. Rajshahi 30055872 - 30055872 -MªvgxY gwnjv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2004 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 30055880 - Rural women development project 30055880 -MªvgxY gwnjv Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-2) (01/07/1997 - (Phase-2) 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 30055890 - National women organizational Complex 30055890 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v Kg‡c­· m¤cªmviY I Dbœqb (ch©vq-2- ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 30055900 - Women enterpreneurship development 30055900 -gwnjv D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998 - project 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 30055910 - Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs tof 30055910 -A_©‰bwZK ¶gZvq‡b bvix D‡`¨v³v‡`i weKvk mvab Economic Empowerment (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/03-30/06/06) Approved 30056151 - 30056151 -‡mvwkI BK‡bvwgK †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae i“ivj DB‡gb †_ªv RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) 30056161 - 30056161 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs w¯‹j ‡W‡fjc‡g›U †Uªwbs †cÖvMÖvg Ae RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v 30056191 - 30056191 -mv‡cv©U Uz DB‡gb wfKwUg Ae fv‡qv‡jÝ _ª RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v (01/03/2002-01/02/2003) 30057010 - Extension of Bangladesh shishu academy 30057010 -evsjv‡`k wkky GKv‡Wgx m¤•ªmviY Kg©mPx 30057011 - Early Childhood Development 30057011 -Aviwj PvBìûW †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/01/2001 - (01/07/01-31/12/05) Approved 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 30057020 - 30057020 -wkï Dbœqb Kg©m~Px(1/7/02-30/6/05) Abby‡gvw`Z 30057021 - Sisimpur Outrech 30057021 -wmwmgcyi AvDUixP cÖKí (01/01/09 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 30057030 - Strengthening and expansion of the 30057030 -evsjv‡`k wkky GKv‡Wwgi Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY I programme of Bangladesh Shishu ewa©ZKiY (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) Academy 30057040 - Urban baised marginal women 30057040 -bMi wfwËK cÖvwš@K gwnjv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/2009- development 30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z project(01/10/2008-30/09/2013) 30057050 - Tottho Apa: Empowering Women through 30057050 -Z_¨ Avcvt wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Movi j‡¶¨ Z_¨ ICT towards Digital Bangladesh. †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g gwnjv‡`i ¶gZvqb 30057060 - Jatiyo Mohila Sangstha District Complex 30057060 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’vi †Rjv Kg‡c­· (5 †Rjv ) Project (5 District) (01/07/2011-31/12/13) (01/07/2011-31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 30057140 - Multi sectoral project for prevention of child 30057140 -wkï cvPvi cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í gvwë‡m±ivj cÖKí trafficking

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30057150 - Extension of Bangladesh Shishu Academy 30057150 -evsjv‡`k wkky GKv‡Wwg Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡qi m¤•ªmviY at upazilla level cªKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) 30057160 - Urban Based Women Development 30057160 -bMi wfwËK gwnjv Dbœqb cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Project (Phase-III) (1/7/2003-30/06/2008) (1/7/2003-30/06/2008) Aby†gvw`Z Approved 30057170 - 30057170 -Mªvgxb gwnjv Dbœqb (3q chv©q) (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 30057180 - o 30057180 -w`bvRcyi wkï GKv‡Wwg Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 30057190 - Strengthening and expansion of 30057190 -evsjv‡`k wkky GKv‡Wwgi Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY I programme of Bangladesh shishu ewa©ZKiY academy 30057192 - Basic Computer Training for Children 30057192 -wkï‡`i Kw¤cDUvi wk¶v Project 30057193 - Construction Project of Bogra Shishu 30057193 -e¸ov wkï GKv‡Wgx Kg‡c­· Academy wbgv©Y(01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Complex(01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30057194 - Construction Project of BSA 6 District 30057194 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgxi 6wU †Rjv kvLvi Kg‡c­· Branch Complex wbgv©Y(01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Building(01/01/2010-30/06/2013) 30057195 - Children Resource and Information Center 30057195 -wkï Z_¨ †K›`ª Project 30057196 - Construction Project for Play ground & 30057196 -wkï‡`i Rb¨ †c­ MÖvDÊ I wRg‡bwmqvg wbgv©Y Gymnasium for Children 30057197 - Project for Development of Under 30057197 -mweLvewÂZ wkï Dbœqb Privileged Children 30057198 - Early learning for Child Development 30057198 -wkïi weKv‡k cÖviw¤¢K wk¶v cÖKí (01/07/2006 - Project (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2011) 30/06/2011) 30057199 - Extension and Strenthening of Bangladesh 30057199 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgxi jvB‡eªix Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY I Shishu Academy Library Activities mg„×KiY 30057200 - Extension and Strenthening of Bangladesh 30057200 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgxi Rv`yNi m¤cÖmviY I mg„w×KiY Ahishu Academy Museum Activities 30057201 - Awareness Building and Prevention of 30057201 -wkï cvPvi‡iv‡a m‡PZbZv e„w× Child Traffiking Project 30057202 - Sismpur Outreach Activity Project 30057202 -wmwmgcyi AvDUwiP Kvh©µg (01/07/2007 (01/07/2007 - 30/06/2011) -30/06/2011) 30057203 - Project for Strenthening of Bangladesh 30057203 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgxi Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Shishu Academy Activities 30057205 - District Complex Project of Jatiyo Mohila 30057205 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’vi †Rjv Kg‡cз cÖKí Sangstha. (01/07/2007- 30/06/2010) (01/07/2007- 30/06/2010) 30057206 - Promotion of Legal empowerment of 30057206 -gwnjv‡`i AvBbMZ ¶gZvqb weKv‡k mnvqZv cÖ`vb cÖKí Women. (Abby‡gvw`Z) 30057207 - Strengthening Capacity of Jatiyo Mohila 30057207 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’vi Kvh©¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Sangstha Project. (01/07/2007- (Abby‡gvw`Z) (01/07/2007- 30/06/2010) 30/06/2010) 30057208 - Korea-Bangladesh Vocational and skill 30057208 -†Kvwiqv-evsjv‡`k e„wËg–jK Ges `¶Zv Dbœqb cÖwk¶Y Development Training Centre for Women. †K›`ª (Abby‡gvw`Z) 30057209 - Greater options for Development of 30057209 -gwnjv D‡`¨v³v‡`i Rb¨ K…wlwfwËK ¶z`ª wkí weKv‡ki Women Entreprcneurs in Agro Based e„nËi my‡hvM m„wó cÖKí (Abby‡gvw`Z) Small Industries. 30057210 - District Based Women Compurer Training 30057210 -†Rjv wfwËK gwnjv Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (Aby‡gvw`Z) Project. 30057211 - Entrepreneurship Development of Women 30057211 -gwnjv D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb cÖKí (Abby‡gvw`Z) Project 30057212 - JMS District Complex Project. 30057212 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v †Rjv Kg‡cз cÖKí (Abby‡gvw`Z) 30057213 - Promotion of Legal Empowerment of 30057213 -cÖ‡gvkb Ae wjM¨vj G¤•vIqvi‡g›Æ Ae I‡gb Women 30057214 - District Based Women Computer Training 30057214 -‡Rjv wfwËK gwnjv Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phade) (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) 01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30057215 - Greater options for Development of 30057215 -gwnjv D‡`¨v³v‡`i Rb¨ K…wlwfwËK ¶z`ª wkí weKv‡ki Women Entrepreneurs in Agro Based e„nËi my‡hvM m„wó cÖKí| Small Industries. (01/07/2007- (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30/06/2010) 30057216 - Advocacy Awareness Program on Girl 30057216 -‡g‡q wkï‡`i AwaKvi welqK m‡PZbZv m„wó cÖKí| Child Rights. (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) 30057217 - Project Development of Under Privilaged 30057217 -myweav ebwPZ wkï‡`i Dbœqb Kg©m–Px Children (01/07/2008-30/06/2011 ) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30057218 - Advocacy Awareness Programme on Girl 30057218 -Kb¨v wkï‡`i AwaKvi wel‡q m‡PZbZv m„wó cÖKí Child Rights . ( 01/07/2008 - (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30/06/2011) 30057219 - Promotion of Women Enterpreneurs For 30057219 -A_©‰bwZK ¶gZvq‡b bvix D‡`¨v³v‡`i weKvk mvab cÖKí Economic Empowermrnt Project (2nd (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Phase)(01/07/2008 - 30/06/2013) 30057220 - Promotion of Legal Empowerment of 30057220 -gwnjv‡`i AvBbMZ ¶gZvqb weKv‡k mnvqZv cÖ`vb cÖKí Women (01/01/2009 - 31/12/2011) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) 30057221 - Urban Based Marginal Women 30057221 -bMi wfwËK cÖvwš—K gwnjv Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/07/2008-30/06/2014) ((01/07/2008-30/06/2014) 30057222 - Project for Development of Under 30057222 -myweav ewÂZ wkï‡`i Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2009 Privileged Children (01/07/2009 -30/06/2013) -30/06/2013) 30057223 - Construction of Bogra Bangladesh Shishu 30057223 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgx e¸ov †Rjv kvLv Kg‡c­· feb Academy Complex Project. wbg©vb cÖKí | 30057224 - Construction of Bogra Bangladesh Shishu 30057224 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgx e¸ov †Rjv kvLv Kg‡c­· feb Academy Complex Project. ( wbg©vY cÖKí| (RyjvB/2009- Ryb/2012) July/2009-June/2012) 30057225 - Greater Option for Development of Women 30057225 -gwnjv D‡`¨v³v‡`i Rb¨ K…wlwfwËK ¶z`ª wkí weKv‡ki Entrepreneurs in Agro Based Small e„nËi my‡hvM m„wó cÖKí (RyjvB/2009- Ryb/2012)| Industries (July 2009-June 2012) 30057226 - District Complex Project of Jatiyo Mohila 30057226 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v †Rjv Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vb Sangstha.( 5 Dist )(01/01/2011- cÖKí|(5‡Rjvq)(01/01/2011-31/12/2013)| 31/12/2013). 30057227 - Greater Option for Development of Women 30057227 -gwnjv D‡`¨vI“v‡`i Rb¨ K…wlwfwËK ¶z`ª wkí weKv‡ki Enterpreneuers in Agro Based Small e„nËi my‡hvM m„wó cÖKí(RyjvB 2009-Ryb 2013) Industries (July 2009- June 2013) 30057228 - Project for Rehabilition of Street Children 30057228 -XvKv kn‡ii c_ wkï‡`i c~be©vmb I Dbœqb in Dhaka City. ( 01/07/2011-30/06/2016 ) cÖKí|(01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 30057229 - Project for Rehabilitation of Drug Carier 30057229 -gv`K en‡b mswk­ó wkï‡`i c~b©evmb cÖKí Children.(01/07/2011-30/06/2016) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 30057230 - Project for Development of Street Children 30057230 -XvKv kn‡ii myweavewÂZ wkï‡`i Rb¨ cÖwk‡Yi gva¨‡g in Dhaka City through training. weKv‡ki cwi‡ek (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) m„wóKib|(01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 30057231 - Project for Identi Fication of disabled 30057231 -cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i mbv³Kib, wPwKrmv, wkv Ges Children’s education and Socially mvgvwRKfv‡e GwKf~ZKiY integrated (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) cÖKí(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30057232 - Project for Identi Fication of disabled 30057232 -cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i mbv³Kib, wPwKrmv, wkv Ges Children’s education and Socially mvgvwRKfv‡e GwKf~ZKiY integrated(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) cÖKí(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30057233 - Tottho Apa t Empowering Women through 30057233 -Z_¨ Avcv t wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Movi j‡¨ Z_¨ cÖhyw³i ICT Towards Digital Bangladesh (10 gva¨‡g gwnjv‡`i gZvqb|(10 wU wi‡gvU Dc‡Rjv) Remote Upazila)(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-31/06/2013) 30057234 - Construction Project of Bangladesh 30057234 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wwgi 6wU †Rjv kvLv Kg‡cз feb Shishu Academy Complex in 6 (six) wbg©vY (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Districts 30057235 - Consturction for Training building at 30057235 - Central office of Bangladesh Shishu Academy Complex

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30057236 - Support for Establishing Human Rights of 30057236 -gvV ch©v‡q bvixi gvbeaxKvi cÖwZôvq mnvqZv cÖ`vb cÖKí Women at Field Level (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 3021 - Department of Women Affairs 3021 -gwnjv welqK Awa`ßi 30210000 - Directorate of Women Affairs 30210000 -gwnjv welqK Awa`ßi 30215010 - Empowerment and Protection of Children 30215010 -GgcvIqvi‡g›U GÛ cÖ‡UKkb Ae wPj‡Wªb GÛ DB‡gb and Women (EPCW) (BwcwmWwe­D) (01/01/2001-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2001-31/12/2005) 30215011 - Empowerment of Women Through 30215011 -GgcvIqvi‡g›U Ad DB‡gb _ªy †UK‡bvjwR Technology Transfer UvÝdvi|(01/01/2012-01/012/2016)| (01/01/2012-30/12/2016). 30215012 - Livelihood protection Programme for 30215012 -b`x fv½b I AvBjv `~M©Z GjvKvq AvB.wR.G. cÖwk¶Y Women in River Erosion, Aila and Sidr Ges cÖWvKwUf G‡mU weZiY(01/01/12 - 01/012/17) Affected Areas.(01/01/2012-01/012/2017). 30215013 - Promotion of Gender Equality and 30215013 -bvix I cyiæl‡`i g‡a¨ mgZvi Dbœqb Ges bvixi Womens Empowerment (2nd Phase) ¶gZvqb (2q chv©q) (01/07/13 - 30/12/17) (01/07/2013-30/12/2017). 30215014 - Construction of two Hostel for Female 30215014 -eo Avïwjqvq Mv‡g©‡›U‡m Kg©iZ gwnjv Kgx©‡`i Rb¨ Garments Workers, Asulia †nv‡÷j wbgv©Y (01/07/13 - 30/12/17)| (01/07/2013-30/12/2017). 30215015 - Establishment of Working Women Hostel 30215015 -bvwjZvevox Dc‡Rjv Kg©Rxex gwnjv †nv‡÷j Kvg †U«wbs cum Vocational Training Centre at †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Nalitabari, Sherpur 30215016 - Advancement and promoting women's 30215016 -G¨vWfvbm‡g›U G›W cª‡gvwUs DB‡gb ivBU&m Rights (01/01/2013-31/12/2017) (01/01/2013 - 31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215017 - Construction of Hostel for Women 30215017 -Kg©iZ gwnjv Mv‡g©›Um kªwgK‡`i Avevm‡bi Rb¨ ‡nv‡ój Garments Workers at Baro- Ashulia Savar, wbg©vb eo-Avïwjqv,mvfvi,XvKv(01/04/13-30/06/17) Dhaka (01/07/12 - 30/06/17) 30215018 - Development in Women Organizations as 30215018 -Z„Yg~j chv©‡q Av_©-mvgvwRK cwieZ©b AvbqbKvix wnmv‡e a Socio economic Change Maker at Grass bvix msMVb¸‡jvi Dbœqb| (01/07/2013 - Root Level (01/07/2013 - 30/06/2018) 30/06/2018) 30215019 - Community Based Development of the 30215019 -Avw`evmx bvix I †g‡q wkï‡`I KwgDwbwU †eBRW Tribal Women and Girl Child (01/07/13 - Dbèqb(01/07/13 -30/06/18) 30/06/018) 30215020 - Safe Custody for Women, Children and 30215020 -gwnjv I wkï wK‡kvix †ndvRZx‡`i wbivc` Avevmb Adolescent Girls (01/03/02- 30/06/05) (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/3/02 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 30215021 - Strengthening the Management Capability 30215021 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii e¨e¯’vcbv ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY of the DWA (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) (01/10/2000-01/09/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215022 - Uttara Endrocrins and Metabolics Hospital 30215022 - DËiv G‡Ûvµxb I ‡gUvewjK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcbv (01/07/14 - 30/06/17) (01/07/14 - 30/06/17) 30215023 - Generation Break Through A Multi-Pronged 30215023 -‡Rbv‡ikb ‡eªK _yª G gvwë Mª½U G‡cÖvP Uz wewWs ‡njw` Approach to Building Healthy wi‡jkbwkc di cÖvBgvix wcÖ‡fbkb Ad †RÛvi †eBRW Relationships for Primary Prevention of fv‡qv‡jm GÛ wgwUs GmAviGBPAvi wbWm Ad Gender Based Violence and Meeting G‡Wv‡j‡RÝ Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2013-30/062018) SRHR N 30215024 - Advancement and Promoting Women’s 30215024 -GWf¨v›m‡g›U GÛ †cÖv‡gvwUs I‡g›m ivBUm Rights (APWR) 30215025 - Construction of Coiony for Women 30215025 -Mv‡g©›U‡m Kg©iZ bvix kÖwgK‡`i Rb¨ K‡jvbx wbg©vY, Garments Workers at Baifail , evBcvBj, mvfvi (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) Savar(01/07/2013 - 30/06/2018) 30215026 - Vocational Training for Women Workers in 30215026 -f‡Kkbvj †Uªwbs di DB‡gb IqvK©vm© Bb BÛvw÷ª Bb Industry in Bangladesh (01/09/2013- evsjv‡`k (01/09/2013 - 31/08/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 31/08/2015) 30215027 - Investment Component for Vulnerable 30215027 -Bb‡f÷‡g›U K‡¤úv‡b›U di fvjbv‡i‡fj MÖæc Group Development Programme †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg 30215028 - Investment Component for Vulnerable 30215028 -Bb‡f÷‡g›U K‡¤úv‡b›U di fvjbv‡i‡fj MÖæc Group Development Programme †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30215029 - Constrution of Hostel-2 For Women 30215029 -mvfvi eo Avkywjqvq Mv‡g©‡›U‡m Kg©iZ bvix kÖwgK‡`i Garments Workers at Baro- Asulia, Savar, Rb¨ †nv‡÷j-2 wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/2014 †_‡K Dhaka. (01/07/2014- 30/06/2019) 30/06/2019) 30215030 - Community based programme for poor 30215030 -‡emiKvwi msMVbmg–‡ni `wi`ª gwnjv I wkky‡`i Rb¨ women and children through the NGO's mgwó wfwËK Kg©m–wP (5g chv©q) (01/01/2001 - (Phase-5) 31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215031 - Construction of 20 Storied Hostel Building 30215031 -bxj‡ÿZ Kg©Rxex gwnjv †nv‡÷‡j 20 Zjv feb wbg©vY for Workig Women at Nilkhet, Dhaka. cÖKí (01/07/2014 †_‡K 30/06/2019) (01/07/2014- 30/06/2019) 30215032 - Construction of Colony for Women 30215032 -Mv‡g©‡›U‡m Kg©iZ bvix kÖwgK‡`i Rb¨ K‡jvbx wbg©vY, Garments Workres at Gazipur MvRxcyi (01/07/2014 †_‡K 30/06/2019) (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) 30215033 - Establesment of Community Nursing 30215033 -÷vewjk‡g›U Ad KwgDwbwU bvwm©s wWwMÖ K‡jR GU XvKv Degree College at Dhaka for Quality di †KvqvwjwU GWz‡Kkb Uz DB‡gb Bb bvwm©s Education to Women in Nursing. (01/07/2014 †_‡K 30/06/2017) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 30215034 - Generation Break Through A Multi-Pronged 30215034 -‡Rbv‡ikb ‡eªK _yª G gvwë cÖ‡½W G‡cÖvP Uz wewWs ‡njw` Approach to Building Healthy wi‡jkbwkc di cÖvBgvix wcÖ‡fbkb Ad †RÛvi †eBRW Relationships for Primary Prevention of fv‡qv‡jm GÛ wgwUs GmAviGBPAvi wbWm Ad Gender Based Violence and Meeting G‡Wv‡j‡RÝ Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2013-30/062018) SRHR N( 01/09/13-31-12-16) 30215035 - Establishment of a Fofty Beded Diabetes, 30215035 -cÂvk kh¨v wewkó gwnjv I wkï Wvqv‡ewUm, G‡Ûvwµb I Endocrine and Metabolic Hospital for †gUvewjK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb, DËiv, XvKv| Women and Children, Uttra, Dhaka 30215036 - Investment Compronent for Vulnerable 30215036 -Bb‡fó‡g›U Kg‡cv‡b›U di fvjbv‡iej MÖæc Group development programme ‡Wfjc‡g›U ‡cÖvMÖvg (01/12/2014-31/12/16) (01/12/2014-31/12/2016) 30215037 - Economic Empowerment of Women 30215037 -B‡Kv‡bvwg GgcvIqvi‡g›U Ad DB‡gb _ªy w¯‹j Though Skill Development Training †W‡fv‡jc‡g›U †Uªwbs (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) 30215038 - Establisment of 20 Child Daycare Center 30215038 -20wU wkï w`evhZœ †K›`ª wbg©vY cªKí Project (01/02/2015-30/06/2020) (01/02/2015-30/06/2020) 30215039 - Establishment of Vocational Training 30215039 -†mvbvBgyox, KvjxMÄ, AvovBnvRvi I gVevoxqv †U«wbs Centre and Hostel at Sonaimuri, Kaligong, †m›Uvi I †nv‡ój wbg©vY (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) Araihazar & Modhbaria Upazilla. (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) 30215040 - Day-care programme for employed 30215040 -Kg©Rxwe gwnjv‡`i wkky‡`i Rb¨ w`ev hZž Kg©mPx womens' children 30215050 - Assistance programme for women 30215050 -gwnjv mnvqZv Kg©mPx 30215051 - 30215051 -†UKwbK¨vj GwmmU¨vÝ di †RÛvi †dwmwjwU GÛ BÝwUwUDUkbvj mv‡cvU© di Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae `¨v b¨vkbvj GKkb c­¨vb 30215060 - Day Care Programme for Children of the 30215060 -†Rjv kn‡i kÖgRxwe gv‡q‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ w`evhÍ working Women in District Town Kg©m–wP (1g ch©vq) (01/07/2001 - 30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215070 - Involvement of women in income 30215070 -gwnjv‡`i A_©Kvix Kg©Kv‡Û Ask Mªn‡Yi my‡hvM m„wó I generating activities 30215080 - Self relience project for rural women 30215080 -MªvgxY gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ ¯^wbf©i cªKí 30215090 - Employment generation project for rural 30215090 -MªvgxY gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó (2q chv©q) women (Phase-2) (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 30215100 - Vulnerable Group Development for Ultra 30215100 -fvjbv‡iej MÖ“c ‡W‡fjc‡g›U di Avëªv cyIi Poor project 30215110 - Urban based women development project 30215110 -bMi wfwËK gwnjv Dbœqb cªKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 30215120 - Landless distress women development 30215120 -fywgnxb `yt¯’ gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ Dbœqb Kg©mPx programme 30215130 - Daycare Programme for the Children of 30215130 -wbæweË I ga¨weË †kªYxi Kg©Rxwe †g‡q‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ lower and Middle Income Working Women w`evhZœ Kg©m–wP (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215131 - 30215131 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii gvV chv©‡qi Z`viKx ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30215140 - Rural women development project 30215140 -Mªvgxb gwnjv Dbœqb cªKí 30215150 - Children's day care center 30215150 -wkï w`evhZ¥ †K›`« 30215160 - Advocacy awareness and strengthening 30215160 -gwnjv Dbœq‡b m‡PZbZv e„w× I gj Z_¨vw` mg„w×KiY information base 30215170 - Women's support programme 30215170 -gwnjv mnvqZv Kg©mPx (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) 30215180 - DEVELOPMENT OF WOMEN SUPPORT 30215180 -AvBbMZ mnvqZv PROGRAMM-LEGAL AID 30215190 - ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN 30215190 -gwnjv‡`i A_©‰bwZK ¶gZvqb 30215200 - Development of Traning Programme in 30215200 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †U«wbs †cÖvMªvg Bb Ig¨vb †U«wbs †m›Uvi Women Teaining Centre (WTC) at District GU wWwó«K †j‡fj Level) 30215210 - Vertical Extension of Shahid Sheikh 30215210 -knx` †kL dwRjvZy‡bœQv gywRe gwnjv cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg Fazilatunnessa Mujib Traning Acadamy DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ªmviY (01/10/11 - 30/09/13) 30215220 - Destitute women development project 30215220 -weËnxb gwnjv Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (GdGmwfwRwW 2q chv©q) (01/07/2001 - 31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215222 - Working women hostel, Gopalgonj 30215222 -Kg©Rxex gwnjv †nv‡÷j, †MvcvjMÄ (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) 30215230 - Enhahcing awareness and strengthening 30215230 -gwnjv Dbœq‡b m‡PZbZv e„w× I Z_¨vw` mg„w×KiY information base for women development (chv©q-3) (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) (Phase-3) 30215240 - Construction of hostel for working women 30215240 -Kg©Rxex gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡÷j 30215250 - Women,s vocational training programm for 30215250 -RbmsL¨v Kvh©µ‡gi Rb¨ gwnjv‡`i e„wËgjK cªwk¶Y `vb population 30215260 - Food and Livelihood Security (FLS) 30215260 -Lv`¨ I RxweKvi wbivcËv cÖKí (01/01/2012-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215261 - Technologies for rural employment with 30215261 -MªvgxY gwnjv‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb I Ae¨vnZ Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ reference to women cªhyw³ 30215270 - Establishment of pediatric and Women 30215270 -b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nvmcvZv‡j gwnjv I wkï KvwW©qvK Cardiac Unit in National Heart Foundation BDwbU ¯’vcb (01/01/2012-31/12/2015) Aby‡ygvw`Z 30215271 - Technical assistance project for 30215271 -gwnjv K…wl cªwk¶Y †K‡›`«i I‡q¯‹vi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv agriculture training centre for women 30215280 - Women Agriculture and Handicraft 30215280 -gwnjv n¯@wkí I K…wl cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª, ivRkvnx Training Center. Rajshahi (01/07/2001 - 30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215311 - Strengthening planning capabilities of 30215311 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii e¨e¯’vcbv ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY Ministry of Women Affairs (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) 30215321 - Strengthening of management of 30215321 -BbKvw›Uª †UªBwbs †cÖvMÖvg di `¨v GwMÖKvjPvi †Uªwbs di Women's Directorate (Phase-2) DB‡gb Bb evsjv‡`k DB_ `¨v wdbvbwmqvj GÛ †UKwbK¨vj mv‡cvU© di RvBKv GÛ I‡q¯‹v ((1/7/2000-31/12/04) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215331 - Institutional review of wide capability of 30215331 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj wiwfD Ae DBW K¨vcvwewjwU Ae w` MfY© Government of Bangladesh ‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k 30215620 - Begum Rokeya training centre 30215620 -‡eMg †iv‡Kqv cªwk¶Y †K›`« (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) 30215820 - National Multilateral Skill Development 30215820 -RvZxq eûgyLx `¶Zv e„w×gjK gwnjv cªwk¶Y †K›`« Training Centre for women 30215830 - Day-night care centre for the children of 30215830 -Kg©Rxex gwnjv‡`i wkky‡`i Rb¨ w`evhZœ †K›`« working class women (01/07/1997-30/06/2004) ms†kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 30215831 - Advocacy to Reduce Gender Based 30215831 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Uz †RÛvi †eBRW fvBI‡j›m †_ªv wgwbw÷« Ae Violance Through Ministry of Women and I‡gb GÛ wPj‡Wªb G‡dqvm© (01/01/2003 - Children Affairs (01/01/2003-31/12/2005) 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215840 - Multi sectoral project for prevention of 30215840 -bvix wbh©vZb cªwZ‡ivaK‡í gvwë‡m±ivj cªKí violence to women (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2004) ms†kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 30215850 - Socio economic development of poor 30215850 -`wi`ª gwnjv‡`i Av_© mvgvwRK Dbœqb (evsjv‡`‡ki women gwnjv‡`i mvgwMªK Dbœqb I ¶gZvqb cªK‡íi ¯’jvwfwl³) 30215860 - Project for strengthening policy leadership 30215860 -cwjwm wjWviwkc GÛ G¨vW‡fv‡Kwm di †RÛvi BKz¨wqwU and advocacy for gender equity (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 30215862 - Shariakandi Women Trainning Centre 30215862 -gv dv‡Zgv (ivt) gwnjv cÖwk¶Y I Dbœqb Kg‡c­´ (mvwiqvKvw›` gwnjv cÖwk¶Y ‡K›`«) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30215870 - Construction of 2 hostels for working 30215870 -XvKvi 2wU GjvKvq Kg©Rxex gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡÷j women at Dhaka wbg©vY (01/07/04-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215872 - 30215872 -MªvgxY gwnjv Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/04-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215874 - Social protection 30215874 -‡mvmvj †cªv‡UKkb Ae cyIi wd‡gj IqvKvm© Ae w` Mv‡g©›Um ‡m±i (01/06/2004 - 31/05/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215876 - woman 30215876 -gwnjv n¯@wkí I K…wl cªwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg, w`bvRcyi (01/7/04-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 30215880 - Rural women development project 30215880 -MªvgxY gwnjv Dbœqb cªKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 30215890 - National Women Organisation complex 30215890 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’v Kg‡c­· 30215900 - Women enterpreneurship development 30215900 -gwnjv D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb cªKí project 30216010 - Safe Accomodation and Vocational 30216010 -wQbœg~j †g‡q wkï‡`i wbivc` Avevmb I e„wËg~jK cÖwk¶Y Training Centre for the Rootless Girl and †K›`ª, w`bvRcyi (01/07/2002 - 31/12/2007) Children, Dinajpur (010/7/02-30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 30216020 - Day Care Centre for the Children of 30216020 -‡Rjv kn‡i kªgRxwe gwnjv‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ w`evhZœ Working Mother at District Town (Phase-II) †K›`ª (2q chv©q) (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2007) (010/7/02 - 30/06/06) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 30216030 - 30216030 -Kg©Rxwe gwnjv †nv‡÷j, e¸ov, w`bvRcyi I dwi`cyi 30216110 - Shahid Begum Fazilatun Nesa Mujib 30216110 -knx` †eMg dwRjvZzb †bmv gywRe gwnjv cÖwk¶Y women's training academy GKv‡Wwg (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 30216130 - Women Agriculture Training Institute - 30216130 -gwnjv K…wl cÖwk¶Y BÝwUwUDU, ev‡MinvU (ms‡kvwaZ) Bagerhat (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) (01/07/2000-30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 30216140 - Over all Development of Employment of 30216140 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq gwnjv‡`i mvgwMÖK Dbœqb I Women in Hill Track ¶gZvqb (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) 30216141 - 30216141 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ †_ªv †RÛvi d¨vwmwjwU (chv©q-2) 30216150 - Capacity building for Gender Main 30216150 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di †RÛvi †gBb w÷ªwgs Streaming (01/07/1999-30/05/2002) (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 30216160 - Development of poor women lacking in 30216160 -†÷«s‡`wbs Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Ae Rv¸qvM GÛ food security GgWvwe­DwmG Uy c­vb di wPj‡W«b GÛ I‡gb (3) gwnjv I wkï welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi Ask(we) (1/7/02-31/12/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 30216169 - Development of poor women lacking in 30216169 -Lv`¨ wbivcËvnxb `wi`ª gwnjv‡`i Dbœqb (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨ food security (Food Aid part) Ask) 30216170 - 30216170 -bvix wbhv©Zb cÖwZ‡iva †mj kw³kvjxKiY I AvBb mnvqZv cÖ`vb 30216181 - Support services for women training center 30216181 -mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm di DBg¨vb †Uªwbs †m›Uvi Ae of BJMS wewRGgGm 30216190 - Income Generation Programme for 30216190 -BbKvg †Rbv‡ikb †cÖvMÖvg di KwgDwbwU †eBRW& I‡gb Community Based Women Through †_ªv (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 30217011 - Early Child Development 30217011 -Aviwj PvBì †W‡fjc‡g›U 30217050 - Strengthening Institutional capacity of 30217050 -†óªs‡`wbs BbwówUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Ae Rv¸qvM GÛ Jaguag & MWCA to plan for children and GgWvwe­DwmG Uz c­vb di wPj‡Wªb GÛ I‡gb (gwnjv I woman. wkï welqK gšYvjq) Ask(we) (1/7/02 - 30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 30217140 - Multi sectoral project for prevention of child 30217140 -wkï Dbœqb t wkï cvPvi cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í gvwë‡m±ivj cÖKí trafficking (1/7/02 - 30/6/05) Abby‡gvw`Z 30217150 - Strengthening the Computer Training 30217150 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª Centre of DWA and Establishment of kw³kvjxKiY I †Rjv ch©v‡q Kw¤•DUvi BDwbU ¯’vcb Computer Training Centre at District (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Towns (1/7/02 - 30/6/06) Approved 30217160 - Safe Custody for Women, Children and 30217160 -gwnjv I wkï wK‡kvix †ndvRZx‡`i wbivc` Avevmb Adolescent Girls, Gazipur cÖKí, MvRxcyi (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 30217170 - 30217170 -gwnjv n¯wkí I K…wl cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx w`bvRcyi (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30217180 - 30217180 -gwnjv I wkï Wvq‡ewUm I †gUvewjK nvmcvZvj (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abyt 30217181 - 30217181 -gv dv‡Zgv (ivt) gwnjv cÖwk¶Y I Dbœqb Kg‡cÖ· mvwiqvKvw›` -e¸ov 30217182 - Strengthening the Existing Women 30217182 -6wU wefvMxq kn‡i we`¨gvb bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡iv‡a gwnjv Support Program to Women Vloulance mnvqZv Kg©m~Px kw³kvjxKiY| Against Women at 6 Divisional Town. 30217183 - Social Protection for Dixadvantage Women 30217183 -myweav ewÂZ gwnjv, wK‡kvix Ges wkï‡`i Rb¨ mvgvwRK Children and Adolescent girl Including wbivcËv, e„wËg~jK cÖwk¶Y m‡PZbZv m„wó I Rbms‡hvM Vocational Training and Strengthening the kw³kvjxKiY (3wU AsM cÖKí)| Awareness Raising and public 30217184 - Overall Development and Empowerment 30217184 -wZb cve©Z¨ †Rjvq gwnjv‡`i mvwe©K Dbœqb I ¶gZvqb| of Women of three Hill Tract Districts 30217185 - National VGD Project 30217185 -RvZxq wfwRwW cÖKí| 30217186 - Srtengthening the Women Training Center 30217186 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q gwnjv cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq)| of Deportment of Women Affairs. 30217187 - Strengthening the Deportment of Women 30217187 -gwnjv welqK Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKiY| Affairs. 30217189 - Establishment of Safe Accommodation 30217189 -wQbœg~j †g‡q wkï‡`i Rb¨ wbivc` Avevmb I e„wËg~jK and Vocational Training Center for cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª| Rootless Girl Children 30217190 - . 30217190 -gwnjv I wkï Wvqv‡ewUK, G‡Ûvwµb †gUvewjK nvmcvZvj, †m¸bevwMPv, XvKv (1/7/05-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 30217191 - Day-care Programme for the Children of 30217191 -ga¨weË †kªYxi Kg©Rxex gv‡q‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ w`evhZœ Working mother of middle class family Kg©m~Px| 30217192 - Strengthening and Expansion the 30217192 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii e¨e¯’vcbv ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY Management Capability of the Department I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí| of Women's Affairs. 30217194 - Construction of Hostel for Garment and 30217194 -‡Rjv ch©v‡q Mv‡g©›Um I Ab¨vb¨ wk‡í Kg©iZ gwnjv Others Industrial Female Workers at kªwgK‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡ój wbg©vY cÖKí| District Level. 30217195 - Construction of Women Training Centre at 30217195 -AwaKZi `vwi`ªwcoxZ 12wU †Rjvq gwnjv cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª the Poorest 12 District Level. ¯’vcb| 30217196 - Strengthening the Registered Women 30217196 -gweA Gi wbeÜbK…Z KwgDwbwU †eBRW AM©vbvB‡Rkb Community Based Organization(CBO) of kw³kvjxKiY| Department of Women Affairs. 30217197 - Contruction of five areas Women Career 30217197 -5wU e„nËi †Rjvq Kg©Rxex gwnjv †nv‡ój ¯’vcb| Hostel at greater District Level. 30217198 - Strengthening the Planning Capability of 30217198 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii cwiKíbv Kg©¶gZv the Department of Women Affairs. kw³kvjxKiY| 30217199 - Strengthening the National Women's 30217199 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx Training and Development Academy. kw³kvjxKiY| 30217200 - Promotion of Gender Equality and 30217200 -bvix I cyi“l‡`i g‡a¨ mgZvi Dbœqb Ges bvixi ¶gZvqb Womens Empowerment (01/01/2006 - 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 30217201 - Construction of permanent Woment's 30217201 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx, AwWUwiqvg Training Academy, Auditorium & Day Care I w`evhZœ †K‡›`ªi ¯’vqx feb wbg©vY| (RyjvB, 2006-Ryb, Center Complex of Department of Women 2006) Affairs (DWA) 30217202 - Day-care program for the Children of 30217202 -wbgœweË †kªYxi Kg©Rxex gv‡q‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ w`evhZœ Working mother of lower class family Kg©m~Px| 30217203 - Strengthening the Existing Day care Center 30217203 -‡Rjv gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii w`evhZœ †K›`ª of District Women's Affairs Office. kw³kvjxKiY| 30217204 - Strengthening the Existing Women 30217204 -5wU wefvMxq kn‡i we`¨gvb bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡iv‡a gwnjv Support Programme to Prevent Violence mnvqZv Kg©m–Px †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv m„wó Against Women at 5 Divsional Town. 30217205 - Overall Development and Empowerment 30217205 -wZb cve©Z¨ †Rjvq gwnjv‡`i mvwe©K Dbœqb I ¶gZvqb of Women of three Hill Tract Districts (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30217206 - Daycare programme for the Childern of 30217206 -wbæweË I ga¨weË †kÖYxi Kg©Rxex gwnjv‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ Lower class and middle class & Lower w`evhZœ Kg©m–Px class working women. 30217207 - Awareness Raising Programme Against 30217207 -‡hŠZyK I evj¨ weevn wei“‡× m‡PZbv e„w×g–jK Kg©m–Px Dowry and Early Marrige. 30217208 - Construction of Districts Complex of DWA 30217208 -‡Rjv ch©v‡q gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii Kg‡cз wbg©vY (64 Distric) (64 wU †Rjv) 30217209 - Construction of two Working Women 30217209 -2wU wefvMxq kn‡i (wm‡jU I ewikvj) Kg©Rxex gwnjv Hostels Divisonal Town (Sylhet & Barisal) †nv‡ój ¯’vcb| (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) 30217210 - bb 30217210 -weËnxb gwnjv Dbœqb Kg©m~wP (wfwRwWBDwc) (1/01/2007-31/12/2011) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 30217211 - Construction of Permanent Women's 30217211 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx, AwWUwiqvg Training Academy, Auditorium & Day Care I w`evhZœ †K‡›`ªi ¯’vqx feb wbg©vY Center Complex of DWA. 30217212 - Skill development training of members of 30217212 -gwnjv welqK Awa`ßi wbewÜK †¯^”Qv‡mex gwnjv msMVb the registered NGOs of DWA. m`m¨‡`i `¶Zv g–jK cÖwk¶Y cÖKí| (RyjvB, 2007- (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Ryb, 2010) 30217213 - Strengthening and Modernization of DWA. 30217213 -gwnjv welqK Awa`ßi kw³kvjx I AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí| (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) (RyjvB, 2007- Ryb,2010) 30217214 - Daycare programme for the Children of 30217214 -ga¨weË I wbæweË †kÖYxi Kg©Rxex gwnjv‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ Middle class & Lower class working w`evhZœ Kg©m–Px (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) women. (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) 30217215 - Establishment of Safe Accommodation 30217215 -wQbœg–j wK‡kvix‡`i Rb¨ wbivc` Avevmb I e„wËg–jK and Vocational Training Center for cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª,w`bvRcyi (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Rootless Girl Children. (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217216 - Daycare Prograk for the Children of 30217216 -†iwW‡gBW Mv‡g©›Um IqvK©vi‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ w`evhZœ Readymade Garments Workers (Saver & †K›`ª (mvfvi I UsMx) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Tongi) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217217 - Construction of Working Women Hostels 30217217 -gwnjv Kg©Rxex †nv‡ój (wLjMuvI I wgicyi) m¤•ÖmviY in Dhaka Khilgoan & Mirpur) Extention. (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217218 - Integrated Programme for Developmint for 30217218 -myweav eswPZ gwnjv, wK‡kvix‡`i Dbœq‡b mgwš^Z Kvh©µg Disadantaged Women in Bangladesh. (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217219 - Construction of Women Handicrafts & 30217219 -AwaKZi `vwi`ªwcoxZ 12wU †Rjvq gwnjv n¯@wkí I K…wl Training Centre in 12 Ultra Poor Districts. cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb| (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217220 - Women Entrepreneurship Development. 30217220 -gwnjv D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217221 - The skill development training of memvers 30217221 -gwnjv welqK Awa`ßi wbewÜZ †¯^”Qv‡mex gwnjA msMVb of the registered NGO's of DWA. m`m¨‡`i `¶Zv g–jK cÖwk¶Y cÖKí| (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217222 - Strengthening and Modernization of DWA. 30217222 -gwnjv welqK Awa`ßi kw³kvjx I AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí| (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217223 - Socio-economic Development of Old and 30217223 -¯^v¯’¨ I AvevwmK myweavmn eq¯‹ I `wi`ª gwnjv‡`i Poor Women with the health and Av_©-mvgvwRK Ae¯’vi Dbœqb| Resedential Accomodition. (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217224 - Development of Safe Custadian Women in 30217224 -KvivMv‡i †ndvRZx gwnjv‡`i Dbœqb| jails (6 Divition) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 30217230 - 30217230 -weËnxb gwnjv Dbœqb Kg©mPx (GdGmwfwRwW) 2q ch©vq Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2001-30/06/2008) 30217340 - Building of Infrastructural Facilities in 5 30217340 -bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡iv‡a 5wU wefvMxq kn‡i †fŠZ myweavw` (Five) Divisional Towns to Prevent Violence m„wóKiY (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z Against Women 30217350 - 30217350 -weËnxb gwnjv Kg©m–wP (GdGmwfwRwW) (2q ch©vq) (01/07/01 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 30217360 - Empworment and Potaction of Children 30217360 -GgcvIqvi‡g›U GÛ †cÖv‡UKkb Ae wPj‡Wªb (Bwcwm) (EPC) (01/09/06-31/12/2010) (01/09/06 - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30217361 - Make the poor Adolescent and young 30217361 -`wi`ª wK‡kvix I hye gwnjv‡`i e„wËg–jK cÖwk¶‡Yi gva¨ women Self sufficient through vocational ‡g ¯^vej¤^xKiY (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) training (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30217362 - Expansion & Time-worthy the Begum 30217362 -†eMg †iv‡Kqv cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª I gwnjv K…wl cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª Rokeya training and women agriculture m¤•ÖmviY I hy‡Mvc‡hvMxKiY training centre (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30217363 - Establishment of three Women training 30217363 -PÆMÖvg, wm‡jU I ewikvj wefv‡Mi wZbwU gwnjv cÖwk¶Y center at Chittagong,Sylhet and Barishal †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) division (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30217364 - Social Protection for poor Female 30217364 -†mvmvj †cÖv‡UKkb di cyIi wd‡gj IqvK©vi Ac `¨v Worker of the Garments Sector (1st Mv‡g©›Um †m±i (1g ch©vq) Phase) (01/07/2008 - 30/06/2011) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30217365 - Construction of two Hostel for Female 30217365 -gwnjv Mv‡g©›Um IqvK©vi‡`i Rb¨ 2wU †nv‡ój wbg©vY Garments Workers (01/0702008 - (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30/06/2011) 30217366 - Modemization of Women training centre 30217366 -†Rjv ch©v‡q gwnjv cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb I (WweÐD wU wm) (WTC) at District level (30/07/2010 - AvaywbKiY(30/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/2013) 30217367 - Development of women organizations 30217367 -Z…Yg–j ch©v‡q cwieZ©b AvbqbKvix wnmv‡e bvix msMVb¸ as a change maker at the grassroot level ‡jvi Dbœqb (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) (01/07/2008 - 30/06/2011) 30217368 - Establish Computer training center at 30217368 -†Rjv ch©v‡q Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb District level (01/07/2008 - 30/06/2011) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30217369 - Day-Care program for children of lower 30217369 -wbæweË Kg©Rxwe gv‡q‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ w`evhZœ Kg©m–Px incme working mother (01/07/2008 - (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) 30/06/2011) 30217370 - Integerated Development of Girl Child 30217370 -Kb¨v wkï‡`i Rb¨ mgwb&¡Z Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2009- 30/06/2013) (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) 30217371 - Development in Women Organizations as 30217371 -Z…Ygj ch©v‡q Av_©-mvgvwRK cwieZ©b AvbqbKvix wnmv‡e a Socio-economic Change Maker at Grass bvix msMVb¸‡jvi Dbœqb| (RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2014)| Root Level. ( July/2009-June/2014) 30217372 - Establishment of Safe Accommodation 30217372 -`wi`ª Amnvq cwiev‡ii †g‡q wkï‡`i Rb¨ wbivc` and Vocational Training Academy for Avevmb I e„wËgjK cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx| (01/07/2010- Vulnerable Girl Child. 30/06/2015) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 30217373 - Development of Ultra Poor Women 30217373 -†W‡fí‡g›U Ad AvjUªv cyËi DB‡gb| (July/2009-June/2012). (RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2012)| 30217374 - Constuction of DWA Complwx at Districts 30217374 -†Rjvq ch©v‡q gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii Kg‡c­· wbg©vY Level ( 1st phase ) (1g ch©v‡qv) (01/01/2011-31/12/2013)| (01/01/2011-31/12/2013). 30217375 - Construction of two Hostels for Women's 30217375 -Kg©Rxex gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ 2wU †nv‡ój wbg©vY (mvfvi I Workers (Saver & Gazipur). MvRxcyi) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (July/2009-June/2012) 30217376 - Gender Mainstreaming at Upazilla Level. 30217376 -†RÛvi †gBbwóªwgs G¨vU Dc‡Rjv †j‡fj | (RyjvB (July 2009-June 2013). 2009-Ryb 2013)| 30217377 - Development of the Tribal Women and Girl 30217377 -DcRvZxq bvix I †g‡q wkï‡`i Dbœqb| Child. (July/2009-June/2014) (RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2014) 30217378 - Construction of Permanent Womens 30217378 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx,AwWUwiqvg I Training Academy, Auditorium & Day Care w`evhZœ †K‡›`ªi ¯’vqx feb wbg©vY| Center CompleX of DWA. (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 30217379 - Sheikh Fazilatunnessa Mujib training for 30217379 -‡Uªwbs di wWRGWfvb‡UR I‡gb Ab †iwW‡gU Mv‡g©›Um disadvantage Women on Radimet G¨vU knx` †kL dwRjvZzb †bQv gywRe I‡gb †Uªwbs Garments(01/09/10-31/08/2011) GKv‡Wgx wRivbx, MvRxcyi (01/09/10 - 31/08/2011) 30217380 - Karama jibi Lactating Mather sohaita tohbil 30217380 -Kg©uRxwe †jK‡UwUs gv`vi mnvqZv Znwej 30217381 - Vertical extension of Khilgong and Mirpur 30217381 -wgicyi I wLjMvuI Kg©Rxwe gwnjv‡`i †nv‡ój DשgyLx career women m¤cÖmviY cÖKí(01/01/2011-31/12/2013) hostel(01/01/2011-31/12/2013) 30217382 - Karmajibi Lactates Mother Sohaita Tohbil 30217382 -Kg©Rxwe j¨vK‡UwUm gv`vi mnqZv Znwej

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30217383 - Integrated Development of Girl Child 30217383 -Kb¨v wkï‡`i Rb¨ mgwš^Z Dbœqb (01/01/2011-31/12/2015) (01/01/2011-31/12/2015) 30217384 - Construction of DWA Complex at Districts 30217384 -†Rjv ch©v‡q gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii Kg‡c­• wbg©vY (2q Level (2nd phase) ch©vq) (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) 30217385 - Strengthening and capacity Development 30217385 -gwnjv welqK Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKiY I `Zv Dbœqb of DWA. (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30217386 - 30217386 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wgxi 6wU †Rjv kvLv Kg‡cз feb wbg©vY (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) 30217387 - Food and livelihood security project (FLS) 30217387 -Lv`¨ I RxweKv wbivcËv cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30217388 - Establishment of Working Women Hostel 30217388 -bvwjZvevwo Kg©Rxwe gwnjv †nv‡÷j Kvg †Uªwbs †m›Uvi and Vocational Training Centre at ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) Nalitabari, Sharpur (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 30217389 - Vertical Extension of Shahid Sheikh 30217389 -knx` †kL dwRjvZz‡bœQv gywRe gwnjv cÖwkY GKv‡Wgx Fajilatunnesa Mujib Women Training DaŸ©g~Lx m¤cÖmviY cÖKí(01/07/2011-30/06/2016) Academy Project(01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 30217390 - Establishment of Pediatric and Women 30217390 -BmUvewjk‡g›U Ae c¨vwWqvwUK GÛ I‡gb KvwW©qvK Cardiac Unit in National Heart Found ion of BDwbU Bb b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh cÖKí(01/07/2011-30/06/2015) Project(01/07/2011-30/06/2015) 30217391 - Establishment of Working Women Hostel 30217391 -‡mvbvB‡gvox, KvwjMÄ, AvovBnvRvi, gVevwoqv I Cam Vocational Training Centre at wc‡ivRcyi m`i Dc‡Rjvq Kg©Rxwe gwnjv †nv‡÷j Kvg Sonaimory, Kaligonj, †Uªwbs †m›Uvi wbg©vY cÖKí(01/07/2011-30/06/2016) Arihajir, Modbaria and Pirogur Sader Uporjela Project(01 30217392 - Establishment of Vocational Training 30217392 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q e„wËg~jK cÖwkY †K›`ª ¯’vcb (480wU Centre at Upazilla Level (480 Upazilla) Dc‡Rjv) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 3080-3085 - Special Programmes 3080-3085 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 3080 - Special Programme 3080 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 30804585 - 30804585 -wkï Dbœqb Kg©mPx 3096-3098 - Development Programme Financed by 3096-3098 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3096 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3096 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 30960000 - Block Allocation 30960000 -‡_vK eivÏ 30964300 - Women Self Employment (Block Battic & 30964300 -gwnjv‡`i AvZ¥Kg©¯nv‡bi Rb¨ (eøK-evwUK GÛ ¯Œxb Scane Printing Tranning Programme wcÖw›Us) cÖwkÿY Kg©m~Px (40wU †Rjv kvLv) (01/07/2012- 30/06/2015) (01/07/2012 †_‡K 30/06/2015) 30964301 - Training for Beautification and English 30964301 -weDwUwd‡Kkb I Bs‡iRx fvlv wkÿv cÖwkÿY (20wU Languase Programme (20 Distict) †Rjv) (01/07/2012 †_‡K 30/06/2015) (01/07/2012 †_‡K 30/06/2015) 30964302 - Establishment fo Child Friendly Centre in 30964302 -wmWi I AvBjvq ÿwZMÖ¯’ GjvKvq wkï evÜe †K›`ª ¯’vcb Sidor & Aila Affected Areas. Kg©m~wP (01/07/2012 †_‡K 30/06/2015) 30964303 - Our Freedom Fihgting 30964303 -Avgv‡`i gyw³hy× (gyw³hy‡×i cÖK…Z BwZnvmwfwËK wkï (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) ‡Zvl eB cÖKvkbv) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) 30964304 - Poor Mother 30964304 -`wi`ª we‡gvP‡b gvZ…Z¡Kvj fvZv cÖvß gv‡`i Rb¨ Ô¯^cœÕ c¨v‡KR (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) 30964305 - Shishu Nattay utshab 30964305 -wkï bvU¨ Drme 30964306 - Cultural Training Program For Children in 30964306 -wefvMxq kn‡i wkï‡`i mvs¯‹„wZK cÖwkÿY ‡K›`ª Divisional Cities(01/07/2015-30/06/2018) Pvj~KiY|(01/07/2015-30/06/2018) 30964307 - Trafficking Obstruct and Rrehabilitation of 30964307 -mvZ???xiv I PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvq bvix, wkï I wK‡kvix Women. Children and Adolescent at cvPvi cªwZ‡iva I cyb©evmb Kg©m–Px (01/07/2012 - Satkhira and Chapai Nawabgonj District 30/06/2015) (01/07/2012 - 30/06/2015)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30964308 - Day Care Center for Women Laber's 30964308 -Mv‡g©›Um KviLvbvi bvix kªwgK‡`i wkï‡`i Rb¨ Children of Garments Factory (10 Centre) †W-†Kqvi †m›Uvi Kg©m~Px(10 wU †m›Uvi) (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) 30964309 - Exceptional business plan for Registered 30964309 -wbeÜbK…Z gwnjv mwgwZwfwËK e¨wZµgx e¨emvqx D‡`¨vM Women co-operative (Joetha-Halohaghat) (RwqZv-nvjyqvNvU) (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) 30964310 - Special transport opportunity for garments 30964310 -Mv‡g©›U‡m Kg©iZ bvix kªwgK‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl cwienY women myweav Kg©m~Px (01/07/2013-31/30/06/2016) workers(01/07/2013-31/30/06/2016) 30964311 - Skill development programme for women 30964311 -wbeÜbK…Z †¯^”Qv‡mex gwnjv mwgwZi AvIZvq bvix enterpreuners under registered self D‡`¨v³v‡`i `ÿZv e„w×KiY service co-operative Kg©m~Px(01/01/2015-31/12/2018) (01/01/2015-31/12/2018) 30964312 - Programme for safe maternity center for 30964312 -Mv‡g©›U‡m Kg©iZ bvix kªwgK‡`i Rb¨ wbivc` gvZ„Z¡ garments women workers †K›`ª cwiPvjbv Kg©m~Px (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) 30964313 - Programme for day care center of women 30964313 -Mv‡g©›U‡m Kg©iZ bvix kªwgK‡`i mšÍvb‡`i Rb¨ Garments worker's children †W-†Kqvi †m›Uvi Kg©m~Px (01/01/2015-31/12/2018) (01/01/2015-31/12/2018) 30964314 - Health, education and safety program for 30964314 -‡hŠb Kgx©‡`i mšÍvb, Amnvq GwZg I c_ wkï‡`i ¯^v¯’ sex workers children, helpless orphan and ¨, wkÿv I wbivcËv msµvšÍ street children (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Kg©m~Px(01/07/2014-30/06/2018) 30964315 - Women Entrepreneurship Development 30964315 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb cÖwk¶Y Training 30964316 - Program for Women Entrepreneurs Skill 30964316 -bvix D‡`¨v³v `¶Zv Dbœqb †K›`ª I †nv‡÷j mnvqZv Development Center and Hostel 30964317 - Nari Uddokta Unayan Prash ( Joyeeta 2nd 30964317 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb cÖqvm (RwqZv 2q ch©vq) Phase) 30964318 - Specialized Modern Trade Training 30964318 -we‡klvwqZ AvaywbK ‡U«W cÖwk¶Y (Lv`¨ cÖwµqvRvZKiY I Program (Beautification and Food weDwUwd‡Kkb) Processing 30964319 - Social Assistance Program for Non- 30964319 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b gvZ…Z¡Kvjxb fvZv cÖvß gvÕ‡`i Rb¨ Ò Asseters (01/07/2014- 30/06/2016) ¯^cœÓ c¨v‡KR kxl©K Kg©m~wP (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) 30964320 - Women Enterneurship Development and 30964320 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb I m¤úªmviY kxl©K Kg©m~wP Extention programe (01/01/2014- (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) 30/06/2016) 30964321 - Women Enterneurship Development 30964321 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb wi‡mvm© †m›Uvi Resource Center (01/01/2014- (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) 30/06/2016) 30964322 - Women Entrepreneurshis Development 30964322 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY and Extension (01/02/2014-30/06/2016) 30964323 - Women Entrepreneurship Development 30964323 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb wi‡mvm© ‡m›Uvi Resource Center (01/02/2014-30/06/2016) 30964324 - Social Assistance Progrmme for 30964324 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b gvZ„Z¡Kvjxb evZv cÖvß gvÕ‡`i Rb¨ ÔÕ Non-Asetors ¯^cœÕÕ c¨v‡KR 30964326 - Strengthening Program of Bangladesh 30964326 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wwg jvB‡eªix kw³kvjxKi‡Yi Rb¨ shishu Academy Library through A‡Uv‡gkb wWwRUvB‡Rkb (†K›`ªxh Kvh©vjq I 64 †Rjv) Automation and Digitalization( Central and (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 64 District Units) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 30964327 - Modernization and Repair-Maintenance 30964327 -evsjv‡`k wkï GKv‡Wwgi Rv`yNi ms¯‹vi, †givgZ I Program of Bangladesh Shishu Academy AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Museum (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) 30964328 - Program on Child Encyclopedia, 30964328 -wkï-wek¦‡Kvl ms¯‹iY, Awfavb, wPivqZ mvwnZ¨ I HwZn¨ Dictionary, Classic Literature and cwiwPwZg–jK Mš’ cÖKvk (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Hereditary books publication (01/07/2014-30/06/2017). 30964329 - Prevention of Violence Against Children 30964329 -wkïi cÖwZ mwnsmZv cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í evj¨weevn m¤•‡K© through Awareness raising Program on m‡PZbZv e„w×KiY (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) child marriage.(01/07/2014-30/06/2016)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30964330 - Day-Care Center Program for Children of 30964330 -Mv‡g©›Um KviLvbvi bvix kÖwgK‡`i mš@vb‡`i Rb¨ women worker of Garment Industries. †W-†Kqvi †m›Uvi (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) 30964331 - Rural Women Entrepreneurs Skills 30964331 -MÖvgxb bvix D‡`¨v³v‡`i `¶Zv weKvk cÖwk¶Y (Dc‡Rjv Development Training Program at Upzilla ch©vq) .(01/07/2014-30/06/2017) level.(01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 30964332 - Women Motor Drving Training and 30964332 -bvix WªvBwfs cÖwk¶Y I Kg©ms¯’vb Employment Generation Project. (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 30964333 - Women ICT Freelancer and 30964333 -bvix AvBwmwU d«x-j¨vÝvi Ges D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb Entrepreneurship Training.. (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 30964334 - Catering (Food Preparation, Preservation 30964334 -K¨vUvwis (Lv`¨ cÖ¯‘ZKiY, msi¶Y I mvwf©wms) cÖwk¶Y and Servicing) Training District.. (†Rjv ch©vq).(01/07/2014-30/06/2017) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 30964335 - Awareness Raising Program to Restrain 30964335 -MvRxcyi †Rjvi Rb¨ evj¨weevn cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í m‡PZbZv Early Marriage and Violence Against e„w×g–jK.(01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Children in Gazipur District. (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) 30964336 - Programme for healthcare awareness 30964336 -nwiRb †kÖYxi gwnjv &I wkï‡`i ¯^v¯’¨ m‡PZbZv e„w×, ¯^v¯’ building, providing health service and ¨ †mev cÖ`vb Ges wkï‡`i †jLvcov wbwðZKiY ensuring child education in the Horijon (2014-15 †_‡K 2016-17) community. 30964337 - Programme for incerasing awareness for 30964337 -nweMÄ †Rjvi myweav ewÂZ bvixi Rxeb `¶Zv Dbœq‡bi enhancement living standard and capacity Rb¨ m‡PZbZv e„w× (2014-15 †_‡K 2016-17) of underprivilleged women in Habiganj district 30964338 - hkhljhljkl 30964338 -cÖviw¤¢K †gavweKvk `¶Zv e„w× 30964339 - Joyeeta Karjokrom Karmashuchee theke 30964339 -RwqZv Kvh©µg Kg©m–wP †_‡K dvD‡Ûk‡b ¯’vbvš@‡ii Rb¨ Foundatione Sthanantorer Jonno Bridging weªwRs Kg©m–wP Karmashuchee 30964585 - Children Development Programme 30964585 -wkï Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) (2003-04 to 2005-06) 30964635 - Computer Training Program for Children 30964635 -wkï‡`i Rb¨ Kw¤•DUvi cÖwk¶Y(2010-11 n‡Z 2012-13) 30964636 - Publication of life and workbased books 30964636 -uRvwZi RbK e½eÜy Rxeb I Kg©wfwËK wkï Mªš’gvjv on the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu cÖKvk (2010-11 n‡Z 2011-12) for Children 30964637 - Empowering Adolescent girls and boys 30964637 -K¬v‡e msMwVZ K‡i mgv‡Ri BwZevPK cwieZ©‡b through organizing them in adolescent wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix‡`i ¶gZvqb( Clubs for brining Positive Changes within 01/07/2011-30/06/2014) the communities ( 01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964719 - Specialized Modern Trade Training 30964719 -we‡klvwqZ AvaywbK ‡U«W cÖwk¶Y Kg©m–wP ( 01/02/2011 Programme n‡Z 30/06/2013) 30964720 - Women Information Technology (IT) 30964720 -gwnjv‡`i AvBwU cÖwk¶Y Kg©m–wP ( 01/02/2011 n‡Z Training Programme 30/06/2013) 30964735 - Strengthening Programme for Sales & 30964735 -weµq I cÖ`k©bx †K›`ª A½bv †Rvi`vi I kw³kvjxKiY Display Centre, Angana.(2005-06 to (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 2006-07) 30964737 - Strengthening programme of Bangladesh 30964737 -wkï GKv‡Wgxi Kvh©µg kw³kvjx KiY Kg©m~Px Sishu Academy. ( 01/07/2007-30/06/2010 ) (1/7/2007-30/6/2010) 30964780 - Introducing e-service delivery in Directorate 30964780 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii Kvh©µg B-mvwf©‡mi of Women Affairs AvIZvfy³KiY Kg©m–wP ( 01/02/2011 n‡Z 30/06/2013) 30964823 - Child Development Project (2nd Phase) 30964823 -wkky Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2q ch©vq) 30964824 - Children Development Progamme (3rd 30964824 -wkï Dbœqb Kg©mPx(3q ch©vq)(01/07/2010- Phase) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30/06/2013)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30964825 - --Series Publication on the life and Works 30964825 -RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb Gi Rxeb I of Father of the nation Bangabandhu Kg©wfwËK avivevwnK MÖš’ cÖKvk Sheikh Mugibur Rahman (01/07/2009-30/06/2011)| (01/07/2009-30/06/2011). 30964826 - Karmajibi Lactating Mother Sohaita Tohbil 30964826 -Kg©Rxwe j¨vK‡UwUs gv`vi mnqZv Znwej (01/07/2010 (01/07/2010 - 30/06/2013) - 30/06/2013) 30964827 - Project for publication of series books on 30964827 -RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rxeb I life and activities of the father of nation Kg©wfwËK MÖýgvjv cÖKvk Bangabandu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964828 - Project for revised & reprint of children 30964828 -wkï-wek¦‡Kvl ms¯‹iY I wbe©vwPZ Ab¨vb¨ eB c~bg©y`ªY encyclopedia & selected other books. (01/07/2010-13) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964829 - Project for computer training of Children. 30964829 -wkï‡`i Kw¤úDUvi cÖwkY Kg©m~Px (30 †Rjv kn‡i) (30 District) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-13) 30964830 - Project for publication & distribution of 30964830 -‡`k e¨vcx cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q weZi‡Yi Rb¨ wkï cwÎKv monthly shishu magazine for primary cÖKvk (01/07/2010-13) school. (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964831 - Project for education & culture training of 30964831 -nZ`wi`ª I c_ wkï‡`i Rb¨ wkv I mvs¯‹…wZK cÖwkY †K›`ª ultra poor & street children.(Divisional Pvjy Kib ( wefvMxq kn‡i)(åvg¨gvb wPÎvsKb/wkï‡Zvl Cities) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Kvh©µgmn) (01/07/2010-13) 30964832 - Project for publication of books for 30964832 -cÖvK-we`¨vjq wkï‡`i Dc‡hvMx eB Ges wkï ¯^v¯’¨ pre-school & child right related materials. AwaKvi welqK DcKiY cÖKvk I weZiY (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-13) 30964833 - Project for educational and nutritional 30964833 -nZ`wi`ª wkï‡`i cywó I ¯‹zj Mg‡bi Rb¨ wkï fvZv allowance of ultra poor school going (01/07/2010-13) children. (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964834 - Project for Children training Program of 30964834 -b`x fvsMb wmWi I Avqjvq wZMMÖ¯’ GjvKvi wkï‡`i river ererosion, Cyclone Aila and Sidr Rb¨ cÖwkY Kg©m~wP (01/07/2010-13) affected area.(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964835 - Support to Women Entrepreneurship 30964835 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb cÖqvm (bvDDc) ( 01/02/2011 Development n‡Z 30/06/2013) 30964836 - Strengthening of existing sewing 30964836 -RvZxq gwnjv ms¯’vi we`¨gvb †mjvB GgeªqWvix cÖwkY embroidary training of JMS and introducing kw³kvjxKiY Ges e­K evwUK GÛ ¯Œxb wcÖw›Us cÖwkY block batique & screan printing training Pvj~KiY Kg©m~Px (01/07/2010-2013) (01.07.2010-2013) 30964837 - Specialized Modern Trade Training 30964837 -we‡klvwqZ AvaywbK †UªW cÖwkY Kg©m~Px Lv`¨ Program on Food processing, Food cÖwµqvRvZKiYI Lv`¨ ˆZix,bKkx Kuv_v, e­K evwUK I ¯ Making Noksikatha,Block Vatic & Skin Œxb wcÖw›Us , †gvevBj I ˆe`y¨wZK hš¿cvwZ mvwf©wms, Ges Printing, Mobile & electronic goods Bs‡iwR fvlv cÖwkY Kg©m~Px(15wU †Rjv) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) servicing and English Lang.(Disticts-15) (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) 30964838 - Victim Support Centre 30964838 -wfKwUg mv‡c©vU †m›Uvi (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964839 - Integrated Safety net for Maternity 30964839 -gvZ„Z¡Kvjxb fvZv †K›`ªxK mgwš^Z mvgvwRK wbivcËv Allowance program †eóbx (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964840 - Safety net program for bedey Women, 30964840 -evsjv‡`‡k emevmiZ †e‡` bvix, wkï I wK‡kvix‡`i Child and Adolescent of Bangladesh. mvgvwRK wbivcËv †eóbx‡Z Avbqb (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964841 - Development of Women Entrepreneur 30964841 -bvix D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb cÖqvm Programme (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964842 - Strengthening of Rajshahi, Bagerhat, 30964842 -ivRkvnx, ev‡MinvU, w`bvRcyi I mvwiqvKvw›` gwnjv Dinajpur & Sariakandi Handicrafts Training n¯—wkí cÖwkY †K›`ª kw³kvjxKiY Centre (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964843 - Income Generating Asset Distribution 30964843 -mviv‡`ke¨vcx ch©vqµ‡g nZ`wi`ª bvix‡`i mvej¤^x K‡i Program for Ultra poor Women to †Zvjvi j‡¨ Avqea©K m¤ú` (Income Generating Gradually self reliance in overall Asset) weZiY Kg©m~Px (†hgb-‡mjvB †gwkb, nuvm, Bangladesh (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) gyiMx, Pvwn

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 30964844 - Rehabilitate Allowance for Women of 30964844 -nvIi, b`xfvsMb, Pi, wmWi, AvBjv GjvKvq bvix‡`i Hawar, River errashan, Charm AYLA & c~b©evmb fvZv (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) SIDR effected area. (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964845 - Distribution of Safe drinking water, Health 30964845 -ew¯— GjvKvi gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ my‡cq cvwb mieivn, ¯^v¯’¨ I & Sanitation Services. †mwb‡Ukb †mev Kg©m~Px (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964846 - Establish in District Level OCC ( One Stop 30964846 -‡Rjv ch©v‡q Iwmwm(Iqvb ÷c µvBwmm †m›Uvi) ¯’vcb Crisis Centre)(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 30964847 - Enlisting E-Service Progromme to the 30964847 -gwnjv welqK Awa`߇ii Kvh©µg B-mvwf©‡mi Activites of Department of Women Affairs AvIZvf~³KiY Kg©m~Px; 30964848 - Empowerment Programme of youth, 30964848 -Kv‡e msMwVZ K‡i mgv‡Ri BwZevPK cwieZ©‡b gathering in the club for Positive changing wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix‡`i gZvqb to the Society (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) Kg©m~Px;(01/01/2011-31/12/2013) 30964849 - Training Programme for River broken, 30964849 -b`x fv½b, wmWi I AvBjvq wZMÖ¯’ GjvKvq wkï‡`i Rb¨ Sidor and Ayla Affected cÖwkY Kg©m~Px (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Children(01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964850 - Capacity Building for Women 30964850 -bvixi gZvq‡bi gva¨‡g †`‡ki ¯’vqxZ¡kxj Av_©-mvgvwRK Empowerment of Women Association as Dbœq‡b †PÄ †gKvi wnmv‡e bvix msMVb ¸‡jvi K¨vcvwmwU Change Maker to Develop Socio Economic wewìs(01/07/2011-30/06/2014 Condition (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964851 - Computer Training Programme for 30964851 -wkï‡`i Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi cÖwk¶Y Kg©m~Px (34 †Rjv), 2q Children (34 Districts), 2nd Phase ch©vq(01/07/2013-30/06/2016) (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) 30964852 - self employment for Women of Trade 30964852 -gwnjv‡`i AvZœ-Kg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ †UªW cÖwk¶Y Kg©m~Px, Training Programme (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964853 - Build for Coxs Bazar District Complex 30964853 -K•evRvi †Rjv Kg‡c­• wbg©vb Kg©m~Px , Programme (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964854 - Build for NarayanGonj District Complex 30964854 -bvivqbMÄ †Rjv Kg‡c­• feb wbg©vb Kg©m~Px, Programme, (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) 30964855 - To Protect early marriage and Awarness 30964855 -evj¨weevn cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í wK‡kvix I AwfeveK‡`i building among the adolation and their m‡PZbZv e„w×KiY Kg©m~Px, parents programme, (01/07/2012-30/06/2016) (01/07/2012-30/06/2016) 30964856 - Safely Migration and Trafficing Protection 30964856 -bvixi wbivc` Awfevmb I cvPvi cÖwZ‡iva| for Women (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964857 - Capacity build up of Registered Mahila 30964857 -bvixi gZvqb I ¯’vqxZ¡kxj Dbœq‡b wbeÜYK…Z gwnjv Samity for Women Empowerment and mwgwZ¸wji K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Sustainability (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964858 - Modernize Courses of National Women 30964858 -RvZxq gwnjv Dbœqb I cÖwkY GKv‡Wgxi †Kvm© mg~n Development and Training Academy h‡Mvc‡hvMxKiY (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964859 - Programe on Gender Mainstreaming 30964859 -‡RÛvi g~javivKiY (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 30964860 - Establishment of Solar Panel for 30964860 -‡mvjvi c¨v‡bj ¯’vcb (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) continution of E-Service Programe (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 3099-3099 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3099-3099 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3099 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3099 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 30990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 30990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 31 - Ministry of Labour and Employment 31 - kªg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvjq 3101-3120 - Administration 3101-3120 -cªkvmb 3101 - Secretariat 3101 -mwPevjq 31010001 - Secretariat 31010001 -mwPevjq 31010010 - National Wages and Productivity 31010010 -RvZxq gRywi I Drcv`bkxjZv Kwgkb Commission

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 31015001 - Block allocation 31015001 -‡_vKeivÏ 31015010 - Industrial Stipend Progrmme for the 31015010 -KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ªmg–n Ges evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Trainees of Technical training centres and Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwRi cªwk¶Yv_x©‡`i Af¨š@ixY e„wË Bangladesh Institute of Marine Technology cÖ`vb Kg©m–wP (5g ch©vq) (01/07/2000- (Phase-5) 30/06/2005) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 31015011 - Family welfare and reproductive health 31015011 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ GÛ GBP AvB education for tea plantation workers wf/GBWm wcÖ‡fbkb cÖ‡R± di wU c­¨vb‡Ukb KwgDwbwUm Bb wm‡jU wWwfkb (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015012 - Changing Gender Norms of Garment 31015012 -†PBwÄs †RÛvi bigm Ae Mv‡g©›Um Ggc­BR Employees (CHANGE) (01/10/2014-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/10/2014-31/12/2016) approved 31015013 - Improving Working Conditions in the 31015013 -BgcÖ“wfs IqvwK©s KwÛkb Bb `¨v †iwW‡gU Mv‡g©›Um †m±i Ready-Made Garment Sector in (AviGgwR) (01/01/2014-31/03/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangladesh (01/01/2014-31/03/2017) 31015014 - Promoting Fundamental Rights at Work 31015014 -cÖ‡gvwUs dvÛv‡g›Uvj ivBUm G¨vU IqvK© GÛ †jevi and Labour Relations in Export Oriented wi‡jkbm Bb G·‡cvU© Iwi‡q‡›UW BÛvw÷«R Bb Industries in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/05/2014-31/08/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/05/2014-31/08/2015) approved 31015020 - Feasibility study for the project 31015020 -KjKviLvbv Kg©cwi‡ek ¯^v¯’¨ I wbivcËv kxl©K cÖK‡íi Development of working environment, m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v 1/7/200-30/6/2001) health and security in Factories 31015021 - Family Welfare and Reproductive Health 31015021 -d¨vwgwj I‡qj‡dqvi GÛ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ GWy‡Kkb Education and Services for Garment mvwf©‡mm di Mv‡g©›Um IqvKvm© Workers (1/1/2003-31/12/2005) (01/01/2003-31/12/2005) (ms‡kvwaZ) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015030 - Establishment of a New Labor Welfare 31015030 -gv`vixcyi wkí GjvKvq GKwU bZzb kÖg Kj¨vY †K›`ª centre for Madharipur Industrial Area ¯’vcb (1/7/200-30/6/2003) 31015031 - Promotion of Reproductive Health Gender 31015031 -cÖ‡gvkb Ae wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_, †RÛvi BKy¨qvwjwU GÛ equility & womens expowerment in the DB‡gÝ G¤•vIqvi‡g›U Bb `¨v Mv‡g©›Um †m±i Garments sector (1/1/06-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015040 - Establishment of 7 Technical Training 31015040 -VvKziMvuI, jvjgwbinvU, PvcvB-beveMÄ, biwms`x, Centers in Thakurgaon, Lalmonirhat, LvMovQwo, bv‡Uvi I j²xcyi †Rjvq GKwU K‡i †gvU 7wU Chapainababgong, Nasrshingdi, KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K›`« ¯’vcb Khagrachhory, Natore and Luxmipur (01/07/2000-30/06/2008)(Aby‡gvw`Z) District 31015041 - Promotion of Reproductive Health 31015041 -cÖ‡gvkb Ae wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_, wi‡cÖvWvKwUf ivBUm, Reproductive rights, gender equality is †RÛvi BK¨yqvwjwU, GÛ wcÖ‡fbkb Ae GBPAvBwf/GBWm prevention of HIV/AIDS in tea plantation Bb wU c­¨v‡›Ukb KwgDwbwUR (1/1/06-31/12/2010) communities Aby‡gvw`Z 31015050 - Eradication of Child labor from Hazardous 31015050 -evsjv‡`‡k SuywKc–Y© Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ wkï kÖg wbimb work of Bangladesh (1/7/2000-30/6/2005) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 31015051 - Promoting gender equality and pravening 31015051 -cÖ‡gvwUs †RÛvi BKzqvwjwU GÛ wcÖ‡fbwUs fv‡qv‡j›m violence against women at workplace G‡MBb÷ DB‡gb G¨vU IqvK©‡c­m (01/01/2009-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015060 - Strengthening of directorate of industry 31015060 -KjKviLvbv I cªwZôvb cwi`k©b cwi`ßi kw³kvjxKiY inspection 31015070 - Training programme for employe about 31015070 -‡ckvMZ ¯^v¯’¨ we‡k­lY I `yN©Ubv cªwZ‡iv‡ai Rb¨ cÖwk¶Y health and avoiding accident Kg©mPx 31015080 - Rehabilitation of disabled labours 31015080 -c½y kªwgK‡`i cybev©mb 31015090 - Internal scholarship for polytechincal 31015090 -KvwiMix cªwk¶Y †K›`«mgn I weAvBGgwU Gi QvÎ I teachers and students cªwk¶K 31015100 - 31015100 -ivRevox I †nvgbvq (Kzwgj­v) 1wU K‡i KvwiMix cÖwk¶b †K›`ª Ges Kvcvwmqvq GKwU gwnjv KvwiMix cÖwk¶b †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015110 - Establishment of 6 Technical Training 31015110 -Puv`cyi, we-evwoqv, biwms`x, j¶xcyi, bv‡Uvi Ges Centres in Chandpur, Brahmn baria, †MvcvjMÄ †Rjvq 1wU K‡i †gvU 6wU KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y Narshingdhi, Luxmipur, Natore and †K›`ª ¯’vcb ( Gopalgonh Districts 31015120 - Creation of self employment and 31015120 -Kg©ms¯’vb †mevi gva¨‡g †Rjv I Dc‡Rjvq expansion of small trade and industries AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb I ¶z`ª e¨emv/wkí m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí (ce©-2) units at Zilla and Upazilla level (Phase-2)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 31015121 - Family welfare and reproductive health 31015121 -d¨vwgwj I‡qj‡dqvi GÛ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_& GWz‡Kkb education for tea plantation workers di wUª c­vb‡Ukb IqvK©vm© (1/7/99-31/12/2002) 31015130 - Installation of statistical collection and 31015130 -kªg cwi`ßivaxb cwimsL¨vb msMªn msi¶Y I cwiex¶Y evaluation cell at directorate of Labour †Kvl ¯’vcb I Dbœqb cÖKí 31015140 - Establishment of seven new labour 31015140 -Pv evMvb GjvKvq 7wU f¨vwj‡Z 7wU bZzb kªgKj¨vY †K›`ª centres for seven tea garden valleys ¯’vcb 31015141 - Family welfare and reproductive heath 31015141 -d¨vwgwj I‡qj‡dqvi GÛ wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_& GWz‡Kkb education services for garment workers mvwf©‡mm di Mv‡g©›Um& IqvK©vm© (1/7/99-31/12/2002) 31015150 - Education of Hazardous Child Labour in 31015150 -evsjv‡`‡k SuywKc–Y© Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ wkï kªg wbimb (3q Bangladesh ch©vq) (01/11/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015151 - Skill Training and Employment Promotion 31015151 -¯‹xj †Uªwbs GÛ Ggc­q‡g›U cÖ‡gvkb di I‡gb †_ªv †÷ for Women through strengthening the TTC ªs‡`wbs w` wUwUwm (01/07/1999-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015160 - Pilot project for introducing training course 31015160 -wewfbœ wUwUwm ‡Z BÛ«vw÷ªqvj myBs †gwkb Acv‡iUi GÛ on industrial sewing machine operation †gBb‡U‡bÝ, †iwWI/wU wf, Gqvi KwÛkvwbs Ges and maintenance of Radio/TV, Air †iwd«Rv‡ikb †Kvm© cÖeZ©‡bi Rb¨ cvBjU cÖKí conditioning and Refrigeration 31015170 - Scholarship programme for the trainees of 31015170 -KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ªmgn I weAvBGgwU Gi cÖwk¶Yv_x© TTC's and BIMTs ‡`i Af¨šixY e„wË cÖ`vb cÖKí 31015180 - Vocational guidance and self employment 31015180 -we‡`k Kg©iZ evsjv‡`kx Kgx©‡`i Kg©wb‡`©kbv I Aby`vb programme for outgoing workers 31015190 - Introduction of computer courses and new 31015190 -wewfbœ wUwUwm‡Z Kw¤•DUvi †Kvm©mn bZyb †U«W PvjyKiY trades in existing TTC's cÖKí 31015210 - Project for computerisation of BMET 31015210 -kªg evRvi Z_¨ msMªn I Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb headquarter and labour market data preservation 31015220 - Strengthening of Bangladesh Institute of 31015220 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR AvaywbKvqb Marine Technology (Phase-2) (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) (ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z) 31015230 - Northern Areas Reduction of Poverty 31015230 -b`v©b Gwiqvm wiWvKkb Ae ‡cvfvwU© Bwbwm‡qwUf Initiatives (NARI) (01/01/2012-31/12/2015) (Gb.G.Avi.AvB.) (01/01/12 - 31/12/15) 31015240 - Completion of reforms and development of 31015240 -21wU kªgKj¨vY †K›`ª Ges PviwU wkí m¤•K© existing 21 labour welfare centres and 4 wk¶vqZbmg–‡ni ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb m¤•Kx©q AmgvßKvR industrial training centres m¤•bœKiY (ms‡kvwaZ) 31015281 - JAICA expert to be attached to BMET 31015281 -RvBKv G·cvU© Uz we G¨vUvPW DB_ weGgBwU 31015291 - Family planning education and services for 31015291 -evsjv‡`k Pv evMvb kªwgK‡`i cwievi cwiKíbv wk¶v I Bangladesh tea garden labour ‡mev`vb cÖKí 31015311 - Project for family planning and welfare 31015311 -msMwVZ kªg‡¶‡Î cwievi cwiKíbv I cwievi Kj¨vY services to the industrial sector welqK cÖKí 31015341 - Management reforms project 31015341 -e¨e¯’vcbv ms¯‹vi cªKí 31015381 - Language training for migrant workers 31015381 -we‡`‡k Kg©ms¯’vbx‡`i Rb¨ ˆe‡`wkK fvlv wk¶v cªKí 31015420 - Establishment of 11 TTC's at old greater 31015420 -‡`‡ki cyivZb GMviwU †Rjvq GMviwU KvwiMwi cªwk¶Y districts including one TTC for women in †K›`« Ges XvKv‡Z gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ GKwU KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y Dhaka †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/1995-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015422 - 5 women technical training centres at 31015422 -ivRkvnx, Lyjbv, PUªMÖvg, wm‡jU I ewikvj wefvMxq m`‡i Rajshahi, Khulna, Chittagong, Sylhet and 5wU gwnjv KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª Ges LvMovQwo, Barishal and 4 technical training centre at j¶xcyi, wK‡kviMÄ I wmivRMÄ †Rjvq 4wU KvwiMix Khagrachari, Lakshmipur cÖwk¶Y 31015710 - Enhancement of infrastructure facilities for 31015710 -KvwiMwi cªwk¶Y †K›`ªmg–‡n GmGmwm (‡fv‡Kkbvj) introducing SSC vocational course in TTC †Kvm© cÖeZ©‡bi j‡¶¨ AeKvVv‡gvMZ my‡hvM myweav e„w×KiY (1/7/97-30/6/2002) 31015810 - Strengthening of 9 old TTC's through the 31015810 -cyivZb 9 wU KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ª AZ¨vaywbK †UªW Pvjy introduction of modern trades Kivi gva¨‡g kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (1/7/97-30/6/2003) 31015811 - Advocacy on reproductive health and 31015811 -GW‡fv‡Kwm Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_& GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R gender issues for Industrial workers di BÛvw÷qvj IqvK©vm© (1/7/99-31/12/2002) 31015812 - 5 women TTC at Rajshahi, Khulna, 31015812 -ivRkvnx, Lyjbv, PÆMÖvg, ewikvj I wm‡jU wefvMxq m`‡i Chittagong, Sylhet and Barishal & 4 5wU gwnjv KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb technical training centres at Khagrachari, (1/7/01-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z Lakshmipur, Kishorgonj and Shirajgonj

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 31015820 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 31015820 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK ** 31015830 - Elimination the Waste of Child Labour in 31015830 -Bwjwg‡bkb Ae w` Iq¨v÷© dg©m Ae PvBì Bb Bangladesh (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) evsjv‡`kt G UvBg evDÛ †cÖvMªvg (wUwewc) wcÖcv‡iUix Approved †dR (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015840 - Safe and Environment Friendly Recycling 31015840 -‡md GÛ GbfvqiY‡g›U †d«Ûwj wmc wimvBwK¬s (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Approved (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015850 - jinaidha city 31015850 -wSbv`n kn‡i I †KivbxM‡Ä 1wU K‡i KvwiMix cªwk¶Y ‡K›`ª ¯’vcb (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 31015860 - 31015860 - wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Ae w` †mvwmI BKbwgK fvqvwewjwU di B÷¨vewjk‡g›U Ae wUwUwm A¨vU Dc‡Rjv †j‡fj| Aby‡gvw`Z (1-11-2004-30-06-2006) 31015870 - Bangladesh 31015870 -evsjv‡`‡k SuywKc–Y© Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ wkï kÖg wbimb (2q ch©vq) (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015880 - Modernization and Renovation of existing 31015880 -we`¨gvb 11wU KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ms¯‹vi I 11 (eleven) Technical Training centres AvaywbKvqb (1/7/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z (TTCS) 31015890 - bangladesh 31015890 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib ‡UK‡bvjwR Ges KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi cÖwk¶bv_©x‡`i Rb¨ e„wË cÖ`vb Kvh©µg(6ô ch©vq) (1/7/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 31015900 - Urban informal economy programme of 31015900 -Avievb Bbdigvj B‡Kvbwg †cÖvMÖvg Ae w` cÖ‡R± Ae the project of support the time bound mv‡cvU© Uz w` UvBg evDÛ †cÖvMÖvg UzIqvW©m w` BwjwgwbwUs programme towards the eliminiting the w` Ii÷ digm& Ae PvBì †jevi Bb evsjv‡`k worst forms of child labour in Bangladesh (01/01/07-31/12/11) Aby†gvw`Z 31017050 - Study on strategy information for software 31017050 -óvwW Ae ó«¨v‡URx Bbdi‡gkb di md&UIq¨vi BÛvwó«R industries 31017051 - Eradication of Hazardous Child Labour in 31017051 -evsjv‡`k SuywKcY© Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ wkïkªg wbimb (3q Bangladesh (3rd Phase) ch©vq) kxl©K cÖKí (wRIwe) 3105 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3105 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 31052821 - Bangladesh Overseas Employment & 31052821 -evsjv‡`k IfvimxR Ggc­q‡g›U GÛ mvwf©‡mm wjt Services Ltd. (†ev‡q†mj) 31052822 - National Skill Development Council 31052822 -RvZxq `¶Zv Dbœqb KvDw›mj (GbGmwWwm) mwPevjq (NSDC) Secretariat 31053560 - Special fund for Works Re-Training 31053560 -‡¯•kvj dvÛ di IqvK©m wi †Uªwbs 31053562 - Roads Transport Labour Welfare Board 31053562 -e¨w³ gvwjKvbvaxb moK cwienb kªwgK Kj¨vY †evW© 3106 - International Organisations 3106 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 31064231 - Islamic Centre for Vocational Training 31064231 -BmjvwgK KvwiMwi e„wËgjK cªwk¶Y †K›`ª 31064233 - International Organisation for Migration 31064233 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj AM©vbvB‡Rkb di gvB‡Mªkb 31064235 - International Labour Organisation (ILO) 31064235 -Avš@R©vwZK kªg ms¯’v (AvBGjI) 3131-3140 - Manpower, Employment and Training 3131-3140 -Rbkw³ Kg©ms¯’vb I cªwk¶Y 3131 - Bureau of Manpower, Employment & Training 3131 -Rbkw³ Kg©ms¯’vb I cªwk¶Y ey¨‡iv 31310001 - Bureau of Manpower, Employment & 31310001 -Rbkw³ Kg©ms¯’vb I cªwk¶Y ey¨‡iv Training 31310100 - Employment Exchanges 31310100 -Kg© wewb‡qvM †K›`ª 31310200 - Training Establishment 31310200 -cÖwk¶Y cÖwZôvb 31310300 - National Apprentice Training 31310300 -RvZxq wk¶vbexk cªwk¶Y 31310400 - Bangladesh Manpower Planning Centre 31310400 -evsjv‡`k Rbkw³ cwiKíbv †K›`ª 31310500 - Institute of Marine Technology 31310500 -‡gwib ‡UK‡bvjwR BbwówUDU 31315820 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 31315820 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK ** 3141-3150 - Labour 3141-3150 -kªg 3141 - Directorate of Labour 3141 -kªg cwi`ßi 31410000 - Directorate of Labour 31410000 -kªg cwi`ßi 31415010 - Renovation and Modernization of 22 31415010 -3 wU wkí m¤•K© wk¶vqZb Ges 22 wU kªg Kj¨vY †K›`ª Labour welfare centers and 3 Industrial ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKvqb (09/07/2011-30/06/2014) relations Institutes Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 31415011 - Strengthening of Compliance Level of 31415011 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae Kgc­vqv›m †j‡fj Ae †jevi jm G·m w` Labour Laws Across the Shrimp Value f¨vjy †PBb Bb evsjv‡`k (†eUvi IqvK© GÛ ÷¨vÛvW© Chain in Bangladesh (Better Work and †cÖvMªvg- †e÷: weGdwKD K‡¤•v‡b›U) Standards Programmee-BEST:BFQ (01/07/2010-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z Component 31415012 - Construction of Sromo Bhaban 31415012 -kªg feb wbg©vY (†jevi UvIqvi) (01/10/2014-31/12/2017) approved (01/10/2014-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 31415013 - Construction of Sromo Bhaban 31415013 -???? ??? ??????? (????? ??????) (01/10/2014-31/12/2017) approved (01/10/2014-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 3142 - Labour Offices Abroad 3142 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z kªg Awdmmgn 31420000 - Labour Offices Abroad 31420000 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z kªg Awdmmgn 31420001 - Abudhabi 31420001 -Aveyavex 31420003 - Kuwait 31420003 -Kz‡qZ 31420005 - Qatar 31420005 -KvZvi 31420007 - Lybia 31420007 -wjweqv 31420009 - Oman 31420009 -Igvb 31420011 - Iran 31420011 -Bivb 31420013 - Malayasia 31420013 -gvj‡qwkqv 31420015 - Reyad 31420015 -wiqv` 31420017 - Jeddah 31420017 -‡RÏv 31420019 - Bahrain 31420019 -evn&ivBb 31420021 - Dubai 31420021 -`yevB 31420023 - Singapore 31420023 -wm½vcyi 3143 - Inspector of Factories 3143 -KviLvbv cwi`k©K 31430000 - Inspector of Factories 31430000 -KviLvbv cwi`k©K 31435010 - Modernization and Strengthening of 5 31435010 -* 5wU †Rvbvj I 4wU wiwRIbvj Kvh©vjq ¯’vcb I Zonal and 4 Regional Office and KjKviLvbv I cÖwZôvb cwi`k©b cwi`ßi AvaywbKvqb I Department of Inspection for Factorys and kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Establishments (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 3144 - Minimum Wage Board 3144 -b–¨bZg gRywi †evW© 31440000 - Minimum Wage Board 31440000 -b–¨bZg gRywi †evW© 3145 - Labour Courts 3145 -kªg Av`vjZ 31450000 - Labour Courts 31450000 -kªg Av`vjZ 3196-3198 - Development Programme Financed by 3196-3198 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3196 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3196 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 31960000 - Block Allocation 31960000 -‡_vK eivÏ 31960003 - 31960003 -Avievb Bbdigvj B‡Kv‡bvwg †cÖvMªvg Ae w` cÖ‡R± Ae mv‡cvU© Uy w` UvBg evDÛ cÖMªvg UyIqvW©m w` BwjwgwbwUs w` Ii÷ dig&m Ae PvBì ‡jevi Bb evsjv‡`k (01/01/2 31964718 - 31964718 -KjKviLvbvq Kg© cwi‡ek, ¯^v¯’¨ I wbivcËv Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2006-07) 31964719 - Repir and Special Maintanance 31964719 -kªg cwi`ßivaxb wewfbœ ¯’vcbvi ms¯‹vi/we‡kl †givgZ Programme of Different Establishments of KvR Department of Labour 3199-3199 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3199-3199 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3199 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3199 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 31990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 31990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 32 - Ministry of Housing and Public Works 32 - M„nvqY I MYc‚Z© gš¿Yvjq 3201-3220 - Administration 3201-3220 -cªkvmb 3201 - Secretariat 3201 -mwPevjq 32010001 - Secretariat 32010001 -mwPevjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32010010 - Internal Audit Directorate 32010010 -Af¨š@ixY wbix¶v cwi`ßi 32010020 - Court of Settlement 32010020 -‡m‡Uj‡g›U †KvU© 32010025 - Eden Building 32010025 -B‡Wb wewìsm 32010030 - APMB 32010030 -G wc Gg we 32015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 32015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 32015030 - 32015030 -gwnjv, n¯wkí I K…wl cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx, w`bvRcyi (1/7/04-30/6/07) Abyt 32016021 - Strengthening training facilities of the 32016021 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae BwÄwbqvm© evsjv‡`‡k Ae¨vnZ cªwk¶Y Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh Kvh©µg ‡Rvi`viKiY (ms‡kvwaZ) (Revised) 3205 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3205 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 32053111 - Rajdhani Unnayan Katripaksha 32053111 -ivRavbx Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 32053113 - Chittagong Development Authority 32053113 -PÆMªvg Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 32053115 - Khulna Development Authority 32053115 -Lyjbv Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 32053117 - Rajshahi Development Authority 32053117 -ivRkvnx Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 32053119 - Housing and Building Research Institute 32053119 -nvDwRs GÛ wewìs wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU 32053121 - National Housing Authority 32053121 -RvZxq M„nvqb KZ©„c¶ 32053491 - Bangladesh Engineers Institutions 32053491 -evsjv‡`k BwÄwbqvm© Bbw÷wUDkb 32053493 - Institute of Diploma Engineers 32053493 -evsjv‡`k wW‡c­vgv BwÄwbqvm© Bbw÷wUDkb 32053590 - Bangladesh Architecture Institute 32053590 -evsjv‡`k ¯’cwZ Bbw÷wUDU 32054709 - National Housing Authority 32054709 -RvZxq M„nvqY KZ©„c¶ 32054711 - Bangladesh Institute of Planner's 32054711 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae c­¨vbvm© (we.AvB.wc) 32055010 - Vertical extension of Institusion of Diploma 32055010 -BbwówUDkb Ae wW‡c­vgv BwÄwbqvm©, evsjv‡`k Engineers, Bangladesh (IDEB) Central (AvBwWBwe) Gi †K›`ªxq feb Kg‡c­‡·i DשgyLx Bhaban Complex (3rd Phase) m¤•ªmviY (3q ch©vq) 32055011 - Pro Poor Slum Integration Project 32055011 -‡cÖv-cyIi úvg Bw›U‡Mªkb cÖ‡R± (01/07/2012-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 32055012 - Pro Poor Slum Integration Project 32055012 -c c m 32055013 - Pro Poor Slum Integration Project 32055013 -c c m 32055014 - Construction of Connecting road from 32055014 -bv‡Uvi moK (i“‡qU) n‡Z ivRkvnx evBcvm †ivW ch©šZ nature road (RUET) to Rajshahi By-pass iv¯Zv wbg©vY cÖKí road) 32055015 - Widening and improvement of D.C Road 32055015 -wWwm †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (From Didar Market to Moushumi R/A) (01/07/2013-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 32055016 - Development of Road Network at Mohra, 32055016 -PÆMªv‡gi †gvniv GjvKvi †ivW †bUIqvK© Dbœqb Chittagong 32055017 - Construction of Loop Road 32055017 -Kbó«vKkb Ae jyc †ivW 32055018 - Construction of Link Road from Dhaka 32055018 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae jyc †ivW Uy †dwmwj‡UW KgywbK¨vkb Ae Trunk Road to Baizid Bostami Road Gwkqvb BDwbfvwm©wU di DB‡gb G¨vU wPUvMs including Loop road at the outer Periphery (01/10/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z of AUW 32055019 - Capacity Development for Training and 32055019 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U di †U«wbs GÛ wimvP© BbK¬ywWs Research including utilities enhancement BDwUwjwUm Gbn¨v›m‡g›U Ae AvBwWBwe †m›U«vj feb of IDEB Central Bhaban Complex. Kg‡c­· (01/01/2014-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 32055020 - Uttara Lake Development Project 32055020 -DËiv †jK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) approved Aby‡gvw`Z 32055021 - Ferrocement ------32055021 -MªvgxY M„nvq‡Y †d‡ivwm‡g›U cÖhyw³i cÖ‡qvM (01/07/2014-31/12/2015) (01/07/2014-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 32055022 - Brick alternative ------32055022 -B‡Ui weKí D™¢veb I Dbœqb (01/07/2014-31/12/2015) (01/07/2014-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 32055023 - Dhaka City Soil Quality improvement-- 32055023 -XvKv gnvbMi I Zvi Av‡kcv‡ki GjvKvi feb (01/07/2014-31/12/2015) wbg©©v‡Yi †¶‡Î g„wËKvi cÖ‡KŠkjMZ ¸bvv¸b wbY©©q (01/07/2014-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 32055024 - Development of Uttara Lake 32055024 - DËiv †jK Dbœqb| 32055025 - Urban Resilience Project: RAJUK Part. 32055025 -Avievb †iwRwjq›m cÖKít wWGbwmwm Ask 32055120 - Housing project for low and middle class 32055120 -PÆMªvg ˆKej¨av‡gi wd‡ivRkvn& K‡jvbxi wbKUeZx© ¯^í I people at Chittagong ga¨g Av‡qi †jv‡Ki evm¯’vb wbgv©Y

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32055171 - Action research study on the institutional 32055171 -GKkvb wimvP© óvwW Ab `¨v B›mwówUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U development 32055220 - Construction of 3rd and 4th class 32055220 -XvKvi cwð‡g cjvkx‡Z 3q I 4_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i employees residence at Dhaka West evm¯’vb wbgv©Y Polashi 32055230 - Expansion of up-stored in the block 7,8,9 32055230 -‡k‡i evsjv bM‡i cwiKíbv Kwgkb PZ¡‡i e­K bs- 7, 8, &10 of Planning Commission 9 I 32055250 - Construction of residence for juditial 32055250 -XvKv, Lyjbv, ivRkvnx, ewikvj I PÆMªvg wePvi wefvMxq department officers of Dhaka, Khulna, Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ evm¯’vb wbgv©Y Rajshahi, Barisal and Chittagong 32055260 - Construction of new Judge Court building 32055260 -w`bvRcyi †Rjv RR‡KvU© feb wbg©vY I cyivZb †Kv‡U©i at Dinajpur district and reconstruction of Qv` cybtwbgv©Y old court 32055270 - Construction of 1000 residential flat in 32055270 -miKvix Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ XvKv kn‡ii wewfbœ different places of Dhaka town for ¯’v‡b 1000 AvevwmK d¬vU wbgv©Y Government officials 32055280 - CONSTRUCTION OF 2000 RESIDENTIAL 32055280 -miKvix Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ XvKv kn‡ii wewfbœ FLAT IN DEFERENT ¯’v‡b 2000 AvevwmK d¬vU wbgv©Y 32055290 - Construction of Jessore Judge Court 32055290 -h‡kvi †Rjv RR Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY cªKí project 32056010 - Construction of two link Roads in between 32056010 -Lyjbv h‡kvni †ivW wmwU evBcvm †iv‡Wi g‡a¨ `ywU Khutra-Jessore Road and City by pass ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Road Aby‡gvw`Z 32056020 - 32056020 -weRq miwb n‡Z c–e© w`‡K †ZRMuvI wkí GjvKv ch©š@ moK m¤•ÖmviY (01/09/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 32056030 - 32056030 -wmivRD‡ÏŠjv †iv‡Wi m¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb (01/06/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 32056035 - 32056035 -m`iNvU †ivW I wdwiw½ evRvi †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 32056040 - Expansion & Development of Sadarghat 32056040 -m`iNvU †ivW I wdwiw½ evRvi †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb road and Firingi Bazar road. (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 32057000 - Construction of two link road between 32057000 -Lyjbv h‡kvni †ivW wmwU evBcvm †iv‡Wi g‡a¨ `ywU Khulna-Jessore road and city bypass road. ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057010 - Preparation of Structure Plan, Master plan 32057010 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi ÷«vKPvivj c­vb, gv÷vi c­vb GÛ and detail area Development Plan for wW‡UBì Gwiqv †W‡fjc‡g›U c­¨vb cÖYqb Rajshahi Metropolitan City (01/7/2000-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057020 - Construction of diversion link road 32057020 -‡`Iqvb nvU Rsk‡bi Dˇi XvKv U«vsK †iv‡Wi weKí ...... ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y 32057030 - Expansion and development of Jublee 32057030 -Ryejx‡iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb raod 32057040 - Development and expansion of Dhaka 32057040 -XvKv UªvsK †jB‡bi Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY trunk lane 32057050 - Development of Gulzar Cinema Hall road 32057050 -¸jRvi wm‡bgv nj Gi m¤§yL¯’ iv¯vi †gv‡oi Dbœqb 32057060 - Construction of a bus terminal for the 32057060 -XvKv U«v¼ †iv‡Wi cv‡k¦© PÆMªvg - XvKv †iv‡Wi evmmg‡ni Dhaka road buses Rb¨ Uvwg©bvj wbgv©Y 32057070 - Construction of connecting road from 32057070 -Pv³vB n‡Z KY©dzjx weªR G‡cªvP ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK Chaktai to Karnaphuly bridge approach wbgv©Y (ms‡kvwaZ) (Revised) 32057080 - Construction of Link road from MA Hannan 32057080 -kvn& AvgvbZ Avš@R©vwZK wegvbe›`i n‡Z c‡Z½v †ivW International Airport Terminal Building to ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y I c‡Z½v †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY Petenga road (01/07/2000-30/6/2005) Abz‡gvw`Z 32057090 - 32057090 -iv‡qi gnj n‡Z ˆKqv evRvi ch©š moK wbgv©Y 32057100 - 32057100 -÷vwW Ab B‡Kv-nvDwRs †d‡ivwm‡g›U †d¬vwUs nvDR GÛ cwjgvi Bb wm‡g›U KswµU BDwRs BbwW‡Rbvm †g‡Uwiqvjm (01/07/2007-30/05/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057110 - Construction of office building of Rajshahi 32057110 -ivRkvnx Dbœqb KZ©„c‡¶i (Avi wW G) Awdm feb wbgv©Y Development Authority (RDA)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32057120 - Straightening and expansion of road from 32057120 -Kíbv wm‡bgv nj nB‡Z †mwiKvjPvi weµq †K›`ª ch©š Kalpana cinema hall up to sericulture iv¯v mijxKiY I cÖk¯KiY sales center 32057130 - Construction of Link Road from Greater 32057130 -†MÖUvi †ivW n‡Z gwnjv µxov Kg‡c­· ch©š iv¯v cÖk¯ Road up to Women Sports Complex KiY 32057140 - Construction of a truck terminal at 32057140 -ivRkvnx‡Z GKwU UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbgv©Y Rajshahi 32057150 - Road Widening from Saheb bazar to 32057150 -mv‡ne evRvi n‡Z †MŠonv›`v ch©š iv¯v cÖk¯KiY Gourhanda (01/07/2001-30/06/2004) 32057160 - Main Road 32057160 -ev¯‘nviv cÖavb moK n‡Z wmwUevBcvm moK ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057170 - Construction of Road from Rayer mahal to 32057170 -iv‡qi gnj n‡Z ˆKqv evRvi ch©š@ moK wbgv©Y Kaya bazar (01/07/2001-30/06/2004) (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2007) Abz‡gvw`Z 32057180 - gulshan (south) 32057180 -¸jkvb(`w¶Y) †Mvj PZ¡i n‡Z cÖMwZ miwY ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (1/7/03-30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057190 - Extension work of Bangabandhu Road in 32057190 -bvivqbMį’ e½eÜz moK mgcÖmviY KvR Narayangonj (01/07/2001-30/06/2002) 32057200 - Widening and improvemnt of Kapasgola 32057200 -PÆMªvg K‡jR n‡Z Kvcvm‡Mvjv †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Road from Chittagong college (Goni Dbœqb (MwY †eKvix Rskb n‡Z enÏvinvU Rskb ch©šZ) Bakery Junction to Bahaddarha Junction) (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057210 - Khulna master pan 32057210 -Lyjbv gv÷vi c­¨vb GjvKv ewa©Z K‡i gsjv kni ch©š@ GjvKvi ÷«vKPvi c­¨vb, gv÷vi c­¨vb I wW‡UBjW& Gwiqv c­ ¨vb cÖYqb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057220 - Extention & Development of Baijid Bostami 32057220 -ev‡qwRZ †ev¯@vwg †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb Road 32057230 - Construction of Diploma Engineers 32057230 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae wW‡c­vgv BwÄwbqvm© evsjv‡`k Gi †K›`ªxq Bhaban complex at Kakrial (2nd phase) feb Kg‡cз wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) (01/01/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057240 - Preparation of Detailed Area Development 32057240 -Lyjbvi gv÷vi c­¨vb GjvKvi wW‡UBì Gwiqv c­¨vb cÖYqb for Khulna Master Plan (2001) Area. (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057250 - Study on time & energy saving bricks, 32057250 -R¡vjvwb mvkªqx BU, e­K ‰Zixi m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB Ges XvKv block, tiles and firefighting systems in kn‡i myD”P fe‡b AwMœ wbivcËv e¨e¯’v mgx¶v highrise building at Dhaka. (01/01/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057260 - Construction of Flyover of G.E.C Junctiion 32057260 -gyiv`cyi 2bs †MBU I wRBwm Rsk‡b d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY 2no. gate (01/07/10-30/06/16) cÖKí 32057270 - Experiment and Dissemeination of 32057270 -cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©v‡M mnbxq e¨q mvkÖqx ¯’vcbv wbg©v‡Y M‡elYv Sustainable Cost Effective House against I DØy×KiY (01/07/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Natural Disasters 32057280 - Construction of Flyover at Kadamtali 32057280 -K`gZjx Rsk‡b d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY Junction (01/01/10-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057290 - Widening & Improvement of Hathazari 32057290 -nvUnvRvix †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (AwjLuv gmwR` Road (From Olikha Mosque to Muradpur †gvo n‡Z gyiv`cyi Rskb ch©š) junction) 32057300 - Widening & Improvement of pathantuli 32057300 -cvVvbUyjx †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (wWwU †ivW Rskb Road (From D.T. Road to Sk. Mujib Road n‡Z †kL gywRe †ivW ch©š) 32057310 - Chittagong City outer Ring Road (Patenga 32057310 -wPUvMvs wmwU AvDUvi wis †ivW (c‡Z½v Uy mvMwiKv) to Sagorica) 32057381 - Technical assistance project for 32057381 -e„nËi XvKv gnvbMix AeKvVv‡gv c­vb, gv÷vi c­vb cªYqb implementation of Dhaka City master plan and infrastructure 32057391 - Technical assistance project for 32057391 -PÆMªvg gnvbMix AeKvVv‡gv c­vb, gv÷vi c­vb cªYqb implementation of Chittagong city master plan and infrastructure 32057421 - Project for formulation of structure plan, 32057421 -Lyjbv gnvbMix ÷ªvKPvi c­¨vb, gv÷vi c­vb, wW‡UBjW Master plan and detailed area plan of Gwiqv c­¨vb cªYqb Khulna city 32057610 - Construction of Khulshi road (Phase-1) 32057610 -Lyjmx †ivW wbg©vY (chv©q-1) 32057620 - Construction of connecting road from 32057620 -Aw·‡Rb †gvo n‡Z KvßvB (†kL gynv¤§` K‡jR) †ivW Oxygen junction to Kaptai road (Shekh ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY Muhammad College)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32057630 - Construction of Khulna outer bypass road 32057630 -AvDUvi evB cvm moK wbgv©Y (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 32057650 - Extension of basic facilities at Intercity bus 32057650 -‡KwWG KZ©„K wbwg©Z Avšt‡Rjv evm Uvwg©bv‡j †gŠwjK terminal my‡hvM-myweavw` m¤•ªmviY 32057660 - Construction of road from Shiromoni 32057660 -wk‡ivgwb wkí GjvKvq moK wbgv©Y - ˆfie b`xi NvU industrial estate upto the bank of the ch©š ewa©ZKiY Bhairab river 32057670 - Construction of road from Airport road to 32057670 -wegvbe›`i iv¯v nB‡Z evBcvm ms‡hvM moK ch©š iv¯v bypass link road wbgv©Y 32057810 - Construction of link road from Dhaka trunk 32057810 -XvKv U«v¼‡ivW n‡Z ev‡qwR` †ev¯@vwg †ivW ch©š@ ms‡hvM road to Baizid Bostamee road moK wbgv©Y (01/7/1998 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057820 - Construction of inter district bus terminal at 32057820 -ivRkvnx‡Z Avš@t†Rjv evm Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY(01/7/98- Rajshahi 30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057830 - Construction of link road from Dayagonj to 32057830 -`qvMÄ n‡Z RyovBb ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY Jurain (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2005) Abz‡gvw`Z 32057840 - O 32057840 -¸jkvb 1 bs †MvjPZ¡i n‡Z cÖMwZ miwY ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 32057850 - 32057850 -ivRDK wbqšÎYvaxb GjvKvi we¯ZvwiZ cwiKíbv cÖYqb (W¨vc) 32057910 - Development & Expansion of OR Nezam 32057910 -IAvi wbRvg †ivW m¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb road. 32057920 - Expansion and improvement of 32057920 -P‡Æk¦ix †iv‡Wi m¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb (KvwRi †`Dwi Chatteshwari road (from Kazi Deori G¨v‡cv‡jv Rskb nB‡Z P‡Æk¦ix gw›`i I Iqvmv Rskb Appollo Junction to Chatteshwari Mandir ch©š@) and WASA junction) 32057930 - Construction of link road between Greater 32057930 -ivRkvnx ‡MÖUvi †ivW I evBcvm †iv‡Wi g‡a¨ ms‡hvM road and bypass road moK wbgv©Y (01/07/1999 - 30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057935 - Construction of road from Shaheb Bazar to 32057935 -mv‡ne evRvi n‡Z †MŠonv½v †gvo ch©š@ iv¯@v wbg©vY Gourhanga Mor. (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 32057940 - Construction of Khulna city bypass road 32057940 -mvZ¶xiv moK †_‡K dzjZjxi wbKU h‡kvni †ivo ch©š from Satkhira road to Jessore road near Lyjbv wmwU evBcvm wbgv©Y Fultali 32057950 - Expansion and improvement of OR Nizam 32057950 -IAvi wbRvg †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb road 32057960 - Construction of link road from EPZ to port 32057960 -Bwc†RW nB‡Z †cvU© Kv‡bKwUs †ivW ch©š ms‡hvM moK connecting road (Port bypass road) wbgv©Y (†cvU© evBcvm moK) 32057970 - Construction of outer bypass road 32057970 -AvDUvi evBcvm moK wbg©vY (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 32057980 - Construction of Diversion Connecting 32057980 -PÆMÖvg †`IqvbnvU Rsk‡bi Dˇi XvKv UªvsK †iv‡Wi Road of Dhaka Trunk Road on \the North weKí ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY jof Chittgong Dewanhat Dunction (1/7/2002-30/6/2003) 32057990 - Arkan road 32057990 -AviKvb †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (enÏvi nvU Rskb n‡Z ev‡qwR` †ev¯@vwg †ivW ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 32058000 - 32058000 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae wW‡UBì Gwiqv c­¨vb di PÆMÖvg †g‡UªvcwjUb gv÷vi c­¨vb cÖbqY (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 32058010 - 32058010 -I, Avi wbRvg †iv‡Wi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (1/7/98-30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 32058020 - Expansion and Development of 32058020 -wmivRD‡ÏŠj­v †iv‡Wi m¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb Sirajudowla Road 32058030 - 32058030 -KvjyiNvU †iv‡Wi m¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 32058040 - Oxyzen jongsion 32058040 -Aw·‡Rb Rskb n‡Z KvßvB †ivW ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 32058050 - Begunbari hatirjil 32058050 -‡e¸bevwomn nvwZiwSj GjvKvi mgwš^Z Dbœqb cÖKí (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej (01/07/2005-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 32058060 - To extended area from Bijoy Shoroni to 32058060 -weRq miwY n‡Z †ZRMuvI ch©š@ GjvKv ewa©Z KiY Tejgaon

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32058070 - Extension of Madani Avenue towards east 32058070 -gv`vbx GwfwbD Gi c–e©gyLx m¤•ÖmviY (cÖMwZ miYx from Pragati Sarani intersection to Balu B›Uvi‡mKkb n‡Z evjy b`x ch©š@) River (01/04/10-30/09/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 32058080 - Gulshan-Baridhara Lake Development 32058080 -¸jkvb-ebvbx-evwiaviv †jK Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 32059080 - Development of 500 acre land in the left 32059080 -AvevwmK e¨env‡ii Rb¨ KY©dzjx b`xi evgZx‡i 500GKi side of Karnafuli river for residence 32059410 - Development of site and residential plot for 32059410 -XvKvq wgicyi¯’ iƒcbM‡i ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jv‡Ki Rb¨ lower and middle class people at Dhaka mvBU I mvwf©‡mm Avevm c­U Dbœqb (chv©q-1) Mirpur 32059430 - DEV. OF SITE & SERVICES FOR 32059430 -XvKvq wgicyi¯’ iƒcbM‡i ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jv‡Ki Rb¨ RESIDENTIAL PLOT LOWER mvBU I mvwf©‡mm Avevm c­U Dbœqb (chv©q-1) 32059520 - Development of residential area at the 32059520 -cvwb Dbœqb †evW© K‡jvbxi cwð‡g Pv›`uMvI AvevwmK Western side of Water Development GjvKvi Dbœqb Board 32059590 - Development of residential area at 32059590 -‡mvbvWvsMv AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb (chv©q-2) Sonadanga (Phase -2) 32059620 - Development of residential area for lower 32059620 -¯^í Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK GjvKvi Dbœqb class people 32059630 - Development of Mirer Dangha residential 32059630 -gx‡ii WvsMvq ¯^í Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK area for lower income people GjvKvi Dbœqb 32059640 - Development of Mirer Dangha residential 32059640 -gx‡ii WvsMvq ¯^í Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK area for lower income people GjvKvi Dbœqb 32059750 - Development of Uttara residential model 32059750 -DËiv AvevwmK g‡Wj UvDb (chv©q-2) town (Phase-2) 32059760 - Construction of link road from Kamalapur 32059760 -Kgjvcyi n‡Z mvq`vev` ch©š ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y I to Saidabad evwYwR¨K GjvKvi DbœqY 32059770 - Establishment of town at DND area 32059770 -XvKv kn‡ii DcK‡É wW. Gb. wW -GjvKvq mvfvi Dckni ¯’vcb 32059780 - Development of residential area at Savar 32059780 -mvfv‡i ¯^í Av‡qi I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ for low and middle class people AvevwmK GjvKvi Dbœqb 32059790 - Construction of a cultural auditorium and 32059790 -‡mvbviMvuI †nv‡U‡ji wcQ‡b wbæv‡j Dbœqb, ms¯‹…wZK I development of low land beside hotel wgjvqZb wbgv©Y Sonargaon 32059810 - Construction of a link road from Tejgaon 32059810 -‡ZRMvuI wkky GjvKv n‡Z cªMwZ mviYx ch©š ms‡hvM Industrial area to Progoti Sharani moK wbgv©Y 32059820 - Development of 1000 acres of land for 32059820 -evm¯’vb wbgv‡©bi Rb¨ e„nËi XvKvq 1000 GKi Rwgi residential area Dbœqb 32059830 - Development of Zahura market in 32059830 -wegvb e›`i moK I †mvbviMvuI moK Gi ga¨eZx© between airport road and Sonargaon road 32059840 - Construction of a link road from Green 32059840 -Mªxb‡ivW n‡Z wgicyi‡ivW ch©š ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY road to Mirpur road 32059850 - Development of residential area near 32059850 -XvKv-gvIqv †iv‡Wi cv‡k¦© ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Dhaka-Mawa raod Rb¨ AvevwmK GjvKvi Dbœqb 32059860 - Wide and Development of Khulna 32059860 -Lyjbv kxcBqvW© moK cÖk¯KiY I Dbœqb (01/07/13 - Shipyard Road (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) 30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 32059862 - Road Wideing from Cord to Rajshahi 32059862 -‡KvU© n‡Z ivRkvnx evBcvm moK ch©š moK cÖk¯KiY Bypass (01/01/2013-30/06/2016) (01/01/13 - 30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 32059870 - Development of land in commercial area 32059870 -evwbwR¨K GjvKvq fzwg Dbœqb 32059880 - Development of residential plots for lower 32059880 -¯^í Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb income people 32059890 - Development of land for Rajshahi park 32059890 -ivRkvnx‡Z cv‡K©i Rb¨ fzwg Dbœqb (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 32059900 - Development of Barandra residential area 32059900 -ivRkvnx‡Z e‡i›`ª AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb at Rajshahi 32059910 - Development of residential area at 32059910 -ivRkvnx‡Z Pw›`«gv AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb Chandrima in Rajshahi district 32059920 - Extension of Bonolota commercial area 32059920 -ebjZv evwYwR¨K GjvKvi m¤•ªmviY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32059940 - Development of 1000 acres land for 32059940 -AvevwmK feY wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ 1000 GKi Rwgi Dbœqb construction of residential building 32059950 - Development of Kalpaloke residential area 32059950 -evKwjqv‡Z Kí‡jv‡K AvevwmK GjvKvi Dbœqb at Bakliat 32059980 - Development of 500 acre land at the left 32059980 -AvevwmK e¨env‡ii Rb¨ KY©dzjx b`xi evgZx‡i 500 side of Karnafuli river for residential area GKi Rwgi Dbœqb 32059981 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32059981 - 32059982 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32059982 - 32059983 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32059983 - 32059984 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32059984 - 32059985 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32059985 - 32059986 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32059986 - 32059987 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32059987 - 32059988 - Expansion and development of Pathantuly 32059988 - cvVvbUywj †iv‡Wi mgcªmviY I Dbœqb Road 32059989 - Widening & Improvement of Hathazari 32059989 -nvUnvRvix Road 32059990 - widening & improvement of Dhaka Trunk 32059990 -XvKv UivK †ivW Road 32059991 - Chittagong City Outer Ring Road 32059991 -AvDUvi wis †ivW 3206 - International Organisations 3206 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 32064241 - United Nations Centre for Human 32064241 -BDbvB‡UW †bkvbm †m›Uvi di wnDg¨vb †m‡Uj‡g›U dvÛ Settlement Fund 3231-3250 - Housing and Urban Development 3231-3250 -M„nms¯’vb I bMi Dbœqb 3231 - Department of Housing 3231 -RvZxq M„nvqY KZ„©c¶ 32310000 - Department of Housing 32310000 -M„n ms¯’vb Awa`ßi 32315120 - Housing project for low and middle 32315120 -PÆMªv‡gi ˆKej¨avg wd‡ivRkvn K‡jvwbi wbKU¯’ ¯^í I income people at Chittagong ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK GjvKvi Dbœqb 32315420 - Rehabilitation of the 3444 homeless 32315420 -UsMx¯’ `Ëcvovq 3444wU ev¯‘nviv cwiev‡ii cbe©vmb families at Tangi Dattapara 32315440 - Development of site and services for 32315440 -XvKv¯’ wgicy‡ii 9 bs †mKk‡b ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi residential plots for low & middle income †jvK†`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb group of people at section-9, Mirpur, (01/7/95-30/6/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z Dhaka 32315450 - Development of site and service plot for 32315450 -XvKv †gvnv¤§`cyi¯’ ÔGdÕ e­‡K ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi the low and middle income group at block †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­‡Ui Dbœqb 'F' Mohammadpur, Dhaka 32315460 - Strengthening of Institutional structure of 32315460 -XvKv bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Ges M„nms¯’vb Awa`߇ii housing department and development of cÖvwZôvwbK AeKvVv‡gv kw³kvjxKiY Dhaka city infrastructure 32315470 - Development of site and services for low 32315470 -‡gŠjfxevRvi ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU and middle income group at Maulvi Bazar GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­‡Ui Dbœqb 32315480 - Development of plots for low and middle 32315480 -Kywgj­vq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ income group at Comilla mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­‡Ui Dbœqb 32316050 - Rehabilitation of 3444 homeless families 32316050 -Uw½¯’ `Ëcvovq 3444wU ev¯ynviv cwiev‡ii cybe©vmb at Dattapara in Tongi 32316060 - Construction of 500 flats of 1000 sq. ft 32316060 -XvKvi †gvnv¤§`cyi Ges jvjgvwUqv k¨vgjx nvDwRs G‡÷ each for selling to the Government officers ‡U miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i wbKU fvovLwi` wfwˇZ weµ‡qi on hire purchase basis at Muhammadpur, Rb¨ 1000 eM©dzU AvqZb wewkó 500wU d¬vU wbgv©Y Dhaka (01/7/97-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 32316140 - Construction of 600 flats (400 flats of 800 32316140 -XvKv kn‡ii mxwgZ Av‡qi †jvK‡`i wbKU fvov Lwi` sq. ft and 200 flats of 500 sq. ft ) for limited c×wZ‡Z weµ‡qi Rb¨ 1000 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 160wU, income group of people of Dhaka city on 800 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 260wU Ges 500eM©dzU hire purchase AvqZ‡bi 180wU †gvU 600wU d¬¨vU wbgv©Y (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 32316150 - Development of site and services 32316150 -wmivRMÄ ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ residential plots for middle and low mvwf‡m©m AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb income groups at Sirajgonj

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32316160 - Construciton of 150 plots of 600 sft. for 32316160 -ivsMvgvwU‡Z mxwgZ Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ fvov Lwi` limited income group on hire purchase c×wZ‡Z weµ‡qi Rb¨ 600 eM©dz‡Ui 150wU d¬¨vU wbgv©Y basis 32316170 - 32316170 -bv‡Uvi †Rjv kn‡i ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBUm GÛ mvwf‡m©m c­U Dbœqb 32316180 - 32316180 -wm‡jU I ewikvj wefvMxq m`i `ßi؇qi ÷ªvKPvi c­¨vb, gv÷vi c­¨vb GÛ wW‡UBjW Gwiqv c­¨vb cÖYqb 32316190 - Chittagong 32316190 -PÆMÖvg¯’ nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡÷‡Ui G,we,wR,GBP,AvB,†R,†K, Ges Gj e­‡Ki ¶wZMª¯’ cÖavb moK I ‡jBb¸‡jvi †givgZmn G,we,AvB,†R e­‡Ki †Wªb cybtwbg©vY I †givgZKiY (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 32317010 - 32317010 -wgicyi-iƒcbMi-Avwidvev`-AvivgevM AvevwmK GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq 3233 - Commissioner - Housing and Settlement 3233 -Kwgkbvi, ‡m‡Uj‡g›U 32330000 - Commissioner-Settlement 32330000 -Kwgkbvi, ‡m‡Uj‡g›U 3235 - Department of Urban Development 3235 -bMi Dbœqb Awa`ßi 32350000 - Department of Urban Development 32350000 -bMi Dbœqb Awa`ßi 32355010 - Sylhet and Barisal 32355010 -wm‡jU I ewikvj wefvMxq kn‡ii ÷«vKPvi c­¨v›U, gv÷vi c­¨vb I wW‡UBì Gwiqv †W‡fjc‡g›U c­¨vb cÖYqb 32355011 - Preparation of Structure Plan and Action 32355011 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae ó«vKPvi c­¨vb GÛ G¨vKkb Gwiqv c­¨vb di Area Plan for Madaripur Sadar and Rajair gv`vixcyi GÛ iv‰Ri Dc‡Rjv, gv`vixcyi wWwó«K Upazillas, Madaripur District (01/01/2013-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 32355012 - Preparation of structure plan and Action 32355012 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae ó«vKPvi c­¨vb GÛ G¨vKkb Gwiqv c­¨vb di area plan for Madaripur and Rajure gv`vixcyi GÛ iv‰Ri Dc‡Rjv, gv`vixcyi wWwó«K Upazila, Madaripur Dristrict. 32355013 - Preparation of Development Plan for 32355013 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae †W‡fjc‡g›U c­¨vb di †ebv‡cvj-h‡kvi Benapol-Jessore highway corridor nvBI‡q Kwi‡Wvi 32355014 - Preparation of development plan for 32355014 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae ‡W‡fjc‡g›U c¨vb di diwUb Dc‡Rjvm| fourteen upazilas 32355015 - Preparation of Development Plan for 32355015 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae †W‡fjc‡g›U c­¨vb di †dviwUb Dc‡Rjvm Fourteen Upazillas (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 32355020 - Sylhet and Barisal 32355020 -wm‡jU I ewikvj wefvMxq kn‡ii ÷ªvKPvi c­¨vb, gv÷vi c­¨vb I wW‡UBì Gwiqv c­¨vb cÖYqb (01/07/2005-30/06/2010) Abygvw`Z 32355030 - Preparation of Development plan of Cox's 32355030 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae †Wfjc‡g›U c­¨vb Ae K·evRvi UvDb GÛ Bazar Town & Sea beach up to Teknaf. wm weP Avc Uy †UKbvd (01/01/2009-31/12/2009) (01/01/2009-31/12/2009) approved Aby‡gvw`Z 32355031 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32355031 - 3237 - Directorate of Government Accommodation 3237 -miKvwi Avevmb cwi`ßi 32370000 - Directorate 32370000 -miKvwi Avevmb cwi`ßi 32370001 - Directorate 32370001 -miKvwi Avevmb cwi`ßi 32370005 - Estate Office Chittagong 32370005 -G‡óU Awdm, PÆMªvg 3251-3270 - Civil Works 3251-3270 -MYcZ© 3251 - Public Works Department 3251 -MYc–Z© Awa`ßi 32510000 - Public Works Department 32510000 -MYc–Z© Awa`ßi 32510005 - Original Work 32510005 -AwiwRb¨vj IqvK© 32510007 - Repair & Maintanance 32510007 -‡givgZ I msi¶Y 32515000 - Block allocation 32515000 -‡_vKeivÏ 32515010 - Construction of Central Office Complex of 32515010 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae wW‡c­vgv BwÄwbqvm© evsjv‡`k Gi †K›`ªxq Institute of Diploma Engineers feb Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y (1g ce©) Bangladesh (Phase-1) (01/7/2000-30/6/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 32515011 - Construction of 448 Flats 32515011 -448 32515012 - Capacity Development on Natural Disaster 32515012 -K¨vcvwmU †Wfjc‡g›U Ab b¨vPvivj wWR¨v÷vi wiwmwj‡q›U Resilent Techniques of Construction and †UKwb· Ae Kb÷«vKkb GÛ wiU«ywdwUs di cvewjK Retrofitting for Public Buildings. wewìsm 32515013 - Highcourt Judge Res Building 32515013 -nnnnnnnnnnnn

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32515014 - Vertical extension work of IEB Bhaban 8th 32515014 -BwÄwbqvm© BbwówUDkb Ae evsjv‡`k (IEB) fe‡Yi D× to 14th floor at Ramna, Dhaka ©gyLx m¤•ªmviY (8 Zjv n‡Z 14 Zjv ch©š) 32515015 - Construction of multistoried residential 32515015 -XvKvi AvwRgcyi miKvwi K‡jvbx‡Z eûZj wewkó building at Azimpur Govt. colony, Dhaka. AvevwmK feb wbg©©vY (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 32515016 - Construction of multistoried residential 32515016 -gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvbx‡Z eûZj wewkó AvevwmK building at Motijheel Govt. Colony feb wbg©©vY (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) approved 32515020 - Construction of Office Building for 32515020 -¯’vcZ¨ Awa`߇ii Rb¨ Awdm feY wbg©vY| Department of Architecture (01/7/2000-30/6/2004) wcwmwc Aby‡gvw`Z 32515030 - Construction of Enginering Staff College, 32515030 -BwÄwbqvwis ÷vd K‡jR, evsjv‡`k (2q ch©vq) Bangladesh (2d Phase) (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 32515040 - aaa 32515040 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae 448 d¬¨vU di Mfb©‡g›U Gjc­wqR Ae evsjv‡`k b¨vkbvj cvjv©‡g›U †m‡µUvwi‡qU (BbK¬ywmf Ae 24 bs BqvigvK©W di wcWwe­DwW) G¨vU †k‡i-evsjv bMi, XvKv (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 32515050 - aaa 32515050 -mywcÖg‡Kv‡U©i gvbbxq wePvicwZM‡Yi Rb¨ myD”P AvevwmK feb wbgv©Y (01/01/2012-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 32515060 - aaa 32515060 -cÖvK…wZK `‡hv©M mnbxq cÖhyw³i mvnv‡h¨ miKvwi febmgn wbgv©Y I †i‡U«vwdwUs Kv‡R m¶gZv e„w× (01/07/2011- 30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 32515110 - Construction of two link roads from Water 32515110 -XvKvq AbywôZe¨ b¨vg m‡¤§jb Dcj‡¶¨ wg›Uz‡iv‡Wi fall of Mintu road to Eliphant road and from †dvqviv n‡Z Gwjd¨v›U †ivW ch©š@ Ges KvKivBj Kakrail VIP road to Segunbagicha road wfAvBwc moK n‡Z eviZjv miKvwi feb msjMœ near 12 storied Govt. Bh †m¸bevwMPv moK ch©š@ 32515120 - Construction of 2nd Bathroom and One 32515120 -1 n‡Z 17 bs cvBKcvov miKvwi wW UvBc fe‡b wØZxq Office/Club for the D-type colony of ev_i“g I GKwU Awdm/K¬veNi wbgv©Y| Paikpara Govt. Staff Quarter from Flat no 1 (01/7/2001-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z to 17 (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) 32515210 - Conversion of Part of the Hostel into 32515210 -bvLvjcvov msm` m`m¨ †nv‡ój PZ¡‡i we`¨gvb †nv‡ó‡ji Community Building at Nakhalpara MP Ask we‡kl KwgDwbwU wewìs‡q iƒcvšiKiY Hostel 32515220 - Construction of 120 unit residential 32515220 -XvKv¯’ cwðg cjvkx‡Z 3q I 4_© †kªYxi Kg©Pvix‡`i building for 3rd and 4th class Government employe 32515230 - Expantion of up - stored in the block 7,8,9 32515230 -‡k‡ievsjv bM‡i cwiKíbv Kwgk‡bi PZ¡‡i e­K bs and10 of Planning Commission 7,8,9 32515240 - Construction of 2nd floor of the Prime 32515240 -XvKvi †ZRMvI‡Z cÖavbgšxi Kvh©vj‡q mwPe e­‡Ki Minister's secretariat block at Tejgaon 32515250 - Construction of residence for divisional 32515250 -XvKv, Lyjbv,ewikvj, ivRkvnx I PÆMªvg wePviwefvMxq judicial officers of Dhaka, Khulna, Barisal, Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ evm¯’vb wbgv©Y cÖKí Rajshahi and Chittagong 32515260 - Construction of Dinajpur district judge 32515260 -w`bvRcyi †Rjv RR‡KvU© feb wbg©vY Ges cyivZb ‡Kv‡U© court and reconstruction of old court Gi Qv` cybwbgv©Y 32515270 - Construction of 2000 residential flats for 32515270 -miKvwi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ XvKv kn‡ii wewfbœ Government officers and staff at different ¯’v‡b 2000 AvevwmK d­¨vU wbgv©Y cÖKí places of Dhaka city (01/07/1994-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 32515280 - Construction of 2000 residential flats for 32515280 -miKvwi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ XvKv kn‡ii wewfbœ Government employee ¯’v‡b 2000 wU AvevwmK c­U wbgv©Y 32515290 - Construction of judge court buidling at 32515290 -h‡kvi †Rjv RR‡KvU© feb wbg©vY Jessore 32515300 - Construction of Training Academy and 32515300 -MY-cZ© Awa`߇ii †Uªwbs GKv‡Wwg I †Uw÷s j¨ve‡iUwi Testing Laboratory of PWD ¯’vcb 32515430 - Supply,installation & commissioning of a 32515430 -XvKvi †k‡ievsjv bMi¯’ evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` fe‡bii congress type conference system with 4 Rb¨ 4 P¨v‡bj wewkó Ks‡Mªm G fvlv iƒcvši c×wZ Ges chanels & automatic vote counting system ¯^qswµq †fvU MYYv c×wZ mieivn, ¯’vcb Ges PvjyKib at National Assembly building 32515440 - Construction of district registers and 32515440 -‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvi KwZcq †Rjv †iwRw÷« Awdm I subregisters office at different district Zrmn mve‡iwR÷«vi Awdm I mshy³ †iKW©i“g Ges c„_K KwZcq mve‡iwR÷«vi Awdm wbg©vY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32515450 - Construction of monument for Shahid 32515450 -iv‡qi evRvi ea¨ fzwg‡Z knx` eyw×Rxwe‡`i ¯§„wZ †mŠa Intellectuals at place of execution at Rayer wbgv©Y bazar 32515460 - Construction of 100 flats of 1800 sq. ft in 32515460 -miKv†ii Da¡©Zb K©gK©Zv‡`i Rb¨ XvKvq 1800 eM©dzU Dhaka for Government high officials wewkó 100wU AvevwmK d¬vU wbgv©Y 32515480 - Development of side and services plot for 32515480 -Kzwgj­vq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ lower and middle class people mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­‡Ui Dbœqb 32516010 - Construction of residential building for 32516010 -RvZxq msm` GjvKvq gvbbxq ¯•xKvi I †WcywU ¯•xKvi honourable speaker and deputy speaker Gi evmfeb wbgv©Y| (01/7/97-30/6/2004) in National Assembly area Aby‡gvw`Z 32516020 - Construction of Bangabandhu gate at 32516020 -‡g‡nicyi †Rjv gywRebMi Kg‡c­· G e½eÜz †ZviY Muzibnogar Complex of Meharpur district wbgv©Y 32516030 - Construction of Bangladesh National 32516030 -‡k‡ievsjv bM‡i evsjv‡`k RvZxq mwPevjq wbg©vY Secretariate at Sher-e-Bangla nagar 32516040 - Housing for the destitute renowned Poet, 32516040 -XvKvq `yt¯’ cÖw_Zhkv Kwe, wkíx I mvwnwZ¨K‡`i Avevmb Artists and Littered in Dhaka (Phase-1) wbgv©Y (ce©-1) (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) 32516050 - Construction of Monuments in the Martyred 32516050 -gnvb ¯^vaxbZv hy‡× knx` gyw³‡hv×v‡`i mgvwa‡Z ¯ of Greater Liberation War §„wZ‡mŠa wbgv©Y (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) 32516060 - Construction of 240 Flats (16 storied) in 32516060 -AvwRgcyi AvevwmK GjvKvq miKvwi Kg©KZ©v I the Azimpur Residential Area for Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 240wU d¬¨vU (16Zjv wewkó feb wbgv©Y) Government Officers and Staff (01/07/2001-30/06/2004) 32516070 - Engineering Staff College, Bangaldesh 32516070 -BwÄwbqvwis ÷vd K‡jR, evsjv‡`k (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) 32516080 - Construction of Common room for Officer's 32516080 -XvKv¯’ Awdmv©m K¬ve Gi mvaviY wgjbvqZb wbgv©Y club in Dhaka (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 32516090 - 32516090 -¸jkvb (`w¶Y) †Mvj P°i n‡Z cÖMwZ miYx ch©š ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y 32516110 - Reconstruction of 61 rehabilitation 32516110 -ivsMvgvwU †Rjvm`‡i Aew¯’Z 61 wU cybev©mb †KvqvU©vim quarters situated at Rangamati district bZzbfv‡e wbgv©Y (01/07/1998-30/06/2005) headquarters Aby‡gvw`Z 32516120 - Construction of independence Tower at 32516120 -‡mvnivIqv`x© D`¨v‡b ¯^vaxbZv ¯@¤¢ wbgv©Y Suhrawardi uddayan 32516130 - Construction of 40 flats for honurable 32516130 -wg›Uz †iv‡W gvbbxq gš¿x‡`i Rb¨ 20 wU d¬v¨U wbgv©Y Ministers at Mintoo road 32516140 - Construction of Bangobandhu 32516140 -XvKvi †k‡ievsjv bM‡i e½eÜz AvšRv©wZK m‡¤§jb †K›`ª International Conferance centre for wbgv©Y Non-aligned Summit to be held in Dhaka in the year 2001 32516150 - Special Apartment Implementation Project 32516150 -†¯•kvj GcvU©‡g›U Bgw•­‡gb‡Ukb cÖ‡R± (mvBc) (SAIP) (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 32516160 - 32516160 -cÖavbgšÎxi Kvhv©j‡q cwienb cyj wbgv©Y| (01/7/2002 - 30/6/2004) Abby‡gvw`Z 32516170 - Development Work of Shaheed President 32516170 -knx` ivóªcwZ wRqvDi ingv‡bi mgvwa I msjMœ D`¨v‡bi Ziaur Rahman Mausoleum and Its Dbœqb (01/7/2002 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z Adjacent Uddyan (1/7/2002-30/6/2001) 32516180 - 32516180 -XvKv KvIivb evRv‡i Aew¯’Z RbZv UvIqvi fe‡bi Aewkó wbg©vY I DשgyLx m¤•ÖmviY (01/10/2005-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 32517850 - 32517850 -Gg,G nvbœvb AvšR©vwZK wegvb e›`i nB‡Z Uvwg©bvj feb 32518010 - 32518010 -BwÄwbqvwis ÷vd K‡jR, evsjv‡`k (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 32518011 - Allocation for unapproved projects 32518011 -Abby‡gvw`Z cªKímg~‡ni Rb¨ eivÏ 3252 - Department of Architecture 3252 -¯’vcZ¨ Awa`ßi 32520000 - Department of Architecture 32520000 -¯’vcZ¨ Awa`ßi 3253 - Department of Architecture 3253 -¯’vcZ¨ Awa`ßi 32530000 - Department of Architecture 32530000 -¯’vcZ¨ Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 3280-3285 - Special Programmes 3280-3285 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 3280 - Special Programme 3280 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 32804589 - 32804589 -cÖavbgšxi Kvh©vj‡qi cwienb cyj wbg©vY 3296-3298 - Development Programme Financed by 3296-3298 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3296 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3296 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 32964263 - Water proofing work in roof, replacement of 32964263 -B¯‹vUb Mv‡W©b¯’ miKvwi Awdmvm© †KvqvUvi bvwmgb, main door and remaining Thai aluminum wbnvixKv, Ai“wbgv, mvMwiKv fe‡bi _vB G¨vjywgwbqvg work of Govt. officers quarter at Nasimon, (Aewkóvs‡ki KvR), cÖavb `iRv cwieZ©b, Qv‡` IqvUvi Niharika, Aurunima & Sagarika, Tiles work cÖƒwds, Kiex, myifx, †gŠmygx, c–iex, gvj I avbwmuwo fe‡bi wewfbœ d¬¨v‡U UvBjm ¯’vcb, †`v‡qj, †Kv‡qj, in different Govt. Officers flats such as wMZvjx, wgZvjx fe‡bi evB‡i cÐv÷vi-I‡q`vi‡KvUmn Korabi, suravi, Mowsumi, Purabi, wmwKDwiwU †bU ¯’vcb I Qv‡`i ms¯‹vi Ges †eBwj †ivW¯’ Malancha and Dhanshiri, providing miKvwi Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vi Avwkqvb fe‡b _vB G¨vjywgwb security net, out side plaster, weather cost and renovation work in roof o 32964300 - ‡‡IIiiww 32964300 -II‡‡„F„yDyg 32964301 - Interior Decoration for Modernization of 32964301 -XvKvi 26, †eBjx ‡ivW¯’ Awdmvm© K¬ve AwWUwiqvg Officers Club Auditorium Building 3rd Floor fe‡bi 3q Zjvi AvaywbKvq‡bi Rb¨ Af¨šixY mvRm¾v at 26 Bailey Road, Dhaka KvR 32964302 - Supplying fitting & fixing floor & wall tiles for 32964302 -Bwjwkqvg miKvwi †ió nvD‡Ri wewfbœ Zjvi ev_i“g I bathroom 7 kitchen replacing senitary ivbœvN‡ii †d¬vi I †`qv‡j UvBjm ¯’vcb m¨vwbUvix wdwUsm fitting & fitting thai aluminium glass & other cwieZ©b Rvbvjvq _vB Gjywgwbqvg ¯’vcbmn cÖ‡qvRbxq repairing works in all floors of Ileshium ms¯‹vi KvR Govt. Rest House 32964303 - Vertical extension of Mosque and 32964303 -XvKvi KvKivB¯’ †eBjx Wv¤• GjvKvq we`¨gvb gmwR‡`i remaining construction work of officers DaŸ©gyLx m¤•ªmviY Ges Awdmvm© I‡qj‡dqvi feb Gi welfare building of Baily Dump at Baily Aewkó wbg©vY KvR Road, Kakrail, Dhaka 32964304 - Construction of quality roads with ceremic 32964304 -XvKv¯’ igbv cv‡K©i Af¨š‡i óvi †MU n‡Z ˆekvLx I A¯ paving bricks from star gate to rear of the vPj ‡MU n‡Z AviewiKvjPvi Awdm cÖ‡ek ‡MU, óvi †MU Kakrail Mosque, star gate from Baishakhi n‡Z PvBwbR Gi ce© cvk¦© n‡q KvjfvU© ch©š fv½v Ges to Austachal and Austachal to ¶wZMª¯ n‡jvcvwU©kb cv_I‡q Ges óvi †MU n‡Z KvKivBj gmwR‡`i wcQb ch©š fv½v I ¶wZMª¯ wmwm Arboriculture, star gate to chinese east cv_I‡qi cwie‡Z© wmivwgK †cwfs Øviv DbœZZi iv¯v side and chinese east side to culvert cybtwbg©vY 32964305 - Supplying, installaiton, testing and 32964305 -evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡q we`¨gvb wmwmwUwf I †iKwW©s wm‡÷g commissioning of upgradation of CCTV & AvaywbKxKiY Kv‡Ri hšcvwZ msMªn, ¯’vcb I PvjyKiY recording system in Bangladesh KvR Secretariat, Dhaka 32964306 - One room and toilet extension of one G 32964306 -gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvbxi kvnRvnvbcyi¯’ wR-UvBc 1wU, type and one F type building at Gd-UvBc 1wU fe‡bi GKwU K‡i i“g I Uq‡jU Shahajahanpur , necessary renovation of m¤•ªmviY, B-UvBc feb bs-1 Gi cÖ‡qvRbxq ms¯‹vi Ges one E type building and other renovation Avj-†njvj †Rvb¯’ feb bs-15 I 16 Gi eviv›`v m¤•ªmviYmn Avbylw½K ms¯‹vi KvR work of building no- 15, 16 at Al helal zone in Motijeel 32964307 - Electric works at Hajj Camp in Dhaka 32964307 -XvKv¯’ n¾ K¨v‡¤•i ˆe`y¨wZK KvR 32964308 - Fixing of thai aluminum sliding windows 32964308 -B¯‹vUb Mv‡W©b miKvwi Awdmvm© AvevwmK GjvKvi Kiex, and grill at buildings named Korobi, ‡gŠmygx, gwj­Kv, dvêybx, gvjÂ, myifx, ciex, KvRjx, Mousumi, Mallika, Falguni, Malancha, †mvbvjx, iƒcvjx fe‡bi Rvbvjvq Mªxj I _vB Gjywgwbqvg Suravi, Purabi, Kajoli, Sonali and Rupali, ¯’vcb, iRbxMÜv fe‡bi wcQ‡bi eviv›`vq _vB †bU †dg© ¯’vcb Ges wewfbœ fe‡bi wbivcËv †MU I Rvbvjvq wbivcËv fixing thai net frame at the rear side of Mªxj ¯’vcb KvR Rajhaniganda building and security grills in different buildings of Eskaton in Dhaka 32964309 - One bedroom, one veranda and one toilet 32964309 -gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvbx AvBwWqvj †Rvb¯’ B-UvBc extension of building no – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & BgviZ b¤¦i we-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 I 8 Ges kvnRvnvbcyi 8 and building no – 1 at Motijeel and miKvwi K‡jvbx¯’ feb b¤¦i-1 ‡gvU 8wU fe‡bi cÖ¯vweZ Shahajahanpur govt. quarter respectively 1wU †eWi“g, 1wU eviv›`v I 1wU Uq‡jU m¤•ªmviY KvR

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964310 - Construction of boundary wall, toilet and 32964310 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae evDÛvix Iqvj, Uq‡jU Ges wi‡bv‡fkb renovation of work shed and internal road Ae IqvK©‡kW GÛ B›Uvib¨vj ‡ivW G¨vU DW IqvK©kc at wood workshop complex, Mirpur section Kg‡c­·, wgicyi ‡mKkb-6, XvKv – 6, Dhaka 32964311 - Internal road elevation at PWD officers 32964311 -XvKvi gvwjevM †PŠayixcvov¯’ MYcZ© Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vi bs quarter no- 1, 2, 3 at Malibagh chowdhury 1. 2 I 3 Gi Af¨šixY iv¯v DuPyKiY, wLjMuvI óvd para and buiding no- 5, 6, 12, 13 at †KvqvU©vi bs-5, 6, 12 I 13 Gi Af¨šixY iv¯v DuPyKiY Khilgaon and sand filling and boundary Ges gvwjevM †PŠayixcvov¯’ MYcZ© Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vi bs- 3, 4, 5, 6 I 7 Gi `w¶Y I cwðg cv‡k¦©i evwj fivU I wall construction at southern and western mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY KvR premises at quarter no- 3, 4, 5, 6 &7 at at Malibagh chowdhury para, Dhaka 32964312 - Installation of new main cable and control 32964312 -XvKvi ‡k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ ZvjZjv miKvwi K‡jvbxi switch at Shatodol and Hindol complex of kZ`j I wn‡›`vj Kg‡c­‡· bZyb ‡gBb K¨vej I K‡›U«vj Taltala Govt. quarter in Sher-e- bangla myBP ¯’vcbKiY KvR Nagar, Dhaka 32964313 - Removing water lodging, sewerage and 32964313 -XvKv †m¸bevwMPv¯’ 1g I 2q 12 Zjv miKvwi Awdm water excretion system renovation and feb K¤•vDÛ GjvKvi Af¨šixY iv¯vi Rjve×Zv RCC cementing works at 1st and 2nd 12 `ixKiY, myqv‡iR I cvwb wb®‹vkb e¨e¯’v ms¯‹vi/bevqb I floor Govt. office building compound at m¤§y‡Li Ae¨eüZ RvqMv Ges Mvwo cvK© GjvKvmn mgMª iv¯v Aviwmwm XvjvBKiY KvR Segunbagicha, Dhaka 32964314 - Fixing tiles in kitchen and dining space, 32964314 -wRMvZjv¯’ 6 Zjv †KvqvU©vi bs-2 Gi ga¨wmuwoi 12 d¬ renew sanitary fittings of 24 flats of middle ¨v‡U UvBjm ¯’vcb, 6 Zjv K‡jvbxi wewìs bs-4 Gi ce© and eastern stairs of building no -2 and 12 wmuwoi 12 d¬¨v‡Ui wK‡Pb, WvBwbs †¯•‡m UvBjm ¯’vcb, flats of eastern stair of building no- 4 and XvKvi wRMvZjv¯’ evRvi K‡jvbxi wewìs bs-1-5 Gi Qv‡`i i“wds, XvKvi wRMvZjv¯’ wefvMxq Awdmvm© repairing works of roofing compound, †KvqvU©vi bs-1-4 Ges GmIGm †KvqvU©vi i“wds, snowsem wash of building no- 1, 2, 3,4 & wRMvZjv¯’ 6 Zjv K‡jvbxi wewìs bs-2 Gi ce© wmuwoi 12 5 at bazar colony and PWD officers quarter d¬¨v‡Ui UvBjm ¯’vcbmn Avbylw½K KvR of building no- 1, 2, 3, 4 at Jigatala, Dhaka 32964315 - Road carpeting and drain construction at 32964315 -ewikvj wfAvBwc GjvKvi cywjk jvB‡bi cyKzi cvo n‡Z PWD staff quarter at Vatarkhal and †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki evmfe‡bi `w¶Y cv‡k¦©i Lvj ch©š construction of outlet drain cum footpath AvDU‡jU †W«b- Kvg-dzUcvZ wbg©vY KvR Ges ewikvj from the pond side of the police line of VIP fvUviLvj¯’ MYcZ© wefvMxq ÷vd ‡KvqvU©v‡ii hvZvqvZ Kivi Rb¨ iv¯v Kv‡c©wUs I †W«b wbg©vY KvR area to the cannel at southern side of residence of Deputy Commissioner in Barisal 32964316 - Estimate for renovation and beatification 32964316 -Bw÷‡gU di wi‡bv‡fkb GÛ weDwUwd‡Kkb IqvK©m Ae works of multipurpose hall room at officers gvwëcvicvim nj i“g G¨vU Awdmvm© K¬ve 26, †eBwj club 26, Baily Road, Dhaka ‡ivW, XvKv 32964317 - Boundary wall, garden, walkway 32964317 -MvRxcyi ‡Rjvi ‡Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kvh©vjq msjMœ construction for beatification/ renovation of HwZn¨evnx ivRevox gv‡Vi ms¯‹vi/‡mŠ›`h© ea©‡bi wbwgË traditional Rajbari Mat adjacent to the mxgvbv cÖvPxi, evMvb, IqvKI‡q BZ¨vw` wbg©vY KvR Deputy Commissioners Office in Gazipur 32964318 - Renovation and modification of 32964318 -gvbbxq cÖavbgšxi Kvh©vjq Ges Avš‘R©vwZK m‡¤§jb electro-mechanical installations in †K‡›`ªi we`¨gvb B‡jK‡U«v-†gKvwbK¨vj ¯’vcbvmg‡ni Honorable Prime Minister's office and ms¯‹vi I bivqbKiY KvR different halls in ICC (International Conference Center) at Tejgaon, Dhaka 32964319 - Construction of 1st Floor to 3rd floor over 32964319 -evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡qi Af¨š‡i cÖ¯vweZ 20 Zjv Awdm ground floor of the proposed 20-storied fe‡bi (wbg©vYvaxb) 2q Zjv n‡Z 4_© Zjv ch©š wbg©vY office building (under construction) at KvR Banglaesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 32964320 - Renovation/Refurbishment of Central 32964320 -e½fe‡bi †K›`ªxq kxZvZc wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v, ˆe`y¨wZK Air-conditioning System, Electrical System mve-†÷kbmn ˆe`y¨wZK e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY/ms¯‹viKiY Including Electrical Sub station of KvR Bangabhaban 32964322 - Installation of flagpole for State decoration 32964322 -ivó«xq mw¾Z Kv‡R cZvKv Dov‡bvi Rb¨ nhiZ kvnRvjvi from Hazrat Shahjalal (R) International (it) Avš@R©vwZK wegvb e›`i, KvKjx evm ÷‡cR n‡Z Airport to Bangabhaban through Kakoli wewfbœ ¸i“Z¡c–Y© iv¯@v n‡q e½feb ch©š@ Ges i¨vsMm feb Bus Stopage & other important road and †gvo n‡Z weRq ¯§iYx n‡q Avš@R©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K›`ª ch©š@ d¬¨vM‡cvj †eBR wbg©vb msµvš@ KvR from Rangs Bhaban mor to International Conference Centre through Bijoy Swarani

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964325 - Construction of 1 No Fire Escape Stair 32964325 -XvKvi gwZwSj¯’ wkí gš¿Yvj‡qi Awdm fe‡b 1wU AwMœ Case for office Building of Ministry of wbivcËv wmuwoNi wbg©vY (2014-15) Industry at Motijheel, Dhaka 32964327 - Construction of 4-storied PGR Barrack 32964327 -4 Zjv wewkó wcwRAvi e¨vivK feb, MYfeb, Building at Gonobhaban, Share-e-Bangla †ki-B-evsjv bMi, XvKv Nagar, Dhaka 32964328 - Renovation, Modernization & Decoration of 32964328 -gvbbxq ciivóª cÖwZgšx Gi AbyK‚‡j eivÏK…Z XvKvi Govt. Banglo Type House No-C.E.S(A)-51, ¸jkvb GwfwbD¯’ miKvix evs‡jv UvBc evwo 92, Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka allotted in bs-wm,B,Gm(G)-51, 92 Gi ms¯‹vi, AvaywbKvqb I favour of Hon'ble State Minister, Ministry of mw¾ZKiY KvR Foreign Affairs 32964330 - Installation of 500 KVA new electric 32964330 -XvKvi †k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ wmwRGm K‡jvbx Kg‡c­‡·i transformer at CGS Govt. colony complex wR-UvBc 223wU ‡KvqvU©vi, cvKv gv‡K©‡Ui †`vKvbmgn, at Sher-e-bangla Nagar, Dhaka. miKvwi nvmcvZvj, miKvwi gmwR` Ges iv¯vi evwZi Rb¨ ¯’vwcZ 300 †KwfG cyivZb U«v›mdigv‡ii cwie‡Z© 500 ‡KwfG bZyb ˆe`y¨wZK U«v›mdigvimn hšcvwZ mieivn I ¯’vc‡bi Avbylw½K KvR 32964331 - Supplying fitting and fixing of thai 32964331 -avbgwÛ XvKv¯’ 7bs †iv‡Wi miKvwi ‡KvqvU©vi cÖfvZx, aluminium sliding window shutter and wall wPÎv, ejvKv, ˆeKvjx, †Mvawj, †KvbvK© Ges Dlvq cabinet in kitchen and collapsible gate in G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi úvBwWs Rvbvjv, ivbœvN‡ii †`qvj stair case of government officers quarter †Kwe‡bU, Kjvcwmej †MU I evDÛvix Iqvb wbg©vY Ges 2bs †iv‡Wi wcWwe­DwW Awdmvm© †KvqvU©v‡ii wmwo‡Z Gm Provati, Chitra, Balaka, Baikali, Godhuli, Gm Mªxj ¯’vcb KvR Konark and Usha building (4o flats) at road no.7, special repair to boundary wall of govt.officers quarters at road no.7, boundary wall & M.S grill in stair case of PWD officers quarter no.2 at road no.1, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. 32964332 - Re-construction of bituminus carpeting 32964332 -ei¸bv mvwK©U nvD‡Ri mvg‡bi gwnjv K‡jR ‡MU e· road breaking old RCC and old bituminus KvjfvU© †_‡K cywjg jvBb ch©š cyivZb Aviwmwm ‡ivW carpeting road from Mohila College Gate Ges cyivZb weUywgbvm Kv‡c©wUs ‡ivW †f‡½ weUywgbvm box culvert to police line and infront of ‡ivW cybtwbg©vY KvR circuit house at Barguna. 32964333 - Repairing of damaged road at Motijheel 32964333 -gwZwSj miKvix K‡jvbxi ¶wZMª¯ iv¯v ms¯‹vi Ges Govt. Colony & constructing of grill fencing nvmcvZvj ‡Rvb¯’ C`Mvn Kvg †Ljvi gvV-Gi Pvwiw`K around Eidgah cum playground. mxgvbv cÖvPx‡ii Dci Mªxj †dw›ms ¯’vcb KvR 32964334 - Repairing & maintenance works at STMC 32964334 -XvKvi †k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ D”Pgvbm¤•bœ (MYfeb Kg‡c­ 2, 3, 4 & 8 building at Sher-e-bangla nagar, ·) evm¯’vb GmwUGgwm 2,3,4 Ges 8 Gi nvB‡RvwbK Dhaka. Iqvk Ges bxPZjvq UvBjm ¯’vcbmn Avbylw½‡K (‡givgZ I m¨vwbUvwi wdwUsm cwieZ©bKiY KvR 32964335 - Repairing & maintenance works including 32964335 -avbgwÛ¯’ nvDR bs-90, moK bs-11/G (2q Zjv), seperate water supply line & contucting a 226, moK bs -21 (cyivZb) evwoi †`qvj I ‡d¬v‡i Sentrypost, Garrage, Guard's toilet of UvBjm ¯’vcb, G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi mvUvi, Rvbvjv Mªxj, Uq‡jU House No.90 of road No.11/A & House wK‡Pb ms¯‹vi, Avjv`v cvwbi jvBbKiYmn we‡kl ‡givgZ Ges GKwU †mw›U« ‡cv÷, M¨v‡iR, MvW© Uq‡jU No.226 of road No.21 at Dhanmondi, BZ¨vw` wbg©vYmn Af¨šixY ˆe`y¨wZK KvR Dhaka. 32964336 - Construction and Renovation Work for 32964336 -AvwRgcyi K‡jvbx (cvwU© nvDR) Rv‡g gmwR‡`i wbg©vY I Jam-E-Mosque (Party House) at Azimpur ms¯‹vi KvR Colony 32964337 - Providing Internal E.I. in the 4-storied N.S.I. 32964337 -a Office Building Ground Floor to 1st Floor and 2nd Floor to 3rd Floor in/c. Security and Garden Light Fittings for N.S.I. Complex at Segunbagicha, Dhaka. 32964338 - Celing Fan installation works including 32964338 -a change of fittings and fixtures for 220 numbers flats of 20 numbers defferent buildings of Palashi Govt. Colony at Azimpur.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964339 - Construction works of new underground 32964339 -a water reservoir, guard shed, road and garden wall including renewal of unserviceable sewerage line, increasing height of existing boundary wall and other ancillary works of 71 no. circuit house at Kakrail. 32964340 - Internal and external special repair works 32964340 -a & installation of thai aluminium window shutter of govt. residential building no. B-2/E-type (1200 Sqft.) and re-construction of roads at infront of the building no. B-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6/C-type, B-1/E-type, B-1/F-type, B-10, 11/D-type & B-2, 3/E-type at sher-e-bangla nagar New Agargoan Govt. Colony. 32964341 - Vertical Extension of 3rd floor and 4th floor 32964341 -a of Record Room Cum Vehicle Shed Building for Anti-corruption commission at Segunbagicha, Dhaka (Sub Head: Civil, Sanitary and Internal Electrification) 32964342 - Renewal works for tiles, sanitary fittings 32964342 -a and water sypply line and other works of government quarter of A-type building no. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 & 24 at Mirpur, Paikpara. 32964343 - Renewal works for lime terracing and 32964343 -a parapet wall at government colony building nos of 13 to 25 and E/S quarter at Green Road, Dhaka 32964344 - Installation of Exterimental and observatory 32964344 -a tubewell with 38 mm dia UPVC pipe and installation of deep tubewell of 200 mm X 400 mm size with 75 H.P submersible pump including water supply line works at A-type walkup colony at Mirpur, Paikpara near the PWD Sub-division-3 office 32964345 - Changing and maintenance works of HT 32964345 -a switch Gear and LT Pannel and PFI with ancillary works of 1000 and 1250 KVA substation at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Taltala Govt. Colony, Dhaka. 32964346 - Installation works of additional 1000 KVA 32964346 -a electric substation with the existing ICC substation at the premises of Honorable Prime Minister's Office. 32964347 - Installation of a lift with core and 32964347 -a Replacement of 10 ton split type AC and fitings of Street lights at Gonovhobon. 32964348 - Works of installation of thai aluminium 32964348 -B¯‹vUb Mv‡W©b¯’ miKvwi AvevwmK GjvKvq Aew¯’Z window shutter, tiles works, replacement miKvwi Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vi AcivwRZv, iRbxMÜv, bwmgb, of wooden door in different Government wbnvixKv, Ai“wbgv, mvMwiKv, KvnKvkvb, ¸jwdkvb, officers quarter named as Aparazita, Avwmqvb, †mvbvjx, iƒcvjx, KvRjx, MxZvjx, wgZvjx, †`v‡qj, †Kv‡qjmn wewfbœ fe‡b UvBjm ¯’vcb, Rvbvjvq Rajanigandha, Nasiman, Niharika, _vB ¯’vcb, Kv‡Vi `iRv cwieZ©b I K¤•vD‡Û iv¯v wbg©vY Arunima, Sagorika, Kahkasan, Gulfisan, KvR Asian, Sonali, Rupali, Kajoli, Geetali, Mitali, Doyel, Koyel etc. and construction of road at the premises of Government Residential Area of Eskaton Garden.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964349 - Construction works of 5 Nos. new garage, 32964349 -‡eBjx †ivW¯’ miKvwi Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vi KvnKvkvb, reception room, porch, gate and PWD site ¸jwdkvb I Avwmqvb fe‡bi Rb¨ bZyb 5wU Mvwoi office for Khakasan, Gulfisan and Asian M¨v‡iR, Af¨_©bv K¶, †cvP©, †MU Ges wcWwe­DwWi mvBU bhaban at baily road government Officer's Awdm wbg©vY KvR (2014-15) quarter 32964350 - Supply and Replacement of 6 lift (Lift No. 32964350 -XvKvi †k‡ievsjv bMi¯’ RvZxq msm` fe‡b we`¨gvb -7, 8, 9, 17, 18=1600 kg 21 passanger 9 19wU wjdU Gi g‡a¨ 6wU wjdU (wjdU bs-7, 8, 9, 17, -stop and lift No.-10=9 floor, 5-stop) 18 cÖwZwU 1600 †KwR 21 c¨v‡mÄvi 9-óc Ges wjdU existing 19 lift of National Parliament bs-10=9 †d¬vi , 5-óc) cwieZ©bKiY KvR (2014-15) Bhaban at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 32964351 - Providing internal electrification work in the 32964351 -XvKvi 26bs †eBjx ‡ivW¯’ Awdmvm© K¬v‡ei bxPZjvi ground floor hallroom and 1st floor for wgjbvqZ‡b I wØZxq Zjvi Af¨šixY m¾v Kv‡Ri beautification and installation of air-cooler ˆe`y¨wZKiY Ges kxZvZc wbqšY hš mieivn I ¯’vcb at 26 baily road officer's club KvR (2014-15) 32964352 - Renovation works of Azimpur Govt. 32964352 -AvwRgcyi Mfb©‡g›U Ggc­BR KwgDwbwU †m›Uv‡ii nj i“g Employees Community Centre Hall Room I Awdm i“‡g UvBjm, `iRv Rvbvjvq _vB G¨vjywgwbqvg, in/c Tiles, Thai, wood wrok, Lime Terracing Qv‡`i RjQv` bevqb, GqviKzjvi ¯’vcbmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylvw½K ˆe`y¨wZK KvRmn Kvwgbx feb, BgviZ bs-72, 49, 67 Gi mvg‡b Mªv‡iR wbg©vY KvR 32964353 - Renovation/alteration/addition work for the 32964353 -evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡qi Af¨š‡i gvbbxq cÖavbgšxi office of the Honorable Prime Minister Kvh©vjq, ‡Kwe‡bU wgwUs nj I gvbbxq gšx, cÖwZgšx I room, Cabinet Meeting Hall DcgšxM‡Yi Awdm K¶ Ges wewfbœ gšYvj‡qi gvbbxq cÖavbgšxi AvMgb Dcj‡¶¨ Kbdv‡i›m i“gmn Awdm K¶mgn ms¯‹vi/cwieZ©b/cwiea©b KvR 32964354 - Construction of 4th floor over 3rd floor of 32964354 -evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡qi Af¨š‡i cÖ¯vweZ 20-Zjv the proposed 20 storied office building wfZwewkó Awdm fe‡bi (wbg©vYvaxb) 4_© Zjvi Dci 5g (under construction) including external Zjv wbg©vY, ewnt¯’ ˆe`y¨wZKiY Ges ˆe`y¨wZK hšcvwZ electrification and eloctro mechanical ¯’vcb KvR components at Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 32964355 - 39/A, Baily Road Dhaka, Ministers 32964355 -XvKvi 39/G, †eBjx †ivW¯’ wgwb÷vm© G¨vcvU©‡g›U feb apartment Bhaban No. 2 (10-Flats) High bs-2 (10 d¬¨vU) Gi d¬¨v‡Ui †d¬v‡i DbœZgv‡bi wgii Class Mirror Poish, Floor tiles, Bathroom, cwjk UvBjm, ev_i“‡gi †d¬vi G †`qv‡j cyivZb UvBjm Floor and Old wall tiles including fitting I wdwUsm, wd·W dvwY©Pvi bevqbmn Avbylvw½K we‡kl ms¯‹vi KvR fixing and renovation of furniture and special repair works 32964356 - Replacing the existing broken/damaged 32964356 -XvKvi †ZRMvI¯’ cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi `xN© cyiv‡bv unserviceable old garden light fittings and fv½v/A‡K‡Rv Mv‡W©b jvBU wdwUsm Ges f‚Mf©¯’ e¨envi underground cable of Prime Minister's Abyc‡hvMx R¡‡j hvIqv Iq¨vwis cwieZ©bKiY KvR Office at Tejgaon, Dhaka 32964357 - Replacing the existing broken/damaged 32964357 -XvKvi †ZRMvI¯’ cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi mfvK¶ I jvD‡ unserviceable old garden light fittings and Äi mvaviY jvBU wdwUsm cwieZ©b K‡i GjBwW wdwUsm underground cable of Prime Minister's cÖwZ¯’vcbmn Iq¨vwisKiY KvR Office at Tejgaon, Dhaka 32964358 - Replacing the existing unserviceble 32964358 -XvKvi †ZRMvI¯’ cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi mfvK‡¶ ¯’vwcZ conference system by new digital cyivZb, bó/A‡K‡Rv Kbdv‡iÝ wm‡÷g cwieZ©b K‡i conference system of Prime Minister's bZzb wWwRUvj Kbdv‡iÝ wm‡÷g mieivn ¯’vcb KvR Office at Tejgaon, Dhaka 32964359 - Repair and Renewal of Drain, Apron, 32964359 -gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvbxi AvBwWqvj I nvmcvZvj †Rvb¯’ Sewarage Line etc. of Motijheel Govt. myqv‡iR jvBb, †Wªb-G‡cÖvb bevqbmn ms¯‹vi KvR Colony (Ideal Zone and Hospital Zone) 32964360 - Construction of Toilet, Tiles work, 32964360 -XvKvi gwZwSj¯’ wkí gš¿Yvjq fe‡bi bxPZjvq Uq‡jU Reception room and waiting room wbg©vY, UvBjm ¯’vcb, Af¨_©bv K¶ I A‡c¶v K¶ including marble and Aluminium works at wbg©vYmn gv‡e©j ¯’vcb I G¨vjywgwbqvg ¯’vcb KvR ground floor of Shilpo Montranaloy Bhaban (2014-15) at Motijheel, Dhaka

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964361 - Estimate for the honorable prime 32964361 -gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿xi wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡q cwi`k©b Dcj‡¶¨ minister's visit of the different ministries for mswkÐó gš¿Yvj‡qi gvbbxq gš¿xi i“g, Kbdv‡iÝ i“g I replacement of AC's of the minister's mwPe g‡nv`‡qi i“‡gi Gwmmg–n cwieZ©b (cÖ‡qvRb I Office, Conference room & Secretaries Pvwn`v Abymv‡i), i¶Yv‡e¶YKiY, †Rbv‡iUi i¶Yv‡e¶Y I Bgv‡R©wÝ jvBb ¯’vcbKiY, ˆe`y¨wZK i¶Yv‡e¶Y I Office (As per Requirement) Electrical Dc‡K›`ª i¶Yv‡e¶YKiYmn Avbylw½K KvR maintenance or renovation works, Generator/Lift/Sub-Station maintenance and other related electrical work 32964362 - Raising of boundary wall construction of 32964362 -avbgwÛ¯’ moK bs-3, evox bs-9, XvKvi mywcwiqi †kÖYxi car parking at out side of building painting miKvwi evmfeb (feb bs-1 I 4) Gi mxgvbv cÖvPxi of stair room, construction of Railing DuPzKiY, fe‡bi evwn‡i Kvi cvwKs &I wmwo N‡i isKiY, around roof top, construction of M.S railing Qv‡`i PZzw`©‡K óx‡ji †iBwjs Ges evMv‡bi bZzb MvBW &Iqvjmn †jvnvi †iBwjs, _vB G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi Rvbvjv including new guide wall, repair of Thai †givgZ &I †Wªb &I myqv‡iR jvB‡bi A‡K‡Rv cvBc aluminium window & renewing of drain cwieZ©bmn Ab¨vb¨ KvR| and sewerage line of superior type Gove. quarter Building No-1 & 4 at House No-9, Road No-3, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 32964363 - Water proofing work in roof, replacement of 32964363 -B¯‹vUb Mv‡W©b¯’ miKvwi Awdmvm© †KvqvUvi bvwmgb, main door and remaining Thai aluminum wbnvixKv, Ai“wbgv, mvMwiKv fe‡bi _vB G¨vjywgwbqvg work of Govt. officers quarter at Nasimon, (Aewkóvs‡ki KvR) cÖavb `iRv cwieZ©b, Qv‡` IqvUvi Niharika, Aurunima & Sagarika, Tiles work cÖƒwds, Kiex, myifx †gŠmygx, c–iex, gvj &I avbwmuwo fe‡bi wewfbœ d¬ªv‡U UvBjm ¯’vcb, †`v‡qj, †Kv‡qj, in different Govt. Officers flats such as wgZvjx fe‡bi evB‡i cÐv÷vi-&I‡q`vi‡KvUmn wmwKDwiwU Korabi, suravi, Mowsumi, Purabi, †bU ¯’vcb &I Qv‡`i ms¯‹vi Ges †eBwj †ivW¯’ miKvwi Malancha and Dhanshiri, providing Awdmvm© †KvqvU©vi Avwkqvb fe‡b _vB G¨vjywgwbqvg ¯’vcb security net, out side plaster, weather cost KvR and renovation work in roof of different Govt. Officers flats such as Duel, Koel, Gitali, Mitali Building at Eskaton and providing Thai Aluminum work in Govt. officers Building Asian at Baily road, Dhaka 32964364 - Supply and installation of Security lamp, 32964364 -XvKvi wgicyi¯’ MYc–Z© Kv‡Vi KviLvbv Dc-wefvM PZ¡‡i wiring of office and machine shop, change wbivcËv evwZ mieivn I ¯’vcb, Awdm I †gwkb m‡ci of fittings, motor wiring, control switch, gUi Ih¨vwis, K‡›Uvj myBP, myBP †evW©mn Avbylw½K switch board etc. at Wood Workshop ˆe`y¨wZK KvR| MYc–Z© Kv‡Vi KviLvbv Dcwefv‡Mi wUbw¯ §_ kvLv, ÔmÕ kvLv (2wU), wUGbwc †÷vi I †cBw›Us kvLvi P.W.D. Sub-Division at Mirpur, Dahka. RivRxY© ˆe`y¨wZK Iq¨vwis, wdwUs wd•vimn mvwf©m jvBb Replacement and Installation of damaged cwieZ©b KvR| MYc–Z© Kv‡Vi KviLvbv Dcwefv‡Mi electrical wiring, fittings fixture with service Kv‡c©wUs kvLvi Ges †Rbv‡ij †÷v‡ii cyivZb line of tinsmith section, saw section (2 RivR©Y©/R¡wjqv hv&Iqv ˆe`y¨wZK, wdwUsm wdKPvimn mvwf©m nos), T.N.P. store and painting section st jvBb cwieZ©b KvR| PWD Sub-Division Wood Workshop Replacement and Installation of damaged old electrical fittings fixture with service line of carpenting section, general store at P.W.D. Sub-Division Wood workshop at Mirpur, Dhaka 32964365 - Extention of one room with verandah for 32964365 -XvKv †mvevnvbevM¯’ 64-wW UvBc (eZ©gv‡b B-UvBc) each flat of existing 4-storied building of miKvwi Awdmvm© †KvqvU©v‡ii we`¨gvb 4 Zjv fe‡bi D-type Govt. Officer's quarter at 64 cÖwZwU d¬¨v‡Ui mwnZ eiv›`vmn 1 (GK)wU K‡i K¶ Sobahanbagh, Dhaka, (56 Flats of 7 Nos m¤•ÖmviY &I Avbylw½K KvR (wbg©vY KvR, 7wU fe‡bi †gvU 56wU d¬¨vU) building) 32964366 - Renovation with interior decoration of 32964366 -XvKvi 26 †eBjx †ivW¯’ Awdmvm© K¬v‡ei 2q Zjvi Multipurpose Hall Room (1st floor) of gvjwUcvicvm n‡ji Af¨š@ixY mvRm¾vi cwieZ©b Officer's Club at 26, Baily Road, Dhaka cwiea©b KvR 32964367 - Repair renovation and placing work of floor 32964367 -7/1, bIiZb K‡jvbx, XvKv¯’ msiw¶Z cwiZ¨³ evoxi tiles, Alluminium window shutter in place bxPZjv I 2q Zjvi †g‡S UvBjm, fe‡bi Kv‡Vi of wooden shutter, change of comod for Rvbvjvi cwie‡Z© G¨vjywgwbqvg mvUvi ¯’vcb, K‡gvW Abandant house #7/1 of Nowroton Colony cwieZ©bmn †givgZ KvR Dhaka 32964368 - Estimate for Providing Marble stone 32964368 -gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi Avš@R©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K‡›`ªi flooring in Karobi conference room ICC Kiex nj, UvBMvi †MU I †dvqviv GjvKv †g‡S gv‡e©j † Tiger gate and foara (in/c Wall tiles) at ÷vb (&Iqvj UvBj&mmn) ¯’vcb KvR prime Minister's office, Tejgaon, Dhaka

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964371 - Modernization of D. type Govt. Staff quater 32964371 -wgicyi cvBKcvov¯’ miKvwi ÔwWÕ UvBc feb AvaywbKvq‡bi in Paikpara, Mirpur, Under PWD sub j‡¶¨ †d¬vi Ges wmwo‡Z UvBj&m ¯’vcb, ÔwmÕ I ÔwWÕ division-II with Floor & Stair tiles, renewing UvBcmn IqvKAvc febmg–‡ni RjQv` cybt wbg©vY, lime tracing, installation of seawrage line myqv‡iR jvBb I I‡qó IqvUvi jvBb ¯’vcb, ÔwWÕ-11 I 12 Gi mxgvbv cÖvPxi DuPzKiY I KvUuvZv‡ii †eov ¯’vcb & waste water line in connection of C & D KvR| type walkup building and vertical extension of boundary wall & barbed wire fencing attached to 'D' type building no-11 & 12. 32964372 - Repair and Renovation work of 32964372 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` fe‡bi i¶Yv‡e¶Y †givgZ KvR Bangladesh National parliament during (DcLvZ: mwPe †nv‡ój hyM¥mwPe †nv‡ój bs 1/1 n‡Z the year 2014-2015. (Sub Head: Secretary 1/8, 2/1 n‡Z 2/8, 3/1 n‡Z 3/8 Ges 4/1 n‡Z 4/6 Hostel and joint Secretary Hostel No. from ch©š@ evmvmg–‡ni Qv` n‡Z cvwb cov eÜKiY, _vB G¨vjywgwbqvg mvU©vi, MÖxj †givgZ/bevqb Kv‡Vi, 1/1 to 1/8, from 2/1 to 2/8, from 3/1, to 3/8 cq:cÖYvjx I cvwb mieivn bevqb/ †givgZ †gvRvBK and 4/1 to 4/6, stoping the roof leackage KvwUs Ges mwPe †nv‡ój n‡Z 9 bs †MU ch©š@ †jK Repair of thai aluminium shutter grill, cv‡k¦©i n¨vu n¨vui †cf‡g‡›Ui wm,wm, XvjvB, wK¬sKvi weªKm wooden door window, renening Sanaitary mvBW bevqb I ms¯‹viKiY, mwPe †nv‡ó‡ji m¤§y‡Li Kvi and water supply aragement old Mossic cvwKs Gi cÖ‡qvRbxq †givgZ &I ms¯‹vi KvRmn Ab¨vb¨ cutting and repair of carparking area CC Avbylw½K Kv‡Ri we‡kl †givgZ I ms¯‹vi KvR| casting kilonker paving bricks and side renovation of works etc from secretary Hostal to gate No. 9. 32964373 - Construction of Beautification work for 32964373 -AvwRgcyi miKvix Kg©Pvix †KvqvU©vi GjvKvi 1 bs pond-1 at Azimpur Govt. Employees cyKz‡ii †mŠ›`h©ea©b KvR| quarter. 32964374 - Tiles Fittings in floor of D-type Building No- 32964374 -gwZwSj miKvix K‡jvbxn wW-UvBc `vjvb bs-111, 112 111, 112, and Tiles Fittings in Bathroom, Gi †d¬v‡i I wm-2 UvBc (cyivZb-wR) 20, 21, 22, 23, toilet Kitchen including Renovation if 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 I 3 Ges wW-2 Sanitary works of C-type (Old-G) Building UvBc (cyivZb Gd) 41, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 91, 92 I 2 bs fe‡bi ev_i“g, Uq‡jU I ivbœvN‡i UvBjm nvcb, No-20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, m¨vwbUvix wdwUsm bevqbmn msmïvi KvR| 30, 31 & 3, ‘D-2’ type (Old-F) Building No- 41, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 91, 92 & 2 at Motijheel Govt. Colony, Dhaka. 32964375 - Special repair and renovation work of 32964375 -XvKvi wRMvZjvn 6-Zjv K‡jvbxi feb bs-1, 2, 3 I 4 toilets of 120 flats of Zigatola 6-floor colony Gi 120wU d¬¨v‡Ui Uq‡jU msmïvi / cwieZ©b / Building No(1,2, 3 & 4), fitting of tiles in cwiea©bmn Avbylw½K we‡kl msmïvi KvR Ges wRMvZjvn dining space of 48 flats of building No-3, 6 Zjv K‡jvbxi feb bs-3 Gi c–e© cwðg wmuwo I 4 Gi cwðg wmuwo I 2 Gi cwðg wmuwo †gvU 48wU d¬¨v‡Ui East & west stair, building No-4, west stair, WvBwbs †cm Gi †d¬v‡i UvBjm nvcb I 4wU fe‡bi building No-2, West stair and placing of fly 120wU d¬¨v‡Ui ivbœv Ni Ges WvBwbs †c‡mi Rvbvjvq proof net in windows of kitchens and d¬vBcÖ²d †bU nvcbmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K KvR| dining spaces of 60 flats of Building No-1 and 3. 32964376 - Renovation of internal roads & sewarage 32964376 -kvnRvnvbcyi miKvwi K‡jvbxi Af¨š@ixY iv¯@v ms¯Kvi, line, coust of play ground, fansing of floor A‡K‡Rv myqv‡iR jvBb bevqb, †cÐ-MÖvDÛ ˆZix, of B-2/F, B-3/G and tiles work for Building we-2/Gd, we-3/wR UvBc Gi †d¬vi DuPzKiYmn B-UvBc no: 9, 11, 12, 13 (32 Flat) & ancillery works feb bs-9, 11, 12 I 13 Gi 32wU d¬¨v‡Ui UvBjm nvcbmn Avbylw½K msmïvi KvR| at Sahjahanpur Govt. Quater, Dhaka. 32964377 - Renovation extension & replacement work 32964377 -evox bs-723/G (bZzb-92/G), moK bs-14 (Civil, Sanitary & Electrification) of House (bZzb-7/G), avbgwÛ¯’ miKvix evs‡jv UvBc evmfeb No. 723/A (New-92/A) Road No.14 (eZ©gv‡b gvbbxq wePvicwZ Rbve †Mvwe›` P›`Ö VvKzi (New-7/A), Dhanmondi Banglo type Govt. g‡nv`q emevmiZ) Gi cwieZ©b, cwiea©b I m¤cÖmviY KvR (wmwfj, m¨vwbUvix I ˆe`¨ywZK) KvR Building (At Present Honourable Justice Mr. Govindra Chandra Thakur is living). 32964378 - "Construction of-6 storied residential 32964378 -XvKvi †ZRMuvI¯’ G‡jbevwo Gm Gm Gd Gi bb building with 14-storied foundations for †M‡R‡UW Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 14 Zjv wfZ wewkó 6 Zjv non-ganeted staff of special Scurity Force's AvevwmK feb wbg©vY KvR| (SSF) at Alenbari, Tejgaon, Dhaka"

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964581 - Repair and renovation of toilet and 32964581 -gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvwbi wm UvBc 12wU fe‡bi 120wU bathroom of 120 nos. flats of 12 nos. C d¬¨vU Ges Gd-UvBc 19wU fe‡bi 312wU d¬¨v‡Ui ev_i“g type bldg. 312 flats of 19 nos. F-type bldg. I Uq‡jU ms¯‹vi, B-UvBc feb 1 n‡Z 17= 17wU renovation of E-type bldg no. 1 to 17, fixing fe‡bi wmwoNi ms¯‹vi, B-UvBc 7 Ges 9 n‡Z 14 bs=7wU fe‡bi ‡d¬v‡i UvBjm, Mªxj I _vB ¯’vcb, tiles, girls and aluminium works of E type B-UvBc feb bs-we-1/B n‡Z we-8/B fe‡bi Qv‡`i bldg. no. 7, 9 to 14=7 nos bldg, fitting fixing Dc‡i †Lvjv As‡k dvBevi M­vm wm‡Ui QvDwb ¯’vcbmn fiber glass hseet roofcover over open iv¯v Dbœqb KvR| space E type bldg. no. 1 to 8 and improvemnet of internal road of Motijheel Govt. Colony Dhaka. 32964582 - Special repair to sanitary & water supply 32964582 -XvKvi †k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ wbægvb AvevwmK †KvqvU©vi bs works in/c providing tiles in bath, toilet, B-37 n‡Z B-42 Ges Gd-18 (24 BDwbU), AvMviMvuI kitchen in quarter no. E-37 to E-42 and F-1 I wbD K‡jvwbi AvevwmK feb bs we-1 (B-UvBc) Gi to F-18=24 units in S. B. Nagar lower m¨vwbUvwi I cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi we‡kl †givgZmn ev_, Uq‡jU I ivbœvN‡i UvBjm ¯’vcb Ges wbægvb AvevwmK category staff quarter and bldg. No. B-1 GjvKvi miKvwi cvKv gv‡K©U `vZe¨ wPwKrmvjq Gi Qv` (E-type) at Arargaon New Colony and n‡Z cvwb cov ‡ivaK‡í Qv‡`i †givgZmn fv½v †W«b I repari of roof of Govt. Pacca Market iv¯v †givgZ KvR| dispensary in/c repair of Damaged drain & road 32964583 - Providing, Installation and Commissioning 32964583 -XvKv wSMvZjv¯’ miKvwi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ of 500 KVA Sub-station equipment at ÷vd ‡KvqvU©v‡i MYcZ© Awa`߇ii wbR¯^ 500 †KwfG Zigatala Govt. Staff Quarter and Improving ˆe`y¨wZK Dc‡K›`ª mieivn I ¯’vcbKiY, XvKv¯’ MªxY‡ivW the water supply and electric supply I †mvenvbevM GjvKvq Aew¯’Z miKvwi AvevwmK †KvqvU©vimg‡n cvwb Ges we`y¨r mieivn e¨e¯’v DbœwZKiY system at Green Road and Sobahanbag Ges XvKvi †eBwj ¯‹qvi miKvwi Awdmvm© †KvqvU©v‡ii 8wU Staff Quarter in/c. Renovation of Internal fe‡bi Af¨šixY ˆe`y¨wZK ms¯‹viKiY KvR Electric work of 8 Nos. Building at Baily Road, Dhaka. 32964584 - Special Repair and Renovation of C Road 32964584 -‡k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ RvZxq msm` feb I MYfeb msjMœ Adjacent to National Assembly Bhaban wm-†ivW (weRq miwY †gvo n‡Z wgicyi †ivW ch©š) Ges and Ganabhaban at S.B. Nagar ( Starting mshy³ ¯•xKvi W«vBI‡q (†ivW) Gi we‡kl †givgZ I From Bijoy Sarani Turning upto Mirpur ms¯‹vi KvR| Road) and Connected Speaker's Driveway (Road). 32964585 - Replacing the Existing Damaged Lift No. 2 32964585 -evsjv‡`k mwPevjq¯’ 1bs fe‡bi 2bs µwUcY© wjdUwU for Building No. 1 by Supply, Installation, cwieZ©b K‡i Z`¯’‡j AZ¨vaywbK 750 ‡KwR Testing , Commissioning of 750 Kg ¶gZvm¤•bœ 9Rb hvÎxevnx 4-ó‡ci 1wU wjdU mieivn, 4-Stops 96 Passengers Lift at Bangladesh ¯’vcb I PvjyKiY KvR Secretariat, Dhaka 32964586 - Replacing old used carpet & suppling & 32964586 -†k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ RvZxq msm` fe‡bi msm` K‡¶i fixing of foreign made best quality carpet in (nvDR) e¨eüZ cyivZb Kv‡c©U cwieZ©b K‡i we‡`kx National Assembly House at DbœZgv‡bi bZyb Kv‡c©U mieivn I ¯’vcb KvR Sher-e-Bangla Nagar 32964587 - Providing & Installation of Fire Fighting 32964587 -evsjv‡`k mwPevjq XvKvq 4 Zjv wewìs (feb bs-1) 9 (hydrant) System in 4 -Storied Buildign Zjv wewìs (feb bs-7) Ges 4 Zjv wewìs (feb bs-8) (Bhaban No. 1), 9 Storied Buildign G dvqvi dvBwUs (nvB‡W«›U) wm‡÷g mieivn I ¯’vcb (Bhaban No. 7) & 4-Storied Buildign KvR (Bhaban No. 8), at Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 32964589 - Construction of Transport Pool for the 32964589 -cÖavbgšxi Kvh©vj‡qi cwienb cyj wbg©vY (2003-04 Prime Minister's Office (2003-04 to n‡Z 2005-06) 2005-06) 32964590 - Establishment of CCTV Monitor 32964590 -wmwmwUwf gwbUi ¯’vcb Kg©mPx Programme 32964591 - Excess Work of Extension of 48 Flats in 3 32964591 -XvKvi AvMviMuvI wbD K‡jvbxi 3wU cyivZb Gd-UvBc old F-Type Building F-1, F-2 & F-3 with One wewìs (Gd-1, Gd-2 Gd-3) Gi 48wU d¬¨v‡Ui Room including Varanda & Toilet in each Uq‡jUmn GKwU K¶ I eviv›`v m¤•ÖmviY Kv‡Ri Aewkó Flat in Agargaon New Colony, Dhaka. KvR 32964592 - Construction of 3 Storied Office Building 32964592 -evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡qi Af¨š@†i 12 Zjv wfZmn 3 Zjv with 12 Stories Foundation in Bangladesh Awdm feb wbg©vY KvR Secretariat

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964593 - Construction of Museum & Audio room, 32964593 -mvfvi RvZxq ¯§„wZ †mŠ‡ai Af¨š@†i wgDwRK I AwWI Flower & Souvenir shop, Visitor Shed, wfRy¨‡qj i“g, my¨‡fwbi I dzj wecbx, Af¨vMZ‡`i hvÎx Police Barrak, Air Theater for Laser Show, QvDwb, cywjk e¨vivK, †jRvi †kv cÖ`k©‡Yi Rb¨ D¤§y³ Inatallation 100mm x 200mm Dia g wbg©vY Ges mve-†÷kb I Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb KvR Shrouded Production well with uPVC Pipe & Construction of Sub-station building at National Martyr's Memorial, Savar, Dhaka 32964594 - Installation of Floor Tiles & fitting fixing of 32964594 -XvKvi AvwRgcyi¯’ ewa©Z GjvKvq AvwRgcyi miKvwi window mosquito protection net in/c thai K‡jvwbi B-UvBc (20wU) BgviZ bs-48, 49, 50, 51, aluminium shutter and paining work for 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, each flat of 'E' type building No.48, 49, 50, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 Gi cÖwZ d¬¨v‡Ui (†gvU 160wU d¬ ¨vU) †d¬v‡i UvBjm&, Rjvk‡q gkv wb‡ivaK †bUmn _vB 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, G¨vjywgwbqvg kvU©vi I isKiY KvR 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 (total 160 flats) of Azimpur Govt. Colony at Azimpur Extension Area in Dhaka 32964595 - Construction of Extension work from 540 32964595 -wRMvZjv 6-Zjv K‡jvwbi feb bs-1, 2, 3. 4 -Gi cÖ sft. to 815 sft. each flat of residential ‡Z¨K d¬¨v‡Ui AvqZb 540 eM©dzU n‡Z 815 eM©dz‡U building No. 1, 2, 3, 4 of 6-storied Govt. DbœxZKiY Ges ¯‹yj K‡jvwbi feb bs-11 I 12 Gi Colony 11 and 12 No. building and sinking ewa©ZKiY Ges GKwU wWc wUDeI‡qj ¯’vcb KvR (Aewkóvsk)| a deep tubewell at school colony, Zigatola, Dhaka (Remaining Work). 32964596 - Construction of one bed room with one 32964596 -gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvwbi cyivZbÔGd UvBc (wm-†kªYx) toilet and verandah for extension of each febmg‡ni GKwU K‡i bZyb K¶ Ges GKwU ev_i“g flat of existing 04 storied 08 flats F-type wbg©vY KvR kxl©K Kg©m–wP| building of Motijheel govt. colony at Al-Helal Hospital & Ideal School Zone, Dhaka 32964597 - Construction of one Storied Building at 32964597 -gvbbxq cÖavbgšxi miKvwi evmfeb MYfe‡bi 2bs †MBU Prime Minister's Residence msjMœ dvKv ¯’v‡b GKwU GKZjv wewkó feb wbg©vY KvR (Ganabhaban) Attached to Vacant Space of Gate No.-2. 32964598 - Supply and Installation of CCTV Camera of 32964598 -RvZxq msm` feb msjMœ gvwbK wgqv GwfwbD¯’ 1250 1250 sft bldg. 3 nos and 1800 sft. bldg. 3 eM©dzU 3wU Ges 1800 eM©dzU 3wU msm` m`m¨ fe‡b I nos Parliament Member's Bhaban (Two 2wU K¨v¤•v‡m wmwm wUwf K¨v‡giv ¯’vcb KvR Campus) Attached to National Parliament Bhaban, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka.  32964599 - Installation of 150 mm X 300 mm dia GI 32964599 -bvivqbMÄ †Rjv ‡Kvi Kg‡c­‡· GKwU Mfxi bjK‚c Pipe Deep tubewell at Core Complex at ¯’vcb, bewbwg©Z mvwK©U nvD‡Ri mxgvbv cÖvPx‡ii cv‡k¦© Narayangonj, Construction of Tennis Court GKwU ‡Uwbm †KvU© ¯’vcb, bvivqbMÄ †Rjv cÖkvmK Beside the Circuit House, Special Type of Kvh©vj‡qi cÖ‡ekc‡_ GKwU bv›`wbK †MU wbg©vY, †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki evmfe‡bi †mw›U«e·, mxgvbv cÖvPxi I M¨v‡iR Gate for DC's Residence and Special Wall, wbg©vY Ges Lvbcyi¯’ Awdmvm© †KvqvU©v‡ii we‡kl †givgZ Garrage at DC's Residence and Special KvR Repair of Khanpur Officer's Quarter at Narayangonj. 32964601 - Sinking & Installation of Deep Tubewell 32964601 -XvKv wgicyi¯’ †mKkb-1, wW UvBc ÷vd †KvqvU©vi Ges with Supplying & Installation of b¨vg Mv‡W©b †mKkb-13 G mvigviwmej cv¤• gUi Submersible Pump Motor set at D-type mieivn mn Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb KvR| Staff Quarter, Section -1 and NAM Garden Section-13, Mirpur, Dhaka. 32964602 - Excess work of extension of 48 flats in 3 32964602 -XvKvi AvMviMuvI wbD K‡jvwbi 3wU cyivZb Gd-UvBc old F type building F-1,F-2,F-3 with one wewìs (Gd-1, Gd-2 Gd-3) Gi 48wU d¬¨v‡Ui room including varanda and Toilet in each Uq‡jUmn GKwU K¶ I eviv›`v m¤•ÖmviY Kv‡Ri Aewkó Flat in Agargaon new colony,Dhaka. KvR 32964603 - Maintanance, Renewal & Replacement of 32964603 -‡ki-B- evsjv bMi¯’ gvbbxq cÖavbgšxi evmfeb External and Internal Electro-Mechanical ÔMYfebÕ Gi Af¨šixY I ewnt¯’ wewfbœ ai‡bi Works of Honorable Prime Minister's B‡jK‡U«v-†gKvwbK¨vj ms¯‹vi, bevqb I cÖwZ¯’vcbKiY Residence-'Ganabhaban' at KvR Sher-e-bangla Nagar, Dhaka. 32964604 - Replacement of at 125 RT Capacity Old 32964604 -Imvgbx ø„wZ wgjbvqZ‡bi †m›U«vj Gqvi KwÛkwbs wm‡÷ Chiller Including Other Ancillay Works of ‡gi 125.00 AviwU ¶gZvi 1wU cyivZb wPjvi Central Air-conditioning System of Osmani cwieZ©bmn Avbylw½K KvR Smriti Milonayolon

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964605 - Construction of Extenstion Work of Govt. 32964605 -XvKvi MªxY †ivW¯’ miKvwi K‡jvwbi feb bs-1, 2, 3, 4 Staff Quarter at Green Road Staff Quarter I 6 Gi m¤•ªmviY KvR (wi‡gBwbs IqvK©) Compound Bldg. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 (Remaining Work) 32964606 - Project for Replacing the burnt-out H.T. 32964606 -evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡qi †mvbvjx e¨vsK msjMœ ˆe`y¨wZK cable by new Providign and Laying of Dc‡K›`ª Gi m¤§yL¯’ AviGgBD (wis †gBb BDwbU) n‡Z 3X185 sq. mm H.T. Cable from RMU (Ring 7bs fe‡bi Af¨šixY AviGgBD ch©š R¡‡j hvIqv GBP, Main Unit) from electric Sub-Station wU K¨ve‡ji cwie‡Z© 3*185 eM© wgt wgt mvB‡Ri GBP. wU K¨vej mieivn I ¯’vcb KvR, 7bs fe‡bi 1250 attached to Sonali bank of Bangladesh †KwfG ˆe`y¨wZK Dc-†K‡›`ªi bó/A‡K‡Rv, AwZ cyivZb secretariat to RMU at Building No. 7, Gj.wU c¨v‡bj cwieZ©b I ms‡hvR‡bi Rb¨ jyc K¨vej Replacement existing ¯’vcbmn Avbylvw½K KvR, 2bs fe‡bi 4_© Zjvq bZyb damaged/unserviceable very old L.T. wbwg©Ze¨ ms¯’vcb gš panel. loop cable connection and accerrories for 1250 KVA Sub-Station at Buildign No-7, Supplying and Fixing of n 32964643 - Remaining work for the Construction of 32964643 -XvKvi †ZRMuvI¯’ cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi cwienb cyj wbg©vY transport pool of Hon'ble Prime Minister's Kv‡Ri Aewkó KvR mgvßKiY Office at Tejgaon, Dhaka 32964644 - Repair and renovation of residential 32964644 -PÆMªvg¯’ evUvwj wn‡ji AvevwmK febmg–‡ni bevqb, buildings including providing tiles and ev_i“‡g UvBjm& ¯’vcb I ms¯‹vi KvR, wi‡UBwbs Iqvj construction of retaining wall and other wbg©vYmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K bevqb I c–Z© KvR| ancillary works at Batali Hill, Chittagong. 32964646 - Supply and Installation of 3.3 KV VCB in 32964646 -XvKvi †k‡i evsjv bMi¯’ RvZxq msm` fe‡bi Gg.Gg. place of 3.3 KV air circuit breaker at M.M.P wc i“g¯’ cyivZb/A‡K‡Rv 3.3 †Kwf Gqvi mvwK©U †eªKvi room, replacement of 3200 Amps. Main cwieeZ©b KiZt 3.3 †Kwf wfwmwe mieivn I ¯’vcb, Control Breaker of 2000 KVA Substation, we`¨gvb 2000 †KwfG ˆe`y¨wZK Dc‡K‡›`ªi GjwU-i bó e¨envi Abyc‡hvMx 3200 G¨v¤•m †gBb wbqšK Supply and Installation of H.T Switch gear cwieZ©bmn Avbylvw½K K vR, we`¨gvb A‡K‡Rv GjweGm (Vacum circuit breaker) in place of (‡jvW †eªK myBP) cwieZ©b K‡i Z`¯’‡j bZyb GBP.wU unserviceable LBS (Load Break Switch), myBP wMqvi (†fKzqvg mvwK©U †eªKvi) mieivn I ¯’vcb, Supply and Installation of Ring Main Unit msm` m`m¨ fe‡bi 2bs (RMU) in place of underviceable/defective 11 KV Breaker of Substation at L 32964657 - Construction of one bed room with one 32964657 -gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvwbi cyivZb ÔwRÕ UvBc (we-†kªYx) toilet for extension of each flat of existing febmg–‡ni GKwU K‡i bZyb K¶ Ges GKwU ev_i“g 04 storied 08 flats G-type building of wbg©vY KvR kxl©K Kg©m–wP Motijheel govt. colony at Al-Helal Hospital & Ideal School Zone, Dhaka 32964660 - Renovation works of different types, 32964660 -Kzwgj­v¯’ †Rjv m`i, †PŠÏMªvg, evwMPvMuvI, †KvUevwo, providing tiles in floors, water supply and †QvUiv, KvwjqvRywi, Kvw›`icvo, Puv`cyi¯’ †Rjv m`i, sewerage lines, construction of reservoir, we-evwoqv †Rjv m`i, †bvqvLvjx¯’ gvBR`x, †dbx †Rjv reconstruction of boundary wall, repair of m`i I gwncvj, j¶¥xcyi †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi Awdm I AvevwmK febmg–‡ni wewfbœ ai‡bi road and other ancillary civil & electrical bevqb, †g‡S‡Z UvBjm& ¯’vcb. cqtcÖYvjx I cvwb works of different office and residential mieivn, Rjvavi wbg©vY, mxgvbv cÖvPxi cybt wbg©vY, iv¯v buildings at Comilla, Chouddagram, †givgZmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K c–Z© I ˆe`y¨wZK KvR| Bagichagaon, Kotbari, Chotra, Kalijuri, Kandirpar, Chandpur, B 32964667 - Repair and renovation works of different 32964667 -wSbvB`n¯’ †Rjvi PvKjvcvov, ˆkjK‚cvq Aew¯’Z miKvwi government official and residential Awdm I AvevwmK feb Ges wSbvB`n mvwK©U nvDR I buildings at Chaklapara and Shailopupa †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kvh©vj‡qi ms¯‹vi I bevqb KvR and at the Circuit House and DC's Office in Jhenaidah District. 32964668 - Repair and renovation works of official and 32964668 -ewikvj¯’ †Rjv m`i, fvUviLvj, Av‡jKv›`v, ‡MŠib`x, residential buildings, repair of roads †fvjv¯’ †Rjv m`i, Pid¨vkb, jvj‡gvnb, gbcyiv, including other ancillary electrical and civil cUyqvLvjx †Rjv m`i, ei¸bv †Rjv m`i, SvjKvwV †Rjv works at Barishal District Sadar, Vatarkhal, m`i, wc‡ivRcyi †Rjv m`i, ayccvkv, wmAvB cvov, †MvcvjMÄ †Rjv m`i, Kvwkqvbx, †gvK‡m`cyi, Alokando, Gouranodi, Vola district sadar, †KvUvjxcvov, gv`vixcyi †Rjv m`i, iv‰Ri, kwiqZcyi Charfashan, Lalmohan, Monpura, †Rjv m`i, †MvmvBinvU, †f`iMÄ, WvgyÇv GjvKvi Patuakhali district sadar, Barguna district miKvwi Awdm I AvevwmK febmg–‡ni ms¯‹vi I bevqb, sadar, Jhalkathi district sadar, Pirojpur iv¯Zvi †givgZ KvRmn Avbylw½K district sadar,

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964678 - Renovation works of different types, 32964678 -XvKv¯’ †eBjx †ivW, evRvievM, KvKivBj, igbv avbgwÛ providing tiles in bathrooms and other ‡Z Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi Awdm I AvevwmK febmg–‡ni anciallary revovation and civil works of wewfbœ ai‡bi bevqb, ev_i“‡g UvBjm& ¯’vcbmn Ab¨vb¨ different government officials and Avbylw½K bevqb I c–Z© KvR residential buildings at Baily Road, Rajarbagh, Kakrail, Ramna and Dhanmondi in Dhaka 32964680 - Renovation works of different types, 32964680 -XvKv¯’ †k‡i evsjv bMi, AvMviMuvI, DËiv, Avk‡Kvbv, providing tiles in floors, walls & bathrooms ebvbx gnvLvjx‡Z Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi Awdm I and other ancillary renovation and civil AvevwmK febmg–‡ni wewfbœ ai‡bi bevqb, †g‡S, Uq‡jU works of different government official and Ges Iqv‡j UvBjm& ¯’vcbmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K bevqb I c–Z© KvR| residential buildings at Sher-e-Banglanagar, Agargaon, Uttara, Ashkona, Banani and Mohakhali in Dhaka. 32964695 - Construction of SSF Officer's Mess 32964695 -‡¯•kvj wmwKDwiwU †dvm© Gi Awdmvm© †gm wbg©vY (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) 32964696 - Renovation Works of Different Types 32964696 -XvKv¯’ †m¸bevwMPv, ‡ZRMuvI, beveMÄ, †KivbxMÄ, providing tiles in bathrooms,installation of B¯‹vUb, gvwjevM, wLjMuvI‡Z Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi deep tubewells and other ancillary Awdm I AvevwmK febmg–‡ni wewfbœ ai‡bi bevqb, renovation and civil works of different †g‡S‡Z UvBjm ¯’vcb, Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcbmn Ab¨vb¨ AvbymvswMK bevqb I c–Z© KvR government official and residential buildings at Shegun Bagicha,Tejgaon, NababGong,Keranigong,Eskaton,Malibag h and Khilgaon in Dhaka. 32964704 - Repair of Police Line, Circuit House and 32964704 -MvBevÜv¯’ cywjk jvBb, mvwK©U nvDR I miKvwi AvevwmK Government residential buildings at fe‡bi †givgZ I jvjgwbinvU¯’ mvwK©U nvDR I AvevwmK Gaibandha and renovation works of febmg–‡ni wewfbœ ai‡bi bevqb, ev_i“‡g UvBjm& different types, providing tiles in bathrooms ¯’vcbmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K bevqb I c–Z© KvR| & other ancillary renovation and civil works at Circuit House and Residential buildings in Lalmonirhat. 32964718 - Renovation works of different types, 32964718 -XvKv¯’ gwZwSj, kvnRvnvbcyi, bvivqYMÄ ‡Rjv m`i, providing tiles ub floors & toilets, biwms`x †Rjv m`i Ges wkecy‡i Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi installation of deep tube wells and other Awdm I AvevwmK febmg‚‡ni wewfbœ ai‡bi bevqb, ancillary renovation and civil works of †g‡S I Uq‡j‡U UvBjm& ¯’vcb, Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcbmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K bevqb I c–Z© KvR| different government official and residential buildings at Motijheel, Shahjahanpur, Narayanganj, Narsingdi and Shibpur. 32964720 - Revovation works in different types, 32964720 -gqgbwmsn †Rjv m`i, Uv½vBj †Rjv m`i, †Mvcvjcyi I reconstruciton of boundary wall, providing wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi Awdm I tiles in bathrooms and kitchen, making AvevwmK febmg‚‡ni wewfbœ ai‡bi bevqb, mxgvbv cÖvPxi steel racks, supplying and installation of cybt wbg©vY, ev_i“g I ivbœvN‡i UvBjm& ¯’vcb, w÷‡ji †iK wbg©vY †Rbv‡iUi mieivn I ¯’vcb KvR, mve-† generaton, repair and renovation of ÷k‡bi ms¯‹vi KvRmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K c‚Z© I electrical sub-station and other ancillary ˆe`y¨wZK KvR| civil and electrical works of different government official and residential buildings at Mymensing, Tangail, 32964721 - Renovation works of different types, 32964721 -XvKv¯’ ‡m¸bevwMPv, †gvnv¤§`cyi, avbgwÛ, wbD B¯‹vUb, providing tiles in floor & bathroom and ¸jkv‡b Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi Awdm I AvevwmK other ancillary renovation and civil works of febmg‚‡ni wewfbœ ai‡bi bevqb, †g‡S I ev_i“‡g different government official and UvBjm& ¯’vcbmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K bevqb I c‚Z© KvR| residential buildings at Segunbagicha, Mohammadpur, Dhanmondi, New Eskaton and Gulshan in Dhaka. 32964722 - Changing Analog Energy Meter of different 32964722 -XvKv¯’ AvwRgcyi I cjvkx‡Z Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi residential buildings at Azimpur and AvevwmK febmg‚‡n GbvwR© wgUvi cwieZ©b, XvKv wWwm Palashi area in Dhaka, Supplying and †Kv‡U© wcG wm‡÷g mieivn I ¯’vcb Ges c‚Z© feb Installation of PA System in Dhaka Kg‡c­‡· wW‡Rj †Rbv‡iUi mieivn I ¯’vcbmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K ‰e`y¨wZK KvR Complex and other ancillary electrical works.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964723 - Changing unservicedable electrical wiring, 32964723 -XvKv¯’ †m¸bevwMPv, †ZRMuvI, B¯‹vUb, KvKivB‡j control switch, fittings and fixtures, Aew¯’Z wewfbœ miKvwi Awdm I AvevwmK febmg‚‡n changing cables including renovation of A‡K‡Rv ˆe`y¨wZK Iqvwis, K‡›U«vj myBP, wdwUsm Ges distribution system, changing transformer wd·Pvi, K¨vej cwieZ©bmn wWw÷«weDkb wm‡÷‡gi bevqb KvR Ges U«v›mdigvi cwieZ©bmn Ab¨vb¨ and other ancillary electrical works at Avbylw½K ˆe`y¨wZK KvR Segunbagicha, Tejgaon, Eskaton, Kakrail in Dhaka. 32964725 - Changing unserviceable electrical wiring, 32964725 -XvKv¯’ AvMviMuvI, DËiv, †k‡i evsjv bM‡i Aew¯’Z wewfbœ control switch, fittings and fixtures of miKvwi Awdm I AvevwmK febmg‚‡n A‡K‡Rv ˆe`y¨wZK different government official and Iqvwis, K‡›U«vj myBP, wdwUsm Ges wd·Pvi, K¨vej residential buildings, changing cables, cwieZ©b, ˆe`y¨wZK Dc-†K‡›`ªi wcGdAvB c­v›U I myBP wMqvi cwieZ©bmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K ˆe`y¨wZK KvR changing PFI plant and switch gear at electrical sub-station at Agargaon, Uttara and Sher-e-Bangla Nagar at Dhaka 32964749 - 32964749 -mwPevj‡qi Af¨_©bv †K›`ª AvaywbKvqb Ges mwPevj‡qi Af¨_©bv †K‡›`ª gwbUwis †mj/K‡›Uªvj i“g Gi Rb¨ wmwmwUwf gwbUi ¯’vcb Kg©mPx 32964759 - Construction of Community Centre 32964759 -XvKv¯’ wLjMvI cybe©vmb GjvKvq GKwU AvaywbK KwgDwbwU including Sanitary, Water Supply †m›Uvi wbg©vY KvR (wmwfj, m¨vwbUvix, ˆe`¨ywZK M¨vm I Arrangement and Electrical Works at AviewiKvjPvimn Avbymw½K KvR) (2005-06 n‡Z Khilgaon Rehabilitation Zone, Dhaka 2006-07) (2005-06 to 2006-07) 32964760 - Construction of Master Drain for 32964760 -XvKv¯’ wLjMvI cybe©vmb GjvKvq G-e­‡K T mve †Rv‡b improvement of Drainage system from Aew¯’Z c­U mg‡ni cvwb wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi DbœqY KiY KvR residential plot of "J" sub-zone under (2005-06) block-C at Khilgaon Re-habilitation Zone, Dhaka (2005-06) 32964761 - Construction of 1 No. bed room with 1 No. 32964761 -gwZwSj miKvix K‡jvbxi cyivZb wR I Gd UvBc toilet for extention of each flat of existing miKvix evmv¸wj 1wU Kwiqv †eWi“g I ev_i“g m¤•ªmviY 4-storied G/F type flat to convert C & D type (ms¯‹vi KiZt bZyb wm I wW UvB‡c iƒcvšiKiY), (feb flat of Motijheel Govt. Colony, Dhaka (Bldg bs 39,46,47,53,56,73,16/wR,89,69/Gd, 75,83,2,7,78/wR, 70/Gd,25,29,28/wR) fe‡bi No. 288 d¬¨v‡Ui m¤•ªmviY (2005-06) 39,46,47,53,56,73,16/G,89,69/F,75,83,2,7, 78/G, 70/F,25,29,28/G) 32964762 - Renovation & Re-construction of Shaheed 32964762 -knx` ivóªcwZ wRqvDi ingv‡bi mgvwa I msjMœ D`¨vb President Ziaur Rahman Mausoleum ms¯‹vi KvR| DcLvZt Dc‡`óv cÖwZôvb KZ©„K adjacent to Zia Uddyan at Sher-E-Bangla mieivnK…Z bKkv †gvZv‡eK wRqv D`¨v‡bi Af¨š‡i ce© Nagar, Dhaka (2005-06 to 2006-07) I cwðg PË¡i wbgv©Y KvR (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 32964763 - Construction of H.B.B Road of Bashaboo 32964763 -XvKvi meyRevM _vbvaxb evmv‡ev cbe©vmb †Rvb-2 Gi Rehabilitation area Zone-11 in connection K`gZjv †ivW msjMœ GjvKvq GBP.we.we iv¯v wbg©vY with Kadamtola Roat at Sabujbagh, Dhaka KvR (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) (2005-06 to 2006-07) 32964764 - Protection of earth around the water body 32964764 -XvKvi meyRevM _vbvaxb evmv‡ev cbe©vmb †Rvb-2 Gi by pre-cast driven 7' X 7' size Micro pile of K`gZjv †ivW msjMœ GjvKvq IqvUvi ewWi Pvicv‡k¦© 7 Bashaboo Rehabilitation area Zone-11 in Bw Uy 7 Bw mvB‡Ri gvB‡µv cvBj Øviv gvwU msi¶Y connection with Kadamtola Road at KvR (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) Sabujbagh, Dhaka (2005-06 to 2006-07) 32964765 - Const. of 1 No. bed room with 1 No. toilet 32964765 -gwZwSj miKvix K‡jvbxi cyivZb wR I Gd UvBc for extention of each flat of existing evmv¸wji 1wU K‡i †eWi“g I ev_i“g m¤•ªmviY (bZyb wm 4-storied G/F type flat to convert C & D type I wW UvB‡c iƒcvšiKiY) flat of Motijheel Govt. Colony, Dhaka (Bldg (58,59,38,41,42,49,54,92,93,95,45,67,68/G d UvBc, we- No. 10,19,23,24,77,3,5,8,22,30,74,81/wR UvBc) 58,59,38,41,42,49,54,92,93,95,45,67,68/F, fe‡bi 332 wU d¬¨vU (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 10,19,23,24,77,3,5,8,22,30,74,81/G) 32964766 - Ancillary Works in connection with the Site 32964766 -Gj,G, †Km bs-80/60-61 Bs Gi gva¨‡g ûKzg Improvement of Govt. Acquired Land for `LjK…Z XvKvi wLjMuvI cbe©vmY GjvKvq G-e­‡Ki †Wmv Construction of Road near "DESA" office at Awd‡mi cv‡k¦© M„nvqY I MYcZ© gšYvj‡qi AvIZvaxb block-A under Khilgaon Re-habilitation miKvix RvqMvq Aewkó c­U GjvKvi fwg Dbœqb, iv¯v wbg©vYmn Ab¨vb¨ DbœqbgjK KvR (2005-06 n‡Z zone, Dhaka (2005-06 to 2006-07) 2006-07)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964767 - Construction of surface drain of Bashaboo 32964767 -XvKvi meyRevM _vbvaxb evmv‡ev cbe©vmb †Rvb-2 Gi Rehabilitation area Zone-11 in connection K`gZjv †ivW msjMœ GjvKvq mvi‡dR †W«b wbg©vY with the Kadamtola Roat at Sabujbagh, (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) Dhaka (2005-06 to 2006-07) 32964768 - Establishment of a "Play Ground" at Zor 32964768 -XvKv¯’ wLjMuvI cbe©vmY GjvKvi G-e­‡K wZjcvcvov Pukur, Tilpa Para under block-A of †Rvov cyKzi ‡Ljvi gvV wbg©vY KvR (2005-06) Khilgaon Re-habilitation Zone, Dhaka (2005-06) 32964769 - Construction of proposed Khilgaon Police 32964769 -XvKv¯’ wLjMvI GjvKvq cÖ¯vweZ cywjk duvwo wbg©vY KvR Fari at Khilgaon Re-habilitation Zone, (2005-06) Dhaka (2005-06) 32964770 - Different Development Works of Govt. 32964770 -XvKvi wLjMvI¯’ gvwUKvUv †Rvb GjvKvq Gj.G.†Km bs- Acquired Land by L.A. Case No. 16/59-60 16/59-60 Gi gva¨‡g ûKzg `LjK…Z M„nvqY I MYcZ© at Khilgaon Re-habilitation Zone, Dhaka gšYvj‡qi AvIZvaxb miKvix RvqMvq wewfbœ DbœqbgjK (2005-06 to 2006-07) KvR (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 32964771 - Improvement of site with earth & sand 32964771 -XvKvi meyRevM _vbvaxb K`gZjv †iv‡Wi cv‡k¦© evmv‡ev filling of Bashaboo low land beside bxPy fwg (ivRvievM cbe©vmb †Rvb-2) gvwU I evwj Øviv Kadamtola road (Rajarbagh Rehibilitation fivUKiY (nvmcvZvj, IqvUvi ewW I Af¨šixY iv¯v earth carted zone-11) under P.S. e¨ZxZ) KvR (2005-06) Sabujbagh, Dhaka - Except site for hospital, water body & approach road (2005-06) 32964772 - Ancillary Works in connection with 32964772 -M„nvqb I MYtcZ© gšYvj‡qi AvIZvaxb Gj.G.†Km bs- Construction of a Proposed "Eidgah" & 80/60-61 Gi gva¨‡g XvKv¯’ wLjMuvI cbe©vmY GjvKvq "Play Ground" near "IQRA" Complex at (nvRxcvov) ûKzg `LjK…Z miKvix Rwg‡Z (Av_©KvwUs Malibagh Chowdhury Para, Khilgaon, †Rvb wnmv‡e cwiwPZ BK&iv Kg‡c­· Gi mwbœK‡U) wewfbœ DbœqbgjK KvR (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) Dhaka (2005-06 to 2006-07) 32964773 - Construction of 94.00 M. long and 3.50 M. 32964773 -XvKv¯’ igbv cv‡K©i †j‡Ki Dci GKwU 94.00 wgUvi wide Foot-Over Bridge, Ramna Lake, ˆ`N©¨ I 3.50 wgUvi cÖk¯ cv‡q Pjvi eªxR wbg©vY KvR Dhaka (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 32964774 - Renovation & renewal work of both civil & 32964774 -gvbbxq cÖavb wePvicwZ g‡nv`‡qi miKvwi evmfeb evs‡jv electrical at Govt. resident of the bs-19. ‡nqvi †ivW, XvKvq gj fe‡bi wfZi I evwn‡ii honourable chief justice at 19, Hare road, we‡kl †givgZ, †d¬v‡i wgii cwjk UvBj&m bevqb, Dhaka. m¨vwbUvix, wØZxq Zjvi wjd&U, eviv›`vi G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi cvj­v, ‡jvnvi wmwo wbg©vY, DbœZgv‡bi AvmevecÎ mieivn, Af¨šixY I ewnt¯’ ˆe`y¨wZK ms¯‹vi Ges bevqbKviY KvR kxl©K Kg©mwP 32964775 - Construction of outeryard fencing & 32964775 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae B›Uvib¨vj wmwKDwiwU Ae evsjv‡`k walkway at the parliament premises for cvj©v‡g›U Kg©mwPi AbyK‚‡j msm` feb GjvKvq ewn©‡eóbx improving the internal security of †dw›ms I IqvKI‡q wbg©vY KvR Bangladesh parliament. 32964776 - Internal road development work with 38 32964776 -evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡qi Af¨š‡i Avf¨šixY iv¯vi Dbœq‡bi mm carpeting (with asphalt plant) & others Rb¨ 38 wKtwgt Kv‡c©wUs KvRmn ms¯‹vi KvR inside the Bangladesh Secretariat. 32964777 - Renovation work of Govt. residential 32964777 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi gvBR`x¯’ miKvwi AvevwmK GjvKvi building No. 14, 21, 22, 26, 29 & feb bs-14, 21, 22, 26 I 29 Gi Lvevi K‡¶ B‡Ui construction of underground water Mv_wbmn Rvbvjv ¯’vcb, Qv‡`i cvwb cov e‡Üi KvRmn reservoir, installation of pump motor to we‡kl ‡givgZ KvR feb bs-1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21 I 22 (77-BDwbU) G cvwb mieiv‡ni Rb¨ 25,000 supply water in building No. 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, M¨vjb aviY ¶gZvm¤•bœ fMf©¯’ Rjvavi (wcwfwm cvB‡ci 19, 20, 21 & 22 at Maijdee, Noakhali. mieivn jvBbmn) Ges cv¤•gUi ¯’vcb KvR 32964787 - Supply,installation,testing and 32964787 -evsjv‡`k mwPevj‡qi Af¨_©bv †K›`ª AvaywbKvqb Ges commissioning of CCTV system in the Af¨_©bv †K‡›`ª gwbUwis ‡mj/K‡›U«vj i“g Gi Rb¨ Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. (2005-06) wmwmwUwf gwbUi ¯’vcb (2005-06) 32964795 - Construction of a 11-Storied Residence 32964795 -XvKvi †ZRMuvI G‡jbevwo GjvKvq we‡kl wbivcËv Building for the Officers of Special Security evwnbxi DשZb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ GKwU 11 Zjv wewkó Forces in Allenbari, Tejgaon, Dhaka AvevwmK feb wbg©vY 32964796 - Construction of a 17-Storied Residence 32964796 -XvKvi †ZRMuvI G‡jbevwo GjvKvq we‡kl wbivcËv Building for the Non-gazzetted Staffs of evwnbxi bb-†M‡R‡UW Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ GKwU 17 Zjv Special Security Forces in Allenbari, wewkó AvevwmK feb wbg©vY Tejgaon, Dhaka

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964802 - Modernization and Improvement of Asthetic 32964802 -ewikvj e½eÜz D`¨v‡bi AvaywbKvqb I bv›`wbK KvR view of Barisal Banggabandhu Park 32964815 - Construction of 3 storied 32964815 -`–bx©wZ `gb Kwgk‡bi 3 Zjv wewkó 6 Zjv wfZmn gUihvb †mW ,hvbevnb kvLv I †iKW©i“g feb wbgv©Y KvR 32964816 - Reconstruction of Boundary wall and 32964816 -†ejx‡ivW¯’ I †nqvi‡ivW¯’ gš¿x cvov emevmiZ gvbbxq boundary grill, enhancing height and gš¿x I wePvicwZ g‡nv`qM‡Yi AwaKZi renewing of sentry post at Baily Road and wbivcËvRwbZKvi‡Y PZzw`©‡K (†ivWmvBW) mxgvbv I Hair Road ministers apartment for safety †`Iqvj I mxgvbv MÖxj cyb©twbg©vYmn D”PZv e„w× I †mw›U‡cv÷ bevqb msµvš@ KvR (2015-16 and security purpose. 2014-15) 32964817 - Reconstruction of boundary wall, 32964817 -XvKv¯’ igbv cv‡K©i Af¨š@‡i KvKivBj gmwR‡`i `w¶Y boundary grill, oneway and twoway cvk n‡Z ÷vi †MBU Ges ˆekvLx †MBU nB‡Z A¯@vPj damaged walkway from star gate and †MBU ch©š@ mxgvbv cÖvPxi I mxgvbv MÖxj Ges ÷vi †MBU Baishakhi gate of southern part of kakrail n‡Z A¯@vPj †MBU ch©š@ Ges igbv †i‡¯@viv n‡Z ˆekvLx †MBU ch©š@ Uz-I‡q Ges Iqvb&I‡q ¶wZMÖ¯’ IqvK I‡q masjid to Asttachal gate of Ramna park cybtwbg©vY Ges igbv †i‡¯@vivi evwni cv‡k©¡i wmivwgK and reconstruction of security boundary MvBW Iqv‡ji Dci wbivcËv †e÷bx cybtwbg©vY I †i‡¯@viv over the ceramic guide wall at outer side of n‡Z eUg–‡j †jB‡Ki cv‡o wR, AvB, Zv‡ii †dwÝs Øviv Ramna Restaurant and fencing with GI †e cord from Restaurant to Batmul lake side 32964818 - Raising the height of boundary wall, 32964818 -XvKv¯’ ivó«xq AwZw_ feb cÙv-†gNbvi Pvwicv‡k¦©i we`¨gvb surrounding Padma, Meghna, national mxgvbv cÖvPxi DPzuKiY I Dc‡i AY©v‡g›Uvj MÖxj ¯’vcbmn Gust House at Dhaka and setup `yBwU cvwbi †dvqviv ¯’vcb, g–jfeb؇qi Af¨š@‡i gv‡e©j ornamental steal on the surface on two cv_i, UvBjm ¯’vcb, m¨vwbUvix wdwUsm, c`©v, Kv‡c©U I AvmevecÎ mieivn KvR (2014-15 2015-16) foaras, establishment of marbel stone, tiles and supplying of sanitary fitting, curtains , carpet and furnitures 32964819 - Construction of Residence for Govt. 32964819 -‡fvjv †Rjvi miKvwi Kg©KZv©/ Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK officers/employees at Bhola District. feb wbgv©Y (2014-15 2015-16) | 32964820 - Special Repair works of a) West side 32964820 -‡fvjv †Rjvi (K) MYc–Z© wefvMxq Awd‡mi cwðg cv‡k¦©i boundary wall of PWD office b) Inspection mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbgv©Y (L) Awdmvi cvov¯’ MYc–Z© wefvMxq Hat (SAE Residence) of officers area c) cwi`k©b nvU (eZ©gv‡b Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx‡`i 1250 sq. ft. (6-unit) residence of Gazipur evmfeb) (M) MvRxcyi †ivW¯’ 1250 eM©dzU (6-BDwbU) miKvwi evmfe‡bi we‡kl †givgZ KvR (2014-15) | Road of Bhola District. 32964821 - Repair renovation & modernization of old 32964821 -‡fvjv †Rjv MYc–Z© wefvMxq K¤•vD‡Ûi we`¨gvb cyivZb internal & external electrical works and ¯’vcbvw`i Af¨š@ixY I ewnt¯’ cyivZb ˆe`y¨wZK ¯’vcbvmg– Garden light of PWD compound of Bhola ‡ni bevqb, †givgZmn AvaywbKvqb I Mv‡W©b jvBU ¯’vcb District. KvR (2014-15) | 32964822 - Renovation on the roof slab for old building 32964822 -XvKvi †eBjx †iv‡Wi †eBjx Wv¤•¯’ eûZj wewkó miKvwi to Protect the rain water and renovation of feb bs-7, 11 I 13 Gi Qv‡`i e„wói cvwb wb‡iva‡Ki internal and external sanitary works Rb¨ i“d mÐve bevqb Ges Af¨š@ixb I ewnt¯’ m¨vwbUvix building No. 7, 11 & 13 of Multi-storied KvR (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) | Govt. owned house at Baily dump, Dhaka. 32964823 - Supply & Installation of 100 kva pole 32964823 -wm‡jU †kLNvU¯’ miKvix K‡jvbxi AvevwmK †KvqvUv©i mg– mounted transformer for Govt. Residence ‡n 100 †KwfG †cvj gvD‡›UW ˆe`y¨wZK UªvÝdigv©i Colony of Shakh Ghat, Sylhet. mieivn I ¯’vcb KvR (2014-15) | 32964824 - Supply & Installation of Diesel Generator to 32964824 -XvKvi †ZRMvuI¯’ cÖavbgš¿xi Kvhv©j‡q wbiwew”Qbœ we`y¨r ICC of honorable Prime Minister’s Office at mieivn Pvjy ivLvi Rb¨ AvBwmwm ˆe`y¨wZK Dc‡K‡›`ª Tejgaon, Dhaka to ensure uninterrupted wW‡Rj †Rbv‡iUi mieivn I ¯’vcbmn Avbylw½K KvR| electric supply & ancillary works. 32964825 - Construction of Police barrack, semi pacca 32964825 -evsjv‡`‡ki gvbbxq cÖavb wePvicwZ g‡nv`‡qi miKvwi servant quarter, screen wall, poultry shed, evmfeb wn‡m‡e wbw`©óK…Z evs‡jv bs-19, †nqvi †ivW, sentry post & supply of brass flower vase, XvKv Gi mxgvbv cÖvPxi I evDÛvix MÖxj †dwÝs DuPzKiY kitchen hood and installation of designed Ges cÖvPx‡ii Dci bKkxK…Z MÖxj †dwÝs mieivn I ms‡hvRbmn g–j fe‡bi wfZi I evwni, Qv‡`i cvwb fencing grill & vertical extension of Pzqv‡bv e‡Üi Rb¨ AvaywbK cÖhyw³i K¨vwgK¨vj Øviv Qv` boundary wall & boundary grill including †givgZ Kiv, cywjk e¨vivK, †mwgcvKv mv‡f©›U †KvqvUv©i, ancillary repair works for Govt. Residence w¯ŒY Iqvj, †cvjwUª †kW ¯’vqx †mw›U‡cvó, dzUcvZ wbgv©Y, of honorable chief justice of Bangladesh. 32964826 - Investigation and Assessment of 32964826 -"Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb GÛ G‡QPg¨v›U Ad †W‡g‡RR, Damages, Emergency Repair, Renovation Bgvi‡Rw›m wi‡cqvi, wi‡bv‡fkb GÛ †i÷y‡ikb Ad and Restoration of affected areas of G‡d‡±U Gwiqvm Ad ÔÔ`ievi nj'' ( e¨vs†KvU nj) Ad ''Darbar Hall'' (Banquet Hall) of evsjv‡`k, XvKv'' kxl©K Kg©m–wP Bangabhaban, Dhaka

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964827 - Construction of walk way near south side 32964827 -XvKv †m¸bevwMPv¯’ RvZxq wbivcËv †Mv‡q›`v wefv‡Mi boundary wall, toilets & installation of tiles cÖavb Kvhv©j‡qi `w¶Y cv‡k¦©i mxgvbv cÖvPxi msjMœ from ground floor to third floor and IqvKI‡q wbgv©Y, Af¨š@ixY iv¯@v ms¯‹vi Ges g–j fe‡bi renovation of doors and windows and bxPZjv n‡Z 4_© Zjv ch©š@ UvBj&m ¯’vcb, wewfbœ Zjvq Uq‡jU wbgv©Y, `iRv Rvbvjv bevqbmn Avbylw½K Ab¨vb¨ ancillary works of NSI Head office at KvR (2014-15) | segunbagicha, dhaka. 32964828 - Installation of Tiles, aluminum windwo, 32964828 -evwo bs-22/21, eÐK-we, wLjRx †ivW, †gvnv¤§`cyi, raising of yard, barbed wire fencing of XvKv¯’ evmfe‡b UvBj&m ¯’vcb, G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi Rvbvjv boundary wall, construcion of toiles on the ¯’vcb, Avw½bv DuPzKiY, cywjk †dv‡m©i Rb¨ Qv‡` roof for police, aluminum partition room for ev_i“gmn K¶ wbgv©Y, wcG-Gi Rb¨ G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi cvwU©kb Øviv K¶ wbgv©Y, mxgvbv cÖvPx‡i KvuUvZv‡ii †eov, PA, aircooler, changing of sanitary fittings m¨vwbUvwi wdwUsm cwieZ©b, myqv‡iR jvBb bevqb, and internal electric works of house GqviKzjvi ¯’vcb Ges Af¨š@ixY ˆe`y¨wZK KvR| evwo no22/21, block-B, Khilge road, bs-13/1 (†`vZjv), AvIi½‡Re †ivW, †gvnv¤§`cyi, Mohammadpur, Dhaka. XvKv¯’ evmfe‡ Construction of one semipacca room, kitchen cab 32964844 - 32964844 -nvDwRs GÛ wewìs wimvP© Bbw÷wUD‡Ui †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv I M‡elYvMv‡ii hšcvwZ AvaywbKxKiY 32964857 - 32964857 -39/1, wg›Uy †ivW, XvKv-Gi wgwbóvm© GcvU©‡g›U (2q ch©vq) Gi Aewkó KvR 32964862 - 32964862 -PU«Mªvg AvMªvev`¯’ miKvwi evm¯’vb wmwRG K‡jvbx‡Z Aew¯’Z 3wU mv‡f©›Um& †KvqvU©vi feb‡K 48wU wm-2 UvBc evmvq iƒcvšiKiY KvR 32964940 - Estimate for necessary civil,sanitation and 32964940 -XvKvi KvIivb evRvi¯’ RbZv UvIqvi fe‡bi bxP Zjv electrical works for making Janata Tower n‡Z 13 Zjv ch©šZ e¨envi Dc‡hvMxKiY (wmwfj at Kawranbazar,Dhaka from ground floor to m¨v‡bUvwi I ‰e`y¨wZK KvR) 13th floor usable for official purpose. 32964964 - Construction of 9-storied Govt. officer's 32964964 -XvKvq †gvnv¤§`cyi GjvKvq m¨vi ˆmq` †ivW¯’ cwiZ¨³ Residential Building having 2 unit 1500 Stf. evwo bs-14/35 G miKvwi Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi Rb¨ 9 Zjv in each level including on basement floor wfZ wewkó 1500 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 2 BDwbU m¤¦wjZ d¬ at abandoned property house no. 14/35. ¨vU wbg©vY KvR Sir Sayed Road Mohammadpur, Dhaka 32964965 - Construction and renovation work for 32964965 -XvKvi 26 †eBjx †ivW¯’ Awdmvm© K¬v‡ei wewfbœ ¯’vcbvi Modernization of officer's club at 26 Baily AvaywbKvq‡bi j‡¶¨ wbg©vY I ms¯‹vi KvR Road, Dhaka 32964976 - Construction of Official Residence for Govt. 32964976 -miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ XvKvi ¸jkvb¯’ cÐU bs-18, Officers (6-Storied Building with 6-8 iv¯@v bs-130, mv‡K©j-1, XvKvq 6 Zjv wewkó Avevmb Storied Foundation) wbg©vY KvR 32964977 - Construction of Proposed 5-Storied Staff 32964977 -XvKv gvwjevM¯’ AveyRi wMdvwi K‡j‡Ri wbKU¯’ Quarter (800 sft, 6-Units each floor) with wc.WweÐD.wW †MvWvDb msjMœ GjvKvq 14 Zjv wfZ wewkó 14-Storied Foundation at Malibagh PWD 5 Zjv ÷vd †KvqvU©vi (800 eM©dzU, 6 BDwbU) (feb Godown Area near Abudhar Gifari College, bs-1) wbg©vY KvR Dhaka) (Bhaban No.1) 32964978 - Construction of Highrise Residential Flats 32964978 -XvKvi gnvLvjx, KvKivB‡j miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 15 for Govt. Officers (R.C.C. frame structured Zjv wfZ wewkó 1wU †eR‡g›Umn Avi.wm.wm. †d«g ÷ Building (Residential) ;with 15 Storied ªvKPvi wewìs Gi cÖwZ †d¬v‡i 4 BDwbU wewkó eûZj Foundation with a Basement 4 Units in AvevwmK feb (feb bs-1) wbg©vY KvR each floor) at Kakrail, Mohakhali, Dhaka (Building No.1) 32964980 - Construction of different physical Works to 32964980 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Uzw½cvovq RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL Enhance the Facilities for the Visitors at gywReyi ingvb Gi mgvwa †mŠa Kg‡cЇ· AvMZ `k©bv_x© Mausoleum Complex of the Father of the ‡`i my‡hvM-myweav e„w×i Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Nation Bangabandhu Sk. Mojibur Rahman at Tundipara in the District of Gopalganj 32964993 - Construction of 9-storied govt. Officers 32964993 -XvKvi †gvnv¤§`cyi GjvKvq m¨vi ˆmq` †ivW¯’ cwiZ¨³ Residential Building Having 2-units 1500 evwo bs 13/6 G miKvwi Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi Rb¨ GKwU sft. in Each Level including one Basement ‡eR‡g›Umn 9Zjv wewkó 1500 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 2 Floor at Abondon Property House No. 13/6, BDwbU m¤¦wjZ d¬¨vU wbg©vY KvR Sir Sayed Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 32964994 - Upgradation of Simultaneous 32964994 -RvZxq msm` fe‡bi AwZ cyivZb wmgyj‡Uwbqvm B›UviwcÖ Interpretation System (SIS) of Parliament ‡Ukb wm‡÷g (wmm) House.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 32964998 - Construction of Non-gazatted dormitory (for 32964998 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjv m`‡i bb-†M‡R‡UW WiwgUwi feb ( 20 Nos) & tresury guard shed attached to 20 R‡bi Rb¨) I †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Awdm feb msjMœ DC office building at Gopalgonj district ‡U«Rvix MvW© ‡mW wbg©vY headquarer, Gopalgonj 3299-3299 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3299-3299 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3299 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3299 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 32990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 32990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 33 - Ministry of Information 33 - Z_¨ gš¿Yvjq 3301-3320 - Administration 3301-3320 -cªkvmb 3301 - Secretariat 3301 -mwPevjq 33010001 - Secretariat 33010001 -mwPevjq 33010005 - External Publicity Wing 33010005 -ewnt cÖPvi AbywefvM 33010006 - 8th Wage Board 33010006 -8g I‡qR †evW© 33015010 - Establishment of Networking System 33015010 -Z_¨ gš¿Yvjq Ges Aaxb¯’ ms¯’vi mv‡_ †bUIqvK© ¯’vcb Between Ministry of Information and its (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) Agencies Aby‡gvw`Z 33015011 - Joint Programme address violence 33015011 -R‡q›U †cÖvMªvg G‡W«m fv‡qv‡j›m G‡MB›Um DB‡gb against women (01/01/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 33015012 - Communication Programme for 33015012 -kï I bvix Dbœq‡b †hvMv‡hvM Kvh©µg(PzZz_© ch©vq) Development of Children & Women (4th Phase) 33015013 - Advocacy and Communication for Children 33015013 -wkï I bvix Dbœq‡b †hvMv‡hvM Kvh©µg (4_© ch©vq) and Women (4th Phase) 1/07/2012-30/06/2017 Aby‡gvw`Z 33015014 - Making a March towards in universal 33015014 -‡gwKs G gvP© Uy IqvW©m Bb BDwbfv‡m©j ‡nj_ Kfv‡iR Health coverase in Bangladesh traning up evsjv‡`k †U«wbs Avc Rvb©vwjóm GÛ K¨vcvwmwUs wcAvBwe Journalists and Capacity PIB (01/07/12 - (01/05/13-30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/14) 33015020 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 33015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 33015030 - Communication for woman & children 3rd 33015030 -wkï I bvix Dbœq‡b †hvMv‡hvM Kvh©µg (3q ch©vq) phase (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 33015060 - Construction of Ukhia TV relay station 33015060 -DwLqv wUwf wi‡j †K›`« ¯’vcb 33015090 - Strengthening Mass Communication for 33015090 -evsjv‡`‡ki wkï I gwnjv‡`i Dbœq‡bi j¶¨mg–n AR©‡bi achieving development goals for women Rb¨ ‡hvMv‡hvM Kvh©µg (01/07/1996-30/06/2001) and children 33015140 - Construction of National Mass 33015140 -RvZxq MYgva¨g Bbw÷wUDU Gi Rb¨ feb wbgv©Y Communication Institute building 33015160 - Establishment of national maintenance 33015160 -XvKv †iwWI evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq i¶bv‡e¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb centre for Bangladesh Radio 33015181 - Facts for life 33015181 -d¨v±m& di jvBd 33015260 - Establishment of 10 KWMF transmiter at 33015260 -K·evRv‡i 1wU ¯^qs m¤•Y© 10 wK‡jvIqvU ga¨g Zi½ Cox's bazar †eZvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb 33015262 - Establishment of BMS branch office at 33015262 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg weGgGm Gi kvLv Awdm ¯’vcb Chittagong Hill Tracts 33015280 - Facilities for Video cassette recording 33015280 -wfwWI K¨v‡mU †iKwWs Gi myweav cÖ`vb 33015320 - CONSTRUCTION OF RADIO 33015320 -Kywgj­vq †iwWI m¤•ªPvi feb wbg©vY TRENSMISSION BUILDING AT COM 33015450 - Establishment of 10 KW self sufficient 33015450 -ewikv‡j 1wU ¯^qs m¤•b© 10 wK‡jv IqvU ga¨g Zi½ transmiter at Barisal †eZvi †K›`« ¯’vcb 33015510 - Expansion of PIB complex 33015510 -wcAvBwe Kg‡c­· m¤•ªmviY 33015525 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health and 33015525 -MY‡hvMv‡hvM Awa`߇ii gva¨‡g cÖRbb ¯^v¯’¨ I †RÛvi Gender Issues Through Department of welqK GW‡fv‡Kwm cÖ`vb Mass Communication 33015711 - Technical assistance to the committee on 33015711 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi Ges †Uwjwfkb‡K ¯^vqË¡kvmb cª`v‡bi the autonomy of Radio and Television Rb¨ MwVZ KwgwU‡K KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖ`vb 33015720 - Establishment of Bangladesh Film 33015720 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ Bbw÷wUDU cªwZôv Institute

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33015730 - New edition of the 33015730 -evsjv‡`‡ki ¯evaxbZv hy‡×i BwZnvm bZzb ms¯‹iY war of independence 33015741 - Facts for life 33015741 -d¨v±m& di jvBd 33015800 - Re-organisation of the Bangladesh flim 33015800 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ AvK©vBf cybwe©b¨vm cªKí archives project 33015810 - BMRE of FDC 33015810 -GdwWwmÕi weGgAviB 33015860 - Vertical extension of flim and publication 33015860 -Pjw”PÎ I cªKvkbv Awa`ßi feb fvwU©K¨vj G·‡Ubkb department building 33015870 - Expansion and mordernisation of BSS 33015870 -Kw¤•DUvi cªhyw³ cÖeZ©‡bi gva¨‡g Gi m¤•ªPvi through computerisation technology 33015880 - Vertical expansion of the office building of 33015880 -Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii feb D”Pvqb Ges wdj¥ I flim and publication department and BMRE j¨ve‡iUwi Kg‡c­· Gi weGgAviB of the Flim and Laboratory complex 33015920 - Introducing Bangla services in 33015920 -evsjv‡`k msev` ms¯’vq evsjv mvwf©m cÖeZ©b Bangladesh Shangbad Shangstha 33015930 - Expansion of mass media institute 33015930 -RvZxq MYgva¨g BÝwUwUD‡Ui m¤•ÖmviY 33015950 - Provision of equipment and materials for 33015950 -cÖwfkb Ae BKzBc‡g›U GÛ g¨vwUwi‡qjm di †÷ªs‡`wbs strengthening of NIMC Ae GbAvBGgwm 33015960 - Common photo services 33015960 -evmm Gi d‡Uv mvwf©m 33015970 - Construction of information complex 33015970 -Z_¨ Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y 33016020 - 33016020 -wkï I gwnjv‡`i Dbœq‡b †hvMv‡hvM Kvh©µg (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 33016021 - Joint program 33016021 - 33016022 - 33016022 -R‡q›U †cÖvMªvg Uy G‡W«m fv‡qv‡j›m G‡MB›Um DB‡gb 33016023 - Joint Programme to address violance 33016023 -R‡q›U †cÖvMªvg Uy G‡W«m fv‡qv‡j›m G‡MB›Um DB‡gb against women 3305 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3305 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 33052716 - Film Development Corporation 33052716 -Pjw”PÎ Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb 33052717 - Bangladesh Film and Television Institute 33052717 -evsjv‡`k Pjw”PÎ I †Uwjwfkb Bbw÷wUDU 33053121 - Film Development Corporation 33053121 -Pjw”PÎ Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb 33053123 - Bangladesh Press Council 33053123 -evsjv‡`k †cªm KvDwÝj 33053124 - Information Commission 33053124 -Z_¨ Kwgkb 33053125 - Bangladesh Press Institute 33053125 -evsjv‡`k †cªm BÝwUwUDU 33053127 - Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha 33053127 -evsjv‡`k msev` ms¯’v 33053128 - Dhaka Reporters Unity-Award 33053128 -XvKv wi‡cvU©vm© BDwbwU-cyi¯‹vi 33053575 - Press Clubs 33053575 -†cÖm K¬vemgn 33053576 - Bangladesh Journalist Welfare trust 33053576 -evsjv‡`k mvsevw`K Kj¨vY Uªvó 33055010 - Construction of BSS Bhaban 33055010 -evmm feb wbg©vY-2012-15 33055011 - Strengthening of BSS ICT System 33055011 -evsjv‡`k msev` ms¯’vi AvBwmwU wm‡÷g kw³kvjx KiY|(2012-16) 33055012 - Development and Expansion of BFDC 33055012 -weGdwWwmi AvaywbqKvqb I m¤cÖmviY 33055013 - Bangladesh Film City (1st Phase). 33055013 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ wmwU (2010-12) 33055014 - Bangladesh Film City (Phase-I) 33055014 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ wmwU (ch©vq-1) 33055015 - Construction of Film Tower 33055015 -wdj¥ UvIqvi wbg©vY 33055016 - Construction of BSS Bhaban Project 33055016 -evmm feb wbg©vY cÖKí (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z Ryb 2013) 33055017 - Making a March Towards Universal Health 33055017 -‡gwKs G gvP© UyIqvW©m BDwbfv‡m©j †nj_ Kfv‡iR Bb Coverage in Bangladesh : Training Up evsjv‡`k ‡U«wbs Avc Rvb©vwjó GÛ K¨vcvwm‡UwUs Journalists and Capacitating PIB 33055018 - Construction of Multistoried Office Building 33055018 -Z_¨ Kwgk‡bi eûZj wewkó wbR¯^ feb wbg©vY of Information Commission 33055019 - Construction of Multistoried Office Building 33055019 -Z_¨ Kwgk‡bi eûZj wewkó wbR¯^ feb wbg©vY (Rvybyqvwi of Information Commission.(january 2013 †_‡K Ryb 2017) 2013-june 2017) 33055860 - Expansion & Modernization of PIB complex 33055860 -wcAvBwe Kg‡cЇ·i m¤•ÖmviY I AvaywbKvqb (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33055880 - Vertical expansion of the office building of 33055880 -Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii feb D”Pvqb Ges wdj¥ I flim and publication department and BMRE j¨ve‡iUwi Kg‡c­· Gi weGgAviB of the Flim and Laboratory complex 33055890 - Introducation of Digital Technology in 33055890 -weGdwWwm‡Z wWwRUvj cÖhyw³ cÖeZ©b (ms‡kvwaZ) BFDC (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 33055900 - 33055900 -wRqv wdj¥ wmwU ¯’vcb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) 33057000 - Modernization & Extension of BFDC 33057000 -we.Gd.wW.wm.Õi AvaywbKvqb I m¤•ªmviY (01/07/11 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 33057110 - BMRE of FDC 33057110 -evsjv‡`k Pjw”PÎ Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ik‡bi weGgAviB cÖKí (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 3306 - International Organisations 3306 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 33064251 - International Islamic News Agency 33064251 -AvšR©vwZK BmjvwgK msev` ms¯’v 33064253 - Asia Mass communication Research and 33064253 -Gwkqvq MY-ms‡hvM M‡elYv I Z_¨ †K›`ª Information 33064255 - A.B.U 33064255 -Gwkqv-c¨vwmwdK eªWKvw÷s BDwbqb (G.we.BD), gvj‡qwkqv 33064256 - A.I.B.D 33064256 -Gwkqv-cÖkvšZ gnvmvMixq m¤•ªPvi Dbœqb Bbw÷wUDU (G.AvB.we.wW), Kzqvjvjvgcyi, gvj‡qwkqv 33064257 - C.B.A 33064257 -KgbI‡qj_ eªWKvw÷s G‡mvwm‡qkb BDwbqb (wm.we.G), jÛb 33064258 - European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 33064258 -BD‡ivwcqb eªWKvw÷s BDwbqb (BweBD) 33064454 - International Federation of Film Archieves 33064454 -ÔÔB›Uvib¨vkbvj †dWv‡ikb Ae wdj¥ AvK©vBfm (wdAvd)ÕÕ 3331-3350 - Information 3331-3350 -Z_¨ 3331 - Press Information Department 3331 -Z_¨ Awa`ßi 33310000 - Press Information Department 33310000 -Z_¨ Awa`ßi 33315010 - Introduction modern DVP in the 33315010 -PjwPÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇i AvaywbK wfwWI cÖhyw³ cÖeZ©Y department of Film and Publication 33315011 - Strengthening Media Communication 33315011 -‡÷«s‡`wbs wgwWqv KwgDwb‡Kkb _ª“ ‡KvAwW©‡bkb GÛ Through Coordination and Observing AeRvwf©s wbDR GÛ wfDR Ae B‡jKU«wbK GÛ wcÖ›U News and Views of Electronic and Print wgwWqv evB wcAvBwW Media by PID 33315012 - Strengthening Media Communication 33315012 -Z_¨ Awa`ßi KZ©„K B‡jKU«wbK I wcÖ›U wgwWqv Kvh©µg Through Coordination and Observation mg¤¦q I ch©‡e¶‡Yi gva¨‡g MYgva¨g †hvMv‡hvM News and Views of Electronic and Print kw³kvjxKiY (RyjvB 2012 †_‡K Ryb 2014) Media by PID.(July 2012-june 2014) 33315510 - Expansion of PIB complex 33315510 -wcAvBwe Kg‡c­· m¤•ªmviY 33315515 - establishment of Color Laboratory for 33315515 -Z_¨ Awa`߇ii ¯’vqx wgwWqv †m›Uv‡ii Rb¨ Kvjvi j¨vc Media Centre and Mordernization of ¯’vcb I †idv‡iÝ kvLv AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí Reference Section of PIO (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) 33315525 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health and 33315525 -MY‡hvMv‡hvM Awa`߇ii gva¨‡g cÖRbb ¯^v¯’¨ I †RÛvi Gender Issues Through Department of welqK GW‡fv‡Kwm cÖ`vb Mass Communication (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) 33315531 - Improvement stand promotion of human 33315531 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U G¨vW cÖ‡gvkb Ae wnDg¨vb ivBU&m Bmy¨R Bb rights issues in BSS evsjv‡`k msev` ms¯’v (1/4/01-1/3/04)Aby‡gvw`Z 33315541 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health and 33315541 -G¨W‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ GÛ †RÛvi Bm¨yR Gender Issues Through Department of _ª“ wWcvU©‡g›U Ae gvm& KwgDwb‡Kkb (2q chv©q) Mass Communication (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/1/03-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2003-30/06/2006) 33315551 - 33315551 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvw±f †nj_ GÛ †RÛvi Bm¨yR _ª“ wWcvU©‡g›U Ae gvm KwgDwb‡Kkb (3q ch©vq) (01/01/2006-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 33315880 - Vertical expansion of the office building of 33315880 -Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii feb D”Pvqb Ges wdj¥ I flim and publication department and BMRE j¨ve‡iUwi Kg‡c­· Gi weGgAviB of the Flim and Laboratory complex (01/07/1999-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 33315900 - 33315900 -Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇i AvaywbK wWwfwW cÖhyw³ cÖeZ©b (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 33315930 - Expansion of mass media institute 33315930 -RvZxq MYgva¨g BÝwUwUD‡Ui m¤•ÖmviY (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 3333 - Department of Films and Publications 3333 -Pjw”PÎ I cªKvkbv Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33330001 - Department of Films and Publications 33330001 -Pjw”PÎ I cªKvkbv Awa`ßi 33330005 - Bangladesh Film archives 33330005 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ AvK©vBf 33335010 - Construction of Totthay Bhaban 33335010 -Z_¨ feb wbg©vY(2011-14) 33335011 - Introduction of Digital Technology for Post 33335011 -Bb‡UªvWvKkb Uz wWwRUvj †UK‡bvjwR Ae †cv÷ Production Studio and Production of †cÖvWvKkb ÷zwWI GÛ †cÖvWvKkb Ae WKz‡gbUix wdj¥ Documentary Films for DFP Ae wWGdwc|(2011-13) 33335012 - Construction of Totthya Bhaban 33335012 -Z_¨ feb wbg©vY cÖKí 33335013 - Introduction of Digital Technology for Post 33335013 -wWwRUvj cÖhyw³‡Z cÖvgvY¨ I Kvwnbx wPÎ wbg©vY Production Studio and Production of Documentary Film for DFP 33335014 - Construction of Totthya Bhaban 33335014 -Z_¨ feb wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 3335 - Department of Mass Communication 3335 -MY‡hvMv‡hvM Awa`ßi 33350001 - Department of Mass Communication 33350001 -MY‡hvMv‡hvM Awa`ßi 33350005 - National Instition of Mass Comunication 33350005 -RvZxq MYgva¨g BÝw÷wUDU 33355010 - Strengthening the Motivational and 33355010 -MÖvgxb Rb‡Mvwói Dbœq‡b cÖPvi Kvh©µg kw³kvjx KiY| Publicity Programme for the Development of Rural People 33355011 - Strengthening the Department of Mass 33355011 -MY‡hvMv‡hvM Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKi‡Yi Rb¨ AwWI wfRy¨ Communication with Modern Audio Visual ‡qj hš¿cvwZ AvaywbKvqb Equipment. 33355012 - Strenthening the motivational and publicity 33355012 -BDwbqb Z_¨ ‡Kb`ª n‡Z †mev MÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g mvaviY programme for Development of Rural gvby‡li Rxebgvb Dbb qb I wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k mgc ¤ people and awareness building for Digital ‡K© m‡PZbZv e„w`ai j‡Kl ¨ we‡kl D`e y`a KiY Bangladesh by UISC. Kvh©Ki Îg †R 33355013 - Strengthening the Department of Mass 33355013 -MY‡hvMv‡hvM Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKi‡Yi Rb¨ wfwWI Communication with Modern Audio Visual wfRy¨qvj hšcvwZ AvaywbKvqb (RyjvB 2012 †_‡K Ryb Equipment. (July 2012-june 2015) 2015) 33355221 - Monitoring the inter-personal 33355221 -B›Uvi cvi‡mvbvj KwgDwb‡Kkb GdwcGmwmGBP Kvh©µg communication FPSCH programme gwbUwis 33355520 - Development of mass communication for 33355520 -åg¨gvY Pjw”PÎ cª`k©bxi gva¨‡g MYms‡hvM Dbœqb mobile film 33355551 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health and 33355551 -GW‡fv‡Kwm Ab wi‡cÖvWvw±f †nj_ GÛ †RÛvi Bm¨yR _ª“ Gender Issues Through Deparment of wWcvU©‡g›U Ae gvm KwgDwb‡Kkb (3q ch©vq) Mass Communication (3rd Phase) (01/01/2006-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 33356551 - Strengthening Development 33356551 -†÷ªs†`wbs ‡W‡fjc‡g›U KwgDwb‡Kkb weUyDBb Mfb© Communication between government and ‡g›U GÛ †÷K †nvìvm© (01/07/07 - 31/12/09) Stakeholders Aby†gvw`Z 3336 - National Instition of Mass Comunication 3336 -RvZxq MYgva¨g BÝw÷wUDU 33360000 - National Instition of Mass Comunication 33360000 -RvZxq MYgva¨g BÝw÷wUDU 3337 - Press and Information Offices in Foreign 3337 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z †cªm I Z_¨ `ßimg–n Countries 33370000 - Foreign Press & Information Office 33370000 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z †cÖm I Z_¨ Awdmmgn 33370005 - Washington 33370005 -IqvwksUb 33370010 - New York 33370010 -wbDBqK© 33370015 - London 33370015 -jÛb 33370020 - Tokyo 33370020 -‡UvwKI 33370025 - Islamabad 33370025 -Bmjvgvev` 33370030 - New Delhi 33370030 -bqv w`j­x 33370035 - Calcutta 33370035 -KwjKvZv 33370040 - Riyadh 33370040 -wiqv` 3351-3370 - Broadcasting and Television 3351-3370 -‡eZvi I †Uwjwfkb 3351 - 3351 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi 33510000 - Bangladesh Betar 33510000 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi 33510001 - Bangladesh Betar Headquerters 33510001 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi-m`i `ßi 33510005 - Receiving Station 33510005 -Mªnb †K›`ª

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33510010 - Technical Service 33510010 -KvwiMwi Kvh©µg 33510020 - High Frequency Transmission Station 33510020 -D”P kw³ †cªiY †K›`ªmg–n 33510030 - Very High Frequency Transmission Stns 33510030 -gnvkw³ †cªiY †K›`ªmg–n 33510040 - News Agencies 33510040 -evZ©v ms¯’v 33510050 - Radio Stations 33510050 -‡eZvi †K›`ªmg–n 33510060 - Radio Publication 33510060 -‡eZvi cªKvkbv 33510070 - Commercial Programme 33510070 -evwYwR¨K Kvh©µg 33510080 - Agricultural Programme 33510080 -K…wl Kvh©µg 33510090 - Transcription Service 33510090 -UªvÝwµckb mvwf©m 33510100 - External World Service 33510100 -ewntwek¦ Kvh©µg 33515010 - 33515010 -avigvB¯’ cyivZb 1000 wKt It ga¨g Zi½ UªvÝwgUv‡ii weKí wnmv‡e GKB kw³ m¤•bœ 1000 wKt It ga¨g Zi½ UªvÝwgUvi ¯’vcb (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 33515011 - Establishment of Self Contained 10 33515011 -gqbgwmsn I †MvcvjM‡Ä ¯^qs m¤ú~Y© 10 wK. I. Gd Gg Kilowatt FM Radio Station at Mymensing & †eZvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb(2011-14) Gopalgonj. 33515012 - Shifting, Construction & Modernization of 33515012 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi kvnvevM Kg‡c­· AvMviMuvI XvKvq Shahbagh Complex Bangladesh Betar, ¯’vbvš—i wbg©vY I AvaywbKvqb|(2012-14) Dhaka. 33515013 - Modernization & Strengthening of 33515013 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi wm‡jU I iscyi Dc‡K›`ª‡K c~Y©v½ Bangladesh Betar Rangpur & Sylhet. †K‡›`ª Iƒcvš—i|(2012-13) 33515014 - Estabishment of self Contained 10 33515014 -gqgbwmsn †MvcvjM‡Ä `ywU ¯^qsm¤•–Y© 10 wK‡jvIqvU Kilowatt F.M Radio Stations at Gd. Gg. †eZvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb 1/07/2012- Mymensingh & Gopalgang 30/06/2015 Aby‡gvw`Z 33515015 - Shifting, Construction & Modernization of 33515015 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii kvnevM Kg‡c­·, AvMviMuvI, XvKvq Bangladesh Betar, Shahbag Complex at ¯’vbvšÍi, wbg©vY Ges AvaywbKvqb (1q ch©vq) ( Agargaon, Dhaka (1st Phase) 1/07/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 33515016 - Establishment of a Self Contained 10 33515016 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii Ògqgbwmsn I †MvcvjMÄ-G `yÕwU Kilowatt FM Radio Station at Mymensingh ¯^qsm¤•b© 10 wK‡jvIqvU GdGg †eZvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb & Gopalgonj. (Rvbyqvwi 2012 †_‡K Ryb 2014 ch©š) 33515017 - Modernization and strengthening of 33515017 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi iscyi I wm‡jU †K›`ª AvaywbKvqb I Bangladesh Betar, Rangpur and Sylhet kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (Rvbyqvwi/2013 †_‡K Ryb/2015) 33515018 - Establishment of 1000 Kilowatt Medium 33515018 -gnvkw³ †cÖiY †K›`ª, evsjv‡`k †eZvi avgivB, XvKv- Wave Transmitter as an alternative at 1000 wK‡jvIqvU ¶gZvi weKí ga¨g Zi½ UªvÝwgUvi Bangladesh Betar, Dhamrai, Dhaka ¯’vcb (gvP©/2013 †_‡K Ryb/2015 ch©š) 33515019 - Shifting of Bangladesh Betar, Calurghat, 33515019 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi , KvjyiNvU †K‡›`ªi ¯’vcbvw` eZ©gvb ¯’vb Chittagong to a new suitable place and †_‡K ¯’vbvši Ges Rwg AwaMÖnYmn bZzb ¯’v‡b †eZvi enhancing the transmitter power to 500 †K‡›`ªi ¶gZv 500 wK‡jvIqv‡U DbœxZKiY (RyjvB/20 Kilowatt. 33515020 - Balancing, Modernization, Replacement & 33515020 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii wewfbœ †K‡›`ªi hš¿ mvgMÖxi mgxKiY, Expansion of Equipment at different AvaywbKvqb, cÖwZ¯’vcb I m¤•ªmviY (1g ch©vq) stations of Bangladesh Betar (Revised) (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 33515021 - Construction of separate quarters for 33515021 -evsjv‡`k Kj¨vYcyi †K‡›`ª Kg©KZ©v- Kg©Pvix‡`i officers & non-gazetted Staffs; fixed rent Dc‡hvMx c„_K †KvqvUvi , wba©vwiZ fvovi (wd·W †i›U) quarters and Dormitory or rest houses for †KvqvU©vi ;j K÷ †KvqvU©vi Ges WiwgUix /†i÷ nvDR the same of Bangladesh Be wbg© 33515022 - Construction of 06 (six) Auditorium at 33515022 -6wU wefvMxq kn‡i evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii cÖPvi fe‡b Broadcasting Houses in 06 (six) divisional AwWUwiqvg wbg©vY Ges we‡kl Abyôvb cÖPv‡ii Rb¨ cities and introduction of modern AvaywbK hš¿cvwZ ms‡hvRb equipment for special program broa (RyjvB/2014 †_‡K Ryb 2018ch©š—) 33515023 - Extension & renewal of National 33515023 -RvZxq †eZvi feb, evsjv‡`k †eZvi, †k‡i evsjv bMi, Broadcasting House, Bangladesh Betar, XvKvi m¤úÖmviY I bevqb cÖKí (gvP©/2013-Ryb/2015) Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 33515024 - iiW 33515024 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii kvnevM Kg‡cø•ª AvMviMvuI , XvKvi, ¯’vbvšÍi, wbg©vY I AvaywbKvqb (2q ch©vq)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33515025 - Construction of fixed rent residential 33515025 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii wewfbœ AvÂwjK †K›`ª¸‡jv‡Z wba©vwiZ quarters/Dormitory and other infrastructure fvovi WiwgUix, AvevwmK †KvqvUv©m© Ges Ab¨vb¨ for the regional offices of Bangladesh AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Betar. (RyjvB/14 †_‡K Ryb/2018) 33515026 - Expansion of Satellite broadcasting 33515026 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii m¨v‡UjvBU m¤úÖPvi e¨e¯’vi m¤úÖmvib system of Bangladesh Betar. (RyjvB/14 †_‡K Ryb/2018) 33515027 - Renewal and modernization of short wave 33515027 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii kU©I‡qf UªvÝwgkb e¨e¯’vi bevqb I transmission system of Bangladesh Betar. AvaywbKvqb (RyjvB/14 †_‡K Ryb/2018) 33515028 - Modernization and enrichment of Medium 33515028 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii ga¨g ZiOM †cÖiY hbZ ši Wave (AM) Transmitters of Bangladesh AvaywbKvqb I mg„`a KiY (RyjvB 2013 ‡_‡K Ryb Betar. 2016) 33515029 - Establishment of 1000 Kilowatt Medium 33515029 -gnvkw³ †cÖiY †K›`ª, evsjv‡`k †eZvi avgivB, XvKv Wave Transmitter as an alternative at 1000 wK‡jvIqvU ¶gZvi weKí ga¨g Zi½ U«v›mwgUvi Bangladesh Betar, Dhamrai, Dhaka. (July ¯’vcb cÖKí (RyjvB 2012 †_‡K Ryb 2015) 2012-june 2015) 33515030 - Bangadesh Radio 33515030 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii †`ke¨vcx Gd.Gg m¤•ªPvi †bUIqvK© cÖeZ©b (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 33515031 - Modernization & strengthening of 33515031 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi wm‡jU I iscyi †K‡›`ª AvaywbKvqb I Bangladesh Betar, Rangpur and Sylhet. kw³kvjxKiY (Rvybyqvwi 2013 †_‡K Ryb 2015) (january 2013-june 2015) 33515032 - Modernization and enrichment of Medium 33515032 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi ga¨g Zi½ m¤•ªmviY e¨e¯’v AvaywbKvqb Wave (AM) Transmitters of Bangladesh I mg„w×KiY (RyjvB 2013 †_‡K Ryb 2016) Betar.(July 2013-june 2016) 33515033 - Expansion and renewal of National 33515033 -RvZxq †eZvi feb m¤•ªmviY I bevqb cÖKí (RyjvB Broadcasting House, Bangladesh Betar, 2012 †_‡K Ryb 2015) Sher-e-Bangla-Nagar, Dhaka. (July 2012-june 2015) 33515040 - Development of Strengthening of a 250 33515040 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii Kweicyi †K‡›`ª 250 wKtIt ¶z`ª Kilowatt short wave transmitter at kabirpur Zi½ †cÖiY hš¿ (UªvÝwgUvi) Dbœqb I kw³kvjxKiY of Bangladesh Betar (01/01/10 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 33515050 - Modernization and Digitization of medium 33515050 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii ga¨g Zi½, U«v›mwgUvi, Transcription for Bangladesh Bater wWwRUvB‡Rkb I AvaywbKvqb (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 33515120 - Population planning cell in Radio 33515120 -†iwWI evsjv‡`‡k ms¯’vq RbmsL¨v cwiKíbv †mj Bangladesh ( Phase - 4 ) (chv©q-4) 33515150 - Balancing, modernisation and 33515150 -‡iwWI evsjv‡`‡ki hšcvwZ mylgKiY, AvaywbKxKiY I replacement of equipment of Radio cyivZb hšcvwZ cwieZ©b (ms‡kvwaZ) Bangladesh 33515160 - Establishment of National Maintenance 33515160 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii †K›`ªxq i¶Yv‡e¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb Centre for Radio Bangladesh at Dhaka (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 33515191 - Development of broadcasting services 33515191 -m¤•ªPvi mvwf©‡mm Gi Dbœqb 33515211 - Strengthening of rural broadcast 33515211 -Kzwgj­vq †eZvi feb ¯’vcb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) programme of Bangladesh Radio (01/07/1999-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 33515260 - Establishment to a 10 Kilo-watt medium 33515260 -K·evRv‡i 1wU ¯^qsm¤•Y© 10 wK‡jv IqvU ga¨g Zi½ wave radio center at Cox's Bazer †eZvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb 33515290 - Expansion of national broadcasting house 33515290 -RvZxq ‡eZvi feY m¤•ªmvib AvMviMuvI, XvKv Agargaon, Dhaka 33515310 - Procurement of 6 mobile FM transmitters 33515310 -6wU åvg¨gvY GdGg U«v›mwgUvi msMªn 33515320 - Construction of 33515320 -Kywgj­vq †eZvi feb ¯’vcb building at Comilla (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 33515450 - Establishment of an automatic 10 kilo-watt 33515450 -ewikv‡j 1wU ¯^qsm¤•Y© 10 wK‡jv IqvU ga¨g Zi½ medium wave radio center at Barisal †eZvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb 33515750 - Consturction of administration building for 33515750 -RvZxq †eZv‡ii cªkvmwbK feb wbg©vY, AvMviMuvI (ce©-2) National Radio at Agargaon (Phase-2) 33515760 - Expansion of Chittagong Radio office 33515760 -PƪMªvg †eZvi fe‡bi m¤•ªmviY (4_© Zjv feb wbgv©Y) building (Construction of 4th floor) 33515770 - Installation of 2.10 KW MW transmitter at 33515770 -ivRkvnx 10 wK‡jv IqvU ga¨g ZisM UªvÝwgUv‡ii Rajshahi cwie‡Z© 210 wK‡jv IqvU ga¨gZi½ †cÖiY hš ¯’vcb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33515910 - Establisment of a 10 kilo-watt medium 33515910 -ev›`iev‡b GKwU ¯^qsm¤•–Y© 10 wK‡jv IqvU ga¨g Zi½ wave Radio center at Bandarban †eZvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998- 30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 33516020 - Women and Child Development 33516020 -wkï I gwnjv‡`i Dbœq‡b †hvMv‡hvM Kvh©µg (2q ch©vq) communicating programme (1/7/01-30/6/06)Aby‡gvw`Z 33516030 - 33516030 -evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii †K›`ªxq evZ©v ms¯’vq wbDR wi‡cvwU©s †mj ¯’vcb 33516040 - 33516040 -gvV ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ cÖ_g ch©v‡q †Rjv -_vbv †Rjv ch©v‡q ¯^Zš †eZvi †hvMv‡hvM ¯’vcb (1/7/99- 30/6/03) 3353 - Bangladesh Television 3353 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb 33530000 - Bangladesh Television 33530000 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb 33530001 - General 33530001 -mvaviY 33530005 - Studio Programmes 33530005 -÷zwWI †cªvMªvg 33530010 - News Programmes 33530010 -wbDR †cªvMªvg 33530020 - BTV-Chittagong Centre 33530020 -PÆMÖvg †K›`ª 33530025 - BTV-Natore Centre 33530025 -bv‡Uvi †K›`ª 33530030 - BTV-Mymensingh Centre 33530030 -gqgbwmsn †K›`ª 33530035 - BTV-Rangpur Centre 33530035 -iscyi †K›`ª 33530040 - BTV-Khulna Centre 33530040 -Lyjbv †K›`ª 33530045 - BTV-Noakhali Centre 33530045 -‡bvqvLvjx †K›`ª 33530050 - BTV-Sylhet Centre 33530050 -wm‡jU †K›`ª 33535010 - Establishment of 5 TV relay centres 33535010 -5wU wU wf m¤•ÖPvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb (cUzqvLvjx, eªv²bevoxqv, VvKziMvuI, wSbvB`n I ivRkvnx) 33535011 - BTV News Standardization/Up gradation 33535011 -wewUwf wbDR ÷vÛvWvB‡Rkb,Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb, A‡Uv‡gkb cÖ and Automation Project ‡R±|(2010-12) 33535012 - Development and Expansion of BTV 33535012 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb PÆMÖvg †K‡›`ªI AvaywbKvqb I Chittagong Center m¤cÖmviY(2011-12) 33535013 - Development and Expansion of BTV 33535013 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb ivRkvnx †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY Rajshai Center 33535014 - Establishment of Full Fledged TV Station 33535014 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb ivRkvnx wUwf Dc‡K›`ª‡K c~Y©v½ wUwf in Rajshahi of Bangladesh Television †K‡›`ª iƒcvšÍi (RyjvB 2012 †_‡K Ryb 2017 ch©š—) 33535015 - Establishment of Full Fledged TV Station 33535015 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi wm‡jU wUwf Dc‡K›`ª‡K c~Y©v½ in Sylhet of Bangladesh Television wUwf †K‡›`ª iƒcvšÍi 33535016 - Establishment of Full Fledged TV Station 33535016 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi Lyjbv wUwf Dc‡K›`ª‡K c~Y©v½ wUwf in Khulna of Bangladesh Television †K‡›`ª iƒcvšÍi 33535017 - Modernization and digitalization of master 33535017 -wewUwf XvKv †K‡›`ªi g~j wbqš¿YKÿ,04wU ÷zwWIi c~Y©v½ control room and 04 Nos. of studio of BTV wWwRXvjvB‡Rkb I AvaywbKvqb Ges 10wU wWwRUvj Dhaka center and establishment of 10 GwWUmyU ¯’vcb Nos. digital edit suit proje 33535018 - Modernization digital Teristrial 33535018 -‡`ke¨vcx wWwRUvj †U‡iw÷ªqvj m¤úªPvi cÖeZ©b Transmission Establishment project 33535019 - BTV News Standardization/ Upgradation 33535019 -wewUwf wbDR ó¨vÛ©vB‡Rkb/ Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb GÛ A‡Uv‡gkb and Automation Project cÖ‡R± 33535020 - Rehabilitation and re-construction of 33535020 -NwY©So weaŸ¯ PÆMªvg wUwf †K›`ªwU cybe©vmb I cybwbgv©Y cyclone affected Chittagong TV Centre 33535021 - Establishment of Full Fledged TV Station 33535021 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi ewikvj AvÂwjK wUwf †K›`ª wbgv©Y in Barisal of Bangladesh Television 33535022 - Establishment of Full Fledged TV Station 33535022 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi iscyi wUwf Dc‡K›`ª‡K c~Y©v½ wUwf in Rangpur of Bangladesh Television †K‡›`ª iƒcvšÍi 33535023 - Modernization Digital of library & Archive 33535023 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi jvB‡eªix I AvK©vBf wm‡÷‡gi system project AvaywbKvqY I wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb 33535024 - Establishment of stand alone News Unit at 33535024 -4-wU wefvMxq kn‡i ivRkvnx, ewikvj, wm‡jU I iscyi Rajshahi, Barishal, Sylhet, Rangpur, Ges 19-wU e„nËi †Rjv kni gqgbwmsn, Mymensingh, Gopalganj, Noakhali, †MvcvjMÄ,†bvqvLvjx, cUyqvLvjx, dwi`cyi, LvMovQwo, Patuakhali, Faridpur, Khagrachori, , K wK‡kviMÄ, Kzwóqv 33535025 - Modernization, Expansion & Construction 33535025 -wewUwfi Af¨_©bv feb wbg©vY, AvaywbKvqb I m¤úÖmviY of Receiption Building of BTV

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33535026 - Establishment of Full Fledged TV Station 33535026 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb ivRkvnx wUwf Dc‡K›`ª‡K cY©vOn in Rajshahi of Bangladesh Television. wUwf †K‡›`ª iƒcvši (Rvbyqvix 2013 †_‡K Ryb2017) (january 2013-june 2017) 33535027 - Establishment of Full Fledged 05 (Five) TV 33535027 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi cÖ¯vweZ 5wU wefvM ivRkvnx, Station of Bangladesh Television. July Lyjbv, wm‡jU, ewikvj I iscy‡i cY©v½ wUwf †K›`ª ¯’vcb 2014-june 2017) (RyjvB 2014 †_‡K Ryb 2017) 33535028 - BTV’s Modernization Digitization & 33535028 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi gW©vbvB‡Rkb wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb Automation of Bangladesh Television GÛ A‡Uv‡gkb Ae evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb K‡›U«vj wm‡÷g Control System. (July 2013-june 2015) (RyjvB 2013 Ryb 2015) 33535029 - Establishment of Full Fledged TV Station 33535029 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi Lyjbv wUwU Dc‡K›`ª‡K cY©v½ wUwf in Khulna of Bangladesh Television. †K‡›`ª i“cvši (Rvybyqvwi 2013 †_‡K Ryb 2015) (january 2013-june 2015) 33535030 - Estabishment of 3 regional TV centre 33535030 -3wU AvÂwjK wU wf ‡K›`ª ¯’vcb 33535031 - Modernization digital Teristrial 33535031 -‡`ke¨vcx wWwRUvj †Uwiw÷«qvj m¤•ªPvi cÖeZ©b (Rvybyqvwi Transmission establishment project. 2013 †_‡K Ryb 2015) (january 2013-june 2015) 33535040 - Introduction of 2nd channel of Bangladesh 33535040 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi 2q P¨v‡bj cªeZ©Y Television 33535050 - Rehabilitation of Television centre, Dhaka 33535050 -XvKv †Uwjwfkb †K‡›`ªi cybe©vmb 33535060 - Construction of Ukhia T V relay station 33535060 -DwLqv wU wf wi‡j †K›`« ¯’vcb 33535070 - Establishment of TV centre at Rajshahi 33535070 -ivRkvnx wU wf †K›`« ¯’vcb 33535080 - Establishment of a new location of an 33535080 -iv½vgvwU wU wf cybtcªPvi †K‡›`«i kw³ e„w× I bZyb ¯’v‡b higher power TV relay station at cybwbgv©Y (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) Rangamati 33535090 - Strengthening mass communication for 33535090 -evsjv‡`‡ki wkky I gwnjv‡`i Dbœq‡bi j¶¨mgn AR©‡bi achieving development goals for women Rb¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kvh©µg and children 33535100 - Modernization & Extension of Bangladesh 33535100 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi PÆMªvg †K‡›`ªi AvaywbKvqb I Television Chittagong Center m¤•ªmviY (01/01/2012-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 33535110 - BTV satellite News Gathering SNG unit 33535110 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi m¨vUvjvBU wbDR M¨v`vwis collection (GmGbwR) BDwbU msMÖn (1/7/01-30/6/04)Aby‡gvw`Z 33535130 - Telecasting of population programme and 33535130 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡b RbmsL¨v Kvh©µg Abyôv‡b cªPvi I establishment of an unit in BTV wbqwgZ †mj MVb (chv©q-3) 33535270 - Development of public relation by showing 33535270 -åvg¨gvb wPÎ cª`k©bxi gva¨‡g MYms‡hvM Dbœqb mobile film 33535280 - Facilities for video cassette recording 33535280 -wfwWI K¨v‡mU †iKwWs Gi myweav cª`vb 33535530 - Construction of residential building for 33535530 -XvKv wUwf †K‡›`ªi Ri“wi Kvjxb Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ officer and staff of BTV evmfeb wbgv©Y 33535790 - Establishment of Ukhia TV relay center 33535790 -DwLqvq GKwU wUwf wi‡j †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/1997-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 33535810 - Establishment of Development Channel in 33535810 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi Dbœqbg–jK P¨v‡bj cÖeZ©Y Bangladesh Television (Revised) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 33535820 - Replacement of TV transmitter in 10 33535820 -10wU †K‡›`ªi wUwf UªvÝwgUvi cÖwZ¯’vcb, m¨vUvjvBU wbDR different centres M¨v`vwis (GgGbwR) MÖvDÛ †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Uªv݇cvìvi BRviv (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 33535830 - Installation of studio equipment in the 33535830 -XvKv †Uwjwfkb †K‡›`ªi m¤•ªmvwiZ fe‡bi óywWI hšcvwZ extension building of TV station at Dhaka ¯’vcb (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 33535840 - Expansion of reporting programme of BTV 33535840 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk†bi wi‡cvwU©s Kvh©µg 33535842 - Expansion of reporting programme of BTV 33535842 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk†bi wi‡cvwU©s Kvh©µg (ce©-2) 33535850 - Introducing computerisation in 33535850 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk†bi Kw¤•DUvi c×wZ cªeZ©b Bangladesh Television (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 33535860 - Equipping the studios of Extention Building 33535860 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi XvKv †Uwjwfkb †K‡›`ªi of Dhaka TV complex m¤•ÖmvwiZ fe‡bi ÷zwWI hš¿cvwZ ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 -30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 33535870 - Construction of BTV Head Quarter Building 33535870 -wewUwf m`i `ßi feb wbg©vY (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 33535940 - Establishment of new central 33535940 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi XvKv †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ bZzb †K›`ªxq air-conditioning plant for Bangladesh kxZvZvc c­¨v›U ¯’vcb Television's Dhaka Centre.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33535941 - Establishment of new central 33535941 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi XvKv †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ bZzb †K›`ªxq air-conditioning plant for Bangladesh kxZvZc c­¨v›U ¯’vcb (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Television's Dhaka station Aby‡gvw`Z 33535950 - 33535950 -e¸ov AvÂwjK wUwf †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2004-30/06/2005) Abby‡gvw`Z 3371-3380 - Films and Publication 3371-3380 -Pjw”PÎ I cªKvkbv 3371 - Bangladesh Film Censor Board 3371 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ †mÝi †evW© 33710000 - Bangladesh Film Censor Board 33710000 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ †mÝi †evW© 33715011 - 33715011 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-2 (Avi AvB AvB wc-2) Gi KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí (1/7/05-30/6/06) 33716850 - 33716850 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-22 AeKvVv‡gv †bvqvLvjx †Rjv (1/7/98-31/12/05) 3373 - Bangladesh Film Archives 3373 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ AvK©vBfm 33730000 - Bangladesh Film Archives and Libraries 33730000 -evsjv‡`k wdj¥ AvK©vBfm 33735010 - Information technology 33735010 -Z_¨ cÖhyw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g wdj¥ AvK©vB‡fi Pjw”PÎ msi¶Y e¨e¯’vi gv‡bvbœqb, mbvZb PjwPPÎ msi¶Y Ges Kvh©µg cybiƒ¾xeb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 33735020 - Construction of Bangladesh Film Archive 33735020 -wdj¥ AvK©vBfm feb wbg©vY Bhaban (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 3381-3385 - Special Programmes 3381-3385 -we‡kl Kg©mPxmgn 3381 - Special Programmes 3381 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 33814658 - 33814658 -mvfvi¯’ cyivZb 100 wK‡jvIqvU kU©I‡qf U«v›mwgUvi Dbœqb I kw³kvjxKiY Kg©mPx 33814659 - 33814659 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi m¨v‡UjvBb wbDR M¨v`vwis (GmGbwR) BDwbU msMªn Kg©mPx 3396-3398 - Development Programme Financed by 3396-3398 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3396 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3396 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 33964300 - Renovation, Extension, repairing and 33964300 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi Lyjbv †K‡›`ªi PË¡‡i wbwg©Z RvZxi RbK preservation of the sculpture of the father e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi ¯§„wZ fv¯‹h© ms¯‹vi †givgZ of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh I msi¶Y Mujibur Rahman Constructed in the K 33964301 - Preservation of film heritage and to 33964301 -Pjw”Pª‡Îi HwnZ¨ msi¶Y Ges ms¯‹…wZgb¯‹ Pjw”PÎ implement film based motivational welqK Kg©m~~wP ev¯—evqb| programme to create a culturally sensitized future generation. 33964302 - Installation of Publication, Editing and 33964302 -cvyewj‡Kkb GwWwUs GÛ cÖ‡mwms BDwbU ¯—vcb Processing Unit RyjvB-2011 n‡Z Ryb 2013 | 33964303 - Special Motivation Programme to create 33964303 -BDwbqb Z_¨ ‡K›`ª n‡Z †mev MÖªn‡Yi gva¨‡g mvaviY Awareness by receiving services from the gvby‡li Rxebgvb Dbœqb I wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k m¤ú‡K© Union Information Centre towards m‡PZbZv e„w×i j‡¶¨ we‡kl DØ„× Kvh©µg| (RyjvB improving the standard of Livelihood 2011 n‡Z 33964304 - Strengthening and enriching the Ministry of 33964304 -Kw¤úDUvi I Avbylw½K hš¿cvwZ msMÖ‡ni gva¨‡g Z_¨ Information through procurement of gš¿Yvjq‡K AvBwU mg„× KiY I kw³kvjx KiY| Computer and relevant equipment. 33964305 - Expansion of the existing memorial 33964305 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi Lyjbv †K‡›`ªi PZ¡‡i wbwg©Z RvwZi RbK Sculpture of Father of the nation e½eÜy †kL gywRei ingv‡bi ø„wZ fv¯‹h© m¤•ªmviY Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the premises of Bangladesh Betar, Khulna Centre 33964306 - Construction of Infrastructure Programme 33964306 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb †bvqvLvjx Dc-†K‡›`ªi AeKvVv‡gv at Bangladesh Television Noakhali wbg©vY Kg©mwP (2012/13 - 2013/14) Sub-Station 33964307 - Programme on Extention works of Existing 33964307 -uRvZxq MYgva¨g Bbw÷wUD‡Ui eZ©gvb fe‡bi m¤•ªmviY Building of National Institute of Mass Ges AwWUwiqvg wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) kxl©K Kg©mwP Communication of a Auditorium (2nd 2012/13-2014/15 Phase)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 33964308 - Replacement of 20X4=80 Ton Air Cooled 33964308 -evsjv‡`k †eZvi Lyjbv †K‡›`ªi 20*4=80 Ub Central Air Comdition Plant instead of ¶gZvm¤•bœ IqvUvi KzjW †m›Uªvj Gqvi KwÛkb cÐv›U Gi Water Cooled Central Air Condition Plant cwie‡Z© Gqvi KzjW †m›Uªvj Gqvi KwÛkb cÐv›U cÖwZ¯’vcb Bangladesh Betar, Khulna KvR Ryb/2013-Ryb/2014 33964309 - Awareness Building and Motivational 33964309 -A_©‰bwZK I mvgvwRK Dbœqb wel‡q wg_w¯Œqv Ges Programme on Economic and Social mvgvwRK KzcgÛzKZvi wei“‡× m‡PZbZv e„w× I Development Against Social Meanness DØy×KiY Kvh©µg 33964310 - Strengthening of BSS ICT System 33964310 -evmm Gi AvB.wm,wU wm‡÷g kw³kvjxKiY 33964645 - Rural Sports Cpmpetition Programme 33964645 -MÖvgxY †Ljvayjvi cÖwZ‡hvwMZv 33964658 - Development and Strengthening of the Old 33964658 -mvfvi¯’ cyivZb 100 wK‡jvIqvU kU©I‡qf U«v›mwgUvi 100 Kw Shortwave Transmitter at Savar Dbœqb I kw³kvjxKiY (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) 33964659 - Collection of Sattelite News Gathering 33964659 -evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi m¨v‡UjvBU wbDR M¨v`vwis (SNG) Unit for BTV (GmGbwR) BDwbU msMªn (2004-05) 33964660 - Motivational Programme for the 33964660 -MªvgxY Rb‡Mvôxi Dbœq‡b DØy×KiY Kg©m–wP (2006-07) Development Rural People (2006-07) 33964661 - Establishment of Publication, Editing & 33964661 -cvewj‡Kkb, GwWwUs GÛ cÖ‡mwms BDwbU ¯’vcb| Processing Unit 33964681 - Installation of 75mm.150 mm dia 33964681 -wbækw³ †cÖiY †K›`ª, evsjv‡`k Zvi, Kj¨vYcyi, XvKvi shrouded production well with UPVC pipe Rb¨ 3 Bw 6 Bw Wvqvi 800 MfxiZvi 10 Ak¦kw³ & building house in the compound of low m¤•bœ GKwU mve-mviwmej cv¤• gUi †mU ¯’vcb Ges power transmission Bangladesh Betar of nvDm wbg©vY KvR (Rvbyqvwi/2011-Ryb/2011) Kallanpur,Dhaka 33964686 - News Reporting Activities of BTV 33964686 -wewUwfi wbDR wi‡cvwU©s (2005-06) 33964716 - 33964716 -cÖavbgšxi Kvh©vj‡q GKwU cY©v½ óywWI ¯’vcb Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06) 33964717 - Mass Motivational Programme 33964717 -MYD×y×KiY Kg©mPx 33964781 - Construction of Boundary Wall of National 33964781 -RvZxq MYgva¨g Bbw÷wUDU Gi mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY Institute of Mass Communication (Rvbyqvwi/2011-Ryb/2011) 33964790 - Construction of Internal Sweerage Line of 33964790 -RvZxq MYgva¨g Bbw÷wUDU Gi my¨qv‡iR jvBb wbg©vY National Institute of Mass Communication (Rvbyqvwi/2011-Ryb/2011) 33964809 - b 33964809 -RvZxq MYgva¨g Bbw÷wUD‡Ui eZ©gvb fe‡bi m¤•ªmviY I AwWUwiqvg wbg©vY (2007-08 n‡Z 2009-10 3399-3399 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3399-3399 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3399 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3399 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 33990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 33990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 34 - Ministry of Cultural Affairs 34 - ms¯‹…wZ welqK gš¿Yvjq 3401-3420 - Administration 3401-3420 -cªkvmb 3401 - Secretariat 3401 -mwPevjq 34010001 - Secretariat 34010001 -mwPevjq 34013135 - Libraries 34013135 -Mªš’vMvimgn 34013140 - Fine Arts, Theaters, etc. 34013140 -Pvi“ wkí, w_‡qUvi BZ¨vw` 34013151 - Moulana Bhasani Mousoleum at Tangail 34013151 -UvsMvB‡j gIjvbv fvmvbx ¯§„wZ‡mŠa 34013967 - Nazrul - Rabindra Jaoianti 34013967 -bRi“j-iex›`ª Rqšx 34013968 - National Grantha Dibas 34013968 -RvZxq MÖš’ w`em 34013970 - Cultural Preservation Fund 34013970 -mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ i¶Y e¨q 34013985 - Implementation of Cultural Pact 34013985 -mvs¯‹…wZK Pzw³ ev¯evqb 34015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 34015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 34015020 - Assistance to the non-Goverment libraries 34015020 -‡Rjv I DcwRjv chv©‡q †emKvix Mªš’Mvimgn‡K mnvqZv in district level 34015030 - Books development programme 34015030 -Mªš’ Dbœqb Kg©mPx 34015050 - Archaeological survey (Phase-2) 34015050 -cÖZ¥ZvwËK Rwic 34015060 - Archeological excavation, preservation and 34015060 -cÖZ¥ZvwËK ms¯‹vi, msi¶Y I Lbb reconstruction

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34015070 - Preservation of archaeological 34015070 -cvnvocyi I ev‡MinvU Gi cyivKxwZ© msi¶Y (chv©q-3) monuments of Paharpur and Bagerhat (Phase-3) 34015080 - Establishment of Khulna divisional 34015080 -Lyjbv wefvMxq hv`yNi ¯’vcb museum 34015090 - Expansion, re-construction and 34015090 -‡Rjv chv©‡q wkíKjv GKv‡Wgxi ¯’vcb, m¤•ªmviY I establishment of Shilpakala academy at ms¯‹vi (chv©q-1 ms‡kvwaZ) district levels (Phase-1 Revised) 34015100 - Construction of national archive building 34015100 -RvZxq AvKv©Bf feb wbgv©Y 34015110 - Establishment of cultural centre at Cox's 34015110 -K·evRv‡i ms¯‹„wZK ‡K›`« ¯’vcb bazar 34015120 - Construction of national art gallery 34015120 -RvZxq wPÎkvjv wbgv©Y (ce©-1) 34015130 - Construction of cultural center at Rabindra 34015130 -kvnvRv`cy‡i iex›`« KvPvix evwo‡Z mvs¯‹„wZK ‡K›`« wbgv©Y Kachari Bari at Shahajadapur 34015140 - Shilpacharja Jainul Abedin art auditorium 34015140 -wkívPvh© Rqbyj Av‡e`xb wPÎvkvjv I AvÂwjK hv`yNi, and regional museum at Mymensingh gqgbwmsn 34015150 - Establishment of young writer training 34015150 -Zi“Y †jLK cªwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb center 34015160 - Establishment of national musical center 34015160 -RvZxq msMxZ I b„Z¨ Kjv‡K›`« ¯’vcb (ce©-1) (Phase-1) 34015170 - Development of district public libraries 34015170 -‡Rjv cvewjK jvB‡eªix mg‡ni DbœqY (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 34015180 - Development of Chittagong Muslim 34015180 -PÆMªvg gymwjg Bbw÷wUDU AwWUwiqvg I wefvMxq cvewjK Institute Auditorium and Divisional Public jvB‡eªwii Dbœqb library 34015210 - Construction of archaeological building 34015210 -cÖZ¥ZvwËK feb wbg©vY 34015220 - Establishment of tribal cultural academy at 34015220 -ivRkvnx wefvMxq kn‡i DcRvZxq KvjPvivj GKv‡Wwg, Rajshahi, Khagrachari institute and LvMovQwo DcRvZxq ms¯‹…wZi BÝwUwUDU Ges gwbcyix Manipuri lalit kala academy jwjZKjv GKv‡Wwg ¯’vcb 34015221 - Development of Cultural Heritage Project 34015221 -KvjPvivj †nwi‡UR Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2002) 34015230 - Construction of Lalon Academy complex 34015230 -jvjb GKv‡Wgx Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y 34015240 - Assistance to Non Government public 34015240 -‡Rjv I Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q †emiKvix Mªš’vMvi mgn‡K cÖ`vb library at district and upazilla level 34015250 - Preservation of memorabilia of national 34015250 -`wiivgcyi I KvRxwmgjvq RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi“j rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam at Darirumpur Bmjv‡gi m¥„wZ msi¶Y and Kazi Simla 34015261 - Mentor fellowship on instrumental music 34015261 -hšmsMx‡Zi Dci †g›Ui †d‡jvwkc 34015271 - National Zatra Festival 1994-95 34015271 -RvZxq hvÎv Drme 94-95 34015281 - Integrated folklore research programme 34015281 -mgwš^Z †dvK‡jvi M‡elYv Kg©mPx 34015710 - Completion of incomplete works of 34015710 -evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wgxi AvaywbK wgjbvqZ‡bi auditorium at Bangladesh Shilpa Kala AmgvßKvR mgvßKiY Academy 34015810 - Procurement of equipment and books for 34015810 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Mªš’Mv‡ii Rb¨ eB, hšcvwZ BZ¨vw` Bangladesh national libraries msMªn 34015820 - Training programme on fine and 34015820 -dvBb I cvidiwgs Av‡U©i Dci cªwk¶Y Kg©mPx performing arts (ms‡kvwaZ) 34015830 - Extension and development of Nazrul 34015830 -bRi“j B›mwUwUDU Gi Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY Institute 34015840 - Construction of national theatre 34015840 -RvZxq bvU¨kvjv wbgvY© (ce©-1) 34015850 - Preparation and publication of text books 34015850 -D”P wk¶v¯‡i evsjvq cvV¨cy¯K cªbqY I cªKvkbv in Bangla 34015860 - Development and research on Bangla 34015860 -evsjv fvlv I mvwn‡Z¨i M‡elYv I DbœqY (chv©q-4) language and literature (Phase-4) 34016010 - Construction of freedom monument at 34016010 -‡mvnivIqvw`© D`¨v‡b ¯^vaxbZv ¯¤¢ wbg©vY Suhrawardy uddyan 34016020 - Construction of Bangabandu memorial 34016020 -e½eÜz m¥„wZ ¯¤¢ wbg©vY monument

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34016030 - Establishment of Artist SM Sultan 34016030 -bovB‡j cªL¨vZ wkíx Gm Gg myjZv‡bi m¥„wZ msMªn kvjv memorial museum at Narail 34016040 - Extension of fine arts activities thorughout 34016040 -‡`ke¨vcx Pvi“Kjv welqK Kg©Kv‡Ûi m¤•ªmvib, åvg¨gvb the country through mobile exhibitions cÖ`k©bxi Av‡qvRb Ges åvg¨gvY cÖ`kb©xi Dc‡hvMx we‡kl ai‡bi evm ‰Zix 34016050 - Production and publication of books on the 34016050 -evsj‡`‡ki gyw³hy‡×i `wjj I BwZnvm welqK Mªš’ history of the liberation war cªKvk 34016060 - Construction of Ekushe Bhaban 34016060 -GKz‡k feb wbgv©Y 34016070 - Establishment of Mir Mossarref Hossain 34016070 -gxi †gvkviid †nv‡mb m¥„wZ Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb memorial complex 34016080 - Establishment of two divisional public 34016080 -ewikvj I wm‡j‡U 2wU wefvMxq miKvix MYMªš’vMvi ¯’vcb libraries at Barisal and Sylhet 34016090 - Establishment of Madhupalli at Shagordari 34016090 -h‡kvn‡ii mvMo`vox‡Z gaycj­x ¯’vcb in Jessore 34016100 - Development of industrial village in 34016100 -‡mvbviMuv‡q wkí Mªvg Dbœqb Sonargaon 34016110 - Construction of a cultural centre at 34016110 -gywRe bM‡i mvs¯‹…wZK †K›`« ¯’vcb Mujibnagar 34016120 - Establishment of Shahid Matiur Rahman 34016120 -knx` gwZDi ingvb m¥„wZ †K›`« ¯’vcb memorial centre 34016130 - Development of auditorium and audio 34016130 -evsjv`k RvZxq hv`yNi AwWI wfRyqvj Ges AwWUwiqv‡gi visual facilities of Bangladesh national Dbœqb museum 34016210 - Construction of Sheikh Fazlul Haque Mani 34016210 -†kL dRjyj nK gwb ¯§„wZ wgjbvqZb wbgv©Y, †MvcvjMÄ auditorium at Gopalgonj 34016220 - Construction of Marhum Mansur Ali 34016220 -knx` gbmyi Avjx AwWUwiqvg wbgv©Y, wmivRMÄ auditorium at Sirajgonj 34016230 - Construction of cultural center at Khuthi 34016230 -wkjvB`n iex›`ª KzwV evox‡Z ms¯‹…wZK †K›`ª ¯’vcb bari at Shilidha 34016310 - Construction of a Bangabandhu memorial 34016310 -UzsMxcvovq RvZxi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi complex at Tungipara mgvwa †mŠa Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y 34016320 - Light and Sound project 34016320 -myweb¨¯ jvBU GÛ mvDÛ cÖKí 34016330 - Construction of Rakhain culture center at 34016330 -ivgy‡Z GKwU ivLvBb mvs¯‹…wZK ‡K›`ª ¯’vcb Ramu 34017120 - 34017120 -iscyi †Rjvi cvqive‡›` †eMg †iv‡Kqv m¥„wZ †K›`« ¯’vcb 34017130 - Establishment of National Musical Centre 34017130 -RvZxq msMxZ Kjv †K›`« ¯’vcb 3405 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3405 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 34053131 - Shilpakala Academy 34053131 -wkíKjv GKv‡Wwg 34053132 - Khudra Nri-Ghosty Shanskritic Institute, 34053132 -¶z`ª-b„-‡Mvôxi mvs¯‹„wZ Bbw÷wUDU, LvMovQwo Khagrachhari 34053133 - Bangla Academy 34053133 -evsjv GKv‡Wwg 34053134 - Rajshahi Bivaghaiz Khudra Nri-ghosty 34053134 -ivRkvnx wefvMxq ¶z`ª-b„-†Mvôxi KvjPvivj GKv‡Wwg, Cultural Academy, Rajshahi ivRkvnx 34053135 - Libraries 34053135 -Mªš’vMvimg–n 34053136 - Manipuri Lalitkala Academy, Maulavibazar 34053136 -gwbcyix jwjZKjv GKv‡Wwg, ‡gŠjfxevRvi 34053137 - Bangladesh Asiatic Society 34053137 -evsjv‡`k GwkqvwUK †mvmvBwU 34053138 - Bishowsahitho Kendro 34053138 -wek¦mvwnZ¨ †K›`ª 34053139 - National Grantha Kendra 34053139 -RvZxq Mªš’ †K›`ª 34053140 - Fine Arts, Theaters, etc. 34053140 -Pvi“wkí, w_‡qUvi BZ¨vw` 34053141 - Bangladesh Folk and Crafts Foundation 34053141 -evsjv‡`k †jvK I Kvi“wkí dvD‡Ûkb 34053142 - Agrashar Vikrampur foundation 34053142 -AMªmi weµgcyi dvD‡Ûkb 34053143 - Academy of Tribal Culture-BIRISIRI 34053143 -DcRvZxq mvs¯‹…wZK GKv‡Wwg - wewiwmwi 34053144 - Oitihya onneswan 34053144 -HwZn¨ A‡¤¦lY 34053145 - Institute of Tribal Culture, Rangamati 34053145 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg mvs¯‹…wZK cªwZôvb, ivsMvgvwU 34053147 - Institute of Tribal Culture, Bandarban 34053147 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg mvs¯‹…wZK cªwZôvb, ev›`ievb 34053149 - Nazrul Institute 34053149 -bRi“j BÝwUwUDU

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34053151 - Moulana Bhasani Mousoleum at Tangail 34053151 -UvsMvB‡j gIjvbv fvmvbx ¯§„wZ‡mŠa 34053153 - Cultural Centre at Cox Bazar 34053153 -K·evRvi mvs¯‹„wZK †K›`ª 34053155 - National Museum 34053155 -RvZxq hv`yNi 34053157 - Osmani Museum 34053157 -Imgvbx hv`yNi 34053158 - Bangabandhu Memorial Museum 34053158 -e½eÜz m¥„wZ hv`yNi 34053159 - Ahsan Manzil Museum 34053159 -Avnmvb gwÄj hv`yNi 34053160 - Liberation War Memorial Museum 34053160 -gyw³hy× m¥„wZ hv`yNi 34053161 - Zia Museum 34053161 -wRqv hv`yNi 34053163 - Nazrul-Rabindra 34053163 -bRi“j-iex›`ª Rqšx 34053165 - National Grantha Dibas 34053165 -RvZxq Mªš’ w`em 34053167 - Cultural Heritage Fund 34053167 -mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ Znwej 34053168 - Cultural Preservation Fund 34053168 -RvZxq HwZn¨ msi¶Y Znwej 34053169 - Other Institutions 34053169 -Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 34053495 - Bangladesh Asiatic Society 34053495 -evsjv‡`k GwkqvwUK †mvmvBwU 34053496 - International Centre for Study of Bengal 34053496 -e½xq wkíKjv PP©vi AvšR©vwZK †K›`ª Arts 34053497 - Bangladesh Foundation for Development 34053497 -evsjv‡`k dvD‡Ûkb di †W‡fjc‡g›U wimvP© Research 34053967 - Nazrul - Rabindra Jaoianti 34053967 -bRi“j-iex›`ª RqšZx 34053968 - National Grantha Dibas 34053968 -RvZxq MÖš’ w`em 34053969 - Cultural Heritage Fund 34053969 -mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ i¶Y eve` e¨q 34053970 - Cultural Preservation Fund 34053970 -mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ i¶Y e¨q 34053985 - Implementation of Cultural Pact 34053985 -mvs¯‹…wZK Pzw³ ev¯Zevqb 34053986 - National Mourning Day 34053986 -RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥ evwl©Kx I RvZxq †kvK w`em 34053988 - Mujjib Nagar Day 34053988 -gywRe bMi w`em 34054601 - Modernization, Renovation and 34054601 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii M¨vjvwimg‡ni AvaywbKvqb, Development of Gallaries of the national ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb Museum of Bangladesh 34054602 - Modernization of Sell Centre (Souvenir 34054602 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii weµq †K›`ª (my¨‡fwbi mc) shop), Construction of the infrastructure of AvaywbKvqb, †iwc­Kv I g‡Wj ˆZixi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY making replica and model and Ges ‡jdU jv‡MR KvD›Uvi Dbœqb Development of luggage counter of the National Museum of Bangladesh 34054702 - 34054702 -KvjPvivj mv‡f© Ae evsjv‡`k 34055010 - Palli Kabi Jasim Uddin Museum 34055010 -cj­x Kwe Rwmg DwÏb msMªnkvjv wbg©vY Construction 34055011 - Construction of Journalist Kangal Harinath 34055011 -mvsevw`K Kv½vj nwibv_ m¥„wZ wgDwRqvg wbg©vY, Memorial Museum at Kumarkhali, Kustia KzgviLvjx, Kzwóqv(01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 34055012 - Construction od Bangla Academy Staff 34055012 -evsjv GKv‡Wgxi ÷vd †KvqvU©vm wbg©vY Quarters 34055013 - Construction of Khudro Nri-gosti Cultural 34055013 -nvjyqvNvU w`bvRcyi Ges bIMuv ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôxi mvs¯‹„wZK Academy at Haluahgat, Dinajpur & GKv‡Wwg wbg©vY (01/03/2013-30/06/2015) Naogaon Aby‡gvw`Z 34055014 - Construction of Divisional and Zila 34055014 -wefvMxq I †Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx wbg©vY cÖKí Shipakala Academies (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 34055015 - Expansion of Mobile Library Program of 34055015 -wek¦mvwnZ¨ †K‡›`ªi åvg¨gvY jvB‡eªwi Kg©mwP m¤•ªmviY Bishwo Shahitto Kendro (01/01/2014-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 34055016 - Renovation, Repair and Maintenance of 15 34055016 -15 †Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgxi bevqb, ms¯‹vi I †givgZ (fifteen) District Shilpakala Academies' cÖKí 34055070 - 34055070 -K·evRvi mvs¯‹…wZK †K›`ª ¯’'vcb (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 34055080 - Construction of Bangla Academy Bhaban 34055080 -evsjv GKv‡Wwg feb wbg©vY (01/04/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34055090 - Expansion, re-construction and 34055090 -‡Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wwg ¯’vcb, m¤•ÖmviY I ms¯‹vi establishment of Shilpakala academy at (chv©q-2) (01/07/1999-31/12/2006) ms‡kvwaZ district levels (Phase-1 Revised) Abby‡gvw`Z 34055110 - Establishment of cultural centre at Cox's 34055110 -K·evRvi mvs¯‹…wZK †K›`ª ¯’vcb (ms‡kvwaZ) bazar (01/07/1994-30/06/2003) 34055120 - Construction of national art gallery 34055120 -RvZxq wPÎkvjv wbgv©Y (1g ce©) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1994-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 34055140 - Shilpacharja Jainul Abedin art auditorium 34055140 -wkívPvh© Rqbyj Av‡e`xb wPÎkvjv I AvÂwjK Rv`yNi, and regional museum at Mymensingh gqgbwmsn 34055160 - Establishment of national musical center 34055160 -RvZxq msMxZ I b„Z¨Kjv †K›`ª ¯’vcb (ce©-1) (Phase-1) (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 34055220 - Establishment of tribal cultural Academy at 34055220 -ivRkvnx wefvMxq kn‡i DcRvZxq KvjPvivj GKv‡Wwg, Rajshahi, Khagrachari Institute and LvMovQwo DcRvZxq ms¯‹…wZi B›mwUwUDU Ges gwbcyix Manipuri lalitkala Academy jwjZKjv GKv‡Wwg ¯’vcb (01/07/1996- 30/06/2001) 34055230 - Construction of Lalon Academy complex 34055230 -jvjb GKv‡Wwg Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y (01/07/1997-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 34055240 - Assistance to Non Government public 34055240 -‡Rjv I _vbv chv©‡q †emiKvwi MÖš’vMvimg–n‡K mnvqZv library at district and upazilla level cÖ`vb(ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/96-30/6/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 34055250 - Preservation of memorabilia of national 34055250 -`wiivgcyi I KvRxi wmgjvq RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi“j rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam at Darirumpur Bmjv‡gi ¯§„wZ msi¶Y and Kazi Simla (01/07/1997-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 34055710 - Completion of incomplete works of 34055710 -evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wgxi AvaywbK wgjbvqZ‡bi auditorium at Bangladesh Shilpa Kala AmgvßKvR mgvßKiY (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) Academy 34055820 - Training programme on fine and 34055820 -dvBb I cvidwg©s Av‡U©i Dci cÖwk¶Y Kg©mPx (chv©q-1) performing arts 34055840 - Constrution of National Drama Auditorium 34055840 -RvZxq bvU¨kvjv wbgv©Y (ce©-1) (Part-1) (01/07/1994-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 34055850 - Preparation and publication of text books 34055850 -D”P wk¶v¯‡i evsjvq cvV¨cy¯K cªYqb I cÖKvkbv (chv©q- in Bangla 4) (01/07/1995-30/06/2003) 34055860 - Development and research on Bangla 34055860 -evsjvfvlv I mvwn‡Z¨i M‡elYv I Dbœqb (chv©q-4) language and literature (Phase-4) (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) 34056030 - Establishment of Artist SM Sultan 34056030 -bovB‡j cÖL¨vZ wkíx Gm. Gg. myjZv‡bi ¯§„wZ msMÖnkvjv memorial museum at Narail wbg©vY (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) 34056040 - Extension of fine arts activities thorughout 34056040 -‡`ke¨vcx Pvi“Kjv welqK Kg©Kv‡Ûi m¤•ÖmviY, åvg¨gvY the country through mobile exhibitions cÖ`k©Yxi Av‡qvRb Ges åvg¨gvY cÖ`k©Yxi Dc‡hvMx we‡kl ai‡Yi evm ˆZix (01/07/1998-31/12/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 34056050 - Production and publication of books on the 34056050 -evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy‡×i `wjj I BwZnvm welqK MÖš’ history of the liberation war cÖKvk (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 34056060 - Construction of Ekushe Bhaban 34056060 -GKz‡k feb wbgv©Y (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 34056070 - Establishment of Mir Mossarref Hossain 34056070 -gxi †gvkvid †nv‡mb ¯§„wZ †K›`ª ¯’vcb memorial complex (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 34056090 - Circulation, Expansion and Development 34056090 -†`ke¨vcx mvs¯‹…wZK Kg©Kv‡Ûi cÖPvi, cÖmvi I Dbœqb Ges of Cultural Activities at National Level and evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wwg‡Z mvs¯‹…wZK M‡elYv †K›`ª Establishment of Cultural Research ¯’vcb (01/07/1999-30-6-2004)Aby‡gvw`Z Centre at Bangladesh Shilpakal 34056100 - Development of industrial village in 34056100 -‡mvbviMvu‡q Kvi“ wkí MÖvg Dbœqb Sonargaon (01/07/1997-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 34056110 - 34056110 -wkívPvh© Rqbyj Av‡e`xb msMªnkvjv, gqgbwmsn (01/07/1997-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 34056120 - 34056120 -Avnmvb gwÄj Rv`yNi ms¯‹vi, msi¶Y I Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/03-30/06/06) Abyy‡gvw`Z 34056130 - Development of auditorium and audio 34056130 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yNi AwWI wfRyqvj Ges visual facilities of Bangladesh national AwWUwiqv‡gi Dbœqb museum 34056140 - Improvement of Audio-Visual Equipment of 34056140 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (01/07/06 Bangladesh National Museum - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 34056210 - Construction of Sheikh Fazlul Haque Mani 34056210 -‡kL dRjyj nK gwb ¯§„wZ wgjbvqZb wbg©vY, †MvcvjMÄ auditorium at Gopalgonj (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34056220 - Construction of Marhum Mansur Ali 34056220 -knx` gbmyi Avjx AwWUwiqvg wbgv©Y, wmivRMÄ auditorium at Sirajgonj (01/07/1998-30/06/2001) 34056330 - Construction of Rakhain culture center at 34056330 -ivgy‡Z GKwU ivLvBb mvs¯‹…wZK †K›`ª ¯’vcb Ramu 34057010 - 34057010 -1971 mv‡j gnvb ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i ¯§„wZ wPýmgn Dbœqb I msi¶Y 34057020 - Establishment of Lalon complex and 34057020 -jvjb Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y I cvMjv KvbvB Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y Pagla kanai Complex at Zinaidah (gvbbxq cÖavbgšxi cÖwZkÖ“wZ) 34057021 - 34057021 -G wcÖRv©‡fkb c­¨vb di w` evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx b¨vkbvj AvU© M¨vjvix (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/2003-30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 34057024 - Shilpahkala Academy, Bagharhat 34057024 -†Rjv wkí Kjv GKv‡Wwg ev‡Minv‡Ui Amgvß KvR (1/7/2002-30/6/2004) mgvßKiY (1/7/02-30/6/04)Aby‡gvw`Z 34057030 - Improvement of Audio Visal Equepment of 34057030 -B¤•ª“f‡g›U Ae AwWI wfwRqvj BKzc‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh National Museum b¨vkbvj wgDwRqvg (1/7/2008-30/6/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 34057040 - Establishment of Regional Centre of 34057040 -i“gv Dc‡Rjvq ev›`ievb ¶z`ª-b„-†Mvôxi mvs¯‹„wZK Bandarban Khudra Nri-Gosthir B›mwUwUD‡Ui AvÂwjK †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí Sangskritak Institute at Ruma Upazilla 34057050 - Development Support to Non-Government 34057050 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U mv‡cvU© Uy bb-MfY©‡g›U jvB‡eªªwiR Libraries (01/01/2011-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 34057090 - Shilpacharga Zainaul Abedin 34057090 -wkívPvh© Rqbyj Av‡e`xb msMÖnkvjv I AvÂwjK hv`yNi Sangrahashala, Mymenshigh gqgbwmsn 34057110 - Establishment of Bangladesh - Japan 34057110 -evsjv‡`k-Rvcvb ‰gÎx mvs¯‹„wZK †K›`« ¯’vcb frendship cultural center 34057120 - Memorial Conservation of Begum Rokeya 34057120 -†eMg †iv‡Kqv m¥„wZ ‡K›`ª ¯’vcb (ms‡kvwaZ) at Pairaband, Rangpur (01/07/1997-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 34057122 - Establishment a Tribal Cultural Institution 34057122 -ev›`ievb DcRvZxq mvs¯‹„wZK B›mw÷wUDU ¯’vcb at Bandarban (Phase-2) (ch©vq-2) (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 34057130 - Establishment of a Tribal 34057130 -DcRvZxq Rv`yNi Kvg jvB‡eªwi ¯’vcb, iv½vgvwU Museum-cum-libraries, Rangamati (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 34057132 - Further development of Tribal Cultural 34057132 -DcRvZxq KvjPvivj GKv‡Wgx wewiwkwi, †b·KvYv Gi Academy at Birishiri, Netrokona AwaKZi Dbœqb (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) 34057133 - Advocasy on Reproductive Health & 34057133 - GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ GÛ †RÛvi Bm¨yR Zender Issues. (2q ch©vq)(1/7/03-30/5/05)Aby‡gvw`Z 34057134 - Building of Tribel Cultural Academy at 34057134 -ivRkvnx wefvMxq kn‡ii DcRvZxq KvjPvi GKv‡Wwg Rajshahi Divisional HQ, Cultural Academy LvMovQwo DcRvZxq mvs¯‹…wZ Bbw÷wUDU I gwbcyix jwjZ at Bhegrachary and Monipur Lalon GKv‡Wwg ¯’vcb (01/07/1995-31/12/2003) Academy. Aby‡gvw`Z 34057140 - Development of Ahasan Manjil Museum 34057140 -Avnmvb gwÄj hv`yNi Dbœqb (2q ce©) (Phase-2) (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 34057150 - Preservation of Slaughter land (Badha 34057150 -1971 G gnvb gyw³hy× PjvKvjxb cvwK¯vb nvbv`vi evnxwb Bhumi) of Liberation War and Construction KZ…©K MYnZ¨v Rb¨ e¨eüZ ea¨f‚wg mgn msi¶b I ¯§„wZ of Memorial Monument ¯¤¢ wbg©vY 34057160 - Training on Fine and Performing Art 34057160 -dvBb I cvidwg©s Av‡U©i Dci cÖwk¶Y 34057170 - 34057170 -dvBb GÛ cvidwg©s Av‡U©i Dci cÖwk¶b (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z 34057180 - 34057180 -KvRx †gvZvnvi †nv‡mb m¥„„wZ wgjbvqZb wbg©vY (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/99- 30/06/06) Abyy‡gvw`Z 34057190 - 34057190 -RvZxq msMxZ I b„„Z¨Kjv †Kb`ª ¯’vcb (1g ce©) (01/07/95 -30/06/06) Abyy‡gvw`Z 34057200 - Reconstruction Expansion and Balancing 34057200 -‡Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wwgmg–‡ni ms¯‹vi, m¤•ªmviY I of District Shilpakala Academy mylgKiY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 34057210 - Training on Fine and Performing Art (2nd 34057210 -dvBb GÛ cvidiwgs Av‡U©i Dci cªwk¶Y (2q ch©vq) Phase) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 34057220 - 34057220 -RvZxq bvU¨kvjv wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2006 - 31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 34057230 - Construction of Jatiyo Chittra Shala 34057230 -RvZxq wPÎkvjv wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) (01/01/09 - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34057240 - Establishment of Hasan Raja Academy 34057240 -nvQbivRv GKv‡Wwg wbg©vY (1/04/2009-31/03/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 34057250 - Extension of Phisical Infrastructure & 34057250 -†jvK I Kvi“wkí dvD‡Ûk‡bi ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv I Security Facilities of Bangladesh Folk Art & wbivcËv e¨e¯’v m¤•ªªmviY (1g ch©vq) Crafts Foundation (1st Phase) (01/01/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 34057251 - Establishment of Nazrul Institute Centre at 34057251 -Kzwgj­vq bRi“j Bbw÷wUDU †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/01/10 - Comilla 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 3406 - International Organisations 3406 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 34064261 - IRCICA 34064261 -AvB Avi wm AvB wm G 34064262 - Contribution to the Fund for the 34064262 -weg–Z© mvs¯‹…wZK GwZn¨ msi¶Y Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 34064263 - World Heritage Fund (UNESCO) 34064263 -Iqvì© †nwi‡UR dvÛ (BD‡b‡¯‹v) 34064264 - International ISBN Agency 34064264 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj AvB.Gm.we.Gb G‡RwÝ 34064265 - International Federation of Library 34064265 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj †dWv‡ikb Ae jvB‡eªwi G‡mvwm‡qkb Association (IFLA) (AvB.Gd. Gj. G) 34064266 - International Council on Archives (ICA) 34064266 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj KvDwÝj Ab AvK©vBfm& (AvB.wm.G) 34064267 - South Asian West Asian Regional Branch 34064267 -mvD_ GÛ I‡q÷ Gwkqvb wiwRIbvj eªv Ae of International Council on Archives B›Uvib¨vkbvj KvDwÝj AvK©vBfm& (SWARBICA) (Gm.WweÐD.G.Avi.we.AvB.wm.G) 34064452 - International Centre for the Study of the 34064452 -AvB,wm,wm,Avi,I,Gg Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) 3431-3450 - Departments 3431-3450 -wefvM 3431 - Department of Archaeology 3431 -cªZœZË¡ Awa`ßi 34310000 - Department of Archaeology and Museum 34310000 -cªZœZË¡ I hv`yNi Awa`ßi 34315010 - South Asian Tourism Infrastructure 34315010 -mvD_ Gwkqvb UywiRg Bbd«v÷«vKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Development Project (Bangladesh Portion) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 34315020 - Traning and capacity building for long-term 34315020 -‡U«wbs GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di js-Uvg© g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ management and best practice †e÷ c¨vw±m KbRvi‡fkb di w` wcÖmvi‡fkb Ae conservation for the preservation of cultural KvjPvivj n¨vwi‡UR mvBUm GÛ Iqvì n¨vwi‡UR heritage sites and World Heritage †cÖvcviwUR Bb evsjv‡`k (01/08/11 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z properties in Bangladesh 34315050 - Archaeological survey (Phase-2) 34315050 -cÖÍZvwË¡K Rwic 34315060 - Archeological excavation, preservation and 34315060 -cÖÍZvwË¡K ms¯‹vi, msi¶Y I Lbb reconstruction (01/07/1995-30/06/2003) 34315070 - Preservation of archaeological 34315070 -cvnvocyi I ev‡Minv‡Ui cyivKxwZ©mg–‡ni msi¶Y (chv©q- monuments of Paharpur and Bagerhat 3) (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) (Phase-3) 34315210 - Construction of archaeological building 34315210 -cÖÍZvwË¡K feb wbgv©Y (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997-31/12/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 34316090 - Establishment of Madhupalli at Shagordari 34316090 -h‡kvn‡ii mvMi`vox‡Z gaycj­x ¯’vcb in Jessore 34316120 - 34316120 -Avnmvb gwÄj hv`yNi ms¯‹vi, msi¶Y I Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 34316230 - Construction of cultural center at Khuthi 34316230 -wkjvB`n iex›`ª KzwVevox‡Z mvs¯‹…wZK †K›`ª ¯’vcb bari at Shilidha (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 34316310 - Construction of a Bangabandhu memorial 34316310 -UzsMxcvovq RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi complex at Tungipara mgvwa †mŠa Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (01/07/1998-30/06/2004)ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 34316320 - Light and Sound project 34316320 -myweb¨¯ jvBU GÛ mvDÛ cÖKí (01/07/1997- 30/06/2000) 34317010 - Preservation, Conservation and Excavation 34317010 -RMÏj wenvi Lbb, msi¶Y I Dbœqb of Jagaddal Bihar 34317020 - 34317020 -‡MŠo¯’ †QvU †mvbv gmwR` I msiw¶Z cyivKxwZ©i ms¯‹vi I msi¶Y (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 34317030 - 34317030 -HwZnvwmK cvbvg bM‡i (†mvbviMuvI) cÖvPxY ¯’vcb AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi, msi¶Y (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34317040 - Lalbag Kallar 34317040 -jvjevM †Kj­vi ms¯‹vi-msi¶Y I jvBU GÛ mvDÛ †kv PvjyKiY Ges gnv¯’vbMo I ZrmsjMœ cÖvPxb KxwZ©i ms¯‹vi I msi¶Y (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 34317050 - 34317050 -evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹„wZK HwZ‡h¨i †UKmB e¨e¯’vcbv, cvbvg bMi, †mvbviMuvI (01/01/08-30/06-09) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 34317060 - Action Plan For the safeguard of Bowal 34317060 -G¨vKkb c­vb di w` m¨vdMvW© Ae evDj Qsm Songs (1/07/2008-30/06/2009) (01/07/2008 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 3433 - Department of Archives and Libraries 3433 -AvK©vBf I Mªš’vMvi Awa`ßi 34330000 - Department of Archives and Libraries 34330000 -AvK©vBf I Mªš’vMvi Awa`ßi 34335100 - Construction of National Archive Building 34335100 -RvZxq AvKv©Bfm feb wbgv©Y (01/07/1995-30/06/2004)ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 34337010 - Permanent Preservation of Valuable 34337010 -RvZxq AvKv©Bf‡m msiw¶Z `y¯•ªvc¨ †Rjv †iKW©¸‡jv‡K Records Preserved at National Archives by Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rk‡bi gva¨‡g ¯’vqx msi¶Y cÖKí Computerization (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 34337020 - Shilpacharjo Jainul Abedin Musium, 34337020 -wkívPvh© Rqbyj Av‡ew`b msMÖnkvjv, gqgbwmsn Mymensing. (01/07/1997-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 34337030 - Construction of National Archives Building 34337030 -RvZxq AvK©vBfm& feb wbg©vY (01/07/2005 - (2nd Phase) 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 34337040 - Collection and Preservation Scientifically of 34337040 -APwjZ g–j¨evb bw_mg–‡ni msMªªn I ‰eÁvwbK Dcv‡q Non Current Valuable Records msi¶Y (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z 34337050 - Modernization of Bangladesh National 34337050 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Mªš’vMvi AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí Library 3435 - Department of Public Libraries 3435 -MY Mªš’vMvi Awa`ßi 34350000 - Department of Public Libraries 34350000 -MYMªš’vMvi Awa`ßi 34355010 - 34355010 -evsjv‡`k †K›`«xq cvewjK jvB‡eªix‡Z gd¯^j miKvix I 34355011 - Development of 06 (six) District Public 34355011 -QqwU †Rjv cvewjK jvB‡eªwii Dbœqb cÖKí Libraries 34355170 - Development of district public libraries 34355170 -‡Rjv cvewjK jvB‡eªwimg‡ni Dbœqb (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 34356080 - Establishment of two divisional public 34356080 -ewikvj I wm‡j‡U 2wU wefvMxq miKvwi MYMÖš’vMvi ¯’vcb libraries at Barisal and Sylhet (1/7/97-30/6/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 34356090 - Bangladesh 34356090 -evsjv‡`k †K›`«xq cvewjK jvB‡eªwi I wgjbvqZ‡bi Dbœqb (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 34357000 - Development of District Public Libraries 34357000 -†Rjv cvewjK jvB‡eªwimg–‡ni Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) (3rd Phase) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 34357010 - Development of Sufia Kamal National 34357010 -mywdqv Kvgvj RvZxq MÖš’vMvi I kIKZ Imgvb ¯§„wZ Public Library and Showkat Osman wgjbvqZ‡bi Dbœqb Memorial Auditorium 34357020 - Development of Zilla Public Libraries 34357020 -†Rjv cvewjK jvB‡eªixmg‡ni Dbœqb (chv©q-3) (Phase-3) 3437 - Copyright Office 3437 -Kwc ivBU Awdm 34370000 - Copyright Office 34370000 -Kwc ivBU Awdm 3496-3498 - Development Programme Financed by 3496-3498 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3496 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3496 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 34960000 - Block Allocation 34960000 -‡_vK eivÏ 34964301 - Renovation and Modernization of Showkat 34964301 -MYMªš’vMvi Awa`߇ii kIKZ Imgvb m¥„wZ wgjbvqZ‡bi Osman Memorial Auditorium of the ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKxKiY (2012-13 n‡Z 2013-14) Department of Public Libraries (2012-13 - 2013-14) 34964302 - Grant for Music and Dance Organization 34964302 -msMxZ I b„Z¨ msMVbmgn‡K mnvqZv cÖ`vb 34964303 - Revonation and beautification of the pond 34964303 -evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx PZ¡‡ii cwiZ¨³ cyKziwU of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy ms¯‹vi/Lbb, e„¶‡ivcb, cyKyiNvU wbg©vYmn bv›`wbKxKiY (2013-2014) 34964304 - Displaying Bangladesh Corner at Dalada 34964304 -kªxjsKvi K¨vwÛ‡Z Aew¯’Z `vjv`v AvšR©vwZK ‡eŠ× Interational Buddist Museum at Kandy in Rv`yN‡i evsjv‡`k KY©vi mw¾ZKiY (2013-14) Srilanka

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34964305 - Construction of Madaripur District 34964305 -gv`vixcyi ‡Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx wbg©vY (2013-14 Shilpakala Academy †_‡K 2015-16) 34964306 - Encyclopedia of Bangladesh War of 34964306 -evsjv‡`k gyw³hy‡×i GbmvB‡K¬vwcwWqv Liberation 34964307 - Purchase of Painting for National Art 34964307 -RvZxq wPÎkvjvi Rb¨ wPÎKg© µq Gallery 34964308 - Renovation and Development of Jagatjoti 34964308 -RMr‡R¨vwZ cvVvMvi I Rv`yN‡ii Dbœqb I ms¯‹vi Ges Library and Museum and Observing death giwg Kwe ivavigY `‡Ëi g„Zy¨evwl©Kx D`hvcb kxl©K anniversary of Mystic Poet Radharamon Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) Dutta 34964311 - Renovation, Repairing and Modernisation 34964311 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii ms¯‹vi, †givgZ I of Bangladesh National Museum AvaywbKxKiY 34964312 - Decorating and Displaying Gallery and 34964312 -Avnmvb gwćji A›`i gn‡j M¨vjvwi mw¾ZKiY I development of Library at Andarmahal of jvB‡eªix Dbœqb KvR kxl©K Kg©mwP Ahsan manzil 34964313 - Modernization of Bangla Academy Press 34964313 -evsjv GKv‡Wgxi †cÖm AvaywbKvqb kxl©K Kg©mwP 34964314 - Extension and Development of Folk 34964314 -ea©gvb nvD‡m †jvK HwZn¨ Rv`yNi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb Museum in Burdwan House kxl©K Kg©mwP 34964315 - Implementation of Modern Technical 34964315 -wkíPP©vq Z_¨cÖhyw³i hšcvwZ ms‡hvRb I Equipment and Digitalization in Art and wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb kxl©K Kg©mwP Culture 34964316 - Renovation and Maintenance of Existing 34964316 -evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wgxi we`¨gvb feb I Buildings and Auditoriums of Bangladesh AwW‡Uvwiqvg mg‡ni †givgZ I ms¯‹vi kxl©K Kg©mwP Shilpakala Academy 34964317 - Reforms, Modernization and Upgradation 34964317 -evsjv‡`k b¨vkbvj jvB‡eªix ms¯‹vi, AvaywbKvqb I gvb of National Library Dbœqb kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) 34964318 - Conservation and Development of 34964318 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi gqbvgwZ¯’, kvjeb wenvi I msjMœ Shalbon Vhihara and Adjacent Monuments cyivKxwZ©mg‡ni ms¯‹vi-msi¶Y I Dbœqb kxl©K Kg©mwP at Moynamoti of Comilla District 34964319 - Up-Gradation of Light and Sound Show at 34964319 -jvjevM †Kj­vq ¯’vwcZ jvBU GÛ mvDÛ †kv Gi Dbœqb Lalbagh Fort kxl©K Kg©mwP 34964320 - Conservation and Development of 34964320 -XvKv wefv‡Mi wewfbœ cyivKxwZ©mg‡ni ms¯‹vi-msi¶Y I Different Monuments at Dhaka Division Dbœqb kxl©K Kg©mwP 34964321 - Supplying of required furniture for the 6 34964321 -QqwU wefvMxq miKvwi MYMªš’vMv‡ii cÖ‡qvRbxq AvmevecÎ (six) Divisional Government Public mieivnKiY kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) Libraries 34964322 - National Atlas of Bangladesh 34964322 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq G¨vUjvm kxl©K Kg©mwP 34964325 - Organizing Cultural Competition in all 34964325 -Òevsjv‡`‡ki mKj miKvwi †emiKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q Government & Non Government Primary mvs¯‹…wZK cÖwZ‡qvwMZvi Av‡qvRbÓ kxl©K Kg©m–wP School in Bangladesh (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) 34964326 - Construction of Open Stage & Training 34964326 -Puv`cyi, Lyjbv, wc‡ivRcyi, †g‡nicyi, w`bvRcyi Ges Building for 6 (Six) Upazila shilpakala bxjdvgvix †Rjvi 6 (Qq)wU Dc‡Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgxi Academy at chandpur, Dhulna, Pirojpur, Rb¨ gy³g I cÖwk¶Y feb wbg©vY (2014-15 †_‡K Meherpur, Dinajpur and Nilphamari District 2015-16) 34964327 - Construction of Open Stage & Training 34964327 -XvKv gvwbKMÄ, MvRxcyi, Rvgvjcyi, Uv½vBj Ges PÆMÖvg Building for 6 (Six) Upazila Shilpakala †Rjvi 6 (Qq)wU Dc‡Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgxi Rb¨ Academy at Dhaka, Manikganj, Gazipur, gy³g I cÖwk¶Y feb wbg©vY (2014-15 †_‡K Jamalpur, Tangail and chittagong District 2015-16) 34964328 - Development of Collection Menagement 34964328 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yNi msMÖn e¨e¯’vcbv wm‡óg System (CMS) and Management (wmGgGm) I Z_¨‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vcbv wm‡óg Information System (MIS) of Bangladesh (GgAvBGm) Dbœqb Kvh©µg (2014-15 †_‡K National Museum (BNM) 2016-17) 34964329 - Publication of Reference Books on Bengal 34964329 -e½xq wkíKjv welqK †idv‡iÝ MÖš’ cÖKvk I †K‡›`ªi Art and Development of ICSBA Library and MÖš’vMvi Ges wfRy¨‡qj AvK©vB‡fi Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Visual Archives (2014-15 †_‡K 2016-17) 34964351 - Development Renovation and 34964351 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii msi¶Y imvqbvMvi I Modernization of Conservation Laboratory imvqbvMvi †÷v‡ii AvaywbKvqb, ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb and Laboratory Store of Bangladesh (2012-13) National Museum

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34964352 - Completion of Essential Works for Ahsan 34964352 -Avnmvb gwćji AZ¨vek¨Kxq KvR mgvßKiY Monzil (2012-13 nB‡Z 2013-14) 34964353 - Repair, Renovation and Maintenance of 34964353 -RvZxq Mªš’‡K‡›`ªi feb †givgZ, ms¯‹vi I msi¶Y Jatiyo Grantho Kendra Bhaban (2012-13 nB‡Z 2013-14) 34964354 - Countrywide Talent Hunt 34964354 -†`ke¨vcx cÖwZfv A‡¤¦lY (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) 34964355 - Repair and Maintenance of Rajbari 34964355 -ivRevox †Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx fe‡bi we‡kl †givgZ Shilpakala Academy I ms¯‹vi (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) 34964360 - Creations of National Poet: Preservation, 34964360 -ÔÔRvZxq Kwei Rxeb I m„wóKg©: msi¶Y, PP©v I cÖPviÔÔ Practice and Promotion kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) 34964361 - Major Research Programs on Bangla 34964361 -ÔÔevsjv fvlv I mvwnZ¨ m¤•wK©Z D‡j­L‡hvM¨ Kvh©µg, Language, Literature and Compilation, Awfavb cÖYqb, wewfbœ M‡elYv I cÖKvkbv kxl©K Kg©mwP Editing and Publication of Lexicon and (2014-15 †_‡K 2016-17) Laxigraphycal Works 34964362 - Construction of a Museum at Kantajeu 34964362 -ÔÔw`bvRcyi †Rjvi KvšRxD gw›`i msjMœ GjvKvq Temple of Dinajpur District Rv`yNi wbg©vYÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2016- 17) 34964363 - Construction and Development of Putia 34964363 -ÔÔivRkvnx wefv‡Mi cywVqv Mª“c Ae gby‡g›Um& Gi Group of Monuments at Rajshahi Division ms¯‹vi-msi¶Y I DbœqbÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2016-17) 34964364 - Display Development, Collection 34964364 -ÔÔPÆMªvg RvwZZvwË¡K Rv`yN‡ii cÖ`k©bx Dbœqb, msMªn e„w× Improvement and Modernization of I AvaywbKvqbÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2016- Chittagong Ethnological Museum 17) 34964365 - Construction and Development of 34964365 -ÔÔLyjbv wefv‡Mi ¸iZ¡cY© K‡qKwU cyivKxwZ©i Important Monuments at Khulna Division ms¯‹vi-msi¶Y I DbœqbÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 ‡_‡K 2016-17) 34964366 - Publication of Department of Archaeology 34964366 -ÔÔcÖZœZË¡ Awa`߇ii cÖKvkbvÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) 34964367 - Cultivation, Expansion, Development and 34964367 -ÔÔiv½vgvwU †Rjvi ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi eY©vX¨ ms¯‹„wZ PP©v, Preservation of Colorful Culture of Khudra cÖmvi, Dbœqb I msi¶YÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP Nri-goshtis in Rangamati District 34964368 - Cultural Development of Khudra Nri-goshti 34964368 -ÔÔev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjve¨vcx cÖwZfv A‡Y¡lY I ¶z`ª People and the Talent hunt Across the b„‡Mvôxi mvs¯‹„wZK DbœqbÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 Bandarban Hill District †_‡K 2015-16) 34964369 - Development & Socio-Economy study of 34964369 -ÔÔLvMovQwo †Rjvi ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôxmg‡ni ms¯‹„wZi Dbœqb I Khudra Nri-goshti in Khagrachari Hill m¤•ªmviY Ges BwZnvm, HwZn¨ I Av_©-mvgvwRK Ae¯’v District we‡k­lYÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP 34964370 - Completion of Construction Work of 34964370 -ÔÔivgy‡Z ivLvBb mvs¯‹„wZK B›mwUwUDU-Gi Amgvß KvR Rakheing Cultural Institute at Ramu mgvßKiYÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2016-17) 34964371 - Projects on the purchase of Applliances 34964371 -ÔÔ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi KvjPvivj GKv‡Wgx, wewiwkwi `yM©vcyi, and other Accesories, Cultural Extension †b·KvYv-Gi Rb¨ hšcvwZ I Ab¨vb¨ miÄvg µq Ges and reservation of Khudra Nri-goshtir ms¯‹„wZ weKvk I msi¶YÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 Cultural Academy, Birisiri, Durgapur, †_‡K 2015-16) Netrakona 34964372 - Birkanna Pritilata Cultural Bhaban 34964372 -ÔÔexiKY¨v cÖxwZjZv mvs¯‹„wZK feb wbg©vYÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) 34964373 - Construction of boundary wall partial site 34964373 -ÔÔKzwgj­v †Rjvi Av`k© m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb `w¶Y P_©vq development and special repair in memory Aew¯’Z weL¨vZ m½xZÁ kPxb †`e eg©‡Yi evwo I intertwined of famous Sachin Dev Barman ZrmsjMœ fwg‡Z mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY, fwgi Dbœqb Ges palace at south chartha under adarsha evwowUi we‡kl †givgZ KvRÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) sadar upzilla in Comilla 34964374 - Reforms, Upgradation & Modernization of 34964374 -ÔÔRvZxq AviKvBf‡mi ms¯‹vi, AvaywbKvqb I gv‡bvbœqbÔÔ National Archives kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) 34964375 - Programme for Setting up a Modern Book 34964375 -ÔÔRvZxq Mªš’‡K‡›`ªi wbPZjvq AvaywbK eB wecYb †K›`ª sells Centre at the Ground Floor of Jatio ¯’vcbÔÔ kxl©K Kg©mwP (2014-15 †_‡K 2015-16) Grantho Kendro 34964601 - Renovation, Modernization and 34964601 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii M¨vjwimg‡ni AvaywbKvqb, Development of Galleries of Bangladesh ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) National Museum

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34964602 - Modernization of Sales Counter (Souvenir 34964602 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii weµq †K›`ª (my¨‡fwbi mc) Shop), Construction of the infrastructure for AvaywbKvqb, ‡iwc­Kv I g‡Wj ˆZixi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY manufacturing replica and model and Ges †jdU jv‡MR KvD›Uvi Dbœqb Development of left luggage counter of (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) Bangladesh National Museum 34964603 - Harmonium and Bia-Tabla in Girls 34964603 -Dc‡Rjv/_vbv ch©v‡qi Mvj©m ¯‹y‡j Ges ‡Rjv wkíKjv Schools of Upazillas/Thanas and District GKv‡Wgx‡Z nvi‡gvwbqvg I evqv-Zejv mieivn I Shippakala Academy and conduct Training cÖwk¶Y cÖ`vb (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) 34964604 - Training on Skill Development for National 34964604 -b¨vkbvj jvB‡eªwii Rbe‡ji `¶Zv e„w×i Dci cÖwk¶Y Library Personnel (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) 34964605 - Training Program on Crafts-man ship at 34964605 -evsjv‡`k †jvK I Kvi“wkí dvD‡Ûk‡bi Kvi“wkí Mªv‡g Crafts Village Kvi“wkíx cÖwk¶Y(01/07/2012-30/06/2014) 34964606 - Digitization of old Newspapers and e-book 34964606 -MYMªš’vMvi Awa`߇ii msM„wnZ cyivZb cÎ-cwÎKvi convertion of selected books stored in the wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ges wbe©vwPZ cy¯Kmgn B-ey‡K Department of Public Libraries iƒcvšiKiY (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) 34964607 - Registration of Cultural materials of 34964607 -BD‡b‡¯‹vi Bb‡UbwRej KvjPvivj †nwi‡UBR-G Bangladesh into the Intangible Cultural evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹„wZK Dcv`vb ‡iwR‡÷«kb/ Ašf©w³ Heritage of UNESCO''s (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) 34964608 - Protection and Promotion of the Cultural 34964608 -ivRkvnx A‡ji ¶z`ª b„-‡Mvôxi mvs¯‹„wZK HwZn¨ Heritage of Ethnic Minority's in Rajshahi msi¶Y I weKvk (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) Region 34964609 - Pilot program on awareness rising about 34964609 -KwcivBU I KwcivBU AvBb welqK m‡PZbv Copyright and Copyright law e„w×KiY(01/07/2012-30/06/2014) 34964610 - Establishment of Upazila Govt. Public 34964610 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi eKkxMÄ I †`IqvbMÄ Dc‡Rjvq Library at Bakshigong and Dewangong miKvwi MbMªš’vMvi ¯’vcb (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Upazila of under the Department of Public Library 34964642 - Khudranreegusthir's Cultural Development 34964642 -LvMovQwo †Rjvi ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi ms¯‹„wZi weKvk, msi¶Y Preservation and Documentation of I WKz‡g‡›Ukb Khagrachari District 34964643 - 40 Years of Independence and Enlighting 34964643 -¯^vaxbZvi 40 eQi I wk‡íi Av‡jvq gnvb gyw³hy× The Art of Glorious War of Liberation (01/07/2011-30/06/2012) 34964654 - Promoting Co-curricular activities in 34964654 -cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q mvs¯‹„wZK Abyôvb Av‡qvRb I weKvk Primary School 34964656 - Protection and Promotion of the Tangible 34964656 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi UvbwRej I BbUvbwRej and Intangible cultural heritage of Ethnic mvs¯‹„wZK HwZn¨ msi¶Y Ges mvs¯‹„wZK ˆewP‡Îi weKvk Communities in Banglaesh 34964657 - Completion of the unfinished conservation 34964657 -ewikvj cyivZb Kv‡j±‡iU feb ms¯‹vi-msi¶Y I work of the old Secretateriat building of Rv`yN‡i iƒcvšiKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY Barisal to convert it as a Museum (2012-13 (2012-13 -2013-14) to 2013-14) 34964658 - Conservation and development of the 34964658 -XvKv wefv‡Mi wewfbœ cyivKxwZ©mg‡ni ms¯‹vi msi¶Y Archaeological Sites of Dhaka Division (2012-13 - 2013-14) (2012-13 to 2013-14) 34964659 - Renovation and Preservation of Bangla 34964659 -evsjv GKv‡Wgxi ea©gvb nvDm ms¯‹vi I msi¶Y Academy Burdwan Bhaban (2012-13) (2012-13) 34964660 - Re-Construction and Modernization of 34964660 -evsjv GKv‡Wgxi cy¯K weµq †K›`ª cybtwbg©vY I Bangla Academy Sales Center (2012-13 to AvaywbKvqb (2012-13 - 2013-14) 2013-14) 34964661 - Preservation and expansion of the works 34964661 -RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi“j Bmjv‡gi Kg© I m„wó msi¶Y, of the National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam in †`ke¨vcx cÖPvi I cÖmvi (2012-13) Bangladesh (2012-13) 34964662 - Integration of Infrastructure Facility of 34964662 -wWwRUvj cÖhyw³‡Z ms¯‹„wZi ‡fŠZ myweavw` mwbœ‡ekKiY Culture by Digital Technology (2012-13) (2012-13) 34964663 - Development of Indigenous Culture and 34964663 -‡`kR ms¯‹„wZi weKvk I AvšR©vwZK ms¯‹„wZi mv‡_ Integration with International Arena †gjeÜb (2012-13) (2012-13) 34964664 - Proposal for the Programme entitled Two 34964664 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq hv`yN‡ii `ywU welqwfwËK cÖ`k©bx ¯’vcb Thematic Exhibitions in Bangladesh National Museum

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34964665 - To organize motivational programme to 34964665 -Dc‡Rjv n‡Z RvZxq ch©vq ch©šZ K‡jR QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i increase reading habit for the college cvVvf¨vm e„w×i j¶¨ D×y×KiY Kg©m–wP ev¯evqb students from Upazilla level to National level 34964666 - Repair and Maintenance of Mir Mosharraf 34964666 -gxi †gvkviid †nv‡mb ¯§„„wZ‡K›`ª †givgZ I ms¯‹vi Hossain Memorial Centre 34964667 - Month-long Crafts Fair Arrange at 34964667 -evsjv‡`k †jvK I Kvi“wkí dvD‡Ûkb PZ¡‡i gvme¨vcx Bangladesh Folk Art & Crafts Foundation Kvi“wkí †gjv Av‡qvRb Complex 34964668 - Cultural Fair in 63 Districts 34964668 -63wU †Rjvq mvs¯‹…wZK †gjvi Av‡qvRb 34964669 - Implementation of Information and 34964669 -miKvwi MYMÖš’vMvimg–‡n Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ Communication Technology in Public ev¯@evqb Libraries (01/07/2010-30/06/2012). 34964670 - N 34964670 -wbe©vwPZ miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi jvB‡eªix‡Z eB mieivn 34964671 - P 34964671 -ivRevox †Rjv MYMÖš’vMv‡ii DשgyLx m¤•ÖvmviY I Ab¨vb¨ wbg©vY KvR ev¯@evqb 34964672 - Information, Communication and 34964672 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq hv`yNi Z_¨ †hvMv‡hvM I wWwRUvB‡Rkb Digitalization Programme fof Bangladesh Kvh©µg National Museum 34964673 - Enhancement of Capacity & Resources of 34964673 -e½xq wkíKjv PP©vi AvšR©vwZK †K‡›`ªi wi‡mvm© I Kvh© ICSBA ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY 34964675 - Dictionary of Evolution of Bangla Language 34964675 -evsjv fvlvi weeZ©bg–jK Awfavb 34964684 - Establishment of the Seulpture of Father of 34964684 -evsjv‡`k †jvK I Kvi“wkí dvD‡Ûkb PZ¡‡i RvwZi RbK the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi fv¯‹h© ¯’vcb Rahman 34964694 - Development and Preservation of Kshudra 34964694 -iv½vgvwU †Rjvi ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi ms¯‹„wZi weKvk I msi¶Y Nri-gostir culture in Ranganati Hill District 34964702 - Cultural Survey of Bangladesh (2004-05 to 34964702 -KvjPvivj mv‡f© Ae evsjv‡`k (2004-05 n‡Z 2006-07) 2006-07) 34964703 - Completion of the Incomplete 34964703 -¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi KvjPvivj GKv‡Wwg (wewiwki) †b·KvYv Development Programme of the Khudra Gi AwaKZi Dbœqb Kg©m–wPi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY Nrigosthir Cultural Academy (Birisiri) 34964705 - Cultural Development and Preservation of 34964705 -ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi ms¯‹„wZi weKvk I he Khudra Nri-gosthi of Bangarban Hill msi¶Y District 34964708 - Development of Flok-Culture 34964708 -‡jvKR ms¯‹„wZi weKvk 34964709 - Cultural Promotion and Preservation of 34964709 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn †Rjvi ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi ms¯‹„wZi weKvk Kudra Nrigosth's culture of greater I msi¶Y Mymensingh District 34964710 - P 34964710 -cyivKxwZ©i ms¯‹vi-msi¶Y Ges mvs¯‹„wZK HwZn¨mg–‡ni ch©Ub Dbœqb 34964716 - Cultural Competition in Upazilla and Union 34964716 -Dc‡Rjv Ges BDwbqb ch©v‡q mvs¯‹„wZK cÖwZ‡hvwMZv level 34964719 - Support and development of Theatre, 34964719 -bvUK, b„Z¨, m½xZ I hvÎvwk‡íi c„ô‡cvlKZv I gv‡bvbœqb Dance, Nusic and Jatra) 34964724 - Culture 34964724 -wkï bvU¨ Drme 34964726 - Repair and Development of Zia Memorial 34964726 -wRqv m¥„wZ Rv`yN‡ii ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (2004-05 Museum (2004-05 to 2007-08) n‡Z 2007-08) 34964727 - 34964727 -DcRvZxq KvjPvivj GKv‡Wgx, wewiwkwi, ‡b·Kvbv Gi AwaKZi Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2007-08) 34964728 - International Nazrul Conference; 34964728 -bRi“j A¨vjevg cÖKvk, bRi“j-m½x‡Zi wmwW cÖKvk, ï× Publication of Nazrul Album; Production of myi I evYx‡Z bRi“j m½x‡Zi cÖwk¶K ˆZixi we‡kl CD of Nazrul Song; Special course for †Kvm©, RvZxq bRi“j m‡¤§jb I AvšZR©vwZK bRi“j m‡ creation of Nazrul song Trainers and ¤§jb National Nazrul Conference 34964729 - Moulovibazar jelar Khudra nri-gostheer 34964729 -‡gŠjfxevRvi †Rjvi ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi ms¯‹„wZ weKvk I sangskritik bikas of sangrakhkhan msi¶Y 34964730 - Culture 34964730 -DËiv‡ji ¶z`ª b„-†Mvôxi mvs¯‹„wZK HwZn¨ msi¶Y, cÖmvi I m¶gZv e„w×

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 34964732 - Interfacing Bangla with Universal 34964732 -B›Uvi‡dwms evsjv DB_ BDwbfvm©vj †bUIqvwK©s j¨vs¸ Networking Languages ‡qR 34964736 - Establishment of Tribal 34964736 -DcRvZxq Rv`yNi-Kvg-jvB‡eªix ¯’vcb, iv½vgvwU Musium-cum-Library, Rangamati (2005/06-2006/07) (2005/06-2006/07) 34964737 - Completion of incompleted work of Zilla 34964737 -‡Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx, wSbvB`n Gi Amgvß KvR Shilpakala Academy, Jhenaidah (2005-06) mgvßKiY (2005-06) 34964738 - Repair Work of Barisal Collectorate 34964738 -ewikvj Kv‡j±‡iU feb ms¯‹vi I wefvMxq hv`yN‡i Building and Turn it into Barisal Divisional iƒcvši (2005/06-2006/07) Museum (2005/06-2006/07) 34964739 - Construction of National Fellowship 34964739 -b¨vkbvj †d‡jvkxc feb wbg©vY (2005-06) Bhaban (2005-06) 34964746 - Implementation of Vertical Extension of the 34964746 -e¸ov †Rjv miKvwi MYMªš’vMv‡ii EaŸ©gyLx m¤•ªmviY KvR Bogra District Govt. Public Library ev¯Zevqb 34964748 - Renovation and Preservation of Ancient 34964748 -HwZnvwmK cvbvg bM‡ii (†mvbviMuvI) cÖvPxb ¯’vcZ¨ Architectural Infrastructure of the Historical AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I msi¶Y Kg©mPx (2005/06- Panam City (Sonargaon) 2006/07) (2005/06-2006/07) 34964751 - Complitetion of Remaining Work of 34964751 -†Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx ev‡Minv‡Ui Amgvß KvR Bagerhat Zila Shilpakala Academy mgvßKiY Kg©mPx (2005-06) (2005-06) 34964754 - Training on Preservation of Records of 34964754 -wefvMxq Kwgkbvi I Kv‡j±‡iU †iKW© msi¶Y Ges mswk­ Divisional Commissioners & Collectorates ó wel‡q cÖwk¶Y Records Room 34964755 - Cultural Development and Preservation at 34964755 -K·evRvi †Rjvi ms¯‹„wZi Dbœqb I msi¶Y Cox's Bazar District 34964756 - Production & Publication of Bengali Text 34964756 -D”P wk¶v¯@‡i evsjvq cvV¨ cy¯@K cÖYqb I cÖKvkbv (5g Book for Higher Level Education (Phase-V) ch©vq) (2005/06 - 2008/09) (2005/06 - 2008/09) 34964769 - 34964769 -miKvix MYMÖš’vMvimg–‡n Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ ev¯@evqb 34964781 - Preservation or the Memories of National 34964781 -`wiivgcyi I KvRxi wmgjvq RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRi“j Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam at Dorirumpur and Bmjv‡gi m¥„wZ msi¶Y (2005-06) Kazi Shimla (2005-06) 34964788 - Modernization, Renovation and 34964788 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq Rv`yN‡ii wbivcËv e¨e¯’v AvaywbKvqb, Development of the Security system in ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb Bangladesh National Museum 34964789 - Construction of Cultural Institute at Ramu 34964789 -ivgy‡Z ivLvBb mvs¯‹„wZK Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (2006-07) (2006-07) 34964790 - Construction of Shilpakala Academy at 34964790 -‡gŠjfx evRvi wkíKjv GKv‡Wwg ¯’vcb (2006-2008) Moulovi Bazar (2006-2008) 34964844 - Celebration of 400 years of Capital Dhaka 34964844 -ivRavbx XvKvi 400 eQi c–wZ© Dcj‡¶¨ cvwÛZ¨c–Y© I Through Scholarly and Development Dbœqbg–jK Kg©KvÛ Works 34964863 - 34964863 -evsjvwcwWqv b¨vkbvj GbmvB‡K¬vwcwWqv Ae evsjv‡`k 34964884 - 34964884 -bRi“j Bbw÷wUD‡Ui Awdm feb (wgjbvqZbmn) bRi“j hv`yNi ms¯‹vi I ‡givgZ 34964932 - Establishment of Tribal Musical Training 34964932 -DcRvZxq wgDwRK †Uªwbs †m›Uvi-Kvg-AvwU©÷ †nv‡÷j Center-cum-Artist Hostel, Rangamati ¯’vcb, iv½vgvwU (2009/10-2010/11) 34964983 - Establishment of Language Movement 34964983 -fvlv Av‡›`vj‡bi hv`yNi, RvZxq mvwnZ¨ I †jLK hv`yNi, Museum, National Literature and Writers evsjv GKv‡Wwg AvK©vBfm& Museum and Banglade Academy Archives 34964984 - Publication of a Standard Bangla Academy 34964984 -evsjv GKv‡Wwg evsjv e¨KiY cÖYqb I cÖKvkbv Grammer of Bangla Language 34964996 - Publishing Collected Works of Famous 34964996 -L¨vZbvgv mvwnZ¨ ms¯‹„wZ-†mex‡`i Rxeb I Kg© welqK and Literacy Personalities and waiting the iPbv, Zv‡`i iPbv msMªn evsjv I ev½vwji BwZnvm iPbv and the Bengalees and Ges AvÂwjK I RvZxq mvwnZ¨ m‡¤§jb arranging regional and National Literacy Conference 34964997 - National and Season Based Festival 34964997 -RvZxq FZywfwËK Drme

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 3499-3499 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3499-3499 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3499 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3499 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 34990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 34990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 35 - Ministry of Religious Affairs 35 - ag© welqK gš¿Yvjq 3501-3520 - Administration 3501-3520 -cªkvmb 3501 - Secretariat 3501 -mwPevjq 35010001 - Secretariat 35010001 -mwPevjq 35013184 - Muslim Religious Institution 35013184 -gymwjg agx©q cÖwZôvb 35013186 - Hindu Religious Institution 35013186 -wn›`y agx©q cÖwZôvb 35013187 - Christian Organizations 35013187 -Lªxóvb agx©q cÖwZôvb 35013188 - Other Religious Institution 35013188 -‡eŠ× agx©q cÖwZôvb 35015010 - Establishment of permanent Haji camp at 35015010 -XvKvq ¯’vqx nvRx K¨v¤• wbgv©Y Dhaka 35015020 - Construction of Modern Mosque at 35015020 -gywRe bM‡i GKwU AZ¨vaywbK gm&wR` wbg©vY Muzibnagar (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 35015030 - Expansion of Jamiatul Falah Mosque cum 35015030 -RwgqvZzj dvjvn& gmwR` Kvg BmjvwgK †K›`ª m¤•ªmviY Islamic center project cªKí (01/01/1996-30/06/2001) 35015040 - 35015040 -gw›`i wfwËK cvVvMvi ¯’vcb Ges wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015050 - Human resource development through the 35015050 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœq‡b agx©q †bZv‡`i m¤•„³KiY cÖKí involvement of religious leaders (2q chv©q) (01/01/2003-30/12/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 35015060 - Expantion and Modernization of Central 35015060 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb †K›`ªxq jvB‡eªwi m¤•ÖmviY I Library fo the Islamic Foundation AvaywbKxKiY (1/7/05-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015070 - 35015070 -BmjvwgK †m›Uvimn RwgqZzj dvjvn m¤•ÖmviY (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2005-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015080 - Beautification, Renovation & Extention of 35015080 -evqZyj †gvKviig gmwR‡`i †mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY, ms¯‹vi I Baitul Mukarram Mosque (Revised) m¤•ªmviY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) - Aby‡gvw`Z 35015090 - Construction of Islamic Foundation at 35015090 -‡k‡ievsjv bM‡i BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y Shere-Banglanagor (Phase-2) (2q chv©q) (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 35015100 - 35015100 -gmwR` cvVvMvi ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015110 - Involvement of Religious Leaders in 35015110 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœq‡b agx©q †bZv‡`i m¤•„³KiY (3q Human Resource Development ch©vq) (01/01/2006 - 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015120 - 35015120 -gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (4_© ch©vq) (01/01/2006 - 31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015130 - Islamic Foundation Divisional, District & 35015130 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb wefvMxq, †Rjv I Bgvg cÖwk¶Y Imam Training Academy Bhaban GKv‡Wwg feb wbg©vY cÖKí Construction Project 35015140 - Temple based child & Mass Literacy 35015140 -gw›`i wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (2q ch©vq) Program (2nd Phase) (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 35015150 - Islamic Publication, Research, Translation 35015150 -Bmjvgx cÖKvkbv , Abyev` , M‡elYv I wek¦‡Kvl Kvh©µg and Encyclopedia Project (5g ch©vq) 35015160 - Increasing Capacity of existing Islamic 35015160 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi we`¨gvb QvcvLvbv Drcv`b ¶gZv Foundation prinint press (Revised) e„w×KiY (01/07/2008 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015170 - Mosque Based Child & Mass literacy 35015170 -gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (5g ch©vq) programe (01/01/09-31/12/2013) 35015180 - Leaders of Influence Programme 35015180 -wjWvm© Ae Bbd¬y‡q›m †cÖvMªvg (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Approved (01/07/2007-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015190 - Establishment of Mosque Library (6th 35015190 -gmwR` cvVvMvi ¯’vcb (6ô ch©vq) Phase) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 35015200 - Digitalization of Islamic Foundation 35015200 -Bmjvgx dvD‡Ûk‡bi Kvh©µg wWwRUv‡j iƒcvšZi I Activities And Establishment of Digital wWwRUvj AvK©vBf ¯’vcb (01/09/2010-30/06/2012) Archive Abyt 35015210 - Mordernisation of the printing press of 35015210 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb QvcvLvbv Kvh©µg m¤•ÖmviY Islamic Foundation (01/07/1999-30/06/2002)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 35015220 - Technical training for drop-out students 35015220 -gv`ªvmv cwiZ¨vMKvix QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y from madrasa 35015230 - Mosque based proverty alleviation 35015230 -gmwR` wfwËK `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©mPx programme 35015240 - Human resource development through the 35015240 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœq‡b ag©xq †bZv‡`i m¤•„³KiY cÖKí involvement of religious leaders (2qchv©q)(01/07/1999-30/06/2003)Aby‡gvw`Z 35015242 - Educational Institutional based Holy Quran 35015242 -wk¶v cÖwZôvb wfwËK †KviAvb wk¶v Kvh©µg teaching programme 35015250 - Expanding the facilities of Baitul Muqarram 35015250 -evqZzj †gvKviig gmwR‡`i myweavw` e„w×KiY Mosque 35015260 - Involvement of Religious Leaders in Vaw 35015260 -bvixi cÖÖwZ mwnsmZv cÖÖwZ‡iva ag©xq †bZv‡`i m¤•„³KiY Programme Kvh©µg(01/07/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 35017070 - Temple Based Child Mass Education (3rd 35017070 -gw›`i wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (3q ch©vq) Phase) (01/07/10-30/06/13) (01/07/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 35017120 - Mosque Library Project (Phase-4) 35017120 -gmwR` cvVvMvi cªKí (4_© chv©q) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 35017440 - Mosque based Children and Mass 35017440 -gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (3q ch©vq) Education Programme (Phase-4) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 35017450 - 35017450 -gw›`i wfwËK cvVvMvi ¯’vcb Ges wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg| 35017460 - 35017460 -wk¶v cÖwZôvb wfwËK cweÎ KziAvb wk¶v Kvh©µg| (01/07/2002-30/06/2004) 35017470 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 35017470 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 35017480 - 35017480 -wjWvim AvDUwiP Bwbwm‡qwUf (Gj I AvB) †cÖvMªvg (1-4-05 - 30-9-06) Abyy‡gvw`Z 35017490 - 35017490 -BmjvwgK †m›Uvimn RwgqvZzj dvjAn& m¤cÖviY (2q ch©vq) 3505 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3505 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 35053171 - Islamic Foundation 35053171 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb 35053172 - Baitul Mokarram Mosque 35053172 -evqZzj †gvKviig gmwR` 35053173 - Bangladesh Waqf Administrator 35053173 -evsjv‡`k IqvKd cªkvmK 35053174 - Welfare Trust for Imam & Muazzin 35053174 -Bgvg I gyqvw¾b Kj¨vY U«v÷ 35053175 - Hindu Religious Welfare Trust 35053175 -wn›`y Kj¨vY Uªvó 35053176 - Imam Training Academy 35053176 -Bgvg cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg 35053177 - Zakat Fund Administrator 35053177 -hvKvZ dvÛ-cªkvmK 35053179 - Islamic Mission Institute 35053179 -BmjvwgK wgkb cªwZôvb 35053181 - Minority Welfare Trust 35053181 -msL¨vjNy m¤•ª`v‡qi Rb¨ AvgvbZ Znwej 35053183 - Buddhist Welfare Trust 35053183 -‡eŠ× Kj¨vY Uªv÷ 35053184 - Muslim Religious Institution 35053184 -gymwjg agx©q cÖwZôvb 35053185 - Grants for Other Religious Purpose 35053185 -ag©xq D‡Ï¨‡k Ab¨vb¨ gÄyix 35053186 - Hindu Religious Institution 35053186 -wn›`y agx©q cÖwZôvb 35053187 - Christian Organizations 35053187 -wLª÷vb agx©q cÖwZôvb 35053188 - Other Religious Institution 35053188 -‡eŠ× agx©q cÖwZôvb 35053189 - Christian Religious Welfare Trust 35053189 -Lªxóvb ag©xq Kj¨vY Uªvó 35054263 - Islamic Fekah Academy, Jeddah 35054263 -BmjvwgK wdKvn& GKv‡Wgx, †RÏv 35055010 - Activities related to Islamic Publication 35055010 -Bmjvg cÖKvkb Kvh©µg (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055011 - Expansion and strengthening of Mosque 35055011 -gmwR` cvVvMvi m¤•ªmviY I kw³kvjxKiY Libraries (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055012 - Temple Based Child and Mass Literacy 35055012 -gw›`i wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (4_© ch©vq) Program (4th Phase) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055013 - Pagoda Based Pre-Primary Education 35055013 -c¨v‡MvWvwfwËK cÖvK&-cÖv_wgK wk¶v cÖKí Project (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055014 - Mosque Based Child and Mass Literacy 35055014 -gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (6ô ch©vq) Program (6th Phase) (01/01/2015-31/12/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 35055015 - Strengthening the Religious and 35055015 -ag©xq I Av_©-mvgvwRK †cÖ¶vc‡U cy‡ivwnZ, †mevBZ I Socio-Economic Capacity of the Purohit mswkÐó‡`i `¶Zv e„w×KiY cÖKí and Sebait. (01/01/2015-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055020 - North Rajshahi integrated rural 35055020 -DËi ivRkvnx mgwš^Z cj­x Dbœqb †K›`« development centre 35055030 - Expansion of Jamiatul-Falah 35055030 -RwgqvZzj dvjvn& gmwR`-Kvg-BmjvwgK †K›`ª m¤•ÖmviY Mosque-Cum-Islamic Centre Project cÖKí (01/01/1996-30/06/2004)Aby‡gvw`Z 35055060 - Expantion and Modernization of Central 35055060 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb †K›`ªxq jvB‡eªwi m¤•ÖmviY I Library fo the Islamic Foundation AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/10 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055080 - 35055080 -evqZyj †gvKviig gmwR‡`i †mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY, ms¯‹vi I m¤•ªmviY (01/07/05 - 31/12/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055130 - 35055130 -Bmjvgx dvD‡Ûk‡bi wefvMxq, †Rjv I Bgvg cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx feb wbg©vY (01/07/06 - 31/12/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055140 - 35055140 -gw›`i wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (2q ch©vq) (01/07/06 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055150 - 35055150 -Bmjvgx cÖKvkbv, Abyev`, M‡elYv I wek¦‡Kvl Kvh©µg (5g ch©vq) (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055160 - 35055160 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi we`¨gvbi QvcvLvbv Drcv`b ¶gZv e„w×KiY (01/07/08 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055170 - Mosque Based Child & Mass literacy 35055170 -gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (5g ch©vq) programe (01/01/09-31/12/2013) 35055180 - Leaders of Influence Programme 35055180 -wjWvm© Ae Bbd¬y‡q›m †cÖvMªvg (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Approved (01/07/2007-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055190 - Establishment of Mosque Library (6th 35055190 -gmwR` cvVvMvi ¯’vcb (6ô ch©vq) Phase) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055200 - Islamic 35055200 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi Kvh©µg wWwRUv‡j iƒcvšZi I wWwRUvj AvK©vBf ¯’vcb (01/09/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055210 - Mordernization of the Printing press of 35055210 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb QvcvLvbv AvaywbKxKiY Islamic Foundation (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 35055220 - Technical Training for drop-out Students 35055220 -gv`ªvmv cwiZ¨vMKvix QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y from madrasha 35055230 - Mosque based proverty alleviation 35055230 -gmwR` wfwËK `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©mPx programme 35055240 - Human resource development through the 35055240 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœq‡b agx©q †bZv‡`i m¤•„³KiY (chv©q-2) involvement of religious leaders (01/07/2002-30/07/2005) 35055242 - Educational Institutional based Holy Quran 35055242 -wk¶v cÖwZôvb wfwËK †KviAvb wk¶v Kvh©µg teaching programme 35057010 - Islamic publication programme 35057010 -BmjvwgK cÖKvkbv, Abyev`, M‡elYv I Rxebx wek¦‡Kvl Kvh©µg (4_© chv©q) (01/07/2001-30/06/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 35057020 - Imam Training Academy (Phase-4). 35057020 -Bgvg cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg (1/7/2004-30/6/2005) Abyy‡gvw`Z 35057030 - 35057030 -Bgvg cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx| ( 1-7-04 - 30-6-05) 35057040 - 35057040 -BmjvwgK dAD‡Ûkb †K›`ªxq jvB‡eªix m¤•ÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY 35057050 - Development programme for Islamic 35057050 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi jvB‡eªix Dbœqb Kvh©µg Foundation library 35057060 - Compilation and publication of 35057060 -evsjvq Bmjvwg wek¦‡Kvl msKjY I cªKvkbv (chv©q-3) encyclopaedia of Islam in Bangla 35057070 - Temple Based Child and Mass Literacy 35057070 -gw›`i wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (3q ch©vq) Programme (3rd Phase) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 35057080 - Construction of Islamic Foundation 35057080 -‡k‡ievsjv bM‡i BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb Gi Kg‡c­K¥ wbg©vY Complex at Sher-e-Bangla nagar 35057090 - Establishment of Islamic Cultural Centers 35057090 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi BmjvwgK mvs¯‹„wZK †K›`« of the Islamic Foundation (chv©q-3) 35057100 - Construction of Islamic Mission Complex 35057100 -BmjvwgK wgkb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (dZyj­v, bvivqbMÄ Ges (Fatullah, Narayangonj & Jhalakathi) SvjKvwV) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 35057110 - Imam training academy of Islamic 35057110 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi Bgvg †U«wbs GKv‡Wgx (chv©q-3) Foundation

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 35057120 - Mosque based library project (Phase-3) 35057120 -gmwR` cvVvMvi cªKí (ch©vq-4) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 35057130 - Mosque based children non formal 35057130 -gmwR`wfwËK wkï I MY wk¶v Kvh©µg (chv©q-2) education programme (Phase-2) 35057250 - Strengthening of central and district 35057250 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi †K›`ªxq I †Rjv jvB‡eªwi Dbœqb libraries of Islamic Foundation 35057410 - Strengthening of Islamic Foundation's 35057410 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi cwiKíbv ‡mj kw³kvjxKiY planning department 35057420 - Islamic cultural programme of the Islamic 35057420 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi BmjvwgK mvs¯‹…wZK Kvh©µg Foundation mymsnZ, †Rvi`vi I m¤•ªmviY 35057430 - Construction of Islamic Foundation 35057430 -†k‡i evsjv bM‡i BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY Complex at Shere-Banglanagar (Phase-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (chv©q-1) (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 35057440 - Mosque based Children and Mass 35057440 -gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (3q ch©vq) Education Programme (Phase-3) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 35057450 - Mosque Library Project (Phase-IV) 35057450 -gmwR` cvVvMvi cÖKí (4_© ch©vq) 35057460 - 35057460 -gw›`i †Kw›`ªK cvVvMvi ¯’vcb Ges wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (01/07/2002-30/07/2006) 35057461 - 35057461 -gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (5g ch©vq) (Rvbyqvix 2009 -wW‡m¤¦i 2013) 35057462 - 35057462 -gw›`i wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (3q ch©vq) 35057463 - 35057463 -cy‡ivwnZ cÖÖwk¶Y 35057464 - 35057464 -gw›`i wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (3q ch©vq) 35057465 - 35057465 -cy‡ivwnZ cÖÖwk¶Y 3506 - International Organisations 3506 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 35064263 - Islamic Fekah Academy, Jeddah 35064263 -BmjvwgK wdKvn& GKv‡Wwg, †RÏv 35064264 - Islamic Solidarity Fund 35064264 -BmjvwgK mwjWvwiwU dvÛ 3510 - Hajj Affairs 3510 -nR¡ welqK 35100001 - Pilgrimage Outside Bangladesh 35100001 -evsjv‡`‡ki evB‡i nR¡ eve` e¨q 35100005 - Hajj Affairs Office, Dhaka 35100005 -nR¡ Awdm, XvKv 35100010 - Hajj Affairs Office, Jeddah 35100010 -nR¡ Awdm, ‡RÏv 35100011 - Hazz Flight 35100011 -nR¡ d¬vBU 3580-3585 - Ministry of Religious Affairs 3580-3585 -ag© welqK gšYvjq 3580 - Ministry of Religious Affairs 3580 -ag© welqK gšYvjq 35804643 - 35804643 -gmwR` wfwËK bivbx c×wZ‡Z cweÎ †KviAvb wk¶v Kvh©µg 3596-3598 - Development Programme Financed by 3596-3598 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3596 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3596 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 35960000 - Block Allocation 35960000 -‡_vK eivÏ 35964643 - Masjid Based Quran Teaching 35964643 -gmwR` wfwËK bivbx c×wZ‡Z cweÎ †KviAvb wk¶v Programme (2003-04 to 2005-06) Kvh©µg (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) 35964644 - Propagation and Publication Programme 35964644 -wWwRUvB‡Rkb Gi gva¨‡g cweÎ KziAvb kix‡di cÖPvi I of Holly Quran through Digitization cÖKvkbv Kvh©µg 35964720 - 35964720 -gw›`i wfwËK cvVvMvi ¯’vcb I wkï MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06) 35964721 - Establishament of Mosjid Pathagar 35964721 -gm&wR` cvVvMvi ¯’vcb cÖKí (4_© ch©vq) (2004-05) (Phase-IV) (2004-05) 35964722 - 35964722 -gm&wR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (3q ch©vq) (2004-05) 35964723 - Construction of Bhola District Islamic 35964723 -‡fvjv †Rjv BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb feb wbg©vY Foundation Building (2004-05) (2004-05) 35964725 - The Scheme for Islamic Publication, 35964725 -ÔBmjvgx cÖKvkbv Abyev`, M‡elYv I Rxebx wek¦‡Kvl Translation, Research and Encyclopaedia Kvh©µg (4_© ch©©vq)Õ Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2005- (4th Phase) (2004-05 to 2005-06) 06) 35964727 - Strengthening Brotherhood and Religious 35964727 -åvZ„Z¡‡eva I agx©q m¤•ªxwZ †Rvi`viKiY Harmony Programme

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 35964804 - Setting up of solar Panels at Head 35964804 -BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûk‡bi cÖavb Kvh©vjq I 7wU wefv‡Mi Quarters and 7 Divisional Office Complex's wbR¯^ Awdm feb Kg‡cÖ· ‡mŠi kw³ ¯’vcb Kg©m–wP of Islamic Foundation (cvBjU) 35964805 - Program on Data Basing, Modernization 35964805 -IqvKd G‡÷Umg–‡ni WvUv‡eBR cÖ¯‘ZKiY, and Computerization of Waqf Estates AvaywbKxKiY I Kw¤•DUvivqb 35964806 - A Program for cheeking Extremism, 35964806 -Rw½ev`, mš¿vm cÖwZ‡iva I mvgvwRK mgm¨v mgvav‡b Terrorism and for eliminating Social Bmjvg Program 3599-3599 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3599-3599 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3599 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3599 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 35990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 35990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 36 - Ministry of Youth and Sports 36 - hye I µxov gš¿Yvjq 3601-3620 - Administration 3601-3620 -cªkvmb 3601 - Secretariat 3601 -mwPevjq 36010000 - m 36010000 -cªkvmb 36010001 - Secretariat 36010001 -mwPevjq 36010003 - Sports Development 36010003 -µxov Dbœqb 36013515 - Sports Club and Others 36013515 -µxov K¬ve/cÖwZôvb 36013971 - National Sports Award 36013971 -RvZxq µxov cyi¯‹vi 36014729 - National Service 36014729 -b¨vkbvj mvwf©m 36015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 36015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 36015520 - Block allocation for sports sector 36015520 -µxov †m±‡ii Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ 3605 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3605 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 36053191 - National Sports Council 36053191 -RvZxq µxov cwil` 36053192 - Fund for Micro-credit for Self-employment 36053192 -†eKvi hyeK‡`i AvZœKg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ ¶y`ªFY Znwej of the Unemployed Youth 36053193 - National Sports Award 36053193 -RvZxq µxov cyi¯‹vi 36053194 - Bangabandhu Krirashebi Kollayan 36053194 -e½eÜy µxov‡mex Kj¨vY dvD‡Ûkb Foundation 36053195 - 28th Olymiad Athens-2004 36053195 -28Zg Awjw¤•qvW G‡_›m -2004 36053501 - Districts Stadiums 36053501 -‡Rjv †÷wWqvg 36053503 - Bangladesh Handball Federation 36053503 -evsjv‡`k n¨vÛ ej †dWv‡ikb 36053505 - SAARC Tournament 36053505 -mvK© wµ‡KU UzY©v‡g›U 36053506 - SAARC Swimming 36053506 -mvK© myBwgs 36053507 - 8th SAF Games 36053507 -8g mvd †Mg 36053509 - Bangladesh Chess Federation 36053509 -evsjv‡`k `vev †dWv‡ikb 36053511 - Bangadesh Olympic Association 36053511 -evsjv‡`k Awjw¤•K G‡mvwm‡qkb 36053513 - Sprorts Delgation Abroad 36053513 -we‡`‡k µxov cªwZwbwa †cªiY 36053515 - Sports Club and Others 36053515 -µxov K¬ve/cÖwZôvb 36053517 - Bangaladesh Sports Training Institute 36053517 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cªwZôvb 36053519 - Dhaka Pioneer League 36053519 -XvKv cvBIwbqvi jxM 36053520 - Asian Games 36053520 -Gwkqvb †Mgm& 36053522 - Commonwelath Games 36053522 -KgbI‡qj_& †Mgm& 36053523 - Asian Games 36053523 -Gwkqvb †Mgm& 36053524 - Asia Cup Cricket 36053524 -Gwkqv Kvc wµ‡KU 36053891 - Participation in International Tournament 36053891 -AvšR©vwZK cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq AskMÖnY 36053892 - Implementation of Training and Sports 36053892 -cÖwk¶Y I µxov Kg©mPx ev¯evqb Programme 36053971 - National Sports Award 36053971 -RvZxq µxov cyi¯‹vi 36053974 - SAAF Games 36053974 -mvd †Mgm& 36053975 - Sports Tour Abroad 36053975 -we‡`‡k µxov cÖwZwbwa †cÖiY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36053988 - Grants for Sports Federation 36053988 -µxov ms¯’vi gÄyix 36053989 - Silver Jubilee Independence Cup Cricket 36053989 -iRZ Rqšx ¯^vaxbZv Kvc wµ‡KU Uzb©v‡g›U 98 Tournament 98 36053990 - Programme for Development of Cricket 36053990 -wµ‡K‡Ui mvwe©K Dbœqb Kg©mPx 36053991 - Participation in International Tournament 36053991 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq AskMÖnY 36053992 - Implementation of Training and Sports 36053992 -cÖwk¶Y I µxov Kg©mPx ev¯evqb Programme 36054704 - 36054704 -†gŠjfxevRvi †Rjv m`i †ówWqvg wbg©v‡Yi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY 36054724 - South Asian (SA) Games 36054724 -mvD_ Gwkqvb (GmG) †Mgm 36054727 - South Asian(SA) Games(Non-recurring) 36054727 -mvD_ Gwkqvb (GmG) †Mgm (AbveZ©K) 36054729 - National Service 36054729 -b¨vkbvj mvwf©m 36055010 - Construction of First Choice District 36055010 -AMÖvwaKvi cÖvß †Rjv †÷wWqvgmg‡ni wbgv©Y cÖKí Stadium 36055011 - Construction of Divisional Stadium and 36055011 -ewikvj wefv‡M wefvMxq †÷wWqvg I gwnjv µxov Kg‡cÍ Women Sports Complex at Barisal · wbg©vY cÖKí Division 36055012 - Const. of Cricket Stadium in to 36055012 -K·evRvi †Rjvq Avš—R©vwZKgv‡bi wµ‡KU †÷wWqvg International Standered at Cox-Bazar wbg©vY cÖKí| 36055013 - Repair & Development of the Existing 36055013 -‡`‡ki we`¨gvb †Rjv †÷wWqvg¸‡jv ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb-1g District Stadiums of the Country-1st Phase ch©vq cÖKí 36055014 - Construction of Modern Stadium at 36055014 -‡b·Kvbvq AvaywbK †÷wWqvg wbg©vY cÖKí Natrokona District H.Q. 36055015 - Construction of Divisional Stadium and 36055015 -iscyi wefv‡M wefvMxq †÷wWqvg I gwnjv µxov Kg‡cÍ· Women Sports Complex at Ranguure wbg©vY cÖKí Division 36055016 - Construction of Indoor Stadium at 36055016 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi I †eov Dc‡Rjvq Ges MvBevÜv Sojanagor & Bara Upazila in Pabna District †Rjv m`‡I Bb‡Wvi †÷wWqvg wbg©vY cÖKí| and Gaybandha District Head Quater 36055017 - Repair-Development of the Existing District 36055017 -‡`‡ki we`¨gvb myBwgscyi¸wj‡K ms¯‹vi-Dbœqb Ges Swimming Pool(11 Nos) and Further wgicyi myBwgs Kg‡c­·‡K Avš—©RvwwZgKv‡b DbœxZKiY Development of National Swimming Pool at Mirpur into International Stand 36055018 - Upgradation of Sylhet Divisi8onal Stadium 36055018 -wm‡jU I bv‡Uvi †Rjv µxov Kg‡cÍ· wbg©vY into a Cricket Stadium 36055019 - Upgradation of Sylhet Divisional Stadium 36055019 -wm‡jU wefvMxq †÷wWqvg‡K Avš—R©vwZKgv‡bi wµ‡KU † into a Cricket Stadium ÷wWqv‡g iƒcvš—i 36055020 - Construction of Women Sports Centre at 36055020 -Kzwgj­v †Rjv m`‡i gwnjv µxov †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí Comilla District Sadar Project (01/07/1997-30/06/2000) 36055021 - Construction of women sports complex at 36055021 -wm‡jU wefvMxh gwnjv µxov Kg‡cÍ· wbg©vY Sylhet 36055022 - Development & Extension of Play Ground 36055022 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q †Ljvi gvV Dbœqb I m¤úÖmviY cÖKí| at Upazila Level 36055023 - Construction of Stadium at Upazila 36055023 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q †÷wWqvg wbg©vY-1g ch©vq cÖKí| Level-1st Phase 36055024 - Conversion of Tongi TIC Field into 36055024 -MvRxcyi U½x¯’ wUAvBwm gq`vb‡K Avš—©RvwZKgv‡bi † International Standard Stadium ÷wWqv‡g iƒcvš—iKiY cÖKí 36055025 - Establishment of Stadium on TSS field in 36055025 -MvRxcyi †Rjvi U½x¯’ wUGmGm gv‡V †÷wWqvg wbg©vY Gazipur district of Tongi (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 36055026 - Replacement of existing synthetic hockey 36055026 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi we`¨gvb wmb‡_wUK nwK turf and Upgrade the sports facilities at Uvd© cÖwZôvb Ges ¯’vcbvmg–‡ni ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb BKSP (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Abby‡gvw`Z 36055027 - Upgrading Sylhet Divisional Stadium to 36055027 -wm‡jU wefvMxq †÷wWqvg‡K AvšR©vwZK gv‡bi † International Standard ÷wWqv‡g DbœxZKiY (01/07/2012-31/12/2013) (01/07/2012-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 36055028 - Renovation and Development of Shohid 36055028 -cvebv †Rjvi knx` G¨vW‡fv‡KU AvwgbywÏb †÷wWqv‡gi Advocate Aminuddin Stadium at Pabna ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (01/04/13 - 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z District (01/04/13 - 31/12/13)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36055029 - Repair and Development of Existing 36055029 -‡`‡ki we`¨gvb †Rjv †÷wWqvgmg‡ni ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb District Stadiums of the Country- 1st (1g ch©vq) (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Phase 36055030 - Construction of Indoor Cricket Stadium at 36055030 -XvKv, PÆMÖvg, ivRkvnx, Lyjbv wefvMxq m`‡i Ges Divisional Headquarter Dhaka, Chittagong, gqgbwmsn †Rjv m`‡i Bb‡Wvi wµ‡KU †ówWqvg wbg©vY Rajshahi, Khulna and District Headquarter Mymenshing 36055031 - Renovation and Development of Shahid 36055031 -cvebv †Rjvi knx` G¨vW‡fv‡KU Avwgb DwÏb † Advocate Aminuddin Stadium at Pabna ÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb 36055032 - Development of Nilphamari, Netrokona 36055032 -bxjdvgvix I †b·KvYv †Rjv †÷wWqv‡gi Dbœqb Ges Ditrict Stadium & Construction of Rangpur iscyi wefv‡M gwnjv µxov Kg‡cз wbg©vY cÖKí Women Sports Complex (01/10/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 36055033 - Extensive Training through Talent Hunt 36055033 - we‡KGmwcÕi we`¨gvb µxov myweavejxi AvaywbKxKiY I Program at Grass Root Level & Z„Ygj ch©v‡q µxov cÖwZfv A‡š^lY I wbweo cÖwk¶Y cÖ`vb Modernization of Sports Facilities at BKSP (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 36055034 - Establishment of Sports School under 36055034 -we‡KGmwci AvIZvq PÆMªvg I ivRkvnx‡Z µxov ¯‹yj BKSP at Chittagong and Rajshahi cÖwZôv (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 36055040 - Construction of Abdur Rab Serniabath 36055040 -ewikvj wefvMxq m`‡i knx` Avãyi ie †miwbqvevZ † Stadium at Barishal Divisional ówWqvg wbg©vY Headquarter 36055050 - 36055050 -wbe©vwPZ 5wU †Ljvq RvZxq chv©‡q `xN© †gqv`x eqm wfwËK mve©¶wbK wbweo cÖwk¶Y Ges †ckv`vwqZ¡ Dbœqb cÖKí(1g ch©vq) (1/7/02-30/6/05) Abby‡gvw`Z 36055060 - bangladesh Army 36055060 -evsjv‡`k Avwg© †÷wWqv‡g 8†jb wewkó G¨v_‡jwUKm wmb‡_wUKmUª¨vK cwieZ©b K‡i bZzb Uª¨vK ¯’vcb Ges d¬vW jvBU ms‡hvM (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/02 - 30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 36055070 - Establishment of Regional Training Centre 36055070 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b AvÂwjK cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª of BKSP at Dinajpur (Phase-1) ¯’vcb, w`bvRcyi (chv©q-1) (01/07/2000-30/06/2002) 36055080 - 36055080 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi AvÂwjK †K›`ª ¯’vcb, w`bvRcyi(ch©vq-2)(ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/02-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36055090 - 36055090 -PÆMÖvg we‡KGmwcÕi AvÂwjK cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb (chv©q-1) 36055220 - Development of physical education 36055220 -ivRkvnx kvwiixK wk¶v K‡j‡Ri myweavw`i Dbœqb facilities Rajshahi 36055340 - More development of selected Zila/Upazia 36055340 -wbe©vwPZ †Rjv m`‡i †ówWqvgmg‡ni AwaKZi Dbœqb H.Q. stadiums 36055350 - More development of 52 selected zilla 36055350 -52wU wbe©vwPZ †Rjv m`‡i †ówWqvgmg‡ni AwaKZi sadar Dbœqb 36055380 - Construction of Laxmipur Zilla sadar 36055380 -j¶xcyi †Rjv m`‡i †ówWqvg wbg©v‡bi we‡kl cªKí stadium 36057000 - Construction of Swimming Pool, 36057000 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjv m`‡i myBwgscyj I wRg‡bwkqvg wbg©vY, Gymnesium, Development of Sheikh †kL Kvgvj †÷wWqv‡gi Dbœqb, cyivZb †Rjv Kamal Stadium, Repari-Renovation of Old †÷wWqv‡gi †givgZ I ms¯‹vi Ges gwnjv µxov Kg‡c­· District Stadium and Construction of wbg©vY (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Women Sports Complex at Gopalgonj District Head Quarter 36057010 - Further Development of the Existing Sports 36057010 -we‡KGmwci we`¨gvb µxov myweavw`i AwaKZi Dbœqb I Facilites of BKSP and Sports Talent Z„Yg–j ch©v‡q µxov cÖwZfv A‡¤¦lY I wbweo cÖwk¶Y cÖ`vb Hunting in the Grass Root Level for ( 01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Extension Tourism 36057020 - Construction of two new District Stadium 36057020 -2wU bZyb †Rjv †÷wWqvg (PyqvWv½v I nweMÄ †Rjv † (Chuadanga and Hobigonj District), further ÷wWqvgmn gqgbwmsn, bv‡Uvi, UvsMvBj I dwi`MÄ) Development of District Stadium Ges 2wU gwnjv µxov Kg‡c­· (Lyjbv I ivRkvnx) Gi (Mymensing, Natore, Tangail & Faridpur) AwaKZi Dbœqb (01/01/2011-30/06/2013)Aby‡gvw`Z and Two Divisional Women Sports Complex (Khulna & Pabna) 36057030 - Construction of Bellman Hangar with 36057030 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi Bb‡Wvi cÖwk¶‡Yi Rb¨ Synthetic Turf for Indoor Training at wmb‡_wUK Uvd©mn †eBjg¨vb n¨vsMvi wbg©vY Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protisthan (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36057110 - Establishment of Bangladesh Krira Shikha 36057110 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cªwZôvb ¯’vcb (chv©q-4) Pratisthan (Phase-4) (01/07/1995 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057230 - Sports competition among boys and girls 36057230 -BDwbqb nB‡Z RvZxq chv©q ch©š 12-16 ermi eq¯‹ of age 12-16 from union level up to †Q‡j †g‡q‡`i †Ljvayjv cªwZ‡hvwMZv national level 36057360 - Setting up of synthetic turf at National 36057360 -RvZxq nwK †÷wWqv‡g wmb‡_wUK Uvd© ¯’vcb Hockey Stadium 36057370 - Construction of tennis complex at 36057370 -PÆMªvg wefvMxq m`‡i †Uwbm Kg‡c­· wbg©vY Chittagong division headquarters 36057390 - Construction of womens' sports centre at 36057390 -ivRkvnx wefvMxq m`‡i gwnjv µxov †K›`ª wbg©vY Rajshahi division 36057410 - Construction of women sports complex at 36057410 -Lyjbv wefvMxq m`‡i gwnjv µxov †K›`ª wbg©vY Khulna Division Headquarters 36057420 - Construction and expansion of 36057420 -bvivqYM‡Ä Imgvbx †ówWqvg wbg©vY we‡kl cÖKí Narayanganj Osmani stadium 36057430 - Development of 8 district stadiums 36057430 -8wU †Rjv m`i †÷wWqv‡gi Amgvß KvR mgvß I AvaywbKxKi‡Yi we‡kl cÖKí (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1994-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057450 - Construction of women sports center at 36057450 -PÆMªvg wefvMxq m`‡i gwnjv µxov †K›`ª wbg©vY Chittagong divisional headquarters (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 36057460 - Development of Dhanmondi sports 36057460 -avbgwÛ gwnjv µxov Kg‡c­· AwaKZi Dbœqb (1/7/02 - complex. 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057470 - Construction of 3 upazilla stadium ( 36057470 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †eMgMÄ, PvcvBbeveMÄ wRjvi wkeMÄ Begumgonj , Pirgonj and Shantaher ) Dc‡Rjv m`‡i I e¸ov †Rjvi kvš@vnv‡i †÷wWqvg wbgv© ‡Yi we‡kl cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1994 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057480 - Construction of swimming pool of 20 36057480 -20 wU †Rjv m`‡i myBwgs cyj wbg©vY (1g chv©q-11wU) district headquarters (Phase-1) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057490 - Further development of Chittagong district 36057490 -PÆMªvg †Rjv ‡ówWqvg Kg‡c­‡·i AwaKZi Dbœqb stadium complex 36057500 - Repair-Renovation Modernization and 36057500 -Avmbœ 11Zg mvD_ Gwkqvb †Mgm& Dcj‡¶¨ XvKv kn‡ii Reconstruction of Existing Sports venu of we`¨gvb µxov AeKvVv‡gvmg–‡ni ms¯‹vi, †givgZ, Dhaka City and Procurement of sports AvaywbKvqY Ges µxov hš¿cvwZ I miÄvgvw` msMÖn goods and equipment of the occasion of (01/01/08 - 31/12/09) Aby‡gvw`Z coming 11th South Asian Games 36057510 - Development of stadium at Chittagong, 36057510 -PÆMªvg, ivRkvnx, Lyjbv wefvMxq †÷wWqvgmg–‡ni Amgvß Khulna and Rajshahi division KvR mgvßKiY (01/07/1996-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057520 - Development of play ground of upazilla 36057520 -gwnjv I cyi“l †L‡jvqvo‡`i Rb¨ wbe©vwPZ Dc‡Rjv Headquarters (Phase-2) m`‡i †Ljvi gvV Dbœqb (3q chv©q) (1/7/02 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057530 - 36057530 -K·evRvi †Rjvi †cKzqv Dc‡Rjvq wRqv µxov Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/02 - 30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057540 - 36057540 -e¸ov †Rjv †÷wWqvg Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/02-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057560 - Development of stadium 36057560 -wm‡jU †Rjv m`‡i †ówWqvg Dbœq‡bi we‡kl cªKí 36057570 - Construction of Moulvi Bazar district 36057570 -†gŠjfxevRvi †Rjv m`i †÷wWqvg wbgv©‡Yi we‡kl cªKí stadium (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 36057580 - Further development of Rajshahi stadium 36057580 -ivRkvnx †Rjv m`i †ówWqv‡gi AwaKZi Dbœqb 36057710 - Construction of Gopalganj district stadium 36057710 -†MvcvjMÄ †Rjv †÷wWqvg wbg©vY (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 36057711 - Development of Sports Training System 36057711 -we¯@„Z µxov cÖwk¶Y I µxov cÖwk¶Y e¨e¯’vw`i Dbœqb and (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057720 - Construction of stadium in Lalmonirhat 36057720 -jvjgwbinvU †Rjv m`‡i †ówWqvg wbg©vY district HQ (01/07/1997-30/06/2000) 36057721 - Hiring of coach from abroad for training of 36057721 -‡L‡jvqvo I ¯’vbxq cªwk¶K‡`i cªwk¶‡bi Rb¨ we‡`k players and local instructors n‡Z cÖwk¶K Avbqb (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057723 - 36057723 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cÖwZôvb ¯’vcb (†kl ch©vq) (01/01/05-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36057725 - 36057725 -wm‡jU, ewikvj I Lyjbv wefv‡M (1g ch©vq) Ges PÆMªvg wefv‡M we‡KGmwci AvÂwjK cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/03-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057730 - Construction of cricket stadium of 36057730 -XvKvq AvšRv©wZK gvb m¤•bœ wµ‡KU †ówWqvg wbg©vY international standard 36057731 - 36057731 -†cÖvwKDi‡g›U Ae †¯•vU©m BKzBc‡g›Um di evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae †¯•vU©m (we‡KGmwc) AvÛvi RvcvbxR KvjPvivj MÖvÛ GBW 36057740 - Establishment of electric sub-station and 36057740 -XvKv¯’ RvZxq nwK †ówWqv‡g ˆe`¨ywZK mve‡ókb I Mfxi deep tube-well at Dhaka hockey statium bjK‚c ¯’vcb cÖKí 36057810 - Further development of 9 district stadiums 36057810 -9wU †Rjv †÷wWqv‡gi AwaKZi Dbœqb (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057820 - Procurement of sports goods, training, 36057820 -µxovi gv‡bvbœq‡bi Rb¨ µxov mvgMªx µq I cÖwk¶Y, renovation and development of µxov AeKvVv‡gvi ms¯‹vi Ges Dbœqb cÖKí infrastructure 36057830 - National stadium-4 36057830 -4bs RvZxq †÷wWqvg wbg©vY cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/99-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36057840 - Improvement and expansion of sports 36057840 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvmg–‡ni µxov AeKvVv‡gvi m¤•ÖmviY I facilities in the hill districts AwaKZi Dbœqb (1g ch©vq cve©Z¨ iv½vgvwU, cve©Z¨ ev›`ievb I LvMovQwo †Rjv m`i (01/07/1998- 30/06/2001) 36057850 - Establishment of swimming complex in 36057850 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b ï¨wUs Kg‡c­· wbg©vY the Bangladesh sports training institute (01/07/1998-30/06/2001) 36057860 - Construction of Gymnasium Information 36057860 -†dbx †Rjv m`‡i wRg‡bwkqvg Z_v µxov cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª Sports Training Centre at Feni District wbg©v‡Yi we‡kl cÖKí (01/07/1997-30/06/06) Headquarter Aby‡gvw`Z 36057870 - Construction of Sujanagar Thana Sadar 36057870 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi _vbv m`‡i †÷wWqvg wbg©v‡Yi Stadium at Pabna District we‡kl (01/07/1998-30/06/2001) 36057880 - Construction of a Trainess Hostel at 36057880 -evsjv‡`k µxov wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b †UªwbR †nv‡ój wbg©vY Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Pratisthan (01/07/2000-30/06/2000) 36057890 - Replacement of Existing Systhetic Hoky 36057890 -we‡KGmwcÕ†Z we`¨gvb wmb‡_wUK nwK Uvd© Gi cÖwZ¯’vcb Turf at BKSP (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) 36057910 - 36057910 -wm‡jU wefvMxq m`i †÷wWqvg wbg©vY (1/7/04-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 36058010 - Repair, Maintenance, Beautification of 36058010 -e½eÜz RvZxq †÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi, †givgZ I Bangabandhu National Stadium AvšZ©RvwZK cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Abyôvbyc‡hvMx Kivi j‡¶¨ we`¨gvb myweavejxi Dbœqb e„w×KiY cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/2002-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36058020 - 36058020 -ewikvj †Rjv †÷wWqv‡gi AwaKZi Dbœqb 36058030 - 36058030 -XvKv bvivqbMÄ †Rjvi we`¨gvb 2wU wµ‡KU †÷wWqvg myweavejxi Dbœqb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 36058040 - Chittagong 36058040 -PÆMÖvg †Rjv †÷wWqvg‡K Avš@R©vwZKgv‡b DbœxZKiY (01/11/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 36058050 - Barisal district 36058050 -ewikvj †Rjv †÷wWqvg‡K Avš@R©vwZKgv‡b DbœxZKiY (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 36058060 - 36058060 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ ‡Rjv †÷wWqvg I myBwgscyj wbg©vY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 36058070 - 36058070 -‡b·Kvbv †Rjv †÷wWqvg wbg©vY (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 36058120 - 36058120 -e¸iv †Rjv m`‡i µxov †K›`ª wbgv©Y (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) Abbyt 36058130 - 36058130 -PÆMªvg †Rjv †÷wWqvg‡K AvšRv©wZK gv‡bi †÷wWqv‡g icvšiKiY (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 36058140 - 36058140 -we`¨gvb 21wU †Rjv wRgb¨vwmqv‡gi ms¯‹vi, †givgZ I AvaywbKvqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 36058150 - Expansion Modernization of Gulashan 36058150 -¸jkvb ï¨wUs Kg‡c­­­· m¤¤•ªªmviY I AvaywbKvqb Shooting Complex (2nd Revised) (01/07/07-31/12/09) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 36058151 - Renovation and Development of 36058151 -AvBwmwm wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc 2011 Gi D‡Øvabx Abyôv‡bi Bangababdhu National Stadium for Rb¨ e½eÜy RvZxq †÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb opening ceremony of the ICC Cricket (1/7/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z World Cup 2011 at Dhaka Bangladesh

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36058152 - Renovation and Development of 36058152 -AvBwmwm gvb m¤•bœ wµ‡KU †÷wWqv‡g iƒcvšZ‡ii Rb¨ Shere-E-Bangla National Cricket Stadium wgicyi †ki-B-evsjv RvZxq wµ‡KU †÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi for Conversion into and ICC Standard I Dbœqb (1/7/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Cricket Stadium, at Mirpur, Dhaka, Banglade 36058153 - Renovation and Development of Khan 36058153 -AvBwmwm wek¦Kvc 2011 Gi weKí ‡fby¨ wn‡m‡e Saheb Osman Ali Stadium at Narayangonj bvivqbMÄ Lvb mv‡ne Imgvb Avjx ‡÷wWqv‡gi (dZyj­v) as and Alternative Venue of ICC Cricket ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (1/7/2009-31/12/2010) World Cup 2011 in Bangladesh Aby‡gvw`Z| 36058154 - Renovation and Development world of 36058154 -AvBwmwm wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc 2011 Gi weKí ‡fby¨ wn‡m‡e Sheikh Abu Naser Stadium at Khulna as Lyjbvq Aew¯’Z †kL Avey bv‡mi ‡÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi I an Alternative Venue of the ICC Cricket Dbœqb (1/7/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z| World Cup 2011 in Bangladesh 36058155 - Renovation of Development of Zahur 36058155 -AvBwmwm wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc 2011 Gi weKí ‡fby¨ M‡o Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium at Chittagong †Zvjvi Rb¨ PU«Mªvg Rûi Avn‡g` ‡PŠayix ‡÷wWqv‡gi as a Vanue of the ICC World Cup 2011 in ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (1/7/2009-31/12/2010) Bangladesh Aby‡gvw`Z| 3606 - International Organisations 3606 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 36063515 - 36063515 - 36064172 - World Anti-Dopping Agency 36064172 -Iqvì© Gw›U †Wvwcs G‡Rw›m (Wwe-DGwWG) 36064271 - Commonwealth Youth Development 36064271 -KgbI‡qj_ hye Dbœqb Kvh©µg Programme 36064272 - World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) 36064272 -Iqvì© Gw›U Wwcs G‡Rw›m 36064273 - UN Youth Fund 36064273 -RvwZmsN hye Dbœqb Znwej 3631-3650 - Departments 3631-3650 -Awa`ßi 3631 - Directorate of Sports 3631 -µxov cwi`ßi 36310000 - Directorate of Sports 36310000 -µxov cwi`ßi 36315010 - Further Development of Dhaka, 36315010 -XvKv, PÆMªvg I Lyjbv wefvMxq kvwiixK wk¶v K‡j‡Ri Chittagong, Khulna (Bagerhut) Physical Dbœqb (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z Training Colleges (2nd Revised) Approved 36315011 - The Project of the 10-15 years age group 36315011 -BDwbqb n‡Z RvZxq ch©vq ch©š— 10-15 ermi eqmx boys & girls ``Sports for all'' (A Sports †Q‡j †g‡q‡`IÔ mevi Rb¨ †Ljv Õ µxov cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Compition from union to national level cÖKí | Implementition) 36315012 - The project of construction of Mymensingh 36315012 -gqgbwmsn I ewikvj wefvMxq kvixwiK wk¶v K‡j‡Ri of Barisal physical education college(2nd wbg©vY cÖKí(2q ch©vq) phase) 36315013 - The project of new verification of 36315013 -µxov cwi`߇ii wbR¯^ feb ¯’vcb cÖKí| Directorate of Sports Bhabon 36315150 - Establishment of Mymenshing Physical 36315150 -gqgbwmsn kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR ¯’vcb (1g chv©q)( 2q Training Collage ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 36315160 - Distribution of sports goods to educational 36315160 -wk¶v cªwZôvb, hye I µxov K¬vemg‡n µxov miÄvg weZiY institutions, youth and sports club 36315170 - Establishment of college of physical 36315170 -PÆMªvg wefvMxq m`‡i kvixwiK wk¶v cªwZôvb ¯’vcb education for Chittagong Division Headquarters 36315180 - Establishment of divisional physical 36315180 -Lyjbv wefvMxq m`‡i kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR, ev‡MinvU education college at Bagerhat for Khulna ¯’vcb cÖKí (ch©vq-1) division (Phase-1) 36315190 - Further Development of Bangladesh Krira 36315190 -Z…Ygj chv©‡q µxovwe` ˆZixKiY cÖKí (wµ‡KU, dzUej, Shikha Protisthan (BKSP) KvevwW, n¨vÛej I wRgbvw÷K) 36315450 - Renovation of existing facilities of 36315450 -kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR, XvKvi ms¯‹vi physical college, Dhaka 36315710 - Distribution of sports goods to educational 36315710 -wk¶v cÖwZôvb Ges hye I µxov K¬vemg–‡n µxov miÄvg institution , youth and sports clubs weZiY (Phase-2) 36315720 - Establishment of physical training Institute 36315720 -PÆMÖvg wefvMxq m`‡i kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR ¯’vcb at Chittagong division (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2004) Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36315730 - 36315730 -ivRkvnx kvixwiK wk¶v K‡j‡Ri myweavejx Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/02 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36315780 - Establishment of Khulna Divisional 36315780 -Lyjbv wefvMxq m`‡i kvixwiK wk¶v gnvwe`¨vjq, Physical Education College at Bagerhat ev‡MinvU ¯’vcb 36315790 - Construction of Barishal divisional 36315790 -ewikvj wefvMxq kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq)( Physical Education College ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/01-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36315800 - 36315800 -XvKv kvixwiK wk¶v K‡j‡Ri myweavejx AwaKZi Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/2003 - 30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 36315917 - 36315917 - 36316010 - 36316010 -AvšZt cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi µxov cÖwZ‡hvMxZv 36317230 - Sports competition among boys and girls 36317230 -BDwbqb nB‡Z RvZxq chv©q ch©š 12-16 erm‡ii †Q‡j of age 12-16 from union level up to †g‡q‡`i †Ljvayjv cÖwZ‡hvwMZv (01/07/1994- national level 30/06/2000) 3633 - College of Physical Education 3633 -kixi PP©v gnvwe`¨vjq 36330001 - College of Physical Education. Dhaka 36330001 -kixi PP©v gnvwe`¨vjq, XvKv 36330005 - College of Physical Education. Rajshahi 36330005 -kixi PP©v gnvwe`¨vjq, ivRkvnx 36330010 - Chittagong Divisional College of Physical 36330010 -PÆMªvg wefvMxq kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR Education 36330015 - Khulna Divisional College of Physical 36330015 -Lyjbv wefvMxq kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR Education 36330017 - Barishal 36330017 -ewikvj wefvMxq kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR 36330019 - Maymonshingha 36330019 -gqgbwmsn kvixwiK wk¶v K‡jR 3640 - Department of Youth Development 3640 -hye Dbœqb Awa`ßi 36400000 - Department of Youth Development 36400000 -hye Dbœqb Awa`ßi 36400003 - Youth Training Centres 36400003 -hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª 36405010 - Establishment of youth training centre 36405010 -hye cªwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb cªKí (chv©q-3) (Phase-3) 36405011 - Strengthening Training Facilities for Young 36405011 -†ó«s‡`wbs †Uªwbs d¨vwmwjwUR di Bqs I‡gb Women 36405012 - Project for capacity building in the field 36405012 -hye Dbœqb Awa`߇ii gvV cÖkvm‡b `ÿZv e„w× Ges administration and enhance training cÖwkÿY myweav DbœxZKiY cÖKí facilities of the department of Youth development 36405013 - Inovative Management of resources for 36405013 -B‡bv‡fwUf g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae wi‡mv‡m©m di cfviwU poverty Alleviation through comprehensive Gwjwf‡qkb †_ªv Kw¤cÖ‡nbwmf †UK‡bvjwR (Bgc¨v±) technology (IMPACT) cÖKí 36405014 - Project for Technical training to 36405014 -‡eKvi hye‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb I AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’v‡bi my‡hvM m„wói unemployed youth for creation of j‡ÿ¨ KvwiMwi cÖwkÿY cÖKí employment and unemployment opportunities 36405015 - Project on creation of employment and 36405015 -DËie‡½i g½vcxwoZ 7wU †Rjvi †eKvi hye‡`i self-employment oppertunities for Kg©ms¯’vb I AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’v‡bi my‡hvM m„wó cÖKí unemployed youths in 07 poverty stricken districts of northbengal 36405016 - Projent on strengthening training 36405016 -Kg©ms¯’vb I AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói j‡ÿ¨ Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q programme at upazila level for creation of cÖwkÿY Kvh„µg †Rvi`vbKiY cÖKí employment and self-employment 36405017 - Establishment of Vocational Training and 36405017 -myweav ewÂZ hyeK‡`i Rb¨ e„wËgjK cÖwk¶Y I ¯^v¯’¨ Health Care Center for the Vulnerable cwiPh©v †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí youth 36405018 - Establishment of Training and 36405018 -myweav ewÂZ hye I wK‡kvi-wK‡kvix‡`i Rb¨ cÖwk¶Y I Employment generation Center for the cybe©vmb †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí Vulnerable Youth and adolescents 36405019 - Streagthening and Modernization of Sheikh 36405019 -†kL nvwmbv RvZxq hye †K›`ª‡K kw³kvjx I AvaywbKvqb Hasina National Youth Centre and Project cÖKí (01/06/2015-31/12/2019) (01/06/2015-31/12/2019) 36405020 - Upazilla resources develoment and 36405020 -Dc‡Rjv m¤•` Dbœqb I Kg©ms¯’vb cªKí employment generation project (Phase-3) (_vi‡Wctms‡kvwaZ) (chv©q-3)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36405021 - Improvement of Training Facilities of young 36405021 -hye gwnjv‡`i cÖwk¶Y myweavw`i Dbœqb cÖKí women 36405022 - Technology Empowerment Centre on 36405022 -†UK‡bvjRx GgcvIqvi‡g›U †m›Uvi Ab ûBjm di AvÛvi Wheels For Underprivileged Rural Young wcÖwfjvBRW iyivj Bqvs wccj Ae evsjv‡`k People of Bangladesh (TECUYB) 36405030 - Youth training and self employment project 36405030 -hye cªwk¶Y I AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb cªKí (chv©q-1) (Phase-1) 36405040 - b 36405040 -†eKvi hyeK‡`i KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405050 - Establishment of Sheikh Hasina National 36405050 -RvZxq hye †K›`ª ¯’vcb (ms‡kvwaZ) Youth Centres (Phase-1) (01/07/1998-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405060 - Family base employment project 36405060 -cwievi wfwËK Kg©ms¯’vb (15-124-023-94-95) 36405070 - Entrepreneurship development project for 36405070 -wkw¶Z †eKvi hyeK‡`i Rb¨ D‡`¨v³v DbœqbgjK cªKí educated unemployed youth (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 36405072 - Employment generation project for literate 36405072 -A¶iÁvb m¤•bœ hyeK‡`i Kg©mnvqK cÖKí young men 36405080 - Human resource development 36405080 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb Kg©mPx programme 36405090 - Innovative Management of Resources for 36405090 -B‡bv‡fwUf g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae wi‡mvm© di cÖfvwU© Poverty Alleviation through Comprehensive Gwjwf‡qkb _ª“ KgwcÖ‡nbwmf †UK‡bvjwR Technology (IMPACT) (AvBGgwcGmwmwU) 01/07/2006-31/12/2010) Abbyt 36405100 - Completion of Incomplete Works of the Old 36405100 -cyivZb hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ªmg–‡ni Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY Youth Training Centers (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405110 - Establishment of New Youth Training 36405110 -Aewkó 11 wU †Rjvq bZyb hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb Center in the Remaining 11 District (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405120 - Youth training and self employment Project 36405120 -hye cªwk¶Y I AvZ¥Kg© ms¯’vb cªKí (Phase-1) (01/07/1990-30/06/2003) 36405121 - Advocacy on re-productive health and 36405121 -G¨vW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_& /†RÛvi/ gender issues through youth club GBPAvBwf/ GBWm †_ªv Bqy_ K¬ve(1/1/03 - 31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405130 - Construction of 11 new youth training 36405130 -11wU bZyb hye cªwk¶Y †K›`« ¯’vcbmn we`¨gvb †K›`«mg– centers, development of existing centre ‡ni Dbœqb I Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY (01/07/1995- and completion of incomplete works 30/06/2002) 36405140 - Supply of inputs for self employment of 36405140 -cÖwkw¶Z hyeK‡`i AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ DcKiY trained youth mieivn cÖKí (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2004) ms†kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 36405150 - aaa 36405150 -Kg©ms¯’vb I AvZœ- Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói j‡¶¨ Dc‡Rjv chv©‡q cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY (01/01/2012-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405160 - aaa 36405160 -DËie‡½i 7wU †Rjvi †eKvi hyeK‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb Ges AvZœ- Kg©ms¯’vb my‡hvM m„wó (01/01/2012-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405170 - aaa 36405170 -we`¨gvb cÖivZb 11wU KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKvqb (2q chv©q) 36405251 - Training materials research activities and 36405251 -cªwk¶Y DcKiYvw`, M‡elYv I †jvKej Dbœqb (chv©q-3) staff development 36405261 - Implementation of family planning 36405261 -hye K¬v‡ei gva¨‡g hyemgv‡Ri RbmsL¨v Ges cwievi programme through youth clubs Kj¨vY Kvh©µ‡g m¤•„³KiY 36405271 - Training and self reliance programme for 36405271 -hye Dbœqb Awa`߇ii cªwk¶Y I AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb Kg©mPxi youth development department 36405281 - Pro-active involvement of rural youth in 36405281 -†cÖv GKwUf Bbfj&f‡g›U Ae i“ivj Bqy_ Bb cvwU©wm‡cUwi participatory development †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/1996-30/06/2001) 36405510 - Project for social services trhough 36405510 -wek¦we`¨vjq Ges gnvwe`¨vj‡qi Qv·`i RvZxq participation of university and college mgvR‡mevq AskMªnYgjK cÖKí students 36405530 - Rural youth training project (Phase-2) 36405530 -cj­x cªwk¶Y cªKí (chv©q-2) (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) 36405610 - Establishment of 24 new youth training 36405610 -26wU bZzb hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb (4_© ch©vq) centres (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36405611 - 36405611 -Gb Bwbwk‡qwUf di Bg‡cÖvwfs w` wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ Ad G‡Wvwb‡g›U Mvjm© Bb evsjv‡`k †_ªv wcqvi GWy‡Kkb GÛ cv‡m©vbvj †mvmvj GWy‡Kkb (1/7/01 - 30/6/04) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405620 - 36405620 -17wU hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí 36405630 - 36405630 -e¸ov AvÂwjK hye †K›`ª ¯’vcbmn †dbx, ivRkvnx I wm‡jU hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª m¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405640 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health / 36405640 -G¨vW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvKwUf Gender/HIV/AIDS Through Youth club †nj_/†RÛvi/GBPAvBwf/GBWm †_ªv Bqy_ K¬ve 36405650 - 36405650 -AvVviwU bZyb hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq, 8wU †K›`ª) (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405660 - 36405660 -wm‡jU wefvMxq m`i †ówWqvg wbg©vY (01/7/04-30/6/2005) 36405670 - 36405670 -wm‡jU,ewikvj I Lyjbv wefv‡M(1g ch©vq) Ges PU«Mªvg wefv‡M we‡KGmwci AvÂwjK cªwk¶Y †›ª ¯nvcb (1/7/03-30/6/2006) Abyt 36405680 - Youth Empowerment through life skill 36405680 -Bqy_ GgcvIqvi‡g›U _ª“ jvBd w¯‹jW& GWy‡Kkb GÛ education and livelihood pportunities jvBfwjûW AciPywbwUm (01/01/2005 - 31/12/2010) (revised Unapproved) Aby‡gvw`Z 36405690 - Expansion of Training Programme on 36405690 -Aewkó 41wU †Rjvq B‡jwU«K¨vj GÛ nvDR Iq¨vwis, Electrical and housewaring in 41 55wU †Rjvq B‡jKU«wb· Ges 55wU †Rjvq Gqvi electronics and 55 and airconditioning and KwÛkwbs GÛ †iwd«Rv‡ikb cÖwk¶Y †Kvm© m¤•ªmviY refrigeration in 55 of the remaining districts (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (revised unapproved) 36405700 - Innovative Management of Resources for 36405700 -B‡bv‡fwUf g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae wi‡mv‡m©m di †cvfvwU© poverty Alliviation through comprehensive Gwjwf‡qkb _ª“ KgwcÖ‡nw›mf †UK‡bvjwR (Bgc¨v±) Technology (IMPACT) (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 36405710 - Strengthening of Programme based 36405710 -hye Dbœqb Awa`ßi I †emiKvwi †¯^”Qv‡mex hye msMV‡bi networking between the department of g‡a¨ Kg©m–wP wfwËK †bU IqvwK©s †Rvi`viKiY youth development and non government (01/07/2008 - 30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z voluntary organizations 36405720 - Project on commonwealth youth 36405720 -cÖ‡R± Ab KgbI‡qj_ Bqy_ †cÖvMªvg †UK‡bvjwR programme technology empowerment GgcvIqvi‡g›U †m›Uvi (wm. IqvB. wc. wU. B.wm.) Ab center (CYPTEC) on While for ûBjm di wW‡mbd«v›mvBW i“ivj Bqs wccj di Dcenfrechised Rural Young People for evsjv‡`k (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z Bangladesh 36405730 - Technical training for unenployed youth 36405730 -‡eKvi hyeK‡`i KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 3680-3685 - Special Programmes 3680-3685 -we‡kl Kg©mPxmgn 3680 - Special Programme 3680 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 36804644 - 36804644 -‡K›`ªxq I AvÂwjK gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb Kg©mPx 36804660 - 36804660 -RvZxq ch©v‡q eqm wfwËK wbweo cÖwk¶Y I †ckv`vwiZ¡ Dbœqb Kg©mPx 36804667 - Bogra District Stadium Flood Light 36804667 -e¸ov †Rjv †ówWqv‡g d¬vW jvBU ¯’vcb Kg©mPx Installation Programme 36804668 - Senbag Upazilla Stadium Construction 36804668 -†bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †mbevM Dc‡Rjvq †ówWqvg wbg©vY Programme Kg©mPx 3696-3698 - Development Programme Financed by 3696-3698 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3696 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3696 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 36964501 - Repair Renovation and Development of 36964501 -wm‡jU †Rjvi we‡KGmwcÕi K¨v¤•v‡m we`¨gvb evdz‡d Existing BFF Football Academy at Sylhet dzUej GKv‡Wgxi BKSP Campus) ms¯‹vi-Dbœqb (01/07/12 - 30/06/14) 36964502 - Cost Estimate for Supply and Installation 36964502 -AvBwmwU wU-Uy‡qw›U wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc2014 Dcj‡¶¨ of Electronics Score Board, Deep-tubewel, †k‡i-B-evsjv RvZxq wµ‡KU †÷wWXvg B‡jKU«wb· ‡¯‹vi Repair & Renovation work at †evW©, wWc-wUDeI‡qj ¯’vcb Ges †÷wWqvg †givgZ I Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium ms¯‹vi (01/07/2013-30/06/2014) (SSNCS) for ICC T-20 Cricket World Cup-2014 at Mirpur

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36964503 - Cost Estimate for Renovation & 36964503 -AvBwmwU wU-Uy‡qw›U wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc-2014 Dcj‡¶¨ Development work of Chittagong Zohur PU«Mªvg Rûi Avn‡g` †÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi Dbœqb Ahmed Stadium for ICC T-20 Cricket World Cup-2014 36964504 - Cost Estimate for Renovation and 36964504 -AvBwmwU wU-Uy‡qw›U wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc-2014 Gi D‡Øvabx Development of Bangabandhu National Abyôvb Dcj‡¶¨ e½eÜy RvZxq †÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi I Stadium for "Opening Ceremony" of the Dbœqb ICC T-20 Cricket World Cup-2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh 36964505 - Cost Estimate for Renovation & 36964505 -AvBwmwU wU-U‡qw›U wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc-2014 Gi weKí Development of Khan Shaheb Osman Ali †fby¨ Dcj‡¶¨ bvivqbMÄ Lvb mv‡ne Imgvb Avjx † Stadium at Fatulla, Naranganj as ÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb alternative venue for ICC T-20 Cricket World Cup-2014 36964506 - Cost Estimate Construction of Pavilion 36964506 -AvBwmwU wU-Uy‡qw›U wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc-2014 Dcj‡¶¨ Building at Cox's Bazar District Stadium, K·evRvi †Rjv ‡÷wWqv‡g c¨vwfwjqb feb wbg©vY, PU«Mªvg Modernization of Dressing Room at Gg, G AvwRR †÷wWqvg Ges wm‡jU †Rjv †÷wWqv‡gi Chittagong M. A. Aziz Stadium and Sylhet ‡W«wms i“g AvaywbKvqb District Stadium for ICC T-20 Cricket World Cup-2014 36964507 - Cost Estimate for Repair & Renovation 36964507 -Avwmwm wU-Uy‡qw›U wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc-2014 Gi weKí ‡fby¨ work of Sheikh Abu Naser Stadium at Dcj‡¶¨ Lyjbvi ‡kL Avey bv‡mi †÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi I Khulna as alternative venue for ICC T-20 Dbœqb Cricket World Cup-2014 36964508 - Construction of Swimming Pool at Kushtia 36964508 -Kzwóqv †Rjvq myBwgs cyj wbg©vY District (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) 36964546 - Construction of Swimming Pool in Sylhet 36964546 -wm‡jU †Rjvi µxov Kg‡c­‡· myBwgs cyj wbg©vY District Sports Complex 36964547 - Construction of Gymnasium, Hostel 36964547 -wm‡jU †Rjvi µxov Kg‡c­‡· wRg‡bwmqvg, †nv‡÷j building, Kabadi/Hand ball ground in wewìs, KvevwW/n¨vÛej I jb †Uwbm MªvDÛ wbg©vY Sylhet District Sports Complex 36964644 - Human Resources Development 36964644 -‡K›`ªxq I AvÂwjK gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb (2003-04 n‡Z Programme at Central and Regional 2004-05) Levels (2003-04 to 2004-05) 36964645 - Competition of Village Sports 36964645 -MÖvgxY †Ljvayjvi cÖwZ‡hvwMZv (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 36964660 - Age Group Based Intensive Training and 36964660 -RvZxq ch©v‡q eqm wfwËK wbweo cÖwk¶Y I †ckv`vwiZ¡ Professionalism Development Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) Programme at National Level (2003-04 to 2005-06) 36964667 - Installation of Flood Light at Bogra 36964667 -e¸ov †Rjv †ówWqv‡g d¬vW jvBU ¯’vcb Kg©mPx (2004- Stadium (2004-05) 05) 36964668 - Construction of Stadium at Senbag under 36964668 -†bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †mbevM Dc‡Rjvq †ówWqvg wbg©vY Noakhali District (2003-04 to 2005-06) Kg©mPx (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) 36964669 - Modernization and Quality Improvement of 36964669 -‡kL nvwmbv RvZxq hye ‡K‡›`ªi AvaywbKvqb I gv‡bvbœqb Sheikh Hasina National Youth Centre (2011-2012 n‡Z 2012-2013) 36964704 - 36964704 -†gŠjfx evRvi †Rjv m`i †ówWqvg wbg©v‡Yi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY (2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06) 36964705 - Development of Play field with sprinkler 36964705 -AvBwmwU wU-Uy‡qw›U wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc Dcj‡¶¨ bvivqYMÄ and draingae system at Khan Shabeb Ali Lvb mv‡ne Imgvb Avjx †÷wWqv‡gi †Ljvi gv‡V †W«‡bR Stadium at fatulla, Narayanganj c×wZ wbg©vY 36964706 - Development of Play field with sprinkler 36964706 -AvBwmwU wU-Uy‡qw›U wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc Dcj‡¶¨ PU«Mªvg Rûi and drainage system at Zahur Ahmed Avn‡g` †PŠayix †÷wWqv‡gi †Ljvi gv‡V †W«‡bR c×wZ Chowdhury Stadium at Chittagong wbg©vY 36964708 - Sylhet District Stadium Development 36964708 -wm‡jU †Rjv †ówWqv‡gi AwaKZi Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2004- Programme (2004-05 to 2005-06) 05 n‡Z 2005-06) 36964709 - Lalpur Upazila Stadium Construction 36964709 -bv‡Uvi †Rjvi jvjcyi Dc‡Rjvq †ówWqvg wbg©vY Kg©mPx Programme (2004-05 to 2005-06) (2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06) 36964728 - Replacement of existing Synthetic Hocky 36964728 -gvIjvbv fvlvYx †ówWqv‡gi we`¨gvb wmb‡_wUK nwK Uvd© Turf of Moulana Bhasani Stadium cÖwZ¯’vcb Kg©mPx (2005-06) (2005-06)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 36964729 - Replacement of existing Synthetic/Athletic 36964729 -we‡KGmwcÕi we`¨gvb wmb‡_wUK/G¨v_‡jwUK U«¨vK Track of BKSP (2005-06) cÖwZ¯’vcb Kg©mPx (2005-06) 36964746 - Installation of Flood Light at Sylhet District 36964746 -wm‡jU †Rjv †ówWqv‡g d¬vW jvBU ¯’vcb Kg©mPx (2005- Stadium (2005-06) 06) 36964788 - Construction of Synthetic Athletic Track at 36964788 -e½eÜy RvZxq †ówWqv†g wmb‡_wUK G¨v_‡jwUK Uª¨vK Banga Bandu National Stadium ¯’vcb (2006-07) 36964797 - 36964797 -wm‡jU, h‡kvi I XvKv AvÂwjK gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb †K›`ª Ges †K›`ªxq gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb †K›`ª XvKv-Gi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY 36964850 - Online Information for Youth Training 36964850 -AbjvBb Bbdi‡gkb di Bqy¨_ †U«wbs Kg©m–wP Programme 36964852 - Renovation and Development of Bagerhat 36964852 -ev‡MinvU ‡Rjv ‡÷wWqv‡gi ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (2011-12) District Stadium. 36964858 - National Service 36964858 -b¨vkbvj mvwf©m 3699-3699 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3699-3699 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3699 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3699 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 36990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 36990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 37 - Local Government Division 37 - ¯’vbxq miKvi wefvM 3701-3720 - Administration 3701-3720 -cªkvmb 3701 - Secretariat 3701 -mwPevjq 37010001 - Secretariat 37010001 -mwPevjq 37010002 - Local Government Institution 37010002 -¯’vbxq miKvi cÖwZôvb MwZkxj I kw³kvjxKiY KwgwU Strengthening Committee 37010003 - Local Government Commission 37010003 -¯’vbxq miKvi Kwgkb 37015000 - Development through Gram Sarkar 37015000 -MÖvg miKv‡ii gva¨‡g Dbœqb 37015010 - Block allocation for development 37015010 -Dc‡Rjvmg–‡ni Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vK eivÏ assistance to Upazillas 37015011 - Sector Programme Management for 37015011 -†m±i †cÖvMÖvg mv‡cvU© g¨v‡bR‡g›U di WSSPS-2 of GoB DANIDA Wwe­DGmGmwcGc-2 Ae wRIwe-WvwbWv (01/01/06-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015012 - poilating 37015012 -cvBjwUs K¨vk UvÝdvi di wnDg¨vb †W‡fjc‡g›U Uy †jvKvj MfY©‡g›U 37015013 - m 37015013 -cªkvmb 37015014 - UZGP 37015014 -Dc‡Rjv Mfb©¨vÝ cª‡R± ( BD‡RWwRwc) 37015015 - UPGP 37015015 -BDwbqb cwil` Mfb©¨vÝ cª‡R± (BDwcwRwc) 37015016 - aaa 37015016 -Dc‡Rjv Mfb¨v©›m cÖ‡R± (01/08/2011-30/06/2016) 37015017 - cccccc 37015017 -BDwbqb cwil` Mfb©¨v›m cÖ‡R± 37015018 - eebb 37015018 -Avievb cÖvBgvix †nj_ †Kqvi mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi cÖ‡R± 37015019 - Urban Primary Health Care Services 37015019 -Avievb cÖvBgvix †nj_ †Kqvi mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix cÖ‡R± Delivery Project 37015020 - Block allocation for development 37015020 -‡cŠimfvmg–‡ni Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vK eivÏ assistance to Pourashavas 37015021 - Sector Policy Support of the Water Supply 37015021 -†m±i cwjwm mv‡cvU© Ae w` IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb and Sanitation Project cÖ‡R± (01/01/2006-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015022 - Birth and Death Registration Project (3rd 37015022 -R›g I g„Z¨y wbeÜb cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Phase) 37015023 - Union Parishad Governance 37015023 -BDwbqb cwil` Mfb©¨vÝ cÖ‡R± (BDwcwRwc) Project(UPGP) (01/12/2011-30/11/2016) (01/12/2011-30/11/2016) 37015024 - ddd 37015024 -dddddd 37015025 - Enhancing Urban Governance Project 37015025 -Gb‡nbwms Avievb Mf©b¨vÝ cª‡R± (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015026 - Establishing a Regulatory Framework for 37015026 -G÷vewjwks G †i¸‡jUix †d«gIqvK© di Avievb IqvUi Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖ‡R± (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37015027 - Local Climate Adaptive Living for Selected 37015027 -‡jvKvj K¬vB‡gU GWvcwUf wjwfs di wm‡jK‡UW Upazilas and Union Parishads of Dc‡Rjv GÛ BDwbqb cwil` Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (01/01/2014-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015028 - Income Support Programme for the 37015028 -BbKvg mv‡cvU© †cÖvMªvg di `¨v cyI‡ió poorest (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015029 - Balarush 37015029 -wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb I †cŠimfvmg–‡ni Rb¨ †ejvi“k n‡Z †gwkbvwiR I hš¿cvwZ µq 37015030 - Registration of Birth and Death Project 37015030 -Rb¥ I g„Z‚¨ wbeÜxKiY cÖKí (Rvbyqvwi, 2000 - wW‡m¤¦i, 2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015031 - Knowledge Development & Training 37015031 -b‡jR †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †UªBwbs †bUIqvwK©s cÖ‡R± Networking Project (01/01/2006-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015040 - Strengthening Reproductive Health 37015040 -‡óªs‡`wbs wi‡cÖvWvKwUf †nj_ mvwf©‡mm di w` Avievb Services for the Urban Poor cyIi (1/7/03-31/12/05) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/03-31/12/05) Approved 37015041 - NGO & Civil Society Networking Project 37015041 -GbwRI GÛ wmwfj †mvmvBwU †bUIqvwK©s cÖ‡R± (01/01/2006 - 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015050 - 37015050 -RvZxq ¯’vbxq miKvi BÝwUwUDU kw³kvjxKiY (1/7/02-30/6/07) Abby‡gvw`Z 37015051 - Sustainable 37015051 -mvm‡U‡bej Av‡m©wbK wgwU‡Mkb AvÛvi BbwUª‡M‡UW †jvKvj Mf©‡g›U wm‡÷g Bb h‡kvi (01/09/2005-31/08/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015060 - Support to the Arsenic support unit. 37015060 -mv‡cvU© Uz w` Av‡m©wbK cwjwm mv‡cvU© BDwbU (01/09/2002-30/08/2006) GmwcBwm mycvwik (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37015061 - Local government 37015061 -†jvKvj Mf©‡g›U Bbw÷wUDU K¨vcvwmwU wewìs (01/01/2006-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015070 - Preparatory technical 37015070 -wcÖcv‡iUwi †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di Avievb cÖvBgvwi †nj_ †Kqvi 37015071 - Registration of Birth and Death Project 37015071 -Rb¥ I g„Zy¨ wbeÜxKiY cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Aby‡gvw`Z (2nd Phase) (01/07/2007-31/12/2010) 37015080 - Block allocation for Zilla Parishad 37015080 -‡Rjv cwil` eve` †_vK eivÏ 37015090 - Institutional Development of Water Supply 37015090 -BÝwUwUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ and Sanitation Centre m¨vwb‡Ukb †m›Uvi (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) (01/07/1999-30/06/2000) Approved (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37015100 - 37015100 -nvBwRb m¨vwb‡Ukb GÛ IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015110 - Union Parishad Development Assistance 37015110 -BDwbqb cwil` Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vK 37015111 - 37015111 - 37015120 - 37015120 -me©vwaK `vwi`ª cxwoZ 28wU †Rjvi Rb¨ we‡kl Dbœqb mnvqZv 37015130 - aaa 37015130 -2q †jvKvj Mfb©¨vÝ mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (GjwRGmwc-2) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 37015140 - aaa 37015140 -Dc‡Rjv Mfb¨v©›m cÖ‡R± (01/08/2011-30/06/2016) 37015150 - aaa 37015150 -‡m±i cwjwU mv‡cv©U Ae `¨v IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb mve-†m±i Bb evsjv‡`k ce©-3 (01/01/12-31/12/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015160 - aaa 37015160 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m GU b¨vkbvj †j‡fj di ¸W Avievb Mfi‡b›m (01/10/11-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015170 - aaa 37015170 -cvBjwUs K¨vk U«v›mdvi di wnDg¨vb †Wfjc‡g›U _ª“ †jvKvj Mf©b‡g›Um (01/07/11-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015380 - 37015380 - 37015470 - Urban primary health care 37015470 -Avievb cÖvBgvwi †nj_ †Kqvi (1/7/1998-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37015520 - Block allocation for special areas 37015520 -we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ development 37015530 - Block allocation for rural development 37015530 -cj­x Dbœqb Lv‡Z we‡kl †_vKeivÏ 37016000 - Hygiene sanitation and water supply 37016000 -nvBwRb m¨vwb‡Ukb GÛ IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± (01/07/06 project (HYSWA) - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 37016010 - 2nd Arban Primary 37016010 -wØZxq Avievb cÖvBgvwi †nj_ †Kqvi cÖ‡R± (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2005-30/12/2011) wcwmwc Aby‡gvw`Z 37016020 - Local Governance Support Project 37016020 -‡jvKvj Mf©b¨vÝ mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37016030 - Rural Employment opportunity for Public 37016030 -i“ivj Ggc­q‡g›U AciPzwbwUm di cvewjK G‡mUm Asset (REOPA) (wiIcv) (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37016040 - Preparing the Arban 37016040 -wcÖwcqvwis `¨v Avievb cÖvBgvwi †nj_ †Kqvi †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMªvg (01/03/08-31/12/08) 37016050 - AwaKZi `vwi`ª cxwoZ GjvKvi Rb¨ we‡kl eivÏ 37016050 -AwaKZi `vwi`ª cxwoZ GjvKvi Rb¨ we‡kl eivÏ 37016170 - Establishment of Computer Network in 37016170 -¯’vbxq miKvi wefv‡M Kw¤•DUvi †bUIqvK© ¯’vcb Local Government Division (1/7/2000-30/6/05) (Aby‡gvw`Z) (010/7/2000-30/06/04) Approved 37016580 - 37016580 - 37016972 - 37016972 -‡jvKvj Mfv‡g©›U †W‡fjc‡g›U, wmivRMÄ (01/07/99 - 31/12/2006) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37017460 - Block allocation for four City Corporations 37017460 -QqwU wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ 37017470 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 37017470 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 37017471 - 37017471 -¯nvbxq miKvi wefv‡Mi Rb¨ Dbœqb †_vK 37017473 - Registration of Birth and Death Project 37017473 -Rb¥ I g„Z‚¨ wbeÜxKiY cÖKí (Rvbyqvix, 2000 - wW‡m¤¦i, 2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37017475 - 37017475 -Rb¥ I gZz¨ wbeÜb cÖKí (w`Zxq ch©vq) 37017476 - 37017476 -†óªs‡`wbs Ae †jvKvj Mf©b¨vÝ GÛ AvBwmwU K¨vcvwmwU Ae †jvKvj Mf©‡g›U wWwfkb 37017477 - 37017477 -wcÖcvwis Avievb cÖvBgvix †nj_ †Kqvi †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg 37017478 - Activating Village Court of Bangladesh 37017478 -GKwU‡fwUs wf‡jR †KvU© Bb evsjv‡`k (01/01/09-31/12/2012) 37017479 - Urban Public Environment Health 37017479 -Avievb cvewjK BbfvBib‡g›U †nj_ †W‡fjc‡g›U Development Programme †cÖvMªvg (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 3703 - Rural Development Establishment 3703 -cj­x Dbœqb cªwZôvb 37030000 - Rural Development Establishment 37030000 -cj­x Dbœqb cªwZôvb 3705 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3705 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 37050000 - 37050000 37050000 -37050000 37052718 - Dhaka WASA 37052718 -XvKv Iqvmv 37052719 - Chittagong WASA 37052719 -PÆMªvg Iqvmv 37052720 - Rajshahi Wasa 37052720 -ivRkvnx Iqvmv 37053201 - Dhaka WASA 37053201 -XvKv Iqvmv 37053203 - Chittagong WASA 37053203 -PÆMªvg Iqvmv 37053205 - National Local Government Institute 37053205 -RvZxq ¯’vbxq miKvi Bbw÷wUDU 37053536 - Rezional Co-operative Colleges 37053536 -AvÂwjK mgevq K‡jR 37053540 - Bangladesh National Rural Development 37053540 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq cj­x Dbœqb mgevq †dWv‡ikb Co-operative Fedaration 37053601 - Upazilla as Transferred Subject 37053601 -Dc‡Rjv -¯’vbvšZwiZ welqvejx 37053603 - Upazilla Accounce Office - Transferable 37053603 -Dc‡Rjv wnmve i¶Y Awdm-¯’vbvšZwiZ welqvejx Subject 37053605 - Village Police 37053605 -Mªvg cywjk 37053607 - Union Council 37053607 -BDwbqb cwil` 37053609 - Upazilla Council 37053609 -Dc‡Rjv cwil` 37053610 - 37053610 - 37053611 - District Council 37053611 -‡Rjv cwil` 37053621 - Dhaka 37053621 -XvKv 37053623 - Naraongonj 37053623 -bvivqbMÄ 37053625 - Munshigonj 37053625 -gywÝMÄ 37053627 - Norshingdhi 37053627 -biwms`x 37053629 - Gazipur 37053629 -MvRxcyi 37053631 - Manikgonj 37053631 -gvwbKMÄ 37053633 - Mymenshing 37053633 -gqgbwmsn 37053635 - Kishorgonj 37053635 -wK‡kviMÄ 37053637 - Netrokona 37053637 -‡b·Kvbv

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37053639 - Sherpur 37053639 -‡kicyi 37053641 - Jamalpur 37053641 -Rvgvjcyi 37053643 - Tangail 37053643 -UvsMvBj 37053645 - Faridpur 37053645 -dwi`cyi 37053647 - Rajbari 37053647 -ivRevox 37053649 - Shariatpur 37053649 -kwiqZcyi 37053651 - Madaripur 37053651 -gv`vixcyi 37053653 - Gopalgonj 37053653 -‡MvcvjMÄ 37053655 - Rajshahi 37053655 -ivRkvnx 37053657 - Nawabgonj 37053657 -beveMÄ 37053659 - Nator 37053659 -bv‡Uvi 37053661 - Nawaga 37053661 -bvIuMv 37053663 - Bogura 37053663 -e¸ov 37053665 - Joypurhat 37053665 -RqcyinvU 37053667 - Dinajpur 37053667 -w`bvRcyi 37053669 - Thakurgaon 37053669 -VvKziMvuI 37053671 - Panchagorh 37053671 -cÂMo 37053673 - Rangpur 37053673 -iscyi 37053675 - Nilphamari 37053675 -bxjdvgvix 37053677 - Kurigram 37053677 -K…woMÖvg 37053679 - Lalmonirhat 37053679 -jvjgwbinvU 37053681 - Ghaibandha 37053681 -MvBevÜv 37053683 - Pabna 37053683 -cvebv 37053685 - Shirajgonj 37053685 -wmivRMÄ 37053687 - Chattrogram 37053687 -PÆMÖvg 37053689 - Cox's bazer 37053689 -K·evRvi 37053691 - Banderban 37053691 -ev›`ievb 37053693 - Rangamati 37053693 -iv½vgvwU 37053695 - Khagrachari 37053695 -LvMovQwo 37053697 - Noakhali 37053697 -‡bvqvLvjx 37053699 - Feni 37053699 -‡dbx 37053701 - Lakshmepur 37053701 -j¶xcyi 37053703 - Comilla 37053703 -Kzwgj­v 37053705 - Chandpur 37053705 -Pv`ucyi 37053707 - Brahmanbaria 37053707 -eªv²bevoxqv 37053709 - Sylhet 37053709 -wm‡jU 37053711 - Mawlabibazer 37053711 -‡gŠjfxevRvi 37053713 - Hobigonj 37053713 -nweMÄ 37053715 - Shunamgonj 37053715 -mybvgMÄ 37053717 - Khulna 37053717 -Lyjbv 37053719 - Shatkhira 37053719 -mvZ¶xiv 37053721 - Bagerhat 37053721 -ev‡MinvU 37053723 - Jessor 37053723 -h‡kvni 37053725 - Jheenaidha 37053725 -wSbvB`n 37053727 - Magura 37053727 -gv¸ov 37053729 - Norail 37053729 -bovBj 37053731 - Kushtia 37053731 -K…wóqv 37053733 - Chuadanga 37053733 -PzqvWv½v 37053735 - Meherpur 37053735 -‡g‡nicyi 37053737 - Barishal 37053737 -ewikvj 37053739 - Patuakhali 37053739 -cUzqvLvjx

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37053741 - Borguna 37053741 -ei¸bv 37053743 - Vhola 37053743 -‡fvjv 37053745 - Pirojpur 37053745 -wc‡ivRcyi 37053747 - City Corporations 37053747 -wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb 37053749 - Dhaka City Corporation 37053749 -XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 37053751 - Rajshahi City Corporation 37053751 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 37053753 - Khulna City Corporations 37053753 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb 37053754 - Barisal City Corporation 37053754 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 37053755 - Chittagong City Corporation 37053755 -PUªMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 37053756 - Sylhet City Corporation 37053756 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 37053757 - Municiplaities/Poursavas 37053757 -wgDwbwmc¨vwjwU/‡cŠimfv 37053758 - Malaria Eradication 37053758 -g¨v‡jwiqv wb‡iva 37053759 - Narayanganj 37053759 -bvivqbMÄ 37053760 - Narayangang City Corporation 37053760 -bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 37053761 - Munshigong 37053761 -gywÝMÄ 37053763 - Norshingde 37053763 -biwms`x 37053765 - Gazipur 37053765 -MvRxcyi 37053767 - Manikgong 37053767 -gvwbKMÄ 37053769 - Mymenshing 37053769 -gqgbwmsn 37053771 - Kishorgong 37053771 -wK‡kviMÄ 37053773 - Netrokona 37053773 -‡b·Kvbv 37053775 - Sherpur 37053775 -‡kicyi 37053777 - Jamalpur 37053777 -Rvgvjcyi 37053779 - Tangail 37053779 -UvsMvBj 37053781 - Faridpur 37053781 -dwi`cyi 37053783 - Rajbari 37053783 -ivRevox 37053785 - Sharietpur 37053785 -kixqZcyi 37053787 - Madaripur 37053787 -gv`vixcyi 37053789 - Gopalgong 37053789 -‡MvcvjMÄ 37053791 - Nawabgong 37053791 -beveMÄ 37053793 - Nator 37053793 -bv‡Uvi 37053795 - Nawga 37053795 -bvIMvu 37053797 - Bagura 37053797 -e¸ov 37053799 - Joypurhat 37053799 -RqcyinvU 37053801 - Dinajpur 37053801 -w`bvRcyi 37053803 - Thakurgaon 37053803 -VvKziMvuI 37053805 - Rangpur 37053805 -iscyi 37053809 - Nilphamari 37053809 -bxjdvgvix 37053811 - Kuregram 37053811 -KzwoMÖvg 37053813 - Lalmonirhat 37053813 -jvjgwbinvU 37053815 - Ghaibandha 37053815 -MvBevÜv 37053817 - Pabna 37053817 -cvebv 37053819 - Shirajgong 37053819 -wmivRMÄ 37053821 - Cox's Bazer 37053821 -K·evRvi 37053823 - Banderban 37053823 -ev›`ievb 37053825 - Rangamatee 37053825 -iv½vgvwU 37053827 - Khagracharee 37053827 -LvMovQwo 37053829 - Noakhali 37053829 -‡bvqvLvjx 37053831 - Feni 37053831 -‡dbx 37053833 - Lakhmeepur 37053833 -j¶xcyi 37053835 - Comilla 37053835 -Kzwgj­v

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37053837 - Chandpur 37053837 -Puv`cyi 37053839 - Brahmanbaria 37053839 -eªv¶bevoxqv 37053841 - Sylhet 37053841 -wm‡jU 37053843 - Moulavibazer 37053843 -‡gŠjfxevRvi 37053847 - Shunamgonj 37053847 -mybvgMÄ 37053849 - Shatkhira 37053849 -mvZ¶xiv 37053851 - Bagerhat 37053851 -ev‡MinvU 37053853 - Jesshor 37053853 -h‡kvni 37053855 - Jhenaidah 37053855 -wSbvB`n 37053857 - Magura 37053857 -gv¸ov 37053859 - Narail 37053859 -bovBj 37053861 - Khustia 37053861 -Kzwóqv 37053863 - Chuadanga 37053863 -Pzqvov½v 37053865 - Meherpur 37053865 -‡g‡nicyi 37053867 - Barishal 37053867 -ewikvj 37053869 - Patuakhali 37053869 -cUzqvLvjx 37053871 - Barguna 37053871 -ei¸bv 37053873 - Bhola 37053873 -‡fvjv 37053875 - Pirojpur 37053875 -wc‡ivRcyi 37053876 - Barendra Multipurpose Authority 37053876 -e‡i›`ª KZ„©c¶ 37054721 - Hill Alowance 37054721 -cvnvwo fvZv 37054726 - Local Government Comission 37054726 -¯’vbxq miKvi Kwgkb 37054727 - Dhaka South City Corporation 37054727 -XvKv `w¶Y wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 37054728 - Dhaka North City Corporation 37054728 -XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb 37055010 - A Project for Water Supply to the Adjoining 37055010 -e½eÜz Avš@R©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K›`ª msjMœ GjvKvq cvwb areas of the Bangabundhu International mieivn I m‡¤§jb †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ cqtjvBb wbgv©Y Conference Centre (Bice) and Construction of Sewerage Line for theC 37055011 - Development of Water Supply System in 37055011 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi IqvUvi mvc­vB wm‡óg Khulna City (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055012 - Development & Extension of Lalchand 37055012 -PKevRvi¯’ jvjPv›` †ivW m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (01/02/12 Road at Chakbazar - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055013 - Supporting for Khulna water supply project 37055013 -mv‡cvwUs di Lyjbv IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± (01/10/11-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055014 - Development of different roads & 37055014 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae wWdv‡i›U †ivW GÛ Bbd«vmU«vPvi infrastructure facilities in Khulna city d¨vmvwjwUm Bb Lyjbv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb corporation 37055015 - Well field construction project at 37055015 -mvfvi Dc‡Rjvi †ZZyjSiv-fvKzZ©v GjvKvq I‡qjwdì Tetulzhora-Bhakurta area of Saver upazilla wbg©vY (1g ce©) (01/07/2012-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055016 - 37055016 -mvfvi Dc‡Rjvi †ZZzjSWv- fvKzZv© msjMœ GjvKvh I‡hjwdì wbgv©Y cªKí 37055017 - Tecknecal 37055017 -‡UKwjK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di wLj‡¶Z IhvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­ ¨v›U cªKí 37055018 - YY bbbb 37055018 -KY©dyjx cvwb mieivn cªKí- †dR-2 37055019 - sssss 37055019 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ iv¯Zv I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37055020 - B 37055020 -eb¨v I Rjve×Zvq XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv cyybe©vmb cÖKí| 37055021 - Improvement Of Water Supply System of 37055021 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Rajshahi City (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) (01/07/2012-30/062013) 37055022 - Improvement Of Garbage Disposal 37055022 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ad Mv‡f©R wWm‡cvmvj wm‡óg Ad wPUvMvs System Of Chittagong City Corporation wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) 37055023 - Development and Expansion of Road and 37055023 -PÆMÖvg gnvbMixi wewfbœ GjvKvi iv¯v Ges dzUcvZ Dbœqb Footpath at Different Region of Chittagong I cÖk¯KiY (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) City (01/01/2013-31/12/2015)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37055024 - Construction of Barisal City Corporation 37055024 -ewikvj-wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡b e½eÜz AwWUwiqvg wbgv©Y Bangabandhu Auditorium (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) 37055025 - Wide and Development of Mirpur 10 to 37055025 -wgicyi 10 †_‡K KPz‡¶Z ch©š †ivW cÖk¯KiY I Dbœqb Kachukhat Road (01/01/2013-31/12/2013) (01/01/2013-31/12/2013) 37055026 - Technical Assistance for Khilgaon Water 37055026 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di wLj‡LZ IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c¬¨v›U Treatment Plant Project to Dhaka Water cÖ‡R± Uz XvKv IqvUvi mvc¬vB GÛ my¨‡q‡iR A_wiwU Supply and Sewerage Authority (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) 37055027 - Construction of Road, Drain, Culbert and 37055027 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Abybœqb GjvKvi KvPv iv¯Zv, Retaining wall at undeveloped area of scc †Wªb Dbœqb, KvjfvU© wbgv©Y cªKí 37055028 - Hazrat Shah Jalal 37055028 -nhiZ kvnRvjvj (int) gvRvi Dbœqb I †mŠ›`h¨©ea©b I ZrmsjMœ GjvKv Dbœqb 37055029 - Construction of Drainage System, Cannel 37055029 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `yixKi‡Yi cªvK„wZK Lvj cyb re-excavation to Eliminate Water Logging Lbb, msi¶b I †Wªb wbgv©Y at Khulna City 37055030 - 37055030 -DËiv AvevwmK GjvKvq b`©gv wbgv©Y (1/7/01-30/6/03) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37055031 - bvMwiK †mev cª`v‡bi j‡¶¨ IqvW© Awdm, 37055031 -bvMwiK †mev cª`v‡bi j‡¶¨ IqvW© Awdm, KwgDwbwU KwgDwbwU †m›Uvi I myBcvi K‡jvbx †m›Uvi I myBcvi K‡jvbx wbgv©Y wbgv©Y 37055032 - 37055032 -†m‡Pi Mfxi bjK‚c n‡Z Lvevi cvwb mieivn cÖKí (1/7/2002-30/6/2006) ( Aby‡gvw`Z) 37055033 - Drinking Water Supply from Irrigation Deep 37055033 -‡m‡Pi Mfxi bjK‚‚c n‡Z Lvevi cvwb mieivn (2q ch©vq) Tubewell (2nd Phase)- Approved (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055034 - 37055034 -d¬¬vW †W‡gBR win¨vwejB‡Ukb cÖÖ‡R±Õ2007 (01/07/2008-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055035 - Development of New Graveyard and 37055035 -bZyb Kei¯’vb wbgv©Y I cyivZb Kei¯’v‡bi Dbœqb maintenance of Existing Graveyard 37055036 - Lyjbv kn‡i bZyb iv¯v wbgv©Y cyivZb iv¯v 37055036 -Lyjbv kn‡i bZyb iv¯v wbgv©Y cyivZb iv¯v Dbœqb Dbœqb 37055037 - Construction of Drains to alleviate water 37055037 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `yixKiYv‡_© b`©gv wbgv©Y logging problem in Rajshahi city (3rd (3q ch©vq) phase) 37055038 - Widening and improvement of road 37055038 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Kíbv wm‡bgv nj n‡Z ZvjvBgvix starting from Kalpona cinema Hall to †gvo ch©š— moK cªk¯—KiY I Dbœqb KvR Talimary in Rajshahi city 37055039 - ccc 37055039 -PUªMªvg wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi wewfbœ iv¯Zv Dbœqb I m¤cªmviY Ges dyUcvZ wbgv©Y 37055040 - 37055040 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg gnvbMix AveR©bv cwienY I Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ UªvK msMÖn 37055041 - Construction of Drain of Rajshahi City 37055041 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `ixKibv‡_© b`©gv wbg©vY Corporation (01/07/13 - 30/06/14) (3q ce©) (01/07/13 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055042 - Construction of Drain, Retaining wall & 37055042 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AbybœZ GjvKvi KuvPv iv¯Zv, Calvert of Sylhet City Corporation (01/07/12 †W«b wbg©vY, wi‡UBwbs Iqvj I KvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/07/12 - 30/06/14) - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055043 - Drinking Piped water supply from irrigation 37055043 -‡m‡Pi Mfxi bjKyc n‡Z Lvevi cvwb mieivn (3q ch©vq) deep tubewell (Phase-III) cÖKí (01/10/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055044 - GG 37055044 -wgicyi †mbvwbevm evBcvm †ivW wbgv©Y, wmivwgK †ivW Dbœqb I `w¶Y cj­ex GjvKvi b`©gv I moK Dbœqb cªKí 37055045 - ªªª 37055045 -7.wU.20 wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc 2014 Dcj‡¶¨ XvKv kn‡ii wewfbœ iv¯—v, dyUcvZ, b`©gv wgwWqvb Dbœqb Ges †mŠ›`h¨ ea©b cªKí 37055046 - ZZZZ 37055046 -cÙv (Rkjw`qv) cvwb †kvabvMvi wbgv©Y cªKí (‡dR-1) 37055047 - 444 37055047 -XvKv BbfvB‡iv‡g›Uwj mvm‡UB‡bej IqvUvi mvc­vB cª‡R± 37055048 - nhiZ MvRx †evinvb DwÏb (it) gvRvi I gvRvi 37055048 -nhiZ MvRx †evinvb DwÏb (it) gvRvi I gvRvi msjMœ msjMœ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37055049 - Bbd«v÷vKPvi Bgcª“f‡g›U GÛ cªwKDi‡g›U 37055049 -Bbd«v÷vKPvi Bgcª“f‡g›U GÛ cªwKDi‡g›U Ae †fwjKj Ae †fwjKj GÛ BKyBc‡g›U Bb bvivqbMÄ GÛ BKyBc‡g›U Bb bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37055050 - Construction of Protective Wall in Both 37055050 -Pv³vB Lv‡ji Dfq cv‡k¦© cÖwZ‡iva †`qvj wbgv©Y I Lv‡ji Side of Chaktai Khal & Carpeting its Bed Zjv cvKvKiY (1/7/01-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z (010/7/01-30/6/005) Approved 37055051 - Karnaphuli Water Supply Project Phase 2 37055051 -KY©dzjx cvwb mieivn cÖKí 2q ce© 37055052 - Construction of Gazi Borhanuddin (Ra: ) 37055052 -Kb÷«vkb Ae MvRx †evinvbDwÏb (ivt) gvRvi GÛ BgcÖ Mazar and Improvement of Infastructure “f‡g›U Ae Bbd«v÷«vKPvi (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Approved. (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055053 - Construction and improvement of the 37055053 -Kb÷«vkb GÛ BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae wgicyi K¨v›Ub‡g›U Mirpur Cantonment Bi-pass Road, evBcvm †ivW, wmivwgK †ivW GÛ Av`vei †ivWm, †W«Bb Ceramic Road and Adabor Roads, drain GÛ dzUcvZ Ae cj­ex Gwiqv and footpath of Pallabi area (01/11 /2 (01/11/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 013-30/06 / 2015) approved 37055054 - Beautification and Dvelopment of different 37055054 -wU-20 wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc 2014 Dcj‡¶ XvKv kn‡i wewfbœ road, foot path, drain of Dhaka city for T-20 iv¯Zv, dzUcvZ, b`©gv wgwWqvb Dbœqb Ges †mŠ›`h©¨ ea©b world cup cricket 2014 Project cÖKí (01/01/2014-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2014-30/06/2014) 37055055 - Infrastructure improvement and 37055055 -Bbd«v÷«vKPvi BgcÖ“f‡g›U GÛ cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae †fwn‡Kj procurement of vehicle and equipments GÛ BKzBc‡g›Um bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb Narayangong city corporation (01/10/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055056 - Padma (Jashaldia) Water Treatment Plat 37055056 -c`¥v (Rkjw`qv) IqvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­v›U (†dR-1) (Phase-1) (01/01/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055057 - Dhaka Environmental sustainable Water 37055057 -XvKv Gbfvqib‡g›U mvm‡UB‡bej IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± Supply Project (01/01/2014-31/12/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055058 - ddd 37055058 -fy-Dcwi¯’ cvwb †kvabvMv‡ii m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (wdwRwewjwU ÷¨vwW) cªKí 37055059 - ggggg 37055059 -XvKv `w¶Y wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi ¸i“Z¡cY© AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37055060 - Box calvart road 37055060 -e· KvjfvU©mn LvRv †iv‡Wi Dbœqb, PUªMªvg kni n‡Z DcK‚jxq †eoxeuva ch©š@ ms‡hvM moKmg–‡ni Dbœqb Ges PUªMªvg gnvbMixi ¶wZMª¯’ moKmg–‡ni Dbœqb I ms¯‹vi (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055061 - sssssss 37055061 -XvKv `w¶Y wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi cªavb cªavb iv¯v wbgv©Y I †givgZ 37055062 - ddddd 37055062 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Kíbv wm‡bgv nj n‡Z ZvjvBgvix †gvo ch©š moK cªk¯KiY I Dbœqb 37055063 - dddddc vvvv 37055063 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi moK †bUIqvK© Gi Dbœqb 37055064 - aa 37055064 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `yixKiY †Wª‡bR e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb I wbgv©Y 37055065 - zzzz 37055065 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z myBcvi K‡jvbx wbgv©Y 37055066 - sss 37055066 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv wbgv©Y I †mŠ›`h©ea©b cªKí| 37055067 - ssss 37055067 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ikbvaxb Lvjmg‡ni Lvjcvo msi¶Ymn cYtD×vi I cbt Lvj Lbb| 37055068 - Emergency water supply & DTW 37055068 -Ri“ix cvwb mieivn I bjKyc cybe©vmb cÖKí rehabilitation Project (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055069 - Construction of Track Terminal in Sylhet 37055069 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq Rwg AwaMªn‡Yi gva¨‡g City Corporation Area by Acquiring Land U«vK Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY (01/01/2015-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055070 - 37055070 -XvKv kn‡ii Rjvkq I ¸ii“Z¡cY© ¯’v‡b KwgDwbwU/MY‡kŠPvMvi wbg©vY cÖKí(1/7/2003- 30/6/2005) Abby‡gvw`Z 37055071 - Extavation of Khal from Baddarhat 37055071 -enÏvinvU eiBcvov n‡Z KY©dzwj b`x ch©š Lvj Lbb Baroipara to Karnofuli River cÖKí (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055072 - Improvement of road, Drain and Footpath 37055072 -DËiv g‡Wj UvD‡bi 1, 3-14 bs †m±‡ii iv¯v, †W«b I at Sector no 1, 3-14 of Uttara Model Towns dzUcv‡Zi Dbœqb I wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/2014- 30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055073 - Improvement of Water Supply Networking 37055073 -Drcv`K bjKzc ¯’vcb I cvwb mieivn †bUIqvK© Dbœqb and repairing of tubewell cÖKí (01/07/2014-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055074 - Feasibility Study of Surface Water 37055074 -ivRkvnx Iqvmvi fy-Dcwi¯’ cvwb †kvabvMv‡ii m¤¢ve¨Zv Treatment Plant for Rajshahi WASA mgx¶v cÖKí (01/11/2014-31/10/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/11/2014-31/10/2015)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37055075 - Supply at Installation of 33/11 KV Electrical 37055075 -mvc­vB G¨vU Bb÷‡jkb Ae 33/11 †Kwf B‡jKwU«K¨vj sub-Station Sustainable Power Solution at mve-†ókb di mvm‡UBb¨vej cvIqvi mwjDkb G¨vU Saiyadabad water Treatment Plant mv‡q`vev` IqvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­v›U (†dR-2) (Phase-2) (01/07/2017-31/12/2016) (01/07/2017-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055076 - Consultating services for Venerability 37055076 -Kbmvj‡UwUs mvwf©‡mm di fvjbviGwewjwU G¨vbvjvBwmwm Analysis and Physibility study for the City of GÛ wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di `¨v wmwU Ae ewikvj AvÛvi Barisal under Claymet Change Adaptation K¬vB‡gU †PÄ G¨vWvc‡Ukb Bb Ave©vb Gwiqvm in urban Area (20/01/2015-31/12/2015) (20/01/2015-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055077 - Improvement of road and Drain at Dhaka 37055077 -XvKv `w¶Y wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvq 55, 56 bs South City Co. Word no 55, 56 of Iqv‡W©i Kvgi½xi Pi GjvKvi iv¯Zv Dbœqb I b`©gv Kamrongirchor Area. wbg©vY (01/03/2015-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055078 - Improvement of road Infrastructure and 37055078 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae †ivW Bbd«v÷«vKPvi GÛ weDwUwd‡Kkb Beatification works around Mirpur Shera IqvK©m GivDÛ wgicyi †k‡i evsjv b¨vkbvj wµ‡KU ‡ Bangla National Cricket Stadium and ÷wWqvg GÛ †gRi †ivWm Ae XvKv wmwU di AvBwmwm Majors roads of Dhaka City for ICC World Iqvì Kvc wU-20 evsjv‡`k-2014 (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/11/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Cup T-20 Bangladesh (1st Phase) (01/11/2013-31/12/2015) 37055080 - Block allocation for zilla parishad 37055080 -‡Rjv cwil` eve` †_vKeivÏ 37055081 - Urban Resilience Project: Dhaka North 37055081 -Avievb †iwRwjq›m cÖKít wWGbwmwm Ask City Co. Part. 37055082 - Interim Wayer Supply Project 37055082 -AšZe©ZxKvjxb cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37055090 - 37055090 -wgicyi AÂj -8 Gi AvIZvaxb AvevwmK GjvKvi evoxmg‡ni ga¨eZ©x c¨v‡mRmn `©gv wbg©vY (1/7/2004- 30/6/2005) Abby‡gvw`Z 37055100 - 37055100 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvi ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (01/07/06-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055120 - Ideal rural development project (LGED 37055120 -Av`k© cj­x Dbœqb cªKí (¯’vbxq miKvi wefv‡Mi AsM) portion) 37055150 - Airport road 37055150 -Gqvi‡cvU© †ivW (wRqv K‡jvwb) wgicyi K¨v›Ub‡g›U iv¯@v wbg©vY (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37055210 - Development of sea mens training 37055210 -bvweK cªwk¶Y ¯‹z‡ji Dbœqb, PÆMªvg schools in Chittagong 37055260 - Rural development project-3 infrastructure 37055260 -cj­x Dbœqb cªKí-3 t AeKvVv‡gv e„nËi wm‡jU †Rjv greater Sylhet district 37055330 - Water resoure development project (small) 37055330 -¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` Dbœqb cªKí 37055340 - Construction of rural bridges and curvart 37055340 -¯^í e¨‡q MªvgxY mo‡K cyj/KvjfvU© wbg©vY cªKí project 37055360 - Repairing and rehabilitation cyclone centre 37055360 -mvB‡K¬vb †m›Uvi †givgZ I cYe©vmb Kg©mPx 37055370 - Secondary town infrastructure 37055370 -‡m‡KÛvix UvDb Bbd«vó«vKPvi †Wfjc‡g›U cªKí development project 37055410 - Secondary town infrastructure 37055410 -‡m‡KÛvix UvDb Bbd«vó«vKPvi †Wfjc‡g›U cªKí development project 37055470 - Urban primary health care 37055470 -Avievb cÖvBgvwi †nj_ †Kqvi (01/07/98-30/06/2005) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37055499 - Rural water supply project in low water 37055499 -AMfxi cvwb ¯i GjvKvi MªvgxY cvwb mieivn level areas 37055970 - Water supply project for 18 district urban 37055970 -18wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn cªKí areas 37055980 - Rural water supply project in low water 37055980 -wbæ cvwb ¯i GjvKvq MªvgxY cvwb mieivn level areas 37055999 - 37055999 -** Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq wbe©vwPZ cÖKí/Kvh©µg A_©vq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK 37056010 - Rural water supply and sewerage line in 37056010 -ew¯ I kniZjx GjvKvi MªvgxY cvwb mieivn Ges slum area cqwb¯‹vkb 37056020 - 37056020 -XvKv kn‡ii gvwbKbMi GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 37056030 - 12 district town water supply projects 37056030 -12wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn cªKí 37056050 - Interim water supply project for Khulna city 37056050 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z AšeZx©Kvjxb we‡kl Ri“ix cvwb mieivn 37056055 - 37056055 -wgicyi AÂj-8 Gi AvIZvaxb AvevwmK GjvKvq evoxmg~‡n ga¨eZ©x †c‡mRmn b`©gv wbgv©Y I ms¯‹vi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37056060 - FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR PREPARAION 37056060 -ivRkvnx kn‡i cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb I †Wª‡bR cªK‡ OF WATER SUPPLY íi Dbœqb 37056070 - Water supply project through pipe line in 37056070 -UsMx †cŠi GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn Tangi municipal areas 37056080 - Extension and upagradation of water 37056080 -ev›`ieb cve©Z¨ kn‡i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi m¤•ªmviY supply project in Bandarban hill town 37056090 - Water supply, sewerage and drainage 37056090 -ivRkvnx kn‡i cvwb mieivn, cqtwb®‹vkb I †Wª‡bR cÖK‡ project in Rajshahi town íi Dbœqb 37056110 - Special water supply project in t Parbatipur 37056110 -cve©Zxcyi †cŠi GjvKvq we‡kl cvwb mieivn cªKí municipal areas 37056120 - Water supply and sanitation project in 9 37056120 -9wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn Ges m¨vwb‡Ukb cªKí district 37056130 - Special project for rural water supply in 37056130 -mgMª †`‡ki MªvgxY cvwb mieivn Dbœqb we‡kl cªKí Bangladesh 37056150 - Water supply project in 23 district town 37056150 -23wU kn‡i cvwb mieivn cªKí 37056160 - Water supply project through pipe line in 37056160 -mwilvevox I evwRZcyi †cŠi GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi Sharishabari and Bajitpur municipal areas 37056170 - Water supply project through pipe line in 37056170 -‰fie †cŠi GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn Bhairab munical areas 37056180 - Water supply project at Rangamati 37056180 -iv½vgvwU †cŠi GjvKvq cvwb mieivn cªKí municipal areas 37056190 - Water supply project at Khagrachari 37056190 -LvMovQwo †cŠi GjvKvq cvwb mieivn cªKí municipal areas 37056220 - Rural water supply project 37056220 -MªvgxY cvwb mieivn cªKí 37056271 - Regeneration and development of 37056271 -wewfbœ kn‡i Drcv`b bjK‚c mg‡ni cbRx©weZKiY tube-well in different town 37056281 - Social mobilisation and training for 37056281 -‡mvk¨vj †gvevjvB‡Rkb GÛ †Uªwbs di m¨vwb‡Ukb sanitation 37056311 - Training and monitoring of rural water 37056311 -MªvgxY cvwb mieivn cªK‡íi cªwk¶Y I gwbUwis KvR supply project 37056321 - Services and development of water supply 37056321 -‡cŠi cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi mvwf©‡mm I Dbœqb cªKí system in municipal areas 37056760 - Infrastructure development project at 37056760 -Uv½vBj AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí Tangail 37056780 - Upazilla infrastructure maintenance project 37056780 -Dc‡Rjv AeKvVv‡gv i¶Yv‡e¶Y cªKí 37056993 - 37056993 -Pi †Wfjcj‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-2 (wmwWGmwc-2) Gj.wW.B.wW Ask 37056995 - 37056995 -eb¨v cbe©vmb Kv‡R e¨envi‡hvM¨ hšcvwZ I miÄvg msMÖn cÖKí (Gj.wR.B.wW) 37057010 - Slum development project (Phase-2) 37057010 -ew¯ Dbœqb cªKí (chv©q-2) 37057011 - Sarvey to Mitigation water problem in 37057011 -mv‡f© Uy wgwU‡Mkb IqvUvi jwMs cÖe‡jg Bb Lyjbv wmwU Khulna City (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057020 - 37057020 -gywRe bMi Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb (Gj wR B wW Ask) 37057021 - Support the Establishment of the Khulna 37057021 -mv‡cvwUs `¨v B÷vwe­÷‡g›U Ad `¨v Lyjbv IqvUvi mvc­vB Water Supply and Surrage Outhority GÛ myq¨v‡iR A‡_vwiwU (01/03/2009-31/07/2009) (01/03/2009-30/07/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057030 - Widening, Improvement and Beautification 37057030 -b¨vg m‡¤§jb Dcj‡¶ gvwbK wgqv GwfwbD n‡Z m‡¤§jb of Rokeya Sharani from Manik Mia Avenue †K‡›`ªi mvg‡b w`‡q AvMviMvuI¯’ ZvjZjv ch©š †iv‡Kqv to Taltala Bazar for the convenience of miYx cÖk¯KiY I Dbœqb holding NAM conference in th. 37057031 - Stentheaning the recycle of the water 37057031 -‡÷«s‡`wbs `¨v wimvB‡j›m Ad `¨v IqvUvi †m±i Bb Sector in Khulna to Climate Change Lyjbv Uy K¬vB‡gU †PÄ (01/04/2009-31/01/2010) (01/04/2009-31/01/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057040 - Development of the Sweerage System in 37057040 -XvKv kn‡ii cqt wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb cÖKí (cvU©-1 I Dhaka City (Part-1 and Part-2) cvU©-2) (01/01/2001-30/06/2005) 37057041 - Preparing Khulna water Supply Project 37057041 -wcÖ‡cqvwis Lyjbv IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± (01/01/2010-31/12/2010) (01/01/2010-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37057050 - 4th Pilot Project to Overcome Traffic Jam of 37057050 -XvKv kn‡ii hvbRU wbimi‡Yi Rb¨ µvk †cÖvMÖv‡gi Dhaka City under Crash Programme AvIZvq PZz_© cvBjU cÖKí (01/04/2001 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057051 - Project for Advancing NRW Rudduction 37057051 -cÖ‡R± di GWfvw›ms Gb.Avi.Wwe­D wiWvKkb Bwbwk‡qwUf Innatieative of Chittagong WASA (cvwb) Ae wPUvMvs Iqvmv (01/08/08 - 01/09/11) (01/08/2008-01/09/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057052 - The Project for Water Supply to the 37057052 -evsjv‡`k-Pxb ˆgÎx Avš@R©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K›`ª msjMœ Adjoining Area of the Bangladesh China GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m‡¤§jb †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ cqtjvBb Friendship Conference Center (BCFCC) wbg©vY (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/2000-30/6/03) and Construction of Sowerage Disposal System and Storm Sewor Line of BCFCC (Revised) (1/7/200-30/6/2003) 37057060 - Project to Overcome Traffic Jam of Dhaka 37057060 -XvKv gnvbMixi iv¯vq hvbRU wbimY Ges hvbevnb Pjvi City and Supply of Traffic Sign for Motor myweav‡_© UvªwdK mvBb mieivn I ¯’vcb cÖKí Vehicle 37057062 - Urgent Sewerage Rehabilitation and 37057062 -Ri“wi cqtwb®‹vkb e¨e¯’v m¤•ªmviY Ges †W«‡bR e¨e¯’vi Expansion Project (Revised) (1/7/1995- Dbœqb 30/6/2003) 37057070 - 37057070 -weIIwU c×wZ‡Z hvÎvevwo-¸wj¯’vb d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY cÖK‡ í miKvix mnvqZv (1/7/2003-30/6/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 37057080 - Infra-Structure Development of Rupnagor, 37057080 -wgicyi, iƒcbMi, Avwidvev` I AvivgevM AvevwmK Arifabad and Arambag Residential area of GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2001 - Mirpur 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057090 - 37057090 -PÆMÖvg Iqvmvi Rb¨ †Rbv‡iUi Ges UªvÝdigvi msMÖn 37057100 - 37057100 -G·cvbkb wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB wm‡÷g G¨vU bvivqbMÄ UvDb cÖKí 37057110 - Improvement of Primary Drainage System 37057110 -B¤•ª“f‡g›U Ae cÖvBgvwi †W«‡bR wm‡÷g GÛ and Re-Construction of Nagar Bhaban wi-Kb÷«vKkb Ae bMi feb DB_ cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae with Procument of essential Vehicles and G¨v‡mbwmqvj †fB‡Kjm GÛ BKzBc‡g›U di wm‡jU wmwU equipment for sylhet City Corporation. K‡c©v‡ikb (01/07/2009-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057120 - Chittagong 37057120 -PÆMªvg kni n‡Z DcK‚jxq †eixev` ch©šZ ms‡hvM mgy‡ni Dbœqb 37057130 - Establishment of Kalurghat Tube well 37057130 -PÆMÖvg Iqvmvi Rb¨ KvjyiNvU wUDeI‡qj †Rvb Ges Zone for Chittagong WASA and Express †gvniv cvwb †kvabvMvi c­¨v‡›U GKK G·‡cÖm cvIqvi Power Line for Mohora Water Treatment jvBb ¯’vcb Plant 37057140 - Improvement of Solidweast Management 37057140 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae mwjWI‡q÷ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb XvKv wmwU in Dhaka City towards the Low-Carbon UyIqvW©m `¨v †jv Kve©Y †mvmvBwU _ª“ Gb‡nbwms I‡q÷ society U«v›m‡cvU© K¨vcvwmwU (01/07/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057150 - Modernization & Expansion of Chittagong 37057150 -PÆMªvg kvn AvgvbZ Avš@R©vwZK wegvb e›`i moK International Airport Road m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/99-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057160 - Construction of Sanitation Landfield 37057160 -m¨vwb‡Ukb j¨vÛwdì wbg©vY (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057170 - Main Main Road and Footpath 37057170 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi cÖavb cÖavb moK dzUcvZ m¤•ªmviY I development of Khula City Co. Dbœqb (01/07/2008-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2008-30/06/2012) 37057180 - 37057180 -cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq I Z`msjMœ GjvKvi Rjve×Zv `–ixKiY 37057190 - Development of Water Supply System in 37057190 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi IqvUvi mvc­vB wm‡÷g Khulna City (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057200 - Interim Project-2 for Urgent Sewerage 37057200 -Aše©Z©xKvjxb Ri“wi cqt jvBb wbg©vY I cybe©vmb cÖKí-2 Construction and Rehabilation 37057210 - Sylet 37057210 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi ¸i“Z¡c–Y© AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY 37057220 - Instructure Development of different Area 37057220 -PÆMªvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb of Chittagonj city corporation (01/07/10-30/06/14)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37057230 - Improvement of Road Infrastruction and 37057230 -e½eÜy RvZxq †÷wWqvg Ges wgicyi †k‡i evsjv RvZxq † Beautification Works around Mirpur ÷wWqvg msjMœ moK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Sher-r-Bangla National Cricket Stadium (01/11/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z and Bangabandhu National Stadium 37057240 - Pollution control measures of 37057240 -cwjDkvb K‡›U«vj †gRvim Ae ¸jkvb evwiaviv †jK evB Gulshan-Baridhara lake by diverting the WvBfviwU©s `¨v †W«‡bR AvDU‡jUm Ae †jK Uy w` †W«‡bR drainage outlets K¨v‡bj (01/07/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057250 - Development of Uttara Model Town road 37057250 -DËiv g‡Wj UvD‡bi 10, 11, 12, 13 I 14 bs †m±‡ii no 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 iv¯Zv Dbœqb I b`©gv wbg©vY (01/07/2010- 30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057260 - Area 6 37057260 -AÂj 6 Gi Aaxb 42 bs Iqv‡W©i AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Ges †gvn¤§`cyi Gi Av`vei GjvKvq iv¯v, b`©gv I dzUcvZ Dbœqb (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057270 - Express power Line 37057270 -G·‡cÖm cvIqvi jvBb ¯’vcb Ges wW‡Rj †Rbv‡iUi µq (01/09/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057280 - Chittagong Water Supply Improvement and 37057280 -wPUvMvs IqvUvi mvc­vB BgcÖ“f‡g›U GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖ‡R± Sanitation Project. (01/01/2011-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057290 - Garbage Collection disposal and 37057290 -Mv‡f©R Kv‡jKkb wWm‡cvRvj GÛ wU«U‡g›U c­¨v›U Treatment Plant (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057300 - Development of Mariners Bypass road 37057300 -enÏvinvU †gvo n‡Z KY©dzjx b`x ch©š †gwibvm© evBcvm moK Dbœqbmn WvBfvikvb Lvj I mwbœwnZ Lvjmg–‡ni cybe©vmb (01/12/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057310 - Environment development project , Dhaka. 37057310 -cwi‡ek Dbœqb cªKí, XvKv (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98-30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057312 - Infrastructure and environment 37057312 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ GjvKvq AeKvVv‡gv I cwi‡ek development project for different areas of Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/99-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Dhaka city 37057313 - Rehabilitation of roads, electrical 37057313 -eb¨v I AwZel©YRwbZ Kvi‡Y XvKv gnvbMixi ¶wZMÖ¯’ installations, plants and infrastructure for moK, ˆe`y¨wZK ¯’vcbv, c­¨v›U I BKzBc‡g›U ¯’vcb, mswk­ó installation of equipments damaged by AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb (01/07/1999-31/01/2005) flood and excessive rain (Abby‡gvw`Z) wcwmwc Aby‡gvw`Z 37057320 - Environment improvement project (Mirpur) 37057320 -XvKv kn‡ii AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªK‡íi Aax‡b cwi‡ek under infrastructure development of Dhaka Dbœqb city 37057330 - Development of Different Infrastructure 37057330 -¸jkvb-ebvbx GjvKvq wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gv myweavw` Dbœqb Facilities in Gulshan-Banani Area (1/1/04 - 30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/04-30/06/05) Approved 37057340 - Procurement of Equipments for 37057340 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ mo‡Ki †mvwWqvg evwZ ¯’vcb I Maintenance and Installation of Socium i¶Yv‡e¶Y Kv‡Ri Rb¨ wewfbœ cÖKvi hš¿cvwZ msMªn Lights in Different Roads of Dhaka City (01/07/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Approved 37057350 - 37057350 -XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ moK Dbœqb I ms¯‹vi (1/7/2004-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057351 - Technical asistance project for 37057351 -‡kL gywRe KvjfvU© wbg©vY Kv‡Ri mycviwfk‡bi KvwiMwi supervision of construction of Sk. Mujib mnvqZv cÖKí 77 culvert 37057360 - Infrastructural Development of Transport 37057360 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Uªv݇cvU© e¨e¯’vcbvi AeKvVv‡gvMZ System of Rajshahi City Dbœqb (01/07/02-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/02-30/06/05) Approved 37057361 - Technical assistance project for 37057361 -PÆMªvg Iqvmvi wnmve ewn©fyZ cvwbi e¨e¯’v m¤•wK©Z Chittagong WASA's unaccounted water KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí control 37057370 - Procurement of Essential Equipment for 37057370 -ivRkvnx gnbMixi moKmg–‡ni Dbœqb I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi Improvement and Maintenance of Roads D‡Ï‡k¨ AZ¨vek¨Kxq hš¿cvwZ msMÖn (01/07/02- in Rajshahi City (01/07/02-30/06/05) 30/6/08) Abby‡gvw`Z Unapproved 37057371 - Technical assistance project for 37057371 -†avjvBLvj ó©g IqvUvi †Wª‡b‡Ri cv¤• nvDm wbg©vY supervision of construction of pump house Kv‡Ri mycviwfk‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí at Dholaikhal, Dhaka 37057380 - Construction of Laxmipur-Kashiadanga 37057380 -ivRkvnx gnvbMivaxb j²xcyi-KvwmqvWvsMv moK wbgv©Y Road Under Rajshahi Metropolitan (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/94-30/06/2003) (Revised)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37057382 - Improvement and Widening of Important 37057382 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi ¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK cÖm¯@KiY Ges Dbœqb Roads in Rajshahi City (1/7/02-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/02-30/06/05) Approved 37057390 - Procurement of equipment for 37057390 -XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi iv¯v ‡givgZ I Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ cÖ development and maintenance of Dhaka ‡qvRbxq hšcvwZ msMªn City Corporation roads 37057400 - Integrated Mosquito Control Project (Study 37057400 -mgwš^Z gkK wbqšY cÖKí (mgx¶v I wewb‡qvM) & Investment) (01/07/99-30/06/2002) 37057410 - 3rd pilot project to ease traffic congestion 37057410 -µvk †cªvMªv‡gi AvIZvq XvKv kn‡ii hvbRU wbim‡bi 2q of Dhaka city cvBjU cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) 37057420 - Rajshahi 37057420 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `–ixKiYv‡_© b`©gv wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) (01/7/04-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057421 - Feasibility study on solid waste 37057421 -XvKv kn‡ii AveR©bv wb®‹vk‡bi KvwiMwi mnvqZv cªKí management in Dhaka city 37057430 - Municipal finance management project 37057430 -wgDwbwmc¨vj dvBb¨v›m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cªKí 37057440 - Emergency Rehabilitation and Expansion 37057440 -Bgvi‡R›mx wi‡nwewj‡Ukb GÛ G•cvbkvb Ae IqvUvi of Water Supply System Project-2 mvc­vB wm‡÷g cÖ‡R±-2 37057450 - BMRE project for improvement of 37057450 -Puv`bxNvU¯’ Iqvmvi cvwb †kvab ¶gZv e„w×i Rb¨ Chadnighat Water treatment plant of weGgAviB cÖKí WASA 37057460 - Block allocation for four City Corporations 37057460 -PviwU wmwU Ki‡cv©‡ik‡bi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ 37057470 - Development of Zakir Hossain road 37057470 -RvwKi †nv‡mb †iv‡Wi Dbœqb (01/07/97-30/06/2001) 37057480 - Construction of Agrabad access road 37057480 -AvMªvev` ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 37057490 - Development of Physical Infrastructure of 37057490 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi wewfbœ GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb different area of Rajshahi City Co. (01/11/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057491 - Technical assistance project for sewerage 37057491 -DËi XvKv cqtwb®‹vkY KvwiMix mnvqZv cªKí in Northern Dhaka 37057500 - Construction of City Bhaban Complex of 37057500 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wmwU feb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (2q Rajshahi City Co. ch©vq) (01/11/2010-30/06/2012) 37057510 - Saidabad water treatment plant 37057510 -mv‡qv`vev` cvwb †kvabvMvi wbg©vY cªKí (4_© XvKv cvwb construction project mieivn cÖKí) 37057512 - Fourth Dhaka water supply project 37057512 -PZz_© XvKv cvwb mieivn cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (Revised) (01/01/1994-30/12/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 37057513 - Project for procurement of Generator 37057513 -‡Rbv‡iUi µq cÖKí 37057514 - Project for procurement of 42 submersible 37057514 -myBwWk miKv‡ii Aby`v‡b eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ I cybev©m‡bi pump under Swedish grant for Rb¨ 42wU mvegvwm©ej cv¤• µq cÖKí rehabilitation of areas affected by flood (01/07/99-30/06/2000) 37057515 - Third interim water supply project of 37057515 -PÆMÖvg Iqvmv Z…Zxq B‡›Uwig IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± Chittagong WASA (01/07/99-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057516 - 37057516 -XvKv IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb 37057520 - Interim project for development of water 37057520 -cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’v Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ AšeZx©Kvjxb cªKí supply 37057530 - Mohora Water Supply Project 37057530 -†gvniv cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/07/03-30/6/07) (01/07/03-30/06/07) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 37057540 - Emergency project to remove water 37057540 -evÇv GjvKvq Rjve×Zv `ixKi‡Y Ri“wi cªKí (chv©q- logging of Badda area 1) 37057550 - Interim Water Supply Improvement Project 37057550 -cvwb mieivn cwiw¯’wZ Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ Aše©Zx©Kvjxb cÖKí- (Phase-2) 2 37057560 - Rehabilitation and extension of sewerage 37057560 -Ri“wi cqt wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi cybev©mb, m¤•ªmviY Ges system †W«‡bR e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb (01/07/95-30/06/2001) 37057562 - Road development project on land 37057562 -XvKv †K›`ªxq KvivMvi msjMœ iv¯@vmg–n cÖk¯@KiY I (Connecting road ) of Dhaka central jail ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057570 - 37057570 -XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Awab¯’ 22-29, 31, 32, 34-36 bs Iqv‡W©i wewfbœ moK I †Wª‡bR AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 37057571 - Feasibility study for construction of a 37057571 -XvKv kn‡i 100 GgwRwW my‡cq cvwb mieiv‡ni j‡¶¨ well-field wmsMvBi Gi wbKU I‡qjwdì wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37057580 - 37057580 -DËiv g‡Wj UvD‡bi m¤•ÖmvwiZ GjvKvi moK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (01/06/2006-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057590 - Construction of 3 Hole Sale Market in 37057590 -XvKv kn‡i cvBKvix KuvPv evRvi wbg©vY Dhaka City (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057600 - 37057600 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi cwi‡ek Dbœqb cÖKí (01/06/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057610 - Establishment of truck terminal at Khulna 37057610 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z GKwU UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY cªKí City Corporation (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 37057620 - Interim water supply of rehabilitation 37057620 -BbwUªweqg IqvUvi mvc­vB wi‡nwewj‡Ukb cª‡R± AvÛvi project under crush programme µvk †cÖvMªvg 37057630 - Development of Physical Infrastructure of 37057630 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gvMZ my‡hvM myweavi different area of Khulna City Co Dbœqb (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) 37057631 - Feasibility study for expansion of Mohara ( 37057631 -Avbylw½K KvRmn †gvniv cvwb †kvabvMv‡ii m¤•ªmviY I Chittagong ) water treatment plant ewa©ZKiY cÖK‡íi m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB (01/12/1997-31/12/2001) 37057640 - Second interim water supply rehabilitation 37057640 -PÆMªvg Iqvmv wØZxq B‡›Uvwig IqvUvi mvc­vB project for Chittagong WASA winvwewj‡Ukb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/95-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 37057650 - Procurement of Generator and 37057650 -PÆMÖvg Iqvmvi Rb¨ †Rbv‡iUi Ges UªvÝdigvi msMÖn Transfermar for Chittagong WASA 37057660 - Rehabilitation of Infrastructure Damaged 37057660 -ewikvj kn‡i wmW‡i ¶wZMª¯’ †fŠZ myweavw`i †givgZ I in Barisal City cybe©vmb (01/04/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057670 - Swage Treatment Plant at Dareshkandi for 37057670 -my¨‡qR wU«U‡g›U c­¨v›U G¨vU `v‡ikKvw›` di wU«‡qwUs treating diverting Swage from HatirJill WvBfv‡UW m¨y‡qR d«g nvwZiwSj †e¸bevwo Lvj Bagunbari (01/01/2011-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057680 - Khulna Water Supply Project 37057680 -Lyjbv cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37057690 - aaa 37057690 -Lyjbvi HwZn¨evnx knx` wgbvi nvw`mcvK© I ZrmsjMœ cyKz‡ii Dbœqb (01/07/11-31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057700 - aaa 37057700 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi moK Dbœqb I cÖk¯KiYmn †W«b Kvg dzUcvZ wbgv©Y (01/07/11-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057710 - Environment development project, 37057710 -cwi‡ek Dbœqb cªKí, PÆMªvg Chittagong 37057720 - aaa 37057720 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae W¨v‡gRW Bbd«v÷«vKPvi GÛ G‡gwbwUR Bb avbgwÛ †jK (01/07/11-31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057730 - aaa 37057730 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi ivRkvnx bIMuv cÖavb moK n‡Z †gvnbcyi-ivRkvnx, bv‡Uvi moK ch©š ce© cwðg ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y (01/01/12-31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057740 - aaa 37057740 -XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi AvIZvq †ewoeva †_‡K †gvnv¤ §`cyi evm÷¨vÛ ch©š ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y (01/01/11- 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057750 - aaa 37057750 -Dckni †gvo n‡Z †mvbv`xwN †gvo Ges gvjycvov †gvo n‡Z mvMocvov †gvo ch©š moK cÖk¯KiY I Dbœqb (01/07/11-31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057755 - 37057755 -‡fvjv †cŠimfv Dbœqb 37057760 - aaa 37057760 -XvKv Avievb Bbd«v÷«vKPvi BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/11/11-31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057770 - Construction of sewers for removal of 37057770 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `–ixKibv‡_© b`©gv wbgv©Y water logging cªKí (01/07/94-30/06/2003) 37057780 - aaa 37057780 -Bgvi‡R›mx wi‡nwewj‡Ukb GÛ G•cvbkb Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB wm‡÷g-2 37057790 - Construction of Rajshahi City Corporation 37057790 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi wmwU feb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY complex (01/07/95-30/06/2001) 37057800 - aaa 37057800 -Bb÷‡jkb Ae jvBU BwgwUs Wv‡qU (Gj.B.wW.) w÷UjvBwUs wm‡÷g di wiwWDwms Ae GbvwR© KbRv¤•kb (01/07/11 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057810 - Construction of a Childrens park at 37057810 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi wkï cvK© wbg©vY Rajshahi City Corporation area (01/07/1995 - 30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057820 - Construction of 50 bed hospital at 37057820 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb GjvKvi 50 kh¨v wewkó Rajshahi city corporation area nvmcvZvj wbgv©Y

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37057830 - Sylhet City corporation 37057830 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq wm‡jU miKvwi Avjxqv gv`ªvmv msjMœ wfAvBwc iv¯@v cÖk¯@KiY, Aviwmwm †Wªb I dzUcvZ wbg©vY (1/1/04 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057832 - 37057832 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I †mŠ››`h© ea©b cÖKí (01/07/05-31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057833 - 37057833 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvq Gg, mvBdzi ingvb wkï cvK© wbg©vY (01/07/05-31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057834 - Construction of Central Truck Terminal in 37057834 -wm‡jU †K›`ªxq UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY cÖKí Sylhet (01/07/05-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057840 - Recently flood 37057840 -mv¤•ªwZK fqven eb¨vq wm‡jU gnvbMixi ¶wZMª¯’ iv¯@v, †W«b I Wvw¤•s MªvDÛ Dbœqb (1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057850 - Construction of Connecting Road in 37057850 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi dvqvi weª‡MW µwms †_‡K DËi Rajshahi City from Fire Brigade Crossing bI`vcvov¯’ PuvcvBbeveMÄ-bv‡Uvi gnvmoK ch©š@ ms‡hvM to North Noada Para moK wbg©vY (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Chapainababganj-Natore Road (1at Revised) 37057860 - Tejgon Industry 37057860 -†ZRMuvI wkí GjvKvi moKmg–n cÖk¯@KiY I Dbœqb Ges b`©gv wbg©vY (1/7/2004-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057870 - 37057870 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ GjvKvq KwZcq moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057880 - 2nd pilot project to ease traffic congestion 37057880 -µvk †cÖvMÖv‡gi AvIZvq XvKv kn‡ii hvbhU wbim‡bi 3q of Dhaka city cvBjU cÖKí (01/07/97-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057890 - 37057890 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi dvqvi weª‡MW µwms n‡Z evBcvm ch©š`w¶Y-DËi ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY(1/7/2003- 30/6/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 37057900 - Dhaka city 37057900 -XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi `qvMÄ, ajcyi Ges mÎvcyi wK¬bvi K‡jvwb wbg©vY (1/7/05-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057910 - Development of Median, Footpath and 37057910 -b¨vg m‡¤§jb Dcj‡¶¨ XvKv gnvbMixi †mŠ›`h©¨ e„w×K‡í Intersection of Different Roads and wewfbœ mo‡K wgwWqvg dzUcvZ I Bnvi †mKkb Dbœqb I Plantation of trees for beautification of meyRvqb KvR Dhaka City due to NAM Conference 37057920 - Construction of Link Road from Malibag to 37057920 -gvwjevM †PŠiv¯v n‡Z Rbc_ ch©š ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y Jonopath. 37057930 - Repair and Rehabilitation of Machinery 37057930 -mwjWI‡q÷ AcmviY Kvh©µg, moK i¶Yv‡e¶Y I used for solid Waste Disposal and Dbœqb Kv‡R e¨eüZ hš¿cvwZ cybtwbgv©Y I cybe©vmb cÖKí Maintenance and Improvement of Roads (30/07/2001-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057940 - Construction of Water Treatment Plant at 37057940 -cvMjv cvwb †kvavbvMvi wbgv©Y cÖKí Pagla 37057950 - 37057950 -2004 mv‡ji eb¨v AwZel©Y I Rjv×Zvq ¶wZMª¯’ XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí (1/1/2005-30/6/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 37057960 - 37057960 -beMwVZ ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi GjvKvq moK I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057970 - 37057970 -cvš’c_ - cÖMwZ miwY/¸jkvb GwfwbD ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (Rvcvbx FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 37057980 - Dhaka city 37057980 -XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb mwjW I‡qó g¨v‡bR‡g›U (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37057990 - Chittagong district 37057990 -PÆMªvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb-¶wZMª¯’ moKmg–‡ni cybe©vmb (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2005- 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058000 - 37058000 -XvKv gnvbMixi 4wU Kei¯’vb wbg©vY(1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 37058010 - Removal of Water Logging of the Dhaka 37058010 -XvKv gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `–ixKiY cÖKí (01/07/2001 City -30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058011 - 37058011 -wUwcwc di XvKv Iqvmvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± (01/05/06-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058020 - Procurement of equipment for repair and 37058020 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi iv¯@v †givgZ I Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ cÖ maintenance of Khula City Corporation ‡qvRbxq hš¿cvwZ mieivn (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/95- roads 30/06/04) (ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058021 - 37058021 -wUwcwc di cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡ikb †dwmwjwUR Ae XvKv Iqvmv (01/07/05-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058030 - Municipal finance management project 37058030 -wgDwbwmc¨vj dvBb¨v›m g¨v‡bR‡g›U c«‡R± (PÆMªvg wmwU (Chittagong city corporation) K‡cv©‡ikb) 37058040 - Procurement of Vehicle and Machinery for 37058040 -XvKv gnvbMixi AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vm‡bi Rb¨ hvbevnb I Infra-structure Rehabilitation of Dhaka City hšcvwZ msMÖn cÖKí 37058050 - Preservation of Regulating Pond Adjacent 37058050 -Kj¨vYcyi ÷g© IqvUvi cvw¤•s †÷kb msjMœ †i¸‡jwUs to the Kallayanpur Pumping Station cÛ msi¶Y cÖKí (1/9/1998-30/6/2006) ms‡kvwaZ (01/09/1998-30/06/2005) Approved Abby‡gvw`Z 37058060 - Feasibility study of sewerage facilities at 37058060 -XvKv kn‡ii AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªK‡íi Aax‡b wgicy‡i Mirpur cvwb mieivn I cqt wb¯‹vkb cÖKí 37058070 - Improvement and Rehabilitation of Water 37058070 -cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb I cybe©vmb cÖKí Supply System (01/07/2002-01/06/2007) (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 37058080 - O 37058080 -evwiaviv AvevwmK GjvKvi moKmg–n Dbœqb cÖKí(1/7/2004-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058090 - Renovation and Improvement of Damaged 37058090 - G¨vmdë c­¨v›U Øviv XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ A Road of Dhaka City with Asphalt Plant ‡ji ¸i“Z¡c–Y© mo‡Ki Dbœqb (01/07/2004- 30/06/2005) Abby‡gvw`Z 37058100 - Mirpur 37058100 -wgicyi AÂj-8 Gi AvIZvaxb AvevwmK GjvKvi evoxmg– ‡ni ga¨eZ©x c¨v‡mRmn b`©gv wbg©vY (01/07/05- 30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058110 - Interim water supply improvement 37058110 -cvwb mieivn cwiw¯’wZ Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ Aš@eZ©xKvjxb cÖKí project-3 (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96-30/06/2001) 37058120 - mirpur Vashantek 37058120 -wgicyi fvlvb‡UK †iv‡Wi Dbœqb, 2, 3, 4 I 7 bs Iqv‡W©i wewfbœ iv¯@v m¤•ÖmviY I Dbœqb, 11 bs †mKk‡b Aew¯’Z mvsevw`K AvevwmK GjvKvi moKmg–n I Kvjkx †ivW Dbœqb (01/07/05-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058122 - Road marking and provision of traffic sign 37058122 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ ¸i“Z¡cY© mo‡Ki †ivW gvwK©s I on various important roads of Dhaka city UªvwdK mvBb ¯’vcb Kv‡Ri cÖKí (01/07/98- 30/06/2001) 37058123 - Infrastructure development and repair of 37058123 -bxj‡¶Z (XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq) GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Nilkhet area (Dhaka University) I ms¯‹vi (01/07/99-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058130 - Construction of Khulna City Corporation 37058130 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi bMifeb wbg©vY bhaban (01/07/1996-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058132 - Khulna city 37058132 -Lyjbv kn‡ii hvbhU wbimbmn ¸i“Z¡c–Y© GjvKvq moKmg– ‡ni Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058133 - Khulna 37058133 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv, †W«‡bR e¨e¯’v I cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 37058140 - Procurement of composite modern 37058140 -XvKv gnvbMixi gqjv AveR©bv Acmvi‡bi Rb¨ AvaywbK hydraulic garbage truck for DCC nvB‡W«vwjK K‡¤•vwRU Mvi‡eR U«vK msMªn cÖKí (01/07/97-30/06/2001) 37058150 - 37058150 -Gqvi‡cvU© †ivW (wRqv K‡jvbx) wgicyi K¨v›Ub‡g›U iv¯v wbg©vY (1/7/05-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058160 - Interim Water Supply in Khulna City under 37058160 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi µ¨vk †cÖvMÖv‡gi AvIZvq Aš@eZ©xKvjxb Crash Programme (01/07/03-30/06/05) cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 37058170 - 37058170 -2004 mv‡ji eb¨v‡Ëvi cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/04-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058180 - Improvement of environment and solid 37058180 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi mwjW I‡q÷ wWm‡cvRvj I waste disposal system of KCC cwi‡ek Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/96-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058182 - Project for removal of traffic jam in Khulna 37058182 -Lyjbv kn‡i hvbRU wbimb cÖKí City 37058190 - Construction of park and garden at 37058190 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡cv©‡ikbvaxb gnvbMixi kªxivgcyi GjvKvi Tekhadia under RCC c`¥v b`xi cv‡o Gi †ZLvw`qv GjvKvq cvK© Dbœqb 37058200 - 37058200 -2004 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ cqt wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/04-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058210 - Rehabilitation of public priority roads in 37058210 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ ¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK Dbœqb I cybev©mb Dhaka city area (ms‡kvwaZ) 37058212 - Sydabad 37058212 -mvq`vev` cvwb †kvabvMvi cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/06/2009)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058213 - emargency 37058213 -Bgvi‡Rw›m wi‡nwewj‡Ukb GÛ G•cvbkb Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB wm‡÷g (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 37058214 - Dhaka 37058214 -XvKv Iqvmvi mvc­vB †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/01/2008-30/06/2013) 37058215 - Ergent 37058215 -Aš@eZ©xKvjxb Ri“wi cqt jvBb wbg©vY I cybe©vmb (01/01/2007-31/12/2008) 37058216 - The project for Storm Water Drainage 37058216 -w` cÖ‡R± di ÷g© IqvUvi †W«‡bR wm‡÷g Bb XvKv wmwU System in Dhaka City (Phase II) (†dR-2) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 37058217 - 37058217 -mwjW I‡qó g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb XvKv wmwU (j¨vÛwdì BgcÖ “f‡g›U GU gvZyqvBj) (01/07/2005-31/12/2007) 37058220 - Truck procurement for garbage 37058220 -AveR©bv cwienY I moK Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ UªvK msMÖn transportation 37058230 - Ashphalt plant for improvement of Dhaka 37058230 -G¨vmdë c­¨v‡›Ui mvnv‡h¨ XvKv kn‡ii KwZcq moK roads Dbœqb (01/07/97-30/06/2001) 37058240 - Dhaka urban Transport Project (DCC Part) 37058240 -XvKv Avievb Uªv݇cvU© cÖ‡R± (wWwmwm Ask) (01/07/1998 - 31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058242 - Dhaka urban transport project (Flood part) 37058242 -XvKv Avievb Uªv݇cvU© cÖ‡R± (eb¨v Ask) 37058250 - Expansion and construction of sewerage 37058250 -cqt wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi m¤•ÖmviY I cybev©mb (ms‡kvwaZ-2) services (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058260 - Emergency expansion and construction of 37058260 -Ri“wi cqt wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi m¤•ÖmviY I cybev©mb sewerage services 37058270 - bangladesh 37058270 -evsjv‡`k Pxb ˆgÎx Avš@R©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K›`ª GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m‡¤§jb †K›`ªi Rb¨ cqt jvBb I ÷g© myq¨vi jvBb wbg©vY (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1995 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058280 - 37058280 -Ri“ix cqt wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi m¤•ªmviY Ges †Wª‡bR e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb(m‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1995 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058290 - Construction 37058290 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ad gvwë †÷v‡iW †jwWm †nv‡÷j GÛ GWwgwb‡÷ªwUf wewìs G¨vU gnvbMi gwnjv K‡jR (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 37058300 - Dhaka city 37058300 -XvKv kn‡ii IqvUvi cv¤•mg–‡ni Rb¨ †Rbv‡iUi µq (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058310 - Construction of regulating pond adjucent 37058310 -Kj¨vYcyi ÷«g© IqvUvi cvw¤•s †÷kb msjMœ †i¸‡jwUs to Kallyanpur storm water pumping station cÛ msi¶Y cÖKí 37058320 - 4th interim project to improve water supply 37058320 -cvwb mieivn cwiw¯’wZ Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ Aš@eZ©xKvjxb situation cÖKí-4 (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058330 - Crash program to procure diesel 37058330 -Avc`Kvjxb mg‡q cvwb mieivn cwiw¯’wZ ¯^vfvweK ivLvi generator for maintenance of water supply Rb¨ wW‡Rj PvwjZ †Rbv‡iUi µ‡qi Rb¨ µvk †cÖvMÖvg during emergency periods 37058340 - Chittagong WASAs Madanghat water 37058340 -PÆMÖvg Iqvmv g`ybvNvU cvwb mieivn cÖKí supply project (01/07/1999-30/06/2008) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 37058350 - Repair and development of Dhaka city's 37058350 -XvKv gnvbMixi ¶wZMÖ¯ iv¯vNvU ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb damaged roads (01/07/97-30/06/2001) 37058360 - Rehabilitation by training and education of 37058360 -wQbœgj wkï‡`i cÖwk¶Y I cybev©mb cÖKí (01/07/1998 destitute children -30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058370 - Crash programme to ease traffic 37058370 -µvk †cÖvMÖv‡gi AvIZvq XvKv kn‡i hvbhU wbim‡bi congestion in Dhaka City under second wØZxq cvBjU cÖKí pilot programme 37058380 - Improvement of service quality of DCC's 37058380 -wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi ¯^v¯’¨ wefv‡Mi e¨e¯’vcbvi gvb Dbœqb health department 37058382 - Procurement of trucks for disposal of 37058382 -XvKv I PÆMªvg gnvbMixi AveR©bv cwienb I moK Dbœqb garbage and road development in Dhaka Kv‡Ri Rb¨ U«vK msMªn (01/07/97-30/06/2001) and Chittagong Metrocity 37058390 - Construction of Dhaka Metropolitan 37058390 -XvKv gnvbMixi wLjMuvI G d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY Fly-Over at Khilgoan 37058391 - Improvement and Rehabilitation of Water 37058391 -cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb I cybe©vmb cÖKí Supply System (01/07/2002-01/06/2007) (01/07/2002-01/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058392 - 37058392 -mv‡q`vev` cvwb †kvabvMvi wbgv©Y cÖKí (†dR-2) 37058393 - 37058393 -cqt wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi m¤•ªmviY I cYev©mb cÖKí (†dR- 2) 37058398 - 37058398 -÷g IqvUvi †Wª‡bR BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± (†dR-2) 37058399 - 37058399 -KY©dzjx cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37058400 - Karnafuli Water Supply Project 37058400 -KY©dzjx cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/03/2006 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058401 - 37058401 -wgicyi¯’ fvlvb‡UK †iv‡Wi Dbœqb 37058404 - 37058404 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z wgicyi I AveZve bM‡i `BU Kei¯nvb wbgv©Y cªKí| 37058406 - Construction of Airport Road Rokeya 37058406 -Gqvi‡cvU© †ivo †iv‡Kqv ¯^iwY wjsK †ivo Sarani Link Road 37058407 - 37058407 -2007 mv‡ji eb¨v I AwZe„wó‡Z ¶wZMÖ¯’ XvKv wmwU K‡cv© ‡ik‡bi moK AeKvVv‡gv cyYevm©b cÖKí| 37058408 - Construction of Link Bridge between 37058408 -†ZRMuvI Avos †_‡K ¸jkvb ïwUs K¬ve wjsK weªR wbg©vY Tajgaon Arong & Culshan Shooting club (01/07/2008-31/12/2010) Abyt 37058409 - 37058409 -Mevw` cïi RevBLvbv wbgv©Y I cïi nvU Dbœhb cªKí | 37058410 - Mohora and kalurghat 37058410 -†gvniv Ges KvjyiNvU IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­¨v›U cybe©vmb cÖKí (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058411 - 37058411 -weIIwU c×wZ‡Z hvÎvevWx-¸wj¯nvb d¬vBIfvi wbgv©Y cªK‡ í miKvix mnvhZv 37058412 - 37058412 -XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb wbev©Pbx GjvKvi 6 Gi IhvW© bs-26,27,28,34,35 I 36 Gi wewfbœ mWK I †W«b Dbœhb| 37058413 - 37058413 -XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi wbev©Pbx GjvKvi 6- Gi IhvW© bs- 22-29 31,32,34-36 bs Iqv‡W©i Gi wewfbœ mWK I †W«b Dbœhb| 37058414 - 37058414 -XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi (gwnjv Kwgkbvi) Gi wewfbœ Ihv‡W©i AeKvVv‡gv Dbœhb 37058416 - 37058416 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ GjvKvh AeKvVv‡gv I cwi‡ek Dbœhb cªKí 37058418 - 37058418 -cyivZb XvKv GjvKvi (Aåj-2) ¶wZMª¯ wewfbœ iv¯Zv I b`©gv Dbœhb | 37058419 - 37058419 -avbgwÛ AvevwmK GjvKvi ¶wZMª¯ wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœhb cªKí 37058420 - Sylhet City 37058420 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi ¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK I †Wª‡bR wm‡÷ ‡gi Dbœqb (01/07/2005 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058421 - 37058421 - Ri“ix cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37058422 - 37058422 -mWK gnvbMixi mWK AeKvVv‡gv cyY©evm‡bi Rb¨ hvb I hšcvwZ msMªn 37058423 - 37058423 -XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi GjvKvh `y‡hv©MKvjxb Avkªh †K›`ª Kvg- KwgDwbwU †m›Uvi wbgv©Y 37058424 - Construction underpass at Banglamotor 37058424 -Kbm&UvKkb AvÛvi GU evsjvgUi B›Uvi‡mKkb GÛ intersaection & Shababagh intersection kvnevM B›Uvi‡mKkb 37058425 - 37058425 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z wgicyi I AvdZvebMi GjvKvq 2wU Kei ¯’vb wbgv©Y cÖKí 37058426 - 37058426 -knx` RvnvsMxi †MU n‡Z †iv‡Khv ¯¦iYx ch©š cvZvj mWK wbgvY 37058427 - 37058427 -wgicyi `vi“m mvjvg Avbmvi K¨v¤c †_‡K KPz‡¶Z ch©š— iv¯v wbgv©Y 37058428 - 37058428 -nvRvixevM KvjybMi iv¯vwU †eox eva ch©š— m¤cªviY cÖKí 37058429 - Improvement of Mohesh Khalincluding 37058429 -g‡nkLvj I ZrmsjMœ iv¯—vi Dbœqb Ges PUªMªvg kvn adjacent road and completion of AvgvbZ Avš—©RvwZK wegvb e›`imo‡Ki Am¤•bœ KvR incomplete work of Shah Amanat m¤•bœ (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) interantion Airport Road 37058430 - 37058430 -Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb wWdv‡i›U IqvW©m AvÛvi XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058431 - 37058431 -ivRkvnx gnvbMix‡Z ivRkvnx-bIMv †ivW †cvóvj GKv‡Wgx G“wms n‡Z ivRkvnx bv‡Uvi †ivW ch©š ce©-cwðg ms‡hvM mWK wbgvY©

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058432 - Development of Physical Infrastructure, 37058432 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv, †Wª Drainage & Water Supply Facilities in ‡bR I cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’v Dbœqb Rajshahi City Corporation (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058433 - 37058433 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi 02 wU †Mvi¯nv‡bi AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœhb| 37058434 - 37058434 -mvi‡dm IhvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­v›U 37058435 - 37058435 -Lyjbv kn‡ii †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gvi †W«‡bR e¨e¯nv, cvwb I mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨envi Dbœhb 37058436 - 37058436 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi ¸i“Z¡cY© mWK Dbœhb, Rjve×Zv wbimb, †W«‡bR e¨e¯nvi Dbœhb 37058440 - Construction of Road from Mirpur 37058440 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ad †ivW d«g wgicyi MÖvgxY e¨vsK Uz Grameen Bank to Agargaon nmwcUvj fvqv †kIovcvov (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058441 - 37058441 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb GjvKvi iv¯Zv, †W«b wbgv©Y I wewfbœ iv¯Zv gyi cªk¯ZKiY 37058442 - 37058442 -wn›`y I †eŠ× m¥cª`v‡hi Rb¨ 2wU c„_K k¥kvb NvU wbgv©Y 37058443 - 37058443 -XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ Iqv‡W©i AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37058444 - Infrastricture Development, Environmental 37058444 -evwYwR¨K ivRavbx PÆMÖv‡gi AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb, and Drainage Improvement of commercial cwi‡ek Ges cqtwb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb (01/01/09 - Capital City 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058445 - Chittagong City 37058445 -PÆMÖvg wmwU K†cv©‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb AbybœZ GjvKvi iv¯@v, †Wªb Dbœqb/gvb Dbœqb, wi‡UBwbs Iqvj I weªR/Kvjfv©Umg–‡ni Dbœqb (01/09/08 - 30/06/10) 37058446 - 37058446 -cÖ‡ek moKmn g‡nkLvj Dbœqb 37058447 - 37058447 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi moKmg‡ni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ AZ¨vek¨Kxq hšcvwZ msMÖn| 37058448 - 37058448 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi cÖavb cÖavb moKmgn ms¯‹vi 37058449 - O 37058449 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡b N–wYSo wmW‡i ¶wZMÖ¯’ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37058450 - Solid Waste Management Aminbazar 37058450 -mwjW I‡q÷ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Avwgb evRvi j¨vÛwdj, XvKv Landfill, Dhaka City Corporation (JDCF) wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb (01/07/2007-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058451 - Barisal 37058451 -ewikvj gnvbMix‡Z 2007 mv‡j eb¨vq ¶wZMª¯’ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37058452 - 37058452 -nvRvix evM KvjybMi iv¯vwU †eox eva ch©š m¤•ªmviY cÖKí 37058453 - 37058453 -XvKv kn‡ii wgicyi GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37058454 - Construction of cleaner lolony at Dhoplpur 37058454 - Gonoktuli & Miranjolla of Dhaka Chity Corporation , Phase-11 37058455 - Improvement important Roads Drains & 37058455 - Footpaths at ward on 15-19 37& 38 of Dhaka City Corporation 37058456 - Improvement of Damaged roads and 37058456 - Drainage at Zone-4 under Dhaka City Corporation 37058457 - Construction of modern slaughter house 37058457 -KÝUvK&kb Ae gWv©b slaughter house at Gabtali in at Gabtali in Dhaka City Dhaka City 37058458 - Improvement of damaged road 37058458 - infrastructure of different areas of Dhaka City by asphalt concrete 37058459 - Improvement of Garbage Disposal 37058459 -XvKv wmwU Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi eR©¨ e¨e¯’vcbv Dbœqb System of Dhaka City Corporation (01/10/08 - 21/412/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058460 - Construction of sanitary land fill at amin 37058460 - Bazar 37058461 - 37058461 -XvKv gnvbMixi cwi‡ek I AeKvVv‡gvMZ `¶Zv Dbœqb (01/01/09 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058462 - 37058462 -XvKv gnvbMixi 2wU ¸i“Z¡cY© moK wbgv©Y I Dbœqb 37058463 - 37058463 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ GjvKvi ¶wZMÖ¯’ moK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37058464 - 37058464 -‡m‡Pi Mfxi bjKzc n‡Z Lvevi cvwb mieivn

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058465 - 37058465 -e‡i›`ª GjvKv m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí 37058466 - 37058466 -wgicyi AÂj-8 Gi AvIZvaxb ¸i“Z¡cY© moK Dbœqb cÖKí 37058468 - 37058468 -gvwbKbMi GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœhb 37058470 - 37058470 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb wewfbœ Iqv‡W©i AeKvVv‡gv I cwi‡ek Dbœqb 37058471 - 37058471 -Rje×Zv wbimb K‡i Aviwmwm †Wªb wbgv©Y 37058472 - 37058472 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi j¨vÛwdj Dbœqb cÖKí 37058473 - 37058473 -mv‡q`vev` cvwb †kvlbvMvi wbgv©Y cÖKí 37058474 - 37058474 -Bgvi‡RwÝ wgwU‡Mkb Ae IqvUvi †_ªv wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB wmm‡Ug cÖ‡R±| 37058475 - 37058475 -Aše©ZxKvjxb Ri“wi cqt jvBb wbgv©Y cybev©mb cÖKí 37058476 - 37058476 -ch wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi m¤•ªmviY I cYevmb (†dR-2) 37058477 - 37058477 -w` cÖ‡R± di BgcÖ“f‡g›U óg© IqvUvi †Wª‡bR wm‡÷g Bb XvKv wmwU (†dR-2) 37058478 - 37058478 -RvZxq ¯’vbxq miKvi Bbw÷wUDU kw³kvjxKiY Kg©myPx 37058479 - 37058479 -wm‡jU gnvbMixi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœhb 37058480 - Improvement of Road, Drain and Widening 37058480 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb GjvKvi iv¯@v, †Wªb wbgv©Y I of Inter-section of different Roads in wewfbœ iv¯@v †gvo cÖ¯@yZKiY (01/07/2008- Barisal City Corporation 30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058481 - 37058481 -beMwVZ ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb ,cvb‡hvM¨ cvwb mieiv‡ni Rb¨ nvZ bjKzc AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, hvbevnb I hšcvwZ msMÖn cÖKí, 37058482 - 37058482 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv I cwi‡ek Dbœqb 37058483 - 37058483 -†UKwjK¨vj GwmmU¨vÝ cÖ‡R± cÖ‡cvRvj di cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡ikvb d¨vwmwjwUR(wcwcGd) Ae XvKv Iqvmv 37058484 - 37058484 -mv‡q`vev` cvwb †kvabvMvi wbgv©Y cÖKí (†dR-2) 37058485 - 37058485 -Bgvi‡RwÝ wgwU‡Mkb Ae IqvUvi †_ªv wi‡nwewj‡Ukb GÛ G·cvskvb Ae IqvUvi mvívB 37058486 - Development of Water Supply System in 37058486 -bvivqYMÄ kn‡ii cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi m¤cÖmviY I Narayanganj City cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) 37058487 - Dhaka Water Supply and Sanitation Project 37058487 -XvKv IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖ‡R± (01/11/2008-30/06/2013) 37058488 - TPP for Management Support to Dhaka 37058488 -wUwcwc di g¨v‡bRg¨v›U mv‡c©vU Uz wW-Iqvmv WASA (01/01200-01/01/2011) 37058489 - 37058489 -XvKv kn‡i cvwb mieivn I cqt wb¯‹vkb cÖKí 37058490 - 37058490 -bvivqbMÄ kn‡ii cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb cÖKí 37058491 - 37058491 -mv‡q`vev` cvwb †kvabvMvi wbgv©Y cÖKí(†dR-2) 37058492 - 37058492 -Mv‡e©R msMÖn, wWR‡cvRvj I wUUª‡g›U 37058493 - Construction of Linear Park of Rupsha 37058493 -iƒcmv I gh–i b`xi cv‡o wjwbqvi cvK© wbg©©vY Main River Bank (01/07/2008-30/06/2010)) 37058494 - 37058494 -m¨vwbUvix j¨vÛwdj wbgvY© 37058495 - khulna 37058495 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z N–wY©So wmW‡i ¶wZMÖ¯’ AeKvVv‡gvmn ¯’vcb †givgZ 37058496 - 37058496 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ AeKvVv‡gv †givgZ| 37058497 - Procurement of Essential Equipments for 37058497 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi moKmg–‡ni Dbœqb I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi Improvement and Maintenance of Roads D‡Ï‡k¨ AZ¨vek¨Kxq hš¿cvwZ msMÖn (01/01/2009- in Rajshahi Mohanagar 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058498 - 37058498 -hvÎv evox I mv‡q`vev` GjvKvq moK I †Wªb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 37058500 - 37058500 -2007 mv‡ji eb¨v I AwZ e„wó‡Z ¶wZMª¯’ XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi moK AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí 37058510 - Construction of Rajakhali Access with 37058510 -ms‡hvM moKmn ivRvLvjx Lv‡ji Dbœqb Upgrading Canals 37058520 - Imporvement of Moheshkhal including 37058520 -g‡nkLvj msjMœ iv¯@vi Dbœqb Ges kvn AvgvbZ adjacent Road and Completion to Avš@R©vwZK wegvb e›`‡ii Am¤•–Y© KvR m¤•bœKiY Incomplete Work of Shah Amanat International Airport Road 37058521 - 37058521 -XvKv kn‡ii MveZjx GjvKvq AvaywbK KmvBLvbv wbg©vY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058522 - 37058522 -evsjvgUi B›Uvi‡mKk‡b †ivW AvÛvicvm wbg©vY 37058523 - 37058523 -.DËiv g‡Wj UvD‡bi wewfbœ ‡m±‡ii iv¯—v Dbœqb I b`©gv wbg©vY 37058524 - 37058524 -.†Kvì wi-mvBwK¬s c­¨v›U Øviv XvKv gnvbMixi cÖavb cÖavb iv¯—v †givgZ I Dbœq‡bi e¨e¯’vKiY 37058525 - 37058525 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `~ixKiYv‡_© b`©gv wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) 37058526 - 37058526 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z Rje×Zv `~ixKi‡b b`xmn cÖvK…wZK Lvj Lbb, c~b Lbb, msi¶b I eªxR wbg©vb 37058527 - 37058527 -G¨vmdë c­v›U µqЯnvcb I mwjW I‡q÷ Acmvi‡b hvbevnb I hš¿cvwZ µq 37058528 - 37058528 -wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi AvIZvq 9wU Qov ms¯‹vi, bMi feb wbgv©Y I cÖ‡qvRbxq hš¿cvwZ µq kxl©K cÖKí 37058529 - 37058529 -†gwibvm© †iv‡Wi Dbœqb cÖKí 37058530 - 37058530 - ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi bZyb UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbgv©Y 37058531 - 37058531 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb GjvKvq fywg AwaMªnYmn GKwU bZyb Kei ¯nvb wbgv©Y 37058532 - 37058532 -ewikvj ‡K›`ªxq bÌj­vev` evm Uvwg©bvj ewa©Z KiY I Dbœqb 37058533 - 37058533 -ewikvj bMi feb wbgv©Y 37058534 - 37058534 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb GjvKvi wewfbœ ¯nv‡b eªxR Kvjfv©U wbgv©Y 37058535 - 37058535 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb GjvKvq fywg AwaMªnYmn eR¨© AcmviY ¯nvb wbgv©Y| 37058536 - TPP for preparation for Dhaka Integrated 37058536 -wUwcwc di XvKv Bw›X‡Mª‡UW GbfvBib‡g›X GÛ IqvUvi Environment and Water Resources wi‡mv‡m©m g¨v‡bR‡g›X cª‡R± Management Project (01/05/2008-01/04/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058537 - 37058537 - `v‡ki Kvw›` cqt †kvabvMvi wbgv©Y cªKí 37058538 - 37058538 -cwjDkb K‡›Xªvj †gRvim Ae ¸jkvb-evwiaviv †jK evB WvBfvwUi †Wª‡bR AvDU‡jU Ae †jK Uy w` †Wª‡bR K¨v‡bj 37058539 - 37058539 - Aš—©eZxKvjxb Ri“ix cqt jvBb wbgv©Y I cybev©mb cÖKíÐ2 37058540 - 37058540 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi cybev©mb I Dbœqb 37058541 - 37058541 -B‡›Uwig cª‡R± di wi‡nwewj‡Ukb GÛ G·cvskvb Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB Bbd­ywWs BÝU‡jkb Ae Wxd wUDeI‡qj Bb †MªUvi Lyjbv 37058542 - 37058542 -Lyjbv Iqvmvi cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vmn mgx¶v cªYqb, gvóvi c­¨vb ‰Zix 37058543 - 37058543 -cqt wbgv©Y Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ `xN©‡gqv`x cwiPvjbv Mªn‡Yi Rb¨ mgx¶v cªKí 37058544 - 37058544 -wdwRwewjwU ôvwW Ae Bb MªvD›` IqvUvi GKyBkbm Bb Lyjbv 37058545 - 37058545 -beve wmiv‡ÏŠjvn †ivW n‡Z KY©dyjx b`x ch©š— bZyb iv¯—v wbgv©Y 37058546 - 37058546 -DËiv g‡Wj UvD‡bi 10,11,12,13 I 14 bs †m±‡ii wewfbœ iv¯—v Dbœqb I b`©gv wbgv©Y 37058547 - 37058547 -AÂj-6 Gi Aax‡b 42bs Iqv‡W© AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí| 37058548 - 37058548 -cªavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi m¤gy‡L Gqvi‡cv©U † ivW- wjsK †ivW G †ivW Avš—vicvk wbgv©Y| 37058549 - 37058549 -gvwbK wgqv GwfwbD‡Z c¨v‡Wwóªqvb AvÛvicvk wbgv©Y 37058550 - 37058550 -wLjMvuI d¬vBIfvi Gi wgwms jyd wbg©vY (mv‡q`vev` cªv‡ š— 37058551 - 37058551 -wK¬b Gqvi GÛ mvwm‡Un‡bej Gbfvqibg¨v›X cª‡R± 37058552 - 37058552 -Bgcª“f‡g›U Ad mwjU I‡qó g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb XvKv wmwU UIqvW© `¨v †jv-Kve©b †mvmnBwU Ì Gb‡nbwms I‡qó UvÝ ‡cvU© K¨vcvwmwU| 37058553 - 37058553 -‡KvÛ wi mvBwKs c­¨v›U Øviv XvKv gnvbMixi cªavb cªavb iv¯—v †givgZ I Dbœq‡bi e¨e¯’vKiY 37058554 - 37058554 -XvKv gnvbMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí 37058555 - R 37058555 -iv‡qi evRvi RvZxq ea¨f–wg msjMœ cª¯@vweZ Kei¯’vb Dbœqb KvR

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058556 - 37058556 -‡gvnv¤g`cyi I Av`vei GjvKvi iv¯—v, b`©gvb I dyUcv‡Zi evrmwiK i¶Yv‡e¶Y/Dbœqb cªKí| 37058557 - Physical Infrastructural Improvement of 37058557 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi wewfbœ GjvKvq † fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Extended Area in Rajshahi City Dbœqb Corporation 37058558 - 37058558 -gnvbMixi Dckni †gvo n‡Z †ijG“wms, bvgRgyj nK D”P we`¨vjq n‡q †mvbv`xwN †gvo ch©š— Ges gv‡jvcvov †gvo n‡Z wUGÛwU †d«Ûm wfwWI †nq mvMi cvov †gvo ch©š 37058559 - 37058559 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi ivRkvnx-bIMvu †ivW †cvóvj GKv‡Wgx GKv‡Wgx G“wms n‡Z ivRkvnx bv‡Uvi †ivW ch©š— c~e©-cwðg ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y 37058560 - 37058560 -wmwU feb Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y (2q chv©q) 37058561 - 37058561 -ivRkvnx wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi moK Av‡jvKvqb e¨e¯’vcbvi KvwiMix AvaywbKvqb I kw³kvjxKiY 37058562 - 37058562 -XvKv kn‡ii IqvUvi cv¤cmg~‡ni Rb¨ wW‡Rj †Rbv‡iUi Γq cªKí (01/04/2009-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058570 - 2007 37058570 -2007 mv‡ji eb¨v I AwZe„wó‡Z ¶wZMª¯’ XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb (01/07/2008-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058580 - 37058580 -wbg©j evq I †UKmB cwi‡ek (XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb Ask) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058590 - Improvement of the Infrastructure of 37058590 -B¤•ª“f‡g›U Ae w` Bbd«v÷«vKPvi Ae ewikvj wmwU Barisal City Corporation: Water Supply K‡c©v‡ikb IqvUvi mvc­vB,U«v›m‡cvU© GÛ cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae Transport and Procurement of Equipment BKz&Bc‡g›U (01/01/2009-30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 37058591 - 37058591 -G•‡cÖm cvIqvi jvBb ¯nvcb I wW‡Rj †Rbv‡iUi µq 37058592 - 37058592 -Lyjbv kn‡i cvwb mieivn Dbœqb cÖKí 37058593 - 37058593 -Drcv`b bjKzc cybev©mb I dzjZjv cÖK‡íi cvwb weZi‡bi j‡¶¨ weZiY cvBc jvBb m¤cÖmvib cÖKíÔ 37058594 - 37058594 -Lyjbv kn‡i cvwb mieivn, cqtwb¯‹vkb I †Wª‡bR e¨e¯nvi gvóvi c­vb cÖYqb, Kw¤cDUvi WvUv‡eR cÖ¯ZyZ Ges cvwb Drcv`‡b Kw¤cDUvivBRW gwbUwis wm‡÷g cÖKí 37058595 - 37058595 -Lyjbv kn‡i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯nvi m¤cÖmvib, cybev©mb Ges Lyjbv Iqvmvi Rb¨ Bbd«v÷ªvPvi d¨vwmwjwUR wbgv©b cÖKí 37058596 - 37058596 -kniv‡j IqvUvi wWw÷ªweDkb wm‡÷g Dbœqb, m¤cÖmvib I cybev©mb cÖKí| 37058597 - 37058597 -100 Gg Gj wW ¶gZv m¤úbœ cvwb †kvabvMvi, UªvÝwgkb cvBc jvBbmn B¤cDwÛs wiRvifvi wbgv©Y cÖKí 37058598 - 37058598 -cÖavb cÖavb Lvj ms¯‹vi/cyYtLbb, bMi feb wbgv©Y I AZ¨vekKxq hš¿cvwZ mieivn cÖKí| 37058599 - 37058599 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I m¤cªmvib cÖKí| 37058600 - 37058600 -cvwb mieivn I B‡jKwUªwd‡Kkb KvR Dbœqb cÖKí 37058601 - 37058601 -AeKvVv‡gv I †Wª‡bR e¨e¯nvi Dbœqb cÖKí 37058602 - 37058602 -j¨vÛwdj, KmvBLvbv, Wvw¤cs MªvDÛ I Lvj ms¯‹vi| 37058603 - 37058603 -‡Wªb Dbœqb cÖKí 37058604 - 37058604 -Mv‡e©R Kv‡jKkb, wWm‡cv‡Rj GÛ wUUª‡g›U cÖKí 37058605 - 37058605 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z iv¯Zv cÖk¯ZKiY I dzUcvZ wbgv©Y 37058606 - Survey to mitigate water logging problem 37058606 -mv‡f© Uy wgwU‡MU IqvUvi jIwRs cÖf‡jg Bb Lyjbv wmwU in khulna City 37058607 - Procurement of vehicles & Equipments for 37058607 -mwjD I‡qó Acmvi‡b hvbevnb I hš¿cvwZ µq Ges west management and installation of G¨vmdë µq I ¯nvcb Asphalt plant (01/07/11-30/06/12) 37058608 - 37058608 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gvMZ my‡hvM-myweav Dbœqb 37058609 - 37058609 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi cÖavb moK Dbœqb I dzUcvZ wbgv©Y 37058610 - 37058610 -AvaywbK KmvBLvbv I cvBKvix KvuPv evRvi wbgv©Y 37058611 - 37058611 -Lyjbv HwZh¨evnx knx` wgbvi, nvw`m cvK© I ZrmsjMœ cyKz‡ii mvBW Dbœqb I wcKwbK KYv©i wbgv©Y 37058612 - 37058612 -iƒcmv eªxR msjMœ evm Uvwg©bvj wbgv©Y|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058613 - 37058613 -cyivZb KieLvbv m¤cÖmviY, bZyb KeiLvbv wbg©vY I kk¥vb Nv‡Ui Dbœqb 37058614 - 37058614 -we`y¨r mvkÖ‡qi j‡¶¨ moK evwZ Led Bul I cÖwZ¯nvcb Re-placement of led bulb in street lighting to save Energy 37058615 - 37058615 -ew¯Z GjvKvq AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I myBcvi K‡jvbx wbgv©Y| 37058616 - 37058616 -Mv‡e©R Kv‡jKkb, wWm‡cv‡Rj GÛ wUUª‡g›U cÖKí Mv‡e©R Kv‡jKkb, wWm‡cv‡Rj GÛ wUUª‡g›U cÖKí 37058617 - 37058617 -enÏvinvU †gvo n‡Z KY©dzjx b`x ch©š— †gwibvm© evBcvm moK Dbœqbmn WvBfvikvb Lvj I mwbœwnZ Lvjmg~‡ni cybev©mb| 37058618 - 37058618 -PUªMªvg wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi wewfbœ GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 37058619 - 37058619 - PUªMªvg kn‡ii cwðgvsk Ges Bwc‡RW GjvKv i¶v‡_© mgy`ª DcKzj kni eva wbgv©Y 37058620 - 37058620 -PUªMªvg wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi wewfbœ ¸i“Z¡c~Y Rsk‡b d¬vBIfvi wbgv©Y 37058621 - 37058621 -PUªMªvg wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi GjvKvi cÖavb moKmgy‡n G¨vmd­U c­¨v›U Øviv Kv‡cwUs G gva¨‡g Dbœqb 37058622 - 37058622 -PUªMªvg wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi wewfbœ GjvKvi iv¯Zv Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY Ges dzUcvZ wbgv©Y (Avg‡ijv cÖKí) 37058623 - 37058623 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi fywg AwaMªnYmn †K›`ªxq UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbgvY 37058624 - 37058624 -Avqjv ¶wZMª¯n AeKvVv‡gvi cyYtevmb cÖKí 37058625 - 37058625 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ikbvaxb Lvjmg~n cyYtLbb 37058626 - 37058626 -ewikvj wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi GjvKvq fywg AwaMªnYmn eR¨© AcmviY ¯nvb wbgv©Y 37058627 - 37058627 -‡ejZjv †_‡K `c`wcqv eªxR ch©š— Kx©Zb‡Lvjv b`xi cv‡o kni i¶v evua KvgÐ wis †ivW wbgv©Y 37058628 - 37058628 -PUªMªvg kn‡ii mgy`ª DcKy‡j ch©Ub myweav m„wó 37058629 - Removal of Water Logging in Dhaka City 37058629 -XvKv gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `–ixKiY cÖKí (‡dR-2) (Phase-2) (01/07/2010-31/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058630 - 37058630 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Kíbv wm‡bgv nj n‡Z ZvjvBgvix †gvo ch©š— moK cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb 37058631 - Emergency Water Supply for Chittagong 37058631 -PÆMªvg Iqvmvi Ri“wi cvwb mieivn cÖKí WASA (01/07/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37058632 - 37058632 -eR¨ msMªn I AcmviY cªKí 37058633 - 37058633 -wcwcwci wfwˇZ hvÎvevoxиwj¯Zvb d­vBIfvi wbgv©Y cÖK‡ í miKvix Askx`vwiZ¡ 37058634 - 37058634 -AÂjÐ6 Gi Aax‡b 42 bs Iqv‡W© AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Ges †gvnvg¥`cyi I Av`vei GjvKv iv¯Zv, b`©gv I dzUcvZ Dbœqb| 37058635 - 37058635 -‡gvnvg¥` GjvKvi †R‡bfv K¨v‡¤c we`¨gvb Aev½vjx‡`i Rb¨ eûZj feb wbgv©Y cÖKí| 37058636 - 37058636 - †gvnvg¥` GjvKvi †eox eva †_‡K †gvng¥`cyi evm ÷¨vÛ ch©š— iv¯Zv Dbœqb cÖKí| 37058637 - Development of danage Road Drain and 37058637 -XvKv wmwUi ¶wZMª¯Z iv¯Zv b`©gv I dzUcvZ Dbœqb Footpath & of Dhaka city cÖKí| (01/07/11-01/07/13) 37058638 - 37058638 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ mo‡K GbvwR© †mwfs evwZ ¯nvcb cÖKí 37058639 - 37058639 -wgicyi †mbvwbevm evBcvm †ivW wbgv©Y, wmivwgK †ivW Dbœqb, `w¶Y cj­ex GjvKvi b`©gv I moK Dbœqb cÖKí 37058640 - 37058640 -kvnevM, †kivUb, evsjvgUi Ges †mvbviMvuI B›Uvi‡mKk‡b †ivW AvÛvicvm wbgv©Y cÖKí, †dBRÐ1 37058641 - 37058641 -XvKv gnvbMixi ¶wZMª¯Z iv¯ZvNvU G¨vmd›U c­v›UÐ Gi gva¨‡g Dbœqb 37058642 - 37058642 -XvKv gnvbMixi wewfbœ mo‡K Syjš— wWm, B›Uvi‡bU I†Uwj‡dvb K¨vej fyÐMf©¯n wcwcwm cvB‡c gva¨‡g ¯nvcb cÖKí 37058643 - 37058643 -XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi AvIZvq hvÎvevox †gvW n‡Z XvKv †Wgiv, XvKvÐPUªªMªvg Ges XvKv bvivqbMÄ mo‡Ki 1 wKtwgt ch©š— Dbœqb KvR

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058644 - 37058644 -XvKv bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 37058645 - 37058645 -Lyjbv kn‡i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯nvi Dbœqb cÖKí 37058646 - 37058646 -Drcv`K bjKzc cybev©mb dzjZjv cÖK‡íi cvwb weZi‡bi j‡¶¨ weZiY cvBc jvBb m¤cÖmviY cÖKí 37058647 - 37058647 -Lyjbv kn‡i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯nvi m¤cÖmvib , cybev©mb Ges Lyjbv Iqvmvi Rb¨ Bbdª÷ªvKPvi d¨vwmwjwUR wbgv©Y 37058648 - 37058648 -kniv‡j IqvUvi wWw÷ªweDkb wm‡÷g Dbœqb, m¤cÖmvib I cybev©mb cÖKí 37058649 - 37058649 -cvwb †kvabvMvi ¯nvcb, UªvÝwgkb cvBc jvBbmn BgcvDwÛs wiRvfv©i wbgv©Y cÖKí 37058650 - 37058650 -PUªMªvg Iqvmv cvwb mieivn DbœxZKib I m¨vwb‡Ukb cªKí 37058651 - 37058651 -cvBc jvBb cybev©mb cªKí 37058652 - 37058652 -PUªMªvg cqt wb¯‹vkb cªKí 37058653 - 37058653 -PUªMªvg Iqvmvi cvBc jvBb ewa©ZKiY cªKí 37058654 - Construction of Rajshahi WASA Bhaban 37058654 -Iqvmv feb wbg©vY 37058655 - Development of water supply system in 37058655 -cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Rajshahi city 37058656 - Reasibility study of water supply system in 37058656 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi cvwb mieiv‡ni m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB Rajshahi city 37058657 - 37058657 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z bvMwiK myweavi j‡¶¨ †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv wbgv©Y 37058658 - 37058658 -cÖavb cÖavb Lvj ms¯‹vi/cyYtLbb, bMi feb wbgv©Y I AZ¨vekKxq hš¿cvwZ mieivn cÖKí| 37058659 - 37058659 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi Abybœqb GjvKvi KvuPv iv¯v I e• KvjfvU© Dbœqb 37058660 - 37058660 -j¨vÛwdj, KmvBLvbv, Wvw¤cs MªvDÛ I Lvj ms¯‹vi| 37058661 - 37058661 -AeKvVv‡gv I †Wª‡bR e¨e¯nvi Dbœqb cÖKí 37058662 - 37058662 -j¨vÛwdj, KmvBLvbv, Wvw¤cs MªvDÛ I Lvj ms¯‹vi| 37058663 - 37058663 -cvwb mieivn I B‡jKwUªwd‡Kkb KvR cªKí 37058664 - 37058664 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, cvwb mieivn, hvbvevnb, hš¿cvwZ msMÖn cÖKí 37058665 - 37058665 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvi wewfbœ ¯’v‡b eªxR, KvjfvU© wbg©vb| 37058666 - 37058666 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi moK cÖk¯— KiY ÒI dzUcv_ wbg©vY cÖKí 37058667 - 37058667 -ewikvj bMi feb wbgv©Y 37058668 - 37058668 -ewikvj †K›`ªxq b_yj­vev` evm Uvwg©bvj ewa©ZKiY I Dbœqb| 37058669 - 37058669 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡b f~wg AwaMÖnYmn UªvK Uvwg©bvj wbg©vY| 37058670 - 37058670 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq f~wg AwaMÖnYmn wZb †Rv‡b wZbwU bZzb Kei ¯’vb wbg©vY 37058671 - 37058671 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi iƒcvZjx evm Uvwg©bvj Dbœqb cÖKí| 37058672 - 37058672 -ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ mo‡K †cv÷ mn GbvwR© †mwfs fvj¦ ¯’vcb KvR| 37058673 - 37058673 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Dckni †gvo n‡Z †mvbvw`Nx †gvo Ges gv‡jvcvov †gvo n‡Z mvMicvov †gvo ch©š moK cªk¯KiY I Dbœqb 37058674 - 37058674 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `ixKiYv‡_© b`©gv wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) 37058675 - 37058675 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi AveR©bv I Avavi Dbœqb 37058676 - 37058676 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi moK †bUIqvK© Gi Dbœqb 37058677 - 37058677 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi cÖvK…wZK Rjvkq msi¶Y I Dbœqb 37058678 - 37058678 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi moK †bUIqvK© Gi Dbœqb 37058679 - 37058679 -k¨vgjx n‡Z AvMviMuvI ch©š— ˆmq` gvneye gy‡k©` miYxi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 37058680 - 37058680 -avbgwÛ ‡j‡Ki ¶wZMÖ¯— AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I bvMwiK we‡bv`b myweav e„w× msµvš— AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37058681 - 37058681 -XvKv wmwU Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb †gvnv¤§`cyi †R‡bfv K¨v‡¤ú eûZj GcvU©‡g›U feb wbg©vY cÖKí| 37058682 - 37058682 -wgicyi Kvjkx †ivW I wgicyi- 10 †_‡K KPz‡¶Z †ivW cÖk¯’KiY I Dbœqb| 37058683 - 37058683 -Gqvi‡cvU© †ivW - wgicyi K¨v›Ubg¨v›U wjsK †ivW ch©š— wgicyi fvlvb‡UK ‡ivW ewa©ZKiY cÖKí| 37058684 - 37058684 -wgicyi GjvKvq moK I †Wª‡bR AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| (wbe©vPbx GjvKv, XvKv- 14) 37058685 - 37058685 -wgicyi GjvKvq moK I †Wª‡bR AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| (wbe©vPbx GjvKv, XvKv- 15 I 16) 37058686 - 37058686 -¸jkvb, ebvbx, evwiaviv I †ZRMuvI wkí GjvKvi moK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 37058687 - 37058687 -DËiv Rwmg DwÏb †ivW †_‡K wgicyi ch©š— ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY| 37058688 - 37058688 -DËiv Av`©k kn‡ii 14wU †m±‡ii iv¯—v cÖk¯’KiYmn b`©gv Ges dzUcvZ wbg©vY| 37058689 - 37058689 -DËiv¯’ ‡mvbviMuvI Rbc_ moK Avïwjqv ch©š— ewa©ZKiY KvR 37058690 - 37058690 -. †Kvì wi-mvBwK¬s c­¨v›U Øviv XvKv gnvbMixi cÖavb cÖavb iv¯—v †givgZ I Dbœq‡bi e¨e¯’vKiY 37058691 - 37058691 -mv‡qÝ j¨ve‡eUix GjvKvi hvbRU wbim‡bi Rb¨ †gvnv¤ §`cyi wkqv gmwR` n‡Z evm÷¨vÛ ch©š— evkevox †ivW cÖk¯’KiY Ges wRMvZjv we.wW.Avi †MU n‡Z AvwRgcyi Kei¯’vb 37058692 - Information Tecnology 37058692 -Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi mvwe©K Kg©Kv‡Û MwZkxjZvi j‡ ¶¨ Bbdi‡gkb †UK‡bvjwR (AvBwmwU) †m±i Dbœqb 37058693 - LED Bulb 37058693 -we`y¨r mvkª‡qi j‡¶¨ kn‡ii moK evZx G GjBwW evj¦G cªwZ¯’vcb 37058694 - Khulna City Development Inf 37058694 -Lyjbv kn‡ii †gŠwjK AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb 37058695 - Bridge 37058695 -Lyjbv gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `yixKi‡Y b`xmn cªvK„wZK Lvj cyYt Lbb, msi¶b I eªxR wbgv©Y 3706 - International Organisations 3706 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 37064450 - Commonwealth Local Government Forum 37064450 -KgbI‡qj_& ¯’vbxq miKvi †dvivg 3731-3740 - Local Infrastructure 3731-3740 -¯’vbxq AeKvVv‡gv 3731 - Local Government Engineering Department 3731 -¯’vbxq miKvi cª‡KŠkj Awa`ßi 37310000 - Local Government Engineering 37310000 -¯’vbxq miKvi cª‡KŠkj Awa`ßi Department 37310001 - Local Government Engineering 37310001 -¯’vbxq miKvi cª‡KŠkj Awa`ßi Department 37310002 - 37310002 -AvÂwjK ZË¡veavqK cÖ‡KŠkjxi Kvh©vjqmgn 37310005 - Integrated Food for Development 37310005 -mgwš^Z Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ Lv`¨ cªKí 37310007 - Strengtheining Household Abilities for 37310007 -‡mŠnv`©¨ Kg©m–wP Responding to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) 37313580 - 37313580 - 37314689 - 37314689 -cj­x moKmg‡ni g¨vBb‡U‡b›m Kg©mPx Rvcvb †WeU& K¨vb‡m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z 37315000 - Rural Road Maintenance Project through 37315000 -cve©Z¨ ‡Rjvq cj­x moK i¶Yv‡e¶Y (chv©q-2) Destitute Women in Hill Districts (Phase-II) (01/01/2002-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2002-31/12/2005) Approved 37315001 - Rural Development Engineering center. 37315001 -i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U BwÄwbqvwis †m›Uvi (AviwWBwm) †mwUs Avc (1/7/2002-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315002 - District of Hill 37315002 -cve©Z¨ ‡Rjvq cj­x moK i¶Yv‡e¶Y (chv©q-2) (01/01/2002-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315003 - Union Infrastructure Development Project: 37315003 -BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít w`bvRcyi, cÂMo, Dinajpur, Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, VvKziMuvI, iscyi, jvjgwbinvU, KzwoMªvg, MvBevÜv I Rangpur, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, bxjdvgvix †Rjv (01/01/2007-30/06/2012) Gaibandha & Nilphamari Districts 37315004 - Emergency Disaster Damage 37315004 -Bgvi‡Rw›m wWRv÷vi †W‡gR win¨vwewj‡Ukb (†m±i) cÖ Rehabilitation (Sector) Project 2007 (Part ‡R±-2007 (cvU©-wet i“ivj Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi) B: Rural Infrastructure) 01/01/08-31/12/10 Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315005 - 37315005 -wm‡jU wefvM MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (1/7/04-30/6/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315007 - Need to include project name 37315007 -wØZxq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (AviAvBAvBwc-2) (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315008 - Integrated Village Infrastructure 37315008 -mgwš^Z MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project 901/07/2005-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315009 - Upajala and Union road 37315009 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb mo‡K †cv‡U©ej w÷j weªR wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/2005-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315010 - medium city 37315010 -gvSvwi kni mgwš^Z eb¨v wbqš¿Y cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315011 - 37315011 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-2 (Avi AvB AvB wc-2) Gi KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí (1/7/2005-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315012 - aaaaaaa 37315012 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t e„nËi XvKv, UvsMvBj I wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv| 37315013 - Construction of Newly Created & River 37315013 -bem„ó Ges b`x fvsM‡b wejxb Dc‡Rjvmg–‡n Kg‡c­· Eroded Upazila Complex. feb wbg©vY (01/07/2005-30/06/2009 37315014 - 37315014 -nvB‡W«vjwRK¨vj GÛ g‡d©vjwRK¨vj ÷vwW BAvBG ÷vwW wcÖvc‡ikb Ae wW‡UBì wWgvRBb GÛ wewìs WKz‡g›Um di Kb÷«vKkb Ae G weªR Ab mjvwUqv evRvi-nvwRMÄ evRvi-†`IqvbMÄ evRvi †ivW Ifvi w` Iì eª¶¥cyÎ (01/11/2008-31/05/2009) 37315015 - Greater Kushtia District Infrastructure 37315015 -e„nËi Kzwóqv †Rjvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/02 - Development Project (01/07/01-30/06/05) 30/06/07)(Aby‡gvw`Z) Unapproved 37315016 - Rehabilitation of Aila affected Rural 37315016 -AvBjvq ¶wZMÖ¯’ MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb Infrastructure Project. (AviGGAviAvBwc) cÖKí 37315017 - Greater Jessore District Infrastructure 37315017 -Òe„nËi h‡kvi †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (h‡kvi, wSbvB`n, Development Project (Jessore, Jhenaida, gv¸iv I bovBj ‡Rjv) kxl©K cÖÖKíÓ| Magura & Narail districts). 37315018 - Upazila Complex Bhaban Expanded 37315018 -Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· m¤cÖmviY cÖKí| Project. 37315019 - Sustainable Rural Infrastructure 37315019 -mvm‡UB‡bej MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Improvement Project (SRIIP). 37315020 - District Infra-structure Development Project 37315020 -e„nËi Lyjbv †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ of Greater Khulna District (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) 37315021 - Development Project for Second Small 37315021 -wØZxq ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` Dbœqb †m±i cÖKí Water Resource Development Sector (01/07/2001-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315022 - Important Urban Infrastructure 37315022 -¸i“Z¡cY© bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project. 37315023 - gggggggggg 37315023 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z d¬vBIfvi eªxR wbg©vY cÖKí (gMevRvi-‡gŠPvK(mgwš^Z) d¬vBIfvi ) wbg©vY| 37315024 - hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 37315024 -iscyi †Rjvi k¨vgv my›`ix Lv‡ji Dbœqb cÖKí| 37315025 - District Town Infrastructure Development 37315025 -‡Rjv kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí Project (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315026 - Technical Assistance (TA) for Extended 37315026 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ (wUG) di G¨v·‡Ub‡WW Municipal Capacity Building Program and wgDwbwmc¨vj K¨vcvwmwU wewìs †cvMÖvg G¨vÛ wcÖcv‡ikb Preparation of Municipal Services Project - Ad wgDwbwmc¨vj mvwf©‡mm cÖ‡R± -2 II 37315027 - Construction of Flyover Bridge in Dhaka 37315027 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z d¬vBIfvi weªR wbgv©Y cªKí (gMevRvi- City (Mogbazar-Mouchak (Integrated) †gŠPvK(mgwš^Z) d¬vBIfvi wbgv©Y) Flyover). 37315028 - Improvement of Shama Sundari Canal in 37315028 -iscyi †Rjvi k¨vgv my›`ix Lv‡ji Dbœqb kxl©K cªKí Rangpur District. 37315029 - Technical Assistant (TA) for Extended 37315029 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U di G·‡Ub‡WU wgDwbwmcvj Municipal Capacity Building Program and K¨vcvwmwU wewìs †cªvMªvg GÛ wccªv‡ikb Ae Preparation of Municipal Services Project-II wgDwbwmcvwjwU mvwf©m cª‡R±-2 37315030 - 2004 year 37315030 -2004 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMª¯’ bMi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cªKí (01/07/2005-31/07/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315031 - 4th pally 37315031 -PZ~_© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí cÖYq‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv 37315032 - Infrastructure development project of 37315032 -e„nËi dwi`cyi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK, greater Faridpur (Important roads, †mZz/KvjfvU© I †MÖv_ †m›Uvi) cÖKí bridges/culverts and growth centres) 37315033 - Rural infrastructure development project of 37315033 -wm‡jU wefvM MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Sylhet division (01/07/98-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 37315034 - Infrastructure development project of 37315034 -e„nËi h‡kvni †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí greater Jessore district (01/07/98-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315035 - Rehabilitation with ADB assistance of rural 37315035 -GwWwe mnvqZvq 1998 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ cj­x infrastructure damaged by 1998 flood AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98-30/06/2001) 37315036 - Rehabilitation under KFW assistance rural 37315036 -‡KGdWwe­D mnvqZvq 1998 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ infrastructure of completed rural mgvßK…Z cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-7 GjvKvq cj­x AeKvVv‡gv development (Project-7) area damaged by cybe©vmb 1998 flood 37315037 - Post flood rehabilitation project under 37315037 -wWGdAvBwW (IwWG) mnvqZvq w÷j †eBjx weªR wbg©vY DFID (ODA) assistance of steel bridge (2q LÛ) eb¨v‡Ëvi cybe©vmb cÖKí construction (Part-2) (01/07/98-30/06/2003) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 37315038 - Project for construction of steel bridge with 37315038 -‡b`vij¨vÛ mnvqZvq IAviBwU Kg©m–wPi AvIZvq w÷j Netherland assistance under ORET weªR wbg©vY cÖKí (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98- programme 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315039 - Rehabilitation of urban infrastructure 37315039 -eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ bMi AeKvVv‡gv cbe©vmb cÖKí damaged by flood (01/07/99-30/06/2003) 37315040 - ADB 37315040 -GwWwe mvnvh¨cyó 2004 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMª¯’ cj­x AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vm‡b Ri“wi mnvqZv cªKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315041 - Water use 37315041 -f–-cwi¯’ cvwb e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g e„nËi gqgbwmsn GjvKvq `vwi`ª `–ixKiYv‡_© ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ gv÷vi c­¨vb cªYqb (01/01/2004-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315042 - Eradication of urban proverty through local 37315042 -¯’vbxq Askx`vwi‡Z¡i gva¨‡g bMi `vwi`ª `–ixKiY cÖKí participation (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315043 - Development of Union Parishad linkroad 37315043 -BDwbqb cwil` ms‡hvMKvix moK Dbœqb cUyqvLvjx I of Patuakhali and Barguna district ei¸bv †Rjv (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315044 - Char Development and Settlement 37315044 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKít 4 (GjwRBwW Project-4 (LGED) Ask) (01/01/11 - 31/12/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315045 - Greater Kustia District Infrastructure 37315045 -e„nËi Kzwóqv †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Kzwóqv, development (Kushtia, Chuadanga & PyqvWv½v I †g‡nicyi †Rjv) (01/01/12-30/06/15) Meherpur District) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315046 - Important Rural Infrastructure 37315046 -¸i“Z¡c‚Y© MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/12- Development Project 30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315047 - Project for Sustainability due to Climate 37315047 -wek¦ Lv`¨ Kg©m‚Pxi mnvqZvq `‚‡h©vM I Rjevqy cwieZ©b Change & Disaster under World Food cÖfvemnb kxl©K cÖKí Programme 37315048 - Expansion of Road Barguna Betagi 37315048 -ei¸bv-†eZvMx-wbqvgwZ-ev‡KiMÄ AvgZjx- niamoti Bakergonj Amtoli Sonakata ZvjZjx-†mvbvKvUv moK cÖk¯KiY I Dbœqb (01/07/11 (01/07/11-31/12/13) -31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315049 - Feasibility Study in term of Hydrological & 37315049 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Bb Uvg© Ae nvB‡W«vjwRK¨vj GÛ Morphological Study, Economic Analysis, gvi‡dvjwRK¨vj ÷vwW, B‡KvbwgK GbvjvBwmm, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Gbfvqi‡g›Uvj mv‡f© GÛ wWRvBb Ae BbcÖ‡U›U w_ª including Topographical survey & Design bb-jvR© weª‡Rm Bb bIMvu GÛ gvwbKMÄ ‡Rjv of Important 3 (Three) Nos. large Bridges in Naogoan & Manikgonj District 37315050 - Development of Public Priority Upazila 37315050 -Rb¸i“Z¡c–Y© Dc‡Rjv moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004- Road Project 30/06/2010) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 37315051 - Urban Governance and Ifrastructural 37315051 -Avievb Mfv‡b©›m GÛ Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± Improvement Project (01/7/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/7/2002-30/04/2005) Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315052 - Feasibility Study in term of Hydrological & 37315052 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Bb Uvg© Ae nvB‡W«vjwRK¨vj GÛ Morphological Study, Economic Analysis, gvi‡dvjwRK¨vj ÷vwW, B‡KvbwgK GbvjvBwmm, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Gbfvqi‡g›Uvj mv‡f© GÛ wWRvBb Ae Bgci‡U›U ‡dvi including Topographical survey and jvR© weª‡Rm Bb Rvgvjcyi ‡Rjv Design of Important 4 (Four) large Bridges in Jamalpur Disrict 37315053 - Feasibility Study in term of Hydrological & 37315053 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Bb Uvg© Ae nvB‡W«vjwRK¨vj GÛ Morphological Study, Economic Analysis gvi‡dvjwRK¨vj ÷vwW, B‡KvbwgK GbvjvBwmm, and Environmental Impact Assessment Gbfvqi‡g›Uvj mv‡f© GÛ wWRvBb Ae BbcÖ‡U›U dvBf (EIA) including Topographical s bb-jvR© weª‡Rm Bb ‡b·Kvbv ‡Rjv 37315054 - Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood 37315054 -nvIi A‡ji AeKvVv‡gv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí Improvement Project (HILIP) 37315055 - 37315055 -B‡KvjwRK¨vj wf‡jR ‡W‡fjc‡g›U Bb dvBf wf‡jR Ae UvsMvBj Bb †U÷ †ewmm 37315056 - Feasibility Study in term of Hydrological & 37315056 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Bb Uvg© Ae nvB‡W«vjwRK¨vj GÛ Morphological Study, Economic Analysis, gvi‡dvjwRK¨vj ÷vwW, B‡KvbwgK GbvjvBwmm, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Gbfvqi‡g›Uvj Bg‡c± G‡mm‡g›U (BAvBG), BbK¬ywWs including Topographical survey & Design U«wcK¨vj mv‡f© GÛ wWRvBb Ae Bgci‡U›U 5 (dvBf) b¤ ¦i -jvR© weª‡Rm Bb bivBj, MvBevÜv Ges gv¸iv ‡Rjv of Important 5 (Five) Nos. large Brides in Naril, Gaibandah Chittagong & Maguara District 37315057 - Rural Transport Improvement Project-2 37315057 -i“ivj U«v›m‡cvU© BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R±-2 (AviwUAvBwUwc-2) (RTIP-2) 37315058 - Costal Climate resilient Infrastructure 37315058 -†Kv÷vj K¬vB‡gU †iwRwj‡q›U Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi BgcÖ“f‡g›U Improvement Project cÖ‡R± (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) 37315059 - Project Preparatory Technical Assistants 37315059 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj Gwm‡÷¨vÝ (wcwcwUG) cÖ (PPTA) Project for Coastal Town ‡R± di †Kv÷vj UvDbm Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ Infrastructure Improvement Project ‡R± (01/10/2012-30/06/2013) (01/10/2012-30/06/2013) 37315060 - Rural development (project-8) project for 37315060 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-8 t AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb e„nËi iscyi wRjv infrstructure development of greater (chv©q-2) Rangpur district 37315061 - 2nd city 37315061 -2q bMi cwiPvjbv I AeKvVv‡gv DbœwZKiY cÖKí ˆZwii Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315062 - aa 37315062 -nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj GÛ gi‡dvjwRK¨vj ÷vwW, BAvBG ÷vwW, wcÖcv‡ikb Ae wW‡UBj wWRvBb GÛ wewWs WKz‡g›Um di Kb÷ªvKkb Ae Uz jvR© weª‡Rm Ifvi KvwPciv KviLvbv wifv 37315063 - Construction of Submersible roads for 37315063 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi wgVvgBb Dc‡Rjvaxb nvIi GjvKvq Hoar Area of Mittiamoin Upazilla at mve gvwR©ej moK wbg©vY (01/01/2013-31/12/2013) Kishurgong District (01/01/2013-31/12/2013) 37315064 - Construction of 341 Meters long PC 37315064 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi AóMÖvg Dc‡Rjvaxb a‡jk¦ix b`xi Guarder Bridge on the River of Dhalessory Dci 341 wgUvi `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY of Austogram Upazila at Kishurgong (01/01/2013-30/06/2015) District (01/01/2013-30/06/2015) 37315065 - Greater Rangpur & Dinajpur Districts Rural 37315065 -e„nËi iscyi I w`bvRcyi †Rjv MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Infrastructure Development Project cÖKí (01/07/2002-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2001-30/6/2005) Approved 37315066 - Feasibility Study in Terms of Hydrological 37315066 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Bb Uvg©m Ae nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj Morphology Study, Economic Analysis, gi‡dvjwR ÷vwW, B‡Kv‡bvwgK G¨vbvjvBwmm, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) G¨vbfvqib‡g›Uvj B¤•¨v± G¨v‡mm‡g›U (BAvBG) Including Topographical Survey and BbK¬zwWs U‡cvMÖvwdK¨vj mv‡f© GÛ wWRvBb Ae Bgci‡U›U 02 (Uy) jvR© eªxR Bb bv‡Mk¦ix Dc‡Rjv Bb KzwoMªvg Design of Important 02 (Two ) Large wWw÷«± Ae evsjv‡`k (01/01/2013-30/06/2013) Bridges in Nagessheri Upazila In Aby‡gvw`Z korigram District of Bangladesh (01/01/2013-30/06/2013)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315067 - Hydrological and Morphology Study, 37315067 -nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj GÛ gi‡dvjwR ÷vwW, G¨vbvjvBwmm, Analysis, Environment Impact G¨vbfvqib‡g›Uvj B¤•¨v± (BAvBG) BbK¬zwWs Assessment (EIA) Including U‡cvMÖvwdK¨vj mv‡f© GÛ wWRvBb Ae 160 wgt Ab Topographical Survey and Design of 160 KvjNi evRvi-ivRviKzj G¨vU ‡PB‡bRt 1+500 wKtwgt Ifvi evKLvjx b`xi Dci ivgy Dc‡Rjv, wWw÷«± Meters on Kalghar Bazar-Razarkul at K·evRvi (01/01/2013-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Change 1+500 Km over Bakekhali River at Ramu Upazila of Coxes Bazar District (01/01/2013-30/06/2013) 37315068 - aa 37315068 -iscyi wefv‡Mi AšM©Z 6wU b`xi Dci `xN© †mZz wbgv‡Y©i D‡Ï‡k¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v cÖKí (01/10/2012- 30/04/2013) 37315069 - Development of Infrastructure connecting 37315069 -†eMg †iv‡Kqv ¯§„wZ‡K›`ª ms‡hvMKvix cj¬x AeKvVv‡gv Begum Rokeya Memorial Dbœqb (01/01/2013-30/06/2015) (01/01/2013-30/06/2015) 37315070 - Upazila Road Improvement Project 37315070 -Dc‡Rjv moK Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315071 - Project Priparatory Tecnical Assistance for 37315071 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUwi †UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di wcÖcvwis preparing City region development wmwU wiwRqb †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/10/2009-30/09/2010) (01/10/2009-30/09/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315072 - Capacity Development Project for 37315072 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± di cviwUwm‡cUix IqvUvi Participatory Water Resource wi‡mv‡m©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U _ª“ BbwU‡Mª‡UW i“ivj Management Through Integrated Rural †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/09/2012-30/09/2017) Development (01/09/2012-30/09/2017) 37315073 - Northern Bangladesh Integrated 37315073 -b`©vb evsjv‡`k Bw›U‡Mª‡UW †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ Development ‡R±(01/07/2013-30/06/2014) Project(01/07/2013-30/06/2014) 37315074 - Important Road Development Project of 37315074 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjv bv‡Pvj Dc‡Rjvi ¸i“Z¡cY© moK Nachule Upazila at ChapaiNawabganj Dbœqb cÖKí(01/01/2013-30/06/2014) District (01/01/2013-30/06/2014) 37315075 - Technical Assistance for Flyovers at 37315075 -gMevRvi-‡gŠPvK B›Uvi‡mKk‡b d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY cÖK‡íi Moghbazar & Mouchak Inter-section Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv (01/01/2002-31/12/2006) Project (01/01/2002-30/06/2005) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 37315076 - Feasibility Study in Terms of Hydrological 37315076 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Bb Uvg©m Ae nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj Morphology Study, Economic Analysis, gi‡dvjwR ÷vwW, B‡Kv‡bvwgK G¨vbvjvBwmm, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) G¨vbfvqib‡g›Uvj B¤•¨v± G¨v‡mm‡g›U (BAvBG) Including Topographical Survey and BbK¬zwWs U‡cvMÖvwdK¨vj mv‡f© GÛ wWRvBb Ae Bgci‡U›U 02 (Uy) jvR© eªxR Bb wc‡ivRcyi GÛ UvsMvBj wWw÷«± Ae Design of Important 02 (Two ) Large evsjv‡`k (01/01/2013-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Bridges in Pirojpur and Tangail District of Bangladesh (01/01/2013-30/06/2013) 37315077 - Construction of Bilonlai Shaghojuri via 37315077 -gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi wNIi Dc‡Rjvaxb Boikonthopur-Baliabath 2850 meters wcweGm-wejbjvB-wmsnSzwi BDwc fvqv bridge review on Baliganga river at singair ˆeKÉcyi-evwjqvevÜv mo‡Ki 2850 wgt †PBt KvjxM½v Upazilla of Mnikgonj District and b`xi Dci 280 wgt Ges wm½vBi Dc‡Rjvaxb Pv Conctruction of Bridge review on chandaher river at Ghior Upazilla by Maniknagar Gesi Itapara RHD via Anando Bazar Road 200 meters and Chainage 280 Meters (Dec 2012-april 2013) 37315078 - Project Design Advance (PDA) Project for 37315078 -cÖ‡R± wWRvBb GWfv›m (wcwWG) cÖ‡R± di ‡Kvóvj Towns Infrastructure Improvement Project UvDbm Bbd«v±vPvi B¤•ª“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/07/2013-30/04/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315079 - aa 37315079 -†MªUvi XvKv mvm‡Ub¨vej Avievb U«v›m‡cvU© cÖKí, weAviwU- MvRxcyi- Gqvi‡cvU© 37315080 - 37315080 -e¸ov kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315081 - Gaibandha 37315081 -MvBevÜv †Rjvi my›`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb cuvPcxi-wPjgvix mo‡K wZ¯v b`xi Dci AvbygvwbK 1000 wgUvi `xN© †mZy wbg©v‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315082 - Construction of Bridge on Chandpur Canal 37315082 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi gv`viMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb evwjqvRywi wRwm and Improvement of Road from Baliaguri n‡Z e¸ov †Rjvi mvwiqvKvw›` wRwm moK Dbœqbmn of Madargonj Upazila of Jamalpur District Puv`cyi Lv‡ji Dci 110 wgt eªxR wbg©vY to Sriakandi of Bogra District (01/01/2013-30/06/2014) (01/01/2013-30/06/2014) 37315083 - Technical Assistant for Transit oriented 37315083 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di U«vbwRU Awi‡q‡›UW development and Improvement Traffic †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ B¤•ª“f‡g›U U«vwdK g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb Management in Tongi-Gazipur area U½x-MvRxcyi †cŠi Gwiqvm (cÖ‡cvRW MvRxcyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb) (01/02/13-31/01/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315084 - Rural Employment and road maintenance 37315084 -cj­x Kg©ms¯’vb I moK i¶Yv‡e¶Y Kg©m–wP Programme (RERMP-2) (AviBAviGgwc-2) cÖKí 37315085 - Upazila Town Infrastructure Development 37315085 -Dc‡Rjv kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Project (Revised) (1/7/2003-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315086 - Feasibility study & design of four large 37315086 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW GÛ wWRvBb Ae †dvi jvR© eªx‡Rm Ab bridges on Rural Roads under Sylhet i“ivj †ivWm AvÛvi wm‡jU wWwfkb Division 37315087 - Capacity Development Project for 37315087 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± di cviwUwm‡cUix IqvUvi Participatory Water Management Through g¨v‡bR‡g›U _ª“ Bw›U«‡M‡UW i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U Integrated Rural Development 37315088 - Rural Infrastruction Development Project 37315088 -ewikvj wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Barisal district. 37315089 - Constraction of 950 m long PC Girder 37315089 -KzwoMªvg †Rjvi dzjevox Dc‡Rjvi aijv b`xi Dci 950 Bridge on Dharla River at Fulbari upazila, wgUvi `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZy wbg©vY . 37315090 - 37315090 -‡gŠjfxevRvi kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315091 - Improvement of Bhangura-Naogaon GCM 37315091 -cvebv †Rjvi fvs¸ov Dc‡Rjvaxb fvs¸ov-bIMuv wRwmGg Road Under Bhangura Upzila Pabna moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/11-31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z District 37315092 - Climate Change Adaptation Pilot Project 37315092 -Rjevqy Awf‡hvRb cvBjU cÖKí (CCAPP) 37315093 - Rangpur Division Rural Infrastruction 37315093 -iscyi wefvM MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Improvement Project 37315094 - Construction of 1490 m Long PC Girder 37315094 -MvBevÜv †Rjvi my›`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvq cuvPcxi Bridge on Panchpir Bazar-Chilmari evRvi-wPjgvix Dc‡Rjv m`i `߇ii mv‡_ ms‡hvMKvix Upazilla Head Quarter Road over the mo‡K wZ¯v b`xi Dci 1490 wgUvi `xN© wcwm MvW©vi Teesta River at Sundargang Upazila under †mZy wbg©vY cÖKí G 37315095 - Hydrological and Morphological Study and 37315095 -nvB‡W«vjwRK¨vj GÛ gvi‡dvjwRK¨vj ÷vwW GÛ Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj Bgc¨v± G‡mm‡g›U BbK¬ywWs mv‡f© Ae including Topographical Survey of 27 Nos. 27 bb-BbcÖ‡U›U jvR© weªR Bb †mg wm‡jK‡UW wWwó«Km Important Large Bridge in som (01/10/2013-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315096 - Grater Noakhali (Noakhali, Feni & 37315096 -e„nËi †bvqvLvjx (†bvqvLvjx, †dYx I j¶xcyi †Rjv) cj­x Laxmipur district) Rural Infrastruction AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb-2 cÖKí Development Project (GNRIDP-2) 37315097 - Madaripur Sakuni Lake and Poura Park 37315097 -gv`vixcyi †cŠimfvaxb kKzbx †jK I †cŠi cvK© Dbœqb Development Project cÖKí (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315098 - Bangladesh Agriculture Infrastruction 37315098 -evsjv‡`k GwMªKvjPvi Bbd«v÷«vKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U Development Program †cÖvMªvg 37315099 - Construction of 520.60 m Long RCC 37315099 -UvsMvBj †Rjvi bvMicyi Dc‡Rjvaxb bvMicyi-wgR©vcyi Girder Bridge over Dhaleswari River on fvqv †gvKbv mo‡K a‡jk¦ix b`xi Dci 520.60 wg. `xN© Nagarpur-Mirzapur via Mokna Upazila road weªR wbg©vY cÖKí under tangail District 37315100 - Sylhet City 37315100 -wm‡jU kn‡i gvwQgcyi weªR cybtwbg©vY I weª‡Ri ms‡hvM moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315101 - Sujanagar-Paurashava"s Embankment 37315101 -myRvbMi †cŠimfvi evbœvB Lv‡ji Zxi msi¶Y, Lvj Protection, Re-Excavation of Bannai Khal cybtLbb Ges †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí and Paura Infrastructures Development (01/12/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Project

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315102 - Construction of 668.00 m. long 37315102 -cUyqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb Pre-Stressed Girder Bridge over Baro Kjvcvov-evwjqvZjx-M½vgwZ mo‡K eo evwjqvZjx Baliatali Andermanik River on AvÜvigvwbK b`x‡Z 668.00 wgUvi `xN© wcÖ-÷«xmW MvW©vi Kalapara-Baliatali-Gangamati Upazila in eªxR wbg©vY Patuakhali D 37315103 - Construction of Cleaners Colony of Dhaka 37315103 -XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi cwi”QbœZv Kg©x wbevm wbg©vY cÖKí City Corporation. (01/07/2013-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315104 - Bhola Pourashava Infrastructure 37315104 -†fvjv †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project 37315105 - Construction of Bridge/Culvert on Rural 37315105 -gv`vixcyi †Rjvi wkePi Dc‡Rjvq MªvgxY mo‡K Roads in Shibchar Upazila of Madaripur †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY cÖKí District. (01/10/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315106 - Greater Mymonshing District Infrastructure 37315106 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn †Rjv cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315107 - Construction of Bridge on Bakshigonj and 37315107 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi e•xMÄ I †`IqvbMÄ Dc‡Rjvq 4wU dawangonj Upazila under Jamalpur eªxR wbg©vY (01/01/2014-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z District 37315108 - Construction of road stailing from 37315108 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi `vwiqvicyi n‡Z wbg©vYvaxb 546 Dariyarpur of Chapainnowabganj district wgUvi 2q gnvb›`v †mZy n‡q my›`icyi BDwbq‡bi passing through 546 meter 2nd givcvMjv, †gvj­vMªvg, c`¥v †eoxeuva n‡q wkeMÄ `yj©fcyi mahananda bridge (under construction), ch©šZ iv¯Zv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/12/2013- 30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Morapagla of Sundarpur union, Mollagram, Padma Beribadh to Shivganj Durlavpur Projrct (01/12/13-30/06/15) Approved 37315109 - Narangonj survey on brideg construction 37315109 -bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq kxZj¶v b`xi Dci over Sitalokka river in Narangong region eªxR wbg©vY mgx¶v (01/10/2013-30/06/2014) (01/10/13-30/06/14) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 37315110 - Rural development (project-16) project for 37315110 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-16 t AeKvVv‡gv cyivZb ewikvj, insfrastructure development of greater cUyqvLvjx, †fvjv, ei¸bv, SvjKvwV I wc‡ivRcyi wRjv Barisal, Patuakhali district (ms‡kvwaZ) 37315111 - Coastal Towns Infrastruction Development 37315111 -DcK‚jxq kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/01/2014-31/05/2020) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315112 - Rural development Project-16: 37315112 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-16 t AeKvVv‡gv cUzqvLvjx I ei¸bv Infrastructure of Patuakhali and Barguna †Rjv (chv©q-2) (01/07/99-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ district (Phase-2) Abby‡gvw`Z 37315113 - Municipal Governances and Services 37315113 -wgDwbwmc¨vj Mfvib¨v›m GÛ mvwf©‡mm cÖ‡R± Project (MGSP) (GgwRGmwc) cÖKí (01/01/2014-31/12/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315114 - Project Preparation Technical Assistance 37315114 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡ikb †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m (wcwcwUG) di (PPTA) wcÖ‡cqvwis _vW© Avievb Mf‡b©›m GÛ Bbd«v÷«vKPvi BgcÖ “f‡g›U (†m±i) (01/05/2013-31/10/2014) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37315115 - The Project for Developing Inclusive City 37315115 -`¨v cÖ‡R± di †Wcjvwcs BbK¬ywmf wmwU Mfb©‡b›m di Governance for City Corporation wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb (01/04/2013-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315116 - Infastructure Development of melandoho 37315116 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi †gjv›`n I gv`viMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb and Mothergonj Upazila of Jamalpur AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) District (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 37315117 - Development 6 roads and 6 37315117 -ewikvj †Rjvi †g‡n›`xMÄ I wnRjv Dc‡Rjvaxb 6wU bridges/culvert of Mehendigong and Hizla eªxR/KvjfvU© I 6wU iv¯Zv Dbœqb upazila of Barishal District (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Approved 37315118 - City Governance Project 37315118 -wmwU Mf‡b©›m cÖ‡R± 37315119 - Rural Infrastructure Development Project 37315119 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi m`i `w¶Y I bv½j‡KvU© Dc‡Rjvi cj­x in Sadar Dakhin & Nagalkot Upazila under AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Comilla District 37315120 - Polli road 37315120 -cj­x mo‡K nvjKv hvbevnb PjvPj‡hvM¨ weªR wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/03-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315121 - Baliadangi, Haripur & Ranisankail Upazila 37315121 -VvKziMuvI †Rjvi AšZM©Z evwjqvWv½x, nwicyi Ges under Thakurgaon District Rural ivYxms‰Kj Dc‡Rjv MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Infrastruction Improvement Project

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315122 - Rural Infrastructure Development Project 37315122 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Kzwgj­v, we-evoxqv Ges (Comilla, B-Baria & Chandpur District) Puv`cyi †Rjv) 37315123 - Third Urban Governance and Infrastructure 37315123 -Z„Zxq bMi cwiPvjbv I AeKvVv‡gv DbœwZKiY (†m±i) Improvement (Sector) Project (UGIIP-III) cÖKí 37315124 - Banapole Pourashava Infrastructure 37315124 -‡ebv‡cvj †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Improvement Project (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315125 - Construction of 140 m PC Girder Bridge 37315125 -bovBj †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb cyivZb †dixNvU msjMœ and 140 m viaduct over Chitra river at old wPÎv b`xi Dci 140 wgUvi weªR Ges 140 wgUvi fvqvWv± Ferryghat wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315126 - Climate Change Adaption Project (CCAP) 37315126 -K¬vB‡gU †PÄ GWvckb cÖ‡R± (wmwmGwc) 37315127 - Study Project for Preparation of Action Area 37315127 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae G¨vKkb Gwiqv c­vb di MvRxcyi G¨vÛ Plan for Narayangonj and Gazipur City bvivqbMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315128 - Haor Flood Management and Livelihood 37315128 -nvIo A‡ji eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí Improvement Project (LGED Part) 37315129 - Establishment of 9 Important Breezes 37315129 -¸i“Z¡cY© 9wU weªR wbg©vY (01/07/2015-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315130 - Rural development (project-4) project for 37315130 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-14 t AeKvVv‡gv cyivZb UvsMvBj wRjv infrastructure development of Tangai (chv©q-2) (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96-30/06/2005) district (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37315131 - Establishment of Multipurpose disaster 37315131 -eûgyLx `y‡h©vM Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí shelter Center (01/07/2015-30/06/2020) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315132 - 37315132 -2004 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí, UvsMvBj †Rjv (01/12/2004-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315133 - Project Design Advance (PDA) for the 37315133 -cÖ‡R± wWRvBb GWfv›m (wcwWG) di `¨v †imvë †eBRW Result Based Rural Connectivity i“ivj Kv‡bKwUwfwU †cÖvMªvg Programme (01/01/2015-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315134 - Rural Infrastructure Development Project 37315134 -bvivqbMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb cjЭx AeKvVv‡gv at Narayanganj-4 of Narayanganj Sadar Dbœqb cÖKít (bvivqYMÄ-4) Upazila Under Narayanganj District (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315135 - Eastern Bangladesh Infrastructure 37315135 -evsjv‡`‡ki c–e©vÂjxq cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKít Development Project : Greater Chittagong, e„nËi PUªMªvg, †bvqvLvjx I wm‡jU †Rjv (1/7/2004- Noakhali and Sylhet Districts. 30/6/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315136 - Income Support Program for the Poorest 37315136 -nZ `wi`ª gvby‡li Rb¨ Avw_©K mnvqZv cÖ`vb cÖKí 37315137 - Study Proposal for Construction of 4 No. of 37315137 -iscyi †Rjvi cxiMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb Ki‡Zvqv b`xi Dci Brideges: one Bridge over the river 1wU, bvivqbMÄ †Rjvi i“cMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb evjy b`xi Korotoya undesr Pirgong upazila. Two Dci 2wU Ges XvKv †Rjvi mvfvi Dc‡Rjvaxb ZyivM Bridges over the river Balu under Rupgang b`xi Dci 1wU eªx‡Ri mgš^‡q †gvU 4wU eªxR wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v (01/06/2015-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z upazila and other one over the river Turag under saver upazila, district Dhaka 37315138 - Study Proposal for Construction of 3 37315138 -UvsMvBj †Rjvi evmvBj Dc‡Rjvaxb wSbvB (cysjx) b`xi (Three) Bridges over the river Jhinai Dci 3wU eªxR wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v (Pungli) under Basail upazila, district (01/06/2015-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Tangail 37315139 - Improvement of Improtant Infrastructure at 37315139 -e¸ov †Rjvi mvwiqvKvw›` I †mvbv‡Zvjv Dc‡Rjv cjЭx Sariakandi and Sonatala upazilla under AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Bogra District (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315140 - Rural Development Project-23 : 37315140 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-23 t AeKvVv‡gv j²xcyi I †dbx †Rjv Infra-structure of Lakshmipur and Feni (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) District (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315141 - Rural Infrastruction Development Project of 37315141 -kixqZcyi †Rjvi bwoqv Dc‡Rjvq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Naria Upazila under Shariatpur District. Dbœqb cÖKí 37315142 - Rural Infrastruction Development Project: 37315142 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg- 2q ch©vq Chittagong Hill Tracts-2nd Phase 37315143 - Important Rural Infrastructures 37315143 -AMªvwaKvi wfwˇZ ¸i“Z¡cY© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí- Development Project on Priority Basis-2 2 (AvBAviAvBwWwc-2) (IRIDP-2)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315146 - Rural Infrastruction Development Project at 37315146 -bvivqYMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi moK Dbœqb cÖKí Narayanganj Sadar Upazila Under Narayanganj District 37315147 - Construction & Improvement of road & 37315147 -cUyqvLvjx †cŠimfvi †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v Dbœqb I Rjve×Zv drainage system to improve `–ixKi‡Y moK I †W«‡bR e¨e¯’v wbg©vY I Dbœqb cÖKí communication facilities and mitigate water logging problem in Patuakhali Pourashava 37315150 - Infrastructure development of 10 37315150 -10 wU gvSvwi kn‡ii AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb secondary towns 37315160 - Cyclone rehabilitation project for Feni, 37315160 -NwY©So cybev©vmb cªKí †dbx, †bvqvLvjx, j¶xcyi, PÆMªvg Noakhali, Laxmipur, Chittagong and Cox's I K·evRvi †Rjv (ms‡kvwaZ) bazar district 37315170 - Construction of cyclone shelter under 37315170 -Rvcvwb mnvqZvq NwY©So Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY cªKí (¯’vbxq Japanese grant miKvi wefv‡Mi Ask) (ms‡kvab-2) 37315180 - Rural development project-18: 37315180 -mgvßK…Z cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí- 18 t GjvKvq (e„nËi Lyjbv, infrastructure development of old Khulna, h‡kvi I Kzwóqv wRjv) eb¨v cybe©©vmb cÖKí Jessore and Kushtia districts (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37315190 - PL-480, Title-3 project 37315190 -wcGj-480 UvB‡Uj-3 37315200 - Secondary town infrastructure 37315200 -gvSvwi kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-3) development project (Phase-3) 37315201 - Technical assitance for implementation of 37315201 -gvSvwi kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-3) cªYq‡bi secondary towns infrastructure Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí development project 37315210 - Irrigation project of Bhola (2nd phase) 37315210 -‡fvjv †mP cªKí (chv©q-2) (¯’vbxq miKvi cÖ‡KŠkj e¨ (LGE bureau) ‡iv) 37315220 - Secondary towns integrated flood 37315220 -‡m‡KÛvwi UvDb Bw›U‡Mª‡UW d¬vW cª‡UKkb cª‡R± cvU©-we protection project (Part-B) (wb¯‹vkY) I cvU©-wm (cwi‡ek Dbœqb) GjwRBwW 37315230 - Char development and settlement project 37315230 -Pi †Wfjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cªKí (GjwRBwW) (LGED) 37315240 - Construction and re-construction of roads, 37315240 -AMªvwaKvi wfwˇZ cj­x A‡ji moK,‡mZz I KvjfvU© bridges and culverts on priority basis wbgv©Y I cybtwbgv©Y cÖKí - 2q LÛ (Phase-2) (01/07/97-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 37315250 - 37315250 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡b gvwUi KvR (1/7/03 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315260 - Rural development project-3: infrastructure 37315260 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-3 t AeKvVv‡gv (chv©q-2) development (Phase-2) 37315270 - Cyclone rehabilitation project: all coastal 37315270 -NwY©So cybe©vmb cªKí t mgMª DcK‚jxq GjvKv areas (2nd revised) (ms‡kvwaZ) mgvßK…Z cÖK‡íi cyYAš©fzw³KiY (01/07/94-30/06/2001) 37315280 - Rural infrastructure development project 37315280 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (¸i“Z¡cY© moK I (roads & bazars) nvUevRvimg‡ni Dbœqb) 37315290 - Construction of Some Important Fiddler 37315290 -e„nËi wm‡jU †Rjvi K‡qKwU ¸i“Z¡c–Y© wdWvi moK I Road and Bridge at Greater Sylhet District †mZz wbgv©Y (GjwRwW Ask) (01/07/1999- 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 37315300 - 37315300 -ebvbx †ivW bs 11 I ïjkvb †ivW bs 41 ms‡hv‡Mi wbwg‡ Ë ¸jkvb †j‡Ki Dci weªR wbg©vY (01/07/2007-31/12/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315310 - A D B flood rehabilitation project 37315310 -GwWwe mvnvh¨cyó eb¨v cybe©vmb cªKí (chv©q-4) 37315320 - Rural infrastructure development 37315320 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (Rb¸i“Z¡c–Y©© MÖvgxY (project-2) †hvMv‡hvM Ges nvUevRvi Dbœqb I cybe©vmb) (01/07/2001-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315325 - Market Infrastructure Development Project 37315325 -Pi A‡j evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí in Charland Regions (01/01/2006-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315330 - Rural Infra-structure Development Project 37315330 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (moK, †mZz/KvjfvU©, †MÖv_ (Road, Bridge/Culvert, Growth †m›Uvi/evRvi BZ¨vw` Dbœqb) Centre/Bazar Etc) (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315335 - Still baily 37315335 -w÷j †eBwj weªR wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315340 - Construction of Bridge on Saltia 37315340 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae w_ª weª‡Rm Ifvi eª¶«cyÎ wifvi Ab Bazar-Hajeeganj Bazar-Dewaanganj Bazar mjvwUqv evRvi nvwRMÄ evRvi †`IqvbMÄ evRvi †ivW, Road over the old Brahmaputra River GjwRBwW (01/07/2007-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315350 - Rural maintenance programme (Phase-3) 37315350 -cj­x i¶Yv‡e¶Y Kg©m–wP (4_© - ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/95-30/09/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315360 - Rehabilitation and Increasing Efficiency of 37315360 -¶y`ªvKvi cvwbm¤c` Dc-cÖKí Gi cybe©vmb I Kvh©KvwiZv Small Water Resource Project e„w× kxl©K cÖKí 37315370 - Water Resource Development Project 37315370 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn, wm‡jU I dwi`cyi GjvKvq ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí 37315380 - Emergency Disaster Damage 37315380 -Bgvi‡Rw›m wWRv÷vi W¨v‡gR wi‡nwewj‡Ukb (†m±i) cÖ Rehabilitation (Sector) Project 2007 ‡R± -2007 (cvU©-wm, wgDwbwmc¨vj Bbd«vK÷«vKPvi) (01/01/08 - 31/03/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315390 - Repair and maintenance of coastal 37315390 -DcK‚jxq A‡j eûgyLx N–wY©So Avkªq †K›`ª, †Kv÷vj I multipurpose cyclone cum community mve †Kv÷vj KwgDwbwU †m›Uvi wbgv©Y, †givgZ I centres i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí 37315400 - City Region Development Project 37315400 -bMi AÂj Dbœqb cÖKí 37315410 - Secondary town infrastructure 37315410 -gvSvwi kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí-2 (ms‡kvwaZ) development project-2 (01/07/95-30/09/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315420 - Procurement of road rollers and bull 37315420 -Rvcvbx Aby`v‡b (wWAviwRG) †ivW †ivjvi fvB‡iUix dozeers under Japanese grant †ivjvi I eyj †WvRvi msMªn cÖKí 37315430 - Rural development project: infrastructure 37315430 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-11 AeKvVv‡gv ; e„nËi ivRkvnx, cvebv, of greater Rajshahi, Pabna, Bogra and e¸ov I XvKv †Rjv (MÖvgxY moK, evRvi Dbœqb I Dhaka districts i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96-30/08/2002) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37315435 - Greater Bogra, Rajshahi & Pabna Districts 37315435 -e„nËi e¸ov ivRvkvnx I cvebv †Rjvi (e¸ov, RqcyinvU, (Bogra, Joypurhat, Rajshahi, Noagaon, ivRkvnx, bIMv, bv‡Uvi, beveMÄ, cvebv I wmivRMÄ Natore, Nawabganj, Pabna & Sirajgonj †Rjv mgš^‡q MwVZ) AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Districts) Infrastructured Development (01/07/02-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z Project (01/07/01-30/06/07) Approved 37315440 - Small scale water resource development 37315440 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb ch©v‡q ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` Dbœqb project at upazilla and union level †m±i (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1995-30/6/2004) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37315450 - Construction of low cost bridges and 37315450 -¯^íe¨‡q MªvgxY mo‡K cyj/KvjfvU© wbg©vY cªKí (1g culverts in rural areas ch©vq) (ms‡kvwaZ-3) (01/07/95-30/06/2003) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37315452 - Construction of Pool/Culvert with Low 37315452 -¯^íe¨‡q MªvgxY mo‡K cyj/KvjfvU© wbg©vY cªKí (2q Expenditure of Village Road ch©vq) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315460 - .Rural infrastructure development project 37315460 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK I (important roads and market place) nvUevRvimg–‡ni Dbœqb (LÛ-3) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/95-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315470 - Urban primary health care 37315470 -Avievb cÖvBgvwi †nj_& †Kqvi 37315480 - Rural development project : infrastructure 37315480 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí t AeKvVv‡gv cyivZb e„nËi XvKv wRjv development project in greater Dhaka (XvKv, gvwbKMÄ, gy›mxMÄ, MvRxcyi, biwms`x I district bvivqbMÄ wRjv-3q ms‡kvwaZ) 37315490 - Rural development-4 37315490 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-4 t AeKvVv‡gv cyivZb 37315500 - Greater Faridpur Rural Infrastructure 37315500 -e„nËi dwi`cyi MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project 37315510 - Urban basic service delivery project 37315510 -Avievb †ewmK mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi cªKí (01/07/96-30/06/2001) 37315520 - Small 37315520 -AskMªnYgjK ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` †m±i cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315530 - Nagar Angshidaritter maddeme Daridra 37315530 -bMi Aswk`vwi‡Z¡i gva¨‡g `vwi`ª n«vmKiY cÖKí Hras Karon Prokalpa 37315540 - Improvement of Connecting Road from 37315540 -Bgvi‡Rw›m wWRv÷vi W¨v‡gR wi‡nwewj‡Ukb (†m±i) cÖ Dhaka-Mymensingh National Highway to ‡R± -2007 (cvU©-wm, wgDwbwmc¨vj Bbd«vK÷«vKPvi) National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University at Trishal Upazila under Mymensingh District 37315550 - Grerater Barishal District Rural 37315550 -e„nËi ewikvj †Rjvi MªvgxY †hvMv‡hvM I nvU-evRvi Communication & Hat-Bazar Infrastructure AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí ) ewikvj, wc‡ivRcyi, †fvjv I Development Project SvjKvwV)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315560 - Approch Road of Bridge/Kalvat 37315560 -†mZy/Kvjfv‡U©i G¨v‡cÖvP †ivW Dbœqb Development 37315570 - Gopalgong 37315570 -‡MvcvjMÄ †cŠimfvi giv gaygwZ b`x cybe©vmb I cvk¡ ©eZx© GjvKv Dbœqb (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315580 - Cyclone (Sidor) 37315580 -N–wY©So (wmWi) ¶wZMª¯’ GjvKvq eûgyLx N–wY©So Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315590 - Improvement of Rural Roads, 37315590 -‡`‡ki DËi-cwðgv‡j AbMªmi Dc‡Rjvmg–‡n (cvebv, Bridge/Culvert & other infrastructure of wmivRMÄ, bv‡Uvi, bIMuv, ivRkvnx, beveMÄ I e¸ov Backward Upazilas( Pabna, Sirajgonj, †Rjv) MªvgxY moK †mZy/KvjfvU© I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Natore, Nawabganj & Bogra Districts) of Dbœqb (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Northern- Western Region. 37315600 - Sastanible Rural Infractructure 37315600 -mvm‡UB‡bej i“ivj Bbd«v÷«vKPvi BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± Improvement project (01/10/2009-28/02/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315610 - Poverty alleviation project in urban areas 37315610 -bMiv‡j `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cªKí 37315620 - Community empowerment for urban 37315620 -KwgDwbwU GgcvIqvi†g›U di Avievb ‡cvfviwU poverty alleviation G¨vwjwf‡qkb 37315630 - Rural development project under World 37315630 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí t wek¦ Lv`¨ Kg©mPx m¤•ªmviY cÖKí-10 Food Programme-10: Growth centre t †Mªv_ †m›Uvi ms‡hvMKvix moK Dbœqb Kg©mPx L †kªYx access roads development ms‡hvM moK Dbœqb (01/07/99-30/06/2002) 37315639 - Rural development project under World 37315639 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí t wek¦ Lv`¨ Kg©mPx m¤•ªmviY cÖKí-10 Food Programme-10: Growth centre t †Mªv_ †m›Uvi ms‡hvMKvix moK Dbœqb Kg©mPx L †kªYx access roads development (Food Aid part) ms‡hvM moK Dbœqb (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨ Ask) 37315640 - 5 Upojilla Road development of JDEF fund 37315640 -‡RwWwmGd mnvqZvcyó 5wU Dc‡Rjv moK Dbœqb (01/04/2009-01/03/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315649 - Rural development project under World 37315649 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí t wek¦ Lv`¨ Kg©mPx m¤•ªmviY cÖKí-10 Food Programme-10: Growth centre t †Mªv_ †m›Uvi ms‡hvMKvix moK Dbœqb Kg©mPx L †kªYx access roads development (Food Aid part) ms‡hvM mo‡K †mZz/KvjfvU© wbgv©Y (Lv`¨ 37315650 - World Food Country Programme 2001-05 : 37315650 -wek¦Lv`¨ Kg©m–wPi Kvw›Uª †cÖvMÖvg 2001-05 t wdWvi moK Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Fiddler cybev©mb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó Kg©m–wP) Road (Food Aid Programme) 37315660 - Union Abakathamo Unnayan(khulna and 37315660 -BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I sathkhira dist.)(01/07/10-30/06/13) mvZ¶xiv †Rjv) (01/07/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 37315670 - Greater Rangpur & Dinajpur Districts Rural 37315670 -e„nËi iscyi I w`bvRcyi †Rjvi MÖvgxY †hvMv‡hvM I Communication and Other Infrastructure Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (01/04/10 - 30/06/13) Development Project Aby‡gvw`Z 37315680 - Greater Comilla Rural Development 37315680 -e„nËi KzwgjÐv cjÐx Dbœqb cÖKí Project 37315690 - Road Development of 37315690 -bv‡Uvi †Rjvi wmsov-evi“nvm-Zvivk (wmsov Ask) moK Singra-Baruhas-Tarash in Nator Dist. AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/03/2010-31/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315700 - Greater Faridpur Rural Development 37315700 -e„nËi dwi`cyi MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Project 37315710 - Construction of two bridge on The river 37315710 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb eªþcyÎ b‡`i Brahmaputra under Islampur upazila of Dci `ywU †mZy wbg©vY (01/08/2010-30/06/2013) Jamalpur District Aby‡gvw`Z 37315720 - Rehabilitation of Rural Infrastructure 37315720 -MvBevÜv I KzwoMªvg †Rjvq 2007 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMª¯’ Damaged in Gaibandha and Kurigram MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (01/07/2010-30/06/2011) District by flood 2007 Project Aby‡gvw`Z 37315730 - Improvement of Mohonpur UP office 37315730 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi Dj­vcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb †gvnbcyi BDwc -Kaliakoir hat Road & Goyhatta GC- Awdm n‡Z Kvwjqv‰Ki nvU moK Ges MqnvÆv wRwm-bIMuv Naogaon GC via Binayekpur hat road fvqv webv‡qKcyi moK (mvegviwRej) Dbœqb Under Ullapara Upazila of Serajgonj (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) District by Submergible Section.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315740 - Construction of 500 meter long Girder 37315740 -cUyqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb AvÜvigvwbK b`xi Bridge on The river Auudhermanik under Dci 500 wgt `xN© MvW©vi weªR wbg©vY Ges UvsMvBj Kalapara upajila of Patuakhali District and †Rjvi bvMicyi Dc‡Rjvaxb a‡jk¦ix b`xi Dci 500 wgt feasibility study for Construction of 500 weªR wbg©v‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (01/09/2010-30/06/2011) metre bridge on the river Dhaleshwari under Nagarpur upajila of Tangail District. 37315750 - Improvement of Chapai Nawabganj - 37315750 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ-bIMuv fvqv eUZjx wRwU-MveZjx wRwm Naogaon-via Battali GC-Gabtali GC Road. (†PBt 00-7010 wgt) moK Dbœqb (01/11/2011-31/12/2012) 37315760 - Pabna 37315760 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM b`x Lbb, †mP myweavi Dbœqb Ges grm¨ Pvl cÖKí (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315770 - Construction of Missing Loof of Khilgaon 37315770 -wLjMuvI d¬vBIfv‡ii jyc wbg©vY (mv‡q`vev` cÖv‡š) Flyover (At the end of Saidabad). (31/10/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z (31/10/2010-30/06/2013) 37315780 - Important Nineteen Pourashavas 37315780 -¸i“Z¡c–Y© 19wU †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Infrastructure Development Project. (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315790 - Sylhet Division Rural Infrastructure 37315790 -wm‡jU wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Improvement Project 37315800 - aaa 37315800 -BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡c­• feb wbgv©Y (2q chv©q) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 37315810 - aaa 37315810 -Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi d‡j DcK‚jxq kn‡i cvwb mieivn, †W«‡bR I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi `y‡hv©Mmnb ¶gZv e…w×KiY 37315820 - aaa 37315820 -wdwRwewjwU ÷¨vwW Bb Uvg©m Ave nvB‡W«vjwRó GÛ gidjwRK¨vj ÷¨vwW, B‡KvbwgK GbvjvBwmm Gbfvqib‡g›U Bgc¨v± G¨v‡mm‡g›U ÷¨vwW, wcÖcv‡ikb Ae wewWs WKz‡g›U di Kb÷«vKkb Ae 3bs we‡Rm Ifvi 3 wWdv‡i›U wifvm© 37315830 - aaa 37315830 -‡fvjv evm÷¨vÛ jvnvinvU ms‡hvM moK Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB I we¯vwiZ bKkv cÖYqb msµvš (01/07/2011-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315835 - Greater Dhaka Districts (Dhaka, Gazipur, 37315835 -e„nËi XvKv †Rjvi (XvKv, MvRxcyi, biwms`x, bvivqbMÄ, Narsingdi, Narayanganj Munshiganj & gywÝMÄ Ges gvwbKMÄ †Rjv mgš^q MwVZ) AeKvVv‡gv Manikganj) Infrastructure Development Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/02-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z Project (01/07/01-30/06/07) Approved 37315840 - aaa 37315840 -ei¸bv-†eZvMx-wbqvgwZ-ev‡KiMÄ AvgZjx- ZvjZjx-†mvbvKvUv moK cÖk¯KiY I Dbœqb (01/07/11 -31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315850 - aaa 37315850 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi gv`viMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb evwjqvRywi wR.wm. msjMœ Puv`cyi Lv‡ji Dci eªxR wbgv©Y (01/07/11 - 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315851 - Technical assistance project for municipal 37315851 -wgDwbwmc¨vj mvwf©‡mm cª‡R± cªYq‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMwi service mnvqZv cÖKí 37315860 - aaa 37315860 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Bb Uvg© Ae nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj GÛ gi‡dvjwRK¨vj ÷vwW, B‡KvbwgK G‡mm‡g›U ÷vwW wcÖcvi‡kb Ae wewWs WKz‡g›Um di Kb÷«vKkb Ae 3bs Ae weªR Ifvi 3 wWdv‡i›U wifvim (01/07/2011-30/04/2012) 37315870 - aaa 37315870 -K¬vB‡gU †iwRwj‡q›U Bbd«v÷«vKPvi BgcÖ“f†g›U Bb †Kv÷vj †Rvb (01/10/11-29/02/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315880 - aaa 37315880 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi bimy›`v b`x cybev©mb I wK‡kviMÄ †cŠimfv msjMœ GjvKv Dbœqb (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315890 - aaa 37315890 -BwÄwbqvwis mv‡f© Bb&w÷wUDU, ivRkvnx Ges †fŠZ myweav ewa©ZKiY (01/07/11 - 30/06/14) 37315910 - Rural Development Project : Mymenshing, 37315910 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t e„nËi gqgbwmsn Jamalpur, Sherpur, Kishorgonj and (gqgbwmsn, wK‡kviMÄ I †b·Kvbv †kicyi, Rvgvjcyi Netrokona District I UvsMvBj †Rjv (01/07/02-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37315942 - 37315942 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvq 1998 mv‡ji cÖjw¤^Z I fqven eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Ri“ix †givgZ I cbe©vmb cÖKí 37315950 - Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Feeder 37315950 -wdWvi moK cybe©vmb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y mgwš^Z Lv`¨ Road (Integrated Food Security wbivcËv AsM (1/7/2001-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Component) Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37315960 - Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Feeder 37315960 -wdWvi moK cybe©vmb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y mgwš^Z Lv`¨ Road (Integrated Food Security wbivcËv AsM (1/7/2001-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Component) Abby‡gvw`Z 37315970 - World Food Country Programme 2001-05 : 37315970 -wek¦Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP Kvw›Uª †cÖvMÖvg 2001-05 wRwmwmAvi Training for self-employment of Labor moK i¶Yv‡e¶Y/Dbœqb Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ kÖwgK‡`i engage in GCCR Road AvÍKg©ms¯’vb Kv‡R cÖwk¶Y (2001-2004) Maintenance/Development (Food Aid Programme) 37315972 - World Food Country Programme 2001-05 : 37315972 -wek¦Lv`¨ Kg©mPx Kvw›Uª †cÖvMÖvg 2001-05 wRwmwmAvi Training for self-employment of Labor moK i¶Yv‡e¶b/Dbœqb Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ kÖwgK‡`i engage in GCCR Road AvÍKg©ms¯’vb Kv‡R cÖwk¶Y (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó Ask) Maintenance/Development (Food Aid Programme) 37315980 - World Food Country Programme 2001-05 : 37315980 -wek¦Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP Kvw›Uª †cÖvMÖvg 2001-05 wdWvi moK Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Fiddler cybe©vmb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y (2001-2005) Road (Food Aid Programme) 37315990 - Cyclone Rehabilitation Project (Phase-2) 37315990 -N–wY©So cybe©vmb cÖKí t mgMÖ DcK‚jxq GjvKvq (2q ch©vq) (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/2001-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316000 - Lokhnipur torabgonj 37316000 -j²xcyi †ZviveMÄ n‡Z PKevRvi (Ki“bvbMi) fvqv Avbmvi Avjx †gŠjfxi evRvi nvU Ges dvRy wgqvi nvU ch©š@ moK wbg©vY (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 37316010 - Rural Development Project-24 : Infra 37316010 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí - 24 t e„nËi dwi`cyi AeKvVv‡gv structure Development of Greater Faridpur Dbœqb (Kg©ms¯’vb Ges AskMÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316020 - 37316020 -cj­x mo‡K nvjKv hvbevnb PjvPj‡hvM¨ weªR wbg©vY cÖKí (1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Abbyt 37316030 - . 37316030 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb mo‡K `xN© †mZz wbg©vY cÖKí (1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Abbyt 37316040 - 37316040 -wm‡jU wefvM MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv DbœqY cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (1/7/2004-30/6/2008) Abbyt 37316050 - 37316050 -j¶xcyi Avqye Avjx †dix Nv‡U ingZ Lvjx b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 37316060 - Rural Development Project : Greater 37316060 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKít e„nËi Kzwgj­v †Rjv (Kzwgj­v, Puv`cyi I Comilla District (Comilla, Chandpur, eªv²bevoxqv †Rjv)(1/7/03-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z Brahmanbaria District) (01/07/03-30/06/08) Approved 37316070 - Rural Road and Market Access 37316070 -K…wlLvZ mnvqZv Kg©m–wP-2 MÖvgxY nvUevRvi ms‡hvM Infrastructure Development Project AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (AsM-3) (RyjvB 2006 n‡Z (Component-3)of Agricultural Sector Ryb 2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Programme Support-2 for Patuakhali, Barguna, Noakhali and Lakshmipur Districts 37316080 - Greater Rajshahi Division Integrated Rural 37316080 -e„nËi ivRkvnx †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Development (1st Revised) (Rajshahi, (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Natore, Noagaon and Chapainababganj) 37316170 - Establishment of Computer Networking 37316170 -¯’vbxq miKvi wefv‡Mi Kw¤•DUvi †bUIqvK© wm‡÷g ¯’vcb System of Local Government Division (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37316550 - TAP for Establishment of Secondary town 37316550 -gvSvwi kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí 3q chv©‡q cÖYq‡bi infrastructure development project Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí (Phase-3) 37316552 - Fourth fisheries project (LGED 37316552 -PZz_© grm¨ cÖKí (GjwRBwW AsM) component) 37316560 - Rural Development project: infrastructure 37316560 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí AeKvVv‡gv e„nËi ivRkvnx, cvebv, e¸ov development in greater Rajshahi, Pabna, I XvKv (MÖvgxY nvU evRvi Dbœqb I i¶bv‡e¶Y cÖKí-2) Bogra and Dhaka. 37316562 - Pisiculture development project (IFAD) 37316562 -grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí (Bdv`) (GjwRBwW Ask) (LGED part)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37316570 - Rural infrastructure development 37316570 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Rb¸i“Z¡c–Y© MÖvgxY -important market places (part -2) †hvMv‡hvM Ges nvU evRvimg–‡ni Dbœqb) (LÛ-2) (01/07/2005-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316580 - Construction of Union Parishad Complex 37316580 -BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡c­· feY wbgv©Y (2q ms‡kvwaZ) and access roads (01/07/98-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316590 - RESP-3 projects coordination and 37316590 -AviBGmwc-3 Gi cÖKímg‡ni mgš^q Ges ¯’vbxq miKvi assistance to LGED cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii Rb¨ mnvqZv cÖKí 37316600 - Earthworks under food for works 37316600 -Kv‡Ri wewbgq Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP AvIZvq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv programme for rural infrastructure Dbœq‡b gvwUi KvR (1998-2003) development 37316609 - Earthworks under food for works 37316609 -Kv‡Ri wewbgq Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP AvIZvq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv programme for rural infrastructure Dbœq‡b gvwUi KvR (1998-2003) development (Food Aid part) 37316610 - Rural road maintenance works by destitute 37316610 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvq `yt¯’ gwnjv‡`i gva¨‡g cj­x moK women in the hill districts i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí 37316619 - Rural road maintenance works by destitute 37316619 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvq `yt¯’ gwnjv‡`i gva¨‡g cj­x moK women in the hill districts (Food Aid part) i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨ Ask) 37316670 - Monohardi -Kapasia and Kakanhat road 37316670 -g‡bvni`x-Kvcvwmqv I KvKbnvU moK Dbœqb cªKí development project 37316680 - Preference 37316680 -AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ cj­x A‡ji moK, †mZz I Kvjfv©U eb¨vq ¶wZMª¯@ AeKvVv‡gvmgn wbgv©Y I cybtwbgv©Y 37316691 - Technical assistance for coordination of 37316691 -AviBGmwc-2 cªKímg–‡ni mgš^q I ¯’vbxq miKvi cÖ projects ‡KŠkj ey¨‡ivi Rb¨ cÖvwZôvwbK mnvqZv ¯’vcb 37316700 - Improvement of infrastructure in 37316700 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j A_©‰bwZK Kvh©µg Z¡ivwš^Z Ki‡Yi Chittagong to enable higher levels of j‡¶¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí economic development (01/07/97-30/06/2002) 37316710 - 37316710 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ Kg©mPxi AvIZvq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡b gvwUi KvR 37316721 - Rural Town Development Study 37316721 -i“ivj UvDb †Wfjc‡g›U ÷vwW (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 37316741 - Technical assistance for the development 37316741 -Dc‡Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Kg©mPxi cwiKíbv ev¯evqb `¶Zv of Upazilla infrastructure Dbœqb 37316760 - Large bridges/culverts on important feeder 37316760 -¸i“Z¡cY© wdWvi I MÖvgxY mo‡K e„nr †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY and rural roads cÖKí (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/97-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316770 - Rural development project: infrastructure 37316770 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí t AeKvVv‡gv ; e„nËi ivRkvnx, cvebv, of greater Rajshahi, Pabna, Bogra adn e¸ov I XvKv †Rjv (MÖvgxY moK Ges evRvi Dbœqb I Dhaka districts (Rural roads and market i¶bv‡e¶Y cÖKí-2) places development project -2) 37316780 - Project for construction of priority roads, 37316780 -AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ cj­x A‡ji moK, †mZz I KvjfvU© bridges and culverts in the rural areas wbgv©Y I cybtwbgv©Y cÖKí (3q LÛ) (ms‡kvwaZ) -2nd part revised (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316790 - Construction of bailey bridges under DFID 37316790 -wWGdAvBwW (IwWG) mnvqZvq ÷xj †eBjx weªR wbgv©Y assistance cÖKí (01/07/97-30/06/2001) 37316810 - 37316810 -cj­x Dbœqb AeKvVv‡gv-22 t AeKvVv‡gv, †bvqvLvjx †Rjv 37316820 - 37316820 -BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡c­· feY wbgv©Y I ms‡hvMKvix moK Dbœqb cÖKí 37316830 - Municipal services project 37316830 -wgDwbwmc¨vj mvwf©‡mm cÖKí (01/07/98-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 37316831 - TAP for development of ADB assisted rural 37316831 -GwWwe mvnvh¨cyó AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí cªYq‡bi Rb¨ infrastructure KvwiMwi mnvqZv 37316840 - Third urban development project 37316840 -Z…Zxq bMi Dbœqb cÖKí 37316841 - Preparation and publication of manual on 37316841 -¯’vbxq miKvi cªwZôvbmg‚‡ni Rb¨ cyKz‡i grm¨ Pvl pisciculture in pond m¤•wK©Z g¨vby‡qj iPbv I cÖKvkbv 37316850 - Rural development project - 22: 37316850 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí - 22 t AeKvVv‡gv †bvqvLvjx †Rjv infrastructure of Noakhali district (01/07/98-31/12/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 37316851 - Technical assistance for poverty alleviation 37316851 -bMi A‡j `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cªKí cªYq‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMwi of urban areas mnvqZv cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37316852 - Rural Development Project - 21 : 37316852 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-21 t AeKvVv‡gv e„nËi iscyi, Infrastructure of Greater Rangpur, w`bvRcyi, gqgbwmsn I Rvgvjcyi †Rjv Dinajpur, Mymenshing and Jamalpur (01/07/97-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z Districts ( Revised ) 37316860 - Construciton of Portable Steel Bridge 37316860 -Rvcvwb Aby`v‡b †cv‡U©ej w÷j weªR wbg©vY Under the Jappaness Assistanace (01/07/99-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316861 - TA project for construction of 37316861 -eûgyLx Nwb©So Avkªq †K›`ª wbg©vY cªKí cªYq‡bi Rb¨ multipurpose shelters KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí 37316870 - Maintenance and expansion of upazilla 37316870 -Dc‡Rjv Dbœqb Kg‡c­‡·i febmg–‡ni i¶Yv‡e¶Y I development complex m¤•ªmviY (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/95-30/06/2001) 37316880 - Greater Faridpur Structural Development 37316880 -e„nËi dwi`cyi AeKvVv‡gv DbœqY (¸i“Z¡cY© moK, †mZz/KvjfvU© I †MÖv_ †m›Uvi) 37316910 - Five Upazilla Complex Building 37316910 -Dc‡Rjv cwil` Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (Muzibnagar, Meghna, Dumkee) (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316911 - Coordination of RESEP-3 projects and TA 37316911 -AviBGmBwc-3 Gi cªKímg‡ni mgš^q I ¯’vbxq miKvi project for LGED cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii Rb¨ cÖvwZôvwbK mnvqZv (cyY Aš©f‚w³) (01/07/96-30/06/2001) 37316920 - Rural infrastructure development project 37316920 -MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ-2) (01/07/96-30/06/2002) 37316925 - Rural Infrastructure Development Project 37316925 -MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (2q LÛ) (Phase-II) (01/07/01-30/06/06) Approved (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316930 - Jaldhaka and Hatiabanda upazilla 37316930 -RjXvKv I nvwZevÜv Dc‡Rjv mgwš^Z cj­x Dbœqb cªKí integrated rural development project (DËi ivRkvnx mgwš^Z cj­x Dbœqb) 37316935 - Rural Development Project: Greater 37316935 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí e„nËi †bvqvLvjx I PU«Mªvg †Rjv (†dbx, Noakhali & Chittagong District (Feni, j²xcyi, †bvqvLvjx, PÆMÖvg I K·evRvi †Rjv) Lakshmipur, Noakhali, Chittagong & Cox's (1/7/02-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z Bazar District) (01/07/01-30/06/05) Approved 37316940 - Rural development project-19: 37316940 -cj­x Dbœqb cªKí-19 t AeKvVv‡gv e„nËi ewikvj †Rjv infrastructure development of greater (4_© ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/97-30/06/2007) Barisal district Aby‡gvw`Z 37316950 - Rural development project-20: 37316950 -cj­x Dbœqb cªKí-20 t AeKvVv‡gv e„nËi Kzwgj­v †Rjv infrastructure of greater Comilla district (5g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/93-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316960 - Employment generation and poverty 37316960 -e„nËi Lyjbv †Rjvq cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g alleviation through rural infrastructure Kg©ms¯’vb I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí development in greater Khulna district 37316970 - Rural infrastructure and community 37316970 -MªvgxY AeKvVv‡gv I KwgDwbwU †W‡fvjc‡g›U cª‡R± development in greater Khulna district (01/07/97-31/08/2001) 37316972 - Local governance development, Sirajgonj 37316972 -‡jvKvj Mfv‡g©›U †W‡fjc‡g›U, wmivRMÄ (01/07/99 - 31/12/2006) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37316973 - Multipurpose cyclone project under the 37316973 -Rvcvwb Aby`v‡b eûgyLx N–wY©So AvkÖq †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí assistance of Japan Government (chv©q-2) (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (Phase-2) 37316974 - Greater Khulna district integrated rural 37316974 -e„nËi Lyjbv †Rjv mgwš^Z cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí development project 37316980 - Lama-Soilac road development project 37316980 -jvgv-†mvqjK moK Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/97 - 30/06/2003) 37316991 - Capacity building for local governance 37316991 -wewìs K¨vcvwmwU di †jvKvj Mf©b¨v›m (01/07/97 - 30/06/2002) 37316993 - Char Development and Settlement 37316993 -Pi †Wfjcj‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-2 (wmwWGmwc-2) Project-2 (CDSP-2) LGED Part GjwRBwW Ask (01/07/99 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316995 - Char Development and Settlement 37316995 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí (wmwWGmwc- Project-3, LGED (2nd Revised) ch©vq-3) (01/07/2005-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37316996 - Char Development and Settlement 37316996 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-4 (GjwRBwW Project-4, LGED Ask) 37317000 - Rural Development Projecr : Infrastructure 37317000 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKít AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb t 26 (2q Development :26 ms‡kvwaZ)(01/07/2003 - 30/6/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37317008 - Rural Development Project : Crater Kustia, 37317008 -cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít 25 e„nËi Kzwóqv, h‡kvni, Jessor, Khulna, Barisal and Patuakhali Lyjbv, ewikvj (01/05/02-31/04/09) Aby‡gvw`Z Districts (1/05/2003- 31/04/2009) 37317010 - 37317010 -BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (ivRevox,dwi`cyi,†MvcvjMÄ, kixqZcyi I gv`vixcyi †Rjv(1/7/2004-30/6/2010) Abbyt 37317018 - Comuniti Basod Reacource Management 37317018 -KwgDwbwU wfwËK m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Project (1/07/2002-30/6/2007) (01/07/02-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 37317020 - Establishment of Muzib Nagar Complex 37317020 -gywRe bMi Kg‡c­· ¯’vcb (Gj wR B wW Ask) (LGED Part) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2002) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37317030 - Construction of Fly-over at Khilgoan, 37317030 -XvKv gnvbMixi wLjMvuI G d¬vBIfvi wbgv©Y Dhaka City (01/07/1999-30/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37317040 - Tungee para Municipal Development 37317040 -Uz½xcvov †cŠimfv Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/04/2001-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 37317050 - Sylhet Municipal Development Project 37317050 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Dbœqb cÖKí (01/04/2001-30/06/2004) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37317060 - Sirajgonj Municipal Development Project 37317060 -wmivRMÄ †cŠimfv Dbœqb cÖKí ( (01/04/2001-30/06/2004) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37317070 - 37317070 -Dc‡Rjv cwil` Kg‡c­· febmg‡ni cybe©Amb cÖKí (1/7/2004-30/6/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 37317080 - Construction of Link Road for Asrayan 37317080 -AvkÖvqb cÖK‡í ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y Project (01/04/2001-30/06/2004) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37317090 - 37317090 -†Rjv kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/2003-30/6/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 37317113 - Test 37317113 -miKvwi we`¨vjq wenxb 306 Dc‡Rjv m`‡i wbe©vwPZ †emiKvwi we`¨vjq mgn‡K g‡Wj ¯‹y‡j iƒcvši| 37317755 - Improvement of Bhola Pourashova 37317755 -‡fvjv †cŠimfv Dbœqb (1/7/2002-30/6/2006) (01/07/02-30/06/05) Approved ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 37318000 - 37318000 -Dc†Rjv kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/2003-30/6/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 37318010 - 37318010 -MÖvgxY kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/2003-30/6/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 37318020 - Union Connecting Road & Infrastructure 37318020 -Rb¸i“Z¡cY© I Dc‡Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/2004- Development Project : Greater 30/6/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z Mymensingh (Mymensingh, Tangail, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Kishoregonj & Netrokona) Dist 37318030 - Approach Road Development Project of 37318030 -Dc‡Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Bridges/Culverts. Abby‡gvw`Z 37318032 - Earthwork for Rural Infrastructure 37318032 -MÖvgxb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡b gvwUi KvR (2q LÛ) Development 37318033 - Integrated Food Security Through Rural 37318033 -MÖvgxb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡b mgwš^Z Lv`¨ wbivcËv cÖKí Infrastructure Development Project 37318035 - Earth Work for Rural Infrastructure 37318035 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡b gvwUi KvR (2q LÛ) cÖKí| Development (Part-II) 37318037 - Integrated Village Infrastructure 37318037 -mgwš^Z MÖvgxY Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project 37318038 - Construction of Large Bridgeon Upazila & 37318038 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb mo‡K `xN© †mZz wbg©vY Union Roads 37318039 - Village Road & Hat/Bazar Infrastructure 37318039 -MÖvgxY moK I nvU/evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Development Project. 37318040 - Construcion of Union Prishad Complex 37318040 -BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡cз feb wbg©vY cÖKí|(2q ch©vq) Bhaban Project.(2nd ) 37318041 - Union Road & Other Infrastructure 37318041 -BDwbqb moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (e„nËi Development Project (Greater Bogra, e¸ov, ivRkvnx I cvebv †Rjv)| Rajshahi & Pabna District). 37318042 - Improving the living Standard of Vulnerable 37318042 -evsjv‡`‡ki nvIo GjvKvq ¶wZMÖ¯’ gvby‡li Rxe‡bi gvb People in the Haor Area of Bangladesh. Dbœqb cÖKí| 37318043 - Union Road Development Project: Barisal, 37318043 -BDwbqb moK Dbœqb cÖKí t ewikvj, SvjKvwV, Jhalkati, Pirojpur & Bhola District. wc‡ivRcyi I †fvjv †Rjv|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37318044 - Improvement of Upazila/Union Roads 37318044 -eb¨vq SzwK I ¶q¶wZ n«vmK‡í †`‡ki eb¨v `–M©Z above Highest Flood Level (HFL) in each GjvKvq cÖwZwU †Rjvq GKwU K‡i cvKv moK m‡e©v”P District for Transportation of Relief eb¨v †j‡f‡ji Dci wbg©vY cÖKí| Materials in order to Mitigate Flood 37318045 - Union Infrastructure Development Project 37318045 -BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (w`bvRcyi, cÂMo, (Dinajpur, Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, VvKziMuvI, iscyi, jvjgwbinvU, KzwoMÖvg, MvBevÜv I Rangpur, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, bxjdvgvix †Rjv) Gaibandha & Nilphamari District). 37318046 - Union Infrastructure Development Project 37318046 -BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I (Khulna, Bagerhat & Satkhira District). mvZ¶xiv †Rjv)| 37318047 - Union Connecting Road & Other 37318047 -BDwbqb ms‡hvMKvix moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Infrastructure Development Project : cÖKí t e„nËi KzwgjÐv †Rjv (KzwgjÐv, Puv`cyi I we-evoxqv Greater Comilla District. †Rjv)| 37318048 - Union Connecting Road & Other 37318048 -BDwbqb moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t XvKv, Infrastructure Development Project : bvivqbMÄ, gyÝxMÄ, MvRxcyi, biwms`x I gvwbKMÄ Dhaka, Narayangonj, Munshigonj, Gazipur, †Rjv| Narsingdi & Manikgonj District. 37318049 - Upazila Parishad Complex Maintenance 37318049 -Dc‡Rjv cwil` Kg‡cз i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí Project. 37318050 - South-West Integrated Village 37318050 -`w¶Y-cwðg mgwš^Z MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I `vwi`ª Infrastructure Development & Poverty n«vmKiY cÖKí (wSbvB`n, gv¸iv, bovBj I dwi`cyi Reduction Project. †Rjv)| 37318051 - Integrated Food Security Through Rural 37318051 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡b mgwš^Z Lv`¨ wbivcËv cÖKí| Infrastructure Development Project. 37318052 - Construction of Cyclone Shelter Project. 37318052 -N–wY©So AvkÖq‡K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí| 37318053 - Construction of Flood Shelter Project. 37318053 -eb¨v AvkÖq‡K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí| 37318054 - Construction of Bridge over Old 37318054 -cyivZb eª¶¥cyÎ b‡`i Dci eªxR wbg©vY cÖKí| Brahmaputra River Projet. 37318055 - Development of Purashava Infrastructure 37318055 -‡cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Project. 37318056 - Construction & Extension of Poura Bhaban 37318056 -†cŠifeb wbg©vY I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí| Project. 37318057 - Construction / Reconstruction of Upazila & 37318057 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb moK, †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY/cybwb©g©vY Union Road, Bridges/Culverts Project cÖKí (moK I Rbc_ n‡Z ¯’vbvšÍwiZ) (Trasferred from RHD) 37318058 - 37318058 -cjÐx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (Rb¸i“Z¡c–Y© MÖvgxY †hvMv‡hvM Ges nvUevRvi Dbœqb I c–be©vmb) cÖKí t 3q LÛ| 37318062 - Union Road and Other Infrastructure 37318062 -BDwbqb I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t ivRevox, Development Project : Rajbari, Faridpur, dwi`cyi, †MvcjMÄ, kixqZcyi Ges gv`vixcyi †Rjv| Gopalgonj, Shariatpur and Madaripur District. 37318063 - 37318063 -cj­x i¶Yv‡e¶Y Kg©mPx: ce©-4 37318064 - Construction of Bridges/Culverts for Flood 37318064 -eb¨vi SuywK I ¶q¶wZ n«vmK‡í weªR/KvjfvU© wbg©vY Risk & Damage Mitigation. cÖKí| 37318065 - Community Based Rosources 37318065 -wm‡jU, nweMÄ, †b·Kvbv I wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvq KwgDwbwU Management Project under Sylhet, wfwËK m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí| Habigonj, Netrokona & Kishoregonj Districts. (2007-08 - 2014-15) 37318069 - Earth Work for Rural Infrastructure 37318069 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡b gvwUi KvR (2q LÛ)| Development (Part-II). 37318070 - Construction of Large Bridge on Upazila 37318070 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb mo‡K `xN© †mZz wbg©vY and Union Roads. cÖKí(01/03/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318071 - Village Roads & Hat/Bazar Infrastructure 37318071 -AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ MÖvgxY moK I nvU/evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Development Project in Priority Basis. Dbœqb cÖKí| 37318072 - Union Road Development Project : Barisal, 37318072 -BDwbqb moK Dbœqb cÖKí t ewikvj, SvjKvVx, Jhalakati, Pirojpur & Bhola Districts. wc‡ivRcyi I †fvjv †Rjv| 37318073 - Union Infrastructure Development Project 37318073 -BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (w`bvRcyi,cÂMo, (Dinajpur, Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, VvKziMuvI, iscyi, jvjgwbinvU, KzwoMÖvg,MvBevÜv I Rangpur, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, bxjdvgvix †Rjv)| Gaibandha & Nilphamari Districts)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37318074 - Union Connecting Road & Other 37318074 -BDwbqb ms‡hvMKvix moK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t Infrastructure Development Project : e„nËi KzwgjЭv †Rjv (KzwgjÐv, Puv`cyi I we-evoxqv †Rjv)| Greater Comilla District. 37318076 - Union Connecting Road & Other 37318076 -BDwbqb moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Dbœqb cÖKí t Infrastructure Development Project : XvKv, bvivqbMÄ, gyÝxMÄ, MvRxcyi, biwms`x I gvwbKMÄ Dhaka, Narayangonj, Munshigonj, Gazipur, †Rjv| Narshingdi & Manikgonj District. 37318077 - TPP for Rural Infrastructure Development 37318077 -KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí cÖYq‡bi Rb¨ Z…Zxq MÖvgxY Project-III (RIIP-III). AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (AviAvBAvBwc-3)| 37318078 - Construction of Union Parishad Complex 37318078 -BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| Bhaban Project (2nd Phase) 37318079 - Rural Infrastructure Development Project 37318079 -cjЭx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I (Khulna, Bagerhat & Satkhira District) mvZ¶xiv †Rjv)| 37318080 - Upazila Parishad Complex Rehabilitation 37318080 -Dc‡Rjv cwil` Kg‡c­· cybe©vmb cÖKí| Project. 37318081 - Rural Infrastructure Development Project 37318081 -`w¶Y-cwðgvÂjxq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí in Southern Area (Greater Faridpur, Barisal (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z & Patuakhali District. 37318082 - Union Road & Other Infrastructure 37318082 -BDwbqb moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (Greater Bogra, (e„nËi e¸ov, ivRkvnx I cvebv ‡Rjv| Rajshahi & Pabna District. 37318083 - Rural Roads & Market Improvement 37318083 -MÖvgxY moK I nvU/evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t e„nËi Project : Greater Sylhet District : Greater wm‡jU †Rjv kxl©K cÖKí| Sylhet District. 37318084 - Multipurpose Cyclone Shelters 37318084 -N~wY©So wmWi Avµvš@ GjvKvq eûgyLx N~wY©So Avkªq‡K›`ª Construction Project of Cyclone (Sidr) wbg©vY cÖKí| Affected Areas. 37318085 - Union Road & Other Infrastructure 37318085 -BDwbqb moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t Development Project (Greater Jessore & (e„nËi h‡kvi I e„nËi Kzwóqv †Rjv) Kushtia District. (01/07/2008-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318086 - Construction of Road from Laxmipur 37318086 -j¶xcy‡i †ZviveMÄ n‡Z PKevRvi (Ki“bv bMi) fvqv Torabgonj to Chakbazar (Karuna Nagar) Avbmvi Avjx †gŠjfxevRvi nvU Ges dvRy wgqvi nvU Via Ansar Ali Moulvibazar Hat and Hat of ch©š— moK wbg©vY| Fazu 37318087 - Construction of Bridge at Laxmipur Ayub Ali 37318087 -j¶xcy‡i Avqye Avjx †dix Nv‡U ingZ Lvjx b`xi Dci Ferry ghat on Rahamat Khali River. †mZz wbg©vY| 37318088 - Construction of Flood Shelter Project 37318088 -eb¨v Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí| 37318089 - Union Parishad Connecting Road 37318089 -BDwbqb cwil` ms‡hvMKvix moK Dbœqb cÖKí t Improvement Project : Patuakhali & cUzqvLvjx I ei¸bv †Rjv (2q ch©vq)| Barguna District (2nd Phase). 37318090 - Construction of Cyclone Shelter Project in 37318090 -evsjv‡`k DcK‚jxq A‡j N~wY©So Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY the Coastal Belt of Bangladesh. cÖKí| 37318091 - Physical Infrastructure Development of 37318091 -myRvbMi, Dj­vcvov Ges cvskv †cŠimfvi †fŠZ Sujanagar, Ullapara & Pangsha AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Pourashava. 37318092 - Physical Infrastructure Development 37318092 -ciïivg, †PŠgynbx I †mvbvBgyox †cŠimfvi †fŠZ Project of Pashuram, Chowmuhahi & AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Sonaimuri Pourashava. 37318093 - Enhancing Resilience under Bangladesh 37318093 -Gbn¨vwÝs ‡iwRwjG¨vÝ AvÛvi evsjv‡`k Kvw›Uª †cÖvMÖvg Country Program 2007-2010. (Food 2007-2010| (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó) Assisted) 37318094 - Pourashava Infrastructure Development 37318094 -†cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Project. 37318095 - Urban Physical Infrastructure 37318095 -bMi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí| Rehabilitation Project. 37318096 - Urban Partnership for Poverty Reduction 37318096 -bMi Askx`vwi‡Z¡i gva¨‡g `vwi`ª n«vmKiY cÖKí| (UPPR). 37318097 - Emergency Disaster (Sidr) Damage 37318097 -Ri“ix `y‡h©vM ¶wZMÖ¯@ (wmWi) AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb Rehabilitation Project, 2007” (Long Term) cÖKí-2007 (`xN© †gqv`x)|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37318099 - Rural Infrastructure Development Project : 37318099 -cjЭx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Chittagong Hill Tracts. (2007-08 - 2009-10) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z| 37318100 - Rehabilitation and Upgradation of Small 37318100 -¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤ú` Dc-cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb I Kvh©KvwiZv Scale Water Resources Sup-projects. e„w×| 37318101 - Construction of Additional two bridges on 37318101 -avbgwÛ †j‡Ki Dci †ivW bs-8/G Ges †ivW bs-32 Road No. 8/A & Road # 32 over mo‡K AwZwi³ `yÕwU weªR wbg©vY| Dhanmondi Lake. (2007-08 - 2009-10) 37318102 - Construction/Reconstruction of Upazila & 37318102 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb moK, †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY/cybwb©g©vY Union Roads, Bridges/Culverts Project cÖKí (moK I Rbc_ n‡Z '¯’vbvš—wiZ)| (Transferred from RHD.) 37318103 - Construction of circular Road around 37318103 -nvwZiwS‡ji PZzw`©‡K mvK©yjvi moK wbg©vY, wS‡ji , Jheel maintenance and i¶Yv‡e¶Y I †mŠ›`h©¨ ea©b beautification 37318105 - Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Small 37318105 -¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤ú` Dc-cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb I Kvh©KvwiZv Scale Water Resource Sub-projects. e„w×| 37318106 - Emergency Disaster Damage 37318106 -Bgvi‡RwÝ wWRv÷vi W¨v‡gR win¨vwewj‡Ukb (†m±i) cÖ Rehabilitation (Sector) Project, 2007 ‡R±-2007 (cvU©-wet i“ivj Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi)| (Part-B: Rural Infrastructure) 37318107 - Urban Partnership for Poverty Reduction 37318107 -bMi Askx`vwi‡Z¡i gva¨‡g `vwi`ª n«vmKiY cÖKí| (UPPR). 37318108 - Emergency Disaster Damage 37318108 -Bgvi‡RwÝ wWRv÷vi W¨v‡gR win¨vwewj‡Ukb (†m±i) cÖ Rehabilitation (Sector) Project, 2007 ‡R±-2007 (cvU©-wm t wgDwbwmc¨vj Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi) (Part-C: Municipal Infrastructure). (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318109 - Strengthening of Activities in Rural 37318109 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae Gw±wfwUR Bb i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U Development Engineering Centre (RDEC) BwÄwbqvwis †m›Uvi AviwWBwm) cÖ‡R± Project. (15/09/2007-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z| 37318110 - Development of Farmers market Project 37318110 -K…lK‡`i Rb¨ evRvi Dbœqb cÖKí| (DMP) 37318111 - Improvement of Upazila & Union road by 37318111 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb moK Ifvi‡j KvR Øviv Dbœqb overlay work Project. cÖKí| 37318112 - Rural Employment & Road Maintenance 37318112 -i“ivj Ggc­q‡g›U GÛ †ivW †g‡›UB‡bÝ †cÖvMÖvg Programme (RERMP) (AviBAviGgwc) 37318113 - Emergency Disaster (Sidr) Damage 37318113 -Ri“ix `y‡h©vM ¶wZMÖ¯@ (wmWi) AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb Rehabilitation Project, 2007” (Short Term) cÖKí-2007 (¯^í †gqv`x)| 37318115 - Project for Improvement of Rural Road & 37318115 -AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ MÖvgxY moK I nvU/evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Hat-Bazar Infrastructures on Priority Basis. Dbœqb cÖKí| 37318116 - Participatory Small Scale Water 37318116 -AskMÖnYgjK ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¤•` †m±i cÖKí (3q Resources Development Project. ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/2010-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318117 - Barisal Division (Barisal, Patuakhali, 37318117 -ewikvj wefvM (ewikvj, cUzqvLvjx, ei¸bv, wc‡ivRcyi, Barguna, Pirojpur, Bhola & Jhalkathi) Rural †fvjv I SvjKvVx) MÖvgxY †hvMv‡hvM I nvUevRvi Dbœqb Communication & Hatbazar Development cÖKí| Project. 37318118 - Greater Dhaka & Comilla Rural 37318118 -e„nËi XvKv I KzwgjÐv cjÐx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Infrastructure Development Project. 37318119 - Construction of Bridges on Village Road 37318119 -MÖvg mo‡K ¶z`ª hvbevnb PjvPj‡hvM¨ eªxR wbg©vY cÖKí| Small Type Vechicles. 37318120 - Second Urban Governance and 37318120 -wØZxq bMi cwiPvjb I AeKvVv‡gv DbœwZKiY cÖKí Infrastructure Improvement Project (01/01/2009-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z| (UGIIP-II). 37318121 - Union Connecting Road & Infrastructure 37318121 -BDwbqb ms‡hvM moK I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t e„nËi Development Project : Greater Chittagong PÆMÖvg (PÆMÖvg, K·evRvi) †Rjv (Chittagong & Cox's Bazar) District (01/03/2010-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318130 - 37318130 -biwms`x-Kwigcyi Avc Awdm fvqv Kwigcyi wRwm (evRvi) †ivW †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/07/08 - 30/06/09) Abby‡gvw`Z 37318140 - 37318140 -bvw›`bv wRwm Uz evbvic` gv`ªvmv Uz abevwo wRwm †ivW †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/07/08 - 30/06/09) Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37318150 - 37318150 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae (K) †evqvjgvwi-wkiMÖvg-AvjdvWv½v-†MvcvjcyinvU-eKRywi †dix NvU †ivW GÛ (L) kivBj-i“cvcv_-KvwjbMi-kjZv-bMiKv›`v †ivW (01/07/08 - 30/06/09) Abby‡gvw`Z 37318160 - 37318160 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae M‡qkcyi-eiBnvwU †ivW (01/07/08 - 30/06/09) Abby‡gvw`Z 37318170 - 37318170 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae ivqcyi wmwR-wmqvgMÄ wmwR fvqv ebKjv-ei“wiqv †ivW (01/07/08 - 30/06/09) Abby‡gvw`Z 37318180 - Greater Noakhali Rural Development 37318180 -e„nËi †bvqvLvjx cj­­x Dbœqb cÖÖKí Project (01/07/2008-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318190 - Union Road and Other Infrastructure 37318190 -BDwbqb moK I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t e„nËi Development Project: Greater Comilla KzwgjÐv †Rjv (KzwgjÐv, Puv`cyi I we.evwoqv †Rjv) (Comilla, Chandpur & B-Baria Districts) (01/07/08 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318200 - Enhancing Regilience Under Bangladesh 37318200 -G¨vbn¨vwÝs wiwRwjG¨vÝ AvÛvi evsjv‡`k Kvw›Uª †cÖvMÖvg Country Programme (01/03/08 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318210 - Stre 37318210 -†÷«s‡`wbs Ae G¨vKwUwfwUR Bb i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U BwÄwbqvwis †m›Uvi (AviwfBwm) (15/09/07 - 14/09/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318211 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 37318211 -Ri“wi-2007 N–wY©So cybi“×vi Ges cybe©vmb cÖKí| Restoration Project (ECRRP). (AvM÷, 2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13) 37318212 - 5 Nos. Upazila Road Development Project 37318212 -‡RwWwmGd mnvqZvq 5wU Dc‡Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí| under JDCF. (01/07/2008 to 30/06/2010) 37318213 - Important Rural Infrastructure 37318213 -AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ ¸i“Z¡c~Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Development Project on Priority Basis. cÖKí| (2009-10 n‡Z 30/06/2014) (2009-10 to 30/06/2014) 37318214 - Union Connecting Road and Infrastructure 37318214 -BDwbqb ms‡hvM moK I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t e„nËi Development Project (Chittagong and PÆMÖvg (PÆMÖvg I K·evRvi) †Rjv| (2008-09 n‡Z Cox'sbazar) districts. 2013-14)| 37318215 - Union Infrastructure Development (Khulna, 37318215 -BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I mvZ¶xiv Bagerhat & Sathkhira District) Project. †Rjv) cÖKí (2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14) (2009-10 to 2013-14) 37318216 - Greater Faridpur Rural Infrastructure 37318216 -e„nËi dwi`cyi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Development Project. (01/07/2009 to 2013 (2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14) to 2014) 37318217 - Upazila Complex Extension Project. 37318217 -Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· m¤cÖmviY cÖKí| (01/07/2009 n‡Z (01/07/2009 to 30/06/2013) 30/06/2013) 37318218 - Rehabilitation of Old Modhumoti River and 37318218 -†MvcvjM‡Äi giv ga~gwZ LvjwU cybe©vmb I cvk¦©eZ©x Improvement of Surrounding Area at GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí| (01/07/2009 n‡Z Gopalgonj. (01/07/2009 to 30/06/2011) 30/06/2011) 37318219 - Kishoregonj, Gazipur, Narsingdi and 37318219 -wK‡kviMÄ, MvRxcyi, biwms`x I UvsMvBj †Rjv cj­x Tamgail district Rural Infrastructure AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (2009-10 n‡Z 2012-13) Development Project. 37318220 - Important Urban Infrastructure 37318220 -¸i“Z¡c–Y©© bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (01/07/2009 Development Project. n‡Z 30/06/2014) 37318230 - Union Connecting Road Infrastructure 37318230 -BDwbqb ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t Development Project: Greater Mymensings e„nËi gqgbwmsn (gqgbwmsn, UvsMvBj,Rvgvjcyi, (Mymensingh, Tangail, Jamalpur, Sherpur, †kicyi, wK‡kviMÄ I †b·Kvbv) †Rjv Kishoreganj and Netrokona Districts) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318240 - Construction/Re-construction of Bridges 37318240 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb moK †mZy KvjfvU© wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY and Culverts on Upazila and Union Roads (mIR n‡Z ¯’vbvš@wiZ) (01/01/2009-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318241 - Important Rural Infrastructure 37318241 -AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ ¸i“Z¡c~Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project on Priority Basis. (01/03/2010-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37318242 - 37318242 -Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· m¤cÖmviY cÖKí| (62300.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)| 37318243 - 37318243 -8118-e„nËi Kzwgj­v cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (17860.50/2009-10 n‡Z 2014-15)| 37318244 - 37318244 -"BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I mvZ¶xiv †Rjv) cÖKí| (27649.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)"

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37318245 - 37318245 -"cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t e„nËi XvKv, UvsMvBj I wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv| (50000.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)" 37318246 - 37318246 -"bv‡Uvi †Rjvi wmsov-evi“nvm-Zvivk (wmsov Ask) moK AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (2380.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12)|" 37318247 - 37318247 -"8040-BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| (177480.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2015-16)" 37318248 - 37318248 -"e„nËi h‡kvi †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (h‡kvi, wSbvB`n, gv¸iv I bovBj †Rjv)| (49000.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2014-15)|" 37318249 - 37318249 -"e„nËi dwi`cyi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| (45900.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)|" 37318250 - 37318250 -"AvBjv `~M©Z GjvKvq ¶wZMÖ¯— cj­x AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí| (16100.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11)|" 37318251 - 37318251 -ivRkvnx †Rjvi Zv‡bvi I †Mv`vMvox Dc‡Rjvi Avw`evmx Rb‡Mvôxi Rxeb hvÎvi gvb I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (14358.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)| 37318252 - 37318252 -"e„nËi iscyi-w`bvRcyi MÖvgxY †hvMv‡hvM I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (48000.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)" 37318253 - 37318253 -"e„nËi Kzwóqv †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Kzwóqv, PzqvWvsMv I ‡g‡nicyi †Rjv)| (35500.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2014-15)|" 37318254 - 37318254 -"wm‡jU wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (57000.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)|" 37318255 - 37318255 -"Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb eªþcyÎ b‡`i Dci `ywU eªxR wbg©vY cÖKí| (8000.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12)|" 37318256 - 37318256 -"cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb Kjvcvov-evwjqvZjx-M½vgwZ mo‡K eo evwjqvZjx Av›`vigvwbK b`x‡Z 500 wgt `xN© Aviwmwm †WKhy³ Pre-Stressed Girder Bridge 37318257 - 37318257 -"wmivRMÄ †Rjvi Dj­vcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb ‡gvnbcyi BDwc Awdm nB‡Z Kvwjqv‰Kp ch©š— moK Ges MqnvÆv wRwm-bIMuv fvqv webv‡qKcyi nvU moK (mvegviwRej) Dbœqb cÖKí| 37318258 - 37318258 -"bvMicyi-wgR©vcyi fvqv †gvKbv Dc‡Rjv mo‡K a‡jk¦ix b`xi Dci 500 wgt weªR wbg©vY cÖKí| (2500.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12)|" 37318259 - 37318259 -"wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi AóMÖvg Dc‡Rjvaxb a‡jk¦ix b`xi Dci 300 wgUvi `xN© ‡mZz wbg©vY cÖKí| (2395.00/GwcÖj/2010 n‡Z Ryb/2014)|" 37318260 - 37318260 -"MvBevÜv ‡Rjvi my›`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb cuvPcxi-wPjgvix mo‡K wZ¯—v b`xi Dci AvbygvwbK 1000 wgUvi `xN© †mZz wbg©v‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (Feasibility Study) 37318261 - 37318261 -"gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi wNIi Dc‡Rjvaxb wcweGm-wejbvjvB-wmsRyix BDwcfvqv ˆeKvš—cyi mo‡K 2850.00wgUvi †PB‡b‡R KvjxM½v b`xi Dci 280.00 wgUvi ˆ`N©¨ weªR wbg©vY| ( 37318262 - 37318262 -"wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjv Ges †bQvivev` ¯^i“cKvVx Dc‡Rjvi ga¨eZ©x KvwjM½v b`xi Dci Pv`KvVx-KjvLvjx weªR wbgv©Y| (1500.00/2010-11-2011-12)" 37318263 - Project for Construction of Multipurpose 37318263 -"Project for Construction of Multipurpose Cyclone/ Flood Shelter and Bridges to Cyclone/ Flood Shelter and Bridges to mitigate Flood and Cyclone Risk. mitigate Flood and Cyclone Risk. (10000.00/2010-11-2013-14) (10000.00/2010-11-2013-14)"

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37318264 - "Project for Construction of Multipurpose 37318264 -"Project for Construction of Multipurpose Cyclone/ Flood Shelter and Bridges to Cyclone/ Flood Shelter and Bridges to mitigate Flood and Cyclone Risk. mitigate Flood and Cyclone Risk. (10000.00/2010-11-2013-14)" (10000.00/2010-11-2013-14)" 37318265 - 37318265 -"cUzqvLvjx I ei¸bv †Rjvi MÖvgxY †hvMv‡hvM I nvUevRvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (30000.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)" 37318266 - 37318266 -"ewikvj wefvM BDwbqb ms‡hvMKvix moK Dbœqb cÖKí| (70000.00/2010-11 n‡Z 2014-2015)" 37318267 - 37318267 -"Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb mo‡K e„nr weªR wbg©vY cÖKí| (80000.00/2010-11 n‡Z 2014-2015)" 37318268 - 37318268 -"†fvjv evmóvÛ- jvnvinvU ms‡hvM moK wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB I we¯—vwiZ bK&kv cÖYqb msµvš— KwiMix mnvqZv (TA) cÖKí| (448.00/2010-11-wW‡m¤^i/2012)" 37318269 - 37318269 -"¸i“Z¡c~Y© bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (117812.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)" 37318270 - 37318270 -"8092-¸i“Z¡c~Y© 13 (†Zi) wU †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí|) (48608.75/2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12)" 37318271 - 37318271 -"wLjMuvI d¬vBIfvi Gi wgwms jyd wbg©vY (mvB`vev` cÖv‡ š—)| (5965.00/2009-10-2010-11)" 37318272 - 37318272 -"8056-†cŠifeb wbg©vY I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí| (18573.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2014-15)" 37318273 - 37318273 -"gsjv †cŠimfv †_‡K Rqgwbi‡Nvj ch©š— wbwg©Ze¨ KswµU mvB‡jv ms‡hvMKvix moK m¤cÖmviY cÖKí| (5000.00/2009-10-2011-12)" 37318274 - "Sustainable Rural Infrastructure 37318274 -mvm‡UbG‡ej i“ivj Bbdv÷óvPvi BgcÖ“c‡g›U cÖ‡R± Improvement Project (SRIIP) (175000.00/01/01/11 n‡Z 2014-15)" 37318275 - 37318275 -"MvBevÜv I KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi 2007 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ ¯— MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí| (1182.32/2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11)" 37318276 - 37318276 -i“ivj Uªv݇cvU© BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R±-2| (216640.33/2010-11 n‡Z 2015-16) 37318277 - 37318277 -"8090-DcK~jxq A‡j eûg~Lx mvB‡K¬vb †mëvi Kvg ‡Kj­v wbg©vY cÖKí| (15000.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2014-15)" 37318278 - 37318278 -"8051-MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g mgwš^Z Lv`¨ wbivcËv cÖKí| (70700.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)" 37318279 - 37318279 -"AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g nvIo A‡ji RbM‡Yi Rxeb gv‡bi Dbœqb| (80200.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)|" 37318280 - 37318280 -"8010-MÖvgxY kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| (50000.00/2009-10 n‡Z 2013-14)" 37318281 - 37318281 -"GjwRBwW‡Z B-Mfi‡bÝ PvjyKiY cÖKí (3378.38/2010-11 n‡Z 2012-13 )|" 37318282 - Widening and Improvement of 37318282 -ei¸bv-†eZvMx-wbqvgwZ-ev‡KiMÄ Ges Barguna-Betagi-Niamati-Bakerganj and AvgZjx-ZvjZjx-†mvbvKvUv moK cÖk¯ÍKiY I DbœqbÓ Amtololi-Sonakata Road. kxl©K 37318283 - Improvement of Bhangura naogaon GCM 37318283 -cvebv †Rjvi fvs¸ov Dc‡Rjvaxb fvs¸ov-bIMuv wRwmGg Road Under Bhangura Upazila of Pabna moK DbœqY cÖKí| District 37318284 - Patuakhali & barguna Districts Rural 37318284 -cUzqvLvjx I ei¸bv ‡Rjv MÖvgxb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Infrastructure Development Project. 37318285 - Greater Kushtia District Infrastructure 37318285 -Òe„nËi Kzwóqv †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (Kzwóqv, PzqvWv½v I Development Project (Kushtia, Chuadanga ‡g‡nicyi ‡Rjv) kxl©K cÖÖKíÓ| & Meherpur districts). 37318286 - Silhet Divition Rural Infrastructure 37318286 -wm‡jU wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Development Ptoject 37318287 - Construction of Union Parishad Complex 37318287 -BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY cÖKí(2q ch©vq) Bhaban Project(Phase-2)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37318288 - Rangpur Division Rural Infrastructure 37318288 -iscyi wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Development Project. 37318289 - Barisal Division Rural Infrastructure 37318289 -ewikvj wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Development Project. 37318290 - Development of Important Rural 37318290 -¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Infrastructures Project. 37318291 - Feasibility Study of Large Bridges all over 37318291 -mgMÖ evsjv‡`‡k e„nËi weª‡Ri m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB cÖKí| Bangladesh. 37318292 - Livelihood Improvement of Indigenous 37318292 -ivRkvnx †Rjvi Avw`evmx Rb†Mvôxi Rxeb hvÎvi gvb I People and Construction of AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| Infrastructure-Rajshahi district. 37318293 - Livelihood Improvement of Indigenous 37318293 -XvKv I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi Avw`evmx Rb‡Mvwôi Rxeb hvÎvi People-Dhaka and Sylhet Division. gvb Dbœqb cÖKí| 37318294 - Construction of 300 m bridge over 37318294 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi AóMÖvg Ec‡Rjvaxb a‡jk¦ix b`xi Dhaleshawary River and necessary road Dci 300wg: eªxR I cÖ‡qvRbxq moK wbg©vb| improvement project at Astagram Upazila under Kishoreganj district 37318295 - Construction of a 500m Long Prestressed 37318295 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb Girder Bridge Over Baro Baliatoli Kjvcvov-evwjqvZjx-M½vgwZ mo‡K eo evwjqvZjx Undermanik river on Kalapara-Baliatoli- AvÜvigvwbK b`x‡Z 500wgt `xN© Aviwmwm †WKhy³ eªvR Gangamati road under Kalapara Upazil wbg©vb cÖKí| 37318296 - Feasibility Study & detailed design of 37318296 - ‡fvjv evmó¨vÛ-jvnvinvU ms‡hvM moK Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ Bhola Bus Stand-Laharhat road. m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB I we¯—vwiZ b·v cÖYqb kxl©K cÖKí 37318297 - Rural Transport Improvement Project. 37318297 -iyivj Uªv݇cvU© B¤cÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± - 2 37318298 - Construction of Cyclone Shelter cum Kella 37318298 -DcK~jxq A‡j eûg~Lx mvB‡K¬vb †mëvi Kvg ‡Kj­v in Coastal Area. wbg©vY cÖKí| 37318299 - Integrated Food Security through Rural 37318299 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g mgwš^Z Lv`¨ wbivcËv Infrastructure Development kxl©K cÖKí 37318300 - Haor Infrastructure & Livelihood 37318300 -nvIi A‡ji AeKvVv‡gv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí Developmet Projet 37318301 - Integrated Village Infrastructure 37318301 -mgwš^Z cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-2q ch©vq Development Project-Phase-II 37318302 - WFP Assisted Disaster Risk Reductiom 37318302 -wek¦Lv`¨ Kg©m~Pxi mnvqZvq `~‡h©vM ‡gvKv‡ejv n«vm KiY and Response Project. kxl©K cÖKí| 37318303 - TA for Urban Development in Coastal 37318303 -DcK‚jxq A‡j bMi Dbœqb KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí| region. 37318304 - City Region Development Prject 37318304 -bMi AÂj Dbœqb cÖKí| 37318305 - Technical Assistance for Upazila 37318305 -Dc‡Rjv UvDbwkc Dbœqb KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí| Development Project. 37318306 - Technical Assistance for Thisrd Urban 37318306 -Z…Zxq bMi cwiPvjb I AeKvVv‡gv DbœwZKiY KvwiMix Governance Infrastructure and mnvqZv cÖKí| Improvement (Sector) Project 37318307 - Integrated Rural Development Planning 37318307 -Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U c­vwbs mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R±| Support Project (IRDSP). 37318308 - Introducing e-Governance in LGED 37318308 -B›UªwWDwms B-Mf‡b©Ý Bb GjwRBwW| 3733 - District Offices 3733 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 37330000 - District Offices 37330000 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 37334689 - Ruler Road Maintenance Woarks 37334689 -cj­x moKmg–‡ni ‡gBb‡U‡b›m Kg©m–wP, Rvcvb †WU K¨vb‡m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z 3735 - Upazilla Offices 3735 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 37350000 - Upazilla Offices 37350000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 3741-3750 - Public Health Sanitation and Water Supply 3741-3750 -Rb¯^v¯’¨, ¯^v¯’¨ weavb I cvwb mieivn 3741 - Public Health Engineering Directorate 3741 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ cª‡KŠkj Awa`ßi 37410000 - Public Health Engineering Directorate 37410000 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ cª‡KŠkj Awa`ßi 37410001 - Secretariat 37410001 -mwPevjq 37415010 - GoB Danida Arsenic Mitigation Project 37415010 -wRIwe WvwbWv Av‡m©wbK wgwU‡Mkb cÖKí (01/07/2001-306/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37415011 - 37415011 -wUGwcwc di ÷vwW Ab MÖvDÛ IqvUvi †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae wWc BKzBcvi di 37415012 - Environmental Sanitation & Water Supply 37415012 -38_vbv m`i I †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i Aew¯’Z †cŠimfvmg~‡n Project in 38 Pourashavas & Growth cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj Centre m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí| 37415013 - Environmental Sanitation and Water 37415013 -148wU †cŠimfvmg~‡n cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb Supply with piped Network in 148 mieivn I Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí Pourashavas 37415014 - Water Supply and Sanitation project in 37415014 -AvBjv `~M©Z GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb c~be©vmb "AILA' affected areas. cÖKí| 37415015 - Aresenic Safe Water Supply Project 37415015 -Av‡m©wbK gy³ wbivc` cvwb mieivn cÖKí (ASWSP) 37415016 - Bangladesh Rural Water Supply & 37415016 -evsjv‡`k i“ivj IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb †cÖvMÖvg cÖ Sanitation Programe Project ‡R± 37415017 - Water Supply Project in Coxbazar Town 37415017 -K·evRvi kn‡i cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 37415018 - Capacity Bulding of Porashavas & DPHE 37415018 -XvKv cvwb mieivn I ‡m±i Dbœqb †cÖvMÖv‡gi AvIZvq under DWSSDP Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi Ges †cŠimfv K¨vcvwmwU wewìs cÖKí 37415019 - Water Supply & Environmental Sanitation 37415019 -gsjv †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj in Mongla Pourashava (2nd Phase) m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí ce©-2| 37415020 - Study on Grounded Water Development of 37415020 -÷vwW Ab MÖvDÛ IqvUvi †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Wxc Av‡m©wbK Deep Arsenic for safe drinking water di †md wWªswKs IqvUvi mvc­vB Uz Av‡m©wbK wgDwU‡Mkb supply of Arsenic Mitigation areas in Gwiqvm© Bb I‡q÷vY© evsjv‡`k Western Bangladesh 37415021 - Study on Grounded Water Development of 37415021 -÷vwW Ab MÖvDÛ IqvUvi †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Wxc Av‡m©wbK Deep Arsenic for safe drinking water di †md wWªswKs IqvUvi mvc­vB Uz Av‡m©wbK wgDwU‡Mkb supply of Arsenic Mitigation areas in Gwiqvm© Bb I‡q÷vY© evsjv‡`k Western Bangladesh 37415022 - National Sanitation Project (Phase-3) 37415022 -RvZxq m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí(3q ce©) 37415023 - National Water Supply & Sanitation 37415023 -RvZxq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb ïgvix cÖKí Cencus Project. 37415024 - Water Supply Project Through Shallow 37415024 -AMfxi bjK‚c mdj GjvKvq cvwb mieivn cÖKí Tubewell 37415025 - Special Rural Water Supply Project 37415025 -we‡kl MÖvgxY cvwb mieivn cÖKí(2q ce©) (Phase-2) 37415026 - Environmental Sanitation and Water 37415026 -_vbv m`i I †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i Aew¯’Z †cŠimfvmg~‡n cvBc Supply with piped Network in Thana Sadar jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj & Growth Center Pourashavas (2nd m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (2q ce©)| Phase). 37415027 - Water Supply, Sanitation and Draiage 37415027 -UsMx ‡cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn , m¨vwwb‡Ukb I †Wª‡bR Project in Tongi Town cÖKí| 37415028 - Char Development and Settlement 37415028 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKít 4 (wWwcGBPB) Project-4 (DPHE) (01/01/11 - 31/12/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415029 - Water Supply, Sanitation & Drainage of 37415029 -UsMx †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn , m¨vwb‡Ukb Ges ‡W«‡bR Tongi Municipality cÖKí (01/07/12-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415030 - 2000 year 37415030 -2000 mv‡ji AvKw¯§K eb¨vq †`‡ki cwðg Ges `w¶Y-cwðgv‡ji ¶wZMÖ¯’ †Rjvmg–‡n eb¨v‡Ëvi cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37415031 - 37415031 -†m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U BDwbU ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415032 - Bangladesh Rural Water Supply and 37415032 -evsjv‡`k i“ivj IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖ‡R± Sanitation Project (BRWSSP) 37415033 - sssa 37415033 -evsjv‡`k i“ivj IqvUvi mvc­vB Ges m¨vwb‡Ukb †cÖvMÖvg cÖKí 37415034 - aa 37415034 -evsjv‡`k i“ivj IqvUvi mvc¬vB GÛ †mwb‡Ukb cÖ‡R± (weAviWwe¬IGmGmwc) (01/07/2012-30/06/2016)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37415035 - Environment Sanitation and Water Supply 37415035 -GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb GÛ IqvUvi mvc¬vB IB_ With Piped Network In Thana Sadar and cvBcW †bUIqvK© Bb _vbv m`i GÛ †MÖv_ †m›Uvi Growth Center Pourashava (2nd Phase) †cŠimfv (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Approved 37415036 - Water Supply abd Environmental 37415036 -gsjv †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I GbfvqbY‡g›Uvj Sanitation Project in Mongla Pourashava m¨vwb‡Ukb (2q ce©) (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) (2nd Phase) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415037 - bbb 37415037 -gsjv †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb cªKí (2q ch©vq) 37415038 - Ground Water investigation and 37415038 - Ground Water investigation and development development of deep ground water source of deep ground water source in urban and rural in urban and rural areas in Bnagladesh areas in Bnagladesh cªKí 37415039 - mm 37415039 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae m¨vjvBb IqvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­¨v›U (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415040 - Water Supply and Environmental 37415040 -gsjv †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj Sanitation Project in Mongla Pourasova m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415041 - Action Research on Community based 37415041 -G¨vKkb wimv©P Ab KwgDwbwU †eBRW Av‡m©wbK Arsenic Mitigation in 15 Upazila wgwU‡Mkb Bb 15 Dc‡Rjv (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) Approved (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415042 - Ground Water Investigation and 37415042 -MªvDÛ IqvUvi Bb‡fwó‡Mkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Wxc development of deep ground Water source MªvDÛ IqvUvi †mvm© Bb Avievb GÛ i“ivj Gwiqvm Bb in Urban and Rural areas in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/07/2013-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415043 - Water supply in 40 Pouroshova and growth 37415043 -40 ‡cŠimfv Ges †Mªv_ †m›Uv‡i Aew¯’Z cvwb mieivn I center & Environmental Project (Phase-2) GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj cÖKí (†dBR-2) (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) Approved (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415044 - The Project for Improvement of 37415044 -`¨v cÖ‡R± di BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ad KgwcÖ‡nbwmf Comprehensive Management Caoacity of g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU Ad wWwcGBPB Ab IqvUvi mvcЭvB DPHE on Water Supply (01/11/2014-31/10/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415045 - The Project for Improvement of 37415045 -`¨v cÖ‡R± di BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ad KgwcÖ‡nbwmf Comprehensive Management Capacity of g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU Ad wWwcGBPB Ab IqvUvi mvc­vB DPHE on Water Supply 37415046 - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) 37415046 -cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb I ¯^v¯’¨ wk¶v cÖKí Project 37415050 - 37415050 -RvZxq m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415051 - Bangladesh Environmental Technoloty 37415051 -evsjv‡`k Bbfvi‡g›Uvj †UK‡bvjwR †fwiwd‡Kkb Uz Verification Support to Arsenic Mitigation Av‡m©wbK wgwU‡Mkb(weBwUwe-GmGGg) (BETB-SAM) (01/01/2006-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415060 - 37415060 -AvBwWwe mvnvh¨cyó evsjv`‡ki DcK‚jxq GjvKvq cvwb mieivn cÖKí (2q ce©) (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415070 - Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Supply 37415070 -m¨vwb‡Ukb, ¯^v¯’¨, wk¶v Ges cvwb mieivn cÖKí Project (GOB-UNICEF) (01/01/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415080 - Bangladesh Water Supply Program Project 37415080 -evsjv‡`‡k cvwb mieivn †MªvMªvg cª‡R± (BWSPP) (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415090 - Institutional Development of Water Supply 37415090 -BÝwUwUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ and Sanitation Centre m¨vwb‡Ukb †m›Uvi (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) (04/07/1999-30/06/2000) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37415100 - Arsenic 37415100 -Av‡m©wbK wgwU‡Mkb cÖKí t evsjv‡`k `w¶Y cwðgv‡j MÖvgxY cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) Abby‡gvw`Z 37415110 - medium city water supply and sanitaion 37415110 -gvSvwi kn‡i cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb †m±i sector (wRIwe-GwWwe) 37415111 - Arsenic 37415111 -Av‡m©wbK wgwU‡Mkb cÖKí t MÖvDÛ IqvUvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ wUGwcwc di mv‡f©, Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb GÛ wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Bb Dc‡Rjv GÛ †MÖv_ †m›Uvi †j‡fj †cŠimfv †nwfs †bv cvBc IqvUvi mvc­vB wm‡÷g (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415120 - 37415120 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq MÖvgxY cvwb mieivn I m¨vwbU¨vkb cÖKí (wRIwe-W¨vwbWv)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37415130 - Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage 37415130 -wm‡jU I ewikvj gnvbMix‡Z cvwb mieivn Project in Sylhet and Barisal City (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415140 - National Sanitation project 37415140 -RvZxq m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (2q ce©) (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415150 - Special Riral Water Supply Project 37415150 -we‡kl MªvgxY cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415160 - Strengthening Capacity for Water Quality 37415160 -‡÷«s‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU di IqvUvi †KvqvwjwU G¨vbvjvBwmm analysis and Monitoring System in GÛ gwbUwis wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh. (01/07/2009-30/03/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415170 - Kotalipara And Tungipara Pourashava 37415170 -‡KvUvjxcvov I Uyw½cvov †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I Water Supply and Enviornmental Project Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415180 - Interim Piped Water Supply & 37415180 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi, fv½yiv I PvU‡gvni †cŠimfvq Environmental Sanitation Project at cvBcW IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí Suganagar, Bhangura and Chatmahor (01/07/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Pourashava under Pabna District 37415190 - 37 District towns water supply project 37415190 -37 wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn (01/11/2011-30/06/2014) (01/11/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415200 - Water Supply and Sanitation Project in 37415200 -evsjv‡`‡ki N–wY©So Dc`ª“Z Ges wmWi AvµvšZ Cyclone Prone Coastal area of DcK‚jxq GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí Bangladesh (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415920 - Development of Water Supply System in 37415920 -bIMuv †Rjvi kvcvnvi, cZœxZjv, †cvikv I g›`v _vbvq the District of Naoga at Shapahar, cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Patneetala, Porsha and Manda Thana (01/07/2002-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415930 - Rural health development project 37415930 -cj­x ¯^v¯’¨ Dbœqb cªKí (ch©vq-3) (Phase-3) 37415940 - Rural water supply in coastal areas (2nd 37415940 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq MªvgxY cvwb mieivn (chv©q-2) phase) 37415942 - Emergency repair and rehabilitation of 37415942 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvq 1998 mv‡j cÖjw¤¦Z I fqven eb¨vq water supply and sanitation facilities of the ¶wZMª¯’ cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Ri“wi district of Gopalgonj damaged by †givgZ I czbev©mb cÖKí prolonged & devastating flood'98 37415943 - Post flood rehabilitation of the water supply 37415943 -5wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi eb¨v‡Ëvi czbe©vmb system of 5 district towns 37415944 - Post flood rehabilitation of the water supply 37415944 -13wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi eb¨v‡Ëvi czbe©vmb system of 13 district town 37415950 - Reconstruction and improvement of rural 37415950 -MªvgxY cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vq ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb (chv©q-2) water supply (Phase-2) 37415960 - Zilla and upazilla urban water supply, 37415960 -‡Rjv I Dc‡Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn m¨vwb‡Ukb †Wª‡bR sanitation and drainage project cªKí 37415970 - Water supply, sanitation and drainage 37415970 -18wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn,cqt wb¯‹vkb I b`©gv scheme for 18 districts wbgv©Y cÖKí (ce©-2) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37415980 - Rural water supply scheme in low water 37415980 -wbæ cvwb ¯i GjvKvq MªvgxY cvwb mieivn cÖKí level area 37415990 - Rural water supply in low water table area 37415990 -wb¤§ cvwb ¯i GjvKvi MªvgxY cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37416000 - Establishment of National HRD Center of 37416000 -cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Uk†bi Rb¨ RvZxq gvbe m¤•` DPHE Dbœqb †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/07-30/06/10) 37416010 - 37416010 -cvwb cix¶v e¨e¯nv kw³kvjx Kivi j‡¶¨ Rb¯¦v¯n¨ cª ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii †K›`ªxq cvwb cix¶vMvi ¯nvcb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416020 - 37416020 -2004 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMª¯n cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cybe©vmb (01/02/2005-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416030 - 12 district town water supply scheme 37416030 -12wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn cªKí 37416040 - Sanitation and Water Supply to Gornadi 37416040 -‡MŠib`x I KvjwKwb †cŠimfvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g and Kalkini Powrashaba cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2005) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37416050 - Interim water supply project for Khulna city 37416050 -Lyjbv gnvbMix‡Z AšeZx©Kvjxb we‡kl Ri“wi cvwb mieivn 37416060 - Char Development and Settlement 37416060 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKít 3 - Project-3 (DPHE) (2nd Revised) (01/01/2005-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37416070 - Water supply by pipeline scheme for Tongi 37416070 -UsMx †cŠi GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn municipality cªKí 37416080 - Extension and development of water 37416080 -ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ kn‡i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi m¤•ªmviY I supply project in Bandarban town Dbœqb cÖKí 37416085 - Water Supply Project in Rajshahi Town 37416085 -ivRkvnx gnvbMix‡Z cvwb mieivn cÖKí (ch©vq-2) (Phase-II) (01/07/02-30/06/07) PCP (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 37416090 - Water supply, sewerage and drainage 37416090 -ivRkvnx gnvbMix‡Z cvwb mieivn cÖKí (chv©q-1) scheme in Rajshahi city (Phase-I) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/95 - 31/12/2001) 37416120 - Water supply and sanitation project in 9 37416120 -9wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn Ges m¨vwb‡Ukb cªKí districts (01/03/94 - 31/03/2001) 37416130 - Country wide rural water supply scheme 37416130 -mgMª †`‡ki MªvgxY cvwb mieivn Dbœqb we‡kl cªKí 37416150 - Water supply project for 23 district towns 37416150 -23wU kn‡i cvwb mieivn cªKí (01/01/94 - 30/06/2001) 37416160 - Piped water supply and environmental 37416160 -mwilvevox I evwRZcyi †cŠi GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨ sanitation in Baziitpur and Sarishabari ‡g cvwb mieivn Ges Gbfvqi‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí municipalties 37416170 - Water supply project through pipeline at 37416170 -‰fie †cŠi GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn Bhairab municipality area 37416180 - Water supply project at Rangamati 37416180 -iv½vgvwU †cŠi GjvKvq cvwb mieivn cªKí municipality area 37416190 - Water supply project at Khagrachari 37416190 -LvMovQwo †cŠi GjvKvq cvwb mieivn cªKí Municipality area 37416210 - Improvement of national sanitation system 37416210 -RvZxq m¨vwb‡Ukb Ae¯’vi Dbœqb 37416220 - Rural sanitation project 37416220 -MªvgxY m¨vwb‡Ukb cªKí 37416230 - Rural sanitation project 37416230 -MªvgxY m¨vwb‡Ukb cªKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96 - 28/02/2004) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37416240 - Water supply project in the coastal areas 37416240 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq cvwb mieivn cªKí 1g ce© (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98 - 30/06/2003) 37416251 - Institutional Development of Water Supply 37416251 -BbwówUDkbvj †Wfjc‡g›U Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ and Sanitation m¨vwb‡Ukb †m›Uvi 37416271 - Revival of tube-wells in all over the country 37416271 -wewfbœ kn‡i Drcv`b bjK‚cmg‡ni cybi“¾xeb Ges Dbœqb 37416281 - Social mobilisation for sanitation 37416281 -‡mvk¨vj †gvevjvB‡Rkb di m¨vwb‡Ukb 37416370 - Rural water supply project for the whole 37416370 -mgMª †`‡k MªvgxY cvwb mieivn cªKí (wRIwe-4) country (GoB-4) (01/07/95 - 30/06/2005) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37416380 - 37416380 -mgMª ‡`‡k MªvgxY cvwb mieivn (5g ch©vq) (01/07/2004-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416381 - Water supply project in cyclone affected 11 37416381 -‡mŠw` mnvqZvq NwY©So Dc`ª“Z DcK‚jxq 11wU †Rjvq coastal areas cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37416390 - Water supply development project for 37416390 -gsjv e›`i cª¯vweZ ißvwb cªwµqvKiY GjvKvq cvwb proposed EPZ in Mongla Port mieivn Dbœqb cÖKí 37416401 - Technical assistance project for hand 37416401 -ivRkvnx‡Z n¯PvwjZ bjK‚‡ci cªwk¶Y I cwiex¶Y pump trianing at Rajshahi Kg©mPxi Dci KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí 37416411 - Institutional strengthening of NGO bureau 37416411 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae GbwRI Kvh©µg ey¨‡iv GÛ and GOB wRIwe-GbwRI welqK †Kvjv‡ev‡ikb 37416420 - Water supply, sanitation, drainage and 37416420 -‡cŠimfv,Dc‡Rjv I †Mªv_ ‡m›Uv‡i cvwb garbage disposal project for Muncipalities, mieivn,m¨vwb‡Ukb,†W«‡bR I eR©©¨ `–ixKiY cÖKí Upazillas and growth centers(Mymensing, (‡bvqvLvjx,†dbx,j²xcyi,cUyqvLvjx I ei¸bv †Rjvmg–n) Feni, Laximipur, Patuakhali (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1996-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416430 - Sanitation and hygienic water supply in the 37416430 -cj­x A‡j cqtwb®‹vkb, ¯^v¯’¨ Dbœqb I cvwb mieivn rural areas cÖKí (01/07/1996 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416440 - Environmental sanitation, hygienic and 37416440 -‡cŠie¯@x I kniZjx GjvKvq Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb water supply in urban slums and city ¯^v¯’¨ cwiPhv© I cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/01/1997 - outskirts 30/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416500 - Arsenic mitigation water supply project for 37416500 -evsjv‡`k Av‡m©wbK †gwU‡Mkb IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R± (2q Bangladesh ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416510 - Piped water supply and sanitation project 37416510 -gZje, Pvw›`bv, KPzqv I ei“ov †cŠimfvq cvBc jvB‡bi for Matlab, Chandina, Kachua and Borura gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) municipality (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37416520 - Improvement of water supply and 37416520 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvmg–‡n cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’v sanitation in hill districts Z¡ivwš^ZKiY I Dbœqb (01/07/97 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416530 - Development of water supply to EPZ in 37416530 -gsjv †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I Gbfvqi‡g›Uvj Mongla port m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí 37416901 - Studies on the arsenic affected areas of 37416901 -evsjv‡`‡ki Av‡m©wbK `lY GjvKvq óvwW Bangladesh 37416920 - Water supply and sanitation project for 37416920 -†MvcvjMÄ UzsMxcvov Ges †KvUvjxcvov †cŠimfvmn - Gopalgonj - Tungipara and Kotawalipara †Rjvi Ab¨vb¨ 2wU Dc‡Rjv m`‡i cvwb mieivn I municipalities and two upazillas of m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (01/01/97 - 31/12/2005) (2q capitagious district ms‡kvwaZ) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416930 - Study on arsenic pollution in under ground 37416930 -evsjv‡`k Av‡m©wbK `–wlZ f‚Mf©¯’ cvwb mgx¶v water of Bangladesh 37416940 - Operationalisation of GO-NGO cooperation 37416940 -Acv‡ikbvjvB‡Rkb Ae wRIwe-GbwRI †Kv-Acv‡ikb mechanism(NGO-GoB cooperation-2) †gKvwbRg (GbwRI Mf©‡g›U †Kv-Acv‡ikb-2) 37416943 - Water supply system project of Bhairab 37416943 -ˆfie †cŠimfvi cvwb mieivn cÖKí (ce©-2) Municipality ( Phase-2 ) (01/01/2000 -30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416950 - Repair, rehabilitation and development of 37416950 -‡cŠimfvmg–‡n bjK‚c cybi“¾xweZKiYmn cvwb mieivn water supply in Municipal areas including e¨e¯’vi †givgZ cybev©mb I Dbœqb (01/07/97 - revitalisation of tube-wells 30/06/2007)Aby‡gvw`Z 37416951 - ADB 37416951 -GwWwe mnvqZvq †m‡KÛvwi UvDb cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/2005-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416952 - Rural water supply and sanitation project 37416952 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq MÖvgxY cvwb mieivn I m¨vwbU¨vkb cÖKí for coastal area (Danida assisted) (W¨vwbWv mnvqZvcyó) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416953 - Piped water supply and sanitation project 37416953 -_vbv I †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i Aew¯’Z †cŠimfvmg–‡n cvBc for Municipalities in upazilla and growth jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I m¨vwbU¨vkb cÖKí (ce©-1) centre (01/07/99 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416954 - Water supply project for Tongi Municipality 37416954 -U½x †cŠi GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2004) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 37416955 - Water supply from ponds in areas affected 37416955 -Av‡m©wbK I jeYv³Zv mgm¨v KewjZ GjvKvq cyKzi n‡Z by Arsenic and Salinity Lvevi cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/07/99 - 30/06/2005) 37416957 - Char Development and Settlement 37416957 -Pi †Wfjcj‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-2 (wmwWGmwc-2) Project-2 (CDSP-2) DPHE Part wW.wc.GBP.B Ask (1/7/99-30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 37416961 - 37416961 -BÝwUwUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb †m›Uvi (01/07/1999-30/06/2000) 37417060 - 37417060 -¯^íe¨‡q MÖvgxY mo‡K cyj/KvjfvU© wbgv©Y cÖKí (chv©q-2) 37417061 - 37417061 -Dc‡Rjv m`‡i cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (1g c‡e© 50wU Dc‡Rjv m`i)| 37417062 - 37417062 -Dc‡Rjv I †MÖv_ †m›Uvi ch©v‡q Aew¯’Z 120 †cŠimfvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb I †Wª‡bR cÖKí| 37417063 - 37417063 -†m‡KÛvix UvD‡b cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí(1g ce©)| 37417064 - 37417064 -e¨vcK AvKv‡i Av‡m©wbK AvµvšZ MÖvg mg~‡n cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 37417065 - 37417065 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí(wRIwe-WvwbWv) 37417066 - 37417066 -†Rjv kni †cŠimfvq mgwš^Z m¨vwb‡Ukb Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ce©)| 37417067 - 37417067 -Dc‡Rjv m`‡i †Wª‡bR Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí 37417068 - 37417068 -wbivc` cvwbi Drm AbymÜv‡bi Rb¨ mswk­ó Kvh©Îg I Lb‡bi Rb¨ wWªwjs wiM msMÖn cÖKí| 37417069 - 37417069 -‡Rjv I Dc‡Rjv m`i †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi m¤cÖmvib I Dbœqb cÖKí| 37417070 - 37417070 -eb¨vgvÎvi Dc‡i m¨vwbUvix †jwUªY wbg©vb (1g ce©) 37417071 - 37417071 -eb¨vgvÎvi Dc‡i Lvevi cvwbi c~Kzi Lbb/c~btLbb cÖKí 37417072 - 37417072 -eb¨vgvÎvi Dc‡i cvwb mieiv‡ni Drm ¯’vcb Avkªq‡K‡›`ªmn (1g ce©) 37417073 - 37417073 -†MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i †Wª‡bR Dbœqb cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37417074 - 37417074 -cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Uk‡bi Rb¨ gvbem¤ú` I cÖwZôvwbK Dbœqb †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí| 37417075 - 37417075 -wkí GjvKv mg~‡n myô~ eR©¨ e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ KvwiMix cÖKí| 37417076 - 37417076 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇i RvZxq cvwb meivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Z_¨ †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí| 37417077 - 37417077 -agx©q Dcmbvj‡q cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (gmwR`, gw›`i BZ¨vw`) 37417078 - 37417078 -mgMÖ‡`‡k wbivc` cvwbi Drm AbymÜvb, gwbUwis I ch© ‡e¶Y cÖKí| 37417079 - 37417079 -cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb (†Wª‡bR I eR©¨ e¨e¯’vcbv) e¨e¯’vi Dci AvÂwjK gvóvi c­¨vb cÖYq‡bi KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí| 37417080 - 37417080 -Dbœqb †_vK (cÖwµqvaxb/bZzb cÖKí mg~n) 37417081 - 37417081 -cvewjK-cÖvB‡fU cvU©bvikx‡ci gva¨‡g Dc‡Rjv m`i I †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ce©-100wU)| 37417082 - 37417082 -cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g MÖvgxY cvwb mieivn cÖKí (1g ce©-1000 MÖvg)| 37417083 - 37417083 -cv_~‡i, cve©Z¨ Ges e‡i›`ª GjvKvq nvD‡WªvwRIjwRK¨vj Bb‡fwó‡Mkb cÖKí| 37417084 - 37417084 -ivRkvnx, Lyjbv ewikvj Ges wm‡jU gnvbMixi †Wª‡bR I m~q¨v‡iR jvBb ¯’vcb cÖKí| 37417085 - 37417085 -moK I gnvmoK m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí 37417086 - 37417086 -Av‡m©wbK cÖeb GjvKvq e„wói cvwb msi¶b Ges msiw¶Z cyK‚‡i wcGmGd ¯’vcb cÖKí| 37417087 - 37417087 -jebv³Zv GjvKvq ‡QvU AvKv‡ii cvwb †kvabvMvi ¯’vcb cÖKí| 37417088 - 37417088 -RvZxq m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (2q ce©) 37417089 - 37417089 -¯‹zj m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (1g ce©) 37417091 - 37417091 -m¨vwb‡Uk‡bi Rb¨ mvgvwRK Døy×Kib cÖKí| 37417092 - 37417092 -†`‡ki cve©Z¨ A‡j SY©vi cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 37417093 - 37417093 -‡QvU e¨vm wewkó m~q¨v‡iR wm‡÷g ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g kn‡ii m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ce©-10wU kni)| 37417095 - 37417095 -†Rjv ch©v‡q cvbxq Rj cix¶vi myweavw` ¯’vcb I ¸bv¸b cwiex¶Y cÖKí| 37417096 - 37417096 -64wU †Rjvi †gvevBj cvwb †kvabvMvi µq cÖKí| 37417097 - 37417097 -m¨vwb‡Ukb, ¯^v¯’¨ wk¶v I cvwb mieivn (wRIwe-BDwb‡md) cÖKí 37417100 - 37417100 -9 †Rjvq cvbxq Rj cix¶vi myweavw` ¯’vcb I ¸bv¸b cixwe¶Y cÖKí 37417101 - 37417101 -Av‡m©wbK Avµvš— Mªg mgy‡ni avib¶g cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 37417102 - 37417102 -†Rjv ch©v‡q cvbxq Rj cix¶vi myweavw` ¯’vcb I ¸bv¸b cwiex¶Y cÖKí| 37417103 - 37417103 -†Rjv kni †cŠimfvq mgwš^Z m¨vwb‡Ukb Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ce©)| 37417104 - Feasibility and project preparation study for 37417104 -PUªMÖvg cve©Z¨ †Rjvmg–‡n cvbxq Rj mieivn I Development of water supply and GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb myweavw` Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ ecvironmental sanitation facilities for m¤¢ve¨Zv Rwic I cÖKí cÖYq‡bi Rb¨ ÷vwW cÖKí| Chittagong Hill Tract District. 37417105 - 37417105 -mgMÖ‡`‡k wbivc` cvwbi Drm AbymÜvb, gwbUwis I ch© ‡e¶Y cÖKí| 37417106 - 37417106 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇i RvZxq cvwb meivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Z_¨ †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí| 37417107 - 37417107 -¯‹zj m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (1g ce©) 37417108 - 37417108 -evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Y cwðgv‡j MÖvgxY cvwb mieivn 37417110 - 37417110 -Dc‡Rjv m`‡i cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (1g c‡e© 50wU Dc‡Rjv m`i)|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37417111 - Arsenic Mitigation Project : Ground water 37417111 - management and TAPP for survey, investigation and fisibility study in upazilla and groth center level pouros 37417112 - Union Parisad Supported Village Piped 37417112 -BDwbqb cwil` mvc‡U©W MÖvwgb cvBc IqvUvi mvc­vB Water Supply Pilot Project. cvBjU cÖ‡R± 37417113 - Union Parisad Saported village Piped 37417113 -BDwbqb cwil` mv‡cv©‡UW wf‡jR cvBcW IqvUvi mvc­vB water supply pilot project cvBjU cÖKí (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 37417115 - South West village water supply Project 37417115 -†`‡ki `w¶Y cwðgv‡j MÖvgxY cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37417116 - South West village Water Supply Project 37417116 -†`‡ki `w¶Y cwðgv‡j MÖvgxY cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37417117 - National Sanitation Project(2nd Phase) 37417117 -RvZxq m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 37417118 - Water Supply and Sanitation Project in 37417118 -‡`‡ki N~wb©So Dc`ª“Z I wmWi Avµvš— DcK’jxq Cyclone Prone and Cyclone SIDR affected GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí| Coastal area of Bangladesh. 37417119 - Establish Facilities for Water Testing at 9 37417119 -9 †Rjvq cvbxq Rj cix¶vi myweavw` ¯’vcb I ¸bv¸b District and Monitoring of Drinking Water cwiex¶Y cÖKí Quality 37417120 - Establishment of “National Water & 37417120 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇i RvZxq cvwb meivn I Sanitation Information Centre (NAWASIC)” m¨vwb‡Ukb Z_¨ †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí in DPHE 37417121 - TPP for Safe Water Source Identification 37417121 -mgMÖ‡`‡k wbivc` cvwbi Drm AbymÜvb, gwbUwis I ch© Monitoring and Serveillance in Bangladesh ‡e¶Y cÖKí| 37417122 - Improvement and Extention of Existing 37417122 -Dc‡Rjv m`‡i cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I Water Supply and Sanitation system in m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (1g c‡e© 50wU Dc‡Rjv m`i) Pourashava at District and Upazila Hqs. 37417123 - Water supply project on severly arsenic 37417123 -e¨cK AvKv‡i Av‡m©wbK Avµvš— MÖvgmg~‡n cvwb mieivn affected villages cÖKí 37417124 - Integrated Sanitation Improvement Project 37417124 -†Rjv kni †cŠimfvq mgwš^Z m¨vwb‡Ukb Dbœqb cÖKí in District Town Pourashavas (1st Phase). (1g ce©)| 37417125 - Environmental Sanitation and Water 37417125 -_vbv m`i I †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i Aew¯’Z †cŠimfvmg~‡n cvBc Supply with Piped Network in Thana Sadar jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj and Growth Center Pourashavas m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (2q ce©) (Phase-II). 37417126 - 13 District Towns Water Supply, Sanitation 37417126 -13 wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb I †Wª‡bR and Drainage Project cÖKí 37417127 - 37417127 -cv_y‡i, cve©Z¨ Ges e‡i› `ªGjvKvq nvDwWªvwRIjwRK¨vj Bb‡fwó‡Mkb cªKí| 37417128 - Arsenic Safe Interim Water Supply 37417128 -†h mKj †cŠimfvmg~‡n cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb Program in the Pourashavas having no mieivn bvB †m mKj †cŠimfvq Aš—eZ©xKvjxb Av‡m©wbK Piped Water Supply System. gy³cvwb mieivn cÖKí 37417129 - Improvement and Extention of Existing 37417129 -†Rjv I Dc‡Rjv m`i †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vq Water Supply and Sanitation system in m¤cÖmvib I Dbœqb cÖKí Pourashava at District and Upazila H/Qs. 37417130 - 37417130 -_vbv m`i I †MÖv_†m›Uv‡i Aew¯’Z †cŠimfv mg~‡n cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (2q ce©)| 37417131 - 37417131 -‡`‡k N~wb©So Dc`ª“Z I DcK~jxq GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí| 37417132 - 37417132 -37-‡Rjv kni cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 37417133 - 37417133 -†KvUvjxcvov I UzsMxcvov †cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I Gbfvqvi‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí| 37417134 - 37417134 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi, fvs¸iv I PvU‡gvni †cŠimfvq Ó cvBcW IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí 37417135 - 37417135 -evsjv‡`‡ki cvwbi ¸bMZ gvb we‡k­lb Ges cixwe¶b e¨e¯’vi `¶Zv e„w×Kib| 37417136 - 37417136 - N~wb©So AvBjv `y©MZ GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯nvi cybev©mb cÖKí| 37417137 - 37417137 -UsMx kn‡i cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb I †Wª‡bR cÖKí 37417138 - 37417138 -K•evRvi kn‡i cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37417139 - 37417139 -cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn bvB Ggb †cŠimfvq Aš—eZx©Kvjxb Av‡m©wbK gy³ wbivc` cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 37417140 - Char Development and Settlement 37417140 -Pi Dbœqb I emwZ ¯’vcb cÖKí (wWwcGBPB Ask) Project-4(DPHE Part) cÖKí-4 3743 - District Offices 3743 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 37430000 - District Offices 37430000 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 3745 - Upazilla Offices 3745 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 37450000 - Upazilla Offices 37450000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 3780-3785 - Special Programmes 3780-3785 -we‡kl Kg©mPxmgyn 3780 - Special Programme 3780 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 37804596 - 37804596 -RvZxq ¯’vbxq miKvi BbwówUDU kw³kvjxKiY 37804604 - 37804604 -mgevq feb wbg©vb 37804657 - 37804657 -nvRvixevM wkí GjvKvmn Ab¨vb¨ ¸i“Z¡cY© moKmg‡ni iv¯v, b`©gv I dzUcvZ Dbœqb Kg©mPx 3796-3798 - Development Programme Financed by 3796-3798 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3796 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3796 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 37964300 - Bolck Allocation 37964300 -ttt 37964301 - Water Supply and Sanitation Programme 37964301 -h‡kvi ‡Rjvi †ebv‡cvj ‡cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn I at Benapole Municipality under Jessore m¨vwb‡Ukb Kg©mwP District 37964302 - Water Supply and Sanitation Programme 37964302 -ewikvj ‡Rjvaxb evbvixcyi, gyjv`x I DwRicyi Dc‡Rjvq at Banaripara, Muladi and Uzirpur Upazilas cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb under Barisal District. 37964303 - Construction of 200 tube wells solve the 37964303 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb Ges gbcyiv Dc‡Rjvq cvbxq water crisis in Charfashion and Monpura R‡ji mgm¨v Upazila under Bhola District. wbimbK‡í M„nxZ Kg©mwPi Aewkó 200wU Mfxi bjK‚c eivÏKiY Kg©mwP 37964304 - Expansion and Upgradation of water 37964304 -ev›`ievb Ges jvgv ‡cŠimfvq cvwb mieivn e¨envi supply systems in Bandarban and Lama m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb Kg©mwP Municipalies 37964305 - Development of safe water supply 37964305 -gVevwoqv cŠimfvq wbivc` my‡cq cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’v Programme at Mathbaria Municipality. Dbœqb Kg©mwP 37964306 - Romoving the problem of safe water 37964306 -ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvq wbivc` cvwbi mgm¨v wbimb supply in Bandarban Hill District. Kg©mwP 37964307 - Construction of footpath and marking the 37964307 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi ¸i“Z¡cY© iv¯vq dzUcvZ I eW©vi jvBb borderlines of important roads of Rajshahi ¯’vcbmn mvgvwRK I ag©xq weKv‡k AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY city Corsporation and Construction of Kg©mwP infrastructures to facilitate social and religions activities 37964308 - Construction of drainage structures in 37964308 -cUyqvLvjx ‡cŠimfvi cvwb wb®‹vkb Kg©mwP patuakhali Municipality 37964309 - Construction of Principal surface drain in 37964309 -VvKziMuvI ‡cŠimfvi cvwb wb®‹vkb Gi Rb¨ cÖavb mvi‡dm Thakurgaon Municipality ‡W«b wbg©vY Kg©mwP 37964310 - Construction of Principal surface drain 37964310 -‡b·KvYv †cŠimfvi cvwb wb®‹vk‡bi Rb¨ cÖavb mvi‡dm (Type-A) in Netrakona Municipality ‡W«b (UvBc-G) wbg©vY Kg©mwP 37964311 - Construction of Physical infrastructure in 37964311 -evDdj ‡cŠimfvi ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Kg©mwP Bauphal Municipality 37964312 - Construction of different physical 37964312 -Pid¨vkb ‡cŠimfvi ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Kg©mwP infrastructure in Charfashion Municipality 37964313 - Construction of secondary surface drain in 37964313 -MjvwPcv †cŠimfvi cvwb wb®‹vk‡bi Rb¨ †m‡KÛvix Galachipa Municipality mvi‡dm ‡W«b wbg©vY Kg©mwP 37964314 - Safe Water Supply and Sanitation at Rajoir 37964314 -gv`vixcyi ‡Rjvi iv‰Re Dc‡Rjv m`i I ‡U‡KinvU Upazila headquarters and Tekerhat e›`‡i wbivc` cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb bandar of Madaripur District

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37964315 - Water Supply and Sanitation at different 37964315 -UvsMvBj †Rjvi wewfbœ †cŠimfv Ges Dc‡Rjvq cvwb municipalities and Upazilas of Tangial mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb District. 37964316 - Water Supply and Sanitation Programme 37964316 -ei¸bv †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq cÖavbgšxi cÖwZkª“wZ in different Upazilas of Borguna District as †gvZv‡eK cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb per Commitment of the Prime Minister's 37964317 - Development of Social Regligions and 37964317 -wm‡jU kni I kniZjx‡Z wewfbœ mvgvwRK, agx©q Ges Educational Institutions in Sylhet Town and wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi Dbœqb S-- 37964318 - Construction of 30 Roads (27.50 km) in all 37964318 -cUyqvLvjx ‡cŠimfvi mKj Iqv‡W© wewfbœ ¯’v‡bi wÎkwU wards of Patuakhali Municipality (27.50 wKtwgt) iv¯v wbg©vY 37964319 - Implementation of Improtant Development 37964319 -wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi ¸iZ¡cY© Dbœqb Kg©KvÛ ev¯ activities of Sylhet City Corporation evqb Kg©mwP 37964320 - Development of water supply at Different 37964320 -LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Upazila under Khagrachari district Dbœqb 37964321 - Piped Water Supply and Sanitation Project 37964321 -gv`vixcyi ‡Rjvi KvjwKwb Dc‡Rjvaxb Wvmvi Mªv‡gi ‡kL in the Sheikh Hasina Academy and nvwmbv GKv‡Wgx Women's College at Dasar village of G¨vÛ DB‡g›m K‡jR GjvKv Ges wkePi Dc‡Rjvi mh© Kalkini Upazila, Surjonagar and ¨bMi I Pv‡›`iPi nvU evRvi GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g wbivc` cvwb Chanderhat Bazaar of Shibchar Upazila in mieivn I Madaripur District m¨vwb‡Ukb Kg©mwP 37964322 - Construction of mineral Shahi Eidgah 37964322 -wm‡jU gnvbM‡i kvnx C`Mvn Kg‡c­· wgbvi wbg©vY complex in Sylhet City Corporation Area 37964323 - Improvement of Water Supply and 37964323 -XvKv mv‡K©jvaxb gy›mxMÄ †Rjvi wgiKvw`g ‡cŠimfv Ges Sanitation system at Mirkadim Pourashava Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi ‡cŠimfvq cvBc jvB‡bi in Munshigonj District and Islampur gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Pourashava in Jamalpur District 37964324 - Improvement of Water Supply and 37964324 -Lyjbv mv‡K©jvaxb gv¸iv †Rjvi kvwjLv I ‡gvnv¤§`cyi Sanitation system at arpara of Shalikha Dc‡Rjvi Avocvov, wksov, †gvnv¤§`cyi m`i I upazila, Mohammadpur Sadar , Binodpur we‡bv`cyi evRvi Ges ‡g‡nicyi ‡Rjvi evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g Bazaar of Mohammadpur upazila in ivRavbx (ˆe`¨bv_ Zjv) gywRebMi ø„wZ Kg‡c­· GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Magura District and Mujibnagar Smriti Complex Area (Daidyanath tola-1st capital of Bangladesh) of Meherpur District under Khulna Circle 37964325 - Construction of drainage structures in 37964325 -gyjv`x †cŠimfvi cvwb wb®‹vkb Muladi Municipality 37964326 - Water Quality Monitoring Testing and 37964326 -cvwbi ¸bv¸b cix¶v, cwiex¶Y I ch©‡e¶Y Surveillance Programme 37964328 - Development of Sanitation & Water Supply 37964328 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi †PŠnvjx Dc‡Rivaxb Gbv‡qZcyi `ievi System through Pipe lines at Enayet pur kixd Kg‡c­· GjvKvq cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb Darbar Sharif Complex, Chouhali Upazila, mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Shirajhong 37964329 - Special Village Water Supply & Sanitation 37964329 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi emyinvU †cŠimfv Ges †bvqvLvjx m`i Programme at Nowakhali Sadar Upzila Dc‡Rjvq we‡kl MªvgxY cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb and Basurhat Municipality under e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Nowakhali District 37964330 - Construction of roads, Ghatla & Shishu 37964330 -‡fvjv †cŠimfvi moK, NvUjv I wkïcvK© wbg©vY Park at Bhola Municipality 37964331 - Construction of Physical enfrasturcture in 37964331 -‡fvjv †Rjvi †evinvb DwÏb †cŠimfvi Dbœqb Borhanuddin Municipality Under Bhola District 37964332 - Construction of Physical infrastructure 37964332 -­‡fvjv †Rjvi ‡`ŠjZLvb †cŠimfvi Dbœqb Kg©mwP Daulatkhan Municipality under Bhola District 37964333 - Construction of Road & Bridge/Culvert 37964333 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi gv`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvi moK I infrastructure in Madargong Upazila under †mZy/KvjfvU© Dbœqb Kg©mwP Jamalpur District 37964334 - Contruction of drainage structures in 37964334 -ev‡KiMÄ †cŠimfvi cvwb wb®‹vkb Kg©mwP Bakargong Municipality

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37964335 - Development of Sanitation Programme, 37964335 -ev›`ievb cveZ©¨ †Rjvi eb¨v KewjZ GjvKvq cvwb renovation & rehabilitation of damaged mieivn e¨e¯’vi ¶wZMª¯ cvwbi Drm cybe©vmb, ms¯‹vi water sources of water supply system at Ges m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Kg©mwP flooded areas of Bandarban hill District 37964336 - Development of Village Water Supply 37964336 -Puv`cyi †Rjvi dwi`MÄ Dc‡Rjvi MªvgxY cvwb mieivn Programme in Faridgong upazila under e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Kg©mwP Chandpur District 37964337 - Development of Water Supply Programme 37964337 -cUyqvLvjxi `ygK©x Dc‡Rjvq cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb in Dumki Upazila under Patuakhali District Kg©mwP 37964338 - Development of Village water Supply 37964338 -Puv`cyi †Rjvi kvnivw¯ I nvRxMÄ Dc‡Rjvi MªvgxY cvwb Programme in Shahrastic and Hazigong mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Kg©mwP Upazila under Chandpur District 37964339 - Development of Village Water Supply 37964339 -SvjKvwV †Rjvi KvVvwjqv Dc‡Rjvi MªvgxY cvwb mieivn Programme in Khathalia Upazila under e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Kg©mwP Jhalokathi district 37964340 - Development of village water supply 37964340 -‡MvcvjM‡Äi †KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjvi AvgZjx BDwbqb Programme in Amtali of Kotalipara Upazila cwil‡`i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb under Gopalgonj District 37964341 - Construction and renovation of Ringwell 37964341 -iv½vgvwU †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq wisI‡qj wbg©vY, rehabilitation, Sanitation works wisI‡qj ms¯‹vi I cybe©vmbmn m¨vwb‡Ukb Kv‡Ri Dbœqb Programme in Rangamati District Kg©mwP 37964342 - Construction of Principal surface drain in 37964342 -Bmjvgcyi ‡cŠimfvi cvwb wb®‹vk‡bi Rb¨ cÖavb mvi‡dm Islampur Municipality Kg©mwP 37964343 - Construction of roads, Ghatla, Drain and 37964343 -jvj‡gvnb ‡cŠimfvi moK NvUjv, †W«b I wkïcvK© wbg©vY Shishu Parks at Lalmohon Municipality 37964344 - RCC Works of different roads, bituminous 37964344 -‡QsMviPi ‡cŠimfvi wewfbœ iv¯v Aviwmwm, weUywgbvm Carpeting and Construction of Bridge, Kv‡c©wUs Øviv DbœqbKiY, eªxR, NvUjv, †W«b I wkïcvK© Ghatla, drain and Shishu Parks at wbg©vY Chengarchair Municipality in Chandpur District 37964345 - Construction of Technical Training 37964345 -e¸ov †Rjvi wkeMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb ˆmq`cyi Mªv‡g KvwiMix development building at Shibgonj Upazila cÖwk¶Y Dbœqb feb wbg©vY in Bogra district. 37964346 - Construction of Library Building & three 37964346 -‡LvjvnvwU wWMªx K‡j‡Ri Rb¨ GKwU cvVvMvi feb wbg©vY Compartments Laboratory in the third floor Ges we`¨gvb K‡jR fe‡bi 3q Zjvq wZb K¶ wewkó at Kholahati Degree College. M‡elYvMvi wbg©vY 37964347 - Sheri great Cemetery Development 37964347 -‡kicyi †cŠimfv¯’ †kix gnvk¥kv‡b Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Programme of Sharpur Pouroshava. 37964348 - Beautification & Environment Protection 37964348 -‡fvjv †cŠimfvi †mŠ›`h©ea©b I cwi‡ek myi¶v Kg©m–wP Programme at Bhola Pouroshava. 37964349 - Development of water supply & Sanitation 37964349 -LvMovQwo †Rjvaxb cvbQwo, gnvjQwo I gvwbKQwo at Panchari, Mohalchari & Manikchari Dc‡Rjv m`‡i cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Upazila under Khagrachari. 37964350 - Construction of Shishu Park at Charfasion 37964350 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvq wkïcvK© wbg©vY Upazila in Bhola district. 37964351 - Mitigation Program of water lodging in 37964351 -‡gvnbMÄ †cŠimfv GjvKvi Rjve×Zv wbimb Kg©m–wP Mohongonj Pouroshava. 37964352 - Construction of Central Eidgah, new 37964352 -cUyqvLvjx †cŠimfvq †K›`ªxq C`Mvn ms¯‹vi, bZyb C`Mvn Eidgah, road, culverts etc. at Patuakhali wbg©vY, †cŠi †Mvi¯’v‡bi g‡a¨ iv¯Zv wbg©vY, gnvkk¥vb Pouroshava. ewa©ZKiYmn ms‡hvM KvjfvU© wbg©vY Ges †cŠimfvi evDÛvix †`qvj, †MU nvDm I Mvox M¨v‡iR wbg©vY 37964353 - Water Supply Program at Nilachal Parjatan 37964353 -ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi ev›`ievb †cŠimfv GjvKvq Complex of Bandarban Pouroshava at bxjvPj ch©Ub Kg‡c­‡• cvwb mieivn Kg©m–wP Bandarban Hill district. 37964354 - Construction of Physical infrastructure in 37964354 -nvivMvQv †cŠimfvi Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Haragacha Municipality. 37964355 - Construction of Physical infrastructure in 37964355 -‡PŠgynbx †cŠimfvi Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Choumohoni Municipality. 37964596 - Strengthening of NILG (2004-05) 37964596 -RvZxq ¯’vbxq miKvi BbwówUDU kw³kvjxKiY (2004-05)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37964597 - Salvaging Canels for removing 37964597 -XvKv gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `ixKi‡Y Lvj D×vi Waterlogging in Dhaka City 37964598 - Maintanance and Development of water 37964598 -LvMovQwo †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn e¨e¯’vi ms¯‹vi I supply system in Khagrachhari District Dbœqb Town 37964599 - Drainage Programme of Madaripur 37964599 -gv`vixcyi ‡cŠimfvi cvwb wb®‹vkb Kg©mwP Pourashava 37964601 - Supply of Pure Drinking Water in Kumudini 37964601 -Uv½vBj †Rjvi wgR©vcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb Kzgyw`bx U«v÷ I Trust and Adjoining Area at Mirzapur cvk¦©eZx© GjvKvq my‡cq cvwb mieivn Upazila of Tangail District 37964602 - Construction of Cleaner Conlony at Dhaka 37964602 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z myBcvi K‡jvwb wbg©vY City 37964603 - Development of Water Supply System in 37964603 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb Ges gbcyiv Dc‡Rjvq cvwb Charfasion and Monpura Upazilla under mieivn e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Bhola District 37964604 - Supply of Water through Pipeline in 37964604 -e¸ov †Rjvi miÄvevox Mªv‡g cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb Saranjabari Village in Bogra District mieivn (†mP Kvh© myweavmn) (Including Irrigation Facility) 37964605 - Supply of Water Through Pipeline in 37964605 -MvRxcyi †Rjvi 5wU Dc‡Rjvi wewfbœ Mªv‡g cvBc jvB‡bi different villages in 5 Upazilas Under gva¨‡g cvwb m ieivn Gazipur District 37964606 - Infrastructure Development of Religious 37964606 -ivRkvnx gnvbMixi agx©q cÖwZôv‡bi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Institution in Rajshahi City 37964657 - Development of Road, Drainage and 37964657 -nvRvixevM wkí GjvKvmn Ab¨vb¨ ¸i“Z¡cY© moK, b`©gv I Pavements at Important Places Including dzUcvZ Dbœqb (2004-05) Hazaribag Industrial Area (2004-05) 37964681 - Pilot Programme on Prevention of Dowry 37964681 -†hŠZyK cÖ_v I evj¨weevn wb‡iva Ges Rb¥ g„Zy¨ wbeÜxKib and Child Marriage and Registration of cvBjU Kg©mPx (2004-05) Birth and Death (2004-05) 37964682 - Extension and Development of Water 37964682 -UsMx wek¦ BR‡Zgv gq`v‡b cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Supply and Sanitation Facility in the Ejtema e¨e¯’v m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb Kg©mwP 37964683 - Supply of Piped Water in Asashuni Village 37964683 -mvZ¶xiv †Rjvaxb Avkvïwb Dc‡Rjv cwil` msjMœ --- to Asashuni Upazilla Porishad in Avkvïwb Mªv‡g cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieivn I Satklhira m¨vwb‡Ukb Kg©mwP 37964689 - Maintainance Programme for Rural 37964689 -cj­x moKmg‡ni g¨vBb‡U‡b›m Kg©mPx, Rvcvb †WU Roads, Finance by Japan Dbt Cancellation K¨vb‡m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z fund 37964696 - Stablishment of a Mobile Skill Training 37964696 -åvg¨gvb `¶Zv cÖwk¶Y BDwbU ¯’vcb Institute 37964699 - 37964699 -uRvZxq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖwk¶Y I Z_¨ †K›`ª ¯’vcb I Rbej cÖwk¶Y 37964700 - 37964700 -cvwbi ¸bv¸b cix¶v, cwiex¶Y I ch©‡e¶Y 37964701 - 37964701 -Avc`KvjxY cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Kvh©µg| 37964702 - 37964702 -`~‡hv©M †gvKv‡ejvq c~e© cÖ¯—ywZg~jK cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Kvh©µg| 37964703 - 37964703 -c~e© cÖ¯‘wZg~jK I Avc`Kvjxb Ri“ix cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb 37964704 - 37964704 -`~‡h©vM †gvKv‡ejvq c~e© cÖ¯‘wZg~jK cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Kvh©µg 37964705 - 37964705 -Avc`Kvjxb cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Kvh©µg 37964706 - 37964706 -Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii cÖavb fe‡b †Rbv‡iUi I mve‡ókb ¯’vcb 37964707 - 37964707 -RvZxq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖwk¶Y I Z_¨ †K›`ª ¯’vcb I Rbej cÖwk¶Y 37964708 - Special Rural Water Supply and Sanitation 37964708 -myeY©Pi Dc‡Rjvq we‡kl MªvgxY cvwb mieivn I in Subarnochar Upazila m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 37964709 - Development and Sanitation in Haor area 37964709 -nvIo GjvKvq m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœq‡b cvBjU Kg©m–wP pilot program (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 37964710 - 37964710 -

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 37964711 - 37964711 -2007 mv‡ji eb¨v‡Ëvi cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi c~b©evmb I Dbœqb cÖKí| 37964728 - Preparedness of Disaster Management 37964728 -cÖvK…wZK `–‡h©vM †gvKv‡ejvq ce© cÖ¯ZywZg–jK Kg©m––wP Program (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2011) 37964729 - Investigation of Water Source in Kutubdia 37964729 -K·evRvi †Rjvi Øxc Dc‡Rjv KzZyew`qvq cvwbi Drm Island AbymÜvb Kg©m–wP (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 37964730 - Development of water supply and 37964730 -mybvgMÄ †Rjvi `w¶Y mybvgMÄ I RMbœv_cyi Dc‡Rjvq Sanitation at South Sunamgonj and cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Kg©mwP Jagonnathpur Upazila under sunamgonj District 37964731 - Development of water supply and 37964731 -‡MvcvjM‡Äi †KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjvq cvwb mieivn Kotalipara Upazila under gopalgong e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Kg©mwP District 37964732 - Construction of Permanent Helipad at 37964732 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi wgVvgBb Dc‡Rjvq ¯’vqx †nwjc¨vW Mithamoin Upazila of Kishorgonj District wbg©vY 37964746 - Pilot Program of Pipe Water Supply 37964746 -‡mŠi we`y¨‡Zi mvnv‡h¨ cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb System using Solar Energy mieivn cvBjU Kg©m–wP(RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 37964828 - 37964828 -Ó2007 mv‡ji eb¨v‡Ëvi cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi cybe©vmbÓ 37964840 - Disaster Maintenance 37964840 -`y‡h©vM †gvKv‡ejvq c–e© cÖ¯@ywZg–jK cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb 37964841 - 37964841 -cvwbi ¸bv¸b cix¶v, cwiex¶Y I ch©‡e¶Y 37964842 - 37964842 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvi b`x fvsMb I eb¨v KewjZ GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Kvh©µg 37964843 - 37964843 -PUªMªvg †Rjvi mxZvKzÛ cvnv‡o g›`vwKbx FYv©aviv n‡Z gw›`i I †gjv½‡b cvwb mieivn Kg©mywP 37964844 - 37964844 -K•evRvi †Rjvi Øxc Dc‡Rjv KzZzew`qvi cvwbi Drm AbymÜvb 37964845 - 37964845 -myeY©Pi Dc‡Rjvq we‡kl MÖvgxb cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb Kg©m~wU| 37964846 - 37964846 -‡mŠiwe`¨y‡Zi mvnv‡h¨ cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieiv‡ni cvBjU Kg©m~Px | 37964847 - 37964847 -nvIi GjvKvq m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯’vi Dbœq‡b cvBjU Kg©m~Px | 37964848 - 37964848 -cÖK…wZK `~‡h©vM †gvKv‡ejvq c~e© cÖ¯‘wZg~jK Kg©myPx| 37964966 - 37964966 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvi b`x fvsMb I eb¨v KewjZ GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb Kvh©µg 37964967 - Chittagong 37964967 -PUªMªvg †Rjvi mxZvKzÛ cvnv‡o g›`vwKbx SYv©aviv n‡Z gw›`i I †gjv½‡b cvwb mieivn Kg©m–wP (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2011) 37964968 - 37964968 -K·evRvi †Rjvi Øxc Dc‡Rjv KzZyew`qvi cvwbi Drm AbymÜvb Kg©m~wP (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 37964969 - 37964969 -‡mŠiwe`y¨‡Zi mvnv‡h¨ cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g cvwb mieiv‡ni cvBjU Kg©mywP (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 37964970 - 37964970 -myeY©Pi Dc‡Rjvq we‡kl Mªvgxb cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Uk e¨e¯nvi Dbœqb Kg©m~wP (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 37964971 - 37964971 -nvIo GjvKvq m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯nvi Dbœq‡b cvBjU Kg©m~wP (RyjvB 2010-Ryb 2012) 37964972 - 37964972 -cÖvK…wZK `y‡hv©M †gvKv‡ejvq c~e© cÖ¯ZywZg~jK Kg©m~wP 37964973 - Construction of Sweeper Colony in 37964973 -gnvbMi I †Rjv kn‡i myBcvi K‡jvbx wbg©vY Kg©mwP (cÖ¯ Metropolitan and District Head Quarter vweZ)| Programme (Proposed) 3799-3799 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3799-3799 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3799 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3799 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 37990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 37990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 38 - Rural Development and Co-operatives Division 38 - cj­x Dbœqb I mgevq wefvM 3801-3820 - Administration 3801-3820 -cªkvmb 3801 - Secretariat 3801 -mwPevjq 38010001 - Secretariat 38010001 -mwPevjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38015010 - Establishment of Milk Production Plant at 38015010 -PUMªv‡gi cwUqvq `y» KviLvbv m-vcb cªKí Patiya, Chitagong 38015011 - Establishment of Instant Powder Milk 38015011 -¸†ov `ya Drcv`b e„w× I ¸†ov `y‡ai Avg`vbx wbf©iZv Production plant for increase Power Milk Kgv‡Z ¸‡ov `y‡ai KviLvbv m ’vcb Production & reduce the import powder milk. 38015012 - Establishment of Cattle Feed Plant for 38015012 -`y» Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ wgé wfUvi †Mv-Lv`¨ KviLvbv Enhancing Milk Production ’vcb cªKí 38015013 - Establishment of Buffalo Breeding for 38015013 - `y» Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ gwn†li K…wÎg cªRbb ‡K›`ª Enhancing Milk Production ’vcb cªKí 38015014 - PDBF Renewable Energy Development 38015014 -wcwWweGd bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³ Dbqb cªKí Project 38015015 - Poverty Alleviation through re-excavte of 38015015 -nvRvgRv/cwZZ cyKzi cybtLb‡bi gva¨‡g msMwVZ derlict/abundant pond for Community Rb‡Mvwôi cU cuPv‡bv cieZx© gvQ Pv‡li gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ reeting cum fish culture. we‡gvPb| 38015016 - Poverty alleviation of Marginal and Small 38015016 -cªvwšK I ¶z`ª K…lK‡`i km¨ msMªn cieZx© mn‡hvwMZvi Farmer Through Post Harvesting support gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ `ixKiY cªKí Programm of Crops. 38015017 - One house one farm (Revised) 38015017 -*GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/09-30/06/13) (01/07/2009-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 38015018 - One house one farm (Revised) 38015018 -*GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/09-30/06/13) (01/07/2009-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 38015019 - One house one farm (Revised) 38015019 -*GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/09-30/06/13) (01/07/2009-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 38015020 - Char Livelihood Program-2nd phase 38015020 -PiRxweKvqb Kg©mwP (2q chv©q) (01/07/2011-31/12/2016) 38015021 - One house one farm (Revised) 38015021 -*GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/09-30/06/13) (01/07/2009-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 38015560 - Reconstruction of rural houses in flood 38015560 -eb¨v `M©Z GjvKvq cj­x M„n cybtwbg©vY cªKí affected areas 38015651 - International training courses in poverty 38015651 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj †Uªwbs †Kv‡m©m Bb cªfvwU© 38015681 - Training and research for women 38015681 -‡Uªwbs GÛ wimv©P di DB‡gÝ †Wfjc‡g›U development 38015721 - Local level planning and management of 38015721 -‡jvKvj †j‡fj c­vwbs GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ad g¨vby‡qj GÛ manual and training of functionalise †U«wbs Ad dvskbvwim 38015730 - Family welfare education and motivation 38015730 -cj­x mgev‡qi gva¨‡g cwievi Kj¨vY wk¶v I DØy×KiY through rural co-operatives and family Ges cwievi cwiKíbv †mev`vb cÖKí (chv©q-3) planning services project 38016980 - Chars Livelihoods Programme (Revised) 38016980 -Pi jvBfwjûW cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 38016990 - Chomprehesive Village Development 38016990 -mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (01/07/2005 - Project(Revised Unapproved) 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 38017000 - 38017000 -‡m‡KÛ wgwb÷vwiqvj wgwUs Ab i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb Gwkqv GÛ c¨vwmwdK wiwRIb (12/11/07 - 31/12/09) Abby‡gvw`Z 38017021 - Second Ministerial Meeting on Rural 38017021 -‡m‡KÛ wgwb÷vwiqvj wgwUs Ab i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb Development in Asia and Pacific Region Gwkqv GÛ c¨vwmwdK wiwRIb (01/07/2008 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 38017310 - One house one farm 38017310 -GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 38018150 - One House One Farm 38018150 -cj­x cÖMwZ cÖKí (GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi) (1/7/2000-30/6/05) 38018160 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 38018160 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 38018161 - Comprehensive Village Development 38018161 -mvweK MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©mwP(wmwfwWwc)(ms‡kvwaZ Programme(CVDP)(Revised Unapproved) Abby‡gvw`Z) 38018162 - Economic Empowerment of the Poorest in 38018162 -B‡KvbwgK GgcvIqvi‡g›U Ae w` cyI‡i÷ Bb Bangladesh(EEP) evsjv‡`k(BBwc) (01/07/2007-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 38018163 - Second Ministerial Meeting on Rural 38018163 -‡m‡KÛ wgwbóvwiqvj wgwUs Ab i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›Æ Bb Development in Asia and Pacific Region Gwkqv GÛ c¨vwmwdK wiwRqb 38018164 - Char Livelihoods Programme- 2nd Phase 38018164 -Pi RxweKvhb Kg©mwP-2q ch©vq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38018165 - One House One Farm(Ektee Bari Ektee 38018165 -ÕÕGKwU evwW GKwU LvgviÕÕ-kxl©K Kg©mPx Khamar) 38018166 - Stringtheninig of Rural Development and 38018166 -RvZxq cjÐx Dbœqb bxwZ-2001 ev¯@evq‡bi j‡¶¨ cjÐx Cooperative Division for Implementation of Dbœqb I mgevq wefvM‡K kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí| the National Rural Development Policy 2001 38018167 - Comprehensive Village Development 38018167 -mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (wmwfwWwc) - 2q ch©vq Programme (CVDP) -2nd Phase (01/07/2009-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 38018168 - Chars Livelihoods Programme-2nd Phase 38018168 -Pi RxweKvqb Kg©mwP -2q ch©vq 38018169 - One House One Farm 38018169 -GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi 38018170 - Comprehensive Village Development 38018170 -mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©m–Px (wmwfwWwc) - 3q ch©vq Programme(CVDP)- 3rd Phase Abby‡gvw`Z 3805 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3805 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 38053211 - Bangladesh Rural Development Board 38053211 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb †evW© 38053212 - Bangladesh Co-operative Bank Limited 38053212 -evsjv‡`k mgevq e¨vsK wjt 38053213 - Bangladesh Rural Development Academy, 38053213 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg, Kzwgj­v (evW©) Comilla 38053215 - Rural Development Academy, Bogra 38053215 -cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg,e¸ov (AviwWG) 38053219 - Integrated Rural Women Development 38053219 -mgwš^Z MªvgxY gwnjv Dbœqb Kg©mPx Programme 38053221 - Fund for Micro-credit in the Rural Area 38053221 -MªvgxY A‡j weZi‡Yi Rb¨ ¶y`ªFY Znwej 38053223 - Bangladesh Milk Produceer's 38053223 -evsjv‡`k `y» Drcv`bKvix mgevq BDwbqb wjt (wgé Co-Operative Union Ltd. (Milk Vita) wfUv) 38053224 - Palli Daridro Bimochon Foundation 38053224 -cj­x `vwi`ª we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb (wcwWweGd) (PDBF) 38053226 - Bangabondhu Poverty Alleviation and 38053226 -e½eÜy `wi`ª¨ we‡gvPb I cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx Rural Development Academy 38053540 - Bangladesh National Rural Development 38053540 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq cj­x Dbœqb mgevq †dWv‡ikb Co-operative Foundation 38053541 - Small Farmer Development Foundation 38053541 -¶z`ª K…lK Dbœqb dvD‡Ûkb 38055010 - Development of Physical Facilities for 38055010 -evW©-Gi Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKi‡Yi Rb¨ †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Strengthening BARD Activities Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z| 38055011 - a 38055011 -AviwWG D™¢vweZ †mP I cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖhyw³ e¨envi e‡i e„wó/ eb¨vi cvwb weï× Ki‡Yi gva¨‡g XvKv Iqvmvq m¤ úyiK cvwb mieivn kxl©K cÖKí 38055012 - Action Research Project on Community 38055012 -K…wl Rwgi AcPq‡iv‡a mgevq wfwËK eûZj feb wbg©vY Based Low-Cost Multistoried Rural cÖKí msµvš— cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv kxl©K cÖKí| Housing for Research Agricultural Land 38055013 - c 38055013 -MÖvgxY cvBc jvB‡b cvwb mieiv‡n GKv‡Wgx D™¢vweZ g‡Wj ev¯—evq‡bi gva¨‡g mgwš^Z cvwb m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv K‡i MÖvgxY RxweKvqb Dbœqb I cwi‡ekMZ wec©hq †gvKv‡ejv 38055014 - d 38055014 -cPbkxj-eR©¨ myôz e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g KwgDwbwU wfwËK weKí R¡vjvbx kw³ Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g cj­x RxweKvqb Dbœqb kxl©K cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv cÖKí 38055015 - e 38055015 -Avqea©bg~jK cÖwk¶Y I ¶z`ª F‡Yi gva¨‡g Mev`x cïcvjb, ev‡qvM¨vm †evZjRvZKiY Ges ˆRemvi Drcv`b K‡I g½v KewjZ GjvKvq `vwi`ª we‡gvPbg~jK cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv 38055016 - f 38055016 -Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi d‡j evsjv‡`‡ki ¶wZMÖ¯’ DcK‚jxq Rbmvavi‡Yi Rb¨ wgVv cvwbi e¨e¯’v I eûgyLx e¨envi 38055017 - g 38055017 -uRjevqy cwieZ©‡b ¶wZMÖ¯’ GjvKvq bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvbx kw³ e¨envi wbwðZKi‡Yi gva¨‡g DRviK…Z ebR m¤ú` cybi“×vi 38055018 - h 38055018 -AviwWG, e¸ovÕi cÖ`k©bx Lvgvi I j¨ve‡iUix ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR AvªaywbKvqb cÖKí 38055019 - Integrated Rural Employment support 38055019 -`wi`ª gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ mgwb¡Z cj­x Kg©ms’vb mnqZv cªKí Project for the poor women 38055020 - Strenthening Project of BRDB 38055020 -we.Avi.wW.we. †Rvi`viKiY cªKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38055021 - Strenthening and Mordanization of BRDTI 38055021 -we.Avi.wW.wU.AvB. †Rvi`viKiY I AvaywbKvqb cªKí 38055022 - Advocacy on family Planning, Training and 38055022 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab d¨vwgwj c­¨vwbs, †U«wbs GbW †cvó ‡U«wbs post training Support for Employment and mv‡cvU di Ggcvqvi‡gU Ad i“ivj DB‡gb| Empowerment of rural women 38055023 - Strenthening Project of Tangail Women 38055023 -Uv½vBj gwnjv cªwk¶Y cªwZôvb †Rvi`viKiY cªKí Training Institution 38055024 - Livelihood Improvement of Ethnic and 38055024 -b„-ZvwËK I cªvwšK Rb‡Mvwôi RxweKv Dbœqb cªKí Marginal Population 38055025 - Minimum Water and Guti Urea Uses in 38055025 -av‡bi AwaK djb I AwZwi³ Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói Rb¨ Kg Rice for Increased Production and cvwb I ¸wU BDwiqv e¨envi Additional Employmant 38055026 - Production, Employment and Income 38055026 -evsjv‡`‡ki ¶z`ª K…lK‡`i Rb¨ Drcv`b, Kg©ms’vb I Avq Generation Programme for the Small e„w×gjK Kg©mwP Farmers of Bangladesh 38055027 - Rural Livelihood Project (2nd Phase) 38055027 -cj­x RxweKvqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 38055028 - Extension of Palli Daridro Bimochon 38055028 -`vwi`ª¨ `–ixKiY I AvZœ-Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói Rb¨ cj­x `vwi`ª¨ Foundation (PDBF) Activities for Poverty we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb Gi Kvh©µg m¤•ªmviY Alleviation & Self Employment 38055029 - Initiative for Development, Empowerment, 38055029 -B‡bwm‡qwUf di †W‡fjc‡g›U, BgcvIqvi‡g›U, Awareness and Livelihood Project (IDEAL Gqvi‡b›m GÛ jvBfwjûW cÖ‡R± (AvBwWqvj cÖ‡R±) Project), Kurigram KzwoMªvg 38055030 - Establishment of Cattle Feed Plant for 38055030 -`y» Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ †Mv-Lv`¨ KviLvbv ¯’vcb Enhancing Milk Production (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/11-30/06/13) 38055031 - aa 38055031 -†mP m¤•ÖmviY Kg©mPx (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) 38055032 - Making Markets work for the Jamuna, 38055032 -hgybv, cÙv Ges wZ¯Ív Piv‡ji gv‡K©U P¨v‡bj Dbœqb Padma and Teesta Chars (M4C) (Gg 4 wm) cÖKí (RyjvB, 2013 n‡Z Ryb, 2016) 38055033 - Expansion of Small Farmers Development 38055033 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b ¶z`ª K„lK Dbœqb dvD‡Ûk‡bi Kvh©µg Foundation (SFDF) Activities for Poverty m¤•ªmviY Alleviation 38055034 - Establishment of Buffalo Breeding Station 38055034 -`y» Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ gwn‡li K…wÎg cÖRbb †K›`ª of Bangladesh Milk producers ¯’vcb (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Co-oparative Union Limited 38055035 - Employment Gurantee Scheme for Poor of 38055035 -DËiv‡ji AwZ`wi`ª‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb wbwðZKiY Northern Region(2nd Phase). Kg©m~Px| 38055036 - Rural Development Through Rural 38055036 -cjøx Avevm‡bi gva¨‡g cjøx Dbœqb cÖKí| Housing 38055037 - Strengthening and Expansion Project for 38055037 -h NRDTC. 38055038 - Strengthening and Expansion of NRDTC. 38055038 -GbAviwWwUwm m¤cÖmviY I †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí| 38055039 - Strengthening & Capacity Building of 38055039 -BDwmwmG †Rvi`viKiY I K¨vcvwmwU wewìs cÖKí| UCCA 38055040 - Strengthening PDBF ICT activities and 38055040 -cj­x `vwi`ª we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb Gi AvBwmwU Kvh©µg I E-service B-†mev kw³kvjxKiY (01/03/2014-31/03/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 38055041 - Project for Environment Protection through 38055041 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq f‚-cwi¯’ cvwb n‡Z †m‡Pi gva¨‡g Surface water Irrigation at Coastal belt. cwi‡ek msiÿY cÖKí| 38055042 - Rural Aquaculture Project for Imperative 38055042 -Avek¨Kxq Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ MÖvgxY gm¨ Pvl cÖKí| Development(RAPID) 38055043 - Rural Housing Project(Cooperative). 38055043 -cjøx Avevmb cÖKí| 38055044 - Food Securtity and Poverty Alleviation 38055044 -weAviwWwei AvIZvaxb ¸`vgmg~‡ni Ava~wbKvq‡bi gva¨‡g through Modernization of Good owns Lv`¨ wbivcËv wbwðZKiY cÖKí| under BRDB's control Project. 38055045 - Establishment of Buffalo Breeding Station 38055045 -hh for enhancing milk production of Bangladesh Milk Producers’ Co-operative Union Limited

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38055046 - Establishment of Buffalo Breeding Station 38055046 -hh for enhancing milk production of Bangladesh Milk Producers’ Co-operative Union Limited 38055047 - Establishment of Milk Production Plant at 38055047 -`y» Dcv`b e„w×i j‡ÿ¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cwUqvq `y» KviLvbv Potiya, Chittagngo. ¯’vcb cÖKí| 38055048 - Establishment of Super Instant Powder 38055048 -¸‡ov `ya KviLvbv ¯’vcb cÖKí| Milk Plant for increasing Powder Milk Production and reduce the import of Powder Milk. 38055049 - Strenthening the PDBF ICT activities and 38055049 -cjøx `vwi`ª we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb (wcwWweGd) Gi E-Services for Rural Disadvantaged AvBwmwU Kvh©µg I B-†mev kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí People to Reduce Poverty and Create 38055050 - Poverty alleviation of marginal and small 38055050 -cÖvwšÍK Ges ¶z`ª K…lK‡`i km¨ msMÖn cieZ©x farmer through Post harvesting support of mn‡hvwMZvi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ `~ixKiY| grains trading 38055051 - Poverty alleviation through re excavate of 38055051 -nvRvgRv/cwZZ cyKzi cybtLb‡bi gva¨‡g msMwVZ derelict/abundant pond for Community Rb‡Mvôxi cvU cPv‡bv cieZ©x gvQ Pv‡li gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ retting cum fish culture we‡gvPb| 38055052 - Establishment of Regional rural 38055052 -iscy‡i cjøx Dbœqb GKv‡Wgxi AvÂwjK †K›`ª ¯’vcb| Development Academy of RDA at Rangpur 38055053 - Improvement through cooperative based 38055053 -g agribusiness Entreprenureship Developement 38055054 - Two storied Agriculture Technology with 38055054 -we`¨ykw³ I Lv`¨ wbivcËvq †mŠikw³ PvwjZ †mP c×wZi Solar Irrigation system for the Food and gva¨‡g wدÍi K…wl cÖhyw³ m¤cÖmviY| Electric Energy Security in Bangladesh 38055055 - Development of Cattle Breeding , Feeding 38055055 -Mev`xcï cÖRbb, Lv`¨ e¨e¯’vcbv Ges M‡elYv j¨ve‡iUwi and Research Labrobratory ¯’vcb kxl©K cÖKí| 38055056 - Establishment of Agricultural Equipment 38055056 -miKvix †emiKvix Askx`vwi‡Z¡i gva¨‡g AviwWG K…wl Plant at RDA, Bogra. hš¿cvwZ IqvK©mc ¯’vcb kxl©K cÖKí| 38055057 - Livelihood Improvement through 38055057 -mgevq wfwËK K…wl D‡`¨v³v Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g Rxeb hvÎvi Cooperative Based Agribusiness gv‡bvbœqb Entreprenureship Development 38055058 - Gaibandha Integrated Rural Poverty 38055058 -MvBevÜv mgwš^Z cjÐx `vwi`ª `–ixKiY cÖKí Alleviation Project (GIRPA Project) 38055059 - Small Farmers Development Foundation 38055059 -??????? ???? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????-2? Assistance Project-2nd Phase ?????? 38055060 - Employment Guarantee scheme for Hard 38055060 -DËiv‡ji nZ `wi`ª‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb wbwðZKiY cÖKí core poor of Northern (01/04/2014 - 31/03/2019) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z region(01/04/14-31/03/19) 38055061 - Employment Guarantee scheme for Hard 38055061 -DËiv‡ji nZ `wi`ª‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb wbwðZKiY cÖKí core poor of Northern (01/04/2014 - 31/03/2019) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z region(01/04/14-31/03/19) 38055062 - Construction of Co-operative based 38055062 -MªvgxY Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb Ges AvaywbK bvMwiK Multistoried Palli Janapad Housing with my‡hvM myweav m¤¦wjZ mgevqwfwËK eûZj feb wewkó Modern Urban Amenities for Livelihood Ôcj­x Rbc`Õ wbg©vY (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Improvement of Rural People Aby‡gvw`Z 38055063 - Gaibandha Integrated Rural Poverty 38055063 -MvBevÜv mgwš^Z cj­x `vwi`ª `~ixKiY cÖKí Alleviation Project (GIRPA Project) (July, 2015-June, 2019) 38055064 - Project for Decentralized Hands-on 38055064 -cÖ‡R± di wW‡mw›UªjvBRW n¨vÛ-Ab Gw•wekb Exebition ( july, 2015-June, 2018) 38055065 - Project for e-service Delivery through 38055065 -wWwRUvj weAviwWweÕi gva¨‡g B-‡mev cÖ`vb cÖKí Digital BRDB (June, 2015-July, 2020) 38055066 - Agriculture technology transfer project for 38055066 -BDwmwmGÕi Rb¨ K…wl cÖhyw³ n¯ZšÍi cÖKí| the UCCA (July, 2015-June, 2020) 38055650 - Marginal farmer development Project 38055650 -¶z`ª K…lK I eM©Pvlx Dbœqb cÖKí (cÖvwšK Pvlx Dbœqb cÖKí) (01/07/1999-30/06/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38055730 - Family welfare education and motivation 38055730 -cj­x mgev‡qi gva¨‡g cwievi Kj¨vY wk¶v I D×y×KiY through rural Co-operatives and family Ges cwievi cwiKíbv †mev`vb cÖKí (chvq©-3) planning services project (Phase-3) (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 38055740 - 38055740 -cj­x mgev‡qi gva¨‡g cwievi Kj¨vYwk¶v DØy×KiY I cwievi Kj¨vY †mev cÖ`vb cÖKjc (chv©q-4) (01/01/2003-01/12/2005) 38056910 - 38056910 -mgwš^Z `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb Kg©m~Px (m`vweK) (01/07/2002-31/12/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z 38056980 - Char Livelihood Project 38056980 -Pi jvBfjxûW cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2011) (01/07/2003-30/06/2011) PCP Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 38057000 - Ensuring Employment for Hardcore Poor 38057000 -DËiv‡ji nZ`wi‡`ªi Kg©ms¯’vb wbwðZ Kg©m–wP kxl©K of Northern Region cÖKí 38057010 - Bhola irrigation project 38057010 -wØZxq †fvjv †mP cªKí (chv©q-2) weAviwWwe A½ 38057011 - Empowerment &Awareness Raising 38057011 -MªvgxY gwnjv‡`i Drcv`bgyLx Kg©ms¯’vb I m‡PZbZv e„w× Programme for Rural Women Kg©mPx (01/12/2007-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057020 - North - West rural development proejct 38057020 -cj­x `wi`ª mgevq cªKí (DËi-cwðg cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí) (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) 38057021 - Second Ministerial Meeting on Rural Dev. 38057021 -†m‡KÛ wgwbw÷«qvj wgwUs Ab i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb in Asia Pacific Region Gwkqv-c¨vwmwdK wiRb 38057022 - Rural poor co-operative project (Revised) 38057022 -cj­x `wi`ª mgevq cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) 38057030 - Rural development project -5: production 38057030 -cj­x Dbœqb cªKí-5 t Drcv`bgyLx Kg©ms¯’vb cÖKí oriented employment project for 5 districts (chv©q-3) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1996-30/06/2003) of greater Faridpur (Phase-3) 38057032 - Rural livelihood 38057032 -i“ivj jvBfjxûW cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057040 - Rural development project-9: production 38057040 -cj­x Dbœqb cªKí-9 t Drcv`bgyLx I Kg©ms¯’vb Kg©mPx oriented employment programme for (ms‡kvwaZ) (cybt Ašf‚©w³) greater Rangpur district 9 (Revised) 38057050 - Rural development project-12 (Phase-2) 38057050 -cj­x weËnxb Kg©mPx-cj­x Dbœqb cªKí-12 (chv©q-2) 38057060 - Strengthening agriculture and irrigation 38057060 -UvsMvBj †Rjvq mgev‡qi gva¨‡g K…wl I †mPKvh© activities through co-operatives in Tangail †Rvi`vi I m¤•¤•ªmviY district 38057070 - Model rural development project (BRDB 38057070 -Av`k© cj­x Dbœqb cªKí (weAviwWwe 'i A½) component) 38057080 - Rural poverty alleviation programme in 154 38057080 -cj­x `wi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©m–wP (chv©q-2 (145 wU Dc‡Rjv) Upazillas (Phase-2) (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 38057090 - Strengthening of population planning 38057090 -MªvgxY gwnjv mgev‡qi gva¨‡g RbmsL¨v cwiKíbv through village co-operatives †Rvi`viKiY (chv©q-4) 38057100 - Empolyment of Awareness Rasing 38057100 -MªvgxY gwnjv‡`i Drcv`bgyLx Kg©ms¯’vb I m‡PZbZv e„w× Programe of Rural Women Kg©m–wP (01/12/08 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057110 - Population control by motivation through 38057110 -RbmsL¨v wbqšbgjK wk¶vq D™¢y×KiY cj­x Dbœqb I rural development and co-operatives mgev‡qi gv‡a¨‡g 38057120 - Integrated women development project in 38057120 -mgwš^Z cj­x gwnjv‡`i Dbœqb cªKí (100wU Dc‡Rjvq) (100 upazillas) 38057130 - Greater Noakhali rural poor cooperative 38057130 -e„nËi †bvqvLvjx cj­x `wi`ª mgevq mnvqZv cªKí support programme 38057140 - Rural development project-Sharshabari 38057140 -mwilvevox cj­x Dbœqb cªKí 38057150 - Applied Reaseach on Agricultural 38057150 -K…wl exgv w¯‹g cÖ‡qvwMK M‡elYv cÖKí insurance (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057170 - Productive imployment project (Part RD-5) 38057170 -Drcv`bgyLx Kg©ms¯’vb cªKí t KywoMªvg †Rjv (AviwW-5 Gi Ask) 38057180 - Small farmers and landless labour 38057180 -¶z`ª Pvlx I f‚wgnxb kªwgK Dbœqb cªKí development project (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057190 - Rural Poverty Alleviation Programme in 38057190 -cj­x `vwi`ªª¨ we‡gvPb Kg©m–wP (2qchv©q) (01/07/19998- 145 Thanas of Bangladesh (Phase-2) (a) 30/06/2005) (1) cvU-1 (gj c`vweK) Aby‡gvw`Z Part-1 (Main RPAP) (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 38057192 - Village development programme (Phase-3 38057192 -mvwe©K Mªvg DbœqY Kg©mPx (chv©q-3)-K. evsjv‡`k cj­x A) BARD Comilla component Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg-Kzwgj­vi Ask

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38057193 - Village development programme-B: BRDB 38057193 -mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©mPx-L. cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg, Bogra component e¸ovi Ask 38057200 - Poverty Reduction Through Minor Crops 38057200 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡bi j‡¶¨ AcÖavb km¨ Drcv`b, msi¶Y, Production, Preservation, Processing & cÖwµqvKiY I evRviRvZKiY Kg©mwP (2q chv©q) Marketing Programm-2nd Phase (01/07/2001-30/06/2014) 38057210 - Rural Poverty Alleviation Programme in 38057210 -cj­x `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©m–wP (2q chv©q) 145 Thanas of Bangladesh (Phase-2) (b) (01/07/1998-30/06/2005) (2) cvU©-2 (mgvß cÖKí Part-2 (Area of completed project) GjvKv) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) 38057211 - model 38057211 -Askx`vwiZ¡g–jK wjsK g‡Wj Mªvg Dbœqb cªªKí (1/7/2004-30/6/2005) Aby†gvw`Z 38057220 - Integrated training research and 38057220 -‡mP e¨e¯’vcbv Kg©mPxi AvIZvq mgwš^Z cªwk¶Y M‡elYv dissemination of technology for irrigation I cÖhyw³ n¯vši cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv cÖKí management programme 38057230 - Action research project for social 38057230 -`wi`ª we‡gvP‡b mvgvwRK ebvq‡b cª‡qvwMK M‡elYv cÖKí afforestation for poverty alleviation 38057240 - Participatory Rural Development Project 38057240 -Askx`vwiZ¡gjK cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/09 - (01/07/09-30/06/14) unapproved 30/06/14) Abby‡gvw`Z 38057250 - Assisstance to small Farmers 38057250 -¶z`ª K…lK Dbœqb dvD‡Ûkb mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/09 - Development Foundation 30/06/14) Abby‡gvw`Z 38057251 - Institutional support project for BARD 38057251 -weGAviwW Gi cªvwZôvwbK mnvqZv cÖKí (weAvBGm) 38057260 - Integrated Rural Employment Support 38057260 -`wi`ª gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ mgwš^Z Kg©ms¯’vb mnvqZv Kg©mwP Project for the Poor Women(IRESPPW) (01/01/12 - 30/06/16) 38057261 - Expansion of infrastructure of BARD, 38057261 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx, Kzwgj­vi AeKvVv‡gv Comilla m¤•ªmviY 38057270 - South and hill area 38057270 -`w¶Y I cve©Z¨v‡j AviwWG D™¢vweZ †mP I cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖhyw³ n¯@vš@‡ii gva¨‡g †mP GjvKv e„w× kxl©K cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv (01/07/06 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057280 - 38057280 -mgevq Awa`ßi‡K kw³kvjxKiY Ges mgev‡qi gva¨‡g D‡Ï¨v³v m„wó I Avqea©K Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©mPx (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) Abyt 38057290 - Arsenic Free pure drinking water supply for 38057290 -Av_©-mvgvwRK I RxebhvÎvi gvb Dbœq‡b Av‡m©wbKgy³ the development of socio-economic weï× Lvevicvwb mieivn cÖKí conditioned living of standard. (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057300 - Action Research Project on Command 38057300 -AviwWG cªhyw³ e¨envi K‡i f–Dcwi¯’ cvwb Øviv †mP Area Development using Surface Water for GjvKv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cj­x RxweKvqb Dbœqb kxl©K Rural Livelihood Improvment by cªv‡qvwMK M‡elYv cÖKí (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Replicating RDA Technology. Aby‡gvw`Z 38057310 - One House One Farm 38057310 -GKwU evox GKwU Lvgvi (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057320 - Productive Employment and Awareness 38057320 -MªvgxY gwnjv‡`i Drcv`bgyLx Kg©ms¯’vb I m‡PZbZv e„w× Raising Programme for Rural Women. Kg©mwP (01/12/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057330 - Post Training Utilization of AARDO in 38057330 -‡cv÷ †U«wbs BDwUjvB‡Rkb Ae GGAviwWI Bb Banhladesh evsjv‡`k (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057340 - Integrated Community Development 38057340 -evsjv‡`‡ki Kzwgj­v †Rjvi eywoPs Dc‡Rjvi mgwš^Z Mªvg Project in Burichang Upazila of Comilla Dbœqb (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z District in Bangladesh. 38057350 - Post Training Utilization of AARDO in 38057350 -‡cv÷ †U«wbs BDwUjvB‡Rkb Ae GGAviwWI Bb Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057360 - Stengtheing facilities of training, research 38057360 -cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg e¸ovi cÖwk¶Y, M‡elYv I cÖv‡qvwMK and action research of RDA, Bogra through Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY(01/07/2009-30/06/2012) infrastructure development project. Aby‡gvw`Z 38057370 - Action Research Project on "proverty 38057370 -AviwWGÕi Avqea©K cÖwk¶Y I ¶z`ª F‡Yi gva¨‡g Mevw` Alleviation through RAD'S IGA Training and cïcvjb, ev‡qvM¨vm †evZjRvZKiY Ges ˆRe Drcv`b Micro-Credit for Livestock, Husbandry, K‡i g½v KewjZ GjvKvq `vwi`ª we‡gvPb kxl©K cÖv‡qvwMK Bottling of Biogas and Organic Manure M‡elYv (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Production at Monga areas". 38057671 - Bangladesh-Japan joint study on rural 38057671 -cj­x Dbœqb cix¶v msµvš evsjv‡`k- Rvcvb mgx¶v development 38057691 - Rural livelihood 38057691 -i“ivj jvBfwjûW

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38057711 - Rural women participatory development 38057711 -i“ivj DB‡gb cvwU©wm‡ckbvwi †W‡fjc‡g›U cª‡R± t Gb project (research on women in GKkb wimvP© Bb DB‡gb Bb †W‡fjc‡g›U (mv‡f© GÛ development) cwjwm óvwWR Ab DBg¨vb Bb) 38057731 - Commonwealth regional training courses 38057731 -KgbI‡qj_ wiwRIb¨vj †U«wbs †Kv‡m©m Ab B‡KvjwRK¨vj on ecological farming and environmental dvwg©s GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj KbwmWv‡ikb Bb i“ivj consideration in rural development †W‡fjc‡g›U 38057811 - Study of replicating rural development 38057811 -†Rmv‡W©i weKí cj­x Dbœqb c×wZi ‡iwc­‡Kkb mgx¶v strategy alternative of jesurd 38057910 - Capacity development in poverty alleviation 38057910 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b ¯’vbxq RbM‡Yi Ask Mªn‡Yi gva¨‡g project formulation and implementation cÖKí cÖYqb I ev¯evq‡b ¶gZv e„w×KiY (01/04/1997 through participation of local people -31/03/2002) 38057920 - Social empowerment project through 38057920 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b Z…Yg–j ch©v‡q Ask Mªn‡Yi gva¨‡g participation at the grassroots level mvgvwRK ¶gZvqb cÖKí (AviwWG)(01/07/19997- 31/03/2002) 38057930 - Extension, renovation and modernisation 38057930 -cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg t e¸ovi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv of physical infrastructure of Bogra-RDA m¤•ªmviY, ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKvqb cÖKí (01/07/1996-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057940 - Project for participatory planning and 38057940 -¯’vbxq ch©v‡q AskMªnYagx© cwiKíbv cªYqb I `vwi`ª capacity building for poverty alleviation `ixKi‡Yi Kg©¶gZv m„wó cÖKí (evW©) (01/04/1997- 30/03/2002) 38057960 - Bangabandhu poverty alleviation training 38057960 -e½eÜz `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb cªwk¶Y Kg‡c­· (cwiPvjbv chv©q) complex (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38057970 - Extension, renovation and modernisation 38057970 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wgxi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv of project for physical insfrastructure of m¤•ªmviY, ms¯‹vi, AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí BARD 38058010 - Social empowerment-2 (Poverty alleviation 38058010 -mvgvwRK ¶gZvqb-2 (Dbœqb Kg©Kv‡Û ¯’vbxq RbM‡Yi through participation of local people) Ask MÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb) (01/05/1998-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058020 - Kurigram poverty alleviation project 38058020 -KzwoMÖvg `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí 38058022 - Applied research project for multilateral 38058022 -eb¨v cieZx© `xN© †gqvw` cybev©mbK‡í ¯^í e¨‡qi Mfxi use of low cost deep tubewells for long bjK‚‡ci eûgyLx e¨envi kxl©K cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv cÖKí term post flood rehabilitation (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058030 - Self employment project for destitute 38058030 -`wi`ª gwnjv‡`i AvÍKg©ms¯’vb cÖKí women (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) 38058040 - 38058040 -evsjv‡`‡ki 145 wU Dc‡Rjvq cj­x `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©mPx (chv©q-2) 38058050 - Comprehensive rural development 38058050 -mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©mPx (m¤•ÖmvwiZ ch©vq) programme (Expanded phase) 38058060 - Expansion of Physical Structure and 38058060 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUD‡Ui †fŠZ Training Facilities of Bangladesh Rural AeKvVv‡gv I cÖwk¶Y myweavw` m¤•ªmvib cÖKí Development Training Institution Project (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058070 - Rural Bittaheen Programme : Rural 38058070 -cj­x weËnxb Kg©mPx t cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-12 (2q Development Project-12 (Phase-2) ch©vq)/cyYt Ašf©w³ 38058080 - Rural Development Project-9 : Production 38058080 -cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí-9t Drcv`b I Kg©ms¯’vb Kg©mPx, e„nËi & Employment Programme, Greater iscyi †Rjv (ms‡kvwaZ)/cYt Ašf©w³ Rangpur District (Revised) 38058090 - Participatory Rural Development Project 38058090 -cviwUwm‡cUwi i“ivj †Wfjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (2q ch©vq) (01/06/2005-31/05/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058092 - Production Oriented development 38058092 -MÖvgxY gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ Drcv`bgyLx Kg©ms¯’vb I DbœqY Programme for Rural Woman. Kg©m–wP (1/1/2004-31/12/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058095 - Advocacy on Reproductive Health and 38058095 -GW‡fv‡Kmx Ab wi‡cÖvWvw±f ‡nj_& GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R †_ªv Gender Issues Through Rural i“ivj †Kv-Acv‡iwUfm (ms‡kvwaZ) Co-Operatives (01/01/2003-31/12/2005) (01/01/2003-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058110 - 38058110 -cj­x mgev‡qi gva¨‡g cwievi Kj¨vY wk¶v, DØy×KiY I cwievi cwiKíbv †mev `vb (chv©q-3) 38058120 - Comprehensive Rural Development 38058120 -mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (wmwfwWwc) evW©, Kywgj­vi Ask Programme (CVDP) BARD, Comilla Part (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058130 - Comprehensive Rural Development 38058130 -mvwe©K MÖvg Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (wmwfwWwc) evW©, e¸ovi Ask Progrmme (CVDP) BARD, Bagura Part (01/07-1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058140 - Modernization and Expansion of RDA 38058140 -AviwWG, e¸ovi cÖ`k©bx Lvgvi m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKvqb Bagura Exhibition Farm (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38058150 - One House One Farm 38058150 -cj­x cÖMwZ cÖKí (GKwU evox GKwU Lvgvi ) (01/07/2000-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058160 - Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation 38058160 -miKvwi I †emiKvwi ch©v‡q `vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b ev¯@evwqZ Programme Implemented by GO and Kg©m–wP g–j¨vqb (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) NGOs 38058170 - Establishment of a UHT (Ultra High 38058170 -`y» wecbb m¤•ªmvi‡Yi wbwg‡Ë wgé wfUvi XvKv I Temperature) Plant to Cater to the Need of evNvevoxNvU `y» KviLvbvq BD GBP wU (Avëªv nvB Increase Milk Demand of the Country †U¤•v‡iPvi) wU«‡UW wgé c­¨v›U ¯’vcb (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Approved (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058180 - 38058180 -myykvm‡bi gva¨‡g ‡UKmB ¯’vbxq Dbœq‡b BDwbqb cwil‡`i m¶gZv I Kvh©KvwiZv e„w×i cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv D‡`¨vM (01/07/03-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058190 - Creation of Additional Employment, 38058190 -†mP I cvwb e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g AwZwi³ Kg©ms¯’vb cj­x Increase in Marginal Productivity of Labour Kg©mg–‡n wb‡qvwRZ kÖ‡gi cÖvwš@K Drcv`bkxj e„w× I in Rural Economic Activities and Poverty `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Alleviation Through Irrigation 38058200 - 38058200 -Askx`vwiZ¡gjK wjsK g‡Wj Mªvg Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2005) Abbyt 38058210 - poverty 38058210 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡bi j‡¶¨ AcÖavb km¨ Drcv`b, msi¶Y, cÖwµqvRvZKiY I evRviRvZKiY Kg©m–wP (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058220 - 38058220 -mvwe©K Mªvg Dbœqb Kg©mPx (wmwfwWwc) 1g chv©q (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 38058240 - Rural Devlopment 38058240 -cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg, e¸ovi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv m¤•ÖmviY, msi¶Y, AvaywbKvqb(2q ch©vq) (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058241 - 38058241 -AvÂwjK mgevq cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU wbgv©Y, biwms`x (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058242 - Rural Livelihood Project (2nd Phase) 38058242 -i“ivj jvBfjxûW cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 38058243 - Employment Guarantee scheme for Hard 38058243 -DËiv‡ji nZ`wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ Kg©ms¯’vb wbwðZKiY core poor of Northern region cÖKí 38058244 - Poverty Reduction and Sustainable 38058244 -m¤¢vebvgq cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ n«vmKiY Development through promising Technology 38058245 - Supplementary Drinking Water Supply for 38058245 -AviwWG D™¢vweZ cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖhyw³ e¨envi K‡i Dhaka WASA from Rain/Flood Water e„wó/eb¨vi cvwb weï×Ki‡Yi gva¨‡g XvKv Iqvmvq m¤•yiK Harvesting by Applying RDA Technology of cvwb mieivn Water Management. 38058246 - Replication of RDA-developed Arsenic free 38058246 -wek¦ e¨vs‡Ki M‡elYv djvd‡j wbw`©óK…Z GjvKvq Rural Piped Water Supply Project Identified AviwWG D™¢vweZ g‡Wj m¤•Ömvi‡Yi Øviv Av‡m©wbKgy³ by World Bank. weï× cvwb cvB‡ci gva¨‡g mieivn cÖKí 38058247 - Action Research Project on "Poverty 38058247 -AviwWG, Avqea©bg–jK cÖwk¶Y I ¶z`ª F‡Yi gva¨‡g Alleviation Through RDA's IGA Training Mevw` cï cvjb, ev‡qvM¨vm †evZjRvZ KiY Ges ˆRe and Micro-Credit for Livestock, Husbandry, mvi Drcv`b K‡i g½v KewjZ GjvKvq `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb Bottling of Bio-Gas and Organic kxl©K cÖv‡ 38058248 - Poverty Deduction programme through 38058248 -cÖfviwU wWWvKkb †cÖvMÖvg †_ªv BgcÖ“fW †cÖvWvKkb, cÖ Improved Production, Processing and ‡mwms GÛ gv‡K©wUs Ad d«~Um, †fwR‡Uejm GÛ marketing of Fruits and vegetables and ¯cvB‡mm| Spices. 38058249 - District & Upazila level infrastructure 38058249 -weAviwWwei `vwi`ª we‡gvPbmn Ab¨vb¨ Kj¨vYgyjK cÖK‡ development project of BRDB to support íi mnvqZvi Rb¨ †Rjv I Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡qi †fŠZ its poverty alleviation & other welfare AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí programs. 38058250 - Information Communication Technology 38058250 -Bbdi‡gkb KwgDwb‡Kkb †UK‡bvjwR di w` i“ivj cyIi for the Rural Poor 38058251 - Rural Entreprenurship Development 38058251 -cj­x D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb cÖKí Project 38058252 - Reproductive Health HIV/AIDS prevention 38058252 -GBPAvBwf/GBWm cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí (mxgvš I e›`i programme for vulnerable area(boader & GjvKv) port area) based of cooperatives of BRDB 38058253 - Project for Capacity building of BRDB 38058253 -weAviwWwei K¨vcvwmwU wewìs cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38058254 - Productive Employment & Awareness 38058254 - raising programe for Rural Womens project. 38058255 - Irrigation Expansion Programme 38058255 -‡mP m¤•ªmviY KgmwP 38058256 - Enhancement of coastal Livelihood 38058256 -Gb‡nbm‡g›U Ae †K÷vj jBfjxûW _ª“ m¥j GÛ wgwWqvg through small & medium Enterprise (SME) GbUvicªBR(GmGgB) †W‡fjc‡gbU development 38058257 - MIS project stage II & III creating 38058257 -Gg AvB Gm...... Bb sustainable ICT Development in BRDB> weAviwWwe| 38058258 - Proverty reduction & Enviroment protection 38058258 -cÖfviwU wiWvKkb...... wmWi project for Cyclone (SIDR) affected areas Gwiqv of Bangladesh. 38058259 - Health Nutrition Gender and Integrated 38058259 -¬¸YMZ wk¶vi Rb¨ ¯^v¯’¨, cywó, †RÛvi Ges mgwš^Z cvV Lesson Plan for Quality Education cwiKíbv 38058260 - Untilization of Agricultural Insurance for 38058260 -‡UKmB cvwievwiK K…wl e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ K…wl exgv ¯‹xg Sustainable Family Farming 38058261 - Rural Life Plan for Secure Old Age 38058261 -wbivc` eva©‡K¨i Rb¨ MÖvgxY Rxeb cwiKíbv 38058262 - The Interated Community Development 38058262 -evsjv‡`‡ki KzwgjÐv †Rjvi eywoPs Dc‡Rjvi mgwš^Z MÖvg Project for Poverty Reduction in Burichang Dbœqb cÖKí Upazila of Comilla District (KOICA) 38058263 - Strenthening Facilities of Training, 38058263 -cjÐx Dbœqb GKvWgx, e¸ovÕi cÖwk¶Y, M‡elYv I Research and Action Research of RDA, cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Bogra. 38058264 - -Strengthening Facilities of Training, 38058264 -cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx, e¸ovi cÖwk¶Y, M‡elYv I Research and Action Research of RDA, cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Bogra. 38058265 - Action Research Project on Poverty 38058265 -mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g †`‡ki g½v I wm‡Wvi Alleviation through Integrated Water KewjZ GjvKvq `vwi`ª we‡gvPb kxl©K cÖ‡qvwMK M‡elYv Resources Management in Monga and cÖKí SIDR affacted area of Bangladesh. 38058266 - Poverty Reduction Programme for the Poor 38058266 -NywY©So wmWi Avµvš †Rjvmg‡ni `wi`ª‡`i we‡klZt especially the widows &orphans in SIDR weaev I GwZg wkï‡`i `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©mwP affected areas of Bangladesh 38058267 - Palli Progati Prakalpa-2nd Phase 38058267 -cj­x cÖMwZ cÖKí-2q ch©vq 38058460 - 38058460 -b¨vPvivj M¨vm dvwU©jvBRvi d¨v±ix wjt (GbwRGdGdGj) Gi 2q ch©v‡qi cybe©vmb (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058461 - Action Research Project of Integrated 38058461 -mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv cÖKí Water Management (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058462 - Integrated Water Resources Management 38058462 -AviwWG D™¢vweZ mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖhyw³i MÖvgxb through RDA model of Rural Piped Water cvBc jvBb †bUIqvK© ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g cj­xi Rb‡Mvwôi Supply System for Supply System for RxebhvÎvi gv‡bvbœqb I cwi‡ek `~lY †iva cÖKí livelihoods Improvement and Coping with Environmental Degradation. 38058463 - Restoratio n of Agricultural Land and 38058463 -K…wl Rwg cybi“×vi I MÖvgxY GjvKvi Rxeb gvb Dbœqb Improvment of Qualityy of life in rural areas. 38058464 - Post Training Utilazation of AARDO in 38058464 -‡cvó †U«wbs BDwUjvB‡Rkb Ae GGAviwWI Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (01/014/08 - 31/05/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058465 - E-Parishid for Poverty Reduction in Rural 38058465 -cjÐx GjvKvi `vwi`ª n«v‡m B-cwil` Areas 38058466 - Poverty Reduction through Minor Crops 38058466 - production, Preservation , Processing & Marketion Program 38058467 - Poverty Reduction Through Minor Crops 38058467 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡bi j‡¶¨ AcÖavb km¨ Drcv`b, msi¶b, production, Preservation, Processing & cÖwµqvKiY I evRviRvZKiY Kg©m–Px (01/07/05 - Markiting Program (2nd Phase) 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058468 - Poverty Alleviation Program for River 38058468 -evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Y-cwðgv‡ji b`x fv½b GjvKvi Erosion Areas of South-West Region in `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí| Bangladesh

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38058469 - Particapatory Rural Development Project - 38058469 -cvwU©wm‡cUix i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± 3q ch©vq 3rd Phase 38058470 - Expansion, Renovation & Modernization of 38058470 -e½eÜz `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖwk¶Y Kg‡cз, †KvUvjxcvov Gi Bngabandhu Poverty Allivation Traning m¤•ÖmviY, ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKvqb cÖKí Complex, Kotalipara. (01/03/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058471 - Restoration of Agriculture Land and 38058471 -K…wl Rwg cybi“Øvi I MÖvgxY Rxebgvb Dbœqb Improvement of Quality of Life in Rural Areas 38058472 - Application of Renuable Solar Energy by 38058472 -﯋ †gŠmy‡g K…wl Kv‡R e¨eüZ AMfxi bjK‚c †mŠi we`y¨ Shallow Tube well Irrigation during Dry ‡Zi gva¨‡g cwiPvjbv Season 38058473 - Solar Electification in BARD Campus 38058473 -evW© K¨v¤úv‡mi †mŠi we`y¨vZvqb 38058474 - Deevelopment Rural Household Energy 38058474 -MÖvgxY GjvKvi Rb‡Mvôx‡K GbvwR© Ges K…wl Kv‡R ˆRe and Supply of Organic Matter in Agriculture c`v_© mieivn Land using A vailable Raw Materials in Rural Areas 38058475 - Eco-farming for Livelihood Improvement 38058475 -Rxeb gvb Dbœq‡b B‡Kv dvwg©s 38058476 - Action Research Project on Production of 38058476 -‰Re eR© †_‡K m¤úÖ`vq wfwËK weKí R¡vjvbx Drcv`‡bi Community Based Alternate Fuel Energy gva¨‡g cj­x Rb‡Mvwôi Rxeb hvÎvi gv‡bvbœq‡b cÖv‡qvwMK from Organic Solid Waste Management for M‡elYv cÖKí Better Rural Livelihood. 38058477 - Rural Enterprise Development Project 38058477 -MÖvgxY wkí Dbœqb cÖKí 38058478 - Health, Nutrition, Gender and Integrated 38058478 -¸YMZ wk¶vi Rb¨ ¯^v¯’¨, cywó, †RÛvi Ges mgwš^Z cvV Lesson Plan cwiKíbv 38058479 - Production, Marketing and Export of HYV 38058479 -D”P djbkxj mwâ Drcv`b, wecbb Ges ißvbx welqK Vegetable cÖKí 38058480 - Village Institutional Approach for Qualityb 38058480 -MÖvgxY cÖwZôv‡bi gva¨‡g ¸YMZ exR Drcv`b msi¶Y I Seed Production, Storage and Marketing wecbb cÖKí 38058481 - Women Education Income and Nutrition 38058481 -gwnjv wk¶v, Avq I cywó Dbœqb cÖKí Improvement Project (WEINIP) 38058482 - Waste Resource Recycle and 38058482 -eR¨© e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g ˆRe mvi Drcv`b cÖKí Management 38058483 - Knowledge Management for Rural 38058483 -cj­x Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ Ávb e¨e¯’vcbv Development 38058484 - Self Employment Programme For Rural 38058484 -`wi`ª gwnjv‡`i AvZ¡Kg©ms¯’vb Kg©m~Px Women 38058485 - Minimum Water and Guti Urea Uses in rice 38058485 -av‡bi AwaK djb I AwZwi³ Kg©ms¯¯’vb m„wói Rb¨ Kg for Increased Production & Additional cvwb I ¸wU BDwiqv mvi cÖÖ‡qvMt MÖÖvgxY `jxq msMVb Employment An Action Research wfwËK cÖÖv‡qvwMK M‡elYv| 38058486 - Small Farmers Development Fundation 38058486 -¶z`ª K…lK Dbœqb dvD‡Ûkb mnvqZv cÖKí (Rvcvwb FY Assistance Project gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/2009-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 38058487 - Mordinazation of RDA Demonestration 38058487 -AviwWG e¸ov Gi cª`k©Yx Lvgvi Ges j¨ve‡iUix ¯‹zj GÛ Farm and Laboratory School and College K‡jR AvaywbKvqb cªKí Project 38058488 - Minor Crops Production Preservation 38058488 -A cªavb kl¨ Drcv`b, msi¶Y, cªwµqvRvZKiY Ges Processing & Marketing Programme (2nd evRviRvZKiY Kg©mwP- 2q ch©vq Phase) 38058489 - Initiative for Development, Empowerment, 38058489 -Bwbwk‡qwUfm di †Wfjvc‡gbU , GgcvIq‡gbU, Awareness & Livelihood Project (IDEAL GIqvi‡bm GÛ jvBfjxûW cª‡R± , KzwoMªvg Project), Kurigram 38058490 - Restoration of Forest through Promotion of 38058490 -Rjevqy cwieZ©‡b ¶wZMª¯ GjvKvq bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvbx Renewable Energy in the Climate Victime kw³ e¨envi wbwðZ Ki‡bi gva¨‡g DRviK…Z ebR m¤•` Area. cybi“×vi 3806 - International Organisations 3806 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 38064281 - A A R D O 38064281 -G. G. Avi. wW. I 38064283 - NEDAK 38064283 -‡bWvK 38064285 - CIRDAP 38064285 -Gwkqv cÖkvš@ gnvmvMixq AÂj mgwš^Z cj­x Dbœqb †K›`ª 3831-3850 - Co-operatives 3831-3850 -mgevq wefvM

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 3831 - Department of Co-operatives 3831 -mgevq Awa`ßi 38310000 - Department of Co-operatives (Head 38310000 -mgevq Awa`ßi (m`i I wefvMxq Awdm) quarter and Divisional Office) 38315000 - Strengthening of Co-operative 38315000 -mgevq Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKiY Ges mgev‡qi gva¨‡g Development and Poverty Alleviation D‡`¨vM m„wó I Avqea©K Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói gva¨‡g `vwi`ª through Creation of Co-operative we‡gvPb Kg©m–wP - 2q ch©vq Entrepreneurship and Income Generation Activities-2nd Phase 38315010 - ICT & e-Citizen service development 38315010 -mgevq Awa`߇ii AvBwmwU I B-wmwU‡Rb mvwf©m Dbœqb project cÖKí 38315011 - BMRI project for the Vulnerable National 38315011 -iyMœ cÖvq RvZxq mwgwZ mg‡ni weGgAviB cÖKí Co-operative Society 38315012 - Establishment of National Co-operative 38315012 -RvZxq mgevq Dbœqb I M‡elYv cÖwZôvb ¯’vcb Development & Research Institute 38315013 - Livelihoods Development of 38315013 -myweavewÂZ gwnjv‡`i RxebhÎvi Dbœqb Disadvantaged Women 38315014 - Expansion of Milk Producers Cooperative 38315014 -`y» mgevq mwgwZi Kvh©µg we¯„ZKi‡Yi gva¨‡g e„nËi in greater Faridpur, Barisal and Khulna dwi`cyi, ewikvj I Lyjbv †Rjvi `vwi`ª¨ n«vmKiY I District for Reduction of Poverty and Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb Socio-economic Development 38315015 - Modernization, Expansion and Capacity 38315015 -evsjv‡`k mgevq GKv‡Wgx I AvÂwjK mgevq BbwówUDU Building of Bangladesh Co-operative mg~‡ni m¤cÖmvib, AvaywbKvqb I my‡hvM myweav e„w×KiY Zonal Training Institute cÖKí 38315016 - Construction of the Incomplete Portion of 38315016 -†mvjvi c¨v‡bj ¯’vcbmn mgevq fe‡bi Amgvß As‡ki Samabay Bhaban including Installation of †fŠZ wbg©vY (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z Solar Panel System 38315020 - Ensuring Co-operative based Milk 38315020 -mgevq wfwËK `y» Drcv`b wbwðZKiY Production 38315030 - Establishment of Cattle Feed Plant for 38315030 -`y» Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ †Mv-Lv`¨ KviLvbv ¯’vcb Enhancing Milk Production (01/07/11 - 30/06/13) 38315540 - Mechanisation of agriculture in the 38315540 -K…wl hvwšKxKi‡Y evsjv‡`‡ki DËiv‡ji †Rjvmg‡n northern district of Bangladesh mgevq wfwËK hvwšK Pvhvev` cvBjU cÖKí 38315560 - Procurement of irrigation machine to 38315560 -NwY©`yM©Z GjvKvq mgevqx‡`i †mP K…wl hšcvwZ mieivn cyclone affected areas cooperatives 38315610 - Emergency rehabilitation project for 38315610 -NwY©So I R‡jv”Q¡¡v‡m ¶wZMª¯ evsjv‡`k RvZxq grm¨Rxwe Bangladesh Matshajibi central samity Drcv`bKvix †K›`«xq mgevq mwgwZ wjwg‡UW Gi Ri“wi affected by cyclone cybev©mb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) 38315620 - Balancing, modernising, rehabilitation and 38315620 -mgevq ˜y» cªK‡íi Drcv`b e¨e¯’v fvimvg¨ Avbqb, extension of cooperative milk production AvaywbKxKiY, cybev©mb I m¤•ªmviY project 38315630 - Rehabilitation of Chittagong salt 38315630 -NwY©So I R‡jv”Q¡¡v‡m ¶wZMª¯ PÆMªvg jeb Drcv`bKvix produceers central cooperatives limited †K›`«xq mgevq mwgwZ wjwg‡UW Gi cybev©mb cÖKí 38315640 - Physical infrastructure development of 8 38315640 -9wU AvÂwjK mgevq cªwk¶Y Bbw÷wUD‡Ui †fŠZ zonal co-operatives training institute AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (01/07/1995-30/06/2002) 38315650 - Marginal farmer development project 38315650 -cÖvwšK Pvlx Dbœqb cÖKí 38315660 - Family Welfare and Income Generation 38315660 -d¨v‡gjx I‡qj‡dqvi GÛ BbKvg †Rbv‡ikb GKwUwfwUR Activities Through the Rural Co-operative †_ªv `¨v i“ivj †Kv-Acv‡iwUf Bb evsjv‡`k (cYt in Bangladesh Ašf©w³) 38315691 - Family welfare and income generation 38315691 -d¨vwgwj I‡qj‡dqvi GÛ BbKvg †Rbv‡ikb GKwUwfwUm activities through rural cooperatives in _ª“ `¨v i“ivj †Kv-Acv‡iwUfm Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 38317280 - Strengthening of co-operative department, 38317280 -mgevq Awa`ßi‡K kw³kvjxKiY Ges mgev‡qi gva¨‡g creation of entrepreneurships and income D‡Ï¨v³v m„wó I Avqea©K Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ generating activities through co-operatives we‡gvPb Kg©m–wP (01/07/2001-30/06/2006)Aby‡gvw`Z 38317290 - 38317290 -AvÂwjK mgevq cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU wbgv©b, biwms`x (01/07/2004-30/06/2007)Abbyt 38318230 - Constration of Co-oparative Zonal Institute, 38318230 -AvÂwjK mgevq cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU wbg©vY, biwms`x Narsingdi (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38318231 - 38318231 -AvÂwjK mgevq cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU wbgv©Y, biwms`x (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 38318232 - aa 38318232 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq mgevq BDwbqb Gi cÖvwZôvwbK `¶Zv Dbœqb cÖKí 38318233 - Development of Pottery Co-oparative 38318233 -evsjv‡`k g„r wkí mgevq mwgwZi Dbœqb cÖKí Societies of Bangladesh (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 38318234 - Physical Infrastructural Development of 9 38318234 -9wU AvÂwjK mgevq wk¶vqZ‡bi †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Co-oparative Zonal institutes 2nd phase Dbœqb cÖKí- 2q ch©vq 38318235 - Strengthening of Publicity and Publication 38318235 -mgevq cÖPvi I cÖKvkbv †mj Dbœqb cÖKí Cell of the Department of Co-oparative 38318236 - Modernization of Bangladesh 38318236 -mgevqx‡`i AvÍ-Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói j‡¶¨ cÖwk¶Y I Co-operatives Academy DØy×KiY wel‡q KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí| 38318237 - Constraction of Co-operative Zonal 38318237 -evsjv‡`k mgevq GKv‡Wgx, Dbœqb cÖKí-2q ch©vq| Institute Chittagong 38318238 - Creation of Self-employment opportunities 38318238 -`vwi`ª wcwoZ GjvKvi gwnjv mgevqx‡`i cÖwk¶b wfwËK and Poverty reduction of the Women AvZœKg©ms¯’vb m„wó I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí| Co-oparators of Poverty stricken Areas through IGA training 38318239 - Installation of Solar panel including the 38318239 -Kv Civil Constraction of incomplete portion of Samabay Bhaban 38318240 - Development of Co-operative based direct 38318240 -`vwi`ª wcoxZ GjvKvi gwnjv mgevqx‡`i cÖwk¶Y wfwËK marketing networks for agricultural AvZœ-Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí| produce 38318241 - Creation of self Employment 38318241 -`vwi`ª wcwoZ GjvKvi gwnjv mgevqx‡`i cÖwk¶Y wfwËK Oppourtunities and Poverty Reduction for AvZœKg©ms¯’vb m„wó I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí the Women Coopertors of Poverty Stricken areas through IGA Training. 38318242 - Development of co-operative based direct 38318242 -K„wl c‡b¨i mgevq wfwËK mivmwi evRviRvZKiY c×wZ marketing system of agricultural product Dbœqb cÖKí 38318243 - Expansion of Milk producers cooperative in 38318243 -`y» mgevq mwgwZi Kvh©µg we¯—„wZKi‡Yi gva¨‡g e„nËi Greater Faridpur,Barishal and Khulna dwi`cyi I ewikvj †Rjvi `vwi`ªª n««vmKiY I Av_© district for Reduction of poverty and mvgvwRK Dbœqb cÖÖKí Socio-economic Development 38318244 - Livelihood Improvement of the Garo 38318244 -Mv‡iv m¤•Ö`v‡qi RxebhvÎvi gvb Dbœqb cÖKí Community (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 38318245 - Ensuring Co-operative based milk 38318245 -mgevq wfwËK `y» Drcv`b wbwðZKiY production 38318246 - Development of ICT cell & E-citizen 38318246 -mgevq Awa`߇ii AvBwmwU ‡mj I B-wmwU‡Rb mvwf©m services in the Department of Dbœqb cÖÖKí Co-operatives 38318247 - Increasing of agriculture production and 38318247 -MÖÖvg wfwËK mgevq mwgwZi gva¨‡g K……wl Drcv`b e„w× I creation of rural employment through MÖÖvgxb Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó cÖÖKí village based Co-operatives 38318248 - Socio-Economic development of 38318248 -mgev‡qi gva¨‡g myweavewÂZ gwnjv‡`i Av_©-mvgvwRK diadvantaged women through Ae¯’vi Dbœqb cÖÖKí co-operatives 38318249 - Project for modernization and development 38318249 -9wU AvÂwjK mgevq Bbw÷wUD‡Ui †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv of the physical infrastructure of 9(Nine) Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb Co-operative Zonal institutes 3835 - Divisional Offices 3835 -wefvMxq Kvh©vjqmg–n 38350000 - Divisional Offices 38350000 -wefvMxq Kvh©vjqmg–n 3837 - Regional Offices 3837 -AvÂwjK Kvh©vjqmg–n 38370000 - Regional Offices 38370000 -AvÂwjK Kvh©vjqmg–n 3839 - District Offices 3839 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 38390000 - District Offices 38390000 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 3841 - Upazilla Offices 3841 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 38410000 - Upazilla Offices 38410000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 3845 - Training and Education Facilities 3845 -mgevq cªwk¶Y I wk¶v 38450001 - Training and Education Facilities 38450001 -mgevq cªwk¶Y I wk¶v 38450005 - Mechanised Cultivation Scheme 38450005 -hvwš¿K Pvlvev` w¯‹g 38450010 - Deep Tube Well Scheme 38450010 -Mfxi bjK‚c w¯‹g 3880-3885 - Special Programmes 3880-3885 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 3880 - Special Programme 3880 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 38804601 - 38804601 -¶z`ª K…lK I eM©vPvlx Dbœqb 38804602 - 38804602 -mgwš^Z `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©mPx 38804603 - 38804603 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b gwnjv‡`i AvZœ-Kg©ms¯’vb 38804604 - 38804604 -mgevq feb wbg©vY 3896-3898 - Development Programme Financed by 3896-3898 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3896 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3896 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 38964300 - Technical Training Programme to 38964300 -‡`kxq I ˆe‡`wkK Kg© ms’‡b `¶ gvbe mgc` ˆZixi j‡ generate skilled Human Resource for ¶¨ KvwiMwi cªwk¶Y Kg©mwP(wewcGwUwm) native and Foreign Employment(BPATC) 38964301 - Training Programme to enhance capacity 38964301 -weAviwWweÕi mydj‡fvMx Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i mvg_©Zv of the benificiary and Employment of BRDB e„w× msµvš cªwk¶Y Kvh©µg 38964302 - Technical Training Programme to 38964302 -‡`kq Iˆe‡`wkK generate skilled Human Resource for native and Foreign Employment(NRDTC) 38964303 - 64 Family 38964303 -64 cwievi 38964304 - Establishment of RDA Cattle Improvement 38964304 -AviwWG e¸ovÕi K¨v‡Uj BgcÖÖyf‡g›U †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Center. 38964305 - Minimum Water and Guit Urea Uses in 38964305 -av‡bi AwaK djb I AwZwi³ Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói Rb¨ Kg Rice for Increased Production and cvwb I ¸wU BDwiqv e¨envi Additional Employment 38964306 - Introduction of Information and 38964306 -¶z`ª K…lK Dbœqb dvD‡Ûk‡b Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cªhyw³ Communication Technology in SFDF cªeZ©b 38964307 - Strenthening and Mordanization of ICT of 38964307 -cj­x `vwi`ª we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb (wcwWweGd) Gi Z_¨ PDBF cªhyw³ e¨ee’v AvaywbKvqb I kw³kvjxKiY Kg©mwP 38964308 - PDBF Bin 38964308 -cj­x `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb (wcwWweGd) Gi DcK‚jxq Piv‡ji myweav‡fvMx‡`i gva¨‡g mqvweb Pvl Kg©mwP 38964309 - PDBF 38964309 -cj­x `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb (wcwWweGd) Gi myweav‡fvMx‡`i gva¨‡g fyUv Pvl Kg©mwP 38964310 - Cow Loan for Cooperative Based Milk 38964310 -mgevq wfwËK `y» Drcv`bKvix‡`i Rb¨ Mvfx FY Producers 38964311 - Livelihood Development & Poverty 38964311 -evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Y I cwðgv‡ji `wi`ª I AbMÖmi Reduction Programme for the Poor & mgevqx‡`i RxebhvÎvi gvb Dbœqb I `vwi`ª¨ n«vmKiY Underprivileged Cooperators of Kg©m~Px| South-West region of Bangladesh. 38964312 - Modernization of the Training Facilities of 38964312 -evsjv‡`k mgevq GKv‡Wgx I AvÂwjK mgevq Bangladesh Cooperative Academy & Bbw÷wUDU mg~‡ni cÖwk¶Y myweav AvaywbKvqb Kg©m~Px| Cooperative Zonal Institutes. 38964313 - Development of On-line Registration 38964313 -mgevq mwgwZi AbjvBb †iwR‡÷ªkb c×wZ Dbœqb| System of Cooperative Societies. 38964314 - Introduction of Digital Audit System for the 38964314 -mgevq mwgwZi Rb¨ wWwRUvj AwWU c×wZ cÖeZ©Y| Cooperative Societies. 38964315 - Civil Construction & Repairment of 38964315 -biwms`x †Rjv¯’ AvÂwjK mgevq cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU Gi Cooperative Zonal Institute, Narsingdhi. wewfbœ wbg©©vb I †givgZ Kg©m~~~wP| 38964316 - Introduction of Computer based 38964316 -mdj mgevq mwgwZi Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi wfwËK wnmve c×wZ Accounting System For Successful cÖeZ©Y| Cooperative Societies. 38964317 - Modernization of the Training Facilities of 38964317 -evsjv‡`k mgevq GKv‡Wwg I AvÂwjK mgevq Bangladesh Co-operative Academy and Bbw÷wUDUmg‡ni cÖwk¶Y myweav AvaywbKvqb Regional Co-operative Institutions

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38964318 - Establishment of Cattle Research and 38964318 -AviwWG, e¸ovi AvIZvq K¨v‡Uj M‡elYv Ges Dbœqb Development Centre Under RDA, Bogra †K›`ª ¯’vcb 38964319 - E-Parishad for Better Information Service 38964319 -cjx GjvKvq DbœZ Z_¨ †mev mieiv‡n B-cwil` Delivery in Rural Areas 38964320 - Women's Education, Income and Nutrition 38964320 -bvix‡`i `¶Zv, Avq I cywó Dbœqb Kg©m~wP Improvement Project 38964321 - Sustainable Agriculture and Sanitation 38964321 -evsjv‡`‡ki eb¨vcÖeb I cvwbi D”P¯—i wewkó GjvKvq Development through Eco-Toilet in Flood B‡Kv-Uq‡j‡Ui gva¨‡g †UKmB m¨vwb‡Ukb I K…wl Dbœqb prone & High Water Table area of Bangladesh 38964322 - Establishment of Fruit orchard through 38964322 -Rjevhy cwieZ©‡bi SywK †gvKv‡ejvq Ges bvix I wkï‡`i quick growing and high yielding varieties cywó Dbœq‡b `ª“Z I AwaK djbkxj evMvbKiY for improving the nutrition of rural women and children and mitigate 38964323 - To Ensure Community Based Food 38964323 -KwgDwbwU ch©v‡q Lv`¨ wbivcËvq cÖvK…wZK cwi‡e‡k wewfbœ Security Through Natural Devices for exR, `vbv km¨ I Avjy msi¶‡Yi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb different several seeds and vegetable, Kg©m~Px| potato preservation for poverty allevation. 38964324 - Construction and Repair of Zonal 38964324 -AvÂwjK mgevq cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU, biwmsw` Gi wewfbœ Co-operative Training Institute Narshingdi wbg©vY I †givgZ KvR m¤•v`b 38964325 - Establishment of Semen Processing Lab 38964325 -1 for Strengthening Cattle Research and Development Centre of RDA, Bogra. 38964326 - Construction of District Co-operative office 38964326 -‡Rjv mgevq Kvh©vjq, buIMv Gi feb wbg©vY Kg©m~Px Naogaon 38964327 - Construction of District Co-operative office 38964327 -‡Rjv mgevq Kvh©vjq, buIMv Gi feb wbg©vY Kg©myPx Naogaon 38964328 - Construction of west side boundary wall 38964328 -kjk and retainig wall of BRDTI, Khadimnagar, Sylhet and Extension of Regional Director Office of the Rural Livelih 38964329 - Program for Upzila Office Establishment 38964329 -n and Launching the Activities at the Newly created Upazila.n 38964330 - Program for strengthening Marketing 38964330 -k Capacity of Handicrafts & Off-on Farm Production items of Cooperators through Karupalli of BRDB. 38964331 - Modernization and Expansion of BRDB 38964331 -m Computer Lab. 38964332 - Strenthening and Mordanization of ICT of 38964332 -lll PDBF 38964333 - e-Governance Development Program 38964333 -B-Mf©b¨v›m Dbœqb Kg©mwP 38964334 - e-Governance Development Program 38964334 -B-Mf©b¨v›m Dbœqb Kg©mwP 38964335 - Programme for Facilitating Improved 38964335 -mgev‡qi gva¨‡g DbœZ Rv‡Zi Mvfx cvjb I `y» Drcv`b Breed Cow Rearing and Increase in Milk e„w× mnvqK Kg©m–wP production Through Cooperatives. 38964712 - Applied Research on Agrucultural 38964712 -K…wl exgv ¯‹xg cÖv‡qvwMK Kg©mwP Insurance Scheme 38964756 - Construction of 600 Seated Auditorium of 38964756 -evsjv‡`k cjÐx DbœqY cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU (weAviwWwUAvB) BRDTI, Khadimnagar,Sylhet Lvw`gbMi, wm‡jU 600 Avmb wewkó AwW‡Uvwiqvg wbg©vb Kg©mPx 38964757 - Construction of 600 seated Auditorium at 38964757 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU(weAviwWwUAvB) BRDTI,Khadimnagar,Sylhet Lvw`gbMi, wm‡j‡U 600 Avmb wewkó AwW‡Uvwiqvg wbg©vY| 38964758 - Construction of Co-oparative Zonal 38964758 - Traning Institute, Narsingdi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 38964759 - Socio-Economic Development and 38964759 -Av_©-mvgvwRK I RxebhvÎvi gv‡bvbœq‡b Av‡m©wbKgy³ weï Improvement of Quality of Life Through × Lvevi cvwb mieivn kxl©K cyb©evmb Kg©m–wP Arsenic Free Safe Drinking Water Supply Rehabilitation Programme 38964760 - Improvement of accounting system and 38964760 -mgevq Awa`߇ii wnmve c×wZ Ges ev‡RU e¨e¯’vcbv budget management of the Department of mg„w×KiY Kg©m~Px Co-operatives 38964761 - Evaluation study program of the 38964761 -mgevq mwgwZi Kvh©KvixZv g~j¨vqb mgx¶v Kg©m~Px funcitioning of Co-operative societies 38964762 - Modernization of the training facilities of 38964762 -evsjv‡`k mgevq GKv‡Wgxi cÖwk¶Y myweav AvaywbKvqb Bangladesh Co-operative Academy Kg©m~Px 38964763 - Program for introduction of computer 38964763 -mdj mgevq mwgwZi Rb¨ Kw¤cDUvi c×wZi wnmve based accounting system for successful cÖeZ©Y Kg©mywP Co-operative societies 38964764 - Civil Works, Repair and Maintanance of 38964764 -evW©, Kzwgj­vi cZ© †givgZ I i¶Yv‡e¶Y BARD, Comilla 38964765 - a 38964765 -ev‡W© wewfbœ feb †givgZ, ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 38964766 - Maintanance, Renovation and 38964766 -evsjv‡`k cj­x Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg (evW©), Kzwgj­vq wewfbœ Development of Physical Establishments feb ms¯‹vi, Dbœqb I ‡givgZ of BARD, Comilla 3899-3899 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3899-3899 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3899 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3899 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 38990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 38990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 39 - Ministry of Industries 39 - wkí gš¿Yvjq 3901-3920 - Administration 3901-3920 -cªkvmb 3901 - Secretariat 3901 -mwPevjq 39010001 - Secretariat 39010001 -mwPevjq 39010002 - Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) 39010002 -¶z`ª I gvSvwi wkí (GmGgB) dvD‡Ûkb Foundation 39015001 - Block allocation 39015001 -‡_vK eivÏ 39015010 - Modernization of the Bangladesh Patent 39015010 -gWv©bvB‡Rkb Ae `¨v evsjv‡`k †c‡U›U Awdm BbK¬zwWs office including seting up of model †mwUs Avc Ae G g‡Wj BÛvw÷ªqvj cÖcvwU© WKz‡g›Um GÛ industrial property and information centre Bbdi‡gkb †m›Uvi DB_ B›Uvi‡bU GK&‡mm youth inter-net access. 39015011 - Policy implementation analysis group 39015011 -cwjwm Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukvb GbvjvBwmm MÖ“c 39015012 - Integrated Support to Poverty and 39015012 -Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW mv‡cvU© Uy ‡cvfvwU© GÛ BDwb‡KvqvwjwU Inequality Reduction through Enterprise wiWvKkb †_ªv G›UvicÖvBR †W‡fjc‡g›U Developement (INSPIRED) (AvBGbGmwcAvBAviBwW) 39015013 - Safe and Environmentally sound shift 39015013 -†mBd GÛ Gbfvqb‡g›Uvwj mvDÛ wkc wimvBwK¬s Bb Recycling in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (†dBR-1) (01/07/2014-31/12/2015) (01/07/2014-31/12/2015) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 39015020 - /South-Asia intellectual property 39015020 -B‡›U‡jKPz‡qj ‡cÖvcvwU© ivBU&m cÖ‡R± ms‡kvwaZ co-operation project for Bangladesh (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 39015030 - Design and Technology centre for product 39015030 -wWRvBb GÛ †UK‡bvjwR †m›Uvi di †cÖvWv± development †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/1999-02/02/2002) 39015031 - BSCIC-special development and 39015031 -we‡kl Dbœqb I Drcv`b Kg©mPx production programme 39015040 - Reburbishment of two SOE's & 39015040 -ivóªvqZ¡ `yÕwU KviLvbv cwi”QbœKiY I wkí cvK© ¯’'vcb Establishment of Industrial Parks (01/07/06 - 30/06/10) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 39015050 - Fortification of Edible Oil in Bangladesh 39015050 -dwU©wd‡Kkb Ae GwWej I‡qj Bb evsjv‡`k (01/01/10 (01/01/2010-31/12/2012) approved - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 39015081 - Trainnig and supporting micro cottage 39015081 -‡Uªwbs GÛ mv‡cvwU©s gvB‡µv K‡UR BÛvwó«R G›Uvi‡cÖbim industries entrepreuners with CEFE DB_ wmBGdB ‡cÖvMªvg (2q ch©vq) programme (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 39015090 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 39015090 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 39015210 - Karnafuli fertilizer company Ltd. 39015210 -KY©dzjx dvwU©jvBRvi †Kv¤•vwb wjwg‡UW

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 39015311 - Industrial development survey in 39015311 -PÆMªvg A‡ji wkí Dbœqb mgx¶v Chittagong areas 39015321 - Belgium-Bangladesh joint collaboration 39015321 -‡ejwRqvg-evsjv‡`k †hŠ_ wewb‡qvM cª‡gvkb dvÛ fund 39015411 - Technical assistance for modernization of 39015411 -wUAvBwm Gi cwi‡ek `lY wbqšY j¨ve‡iUix TIC's pollution testing and control labratary AvawbKxKiY I m¤•ÖmviY msµvš wUGwcwc 39015421 - Technical Assistance project for 39015421 -¶z`ª I KzwUi wk‡íi D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb Kg©mPx kxl©K development of small and cottege industry KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí entreprenures 39015431 - Bangladesh training and internal 39015431 -evsjv‡`k †Uªwbs GÛ B›Uvib¨vj Kbmvj‡UwÝ cÖKí consultancy project (Phase-2) (ch©vq-2) (01/12/1998-30/06/2001) 39015441 - Mordernisation of industrial property 39015441 -gW©vYvB‡Rkb Ae BÛvw÷ªqvj cÖcvwU© GWwgwb‡óªkb Bb administration in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 39015451 - 39015451 -evsjv‡`k e¯ wk‡í wb‡qvwRZ I wb‡qvwRZe¨ †ckvMZ Rbkw³i jf¨Zv I Pvwn`v wbiƒcb 39017011 - Mordernization of the Bangladesh Patent 39017011 -gWv©bvB‡Rkb Ae w` evsjv‡`k †c‡U›U Awdm Design Office (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) 39017021 - 39017021 -b¨vkbvwj †dvKvmW GKkb c­¨vb di w` Mfb©‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k di gWvbvB‡Rkb Ae `¨v †c‡U›U Awdm (01/07/02000-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 39018360 - Strategic Support to S.M.E. sector Training 39018360 -÷«v‡UwRK mv‡cvU© Uz Gm,Gg,B, †m±i †Uªwbs GÛ and Capacity Buildings K¨vcvwmwU wewìs (01/05/05 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 39018370 - 39018370 -‡cªvMªvg Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb GÛ †Kv-AwW©‡bkb Ad m¥j GÛ wgwWqvg G›UvicªvBR †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U †cªvMªvg (01/05/05 - 31/12/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 3905 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 3905 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 39052721 - Chemical Industries Corporation 39052721 -‡KwgK¨vj BÛvwó«R K‡cv©‡ikb 39052723 - Bangladesh Steel and Engineering 39052723 -evsjv‡`k ÷xj GÛ BwÄwbqvwis K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 39052725 - Sugar, Food and Allied Industries 39052725 -myMvi GÛ dzW BÛvw÷«R K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 39052727 - British American Tobacco Bangladesh 39052727 -e„wUk Av‡gwiKvb †Uve¨v‡Kv evsjv‡`k †Kv¤•vbx wjwg‡UW Company Limited 39052728 - Hoechst (Bangladesh) Limited 39052728 -‡nv‡qKó (evsjv‡`k) wjwg‡UW 39052729 - BSIC 39052729 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª I KzwUi wkí K‡c©v‡ikb 39052730 - Organon(Bangladesh) Limited 39052730 -AM©vbb (evsjv‡`k) wjwg‡UW 39052731 - Unilever (Bangladesh) Limited 39052731 -BDwbwjfvi (evsjv‡`k) wjwg‡UW 39052732 - Industrial Promotion and Development 39052732 -BÛvwóªqvj cÖ‡gvkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U †Kv¤•vbx Ae Company Of Bangladesh Limited evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW 39052733 - Reckitt Benckiser (Bangladesh) Limited 39052733 -‡iwKU GÛ †ebKvDRvi (evsjv‡`k) wjwg‡UW 39052734 - Mirpur Ceramic Works Limited 39052734 -wgicyi wmivwgK IqvK©m wjwg‡UW 39052735 - Himadri Limited 39052735 -wngvw`ª wjwg‡UW 39052736 - Fisons (Bangladesh) Limited 39052736 -dvBm›m (evsjv‡`k) wjwg‡UW 39052737 - The Bengal Glass Works Ltd. 39052737 -w` †esMj M­vm IqvK©m wjt 39052738 - Bala Artifitax Company Ltd. 39052738 -‡ejv AvwU©wd‡U· †Kv¤•vbx wjt 39052739 - Dhaka Dying and Manufacturing Ltd. 39052739 -XvKv WvBs GÛ g¨vby‡dKPvwis wjt 39053225 - BSCIC 39053225 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª I KzwUi wkí K‡c©v‡ikb 39053227 - Bangladesh Institute of Management 39053227 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae g¨v‡bR‡g›U 39053229 - Bangladesh Industrial and Technical 39053229 -evsjv‡`k wkí I KvwiMwi mnvqZv †K›`ª Assistance 39053231 - Bangladesh Standard Institution 39053231 -evsjv‡`k ÷¨vÛvW© Bbw÷wUDkb 39053611 - District Council 39053611 -‡Rjv cwil` 39054460 - APSCO 39054460 -G wc Gm wm I 39054708 - Kornofuli Ferilizer Company Limited. 39054708 -KY©dzjx dvwU©jvBRvi ‡Kv¤•vbx wjwg‡UW 39054725 - SANOFI Aventis Bangladesh Ltd. 39054725 -m¨v‡bvwd G¨v‡fbwUm evsjv‡`k wjt 39054728 - Bangladesh Acroditation Board 39054728 -evsjv‡`k G¨v‡µvwW‡Ukb †evW©

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 39055010 - 39055010 -weUvK -Lyjbv †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb (chv©q-2) I Ab¨vb¨ †K‡›`ªi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY 39055011 - BMR of Karu & Co. BD Ltd. 39055011 -weGgAvi Ae †Ki“ GÛ †Kvs wewW wjt (01/07/11-30/06/13) approved (01/07/11-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055012 - Development of Bee-keeping through 39055012 -AvaywbK cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g †gŠPvl Dbœqb cÖKí modern Technology 39055013 - Srimongol Industrial Estate 39055013 -kªxg½j wkí bMix cÖKí (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055014 - Integrated Support to \poverty and 39055014 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW mv‡cvU© Uy †cÖvfvwU© GÛ BDwb‡KvqvwjwU \inequality Reduction through Enterprise wiWvKkb †_ªv G›UvicÖvBRW †Wf‡jvc‡g›U Development(INSPIRED) (AvBGbGmAvBAviBwW) (01/03/2012-28/02/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055015 - BISIC Industrial Area, Vayrob 39055015 -wewmK wkí bMix, ˆfie (01/07/2012-30/06/2016) (01/07/2012-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055016 - Replacement of Old Machinery and 39055016 -wi‡c­m‡g›U Ae Iì †gwkbvix GÛ GwWkb Ae †gwkbvix Addition of Machinery for Beet Sugar di weU myMvi †cÖvWvKkb GU VvKziMuvI myMvi wgjm wjt Production at Thakurgaon Sugar Mills Ltd. (01/07/2013- 30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2013- 30/06/2016) Approved 39055017 - Extension of BISIC Industrial Area, Pabna. 39055017 -cvebv wewmK wkí bMix m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/07/2013- (01/07/2013- 30/06/2016) Approved 30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055018 - Production of Electricity by Co-generation 39055018 -b_© †e½j wPwbK‡j †Kv-†Rbv‡ikb c×wZ‡Z we`y¨r and Establishment of Sugar Refinery Plant Drcv`b Ges myMvi widvBbvwi ¯’vcb (01/01/2014- at North Bengal Sugar Mills) (01/01/2014- 31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 31/12/2016) Approved 39055019 - Establishment of Chemical Metrology 39055019 -÷¨vewjk‡g›U Ae K¨vwgK¨vj †g‡U«vjwR j¨ve‡iUix Laboratory (CML) at NML in BSTI' (wmGgGj) G¨vU GbGgGj Bb weGmwUAvB (01/07/2013- 30/06/2015) Approved (01/07/2013- 30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055020 - 39055020 - 39055021 - Strengthing of Bangladesh Acraditation 39055021 -‡÷«s‡`wbs evsjv‡`k G¨vwµwW‡Ukb †evW© (01/01/2013- Board. (01/01/2013- 30/06/2014) Approved 30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055022 - BSCIC Industreal Estate, Jhalakhati 39055022 -wewmK wkí bMix, SvjKvwV (01/07/2014-31/12/2017) Approved (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055023 - Modernization and Strengthening of 39055023 -gWvbvB‡Rkb GÛ †÷«s‡`wbs Ae †U«wbs Bbw÷wUDU di Training Institute for Chemical Industries †KwgK¨vj BÛvw÷«R Bb evsjv‡`k in Bangladesh (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 39055024 - Extension of Dhamrai BSCIC Industrial 39055024 -avgivB wewmK wkíbMix m¤•ªmviY Estate (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) Approved (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055025 - Poverty Reduction through Inclusive and 39055025 -†cÖvfvwU© wiWvKkb _ª“ BbK¬ywmf GÛ mvm‡UUbej gv‡K©Um Sustainable Markets (PRISM) (wcÖRg) (01/01/2015-31/12/2024) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2015-31/12/2024) Approved 39055026 - Extension of Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial 39055026 -ivRkvnx wewmK wkí bMix m¤•ªmviY cÖKí Estate (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055027 - BSCIC Industrial Estate Chuadanga 39055027 -wewmK wkí bMix PyqvWv½v cÖKí (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 39055028 - Reconstruction and Modernization of 4 39055028 -wewm‡Ki 4wU ˆbcyb¨ weKvk †K‡›`ªi cybtwbg©vY I Skill Development Centres of BACIC. AvaywbKvqb cÖKí 39055029 - Establishment of Testing Facilities of 39055029 -G÷vwe­k‡g›U Ae †Uw÷s d¨vwmwjwUR Ae Gqvi Air-conditioner, Refrigerator, Electrification KbwWkbvi, †iwd«Rv‡iUi, B‡jKwU«K d¨vb GÛ B‡jKwU«K Fan and Electric Motor in BSTI gUi Bb weGmwUAvB cÖKí 39055030 - Construction of Multistoried Building for 39055030 -†ZRMuvI G wewm‡Ki eûZj wewkó feb wbg©vY cÖKí BSCIC at Tejgaon 39055210 - Karnafuli fertilizer company limited 39055210 -KY©dzjx dvwU©jvBRvi †Kv¤•vwb wjwg‡UW 39057010 - 2000 year 39057010 -2000 mv‡ji eb¨vq †`‡ki `w¶Y-cwðgv‡ji ¶wZMÖ¯’ wewmK wkíbMix I jeY cÖKíwUi cybe©vmb 39057011 - 39057011 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae w` evsjv‡`k †c‡U›U Awdm BbK¬zwWs †mwUs 39057020 - Rehabilitation of environment ammonium 39057020 -PÆMÖvg BDwiqv mvi KviLvbv (wmBDGdGj) Gi G¨vgwbqv plant protection and improvement of c­¨v‡›Ui cybe©vmb, cwi‡ek msi¶Y I Drcv`b ¶gZv e„w× production capacity of Chittagong Urea cÖKí (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) Fertilizer LTD (01/07/2001-30/06/20)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 39057021 - Technical assistance to BITAC 39057021 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m Uy weUvK 39057030 - Establishment of branch offices of BSTI at 39057030 -Lyjbvq evsjv‡`k óvÛ©W GÛ †Uªwbs B›mwUwUDkvb kvLv Khulna Awdm ¯’vcb 39057040 - Industrial Park, Norshingdhi 39057040 -wkí cvK©, biwms`x 39057050 - Agro and Fish based industrial estate, 39057050 -grm¨ I K…wlwfwËK wkí bMix - PKwiqv, K·evRvi Chokoria, Cox's Bazar 39057060 - Modernisation and development of branch 39057060 -PÆMªvg I Lyjbvq weGmwUAvB Gi AvÂwjK Awdm ¯’vcb, offices of BSTI at Khulna and Chittagong AvaywbKxKiY Ges XvKv wefvMxq †g‡UªvjwR Awd‡mi KvwiMwi mvg_© kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/1996-30/06/2005) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 39057070 - Market Access and Trade Facilitation 39057070 -gv‡K©U GK‡mm GÛ †U«W d¨vwmwj‡Ukb mv‡cvU© di mvD_ Support for South Asian LDCs, through Gwkqvb GjwWwmÕm †_ªv †÷«s‡`wbs Bb&w÷wUDkb¨vj GÛ Strengthening Institutional and National b¨vkbvj K¨vcvwmwUm wi‡j‡UW Uy ÷¨vÛvm©, †g‡U«vjwR, Capacities Related to Standards, †U«w÷s GÛ †KvqvwjwU (GmGmwUwKD) †dR-2 (01/04/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z Metrology, Testing and Quality (SMTQ) -Phase II. 39057071 - Technical assistance to BSTI, Dhaka 39057071 -‡UKwbK¨vj GwmmU¨vÝ Uy weGmwUAvB XvKv 39057080 - District based industrial estate 39057080 -¶z`ª I KzwUi wk‡íi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †Rjv wfwËK 24wU wkí programme for cottage and small industry bMix Kg©m–wP (01/07/1987-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057090 - Development of infrastructure project for 39057090 -¶z`ª I KzwUi wk‡íi Rb¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb BSCIC 39057100 - BMR of Faridpur Sugar Mills Ltd. 39057100 -weGgAvi Ae dwi`cyi myMvi wgjm wjt (01/07/09-30/06/2011) (01/07/09-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057110 - 39057110 -gqgbwmsn wkí bMix (m¤cÖmviY-2) 1/07/01-1/6/04 (Abbyt) 39057112 - 39057112 -ZuvZ ïgvix-2000 39057120 - Extension of BITAC for Self-employment 39057120 -nv‡Z Kj‡g KvwiMwi cÖwk¶‡Y gwnjv‡`i ¸i“Z¡ w`‡q and Poverty alleviation through Hands on weUv‡Ki Kvh©µg m¤•ªmviY c–e©K AvZœ-Kg©ms¯’vb m„w÷ I technical training highlight's Women `vwi`ª we‡gvPb (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057130 - Feasibility study for improvement and 39057130 -evsjv‡`k †nvwmqvwi wk‡íi Dbœqb I m¤•ªmvi‡Yi Rb¨ expansion of Bangladesh Hosiary Industries 39057140 - Establishment of an Organic BIO fertilizer 39057140 -GmU¨vewjm‡g›U Ae G¨vb AM©vwbK ev†qv dviwUjvBRvi Plant from Press mud at carew’s Sugar c­v›U dig †cÖm gvW G¨vU ‡Kiym myMvi wgjm Mill. (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057150 - Research centre for Zamdani industrial 39057150 -Rvg`vbx wkí bMix M‡elYv †K›`« (ms‡kvwaZ) estate 39057160 - Development of salt industries at Satkhira, 39057160 -Lyjbv mvZ¶xiv A‡ji jeY wk‡íi Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) Khulna (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 39057170 - Technical assistance for development of 39057170 -n¯, KzwUi I ¶z`ª wkí Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv handicraft and cottage industries 39057180 - Repair Maintenance and Rehabilitation of 39057180 -wewm‡Ki cyivZb 2wU wkí bMixi (†nvwmqvix, bvivqbMÄ I BSCIS’s Two Old Industrial Estates KvjyiNvU PÆMªvg) †givgZ, i¶Yv‡e¶Y I cybe©vmb (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057181 - Self -employment for distressed rural 39057181 -KzwUi wk‡íi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`‡ki MªvgxY `yt¯’ gwnjv‡`i women of Bangladesh through BSCIC AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb (wm‡ivwmm) U«vó 39057190 - Replacement of old centrifugal Machines 39057190 -mvZwU wPwbK‡ji cyivZb †mwU«wdDMvj †gwkb cÖwZ¯’vcb of seven sugar Mills (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) 39057200 - Modernization of BSTI through 39057200 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae we.Gm.wU.AvB †_ªv †cÖvwKDi‡gU Ae Procurement of Sophisticated Equipment mdw÷‡K‡UW BKzc‡g›U GÛ Bbd«v÷«vKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U & Infrastructure Development of Ae †je‡iUixR di GKwiwW‡Ukb Laboratories for Accreditation (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057210 - Feasibility study on leather industries 39057210 -Pvgov wkí bMix cªK‡íi (Pvgov I PvgovRvZ `ªe¨ I 39057220 - Banarasi Palli Unnoyon, Rangpur 39057220 -†ebvimx cjÐx Dbœqb, iscyi (01/07/09 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057230 - Noakhali Industrial Estate 39057230 -‡bvqvLvjx wkí bMix (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) (01/07/2000-01/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 39057240 - Technical assistance to the national 39057240 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm&U¨vÝ Uy w` b¨vkbvj †cªvWvw±wfwU productivity 39057241 - 39057241 -we‡kl Dbœqb I Drcv`b Kg©mPx 39057242 - BSCIC- women entrepreneurs 39057242 -we‡kl Dbœqb I Drcv`b Kg©mPx-gwnjv wkí D‡`¨v³v development programme Dbœqb Kg©mPx 39057243 - Development of cottage industries in 39057243 -we‡kl Dbœqb I Drcv`b Kg©m–wP-cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j Chittagong area: special development and KzwUi wk‡íi Dbœqb (01/07/1990-30/06/2005) production programme Aby‡gvw`Z 39057244 - Development of salt industry 39057244 -we‡kl Dbœqb I Drcv`b Kg©m–wP-jeY wk‡íi Dbœqb (01/07/1990-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057245 - Bee nursing programme 39057245 -we‡kl Dbœqb I Drcv`b Kg©m–wP-‡gŠgvwQ cvjb Kg©m–wP (01/07/1990-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057250 - Control of iodine deficiency disorder 39057250 -mve©Rbxb Av‡qvwWbhy³ jeY ‰Zwi Kvh©µ‡gi gva¨‡g through universal application of salt Av‡qvwWb NvUwZ c–iY (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2000 - iodisation 30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057260 - Replacement of Power Turbines, Disel 39057260 -wewfbœ wPwbK‡ji Rb¨ UvievBb, wW‡Rj †Rbv‡iUi Ges Generators and Boiler of Different Sugar eqjvi cÖwZ¯’vcb (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) Mills Aby‡gvw`Z 39057270 - Barrier Removal to Cost-effective 39057270 -‡ewiqvi wi‡gvfvj Uy `¨v K÷ G¨v‡dw±f †W‡fjc‡g›U Development and Implementation of GÛ Bgwc­­‡g‡›Ukb Ae BbvwR© G¨vwdwm‡qw›m ÷¨vÛvW©m& Energy Standards & Labeling (BRESL) GÛ †j‡fwjs (weAviBGmGj) †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057280 - Extension of Gopalgong BSCIC Industrial 39057280 -†MvcvjMÄ wewmK wkí bMix m¤•ªmviY Estate (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057290 - BSCIC Industrial Estate, Mirsarai 39057290 -wewmK wkí bMix, wgimivB (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057300 - Development of Satranchi Shilpa 39057300 -kZiw wk‡íi Dbœqb (wbk‡eZMÄ I ivavK…òcyi), iscyi (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057310 - BMRE of TSP complex 39057310 -weGgAviB Ae wUGmwc Kg‡c­· 39057320 - Shahjalal Fertilizer Company Limited 39057320 -kvnvRvjvj dvwU©jvBRvi †Kv¤•vwb wjwg‡UW (01/02/1996-30/06/2003) 39057330 - Increase the production of Chittagong 39057330 -PÆMªvg †KwgK¨vj Kg‡c­· Gi evwl©K 200 †gwU«K Ub Chemical complex to 200 MT Drcv`b ¶gZv e„w×KiY 39057340 - Conversion of loan to capital given to 39057340 -cjvk BDwiqv mvi KviLvbvi FY‡K gja‡b iƒcvši Palash Urea Fertilizer factory 39057350 - Comilla Industrial Estate-2 39057350 -Kzwgj­v wkí bMix-2 (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057360 - Modernization and Strengthening of 39057360 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb GÛ †÷«s‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k ÷¨vÛvW©m Bangladesh Standard and testing GÛ †Uw÷s Bbw÷wUDU (weGmwUAvB) Institutions (01/10/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057370 - BSCIC Special Economic Zone (Textile) 39057370 -wewmK †¯•kvj BKbwgK †Rvb (†U·UvBj), KzgviLvjx, Kumarkhali, Kushtia, Kzwóqv (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057380 - BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajgonj, 39057380 -wewmK wkí cvK©, wmivRMÄ (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057390 - Gas supply for industrial estates 39057390 -wkí bMixmg‡n M¨vm mieivn 39057400 - Establishment of Calibration & Verification 39057400 -G÷vewj÷‡g›U Ae †mwjev‡ikb GÛ †fwiwd‡Kkb Facilities of CNG Mass Flow Meter for CNG d¨vmvwjwUm Ae wmGbwR g¨vm d¬ wgUvi di wmGbwR Filling Station in BSTI wdwjs †÷kb 39057410 - Investment programme for BSCIC 39057410 -¶z`ª I KzwUi wk‡í Rb¨ Dbœq‡b wewb‡qvM 39057420 - Establishment of the Officer for South 39057420 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae w` Awdm di mvD_ Gwkqvb wiwRIbvj Asian Regional Standards Organization ÷¨vÛvW© AM©vbvB‡Rkb (mv‡m©v) Bb evsjv‡`k (SARSO) in Bangladesh (01/07/11 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057430 - Development of cottage industries at 39057430 -`nMªvg - Av½i‡cvZv A‡j KywUi wk‡íi Dbœqb Angarpota - Dhahagram area 39057440 - Development of marketing and sub 39057440 -¶z`ª I KywUi wk‡í wecbb I mve K›Uªvw±s ms‡hvM e¨e¯’vi contacting for small and cottage industries Dbœqb 39057450 - Leather industrial estate 39057450 -Pvgov (PvgovRvZ `ªe¨ I imvqbmn) wkí bMix (04-044-034-9395) 39057460 - Cultivation of shrimp under semi intensive 39057460 -Avav wbexo cªwµqvq wPswo Pvl Kg©mPx process

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 39057470 - Rajshahi silk industry estate 39057470 -ivRkvnx ‡ikg wkí bMix 39057480 - Maizdi industrial estate 39057480 -gvBR`x wkí bMix 39057490 - Expansion and Strengthening of 39057490 -G·cvbkb GÛ †÷«s‡`wbs Ae evsjv‡`k ÷¨vÛvW© GÛ Bangladesh Standards and Testing †Uw÷s Bb&w÷wUDU (we.Gm.wU.AvB.) GU 5 wWw÷«Km Institution (BSTI) (At 5 Districts) (01/07/11 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057500 - Better Quality Infrastructure of Better Work 39057500 -‡eUvi ‡KvqvwjwU Bbd«vmUvKPvi Ae †eUvi IqvK© GÛ ÷ and Standards Programme ¨vÛvW© †cÖvMªvg (01/07/2011-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057510 - Poverty alleviation through income 39057510 -Avqea©K Kg©Kv‡Ûi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb generation activities (01/07/1996-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 39057520 - Shahjalal Fertilizer Project (SEP) 39057520 -kvnRvjvj dvwU©jvBRvi cÖ‡R± (Gm.Gd.wc.) (01/07/11 - 30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057530 - aaa 39057530 -mve©Rbxb Av‡hvwWbhy³ jeb ˆZix Kvh©µ‡gi Av‡qvwWb NvUwZ ciY (3q chv©q) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 39057540 - aaa 39057540 -ei¸bv wkí bMix (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 39057550 - High voltage cables and conducts plant 39057550 -nvB †fv‡ëR K¨vej GÛ KÛv±im c­¨v›U 39057560 - BMRE of Chattak cement factory (Phase-2) 39057560 -QvZK wm‡g›U KviLvbv weGgAviB (chv©q-2) (01/07/1986-30/06/2000) 39057570 - BMRE of Usmania glsas sheet factory 39057570 -Dmgvwbqv M­vm kxU d¨v±ixi weGgAviB 39057580 - Development of Chittagong Chemical 39057580 -PÆMªvg imvqb wkí Kg‡c­· Gi Dbœqb (wmweAvB BDwbU) complex 39057590 - Chemical industry training institute 39057590 -imvqY wkí cªwk¶Y B›mwUwUDU 39057631 - Appraisal study for low grade jute/jute 39057631 -wbægv‡bi cvU/cvU KvwUsm wfwËK gÛ I KvMR KviLvbv cutting cÖK‡íi gj¨vqb mgx¶v 39057641 - Study on production of newsprint form 39057641 -e¨v‡MR I I‡qó †ccvi †_‡K wbDR wcª›U Drcv`‡bi Dci baggage and wastage papers mgx¶v 39057650 - BMRE project for commercial production of 39057650 -KY©dzjx †ccvi wgjm& (†KwcGg) G meyR cvU †_‡K pulp from raw jute evwYwR¨K wfwˇZ gÛ Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ weGgAviB cÖKí 39057660 - BMRE OF THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF 39057660 -Lyjbv wbDRwcª›U wgjm& G meyR cvU †_‡K evwYwR¨K wfwË RAW JUTE & PULP P ‡Z gÛ Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ weGgAviB cÖKí 39057670 - BMRE of commercialisation of raw jute & 39057670 -b_© †e½j †ccvi wgjm& G meyR cvU †_‡K evwYwR¨K wfwË pulp project ‡Z gÛ Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ weGgAviB cÖKí 39057680 - BMRE of the commercialization of raw jute 39057680 -wm‡jU cví GÛ †ccvi wgjm& G meyR cvU †_‡K and pulp evwYwR¨K wfwˇZ gÛ Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ weGgAviB cÖKí 39057711 - Feasibilty study on Tahirpur Cement 39057711 -Zvwnicyi wm‡g›U KviLvbv ¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ mgx¶v Project 39057720 - Pabna sugar mill of 1500 TCD 39057720 -1500 wUwmwW cvebv wPwbKj cªKí (04-042-910-9194) 39057811 - Assistance to board of investment 39057811 -wewb‡qvM †evW©‡K mnvqZv `vb 39057821 - Establishment of a Boo/Boat infrastructure 39057821 -‡emiKvwi Lv‡Z weII/weIwU c×wZ‡Z AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb development cªKí MªnY Ges ev¯evq‡b mnvqZv Kivi j‡¶¨ wewb‡qvM †ev‡W© GKwU BDwbU ¯’vcb 39057910 - Small and cottage industries training 39057910 -¶z`ª I KzwUi wkí cªwk¶Y B›mwówUDU (chv©q-2) institute (Phase-2) 39058010 - Self emlpoyment for rural poor through 39058010 -¶y`ª I KywUi wk‡íi gva¨‡g AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb mnvqZv small and cottage industry Kg©m–wP (01/07/1993-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058020 - Women entrepreneurs development 39058020 -gwnjv wkí D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (01/07/1997- programme 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 39058030 - Gopalgonj: centre of excellence 39058030 -ˆbcyY¨ weKvk †K›`ª, ‡MvcvjMÄ (01/07/1997-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058041 - Entrepreneurship development for 39058041 -G›Uvi wcªwbqikxc †W‡fjvc‡g›U di GWy‡K‡UW educated unemployed women Avb‡qgc­BW DB‡gb 39058051 - .Establishment, modernisation and 39058051 -weGmwUAvB Gi ivRkvnx AvÂwjK Awdm ¯’vcb development project for BSTI Rajshahi AvaywbKxKiY I Dbœqb cÖKí zone (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058061 - Strengthening and development of BSTI 39058061 -weGmwUAvB AvaywbKxKiY I kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 39058070 - Market 39058070 -gv‡K©U GK‡mm GÛ †U«W d¨vwmwj‡Ukb mv‡cvU© di mvD_ Gwkqv GjwWwmm _ª“ ‡÷s‡`wbs Bbw÷wUDkbvj GÛ b¨vkbvj K¨vcvwmwUR wi‡j‡UW Uz ÷¨vÛvW© †g‡U«vjwR, †Uw÷s GÛ †KvqvwjwU (Gm.Gg.wUwKD) 1/05/2003-31/12/07 Aby‡gvw`Z 39058071 - Development of BIM (BMDC) 39058071 -‡W‡fjvc‡g›U Ae weAvBGg (weGgwWwm) (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) 39058080 - Establishment, Modernization & 39058080 -wm‡jU I ewikvj wefv‡M weGmwUAvB - Gi AvÂwjK Development of Bangladesh Standards & Awdm ¯’vcb, AvaywbKxKiY I Dbœqb (01/07/05 - Testing Institution (BSTI) Regional Office 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z at Sylhet & Barisal 39058081 - Study on sick industries in Bangladesh 39058081 -evsjv‡`k i“Mœ wkí mgx¶v 39058090 - BMRE of Karnaphuly paper mill project 39058090 -KY©dzjx †ccvi wg‡ji weGgAviB cªKí (01/07/1995-30/06/1998) 39058100 - Installation of paper machine in Sylhet 39058100 -wm‡jU †ccvi wg‡ji †ccvi †gwkb ¯’vcb paper mills 39058102 - Installation of daily 60 ton capacity paper 39058102 -wm‡jU cví GÛ †ccvi wg‡j ˆ`wbK 60 Ub ¶gZv m¤•bœ machine in Sylhet paper and pulp mill †ccvi †gwkb ¯’vcb 39058110 - Di-Ammonium phosphat project 39058110 -WvB G¨v‡gvwbqvg dm‡dU (wWGwc)-1 cÖKí (01/07/2001-31/12/2003) 39058112 - Dye amonium phosphet project (CUFF 39058112 -WvB G‡gvwbqvg di‡dU cÖKí (wmBDGdGd cÖv½b) campus) 39058121 - Technical assistance for feasibility study 39058121 -PÆMªvg B¯•vZ KviLvbvi weGgAviB Gi Dci m¤¢ve¨Zv on BMRE of Chittagong steel factory mgx¶v cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí 39058130 - Shrimp cultivation projet under semi 39058130 -Avav wbexo cªwµqvq K·evRvi, Lyjbv, mvZ¶xiv †Rjvq intensive at Cox's Bazar, Khulna and wPswo Pvl cÖKí Satkhira 39058150 - Rehabilitation project of Natural Gas 39058150 -b¨vPivj M¨vm dvwU©jvBRvi d¨v±wi wjwg‡UW Gi cybev©mb Fertilizer Factory Limited cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2000) 39058190 - Dai Ammonium Phosphate Plant (DAP-2) 39058190 -WvB G¨v‡gvwbqvg dm‡dU (wWGwc-2) (01/07/2001-31/12/2003) (01/07/2001-31/12/2003) 39058200 - Market Access & Trade Facilitation Support 39058200 -gv‡K©U G‡m÷ GÛ †U«W d¨vwmjvB‡Ukb mv‡cvU© di mvD_ for South Asian LDCs, through Gwkqv GjwWwmÕm †_ªv †÷«s‡`wbs B›mwUwUDkbvj GÛ Strengthening Institutional and National b¨vkbvj K¨vcvwmwUm wi‡j‡UW Uy ÷vÛvW© g¨v‡_vjwR, Capacities Related to Standards, †Uw÷s GÛ ‡KvqwjwU(GmGgwUwKD), †dBR-2 Metrology, Testing and Quality (SMTQ) phase-II 39058210 - BMRE porject for production of pulp grenn 39058210 -wbDR wcÖ›U wgjm& (†KwcGg) G meyR cvU †_‡K evwbwR¨K jute plants in news print mills (KPM) wfwˇZ gÛ Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ weGgAviB cÖKí 39058260 - BMRE of Carew Sugar Mills 39058260 -weGgAviB Ae †Ki“m myMvi wgjm& 39058270 - Hossiery industrial town, Narayangonj 39058270 -‡nvwmqvwi wkí bMix, bvivqYMÄ (ms‡kvwaZ) (Revised) 39058280 - Development of quality of newsprint 39058280 -Lyjbv wbDRwcÖ›U wg‡j Drcvw`Z wbDR wcÖ‡›Ui gv‡bvbœqb product from Khulna newsprint mill 39058281 - TAPP for modernisation and extension of 39058281 -wUAvBwm Gi cwi‡ek `lY wbqšY j¨ve‡iUwi environment pollution laboratory of TIC AvaywbKxKiY I m¤•ÖmviY msµvš wUGwcwc 39058290 - Technical assistance for recruitment of 39058290 -PÆMÖvg †KwgK¨vj Kg‡c­· Gi bevwqZ (wmAvBwe) specialist for Chittagong Chemical As‡ki Rb¨ we‡klÁ wb‡qvM msµvš KvwiMwi mnvqZv Complex 39058291 - Technical assistance for small and 39058291 -¶z`ª I KzwUi wk‡íi D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb Kg©mPx kxl©K cottage industry entrepreneurs KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí development programme 39058292 - Supply of gas to industrial estates 39058292 -wkí bMixmg‡n M¨vm mieivn (01/07/1995- 30/06/2001) 39058293 - Strengthening of rural economy through 39058293 -MÖvgxY wkí Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g MÖvgxY A_©bxwZ †ZRxKiY development of rural industries (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058294 - Rehabilitaiton of BSCIC industrial estates 39058294 -1998 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ wewm‡Ki wkí bMixmg‡ni damaged by 1998 flood cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2000) 39058310 - Removal of Chittagong Chemical 39058310 -PÆMÖvg ‡KwgK¨vj Kg‡c­· Gi cwiZ¨³ gvKv©ix ‡m‡ji Complex's abandoned mercury cell and AcmviY msµvš wUGwcwc TAPP for future control of mercury pollution

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 39058311 - Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for 39058311 -Pvgov wkí bMix ¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ ¯’vb wbe©vP‡b Av_© KvwiMix Section of Environmentally Suitable Sites mgx¶v (01/05/2000-30/04/2001) to Shift the Tannery Industrial Units 39058312 - Energy conservation, environmental 39058312 -†Nvovkvj mvi KviLvbvi kw³ mvkªq cwi‡ek i¶Y Ges preservation and On-stream factory Abw÷ªg d¨v±wi DbœwZKiY cÖKí development project for Ghorashal (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) Fartilizer factory 39058315 - Integrated project for socio-economic 39058315 -cve¨Z¨ PUªMÖvg A‡ji AvÍ© mvgvwRK Ae¯’v Dbœq‡bi development of Chittagong Hill Tracts Rb¨ mgwš^Z cÖKí 39058316 - Modernisation and development of BITAC 39058316 -weUv‡Ki AvaywbKxKiY I Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-1) (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) 39058317 - Advisory TA Study of future options for 39058317 -GWfvBRwi wU. G óvwW Ae wdDPvi Admbm& di Lyjbv Khulna News Print Mills wbDRwcÖ›U wgjm& 39058318 - Industrial Park, Sherajgonj 39058318 -wkí cvK©, wmivRMÄ (01/05/99-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058320 - Expansion Programme - Serotacy Trust 39058320 -wm‡ivUwm Uªv÷-m¤•ªmvwiZ Kg©m–wP (KzwUi wk‡íi gva¨‡g MÖvgxY `yt¯’ gwnjv‡`i AvZœ-Kg©ms¯’vb Uªv÷ m¤•ªmvwiZ Kg©m–Px) (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058322 - Completion of Incomplete Work for Small 39058322 -¶z`ª I KzwUi wkí cÖwk¶K Bbw÷wUD‡Ui Amgvß KvR & Cottage Industries Training Institute mgvßKiY (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) 39058323 - 39058323 -mve©Rbxb Av‡qvwWb wgwkÖZ jeb ˆZix Kvh©µ‡gi gva¨‡g 39058324 - Expansion of Narayangonj Hosiery 39058324 -bvivqYMÄ †nvwmqvix wkí bMix m¤•ªmviY Industrial Estate (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 39058325 - Dhamrai Industrial City, Dhaka 39058325 -avgivB wkí bMix, XvKv (01/07/2000-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058330 - Tanary Estate, Dhaka 39058330 -Pvgov wkí bMix XvKv ms‡kvwaZ (01/01/03 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058340 - 39058340 -WvB G¨v‡gvwbqvg dm‡dU (wWGwc)-2 cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058350 - 39058350 -WvB G¨v‡gvwbqvg dm‡dU (wWGwc)-1 (3q ms‡kvwaZ) cÖKí (01/07/2000 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058360 - 39058360 -÷«v‡UwRK mv‡c©U Uz Gm,Gg,B, †m±i †Uªwbs GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GmwcBwm mycv (1/1/2005-31/12/2008) 39058370 - 39058370 -‡cªvMªvg Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb GÛ †Kv-AwW©‡bkb Ad m¥j GÛ wgwoqvg G›Uvi cªvBR †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U †cªvMªvg GmwcBwm mycv (1/1/2005-31/12/2008) 39058380 - Development of Salf Industries in 39058380 -Lyjbv mvZ¶xiv A‡j jeY wk‡íi Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) 1g Khulna-Satkhira Region ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/05 - 30/06/2011) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 39058390 - Bangladesh Industrial Technical 39058390 -evsjv‡`k wkí I KvwiMwi mnvqZv †K›`ª (weUvK) e¸ov Assistance Centre (BITAC) BOGRA (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/05 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058400 - Active Pharmacuticals Ingredient(API) 39058400 -G¨vKwUf dvg©vwmDwUK¨vjm Bb‡MÖwW‡q›U (GwcAvB) wkí Industrial Park (01/01/2008-31/12/2010) cvK© (01/01/2008-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 39058411 - Quality Management System and 39058411 -†KvqvwjwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g GÛ Kbdwg©wU G‡mm‡g›U Conformity Assessment Activity for G¨vKwUwfwU di evsjv‡`k †KvqvwjwU mv‡cvU© †cÖvMÖvg Bangladesh Quality Support Programme (01/02/05 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (Post MFA) 39058420 - Sustaining the original Retied Production 39058420 -AvïMÄ dvwU©jvBRvi GÛ †KwgK¨vj †Kv¤•vwb wjt, Capacity by Repairing of Ashuganj AvïMÄ, eªv¶Yevwoqv Gi †givg‡Zi gva¨‡g ¯’vwcZ Fertilizer and Chenical Company Ltd Drcv`b ¶gZv Ae¨vnZ ivLv (ms‡kvwaZ) (AFCCL) (01/07/06-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058430 - Sustaining of Installed Retied Production 39058430 -hgybv dvwU©jvBRvi †Kv¤•vwb wjt (†RGdwmGj) Gi Capacity by Repairing of Jamuna Fertilizer †givg‡Zi gva¨‡g ¯’vwcZ Drcv`b ¶gZv Ae¨vnZ ivLv Company Ltd (JFCL) (01/07/06 - 30/06/10) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 39058440 - BMRI of KPM Ltd. (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) 39058440 -weGgAviB Ae ‡KwcGg wjt (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058450 - Restarting the original Retied Production 39058450 -cjvk BDwiqv mvi KviLvbv wjt Gi †givg‡Zi gva¨‡g Capacity by Repairings of Polash urea ¯’vwcZ Drcv`b ¶gZv cybi“×vi (01/01/08 - Fertilizer Factory 30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 39058460 - Second Phase Rehabilitation of Natural 39058460 -b¨vPvivj M¨vm dvwU©jvBRvi d¨v±wi wjt Gas Fertilizer Factory (GbwRGdGdGj) Gi 2q ch©v‡qi cybe©vmb (01/01/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 39058470 - U 39058470 -BDwiqv dvwU©jvBRvi d¨v±wi wjt (BDGdGdGj) Gi †givg‡Zi gva¨‡g AR©b‡hvM¨ Drcv`b ¶gZv Ave¨vnZ ivLv (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 39059000 - Modernization of BSTI through 39059000 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae weGmwUAvB †_ªv †cÖvwKDi‡g›U Ae Procurement of Sophisticated Equipment mdw÷‡K‡UW BKz¨Bc‡g›U GÛ Bbd«÷vKPvi & Infrastructure Development of †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae j¨ve‡iUwiR di GKwiwW‡Ukb Laboratories for Accreditation (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 39059610 - Amount to be finance by the agencies out 39059610 -ms¯’v KZ©„K wbR¯^ Znwej nB‡Z ms¯’vb of their fund 39059611 - Establishment of the office of South Asian 39059611 -Gwkqvb wiwRIbvj ÷¨vÛvW© AM©vbvB‡Rkb Bb Regional Standard Organization (SARSO) in Bangladesh. 39059612 - Self Employment and Poverty alliviation 39059612 -AvZ¥ Kg© ms¯’vb m„wó I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb kxl©K cÖKí training project (GmvB wc G)| 39059613 - CNG three wheeler development project 39059613 -Mªvgxb Rbc‡`i Rb¨ nvjKv cwi‡ek evÜb Mªxb †fwnK¨vj for environment friendly urban Area ˆZwi| 39059614 - Modernization and strengthening of 39059614 -evRv‡ii Pvwn`v Abyhvqx eywbqvw` cÖwk¶Y‡K AvaywbKiY I technical training program according to kw³kvjx Kiv| market demand. 39059615 - Replacement of Power Turbines, Disel 39059615 -wewfbœ wPwbK‡ji Rb¨ cvIqvi UvievBb, wW‡Rj Generators and Boiler of Different Sugar †Rbv‡iUi Ges eqjvi cÖwZ¯’vcb cÖKí Mills. 39059616 - Establishment of a Sugar Refinery with 39059616 -we`¨gvb wPwbKjmg‡ni †h †Kvb GKwU wPwbK‡j evwl©K 1.00 lakh M. Tons Production Capacity 1.00 †g.Ub Drcv`b ¶gZvm¤cbœ myMvi widvBbvwi Annually in any one of the Existing Sutar ¯’vcb cÖKí Mills. 39059617 - Establishment of Effluent Treatment Plants 39059617 -wPwbKjmg‡n G¨d¬y‡q›U wU«U‡g›U c­¨v›U ¯’vcb (ETP) in the Existing 39059618 - Generation of Electricity by 39059618 - Co-generationMethod in any Suitable Existing Sugar Mills. 39059619 - Establishment of Calibration & Verification 39059619 - Góvewjk‡g›U Ae K¨vwj‡eªkb GÛ ‡fwiwd‡Kkb Facilities of CNG Mass flow Meter for CNG d¨vwmwjwUR Ae wmGbwR gvm© dy wgUvi di wmGbwR wdwjs Filling Station at regional level. †÷kb GU wiRIbvj| 39059620 - Establishement of Chemical Metrology 39059620 - G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †KwgK¨vj †g‡U«vjRx j¨ve‡iUix GU Laboratory (CML) at NMI in BSTI GbGgAvB Bb weGmwUAvB 39059621 - Estahlishment of Food Testing labrotary in 39059621 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae dzW †Uwós j¨ve‡iUix Bb weGmwUAvB BSTI 39059622 - Expansion and strengthening of BSTI (7 39059622 -weGmwUAvB m¤úÖmviY I kw³kvjx KiY cÖKí (7 †Rjv) districts). 39059623 - Expansion and strengthening of BSTI 39059623 -PÆMÖvg I Lyjbv AÂwjK Awdm Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g weGmwU regional offices at Chittagong and Khulna. AvB Gi Kvh©µg m¤úÖmviY I kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 3906 - International Organisations 3906 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 39064291 - World Intellectual Property Organisation 39064291 -Iqv©©ì Bb‡U‡jKPzq¨vj cªcvwU© AMv©bvB‡Rkb 39064293 - UNIDO 39064293 -BD Gb AvB wW I 39064295 - APO 39064295 -G wc I 39064297 - ISO 39064297 -AvB Gm I 39064298 - ICPI 39064298 -AvB wm wc AvB 3931-3950 - Departmental Offices 3931-3950 -Awa`ßi mgn 3931 - Chief Inspector of Boilers 3931 -cªavb eqjvi cwi`k©b Awa`ßi 39310000 - Chief Inspector of Boilers 39310000 -cªavb eqjvi cwi`k©b Awa`ßi 3933 - Patent Office 3933 -‡c‡U›U Awdm 39330000 - Patent Office 39330000 -‡c‡U›U Awdm 39336991 - Modernisation and strengthening of 39336991 -evsjv‡`k †c‡U›U GÛ wWRvBb AvaywbKiY I Bangladesh patent and design system †Rvi`viKiY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 3934 - Department of Patent, Design and Trade Marks 3934 -‡c‡U›U, wWRvBb I †U«W gvK©m Awa`ßi 39340000 - Department of Patents, Design and Trade 39340000 -‡c‡U›U, wWRvBb I †U«W gvK©m Awa`ßi Marks 3935 - Registrar of Trade Marks 3935 -cY¨ cªZxK wbe܇Ki Awdm 39350000 - Registrar of Trade Marks 39350000 -cY¨ cªZxK wbe܇Ki Awdm 3937 - National Productivity Organisation 3937 -b¨vkbvj †cªvWvw±wfwU AM©vbvB‡Rkb 39370000 - National Productivity Organisation 39370000 -b¨vkbvj †cªvWvw±wfwU AM©vbvB‡Rkb 3980-3985 - Special Programmes 3980-3985 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 3980 - Special Programme 3980 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 39804611 - 39804611 -we‡kl Dbœqb I Drcv`b Kg©mPx 39804612 - 39804612 -gwnjv wkí D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb Kg©mPx 39804613 - 39804613 -Avq ea©K Kg©Kv‡Ûi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb| 39804614 - 39804614 -¶y`ª I KywUi wk‡íi gva¨‡g AvZœ-Kg©ms¯’vi mnvqK Kg©mPx 39804615 - 39804615 -MªvgxY wkí Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g MªvgxY A_©bxwZ †Rvi`viKiY 39804664 - Development of Cottage Industries in 39804664 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j KzwUi wk‡íi Dbœqb Kg©mPx Chittagong Hill Tracts Region Programme 39804665 - Development of Salt Industries 39804665 -jeb wk‡íi Dbœqb Kg©mPx Programme 39804666 - Bee Keeping Programme 39804666 -†gŠgvwQ cvjb Kg©mPx 3996-3998 - Development Programme Financed by 3996-3998 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 3996 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 3996 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 39964664 - Development of Cottage Industries in the 39964664 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j KzwUi wk‡íi Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2003 Chittagong Hill Tracts Region (2003-04 to -04 n‡Z 2004-05) 2004-05) 39964665 - Development of Salt Industries (2003-04 to 39964665 -jeb wk‡íi Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2003-04 n‡Z 2004-05) 2004-05) 39964666 - Bee Keeping Programme (2003-04 to 39964666 -†gŠgvwQ cvjb Kg©mPx (2003-04 n‡Z 2004-05) 2004-05) 39964667 - Renovation work of infrastructure of BITAK, 39964667 -weUvK XvKvi ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv bevqb/ms¯‹vi KiY Dhaka 39964838 - Bangladesh Industrial Technical 39964838 -evsjv‡`k wkí KvwiMix mnvqZv †K›`ª (weUvK) PU«Mªvg Assistance Center(BITAC) Chittagong eb¨v cybe©vmb Kg©mwP Flood Rehabilitation Programme 39964839 - BSIC 39964839 -wewmK wkí cvK©© -wmivRMÄ 3999-3999 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 3999-3999 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 3999 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 3999 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 39990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 39990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 40 - Ministry of Jute 40 - cvU gšÎYvjq 4001-4020 - Administration 4001-4020 -cªkvmb 4001 - Secretariat 4001 -mwPevjq 40010001 - Secretariat 40010001 -mwPevjq 40015010 - Construction of I JO Bhaban 40015010 -AvB‡RI feb wbg©vY 40015111 - Technical assistance and training 40015111 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›m GÛ ‡U«wbs †cÖvMªvg di IqvKv©m programme for workers and managers in GÛ g¨v‡bRvim Bb wi‡UBb&W wgjm retained mills 40015131 - Retraining programme for affected 40015131 -wi‡U«Bwbs †cÖvMªvg di G‡d‡±W IqvK©vim Ae RyU wgjm workers of jute mills 40015221 - 40015221 -wi‡UªBwbs †cÖvMÖvg di G‡d‡±W IqvK©m& Ae RyU wgjm& 40017021 - 10 TA and Training Programme for 40017021 -10wU G GÛ †Uªwbs †cÖvMÖvg di IqvK©vm GÛ g¨v‡bRvim& workers and managers recruiting Jute wiµzwUs RyU wgjm& Mills

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 40017031 - Recruiting programme for affected workers 40017031 -wiµzwUs †cÖvMÖvg di G¨v‡d‡±W IqvK©vim Ae RyU wgjm& of Jute Mills 40017041 - 40017041 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ GÛ †Uªwbs †cÖvMÖvg di IqvK©m& GÛ 4005 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4005 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 40052741 - Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation 40052741 -evsjv‡`k RyU wgjm K‡cv©‡ikb 40057020 - BMRE of Galfra Habib Limited 40057020 -Mvjdªv nvwee wjwg‡UW Gi weGgAviB (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 4006 - International Organisations 4006 -AvšR©vwZK cªwZôvbmgn 40064301 - International Jute Organisation 40064301 -AvšR©vwZK cvU ms¯’v 4010 - Department of Jute 4010 -cvU Awa`ßi 40100001 - Department of Jute 40100001 -cvU Awa`ßi 40100005 - Jute Goods Scheme 40100005 -cvURvZ `ªe¨ ¯‹xg 40105210 - Integrated jute production and marketing 40105210 -mgwš^Z cvU Drcv`b I evRviRvZKiY cÖKí project (01/07/96 - 30/06/2001) 40105220 - Production and distribution of hybrid jute 40105220 -Pvlx chv©‡q D”P djbkxj cvUexR Drcv`b I wewbgq seeds at farmer's level cÖKí (01/07/96 - 30/06/2001) 40105230 - 40105230 -mgwš^Z Ddmx cvU I cvUexR Drcv`b (chv©q-2) 1/702-30/6/07 wcÖ -GK‡bK mycv t 4080-4085 - Special Programmes 4080-4085 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 4080 - Special Programme 4080 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 40804621 - 40804621 -mgwš^Z Ddkx cvU I cvUexR Drcv`b 4096-4098 - Development Programme Financed by 4096-4098 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Revenue Budget 4096 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4096 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget 40964621 - Integrated Programme on Production of 40964621 -mgwš^Z Ddkx cvU I cvUexR Drcv`b HYV Jute and Jute Seeds 41 - Ministry of Textiles and Jute 41 - e¯¿ I cvU gš¿Yvjq 4101-4120 - Administration 4101-4120 -cªkvmb 4101 - Secretariat 4101 -mwPevjq 41010001 - Secretariat 41010001 -mwPevjq 41015010 - National textile design training and 41015010 -RvZxq e¯¿ bK&mv cÖYqb, cÖwk¶Y I M‡elYv †K›`« research center (01/07/94 - 30/06/2001) (01/07/94 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 41015020 - Strengthening on NITTRAD's and TSMUI's 41015020 -e¯¿ Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ wb‡UªW I wUGmGgBD Capability for Development of Textile kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (01/01/2006-31/12/2008) Sector Aby‡gvw`Z 41015030 - Conversion of 6 district textile institute to 41015030 -6wU †Rjvq †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU‡K Bbw÷wUDU Ae institute of textile engineering †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis-G iƒcvš@i 41015040 - Small Scale Enterprencurship 41015040 -¯§j †¯‹j G›UviwcÖwbDAviwmc †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb WvDfvi Development in Diversified Jute Products wmdvBW RyU †cÖvWv±m (01/10/2005-01/10/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 41015041 - Textile Strategic Management Unit 41015041 -‡U·UvBj ‡÷«‡UªwRK g¨v‡bR‡g›U BDwbU (chv©q-3) (Phase-3) 41015050 - Modernisation of Institute of Textile 41015050 -6wU †U·UvBj BÝwUwUDU‡K AvawbKxKiY (Bbw÷wUDU Engineering Ae †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis GÛ †UK‡bvjwR hy‡Mvc‡hvMxKiY) (01/07/98 - 30/06/2001) 41015051 - A Survey of Assessment of 41015051 -G mv‡f© Ae G¨v‡mm‡g›U Ae †UK‡bvjwR/†UKwbwkqvb Technology/Technician Required for the wi‡KvqvW© di w` †U·UvBj BÛvw÷«R wWDwis wb·U †Ub Textile Industrial during Next Ten Years Bqvim& 41015060 - Implementation of SSC vocational textile 41015060 -GmGmwm †fv‡Kkbvj †U·UvBj †Kvm© ev¯evqb course (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96 - 30/06/2001) 41015070 - Introduction of diploma course through 41015070 -‡gKAvc †Kv‡m©i gva¨‡g wW‡c­vgv †Kvm© cªeZ©b make-up course 41015080 - Services and facilities centre 41015080 -mvwf©‡mm GÛ d¨vwmwjwUm †m›Uvi 41015090 - 41015090 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj BÝwUwUDU GÛ wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Ae †UªBÛ UªvBej GÛ bb UªvBej g¨vb cvIqvi Bb wPUvMvs wnj Uªv±m

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 41015100 - .. 41015100 -cvebv †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU‡K †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡j‡R DbœxZKiY (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 41015110 - 41015110 -e½eÜz †U·UvBj BÝwUwUDU 41015111 - Textile strategic management unit (Phase 41015111 -‡U·UvBj óª¨v‡UwRK g¨v‡bR‡g›U BDwbU (ch©vq-4) 4) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2002) 41015120 - 41015120 -†U·UvBj wk¶v cÖwZôvbmg‡ni QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i Af¨šixY e„wË cÖ`vb 41015130 - 41015130 -34wU †Rjvq †U·UvBj f‡Kkbvj BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb 41015140 - .. 41015140 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae †U·UvBj †UK‡bvjwR (weAvBwUwU) (01/07/2006-31/12/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 41015150 - Strengthening of NITTRAD, Textile 41015150 -†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae wb‡U«W, †U·UvBj K‡jR GÛ Colleges and TSMU for Development of wUGmGgBD di †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †U·UvBj †m±i Textile Sector (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 41015211 - Technical assistance to prepare a project 41015211 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmmU¨vÝ Uz wcª‡cqvi G cª‡R± WKz‡g›U di document for silk development pilot project wúK †W‡fjc‡g›U cvBjU cÖ‡R± 41015321 - Study on availability and demand for 41015321 -evsjv‡`‡ki e¯ wk‡í wb‡qvwRZe¨ †ckvMZ Rbkw³i professional manpower in the Bangladesh jf¨Zv I Pvwn`v wbiƒcY textile industries 41015999 - Unapproved Bolock Allocation 41015999 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 41017150 - Silk industry expansion, establishment of 41017150 - silk breeding unit and establishment of silk research development centre 4105 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4105 -¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 41052741 - Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation 41052741 -evsjv‡`k cvUKj K‡c©v‡ikb 41052751 - Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation 41052751 -evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wgjm& K‡c©v‡ikb 41053235 - Handloom Board 41053235 -evsjv‡`k ZuvZ †evW© 41053237 - Sericulture Board 41053237 -evsjv‡`k †ikg †evW© 41053238 - 41053238 -G·‡Ubkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †mwiKvjPvi Bb cvewjK GÛ cÖvB‡fU †m±i Bb evsjv‡`k (01/03/2008-30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 41054707 - Bangladesh sericulture research and 41054707 -evsjv‡`k †ikg M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y B›mw÷wUDU training institute 41054710 - Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation 41054710 -evsjv‡`k cvUKj K‡c©v‡ikb 41055010 - Integrated Plan for Extension and 41055010 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW c­¨vb di G•‡Ubkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Development of Sericulture in Bangladesh †mwiKvjPvi Bb evsjv‡`k 41055011 - Balancing Modernisation, Renovation and 41055011 -e¨v‡jw›ms gW©vbvB‡Rkb wi‡bv‡fkb GÛ GKªcvbkb Ae Expansion (BMRC) of the Existing Cloth `¨v G·wRw÷s K¬_ cÖ‡mwms †m›Uvi G¨vU gvaew`, Processing Centre at Madhabdi, biwms`x (01/07/2013- 30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Narsingdi.(01/07/2013- 30/06/2015) Approved 41055012 - Establishment of 3 Handloom Service 41055012 -G¨vmUvewjó‡g›U Ae w_ª n¨vÛjyg mvwf©m †m›Uvim Centre’s Different Loom Intensive Area wWdv‡i›U jyg B‡›Ubwmf Gwiqv (01/07/2013- (01/07/2013- 31/12/2015) Approved 31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 41057000 - Training on Monipuri Handloom Industries 41057000 -†ikg Pvl I wk‡íi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb Kg©cwiKíbv Development in Sylhet ev¯@evqb (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 41057010 - Handloom Training Center (Golachipa, 41057010 -ZvZu cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª (MjvwPcv, cUzqvLvjx) Patuakhaly) 41057020 - Extension and Development of Sericulture 41057020 -G·‡Ubkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †mwiKvjPvi Bb in Public and Private Sector in Bangladesh cvewjK GÛ c«vB‡fU †m±i Bb evsjv‡`k Abbyt (01/03/2008-30/06/2012) 41057030 - Sylhet-Monipur 41057030 -wm‡j‡Ui gwbcyix ZuvZ wk‡íi Dbœq‡b cÖwk¶Y, bKkv Dbœqb, ZuvZ e¯¿ cÖ`k©bx I weµq †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 41057040 - Rangpur Tranning Centre, Basic Centre 41057040 -iscy‡i cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª, †ewmK †m›Uvi I cÖ`k©bx dysplay cum sells Centre Kvg-weµq †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 41057050 - Fashin Design 41057050 -ZuvZ e‡¯¿i Dbœq‡b d¨vkb wWRvBb, †ewmK †m›Uvi I cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2010 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 41057060 - Development and transfer of sustanable 41057060 -†W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ U«v›mdvi Ad mvm‡UB‡bej sericulture technologies through †mwiKvjPvi ‡UK‡bvjwRm _ª“ Avc‡MªwWs `¨v wimvP© GÛ upgrading †U«wbs K¨vcvwewjwU Ae weGmAviwUAvB (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 41057090 - Expansion and Development of Sericulture 41057090 -evsjv‡`‡k †ikg Pvl mgcÖmviY I †ikg wk‡íi Dbœqb (Phase-3) (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) (Abyt) 41057110 - Banarashi pallee (Revised) 41057110 -‡ebviwm cj­x (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/94 - 30/06/2001) 41057112 - Credit programme for rehabilitation of 41057112 -1998 mv‡ji fqven eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ ¶z`ª †ikg Pvlx, small silk farmer and producer of silk yarn †ikg myZv I †ikg e¯ Drcv`bKvix‡`i cybev©mb FY and silk fabric affected by the devastating Kg©mPx (07/07/98 - 30/06/2001) flood of 1998 41057113 - Expansion of existing sericulture 41057113 -B‡Zvc‡e© mgvß †ikg wk‡íi m¤•ÖmviY, †ikg exR ¸wUi industries, establishment of Cocoon Drcv`b †K›`Ö ¯’vcb I RvZxq †ikg M‡elYv Dbœqb cÖK‡ production centre and rehabilitation of íi eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ AsMmg‡ni cybe©vmb cÖKí Sericulture development project 41057120 - Completion of incomplete work and 41057120 -cªwk¶Y Kg©mPx I cªhyw³ Dbœqb cªK‡íi Amgvß KvR training programme mgvßKiY 41057130 - Marketing of handloom products 41057130 -ZvZe¯ evRviRvZKiY 41057140 - Credit programme for poor weavers 41057140 -ZuvZx‡`i Rb¨ ¶z`ª FY Kg©m–wP (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 41057150 - National textile design training and 41057150 -RvZxq e¯ bKkv cªYqb, cªwk¶Y I M‡elYv †K›`« ¯’vcb research center 41057760 - Balancing, modernisaton, replacement 41057760 -ivRkvnx †ikg KviLvbvi fvimvg¨KiY, AvaywbKxKiY, and expansion (BMRE) of Rajshahi silk cÖwZ¯’vcb I m¤•ªmviY (weGgAviB) factory 41057770 - Handloom Census-2000 41057770 -ZvZu ïgvix-2000 (01/04/2000 - 30/06/2001) 41057780 - Balancing, modernisation, replacement 41057780 -VvKziMuvI †ikg KviLvbvi fvimvg¨KiY, AvaywbKxKiY, and expansion of Thakurgaon silk factory cÖwZ¯’vcb I m¤•ªmviY (weGgAviB) (BMRE) 41057790 - Extension of Sundarban textile mills (Nill 41057790 -my›`ieb †U·UvBj wgjm& (bxj Kgj BDwbU) Kamal Unit) 41057810 - Assembly of new spindles in 10 BTMC 41057810 -wewUGgwmÕi 10wU wg‡j bZyb UvKz ms‡hvRb mills 41057910 - Introduction of appropriate technology in 41057910 -†ikg M‡elYv I cªwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU‡K kw³kvjx Kivi sericulture industry by strengthening gva¨‡g †ikg wk‡í h_vh_ cÖhyw³ cÖeZ©b I cÖPvi sericulture research (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2003) 41057950 - Silk industry expansion, establishment of 41057950 -‡ikg wk‡íi m¤•ÖmviY, †ikg exR ¸wUi Drcv`b †K›`ª silk breeding unit and national silk ¯’vcb I RvZxq †ikg M‡elYv Dbœqb ‡K›`ª (ch©vq-2) research center (Phase-2) (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 41057952 - Iswardi Benarasi Estate 41057952 -Ck¦i`x †ebviwm cj­x (01/07/2000- 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 41057953 - Rajshahi Sericulture Industrial Estate 41057953 -ivRkvnx †ikg wkí bMix (01/07/99 - 30/06/2004) 41057954 - Integrated plan for extension and 41057954 -evsjv‡`k ‡ikg wk‡íi m¤•ªmviY I Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ development of sericulture in Bangladesh mgwš^Z cwiKíbv (2010 mvj n‡Z 2015 ch©š) (2010-15) 4106 - International Organisations 4106 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 41064301 - International Jute Organisation 41064301 -Avš@R©vwZK cvU ms¯’v 41064303 - International Sericulture Commission 41064303 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj †mwiKvjPvi Kwgkb (AvBGmwm) (ISC) 41064305 - International Cotton Advisory Committee 41064305 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj KUb G¨vWfvBRvix KwgwU (AvBwmGwm) (ICAC) 4131-4140 - Departmental Offices 4131-4140 -Awa`ßi 4131 - Textile Directorate 4131 -e¯¿ cwi`ßi 41310001 - Textile Department 41310001 -e¯¿ cwi`ßi 41310004 - Diploma-in-jute technology 41310004 -wW‡cÐvgv Bb RyU †UK‡bvjwR 41310100 - Mobile Weaving Schools 41310100 -åvg¨gvY eqb we`¨vjq 41310200 - Textiles Institutes 41310200 -e¯¿ Bbw÷wUDU

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 41315010 - Establishment of Textile Vocational 41315010 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj BÝwUwUDU GÛ Institute and Rehabilitation of Trained and wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Ae †UªBÛ UªvBej GÛ bb UªvBej g¨vb Non-Tribal man power in Chittagong hill cvIqvi Bb wPUvMvs wnj Uªv±m 1/1/01-30/6/06 tracks Aby‡gvw`Z 41315011 - Establishment of Gopalgong Textile 41315011 -†MvcvjMÄ †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’vcb Engenniring College (01/07/2013-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315012 - Establishment of Gornodi Textile Institute 41315012 -†MŠib`x †U·UvBj B›mwUwUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315013 - Establishment of Bhola Textile Institute 41315013 -†fvjv ‡U·UvBj B›mwUwUDU ¯’vcb (01/07/14-30/06/17) Approved (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315014 - Establishment oF jamalpur Textile Institute 41315014 -Rvgvjcyi †U·UvBj B›mwUwUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315020 - 10 textile 41315020 -10wU †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb (01/01/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315030 - Institute of textile engineering and 41315030 -Bbw÷wUDU Ad †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis GÛ †UK‡bvjwR technology 41315040 - Saervy of Bangladesh Textile Industrise to 41315040 -mv‡f© Ae evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj BÛvwUªR Uy Avc‡WU Update Database SIM and Asses The WvUv‡eBR GmAvBGg GÛ G¨v‡mm w` wiKqvi‡g›U Ae †U·UvBj †UK‡bvjwR÷ Ae wWdv‡i›U †j‡fj (01/10/2005 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315050 - Modernisation of Institute of Textile 41315050 -6wU †U·UvBj BÝw÷wUDU‡K AvaywbKxKiY(ms‡kvwaZ) Engineering (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315051 - 41315051 -G mv‡f© Ae G¨v‡mm‡g›U Ae †UK‡bvjwR/†UKwbwkqvb wi‡KvqvW© di w` †U·UvBj BÛvwó«R wWDwis wb·U †Ub Bqvim& 41315060 - Implementation of SSC vocational textile 41315060 -GmGmwm †fv‡Kkbvj †U·UvBj †Kvm© ev¯evqb course (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96 - 30/06/2001) 41315070 - Upgradation of Zorargonj Textile Institute to 41315070 -‡RviviMÄ †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU‡K †U·UvBj Textile Engineering College. BwÄwbqvwis K‡j‡R DbœxZKiY (01/07/06 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315080 - Upgrading Barisal Textile Institute into 41315080 -ewikvj †U·UvBj Bb&w÷wUDU‡K Ave`yi ie †miwbqvevZ Abdur Rob Serniabat Textile Engineering †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡j‡R DbœxZKiY (01/01/10 - College 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315090 - 41315090 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj BÝwUwUDU GÛ wi‡nwewj‡Ukb Ae †UªBÛ UªvBej GÛ bb UªvBej g¨vb cvIqvi Bb wPUvMvs wnj Uªv±m 41315100 - Upgreating of Pabna Textile Institute to 41315100 -cvebv †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU‡K †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis Textile Engineering College K‡j‡R DbœxZKiY ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/2006-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315110 - Bongabondhu Textile Institute 41315110 -evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae †U·UvBj †UK‡bvjRx (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) 41315120 - Internal Student Scholarship for Textile 41315120 -†U·UvBj wk¶v cÖwZôvbmg‡ni QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i Af¨šixY Educational Institution e„wË cÖ`vb (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 41315130 - Establishment of Textile Vocational 41315130 -34wU †Rjvq †U·UvBj f‡Kkbvj BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb Institute in 34 districts 41315140 - Bangladesh Institute of Textile Technology 41315140 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae †U·UvBj †UK‡bv‡jvwR 41315150 - Up-gradation of Begumgong Textile 41315150 -‡eMgMÄ †U·UvBj BÝwUwUDU‡K †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis Institute to Textile Engineering College K‡j‡R DbœxwZKiY 41315160 - Establishment of 4 Textile Vocational 41315160 -4wU †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb Institutes (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 41315170 - Established of Jhinadha Textile 41315170 -wSbvB`n †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí Engineering college 41315310 - Reorganiation of 27 weaving schools 41315310 -27wU eqb ¯‹y‡ji wi-AM©vbvB‡Rkb 41315450 - 41315450 -wK¬b Gqvi mvm!UB!bej Gbfvqib!g›U (wmGGmB) wcÖcv!ikb (01/11/07 - 30/10/08) Aby!gvw`Z 41317000 - Sylhet Monipory 41317000 -wm‡j‡Ui gwbcyix ZuvZ wk‡íi Dbœq‡b cÖwk¶Y, bKkv Dbœqb, ZuvZ e¯¿ cÖ`k©bx I weµq †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 41317010 - Establishment of Training Centre, Basic 41317010 -iscy‡i cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª, †ewmK †m›Uvi Ges cÖ`k©bx Kvg Centre and display-cum-Sole centre in weµq †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Rangpur Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 41317020 - Establishment of Fasbion Design and 41317020 -ZuvZ e‡¯¿i Dbœq‡b d¨vkb wWRvBb, †ewmK †m›Uvi I Training Institute and a Basic Centre for cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) the Development of Handloom Fasrices Abby‡gvw`Z 41317260 - 41317260 -bvivqbMÄ †Rjvi iƒcMÄ Dc‡Rjvq GKwU Mv‡g©›Um cj­x ¯’vcb (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) 4135 - Department of Jute 4135 -cvU Awa`ßi 41350001 - Department of Jute 41350001 -cvU Awa`ßi 41355010 - HYV Jute and Jute Seed Production & 41355010 -D”P djbkxj (Ddkx) cvU I cvUexR Drcv`b Ges DbœZ Improved Jute Retting project cvU cPb 4180-4185 - Special Programmes 4180-4185 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 4180 - Special Programme 4180 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 41804623 - 41804623 -evsjv‡`‡k †ikg Pvl m¤•ªmviY I ‡ikg wk‡íi Dbœqb 4196-4198 - Development Programme Financed by 4196-4198 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4196 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4196 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 41962146 - sdsdddsf 41962146 -sdfdf 41964621 - Integrated Programme on Production of 41964621 -mgwš^Z Ddkx cvU I cvUexR Drcv`b (2003-04 n‡Z HYV Jute and Jute Seeds (2003-04 to 2006-07) 2006-07) 41964623 - Expansion of Silk Cultivation and 41964623 -evsjv‡`‡k †ikg Pvl m¤•ªmviY I ‡ikg wk‡íi Dbœqb Development of Silk Industries in (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) Bangladesh (2003-04 to 2005-06) 41964625 - Sustainable Sericulture Development 41964625 -‡UKmB †ikg Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Programme 41964626 - Increasing Utility of Tangail Textile Institute. 41964626 -UvsMvBj ‡U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU Dc‡hvMxKiY 41964627 - Conduct Training Activities under the 41964627 -wm‡j‡Ui gwbcyix Zv@Z wk‡íi Dbœq‡b cÖwk¶Y, bKkv completed project Establishment of Dbœqb, ZvZ e¯ cÖ`k©bx I weµq †K›`ª ¯’vcb kxl©K mgvß Training Centre, Fashion Design and Sale cÖK‡íi AvIZvq cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv cum Display Centres for the development of Sylhet Monipuri Textile 41964628 - Infrastructural Development of Nurseries 41964628 -evsjv‡`k †ikg †ev‡W©i bvm©vixmg‡ni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb of Bangladesh Sericulture Board 41964712 - Implementation of Diploma in Textile 41964712 -6wU †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUD‡U 2q wkd&†Ui gva¨‡g Engineering Course through Second Shift wW‡c­vgv-Bb-†U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis †Kvm© ev¯@evqb in 6 Textile Institute (2004-05 to 2011-12) (2004-05 n‡Z 2011-12) 41964741 - Development of Dynamic Website and 41964741 -evsjv‡`k ZuvZ ‡ev‡W©i MwZkxj I‡qemvBU ˆZixKiY I Office Automation of Bangladesh Awdm A‡Uv‡gkb| Handloom Board 41964742 - Repair and Maintenance of Existing 41964742 -evsjv‡`k ZuvZ ‡ev‡W©i gvV ch©v‡q we`¨gvb wewfbœ †K‡›`ªi Infrastructure in Different Centers of ¯’vcbv/AeKvVv‡gv †givgZ I ms¯‹viKiY Bangladesh Handloom Board 41964794 - 41964794 -‡ikg M‡elYv Dbœqb I cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY 41964904 - Strengthening and Expansion of Technical 41964904 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs GÛ G·‡cbmb Ad †UKwbK¨vj GÛ and Vocational Education and Training †fv‡Kkbvj GWy‡Kkb GÛ †U«wbs 41964970 - Development of skilled manpower in 41964970 -cÖwk¶‡Yi gva¨‡g †ikg wk‡íi `¶ Rbkw³ Dbœqb I sericulture and technology transfer through cÖhyw³ n¯@vš@i (2010-11 n‡Z 2012-13) training (2010-11 to 2012-13) 41964992 - Repairing and Renovation of Existing 41964992 -evsjv‡`k ZuvZ wk¶v I cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU biwmsw` Various infrastructure of Bangladesh †K‡›`ªi we`¨gvb wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gv †givgZ I msi¶Y Handloom Education and Training Institute, Narshindi 41964993 - Projection on Sericulture Technology 41964993 -M‡elYv I cÖwk¶‡Yi gva¨‡g †ikg cÖhyw³ D™¢veb, `¶ Innovation Skill Manpower generation and Rbkw³ m„wó Ges cÖhyw³ n¯vši technology 4199-4199 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 4199-4199 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 4199 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 4199 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 41990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 41990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 42 - Energy and Mineral Resources Division 42 - R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤•` wefvM 4201-4220 - Administration 4201-4220 -cÖkvmb 4201 - Secretariat 4201 -mwPevjq 42010001 - Secretariat 42010001 -mwPevjq 42010002 - 42010002 -M¨vm Dbœqb Znwej 42010004 - Hydrocarbon Unit 42010004 -nvB‡W«vKve©b BDwbU 42015010 - CNG Expansion Project for Environment 42015010 -cwi‡ek msi¶Y I Dbœq†bi j‡¶¨ XvKv-PÆMÖvg I Preservation and Improvement in XvKv-wm‡jU gnvmo‡K hvbevn‡bi Rb¨ wmGbwR Kvh©µg CHT/Sylhet and connecting highway mg&cÖmviY cÖKí (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) 42015011 - Strengthening the Research and 42015011 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae w` nvB‡WªvKve©b BDwbU (2q ch©vq) ( Exploration Capabilities of the Geological (01/01/06- 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Survey of Bangladesh 42015012 - GO-Information for Urban Development 42015012 -wRI-Bbdi‡gkb di Avievb †W‡fjc‡g›U (wRBDwW), (GEUD), Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k (01/01/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 42015021 - 42015021 -†óªs‡`wbs Ae w` nvB‡WªvKve©b Ae wgwbwóª Ae GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m (weªwRs †dR) (01/07/05-31/03/06 42015031 - 42015031 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m wWwfkb Ae wgwbwóª Ae cvIqvi GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m †c‡Uªvevsjv GÛ BUm †Kv¤•vbxR (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 42018971 - Strengthening of hydrocarbon unit of 42018971 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae nvB‡WªvKve©b BDwbU Ae wgwbw÷« Ae Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m (01/07/97 - 31/12/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 42019181 - Support to gas regulatory authority of 42019181 -mv‡cvU© Uy wgwbwó« Ae GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m Uy Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources †mUvc G M¨vm †i¸‡jUix A_wiwU (Abyt) (01/11/97 - 30/6/2004) 42019190 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 42019190 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 42019192 - 42019192 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae M¨vm cÖ‡mm cvjv›U di kvnevRcyi wdì 4205 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4205 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 42052761 - Petro Bangla 42052761 -‡c‡Uªv evsjv 42052762 - Titas Gas 42052762 -wZZvm M¨vm 42052763 - Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation 42052763 -evsjv‡`k ‡c‡Uªªvwjqvg K‡cv©‡ikb 42052764 - Bakhrabath Gas 42052764 -evLivev` M¨vm 42052765 - Bangladesh Power Development Board 42052765 -we`y¨r Dbœqb †evW© 42052766 - Jalalabad Gas 42052766 -Rvjvjvev` M¨vm 42052767 - Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (DESA) 42052767 -XvKv we`y¨r weZib KZ©„c¶ (‡Wmv) 42052768 - Karnaphuli Gas 42052768 -KY©dzwj M¨vm 42052769 - Rural Electrification Board 42052769 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb †evW© 42052771 - Bangladesh Petrolium Institute 42052771 -evsjv‡`k †c‡U«vwjqvg Bbw÷wUDU 42053239 - Bangladesh Energy Regulatory 42053239 -evsjv‡`k GbvwR© ‡i¸‡jUwi Kwgkb Commission 42054703 - 42054703 -LwbR m¤•` Dbœq‡b f-ˆeÁvwbK Kvh©µg 42055010 - Mobarakpur Oil/Gas Exploration 42055010 -†gveviKcyi ˆZj/M¨vm AbymÜvb Kzc Lbb cÖKí Well(01.01.2006-30.06.2010) (01/01/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055011 - Extension of Aviation Fuel (Jet-A 1) Hydrant 42055011 -nqiZ kvnRvjvj AvšR©vwZK wegvb e›`i XvKv‡Z wegv‡bi System at Hazrat ShahJalal International R¡vjvbx (†RU-G 1) mieiv‡ni nvB‡W«›U wm‡÷g Airport, Dhaka ewa©ZKiY (01/07/2011-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055012 - Construction of 3 (Three) Storage Tanks 42055012 -B÷vY© widvBbvix wjt PÆMªvg 13 nvRvi †gt Ub aviY (Capacity 13000 MT each) at Eastern ¶gZv m¤•bœ R¡vjvbx †Z‡ji 3wU U¨vsK wbg©vY Refinery Ltd. (01/01/2012-30/09/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055013 - Construction of 3 (Three) Storage Tanks 42055013 -PU«Mªvg¯’ cÖavb ¯’vcbvq 10 nvRvi †gt Ub aviY ¶gZv 10,000 MT each Main Installation, m¤•bœ R¡vjvbx †Z‡ji 3wU U¨vsK wbg©vY Chittagong (01/01/2012-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42055014 - Construction of 3 (Three) Nos. Storage 42055014 -wmivRMÄ evNvevwo‡Z 10,000 †gt Ub avib Tanks at Baghabari Oil Depot (Capacity ¶gZvm¤•bœ R¡vjvbx †Z‡ji 3wU U¨vsK wbg©vY 10,000 x 3 MT) (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055015 - Construction of 7000 MT Jet-A-1 and 42055015 -bvivqbM‡Äi †Mv`bvBj wW‡cv‡Z 7000 †gt Ub †RU 7000+8000 MT HSD Storage Tank at G-1 Ges (7,000+8,000) ‡gt Ub GBPGmwW aviY Godnail Depo ¶gZvm¤•bœ R¡vjvbx †Z‡ji 2wU U¨vsK wbg©vY (01/01/2012-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055016 - Rehabilitation and Expansion of Existing 42055016 -win¨vwewj‡Ukb G¨vÛ G·cvbkb Ae Gw·wUs supervisory control and data acquisition mycvifvBRvix K‡›U«vj G¨vÛ WvUv GK¨yBwRkb (¯‹vWv) wm‡ (SCADA) system of National Gas Grid ÷g Ae b¨vkbvj M¨vm MªxW AvÛvi wRwUwmGj (K‡¤•v‡b›U under GTCL we Ae †fovgviv K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U †W‡fjc‡g›U)(01/01/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055017 - Moheshkhali-Anwara Gas Transmission 42055017 -g‡nkLvjx Av‡bvqviv M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb Pipe line (01/07/2014-30/06/16) (01/07/2014 - 30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055018 - Natural Gas Efficiency Project (Installation 42055018 -b¨vPivj M¨vm Bwdwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R± (wZZvm wd‡ìi of wellhead Gas Compressor at †jv‡Kkb-wm Ges biwmsw` wd‡ì I‡qjnW M¨vm K‡¤•ªmi Location-c of Titas Gas & Narsingdi ¯’vcb(01/07/2014 - 30/06/18) Aby‡gvw`Z Fields) (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Approved 42055019 - Natural Gas Efficiency Project (Installation 42055019 -b¨vPivj M¨vm Bwdwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R± †KwRwWwmGj Gi of Pre-paid Metering System for the AvevwmK MªvnKM‡Yi Rb¨ wcÖ-†cBW wgUvwis e¨e¯’v ¯’vcb consumer of KGDCL) Residence) (01/07/2014 - 30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-31/12/2020) Approved 42055020 - Detailed geological investigation for 42055020 -evsjv‡`‡ki LwbR m¤•` m¤¢evbvgq ¯’vbmg–‡ni we¯@vwiZ mineral resources mgx¶v 42055021 - Dhanua-Elenga & West Bank of 42055021 -abyqv-G‡j½v Ges e½eÜy †mZyi cwðg cvo bjKv ch©š -Nalka Gas M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb wbg©vY cÖKí (wewW-wc 78t Trasnmoission Pipeline (BD-P78: Natural b¨vPvivj M¨vm B‡dwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R±) (01/07/2014 - Gas Efficiency Project 30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) Approved 42055022 - Installation of Pre-paid Gas Meter for 42055022 -B›mU‡jkb Ae wcÖ‡cBW M¨vm wgUvi di wUwRwUwWwmGj TGTDCL (BD-P78: Natural Gas Efficiency (wewW-wc 78t b¨vPvivj M¨vm B‡dwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R±) Project (01/01/2015-31/12/20) Approved (01/01/2015 - 31/12/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055023 - Technical Assistance for Natural Gas 42055023 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di b¨vPvivj M¨vM U«v›m‡cvU© GÛ Transmission and Distribution wWwó«weDkb †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMªvg cÖKí Development Investment Program 42055030 - Installation of Compressor station at 42055030 -gyPvB I AvïM‡Ä K‡¤•Ömi †÷kb ¯’vcb Muchai and Ashuganj (01/01/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (01.01.2006-30.06.2011) 42055031 - 42055031 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ cÖ‡R± di cÖ‡gvwUs cÖvB‡fU †m±i cvwU©wm‡ckb Bb w` GbvwR© †m±i (01/08/2005-30/09/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 42055040 - Monohordi-Dhanua-Elenga-East Bank of 42055040 -g‡bvni`x abyqv, G‡j½v-hgybv †mZz c–e© cvo M¨vm mÂvjb Jamuna Bridge Gas Transmission cvBc jvBb Ges AvkyMÄ I G‡j½vq K‡¤•Ömi †÷kb Pipeline and Installation of Compressor at ¯’vcb (01/01/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Ashuganj and Elenga Project (01.01.2006-30.06.2011). 42055041 - New Project 42055041 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m wWwfkb Ae wgwbw÷« Ae cvIhvi GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m †c‡U«vevsjv GÛ BUm †Kv¤cvwbR 42055050 - Appraisal of Gas Fields (3-D Seismic) 42055050 -G¨vcÖvBRvj Ae M¨vm wdì (3-wW mvBmwgK) (wZZvm (Titas, Bakhrabad, Sylhet, Kailashtila and evLivev`, wm‡jU, ˆKjvkwUjv I ikx`cyi) Rashidpur) (01.01.2006-31.12.2010) (01/01/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 42055060 - New Project 42055060 -ivRkvnx kni I ZrmsjMœ GjvKvq M¨vm weZiY †bUIqvK© 42055061 - Tacnical 42055061 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di wcÖcvwis `¨v M¨vm †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (†dBR-2) | Abywgvw`Z (01/09/2006-30/06/2008) 42055070 - Exploration and Production Capacity 42055070 -G·‡c­v‡ikb GÛ †cÖvWvKkb K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae ev‡c· Building of BAPEX (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z (01.07.2008-30.06.2011)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42055071 - TA FOR STRENGDENING PLANING AND 42055071 -wUG di ‡÷«s‡`wbs c¨vwbs GÛ g¨v‡bR‡gbU K¨vcvwmwU MANAGEMENT CAPACITY OF EMRD AND Ae BGgAviwW Ges †c‡U«vevsjv PETROBANGLA GROUP Mªyc(01/10/2007-31/12/2010) (01/10/2007-31/12/2010) 42055081 - F 42055081 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Ae B÷vY© widvBbvix weGg AviB cÖ ‡R± | Aby‡gvw`Z (01/02/2008-31/05/2008) 42057000 - 42057000 -e¸ov kn‡i M¨vm mieivn cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/12/03-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057010 - Gas Transmission AES 450 MW 42057010 -GBGm †gNbvNvU 450 †gMvIqvU we`y¨r †K†›`ª M¨vm Meghanaghat Power Station mieivn (01/05/2000-30/6/2003) (01/05/2000-01/12/2002) 42057015 - 42057015 -XvKv wK¬b dz‡qj cÖ‡R± (wUwRwUwWwmGj Ask) Gi AvIZvq M¨vm cvBc jvBb Ges Avbylvw½K ¯’vcbv wbgv©Y (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2006) Abyy‡gvw`Z 42057016 - aaa 42057016 -wm‡jU M¨vm U«v›mwgkb †bUIqvK© Avc‡Mª‡Wkb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057020 - 42057020 -bjKv-e¸ov M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb cÖKí (1/7/2003-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057021 - Technical 42057021 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di wcÖcv‡ikb Ae †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae M¨vm †m±i gv÷vi c­¨vb GÛ ÷«v‡UwR (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/08/2004 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abbyy‡gvw`Z 42057025 - Dhaka clean fuel(RPJCL) 42057025 -XvKv wK¬b dz‡qj (AviwcwRwmGj Ask) (01/07/02-31/12/2009) (01/07/2002-31/12/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 42057030 - Areas wise rural electrification (Phase-3 42057030 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-3 K) 'A') 42057035 - 42057035 -XvKv wK¬b dz‡qj cÖ‡R± (wRwUwmGj Ask) abyqv-mvfvi D”PPvc M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb wbgv©Y (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2006) Abyy‡gvw`Z 42057040 - Operation Capability Strengthening 42057040 -Acv‡ikb K¨vcvwewjwU ‡÷«s‡`wbs cÖKí (01/07/2003 - (Revised). 30/06/2008) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 42057050 - 42057050 -AvïMÄ-g‡bvni`x D”PPvc M¨vm mÂvjb jyc jvBb wbg©vY (1/7/03-31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057060 - Introduction of central facilities for Rural 42057060 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb †evW© Gi †K›`ªxq myweavw` cÖeZ©b Electrification Boards 42057061 - 42057061 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di †÷ªs‡`wbs AviwcwRwmGj _ª“ †Uªwbs Ab wmGbwR G¨vR Uªv݇cv‡U©kb dz‡qj di GbfvqiY‡g›U BgcÖ“f‡g›U (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (1/9/2000-31/12/04) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057070 - Area wise rural electrification (Phase-IV 42057070 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-4 M) 'B') 42057080 - Diffusion of renewable energy technology 42057080 -bevqb †hvM¨ R¡vjvwb cªhyw³i cªmvi 42057090 - Evaluation and Development of Shabazpur 42057090 -kvnevRcyi M¨vm †¶Î g–j¨vqb I Dbœqb cÖKí Gas Field (01/03/2001-30/06/2003) (01/03/2001 - 30/06/2008) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 42057100 - New Project 42057100 -wZZvm M¨vm mÂvjb Ges weZiY cªK‡í wm‡÷g jm n«vmKiY 42057110 - Rural electrification development (Phase-4 42057110 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-4 M) 'C') 42057120 - Expansion and Intensification Programme 42057120 -18wU cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZ weZiY e¨e¯’v m¤•ªmviY I NbvqY of 18 PBS 42057130 - Expansion and intensification of activities 42057130 -15wU cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZ weZiY e¨e¯’v m¤•ªmviY I NbvqY of 15 PBS 42057140 - Expansion of distribution network of rural 42057140 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯’v m¤•ªmviY electrification 42057150 - Rural electrification development (Phase-4 42057150 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-4 N) 'D') 42057160 - Mymensingh 60 MW gas turbine power 42057160 -gqgbwmsn 60 †gMv IqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`« station 42057170 - Rural electrification development (Phase-5 42057170 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-5 K) 'A') 42057180 - Bangladesh petroleum institute (Phase-2) 42057180 -evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg BbwówUEU (chv©q-2)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42057190 - Construction of Khatihata-Asugonj 30// 42057190 -LvuwUnvZv (†jv‡Kkb-5) AvïMÄ 30Bw e¨vm*1000 diameter 21km 1000 PSIG (Location-5) wcGm AvBwR mÂvjb cvBc jvBb wbgv©Y cÖKít (01/08/2000-01/06/2001) 42057200 - West Bank of Jamuna Bridge-Naika, 42057200 -hgybv †mZzi cwðgcvo-bjKv, Hatikumrul-Ishwardi-Bheramara Gas nvwUKzgi“j-Ck¦i`x-†fovgviv M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb Transmission Pipeline Project cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (01.07.2006-30.06.2011) 42057210 - Bonpara-Rajshahi Gas Tranmission 42057210 -ebcvov-ivRkvnx M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb cÖKí Pipeline Project (01.07.2006-30.06.2011) (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057220 - Shylit Combined Ciycale Electric Unit 42057220 -wm‡jU K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª Ges kvnRvjvj mvi KviLvb M¨vm mieivn (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057230 - New Project 42057230 -Avc‡Mª‡Wkb Ae WvUv †mÈvi Ae ev‡c· 42057240 - Gas supply to Chandpur 150 M.W. Power 42057240 -Puv`cyi 150 †gt It ¶gZvm¤•bœ Zvc we`y¨r †K‡›`ª M¨vm Plant mieivn (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057250 - Bheramara-Khulna Gas Transmission 42057250 -†fovgviv - Lyjbv M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb cÖKí Pipeline Project (01.07.2007-30.06.2010) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057260 - Bakhrabad 42057260 -evLivev`-wmw×iMÄ M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb| Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2007-30/06/2010)| 42057270 - Kapasia OilpGas Exploration Well 42057270 -Kvcvwmqv ˆZj/M¨vm AbymÜvb Kzc Lbb (01.09.2007-31.12.2009) (01/09/07-31/12/09) 42057280 - Semutang Gas Field Development 42057280 -†mgyZvs M¨vm †¶Î Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/08 - (01.07.2008 -30.06.2011) 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057290 - Sundalpur Oil/Gas Exploration Well 42057290 -my›`jcyi ˆZj/M¨vm AbymÜvb Kzc Lbb cÖKí (01/07/08 (01.07.2008-31.12.2010) - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057300 - Augmentation of Gas Production under 42057300 -AM‡g‡›Ukb Ae M¨vm †cvWvKkb AvÛvi dv÷ U«vK Fast Track Programme (Drilling of 5 wells †cÖvMªvg (wewRGdGj I GmwRGdGj Gi Aax‡b 5wU K–c and workover of well under BGFCL & Lbb I 1wU K–‡ci IqvK©Ifvi) SGFL) (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) 42057310 - 210 MW Ghorashal power station 42057310 -210 ‡gMvIqvU †Mvovkvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª m¤•ÖmviY extension 42057320 - Ashugonj-Comilla 230 K V line and 42057320 -AvïMÄ Kzwgj­v 230 wK‡jv †fvë jvBb Ges wiqvK‡Uqvi re-active power compension cvIqvi Kg‡cb‡mb 42057330 - Institutional Development of Bangladesh 42057330 -BbwówUDkb †Wfjc‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k GbvwR© †i¸‡jUwi Energy Regulatory Commission Kwgkb 42057340 - 90 MW Sylhet combind cycle power centre 42057340 -90 ‡gMvIqvU wm‡jU K¤¦vBÛ we`y¨r †K›`ª 42057350 - Ghorasal-Haripur-Hasnabad 230 K V 42057350 -†Nvovkvj nwicyi nvmvbvev` 230 wK‡jv †fvë jvBb transmission m¤•ªvmviY 42057360 - Exatension of Kabirpur-Manikgonj 132 KV 42057360 -Kweicyi - gvwbKMÄ 132 wK‡jv †fvë jvBb m¤•ªvmviY transmission line 42057370 - 16-town power distribution project 42057370 -16 kni we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-2) 42057380 - Rehabilitation of power plant project 42057380 -we`y¨r †K›`ª cybe©vmb cªKí 42057390 - Greater Rajshahi power distribution 42057390 -e„nËi ivRkvnx we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-2) project (Phase-2) 42057400 - 2 D Seismic Servay under Fast Track 42057400 -2-wW wmmwgK mv‡f© AvÛvi dv÷ U«vK †cÖvMªvg Programme (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) 42057410 - 300 MW coal based thermal system power 42057410 -300 ‡gMvIqvU Kqjv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª eocyKzwiqv, station at Boropukuria, Dinajpur w`bvRcyi 42057420 - Nobigong Gas Supply Distribution Project 42057420 -bexMÄ M¨vm mieivn I weZiY (01/07/09 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057430 - Rehabilitation of power station (BRDB 42057430 -NywY©So I R‡jv”Q¡v‡m wewcwWwe ¶wZMª¯ we`y¨r e¨e¯’vi project) cybev©mb cÖKí 42057450 - 210 MW Ghorashal power station (Unit-6) 42057450 -210 †gMvIqvU †Nvovkvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª (BDwbU-6) 42057460 - Rehabilitation, renovation and 42057460 -MªxW wm‡ó‡gi cybe©vmb ms¯‹viY I ¶gZv e„w×KiY augmentation of grid substation including AvïMÄ - Rvgvjcyi 132 wK‡jv‡fvë jvBb Ashuganj-Jamalpur 132 KV Transmission Line 2nd Circuit 42057470 - Greater Chittagong power distribution 42057470 -e„nËi PÆMªvg we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-3) project (Phase-3)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42057480 - Comilla Chittagong 230 KV transmission 42057480 -Kzwgj­v-PÆMªvg 230 wK‡jv †fvë mÂvjb jvBb line 42057490 - Second East-West interconnecter project 42057490 -wØZxq ce©-cwðg Avštms‡hvM cªKí hgybv †mZzi Dci over Jamuna multipupose bridge AvïMÄ-e¸ov 230 wK‡jv‡fvë jvBb 42057500 - Salda # 3,4 & Fcnchugonj # 4, 5 Gas 42057500 -mvj`v 3,4 I †dÂyMÄ 4, 5 M¨vm †¶‡Îi Dbœqb Fields Development project (01/01/2010-31/12/2011) 42057510 - Power distirbution project Eastern zone 42057510 -we`y¨r weZiY cªKí ce©vÂj (chv©q-2) (Phase-I) 42057520 - Power distribution project Western zone 42057520 -we`y¨r weZiY cªKí cwðgvÂj (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 42057530 - 210 MW Chittagong power station (Unit-II) 42057530 -210 ‡gMvIqvU PÆMªvg Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª (BDwbU-2) 42057540 - Rehabilitation of Horipur existing gas 42057540 -nwicyi we`¨gvb M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª cybev©mb terbine power station 42057550 - Power distribution project outside Dhaka 42057550 -cvIqvi wWwó«weDkb cªKí AvDU mvBW XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb metropolitan area GjvKv 42057560 - Emergency rehabilitation of transmission 42057560 -XvKv we`y¨r weZiY KZ…c‡¶i AvIZvaxb GjvKvi Dc and distribution facilities under Dhaka mÂvjb I weZiY e¨e¯’v Ri“wi msi¶Y I cybe©vmb cÖKí DESA project (chv©q-2) 42057570 - 109 MW new combined cycle addition for 42057570 -nwicyi 109 ‡gMv IqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K‡›`« K¤ Haripur ¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj ms‡hvRb 42057580 - 210 M W Siddhirgonj thermal project 42057580 -210 ‡gMvIqvU wmw×iMÄ Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª 42057590 - System loss reduction pilot project 42057590 -wm‡óg jm wiWvKkb cvBjU cª‡R± 42057600 - Compensation Package for rehabilitating 42057600 -Kg‡c‡›mkb c¨v‡KR di G win¨vwejvB‡UwUs `¨v G¨v‡d‡ the affected people of Barapukuria coal ±‡UW wccj Ae eocyKzwiqv †Kvj gvBb (†m›U«vj cvU©) Mine (01/01/2010-30/06/2011) 42057610 - 60 MW Shaji Bazar gas turbine power 42057610 -60 ‡gMv IqvU kvn&Rx evRvi M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª station 42057620 - Greater Dhaka power distribution authority 42057620 -e„nËi XvKv we`¨r weZiY cÖKí (chv©q-3) (Phase-3) 42057630 - Kabirpur-Manikgonj 132 KV tranmission 42057630 -Kweicyi-gvwbKMÄ 132 wK‡jv †fvë mÂvjb jvBb line 42057640 - Loss reduction pilot project 42057640 -jm wiWvKkb cvBjU cª‡R± 42057650 - Construction of Aviation refilling facilities at 42057650 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae Gwf‡qkb widz‡qwjs d¨vwmwjwUR G¨vU Sylhet Osmani International Air Port wm‡jU Imgvbx B›Uvib¨vkbvj Gqvi †cvU© (01/07/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057660 - Construction of MS Storage trunk at 42057660 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae Gg Gm †÷v‡iR U¨vsK (17500 Nb Eastern Ltd. wgUvi †d¬vwUs †ivd) G¨vU B÷vY© wjt (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057690 - 210 Mega watt Khulna thermal power 42057690 -Lyjbv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª 210 ‡gMv IqvU (BDwbU-2) station 42057710 - 300 MW Meghnaghat thermal power 42057710 -300 †gMvIqvU †gNbv NvU Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª station (Phase-1, Unit-1) (chv©q-1-BDwbU-1) 42057720 - Comilla-Meghnaghat-Rampura and 42057720 -Kzwgj­v †gNbvNvU - ivgcyiv I †gNbvNvU-nwicyi 230 Meghnaghat-Haripur 230 KV transmission wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb jvBb Ges b¨vkbvj †jvW †WmcvP line despatch centre †m›Uvi 42057730 - 18-Town power distribution project 42057730 -18 kni we`y¨r weZiY cªKí 42057740 - 9-Town power distribution project 42057740 -9 kni we`y¨r weZiY cªKí 42057750 - Emergency rehabilitation project (Phase 42057750 -Ri“wi cyb©evmb cªKí (chv©q-2) -2) 42057760 - Greater Dhaka power distribution project 42057760 -e„nËi XvKv we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-4) (Phase-4) 42057761 - 132KV transmission line for Comilla-Bara 42057761 -Kzwgj­v eviAvDwjqv 132 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Aulia 42057762 - Greater Dhaka power distribution project 42057762 -e„nËi XvKv we`z¨r weZiY cÖKí (chv©q-4 †Wmv) (Phase-4-DESA) 42057763 - Greater Dhaka power distribution 42057763 -e„nËi XvKv we`z¨r weZiY cÖKí, †Wm‡Kv project-DESCO 42057770 - Oil and Gas exploration project 42057770 -ˆZj I M¨vm AbymÜvb cªKí (cwiKíbv-3) (Planning-3)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42057780 - Gas transmission project to Jalalabad 42057780 -Rvjvjvev` AwaKvify³ GvjvKvq Mªvgv‡j M¨vm mieivn erarechise cÖKí 42057790 - Appraisal and development of Gas field 42057790 -M¨vm wd‡ìi gj¨vqb I Dbœqb 42057810 - Kailashtilla small project LPG 42057810 -‰KjvkwUjv ¶z`ªvqZb GjwcwR cªKí 42057830 - Sylhet tea estate gas supply project 42057830 -wm‡jU Pv evMvb M¨vm mieivn cªKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 42057840 - Compress Natural Gas (CNG) 42057840 -msKzwPZ cªvK…wZK M¨vm (wmGbwR) 42057860 - Development of coal mining at 42057860 -eocyKzwiqv Kqjv Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/93 - Barapukuria 31/12/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057870 - CNG Project for Air POolution Control 42057870 -cwi‡ek `–lY †ivaK‡í wmGbwR cÖKí(01/01/2000-31/12/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 42057880 - Ashugonj-Bakhrabad gas pipe line 42057880 -AvïMÄ-ev‡Livev` M¨vm ms‡hvM jvBb 42057890 - Development of peat demonstration 42057890 -wcU Dbœqb (evwNiwej, gv`vixcyi) ‡W‡gv‡bó«kb cªKí project 42057910 - L P G transmission and distribution project 42057910 -GjwcwR cwienY I weZiY cªKí 42057920 - Oil and gas exploration at Salda river 42057920 -mvj`v b`x (DwLqv) AbymÜvb gj¨vqb K‚c Lbb (Ukhia) 42057930 - Madhypara hard rock mining project 42057930 -ga¨cvov KwVb wkjv Lwb cªKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/93 - (Revised) 31/12/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 42057940 - Feni well no-2 (driling and development) 42057940 -‡dbx K‚c bs 2 (Lbb I Dbœqb) Ges evLivev` K‚c bs 2 and work over of Bakhrabad well I 4 Gi IqvK© Ifvi 42057950 - Jaipurhat limestone mining and cement 42057950 -RqcyinvU Pzbvcv_i Lwb I wm‡g›U Kg‡c­· complex 42057960 - 3rd Natural gas development project ( 42057960 -wZZvm I nweMÄ M¨vm †¶Î Dbœqb (Z…Zxq cªvK…wZK M¨vm BGFCL) Dbœqb cªKí (wewRGdwmGj Ask) (01/08/94 - 30/06/2003) 42057970 - 3rd Natural Gas Development Project 42057970 -Z…Zxq cªvK…wZK M¨vm Dbœqb cªKí (Rvjvjvev`) (Jalalabad) 42057980 - 3rd Natural Gas Development Project 42057980 -Z…Zxq cªvK…wZK M¨vm cªKí (wewRGmGj) (BGSL) 42057981 - 42057981 -‡`‡ki DËi-cwðgvÂjb Ges `w¶b-cwðgv‡j M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb m¤cÖmviY Av_©mvgvwRK mgx¶v 42057990 - 3rd Natural gas development project 42057990 -Z…Zxq cªvK…wZK M¨vm Dbœqb cªKí (wZZvm Ask)( Abyt) (Titas) (1/7/94-31/12/2003) 42058030 - SCADA telecommunication system 42058030 -¯‹vWv mycvifvBRvix K‡›U«vj GÛ WvUv GK¨wRkb ‡UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb wm‡÷g 42058040 - Gas infrastructure development project 42058040 -M¨vm AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (wW«wjs Ask) (Drilling component) 42058050 - Gas infrastructure development project 42058050 -M¨vm AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (mvi‡dR d¨wmwjwUR Ask) (Surface facilities component) 42058060 - Gas transmission project at Parsuram, 42058060 -ciïivg, dzjMvRx I PvUwLj Dc‡Rjv m`‡i M¨vm Fulgazi and Chatkhil upazilla mieivn cÖKí 42058111 - Foreign training under UNDP product for 42058111 -d‡ib †Uªwbs AvÛvi BD. Gb. wW. wc †c­vWK di †m‡KÛ second gas development project M¨vm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± 42058121 - 3 implementation of computer programme 42058121 -3 Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ad Kw¤•DUvivBRW ‡cªvMªvg di for optimise of gas transmission network AcwUgvB‡Rkb Ad M¨vm U«v›mwgkb †bUIqvK© Bb `¨v in the gas sector M¨vm †m±i 42058131 - Feasibility study for exploration of coal bed 42058131 -Kqjv`߇i Aew¯’Z wg‡_b M¨vm D‡Ëvjb m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v methan gas cÖKí 42058141 - Technical management assistance 42058141 -‡UKwbK¨vj g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gwmm&†U›m K›mvj‡Uw›m di consultancy for operationalisation of GTCL Acv‡ikbvjvB‡Rkb Ad wRwUwmGj (UyBwbs) (Twining) 42058151 - Consultancy services on development of 42058151 -Kbmvj‡UwÝ mvwf©‡mm Ab †W‡fjc‡g›U Ad an environment and safety management Gbfvqi‡g›U GÛ †mBdwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡óg system (ESMS) in Petrobangla (BGmGgGm) Bb †c‡U«vevsjv (01/07/95 - 30/06/2001) 42058161 - Safety and efficiency improvement project 42058161 -M¨vm †m±‡ii wbivcËv I `¶Zv Dbœqb cªKí for gas sector 42058170 - Greater Khulna power distribution project 42058170 -e„nIi Lyjbv we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42058220 - 7 line power generation scheme 42058220 -7wU mÂvjb jvBb cªKí 42058230 - Greater Dhaka power distribution project 42058230 -e„nËi XvKv we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 42058240 - System loss reduction scheme 42058240 -wm‡óg jm wiWvKkvb w¯‹g (wcwWwe) 42058291 - Modernisation of central power distribution 42058291 -‡K›`ªxq we`y¨r e›Ub †K‡›`«i AvaywbKxKiY Ges cvIqvi centre wm‡÷g KwgDwb‡Kk‡bi mgx¶v 42058300 - 42058300 -wdwRwewjwU óvwW Ae Bóvb© widvBbvwi weGgAviB cÖ‡R± - Aby‡gvw`Z 42058311 - Technical assistance for strengthening 42058311 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m Uy †÷ªs‡`wbs wewcwWweGm Gi BPDB's financial management A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’vcbv kw³kvjxKiY 42058321 - Technical assistance for strengthening 42058321 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m Uy †÷ªs‡`wbs wWBGmG (†Wmvm) DESA financial management Gi A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’vcbv kw³kvjxKiY 42058331 - Review of power system master plan study 42058331 -cvIqvi wm‡óg gvóvi c­¨vb wiwfD 42058351 - BPDB'S tarif study 42058351 -wewcwWwe Gi U¨vwid óvwW 42058361 - Technical assistance for power sector 42058361 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di cvIqvi †m±i widg©m reforms 42058371 - Study on introduction of pre-payment 42058371 -óvwW Ae Bb‡UªvWvKkb Ad wcª‡c‡g›U B‡jKwUªwmwU electricity metering wgUvwis 42058410 - Greater Titas franchises area gas supply 42058410 -e„nËi wZZvm AwaKvifz³ GjvKvi M¨vm mieivn and distribution 42058420 - Construction of multistored building for 42058420 -ebvbx‡Z †c‡Uªvevsjvi Ggc­qxR‡`i Rb¨ eûZjv Avevmb Petrobangla employees at Banani wbgv©Y cÖKí (chv©q-4) 42058430 - Kailashtila oil appraisal / gas development 42058430 -‰KjvmwUjv ˆZj gj¨vqb/M¨vm Dbœqb cªKí (K‚c bs-4) project 42058440 - Construction of 10 storied Jalalabad Gas 42058440 -Rvjvjvev` M¨vm wU GÛ wU wm‡óg wjwg‡U‡Wi 10 (`k) T&T system limited Head office Zjv wewkó cÖavb Awdm Kg‡c­· feb wbgv©Y 42058450 - Greater Titas area gas supply 42058450 -e„nËi wZZvm AwaKvifz³ GjvKvi M¨vm mieivn (chv©q-2) 42058460 - 42058460 -e„nËi wZZvm AwaKvif~³ GjvKvq wm‡ógjm n«vm cÖKí 42058470 - Secondary converstion plant (ERI) 42058470 -†m‡KÛvix Kbfvimvb c­v›U (BAviAvB) 42058480 - L.P.G. storing and bottling project 42058480 -GjwcwR ¸`vgRvZ I †evZjRvZKiY c­¨v›U G¨vU AvïMÄ 42058490 - Dhaka city emergency PLO depo 42058490 -XvKv wmwU Bgv©‡RÝx wcIGj wW‡cv 42058510 - Construction of while oild storage tank at 42058510 -‡nvqvBU I‡qj †óv‡iR U¨vsK wbgv©Y ERB 42058520 - BMRE OF LPG PLANT 42058520 -GjwcwR c­¨v›U Gi weGgAviB 42058530 - Parbotiipur rail head pol depo 42058530 -cve©Zxcyi †ij‡nW wcIGj wW‡cv 42058540 - construction of refueling hydrant line at ZIA 42058540 -wRqv Avš©RvwZK wegvb e›`‡i widz‡qwjs nvBW«v›U jvBb intl airpor wbgv©Y 42058550 - Construction of BPC's office complex 42058550 -wewcwm Gi wbR¯^ Awdm feb wbg©vY 42058560 - 6 MW power generating line at ERL 42058560 -6 ‡gMv IqvU cvIqvi †Rbv‡iwUs c­v›U G¨vU BAviGj 42058570 - CONSTRUCTION OF CRUDE OIL 2 42058570 - Bóvb© widvBbvwi‡Z µW I‡qj msi¶‡Yi Rb¨ Avavi STORAGE TANK AT E R wbgv©Y 42058580 - Construction of white oil storage tank 42058580 -‡nvqvBU I‡qj †óv‡iR U¨vsK wbgv©Y 42058591 - Consultancy services to supervise the 42058591 -wØZxq M¨vm Dbœqb cÖK‡íi Aax‡b wbgv©Y KvR Z`viwKi construction work of second gas Rb¨ we‡klÁ †mev development project 42058611 - Foreign training under UNDP product for 42058611 -d‡ib †Uªwbs AvÛvi BDGbwWwc †cªvWv± di †m‡KÛvwi secondary 42058621 - Inplementation of computerisation 42058621 -Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae KgwcDUvi †cªvMªvg di AcwUgvB‡Rb programme 42058631 - Safety and efficiency development project 42058631 -M¨vm †m±‡ii wbivcËv I `¶Zv Dbœqb cªKí for gas sector 42058641 - Operation and maintenance management 42058641 -Acv‡ikb GÛ ‡gBb‡Ub¨vÝ g¨v‡bR‡g›U (I GÛ GgGm) services for Kailastila mvwf©‡mm di ˆKjvmwUjv gwjwKDjvi mxf Uv‡e©v G·cvÛvi c­¨v›U 42058642 - Operational capability strengthening 42058642 -Acv‡ikb K¨vcvwewjwU †ós‡`wbs cÖKí (01/12/99 - project 30/06/2002) 42058651 - Development of gas system plant 42058651 -M¨vm wm‡óg c­¨v›U Gi Dbœqb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42058661 - Industrial energy conservation and 42058661 -BÛvwó«qvj GbvwR© KbRvi‡fkb GÛ GbfvI‡ib‡g›U environment improvement Bgc«yf‡g›U 42058671 - Implemantation of Petrobangla groupwise 42058671 -Bgwc­‡g›Ukb Ae †c‡U«vevsjv MÖ“c IqvBR g¨v‡bR‡g›U management systems wm‡óg BgcÖ“f‡g›U †cÖvMªvgm (01/07/95 - 30/12/2000) 42058681 - Small scale technical assistance for 42058681 -¯§j †¯‹j †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di B‡fvwjDkvb Ae evaluation of 42058701 - Extraction of methen gas from coal layer 42058701 -Kqjv¯‡i Aew¯’Z wg‡_b M¨vm D‡Ëvjb 42058711 - Technical management of assistance 42058711 -‡UKwbK¨vj †g‡bR‡g›U Ad Gwmm&†U›m K›mvj‡Uw›m consultancy 42058721 - Consultancy services on development of 42058721 -K›mvj‡Uw›m mvwf©‡mm Ab †W‡fjc‡g›U Ad Gb on environment Gbfvqi‡g›U 42058731 - Reservoir management assistance under 42058731 -wiRvifvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gwmm‡U›m AvÛvi wRAvBwWwc GIDP (01/01/96 - 31/12/2000) 42058741 - Consultancy for preparatory work of 42058741 -KbmvjU¨vÝx di wcªcv‡iUix IqvK© Ae AvïMÄ GbwRGj Ashuganj NGL plant c­¨v›U 42058751 - Construction of New oil terminal at 42058751 -KÝUªvKkb Ae wbDI‡qj Uvwg©bvj G¨vU mÜxc P¨v‡bj - Sandweep channel - Chittagong studies PÆMÖvg cÖK‡íi mgx¶v mgcÖmviY expansion 42058761 - Consultancy services to prepare a 42058761 -KÝvj‡UwÝ mvwf©‡mm Uz wcÖ‡cqvi G KgwcÖ‡nbwmf WKz‡g›U comprehensive document for di Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae RqcyinvU jvBg‡÷vb gvBb GÛ implementation of Joypurhat limestone wm‡g›U BÛvw÷ªR Ab weII/weIwU/weIIwU (Abyt) mine and cement industries on (1/7/01-30/6/03) BOO/BOT/BOOT 42058771 - Techno Economic Feasibility Study for the 42058771 -DËi-cwðgv‡j M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb mgcÖmvi‡b Expansion of North-West Gas Av_© KvwiMix mgx¶v cÖKí Transmission Pipeline (01/07/2001-31/12/2001) 42058781 - Techno Economic Feasibility study for the 42058781 -†UK‡bv B‡KvbwgK wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di `¨v development of Coll Deposit at Khalashpir †W‡ejc‡g›U Ae †Kvj wW‡cvwRU G¨vU Lvwjkcyi, iscyi (Abyt) (1/7/01-31/12/03) 42058790 - SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data 42058790 -¯‹vWv (mycvifvBRvix K‡›Uªvj GÛ WvUv GKz¨wRkb) Acquisition) Telecommunication system †UwjKwgDwbK¨vkb wm‡÷g (Abyt) (1/7/95-30/6/04) 42058810 - Rural electrification development (Phase-5 42058810 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-5 L) 'B') 42058820 - Meghna-Bakhrabad gas trasmission 42058820 -†gNbv-evLivev` M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb pipeline 42058830 - Salda-Bakhrabad gas transmission 42058830 -mvj`v-evLivev` M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb pipeline 42058840 - Development of oil and gas exploration 42058840 -ˆZj I M¨vm AbymÜvb Ges gj¨vqb Dbœqb cªKí and evaluation project (mvj`vb`x-2) 42058842 - Srikail oil and gas exploration driling 42058842 -kªxKvBj ˆZj I M¨vm AbymÜvb K‚cLbb cÖKí project (01/04/2000 - 30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 42058850 - Intensification and expansion of 42058850 -weZiY e¨e¯’vi Nbvqb I m¤•ªmviY (chv©q-2) distribution system (Phase-2) 42058860 - Expansion of distribution of 12 PBS 42058860 -12wU cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZi weZiY e¨e¯’vi m¤•ªvmviY 42058870 - Renewal of DESA distribution line in PBS 42058870 -c we m GjvKvi Ašfz©³ †Wmvi weZiY jvBb bevqb area 42058881 - Rural poverty alleviation through rural 42058881 -cj­x we`y¨‡Zi gva¨‡g MªvgxY `wi`ªZv n«vmKiY electrification 42058890 - Rehabilitation and modernisation of unit 42058890 -‡Nvovgviv Zvc we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi 1bs I 2bs BDwbU cybev©mb no.1 and 2 Ghoramara power station I AvaywbKxKiY 42058900 - Joint venture power generation 42058900 -‡hŠ_ D‡`¨v‡M we`y¨r Drcv`b 42058910 - Tangail-Kabirpur-Sirajgonj 132 KV 42058910 -UvsMvBj-Kweicyi-wmivRMÄ 132 wK‡jv †fvë mÂvjb transmission line jvBb 42058920 - Power distribution project (East-West 42058920 -we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (ce©-cwðg mshy³) (chv©q-3) Connecter) (Phase-3) 42058930 - Cyclone rehabilitation (Block Allocation) 42058930 -N–wY©So cybe©vmb (†_vK)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42058940 - Rashidpur-Asugonj gas transmission loop 42058940 -iwk`cyi-AvïMÄ M¨vm mÂvjb jyc jvBb cªKí(iwk`cyi- line project nweMÄ Ask) (01/07/97 - 30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 42058941 - Tacnic 42058941 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di wcÖ‡cqvwis M¨vm †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/08/04-30/06/2005) 42058942 - Laying of pipeline for distribution of 42058942 -MÖvgxY M¨vm weZiY cÖKí (c–‡e©i bvg t evÂvivgcyi pipeline for gas distribution in Dc‡Rjv m`i I DRvbPi MÖv‡g M¨vm weZiY cvBc jvBb Bancharampur upazilla head quarter and cÖKí) (01/01/2000 - 30/06/2003) Ujanpur village 42058943 - Development of Fenchugonj gas field 42058943 -‡dÂzMÄ M¨vm †¶Î Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/2000 - project 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 42058944 - Bangabandhu bridge approach road gas 42058944 -e½eÜz weªR G‡cÖvP †ivW M¨vm cvBc jvBb cÖKí pipeline project (01/07/99 - 31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 42058950 - Gas supply to western zone 42058950 -cwðgv‡j M¨vm cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/97 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 42058951 - Tecnical 42058951 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡Ubm di †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †KvWm GÛ ÷vÛvm© Ae wmGbwR widz‡qwjs †÷kb GÛ †fwn‡Kj Kbfvikb IqvK©kc Bb evsjv‡`k (1/7/2002-31/3/2003) 42058961 - Technical assistance for oil and gas 42058961 -‰Zj, M¨vm AbymÜv‡b KvwiMwi mnvqZv Ges gvbe m¤•` exploration and human resource Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/97 - 30/6/2005) ms‡kvwaZ development Aby‡gvw`Z 42058971 - Strengthening of hydrocarbon unit of 42058971 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae nvB‡WªvKve©b BDwbU Ae wgwbwó« Ae Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m 42058981 - TA project for valuation of assets of 42058981 -wUGwcwc di f¨vjy‡qkb Ae G‡mUm Ad †Wm‡Kv DESCO 42058991 - Project preparatory technical assistance 42058991 -cª‡R± wcªcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di w` †dv_© for the fourth natural gas development b¨vPivj M¨vm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± project 42059000 - Ghorashal power station (Unit 1 & 2 ) 42059000 -‡Nvovkvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ªi (BDwbU-1 I 2) 42059010 - Mongla oil installation project (2nd MI) 42059010 -gsjv A‡qj BÝU‡jkb (2q GgAvB) cªKí 42059020 - Installation of cooling tower for 90 MW 42059020 -wm‡jU (†dÂzMÄ) 90 †gMvIqvU K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r combined cycle power station in Sylhet †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ Kzwjs UvIqvi ¯’vcb (Fenchugonj) 42059030 - Establishment of NGL fraction plant 42059030 -‰KjvkwUjv GbwRGj d«vKk‡bkb c­¨v›U ¯’vcb( ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/98 - 30/6/2007) Abyy‡gvw`Z 42059040 - 42059040 -weqvbx evRvi-ˆKjvkwUjv M¨vm I K‡Ûb‡mU/GbwRGj cvBc jvBb 42059091 - Technical Assistance for strengthening 42059091 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di †÷ªs‡`wbs AviwcwRwmGj †_ªv RPGCL through training on CLG †Uªwbs Ab wmGjwR Uªv݇cv‡Ukb dz‡qj di transportation fuel for environment G¨vbfvqib‡g›U BgcÖ“f‡g›U improvement 42059110 - 100 MW gas turbine power plant at 42059110 -evNvevox 100 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª Baghabari 42059130 - Repair and rehabilitation of cyclone 42059130 -NwY©S‡o ¶wZMÖ¯ we`y¨r Dbœqb †ev‡W©i PÆMÖvg I kniZjx damaged PDB's power distribution GjvKvq we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯’vi †givgZ/cybev©mb cÖKí fecilities in Chittaong and Shahartoli 42059140 - Urgent repair and rehabilitation of DESA's 42059140 -‡Wmvi AvIZvaxb GjvKvi Dc mÂvjb I weZiY e¨e¯’vi sub distribution and transmission centres Ri“ix msi¶Y I cybev©mb (chv©q-3) 42059151 - 42059151 -cj­x we`¨‡Zi gva¨‡g MÖvgxY `vwi`ªZv n«vmKiY 42059161 - GIDP training programme 42059161 -wRAvBwWwc †Uªwbs †cÖvMÖvg 42059171 - .Technical assistance for three 42059171 -‡UKwbK¨vj A¨vwmmU¨vÝ di _ªx WvB‡gbkbvj mvBmwgK dimensional seismic survey mv‡f© ©(1/1/98-30/6/04) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 42059181 - Support to gas regulatory authority of 42059181 -mv‡cvU© Uy wgwbwó« Ae GbvwR© GÛ wgbv‡ij wi‡mv‡m©m Uy Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources †mUvc G M¨vm †i¸‡jUix A_wiwU 42059191 - Technical feasibilty study to increase gas 42059191 -evLvivev` M¨vm wd‡ì M¨vm Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ KvwiMwi production at Bakhrabad gas field m¤¢e¨Zv hvPvBKiY 42059192 - shreekail oil/gas exploration well digging 42059192 -kªxKvBj †Zj/M¨vm AbymÜvb K‚c Lbb cÖKí (K‚c # 2) project(well #2) (01/07/08-30/06/2010) (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42059193 - Exploration and Production Capacity 42059193 -G·‡vsjv‡`k Building of BAPEX 42059194 - TA Project for Institutional Development of 42059194 -†UKwbK¨vj GwmmU¨v›m cÖ‡R± di Bbw÷wUDkbvj Bangladesh Energy Regulatory †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k GbvwR© †i¸‡jUwi Kwgkb Commission (01/09/08-30/06/2011) (weBAviwm) (01/09/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 42059195 - Capacity Building of BPI 42059195 -wewcAvB-Gi m¶gZv m¤cÖmviY (01.7.2009-30.6.2010) 42059196 - BMRE of ERL 42059196 -BAviGj Gi weGgAviB 42059197 - 42059197 -wZZvm M¨vm wd‡ì M¨vm D`MxiY wbhšY Ges G wd‡ ìi gj¨vhb I Dbœhb| 42059198 - Gas Production growing of South-West 42059198 - 42059199 - Gas seepage control and Appraisal and 42059199 -wZZvm M¨vm wd‡ì M¨vm D`MxiY wbqš¿Y Ges G wd‡ìi Development of Titas Gas Field g–j¨vqb I Dbœqb (01/01/10- 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z (01.01.2010-30.06.2014) 42059200 - Gas Production under Fast Trac 42059200 -dv÷ U«vK ‡cÖvMÖv‡gi AvIZvq M¨vm Drcv`b e„w× Programme 42059203 - Southwest Region Gas Distribution Project 42059203 -`w¶Y-cwðgvÂj M¨vm weZiY †bUIqvK© cÖKí (01.01.2006 -31.12.2011). (01/01/10 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 42059204 - Gas Supply Efficiency Improvement of 42059204 - mvc­­vB Bwdwm‡qw›m BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae wZZvm M¨vm TGTDCL U«v›mwgkb GÛ wWw÷«weDkb †Kv¤•vwb(01/01/10 - 31/10/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 42059205 - Gas Transmission Capacity Expansion 42059205 -M¨vm U«v›mwgkb K¨vcvwmwU G·c¨vbkb cÖKí Project (01.07.2009-30.06.2012) (AvïMÄ-evLivev`) (01/01/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 42059206 - 42059206 -wm‡jU M¨vm Uªv›mwgkb †bUIqvK© Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb cÖKí 42059208 - 42059208 -wm‡jU M¨vm wWw÷«weDkb cÖ‡R± 42059209 - 42059209 -‡eMgMÄ M¨vm wdì †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± 42059210 - 42059210 -ev‡c· Gi M¨vm †¶Î Dbœqb cÖKí (mvj`v #3, 4 I †dÂyMÄ 4, 5) 42059211 - 42059211 -wi‡m‡Uj‡g›U Ae `¨v wf‡jRvm©, G¨v‡d‡±W evB eocyKzwiqv †Kvj gvBb Uy G‡cÖvRW gvBwbs wmwU 42059212 - 42059212 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae M¨vm c­v›U di kvnevRcyi wdì 42059213 - 42059213 -‡UKwbK¨vj GwmmU¨v›m di †÷«s‡`wbs B›m‡cKkb, †Uw÷s GÛ mvwU©wd‡Kkb K¨vcvwewjwUm Ae evsjv‡`k GbvwR© †i¸‡jUix Kwgkb GÛ Av`vi G‡R›mxm Uy GbwkDi †KvqvwjwU/÷v 42059214 - 42059214 -2. †÷«s‡`wbs Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvewjwUR Ae evsjv‡`k GbvwR© †i¸‡jUix Kwgkb (weBAviwm) Uy cvidig GbvwR© AwWwUs Bb Aj †mM‡g›Um Ae GbvwR© †cÖvWvKkb/†Rbv‡ikb 42059215 - Gas Production under Fast Trac 42059215 -dv÷ U«vK ‡cÖvMÖv‡gi AvIZvq M¨vm Drcv`b e„w× Programme 42059216 - Installation of Single Point Mooring 42059216 -Bb÷‡jkb Ae wm‡½j c‡q›U gywos (01/03/10 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 42059217 - TA to Review the Approach for incresing 42059217 -wU G Uy wiwfD `¨v G‡cÖvP di BbwµwRs `¨v Gwdwm‡qw›m the efficiency of Gas utilization in certain Ae M¨vm BDwUjvB‡Rkb Bb mvi‡UBb †gRi BDRvim major users (JDCF) (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/01/2011-30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 42059218 - Capacity Buildings of Bangladesh 42059218 -evsjv‡`k †c‡U«vwjqvg Bbw÷wUDU Gi m¶gZv m¤•ªmviY Petrolium Institute (BPI) (01/01/2010-31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 4206 - International Organisations 4206 -AvšR©vwZK cªwZôvbmgn 42064462 - International Union of Geological Sciences 42064462 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj BDwbqb Ae wRIjwRK¨vj mvB›m (IUGS) (AvBBDwRGm) 42064463 - Commission for the Geological Map of the 42064463 -Kwgkb di w` wRIjwRK¨vj g¨vc Ae w` Iqvì© World (CGMW) (wmwRGgWwe­D) 4231-4240 - Electricity and Other Energy 4231-4240 -we`¨yr I Ab¨vb¨ kw³ 4231 - Electrical Adviser and Chief Electrical Inspector 4231 -‰e`y¨wZK Dc‡`óv I cªavb we`y¨r cwi`k©K 42310000 - Electrical Adviser and Chief Electric 42310000 -‰e`¨ywZK Dc‡`óv I cªavb we`y¨r cwi`k©K Inspector 4232 - Department of Explosives 4232 -we‡ùviK Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42320000 - Department of Explosives 42320000 -we‡ùviK Awa`ßi 4233 - Energy Monitoring and Conservation Centre 4233 -GbvwR© gwbUwis GÛ KbRvi‡fkb †m›Uvi 42330000 - Energy Monitoring and Conservation 42330000 -GbvwR© gwbUwis GÛ KbRvi‡fkb †m›Uvi Centre 4241-4250 - Mines and Minerals 4241-4250 -Lwb I LwbR `ªe¨ 4241 - Bureau of Mineral Development 4241 -LwbR m¤•` Dbœqb e¨y‡iv 42410000 - Bureau of Mineral Development 42410000 -LwbR m¤•` Dbœqb e¨y‡iv 4245 - Geological Survey of Bangladesh 4245 -evsjv‡`k f–ZvwË¡K Rwic Awa`ßi 42450000 - Geological Survey of Bangladesh 42450000 -evsjv‡`k f‚ZvwZ¡K Rwic Awa`ßi 42455010 - Geo-Information for Urban Development 42455010 -wRI Bbdi‡gkb di Avievb †W‡fjc‡g›U (wRBDwW) (GUD), Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k cÖKí 42455011 - High-Resolution Terrain Modeling of 42455011 -nvB-†iRy‡jkb †U«Bb g‡Wwjs Ae b_©-B÷vY© cvU© Ae North-Eastern part of Greater Dhaka City, †MªUvi XvKv wmwU, evsjv‡`k (01/07/08 - 31/03/10) Bangladesh. Aby‡gvw`Z 42455020 - Detailed geological investigation for 42455020 -evsjv‡`‡ki LwbR m¤•` m¤§„× m¤¢ebvgq ¯’vbmg–‡n mineral resources and other geological we¯@vwiZ f–ZvwËK AbymÜvb I Ab¨vb¨ fy-ˆeÁvwbK Kvh©µg activities in Bangladesh (chv©q-2)(1/7/98-30/6/2003) 42455022 - 3 dimention 42455022 -w_ª WvB‡gbkbvj wRIjwRK¨vj g‡Wwjs di BÛvw÷«qvj mvBwUs GÛ I‡qó g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ †nj_ n¨vRvW© G‡mm‡g›U Ae XvKv wmwU (01/08/04-30/09/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 42455030 - Asset 42455030 -LwbR m¤•` AbymÜv‡bi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k f‚ZvwË¡K Rwic Awa`߇ii Lbb hš¿cvwZ AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 42455040 - bangladesh 42455040 -evsjv‡`‡ki DcK‚j I mvgyw`ªK GjvKvq LwbR m¤•` AbymÜvb I `y‡h©vMc–Y© GjvKv wPwýZKiY (01/07/2006 -30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 42455050 - Strengthening the Research and 42455050 -‡÷«s‡`wbs w` wimvP© GÛ G·‡c­v‡ikb K¨vcvwewjwUR Ae Exploration Capabilities of the GSB wRGmwe (01/07/200-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/09-30/06/12) Approved (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd Znwej) 42455051 - Building Ground Information System of 42455051 -wewìs MÖvDÛ Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g Ae XvKv wmwU, Dhaka City Bangladesh evsjv‡`k| Aby‡gvw`Z (01/05/2007-30/06/2009) (01/05/2007-30/06/2009) 42455060 - Enhance Institition Support and Capacity 42455060 -Gb‡n›m B›mwUwUDkbvj mv‡cvU© GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae Building of Geological Survey of wRIjwRK¨vj mv‡f© Ae evsjv‡`k di wgwU‡Mkb Ae Bangladesh for Mitigation of Geohazards wRIn¨vRvW© Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) in Bangladesh Aby‡gvw`Z 42457015 - 42457015 -XvKv wK¬b dz‡qj cÖ‡R± (wUwRwUwWwmGj) Gi AvIZvq M¨vm cvBc jvBb Ges Avbylvw½K ¯’vcbv wbgv©Y (1/7/2002-30/6/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abbyy‡gvw`Z 42457016 - High Regulation Terrain Modelling of 42457016 -nvB †iRy‡jkb †U‡iBb g‡Wwjs Ae b_©-B÷vb© cvU© Ae North-Eastern Part of Greater Dhaka City, †MªUvi XvKv wmwU, evsjv‡`k | Bangladesh 42457017 - Strengthening the Research and 42457017 -evsjv‡`k f~ZvwË¡K Rwic Awa`߇ii M‡elYv I Exploration Capabilities of the GSB AbymÜvbg~jK Kv‡Ri mgZv e„w×KiY 42457018 - Aquifer Mapping for Remidal of Arsenic 42457018 -evsjv‡`‡k Av‡m©wbK `~lYgy³ f~Mf©¯’ cvwbi Avavi Contamination in the Ground water of gvbwPÎvqb Bangladesh 42457019 - 42457019 -‡÷«s‡`wbs w` wimvP© GÛ G·‡c­v‡ikb K¨vcvwewjUR Ae wRGmwe 4280-4285 - Special Programmes 4280-4285 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 4280 - Special Programme 4280 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 42804626 - 42804626 -LwbR m¤•` Dbœq‡b f-ˆeÁvwbK Kvh©µg 4296-4298 - Development Programme Financed by 4296-4298 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4296 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4296 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 42964703 - Development Works 42964703 -LwbR m¤•` Dbœq‡b f–-ˆeÁvwbK Kvh©µg (2004-05 n‡Z 2007-08)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 42964704 - 42964704 -`w¶Y-cwðgvÂj M¨vm weZiY cÖKí 42964705 - Geoscientific Activities for Mineral 42964705 -LwbR m¤•` Dbœqb f-ˆeÁvwbK Kvh©µg (wØZxq ch©vq) Investigation (2nd Phase) 42964963 - Integrated Geological Mapping of the 42964963 -Pjbwej GjvKvq †KvqvUvibvwi hy‡Mi f–ZvwË¡K BwZnvm I Chalabil Area to Unveil the Quaternary Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi Z_¨ cÖgvYvw` D`NvU‡bi mgwš^Z f Records and Climatic Changes –ZvwË¡K gvbwPÎvqb 42964964 - Integrated Geological Mapping of the 42964964 -Pjbwej GjvKvq †KvqvUvibvix hy‡Mi fZvwË¡K BwZnvm I Chalabil Area to Unveil the Quaternary Rjevq cwieZ©v‡bi Z_¨ cÖgvYvw` D`NvU‡bi mgwš^Z Records and Climatic Changes fZvwË¡K gvbwPÎvqb Aby‡gvw`Z RyjvB 2010 n‡Z Ryb 2013 4299-4299 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 4299-4299 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 4299 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 4299 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 42990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 42990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 43 - Ministry of Agriculture 43 - K…wl gš¿Yvjq 4301-4320 - Administration 4301-4320 -cªkvmb 4301 - Secretariat 4301 -mwPevjq 43010001 - Secretariat 43010001 -mwPevjq 43010003 - Agruculture Commission 43010003 -K…wl Kwgkb 43010005 - Project Implementation Wing 43010005 -cªKí ev¯evqb DBs 43010010 - Subsidy Management 43010010 -f–Z©wK e¨e¯’vcbv 43010011 - Endowment Fund for Agricultural 43010011 -K…wl M‡elYvi Rb¨ Gb‡Wv‡g›U dvÛ Research 43010012 - Agriculture Rehabilitation Assistance 43010012 -K…wl cybe©vmb mnvqZv 43014993 - 43014993 -†b·Kvbv †Rjvi AvUcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb ¯^igywkqv BDwbq‡bi ¯^igywkqv bZzb evRvi gMov b`xi evg Zxi cÖwZi¶v I msi¶Y 43015000 - Agriculture Sector Programme 43015000 -GwMÖKvjPvi †m±i †cÖvMÖvg mv‡cvU© 2q ch©vq K…wl gš¿Yvjq Support-Phase-II (Seed Wing, Ministry of (exR DBs) (01/10/2006-30/09/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Agriculture-Secretariat) 43015010 - 43015010 -K…wl mnvqZv †_vK** 43015011 - Development of Seed Industries Project 43015011 -exR wkí Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2007) (01/07/01-30/06/06) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 43015012 - Crops diversification 43015012 -Wvj, ˆZjexR I Avjy Drcv`b e„w×KiY cªKí (wWGB programme-increased production of Puls, Ask) Oilseeds and Potatoes 43015013 - CROPS DIVERSIFICATION 43015013 -Wvj, ˆZjexR evRviRvZKiY mnvqK Kvh©µg PROGRAMME-DETPARTMENT OF AGR 43015014 - Crops diversification programme-BARI 43015014 -weGAviAvB Ask part 43015015 - Crops diversification 43015015 -Wvj, ˆZjexR Drcv`b cªKí (weGwWwm Ask) programme-production of puls and oilseeds 43015016 - Crops diversification programme-project 43015016 -cªKí ev¯evqb BDwbU Ask implementation unit part 43015017 - Crops diversification programme-PIU 43015017 -wcAvBBD (exR wkí) (seed industries) 43015018 - Crops diversification programme-BADC 43015018 -weGwWwm (Avjy exR Dc-cªKí) (Potato seeds project) 43015019 - National Agricultural Technology Program 43015019 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjRx †cÖvMªvg (NATP-2) Preparation Facility Project (GbGwUwc-2)t wcÖcv‡ikb d¨vwmwjwU cÖKí (cÖ‡R± †KvwW© (PCMU Part) ‡bkb I g¨v‡bR‡g›U BDwbU Ask) (01/01/2015-30/09/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z| 43015020 - Cultivation of Bhutta (CDP Part) 43015020 -fzUªv Pvl cªKí (wmwWwc Ask) 43015021 - Institutional Support Unit for Development 43015021 -K…wl gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœq‡b mnvqZv cÖ`vb of Ministry of Agriculture (ISU)-(01/07/2006 (AvBGmBD) (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z - 30/06/2010)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43015022 - Bhutta cltivation project (CDP part) 43015022 -fzUªv Pvl cªKí (wmwWwc Ask) 43015030 - Crop storage cum credit project (Crop 43015030 -km¨ ¸`vg FY cªKí (km¨ e¨vsK) Bank) 43015040 - Agrobased industries and technology 43015040 -K…wl wfwËK wkí e¨emv I cªhyw³ Dbœqb cªKí development project 43015050 - ADB aided horticulture development 43015050 -GwWwe mnvqZvq D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí project 43015052 - ADB aided horticulture development 43015052 -GwWwe mnvqZvq D`¨vb Dbœqb cªKí-wWGB (Ask) project (DAE Component) 43015053 - ADB aided horticulture development 43015053 -GwWwe mnvqZvq D`¨vb Dbœqb cªKí-weGwWwm (Ask) project (BADC Component) 43015054 - ADB aided horticulture development 43015054 -GwWwe mnvqZvq D`¨vb Dbœqb cªKí-weGAviAvB (Ask) project (BARI component) 43015060 - Sugarcane research and training institute 43015060 -B¶z M‡elYv I cªwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU (Ask) (part) 43015062 - Integrated sugarcane development 43015062 -mgwš^Z B¶z Dbœqb cªKí - B¶z M‡elYv cÖwZôvb I project-sugarcane research and training cªwk¶Y (GmAviwUAvB Ask) (SRTI part) 43015064 - Integrated sugarcane development 43015064 -mgwš^Z B¶z Dbœqb cªKí - bb wgj †Rv‡b B¶z Pvl Dbœqb project- development of sugarcane in non (K…wl m¤•ªªmvib Awa`ßi) mill zone 43015070 - Project implementation wing 43015070 -cªKí ev¯evqb DBs (01-001-076-9196) 43015080 - Development of Agro Based Industrial 43015080 -K…wl wfwËK wkí e¨emv I cÖhyw³ Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Business and Technology Project (01/08/2000-31/07/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z (Phase-2) 43015090 - National Agricultural Technology Project 43015090 -b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjwR cÖ‡R± (wcwmBD AsM) (NATP) Fez-1, ( PCU-Component) (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Approved 43015092 - National minor irrigation development 43015092 -RvZxq ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb cªKí-K…wl gš¿Yvjq project-Ministry of Agriculture (01/07/1991-30/06/2005) 43015093 - National minor irrigation project BADC 43015093 -RvZxq ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb cªKí - weGwWwm (wcAvBBD) (PIU) 43015100 - Barendra Integrated Development Project 43015100 -e‡i›`ª mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cªKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 43015110 - North-East Small Irrigation Project 43015110 -DËi-ce© ¶z`ª †mP cÖKí 43015112 - Notrth-east minor irrigation project (PCU 43015112 -DËi-ce© ¶z`ª †mP cªKí-wcwmBD (Ask) component) 43015113 - North-east irrigation project-(LGED 43015113 -DËi-ce© ¶z`ª †mP cªKí-GjwRBwW (Ask) component) 43015114 - North - East small irrigation scheme ( 43015114 -DËi-c–e© ¶z`ª †mP cÖKí (weªwRs cÖKí) (01/07/1993- Bridging Project ) 30/06/2002) 43015120 - Crops Diversification Programme (CDP) 43015120 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) cÖKí 43015122 - Crop diversification programme (CDP) 43015122 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv (BARI component) cÖwZôvb A½ cÖKí 43015123 - Crop diversification programme (CDP) 43015123 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) evsjv‡`k K…wl (DAE component) m¤•ªªmviY Awa`ßi A½ cÖKí 43015124 - Crop diversification programme (CDP) - 43015124 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©m–wP (wmwWwc) evsjv‡`k K…wl wecbb DAM component Awa`ßi A½ cÖKí 43015125 - Corps diversification programme (CDP) 43015125 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) wcAvBBD (AsM) (Phase II) 43015126 - Corps diversification programme (CDP) 43015126 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) mgwš^Z fÆv Pvl cÖKí (Phase II) (wWGB Ask) 43015127 - Crop diversification programme (CDP)- 43015127 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) (weGwWwm Avjy exR BADC (Potato seeds) Drcv`b, msMÖn I weZiY AsM) 43015128 - Crop diversification programme (BADC 43015128 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) (weGwWwm Wvj I ˆZj (Pulse and Oil seeds) exR AsM)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43015129 - Crop diversification Programme (CDP) 43015129 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) ‡emiKvwi chv©‡q exR -Non Govt. Seeds Industry Development wkí Dbœqb cÖKí (wcAvBBD) Project 43015130 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 43015130 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (Secretariat Part) (AvBGwcwc) cÖ‡R± g¨v‡bR‡g›U BDwbU, mwPevjq AsM 43015132 - Crop diversification programme (CDP) 43015132 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY gš¿Yvjq (wmwWwc) wc.wm.BD AsM (PIU component) (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 43015133 - Crop diversification programme (CDP) 43015133 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©mPx (wmwWwc) mgwš^Z f‚Æv Pvl AsM -integrated maize cultivation component 43015140 - Study on the implementation of GATT 43015140 -÷vwW Ab w` Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae M¨vU GwMª‡g›U evsjv‡`k agreement Bangladesh agriculture GwMªKvjPvi (µcm GÛ gvBbi Bwi‡Mkb) 43015710 - Agriculture rehabilitation programme for 43015710 -cªvK„wZK `‡h©vM †gvevwejvq K…wl cybe©vmb Kg©mPx disaster management 43015720 - Post flood agriculture rehabilitation in 43015720 -e‡i›`« GjvKvq eb¨v‡Ëvi K„wl cybe©vmb cªKí Barind region 43015850 - Identification and transfer of corps 43015850 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q km¨ cªhyw³ n¯vši I wPwýZKiY cªKí technology to Upazilla level 43015861 - Assisting transformation to irrigated 43015861 -A¨vwmw÷s UªvÝdi‡gkb Uz Bwi‡M‡UW GwMªKvjPvi agriculture 43015881 - Support for horticulture development 43015881 -mv‡cvU© di nwU©KvjPvi †Wfjc‡g›U cªKí project 43016190 - Special block allocation for agriculture 43016190 -K…wl †m±‡ii Rb¨ we‡kl †_vKeivÏ sector 43016330 - Barendra village road development project 43016330 -e‡i›`« MªvgxY moK Dbœqb cªKí 43016411 - Strengthening of support services in 43016411 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae mv‡cvU© mvwf‡m©m Bb Bwi‡M‡UW irrigated agriculture GwMªKvjPvi 43016421 - Agriculture sector investment project 43016421 -GwMÖKvjPvi †m±i Bb‡fó‡g›U cÖ‡R± (Avwmc) (ASIP) 43016490 - Development of Garden Project (Phase-2) 43016490 -D`¨vY Dbœqb cKí (2q ch©vq) 43016510 - Study of high yielding varieties of sugar 43016510 -AwaK djbkxj B¶z D™¢veb, wPwb Avni‡Yi nvi e„w× I cane and sugar yield improvement weKí Drm †_‡K wPwb Avni‡Yi m¤¢vebv kxl©K mgx¶v 43016530 - Improvement of agriculture information 43016530 -K…wl Z_¨ ms¯’v t K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí services 43016541 - Sub-regional and in-country training of 43016541 -mve wiwRIbvj GÛ BbKvw›Uª †Uªwbs Ae dzW GÛ wbD‡Uªkb food and nutrition programme planning †cÖvMÖvg c­vwbs GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U and management 43016551 - Technology transfer for preservation of fruit 43016551 -MÖvg chv©q mwâ I d‡ji cÖwµqvRvZKiY cÖhyw³ n¯vši and vegetable preservation cÖKí 43016561 - 43016561 -‡R‡bwU· WvBfviwmwU GÛ †cÖvcv‡Mkb Ae g¨vb‡cÖvfm& 43016630 - Gopalgonj, Madaripur, Shariatpur and 43016630 -†MvcvjMÄ, gv`vixcyi, kixqZcyi I wc‡ivRcyi mgwš^Z Pirojpur combined area development GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí project 43016631 - North-West Agriculture Development 43016631 -b_© I‡qó GwMÖKvjPvi †Wfjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project 43016641 - Crop Diversification Programme - PCU 43016641 -km¨ eûgyLxKib Kg©mPx/wcwmBD (exR wkí Dbœqb) (Seed Development Industry) (01/03/2000-30/07/2001) 43017010 - Construction of Hazi Danesh Agricultural 43017010 -w`bvRcy‡i nvwR †gv: `v‡bk K…wl K‡jR ¯’vcb College at Dinajpur 43017020 - Strengthening of Patuakhali Agricultural 43017020 -cUzqvLvjx K…wl K‡jR kw³kvjxKiY College 43017040 - Strengthening of research programme for 43017040 -evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv cªwZôv‡bi M‡elYv Kg©mPx Bangladesh Agricultural Research Centre 43017050 - Establishment of spices research centre 43017050 -gkjv M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb 43017060 - Strengthening of Bangladesh Agricultural 43017060 -evsjv‡`k K…wl Bbw÷wUDU †Rvi`viKiY Institute 43017090 - Pilot project for increased production of 43017090 -gmyi I gyM Wv‡ji Drcv`b e„w×i cvBjU cª‡R± lentils 43017380 - Support for Bangladesh institute of 43017380 -mv‡cvU© di evsjv‡`k B›mwówUDU Ad wimv©m GÛ ‡U«Bwbs research and training

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43017641 - Strengthening of National Vegetable Seed 43017641 -‡emiKvixLv‡Z ewa©Z AskMªn‡bi gva¨‡g RvZxq mâx Production Programme through increase exR Drcv`b Kg©mPx kw³kvjxKiY participation of Private Sector 43018021 - Policy and Planning Support Unit 43018021 -cwjwm GÛ c­¨vwbs mv‡cvU© BDwbU (K…wl gšÎYvjq) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) (T) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43018030 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 43018030 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK ** 43018040 - 43018040 -mgwš^Z gvb m¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (cÖKí mgš^qKvix `ßi A½) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43018050 - 43018050 -K…wl Lv‡Z we‡kl mnvqZv ** 43018090 - 43018090 - 43018091 - Establishment an Agriculture Information 43018091 -K…wl gšYvj!qi AvIZvq GKwU K…wl Z_¨ e¨vsK ¯’vcb I Bank under Ministry of Agriculture and gšYvj!qi AvBwmwU e¨e¯’v kw³kvjxKiY (KvwiMwi) cÖKí Strengthening of ICT System of Ministry (Technical) Project 4305 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4305 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 43053241 - BADC 43053241 -evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb 43053243 - Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council 43053243 -evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv KvDwÝj 43053245 - Bangladesh Rice Reasearch Institute 43053245 -evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU (BRRI) 43053247 - Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute 43053247 -evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU 43053249 - Agricultural Research Program 43053249 -K…wl M‡elYv Kg©mPx 43053251 - Bangladesh Jute Reasearch Institute 43053251 -evsjv‡`k cvU M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU 43053253 - Bangladesh Nuclear Agriculture Research 43053253 -evsjv‡`k cigvby K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU 43053255 - Patuakhali Agriculture College 43053255 -cUzqvLvjx K…wl K‡jR 43053256 - Bangladesh Rice Foundation 43053256 -evsjv‡`k ivBm dvD‡Ûkb 43053257 - Sugarcane Research Institute 43053257 -B¶z M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU 43053258 - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Agricultural 43053258 -e½ueÜz ‡kL gywRe K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq University 43053259 - Applied Nutrition & Human Resource 43053259 -evsjv‡`k dwjZ cywó I gvbem¤•` Dbœqb †evW© Development Board 43053260 - Rice 43053260 -Ae¨vnZ avb M‡elYv Kg©m–wP 43053261 - Barandra Multipurpose Authority 43053261 -e‡i›`ª eûgyLx KZ©„c¶ 43053979 - BARI-Programme 43053979 -we G Avi AvB-†cÖvMÖvg 43053981 - Micro Credit Fund for Agricultural 43053981 -K…wl Dbœq‡b ¶z`ª FY Znwej Development 43054240 - Bangladesh Dhan Gobesona Isntitute 43054240 -evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU .. Streangth & Capacity Billding of Bio Technology Lab.inbir project 43054312 - Hortex Foundation 43054312 -ni‡U· dvD‡Ûkb 43054331 - 43054331 -2008 mv†ji †ev†iv †gŠmy†g 80 wU Dc†Rjvq 3wU BDwiqv cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY (01/11/2007-31/10/2008) 43055010 - 43055010 -G·cvbkb GÛ Avc‡MÖwWs Ae ev‡qv‡UKbjwR j¨ve GÛ m‡qj mvBÝ GbvjvBwUK¨vj j¨ve Ae weª 43055011 - Mujibnagar Integrated Agriculture 43055011 -gywRebMi mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (evwi- AsM) Development Project-(BARI Part) -Aby‡gvw`Z 01/07/2011 - 30/06/2016 -Approved-01/07/2011 - 30/06/2016 43055012 - Pilot Project for Development of 43055012 -evsjv!`k myMviweU Pvlvev` cÖhyw³ Dbœq!bi Rb¨ cvBjU Bangladesh Sugarbit Cultivation cÖKí - 01/07/2011 - 31/12/2013 - Aby!gvw`Z Technology - 01/07/2011 - 31/12/2013 - Approved 43055013 - Improving Surface Water Irrigation in 43055013 -wm‡jU wefvM I DcK‚jxq A‡j f‚-cwi¯’ cvwbi gva¨‡g Coastal Areas and Sylhet Division in †mP e¨e¯’v DbœqbKiY Bangladesh 43055014 - Integrated Agricultural Development 43055014 -wc‡ivRcyi-†MvcvjMÄ-ev‡MinvU mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb Project in Pirojpur-Gopalgonj-Bagerhat (evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb AsM) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43055015 - Integrated Agricultural Development 43055015 -wc‡ivRcyi-†MvcvjMÄ-ev‡MinvU mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb Project in Pirojpur-Gopalgonj-Bagerhat (evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv B›mwUwUDU AsM) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055016 - Integrated Agricultural Development 43055016 -wc‡ivRcyi-†MvcvjMÄ-ev‡MinvU mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb Project in Pirojpur-Gopalgonj-Bagerhat (evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv B›mwUwUDU AsM) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055017 - Development and expansion for research 43055017 -weGAviAvB Gi M‡elYv I M‡elYv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I and research infrastructure of BARI m¤•ªmviY 43055018 - Development and expansion of research 43055018 -weGAviAvB Gi M‡elYv I M‡elYv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I and research infrastruction of BARI m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/01/2012-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055019 - Eastran Integrated Irrigation Project 43055019 -ce©vÂjxq mgwš^Z †mP GjvKv Dbœqb (01/01/2013- 30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055020 - Infrastructure Develomment and 43055020 -evsjv‡`k dwjZ cywó M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU strengthening of Bangladesh institute of (eviUvb) Gi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY I Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN) 43055021 - 43055021 -wimvP© †UK‡bvjwR †bv nvD UªvÝdvi G¨vÛ †Uªwbs/†Kv-Acv‡ikb di ‡W‡fjc‡g›U Bb w` RyU †UK‡bvjwR P¨v‡bj Uz †W‡fjvc wbD †cÖvWv± wWRvBb di wbD gv‡K©Um G¨vÛ 43055022 - Irrigation Programme through surface 43055022 -f–-Dcwi¯’ cvwb Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g †mP Kg©m‚wP Water Augmentation 43055023 - Cytrus Development Project (BARI part) 43055023 -mvBU«vm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖKí (K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU AsM) 43055024 - Modern Minor Irrigation Expansion in 43055024 -e„nËi iscyi †Rjvq AvaywbK ¶z`ª ‡mP m¤•ªmviY cÖKí Greater Rangpur District. 43055025 - Maintenance Rehabilitation of BADC’S 43055025 -weGwWwmÕi we`¨gvb mvi ¸`vgmg–‡ni †givgZ, cybe©vmb Existing Fertilizer Godowns and Ges mvi e¨e¯’vcbv Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Strengthing of Fertilizer Management (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z| Activities Project 43055026 - Smart Card Based Pre-Paid Pump used 43055026 -m¥vU© KvW© †eBRW wcÖ-†cBW cv¤• BD‡Rm GÛ GbvwR© and Energy Megaring System 2nd Phase †gRvwis wm‡÷g 2q ch©vq (01/03/14-30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z| 43055027 - Rehabilitation of Old Deep Tube Wells in 43055027 -ivRkvnx, bIMuv I PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvq cyivZb Mfxi Rajshahi, Naogaon and Chapai bjKc cybe©vmb (01/02/14-31/12/17) Aby‡gvw`Z| Nawabgonj district. 43055028 - Establishment of Pulse and Oil Seed 43055028 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi myeY©Pi Dc‡Rjvq Wvj I ˆZj exR ea©b Multiplication Farm and Seed Processing Lvgvi Ges exR cÖwµqvKiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb Centre at Subarnachar in Noakhali District. (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z| 43055029 - Modern Minor Irrigation Expansion Project 43055029 -e„nËi iscyi †Rjvq AvaywbK ¶z`ª †mP m¤•ªmviY in Greater Rangpur District. (01/07/2013-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z| 43055030 - Orange Development Project (Bari 43055030 -Kgjv Dbœqb cÖKí (evwi AsM) Componenet)-(01/07/2006-30/06/2011) (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055031 - aaa 43055031 -evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi M‡elYv `¶Zv Dbœqb (01/01/2012-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055032 - Support for Establishing Seed 43055032 -mv‡cvU© di G÷vewjwks wmW gvwëwc­‡Kkb wmW cÖ‡mwms Multiplication, Seed Processing and Seed GÛ wmW †Uwós Bb `kwgbv wmW gvwëwc­‡Kkb †m›Uvi Testing in Dashmina Seed Multiplication (01/07/2013 -30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z| Centre. 43055033 - Surface Water Irrigation Rehabilitation in 43055033 -evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Y AeevwnKv (ewikvj) A‡j fy-Dcwi¯’ the Southern Delta Region (Barisal cvwb e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g †mP cybe©vmb cÖKí District) of Bangadesh. (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z| 43055034 - Integrated Agricultural Approach for 43055034 -mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cywó I Lv`¨ wbivcËv Ensuring Nutrition and Food Security wbwðZKiY cÖKí (evsjv‡`k dwjZ cywó M‡elYv I Project (BIRTAN Phase) cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU AsM) 43055035 - Sylhet Division Minor Irrigation 43055035 -wm‡jU wefvM ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/10/2014-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z| 43055036 - National Agricultural Technology Program 43055036 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjRx †cÖvMªvg (NATP-2) Preparation Facility Project (GbGwUwc-2)t wcÖcv‡ikb d¨vwmwjwU cÖKí (evsjv‡`k (BARC Part) (01/01/2015-30/06/2015) K…wl M‡elYv KvDw›mj Ask) approved (01/01/2015-30/09/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43055037 - Rain water Harvesting in Hilly 43055037 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªv‡g ‡UKmB K…wlwfwËK RxebhvÎv eRvq ivLvi Creeks/Charas to Restore Sustainable Rb¨ cvnv‡oi Qovq e„wói cvwb msi¶Y cÖKí Agriculture-Based Livelihoods in Hilly (01/01/2015-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z Areas of Chittagong Hill Tracts. (01/01/2015-30/06/2016) approved 43055038 - Extension of Irrigation in Barind Area 43055038 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq Lv‡j cvwb msi¶‡Yi gva¨‡g †mP Through Conservation of Water in Canal m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055039 - Development and Dissemination of 43055039 -cvU I cvU RvZ dm‡ji K…wl cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I n¯ZvšZi Agricultural Technologies of Jute and (01/01/2015-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z Allied Fibre Crops. 43055040 - bangladesh 43055040 -evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui g„wËKv weÁvb j¨ve‡iUwi I M‡elYv kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055041 - Adaptation to Climate Change and 43055041 -GWvc‡Ukb Uy K¬vB‡gU †PÄ GÛ win¨vwewj‡Ukb Ad Rehabilitation of Livelihoods in Selected jvBfwjûWm Bb wm‡j‡±W wWw÷ª±m Ae mvD_ evsjv‡`k Districts of South Bangladesh (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) 43055042 - Barisal Division Minor Irragation 43055042 -ewikvj wefvM ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/01/2015-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2015-30/06/2019) 43055043 - Development, Multiplication and Quality 43055043 -Rxe cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g K…wl exR Dbœqb, ewa©ZKiY, gvb Assessment of Agriculture Seeds through wbizcb I cÖhyw³ we¯@vi cÖKí Biotechnology and Dissemination of the Technology 43055044 - Morernization and Improvement of Existing 43055044 -weGwWwmi we`¨gvb exR Drcv`b, cÖwµqvRvZKiY I Seed Production, Processing & weZiY e¨e¯’vw`i AvaywbKxKiY I Dbœqb cÖKí Distribution Faciliies of BADC (MIEF) Project. 43055045 - Increasing Cropping Intensity in Sylhet 43055045 -wm‡jU A‡j k‡m¨i wbexoZv e„w×KiY cÖKí (weGwWwm Region Project (BADC Part) AsM) 43055046 - Quality Seed Production, Distribution & 43055046 -km¨ Drcv`‡b gvbm¤§Z exR Drcv`b, mieivn I K…lK Farmers Training Project for crop cÖwk¶Y cÖKí Production 43055047 - Improvement and Quality Seed Production 43055047 -avb, Mg I fyÆvi DbœZZi exR Drcv`b Ges Dbœqb (2q of Rice, Wheat and Maize Project (2nd ch©vq) cÖKí Phase) 43055048 - Strengthening Integrated Research 43055048 -evsjv‡`k B¶z M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi mgwš^Z M‡elYv Facilities of Bangladesh Sugarcane Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Research institute 43055050 - 43055050 -‡m‡Pi Mfxi bjK‚c n‡Z Lvevi cvwb mieivn cÖKí (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) 43055053 - ADB aided horticulture development 43055053 -GwWwe mnvqZvq D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (weGwWwm Ask) project (BADC Component) 43055054 - ADB aided horticulture development 43055054 -GwWwe mnvqZvq D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (weGAviAvB Ask) project (BARI Component) 43055060 - Bangladesh Agriculture 43055060 -evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui gwjKzjvi †R‡bwU· I †R‡bwUK BwÄwbqvwis M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055070 - Moshla 43055070 -gmjv M‡elYv †K›`ª †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055071 - Agricultural Technology Transfer (01/07/05 43055071 -K…wl cÖhyw³ n¯@vš@i (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) - 30/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055072 - National Agricultural Technology Project 43055072 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjwR cÖ‡R± (NATP) Fez-1, ( PCU-Component) (01/01/06-31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Approved 43055073 - Strengthening of port Harvest 43055073 -weGAviAvB G km¨ msMª†ni cÖhyw³ M†elYv †Rvi`viKiY Technological Research at BARI (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055074 - Biotechnology Research Facilities 43055074 -ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR wimvP© d¨vwmwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U Development(BRFD) At (we.Avi.Gd.wW) G¨vU we.Avi.Avi.AvB (01/07/10 - BRRI(01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (Approved) 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43055075 - Development of Safe Vegetables 43055075 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †mBd †fwR‡Uejm& †cÖvWvKkb Production Technology Utilization †UK‡bvjwR BDwUjvB‡Rkb wgDwbwmcvj AM©vwbK Iqv÷ Municipal Organic Waste In the Peri-urban Bb `¨v ‡cwi-Avievb Gwiqvm (01/07/10 - 30/06/14) Areas (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z )Unapproved) 43055076 - Keep Running of Pesticide Research In 43055076 -Kw›UwbD‡qkb Ae †cw÷mvBW wimvP© Bb †cw÷mvBU Pesticide Analytical Laboratory at BARI G¨vbvjvBwUK¨vj j¨ve‡iUwi G¨vU we.G.Avi.AvB (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) (Unapproved) (01/07/10 - 30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055077 - 'Monga' Mitigation of Char Dewllers 43055077 -g½v wgwU‡Mkb Ae Pi wWDjvim& _ª“ G·‡Ubkb Ae through Extension Of Sugarcane myMvi‡KBb Kvwëwfkb (01/07/10 - 30/06/15) Cultivation (01/07/2010-30/06/2010) Abby‡gvw`Z (Unapproved) 43055080 - Pabna-Natore-Shirajgonj-Irrigation Area 43055080 -cvebv bv‡Uvi wmivRMÄ †mP GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí- 2q Development Project-(Phase-III) - ch©vq (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/03/2011 - 30/06/2014)-Approved 43055090 - Modernisation of Facilities to Increase 43055090 -¸bMZ gvb m¤•bœ exR mieivn e„w×K‡í my‡hvM myweavw`i Supply of Standard Quality of Seed- AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/06 - 30/06/10). 43055100 - Barindra Integrated Development Project 43055100 -e‡i›`« mgwš^Z GjvKvi Dbœqb (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) (01/07/1990-30/06/2001) 43055110 - Faridpur-Gopalgonj-Rajbari-Madaripur-Sh 43055110 -dwi`cyi-†MvcvjMÄ-ivRevox †mP GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí- ariatpur Integrated Area Development 2q ch©vq (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Project-Phase-III-(July-2009-June-2014) 43055120 - Greater Dhaka District Irrigation Area 43055120 -e„nËi XvKv †mP GjvKv cÖKí Development Project-2nd Phase (1st (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Revised) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) 43055122 - Corps Diversification Programme (CDP) 43055122 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©m–wP (wmwWwc) evwK Ask (DAE Component) (01/07/1995-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43055127 - Corps Diversification programme (CDP) 43055127 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©m–wP (wmwWwc) (weGwWwm-AvjyexR (BADC - Potato Seeds) Drcv`b/msMÖn I weZiY AsM) (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43055128 - Corp diversification programme (BADC) 43055128 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©m–wP (weGwWwm) (Wvj I ˆZj exR) (Pules and Oil seeds) (01/07/1995-30/06/2004)ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43055130 - 43055130 -†cÖvMÖvg di ev‡qv-‡UK‡bvjwRK¨vj GWfv݇g›U di GwMÖKvjPvivj †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055131 - S 43055131 -†÷ªs‡`wbs di mxW mvwU©wd‡Kkb G‡RwÝ 43055140 - 43055140 -†÷ªs‡`wbs di mxW mvwU©wd‡Kkb G‡RÝx 43055150 - Quality Seed Production at Farmers Level 43055150 -K…lK ch©v‡q DbœZ exR Drcv`b (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 43055160 - Survey & Monitoring Project for 43055160 -¶z`ª‡mP Dbœq‡b Rwic I cwiex¶Y cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Development of Minor Irrigation (Phase-III) 43055170 - Establishment of Integrated Seed Cold 43055170 -KzwoMªv‡g mgwš^Z exR wngvMvi ¯’vcb cÖKí Storage Complex at Kurigram. 43055180 - Create Employment Opportunities of Char 43055180 -e„nËi iscy‡ii Piv‡ji `wi`ª Rb‡Mvwôxi Kg©ms¯’vb Dwellers in Greater Rangpur Districts m„wói j‡¶¨ B¶z Pvl cÖKí Through Sugarcane Cultivation 43055190 - Create Pilot Project for Development of 43055190 -evsjv‡`k myMviweU Pvlvev` cÖhyw³ Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ cvBjU Sugarbeet Cultivation Technologies in cÖKí Bangladesh 43055200 - Chittagong Hill Tracts Integrated 43055200 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Agriculture Development project 43055210 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 43055210 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (BRRI Part) (AvBGwcwc) evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU AsM 43055220 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 43055220 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (BARI Part) (AvBGwcwc) evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU AsM 43055230 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 43055230 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (BADC part) (AvBGwcwc) evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb (exR AsM I cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv AsM)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43055252 - Agriculture Services Innovation and 43055252 -GwMÖKvjPvi mvwf©‡mm B‡bv‡fkb GÛ widg© cÖ‡R±-K…wl Reforms Project - Agriculture Expansion m¤•ÖmviY Ask Part 43055253 - Agriculture Services innovation and 43055253 -GwMÖKvjPvi mvwf©‡mm B‡bv‡fkb GÛ widg© cÖ Reforms Project - Hortex Foundation Part ‡R±-ni‡U· dvD‡Ûkb Ask (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) 43055303 - Agriculture support services project -BJRI 43055303 -GwMªKvjPvi mv‡cvU© mvwf©m cÖ‡R± -cvU M‡elYv cÖwZôvb Component Ask 43055304 - Agriculture support services project -BARI 43055304 -GwMªKvjPvivj mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm cÖ‡R± -evsjv‡`k K…wl Component M‡elYv cÖwZôvb AsM 43055305 - Agriculture support services project -BARI 43055305 -GwMªKvjPvi mv‡cv©U mvwf©‡mm cÖ‡R± -evsjv‡`k avb Component M‡elYv cÖwZôvb AsM 43055344 - Netrakona integrated agriculture 43055344 -‡b·Kvbv mgwš^Z K…wl Drcv`b I †mP e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí production and irrigation management -evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© AsM project -BWDB component 43055870 - Assisting transformation to irrigated 43055870 -GwmmwUs UªvÝdi‡gkb Uz Bwi‡M‡UW GwMªKvjPvi agriculture 43055881 - Rice biotechnology facility development in 43055881 -ivBm ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR d¨vwmwjwU †Wfjc‡g›U Bb wewi BRRI 43055930 - Use of AEZ Database and GIS for 43055930 -K…wl Dbœq‡b GB†RW WvUv‡eR e¨envi Ges wRAvBGm development of agriculture 43055940 - Study of privatisation of minor irrigation 43055940 -óvwW Ae cªvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Ae gvBbi Bwi‡Mkb 43055960 - Strengthening of farming system research 43055960 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae dvwg©s wm‡÷g wimvm© GÛ †Wfjc‡g›U and development programme †cªvMªvg 43056330 - Barindra Village Road Development 43056330 -e‡i›`« MªvgxY moK Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 43056421 - Agricultural sector investment project 43056421 -GwMªKvjPvi †m±i Bb‡f÷‡g›U cª‡R± (Avwmc) (ASIP) 43056431 - Emergency assistance to tornado affected 43056431 -Bgvi‡Rw›m A¨vwmm‡U›m Uy U‡b©‡Wv A¨v‡dK‡UW d¨vwgwjR families of Tangail and Jamalpur districts Ae UvsMvBj GÛ Rvgvjcyi 43056493 - Horticulture Development Project 43056493 -D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq)-we G wW wm AsM (Phase-II) - BADC Part (01/07/2000-30/06/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 43056541 - Sub-regional and in-country training of 43056541 -mve wiwRIb¨vj GÛ BbKvw›Uª †Uªwbs Ab dzW GÛ wbDwUªkb food and nutrition programme planning †cÖvMÖvg c­¨vwbs GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U and management (1/10/98-30/6/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 43056580 - Agro business development component of 43056580 -G‡Mªv weR‡bm †W‡fjc‡g›U - ni‡U· dvD‡Ûkb AsM Hortex Foundation 43057000 - small devlopment 43057000 -¶zz`ª †mP Dbœq‡b Rwic I cwiex¶Y (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057010 - Establishment of Haji Danesh Agriculture 43057010 -w`bvRcyi nvRx ‡gvt `v‡bk K…wl K‡jR ¯’vcb College 43057012 - Rehabilitation of 1200 non-functional deep 43057012 -weAviwWwe fz³ K…lK mgevq mwgwZi 1200wU APj Mfxi tubewlls of farmers co-operative of BRDB bjK‚c cybev©mb 43057013 - Extension of irrigation and machinaries 43057013 -eb¨v‡Ëvi K…wl cybe©vmb Kg©mPxi AvIZvq †mP I hvwšK farming under post flood rehabilitation Pvlvev` m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí programme 43057014 - Command area development and 43057014 -weGwWwmÔi 1200wU Mfxi bjK‚c czbe©vmb Ges KgvÛ rehabilitaiton of 1200 deep tubewells of Gwiqv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2005) BADC Aby‡gvw`Z 43057015 - Scheme for rehabilitation and 43057015 -exR Drcv`b Lvgv‡ii K…wl hšcvwZi cybe©vmbI modernisation of farm equipments in seed AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) production farmers 43057016 - Survey and monitoring scheme for 43057016 -¶z`ª †mP Dbœq‡b Rwic I cwiex¶Y cÖKí development of small scale irrigation (01/07/1998-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057017 - 43057017 -e„nËi e¸ov-iscyi w`bvRcyi mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057018 - aaa 43057018 -`w¶Y, cwðg DcK–jxq A‡j exR ea©b Lvgvi ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/01/12-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43057019 - Scheme for establishment of laboratory 43057019 -mv‡ii ¸YMZ gvb wbav©i‡Yi cix¶vMvi ¯’vcb I GB and imparting training for quality control of msµvš@ cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) fertilizer Aby‡gvw`Z 43057020 - Strengthening of Patuakhali Agriculture 43057020 -cUzqvLvjx K…wl K‡jR kw³kvjxKiY College 43057030 - Eastern Integrated Agricultural 43057030 -c–e©vÂjxq mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ch©vq) Development Project. (I-Phase)- (weGwWwm) (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) and (Phase-II 01/07/10-30/06/2015) 43057040 - Strengthening of agriculture research 43057040 -evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv cªwZôv‡bi M‡elYv Kg©m–wP programme of BARI †Rvi`viKiY (ch©vq-2) (01/07/1998-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057050 - Establishment of spices research centre 43057050 -gkjv M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1994-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057060 - Strengthening of Plant Genetic Resources 43057060 -Dw™¢` †KŠwj m¤c` †K›`ª †Rvi`viKiY (01/07/2004 Center (01/07/2004 - 30/06/2009) - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057070 - Establishment of Integrated Agricultural 43057070 -cve©Z¨ A‡j AvÂwjK avb M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí Research Centre at Hilly Region 43057080 - Establishment of Rice Gene Bank and 43057080 -Rxb e¨vs†Ki myweavw` e„w× I Bnvi we`¨gvb Kvh©µg Strengthening of Rice Genetic Resources kwI“kvjxKiY (01/7/2000 - 30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Conservation Programme 43057090 - Pilot project for increased production of 43057090 -gmyi, gvmKjvB I gyM Wv‡ji Drcv`b e„w×i cvBjU lentils and mug dal (pulse) cÖKí (01/07/1996 - 30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057100 - 43057100 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨ AvbvqbK‡í ebvqb cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057110 - Strengthening of rice research programme 43057110 -avb M‡elYv Kg©mPx †Rvi`viKiY (1/7/93- 30/6/2001) 43057120 - Popularizing BRRI Developed Agricultural 43057120 -hvwšÎK c×wZ‡Z Pvlvev` e„w×K‡í eªx D™¢vweZ hšÎcvwZ Machineries to Augment Mechanized Rice RbwcÖqKiY cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Cultivation in Bangladesh Aby‡gvw`Z 43057130 - 43057130 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí 43057132 - 43057132 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí-exR ea©b Lvgv‡ii Ask 43057133 - 43057133 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí-Pzw³e× 43057134 - 43057134 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí-DbœZgv‡bi kl¨exR 43057135 - 43057135 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí-cvUexR Dc-cÖKí 43057140 - Agro service centre 43057140 -G‡Mªv mvwf©m †m›Uvi cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057150 - Private sector irrigation and agriculture 43057150 -‡emiKvwi Lv‡Z †mP I K…wl hvwš¿KxKiY Kg©m–wP mnvqK mechanisation support project cÖKí (chv©q-2) (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 43057160 - seed production project 43057160 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí 43057162 - Seed production project-Sub-project for 43057162 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí-exR ea©b Lvgv‡ii gva¨‡g DbœZgv‡bi production of crop seeds through seed exR Drcv`b Dc cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/2005 multiplication farms Aby‡gvw`Z 43057163 - Seed production project-Sub-project for 43057163 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí-Pyw³e× Drcv`bKvix‡`i gva¨‡g exR production of seeds through contract Drcv`b Dc cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/2005) growers Aby‡gvw`Z 43057164 - Seed production project-Sub project for 43057164 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí-DbœZgv‡bi `vbv km¨exR msMªn procurement, processing and distribution cÖwµqvKiY I weZiY Dc cÖKí of crop seeds (1/7/2000-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057165 - Seed production project-Sub project for 43057165 -exR Dbœqb cÖKí-cvU exR Dc cÖKí jute seed (1/7/2000-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057170 - Mahbubul Huda Bhuiyan Asugonj-Palash 43057170 -AvïMÄ cjvk G‡Mªv-Bwi‡Mkb cÖKí (chv©q-3) agro irrigation project (1/7/02-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057180 - Irrigation Extension with 400 Pumps used 43057180 -eb¨v wbqš‡Yi 400 wU cv¤• Øviv †mP m¤•ªmviY for Flood Control 43057190 - Integrated agricultural development of 43057190 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cªKí Chittagong Hill Tracts (1/7/96-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057200 - Popularizing Boron Fertilizer to Farmers in 43057200 -‡eviY NvUwZ GjvKvq K…lKw`M‡K †eviY mvi e¨env‡i Boron Deficit Areas DrmvwnZKiY cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43057210 - National Vegetable Seed Project 43057210 -RvZxq mâx exR cÖKí (4_© ch©vq) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057220 - Pilot Project for Agricultural Production in 43057220 -DbœZ ¶z`ª †mP cÖhyw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g g½v cxwoZ Monga Prone area Through Modern Minor GjvKvq K…wl Drcv`b e„w×i cvBjU cÖKí (weGwWwm Ask) Irrigation Practices (Revised) (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057222 - Jute research project - technical research 43057222 -cvU M‡elYv cªKí-KvwiMwi M‡elYv 43057230 - Dhaner jat Rakhwana bekhawn abong 43057230 -av‡bi RvZ i¶Yv‡e¶Y Ges ex‡Ri Drcv`b Breeder beezz Utpadon jordar karon †Rvi`viKiY prokolpa 43057240 - Strengthening and Capacity Building of 43057240 -†÷«s†`wbs GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae ev†qv†UK†bvjwR Bio-technology Laboratory in BRRI j¨ve†iUwi Bb weª (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) 43057250 - 600 LLP(95 cusecs) and 26 floating pump 43057250 -eb¨v wbqš¿‡Yi 600 wU cv¤• I 26wU fvmgvb cv¤• Øviv project for irrigation development and †mP m¤cÖmviY cÖKí (1/7/95-30/6/2002) drainage project 43057260 - Poverty alleviation through integrated area 43057260 -mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb development (1/7/99-30/6/2004) 43057270 - Development and expansion of agriculture 43057270 -K…wl exR Dbœqb I ewa©ZKiY seed 43057280 - Agriculture research management project 43057280 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’cvbv cÖKí (AvBwWG-3) (IDA-3) 43057282 - Agriculture research management project 43057282 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí (AvBwWG-3) weGAviwm (IDA-3) BARC component Ask (1/7/96-31/12/2001) 43057283 - Agriculture research management project 43057283 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí (AvBwWG-3) weGAviAvB (IDA-3) BARI component Ask (01/07/1996 -31/12/2001) 43057284 - Agriculture research management project 43057284 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí (AvBwWG-3) weAviAviAvB (IDA-3) BRRI component Ask (1/7/96-31/12/2001) 43057285 - Agriculture research management project 43057285 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí (AvBwWG-3) we‡RAviAvB (IDA-3) BJRI component Ask (1/7/96-31/12/2001) 43057288 - Agriculture research management project 43057288 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí (AvBwWG-3) weGmAviAvB (IDA-3) STRI component Ask (1/7/96-31/12/2001) 43057290 - Integrated cotton development project 43057290 -mgwš^Z Zzjv Dbœqb cªKí 43057300 - National Agricultural Technology Project 43057300 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK†bv†jvwR cÖ†R± (ni†U· (Hortex Component) Ask) 01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z -01/07/2007-30/06/2012) 43057310 - National Agricultural Technology Project 43057310 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK†bv†jvwR cÖ†R± (†KwRGd (KGF Part) Ask) (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057320 - Agricultural research management project 43057320 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí (AvBwWG-3) weGAvi (IDA-3) BAR 43057322 - Jute research project - agricultural 43057322 -cvU M‡elYv cªKí-K…wl M‡elYv research 43057323 - Jute research project - technological 43057323 -cvU M‡elYv cªKí-KvwiMwi M‡elYv research 43057330 - Establishment of jute and textile product 43057330 -RyU GÛ †U·UvBj †cªvWv± †W‡fjc‡g›U †m›Uvi ¯’vcb centre (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/97-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057340 - Strengthening of Bangladesh Institute of 43057340 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwK¬qvi Nuclear Agriculture GwMªKvjPvi-evsjv‡`k cigvYy K…wl M‡elYv cÖwZôvb kw³kvjxKiY 43057350 - Development of BINA sub centers 43057350 -webvi Dc‡K›`«mg–‡ni Dbœqb (1/7/95-30/6/2003) 43057360 - Pilot project for production of bio-fertilizer 43057360 -RxevYy mvi Drcv`b cvBjU cÖ‡R± (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/96-30/6/2003) 43057370 - Institute of post graduate studies in 43057370 -øvZK‡Ëvi K…wl wk¶v cÖwZôvb (Bcmv ms‡kvwaZ) agriculture 43057380 - Support for Bangladesh institute of 43057380 -mv‡cvU© di evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae wimvP© GÛ †U«wbs research and training on applied nutrition Ab A¨vcjvBW wbDwUªkb (1/7/95-30/6/2002) 43057390 - Production of fine rice in Barendra area 43057390 -e‡i›`« GjvKvq mi“ Pvj Drcv`b cªKí (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) 43057400 - National Agricultural Technology Project 43057400 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK†bv†jvwR cÖ†R± (evK© Ask) (BARC Part) 01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby†gvw`Z 43057410 - Irrigation area development project 43057410 -‡mP GjvKv Dbœqb cªKí (e‡i›`ª GjvKv) (ms‡kvwaZ) (Barendra area) (01/07/1996-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43057420 - Electrification of Barendra deep-tubewell 43057420 -e‡i›`ª Mfxi bjK‚c ˆe`y¨ZxKiY cªKí project (01/07/1996-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057430 - Strengthening of sugarcane research 43057430 -B¶z M‡elYv cªwZôvb †Rvi`viKiY training institute (01/07/1993-30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057440 - Construction of Rubber Dams in small 43057440 -Lv`¨ Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ ¶z`ª I gvSvwi b`x‡Z ivevi Medium Rivers for Increasing of Food W¨vg wbg©vY (weGwWwm AsM) (01/07/09-30/06/14) Production (BADC part) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057450 - Pulse and Oil Seed (2nd Phase) 43057450 -Wvj I †Zj exR cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 43057460 - Innovative Use of Surface Water Project 43057460 -f–-cwi¯’ cvwbi D™¢vebgyLx e¨envi cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase) (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057470 - Grater Bagura-Rongpur-Dinajpur 43057470 -e„nËi e¸ov-iscyi-w`bvRcyi mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057480 - Greater Khulna-Jessore-Kustia Integrated 43057480 -e„nËi Lyjbv-h‡kvi-Kzwóqv mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí Area Development Project (2q ch©vq) (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057490 - Greater Mymonshing-Tangail Integrated 43057490 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn-UvsMvBj mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí Agricultural Development Project (2q ch©vq) (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057500 - Marketing of Agricultural Products through 43057500 -K…wlcY¨ evRviRvZKi‡Y MÖvgxY †hvMv‡hvM Dbœqb cÖKí Development of Rural Communication Project 43057510 - Establish a Deep tube-well at Barindra 43057510 -e‡i›`« Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb area (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057511 - Bangladesh/German/EEC seed 43057511 -evsjv‡`k/Rvg©vb/BBwm exR Dbœqb cªKí development project 43057520 - Expansion and Upgrading of 43057520 -G·cvbkb GÛ Avc‡MÖwWs Ae ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR j¨ve GÛ Biotechnology lab and soil science m‡qj mvBÝ GbvjvBwUK¨vj j¨ve Ae weª analytical lab of BRRI (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057521 - Bangladesh-German seed development 43057521 -evsjv‡`k-Rvg©vb exR Dbœqb cªKí (chv©q-2) project (1/3/2000-28/2/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057530 - Research and Development of Hybrid Rice 43057530 -wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae nvBweªW ivBm Bb evsjv‡`k in Bangladesh (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057531 - Development of rain paid rice production in 43057531 -‡Wfjc‡g›U Ae †iBb †dBW ivBm cªWvKkb Bb Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 43057540 - Selling and Production of thick rice of 43057540 -evsjv‡`‡ki mi“Pvj Drcv`b I wecbb (e‡i›`ª eûgLx Bangladesh (01/01/2000-01/07/2005) Dbœqb KZ©„c¶) (01/01/2000-01/07/2005) 43057541 - BARI-strengthening of vegetable research 43057541 -mwâ M‡elYv I Dbœqb kw³kvjxKiY and development 43057550 - Barendra Breezing Project 43057550 -e‡i›`ª weªwRs cÖKí (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) (01/07/2001-30/06/2003) 43057551 - SAARC agriculture information centre 43057551 -mvK© GwMªKvjPvi Bbdi‡gkb †m›Uvi 43057560 - Bangladesh AVRDC vegetable research 43057560 -evsjv‡`k GwfAviwWwm/mwâ M‡elYv I Dbœqb cÖKí and development project 43057561 - Bangladesh AVRDC vegetable research 43057561 -evsjv‡`k GwfAviwWwm mwâ M‡elYv I Dbœqb cÖKí and development project 43057570 - Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, Dinajpur and 43057570 -cÂMo, VvKziMuvI, w`bvRcyi Ges RqcyinvU mgw¤^Z K…wl Joyupurhat Integrated Agriculture Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project) 43057571 - Bangladesh-Australia wheat research and 43057571 -evsjv‡`k-A‡ó«wjqv Mg M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y Kg©mPx training programme 43057580 - Barind Rain Water Conservation & 43057580 -e‡i›`ª e„wói cvwb msi¶Y I †mP cÖKí -2q ch©vq Irrigation Project-Phase-II) 43057581 - Agroforestry research and training in BARI 43057581 -evwii K…wl ebvqb, M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y Kg©m–wP (01/07/1994 -31/07/2001) 43057590 - BARC-AEZ database and installation of 43057590 -K…wl Dbœq‡b GB†RW WvUv‡eR e¨envi Ges wRAvBGm GIS for agriculture development ¯’vcb (1/7/91-30/7/2001) 43057600 - Command Area Extension and 43057600 -‡mP GjvKv ewa©ZKiY I Dbœqb cÖKí Development 43057610 - Strengthening research and development 43057610 -Rjevq~ cwieZ©b I evjvBbvk‡Ki Ace¨envi RwbZ D™¢yZ work on bio-rational based management †cvKv-gvK‡oi we¯—vi †iv‡a ˆRweK `gb c×wZ wfwËK of insect pest outbreak due to climate M‡elYv I Dbœqb Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY change

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43057611 - Strengthening of farming system research 43057611 -evsjv‡`k Lvgvi c×wZ M‡elYv I Dbœqb Kg©mPx and development programme-BARC †Rvi`viKiY component 43057620 - Upgrading of pulses research sub-station 43057620 -Wvj M‡elYv Dc‡K›`ª, gv`vixcyi‡K AvÂwjK Wvj M‡elYv Madaripur to regional pulses research †K‡›`ª DbœxZKiY station 43057621 - Agricultural research management system 43057621 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ ms¯’vcb 43057630 - Deep Tube wells Installation Project (2nd 43057630 -Mfxi bjK–c ¯’vcb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (01/01/10 - Phase) 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057631 - Intensive research on post harvest 43057631 -Bb‡Ubwmf wimvP© Ab †cvó nvi‡fó cª‡mwms di G·‡cvU© processing for export of horticulture crops Ae nwU©KvjPvi µcm& 43057640 - Expansion of Irrigation through Utilization 43057640 -Wvej wjdwUs Gi gva¨‡g f–-Dcwi¯’ cvwbi mvnv‡h¨ †mP of Surface Water by Double Lifting (2nd GjvKv m¤•ªmviY (2q ch©vq) (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Phase) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057641 - BADC-strengthening of national vegetable 43057641 -‡emiKvwi Lv‡Zi ewa©Z AskMªn‡Yi gva¨‡g RvZxq seed production programme through mwâexR Drcv`b Kg©mPx kw³kvjxKiY increased participation of private sector 43057650 - Strengthening of Biotechnology Research 43057650 -evsjv‡`k C¶z M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR in Bangladesh Sugarcane Research M‡elYv †Rvi`vi KiY cÖKí Institute (01/07/2010-30/12/2013) Approved 43057651 - Strengthening of academic research and 43057651 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae GKv‡WwgK wimvP© GÛ AvDUwiP Ae Bcmv outreach programme of IPSA 43057660 - Strenthening Research Activities and 43057660 -webvi M‡elYv Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Ges Dc‡K›`ªmg–‡ni Sub-Stations Development of BINA- Dbœqb (01/05/2010 - 30/06/2013) - Approved 43057661 - Tea Expansion and Research Support 43057661 -wU G·‡Ubkb GÛ wimvP© mv‡cvU© (wUqvm©) cÖKí (Tears) project 43057670 - Basic and Applied Research and Jute 43057670 -cvU welqK †gŠwjK I dwjZ M‡elYv 43057680 - Integrated Quality Horticulture 43057680 -mgwš^Z gvbm¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí - 2q ch©vq (we G Development Phase-II (BADC) wW wm) 43057690 - Integrated Quality Horticulture 43057690 -mgwš^Z gvbm¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí - 2q ch©vq Development Phase-II (BARI) (evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU) 43057700 - Project for Enhancement of Agriculture 43057700 -‡dvm© †gvW bjK‚‡ci gva¨‡g †mP Kvh©µg Øviv K…wl Production and Poverty Alleviation by Drcv`b e„w× I `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb Introducing Force Mode Tubewell Irrigation (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057710 - Farm Machinery Technology Development 43057710 -K…wl hš¿cvwZi cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí and Dissemination (BARI Part) (evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU AsM) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057720 - Farm Machinery Technology Development 43057720 -K…wl hš¿cvwZi cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí and Dissemination (BRRI Part) (evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU AsM) 43057730 - Tuber Crops Development Project (BADC 43057730 -K›`vj dmj Dbœqb cÖKí (weGwWwm AsM) part) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057740 - Tuber Crops Development Project (BARI 43057740 -K›`vj dmj Dbœqb cÖKí (evwi AsM) part) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057750 - Project of Activating Inoperable Deep Tube 43057750 -†mP Kv‡R weGwWwmÕi APvjy/A‡K‡Rv Mfxi bjK–c Wells of BADC for Irragation mPjKiY cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057760 - Pilot project for supply of drinking water 43057760 -e‡i›`« GjvKvq †mP Kv‡R ¯’vwcZ Mfxi bjKc †_‡K from irrigation deep tube-well to Barindra Lvevi cvwb mieivn cvBjU cÖKí region 43057770 - Development and Multiplication of 43057770 -K…wl exR Dbœqb I ewa©ZKiY (2q ch©vq) Agriculture seeds (2n phase) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057780 - Greater Dhaka District Irrigation Area 43057780 -e„nËi XvKv †Rjvi †mP GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Development project (2nd phase) (01/07/2010-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057790 - Rural Communication Development 43057790 -K…wl cY¨ evRviRvZKi‡Y MªvgxY †hvMv‡hvM Dbœqb cÖKí Project for Marketing Agricultural (01/10/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Commodities (01/10/2010 - 30/06/2014) Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43057800 - Private Seed Sector Devlopment Project 43057800 -‡emiKvwi ch©v‡q exR Dbœqb (2q chvq) cÖKí (01/07/2010-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057810 - Transfer of agriculture technology through 43057810 -miKvwi I GbwRI/†emiKvwi ms¯’vi †hŠ_ D‡`¨v‡M K…wl Govt./NGO/Private orgranisations cÖhyw³ n¯vši cÖKí (1/7/97-31/12/03) 43057820 - Provision for manpower and renovation of 43057820 -evsjv‡`k-Rvg©vb exR Dbœqb cªKí ev¯evq‡bi Rb¨ Rbej physical facilities for implementation of ms¯’vb I †fŠZ myweavw` ms¯‹vi Kg©mPx (1/7/2000- BD/German seed development project 30/6/2003) 43057830 - Pilot Project for Plam, Dat and Goalpatha 43057830 -Zvj I †LRyi I †MvjcvZv Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ cvBjU cÖKí Development (01/11/2010-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057831 - Nutrient and irrigation management for 43057831 -wbDwU«‡q›U GÛ Bwi‡Mkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U di mvm‡UB‡bej sustainable rice-wheat cropping system in ivBm-ûBU µwcs wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/1996 Bangladesh -31/07/2001) 43057840 - Extended programme for production of 43057840 -AwaK cwigv‡Y ¸bMZ gvbm¤•bœ exR Drcv`b Kg©m–wP certified seed (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/97-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057850 - Panchogar, Thakurgah, Dinajpur and 43057850 -cÂMo, VvKziMvuI, w`bvRcyi Ges RqcyinvU mgwš^Z Jaipurhat Integrated Agriculture GjvKv Dbœqb (01/7/2010-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z development Project (01/7/2010-31/12/2013) 43057860 - Pabna-Natore-Sirajgonj integrated area 43057860 -cvebv-bv‡Uvi-wmivRMÄ mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí development project (1/7/99-30/6/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43057870 - Monitoring and investigation of surface 43057870 -fMf©¯’ cvwb gwbUwis cªvc¨Zv AbymÜvb I ¶z`ª †mP cªKí water and irrigation project 43057880 - Minimizing Rice Yield Gap Project 43057880 -avb dm‡ji djb cv_©K¨ Kgv‡bv (avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU AsM) 43057890 - Strengthening of jute research project 43057890 -cvU M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY cªKí (1/7/95-30/6/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057900 - Bridging activities of IPSA and 43057900 -weªwRs A¨vKwUwfwUm Ae Bcmv GÛ e½eÜz GwMÖKvjPvi Bangabandhu Agriculture University BDwbfv©wmwU 43057910 - Development of infrastructure of wholesale 43057910 -K…wl c‡Y¨i cvBKvix evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb agriculture products 43057920 - Intensive afforestation project 43057920 -wbweo ebvqb cÖKí (01/07/97-30/06/03) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057930 - Outreach research programme of BRRI 43057930 -AvDUwiP wimvP© †cªvMªvg Ae eªx (1/7/2000-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057940 - Barendro grameen 43057940 -e‡i›`ª MªvgxY moK Dbœqb (chv©q-3) (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057950 - 43057950 -weGgwWG BDwbU-2 †mP GjvKv Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43057951 - Crops management and efficient use of 43057951 -µcm& g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ dvwU©jvBRvi BDR Gwdwm‡q›mx fertilizer in Bangladesh Ae ivBUm Bb evsjv‡`k 43057960 - 43057960 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq Mfxi bjKzc ¯’vcb (BDwbU-2) cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 43057961 - Development and use of hybrid rice project 43057961 -nvBweªW ivBm Dbœqb I e¨envi cÖKí 43057970 - 43057970 -e‡i›`ª cÖK‡íi BDwbU-2 GjvKvq cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨ AvbqbK‡í ebvqb (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 43057980 - 43057980 -e‡i›`ª †mP GjvKv Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (BDwbU-2) (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 43057990 - Management of emergency stock of seeds 43057990 -ex‡Ri AvcZKvjxb gIRy` I Zvi e¨e¯’vcbv (1/7/97-30/6/2001) 43058000 - Development of 3 districts in greater CHT 43058000 -¶z`ª †mP myweavw` cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji using small scale irrigation projects 3wU cvnvox †Rjvi Dbœqb (01/07/99-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43058010 - BINA: improvement of agricultural rsearch 43058010 -webv t we‡kl c×wZi gva¨‡g K…wl M‡elYv BbwówUDU using specific systems and methods kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 43058020 - Establishment of Barguna agricultural 43058020 -ei¸bvq G‡MÖv mvwf©m †m›Uvi ¯’vcb service centre (1/7/98-30/6/2002) 43058030 - After care project for strengthening 43058030 -AvdUvi †Kqvi cÖ‡R± di †÷ªs‡`wbs GKv‡WwgK wimvP© academy research and outrich activities of GÛ AvDUwiP GKwUwfwUR Ae Bcmv IPSA

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43058031 - After care project for strengthening 43058031 -AvdUvi †Kqvi cÖ‡R± di †óªs‡`wbs GKv‡WwgK wimvP© academy research and outrich activities of GÛ AvDUwiP GKwUwfwU Ae Bc&mv IPSA 43058032 - Strengthening of Germplasm bank of BARI 43058032 -weGmAviAvB Gi Rvg©c­vRg evPK †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058040 - Barandra Rain-water Preservation and 43058040 -e‡i›`ª e„wói cvwb msi¶Y I †mP cÖKí (01/07/2004 - Irrigation Project (Phase-II) - 01/03/2011 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/2014 - Approved 43058041 - Procurement of equipment for vegetable 43058041 -mwâ M‡elYvi Rb¨ hšcvwZ msMÖn research project 43058042 - Integrated area development of Faridpur, 43058042 -dwi`cyi, †MvcvjMÄ, ivRevox mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb Gopalgonj and Rajbari cÖKí (1/7/99-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058050 - Strengthening of Horticulture Research 43058050 -D`¨vbZË M‡elYv †K›`ª †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Centres (01/07/2000 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058051 - Micro Propagation of Banana Plantation 43058051 -gvB‡µv cÖcv‡Mkb Ae e¨vbvbv c­vb‡Ukb Góvewjk‡g›U Establishment of Low-cost Tissue Culture Ae †jv-Kó wUmy¨ KvjPvi j¨ve‡iUix GÛ UªvÝdvi Ae Laboratories and Transfer of Technology †UK‡bvjwR 43058060 - Elevation of Wheat Research Centre into 43058060 -Mg M‡elYv †K›`ª‡K Mg M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡U Wheat Research Institute DbœxZKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ weªwRs cÖKí (01/07/1999 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058061 - Integrated Maintenance of Gram old 43058061 -evsjv‡`k A‡óªwjqv †Qvjvi ewUªwUm †MÖ‡gvì †iv‡Mi disease of Australion Lentils in mgwš^Z e¨e¯’vcbv (01/10/2002-30/06/2006) Bangladesh. Aby‡gvw`Z 43058070 - 43058070 -e‡i›`ª cÖK‡íi BDwbU-2 GjvKvq cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨ AvbvqbK‡í ebvqb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058071 - Intensification of Sustainable Production of 43058071 -Mg Ges avbM‡gi Drcv`‡bi avivevwnKZv †Rvi`viKiY Wheat & Rice-Wheat System (01/09/2003 - 31/08/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/09/2003-31/08/2005) Approved 43058080 - Development and Research project on 43058080 -evsjv‡`k GwfAviwWwm mwâ M‡elYv I Dbœqb cÖKí vegetable for Bangladesh AVRDC (01/07/1995-30/07/2001) (01/07/1995-30/07/2001) 43058081 - Fascililating the Development and Spead 43058081 -d¨vwmwj‡UwUs w` †Wfjc‡g›U GÛ †¯•ÖW Ae AvBwcGg of the IPM Colaborative Research Support †Kvjve‡iwUf wimvP© mv‡cvU© †cÖvMªvg Programme (1/01/2005-31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058090 - Establishment of Integrated Agriculture 43058090 -cve©Z¨ A‡j mgwš^Z cvnvox K…wl M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb Research Center at Hilly Region cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) 43058091 - 43058091 -wmW weR‡bm †cÖv‡gvkbvj cÖ‡R± weªwRs †dR (1/03/2004-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058100 - Upgrading of Pulses Research Sub- 43058100 -Wvj M‡elYv Dc‡K›`ª gv`vixcyi‡K AvÂwjK Wvj M‡elYv Station Madaripur to Regional Pulses ‡K†›`ª DbœxZKiY(01/01/2011-30/06/2014) Research Station Aby‡gvw`Z 43058110 - 43058110 -G‡MÖv mvwf©m †m›Uvi cÖKí 43058120 - Production of 25Million tons of Foodgrains 43058120 -Lv`¨ km¨ Drcv`b e„w× Ae¨vnZ ivL‡Z webvi M‡elYv by 2002 (BINA Part) Dbœqb mnvqZv cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058130 - Extension of Irrigation with the help of 43058130 -Wvej wjdwUs Gi gva¨‡g f‚cwi¯’ cvwbi mvnv‡h¨ †mP Surface Water through Double Lifting m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (chv©q-1) (1/7/99-30/6/2006) (Phase-1) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058132 - 43058132 -e„nËi wm‡jU †Rjvq Kgjv I Avbvim Dbœqbmn mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) - weGwWwm (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058140 - Establishment of National Plant Genetic 43058140 -RvZxq Dw™¢` †KŠwj m¤•` BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí Resources Institute (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 43058141 - 43058141 -ev‡qv dvwU©jvBRvi wi‡mvm© ‡m›Uvi ¯’vcb (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058150 - Integrated Area Development of Shaheed 43058150 -knx` g‡qR DÏxb MvRxcyi -biwms`x mgwš^Z GjvKv Moyezuddin Gazipur-Narshingdi Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058152 - Integrated Soyabean Cultivation Project 43058152 -mgwš^Z mqvweb Pvl cÖKí-weGwWwm (01/07//2005 - (BADC-Component) 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43058160 - Pulse and Oil-seed Project (01/07/2009 - 43058160 -Wvj I ˆZjexR cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) 30/06/2015) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 43058170 - 43058170 -mgwš^Z gvb m¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb - weGwWwm AsM (01/07/05-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058180 - 43058180 -mgwš^Z gvb m¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (weGAviAvB A½) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058182 - Integrated Soyabean Production RARI Part 43058182 -mgwš^Z mqvweb Pvl cÖKí- weGAviAvB AsM (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058183 - Integrated Soyabean Cultivate 43058183 -mgwš^Z mqvweb Pvl cÖKí- weAvBGbG AsM Project-BINA Componant (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2005-30/06/2010) 43058190 - Multi usages and Expansion of Jute and 43058190 -evsjv‡`‡k Wvj I ˆZjexR M‡elYv Kg©m–wP †Rvi`viKiY Jute-made commodities (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/05-30/06/09) 43058192 - Strengthening Dul and oil seed Research 43058192 -cvU I cvU RvZxq `ª‡e¨i eûgyLx e¨envi I m¤•ÖmviY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058200 - Bangladesh 43058200 -evsjv‡`‡k K›`vj dm‡ji M‡elYv Kg©m–wP †Rvi`viKiY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058210 - Potao Seed Project-(01/07/2005 - 43058210 -Avjy exR cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058220 - Deep Tube well Inspection Project unit-2 43058220 -Mfxi bjK–c ¯’vcb cÖKí BDwbU -2 VvKziMuvI (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058222 - More Quantity Standard Seed Production 43058222 -AwaK cwigv‡b ¸YMZ gvbm¤•bœ exR Drc`b cÖKí (2q Project- (II Phase). ch©vq) 01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058230 - Development of Hybrid Maige Research in 43058230 -evsjv‡`k msKi nvBweªW fyÆv M‡elYvMvi Dbœqb cÖKí Bangladesh (01/07/2005 - 30/6/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058232 - Bangladesh 43058232 -evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi Dw™¢` ‡ivMZZ¡ M‡elYvMvi I M‡elYv kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/05 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058233 - Norshingdi 43058233 -biwms`x, Kzwgj­v I cUyqvLvjx †Rjvi AvÂwjK D`¨vbZZ¡ M‡elYv ‡K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058234 - Strengthening Of On-going Research 43058234 -evwiÕi Pjgvb M‡elYv Kg©m–wP †Rv`viKiY Programme of BARI-Approved (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058240 - Agriculture material 43058240 -K…wlRvZ c‡Y¨i †cw÷mvBW †iwmwWD Gi Dcw¯’wZ I Zvi cwigvb wba©vi‡Yi Rb¨ †cw÷mvBW Uw·‡KvjwR M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058250 - 43058250 -e„nËi Lyjbv h‡kvni Kzwóqv mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058260 - 43058260 -webvi M‡elYvMvi AvaywbKiY, m¤•ÖmviY Ges Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vcbv ms¯‹vi cÖKí (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058270 - Development of Research Infrastructure of 43058270 -weGmAviAvB Gi M‡elYv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I D™¢vweZ BSRI and Expansion of its Innovated cÖhyw³ m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Technology ((01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z -Approved 43058280 - water 43058280 -f–-cwi¯’ cvwbi D™¢vebgyLx e¨envi cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058290 - Greater Mymensingh, Tangail, and 43058290 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn, UvsMvBj mgwb¡Z K…wl Dbœqb cªKí Dinajpur Integrated Area Development (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Project-01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) 43058300 - 43058300 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058310 - Integrated Agricultural Development 43058310 -e„nËi ewikvj cUzqvLvjx mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí Project greater Barisal Patuakhali (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058320 - Non government 43058320 -†emiKvwi ch©v‡q exR Dbœqb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058330 - 43058330 -D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43058340 - Integrated Agriculture Farm Development 43058340 -cvebv, wmivRMÄ, bv‡Uvi, e¸ov I gvwbKMÄ †Rjvq K…wl Project in Lvgvi Dbœqb (weGwWwm AsM) (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Pabna-Sirajganj-Natore-Manikganj Aby‡gvw`Z District- (BADC-Component)-(01/07/06 - 30/06/2011) 43058350 - Development and Multiplication of 43058350 -GwMÖKvjPvi wimvP© (1) wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ab Agricultural Seeds Research and GwMÖKvjPvivj wmWm (01/07/2007-30/06/2008) Development of Agricultural Seeds Abby‡gvw`Z (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) 43058360 - 43058360 -GwMÖKvjPvi wimvP© (2) GwMÖKvjPvi †KvqvwjxwU K‡›Uªvj †m›Uvi (01/07/2007-30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 43058370 - Agriculture Sector Programme Support, 43058370 -GwMÖKvjPvi †m±i †cÖvMÖvg mv‡cvU© -2q ch©vq (evwi AsM) Phase-II (BARI Component) (01/10/07-30/09/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058380 - Barind integrated Area Development 43058380 -e‡i›`ª mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Project (Phase-III) (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058385 - Commend Area Development and 43058385 -†mP GjvKv Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y cÖKí-2q ch©vq Training Project (2nd Phase) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058390 - Agriculture Sector Programme Support 43058390 -GwMÖKvjPvi †m›Ui †cÖvMÖvg mv‡cvU© 2q ch©vq (K…wl _Phase-II (DAE)-Approved- m¤•ÖmviY Awa`ßi) (01/10/2006-30/09/2011) (01/10/2006-30/09/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058400 - BARI 43058400 -weGAviAvB G kh¨ msMÖ‡nvËi cÖhyw³ M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058410 - Integrated Project for Production onion, 43058410 -wcqvR, imyb, Av`v, njy` I gwiP Drcv`b e„w×i mgwš^Z garlic, ginger and chilli cÖKí (weGwWwm AsM) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058420 - Integrated Project for Increasing 43058420 -wcqvR, imyb, Av`v, njy`, gwiP Drcv`b e„w×i mgwš^Z Production of Onion, Garlic, Ginger, cÖKí ( Ask) Turmerice and Chilli. 43058430 - Strengthening of Information and 43058430 -†÷s‡`wbs Ae Bbdi‡gkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb Communication Technology (ICT) †UK‡bvjRx (AvB.wm.wU) GÛ evBI‡gwU«K¨vj †dwmwjwUR Facilities at BARI G¨vU evwi (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058435 - Stre 43058435 -†÷ªs‡`wbs gvki“g †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058440 - Strengthening of Information and 43058440 -weGAviAvB -Gi Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ Ges communication Technology (ICT & ev‡qv‡gwU«K¨vj myweav †Rvi`viKiY Biometrical Facilities at BARI) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z 43058450 - Fundamental and Applied Research on 43058450 -cvU welqK †gŠwjK I dwjZ M‡elYv Jute (01/09/2010-31/08/2013) (01/09/2010-31/08/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058460 - Bio Technology research Facilities 43058460 -ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR wimvP© †dwmwjwUR †Wfjc‡g›U development BRFD at BRRI weAviGdwW G¨vU we Avi Avi AvB (01/02/2011-30/06/2013) (01/02/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058710 - Establishment of 6 new Agro-Service 43058710 -6wU bZzb G‡MÖv mvwf©m †m›Uvi cÖKí center 43058720 - Management of buffer stock of seed 43058720 -ex‡Ri Avc`Kvjxb gRy` I Zvi e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (01/07/2001-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058730 - Innovative uses of surface water project 43058730 -f‚-cwi¯’ cvwbi D™¢vebgLx (B‡bv‡fwUf e¨envi) cÖKí 43058731 - Activating inoperable Deep Tube Wells for 43058731 -‡mP Kv‡R e¨env‡ii wbwg‡Ë Apvjy/A‡K†Rv Mfxi bjKzc Irrigation mPjKiY Kg©m~Px 43058732 - Barind Integreted Area Development 43058732 -e‡iš¿ mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí-3q ch©vq Project Phase-111 43058733 - Smart Card based Pre-paid Pump Usages 43058733 -¯§vU© KvW© †eBRW wcÖ-‡cÖBW cv¤ú DB‡Rm GÛ GbvwR© And Energy measuring System †gRvwis wm‡÷g 43058734 - Irrigation Project Through Surface Water 43058734 -f~-cwi¯’ cvwb e¨env!ii gva¨‡g †mP Kvh©µg cÖKí Augmentation 43058735 - Programme forAdvanceWaterCoservation 43058735 -‡m‡Pi msKUKvj (we`y¨r msKU ILiv) †gvKv‡ejvq in ponds to face irrigationCrisis. cvwbØvivAvMvg cyKzifwZ©KiYKg©m~Px (Shortageof Electricity&extremedrought) 43058736 - Quality Seed Production Project on Farmer 43058736 -K…lK ch©v‡q DbœZ exR Drcv`b cÖKí Level 43058737 - Barind Deep TubeWell Electrification 43058737 -e‡i›`ª Mfxi bjKzc ˆe`y¨wZKiY cÖKí (ch©vq-2) Project, Phase-II

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43058738 - Barind Irrigation ...... Phase-II 43058738 -e‡i›`ª †mP GjvKv Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (ch©vq-2) 43058739 - 43058739 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y Kg©mPx 43058740 - 43058740 -e‡i›`ª mgwš^Z g„wËKv I K…wl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 43058741 - Barind Deep TubeWell Electrification 43058741 -ivRkvnx‡Z 30 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª Project, Phase-II wbg©vY cÖKí 43058742 - 43058742 -VvKziMvI 30 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí 43058747 - 43058747 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí 43058749 - 43058749 -†emiKvix ch©v‡q exR wkí Dbœqb cÖKí 43058750 - 43058750 -Wvj I ˆZj exR cÖKí 43058751 - 43058751 -wimvP© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U nvBweªW ivBP Bb evsjv‡`k 43058752 - 43058752 -‡KvAwW©‡b‡UU ó¨vwW Abw` B‡c± Ae Av‡m©wbK K›Uvwg‡b‡UW IqvUvi Ab µcm, wdmvwiR GÛ jvBfóK GÛ Bum K¨vwiW Ifvi B‡c± Ab dzW †PBb| 43058753 - 43058753 -Mªªvg ch©v‡q dj I mwâ cªªwµqvRvZKiY I msi¶Y c×wZ Dbœœqb 43058754 - 43058754 -weGmAviAvB Gi M‡elYv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I D™¢vweZ cÖhyw³ m¤cÖmviY 43058758 - Activation of unutilized tubewell for 43058758 -APj MjK‚c †mP Kv‡R e¨env‡ii wbwg‡Ë mPj KiY utilization in irrigation cÖKjc 43058759 - Greater Barishal-Patuakhali Integrated 43058759 -e„nËi ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí Agricultural Development Project 43058766 - 43058766 -mgwš^Z mqvweb Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí (evwi Ask) 43058771 - Hill Track Development Project BARI 43058771 -cvnvox M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí 43058772 - 43058772 -Rxe cÖhywI“ M‡elYvMvi I M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058773 - 43058773 -g„wËKv weÁvb M‡elYvMvi I M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058777 - 43058777 -b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjwR cÖ‡R±| 43058780 - Improvement of production of food crops 43058780 - through Neuclear and BioTechnological Technics 43058781 - Biotechnological Advancement for 43058781 -ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwRK¨vj GWfv›m‡g›U di GwMªKvjPvivj Agricultural Development in Bangladesh †W‡fjc‡g›U Bb evsjv‡`k 43058782 - South-West flood damage rehabilitation 43058782 -GwWwe mnvqZvq `w¶b cwðgv‡ji eb¨v‡Ëvi cbe©vmb project under ADB assistance (BADC part) cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/1/01-30/6/03) 43058783 - Food intact patarn and assesment of 43058783 -dzW Bb‡U± c¨vU©vb GÛ G‡mm‡g›U Ae wbDUªkbvj cÖ nutritional probesnom in 30 agro ‡eøg Bb 30 G‡MÖv B‡KvjwRK¨vj †Rvb Ae evsjv‡`k echological zone of bangladesh 43058784 - 43058784 -b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjwR cÖ‡R± (weGAviwm Ask) 43058785 - 43058785 -D`¨vbZvwË¡K dmj M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058786 - 43058786 -webvi Rb¨ M‡elYv mnvqZv cÖKí 43058787 - Arsenic in Agriculture 43058787 -Av‡m©wbK Bb GwMÖKvjPvi 43058788 - 43058788 -‡W‡mwg‡bkb Ae evwi GÛ weª †W‡fjcW dvg©m di eyw÷s µc cÖWvKkb jxW G‡Rwmt evwi 43058789 - 43058789 -wgwbgvBwRs ivBm BÛ X¨vc cÖKí (weª Ask) jxW G‡R¤mx wWGB 43058790 - 43058790 -‡÷b‡`wbs GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae ev‡qv†UK‡bvjwR j¨ve‡iUix Bb weªª | 43058791 - 43058791 -‡÷b‡`wbs Ae ivBP weªWvi mxW cÖWvKkb GÛ †gb‡U‡b¤m Ae wbDwK¬qvm ÷K 43058792 - 43058792 -Zvj-†Lryi I †MvjcvZv Dbœqb cÖKí 43058793 - 43058793 -ivRkvnx, RqcyinvU, Pzbvi“NvU, wmivRMÄ I h‡kv‡I weGmAviAvB Gi cuvPwU Dc‡K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí 43058794 - 43058794 -ivRkvnx‡Z 30 †gNvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb wbg©vY cÖKí 43058795 - 43058795 -VvKziMuvI 30 †gNvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb wbg©vY cÖKí 43058796 - 43058796 -e‡i›`ª Mfxi bjK‚c we`y¨Zvqb cÖKí -2q ch©vq 43058798 - 43058798 -e‡i›`ª †mP GjvKv Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y cÖKí -2q ch©vq 43058799 - 43058799 -Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb cÖKí -2q ch©vq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43058800 - 43058800 -‡mP Kv‡R e¨env‡ii wbwg‡Ë APvjy/A‡K‡Rv Mfxi bjK‚c mPj KiY Kg©m~Px 43058801 - 43058801 -¯§vU© KvW© †eRW wcÖ-‡cBW cv¤ú BD‡Rm GÛ GbvwR© †gmvwis wm‡÷g 43058802 - 43058802 -e‡i›`ª mgwš^Z g„wËKv I K…wl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 43058803 - 43058803 -f~-cwi¯’ cvwb Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g †mP Kg©m~Px 43058804 - 43058804 -D`¨vbZvwË¡K dmj M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058805 - 43058805 -AvDUixP wimvP© †cÖvMÖvg Ae evwi 43058806 - 43058806 -weGAviAvB G km¨ msMÖ‡nvËi cÖhyw³ M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058807 - 43058807 -evsjv‡`k K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui cÖwk¶Y I †hvMv‡hvM DBs †Rvi`viKiY 43058808 - 43058808 -wbqwš¿Z mewR Drcv`b M‡elYv I Dbœqb cÖKí 43058809 - 43058809 -k‡m¨I kvwiiZvwËK M‡elYvMvi I M‡elYv kw³kvjxKiY 43058810 - 43058810 -W‡mwg‡bkb Ae evwi G&W weª †W‡fjc&W dvg©‡gwkbvix Ges dvg©vim di eyw÷s µc cÖWvKkb 43058811 - 43058811 -mgwš^Z evjvB `g e¨e¯’vcbv M‡elYvMvi I M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058812 - 43058812 -Dw™¢` †KŠwjm¤c` M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058813 - 43058813 -jv¶v M‡elYv †Rvi`vKiY I Dbœqb 43058814 - 43058814 -Dw™¢` †ivMZË¡ M‡elYvMvi I M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY (2q ch©vq) 43058815 - 43058815 -gmjv dmj M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058816 - 43058816 -evsjv‡`‡k K›`vj dm‡ji M‡elYv Kg©m~Px †Rvi`viKiY (2q ch©vq) 43058817 - 43058817 -Mg dm‡ji M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY 43058818 - 43058818 -AwaK cwigv‡b ¸YMZgvbm¤cbœ exR Drcv`b cÖKí(2q ch©vq) 43058819 - 43058819 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí 43058820 - 43058820 -D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí 43058821 - 43058821 -wcqvR, imyb, Av`v, njy` I gwiP Drcv`b e„w×i mgwš^Z cÖKí 43058822 - 43058822 -AvjyexR cÖKí 43058823 - 43058823 -‡emiKvix ch©v‡q exR Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 43058824 - 43058824 -Wvj I ˆZj exR cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 43058825 - 43058825 -¶z`ª‡mP myweavw` cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji 3wU cvnvox †Rjvi Dbœqb cÖKí 43058826 - 43058826 -APj /A‡K‡Rv Mfxi bjK‚c mPjKiY cÖKí 43058827 - 43058827 -AvïMÄ-cjvk G‡MÖv-Bwi‡Mkb cÖKí 43058828 - 43058828 -e„nËi ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cKí (weGwWwm) 43058829 - 43058829 -e„nËi e¸ov-iscyi-w`bvRcyi mgwš^ Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí 43058830 - 43058830 -Wvej wjdwUs Gi gva¨‡g f~-cwi¯’ cvwbi mvnv‡h¨ †mP m¤cÖmvib cÖKí 43058831 - 43058831 -¶z`ª†mP Kvh©µ‡gi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`‡k †mP GjvKv m¤cÖªmviY cÖKí 43058832 - 43058832 -dwi`cyi-ivRevox-‡MvcvjMÄ †mP GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí (GdwRAvi) 43058833 - 43058833 -‡dvm©‡gvW bjK‚‡ci gva¨‡g †mP Kvh©µ‡gi Øviv K…wl Drcv`b e„w× I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí 43058834 - 43058834 -e„nËi XvKv †mP GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí 43058835 - 43058835 -wbwei †mP GjvKvq †mP `¶Zv e„wØi Rb¨ cÖKí ( 2q ch©vq) 43058836 - 43058836 -¶z`ª †mP Dbœq‡b Rixc Ges cwiex¶Y cÖKí 43058837 - 43058837 -e„nËi Lyjbv-h‡kvi-Kzwóqv mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (†K‡R‡K) 43058838 - 43058838 -DbœZ ¶z`ª‡mP cÖhyw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g g½vcxwoZ GjvKvq K…wl Drcv`b e„wØ cÖKí 43058839 - 43058839 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn-UvsMvBj mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (8290)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43058840 - 43058840 -DËi e½ Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb cÖKí 43058841 - 43058841 -cvebv-bv‡Uvi-wmivRMÄ †mP GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí (cvbvwm) 43058842 - 43058842 -f~-cwi¯’ cvwbi D™¢vebgyLx e¨envi cÖKí 43058843 - 43058843 -gv`vixcyi kwiqZcyi †mP GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí 43058844 - Renovation and Modernisation of 43058844 -wRqv wegvb e›`i¯’ mwâ I grm¨ wngvMv‡ii ms¯‹vi I Vegetable and Fish Cold Storage at Zia AvaywbKvqb cÖKí| International Air port 43058845 - Increasing Agricultural Production and 43058845 -†dvm© †gvW bjK‚‡ci gva¨‡g †mP Kvh©µ‡gi Øviv K…wl Proverty reduction through irrigation Drcv`b e„w× I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí| activities by Force Mode Tube-well porject 43058846 - Command Aea Development and Training 43058846 -†mP GjvKv Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (RyjvB/2008 n‡Z Project (Phase-II) Ryb 2013) 43058847 - Acctivating Inoperable Deep Tubewells for 43058847 -APvjy/A‡K‡Rv Mfxi bjK‚c mPjKiY cªKí ) Irrigation- RyjvB/2009 n‡Z Ryb/2014 43058848 - Smart Card Based Pre-paid Pump Uses 43058848 -¯§vU© KvW© †eBRW cv¤• BD‡Rm GÛ GbvwR© †gRvwis wm‡ and Energy Measuring System ÷g (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058849 - Barind Deep Tubewell Installation 43058849 -Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb cÖKí-2q ch©vq, RyjvB/2008 n‡Z Project-Phase-II Ryb/2014 43058850 - Barind Communication and Infrastructure 43058850 -e‡i›`ª †hvMv‡hvM I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí, Development Project RyjvB/2008 n‡Z Ryb/2013 43058851 - Strengthening of Training and Research 43058851 -evdgvD Gi cÖwk¶Y I M‡elYv mvg_© kw³kvjxKiY| Ability of BANHRDB (BAFMU)-From July-2008 to June 2013. 43058852 - Development and Dissemination of 43058852 -cvU I cvU RvZ dm‡ji K…wl cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I n¯vši, Agricultural Technologies for Jute and 31/07/2008 - 30/06/2011 Allied Fibre Crops, 31/07/2008 - 30/06/2011 43058860 - Activating Inoperable Deep tube wells for 43058860 -†mP Kv‡R e¨env‡ii Rb¨ APvjy/A‡K‡Rv Mfxi bjK‚c Irrigation mPjKiY (01/07/08 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058861 - Construction of Rubber Dame Project in 43058861 -Lv`¨ ml¨ Drcv`b e„w×i j!¶¨ ¶z`ª I gvSvwi b`x!Z Small and Medium River to increase Food ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí (RyjvB/09-Ryb/2014)ÑweGwWwm Grains (July-09 - June-2014) -BADC A½ Component 43058862 - 43058862 -wm‡jU wefvM mgwš^Z †mP Dbœqb cÖKí-(RyjvB/09 - Ryb/14) 43058863 - 43058863 -K…wl I Lv`¨ wbivcËvi Rb¨ Rjevqy cwieZ©b Ges AvenvIqvi ce©vfvm cÖ`vb cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb- 2016) 43058864 - 43058864 -f-cwi¯’ cvwbi Øviv †mP cÖK‡íi Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g Lv`¨ wbivcËv wbwðZKiY cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058865 - 43058865 -K…wl hvwšKxKiY cÖeZ©‡bi gva¨‡g Lvgv‡i Drcv`bkxjZv e„w×KiY cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058866 - 43058866 -f-Mf©¯’ cvwbi e¨e¯’vcbv Ges Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g Lv`¨ Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058867 - 43058867 -†mP I cvwb m¤•` ch©‡e¶‡Yi Rb¨ wi‡gvU© †mw›ms Ges wRAvBGg †UK‡bvjwR cÖeZ©b cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058868 - 43058868 -†mP cv‡¤•i Rb¨ bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³cÖeZ©‡bi gva¨‡g K…wl Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058869 - 43058869 -Av‡m©wbK cÖeb GjvKvq we`¨gvb Mfxi bjK‚c mg‡ni DØvfbgyLx e¨envi (eûgyLx f¨envi) cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058870 - 43058870 -RvZxq ¶z`ª †mP ïgvixi cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058871 - 43058871 -¯§vU© KvW© wfwËK wcÖ-†cBW cv¤• e¨envi Ges kw³ cwigvcK c×wZ cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058872 - 43058872 -LivcxwoZ wU Avgb k‡m¨i Rb¨ m¤•ib †mP cÖ`vb cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058873 - 43058873 -gvbe m¤•` Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mnvqK myweavw` cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016) 43058874 - 43058874 -e„nËi iscyi-w`bvRcyi GjvKvq Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb cÖKí (RyjvB-2011 - Ryb-2016)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43058875 - 43058875 -cÂMo, VvKziMuvI, w`bvRcyi Ges RqcyinvU mgwš^Z cÖKí (e‡i›`ª) 43058876 - Commend area Expansion and 43058876 -†mP GjvKv ewa©ZKiY I Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/10 - Development 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 43058877 - 43058877 -†mP e¨e¯’v wbwðZ Kivi j‡¶¨ ˆe`y¨wZK †bUIqvK© DbœxZKiY cÖKí Ñ(e‡i›`ª) 43058878 - 43058878 -avb dm‡ji djb cv_©K¨ Kgv‡bv-weAviAviAvB A½-RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2014 43058879 - 43058879 -K›`vj dmj Dbœqb cÖKí-weGwWwm A½ (RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2013) 43058880 - 43058880 -K›`vj dmj Dbœqb cÖKí-evwi A½(RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2013) 43058881 - Improvement and Quality Seed Production 43058881 -avb, Mg I f~Ævi DbœZ ex‡Ri Dbœqb cÖKí-weGwWwm - of Rice, Wheat and Maze (01/03/2009-31/12/13)(Aby‡gvw`Z) 43058882 - Improvement and Quality Seed Production 43058882 -avb, Mg I f~Ævi DbœZ ex‡Ri Dbœqb cÖKí-evwi A½ - of Rice, Wheat and Maze (RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2013) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 43058883 - 43058883 -K…wl exR Dbœqb I ewa©ZKiY cÖKí-2q ch©vq-weGwWwm- (Rvby/2010-wW‡m¤^i/2012) 43058884 - Project for increasing supply of Quality 43058884 -gvb m¤cbœ ex‡Ri mieivn e„w×KiY cÖKí-weGwWwm A½- Seed-BADC Part-(January-2011 to (Rvbyqvwi/2011-Ryb/2014) June/2014. 43058885 - Project for increasing supply of Quality 43058885 -gvb m¤cbœ ex‡Ri mieivn e„w×KiY cÖKí-evwi A½- Seed-BARI Part-(January-2011 to (Rvbyqvwi/2011-Ryb/2014) June/2014. 43058886 - Enhancing Quality Seed Supply-(BRRI 43058886 -gvb m¤cbœ ex‡Ri mieivn e„w×KiY cÖKí- weª A½- Part)-01/01/2011 - 30/06/2014 (01/01/2011-30/06/2014) 43058887 - Integrated Agriculture Farm Development 43058887 -cvebv, wmivRMÄ, bv‡Uvi, e¸ov I gvwbKMÄ †Rjvq Project in mgwšeZ K…wl Lvgvi Dbœqb cÖKí (weGwWwm-2q ch©vq) Pabna-Sirajganj-Natore-Manikganj RyjvB/2010-Ryb/2015 District- (BADC)-01/07/10 - 30/06/2015) 43058888 - 43058888 -webvÕi M‡elYv Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Ges Dc‡K›`ªmg~‡ni Dbœqb cÖKí 43058889 - 43058889 -cvU I cvURvZ dm‡ji K…wl cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I n¯ÍvšÍi cÖKí 43058890 - 43058890 -evdgvD Gi (evsjv‡`k dwjZ cywó I gvbem¤ú` Dbœqb †evW©) cÖwk¶Y I M‡elbv mvg_© kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 43058891 - 43058891 -K…wl cY¨ evRviRvZKi‡Y MªvgxY †hvMv‡hvM Dbœqb cÖKí 43058892 - 43058892 -K…wl cY¨ evRviRvZKi‡Y nvU evRvi Dbœqb cÖKí 43058893 - 43058893 -Zvj, †LRyi I †MvjcvZv Dbœqb cÖKí 43058894 - 43058894 -weGmAviAvB Gi ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí 43058895 - 43058895 -dvg© ‡gwkbvix GÛ †UK‡bvjwR †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ wW‡mwg‡bkb-weAviAviAvB (jxW G‡RwÝ-evix) 43058896 - Minimizing Rice Yield Gape-BRRI 43058896 -wgwbgvBwRs ivBm Bì M¨vc-weAviAviAvB (jxW G‡RÝx wWGB) 43058897 - 43058897 -Gbn¨vwÝs †KvqvwjwU mxW mvc­vB-weAviAviAvB (jxW G‡RÝx weGwWwm) 43058898 - 43058898 -ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR wimvP© d¨vwmwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U-weAviAviAvB 43058899 - 43058899 -weªÕi AvÂwjK Kvh©vjq Ges Lvgvi mg~‡ni M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y †Rvi`viKiY (weAviAviAvB) 43058900 - 43058900 -`vwi`ª `~ixKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ M‡elYv I Dbœqb †Rvi`viKiY- (evwi) 43058901 - 43058901 -Rjevqy cwieZ©b I evjvBbvk‡Ki Ace¨envi RwbZ D™¢yZ †cvKvgvK‡oi we¯Ívi †iv‡a ˆRweK `gb c×wZ wfwËK M‡elYv I Dbœqb Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY-(evwi) 43058902 - 43058902 -evsjv‡`‡ki `vwi`ª n«v‡mi †¶‡Î evwi D×vweZ cÖhyw³ mg~‡ni A_©-mvgvwRK cÖfve wbiƒcb-(evwi) 43058903 - 43058903 -Dw™¢` †ivMZZ¡ M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY-(evwi) 43058904 - 43058904 -weGAviAvB Gi †cw÷mvBW GbvjvBwUK¨vj j¨ve‡iUwi‡Z †cw÷mvBW M‡elYv Pjgvb ivLv-(evwi) 43058905 - 43058905 -Wvj M‡elYv Dc‡K›`ª, gv`vixcyi‡K AvÂwjK Wvj M‡elYv †K‡›`ª DbœxZKiY-(evwi)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43058906 - 43058906 -gmjv RvZxq dm‡ji Pjgvb M‡elYv Kg©m~Px †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí-(evwi) 43058907 - 43058907 -wbqwš¿Z cwi‡e‡k mewRi M‡elYv I Dbœqb -(evwi) 43058908 - 43058908 -Wvj I ˆZj RvZxq dm‡ji jeYv³Zvi Rb¨ †bvqvLvjx‡Z K…wl M‡elYv ¯’vcb-(evwi) 43058909 - Sugarcane Cultivation to make 43058909 -e„nËi iscy‡ii Piv‡ji `wi`ª Rb‡Mvôxi Kg©ms¯’vb employment Opportunity for Poor People in m„wói j‡¶¨ B¶z Pvl (gvP© 2011-Ryb 2015)- Aby!gvw`Z Greater Rangpur Char Area 01/03/2011 - 30/06/2015 - Approved 43058910 - Greater Faridpur Irrigation Area 43058910 -e„nËi dwi`cyi †mP GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí (weGwWwm AsM) Development Project-(BADC Part) -Aby‡gvw`Z 01/03/2011 - 30/06/2014 -Approved-March/2011 - June/2014 43058911 - Mujibnagar Integrated Agriculture 43058911 -gywRebMi mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (weGwWwm AsM) Development Project (BADC Part)- -Aby‡gvw`Z 01/07/2011 - 30/06/2016 Approved- 01/07/2011 - 30/06/2016 43058912 - Mujibnagar Integrated Agriculture 43058912 -gywRebMi mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (weAviAviBAvB- Development Project-(BRRI Part) AsM)-Aby‡gvw`Z 01/07/2011 - 30/06/2016 -Approved-01/07/2011 - 30/06/2016 4306 - International Organisations 4306 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 43060001 - Headquarters 43060001 -cªªavb Kvhv©jq 43064311 - Food And Agriculture Organisation (FAO) 43064311 -Lv`¨ I K…wl ms¯’v (GdGI) 43064313 - Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau 43064313 -KgbI‡qj_ K…wl ey¨‡iv 43064315 - RNAM 43064315 -Avi Gb G Gg 43064317 - CGPRT 43064317 -wm †R wc Avi wU †m›Uvi 43064319 - APAARI 43064319 -G wc G G Avi AvB ms¯’v 43064320 - ISTA 43064320 -AvB Gm wU G 43064321 - CGIAR 43064321 -wmwRAvBGAvi 43064322 - I T F Net 43064322 -AvB wU Gd †bU 43064457 - UNESCAP 43064457 -BD.Gb.B.Gm.wm.G.wc 43064459 - International Treaty on Plant Genetic 43064459 -B››Uvib¨vkbvj wU««‡qwU Ab c­­¨v››U †R‡bwUK wi‡mv‡m©m di Resources for Food and Agruculture dzzW G¨vÛ GwMªªKvjPvi 43064461 - Asia and Pacific plant protection 43064461 -Gwkqv GÛ w` c¨vwmwdK c­­­¨v›U cÖ‡UKkb Kwgkb Commission (APPPC) (Gwcwcwcwm) 4331-4350 - Agricultural Services 4331-4350 -K…wl Kvh©µg 4331 - Department of Agricultural Extension 4331 -K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi 43310000 - Department of Agricultural Extension 43310000 -K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi 43310005 - Project Implementation Wing 43310005 -cÖKí ev¯@evqb DBs 43310090 - 43310090 - 43314305 - AGRICULTURAL SUPPORT SERVICES 43314305 -GwMªKvjPvivj mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm c«‡R±-avb M‡elYv PROJECT-BANGLADESH 43314313 - Local Government & Engineering Division 43314313 - 43314331 - Local Government Engineering 43314331 -¯’vbxq miKvi cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi Department 43314740 - 43314740 - 43314819 - 43314819 - 43315010 - Strengthening Mashroom Development 43315010 -gvki“g Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Project Aby‡gvw`Z 43315011 - 43315011 -2008 mv‡ji †ev‡i †gŠmy‡g 80wU Dc‡Rjvq ¸wU BDwiqv cÖhyw³ m¤oÖmviY 43315012 - Mujibnagar Integrated Agriculture 43315012 -gywRebMi mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (wWGB- AsM) Development Project-(DAE Part) -Aby‡gvw`Z 01/07/2011 - 30/06/2016 -Approved-01/07/2011 - 30/06/2016 43315013 - Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity in 43315013 -evsjv‡`‡k dvB‡Uv‡mwbUvix mvg_©¨ kw³kvjxKiY Bangladesh 43315014 - Integrated Agricultural Development 43315014 -wc‡ivRcyi-†MvcvjMÄ-ev‡MinvU mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb Project in Pirojpur-Gopalgonj-Bagerhat (cÖKí mgš^qKvix AsM) (wcwmBD AsM) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43315015 - Integrated Agricultural Development 43315015 -wc‡ivRcyi-†MvcvjMÄ-ev‡MinvU mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb (K…wl Project in Pirojpur-Gopalgonj-Bagerhat m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi AsM) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315016 - Eastern Integrated Agricultural 43315016 -c–e©vÂjxq mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) cÖKí Development Project (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315017 - Emergency support for immediate 43315017 -Bgvi‡RÝx mv‡cvU© di BwgwW‡qU wi‡nwejvB‡Ukb Ae rehabilitation of most venerable in five †gvó fvjbv‡iej Bb dvBf Dc‡Rjvm Ae `¨v mvZ¶xiv upazilas of the Satkhira districts of wWw÷ª± Ae mvD`vb© evsjv‡`k (01/08/2012-28/02/2013) (01/08/2012-28/02/2013) 43315018 - Strengthening Breeding and Post-Harvest 43315018 -RvZxq gvki“g Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY †K‡›`ª gvki“g weªwWs I Laboratory of Mushroom in National †cv÷ nv‡f©÷ j¨ve‡iUwi kw³kvjxKiY Mushroom Development and Extension (01/12/2012-30/11/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Centre 43315019 - Enhancement of Crop Production Through 43315019 -Lvgvi hvwšÎKxKi‡Yi gva¨‡g dmj Drcv`b e„w× (2q Farm Mechanization (Phase-2) ch©vq) cÖKí 43315020 - Orange Development Project - DAE Part 43315020 -Kgjv Dbœqb cÖKí - wWGB A½ 43315021 - Expansion of Guti Urea Technology more 43315021 -AwZwi³ 80wU Dc‡Rjvq ¸wU BDwiqv cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY 80 Upazillas (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315022 - Agricultural Support for Smallholders in 43315022 -evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Y-cwðg A‡j ¶z`ª Pvlx‡`i Rb¨ K…wl south-western Region of Bangladesh mnvqK cÖKí (K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi AsM) (DAE Part) 43315023 - Transfer of Technology for Agriculture 43315023 -e­y †Mvì Kg©mwPi AvIZvq K…wl Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ cÖhyw³ n¯ Production under Blue Gold Program (DAE vši (wWGB A½) cÖKí Component) 43315024 - Safe Crop Production Project Through 43315024 -mgwš^Z evjvB e¨e¯’vcbv (AvBwcGj) †KŠk‡ji gva¨‡g Integrated Pest Management (IPM) wbivc` dmj Drcv`b Approach) 43315025 - Production, Storage and Distribution of 43315025 -Pvlx ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi Wvj, †Zj I †cuqvR exR Drcv`b, Quality Seeds od Pulse, oil and Onion at msi¶Y I weZiY (2q ch©vq) cÖKí Farmer’s (2nd Phase) 43315026 - Cytrus Development Project 43315026 -mvBU«vm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖKí 43315027 - Enhancement of Crop Production Through 43315027 -Lvgvi ch©v‡q DbœZ cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g dmj Improved On-Farm Water Management Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí Technologies 43315028 - Enhancing Food Security through 43315028 -Gbn¨vbw›ms dyW wmwKDwiwU _ª“ BgcÖ“f‡g›U µc IqvUvi Improved Crop Water Management g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖvKwUm Bb `¨v mvD`vb© Gwiqv Ae evsjv‡`k Practices in the Southern Areas of (01/03/2013-31/12/2014) (Aby‡gvw`Z) Bangladesh. 43315029 - Establishment of two ATI at Buncharumpur 43315029 -eªvþevoxq †Rjvi evÄvivgcyi Dc‡Rjvq Ges gvwbKMÄ Upazila, Brahmanbaria District and Saturia ‡Rjvi mvUywiqv Dc‡Rjvq `ywU K…wl cÖwk¶b Bbw÷wUDU Upazila, Manikgonj District. ¯’vcb 43315030 - Greater Barisal-Patuakhali Integrated 43315030 -e„nËi ewikvj cUzqvLvjx mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (wWGB Agriculture Development Project (DAE AsM)(01/07/2006-30/06/2009)Aby‡gvw`Z Component) Approved 43315031 - Food Security through enhanced 43315031 -dzW wmwKDwiwU †_ªv Gb‡n›m GwMªKvjPvivj †cÖvWvKkb, Agricultural Production, Diversified WvBfviwmdvBW †mvm© Ae BbKvg f¨vjy GwWkb GÛ sources of Income, Value Addition and gv‡K©wUs Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2011-30/06/2015) Marketing in Bangladesh Aby‡ygvw`Z (Mymensingh/Sherpur) (FSMSP) 43315032 - Production, Storage and Distribution of 43315032 -Pvlx ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi avb, Mg I cvU exR Drcv`b, Quality Seeds of Rice, Wheat and Jute at msi¶Y I weZiY- 2q ch©vq cÖKí Farmers Level-2nd Phase 43315033 - Agricultural Support for Smallholders in 43315033 -evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Y-cwðg A‡j ¶z`ª Pvlx‡`i Rb¨ K„wl south-western Region of Bangladesh mnvqK (¯’vbxq miKvi cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi AsM) (LGED Part) 43315034 - Integrated Farm Management Component 43315034 -mgwš^Z Lvgvi e¨e¯’vcbv A½, K…wl Drcv`b I Kg©ms¯’vb (IFMC) Agriculture Growth and Kg©m‚wP (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z Employment Program (AGEP)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43315035 - Enhancing Food Security through 43315035 -G¨vbn¨vw›ms dzW wmwKDwiwU †_ªv B¤•ª“fW †µvc IqvUvi Improved Crop Water Management g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖvKwUm Bb `¨v mvD_vb© †Kv÷vj Gwiqv Ae Practice in the Southern Coastal Areas of evsjv‡`k (01/03/2013-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangladesh. 43315036 - Integrated Agricultural Approach for 43315036 -mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cywó I Lv`¨ wbivcËv Ensuring Nutrition and Food Security wbwðZKiY cÖKí (K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi AsM) Project (DAE Phase) 43315037 - National Agricultural Technology Program 43315037 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjRx †cÖvMªvg (NATP-2) Preparation Facility Project (DAE (GbGwUwc-2)t wcÖcv‡ikb d¨vwmwjwU cÖKí (K…wl Part) m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi AsM) (01/01/2015-30/09/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315038 - Increasing Cropping Intensity in Sylhet 43315038 -wm‡jU A‡j k‡m¨i wbexoZv e„w×KiY cÖKí (wWGB Region Project (DAE Part) AsM) 43315039 - Year Round Fruit Production for Nutrition 43315039 -eQie¨vcx dj Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g cywó Dbœqb cÖKí Improvement Project 43315040 - Monga Pirito Elakai Krishi Unnaion Briddhi 43315040 -g½vcxwoZ GjvKvq K…wl Dbœqb e„w× 43315041 - Emargency 43315041 -Bgv‡R©wÝ K‡›Uªvj Ae wcwcAvi Gwc‡WwgK 43315050 - 43315050 -GwMÖKvjPvi †m±i †cÖvMÖvg mv‡cvU© wØZxq ch©vq (K…wl m¤•ÖmviY AsM) 43315052 - ADB aided horticulture development 43315052 -GwWwe mnvqZvq D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (wWGB Ask) project (DAE Component) 43315060 - Emergency supply of Agriculture input to 43315060 -Bgv©‡RÝx mvc­vB Ae GwMÖKvjPvi BbcyU Uz d¬vW G‡d±W flood affected farmers dvgv©im 43315062 - 2008 year baro 43315062 -2008 mv‡ji †ev‡iv †gŠmy‡g 80wU Dc‡Rjvq ¸wU BDwiqv cÖhyw³ m¤cÖmviY (01/11/07 - 31/10/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315064 - Integrated Sugarcane development project 43315064 -mgwš^Z B¶z Dbœqb cÖKí - bb&wg‡j †Rv‡b B¶z Pvl cÖKí - Development of Sugarcane in Non-mill (wWGB) Zone (DAE) 43315070 - Integrated area development of 43315070 -†MvcvjMÄ, gv`vwicyi, kwiqZcyi I wc‡ivRcyi mgwš^Z Gopalgonj-Madaripur-Sariatpur-Pirojpur GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí -GjwRBwW (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315080 - Integrated Agriculture Extension Approach 43315080 -`vwi`ª `ixKiY I Lv`¨ wbivcËvi Rb¨ mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb for Poverty Reduction an Food securities cÖKí (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z Project ((IAPRFP) 43315081 - Small Farmers Agro-Forestry Development 43315081 -¯§j dvgv©m© G‡MÖv d‡iw÷« ‡W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg Programme (01/07/01-30/06/05) Approved (01/07/2001-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315090 - Cummilla district Homna 43315090 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi †nvgbv Dc‡Rjvq K…wl cÖwk¶Y BÝw÷wUDU ¯n'vcb (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315091 - 43315091 -Lv`¨ wbivcËvi Rb¨ we‡kl Kg©m~Px 43315100 - 43315100 -gqgbwmsn, Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi ¯§j †nvìvi K…wl DbœqY cÖKí (GjwRBwW AsM) (01/07/1999-30/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315110 - onion,zinger, 43315110 -wcqvR, imyb, Av`v, njy` I gwiP Drcv`b e„w×i mgwš^Z cÖKí (wWGB AsM) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315120 - Moderanisation and Capacity Up-grading 43315120 -RvZxq K…wl cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg (bvUv) (mv†eK mvwW©) Gi Project of National Agriculture Training AvaywbKvqb Ges K¨vcvwmwU Avc†MªwWs cÖKí Academy (Former CERDY) (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby†gvw`Z 43315123 - Corps diversification programme (CDP) 43315123 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY Kg©m–wP (wmwWwc) (wWGB Ask) (DAE Component) (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43315130 - National Agricultural Technology 43315130 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK†bv†jvwR cÖ†R± (wWGB Ask) Technology Project (DAE Component) (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby†gvw`Z 43315133 - Corps divercification Programme (CDP) 43315133 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY cÖKí (wmwWwc) - mgwš^Z fyÆv Dbœqb Integrated Maize Cultivation Component AsM (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43315140 - Upgradation of Agriculture Training 43315140 -‡kicyi,MvBevÜv Ges †`ŠjZcyi (Lyjbv) K…wl cÖwk¶Y Institutes in Sherpur, Gaibandha and Bbw÷wUDUmg–‡ni gv‡bvbœqb Doulatpur

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43315150 - Construction of Rubber Dams in small 43315150 -Lv`¨ Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ ¶z`ª I gvSvwi b`x‡Z ivevi Medium Rivers for Increasing of Food W¨vg wbg©vY(wWGB AsM) Production (DAE part) 43315160 - 2nd 43315160 -wØZxq km¨ eûgyLxKiY cÖKí 43315170 - Construction of Rubber Dams in small 43315170 -Lv`¨ Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ ¶z`ª I gvSvwi b`x‡Z ivevi Medium Rivers for Increasing of Food W¨vg wbg©vY (GjwRBwW AsM) Production (LGED part) 43315180 - Establishment of Krishibid Institution 43315180 -K…wlwe` BbwówUDkb evsjv‡`k Gi Kg‡c­· (†KAvBwe Bangladesh Complex (KIB Complex) Kg‡c­· ) wbg©vY 43315190 - Sugercane and Gur Production Project 43315190 -AvL I ¸o Dbœqb cÖKí 43315200 - Inhancement of crop Production through 43315200 -Lvgvi hvwš¿KxKi‡Yi gva¨‡g dmj Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí farm mechanization Project (01/12/09 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315210 - Integrated Standard Horticulture 43315210 -mgw¤¦Z gvbm¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Development Project (2nd Phase). 43315220 - Integrated Pest Management Project 43315220 -mgwš^Z evjvB e¨e¯’vcbv (AvBwcGg) 2q ch©vq (Phase-II) 43315230 - Farm Machinery Technology Development 43315230 -K…wl hš¿cvwZi cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí and Dissemination (DAE Part) (evsjv‡`k K…wl m¤•ÖmviY Awa`ßi AsM) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315240 - Tuber Crops Development Project(DAE 43315240 -K›`vj dmj Dbœqb cÖKí (wWGB AsM) part) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315250 - Integrated soil fertility and fertilizer 43315250 -mgwš^Z g„wËKv De©iZv I mvi e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí (LÛ-2) management project (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315251 - Agriculture Services Innovation and 43315251 -GwMªKvjPvi mvwf©‡mm B‡bv‡fkb GÛ widg© cÖ‡R± Reform Project 43315252 - Agriculture Services Innovation and 43315252 -GwMÖKvjPvi mvwf©‡mm B‡bv‡fkb GÛ widg© cÖ‡R± (wWGB Reform Project (DAE part) Ask) (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315253 - Agriculture Services Innovation and 43315253 -GwMÖKvjPvi mvwf©‡mm B‡bv‡fkb GÛ widg© cÖ‡R± (n‡U© Reforms Project ( Hortex Foundation Part ) · dvD‡Ûkb Ask) 43315260 - Second Crop Diversification 43315260 -wØZxq km¨ eûgyLxKiY cÖKí (GmwmwWwc) 43315261 - Corps intensification through marginal and 43315261 -Bdv` mvnv‡h¨ cªvwšZK I ¶z`ªPvlx Lvgvi c×wZi gva¨‡g small farmers farms under IFAD grants km¨ wbweoKiY cÖKí 43315270 - Expansion of physical and training 43315270 -mvwW©i †fŠZ I cªwk¶Y myweavw` e„w×KiY cªKí facilities of CERDI 43315280 - Strengthening of plant protection 43315280 -Dw™¢` msi¶Y Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY programme (01/07/19991-30/06/2002) 43315282 - Strengthening Plant Protection Service 43315282 -Dw™¢` msi¶Y Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY (ch©vq-2) (Phase-II) (01/07/2002-30/06/2005) (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 43315290 - Large scale plantation of useful trees and 43315290 -bvwi‡Kj Dbœqb I e¨vcK AvKv‡i DcKvix MvQMvQovi Pviv coconut development Drcv`b I weZiY cÖKí 43315300 - Agriculture Support Services Project 43315300 -GwMªKvjPvi mv‡cv©U mvwf©‡mm cÖ‡R± 43315302 - Agriculture support services project-DAE 43315302 -GwMªKvjPvivj mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm cª‡R±-K…wl m¤•ªmviY component Awa`ßi ( Ask ) 43315303 - Agriculture support services project-BJRI 43315303 -GwMªKvjPvivj mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm cª‡R±-cvU M‡elYv component cÖwZôvb (Ask) 43315304 - Agriculture support services project-BARI 43315304 -GwMªKvjPvivj mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm cª‡R±-K…wl M‡elYv component cªwZôvb (Ask) 43315305 - Agriculture support services project-BRRI 43315305 -GwMªKvjPvivj mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm cª‡R±-avb M‡elYv component cªwZôvb (Ask) 43315306 - Agriculture support services project-PIW 43315306 -GwMªKvjPvivj mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm cª‡R±-cÖKí ev¯evqb component DBs (Ask) 43315310 - Minimizing Rice Yield Cap Porject 43315310 -avb dm‡ji djb cv_©K¨ Kgv‡bv (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315320 - Southern district agricultural development 43315320 -`w¶Yv‡j K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí project 43315322 - Scheme for increasing transplanted crops 43315322 -Liv SzwKuc–Y© GjvKvq m¤•–iK †mP mnvqZvi gva¨‡g †ivcv in drought-prone areas through irrigation dm‡ji Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí (01/07/1998 - assistance 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43315330 - Bhola irrigation project (Phase-2) DAE 43315330 -‡fvjv †mP cªKí (chv©q-2) K…wl m¤•ªmviY wefvM Ask component 43315333 - Post flood strengthening of agriculture 43315333 -e­K cÖ`k©bxi gva¨‡g eb¨v‡Ëvi K…wl Drcv`b †Rvi`viKiY production ...... bloc exhibition (TCTTI cÖKí (wUwmwUwUAvB g‡Wj) model) (01/10/1998-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315340 - Netrokona integrated agriculture project 43315340 -‡b·Kvbv mgwš^Z K„wl Drcv`b I †mP e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 43315341 - Jessore, Khulna drainage rehabilitation 43315341 -h‡kvni, Lyjbv wb®‹vkb cbe©vmb cÖKí project 43315342 - Netrakona integrated agriculture 43315342 -‡b·Kvbv mgwš^Z K…wl Drcv`b I ‡mP e¨e¯’vcbv project-DAE Component cÖKí-wWGB Ask 43315343 - Netrakona integrated agriculture 43315343 -‡b·Kvbv mgwš^Z K…wl Drcv`b I ‡mP e¨e¯’vcbv development project-LGED Component cÖKí-GjwRBwW Ask 43315344 - Netrakona integrated agriculture 43315344 -‡b·Kvbv mgwš^Z K…wl Drcv`b I ‡mP e¨e¯’vcbv production and irrigation management cÖKí-weWwe­DwWwe Ask project-BWDB component 43315345 - Jessore, Khulna drainage rehabilitation 43315345 -h‡kvni, Lyjbv wb®‹vkb czbe©vmb cÖKí, cvU©-wm project 43315346 - Existing horticulture centre development of 43315346 -cve©Z¨ PUªMÖvg A‡j we`¨gvb nwU©KvjPvi ‡m›Uvi Dbœqb Chittagong hill tracts cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 43315347 - Scheme for mushroom cultivation in 43315347 -cve©Z¨ PUªMÖv‡g gvki“g Pvl (1g ch©vq) cÖKí Chittagong Hill Tracts (Phase-1) (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315350 - River Bank Protective Work of Left Bank 43315350 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MvRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM Erosion of the at Different b`x Lbb, †mP myweavi Dbœqb Ges Pvl cÖKí Places in Sujanagar Upzella and Right (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Bank Erosion of the Jamuna River from Nagarpari to Kazirhat in Bera Upzella of Pabna District. 43315360 - Char Development and Settlement 43315360 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKít 4 (wWGB Ask) Project-4 (01/01/11 - 31/12/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 43315370 - Up gradation of Arihazar Horticulture centre 43315370 -AvovBnvRvi nvwU©KvjPvi †m›Uvi‡K K…wl cÖwk¶Y to ATI Project Bbw÷wUD‡U DbœxZKiY 43315380 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 43315380 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (agriculture Extention Part) (AvBGwcwc) evsjv‡`k K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi AsM 43315390 - 43315390 - 43315400 - Farmer’s Traning at the Upazila Level for 43315400 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q cÖhyw³ n¯vš‡ii Rb¨ K…lK cÖwk¶Y (2q Transfer of Technology-2nd phase ch©vq) cÖKí 43315850 - SAARC agriculture information centre 43315850 -mvK© GwMªKvjPvivj Bbdi‡gkb †m›Uvi 43315851 - Thana Cereal Technology Transfer and 43315851 -_vbv chv©‡q km¨ cÖhyw³ n¯@vš@i I wPwýZKiY cÖKí Identification (01/07/1993-30/06/2001) (T) (01/07/1993-30/06/2002) 43315991 - Climate change and global agriculture 43315991 -K¬vB‡gU ‡PÄ GÛ ‡¯•kvj GwMªKvjPvi c‡Ubwkqvj potential 43316000 - Integrated Agriculture Development in 43316000 -cvebv, wmivRMÄ, bv‡Uvi, e¸ov I gvwbKMÄ †Rjvq K…wl Pabna, Sirajgonj, Natore, Bogra and Lvgvi Dbœqb (wWGB AsM) (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) Manikgonj (DAE-Component) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 43316010 - Stengthrern Agriculture Extention 43316010 -‡Rvi`viKiY cªKí K„wl m¤•ªmviY 43316020 - Eastern Integrated Agricultural 43316020 -c–e©vÂjxq mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ch©vq) (wWGB) Development Project (DAE Component) (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (I-Phase)-(01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Approved 43316030 - Agriculture and Rural Development in 43316030 -e„nËi iscyi ‡Rjvq K…wl I MÖvgxY Dbœqb (K…wl m¤•ÖmviY Greater Rangpur (DAE Component) AsM) (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 43316040 - Agriculture and Rural Development in 43316040 -e„nËi iscyi ‡Rjvq K…wl I MÖvgxY Dbœqb (GjwRBwW Greater Rangpur District (LGED AsM) (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z Component)-Approved 43316050 - consoluted management 43316050 -mgwš^Z evjvB e¨e¯’vcbv (AvBwcGg) cÖKí (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316060 - 43316060 - 43316070 - aaa 43316070 -gqgbwmsn I †kicyi GjvKvq Lv`¨ wbivcËv AR©b

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43316101 - Integrated pest management project 43316101 -mgwš^Z evjvB e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 43316110 - Integrated Pest Management Project 43316110 -mgwš^Z evjvB e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (01/07/1994-30/06/2001) (T) (01/07/1994-31/12/2001) 43316120 - Construction of District Office of DAE at 43316120 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`߇ii †Rjv Chittagong Hill Tracts Awdm wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 43316130 - Strengthening of Agriculture Training 43316130 -K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`߇ii K…wl cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDUmg–n Institute of DAE kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (1/10/2000-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316410 - Development of bridge & road on Vogai 43316410 -‡fvMvB b`xi Dci weªR Kvg ivevi W¨vg I mswk­ó GjvKvi river and area development-LGED Dbœqb-GjwRBwW Ask Component 43316411 - 43316411 -‡fvMvB b`xi Dci eªxR Kvg ivevi W¨vg I mswk­ó GjvKvi Dbœqb 43316412 - Development of bridge and road on Vogai 43316412 -‡fvMvB b`xi Dci weªR Kvg ivevi W¨vg I mswk­ó GjvKvi river and area development-DAE Dbœqb-K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi Ask component 43316413 - Construction of bridge-cum-rubber dam on 43316413 -‡fvMvB b`xi Dci weªR Kvg ivevi W¨vg I mswk­ó GjvKvi Bhogai river Dbœqb-Gj. wR. B. wW K‡¤•v‡b›U 43316420 - Agriculture diversification and afforestation 43316420 -K…wl eûgyLxKiY I wbweoKiY cÖKí project 43316422 - Agriculture diversification and 43316422 -K…wl eûgyLxKiY I wbweoKiY cÖKí-K…wl m¤•ªmviY Intensification project - DAE component Awa`ßi AsM (01/07/1997-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316423 - Agriculture diversification and 43316423 -K…wl eûgyLxKiY I wbweoKiY cÖKí - GjwRBwW Ask Intensification project - LGED component (01/07/1997-31/12/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316424 - Scheme for production, preservation and 43316424 -Pvlx chv©‡q DbœZgv‡bi exR Drcv`b, msi¶Y I weZiY distribution of improved variety of seed to cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2005) the farmer 43316425 - Agriculture Training Institute, Rangamati 43316425 -K…wl cÖwk¶Y BÝw÷wUDU, cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AÂj (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316430 - Bangladesh-Canada farm to market 43316430 -evsjv‡`k-KvbvWv dvg© Uy gv‡K©U G›UvicªvBR Dbœqb cÖKí enterprise development project (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 43316440 - Small holder development project at 43316440 -gqgbwmsn, Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi m¥j†nvìvi K…wl Dbœqb Mymensingh, Jamalpur and Sherpur cÖKí - wWGB AsM (01/07/1999 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316441 - small holder development project at 43316441 -gqgbwmsn, Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi m¥j‡nvìvi Dbœqb cÖKí Mymensing, Jamalpur and Sherpur 43316442 - Small holder development scheme of 43316442 -gqgbwmsn, Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi ¯§j‡nvìvi Dbœqb cÖKí Mymenshing, Jamalpur and Sherpur (GjwRBwW AsM) (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) (LGED component) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316450 - Establishment of laboratory for quality 43316450 -mv‡ii ¸YMZ gvb wba©vi‡bi cix¶vMvi ¯’vcb I GB control of fertilizer and related training msµvš cÖwk¶Y cÖKí project 43316460 - Use of bio-gas and biological manure for 43316460 -cwi‡ek fvimvg¨ i¶v‡_© ev‡qvM¨vm I ˆRemv‡ii e¨envi maintaining environment balance-LGED cÖKí-GjwRBwW Ask (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) component 43316461 - Use of bio-gas and biological manure for 43316461 -cwi‡e‡ki fvigvmg¨ i¶v‡_© ev‡qvM¨vi I ˆRemv‡ii maintaining environment e¨envi cÖKí 43316470 - Water conservation through establishment 43316470 -¶y`ª I gvSvwi b`x‡Z 10wU ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY of rubber dam-LGED component cÖKí-GjwRBwW Ask (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316471 - Water conservation through establishment 43316471 -¶z`ª I gvSvix b`x‡Z ivevi W¨v‡gi gva¨‡g †m‡Pi Rb¨ of rubber dum cvwb ms¶Y cÖKí 43316480 - Completion of air-craft landing facilities at 43316480 -mivP‡ii wegvb AeZi‡Yi †¶Î wbg©v‡Yi Amgvß KvR Patuakhali and Sharachar mgvßKiY (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 43316492 - Horticulture Development Project 43316492 -D`¨vY Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq)-wW G B AsM (Phase-2) DAE Part (01/01/2000-30/06/2005) 43316520 - Small-holder support project at Barisal, 43316520 -ewikvj, cUzqvLvjx, SvjKvwV I ei¸bv ¯§j †nvìvi Patuakhali, Jhalakati & Barguna mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± -wWGB (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43316580 - Agro-business development component of 43316580 -G‡MÖv weR‡bm †W‡fjc‡g›U AsM (n‡U· dvD‡Ûkb) Hortex foundation 43316590 - Small farming development project 43316590 -cÖvwšK I ¶z`ª Lvgvi Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1999- 30/06/2006) 43316591 - TAPP for emergency supply of agriculture 43316591 -wUGwcwc di Bgv©‡RÝx mvc­vB Ae GwMÖKvjPvivj BbcyU Uz input to flood affected marginal and d¬vW G‡dK‡UW gvwR©b¨vj GÛ j¨vÛ‡jm dvgvm© †gBbwj landless farmars mainly women headed I‡gb †n‡WW dvg© nvBR‡nvì Bb `¨v GgwmGGdwW farm household in the most 43316601 - Household Food Security Project 43316601 -nvDR‡nvì dzW wmwKDwiwU cÖKí (01/07/1994-31/12/2004) (T) (01/07/1994-31/12/2004) 43316610 - Irrigation using 'Rubber Dams' on small 43316610 -¶z`ª I gvSvwi b`x‡Z 10wU ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí and medium sized rivers-DAE component -wWGB Ask (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316611 - Integrated Horticulture and Nutrition 43316611 -Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW nwU©KvjPvi GÛ wbDwUªkb Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/01/2000-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/11/1999-31/12/2004) (T) 43316620 - Using bio-fertilizer to maintain ecological 43316620 -cwi‡ek fvimvg¨ i¶v‡_© ev‡qvM¨vm I ˆRemv‡ii e¨envi balance-DAE component cÖKí-wWGB Ask (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) 43316630 - Gopalgonj, Madaripur, Shariatpur and 43316630 -‡MvcvjMÄ, gv`vixcyi, kwiqZcyi I wc‡ivRcyi mgwš^Z Pirojpur combined area development GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí - wWGB (01/07/2000 - project 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316640 - Strengthening of Sugarcane Cultivation in 43316640 -bb wgj †Rv‡b B¶z Pvl †Rvi`viKiY (2q ch©vq) Non Mill Zone (Phase-2) (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43316660 - Integrated Agriculture Development 43316660 -e„nËi wm‡jU ‡Rjvq Kgjv I Avbvim Dbœqbmn mgwš^Z Programme in Greater Sylhet Area K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) - GjwRBwW AsM (Including of Orange & Pineapple) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Development (LGED Part) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Approved 43316721 - TAPP for emergency supply of vegitables 43316721 -wUGwcwc di Bgv‡R©wÝ mvc­vB Ae †fwR‡Uejm& mxW Uz seed to flood affected farmer d¬vW A¨v‡d‡±W dvg©vi 43317010 - Char Development and Settlement 43317010 -Pi †Wfjcj‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-2 (wmwWGmwc-2) Project-2 (CDSP-2) DAE Part wW.G.B Ask (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43317020 - Nort-West Agriculture Development Project 43317020 -b_© I‡q÷ µc WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb cÖ‡R± (wWGB) (01/01/2001 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43317030 - Integrated Agriculture Development 43317030 -e„nËi wm‡jU ‡Rjvq Kgjv I Avbvim Dbœqbmn mgwš^Z Programme in Greater Sylhet area K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) - wWGB AsM including development of Orange and (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Pineapple 43317050 - Assistance to flood affected farmer 43317050 -eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ I cÖvwšK K…lK‡`i K…wl DcKiY mnvqZv (01/11/2000-01/03/2001) cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g K…wl cbe©vmb cÖKí (01/11/2000- 01/03/2001) 43317070 - 43317070 -cvnvox GjvKvq †mP e¨e¯’vcbvi AvIZvq km¨ Drcv`b I wbweoZv e„w×i Rb¨ 6wU ivevi W¨vg wbgv©Y 43317080 - Development of Chittagong hill tracks and 43317080 -cveZ©¨ PÆMÖvg I K·evRvi A‡j we`¨gvb nwU©KvjPvi Cox's bazar Horticulture Center †m›Uvi Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43317090 - Integrated Agriculture Development Project 43317090 -e„nËi wm‡jU mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí (Kgjv I Avbvim in Greater Sylhet (Orange and Pineapple) Dbœqbmn) (cvwb Dbœqb †evW© AsM) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43317092 - Integrated Soyabean Cultivation 43317092 -mgwš^Z mqvweb Pvl cÖKí - wWGB AsM (01/07/2005 - Project-DAE Component (Approved) 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43317093 - 43317093 -†MvcvjMÄ, gv`vixcyi, kixqZcyi I wc†ivRcyi mgw¤¦Z GjvKv Dbœqb 3q ms†kvwaZ (01/7/2007-30/06/2008) Aby†gvw`Z 43317094 - Production, Storage and Distribution of 43317094 -Pvlx ch©v†q DbœZ gv†bi Wvj, ‰Zj I wcuqvR exR Drcv`b, Quality Seeds of Pulse, Oil and Onion at msi¶Y I weZiY cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Farmers Level 43318010 - North-West Crop Diversification Project 43318010 -b_© I‡q÷ µc WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb cÖKí (wWGGg AsM) (DMM Part) (01/07/2001-30/06/2008) (01/01/2001 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43318020 - North-West Agriculture Development 43318020 -b_© I‡q÷ µc WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb cÖKí (GjwRBwW Project (Water Development Board) AsM) (01/01/2001 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2001-30/06/2008) 43318030 - Selling and Production of thick rice of 43318030 -evsjv‡`‡ki mi“Pvj Drcv`b I wecbb (wWGB AsM) Bangladesh (DAE Part) (01/01/2000-01/07/2005) (01/01/2000-01/07/2005) 43318040 - 43318040 -mgwš^Z gvb m¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (cÖKí mgš^qKvix `ßi A½) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318041 - Special Programme for Food Security 43318041 -Lv`¨ wbivcËvi Rb¨ we‡kl Kg©m–wP (01/07/2001 - (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) Approved 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318050 - Barishal, Patuakhali, Jhalokathi & Barguna 43318050 -ewikvj, cUzqvLvjx, SvjKvwU I ei¸bv ¯§j †nvjWvi Small Holder Support Project (LGED Part) mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (GjwRBwW) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Approved (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318060 - Sobhanbag Mushroom Centre 43318060 -‡mvenvbevM¯’ gvki“g †m›Uvi Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Approved 43318061 - support to the 43318061 -mv‡cvU© Uy `¨v †÷«s‡`wbs Ae wWRv÷vi wcÖ‡cqvW©‡bm Bb GwMªKvjPvi †m±i (01/10/2003-31/08/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318070 - 43318070 -mgwš^Z gvb m¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (wWGB A½) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318072 - Production, Storage and Distribution of 43318072 -Pvlx ch©v†q DbœZ gv†bi avb, Mg I cvU exR Drcv`b, Quality Rice, Wheat and Jute Seeds at msi¶Y I weZiY cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Farmers Level Aby†gvw`Z 43318074 - Char Development and Settlement -3 43318074 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-3 (wWGB AsM) Project (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318080 - fartilizer 43318080 -K…wl cÖ‡KŠkj cÖhyw³ m¤•Ömvi‡Yi gva¨‡g Drcv`b e„w× I MÖvgxY Rb‡Mvwôi Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó (01/07/2005-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318082 - Establishment of Agriculture Training 43318082 -wSbvB`n m`‡i K…wl cÖwk¶Y B›mwUwUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí Institute in Jhenaidha Sadar (1st Revised) (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 43318090 - upozila technology 43318090 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q cÖhyw³ n¯@vš@‡ii Rb¨ K…lK cÖwk¶Y Kg©m–wP (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318091 - Enlancement of agricultural production 43318091 -K…wl cÖ‡KŠkjx cÖhyw³ m¤•Ömvi‡Yi gva¨‡g Drcv`b e„w× I and Rural employment through Extension MÖvgxY Rb‡Mvwôi Kg©ms¯’vb of agricultural Engineering Technologies. 43318092 - Enhancement of Agricultural production 43318092 -K…wl cÖ‡KŠkjx cÖhyw³ m¤•Ömvi‡Yi gva¨‡g Drcv`b e„w× I and Rural employment through Extension MÖvgxY Rb‡Mvwôi Kg©ms¯’vb of Agricultural Engineering Technologies. 43318093 - Farmer;s Traning Programme at the 43318093 -Dc‡Rjv chv©‡q cÖhyw³ n¯’všZ‡ii Rb¨ K…lK cÖwk¶Y Upazilla Level for Transter of Technology Kg©m–wP 43318096 - Mymensingh, Jamalpur and Sherpur Small 43318096 -gqgbwmsn, Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi ¯§j‡nvìvi K…wl Dbœqb Holder Agricultural Improvement Project. cÖKí 43318097 - Mymensingh, Jamalpur and Sherpur Small 43318097 -gqgbwmsn, Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi ¯§j‡nvìvi K…wl Dbœqb Holder Agricultural Improvement Project. cÖKí 43318098 - Reduction of Flood Risk in Agriculture 43318098 -K…wl Lv‡Z eb¨vi SzuwK n«vmKiY cÖKí Sector 43318099 - Pabna-Sirajgonj-Natore-Bogra-Manikgonj 43318099 -cvebv-wmivRMÄ-bv‡Uvi-e¸ov-gvwbKMÄ mgwb¦Z K…wl Integrated Agricultural Farm Development Lvgvi Dbœqb cÖKí- wWGB AsM Project 43318100 - Agriculture and Rural Development in 43318100 -e„nËi iscyi K…wl I cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí- wW G B AsM Greater Rangpur 43318102 - Establishment of Agriculture Training 43318102 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvq †nvgbv Dc‡Rjvq K…wl cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU Institute at Homna in Comilla District ¯’vcb cÖKí 43318103 - Integrated Agriculture Development Project 43318103 -ce©vPj mgwb¡Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí - wW G B AsM in Eastern Region 43318104 - Strengthening the Agriculture Extension 43318104 -K…wl m¤•ÖmviY †mev †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Services Project 43318106 - Integrated Irrigation Development Project 43318106 -Liv GjvKvq mgwš^Z †mP Dbœqb cÖKí in Draught Areas

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43318107 - Modernization and Capacity Upgrading of 43318107 -RvZxq K…wl cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx (bvUv) Gi AvaywbKvqb Ges National Agriculture Training Academy K¨vcvwmwU Avc‡MªwWs cÖKí (NATA) [Ex. CERDI] Project 43318108 - Agriculture Sector Programme Support 43318108 -GwMªKvjPvi †m±i †cÖvMªvg mv‡cvU© 2q ch©vq (wWGB AsM) (2nd Phase) [DAE component] 43318110 - Motivation of Farmers and Fertilizer 43318110 -gva¨wgK I AYymvi I K‡¤•vó Ges mylg mvi e¨env‡i Dealers in using Secondary and Pvlx Ges mvi e¨emvqx‡`i DrmvwnZ KiY Mrconutrient Fertilizer, Compost and Balanace Fertilizer 43318112 - Construction of rubber dams in small and 43318112 -¶z`ª I gvSvix b`x‡Z ivevi W«vg wbg©vY cÖKí- wWGB Ask medium river project (DAE part) 43318113 - 43318113 -†kicyi, MvBev›`v Ges †`ŠjZcyi, Lyjbvq K…wl cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU mgy‡ni gv‡bvbœqb cÖKí 43318114 - 43318114 -Wªvg wmWvi RbwcÖq Ki‡Yi gva¨‡g avb Drcv`b I Drcv`bkxjZv wbweoKiY cÖKí 43318115 - 43318115 -gvmi“g Dbœqb cÖKí, †mvenvbevM, mvfvi 43318116 - Sugarcane and Gru Development Project. 43318116 -AvL I ¸o Dbœqb cÖKí 43318117 - 43318117 -ce©vPj mgwb¡Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí - we G wW wm AsM 43318118 - 43318118 -e„nËi iscyi K…wl I cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí- GjwRBwW AsM 43318119 - 43318119 -cvebv-wmivRMÄ-bv‡Uvi-e¸ov-gvwbKMÄ mgwb¦Z K…wl Lvgvi Dbœqb cÖKí- weGwWwm AsM 43318120 - 43318120 -mgwšŸZ mqvweb Pvl cÖKí- weGwWwm AsM 43318121 - 43318121 -mgwšŸZ mqvweb Pvl cÖKí- evix AsM 43318122 - 43318122 -mgwšŸZ mqvweb Pvl cÖKí- webv AsM 43318123 - 43318123 -¶z`ª I gvSvix b`x‡Z ivevi W«vg wbg©vY cÖKí- GjwRBwW Ask 43318124 - Greater Barishal Patuakhali Integrated 43318124 -e„nËi ewikvj cUzqvLvwj mgwbœZ K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí(wW GB Agriculture Development Project AsM) 43318132 - 43318132 - 43318170 - 43318170 -mgwš^Z gvb m¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí(weGwWwm A½) 43318171 - Modernization & Capacity Up-Grading 43318171 -RvZxq K…wl cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx (bvUv, mv‡eK mvwW©) Gi Project for National Agricultural Training AvaywbKvqb Ges K¨vcvwmwU Avc‡MªwWs cÖKí Academy. 43318172 - Agriculture Extension Component, ASPS-II 43318172 -GwMªKvjPvi G·‡Ubkb K‡¤•v‡b›U, GGmwcGm-2 43318173 - Establishment of ATI at Patnitala, Naogaon 43318173 -bIM&v †Rjvi cZœx Zjvq K…wl cÖwk¶Y Bb&w÷wUDU ¯’vcb District. 43318175 - Establishment of ATI at Manikgonj Sadar 43318175 -gvwbKMÄ m`‡i GKwU K…wl cÖwk¶Y Bb&w÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí 43318176 - Production, Storage & Distribution of 43318176 -Pvlx ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi avb, Mg I cvUexR Drcv`b, Quality Rice, Wheat and Jute Seeds at msi¶Y I weZiY cÖKí Farmers Level. 43318177 - Production, Storage and Distribution of 43318177 -Pvlx ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi Wvj, ˆZj, I wcqvR exR Drcv`b, Quality Seeds of Pulse, Oil and Onion at msi¶Y I weZiY cÖKí Farmers Level 43318178 - Intensification of Rice Production and 43318178 -W«vg wmWvi RbwcÖqKi‡Yi gva¨‡g avb Drcv`b I Productivity by Popularizing Drum Seeder Drcv`bkxjZvi wbweoKiY cÖKí| 43318179 - Up-gradation of ATIs at Sherpur, 43318179 -‡kicyi, MvBevÜv Ges †`ŠjZcyi, Lyjbvq K…wl cÖwk¶Y Gaihandha and Doulatpur, Khulna. Bbw÷wUDUmg‡ni gv‡bvbœqb cÖKí 43318182 - Construction of Rubber Dams in Small 43318182 -¶z`ª I gvSvix b`x‡Z ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí (weGwWwm and medium Rivers (BADC Component) A½) 43318183 - Motivation of Farmers and Fertilizer 43318183 -gva¨wgK I Abymvi, K‡¤•v÷ Ges mylg mvi e¨env‡i Traders to use Secondary and Micro Pvlx‡`i Ges mvi e¨emvqx‡`i DrmvwnZKiY cÖKí| nutrient Fertilizers 43318184 - Minimizing Rice Yield Gap Project 43318184 -avb dm‡ji djb cv_©K¨ Kgv‡bv cÖKí 43318185 - Mushroom Cultivation in Chittagong Hill 43318185 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j gvki“g Dbœqb-2q ch©vq Tracts 2nd Phase 43318186 - Integrated Irrigation Development Project 43318186 -Liv GjvKvq mgwš^Z †mP Dbœqb cÖKí in Draught affected areas.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43318187 - Strengthening Plant Quarantine Services 43318187 -c­¨v›U †Kvqv‡i›UvBb kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí in Bangladesh 43318188 - Year-round Fruit Production Project 43318188 -mviv eQi dj Drcv`b cÖKí 43318189 - Additional Farmers Training Program and 43318189 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q cÖhyw³ n¯vš‡ii Rb¨ AwZwi³ K…lK Construction of Training Center at the cÖwk¶Y Kg©mPx I cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª wbg©vY-2q ch©vq Upazilla Level for Transfer of Technology. 43318190 - Poverty Alleviation of Resource Poor 43318190 -K…lK‡`i `vwi`ª `ixKi‡Y BDwiqv cÖhyw³ I mv‡ii mylg Farmers Through Adoption and Expansion e¨envi wbwðZKiY cÖKí of Urea Deep Placement Technology and Balanced Use of Fertilizers 43318191 - Quality Betel Leaf Production in 43318191 -evsjv‡`‡k DbœZgv‡bi cvb Drcv`b cÖKí Bangladesh 43318192 - Establishment of Day-Care Centre at DAE 43318192 -K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi PZ¡‡i †W-†Kqvi †m›Uvi ¯’vcb Campus cÖKí 43318193 - Integrated Area Development Project in 43318193 -‡MvcvjMÄ, gv`vixcy, kwiqZcyi I wc‡ivRcyi mgwš^Z Gopalgonj, Madaripur, Shariatpur and GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí-2q ch©vq Perojpur-2nd Phase 43318194 - Barisal, Patuakhali, Jhalakhati and 43318194 -ewikvj, cUyqvLvjx, SvjKvwV I ei¸bv m¥j‡nvìvi mv‡cU© Barguna Smallholder Suport Project-2nd cÖKí-2q ch©vq Phase 43318195 - a 43318195 -a 43318196 - National Agriculture Technology Project 43318196 -RvZxq K„wl cÖhyw³ cÖ‡R± 43318310 - 43318310 - 43318350 - 43318350 - 43318390 - Agriculture Sector Programme 43318390 -GwMÖKvjPvi †m±i †cÖvMÖvg mv‡cvU© -2q ch©vq (K…wl Support-Phase-II (DAE Component) m¤•ÖmviY Awa`ßi) (01/10/2006-30/09/2011) 43318395 - Intregated Agricultural Extension Aproach 43318395 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi G·‡Ubkb G¨v‡cÖvP di †cvfvwU©ª for Poverty Reduction and Food Securities wiWvKkb GÛ dzW wmwKDwiwUR cÖ‡R± (AvB. G. wc. Avi. Project (I,A.P.R.F.P) Gd. wc) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Approved. 43318396 - Emmergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 43318396 -Bgvi†Rw›m 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvwi GÛ ‡i‡÷v‡ikb cÖ Restoration Project (ECRRP) Recovery of ‡R± (BwmAviAviwc) wiKfvwi Ae GwMªKvjPvi ‡m±i Agriculture Sector (Crop) and Improvement (µcm) GÛ BgcÖ“f‡g›U ‡cÖvMªvg (01/08/08 - Programme-01/08/2008-30/06/2013 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318397 - 2nd Crops Diversification Project (SCDP) 43318397 -wØZxq km¨ eûgyLxKiY cÖKí cÖ¯yZKiY (01/07/09 - -01/07/2009-30/06/2010 (Approved) 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318435 - Strengthening Mushroom, Development 43318435 -†÷ªs‡`wbs gvki“g †W‡fjc‡g›U Project (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318436 - Construction of Rubber Dame Project in 43318436 -Lv`¨ ml¨ Drcv`b e„w×i j!¶¨ ¶z`ª I gvSvwi b`x!Z Small and Medium River to increase Food ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí (RyjvB/09-Ryb/2014)ÑwWGB Grains (July-09 - June-2014) -DAE A½ Component 43318437 - Construction of Rubber Dame Project in 43318437 -Lv`¨ ml¨ Drcv`b e„w×i j!¶¨ ¶z`ª I gvSvwi b`x!Z Small and Medium River to increase Food ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí Grains (July-09 - June-2014) -LGED (RyjvB/09-Ryb/2014)ÑGjwRBwW A½ Component 43318438 - Crops Production Increasing Project 43318438 -Lvgvi hvwšKxKi!Yi gva¨!g dmj Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí through Farm Ñ(wW!m¤¦i/2009-Ryb/2011) Mechanise(December/2009-June/11) 43318439 - Expansion of Guti Urea Technology 43318439 -¸wU BDwiqv cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY cÖKí Ñ(wWGB)-b‡f¤ Project-DAE-November/2009-December-2 ¦i/2009-A‡±vei/2011 011 43318440 - Error Generate 43318440 - 43318441 - 43318441 -avb dm‡ji djb cv_©K¨ Kgv‡bv-wWGB A½-RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2014 43318442 - 43318442 -GwMªKvjPvi mv‡c©vU di m¥j †nvìvi Bb mvB‡K¬vb wmWi G‡dK‡UW Gwiqv (RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2014) 43318443 - 43318443 -AvL I ¸o Dbœqb cÖKí (RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2014)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43318444 - Construction of Agriculturalis Institution, 43318444 -K…wlwe` Bbw÷wUDkb evsjv‡`k Gi Kg‡cз wbg©vY Bangladesh Complex (KIB Complex) (01/03/2010-30/04/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 43318445 - 43318445 -K›`vj dmj Dbœqb cÖKí- wWGB A½(RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2013) 4332 - Field Service Division 4332 -wdì mvwf©‡mm wefvM 43320000 - Field Service Division 43320000 -wdì mvwf©‡mm wefvM 4333 - Plant Protection Department 4333 -Dw™¢` msi¶Y wefvM 43330000 - Plant Protection Department 43330000 -Dw™¢` msi¶Y wefvM 4334 - Cash Crop Division -Tobacco and Jute 4334 -A_©Kix dmj wefvM - ZvgvK I cvU 43340000 - Cash Crop Division-Tobacco and Jute 43340000 -A_©Kvix dmj wefvM-ZvgvK I cvU 4335 - Food Crops Division 4335 -Lv`¨ km¨ wefvM 43350000 - Food Crops Division 43350000 -Lv`¨ km¨ wefvM 4336 - Agricultural Education and Training 4336 -K…wl wk¶v I cÖwk¶Y 43360000 - Agricultural Education and Training 43360000 -K…wl wk¶v I cÖwk¶Y 43360001 - Agricultural Education and Training 43360001 -K…wl wk¶v I cÖwk¶Y 43360002 - National Agriculture Tanning Academy 43360002 -RvZxq K…wl cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwg 4337 - Upazilla Agriculture Offices 4337 -Dc‡Rjv K…wl Kvhv©jq 43370000 - Upazila Agriculture Offices 43370000 -Dc‡Rjv K…wl Kvhv©jq 43375030 - 43375030 - 4338 - Seed Certification Agency 4338 -exR cÖZ¨qb G‡RwÝ 43380000 - Seed Certification Agency 43380000 -exR cÖZ¨qb G‡RwÝ 43385010 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 43385010 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (Seed Certification Agency) (AvB.G.wc.wc.) exR cÖZ¨qb AsM (01/07/11 - 30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 43385131 - Seed 43385131 -exR cÖZ¨qb G‡RwÝ †Rvi`viKiY ((01/07/2006-30/06/2009)Aby‡gvw`Z 43385132 - Agricultural Quality Control Project 43385132 -mxW †KvqvwjwU K‡›U«vj cª‡R± (GwMªKvjPvivj †KvqvwjwU K‡›U«vj †m›Uvi) (01/03/2208-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43385600 - Strengthening of seed certification agency 43385600 -exR cÖZ¨qb ms¯’v kw³kvjxKiY 43385601 - Support to Seed Certification Agency 43385601 -mv‡cvU© Uz exR cÖZ¨qY G‡RÝx ms‡hvM cÖKí Connecting Project (01/11/1999-30/09/2000) 43385610 - 43385610 -exR cÖZ¨vqb G‡R›mxi gvV cwi`k©b, exR bgybv msMªn I exR cwiex¶Y †Rvo`viKiY 4339 - Cotton Development Board 4339 -Zzjv Dbœqb †evW© 43390000 - Cotton Development Board 43390000 -Zzjv Dbœqb †evW© 43395010 - Strengthening of cotton development 43395010 -Zyjv Dbœqb †ev‡W©i M‡elYv Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Board 43395011 - Expansion of cotton Cultivation Project 43395011 -m¤•ªmvwiZ Zyjv Pvl (†dR-1) cÖKí (Phase-1) 43396310 - Stengthening of cotton research and 43396310 -Zyjv M‡elYv exR Drcv`b I m¤•ªmviY Kvh©µg extension †Rvi`viKiY (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 43396320 - Integrated cotton development project 43396320 -mgwš^Z Zyjv Dbœqb cÖKí 43396330 - 43396330 -Zzjv M‡elYv, exR Drcv`b I m¤•ªmviY cÖKí 43396331 - 43396331 -Zzjv Dbœqb †ev‡W©i M‡elYv I cÖhyw³ n¯vši mvg_© Dbœqb cÖKí 43396332 - Strengthening Cotton Extension and 43396332 -Zzjv M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Research Activities 43396333 - Cotton Research Activities of Cotton 43396333 -Zzjv Dbœqb †ev‡W©i M‡elYv Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Development Board (July/2010-June/2015) 4341 - Agricultural Information Service 4341 -K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m 43410000 - Agricultural Information Service 43410000 -K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m 43415010 - Agriculture Sector Programme Support, 43415010 -GwMÖKvjPvi †m±i †cÖvMÖvg mv‡cvU© 2q ch©vq (K…wl Z_¨ Phase-II (AIS Component)-Approved mvwf©m) (01/10/06-30/09/11) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43415011 - Enhancing Rural Communication Services 43415011 -K…wl Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ KwgDwbwU cj­x †iwWIi gva¨‡g cj­x for Agricultural Devlopment through †hvMv‡hvM †mev e„w×KiY cÖKí Community Rural Radio 43415012 - Promotion of Digital Krishi information & 43415012 -K…wl Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM †K‡›`ªi gva¨‡g wWwRUvj K…wl Livelihood Improvement through Z‡_¨I cÖPjb I MªvgxY Rxebgvb Dbœqb Agriculture Information and Communication 43415020 - 43415020 -wcqvR, imyb, Av`v, njy` I gwiP Drcv`b e"w×i mgwš^Z cÖKí (GAvBGm AsM) 43415030 - 43415030 -`kwU K…wl A‡j K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m Gi Kvh©µg wbweoKiY 43415040 - Intensification of Agricultural Information 43415040 -`kwU K…wl A‡j K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m Gi Kvh©µg wbweoKiY Service in Ten Agriculture Regions 43415050 - Promotion of digital Krishi and livelihood 43415050 -K…wl Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM †K‡›`ªi gva¨‡g wWwRUvj K…wli improvement through Agriculture cÖPjb I MÖvgxY RxebgvY Dbœq cÖKí Information & Communication Center) 43415340 - 43415340 -`kwU K…wl A‡j K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m Gi Kvh©µg wbweoKiY 43416530 - Improvement of agriculture information 43416530 -K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) services (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 43416550 - Strengthening of Agriculture Information 43416550 -K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m kw³kvjxKiY (2q ch©vq) Service (II Phase)-Project-(01/07/2008 - (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Abygvw`Z 30/06/2011) 43416551 - Intensification of Agriculture Information 43416551 -`kwU K…wl A‡j K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m-Gi Kvh©µg Service 10(Ten) Agriculture Region. wbweoKiY cÖKí (01/07/08 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 43416560 - Integrated project for production of onion, 43416560 -wcuqvR, imyb,Av`v, njy` I gwiP Drcv`b e„w×i mgwš^Z garlic, ginger and chilli (A. I. S.) cÖKí (G.AvB.Gm)(01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 43416561 - 43416561 -K…wl Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM ‡K‡›`ªi gva¨‡g wWwRUvj K…wli cÖPjb I MªvgxY Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí 43416562 - Community Rural Radio Project- 43416562 -KwgDwbwU i“ivj †iwWI cÖ‡R±-(01/07/2010 - (01/07/2010 - 31/12/2011) 31/12/2011) 4343 - Department of Agricultural Marketing 4343 -K…wl wecYb Awa`ßi 43430000 - Department of Agricultural Marketing 43430000 -K…wl wecYb Awa`ßi 43435010 - Mujibnagar Integrated Agriculture 43435010 -gywRebMi mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb (wWGGg) AsM Development Project-(DAM Part) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z -Approved-01/07/2011 - 30/06/2013 43435011 - 43435011 -GwMÖKvjPvivj gv‡K©U Bbdi‡gkb BgcÖ“f‡g›U 43435012 - Integrated Agricultural Development 43435012 -wc‡ivRcyi-†MvcvjMÄ-ev‡MinvU mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb (K…wl Project in Pirojpur-Gopalgonj-Bagerhat wecbb Awa`ßi AsM) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 43435030 - Crop storage cum credit project (Crop 43435030 -km¨ ¸`vg FY cÖKí - 2q ch©vq (2q ms‡kvwaZ) Bank) (01/07/1997-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43435124 - Corps Diversification Programme (CDP) 43435124 -km¨ eûgyLxKiY cÖKí (wmwWwc) (wWGGg AsM) (DAM Component) (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43436030 - 43436030 - 43436551 - Technology transfer for preservation of fruit 43436551 -MÖvg chv©‡q mwâ I d‡ji cÖwµqvRvZKiY cÖhyw³ n¯vši and vegetable preservation (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) 43437670 - Integrated Standard Horticulture 43437670 -mgwš^Z gvbm¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí-2q ch©vq (K…wl Development Project (2nd Phase)- wecYb Awa`ßi AsM) (Department of Agriculture Marketing-DAM- Component) 43437910 - Development of infrastructure of wholesale 43437910 -K…wl c‡Y¨i cvBKvix evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (2q Ask) agriculture products 01/07/1998-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 43437911 - 43437911 -GwMÖKvjPvi gv‡K©U Bbdi‡gkb BgcÖ“f‡g›U (01/01/2000-30/10/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 43437921 - Agri-Business Development Project in 43437921 -evsjv‡`k GwMªweR‡bm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Bangladesh (01/12/2003-30/06/2004) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 43437930 - 43437930 -mgwš^Z gvb m¤•bœ D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (wWGGg A½) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43437941 - Strengthening Project Management on 43437941 -†÷«s‡`wbs cÖ‡R± g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ab evsjv‡`k GwMÖwem‡bm Bangladesh Agribusiness Development †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/01/2006 - 31/12/2009) Prt Aby‡gvw`Z 43438001 - 43438001 -GwMªweR‡bm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Bb evsjv†`k (01/12/2003-30/06/2004) (Abyt) 43438002 - 43438002 -Mªªvg ch©v‡q dj I mwâ cªªwµqvRvZKiY I msi¶Y c×wZ Dbœœqb 43438004 - 43438004 -evsjv‡`k GwMªªweR‡bm †W‡fjc‡g›U cªª‡RKU 43438010 - North-West Crop Diversification Project 43438010 -b_© I‡q÷ µc WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb cÖKí (wWGGg AsM) (DMM Part) (01/07/2001-30/06/2008) (01/01/2001 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 43438011 - Department of Agriculture Marketing 43438011 -K…wl wecYb Awa`ßi †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Strengthening Project 43438012 - 43438012 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª I cÖvwšK Pvlx‡`i `jMZ wecYb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb - wWGGg 43438013 - 43438013 -G·cvbkb GÛ Gb‡n›m‡g›U Ae B-Mf‡b©›m Gw±wfwUm Ae wWcvU©‡g›U Ae GwMªKvjPvi gv‡K©wUs - wWGGg 43438014 - 43438014 -evsjv‡`k K…wl c‡Y¨i Drcv`b I Pvwn`v wbiƒcb cÖKí - wWGGg 43438015 - Greater Mymensingh Integreated 43438015 -†MÖUvi gqgbwm©n mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖKí Agriculture Development Project 43438016 - Strengthening of Agriculture Marketing 43438016 -K…wl wecYb †mev †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Service Project 43438017 - 43438017 -K…lK‡`i Rb¨ evRvi Dbœqb cÖKí 43438018 - 43438018 -m¤cÖmvwiZ km¨ ¸`vg FY cÖKí 4345 - Soil Research and Other Research Facilities 4345 -g„wËKv m¤•` Dbœqb Bbw÷wUDU 43450000 - Soil Research and Other Research 43450000 -g„wËKv m¤•` Dbœqb BÝwUwUDU Facilities 43455010 - Strengthening of Soil Resource 43455010 -g„wËKv m¤c` e¨e¯’vcbv, we‡k­lY Ges K…lK ‡mev Kvh©µg Management, Analytical and Farmers kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Services (SRMAF) 43455011 - Food Security Programme-2006, Soil 43455011 -dyW wmwKDwiwU ‡cÖvMªvg 2006, m‡qj dvwU©wjwU K‡ Fertility Componant Prokject ¤•v‡b›U (01/01/2008-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 43455012 - Soil Resource Management and Farmers 43455012 -g„wËKv m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv Ges K…lK †mev Service 43455013 - Establishnent of Fertilizer Testing 43455013 -mvi cix¶vMvi I M‡elbv †K›`ª ¯’vcb Laboratories and Research Centre 43455014 - Integrated Agricultural Development 43455014 -wc‡ivRcyi-†MvcvjMÄ-ev‡MinvU mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb Project in Pirojpur-Gopalgonj-Bagerhat (g„wËKv m¤•` Dbœqb B›mwUwUDU AsM) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 43455020 - Minimizing Rice Yield Gap Project 43455020 -avb dm‡ji djb cv_©K¨ Kgv‡bv (g„wËKv m¤•` Bbw÷wUDU AsM) 43455360 - Soil testing management and 43455360 -m‡qj wimvP© †W‡fjc‡g›U Bbw÷wUDU-m‡qj †Uw÷s development of SRDI g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ †Wfjc‡g›U Ae GmAviwWAvB 43455370 - Establishment of soil testing laboratory 43455370 -g„wËKv cix¶v M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) project (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 43455380 - Soil Resources Management and 43455380 -m‡qj wi‡mv‡m©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ GbvjvBwUK¨vj mvwf© Analytical Services ‡mm (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 43455381 - Strengthening 0f soil resource 43455381 -g„wËKv m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv, we‡k­lY I K…lK †mev Kvh©µg management analytical and farmer kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí services(SRMAF) 43455382 - Minimizing Rice Yield Gap Project 43455382 -avb dm‡ji djb cv_©K¨ Kgv‡bv-GAviwWAvB A½-RyjvB/2009-Ryb/2014 43455383 - 43455383 -Òg„wËKv I mvi M‡elYvMvi Ges M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcbÓ cÖKí 4347 - Barindra Multipurpose Development Agency 4347 -e‡i›`ª eûgyLx Dbœqb ms¯’v 43470000 - Barindra Multi-Purpose Development 43470000 -e‡i›`ª eûgLx Dbœqb ms¯’v Agency 43475100 - Barendra Integrated Development Project 43475100 -e‡i›`ª mgwš^Z GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí (Phase-2)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43476330 - Barendra village road development project 43476330 -e‡i›`ª MÖvgxY moK Dbœqb cÖKí 43477430 - 43477430 -evsjv‡`k mi“ Pvj Drcv`b I wecYb t (L) e‡i›`ª Dbœqb KZ…©c¶ 43477440 - 43477440 -e‡i›`ª eªxwRs cÖKí 4380-4385 - Special Programmes 4380-4385 -we‡kl Kg©mPxmgn 4380 - Special Programme 4380 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 43804645 - 43804645 -exR ea©b Lvgv‡ii gva¨‡g DbœZgv‡bi `vbvkm¨ Drcv`b Kg©mPx 43804646 - 43804646 -RvZxq mâx exR Drcv`b Kg©mPx (4_© ch©vq) 43804647 - 43804647 -ex‡Ri AvcrKvjxb gRy` I Zvi e¨e¯’vcbv Kg©mPx (2q ch©vq) 43804648 - Agro Service Centre Programmes 43804648 -G‡Mªv mvwf©m †m›Uvi Kg©mPx 43804649 - 43804649 -Lv`¨km¨ Drcv`b e„w× Ae¨vnZ ivL‡Z webvi M‡elYv I Dbœqb mnvqZv Kg©mPx 43804650 - 43804650 -Zyjv M‡elYv, exR Drcv`b I m¤•ªmviY Kg©mPx 43804651 - Outreach Programme of Three 43804651 -AvDUixP †cÖvMªvg Ae _ªx Kg©mPx Programmes 43804652 - 43804652 -K…wl cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDUmgn kw³kvjxKiY Kg©mPx 43804851 - 43804851 - †Kvqv!iw›U mvwf©m kw³kvjxKiY 4396-4398 - Development Programme Financed by 4396-4398 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4396 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4396 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 43964070 - 43964070 - 43964300 - Reasonable and Useful Use of Land and 43964300 -fwg I g„wËKv m¤•‡`i †hŠw³K I jvfRbK e¨envi Ges Soil Resources mylg mvi e¨env‡ii j‡¶¨ g„wËKv m¤•` Dbœqb Bbw÷wUDU, K…wl m¤•ªmviY Awa`ßi Ges K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©m Gi gvbe m¤ 43964301 - Exportable Lemon and Vegetable 43964301 -ißvbx‡hvM¨ †jey I mâx Drcv`b we‡kl Kg©mwP Production Special Programme 43964302 - E-Governance Development and Training 43964302 -K…wl gšYvj‡qi B-Mf©‡b›m Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y Kg©mwP Programme of Ministry of Agriculture 43964303 - Agriculture Extension Programme at 43964303 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvi mvZwU †Rjvq jeYv³ I cwZZ Rwg‡Z Salinity and layland in 7 Districts of Costal K…wl m¤•ªmviY Kg©mwP Areas 43964304 - Programme for Establishment of Lemon 43964304 -†jey RvZxq djevMvb ¯’vcb I cyivZb Kgjv MvQ cwiPh©v Fruits and Old Orange Tree Caretaking kxl©K Kg©mwP 43964305 - Rennovation and Repairing Programme of 43964305 -evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU, MvRxcyi Gi AvevwmK Residential Building of Bangladesh Rice feb mg‡ni ms¯‹vi I †givgZ Kg©mwP Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur 43964306 - Repairing and Maintaince of 6 Regional 43964306 -K…wl wecYb Awa`߇ii, km¨¸`vg, K…wl c‡Y¨i cvBKvix Training Centre including Godown, evRvi AeKvVv‡gv Ges 6wU AvÂwjK cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª Infrastructure of Whole Sale Agricultural †givgZ I msi¶Y Kg©mwP Commodities Markets 43964307 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964307 -eªvþYevoxqv †Rjvi bexbMi (cwðg) I evÂvivgcyi in Surface and Underground Water Dc‡Rjv fcwiw¯’Z I fMf©¯’ cvwbi †mP e¨e¯’vcbvq ¶z`ª Management in Nabinagar (South) and ‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP| Bancharampur Upazilas in the District of B 43964308 - Debidwar upazila Minor Irrigation 43964308 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi †`exØvi Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Development Porgramme of Comilla District 43964309 - Minor Irrigation Programme Through 43964309 -†b·KvYv †Rjvi ce©ajv Dc‡Rjvi my‡gk¦ix I Ksk b`xi Protection of River Coast in the joining wgjb ¯’‡j b`xZxi msi¶‡Yi gva¨‡g ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Point of Shumeshwari and Kongsha River Kg©mwP at the Purbadhala upazila in the Di 43964310 - Burichang and Brahmanpara Upazila 43964310 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi eywoPs I eªvþYcvov Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Minor Irrigation Programme in the District Dbœqb Kg©mwP of Comilla

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964311 - Daudkandi and Meghna Upazila Minor 43964311 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi `vD`Kvw›` I †gNbv Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Irrigation Development Programme in the Dbœqb Kg©mwP District of Comilla 43964312 - Underground and Surface Water 43964312 -P&v`cyi †Rjvi f-Mf©¯’ I fcwi¯’ cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv Dbœqb Management Development Programme in Kg©mwP the District of Chandpur 43964313 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964313 -‡bvqvLvjx I †dbx †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP in the District of Noakhali and Feni 43964314 - Biani Bazar Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964314 -wm‡jU †Rjvi weqvbx evRvi Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Development Programme in the District of Kg©mwP Sylhet 43964315 - Dirai and Shalla Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964315 -mybvgMÄ †Rjvi w`ivB I kvj­v Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Development Programme in the District of Kg©mwP Shunamgonj 43964316 - Chatak and Doarabazar Upazila Minor 43964316 -mybvgMÄ †Rjvi QvZK I †`vqvivevRvi Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Irrigation Development Programme in the Dbœqb Kg©mwP District of Shunamgonj 43964317 - Programme for Reduce Water Logging 43964317 -PÆMªvg †Rjvi gxik¦ivB Dc‡Rjv Rjve×Zv `ixKiY I and Increase Crops Production at dmj Drcv`b e„w×i Kg©mwP Mirashrai Upazila in the District of Chittagong 43964318 - Hobigonj District Minor Irrigation 43964318 -nweMÄ †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Development Programme 43964319 - Jamalgonj Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964319 -mybvgMÄ †Rjvi RvgvjMÄ Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Development Programme in the District of Kg©mwP Shunamgonj 43964320 - Irrigation Area Expansion Programme 43964320 -Av‡U©wmqvb bjK‚c e¨envi K‡i †mP GjvKv m¤•ªmviY through Use of Artesian Tube-well Kg©mwP 43964321 - Dhanbari and Madhupur Upazila Minor 43964321 -Uv½vBj †Rjvi abevox I gaycyi Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Irrigation Development Programme in the Kg©mwP District of Tangail 43964322 - Programme for Protection of Agricultural 43964322 -Uv½vBj †Rjvi K…wl Rwg i¶v I ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Land and Development of Minor Irrigation in the District of Tangail 43964323 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964323 -gqgbwmsn †Rjvi cvnvox wZb Dc‡Rjvq K…wl I ¶z`ª‡mP at 3 Hilly Upazilas in the District of Dbœqb Kg©mwP Mymensingh 43964324 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964324 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi BUbv I AóMªvg Dc‡Rjv nvIo at Itna and Aostogram Upazila Haor Area GjvKvq ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP in the District of Kishorgonj 43964325 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964325 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi wgVvgvBb Dc‡Rjv nvIo GjvKvq ¶z`ª at Mithamain Upazila Haor Area in the ‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP District of Kishorgonj 43964326 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964326 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi wbKjx, evwRZcyi I KwUqvw` Dc‡Rjv at Nikoly, Bajitpur and Katiadi Upazila nvIo GjvKvq ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Haor Areas in the District of Kishorgonj 43964327 - Nazirpur Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964327 -wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi bvwRicyi Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Development Programme in the District of Kg©mwP Pirojpur 43964328 - Programme for Increasing Agricultural 43964328 -Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I mvZ¶xiv †Rjvq fcwi¯’ cvwbi Production and Reduction of Water e¨ev‡ii gva¨‡g K…wl Drcv`b e„w× Ges Rjve×Zv Logging Through use of Surface Water in `ixKiY Kg©mwP the Districts of Khulna, Bagherhat and 43964329 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964329 -ei¸bv †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Sadar Upazila in the District of Barguna 43964330 - Amtoli Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964330 -ei¸bv †Rjvi AvgZjx Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Development Programme in the District of Barguna

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964331 - Bamna and Pathorghata Upazila Minor 43964331 -ei¸bv †Rjvi evgbv, cv_iNvUv Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Irrigation Development Programme in the Kg©mwP District of Borguna 43964332 - Sadar-Dumki Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964332 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi m`i-`ygKx Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Development Programme in the District of Kg©mwP Patuakhali 43964333 - Baufal Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964333 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi evDdj Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Development Programme in the District of Patuakhali 43964334 - Dashmina Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964334 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi `kwgbv Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Development Programme in the District of Patuakhali 43964335 - Galachipa Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964335 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi MjvwPcv Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Development Programme in the District of Kg©mwP Patuakhali 43964336 - Kalapara and Rangabali Upazila Minor 43964336 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov I ivsMvevjx Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Irrigation Development Programme in the Dbœqb Kg©mwP District of Patuakhali 43964337 - Gouranadi-Agoiljhara Upazila Minor 43964337 -ewikvj †Rjvi ‡MŠib`x-Av‰MjSov Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Irrigation Development Programme in the Dbœqb Kg©mwP District of Barishal 43964338 - Babugonj Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964338 -ewikvj †Rjvi eveyMÄ Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Development Programme in the District of Barishal 43964339 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964339 -ev‡KiMÄ Dc‡Rjvq f~cwi¯’ cvwb e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g ¶z`ª through Use of Surface Water in Bakergonj ‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Upazila 43964340 - Sadar, Bhandaria and Mathbaria Upazila 43964340 -wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi m`i, fvÛvwiqv I gVevwoqv Dc‡Rjv Minor Irrigation Development Programme ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP in the District of Pirojpur 43964341 - Sadar-Nalchiti Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964341 -SvjKvVx †Rjvi m`i-bjQxwU Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Development Programme in the District of Kg©mwP Jhalakathi 43964342 - Rajapur-Kathalia Upazila Minor Irrigation 43964342 -SvjKvVx †Rjvi ivRvcyi-KvVvwjqv Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Development Programme in the District of Dbœqb Kg©mwP Jhalakathi 43964343 - Command Area Expansion Programme at 43964343 -†fvjv †Rjv Pi A‡j †mP GjvKv m¤cÖmviY Kg©m‚wP Char Area in the District of Bhola 43964344 - Rangpur District Minor Irrigation 43964344 -iscyi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Development Programme 43964345 - Crops Cultivation Programme through 43964345 -f~-M‡f© jeb cvwbi AbycÖ‡ek I WvM I‡q‡ji gva¨‡g Encroachment of Salinity Water in dmj Avev` Kg©m~wP Underground and Dug-Well 43964346 - Preservation of Surface Water and 43964346 -†MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi f~cwi¯’ cvwb msi¶Y I ¶z`ª‡mP Expansion of Minor Irrigation Programme m¤cÖmviY Kg©m~wP in the District of Gopalgonj 43964347 - Preservation of Surface Water and 43964347 -gv`vixcyi-kixqZcyi †Rjv fcwi¯’ cvwb msi¶Y I †mP Expansion of Irrigation Programme in the Dbœqb Kg©mwP District of Madaripur-Shariatpur 43964348 - Reduce of Water Logging and Minor 43964348 -gv¸iv †Rjvi Rjve×Zv `ixKiY I ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Irrigation Development Programme in the Kg©mwP District of Magura 43964349 - Programme for Minor Irrigation 43964349 -MvBevÜv †Rjvi fcwi¯’ cvwbi e¨envi I †mP `¶Zv e„w×i Development through use of Surface gva¨‡g ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Water and Increasing Irrigation Skill in the District of Gaibandha 43964351 - Mushroom Development and Extension 43964351 -gvki“g Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY Programme

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964352 - Boundary wall construction and repairing 43964352 -UvsMvBj, †bvqvLvjx I wK‡kviM‡Äi miviPi GjvKvq program for Tangail, Noakhali and nvwU©KvjPvi †m›Uv‡ii evDÛvixIqvj wbg©vY I †givgZ Sararchar (Kishoreganj) (horticulture kxl©K Kg©mwP center) 43964353 - Construction of Boundary wall and 43964353 -we‡RAviAvB Gi wK‡kviMÄ I Ab¨vb¨ †K‡›`ªi mxgvbv physical infrastructure development cÖvPxi wbg©vY Ges †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb kxl©K Kg©mwP programme of Kishoreganj and other center of BJRI 43964375 - sdsdddsf 43964375 -sdfdf 43964376 - Strengthening of soil salinity management 43964376 -GmAviwWAvB Gi jebv³Zv e¨e¯’vcbv I M‡elYv †K‡›`ªi research programme in salinity gva¨‡g M‡elYv Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY management and research center of SRDI 43964377 - Strengthening of Surveillance, Forecasting 43964377 -cwi‡ek evÜe Lv`¨ wbivcËvi Rb¨ AZ›`ª Rvwic, ce©vfvm and Early Warning activities for I AvMvg mZK©xKiY Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Kg©mwP Environment Friendly Food Security. 43964378 - Crop Zoning of Cooperative Farmers of 43964378 -gMv‡`ecyi I e`jMvwQ Dc‡Rjvi bfxi bjK‚cvaxb Deep Tubewell area in Mahadevpur and mgevqx K…lKM‡Yi gv‡S cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g Badalgachhi upazila m¶gZv e„w× K‡i µc †Rvwbs ev¯evqb Kg©mwP 43964379 - Development of Commercial Variety and 43964379 -Av`v I imyb dm‡ji evwYwR¨K RvZ Ges jvMmB DbœZ Sustainable High Yielding Variety of Ginger RvZ Drcv`b Kjv‡KŠkj D™¢veb Kg©mwP and Garlic. 43964380 - Variety Development, Seed Production and 43964380 -Pxbvev`v‡gi RvZ Dbœqb, exR Drcv`b Ges msMª‡nvËi Postharvest Technology Development of cÖhyw³ D™¢veb Kg©mwP Ground Nut. 43964381 - Elimination of Water Logging of BRRI, 43964381 -evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU, MvRxcyi Gi M‡elYv Gazipur and Strengthening of Research gv‡Vi Rjve×Zv wbimb Ges AvÂwjK Kvh©vjq, Kzwgj­v Activities of Regional Office of Comilla Gi M‡elYv Kvh©µg ‡Rvi`viKiY Kg©mwP 43964382 - Strengthening of Bio-technology Research 43964382 -evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi Aax‡b of BRRI ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR M‡elYv Kvh©µg ‡Rvi`viKi‡Yi Kg©mwP 43964383 - Production and Dissemination of Disease 43964383 -B¶zi †ivMgy³ cwi”Qbœ exR AvL Drcv`b I Gi we¯vi Free Fresh Sugarcane Seed Kg©mwP 43964384 - Increasing Cropping Intensity of Cotton 43964384 -Zyjv M‡elYv Lvgvimg‡n km¨ wbweoZv e„w× Kg©mwP Research Farms 43964385 - Extension of Cotton production in Barind 43964385 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq km¨ eûgyLxKi‡Y ZyjvPvl m¤•ªmviY Area for Crop Diversification. Kg©mwP 43964386 - Establishment of Mobile Seed Testing 43964386 -åvg¨gvb exR cix¶vMvi Kg©mwP Laboratory 43964387 - Increasing the Cultivation and Production 43964387 -`w¶YvÂjxq DcK‚jxq GjvKvq B¶z Pvl I Drcv`b of Sugarcane in the Coastal Areas of e„w×KiY Kg©mwP Southern region Programme 43964388 - Rangamati District Baghaichari Upazila 43964388 -iv½vgvwU †Rjvi evNvBQwo Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Irrigation Development Programme Kg©mwP 43964389 - Sreebordi and Jheenaigati Upazilla Minor 43964389 -‡kicyi †Rjv kªxeÏx© I wSbvBMvZx Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Irrigation Development Programme, Dbœqb Kg©mwP Sherpur 43964390 - Modernization of Seed Certification Tag 43964390 -exR cÖZ¨qb U¨vM AvaywbKvqb I weZiY ‡Rvi`viKiY and Strengthening of its Distribution Kg©mwP Programme 43964391 - Development of Four Crops based 43964391 -dmj wbweoZv I Drcv`bkxjZv e„w×Ki‡Y Pvi dmj cropping pattern for increasing cropping wfwËK dmj web¨vm D™¢veb kxl©K Kg©mwP intensity and productivity programme 43964392 - Strengthening Research Activities at 43964392 -evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU, ewikvj, ‡mvbvMvRx I Barisal, Sonagazi and Satkhira Regional mvZ¶xiv AvÂwjK Kvh©vj‡qi M‡elYv Kvh©µg Station of BRRI Programme †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mwP 43964393 - Production and Dissemination of Tropical 43964393 -evsjv‡`k U«wcK¨vj myMviweU Drcv`b I we¯vi Kg©mwP Suggrabeet in Bangladesh 43964401 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964401 -wm‡jU †Rjvi wek¦bv_ I evjvMÄ Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb at Biswanath and Balagong Upazila in the Kg©mwP District of Sylhet

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964402 - Reduction of water logging and Minor 43964402 -ei¸bv †Rjvi †eZvMx Dc‡Rjvi Rjve×Zv `ixKiY I Irrigation Development Programme at ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Betagi Upazila in the District of Borgona 43964403 - Reduction of water logging and Minor 43964403 -h‡kvi †Rjvi †PŠMvQv I wSKiMvQv Dc‡Rjvi Rjve×Zv Irrigation Development Programme at `ixKiY I ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Chougacha and Zicorgacha Upazila in the District of Jessore 43964404 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964404 -eªv¶Yevoxqv ‡Rjvi bexbMi (cwðg) Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP at Nobinagor (west) Upazila in the District Dbœqb Kg©mwP of B. Baria 43964405 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964405 -PU«Mªvg ‡Rjvi m›`xc Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Sandwip Upazila in the District of Chittagong 43964406 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964406 -PU«Mªvg ‡Rjvi ivDRvb Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Rawjan Upazila in the District of Chittagong 43964407 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964407 -PU«Mªvg ‡Rjvi nvUnvRvix Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Hathazari Upazila in the District of Chittagong 43964408 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964408 -biwmsw` ‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP in the District of Narshingdi 43964409 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964409 -biwmsw` m`i Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Narshingdi Sadar Upazila 43964410 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964410 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi gyiv`bMi Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Muradnagar Upazila in the District of Comilla 43964411 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964411 -h‡kvi †Rjvi evNvcvov Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Baghapara Upazila in the District of Jessore 43964412 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964412 -gyw›mMÄ †Rjvi kªxbMi I wmivRw`Lvb Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP at Shree Nagar and Shirajdikhan Upazila Dbœqb Kg©mwP in the District of Munshigong 43964413 - Expansion of Irrigation Facility, Water 43964413 -iscyi †Rjvi wgVvcyKzi I cxiMÄ Dc‡Rjv †mP Management and Minor Irrigation m¤•ªmviY, cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv I ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Development Programme at Mithapolor and Peergong Upazila in the District of Sylhet 43964414 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964414 -bvivqbMÄ †Rjvi AvovBnvRvi Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb at Araihajar Upazila in the District of Kg©mwP Narayangonj 43964415 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964415 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi jvKmvg I g‡bvniMÄ Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP at Laksham and Monohargong Upazila in Dbœqb Kg©mwP the District of Comilla 43964416 - Agriculture Minor Irrigation Development 43964416 -gqgbwmsn ‡Rjvi m`i, wÎkvj I ‡MŠwicyi Dc‡Rjvq Programme at Sadar, Thrishal and K…wl I ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP Gouripur Upazila in the District of Mymensingh 43964417 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964417 -DwRicyi-evbvwicvov Dc‡Rjvq fcwi¯’ †mP e¨e¯’v Dbœqb in surface water at Uzirpur-Banaripara Kg©mwP Upazila in the District of Barishal 43964418 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964418 -Lv`¨ wbivcËvi Rb¨ PU«Mªvg ‡Rjvi iv½ywbqv Dc‡Rjv †mP at Rangunia Upazila in the District of Dbœqb Kg©mwP Chittagong for Food Security 43964419 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964419 -eªvþYevoxq ‡Rjvi bexbMi (ce©) Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb at Nobinogor (East) Upazila in the District Kg©mwP of B. Baria 43964420 - Comprehensive Minor Irrigation 43964420 -eªvþYevoxqv ‡Rjvi weRqbMi Dc‡Rjv mgw¤¦Z ¶z`ª‡mP Development Programme at Bijoynogor Dbœqb Kg©mwP (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z Ryb/2014) Upazila in the District of B. Baria

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964421 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964421 -iscyi ‡Rjvi M½vPiv Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Gongachora Upazila in the District of (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z Ryb/2015) Rangpur 43964422 - Minor Irrigation Development 43964422 -bxjdvgvix ‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP (RyjvB/2012 Programmein the District of Nilfamari n‡Z Ryb/2015) 43964423 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964423 -e¸ov ‡Rjvi Pi GjvKvi ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Char Areas Upazila in the District of (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z Ryb/2015) Bogra 43964424 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964424 -e¸ov ‡Rjvi mvwiqvKvw›`, †mvbvZjv I aybU Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª at Sariakabdi, Sonatola and Dhunot ‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z Ryb/2015) Upazila in the District of Bogra 43964425 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964425 -eveyMÄ I gjv`x Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Babugonj and MuladiUpazila in the (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z Ryb/2015) District of Barishal 43964426 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964426 -wK‡kviMÄ ‡Rjvi nvIo GjvKvq ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP at Hoor Area Upazila in the District of (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z Ryb/2015) Kishoregonj. 43964427 - Reduction and Water Logging and Minor 43964427 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjv Rjve×Zv `ixKiY ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Irrigation Development Programme in the Kg©mwP (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z Ryb/2015) District of Noakhali 43964428 - Programme for Production, Storage and 43964428 -Pvlx ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi Wvj, †Zj, imyb I ‡cuqvR exR Distribution of Quality Seeds of Pulse, Oil, Drcv`b, msi¶Y I weZiY Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z onion at Farmser''s Level 30 Ryb/2013) 43964429 - Programme for Seed Production and 43964429 -Pvlx ch©v‡q AvaywbK Rv‡Zi avb, Mg I cvU exR Drcv`b Dissemination of modern varieties of I m¤•ªmviY Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z 30 Ryb/2013) Rice, Wheat and Jute at Farmser''s Level 43964430 - Programme for Enhancement of Crop 43964430 -K…wl m¤•ªmvib Awa`߇ii Aaxb Lvgvi hvwšKxKi‡Yi Production Through Farm Mechanization gva¨‡g dmj Drcv`b e„w× Kg©mwP (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z Program 30Ryb/2015) 43964431 - Programme for Development for New 43964431 -cvigvYweK Ges gwjKzjvi Kjv‡KŠk‡ji gva¨‡g dm‡ji Varieties and Technologies through bZyb RvZ I cÖhyw³ D™¢veb Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z Nuclear and Milecular Techniques 30 Ryb/2013) 43964432 - Programme for Modernization and 43964432 -exR gvb Dbœq‡b gvV cÖZ¨qb AvaywbKvqb I †Rvi`viKiY Strengthening of Seed Certification at field Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z 30 Ryb/2014) level for development of quality of Seed 43964433 - Strengthening Marketing Services of 43964433 -dvg©viÕi gv‡K©wUs Mª“c (GdGgwR) kw³kvjxKi‡Yi gva¨ North-West Regional Markets Through ‡g DËi cwðgv‡j wbwg©Z gv‡K©Umg‡n wecYb myweav Capacity Building of Farmers marketing †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z 30 Ryb/2015) Group (FMG) 43964434 - Programme for Intensive Cotton 43964434 -wbweo Zyjv Pvl Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z 30 Production Ryb/2014) 43964435 - Repair, Maintenance and Rehabilitation 43964435 -webvi †givgZ, i¶Yv‡e¶Y I cybe©vmb Kg©mwP (RyjvB Program of BINA 2012 n‡Z 30 Ryb/2015) 43964436 - Repair, Maintenance and Development 43964436 -GwUAvB nvUnvRvix, Lvw`gbMi, ingZcyi, †eMgMÄ Program of ATI Hathazari, Khadimnogor †givgZ I Dbœqb Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z 30 Rahmatpur and Begomgonj Ryb/2014) 43964437 - Repair, Maintenance and Development 43964437 -we‡RAviAvB Gi m`i `ßi, AvÂwjK I Dc-†K›`ªmg Program of BJRI Head Office, Regional ‡ni ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv i¶Yv‡e¶Y, †givgZ I Dbœqb and Sub-Centre Kg©mwP (RyjvB 2012 n‡Z 30 Ryb/2015) 43964440 - Renovation, Repair, Maintainance & 43964440 -Lvgvievwo Kg‡c­· ms¯‹vi, †givgZ, msi¶Y Dbœqb Development programe of Khamarbari Kg©mwP Complex 43964441 - Activities Enhancement Program on 43964441 -RvZxq K…wl cÖwk¶Y GKv‡Wwgi (bvUv) Kvh©µg National Agriculture Training Academy †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mwP 43964442 - Offline Digital Fertilizer Recommendation 43964442 -AdjvBb wWwRUvj mvi mycvwik Kg©mwP Program 43964443 - Identification of Bt Cotton Gene and 43964443 -wewU KU‡bi wRb mbv³KiY I Kvh©KvwiZv wba©vi‡Yi Efficacy Determination Research Program M‡elYv KgmwP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964444 - Strengthening of AIS Press Through 43964444 -AvaywbK gy`ªYhš µ‡qi gva¨‡g K…wl Z_¨ mvwf©‡mi †cÖm Procurement of Modern Printing Machine kw³kvjxKiY KgmwP Programme 43964445 - Minor Irrigation Program at Purbodhola, 43964445 -‡b·Kvbv †Rjvi cye©ajv, g`b, ‡gvnbMÄ I LvwjqvRyix Madon, Mohongaj and Khaliajuri Upazilla Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP in Netrokona distirct 43964446 - Program on Crop Production increase by 43964446 -cvebv †Rjvi PvU‡gvni, fv½yiv I dwi`cyi Dc‡Rjvi Transferring Modern Agricultural dmj Drcv`b e„w× K‡í AvaywbK Kjv‡KŠkj n¯vši Technologies at Chatmohor, Vhangura and Faridpur Upazilla in Pabna District. 43964447 - Envivonment Friendly Poison Free Safe 43964447 -DËg K…wl e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g Lv`¨ wbivcËvi Rb¨ cwi‡ek Crop Production for Food Security Through evÜe welgy³ wbivc` dmj Drcv`b Kg©mwP Good Agricultural Management Program 43964448 - Development of New horticultural Crop 43964448 -wgD‡Ukb I AvaywbK Kjv‡KŠkj e¨envi K‡i D`¨vbZvwË Varieties and Management Technologies ¡K dm‡ji bZyb RvZ I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖhyw³ D™¢veb Kg©mwP| through Mutation and Advanced Technoques 43964645 - Production of Improved Seeds Through SM 43964645 -exR ea©b Lvgv‡ii gva¨‡g DbœZgv‡bi `vbvkm¨ Drcv`b Farms (2003-04 to 2007-08) Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964646 - National Vegetable Seed Production 43964646 -RvZxq mâx exR Drcv`b Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z (2003-04 to 2007-08) 2007-08) 43964647 - Management of Buffer Stock of Seed 43964647 -ex‡Ri AvcrKvjxb gRy` I Zvi e¨e¯’vcbv Kg©m–wP (2003-04 to 2007-08) (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964648 - Agro Service Centre Programme (2003-04 43964648 -G‡Mªv mvwf©m ‡m›Uvi Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z to 2007-08) 2007-08) 43964649 - Research and Development Support of 43964649 -Lv`¨km¨ Drcv`b e„w× Ae¨vnZ ivL‡Z webvi M‡elYv I BINA to Sustain Increasing Crop Dbœqb mnvqZv Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z 2009-10) Production (2003-04 to 2009-10) 43964650 - Cotton Research, Seed Production and 43964650 -Zyjv M‡elYv, exR Drcv`b I m¤•ªmviY Kg©m–wP Extension (2003-04 to 2007-08) (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964651 - Outreach Programme of BRRI (2003-04 to 43964651 -AvDUixP †cÖvMªvg Ae eªx Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) 2007-08) 43964652 - Strengthening of Agriculture Training 43964652 -K…wl cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDUmgn kw³kvjxKiY Kg©mPx Institutes (2003-04 to 2007-08) (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964653 - Digital Extension Programme 43964653 -wWwRUvj G·‡Ubkb Kg©m–wP 43964654 - Soil Fertility Assessment, Soil Deradation 43964654 -g„wËKv De©iZv wbiƒcb Ges g„wËKv Ae¶q I K…wli Dci and its Impact on Agriculture Gi cÖfve 43964672 - Production of Improved Cereal Seeds 43964672 -Pyw³e× Drcv`bKvix‡`i gva¨‡g DbœZgv‡bi `vbv through Contract Growers (2003-04 to km¨exR Drcv`b Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) 2007-08) 43964673 - Procurement, Processing and Distribution 43964673 -DbœZgv‡bi `vbv km¨exR msMªn cÖwµqvKiY Kg©m–wP of Improved Seeds (2003-04 to 2007-08) (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964674 - Jute Seeds Programmes (2003-04 to 43964674 -cvU exR Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) 2007-08) 43964675 - Production, Storage and Distribution of 43964675 -Pvlx ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi exR Drcv`b, msi¶Y I weZiY Quality Seeds at Farmers Level (2003-04 Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) to 2007-08) 43964676 - 43964676 - 43964677 - Repair and Maintanance of godown for 43964677 -mvi msi¶Y I wecb‡bi Rb¨ e¨eüZ ¸`vgmg–‡ni fertilizer Maintanance and Marketing †givgZ I i¶Yv‡e¶Y Kg©m–wP Programme 43964684 - Establishment and Development of Fruit 43964684 -djevMvb ¯’vcb I Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2003-04 n‡Z 2005 Gardens (2003-04 to 2005-06) -06) 43964692 - Special Assistance for Development of 43964692 -K…wl Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡b we‡kl mnvqZv Agriculture Sector 43964697 - Fine Rice Production and Marketing 43964697 -mi“ Pvj Drcv`b I wecYb Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z (2003-04 to 2005-06) 2005-06) 43964698 - Loan Programme for Building Seed 43964698 -km¨ ¸`vg FY Kg©m–wP (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) Godown (2003-04 to 2007-08)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964699 - Programme for renoval of water logging 43964699 -bvivqYMÄ †Rjv Rjve×Zv `ixKiY Ges dmj Drcv`b and increasing crop production of e„w×i Kg©mwP Narayangonj district 43964700 - Programme for construction of ring dam at 43964700 -Uv½vBj †Rjvi mLxcyi I evmvBj Dc‡Rjvq †eoxeuva Bashail and Shakhjpur upazila in Tangail wbg©vY Kg©m–wP district 43964701 - Minor Irrigation Development Programme 43964701 -Kzwgj¬v †Rjvi ei“ov I m`i `w¶Y Dc‡Rjvq ¶z`ª‡mP at Bashail and Shakhipur upazila in Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Tangail district 43964702 - Minor Irrigation Development programme 43964702 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi wK‡kviMÄ m`i, cvKzw›`qv, KwUqv`x in Dadar, Katiadi and Hoshenpur Upazila Ges †nv‡mbcyi Dc‡Rjvi ¶z`ª†mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP under Kishorgonj District 43964703 - Chittagong (South) District Irrigation 43964703 -PÆMÖvg (`w¶Y) †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Development Program 43964704 - Chittagong (North) District Irrigation 43964704 -PÆMÖvg (DËi) †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Development Program 43964705 - Minor Irrigation Development Program in 43964705 -eªvþYevoxqv †Rjvi m`i, bvwmibMi, Kmev I AvLvDov Sadar Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964706 - Programme for project crop damage from 43964706 -‡b·Kvbv †Rjvi †gvnbMÄ I LvwjqvRywi Dc‡Rjvq early flood by constructing submerged mvegvR©W evuamn iv¯v wbg©v‡Yi gva¨‡g AvMvg eb¨vi Kej dam and road of Khaliajhuri and †_‡K dmj i¶v Kg©m–wP Mohangonj upazila under Netrokona disrict 43964707 - Cox's Bazar district irrigation development 43964707 -K·evRvi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP programme 43964708 - Programme for removal of water logging 43964708 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi Rjve×Zv `–ixKiY I ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb and minor irrigation development in Kg©m–wP Shirajgonj district 43964709 - Programme for removal of water logging 43964709 -h‡kvi †Rjvi AfqbMi I †Kkecyi Dc‡Rjvi Rjve×Zv and increasing crop production in `–ixKiY I dmj Drcv`b e„w× Kg©m–wP Abhaynagar and Keshobpur upazila under Jessore district 43964710 - Programme for storage of surface water 43964710 -cvebv-bv‡Uvi †Rjvi f–‡cvwi¯’ cvwb msi¶Y I †mP and expansion of irrigation in m¤cÖmviY Kg©m–wP Pabna-Natore district 43964711 - Minor irrigation development programme 43964711 -iscyi †Rjvi cxiMÄ Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP in Pirgonj upazila under Rangpur district 43964712 - Dinajpur district irrigation development 43964712 -w`bvRcyi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Programme 43964713 - Kurigram district irrigation development 43964713 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Programme 43964714 - Chuadanga and Meherpur district irrigation 43964714 -PzqvWv½v I †g‡nicyi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP development programme 43964715 - Programme for Minor Irrigation 43964715 -XvKv wefv‡M †mŠi kw³ e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb development using Solar power of Dhaka Kg©m–wP division 43964716 - 43964716 -exR Drcv`b e„w× Kg©mPx (2004-05) 43964717 - bangladesh 43964717 -evsjv‡`k cigvYy K…wl M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui Dc‡K›`ª mg– ‡ni Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) Kg©m–wP (2004-05 n‡Z 2008- 09) 43964718 - 43964718 -AwZwi³ cwigv‡Y †ev‡iv I Avgb av‡bi eªxWvi exR Drcv`b Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06) 43964719 - jute and knaf seed 43964719 -cvU I †Kbvd exR Drcv`b, msi¶Y I weZiY Kvh©µg Kg©m–wP (2004-05 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964720 - different 43964720 -wewfbœ dm‡ji D™¢vweZ RvZ¸‡jvi cÖRbb exR Drcv`b Kvh©µg Kg©m–wP (2004-05 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964721 - 43964721 -K…wlRvZ c‡Y¨ †cw÷mvBW †iwmwWD Ges Gd¬vUw·b-Gi Dcw¯’wZ I Zvi cwigvY wbiƒcb Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964722 - dal,oilseed 43964722 -Wvj, ˆZjexR I gmjv RvZxq dm‡ji G¨vKkb c­vb ev¯ evqb Kg©mwP (2004-05 n‡Z 2007-08)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964723 - Programme for flood plain and Hilly area 43964723 -DËi Uv½vBj †Rjv c¬veb I cvnvwo GjvKv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb development of Uttar Tangail District Kg©m–wP 43964724 - Tangail district char area development 43964724 -Uv½vBj †Rjvi Pi AÂj Dbœqb Kg©m–wP programme 43964725 - Programme for removal of water logging 43964725 -wm‡jU ‡Rjvi ‡MvjvcMÄ I ‡dÄyMÄ Dc‡Rjvi and increasing crop production of Rjve×Zv `–ixKiY Ges dmj Drcv`b e„w×i Kg©m–wP Golapgonj and Fenshugonj upazilla under Sylhet district 43964726 - Jamalpur district char area development 43964726 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Pi Dbœqb Kg©m–wP programme 43964727 - Programme for Char and Hilly Area 43964727 -†kicyi †Rjv Pi I cvnvox GjvKv Dbœqb Kg©m~wP Development of Sherpur district 43964728 - Programme for Char Area Development 43964728 -†bvqvLvjx †Rjv Pi Dbœqb I dmj Drcv`b e„w×i Kg©m–wP and Increasing Crop Production of Noakhali District 43964729 - Rajbari district irrigation development 43964729 -ivRevox †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©mwP programme 43964730 - 43964730 -ÔÔ†emiKvix D‡`¨v³v‡`i †mev cÖ`vbÕÕ mnvqZv Kg©mPx (2004-05) 43964731 - Rajbari 43964731 -ivRevox †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964732 - Minor irrigation development programme 43964732 -mybvgMÄ †Rjvi mybvgMÄ m`i I wek¤¢icyi Dc‡Rjv in Shunamgonj sadar and Bishomborpur ¶z„`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP upazilla under sylhet district 43964733 - Minor irrigation development programme 43964733 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi jv½j‡KvU I m`i `w¶Y (Ask) Dc‡Rjv in Nangolcoat and Sadar Dakkhin upazila ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP under Comilla district 43964734 - Minor irrigation development programme 43964734 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi ‡PŠÏMÖvg Dc‡Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP in Chouddagram upazila under Comilla district 43964735 - Programme for saving agricultural land by 43964735 -‡b·Kvbv †Rjvi c–e© ajv Dc‡Rjvaxb Rvwiqv evRvi rive dradging including wooden piling near msjMœ ¯’v‡b Kv‡Vi ej¬v cvBwjsmn Ksk b`x ‡WªwRs K‡i Jaria Bazar and construction of dam for K…wl Rwg D×vi I †mP Kvh©µg ev¯Zevq‡bi Rb¨ euva irrigation activities of Purbodhala upazila wbg©vY Kg©m–wP under Netrokona district. 43964736 - Establishment of Horticulture Centre in 43964736 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Kvwkqvbx Dc‡Rjvq nwU©KvjPvi †m›Uvi Gopalgonj District at Kashiane Upazilla ¯’vcb Kg©m–wP 43964739 - 43964739 -BDwbqb ch©v‡q m‡qj †Uwós wgwbj¨ve Kg©mPx (2005- 06) 43964740 - farmar new technology 43964740 -K…lK ch©v‡q AvaywbK cÖhyw³ cÖmv‡i we‡kl cÖwk¶Y Kg©m–wP (2005-06 n‡Z 2007-08) 43964741 - 43964741 -bewbhy³ Dc-mnKvix K…wl Kg©KZ©v‡`i cwiwPwZgjK cÖwk¶Y Kg©mPx (2005-06) 43964742 - Information and comunication technology 43964742 -Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 43964743 - type of bean crops 43964743 -wkg RvZxq dm‡ji RxevYy mv‡ii Drcv`b, weZib Ges avb, Mg I Ab¨vb¨ dm‡ji RxevYy mv‡ii M‡elbv I Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (2005-06 n‡Z 2006-07) 43964744 - Agriculture information advertisement 43964744 -wgwWqvi gva¨‡g K…wl Z_¨ cÖPviYv Kg©mwP (2005-06 programme n‡Z 2006-07) 43964783 - Support Programme for increasing 43964783 -K…wl Drcv`b e„wׇZ mnvqZv Kg©mwP Agricultrure Production 43964802 - National maze cultivation development 43964802 -RvZxq fU«v Pvl Dbœqb Kg©mPx (2006-07) programme (2006-07) 43964803 - Nursing of collected fruits-vegetables and 43964803 -dj I mwâi msMªn‡Ëvi cwiPh©v Ges cÖwµqvRvZKiY progessing programme (2006-07 to Kg©m–wP (2006-07 n‡Z 2008-09) 2008-09) 43964804 - Assessment & evaluation of impact of 43964804 -dm‡j Av‡m©wbK `yl‡Yi cÖfve gj¨vqb Ges `ylY wbqš Arsenic pollution on croops programme ‡Yi e¨e¯’v D™¢veb Kg©mwP (2006-07 n‡Z 2007-08) (2006-07 to 2007-08)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964805 - Modernaization of Soil Science Analytical 43964805 -g„wËKv weÁvb GbvjvBwUK¨vj j¨ve‡iUixi Kg©mPx (2006 Laboratory Programme (2006-07 to -07 n‡Z 2007-08) 2007-08) 43964806 - Modernisation of analytical laboratory of 43964806 -km¨gvb I cywó wefvM Gi GbvjvBwUK¨vj j¨ve‡iUixi standardisation Fruits & Nutrition Division AvaywbKvqb Kg©mwP (2006-07 n‡Z 2007-08) (2006-07 to 2008-09 (2006-07 to 2007-08) 43964807 - Research, seed production & extension 43964807 -cvnvox Zyjv M‡elYv, exR Drcv`b I m¤•ªmviY Kg©m–wP programme of cotton in Hill tract (2006-07 (2006-07 n‡Z 2008-09) to 2008-09) 43964808 - Supply of equipment, establishing 43964808 -gvwUi ¯^v¯’¨ Dbœq‡b I cix¶vwfwËK Kvh©µ‡gi miÄvgvw` exhabition and compost production for mieivn, cÖ`k©bx ¯’vcb I K‡¤•vó Drcv`b (2006-07) experimental soil development (2006-07) 43964809 - 43964809 -9 wU dm‡ji Drcv`b e„w×i Kg©m~Px 43964810 - S 43964810 -‡mP msKU †gvKv‡ejv Kg©m–wP 43964811 - P 43964811 -wcÖ-‡cBW wgUvi e¨envi Kg©m–wP 43964816 - Strengthening Farmer Service Through 43964816 -¯’vqx MelYvMv‡i g„wËKv cix¶vi gva¨‡g K„lK †mev Testing Soil in Permanent Lab Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY 43964817 - Strengthening Lab for Testing Fertilizer 43964817 -we†kl Kg©m–wP Lv†Z mv‡ii ¸bMZ gvb wbav©iY cix¶vMvi kw³kvjxKiY kxl©K Kg©m–wP 43964818 - Use of Guti Urea for Saving Urea 43964818 -BDwiqv mvkÖ‡qi j‡¶¨ ¸wU BDwiqvi e¨envi 43964819 - Popularising Leaf Colour Chart 43964819 -wjd Kvjvi PvU© RbwcÖq KiY I e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g BDwiqvi mvkªq 43964820 - Crops 43964820 -avb I Wvj dmj Drcv`b eZ©gv‡bi †P‡q AviI 17.15% I 15% e„w×i Kg©m–wP (2007-08 n‡Z 2009-10) 43964821 - Programme for Strengthening of 43964821 -K…wl cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDUmg~n kw³kvjxKiY Kg©m~Px| Agricultural Training Institutions-from July, 2008 to June-2009 (DAE) 43964822 - Shashangacha Horticulture Centre 43964822 -kvmbMvQv nwU©KvjPvi †m›Uvi Dbœqb Kg©m~Px| Development Programme- 2007-2008 and 2008-2009-(DAE) 43964823 - Research and Development of Microbe 43964823 -wkg RvZxq dm‡ji Rxevbymv‡ii M‡elYv I Dbœqb (webv) Fertiliser for Bean classes Crops (BINA) -2008-2010 43964824 - Programme for Technology Transfer of 43964824 -Dc-mnKvix K…wl Kg©KZ©v‡`i K…wl cÖhyw³n¯ÍvšÍi Sub-Assistance Agriculture Officer (DAE) Kg©m~wP (wWGB)-2004-06 I 2008-2010. -2008-2010 43964825 - Bridging Programme of Integrated 43964825 -Kzwgj­v I e„nËi wm‡jU †Rjvq Kgjv I Avbvim Dbœqbmn Agriculture Development Project including mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœqb cÖK‡íi weªwRs Kg©m~wP (wWGB) Development of Orange and Pineapple in -2008-09- 2009-10 Comilla and Greater Sylhet District 43964826 - Programme for Self Employment and 43964826 -gvki“g Pv‡li gva¨‡g AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Poverty Reduction through Mushroom Kg©m~wP(wWGB)-2008-2011 Cultivation (DAE) -2008-2011 43964827 - Programme for Agricultural Infrastructure 43964827 -wmWi Dc`ªæZ ga¨-`wÿYv‡j K…wl AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I Development and Technology Expansion cÖhyw³ m¤cÖmviY Kg©m~wP(wWGB)-2008-2010 in Middle-southern Sedor prone Area-DAE-2008-2010 43964828 - Plant Breeding Laboratory Modernisation 43964828 -c¬¬v›U weªwWs j¨ve‡iUix AvaywbKvqb Kg©mywP(weª) Programme-BRRI-2008-2010 -2008-2010 43964829 - Innovation of Summer seasonal Classes 43964829 -MÖx®§Kvjxb †cuqv‡Ri RvZ, exR Drcv`b I msiÿY cÖhyw³ Onion and its seed and Invention D™¢veb (evwi)-2008-2011 Technology for its Preservation-BARI-2008-2011 43964830 - Invention of Technology Friendly with 43964830 -cÖwZK~j cwi‡ek Dc‡hvMx km¨ Drcv`b cÖhyw³ D™¢veb Unfavourable Envoronment for Crops (evwi)-2008-2013 Production -BARI-2008-2013 43964831 - complex soil testing 43964831 -be wbwg©Z BDwbqb Kg‡cз m‡qj †Uw÷s wgwbwKU mieivn I gvV ch©v‡q we`¨gvb wgwbwK‡Ui Kvh©µg Pvjy ivLvi Rb¨ †KwgK¨vj wiwdj mieivn (2007-08 n‡Z 2008-09)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964832 - 43964832 -kvmbMvQv nwU©KvjPvi †m›Uvi Dbœqb (2007-08 n‡Z 2008-09) 43964833 - ICT Support Development Programme 43964833 -Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ mnvqK Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (2008-09 n‡Z 2010-11) 43964834 - 43964834 -K…wl cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDUmg–n kw³kvjxKiY (2008-09) 43964835 - 43964835 -cve¨Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji iv½vgvwU‡Z ¯’vwcZ bZzb K…wl cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU Pvjy ivLvi mnvqK Kg©m–wP (2007-08) 43964836 - 43964836 -weGAviAvB KZ©„K cUzqvLvjx A‡j iwe †gŠmy‡g cwZZ Rwg e¨env‡ii j‡¶¨ jvMmB K…wl cÖhyw³ D™¢veb Kg©mwP| 43964837 - Block Allocation 43964837 -23wU Kg©m–wPi Rb¨ ‡_vK 43964845 - Programme on innovation of crop 43964845 -cÖwZK‚j cwi‡ek Dc‡hvMx km¨ Drcv`b cÖhyw³ D™¢veb production technology in adverse situation. Kg©mwP 43964846 - Programme on innovation of technology for 43964846 -Mªxl¥Kvjxb †cuqv‡Ri RvZ, exR Drcv`b I msi¶Y cÖhyw³ varieties of onion ,preservation,seed D™¢veb Kg©m–wP production in summer. 43964851 - Programme for Strengthening of Qurentine 43964851 -†Kvqv‡i›UvBb mvwf©m kw³kvjxKiY Kg©m–wP (2008-09 Services (2008-09-2009-10) n‡Z 2009-10) 43964865 - 43964865 -h‡kvi †Rjv Rjve×Zv wb®‹vkY I K…wl Drcv`b e„w× Kg©m–wP 43964866 - 43964866 -Lyjbv-ev‡MinvU-mvZ¶xiv-wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi Rjve×Zv wb®‹vkb I K…wl Drcv`b e„w× Kg©m–wP 43964867 - 43964867 -cvebv-bv‡Uvi †Rjvi Rjve×Zv wb®‹vkb I K…wl Drcv`b e„w× Kg©m–wP 43964868 - 43964868 -Kzwóqv-wSbvB`n †Rjvi Rjve×Zv wb®‹vkb I K…wl Drcv`b e„w× Kg©m–wP 43964869 - 43964869 -†bvqvLvjx-KzwgjÐv-mybvgMÄ †Rjvi Rjve×Zv wbimb I dmj Drcv`b e„w× Kg©m–wP 43964870 - 43964870 -Uv½vBj †Rjvi Rjve×Zv wbimb I dmj Drcv`b e„w× Kg©m–wP 43964871 - d 43964871 -`w¶Yv‡ji †m‡Pi cvwbi ¸bv¸Y, f‚-c„ô I f‚-M‡f© jeb cvwbi AbycÖ‡ek I Rjve×Zv ch©‡e¶b c–e©vfvm cÖ`vb Kg©m–wP 43964872 - 43964872 -e„nËi ewikvj I Lyjbv A‡j jebv³ I cwZZ Rwg‡Z K…wl m¤•ÖmviY Kg©m–wP 43964873 - Noakhali and Laxmipur District Small 43964873 -j¶xcyi I †bvqvLvjx †Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Irrigation Development Programme (2009-10 to 2010-11) 43964874 - Faridpur District Small Irrigation 43964874 -dwi`cyi †Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Development Programme (2009-10 to 2010-11) 43964875 - Greater Khulna District Small Irrigation 43964875 -e„nËi Lyjbv †Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Development Programme 43964876 - Vhola District Small Irrigation Development 43964876 -†fvjv †Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Programme-(2009-10 to 2011) 43964877 - Madaripur-Shariatpur District Small 43964877 -gv`vixcyi-kixqZcyi †Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Irrigation Development Programme (2009-10 to 2010-11) 43964878 - GopalGanj District Small Irrigation 43964878 -†MvcvjMÄ †Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Development Programme (2009-10 to 2010-11) 43964879 - dd 43964879 -mwâi gvwQ †cvKv Ges †e¸‡bi WMv I dj wQ`ªKvix †cvKv `g‡b ˆRweK evjvB e¨e¯’vcbv Kg©m–wP 43964880 - 43964880 -nvIi GjvKvq ˆaÂv Pvl m¤•ÖmviY Kg©m–wP 43964881 - 43964881 -`ª“Z ea©bkxj djevMvb ¯’vcb Kg©m–wP 43964882 - 43964882 -gvwUi ¯^v¯’¨ myi¶vq ˆRemvi Drcv`b I e¨envi Kg©m–wP 43964891 - Narayanganj 43964891 -bvivqYMÄ-gyw›mMÄ †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964892 - Dhaka Dist 43964892 -XvKv †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964893 - Tangail District 43964893 -Uv½vBj †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964894 - Moymansing Dist 43964894 -gqgbwmsn †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 43964895 - Branmonbaria District 43964895 -eªv¶¥bevwoqv †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964896 - Jamalpur District 43964896 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964897 - Bogura 43964897 -e¸ov †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964898 - Sherpur 43964898 -‡kicyi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964899 - Moulovybazar 43964899 -‡gŠjfxevRvi-nweMÄ †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964900 - S 43964900 -wm‡jU-mybvgMÄ †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964901 - kiahorgonj 43964901 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964902 - kiahorgonj 43964902 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi BUbv, wgVvgvBb Ges AóMªvg Dc‡Rjvq ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964903 - netrokona 43964903 -‡b·Kvbv nvIi GjvKv Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964908 - 43964908 -e„nËi Kzwóqv, h‡kvi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964909 - 43964909 -MvBevÜv †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964910 - 43964910 -iscyi I bxdvgvix †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964911 - 43964911 -†MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi †MvcvjMÄ m`i, Uzw½cvov-†KvUvjxcvov Dc‡Rjvq ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964912 - 43964912 -cUzqvLvjx, ei¸bv †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964913 - 43964913 -wc‡ivRcyi †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964914 - 43964914 -KzwgjÐv †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964915 - 43964915 -KzwoMÖvg I jvjgwbinvU †Rjv ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 43964916 - Program on increasing cultivation and 43964916 -`w¶YvÂjxq DcK‚jxq GjvKvq av‡bi Avev` I Drcv`b production of Rice in the south-coastal e„w×KiY Kg©m–wP area 43964917 - Development of small irrigation program in 43964917 -ewikvj-SvjKvwV †Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Barishal-Jhalkathi 43964918 - Program on hybrid vegetable seed 43964918 -nvBweªW mwâ exR Drcv`b, cÖwµqvRvZKiY, msi¶Y I production, processing, preservation & weZiY Kg©m–wP distribution 43964919 - Program on baseline field survey, 43964919 -†`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b Rjve×Zv `–ixKi‡Yi gva¨‡g dmj information collection & preparation of Avev` e„w×i j‡¶¨ gvV Rwic, Z_¨ msMÖn I cÖwZ‡e`b cÖ report for increasng crop production ¯‘Z m¤•wK©Z Kg©m–wP 43964920 - Program in hybrid rice seed production, 43964920 -nvBweªW avb exR Drcv`b, cÖwµqvRZKiY I msi¶Y processing, preservation & distribution Kg©m–wP 43964988 - Chittagong District Minor Irrigation 43964988 -PU«Mªvg †Rjv ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Programme 43964989 - Development & Extension Programme for 43964989 -wieb †iwUs cvU cPb c×wZi Dbœqb I K…lK ch©v‡q Ribon Rating and Jute Rotten System m¤•ªmviY kxl©K Kg©m–wP 43964990 - Programme for Colouring Jute or Jute 43964990 -cÖvK…wZK is Øviv cvU I cvU e¯¿ iwÄZKiY Kg©m–wP Goods by Natural Colour 4399-4399 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 4399-4399 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 4399 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 4399 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 43990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 43990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 44 - Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock 44 - grm¨ I cÖvwY m¤•` gš¿Yvjq 4401-4420 - Administration 4401-4420 -cªkvmb 4401 - Secretariat 4401 -mwPevjq 44010001 - Secretariat 44010001 -mwPevjq 44013996 - Rehabilitation Programme 44013996 -cYe©vmb †cÖvMÖvg 44015010 - Marine Fisheries Academy, Chittagong 44015010 -†gwib wdmvwiR GKv‡Wwg, PUªMªvg (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 44015011 - Policy and Planning Support Unit for 44015011 -c­vwbs GÛ cwjwm mv‡cvU© di w` wgwbw÷ª Ae wdmvwiR GÛ Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock jvBf÷K (01/10/2006-30/09/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/10/06 - 30/06/12) (Approved) 44015012 - Need based Small scale Survay Research 44015012 -grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤ú` DcLv‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq z`ª, mgxv, M‡elYv Project for the Fishreis and Livestock mv‡f© cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Sub-Sector (01/07/2011-30/06/2014).

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44015013 - Small Survey & Research in the Fisheries 44015013 -grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤c` Dc Lv‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq ¶z`ª mgx¶v, and Livestock Sub Sector M‡elYv I Rwic cÖKí (01/07/2012 n‡Z (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (Un-approved) 30/06/2015) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 44015014 - Block Allocation 44015014 -rr 44015015 - Integrated Agriculture Intervention for Food 44015015 -evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Y A‡j wbe©vwPZ †Rjvq mgwš^Z K…wl and Nutritution in Selected District of cÖ‡Póvi gva¨‡g Lv`¨ I cywó wbivcËv Dbœqb Southern Bangladesh 44015020 - Development of integrated fish culture in 44015020 -‡mP I eb¨v wbqšY GjvKvq I Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q mgwš^Z the area of irrigation & floor control project grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí 44015030 - Integrated Fisheries & Livestock 44015030 -eb¨v wbqšY I †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q Development Project in Flood Control, mgwš^Z grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤•` Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq) Dranage and Irragation 44015281 - Integrated aquaculture duckweed project 44015281 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW GKzqvKvjPvi WvKDBW cªKí 44015450 - Duckweed resource project 44015450 -WvKDBW wimvm© cªKí 44015460 - ADB assisted second and third livestock 44015460 -Gkxq Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki mvnvh¨cyó 2q I 3q cï m¤•` development bridging project Dbœqb weªwRs cÖKí 44015941 - Grameen fisheries foundation's live-stock 44015941 -MÖvgxY grm¨ dvD‡Ûkb jvBfóK cÖ‡R± project 44016230 - Integrated fisheries in flood control and 44016230 -eb¨v wbqšY I †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q irrigation project area mgwš^Z grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb (chv©q-2) (01/07/1992- 30/06/2001) 44016231 - Policy Planning Support Unit 44016231 -cwjwm GÛ c­¨vwbs mv‡cv©U BDwbU (01/01/2001 - 31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 44016240 - Food aided rural development in fishery 44016240 -Lv`¨ mnvqZv grm¨ †m±‡ii cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí sector project 44016250 - Block allocation for Fisheries sector 44016250 -grm¨ Lv‡Zi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ 44016260 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 44016260 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK ** 44016261 - Integrated fisheries in flood control and 44016261 -eb¨v wbqšY I †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q irrigation project area(3rd Phase) mgwš^Z grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb (chv©q-3) 44016330 - Need to be Inserted 44016330 -eb¨v wbqš¿Y I ‡mP cÖKí GjvKvi Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q mgwš^Z grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí (3q ch©vq) 44017354 - 44017354 -digy‡jkb Ae w` evsjv‡`k †cÖvMªvg Ae GKkb di GWvc‡Ukb Uy K¬vB‡gU †PÄ (bvcv) (†dR-2) (01/08/2008-31/03/2009) 44017355 - Small Scale Research & Study Project on 44017355 -grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤c` DcLv‡Z ¶z`ª M‡elYv I mgx¶v cÖKí Fisheries & Livestock Sub-Sector (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 600 44017356 - Integrated Fisheries & Livestock 44017356 -eb¨v wbqšY I †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q Development Project in Flood Control, mgwš^Z grm¨ I cïm¤•` Dbœqb cÖÖKí (4_© ch©vq) Drainage and Irrigation Project Area and (01/07/10 - 30/06/14) (01/07/2010- other Water bodies (4th Phase) 30/06/2014) 44017357 - Integrated Fisheries & Livestock 44017357 -eb¨v wbqšY I †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q Development Project in Flood Control, mgwš^Z grm¨ I cïm¤•` Dbœqb cÖÖKí (4_© ch©vq) Drainage and Irrigation Project Area and (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) other Water bodies (4th Phase) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 4405 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4405 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 44052775 - Bangladesh Fisheries Development 44052775 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 44052776 - Fund for Micro-credit for Development of 44052776 -cï/grm¨ Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ ¶y`ªFY Znwej Livestock/Fisheries 44053261 - Fisheries Research Centre 44053261 -grm¨ M‡elYv cªwZôvb 44053263 - Veterinary Council 44053263 -evsjv‡`k †f‡Uwibvwi KvDwÝj 44053265 - Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute 44053265 -evsjv‡`k cÖvwY m¤c` M‡elYv cªwZôvb 44053267 - Bangladesh Fisheries Development 44053267 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 44055010 - Red Chittagong Cattle (RCC) 44055010 - †iW wPUvMvs K¨vUj msi¶Y I Dbœqb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44055011 - Conservation and Improvement of Native 44055011 -mgvRwfwËK I evwYwR¨K Lvgv‡i †`kx †fovi Dbœqb I Sheep Through Community Farming and msi¶Y (K‡¤•v‡b›U-G) (2q ch©vq) (cÖvwY m¤•` M‡elYv Commercial Farming (Component-A) BbwówUDU AsM) 44055012 - Development and Dissemination of Pearl 44055012 -gy³v Pvl cÖhyw³ Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY Culture Technology cÖKí(01/07/2012-30/06/2017) 44055013 - Establishment of Fish Landing Centers 44055013 -‡`‡ki 3 wU DcKyjxq †Rjvi 4 wU ¯’v‡b Avbylw½K with Artillery Facilities in 3 Costal Districts myweavw`mn grm AeZiY †K›`ª at 4 Selected Area ¯’vcb(01/07/2012-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 44055014 - Fodder Research and Development 44055014 -dWvi M‡elYv I Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2012-31/12/2017) 44055015 - Establishment of Fish Landing Centres in 44055015 -nvIi A‡j grm¨ AeZiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí Haor Area 44055016 - Impact Assessment of Upstream Water 44055016 -Bgc¨v± G‡mm‡g›U Ae Avcwó«g IqvUvi DB_W«j Uy Withdrawal to Conserve Natural Breeding KbRvf© b¨vPvivj weªwWs n¨vwe‡UU Ae ‡gRi Kvc©m Bb Habitat of Major Carps in River Halda wifvi nvj`v cÖ‡R± Project 44055017 - Scavenging (Deshi) Poultry Conservation 44055017 -†`kx gyiMx msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí and Development Project (01/11/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 44055018 - Culture of Cuchia (Mud Eel) and Crab in 44055018 -evsjv‡`‡ki wbe©vwPZ GjvKvq KzwPqv I KuvKov Pvl (K‡ the Selected Areas of Bangladesh and ¤cv‡b›U-we, weGdAviAvB Ask) (RyjvB 2015 Ryb Research Project (Comp.-B, BFRI Part) 2018) 44055030 - Basin Rehabilitation Project of the 44055030 -PÆMªvg grm¨ e›`i †ewmb cyYe©vmb cÖKí| Chittagong Fish Harbour. 44055060 - Establishment of National Reference 44055060 -Góvewjm‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj ‡idv‡i›m j¨ve‡iUix GU Laboratory for Avian Influenza at BLRI (1st weGjAviAvB (1g ch©vq) Phase) 44055130 - Strengthing Recharch 44055130 -‡÷«s‡`wbs wimvP© GÛ Abdvg© Uªvqvj †cÖvMÖvg Ae weGjAviAvB wiwRIbvj †÷kb (01/07/10 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 44055140 - BMRE of Existing Fish Processing and 44055140 -PÆMÖvg grm¨ e›`i I K·evRvi grm¨ cÖwµqvKiY I Marketing Centres at Chittagong Fish wecbb †K›`ª `yBwUi we.Gg.Avi.B KiY Harbour and Cox's Bazar (01/07/2000-30/06/03) 44055150 - 44055150 -PU«Mªvg grm¨ e›`iw¯’Z ‡ewmb cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/2002-30/06/2003) 44055430 - Strengtheining Research and On-farm 44055430 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs wimvP© GÛ Ab-dvg© †UªBj †cÖvMÖvgvim& Ae Trail Programmers of BLRI Regional weGjAviAvB wiwRIbvj †÷kbm& cÖ‡R± Stations Project 44055460 - Enhancement of Fish Production, 44055460 -KvßvB †j‡K grm¨ Drcv`b, msi¶Y I e¨e¯’vcbv Conservation and Strengthening (01/01/11 - 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z Management at Kaptai Lake (01/01/11 - 31/12/13) Approved 44055470 - Fish Production Conservation and 44055470 -KvßvB †j‡b grm¨ Drcv`b e„w×, msi¶Y I e¨e¯’vcbv strengthening Management at Kaptai Lake †Rvi`viKiY (K‡¤•v‡b›U-wm t evsjv‡`k grm¨ M‡elYv (Part-C) Bbw÷wUDU AsM 44056010 - Poultry Technology Development 44056010 -†cvwëª cÖhyw³ Dbœqb I cix¶Y cÖ‡R± (01/03/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 44056041 - Shrimp disease control and health 44056041 -wPswo ‡ivM wbivgq I ¯^v¯’¨ myweav e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí facilities management project 44056050 - Integrated fisheries and livestock 44056050 -eb¨v wbqšY I †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q development in flood control and irregation mgwš^Z grm¨ I cï m¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí project 44056060 - Food aided rural development in fisheries 44056060 -RvZxq c¨v‡KR Kg©mPxi gva¨‡g grm¨ Pvl D‡`¨v³v sector Dbœqb cÖKí 44056260 - 44056260 -†gwib wdmvwiR GKv‡Wgx †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí 44056380 - Deshi Verar Unnoyon o Songrokkhon 44056380 -‡`wk †fovi Dbœqb I msKivqb 44056390 - Conservation and Improvement of Native 44056390 -mgvR wfwËK I evwYwR¨K Lvgv‡i †`kx †fov Dbœqb I Sheep Breed through community farming msi¶Y (K‡¤•v‡b›U-we) (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) and commercial farming (revised) Aby‡gvw`Z (component B extension component)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44057010 - FRI-Development of fisheries and 44057010 -KvßvB †jK grm¨ Dbœqb I Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí increase of 44057020 - Development of fisheries research 44057020 -GAviGgwc Gi AvIZvq grm¨ M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui institute under ARMP Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1996-30/06/2001) 44057030 - Support to Sustainable Management of the 44057030 -mv‡cvU© Uy mvm‡U‡bej g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae w` ‡e Ae †e½j Bay of Large Marine Eco-System jvR© †gwib B‡Kvwm‡÷g(01/09/2008-31/08/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 44057040 - Construction of Multi channel slipway 44057040 -gvwë P¨v‡bj wk­cI‡q wbg©vY (01/07/09 - 30/06/11) Project (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 44057050 - Impact on Aquaculture Drugs and 44057050 -RjR cwi‡ek I Drcv`bkxjZvi Dci grm¨ Pv‡l e¨eüZ Chemicals on Aquatic Ecology and W«vMm I †Kwg‡Kjm Gi ¶wZKi cÖfve (01/07/09 - Productivity 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 44057060 - Infrastruction Development and Research 44057060 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui AeKvVv‡gvMZ Strengthening of the fisheries Research Dbœqb M‡elYv Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Institute 44057070 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 44057070 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (FRI Part) (Approved) (01/07/2011 - (AvB.G.wc.wc.) evsjv‡`k grm¨ M‡elYv Bb&w÷wUDU AsM 30/06/2016) (Aby‡gvw`Z) (01/07/11 - 30/06/16) 44057080 - Research on Foot and Mouth Disease 44057080 -evsjv‡`‡k ¶ziv‡ivM I wcwcAvi M‡elYv cÖKí (FMD) and Peste Des Petits Ruminants (01/07/2011-30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z (PPR) In Bangladesh 44057090 - 44057090 -†gwib wdkvwiR GKv‡Wgx †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí 44057130 - BFDC modernisation, extension and 44057130 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ik‡bi K·evRvi I development of 2 wholesale markets and cv_iNvUv cvBKvix grm¨ evRvi I grm¨ AeZiY †K›`« fish landing centres at Cox's bazar wbgv©Y 44057150 - BFDC-Development of fisheries and 44057150 -KvßvB †j‡K grm¨ Dbœqb I Drcv`b e„w× increase of fish production in Kaptai lake cÖKí-weGdwWwm 44057220 - FRI-Development project for fisheries 44057220 -grm¨ M‡elYvmPx Dbœqb cÖKí research 44057310 - Establishment of central and modern fish 44057310 -XvKv gnvbM‡i †K›`«xq AvaywbK grm¨ AeZiY, msi¶Y I landing, conservation and selling facilities wecbb myweav ¯’vcb in Dhaka 44057311 - Hilsha fish research project 44057311 -evsjv‡`k Bwjk gvQ M‡elYv cªKí 44057320 - Strengthening of research programme of 44057320 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ M‡elYv cªwZôv‡bi M‡elYv Kvh©µg Bangladesh Fish Research Institute m¤•ªmviY I †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/07/1997-30/06/03) 44057321 - Aquaculture research for sustainable 44057321 -G¨vKzqvKvjPvi wimvP© di mvm&‡UBbG¨vej †Wfjc‡g›U development project cªKí 44057330 - 44057330 -gy³v Pvl M‡elYv I m¤•ªmviY cÖKí t grm¨ M‡elYv BÝwUwUDU AsM 44057331 - FRI - Evaluation of genetically improved 44057331 -Bfvjy‡qkb Ae †RwbwUK¨vwj BgcÖ“fW& †Zjvwcqv †¯•wmm telapia species in Bangladesh Bb evsjv‡`k 44057341 - 44057341 -wimv©m di mvm‡U‡bej G¨vKzqvKvjPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/01/2002-31/07/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 44057350 - Fish 44057350 -grm¨ M‡elYv Kg©m–wP †Rv`viKiY I cÖhyw³ n¯@vš@i (1/7/2004 - 30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 44057360 - Establishment of Shrimp Research Centre 44057360 -ev‡Mi nvU †Rjvq wPswo M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb Project at Bagerhat District (01/07/06 - (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/13) Approved 44057370 - Estab.of Fish Marketing facilities in Dhaka 44057370 -XvKv gnvbMixi grm¨ wecYb myweavw` ¯’vcb Meteropolis (01/07/2008-30/06/2012) Approved 44057510 - Strengthening of Bangladesh risheries 44057510 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ M‡elYv cªwZôv‡bi M‡elYv Kvh©µg I research institute †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí 44057610 - BMRE of Chittagong fisheries harbour and 44057610 -PÆMÖvg grm¨ e›`i I K·evRvi grm¨ cÖwµqvKiY I Cox's Bazar fish processing and marketing wecbb †K›`ª `yBwUi weGgAviB KiY centre 44057612 - 44057612 -Chittagong Bandar Punarbasa Pro 44057613 - 44057613 -XvKv gnvbM‡ii grm¨ AeZib, msi¶Y I wecbb myweavw` ¯’vcb|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44057614 - Poltry Projukti..... 44057614 -†cvwëª cÖhyw³ Dbœqb I cix¶Y 44057616 - 44057616 -‡iW wPUvMvs K¨v‡Uj Dbœqb I msi¶Y 44057618 - Biodiversity Conservation and Fish Genetic 44057618 -ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU KbRvi‡fkb GÛ wdm †R‡bwUK wimvP© Research Management ‡g‡bRg¨v›U 44057619 - Marine Fisheries Research Development 44057619 -mvgyw`ªK grm¨ M‡elYv Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv and Management 44057620 - Research for sustainable Marine Fisheries 44057620 -wimvP© di mvm‡UB‡bej †gwib wdkvixR 44057621 - Research on the status and occurenece 44057621 -¶wZKviK ivmvqwbK `ªe¨ Ges welwµqv cix¶vKiY hazerdous chemicals and pathozens on M‡elYvMvi Dbœqb cÖKí fish and shrimp and moderrnization of BFRI Laboratories 44057622 - Development of fish Biotechnology in 44057622 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjRxi Dbœqb cÖKí Bangladesh 44057623 - Strending Research and Development 44057623 - Program of Regional Station and on Farm Trayl Capability of Bangladesh livestoke Research Institute 44057624 - Establishment of Modern Fish Landing, 44057624 -XvKv gnvbM‡i AvaywbK grm¨ AeZiY, msi¶Y I wecYb Preservation & Distribution Centres in myweavw` ¯’vcb| Dhaka. 44057625 - BMRE of Fish Processing & Marketing 44057625 -grm¨ cÖwµqvKiY I wecYb †K›`ª cvMjv I gsjv Gi center's at Pagla & Mongla. weGgAviB KiY| 44057626 - Establishment of fish landing center along 44057626 -grm¨ AeZiY I weZiY myweavw` ¯’vcb, nvRxgviv, the coastal belt at Hazimara, Lakshmipur. jwþcyi| 44057627 - Fish culture in reserve area of Buri Teesta 44057627 -bxjdvgvixi wWgjv Dc‡Rjvi eywowZ¯v e¨v‡i‡Ri wiRvf© Barrage at Dimla, Nilphamari, Gwiqvq grm¨ Pvl| 44057628 - Establishment of Floating Fish Landing 44057628 -gnxcy‡i fvmgvb grm¨ AeZiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb| Centre at Mohipur with shore based Facilities. 44057629 - Value added fish product project. 44057629 -gj¨ ms‡hvwRZ grm¨RvZ I `ªe¨ Drcv`b I wecYb cÖKí| 44057630 - Sterengthening of Fiseris Research and 44057630 - Technology Transfer 44057631 - Modernization and Development of 44057631 - Research Facililties to Strengtherining Riverine Fisherise Research 44057632 - Strengthening of Fisheries Research and 44057632 - technology transfer 44057633 - Modernization and Development of 44057633 - Research Facilies for Strengthefining Riverine Fisherise Research 44057634 - Impact of Aquaculture Drugs and 44057634 - Chemical on Aquatic Ecology and productivty 44057635 - Buffelo development project 44057635 -gwnl Dbœqb cÖKí (K‡¤•v‡b›U we) (weGjAviAvB- Ask) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 44057636 - Meat processing Technology 44057636 - and...... Development 44057637 - Milk Production & Processing Technology 44057637 - And Dairy development 44057638 - Enhancement of Fish Production, 44057638 -KvßvB ‡j‡K grm¨ Drcv`b e„w×, msK¶Y I e¨e¯’vcb Conservation and Strengthening of †Rvi`viKiY Management at Kaptai Lake 44057639 - Construction of Multi Channel Slipway 44057639 -gvwë P¨v‡bj wúcI‡q wbg©vY cÖÖKí Project (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) 44057640 - Strenthing reasearch and on farm trial 44057640 - programm of BLRI regional station 44057650 - JATKA 44057650 -RvUKv msi¶Y, †R‡j‡`i weKí Kg©ms¯’vb Ges M‡elYv cÖKí (2) K‡¤•v‡b›U-wet weGdAviAvB Ask (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44057660 - Establisment of National 44057660 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj †idv‡i›m j¨ve‡iUwi di Gwfqvb Bbd¬y‡qÄv A¨vU weGjAviAvB (1g ch©vq) (01/04/2006-30/06/2009) Abyt 44057661 - Strengthening of Regional Research and 44057661 -weGjAviAvBÕi AvÂwjK †K‡›`ªi M‡elYv I Lvgvix Farm level`s Technology under BLRI ch©v‡q cÖhyw³ cwiex¶Y †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) 44057662 - 44057662 -weGjAviAvBÕi AvÂwjK †K‡›`ªi M‡elYv I Lvgvix ch©v‡q cÖhyw³ cwiex¶Y †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/07/209-30/06/2014) 44057663 - 44057663 -weGjAviAvBÕi AvÂwjK †K‡›`ªi M‡elYv I Lvgvix ch©v‡q cÖhyw³ cwiex¶Y †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44057664 - Native Poulty Resurvation & Development 44057664 -‡`kx gyiMx msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44057665 - 44057665 -mvgvwRK D‡`¨v³v m„wói gva¨‡g m¤¢vebvgq †`kx Mevw`cïi RvZ msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44057666 - 44057666 -Rjevqy cwieZ©‡b cÖvwYm¤c` Drcv`b I Awf‡hvRb †KŠkj D™¢veb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44057667 - Foder Development Project 44057667 -dWvi RvZ msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44057668 - FMD Protection Technology Project 44057668 -evsjv‡`‡k ¶ziv‡ivM `gb †KŠkj D™¢veb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44057669 - 44057669 -gvsm Drcv`b I cÖ‡mwms cÖhyw³ eûgyLxKiY cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 44057670 - Establishment of Dairy Development, 44057670 -‡WBix Dbœqb M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí Research and Training Centre (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 44057671 - 44057671 -nuvm Dbœqb I cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí, dwi`cyi (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 44057672 - Enhancement of Fish Production, 44057672 -KvßvB †j‡K grm¨ Drcv`b e„w×, msi¶Y I e¨e¯’vcbv Conservation and Strengthening †Rvi`viKiY (01/01/2010-31/12/2013) Management at Kaptai Lake (01/01/2010-31/12/2013) 44057673 - Establishment of Fish Landing Centres 44057673 -‡`‡ki 5wU ¯’v‡b Avbymvw½K myweavw`mn grm¨ AeZiY with Ancillary Facilities of 5 Selected Areas †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) in Bangladesh (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 44057674 - Procurement of Equipment for 44057674 -weGdwWwmÕi Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKi‡Yi Rb¨ hš¿cvwZ msMÖn Strengthening project of BFDC cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 44057675 - Value Added Fish Product 44057675 -fvjy G¨v‡WW wdm cÖWv± (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 44057676 - Development & Strengthening of 44057676 -weGdwWwmi wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I cÖwZôvwbK institutional & different infrastructural of KvVv‡gv kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí BFDC (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 44057677 - Infrastructural Development and Research 44057677 -grm¨ M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Ges Strengthening of the Fisheries Research M‡elYv Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Institute (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) 44057678 - 44057678 -wek¦ DÂvq‡bi cÖfve †gvKv‡ejvq mvgyw`ªK Ges DcKyjxq GjvKvq M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44057679 - 44057679 -wdm ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjwR welqK M‡elbvi gva¨‡g gv‡Qi DbœZ RvZ D™¢veb (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44057680 - 44057680 -KvßvB †j‡K grm¨ Drcv`b e„w×, msi¶Y I e¨e¯’vcbv †Rvi`viKiY (K‡¤cv‡b›U-wm weGdAviAvB) (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) 44057681 - Development & Desimination of Pearl 44057681 -gy³v Pvl cÖhyw³i Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí Culture Technology Project (01/01/2011-31/12/2016) (01/01/2011-31/12/2016)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44057682 - Estabilishing of Hoar Fisheries Research 44057682 -nvIi I wej M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí Station in Kishorgonj & Beel Fisheries (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) Research Station in Gopalgonj Project (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 44057683 - ICT Skillness Development and Livestock 44057683 -AvBwmwU `¶Zv Dbœqb I cÖvwYm¤rc` M‡elYv Research Digitalization Projcect. wWwRUvjvB‡Rkb cÖKí (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44057684 - Genetic Improvement of Fish & Shrimp by 44057684 -ev‡qv‡UK‡bvjRxK¨vj M‡elYvi gva¨‡g gvQ I wPswoi Biotechnological Research (01/01/2011 - RvZ Dbœqb (01/01/2011 - 31/12/2015) 31/12/2015) 44057685 - Strenthening Marine, Coastal and 44057685 -wek¦ Dòvq‡bi cÖfve †gvKv‡ejvq mvgyw`ªK I DcKzjxq Openwater Fisheries Research and grm¨ M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY Ges AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Infrastructure Development to Address the (01/07/2011 - 30/06/2015) Impact of Global Warming (01/07/2011 - 30/06/2015) 44057686 - Construction of Fish / Shrimp Feed 44057686 -gsjv I PUªMÖv‡g wPswo I grm¨ Lvevi cÖ¯‘Z KviLvbv wbg©vb Factories at Mongla & Chittagong of BFDC cÖKí (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Abby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Unapproved 44057687 - Establishment of Fish Landing, 44057687 -Pjbwe‡j grm¨ AeZiY msiY I weZiY †K›`ª (gwnïwU Preservation & Distribution Centre at evRvi, Zvivk, wmivRMÄ) Chalan Beel (Mohishutibazar, Tarash, (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Abby‡gvw`Z Sirajgonj) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Unapprov 44057688 - BMRE of Fish Processing & Marketing 44057688 -grm¨ cÖwµqvKiY I wecYb †K›`ª cvMjv I gsjvi Centres at Pagla and Mongla weGgAviAvB KiY (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Unapproved Abby‡gvw`Z 44057689 - Pen Culture in Irrigation Canal of Buri 44057689 -bxjdvgvix wWgjv Dc‡Rjvi eywo wZ¯—v e¨v‡i‡R †cb Teesta Barrage at Dimla, Nilphamari cÏwZ‡Z grm¨ Pvl cÖKí (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Unapproved (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Abby‡gvw`Z 44057690 - Fish Marketing Development Project in 44057690 -DËi cwðgv‡j grm¨ evRvi Dbœqb cÖKí North West Region (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Abby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Unapproved 4406 - International Organisations 4406 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 44064331 - OIE 44064331 -I AvB B 44064333 - APHC 44064333 -G wc GBP wm 44064335 - BOBP IGO, Bangkok, Thailand 44064335 -weIwewc AvBwRI, e¨vsKK, _vBj¨vÛ| 44064337 - NACA 44064337 -Gb G wm G 44064339 - INFO Fees 44064339 -AvB Gb Gd I wdm 44064461 - Asia and the Pacific Plant Protection 44064461 -Gwkqv GÛ w` c¨vwmwdK c­­­¨v›U cÖ‡UKkb Kwgkb Commission (APPPC) (Gwcwcwcwm) 4431-4440 - Fisheries 4431-4440 -grm¨ Awa`ßi 4431 - Department of Fisheries 4431 -grm¨ Awa`ßi 44310000 - Department of Fisheries 44310000 -grm¨ Awa`ßi 44315010 - 44315010 -†`‡ki cwðgv‡j Qov I we‡j grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (01/01/2001-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315011 - Inland Capture Fisheries Development 44315011 -Bbj¨vÛ K¨vcmvi wdkvwiR †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (Abbyt) Project (Unapproved) (01/07/2012 n‡Z 30/06/2022) (01/07/2012-30/06/2022) 44315012 - Immediate Assistants to Restore to the 44315012 -BwgwW‡qU Gwmm‡U›Um Uy wi‡÷vi Uy `v jvBfwjûW GÛ Livelihoods and Fish Farmers Severely wdk dvg©vim †meviwj B‡d‡±W evB mvB‡K¬vbm Bb mvD_ Affected by Cyclones in South Western I‡qóvb© evsjv‡`k (grm¨ Ask) (01/07/2011 n‡Z Bangladesh (DOF Part) 31/12/2011) (01/07/2011-31/12/2011) 44315013 - Aquaculture Development and Extension 44315013 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí project in Chittagong Hill (3q ch©vq) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) 44315014 - Fresh Water Shrimp Culture Extension 44315014 -¯^v`y cvwbi wPswo Pvl m¤•ªmviY (2q ch©vq) cÖKí Project (2nd Phase) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44315015 - Enhancement of Fish Production Through 44315015 -Rjvkq ms¯‹v‡ii gva¨‡g grm¨ Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí Restoration of Water bodies Project 44315016 - Upgrading Fisheries Resources Survey 44315016 -grm¨ m¤ú` Rwic c×wZ nvjbvMv`KiY cÖKí System Project 44315017 - Establishment of Beel Nursery and 44315017 -Db¥y³ Rjvk‡q wej bvm©vwi ¯’vcb I †cvbv Aegyw³KiY Fingerling Stocking in Inland Open Waters cÖKí 44315018 - Nimgachi Aquaculture Development 44315018 -wbgMvwQ grm¨Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/09/2014-30/06/2019) (01/09/2014-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315019 - Greater Jessore Fisheries Development 44315019 -e„nËi h‡kvi †Rjvq grm¨Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí Project 44315020 - 44315020 -‡`‡ki cwðgv‡j Qov I we‡j grm¨ Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (1/7/2005-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315021 - Fisheries Development Project in Rangpur 44315021 -iscyi wefv‡M grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Division 44315022 - Integrated Fish Culture Development 44315022 -Ae¨eüZ Rjvk‡q mgwš^Z grm¨Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí Project on Unused Water bodies 44315023 - Brood Bank Establishment Project (3rd 44315023 -eª“W e¨vsK ¯’vcb cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Phase) 44315024 - Control of Formalin use in Fish 44315024 -grm¨ msi¶‡Y digvwj‡bi e¨envi wbqš¿Y I MY Preservation and Mass Awareness m‡PZbZv m„wó cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Campaing (2nd Phase) 44315025 - Expansion of Aquaculture Technology 44315025 -BDwbqb ch©v‡q grm¨Pvl cÖhyw³ †mev m¤cÖmviY cÖKí (2q Services up to Union Level (2nd Phase) ch©vq) 44315026 - Management of Shrimp and Finfish 44315026 -evsjv‡`‡ki DcK‚jxq GjvKvq wPswo I grm¨Pvl Aquaculture in the Coastal area of e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Bangladesh 44315027 - Strengthening of monitoring, control and 44315027 -e‡½vcmvM‡ii gwbUwis, K‡›Uªvj I mvwf©‡jÝ c×wZi wurveillance (MCS) system in the Bay of †Rvi`viKiY Bengal 44315028 - Development and Management of the 44315028 -????? ???? ????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ? Natural Breeding ground of Halda River ??????????? ??????? 44315029 - Chalan Beel Fisheries Development 44315029 -Pjb wej grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Project 44315030 - Need to be inserted 44315030 -PÆMÖvg grm¨ e›`iw¯’Z †ewmb cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/06 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315031 - Community based Baor Fisheries 44315031 -mgvRwfwËK evIo grm¨Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Management Project 44315032 - Establishment of Fisheries Diploma 44315032 -??????????????, ?????, ????????, ????????, ???????? ? Institute at Brahmanbaria, Khulna, Kustia, ????? ????? ????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ??????? Netrokona, Dinajpur and Sylhet Districts 44315033 - Establishment of Laboratory in 22 Districts 44315033 -22wU †Rjvq gv‡Qi †ivM wbY©q, gvwU, cvwb I gv‡Qi for Diagnosis of Fish Diseases, Lv‡`¨i ¸Yv¸Y cix¶vMvi ¯’vcb cÖKí Determination of Soil and Water Quality and Testing of Fish Feed Quality 44315034 - Establishment of Beel nursery and 44315034 -D›gy³ Rjvk‡q wej bvm©vix ¯’vcb Ges †cvbv Aegy³KiY frgerlings Stocking in inland open Waters. cÖKí 44315035 - Neemgachi Community Based 44315035 -wbgMvwQ mgvRwfwËK grm Pvl cÖKí Aquaculture Project (NCBAP) 44315036 - Enhancing aquaculture production for food 44315036 -Gbn¨v›mwms GKzqvKvjPvi †cÖvWvKkb di dzW wmwKDwiwU security and rural development through GÛ i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U _ª“ †eUvi wmW GÛ wdW better seed and feed production and †cÖvWvKkb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U BD_ †¯•kvj †dvKvm Ab management with special focus on cvewjK cÖvB‡fU (01/11/2014-31/10/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315037 - Brood Bank establishment Project (3rd 44315037 -eª“W e¨vsK ¯’vcb (3q ch©vq) cÖKí Phase) 44315038 - Fisheries Development Project in Rangpur 44315038 -iscyi wefv‡M grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Division. (01/01/2015-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315039 - National Agricultural Technology Program 44315039 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjRx †cÖvMªvg (NATP-2) Preparation Facility Project (GbGwUwc-2)t wcÖcv‡ikb d¨vwmwjwU cÖKí (grm¨ (01/11/2015-30/06/2015) approved Awa`ßi AsM) (01/01/2015-30/09/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44315040 - Beel and Haor fisheries development and 44315040 -wej I evIo grm¨ Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí management project 44315041 - Culture of Cuchia (Mud Eel) and Crab in 44315041 -evsjv‡`‡ki wbe©vwPZ GjvKvq KzwPqv I KuvKov Pvl I selected areas of Bangladesh and M‡elYv cÖKí (01/01/2015-01/01/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z Research project 44315042 - Establishment of Fisheries Diploma 44315042 -K·evRvi †Rjvq wPswo I grm¨ Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv Institute at Brahmanbaria, Khulna, Kustia, cÖKí(RyjvB/2015 †_‡K Ryb/2019) Barisal, Mymensingh, Sylhet and Dinajpur Districts 44315043 - Greater Comilla Fisheries Development 44315043 -e„nËi Kzwgj­v †Rjvq grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí (RyjvB/2014 Project †_‡K Ryb/2019) 44315044 - Barind Area Fisheries Development 44315044 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq grm¨ m¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí (RyjvB/2014 Project †_‡K Ryb/2019) 44315045 - Community Based Fisheries Management 44315045 -evsjv‡`‡k e× ebf~wg‡Z mgvR wfwËK gvQ Pvl cÖKí in Floodplain Areas of Bangladesh (RyjvB/2015 †_‡K Ryb/2020) 44315046 - Climate- Resilient Ecosystems and 44315046 -K¬vB‡gU †iwmwj‡qÝ B‡Kvwm‡÷g GÛ jvBfwjûW cÖ‡R± Livelihoods (CREL), DoF Part (grm¨ Awa`ßi Ask) (RyjvB/2013 †_‡K ‡m‡Þ ¤^i/2016) 44315047 - Climate-Resilient Ecosytems and 44315047 -K¬vB‡gU wiwRwj‡q›U B‡Kv-wm‡÷g GÛ jvBfwjûWm Livelihoods (CREL) (Fisheries part) (grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM) (01/07/2013-30/09/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315048 - Expansion of Aquaculture Technology 44315048 -BDwbqb ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl cÖhyw³ †mev m¤•ªmviY (2q Serviced up to Union Level (Phase-II) ch©vq) cÖKí Project 44315049 - Culture of CUCHIA abd CRAB in the 44315049 -evsjv‡`‡ki wbe©vwPZ GjvKvq KzwPqv I KuvKov Pvl Ges selected areas of Bangladesh and M‡elYv cÖKí (K‡¤•v‡b›U-G, grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM) Research Project (Component-A) 44315050 - Fish cultivation Expansion Project at 44315050 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cvnvox Rjvk‡q grm¨ Pvl m¤•ªmviY Chittagong Hill Tracks Hilly Marsh area cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315051 - Greater Comilla District Fisheries 44315051 -e„nËi Kzwgj­v †Rjvq grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project 44315060 - Second acquaculture development project 44315060 -wØZxq grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cªKí 44315070 - Completion of incomplete work of 44315070 -mgwš^Z grm¨ Dbœqb cªK‡íi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY integrated fisheries project 44315080 - Fisheries research institute (Phase 2) 44315080 -grm¨ M‡elYv cªwZôvb (chv©q-2) 44315090 - 44315090 -g¨vP Kvh©µ‡gi wewb‡qvM mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 44315092 - Third fisheries project-Fisheries 44315092 -Z„Zxq grm¨ cÖKí-grm¨ Awa`ßi K‡¤•v‡b›U department component 44315093 - Fisheries research institute component 44315093 -Z„Zxq grm¨ cÖKí-grm¨ M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU K‡¤•v‡b›U 44315100 - 44315100 -‡`‡ki cwðgvÂv‡j Qov I we‡j grm¨ Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (1/7/2005-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315110 - Fisheries development project - Patuakhali 44315110 -cUzqvLvjx I ei¸bv †Rjvq grm¨ Pvl m¤•ªmviY cªKí (2q - Barguna district ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1994 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315120 - Development and expansion of fisheries at 44315120 -e¸ov †Rjvi grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY cªKí Bogra district 44315130 - Joint carp and shrimp culture project in the 44315130 -e„nËi †bvqvLvjx †Rjvq grm¨ Pvl m¤cÖmviY cªKí (2q greater Noakhali district ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1994 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315140 - 44315140 -PÆMÖvg grm¨ e›`i I K·evRvi grm¨ cÖwµqvKiY I wecbb †K›`ª `yBwUi we.Gg.Avi.B Kib 44315150 - Aquaculture extension project at upazilla 44315150 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q grm¨ m¤•ªmviY cªKí level 44315160 - Construction of a shrimp hatchary for 44315160 -wPswo Pvl cªK‡íi (AvBwWG) Aax‡b wbwg©Z wPswo n¨vPvwi shrimp cutivation under IDA 44315170 - Integrated fish culture project under food 44315170 -Lv`¨ mnvqZvq mgwš^Z grm¨ Pvl cªKí assisted development programme 44315180 - SEM CULTURAL 44315180 -¯¦v`yy cvwb‡Z wPswo Pvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (1/7/2005 - 30/6/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44315190 - Establishment of shrimp landing and 44315190 -wPswo AeZiY †K›`« Ges mvwf©m †m›Uvi ¯’vcb service centre (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) 44315200 - Restoration of the Natural Breeding 44315200 -nvj`v b`xi cÖvK…wZK grm¨ cÖRbb †¶Î cybt D×vi Habitate of the Halda River (01/07/06 - (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/13) 44315210 - North-West aquaculture development 44315210 -DËi - cwðg grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-2) project (Phase-2) (01/07/1996-30/06/2001) 44315220 - 44315220 -DËi-cwðgv‡j grm¨ m¤c` Dbœqb e¨e¯’vcbv (chv©q-3) (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 44315230 - 44315230 -c­veb f‚wg‡Z grm¨ Pvl AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (`vD`Kvw›` g‡Wj) (01/06/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315240 - Expansion of pisciculture technology in 44315240 -avb‡¶‡Z gvQPvl cªhyw³ m¤•ªmviY cÖKí paddy field 44315250 - Chalan Beel Fisheries Development 44315250 -Pjb wej grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315260 - Strengthening Institutional CApacity of DoF 44315260 -grm¨ Awa`߇ii cÖvwZôvwbK `¶Zv †Rvi`viKiY Project (01/10/2006-30/09/2011) Approved (01/10/2006-30/09/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315270 - Infrastructure Development for Floodplain 44315270 -c­veb f‚wg‡Z grm¨ Pvl AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (`vD`Kvw›` Aquaculture in Comilla District g‡Wj) - grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM (Daoudkhandhi Model) (DoF Part) (01/07/06-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) 44315280 - Infrastructure Development for Floodplain 44315280 -c­veb f‚wg‡Z grm¨ Pvl AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (`vD`Kvw›` Aquaculture in Commilla District (LGED g‡Wj) - GjwRBwW AsM Part) (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) 44315290 - National Agriculture Technology Project 44315290 -b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjwR cÖ‡R± (01/07/07 - (DOF Part) (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Approved. 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315300 - Reqional Fisheries & Livestock 44315300 -AvÂwjK grm¨ I cÖvwY m¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (ewikvj K‡ Development Project (Barisal Component) ¤cv‡b›U) (01/07/07 - 30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/07 - 30/06/2012) Approved. 44315310 - Banladesh Marine Fisheries Capacity 44315310 -evsjv‡`k †gwib wdmvwiR K¨vcvwmwU wewìs cÖKí Building Project (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved. 44315320 - Expansion of Shrimp Farming Technology 44315320 -evM`v wPswo Pvl cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY 44315330 - Devoloping A National Shrimp Seed 44315330 -†W‡fjwcs G b¨vkbvj wkÖ¤• mxW mvwU©wd‡Kkb cÖKí Certification Project (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315331 - Fisheries training and extension project 44315331 -grm¨ cªwk¶Y I m¤•ªªmviY cÖKí (ch©vq-2) (01/07/1997-30/06/03) 44315340 - Broadband Installation Project (2nd 44315340 -iª“W e¨vsK ¯’vcb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Phase) 44315350 - Fisheries Diploma Course 44315350 -grm¨ wW‡c­­­vgv †Kvm© ev¯Zevqb cÖKí 44315360 - PABNA 44315360 -e„nËi cvebv grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí 44315370 - Fish Culture Technology Extension Project 44315370 -BDwbqb ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl cÖhyw³ †mev m¤•ªmviY in Union Level (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315380 - Westland Biodiversity Rehabilitation 44315380 -I‡qUj¨vÛ ev‡qv-WvBfviwmwU win¨vwewj‡Ukb (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315381 - Coastal fisheries management project of 44315381 -e‡½vcmvM‡i DcK‚jxq grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí the 44315390 - Jatka Protection Alternative Livlihoods and 44315390 -RvUKv msi¶Y, †R‡j‡`i weKí Kg©ms¯’vb Ges M‡elYv Research Project (DOF Part) cÖKí (1) K‡¤•v‡b›U-Gt grm¨ Awa`ßi Ask (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Approved. (01/07/08 - 30/06/13) Aby†gvw`Z 44315391 - Community based inland open water 44315391 -KwgDwbwU †eBmW& Bbj¨vÛ I‡cb IqvUvi wdmvwiR fisheries management and development g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± project 44315400 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 44315400 -Bgvi‡Rw›m 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvwi GÛ ‡i‡÷v‡ikb cÖ Restoration Project (ECRRP) (DOF Part) ‡R± (BwmAviAviwc) (gsm¨ Awa`ßi Ask) (01/07/08 (01/07/08-360/06/2013) Approved - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315410 - Fish Culture & Management in the 44315410 -h‡kvi †Rjvi fe`n A‡j grm¨ Pvl I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Vobodoha at Jessore (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315411 - HASAP based fish quality control project 44315411 -n¨vmvcwfwËK grm¨gvb wbqšÎK cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44315420 - Greater Faridpur Fisheries Development 44315420 -e„nËi dwi`cyi ‡Rjvi grm¨ Dbœqb Project 44315430 - Strengtheining Research and On-farm 44315430 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs wimvP© GÛ Ab-dvg© †UªBj †cÖvMÖvgvim& Ae Trail Programmers of BLRI Regional weGjAviAvB wiwRIbvj †÷kbm& cÖ‡R± Stations Project 44315440 - Aquaculture & Fishrish Management 44315440 -nvIi A‡j grm¨ Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (01/10/10 - project in Haor Area 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/10/2010-30/06/2014) 44315450 - Re-Excavation of cconnecting Rivers Dev 44315450 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM of Irragation Facilities and Fish culture b`x Lbb, †mP myweavi Dbœqb Ges grm¨ Pvl (grm¨ project (01/03/2010-30/06/2013) Approved Awa`ßi Ask) (01/03/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315460 - Fish Production Conservation and 44315460 -KvßvB †j‡K grm¨ Drcv`b e„w× msi¶Y I e¨e¯’vcbv Strengthening management at Kaptai †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Lake (DOF Part) (01/11/2011-30/12/2014) (grm¨ Awa`ßi) (01/11/2011-30/12/2014) 44315470 - Breed Upgradation Through Reproduction 44315470 - Test(Second Phase) (01-07-2008-30/06/2013 44315480 - Strengthening of Fishery and Aquaculture 44315480 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae wdkvwiR GÛ GKzqv KvjPvi GÛ dzW Food Study and Quality Management †mdwU GÛ ‡KvqwjwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g evsjv‡`k System in Bangladesh (†eUvi IqvK© GÛ ÷¨vÛvW© ‡cÖvMªvg ‡e÷ weGdwKD K‡ (01/07/2010-31/12/2014) Approved ¤•v‡b›U) 01/07/2010-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315490 - Fish Production Conservation and 44315490 -KvßvB †j‡K grm¨ Drcv`b e„w×, msi¶Y I e¨e¯’vcbv strengthening Management at Kaptai Lake †Rvi`viKiY (K‡¤•v‡b›U-we t evsjv‡`k grm¨ Awa`ßi (Part-B) AsM 44315500 - Formalin utilization 44315500 -grm¨ msi¶‡Y digvwj‡bi e¨envi wbqšY I MYm‡PZbv m„wó cÖKí 44315510 - Establish on diploma Institute of 44315510 -†MvcvjMÄ, wK‡kviMÄ I wmivRMÄ †Rjvq grm¨ wW‡c­vgv Gopalgong, Kishargong and Sherajgong Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb district 44315520 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 44315520 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (Department of Fisheries Part) (AvBGwcwc) grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM 44315530 - Hura Sagar Aquaculture and Fisheries 44315530 -ûiv mvM‡i grm¨ Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv Management Project 44315540 - Rehabilitation & Development of Fisheries 44315540 -gvbm¤§Z grm¨exR I †cvbv Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ grm¨ Infrastructure to Increase Production of ¯’vcbv cybe©vmb I Dbœqb cÖKí (Abyt) Quality Fish Seed and (01/07/2011-30/06/2015) Fingerlings(Approved) (01/07/2011-30/06/2015) 44315550 - aaa 44315550 -‡MvcvjMÄ, wK‡kviMÄ I wmivRMÄ †Rjvi grm¨ wW‡c­vgv Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2015) 44315560 - aaa 44315560 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW wdmvwiR jvBfjxûW cÖKí (wcÖcv‡iUix †dBR) 44315570 - Fishermen Registration and Issuing of 44315570 -‡R‡j‡`i wbeÜb I cwiPqcÎ cÖ`vb Identity Card Project (01/01/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 44315770 - Aquaculture extension project, 44315770 -grm¨ Pvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí, gqgbwmsn (chv©q-2) Mymensingh (Phase-2) 44315780 - Fish fingerling release project 44315780 -D¤§y³ Rjvk‡q †cvbv Aegyw³ Kg©mPx 44315790 - Creation of Infrastructural facilities for 44315790 -‡emiKvwi ch©v‡q wPswo Pvl Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ AeKvVv‡gvMZ shrimp development in private sector my‡hvM myweav m„wó 44315830 - Protection of shrimp hatchery areas of 44315830 -K·evRvi †Rjvi KjvZjx mgy`ª ˆmK‡Z Aew¯’Z wPswo Kalatali, Cox's Bazar from erosion n¨vPvwi GjvKvq fvsMb †iva cÖKí 44315910 - Pisiculture development project (IFAD) 44315910 -grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí (Bdv`) 44315912 - Pisiculture development project (IFAD) 44315912 -grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí (Bdv`)t grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM Fisheries directorate component (01/07/1998 - 30/11/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 44315920 - 4th Fisheries project 44315920 -PZz_© grm¨ cÖKí 44315922 - 4th Fisheries project : Fishering 44315922 -PZz_© grm¨ cÖKí t grm¨ Awa`ßi A½ (01/04/1999 - Directorate component 31/12/2006) 2q ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 44315923 - 4th Fisheries project: FRI component 44315923 -PZz_© grm¨ cÖKí t cvwb Dbœqb †evW© A½ (01/04/1999-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44315924 - 4th Fish Project : Water Development 44315924 -PZz_© grm¨ cÖKí t cvwb Dbœqb †evW© AsM Board part 44315951 - Development of extension method by 44315951 -†W‡fjc‡g›U G·‡Ubkb †g_W evB Bf¨vjy‡qkb Ae evaluation of existing project GKwRw÷s cÖ‡R± 44315961 - Technical assistance project for increased 44315961 -eb¨v c­vweZ A‡j avb †¶‡Z gvQ Pvl kxl©K KvwiMwi paddy-fish co-production using the flood cÖKí (01/04/1997-31/03/2001) plain's eco-system 44316000 - Internal open 44316000 -Avf¨š@ixY gy³ Rjvk‡q grm¨ Avev¯’j cybiy×vi cÖKí (1/7/2005 - 30/6/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316010 - Poverty alleviation through integrated 44316010 -mgwš^Z grm¨ Kvh©µ‡gi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb fisheries programme 44316020 - Strengthening of coastal marine fisheries 44316020 -DcK‚jxq mvgyw`ªK grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí management (01/07/1997-30/06/2002) 44316030 - Strengthening of survey system of 44316030 -grm¨ m¤•` Rwic c×wZ †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí fisheries resources project 44316040 - Support to development of Golda shrimp 44316040 -Mj`v wPswo n¨vPvwi Dbœqb I Pvl cªhyw³ m¤•ªmvi‡Y hatchery and extension of cultivation mnvqZv cÖ`vb cÖKí (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) technology Aby‡gvw`Z 44316050 - Support of development of Bagda shrimp 44316050 -evM`v wPswo Pvl cªhyw³ m¤•ªmviY cÖKí hatchery and extension of cultivation (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z technology 44316060 - Project for development of pisciculture 44316060 -RvZxq c¨v‡KR Kg©m–wP gva¨‡g grm¨ Pvl D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb entrepreneurs through national package cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) programme 44316070 - Development & Management of Identified 44316070 -wPwýZ Ae¶wqZ Rjvkq Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv Ges †`kxq Degraded Water Bodies and Conservation cÖRvwZi grm¨ msi¶Y (01/04/10 - 31/12/13) of Indegenious Fishes (01/04/10 - Aby‡gvw`Z 31/12/13) Approved. 44316080 - B 44316080 -eb¨v I †mP wbqš¿Y cÖKí GjvKvq I Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q mgwš^Z grm¨ I cï m¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-2) (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó) 44316081 - F 44316081 -grm¨ cY¨ cwi`k©b I gvb wbqš¿Y Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 44316090 - B 44316090 -eb¨v I †mP wbqš¿Y cÖKí GjvKvq I Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q mgwš^Z grm¨ I cï m¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-2) 44316091 - 44316091 -‡W‡fjwcs b¨vkvbvj kªx¤• wmW mvwU©wd‡Kkb wm‡÷g (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316121 - Preparatory phase for National Fisheries 44316121 -wcªcv‡iUwi †dR di b¨vkbvj wdmvwiR ‡m±i †Wfjc‡g›U Sector development programme ‡cÖvMªvg 44316230 - Integrated fisheries in flood control and 44316230 -eb¨v wbqš¿Y I †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q irrigation project area mgwš^Z grm¨ 44316240 - Food aided rural development in fishery 44316240 -Lv`¨ mnvqZvq grm¨ †m±‡ii cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí sector project 44316241 - Assessment of damage of the fisheries 44316241 -evsjv‡`‡ki grm¨ I cï m¤•` Lv‡Zi eb¨RwbZ and livestock sector by the flood ¶q¶wZ wbiƒcY 44316249 - Food aided rural development in fishery 44316249 -Lv`¨ mnvqZvq grm¨ †m±‡ii cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí (Lv`¨ sector project (Food Aid part) mvnvh¨ Ask) (chv©q-2) 44316251 - Shrimp farming development programme 44316251 -wPswo Pvl DbœZKiY Kvh©µg (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 44316252 - Jessore, Khulna drainage rehabilitation 44316252 -h‡kvni, Lyjbv wb®‹vkb cybe©vmb cÖKí - grm¨ Dbœqb scheme - Fisheries development m¤•ÖmviY (cvU©-wW) expansion (Part-D) 44316253 - Fishries development in Joboi beel at 44316253 -buIMv †Rjvi mvcvnvi _vbvaxb ReB we‡j grm¨ Pvl Sapahar upazilla in Naogoan district Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z (Damura Shahil beel) 44316254 - Scheme of eradication of poverty through 44316254 -mgwš^Z grm¨ Kvh©µ‡gi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí integreted fisheries programme (Phase-2) (chv©q-2) (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316255 - Project for development , expansion and 44316255 -bZzb Rjgnvj bxwZgvjvfz³ D¤§y³ I e×Rjvgn‡j grm¨ fish production in new Jalmahal flood land m¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (01/12/1999-30/11/2003) and small haors ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44316256 - Fish Cultivaiton Development Project (Ifad : 44316256 -grm¨ Pvl Dbœq cªKí (Bdv`) - GjwRBwW AsM LGED component) (01/07/1998 - 30/11/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 44316261 - Empowerment of Costal Fishing 44316261 -GgcvIqvi‡g›U Ae †Kv÷vj wdwms KwgDwbwU di Community for Livelihood Security jvBfwjûW wmwKDwiwU (01/07/2000 - 30/11/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 44316265 - Fish Cultivation Expansion Project, 44316265 -gqgbwmsn grm¨ Pvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (Kb‡mvwj‡Wkb Mymenshing (Consolidation Phase) ch©vq) (01/07/2000-30/12/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316275 - Fish Cultivation Expansion Project at 44316275 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Upazilla Level (Phase-2) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316285 - Jatka Preservation and Management 44316285 -SvUKv msi¶Y I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Project (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 44316295 - Establishment of Brood Bank Project 44316295 -eª“W e¨vsK ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 44316300 - Stregthening Fish Inspection & Quality 44316300 -grm¨ cY¨ cwi`k©b I gvbwbqš¿Y Kvh©µg †Rv`viKiY Control Project cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316310 - 44316310 -†MvcvjMÄ-kixqZcyi-gv`vixcyi †Rjvq grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí 44316320 - 44316320 -n¨vPvc wfwËK grm¨ I grm¨ cY¨ cwi`k©b I gvb wbqšY 44316325 - 44316325 -DËi-cwÂgv‡j grm¨ m¤•`/Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (ch©vq-3) 44316330 - Flood control 44316330 -eb¨v wbqš¿Y I †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Ges Ab¨vb¨ Rjvk‡q mgwš^Z grm¨ I cïm¤•` Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316336 - 44316336 - 44316340 - 44316340 -gy³v Pvl M‡elYv I mgcÖmviY cÖKí t (K) grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM 44316350 - 44316350 -grm¨ I grm¨cY¨ cwi`k©b I gvb wbqšY Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí 44316360 - 44316360 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW wdmvwiR g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± (chv©q-2) (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 44316370 - 44316370 -Af¨šixY gy³ Rjvk‡q grm¨ Avevm¯’j cbi×vi cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 44316380 - 44316380 -mvgyw`ªK ¶y`ª gsm¨Rxwe†`i Av_©-mvgvwRK Ae¯’vi Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 44316390 - 44316390 -BDwbqb chv©‡q grm¨ Pvl cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 44316391 - 44316391 -MÖvgxb grm¨ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Ges †`kxq cÖRvwZi grm¨ msi¶Y Kg©m~Px 44316392 - Chalan Beel Fisheries Development 44316392 -Pjb we‡j grm¨ Dbœqb cªKí Project 44316394 - 44316394 -Avf¨š—ixb gy³ Rjvk‡q grm¨ Avevm¯’j cybi“×vi cÖKí 44316396 - Fiheries Sector Rural Development Project 44316396 -grm¨ †m±‡i cj­x Dbœqb cªKí (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 44316397 - Development of Aquaculture Infrastructure 44316397 -cÐveb fzwg‡Z grm¨ Pvl AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (`vD` in Flood Plains Kvw›` g‡Wj) 44316398 - Restoration of Natural Breeding Habitats 44316398 -nvj`v bw`‡Z cÖvK…wZK grm¨ cÖRbb †¶Î ¯’vcb cÖKí of the Halda River 44316400 - Aquaculture Development and Extension 44316400 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY cÖKí Project in Chittagong Hill Tracts (2nd (2q ch©vq) (01/01/2006 - 30/06/2010) ms‡kvwaZ Phase) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316401 - Marine Fisheries Capacity Building project 44316401 -mvgyw`ªK Ges DcKzjxq grm¨ m¤•` Rixc I grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 44316402 - Fisheries Extension Services Projects 44316402 -mydj‡fvwM‡`i Aswk`vwi‡Z¡i gva¨‡g grm¨ m¤•ÖmviY Through Parternership with Beneficieries †mev cÖKí 44316403 - Project of Fisheries Resources 44316403 -eiwcU I Ab¨vb¨ miKvix Rjvk‡q grm¨ m¤•` Dbœqb Development Boropit and Other Govt. cÖKí Owned Waterbodies 44316404 - Project on Aquaculture Extension for Small 44316404 -‡`kxq †QvU gvQ m¤•ÖmviY Ges wecbœ cÖRvwZi gvQ Indigenous Fish and Preservation of msi¶b I Dbœqb cÖKí Endangered and Threatened Species

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44316405 - Strengthening Human Resources 44316405 -grm¨ †m±‡i gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí Development for Fisheries Sector project 44316406 - Empowerment of Coastal Fishing 44316406 -GgcvIqvi‡g›U Ae †Kvóvj wdwms di jvBfwjûW Community for Livelihood Security Project wmwKDwiwU cªKí (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase) 44316407 - Jatka Management and Conservation 44316407 -RvUKv Bwjk msi¶b, e¨e¯’vcbv I grm¨Rxwe‡`I weKí Project Kg©ms¯’vb cÖKí 44316408 - Aquaculture Development Project (2nd 44316408 -grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Phase) 44316409 - Brood Bank Establishment Project (2nd 44316409 -eª“W e¨sK ¯’vcb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Phase) 44316410 - Inland Fisheries Resources Conservation 44316410 -Af¨š—ixb Avnib†hvM¨ grm¨ m¤ú‡`i msi¶b I and management Project e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 44316411 - Aquatic Resources Management, 44316411 -evsjv‡`‡ki RjR m¤ú` Dbœ&qb, e¨e¯’vcbv I msi¶b Development and Conservation Project cÖKí 44316412 - Need Based Fish Culture Technology 44316412 -e„nËi wm‡jU A‡j wbe©wPZ Rjvk‡q Pvwn`wfwËK grm¨ Transfer and Participatory Management of Pvl Kjv‡KŠkj n¯—vš—i I AskMÖnb g~jK grm¨ Pvl the Selected Water bodies of Greater e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Shylet Region 44316413 - Shrimp Culture Extension Project (2nd 44316413 -vM`v wPsox Pvl cÖwk¶b I m¤cÖmvib cÖKí Phase) 44316414 - Demonstration Training and Extention of 44316414 -grm¨ exR Lvgvi Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g DbœZ cÖhyw³ cÖ`k©b, Improve Technology through Development cÖwk¶ I m¤cÖmvib cÖKí of Fish Seed Farm 44316415 - Community Based Fisheries Management 44316415 -mgvRwfwËK grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (3q avc) Project (3rd Phase) 44316416 - Union Based Aquaculture Extension 44316416 -BDwbqb ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí Project 44316418 - Infrastrucrure Development for Foodplain 44316418 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi c­veb f–wg‡Z grm¨ Pvl AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb Aquaculture in Comilla District (Daudkandi (`vD`Kvw›` g‡Wj) cÖKí Model) Project 44316419 - 44316419 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi c­veb fwg‡Z mrm¨ Pvl AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY (`vD`Kvw›` g‡Wj) cÖKí 44316422 - Implementation of Fisheries Diploma and 44316422 -grm¨ wW‡c­vgv I †fv‡Kkbvj †Kvm© cÖKí Vocational Course Project 44316423 - Community based fisheries management 44316423 -evIo A‡j mgvRwfwËK grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí in Baor region 44316424 - Regional Fisheries and Livestock 44316424 -AvÂwjK grm¨ I cïm¤ú` Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project 44316425 - Fisheries Development in Haor Region 44316425 -nvIi A‡j grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 44316426 - Rice- Fish Aquaculture Extension Project 44316426 -avb‡¶‡Z gvQPvl m¤cÖmviY cÖKí 44316427 - Development of Small Indigenous and 44316427 -‡`kxq †QvUgvQ I wecbœ cÖRvwZi grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Endangered Fishes 44316428 - Fisheries Diploma Implementation 44316428 -grm¨ wW‡c­vgv †Kvm© ev¯—evqb cÖKí Course Project 44316429 - Fisheries Diploma Implementation 44316429 -grm¨ wW‡c­vgv †Kvm© ev¯—evqb cÖKí Course Project 44316430 - Fish Culture and Management in 44316430 -h‡kvi †Rjvi fe`n A‡j grm¨ Pvl I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Vobodaha Area of Jessore Distric 44316431 - Aquculture Technology Service Extension 44316431 -BDwbqb ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl cÖhyw³ †mev m¤cÖmviY cÖKí in Uninion Level Project 44316432 - Fisheries Management in the Haor 44316432 -nvIi A‡j grm¨ Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Regions Project 44316433 - Jathka Conservation, Management and 44316433 -RvUKv Bwjk msi¶b, e¨e¯’vcbv I grm¨Rxex‡`i weKí Alernative Livelihoods for the Fishers Kg©ms¯’vb cÖKí Project 44316434 - Rehabilitaion and Livelihood Security for 44316434 -DcKzjxq mvB‡K¬vb (wmWi) Avµvš— GjvKvi the Fishermen and Fishers in the SIDR grm¨Rxex/grm¨ Pvlx‡`i cybe©vmb I wbivcËv cÖKí affected Coastal Areas.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44316435 - Development and Management of 44316435 -wPwýZ Ae¶wqZ Rjvkq Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Identified degraded waterbodies Project 44316436 - Greater Pabna Fisheries Extension Project 44316436 -e„nËi cvebv grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 44316437 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 44316437 -DcKzjxq mvB‡K¬vb (wmWi) Avµvš@ GjvKvq grm¨Rxex/ Restoration Project grm¨Pvlx‡`i cybe©vmb I wbivcËv cÖKí 44316438 - Gratter Faridpur Fisheries Development 44316438 - Project. 44316439 - Wetland Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project 44316439 -Rjvfywg Rxe‰ewPÎ cybi“×vi cÖKí 44316440 - Cage and Pen Culture Extension Project 44316440 -LvuPvq I †c‡b ¯^v`y cvwbi gvQ Pvl cÖKí 44316441 - Community Based Fisheries Management 44316441 -¯’vbxq Rb‡Mvôxi Askx`vwi‡Z¡i gva¨‡g mgvR wfwËK through Local Participation Project grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 44316442 - Strengthening of ICT Sector Programme of 44316442 -grm¨ Awa`߇ii AvBwmwU †m±i †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Department of Fisheries (01/07/2010-30/06/2016). (01/07/2010-30/06/2016). 44316443 - Inland Open Water Fisheries Development 44316443 -Af¨bZixb gy³ Rjvk‡q grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Project 44316444 - Coastal Fisheries Resource Development, 44316444 -DcKzjxq grm¨ m¤ú` Dbœqb, grm¨ Pvl m¤cÖmvib I Aquaculture Extension and grm¨ Rxex‡`i Av_© mvgvwRK Ae¯’vi Dbœqb cÖKí Socio-Economic Development of Fishermen Project 44316445 - Establishment of Laboratory in the Greater 44316445 -e„nËi †Rjv ch©v‡q gv‡Qi †ivM wbY©q, cvwbi ¸bv¸b District to Identify Fish Disease and cix¶v I Lv‡`¨i gvb hvPvB cix¶vMvi ¯’vcb cÖKí Testing of Water and Feed Quality Project (0107/2010-30/06/2015) (0107/2010-30/06/2015) 44316446 - Socio Economic Development and 44316446 - weKí Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói gva¨‡g DcKzjxq grm¨Rxwwe‡`i Empowerment of Coastal Fishermen Av_©mvgvwRK Ae¯’vi Dbœqb I ¶gZvqb cÖKí through Alternative Livelihoods 44316447 - Rice cum Fish Culture Extension Project 44316447 -avb †¶‡Z gvQ Pvl m¤cÖmvib cÖKí 44316448 - Aquaculture Protection, Extension and 44316448 -†`kxq cÖRvwZi grm¨ Pvl, msi¶b, m¤cÖmvib I Dbœqb Development of Indigenous Fish Species cÖKí 44316449 - Establishment of Beel Nursery and Fry 44316449 -Dbgy³ Rjvk‡q †cvbv Aegy³Kib I wej bvm©vix ¯’vcb Release in the Open Water Bodies Project cÖKí 44316450 - Development of Fish and Fish Products, 44316450 -grm¨ I grm¨RvZ c‡Y¨i gvb Dbœqb, †UªwmwewjwU I Quality Tracibility and HACCP n¨vmvc evmZevqb cÖKí Management Project 44316451 - Establishment of Marine Fish Hatchery 44316451 -mvgyw`ªK grm¨ n¨vPvix ¯’vcb I Pvl c×wZ Dbœqb cÖKí and Development of Culture Technology 44316452 - InfraStructure Development and 44316452 -wPswo Pvl AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Management of Shrimp Culture Project 44316453 - Control of Formalin use in Fish 44316453 -grm¨ msi¶‡b digvwj‡bi e¨envi wbqš¿b I MY Preservation and Mass Awareness m‡PZbZv m„wó cÖKí Campaign Project 44316454 - Development of Fish Seed Farm and 44316454 -grm¨ exR Drcv`b Lvgvi Dbœqb I cÖhyw³ cÖ`k©b cÖKí Technology Demonstartion Project 44316455 - Fish Culture Development in Creeks at 44316455 -ivsMvgvwU cveZ©¨ †Rjvq µx‡K gvQ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí Rangamati District 44316456 - Crab Culture Project 44316456 -KvuKov Pvl cÖKí 44316457 - Oyster Culture Project 44316457 -I‡q÷vi Pvl cÖKí 44316458 - Algae Culture Project 44316458 -ˆkevj Pvl cÖKí 44316459 - Algae Culture Project 44316459 -ˆkevj Pvl cÖKí 44316460 - Fish Culture Technology Extension Project 44316460 -BDwbqb ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl cÖhyw³ †mev m¤cÖmvib cÖKí in Union Level 44316461 - Fisheries Managent in Haor Region 44316461 -nvIo A‡j grm¨ Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Project 44316462 - JatkaProtection, Alternative Livilhoods for 44316462 -RvUKv msi¶b, †R‡j‡`i weKí Kg©ms¯’vb I M‡elYv Fishermen, and Research Project cÖKí 44316463 - Pocverty Reduction and Livelihood Security 44316463 -gsMv GjvKvi RbM‡Yi `vwi`ª we‡gvPb I RxweKv Dbœqb for the People of Monga Region cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44316464 - Identified Degraded Water Bodies 44316464 - wPwýZ Ae¶wqZ Rjvkq Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv Ges ‡`kxq Development and Management and cÖRvwZi grm¨ msi¶b cÖKí Protection of Indigenous Fish Species 44316465 - Fish Culture and management in 44316465 -h‡kvi †Rjvi fe`n A‡j grm¨ Pvl I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Vobodoho Region at Jessore 44316466 - Socio-Economic Development and 44316466 -mvgyw`ªK I DKzjxq grm¨Rxwe‡`I Av_© mvgvwRK Dbœqb I Livelihood Security for Marine and Coastal wbivcËv weavb cÖKí Fishermen 44316467 - Floodplain Fisheries Management Project 44316467 - c­vebf~wg‡Z grm¨Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 44316468 - Strengthening of Fisheriesw Resource 44316468 -grm¨ mgc` Rixc kw³kvjxKib cÖKí Rervice System Project 44317000 - Aquaculture Development Project in 44317000 -e„nËi dwi`cyi †Rjvq grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/10 Greater Faridpur District (01/01/10 - - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/14) Approved. 44317010 - Poverty Reduction & Livelyhood Security for 44317010 -A_©‰bwZKfv‡e cðv`c` GjvKvi RbM‡Yi `vwi`ª¨ the People of Economically Depresed Area we‡gvPb I RxweKv wbe©vn wbwðZKiY (01/04/10 - (01/04/10 - 31/12/13) Approved. 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 44318180 - 44318180 - 44318181 - Fisheries Management in Haor Region 44318181 -nvIi A‡j grm¨ Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/2015) (01/01/2010-31/12/2015) 44318182 - Fisheries Management in Haor Region 44318182 -nvIi A‡j grm¨ Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318183 - Greater Faridpur Aquaculture Development 44318183 -e„nËi dwi`cyi grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44318184 - Integrated Fish Culture Development 44318184 -Ae¨eüZ Rjvkq mgwš^Z grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí Project in unused water bodies (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44318185 - Integrated Fisheries & Livestock 44318185 -DËi-cwðgv‡ji `vwi`ª n«vmK‡í grm¨ I cïm¤•` Development Project for the Poverty Dbœqb cÖKí (K‡¤•v‡b›U-G. grm¨ Awa`ßi,we. cïm¤•` Reduction of north-west Region Awa`ßi (01/01/2011-31/012/2014) Component-A. Department of Fisheri (01/01/2011-31/012/2014) 44318186 - Development and Management of 44318186 -wPwýZ Ae¶wqZ Rjvkq Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv Ges †`kxq Identified Degrade Water Bodies & cÖRvZxi grm¨ msi¶Y cÖKí Conservation of Small Indigenous Fishes (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 44318187 - Fisheries Resource Survey System 44318187 -grm¨ Rixc c×wZ †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Strengthening Project (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) 44318188 - Fisherman Registration, Issuing Identity 44318188 -grm¨Rxwe‡`i wbe›`b, cwiPqcÎ cÖ`vb I `~‡h©vM cybe©vmb Card to Fishermen & Disaster cÖKí(01/01/2010-30/06/2014) Rehabilitation Project (01/01/2010-30/06/2014) 44318189 - Hura Sagar Aquaculture and Fisheries 44318189 -ûivmvMi grm¨Pvl I grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Management Project (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318190 - Greater Jessore Fisheries Development 44318190 -e„nËi h‡kvi †Rjvq grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318191 - Fisheries Intrastructure Renovation and 44318191 -grm¨ ¯’vcbv ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318192 - Cage and Pen Culture Extension Project 44318192 -LvPvq I †c‡b gvQPvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/2015) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318193 - Establishment of Beel Nursery and 44318193 -Db¥y³ Rjvk‡q wej bvm©vix ¯’vcb I †cvbv Aegyw³KiY Fingerling Stoking in Inland Open cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) Watarbodies (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318194 - Fisheries Development in Grater Rajshahi 44318194 -e„nËi ivRkvnx A‡j grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Regeion (01/01/2010-31/12/2015) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44318195 - Establishment of Fisheries Diploma 44318195 -‡Mvcvj, wK‡kviMÄ Ges wmivRMÄ †Rjvq grm¨ wW‡c­vgv Institute at Gopalgonj, Kishorgonj & Bwbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/2015) Sirajgonj District (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318196 - Aquaculture and Management of Flood 44318196 -c­vebfwg‡Z grm¨Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (01/01/2010- plain Areas (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 31/12/2014) 44318197 - Strengthening of Fish Inspection and 44318197 -Af¨šixY e¨envi Ges ißvbx‡hvM¨ grm¨cY¨ Lv`¨ wnmv‡e Quality Control (FIQC) Laboratory to Food e¨env‡ii gvbwbwðZKi‡Y grm¨ cwi`k©b I gvbwbqšY Safety Requirement for Domestic and j¨ve kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) Export Market (01/01/2010-31/12/201 44318198 - Procurement of Two Offshore Petrol 44318198 -‡Kv÷-Mv‡W©i Rb¨ 2wU Ad‡mvi †c‡U«vj †f‡mj msMªn Vessels (OPV) for Bangladesh Coast cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) Guard (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318199 - Control of Formalin Use in Fish 44318199 -grm¨ msi¶‡Y digvwj‡bi e¨envi wbqš¿Y I Preservation and Mass Awareness MYm‡PZbZv m„wó cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318200 - Integrated Protected Area Co-Management 44318200 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW †cÖv‡UK‡UW Gwiqv †Kv-g¨v‡bRg¨v›U cÖKí Project (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) (grm¨ Awa`ßi Ask) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) 44318201 - Coastal Fisheries Development and 44318201 -DcKjxq grm¨ m¤•‡`i Dbœqb Ges DcKjxq †R‡j‡`i Socio-economic Development of Coastal Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœqb (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) Fishers (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318202 - Inland Capture Fisheries Development 44318202 -Bbj¨vÛ K¨vcPvi wdkvwiR †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖKí Project (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318203 - Strengthening of Fishery & Aquaculture 44318203 -‡÷«‡›`wbs Ad wdkvwi GÛ G¨vKzqvKvjPvi dzW †mdwU Food Safety and Quality Management GÛ †KvqvwjwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k System in Bangladesh (Better Work and (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) Standards Programme-BEST:BFQ Component 44318204 - Flood plain Aquaculture and Hoar 44318204 -c­vebfwg‡Z grm¨Pvl, nvIo grm¨ Dbœqb Ges †Ni I Fisheries Development with Expansion of LvPvq grm¨Pvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/01/2010- Pen and Cage Culture Project 31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318205 - Poverty Alleviation Through Aquzculture in 44318205 -29wU †Rjvq eY¨v wbqšY, †mP cÖKí GjvKv Ges Ab¨vb¨ Flood Control and Irrigation Areas and Rjvk‡q grm¨ Pv‡li gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖKí Other Water Bodies of 29 District (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) (01/01/2010-31/12/2014) 44318206 - Freshwater Prawn Culture Extension 44318206 -¯^v`y cvwb‡Z wPswo Pvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Project-2nd Phase (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318207 - Fish Culture Development and Extension 44318207 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j grm¨Pvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (3q Project in Chittagong Hill Tracts Areas-3rd ch©vq) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) Phase (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318208 - Community Based Baor Fish Culture and 44318208 -Lyjbv wefvMxq mgvRwfwËK evIo grm¨Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv management Project in Khulna Division cÖKí (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318209 - Project in Human Resource Development 44318209 -grm¨ †m±‡ii gvbem¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí of Fisheries Sector (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318210 - Project on Diagnosis of Shrimp Diseases 44318210 -wPswoi †ivM wbY©q, cÖwZKvi, n¨vmvc I †U«‡mwewjwU Dbœq‡b and Providing Technical Service for cÖhyw³ †mev cÖKí (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) HACAAP and Tractability (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318211 - Fisheries HabitatResatoration inland 44318211 -Af¨šixY gy³ Rjvk‡q grm¨ Avevm¯’j cb:i“×vi cÖKí Open Water Project (Phase-II) (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318212 - Project on Alternative Livelihoods 44318212 -cÖvK…wZK Drm n‡Z wPswo †cvbv AvniY e‡Üi j‡¶¨ †cvbv Programme for Shrimp Fry Collector from AvniYKvix‡`i weKí Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó cÖKí Natural Water Bodies (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44318213 - Establishment of Laboratory in Greater 44318213 -Lyjbv wefvMxq mgvRwfwËK evIo grm¨Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv District for Diagnosis of Fish Diseases, cÖKí (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) Determination of Soil and Water Quality and Testing of Fish Feed Quali 44318214 - Dissemination Project of BFRI Innovated 44318214 -grm¨ Awa`߇ii gva¨‡g weGdAviAvB D™¢vweZ wewea Fisheries Technologies Through grm¨Pvl cÖhyw³ m¤•ªmviY cÖKí Department of Fisheries (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318215 - Marine Fish Hatchery and Fish Culture 44318215 -mvgyw`ªK grm¨ n¨vPvix ¯’vcb I Pvl c×wZ Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318216 - Fish Cum Paddy Culture Extension Project 44318216 -avb‡¶‡Z gvQ Pvl m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318217 - Traceability and HACCP Implementation 44318217 -‡Um G¨vwewjwc Ges n¨vmvc ev¯evqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318218 - Fish Culture Intensification Project 44318218 -wbexi grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318219 - Fish Market Management and 44318219 -grm¨ evRviRvZ Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Development Project (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318220 - Shrimp Seed Certification Project (2nd 44318220 -kªx¤•mxW mvwU©wd‡Kkb cÖKí Phase) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318221 - Aquaculture Development and 44318221 -E-Extension Kvh©µ‡gi gva¨‡g grm¨Pvl m¤•ªmviY Management through E-Extension cÖKí (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) (01/07/2010-31/12/2015) 44318222 - Wetland Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project 44318222 -Rjvfwgi Rxe‰ewPÎ cbe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/2009- (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) 30/06/2013) 44318223 - Fisheries Infrastructure Renovation and 44318223 -grm¨ ¯’vcbv ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 44318224 - Fisheries Development Project in Rangpur 44318224 -iscyi wefv‡M grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Division (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 44318225 - Fisheries Development Project in 44318225 -Pjbwej grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Chalanbeel (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 44318226 - Strengthening of Monitoring Control & 44318226 -‡óªb‡`wbs Ae gwbUwis Kb‡Uªvj GÛ mvwf©‡jÝ wm‡÷g Bb Surveillance (MCS) System in the Bay of `v †e Ae †e½j (01/01/2011-31/12/2015) Bangol (01/01/2011-31/12/2015) 44318227 - Fisheries Development & Conservation in 44318227 -my›`ieb I cvk¦eZ©x Rjvk‡q grm¨ Dbœqb I msi¶Y cÖKí and around Sundarban areas (01/10/2010-30/09/2015) (01/10/2010-30/09/2015) 44318228 - Establishment of infrastructure & facilities 44318228 -DcKyjxq GjvKvq wPsox Pvl m¤cªmviY Ges Dbœq‡bi j‡ for the Development of Coastal Shrimp ¶¨ AeKvVv‡gv I myweavw` ¯nvcb cÖKí Culture Extension Project (01/01/2011-31/12/2015) (01/01/2011-31/12/2015) 44318240 - Re-excavation of Connecting rivers 44318240 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MvRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM Development of Irrigation Facilities and b`x Lbb, †mP myweavw`i Dbœqb Ges grm¨ Pvl (grm¨ fish culture Project of Gazner Beel Area Awa`ßi Ask) (01/01/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z under Sujanagar Upozila in Pabna District (DOF Component) (01/01/10 - 30/06/13) Approved 44318241 - Community based Baor Fisheries 44318241 -mgvR wfwËK evIi grm¨ Pvl e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Management Project (01/07/2011-30/06/2015) (01/07/2011-30/06/2015) 44318242 - Barind Area Fisheries Development 44318242 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 44318243 - Community based Fish culture in 44318243 -evsjv‡`‡k c­veb f~wg‡Z mgvRwfwËK gvQ Pvl cÖKí floodplain water bodies in Bangladehs (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44318244 - Fish Culture Development in Nimgachi 44318244 -wbgMvwQ grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 4432 - Fisheries Development 4432 -grm¨ Dbœqb 44320000 - Fisheries Development 44320000 -grm¨ Dbœqb 44320001 - Marine Fisheries Academy 44320001 -‡gwib wdmvwiR GKv‡Wwg 44320003 - Fisheries Development Genaral 44320003 -grm¨ Dbœqb (mvaviY) 44320005 - Shrimp Cultivation 44320005 -wPsox Pvl cªKí 44320007 - Fish Management 44320007 -grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv 44320010 - North West Fish Extension 44320010 -DËi cwðg grm¨ m¤•ªmviY cªKí 44320015 - Integrated Fisheries Development 44320015 -mgwš^Z grm¨ Dbœqb cªKí 44325010 - Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Academy 44325010 -evsjv‡`k †gwib wdkvwiR GKv‡Wwgi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb I Institutional Development and †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Strengthening Project Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Approved 44325016 - Establishment of Marine Fish Hatchery 44325016 -mvgyw`ªK grm¨ n¨vPvix ¯’vcb I Pvl c×wZ Dbœqb cÖKí and Development of Culture Technology 44325017 - 44325017 -evsjv‡`k †gwib wdkvwiR GKv‡Wgxi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb I †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) 44325018 - 44325018 -wmgy‡jUi †eBRW AvaywbK cÖwk¶Y myweav ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) 44325019 - Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Academy 44325019 -evsjv‡`k †gwib wdkvwiR GKv‡Wwgi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb I Institutional Development and †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Strengthening Project Abby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Un-Approved 4433 - Regional Offices 4433 -wefvMxq Kvhv©jqmg–n 44330000 - Divisional Offices 44330000 -wefvMxq Kvhv©jqmg–n 4434 - District Offices 4434 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 44340000 - District Offices 44340000 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 4435 - Upazilla Offices 4435 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 44350000 - Upazilla Offices 44350000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 4437 - Information Office 4437 -grm¨ I cÖvwY m¤c`Z_¨ `ßi 44370000 - Information Office 44370000 -grm¨ I cÖvwY m¤c` Z_¨ `ßi 4441-4460 - Veterinary and Livestock 4441-4460 -cïcvjb I nvum-gyiMxi Lvgvi 4441 - Department of Livestock 4441 -cÖvwY m¤c` Awa`ßi 44410000 - Department of Livestock 44410000 -cÖvwY m¤c` Awa`ßi 44410001 - Headquarters 44410001 -cªavb Kvhv©jq 44410010 - Livestock Research 44410010 -cïcvjb M‡elYv 44410020 - Livestock Research Institute 44410020 -cïcvjb M‡elYv cªwZôvb 44413996 - Rehabilitation Programme 44413996 -cYe©vmb †cÖvMÖvg 44415010 - 44415010 -‡iW wPUvMvs K¨v‡UjRvZ Dbœqb I msi¶Y (01/07/06 -30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415011 - Establishment of National Institute of 44415011 -†MvcvjMÄ RvZxq cÖvwYm¤•` I †cvwëª e¨e¯’vcbv Livestock & Poultry Management & Bb&w÷wUDU Ges †ivM AbymÜvb M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb cÖKí Disease Diagnostic Lab in Gopalgonj (01/07/12 - 30/06/16) Project (01/01/2012-30/06/2016) 44415012 - Indigenous Poultry Conservation & 44415012 -‡`wk gyiwM msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí Development (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) Project(01/01/2012-30/06/2017) 44415013 - Establishment of Sirajgonj Fisheries & 44415013 -wmivRMÄ grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤•` welqK cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb Livestock Training Centre Project cÖKí (K‡¤•v‡b›U-G, cÖvwYm¤•` Awa`ßi Ask) (Component-A, DLS) (01/01/12 - 30/06/17) (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) 44415014 - Employment Generation Poverty Reduction 44415014 -mgvRwfwËK Mi“ cvj‡bi gva¨‡g Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó I `vwi`ª¨ Through Community Based Cattle Rearing we‡gvPb cÖKí (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Project (01/07/2012-30/06/2017)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44415015 - Establishment of Sirajgonj Govt. Veterinary 44415015 -wmivRMÄ miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí College (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) 44415016 - Establishment of Livestock Diploma 44415016 -cÖvwYm¤•` wW‡c­vgv Bb&w÷wUwUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí Institute Project (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) (01/01/12-30/06/17) 44415017 - Strengthening of Govt. Poultry Hatchery 44415017 -miKvwi ‡cvwëª n¨vPvixmg‡n Drcv`b ¶gZv e„w×KiY Productivity cÖKí (01/07/12 - 30/06/17) Project(01/07/2012-30/06/2017) 44415018 - Beef Cattle Development Project 44415018 -exd K¨vUj †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) 44415019 - Establishment of 15 Districts Artificial 44415019 -15wU †Rjv K…wÎg cÖRbb †K›`ª Ges 2wU weªwWs †÷kb Insemination Center and 2 Breeding ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) Stations Project (01/01/2012-30/06/2017) 44415020 - National Livestock Inventory Project. 44415020 -†`‡ki cwðgv‡j Qov wej grm Dbœqb cÖKí 2q ch©vq 44415021 - Livestock Sensor Project 44415021 -cÖvwYm¤•` mygvwi cÖKí (01/01/2012-30/06/2016) (01/01/2012-30/06/2016) 44415022 - Establishment of Jhenaidah Govt. 44415022 -wSbvB`n miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí (2q Veterinary College (2nd Phase) ch©vq) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) 44415023 - Conservation and Improvement of Native 44415023 -mgvRwfwËK I evwYwR¨K Lvgv‡i †`kx †fovi Dbœqb I Sheep Through Community Farming and msi¶Y (K‡¤•v‡b›U-we) (2q ch©vq) (cÖvwY m¤•` Commercial Farming (Component-B) Awa`ßi AsM) 44415024 - Livestock Disease Prevention and Control 44415024 -cÖvwY‡ivM cÖwZ‡iva I wbqšY cÖKí Project 44415025 - Extension of National Institute of Livestock 44415025 -RvZxq cÖvwYm¤•` I †cvwëª e¨e¯’vcbv Bbw÷wUDU Ges & Poulty Management and Disease †ivM AbymÜvb M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb Diagnostic Laboratory Project (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) 44415026 - Beef Cattle Development Project 44415026 -exd K¨v‡Uj †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖKí 44415027 - Establishment of Livestock Quality Control 44415027 -??????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ?????? ??????? Lab (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) (??/??/????-??/??/????) 44415028 - Breed Upgradation Through ProjenyTest 44415028 -????? ?????????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? (?? Project (3rd Phase) ??????)(??/??/????-??/??/????) (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) 44415029 - Artificial Insemination & Embryo Transfer 44415029 -??????? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ?????????? Technology Project (3rd Phase) ????????? ????????? ??????? (?? ??????) (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) 44415030 - 44415030 -BwgwW‡qU †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ Uz †÷ªs‡`b Bgv‡R©wÝ wcÖcvvW© di nvBwj c¨v‡_vjwR Gwfqvb Bbd¬z‡qÄv (01/07/2006-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415031 - Livestock Emerging & Re-emerging 44415031 -???????? ???????? ???? ?? ???????? ????? ???????? Disease Control Project ???????? (??/??/????-??/??/????) (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) 44415032 - Regional Livestock Development Project, 44415032 -??????? ??????????? ?????? ???????, ????? ????? Khulna Division (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) (??/??/????-??/??/????) 44415033 - Breed Upgradation Through Progeny Test 44415033 -????? ?????????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? (?? Projcet (01/07/2013-30/06/2018) ??????)(??/??/????-??/??/????) 44415034 - Strengthening National Capacity to 44415034 -‡÷«s‡`wbs b¨vkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Uy †imcÛ Uy nvBwj Respond to Highly Pathogenic avain c¨v_‡RwbK Gwfqvb Bbd¬y‡qÄv (GBPwcGAvB) GÛ influenza (HPAI) and Imarging and re- BgvwR©s GÛ wi-BgvwR©s wWwRR Bb evsjv‡`k imarging disease in Bangladesh. (01/10/2012-30/09/2013) 44415035 - Improving Food Security of Women and 44415035 -BgcÖ“wfs dzW wmwKDwiwU Ae I‡gb GÛ wPj‡W«b evB Children by enhancing background Small Gb‡nw›ms e¨vKBqvW© GÛ m¥j †¯‹j †cvwëª †cÖvWvKkb Bb Scall Poltry Production in Southern delta mvD`©vb †Wëv wiwRqb (01/10/2012-30/09/2015) region. Aby‡gvw`Z 44415036 - Establishment of Jhenidah Govt. Veterinary 44415036 -wSbvB`n miKvix †f‡Ubvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) College Project (2nd Phase) cÖKí 44415037 - Breed Up-gradation Through Progeny Test 44415037 -eªxW Avc‡Mª‡Wkb _ª“ cÖ“‡Rbx †Uó (3q ch©vq) cÖKí Project (3rd Phase) (01/07/2014-30-06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415038 - Establishment of Institute of Livestock 44415038 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae jvBf÷K mv‡q›m GÛ †UK‡bvjRx ¯’vcb Science and Technology Project cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44415039 - National Agricultural Technology Program 44415039 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjRx †cÖvMªvg (NATP-2) Preparation Facility Project (GbGwUwc-2)t wcÖcv‡ikb d¨vwmwjwU cÖKí (cÖvwYm¤•` (01/01/2015-30/06/2015) approved Awa`ßi AsM) (01/01/2015-30/09/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415040 - Enhance the Capacity of Department of 44415040 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ Uz Gbn¨vÝ w` K¨vcvwmwU Ae wWcvU© Livestock Services ‡g›U Ad jvBf÷K mvwf©‡mm (01/10/2006-30/09/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415041 - South West Region Livestock 44415041 -`w¶Y cwðgvaÂjxq cÖvwYm¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project 44415050 - 44415050 -wgU K‡gvwWwUR WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb GÛ Avc‡MÖwWs Ae wgU cÖ‡mwms †UK‡bvjwRm Bb Gwkqv c¨vwmwdK (01/07/2006-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415060 - 44415060 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ad b¨vkbvj †idv‡iÝ j¨ve‡iUix di Gwfqvb Bbd¬z‡qÄv Av¨vU weGjAviAvB (1g ce©) (01/04/06-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415070 - Jenaidha government 44415070 -wSbvB`n miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415080 - Fishery research institute (Phase-2) 44415080 -grm¨ M‡elYv cªwZôvb (chv©q-2) 44415090 - 44415090 -eªxW Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb †_ªv ‡cªv‡Rwb †U÷ cÖKí (01/07/2002-31/12/2006) 44415100 - Regional Fisheries and Livestock 44415100 -AvÂwjK grm¨ I cÖvwY m¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (†bvqvLvjx K‡ Development Project (Noakhali ¤cv‡b›U) (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Component) 44415110 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 44415110 -Bgvi‡Rw›m 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvwi GÛ †i‡÷v‡ikb cÖ Restoration Project (ECRRP) (DLS Part) ‡R± (BwmAviAviwc) (cïm¤•` Awa`ßi Ask) (01/07/08-360/06/2013) Approved (01/07/08 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415120 - Re-Excavation of cconnecting Rivers Dev 44415120 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM of Irragation Facilities and Fish culture b`x Lbb, †mP myweavi Dbœqb Ges grm¨ Pvl (cÖvYxm¤•` project (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Awa`ßi Ask) (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) 44415130 - Strengthening Research and On-farm Trial 44415130 -‡ó«s‡`wbs wimvP© GÛ Abdvg© U«vqvj †MªvMªvgm Ae Programs of BLRI Regional weGjAviAvB wiwRIbvj †ókb cÖKí (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) 44415140 - Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project 44415140 -BbwU‡Mª‡UW GwMªKvjPvi †cÖvWvKwUwfwU cÖ‡R± (IAPP) (Department of Livestock Part) (AvBGwcwc) cÖvwYm¤•` Awa`ßi AsM 44415150 - Establishment of Regional Duck Breeding 44415150 -n¨vPvixmn AvÂwjK nuvm cÖRbb Lvgvi ¯’vcb (3q ch©vq) Farm along with Hatchery (3rd Phase) (01/10/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415160 - Construction of a shrimp hatchary for 44415160 -wPswo Pvl cªK‡íi (AvBwWG) Aax‡b wbwg©Z wPswo n¨vPvix shrimp cultivation under IDA 44415170 - Establishment of Upazilla Livestock 44415170 -Dc‡Rjv cÖvwYm¤•` Dbœqb †K›`ª (BD.Gj.wW.wm.) ¯’vcb Development Centre (ULDC) (3rd Phase) (3q ch©vq) (01/07/11 - 30/06/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415180 - 44415180 - 44415271 - Strengthening of pisciculture in rural 44415271 -MªvgxY cyKz‡i grm¨ Pvl m¤•ªmviY mvwf©m †Rvi`viKiY ponds 44415311 - Fishery management project under 44415311 -gy³ Rjvk‡q DbœZ cªhyw³‡Z grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí modern technology 44415321 - Integrated fisheries research project 44415321 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW wdmvixR wimvP© cª‡R± 44415390 - 44415390 44415390 -44415390 44415440 - Bangladesh second livestock 44415440 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq cï m¤•` Dbœqb cªKí (ms‡kvwaZ) development project (Revised) 44415470 - Breed Upgradation through Progeny Test 44415470 -weªW Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb †_ªv cÖ‡Rwb †U÷ cÖKí (01/07/2002 Project (2nd Phase) (01/07/2008 - - 31/12/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/2013) Approved 44415480 - Poultry technology development project 44415480 -†cvjwUª cªhyw³ Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/1996-30/06/2003) 44415482 - Rehabilitaiton of livestock development 44415482 -eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ 80wU wba©vwiZ Dc‡Rjvq ¶z`ª K…lK‡`i projects for small farmers in 80 selected Rb¨ Mevw`cï Dbœqb kxl©K cÖK‡íi cyYe©vmb flood affected upazillas 44415483 - Project for supply and distribution of 44415483 -eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ K…lK‡`i Mevw`cï I nvm gyiMxi emergency veterinary medicines for wPwKrmvq Ri“ix †f‡Ubvix †gwWwmb mieivn I weZiY livestock and poultry belonging to flood cÖKí affected small farmers

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44415490 - Livestock research assistance 44415490 -cï m¤•` M‡elYv Kg©mPx mnvqK cÖKí programme 44415510 - Agriculture research and management 44415510 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (weGjAviAvB Ask) project (BLRI component ) (01/07/1996-31/12/2001) 44415520 - 44415520 -Kg©ms¯’vb I `vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b cïm¤•` cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I cwiex¶Y cÖKí (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z 44415521 - TAP for third livestock development project 44415521 -Z…Zxq cï m¤•` Dbœqb cªK‡íi Rb¨ KvwiMix cÖKí 44415530 - 44415530 -‡cvwëª cÖhyw³ Dbœq‡b weªwRs cÖKí (1/7/03-30/6/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415540 - Strengthening of Bangladesh livestock 44415540 -evsjv‡`k cï m¤•` M‡elYv cªwZôvb †Rvi`viKiY research institute 44415550 - 44415550 -2q Askx`vwiZ¡gjK cïm¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) Abbyt 44415560 - 44415560 -BDwbqb chv©‡q cï m¤•` †mev m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2009) Abbyt 44415570 - Establishment of rearing units for goat 44415570 -cªwZwU wefv‡M QvMj Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ wiqvwis BDwbU ¯’vcb development at divisional level 44415580 - Extension project for artividial insemination 44415580 -wngvwqZ wm‡gb e¨e¯’vq Ggeª‡qv ¯’vbvši cªhyw³ activities 44415590 - Extension of animal health care project 44415590 -cï ¯^v¯’¨ e¨e¯’vcbv m¤•ªmviY cªKí 44415610 - Establishment of dairy and cattle farm in 44415610 -PÆMªvg, e¸ov I ewikv‡j `y» I Mevw` cï Dbœq‡b Lvgvi Chittagong, Bogra & Barisal ¯’vcb cÖKí 44415620 - Establishment of duck hatchery cum 44415620 -n¨vPvwimn AvÂwjK nuvm cªRbb Lvgvi ¯’vcb cªKí regional breeding farms (chv©q-2) (01/07/2002 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 44415630 - Establishment of veterinary hospital at 44415630 -‡Rjv ch©v‡q cï nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb cªKí district headquarters (01/07/1993-30/06/2003) 44415640 - Countrywide expansion of extensive grass 44415640 -†`ke¨vcx e¨vcK Nvm Pvl m¤•ªmviY cªKí cultivation 44415650 - Establishment of Government Veterinary 44415650 -wm‡jU I PÆMªv‡g miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb College at Sylhet and Chittagong (01/07/1994-30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415660 - Modernisation and conversion of existing 44415660 -wm‡jU, ivRkvnx I dwi`cyi `y» Lvgvi¸wj‡K cÖRbb dairy farms at Sylhet, Rajshahi, Faridpur Lvgv‡i iycvš@i I AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí into breeding farms 44415670 - Introduction of training on genetical course 44415670 -cï wPwKrmK I cïcvjb wWwMªavix‡`i Rb¨ m¥vZ‡KvËi for post graduate students cÖwZôvb 44415680 - Extension of Artificial Insemination (AI) 44415680 -wngvwqZ wm‡gb e¨envi I Ggeªv‡qv ¯’vbvši cªhyw³ ev¯ programme through use of frozen semen evq‡bi gva¨‡g Mevw`cïi K…wÎg cÖRbb Kvh©µg and implementation of embryo transfer m¤•ªmviY cÖKí technology 44415690 - INTRODUCTION OF SHORT-TERM 44415690 -cï wPwKrmK I cïcvjb wWMªxavix‡`i Rb¨ cï wPwKrmvq TRAINING COURSE FOR AMI ¯^í‡gqvw` cªwk¶Y †Kvm© PvjyKiY 44415700 - National Agricultural Technology Project 44415700 -b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjwR cÖ‡R± (wWGjGm K‡ (DLS Component) ¤•v›U)(01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 44415710 - Procurement of vaccines to prevent 44415710 -‡`‡ki Mevw` cï ¶ziv‡ivM `gbK‡í cª‡qvRbxq wUKv animals foot disease msMªn cÖKí 44415720 - Third livestock development project 44415720 -Z…Zxq Mevw` cï m¤•` Dbœqb cªKí 44415730 - Dhaka Zoo overall development project 44415730 -XvKv wPwoqvLvbvi mvwe©K Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/1996-30/06/2002) 44415750 - Poultry feed development project 44415750 -nuvm gyiwMi Lv`¨ Dbœqb cªKí 44415930 - 44415930 -iscyi wPwoqvLvbv/we‡bv`b D`¨v‡bi mvwe©K Dbœqb 44415941 - Grameen fisheries foundation's live stock 44415941 -Mªvgxb grm¨ dvD‡Ûkb jvBfóK cÖ‡R± project 44416000 - AIPRP 44416000 -Gwfqvb Bbd¬y‡qÄv cÖwZ‡iva I wbqšÎY cÖKí (1/7/ 07 - 30/6/12) 44416010 - Goat Farm Expansion Project (DLS 44416010 -†cvjwUª cÖhyw³ Dbœqb I cix¶Y c‡R± (01/06/06 - Component A) 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416011 - emargency 44416011 -Bgv‡R©wÝ K‡›Uªvj Ae wcwcAvi Gwc‡WwgK (01/07/2001-30/06/2002)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44416110 - Poverty alleviation through support to self 44416110 -cï m¤•` Dbœqb Kvh©µ‡g AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’v‡bi gva¨‡g employment in livestock `vwi`ª¨ `–ixKiY cÖKí (chv©q-2) (01/07/2000- 30/06/2005)Aby‡gvw`Z 44416120 - ADB aided participatory livestock 44416120 -Gkxq Dbœqb e¨vsK mvnvh¨cyó Askx`vwiZ¡g–jK cï m¤•` development project Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) 44416130 - Establishment of Government Veterinary 44416130 -w`bvRcy‡i miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb College at Dinajpur (01/07/1997-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416140 - Establishment of veterinary college at 44416140 -ewikv‡j miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb Barisal 44416150 - National livestock entreprenuership 44416150 -RvZxq cï m¤•` D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (01/07/1997 development project -30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416160 - Production of vaccines for livestock 44416160 -cï m¤•` †ivM cªwZ‡iv‡ai Rb¨ wUKv Drcv`b cÖKí disease prevention (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416170 - Upajala 44416170 -Dc‡Rjv cï m¤•` Dbœqb †K›`ª ¯’'vcb (2q ch©vq) 44416180 - Strengthening of livestock research 44416180 -cï m¤•` M‡elYv Kg©m–wP †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí programme (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 44416190 - Block allocation for livestock 44416190 -cï m¤•‡`i Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ 44416200 - Rangpur Zoo/Amusement park 44416200 -iscyi wPwoqvLvbv/we‡bv`b D`¨v‡bi mvwe©K Dbœqb cÖKí development project 44416210 - 44416210 -ewikv‡j miKvix †f‡Ubvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb 44416220 - Integrated Livestock Development Project 44416220 -(K) bvB¶sQwo‡Z eªvDb †e½j I cvnvox QvM‡ji Lvgvi in Hill Tracts. ¯’vcb cÖKí 44416222 - Enhancement and Expansion of Livestock 44416222 -(L) QvMj M‡elYv I Dbœqb †m›Uvi ¯’vcb cÖKí Services at Farmers’ Level (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) 44416310 - Establishment of Government veterinary 44416310 -ewikv‡j miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb college at Barisal (01/07/1997-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416311 - Poultry sector development project 44416311 -‡cvwëª †m±i †Wfjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) 44416312 - Livestock development project for small 44416312 -5wU `w¶YvÂjxq †Rjvq ¶z`ª K…lK‡`i Rb¨ Mevw`cï farmers in five shouthern districts Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416313 - Establishment of upazilla livestock 44416313 -Dc‡Rjv cï m¤•` Dbœqb †K›`ª (BD Gj wW wm) ¯’vcb development centre (TLDC) cÖKí (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416314 - Expansion of livestock services project 44416314 -cï m¤•` †mev m¤•ÖmviY 44416315 - Adaptation of Integrated Livestock and 44416315 -cï m¤•` Dbœqb Kvh©µg AvZœ-ms¯’v‡bi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª Poultry Rearing activities with climate change. 44416316 - Expansion of Artificial Insemination 44416316 -K…wÎg cÖRbb Kvh©µg m¤•ªmviY I å“Y n¯ZvšZi cÖhyw³ programme and Nutrition Improvement of ev¯Zevqb cÖKí (01/01/2002 - 31/12/2006) Livestock ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 44416320 - 44416320 -†K›`ªxq †Mv-cÖRbb I `y»Lvgvi - mvfvi, XvKvi AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416321 - Strengthening of livestock information 44416321 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Ae jvBf÷K Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g system (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) 44416322 - Development of Livestock for Small 44416322 -80wU wba©vwiZ Dc‡Rjvq ¶z`ª K…lK‡`i Rb¨ Mevw`cï Farmers at 80 Selected Upzilla Level Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (Revised) 44416330 - Small holder dairy farmers’ development 44416330 -cï m¤•` Awa`߇ii Kvh©µg Dbœqb I †Rvi`viKiY in milk pocket area. cÖKí 44416333 - ANIMAL 44416333 -2q Aswk`vwiZ¡g–jK cïm¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416334 - Establishment of Upazila Livestock 44416334 -Dc‡Rjv cïm¤` Dbœqb †K›`ª (BDGjwWwm) ¯’vcb (2q Development Centre (ULDC) Project ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416335 - Quality Control of Livestock Vaccine, 44416335 -cï cvwLi wUKv, Jla, cÖRbb mvgMªx I cï Lv‡`¨i gvb Medicine, Breeding Materials and Animal wbqš¿Y cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Feed Project Aby‡gvw`Z 44416336 - ANIMAL 44416336 -cï cywó Dbœqb I cÖhyw³ n¯@vš@i cÖKí (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416337 - Sylhet 44416337 -wm‡jU miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44416338 - Chittagong government 44416338 -PU«Mªvg miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416339 - 44416339 - 44416340 - Livestock and Poultry Management 44416340 -`vwi`ª we‡gvPb I QvMj Dbœqb cÖKí Improvement through Training and Mass (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z Communication. 44416341 - Training programme 44416341 -†U«wbs †cÖvMªvg di w` m¥j †¯‹j †WBwi †m±i (01/01/2004-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416342 - Modernization of Pig Farm along with 44416342 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b QvMj M‡elYv I Dbœqb cÖKí establishing Two Rearing Units. (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) 44416350 - Establishment of Support Services for 44416350 -miKvix Mevw`cï I nuvm-gyiMx Lvgvimg‡ni †givgZ I Dairy Product Marketing through Milk msi¶Y cÖKí| (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) processing Project. Abby‡gvw`Z 44416351 - Expansion of different Management 44416351 -wgU K‡gvwWwU WvBfviwmwd‡Kkb GÛ Avc‡MªwWs Ad wgU Techniques for improving the productivity cÖ‡mwms †UK‡bvjwRm Bb Gwkqv c¨vwmwdK of Goat, Sheep and Buffalo. (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416360 - Ideal Farm House Activities Project. 44416360 -2q Askx`vig–jK cïm¤•` Dbœqb cÖKí 44416361 - Institutional Development and 44416361 -cïm¤•` Awa`߇ii cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb I †Rvi`viKiY Strengthening of Department of Livestock cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Services Project (01/07/05 - 30/06/11) Approved 44416366 - 44416366 - 44416370 - Animal Nutrition Development and 44416370 -cï cvwLi wUKv, Ilya cÖRbb mvgMÖx I cï Lv‡`¨i Technology Transfer Project (2nd Phase) gvb-wbqš¿Y cÖKí (not approved) 44416380 - Need to inserted 44416380 -mgvR wfwËK evwYwR¨K Lvgv‡i †`kx †fovi Dbœqb I msi¶Y cÖKí (K‡¤•v‡b›U-G) 44416390 - Need to be Update 44416390 -mgvRwfwËK evwYwR¨K Lvgvi †`wk †fovi Dbœqb I msi¶Y cÖKí (Kg‡cv‡b›U-we) 1/7/06- 30/6/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416400 - Strengthening of Support Services for 44416400 -†÷«s‡`wbs Ae mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm di Kge¨vwUs GwfqvY Combating Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Bbd¬z‡qÄv (GBP.wc.G.AvB.) Bb evsjv‡`k (01/01/08 Bangladesh - 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 44416410 - Modernization of Vaccine Production 44416410 -wUKv Drcv`b cÖhyw³ AvaywbKvqb I M‡elYvMvi m¤•ÖmviY Technology and Extension of Laboratories (01/07/08 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z Project (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) 44416411 - Polytechnical Assistance for physibility 44416411 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di w` Study for the preparation of second wccv‡ikb Ae †m‡KÛ cvwU©wm‡cUix jvBfóK particepatory livestock development †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (1/10/02-28/2/03) Projects (1/1/2002-28/2/2003) 44416430 - Chittagong 44416430 -PÆMÖvg miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR Dbœqb 44416440 - Sylhet 44416440 -wm‡jU miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR Dbœqb 44416839 - 44416839 44416839 -44416839 44417031 - Assistance to the fisheries research 44417031 -G¨vwmm‡UÝ Uz w` wdmvixR wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU institute 44417037 - Development and Conservation of Local 44417037 -mgvR wfwËK I evwYwR¨K Lvgv‡ii gva¨‡g †`kx †fovi Sheep by Social and Commercial Farm Dbœqb I msi¶Y cÖKí 44417038 - Establishment of the Regional Duck 44417038 -n¨vPvixmn AvÂwjK nvum cÖRbb Lvgvi ¯’vcb cÖKí (3q Breeding Farm along with Hatchery (3rd ch©vq) (01/07/2010 †_‡K 30/06/2016) Phase)(01/07/2010 - 30/06/2016) 44417040 - Small Scale Dairy & Poultry Farmers’ 44417040 -22wU †Rjvq ¶z`ª `y» I †cvwëª Lvgvix‡`i Kvh©Ki Support Project in 22 Selected Districts mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/2010 †_‡K 30/06/2015) 44417042 - Scavenging (Deshi) Poultry Conservation 44417042 -‡`kx gyiwM msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010 - and Development Project (01/07/2010 - 30/06/2016) 30/06/2016) 44417043 - Establishment of National Institute of 44417043 -RvZxq cÖvwYm¤c` I †cvwëª e¨e¯’vcbv Bbw÷wUDU Ges Livestock and Poultry Management & †ivM AbymÜvb M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/2010 Disease Diagnostic Laboratory †_‡K 30/06/2016) Project(01/07/2010 - 30/06/2016)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44417044 - Poverty Reduction through Dairy Cattle 44417044 -`y»RvZ Mevw`cï cvjb I Mi“ †gvUvZvRvKi‡Yi gva¨‡g Rearing and Beef Fattening Project `vwi`ª n«vmKiY cÖKí (01/07/2010 †_‡K 30/06/2015) 44417045 - Modernization of Dhaka and Rangpur Zoo 44417045 -XvKv I iscyi wPwoqvLvbv AvaywbKxKib cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) (01/07/2011-30/06/2016) 44417046 - Establishment of Upazila Livestock 44417046 -Dc‡Rjv cÖvwYm¤c` Dbœqb †K›`ª ¯’vcb cÖKí (3q Development Centre (ULDC) Project (3rd ch©vq)|(01/07/2010-30/06/2016) Phase) (01/07/2010-30/06/2016) 44417047 - Foot and Mouth Disease Prevention and 44417047 -¶ziv‡ivM cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µg ev¯Zevqb cÖKí Control Project (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417048 - 44417048 -cïm¤c` Awa`߇ii Z_¨ †Kvl I gvbe m¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí 44417049 - Regional Fisheries and Livestock 44417049 -AvÂwjK grm¨ I cïm¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (†bvqvLvjx K‡ Development Project (Noakhali ¤cv‡b›U)(01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Component). 44417050 - Livestock Disease Prevention & Control 44417050 -cÖvwYm¤c` ‡ivM cÖwZ‡iva I wbqš¿Y cÖKí (01/07/2010 Project(01/07/2010 - 30/06/2015) - 30/06/2015) 44417051 - Modernization of Vaccine Production 44417051 -wUKv Drcv`b cÖhyw³ AvaywbKvqb I M‡elYvMvi m¤•ªmviY Technology and Extension of Laboratories cÖKí (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) (Abby‡gvw`Z) Project(01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Approved 44417052 - Small scale Dairy and Poultry Farmers 44417052 -¯§j †¯‹j †WBix GÛ †cvwëª dvg©vi&m mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡mm Bb Support Services in Twenty Two Selected Uyy‡qw›U Uy wm‡j‡±W wWw÷ª±m& (Abby‡gvw`Z) Districts (not approved) 44417053 - Buffalo Development Project (DLS 44417053 -gwnl Dbœqb cÖKí (K‡¤•v‡b›U G) (01/01/2010 - Component) 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 44417054 - Breed Upgradation Through Projeny Test 44417054 -eªxW Avc‡Mª‡Wkb †_ªv †cÖv‡Rbx †U÷ cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Project (2nd Phase) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013)(Aby‡gvw`Z) 44417056 - Artificial Insemination Activities Extension 44417056 -K…wÎg cÖRbb Kvh©µg m¤•ªmviY I å“Y ¯’vbvši cÖhyw³ ev¯ and Embryo Transfer Technique evqY cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Implementation Project (2nd Phase) 44417057 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone (SIDR) 44417057 -Bgvi‡RÝx 2007 mvB‡K¬vb (wm‡Wvi) wiKfvix GÛ †i‡ Recovery and Restoration Project ÷v‡ikb cÖ‡R± (01/08/2008 n‡Z 30/06/2013) 44417058 - National Agricultural Technology Project 44417058 -b¨vkbvj GwMªKvjPvivj †UK‡bvjRx cÖ‡R± (wWGjGm K‡ (DLS Component) ¤cv‡b›U) (01/07/2007 Bs n‡Z 30/06/2012 ch©š) 44417059 - E 44417059 -wS 44417060 - Animal Nutrition Development and 44417060 -cÖvwYcywó Dbœqb I cÖhyw³ n¯ZvšZi cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Technology Transfer Project (2nd Phase) (01/07/2010 †_‡K 30/06/2015) 44417061 - Integrated Fisheries and Livestock 44417061 -mgwš^Z grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010 Development Project †_‡K 30/06/2015) 44417070 - Artificial Insemination & Embryo Transfer 44417070 -K…xÎg cÖRbb Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY I å“Y ¯’vbvši cÖhyw³ ev¯ Technology Project (2nd Phase) evqb (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 44417071 - Animal Nutrition Development and 44417071 -cÖvwY cywó Dbœqb I cÖhyw³ n¯ZvšZi cÖKí (2q ch©vq) Technology Transfer Project (2nd Phase) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) 44417072 - Integrated Livestock Development Project 44417072 -e„nËi dwi`cyi †Rjvq mgwš^Z cÖvwYm¤c` Dbœqb cÖKí in greater Faridpur District (01/07/2010 - (01/07/2010-30/06/2016) 30/06/2016) 44417073 - Integrated Livestock Development Project 44417073 -cve©Z¨ PUªMÖvg A‡j mgwš^Z cÖvwYm¤ú` Dbœqb cÖKí In Chittagong Hill Tracts Area (01/07/2010-30/06/2016) (01/07/2010-30/06/2016) 44417074 - Establishment of Sirajgonj Govt. Veterinary 44417074 -wmivRMÄ miKvix †f‡Uwibvix K‡jR ¯’vcb cÖKí College Project (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417075 - Establishment of Siranjgonj Fisheries & 44417075 -wmivRMÄ grm¨ I cÖvwYm¤c` welqK cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb Livestock Training Center Project cÖKí (K‡¤cv‡b›U-G cÖvwYm¤c` Awa`ßi) (Component A DLS Part) (01/01/2011-30/06/2015) (01/01/2011-30/06/2015)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44417076 - Poverty Reduction of under prevelaged 44417076 -cÖvwYm¤ú` Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g †`‡ki AbMÖmi GjvKvi poor people in the backward areas of the myweaewÂZ `wi`ª Rb‡Mvwôi `vwi`ª¨Zv n«vmKiY cÖKí country through the development of (01/07/2010-30/06/2016) Livestock Project (01/07/2010-30/06/2016 44417077 - Employment Generation Poverty Reduction 44417077 -mgvRwfwËK Mi“ cvj‡bi gva¨‡g Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó I `vwi`ª through Community based Cattle Dearing we‡gvPb cÖKí(01/01/2011-30/06/2016) Project (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417078 - Goat Development and Extension Project 44417078 -QvMj Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY cÖKí (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417079 - Establishment of 43 Districts Artificial 44417079 -‡ZZvwj­kwU †Rjv K…wÎg cÖRbb †K›`ª Ges 3wU weªwWs † Insemination Centre & 3 Breeding Stations ókb ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) Project (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417080 - Establishment of Livestock Diploma 44417080 -cÖvwYm¤c` wW‡c­vgv BbwówUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí institute (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417081 - Producted Milk Precessing & Marketing 44417081 -cvebv wmivRMÄ A‡j K…lK ch©v‡q Drcvw`Z `y» Project at Farmer Level of Pabna & cÖwµqvKiY I evRviRvZ KiY cÖKí Sirajgonj Area (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417082 - Conservation and Improvement of Native 44417082 -mgvRwfwËK I evwYwR¨K Lvgv‡i †`kx †fov Dbœqb I sheep throug Community Farming and msi¶Y cÖKí (K‡¤cv‡b›U-we)(2qch©vq) Commercial Farming Project (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) (Component-B) (2nd Phase) (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417083 - Strenthening of Govt. Hatcheri Activities 44417083 -miKvix nu¨vPvixmg~‡ni Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Project (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) (01/01/2011-30/06/2016) 44417830 - Re-excavation of Connecting rivers 44417830 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM Development of Irrigation Facilities and b`x Lbb, †mP myweavw`i Dbœqb Ges grm¨ Pvl fish culture Project of Gazner Beel Area (cÖvwYm¤•` Awa`ßi Ask) (01/01/10 - 30/06/13) under Sujanagar Upozila in Pabna District Aby‡gvw`Z (DLS Component) 01/01/10 - 30/06/13) 4443 - Divisional Offices 4443 -wefvMxq Kvhv©jqmg–n 44430000 - Divisional Offices 44430000 -wefvMxq Kvhv©jqmg–n 4445 - District Offices 4445 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 44450000 - District Offices 44450000 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 4447 - Upazilla Offices 4447 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 44470000 - Upazilla offices 44470000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 4449 - Veterinary Education and Research 4449 -cÖvwY wPwKrmv wk¶v I M‡elYv 44490000 - Veterinary Education and Research 44490000 -cÖvwY wPwKrmv wk¶v I M‡elYv 44495480 - Poultry technology development project 44495480 -‡cvjwUª cÖhyw³ Dbœqb cÖKí 44495510 - Agriculture research and management 44495510 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcYv cÖKí (weGjAviAvB Ask) project (BLRI component ) 44496180 - Strengthening of livestock research 44496180 -cï m¤•` M‡elYv Kg©mPx †Rviv`viKiY programme 4451 - Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries 4451 -cÖvwY nvmcvZvj I wPwKrmv †K›`ªmg–n 44510000 - Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries 44510000 -cÖvwY nvmcvZvj I wPwKrmv †K›`ªmg–n 4453 - Government Dairy Farms 4453 -miKvwi `y» Lvgvimg–n 44530000 - Government Dairy Farms 44530000 -miKvwi `y» Lvgvimg–n 4455 - Government Poultry Farms 4455 -miKvwi nuvm gyiMxi Lvgvimg–n 44550000 - Government Poultry Farms 44550000 -miKvwi nuvm gyiMxi Lvgvimg–n 4457 - Zoological Survey of Bangladesh 4457 -cªvYx Rwic `ßi 44570000 - Zoological Survey of Bangladesh 44570000 -cªvwY Rwic `ßi 4459 - Zoos 4459 -wPwoqv Lvbv 44590001 - Dhaka Zoo 44590001 -XvKv wPwoqvLvbv 44590010 - Rangpur Zoo 44590010 -iscyi wPwoqvLvbv 4480-4485 - Special Programmes 4480-4485 -we‡kl Kg©mPxmgn 4480 - Special Programme 4480 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 44804629 - 44804629 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b QvMj Dbœqb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44804630 - 44804630 -miKvix Mevw` cï I nuvm gyiMxi Lvgvimg‡ni †givgZ I ms¯‹vi 44804631 - 44804631 -‡gwib wdkvixR GKv‡Wgx †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mPx 44804656 - 44804656 -cïm¤•` Dbœqb Kvh©µ‡g AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’v‡bi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª `ixKiY (2q ch©vq) Kg©mPx 44804670 - Establishment of Exibition Nursery Plots to 44804670 -‡`ke¨vcx †emiKvix `y» Lvgvix‡`i g‡a¨ Nvm Pv‡li Facilitate Countrywide Grass Cultivation myweav m„wói j‡¶¨ cÖ`k©bx bvm©vix c­U ¯’vcb Among Dairy Farmers 4496-4498 - Development Programme Financed by 4496-4498 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4496 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4496 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 44960000 - 44960000 - 44964300 - Human Development in Fisheries Sector 44964300 -grm¨ †m±‡ii gvbe m¤c` Dbœqb Kg©m~Px (Abbyt) (Unapproved)( 01/07/2013 -30/06/2017) (01/07/2013 n‡Z 30/06/2017) 44964301 - Strengthening of ICT Sector in Department 44964301 -grm¨ Awa`߇ii AvBwmwU †m±i †Rvi`viKiY Kg©m~Px of Fisheries (Unapproved)( 01/07/2013 (Abbyt) (01/07/2013 n‡Z 30/06/2017) -30/06/2017) 44964302 - Beef Breed Development Program in 44964302 -exd weªW †W‡fjc‡g›U ‡cÖvMÖvg Bb evsjv‡`k (2q ch©vq) Bangladesh (2nd Phase) 44964303 - DLS 44964303 -cÖvwYm¤c` Awa`ßivaxb Z_¨ cÖhyw³ †Rvi`viKiY Kg©m~Px 44964304 - A I Insemination program of DLS 44964304 -K…wÎg cÖRbb Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY Kg©m~Px 44964305 - Supply of Poultry & Dairy Feed of Aila 44964305 -mvZ¶xiv †Rjvi AšZM©Z AvBjv Dc`ªyZ Avkvïbx Infected Area Asasuni Upazila Satkhira Dc‡Rjv cÖvwšZK Pvlx‡`i cï Lv`¨ mieivn Kg©m~Px District 44964306 - O T I Savar, Dhaka 44964306 -cÖvwYm¤c` Awa`ßivaxb IwUAvB mvfvi, XvKvi cÖvwZôvwbK †Rvi`viKiY Kg©m~Px 44964307 - Establishment of teh Power Generation 44964307 -miKvix `y» I Mevw` Dbœqb Lvgvi, ivRkvnx Gi Rb¨ Bio-gas plant at Rajshahi dairy ev‡qvM¨vm cv›U ¯’vcb Kg©m~Px farm,Rajshahi 44964308 - Spray Activities for Dairy and Poultry 44964308 -Mevw`cï I nuvm gyiMxi †ivM cÖwZ‡iv‡a †¯cÖ Kvh©µg Disease Prevention Projcect (2nd phase) Kg©m~Px (2q ch©vq) 44964309 - Procurement of Wild Animals and Birds for 44964309 -XvKv wPwoqvLvbvi Rb¨ eb¨ cÖvwY I cvwL µq Dhaka Zoo 44964310 - Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Firm 44964310 -‡K›`ªxq ‡Mv-cÖRbb I `y» Lvgvi Gi †givgZ I ms¯‹vi Repair and Renovation Program 44964311 - Beef Breed Development Programme in 44964311 -wed weªW †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMªvg Bb evsjv‡`k (2q ch©vq) Bangladesh (2nd Phase) 44964312 - Strengthing of Information Technology 44964312 -Z_¨ cÖhyw³ †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mwP Programme 44964313 - Livestock Services Through Mobile SMS 44964313 -†gvevBj Gm,Gg,Gm mvwf©‡mi gva¨‡g cªvwYm¤c` Awa`߇ii †mev cª`vb Kg©mPx 44964314 - Fodder Cultivation Program in Selective 44964314 -wbe©vwPZ Dc‡Rjv cªvwYm¤c` `߇ii wbR¯¦ Rwg‡Z Ges Upazilla Livestock Complex and Roadside nvIo GjvKvq iv¯vi `yÕcv‡k DbœZ Rv‡Zi Nvm Pvl of Haor Areas. Kg©mPx 44964315 - Transformation Program of Faridpur Cattle 44964315 -dwi`cyi miKvix `y» I Mevw`RvZ Dbœqb Lvgvi‡K Mevw` Development Farm to Cattle Development Dbœqb I cªRbb Lvgv‡i iƒcvšiKiY Kg©mPx and Breeding Centre. 44964316 - On Going Activities Strengthening Program 44964316 -miKvix `y» Lvgvi mg‡ni Pjgvb Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY for Government Dairy Farms. Kg©mPx 44964317 - OIE Supplied Rabbies Vaccination 44964317 -XvKv wefv‡Mi 12 wU †Rjvq IAvBB KZ…©K mieivnK…Z Program in 12 Districts of Dhaka Division. RjvZsK wUKv cª‡qvM ev¯evqb Kg©mPx 44964318 - Reconstruction and Repair Program of 44964318 -e­¨vK †e½j †MvU weªwWs †m›Uvi-G iƒcvš‡ii Rb¨ miKvix Govt. Goat Development Sub-centre, QvMj Dbœqb Dc‡K›`ª, wSbvB`n Gi ms¯‹vi I †givgZ Jhinaidaha to transform Black Bengal Goat Kg©mPx Breeding Centre. 44964319 - Institutional Strengthening Program of OTI, 44964319 -I,wU,AvB, mvfvi, XvKvi cªvwZôvwbK †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mPx Savar, Dhaka.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44964320 - Disease control and Compensation 44964320 -Gwfqvb Bbd¬y‡qÄv †ivM wbqšY I ¶wZMª¯ †cvwëª Program for Avian Influenza Affected Lvgvix‡`i ¶wZcyiY cÖ`vb Poultry Farm 44964322 - Construction of Boundary Wall and 44964322 -XvKv wPwoqvLvbvi mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY I cïcvwL µq purchase of animals and Birds for Dhaka Kg©m–wP Zoo 44964629 - Poverty Alleviation Through Goat 44964629 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b QvMj Dbœqb (2003-04 n‡Z Development (2003-04 to 2007-08) 2007-08) 44964631 - Strengthening of Marine Fisheries 44964631 -‡gwib wdkvixR GKv‡Wwg †Rvi`viKiY (2003-04 n‡Z Academy (2003-04 to 2005-06) 2005-06) 44964656 - Generation of Self-employment Through 44964656 -cïm¤•` Dbœqb Kvh©µ‡g AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’v‡bi gva¨‡g Livestock Development Activities for `vwi`ª `ixKiY (2q ch©vq) (2003-04 n‡Z 2004-05) Poverty Alleviation (2003-04 to 2004-05) 44964670 - Establishment of Exibition Nursery Plots to 44964670 -‡`ke¨vcx †emiKvix `y» Lvgvix‡`i g‡a¨ Nvm Pv‡li Facilitate Countrywide Grass Cultivation myweav m„wói j‡¶¨ cÖ`k©bx bvm©vix c­U ¯’vcb (2003-04 Among Dairy Farmers (2003-04 to n‡Z 2004-05) 2004-05) 44964679 - Development and Testing of Livestock 44964679 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b cï m¤•` cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I cix¶Y Technology for Employment and Poverty (2003-04 n‡Z 2007-08) Alleviation (2003-04 to 2007-08) 44964686 - Production Enhancement of the Govt. 44964686 -miKvwi Mevw` cï I nvm-gyiMxi Lvgvimg–‡ni Drcv`b Cattle and Poverty Farms †Rvi`viKiY 44964687 - Strengthening of Production of the Govt. 44964687 -miKvwi Mevw` cï I nuvm gyiMxi Lvgvimg–‡ni Drcv`b Cattle and Poultry Farms (2004-05 to †Rvi`viKiY (2004-05 n‡Z 2007-08) 2007-08) 44964699 - Special Assistance Programme for the 44964699 -grm¨ I cï m¤•` Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡b we‡kl mnvqZv Kg©mPx Development of Fisheries and Livestock Sector 44964710 - Upazila Aquaculture Extension 44964710 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl m¤•ªmviY Kg©mPx (2q ch©vq) Programme (2004-05 to 2005-06) (2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06) 44964719 - Flood Rehabilitation Programme 44964719 -eb¨v cybe©vmb Kg©mPx (2004-05) (2004-05) 44964731 - Rehabilitation Programme for Jatka 44964731 -RvUKv AvniYKvix grm¨Rxex‡`i Rb¨ cybe©vmb Kg©m~wP Fishermen (2004-05 to 2006-07) (2004-05 n‡Z 2006-07) 44964737 - Ensuring Food Security and Poverty 44964737 -`vwi`ª KewjZ GjvKvi `wi`ª Rb‡Mvôxi Lv`¨ wbivcËv Eradication in Monga Affected Area wbwkPZKiY Ges `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©m~Px 44964738 - Avian Influenza Prevention Programme 44964738 -Gwfqvb Bbd¬y‡qÄv cÖwZ‡iva Kg©mPx 44964740 - Establishment of teh Modern Milk 44964740 -‡K›`ªxq †Mv-cÖRYb I `y» Lvgvi mvfvi, XvKvq AvaywbK Processing and POwer Generation `y» cÖ‡mwms I we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ ev‡qvM¨vm cÐv›U Bio-gas plant at central attle breeding and ¯’vcb dairy farm,Savar,Dhaka 44964741 - Present infratructure and research 44964741 -evsjv‡`k grm¨ M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui cvBKMvQv¯’ development of Paikgacha's †jvbvcvwb †K‡›`ªi we`¨gvb AeKvVv‡gv I M‡elYv Dbœqb Brackishwater Station of Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute 44964742 - 44964742 -cïm¤c` Awa`߇ii Aaxb¯ RivRxY© cyivZb febmgn †givgZ Kg©mPx 44964743 - 44964743 -ev‡MinvU gwnl Lvgvi AvaywbKxKiY I †WBix Lvgvi Dbqb Kg©mPx 44964744 - 44964744 -cïm¤•` ‡U«wbs BbwówUDU MvBevÜvq cïm¤•` welqK 1 ermi †gqv`x D›gyI“ cªwk¶Y Kg©mPx 44964745 - 44964745 -Gwfqvb Bbd¬z‡qÄv cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í wbabK…Z †cvwëªi ¶wZcyiY 44964746 - 44964746 -XvKv wPwoqvLvbv AvaywbKxKiY Kg©mPx 44964747 - 44964747 -`vwi`ª wcoxZ 12wU †Rjvq QvMj wewbg‡qi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kg©mPx 44964748 - 44964748 -fwel¨‡Z Avm‡Z cv‡i Ggb Kg©mPx 44964749 - upazila aquaculture extension project(3rd 44964749 - phage) 44964750 - implementation of fish act 44964750 -

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44964751 - aquaculture extenshion programme in 44964751 - case/pen 44964752 - jatkha protection programme 44964752 - 44964753 - infrustructure renovation programme farm 44964753 - 44964792 - poverty area 44964792 -ÔÔ`vwi`ª KewjZ GjvKvq `wi`ª Rb‡Mvôxi Lv`¨ wbivcËv wbwðZKiY Ges `vwi`ª we‡gvPbÕÕ 44964810 - Upazila Fisheries 44964810 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q grm¨Pvl m¤•ªmviY Kg©m–wP (3q ch©vq) 44964811 - 44964811 -‡gwib wdmvixR GKv‡Wgx †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mPx (2q ch©vq) 44964814 - Rehabilitation/ Alternative Employment of 44964814 -RvUKv AvniY grmRxwe‡`i cybe©vmb / weKí Kg©ms¯’vb Jatka Fishermen Kg©m–wP 44964816 - 44964816 - 44964821 - Avian 44964821 -Gwfqvb Bbd¬y‡qÄv cªwZ‡ivaK‡í wbabK…Z gyiMxi ¶wZc– iY cÖ`vb 44964822 - Implementation of fish act programme 44964822 -grm¨ msi¶Y AvBb 44964823 - Stublishment Fish Sentuary and Extension 44964823 -‡`‡k ¯’vwcZ Afqvkªg msi¶Y I m¤úÖmviY Kg©m~Px 44964824 - Conservation and Management 44964824 -wm‡jU wefv‡Mi nvIo-c­veb fywg‡Z grm¨ msi¶Y I Programme for Sylhet Area Haor and e¨e¯’vcbv Kg©m~Px Floodplain 44964825 - Fisheries Dev. programme for Manikganj 44964825 -gvwbKMÄ ‡Rjv grm¨ Dbœqb Kg©m~Px District 44964852 - Beef breed development programme in 44964852 -exd eªxW †W‡fjc‡g›U ‡cÖvMÖvg Bb evsjv‡`k (1g Bangladesh ch©vq) (2008-09 n‡Z 2010-11) 44964853 - Poverty Alleviation Through Goat 44964853 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b QvMj Dbœhb Kg©mPx (2h ch©vh) Development (2nd phase) 44964854 - Strengthening of Production of the Govt. 44964854 -miKvix Mevw`cï I nuvmgyiMxi Drcv`b †Rvi`viKiY Cattle and Poultry Farms (2nd phase) Kg©mPx (2h ch©vh) 44964855 - 44964855 -cﯦv¯n¨ †mev mcªmviY I †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mPx 44964856 - 44964856 -ev‡MinvU gwnl Lvgvi AvaywbKxKiY I †WBix Lvgvi Dbœhb cªKí 44964857 - 44964857 -XvKv wPwWhvLvbv AvaywbKxKiY Kg©mPx 44964858 - 44964858 -¶z`ª cwim‡i `y» wkí mswkó Lvgvix‡`i cªwk¶Y Kg©mPx 44964859 - 44964859 -‡WBix Lvgvi Dbœh‡b Bb‡mbwUf mnvhZv Kg©mPx 44964860 - 44964860 -RvgvjMÄ I e¸Wv miKvix nuvm gyiMx Lvgv‡i n¨vPvix ¯nvcb Kg©mPx 44964861 - 44964861 -Gwfhvb Bbd¬z‡hÄv cªwZ‡iva Kg©mPx (2h ch©vh) 44964870 - 44964870 - 44964883 - 44964883 -cïm¤•` Awa`ßivaxb cyyivZb/RivRxY© feb ms¯‹vi I ‡givgZ(2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) 44964885 - Farmer 44964885 -NywY©So AvBjvq ¶wZMª¯’ GjvKvq K…lK‡`i mnvqZvq AMªvwaKvi wfwËK ¯^í‡gqvw` cïm¤•` cybe©vmb Kg©m–wP(2009-10 ) 44964886 - Rehabatation Programm for Fish Farmer & 44964886 -N–wY©So AvBjvq ¶wZMª¯’ DcK‚jxq grm¨ Pvlx I Fishermen in the Cyclone Aila Affected grm¨Rxwe‡`i cybe©vmb Kg©m–wP (2009-10 n‡Z Area (2009-10 to 2011-12) 2010-11) 44964887 - Strenghthening of Fisheries & Livestock 44964887 -grm¨ I cïm¤•` Z_¨ †mev †Rvi`viKiY Kg©m–wP Information Service Program (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 44964888 - Spray Activities for Dairy and Poultry 44964888 -Mevw`cï I nuvmgyiMxi †ivM cÖwZ‡iv†a †¯•Ö Kvh©µg Disease Prevention Projcect (2009-10 to Kg©m–wP (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 2011-12) 44964889 - Aquaculture & Management Programm in 44964889 -nvIo A‡j grm¨ Pvl I e¨e¯’vcbv kxl©K Kg©m–wP Howr Area (2009-10 to 2011-12) (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 44964890 - A 44964890 -Mevw` cï I nuvm-gyiMx cvjb wel‡q BDwbqb ch©v‡q cÖwk¶Y Kg©m–wP (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) 44964896 - 44964896 - 44964956 - Development & Restotation programme of 44964956 -NywY©So AvBjvq ¶wZMª¯’ †jvbvcvwb †K‡›`ªi we`¨gvb the Infrastructure of the "LonaPani AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I we‡kl †givgZ kxl©K Kg©m–wP Kendro"-Due to Cyclone Aila. (2009-10 nB‡Z 2010-11)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 44964973 - Enhance the Animal Health Capacity at 44964973 -XvKv wPwoqvLvbvi cï-cvwLi ¯^v¯’¨ †mev e„w×i Rb¨ Dhaka Zoo Program (2009-10 to 2010-11) wPwKrmv e¨e¯’v †Rvi`viKiY (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) 44964974 - Strengthening of Government Poultry Farm 44964974 -miKvwi Mevw` cªvwY nuvm-gyiMx Lvgvimg–‡ni Drcv`b Production Program (2nd Phase) (2009-10 †Rvi`viKiY (2q ch©vq) (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) to 2010-11) 44964975 - Socio-economic Development of Farmer in 44964975 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi K…lvY K…lvYx‡`i Av_©mvgvwRK Dbœqb Gopalgonj District through Livestoc (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) Program (2009-10 to 2011-12) 44964976 - Establishment of Dairy Processing Plant at 44964976 -‡K›`ªxq †Mv cÖRbb I `y» Lvgvi, mvfvi, XvKvq AvaywbK Central Dairy Farm, Savar, Dhaka. ‡WBix cÖ‡mwms c­v›U ¯’vcb Kg©myPx 44964977 - 44964977 -cÖvwYm¤c` Awa`ßivaxb †K›`ªxq †Mv cÖRbb I `y» Lvgvi Ges Kzwgj­v †Rjv K…wÎg cÖRbb †K‡›`ªi †givgZ I ms¯‹vi Kg©m~Px 44964978 - 44964978 -„ewikvj wefv‡M RjvZsK †ivM wbqš¿Y kxl©K Kg©m~Px 44964979 - 44964979 -mvZ¶xiv †Rjvi AšZM©Z AvBj Dc`ª“Z Avkvïwb Dc‡Rjvi cÖvwšZK Pvlx‡`i cïLv`¨ mieivn Kg©m~Px 44964980 - 44964980 -cÖvwYm¤c` Awa`ßi, evsjv‡`k, XvKv Gi Aaxb cÖvwYm¤c` A_©bxwZ kvLv I cwiKíbv I g~j¨vqb †Kv‡li Kg©KZ©v‡`i cÖKí cÖYqb msµvšZ cÖwk¶Y cÖ`vb Kg©m~Px 44964981 - a 44964981 -cªªvwYm¤c` Awa`ßivaxb †K›`ªªxq †Mv-cªªRbb I `y» Lvgvi Ges Kzzwgj­­v †Rjv K……wÎg cªªRbb †K‡›`ªªi ‡givgZ I ms¯‹vi Kg©mPx 44964982 - b 44964982 -ewikvj wefv‡M RjvZsK †ivM wbqšY kxl©K Kg©mPx 44964983 - c 44964983 -cªªvwYm¤c` Awa`ßi, evsjv‡`k, XvKv Gi Aaxb cªªvwYm¤c` A_©bxwZ kvLv I cwiKíbv I gj¨vqb †Kv‡li Kg©KZ©v‡`i cªªKí cªªbqb msµvš cªªwk¶Y cªª`vb Kg©mPx 44964984 - d 44964984 -dwi`cyi `y» I Mevw` Dbœœqb Lvgvi‡K AvaywbKxKiY Kg©mPx 44964985 - e 44964985 -Z_¨ cªªhyw³ †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mPx 44964986 - f 44964986 -XvKv wPwoqvLvbvi Rb¨ eb¨ cªªvwY I cvwL µq Kg©mPx 44964987 - g 44964987 -K……wÎg cªªRbb Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY Kg©mPx 44964988 - Development and Testing of Livestock 44964988 -`vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b cÖvwY m¤c` cÖhyw³ D™¢veb I cixY Technology for Employment and Poverty (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Alleviation (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) 4499-4499 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 4499-4499 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 4499 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 4499 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 44990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 44990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 45 - Ministry of Environment and Forest 45 - cwi‡ek I eb gš¿Yvjq 4501-4520 - Administration 4501-4520 -cªkvmb 4501 - Secretariat 4501 -mwPevjq 45010000 - 45010000 45010000 -45010000 45010001 - Secretariat 45010001 -mwPevjq 45010002 - Risk Management Fund on Climate 45010002 -Rjevqy cwieZ©bRwbZ SuywK e¨e¯’vcbv Znwej Change 45014212 - 45014212 -KwgDwbwU eBRW& mvm!UB!bej g¨v!Rb!g›U Ae Uvs¸qvi nvIi (01/12/06 - 30/08/08) Aby!gvw`Z 45014670 - Establishment of Exibition Nursery Plots to 45014670 -‡`ke¨vcx †emiKvix `y» Lvgvix‡`i g‡a¨ Nvm Pv‡li Facilitate Countrywide Grass Cs myweav m„wói¯bb 45015010 - Secretariat For Bangladesh Climate 45015010 -†m‡µUvwi‡qU di evsjv‡`k K¬vB‡gU †PÄ †iwRwj‡q›m Change Resilience Fund Project dvÛ (01/07/2013 n‡Z 31/03/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 45015011 - 45015011 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW mvm‡U‡bej g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae UvsMo nvIo| 45015012 - Strengthening the Environment, Forestry 45015012 -‡÷«b‡`wbs w` Gbfvqib‡g›U, d‡iw÷« GÛ K¬vB‡gU †PÄ and Climate Change Capacities of the K¨vcvwmwUR Ae w` wgwbw÷« Ae Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ BUm Ministry of Environment and Forests and G‡Rw›mR (30/10/2013-30/10/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z its Agencies (30/10/2013-30/10/2016)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45015020 - Supporting Implementation of Bangladesh 45015020 -mv‡cvwU©s Bgwc­†g‡›Ukb Ae w` evsjv‡`k K¬vB‡gU †PÄ Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan ÷ª¨v‡UwR GÛ G¨vKkb cШvb (wewmwmGmGwc) (01/07/09 (BCCSAP) - 30/06/11) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 45015030 - Community Based Sustainable 45015030 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW mvm‡UB‡bej g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae Uv½yqvi Management of Tanguar Haor Project nvIi cÖ‡R± (2q chv©q) Phase-ii (01/04/2010-30/4/2012) 45015040 - Block Allocation for unapproved Project. 45015040 -dfd 45015070 - Climate Change Capacity Building and 45015070 -K¬vB‡gU †PÄ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GÛ b‡jR g¨v‡bR‡g›U Knowledge Management (01/01/2012-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2012-30/06/2013) Approved. 45015210 - Intensive afforestation project-Barendra 45015210 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨ AvbqbK‡í ebvqb Multipurpose Development Authority cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45015211 - Capacity 45015211 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GÛ wi‡mvm© gvwejvB‡Rkb di mvm‡UB‡bej g¨v‡bR‡g›U (B‡Kv wm‡÷g g¨v‡bR‡g›U) Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 45015212 - Community 45015212 -KwgDwbwU eBRW& mvm‡UB‡bej g¨v‡bRb‡g›U Ae Uvs¸qvi nvIi (01/12/06 - 30/08/08) Aby!gvw`Z 45015371 - National conservation strategy 45015371 -b¨vkbvj KbRvi‡fkb ÷«¨v‡UwR ev¯evqb Kg©mPx-1 implementation programme-1 (01/07/94 - 30/06/2001) 45015441 - Bangladesh environment project 45015441 -evsjv‡`k cwi‡ek cÖKí (preparatory level) 45016251 - 45016251 -digy‡jkb Ae w` evsjv†`k ‡cÖvMvg Ae G¨vKkb di GWvc‡Ukb Uy K¬vB‡gU †PÄ (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45017221 - Sustainable environment management 45017221 -mvm‡UBb¨vej Gbfvqib‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg programme (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/98 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 45017230 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 45017230 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 45017231 - National Conservation Stratage Eridging 45017231 -b¨vkbvj KbRvi‡fkb †óª‡UwR weªwRs †dR phase (1/01/2001-31/10/2002) (1/1/02-31/10/02) 45017240 - Clean Air Sustainable Environment(CASE) 45017240 -wbg©j evqy I †UKmB cwi‡ek (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 45017241 - 45017241 -digy‡jkb Ae w` evsjv‡`k †cÖvMªvg Ae G¨vKkb di GWvc‡Ukb Uy K¬vB‡gU †PÄ (01/07/2003-31/12/2004) (Abyt) 45017250 - Strengthening the Environment,Forestry 45017250 -GbmvB‡K¬vwcwWqv Ae †d¬viv GÛ dbv Ae evsjv†`k and Climate Change Capacities of the (01/01/2004-01/01/2009) Abbyt Ministry of Environment and Forests and its Agencies 45017251 - Community Based Tangoar Hoar 45017251 -KwgDwbwU †emW Uvs¸qvi nvIi g¨v‡bRg¨v›U Management Projcet 45017252 - Capacity Building & Resource Mobilization 45017252 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GÛ wi‡m©vm †gvwejvB‡Rkb di for sustainable land management in mvm‡UB‡bej j¨vÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U (B‡Kv wm‡÷g Bangladesh. g¨v‡bR‡g›U) Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45017253 - Sustainable Environment Governce 45017253 -mvm‡UB‡bej Gbfvib‡g›U Mf‡b©Ý program 45017254 - Conservation of Bio Diversity & 45017254 -‡m›UgvwU©b Øx‡ci Rxe ˆewPÎ msi¶Y I †gwib cvK© Eastablishment of marine park & Eco cÖwZôv I B‡Kv-UzwiRg Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) tourism Development in Saint Martin Island (2nd phase) 45017256 - Environment balanve restoration through 45017256 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨ AvbqbK‡í ebvqi afforestation project cÖKí 45017350 - National Capasity self assesment for 45017350 -b¨vkbvj K¨vcvwmwU †mjd G‡mm‡g›U di †Mvevj Global Environment GbfvBib‡g›U 45017351 - Community based sustainable 45017351 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW mvm‡UBb¨vej g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ad management of Tanguar Haor Uvs¸qvi nvIo 45017352 - NAPA (Phase-2) 45017352 - 45017353 - Community Board Sustainable 45017353 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW mvm‡UB‡bej g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae Uv½yqvi Management of Tanguor Haor (01/10/08 - nvIo (weªwRs †dR) (01/10/08 - 30/06/09) 30/06/09) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45017354 - 45017354 -†m›UgvwU©b Øx‡ci Rxe ˆewPÎ msi¶Y I †gwib cvK© cÖwZôv I B‡Kv-Uz¨wiRg Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) (Rvbyqvix/08 n‡Z Ryb/2013) 45017355 - Formulation of the Bangladesh 45017355 -digy‡jkb Ae w` evsjv‡`k †cÖvMªvg Ae GKkb di Programme of Action for Adaptation to GWvc‡Ukb Uy K¬vB‡gU †PÄ (bvcv) (†dR-2) Climate Change (NAPA) (Phase-2) (01/08/2008-31/03/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 45017356 - 45017356 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW mvm‡UB‡bej g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae Uv½yqvi nvIo (2q ch©vq) (01/05/2009 - 30/04/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 45017357 - 45017357 -mv‡c©vwUs Bgw¤ú‡g›U‡Ukb Ae w` evsjv‡`k K¬vB‡gU †PÄ ÷ªv‡URx GÛ GKkb c­vb (wewmwmGmGwc) 45017358 - Clean air & Sustainable Environment 45017358 -wbg©j evqy †UKmB cwi‡ek (XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi (DCC Component) Ask) (01/07/09-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 45017359 - Clean air & sustainable Environment 45017359 -wbg©j evqy †UKmB cwi‡ek (XvKv hvbevnb mgš^q †evW© (DTCB Component) Ask) (01/07/09-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 4505 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4505 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 45052777 - Bangladesh Forest Industries 45052777 -evsjv‡`k eb wkí Dbœqb K‡c©v‡ikb Development Corporation 45053271 - Forest Industries Development 45053271 -evsjv‡`k eb wkí Dbœqb K‡cv©‡ikb Corporation 45054701 - 45054701 -GbmvB‡K¬vwcwWqv Ae †d¬viv GÛ dbv Ae evsjv‡`k 45057010 - Forest resource management project 45057010 -d‡i÷ wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U cª‡R± (Bbw÷wUDU Ae (Institute of Forestry component) d‡iw÷« Ask) (01/07/1992-31/12/2001) 45057110 - Second rubber development project 45057110 -wØZxq ivevi Dbœqb cªKí 45057120 - Rehabiliation of expanded rubber 45057120 -m¤•ªªmvwiZ ivevi Pvl I cªwµqvRvZKiY cybe©vmb cªKí plantation and processing 45057150 - Fisheries development and production 45057150 -KvßvB †j‡K grm¨ Dbœqb I Drcv`b e„w×KiY cÖKí increase project at Kaptai lake 45057210 - Rehabilitation and preservation of existing 45057210 -we`¨gvb ivevi evMv‡bi msi¶Y, cybev©mb I ivevi Pvl rubber plantations and expansion of m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí (01/07/99 - 30/06/2003) rubber plantations 45057220 - 45057220 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di G÷vewjwks DW †eBRW †¯•vU©m ¸Wm g¨vbyd¨vKPvwis BÛvw÷ªR (01/07/2001-30/09/2002) 45057230 - 45057230 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨ AvbqbK‡í eivqb (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Abbyt 45057920 - Intensive Afforestation Project 45057920 -wbweo ebvqb cÖKí 4506 - International Organisations 4506 -Avš@R©vwZK cÖwZôvbmg–n 45064341 - South-Asia Co-operation Enviornment 45064341 -mvD_ Gwkqv †Kv-Acv‡iwUf GbfvBiY†g›U †cªvMÖvg Programme 45064342 - Male Declaration on Control and 45064342 -gvwj wWK¬v‡ikb Ab K‡›U«vj GÛ wcÖ‡fbkb Ad Gqvi Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely cjykb GÛ BUm jvBKwj Uvª›mevDÛvix B‡d±m di mvD_ Transboundary Effects for South Asia Gwkqv 45064343 - Intern. Union for Preservation of Natural 45064343 -cªK…wZ I cÖvK…wZK m¤•` msi¶Y m¤•Kx©q AvšR©vwZK Resource BDwbqb 45064344 - Trust Fund for the Basel on the Control of 45064344 -U«vó dvÛ di `¨v †e‡mj Ab `¨v K‡›U«vj Ae U«v›mfvÛvix Transboundry Movements of Hazardous gyf‡g›U Ae nvRvi‡`vQ I‡qó GÛ wWm‡cvmvj Ae `¨v Wastes and Their Disposal of the United BDbvB‡UW b¨vk›m BbfvBibg¨v›U †cÖvMªvg (BDGbBwc) Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 45064345 - CITES 45064345 -wm AvB wU B Gm (wmwUR) 45064347 - RAMSAR 45064347 -ivgmvi Kb‡fbkb (AviGGgGmGAvi) 45064348 - Trust Fund for Convention of Biological 45064348 -Kb‡fbkb Ae ev‡qvjwRK¨vj WvBfviwmwUÕi U«v÷ dvÛ Diversity 45064349 - SASAP 45064349 -`w¶Y Gkxq mgy`ª ev¯evqb Kvh©µg 45064350 - Global Tiger Forum 45064350 -‡M­vevj UvBMvi †dvivg 45064351 - UNCCD 45064351 -BD Gb wm wm wW 45064352 - International Union for Conservation of 45064352 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj BDwbqb di KbRvi‡fkb Ae b¨vPvi Nature (IUCN). (AvBBDwmGb)|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45064353 - Convention on the Conservation of 45064353 -Kb‡fbkb Ab w` KbRvi‡fkb gvB‡MªUwi w¯•‡mm Ae Migratory species of wild Animals (C.M.S) IqvBì G¨vwb‡gj (wm.Gg.Gm) 45064354 - International Network for Bamboo and 45064354 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj †bUIqvK© di e¨v‡¤¦v G¨vÛ i¨vUvb Rattan (INBAR) 45064355 - 45064355 -ebR m¤•‡`I Dbœqb I e¨e¯’vcbvK‡í mvgvwRK ebvqb 45064356 - United Nations Framework Convention on 45064356 -BDbvB‡UW b¨vk›m †d«gIqvK© Ab K¬vB‡gU †PÂ| Climate Change 45064357 - General Trust Fund for the Stockholm 45064357 -†Rbv‡ij U«v÷ dvÛ di w` ÷K‡nvg Kb‡fbkb Ab Convention on the Persistant Organic cviwmm&U¨v›U AM©vwbK cjyU¨v›Um (cc&m) Plooutants its Subsidiary Bodies and the Convention Secretariat (SC) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (Fund 9400 BGD). 45064358 - South Asian Seas Programme (SASP) 45064358 -mvD_ Gwkqv wm †cÖvMÖvg (GmGGmwc) 45064506 - Male Declaration on Control and 45064506 - !gBi Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia 4531-4540 - Forestry 4531-4540 -eb wefvM 4531 - Department of Forests 4531 -eb Awa`ßi 45310000 - Department of Forest 45310000 -eb Awa`ßi 45310001 - Headquarters 45310001 -m`i `ßi 45310005 - Conservancy and Works 45310005 -msi¶Y I cZ© Kvh© 45315010 - Afforestation and nursery development 45315010 -Dc‡Rjv ebvqb I bvm©vix Dbœqb cªKí project at upazilla level 45315011 - Development and Extension of 45315011 -e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK©, K·evRvi Gi Dbœqb I Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, m¤cÖmviY Cox's Bazar 45315012 - Project for Controlling Desertification in the 45315012 -evsjv‡`‡ki DËiv‡ji gi“gqZv †iva cÖKí Northern Region of Bangladesh 45315013 - Sustainable Development and Biodiversity 45315013 -mvm‡UB‡bej †W‡fjc‡g›U G¨vÛ ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU Conservation in Coastal (Protection) KbRvi‡fkb Bb †Kv÷vj (‡cÖv‡Ukkb) d‡i÷, Forest, Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 45315014 - Bangobandu Shek Mujib Safary park, 45315014 -e½eÜy †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK©, K·evRvi Gi Dbœqb I Coxsbazar m¤•ªmviY cÖKí 45315015 - Eco-Restoration of the Northern Region of 45315015 -?????????? ???????????? ???-?????????? Bangladesh 45315016 - Bangladesh Climate Resilient 45315016 -evsjv‡`k K¬vB‡gU †iwRwj‡q›U cvwU©wm‡cUix G¨vd‡i‡ Participatory Afforestation and ÷kb GÛ wid‡im‡Ukb (01/07/2012-31/12/2016) Reforestation (CRPAR) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315017 - Sustainable Development & Biodiversity 45315017 -DcKyjxq eb GjvKvq †UKmB Dbœqb I Rxe‰ewPΨ Conservation in Coastal (Protection) msi¶Y kxl©K KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/2012 Forest (SDBC)- Sundarbans) n‡Z 30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315018 - Management of Natural Resources and 45315018 -g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae b¨vPvivj wi‡mv‡m©m G¨vÛ KwgDwbwU Community Forestry (MNRCF-Chunati) d‡iw÷ª (GgGbAviwmGd-PzbwZ) 45315019 - Management of Natural Resources and 45315019 -g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae b¨vPvivj wi‡mv‡m©m G¨vÛ KwgDwbwU Community Forestry (MNRCF-Chunati) d‡iw÷ª (GgGbAviwmGd-PzbwZ) 45315020 - Forest 45315020 -m¤cÖmvwiZ d‡i÷ wi‡mvP© g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖKí (eb Awa`ßi AsM) (01/01/2002-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315021 - Managrment of Natural Resources and 45315021 -g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae b¨vPvivj wi‡mv‡m©m GÛ KwgDwbwU d‡iwó« Community Forestry (MNRCF-Chunati) (GgGbAviwmGd-PybwZ) cÖKí (01/01/2011-30/06/2015) (01/01/2011-30/06/2015) 45315022 - Integrated development of National 45315022 -RvZxq †evUvwbK¨vj Mv‡W©b, ejav Mv‡W©b I nvi‡evwiqv‡gi Botanical Garden, Balda garden and mgwš^Z Dbœqb cÖKí-eb Awa`ßi A½ Barbarium 45315023 - Integrated development of National 45315023 -RvZxq †evUvbxK¨vj Mv‡W©b, ejav Mv‡W©b I nvi‡evwiqv‡gi Botanical Garden, Balda Garden and mgwš^Z Dbœqb cÖKí (nvi‡evwiqvg A½) Herbarium-Forest Department (Herbarium component)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45315030 - Afforestation and rehabilitation of Jhumia 45315030 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªv‡gi A‡kªYxf‚³ ebv‡j ebvqb I Szwgqv in the USF of 45315040 - Development of Bhawal National Garden, 45315040 -fvIqvj RvZxq D`¨vb, ejav Mv‡W©b I †evUvwbK¨vj Mv‡W©b Balda Garden & Botanical Garden Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-2) (01/07/1997-30/06/2003) (Phase-2) 45315050 - Establishment of Bamboo, Cane and 45315050 -euvk, †eZ I gyZ©vi evMvb m„wó Murta garden 45315060 - Development project for wild animal 45315060 -eb¨cªvYx msi¶Y I e¨e¯’vcbv Dbœqb cªKí conservation and management 45315070 - City afforestation project 45315070 -bMi ebvqb cªKí 45315080 - Forest resource management project 45315080 -d‡i÷ wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U cª‡R± (eb Awa`ßi A½) (Forest Department component) (01/07/1992-31/12/2001) 45315090 - Development of Ramsagar park and 45315090 -ivgmvMi cvK© Dbœqb I w`bvRcyi kn‡ii mwbœKU¯’ A‡j development of Dinajpur town adjoining wPË we‡bv`‡bi Rb¨ myweavi Dbœqb place for amusement 45315100 - Chittagongs bashkhali 45315100 -PÆMÖv‡gi euvkLvjx Dc‡Rjv I PzbwZ Afqvi‡Y¨ Rxe-ˆewPΨ msi¶Y I Dbœqb (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315110 - Reedland afforestation in the reserved 45315110 -wm‡jU eb wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb msiw¶Z ixWj¨vÛ ebvqb forest under Sylhet forest department 45315120 - Botanical Garden, Chittagong 45315120 -‡evUvwbK¨vj Mv‡W©b, PÆMªvg 45315121 - Bio-Diversity conservation in Shundarban 45315121 -G ÷vwW Ab we‡nwfqvi GÛ B‡KvjwR Ae w` UvBMvi Bb reserve forest w` my›`ieb wiRvf© d‡i÷ Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315122 - Bio-diversity conservation in Shunderban 45315122 -ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU KbRvi‡fkb Bb w` my›`ieb wiRvf© reserve forest (Part of Forest Department) d‡i÷ (eb Awa`ßi AsM) (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45315123 - Bio-divercity conservation in Shundarbon 45315123 -ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU KbRvi‡fkb Bb w` my›`ieb wiRvf© reserve forest (Local Engineering Division d‡i÷ (¯’vbxq miKvi cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi AsM) part) (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45315130 - Green belt project in coastal area 45315130 -DcK‚jxq meyR †eóbx cÖKí (01/07/1995-30/06/2002) 45315140 - Rehabilitation of the forest plantation 45315140 -‡ivwnsMv kiYv_x© KZ©„K ¶wZMª¯ ebv‡j eb evMvb damaged by Rohinga refugees cybev©mb Ges kibv_x©‡`i R¡vjvbxKvV mieivn cÖKí 45315150 - Afforestation in the unclassified state 45315150 -e„nËi cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg †Rjvi A‡kªYxfy³ msiw³Z I ebv forest ‡j ebxKiY I cyb©evmb (chv©q-3) 45315160 - Expanded social forestry project 45315160 -m¤•ªmvwiZ mvgvwRK ebvqb cÖKí 45315170 - Development of bamboo, cane and murta 45315170 -evk, ‡eZ I gZ©vi evMvb m„Rb (chv©q-2) cultivation (Phase-2) 45315180 - Afforestation and rehabilitation of 45315180 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªv‡gi A‡kªYxfy³ I msiw¶Z ebv‡j ebxKiY unclassified and reserved forest of I cybev©mb (chv©q-3) (01/07/1995-30/06/2002) Chittagong Hill Tracts 45315190 - Department extraction of topdying sundari 45315190 -my›`ie‡bi AvMvgiv my›`ix e„¶ AcmviY Ges trees from Sundarban and plantation of cªvK…wZKfv‡e m„ó Lvwj RvqMvq ebvqY new trees 45315200 - Increasing operational efficiency of Forest 45315200 -eb e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ eb wefv‡Mi Acv‡ikbvj `¶Zv e„w× Department cªKí 45315210 - Environment & Biodiversity Conservation 45315210 -e„nËi h‡kvi †Rjvi Rxe ˆewPÎ msi¶Y I cÖvK…wZK Development for Greater Jessore District cwi‡ek Dbœqb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315220 - Establishment of Madhutila Eco-Park (2nd 45315220 -gaywUjv B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - Phase) 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315230 - Char Development and setelment(Part-4) 45315230 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-3 45315240 - Management Support Project for 45315240 -my›`ieb msiw¶Z ebvÂj e¨e¯’vcbv mnvqZv cÖ`vb Sundarban Recovered Forest (1st (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Revised) 45315250 - 45315250 -e‡i›`ª GjvKvq cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨ AvbqbK‡í ebvqb cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45315260 - Rehabilitation of Ukhia seed garden of 45315260 -eb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui NwY©S‡o wea¡¯ DwLqv exR evMvb forestry research institute damage by †K‡›`«i cybM©Vb cyclone 45315270 - Establishment of Tilagarh and Barshijora 45315270 -e„nËi wm‡jU †Rjvi wUjvMo I eokx‡Rvovq B‡Kv-cvK© Ecopark at Greater Sylhet District ¯’vcb (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) 45315280 - Agar Plantation Project(1st Revised) 45315280 -AvMi evMvb m„Rb (1g ch©vq) (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315290 - A 45315290 -Askx`vwiZ¡g–jK eb m„R‡bi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª wbimb cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315300 - 45315300 -ebR m¤c‡`i Dbœqb I e¨e¯'nvcbvK‡í mvgvwRK ebvqb cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315310 - 45315310 -G ÷¨vwW Ab we‡nwfqvi GÛ B‡KvjwR Ae w` UvBMvi Bb my›`ieb wiRvf© d‡ió Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/2002-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315320 - Establishment of Dhansiri Eco-park and 45315320 -avbwmwo B‡KvcvK© ¯’vcb I ivgmvMi RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb Ramsagar National park Development (wmsov wPË we‡bv`b †K›`ª, Avïivi wej GjvKv I including center of shingra, Ranisagar and ivYxmvMimn) (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Ashura beel 45315321 - Development of integrated resource of 45315321 -my›`ie‡bi mgwš^Z m¤•‡`i Dbœqb Sundarbans 45315330 - Sheik Rasel Avire & Echo Park Project, 45315330 -‡kL iv‡mj Gwfqvwi G¨vÛ B‡Kv cvK© cÖKí, iv½ywbqv, Rangunia, Chittagong. PÆMªvg 45315331 - Pilot project for agro forestry research and 45315331 -G‡Mªv d‡iwó« M‡elYv I cª`k©Yxi cix¶vgjK cªKí demonstration 45315340 - Plantation of Bamboo, Cane and Mutra 45315340 -euvk, †eZ I g–Z©v evMvb m„Rb (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) (2nd Phase) (01/07/09 - 30/06/14) 45315350 - Strengthening Monitoring, Assessment 45315350 -†÷ªs‡`wbs gwbUwis, G¨v‡mm‡g›U GÛ wi‡cvwU©s Ae and Reporting of Sustainable Forest mvm‡UB‡bej d‡i÷ Bb Gwkqv (01/01/09 - Management in Asia (01/01/09 - 30/04/10) 30/04/10) 45315360 - Community Based Adaption to Climate 45315360 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW G¨vWvc‡Ukb Uz K¬vB‡gU †PÄ _ª“ Change through Coastal Afforestation in †Kv÷vj G¨v‡dv‡i‡÷kb Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/09 - Bangladesh (01/01/09 - 30/06/12) 30/11/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315370 - Intregrated Protected Area 45315370 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW †cÖv‡U‡±W Gwiqv †Kv- g¨v‡bR‡g›U (AvB Co-management ( I Park) c¨vK) wbmM© (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315380 - Sundarban Environmental and Livelihoods 45315380 -my›`ieb Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj GÛ jvBfwjûW wmwKDwiwU Security (SEALS) (mxjm) (01/10/2010-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315390 - River Bank Protective Work of Left Bank 45315390 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MvRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM Erosion of the Padma River at Different b`x Lbb, †mP myweavi Dbœqb Ges Pvl cÖKí (eb Places in Sujanagar Upzella and Right Awa`ßi) (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Bank Erosion of the Jamuna River from Nagarpari to Kazirhat in Bera Upzella of Pabna District. 45315391 - Project Preparatory technical assistance 45315391 -cª‡R± wcªcv‡iUix ‡UKwbK¨vj A¨vwmm&†U›m di w` d‡iwó« for the forestry sector ‡m±i 45315400 - Support to Essential Management 45315400 -mv‡c©vU Uy G‡mbwkqv›m g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU Bb w` Capacity in the Sundarbans World my›`Ieb Iqvì© †nwi‡UR mvBW d‡jvBs w` c¨v‡mR Ae Heretage Side Following the Passage of mvB‡K¬vb wmWi (†dR-2) (01/10/2010-31/12/2014) Cyclone Sidor Phase-ii 45315410 - Strengthening Moniroting, Assessment 45315410 -­­­­‡ó«s‡`wbs gwbUwis, G¨v‡mm‡g›U GÛ wi‡cvwU©s Ab and Reporting on Sustainable Forest mvm‡UB‡bej d‡ió g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb Gwkqv (01/01/08 Management in Asia - 31/12/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315420 - Initiation Phase of the Hygamal 45315420 -Bwbwm‡qkb †dR Ae `¨v k¨vgj evsjv‡`k wMÖwbs Bangladeshi Greening Initiative for Bwbwm‡qwUf di mvm‡UB‡bej jvBfwjûW Ae i“ivj cyIi Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Poor and GÛ ev‡qv-WvBfviwmwU KbRvi‡fkb cÖ‡R± (01/01/08 - Biodeversity Conservation Project 31/12/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315430 - 45315430 -Gwkqv c¨vwmwdK d‡iwó« †m±i AvDUjyK t w` wdDPvi Ae Gwkqv c¨vwmwmK d!ió (01/07/07 - 30/11/07) Aby!gvw`Z 45315440 - 45315440 -wi-Góvewjwks G!kbwmqvj g¨v!bR!g›U K¨vcvwmwU `¨v my›`ieb Iqvì© nwi!UR mvBU d!jvwqs `¨v c¨v!m!Rm Ab mvB!K¬vb wmWi (01/01/08 - 30/06/08) wWGmwcBwm mycvt

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45315450 - 45315450 -wK¬b Gqvi mvm†UB†bej Gbfvqib†g›U (wmGGmB) wcÖcv†ikb (01/11/07 - 30/10/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315460 - Char Development and Settlement 45315460 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKít 4 (eb Awa`ßi Project-4 Ask) (01/01/11 - 31/12/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315470 - Strengthening Regional Co-Operation for 45315470 -†÷«s‡`wbs wiwRIbvj †Kv-Acv‡ikb di IqvBì jvBd cÖ Wild life Protections ‡UKkb 45315480 - aaa 45315480 -wi‡÷v‡ikb GÛ KbRvi‡fkb Ae ev‡qvWvBfviwU Bb w` wWwbD‡WW wnjm Ae wmZvKzÛ, gxikivB, evkLvwj, Bbvbx d‡i÷ Gwiqv evwi›` avgyBinvU jvj d‡i÷ GÛ wmsov mvj d‡i÷ (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315490 - aaa 45315490 -evsjv‡`‡ki Rxe ˆewPΨ msi¶Y I B‡Kv U¨ywiRg Dbœqb (01/07/2011-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315530 - Industrial pollution control and 45315530 -wkí `lY wbqšY I e¨e¯’vcbv management 45315611 - Forestry sector project 45315611 -d‡iw÷« †m±i cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315641 - Afforestation of the Cox's bazar beach 45315641 -K·evRvi mgy`ª ˆmKZ GjvKvq ebvqb (SvD evMvb I (Jhow garden) †kvfvea©bKvix e„‡¶i ebvqb) (ms‡kvwaZ-2) (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315660 - Food aided rural development project 45315660 -Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó Mªvgxb Dbœqb cÖKí 45315669 - Food aided rural development project 45315669 -Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó Mªvgxb Dbœqb cÖKí (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨ Ask) (Food Aid Part) 45315690 - Afforestation and rehabilitation of Jhumia 45315690 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªv‡gi A‡kªYxf‚³ ebv‡j ebvqb I Szwgqv in the USF of ...... 45315710 - Establishment of Bamboo, Cane and 45315710 -euvk, †eZ I gyZ©vi evMvb m„wó Murta garden 45315720 - Rehabilitation of unemployed freedom 45315720 -d‡ió bvmv©ix m„R‡bi gva¨‡g †eKvi gyw³‡hv×v cybev©mb fighters through establishment of forest cÖKí nurseries 45315730 - Mujibnagar complex (Forest Department's 45315730 -gywRebMi Kg‡c­· (eb Awa`ßi A½) component) (01/07/99-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 45315740 - Bango Bandhu Safari park and breeding 45315740 -`yjvnvRiv mvdvwi cvK©, K·evRvi centre for forest flora and fauna at Cox's (01/07/1998-30/06/2003) bazar Dulahazra forest area 45315750 - Establishment of Agar ban project 45315750 -cix¶vg–jK AvMi evMvb m„Rb cÖKí (01/07/1998- 30/06/2005) Aby‡gv`Z 45315760 - Infrastructure and facilities improvement 45315760 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvmgy‡ni eb wefv‡Mi AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I for the forest department in the Hill myweavw`i Dbœqb (01/07/1999-30/06/2002) Districts 45316100 - Bamboo, cane and murta development 45316100 -evuk, †eZ I gZ©v Dbœqb (ms‡kvwaZ) cÖKí project (01/07/1998-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 45316102 - Establishment of Botanical Garden and 45316102 -‡evUvwbK¨vj Mv‡W©b I B‡KvcvK© ¯’vcb cÖKí, mxZvKzÛ, Eco park, Shitakunda PÆMÖvg (01/07/1999-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 45316103 - North Bengal reed afforastation project 45316103 -DËie½ Qb ebvqb cÖKí 45316104 - Establishment of Eco parks at 45316104 -evoeKzÛ I cÖmªeb I ev‰iqviXvjv mnmªaviv (RjcÖcvZ) Barabkundoo Prasraban and Baroiarhat GjvKvq B‡KvcvK© ¯’vcb water fall areas 45316105 - Project for protection of very old and large 45316105 -cÖvPxbZg I e„nËi eUe„¶ msi¶Y cÖKí Banyan trees 45316110 - Development of Modhupur National 45316110 -gaycyi RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999 - Garden Project 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 45316120 - Establishment of Centre Ecopark 45316120 -gaywUjv I MRbx AeKvk †K†›`ª B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb - Modhutila and Gojnee Recreation - gaywUjv AsM (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z Modhutila Part 45316122 - Establishment of Centre Ecopark 45316122 -gaywUjv I MRbx AeKvk †K†›`ª B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb - MRbx Modhutila and Gojnee Recreation - Gojnee AsM (01/07/1999-30/06/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z Part 45316130 - Establishment of Madhobkundo and 45316130 -gvaeKzÛ I gyivBQov RjcÖcvZ GjvKvq B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb Muraichara Cascade area (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 45316140 - Bal lee Plantation Project 45316140 -ej­x c­vb‡Ukb cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2007)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45316150 - Forestation of Ramgar-Shitakundo Hill 45316150 -ivgMo mxZvKzÛ GjvKvq bMœ cvnvo ebvqb (1g ch©vq) Area (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 45316160 - Development of Kaptai National Garden 45316160 -KvßvB RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí Project (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 45316170 - Bangobondhu National Garden Project, 45316170 -e½eÜz RvZxq D`¨vY, fvIqvj Vawal (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 45316180 - Social Afforestation of Bongbondu Jamuna 45316180 -e½eÜz hgybv eûgyLx †mZzi MvBW evua GjvKvq mvgvwRK Multipurpose Bridge Area ebvqb cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 45316505 - Project for Protection of very old and earge 45316505 -cÖvPxbZg I e„nËi eUe„¶ msi¶Y cÖKí Banyan trees 45317230 - Development of Marine Park, Eco-Tourism 45317230 -†m›U gvwU©b Øx‡ci Rxe‰ewPÎ msi¶Y, †gwib cvK© cÖwZôv at Sentmartine Island I B‡Kv Uy¨wiRg Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317240 - Establishment of Botanical Garden and 45317240 -†evUvwbK¨vj Mv‡W©b I B‡Kv cvK© ¯’vcb, mxZvKzÛ, PUªMÖvg Eco-park, Sitakunda, Chittagong (2nd (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Phase) 45317242 - 45317242 -(K) wm‡jU ebwefv‡Mi ebv‡j RbM‡Yi AskMÖn‡b mvgvwRK ebvqb cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 45317243 - 45317243 -(L) g‡nkLvjx b¨vov cvnvo ebvqb cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 45317260 - 45317260 -eb Awa`߇ii AvIZvq ebf‚wg e¨e¯’vcbv BDwbU cÖwZôvKiY (chv©q-1) (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) 45317270 - 45317270 -jvjgvB cvnvo GjvKvq Dw™¢` D`¨vb Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) 45317280 - 45317280 -eb wefv‡Mi mgZj fwg‡Z AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I myweavw`i Dbœqb 45317290 - 45317290 -`yjv nvRiv mvdvix cvK©, K·evRv‡ii Dbœqb (2q chv©q) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2008) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45317300 - 45317300 -PÆMªv‡gi euvkLvjx‡Z cÖvK…wZK cwi‡ek/Rxe‰ewPÎ msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) - 01/07/2003-30/06/2008 ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45317301 - 45317301 -G óvwW Ab we‡nwfqvi GÛ B‡KvjwR Ae w` UvBMvi Bb `v my›`ieb wiRvf© d‡ió Bb evsjv‡`k (01/02/2002-31/01/2004) (Abyt) 45317310 - Support Project Nishorgo 45317310 -wbmM© mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/2004 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317311 - strengthening 45317311 -‡÷«s‡`wbs K¨vcvwmwU Uy †Rbv‡iU Bbdi‡gkb Ab d‡i÷ wi‡mv‡m©m (01/07/2004 - 31/10/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317320 - 45317320 -g‡Ûvc‡hvMx big Kv‡Vi evMvb m„Rb (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Abbyt 45317321 - Reedland Integrated Social Forestry 45317321 -ixWj¨vÛ mgwb¡Z mvgvwRK ebvqb cªKí (01/07/2005 - Project(1st Revised) 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317330 - 45317330 -cvPwU B‡KvcvK© ¯’vcb I D`¨vb Dbœqb (01/04/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyt 45317331 - Establishment of Kuakata Eco-Park in 45317331 -Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvi KzqvKvUvq B‡KvcvK© ¯nvcb Kalapara Upazilla (01/07/05 - 30/06/09) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 45317340 - 45317340 -b¨vkbvj IwWGm †dBR-AwWU c­¨vb AvDU GbwWwc K‡ ¤•v‡b›U (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317341 - U 45317341 -DcK–jxq Pi ebvqb cªKí (01/07/05-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317350 - 45317350 -b¨vkbvj K¨vcvwmwU †mjd G‡mm‡g›U di †M­vevj Gbfvqib‡g›U (01/09/2005 - 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317360 - Further Development of Bangobondhu 45317360 -e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvwi cvK©, K·evRvi Gi AwaKZi Sheik Mujub Safari Park, Cox Bazar Dbœqb (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317361 - Dhanshiri Eco Park and Ramshagor 45317361 -avbwmwW B‡Kv cvK© ¯’vcb I ivgmvMi RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb 45317362 - Participatory socoal and Extention Forestry 45317362 -cve©Z¨ PUªMÖv‡gi RbM‡Yi Asvk MÖn‡Y mvgvwRK ebvqb I in Chitagong Hill tacts eb m¤•ÖmviY 45317363 - Bamboo cane and Murta Plantation 45317363 -evku , †eZ I g–Zv© Dbœqb cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45317364 - Afforestation in the denuded Hill areas of 45317364 -ivgMo mxZvKzÛ GjvKvq bMœ cvnvo ebvqb(2q chv©q) Ramgarh Shitakundha 2nd phase 45317365 - Safari Park, Gazipur 45317365 -mvdvix cvK©, MvRxcyi 45317366 - Establishment of Eco-Park at 45317366 -gvaeKzÊ RjcÖcvZ GjvKvq B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) Madhabkunda Waterfall Areas (2nd (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Phase) 45317367 - Establishement of National Park at Char 45317367 -Pi KzKix-gyKix GjvKvq RvZxq D`¨vb ¯’vcb (†fvjv) Kukri Mukri (Bhola) 45317368 - Bhawal National Park Development 45317368 -fvIqvj RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb 45317369 - Development of Kaptai Natioanl Park (2nd 45317369 -KvßvB RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) Phase) 45317370 - Establishment of Medhakkassapia 45317370 -‡g`vK”Qwcqv RvZxq D`¨vb ¯’vcb National Park (Cox's Bazar) 45317371 - Bio-diversity Conservaiton and Poverty 45317371 -mvgvwRK ebvq‡bi gva¨‡g e„nËi ivRkvnx I Kzwóqv †Rjvi Alleviation through Social Forestry in Rxe-ˆewPΨ msi¶b I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Greater Rajshahi and Kushtia Districts 45317372 - Forest Resources Management Project-II 45317372 -d‡ió wi‡mv‡m©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖKí-2 45317373 - Strengthening of all Training Institutes of 45317373 -eb wefv‡Mi mKj cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU ‡Rvi`viKiY Forest Department 45317374 - Strip Plantation besides Railway, Roads & 45317374 -‡ij, moK I Rbc_, euva Ges GjwRBwW †iv‡Wi cv‡k¦© Highway Embankment and LGED Road ÷ªxc evMvb m„Rb 45317375 - Improved Quality of Seeds and Seedlings 45317375 -DbœZgv‡bi exR I Pviv Drcv`b Production 45317376 - Pilot Project for Eco Village Development 45317376 -cix¶vg–jK B‡Kv-wf‡jR Dbœqb 45317377 - Infrastructure and Training Facility 45317377 -Dc‡Rjv mvgvwRK ebvqb †K‡›`ª AeKvVv‡gv Ges cÖwk¶Y Development of Upazilla Social Forestry myweavw`i Dbœqb Centre 45317378 - Development of Social Forestry in 45317378 -evsjv‡`‡ki mvgvwRK ebvq‡bi Dbœqb Bangladesh 45317379 - 45317379 -gaycyi RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 45317380 - 45317380 -fvIqvj RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb 45317381 - 45317381 -mvgvwRK ebvq‡bi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª wbimb cÖKí 45317382 - 45317382 -eb¨cÖvYx e¨e¯’vcbv, msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí 45317383 - Austrailan Government Supported Forestry 45317383 - Development in Bangladesh 45317384 - Strengthening Monitoring Assessment and 45317384 -†÷ªs‡`wbs gwbUwis G‡mm‡g›U GÛ wi‡c©vwUs Ab Reporting (MAR) on Sustainable Forest mvm‡UB‡bej d‡ió g¨v‡bRg¨v›U Bb Gwkqv Management (SFM) in Asia 45317385 - 45317385 -wmW‡i ¶wZMÖ¯’ eb cybe©vmb I Rjevqy cwieZ©b w¯’wZ¯’vcK cÖKí 45317386 - 45317386 -fqven wmW‡i ¶wZMÖ¯’ my›`ie‡bi Rxe-‰ewPΨ cÖKí 45317387 - Initiation Phase of the Shayamol 45317387 -Bwbwm‡qkb †dR Ae `v k¨vgj evsjv‡`k MÖxwbs Bangladesh : Greening Initiative for Bwbwm‡qwUf di mvm‡UB‡bej jvBfwjûW Ae i“jvi cyIi Sustainable Livelyhood of Rural Poor and GÛ ev‡qvWªvBfviwmwU KbRvi‡fkb Bio-diversity Conservation 45317388 - Afforestation in the Denuded Hill Areas of 45317388 -PÆMÖvg DËi eb wefvM GjvKvi b¨vov cvnvo ebvqb (2q Chittgong North Forest Division(2nd ch©vq) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Phase) 45317389 - Bio-diversity Conservation and Poverty 45317389 -e„nËi ivRkvnx I Kzwóqv †Rjvq ebvq‡bi gva¨‡g Alleviation in the Greater Rajshahi and Rxe-‰ewPÎ msi¶Y I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb Kushtia Districts(1st Revised) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317390 - 45317390 -euvk †eZ I g~Z©v evMvb m„Rb (2q ch©vq) 45317391 - Integrated Protected Area 45317391 -BbwU‡MÖ‡UW †cÖv‡U±W Gwiqv †Kv-g¨v‡bRg¨v›U cÖ‡R± Co-management (1PAC) Project (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317392 - 45317392 -KwgDwbwU †eBRW G¨vWvc‡Ukb Uz K¬vB‡gU †PÄ _ªy †Kvóvj G¨d‡i‡ókb Bb evsjv‡`k

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45317393 - Participatory social and extension of 45317393 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi RbM‡Yi AskMÖn‡Y mvgvwRK ebvqb I foresty in Chittagong Hill Tracts eb m¤cÖmviY cÖKí (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 45317394 - Upgradation of the Bangabandhu Sheikh 45317394 -e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK©, K·evRvi Gi DbœxZKiY Mujib Safar Park, Cox's Bazar 45317395 - 45317395 -†kL iv‡mj Gwfqvix I B‡KvcvK© ¯’vcb, iv½ywbqv, PÆMÖvg 45317396 - Poverty Alleviation Through Social Foresty 45317396 -mvgvwRK ebvq‡bi gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb (01/03/10-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 45317397 - Bangubandu Shiekh mujib Safari 45317397 -e½eÜy †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK©, MvRxcyyi park,Gazipur (01/03/2010-30/06/2013) (01/03/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z (Unapproved) 45317398 - Bio-diversity Conservation and 45317398 -evsjv‡`‡ki Rxe‰ewPΨ msi¶Y I &B‡Kv-Uz¨wiRg Dbœqb Eco-tourism Development in Bangladesh 45317399 - Resource Conservation through 45317399 -wi‡mvm© KbRvi‡fkb _ªy KwgDwbwU wid‡i‡÷kb G¨vÛ Community Reforestation and Forest d‡ió g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb PzbwZ IqvBìjvBd m¨vsPzqvix Management in Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary (wmWwe­Dwm) Bb wPUvMvs, evsjv‡`k (CWS) in Chittagong, Bangladesh 45317400 - Capacity Building of the Forest Guard 45317400 -ebcÖnix‡`i `¶Zv e„w× 45317401 - Integrated Forest Management Plan 45317401 -BbwU‡MÖ‡UW d‡ió g¨v‡bR‡g›U c­¨vb wcÖcv‡ikb Bb Preparation in Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k 45317402 - Development of Kuakata Eco-Park 45317402 -KzqvKvUv B‡Kv-cv‡K©i Dbœqb 45317403 - Establishment of Botanical Garden at 45317403 -jvjgvB cvnvo GjvKvq Dw™¢` D`¨vb ¯’vcb Lalmai Hill Areas 45317404 - Afforestation in the Northern Region to 45317404 -DËiv‡ji gi“gqZv †ivaK‡í ebvqb Check Desertification 45317405 - Restoration and Conservation of 45317405 -wi‡÷v‡ikb G¨vÛ KbRvi‡fkb Ae ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU Bb Bio-diversity in the Denuded Hills of w` wWwbD‡WW wnjm Ae mxZvKzÊ, gxik¦ivB, euvkLvjx, Sitakunda, Mirsharai, Banshkhali, Inani Bbvbx d‡ió Gwiqv, evwi›` avgyBinvU mvj d‡ió G¨vÛ Forest Area, Barind Dhamuirhat Sal Fores wmsov 45317406 - Further Development of Botanical Garden 45317406 -PÆMÖv‡gi mxZvKzÊ †evUvwbK¨vj Mv‡W©b I B‡Kv-cv‡K©i and Eco-park, Sitakunda, Chittagong AwaKZi Dbœqb 45317407 - Sthrengthening Regional Co-operation for 45317407 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs wiwRIbvj †Kv-Acv‡ikb di IqvBìjvBd Wildlife Protection Project †cÖv‡UKkb cÖ‡R± 4533 - Regional Offices 4533 -AvÂwjK Kvhv©jqmg–n 45330000 - Regional Offices 45330000 -AvÂwjK Kvhv©jqmg–n 4535 - Bangladesh Forest Research Institute 4535 -evsjv‡`k eb M‡elYv BÝw÷wUDU 45350000 - Bangladesh Forest Research Institute 45350000 -evsjv‡`k eb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU 45355010 - aaa 45355010 -U«v›mdvi Ae †UK‡bvjRx Bb e¨v¤¦y myU cÖWvKkb cÖ‡mwms GÛ gv‡K©wUs d«g Pvqbv Uy evsjv‡`k GÛ kªxjsKv (2q chv©q) 45355011 - Modernizing Bangladesh Forest Research 45355011 -???????? ?? ??????? ????????? Institute 45355020 - s 45355020 -m¤cÖmvwiZ d‡i÷ wi‡mvP© g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖKí (weGdAviAvB AsM) (01/01/2002-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 45355030 - Market 45355030 -gv‡K©U †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †e‡¤¦v GÛ iUb †cÖvWv±m DB_ cª‡Ubwkqvj (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45355040 - Transfer of technology in Bamboo shot 45355040 -U«v›mdvi Ae ‡UK‡bvjwR Bb e¨v‡¤¦vmy¨U cÖWvKkb, cÖ‡mwms production processing and marketing from GÛ gv‡K©wUs d«g Pvqbv Uy evsjv‡`k GÛ kªxjsKv China to Bangladesh ans Srilanka (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) wWGmwcBwm mycvt Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/08-31/12/2010) Approved 45355050 - Market development of Bamboo and ratten 45355050 -m¤¢vebvgq euvk I †eZRvZ cY¨ mvgMªxi evRvi m„wó products with potential (01/02/2009-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/02/2009-30/06/2010) approved 45355210 - Agriculture research and management 45355210 -K…wl M‡elYv e¨e¯’vcbv cªKí (weGdAviAvB A½) project (BFRE part) (01/07/96 - 31/12/2001) 45355220 - Project for strengthening the security and 45355220 -evsjv‡`k eb M‡elYv cÖwZôv‡bi f‚wg I m¤•` msi¶Y protection of land and properties of Ges wbivcËv †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45355230 - 45355230 -Pi †W‡fjg‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí (01/07/2005-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 45355240 - Forest Research Management Project 45355240 -d‡i÷ wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U cªKí (eb M‡elYv cªwZôvb (Forest Research Institute component) Ask) (01/07/92 - 31/12/2001) 45356100 - Genetics diversity and propagation of 45356100 -‡R‡bwUK WvBfviwmwU GÛ cÖcv‡bkb Ae g¨vb‡Mªvfm mangroves 45356101 - Transfer of Technology in Bamboo shoot 45356101 -UªªvÝcvi Ae †UK‡bvjwR Bb e¨v¤^y myU cÖWv±kb, cÖ‡Qwms Production, Processing and Marketing Ges gv‡K©wUs d«g Pvqbv Uz evsjv‡`k GÛ kÖxjsKv from china to Bangladesh and Srilanka. 45356102 - Forestry Technology Development & 45356102 -eb welqK D™¢vweZ cÖhyw³ Dbœqb cwiÁvZKiY Dissemination(DPP) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z| 45356103 - Forestry Technology Development & 45356103 -eb welqK D™¢vweZ cÖhyw³ Dbœqb I n¯@vš@i| Dissemination(DPP) 45356104 - Forestry Technology Development & 45356104 -eb welqK D™¢vweZ cÖhyw³ Dbœqb I n¯@vš@i| Dissemination(DPP) 4537 - Bangladesh National Herbarium 4537 -evsjv‡`k b¨vkbvj nv‡e©wiqvg 45370000 - Bangladesh National Herbarium 45370000 -evsjv‡`k b¨vkbvj nv‡e©wiqvg 45375001 - 45375001 -†iW WvUv eyK Ae fvmKzjvi c­¨v›Um Ae evsjv‡`k, fwjEg-2 45375010 - Survey of Vascular Flora of Chittagong Hill 45375010 -?????? ?? ????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????????? Tracts 4541-4550 - Environment 4541-4550 -cwi‡ek 4541 - Department of Environment 4541 -cwi‡ek Awa`ßi 45410000 - Department of Environment 45410000 -cwi‡ek Awa`ßi 45415010 - Sarvay and 45415010 -mv‡f© GÛ g¨vwcs Ae Gbfvqb‡g›Uvj cjykb d«g BÛvw÷ ªR Bb †MÖUvi XvKv GÛ wcÖcv‡ikb Ae ÷ª¨v‡UwRm di BUm wgwU‡Mkb(01/01/2006-31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415011 - Capability Enhancement and institutional 45415011 -cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii cÖÖvwZôvwbK AeKvVv‡gv m¤¤•ªªmviY I Insfrastructure Expansion of the m¶gZv e„w× cÖÖKí Department of Environment 45415012 - Establishment of Bangladesh 45415012 -G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k Gbfvqib‡g››Uvj wimvP© Environmental Research and Training GÛ †U««wbs Bb&w÷wUDU Institute 45415013 - Water Pollution Abatement for Environment 45415013 -IqvUvi cwjDkvb G‡fU‡g››U di Gbfvqib‡g››U cÖÖ for Environment Protection in Greater ‡UKkvb Bb †MªªUvi XvKv GÛ PÆMªªvg Dhaka and Chittagong 45415014 - Biodiversity Conservation and 45415014 -ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU KbRvi‡fkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g››U Ad Development of Waste Management I‡q÷ g¨v‡bR‡g››U wm‡÷g GU †m››UgvwU©bm AvBj¨vÛ System at Saint Martin's Island 45415015 - Implementation of the National Biosafety 45415015 -RxewbivcËv welqK RvZxq Kg©KvVv‡gv (Gb.we.Gd.) Framework (INBF) 45415016 - Up-grading National Biodiversity Strategic 45415016 -Avc‡MªªwWs b¨vkbvj ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU ÷««v‡UwR GÛ and Action Plan G¨vKkvb c­­vb 45415017 - Bangladesh Brick Kiln Efficiency Project 45415017 -evsjv‡`k weªªKwjs Bwdwm‡qw››m cÖÖ‡R± 45415018 - Preparation for the third National 45415018 -wcÖÖcv‡ikb di w` _vW© b¨vkbvj KwgDwb‡Kkb Ae Communication of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 45415019 - Bangladesh Environmental Management 45415019 -evsjv‡`k Gbfvqib‡g››Uvj g¨v‡bR‡g››U †_ªªv wifvi through River Basin and Eco-village †ewmb GÛ B‡Kv wf‡jR †W‡fjc‡g››U Development 45415020 - 45415020 -evsjv‡`k t K¬vB‡gU †PÄ Gbvwewjs G·UwfwU (01/01/2007-31/03/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415021 - Introduction of BAT/BEP and 45415021 -Bb‡U««vWvKkb Ae we.G.wU./we.B.wc. GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvwj environmentally sound management of mvDÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae ccm Bb wkc †eªªwKs BÛvw÷ªR POP's in ship breaking industry 45415022 - Urban-Industrial Environment Awareness 45415022 -Avievb BÛvw÷««qvj Gbfvqib‡g››U G¨vIqvi‡bm wµ‡qkb Creation Programme in Dhaka Division †cÖÖvMªªvg Bb XvKv wWwfkb 45415023 - Monitoring and Enforcement of Industrial 45415023 -gwbUwis GÛ Gb‡dvm©‡g››U Ae BÛvw÷ªqvj cjykb Pollution Control K‡››Uªvj

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45415024 - Environmentally Sound E-waste 45415024 -Gbfvqib‡g››Uvwj mvDÛ B-I‡q÷ g¨v‡bR‡g››U Bb Management in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k 45415025 - Institutional Strengthening for the 45415025 -Bb&w÷wUDkb¨vj †÷««b‡`wbs di w` †dR AvDU Ae Phase-out of Ozone Depleting Substance I.wW.Gm. (†dR-7) (Phase-VII) 45415026 - HMPMP Phase-out Management Plan 45415026 -GBP.Gg.wc.Gg.wc. †dR-AvDU g¨v‡bR‡g›U cШ­­vb 45415027 - Updating and Mainstreaming of National 45415027 -Avc‡WwUs GÛ †gBbw÷ªwgs Ae b¨vkbvj ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for ÷ª¨v‡UwR GÛ G¨vKkb cø¨vb di evsjv‡`k (01/10/13 Bangladesh n‡Z 30/09/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z | 45415028 - Bangladesh: Revision and Alignment of 45415028 -evsjv‡`k: wiwfkb GÛ G¨vjvBb‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj National Action Programme (NAP) with G¨vKkb †cÖvMÖvg (GbGwc) DB_ BDGbwmwmwW10- Bqvim& UNCCD10- Years Strategy Plan and ÷ª¨v‡UwR c­¨vb GÛ †d«gIqvK© (01/07/13 n‡Z Framework. 30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z| 45415029 - Bangladesh Brick Kiln Efficiency Project. 45415029 -evsjv‡`k weªKwK¬s Bwdwm‡qwÝ cÖ‡R± (01/01/13 n‡Z 31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z| 45415030 - Clean Air and Sustainable Environment 45415030 -wbg©j evqy I †UKmB cwi‡ek (01/07/2009- (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Approved 30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415031 - Implementation of National Biosafety 45415031 -Rxe wbivcËv welqK RvZxq Kg©KvVv‡gv (GbweGd) kxl©K Framework (INBF)” KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí (01/07/2013 n‡Z 31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415032 - HCFC Phase-out Management 45415032 -GBPwmGdwm †dR AvDU g¨v‡bR‡g›U c­¨vb-BD‡bc K‡ Plan-UNEP Component (Stage-1) ¤•v‡b›U (†÷R-1) (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 45415033 - Bangladesh Third National 45415033 -evsjv‡`k: _vW© b¨vkbvj KwgDwb‡Kkb (wUGbwm Communication (TNC) to the UNFCC BDGbGdwmwm) (†÷R-1) (01/12/2013-30/11/2017) (01/12/2013-30/11/2017) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 45415034 - Ecosystem-based Approaches to 45415034 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae w` dzj mvBR cÖ‡R± WKz‡g›U Ab B‡Kvwm‡ Adaptation (Eba) in the Drought-prone ÷g †eRW G‡cÖv‡PP Uy GWv‡Þkb (BweG) Bb w` Barind Tract and Haor Wetland Area. W«U-†cÖvb evwiÛ U«v± GÛ nvIo 'I‡qUj¨vÛ' Gwiqv (01/11/2014-30/05/2015) (01/11/2014-30/05/2015) 45415035 - Renewal of the Institutinal Strengthening 45415035 -wiwbDqvj Ae w` Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷«s‡`wbs di w` †dR for the Phase-out of ODS (Phase-VII) AvDU Ae IwWGm (†dR-7) cÖKí 45415040 - Biodiversity Targets National Assessment 45415040 -ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU Uv‡M©Um b¨vkbvj G¨v‡mm‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project (01/04/2009-31/08/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415050 - Phase-out of CFC Consumption in the 45415050 -†dR AvDU Ae wmGdwm KbRv¤•kb Bb w` Manufacturar of Metered Dose Inhaler g¨vbyd¨vKPvivi Ae wgUviW †WvR Bb †njvi (GgwWAvB) (MDIs) in Bangladesh Bb evsjv‡`k (01/07/08 - 30/06/12) 45415060 - Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles 45415060 -cvU©bvikxc di wK¬b dz‡qj GÛ †fwnK¨vjm (01/11/2009 - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415070 - aaa 45415070 -Bb&w÷wUDkbvj †÷«s‡`wbs di w` †dR AvDU Ae wW.Gm. (†dR-6) (01/07/11 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415080 - Conversion from HCFC-141b to 45415080 -Kbfvikb Af GBP.wm.Gd.wm. 141 (we) Uy Cyclopenten technology in the mvB‡K¬v‡cbPvi Ae W‡gw÷K †iwd«Rv‡iUi G¨vU IqvjUb manufacturing of insulation foam in nvB‡UK BÛvw÷«R wjwg‡UW (01/07/11 - 30/06/13) domestic refrigerator at Walton Hi-tech Aby‡gvw`Z Industries Ltd. 45415220 - Environment pollution control project under 45415220 -XvKv kn‡ii AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªK‡íi Aax‡b cwi‡ek the infrastructure development of Dhaka `lY wbqšY cÖKí, wgicyi city 45415310 - Upgrading of regional laboratories and 45415310 -AvÂwjK M‡elYvMvimg–‡ni Dbœqb I cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii development of decentralised we‡K›`«xK…Z AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (3q ms‡kvwaZ) infrastructure (01/07/96 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415312 - Air quality management project 45415312 -Gqvi †KvqvwjwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45415313 - Fej-2 45415313 -†dBR-2 Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae gv‡j wWK¬v‡ikb Ab K‡›Uªvj GÛ wcÖ‡fbkb Ae Gqvi cjykb GÛ BUm jvBKwj U«v›m evDÛvwi B‡d±m di mvD_ Gwkqv (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/12/02-31/10/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415314 - 45415314 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs di w` †dR AvDU Ae I‡Rvb wWwc­wUs mve‡÷‡Ým (†dR-4) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45415315 - Bangladesh 45415315 -evsjv‡`k Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷«s‡`wbs cÖ ‡R± (01/04/2006 - 31/03/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45415361 - ...... 45415361 -‡m±i wfwËK MvBWjvBÝ I gvb cªYqb Ges Zv AbymiY ...... I cwiex¶Y 45415381 - Regularity framework for importing harmful 45415381 -‡`‡k ¶wZKviK I welv³ `ªe¨vw` Avg`vbxi †¶‡Î goods AvBbMZ KvVv‡gv cÖYqb 45415411 - Bangladesh climate change study 45415411 -evsjv‡`K K¬vB‡gU ‡PÄ óvwW 45415420 - Study on control and Management of 45415420 -÷vwW Ab K‡›Uªvj GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae cwjw_b e¨vMm Bb Polythin Bags in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/03/2000 - 31/12/2001) 45415441 - Bangladesh environment project 45415441 -evsjv‡`k cwi‡ek cÖKí (cªv_wgK chv©q) (preparatory level) 45415451 - National environment management 45415451 -RvZxq cwi‡ek e¨e¯’vcbv Kvh©µg cÖKí (†bmvc) programme (CNEMAP) 45415461 - Institutional support to master master plan 45415461 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj mv‡cv©U Uy gvóvi c­¨vb di `¨v d‡iwó« for the forestry 45415471 - Institutional strengthening for the phase 45415471 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs di `¨v †dR AvDU Ad IRb out of ozone depleting substances wW‡c­wUs mveó¨v›m (chv©q-2) (01/07/99 - 31/12/2001) 45415481 - Technical assistance support to DOE in 45415481 -‡UKwbK¨vj A¨vwmmó¨v›m mv‡cv_U Uy wW I B Bb gwbUwis monitoring of creating awareness in use of Ad wµ‡qwUs A¨vIqvi‡b›m Bb BDR Ad Uw·K toxic chemical K¨vwg‡Kj 45415611 - Capacity building for the national 45415611 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di w` b¨vkbvj Bw›U‡Mª‡UW wm‡÷g di integrated system for the environment in w` Gbfvqib‡g›U Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 45415621 - Formulation of national programme based 45415621 -digy‡jkb Ae b¨vkbvj †cÖvMªvg †eBRW Ab G‡RÛv - on Agenda-21 adopted at the Earth 21 A¨vWvc‡UW GU w` Av_© mvwgU Bb summit -1992 wiIwW‡R‡bv‡iv-1992 45415651 - Conversion to CFC free technology in the 45415651 -Kbfvikb Uy wmGdwm wd« †UK‡bvjRx Bb w` manufacturing of aerosol product at ACI g¨vbyd¨vKPvwis Ae G‡ivmj cÖWv±m A¨vU GwmAvB Ltd. wjwg‡UW 45415660 - Food aided rural development project 45415660 -Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó Mªvgxb Dbœqb cÖKí 45415661 - Costal and Wetland Bio-diversity 45415661 -†Kvóvj GÛ I‡qUj¨vÛ ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ Management Project ‡R± 45415669 - Food aided rural development project 45415669 -Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó Mªvgxb Dbœqb cÖKí (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨ Ask) (Food Aid Part) 45415671 - Bio-diversity conservation in Sundarban 45415671 -ev‡qv WvBfviwmwU KbRvi‡fkb Bb my›`ieb d‡i÷ forest 45415681 - Coastal and waste-land bio-diversity 45415681 -‡Kvóvj GÛ I‡qUj¨vÛ ev‡qv WvBfviwmwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U management 45415691 - Coastal and Wetland bio-diversity 45415691 -‡Kv÷vj GÛ I‡qUj¨vÛ ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U management at Coxsbazar and hakaluki G¨vU K·evRvi GÛ nvKvjyKx nvIi haor (01/04/2002-30/12/2010) revised (01/04/2002-31/03/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z unapproved 45416100 - Genetics diversity and propagation of 45416100 -†R‡bwU· WvBfviwmwU GÛ cÖcv‡Mkb Ae g¨vb‡MÖvf&m mangroves 45416101 - Bangladesh environment management 45416101 -evsjv‡`k Gbfvqib‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖKí project (01/11/1998 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45416102 - Botanical Garden project, Shitakundu 45416102 -‡evUvwbK¨vj Mv‡W©b I B‡KvcvK© ¯’vcb cÖKí, mxZvKzÛ 45416103 - North Bengol reed afforastion project 45416103 -DËie½u Qb ebvqb cÖKí 45416104 - Establishment of ecoparks at Barobkundu 45416104 -evoeKzÛ I cÖmªeY I ev‰oqvXvjv mnmªaviv (RjcÖcvZ) prasraban and Baroiarhat water fall areas GjvKvq B‡KvcvK© ¯’vcb 45416105 - Project for protection of very old and large 45416105 -cÖvPxbZg I e„nËi eUe„¶ msi¶Y cÖKí banyan trees 45416110 - Food-aided rural development project 45416110 -Lv`¨ mvnvh¨cyó MÖvgxY Dbœqb cÖKí 45416201 - Strengthening the Environment 45416201 -†ó«s‡`wbs w` Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj G‡mm‡g›U GÛ gwbUwis Assessment and Monitoring Capability for K¨vcvwewjwU di w` evsjv‡`k †óU Ae Gbfvqib‡g›U the Bangladesh State of Environment (01/07/99 - 30/06/2001) 45416210 - 45416210 -

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45416211 - National Action Plan for Bangladesh 45416211 -b¨vkbvj GKkb c­¨vb di evsjv‡`k K‡›Uªvj GÛ wcÖ Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and ‡fbkb Ae Gqvi cjykb GÛ BUm& UªvÝevDÛvix B‡d±m& Its Trans boundary Effect 45416231 - Preparation of initial National 45416231 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae Bwbwkqvj b¨vkbvj KwgDwb‡Kkb Bb communication in response to the UN †imcÝ Uz w` BD Gb †d«g IqvK© Kb‡fbkb Ae K¬vB‡gU Frame Work Convention of Climate †P (01/07/99 - 30/06/2002) Change 45416240 - 45416240 -Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae G b¨vkbvj †cÖvMÖvg di wi‡Kvfvix GÛ wimvBwK¬b Ae wiwd«Rv‡i›Um& (01/01/2001-30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45416241 - Country case study on climate change 45416241 -Kvw›Uª †Km ÷vwW Ab K¬vB‡gU †PÄ Bg‡c±m GÛ impacts and adoptation assessment in GWvc‡Ukb G‡mm‡g›U Bb evsjv‡`k (01/03/01 - 30/06/2002) 45416250 - 45416250 -Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae `¨v wiwd«Rv‡i›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U c­¨v›U gwbUwis Ae `¨v GKwUwfwUR BbK¬z‡WW Bb `¨v wiwd«Rv‡i›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U c­vb (AviGgwc) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/2001-31/12/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 45416261 - 45416261 -ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU ÷ªv‡UwRK GKkb c­¨vb (01/05/2002-30/10/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 45416271 - Preparation of National Communication in 45416271 -wccv‡ikb Ae Bwbwkqvj b¨vkbvj KwgDwb‡Kkb †i¯•Ý Uz Respons to the U.N. Frame Work w` BDGb †d«gIqvK© Kb‡fbkb Ab K¬vB‡gU †PÄ Convention on Clymate change. (BDGbGdwmwmwm) (ms‡kvwaZ)(1/7/2000-31/12/03) 45416281 - Emplimention 45416281 -Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae gv‡jwWKjv‡ikb Ae K‡›Uªvj GÛ wcÖ ‡fbkb Ae Gqvicjykb GÛ BUm jvBKwj UªvÝevDÛvwi B‡d±m& di mvD_ Gwkqv (†dBR-2) (1/12/02-30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 45416291 - Institutional Strengthening for the phase 45416291 -BÝwUwUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs di w` †dR AvDU Ae I‡Rvb out of wzon dipleting substance (phase-3) wWwc­wUs mve‡÷Ý (†dR-3) (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/4/2002-31/3/2004) (1/4/02-30/06/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 45416301 - Training Programme on Good Practices in 45416301 -†Uªwbs †cÖvMÖvg Ab ¸W cÖ¨vKwUm Bb wiwd«Rv‡ikb Refrigeration. (01/12/02-31/12/04) Aby‡gvw`Z 45416311 - Training Programme for Customs officers. 45416311 -†Uªwbs †cÖvMÖvg di Kvógm Awdmvi (1/12/02-1/2/04) Aby‡gvw`Z 45416321 - Bangladesh Preparation of the Pops 45416321 -evsjv‡`k wcÖcv‡ikb Ae `¨v ccm b¨vkbvj Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb National Implementation Plan under the c­¨vb AvÛvi `¨v ÷K‡nvg Kb‡fbkb (01/04/2003 - Stockholm Convention. 31/12/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45416331 - 45416331 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w` b¨vkbvj ev‡qv‡mdwU †d«gIqvK© (01/07/2004 - 31/12/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 45416335 - Institutional strengthing for the phase out 45416335 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷«s‡`wbs di w` †dR AvDU Ae IRb of ozne depleting substances (5) wWcwjwUs mve‡÷‡mÝ (‡dR- 5) (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45416336 - Clean Air and Sustainable Energy (CASE) 45416336 -wK¬b Gqvi GÛ mvm‡UBbGej g¨v‡bR‡gÛ 45416337 - Bangladesh Environmental Management 45416337 -evvsjv‡`k Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U †_ªv wifvi †ewmb through river basin and Eco Village GÛ B‡Kv wf‡jR †Wfjc‡g›U Development 45416338 - Capability Enhancement and Institutional 45416338 -cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii cÖvwZôvwbK AeKvVv‡gv m¤•ÖmviY I Infrastructure Exopansion of the m¶gZv e„w× Department of Environment 45417063 - . 45417063 -. 45417340 - National ODS phase-out plan UNDP 45417340 -b¨vkbvj IwWGm †dBR-AvDU c­¨vb BDGbBwc K‡ component (01/07/05 - 30/06/12) Revised ¤•v‡b›U (01/07/05 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z unapproved 45417370 - National ODS Phase-out plan UNDP 45417370 -b¨vkbvj IwWGm †dR AvDU c­¨vb BDGbwWwc K‡¤•v‡b›U Component (01/07/2005-30/06/2012) (01/07/2005-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 45417371 - Clean Air and Sustainable Environment 45417371 -wK¬b Gqvi GÛ mvm‡UBb¨vej Gbfvqib‡g›U- wcÖcv‡ikb Preparation Project cÖ‡R± (01/11/2007-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/11/2007-31/03/2009) Approved 45417372 - 45417372 -evsjv‡`k Gbfvi‡g›Uvj g¨v‡bRg¨v›U †_ªv wifvi †ewmb G‡cÖvP GÛ B‡Kv wf‡jR †W‡fjvc‡g›U 45417373 - Preparation for the second National 45417373 -wcÖcv‡ikb di †m‡KÛ b¨vkbvj KwgDwb‡Kkb Ae Communication of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45417374 - NBF 45417374 -RxewbivcËv welqK RvZxq Kg©KvVv‡gv (GbweGd) ev¯@evqb 45417380 - 45417380 -e!i›`ª GjvKvq cÖvK…wZK fvimvg¨ AvbvqbK!í ebvqb (01/07/06 - 30/06/10) Aby!gvw`Z 45417390 - Preparation for the second National 45417390 -wcÖcv‡ikb di w` †m‡KÛ b¨vkbvj KwgDwb‡Kkb Ae Communication of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (01/03/2008-31/08/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/03/2008-31/08/2010) 45417391 - Formulating the national strategy on waste 45417391 -digy‡jwUs w` b¨vkbvj ÷v‡UwR Ab I‡qó wiwWDm, reduce, reuse and recycle (3R) for wiBDR GÛ wimvB‡Kj (w_ªAvi) di evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (01/07/08 - 30/04/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 45417392 - Transation strategy for the phase-out of 45417392 -UªvbwRkb¨vj †÷ªs‡`wbs di w` †dR AvDU Ae wmGdwm CFC in the Manufacturing of metered dose Bb w` g¨vbyd¨vKPvwis Ae wgUvi †WvR Bb‡njvi inhalers in Bangladesh (01/11/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 45417393 - 45417393 -RxewbivcËv welqK RvZxq Kg©KvVv‡gv (GbweGd) ev¯ evqb 45417394 - 45417394 -cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii cÖvwZôvwbK AeKvVv‡gv m¤úÖmviY I m¶gZv e„w× cÖKí 45417395 - 45417395 -†dR AvDU Ae wmGdwm KbRvgkb Bb `¨v g¨vbyd¨vKPvwis Ae wgUvW© †WvR Bb‡njvim Bb evsjv‡`k 45417396 - 45417396 -wK¬b Gqvi GÛ mvm‡UB‡bej GbfvqiY‡g›U (cwi‡ek K‡ ¤•v‡b›U) 45417397 - 45417397 -evsjv‡`k Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj BbwówUDkbvj †÷«s‡`wbs cÖ ‡R± (weBAvBGmwc) 45417398 - 45417398 -‡m‡KÛ b¨vkbvj KwgwbD‡Kkb (GmGbwm) Ae evsjv‡`k 45417399 - 45417399 -2010 ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU Uv‡M©Um b¨vkbvj G¨v‡mm‡g›U cÖKí 45417400 - Partnership For clean fuels and vehicles 45417400 -cvU©bvikxc di wK¬b dz‡qj GÛ †fwnK¨vjm (PCFV) 45417401 - Bangladesh Environment & Climate 45417401 -evsjv‡`k Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ K¬vB‡gU †PÄ AvDUjyK Change Outlook (ECCO) Report. (BwmwmI) wi‡cvU© (01/02/10-31/01/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 45417402 - Project Prepration Towards 45417402 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡ikb UzIqvW©m Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae b¨vkbvj Implementation of the National Bio Safety ev‡qv‡mdwU †d«g IqvK© (01/03/10-31/12/2011) Framework (INBF) Aby‡gvw`Z 4580-4585 - Special Programmes 4580-4585 -we‡kl Kg©mPxmgn 4580 - Special Programme 4580 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 45804655 - 45804655 -e„nËi wm‡jU I K·evRvi †Rjvi b¨vov cvnvo ebvqb Kg©mPx 45804661 - 45804661 -fvIqvj RvZxq D`¨vb Kg©mPx (3q ch©vq) 45804663 - National Botanical Garder & Baldha 45804663 -RvZxq Dw™¢` D`¨vb I ejav evMv‡bi Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) Garden Development (3rd Phase) 4596-4598 - Development Programme Financed by 4596-4598 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4596 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4596 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 45964301 - Establishment of Wild Life Protection 45964301 -wm‡jU eb¨cÖvYx msi¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb Center in Sylhet 45964302 - Costal Forest Development Centre Cum 45964302 -‡Kv÷vj d‡ió †W‡fjvc‡g›U †m›Uvi Kvg †ió nvDR Rest House 45964303 - Establishment of 4 Nos. of Eco-Park at 45964303 -wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvq wc‡ivRcyi m`i, KvDLvjx I fvÛvwiqv Pirojpur Sadar, Cowkhali and Bhandaria Dc‡Rjvq 4wU B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb fvÛvwiqv e›`i wiRvf© Upazilla under LPirojpur District and cyKzi ms¯‹vi Development and Beautification of Bhandar Reserved Pond at Bhandaria 45964305 - Integrated and Participatory Program to 45964305 -kã`–lY wbqš¿‡Y mgwš^Z Askx`vwiZ¡g–jK Kg©m–wP Control Noise Pollution 45964653 - Program for afforeshation of put wood in 45964653 -ev›`ievb GjvKvq t g‡Ûvc‡hvMx big Kv‡Vi evMvb Bandarban area m„Rb| 45964655 - Aforestation of Barren Hills in Greater 45964655 -e„nËi wm‡jU I K·evRvi †Rjvi b¨vov cvnvo ebvqb Sylhet and Cox's Bazar Districts (2004-05 Kg©mPx (2004-05 n‡Z 2006-07) to 2006-07)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45964661 - Development of Bhawal National Park (3rd 45964661 -fvIqvj RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) (2003-04 n‡Z Phase) (2003-04 to 2005-06) 2005-06) 45964663 - Development of National Botanical Garden 45964663 -RvZxq Dw™¢` D`¨vb I ejav evMv‡bi Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) & Baldha Garden (3rd Phase) (2003-04 to (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) 2005-06) 45964676 - Development of Eco-Tourism in The 45964676 -my›`ie‡b B‡Kv-UywiRg weKvk (2004-05 n‡Z Sundarbans (2004-05 to 2005-06) 2005-06) 45964680 - 45964680 -g‡Ûvc‡hvMx big Kv‡Vi evMvb m„Rb (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 45964685 - Establishment of Forestland Management 45964685 -ebfwg e¨e¯’vcbv cÖwZôvKiY BDwbU Unit 45964701 - Encyclopidea of Flora & Fauna of 45964701 -GbmvB‡K¬vwcwWqv Ae †d¬viv GÛ dbv Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (2004-05 n‡Z 2008-09) 45964702 - Establishment of Forest Land 45964702 -ebfwg e¨e¯’vcbv BDwbU cÖwZôvKiY (1g ch©vq) Management Unit (Phase-I) 45964774 - Endangered Monkey Conservation and 45964774 -gv`vixcyi †Rjvaxb Pigy¸wiqv GjvKvi wecbœcÖvq evbi Development Programme at Charmuguria, msi¶Y I Dbœqb KvR Madaripur 45964775 - Botanical Garden Development 45964775 -jvjgvB cvnvo GjvKvq Dw™¢` D`¨vb Dbœqb Programme at Lalmai Hill 45964776 - Nijhum Dwip National Park Programme 45964776 -wbSzg Øxc RvZxq D`¨vb Dbœqb 45964777 - Shovanagar Integrated Farm Management 45964777 -‡kvfvbMi mgwš^Z Lvgvi e¨e¯’vcbv I iv‡Rkcyi I and Biodiversity upgradation and creation Rvgevwo kvjeb GjvKvq ˆRe-ˆewPÎ mg„w×KiY I of recreational facilities at Rajeshpur and wPËwe‡bv`‡bi my‡hvM m„wó Jambari 45964778 - Roadside Plantation Programme at 45964778 -ivRkvnx‡Z iv¯@vi av‡i Avg evMvb m„Rb Rajshahi 45964779 - Infrastructure Renovation and upgradation 45964779 -mgZj fwg‡Z AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I myweavw`i Dbœqb of Ligistics in the Plain Land of Forest Department 45964780 - Softwood Plantation Programme for 45964780 -gÛ‡cv‡hvMx big Kv‡Vi evMvb m„Rb (2005-06 n‡Z Pulpwood Production (2005-06 to 2007-08) 2007-08) 45964781 - Bio-diversity Conservation and 45964781 -hgybv †mZzi cwðg Zx‡i Rxe ˆewPÎ msi¶Y I Establishment of Eco-park at West side of B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb Jamuna Bridge 45964782 - 45964782 -e„nËi wm‡jU I K·evRvi †Rjvi b¨vov cvnvo ebvqb Kg©m~Px (2q ch©vq) 45964783 - 45964783 -RvZxq Dw™¢` D`¨vb I kZvãx cÖvPxb ejav evMv‡bi Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq) 45964784 - 45964784 -RbM‡Yi mnvqZvq gvbyl-evN ØÜ wbim‡bi gva¨‡g evN msi¶Y 45964785 - 45964785 -e¨e¯’vcbv cwiKíbv wefvM PÆMÖvg Gi AvIZvq wewfbœ eb wefv‡Mi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiKíbv cÖYqb| 45964786 - 45964786 -AvjywUjv B‡KvcvK© ¯’vcb, LvMovQwo 45964813 - Eco park at eastern side of Jamuna Bridge 45964813 -hgybv †mZzi cwð†g B‡KvcvK© wbgv©Y 45964814 - 45964814 -wZ¯@v e¨v‡iR cÖK‡íi Lv‡ji cvo, euva I ms‡hvM mo‡K ebvqb (2007-08 n‡Z 2009-10) 45964815 - 45964815 -Rvdjs MÖxbcvK© ¯’vcb Kg©m–Px (2007-08 n‡Z 2009-10) 45964816 - 45964816 -cwi‡ek msi¶Y Askx`vwiZ¡g–jK Kg©m–Px (2007-08 n‡Z 2010-2011) 45964817 - 45964817 -mvs¸ gvZvgyûix msiw¶Z myôz e¨e¯’vcbv I Dbœqb (2007-2008 n‡Z 2009-2010) 45964818 - 45964818 - 45964819 - 45964819 - 45964820 - 45964820 -evsjv‡`‡ki cwi‡ek MZ mykvm‡bi `¶Zv e„w×i j‡¶¨ mswkÐó AvBb cÖYqb I bxwZgvjv we‡kÐlY (2007-08 n‡Z 2009-10)| 45964821 - 45964821 -

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 45964822 - 45964822 -gÛc‡hvMx big Kv‡Vi evMvb m„Rb Kg©m–Px, KvßvB (2q ch©vq) 45964823 - 45964823 -d‡ió«x †Uªwbs BbwówUDU, wm‡jU Gi mvwe©K Dbœqb 45964824 - 45964824 -g‡Ûvc‡hvMx big Kv‡Vi evMvb m„Rb, ev›`ieb 45964825 - 45964825 -eb wefv‡Mi mgZj f‚wg‡Z AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I myweavw`i Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 45964826 - 45964826 -cvnvox f‚wg‡Z AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I myweavw`i Dbœqb 45964827 - 45964827 -LvMovQwo †Rjvi AvjywUjvq B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb 45964847 - 45964847 -mv½y I gvZvgûix msiw¶Z ebv‡ji myô e¨e¯’vcbv I Dbœqb ( 2008-09 n‡Z 2009-10) 45964848 - 45964848 -meyR ejq 45964849 - Tista Barage 45964849 -wZ¯@v e¨v‡iR cÖK‡íi Lv‡ji cvo, evua I ms‡hvM mo‡K ebvqb ( 2008-09 n‡Z 2010-11) 45964853 - Shylet 45964853 -e„nËi wm‡jU I K·evRvi Rjvi b¨vov cvnvo ebvqb (2q ch©vq) ( 2008-09 n‡Z 2010-11) 45964854 - 45964854 -ÔÔRvdjs MªªxY cvK© ¯’vcbÕÕ 45964855 - 45964855 -mv½y I gvZvgûix msiw¶Z ebv‡ji myô e¨e¯’vcbv I Dbœqb 45964856 - shobuj 45964856 -meyR ejq kxl©K Kg©m–wP ( 2008-09 n‡Z 2010-11) 45964857 - Jaflong Green Park 45964857 -Rvdjs MÖxb cvK© ¯’vcb Kg©m–wP (2008-09 n‡Z 2010-11) 45964858 - Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of 45964858 -­­­­­­‡iW WvUv eyK Ae fvmKzjvi cÐv›Um Ae evsjv‡`k fwj-2 Bangladesh Vol-2 45964859 - Kotbaritho Lalmai Moujai Jib Boichitro 45964859 -‡KvUevox¯’ jvjgvB †gŠRvq Rxe‰ewPΨ mg„×KiY I SommrithoKoron O Chitto Binodon ar wPËwe‡bv`‡bi my‡hvM m„wó sujog sristi. 45964860 - Softwood Plantation Programme for 45964860 -g‡Ûvc‡hvMx big Kv‡Vi evMvb m„Rb (2009-10 n‡Z Pulpwood Production, Bandarban 2011-12) 45964861 - Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of 45964861 -‡iW WvUv eyK Ae f¨vmKzjvi c­v›Um Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh, Volume-II (fwjDg-2) (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 45964862 - 45964862 -cvnvox f~wg‡Z AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I myweavw`i Dbœqb| 45964863 - n 45964863 -ev‡MinvU, wc‡ivRcyi I Lyjbv †Rjvq N–wY©So wmWi cieZ©x ebvqb Kg©m–wP (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 45964864 - 45964864 -my›`ie‡bi AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb I Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 45964865 - s 45964865 -my›`ieb †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi cybe©vmb I Dbœqb Kg©m–wP (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 45964866 - b 45964866 -†KvUevwo¯’ jvjgvB †gŠRvq Rxe-ˆewPΨ mg„w×KiY I wPËwe‡bv`‡bi my‡hvM m„wó Kg©m–wP (2009-10 n‡Z 2011-12) 45964867 - 45964867 -wm‡jU eb we`¨vjq, wm‡jU Gi mvwe©K Dbœqb 45964868 - 45964868 -gûix †gwib B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb Kg©m–wP 45964869 - 45964869 -my›`ie‡bi AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb I Dbœqb 45964934 - Conservation of Bio-diversity and Creattion 45964934 -PU«Mªvg `w¶Y eb wefv‡Mi Lyi“wkqv †i‡Äi msiw¶Z ebv of Eco-turism of Natural Forest at Khurusia ‡ji Rxe-ˆewPÎ msi¶Y I cwi‡ek ch©Ub kxl©K Kg©m–wP Range under Chittagong South Division (2009-2012) 45964935 - Creattion of Eco-turism Facilities at 45964935 -‡UsivwMwi msiw¶Z ebv‡j B‡Kv-Uy¨wiRg my‡hvM e„w× Tengragiri Reserve Forest (2009-2012) kxl©K Kg©m–wP (2009-2012) 45964936 - Establishment of Pirozpur River-view 45964936 -wc‡ivRcyi wifviwfD B‡Kv-cvK© ¯’vcb kxl©K Kg©m–wP Eco-park (2009-2012) (2009-2012) 4599-4599 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 4599-4599 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 4599 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 4599 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 45990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 45990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 46 - Ministry of Land 46 - f‚wg gš¿Yvjq 4601-4620 - Administration 4601-4620 -cªkvmb 4601 - Secretariat 4601 -mwPevjq 46010001 - Secretariat 46010001 -mwPevjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 46015010 - Worth of Food goods supplied for Food for 46015010 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q mieivnK…Z Lv`¨ mvgMÖxi g–j¨ (GwWwc Work (Out of ADP) ewnf©–Z) 46015011 - Char Development and Settlement 46015011 -wmwWGmwc-4 ( †bvqvLvjx †Rjv cÖkvmb) (RvbyqvwiÕ11 Project(CDSP-4)(Noakhali District n‡Z wW‡m¤^iÕ2014) Administration) 46015012 - Construction of Upazila and Union Land 46015012 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb f~wg Awdm wbg©vY(6 ce©) Offices(6th phase) 46015013 - Development of Online Digital Data 46015013 -evsjv‡`‡ki miKvwi e× Rjvkqmg~‡ni Ab jvBb Management system of Closed Public wWwRUvj WvUv g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g ˆZixKiY Water bodies of Bangladesh 46015014 - National Land Zoning Project(2nd Phase) 46015014 -RvZxq f–wg †Rvwbs cÖKí (2q ce©) (01/07/12-30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015015 - Capacity Building and Supporting the 46015015 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GÛ mv‡cvwUs w` Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb ‡÷ implementation Strengthening ªs‡`wbs MfvY©¨vÝ Governance Management Project g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± (K‡¤•v‡b›U we-wWwRUvj j¨vÛ (Component-B: Digital Land Management g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g) (01/04/2012-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z System) 46015016 - Computerisation of Existing Mouza Maps 46015016 -wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z f–wg †iKW©, Rwic I msi¶Y cÖKí and Khatian (1g ch©vq) (01/07/11-31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015017 - Improving public administration and 46015017 -BgcÖ“wfs cvewjK GWwgwb‡÷«kb GÛ mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi †_ªv service delivery through e-solation (market B-mwjDkbm (gv‡K©U c­¨vb di G wWwRUvj j¨vÛ plan for a digital land management system †g‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g Kg‡cv‡b›U) component) 01/07/2013-30/06/2015) (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015018 - Construction of Upazilla and Union Land 46015018 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb fwg Awdm wbg©vY ( 6ô ce©) office (01/07/2015-30/06/2019) (01/07/2015-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015019 - Guchpgram 2nd Phase (Climate Victims 46015019 -¸”QMªvg 2q ch©vq (K¬vB‡gU wfKwUgm win¨vwewj‡Ukb) Rehabilitation) cÖKí 46015020 - Rehabilitation of landless families in ideal 46015020 -Acv‡ikb wVKvbvq wQbœgj fwgnxb cwievimg‡ni cybev©mb village under 'operation thikana' 46015022 - Ideal village (Phase-2) 46015022 -Av`k© MÖvg (2q ch©vq) (01/07/1998-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015030 - Construction of union and upazilla land 46015030 -BDwbqb I Dc‡Rjv f–wg Awdm wbg©vY (chv©q-4) administration offices (Phase-4) (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015032 - Post flood rehabilitation of union and 46015032 -BDwbqb I Dc‡Rjv f‚wg Awd‡mi eb¨v‡Ëvi cybe©vmb upazilla land offices 46015040 - Char development and settlement project 46015040 -Pi Dbœqb GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cªKí 46015050 - Computerisation and modernisation of 46015050 -Kw¤•DUvi c×wZ‡Z LwZqvb I g¨vc gy`ªY e¨e¯’v map printing system AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí 46015060 - Construction of Upazila and Union Land 46015060 -Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb f–wg Awdm wbg©vY I †givgZ cÖKí Officess Project(5th Phase) (1st Revised) (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2005-30/06/2012) Approved 46015070 - Development of Government Khas Char of 46015070 -ivRkvnx †Rjvi cev Dc‡Rjvi miKvix Lvm Pi Dbœqb Paba upazilla and rehabilitation of Ges fwgnxb cybev©mb landless 46015080 - Procurement of modern equipment for 46015080 -fwg Rixc Kv‡R e¨env‡ii Rb¨ AvaywbK hšcvwZ msMªn land survey 46015090 - POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROJECT FOR 46015090 -fwg `wi`ª K…lK cwiev‡ii `wi`ª we‡gvPb cªKí FARMER 46015100 - Study of 46015100 -÷vwW Ad wW‡UBì †Kv÷vj j¨vÛ †Rvwbs DB_ Uz cvBjU wWw÷ª±m Ad †c­Bb j¨vÛ cÖKí 46015110 - 46015110 -miKvix Lvm gRv cyKzi ms¯‹vi I `xwN Dbœqb 46015120 - Climate Victim Rehabilitation 46015120 -K¬vB‡gU wfKwUgm win¨vwejvB‡Ukb cÖ‡R± (wmwfAviwc) Project(CVRP) (01/01/2009-30/06/12) (01/07/08 - 30/06/14) Abby‡gvw`Z Approved 46015130 - GOVT. KHAS CHAR DEVELOPMENTFOR 46015130 -beveMÄ †Rjvi beveMÄ Dc‡Rjvi LvmPi Dbœqb I REHAB OF LANDLESS I cyb©evmb cÖKí 46015140 - GOVT. KHAS CHAR LAND 46015140 -ivRkvnx †Rjvi evNv I †Mv`vevox Dc‡Rjvi LvmPi DEVELOPMENTFOR REHAB. OF LAND DbœqbI fywgnxb cybev©mb cÖKí 46015150 - Land Administration Trining 46015150 -f–wg cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi †nv‡÷j feb wbg©vY (01/01/2010-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 46015151 - Mordernization of Land Administration 46015151 -evsjv‡`k f‚wg cªkvmb ms¯‹vi cÖKí (1/7/02-30/6/08) (Phase-3) Abby‡gvw`Z 46015160 - Rehabilitation of scattered slum dwelers of 46015160 -XvKv gnvbMixi wQbœgj ew¯evwm‡`i MvRxcyi †Rjvq Dhaka city at Government land in Gazipur miKvwi Lvm Rwg‡Z cybev©mb district 46015161 - 46015161 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae wi‡m‡Uj‡g›U cwjwm MvBW jvBbm (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) 46015170 - Rehabilitation of rural landless families 46015170 -Lvm Rwg‡Z b`x wmKw¯ ¶wZMª¯ MªvgxY fwgnxb cwievimg affected by river erosion ‡ni cybev©mb 46015180 - Development of Nill Shagor , Durga 46015180 -bxjdvgvix †Rjvi bxjmvMi, ewikvj †Rjvi `Mv©mvMi I Shagor and Bijoy Dhighi Lake †dbx †Rjvi weRq`xwN Dbœqb cÖKí 46015190 - Rehabilitation of slum dwellers of Dhaka 46015190 -XvKv gnvbMixi wQbœgyj ew¯@evmx‡`i XvKvi miKvwi Rwg‡Z city in multi storied building on eûZj wewkó fe‡b cybe©vmb (1/7/98-30/6/06) Government owned land in Dhaka Aby‡gvw`Z 46015200 - Strenthening Setelment press, map 46015200 -‡÷«s‡`wbs †m‡Uj‡g›U †cÖm, g¨vc wcÖw›Us †cÖm, wccv‡ikb printing press, preparation of digital map Ae wWwRUvj g¨vc (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015201 - Tracer study for the preparation of the pilot 46015201 -‡U«mvi ÷vwW di w` wcªcv‡ikb Ae w` cvBjU cª‡R±/cÖ project for land use planning framework ‡R± Ab j¨vÛ BDR c­¨vwbs †d«gIqvK© G·vimvBR exercise 46015210 - aaa 46015210 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Mf‡b©›m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± (K‡¤•v‡b›U-we) t wWwRUvj †jW g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g (01/07/2011-31/12/2013) 46015220 - aaa 46015220 -‡÷«s‡`wbs G‡·m Uy j¨vÛ GÛ ‡cÖvcvwU© ivBUm Uy Aj wmwU‡Rbm Ae evsjv‡`k (01/07/2011-31/12/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015230 - aaa 46015230 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Mf‡b©›m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± (K‡¤•v‡b›U-we) t wWwRUvj ‡jÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g (01/07/2011-31/12/2013) 46015310 - 46015310 -BDwbqb I Dc‡Rjv f‚wg Awdm wbgv©Y (chv©q-4) 46015600 - Development of lakes and sanctuary for 46015600 -`xwN Dbœqb Ges cvLxi AfqviY¨ cÖKí birds (01/07/2000-30/06/2001) 46015602 - Char Development and Settlement 46015602 -Pi †Wfjcj‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-2 (wmwWGmwc-2) Project-2 (CDSP-2) Ministry of Land Part f‚wg gšÎYvj‡qi Ask (01/07/1999-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015620 - 46015620 -b`x wmwKw¯Z I ¶wZMÖ¯’ MÖvgxY fywgnxb‡`i PiRwg/LvmRwg‡Z cyY©evmb 46015640 - Modernisation of Map Printing Press 46015640 -‡m‡Uj‡g›U I g¨vc wcÖw›Us †cÖm AvaywbKxKiY (1/7/02 - (01/07/02-30/06/06) Unapproved 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 46015999 - Unapproved Block Allocation 46015999 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 46016010 - 46016010 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj Bbf‡jbUvix wi†m‡Uj‡g›U cwjwm (01/09/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 46016020 - Char Development and Settlement 46016020 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-3 (f‚wg gš¿Yvjq Project-3(Ministry of Land) Ask) (01/07/05-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2005-30/06/2009) Approved 46016021 - TPP on Strengthening Access to Land and 46016021 - wUwcwc Ab †÷«s‡`wbs G‡•m Uy j¨vÛ GÛ †cÖvcvwU© ivBUm Property Rights for All citizens of di Aj wmwU‡Rb Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 46016022 - Strengthening Ministry of Land and its 46016022 -f~wg gš¿Yvjq Ges Gi Aaxb ms¯’vmg~n kw³kvjxKiY attaached Departments cÖKí (wcBwm mycvwikK…Z) 46016023 - Capacity Development of hte Department 46016023 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae `¨v wWcvU©‡g›U Ae j¨vÛ of Land Records and Surveys and †iKW©m GÛ mv‡f©m GÛ gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae K¨vWv÷vj Modernization of Cadastal Map's storing †gcm ÷«s wcÖRvi‡fkb GÛ wiU«vBfvj wm‡÷g preservation and Retrieval system Project (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 4602 - Controller of Accounts - Revenue 4602 -wnmve wbqš¿K-ivR¯^ 46020000 - Controller of Accounts - Revenue 46020000 -wnmve wbqš¿K - ivR¯^ 4607 - Land Reform Board 4607 -f‚wg ms¯‹vi †evW© 46070000 - Land Reform Board 46070000 -f‚wg ms¯‹vi †evW© 4609 - Board of Land Appeal 4609 -f‚wg Avwcj †evW©

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 46090000 - Board of Land Appeal 46090000 -f‚wg Avwcj †evW© 4611 - Land Commission 4611 -j¨vÛ Kwgkb 46110000 - Land Commission 46110000 -j¨vÛ Kwgkb 4631-4650 - Land Management 4631-4650 -f‚wg e¨e¯’vcbv 4631 - Land Management 4631 -f‚wg e¨e¯’vcbv 46310000 - Land Management 46310000 -f‚wg e¨e¯’vcbv 46310001 - 46310001 - 4632 - District Offices 4632 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 46320000 - District Offices 46320000 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 46320001 - District Offices 46320001 -‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 46320003 - Waqf, Hindu & Other Trusts 46320003 -IqvK&d, †`‡evËi I Ab¨vb¨ Uªv÷mgn 4633 - Upazilla Offices 4633 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 46330000 - Upazilla Offices 46330000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg–n 4634 - Tahsil Offices 4634 -Znkxj `ßimg–n 46340000 - Tahsil Offices 46340000 -Znkxj `ßimg–n 4636 - Training Facility 4636 -f‚wg cªwk¶Y ‡K›`ª 46360000 - Land Administration and Training Centre 46360000 -f‚wg cªkvmb cªwk¶Y †K›`ª 46365001 - Construction of Hostel Bhaban at LATC 46365001 -f~wg cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi †nv‡÷j feb wbg©vY (Aby‡gvw`Z) 4637 - Department of Land Record and Survey 4637 -f‚wg †iKW© I Rwic Awa`ßi 46370000 - 46370000 - 46370001 - Department of Land Record and Survey 46370001 -f‚wg †iKW© I Rwic Awa`ßi 46370005 - Survey Operation 46370005 -mv‡f© Acv‡ikb 46370010 - Settlement Operation 46370010 -‡m‡Uj‡g›U Acv‡ikb 46370015 - International Boundary Demarcation 46370015 -Avš@R©vwZK mxgvš@ Rwic I wPwýZKiY 46375010 - Land Survey & Record Preparation and 46375010 -wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z f~wg Rixc I †iKW© cÖYqb Ges Preservation Under Digital Process(1st msi¶Y cÖKí(1g ch©vq)( we`¨gvb †gŠRvg¨vc I LwZqvb Phase:Computerisation of Existing Mouza Maps and Khatian Project) 46375011 - Establishment of a permanent Training 46375011 -f~wg †iKW© I Rwic Awa`߇ii AvIZvax‡b GKwU ¯’vqx Academy under the Directorate of Land cÖwk¶b GKv‡Wgx ¯’vcb cÖKí Records and Surveys (DLRS) Project. 46375012 - Development of Infrastructures of 20 46375012 -20wU †Rbvj/wiwfkbvj †m‡Uj‡g›U Awd‡mi †fŠZ Zonal/Revisional Settlement Offices AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Project 46375016 - Stremgthening of Settement Press, Map 46375016 -‡÷«s_‡`wbs Ae †m‡Uj‡g›U †cÖm, g¨vc wcÖw›Us †cÖm G¨vÛ Printing Press & Prepation of Digital Maps wcÖcv‡ikb Ae wWwRUvj g¨vcm cÖKí Project 46375017 - Preparation Maps & Records and 46375017 -wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z f~wg Rwic, †iKW© cÖYqb I msi¶Y Preservation under Digital Process cÖKí(1g ch©vq)(Abby‡gvw`Z) 46375018 - Construction of Bhumi Bhaban 46375018 -fwg feb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY 46375019 - Construction of New Residential Building 46375019 - for Staff and Officers of DGLR, Dhaka Settlement, Diara Settlement & Settlement Press 46375020 - Strengthening Governance Management 46375020 -‡÷«s‡`wbs Mfvb©¨v›m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± (K‡¤•v‡›U we) Project(Component-B) 46375021 - Capacity Development of the Department 46375021 -K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Aew` †WcvU©‡g›U Ae j¨vÛ of land Records and Surveys and †iKW©m „Û mv‡f©m GÛ gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae K¨vWv÷«vi Modernization of Cadastral Maps Strong, g¨vcm ÷«s wcÖRvi‡fkb GÛ wiU«vfvj wm‡÷g cÖKí Preserving and Retrieval System Project 46375022 - Dizitization of Land Survey, Record 46375022 -wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z fwg Rwic, †iKW© cÖYqb I msi¶Y Preparation and Preservation Project (1st cÖKí(1g ch©vq) Phase) 4639 - Zonal Offices 4639 -AvÂwjK Kvhv©jqmgn

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 46390000 - Zonal Offices 46390000 -AvÂwjK Kvhv©jqmgn 4696-4698 - Development Programme Financed by 4696-4698 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4696 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4696 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 46964001 - Block Allocation 46964001 -AeivÏK…Z †_vK 46964301 - Construction of Boundary Wall, Installation 46964301 -f‚wg cÖkvmb cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi bewbwg©Z fe‡bi evDÛvix of Generation and Computer Lab of the &Iqvj wbg©vY, †Rbv‡iUi ¯’vcb I Kw¤•DUvi j¨ve ¯’vcb Newly constructed Land Administration KvR Training Center Building 46964302 - Development of web-based Land Appeal 46964302 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae I‡qe †eBR j¨vÛ Avwcj †Km Case Management Application System g¨v‡bR‡g›U Gwc­­‡Kkb wm‡÷g di j¨vÛ Avwcj †evW©| And Digital Library for Appeal Board. 46964303 - Preserve, reprint and confirm quick supply 46964303 -wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z we`¨gvb ‡gŠRvg¨vc wmUmgn msi¶Y, present mouza-map by digital system cybtgy`ªY Ges `ª“Z mieivn wbwðZKiY KvR 46964307 - Renovation and Reconstruction of the 46964307 -fwg †iKW© I Rwic Awa`ßi, †m‡Uj‡g›U †cÖm I g¨vc Physical & Electrical Infrastructure of the wcÖw›Us †cÖ‡mi ‰e`y¨wZK I ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I Department of Land Records and Surveys, cybtwbg©vY KvR Settlement Press and Map Printing Press 46964309 - Establishment of IT Networking of 49 46964309 -XvKv wefv‡Mi 13wU †Rjvi (XvKv, gqgbwmsn, dwi`cyi I Upazilla Land Offices and Electricity Uv½vBj †Rjv ev‡`) 49wU Dc‡Rjv fwg Awdm I we`y¨r Connected 624 Union Land Offices Under mshy³ 624wU BDwbqb/†cŠi f‚wg Awdm Ges wm‡jU 13 Districts (Excluding Dhaka, wefv‡Mi 38wU Dc‡Rjv f‚wg Awdm I we`y¨r mshy³ 139wU BDwbqb/‡cŠi fwg Awd‡m AvBwU ‡bUIqvwK©s Mymensingh, Faridpur and Tagail ¯’vcb Districts) of Dhaka Division and 38 Upazilla Land Officers and Electricity Connected 139 Union Land Offices Under Sylhet Division 46964310 - Conservation of wetland in DC Office 46964310 -†kicyi I Uv½vBj †Rjvi †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kvh©vjh PZ¡‡i Premises of Sherpur & Tangail and we`¨gvb Rjvf‚wg msi¶Y Ges PUªMÖvg †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Beautification of DC hill in Chittagong evmfe‡bi PZ¡‡i Aew¯’Z wWwm wnj msi¶Y I †mŠ›`h©ea©K KvR 46964706 - Computerization of Land Management 46964706 -Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb Ae j¨vÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g Ae System of Dhaka City (2004-05 to XvKv wmwU (2004-05 n‡Z 2005-06) 2005-06) 46964707 - Computerization of CS and SA Records of 46964707 -Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb Ae wmGm GÛ GmG †iKW©m Ae XvKv Dhaka Collectorate (2004-05 to 2006-07) Kv‡j±‡iU (2004-05 n‡Z 2006-07) 46964708 - Preservaition of International Boundary 46964708 -wcÖRvi‡fkb Ae B›Uvib¨vkbvj evDÛvix ÷«xc g¨vcm GÛ Strip Maps and Mouza Maps by †gŠRv g¨vcm evB ¯‹vwbs/wWwRUvB‡Rkb| Scaning/Digitization 46964709 - Renovation and Reconstruction of the 46964709 -fwg †iKW© I Rwic Awa`ßi, †m‡Uj‡g›U †cÖm I g¨vc Physical & Electrical Infrastructure of the wcÖw›Us †cÖ‡mi ‰e`y¨wZK I ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv ms¯‹vi I Department of Land Records and Surveys, cybtwbg©vY KvR Settlement Press and Map Printing Press 46964855 - Printing of Backlog Khatian & Mouza Maps, 46964855 -f–wg †iKW© I Rwic Awa`߇ii cywÄf–Z LwZqvb I b·v Preservation of International Bouandary gy`ªY, wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z Avš@R©vwZK mxgvbvi ÷«xcg¨vc Strips Maps, Preperation and Preservation msi¶Y, †gŠRv g¨vc I LwZqvb cÖYqb Ges msi¶‡Yi Khatian & Mouza Maps of the Directrate of j‡¶¨ Kg©m–wP Ÿv¯@evqb Land Records and Survey through Digital System. 46964856 - Special Programm for Data Base and 46964856 -cywÄfZ 31.50j¶ LwZqvb g`ªY Ges WvUv‡eBR Printing of Pending 31.50 lakh Khatian ‰ZixKi‡Yi Rb¨ we‡kl Kg©mPx 4699-4699 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 4699-4699 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 4699 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 4699 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 46990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 46990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 47 - Ministry of Water Resources 47 - cvwb m¤•` gš¿Yvjq 4701-4720 - Administration 4701-4720 -cªkvmb 4701 - Secretariat 4701 -mwPevjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47010001 - Secretariat 47010001 -mwPevjq 47015000 - Unallocated block 47015000 -AeivÏK…Z †_vK 47015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 47015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 47015999 - 47015999 -Abby‡gvw`Z cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 47019091 - Fezibility 47019091 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae d¬vW †dviKvw÷s GÛ Iqvwb©s mvwf©‡mm Bbw` wicvewjK Ae evsjv‡`k (01/01/2003-31/12/2005) 47019100 - 47019100 -‡Mv`vMvox Dc‡Rjvq ivRvevox †_‡K evwjqvNvUv ch©š eva wbgv©b cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) 47019180 - 47019180 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi m`i I Pif`ªvmb Dc‡Rjvi c`¥v b`xi fv½b n‡Z dwi`cyi kni I cvk„eZx© GjvKvmgn i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) 47019190 - 47019190 -b`x fv½b n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi ZRygwÏb Dc‡Rjvi AwZ SzwKcY© As‡k Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (01/07/2003- 30/06/2008) 47019200 - 47019200 -‡gNbv †ZZywjqv b`x fv½b cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) 47019210 - 47019210 -e¸iv †Rjvq wZZcij Ges †`efv½vq ev½vjx b`x I hgybv b`x GKxfyZ nIqv †ivaKiY cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) 4705 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4705 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 47053281 - Bangladesh Water Development Board 47053281 -evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© 47053282 - Bangladesh Haowr and Marsh 47053282 -evsjv‡`k nvIi I Rjvf–wg Dbœqb †evW© Development Board 47053283 - Joint River Commission 47053283 -‡hŠ_ b`x Kwgkb 47053285 - Extensive Research on Water 47053285 -cvwb m¤•‡K© e¨vcK cix¶v 47053287 - WARPO 47053287 -cvwb m¤•` cwiKíbv ms¯’v 47053289 - River Research Institute 47053289 -b`x M‡elYv BÝwUwUDU 47055010 - 47055010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ** 47055011 - Barni Baor Development Project. 47055011 -ewY© evIi Dbœqb cÖKí(01/07/2011-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z| 47055012 - Matamuhiri irrigation project 2nd phase 47055012 -gvZvg~ûix †mP cÖKí ( 2q ch©vq ) (2qms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/2005 - 30/6/2011 ) 47055013 - Removal of Drainage Congestion from the 47055013 -K‡cvZv¶ b`x †ewm‡bi Rjve×Zv `~ixK&iY cÖKí (cÖ_g Kobadak River Basin (Phase-I) ch©vq) (2010-2011/2014-15)| 47055014 - Excavation of a Pilot Channel at the 47055014 -‡mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjvi †dbx †i¸‡U‡ii fvwU‡Z cvBjU Downstream of Feni Regulator under P¨v‡bj Lbb Ges gxikivB Dc‡Rjvi cwðg‡Rvqvi Sonagazi Upazila of Feni District and Bank GjvKvq †dbx b`xi evg Zxi ms&¶iY Protective Works on the Left Bank o cÖKí(2009-10/2011-12) 47055015 - Naogaon Town Protection Project. 47055015 -bIMuv kni iv cÖKí (2010-11 nB‡Z 2012-2013) 47055016 - Rehabilitation of G.K. Irrigation Project 47055016 -M½v-K‡cvZv¶ †mP cÖK‡íi c~be©vmb cÖKí (RyjvB,2011 n‡Z Rzb, 2016) 47055017 - Dhaka-Narayangonj-Demra Drainage 47055017 -XvKv-bvivqYMÄ-‡Wgiv (wWGbwW) GjvKvq wb®‹vkb Dbœqb improvement Project cÖKí (uRyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013) 47055018 - Re-Excavation of Kumar River 47055018 -Kzgvi b` cybtLbb cÖKí (uRyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013) 47055019 - Procurement of water & land based 47055019 -"Lvj I †QvU b`x mgy‡ni Rjve×Zv wbimb K‡í Rj ¯’ equipments (Amphibian) to mitigate water ‡j(G¨vgwcwfqvb) Kvh©Kix hš¿cvwZ µq (wW‡m¤^i, congesition and develipment of land in 2011-wW‡m¤^i, 2013)" different Rivers & Canals in small nature. 47055020 - Extension of Activities of Chowddamadar 47055020 -evKvB-†MŠib`x-Av‰MjSov †PŠÏgv`vi wej euva I Lvj beel Embankment and Khal Excabation of Lbb cÖK‡íi Amgvß euva I LvjLbb KvR mgvßKiY Project (1st Revised) (01/07/05 - 30/6/10) (01/07/2006-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 47055021 - Chandpur-Comilla Integrated FCDI Project 47055021 -Puv`cyi Kzwgj­v mgwš^Z eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2015 ch©š—) 47055022 - Rehabilitation of Barisal Irrigation Project 47055022 -ewikvj †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí (Rvbyqvix, 2010 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47055023 - Protection of Ramgati & Kamalnagar from 47055023 -"j¶xcyi †Rjvi ivgMwZ I KgjbMi Dc‡Rjv‡K i¶vK‡ erosion of in Lakshimpur í †gNbv b`xi Ae¨vnZ fvsMb cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí (RyjvB, district. 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2016)|" 47055024 - Re-Excavation of 47055024 -cUzqvLjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvq †WªRvi Øviv Khaprabhanga-Chaplirdona River(Mohipur Lvcovfv½v-Pvcjxi†`vb b`x (gwncyi P¨v‡bj) cybtLbb Channel) by Dredger at Kalapara upzilla in cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013)| Patuakhali. 47055025 - Re-Excavation of Titas River in B.Baria 47055025 -eªvþbevwoqv †Rjvi wZZvm b`x c~b:Lbb cÖKí (RyjvB, district. 2012 nB‡Z Ryb, 2015) 47055026 - Char Kukri-Mukri FCD and Prevention of 47055026 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pi KzKwi-gyKwi eb¨v wbqš¿b, wb®‹vkb I saline water in Bhola District. jeYv³ cvwb cÖ‡ek ‡iva cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014) 47055027 - Re-Excavation of Titas River and 47055027 -"Kzwgj­v †Rjvi wZZvm I ‡nvgbv Dc‡Rjvq wZZvm b`x Construction of Embankment from cyb:Lbb Ges †MŠixcyi-‡nvgbv moK n‡Z jvjcyi ch©š— Goaripur-Homna road to Lalpur at Titas & euva wbg©vY cÖKí Homna up-zilla in Comilla District. (b‡L¤^i, 2011 n‡Z Ryb, 2014)" 47055028 - Construction of off take structure over 47055028 -gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi wNIi I †`ŠjZcyi Dc‡Rjvq wNIi Gheor River at Amtali to control the b`xi (cyivZb a‡jk¦ix) fvsMb†ivaK‡í el©vi cvwb wbqš¿b monsoon flow for the reduction of Bank Kivi Rb¨ AvgZjx‡Z wNIi b`xi Dci Ad‡UK KvVv‡gv erosion of Gheor River (Old Dhale wbg©vY c 47055029 - Construction of Embankment at Sarail in 47055029 -"eªvþbevoxqv †Rjvi mivBj Dc‡Rjvq euva wbg©vY cÖKí B.Baria District. (wW‡m¤^i, 2011 n‡Z Ryb, 2013)" 47055030 - 47055030 -†dbx b`xi fv½b n‡Z ï°zi evwiqvi nvU Ges K‡ii nvU GjvKvq cÖwZi¶v (01/07/2006-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055031 - Imporovement of Kodalia,Aduadihi, 47055031 -"ev‡MinvU ‡Rjvi †cvìvi bs- 36/1 c~b©evmb cÖK‡íi Kendua Narnia Beel under rehabilitation of AvIZvq †Kv`vwjqv, Avo–qvwWwn, †K›`yqv bwb©qv wej Dbœqb Polder no. 36/1 project in Bagerhat district. cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011- Ryb 2014)|" 47055032 - Raktadhaha-Lohachura beel drainage 47055032 -bIMuv †Rjvi i³`n-‡jvnvP~ov wej wb®‹vkb ¯‹xg c~be©vmb scheme rehabilitation project in Naogaon cÖKí (Rvby, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013) District. 47055033 - Kurigram Irrigation (South Unit), 2nd 47055033 -"KzwoMÖvg ‡mP cÖKí (`wb BDwbU) Phase. 2q ch©vq (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2016)" 47055034 - Kurigram Irrigation (North Unit), 2nd Phase 47055034 -"KzwoMÖvg ‡mP cÖKí (DËi BDwbU) 2q ch©vq(RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2016)" 47055035 - Protection of the “Kuthibari” of Nobel 47055035 -wek¦Kwe iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii KzwVevwo I cvk¦eZx© GjvKv Laureate Great Poet Robindranath Tagore msi¶†bi j‡¶¨ cÙv b`xi Wvb Zxi msi¶b cÖKí along the Right Bank of Padma River at (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013) Shilaidaha, Kaya and adjacent ar 47055036 - Improvement of Cannel Re-excavation and 47055036 -Lvj cybtLbb Ges †i¸‡jUimg~n i¶Yv‡e‡Yi gva¨‡g rehabilitation of Regulators ei¸bv †Rjvi DcK~jxq †cvìvimg~‡n †mP myweav cÖ`v‡bi j‡¶¨ Lvj¸‡jvq wgwó cvwb msi¶Y Kiv (wW‡m¤^i, 2011 nB‡Z 47055037 - Karnaphuli and Halda river management 47055037 -Kb©dzwj I nvj`v b`x e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí- †WªwRs Ges project, Dredging and Protective work msi¶bg~jK KvR (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014) 47055038 - Integrated Water Management Project at 47055038 -ev‡MinvU ‡Rjvi 34/2 †cvìvi Gi mgwš^Z cvwb 34/2 in Bagerhat District. e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011- Ryb 2014)| 47055039 - Chalan beel Integrated Water 47055039 -Pjbwej GjvKvi mgwš^Z cvwb m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv I wej Management and Beel Halti improvement nvjwZ Dbœqb cÖKí (RyjvB, 2010 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014) Project. 47055040 - Institutional Development & Capacity 47055040 -BÝwUwUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae Building wifvi wimvm© BÝwUwUDU (01/07/06-30/06/09 Aby‡gvw`Z 47055041 - North Rajshahi Irrigation Project. 47055041 -"DËi ivRkvnx †mP cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2017)|" 47055042 - Rehabilitation of BWDB Infrastructures 47055042 -DcKzjxq GjvKvq NywY©So AvBjvq AvNv‡Z ¶wZMÖ¯— Damaged by Cyclone Aila in Coastal Area evcvD‡evÕi AeKvVv‡gvmg~n cybe©vmb (`w¶YvÂj) cÖKí (Southern Zone) (‡dei“qvix, 2011-Rzb, 2013) 47055043 - Excavation of Pilot channel at downstream 47055043 -‡mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjvi †dYx †i¸‡jU‡ii fvwU‡Z cvBjU of Feni Regulator and Protection of left P¨v‡bj Lbb Ges gxikivB Dc‡Rjvi cwðg‡Rvqvi bank of Feni River at West Joar in GjvKvq †dYx b`xi evg Zxi msi¶b cÖKí (gvP©, Mirershwarai. 2011-Ryb, 2013)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47055044 - Protection of Sirajgonj Industrial Park and 47055044 -hgybv b`xi fvsMb n‡Z cÖ¯—vweZ wmivRMÄ wkí cvK© Ges its adjacent area from the erosion of ZrmsjMœ GjvKv msi¶b cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Jamuna River. Ryb, 2013) 47055045 - Protection of Alatoli area in 47055045 -b`xi fvsMb n‡Z PuvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi AvjvZzwj GjvKv Chapainwabgonj from river erosion. i¶v cÖKí (GwcÖj, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013) 47055046 - Construction of" Pani Bhaban". 47055046 -cvwbfeb wbg©vY cÖKí (wW‡m¤^i, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2015) 47055047 - Protection of Baghba bazar,Bhaggakul 47055047 -cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z gyÝxMÄ †Rjvi kªxbMi Dc‡Rjvaxb bazar & Kabutar Khola bazar from the evNiv evRvi, fvM¨Kzj evRvi Ges KeyZi †Lvjv MÖvg erosion of Padma River at Srinagar up-zilla GjvKv i¶v cÖKí (GwcÖj, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013) in Munshigonj district. 47055048 - Rajoir-Kotalipara FCDI Project. 47055048 -"iv‰Ri †KvUvwjcvov eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP cÖKí (b‡f¯^i, 2010 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013)|" 47055049 - Construction of Hatia Nijumdip Cross 47055049 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvi nvwZqv wbSzg Øxc µm Dam at Hatia upazila in Noakhali. W¨vg cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014) 47055050 - Protection of Flood Control Embankment 47055050 -Kzwóqv †Rjvi ‡`ŠjZcyi Dc‡Rjvi Ryb`n, ˆeivMxiPi I from erosion of Padma river at Jundaha, wdwjcbMi GjvKvq ivBZv-gwnkKvw›` eb¨v wbqš¿b euva Boiragirchar & Philipnagar, upzilla cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v cÖKí(RyjvB, 10-Ryb, 13) Doulatpur in Kustia District 47055051 - Re-construction of Embankment at 47055051 -"wmivRMÄ †Rjvi kvnRv`cyi Dc‡Rjvi bZzb shahbajpur up-zilla new alignment in GjvBb‡g›U eivei eªþcyÎ Wvb Zxi evua cybtwbg©vY cÖKí Sirajgonj district. (Rvby, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013)" 47055052 - River bank protection at Lalmohan up-zilla 47055052 -†fvjv ‡Rjvi jvj‡gvnb Dc‡Rjvi fv½bcÖeb GjvKvq in Bhola district. b`xZxi msi¶b cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (gvP©, 2011 n‡Z Ryb, 2013) 47055053 - Protection of Louhajong Upazilla complex 47055053 -gyÝxMÄ †Rjvi †jŠnRs Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· GjvKv cÙv from erosion of Padma river in Munsigonj b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v cÖKí(wW‡m¤^i, 2010 nB‡Z Ryb, district. 2012) 47055054 - Cox's bazar town protection project, 47055054 -K·evRvi kni i¶v cÖKí(RyjvB, 2011 n‡Z Ryb, 2014) 47055055 - Protection of Ramneoaz Area from the 47055055 -†fvjv †Rjvi †gNbv b`xi fvsMb n‡Z gbcyiv erosion of Meghna River under Monpura Dc‡Rjvaxb ivg‡bIqvR GjvKv i¶v I †ZZzwjqv b`xi Upazilla and Ghosherhat Launch Ghat fvsMb n‡Z Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvaxb †Nv‡linvU jÂNvU Area from the erosion of Tentulia River GjvKv i¶v cÖKí (Ryj 47055056 - Protection of the left bank of Padma river 47055056 -cvebv †Rjvi Ck¦i`x Dc‡Rjvi cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z from Komorpur to Shara-Jhaodia in Kgicyi n‡Z SvDw`qv ch©š— Ges bv‡Uvi †Rjvi jvjcyi Iswardi Upazilla under Pabna District and Dc‡Rjvaxb ZxjKcyi n‡Z †MŠixcyi ch©š— Zxi msi¶b Tilopur to Gouripur in Lalpur u cÖKí(Ryjv 47055057 - Protection of right bank of the Jamuna river 47055057 -e¸ov †Rjvq hgybv b`xi Wvb Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (RyjvB, in Bogra district. 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014) 47055058 - Construction of Sonahat Bridge and 47055058 -KzwoMÖvg ‡Rjvi fyi“½gvix Dc‡Rjvaxb †mvbvnvU eªxR I Bhurungamari-Madargonj Road from the fyi“½gvix-gv`viMÄ moK c_‡K `yaKzgvi b`xi fv½b erosion of Dudhkumar River at n‡Z i¶v Ges Dwjcyi Dc‡Rjvi ¸bvBMvQ BDwbqb †_‡K Bhurungamari Upazilla & Bank Revetment eRiv B work at l 47055059 - Protection of Important Places and 47055059 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi AvjdvWv½v, †evqvjgvix I gayLvjx Installations from the Erosion of Dc‡Rjvi ¸i“Z¡c~Y© ¯’vb I ¯’vcbv gaygwZ b`xi fv½b n‡Z Madhumati River at Alfadanga, Boalmari & i¶v cÖKí(RyjvB, 2010 nB‡Z Ryb, 2012) Madhukhali Upazila in Faridpur District 47055060 - Boarder River Protection and Improvement 47055060 -mxgvš— b`x msi¶b I Dbœqb cÖKí, †dR2 (17wU Project, Phase-II (17 sub-projects) Dc-cÖKí) (2011-2012 nB‡Z 2013-2014) 47055061 - Bhola Town Protection Project (3rd 47055061 -†fvjv kni i¶v cÖKí (3q chv©q) Phase). (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014) 47055062 - Bakkhali River Dredging in Cox's Bazar 47055062 -"K·evRvi †Rjvi evKLvjx b`x †WªwRs cÖKí (GwcÖj, District 2012 n‡Z Ryb, 2014)" 47055063 - Bhairab River Re-Excavation 47055063 -‰fie b` cyb:Lbb cÖKí (RyjvB, 2012- Ryb, 2015) 47055064 - Rehabilitation And Slope Prptection Work 47055064 -wZ¯v e¨ivR cÖKí (†dR-1) Gi wZ¯v cÖavb Lvj I mswk¬ó of Teesta Main Canal And Related ÷ªvKPvi Gi cybe©vmb I Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí|(gvP©, 2011 Structure of Teesta Barrage Project n‡Z wW‡m¤^i, 2011) (Phase-I).

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47055065 - Protection of Bairagir hat and Cholmari 47055065 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi wPjgvix I Dwjcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb ˆeivMxi bandar in Kurigram fro erosion of nvU I wPjgvix e›`i eªþcyÎ b‡`i Wvb Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z Brahmaputra river i¶v cÖKí (†dR-2 (b‡f¤^i, 11- Ryb, 14) 47055066 - Loopcut of Ghoraura river at gopalpur and 47055066 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi wgVvgBb Dc‡Rjvi †Mvcvjcyi I Nagairar Dhair in Kishoregonj zilla bvMBivi avBi bvgK ¯’v‡b †NvovDÎv b`xi jyc-KvU Lbb (†deª“qvix, 2012 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013)| 47055067 - Padma River Bank Protection Project at 47055067 -XvKv †Rjvi †`vnvi Dc‡Rjvq eªn evRvi I bvwikv evRvi Braha Bazar and Narisha Bazar area in G cÙv b`xi evg Zxi eivei Zxi msi¶Y KvR Dohar Upazila under Dhaka District (‡deªƒqvix, 2011 - Ryb, 2013) 47055068 - Ilisha-Kachia area protection from the 47055068 -†fvjv †Rjvq †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Bwjkv-KuvwPqv erosion of Meghna river in Bhola district GjvKv i¶v cÖKí (RyjvB, 2010 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013) 47055069 - Integrated Water Mangement Project at 47055069 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvq †cvìvi bs-55/2Gd Gi mgwš^Z cvwb Polder no. 55/2F in Patuakhali District e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014)| 47055070 - Protection of Patarhat Bandar through 47055070 -ewikvj †Rjvaxb †g‡n›`xMÄ Dc‡Rjvi Djvwbqv I construction of Cross Bundh at Ulania and †Mvwe›`cyi BDwbq‡bi †gNbv b`xi fvsMb †iva cÖKí Construction of Embankment at Char (‡deª“qvix, 2012 n‡Z Ryb, 2014) Ackuria Union in Mehendiganj Upazil 47055071 - Kirtinasha palong river Dredging 47055071 -KxwZ©bvkv (cvjs) b`x †WªwRs cÖKí (2010-2011 - 2011-2012) 47055072 - Karrangirchar FC and development project 47055072 -Kvgiv½xiPi eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva I Dbœqb cÖKí (RyjvB/12-Ryb/15) 47055073 - Mahanada River Dredging from Kharghat 47055073 -LviNvU n‡Z bwmcyi ch©š gnvb›`v b`x c~btLbb/†WªwRs to Nasipur cÖKí 47055074 - Left bank of Bolai and Dhanu river 47055074 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi BUbv Dc‡Rjvi m`i I wkgyjevM protection in Kishoregong GjvKv i¶v‡_© †evjvB I `by b`xi evg Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (Rvby/12-RyjvB/13) 47055075 - Shibpur FCDI Project in Narshingdi District 47055075 -biwms`x †Rjvi wkecyi Dc‡Rjvaxb wkecyi eb¨v wbqš¿Y , wb®‹vkb I †mP cÖKí| ( gvP©, 2012 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013)| 47055076 - Jabaibeel FCD Sub-Project In Upazila: 47055076 -bIMuv †Rjvi mvcvnvi I †cvikv Dc‡Rjvi RevBwej eb¨v Sapahar & Porsha In District: Naogaon wbqš¿Y I cvwb wb®‹vkb Dc-cÖKí(‡m‡Þ:,-Ryb, 2013) 47055077 - Maliara-Bakkhain-Vandergaon Flood 47055077 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi cwUqv Dc‡Rjvq Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project in gvwjhviv-evKLvBb-fvÛviMuvI eb¨v wbqš¿b, wb®‹vkb I †mP Patia Upazila under Chittagong District cÖKí (A‡±vei, 2011 n‡Z ‡m‡Þ¤^i, 2014) 47055078 - Integrated Irrigation Project in Tangon 47055078 -VvKziMvuI †Rjvi cxiMÄ UvsMb b`x‡Z ivevi W¨v‡gi gva¨ River with Rubber dam ‡g mgwš^Z †mP cÖKí (RyjvB, 2010- Ryb, 2013)| 47055079 - Procurement of Small Ampirvian 47055079 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae ¯§j †¯‹j G¨vgwcwfqvb BKzBc‡g›U equipments (wW‡m¤^i, 2011-wW‡m¤^i, 2013) 47055080 - River Dredging and 47055080 -b`x Lbb I emwZ Dbœqb cÖKí (RyyjvB,12 n‡Z Ryyb,17) 47055081 - Surface water in dry season 47055081 -ﮋ ‡gŠmy‡g f‚-cwi¯’ cvwb m¤•` cÖvc¨Zv wbY©q (2013-15) 47055082 - Drainage Improvement of 47055082 -XvKv-bvivqbMÄ-‡Wgiv (wWGbwW) GjvKvq wb®‹vkb Dbœqb Dhaka-Narayangonj-Demra (DND) Project. cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2013) 47055083 - Sirajgonj town protection from Bramaputra 47055083 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb eªþcyÎ WvbZxi eb¨v river erossion wbqš¿b euva (weAviB) Kvg eª²c~Î †mZz ms‡hvM moKmn wmivRMÄ kni hgybv b`xi ev½b n‡Z msi¶Y cÖKí 47055084 - River Bank Protection, Flood Control, 47055084 -b`x Zxi msi¶Y, eb¨v wbqš¿Y, †mP I wb®‹vkY ¸”Q cÖKí Drainage and Irrigation Cluster Project(64- (64wU Dc- cÖKí) (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014) sub-projects) 47055085 - Protection of Tongipara upzilla complex 47055085 -‡Mvcvjcyi †Rjvi UzsMxcvov Dc‡Rjvq evwNqvi I NvNi from Baghiar & Ghagar river erosion b`xi fvsMb n‡Z UzsMxcvov Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­• I msjMœ GjvKv i¶v‡_© b`xZxi msi¶b cÖKí (†m‡Þ¤^i, 2011 - Ryb, 47055086 - Integrated Flood Control, Drainage and 47055086 -Ki‡Zvqv b`xi WvbZxi mgwš^Z eb¨v wbqš¿b, wb®‹vkb Ges Irrigation Project at Right Bank of Karatoa †mP cÖKí (RyjvB, 2011 nB‡Z Ryb, 2014)| River. 47055087 - Embankment Construction Project From 47055087 -ivRkvnx †Rjvi †Mv`vMvwo Dc‡Rjvi ivRvevwo ‡_‡K Rajabari to Baliaghata at Godagari Upazila evwjqvNvUv ch©š evua wbg©vY cÖKí (†dR-2) (RyjvB, of Rajshahi District - Phase-II. 2011- Ryb, 2014)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47055088 - Construction of Combined Water Control 47055088 -w`bvRcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb †MŠixcyi-G ﮋ Structure over Punarbhaba River for †gŠmy‡g m¤•iK †mP cÖ`v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ cybf©ev b`x‡Z Supplementary Irrigation during Drought at mgwš^Z cvwb wbqš¿Y KvVv‡gv wbg©vY cÖKí (RyjvB, 2012 Gouripur under Sadar Upazilla in -Ryb, 47055089 - Early Flood management Project 47055089 -nvIi GjvKvq eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (2011-2017) 47055090 - Greater Dhaka Water management project 47055090 -e„nËi XvKv AeevwnKvq cvwb m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv (2013-16) 47055091 - Main River Flood and Bank Erossion Risk 47055091 -†gBb wifvi d¬vW GÛ e¨vsK B‡ivkb wi¯‹ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management Program †cÖvMªvg 47055092 - River Bank Protection of Jamuna River in 47055092 -e¸ov †Rjvq hgybv b`xi Wvb Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí Bogura District 47055093 - G-K Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (July, 47055093 -M½v-K‡cvZv¶ †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí (RyjvB, 2012 to June, 2016) 2012 n‡Z Ryb, 2016) 47055094 - G-K Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (July, 47055094 -M½v-K‡cvZv¶ †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí (RyjvB, 2012 to June, 2016) 2012 n‡Z Ryb, 2016) 47055095 - Rehabilitation Works of Teesta Main Canal 47055095 -wZ¯Zv cÖavb Lv‡ji cybe©vmb cÖKí Ges wZ¯Zv e¨v‡i‡Ri & Related Structure under Command Area KgvÛ Gwiqv msi¶Y cÖKí (†dR-1) (RyjvB/2012 n‡Z of Teesta Barrage Project (Phaee-I) (July, Ryb/2014) 2012 to June, 2014) 47055096 - Bagerhat District Polder 34/2 Intigrated 47055096 -ev‡MinvU †Rjvi †cvìvi-34/2 Gi mgwš^Z cvwb Water Management Project (July, 2012 to e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (RyjvB, 2012 n‡Z Ryb, 2015) June, 2015) 47055097 - Protection of Alatoli Area in 47055097 -cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z PuvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi AvjvZzwj Chapainababganj District from the Erosion GjvKv i¶v cÖKí (RyjvB, 2012 n‡Z Ryb, 2015) of Padma River (July, 2012 to June, 2015) 47055098 - Construction of Sonaghat Bridge & 47055098 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi fyi“½vgvix Dc‡Rjvaxb †mvbvNvU eªx‡Ri Burigamari-Madarganj Road from Erosion mwbœK‡U `yaKzgvi b`xi fv½b n‡Z fyi“½vgvix-gv`viMÄ of Dudhkumar River at Bhurungamari moK i¶v Ges Dwjcyi Dc‡Rjvi ¸bvBMvQ n‡q eRiv Upazila & River Bank Revetment Work at wmwb Lef 47055099 - Main River Flood and Bank Erosion Risk 47055099 -†gBb wifvi d¬¨vW GÛ e¨vsK B‡ivkb wi· g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management Programme ((01/04/2012 to †cÖvMÖvg (01/04/2012 n‡Z 30/06/2013) 30/06/2013) 47055100 - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 47055100 -Bbfvqib‡g›Uvj Bg‡c± G¨v‡mm‡g›U (BAvBG) ÷vwW study of different BWDB projects to be Ad wWdv‡i›U weWwe&jDwWwe cÖ‡R±m Uz we Bgwc­‡g‡›UW implementted under Climate Change AvbWvi K¬vB‡gU †PÄ Uªv÷ dvÛ (wmwmwUGd) (A‡±vei, Trust Fund (CCTF) (October, 2012 to Dec 2012 n‡Z 47055101 - Environemtal Impact Assessment (EIA) 47055101 -?????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????????? ???? ???????????? study of different BWDB projects to be ?? ????????????? ???? ??????? ???????? implemented under Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF). 47055102 - Preparing Irrigation Management 47055102 -?????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????? ?????? ??????? Improvement Investment Program ???????? ????????? (PPTA-IMIIP) in Muhuri Irrigation Project (MIP). 47055103 - Outstanding Payments of the Completed 47055103 -??????? ????????? ???????? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????????? "Urgent Rehabilitation of Pumping ?????? ????? ???????? ????? ????????? ????? ???? ???? Facilities of G. K. Irrigation Project for ??????? Sustainable Rural Economic Developm 47055104 - aa 47055104 -MsMv K‡cvZv¶ †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb (01/07/2012-30/06/2016) 47055105 - aa 47055105 -wi‡nwejvB‡Ukb IqvK©m Ae wZ¯v †gBb †K‡bj GÛ wi‡j‡UW ÷ªvKPvi AvÛvi KgvÛ Gwiqv Ae wZ¯v †e‡iBR cÖ‡R± (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) 47055106 - aa 47055106 -ce©vÂjxq mgwš^Z †mP GjvKv Dbœqb (01/01/2013- 30/06/2017) 47055107 - aa 47055107 -†mP m¤•ÖmviY Kg©mPx (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) 47055108 - Integrated Water Management For Poldar 47055108 -ev‡MinvU †Rjvi †cvìvi 34/2 Gi mgwš^Z cvwb 34/2 of Bagerhat District. e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47055109 - Protection of Alatuli Area of Chepai 47055109 -cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi AvjvZzjx Nababgonj District From Padma River GjvKv i¶v cÖKí (01/09/2012-30/06/2015) Erosion (01/09/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055110 - Protection of Sonahat Bridge and 47055110 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi fzi“½vgvix Dc‡Rjvaxb †mvbvnvU eªx‡Ri Bhurungamari-Madarganj Road from the mwbœK‡U `yaKzgvi b`xi fv½b n‡Z fzi“½vgvix-gv`viMÄ Erossion of Dudhkumar River at moK i¶v Ges Dwjcyi Dc‡Rjvi ¸bvBMvQ n‡Z eRiv Bhurungamri Upazila & Bank Revetment wmwbqi gv`ªvmv ch©š wZ¯v b`xi evg Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (01/07/2012 - 30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z work at left bank of Tista River from Gunaigach to Bazras Senior Madrasa at Ulipur Upazila in Kurigram District 47055111 - Protection Of Bhola City Project (3rd 47055111 -†fvjv kni msi¶Y cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Phase) (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055112 - Protection Of Lawhogang Upazila Complex 47055112 -gywÝMÄ †Rjvi †jŠnRs Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c¬­¯‹ GjvKv cÙv of Munshiganj District from the River b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v cÖKí erosion of Padma (01/01/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2013-30/06/2015) 47055113 - Protection of Left bank of Padma River 47055113 -cvebv †Rjvi Ck¦i`x Dc‡Rjvi †Kvgicyi n‡Z mvov from Komorpur of Irshardi Upazila of SvDw`qv Ges bv‡Uvi †Rjvi wZjKcyi-†MŠixcyi ch©š cÙv Pabna District to Sara Jhaudia and b`xi evg Zxi msi¶b cÖKí (01/07/2012- Tilacpur-Garipur of Nator District Project 30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) 47055114 - Protection of Boiragihat and Chilmari Port 47055114 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi wPjgvix I Dwjcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb ˆeivMxi of Chilmari and Ulipur Upazila of Kurigram nvU I wPjgvix e›`i eªþcyÎ b‡`i Wvb Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z District from the Erosion of Bhramaputra i¶v (2q ch©vq) (01/11/2012-30/06/2016) River (2nd phase) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/11/2012-30/06/2016) 47055115 - aa 47055115 -Bgvi‡RÝx mv‡cvU© di BwgwW‡qU wi‡nwejvB‡Ukb Ae †gvó fvjbv‡iej Bb dvBf Dc‡Rjvm Ae `¨v mvZ¶xiv wWw÷ª± Ae mvD`vb© evsjv‡`k (01/08/2012-28/02/2013) 47055116 - Rehabilitation works of Tista Main Canal 47055116 -wi‡nwejAB‡Ukb IqvK©m Ae wZ¯Zv †gBb †K‡bj GÛ and Related Structure under command wi‡j‡UW ÷«vKPvi AvÛvi KgvÛ Gwiqv Ae wZ¯Zv Area of Tista Barrage project †e‡iBR cÖ‡R± (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055117 - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 47055117 -Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj Bgc¨v± G‡mm‡g›U (BAvBG) ÷vwW Ae Study of Different BWD Projects to be wWdv‡i›U weWwe¬DwW cÖ‡R±m Uz we Bgwc¬‡g‡›UW AvÛvi Implement Under Climate Change Trust K¬vB‡gU †PÄ Uªv÷ dvÛ (01/10/2012-31/12/2013) Fund (01/10/2012-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055118 - Preparing Irrigation Management 47055118 -wcÖ‡cqvwis Bwi‡Mkb g‡bRg¨v›U BgcÖ“f‡g›U Bb‡fm‡g›U Improvement InvestmentProgramme (PPT ‡cÖvMÖvg (wcwcwU-AvBGgAvBAvBwc) Bb gûix Bwi‡Mkb IMIIP) in Mohory Irrigation Project (MIP) cÖ‡R± (GgAvBwc) (01/10/2012-31/10/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055119 - Bank protection work along the left and 47055119 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi †evqvjLvjx I ivDRvb Dc‡Rjvi KY©dzjx right Bank at Different of Karnofuli river, b`x, †evqvjLvjx I ivBLvjx Lvj Ges Gi Wvb I Boalkhali and Raikhali khal in Chittagong evgZx‡ii wewfbœ A½ cÖwZi¶v (01-07-13 n‡Z District 30-06-16) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055120 - Bank River Bank protection of Vulnerable 47055120 -†fvjv ‡Rjvi jvj‡gvnb Dc‡Rjvi SuwKc~Y© As‡k Part at lalmohan Upazila Under Bhola b`xZxi msi¶b (2q ch©vq) (01-07-13 n‡Z District 30-06-16) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055121 - Protection of both Bank of Barni river at 47055121 -bv‡Uvi †Rjvi miKzwZqv I KvwjMÄ-mvabcy‡i evY©vB b`xi kaliganj Sarkutia and kaligang Shadonpur Dfq Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (01-07-13 n‡Z 30-06-16) in Natore District Aby‡gvw`Z 47055122 - Rehabilitation of Bhutiar Beel and 47055122 -Lyjbv †Rjvi fzwZqvi wej Ges Barnal-Salimpur-Kolabashukhali Flood eY©vj-mwjgcyi-‡KvjvevmyLvjx eb¨v wbqš¿Y I wb®‹vkb Control and Drainage Project Khulna cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (31-10-13 n‡Z 30-06-18) District (Phase-II) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055123 - Blue Gold Program 47055123 -e­y-‡Mvì †cÖvMvg (weWweÐDwWwe K‡¤•v‡b›U) (01/01/13 - 31/12/18) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055124 - Coastal Embankment Improvement 47055124 -‡Kv÷vj Bge¨v¼‡g›U BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± ‡dBR-1 Project Phase-1 (wmBAvBwc-1) Bb mvZ¶xiv, Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU, cUzqvLvjx, wc‡ivRcyi, ei¸bv GÛ cUzqvLvjx wWw÷ª± (01/07/13 - 30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47055125 - Development Phase of water Management 47055125 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U †dBR Ad IqvUvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bbdªv÷ infrastructure In Bhula District. ªKPvi Bb †fvjv wWw÷ª± (27/01/13 - 30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055126 - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 47055126 -BbfvBib‡g›Uvj Bg‡c± G‡mm‡g›U (BAvBG) ÷vwW Ae Study of 30 Different BWDB project to be 30 wWdv‡i›U weWweøDwWwe cÖ‡R± Uz we Bgwcø‡g‡›UU implemented under Climate Change Trust AvÛvi K¬vB‡gU †PÄ Uªv÷ dvÛ (wmwmwUGd) Fund (CCTF) 47055127 - Institutionalization of integrated Water 47055127 -mgwš^Z cvwb m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv ev¯evq‡b evsjv‡`k cvwb Resources Management (IWRM) Process AvBb-2013 Kvh©Ki Kiv kxl©K cÖKí (01/11/13 - in Compliance with Bangladesh Water 31/10/16) Aby‡gvw`Z Act-2013 47055128 - *Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 47055128 -*Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj Bgc¨v± G‡mm‡g›U (BAvBG) ÷vwW Study of 30 different BWDB Projects to be Ae 30 wWdv‡i›U weWwe­BwWwe cÖ‡R± Uy we Bwc­‡g‡›UW implemented under Climate Change Trust AvÛvi K¬vB‡gU †PÄ U«v÷ dvÛ (01/10/12 - Fund (CCTF) 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055129 - Bhairah River Re-Excavation Project 47055129 -ˆfie b`x cybt Lbb (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055130 - Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk 47055130 -d¬vW GÛ wifvi e¨vsK B‡iv‡mvb wi¯‹ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Management Investment Program Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMªvg (U«v›m-1) (Tranche-1) (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055131 - Irrigation Management Improvement 47055131 -Bwi‡Mkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U B¤•ª“f‡g›U †cÖv‡R± (Bwgc) (di Project (IMIP) (For Muhuri Irrigation Project) gyûwi Bwi‡Mkb cÖ‡R± cÖKí) (01/07/2014-30/06/2019) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055132 - West Gopalganj Integrated Water 47055132 -cwðg †MvcvjMÄ mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Management Project (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055133 - Protection of Ramgati and Komol Nagar 47055133 -j¶xcyi †Rjvi AšZM©Z ivgMwZ I KgjbMi Dc‡Rjv upazila and adjacent areas under Ges ZrmsjMœ GjvKv‡K †gNbv b`xi Ae¨vnZ fv½b n‡Z Lakshmipur district from the continuing i¶vK‡í b`xZxi msi¶Y cÖKí (1g ch©vq) erosion of Meghna River (Phase-1) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055134 - Bank Protection of Jamuneswary, Chikny 47055134 -wK‡kviMÄ, ZvivMÄ I e`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvi hgy‡bk¦ix, and Charalkata river in Kishorganj, wPKbx I PvivjKvUv b`x Zxi msi¶Y (†gqv` t Rvbyqvwi Taraganj and Badarganj Upazila. 2015 n‡Z Ryb 2017 ch©š) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055135 - Haor Flood and Livelihood Improvement 47055135 -nvIi GjvKvq eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv I Rxeb hvÎvi gvb Dbœqb Project (BWDB Part) (†gqv` t RyjvB 2014 n‡Z Ryb 2022 ch©š) Aby‡gvw`Z 47055136 - Protection of Left Bank of Meghna River 47055136 -eªvþYevwoqv †Rjvi bexbMi Dc‡Rjvi gvwbKbMi through Bank Revetment Work at GjvKvq †gNbv b`xi evgZx‡i cÖwZi¶v Maniknagar of Nabinagar Upazila in Brahmanbaria District.” 47055137 - Rehabilitation of Damaged Polders under 47055137 -ÒK•evRvi †Rjvi ¶wZMÖ¯’ †cvìvi mg~‡ni cybe©vmbÓ the District of Cox’s Bazar. 47055138 - Rehabilitation of BWDB infrastructures 47055138 -ÒPÆMÖvg †Rjvi euvkLvjx Dc‡Rjvi †cvìvi bs 64/1G, Damaged by Natural Disaster in the 64/1we Ges 64/1wm Gi mgš^‡q ÿwZMÖ¯’ As‡ki ¯’vqx Coastal Area of Polder No. 64/1A/64/1B & cybe©vmbÓ 64/1C at Banskhali Upazilla in Chit 47055139 - River Bank Protection work on the both 47055139 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi P›`bvBk I mvZKvwbqv Dc‡Rjvq mv½y I banks of Shangu & Chandkhali river in Puv`Lvjx b`xi Dfi Zxi msi¶Y Chandanaish and Satkania Upazilas of Chittagong District 47055140 - Protection of the Kutihbari and adjacent 47055140 -wek¦ Kwe iwe›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii KzwVevox I cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKv areas of Great Poet Robindronath Tagore msi¶‡Yi j‡¶¨ cÙv b`xi WvbZxi msi¶Y along the right Bank of Padma River. 47055141 - Development of Smart Project Monitoring 47055141 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae ¯§vU© cÖ‡R± gwbUwis GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U and Management Information Systems Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷gm (SPMMIS) 47055142 - Classification pf Wetlands of Bangladesh 47055142 -evsjv‡`k Rjvfwg †kªYxweb¨vKiY cÖKí 47055143 - Model Validation on Hydro-Morphological 47055143 -g‡Wj †fwj‡Wkb Ab nvB‡W«v-gidjwRK¨vj cÖ‡mm Ad Process of the River system in the `¨v mvewmwWs wm‡jU nvIi †ewmb cÖKí Subsiding Sylhet Haor Basin.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47055144 - Protection work along the right Bank of 47055144 -Kzwóqv †Rjvi †`ŠjZcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb wdwjcbMi, Padma River at Philipnagar, Abed's ghat Av‡e‡`iNvU I Bmjvgcyi GjvKvq c`¥v b`xi WvbZxi and Islampur are of Daulatpur Upazilla msi¶Y cÖKí under the District Kushtia 47056000 - Protection of left bank of the Jumuna river 47056000 -hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi evnv`yivev` NvU Bahadurabad Ghat to Pingna Bazar and n‡Z dzUvbx evRvi ch©š@ I mwilvevwo Dc‡Rjvaxb wcsbv Islampur Upazilla, Harindora in Hargilla evRvi GjvKv Ges Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvq nwiYaiv n‡Z under Jamalpur District (01/01/10 - nvowMjv ch©š@ Zxi msi¶Y (01/01/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/13) Approved 47056010 - Restoration project 47056010 -eywoM½v b`x cybi“×vi cÖKí (bZzb (01/07/10 - 30/06/14) Approved a‡jk¦ix-cysjx-eskvB-ZzivM-eywoM½v wifvi wm‡÷g) (01/07/10 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 47056020 - Capital (Pilot) Drazzing of River System in 47056020 -K¨vwcUvj (cvBjU) †WªwRs Ae wifvi wm‡÷g Bb Bangladesh (01/03/10 - 30/06/12) evsjv‡`k (01/03/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 47057000 - Kirton 47057000 -KxZ©b †Lvjv b`xi fv½b n‡Z ewikvj kni i¶v euva wbg©vY cÖKí 47057002 - Jamuna river 47057002 -hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z MvBevÜv ‡Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb ev¸wiqv, ˆmq`cyi I dzjQwo Dc‡Rjvaxb KwÂcvov evjvkxNvU GjvKv msi¶Y cÖKí 47057003 - Meghna rivers 47057003 -‡gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z †evinvbDwÏb Dc‡Rjvi kvnevRcyi M¨vm wdìvi cÖKí 47057004 - Construction of embankment from 47057004 -wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi wRqvbMi n‡Z jyjinvU ch©š@ euva Zianagar to Hularhat in Pirijpur District wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/05 - 30/6/10) Approved 47057005 - Muradnagor 47057005 -gyiv`bMi ¶z`ªvZb eb¨v wbqš¿Y I wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí 47057006 - Impact Assessment of the Proposed 47057006 -fviZ KZ…©K cÖ¯@vweZ Avš@t †ewmb b`x ms‡hv‡Mi cÖfve Indian River Linking Project for Inter Basin wbi“cb cÖKí Water Transfer. 47057007 - South cumilla 47057007 -`w¶Y Kzwgj­v Ges DËi †bvqvLvjx mgwš^Z wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí 47057008 - Dhepa -Punobhaba Water Management 47057008 -w`bvRcyi †Rjvi weij Dc‡Rjvaxb †Wcv-cybf©ev cvwb Project under birol upazilla in Dinajpur e¨e¯’vcbv (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z District (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Revised Unapproved 47057009 - Bank protection work of BNS Titomir Area 47057009 -Lyjbv †Rjvaxb evsjv‡`k †bŠ-evwnbxi we.Gb.Gm wZZygxi from ersion of the Bhareb River in Khulna †bŠNuvwU GjvKv ˆfie b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶vKiY District (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Approved (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057010 - Teesta barrage project 47057010 -wZ¯v e¨v‡iR cªKí 47057020 - Matamuhury Irrigation Project 47057020 -gvZvgyûix †mP cÖKí(2q ch©vq) (1/7/2000-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057030 - South 47057030 -`w¶Y-cwðgvÂj eb¨vq ¶q¶wZ cybe©vmb cÖKí (cvU©-wW) (1/7/2000 - 30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057035 - k 47057035 -Kv‡Ri wewbgq Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP cÖKí (AviwW †cÖvMÖvg) 47057040 - Rehabilitation of GK project 47057040 -K‡cvZv¶ b` cybt Lbb cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057041 - 47057041 -÷vwW di hgybv-‡gNbv wifvi B‡ivkb wgwU‡Mkb cÖ‡R± (01/07/2001-30/03/2002) 47057050 - Construction of embankment from Kazirhat 47057050 -cvebv †Rjvi KvRxi nvU n‡Z mvZevoxqv ch©š@ euva wbg©vY to Shatbaria in Pabna District (1/7/04-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057060 - Flood Control drainage and Irrigation 47057060 -gyûix Kûqv eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP cÖKí Project of Mohori Kahua (01/07/05 - (01/07/2005-30/6/2009) Abyy‡gvw`Z 30/6/11) Approved 47057070 - River bank protection and town protection 47057070 -b`x msi¶Y I Dbœqb Ges kni msi¶Y cªKí (1/7/96 - scheme 30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057071 - 47057071 -Z¡wir mZKx©KiY e¨e¯nvi mgx¶v (01/05/2005-31/10/2007) Abyy‡gvw`Z 47057072 - River and town protection project 47057072 -b`x msi¶Y I Dbœqb Ges kni msi¶Y cÖKí (chv©q-3) (Phase-3) (1/7/99 - 30/6/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 47057080 - Hydrological survey and invetigation 47057080 -cvwbZË¡ welqK Rwic I AbymÜvb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47057090 - 47057090 -†gNbv b`xi cwðg Zx‡i †dixNvU I Beªvwngcyi evRvi i¶v cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/2003) 47057100 - Improvement of Drainage System in 47057100 -XvKv-bvivqbMÄ-‡Wgiv (wWGbwW) GjvKvq wb®‹vkb e¨e¯’v Dhaka-Narajanganj-Demra Area Dbœqb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) 47057110 - Naogaon project, Polder-1 (FCD-3) 47057110 -bIMuv cªKí, †cvìvi-1 (GdwmwW-3) 47057115 - aaa 47057115 -K‡cvZv¶ b‡`i Rjve×Zv `ixKiY cÖKí (2q chv©q) (01/07/2011-30/06/2015) 47057116 - aaa 47057116 -ewb© evIo Dbœqb (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 47057117 - aaa 47057117 -‡dbx †Rjvi †mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjvi †dbx †i¸‡jU‡ii fvwU‡Z cvBjU P¨v‡bj Lbb Ges PÆMªvg †Rjvi gximivB Dc‡Rjvi cwðg‡Rvqvi GjvKvq †dbx b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y (01/10/2011-30/06/2014) 47057118 - aaa 47057118 -bIMuv kni i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 47057120 - Madhumati-Naba Ganga project (FCD-3) 47057120 -gaygwZ-M½v cªKí (GdwmwW-3) 47057130 - 47057130 -wm‡jU kn‡i myigv b`xi Dfq Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (1/7/2000 - 30/6/06)ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 47057140 - 47057140 -Kzgvib`x cybtLbb cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) 47057150 - 3RD fisheries project BWDB component 47057150 -Z…Zxq grm¨ cªKí, cvwb Dbœqb †evW© K‡¤•v‡b›U 47057160 - Barnai project (FCD-4) 47057160 -evb©vB cªKí (GdwmwW-4) 47057170 - Upper Surma-Kusharia Flood Control and 47057170 -Avcvi myigv-Kzwkqviv eb¨v wbqš¿Y wb¯‹vkb cÖKí (1/7/01 dranage project (1st Revised) (01/07/01 - -30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/12) Approved 47057180 - 2nd small scale flood control drainage & 47057180 -wØZxq ¶z`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqšY wb®‹vkb I †mP cªKí irrigation project (AvBwWG mvnvh¨cyó) 47057190 - IDA aided flood rehabilitation project 47057190 -AvBwWG mvnv¨cyó eb¨v cybe©vmb cªKí (‡µwWU bs 1870 (Credit no 1870 BD/credit no 2048 BD) wewW/†µwWU bs 2048 wewW) 47057200 - Vola district 47057200 -†fvjv †Rjv kni msi¶Y cÖKí (†dBR-2) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057210 - Dutch-Swedish aided EIP (Phase-3) 47057210 -WvP myBwWk B AvB wc cªKí (chv©q-3) (MÖ“c-3) (Group-3) 47057220 - Dutch-Swedish aided EIP (Phase-4) 47057220 -WvP myBwWk BAvBwc cªKí (chv©q-4) (MÖ“c-1) (Group-1) 47057230 - Dhaka integrated flood protection project 47057230 -XvKv gnvbMix eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí 47057231 - Meghna estuary study (Phase-2) Bridging 47057231 -‡gNbv G÷yqvix ÷vwW (ch©vq-2) weªwRs †dBR Phase (1/10/98-30/9/2002) 47057240 - System rehabilitation project 47057240 -c×wZ cybev©mb cÖKí 47057250 - Dutch-Swedish EIP (Phase-4) (Gorup-2) 47057250 -WvP-myBwWk BAvBwc cªKí (chv©q-4) (MÖ“c-2) 47057260 - Coastal embankment rehabilitation and 47057260 -DcK‚jxq euva cybe©vmb I cybtwbg©vY cªKí (cvU©-wm) reconstruction 47057262 - Multipurpose project for integrated Dhaka 47057262 -XvKv eb¨v wbqšY euva ce© evBcvm moK eûgyLx cÖKí flood protection embankment-cum-east by pass road 47057270 - Coastal embankment rehabilitation and 47057270 -DcK‚jxq euva cybe©vmb I cybtwbg©vY cªKí (cvU©-we) reconstruction 47057280 - Bhola irrigation project (Phase-2) 47057280 -‡fvjv †mP cÖKí (chv©q-2) evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© (Revised) Bangladesh Water Development Board component 47057282 - Asian Development Bank assisted project 47057282 -Gkxq Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki mvnvh¨cyó cvwb m¤•` †m±‡ii eb¨v for flood rehabilitation in water resources cybe©vmb cÖKí sector 47057284 - Bhola district town protection project 47057284 -‡fvjv †Rjv kni i¶v cÖKí (2q ms‡kvvwaZ) (1/7/92 - 30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057290 - Secondary Towns Integrated Flood 47057290 -‡m‡KÛvix UvDbm& Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW d¬vW †cÖv‡UKkb cÖ‡R± Protenction Project 47057292 - Secondary towns integrated flood 47057292 -‡m‡KÛvix UvDbm& Bw›U‡Mª‡UW d¬vW cª‡UKkvb cª‡R± protection project (Part-A) (Flood Control) (cvU©-G) (eb¨v wbqšY) I (cvU©-wW) (ev¯evqb mnvqZv) and (Part-D-Implementation) Water cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Gi Ask Development Board component

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47057300 - Megna-Tetolia river Bank erosion 47057300 -‡gNbv †ZZzwjqv cÖKí 2q ch©vq (1g BDwbU) protection project (Phase-2) (01/07/06 - (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/10) unapproved 47057310 - Char development and settlement project 47057310 -Pi †Wfjc‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cª‡R± (chv©q-2) m¤¢ve¨Zv (Phase-2 feasibility studies-BWDB mgx¶v-cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Component 47057320 - 47057320 -evcvD †ev‡W©i AvIZvq m¤¢ve¨ cÖK‡íi mgx¶v/g‡Wj ÷vwW 47057330 - Construction of regulator on Manash and 47057330 -MvBevÜv ‡Rjvi gvbl I AvÎvB b`x‡Z †i¸‡jUi wbgv©Y I Atrai river ZrmsjMœ GjvKvq eva wbg©vY cybtwbg©vY 47057340 - Dutch - Swedish EIP (Phase-4) (Group-3) 47057340 -WvP myBwWk BAvBwc cªKí (chv©q-4) (MÖ“c-3) 47057350 - Operation and maintenance 47057350 -WvP myBwWk BAvBwc cªKímg‡ni cwiPvjb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y (MÖ“c-2) 47057360 - River bank protection project 47057360 -wifvi e¨vsK cª‡UKkb cª‡R± (1/7/95-30/6/2001) 47057370 - Coastal embankment rehabilitation project 47057370 -DcK‚jxq euva cybe©vmb cªKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) (1/7/95-30/6/03) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 47057372 - Rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure 47057372 -evsjv‡`k DcK‚jxq `w¶Yv‡j cvD‡ev wbwg©Z cÖK‡í †mP for providing irrigation to BWDB project in cÖ`vbK‡í ¶wZMÖ¯’ AeKvVv‡gv cybe©vmb cÖKí southern coastal areas of Bangladesh 47057380 - Jessore-Khulna drainage rehabilitation 47057380 -h‡kvni-Lyjbv wb®‹vkb cybe©vmb cªKí t cvwb Dbœqb †evW© project cvU©-G 47057382 - Jessore-Khulna drainage rehabilitation 47057382 -h‡kvni-Lyjbv wb®‹vkb cybe©vmb cÖKí t evsjv‡`k cvwb project: Bangladesh Water Development Dbœqb †evW© cvU©-we Board (Part-B) 47057390 - Kali kota haor project 47057390 -Kvwj‡KvUv nvIo cªKí 47057400 - Norshingdi city 47057400 -biwms`x kni msi¶Y cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) AYy‡gvw`Z 47057410 - Arial Beel flood control drainage and 47057410 -Avwoqvj wej eb¨v wbqšY, wb®‹vkY I †mP cªKí irrigation 47057420 - Floating pump for G.K. project 47057420 -wR. ‡K cªK‡íi Rb¨ fvmgvb cv¤• 47057430 - Tulshi-Ganga project 47057430 -Zzjkx - M½uv cªKí 47057440 - Construction of flood control embankment 47057440 -gby b`xi evgZx‡i Zvicvk nB‡Z †cªgbMi ch©š eb¨v on the left side of Manu river wbqšY eva wbg©vY 47057450 - Lalutia irrigation project 47057450 -jvjywUqv †mP cªKí 47057460 - Protection for Nazirpur and adjoinging 47057460 -bvwRicyi I cvk¦©eZx© GjvKvq jeY cvwb cÖ‡ek‡iva areas from saline water intrusion through (ms‡kvwaZ) (cyYMwVZ) cÖKí ( Abyt) the Baleswari river (1/7/94-30/6/2003) 47057470 - 47057470 -cvwb m¤•` cwiKíbv ms¯’vi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶vmgn 47057480 - 47057480 -mgwš^Z nvIo evIo I wej Dbœqb cÖKí (chv©q-1) 21wU Dc cÖKí 47057490 - 47057490 -evsjv‡`k f‚Mf©¯’ cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖK‡íi mgx¶v (wcwm-2) 47057500 - Meghna rivers 47057500 -†gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Puv`cyi †mP cÖKí msi¶Y (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057510 - Nouga district 47057510 -bIMvu †Rjvi AvÎvB b`xi WvbZx‡i evau wbgv©Y (1/7/2000-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057520 - Partial conversion of Barisal irrigation 47057520 -ewikvj †mP cªK‡íi AvswkK Mª¨vwf‡Ukb c×wZ‡Z project to gravitation method pilot project iƒcvšiKiY cvBjU cÖKí 47057530 - Post draught rehabilitation of deep tube 47057530 -Liv‡Ëvi K…wl cybe©vmb Kg©mPxi AvIZvq Mfxi bjK‚c well projet Kwgkb cÖKí 47057540 - Completion of incomplete works of Hail 47057540 -nvBj nvIo cªK‡íi Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY Haor project 47057550 - Raising the height of the embankment of 47057550 -AMªvwaKvi wfwˇZ †cvìvi-71 Gi evua DPyKiY I eva Polder 71 cÖwZi¶v cÖKí 47057560 - Dumkee-Laoukadhi project 47057560 -`ygwK-jvDKvwV cªKí 47057570 - Khoai river project 47057570 -‡LvqvB b`x cªKí (1/7/95-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057580 - Asia 47057580 -Gkxq Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki mnvqZvq 2004 mv‡ji eb¨vq ¶q¶wZi Ri“wi cybe©vmb, cvU©-wW (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47057590 - MAHURI KHAHUA IRRIGATION PROJECT 47057590 -gyûix - Kûqv eb¨v wbqšY cªK‡íi Rwic I m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (wcwm-2) 47057600 - 47057600 -gqgbwmsn m`i Dc‡Rjvi eª¶¥cyÎ b‡`i ZxieZx© BDwbqb¸‡jv eb¨vgy³ ivLvi Rb¨ †ewoevau wbgv©Y cÖKí 47057610 - Construction of Groyen and model study 47057610 -‡Mªv‡qb wbg©vY I b`x msi¶Y Kv‡Ri g‡Wj óvwW (wmgjv, for river protection KvwRcyi, ivgK…òcyi, wdwjcbMi I wPjgvix) (wcwm-2) 47057620 - Consturction of flood control embankment 47057620 -‡MvgZx b`xi WvbZx‡i `vmKvw›` nB‡Z †MŠixcyi †nvgbv on the Gumti river moK chš© eb¨v wbqšY eva wbgv©Y cÖKí 47057630 - Protection of pump house and intake 47057630 -c`¥v b`xi fv½b nB‡Z wR†K †mP cªK‡íi cv¤• †ókb I channel of GK project Aš©gyLx Lvj i¶vKiY cÖKí 47057640 - Command area development project 47057640 -KgvÛ Gwiqv †Wfjc‡g›U cªKí (1/7/95-30/6/2001) 47057650 - Completion of the remaining works of 47057650 -PÆMªvg †Rjvi nvUnvRvix Dc‡Rjvaxb nvj`v ‡mP Halda irrigation project at Hathazari, m¤•ªmviY cÖK‡íi Aewkó KvR mgvßKiY cÖKí Chittagong 47057660 - Small scale flood control, drainage and 47057660 -¶z`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqšÎY, wb®‹vkY I †mP cªKí (chv©q-3) irrigation (Group Project-8 Sub Project) (¸”Q cÖKí) (1/7/2000 - 30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057670 - Rehabilitation and repair of DTW under 47057670 -Liv‡Ëvi K…wl cybe©vmb Kg©m–wPi AvIZvq e„nËi w`bvRcyi post drought agriculture rehabilitation †Rjvq Mfxi bjKzc †givgZ I cybev©mb cÖKí (1/7/95- programme 30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057680 - Kurigram flood control and irrigation 47057680 -KzwoMªvg eb¨v wbqšY †mP cÖKí project 47057682 - Kurigram flood control and irrigation 47057682 -KzwoMªvg eb¨v wbqšÎY I ‡mP cªKí-DËi BDwbU t eb¨v project - North unit : Flood control and wbqšÎY I wb¯‹vkb Ask (chv©q-1) (1/7/95- drainage park (Phase-1) 30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057683 - Kurigram flood control and irrigation 47057683 -KzwoMªvg eb¨v wbqšÎY ‡mP cªKí-`w¶Y BDwbU (1/7/95 project - south unit -30/6/2001) 47057690 - Extension of Polder - 69 47057690 -‡cvìvi-69 Gi m¤•ªmviY (1/7/98-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057692 - Feasibility study for dredging / reexcavation 47057692 -evsjv‡`k AMÖvwaKvi cÖvß b`x mg‡ni †WªwRs/cyYtLb‡bi of high priority rivers (PC-2) m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (wcwm-2) 47057700 - 47057700 -nvBj nvIo cybe©vmb Ges D`¨vb cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057710 - Re-excavation of Titas River 47057710 -wZZvm b`x cybtLbb cªKí 47057720 - Flood control and drainage project on both 47057720 -Avcvi Zyjmx-M½v Dfq Zx‡i eb¨v wbqšY I wb®‹vkb cªKí sides of upper Tulshi and Ganga river 47057730 - Development of Baral basin 47057730 -eovj †ewmb Dbœqb cªKí (1/7/94-30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057732 - 47057732 -gyûix-Kûqv eb¨v wbqšÎY, wb¯‹vkb I ‡mP cÖK‡íi AmgvßKvR mgvßKiY 47057734 - 47057734 -‡cvìvi 65-‡Z 5wU Ges †cvìvi 64/2we -‡Z 5wU ¯­yBm ‡MU wbgv©Y/cybe©vmb cÖKí ( 1/7/02-30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057736 - 47057736 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi ‰eivMxi nvU I wPjgvix e›`i GjvKv eª¶ ªcyÎ b‡`i fv½b n‡Z i¶v cÖKí 47057738 - 47057738 -DËi iƒcMÄ cvwb msi¶Y cÖK‡íi ‡ejw` evRvi n‡Z KvwjMÄ ch©šZ eva Kvg iv¯Zvi msi¶Y cÖKí 47057740 - Barabila Beel project 47057740 -eowejv wej cªKí 47057741 - Estrary Development Programme (2nd 47057741 -G÷zqvix †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg Revised) (01/07/01 - 30/11/11) Approved (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057742 - Jamuna-Megna Eroson Mitigation Project 47057742 -hgybv-‡gNbv wifvi B‡ivkb wgwU‡Mkb cÖKí (GwWwe (2nd Revised) (01/07/02 - 30/06/11) mvnvh¨cyó) (1/7/02-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 47057743 - Study for Secondary Towns Integrated 47057743 -÷vwW di †m‡KÛvwi UvDÝ Bw›U‡MÖ‡Uo †cÖv‡UKkb cÖKí Protection Project (2nd Phase). (2q ch©vq) ( GmwcBwm mycvt) (1/7/03-30/6/04) 47057744 - Shitakundo 47057744 -mxZvKzÛ Dc‡Rjvaxb Kzwgiv-‡mvbvBQwo GjvKvq jeYv³ cvwb cÖ‡ek †iva I wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’v Dbœqb Ges †MvßvLvjx Rjvavi wbg©vY I †mP cÖKí (1/7/02- 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057745 - South-East Area Integrated water 47057745 -mvD_ I‡q÷ Gwiqv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW IqvUvi wi‡mv‡m©m Resources Management. g¨v‡bR‡g›U (GmwcBwm mycvt) (1/7/03- 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47057746 - 47057746 -hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z KvIqvgviv bvgK ¯nv‡b f‚qvcyi -ZvivKvw›` moK i¶v cªKí(1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057747 - Flood Control of Dranage Project of 47057747 -LvwjqvRywo eb¨v wbqšÎY I wb¯‹vkb cÖKí (01/07/2002 Khaliyajuri - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057748 - 47057748 -AvïMÄ cjvk G‡MÖv Bwi‡Mkb cÖKí 47057750 - 47057750 -nvwZqv wbSzg Øxc µm W¨vg cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) 47057751 - 47057751 -K¤cv©‡g›UvjvB‡Rkb cvBjU cÖKí (wmwcwc) Gi eva i¶Y cÖKí (1/7/02 - 30/6/04) Abby‡gvw`Z 47057760 - 47057760 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvq ˆeivMxi nvU I wPjgvix e›`i GjvKv eªþcyÎ b‡`i fv½b nB‡Z i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) 47057770 - 47057770 -gvZvgyûix †mP cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (1/7/2005-30/6/2008) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 47057771 - 47057771 -`w¶Y Kzwgj­v DËi †bvqvLvjx mgwš^Z wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí (1/7/06-30/6/2009) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 47057772 - South-west Intigrated Water Resources 47057772 -`w¶Y cwðgvÂjxq mgwš^Z cvwb m¤•` e¨e¯nvcbv cÖKí Planning and Management Project (01/07/2005-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z (Revised) (01/04/06 - 30/06/13) Unapproved 47057773 - 47057773 -‡gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z kvnvevRcyi M¨vm wdì i¶v cÖKí (†fvjv †Rjv) ( 1/7/05-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057774 - Engineering of Biological Pilot 47057774 -e‡½vcmvMi n‡Z fwg D×v‡ii m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB cvBjU Programming of Fishable Project for †cÖvMªvwgs BwÄwbqvwis Gesev‡qvjwRK¨vj ( 1/7/05- restoration of Land from Bay of–Bengal 30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/05 - 30/06/09) 47057775 - Pirojpur 47057775 -wc‡ivRcyi †Rjvi wRqvbMi n‡Z ûjvinvU ch©š@ euva wbg©vY cÖKí (1/7/05-30/6/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057776 - 47057776 -‡Kv¤•vbxMÄ Dc‡Rjvh Pi Gjvnx BDwbq‡bi Pi‡jsUv i¶v‡_© Ri“ix cÖwZi¶v KvR,†cvìvi bs-59/3wm (1/7/05-30/6/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057777 - Padma river of 47057777 -c`¥v b`xi fv½b n‡Z gy›mxMÄ †Rjvaxb UysMxevox Dc‡Rjvi nvmvBj Ges Nvi“iMuvI evRvi i¶v cÖKí (1/7/2005-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057778 - 47057778 -wm‡jU kn‡ii myigv b`xi Dfq Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (1/7/2005-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057779 - 47057779 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb Dwjqv evRvi hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v cÖKí (1/7/05-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057780 - Bhola 47057780 -‡fvjv †Rjvaxb jvj‡gvnb Dc‡Rjvi AwZSuywKc–Y© As‡k fv½b i¶v cÖKí (1/7/05-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057781 - 47057781 -fviZ KZ„©K cÖ¯vweZ Avšt‡ewmb b`x ms‡hv‡Mi cÖfve wbi“cb (1/1/06-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057782 - Research on the effect of Bandalling on 47057782 -b`x cÖevn I gi‡dvjRxi Dci e¨v‡Ûwjs Gi cªfve River flow & Morphology (Phase-2) m¤•wK©Z M‡elYv cÖKí (1/7/05-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057783 - Flood 47057783 -eb¨v c–e©vfvm Ges mZKx©KiY evZ©vq AvaywbK g‡Wwjs G mnvqZv cÖKí (1/7/05-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057784 - Management 47057784 -mgwš^Z DcK–jxq e¨e¯’vcbvi cÖvwZôvwbKxKi‡Yi D`¨vM (1/1/06-30/6/2006) 47057790 - Extension of Mohamaya Chara Irrigation 47057790 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi wgikivB Dc‡Rjvaxb gnvgvqv Qov †mP project under Mirsarai Upazilla in cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Chittagong District (01/07/06-30/06/10)(1st Revised) Approved 47057798 - Kumilla 47057798 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi gyiv`bMi Dc‡Rjvq gyiv`bMi ¶y`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb¯‹vkb I †mP ( 1/7/2005-30/6/2007) 47057800 - Sylhet district 47057800 -wm‡jU †Rjvi †MvcvjMÄ I †dÂzMÄ Dc‡Rjvi K`ycyi-emš@cyi-gvwbK‡Kvbv †fj‡Kvb I gBbcyi GjvKv Kzwkqviv b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057810 - 47057810 -eªv¶bevoxqv †Rjvi evÂvivgcyi Dc†Rjvi †gNbvb`xi evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí (01/07/2000-30/06/2004)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47057820 - 47057820 -hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z `yjQwo †nW‡KvqviUvi I KvgviRvwb evRvi i¶v cÖKí 47057830 - 47057830 -†cvìvi 56/57 Gi weKí evua I †Wª‡bR úyBm †MU wbgv©Y cÖKí (1/7/01 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057840 - Further re-excavation of Archi river and it's 47057840 -AvwP© b`x I kvLv Lvj cybtLbb cªKí branches 47057850 - Loop-cut of Matamuhuri river project 47057850 -gvZvgyûix b`xi WvbZxi msi¶Y cÖKí (gvZvgyûix b`xi jycKvU cªKí) (1/7/95-30/6/2001) 47057860 - River bank protection of Teesta river at 47057860 -iscyi †Rjvi AšM©Z ˆievwZ, †bvnvjx, KPzqv GjvKvq wZ¯ Bairatee, Nokhalee, Kachua area under v b`xi fv½b †iva cÖKí Rangpur district 47057870 - Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Water 47057870 -DËie‡½ 1995 mv‡j eb¨vq ¶wZMª¯ cvwb Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Board's project infrastructure in North cÖKí AeKvVv‡gvmg‡ni cybev©mb I cybwbgv©Y cÖKí Bangal damaged in 1995 floods 47057880 - Jagatdar-Suakhal drainage irrigation 47057880 -RMr`vov-myqvLvj wb®‹vkb I †mP cªKí project 47057890 - Haor project : Baniachang in the district of 47057890 -nweMÄ-†Rjvi evwbqvPs I beveMÄ-Dc‡Rjvaxb Habiganj, Malakandi under the upazilla of gvKvjKvw›` nvIo cÖKí Nawabganj 47057900 - Protective work of Goalichara, Kajirchara, 47057900 -wm‡jU m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb †MvqvjxQov KvRxiQov Rv½vjxqv, Jangalia, Jugirgaon and Mahatabpr under †hvMxiMuvI Ges gvnvZvecyi cÖwZi¶v cÖKí Sadar Upazilla and Sylhet Distrtict (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057910 - Polder-55/ 2 E 47057910 -‡cvìvi-55/2B (cUzqvLvjx-evDdj-`kwgbv eb¨v wbqš¿Y (Patuakhali-Baufol-Dashmena flood I wb®‹vkb cÖKí) (1/7/96 - 30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z control and drainage system) 47057920 - Dutch-Sweedish EIP final phase 47057920 -WvP-myBwWm BAvBwc cªKí Povš ch©vq (MÖ“c-1) (Group-1) 47057930 - Dutch assisted EIP final phase (Group-2) 47057930 -WvP mvnv‡h¨ Zwor ev¯evqb cªKí Povš ch©vq (MÖ“c-2) 47057940 - Polder-55/3 (Kopalbera closer) 47057940 -‡cvìvi-55/3 (Kcvj‡eov †K¬vRvi) (1/7/96-30/6/2001) 47057950 - Bidirpur-Furadpur reservoir, drainage and 47057950 -wew`icyi-dziv`cyi cvwbi aviK, wb®‹vkb I eb¨v wbqšY flood control project cÖKí 47057960 - 47057960 -bIMuv kni i¶v cÖKí 47057961 - O & M programme for development of 47057961 -cvwb Dbœqb †ev‡W©i †mP, eb¨v wbqšb I cvwb wb®‹vkb cÖK‡ water development board irrigation, flood íi e¨e¯’vcbv Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ I GÛ Gg Kg©mPx control system 47057970 - 47057970 -hgybv b`xi fv½b †iv‡a nvmbvcvov, P›`bevBkv, knivevox I evwbqvRv‡b ¯•vi wbgv©Y cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47057980 - 47057980 -nvj`v b`xi fv½‡b ¶wZMÖ¯’ nvUnvRvix _vbvi 10wU BDwbqb i¶v cÖKí 47057981 - Development of flood fore casting and 47057981 -eb¨vi ce©vfvm I mZKx©KiY e¨e¯’vi DbœwZKiY warning system 47057990 - 47057990 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi †cvìvi bs 64/1G, 64/1we, 64/1wm Gi cybe©vmb 47058000 - Protective work of Vanderbri and adjacent 47058000 -e¸ov †Rjvi aybU Dc‡RjvaxY fvÛvievox I ZrmsjMœ are under dhunat upazilla and Bogra from GjvKv hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v cÖKí the crosian of Jamuna river (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058010 - 47058010 -Kzwkqviv b`xi fv½b †_‡K †kicyi, ZvRcyi I Lmi“cyi i¶v cÖKí 47058020 - 47058020 -cvebv †Rjvi KvwRinvU †_‡K mvZevwoqv ch©š evua wbgv©Y cÖKí 47058030 - 47058030 -†eZbv b`x I kvLv I cybt Lbb cÖKí 47058040 - Re-excavation of Narad River Moshakhan 47058040 -bvi` b`x, gymvLvb b`x (Avs) Ges PviNvU †i¸‡jU‡ii River and Charghat Regulator Intect Bb‡UK P¨v‡bj cybtLbb cÖKí Channel Project (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Approved 47058050 - Emergency Cyclone Recovery and 47058050 -2007 mv‡ji N–wY©So wea¡¯’ (wmWi) Kv‡Ri Ri“wi Rehabilitation Project (SIDR)(01/07/08 - ¶q¶wZ cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/08 - 30/06/12) 30/06/13) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47058060 - Chadpur Town Protection (3rd Phase) 47058060 -Puv`cyi kni msi¶Y cÖKí (3q ch©vq) (01/07/08 - (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Approved 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058070 - Rajbari Town Prorect 47058070 -ivRevox kni i¶v cÖKí (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058080 - Faridpur Town Protection Project. 47058080 -dwi`cyi kni i¶v cÖKí (01/12/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058090 - River 47058090 -b`x/Lvj cybt Lbb cÖKí (¸”Q cÖKí) 47058100 - Chittagong district 47058100 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi †evqvjLvjx Dc‡Rjvaxb PiYØxc I K`yiLvjx GjvKv msjMœ-KY©dzjx b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058110 - Removal of Dranage congestion at 47058110 -h‡kvi †Rjvaxb fe`n Ges Z`msjMœ wej GjvKvq Bhavodaha and adjecent heel Area in Rjve×Zv `–ixKiY (01/07/2006- Jessore District (01/07/06-30/06/12) 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 47058111 - North-East regional study (FAP-6) 47058111 -b_©-B÷ wiwRIbvj ÷vwW (d¨vc-6) (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/8/99-31/10/03) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058120 - 47058120 -KgvÛ Gwiqv Dbœqb cÖKí (†dBR-2) (01/11/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058121 - Environmental study (FAP-16) 47058121 -Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj óvwW (d¨vc-16) 47058130 - Regional Technical Assistance Supporting 47058130 -mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv ev¯evq‡b AvÂwjK KvwiMix Integrated Water Resources mnvqZv (evsjv‡`k) (01/07/2006-31/12/2007) (Bangladesh). Aby‡gvw`Z 47058131 - Geographical information system (FAP-19) 47058131 -wRIMªvwdK¨vj Bbdi‡gkb wm‡óg (d¨vc-19) 47058140 - Serajgong district 47058140 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z ˆkjvevox I cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKv i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058141 - Compartmentalisation pilot project ( FAP - 47058141 -K¤•v©U‡g›UvjvB‡Rkb cvBjU cª‡R± (d¨vc-20) 20 ) 47058150 - Gorai River Restoration Project (2nd 47058150 -MovB b`x cybt D×vi (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) phase). Aby‡gvw`Z 47058151 - Flood modeling and management 47058151 -d¬vW g‡Wwjs GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U (d¨vc-25) (FAP-25) 47058160 - Feasibility study/survey for Integrated 47058160 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW/mv‡f© di Bw›U‡M‡UW IqvUvi Water Resources Managment Project of g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± Ae M½vRywo nvIo (01/08/09 - Gungiajuri Haor. 31/05/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058170 - Integrated Water Managment Project of 47058170 -Bw›U«‡Mª‡UW IqvUvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae †cvìvi 34/2 Bb Polder 34/2 in Bagerhat district ev‡MinvU wWw÷«± (01/01/10-31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058180 - Charfession and Monpura town protection 47058180 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb I gbcyiv kni msi¶Y project in Bhola district. (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058181 - Topographic maping (FAP-18) 47058181 -U‡cvMªvwdK g¨vwcs (d¨vc-18) 47058190 - Protection of Kalna Ferryghat from erosion 47058190 -gaygwZ b`xi fvsMb n‡Z †MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Kvwkqvbx of the Madhumati River at Kashiani Upzilla Dc‡Rjvq Aew¯’Z Kvjbv †dwiNvU Ges Avwoqvj Luv b`xi in Gopalgonj district and Madaripur town & fv½b n‡Z gv`vixcyi kni I ZrmsjMœ GjvKv msi¶Y adjacent area protection from erosion of (01/07/09-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z the Arialkhan River project. 47058191 - Bank protection and river training AFPM 47058191 -e¨vsK cª‡UKkb GÛ wifvi †Uªwbs GGdwcGg cvBjU cª pilot project (FAP-21/22) ‡R± (d¨vc-21/22) 47058200 - Re-excavation of Connectiong Rivers, 47058200 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MvRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM development of Irrigation Facilities and b`x Lbb, †mP myweavi Dbœqb Ges grm¨ Pvl cÖKí Fish Culture project of Gazner Beel area (01/01/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z under Sujanagar Upazila in Pabna district. 47058210 - Technical Assistance for Development 47058210 -‡W‡fjwcs B‡bvwUf G‡cÖv‡mm Uy g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae †gRi Innovative Approaches to Managment of Bwi‡Mkb wm‡÷g (01/11/09-31/05/10) Aby‡gvw`Z Major Irrigation System [TA No. 7260-BAN]. 47058211 - River survey project (FAP-24) 47058211 -wifvi mv‡f© ‡cÖvMªvg (d¨vc-24) 47058220 - Preparation of Master plan and 47058220 -wcÖcv‡ikb Ae gv÷vi c­vb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae development of database for haors and WvUv‡eBR di nvIim GÛ I‡qUj¨vÛ (01/01/10 - wetlands. 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058221 - Flood action plan co-ordination 47058221 -d¬vW GK&kvb c­vb †Kv-AwW©‡bkb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47058230 - Feasibility study/survey West Gopalgonj 47058230 -cwðg †MvcvjMÄ mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖK‡íi mgx¶v Integrated Water managment project. cÖKí (01/01/10 - 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058231 - Surface water simulation modeling project 47058231 -mvi‡dm& IqvUvi wmgy‡jkb g‡Wwjs cªKí (chv©q-3) (Phase-3) 47058240 - Rehabilitation of BWDS Infrastructures 47058240 -DcKjxq GjvKvq N–wY©So AvBjvi AvNv‡Z ¶wZMª¯’ Damaged by Cyclone Aila in Coastal Area evcvD‡evÕi AeKvVv‡gvmg–n cybe©vmb (`w¶Y cwðgvÂj) cÖKí 47058250 - Protection of right bank Jamuna river at 47058250 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi wmivRMÄ m`i I KvRxcyi Dc‡Rjvq Sirajganj sadar and Kazipur upazila in hgybv b`xi Wvb Zxi msi¶Y Sirajganj District. (01/10/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058260 - Purchase of Dredgers and Ancilliary 47058260 -evsjv‡`k b`x †W«wRs Gi Rb¨ †W«Rvi I Avbylw½K hš¿ accessories for dredging Rivers of cvwZ µq (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangladesh (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) 47058270 - Rehabilitation and Strengthening both 47058270 -†MvgwZ b`xi Dfq Zx‡i euva cybe©vmb I kw³kvjxKiY Bank of Gumit River (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) 47058271 - Meghna estuary study (FAP-5B) 47058271 -‡gNbv G‡óqvix óvwW (d¨vc-5 we) 47058280 - Procurement of 6 nos. Dredgers and 47058280 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae wm· bv¤¦vim †W«Rvim GÛ Gbwmjvix Ancillary Crafts & Accessores for Ministry of µvdUm& GÛ G‡·mwiR di wgwbw÷« Ae IqvUvi water Resources &Ministry of Slhipping wi‡mv‡m©m GÛ wgwbw÷« Ae wkwcs (gsjv ‡cvU©-1wU, (Mongla Port-1 no.BIWTA-3 nos weAvBWwe­DwUG 3wU, weWwe­DwWwe 2wU) (01/08/2010-30/06/2012) evcvD‡ev Ask (01/08/2010-30/06/2012) (01/08/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058281 - Macro economic imprest analysis 47058281 -‡g‡µv BK‡bvwgK Bg‡cªó GbvjvBwmm (chv©q-2) 47058290 - Modernization and Integration of 47058290 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb G¨vÛ Bw›U‡Mªkb Ae nvBW«jwRK¨vj Hydrological Monitoring Network of gwbUwis †bUIqvK© Ae evsjv‡`k G¨v›U Gbfvqb‡g›Uvj Bangladesh and Enviroinmental & Social G¨vÛ †mvk¨vj Bgc¨v± G‡mm‡gb›U Ab MovB wifvi Impact Assessement on Gorai River †i÷‡ikb cÖ‡R± (01/12/2010-30/11/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Restoration Project (01/12/2010-30/11/2011) 47058291 - Feasibility study and detalied design of 47058291 -wdwRwewjwU óvwW Ae wW‡UBjW& wWRvBb Ae mvD_ I‡qó South-West water management (FAP-5) Gwiqv IqvUvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U (d¨vc-4) 47058300 - Dhepa River Left Bank FCDI Project 47058300 -‡Xcv b`xi evgZxi eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058310 - Char Development and Settlement 47058310 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKít 4 (cvwb Dbœqb Project-4 †evW© Ask) (01/01/11 - 31/12/16) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058311 - Social study of Meghna-Dhanagoda 47058311 -‡gNbv-abv‡Mv`v †mP cªK‡íi mvgvwRK cwi‡ek gj¨vqY irrigation project mgx¶v 47058312 - Protection of Betil and Anayetpur aria from 47058312 -hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z wkí mg„× ‡ewZj I Gbv‡qZcyi Jamuna river Breaking evRvi GjvKv msi¶Y cÖKí 47058320 - Kalni-Kushira rives Management Project 47058320 -Kvjbx Kzwkqviv b`x e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 47058321 - Modernisation of accounting procedure 47058321 -gWvb©vB‡Rkb Ae GKvDw›Us cªwmwWDi GÛ wdbvw›mqvj and financial management system of g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g Ae weWwe­DwWwe (chv©q-2) BWDB (Phase-2) (1/6/97-30/8/99) 47058331 - Expansion of flood forecasting and 47058331 -G·cvbkb Ae d¬vW ‡dviKvwós GÛ Iqvwb©s mvwf©m warning services 47058341 - Jamalpur priority project (FAP-3.1) 47058341 -Rvgvjcyi cªvqwiwU cª‡R± (d¨vc-3.1) 47058351 - Jamuna-Dhaleswari left bank study-2 47058351 -hgybv-a‡jk¦ix evgZx‡i óvwW-2 (d¨vc-3.2) (FAP-3.2) 47058388 - Protection from River's Breaking of 47058388 -gyw›mMÄ †Rjvi UyswMevwo Dc‡Rjvaxb ,cvPMvI Patgaon,Hasile banari and Dighipara ,nvmvBj-evbvix I `xwNicvo BDwbqb c`¥vb`xi fv½b n‡Z Union of Tungipara Upazilla i¶v cÖKí 47058481 - Environment and GIS support for the water 47058481 -Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ wRAvBGm mv‡cvU© di IqvUvi †m±i sector (BwRAvBGm) (chv©q-2) 47058491 - Morphological impact assesment for the 47058491 -gvi‡dv‡jvwRK¨vj Bg‡c± G‡mm&‡g›U di `¨v wifvi wm‡ river system in Bangladesh óg Bb evsjv‡`k 47058510 - Updakhalee Project 47058510 -Dc`vLvjx cªKí (1/7/96-30/6/2001) 47058520 - Tarail-Pachuria flood control, drainage and 47058520 -ZvivBj-cuvPywiqv eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb¯‹vkb I †mP cªKí irrigation project (chv©q-1) (ms‡kvwaZ-1) (1/7/96-30/6/2001)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47058530 - Flood protection of Gaibandha town and 47058530 -MvBevÜv kni I cvk¦©eZx© GjvKv NvNU b`xi c­veb n‡Z adjoining areas from the flooding of river i¶vKiY cÖKí (1/7/95-30/6/2001) Ghagot 47058540 - Feasibility study and survey of Shuresor 47058540 -my‡ik¦i cªKí (mgx¶v I cvBjU cÖKí) project (PC-2) 47058542 - Sureshsor pilot project 47058542 -my‡ik¦i cvBjU cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2001) 47058550 - Rehabilitation of Teesta barrage flood 47058550 -wZ¯v e¨v‡iR d¬vW evBcvm cybe©vmb cªKí bypass project 47058560 - A. Food for work programme 47058560 -K. Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ Kg©mPx t AviwW ‡cÖvMªvg (Expansion-10 RD Programme) 47058562 - B. Food for work programme : 47058562 -L. Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ Kg©mPx t G·cvbkb-10 AviwW Expansion-10 RD programme-Post flood †cÖvMÖvg-eb¨v‡Ëvi czbev©mb cÖKí rehabilitaion project 47058563 - World Bank and World Food programme 47058563 -wek¦ e¨vsK I wek¦ Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP mvnvh¨cyó 1998 Gi assisted post flood'98 rehabilitaiton ¶q¶wZi Ri“ix cybe©vmb cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2003) project 47058564 - FAP-21 Monitoring and BMDB 47058564 -d¨vc-21 gwbUwis Ges we.Wwe­D.wW.we †U«wbs (1/11/2002-31/10/2004) (1/11/03-31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058565 - Integrated Costal Zone Management plan 47058565 -Bw›U‡Mª‡UW †Kv÷vj ‡Rvb g¨v‡bR‡g›U c­vb (01/7/2002-31/6/2005) (1/7/02-31/1/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058569 - Food for work programme (Expansion-10 47058569 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ Kg©mPx t AviwW ‡cÖvMªvg (Lv`¨ RD Programme) (Food Aid part) mvnvh¨ Ask) 47058570 - Re-excavation of river Gorai project 47058570 -MovB b`x cybtLbb cªKí (1/7/96-30/6/2001) 47058579 - Food for work programme : Expansion-10 47058579 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ Kg©mPx t G·cvbkb-10 AviwW RD programme-Post flood rehabilitaion †cÖvMÖvg-eb¨v‡Ëvi czbev©mb cÖKí (Lv`¨ mvnvh¨ Ask) project (Food Aid part) 47058580 - Re-excavation of river/canal project (Part-A) 47058580 -b`x/Lvj cyYtLbb cªKí (cvU©-G) 47058590 - Re-excavation of river/canal project (Part-B) 47058590 -b`x/Lvj cyYtLbb cªKí (cvU©-we) 47058600 - Protection of pump house and intake 47058600 -c`¥v b`xi fvsMb nB‡Z wR†K †mP cªK‡íi cv¤• †ókb canals of GK project from river erosion I Aš©gyLx Lvj i¶vKiY cÖKí 47058610 - Completion of remaining work of 7 partially 47058610 -wØZxq ¶z`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqšY, wb¯‹vkb I †mP cªK‡íi incomplete projects under the second AvIZvaxb 7wU AvswkK Amgvß cÖK‡íi Aewkó KvR small scale flood control project mgvßKiY cÖKí 47058612 - Canal digging programme 47058612 -Lvj Lbb Kg©mPx 47058620 - Small scale flood control drainage and 47058620 -¶z`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb¯‹vkb I †mP cªKí (chv©q-2) irrigation project (Phase-2) (27 sub (27 wU Dc cÖKí) (1/7/97-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z project) 47058621 - Feasibility study for southern Comilla and 47058621 -`w¶Y Kzwgj­v I DËi †bvqvLvjx mgwš^Z wb¯‹vkb cÖK‡íi northern Noakhali integrated drainage m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (wcwm-2) (1/7/99-30/6/2002) project (PC-2) 47058622 - Rehabilitation project for Tarakandhi - 47058622 -UvsMvBj †Rjvi f‚qvcyi-ZvivKvw›` evau cybev©mb cÖKí Bhuapur Embankment of Tangail district (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 47058623 - Shagorkhali Borobeel drainage project 47058623 -mvMiLvwj eowejv cvwb wb¯‹vkb cÖKí (1/7/99-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058624 - Bara Baishdia flood control and drainage 47058624 -eo evBkw`qv eb¨v wbqš¿Y I wb¯‹vkb cÖKí t †cvìvi bs project : Polder no (50/51) (50/51) (1/7/98 - 30/6/2007)ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 47058625 - River bank protection project (Phase-2) 47058625 -b`xi Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (chv©q-2 t eª¶¥cyÎ b‡`i Wvb Zx‡ii AMªvwaKvi KvR) (1/7/99-30/6/2006) 47058626 - Feasibility study for re-exacavation of Badai 47058626 -myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MÛn¯x we‡ji evavB b`x cyYtLbb I river of Gandahastee beel under cv¤• nvDR wbgv©‡Yi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (wcwm-2) Sujanogar upazilla and construction of pump house (PC-2) 47058627 - Project for improvement of Kendua beel 47058627 -‡K›`yqv wej wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb I †cvìvi 36/1 drainage system and expansion of polder m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (1/7/99-30/6/2002) 36/1 47058628 - Post flood '98 rehabilitation of rapid 47058628 -1998 -Gi eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ Z¡wir ev¯@evqb cÖKímg–‡ni implementation project cybte©vmb (1/7/99-30/6/2001) 47058629 - Post flood'98 rehabilitation of damaged 47058629 -evcvD †ev‡W©i mgvß cÖK‡íi 1998 Gi eb¨v ¶q¶wZ completed projects of BWDB cybev©mb cÖKí (1/7/99-30/6/2002)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47058630 - Ramshil-Kafulbari flood control and 47058630 -ivgkxj-Kvdyjvevox eb¨v wbqš¿Y I wb¯‹vkb cªKí drainage project (1/7/97-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058631 - Bhairab bazar town protection project 47058631 -ˆfieevRvi kni msi¶Y cÖKí (1/7/99-30/6/2003) 47058632 - 47058632 - 47058633 - Project for protection of left bank of 47058633 -wkKjenv Lv‡ji evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí Sikalbaha canal. (1/7/99-30/6/2003) 47058634 - Feasibility study for re-excavation of Betna 47058634 -1. †eZbvb`x I kvLv cybLbb, 2. bIMv kni GjvKvq river and Construction of an embankment †QvU b`xi eb¨v eva/Iqvj 3. cvebv †Rjv KvwRinvU mvZevwoqv eva wbgv©Y 4. LvwjqvSzwo GdwWwm cÖKí 47058635 - Construction of cross-dam in Ali Akbar Dail 47058635 -†cvìvi bs 71 t KyZyew`qv Dc‡Rjvi Avjx AvKei †WBj union of Kutubdia upazilla. Polder No.71 BDwbq‡bi cv‡k¦© 25.99 wK‡jvwgUvi n‡Z 29.00wK‡jvwgUvi ch©š@ Ri“wi wfwˇZ †ewoevau wbgv©Y cÖKí (1/7/99-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058636 - Water Management and Improvement 47058636 -cvwb e¨e¯nvcbv Dbœqb cªKí (1/7/2004-30/6/2011) Project (WMIP) (1/7/2004-30/6/2014) wcwmwc Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 47058638 - 47058638 -wm‡jU †Rjvi †dÂyMÄ _vbvi Rywo b`x cybtLbb Ges µm-W¨vg wbg©vY (1/7/2004-30/6/2006) wcwmwc Aby‡gvw`Z 47058640 - Rehabilitation and repair of the 47058640 -1995 mv‡ji N–wY©So, R‡jv”Q¡vm I eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ 37 wU infrastructure of WDB damaged in the †Rjvq ev cvDev cÖKí AeKvVv‡gvmg–‡ni cyclone cum tidal bore of 1995 in 37 czbev©mb/†givgZ cÖKí (ivRkvnx wefvM Õ97, 19†gÕi N– district wY©So) 47058650 - Chandpur town protection project 47058650 -Puv`cyi kni msi¶Y cªKí, 2q ch©vq (1/7/97-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058660 - Survey and feasibility study of new project 47058660 -evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Gi byZb cªK‡íi Rwic I m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (1/7/97 - 30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058670 - Dekhar haor project 47058670 -w`ivB-RMbv_cyi GjvKvi wb¯‹vkb e¨e¯’vi Dbœqbmn ‡WLvi nvIo eb¨v wbqšY I wb¯‹vkb cÖK‡íi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (wcwm-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/97-30/6/2001) 47058680 - Narayanganj - Narshingdi flood control 47058680 -bvivqYMÄ-biwms`x eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I ‡mP cªKí and irrigation project (1/7/2001-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058682 - Post flood rehabilitation of Narayanganj - 47058682 -bvivqYMÄ-biwms`x cÖK‡íi eb¨v cyYev©mb Narsingdi project (1/7/99-30/6/2001) 47058690 - Construction of alternate flood control dam 47058690 -cvebv †mP I cj­x Dbœqb cªK‡íi nwiivgcyi nB‡Z from Harirampur to Mohangonj of the †gvnbMÄ ch©š weKí eb¨v evua wbg©vY Pabna irrigation and rural development project 47058700 - National water resource management 47058700 -RvZxq cvwb m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv cwiKíbv cªYq‡b mvi‡dm project implementation using SWMC's IqvUvi g‡Wwjs †m›Uvi cÖYxZ RvZxq I AvÂwjK mathematical models for national and b`-b`xi regional rivers 47058710 - Damuda channel dredging project 47058710 -WvgyW¨v P¨v‡bj †W«wRs cªKí 47058720 - Block allocation for cyclone rehabilitation 47058720 -NwY©So cybe©vmb cªK‡íi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ project 47058730 - 47058730 -evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Gi AvIZvq bZzb cªK‡íimg ‡ni m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (01/07/05-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058731 - Strengthening of training and staff 47058731 -‡÷ªsb‡`wbs Ae ‡U«wbs GÛ ÷vd †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae development of BWDB weWwe­DwWwe 47058740 - 47058740 -hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z MvBevÜv †Rjvi MvBevÜv Dc‡Rjvaxb ev¸wiqv,ˆmq`cyi I dzjQwo Dc‡Rjvaxb KvwÂcvov, evjvkxNvU GjvKv msi¶Y cÖKí(01/07/05-30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058741 - Fesibility study and detail design of Ganga 47058741 -wdwRwewjwU óvwW GÛ wW‡UBì wWRvBb Ae M¨v‡ÄR barrage project e¨v‡iR cÖ‡R± 47058750 - 47058750 -KxZ©b‡Lvjv b`xi fv½b n‡Z ewikvj kni‡K i¶vi Rb¨ kni i¶v euva wbg©vY (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058751 - Computerisation of planning cell of 47058751 -Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb Ae c­vwbs †mj Ae wgwbwó« Ae IqvUvi Ministry of Water resources wi‡mv‡m©m

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47058761 - National water management plan 47058761 -b¨vkbvj IqvUvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U c­vb (15/3/98-31/5/2002) 47058771 - Environment and GIS support for the water 47058771 -Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ wRAvBGm mv‡cvU© di w` IqvUvi sector (EGIS-2) †m±i (BwRAvBGm-2q ch©vq) 47058781 - Water sector improvement project 47058781 -IqvUvi ‡m±i BgcÖ“f‡g›U cª‡R± (1/10/97-1/1/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058800 - Development of command area project of 47058800 -wZ¯@v e¨v‡iR cÖK‡íi 1g chv©‡qi KgvÛ Gwiqv Dbœqb Teesta barrage project cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2003) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 47058810 - Khagrachari town protection from the 47058810 -‡PsMx b`xi fvsMb n‡Z LvMovQwo kni msi¶Y cÖKí erosion of Changi river (1/7/98-30/6/2001) 47058820 - Flood control project for Dhaolai river in 47058820 -‡gŠjfxevRvi †Rjvi KgjMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb ajvB b`xi Moulvi Bazar district WvbZxi eb¨v wbqšY cÖKí 47058830 - 47058830 -fzjyqv b`x (ev‡Mi‡`vbv) cybt Lbb cÖKí 47058840 - Re-excavation Bhulua River (Bagardona) 47058840 -fzjyqv b`xi (ev‡Mi †`vbv) cybt Lbb cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2001) 47058850 - Overhauling of main and subsidiary 47058850 -MsMv-K‡cvZv¶v †mP cÖK‡íi cÖavb I mvewmwWqvwi cv‡ pumps of Ganga-Kapatakho project ¤•i Ifvinwjs I †givgZ cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2001) 47058860 - Amirpur-Vandercotee-Baliadanga project 47058860 -Avwgicyi-fvÛvi‡KvwU-evwjqvWvsMv cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058870 - Left bank protection of Teesta river (From 47058870 -wZ¯@v evgZxi msi¶Y (wZ¯@v †ijI‡q weªR n‡Z PÛxgvix Teesta railway bridge to Chandibari) ch©š@) cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z project 47058880 - Feasibility study of re-exacavation of 47058880 -K‡cvZv¶ b` cybt Lb‡bi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v Kopotakho river 47058890 - River protection, development and town 47058890 -b`x msi¶Y I Dbœqb Ges kni msi¶Y cÖKí (chv©q-2) protection project (Phase-2) (1/7/98 - 30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058900 - Re-excavation of Noakhali canal 47058900 -†bvqvLvjx Lv‡ji cybt Lbb cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 47058910 - Development and protection of rivers in the 47058910 -mxgvš@ b`x msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/98- border areas of Bangladesh 30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058920 - Feasibility study of construction of 47058920 -AvÎvB b`xi Wvb Zx‡ii euva wbgv©Y cÖK‡íi m¤¢ve¨Zv embankment on the right bank of river Atrai mgx¶v 47058930 - Irrigation project of Sundalpur under the 47058930 -Kzwgj­v †Rjvi `vD`Kvw›` Dc‡Rjvaxb my›`jcyi †mP upazilla of Daudkandi, Comilla cÖKí (1/7/98 - 30/6/2003) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058932 - Feasibility study for Construction of a 47058932 -Kzwgj­v bZzb WvKvwZqv b`x Ges ¸MvBRywo b`x cybtLbb pump house and re-excavation of new cÖKí Dakatia river of Comilla and Chandpur district (PC-2) 47058940 - Expansion of Polder 59/2 47058940 -59/2 †cvìv‡ii m¤•ÖmviY (1/7/98-30/6/2003) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 47058951 - Use of mathematical models developed 47058951 -RvZxq cvwb m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv cwiKíbv cÖYq‡b mvi‡dm for SWMC for national water resources IqvUvi g‡Wwjs †m›Uvi cÖYxZ RvZxq I AvÂwjK management planning b`-b`xi MvwYwZK g‡Wj msi¶Y I evrmwiK Dc‡hvMxKiY cÖKí 47058952 - 47058952 -Pi †Wfjc‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-2 (wmwWGmwc-2) 47058953 - Char Development and Settlement 47058953 -Pi †Wfjcj‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-3 (wmwWGmwc-2) Project-2 (CDSP-2) Water Development cvwb Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Ask (1/7/95-30/6/2009) Board Part Aby‡gvw`Z 47058958 - Bank Protection Project of Mymenshing 47058958 -gqgbwmsn kni Ges b`xZxi msi¶Y cÖKí Town (1/7/200-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058961 - Feasibility study of Char development and 47058961 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U I †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí 2q chv©‡qi settlement project (Phase-2) m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v 47058962 - Fourth fisheries project: Bangladesh Water 47058962 -PZz_© grm¨ cÖKí t evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Ask Development Board component 47058964 - Integrated, participatory and sustainable 47058964 -mgwš^Z AskMÖnYg–jK †UKmB cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cwiKíbv water management plan (1/7/99 - 30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058972 - Construction of Retired Embankment of 47058972 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi †KvZqvjx I Pif`ªvkb _vbvq dwi`cyi the Faridpur-Barisal Project (Faridpur Unit) ewikvj cÖK‡íi (dwi`cyi BDwbU) wiUvqvW© evua wbgv©Y in Kotwali and Char Bhadrasan Thanas of cÖKí ( mst Abbyt)(1/7/2000-30/6/2004) Faridpur District 47058978 - 47058978 -Kvjbx-Kzwkqviv wifvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47058982 - Model and Feasibility study for 47058982 -†MvgZx b`xi Dfq Zx‡i eb¨v wbqš¿Y euva cybe©vmbK‡í Rehabilitation of Flood Control g‡Wj ÷vwW I m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (wcwm-2) ( Abyt) Embankment on both sides of Gomuti (1/7/2000-30/6/2003) River 47058986 - Feasibility study for Integrated Drainage 47058986 -gby-†LvqvB-Kzwkqviv-ajvB b`xi mgwš^Z wb®‹vkb I eb¨v and Flood Management of Manu-Khuai-Kushiara-Dhalai Rivers 47058990 - Emergency Rehabilitation of Pumps of GK 47058990 -MÖvgxY A_©‰bwZK Dbœqb mgybœZ ivLvi Rb¨ wR.†K †mP Irrigation Project for Sustenance of Rural cÖK‡íi cv‡¤•i Ri“wi cybev©mb cÖKí Economic Development (1/7/2000-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058992 - Project for Protection of Left side of Padma 47058992 -PuvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi beveMÄ m`i I wkeMÄ _vbvaxb River in Pakca Narayanpur under cvKv bvivqbcyi bvgK ¯’v‡b cÙv b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y Nawabgonj Sadar and Shibgonj Thanas of cÖKí (1/7/2000-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Nawabgonj District 47058994 - Secondary 47058994 -‡m‡KÛvwi UvDÝ Bw›U‡Mª‡UW d¬vW cª‡UKkb cª‡R± (†dR-2), Kzwóqv, ivRkvnx, MvBevÜv, Rvgvjcyi, gqgbwmsn, gvwbKMÄ, gyÝxMÄ, we,evwoqv I mybvgMÄ kni (1/7/2004-30/6/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058996 - Project for Eriction of Illegal Occupants of 47058996 -eywoM½v b`x Zxi msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí (1/ The River bed and Bank of Buriganga 7/2000-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z River and preventing such Encroachment in Future 47058998 - Project for Management of Disaster Prone 47058998 -my‡gk¦ix b`xi wec`msKzj Ae¯’vi e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Condition of Simeswari River (1/7/99-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47058999 - Project for Procurement of Dredger and 47058999 -evsjv‡`‡ki eb¨v wbqšYK‡í b`x †WªwRs Kv‡Ri Rb¨ Ancillary Equipment of River Dredging for †WªRvi I Avbylvw½K hšcvwZ msMÖn cÖKí (1/7/99- Flood Protection of Bangladesh 30/6/2001) 47059000 - Procurement of Tool and Instruments for 47059000 -eb¨v cbe©vmb Kv‡R e¨envi‡hvM¨ hšcvwZ I miÄvg Flood Rehabilitation Work msMÖn cÖKí t K. evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© (Ask) 47059002 - Feasibility Study for Loop-Cutting of Small 47059002 -evsjv‡`‡ki †QvU b`xmg–‡ni jycKv‡Ui Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv Rivers of Bangladesh mgx¶v (wcwm-2) (1/7/2000-30/6/2001) 47059008 - Re-Excavation of River-Cannel (Cluster 47059008 -b`x-Lvj cybtLbb cÖKí (¸”Q cÖKí) Project) (1/7/2000-30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059010 - Project for Flood Damage and Ancillary 47059010 -wZ¯@v e¨v‡iR cÖKí (1g ch©vq) Gi 1998 eb¨vq ¶q¶wZ Rehabilitation to Teesta Barrage I Avbylw½K cye©vmb cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2001) 47059012 - 47059012 -¶z`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqšY wb®‹vkY I †mP cÖKí (3q ch©vq) 47059020 - Protection of Maghaibazar, Shuvogasa and 47059020 -hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z wmivRMÄ †Rjvi †gNvBevRvi, Shimla of Shirajgonj district from the ïfMvQv I wmgjv GjvKv msi¶Y cÖKí Erosion of Jamuna River (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 47059030 - Development of lowland Located in the left 47059030 -†WªRvi Øviv gaygwZ b`xi wKq`sk Lbbc–e©K evg Zxi¯’ side through Partial Excavation of bxPz f‚wg Dbœqb (1/7/99-30/6/2001) Madhumati River 47059070 - Kalni-Kushiara River Management Project 47059070 -Kvjwb-Kzwkqviv wifvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± (1/7/2000-30/6/2001) 47059071 - Project preparatory technical assistance 47059071 -cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUwi †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ Kvjwb-Kzwkqviv Kalnee-Kushiara River Management wifvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± (wUGwcwc) Porject (TAPP) 47059081 - Consolidation and Strengthening of Flood 47059081 -Kb‡mvwj‡Wkb GÛ †÷«s‡`wbs Ae d¬vW †dviKvw÷s GÛ Forecasting and Warning Services (TAPP) Iqvwb©s mvwf©‡mm (wUGwcwc)t ( 1/1/03- 31/12/04) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059100 - Godagari Upazila 47059100 -‡Mv`vMvox Dc‡Rjvq ivRvevox †_‡K evwjqvNvUv ch©š@ euva wbgv©Y cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059110 - Protective Work of Fulchari Headquarter 47059110 -hgybv b`xi fv½b n‡Z dzjQwo †nW‡KvqvUv©i I KvgviRvwb and Kamarjanibazar from the Erosion of evRvi i¶Y cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Jamuna River (01/07/2000-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059120 - New Dakatia & Old Dakatia Little Feni 47059120 -bZyb WvKvwZqv I cyivZb WvKvwZqv †QvU ‡dbx b`x †ewmb River Dranage Project Part of South Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Comilla and North Noyakhali Comprehensive Project (01/07/03 - 30/06/11) Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059131 - 47059131 -GbfvhiY‡g›Uvj gwbUwis Bbdi‡gkb †bUIqvK© di IqvUvi wi‡mv‡m©m (01/07/03-30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059140 - Rehabilitation of Costal Poldars most at 47059140 -DcK‚jxq A‡j ¶wZMª¯@ AwZ SuzwKc–Y© †cvìvimg–‡ni Risk cybev©mb cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059151 - Modernaization 47059151 -gWvb©vB‡Rkb Ae `¨v wgwbw÷« Ae IqvUvi wi‡mv‡m©m wdbvbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwewjwU cÖ‡R± (01/01/2003-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059160 - Teesta Barrage Project (2nd Phase, 1st 47059160 -wZ¯@v e¨v‡iR cÖKí (2q chv©q) Unit) (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059170 - Keranigonj 47059170 -‡KivbxMÄ Dc‡Rjvq nRiZcy‡ii XvwjKvw›`‡Z a‡jk¦ix b`xi evg Zxi i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059180 - Faridpur district 47059180 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi m`i I Pif`ªvmb Dc‡Rjvi c`¥v b`xi fv½b n‡Z dwi`cyi kni I cvk¦©eZx© GjvKvmg–n i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059190 - River 47059190 -b`x fv½b n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi ZRygwÏb Dc‡Rjvi AwZ SzuwKc–Y© As‡k Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (01/07/2003- 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059200 - 47059200 -†gNbv †ZZywjqv b`x fv½b cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí (1g ch©vq) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059210 - Bagura 47059210 -e¸ov †Rjvq wZZcij Ges †`efv½vq ev½vjx b`x I hgybv b`x GKxf–Z nIqv †ivaKiY cÖKí (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059220 - Fesibility Study And Detailed Design of 47059220 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW GÛ wW‡UBÛ wWRvBb M¨v‡ÄR e¨v‡iR Ganjes Barrage Project (01/07/04 - cª‡R± (1/7/2004-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/13) Approved 47059226 - Char development and settlement 47059226 -Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÊ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-3 project-III(CDSP-III) (wmwWGmwc-3) 47059230 - 47059230 -evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †ev‡W©i AvIZvq bZzb cÖK‡íi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v 47059235 - Protection River bank erosion of the most 47059235 -‡fvjv †Rjvaxb jvj‡gvnb Dc‡Rjvi AwZSuywKc–Y© As‡k vulnerable part at Lalmohon upazila under fv½b i¶v cÖKí Bhola district 47059237 - Bhola district town protection project, Ph-2 47059237 -‡fvjv †Rjv kni i¶v cÖKí (†dR-2) 47059238 - Hailhaor rehabilitation and development 47059238 -‡nBj nvIi cybe©vmb Ges Dbœqb cÖKí project 47059240 - Revir 47059240 -b`x cÖevn I gi‡dvjRxi Dci e¨v‡Ûwjs Gi cÖfve m¤•wK©Z M‡elYv cÖKí 47059242 - Protection of Sukurer hat and Karerhat 47059242 -‡dbx b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ïKz‡ii nvU I K‡ii nvU from the erosion of Feni river i¶vKiY cÖKí 47059243 - Completion of Mahamayasara Irrigation 47059243 -gnvgvqvQov †mP cÖK‡íi mgvßKiY cÖKí Project 47059245 - Completion of incomplete embkt. and Khal 47059245 -eKvB-†MŠib`x-Av‰MjSiv-†PŠÏgv`vi wej cÖK‡íi re-excavation work under Amgvß euva I Lvj Lbb KvR mgvßKiY kxl©K cÖKí Bakari-Gournadi-Agailjhara-Chouddamad ar beel project 47059246 - Char Fashion and Monpura Town 47059246 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb I gbcyiv kni i¶v cÖKí protection project in Bhola district 47059247 - Protection of Left bank of Padma river from 47059247 -bv‡Uvi †Rjvi jvjcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb wZjKcyi nB‡Z Tilokpur to Gouripur via Paridaha under cwi`n fvqv †MŠixcyi ch©š@ cÙv b`xi evgZxi msi¶b Lalpur upazilla in Natore district cÖKí 47059248 - Proteciton of Vulnerable area (Louhajong 47059248 -cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z gyÝxMÄ †Rjvi AZ¨š@ SuywKc–Y© upazila complex) from the erosion of GjvKv (†jŠnRs Dc‡Rjv Kg‡cз) i¶v‡_© cÖwZi¶v Padma river in Munshiganj district. cÖKí 47059249 - Narsingdi Town Protection Project 47059249 -biwms`x kni msi¶b cÖKí 47059250 - Mitigation of Dranage Conjention in Poldar 47059250 -mvZ¶xiv †Rjvaxb DcK‚jxq euva cÖK‡íi †cvìvi 1 I 2 1 and 2 water control ambankment project Gi Rjve×Zv cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) in Shatkhira District (01/07/05 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z Revised Unapproved 47059251 - Protection of Daulatkhan town from the 47059251 -‡gNbv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z †`ŠjZLvb kni i¶v cÖKí (2q erosion of Meghna river, Ph-II ch©vq)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059252 - Dhepa-Punarbhaba Water Management 47059252 -‡Xcv-cybf©ev cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Project 47059254 - Preparatory phase of initiate the proposed 47059254 -mgwš^Z DcK‚jxq AÂj e¨e¯’vcbvi cÖvwZôvwbKxKi‡bi prgoramme of utilization and D‡`¨vM operationalization of integrated coastal zone management appraoches. 47059256 - Protection of Betil Enayetpur bazar from the 47059256 -hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ZuvZwkí mg„× †ewZj erosion of Jamuna Gbv‡qZcyi evRvi msi¶b cÖKí (Aewkóvsk) 47059257 - Guptakhali Reservoir and irrigation project 47059257 -¸ßvLvjx Lvj, Rjvavi I †mP cÖKí 47059258 - Constructionof Embkt. and other anciallary 47059258 -XvKv †Rjvi mvfvi Dc‡Rjvi †Ubvix wkí GjvKvq euva I works in Tenarry industrial area under Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY cÖKí Savar upazila in Dhaka district. 47059259 - North Rajshahi Irrigation Project 47059259 -DËi ivRkvnx †mP cÖKí 47059260 - Padma 47059260 -c`¥v b`xi fv½b n‡Z gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi nwiivgcyi Dc‡Rjv m`‡ii SuywKc–Y© Ask msi¶Y (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059261 - Beel Halti project 47059261 -wej nvjZx cÖKí 47059262 - Char Jahiruddin FCDI Project in 47059262 -‡fvjv †Rjvi ZRygywÏb Dc‡Rjvaxb PiRwni“wÏb eb¨v Tajumuddin upazila of Bhola district. wbqš¿Y I wb¯‹vkb cÖKí 47059263 - Kalnikushiyara River management project 47059263 -Kvjbx Kzwkqviv b`x e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 47059264 - Gorai river restoration project 47059264 -MovB b`x cyb:Lbb cÖKí 47059265 - River/Khal re-excavation Bunch project, 4th 47059265 -b`x/Lvj cyb:Lbb ¸”Q cÖKí, 4_© ch©vq ph 47059266 - Kamrangir Char Flood protection and 47059266 -XvKv †Rjvi Kvgivw½i Pi eb¨v wbqš¿Y I Dbœqb cÖKí development project in Dhaka district 47059267 - Char Kukri-mukri FCD and Salinity Control 47059267 -Pi KzKix-gyKix eb¨v wbqš¿Y Ges jebv³ cvwb cÖ‡ek‡iva project cÖKí 47059268 - Protection of Brahmaputra from Bairagirhat 47059268 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi ˆeivMxi nvU nB‡Z wPjgvix ch©š@ eªþcyÎ to Chilmari in Kurigram district. b`xi fv½b‡iva cÖKí 47059269 - Protection of Harindhara and Ulipur in 47059269 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi nwiYaiv Ges Dwjcyi i¶v cÖKí Jamalpur district 47059270 - Project in Kachua and Sadar Upazilla 47059270 -ev‡MinvU †Rjvi m`i I KPyqv Dc‡Rjvi †egZ©v cÖKí Under Bagerhat District (01/07/2005 - (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 30/06/2009) 47059271 - Constn. of remaining works of The Pabna 47059271 -cvebv †mP I cjÐx Dbœqb cÖKí, 1g ch©vq Gi Amgvß irrigation and rural development project KvR mgvßKiY 47059272 - Command area development of Barisal 47059272 -ewikvj †mP cÖK‡íi KgvÊ Gwiqv Dbœqb cÖKí irrigation project 47059273 - Chandpur-Comilla integrated FCDI Project 47059273 -Puv`cyi-KzwgjÐv mgwš^Z eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí 47059274 - Monu river bank protection and 47059274 -gby b`xi Zxi msi¶b Ges cybe©vmb cÖKí rehabilitation project 47059275 - Small Scale Flood Control, Drainage and 47059275 -¶z`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí, 4_© ch©vq Irrigation Proejct, Ph-4 47059276 - River Bank protection and development 47059276 -b`x msi¶b I Dbœqb Ges kni msi¶b cÖKí, 4_© ch©vq and town protection project, Ph-4 47059277 - Augmentation of Buriganga flow by 47059277 -hgybv b`xi ms‡hvM mg–‡ni cwj AcmviY c–e©K eywoMsMv restoring silted up links with Jamuna river b`xi cvwb cÖevn e„w× cÖKí 47059278 - Constn. of Rubber dam over the 47059278 -PuvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi gnvbb›`v b`xi Dci iveviW¨vg Mahananda river in Chapainababganj wbg©vY cÖKí district 47059279 - Detailed Hydrological Studies with 47059279 -wW‡UBì nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj ÷vwWR DB_ G·‡cÐv‡ikb Ae exploration of deep aquifer in Deltaic and wWc GKzBdvi Bb †WëvBK GÊ d¬vW‡cÐb Gwiqv (÷vwW cÖ Flood Plan areas (Study project) ‡R±) 47059280 - Kurigram Irrigation Project (South Unit) 47059280 -KzwoMªvg †mP cÖKí (`w¶Y BDwbU) (01/07/2005 - (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2012) Approved 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059281 - Jamalpur FCDI Project 47059281 -Rvgvjcyi eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí 47059283 - Jamuna-Padma left bank proteciton 47059283 -hgyb-cÙv evgZxi i¶v cÖKí project

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059284 - Protection of Sailabari and adjacent area 47059284 -hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ˆkjevwo I wmivMÄ kn‡ii of Serajgonj town from the erosion of the wbKUeZ©x GjvKv i¶v cÖKí river Jamuna 47059286 - Construction of Flood Control 47059286 -UvsMvBj †Rjvi bvMicyi Ges †PŠnvjx‡Z hgybv b`xi Wvb embankment and river bank protection on Ges evg Zx‡i eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva euva wbg©vY Ges b`xZxi the left bank of Jamuna and right bank of msi¶b cÖKí Dhaleswari at Nagarpur and Chowhali. 47059287 - Construction of Cross dam for land 47059287 -fwg cybi“×vi K‡í µmW¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí reclamation project 47059288 - Procurement of Mini dregers for reduction 47059288 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ b`xi cvwb wb¯‹vkb ¶gZv Dbœq‡bi of Flood damage through drainage gva¨‡g eb¨vq ¶q¶wZ n«vmK‡í wgwb †W«Rvi msMªn improvement facility of different rivers in Bangladesh 47059290 - Kurigram Irrigation Project (North Unit) 47059290 -KzwoMªvg †mP cÖKí (DËi BDwbU) (01/07/2005 - (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2011) Approved 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059291 - Protection of Chandpur Irrigation Project 47059291 -‡gNbv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z Puv`cyi †mP cÖKí i¶v cÖKí from the erosion of Meghna river 47059292 - Kumar river re-excavation project 47059292 -Kzgvi b`x cyb:Lbb cÖKí 47059293 - Protection of left bank of Padma from 47059293 -PuvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi wkeMÄ Dc‡Rjvi eveycyi nB‡Z babupur to India-Bangladesh border in fviZ-evsjv‡`k mxgvš@eZ©x GjvKv i¶vK‡í cÙv b`xi Shibganj upazila under Chapainababganj evgZxi msi¶b cÖKí district. 47059294 - Development and management of main 47059294 -evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavb cÖavb b`x Ges Dnvi kvLv b`xi Dbœhb rivers and their tributaries/distributeries all I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí over Bangladesh. 47059311 - 47059311 -‡Xcv-cybf©ev cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 47059312 - Protection of Handloom industry enriched 47059312 -hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ZvuZwkí mg„× Betil-Enayetpur Bazar area from the †ewZj-Gbv‡qZcyi evRvi iÿv cÖKí erosion of river Jamuna 47059313 - Protection of Shailabari and adjacent area 47059313 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z of Sirajganj Town from the Erosion of river ˆkjvevox I wmivRMÄ kn‡ii wbKUeZ©x GjvKv iÿv Jamuna in the Sadar Upazilla of Sirajganj cÖKí district 47059314 - Protection of Charfession and Manpura 47059314 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb I gbcyiv kni iÿv cÖKí Towns in Bhola District 47059315 - Protection of Bairagirhat to Chilmari in the 47059315 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi ˆeivMxi nvU nB‡Z wPjgvix ch©š— eªþcyÎ district of Kurigram from the erosion of b`xi fv½b †iva cÖKí Brahmaputra River 47059316 - Protection of left bank of river Padma from 47059316 -bv‡Uvi †Rjvi jvjcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb wZjKcyi n‡Z cwi`n Tilakpur to Gouripur via Paridaha in Natore n‡q †MŠwicyi ch©š@ cÙv b`xi evg Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí district 47059317 - Construction of Embankment and other 47059317 -XvKv †Rjvi mvfvi Dc‡Rjvi U¨vbvwi wkí GjvKvq evua I Structures in the Tannery Industrial Area Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY under Savar Upazilla in Dhaka district 47059318 - Protection of Teesta Left Embankment 47059318 -wZ¯@v e¨viv‡Ri Dש †mªvZ n‡Z Pi AcmviYmn wZ¯@v from Teesta Barrage to Chandimari and e¨vivR n‡Z PwÛgvix ch©š@ wZ¯@v b`xi evg Zxi msi¶Y Removal of Silt in the upstream of the cÖKí Barrage 47059319 - Char Kukri-Mukri FCDI and Salinity Control 47059319 -Pi KzKix-gyKix eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb, †mP I jeYv³ Project cvwb cÖ‡ek †ivaKiY cÖKí 47059320 - Beel Halti Project 47059320 -wej nvjwZ cÖKí 47059321 - Kumar River Re-excavation Project 47059321 -Kzgvi b`x cyb:Lbb cÖKí 47059322 - Char Zahir Uddin Flood Control and 47059322 -‡fvjv †Rjvi ZRgywÏb DcRjvaxb Pi Rwni DwÏb eb¨v Drainage Project under Upazilla wbqš¿Y I wb®‹vkb cÖKí Tazamuddin in Bhola District 47059323 - Protection of Left Embankment of River 47059323 -PvucvB beveMÄ †Rjvi wkeMÄ Dc‡Rjvi eveycyi nB‡Z Padma to safeguard Bangladesh Territory fviZ-evsjv‡`k mxgvšÍeZ©x GjvKv iÿvK‡í cÙv b`xi from Babupur to Indo-Bangla Border under evgZxi msiÿY cÖKí Shibganj Upazilla in Chanpai N

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059324 - Kalni-Kushiyara River Management Project 47059324 -Kvjbx-Kzwkqviv b`x e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 47059325 - Rehabilitation of 44 Polders in the 47059325 -evsjv‡`‡ki `wÿY-c~e©v‡ji 44wU †cvìv‡ii cybe©vmb South-Eastern Region of Bangladesh cÖKí 47059326 - Rehabilitation of Polder-16 under Coastal 47059326 -DcKyjxq evua cÖK‡íi AvIZvaxb †cvìvi-16 Gi cybe©vmb Embankment Project cÖKí 47059327 - Rehabilitation of Polder-18/19 and 9 under 47059327 -DcKyjxq evua cÖK‡íi AvIZvaxb †cvìvi-18/19 Ges 9 Coastal Embankment Project Gi cybe©vmb cÖKí 47059328 - Chandpur-Comilla Integrated Flood 47059328 -Pvu`cyi-Kzwgjøv mgwš^Z eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva, wb®‹vkb I †mP Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project cÖKí 47059329 - Small Scale Flood Control, Drainage and 47059329 -ÿª`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP cÖKí(4_© ch©vq) Irrigation Project (4th Phase) 47059330 - Construction of Rubber Dam on River 47059330 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi gnvb›`v b`xi Dci ivevi W¨vg Mahananda in Chanpai nawabganj district wbg©vY cÖKí 47059331 - Jamalpur Flood Control, Drainage and 47059331 -Rvgvjcyi eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP cÖKí Irrigation Project 47059332 - Guptakhali Reservoir and Irrigation Project 47059332 -¸ßvLvjx Rjvavi wbg©vY I †mP cÖKí 47059333 - North Rajshahi Irrigation Project 47059333 -DËi ivRkvnx †mP cÖKí 47059334 - Completion of Remaining Works of Pabna 47059334 -cvebv †mP I cjøx Dbœqb cÖK‡íi Aewkó KvR m¤ Irrigation and Rural Development Project úbœKiY cÖKí 47059335 - G.K. Rehabilitation Project 47059335 -wR.†K. cybe©vmb cÖKí 47059336 - Command Area Development of Barisal 47059336 -ewikvj †mP cÖK‡íi KgvÛ Gwiqv Dbœqb cÖKí Irrigation Project 47059337 - Constrution of Cross Dam for Reclamation 47059337 -f’wg cbiæ×v‡ii Rb¨ µm W¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí of Land 47059338 - Environmental Improvement of River 47059338 -Ki‡Zvqv b`xi cwi‡ek Dbœqb cÖKí Korotoa 47059339 - Rehabilitation of Polders under Coastal 47059339 -DcKyjxq evua cÖK‡íi †cvìvi †givgZ(†cvìvi 73/1G, Embankment Project (Polders 73/1 A, B we I 73/2) and 73/2) 47059340 - Kamrangir Char Flood Protection and 47059340 -Kvgiv½xi Pi eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva I Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project 47059341 - Patuakhali Town Protection Project 47059341 -cUzqvLvjx kni i¶v cÖKí 47059342 - Protection of Gorai River Bank Erosion 47059342 -Kzwóqv †Rjvi †LvKmv I KzgviLvjx Dc‡Rjvq MovB b`xi under Khoksa and Kumarkhali upazillas in Zx‡ii fv½b cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí the district 47059343 - Detailed Hydrological Studies with 47059343 -wW‡UBjW nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj ÷vwWR DB_ G•‡cøv‡ikb Exploration of Deep Aquifer in Deltaic and Ae wWc GK¨yBdvi Bb †WjUvBK GÛ dvW cø¨vb Gwiqv Flood Plain Area 47059344 - Management of Major Rivers and their 47059344 -evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavb cÖavb b`x Ges Dnv‡`i kvLv-cÖkvLv Tributaries e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí 47059345 - Gorai River Restoration Project 47059345 -MovB b`x cybi“×vi cÖKí 47059346 - Protection of Left Embankment of River 47059346 -hgybv I cÙv b`xi evg Zxi msiÿY cÖKí Jamuna and Padma 47059347 - Bank Protection and Rehabilitation of 47059347 -gby b`xi Zxi msiÿY I cybe©vmb cÖKí Manu River 47059348 - Procurement of Small Dredgers for 47059348 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ b`xi wb®‹vkb e¨e¯’v Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g mitigating Flood Damages by Improving eb¨vi ÿqÿwZ Kgv‡bvi j‡ÿ¨ †QvU †WªRvi µq cÖKí Drainage System of different Rivers of Bangladesh 47059349 - Augmentation of Buriganga River Flow by 47059349 -hgybv b`xi ms‡hvMmg~‡ni cwj AcmviYc~e©K eywoM½v restoring silted up links of river Jamuna b`xi cvwb cÖevn e„w× cÖKí 47059350 - Protection of Harindhara and Ulia Bazar in 47059350 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi nwibaiv Ges Dwjcyi cÖwZiv cÖKí the district of Jamalpur 47059351 - Protection of Louhajang Upazilla Complex 47059351 -gyÝxMÄ †Rjvq cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z †jŠnRs Dc‡Rjv from the erosion of River Padma in cwil` Kg‡cø• iÿv cÖKí Munshiganj district

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059352 - Rehabilitation of Polder-1, 47059352 -bIMvu c I i wefv‡Mi AšÍM©Z bIMvu †Rjvi †cvìvi-1, Silimpur-Saligram, Patnitala and wmwjgcyi-mwjMÖvg, cZœxZjv Ges i³‡`vnv-†jvnvP~ov wej Raktadoha-Lohachura Beel Drainage wb®‹vkb Dc-cÖKí, ZzjkxMsMv †jdU Gge¨vs&K‡g›U Sub-Projects, Tulshiganga Left Dc-c Embankment Sub-Project, 47059353 - Rehabilitation of Damaged Flood Control 47059353 -ewikvj cIi mv‡K©‡ji AvIZvaxb ÿwZMÖ¯Í eb¨v wbqš¿Y and Drainage Projects under Barisal O&M Ges wb®‹vkb cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí Circle 47059354 - Rehabilitation of Khulna Town Protection 47059354 -Lyjbv kni iÿv cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí Project 47059355 - River Bank Protection and Development 47059355 -b`x Zxi msi¶Y I Dbœqb Ges kni msi¶Y cÖKí(4_© and Town Protection Project ch©vq) 47059356 - River/Khal Re-excavation Project(4th 47059356 -b`x/Lvj cyb:Lbb ¸”Q cÖKí (4_© ch©vq) Phase) 47059357 - Protection of Brahmaputra Left 47059357 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi †iŠgvix Dc‡Rjvaxb `vuZfv½v BDwbq‡bi Embankment in Shaheber Agla in mv‡n‡ei AvMjv bvgK ¯’v‡b eªþcyÎ b‡`i evg Zxi Dantbhanga Union under Roumari msiÿY cÖKí Upazilla in the district of Kurigram 47059358 - Dhaka Integrated Flood Control cum 47059358 -XvKv mgwš^Z eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva Kvg B÷vY© evBcvm moK Eastern Bypass Road Multipurpose eûg~Lx cÖKí Project 47059359 - Protection of coast guart in Anawara 47059359 -mvs¸ b`xi fvsMb n‡Z PÆMÖvg †Rjvi Av‡bvqviv Upazila Dc‡Rjvi ivqcy‡i Aew¯’Z †Kv÷ MvW© †÷kb i¶v cÖKí 47059360 - Bank Protection works of BNS Titumir Navy 47059360 -Lyjbv †Rjvaxb evsjv‡`k †bŠevwnbxi weGbGm wZZzwgi Station from the erosion of Bhairab River at †bŠNvwU ˆfie b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ivKiY cÖKí Khulna District. 47059361 - Hydrological Survey and Investigation for 47059361 -nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj mv‡f© GÛ Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb di IqvUvi Water Resources Development. wi‡mvm© †W‡fjc‡g›U 47059362 - Protection of Hasail Garurga Bazar area 47059362 -gyÝxMÄ †Rjvi Uz½xevox Dc‡Rjvi nvmvBj- Mvi“oMvuI under Tangibari Upazilla in Munshigonj evRvi GjvKv cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z iv cÖKí District from the erosion of Padma River at Munshigonj District. 47059363 - Constraction of Flood Control Embark in 47059363 -gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi ‡`ŠjZcyi, wkevjq I nwiivgcyi the left bank of Jamuna-Pabna river under Dc‡Rjvq hgybv-cÙv b`xi evg Zx‡i eb¨v wbqš¿Y ev*a Daulatpur, Shibalay & Harirampur Upazilla wbg©vY cÖKí in Manikganj District. 47059364 - Regional Technical Assistance Supporting 47059364 -mgwš^Z cvwb m¤c` e¨e¯’vcbv ev¯Zevq‡b AvÂwjK Integrated Water Resources KvwiMix mnvqZv (evsjv‡`k)| Management(Bangladesh) 47059365 - Surface Water Devlopment Plant for 47059365 -Av‡m©wbK AvµvšZ GjvKvq Lvevi cvwb mieiv‡ni weKí Alternative Source of Drinking Water Drm wnmv‡e f~-cwi¯’ cvwbi Dbœqb cwiKíbv| 47059366 - Water Management Improvement Project 47059366 -IqvUvi B¤cÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± (Iqvwgc)| 47059367 - National Water Management Plant -2 47059367 -RvZxq cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí-2| 47059368 - Integrated Coastal Zone Management 47059368 -mgwš^Z DcK~jxq AÂj e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ cÖvwZôvwbKxKiY Plan-2 I cwiPvjb| 47059370 - 47059370 -XvKv †Rjvi mvfvi Dc†Rjvaxb U¨vbvix wkí GjvKvq euva I Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv†gv wbg©vY (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z 47059371 - 47059371 -mv½y b`xi fv½b n†Z PU«Mªvg †Rjvi Av†bvqviv Dc†Rjvi ivqcy†i Aew¯’Z †Kvó MvW© †ókb i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z 47059372 - 47059372 -bv†Uvi †Rjvi jvjcyi Dc†Rjvaxb wZjKcyi n!Z cwi`vn fvqv †MŠixcyi ch©š c`¥v b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby†gvw`Z 47059373 - 47059373 -gy›mxMÄ †Rjvi U½xevwo Dc†Rjvaxb cuvPMuvI, nvmvBj, evbvix I w`wNicvo BDwbqb c`¥v b`xi fv½b n†Z i¶v (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby†gvw`Z 47059374 - Padma river of 47059374 -c`¥v b`xi fv½b n‡Z PuvcvB beveMÄ I wkeMÄ Dc†Rjv i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby†gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059375 - Protection of Barmaputra River Right Bank 47059375 -KzwoMªvg †Rjvi ‰eivMxi nvU n†Z wPjgvix ch©š@ eªþcyÎ of Bariagihat and Chilmari Bandar in b`xi fv½ub †iva cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/0/2009) Upazilla Chilmari under Kurigram Aby†gvw`Z (Phase-I) (Revised) (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) 47059376 - 47059376 -Bgvi†R›mx wWRv÷vi W¨v†gR winvewj†Ukb (†m±i) cÖKí -2007 (cvU©-B cvwb m¤•`) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) 47059377 - 47059377 -cUyqvLvjx kni i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby†gvw`Z 47059378 - 47059378 -hgybv b`xi fv½ub n†Z ZuvZ wkí mg„× †eŠZj I Gbv†qZcyi kni GjvKv 47059379 - 47059379 -evsjv†`k nvIo I Rjvfwg GjvKvq Avkªvqb/Avevmb cÖK† íi eb¨vRwbZ SuywK cÖwZ†iva i¶v cÖKí (01/07/2007- 30/06/2009) 1g ch©vq 47059380 - National Water Management Project-2 47059380 -RvZxq cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí-2 47059381 - Slood Proofing and Shelters in the Haors 47059381 -evsjv‡`‡ki nvIi I Rjvf––wg GjvKvi Avkªvqb/Aevmb I and Wetlands of Bangladesh : Protection eb¨vRwbZ SzwK cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí (1g ch©vq)| Against Wade Action for the Abasan/Asrayan Projects in the Haors and 47059382 - Institutionalization and Operationalization 47059382 -mgwš^Z DcK‚jxq AÂj e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ cÖvwZôxwKKiY of ICZM Approach. I cwiPvjb| 47059383 - Integrated Water Resources Management 47059383 -KY©dzjx b`xi AeevwnKvi Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ mgwš^Z cvwb for the Karnafuli River Basin Development. m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv| 47059384 - Integrated Water Resources Management 47059384 -KY©dzjx b`x AeevwnKvi Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ mgwš^Z cvwb for the Karnafuli River Basin Development. m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv| 47059385 - Water Resources Management for Greater 47059385 -e„nËi XvKv AeevwnKvi cvwb m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv| Dhaka Basin. 47059386 - Impact Assessment on Coastal Polder for 47059386 -mgy`ª c„‡ôi D”PZv e„w×i d‡j DcK‚jxq †cvìvimg‡ni Increasing Water Level of the Sea. Dci cÖfve wbiƒcb| 47059387 - Emargency Disaster Damage 47059387 -Bgv‡R©w›m wWRv÷vi W¨v‡gR wi‡nwe‡jkb cvU-2 ( †m±i) Rehabilitation part-2 Project cÖKí 47059388 - Protection of Panchgaon and 47059388 -gy›mxMÄ UsMxevox Dc‡Rjvaxb c&vPMvI, nvmvBj-evbvix I Hasail-Banari and Dighirpar union under w`wNicvo BDwbqb c`¥v b`xi fv½b nB‡Z i¶v cÖKí| Tongibari Upazilla in Munshigonj district from the erosion of the Padma river 47059389 - Emergency Rehabilitation of works 47059389 -2007 mv‡j NwY©So weׯ (wmWi) Kv‡Ri Ri“ix damaged by Cyclone (SIDR) 2007 ¶q¶wZ cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/08 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059390 - Comprehensive FCDI project of BWDB 47059390 -evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Kw¤•ª‡nbwmf †mP, wb¯‹vkb I eb¨v wbqšY cÖKí| 47059391 - Comprehensive FCDI in the right bank of 47059391 -Ki‡Zvqv b`xi WvbZx‡i mgwš^Z eb¨v wbqšY, wb¯‹vkb I Karotoa river †mP cÖKí 47059392 - FCDI Project in the left bank of Dhepa river 47059392 -‡Xcv b`xi evgZxi eb¨v wbqšY, wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí 47059393 - 47059393 -Puv`cyi kni msi¶Y cÖKí, (†dR-3) (01/07/08 n‡Z 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059394 - Protection of Bakshipur and Sengram area 47059394 -c`¥v b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ivRevox †Rjvi eLkxcyi Ges from the erosion of Padma river in Rajbari †mbMªvg GjvKvq dwi`cyi eb¨v wbqšY I wb¯‹vkb cÖKí district under Faridpur FCD project (GjvKv-1) (Area-1) 47059395 - Re-excavation of intekchannel of Narad 47059395 -bvi` b`x, gymvLvb b`x (AvswkK) Ges PviNvU †i¸ Nadi, Musakhan Nadi and Charghat ‡jU‡ii Bb‡UK P¨v‡bj cyb:Lbb cÖKí regulator 47059396 - Protection of Saghata and adjusent area in 47059396 -MvBevÜv †Rjvi mvNvUv Dc‡Rjvaxb mvNvUv evRvi I from the erosion of ZrmsjMœ GjvKv hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z i¶v cÖKí Jamuna river 47059397 - Protection of Madaripur town and adjacent 47059397 -gv`vixcyi kni I ZrmsjMœ GjvKv i¶v cÖKí area project 47059398 - Hydrological Survey and Investigation for 47059398 -cvwb m¤ú` Dbœq‡be Rb¨ nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj Rixc I Water Resources Development. Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb cÖKí| (01/07/08 - 30/06/10)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059399 - Protection of Mohajan bazar from the 47059399 -bovBj †Rjvi beMsMv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z gnvRb evRvi erosion of Naboganga river in Narail cÖwZi¶v cÖKí district. 47059400 - Construction of Flood protective embkt. 47059400 -bvMicyi I †PŠnvjx‡Z hgybv b`xi evgZxi Ges a‡jk¦ix and River bank protection at Nagarpur and b`xi WvbZx‡i eb¨v wbqšY e&va wbg©vY Ges b`xZxi Chowhali in the left bank of Jamuna river msi¶Y cÖKí and right bank of Dhaleswa 47059401 - Preparation of Master Plan for Haor Areas 47059401 -nvIi GjvKvi gv÷vi c­¨vb Ges Rjvfwg I cÖvK…wZK and Creation of GIS Database for Lvjmgn msi¶YK‡í wRAvBGm WvUv‡em cÖ¯yZKiY Maintaining Existing Wetlands Including cÖKí| Natural Canals. 47059402 - Institutional Development and Capacity 47059402 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae Building of River Research Institute, wifvi wimvm© Bbw÷wUDU, dwi`cyi (†dR-2)| Faridpur (Phase-II). 47059403 - Institutional Development and Capacity 47059403 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae Building of RRI, 2nd Phase wifvi wimvP© Bbw÷wUDU| 47059404 - Physical Model Study for the Protection of 47059404 -c`¥v b`xi fv½b n‡Z ivRevox kni i¶v †fŠZ g‡Wj Rajbari Town from the right bank erosion ÷vwW| of Padma River 47059405 - Physical Model Study to Protect Madaripur 47059405 -Avwoqvj Luv b`xi fv½b n‡Z gv`vixcyi kni i¶v †fŠZ Town from the erosion of Arial Khan River g‡Wj ÷vwW| 47059406 - Model study for restoration of Kumar River 47059406 -Kzgvi b`xi cvwbi cÖevn msi¶‡Y b`xi Ad‡U‡K cjj through flow regulation and sediment wbqšbv‡_© †fŠZ g‡Wj ÷vwW| managemet 47059407 - Study of Salinity intrusion in the 47059407 -M½v-c`¥v-†gNbv b`x cÖev‡n jebv³Zvi AbycÖ‡e‡ki Dci -Padma-Meghna river system mgx¶v| 47059408 - Physical Model Studies of Teesta Barrage 47059408 -wZ¯v e¨v‡i‡Ri ¯’vqx cwiPvjbv I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi j‡¶¨ for sustainable operational and †fŠZ g‡Wj ÷vwW| maintenance 47059409 - 47059409 -evsjv‡`k nvIi I Rjvfwg GjvKvi Avkªvqb/Avevmb cÖK‡ í eb¨vRwbZ SzuwK cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 47059410 - Alternative way of Surface Water for 47059410 -Av‡m©wbK Avµvš GjvKvi Lvevi cvwb mieiv‡ni weKí Affecting Area wnmv‡e f-cwi¯’ cvwbi Dbœqb cwiKíbv 47059411 - National Water Management Plan-2 47059411 -RvZxq cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cwiKíbv-2 47059412 - Institutionalization and Operationalization 47059412 -mgwš^Z DcK‚jxq AÂj e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ cÖvwZôvwbKxKiY of Integrated Coastal Zone Management I cwiPvjb (ICZM) approaches 47059413 - Karnafuli River Basin (within Bangladesh) 47059413 -KY©dzjx b`xi AeevwnKvi Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ mgwš^Z cvwb Management on IWRM m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv 47059414 - Establishment of Database on Climate 47059414 -Rjevq Z_¨ fvÛvi cÖwZôv Change 47059415 - Determination of Inter Water Resources 47059415 -ﮋ †gŠmy‡g f-cwi¯’ cvwb m¤•` cÖvc¨Zv wbY©q Avialability in the Dry Season 47059416 - Ground Water Resources Assessment in 47059416 -evsjv‡`‡k f-Mf©¯’ cvwb cÖvc¨Zv wbY©q Bangladesh 47059417 - Greater Dhaka Water Shed Management 47059417 -e„nËi XvKv AeevwnKvi cvwb m¤•` e¨e¯’vcbv Plan 47059418 - Impact Analizing on Coastal Polders due 47059418 -mgy`ª c„‡ô D”PZv e„w×i d‡j DcK‚jxq †cvìvimg‡ni Sea level rise Dci cÖfve wbiƒcb 47059419 - Methods Evaluation to Control River 47059419 -b`x fv½b mgm¨v mgvav‡bi Dcvq wbiƒcb Erosion 47059420 - Study/Research for the protection of 47059420 -b`x fv½b n‡Z wewfbœ kni i¶vi Rb¨ M‡elYv/mgx¶v| different towns from river erosion. 47059421 - Madaripur town and adjacent area 47059421 -gv`vixcyi kni I ZrmsjMœ GjvKv i¶v cÖKí protection project 47059422 - Protection of Mahajon bazar from the 47059422 -bovBj †Rjvi beMsMv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z gnvRb evRvi erosion of Naboganga river in Narail cÖwZi¶v cÖKí| district.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059423 - Protection of Bakshipur and Sengram in 47059423 -cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ivRevox †Rjvi eLkxcyi Ges the area of Faridpur flood protection and †mbMÖvg GjvKvq dwi`cyi eb¨v wbqš¿Y I wb¯‹vkb cÖKí drainage project (area-1) from the erosion (GjvKv-1) bovBj †Rjvi beM½v b`xi fv½b n‡Z of Padma river in Rajbari gnvRb evRvi Ges Kzwóqv †Rjvi †LvKmv I KzgviLvjx Dc‡Rjvq MovB b`xi Zxi fv½b n‡Z msi¶Y (01/02/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059424 - Protection of Dhaka integrated and eastern 47059424 -XvKv mgwš^Z eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva Kvg B÷vY© evBcvm moK bybass road multipurpose project eûg~Lx cÖKí 47059425 - Naogaon Town Protection Project 47059425 -bIMuv kni i¶v cÖKí 47059426 - FCDI Project of Char Jahiruddin under the 47059426 -RMbœv_cyi, w`ivB, kvjbv cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Tajumuddin Upazilla 47059427 - Flood Control embkt. project and 47059427 -‡MvgZx b`xi Dfq Zxi eb¨v wbqš¿Y euva wbg©vb I cybe©vmb Rehabilitation Project on the both bank of cÖKí Gomti river. 47059428 - Patarhat port protection and construction of 47059428 -ewikvj †Rjvi †g‡n›`xMÄ Dc‡Rjvi Djvwbqv bvgK corss dam project at Ulania in upazila ¯’v‡b cvZvinvU e›`i cÖwZi¶v I µmW¨vg euva wbg©vY cÖKí Mehendigonj, district Barisal. 47059429 - Protection of Baherchar area from the 47059429 -cUyqvLvjx †Rjvq `ygKx Dc‡Rjvi cvqiv b`xi fv½b erosion of Paira river under the Upazilla nB‡Z ev‡niPi GjvKv i¶v cÖKí Dumki at Patuakhali district. 47059430 - Construction of flood control emkbt. and 47059430 -bvMicyi I †PŠnvjx‡Z hgybv b`xi evgZxi Ges a‡jk¦ix river bank prtoection at the left bank of b`xi WvbZx‡i eb¨v wbqš¿Y euva wbgv©b Ges b`xZxi Jamuna river at Chouhali and Nagarpur msi¶Y cÖKí and protection of right bank 47059431 - Excavation of Pilot channel at the down 47059431 -‡dbx †Rjvi †mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjvi †dYx †i¸‡jU‡ii stream of Feni Regulator in Solagazi fvwU‡Z GKwU cvBjU P¨v‡bj Lbb cÖKí upazila of Feni district. 47059432 - Hatia Nijhum Dip Cross dam project at 47059432 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvaxb nvwZqv wbSzg Øxc Hatia Upazila under Noakhali district. µmW¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí| 47059433 - Protection of Pigna bazar area from the 47059433 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi mwilvevwo Dc‡Rjvaxb hgybv b`xi erosion of Jamuna river in Upazilla evgZx‡i fv½b nB‡Z wcsbv evRvi GjvKv i¶v‡_© Zxi Sarishabari, district Jamalpur. msi¶Y cÖKí 47059434 - Navigation of Kartoa river and 47059434 -e¸ov kn‡i Ki‡Zvqv b`xi bve¨Zv I cwi‡ek Dbœqb cÖKí environmental development of Bogra town area. 47059435 - Bhairab bazar protection project. 47059435 -‰fie evRvi kni msi¶Y cÖKí (2006/07 n‡Z 2008-09) 47059436 - Re-excavation of River/Khal cluster project, 47059436 -b`x/Lvj cyb:Lbb ¸”Q cÖKí, 4_© ch©vq 4th phase. 47059437 - Border river protection and development 47059437 -mxgvš— b`x msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí, †dR-2 (39wU project, Phase-II Dc-cÖKí) 47059438 - ICT based Institutional capacity building 47059438 -cvwb m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi AvIZvq AvBwmwU wfwËK and development within the ministry of cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb I `¶Zv DbœwZ KiY cÖKí| water resources. 47059439 - Rehabilitation of 123 polder of coastal 47059439 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvi 123wU ‡cvìv‡ii cybe©vmb cÖKí area. 47059440 - Protection of Kazla village project under 47059440 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi ZvivBj Dc‡Rjvaxb KvRjv MÖv‡gi Tarail Upazilla of Kisoregonj district. cÖwZi¶v cÖKí 47059441 - Constn. of Pani Bhaban complex at 72 47059441 -72, MÖxb‡ivW¯’ XvKvq cvwb feb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY cÖKí Green Road, Dhaka. 47059442 - Narsunda river re-excavation project of 47059442 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvq bimy›`v b`xi c~~b:Lbb cÖKí Kishoreganj district. 47059443 - Protection of left bank of Jamuna river from 47059443 -dzUvbx evRvi nB‡Z evnv`yivev` NvU As‡k Rvgvjcyi Bahadurabad ghat to Futani bazar in AMÖvaxKvi cÖKí Jamalpur district. 47059444 - Protection of Louhajong Upazilla Complex 47059444 -cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ‡jŠnRs Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· i¶v from the erosion of River Padma in cÖKí Munshiganj district 47059445 - Protection of Khepupara Port at Kalapara 47059445 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvq †Lcycvov e›`i upazilla in Patuakhali district. msi¶Y cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059446 - Protection of Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir 47059446 -eveyMÄ Dc‡Rjvq mÜv b`xi fv½b nBZ exi‡kªô K¨v‡Þb Memorial Museum from the erosion of gwnDwÏb Rvnv„½xi ¯§„wZ Rv`yNi i¶v cÖKí Sandha River. 47059447 - Protectionof Chandpur Irrigation Project 47059447 -‡gNbv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z Puv`cyi †mP cÖKí msi¶Y cÖKí from the erosion of Meghna river. 47059448 - Protection of Right bank of Surma river for 47059448 -myigv b`xi Wvb Zx‡i eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí Flood control drainage & Irrigation project. 47059449 - Rajbari Town Protection project. 47059449 -ivRevox kni msi¶Y cªKí 47059450 - Faridpur Town Protection Project. 47059450 -dwi`cyi kni mmsi¶Y cÖKí 47059451 - Haor Rehabilitation Project (37 47059451 -nvIo cybe©vmb cÖKí(37 wU Dc-cÖKí) sub-project) 47059452 - Feasibility study of integrated water 47059452 -¸½xqvRyix nvIo GjvKvq mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖK‡íi management project in Gungiajuri Haor m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v area 47059453 - Survey and feasibility study of New water 47059453 -evcvD‡evÔi AvIZvaxb bZzb cvwb m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí resources management project under mg~‡ni m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v I Rixc BWDB. 47059454 - Protection of Left bank of Atharobaki river 47059454 -Lyjbv †Rjvi i“cmv Dc‡Rjvi KvRw`qv MÖv‡gi wbK‡U near village Kajdia in upazilla Rupsha in AvVvieuvKx b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí the district of Khulna 47059455 - Protection of left bank of Meghna river at 47059455 -evÂvivgcyi Dc‡Rjvq †gNbv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z evg Zxi Bancharampur Upazila. iÿv cÖKí| 47059456 - Protection of kalna Feri Ghat from the 47059456 -gaygwZ b`xi fv½b n‡Z ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Kvwkqvbx erosion of Madhumati River under Dc‡Rjvq Aew¯’Z Kvjbv †dixNvU msiÿb cÖKí| Kashiani upazila in Gopalganj District. 47059457 - Re-excavation of Narod river, Mushakhan 47059457 -bv‡iv` b`x, gymvLvb b`x (Ask) Ges PviNvU †i¸‡jU‡ii river (Part) and Charghat Regulator intec Bb‡UK P¨v‡bj cybtLbb cÖKí (01/07/08 n‡Z channel project (01/07/08 to 30/06/11) 30/06/11) 47059458 - Faridpur Town protection project. 47059458 -dwi`cyi kni i¶v cÖKí 47059459 - Sureswar Project(FCDI Project) 47059459 -my‡ik¦i cÖKí (GdwmwWAvB cÖKí) 47059460 - Protection of Saghata bazar and adjacent 47059460 -MvBevÜv †Rjvi mvNvUv Dc‡Rjvaxb mvNvUv evRvi I area from the erosion of Jamuna river in ZrmsjMœ GjvKv hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z i¶v Ges upazilla saghata, district Gaibandha. KzwoMªvg †Rjvi ‡iŠgvix Dc‡Rjvaxb `vZfv½v BDwbq‡bi (weIwc K‡íi wbKU) mv‡n‡ei AvjMv bvgK ¯’v‡b eª¶cyÎ b`xi evg Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (01/10/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059461 - Flood proffing and shelters in ashrayan 47059461 -evsjv‡`k nvIi I Rjvfwg GjvKvi Avkªvqb cÖK‡í projects of Haor Area, 2nd Phase. eb¨vRwbZ SzwK cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 47059462 - Akti Bari Akti Khamar Project. 47059462 -GKwU evox GKwU Lvgi cÖKí| 47059463 - Strengthening and Capacity Building of 47059463 -evsjv‡`k nvIi I Rjvfwg Dbœqb †evW©-†K kw³kvjxKiY Bangladesh Haor and Wetland I Kg© `¶Zv e„w×KiY cÖKí| Development Board. 47059464 - Kishoreganj office bhaban rehabilitation 47059464 -wK‡kviMÄ `ßi cybe©vmb Ges mybvgM‡Äi bZyb `ßi and Sunamganj office building feb wbg©vY cÖKí| construction project. 47059465 - Hydrological survey and invetigation 47059465 -cvwbZË¡ welqK Rwic I AbymÜvb 47059466 - Rajbari Town Protection Project (2009-10 47059466 -ivRevox kni msi¶Y cÖKí (2009-10 n‡Z to 2010-11). 2010-11)| 47059467 - Madhmati River 47059467 -gaygwZ b`xi fv½b nB‡Z †MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Kvwkqvbx Dc‡Rjvq Aew¯’Z Kvjbv †dixNvU msi¶Y cÖKí Ges gv`vixcyi kni I cvk¦eZ©x GjvKv msi¶Y cÖKí|(2009-10 n‡Z 2010- 47059468 - Faridpur Town Protection Project (2009-10 47059468 -dwi`cyi kni msi¶Y cÖKí(2009-10 n‡Z to 2012-13). 2012-13)| 47059469 - Bagerhat, Polder-34/2 47059469 -ev‡MinvU †Rjvi 34/2 †cvìv‡ii mgwš^Z e¨e¯’vcbv mgx¶v cÖKí (01/01/2010-31/12/10)| 47059470 - Meghna River 47059470 -‡gNbv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z Puv`cyi †mP cÖKí msi¶Y cÖKí Ges evÂvivgcyi Dc‡Rjvq evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2012-13)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059471 - Goran-Chatbari 47059471 -†Mvivb-PvUevox‡Z AwZwi³ cv¤ú †÷kb wbg©vb cÖKí(2009-10 nB‡Z 2012-13) 47059472 - Pabna zelar Sujanagor Upazila 47059472 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM b`x Lbb, †mP myweav Dbœqb Ges grm Pvl cÖKí| (2009-10 nD‡Z 2011-12) 47059473 - Sirajgonj Zelar Chouhali Upazila 47059473 -wmivMÄ †Rjvi †PŠnvjx Dc‡Rjvi hgybv b`xi Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2011-12) 47059474 - Khulna Zelar Vutiur Bill 47059474 -Lyjbv †Rjvi f~wZqvi wej Ges eY©vj mwjgcyi †KvjvevmyLvjx eb¨v wbqš¿Y I wb®‹vkb cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2011-12) 47059475 - Chandpur zelar Old Bazar 47059475 -Puv`cyi †Rjvi cyivZb evRvi msjMœ Beªvwngcyi mvKzqv GjvKvq †gNbv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z Puv`cyi †mP msi¶Y cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2012-13) 47059476 - Tarail Pachuria Somnito 47059476 -ZvivBj cuvPzwiqv mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2013-14) 47059477 - Tarail Pachuria 47059477 -ZvivBj cuvPzwiqv mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2013-14) 47059478 - Bhoirab Bandar Protection Project 47059478 -‰fie e›`i msi¶Y cÖKí (2009/10 n‡Z 2010/11) (2009-10 to 2010-11) 47059479 - Other Equipment 47059479 -Abylv½xK hš¿cvwZmn †WªRvi µq cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2012-13) 47059480 - Buriganga River Protection Proiect 47059480 -eywoM½v b`x cybi“×vi cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z (2009-10 to 2014-15) 2014-15) 47059481 - Pilot Capital Dredging of River System in 47059481 -cvBjU K¨vwcUvj †WªwRs Ae wifvi wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (Phase-1) (2009-10 to (†dR-1) (2009-10 nB‡Z 2014-15) 2014-15) 47059482 - Feni Zilar Sonagazi Upazila Feni Regulator 47059482 -‡dbx †Rjvi †mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjvi †dYx †i¸‡jU‡ii fvwU‡Z GKwU cvBjU P¨v‡bj Lbb cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059483 - Noakhali Zillar Hatia Upazilar Hatia Nizum 47059483 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvaxb nvwZqv wbSzg Øxc Dhip Crossdam µmW¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí| 47059484 - 72, Greenroad Dhaka's Pani Bhaban 47059484 -72, MÖxb‡ivW¯’ XvKvq cvwb feb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059485 - Padma River 47059485 -cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ‡jŠnRs Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· i¶v cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059486 - Barisal Irrigation Project 47059486 -ewikvj †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059487 - Babuganj Upazilar Sandha River 47059487 -eveyMÄ Dc‡Rjvq mÜv b`xi fv½b nBZ exi‡kªô K¨v‡Þb gwnDwÏb Rvnv„½xi ¯§„wZ Rv`yNi i¶v cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059488 - Kishoreganj Tarail 47059488 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi ZvivBj Dc‡Rjvaxb KvRjv MÖv‡gi cÖwZi¶v cÖKí 47059489 - Feasibility Study for Integrated Water 47059489 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW/mv‡e© di Bw›U‡Mª‡UW IqvUvi Management Project of Gungaijuri Haor g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± Ad ¸sMvBRywo nvIi 47059490 - Feasibility study of West Gopalganj 47059490 -cwðg †MvcvjMÄ mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖK‡íi mgx¶v Intergrated Water Management Project cÖKí 47059491 - Excavation of Gojnar beel under Upazila 47059491 -cvebv †Rjvi mRv bMi Dc‡Rjvi MRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM Sujanagar in Pabna district b`x Lbb, †mP myweav Dbœhb Ges grm Pvl cÖKí| 47059492 - Feasibility Study of Polder 34/2 under 47059492 -ev‡MinvU †Rjvi 34/2 †cvìv‡ii mgwš^Z e¨e¯’vcbv Bagerhat district mgx¶v cÖKí| 47059493 - Developing innovative approaches to 47059493 -‡W‡fjwcs B‡bvwf‡qU G‡cÖv‡mm Uy g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ad management of major irrigation system †gRi Bwi‡Mkb wm‡÷g (01/01/09 - 31/05/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059494 - Protection of Chandpur Irrigation Project 47059494 -‡gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Puv`cyi †mP cÖKí msi¶Y Ges and left bank of Bancharampur Upazilla evÃvivgcyi Dc‡Rjvq evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí (01/12/09 from the erosion of Meghna river - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059495 - Protection of Bank of the Jamuna river at 47059495 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi †PŠnvjx Dc‡Rjvi hgybv b`xi Zxi Chowhali Upazilla under Serajgonj district msi¶Y cÖKí (01/04/2010-30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059496 - Bhutiar beel and Barnal Salimpur FCDI 47059496 -Lyjbv †Rjvi f~wZqvi wej Ges eY©vj mwjgcyi Project under Khulna district. †KvjvevmyLvjx eb¨v wbqš¿Y I wb®‹vkb cÖKí (01/02/2010-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059497 - Protection of Chandpur Irrigation Project at 47059497 -Puv`cyi †Rjvi cyivZb evRvi msjMœ Beªvwngcyi mvKzqv adjacent of Puraton bazar GjvKvq †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Puv`cyi †mP msi¶Y Ibrahimpur-Sakua under district of cÖKí (01/02/2010-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Chandpur from the erosion of Meghna river. 47059498 - Tarail Panchuria Integrated Water 47059498 -ZvivBj cuvPzwiqv mgwš^Z cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Management project ((01/03/2010-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059499 - Bhairab Bandar Protection Proejct 47059499 -‰fie e›`i msi¶Y cÖKí (2009/10 n‡Z 2010/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059500 - Tista Irrigation Project 47059500 -wZ¯—v †mP cÖKí (1g ch©vq Gi cybe©vmb GeswZ¯—v cÖavb Lv‡ji Xvj msi¶Y KvR|(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059501 - Construction of additional pump station at 47059501 -†Mvivb-PvUevox‡Z AwZwi³ cv¤c †÷kb wbg©vY cÖKí Goran-Chatbari (2009-10 nB‡Z 2011-12) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059502 - Natore Nandapuza 47059502 -bv‡Uvi †Rjvi b›`c~Rv b`x Dbœqb cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2011-12) 47059503 - Pilot capital dredging of river system in 47059503 -cvBjU K¨vwcUvj †WªwRs Ae wifvi wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh(Ph-1) (†dR-1) (2009-10 nB‡Z 2014-15) 47059504 - Re-excavation of Pilot Channel Project at 47059504 -‡dbx †Rjvi †mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjvi †dYx †i¸‡jU‡ii the down stream of Feni Regulator under fvwU‡Z GKwU cvBjU P¨v‡bj Lbb cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z Feni district 2011-12) 47059505 - Construction of Hatia-Nijhum Dwip cross 47059505 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvaxb nvwZqv wbSzg Øxc dam at Noakhali district µmW¨vg wbg©vY cÖKí| 47059506 - Chalan beel area Water Management 47059506 -wejnvjwZ Dbœqb cÖKímn Pjb wej GjvKv mgwš^Z cvwb Project including Development of Beel e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí Halti Project 47059507 - Protection and Development of Border river 47059507 -mxgvš— b`x msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí, †dR-2 (39wU (Ph-2) Dc-cÖKí) 47059508 - Protection of Kazla gram under the 47059508 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi ZvivBj Dc‡Rjvaxb KvRjv MÖv‡gi Upazilla Tarail at Kishoregonj district cÖwZi¶v cÖKí 47059509 - Constructionof Pani Bhaban Complex at 47059509 -72, MÖxb‡ivW¯’ XvKvq cvwb feb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY 72, Green Road, Dhaka cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059510 - Re-excavation of Narasunda river at 47059510 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvq bimy›`v b`xi c~~b:Lbb cÖKí Kishoregonj district 47059511 - Protection of Louhajong Upazilla complex 47059511 -cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z ‡jŠnRs Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· i¶v from the erosion of Padma river. cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059512 - Rehabilitaiton of Barisal Irrigation Project 47059512 -ewikvj †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) 47059513 - Protection of Khepupara Bandar under 47059513 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvq †Lcycvov e›`i Kalapara upazilla at Patuakhali district. msi¶Y cÖKí 47059514 - Protection of Museum of Bir Sreshto 47059514 -eveyMÄ Dc‡Rjvq mÜv b`xi fv½b nBZ exi‡kªô K¨v‡Þb Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir from the gwnDwÏb Rvnv„½xi ¯§„wZ Rv`yNi i¶v erosion of Sandha river under Babugonj cÖKí(2009-10n‡Z 2011-12) upazilla 47059515 - Rehabilitaiton of Ganga-Kapotakhya 47059515 -MsMv K‡cvZv¶ †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí irrigation project. 47059516 - Slope protection of Canal of Teesta 47059516 -wZ¯—v †mP cÖKí (1g ch©vq Gi cybe©vmb GeswZ¯—v cÖavb Irrigation Project Lv‡ji Xvj msi¶Y KvR| 47059517 - Construction combined water control 47059517 -w`bvRcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rj †MŠixcy‡i ﮋ †gŠmy‡g structure in the Punarbhaba river in Sadar †mP myweav e„w×i Rb¨ cybf©ev b`x‡Z GKÎxf~Z cvwb wbqš Upazilla of Dinajpur district. ¿Y KvVv‡gv wbg©vY cÖKí 47059518 - Development of Nandapuja river in Natore 47059518 -bv‡Uvi †Rjvi b›`c~Rv b`x Dbœqb cÖKí district 47059519 - Sarigram Haor Project under Kishoregonj 47059519 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi wgVvgBb I BUbv Dc‡Rjvq QwoMÖvg district nvIo cÖKí (weRqc`)| 47059520 - Bagrabazar, Bhagyakul Bazar and 47059520 -gyÝxMÄ †Rjvi kªxcyi Dc‡Rjvq cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z Kabutorkhali village area Protection project evMov evRvi, fvM¨K‚j evRvi Ges KeyZiLvjx MÖvg GjvKv under Munshigonj district. i¶v cÖKí| 47059521 - Protection and rehabilitation of 47059521 -e¸ov †Rjvi mvwiqvKv›`x Dc‡Rjvq P›`b evBkv ¯úvi Chandanbaisha spur-1 project under bs-1(weAviB wK:wg: 129.80) cybe©vmb cÖKí| Bogra district.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059522 - Sharabari spur No.1 and Baniajan Spur 47059522 -e¸ov †Rjvi a~bU Dc‡Rjvq knivevwo ¯úvi bs-1 No. 2 protection and rehabilitation project (weAviB wK:wg: 136.00) I evwbqvRvb ¯úvi bs-2 under Bogra district. (weAviB wK:wg: 137.70) cybe©vmb cÖKí| 47059523 - Protection of left bank of Bangali river at 47059523 -e¸ov †Rjvi mvwiqvKv›`x Dc‡Rjvq ‡RviMvQv GjvKvq Joregacha area under Bogra district evOvjx b`xi evg Zx‡i Zxi msi¶Y KvR| 47059524 - Protection of right bank of Jamuna river at 47059524 -e¸ov †Rjvi a~bU Dc‡Rjvq fvÊvievwo Ges ZrmsjMœ Bhandarbari and its adjacent area under GjvKvq hgybv b`xi Wvb Zx‡i Zxi msi¶Y KvR| Bogra district 47059525 - Protection of East and West bank of 47059525 -ewikvj †Rjvi evbvixcvov kn‡ii wbK‡U mܨv b`xi c~e© Sandha river near Banaripara town under I cwðg cvo msi¶Y cÖKí| Barisal district. 47059526 - Protection of Charmonai Darbar sharif 47059526 -KxZ©Y‡Lvjv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z Pi‡gvbvB `ievi kixd complex from the erosion of Kirtonkhola Kg‡c­· msi¶Y cÖKí| river 47059527 - Bhola district town protection, Ph-3 47059527 -‡fvjv †Rjv kni msi¶Y cÖKí (3q ch©vq) 47059528 - Protection of Polder 73/1(A+B) and Bangla 47059528 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvq ‡cvìvi 73/1 (G+we) bazar under Noakhali district. Zgvi“wÏb Ges evsjv evRv‡i Zxi msi¶Y KvR| (01/11/10-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059529 - Protection of Jaflong area from the erosion 47059529 -wm‡jU †Rjvi †MvqvBbNvU Dc‡Rjvq `vIwK b`xi fv½b of Dauki river under Sylhet district nB‡Z Rvdjs GjvKv msi¶Y cÖKí| 47059530 - Bhola district town protection, Ph-3 47059530 -‡fvjv †Rjv kni msi¶Y cÖKí (3q ch©vq) 47059531 - Surma river right bank FCDI Project 47059531 -myigv b`xi WvbZxi GdwmwWAvB cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2011-12) 47059532 - Chandan barasia river excavation project. 47059532 -P›`bevovwmqv b`x Lbb cÖKí (01/07/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059533 - Protection of Shahbazpur Gas field from 47059533 -†gNbv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi †evinvb Dw``&b the erosion of Meghna river under Bhola Dc‡Rjvq kvnevRcyi M¨vm wdì i¶v cÖKí (01/03/10 - district. 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059534 - Augmentation of Buriganga river 47059534 -hgyb b`xi ms‡hvM mg~‡ni cwj AcmviY c~e©K eywoM½v b`xi cÖevn e„w× KiY cÖKí 47059535 - Kamrangir Char FCD Project under Dhaka 47059535 -XvKv †Rjvi Kvgiv½xi Pi eb¨v wbqš¿Y I Dbœqb cÖKí district. (2009-10 nB‡Z 2012-13) 47059536 - Dhaka Integrated Flood Control Embkt. 47059536 -XvKv mgwš^Z eY¨v wbqš¿Y euva Kvg Bóvb© evBcvm †ivW cum Eastern Bi-pas road project. eûgyLx cÖKí 47059537 - Protection of left bank embankment at 47059537 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi KzwoMÖvg m`i Dc‡Rjvq †bŠevm †PŠa~ix Noubash Chowdhuripara, Kadamtola and cvov, K`gZjv I eoBevwo GjvKvq aijv b`xi evg Zxi Boraibari areafrom the river Dhorala under msi¶Y cÖKí|(2012-2013 nB‡Z 2013-14) Kurigram district. 47059538 - Protection of left bank of Chikle river at 47059538 -iscyi †Rjvi ZvivMÄ Ges e`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvq wPKjx Taragonj and Badarganj and right bank of b`xi evg Zxi Ges hgy‡bk¦ix b`xi Wvb Zx‡i wmwm e­K Jamuneshari river of the Rangpur district. Øviv Zxi msi¶Y KvR| 47059539 - Sirajgonj hard point rehabilitation project 47059539 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi wmivRMÄ nvW©c‡q›U cybe©vmb cÖKí under Sirajgonj district (01/07/10-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059540 - Navigation and environment developmetn 47059540 -e¸ov †Rjvq Ki‡Zvqv b`xi †bŠ PjvPj Ges cwi‡ek of Kartoa river under Bogra district Dbœqb cÖKí| 47059541 - Protection of left bank of Atharobeki river 47059541 -Lyjbv †Rjvi i“cmv Dc‡Rjvi KvRw`qv MÖv‡gi wbK‡U near Kajdia village under Khulna district AvVvieuvKx b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí 47059542 - Feasibility study of Sureswar FCDI Project 47059542 -my‡ilÿi GdwmwWAvB cÖK‡íi Rwic I m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v cÖKí (01/05/10 - 30/04/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059543 - Hydrological survey and Investigation for 47059543 -cvwb m¤ú` Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj Rixc I Water Resources Dev. Project Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb cÖKí (2009-10 nB‡Z 2011-12) 47059544 - Re-construction of embkt. along the 47059544 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi kvnRv`cyi Dc‡Rjvq bZzb Brahmaputra river at Sirajgonj district. GjvBb‡g›U eivei eªþcyÎ WvbZxi euva cyb: wbg©vY cÖKí| (2009-10 nB‡Z 2011-12) 47059545 - FCDI Project along Jamuna river at 47059545 -e¸ov †Rjvi Aš—icvov `wiqvcvov Ges ZrmsjMœGjvKvq Antarpara, dist. Bogra hgybv b`xi WvbZxi eivei wbwg©Z eb¨v wbqš¿Y euva cÖKí| (2009-10 nB‡Z 2010-11) 47059546 - Constn. of Embkt. from Rajbari to 47059546 -ivRkvnx †Rjvi †Mv`vMvox Dc‡Rjvi ivRevwo †_‡K Baliaghata in dist. Rajshahi evwjqvNvUv ch©š— euva wbg©vY cÖKí (†dR-2) (2009-10 nB‡Z 2011-12)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059547 - Rehabilitation drainage project at 47059547 -bIMuv †Rjvi i³‡`vnv †jvnvP~ov wb¯‹vkb ¯‹xg Gi cybe©vmb Raktadona Lohachura in . cÖKí| (2010-11 †_‡K 2011-12) 47059548 - River bank protection work along River 47059548 -cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi wewfbœ ¯’v‡b cÙv b`xi Padma at Sujanagar in Pabna distirct and evg Zxi fvsMb Ges †eov Dc‡Rjvaxb cyivZb bvMievox at Raghunatpur ghat D/S. under Bera n‡Z KvRxinvU ch©šZ hgybv b`xi Wvb Zxi fvsMb i¶v Upazilla cÖKí (01/01/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 47059549 - River bank Protection of Maijbari, Meghai 47059549 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi gvBRevox, †gNvB Ges evûKvq hgybv and Bahuka at Sirajgonj district. b`xi Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (2010-11/2012-13) 47059550 - River bank protection of vernable area of 47059550 -‡fvjv †Rjvi jvj‡gvnb Dc‡Rjvi fv½b cÖeb GjvKvq Lalmohon upazilla under Bhola district. b`x Zxi msi¶Y (dR-2),(2009-10/2011-12) 47059551 - Cox's Bazar Town protection proejct 47059551 -K·evRvi kni i¶v cÖKí(2009-10/2010-11) 47059552 - Re-excavation of Bemalia, Longon and 47059552 -eªv²Yevwoqv I nweMÄ †Rjvi AšZM©Z †egvwjqv, jsMb Balvadra river in Nasirnagar Upazilla at Ges ejf`ª b`x cybtLbb cÖKí(2009-10/2011-13) disrict Brahmanbaria Aby‡gvw`Z 47059553 - Bank protection of along the left bank of 47059553 -†MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi Kvwkqvwb Dc‡Rjvi dzKivq ga~gwZ Madhumati river at Fukra of Kashiani b`xi evgZxi Ges gvwbK`n†Z gv`vixcyi weji“U upazilla and Gopalgonj district. P¨v‡b‡ji evgZxi eivei Zxi cªwZi¶v KvR 47059554 - ICT based institutional dev. and capacity 47059554 -cvwb m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb¯’ ms¯’vmg~‡ni AvBwmU bldg. of the agencies under Ministry of wfwËK cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb I m¶gZv e„w× Water Resources (2008-2009/2012-2013) 47059555 - Rehabilitiaton of BWDB's structures 47059555 -DcK‚jxq A‡j N~wY©So AvBjvq ¶wZMÖ¯’ evcvD‡ev‡W©i damaged by Cyclone Aila in Coastal area. AeKvVv‡gvmg~‡ni cybe©vmb cÖKí|(2010-2011/2012-2013) 47059556 - Ba 47059556 -ev‡Ûwjs ÷ªvKPv‡ii e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g h_vµ‡g a‡jk¦ix, hgybvi kvLv Ges Ki‡Zvqv b`xi Zx‡i gvwU Rgv nIqvi Rb¨ cvBjU cÖKí 47059557 - Restoration of future flood Drainage 47059557 -nvIi GjvKvq AvMvg eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva I wb¯‹vkb Dbœqb Improvement of Haor area.(2010-11 to cÖKí (2010-11 n‡Z 2014-15) 2014-15) 47059558 - Protection of left bank of Modhumati river at 47059558 -†MvcvjMÄ †Rjvaxb gaygwZ b`xi evgZxi eivei dzKiv Fukra & Koligram, Manikdaha area of bvgK ¯’v‡b Ges gv`vixcyi I weji“U P¨v‡b‡ji DfqZxi towards Madaripur Beel Route Channel in eivei KwjMÖvg Ges gvwbK`n b`xi Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí| Gopalgonj district.(2010-11 (2010- 47059559 - Removal of Drainage Congession of 47059559 -K‡cvZv¶ b`x †ewm‡bi Rjve×Zv `~ixKiY cÖKí (1g Kobadak river Basin.(2010-11 to 2014-15) ch©vq) (2010-11 nB‡Z 2014-15) 47059560 - Protection of Ramnewaj area from Meghna 47059560 -†fvjv †Rjvi gbcyiv Dc‡Rjvq †gNbv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z river of Monpura of district Bhola and ivg‡bIqvR GjvKv I¶v Ges Pid¨vkY Dc‡Rjvq protection of Ghosherhat Laungh ghat †ZuZzwjqv b`xi fv½b †_‡K †Nv‡linvU jÂNvU I¶v from Tentulia river of UZ Charfash Dc-cÖKí (2010-11 47059561 - Bangladesh River information & 47059561 -evsjv‡`k wifvi Bbdi‡gkb GÊ KbRvi‡fkb conservation (BRIS) in Gorai river project (weAviAvBwm) Bb MovB wifvi cÖKí (2011-12 nB‡Z (2011-12 to 2012-13) 2012-13) 47059562 - Drainage Improvement of 47059562 -XvKv-bvivqbMÄ-‡Wgiv (wWGbwW) GjvKvq wb¯‹vkb Dbœqb Dhaka-Narayangonj-Demra. cÖKí| 47059563 - Padma River 47059563 -cÙv b`xi Wvb Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z Kzwóqv †Rjvi wkjvB`n-KzwUevwo GjvKv (wK:wg: 7.000 n‡Z wK:wg: 12.000) i¶v cÖKí| 47059564 - Protection of Elisha-Kachia area of Bhola 47059564 -†fvjv †Rjvq †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Bwjkv-KuvwPqv district from the Erosion of Meghna river. GjvKvi¶v cÖKí| 47059565 - Protection of Raita-Mohishkundi Flood 47059565 -Kzwóqv †Rjvi †`ŠjZcyi Dc‡Rjvi Rywb`vn, ˆeivMxiPi I Embankment at Junidaha, Bairagirchar wdwjcbMi GjvKvq ivBZv-gwnkKvw›` eb¨v wbqš¿Y euva and Philp Nagar area from the right bank cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v cÖKí erosion of Padma river at Daulatpu 47059566 - Protection of important places and 47059566 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi AvjdvWv½v, †evqvjgvix I gayLvjx installations from the erosion of Dc‡Rjvi ¸i“Z¡c~Y© ¯’vb I ¯’vcbv gaygwZ b`xi fv½b n‡Z Modhumoti river at Alfadanga, Boalmari i¶v cÖKí| and Madhukhali upazilla in Faridpur distri 47059567 - Protection of right bank of Jamuna river 47059567 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq wmivRMÄ nvW© c‡q›U from Sirajgonj hard point to west guide n‡Z e½eÜz †mZzi cwðg MvBW euva ch©š— hgybv b`xi bundh of Bangabandhu bridge at Sirajganj Wvb Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí Sadar upazilla in Sirajganj

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059568 - Re-excavation of 47059568 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvq †WªRvi Øviv Khaprabhanga-Chaplirdon River (Mohipur Lvcivfv½v-Pvcwji‡`vb bax (gwncyi P¨v‡bj) cyb:Lbb Channel) by dredger under Kalapara cÖKí| upazilla in Patuakhali district. 47059569 - Conservation of Sweet Water in the Canals 47059569 -cUzqvLjx †Rjvi DcK’jxq †cvìvi mg~‡ni Lvj cyb:Lbb for Irrigation in Coastal Polders in Ges †i¸‡jUi †givg‡Zi gva¨‡g †mP Kv‡Ri Rb¨ Patuakhali district by Re-excavation of Lv‡j wgVv cvwb msi¶Y cÖKí| canals and maintenance of Regul 47059570 - Bank protective work along the left & right 47059570 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi †evqvjLvjx, ivDRvb I nvUnvRvix bank at different locations of Karnafuli river, Dc‡Rjvq KY©dzjx b`x, nvj`v b`x, †evqvjLvjx Lvj I halda river, Boalkhali khal & Raikhali khal ivqLvjx Lv‡ji Wvb Zxi I evg Zxi i¶v cÖKí| at upazilla Bo 47059571 - Protection of Faridpur-Barisal flood control 47059571 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi m`icyi Dc‡Rjvq dwi`cyi-ewikvj eb¨v embkt. And Chandrapara Pak Darbar wbqš¿Y euva Ges P›`ªcvov cvK `ievi kwid Avwoqvj Luv Sharif from erosion of Arial Khan river at b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v Ges Pi f`ªvmb Dc‡Rjvq nvwRMÄ Sadarpur upazilla nad prtoec ev 47059572 - Hail Haor Rehabilitation and Development 47059572 -nvBj nvIi cybe©vmb I Dbœqb cÖKí| Project. 47059573 - Town Protection Project (Phase-V) 47059573 -kni msi¶Y cÖKí(5g ch©vq) 47059574 - Rehabilitation of damaged structures 47059574 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq NywY©So AvBjvi AvNv‡Z ¶wZMÖ¯’ caused by AILA at southern coast area. evcvD‡evÕi AeKvVv‡gvmg~n cybe©vmb(`w¶YvÂj) kxl©K cÖKí (wW‡m¤^I 2010-Ryb, 2013) 47059575 - Bank protection project from Komorpur to 47059575 -cvebv †Rjvi Ck¦I`x Dc‡Rjvi cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z Sara-Jhawdia under Ishwardi UZ in Pabna Kgicyi nB‡Z mvov-SvDw`qv ch©š— Ges bv‡Uvi †Rjvi district & for Tilokpur to Gouripur under jvjcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb ZxjKcyi nB‡Z †Mšixcyi ch©š— Zxi Lalpur UZ in Natore distric msi¶Y c 47059576 - Pilot Project of Bandalling on the Branch of 47059576 -a‡jk¦ix, Ki‡Zvqv, hgybvbvi kvLv b`x‡Z ev‡Ûwjs Gi Jamuna, Dhaleshwari and Korotoa River. Dci cvBjU cÖKí| 47059577 - Procurement Of drdger and other 47059577 -water1 anciallery works 47059578 - water2 47059578 -water2 47059579 - Kumar River re-digging project 47059579 - 47059580 - Sirajgong-Kazipur (Approved) 47059580 -ttttt 47059581 - River bank protection of Jamuna river of 47059581 - Kazipur Upazilla in Sirajgonj district. 47059582 - Protection of the “Kuthibari” of Nobel 47059582 -Kzwóqv †Rjvq †bv‡ej weRqx wek¦Kwe iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii Laureate Great Poet Robindranath Tagore KzwVevox msjMœ wkjvB`n, Kqv Ges cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKvq cÙv along the Right Bank of Padma River at b`xi Wvb Zx‡ii msi¶Y cÖKí| Shilaidaha, Kaya and adjacent ar 47059589 - Pre-Monsoon Flood Protection and 47059589 -nvIo GjvKvq AvMvg eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva I wb®‹vkb Dbœqb Drainage Improvement in Haor Areas cÖKí (2010-11/2014-2015) 47059590 - Protection of Khepupara Bondar under 47059590 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvq †Lcycvov e›`i i¶v Kalapara Upazilla in Patuakhali District cÖKí| 47059591 - Removal of Drainage Congestion from the 47059591 -K‡cvZv¶ b`x †ewm‡bi Rjve×Zv `~ixKiY cÖKí (cÖ_g Kobadak River Basin (Phase-I) ch©vq) (2010-2011/2014-2015) 47059592 - Improvement of Navigation and 47059592 -e¸ov †Rjvi Ki‡Zvqv b`x‡Z †bŠ PjvPj I cwi‡ek Environment of the Karotoya River in Bogra Dbœqb cÖKí|(2010-11 / 2013-2014) Town. 47059593 - Surma Right Bank Flood Control, Drainage 47059593 -myigv b`xi WvbZxi eb¨v wbqš¿Y I †mP and Irrigation Project. cÖKí(2010-2011/2012-2013) 47059594 - Protection of Proposed Sirajganj Industrial 47059594 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq cÖ¯—vweZ wmivRMÄ wkí Park Area from the erosion of the Jamuna GjvKv hgybv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z i¶v cÖKí|(01/03/11 River at Sirajganj Sadar Upazila in nB‡Z 30/06/13) Sirajganj District. 47059595 - Kumar River Re-excavation Project. 47059595 -Kzgvi b`x cyb:Lbb cÖKí (2010-2011/2012-2013) 47059596 - Re-excavation of Khaprabhanga-Chaplir 47059596 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvq †WªRvi Øviv Don River (Mohipur Channel) by Dredger Lvcivfv½v-Pvcwji‡`vb bax (gwncyi P¨v‡bj) cyb:Lbb under Kalapara Upazila in Patuakhali cÖKí| District

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059597 - Drainage Improvement of 47059597 -XvKv - bvivqbMÄ - †Wgiv (wcGbwW) GjvKvq wb¯‹vkb Dhaka-Narayangonj-Demra (DND) Project. Dbœqb cÖKí 47059598 - Rehabilitation of Barisal Irrigation Project 47059598 -ewikvj †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí (BIP). (2010-2011/2012-2013) 47059599 - Dhaka Integrated Flood Control 47059599 -XvKv mgwš^Z eb¨v wbqš¿b euva Kvg BóvY© evBcvm moK Embankment cum Eastern Bypass Road wbg©v‡bi eûgyLx cÖKí| Multipurpose Project. 47059600 - Rehabilitation of G.K. Irrigation Project. 47059600 -M½v K‡cvZv¶ †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb cÖKí 47059601 - Chandpur-Comilla Integrated Flood 47059601 -Puv`cyi Kzwgj­v mgwš^Z eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP cÖKí Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project. 47059602 - Bank Protective Work along the Left & 47059602 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi †evqvjLvjx, ivDRvb I nvUnvRvix Right Bank at different locations of Dc‡Rjvq KY©dzjx b`x, nvj`v b`x, †evqvjLvjx Lvj I Karnafuli River, Halda River, Boalkhali ivqLvjx Lv‡ji Wvb Zxi I evg Zxi i¶v Khal & Raikhali Khal at Upazila Boa cÖKí|(2010-11/2012-13 47059603 - North Rajshahi Irrigation Project. 47059603 -DËi ivRkvnx †mP cÖKí 47059604 - Pani Bhaban Nirman at 72, Green Road. 47059604 -72 MÖxb †ivW GjvKvq cvwb feb wbg©vb cÖKí| 47059605 - Rehabilitation of BWDB Infrastructures 47059605 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq N~wY„So AvBjvi AvNv‡Z ¶wZMÖ¯— Damaged by Cyclone Aila in Coastal Area AeKvVv‡gv mg~n cÖbe©vmb (`w¶YvÂj) cÖKí| (Southern Zone). 47059606 - ntegrated Flood Control, Drainage and 47059606 -Ki‡Zvqv b`xi WvbZxi eb¨v wbqš¿Y I †mP cÖKí Irrigation Project at Right Bank of Karatoa River. 47059607 - Narsunda River Re-Excavation, Drainage 47059607 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi bimy›`v b`x cyb:Lbb, wb¯‹vkb I †mP and Irrigation Facilities Development myweavi Dbœqb cÖKí Project of Kishoreganj District. 47059608 - Protection of Faridpur-Barisal Flood 47059608 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi m`icyi Dc‡Rjvq dwi`cyi-ewikvj eb¨v Control Embankment and Chandrapara wbqš¿Y euva Ges P›`ªcvov cvK `ievi kwid Avwoqvj Luv Pak Darber Sharif from Erosion of Arial b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v Ges Pi f`ªvmb Dc‡Rjvq nvwRMÄ Khan River at Sadarpur Upazila & Prote ev 47059609 - Hatiya-Nijhum Dwip Cross Dam Project at 47059609 -‡bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvi wbSzg Øxc µm W¨vg Hatiya Upazilla in Noakhali District. cÖKí 47059610 - Jamalpur Priority Project (Extension Part : 47059610 -Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi gv`viMÄ I Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvq Embankment cum Road Construction) in Rvgvjcyi cÖvqwiwU cÖKí (m¤cÖmviY Ask : euva Kvg iv¯—v Madarganj & Islampur Upazila in Jamalpur wbg©vb cÖKí| District. 47059611 - Padma River Bank Protection Project at 47059611 -XvKv †Rjvi †`vnvi Dc‡Rjvaxb eªvnv evRvi Ges bvwikv Braha Bazar and Narisha Bazar area in evRvi GjvKvq cÙv b`xi evg Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí| Dohar Upazila under Dhaka District. 47059612 - Borni Baor Development Project. 47059612 -ewY© evIo Dbœqb cÖKí 47059613 - Construction of Combined Water Control 47059613 -w`bvRcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb †MŠixcyi G ﮋ Structure over Punarbhaba River for †gŠmy‡g m¤úyiK †mP cÖ`v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ cybf©ev b`x‡Z Supplementary Irrigation during Drought at mgwš^Z cvwb wbqš¿Y KvVv‡gv wbg©vY cÖKí Gouripur under Sadar Upazilla in 47059614 - Rehabilitation of Raktadaha-Lohachura 47059614 -bIMuv †Rjvi i³`n-‡jvnvP~ov wb®‹vkb ¯‹xg Gi cybe©vmb Beel Drainage Scheme in Naogaon cÖKí District. 47059615 - Integrated Water Resources Management 47059615 -wej nvjwZ Dbœqb cÖKímn Pjbwej GjvKvi mgwš^Z cvwb of Chalan Beel Area including Beel Halti m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí (2010-2011/2013-2014) Development Project 47059616 - Rehabilitation of BWDB Infrastructures 47059616 -DcK‚jxq GjvKvq N~wY„So AvBjvi AvNv‡Z ¶wZMÖ¯— Damaged by Cyclone Aila in Coastal Area AeKvVv‡gv mg~n cÖbe©vmb (`w¶Y c~e©vÂj) cÖKí| (South-Eastern Zone). 47059617 - Buriganga River Bank Protection Project 47059617 -XvKv †Rjvi †KivbxMÄ Dc‡Rjvq nvmbvev` n‡Z RvwRiv from Hasnabad to Jajira under Keraniganj ch©š— eywoM½v b`xi Wvb Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí| Upazila in Dhaka District. 47059618 - Jafarganj Bazar and Adjacent Area 47059618 -gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi wkevjq I †`ŠjZcyi Dc‡Rjvq hgybv Protection Project from the Erosion of b`xi fv½b nB‡Z RvdiMÄ evRvi I cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKv i¶v Jamuna River in Upazila Shibaloy and cÖKí| Doulatpur of Manikganj District.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059619 - Excavation/Re-Excavationof Rivers/Khals. 47059619 -b`x/Lvj Lbb/cyb:Lbb cÖKí| 47059620 - Karnafuli & Halda River Management 47059620 -KY©dzjx I nvj`v b`xi cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv cÖKí-†WªwRs I Project-Dredging and Protective Works cÖwZi¶vg~jK KvR| 47059621 - Protection of Bir Shrestha Captain 47059621 -ewikvj †Rjvi eveyMÄ Dc‡Rjvq myMÜv b`xi fv½b Mohiuddin Jahangir Bridge (Doarika nB‡Z exi‡kªô K¨v‡Þb gwnDwÏb Rvnv½xi eªxR Bridge) and adjacent area from the (†`vqvwiKv eªxR) Ges cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKv i¶v cÖKí| erosion of Sugandhya River in Babuganj Upazil 47059622 - Protection of Sakral-Chatalbari Bazar from 47059622 -ewikvj †Rjvi DwRicyi Dc‡Rjvq mܨv b`xi fv½b the erosion of Sandhya River in Uzirpur nB‡Z mvKivj-PZjevwo evRvi i¶v cÖKí Upazila under Barisal District 47059623 - Protection of Napiterhat, 47059623 -SvjKvwV †Rjvaxb ivRvcyi I KvVvwjqv Dc‡Rjvq wekLvjx Badurtala,Challish kahnia, Bara kathalia b`xi fv½b nB‡Z bvwc‡Zi nvU, ev`yoZjv, Pwj­k Kvnbxq, and Amua Bandar from the erosion of eoKvVvwjqv Ges Avgyqv e›`i i¶v cÖKí Bishkhali River in Rajapur and Kathalia Upazil 47059624 - Construction of Sandwip-Urir Char Cross 47059624 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi m›`xc Dc‡Rjvq m›`xc-DwoiPi µmW¨vg Dam Project at Sandwip Upazila in the wbg©vY cÖKí District of Chittagong 47059625 - Protection work at the left bank of Karnafuli 47059625 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi cwUqv Dc‡Rjvq BQvbMi, Wv½vi Pi I river at Ichanagar, Dangar Char and wkKjevnv Lvj GjvKvq KY©dzjx b`xi evgZxi i¶v cÖKí Shikalbaha Khal at Kalarpul of Patia Upazila under Chittagong Distri 47059626 - Protection of Ramgati and Kamal Nagar 47059626 -j²xcyi †Rjvi ivgMwZ I Kgj bMi Dc‡Rjv‡K i¶vK‡ Upazila of Laxmipur District from the í †gNbv b`xi Ae¨vnZ fv½b cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí Continuing Erosion of Meghna 47059627 - Maliara-Bakkhain-Vandergaon Flood 47059627 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi cwUqv Dc‡Rjvaxb gvwjqviv-fvÊviMuvI eb¨v Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project in wbqš¿Y I †mP cÖKí Patia Upazila under Chittagong District 47059628 - Rajoir-Kotalipara Flood Control, Drainage 47059628 -iv‰Ri-†KvUvjxcvov eb¨v wbqš¿Y wb¯‹vkb I †mP cÖKí and Irrigation Project 47059629 - Protection of Charhossainpur and 47059629 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi Pif`ªvmb Dc‡Rjvq cÙv b`xi fv½b Adjacent Area from the Erosion of the nB‡Z Pi‡nv‡mbcyi Ges cvk¦eZ©x GjvKv i¶v cÖKí Padma River in Charbhadrasan Upazila under Faridpur District 47059630 - Rehabilitation And Slope Prptection Work 47059630 -wZ¯—v e¨ivR cÖKí (†dR-1) Gi wZ¯—v cÖavb Lvj I of Teesta Main Canal And Related mswk­ó ÷ªvKPvi Gi cybe©vmb I Zxi msi¶b cÖKí| Structure of Teesta Barrage Project (Phase-I). 47059631 - Protection of Left Bank of the Mohananda 47059631 -PvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi †Mvg¯Ívcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb River at Brozonathpur Area in Upazila eªRbv_cyi bvgK¯’v‡b gnvb›`v b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí Gomastapur of Chapai Nawabganj District 47059632 - Comprehensive Irrigation scheme by 47059632 -VvKziMuvI †Rjvi cxiMÄ Dc‡Rjvq U¨vsMb b`x‡Z ivevi constructing Rubber Dam along the river W¨vg wbg©v‡bi gva¨‡g mgw¯^Z †mP cÖKí| Tangon at Pirganj Upazila in theThakurgaon District. 47059633 - Conservation of Sweet Water in the canals 47059633 -cUzqvLjx †Rjvi DcK‚jxq †cvìvi mg~‡ni Lvj cyb:Lbb for Irrigation in Coastal polders in Ges †i¸‡jUi †givg‡Zi gva¨‡g †mP Kv‡Ri Rb¨ Patuakhali District by re-excavation of Lv‡j wgVv cvwb msi¶Y cÖKí| Canals and Maintenance of Regul 47059634 - Jabaibeel FCD Sub-Project In Upazila: 47059634 -bIMuv †Rjvi mvcvnvi I †cvk©v Dc‡Rjvi RevB wej eb¨v Sapahar & Porsha In District: Naogaon. wbqš¿Y I cvwb wb¯‹vkb cÖKí 47059635 - Hail Haor Rehabilitation and Development 47059635 -nvBj nvIi cybe©vmb I Dbœqb cÖKí| Project. 47059636 - Guptakhali Reservoir and Irrigation Project 47059636 -¸ßvLvjx Rjvavi †mP cÖKí| 47059637 - Bank Protective Work at Markuli Bazar and 47059637 -nweMÄ †Rjvi evwbqvPs I bexMÄ Dc‡Rjvq Kzwkqviv Dighal Bak Along the Left Bank of b`xi evgZx‡i Aew¯’Z gviKzwj evRvi I `xNjevM Kushiyara River at Baniyachong & GjvKvq Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí Nabiganj Upazila in Habiganj District

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059638 - Kirtinasha (Palong) River Dredging 47059638 -KxwZ©bvkv (cvjs) b`x †WªwRs cÖKí| Project. (2011-12/2012-13) 47059639 - Construction of off take structure over 47059639 -gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi wNIi I †`ŠjZcyi Dc‡Rjvq wNIi Gheor River at Amtali to control the b`xi (cyivZb a‡jk¦ix) fv½b †iv‡ai Rb¨ AvgZjx‡Z monsoon flow for the reduction of Bank wNIi b`xi Ad‡UK KvVv‡gv wbg©vb cÖKí| erosion of Gheor River (Old Dhale 47059640 - Protection of right bank erosion of the 47059640 -PvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi PvcvB beveMÄ m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb Mohananda River from Mohananda Bridge gnvb›`v eªxR nB‡Z AvK›`evwoqv ch©šÍ gnvb›`v b`xi to Akandabaria at Chapai Nawabganj WvbZxi msi¶Y cÖKí Sadar Upazila in Chapai Nawabganj Dis 47059641 - River Bank Protection, Flood Control, 47059641 -b`x Zxi msi¶Y, eb¨v wbqš¿Y, †mP I wb¯‹vkb ¸”Q cÖKí Drainage and Irrigation Cluster Project(64- (64 wU Dc-cÖKí| (2011-2012/2013-2014) sub-projects) 47059642 - Border Rivers Protection and Development 47059642 -mxgvš— b`x msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí, †dR-2(39wU Projects, Phase-II(39 Sub-Projects). Dc-cÖKí) (2010-2011/2012-2013) 47059643 - PROTECTION OF ALATULI AREA OF 47059643 -cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z PvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi AvjvZzwj CHAPAI NAWABGANJ DISTRICT FROM GjvKv i¶v cÖKí THE EROSION OF THE PADMA RIVER 47059644 - Protection of the left bank of Padma river 47059644 -cvebv †Rjvi Ck¦i`x Dc‡Rjvi cÙv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z from Komorpur to Shara-Jhaodia in Kgicyi nB‡Z mvov-SvDw`qv ch©š— Ges bv‡Uvi †Rjvi Ishwardi Upazila under Pabna District and jvjcyi Dc‡Rjvaxb ZxjKcyi nB‡Z †Mšixcyi ch©š— Zxi Tilokpur to Gouripur in Lalpur msi¶Y c 47059645 - Naogaon Town Protection Project. 47059645 -bIMuv kni i¶v cÖKí 47059646 - Cox’s Bazar Town Area Protection Project. 47059646 -K·evRvi kni i¶v cÖKí 47059647 - Re-construction of Brahmaputra Right 47059647 -wmivRMÄ †Rjvi kvnRv`cyi Dc‡Rjvi eªþcyÎ b‡`i Embankment (BRE) along the New WvbZx‡i bZzb GjvBb‡g†›U euva cybwbg©vY cÖKí Alignment at Shahjadpur Upazila in Sirajganj District 47059648 - Re-excavation and Dredging of the 47059648 -PvcvB beveMÄ †Rjvi PvcvB beveMÄ m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb Mohananda River from Khalghat to LvjNvU nB‡Z bmxcyi ch©šÍ gnvb›`v b`x cyb:Lbb I Nashipur at Chapai Nawabganj Sadar †WªwRs cÖKí Upazila in Chapai Nawabganj District. 47059649 - Embankment Construction Project From 47059649 -ivRkvnx †Rjvi †Mv`vMvox Dc‡Rjvi ivRevox †_‡K Rajabari to Baliaghata at Godagari Upazila evwjqvNvUv ch©š— euva wbg©vY cÖKí (†dR-2) of Rajshahi District - Phase-II. 47059650 - Protection of Balashighat, 47059650 -eªþcyÎ b‡`i fv½b nB‡Z MvBevÜv †Rjvi dzjQwo Ratanpur,Singria,Katlamari & Gonakabar Dc‡Rjvaxb evjvmxMvU, iZbcyi, wmswoqv, KvZjvgvix area from erosion of the river Brahmaputra Ges MYKei GjvKv i¶v cÖKí at Upazila Fulchari in District Gaibhan 47059651 - Kamrangir Char Flood Protection and 47059651 -Kvgiv½xiPi eb¨v cÖwZ‡iva I Dbœqb cÖKí Development Project. 47059652 - Protection of Louhajong Upazillla Complex 47059652 -cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z gyÝxMÄ †Rjvi †jŠnRs Dc‡Rjv Area Under Louhajong Upazillla in Kg‡c­· GjvKv i¶v cÖKí Munshigonj District from the Erosion of the River Padma. 47059653 - Bank Protective work by CC Block Along 47059653 -iscyi †Rjvi ZvovMÄ I e`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvq wPKjx b`xi the left Bank of Chickly River and Right evg Zxi hgy‡bk¦ix b`xi WvbZxi wmwm e­K Øiv cÖwZi¶v Bank of Jamuneswari River at Taraganj & cÖKí| Badargonj Upazila in Rangpur D 47059654 - Protection of Ramneoaz Area from the 47059654 -†fvjv †Rjvi gbcyiv Dc‡Rjvq †gNbv b`xi fv½b †_‡K erosion of Meghna River under Monpura ivg‡bIqvR GjvKv i¶v Ges Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvq Upazila and Ghosherhat Launch Ghat Area †ZuZzwjqv b`xi fv½b †_‡K †Nv‡linvU jÂNvU i¶v cÖKí from the erosion of Tentulia River 47059655 - Protection of Baghra Bazar, Bhagyakul 47059655 -gywÝMÄ †Rjvi kªxbMi Dc‡Rjvaxb evNiv evRvi, fvM¨K~j Bazar and Kabutorkhola village area under evRvi Ges KeyZi‡Lvjv MÖvg cÙv b`xi fv&Mb nB‡Z i¶v Sreenagar Upazila in Munshiganj District. cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059656 - Protection of Sonahat Bridge and 47059656 -KzwoMÖvg †Rjvi fyi“½vgvix Dc‡Rjvaxb †mvbvnvU eªxR I Bhurungamari-Madarganj Road from the fyi“½vgvix gv`viMÄ moK c_‡K `yaKzgvi b`xi fv½b Erosion of Dudhkumar River in nB‡Z i¶v cÖKí Bhurungamari Upazila Under Kurigram District. 47059657 - Flood Control and Drainage Project from 47059657 -gqgbwmsn †Rjvi gqgbwmsn m`i, †MŠixcyi Ck¦iMÄ Shamvuganj Rly. Bridge to Latiamari Bazar Dc‡Rjvaxb k¤¢yMÄ †ijI‡q eªxR n‡Z jvwVqvgvix ch©šÍ in Upazila Mymensingh Sadar, Gouripur eb¨v wbqš¿Y I wb¯‹vkb cÖKí and Ishoregonj under Mymensing 47059658 - Bank Protection work from the erosion of 47059658 -e¸ov †Rjvi aybU Dc‡Rjvaxb fvÊvievwo Ges Right Bank of the Jamuna River at ZrmsjMœGjvKv hgybv b`xi WvbZx‡ii fv½b n‡Z i¶v Bhandarbari and Adjacent Area of Dhunat cÖKí Upazila in Bogra District. 47059659 - River Bank Protection Of Vulnerable Part At 47059659 -‡fvjv †Rjvi jvj‡gvnb Dc‡Rjvi SuywKc~Y© As‡k b`xi Lalmohan Upazila Under Bhola District ( Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 2nd Phase) 47059660 - Development of Barni Baor Project. 47059660 -ewY© evIi Dbœqb cÖKí| 47059666 - CDSP-IV 47059666 -ppppp 47059667 - Integrated Flood Control, Drainage and 47059667 -Ki‡Zvqv b`xi WvbZxi eb¨v wbqš¿Y I †mP cÖKí| Irrigation Project at Right Bank of Karatoa River. 47059668 - Excavation of a Pilot Channel at the 47059668 -†mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjvi †dYx †i¸‡jUi fvwU‡Z cvBjU Downstream of Feni Regulator under P¨v‡bj Lbb Ges gxikivB Dc‡Rjvi cwðg †Rvqvi Sonagazi Upazila of Feni District and Bank GjvKvq †dYx b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí| Protective Works on the Left Bank o 47059669 - Excavation of a Pilot Channel at the 47059669 -†mvbvMvRx Dc‡Rjvi †dYx †i¸‡jUi fvwU‡Z cvBjU Downstream of Feni Regulator under P¨v‡bj Lbb Ges gxikivB Dc‡Rjvi cwðg †Rvqvi Sonagazi Upazila of Feni District and Bank GjvKvq †dYx b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y cÖKí| Protective Works on the Left Bank o 47059670 - Char Kukri-Mukri Flood 47059670 -†fvjv †Rjvi Pi KzKwigyKwi eb¨v wbqš¿b, wb¯‹vkb I Control,Drainage,and Prevention of Saline jebv³ cvwb cÖ‡ek †iva cÖKí Water Intrusion Project in the District of Bhola. 47059671 - Protection of Ramneoaz Area from the 47059671 -†fvjv †Rjvi gbcyiv Dc‡Rjvq †gNbv b`xi fv½b †_‡K erosion of Meghna River under Monpura ivg‡bIqvR GjvKv i¶v Ges Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvq Upazila and Ghosherhat Launch Ghat Area †ZuZzwjqv b`xi fv½b †_‡K †Nv‡linvU jÂNvU i¶v from the erosion of Tentulia River cÖKí| 47059672 - Bhola District Town Protection Project 47059672 -‡fvjv kni msi¶Y cÖKí (3q ch©vq) Ges †gNbv b`xi (Phase-III) & protection of 4900 ha. fv½b nB‡Z 4900 †n: Avev`x Rwgmn Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vcbv cultivable land alongwith other i¶v cÖKí infrastructures from the erosion of Meghna 47059673 - Protection of the “Kuthibari” of Nobel 47059673 -Kzwóqv †Rjvq †bv‡ej weRqx wek¦Kwe iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii Laureate Great Poet Robindranath Tagore KzwVevox msjMœ wkjvB`n, Kqv Ges cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKvq cÙv along the Right Bank of Padma River at b`xi Wvb Zx‡ii msi¶Y cÖKí Shilaidaha, Kaya and adjacent ar 47059674 - Protection of Baherchar from the erosion of 47059674 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi `ygKx Dc‡Sjvq cvqiv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Paira River in Upazilla-Dumki, Dist. ev‡niPi i¶v cÖKí| Patuakhali. 47059675 - Protection of Patarhat Bandar through 47059675 -ewikvj †Rjvi †g‡n›`xMÄ Dc‡Rjvq Djbv GjvKvq µm construction of Cross Bundh at Ulania and euva wbg©vb Ges cvZvinvU e›`i i¶v cÖKí| Construction of Embankment at Char Ackuria Union in Mehendiganj Upazil 47059676 - Bank Protection work of Atherobeki River 47059676 -Lyjbv †Rjvi i~cmv Dc‡Rjvi KvRjv MÖvg msjMœ adjacent to village Kajla under Rupsha AvVvi‡eKx b`xi evg Zxi msi¶Y cÖKí| Upazila in Khulna District 47059677 - Protection of Sea-dyke Embankment in 47059677 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb KzqvKvUv¯’ †cvìvi Polder No. 48 at Kuakata under Kalapara bs- 48 Gi wm WvBK cÖwZi¶v cÖKí| Upazila in Patuakhali District

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47059678 - Protection of Raita-Mohishkundi Flood 47059678 -Kzwóqv †Rjvi †`ŠjZcyi Dc‡Rjvi Rywb`vn, ˆeivMxiPi I Embankment at Junidaha, Bairagir Char wdwjcbMi GjvKvq ivBZv-gwnkKvw›` eb¨v wbqš¿Y euva and Philip Nagar area from the Right Bank cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z i¶v cÖKí| Erosion of Padma River at Daula 47059679 - Protection of Important Places and 47059679 -dwi`cyi †Rjvi AvjdvWv½v, †evqvjgvix I gayLvjx Installations from the Erosion of Dc‡Rjvi ¸i“Z¡c~Y© ¯’vb I ¯’vcbv gaygwZ b`xi fv½b n‡Z Madhumati River at Alfadanga, Boalmari & i¶v cÖKí| Madhukhali Upazila in Faridpur District 47059680 - ) Construction of Sandwip-Urir Char Cross 47059680 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi m›`xc Dc‡Rjvq m›`xc-DwoiPi µmW¨vg Dam Project at Sandwip Upazila in the wbg©vY cÖKí District of Chittagong 47059681 - Maliara-Bakkhain-Vandergaon Flood 47059681 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi cwUqv Dc‡Rjvaxb gvwjqviv-fvÊviMuvI eb¨v Control, Drainage and Irrigation Project in wbqš¿Y I †mP cÖKí Patia Upazila under Chittagong District 4706 - International Organisations 4706 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 47064351 - ICOLD 47064351 -AvB †Kvì (AvBwmIGjwW) 47064353 - ICID 47064353 -AvB wm AvB wW 47064355 - INWARDAM 47064355 -BbIqviW¨vg (AvBGbWwe­DGAviwWGGg) 4780-4785 - Special Programmes 4780-4785 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 4780 - Speciao Programme 4780 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 47804635 - 47804635 -¶z`ªvqZY eb¨v wbqšY wb®‹vkb I †mP Kg©mPx (¸”Q cÖKí) 47804636 - 47804636 -b`x/Lvj cYtLbb (¸”Q) Kg©mPx 47804637 - 47804637 -K¤•vU©‡g›UvjvB‡Rkb cvBjU Kg©mPx (wmwcwc) 4796-4798 - Development Programme Financed by 4796-4798 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4796 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4796 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 47964635 - Small-Scale Flood Control, Drainage and 47964635 -¶z`ªvqZb eb¨v wbqš¿Y, wb®‹vkb I †mP (¸”Q Kg©m–wP) Irrigation (Cluster Programme) (2003-04 to (2003-04 n‡Z 2005-06) 2005-06) 47964636 - Re-Excavation of Rivers and Canals ( 47964636 -b`x/Lvj cybtLbb (¸”Q Kg©m–wP) (2003-04 n‡Z Cluster Programme) (2003-04 to 2006-07) 2006-07) 47964637 - Compartmentalisation Pilot Programme 47964637 -K¤•vU©‡g›UvjvB‡Rkb cvBjU Kg©mPx (wmwcwc) (2003- (CPP) (2003-04 to 2004-05) 04 n‡Z 2004-05) 47964638 - Construction of 3 Storied Regional Office 47964638 -mybvgMÄ evsjv‡`k nvIi I Rjvfwg Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Rb¨ Building at Sunamgonj for BHWDB wZbZjv wewkó AvÂwjK Awdm feb wbg©vY 47964717 - Construction/Rehabilitation of 5 Sluices in 47964717 -†cvìvi 65 †Z 5wU I †cvìvi 64/2we †Z 5wU myBm Polder 65 & 5 sluices in Polder 64/2 wbg©vY/cybe©vmb cÖKí 47964718 - Food for works 47964718 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ 47964719 - Others 47964719 -Ab¨vb¨ Kg©m–wP 47964941 - Protection of Bhuapur-Tarakandi 47964941 -Uv½vBj †Rjvi †Mvcvjcyi Dc‡Rjvq hgybv b`xi fv½b Embankment cum Road from the erosion n‡Z kvLvwiqv bvgK ¯’vb fzqvcyi ZvivKvw›` eb¨v wbqš¿Y of Jamuna river at Gopalpur Upazilla under euva Kvg iv¯@v i¶v (2009-10 nB‡Z 2010-11) Tangail District 47964942 - Construction of Embankment cum road 47964942 -‡MvcvjMÄ (cwðg) †cvìvi bs-4 Gi kvgcyKzwiqv from Shyampukuria Kheaghat to Ozami †LqvNvU †_‡K IRvgx evRvi ch©šZ euvaKvg iv¯Zvmn Bazar including re-excavation of Bose khal †evm Gi Lvj I ms‡hvM Lvj cybtLbb (2009-10 n‡Z and connecting khal in polder-4 under 2010-11) West Gopalgonj 47964943 - Mogra River left bank stabilization to 47964943 -†b·Kvbv †Rjvi AvUcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb ¯^igywkqv protect Sawrmusia Newmarket of BDwbq‡bi ¯^igywkqv bZzb evRvi gMov b`xi evgZxi Sawrmusia Union under Atpara Upazila in cÖwZi¶v I msi¶Y (2009-10 nB‡Z 2010-11) Netrokona District 47964944 - Protection of Char Barma and Joter Mukh 47964944 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi P›`bvBk Dc‡Rjvaxb mvs¸ b`xi Wvb at Barma Union from the erosion of right Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z eigv BDwbq‡bi Pieigv I †hv‡Zi gyL bank of Sangu River in Chandanaish bvgK ¯’vb i¶v (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) Upazilla under Chittagong District

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 47964945 - Protection of Right bank of Bakkhali River 47964945 -K·evRvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi wSjsRv BDwbq‡bi Aš@M©Z from Chainage 0.00 to 0.500 km. to protect euvKLvjx b`xi WvbZxi †Pqvig¨vb cvov bvgK ¯’vb fv½b Chairman Para at Jhilonja Union under KewjZ wKtwgt 0.00 n‡Z wKtwgt 0.500 = 0.500 Cox'sbazar Sadar Upazilla. wKtwgt Ask cÖwZi¶v (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) 47964946 - Bahubadh Flood Control, Drainage, and 47964946 -cÂMo †Rjv AvUIqvix Dc‡Rjvaxb eûeuva, eb¨v wbqš¿Y, Irrigation Project at Atwari Upazilla under wb®‹vkb I †mP (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) Panchagrrh District 47964947 - Protection of Water Development Board 47964947 -cÂMo †Rjvi †ev`v Dc‡Rjvi cv_ivR b`xi evg Zx†i Colony, Head Quarter and the adjacent †ev`v cvwb Dbœqb †evW© K‡jvwb †nW †KvqvU©vi I ZrmsjMœ area from erosion of the left bank of the GjvKv cÖwZi¶v (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) River Pathraj in Boda Upazilla under Panchagarh District 47964948 - Protection of Baruni Mela & Mandir 47964948 -cÂMo †Rjvi †ev`v Dc‡Rjvaxb †esnvwo BDwbq‡bi Complex, Panchagarh-Nilphamari Ki‡Zvqv b`xi Dfq Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z evi“w` †gjv I Highway and LLPI Block Scheme from the gw›`i Kg‡cз, cÂMo-bxjdvgvix gnvmoK I Gj Gj erosion of both bank of the Karotoya River wcAvB eÐK w¯‹g i¶v (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) at Benghari Union under Boda Upazilla of Panchagarh District 47964949 - Protection of left bank of Singar River to 47964949 -VvKziMuvI †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb cvjcvov GjvKvq protect Flood Control UvsMb b`xi fv½b n‡Z miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq, ivavK… Embankment-cum-road at Badaghat, ò gw›`i I AvevwmK GjvKv i¶v‡_© b`xi WvbZxi ¯’vqx Mogolgaon and Nayagaon under Zilkar cÖwZi¶v (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) Haor Project in sylhet Sadar Upazilla 47964950 - Protection of left bank of Singar River to 47964950 -wm‡jU †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb ev`vNvU, †gvNjMuvI I protect Flood Control bqvMuvI bvgK ¯’v‡b wRjvKvi nvIi cÖK‡íi eb¨v wbqš¿Y Embankment-cum-Road at Badaghat, euva Kvg moK i¶v‡_© wm½vi b`xi evgZxi Mogolgaon and Nayagaon under Zilkar msi¶Y(2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) Haor Project in Sylhet Sadar Upazilla 47964951 - Bank protection work to protect the 47964951 -ewikvj †Rjvi gyjv`x Dc‡Rjvaxb bvwRicyi evRvi I Nazirpur Bazar and others establishment Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vcbv RqÎx b`xi fv½b n‡Z †ivaK‡í Zxi from erosion of the Jayanti river in Muladi msi¶Y KvR (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) Upazilla under Barisal District 47964952 - Protection of Damura Bondor from the 47964952 -ewikvj †Rjvi avgyiv b`xi fv½b nB‡Z avgyiv e›`i i¶v erosion of the Damura River in Barisal (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) District 47964953 - Protection of Choto Baliati Bazar and Ferry 47964953 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb †QvU evwjqvwZ Ghat from erosion of the Andarmanik River evRvi I †dwiNvU Av›`vigvwbK b`xi fv½b n‡Z msi¶Y in Kalapara Upazilla under Patuakhali (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) District 47964954 - Protection of Baher Char from erosion of 47964954 -cUzqvLvjx †Rjvaxb `ygKx Dc‡Rjvi cv‡qiv b`xi fv½b Payera River in Dumki Upazilla under nB‡Z ev‡ni Pi cÖwZi¶v (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) Patuakhali District 47964955 - Right Bank protection of Mathavanga River 47964955 -PzqvWv½v †Rjvi gv_vfv½v b`xi WvbZxi msi¶Y in Chuadanga District (2009-10 n‡Z 2010-11) 4799-4799 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 4799-4799 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 4799 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 4799 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 47990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 47990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 48 - Ministry of Food & Disaster Management 48 - Lv`¨ I `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv gš¿Yvjq 4801-4810 - Administration 4801-4810 -cªkvmb 4801 - Secretariat 4801 -mwPevjq 48010001 - Secretariat 48010001 -mwPevjq 48010003 - Releif Programme 48010003 -ÎvY Kvh©µg 48010004 - 100 Days Employment Guarantee Scheme 48010004 -100 w`‡bi Kg©m„Rb Kg©m–wP 48010005 - - 48010005 -‡LvjvevRv‡i Lv`¨km¨ weµq eve` fZ©ywK 48010006 - Employement Scheme For Extrelemy Poor 48010006 -AwZ `wi`ªª‡`i Rb¨ Kg©ms¯’vb People 48010090 - 48010090 -

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 48015010 - Food for works (adp excluded) 48015010 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q mieivnK…Z Lv`¨ mvgMªxi g–j¨ (GwWwc ewnf–©Z) 48015011 - National Food Policy capacity 48015011 -RvZxq Lv`¨bxwZ Ÿv¯@evq‡bi ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí strengthening Programme (NFPCSP) (2q ch©vq) (01/01/09 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Phase-2 (b¨vkbvj dzW cwjwm K¨vcvwmwU †÷«s‡`wbs †cÖvMªvg) (GbGdwcwmGmwc)†dR-2 48015012 - Institutionalization of Food Safety in 48015012 -B›mwUwUDkbvjvB‡Rkb Ae dzW †mdwU Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh for Safer Food †mdvi dzW (01/03/2014-31/08/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 48015020 - 48015020 -`‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ hšcvwZ msMªn cÖKí (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 48015021 - 48015021 -w` ivBU †eBR c­¨vwbs GÛ gwbUwis wWRv÷vi wcÖ‡cqvW© ‡bm (1/7/02-31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 48015031 - Comprehensiv 48015031 -Kw¤•ª‡nbwmf wWRv÷vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (01/01/2003 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 48015060 - ADP 48015060 -Dbœqb Kg©m–wPi Rb¨ mshy³ Znwej n‡Z A_© ¯’vbvš@i(GwWwc ewnf–©Z) 48015080 - Unapproved Block Allocation 48015080 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 48015090 - Grameen 48015090 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (gvwUi KvR) (GwWwc ewnf–©Z) 48015100 - 48015100 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (gvwUi KvR) (GwWwc ewnf©Z) Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡Ý‡jkb Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z 48015150 - 48015150 - 48015380 - 48015380 - 48015999 - Grameen 48015999 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (gvwUi KvR) (GwWwc ewnf–©Z) Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡Ý‡jkb Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z 48016011 - 48016011 -†ó‡`wbs dzW †KvqvwjwU K‡›Uªvj wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡k (1/7/03-30/6/04) 48016012 - Allocation For Unapproved Projects 48016012 -Abby‡gvw`Z cÖK‡íi Rb¨ eivÏ 48016013 - Cyclone Prepareness Program. 48016013 -NwY©So cÖ¯‘wZ Kg©mPx m¤•ªmviY I †Rvi`vi KiY 48016014 - Comprehensive Disaster Management 48016014 -Kw¤•ª‡nbwmf wWRvóvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (Phase 2) Program(Phase 2) 48016015 - Strengthening the Cyclone Preparedeness 48016015 - Program. 48016016 - Procurement of Mobile water treatment 48016016 -cªwKDi‡g›U Ae †gvevBj IhvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­v›U plant for cyclone prone coastal belt. (Abby‡gvw`Z) 48016017 - Forcasting System Development for 48016017 -‡dviKvwós wm‡óg †Wfjc‡g›U di wWgvÛ GÛ mvcjvB Demand and Supply of Food Ae dzW 4803 - Relief and Rehabilitation Programmes 4803 -ÎvY I cybe©vmb Kvh©µg 48030001 - Relief Operation 48030001 -ÎvY Kvh©µg - mvaviY 48030003 - FFW Programmes 48030003 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP 48030005 - VGD Programme 48030005 -wf wR wW Kvh©µg 48030007 - VGF Programme 48030007 -wf wR Gd Kvh©µg 48030013 - Military in Aid of Relief Works 48030013 -ÎvY Kv‡R †mbvevwnbx wb‡qvM 48030015 - Rehabilitation Camp 48030015 -cybe©vmb K¨v¤• 4805 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4805 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 48053479 - Bangladesh Red Crescent Society * 48053479 -evsjv‡`k †iW wµ‡m›U †mvmvBwU 48053480 - Fund for Mitigating Natural Disaster-led 48053480 -cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vMRwbZ SuywK †gvKv‡ejv Znwej Risks 48053482 - Bangladesh Safe Food Authority 48053482 -evsjv‡`k wbivc` Lv`¨ KZ©„c¶ 48053981 - Pre-Disater Preparedness & Disaster 48053981 -cÖvK `‡h©vM cÖ¯‘wZ I wbeviY Kvh©µg Prevention Programme 4806 - International Organisations 4806 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 48064361 - AFMA 48064361 -G Gd Gg G 48064362 - Establishment of Disaster Management 48064362 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª wbg©vb Institute 4811-4820 - Departmental Offices 4811-4820 -Awa`ßimgn 4811 - Department of Relief and Rehabilitation 4811 -ÎvY I cybe©vmb Awa`ßi 48110000 - Department of Relief and Rehabilitation 48110000 -ÎvY I cybe©vmb Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 48115000 - 48115000 - 48115010 - Construction of Bridge/Culvat on the Rural 48115010 -MªvgxY iv¯@vq iv¯@vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgUvi ‰`N¨© ch©šZ) Road (2nd Phase) (1/7/2009-30/6/2012) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) 48115080 - 48115080 - 48115090 - 48115090 - 48115110 - 48115110 -`w¶Y-cwðgv‡j `y‡hv©M Avkªqb †K›`ª wbg©vY (1/7/02 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 48115120 - 48115120 -eb¨vcÖeY GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª wbg©vY (1/7/04-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 48115130 - 48115130 -eb¨vcÖeY GjvKvq eb¨v AvkÖq †K›`ª wbg©vY (1/7/04-30/06/06)Abbyt 48115140 - Grameen 48115140 -MªvgxY iv¯@vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgUvi `xN© ch©š@) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/07/2005- 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 48115150 - 48115150 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae BKzBc‡g›U di mvP© GÛ †imwKD Acv‡ikb di Av_© †Kv‡qK GÛ Av`vi wWRvmUvi (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 48115152 - Jobs 48115152 -Kv‡Ri wewbgq Lv`¨ Kg©m–wPi AvIZvq wbwg©Z iv¯@vq †QvU †QvU (40 dzU ‰`N¨© ch©š@) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbgv©Y cÖKí (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 48115160 - Re construction of Houses of the landless 48115160 -wmWi 2007 G ¶wZMª¯’ f–wgnxb cwiev‡ii Ni-evox families damased by SIDR 2007 cybwbg©vY (wWAviwRG-wmGd KZ©„K A_©vqbK…Z) (DRGA-CF funded) (01/07/2008-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 48115360 - d 48115360 -`–‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY feb wbg©vY (1/7/2000- 30/6/05) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 48115380 - construction of cyclone resistance houses 48115380 -MÖvgxY iv¯@vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgUvi `xN© ch©š@) in SIDR and AILA area †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (1/7/2010-30/6/2013) 48115381 - Construction of flood shelter in the flood 48115381 -eb¨v cÖeb I b`x fvsMb GjvKvq eb¨v AvkÖq †K›`ª wbg©vY prone and river irriation areas (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 48115382 - Construction of flood shelter in the flood 48115382 -eb¨v cÖeb GjvKvq eb¨v AvkÖq †K›`ª wbg©vb prone and river erosion areas (2nd phase) 48115383 - Construction of relief godown in Districts 48115383 -‡Rjv ch©v‡q ÎvY ¸`vg wbg©vb 48115384 - Procurement of life buoy for fishermen of 48115384 -DcK‚jxq †Rjv mg‡n †R‡j‡`i Rb¨ jvBdeqv msMÖn costal district. KiY| 48115385 - Establishment of Disaster Management 48115385 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª wbg©vb Training Institute 48115386 - Repearing & Mentanence of 48115386 -ÎvY I cybe©vmb Awa`߇ii AvIZvq wbwg©Z †mZz/KvjfvU© Bridge/Colvarts Constructed by the msi¶Y I †givgZ| Director of Relief & Rehabilation 48115387 - Rehabilation of people affected by the river 48115387 -b`x fvsM‡b ¶wZMÖ¯’‡`i cybe©vmb| erosion 48115388 - Repairing & Maintenance of flood & 48115388 -eb¨v I NwYSo AvkÖq †K›`ª †givgZ I msi¶Y Cyclone Shelters 48115391 - Construction of Multipurpose Cyclone 48115391 -DcKzjxq A‡j eûgLx mvB‡K¬vb †m›Uvi wbg©vY Shelter in the Coastal Belt. 48115392 - Construction of houses in sidor effected 48115392 - Rvcvb miKv‡ii mnvqZvq NwY©So wmW‡i ¶wZMÖ¯’ areas with asistance of Japan govt. f‚wgnxb cwiev‡ii evwoNi cyYtwbg©vY 48115393 - Construction of Bridge/Culvat on the Rural 48115393 -wPUvMvs wnj U«v± Gwiqvi iv¯vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgUvi `xN© Road at chittagong hill tract ch©š) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/07/2010- (1/7/2010-30/6/2013) 30/06/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z 48115394 - 48115394 -MªvgxY iv¯vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgUvi `xN© ch©š) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/07/2005- 30/06/2010) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 48115395 - Construction of Bridge/Culvat (12 m) on 48115395 -wPUvMvs wnj U«v± Gwiqvi iv¯vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgUvi `xN© the Rural Road at chittagong hill tract ch©š) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/07/2010- (1/7/2010-30/6/2013) 30/06/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z 48115396 - Construction of Flood shelter at Flood & 48115396 -eb¨v cªeb I b`x fvsMb GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª wbg©vb Erosion Prone area (2nd Phase). (2 q ch©vq) 48115397 - Construction of Multipurpuse Cyclone 48115397 -DcKzjxq A‡j eûgLx mvB‡K¬vb †m›Uvi wbg©vY Shelter.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 4812 - District Relief office 4812 -†Rjv ÎvY Kvh©vjqmg–n 48120000 - District 48120000 -‡Rjv ÎvY Kvh©vjqmg–n 4813 - Upazilla Relief Offices 4813 -Dc‡Rjv ÎvY Kvh©vjqmg–n 48130000 - Upazilla Relief Offices 48130000 -Dc‡Rjv ÎvY Kvh©vjqmg–n 4815 - Disaster Management Bureau 4815 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv ey¨‡iv 48150000 - Disaster Management Bureau 48150000 -`y‡hv©M e¨e¯’vcbv ey¨‡iv 48155003 - Establishment of National volunteer's 48155003 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ RvZxq †¯^”Qv‡meK `j MVb Team for disaster management 48155004 - Establisment of national disaster 48155004 -RvZxq `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv cÖwk¶Y BwbwmwUDU ¯’vcb management training institute 48155010 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 48155010 -Bgvi‡Rw›m 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvix GÛ †ió‡ikb cÖ Restoration : Disaster Ricks Mitigation and ‡R± (BwmAviwc) t wWRv÷vi wiKm wgwU‡Mkb GÛ Reduction (DMB Oart) wiWvKkb (01/08/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 48155020 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 48155020 -Bgvi‡Rw›m 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvix GÛ †ió‡ikb cÖ Restoration : Disaster Management ‡R± (BwmAviAviwc) t wWRv÷vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U †im†cv›m Respond Rund/Facility Unit (DMB Oart) dvÛ/d¨vmvwjwU (01/08/2008-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 48155150 - Procument of Equipments for Search & 48155150 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae BKzBc‡g›U di mvP© GÛ †imwKD Rescue Operations for earthquake & other Acv‡ikb di Av_© †Kv‡qK GÛ Av`vi wWRvmUvi disasters. (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 48155151 - Procurement of equipments for disaster 48155151 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae BKzBc‡g›U di mvP© GÛ †imwKD management. (2nd phase) Acv‡ikb di wWRvmUvi (01/07/2010 - (1/7/2010-30/6/2012) 30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 48155152 - Improve seismic practises in urban 48155152 -Bgcª“f mvBmwgK cªvKwU‡mm Bb Avievb g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae management of Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k (Abby‡gvw`Z) (unapproved) 48155153 - Introduceing Tele signal in the coastal 48155153 -BbU«ywWDwms †Uwj wmMb¨vj Bb ‡Kv÷vj Gwiqv Ae area (unappoved) evsjv‡`k (Abby‡gvw`Z) 48155154 - Mittigation Measures for climate change 48155154 -Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi d‡j mó evsjv‡`‡ki gi“fvevcbœ affect in drought prone areas of GjvKvq wbivgq Kvh©vejx (Abby‡gvw`Z) Bangladesh 48155155 - Capacity building of related department of 48155155 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae wi‡j‡UW wWcvU©‡g›U Ae evsjv‡`k disaster management of Bangladesh (Abby‡gvw`Z) 4821-4830 - Food Operation 4821-4830 -msMªn I weZiY 4821 - Procurement 4821 -Lv`¨ msMªn Kvh©µg 48210001 - Import under Foreign Assistance 48210001 -‰e‡`wkK Aby`vb Øviv Avg`vwb 48210005 - Import under Foreign Loan 48210005 -‰e‡`wkK FY Øviv Avg`vwb 48210010 - Import under Own Resources 48210010 -wbR¯^ m¤•` Øviv Avg`vwb 48210015 - Domestic Procurement 48210015 -Af¨š@ixY msMªn 4823 - Distribution 4823 -Lv`¨ weZiY Kvh©µg 48230000 - 48230000 - 48230020 - Distribution Sales 48230020 -weZiY-weµq 48230030 - Distribution Non-Monetized 48230030 -weZiY-bb& gwbUvBRW 4825 - Other Food Management Functions 4825 -Ab¨vb¨ Lv`¨ e¨e¯’vcbv Kvh©µg 48250040 - Operating Expenses 48250040 -cwiPvjb 48250050 - Maintenance of Police 48250050 -wbivcËv evwnbx 4831-4850 - Establishment 4831-4850 -cªwZôvb 4831 - Directorate of Food 4831 -Lv`¨ Awa`ßi 48310000 - 48310000 - 48310001 - Directorate of Food 48310001 -Lv`¨ Awa`ßi 48310003 - Chief Controller, Dhaka Rationing 48310003 -cÖavb wbqš¿K, XvKv †ikwbs 48310005 - Silo 48310005 -mvB‡jvmg‚n 48315010 - Infrastructure development and 48315010 -B. B. wm -Gi mvnv‡h¨ RivRxb© Lv`¨ ¸`vgmgn‡K rehabilitation of dilapidated food godowns cybe©vmbmn AeKvVv‡gv wbgv©Y (chv©q-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) with EEC assistance

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 48315011 - National Food 48315011 - b¨vkbvj dzW cwjwm K¨vcvwmwU †÷«s‡`wbs cª‡R± (GbGdwcwmGmwc)(01/01/2005-31/12/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 48315012 - Postagola Government Modern Flour Mill 48315012 -‡cv¯Z‡Mvjv miKvix AvaywbK gq`v wgj ¯’vcb cÖKí Project 48315013 - aa 48315013 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae gvwë‡÷viwqW IqvinvDR G¨vU mvšvnvi †MÖBb mvB‡jv, e¸ov (25000 †gt Ub) (01/01/2012- 30/06/2014) 48315014 - Construction of 1.05 lakh M.T Capacity new 48315014 -1.05 j¶ †gwU«K Ub aviY ¶gZvm¤•bœ bZyb Lv`¨ ¸`vg food godowns wbg©vY 48315015 - Modern Food Storage Facilities 48315015 -AvaywbK Lv`¨ msi¶bvMvi cÖKí Project-MFSP (01/01/2014-30/06/2020) Aby‡gvw`Z 48315020 - 48315020 -†`‡ki `w¶b-cwðgv‡j Aew¯’Z 4wU †Rjvq †m‡Þ ¤^i-A‡±vei, 2000 eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ Lv`¨ ¸`vg I Avbylw½K myweavw`i †givgZ I cyb©evmb cÖKí (01/01/2001-30/06/2001) 48315021 - Chittagong 48315021 -PÆMªvg, bvivqYMÄ I kvš@vnvi mvB‡jvi Rb¨ hš¿cvwZ I † ¯•qvi cvU©m msMªn (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 48315030 - Rehabilitation of ware house including 48315030 -WvP mnvqZvq i¶bv‡e¶Y, cªwk¶Ymn Lv`¨¸`vg cybe©vmb training under Netherlands grant cÖKí (chv©q-4) 48315031 - Technical Assistance for Strengthening the 48315031 -‡÷«s‡`wbs `¨v Mfb©‡g›U Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Ae Institutional Capacity DG Food for WvB‡i±‡iU Ae dzW (wWIwc) di BgcÖ“wfs dzW Improving Food Security (Part-1) wmwKDwiwU (Kg‡cvb¨v›U-G) (01/01/2008-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 48315040 - Repair and rehabilitation of the dilapidated 48315040 -e„nËi XvKv, UvsMvBj I Rvgvjcyi wRjvi RivRxY© Lv`¨ food godowns and their ancillary facilities ¸`v‡gi Avbylvw½K myweavw` †givgZ I cybev©mb cÖKí in the Greater Dhaka, Tangail and Jamalpur districts 48315041 - Strengthening the Government Institutional 48315041 -‡÷«s‡`wbs `¨v Mfb©‡g›U Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Ae Capacity of ministry of Agriculture and wgwbw÷« Ae AwMªK¨vjPvi GÛ KbmvÛ© G‡Rw›mm di BgcÖ concerned agencies for Improving Food “wfs dzW wmwKDwiwU (K‡¤•v‡b›U-we) Security (component-B) (01/01/08 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 48315042 - Repair and rehabilitation project of flood 48315042 -e„nËi XvKv, Uv½vBj I Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯’ affected food goodown and related Lv`¨¸`vg I Avbylw½K myweavw`i †givgZ I czbe©vmb facilities cÖKí (1g ch©vq) 48315050 - Construction, Repair and Rehabilitation of 48315050 -Lv`¨ ¸`vgmn Avbylw½K myweavw`i †givgZ, cybe©vmb I Food Go downs and other related wbgv©Y cÖKí (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Facilitates Abby‡gvw`Z 48315060 - Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Food 48315060 -BBwmi mnvqZvq RivRxY© Lv`¨ ¸`vg mg‡ni Go down Infrastructure Under the EEC cYe©vmb/cYt¯’vcbmn Lv`¨ ¸`vg †K‡›`ªi AeKvVv‡gv Assistance (Phase-2) Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) 48315070 - BMRE of 4 silos 48315070 -PÆMÖvg, bvivqbMÄ I kvšvnvi mvB‡jvi e¨v‡jwÝs, AvawbKvqb, ms¯‹vi Ges m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/96 - 30/06/2001) 48315080 - Construction of a warehouse capacity of 48315080 -Lyjbv †gv‡nk¦i cvkv weGwWwm Gi 38 †gwU«K Ub avib 38.00 metric tons at Khulna ¶gZv m¤•bœ ¸`vgNi wbgv©Y 48315090 - Reconstruction and rehabilitation project 48315090 -BBwm mnvqZvq Nwb©So ¶wZMª¯ Lv`¨wefvMxq AeKvVv‡gv for the cyclone affected infrastructure of the cybw©bgv©Y I cybev©mb cÖKí Food Department with the assistance of EEC 48315100 - Constraction of New Food Godown of 1.10 48315100 -‡`‡ki DËiv‡j Avbylw½K myweavmn 1.10 j¶ †gt Ub lach M.T Capacity in the Northern region of aviY ¶gZv m¤•bœ bZyb Lv`¨ ¸`vg wbg©vY the Country 48315110 - BMRE of Government flour and animal 48315110 -†cv¯†Mvjv miKvix gq`v Ges cïLv`¨ wg‡ji 1g feed mills at Postogola BDwb‡Ui e¨v‡jw›ms, AvaywbKvqb, ms¯‹vi Ges m¤•ªmviY cÖKí (01/07/96 - 30/06/2001) 48315120 - Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Flood 48315120 -BBwmi mnvqZvq NywY©S‡o ¶wZMÖ¯’ Lv`¨ Awa`߇ii Affected Food Directorate Office Under the AeKvVv‡gv cYtwbg©vY/cYe©vmb cÖKí EEC Assistance

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 48315130 - Construction of Office Building with 48315130 -miKvixch©v‡q Lv`¨km¨ msMÖn I weZiY Kvh©µg Ancillary Facilities for the Regional and †Rvi`viKi‡Y mnvqZvK‡í AvÂwjK Lv`¨wbqšK I †Rjv District Controllers of Food to Facilitate Lv`¨wbqš‡Ki Rb¨ Avbylvw½K myweavw`mn Awdm Kvg stringing of Food grain Pro. evm¯’vb (ce©-1 48315140 - Expansion of Khadda Bhavon 48315140 -Lv`¨ feb m¤•ªmviY (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2002) 48315150 - Construction of 0.84 Lack M.T Capacity 48315150 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 0.84 jvL †gtUb K¨vcvwmwU wbD dzW new Food Godowns with ancillary facilities †MvWvDb DB_ G¨vbwmjvix d¨vwmwjwUR GU nvwjkni at Halishahar CSD compound, Chittagong. wmGmwW KgcvDÛ PÆMÖvg 48315160 - Advisory technical assistance for food 48315160 -GWfvBRvwi †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm&U¨v›m di dzW Acv‡ikb operation 48315170 - Strengthening of early warning and food 48315170 -ce© mZKx©KiY I Lv`¨ msµvš Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ related information management system kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 48315172 - Strenthening of early warning and food 48315172 -c–e© mZKx©KiY I Lv`¨ msµvš@ Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ information system : 1st part kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí t 1g Ask (01/07/96 - 30/06/2002) (ms‡kvwaZ) 48315173 - Strengtheing of early warning and food 48315173 -c–e© mZKx©KiY I Lv`¨ msµvš@ Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ information system : Computer networking kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí t Lv`¨ gš¿Yvjq I Lv`¨ Awa`߇ii system for Ministry of Food and Food Rb¨ Kw¤•DUvi †bUIqvK© ¯’vcb (ms‡kvwaZ-1/7/96- Directorate 30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 48315180 - Construction of silo at Mongla Port 48315180 -gsjv e›`‡i Avbylw½K myweavw`mn KswµU mvB‡jv wbg©v†Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v cÖKí (wcwmwc Aby‡gvw`Z) (01/07/99 - 31/12/2000) 48315190 - Construction of food godowns at strategic 48315190 -Lv`¨ wbivcËv e¨e¯’v my`„pKiY †KŠkjMZ ¯’vbmg–‡n bZyb places for strengthening food security Lv`¨¸`vg wbg©vY cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 48315200 - Construction of 1.35 Lack M.T Capacity 48315200 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 1.35 jvL †gtUb K¨vcvwmwU wbD dzW new Food Godowns †MvWvDbm& 48315210 - Construction of a Modern Flour Mills at 48315210 -Lv`¨ Awa`߇ii wbR¯^ Rwg‡Z we`¨gvb AvÂwjK Lv`¨ Postagola of Dhaka city wbqšÎK I †Rjv Lv`¨ wbqšÎ‡Ki -- Avbylvw½K myweavw`mn †givgZ/cyb©MVb/m¤cÖmviY (Abby‡gvw`Z) (9/7/01-30/6/03 48315211 - Research support for food management 48315211 -Lv`¨ e¨e¯’vcbv I M‡elYv KvwiMix mnvqZv cªKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/08/97 - 30/06/2001) 48315231 - Strengthening of planning celll of ministry 48315231 -Lv`¨ gšYvj‡qi cwiKíbv †Kvl kw³kvjxKiY cªKí of food 48315241 - strengthening of forecasting and food 48315241 -ce© mZKx©KiY I Lv`¨ msµvš Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ related information system kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí 48315251 - Rehabilitation of food godwons damaged 48315251 -‡mŠw` mvnv‡h¨ 3wU cve©Z¨ †Rjvq NywY©So wea¡¯ by cyclone in hill distrit under KSA grant 48315261 - Construction of new godwons at strategic 48315261 -Lv`¨ wbivcËv e¨e¯’v my`„pKiY †KŠkjMZ ¯’vbmg‡n bZyb place Lv`¨¸`vg wbg©vY cÖKí 48315510 - Food godown maintenance project under 48315510 -WvP miKv‡ii mnvqZvq Lv`¨¸`vg i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí (2q the assistance of Dutch Government chv©q) (ms‡kvwaZ) (Phase-1) 48315520 - Reconstruction and rehabilitation of 48315520 -‡`‡ki c–e© I cwðgv‡ji 9wU wmGmwW I 1wU GjGmwW ancillary facilities of dilapidated godowns †Z Aew¯’Z RivRx©Y Lv`¨ ¸`vg I Avbylvw½K myweavw`i of CSD and LSD cybev©mb I cybwbgv©Y (01/07/97 - 30/06/2004) 48315530 - Improvement of testing laboratory of Food 48315530 -Lv`¨ Awa`߇ii cix¶vMv‡ii Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ cªKí Department 48315555 - 48315555 -iscy‡i AvbymswMK myweavw`mn 11,000†gwUªK Ub avib ¶gZv m¤cbœ (22 BDwbU) wmGmwW wbg©vY cÖKí 48315610 - Rehabilitation of food godowns and other 48315610 -e„nËi cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg †Rjvi Lv`¨¸`vg †givgZ, cybev©mb infrastructural works in greater CHT district I AwZ cÖ‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv wbgv©Y cÖKí (01/07/99 - 30/06/2001) 48315612 - Feasibeility study project for construction of 48315612 -‡`‡ki DËiv‡j Avbylw½K myweavw`mn 1.00 j¶ 200 unit food goodowns related facilities †gwUªKUb avib ¶gZv m¤•bœ 200 BDwbU bZyb Lv`¨ with capacity of 1.00 Lakh Metric ton at ¸`vg wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v cÖKí (wcwmwc northen area Aby‡gvw`Z) 48315620 - Expansion of silo jetty at Chittagong 48315620 -PÆMÖvg mvB‡jv †RwU m¤•ÖmviY cÖKí (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 48315630 - 48315630 -DËiv‡j we`¨gvb Lv`¨ ¸`vg †K‡›`ª Aew¯’Z ¸`vg I AvbymswMK myweavw`i †givgZ I cybe©vmb cÖKí (wcGj-480) (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 48316010 - Food 48316010 -Lv`¨ Awa`߇ii wewfbœ ¯’vcbvi (mvB‡jv, wmGmwW, GjGmwW, †cvU© NvU) IRb hš¿ AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2007) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 48316011 - strengthening 48316011 -†÷s‡`wbs dzW †KvqvwjwU K‡›Uªvj wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k (1/7/03-30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 48316020 - 48316020 -DËiv‡j AvbymswMK myweavw`mn 89000 †gt Ub ¶gZv m¤cbœ 178 BDwbU bZzb Lv`¨ ¸`vg wbg©vY cÖKí 48316030 - 48316030 -gsjv e›`‡i AvbymswMK myweavmn KswµU mvB‡jv wbg©vY 48316040 - Construction of Vertical Rice Silo of 48316040 -XvKv gnvbM‡i Ava~wbK †K›`ªxq grm¨ AeZiY, msi¶Y I Capacity 50,000 MT at Bhagabari, weZiY myweavw` ¯’vcb cÖKí Shirajgonj 48316041 - Constructions of new food godowns with 48316041 -DËivÂjmn †`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ †KŠkjMZ ¯’v‡b AvbymswMK ancillary facilities in the northern region myweavw`mn bZzb Lv`¨ ¸`vg wbg©vb including other statigic locations of the country 48316042 - Construction of Grain Silo with ancillray 48316042 -gsjv e›`‡i AvbylswMK myweavw`mn KswµU †MÖb mvB‡jv facilities in Mongla port wbg©vb 48316043 - stenthening of ICT baised 48316043 -‡÷s‡`wbs Ad AvBwmwU 48316044 - Recontruction of Damage Food Godowns. 48316044 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae G KbwµU †MªBb mvB‡jv Ae 50,000 †gwU«K Ub K¨vcvwmwU G¨vU †gvsjv †cvU© DB_ G¨vbwmwjqvix d¨vwmwjwUR (01/07/2009-30/6/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 48316045 - Construction of Food Godowns at the 48316045 -Lv`¨ Awa`ßivaxb ¶wZMª¯’ Lv`¨ ¸`vg I mnvqK capasity 90thousand MT at northern region AeKvVv‡gv cybwbg©vY (01/07/2009-30/07/2011) of the country. Aby‡gvw`Z 48316046 - Construction of 168 new food godwons at 48316046 -mviv †`‡ki †KŠkjMZ ¯’v‡b AvbymswMK myweavw`mn the different parts of Bangladesh at the ‡gvU 1.05 j¶ †gt Ut ¶gZvm¤•bœ 168 bZzb Lv`¨ capasity of 1.05 Lakh MT. ¸`vg wbg©vb (1/7/2010-30/6/2012) 48316047 - Construction of vertical rice Silo at the 48316047 -mvšvnvi, e¸ov‡Z 1.0 j¶ †gt Ub ¶gZvm¤•bœ capacity of 1 lakh MT at Santahar Bogra fvwU©Kvj ivBm mvB‡jv wbg©vb (1/10/2010- (1/12/2010-30/6/2012). 30/9/2012) 48316048 - Block Allocation for unapproved project 48316048 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ 4833 - Regional Offices 4833 -AvÂwjK Kvh©vjqmg–n 48330000 - Regional Offices 48330000 -AvÂwjK Kvh©vjqmg–n 4835 - District Offices 4835 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 48350000 - District Offices 48350000 -‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 4837 - Upazilla Offices 4837 -Dc‡Rjv Kvh©vjqmg–n 48370000 - Upazilla Offices 48370000 -Dc‡Rjv Kvhv©jqmg‚n 48370015 - 48370015 48370015 -48370015 4839 - Government Flour Mills 4839 -miKvwi AvUv Kj 48390000 - Government Flour Mills 48390000 -miKvwi AvUv Kj 48399999 - Government Flour Mills-Transfer 48399999 -miKvix AvUv Kj - ¯’vbvši 4841 - Controller of Movement & Storage 4841 -wbqš¿K, cwienb I msi¶Y 48410000 - Controller of Movement & Storage 48410000 -wbqšK, cwienb I msi¶Y 4842 - Food Trading 4842 -dzW †UªwWs 48429999 - Transfer, Adjustment and Others 48429999 -¯’vbvši, mgš^q I Ab¨vb¨ 4851-4860 - Deposit Account and FFW 4851-4860 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ wnmv‡e Rgv 4851 - Deposit Account and Food for Works-ADP 4851 -wW‡cvwRU GKvD›U GÛ dzW di IqvK©m-GwWwc 48510001 - Title 2 48510001 -UvB‡Uj 2 48510002 - Title 3 48510002 -UvB‡Uj 3 48510007 - Japan KR 48510007 -Rvcvb †K Avi 48510008 - WFP 48510008 -Wwe­D Gd wc 48510009 - EEC 48510009 -B B wm

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 48510010 - German 48510010 -Rvg©vwb 48510011 - Canada-RMP 48510011 -KvbvWv-Avi Gg wc 48510012 - Australia 48510012 -A‡ó«wjqv 48510013 - SIFAD 48510013 -wmdv` 48510031 - Others 48510031 -Ab¨vb¨ 4853 - Food for Works-Bridge Culvert-ADP 4853 -dzW di IqvK©m-eªxR KvjfvU©-GwWwc 48530002 - Title 2 48530002 -UvB‡Uj 2 48530007 - Japan KR 48530007 -Rvcvb †K Avi 48530008 - WFP 48530008 -Wwe­D Gd wc 48530009 - EEC 48530009 -B B wm 48530010 - Germany 48530010 -Rvg©vbx 48530011 - Canada-RMP 48530011 -KvbvWv-Avi Gg wc 48530012 - Australia 48530012 -A‡ó«wjqv 48530013 - SIFAD 48530013 -wmdv` 48530031 - Others 48530031 -Ab¨vb¨ 4854 - Food for works-RMP Non-ADP 4854 -dyW di IqvK©m-Avi Gg wc-bb-GwWwc 48540002 - Title 2 48540002 -UvB‡Uj 2 48540007 - Japan KR 48540007 -Rvcvb †K Avi 48540008 - WFP 48540008 -Wwe­D Gd wc 48540009 - EEC 48540009 -B B wm 48540010 - Canada-RMP 48540010 -KvbvWv-Avi Gg wc 48540011 - Canada-RMP 48540011 -KvbvWv-Avi Gg wc 48540012 - Australia 48540012 -A‡ó«wjqv 48540013 - SIFAD 48540013 -wmdv` 48540031 - Others 48540031 -Ab¨vb¨ 4856 - FFW in Kind (ADP) 4856 -dzW di IqvK©m-c‡Y¨-GwWwc 48560000 - FFW in Kind - ADP 48560000 -dzW di IqvK©m-c‡Y¨-GwWwc 4857 - FFW in Kind (Non-ADP) 4857 -dzW di IqvK©m-c‡Y¨ bb-GwWwc 48570000 - FFW in Kind - Non ADP 48570000 -dzW di IqvK©m-c‡Y¨ bb-GwWwc 4859 - Depost from Previous Year 4859 -ce©eZx© erm‡ii Rgv 48590000 - Depost from Previous Year 48590000 -ce©eZx© erm‡ii Rgv 4861-4870 - 4861-4870 - 4861 - Directorate of Relief and Rehabiliatation 4861 -ÎvY I cybe©vmb Awa`ßi 48615110 - 48615110 -`w¶b-cwðgv‡j `‡h©vM AvkÖqb †K›`ª I gvwUi wKj­v wbg©vY (1/7/02-30/6/04) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 48615152 - 48615152 -Kv‡Ri wewbgq Lv`¨ Kg©mPxi AvIZvq wbwg©Z iv¯vq †QvU †QvU (40 dzU ˆ`N©¨ ch©š) †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY cÖKí (1/7/99-30/6/06)(Abbyt) 48615360 - 48615360 -`‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY feb wbg©vY (1/7/2000- 30/6/2004)(Abbyt) 4896-4898 - Development Programme Financed by 4896-4898 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4896 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4896 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 48964642 - 48964642 -NwY©So Dc`ª“Z GjvKvmn †`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ GjvKvi Rb¨ 64 wU Iq¨vi‡jm †mU mieivn (2005-06) 48964671 - 48964671 -DËiv‡j Lv`¨ ¸`vg †givgZ I cYe©vmb Kg©mPx 4899-4899 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 4899-4899 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 4899 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 4899 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 48990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 48990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 49 - Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief 49 - `y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY gš¿Yvjq 4901-4920 - Administration 4901-4920 -cªkvmb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 4901 - Secretariat 4901 -mwPevjq 49010001 - Secretariat 49010001 -mwPevjq 49010003 - Relief Operation 49010003 -ÎvY Kvh©µg 49010004 - Nobo Jibon Programme 49010004 -be Rxeb ‡cÖvMªvg 49010005 - PROSHAR Programme 49010005 -‡cÖvmvi †cÖvMªvg 49010006 - Employement Scheme For Extrelemy Poor 49010006 -AwZ `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ Kg©ms¯’vb People 49015010 - Valuation of food supplied under food for 49015010 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q mieivnK…Z Lv`¨ mvgMªxi g–j¨ (GwWwc works ewnf–©Z) 49015011 - Preparatory Assistance for the 49015011 -wcÖcv‡iUwi G¨vwmm‡UÝ di w` Kw¤cÖ‡nbwmf wWRv÷vi comprehensive degester Management g¨v‡bR‡g›U ‡cÖvMÖvg (Abby:) Programme (1/7/2000-30/6/2003) (01/07/1994-30/06/2003) 49015012 - Natural Hazardh Risk Based Early 49015012 -b¨vPvivj †nRvW©m wi®‹ ‡eBRW Aviwj Ihvwbs di Warning for Ensuring Community Purpose GbwmIwis KwgEwbU cvicvm GÛ wiwWwEwms wWRv®Xvi and Reducing Disaster Risk in wi¯KBb evsjv‡`k| Bangladesh 49015013 - Procurement of Saline Water Treatment 49015013 -cªwKEi‡g›X Ae m¨vjBb IhUvi UU‡gU c&jvbU| Plant 49015014 - Establishment of Training and Research 49015014 -evsjv‡`k wmmwgK wi¯K wgwW‡Mkb GÛ Bgvi‡RÝx wcª Institute for Disaster Management ‡chvW©‡bm cªKj&c 49015015 - Establishment of Training and Research 49015015 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯nvi Rb¨ cªwk¶Y I M‡elbv Bbw®XUU ¯nvcb Institute for Disaster Management 49015016 - "Procurement of 4MI17 Helicopter and their 49015016 -`y‡h©vMKvjxb I `y‡h©vMDËi ÎvY I D×vi KvR cwiPvjbvi associated equipments for Disaster j‡¶¨ 4 wU †nwjKvÞvi µq cÖKí| management and Conducting Post Disaster Relief and Rescue operation". 49015017 - Natural Hazards Risk Based Early 49015017 -b¨vPvivj †nRvW©m wi¯‹ †eBRW Aviwj Iqvwis di Warning for Ensuring community Purpose GbwmmIwis KwgDwbwU cvicvm GÛ wiwWDwms wWRvóvi and Reducing Disaster Risk in wi¯‹ Bb evsjv‡`k| Bangladesh. 49015018 - "Establishment of Bangladesh Disaster 49015018 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ cÖwk¶Y I M‡ekbv BwbwówUDU Management training and Research ¯’vcb| Institute". 49015019 - Bangladesh Seismic Risk Mitigation and 49015019 -evsjv‡`k wmmwgK wi¯‹ wgwU‡Mkb GÛ Bgvi‡R›mx wcÖ Emergency Preparedness Project ‡cqvW©‡bm cÖKí 49015020 - River 49015020 -b`x fv½b GjvKvq wkï Acywó `–ixKiY/cÖwZ‡iva cÖKí 49015021 - 49015021 -w` ivBU †eBR c­¨vwbs GÛ gwbUwis wWRvmUvi wcÖ‡cqvW© ‡bm (1/7/02-30/6/05) 49015022 - Bangladesh Seismic Risk Mitigation and 49015022 -evsjv‡`k wmmwgK wi¯‹ wgwU‡Mkb GÛ Bgvi‡R›mx wcÖ Emergency Preparedness Project ‡cqvW©‡bm cÖKí 49015023 - Capacity Building for Disaster Risk 49015023 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di wWRv÷vi wi¯‹ dvBbv›m Finance 49015024 - Establishment of Training and Research 49015024 -`‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ cÖwk¶Y I M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Institute for Disaster Management ¯’vcb 49015025 - Construction of Small bridges/Culverts 49015025 -Mªvgxb iv¯vq †QvU ‡QvU (12 wgt ‰`N¨© ch©š) (12 m long) in Rural Roads (3rd Phase) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) 49015026 - Procurement of Saline water Treatment 49015026 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae m¨vjvBb IqvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­v›U Plant 49015027 - Natural Hazards Risk Based Early 49015027 -b¨vPvivj †nRvW©m wi¯‹ †eBRW Aviwj Iqviwbs di Warning for Ensuring Community Purpose GbwmIwis KwgDwbwU cvicvm GÛ wiwfDwms wWRv÷vi wi¯‹ and Reducing Disaster Risk in Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 49015028 - LiDAR Survey for Coastal Zone of 49015028 -jvBWvi mvi‡f di †Kv÷vj ‡Rvb Ad evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 49015029 - Capacity Building for Disaster Risk 49015029 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs di wWRvóvi wiKm dvBb¨vw›ms Financing 49015030 - Local Government and enginnering 49015030 -¯’vbxq miKvi cª‡KŠkj Awa`ßi bureau

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 49015031 - Compreshensive Disater Management 49015031 -Kw¤•ª‡nbwmf wWRv÷vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg Programme (1/1/03-31/12/07) (Abyt) 49015032 - Procurement of equipment of search 49015032 -f~wgK¤cmn Ab¨vb¨ `y‡h©vM DËi D×vi Kvh©µg rescue operation for earthquake and other cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ D×vi hš¿cvwZ msMÖn (2q ch©vq) (†gvU disasters e¨q 162.00 †KvwU UvKv) †gqv` Rvby/2013 n‡Z wW‡m¤ ¦i/2015 ch 49015033 - Building safer Cities by increasing 49015033 -wewìs †mdvi wmwUR evB BbwµwRs Av_©‡Kv‡qK earthquake resilience. †iwRwj‡q›m (†gvU e¨q 22.11 †KvwU UvKv) †gqv` Rvby/2013 n‡Z wW‡m¤¦i/2015 ch©šZ| 49015034 - Urban Disaster Preparedness and 49015034 -Avievb wWRv÷vi wcÖ‡cqvW©‡bm GÛ ‡imc›m cÖKí Response Project 49015035 - Enhancing Community Resilience to 49015035 -Gb‡nw›ms KwgDwbwU †iwRwj‡q›m Uy K¬vB‡gU ‡fwi‡qwewjwU Climate Change and Natural Disasters GÛ b¨vPvivj wWRv÷vim 49015036 - Procurement of 4 (Four) Helicopters for 49015036 -`y‡h©vMKvjxb I `y‡hv©MDËi ÎvYI D×vi KvR cwiPvjbvi Search and Rescue Operation during and Rb¨ 4wU ‡nwjKÞvi msMªn cÖKí After Disaster 49015037 - Procurment of Saline Water Treatment 49015037 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae †mjvBb IqvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­v›U (2 Ub U«vK Plant (2 ton truck mounted) gvD‡›UW) (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 49015038 - Urban Resilience Project: Department of 49015038 -Avievb †iwRwj‡q›m cÖ‡R±t `‡hv©M e¨e¯’vcbv Awa`ßi Disaster Management Part Ask 49015039 - Capacity Enhancement on Disaster Risk 49015039 -K¨vcvwmwU Gb‡n›m‡g›U Ab wWRv÷vi wi¯‹ wiWvKkb, Reduction, Emergency Response and Bgvi‡R›mx †imc›m GÛ wiKfvwi cÖ‡R± Recovery Project 49015040 - Ministry of disaster management and relief 49015040 -`y‡hv©M e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY gšYvjq 49015041 - Compreshensive Disater Management 49015041 -Kw¤•ª‡nbwmf wWRv÷vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (2q ch©vq) Programme (01/01/10-31/12/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 49015050 - Others 49015050 -Ab¨vb¨ (dzW di †W‡fjc‡g›U) 49015060 - Money Transfer from Consolidate Fund for 49015060 -Dbœqb Kg©m–wPi Rb¨ mshy³ Znwej n‡Z A_© ¯’vbvš@i Development Programme (GwWwc ewnf–©Z) 49015070 - Support to the Implementation of disaster 49015070 -`‡hv©M e¨e¯’vcbv Kvh©µg ev¯evq‡b mnvqZv cÖ`vb management programme 49015080 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 49015080 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 49015090 - f 49015090 -MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (gvwUi KvR) (GwWwc ewnf–©Z) 49015100 - Oter Devolopment Exp. 49015100 -** Ab¨vb¨ Dbœqb e¨q (†_vK) 49015120 - Procurement of wireless sets for cyclone 49015120 -N–wY©So GjvKvmn Ab¨vb¨ GjvKvi Rb¨ 100wU Iqvi‡jm area ‡mU msMªn (01/07/99 - 30/06/2004) (ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z) 49015130 - Operations Support to the Employment 49015130 -Acv‡ik›m mv‡cvU© Uy w` Bgc­q‡g›U †Rbv‡ikb †cÖvMªvg Generation Program for the Poorest di w` cyI‡ió (EGPP) 49015131 - Support to comprehensive disaster 49015131 -mv‡cvU© Uz Kw¤•ª‡nbwmf wWRvóvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U (3q management (2nd Revised Unapproved) ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/94 - 30/06/2002) 49015141 - Support for Asian Disaster Management 49015141 -mv‡cvU© Ad Gwkqvb wWRvBb g¨v‡bR‡g›U †m›Uvi Ad Center of IUBAT AvBBDweGwU 49015150 - Construction of bridge and culvert through 49015150 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ Kg©mPxi AvIZvq wbwg©Z iv¯vq †QvU sales proceeds of PL-480, Title-3 †QvU (40 dzU ˆ`N©¨ ch©š) †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY 49015152 - Construction of (40feet length) 49015152 -Kv‡Ri wewbgq Lv`¨ Kg©m–wPi AvIZvq wbwg©Z iv¯@vq †QvU Bridge/Culvert on the Highway Under Food †QvU (40 dzU ‰`N¨© ch©š@) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbgv©Y cÖKí for Work Programme (Abyt) 49015160 - Elimination/Resistance of Child 49015160 -b`x fv½b GjvKvq wkï Acywó `wiKiY/cÖwZ‡iva Malnutrition in River Eroded Area (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2002) 49015310 - Valuation of food supplied under food for 49015310 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q mieivnK…Z Lv`¨ mvgMªxi gj¨ work (under ADP) 49015320 - Construction of bridges and culverts under 49015320 -wewfbœ gšYvjq/wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb eªxR I KvjfvU© wbgv©Y the different Ministries and Divisions I †givgZ (GwWwc fy³) (under ADP) 49015330 - Construction of bridges and culverts under 49015330 -wewfbœ gšYvjq/wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb eªxR I KvjfvU© wbgv©Y different Ministries and Divisions (Outside I †givgZ (GwWwc ewnf©Z) ADP)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 49015360 - Construction of Disaster management and 49015360 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY feb wbg©vY (01/07/2000 - Relief Building 30/06/2004) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 49016011 - Procurement of Mobile water treatment 49016011 -†ó‡`wbs dzW †KvqvwjwU K‡›Uªvj wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡k plan for cyclone prone costal and flood (1/7/03-30/6/04) prone area 49016014 - Comprehensive Disaster Management 49016014 -Kw¤•ª‡nbwmf wWRvóvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (Phase 2) Program(Phase 2) 49016016 - Procurement of Mobile water treatment 49016016 -cªwKDi‡g›U Ae †gvevBj IhvUvi wU«U‡g›U c­v›U plant for cyclone prone coastal belt. (Abby‡gvw`Z) 49016017 - Program for improvement of capability to 49016017 -Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi d‡j m„ó `y‡h©v‡M Lvc LvIqv‡bvi cope with natural disaster caused by m¶gZv Dbœqb climate chainge. 4903 - Relief and Rehabilitation Programmes 4903 -ÎvY I cybev©mb Kvh©µg 49030001 - Relief Operation 49030001 -ÎvY Kvh©µg - mvaviY 49030003 - FFW Programmes 49030003 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q Lv`¨ Kg©m–wP 49030005 - VGD Programme 49030005 -wf wR wW Kvh©µg 49030007 - VGF Programme 49030007 -wf wR Gd Kvh©µg 49030009 - Rehabilitation Programme 49030009 -cybev©mb Kvh©µg 49030011 - School Feeding Programme 49030011 -¯‹zj wdwWs Kvh©µg 49030013 - Military in Aid of Relief Works 49030013 -ÎvY Kv‡R †mbvevwnbx wb‡qvM 49030014 - Rescue boat 49030014 -D×viKvix ‡bŠhvb 49030015 - Rehabilitation Camp 49030015 -cybe©vmb K¨v¤• 49035016 - Construction of flood shelter in the flood 49035016 -eb¨v cÖeY b`x fv½b GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq‡K›`ª wbgv©Y (2q prone and river erosion areas(2nd Ph) ch©vq) 49035017 - Construction of multi-purpose cyclone 49035017 -‡`‡ki DcK~jxq GjvKvq eûg~Lx mvB‡K¬vb †mëvi wbgv©Y shelter in the costal belt of the country. 4905 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 4905 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 49053479 - Bangladesh Red Crescent Society * 49053479 -evsjv‡`k †iW wµ‡m›U †mvmvBwU 49053480 - Fund for Mitigating Natural Disaster-led 49053480 -cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vMRwbZ SuywK †gvKv‡ejv Znwej Risks 49053481 - Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) 49053481 -NwY©So cÖ¯ywZ Kg©mwP (wmwcwc) 49053981 - Pre-Disater Preparedness & Disaster 49053981 -cÖvK `‡h©vM cÖ¯‘wZ I wbeviY Kvh©µg Prevention Programme 4906 - International Organisations 4906 -AvšZR©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 49064363 - Asian Disaster Reduction Centre (ADRC) 49064363 -Gwkqvb wWRv÷vi wiWvKkb †m›Uvi (GwWAviwm) 4931-4950 - Departmental Offices 4931-4950 -Awa`ßimgn 4931 - Department of Relief and Rehabilitation 4931 -ÎvY I cybe©vmb Awa`ßi 49310000 - Department of Relief and Rehabilitation 49310000 -ÎvY I cyYe©vmb Awa`ßi 49315010 - Construction of Bridge/Culvat on the Rural 49315010 -MªvgxY iv¯@vq iv¯@vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgUvi ‰`N¨© ch©š@) Road (2nd Phase) (1/7/2009-30/6/2012) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/07/09 - 30/09/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 49315011 - Maintenance and Re-Construction of 49315011 -Mªvgxb iv¯Zvh wbwg©Z †mZz/KvjfU© i¶bv‡e¶Y/cybwbg©vb| existing bridge/culverts on the rural roads. 49315012 - Construction of Herring Bone Bone (HBB) 49315012 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg AbP‡j Mªvgxb iv¯Zv GBPweweKiY| Road on KABIKHA (Food for Work) and EGPP'S(Employment Generation Program for the Poorest) Road at Chittagong H 49315013 - Construction of Multi-purpose Cyclone 49315013 -evsjv‡`‡ki EcK‚jxq A‡j eûgyLx NywY©Si Avkªh‡K›`ª Shelter in the Coastal belt of Bangladesh wbg©vY 49315014 - Construction of Flood Shelter in Flood 49315014 -eb¨vcªeY I b`xfvsMb GjvKvh eb¨v Avkªvh‡K›`ª wbg©vY(2h Prome and River Erosion Areas. ch©v‡h) 49315015 - Procurement of 2 Helicopters and 2 49315015 -`y‡h©vMKvjxb I `y‡h©vM EËii ÎvY I E `&avi KvR Aeroplanes for Bangladesh Biman as Part cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbxi Rb¨ 2Uv of Disaster Risk Reduction †nwjKvcUvi I 2Uv cwienb wegvb µh cªKjc|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 49315016 - Construction of Herring Bone Bond (HBB) 49315016 -KvweLv I AwZ `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ Kg©m„Rb Kg©mywPi gva¨‡g Road on KABIKHA(Food for Works) and wbwg©Z iv¯Zvh GBPweweKiY EGPP'S(Employment Generation Program for the Poorest road. 49315017 - Vertical Extension of Relief Bhabon and 49315017 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯nvcbv I ÎvY feY Ea¦©gyLx KiY Construction of Relief Godown in 21 Greater Distict Town 49315018 - Construction of small (12 m long) 49315018 -MÖvgxY iv¯@vq †QvU †QvU (12 wg: ˆ`N© ch©š@) †mZz/KvjfvU© Bridge/Culverts in rural roads (3rd phase) wbgv©Y (3q ch©vq) 49315019 - Maintenance of Bridge/Culvert construction 49315019 -MÖvgxY iv¯@vq wbwg©Z †mZz/Kvjfv©U i¶Yv‡e¶b-cÖKí on rural roads. 49315020 - 49315020 -‡`‡ki eb¨v Dc`ª“Z A‡j cÖwZwU BDwbqb Avkªq‡K‡›`ª gvwUi wKj­v wbg©vY I cyKzi cvo DPyKiY 49315021 - Construction of Herring Bone (HBB) Road 49315021 -KvweLv I AwZ `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ Kg©m„Rb Kg©m–wPi gva¨‡g on KABIKHA and EGPP Road. wbwg©Z iv¯@v GBPwewe KiY| 49315022 - Construction of Herring Bone (HBB) Road 49315022 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j MÖvgxY ms‡hvM iv¯@vq GBPwewe on KABIKHA and EGPP's Road at KiY| Chittagong Hill Tracts Region. 49315023 - "Vertical Extension of Disaster 49315023 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY feb D×g–Lx m¤•ÖmviY I 21 wU Management and Relief Bhaban and e„nËi †Rjv kn‡i ÎvY ¸`vg wbg©vY cÖKí| Construction of Relief godowns in the Disaster Prone/Concerned Districts". 49315024 - Construction of Flood Shelter in Flood 49315024 -eb¨v cÖeY I b`x fv½b GjvKvq eb¨v Avk¨q‡K›`ª wbg©vY Prone and River Erosion Areas (2nd (2q ch©vq) cÖKí| Phase). 49315025 - Construction of Small bridges/Culverts 49315025 -MªvgxY iv¯vq †QvU (12 wg. ˆ`N¨© ch©š) †mZy/KvjfvU© (12 m long) in Rural Roads (3rd Phase) wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) 49315026 - Construction of Flood shelter in Flood 49315026 -eb¨v cÖeY I b`x fv½b GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª (2q Prune in River Erosion areas(2nd Phase) ch©vq) kxl©K cÖKí 49315027 - Construction of Flood shelter in Flood 49315027 -eb¨v ceY I b`x fv½b GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª wbg©vY Prune in River Erosion areas(2nd Phase) (2q ch©vq) 49315028 - Construction of Bridge/Culvert (up to 12 49315028 -MªvgxY iv¯Zvq †QvU †QvU (12 wgt ˆ`N©¨ ch©šZ) Meter long) on the Rural Road (3rd Phase) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) 49315030 - Construction of Bridges/Culverts (up to 12 49315030 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg MªvgxY iv¯vq ‡QvU ‡QvU (12 wgUvi ˆ`N¨© m. long) at Chittagong Hill Tracts Region ch©šZ) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/07/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 49315110 - Construction of bridge culvert (12 meter 49315110 -`w¶Y-cwðgv‡j `y‡hv©M Avkªqb †K›`ª I gvwUi wKj­v lemnth) in rural road in Chittagong Hill wbg©vY (1/7/02-30/6/04) (Abby‡gvw`Z) Tracts 49315130 - Operations Support to the Employment 49315130 -Acv‡ikb&m mv‡cvU© Uz `¨v GgcÐq‡g›U †Rbv‡ikb †cÖvMÖvg Generation Programme for the Poorest di `¨v cyI‡i÷ (BwRwcwc) (15/01/11 - 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 49315152 - Construction of small size culvert and 49315152 -Kv‡Ri wewbgq Lv`¨ Kg©m–wPi AvIZvq wbwg©Z iv¯@vq †QvU bridge on the way under Food for work †QvU (40 dzU ‰`N¨© ch©š@) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbgv©Y cÖKí programme (upto 40feet long road) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 49315160 - Re construction of Houses of the landless 49315160 -wmWi 2007 G ¶wZMª¯’ f–wgnxb cwiev‡ii Ni-evox families damased by SIDR 2007 cybwbg©vY (wWAviwRG-wmGd Rvcvb) (01/07/08 - (DRGA-CF funded) 30/06/10) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 49315360 - 49315360 -`‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY feb wbg©vY (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2004) (Abby‡gvw`Z) 49315380 - construction of cyclone resistance houses 49315380 -wmWi I AvBjv AvµvšZ GjvKvq NywY©So cªwZ‡ivwa Ni in SIDR and AILA area evox wbg©vY (01/07/1010- 30/06/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z (1/7/2010-30/6/2013) 49315381 - Construction of flood shelter in the flood 49315381 -eb¨v cÖeb I b`x fvsMb GjvKvq eb¨v AvkÖq †K›`ª wbg©vY prone and river irriation areas (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 49315397 - Construction of Multipurpuse Cyclone 49315397 -DcKzjxq A‡j eûgLx mvB‡K¬vb †m›Uvi wbg©vY Shelter. 4932 - Department of Disaster Management 4932 -`y‡hv©M e¨e¯’vcbv Awa`ßi 49320000 - Department of Disaster Management 49320000 -`y‡hv©M e¨e¯’vcbv Awa`ßi

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 49325010 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 49325010 -Bgvi‡RwÝ 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvix GÛ †i‡óªv‡ikb cÖ Restoration Project (ECRRP):Disaster ‡R± (BwmAviAviwc) t wWRvóvi wimK wgwU‡Mkb GÛ Risk Mitigation and wiWvKkb (01/08/08 n‡Z 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z Reduction-Revised(1/7/2009-30/6/2012)- Approved 49325011 - O 49325011 -eb¨vcÖeY I b`x fv½Y GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí 01/01/2013 -30/06/2015 49325012 - Q 49325012 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY feb DaŸ©gyLx m¤cÖmviY 01/01/2013-30/06/2015 49325013 - Construction of Multi-purpose Cyclone 49325013 -evsjv‡`‡ki DcK‚jxq A‡j eûgyLx Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY Shelter in the Coastal Belt of Bangladesh cÖKí (01-03-11 n‡Z 31-12-13 ch©š) (01/03/11-31/12/13)- Approved 49325014 - Q 49325014 -e„nËi ‡Rjv kn‡i ÎvY ¸`vg wbg©vY cÖKí, RyjvB 13 n‡Z wW‡m¤¦i/14 49325015 - ? 49325015 -f‚wgK¤•mn Ab¨vb¨ `y‡h©v‡M AbymÜvb I D×vi KvR cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ hš¿cvwZ msMÖn (2q ch©vq) Rvbyqvix/13 n‡Z wW‡m¤¦i/15 49325016 - Q 49325016 -wewìs †mdvi wmwUR evB BbwµwRs Av_©‡Kv‡qK ‡iwRwj‡q›m Rvby/13-wW‡m/15 49325017 - Enhancement of Cyclone early warning 49325017 -Gb‡n›m‡g›U Ae mvB‡K¬vb Avwj© Iqvwb©s Rvby/13 n‡Z wW‡m¤¦i/15 49325018 - Q 49325018 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j †QvU (12 wgt `xN© ch©šÍ) †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY cÖKí (2q ch©v‡q) 01/01/14-30/06/2016) 49325019 - Q 49325019 -evsjv‡`‡ki DcK‚jxq A‡j eûgyLx N~wY©So Avkªq †K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí ?? ?????? ?/?/????-??/?/???? 49325020 - s 49325020 -MÖvgxY iv¯vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgt `xN© ch©šÍ) †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (4_© ch©v‡q) cÖKí (01/01/2016- 30/06/2018) 49325021 - Q 49325021 -eb¨vcÖeY I b`x fv½b GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª wbg©vY (3q ch©vq) 01/07/2017-30/06/2020) 49325022 - Vertical Extension of the building of 49325022 -`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY feb DaŸ©gyLx m¤cÖmvib (†gvU Department of Disaster management e¨q 14.43 †KvwU UvKv) †gqv` 01/01/2013 n‡Z 30/06/2015 ch©šZ 49325023 - Construction of Relief god own in greater 49325023 -e„nËi †Rjv kn‡i ÎvY ¸`vg wbg©vY cÖKí (†gvU e¨q district towns. 30.00 †KvwU UvKv) †gqv` RyjvB, 13 n‡Z wW‡m¤¦i, 14 ch©šZ| 49325024 - Construction of small bridges/culverts in 49325024 -cve©Z¨ PU«MÖvg MÖvgxY iv¯Zvq ‡QvU †QvU (12wg: ˆ`N¨© Chittogong Hill tracts(2nd phase). ch©šZ) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbgv©Y (2q ch©vq) (†gvU e¨q 105.00 †KvwU UvKv) †gqv` 01/01/2014 n‡Z 30/06/2016 49325025 - Construction of multipurpose cyclone 49325025 -evsjv‡`‡ki DcK‚jxq A‡j eûgyLx N~wY©So Avkªq‡K›`ª shelters in the coastal belt of wbgv©Y cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (†gvU e¨q 200.00 †KvwU UvKv) Bangladesh(2nd phase) †gqv` 01/03/2015 n‡Z 31/01/2018 ch©šZ| 49325026 - Construction of small bridges/culverts in 49325026 -MÖvgxY iv¯Zvq ‡QvU †QvU (12wg: ˆ`N¨© ch©šZ) rural roads(4th phase). †mZy/KvjfvU© wbgv©Y (4_© ch©vq) (†gvU e¨q 7500.00 †KvwU UvKv) †gqv` 01/07/2016 n‡Z 30/06/2018 ch©šZ| 49325027 - Vertical Extension of Disaster 49325027 -`‚‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv feb DשgyLx m¤•ªmviY (01/07/2013- Management & Relif Bhaban 31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 49325028 - Construction of Bridge/Culvert (up to 12 49325028 -Mªvgxb iv¯vq †QvU ‡QvU (12 wgUvi ˆ`N©¨ ch©š) Meter long) on the Rural Road (3rd Phase) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY 3q ch©vq (01/07/2012 n‡Z 30/06/2015) 49325029 - Construction of Bridges/Culverts (Upto 12 49325029 -???????? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? (?? ??? Meter long) in Chittagong Hill Tract Region ??????? ???????) ????/???????? ??????? (?? ??????) 49325030 - Construction of Bridges/Culverts (up to 12 49325030 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg MÖvgxY iv¯vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgUvi ˆ`N©¨ ) m. long) at Chittagong Hill Tracts Revise †mZz/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/07/10 n‡Z 30/06/13 ch©š) (01/07/10-30/06/13)- Approved 49325031 - Construction of HBB Road of KABIKHA and 49325031 -KvweLv I AwZ `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ Kg©m„Rb Kg©mwPi gva¨‡g EGPP"S Earthen Road wbwg©Z iv¯vq GBPweweKiY 49325032 - Construction of Flood Shelters in Flood 49325032 -eb¨v cÖeY I b`x fv½b GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq †K›`ª wbg©vY Prone and River Erosion Areas (3rd (3q ch©vq) Phase)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 49325033 - Construction of HBB Roads on KABIKHA 49325033 -cve©Z¨ PU«Mªvg A‡j KvweLv I AwZ `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ and EGPP'S Road in Chittagong Hill Tract Kg©m„Rb Kg©mwPi gva¨‡g wbwg©Z iv¯vq GBPweweKiY 49325034 - Procurement of Equipment for Search and 49325034 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae BK¨yBc‡g›U di mvP© G¨vÛ †imwKD Rescue Operation for Earthquake and Acv‡ikb di Av_©‡Kv‡qK G¨vÛ Av`vi wWRvóvi Other Disaster (Phase-2) (†dR-2) cÖKí 49325035 - Strengthening of the Ministry of Disaster 49325035 -†ós‡`wbs Ae `¨v wgwbwó« Ae wWRvóvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U G¨vÛ Management and Relief (MoDMR) wiwjd (GgIwWGgAvi) ‡cÖvMªvg G¨vWwgwb‡÷kb cÖKí Program Administration (01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 49325036 - Bangladesh Seismic Risk Mitigation and 49325036 -evsjv‡`k wmmwgK wi¯‹ wgwU‡Mkb GÛ Bgv‡R©›mx wcÖ Emergency Preparedness Project ‡cqvW©‡bm cÖKí 49325037 - Maintenance/Reconstruction of Rural 49325037 -Mªvgxb iv¯vq wbwg©Z †mZy KvjfvU© i¶Yv‡e¶Y/cybtwbg©vY Bridge/Culverts cÖKí 49325038 - Introducing Tele-signal in Coastal Area of 49325038 -evsjv‡`‡ki DcK‚jxq A‡j †Uwj wmMbvj e¨e¯’vi Bangladesh cÖeZ©b 49325039 - Construction of Food Shelters in the Flood 49325039 -eb¨v cÖeY I b`x fvsMb GjvKvq eb¨v Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY Prone and River Erosion Areas (2nd (2q ch©vq) cÖKí Phase) 49325040 - Construction of Small Bridges/Culverts (up 49325040 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªv‡g MªvgxY iv¯vq †QvU †QvU (12 wgt ˆ`N©¨ to 12m long) at Chittagong Hill Tracts ch©š) †mZy/KvjfvU© wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) cÖKí Region (2nd phase) (01/01/2014-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 49325041 - Construction of Disaster Resilience 49325041 -`y‡h©vMcÖeY GjvKvq `y‡h©vMmnbxq M„n wbg©vY House in Disaster Prone Areas 49325042 - Procurement of Amphibious Hovercraft to 49325042 -`y‡h©v‡Mi mgq AbymÜvb I D×vi Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ Strengthen Search and Rescue DfPi †nvfviµvdU µq Operations During Disasters 49325043 - Urban Resilience Project DDM Part. 49325043 -Avievb †iwRwj‡q›m cÖKít wWwWGg Ask 4933 - District Relief Offices 4933 -‡Rjv ÎvY Kvh©vjqmg–n 49330000 - District Relief Offices 49330000 -‡Rjv ÎvY Kvh©vjqmg–n 4935 - Upazilla Relief Offices 4935 -Dc‡Rjv ÎvY Kvh©vjqmg–n 49350000 - Upazilla Relief Offices 49350000 -Dc‡Rjv ÎvY Kvh©vjqmg–n 4937 - Disaster Management Bureau 4937 -`y‡hv©M e¨e¯’vcbv ey¨‡iv 49370000 - Disaster Management Bureau 49370000 -`y‡hv©M e¨e¯’vcbv ey¨‡iv 49375010 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 49375010 -Bgvi‡Rw›m 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvwi GÛ †i‡÷«v‡ikb cÖ Restoration : Disaster Ricks Mitigation and ‡R± (BwmAviAviwc) t wWRv÷vi wim&K wgwU‡Mkb GÛ Reduction (DMB Oart) wiWvKkb (01/08/08 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 49375011 - Rehabilition of Selected Communties in 49375011 -ei¸bv I cUzhvLvjx †Rjvh wbe©vwPZ Rb‡Mvwôi Rb¨ `y‡h©vM Burguna and Patuakhali cªwZ‡ivaK cybwbg©vY cªKí| 49375012 - Improvement of Security Measures for 49375012 -kni GjvKvh fzwgK‡¤•i †¶‡Î wbivcËvgyjK PP©vi Earthquake in Cities e¨e¯nvi Ebœhb| 49375013 - Procurement of Equipment for Search and 49375013 -cªwKEi‡gbU Ae BKBc‡g›X di mvP© GÛ †imwKE Rescue Operation for Earthquake and Ac‡ikb dZi Av_© †Kv‡hK GÛ Av`vi wWRóvi other Disaster 2nd Phase cªKí(2h ch©vh) 49375014 - Improvement of Tele Cmmunication 49375014 -Ri“ix `y‡h©vM SzwKun«vm wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`‡k ‡Uwj †hvMv‡hvM System in Bangladesh as Disaster Risk e¨e¯nvw`i Ebœhb Reduction 49375015 - Procurement of Saline Water treatment 49375015 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae m¨vjvBb IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U cÐv›U cÖKí| plants. 49375016 - Procurement of Equipment for searh and 49375016 -f‚wgK¤•mn Ab¨vb¨ `y‡h©v‡M mÜvb I D×viKvR rescue in Erathquake And other Disasters cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ hš¿cvwZ msMÖn (2nd pheas). 49375017 - Disaster Preventive reconstruction in 49375017 -DcK‚jeZ©x ei¸bv I cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi wbw`©÷ Rb‡Mvôxi selected Coastal Districts of Barguna and Rb¨ `y‡h©vM cÖwZ‡ivag–jK cybtwb©g©vY cÖKí (01/07/1 1- Patuakhali. 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z| 49375018 - Procurement of Equipments for 49375018 -fwgK¤•mn Ab¨vb¨ `‡h©v‡M D×vi hšcvwZ earthquake and other Disaster 49375020 - Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 49375020 -Bgvi‡Rw›m 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvix GÛ †i‡óªv‡ikb cÖ Restoration : Disaster Management ‡R± (BwmAviAviwc)t wWRv÷vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U †im†cv›m Respond Rund/Facility Unit (DMB Oart) dvÛ/d¨vmvwjwU (01/08/08 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 49375030 - Disaster Preventive Reconstruction in 49375030 -DcKjxq cUyqvLvjx I ei¸bv †Rjvi wbe©vwPZ Communities in the Coastal Districts of KwgDwbwUmg‡n `‡h©vM cÖwZ‡ivagjK cybtwbg©vY Kvh©µ‡g Barguna and Patuakhali (CARP) mnvqZv cÖ`vb 49375040 - aaa 49375040 -G¨vwmm‡U›m Bb `¨v wWRvóvi wªc‡fbwUf wiKbóªvkb Bb wm‡jKwUf KwgwWwbwUR Bb `¨v †Kvóvj wWwóªKUm Ae ei¸bv GÛ cUyqvLvjx 49375150 - Procument of Equipments for Search & 49375150 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae BKzBc‡g›U di mvP© GÛ †imwKD Rescue Operations for earthquake & other Acv‡ikb di Av_© †Kv‡qK GÛ Av`vi wWRv÷vi (2q disasters. ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/06 - 30/06/11) (ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z) 49375151 - Procurement of equipments for disaster 49375151 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae BKzBc‡g›U di mvP© GÛ †imwKD management. (2nd phase) Acv‡ikb di wWRvmUvi (01/07/2010 - (1/7/2010-30/6/2012) 30/06/2012) Abby‡gvw`Z 49375152 - Improve seismic practises in urban 49375152 -Bgcª“f mvBmwgK cªvKwU‡mm Bb Avievb g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae management of Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k (Abby‡gvw`Z) (unapproved) 49375153 - Introduceing Tele signal in the coastal 49375153 -BbU«ywWDwms †Uwj wmMb¨vj Bb ‡Kv÷vj Gwiqv Ae area (unappoved) evsjv‡`k (Abby‡gvw`Z) 49375154 - Emergency disaster risk reduction 49375154 -DcK~jxq GjvKvq ‡Uwj-mZK© ms‡KZ e¨e¯’v cÖeZ©b telecommunication silence system in Bangladesh 49375155 - Procurement of equipment for search and 49375155 -f~wgK¤ú I Ab¨vb¨ `y‡h©v‡M DÏvi Kvh©µ‡gi hš¿cvwZ rescue operation in earth quark and other msMÖn disaster (Phase-2) 49375156 - Disaster preventive reconstruction in 49375156 -ei¸bv I cUyqvLvjx †Rjvq wbev©wPZ Rb‡Mvwôi Rb¨ `y‡h©vM selection communities in the costal cÖwZ‡ivaK cybt wbgv©Y distries of Barguna and Patuakhali. 4980-4985 - Special Programmes 4980-4985 -we‡kl Kg©mPx 4980 - Special Programme 4980 -we‡kl Kvh©µg 49804641 - 49804641 -Z_¨ cÖhyw³ e¨e¯’vcbv Kg©mPx 49804642 - 49804642 -NwY©So Dc`ª“Z GjvKvmn †`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ GjvKvi Rb¨ 64wU Iq¨vi‡jm †mU mieivn 4996-4998 - Development Programme Financed by 4996-4998 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 4996 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 4996 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget 49964641 - Management of Information Technology 49964641 -Z_¨ cÖhyw³ e¨e¯’vcbv 49964642 - Supply of 64 Wireless Sets for Different 49964642 -NwY©So Dc`ª“Z GjvKvmn †`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ GjvKvi Rb¨ Areas of the Country Including Cyclone 64wU Iq¨vi‡jm †mU mieivn Prone Areas 49964652 - Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) 49964652 -N–wY©So cÖ¯‘wZ Kg©m–wP (wmwcwc) 50 - Ministry of Communication 50 - †hvMv‡hvM gš¿Yvjq 5001-5020 - Administration 5001-5020 -cªkvmb 5001 - Secretariat 5001 -mwPevjq 50010001 - Secretariat 50010001 -mwPevjq 50010005 - Railway Inspector 50010005 -‡ijI‡q cwi`k©K 50017350 - 50017350 -`~N©Ubv wimvP© †m›Uvi ¯’vcb (01/01/2002-31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50017360 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 50017360 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 5005 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 5005 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 50052750 - Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority 50052750 -hgybv eûgyLx †mZy KZ©„c¶ 50052781 - BRTC 50052781 -evsjv‡`k moK cwienb K‡c©v‡ikb 50054716 - Dhaka Transport Coordination Borad 50054716 -XvKv hvbevnb mg¤¦q †evW© 50055010 - Procurement of 300 AC Single Decker 50055010 -300wU Gwm GKZjv evm I 300wU UªvK msMÖn| Buses and 300 Truck 50055011 - Establishment of BRTC Tungipara 50055011 -weAviwUwmÕi Uzw½cvov cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb| Training Academy.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50055012 - Construction of BRTC Training Insritute at 50055012 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae weAviwUwm †U«wbs Bbw÷wUDU G¨vU Tongipara Uyw½cvov 50055013 - Revision and Updating of Strategic 50055013 -wiwfkb GÛ Avc‡WwUs Ae †÷«‡UwRK U«v›m‡cvU© c­vb di Transport Plan for Dhaka. XvKv (01/05/2014-30/09/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 50055014 - Establishment of Clearing House for 50055014 -G÷vewj÷‡g›U Ae wK¬qvwis nvDm di Bw›U‡MªwUs Integrating Transport Ticketing System in U«v›m‡cvU© wUwKwUs wm‡÷g Bb XvKv wmwU Gwiqv Dhaka City Area. 50055040 - 50055040 - 50055051 - 50055051 -cÙv †mZz cÖK‡íi we¯ZvwiZ mgx¶v cÖKí (†dBR-2) (1-7-2001 - 30-6-2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50055052 - 50055052 -cÙv †mZz cÖK‡íi we¯ZvwiZ mgx¶v cÖKí (chv©q-2) 50055053 - Construction of Bangabandhu bridge 50055053 -e½eÜz hgybv †mZy wbgv©b cªKí (01/07/99 - project 30/06/2001) 50055054 - Resettlement of persons affected by 50055054 -e½eÜz †mZzi f‚wg AwaMÖn‡Yi d‡j ¶wZMÖ¯’ e¨vw³‡`i Bangabandhu bridge cybev©mb cÖKí (01/07/93 - 30/06/2001) 50055060 - 50055060 -gy³vicyi †mZy wbgv©b cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) (Abbyt) 50055236 - Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development 50055236 -XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW U«v›mwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project (DMRTDP) (01/07/2012-30/06/2024) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50056010 - 50056010 -weAviwUwm XvKv¯’ †Uªwbs BÝwUwUDU Ges e¸ov¯’ †Uªwbs †m›Uvi gW©vbvB‡Rkb I Avc‡MÖW K‡i GWfvÝW WªvBwfs †Uªwbs †m›Uvi ¯’vcb 50056020 - 50056020 -evsjv‡`‡ki e„nËi †Rjv m`img~‡n weAviwUwm KZ©„K gUi WªvBwfs †m›Uvi ¯’vcb 50057211 - Development of BRTC training centre at 50057211 -Rq‡`ecyi¯’ weAviwUwm cªwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb Joydevpur 50057310 - Procurement of 350 double decker buses 50057310 -weAviwUwm KZ©„K 350 wU wØZj evm msMÖn (01/07/98 - by BRTC 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50057320 - BMRE of Jaidevpur BRTC Training 50057320 -weAviwUwm Gi Rq‡`ecyi¯’ cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Academy weGgAviBKiY (01/07/98 - 30/06/2001) 50057330 - Procurement of CNG single Deekers 50057330 -weAviwUwmi Rb¨ GbwWGd F‡Yi AvIZvq 100wU wmGbwR Buses for BRTC under NDF Loan GKZjv evm msMªªn (01/04/2008-30/06/2010) (Revised unapproved) 50057340 - 50057340 -weAviwUwmÕi Rb¨ †Kvwiqvb BwWwmGd F‡Yi AvIZvq 300 wU wmGbwR GKZjv evm msMªn 50057370 - Procurement of CNG single Deeker Bus 50057370 -GKZjv wm.Gb.wR. evm µq (01/01/10 - 30/06/11) project Aby‡gvw`Z 50057380 - Procurement of Double Decker, Single 50057380 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae Wej †WKvi, wm‡½j †WKvi Gwm GÛ Decker AC and Articulated Buses for AvwU©Kz‡j‡UW evm di weAviwUwm BRTC. (01/12/2010-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50059010 - Morphological Modeling Project for 50059010 -hgybv †mZz cwiPvjbv I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi ci †mZz GjvKvq forecasting of errositor of River bed after hgybv b`xi Zj†`‡ki ¶qRwbZ cwieZ©‡bi c–e©vfvm Operation and Maintenance of the m¤•wK©Z gi‡dvjwRK¨vj g‡Wwjs cÖKí (1/7/02- Jamuna Bridge. 31/12/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 50059020 - 50059020 -XvKv gy›mxMÄ mo‡K a‡jk¦ix b`xi Dci (6ô evsjv‡`k Pxb ˆgÎx) gy³vicyi †mZy wbg©vY (1/7/04-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50059021 - 50059021 -mv‡cvU© di cvewjK cvU©bvikxc di w` cÙv gvwëcvicvm weªR cÖ‡R± (01/07/05-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50059022 - Construction of Padma Multipurpose 50059022 -cÙv eûgyLx †mZz wbg©vY cÖKí| Bridge. 50059023 - Procurement of 100 single decker CNG 50059023 -weAviwUwmi Rb¨GbwWGd F‡Y 100wU wmGbwR GKZjv busses for BRTC under NDF loan. evm msMÖn| 50059024 - 50059024 -weAviwUwm KZ©„K 500wU wØZj evm msMÖn| 50059025 - 50059025 -weAviwUwm KZ©„K 500wU UªvK msMÖn| 50059026 - 50059026 -weAviwUwmi XvKv I e¸ov¯’ †Uªwbs BbwówUD‡Ui AvaywbwKKiY I DbœZKiY Ges e„nr †Rjvq bZzb †U„ªwbs BbwówUDU ¯’vcb| 50059027 - Detailed Design Study for the Construction 50059027 -cÙv †mZz cÖK‡íi we¯—vwiZ b•v cÖYqb mgx¶v of Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50059028 - Procurement of 300 single decker CNG 50059028 -weAviwUwmÕi Rb¨ †Kvwiqvb BwWwmGd F‡Y 300wU busses for BRTC under Korean EDCF wmGbwR GKZjv evm msMÖn| loan. 50059030 - Construction of Padma Multipurpose 50059030 -cÙv eûgyLx †mZz wbg©vY| Bridge. 50059041 - Detailed Design Study for the Construction 50059041 -cÙv †mZz cÖK‡íi we¯@vwiZ b·v cÖYqb| of Padma Multipurpose Bridge. 50059042 - Procurement of 500 Double Decker Bus 50059042 -weAviwUwm KZ©„K 500wU wØZj evm msMÖn| for BRTC 50059043 - Procurement of 500 Double Decker Bus 50059043 -weAviwUwm KZ…©K 500wU wØZj evm msMÖn| for BRTC 50059044 - Procurement of 500 Truck for BRTC. 50059044 -weAviwUwm KZ©„K 500wU UªvK msMÖn| 5006 - International Organisations 5006 -AvšR©vwZK cªwZôvbmgn 50064371 - PIARC 50064371 -wc AvB G Avi wm 5031-5040 - Railways 5031-5040 -‡ijI‡q 5031 - Railway Operations 5031 -‡ijI‡q cwiPvjb 50310000 - Railway 50310000 -‡ijI‡q 50310001 - General Administration 50310001 -mvaviY cªkvmb 50310005 - Repairs and Maintenance Wing 50310005 -‡givgZ I msi¶Y DBs 50310010 - Operating 50310010 -cwiPvjb 50311000 - 50311000 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 101wU †jv‡Kv‡gvwU‡fi cÖwZ¯’vcb| 50315010 - Rehabilitation and Development activities 50315010 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q Gi mvwe©K Dbœqb I cybe©vmb Kg©mPx of 50315011 - 50315011 -‡emiKvix LvZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ cÖKí BDwbU cÖwZôv 50315012 - Construction of a railway line from Bhanga 50315012 -cÙv †mZzi Ic‡i †ij wjsKmn fv½v n‡Z gvIqv ch©šÍ to Mawa including rail link over Padma †ijI‡q jvBb wbg©vY| Bridge. 50315013 - Procurement of 70 MG DE Locomotives. 50315013 -70wU wgUvi‡MR wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMÖn| 50315014 - Through Renewal of Worn out Rail and 50315014 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wPbwKAv¯Zvbv-AvïMÄ †mKk‡bi allied works in Chinki astana - Ashuganj ¶qcÖvß †ij m¤cyY© bevqY Ges Ab¨vb¨ Avbymvw½K KvR| Section of BR. 50315015 - Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Level 50315015 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c~e©v‡ji †j‡fj µwms Crossing Gates of East Zone of †MBUmg~‡ni cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb| Bangladesh Railway. 50315016 - Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Level 50315016 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji †j‡fj µwms Crossing Gates of West Zone of †MBUmg~‡ni cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb| Bangladesh Railway. 50315017 - Rehabilitation of Kulaura-Shahbazpur 50315017 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KzjvDov-kvnevRcyi †mKk‡bi section of Bangladesh Railway. cybe©vmb| 50315018 - Construction of 2 (two) nos. ‘B’ Class 50315018 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wgR©vcyi-‡gŠPvK †÷kb Ges Station at Kaliakoir & Elenga in between UvsMvBj-Beªvwngvev` †÷k‡bi g‡a¨ Aew¯’Z Kvwjqv‰Ki Mirzapur-Mouchak Station and Ges G‡jsMv‡Z 2wU ÒweÓ Kvm †÷kb wbg©vb| Tangail-Bangabandhu Setu East Station. 50315019 - Renovation of Central Railway Building in 50315019 -GKwU cyivKxwZ© wn‡m‡e †K›`ªxq †ijfeb, PÆMÖvg Gi Chittagong as a Heritage Building. cybe©vmb| 50315020 - Procurement of 100 Meter gasse and 50 50315020 -100 wU wgUvi †MR Ges 50 wU eªW †MR Gi hvÎxevnx eMx Broad gasse passenger train msMªn 50315021 - Technical assistance for Bangladesh 50315021 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cÖvwZôvwbK mnvqZvi Rb¨ KvwiMwi Railway's Functional Assistance. mnvqZv (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315022 - Rehabilitation of 58 Nos. (41 MG & 17 BG) 50315022 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 58wU (17wU wewR Ges 41wU Locomotives of BR (01-01-2011 to GgwR) wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf cybev©mb| 30-06-2016) 50315023 - Procurement of 20 sets (1 set consists pf 50315023 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 20 †mU (wZb BDwbU GK †mU) 3 units) Diesel Electric Multiple Unit wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK gvwëcj BDwbU (wWBGgBD) msMÖn| (DEMU) for Bangladesh Railway.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315024 - Procurement of 26 Nos. BG luggage van & 50315024 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi B›UviwmwU †Uªb Ges cv‡k¦©j †Uª‡bi 4 nos. BG Shovon chair car with pantry & Rb¨ 26wU wewR jv‡MR f¨vb Ges 4wU wewR ‡kvfb †Pqvi guard brake. DB_ c¨vw›Uª Gbs MvW© †eªK msMÖn| 50315025 - Construction of Double line in 50315025 -XvKv-bvivqYMÄ †mKk†b Wvej jvBb wbg©vY Dhaka-Narayanganj section. 50315026 - Conversion of MG railway line into Dual 50315026 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cve©Zxcyi n‡Z KvDwbqv ch©šÍ Gauge from Parbatipur to Kaunia of BR30. wgUvi‡MR †ijI‡q jvBb‡K Wz‡qj‡M‡R iycvšZi 50315027 - Construction of Tungi-Joydevpur Dual 50315027 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi U½x-Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡b Wz‡qj‡MR Gauge Double Railway Line. Wvej jvBb wbg©vY| 50315028 - Construction of MG Double Line from 50315028 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rq‡`ecyi n‡Z gqgbwmsn ch©šZ Joydebpur to Mymensingh section of BR. †mKk‡b wgUvi‡MR Wvej jvBb wbg©vY| 50315029 - Construction of 3rd & 4th line between 50315029 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi XvKv-U½x ‡mKk‡b 3q I 4_© jvBb DA-Tongi section of BR. wbg©vY| 50315030 - Rehabilitation of Meter gasse section 50315030 -wgUvi †MR kvLvi cybe©vmb 50315031 - Construction of rail link with Ishurdi EPZ. 50315031 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Ck¦i`x-Bwc‡RW Gi mv‡_ †ij ms‡hvM jvBb wbgv©Y| 50315032 - Construction of rail link with Uttora EPZ. 50315032 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi DËiv-Bwc‡RW Gi mv‡_ †ij ms‡hvM jvBb wbgv©Y| 50315033 - Extention of Single line MG railway track 50315033 -‡bvqvLvjx n‡Z †Pqvig¨vb NvU ch©šÍ wm‡½j jvBb from Noakhali to Chairman Ghat. wgUvi‡MR †ijI‡q Uª¨vK ewa©ZKiY| 50315034 - Rehabilitaton of 50315034 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‰fieevRvi -gqgbwmsn †mKk‡bi Bhairabbazar-Mymensingh section of BR. cybe©vmb cÖKí| 50315035 - Rehabilitation of 50315035 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rvgvjcyi-ZvivKvw›` RMbœv_MÄNvU Jamalpur-Tarakandi-Jagannathganj Ghat †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb| section of BR. 50315036 - Rehabilitation of Sylhet-Chattak Bazar 50315036 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wm‡jU -QvZKevRvi †mKk‡bi section of BR. cybe©vmb| 50315037 - Rehabilitation of Bonarpara-Kaunia 50315037 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‡evbvicvov -KvDwbqv wgUvi‡MR section of BR. †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb 50315038 - Rehabilitation of Feni - Belonia section of 50315038 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‡dbx -‡e‡jvwbqv †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb BR. 50315039 - Conversion of BG railway line into Dual 50315039 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ivRkvnx n‡Z Avãyjcyi ch©š— Gauge from Rajshahi to Abdulpur. eªW‡MR †ijI‡q jvBb‡K Wy‡qj‡M‡R iƒcvš—i 50315040 - 50315040 -wZZvm †mZz †_‡K AvRgcyi †ijI‡q †÷kb ch©šZ †ijI‡q ms‡hvM jvBb wbgv©Y (AvLvDov evBcvm) (1g ms‡kvwaZ) ( 1-7-2001 - 30-6-2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315041 - Feasibility Study for construction of Railway 50315041 -bvfvib †_‡K mvZ¶xiv n‡q gywÝMÄ ch©š— †ijI‡q jvBb Line from Navaran to Munsiganj Via wbg©v‡Yi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v| Satkhira 50315042 - Feasibility Study for construction of circular 50315042 -XvKv kn‡ii Pviw`‡K mvKz©jvi †ij jvBb wbg©v‡Yi MG rail line around Dhaka city. m¤¢ve¨Z mgx¶v 50315043 - Survey/Study for construction of Railway 50315043 -bvwRinvU †_‡K cvbyqvv ch©šZ †ijI‡q jvBb wbg©v‡Yi Line from Nazirhat to Panua (01-01-2011 mv‡f©/mgx¶v to 01-01-2012). 50315044 - Construction of overpass/fly over in 50315044 -XvKv kn‡ii ¸iæZ¡c~b© †j‡fj µwms †MUmg~‡ni Ici important level crossing gates in Dhaka Ifvicvm/d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY| 50315045 - Feasibility Study and detailed design for 50315045 -nvUnvRvix †_‡K iv½vgvwU ch©šZ †ijI‡q jvBb wbg©v‡Yi construction of Railway Line from m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v| Hathazari to Rangamati (01-01-2011 to 30-06-2012). 50315046 - Feasibility study for construction of railway 50315046 -XvjviPi I ivRevox‡K mshy³ K‡i cÙv b`xi Ici Bridge over the Padma river connecting †ijI‡q †mZz wbg©v‡Yi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v| Dhalarchar and Rajbari. 50315047 - Rehabilitation of Important Bridges of East 50315047 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c~e©v‡ji ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †mZzmg~‡ni Zone of BR. cybe©vmb| 50315048 - Construction of siding and other 50315048 -XvKv wegvb e›`i †÷k‡b R¡vjvbx †Zj cwien‡bi j‡¶¨ infrastructure at Dhaka Biman Bandar mvBwWs jvBbmn Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY station for carrying aviation fuel.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315049 - Construction of siding and other 50315049 -XvKv wegvb e›`i †÷k‡b R¡vjvbx †Zj cwien‡bi j‡¶¨ infrastructure at Dhaka Biman Bandar mvBwWs jvBbmn Ab¨vb¨ AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY station for carrying aviation fuel. 50315050 - Rehabilitation of Bangladesh Railway 50315050 -KvbvWxq mvnvh¨vaxb evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cybe©vmb (2q using Canadian grant ch©vq) (01/07/88 - 30/06/2002) 50315051 - Improvement of 50315051 -PÆMÖvg-GmAviwf-wmwRwc †ijjvBb hvwÎevnx †Uªb Chittagong-SRV-CGPY-Dry dock section cwiPvjbvi Dc‡hvMxKiY Ges kvn AvgvbZ wegvb e›`i for running passenger trains and ch©šÍ ewa©ZKiY| extension upto Shah Amanat Air Portl. 50315052 - Modernization of Dhaka Diesel Loco and 50315052 -XvKv wW‡Rj †jv‡Kv I K¨v‡iR IqvK©kc AvaywbKxKiY| Carraige Workshop. 50315053 - Modernization of Parbatipur and Phulbari 50315053 -cve©Zxcyi Ges dzjevox †ijI‡q †÷kb AvaywbKxKiY| railway station. 50315054 - Rehabilitation of 98 flood affected Railway, 50315054 -eb¨vÔ98 G ¶wZMÖ¯’ †ij jvBb, ‡mZz, †QP, e¨vsK I Bridges, Cess, Bank and Other installation Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vcbvmg‡n cybe©vmb (01/07/99 - 30/06/2001) 50315055 - Assessment of Loading imp rest of 50315055 -G‡mm‡g›U Ae †jvwWs Bg‡có Ab e½eÜz eªxR Bangobandhu Bridge 50315056 - Construction of a new BG and DG 50315056 -cve©Zxcy‡i bZzb GKwU eªW‡MR Ges Wz‡qj‡MR KbµxU ¯ Concrete Sleeper Plant at Parbatipur. øxcvi c­v›U wbg©vY| 50315057 - Conversion of Vacuum Brake System of 50315057 -100wU eªW‡MR IqvM‡bi f¨vKzqvg †eªK‡K Gqvi †eª‡K 100 Nos. BG BC Wagons of Bangladesh iƒcvšÍi| Railway into Air Brake System. 50315058 - Construction of connecting railway links 50315058 -Uzw½cvov n‡Z dwKinvU n‡q ev‡MinvU Ges Lyjbvi mv‡_ from Tungipara to Faqirhat and From †ijI‡q ms‡hvM jvBb wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v | Faqirhat to Bagerhat, Khulna & Mongla port 50315059 - Improvement of Jessore-Benapole 50315059 -h‡kvni-‡ebv‡cvj †mKk‡bi Dbœqb section. 50315060 - 50315060 -100 Lvbv GwR U¨vsKvi IqvMb msMÖn (chv©q-1) (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) 50315061 - Procurement of 60 Ton capacity 2 nos. MG 50315061 -`‚N©Ubvq wiwjd †Uªb wnmv‡e e¨env‡ii Rb¨ 60 Ub ¶gZv and 80 ton capacity 2 nos. BG Crane for m¤cbœ 2 wU GgwR Ges 80 Ub ¶gZv m¤cbœ 2 wU wewR † accident relief train. µb msMÖn| 50315062 - Procurement of 60 Ton capacity 2 nos. MG 50315062 -`‚N©Ubvq wiwjd †Uªb wnmv‡e e¨env‡ii Rb¨ 60 Ub ¶gZv and 80 ton capacity 2 nos. BG Crane for m¤cbœ 2 wU GgwR Ges 80 Ub ¶gZv m¤cbœ 2 wU wewR † accident relief train. µb msMÖn| 50315063 - Procurement of 3 nos. Hydraulic Re-railing 50315063 -3wU nvBWªwjK we-‡ivwjs BKz¨Bc‡g›U msMÖn equipment. 50315064 - Construction of a modern track machine & 50315064 -cwðgv‡j GKwU AvaywbK Uª¨vK ‡gwkb I †gB‡›U‡bÝ maintenance shop in West Zone. kc ¯’vc‡bi mgx¶v| 50315065 - Construction of railway line from Hathazari 50315065 -nvUnvRvix n‡Z LvMovQwo ch©šZ †ijjvBb wbg©v‡Yi to Khagrachari. mgx¶v| 50315066 - Feasibility study for construction of railway 50315066 -mvZKvwbqv n‡Z ev›`ieb ch©šZ ‡ijjvBb wbg©v‡Yi line from Satkania to Bandarban. mgx¶v| 50315067 - Modernization of Kanchan Nagar Sleeper 50315067 -KvÂbbMi ¯øxcvi wUªU‡g›U cøv›U Gi Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ Treatment Plant mgx¶v| 50315068 - Institutional improvement of Bangladesh 50315068 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q‡Z cÖvwZôvwbK myweavi Dbœqb| Railway 50315069 - Feasibility study for track doubling in 50315069 -XvKv-wm‡jU, XvKv-cve©Zxcyi Ges XvKv-Lyjbv †ijI‡q Dhaka-Sylhet, Dhaka-Parbatipur and Kwi‡Wvi‡K Wvej jvB‡b DbœxZKi‡Yi mgx¶v| Dhaka-Khulna railway corridors 50315070 - Remodeling of Chittagong Railway station 50315070 -PÆMªvg ‡ijI‡q †÷kb wig‡Wwjs 50315071 - Beautification of Dhaka Railway Station 50315071 -XvKv wegvb e›`i †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi †mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY, and commercial use of railway station AvaywbK gvwë‡gvWvj myweav cÖeZ©b Ges wcwcwc wfwˇZ † building & adjasent areas in PPP basis ÷kb feb I †÷kb msjMœ GjvKvi KvwYwR¨K e¨envi| 50315072 - Beautification of Dhaka Airport railway 50315072 -XvKv †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi †mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY Ges wcwcwc station and commercial use of railway wfwˇZ †÷kb feb I †÷kb msjMœ GjvKvi KvwYwR¨K station building & adjasent areas in PPP e¨envi | basis

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315073 - Modernization of Khulna, Ishurdi and Loco 50315073 -Lyjbv, Ck¦i`x I cve©Zxcyi †jv‡Kv‡mW Ges K¨v‡iR †mW Shed and Carriage AvaywbKxKiY | 50315074 - Procurement of 301 meter gauge wagons 50315074 -301wU wewfbœ ai‡bi wgUvi‡MR IqvMb msMÖn | 50315075 - Conversion of Kadamtali workshop into 50315075 -K`gZjx eªxR IqvK©kc‡K AvaywbK Uª¨vK ‡gwkb I modern track machine & maintenance †gB‡›U‡bÝ kc-G iƒcvšÍiKiY| shop. 50315076 - Construction of a modern track machine & 50315076 -cwðgv‡j GKwU AvaywbK Uª¨vK ‡gwkb I †gB‡›U‡bÝ maintenance shop in West Zone kc ¯’vcb| 50315077 - Construction of Railway Line from Nazirhat 50315077 -bvwRinvU n‡Z cvbyqv ch©šÍ †ijjvBb wbg©vY | to Panua 50315078 - Construction of railway line from Hathazari 50315078 -nvUnvRvix n‡Z LvMovQwo ch©šÍ †ijjvBb wbg©vY to Khagrachari 50315079 - Construction of railway line from Satkania 50315079 -mvZKvwbqv n‡Z ev›`ieb ch©šÍ ‡ijjvBb wbg©vY to Bandarban 50315080 - Establishment of prestressed concrit 50315080 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †gBb jvB‡b Kv‡Vi cwie‡Z© wcª‡÷«mW sleeper instead of wooden sleeper KswµU wúcvi ¯’vcb bevqY 50315081 - Modernization of Kanchan Nagar Sleeper 50315081 -KvÂbbMi ¯øxcvi wUªU‡g›U cøv›U Gi Dbœqb| Treatment Plant 50315082 - Modernization of Dhaka and Chittagong 50315082 -XvKv Ges PÆMÖv‡gi K¨v‡iR wW‡cv, †jv‡Kv †mW Ges Carriage Depot & Loco Shed and CGPY wmwRwcIAvB †jv‡Kv‡mW I IqvMb wW‡cv AvaywbKxKiY| locoshed & Wagon depot 50315083 - Beautification of Tejgaon, Narayanganj 50315083 -†ZRMuvI, bvivqbMÄ, U½x †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi †mŠ›`h© and Tungi railway stations and e„w×KiY Ges wcwcwc wfwˇZ †÷kb feb I †÷kb commercial use of railway station building msjMœ GjvKvi KvwYwR¨K e¨envi| & adjasent areas in PPP basis 50315084 - Beautification of Chittagong Railway 50315084 -PÆMÖvg †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi †mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY Ges wcwcwc station and commercial use of railway wfwˇZ †÷kb feb I †÷kb msjMœ GjvKvi KvwYwR¨K station building & adjacent areas on PPP e¨envi | basis 50315085 - Beautification of Sylhet railway station and 50315085 -wm‡jU †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi †mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY Ges wcwcwc commercial use of railway station building wfwˇZ †÷kb feb I †÷kb msjMœ GjvKvi KvwYwR¨K & adjacent areas on PPP basis e¨envi 50315086 - Beautification of Rajshahi railway stations 50315086 -ivRkvnx †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi †mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY Ges wcwcwc and commercial use of railway station wfwˇZ †÷kb feb I †÷kb msjMœ GjvKvi KvwYwR¨K building & adjacent areas on PPP basis e¨envi| (01-07-2012 to 30-06-2015). 50315087 - Beautification of Khulna railway stations of 50315087 -Lyjbv †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi †mŠ›`h© e„w×KiY Ges wcwcwc west zone and commercial use of railway wfwˇZ †÷kb feb I †÷kb msjMœ GjvKvi KvwYwR¨K station building & adjacent areas on PPP e¨envi | basis 50315088 - Construction of Carriage building shop in 50315088 - ˆmq`cy‡i GKwU K¨v‡iR ˆZixi IqvK©kc wbg©vY Saidpur 50315089 - Procurement of 500 Meter Gauge and 8 50315089 -500wU wgUvi‡MR 8-ûBjvi IqvMb msMÖn| Huiler Machine 50315090 - Protection work of Gorai Bridge on the 50315090 -Kywóqv-ivRevox †mKkvb Gi MovB †mZyi cªwZi¶vi KvR Kustia-Rajbari section 50315091 - Modernization of Store Management 50315091 -j¨ve †Uw÷s myweavmn †÷vi g¨v‡bR‡g›U e¨e¯’vi including moder Lab testing facilities AvaywbKxKiY 50315092 - Modernization of Railway Press 50315092 -†ijI‡q †cÖm AvaywbKxKiY | 50315093 - Rehabilitation and removal of Level 50315093 -†`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †j‡fj µwms †MUmg~‡n Crossing Gates of different space of d¬vBIfvi wbg©v‡Yi gva¨‡g †j‡fj µwms †MU AcmviY| Bangladesh Railway 50315094 - Rail Link Project - Phase I. 50315094 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cÙv †mZz †ijI‡q wjsK cÖKí (ch©vq -1) 50315095 - Technical Assistance for Sub Regional 50315095 -Dc-AvÂwjK †ij cwienb cÖKímg~‡ni cÖ¯‘wZg~jK Rail Transport Project Preparatory Facility. myweavi Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí| 50315096 - Procurement of 70 MG DE Locomotives 50315096 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 70wU wgUvi †MR wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMÖn| 50315097 - Construction of Meter gauge line between 50315097 -e¸ov-m`v›`cyi-Rvg‰Zj wgUvi †MR jvBb wbg©vY| Bogra-Sadanandapur/Jamtoil

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315098 - Line capacity improvement between 50315098 -ga¨eZx© e­K wmMb¨vwjs cÖe©Z‡bi gva¨‡g XvKvGes U½xi Dhaka and Tongi by introducing g‡a¨ jvBb K¨vcvwmwU e„w×KiY| Intermediate Block Signaling 50315099 - Procurement of 100 MG & 50 BG 50315099 -100wU GgwR Ges 50wU wewR hvÎxevnx Mvox msMÖn| Passenger Carriage 50315100 - Rehablitation and Construction of 50315100 -cvUywiqv-dwi`cyi-fv½v †ijc_ cybe©vmb I wbg©vY Pachuria_Faridpur-bhanga Section of cÖKí(01/07/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangadesh Railway 50315101 - Replacement and modernization of 50315101 -cwðgv‡ji Ck¦i`x-`k©bv †mKk‡bi 14wU †÷k‡bi signaling & interlocking system at 14 wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨ve¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I stations Isurdi to Darsana in West Zone AvaywbKxKiY| 50315102 - Replacement and modernization of 50315102 -c~e©v‡ji wPbKx Av¯Ívbv-PÆMÖvg ‡mKk‡bi 11wU † signaling & interlocking system at 11 ÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨ve¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I stations in Chinki astana-Chittagong AvaywbKxKiY| section of East Zone of BR 50315103 - Construction of broadgauge line between 50315103 -fv½v-ewikvj ch©šZ eªW‡MR jvBb wbg©vY Bhanga-Barisal 50315104 - Construction of Broad gauge line between 50315104 -fv½v-h‡kvni ch©šZ g‡a¨ eªW‡MR jvBb wbg©vY| Bhanga-Jessore 50315105 - Replacement and modernization of 50315105 -Ck¦i`x-cve©Zxcyi †mKk‡bi 20wU †÷kb Ges signaling & interlocking system at 20 ivRkvnx-Avãyjcyi †mKk‡b 5wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I stations and Rajshahi-Abdulpur between B›UvijwKs e¨ve¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I AvaywbKxKiY| Ishurdi-Parbatipur and 5 stations bet 50315106 - Replacement and modernization of 50315106 -Ck¦i`x-cve©Zxcyi †mKk‡bi 20wU †÷kb Ges signaling & interlocking system at 20 ivRkvnx-Avãyjcyi †mKk‡b 5wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I stations between Ishurdi-Parbatipur and B›UvijwKs e¨ve¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I AvaywbKxKiY| Rajshasi-Abdulpur 5 stations 50315107 - Procurement of 20 sets BG Diesel Electric 50315107 -20 †mU (wZb BDwbU GK †mU) wewR wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK Multiple Unit (DEMU). gvwëcj BDwbU (wWBGgBD) msMÖn| 50315108 - Environmental Audit of Bangladesh 50315108 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwi‡ekMZ AwWU| Railway 50315109 - Bangladesh Railway Modernization Project 50315109 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q AvaywbKvqb cÖKí| 50315110 - BMRE of Railway printing press 50315110 -‡ijI‡q wcªw›Us ‡cª‡mi weGgAvi B 50315111 - Capacity enhancement of Railway training 50315111 -‡Uªwbs gwWD‡ji Dbœqb Ges Ab¨vb¨ jwRw÷K myweav academy through imrovement of training cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g †ijI‡q †Uªwbs GKv‡Wgxi K¨vcvwmwU modules and facilitate other logistics e„w×KiY| 50315112 - Capacity enhancement for project 50315112 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q‡Z cÖKí e¨e¯’vcbv K¨vcvwmwU management in BR e„w×KiY| 50315113 - Introduction of Electric Traction in 50315113 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg †ijI‡q Kwi‡Wv‡i B‡jKwUªK Uª¨vKkb e¨e¯’v Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Corridor cÖeZ©b| 50315114 - Construction of 33/11 KVA sub-station and 50315114 -XvKv I PÆMÖv‡g 33/11 †KwfG mve‡÷kb I cvIqvi power supply system in Dhaka and mvcøvB wm‡÷g wbg©vY| Chittagong (01-07-2012 to 30-06-2014) 50315115 - Procurement of 20 sets of Diesel Hydrolic 50315115 -Òevsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 20 †mU (wZb BDwbU GK Multiple Unit (DHMU) for introducing †mU) wW‡Rj nvBWªwjK gvwëcj BDwbU commuter trains. (wWGBPBGgBD) msMÖnÓ| 50315116 - Construction of 2nd Railway-cum-road 50315116 -KY©dyjx b`xi Ici (KvjyiNvU †mZzi wbK‡U) 2q Bridge over the river Karnafuli (near †ij-Kvg-†ivW †mZz wbg©vY| Kalurghat Bridge). 50315117 - Construction of connecting railway links 50315117 -Uzw½cvov n‡Z dwKinvU Ges dwKinvU n‡Z ev‡MinvU, from Tungipara to Faqirhat and From Lyjbv I gsjv †cvU© Gi ms‡hvM †ijjvBbmg~n wbg©vY| Faqirhat to Bagerhat, Khulna & Mongla port 50315118 - Construction of Akhaura-Agartala Rail link 50315118 -AvLvDov n‡Z AvMiZjv ch©šZ †ijjvBb wbg©vY| 50315119 - Construction of separate dual gauge 50315119 -we`¨gvb e½eÜz †mZzi cv‡k hgybv b`xi Ici †ijI‡q double line railway Bridge over river G‡cÖvPmn ‡ij†mZz wbg©vY| Jamuna parallel to the existing Bangabandhu Bridge. 50315120 - Modernisation and expansion of 6 signal 50315120 -gqgbwmsn-Rvgvjcyi †mKk‡b 6wU (Qq) Rvgvjcyi † systems in Mymensingh-Jamalpur ók‡bi wmMbvwjs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY I m¤žªmviY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315121 - Construction of 2nd Railway cum road 50315121 -dyjQwo-evnv`yivev` Nv‡U hgybv b`xi Ici †ijI‡q Bridge connecting Phulchari ghat & G‡cÖvPmn ‡ij†mZz wbg©vY| Bahadurabad ghat over the river Jamuna including rail links. 50315122 - Construction of Railway Line from Navaran 50315122 -bvfvib n‡Z mvZ¶xiv n‡q gywÝMÄ ch©šÍ †ijjvBb to Munsiganj Via Satkhira wbg©vY| 50315123 - Consultancy services for detailed 50315123 -XvKv-jvKmvg KW© jvBb wbg©v‡Yi we¯ÍvwiZ wWRvBb Gi engineering design and safegaurd policy Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv| studies for construction of Dhaka-Laksam chord line 50315124 - Rehabilitation of 40 Nos. Locomotives of 50315124 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 40wU †jv‡Kv‡gvwU‡fi cybe©vmb| Bangladesh Railway. 50315125 - Construction of Dhaka-Laksam chord line 50315125 -XvKv-jvKmvg KW© jvBb wbg©vY 50315126 - Strengthen Hardinge 50315126 -nvwW©Ä †mZzi kw³e„w×KiY/ cybt wbg©vY| Bridge/Reconstruction 50315127 - Dhaka-Parbatipur Double Tracking 50315127 -XvKv-cve©Zxcyi Kwi‡Wvi‡K Wvej jvB‡b DbœxZKiY 50315128 - Procurement of 30 MG & 60 BG 50315128 -30wU GgwR Ges 60wU wewR †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMÖn Locomotive 50315130 - Renewal of 96 Kilo meter rail sleeper 50315130 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †ijc‡_i ‡gBb jvBb †mKk‡b wPbKxAv¯ between Dhaka-Chittagong Main line vbv-Kzwgov-‰fieevRvi-UsMxi ga¨eZ©x 96 wK‡jvwgUvi †ijc_ wúcvi 50315131 - Technica; Assistance for subregional Rao; 50315131 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di mvewiwRIbvj †ij U«v›m‡cvU© cÖ Traneport Project Preararory Facility. ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix d¨vwmwjwU 50315132 - Procurement pf 20 Sets Diesel Electric 50315132 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 20 †mU (wZb BDwb‡U †mU) Multiple Unit(DEMU) for Bangladesh wW‡Rj B‡jKwU«K gvwëcj BDwbU (wWBGgBD) msMªn Railway. 50315140 - Rehabilitation of 7 stations signaling 50315140 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †gBb jvBb †mKkvb Gi 7wU (mvZ) †÷kb system of Dhaka-Chittagong main line Gi 50315150 - Establishment of recondition steel sleeper 50315150 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †ijc‡_i GKvs‡k wiKwÛkvb w÷j wúcvi on Dhaka-Chittagong railline (One side) 50315160 - Procurement of 60 MG and 50 BG disel 50315160 -60wU (lvU) wgUvi †MR Ges 50wU (cÂvk) eªW †MR enginees wW‡Rj BwÄb msMªn 50315170 - EMARGENCY REHABILITATION & 50315170 -65wU wgUvi †MR I 15wU eªW †MR hvÎxevnx ewM msMªn PASSENGER CARRIAGE 50315180 - Rehabilitation of rail line, bridges and 50315180 -eb¨vÕ93 Gi ¶wZMª¯ †ijjvBb, †mZy I †÷kb wewìs station damaged by flood of 1993 BZ¨vw` cybe©vmb 50315183 - Techno-economical Feasibility study & 50315183 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg Kwi‡Wv‡i ms‡hvM †ijc_mn ˆfie I wZZvm detailed Engineering Design for doubling †mZz ‰ØZKiY Gi j‡¶¨ †UK‡bv-B‡Kv‡bvwgK¨vj mgx¶v of Bhairab & Titas Bridge with approach I wek` BwÄwbqvwis wWRvBb| rail link in Dhaka-Chittagong Corridor 50315184 - Feasibility study, detailed engineering 50315184 -2q KY©dzwj ‡ij Kvg †ivW wbg©v‡Yi j‡¶¨ ‡UK‡bv design and construction for double Track B‡Kv‡bvwgK¨vj ÷vwW Ges wW‡UBj wWRvBb| Railway-Cum road bridge Karnafulli bridge (2nd Karnafulli Bridge) 50315185 - Environmental Audit of Bangladesh 50315185 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwi‡ekMZ AwWU | Railway 50315186 - Replacement and modernization of 50315186 -wPbwK Av¯@vbv-PÆMÖvg †mKk‡b 11(GMv‡iv) wU †÷k‡bi signaling and interlocking system at 11 wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I stations in Chinkiastana-Chittagong AvaywbKxKiY| section 50315190 - Emergecny repair of various infrastructure 50315190 -XvKv †ijI‡q †ók‡bi wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gvi Ri“ix †givgZ of Bangladesh railway station 50315200 - Construction of single line MG Railway 50315200 -‡`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K·evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z Track from Dohazari to Cox?s Bazar Via. gvqvbgv‡ii wbK‡U ¸b`yg ch©šZ wm‡½j jvBb wgUvi‡MR Ramuand Ramu to Gundum near U«¨vK wbg©vY (01/07/10-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Myanmar. 50315210 - Repairing of Bangladesh railway bridges 50315210 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †mZymg‡ni wbivcËvgjK †givgZ for safety 50315220 - Rehabilitation of station building and 50315220 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‡÷kb feY Ges AvbylvswMK ¯’vcbv ancillary

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315230 - Renewal of sleepers on 5 MG and 7 BG 50315230 -7wU eªW †MR I 5wU wgUvi †MR †mKkv‡bi wúcvi bevqb sections 50315240 - Renovation of cess, bank protection and 50315240 -‡Qm †givgZ, e¨vsK cª‡UKkvb, †givgZ I m‡qj soil treatment in main line wUªU‡g›U †gBb jvBb 50315250 - Rehabilitation of railway main and 50315250 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †gBb jvBb I kvLv jvBbmg‡ni subsidiary lines ‡ijc_ cybe©vmb 50315260 - Emergency overhaulming of 325 MG and 50315260 -325wU wgUvi †MR I 90wU eªW †MR †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf Gi 90 BG locomotive 50315270 - Construction of Madhayapara hard rock 50315270 -ga¨cvov KwVb wkjv Ges eocyKzwiqv Kqjv Lwb GjvKvq and Barapukura coal mine areas †ij‡hvMv‡hvM ¯’vcb 50315280 - Establishment of rail line both side of 50315280 -hgybv †mZyi Dfq cªv‡š †ij ms‡hvM ¯’vcb Jamuna bridge 50315290 - Procurement of 10 MG passenger coatch 50315290 -‡ejwRqvg mnvqZvq 10wU wgUvi †MR hvÎxevnx Mvox msMªn under Belgium grant 50315300 - Procurement of 125 BG Passenger 50315300 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 125 wU wewR hvÎxevnx Mvox Carriages For Bangladesh Railway. msMªn (01/08/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315310 - Procurement of 94 MG and 22 BG diesel 50315310 -94wU wgUvi †MR Ges 22wU eªW‡MR wW‡Rj BwÄb locomotives (Teesta Ghat transfer) ‡jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMªn (wZ¯vgyL NvU ¯’vbvšiKiY) 50315320 - Development of operational facilities of 50315320 -Acv‡iwUs myweavw`i Dbœqb (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) Bangladesh Railway 50315330 - Export Infrastructure Development Project 50315330 -ißvbx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/09 - (EIDP). 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 01/07/2009---30/06/2013 50315340 - Balance work of rehabilitation of Main Line 50315340 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †gBbjvBb †mKkbmg–‡ni cybe©vmb Sections of Bangladesh Railway (West (cwðgvÂj) cªK‡íi Aewkó KvR (01/07/2009- Zone) Project 1/07/2009---31/12/2012 31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z| 50315350 - Modernization of Saidpur Railway 50315350 -ˆmq`cyi ‡ijI‡q IqvK©mc AvaywbKxKiY (Rvcvbx FY Workshop. 01/03/2009---30/09/2012 gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/03/2009-30/9/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315360 - Procurement of 1 no. 60 M.Ton Capacity 50315360 -`yN©Ubv wiwjd †U«‡bi Rb¨ 60 †gwU«KUb ¶gZv m¤cbœ 1wU MG & 1 no. 80 M. Ton Capacity BG Crane GgwR Ges 80 †gwU«K Ub ¶gZv m¤•b 1wU wewR †µb for Accident Relief Train. msMªn (Rvcvbx FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (15/03/2009-30/09/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315370 - Procurement of 3 crane for relief train 50315370 -wiwjd †U«‡bi Rb¨ 3wU †µb msMªn (2wU wgUvi †MR I (2MGD and 1BG) 1wU eªW †MR) 50315380 - Construction of workshop for heavey 50315380 -wW‡Rj Bwćbi †givgZ I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi Rb¨ repairing and maintenance DbœZgv‡bi 50315400 - Rehabilitation of Kalukhali- Bhatiapara 50315400 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KvjyLvjx-fvwUqvcvov †mKkb Section and Construction of cybe©vmb Ges Kvwkqvbx-†MvcvjMÄ-Uyw½cvov bZyb †ijc_ Kashiani-Gopalganj-Tungiparp new Rail wbg©vY (01/10/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z line. 50315410 - Construction of inland container depot at 50315410 -XvKvq GKwU Af¨š@ixY K‡›UBbvi wW‡cv ¯’vcb Dhaka (01/07/97 - 30/06/2002) 50315420 - Development of rail transportation facilities 50315420 -hgybv mvi KviLvbv ¯’vc‡bi cwi‡cªw¶‡Z †ij cwien‡Yi in Jamuna fertiliser factory 50315431 - Rehabilitation of Bangladesh railway 50315431 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cybM©Vb Kg©mPxi AvIZvq cÖvwZôvwbK under infrastructure development cybM©Vb 50315460 - Procurement of 37 mainline disel 50315460 -37Lvbv †gBb jvB‡b †jvK‡gvwUf msMª‡ni Aewkó 9Lvbv locomotive msMªn 50315470 - Introduction of internal container 50315470 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q‡Z Af¨šixY K‡›UBbvi e¨e¯’vi c«eZ©b arrangement of Bangladesh rail way 50315480 - Construction of double rail line from Tongi 50315480 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †gBb jvB‡b Uw½-‰fie evRvi ch©š ‰ØZ to Bhairab bazar †ijc_ wbgv©Y (01/07/1996-30/06/2001) 50315490 - Procurement of 10 MG diesel locomotives 50315490 -10Lvbv wgUvi‡MR wW‡Rj BwÄb B‡jKwUªK †jvK‡gvwUf msMªn (01/07/95 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315500 - Construction of a New Raolway line Rrom 50315500 -Ck¦i`x †_‡K cvebv n‡q XvjviPi ch©šZ bZyb †ijc_ Ishurdi to Dhalarchar Via Pabna. wbg©vY (01/10/10-30/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315510 - Procurement of 66 MG passenger 50315510 -66Lvbv wgUvi‡MR hvÎxevnx Mvwo msMªn carriages

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315520 - Procurement of 26 MG (18 air-conditioned 50315520 -18Lvbv wgUvi †MR kxZvZc wbqwšZ hvÎxevwn Mvwo I and 8 power carts ) passenger carriages 8Lvbv wgUvi‡MR cvIqvi Kvimn †gvU 26wU wgUvi‡MR Mvwo msMÖn (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 50315530 - Rehabilitation of Laksam- Chandpur 50315530 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi jvKmvm-Puv`cyi †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb Section of Bangladesh Railway. (01/01/11-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315531 - Introduction of computerised wagon 50315531 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q‡Z Kw¤•DUvivBRW IqvMb K‡›U«vj wm‡ control system óg PvjyKiY 50315540 - Construction of 2nd Bhairab and 2nd 50315540 -†ijI‡q G‡cÖvPmn 2q ˆfie Ges 2q wZZvm †mZy wbg©vY Titas Bridges with Approach Rail Lines. cÖKí (01/11/10-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315541 - Feasibility study of establishment of rail 50315541 -hgybv †mZy‡Z †ijjvBb ¯’vcb I wbKU¯’ †ijjvB‡bi line on Jamuna bridge mwnZ ms‡hvM cÖwZôvi mgx¶v 50315550 - Procurement of 150 Nos.MG Passenger 50315550 -150 wU GgwR hvÎxevnx Mvox msMªn Carriages (01/12/10-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315560 - Construction of Khulna-Mongla Port Rail 50315560 - wdwmwewjwU ÷vwWmn Lyjbv n‡Z gsjv †cvU© ch©šZ Line including Feasibility Study. †ijc_ wbg©vY (01/12/10-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315570 - Procurement of 170 Nos.MG Flat 50315570 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 170wU GgwRweGd wmwU 11wU wagon(BFCT) and 11 Nos.MG Bogi Brake †eªKf¨vb msMªn (01/11/10-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z van(BBV) with Air Brake System For carrying container. 50315580 - Procurement of 264 Nos. MG Passenger 50315580 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 264wU GgwR †KvP I 2wU wewR carriages & 2 Nos BG Insprection Car. B›m‡cKkb Kvi msMªn (01/12/10-31/12/2012) (FCH). Aby‡gvw`Z 50315590 - Procurement of 30 Nos.Broad Gauge(BG) 50315590 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 30wU wewR †jv‡Kv‡gwUf msMªn Diesel electric(DF) Locomotives. (01/12/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315600 - Procurement of 100 Nos. Bogie Tank 50315600 -wegv‡bi R¡vjvwb cwien‡bi Rb¨ Gqvi †eªK BK¨yc‡g›Umn wagon and 5 Nos. MG Brake Van with Air 100wU GgwR U¨vsK IqvMb Ges 5wU GgwR †eªK f¨vb Brake Equipment For Carrying Aviation msMªn| (01/12/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Fuol. 50315610 - Rehabilitation of 394 MG & 138 BG 50315610 -394 wU wgUvi‡MR I 138wU eªW †MR hvÎxevnx Mvoxi passenger carriages cyYe©vmb †U«b jvB‡Uwbs Ges GqviKwÛkvwbs e¨e¯’vi cÖeZ©Y 50315620 - Renewal of sleeper on 96 KM 50315620 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †gBb jvBb †mkK‡b wPbwKAv¯vbv Kzwgiv Dhaka-Chittagong railway Ges ˆfieevRvi UsMxi ga¨eZx© 96 wK‡jvwgUvi †ijc_ wúcvi 50315630 - Establishment of recondition steel sleeper 50315630 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †ijc‡_i GKvsk wiKwÛkb wój wúcvi Øviv on Dhaka-Chittagong rail line (One side) AvswkK wúcvi bevqb 50315631 - Regional Rail Traffic Enhancement 50315631 -wiwRIbvj †ij UªvwdK Gb‡n݇g›U †cÖvMÖvg ( Programme 1/7/2001-30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315640 - Emergency overhauling of 60 MG disel and 50315640 -60 Lvbv wgUvi †MR I 50 Lvbv eªW ‡MR wW‡Rj 50 BG disel locomotives †jv‡Kv†gvwUf Gi Ri“wi Ifvi‡nvwjs 50315641 - Development of operational facilities of 50315641 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q cÖvwZôvwbK cyYM©Vb (chv©q-3) Bangladesh Railway (Phase-3) (1/7/01 - 30/6/05) Abby‡gvw`Z 50315650 - Rehabilitation of rail line, bridges and 50315650 -eb¨v Õ93 Gi ¶wZMª¯ †ij jvBb, †mZy, †÷kb wewìs station damage by flood of 1993 BZ¨v`x †givgZ 50315660 - Repairing of Bangladesh railway bridges 50315660 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q ‡mZymgy‡ni wbivcËvgjK †givgZ for safety KvR 50315670 - Rehabilitation, extension, modernisation of 50315670 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡j 14wU †÷k‡bi wmMbvwjs signal systems of Bangladesh Railway I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY, (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315680 - Shifting of Tistamuk Ghat 50315680 -wZ¯v NvU ¯’vbvši 50315690 - Rehabilitation of Bangladesh railway 50315690 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †ókb feb I Avbylw½K ¯’vcbvmg‡ni stations and ancillary cybM©Vb 50315700 - Rehabilitation of Fateabad –Narirhat and 50315700 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †lvj kni-†`vnvRvix I Sholashhar-Dohariari Sections of d‡Zqvev`-bwRinvU †mKkb cybe©vmb Bangladesh Railway (01/01/11-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315710 - Procurement of 10 (1set consist of 3units) 50315710 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 10wU (wZb BDwbU †mU) wW‡Rj of Diesel Electric Multiple B‡jKwU«K gvwëcj BDwbU (wWBGgBD) msMªn Unit(DEMU) fpr Bangladesh Railway (01/12/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315720 - Emergency overhauling of locomotives 50315720 -156 wgUvi †MR Ges 56wU eªW †MR †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf Gi (156 MG & 56 BG) Ri“wi Ifvi‡nvwjs

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315730 - Establishment of rail line between 50315730 -ga¨cvov KwVb wkjv Ges eocyKzwiqv Kqjv Lwb GjvKvq Madhyapara hard rock and Barapukuria †ij ‡hvMv‡hvM ¯’vcb (01/07/97 - 31/12/2001) coal mine 50315740 - Establishment of rail line on both sides of 50315740 -hgybv †mZy †ijc_ ms‡hvM wbg©vY (2q ms‡kvwaZ) Jamuna bridge (01/07/97 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315750 - Procurement of 41 MG diesel locomotives 50315750 -47wU (41wU wgUvi †MR Ges 6wU eªW ‡MR wW‡Rj BwÄb) †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMªn (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315760 - Procurement of 180 Nos. BG Bogie oil 50315760 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 180 wU wewR ewM I‡qj U¨vsK Tank Wagon and 6 Nos BG Bogie Brake IqvMb Ges 6wU wewR ewM †eªK f¨vb msMªn Van for Bangladesh Wailway. (01/08/10-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315770 - Rehabilitation of installation affected by 50315770 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi eb¨vÕ95 ¶wZMª¯ ¯’vcbvw`i cybe©vmb flood of 1995 50315780 - Procurement of 10 Nos. Broad Gauge 50315780 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 10wU wewR wW‡Rj B‡jKwU«K (BG) Diesel Electric(DE) Locomotives. †jv‡Kv‡gwUf msMªn (01/08/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315790 - Construction of housing complex for 50315790 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ nvDwRs Kg‡c­· railway staff wbgv©Y (wbR¯^ Znwej ev¯evqb) 50315800 - Procurment of 50 Nos MG BFCT and 5 50315800 -K‡›UBbvi cwien‡bi Rb¨ 50wU d¨vU IqvMb (weGdwmwU) Nos MG Broke Van Ges Gqvi †eªKmn 5wU GgwR †eªK f¨vY msMªn (01/08/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50315810 - Feasibility study of Jamuna bridge and 50315810 -hgybv †mZyi cªwZôvi mgx¶v Ges cª‡KŠkj `icÎ finalising of engineering tender PyovšKiY 50315820 - Track maintenance and training 50315820 -U«vK i¶Yv‡e¶b cªwk¶b Kvh©µg programme 50315821 - Feasibility Study for construction of Railway 50315821 -nvUnvRvix †_‡K iv½vgvwU ch©šZ †ijI‡q jvBb wbg©v‡Yi Line from Hathazari to Rangamati m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v| 50315822 - Construction of overpass/fly over in 50315822 -XvKv kn‡ii ¸iæZ¡c~b© †j‡fj µwms †MUmg~‡ni Ici important level crossing gates in Dhaka Ifvicvm/dvBIfvi wbg©Vy 50315823 - Survey/Study for construction of Railway 50315823 -bvwRinvU †_‡K cvbyqv ch©šZ †ijI‡q jvBb wbg©v‡Yi Line from Nazirhat to Panua. mv‡f©/mgx¶v| 50315824 - Feasibility Study for construction of circular 50315824 -XvKv kn‡ii Pviw`‡K mvKz©jvi †ij jvBb wbg©v‡Yi MG rail line around Dhaka city m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v| 50315825 - Feasibility Study for construction of Railway 50315825 -bvfvib †_‡K mvZ¶xiv n‡q gywÝMÄ ch©šÍ †ijI‡q Line from Navaran to Munsiganj Via jvBb wbg©v‡Yi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v| Satkhira 50315826 - Conversion of BG railway line into Dual 50315826 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ivRkvnx n‡Z Avãyjcyi ch©šZ Gauge from Rajshahi to Abdulpur. eªW‡MR †ijI‡q jvBb‡K Wz‡qj‡M‡R izcvšZi 50315827 - Rehabilitation of Feni - Belonia section of 50315827 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‡dbx -we‡jvwbqv †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb BR 50315828 - Rehabilitation of Bonarpara-Kaunia 50315828 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‡evbvicvov -KvDwbqv wgUvi‡MR section of BR †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb| 50315829 - Rehabilitation of Sylhet-Chattak Bazar 50315829 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wm‡jU -QvZKevRvi †mKk‡bi section of BR cybe©vmb| 50315830 - Introduction of telecommunication system 50315830 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi cªeZ©b Ges and development of human resources gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb 50315831 - Rehabilitation of 50315831 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rvgvjcyi-ZvivKvw›` RMbœv_MÄ NvU Jamalpur-Tarakandi-Jagannathganj Ghat †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb| section of BR 50315832 - Rehabilitaton of 50315832 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‰fieevRvi -gqgbwmsn †mKk‡bi Bhairabbazar-Mymensingh section of BR cybe©vmb cÖKí| 50315833 - Extention of Single line MG railway track 50315833 -‡bvqvLvjx n‡Z †Pqvig¨vb NvU ch©šZ wm‡½j jvBb from Noakhali to Chairman Ghat. wgUvi‡MR †ijI‡q Uª¨K ewa©ZKiY| 50315834 - Construction of rail link with Uttora EPZ 50315834 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi DËiv-Bwc‡RW Gi mv‡_ †ij ms‡hvM jvBb wbgv©Y| 50315835 - Construction of rail link with Ishurdi EPZ 50315835 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Ck¦i`x-Bwc‡RW Gi mv‡_ †ij ms‡hvM jvBb wbgv©Y| 50315836 - Construction of 3rd & 4th line between 50315836 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi XvKv-U½x ‡mKk‡b 3q I 4_© jvBb Dhaka-Tongi section of BR wbg©vY| 50315837 - Construction of MG Double Line from 50315837 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rq‡`ecyi n‡Z gqgbwmsn ch©šZ Joydebpur to Mymensingh section of BR. †mKk‡b wgUvi‡MR Wvej jvBb wbg©vY|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315838 - Construction of Tungi-Joydevpur Dual 50315838 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi U½x-Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡b Wz‡qj‡MR Gauge Double Railway Line. Wvej jvBb wbg©vY| 50315839 - Conversion of MG railway line into Dual 50315839 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cve©Zxcyi n‡Z KvDwbqv ch©šZ Gauge from Parbatipur to Kaunia of BR. wgUvi‡MR †ijI‡q jvBb‡K Wz‡qj‡M‡R i‚cvšZi| 50315840 - Establishment of double line of 50315840 -XvKv - PÆMªvg †gBb jvBb †mKk‡b ‰ØZ †ijc_ ¯’vcb Dhaka-Chittagong main line 50315841 - Construction of Double line in 50315841 -XvKv-bvivqYMÄ †mKk†b Wvej jvBb wbg©vY Dhaka-Narayanganj section 50315842 - Procurement of 26 Nos. BG luggage van & 50315842 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi B›UviwmwU †Uªb Ges cv‡k¦©j †Uª‡bi 4 nos. BG Shovon chair car with pantry & Rb¨ 26wU wewR jv‡MR f¨vb Ges 4wU wewR ‡kvfb †Pqvi guard brake DB_ c¨vw›Uª Gbs MvW© †eªK msMÖn| 50315843 - Procurement of 20 sets (1 set consists pf 50315843 -Òevsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 20 †mU (wZb BDwbU GK 3 units) Diesel Electric Multiple Unit †mU) wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK gvwëcj BDwbU (wWBGgBD) (DEMU) for Bangladesh Railway msMÖnÓ kxl©K cÖKí| 50315844 - Rehabilitation of 58 Nos. (41 MG & 17 BG) 50315844 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 58wU (17wU wewR Ges 41wU Locomotives of BR GgwR) wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf cybev©mb| 50315845 - Renovation of Central Railway Building in 50315845 -GKwU cyivKxwZ© wn‡m‡e †K›`ªxq †ijfeb, PÆMÖvg Gi Chittagong as a Heritage Building cybe©vmb| including beautification of surrounding areas of CRB 50315846 - Construction of 2 (two) nos. ‘B’ Class 50315846 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wgR©vcyi-‡gŠPvK †÷kb Ges Station at Kaliakoir & Elenga in between UvsMvBj-Beªvwngvev` †÷k‡bi g‡a¨ Aew¯’Z Kvwjqv‰Ki Mirzapur-Mouchak Station and Ges G‡jsMv‡Z 2wU ÒweÓ Kvm †÷kb wbg©vb| Tangail-Bangabandhu Setu East Station 50315847 - Rehabilitation of Kulaura-Shahbazpur 50315847 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KzjvDov-kvnevRcyi †mKk‡bi section of Bangladesh Railway cybe©vmb| 50315848 - Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Level 50315848 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji †j‡fj µwms Crossing Gates of West Zone of †MBUmg~‡ni cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb| Bangladesh Railway 50315849 - Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Level 50315849 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c~e©v‡ji †j‡fj µwms Crossing Gates of East Zone of †MBUmg~‡ni cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb| Bangladesh Railway 50315850 - Through Renewal of Worn out Rail and 50315850 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wPbwKAv¯Zvbv-AvïMÄ †mKk‡bi allied works in Chinki astana - Ashuganj ¶qcÖvß †ij m¤cyY© bevqY Ges Ab¨vb¨ Avbymvw½K KvR| Section of BR. 50315852 - Padma Bridge Rail Link Project - Phase I. 50315852 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cÙv †mZz †ijI‡q wjsK cÖKí (Construction of (ch©vq -1) Dhaka-Mawa-Janjira-Bhanga rail line) 50315853 - Technical Assistance for Sub Regional 50315853 -Dc-AvÂwjK †ij cwienb cÖKímg~‡ni cÖ¯‘wZg~jK Rail Transport Project Preparatory Facility. myweavi Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí| 50315854 - Procurement of 70 MG DE Locomotives 50315854 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 70wU wgUvi †MR wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMÖn| 50315855 - Construction of Meter gauge line between 50315855 -e¸ov-m`v›`cyi-Rvg‰Zj wgUvi †MR jvBb wbg©vY| Bogra-Sadanandapur/Jamtoil 50315856 - Procurement of 150 Nos. MG Passenger 50315856 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 100wU GgwR Ges 50 wU wewR Coaches hvÎxevnx Mvox msMÖn| 50315857 - Line capacity improvement between 50315857 -ga¨eZx© e­K wmMb¨vwjs cÖe©Z‡bi gva¨‡g XvKv Ges U½xi Dhaka and Tongi by introducing g‡a¨ jvBb K¨vcvwmwU e„w×KiY| Intermediate Block Signaling 50315858 - Replacement and modernization of 50315858 -cwðgv‡ji Ck¦i`x-`k©bv †mKk‡bi 14wU †÷k‡bi signaling & interlocking system at 14 wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨ve¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I stations in West Zone and 11 stations in AvaywbKxKiY| Chinki astana-Chittagong section of East Zone of BR 50315859 - Replacement and modernization of 50315859 -c~e©v‡ji wPbKx Av¯Zvbv-PÆMÖvg ‡mKk‡bi 11wU † signaling & interlocking system at 11 ÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨ve¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I stations in Chinki astana-Chittagong AvaywbKxKiY| section of East Zone of BR 50315860 - Construction of new broadgauge line 50315860 -fv½v-ewikvj ch©šZ eªW‡MR jvBb wbg©vY| between Bhanga-Barisal

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50315861 - Construction of Broad gauge line between 50315861 -fv½v-h‡kvni ch©šZ g‡a¨ eªW‡MR jvBb wbg©vY| Bhanga-Jessore 50315862 - Replacement and modernization of 50315862 -Ck¦i`x-cve©Zxcyi †mKk‡bi 20wU †÷kb Ges signaling & interlocking system at 20 ivRkvnx-Avãyjcyi †mKk‡b 5wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I stations between Ishurdi-Parbatipur and 5 B›UvijwKs e¨ve¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I AvaywbKxKiY| stations between Rajshahi-Abdulpur 50315863 - Replacement and modernization of 50315863 -`k©bv-Lyjbv †mKk‡bi 15wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I signaling & interlocking system at 15 B›UvijwKs e¨ve¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I AvaywbKxKiY| stations between Darsana-Khulna section. 50315864 - Procurement of 20 sets BG Diesel Electric 50315864 -20 †mU (wZb BDwbU GK †mU) wewR wW‡Rj B‡jKwUªK Multiple Unit (DEMU) gvwëcj BDwbU (wWBGgBD) msMÖn| 50315865 - Environmental Audit of Bangladesh 50315865 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwi‡ekMZ AwWU| Railway 50315866 - Bangladesh Railway Modernization Project 50315866 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q AvaywbKvqb cÖKí| 50315867 - Capacity enhancement of Railway Training 50315867 -‡Uªwbs gwWD‡ji Dbœqb Ges Ab¨vb¨ jwRw÷K myweav academy (RTA) through imrovement of cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g †ijI‡q †Uªwbs GKv‡Wgxi K¨vcvwmwU training modules and facilitate other e„w×KiY logistics 50315868 - Capacity enhancement for project 50315868 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q‡Z cÖKí e¨e¯’vcbv K¨vcvwmwU management in BR e„w×KiY| 50315869 - Introduction of Electric Traction in 50315869 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg †ijI‡q Kwi‡Wv‡i B‡jKwUªK Uª¨vKkb Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Corridor e¨e¯’v cÖeZ©b| 50315870 - Procurement of 20 sets of Diesel Hydrolic 50315870 -Òevsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 20 †mU (wZb BDwbU GK Multiple Unit (DHMU) for introducing †mU) wW‡Rj nvBWªwjK gvwëcj BDwbU commuter trains. (wWGBPBGgBD) msMÖnÓ 50315871 - Construction of 2nd Railway-cum-road 50315871 -KY©dwjx b`xi Ici (KvjyiNvU †mZzi wbK‡U) 2q Bridge over the river Karnafuli (near †ij-Kvg-†ivW †mZz wbg©vY| Kalurghat Bridge). 50315872 - Technical Assistance for studies for 50315872 -Rq‡`ecyi n‡Z cve©Zxcyi †ijI‡q Kwi‡Wv‡i Wvej jvBb construction of double line from Joydevpur wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶vmg~‡ni Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv| to Parbatipur railway corridor. 50315873 - Construction of connecting railway links 50315873 -Uzw½cvov n‡Z dwKinvU Ges dwKinvU n‡Z ev‡MinvU, from Tungipara to Faqirhat and From Lyjbv I gsjv †cvU© Gi ms‡hvM †ijjvBbmg~n wbg©vY| Faqirhat to Bagerhat, Khulna & Mongla port 50315874 - Feasibility study for construction of railway 50315874 -XvjviPi I ivRevox‡K mshy³ K‡i cÙv b`xi Ici Bridge over the Padma river connecting †ijI‡q †mZz wbg©v‡Yi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v| Dhalarchar and Rajbari 50315875 - Construction of Akhaura-Agartala Rail link 50315875 -AvLvDov n‡Z AvMiZjv ch©šZ †ijjvBb wbg©vY| 50315910 - Rehabilitation of Damaged Rail line 50315910 -eb¨vq 2000 G ¶q¶wZ cyY©evmb Bridges and Other ancillaries (31/12/2000-30/06/2003) infrastructure cased by Flood 2000 (31/12/2000-30/06/2003) 50315999 - 50315999 -** Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq wbe©vwPZ cÖKí/Kvh©µg A_©vq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK 50316000 - Srimangal, Kulaura, BBaria railway Station 50316000 - kªxgsMj , KzjvDov,I eªvþbevoxqv †ijI‡q †÷kb cybtwbg©vb I wig‡Wwjs (1g ms‡kvwaZ ) (01/7/2002- 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50316010 - 258 mittergaj 50316010 -258wU wgUvi‡MR Ges 110 wU eªW‡MR hvÎxevnx Mvoxi cybevmb (ch©vq-2)(1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/ 2000-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50316060 - Rehabilitation of Jessore -Benapole rail 50316060 -cybt PvjyKiYv‡_© h‡kvi †ebv‡cvj kvLvi cybe©vmb line section (01/07/97 - 30/06/2002) 50316070 - Rehabilitation of bridges of Bangladesh 50316070 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †mZzmg–‡ni cybe©vmb (01/07/98 - Railways 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 50316080 - Renewal and replacement of sleepers on 50316080 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †ijc‡_i ‡gBb jvBb †mKk‡b wPbKxAv¯ Dhaka-Chittagong main line with new vbv-Kzwgov-‰fieevRvi-UsMxi ga¨eZ©x 96 wK‡jvwgUvi wooden sleepers †ijc_ wúcvi 50316090 - Procurement of 10 MG passenger 50316090 -†ejwRqvg mnvqZvq 10wX wgUvi †MR hvÎxevnx Mvox I 10 carriages and 10 MG diesel engines with wU wgUvi †MR wW‡Rj BwÄb †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMªn Belgian grant

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50316100 - Rehabilitation of rail line and bridges 50316100 -eb¨vÕ95 Gi ¶wZMª¯ †ij jvBb, †mZz I †ókb wewìs damaged by flood of 1995 BZ¨vw` cybe©vmb 50316121 - Institutional rehabilitation of Bangladesh 50316121 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cªvwZôvwbK cybe©vmb Railway 50316131 - Technical Assistance (Advisory) for 50316131 -GWfvBRwi †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U di hgybv eªxR †UªBb Jamuna Bridge train configuration KbwdMv‡ikb 50316141 - Feasibility study to examine railway 50316141 -‡`vnvRvix nB‡Z K·evRvi chš© †ij jvBb m¤•ªmvi‡Yi connection line from Dohazari to Cox's Rb¨ mgx¶v bazar 50316210 - Remodelling of Sylhet station 50316210 -wm‡jU ‡ijI‡q †÷k‡bi wig‡Wwjs (01/07/99 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 50316220 - Procurement of 15 locomotives 525/1050 50316220 -ga¨cvov KwVbwkjv I eocyKzwiqvq Kqjv Lwb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ wagons for Madhyapara and Barapukuria 13wU †jv‡Kv‡gvwUfmn 453/906 wU IqvMb msMÖn(1g mining projects ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50316230 - 152 Locomotives for urgent overhauling 50316230 -152 wU †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf Ri“wi Ifvinwjs (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 50316240 - Rehabilitation of 366 passenger carriages 50316240 -366 wU hvÎxevnx Mvoxi cybev©mb (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 50316242 - Construction of approach rail line upto 50316242 -ZvivKvw›`-n‡Z hgybv †mZz ch©š@ †ij ms‡hvM wbg©vY (1g Tarakandi-Bangobondu bridge ms‡kvwaZ ) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50316250 - Establishment of double line from 50316250 -XvKv -Rq‡`ecyi wgUvi †MR ‡mKkb‡K ˆØZ †M‡R Joydevpur to Dhaka iƒcvš@i 1g ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50316260 - Changing the braking system from 50316260 -wgUvi‡MR †mKk‡bi 16wU †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf, 50 wU hvÎxevnx vacuum to air and MCA/ABC couplers to Mvox, 180 wU †d«BU IqvMb Ges 8wU †eªK f¨v‡bi ‡eªK semi of 50 passenger coaches, 180 c×wZ f¨vKzqvg †eªK n‡Z Gqvi †eª†K i“cvš@i (1g freight wagons and 8 brake vans ms‡kvwaZ) (1-7-04- 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50316270 - Improvement of Dhaka airport railway 50316270 -XvKv wegvb e›`i †ijI‡q †÷kb‡K ÔGÔ †kªYx n‡Z ÔweÔ station from A to B grade †kªYx‡Z DbœxZKiY Ges mvBwWs jvBb ¯’vcb (01/07/98 - 30/06/2001) 50316281 - Technical assistance for training of 50316281 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ Ae †Uªwbs Ae evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q Bangladesh railway staff on maintenance ÷vd di †gBb‡U‡bÝ Ab Rvgv©b jvBb †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf of German line locomotives 50316310 - Rehabilitation of main line sections of 50316310 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †gBb jvBb †mKkbmg–‡ni cybe©vmb Bangladesh Railway (c–e©vÂj) (3q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/95 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50316532 - From Noakhali to charhata 50316532 -†bvqvLvjx n†Z PifvUv (w÷gvi NvU) ch©š@ †ijI†q jvBb m¤•ªmvi†Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (01/07/2007- 30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z 50316533 - Bangladesh 50316533 -evsjv†`k †ijI†qi ivRkvnx †ivnbcyi eW©vi Ges Avgbyiv-PuvcvB beveMÄ †mKkbmg–n cybe©vmb (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z 50316534 - Rehabilitation of Lalmonirhat-Burimari 50316534 -evsjv†`k †ijI†qi jvjgwbinvU eywogvix †mKk†bi section of Bangladesh Railway. cybe©vmb (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z (01-07-2007- 30-06-2011) 50316535 - Rehabilitation of Dhaka-Narayangonj 50316535 -XvKv -bvivqbMÄ †ijI†q jvB†bi cybe©vmb Railway line. (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z (01-07-2007-30-062011) 50316536 - Remodeling of Khulna Railway station & 50316536 -Lyjbv †ijI‡q †÷kb IBqvW© wi-g‡Wwjs Ges †ebv‡cvj yard and Development of operational †ijI‡q †÷k†bi Acv†ikbvj myweavw`i Dbœqb facilities of Benapole Railway station. (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z (01-07-2007-30-062011) 50316537 - Procurement of 50 Nos. MG Flat Wagon 50316537 -Kb†UBbvi cwien†bi Rb¨ Gqvi †eªK msewjZ 50wU (BFCT) and 5 Nos. MG Brake Van with GgwR d¬¨vU IqvMvb (weGdwmwU) Ges 5wU †eªKf¨vb Brake for Carring Container. (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby†gvw`Z (01-07-2007-30-062011) 50316538 - Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development 50316538 -cvnvoZjx I IqvK©kc Dbœqb Project.Pahartali Workshop Development (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby†gvw`Z Project

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50316539 - Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development 50316539 -11wU wgUvi †MR †jv†Kv†gvwUf msMªn Project. (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby†gvw`Z Procurement of 11 Miter Gauge Locomotive. 50316540 - Consulting Engineering Services for 50316540 -Kbmvwës BwÄwbqvwis mvwf©†mm di XvKv-PU«Mªvg †ijI†q Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development †W†fjc†g›U cÖ†R± Ges ¯‹xj †W†fjc†g›U †cÖvMªvg Project and Skill Development Program. (01/07/2007-30/06/2013) 50316541 - Rehabilitation of Gouripur-Jaria Jhanjail & 50316541 -evsjv†`k †ijI†qi †MŠixcyi-Rvwiqv SvÄvBj Ges Shamganj-Mohonganj sections of k¨vgMÄ-†gvnbMÄ †mKk†bi cybe©vmb Bangladesh Railway (1st Revised) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby†gvw`Z 01-07-2007- 30-06-2012) 50316542 - bangladesh railways 50316542 -evsjv†`k †ijI†qi †gBb jvBb †mKkbmg–‡ni cybe©vmb (c–e©vÂj) cÖK†íi Aewkó KvR (01/01/2008- 30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z 50316543 - Emergency flood damaged Rehabilitation 50316543 -Ri“wi eb¨v ¶wZMª¯’ cybe©vmb mnvqZv cÖKí 2007 Assistance Project, 2007. (01-11-2007- (01/11/2007-30/06/2009) Aby†gvw`Z 30-06-2009) 50316600 - 50316600 -gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae ˆmq`cyi †ijI‡q IqvK©mc (01/07/08 - 30/06/12) Abby‡gvw`Z 50316610 - Conversion of Meter gauge (MG) Track into 50316610 -wi‡nwejvB‡Ukb Ae KvÂb-cÂMo †mKkb Ae evsjv‡`k Dual gauge (DG) on †ijI‡q (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Abby‡gvw`Z Parbatipur-Kanchan-Panchagar & Kanchan-Birol section and MG Track into Broad Gauge (BG) on Birol station- Birol Border section of Bangladesh Railway 139 km. DG + 9 mk DG. (JDCF) (01-02-2009- 31-01-2012) 50316620 - Rehabilitation of Mymensingh Jamalpur 50316620 -wi‡nwejvB‡Ukb Ae gqgbwmsn-Rvgvjcyi-†`IqvbMÄ Dewanganj Bazar Section of Bangladesh evRvi †mKkb Ae weAvi (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Railway (01/07/08 - 30/06/2012) Approved Abby‡gvw`Z 50316630 - Procurement of 1 No. 60 M.Ton capacity 50316630 -†cÖvwKDi‡g›U Ae 2bs 60 Ub K¨vcvwmwU Gg.wR GÛ 2bs MG and 1 No. 80 M.ton Capacity Crane for 80 Ub K¨vcvwmwU we.wR †µbm& di GKwm‡W›U wiwjd †Uªb Accident Relief Train (Approved) (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Abby‡gvw`Z 50316640 - Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development 50316640 -jvKmvg Ges wPbwK Av¯@vbvi g‡a¨ Wvej jvBb UªvK wbg©vY Project. Between the Double line of (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z Lakhsham- Chinkiasthana 50317010 - Remodelling of Rajshahi Station and Yard 50317010 -ivRkvnx †÷kb I BqvW© wig‡Wwjs 1g ms‡kvwaZ (1-7-2003 - 30-6-2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50317020 - Rehabilitation of Branch line of 50317020 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi kvLv jvBbmg–‡ni cybe©vmb ( 01-7- Bangladesh Railway 2001 - 30-6-2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 50317030 - Modernization and Introduction of 50317030 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 7wU †÷k‡bi wmMbvwjs I B›Uvi interlocking system of signaling in 7 jwKs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY (cwðgvÂj) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) station (West Zone) (1-7-2003 - 30-6-2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50317040 - Chittagong 50317040 -PÆMÖvg Rskb †Kweb n‡Z wek¦we`¨vjq ch©š@ e¨vjvw÷smn wúcvi I Aa cyivZb †ij Øviv †ijc_ bevqb (1/7/02-30/6/04) (Abyt) 50317050 - Modernization of Signalling and 50317050 -evsjv`k †ijI‡qi AvLvDov-wm‡jU †mKk‡bi 10wU † Interlocking System of 10 Stations of ÷k‡bi wmMbvwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY Akhaura-Sylhet Section (Approved) (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50317060 - Bangladesh 50317060 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c–ev©Âj I cwðgv‡ji 16wU † ÷k‡bi Dbœqb I wig‡Wwjs(01/07/2003- 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50317070 - 50317070 -50wU GgwR I 50wU wewR hvÎxevnx Mvox msMªn (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50317080 - 50317080 -96wU wgUvi‡MR (GgwR) U¨vsK IqvMb I 4wU GgwR †eªK f¨vb msMªn (1g ch©vq) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50317090 - 30 Mittergeg 50317090 -30wU wgUvi‡MR kxZvZc wbqš¿Y Mvwo (14wU kxZvZc wbqwš¿Z †Pqvi‡KvP, 3wU kxZvZc wbqwš¿Z úxcvi †KvP, 4wU cvIqvi Kvi, 5wU kxZvZc wbqwš¿Z †Pqvi †KvP, WvBwbs Kvi I †eªK, 4wU B›m‡cKkb Kvi) msMªn (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50317100 - Faka station 50317100 -dvKv †÷k‡bi †mWwenxb hvÎx c­vUdig †gW wbgv©Y ewa©ZKiY I Dbœqb (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50317110 - 50317110 -evsjv†`k †ijI‡qi AvLvDiv wm‡jU ‡mKk‡bi 12 (evi) wU †÷k‡bi wmMbvwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 50317120 - 50317120 -XvKv-PÆMªvg †ijI‡q †mKkb‡K B‡jKwU«K U«vKkbmn ØZ †M‡R icvši Gi j‡¶ mgx¶v (wcwm-2) (01/07/2004-30/06/2005) (Abbyt) 50317200 - 50317200 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji 14(†PŠÏ) wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvikwKs e¨e¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I AvaywbKxKiY | 50317201 - 50317201 -ga¨cvov KwVb wkjv I eo cyKzwiqv Kqjv Lwb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ 06 wU †jv‡Kv‡gvwUfmn 453 wU IqvMb msMÖn| 50317202 - 50317202 -Òißvbx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Ó 50317203 - Modernization of Saidpur Railway 50317203 -ˆmq`cyi †ijI‡q Iq©vKmc AvaywbKxKiY| Workshop (01/03/09 - 0/06/12) (Approved) 50317204 - 50317204 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‰mq`cyi - wPjvnvwU †mKk‡bi cyb©evmb| 50317205 - Technical Assistance for Project 50317205 -wek¦ e¨vs‡Ki A_©vq‡b Òißvbx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Preparation towards Implementation of Óev¯Zevq‡bi j‡¶¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv (01/07/08 - "Export Infrastructure Development Project 31/12/09) Gmwc Bwm mycvt " under World Bank Financing. (01-07-08- 31-03-2010) 50317206 - Technical Assistance for Feasibility Study, 50317206 -wek¦ e¨vs‡Ki A_©vq‡b ev¯@evwqZe¨ cÖKímg–‡ni m¤¢ve¨Zv Safeguard Policy Study, Detailed mgx¶v, †mdMvW© cwjwmmg–‡ni mgx¶v, we¯@vwiZ Engineering Design and Tendering BwÄwbqvwis wWRvBb, †UÛvwis mvwf©m cÖ`v‡bi j‡¶¨ Services for Projects under World Bank KvwiMwi mnvqZv (01/09/07 - 30/06/09) Gmwc Bwm mycvt Funding for Bangladesh Railway. (01-05-08- 30-04-10) 50317207 - 50317207 -gvIqv c‡q‡›U cÖ¯ZvweZ cÙv‡mZzi Dfq cÖv‡šZ †ijI‡q wjsK wbg©v‡Yi j‡¶¨ †UK‡bv-B‡Kv‡bvwgK¨vj mgx¶v| 50317208 - 50317208 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q Ógqgbwmsn Rskb †÷k‡bi ‡gqv‡`vËx ©wmMb¨vwjs Ges B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb Ges AvaywbKxKiYÓ 50317209 - 50317209 -Lyjbv-gsjv mgy`ª e›`i ch©šZ †ij wjsK wbg©vY mgx¶v| 50317210 - 50317210 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí| 50317211 - 50317211 -Rvgvjcyi-RMbœv_MÄ †mKk‡bi †ijc_ I Avbymvw½K ¯’vcbv cyY©evmb| 50317212 - 50317212 -"XvKv-U½x we`¨gvb †ijjvBb‡K AvÛviMÖvDÛ †ijjvB‡b iƒcvš—iKiY Ges Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v|" 50317300 - Rehabilitation of Saidpur-Chilahati section 50317300 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ˆmq`cyi-wPjvnvwU †mKk‡bi of Bangladesh Railway.(01-07-10- cybe©vmb(1/7/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 30-12-2012) 50317310 - Rehabilitation and Mordernization of 13 50317310 -Rq‡`ecyi-gqgbwmsn †mKk‡bi 13wU †÷k‡bi (thirteen) station Signalling system of wmMbvwjs e¨e¯’vi cybe©vmb I Jaydebpur-Mymensingh section. AvaywbKxKiY(01/7/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z (01-07-10- 30-06-2013) 50318010 - Bangladesh Railway 50318010 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †gBb jvBb †mKkbmg–‡ni cybte©vmb (cwðgvÂj) (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/95- 30/6/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 50318020 - Bangladesh Relway 50318020 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c–e©v‡ji jvKmvg-‡bvqvLvjx †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb 1g ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/2004- 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z * Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jk†bi AvIZvq 50318030 - Rehabilitation of 65 Nos. (56 Nos. MG & 9 50318030 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 65wU (56wU GgwR I 9wU wewR) Nos. BG) Locomotives (Revised 45 Nos. †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf cybe©vmb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) MG & 9 Nos. BG Locomotives) of Aby‡gvw`Z * Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jk‡bi AvIZvq Bangladesh Railway.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50318040 - Mordernization of Signaling and 50318040 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c–e©v‡ji AvLvDov wm‡jU Interlocking system of 12 (twelve) stations †mKk‡bi 12(evi)wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs of Akhaura-Sylhet section of Bangladesh e¨e¯nvi AvaywbKxKiY 1g ms‡kvwaZ Railway in East Zone section.(01-07-04- (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 30-06-2010) 50318050 - 50318050 -XvKv †ijI‡qi †÷k‡bi †mW wenxb hvÎx c­vUdi‡g c­vUdig †mW wbg©vY, ewa©ZKiY I Dbœqb (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50318060 - B 50318060 -eb¨v, 2004 G ¶wZMª¯’ evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †mm, e¨vsK I Ab¨vb¨ ¯nvcbvmg–‡ni cybe©vmb (1/7/2005- 30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50318070 - Improvemnet and Remodelling of Akhaura 50318070 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi AvLvDov †÷kb, †jv‡Kv †mW, Station Loco Shed, Yard Including BqvW©mn wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯nvi Dbœqb I Signalling and Interlocking system BR. wig‡Wwjs (1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (1/7/04 - 30/6/2009) Approved 50318080 - Bangladesh 50318080 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi gvBRMuvI I kv‡q¯@vMÄ †÷kb wig‡Wwjs I cybe©vmb (1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50318090 - 50318090 -hvÎx myweav e„w×K‡í wRqv wegvb e›`i †ijI‡q †÷kb m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb (3q ch©vq) (1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50319010 - Dhaka 50319010 -XvKv PUªMªvg †ijI‡q †mKkb‡K B‡jKwUªK UªvKkbmn ˆ ØZ †M‡R i“cvš@†ii j‡¶¨ m¤¢ve¨ mgx¶v (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (wcwm-2) (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50319020 - Sylhet 50319020 -wm‡jU †ijI‡q †÷kb wig‡Wwjs (2q ch©vq) (01/07/04-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50319024 - 50319024 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ¸i“Z¡cyyY© †j‡fj µwms †M‡Ui Dbœqb| 50319025 - 50319025 -gyjvWywj †÷kb ¯’vbvš—i I BqvW© wbg©vY| 50319026 - 50319026 -XvKv-U½xi g‡a¨ 3q I 4_© jvBb wbg©vY I U½x Rq‡`ecy‡ii g‡a¨ Wvej jvBb wbg©vY Ges XvKv- bvivqbM‡Äi g‡a¨ KwgDUvi †Uªªb PvjyKiY| 50319027 - 50319027 -K‡›UBbvi cwien‡Yi Rb¨ 100wU GgwR d¬¨vU ewM IqvMb (wRGdwmwU) Ges 5wU ewM †eªK f¨vb msMÖn 50319028 - 50319028 -R¡vjvbx †Zj cwien‡Yi Rb¨ 100wU U¨vsK IqvMb I 5wU †eªK f¨vb msMÖn| 50319029 - 50319029 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 200wU GgwR Ges 60wU wewR hvZxevnx Mvox cybe©vmb 50319030 - 50319030 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi kvLv jvBbmg‡ni Dbœqb I cybe©vm‡bi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨ mgx¶v (01/12/05-30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 50319031 - 50319031 -100wU GgwR I 50wU wewR hvÎxevnx Mvox msMÖn| 50319032 - 50319032 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji †jvc jvBb I BqvW© m¤cÖmviY| 50319033 - 50319033 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z cvZvj †ijI‡q jvBb wbg©vY mgx¶v| 50319034 - 50319034 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg Kwi‡Wv‡i wPbwKAv¯Zvbv-‡dYx GesjvKmvg-AvLvDov †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb 50319035 - 50319035 -hgybv ‡mZyi cwðg cÖªªvš— nB‡Z e¸ov ch©š— †ij jvBb mgx¶v| 50319036 - 50319036 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ‡MŠixcyi-RvwiqvRvÄvBj Ges k¨vgMÄ-gnbMÄ †mek‡bi cybe©vmb| 50319037 - 50319037 -`yN©Ubvq wviwjd †Uªb wnmv‡e e¨env‡ii Rb¨ 60Ub ¶gZv m¤úbœ 2wU I 80Ub ¶gZv m¤úbœ 2wU †µBb msMÖn| 50319038 - 50319038 -ˆmq`cyi KviLvbvi weGgAviB Gi cÖwZ¯’vcb I cyb©evm‡bi Rb¨ gvjvgvj I hšvsk msMÖn| 50319039 - 50319039 -‡ebv‡cvj ‡ijI‡q ‡÷k‡bi Acv‡ikb myweavw`i Dbœqbmn Lyjbv †÷kb I Bqv©W wig‡Wwjs 50319040 - Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement 50319040 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †m±i BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R±- Project. (1) Construction of Double line wmMb¨vwjsmn UsMx ˆfie evRvi ch©š@ Wvej jvBb wbg©vY Between Tongi and Bhairab Bazar cÖKí (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Including Signalling. (01-07-06- 30-06-2011)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50319041 - 50319041 -ivRkvnx ‡ivnvbcyi eW©vi Ges Avgbyiv PvcvBbeveMÄ †mKkb cybe©vmb| 50319042 - 50319042 -evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡q †fieevRvi-gqgbwmsn †mKk‡bi cyeev©vmb 50319043 - Replacement of 101 Locomotive of 50319043 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 101wU †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf cÖwZ¯’vcb| Bangladesh Railway 50319044 - 50319044 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †mZz mgy‡ni cybe©vmb (2q ch©vq)| 50319045 - 50319045 -XvKv gnvbMix‡Z mvKz©jvi †ijI‡q wbg©vY mgx¶v| 50319046 - 50319046 -PUªMÖvg †÷kb Ges BqvW© wig‡Wwjs Ges †dŠR`vi nvU nB‡Z wmwRwcIqvB ch©š— †ijI‡q jvBb cybe©vmb| 50319047 - 50319047 -XvKv nB‡Z jvKmvg ch©š— †ijI‡q KW© jvBb wbg©vY mgx¶v| 50319048 - 50319048 -evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡q XvKv-bvivqbMÄ †mKk‡bi cyeev©vmb| 50319049 - 50319049 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Wy‡qj †MR i¶bv‡e¶b| 50319050 - Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement 50319050 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †m±i BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R±- evsjv‡`k Project. (ii) Railway Mordernization Project. †ijI‡q ms¯‹vi (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50319051 - Conversion of Parbatipur 50319051 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KvÂb-cÂMo †mKkb cybe©vmb Kanchan-Panchagar and Kanchan-Birol Metre Gauge Section into Dual Gauge Section and Birol-Birol Boarder Section into Broad Gauge Section of B.R. (Approved) 50319053 - 50319053 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q †m±i Dbœqb cÖKí 50319054 - 50319054 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Ave`yj­vcyi-cve©Zxcyi †mKk‡bi 18wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY| 50319055 - 50319055 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ce©Â‡ji PÆMÖvvg-AvLvDov †mKk‡bi 19wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKvqb| 50319056 - 50319056 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q jvKmvg-Puv`cyi †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb 50319057 - 50319057 -wm‡jU-QvZK evRvi †mKkb cybe©vmb 50319058 - 50319058 -dv‡Znvev`-bwRinvU I †lvj kni-‡`vnvRvix †mKk‡bi †ijc_ I Avbymvw½K ¯’vcbvmg‡ni cybe©vmb| 50319059 - 50319059 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Ave`yj­vcyi-cve©Zxcyi †mKk‡bi 18wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi AvaywbKxKiY| 50319060 - Procurement of 1 BG & MG Mixed Gauge 50319060 -GKwU wewR I GgwR wgK&W AvÛvi ûBj †j` †gwkb under floor Wheel Lathe Machine for msMÖn (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangladesh Railway. (01-07-06- 30-06-2010) 50319061 - Rehabilitation of 50319061 -evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡q gqgbwmsn-Rvgvjcyi-‡`IqvbMÄ Mymensingh-Jamalpur-Dewanganj Bazar †mKk‡bi cyeev©vmb of Bangladesh Railway. evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡q gqgbwmsn-Rvgvjcyi-‡`IqvbMÄ (01-03-09- 30-06-2012) †mKk‡bi cyeev©vmb 50319062 - 50319062 -‡ebv‡cvj ‡ijI‡q ‡÷k‡bi Acv‡ikb myweavw`i Dbœqbmn Lyjbv †÷kb I Bqv©W wig‡Wwjs 50319063 - 50319063 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c~e©v‡ji PÆMÖvg-AvLvDov †mKk‡bi 19 wU †÷k‡bi wmt I B›Uvt AvaywbKxKiY 50319064 - Supply & Installation of Load Monitoring 50319064 -hgybv †mZzi Dfq cÖv‡š@ †jvW gwbUwis wWf¨Bm ¯’vcb| Device on Rail Track at both ends of Bangabandhu Bridge on turnkey basis. (01-01--2009-- 31-12-2010) 50319065 - 50319065 -evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡q c~e©Â‡ji †dŠR`vinvU-wmwRcAvB-Gaviwf-PÆMÖvg †mKk‡bi cybw©vmb 50319066 - 50319066 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †gBb jvBb mgy‡ni cybe©vmb Aewkó KvR 50319067 - 50319067 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi jvjgwbinvU-eyywogvix †mek‡bi cÖbe©vmb| 50319068 - 50319068 -weij ¯’j e›`†i †ijI‡q myweav`x cÖ`vb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50319070 - Bangladesh Relway 50319070 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c–e©v‡ji †dŠR`vinvU-wmwRwcIqvB GmAviwf-PÆMÖvg †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb (01/07/2007- 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 50319071 - 50319071 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg †ijI‡q Dbœqb cÖKí 50319074 - 50319074 -Be„„nxgev`-Uv½vBj †÷k‡bi ga¨eZx© G‡jdAv‡Z GKwU we K¬vm †ijI‡q †÷kb wbg©vY 50319080 - Conversion of Vacuum Brake system of 50319080 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 277wU wgUvi †MR wewm IqvM‡bi 277 nos. Meter Gauge BC Wagons of f¨vKzqvg †eªK wm‡÷‡g iƒcvš@iKiY Bangladesh Railway into Air Brake (01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z system(01-07-07- 30-06-10) 50319090 - Rehabilitation of 200 Nos. MG & 60 Nos. 50319090 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 200wU GgwR I 60wU wewR hvÎxevwn BG passenger Carriages. Mvwo cybe©vmb (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z (01-07-09- 30-06-13) 50319101 - Rehabilitation of Bonarpara-Kaunia and 50319101 -evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡qi ‡evbvicvov-KvDwbqv Ges Kaunia-Parbatipur sections of BR KvDwbqv-cve©Zxcyi †mKkbmg~‡ni cyb©evmb| 50319102 - Line capacity improvement between 50319102 - ga¨eZx© e­K wmMb¨vwjs cÖe©Z‡bi gva¨‡g XvKv Ges U½xi Dhaka and Tongi by introducing g‡a¨ jvBb K¨vcvwmwU e„w×KiY| Intermediate Block Signaling 50319103 - Balance work of Main Line Rehabilitation 50319103 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †gBb jvBb †mKkb mgy‡ni cybe©vmb Project (West Zone) (cwðgvÂj) cÖK‡íi Aewkó KvR| 50319104 - Replacement and modernization of 50319104 -wPbwK Av¯Zvbv-PÆMÖvg †mKk‡b 11(GMv‡iv) wU †÷k‡bi signaling and interlocking system at 11 wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I stations in Chinkiastana-Chittagong AvaywbKxKiY | section 50319105 - Techno-economical Feasibility study & 50319105 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg Kwi‡Wv‡i ms‡hvM †ijc_mn ˆfie I wZZvm detailed Engineering Design for doubling †mZz ‰ØZKiY Gi j‡¶¨ †UK‡bv-B‡Kv‡bvwgK¨vj mgx¶v of Bhairab & Titas Bridge with approach I wek` BwÄwbqvwis wWRvBb| rail link in Dhaka-Chittagong Corridor 50319106 - Feasibility Study for construction of Double 50319106 -KY©dzwj b`xi Ici Wvej jvB‡bi ms¯’vbmn †ijI‡q †mZz Track Railway Bridge over the river wbg©v‡Yi j‡¶¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v Karnaphuli 50319107 - Construction of Single MG Rail line from 50319107 -‡`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K·evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z ¸b`yg Dohazary to Cox's Bazar via Ramu and ch©š— wm‡½j wgUvi‡MR ‡ijjvBb wbg©vY Ramu to Gundum 50319108 - Construction of a "B" Class station at 50319108 -wgR©vcyi-‡gŠPvK †÷k†bi ga¨eZx© Kvwjqv‰Ki GKwU we Kaliakoir in between Mirzapur and K¬vm †ijI‡q †÷kb wbg©vY Mouchak 50319109 - Recommissioning of Kulaura-Shahbazpur 50319109 -K‚jvDov-kvnevRcyi-KwigMÄ †ijc_ cybi“×vi Rail line. 50319110 - Recommissioning of Faridpur-Pachuria 50319110 -dwi`cyi-cvPzwiqv †ijc_ cybi“×vi Rail line.. 50319111 - Rehabilitation of Central Railway Building 50319111 -GKwU cyivwKZ©x wn‡m‡e †K›`ªxq †ijfib, PÆMÖvg Gi Complex, Chittagong as a Heritage cybe©vmb Building 50319112 - Feasibility study for construction of Rail 50319112 -evNvevox ˆZjwW‡cv n‡Z Rvg‰Zj ch©šZ ‡ijc_ line from Baghabari Oil Depot to Jamtoil. wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v 50319113 - Feasibility study for construction of Chord 50319113 -AvïMÄ-kv‡q¯ZvMÄ †mKk‡bi ‡ijc_ wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v line from Ashuganj to Shaistaganj. 50319150 - Feasibility Study for construction of Railway 50319150 -hgybv b`xi Ici Wy‡qj‡MR Wvej jvB‡bi ms¯’vbmn Bridge with Provision of Dual Gauge †ijI‡q †mZz wbg©v‡Yi j‡¶¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v Double Track Over the river Jamuna 50319151 - Construction of 02 (two) Nos. 'B' Class 50319151 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wgR©vcyi-‡KŠPvK †÷kb Ges station at Kalikoir & Elenga in between UvsMvBj-Beªvnxgev` †÷k†bi g‡a¨ Aew¯’Z Kvwjqv‰Ki Mirzapur-Mouchak station and Ges G‡js½v‡Z `yBwU we K¬vm †ijI‡q †÷kb wbg©vY| Bongobandhu setu east station. 50319152 - Replacement and upgration of old signal 50319152 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q ÓfvIqvj-MvRxcyi-gqgbwmsn Rskb line and interlocking system of ‡mKk‡bi 13 wU †÷k‡bi cyivZb ‡gqv‡`vËx©Y ¶qcÖvß Mymonsingh Jn. Station. (01/07/2010 †gK¨vwbK¨vj Wej Iqvi BUvijwK wmMbvwjs wm…ïg…K -30/06/2014) Kw¤cDUvi BUvijwK wmMbvwjs wm…ï…g cyb’evmb I AvaywbKxKiY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50319153 - Rehabilitation at Pacuria-Faridpur-Pakuria 50319153 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cuvPzwiqv-dwi`cyi †ijc_ section and construction pakuria Bhanga cybtPvjyKiY Ges cyKzwiqv-fv½v †ijc_ wbgvY| Railway line. 50319154 - 50319154 -Kvj–Lvjx-fvwUqvcov †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb Ges Kvwkqvbx-‡MvcvjMÄ-Uzw½cvov bZzb †ijc_ wbg©vY| 50319155 - Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Level 50319155 -evsjv†`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji †j‡fj µwms Crossing Gates of West Zone of †MBUmg–‡ni cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb| Bangladesh Railway. 50319156 - Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Level 50319156 -evsjv†`k †ijI‡qi cye©v‡ji †j‡fj µwms †MBUmg– Crossing Gates of West Zone of ‡ni cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb| Bangladesh Railway. 50319157 - Rehabilation of Saidpur -Chilahati section. 50319157 -‰mq`cyi -wPjvnvwU †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb| 50319158 - Techno-economical Feasibility study for 50319158 -gvIqv c‡q‡›U cÖ¯@vweZ cÙv‡mZzi Dfq cÖv‡š@ †ijI‡q construction of Railway link on the both wjsK wbg©v‡Yi j‡¶¨ †UK‡bv-B‡Kv‡bvwgK¨vj mgx¶v end of proposed Padma Bridge at Maowa point 50319159 - Feasibility study for construction of Railway 50319159 -hgybv b`xi Dci Wz‡qj †MR Wvej jvB‡bi ms¯’vbmn bridge with provision of dual gauge double †ijI‡h †mZz wbg©v‡bi j‡¶¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v track over the river Jamuna. 50319160 - 50319160 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji 14(‡PŠÏ)wU †÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I AvaywbKxKiY|(2q ms‡kvwaZ) 50319161 - Porcurement of 100 Nos MG Tank Wgaon 50319161 -wegv‡bi R¡vjvbx cwien‡Yi Rb¨ 100 wU GgwR U¨vsK & 5 Nos MG Brake Van for carriying IqvMb I 5wU GgwR †eªK f¨vb msMÖn| aviation fuel. 50319162 - Rehabilitation of railway track from 50319162 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q ‰fieevRvi-gqgbwmsn †mKk‡bi Bhairab-Mymensing section cybev©mb| 50319163 - Rehabilitation of Sylhet-Chattak Bazar 50319163 -wm‡jU-QvZK evRvi †mKk‡bi †ijc_ I Avbymvw½K including singnaling system, station ¯’vcbvmg‚‡ni cybev©mb | building and other allied works 50319164 - Improvement and Rehabilitation of – 50319164 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi d‡Znev`- bvwRinvU I ‡lvjkni - Fateabad-Nazirhat & Sholashhor †`vnvRvix †mKk‡bi cyb©evmb| -Dohazari branch line of East Zone. 50319165 - Rehabilitation of Laksam-Chandpur 50319165 -evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡qi jvKmvg-Pv`ucyi †mKk‡bi cyb©evmb| section of BR 50319166 - Rehabilitation of Bonarpara-Kaunia and 50319166 -evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡qi ‡evbvicvo-KvDwbqv Ges Kaunia-Pabatipur section of BR KvDwbqv-cve©Zxcyi †mKkb mgy‡ni cyb©evmb| 50319167 - Construction of Padma bridge rail link. 50319167 -c`œv †mZz †ij wjsK wbg©vY ( 1g ch©vq)| 50319168 - Line capacity improvement between 50319168 -gL¨eZx© e¬K wmMb¨vwjs cÖe©Z‡bi gva¨‡g XvKv Ges U½xi Dhaka and Tongi by introducing g‡a¨ jvBb K¨vcvwmwU e–w×KiY | Intermediate Block Signaling 50319169 - Procurement of 100 MG and 50 BG Carrige 50319169 -100 wU GgwR I 50 wU wewR msMÖn| 50319170 - Dual Gauge Maintenance of BR 50319170 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Wz‡qj †MR i¶Yv‡e¶Y| 50319171 - 50319171 -R¡vjvbx ˆZj cwien‡Yi Rb¨ evNvevox n‡Z Dbœvcvov ch©šZ bZzb Wz‡qj †MR †ij wjsK wbg©v‡Yi j‡¶¨ mgx¶v cwiPvjbvi wbwgË KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí| 50319172 - 50319172 -†`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K•evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z ¸b`yg ch©šZ wgUvi‡MR wm‡Âj ‡ijI‡q jvBb wbg©vY| 50319173 - 50319173 -GKwU cyivwKZx© wn‡m‡e †K›`ªxq †ijfeb (wmAviwe) PÆMÖvg Gi cyi‡bv ¯’cZ¨‰kjx wVK †i‡L cÖ‡qvRbxq cyb©evmb I ‡mŠ›`©h©¨ e„w×KiY| 50319174 - Procurement of 10 sets of Diesel Electric 50319174 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 10 †mU wW‡Rb B‡jKwUªK Multiple Unit (DEMU) for BR. gvwëcj BDwbU (wWGgBD) msMÖn| 50319175 - Procurement of 70 Nos. MG Diesel Electric 50319175 -70wU wgUvi†MR wW‡Rb B‡jKwUªK ‡jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMÖn| Locomotives. 50319176 - Procurement of 100 MG Flat (BFCT) & 5 50319176 -K‡›UBbvi cwien‡bi Rb¨ Gqvi †eªK m¤^wjZ 100wU Nos.MG Brake Van for carrying Container GgwR d¬¨vU IqvMb(weGdwmwU) Ges 5wU †eªK f¨vb msMÖn| 50319177 - Bangladesh Railway modernization project 50319177 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi AvaywbKxKiY cÖKí|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50319178 - Procurement of 100 BG Passenger 50319178 -100 wU eªW †M‡Ri hvÎx †KvP msMÖn| Coaches. 50319179 - Procurement of 50 MG Passenger 50319179 -50 wU wgUvi †MR hvÎx †KvP msMÖn| Coaches 50319180 - 50319180 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wPbKx Av¯@vbv-AvïMÄ †mKk‡bi ¶qcÖvß †ijm¤•–Y© bevqb Ges Ab¨vb¨ Avbymvw½K KvR| 50319181 - Feasibility study for construction of Chord 50319181 -AvïMÄ-kv‡q¯@vMÄ †mKk‡bi ‡ijc_ wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v| line from Ashuganj to Shaistaganj 50319182 - Feasibility study for construction of 50319182 -dwi`cyi-ewikvj ‡ij wjsK wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v| Faridpur-Barisal Railway link 50319978 - dd 50319978 -dd 50319998 - 50319998 -XvKv- PÆMÖvg †ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKí t jvKmvg - wPbwKAv¯ vbv †mKk‡bi Wvej jvBb wbg©vY| 50319999 - Railway Operations-Transfer 50319999 -‡ijI‡q cwiPvjb-¯’vbvši 5041-5050 - Road and Road Transport 5041-5050 -moK I moK cwienb 5041 - Department of Roads and Highways 5041 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`ßi 50410000 - Roads, Bridges & Ferries 50410000 -moK, †mZz I †dwi 50410001 - Chief Engineer-Roads and Highways 50410001 -cªavb cª‡KŠkjx-moK I Rbc_ 50410010 - Security Office 50410010 -wbivcËv Awdm 50414688 - a 50414688 -moK I gnv moKmg–‡ni †gBb‡U‡b›m Kg©m–wP, Rvcvb †WU K¨vb‡m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z 50414689 - a 50414689 -moK I gnvmoKmg‡ni g¨vBb‡U‡b›m Kg©mPx, wWGdAvBwW-Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z 50415000 - Unallocated Block 50415000 -AeivÏK…Z †_vK 50415010 - Access roads of Jamuna bridge (ADB part) 50415010 -hgybv †mZz GK‡mm †ivWm (GwWwe Ask) (01/07/96 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415011 - a 50415011 -Kb‡mvwj‡WwUs GÛ †cÖv‡UKwUs G js-Uvg© Bb‡f÷‡g›U (wmwcGjAvB) BbAviGBPwW GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Bb `¨v wUGmwm Ae c¬¨vwbs Kwgkb (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415012 - Construction of PC guarder bridge on 50415012 -cwUqv-Av‡bvqviv-evkuLvjx †UBUs mo‡Ki 23Zg Sangu river upto 23rd killometer at wK‡jvwgUv‡i mvs¸ b`xi Dci ‰Zjvi Øxc †mZz wbgv©Y Patia-Anwara-Bashkhali road (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415013 - Patuakhali bridge consturction project 50415013 -cUzqvLvjx †mZz wbgv©Y cÖKí (01/07/99 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415014 - Bridge construction project on 50415014 -‡gŠjfxevRvi-†dÂzMÄ-wm‡jU gnvmo‡K Kzwkqviv b`xi Fenchugonj-Kushiara river on Dci †mZz wbgv©Y cÖKí (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) Moulovibazer-Fenchugonj-Sylhet highway Aby‡gvw`Z 50415015 - Bridge construction project of 50415015 -Puv`cyi-bZzbevRvi-cyivbevRvi ms‡hvM †mZz wbgv©Y Chandpur-Nutunbazer-Puranbazer (WvKvwZqv b`xi Dci) cÖKí (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415016 - Construciton of feeder road at 50415016 -kwiqZcyi-MsMvbMi-gsMjgvwSiNvU wdWvi moK wbgv©Y Shariatpur-Gonganogor-Mongol Mazirghat (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415017 - Construction of some feeder road and 50415017 -e„nËi wm‡jU †Rjvi K‡qKwU ¸i“Z¡c–Y© wdWvi moK I bridge at greater Sylhet district †mZz wbgv©Y t K. Avi GBP wW Ask (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415018 - Construction of bridge on old Bramhaputro 50415018 -cyivZb eª²cyÎ b`x‡Z Lyikx`gn‡j †mZz wbgv©Y at Khurshidmahal (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415019 - Upgradation of Pagla-Jaganathpur - 50415019 -cvMjv-RMbœv_cyi-ivbxMÄ-AvDkKvw›` moK‡K AvÂwjK Ranigonj - Aushkandhi road to Regional gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY (01/07/99 - 30/06/2005) highway 50415020 - Construction of Jamuna multipurpose 50415020 -hgybv eûgyLx †mZz wbg©vY cªKí bridge project 50415021 - Comprehensive Assesment for Social and 50415021 -KgwcÖ‡nbwmf G¨v‡mm‡g›U di †mvmvj GÛ Environment Impact Gbfvqib‡g›U Bgc¨v± (01/07/2007-31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415022 - Upgradation of Road from Muktisharani 50415022 -gyw³miYx Ges hvÎvevox n‡Z eywoM½v ch©š@ we`¨gvb and Jatrabari to Buriganga road to 8 lanes mo‡Ki Dbœqb (1-7-2000 - 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415023 - Construction of Bridge over the Kongsho at 50415023 -mybvgM‡Ä-ag©cvkv-†b·Kvbv mo‡K 52Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i 52nd Kilometer of Ksm b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY (1-7-2000 - Sunamgonj-Dhormapasa-Netrokona road 30-6-2004) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415024 - Construction of Kapasia Bridge over the 50415024 -kxZj¶v b`xi Dci Kvcvwmqv †mZz wbgv©Y (1-7-2000 - Shitolakha river 30-6-2005) (Abyt) 50415025 - Construction of Bagaihat-Masalong-Sajek 50415025 -evMvBnvU-gvmvjs-mv‡RK moK wbgv©Y (1-7-2001 - road 30-6-2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415026 - Construction of Batiaghata Bridge over the 50415026 -Mj­vgvix-ewUqvNvUv-`v‡Kvc mo‡K 7Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i Sholamari river at 7th Kilometer of ˆkjgvix b`xi Dci ewUqvNvUv †mZz wbgv©Y Gollamari-Batiaghata-Dacope road (01/07/2001-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415027 - Construction of Chandina-Debiddar road 50415027 -Pvw›`bv-†`exØvi moK wbgv©Y cÖKí 50415028 - Construction of Sylhet City Bypass road 50415028 -wm‡jU kni †ijI‡q †÷kb evBcvm moK wbgv©Y ( (Railway station) 1-7-96 - 30-6-2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415029 - Construction of PC Guarder Bridge at 2nd 50415029 -Rvgvjcyi-†kicyi-ebMuvI mo‡Ki 2q wKtwgt G eª¶¥cyÎ KM over Bramaputhra River b`xi wcwm MvW©vi †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415030 - Construction of Bridge at 22th KM over 50415030 -MdiMuvI-fvjyKv-mwLcyi mo‡K 22gZ wKtwgt wLi“ b`xi Khiru River on Gafargao-Valuka-Shakhipur Dci †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/99 - 30/06/2004) ( Abyt) Road 50415031 - Tec 50415031 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di w` †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae U«v›m‡cvU© Kwi‡Wvim di †U«W d¨vwmwj‡Ukb (01/08/2006-31/12/2008 Aby‡gvw`Z 50415032 - Construciton of Badhaghat Bridge at Sylhet 50415032 -wm‡jU †Rjvi evavNvU †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415033 - Consturction of 3rd Shahajalal (Rah:) 50415033 -XvKv-wm‡jU-mybvgMÄ gnvmo‡K myigv b`xi Dci Z…Zxq bridge on Surma river on kvnRvjvj (int) †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/99 - Dhaka-Sylhet-Shunamgonj road 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415034 - Construction of bridge on Shitalakha river 50415034 -Rq‡`ecyi-†`eMÖvg-fzjZv-g`bcyi mo‡K kxZj¶v on Jaidebpur-Debgram-Vulta-Madanpur b`x‡Z †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) road ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415035 - Upgradation of Kustia-Meherpur road to 50415035 -Kzwóqv-†g‡nicyi moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY Regional highway (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415036 - Upgradation of Jessore-Magura Road 50415036 -h‡kvni-gv¸ov moK Avc‡MÖWKiY (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415037 - Consturction of Bancharampur bridge on 50415037 -evÃvivgcyi-†nvgbv mo‡Ki 12Zg wK‡jvwgUvi G wZZvm Titas river on Bancharampur-Homna road b`xi Dci evÃvivgcyi †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/99 - upto 12 kilometer 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415038 - Construction of approach road at 50415038 -AvovBnvRvi-evÃvivgcyi-gyiv`bMi ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y Araihazar-Bancharampur-Muradnagor and Ges BwjqUMÄ-evÃvivgcyi mo‡Ki 19Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i Bridge construction on Titas River on wZZvm b`xi Dci †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/99 - Eliotgong-Bancharampur road upto 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415039 - a 50415039 -bjwmwU- ˆekvLxqv PiKvwVcvov - (ˆekvLxqv cxi‡gvqv‡¾g †nv‡mb ms‡hvMmn) moK Dbœqb (1/7/05-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415040 - Construction of Sharail-Nasirnogor-Lakhai 50415040 -mivBj-bvwmi bMi-jvLvB moK wbg©vY Road cÖKí(01/07/1999 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415041 - Emergency Rehabilitation of Damaged 50415041 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii AvIZvaxb ¶wZMÖ¯’ moKmg– Road under Roads and Highways ‡ni Ri“ix cybe©vmb cÖKí Department 50415042 - Construction of 2nd Bagura City Bypass 50415042 -e¸ov 2q kni evBcvm moK wbgv©Y ( 1-7-2001 - Road 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415043 - Construction of melted road 50415043 -cÂMo-wPwbKj †esnvix-gvwoqv-kvjWv½v-†`exMÄ moK Phanchagor-Chinicall-Benghari-Maria-Sha cvKvKiY ldanga-Debigonj 50415044 - Construction of 50415044 -wgicyi-weiywjqv-Avïwjqv-Bqvicyi moK Mirpur-Berulia-Asulia-Yearpur road wbgv©Y(1-7-2000-30-6-2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415045 - Construction of Sikhba bridge and Koyra 50415045 -†eZMÖvg-Zvjv-cvBKMvQv-Kqiv mo‡Ki 33Zg wKtwgt birdge on the way of wkemv b`xi Dci wkemv †mZz I 51Zg wKtwgt G Kqiv Betgram-Tala-Paikgacha †mZz wbgv©Y cÖKí(1-7-2000- 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415046 - Widening of 50415046 -†eZMÖvg-Zvjv-cvBKMvQv-Kqiv moK cÖk¯@KiY(1-7- Betgram-Tala-Paikgacha-Koyra road 2000-30-6-2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415047 - Construction and Rehabilitation of specific 50415047 -cUzqvLvjx I ei¸bv †Rjvq K‡qKwU wbw`©ó †dix I cëzb some ferry and pontoon at Patuakhali and cyb©evmb I wbgv©Y cÖKí(1-7-2000 - 30-6-2006) Borguna district Aby‡gvw`Z 50415048 - a 50415048 -LvMovQwo-ev›`ievb-iv½vgvwU moK wbgv©Y 50415049 - Construction of Bridge over Moheshkhali 50415049 -PKwiqv-e`iLvjx-†MviKNvUv RbZvevRvi moK‡K 17Zg chanel at 17th Kilometer of wK‡jvwgUv‡i g‡nkLvjx P¨v‡b‡j †mZz wbgv©Y (1-7-2001 Chakaria-Boderkhaly-Ghorokghata-Janata - 30-6-2006) Aby‡gvw`Z bazar 50415050 - Construction of Saihara Bridge at 6th KM 50415050 -cvMjv-RMbœv_cyi-ivYxMÄ-AvDmKvw›` mo‡Ki 6ô wKt on wgt G Qqnviv †mZz wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/03 - Pagla-Jaganathpur-Ranigonj-Aushkandi 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Road 50415051 - Prearing the greater Dhaka Sustinafle 50415051 -wcÖ‡cqvwis w` †MÖUvi XvKv mvg‡UB‡bej Avievb Uªv݇cvU© onban Transport Carrido. Kwi‡Wvi (01/07/2010-30/04/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415052 - a 50415052 -cÙv †mZz cÖK‡íi we¯ZvwiZ mgx¶v cÖKí (chv©q-2) 50415053 - Construction of Bangabandhu bridge 50415053 -e½eÜz hgybv †mZy wbgv©Y cªKí (01/07/99 - project 30/06/2001) 50415054 - Resettlement of persons affected by 50415054 -cvMjv-RMbœv_cyi-ivYxMÄ AvDmKvw›` moK wbg©vY Bangabandhu bridge (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2006-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415055 - a 50415055 -wm‡jU kn‡ii 03 wU ¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK wbg©vY (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415056 - Construction of K.B. Haider ( Phulgaji 50415056 -†K,we nvq`vi moK (dzjMvRx gyÝxinvU)- †dbx Munshirhut ) - Feni ( Fazilpur) Road ( (dvwRjcyi) Dbœqb (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) 01/07/06-30/06/10 ) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 50415057 - a 50415057 -wkgivBj-Bwc‡RW-bvivqbMÄ moK Dbœqb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415058 - a 50415058 -Rq‡`ecyi-gvIbv-gqgbwmsn mo‡Ki Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY ((01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415059 - a 50415059 -†ngv‡qZcyi-wmsMvBi-gvwbKMÄ moK‡K 4 †jB‡b DbœxZKiY (†ngv‡qZcyi-aj­v †mZz Ask) (cÙv K¨vb †_‡K nwiYaviv ms‡hvMmn) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z | 50415060 - Up-gradation of Ekdaria-Agrapur Road into 50415060 -GK`wiqv-AvMicyi mo‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY Regional Highway (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415061 - Improvement of Kotalipara (Radhagonj)- 50415061 -‡KvUvjxcvov (ivavMÄ)-cx‡iievox-Pjej Pirerbari- Cholbol Bazar- Mabogram- evRvi-beMÖvg-`w¶b Wvmvi (Pjej-ivgkxj evRvi South Dasar Road. ms‡hvM moKmn) moK Dbœqb| 50415062 - South-east 50415062 -`w¶Y-cwðg eb¨v cybe©vmb cÖKí 50415063 - Road Maintenance and Development 50415063 -moK i¶Yv‡e¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí(1-7-2001 - project 30-12-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415064 - Construction of 50415064 -KzjvDov-c„w_¡gcvkv-nvRxcyi-kixqZcyi moK wbgv©Y Kulaura-Prethemasha-Hazipur-Shariatpur road 50415065 - Upgradation of 50415065 -mvBb‡evW©-†gv‡ojMÄ-iv‡q›`v ¯§iY‡Lvjv-ewM© moK‡K singboard-Moralgonj-Raenda-Shorankhol AvÂwjK gnvmo†K DbœxZKiY cÖKí a-Borgee road into a regional highway 50415066 - a 50415066 -2000 eb¨v ¶wZM«¯’' †ij jvBb, †mZz, †mP, e¨vsK I Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vcbvmg‡ni cyb©evmb 50415067 - Development/Repair/Maintenance of three 50415067 -wZbwU cve©Z¨ †Rjvq moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii hill district's road under the Roads and AvIZvaxb moK Dbœqb/†givgZ/ms¯‹vi kxl©K cÖKí Highway department (22wU moK) 50415068 - Improvement of Lalmai-Laksam-Maizdhi 50415068 -jvjgvB-jvKmvg-gvBR`x moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/07 Project (01/07/07-30/06/10) Revised - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 50415069 - Jaidabpur-Moymonshing road 50415069 -Rq‡`ecyi-gqgbwmsn moK Dbœqb cÖKí development project 50415070 - Kodalia-Valuka Bazer, 50415070 -†Kv`vwjqv-Wvjyqv evRvi wPjcvov NvU-wPIovcvov evRvi Cheoraparaghat-Cheorapara Bazer Road moK wbg©vY (01/07/99 - 30/06/2004) (Abyt) 50415071 - Upgrading of 50415071 -wSbvB`vn-PzqvWv½v-‡g‡nicyi-gywRebMi moK| Jhenaidah-Chuadanga-Meherpur Road.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415072 - Cumilla city 50415072 -Kzwgj­v kn‡ii `w¶Y-cwðg Kwi‡Wvi Dbœqb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415073 - Improvement of Pachkita Nagarkandi, 50415073 -cuvPwKËv-bv‡MiKvw›` moK Dbœqb Road (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415074 - a 50415074 -ewikvj-Kovcyi-beMÖvg-¯^iƒcKvwU (SvjKvVx Ask) moK wbg©vY (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415075 - a 50415075 - bjwQwU-†cvbvevwjqv-SvjKvVx moK wbg©vY (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415076 - Munshiganj (Hatimara) Sreenagar Road 50415076 -gwÝMÄ-kÖxbMi (Qbevox-Kz‡Ûi evRvi-nvwZgviv gywÝMÄ) Improvement (Revised) moK wbg©vY (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415077 - a 50415077 -dwi`cyi kni¯’ mIR Awa`߇ii mo‡Ki Dbœqb (01/01/2006-31/10/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415078 - Construction of 29 km on Narsingdi- 50415078 -biwms`x - g`bMÄ mo‡Ki e¯‘j ch©š@ 29 wKt gt moK Madangonj Road upto bastal wbg©vY (01/01/2006-31/10/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/06-31/10/10) Approved 50415079 - Construction of link Road to Rajbari 50415079 -cvebv †_‡K euv‡ainvU fvqv bvwRicyi †dixNvU n‡q District From Pabna to Badherhat via ivRevox †Rjvi mv‡_ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY Najirganj Ferry ghat (Revised) (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/04-30/06/10) Approved 50415080 - Development of South-West Road Network 50415080 -`w¶Y-cwðg moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/99 - Project 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415081 - 8-Laning of Jatrabari-Kanchpur part of 50415081 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg gnvmo‡Ki hvÎvevox-KuvPcyi Ask (‡cvìvi Dhaka-Chittagonj Highway (Polder road). moK) 8 †j‡b DbœxZKiY 50415082 - Construction of Badherhat-Khayerchar 50415082 -bMievwo †dixNvU cÖv‡š@ euv‡ainvU L‡qiPi moK wbg©vY Road from Nagarbari Ferry Ghat End (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (Revised) 50415083 - Improvement of Madhabpur-Rajachapitola 50415083 -gvaecyi ivRvPvwcZjv moK Dbœqb Road (Revised) (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415084 - Completion of Remaining works of 50415084 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii AvIZvaxb moK †bUIqv‡K© Incomplete Bridges in RHD Road Network Aš@f‚©I“ †mZzmg–‡ni AmgvßKvR mgvßKiY 50415085 - Construction of Remaining Portion of 50415085 -gqgbwmsn kni evBcvm mo‡Ki Aewkó KvR mgvßKiY Mymensingh Town Bypass Road (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415086 - Construction of 10(ten) Bridges of 50415086 -wm‡jU-mvjywUKi-†Kv¤•vbxMÄ-†fvjvMÄ mo‡Ki 10wU Sylhet-Salutikar-Companygonj-Bholagonj †mZz wbg©vY (01/01/2009-30/06/2011) Road 50415087 - Improvement of Comilla-Bibir Bazar Land 50415087 -Kzwgj­v-weweievRvi ¯’je›`i moK Dbœqb Port Road (01/10/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415088 - Improvement of 50415088 -wiKvexevRvi-ivgcvj-w`Nxicvo-evsjvevRvi-gywÝMÄ Rekabibazar-Rampal-Degirpar-Banglabaz m`i-bqvMuvI-gyI“vicyi moK (bqvMuvI nvmcvZvj ar-Monshigonj Sader-Nayagaon-Mokterpur ms‡hvMmn) wbg©vY (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Road including Nayagaon Hospital link Road 50415089 - Improvement of Tungipara-Kotalipara 50415089 -UzsMxcvov-†KvUvjxcvov (gvSevox) moK Dbœqb (Majhbari) Road (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415090 - Procurement of Maintenance and 50415090 -eb¨v cybe©vmb Kv‡R e¨envi‡hvM¨ hš¿cvwZ I miÄvg Equipment for Flood Rehabilitation works msMÖn cÖKí (moK I Rbc_) 50415091 - Development of Lalmonirhat-Burimari 50415091 -jvjgwbinvU-eywogvox moK Dbœqb Road. 50415092 - Upgradation of Codda-Enaytpur (Khaja 50415092 -mq`vev`-Gbv‡qZcyi (LvRv BDbym Avjx †gwWK¨vj Yunus Ali Medical College hospital) road K‡jR nvmcvZvj ch©š@) moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K into a regional highway DbœxZKiY (1-7-2000 - 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415093 - Construction of Gazipur-Azmotpur-Etkhola 50415093 -MvRxcyi-AvRgZcyi-BUv‡Lvjv moK wbgv©Y(1-7-2000 - road 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415094 - Construction of Akhaura city bypass road 50415094 -AvLvDov kni evBcvm moK wbgv©Y(1-7-2000 - 30- 6- 2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415095 - Construction of Baburhat-Motlob-Pennai 50415095 -eveyinvU-gZje-†cbœvB moK wbgv©Y( 1-7-2000 - road 30-6-2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415096 - Upgradation of 50415096 -Kzwgj­v-cvjcvov-eywoPs-eªv¶¥bcvov-wgicyi moK‡K Comilla-Palpara-Burichonj-Bramnpara-Mir AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY pur road into regional highway (1/7/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415097 - Construction of Proposed Korean EPZ ring 50415097 -PÆMÖv‡g cÖ¯@vweZ †Kvwiqvb Bwc‡RW wis †ivW wbgv©Y road at Chittagong 50415098 - Construction of Vogai bridge over the 50415098 -mxgvš@ (mܨvKzov-nvZxcvMo-nvjyqvNvU) mo‡K †fvMvB Vogai river at border side b`xi Dci †fvMvB †mZz wbgv©Y cÖKí ( 1-7-2000 - 30 (Shandakura-Hatipagar-Haluaghat) -6-07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415099 - Construction of Balia-Wasing-Mirjapur 50415099 -evwjqv-Iqvwms-wgRv©cyi moK wbgv©Y road 50415100 - Construction of Rupsha bridge and Khulna 50415100 -iƒcmv b`xi Dci †mZz mn ms‡hvM moK Ges Lyjbv city bypass road with Link to Rupsha evBcvm moK wbgv©Y (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) bridge (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415101 - Construction of Mirzapur-Warshi-Balia 50415101 -wgRv©cyi-Iqvwm©-evwjqv (wjsK Uz Iqvwm© gR`yB-evwi›`v Road with link to Warshi-Masdai-Barinda evRvi) moK (18 wKtwgt) wbg©vY Bazar. 50415102 - Construction of 156 Miter Long Pristed 50415102 -kg‡mibMi-kwidcyi-PvZjv †PK‡cv÷ mo‡Ki 7g Concrete Gurder Bridge over the River wKtwgt G gbyb`xi Dci 156 wgt wcÖtKt MvWv©i †mZz wbt Monu at 7th Kilometer of (PvZjv †mZz) I eªv²bevRvi-kg‡mibMi kÖxgsMj Shamsernagar-Sharifpur-Chatla Check mo‡Ki 12Zg wKtwgt gby b`xi Dci 150wgt `xN© wcÖt Kt MvW©vi †mZz wbt KvUvi †Kvbv post road (01/07/2001-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415103 - Construction of Juri Bridge at 46th 50415103 -†gŠjfxevRvi-KzjvDov-Ryix-jvwVwUjv mo‡Ki 46Zg Kilometer on the way of wK‡jvwgUv‡i Kwóbvjv †mZz I 48Zg wKtwgt Ryix †mZz Malovibazar-Kulaura-Juri-Lathitila road wbgv©Y (1-7-2000 - 30-6-05) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415104 - Upgradetion of 50415104 -wRwÄiv-†KivbxMÄ-beveMÄ-†`vnvi-kÖxbMi moK‡K Jinjira-Karanigonj-Nawabgonj-Dohar-Srin AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY (1/7/2000 - 30/6/06) agar Road into Regional Highway Road Aby‡gvw`Z 50415105 - Construction of Tulshikhali Bridge at 15th 50415105 -wRwÄiv-†KivYxMÄ-†`vnvi mo‡Ki 15Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i Kilometer on the way of ZzjmxLvjx †mZz Ges 19Zg wKtwgt gwiPv mZz Jinjira-Karanigonj-Dohar road and Maricha wbgv©Y(1-7-2000 - 30-6-05) Aby‡gvw`Z Bridge at19th Kilometer on the way of Jid 50415106 - Upgradetion of Fatulah-Munshigonj-Maoa 50415106 -dZzj­v-gyÝxMÄ-gvIqv moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K road into Regional Highway DbœxZKiY (1-7-01 -30-6-07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415107 - Construction of Chasra-Kamalapur and 50415107 -Pvlov-Kgjvcyi Ges kvnRvnvbcyi-Avãyj­vncyi moK Shajahanpur-Abdulahpur road (beside the wbgv©Y (†ijjvBb Gi cvk¦© w`qv) railline) 50415108 - Upgradetion of Sylhet-Sunamgonj 50415108 -wm‡jU-mybvgMÄ AvÂwjK gnvmoK‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡K Regional High Road into National Highway DbœxZKiY Road 50415109 - Upgradetion of 50415109 -†ngvqZcyi-wmsMvBi-gvwbKMÄ moK‡K AvÂwjK Hemaitpur-Shingair-Manikgonj road into gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY Regional Highway 50415110 - Replacement/Rehabilitation and 50415110 -mIR Awa`߇ii Aaxb¯’ †dix cÖwZ¯’vcb I cbe©vmb I Maintenance of R&H Ferry i¶Yv‡e¶b cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2003) 50415111 - Improvement of Takerhat (Highway Point) 50415111 -‡U‡KinvU (nvBI‡q c‡q›U)-`Ëcvov-m~h©bMi moK -Dottopara-Surjonagar Road 50415112 - Construction of Dhap Dhapia Bridge 50415112 -ewikvj-cUyqvLvjx mo‡K `c`wcqv †mZz wbgv©Y cÖKí(1-7-2000 - 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415113 - Construction of 3 Bridges at Khepupara, 50415113 -cUyqvLvjx-KzqvKvUv mo‡Ki †Lcycvov, nvRxMÄ I gnxcy‡i Hajeeganj & Mahipur on 3wU †mZy wbg©vY Patuakhali-Kuakata Road 50415114 - a 50415114 -cUyqvLvjx-KzqvKvUv mo‡Ki (22 wKtwgt) Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY (†Lcycvov-KzqvKvUv Ask) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z| 50415115 - a 50415115 -bvivqbMÄ ms‡hvM moK‡K 4 †gB‡b DbœxZKiY 50415116 - a 50415116 -wkibxi‡UK n‡Z MveZjx ‡mZy ch©š@ ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY(01/01/09 - 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415117 - Eastern Bangladesh Bridge Improvement 50415117 -B÷vY© evsjv‡`k weªR BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖKí Project (EBBIP)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415118 - Improvement of 50415118 -†MŠib`x-Av‰MjSov-cqmvinvU-†KvUvjxcvov-†MvcvjMÄ Gouranadi-Agailjhara-Paisarhat-Kotalipara moK Dbœqb (†MvcvjMÄ evm Uvwg©Yvj ms‡hvM moKmn) -Gopalganj road including Gopalgonj Bus (01/08/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Terminal link Road 50415119 - Improvement of Mokamtola 50415119 -†gvKvgZjv (e¸ov-iscyi RvZxq gnvmoK) (Bogra-Rangpur National Highway) -†mvbvZjv-nwiLvjx-nvU‡kicyi-mvwiqvKvw›` moK Dbœqb -Sonatola-Harikhali-Hatsherpur-Sariakand (01/09/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z i Road 50415120 - Construction of 50415120 -g`bcyi-g`bMÄ-ˆmq`cyi moK wbg©vY (01/07/99 - Modanpur-Modongonj-Saydpur Road 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415121 - Development of Bancharampur-Homna 50415121 -evÃvivgcyi-‡nvgbv moK Dbœqb| road 50415122 - Construction (Remaining Works) of 50415122 -mv`yj­vcyi-beveMÄ mo‡Ki 27 wKtwgt G (KuvP`nNv‡U) Pre-stressed Girder Bridge over Karatowa Ki‡Zvqv b`xi Dci wcÖ-†÷«mW MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY River (Katchdho Ghat) at 27 th km of (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Sadullahpur Road 50415123 - Upgradetion of Salna(Rajendrapur) 50415123 -mvjbv (iv‡R›`ªcyi)-Kvcvwmqv-gV‡Lvjv moK‡K AvÂwjK -Kapasia-Motkhola road into Regional gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY Highway 50415124 - Construction of Bridge over the Changir 50415124 -mvwi-†MvqvbNvU mo‡K †P½xiLvj b`xi Ici †mZz Khal on the way of Shari-Goanghat road wbgv©Y(1-7-01 - 30-6-07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415125 - Construction of 50415125 -weqvbxevRvi-†MvjvcMÄ-†dÂzMÄ moK wbgv©Y Bianibazar-Gopalgonj-Fanchugonj road 50415126 - Construction of 3 (Three) bridges at 50415126 -bv‡Uvi moK wefv‡Mi wewfbœ mo‡K 3wU †mZy wbg©vY different RHD roads under Natore Road division. 50415127 - Construction of Sarail-Anuail road 50415127 -mivBj-AbyqvBj moK wbgv©Y 50415128 - Widening and Improvement of 50415128 -gv`vixcyi Av‰MjSov moK cªk¯KiY I Dbœqb Madaripur-Agailjhara Road. 01/10/2009-30/06/2012 - Aby‡gvw`Z 01/10/2009---30/06/2012 50415129 - Improvement of Pirojpur- Gopalganj 50415129 -wc‡ivRcyi-†MvcvjMÄ moK Dbœqb Ges †kL jyrdi (Ghonapara) Road including construction ingvb †mZz (cvUMvwZ †mZz) wbg©vY 01/10/2009- of incompleta Lutfur Rahman Bridge 30/06/2012 Aby‡gvw`Z (Patgati Bridge). 50415130 - Road rehabilitation and maintenace 50415130 -moK cybe©vmb I i¶Yv‡e¶b cªKí project 50415131 - Completion of Remaining work of 50415131 -‡MŠixcyi-KPzqv-nvRxMÄ-ivgMÄ-j¶xcyi mo‡Ki Amgvß Gauripur-Kachua-Hazigonj-Ramgonj-Lax KvR mgvßKiY| mipur Road 50415132 - Construction of seven no. R.C.C. Box 50415132 -Lyjbv PzKbMi mvZ¶xiv mo‡Ki †PB‡bR 38+000 Culvert and Raising and Reconstruction †_‡K 42+500 wgt ch©šZ moK DuPy-KiY cybwbg©vY from chainage 38+000 to 42+500 and of Ges 7wU Aviwmwm e· KvjfvU© wbg©vY ( Khulna- Chuknagar -Satkhira Road. 01/10/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415133 - Completion of remaining work for 217.15 50415133 -wP¤¦yK -i“gv mo‡Ki 24 Zg wKtwgt (i“gv ms‡hvM m long PC Girder Bridge over Sangu River mo‡Ki 2q wKtwgt) G mvs¸ b`xi Dci 217.15 wgUvi at 24th km on Chimbuk Ruma Road (At `xN© wcª-†÷BW MvW©vi †mZz wewkó i“gv †mZzi Aewkó KvR 2nd km of Ruma Link Road) 01/07/2009-- mgvßKiY (01/07/2009-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z| -31/12/2012 50415134 - Construction for completion of remaining 50415134 -jv½‡ji nvU †mZzi (93.02 wgt ) Amgvß KvR works of Langolarhat (93.02 m) Bridge. mgvßKiY (01/01/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 01/01/2010---30/06/2012 50415135 - Construction of Nakla Bypass Road 50415135 -bKjv evBcvm moK (†RW-4610) wbg©vY Ges mÜ (Z-4610) and construction of 165 m PC ¨vKzov-nvZxcvMvo -abyqvKvgvj (mxgvš@) moK Gi 10g Girder Bridge over Challakhali River at wK‡jvwgUv‡i †Pj­vLvjx b`xi Dci 165 wgt wcwm MvW©vi 10th km of †mZz wbg©vY (01/01/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Sandhakura-Hatipagar-Dhanuakamalpur (Border) Road. 50415136 - Improvement of RHD Road in Faridpur 50415136 -dwi`cyi kni¯@ mIR Awa`߇ii moK Dbœqb Town. 01/01/2010---31/12/2011 (01/01/2010- 30/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415137 - Widening and Improvement of 50415137 -cuv”Pi -wkePi-gv`vixcyi moK cªk¯@KiY I Dbœqb Pachchar-Shibchar-Madaripur Road. (01/01/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z /01/2010---30/06/2012 50415138 - Construction of 36.60 m long PC Girder 50415138 -†`ŠjZw`qv-dwi`cyi-gv¸ov Bridge at 11th km (Khankhanpur) of -wSbvB`n-h‡kvi-Lyjbv-gsjv (w`MivR) mo‡Ki 11 Daulatpur-Faridpur-Magura-Jhenaidah-Je wKtwgt G Aew¯’Z (Lvb Lvbvcyi) 36.60wgt wcwm MvW©vi ssore-Khulna -Mongla (Digraj) Road. †mZz cybt wbg©vY (01/01/2010 -31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 01/01/2010---31/12/2011 50415139 - 4-Laning of Bahaddarhat intersection- 3rd 50415139 -enÏvinvU †_‡K 3q KY©dzjx †mZzi G‡cªvP ch©šZ moK Karnaphuli Bridge approach Road. 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY (01/01/10 - 31/12/11) 01/01/2010---31/12/2011 Aby‡gvw`Z 50415140 - Road Improvement Project 50415140 -moK Dbœqb cªKí 50415141 - 4-Laning of Madaripur (Mostafapur) 50415141 -gv`vixcyi (‡gv¯—dvcyi) fvqv KvRxi‡UK eªxR n‡Z -Shariatpur Road Via Kazirtack Bridge kixqZcyi moKwU 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY 50415142 - Akdaria-Poradia-Agarpur road 50415142 -GK`wiqv-†cvovw`qv-AvMicyi mo‡Ki AmgvßKvR mgvßKiY cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415143 - Janga-Sibpur-Raipur Road development 50415143 -R½v wkecyi-ivqcyiv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2012)Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415144 - Baniachong-Nabigong road 50415144 -evwbqvPs-bexMÄ moK wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415145 - Construction of Manikkhali Bridge by 50415145 -gvwbKLvwj †mZy wbg©vYmn Avkvïwb-cvBKMvQv moK Dbœqb Ashasuni-Paikgasha Road (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415146 - Improvement of 50415146 -mvBb‡evW©-†gv‡ojMÄ-iv‡q›`v-kiY‡Lvjv-eMx moK‡K Signboard-Morrelgonj-Rayenda-Sarankhol AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY cÖKí a-Bogie Road as a Regional Highway (01/07/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415147 - Improvement of Chitalmari-Fakirhat Road 50415147 -wPZjgvix-dwKinvU (djwZZv) moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415148 - Construction of Baushi-Gopalpur-Bhuapur 50415148 -evDkx-†Mvcvjcyi-fyqvcyi moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K Road with Link to Madhupur DbœxZKiY (gaycyi ms‡hvMmn) (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415149 - Construction of 6 Nos. Bridges in Different 50415149 -gvwbKMÄ moK wefvMvaxb †Mvjov-mvUzwiqv mo‡Ki Kilometer of Golora- Saturia Road under wewfbœ wK‡jvwgUv‡i 6wU †mZz wbg©vY Manikgoinj Road Divison (01/07/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) 50415150 - Construction of bridge on Rajshahi 50415150 -ivRkvnx bvInvÆv-gnv‡`ecyi mo‡K †mZz wbg©vY Noahattra-Mahadebpur road 50415151 - 4-Laning of Madaripur (Mostafapur) 50415151 -gv`vixcyi (‡gv¯@dvcyi) fvqv KvRxi‡UK eªxR n‡Z -Shariatpur Road Via Kazirtack Bridge kixqZcyi moKwU 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY 50415152 - Improvement of Goalando-Faridpur-Tarail 50415152 -‡Mvqvj›` -dwi`cyi-ZvivBb moK Dbœqb Road.(01/7/2010-30/6/2012 (01/7/2010-30/6/2012) 50415153 - Improvement of Bajunia- Gandhasur 50415153 -evRywbqv-MvBÜvmyi-mvZcvi-nvwZqviv-ivgw`qv ( ivgw`qv –satpar-Hatiara-Ramdia Road including evRvi evBcvmmn ) moK Dbœqb Ramdia bazar By-pass (01/7/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Road.01/7/2010-30/6/2012 50415154 - Improvement of Naria-pathanfari-Nayan 50415154 -bwoqv-cvVvbevox-bqb gvZeviKvw›`-WMix -kvIovMªvg Madbar Kandi-Dogri-shawra road. wPKw›` evRvi) moK Dbœqb 01/07/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415155 - Completion of remaining work of Badaghat 50415155 -evavNvU-wegvbe›`i ms‡hvM mo‡Ki Amgvß KvR –Airport LinkRoad. mgvßKiY (01/06/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415156 - Construction of Dirai-Salla portion of 50415156 -g`bcyi-w`ivB-kvj­v mo‡Ki w`ivB-kvj­v moKvsk wbg©vY Madanpur-Dirai-salla-Road. (01/07/2010-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415157 - Improvement and widening of 50415157 -wPbvLov -myRvbMi moK cÖk¯’KiY I Dbœqb chinakhara-Sujanagar Road. (01/7/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415158 - Reconstruction of 50415158 -‡jeyLvjx-`ygKx-eMv-evDdj-KvjvBqv-`kwgbv-MjvwPcv- Lebukhali-Bouphal-Golachipa-Amragachio AvgivMvwQqv moK cybwbg©vY (01/7/2010-30/6/2013) n Road. Aby‡gvw`Z 50415159 - 4-laning of Nabinagar-DEPZ- Chandra 50415159 -bexbMi-Bwc‡RW-P›`Öv moK‡K 4†j‡b DbœwZKiY Road. (01/7/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415160 - Construction of 50415160 -ivgcyiv-fzjZv-AvovBnvRvi-evÂvivgcyi-bexbMi-wkecyi- Rampura-Voltha-Araihazar-Bancharampur ivwaKv moK wbg©vY (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2004) Road 50415161 - Improvement of Galtali-Soarighat road. 50415161 -MveZjx-‡mvqvixNvU moK Dbœqb 50415162 - Widening & Improvement of Madaripur 50415162 -gv`vixcyi (KzjcwÏ)-KvjwKwb-f‚iNvUv moK cÖk¯@KiY I (Kulpuddi)-kalkini-Bhurghata Road. Dbœqb (01/7/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415163 - Widening of pavementy and construction of 50415163 -cvebv kn‡ii we`¨gvb mo‡Ki †cf‡g›U cÖk¯@KiY I Median (Bus terminal- Daspara) in the wgwWqvb wbg©vY ( evm Uvwg©bvj †_‡K Nvmcvov ) existing roads of pabna. (01/7/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415164 - Construction of overpass on jurain rail 50415164 -XvKv-kn‡ii RyivBb †ijµwmsG Ifvicvm wbg©vY crossing in Dhaka city. (01/7/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415165 - Construction of Bothuabari Bridge at 9th 50415165 -‡kicyi-aybU-KvRxcyi-wmivRMÄ mo‡Ki 9g wKw¯@‡Z Km of Sherpur Dhunot- Kazipur-Serajgonj e_yqvevox †mZz wbg©vY (01/7/2010-30/6/2013) road. Aby‡gvw`Z 50415166 - Upgradation of 50415166 -mivBj-we-evwoqv -myjZvbcyi-wPbvBi-AvLvDov-†mbvievw` Sarail-Bbaria-Sultanpur-Chinair –Akhaura moK‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY –Senarbadi Road to national Highway. (01/7/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415167 - Construction of Satkhira town bypass road 50415167 -‡fvgiv ¯’je›`i ms‡hvMmn mvZ¶xivkni evBcvm moK including vomra land Port link road. wbg©vY (01/8/2010-30/6/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415168 - Masterbari-Mirzapur-Piruzani-Nuhazhpalli- 50415168 -gv÷vievwo-wgR©vcyi-wci²Rvwb-bynvkcj­x-gvIbv moK Maona road improvement Dbœqb (01/7/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415169 - Improvement of Magura Mohammadpur 50415169 -gv¸iv-†gvnv¤g`cyi-KvwjksKi-†bvnvUv-†jvnvMov moK Kalision kaorpur –Nohata – Lohagara road Dbœqb (gv¸iv Ask (01/11/2010-30/6/2013) ( Magura portion ) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415170 - Construction of bridge on 50415170 -cuvP‡`vbv-gV‡Lvjv KzwUqvw` mo‡K †mZz wbg©vY Panchdona-Mathkola kotiadi road 50415171 - Construction of Kushtia bypass Road. 50415171 -Kzwóqv kni evBcvm moK wbg©vY| 50415172 - Construction of PC Girder Bridge 50415172 -MdiMuvI -eigx-gvIbv mo‡Ki 26Zg wKtwgt G mywZqv (Trimohoni Bridge ) over the River Sutia at b`xi Dci wcwm MvW©vi †mZz w·gvnbx †mZz wbg©vY 26th KM of Grafargaon (01/07/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z –Bovri-MawanRoad. 50415173 - Construction of 1.025 Km of Daulatdia 50415173 -1.025 wKtwgt ˆ`N©¨ wewkó †`ŠjZw`qv †dixNvU G¨v‡cÖvP Ferryghat Approad Road & improvedht of moK Ges †`ŠjZw`qv-dwi`cyi-gv¸ov-wSbvn`n-h‡kvi- First 2.50 2.50 km Eyisting 2- ame 4 lane Lyjbv gnvmo‡Ki cÖ_g 2.50 wKtwgt moKvsk 2 †jb of Danlatdia – Faridpur ( Goalchamot )- n‡Z 4 †j‡b DbœwZKiY (01/12/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Magura –Jhenidah –Jessore – Khulna –Mongla (Digraj ) Road (N-7) 50415174 - Construction of Razarhat Bridge at 10th km 50415174 -PUªMÖv‡gi iv½ywbqvq Kvjxw›`ivbx mo‡Ki 10g wKtwgt Kalindee Rani road over shilok river at GkxjK b`xi Dci ivRvinvU †mZz wbg©vY rangunia – Chittagong. (01/07/2010-31/12/2012 ) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415175 - The 3rd Shitalakhya Bridge Construction 50415175 -bvivqbM‡Äi e›`i Dc‡Rjvi 3q kxZj¶¨v †mZz wbg©vY project at Ban Bandar Upazila, (01/11/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Narayangonj. 50415176 - Improvement and widening of Ataikula- 50415176 -AvZvB‡Kvjv-myRvbMi moK cÖk¯@KiY I Dbœqb †mZz Sujanagar Road ( including bridge wbg©vYmn (01/12/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z construction ) 50415177 - Improvement of Sathkhiva – Assasuni 50415177 -mvZ¶xiv-Avkvïwb moK Dbœqb Road. (01/7/2010-30/06/2014) (01/7/2010-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415178 - Baniachang – Ajmerygonj Road 50415178 -evwbqvPs- AvRwgixMÄ moK ( 01/12/2010-30/6/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415179 - Improvement of sheikhpara – Shailkupa- 50415179 -‡kLcvov-ˆkjKzcv-jv½je›` moK Dbœqb Langolbandh road. (01/01/2011-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415180 - Feeder roads improvement project in 50415180 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn †Rjvi wdWvi †ivW DbœZKiY greater Mymensingh district 50415181 - Rehabilitation of Hatia ( Bhuiarhat) 50415181 -nvwZqv (f~uBqvinvU)-RvnvRgviv moK Ges Zgi“wÏb -Jahajmara road and Tamuruddin link ms‡hvM moK c~be©vmb cÖKí Road.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415182 - Construction of remaining Approach Road 50415182 -XvKv moK wefvMvaxb Z…Zxq eywoM½v †mZzi G‡cÖvP moK for shahid Buddijibi Bridge and wbg©vYmn AvwUevRvi ms‡hvM Ges †Kvb replacement of 3 (three) old Bridges. †Lvjv-†Lvjv‡gvov-nhiZcyi -BUvevov-†ngv‡qZcyi mo‡K 3wU †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415183 - Construction of char Fassion –char 50415183 -Pi‡dkb -PigvwbKv-eveyinvU jÂNvU moK wbg©vY manika- Baburhat- Launchghat road . (01/07/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415184 - Construction of 8 nos. PC girder Bridge & 50415184 -‡ngv‡qZcyi-wmsMvBi-gvwbKMÄ-mo‡Ki wewfbœ 2 Nos. RCC Box culvert at different wK‡jvwgUv‡i 8wU wcwm MvW©vi †mZz I 2wU Aviwmwm kilometer of hemayetpur- Singair- eKvªKvjfvU© wbg©vY (01/12/2010-31/12/2012) Manikgonj road. Aby‡gvw`Z 50415185 - Improvement of Pabna – Paksey (Up to 50415185 -cvebv -cvKkx ( i²ccyi †gvo ch©š@ ) Bwc‡RW ms‡hvM Ruppur More ) EPZ commeeting road moK Dbœqb (01/7/2010-30/6/2012) project Aby‡gvw`Z 50415186 - Baroiarhat-Meako- ramgorh- sabrum land 50415186 -ev‡iŠqvinvU-†nuqv‡Kv-ivgMo-mvei²g ¯’j e›`i ms‡hvM port link road Improvement . moK Dbœqb ( 01/7/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415187 - Construction of P.C Girder Bridge at 3rd 50415187 -KovKvw›`-evÂvivgcyi-RxebMÄ evRvi moK wbg©vb km ( palpara Bridge ) of Comilla – (01/7/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z Burichang – Brahmanpara Mirpur Road. 50415188 - Construction of PC girder Brigde 3rd km ( 50415188 -Kzwgj­v-eywoPs -evªþYcvov- wgicyi mo‡Ki 3q wKtwgt Palpara Bridge ) of Comilla – Burichong- -G wcwm MvW©vi †mZz ( cvjcvov †mZz wbg©vY ) Brahmanpara Mrpur road. ( (01/7/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 01/7/2010-30/6/2013). 50415189 - Improving and widening of the Bianibazar 50415189 -PiLvB- ‡kIjv-weqvbxevRvi-eviBMÖvg mo‡Ki part of Churkhai – Sheola weqvbxevRvi kni As‡ki Dbœqb I cÖk¯’KiYmn 7wU †mZz Bianibazar-Broigram road including cyb©wbg©vY (01/12/2010-30/6/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z reconstruction of 7 bridges. 50415190 - ODA aided priority bridge project 50415190 -IwWG mvnvh¨cyô AMªvwaKvi †mZz cªKí 50415191 - Development of Dakbangla 50415191 -WvKevsjv evRvi-†Mvcvjcyi-KvjxMÄ moK Dbœqb| Bazar-Gopalpur-Kaliganj Road 50415192 - Improvement of Kotalipara – Rajoir road. 50415192 -‡KvUvjxcvov-ivˆRi moK Dbœqb (01/6/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415193 - Improvement of Nakla – Nalitabari- 50415193 -bKjv-bvwjZvevox-bvKzMuvI ¯’je›`i moK Dbœqb Nakugaon land port road. (01/01/2011-30/6/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415194 - Construction of road from Snjaragar to 50415194 -myRvbMi n‡Z jvjbkvn †mZz ch©š@ ( gywRe evu‡ai Dci ) lalonshah shetu ( on Mujib Band ) moK wbg©vY ( 01/7/2010-30/6/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415195 - Improvement of Mirzapur ( Gorai ) – 50415195 -wgR©vcyi(MovB) -mwLcyi moK Dbœqb Sakhipur road. (01/01/2011-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415196 - Improvement of Uzanchar Bajitpur- 50415196 -DRvbPi -evwRZcyi -AóMÖvg moK Dbœqb ( Austagram ( Bajitpur- Austagram portion evwRZcyi-AóMÖvg Ask) road. (01/01/2011-30/06/2013)Aby‡gvw`Z 50415197 - Improvement of Kishereganj- karimganj- 50415197 -wK‡kviMÄ-KwigMÄ-PvgovNvU-wgVvgBb moK Dbœqb ( Chamraghat- Mithamoin road ( PvgovNvU-wgVvgBb Ask) 01/01/2011-30/6/2013) Chamraghet – Mithamoin portion ) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415198 - Construction of 3 PC girder bridges ( 50415198 -wmivRMÄ - KvwRcyi- aybU mo‡K 3wU wcwm MvW©vi e«xR shalunavita pai kortuli and ghorachora ) (kvjyqvwfUv, cvBKiZwj I †NvovPov ) I we`¨gvb 3wU and super shstructure of existing 3 baily †eBjx e«x‡Ri mycvi mUªvKPvi bBjmvcvov, dwKiZjv I bridges ( Nailsapara , Fakirtola and ‡mvbvgyLx) wbg©vY (31/12/2010-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z Sunamukhi ) of sirajganj - Kazipur –Dhunat road. 50415199 - Improvement of Kurigram-Ulipur-Chilmari 50415199 -KzwoMªvg-Dwjcyi-wPjgvix moK Dbœqb cÖKí road 50415200 - a 50415200 -2q eywoM½v †mZzi G¨v‡cÖvP moK gvIqv wjsK I †RW †KwW ms‡hvMmn (01/11/2006-30/10/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415201 - Re-conostruction of Ramchandrpur 50415201 -ivgP›`ªcyi †gvo (†ij‡MBU) n‡Z †fovgviv evRvi fvqv (Railgate) to Varamara bazar fv½yiv Dc‡Rjv mMi moK cybtwbg©vY 50415202 - Construction of 5 Brdges on 50415202 -e¸ov-mvwiqvKvw›` mo‡K 5wU ‡mZy wbg©vY Bogra-Sariakandi Road. 50415203 - Development of 16 Roads in Gopalgonj 50415203 -‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi 16 wU moK Dbœqb District

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415204 - Gopalgonj(Borshi) Boroni-Singipara 50415204 -‡MvcvjMÄ (eikx) eibx-wmw½cvov (Uyw½cvov) moK Dbœqb (Tungipara) Road Development 50415205 - Improvement of Dudbangla bazar 50415205 -WvKevsjv evRvi -†Mvcvjcyi-KvwjMÄ moK Dbœqb Gopalpur Kaligong road 50415206 - Development of Kurigram-Ulipur-Chilmari 50415206 -KzwoMÖvg-Dwjcyi-wPjgvix moK Dbœqb Road 50415207 - Widening & Strengtheing of 50415207 -‡UKbvd-kvn&cixi Øxc moK cÖk¯—KiY I kw³kvjxKiY Teknaf-Shaporir Dip road 50415208 - Development of Jamalpur-Sunamgonj 50415208 -RvgvjMÄ-mybvgMÄ moK Dbœqb Road 50415209 - Development of 50415209 -BUbv-eoBevox-PvgovNvU moK Dbœqb (‡RW-3623) Itna-Baroibari-Chamraghat Road 50415210 - Construction of Dhaleswari bridge on 50415210 -XvKv-gvIqv mo‡K a‡jk¦ix †mZz wbg©vY Dhaka-Mawa road 50415211 - Re-construction of Magna Bridge 50415211 -we`¨gvb †gNbv †mZz cybe©vmb 50415212 - Sariatpur-Chandpur approach road 50415212 -kwiqZcyi-Puv`cyi †dwi mvwf©m Pvjyi Rb¨ ms‡hvM moK construction to open ferry service wbg©vY (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415213 - Technical Assistance for Sub Regional 50415213 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U di mve-wiwRIbvj †ivW Uªv݇cvU© Road Transport Project Preparatory Facility cÖ‡R± 50415214 - a 50415214 -evwjqv-Iqvwk©-wgR©vcyi moK wbg©vY (1/7/200-30/6/20050 50415215 - Technical Assistance for Road Safety 50415215 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U di †ivW ‡mdwU BgcÖæf‡g›U Improvement Programs ‡cÖvMÖvg 50415216 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 50415216 -Abby‡gvw`Z cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK 50415217 - Development of 50415217 -‡b·KvYv-ag©cvkv-RvgvjMÄ-mybvgMÄ-wm‡jU moK Netrokona-Dharmapasa-Jamalpur-Sunam Dbœqb (†b·KvYv Ask (Avi-370) gonj-Syllet Road 50415218 - Improvement of Ramchandrapur More 50415218 -ivgP›`ªcyi †gvo (†ij‡MU) n‡Z †fovgviv evRvi fvqv (Rail gate) to Bharamara Via Bhangura fv¸iv Dc‡Rjv m`i moK cybtwbg©vY(01/07/11 - Upzilla Head Quarter road 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415219 - aaa 50415219 -BUbv-eovBevox-PvgovNvU moK Dbœqb (†RW-3623) (01/07/2011-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415220 - Construction of 2nd Buriganga bridge at 50415220 -evey evRv‡i 2q eywoM½uv †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/93 - Babubazar 30/06/2001) 50415221 - Technical Assistance for Sub-Regional 50415221 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di mve-wiwRIbvj †ivW Road Transport Project Preparatory Facility U«v›m‡cvU© cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUwi d¨vmvwjwU 50415222 - aaa 50415222 -‡UKbvd-kvncxiØxc moK cªk¯KiY I kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415223 - aaa 50415223 -Rvgvcyi-mybvgMÄ moK Dbœqb (01/03/2011-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415224 - aaa 50415224 -we`¨gvb †gNbv †mZy cbev©mb (01/12/2011- 31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415225 - aaa 50415225 -‡b·Kvbv-ag©cvkv- Rvgvcyi-mybvgMÄ-wm‡jU Dbœqb (†bÎ ‡Kvbv Ask) (Avi-370) (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415226 - aaa 50415226 -eiBZjv-†gvKmy`cyi-Kvwkqvbx mo‡Ki 16 Zg wK.wg. G Kgjvcyi †mZy wbgv©Y (01/01/12 - 31/12/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415227 - aaa 50415227 -Puv`cyi-bvbycyi‡`vKvbNi-nwiqv moK Ges P›`ªv nvBgPi moK Dbœqb (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415228 - aaa 50415228 -wewiwkwo-weRqcyi ¯’je›`i moK wbgv©Y (gv`ycvov ms‡hvMmn) (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415229 - aaa 50415229 -mxgvš moK (nvZxcvMvo-mܨvKzov-abyqv Kvgvjcyi) wbgv©Y (†RW-2814) (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) 50415230 - Construction of Bridge at 31st KM and 43rd 50415230 -†Kv¤•vbxMÄ-bexbMi-wkecyi-ivwaKv mo‡Ki 31Zg I KM over Buri and Titas River on 43 Zg wKtwgt G h_vµ‡g eywo b`x I wZZvm b`xi Dci Companigonj-Nabinogor-Shibpur-Radhica †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Road 50415231 - Paira Bridge (Lebukhali Bridge) over the 50415231 -ewikvj-cUyqvLvjx mo‡K cvqiv b`xi Dci cvqiv †mZy river Paira on Barishal-Patuakhali Road (†jeyLvjx †mZy) wbg©vY cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415232 - aaa 50415232 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di †ivW †mdwU B¤•ª“f‡g›U †cªvMªvg 50415233 - 7th Bangladesh-China Friendship Bridge 50415233 -gv`vixcyi (†gv¯Zdvcyi) -kixqZcyi-Puv`cyi mo‡Ki over Arial khan River with other Three Avwoqvj Luv b`xi Dci 7g evsjv‡`k Pxb-ˆgÎx †mZymn Bridges at Madaripur-Shariatpur-Chandpur (KvRxi‡UK †mZy) AviI 3wU †mZy wbg©vY Road (01/07/2012-30/06/2013) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415234 - Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban 50415234 -†MªUvi XvKv mvm‡UB‡bej Avievb U«v›m‡cvU© cÖ‡R± Transport Project (BRT Gazipur-Airport) (weAviwU MvRxcyi-Gqvi‡cvU©) (01/12/2012-31/12/2016) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415235 - Construction/Rehabilitation of Ferries and 50415235 -†dwi I c›Uyb wbg©vY/cybe©vmb cÖKí pontoons (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡ygvw`Z 50415236 - Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development 50415236 -XvKv g¨vm i¨vwcW U«v›mwmU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project (DMRTDP) 50415237 - Construction of 50415237 -nvjyqvNvU-gyÝxinvU-†avevDov moK wbg©vY Haluaghat-Munshirhat-Dhobaura (01/07/2012-30/07/2014) Road(01/07/2012-30/07/2014) 50415238 - Construction of Khulna (Gallamari)- 50415238 -Lyjbv (Mj¬vgvix)-ewUqvNvUv- `v‡Kvc-bwjqvb d‡ió moK Batiaghata-Dakop-Nalian Forest Road wbg©vY (01/07/2012-31/12/2013) (01/07/2012-31/12/2013) 50415239 - Construction of 02 PC Guarder Bridge and 50415239 -Dj¬vcvov-cwY©gvMvwZ-Zvovk Ges Super Structure of 4 Bailey Bridge at †cvovevox-KvgvN›`-bjKv mo‡K 2wU wcwm MvW©vi †mZz Ullapara – Purnimagati- Tarash and Ges 4wU †eBjx †mZzi mycvi ÷ªvKPvi wbg©vY Porabari – Kamaghanda-Nolka Road (01/01/2013-31/12/2014`) (01/01/2013-31/12/2014) 50415240 - Construction of Sylhet-Tamabil-Jafflong 50415240 -wm‡jU-Zvgvwej-Rvdjs moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/96 - road 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415241 - SASE Road Connectivity: Improvement of 50415241 -GmGGmBwm †ivW Kv‡bw±wfwUt BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ae Jaydevpur-Chandra-Tangil-Elenga Road Rq‡`ecyi-Pv›`ªiv-UvsMvBj-G‡jsMv †ivW (Gb-4) Uy (N-4) to 4-Lane Highway. 4-†jBb nvBI‡q (01/04/2013-31/12/2018) (01/04/2013-31/12/2018) | Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 50415242 - Construction of 2nd Kanchpur, Meghna, 50415242 -2q KuvPcyi,†gNbv, †MvgwZ †mZy wbg©vY Ges we`¨gvb Gumoti Bridges & Rehabilitation of existing †mZy mgy‡ni cyYe©vmb (01/04/2013-31/10/2021) Bridges (01/04/2013-31/10/2021)Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 50415243 - Construction of 3 Bridges in different Road 50415243 -Lyjbv †Rv‡bi Aaxb wewfbœ moK wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb 3wU Divisions under Khulna Jone. †mZy wbg©vY (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2013-31/12/2015)Approved 50415244 - Technical Assistant for detailed stady and 50415244 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di wW‡UBì ÷vwW GÛ wWRvBb desine of Dhaka-Chittagonj Express way Ae XvKv-wPUvMvs G·‡cÖmI‡q Ab wcwcwc †ewmK on PPP Basic (01/03/2013-31/08/2016) 50415245 - Manikdi Bazar-Signal Gate-ISSB Road 50415245 -gvwbK`x evRvi wmMb¨vj †MBU-AvBGmGmwe moK Dbœqb Improvement Project (01/09/2013-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415246 - Technical Assistance Project Proposal 50415246 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷«s‡`wbs Ae `¨ †ivWm GÛ nvBI‡qR (TPP) for Institutional Strengthening of the wWcvU©‡g›U (wUwcwc) (01/11/2013-30/06/2015) Roads and Highways Department Aby‡gvw`Z 50415247 - Improvement of Bhairab-Mendipur Road 50415247 -ˆfie-†gvw›`cyi moK Dbœqb (01/07/2013-31/12/2014) Approved (01/07/2013-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415248 - Rehabilition & River Protective work of 50415248 -bMiNvUv (w`Nwjqv)-Avoyqv-MvRxinvU-‡ZiLv`v moK Nagarhata (Digholia) cybe©vmb I i¶vcÖ` KvR (01/07/2013-31/12/2014) -Arua-Gazirhat-Terokhada Road Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2013-31/12/2014) Approved 50415249 - Construction of shasongacha Railway 50415249 -Kzwgj­v kn‡ii kvmbMvQvq †ijI‡q Ifvicvm wbgv©Y Overpass in Comilla City (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Approved 50415250 - Consturction of Amberkhan By-pass Road 50415250 -myigv b`xi Dci cyivZb Kxb †mZzi wbKU KvwRievRvi and Bridge (Replacing old Keen Bridge) bvgK ¯’v‡b wcwm MvW©vi †mZy¯’‡j bZzb K¨vej ÷¨vÛ over Surma River at Sylhet Town †mZzmn I Av¤^iLvbv evBcvm moK wbg©vY (01/07/2001 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415251 - Construction of Railway Overpass on 50415251 -eªv¶¥Yevwoqv kn‡ii †gŠovBj †ij µwms-Gi Dci Mourail Rail crossing in Brahmanbaria †ijI‡q Ifvicvm wbg©vY (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Town (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415252 - Coustrution of Shibpur- Dulalpur-Lakpur- 50415252 -wkecyi-`yjvjcyi jvKcyi-nvwZiw`qv moK wbg©vY Hatirdia Road (01/07/05-30/06/10) (01/07/2005-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 50415253 - a 50415253 -mybvgMÄ wek¦¤¢icyi mo‡Ki myigv b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY (01/10/2005-30/09/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415254 - Construction of Jhenidah Town bypass 50415254 -wSbvB`n-nvg`v-wewmK wkí bMix evm Uvwg©bvj evBcvm Road from Hamdah to BSCIC Shilpa moK wbg©vY (01/01/06-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z Nagari-Bus Terminal under Road Division, Jhenidha (01/01/06-30/06/10) Revised Unapproved 50415255 - a 50415255 -wm‡jU-mybvgMÄ mo‡Ki wm‡jU kniw¯’Z Av¤^iLvbv-Uz‡KievRvi As‡ki Dbœqb (01/07/05-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415256 - Hatia (Bhuiyarhat)-Jahajmara Road and 50415256 -nvwZqv (fzBqvinvU)-RvnvRgviv moK I ZgiÏxb moK Tamruddin Road Rahabilitation Project cybe©vmb (01/02/06-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z (Revised 50415257 - a 50415257 -Rb¸i“Z¡c–Y© †Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (01/02/05-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415258 - a 50415258 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) (01/02/05-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415259 - Construction of Flyover on Tongi Rail 50415259 -U½x-KvwjMÄ-†Nvovkvj cuvP‡`vbv mo‡Ki 1g wKt wgUv‡i Crossing at 1 km of U½x †ij µwms ¯’‡j d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY Tongi-Kailgonj-Ghorashal-Panchdona (01/07/04-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z Road (01/07/05-31/12/2010)(2nd Reviced) Approved 50415260 - Rehabilitation of 50415260 -w`bvRcyi-VvKziMuvI-cÂMo moK cybe©vmb (90 Dinajpur-hakurgaon-Panchagarh road wK‡jvwgUvi) 50415261 - Ammua Bishkhali River at 32nd km of 50415261 -ivRvcyi-KuvVvwjqv-Avgyqv-evgbv-cv_iNvUv mo‡Ki 32Zg Rajapur-Kathalia-Amua-Bamna-Pathargha wK‡jvwgUv‡i Avgyqv wekLvjx b`xi Dci 217.68 wgUvi ta road (01/06/2013-31/05/2016) Approved `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZy wbg©vY 01/06/2013-31/05/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415262 - Improvement of 2 (Two) Nos. Road of 50415262 -e„nËi gqgbwmsn †Rjvi 2wU moK Dbœqb Greater Mymensingh District (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Approved 50415263 - Construction of 4 (Four) Bridges at 50415263 -eKmxMÄ-evjyMvuI-‡`IqvbMÄ mo‡K 4wU †mZy wbgv©Y Bakshigonj-Balugaon-Dewangoj Road (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2013-30/06/2016) Approved 50415264 - Improvement of 50415264 -jv½be›`-KvBKvi‡UK-bexMÄ moK wbgv©Y Langalbondh-Kaikertek-Nabigonj Road (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Approved 50415265 - Improvement of 50415265 -bIMvu-e`jMvQx-cZ¥xZjv moK Dbœqb Ges gynv‡`ecyi I Naogaon-Badalgachi-Potnitala e`jMvQx eªxR wbg©vY (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Road(01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 50415266 - Construction of 4-Lane Flyover at Bhulta, 50415266 -XvKv-wm‡jU gnvmo‡Ki fyjZvq 4 ‡jb wewkó d¬vBIfvi Narayangonj on Dhaka-Sylhet National wbgv©Y (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z Highway (01/07/2013-30/06/2015) Approved 50415267 - Construction of three bridges at different 50415267 -h‡kvi I Lyjbv moK wefv‡Mi wewfbœ mo‡K 3 (wZb)wU roads under Jessore & Khulna Roads †mZy wbg©vY (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) Department (01/01/2013-31/12/2015) 50415268 - Construction of Shaheed Monsur Ali 50415268 -knx` gbmyi Avjx (wccyjevoxqv-†mvbvgyLx-aybU) moK (Pipulbaria-Sonamukhi-Dhunat) road. Dbœqb (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Approved 50415269 - Re-construction and widening of 50415269 -KvbmvU-inbcyi-†fvjvnvU moK Dbœqb Kansat-Rahonpur-Bholahat road. (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Approved 50415270 - Reconstruction of roads affected by tidal of 50415270 -91Õ mv‡ji NwY©So I R‡jv”Q¡¡v‡m ¶wZMª¯ moK cybe©vmb 1991 cÖKí (GwWwe) (308 wK‡jvwgUvi) 50415271 - Re-construction and widening of 50415271 -cZœxZjv-mvcvnvi-†cvokv-inbcyi moK Dbœqb Potnitola-Sapahar-Porsha- Rahonpur (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z road. (01/01/2014-30/06/2016) Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415272 - Improvement of 50415272 -‡`vnvi-KvUvLvjx-wbKov-Mvwjgcyi-wUKicyi moK Dbœqb Dohar-katakhali-Nikara-Galimpur-Tikarpur (01/01/2014-30/09/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z road. (01/01/2014-30/09/2016) Approved 50415273 - Construction of Kalna bridge on 50415273 -gaygwZ b`xi Dci Kvjbv †mZy wbg©vY Modhumoti river. (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) (01/01/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 50415274 - Construction of Shaheed Budhdhijibi 50415274 -Kz‡qZ dv‡Ûi AvIZvq knx` eyw×Rxwe †mZy (3q bridge (3rd Buriganga), 2nd eywoM½v), 2q kxZj¶¨v I wZ¯v †mZy wbg©vY (2q Shitalakshama & Tista bridge (2nd ms‡kvwaZ) revised) under Kuwait fund. (01/07/2003-30/06/2013) (01/07/2003-30/06/2013) 50415275 - Improvement of Doulatganj (Laksham) 50415275 -‡`ŠjZMÄ (jvKmvg)-jv½j‡KvU-†Kv`vwjqv-Xvjyqv-wPIov -Langol Kot-Kodalia-Dhalua-Cheura Bazar evRvi moK Dbœqb (1/1/11-30/9/16) Roads(1/1/11-30/9/16). 50415276 - Improvement of Doulatganj (Laksham) 50415276 -‡`ŠjZMÄ (jvKmvg)-jv½j‡KvU-†Kv`vwjqv-Xvjyqv-wPIov -Langol Kot-Kodalia-Dhalua-Cheura Bazar evRvi moK Dbœqb Aby‡gvw`Z (1/10/13-30/9/16) Roads(1/1/11-30/9/16). 50415277 - Improvement of Tiprabazar-BRAD Road 50415277 -Kzwgj­v †mbvwbev‡mi Af¨šZi¯’ wUciv evRvi moK Dbœqb through 50415278 - Improvement of Jaynul Abedin Bhuiah 50415278 -Rqbvj Av‡e`xb fuBqv moK Road (jvKmvg-†`ŠjZMÄ-bv½j‡KvU-†Kv`vwjqv-Xvjyqv-wPIov (Laksam-Doulatgonj-Langgolkot-Kodalia- evRvi moK) Dbœqb Dhalua-Chiora Bazar Road) 50415279 - Construction of Bridge over the river 50415279 -cvMjv-RMbœv_cyi-ivYxMÄ-AvDkKvw›` gnvmo‡Ki ivYxM‡ Kushiyara at Raniganj of Ä Kzwkqviv b`xi Dci †mZy wbg©vY Pagla-Jagannathpur-Raniganj-Aushkandi highway. 50415280 - Rehabilitation and estabilshment of ferry 50415280 -‡dix cybe©vmb I cªwZ¯’vcb cªKí 50415281 - Feasibility study of Construction of 50415281 -XvKv gywÝMÄ mo‡K gy³vicyi †mZz I ewmjvq Z…Zxq Mukterpur Bridge at Dhaka-Munshigonj eywoM½v †mZz Ges †Wgivq wØZxq kxZj¶v †mZz wbgv©‡Y Road, 3rd Buriganga Bridge at Basilay and mgx¶v 2nd Shilakhakha Bridge at Demra 50415282 - Construction of bridge over Kushiara River 50415282 -cvMjv-RMbœv_cyi-†KivbxMÄ-AvDkKvw›` gnvmo‡Ki at Raniganj Highways of ivYxM‡Ä Kzwkqviv b`xi Dci †mZy wbg©vY Pagla-Jagannathpur-Karaniganj (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415283 - Construction of Matlab Bridge over Matlab 50415283 -gZje G abv‡Mv`v b`xi Dci eªxR (gZje †mZy) wbg©vY River (01/07/2014-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415284 - Improvement of Road Safety at Black spots 50415284 -B¯cÖ“f‡g›U Ae †ivW †mdwU G¨v± e­K ¯•Um Ab on National Highways b¨vkbvj nvBI‡qm (01/07/2014-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415285 - Construction of Madan-Khaliajuri 50415285 -g`b-LvwjqvSzwo mvegvwR©ej moK wbg©vY Ges †b·KvYv submergible road and construction of PC g`b-LvwjqvRywo mo‡Ki 37Zg wK‡jvwgUvi evjvB b`xi Girder bridge over Balai River at 37th km of Dci wcwm MvW©vi ‡mZy wbg©vY Netrokona-Madan-Khalijuri road (01/09/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415286 - Widening and Improvement of 50415286 -Rvgvjcyi-gv`viMÄ moK cÖk¯KiY I gnReyZxKiY Jamalpur-Madarganj road (01/09/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415287 - Construction of PC Girder bridge RCC 50415287 -LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ mo‡K wcwc MvW©vi †mZy, Aviwmwm bridge RCC Box Culvert at Different Roads †mZy Ges Aviwmwm e· KvjfvU© wbg©vY under Khagrachari district (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415288 - Improvement of 50415288 -gMevox-evMgviv-fywð-evsMÇv moK Dbœqb cÖKí Magbari-bagmara-Vuschi-Banggodda, (01/01/2015-30/06/2016) Road 50415289 - Construction of Rowmari-Tura Land Port 50415289 -†iŠgvix-Zyiv ¯’je›`i moK wbg©vY cÖKí road (01/03/2015-30/06/2017) 50415290 - Procurement of portable steel bridges 50415290 -cwienY‡hvM¨ B¯•vZ †mZz msMªn/¯’vcb (2q chv©q) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415291 - Improvement of Airport by pass 50415291 -wegvb e›`i evBcvm Intersection-Lalbag-Salutikor-Companhgo B›Uvi‡mKkb-jvjevM-mvjywUKi-†Kv¤•vbxMÄ-†fvjvMÄ ng-Bholagong road to National Highway moK‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY cÖKí (01/03/2015-28/02/2018)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415292 - Extension of Gouripur Homna road upto 50415292 -‡MŠixcyi-†nvgbv AvÂwjK moKwU Kzwgj­v-wm‡jU nvBI‡q Commila-Syjhet Highway ch©š m¤•ªmviY (01/11/2014-31/10/17) 50415293 - Collectioon of Portable Steel Bridge 50415293 -cwienY‡hvM¨ B¯•vZ †mZz msMÖn (2q ch©vq) (Phase-2) 50415294 - Construction of 93.02 m long Nallapara P 50415294 -cvKzj­v-†`j`yqvi-Gjvwmb mo‡Ki 12Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i C Girder Bridge over Alenjany River at 12th G‡jbRvbx b`xi Dci 93.02 wgUvi bvj­vcvov wcwm MvW©vi km of Pakulla-Delduar-Elasin road and †mZy wbg©vY Ges evwjqv-Iqvwm©-wgR©vcyi mo‡K 2wU wcwm Construction of 2 nos P C G MvW©vi †mZy wbg©vY (01/10/2014-30/06/2017) 50415295 - Construction of Itna-Mithamain-Ashtagram 50415295 -BUbv-wgVvgBb-AóMªvg moK wbg©vY cÖKí road (01/01/2015-30/06/2018) 50415296 - (Construction of 478.171 m long P.C. 50415296 -†mvbvMvRx-IjvgvevRvi-Pi`i‡ekcyi- †Kv¤•vbxMÄ Girder Bridge over Choto Feni River at 6th mo‡K 6ô wK‡jvwgUv‡i †QvU †dbx b`xi Dci 478.171 km of wgUvi wcwm MvWv©i †mZz wbgv©Y cÖKí Sonagazi-Olamabazar-Chardorbeshpur-C ompaniganj Road) 50415297 - Construction of Mohipal Flyover 50415297 -gwncvj d¬vBIfvi wbgv©Y cÖKí 50415298 - Development of 50415298 -w`bvRcyi-weij-cvKziv-ivwaKvcyi (weij ¯’j e›`i) moK Dinajpur-Biral-Pakura-Radhikapur (Biral Dbœqb Land Port 50415299 - Construction of Bridge over Shitalakhya 50415299 -MvRxcyi-AvRgZcyi-BUv‡Lvjv mo‡Ki Piwm›`y‡i kxZj¶ River at Charsindur of ¨v b`xi Dci †mZz wbgv©Y Gazipur-Azmatpur-Itakhola Road 50415300 - Up-Gradation of 50415300 -fiv‡Wvev-mvMi`xwN-NvUvBj moK‡K DbœxZKiY Voradoma-Shagordhighi-Ghatail Road into (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Highway 50415301 - a 50415301 -mv‡cvU© Uy AviGBPwW di †mdMvW© cwjwm Kgc­vB›m (01/07/07-31/12/07) 50415302 - a 50415302 -XvKv AvwiPv gnvmo‡Ki mvfvi-bexbMi moKvsk Pvi †j‡b DbœZxKiY (01/03/06-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415303 - Sylhet Jokyganj (Chorkhai Jokyganj) Road 50415303 -wm‡jU RvwKMÄ (PiLvB-RwKMÄ) moK Dbœqb Improvement (Revised) (01/07/98-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415304 - a 50415304 -_vbv ms‡hvM moK I Rb¸i“Z¡c–Y© cÖKí-2 G Aš@f–©³ Amgvß †mZz mgvßKiY cÖKí (01/07/04-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415305 - Kalampur-Kauliapara_Balia (Including 50415305 -Kvjvgcyi-evDwjqvcvov-evwjqv (mvUzwiqv ms‡hvMmn) moK Saturia Link) Road Improvement (Revised) Dbœqb (01/05/06-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415306 - Chittagong Port Trade Facilitation (RHD 50415306 -PÆMÖvg e›`i †UªW d¨vwmwj‡Ukb (moK I Rbc_ Awa`ßi Part) Ask) (0107/04-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415307 - Strengthing & Widening from Ch 30+000 to 50415307 -Rvgvjcyi kni evBcvm moK wbgv©Ymn 39+000 of Jamalpur-Islampur-Dewanganj Rvgvjcyi-Bmjvgcyi-†`IqvbMÄ mo‡Ki †PB‡bR Road including Jamalpur Town Bypass 30+000 n‡Z 39+000 ch©š moK cÖk¯’KiY I gReywZKib 50415308 - Improvement of District Road (Dhaka 50415308 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (XvKv †Rvb) Zone) 50415309 - Improvement of District Road (Mymensing 50415309 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (gqgbwmsn †Rvb) Zone) 50415310 - Construction of 50415310 -wm‡jU-mvjywUKi-‡Kv¤•vwbMÄ-‡fvjvMÄ moK I Imgvbx Sylhet-Salutika-Companyganj-Bholaganj wegvbe›`i evBcvm moK wbgv©Y (01/07/97 - road 30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415311 - Improvement of District Road (Chittagong 50415311 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (PÆMÖvg †Rvb) Zone) 50415312 - Improvement of District Road (Comilla 50415312 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (Kzwgj­v †Rvb) Zone) 50415313 - Improvement of District Road (Rajshahi 50415313 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (ivRkvnx †Rvb) Zone) 50415314 - Improvement of District Road (Rangpur 50415314 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (iscyi †Rvb) Zone) 50415315 - Construction of 50415315 -†UKbvd-ivgy M¨vwimb-gwiP¨v-cvjs ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y Teknaf-Ramugarision-Marichaa-Palang cÖKí Road

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415316 - Development of Rest of 50415316 -gZje-†gNbv-abv‡Mv`v-†eoxeuva mo‡Ki (†RW-1069) Matlab-Meghna-Dhanagoda-Beribadh Aewkóvsk Dbœqb 50415317 - SDevelopment of 50415317 -‡Mv`vMvox-Avgbyiv-bv‡Pvj-cve©Zxcyi-AvÇv moK Dbœqb Godagari-Amnura-Nachole-Parbatipur-Add a Road 50415318 - Construction of 94.31 m long p.c Girder 50415318 -eLZvigy›mx-KvwRinvU-`vMbfTv mo‡Ki 11Zg Bridge on Choto Feni River at 11th K.M. of wKtwgt-G †QvU †dbx b`xi Dci 94.31 wgUi `xN© wcwm Bakhtermunshi-Kazirhat-Dagonbhuian MvW©vi †mZy wbg©vY Road 50415319 - Construction of 93.644 m long 4 lane p.c 50415319 -eoevox-jvjgwbinvU-eywogvix RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki Girder Bridge (Sarnamoti Bridge at K.M of (Gb-509) 20 Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i 93.644 wgUvi `xN© 4 Barabari-Lalmonirhat-Burimari National †jb wcwm MvW©vi †mZy (¯^Y©gZx †mZy) wbg©vY Highway (N-509) 50415320 - Construction of 50415320 -jvjgvB-jvKmvg-‡mvbvBgywo moK wbg©vY (38 Lalmai-Laksham-Sonaimuri road (38 wK‡jvwgUvi) (01/07/97 - 30/06/2003) Kilometer) 50415321 - Development of 50415321 -jvjgvB-ei“ov-Sjg-AvÇv-RMrcyi moK Dbœqb Lalmai-Barura-Jhalam-Adda-Jagatpur (jvjgvB- ei“ov-Sjg-AvÇv) Ask road (Lalmai-Barura-Jhalam-Adda Portion) 50415322 - Scour Protection of Meghna Bridge and 50415322 -†gNbv †mZyi ¯‹vDqvi †cÖ‡UKkb Ges †gNbv ‡mZy I Maintenance of Meghna Bridge and Gumti †MvgZx †mZyi i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí Bridge 50415323 - Widening and Strengthening of 50415323 -ebMuvI-bybœx-nvZxcvMvo moK cÖk¯ZKiY I gReywZKiY Bangaon-Nunni-Hatipagar Road cÖKí 50415324 - Technical Assistance for Sub-Regional 50415324 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›m di mve wiwRIbvj †ivW U«v›m‡cvU© road Transport Project Preparatory cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUwi d¨vwmwjwU-II (GmAviwUwcwcGd-II) Facility-II (SRTPPF-II) cÖKí 50415325 - Development of Kasba-kuti Road Project 50415325 -Kmev-KzwU moK Dbœqb (†RW-1201) cÖKí 50415330 - Development of Dhaka-Aricha road 50415330 -XvKv-AvwiPv moK Dbœqb I cybe©vmb cÖKí (01/07/92 - 30/06/2001) 50415340 - Construction of Fatikchari-Hiako Road 50415340 -dwUKQwo-wnqv‡Kv moK wbg©vb 50415350 - Construction of 50415350 -mybvgMÄ-†b·Kvbv-gqgbwmsn-†kicyi-Rvgvjcyi mxgvš@ Sunamgonj-Netrokona-Jamalpur-Sherpur moK wbg©vY (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2004) Border Road 50415360 - Allocation of lump provision for completion 50415360 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii ¯’wMZ cªKí mgvßKi‡Yi Rb¨ on incomple work of Road and Highway department 50415370 - Construction of Bridge at 31st KM over 50415370 -iscyi-KzwoMÖvg mo‡K 31 wKtwgt wZ¯@v b`xi Dci †mZz Tista River on Rangpur-Kurigram Road (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2004) 50415380 - Construction of Meghna-Gomti bridge 50415380 -‡gNbv-†MvgZx †mZz wbg©vY 50415390 - Construction of Nakhla Bypass Road 50415390 -bLjv-‡kicyi evBcvm moK wbg©vY (†MŠo`vi evRvi-jvfv-bLjv-wkeevox-LviRvb evRvi-ZvivKvw›`) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2004) 50415400 - Improvement of Paglapir-Dalia-Teesta 50415400 -cvMjvcxi Wvwjqv wZ¯@v e¨v‡iR moK wbg©vY Barrage Road (Revised) (01/10/2006-30/10/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415410 - 2nd Road rehabilitation and maintenance 50415410 -wØZxq moK cybe©vmb I i¶bv‡e¶Y cªKí (98 mv‡ji project (Phase -2) eb¨v cYe©vmb A½ mn) (01/07/93 - 30/06/2001) 50415420 - Development of Chittagong-Cox's Bazar 50415420 -PÆMªvg-K·evRvi mo‡K (†jvnvMov-ivgy Ask) moK Road (Lohagora-Ramu part) Dbœqb 50415430 - Construction of Rajshahi bypass road 50415430 -ivRkvnx evBcvm moK wbg©vY (01/07/93 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415440 - Construction of Hemayetpur-Singail 50415440 -‡ngv‡qZcyi-wmsMvi mo‡K a‡jk¦ix †mZz wbg©vY (fvlv bridge over Dhaleshwari river knx` iwdK †mZy) (01/07/93 - 30/06/2001) 50415442 - Construction of road 50415442 -ga¨cvov-mv‡neMÄ-wgVvcyKzi (e`iMÄ ms‡hvMmn) moK Maydhapara-Shebgonj-Mithapukur wbg©vY (01/07/98 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z (Including Badargonj link road) 50415443 - Construction and development project of 50415443 -f‚qvcyi-ZvivKvw›` moK wbg©vY I Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/98 Bhuapur-Tarakandhi road - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415444 - Construction of 2 bridges on 50415444 -BwjqUMÄ-gyiv`bMi-ivgP›`ªcyi mo‡Ki 28Zg I Eliotgonj-Muradnogar-Ramchandrapur 30Zg wK‡jvwgUv†i h_vµ‡g wZZvm kvLv b`x I wZZvm road upto 24th and 30th Kilometer b`xi Dci `yBwU †mZy wbgv©Y (01/07/98 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415450 - Upazilla connection road project 50415450 -_vbv ms‡hvM moK I Rb¸i“Z¡c–Y© 2 G Aš@f©y³ Amgvß †mZy mgvßKiY cªKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 50415460 - Construction of Paksey bridge over Padma 50415460 -cvK&kx †mZz wbg©vY cÖKí (01/07/86 - 30/06/2007) river Aby‡gvw`Z 50415462 - Flood rehabilitation project'98 by ADB 50415462 -GwWwe mnvqZvq eb¨v czbe©vmb cÖKíÔ98 (01/07/99 - assistance 30/06/2001) 50415463 - Construction of five bridges on 50415463 -myjZvbcyi-wPbvBi-AvLvDov ms‡hvM mo‡K 5wU †mZz Sultanpur-Chinair-Akhaura approach road wbg©vY (01/07/98 - 30/06/2004) (Abyt) 50415464 - Flood Rehabilitation Project'98 on roads 50415464 -GwWwe mnvqZvq mgvß mo‡K eb¨v cbe©vmb cÖKíÔ98 constructed under ADB assistance (Part of (`vD`Kvw›`-‡dbx moKvsk) Daudkandhi-Feni road) 50415470 - Construction of Boda-Debiganj road 50415470 -‡ev`v-†`exMÄ mo‡K Ki‡Zvqv b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY bridge over Korotoa river 50415480 - Project for construction of important public 50415480 -Rb ¸i“Z¡cyY© moK I †mZz wbgvY© cÖKí (1g chv©q) roads and bridges (Phase-1) (01/07/93 - 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50415490 - Re-construction of 5 Bridges on 50415490 -XvKv-`vD`Kvw›` mo‡K 9 wK‡jvwgUvi `‡i jv½je‡›` Dhaka-Chittagong highway †mZz wbgv©Y 50415500 - Panchagarh Sugar Mill Benghari-Media 50415500 -cÂMo wPwbKj †esnvix-gvwWqv kvjMv½v †`exMÄ moK Shaldanga Debigonj Road Improvement Dbœqb (01/07/2001-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/01-30/06/2010) Reviced Unapproved 50415510 - Construction of Barisal-Bhola-Laxmipur 50415510 -ewikvj-‡fvjv-j¶xcyi RvZxq moK wbg©vY national road 50415520 - Construction of Elisha-Bhola-Char 50415520 -Bwjkv-‡fvjv-Pid¨vkb-PigvwbK AvÂwjK gnvmoK Fashion-Char Monika road wbg©vY (01/07/91 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415530 - Construction of 50415530 -UsMx-Avïwjqv-mvfvi Bwc‡RW moK wbg©vb cÖKí Tongi-Ashulia-Savar-Habiganj road (01/07/94 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415540 - Construction of Korotoa bridge at 50415540 -kvn&Rv`cyi Ki‡Zvqv b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/94 Shahjadpur - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415550 - Institutional aid for development of road 50415550 -moK I moK cwienb Dbœq‡b cªvwZôvwbK mnvqZv and transport 50415560 - Up-Gradation of 50415560 -†ev`v-†`exMÄ-†Wvgvi-RjXvKv moK‡K AvÂwjK Boda-Debigonj-Domar-Jaldhaka Road gnvmo‡K iƒcvšZiKib (01/07/2000 - into Regional Highway 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415570 - Development of 50415570 -†kIjv-weqvbxevRvi ev‰iMÖvg moK Dbœqb (01/07/2000 Shaola-Bianibazar-Baroigram Road - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415580 - Feasibility study of Sikarpur, Doarika and 50415580 -wkKvicyi, †`vqvwiKv I Kzwkqviv †mZzi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v Kushiara Bridges 50415590 - Road Sector Reform Project (RSRP) 50415590 -†ivW †m±i widg© cÖ‡R± (AviGmAviwc) (01/07/05 - 30/06/09) Approved (01/07/2005-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415591 - Technical assistance project for RHDRTD 50415591 -AviGBPwWAviwUwW GÛ weAviwUG Gi cªvwZôvwbK and BRTA for institutional development Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí 50415610 - Feasibility study and deailed design of 50415610 -Lyjbv - gsjv mo‡K iƒcmv †mZzi m¤¢ve¨Zv wbix¶v I Rupsha bridge on Khulan-Mongla road 50415620 - Development of 50415620 -KzjvDov-Ryªwo eo‡jLv-ev‰iMÖvg moK Dbœqb Kulwaora-Borolekha-Baroigram Road (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415630 - Construction of Shadipur, Shawla and 50415630 -wm‡jU †Rjvi mv`xcyi †kIjv (`yevL evRvi) I eviBMªvg Baraigram bridge ‡mZy wbgv©Y (01/07/93 - 30/06/2000) 50415640 - Road Development and Overlay Project 50415640 -moK Dbœqb I Ifvi‡j cÖKí 50415642 - Road development and overlay project-R & 50415642 -moK Dbœqb I Ifvi‡j cªKí-moK I Rbc_ Awa`ßi H department 50415643 - Road development and overlay 50415643 -moK Dbœqb I Ifvi‡j cªKí-weAviwUG project-BRTA 50415650 - Bridge improvement and maintenance 50415650 -weªR BgcÖ“f‡g›U GÛ †gB‡Ub¨v›m cª‡R± (chv©q-2) project (Phase-2)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50415660 - Construction of highway bridge over 50415660 -iƒcmv b`xi Dci nvBI‡q ‡mZy wbg©vY Rupsha 50415662 - Road Development and Overlay Project ( 50415662 -moK Dbœqb I Ifvi‡j cÖKí (98 mv‡ji eb¨v cbe©vmb including part of 98 flood rehabilitation) Ask mn) 50415670 - 2nd Dhaleswari Bridge on 18th kilometre 50415670 -XvKv-Lyjbv gnvmo‡K 18Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i a‡jk¦ix-2 of Dhaka-Khulna highway †mZy wbgv©Y 50415680 - Protection of Shubhapur bridge 50415680 -ïfcyi †mZyi i¶vcÖ` KvR 50415690 - Natore -Bagatipara road 50415690 -bv‡Uvi-evMvwZcvov moK wbgv©Y (01/07/95 - 30/06/2001) 50415710 - Construction of bypass for Sylhet town 50415710 -wm‡jU kni (†ijI‡q ‡ókb) evBcvm moK wbg©vY (Rail Station) 50415720 - Development of 50415720 -nweMÄ-bexMÄ-†kicyi moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K Habigonj-Nabigonj-Sherpur road DbœxZKiY (01/07/95 - 30/06/2001) 50415730 - Fulbari-Madhyapara (Barapukuria link 50415730 -dzjevox ga¨cvov (eocyKzwiqv ms‡hvMmn) moK road) (01/07/94 - 30/06/2001) 50415740 - Public priority road and bridge project 50415740 -Rb ¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK I †mZy wbg©vY (chv©q-2) (01/07/94 (Phase -2) - 30/06/2004) (Abbyt) 50415750 - Construction of flyover at Mahakhali, 50415750 -gnvLvjx, gMevRvi Ges mv‡qv`vev` hvÎvevox‡Z d¬vB Maghbazar and Saidabad Ifvi wbgv©Y 50415760 - Construction of 50415760 -gvavBqv-†`vj­vB-bIqvecyi-iwngbMi moK wbg©vY Madaya-Dollai-Nowabpur-Rahimnagar (01/07/94 - 30/06/2003) road 50415810 - Construction of 50415810 -bwiqv-gyjdZMÄ-†K`vicyi-nvjBmvi-my‡ik¦i moK Naria-Mulfthgonj-Kaderpur-Halesar-Suras wbgv©Y sor Road 50415820 - Construction of Ferry Pontoon Under the 50415820 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii Aax‡b †dix cëzb Roads and Highway Department wbgv©Y(1-7-2001 - 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415830 - Construction of Sharif Uddin road 50415830 -kixd DÏxb moK wbgv©Y 50415840 - Upgradetion of 50415840 -ivqcyi-biwms`x-g`bMÄ moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K Raypur-Norshingdee-Madangonj road into DbœxZKiY Regional Highway 50415850 - Upgradetion of 50415850 -MdiMvIu-eigx-gvIqv-Kvwjqv‰Ki-avgivB moK‡K Gaforgaon-Bormee-Maoa-Kaliakoir-Dhamr AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY ai road into Regional Highway 50415860 - Feasibility study of Crossing Bridge over 50415860 -KY©dzjx b`xi µwms †mZzi Dci m¤¢e¨Zv mgx¶v the Karnaphuly River 50415870 - Development of 50415870 -LvMovQwo-ivsMvgvwU-ev›`ievb moK Dbœqb(LvMovQwo Khagrachari-Rangamatee-Banderban gnvjQwo NvMov Ask , moK I Rbc_ ) (01-07-2000 road - 30-06-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415880 - Construction of connecting road of 50415880 -‡Wgiv-biwms`x moK n‡Z ce©vPj bZzb kni ch©š Demra-Narshindi to Purbachal ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y 50415890 - Construction of Gorai Bridge on 50415890 -Kzwóqv-ivRevox mo‡K MovB b`xi Dci MovB †mZz wbg©vY Kushtia-Rajbari road (01/07/96 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415910 - Technical assistance for detailed design 50415910 -cvKkx †mZzi we¯vwiZ bK&kv cªYq‡b mnvqZv cªKí of Pakshi bridge 50415970 - Flood Rehabilitation Project-2000 under 50415970 -¶wZMÖ¯’ Avi Avi Gg wc - 3 Gi AvIZvq eb¨v cybe©vmb the Affected of RRMP-3 cÖKí-2000(1-8-2001 - 30-9-2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50415980 - Upgradetion of Rupsha-Fakirhat-Bagerhat 50415980 -iƒcmv-dwKinvU-ev‡MinvU moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K road into Regional Highway DbœxZKiY 50415990 - Construction of Flyover at 5th Kilometer on 50415990 -Rq‡`ecyi-gIbv-gqgbwmsn moK‡K 5g wK‡jvwgUvi the road of Jaidevpur-Maona-Mymensing 18.30 wgUvi `xN© 4 †jb d¬vBIfvi wbgv©Y(1-7-2000 - road 30-6-2004) (Abyt) 50416000 - Improvement of Kishoreganj- Karimganj- 50416000 -wK‡kviMÄ-KwigMÄ-PvgovNvU-wgVvgvBb moK Dbœqb chamraghat- Mithamain Road ( (wK‡kviMÄ-PvgovNvU Ask) (01/07/06 - kishoreganj- Chamraghat portion) 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/06-30/06/10) Revised unapproved 50416010 - Jamuna Bridge access roads (OECF 50416010 -hgybv ‡mZy GK‡mm †ivWm cÖKí (†RweAvBwm Ask) component) (01/07/96 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50416020 - Development of Kashinathpur-Kajirhat 50416020 -Kvwkbv_cyi-KvwRinvU moK Dbœqb I bUv‡Lvjv †dwiNvU road and Notakhola ferry link road ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y (01/07/96 - 30/06/2004) (mst Abyt) 50416030 - Construction of bridge deck and approach 50416030 -nvwW©Ä †ij †mZz‡Z weªR †WK I G‡cªvP moK wbgv©Y road at 50416060 - Road devlopment 50416060 -moK Dbœqb I Ifvi‡j cÖKí (98mv‡ji eb¨v cybev©mb A½mn) (01/07/1994-30/06/2001) 50416070 - a 50416070 -_vbv ms‡hvM moK cÖKí (01/07/1994-30/06/2001) 50416080 - a 50416080 -mIR Awa`߇ii Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ XvKv kn‡i 70BDwbU d¬vU wbgv©Y (01/07/1997-30/06/2001) 50416090 - South-West Flood' 2000 Rehabilitation 50416090 -`w¶Y-cwðg eb¨vÕ cybev©mb cÖKí (1-11-2000 - Project 30-6-2005) (Abyt) 50416100 - Construction of Balipara Bridge on 50416100 -wÎkvj-bv›`vBj-ZvovBj mo‡Ki 13 Zg wKtwgt G Brahmaputra River at 13 km of e²cyÎ b`xi Dci evwjcvov †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/07 - Trisal-Nandail-Tarail Road 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/07-30/06/10) Approved 50416110 - Improvement of Kisorgonj Nikli Road ( 50416110 -wK‡kviMÄ wbKjx moK Dbœqb (†gvni‡Kvbv ms‡hvMmn) Including Moharkona) (01/07/07-30/06/11) (01/07/07 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 50416111 - Detailed design of second road 50416111 -wØZxq moK Dbœqb cªK‡íi wek` KvwiMwi bKkv cªbqY development project 50416130 - Construction of 50416130 -fvsMv-fvwUqvcvov-†MvcvjMÄ-†gvj­vinvU-dwKinvU-UvDb Bhanga-Batiapara-Gopalgonj-Mollarhat-N †bvqvcvov (Lyjbv) moK wbgv©Y oapara road 50416140 - Construction of two bridges on Sylhet 50416140 -wm‡jU mvjywUKi-†Kv¤•vwbMÄ-†fvjvMÄ mo‡K 2wU †mZy (Shalutikar-Keranigonj-Bholagonj) road wbgv©Y (mvjywUKi I KvUvLvj †mZy) (01/07/97 - 30/06/2004) (Abyt) 50416150 - Reconstruction of 5 (five) bridges on 50416150 -XvKv-PÆMªvg gnvmo‡Ki 5wU †mZz cybwbg©vY (RvBKv Dhaka-Chittagong highway Ask) 50416160 - Construction of Dharla Bridge at 50416160 -KzwoMªvg-fzi“½vgvix mo‡K KzwoMªv‡g aojv †mZz wbgv©Y Kurigram-Bhurungamari Road (01/07/99 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416170 - Construction of Uthlinali-Baruria ferry link 50416170 -D_jxbvwj-evi“wiqv †dwi ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (01/07/96 road - 30/06/2004) (ms tAbbyt) 50416180 - Construction of Dhaka eastern bypass 50416180 -XvKv Bóvb© evBcvm moK wbg©vY road 50416190 - Jessore Benapole road upgrade 50416190 -h‡kvi †ebv‡cvj moK Avc‡MªW KiY (01/07/98 - (Construction of alternative road) 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416200 - Block allocation for flood rehabilitation 50416200 -eb¨ cybe©vmb Kv‡Ri Rb¨ eivÏK…Z †_vK 50416210 - urgent 50416210 -Ri“wi `~‡h©v‡M ¶q¶wZ cybe©vmb (moK cwienY) 2007 (01/01/08 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416211 - Feasibility study and preparation of design 50416211 -iƒcmv b`xi Dci †ivW Kvg †ij†mZz wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ for railway-cum-road bridge on Rupsha mgx¶v I we¯vwiZ bK&kv cÖYqb River 50416220 - Study and Design for Contruction of 50416220 -evsjv‡`k gvqvbgvi mivmwi moK wbg©v‡Yi j‡¶¨ ÷vwW I Bangladesh-Mayanmar Direct Link Road wWRvBb (01/04/08 - 30/09/08) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/04/08 - 30/09/10) Approved 50416221 - Feasibility study and detailed design for 50416221 -fvsMv-gvIqv mo‡K AvwoqvjLuv †mZz wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ mgx¶v construction of Bhanga-Mawa road bridge I we¯vwiZ bK&kv cÖYqb on ArialKha river 50416231 - Feasibility study of construction of Padma 50416231 -fvsMv-gvIqv mo‡K c`¥v †mZz wbg©v‡Yi mgx¶v bridge 50416241 - Feasibility study for construction of tunnel 50416241 -KY©dzjx b`xi Zj‡`‡k Uv‡bj wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ mgx¶v under Karnafuli River 50416250 - Cox's bazer marine drive project 50416250 -K·evRvi-‡UKbvd †gixb WªvBf moK wbg©vY (01/07/98-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416251 - Feasibility study for construction of Dhaka 50416251 -XvKv wis †ivW wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ mgx¶v ring road 50416310 - Construction of Chimbuk-Thanchi and 50416310 -wP¤^yK-_vbPx Ges `xwNbvjv-gvwik¨v mo‡Ki Aewkó KvR Dighinala-Marisha road (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007)Aby‡gvw`Z 50416320 - Barisal-Bhola-Laxmipur road 50416320 -ewikvj-†fvjv-j²xcyi moK wbgv©Y (01/07/94 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50416330 - Loop cutting project to protect from river 50416330 -PÆMÖvg-K·evRvi mo‡Ki 144Zg wK‡jvwgUvi mwbœK‡U erosion the Chittagong-Cox's bazar road euvKLvjx b`xi fvsMb ‡ivaK‡í jyc KvwUs cÖKí (144th Kilometer) (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 50416340 - Construction of Naogaon town bypass 50416340 -bIMv kni evBcvm moK wbgv©Y (01/07/97 - road 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416350 - Expansion of 50416350 -Rq‡`ecyi-gvIbv-gqgbwmsn moK Dbœqb (01/07/97 - Joydebpur-Mawna-Mymensingh road 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50416360 - Construction of Mymensingh town bypass 50416360 -gqgbwmsn kni evBcvm moK wbgv©Y (01/07/97 - road 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416370 - Third road rehabilitaiton and maintanance 50416370 -Z…Zxq moK cybev©mb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí (AviAviGgwc project -3) (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416380 - Construction of 36 feeder roads of 50416380 -`w¶Y-cwðgv‡ji 36wU wdWvi moK wbgv©Y South-West region (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416390 - Development and expansion of 5 roads of 50416390 -e„nËi dwi`cyi †Rjvq 5wU moK cÖk¯@KiY I Dbœqb greater Faridpur district (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416400 - Expansion of Banani-Tongi-Joydebpur 50416400 -ebvbx-UsMx-Rq‡`ecyi moK Dbœqb (01/07/98 - road to 8 lanes 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416410 - Construction of 2 bridges at Paisharhat 50416410 -Av‰MjSov cqmv b`xi Dci G‡cÖvP moK mn 1wU wcwm and bypass road for Agailjhara MvWv©i †mZy Ges msjMœ Lv‡j 1wU †eBjx †mZy wbgv©Y (01/07/97 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416420 - a 50416420 -fvsMv-†MvcvjMÄ-†gvj­vinvU-Lyjbv mo‡K nwi`vmcyi †mZz wbgv©Y 50416430 - Construction of Mollarhat bridge at Bhanga 50416430 -†MvcvjMÄ-†gvj­vinvU dwKinvU †bvqvcvov mo‡K - Gopalganj-Mollarhat road ‡gvj­vinvU †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 50416440 - Construction of 50416440 -kvniw¯ Dc‡Rjvi †g‡ni cvwbIqvjv-PvUwLj P›`MÄ Paniwala-Chatkhil-Chandgonj Bridge on mo‡Ki WvKvwZqvi b`xi Dci weªR wbgv©Y (Mše¨cyi) Dakatia river (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 50416450 - Construction of Gazipur-Debgram-Nayapur 50416450 -Rq‡`ecyi n‡Z †`eMÖvg, bqvcyi n‡q XvKv-PÆMÖvg via Dhaka-Chittagong-Madanpur road gnvmo‡Ki g`bcyi ch©š@ moK wbg©vY (01/07/97 - 30/06/2006) Aby†gvw`Z 50416460 - Construction of road bridge on Dakatia 50416460 -Pvu`cy‡i WvKvwZqv b`xi Dci †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/97 - river at Chandpur 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416470 - a 50416470 -moK Dbœqb cÖKí ˆ`N¨© 337 wK‡jvwgUvi 50416480 - Rehabilitation and Instalation of Feri 50416480 -‡dwi cybev©mb I cÖwZ¯’vcb cÖKí 50416510 - Construction of Shikarpur and Doarika 50416510 -wkKvicyi I †`vqvwiKv †mZzmn ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y bridge at Faridpur-Barisal highway (01/07/98 - 30/06/2004) (Abyt) 50416520 - Construction of Bhairab bazar bridge on 50416520 -‰fie evRv‡i †gNbv †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/98 - Meghna river 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416530 - Reconstruction of narrow bridge and 50416530 -RvZxq I AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K msKx©Y †mZz/KvjfvU©mg–‡ni culverts on National and regional czbwbgv©Y (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z highways 50416540 - Construction of bridge on Gabkhan River 50416540 -ewikvj-SvjKvwV-fvÛvwiqv-wc‡ivRcyi mo‡K MveLvb at Barisal-Jhalukathi-Bhandaria-Pirojpur b`xi Dci †mZz wbgv©Y (01/07/98 - 30/06/2001) road 50416550 - Protection work of Meghna river 50416550 -‡gNbv †mZzi cÖ‡UKkb KvR 50416560 - Construction of Gafargaon-Barmi road 50416560 -MdiMvI-eigx moK wbgv©Y (01/07/97 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416570 - Construction of 50416570 -wK‡kviMÄ-KwUqvw`-ˆfie moK Ges ˆfiecyi-†gw›`cyi Kishoregonj-Kotiadi-Bhairab and moK wbgv©Y (01/07/98 - 30/06/2002) Bhairabpur-Mandipur road 50416580 - Construction of 50416580 -cUzqvLvjx I ei¸bv †Rjvq ¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK cybe©vmb Patuakhali-Amtali-Khepupara-Kuakata (01/07/99 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z road 50416590 - Construction of Bogra town bypass road 50416590 -e¸ov wØZxq kni evBcvm moK wbgv©Y (2nd) 50416610 - Construction of Daratana bridge at 50416610 -Lyjbv-ev‡MinvU-wc‡ivRcyi mo‡K `ovUvbv †mZz wbgv©Y Khulna-Bagerhat-Pirojpur road (01/07/98 - 30/06/2001) 50416620 - Construction of 50416620 -ewikvj-SvjKvwV-fvÛvwiqv-PiLvjx-wc‡ivRcyi-ev‡MinvU Barisal-Jhalakhati-Bhandaria-Charkhali-Pi gnvmoK wbgv©Y rojpur-Bagerhat highway

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50416630 - Development of Meherpur-Mujibnagar road 50416630 -‡g‡nicyi-gywRebMi moK Dbœqb (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416640 - Construction of Tongi-Kaligonj-Ghorasal 50416640 -UsMx-KvjxMÄ-†Nvovkvj cvP‡`vbv moK‡K AvÂwjK regional road gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY Ges †Nvovkv‡j kxZj¶¨v b`xi Dci †mZy wbgv©Y (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416650 - Construction of Netrakona-Kendua road 50416650 -‡b·Kvbv-†K›`yqv moK wbgv©Y (01/07/98 - 30/06/2002) 50416660 - Construction of 12 roads in Hill Tracts 50416660 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j 12 wU moK wbgv©Y (01/07/99 - region 30/06/2004) 50416670 - Construction of Thakurgaon - 50416670 -VvKziMvI-evsjve›` moK wbgv©Y Banglabandha road 50416680 - Development of Ghatail-Alanga road on 50416680 -UvsMvBj-gqgbwmsn gnvmo‡K NvUvBj G‡jsMv moK Tangail-Mymensingh highway Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416690 - Construction of Sirajgonj link road 50416690 -wmivRMÄ ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y (01/07/98 - 30/06/2001) 50416710 - Construction of 50416710 -Rvgvjcyi-abyqv-Kvgvjcyi-†iŠgvix moK wbg©vY Jamalpur-Dhanua-Kamalpur-Rawmari (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z road 50416720 - Procurement of vehicles and equipment 50416720 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii Rb¨ miÄvgmn I hvbevnb I for Department of Roads and highways hšcvwZ msMÖn (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 50416730 - Construction of 50416730 -KwigMÄ-knigj-wbKjx ms‡hvM moK wbgv©Y Karimgonj-Shaharmul-Nikli link road (01/07/98 - 30/06/2003) 50416740 - Construction of 50416740 -eªv²bevoxqv-Kvjv‡gvov-gqbvgwZ moK wbgv©Y Brahmanbaria-Kolamora-Moinamati road (01/07/98 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416750 - Development of Nandail-Tarail road 50416750 -bv›`vBj-ZvivBj moK Dbœqb (01/07/98 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416771 - a 50416771 -XvKv-gywÝMÄ mo‡K gy³vicyi †mZz I ewQjvq 3q e„woM½v †mZz Ges †Wgivq 2q kxZj¶v †mZz wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v 50416781 - Feasibility study for Khorshedmahal bridge 50416781 -cyivZb eª²cyÎ b‡` Lyikx`gn‡j †mZz wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ on old Brahammaputra river m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v 50416810 - Technical assistance project for 50416810 -AviGBPwW/AviAviAvi/wUwWI/weAviwUG Gi cÖvwZôvwbK institutional development of Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí RHDR/TDO/BRTC 50416811 - Assistance for institutional development of 50416811 -AviGBPwW, AviAviwW I weAviwUG Gi cÖvwZôvwbK RHDRRD and BRTA Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mnvqZv (2q ch©vq) 50416820 - Feasibility study for 2nd Meghna bridge at 50416820 -ˆfie evRv‡i wØZxq †gNbv †mZz wbgv©‡Yi m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v Bhairab Bazar 50416830 - Feasibility study and detailed design for 50416830 -iƒcmv b`xi Dci †ivW Kvg †ij †mZz wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ construction of road cum railway bridge on cix¶v I we¯vwiZ bK&mv cÖYqb Rupsha river 50416840 - Feasibility study and detailed design for 50416840 -fvsMv gIqv mo‡K AvwoqvjLv †mZz wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ cix¶v Arial Kha bridge at Bhanga-Mawa road I we¯vwiZ bK&mv cÖYqb 50416860 - Construction of 5 bridges on 50416860 -wewiwkwi k¨vgMÄ mo‡Ki ‡mv‡gk¦ix, ïKbvKzwo I Rvwiqv Netrokona-Kamlakanda highway †mZz Ges †b·Kvbv KgjvKv›`v mo‡K `kv`vi I KgjvK›`v †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/98 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416871 - Feasibility study for Padma bridge on 50416871 -XvKv-gvIqv-fvsMv mo‡K cÙv †mZz wbgvY© Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga road 50416872 - Construction of Panchagor - Tatulia - 50416872 -cÂMo-†ZZzwjqv-evsjve›` moK Dbœqb (01/07/98 - Banglaband Road 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416881 - Feasibility study for construction of tunnel 50416881 -KY©dzjx b`xi Zj‡`‡k Uv‡bj wbgv‡Y©i Rb¨ mgx¶v under Karnafuli river 50416890 - Construction of Bhola-Kheakhat bridge 50416890 -‡fvjv-‡LqvNvU †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 50416910 - Construction of bridge on Jhinai river at 50416910 -Rvgvjcyi-Bmjvgcyi-†`IqvbMÄ mo‡K wSbvB b`x‡Z Jamalpur-Islampur-Dewanganj Road †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 50416911 - Feasibility study for construction of Dhaka 50416911 -XvKv wis †ivW wbgv‡Y©i Rb¨ mgx¶v ring road

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50416920 - Construction of Gouripur -Kachua-Hajiganj 50416920 -‡MŠixcyi-KPzqv-nvRxMÄ Ges MvRxinvU-‡dbx moK wbg©vY and Gazirhat-Feni road (01/07/97 - 30/06/2001) 50416921 - Feasibility study of construction of second 50416921 -XvKv gywÝMÄ mo‡K gy³vicyi †mZz I ewQjvi 3q eywoM½v Sitalakhya river bridge on †mZz Ges †Wgivq 2q kxZj¶v †mZz wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ Dhaka-Munshiganj road m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v 50416930 - Construction of 70 unit residential flats for 50416930 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ XvKv‡Z 60 roads and highways departmental staff BDwbU d¬vU wbgv©Y (1-7-97 - 30-6-2004) (mstAbbyt) 50416940 - Upgradation of Pachdona-Charshindu 50416940 -cuvP‡`vbv-Piwm›`yi (cjvk I †Nvovkvj ms‡hvMmn) wdWvi feeder road moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY (01/07/95 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416951 - Feasibility study for construction of Meghna 50416951 -‰fie evRv‡i †gNbv-2 †mZz wbg©v‡Yi m¤¢ve¨Zv cix¶vKiY bridge 50416961 - Feasibility study for Developing of Road 50416961 -moK †bUIqvK© i¶Yv‡e¶Y Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mgx¶v-2 ( Network Maintenance 1-7-2002 - 30-6-2004) (Abyt) 50416970 - Construction of Haridaspur bridge at 50416970 -gvBRKvw›`-‡evqvjgvix-Kvwkqvbx-‡MvcvjMÄ mo‡K Maijkandi-Boalmari-Kashiani-Gopalganj nwi`vkcyi †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/1996-30/06/2005) road Aby‡gvw`Z 50416980 - Construction of Mymensingh-Toke road 50416980 -gqgbwmsn-MdiMuvI ‡UvK moK wbg©vY (01/07/98- 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416990 - Construction of bridge at Bakshegonj - 50416990 -e·xMÄ mvb›`vevox Pi ivRxecyi mo‡K mvb›`v evox †mZz Sanondabari-Char Razipur road wbg©vY (01/05/2000 - 30/11/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50416992 - Development of Sylhet-Jakigonj Road (Part 50416992 -wm‡jU-RvwKMÄ (PiLvB RwKMÄ Ask) moK Dbœqb of Charkhai-Jakigonj) cÖKí (01/07/97 - 30/06/2002) 50416993 - Development of 50416993 -ev‰iinvU-wnqv‡Kv-bvivqvYnvU-dwUKQwo moK Dbœqb cÖKí Baroiarhat-Heako-Narayangonj-Fathikchar (wnqv‡Kv-ivgMo-LvMovQwo Ges dwUKQwo-Rvwjqvcvov i road ms‡hvMmn) (01/07/99 - 30/06/2001) 50417010 - Construction of 5 Roads at Chittagong Hill 50417010 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg †Rjvq cvPuwU moK wbgv©Y Tracts district 50417015 - Upgradation of Feni-Porsuram-Bilonia 50417015 -‡dbx-cïivg-we‡jvwbqv moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K Road to Regional Highway (2nd Revised) DbœxZKiY (01-07-2001 - 30-6-2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50417016 - Hazigonjo-Ramgonjo 50417016 -nvRxMÄ-ivgMÄ-j²xcyi moK Dbœqb (1-7-2001 - 30-6-06) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417020 - Construction of 50417020 -bwiqv-gjdrMÄ-†K`vicyi-nvjBmvi-my‡ik¦i moK wbgv©Y Naria-Mulfthgonj-Kaderpur-Halesar-Suras cÖKí sor Road 50417021 - Development Of 50417021 -dwi`cyi-ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx RvZxq gnvmoK Dbœqb cÖKí Faridpur-Barisal-Patuakhali National Highway. 50417022 - Construction Of Bogara-Natore Corridor 50417022 -e¸ov-bv‡Uvi Kwi‡Wvi moK wbgv©Y cÖKí| Road 50417023 - Costruction Of Satannojmat bridge and 50417023 -mvZvbœRvgvZ †mZz I jv½‡jinvU †mZz wbg©vY| Langoler hat bridge. 50417024 - Construction Of Kishoregonj Road Bypas. 50417024 -wK‡kviMÄ kni evBcvm moK wbg©vY| 50417025 - Development Of Sonapur Companygonj 50417025 -‡mvbvcyi-‡Kv¤ -Chardarbeshpur-Olamabazar-Sonagazi úvbxMÄ-Pi`i‡ekcyi-IjvgvevRvi-‡mvbvMvRx gyûix Muhuri Project- Jorarganj Road cÖKí-‡RviviMÄ moK Dbœqb| 50417026 - Construction Of 435.11 Meter Long 50417026 -ivsMvgvwU moK wefv‡Mi Aaxb evMvQwo-bvwbqvPi-js¸`y P.C.Girderbridge at the 10th KM on the mo‡K 10g wK‡jvwgUv‡i PvsMvB b`xi Dci 435.11 Chengai river on wgUvi `xN© wc wm MvW©vi ‡mZz wbg©vY| Bagachari-Naniarchar-Longgudu road under Rangamati road devision. 50417027 - Construction Of Habibnagar - Salta - 50417027 -nvweebMo-mvjZv-MvsivBR-Wygywiqv moK wbg©vY| Gangarize - Dumuria road. 50417028 - Construction Of 5 link roads with Marine 50417028 -‡gwib WªvBf moK GjwRBwW I K·evRvi-‡UKbvd drive road LGED and Cox's bazar - Teknaf mo‡Ki mwnZ 5wU ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY| Road.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50417029 - Construction Of 380 M Pc garder bridge at 50417029 -‡mvbvMvRx-IjvgvevRvi-Pi`i‡ekcyi-‡Kv¤úvbxMÄ 6th km over the Choto Feni river (Gap no mo‡Ki 6ô wK‡jvwgUv‡i †QvU †dbx b`xi Dci (M¨vc 6/1) over the Sonagazi Olamabazar - bs- 6/1) 380 wgUvi `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY| Chardarbeshpur - Companygonj Road 50417030 - 50417030 -‡dbx-cïivg-we‡jvwbqv moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY (01/07/01 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417031 - Construction Of Sunamgonj - Kolmakanda 50417031 -mybvgMÄ-KjgvKv›`v-‡b‡Îv‡Kvbv moK wbg©vY| - Netrokona Road. 50417032 - Construction Of 38 PC Garder Bridge 16 50417032 -LvMovQwo moK wefv‡Mi AvIZvq wewfbœ mo‡K cyivZb I R.C.C Bridge and 19nos RCC box culvert ¶wZMÖ¯’ †eBjx †mZzi ¯’‡j 38wU wc wm MvW©vi †mZz, 16wU under Khagrachari road division. Avi wm wm †mZz I 19wU Avi wm wm e· KvjfvU© †mZz wbg©vY| 50417033 - 4 Laning of Bahoddarhat - intersection on 50417033 -Z…Zxq Kb©dzjx †mZz G‡cÖv‡P envÏvinvU B›Uvi‡mKkb‡K 3dr Karnafully bridge approach. 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY| 50417034 - Development Of Laksam (Doulotganj) - 50417034 -jvKmvg (‡`ŠjZMÄ)-jv½j‡KvU moK Dbœqb| Langolkot road. 50417035 - Construction Of Faridpur - 50417035 -dwi`cyi-Pif`ªvmb-m`icyi moK (nvUMRvwiqv ms‡hvM Charbhadraason - Sadarpur road. moK mn) wbg©vY cÖKí| 50417036 - Development Of Baraierhat - Hiyanko - 50417036 -evov‡qinvU-wnqvs‡Kv bvivqb nvU-dwUKQwo Narayanhat - Fatikchori road. (wnqvs‡Kv-dwUKQwo Ask) moK DbœqY (cÖk¯—KiY)| 50417037 - Construction Bhurungamari - 50417037 -fyi“½vgvix-‡mvbvnvU (fvsMv-‡mvbvnvU) ¯’j Sonahat(Bhanga - Sonahat) land port - e›`i-gv`viMÄ-wfUvevox-bv‡M¯^ix moK wbg©vY| Madargonj - Vitabari - Nageshwari road. 50417038 - Construction Of Satkhira - Asashuni - 50417038 -mvZ¶xiv-Avkvïwb-‡MvqvjWv½v-cvBKMvQv moK wbg©vY| Goaldanga Paikgacha road. 50417039 - Construction Of Shyamganj - Jaria - 50417039 -k¨vgMÄ-Rvwiqv-wewiwmwi-`~M©vcyi moK| Bririshiri - Durgapur road. 50417040 - .. 50417040 -. 50417041 - Construction Of Pacchar - Shibchar - 50417041 -cv”Pi-wkePi-gv`vixcyi moK wbg©vY| Madaripur road. 50417042 - Construction Of Goalanda - Faridpur - 50417042 -‡Mvqvj›`-dwi`cyi-ZvivBj moK wbg©vY| Tarail road. 50417043 - Construction Of Rajbari - Baliakandi - 50417043 -ivRevox-evwjqvKvw›`-Rvgvjcyi-gayLvjx moK wbg©vY| Jamalpur - Madhukhali road. 50417044 - Completion of Incomplete work of 50417044 -evauvNvU-Gqvi‡cvU© wjsK mo‡Ki Amgvß KvR Badhahat - Airport link road mgvßKiY| 50417046 - Development of Kulaura - Shamshernagar 50417046 -KzjvDov-kg‡kibMo-kªxg½j moK Dbœqb| - Srimogal road. 50417048 - Development of Moulovi bazar - Sharsher 50417048 -‡gŠjfxevRvi-kg‡kibMo-QvËv †PK‡cvó moK Dbœqb| Nagar - Chatta Checkpost road. 50417049 - Development of Rajnagar - Kulaura - Juri - 50417049 -ivRbMo-KzjvDov Ryox-jvwVwUjv moK Dbœqb| Lathitila road. 50417050 - . 50417050 -a 50417051 - Construction of Railcum - road bridge over 50417051 -KvjyiNv‡U Kb©dzjx b`x‡Z †ij-Kvg-moK †mZz wbg©vY| the Karnafully river at Kaurghat. 50417052 - Development of Chittagong (Nazirhat) - 50417052 -PÆMÖvg (bvwRinvU)-gvBRfvÛvi moK DbœqY Maijbhandar road. (cÖk¯—KiY)| 50417053 - Development of Patgati - Najirpur Pirojpur - 50417053 -cvUMvZx-bvwRicyi-wc‡ivRcyi-wRqvbMo-mbœvmx-‡gv‡ojM Zianagar - Sonnyasi - Morelgonj Ä (cj­xg½j)-kib‡Lvjv evRvi (evRy) moK Dbœqb| (Pallimongol) - Sharankhola bazar(Baju) road. 50417054 - Construction of Trishal - Balipara - 50417054 -wÎkvj-evwjcvov-Kvbyivgcyi moK| Kanurampur road. 50417055 - Bangladesh - Mayanmar (Friendship) 50417055 -evsjv‡`k-gvqvbgvi ˆgÎx moK (1g ch©vq)| road(1st phase). 50417056 - Improvement of Gournadi - Agailjhora - 50417056 -‡MŠob`x-Av‰MjSvov-cqmvinvU-‡KvUvjxcvov-‡MvcvjMÄ Poiserhat - Kotalipara - Gopalgonj road to moK‡K AvÂwjK gvnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY| National Highway Standderd.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50417057 - Development of Madaripur(Itarpul) - 50417057 -gv`vixcyi (BUvicyj) Pathriarpar - Gosherhat - Dashar - -cv_wiqvicvo-‡Nv‡minvU-Wvmvi-Av‰MjSov moK Agaihgora road. Dbœqb| 50417058 - Widening and Developing Kalkini - 50417058 -KvjwKbx-fyiNvUv moK cÖk¯’KiY I Dbœqb| Bhurghata road. 50417059 - Strengthening the Khulna - Chuknagar - 50417059 -Lyjbv-PzKbMo-mvZ¶xiv mo‡Ki 39 †_‡K 43 Zg wKwg Satkhira road from 39 to 43rd KM. DPz I gReywZKiY| 50417060 - dfd 50417060 - 50417061 - Three Bridges project under Kuwait Fund 50417061 -Kz‡qZ dv‡Ûi AvIZvq 3wU †mZz (3q eywoM½v ‡mZz, 2q kxZj¶¨v ‡mZz I wZ¯—v †mZz) wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 50417062 - Construction od Dopdopia Bridge on 50417062 -ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx mo‡K `c`wcqv †mZz wbg©vY Barisal-Patuakhali Highway (ms‡kvwaZ)| 50417063 - Construction of Demra-Amulia-Shekher 50417063 -†Wgiv-Avgywjvqv-†k‡Li RvqMv-ivgcyiv moK wbg©vY Jaiga-Rampura Road (†Wgiv-mq`vev` moKvsk mn)| 50417066 - Construction of 6 roads in the Chittagong 50417066 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j 6wU moK wbg©vY/ Dbœqb Hill Tracts (ms‡kvwaZ)| 50417068 - Construction of Sumeshwari, 50417068 -wewiwkwi-k¨vgMÄ mo‡K my‡gk¦ix, myKbvKzwo I Rvwiqv Shuknakuri,Zaria bridge on the Birishiri- †mZz Ges ‡b·Kvbv-KjgvKv›`v mo‡K `kavi I Shyamgonj road and Doshdhar and KjgvKv›`v †mZz wbg©vY (ms‡kvwaZ)| Kolmakanda bridge on the Netrokona- Kolma kanda road 50417069 - Completion of incomplete work includiong 50417069 -evB¸bx-`~M©vnvU mo‡Ki 2wU †mZz mn Amgvß KvR| two bridges on the Baiguni-Durgahat road 50417070 - Construction of Sunamgonj- 50417070 -mybvgMÄ-KvwPiMvwZ-wek¦¤^cyi (ms‡kvwaZ)| Kachigati-Bishwambharpur Road 50417071 - Develepment of Rajachapitla- 50417071 -ivRvPvwcZjv-ivgP›`ªcyi-cuvPwKËv moK Dbœqb| Ramchandrapur- Pachkitta Road 50417073 - Construction of Sanadabari bridge over 50417073 -e·xMÄ-mvb›`vevox-Pi ivwRecyi mo‡Ki 27Zg Zinziram at the 27th km on the Baxigonj- wK‡jvwgUv‡i wRbwRivg b`xi Dci mvb›`vevwo †mZz wbg©vY Sanadabari- Char Rajivpur road cÖKí| 50417074 - Construction of Chatmohor- Hundial- 50417074 -PvU‡gvni-nvwÛqvj-nvgKzwoqv moK wbgv©vY| Hamkuria road 50417075 - Construction of Niamatpur- tahirpur and 50417075 -wbqvgZcyi-Zvwnicyi I ag©cvkv-ga¨bMi moK wbg©vY (1g Dharmapasha- Modhayanagar road st ch©v‡q wbqvgZcyi-Zvwnicyi moKvsk)| Phase Niamatpur- Tahirpur road part) 50417079 - Construction of Biyanibazar- Golapgonj- 50417079 -weqvwbevRvi-‡MvjvcMÄ-‡dÄyMÄ moK wbgv©Y| Fenchugonj road 50417080 - Construction of Manicona-Fanjugonj road 50417080 -gvwb‡Kvbv-†dÂyMÄ moK wbg©vY| 50417081 - Consolidating and protecting a long term 50417081 -Kbmwj‡WwUs GÛ cÖ‡UKwUs G js Uvg© Bb‡fó‡g›U Bb Investment in RHD and Capacity Building AviGBPwW GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Bb `v wUGmwm Ae c­vwbs in the TSC of Planning Commission Kwgkb| 50417082 - Construction of link road from the 1st km at 50417082 -XvKv-†Wgiv mo‡K 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i KvRjv n‡Z Kajla of Dhaka-Demra road to Saidabad mvq`vev` IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­v›U n‡q AwZk `xcsKi moK Water Treatment Palnt via Atish Dipankar ch©š— ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY| road 50417083 - Road Network Development & 50417083 -moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí-1| Maintanence Project-1 (RNIMP-1) 50417085 - Construction Cox's Bazar - Teknaf- Marine 50417085 -K·evRvi-†UKbvd-†gixb WªvBf moK-2q ch©vq (Bbvbx Drive Road- (2nd Phase ) From Inani to †_‡K wkjLvjx ch©š—)| Shilkhali 50417087 - Construction of Shivpur- Dulalpur- Lakpur 50417087 -wkecyi-`yjvjcyi-jvKcyi moK wbg©vY| Road 50417088 - Completion of the remaining work of the 50417088 -wP¤^yK-i“gv mo‡Ki 24Zg wKtwgt (i“gv ms‡hvM mo‡Ki 217.15 meter long c girder bridge on the 2q wKtwgt)-G mvs¸ b`xi Dci 217.15 wgUvi `xN© wcwm Sangu river at the 24 th km on the MvW©vi †mZzi (i“gv †mZzi) Aewkó KvR mgvßKiY| Chimbuk- Ruma road (in the 2nd km of the Ruma link road) 50417101 - Construciton of Flyover at Progoti Sarani 50417101 -a 50417102 - a 50417102 -bjwQwU - ˆekvwLqv - PviKvwVcvov

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50417103 - a 50417103 -wkecyi - `yjvjcyi 50417104 - a 50417104 -mybvgMÄ - wek¦ 50417105 - a 50417105 -wSbvB`‡ni 50417106 - a 50417106 -nvwZqv - RvnvRgviv moK (Zgi“wÏb ms‡hvMmn) cybe©vmb 50417107 - a 50417107 -wbqvgZcyi - Zvwnicyi I ag©cvkv - ga¨bMi mK wbg©vY (1g ch©v‡q wbqvgZcyi-Zvwnicyi moKvsk) 50417108 - a 50417108 -†gŠjfxevRvi †cŠimfv GjvKvi mIRÕi 3wU mo‡K †gwWqvb wbg©vYmn we`¨gvb †cf‡g›U cÖk¯KiY 50417109 - a 50417109 -hgybv eªxR G‡·m †ivW - Kvwjqv‰Ki evBcvm wbg©vY 50417110 - a 50417110 -KbóvKkb Ac †ivW d«g wgicyi MÖvgxY e¨vsK Uz AvB nmwcUvj fvqv †kIovcvov 50417111 - a 50417111 -mybvgM‡Ä myigv b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY 50417114 - Comploetion of Remaining Works of 50417114 -wc‡ivRcyi-bvwRicyi-gvwUfsvMv-cvUMvZx-†MvcvjMÄ Patgati Bridge Over Madhumati river at mo‡Ki 40 Zg wKwg G (GjAviwc 040) G gaygwZ 40th km (LRP 040a) of b`xi Dci cvUMvZx †mZzi Amgvß KvR Pirojupur-Nazirpur-Mathibhanga-Patgati-G opalgonj road 50417115 - a 50417115 -dwi`cyi kni As‡k mIRÕi Aaxb mo‡Ki wWfvBWvi, dzUcv_ I †Wªb wbg©vYmn we`¨gvb †cf‡g›U cÖk¯KiY 50417116 - a 50417116 -cvMjv - RMbœv_cyi - ivYxMÄ - AvDmKvw›` moK wbg©vY 50417118 - a 50417118 -cvebv nB‡Z bUv‡Lvjv †dixNvU fvqv bvwRiMÄ †dixNvU nBqv ivRevox †Rjvi mv‡_ ms‡hvM moK 50417119 - a 50417119 -wK‡kviMÄ - KwigMÄ - PvgovNvU - wgVvgBb moK Dbœqb (wK‡kviMÄ - PvgovNvU Ask) 50417120 - a 50417120 -wkgivBj - Bwc‡RW - bvivqYMÄ moK Dbœqb 50417121 - a 50417121 -†K.we. nvq`vi moK [dzjMvRx (gyÝxinvU) - †dbx (dvwRjcyi)] Dbœqb 50417122 - a 50417122 -wk‡jU kn‡i 3wU ¸i“Z¡c–Y© moK Dbœqb 50417123 - a 50417123 -Rq‡`ecyi - gvIbv - gqgbwmsn mo‡K Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY 50417124 - a 50417124 -ewikvj - Kovcyi - beMÖvg - ¯^iƒcKvwV (SvjKvwV Ask) 50417125 - a 50417125 -bjwQwU - †cvbvevwjqv - SvjKvwV moK wbg©vY 50417126 - a 50417126 -Kzwgj­v kn‡ii `w¶Y - cwðg Kwi‡Wvi Dbœqb 50417127 - a 50417127 -cuvPwKËv - bv‡MiKvw›` moK Dbœqb 50417128 - a 50417128 -PÆMÖvg †cvU© †UªW d¨vwmwj‡Ukb cÖ‡R± (mIR Ask) 50417133 - a 50417133 -XvKv - †Wgiv mo‡K 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i KvRjv n‡Z mvq`vev` IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­v›U n‡q AwZk `xcsKi moK ch©š ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 50417134 - a 50417134 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii wewfbœ mo‡Ki 18wU ¸i“Z¡cY© ¯’v‡b AwZwi³ fvievnx hvb wbqšY †ókb ¯’vcb 50417135 - a 50417135 -wiKvexevRvi - ivgcvj - w`Nxicvo - evsjvevRvi - gyÝxMÄ m`i - bqvMuvI - gy³vicyi moK (bqvMuvI nvmcvZvj ms‡hvM moKmn) 50417136 - a 50417136 -cUzqvLvjx - KzqvKuvUv mo‡K †Lucycvov, nvRxcyi I gnxcy‡i 3wU †mZz wbg©vY 50417138 - a 50417138 -evsjv‡`k - wgqvbgvi ˆgÎx moK (1g ch©vq) 50417139 - a 50417139 -†dYx - †bvqvLvjx RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki †PŠgynbx evRvi Ask 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY 50417140 - a 50417140 -VvKziMuvI kni evBcvm moK wbgvY cÖKí 50417141 - a 50417141 -dwi`cyi (gywÝevRvi)- Pif`ªvkb - †Mvcvjcyi moK wbg©vY 50417142 - a 50417142 -RvgvjMÄ - mybvgMÄ moK Dbœqb 50417143 - a 50417143 -Pxb esjv‡`k 6ô ‰gwÎ †mZz ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 50417144 - a 50417144 -U½x - Avïwjqv - wRiv‡ev - Bwc‡RW moK‡K 4 †j‡b DbœxZKib 50417145 - a 50417145 -gZj‡e abv‡Mv`v b`xi Dci eªxR (gZje †mZz) wbg©vY 50417146 - a 50417146 -bviqYMÄ ms‡hvM moK‡K 4 †j‡b DbœxZKib 50417147 - a 50417147 -†Kv¤•vbxMÄ - QvZK mo‡Ki 4wU †mZz wbg©vY 50417148 - a 50417148 -PiLvB - †kIjv - weqvbxevRvi - eviBMÖvg mo‡Ki we`¨gvb cyivZb mi“ †mZz mgn cybtwbg©vY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50417149 - a 50417149 -Pvlvov - Kgjvcyi †ij †ókb - †ZRMuvI - gnvLvjx - Avãyj­vcyi moK 50417150 - a 50417150 -MveZjx (wmwbœi‡UK NvU) - ev`vgZjxNvU (2q KzwoM½v †mZz)moK wbg©vY 50417151 - a 50417151 -mvZ¶xiv kni evBcvm moK wbg©vY 50417152 - a 50417152 -f‡eiPo - MRvwiqv - gywÝMÄ mo‡Ki 7g wKwg‡Z dzj`x †mZz wbg©vY Ges Kvcvwmqv - cveyi - dzj`x - KvwjMÄ moK wbg©vY 50417153 - a 50417153 -mvwK©U nvDR - jvgvevRvi - wiKvexevRvi - †PŠnvÆv - Imgvbx wegvbe›`i moK Dbœqb I †mŠ›`h¨© ea©b 50417154 - a 50417154 -eveyinvU - gZje - †cbœvB moK wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417155 - a 50417155 -wÎkvj - bv›`vBj - ZvovBj mo‡Ki 13Zg wK‡jvwgUvi eªþcyÎ b`xi Dci evwjcvov †mZz wbg©vY 50417156 - a 50417156 -Pi RvbvRvZ - KvVvjevox ‡dix ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 50417157 - a 50417157 -iscyi -e`iMÄ -cve©Zxcyi - w`bvRcyi moK (iscyi Ask) cÖk¯@KiY (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd Znwej) (01/01/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417158 - a 50417158 -gKmy`cyi evRvi - cwj­evRvi - †gŠovevRvi - gwiPcwÆ - PzovBb - †ebyLvjx moK 50417159 - a 50417159 -iNybv_cyi - wK‡kviMÄ - ˆfie moK Dbœqb (wK‡kviMÄ - ˆfie Ask) 50417161 - a 50417161 -wg‡Ziv - ev‡iÛx - nwiivgcyi mo‡K KvwjM½v b`xi Dci 252.00 wgUvi `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY 50417162 - a 50417162 -fvwUqvcvov - Kvjbv - bovBj - hv‡kvi moK (Kvjbv †mZz mn) 50417163 - a 50417163 -aiLvi - AvLvDov - †mvbviM`x - AvMiZjv e›`i moK 50417164 - a 50417164 -weij - w`bvRcyi moK wbg©vY 50417165 - a 50417165 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii moK †bUIqv‡K© Aew¯’Z †ijI‡q †j‡fj µwms Gi Dci †MÖW †mcv‡iUi wbg©vY 50417166 - a 50417166 -XvKv - PÆMÖvg gnvmo‡K 2q †gNbv Ges 2q †gNbv-†MvgwZ †mZz wbg©vY 50417167 - a 50417167 -Rq‡`ecyi - G‡j½v moK‡K 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY (P›`ªv - bexbMi ms‡hvM mn) 50417168 - a 50417168 -msKxY© †mZz cÖwZ¯’vcb cÖKí 50417169 - a 50417169 -XvKv - PÆMÖvg G·‡cÖmI‡q wbg©vY 50417170 - a 50417170 -ewikvj - cUzqvLvjx mo‡K †jeyLvjx b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY 50417171 - a 50417171 -Kbó«vKkb Ae d¬vBIfvi G¨vU cÖMwZ miwY 50417200 - Feasibility study for Shitalakha Bridge at 50417200 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di kxZj¶v weªR G¨vU e›`i Dc‡Rjv Bandar Upazilla, Narayangonj (01/07/08 - bvivqYMÄ (01/07/08 - 31/12/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 31/12/2010) Approved 50417210 - Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Marine Drive Road 50417210 -K·evRvi-†UKbvd †gwib WªvBf moK-2q ch©vq (Bbvbx Project -2nd Phase (Inani-to-Shilkhali) †_‡K wmjLvjx ch©š@) (01/07/08 - 30/06/12) (01/07/08 - 30/06/13) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 50417220 - Construction of 4.No. overlod control 50417220 -Kbó«vKkb Ae 4bs Ifvi‡jvW K‡›Uªvj †÷kbm& Station (Japan under Divet cancel stations (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Abby‡gvw`Z (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Unapproved 50417230 - a 50417230 -†ó«s‡`wbs GÛ DB‡Wwbs iscyi-e`iMÄ-cve©Zxcyi-w`bvRcyi †ivW G·cvbkb (iscyi †cvikb) (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Abby‡gvw`Z 50417240 - a 50417240 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae h‡kvni-†ebv‡cvj †ivW (†dBR-2) (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Abby‡gvw`Z 50417250 - 4-Laning of Narayangonj Link Road 50417250 -†W‡fjc‡g›U Ae bvivqYMÄ wjsK †ivW 4 jvBwbs (01/07/08- 30/06/11) (JDCF) Approved (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Abby‡gvw`Z 50417300 - Rehabilitation of Magura-Narail Regional 50417300 -gv¸iv †Rjvaxb gv¸iv-bovBj AvÂwjK gnvmoK (Avi Highway (R-720) 720) cybe©vmb (01/07/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417310 - Construction of By-lane of Soidabad 50417310 -mv‡q`vev` Gbv‡qZcyi (LvRv BDbym Avjx †gwWK¨vj Enayetpur (Khaja Younus Ali Medical K‡jR nvmcvZvj) moK‡K evB‡jb wbg©vY (01/07/10 - College Hospital) Road 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50417320 - Construction of 347.295 inlong PC Girder 50417320 -DjÐvcvov †ejKzwP mo‡Ki †mvbvZjv Nv‡U Ki‡Zvqv b`xi bridge over river karatoai at Sonatola Ghat Dci 347.295 wg. `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417330 - Improvement of Shamgonj 50417330 -k¨vgbMi-Rvwiqv-wewiwmwi-`–M©vcyi moK cÖk¯@KiY I Jaria-Birisiri-Durgapur Road Dbœqb (01/07/10 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417340 - Construction of Raipura Narsingdi 50417340 -ivqcyiv-biwms`x-g`bMÄ moK wbg©vY (ivqcyi-biwms`x Madangonj Road (Raipura-Narshingdi Ask) (01/07/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z section) 50417350 - Improvement of 50417350 -bwRicyi-avgyinvU-RqcyinvU moK Dbœqb (01/07/10 - Nazipur-Dhamurhat-Jaypurhat Road 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417360 - Construction of Flyover at Mirpur-Airport 50417360 -wgicyi wegvb e›`i mo‡K d¬vBIfvi Ges ebvbx †ij Road of overpass at Banani Rail crossing µwms I Ifvicvm wbg©vY (01/07/10 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417380 - Widening & improvement of RHD Roads in 50417380 -iscyi wefvMxq m`‡i Aew¯’Z mIR moKmg–n 4 †j‡b Divisional Headquarters Rangpur DbœxZKiY (Rvcvbx FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 50417893 - a 50417893 -‡ivW †m±i widg© cÖ‡R± (AviGmAviwc) 50417894 - a 50417894 -XvKv - †Wgiv mo‡K 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i KvRjv n‡Z mvq`vev` IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­v›U n‡q AwZk `xcsKi moK ch©š ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 50417895 - a 50417895 -XvKv - †Wgiv mo‡K 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i KvRjv n‡Z mvq`vev` IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­v›U n‡q AwZk `xcsKi moK ch©š ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 50417896 - a 50417896 -moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii wewfbœ mo‡Ki 18wU ¸i“Z¡cY© ¯’v‡b AwZwi³ fvievnx hvb wbqšY †ókb ¯’vcb 50417897 - a 50417897 -cUzqvLvjx - KzqvKuvUv mo‡K †Lucycvov, nvRxcyi I gnxcy‡i 3wU †mZz wbg©vY 50417898 - a 50417898 -†dYx - †bvqvLvjx RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki †PŠgynbx evRvi Ask 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY 50417919 - a 50417919 -gvaecyi - ivRvPvwcZjv moK 50417921 - a 50417921 -XvKv-AvwiPv RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki mvfvi - bexbMi Ask 4†jBb DbœxZKiY 50417922 - a 50417922 -gZje - abv‡Mv`v b`xi Dci eªxR (gZje †mZz) wbg©vY 50417924 - a 50417924 -Rq‡`ecyi - gvIbv - gqgbwmsn mo‡Ki Aewkó KvR mgvßKiY 50418010 - Majhina-Kayetpara-Trimohoni Link Road 50418010 -gvwSbv-K‡q`cvov-w·gvnbx ms‡hvM moK (1-7-2002 - (Revised) 30-6-07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418012 - a 50418012 -ewikvj-SvjKvwV-wc‡ivRcyi-ev‡MinvU-Lyjbv nvBI‡qi KPv b`xi Dci †eKzwUqv weªR wbg©vY 50418013 - Dhunot-Nanglu 50418013 -wjPyZjv-K`gZjx Ges bvsjy-evwjqv`xwN ms‡hvM moKmn Baghbari-Kadamtoli-Gabtoli-Choukirghat aybU-bvsjy evMevox-K`gZjx-MveZjx-†PŠwKiNvU moK Road Improvement including Dbœqb (01-07-2001 - 30-06-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Lichutola-Kadamtoli and Nanglu-Baliadighi Link Road (Revised) 50418014 - a 50418014 -kwl©bv-¯^iƒcKvwV-KvDLvjx moK| 50418015 - a 50418015 -gy›mxMÄ-kªxbMi (Qbevox-Kz‡Ûi evRvi-nvwZgviv gy›mxMÄ) AvÂwjK mob wbg©vY| 50418016 - a 50418016 -wkecyi-`yjvjcyi-jvKcyi moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY| 50418017 - a 50418017 -BUv‡Lvjv-gV‡Lvjv KwUqvw` moK Dbœqb ( 01-07-2002 - 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418018 - a 50418018 -wm‡jU-†dÂyMÄ-ivRbMi-†gŠjfxevRvi-kªxg½j-kv‡q¯@vM Ä-†Zwjqvcvov-RM`xkcyi moK (†kicyi wjsKmn)gReyZxKiY(1-7-2002 - 30-6-07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418019 - a 50418019 -wm‡jU-kvjywUKi-†Kv¤•vbxMÄ-†fvjvMÄ mo‡Ki 34Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i ajvB †mZy wbg©vY ( 1-7-2002 - 30-6-2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418020 - a 50418020 -‡MŠixcyi-†nvgbv- moK Dbœqb (01-07-2002 - 30-06-2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50418022 - a 50418022 -‡Kv¤•vbxMÄ-gyiv`bMi-†nvgbv mo‡Ki 12Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i (iNybv_cyi) 150 wgUvi Avi, wm, wm, †mZy Ges 17Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i (kÖxcyi-K…Âcyi) wZZvm b`xi Dci 125wgt Avi wm wm ‡mZz wbg©vb(1/7/02- 30/6/07) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50418023 - a 50418023 -‡MŠixcyi-†nvgbv-`yjvjcyi-Nv¸wUqv-ivgK… òcyi-ivgP›`ªcyi-ivgP›`i 50418024 - a 50418024 -‡Kv¤•vbxMÄ-gyiv`MÄ-†nvgbv moK Dbœqb (01-07-2002 - 30-06-07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418025 - Improvement of 50418025 -Av‡bvqviv-euvkLvjx-PKwiqv moK Dbœqb (1-7-2002 - Anowara-Bashkhali-Chokoria Road 30-6-07) Aby‡gvw`Z (Revised) 50418026 - a 50418026 -GKZv evRvi cniPuv`v ‡cKzqvevRvi gNbvgvNvU moK Dbœqb (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418027 - a 50418027 -P‡Kvwiqv e`iLvjx-g‡nkLvjx AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K iƒcvš@i| 50418028 - Aricha-Gheor-Daulatpur-Nagarpur-Tangail 50418028 -AvwiPv-wNIi-†`ŠjZcyi-bvMicyi UvsMvBj moK Dbœqb Road Improvement (Revised) (01/07/04-30/06/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418029 - a 50418029 -e„nËi †bvqvLvjx †Rjvi K‡qKwU ¸i“Z¡c–Y© wdWvi moK wbg©vY cÖKí 50418030 - Upgradation of Lakshmipur-Char 50418030 -j¶xcyi-Pi Av‡jKRvÛvi-†mvbvcyi gvBR`x (†bvqvLvjx) Alexandar-Sonapur-Maizdee (Noakhali) moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K Dbœqb Road to Regional Highway (Revised) (1/7/2002-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418032 - a 50418032 -Kzwgj­v-dwKievRvi-kvj`vb`x moK fvqv Puvbcyi moK| 50418033 - a 50418033 -jvjgvB-eoyiv-RMrcyi fvqv Sjg-AvÇv moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 50418034 - a 50418034 -bexcyi-kªxKvBj moK Dbœqb| 50418035 - Improvement of 50418035 -ivgP›`ªcyi-kÖxKvBj-bexcyi ms‡hvM moKmn BwjqUMÄ - Eliotganj-Muradnagar-Ramchandrapur-Sri gyiv`bMi - ivgP›`ªcyi - evÂvivgcyi moK Dbœqb (Kzwgj­v kail-Nabipur Road Ask) (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50418036 - a 50418036 -ivRvPvwcZjv-ivgP›`ªcyi-cuvPwKËv moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50418037 - a 50418037 -ivqcyiv-biwmsw`-g`bMÄ moK| 50418038 - a 50418038 -XvKv-gvIqv-‡gvj­vnvU-wPZjgvix-ev‡MinvU ms‡hvM moK ev‡MinvU kni msjMœ gywÝMÄ weªR wbgv©Y 50419009 - aaaaa 50419009 -a 50419010 - a 50419010 -hgybv †mZy cwiPvjbv I i¶Yv‡e¶‡Yi mi †mZy GjvKv hgybv b`xi Zj‡`‡k ¶qRwbZ cwieZ©‡Yi c~ev©fvk m¤cwK©Z gi‡cvjwRK¨vj g‡Wwjs cÖKí 50419020 - Baiguny-durgahat 50419020 -evB¸bx-`~Mv©nvU mo‡K 2wU †mZzmn AmgvßKvR mgvßKiY (01-07-2002 - 30-6-2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419030 - a 50419030 -‰fie b`xi Dci gywbMÄ †mZy wbg©vY (01/07/2001-30/3/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419040 - Improvement of 50419040 -abU-evMevox-evwjqv`xwN-MveZjx †PŠwKnvU-†gvKvgZjv Dunat-Bagbari-Balladighi-Gabtoli-Chokiha moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY t-Mokamtola Road to Regional Highway (1/7/02-30/6/06) (Abbyt) (1/7/2002- 30/6/2006) 50419050 - Improvement of Noawga-Atrai-Natore 50419050 -bIMuv-AvÎvB-bv‡Uvi moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K Road to Regional Highway DbœxZKiY (1/7/02-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z (1/7/2002-30/6/2007) 50419060 - Construction of 50419060 -‡Kvbv‡Lvjv-†Lvjv‡gvov-nhiZcyi-BUvfvUv-†ngv‡qZcyi Konakhola-Kholamora-Hazuatpur-Etabata- moK wbg©vY (1/7/02-30/6/07) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z Hamyetpur Road (1/7/2002-30/6/2007) 50419070 - Construction/up gradation of 3 road in 50419070 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j 3wU moK wbg©vY/DbœZKiY (K) Chittagong Hill tract Area:(a) up gradation PÆMÖvg iv½vgvwU moK DbœZKiY (iv½vgvwU †Rjvi Ask) of Chittagong Rangamati road). (1/7/03-30/6/04)(Abyt) 50419080 - Construction/up gradation of 3 road in 50419080 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j 3wU moK wbg©vY/DbœZKiY (L) Chittagong Hill tract Area:(b) up gradation †QvU †gi“s PsMvQwW jsM`y moK wbg©vY of Chhoto Marung Changachary Longdu (1/7/03-30/6/04)(Abyt) road).

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50419090 - Construction/up gradation of 3 road in 50419090 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j 3wU moK wbg©vY/DbœZKiY (M) Chittagong Hill tract Area:(c) up gradation NvMov P›`ª‡Nvbv ev½vjnvwjqv ev›`ievb moK Dbœqb of Gaghra Chandroghona Bangalhalia (1/7/03-30/6/04)(Abyt) Bandorban road). 50419092 - Third Karnopholi Bridge 50419092 -Z…Zxq KY©dzjx †mZz wbg©vY (1/7/03-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419100 - Bogura city 50419100 -e¸iv kn‡i ebvbx n‡Z gvwUWvwj moK Dbœqb (‡÷kb †ivWmn) (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419101 - a 50419101 -Avi.GBP.wW, Gg.I.wm, we.Avi.wU.GÕi cwiKíbv Kwgkb (†fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Ges cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv (2q chv©q) (01/07/99-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50419110 - kuait fund 50419110 -Kz‡qZ dv‡Û 3q eywoM½v, wZ¯@v I wØZxq kxZj¶¨v †mZy wbgv©Y (1/7/2003-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419120 - Bakerganj-Padrishibpur-Kathaltoli-Subidk 50419120 -ev‡KiMÄ-cv`ªxwkecyi-KuvVvjZjx-mywe`Lvjx-Pv›`yLvjx-ei hali-Chandukhali-Barguna Road ¸bv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2009) Improvement Project (Revised) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419130 - a 50419130 -XvKv wegvbe›`i moK (ebvbx †ijµwms n‡Z wRqv Avš@R©vwZK wegvb ch©š@) Gi Dbœqb I †mŠ›`h© ea©b cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419140 - a 50419140 -‡dbx †mvbvMvRx moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419150 - Construction of Demra-Amulia-Rampura 50419150 -†Wgiv-Avgywjqv-‡k‡Li RvqMv ivgcyiv moK wbg©vY (Shekher Jaiga Link) Road and (‡Wgiv-mv‡q`vev` moKvskmn) Demra-Sayedabad Link Road (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Improvement (Revised) 50419160 - Construction of Baushi Bridge at 9th K.M. 50419160 -w`McvBZ-mwilvevox mo‡Ki 9g wK‡jvwgUv‡i evDwm of Digpait-Sarishabari Road and †mZy wbgv©Y I w`McvBZ-mwilvevox-ZvivKvw›` moK Dbœqb Improvement of (01/03/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Digpait-Sarishabari-Tarakandi Road 50419170 - Chittagong 50419170 -PÆMªvg-KvßvB mo‡K g`ybvNv‡U nvj`v b`xi Dci †mZy wbgv©Y (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419180 - Road Network Improvement and 50419180 -moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y cÖKí-1 Maintenance Project-1 (RNIMP-1) (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419190 - a 50419190 -weqvbxevRvi-†MvjvcMÄ-†dÂyMÄ moK wbgv©Y (01/07/2001-30/06/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z 50419200 - a 50419200 -AvwiPv-wLIi-‡`ŠZjcwi-bvMicyi-Uv½vBj moK Dbœqb Ges Uv½vBj-Gjvwmb bvgK ¯’v‡b a‡jk¦ix `xi Dci †mZy wbgv©Y (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) 50419210 - a 50419210 -Kzwgj­v-cvjcvov-eywoPs-eªv¶Ycvov-gxicyi moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50419230 - a 50419230 -‡MŠixcyi-KPyqv-nvRxMÄ moKwU KPyqv-nvRxMÄ As‡ki moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50419240 - a 50419240 -gyw›mMÄ-kªxbMi (Qbvevox-K‡zÛievnvi-nvZxgviv gyw›mMÄ) moK Dbœqb (Abbyt) 50419250 - a 50419250 -`c`wcqv-bjwQwU-†gvj­vinvU moK cvKvKiY (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419260 - a 50419260 -bwRcyi-`vgyinvU-RqcyinvU moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) 50419270 - a 50419270 -‡gvKvgZjv-RqcyinvU Ges RqcyinvU evDcvm moK Dbœqb/wbgv©Y (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50419280 - a 50419280 -wiKvexevRvi-ivgcvj-w`Nxicvo-evsjvevRvi-gy›mxMÄ `i-bqvMvI-gy³vicyi moK (bqvMvI-nvmcvZvj ms‡hvM moKmn) (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 50419290 - a 50419290 -Rb¸iZ¡cY© I Ab¨vb¨ AMªvwaKvicÖvß †Rjv moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 50419300 - a 50419300 -‡fvjZv-AvovBnvRvi-evÃvivgcyi moK (bvivqYMÄ Ask) (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 50419310 - a 50419310 -K¨vc‡Ub wjK moK (ciïivg-QvMjbvBqv moK Dbœqb) (01/07/2004 - 30/06/2007) Abbyt 50419320 - a 50419320 -Kvgovcyi-aywjqvLvj moK (nweMÄ-kv‡q¯vMÄ cwiZ¨³ †ij U«vK) wbgv©Y (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50419330 - a 50419330 -wRqvbMi e‡j¤¦i b`xi Dci †mZy wbgv©Y (ms‡hvM moKmn) (01/07/2004- 30/06/2006) Abbyt

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50419340 - a 50419340 -mybvgMÄ-KvwPiMvwZ-wek¦¤fcyi Ges wbqvgZcyi-Zvwnicyi Ges ag©cvkv-ga¨bMi mMK wbgv©Y (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 50419350 - a 50419350 -PvU‡gvni-nvwÛqvj-nvgKzwoqv moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50419360 - a 50419360 -fvjyKv-MdiMvI moK Dbœqb (3wU †mZymn) (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 50419370 - a 50419370 -eoevox-jvjgwbinvU-cvUMªvg-eywogvix moK Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50419380 - a 50419380 -e¸iv-mvwiqvKv› moK‡K gnvmo†K Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50419390 - Nagobari 50419390 -bMievox †dwiNvU cÖv‡š ev‡ainvU n‡Z L‡qicyi moK Dbœqb (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 50419400 - a 50419400 -w`bvRcyi-†evPvMÄ-eKzjZjv-exiMÄ mMK Dbœqb (01/07/2003- 30/06/2008) Abbyt 50419410 - a 50419410 -UsMx-KvwjMÄ-†Nvovkvj mo‡Ki 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i UsMx †ijµwms ¯’‡j d­vBIfvi wbgv©Y (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Abbyt 50419420 - a 50419420 -dzjZjv-nvmviv moK wbgv©Y cÖKí (01/07/2003-30/06/2008) Abbyt 50419430 - a 50419430 -‡gvnbMÄ-ag©cvkv-RvgvjMÄ-mybvgMÄ moK (myigv `xi Dci †mZymn) Dbœqb (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Abbyt 50419440 - a 50419440 -wc‡ivRcyi-bvwRicyi-gvwUfvsMv moK Dbœqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abbyt 50419450 - Construction/ Improvement of 6 Roads in 50419450 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j 6wU moK wbgv©Y/Dbœqb Chittagong Hill Tract Districts ( 2nd (01/07/99-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Revised) ( 01/07/99-30/06/12) Approved 50419460 - a 50419460 -mvjbv-iv‡R›`ªcyi-Kvcvwmqv mo‡Ki 18Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i 390.91 wgUvi `xN© Kvcvwmqv †mZy wbgv©Y (01/07/2000-30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419470 - a 50419470 -‡MŠixcyi-KPzqv-nvRxMÄ moKwUi KPzqv-nvRxMÄ As‡ki moK Dbœqb (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419480 - a 50419480 -Rb¸i“Z¡c–Y© †Rjv moK Dbœqb (1g ch©vq) (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419485 - a 50419485 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb (1g ch©vq) (01/07/05-30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419486 - a 50419486 -Kvgovcyi aywjqvLvj moK (nweMÄ-kv‡q¯@vMÄ cwiZ¨v³ †ij U«¨vK) wbg©vY (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 50419487 - a 50419487 -‡`eMªvg cÖMwZ miwY ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (01/07/2004 - 30/06/2007) Abby‡gvw`Z 50419490 - Construction of Bridge ( With Link Road ) 50419490 -wRqvbMi e‡jk¡i b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©vY (ms‡hvM over Boleshwar River at Zianagar ( moKmn) (01/03/2005-30/9/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 01/03/05-30/06/10) Approved 50419491 - a 50419491 -evsjv‡`k - wgqvbgvi ms‡hvM moK (1g ch©vq) 50419492 - a 50419492 -wÎkvj - bv›`vBj - ZvovBj mo‡Ki 13Zg wK‡jvwgUvi eªþcyÎ b`xi Dci evwjqvcvov †mZz wbg©vb 50419493 - a 50419493 -wK‡kviMÄ - wbKjx moK Dbœqb 50419494 - a 50419494 -cUzqvLvjx - KzqvKvUv mo‡K †Lcycvov, nvRxcyi I gnxcy‡i 3wU †mZz wbg©vb 50419510 - Construction of Sunamganj- 50419510 -mybvgMÄ -KvwPiMvwZ-wek¡¤¢icyi moK wbg©vY Kachirgati-Bishwambharpur Road (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (Revised) (01/07/04-30/06/10) Revised Unapproved 50419520 - Bogra - Sariakandi Road Improvement ( 50419520 -e¸ov mvwiqvKvw›` moK‡K AvÂwjK gnvmo‡K Dbœqb 01/07/03-30/06/11) Approved (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419530 - a 50419530 -wc‡ivRcyi bvwRicyi gvwUfvsMv moK Dbœqb (1/7/04-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419540 - Rajachapitala - Ramchandrapur- 50419540 -ivRvPvwcZjv-ivgP›`ªcyi-cuvPwKËv moK Dbœqb Panchkitta Road Improvement (Revised) (1/7/2004-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/04-30/06/10) Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50419550 - Captain Link Road Improvement(Revised) 50419550 -K¨vc‡Ub wjK moK Dbœqb (01/7/2004-30/6/2007) (01/07/10-31/12/10) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 50419560 - Improvement of Shibnowdi-Meghna ghat 50419560 -f‚jZv-AvovBnvRvi-evÂvivgcyi moK (bvivqbMÄ Ask) Part of Bhulta-Araihazar-Bancharampur (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Road(including Gopaldi Bazar link) (01/07/04-30/06/10 50419570 - Baidyer 50419570 -‰e‡`¨i evRvi - †mvbviMuvI-‡gvMovcvov-KvBKvi‡UK Bazar-Sonargaon-Mograpara-Kaikartek-No bexMÄ moK Dbœqb (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) bigonj Road Improvement(revised) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/04-30/06/10) Aproved 50419580 - a 50419580 -‡b·Kvbv-g`b (AvUcvov ms‡hvMmn) moK Dbœqb (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419590 - a 50419590 -ingZcyi-eveyMÄ-gyjv`x-wnRjv moK Dbœqb (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419610 - Road Network Improvement and 50419610 -moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y cªKí-2 Maintenance Project-2(RHD Part) (1/7/2004-30/6/2010) (mIR Ask) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/04-3006/11) 50419620 - a 50419620 -moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y cªKí-2 (1/7/2004-30/6/2010) (gwnjv I wkï welqK gšYvjq AsM) (GBP AvBwf GBWm Ges gwnjv cvPvi‡iv‡a MYm‡PZbv Kg©mPx ) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419630 - a 50419630 -moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb I i¶vYv‡e¶Y cªKí-2 (1/7/2004-30/6/2010) (weAviwUG Ask) (5wU hvbevnb cwi`k©b Kvh©µg †emiKvixKiY) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419640 - a 50419640 -Gkxq Dbœqb e¨vsK mvnvh¨cyó Ri“wi eb¨v ¶q¶wZ cybe©vmb cªKí-2004(1/1/2005-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419650 - a 50419650 -cvUzwiqv-‡dixNvUmn j Uvwg©bvj ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY (1/7/2004-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419660 - a 50419660 -AvBwWG mvnvh¨cyó eb¨vRwbZ ¶q¶wZ cybe©vmb cªKí (1/1/2004-31/1/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419670 - a 50419670 -Av‰MjSov cqmv b`xi Dci G‡cªvP moKmn Amgvß 1wU wcwm MvW©vi †mZz Ges msjMœ Lv‡j 1wU †eBjx †mZz (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419680 - a 50419680 -‡PŠÏMªvg-jvKmvg-gy`vd&diMÄ-wP‡Zvlx-ivgMÄ moK Dbœqb (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419690 - Shahid Ziaur Rahaman Medical College 50419690 -knx` wRqvDi ingvb †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZvj ms‡hvM Hospital link Road (01/07/04-30/06/09) moK (01/07/2004-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Revised Unapproved 50419710 - Construction of Bridge over Dheleshwari 50419710 -Uv½vBj-Gjvwmb bvgK ¯nv‡b a‡jk¡ix b`xi Dci †mZz River at Tangail-Elasin (Revised) wbg©vY (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/05 - 31/12/2011) Approved 50419720 - 4-Laning of Dhaka Chittagong National 50419720 -XvKv PÆMªvg RvZxq gnvmoK‡K 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY Highway Project (Daudkandi-Chittagong (`vD`Kvw›` -PU«Mªvg Ask) (Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jk‡bi Section) (01/01/06 - 31/12/2013) Approved AvIZvq) (01/07/2005-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419730 - Jamuna Breeze 50419730 -hgybv weªR G‡·m †ivW -Kvwjqv‰Ki evBcvm wbg©vY (Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jk‡bi AvIZvq) (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419740 - Improvement of Sirajgonj-Ramgonj Road 50419740 -wmivRMÄ-ivqMÄ moK Dbœqb cÖKí (Revised) (01/07/2004-30/06/2011) (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 50419742 - Construction of Bridges and Culverts at 50419742 -PÆMÖvg-KvßvB mo‡K †mZz I KvjfvU© wbg©vY Chittagong-Kaptai (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z Road(01/07/05-31/12/2010) Approved 50419750 - a 50419750 -wm‡jU-mvjywUKi-†Kv¤•vbxMÄ-†fvjvMÄ moK I Imgvbx wegvb e›`i evBcvm mo‡Ki Aewkó KvR mgvßKiY (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419760 - Construction of Pirojpur (Hularhut) 50419760 -wc‡ivRcyi(ûjvinvU) kÖxivgKvVx ¯^iƒcKvVx moK Dbœqb Sreeramkathi-Saurupkathi Road (Revised) (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/05 - 30/06/11) Approved 50419770 - Chatmohar-Handial-Hamkuria Road 50419770 -PvU‡gvni-nvwÛqvj-nvgKzwoqv moK Dbœqb Improvement (Revised) (01/12/2005-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50419772 - Construction of Niamatpur-Tahirpur Road ( 50419772 -wbqvgZcyi-Zvwnicyi I ag©cvkv-ga¨bMi moK wbg©vY 1st Phase Niamatpur-Tahirpur Part) (01/07/2004 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/06-30/06/11) Approved 50419774 - a 50419774 -‡gŠjfxevRvi †cŠimfv GjvKvi mIRÕi 3wU mo‡K ‡gwWqvb wbg©vYmn we`¨gvb †cf‡g›U cÖk¯@KiY (01/05/2006 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419775 - a 50419775 -KbóªvKkb Ae †ivW d«g wgicyi MªvgxY e¨vsK Uy AvB nmwcUvj fvqv †kIovcvov (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) (Rvcvbx FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) Abby‡gvw`Z 50419776 - Sunamgonjo 50419776 -mybvgM‡Ä myigv b`xi Dci †mZy wbg©vY (01/07/2006 - 30/06/2008) (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) Abby‡gvw`Z 50419778 - Construction of 3 (Three) Bridges at 50419778 -cUzqvLvjx-KzqvKvUv mo‡K †Lcycvov,nvRxcyi I gnxcy‡i Khepupara, Hazipur and Mohipur of 3wU †mZz wbg©vY (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Patuakhali- Kuakata Road. (JDCF) Abby‡gvw`Z (01/01/09-31/12/11) Approved 50419940 - Dohar(kartikpur)-barra 50419940 -†`vnvi(KvwË©Kcyi)-eviiv-evwji‡UK(eviviqv †mZz)moK (AvIi½ev` evRvi ms‡hvM mn) 50419941 - Khagrachari roads 50419941 -LvMovQwo moK wefvMvaxb cyivZb Ges ¶wZMÖ¯’ †eBjx †mZzi ¯’‡j bZzb wcwm MvW©i †mZz wbg©vY 50419942 - Patuakhali-Kuakata roads 50419942 -cUzqvLvjx - KyqvKuvUv mo‡Ki (22.00 wKwg) Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY (†Lcycvov - KzqvKvUv Ask) 50419943 - Chittagong(oxcigen)-Hathazari 50419943 -PÆMÖvg (Aw·‡Rb) - nvUnvRvix RvZxq gnvmoK‡K 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY 50419944 - Shamganj-Jajira-Birishiri-Durgaput Roads 50419944 -k¨vgMÄ - Rvwiqv - wewikxwi - `~M©vcyi moK Dbœqb 50419945 - Comilla-Bibirbazar 50419945 -Kzwgj­v - weweievRvi ¯’j e›`‡ii moK Dbœqb 50419946 - Coxbazar-Tecnaf Marin drive 50419946 -K·evRvi - †UKbvd †gwib WªvBf 2q ch©vq (Bbvbx †_‡K wkjLvjx) ch©š— 50419947 - Jossor Benapol roads(bi-pass roads) 50419947 -h‡kvi †ebv‡cvj moK (evBcvm mo‡Ki Amgvß KvR mn) Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 50419948 - Mokamtola-Shonatola-horikhali-hatsherpu 50419948 -†gvKvgZjv - †mvbvZjv - nvwiLvjx - nvU‡kicyi - r-shariakandi roads mvwiqvKvw›` moK 50419949 - Mymanshingha town bi-pass roads 50419949 -gqgbwmsn kni evBevm mo‡Ki Amgvß KvR mgvßKiY 50419950 - Nagarbari-Sherpur-Gabindaganj roads 50419950 -bMievox - †kicyi - †Mvwe›`MÄ RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki 173Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i Aew¯’Z 129.56 wgUvi wcwm MvW©vi †mZz (ivqnvwU †mZz) wbg©vY 50419951 - Faridpur-Vhanga-Barishal-Patuakhali-Aam 50419951 -dwi`cyi - fvsMv - ewikvj - cUzqvLvjx - AvgZwj - toli-Kuakata roads KzqvKvUv moK (dwi`cyi evBcvm mn) 50419952 - Satkhira town bi-pass road 50419952 -mvZ¶xiv kni evBcvm moK wbg©vY 50419953 - Jamalganj-Sunamganj road development 50419953 -RvgvjMÄ - mybvgMÄ moK Dbœqb 50419954 - Widening with divinder of Chittagong 50419954 -PÆMªvg-iv½vgvwU RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki PÆMªvg (Aw·‡Rb Rangpur Highway (Chittagong Oxygen †gvo) nvUnvRvix Ask wWfvBWvimn cÖk¯KiY) moor)-hathazari protion (01/07/2009-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419960 - a 50419960 -‡PŠÏMªvg-jvKmvg-gy`vd&diMÄ-wP‡Zvlx-ivgMÄ moK Dbœqb (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) 50419961 - a 50419961 -Pvlvov - Kgjvcyi †ij †ókb - †ZRMuvI - gnvLvjx - Avãyj­vcyi moK 50419962 - District Road Development Project (Dhaka 50419962 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (XvKv †Rvb) Zone) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419963 - District Road Development Project 50419963 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (iscyi †Rvb) (Rangpur Zone) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419964 - District Road Development Project (Sylhet 50419964 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (wm‡jU †Rvb) Zone) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419965 - District Road Development Project 50419965 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (Kzwgj­v †Rvb) (01/01/09 - (Comilla Zone) 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419966 - District Road Development Project (Khulna 50419966 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (Lyjbv †Rvb) Zone) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419967 - Dist Road Development Project (Barishal 50419967 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (ewikvj †Rvb) zone) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50419968 - Dist Road Development Project 50419968 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (PÆMÖvg †Rvb) ( 01/01/2009- (Chittagonj zone) 31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419969 - Dist Road Development Project (rajshahi) 50419969 -†Rjv moK Dbœqb cÖKí (ivRkvnx †Rvb) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419970 - reconstruction of cyclone sidor effected 50419970 -mvB‡K¬vb wmW‡i ¶wZcÖ¯’ mIR moK †bUIqvK© cyb©evmb roads. I Dbœqb 50419971 - Upgradation in 50419971 -bexbMi-P›`ªv-Uv½vBj-hgybv †mZz moK‡K 4 †j‡b Nobonogor-Chndra-Jamuna road in 4 DbœxZKib lane. 50419972 - Easter banagladesh bridge inprovement 50419972 -Bóvb© evsjv‡`k weªR BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± project. 50419973 - sadullapur-nababganj roads 50419973 -mv`yj­vcyi-beveMÄ mo‡Ki 30 Zg wKwg‡Z Ki‡Zvqv b`xi Dci KvP`n ‡mZz wbg©vY 50419974 - Nojipur-Dhamurhat-Joypurhat roads dev. 50419974 -bwRcyi-avgyinvU-RqcyinvU moK Dbœqb 50419975 - Balia-wasi-Mirzapur roads. 50419975 -evwjqv-Iqvwm© wgRv©cyi mo‡K 2wU wc.wm. MvW©vi †mZz wbgv©Y 50419976 - Gaforgao-Bormi-Maona Bridge. 50419976 -MdiMvuI-egx©-gvIbv mo‡K w·gvnbx †mZz wbgv©Y 50419977 - Pabna-Pakshi-Eshwordi epz road 50419977 -cvebv-cvKkx b`xe›`i (jvjbkvn& †mZz G‡cÖvP) -Ck¡i`x Bwc‡RW moK (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419978 - roads uncompletion bridge. 50419978 -mIR Gi Amgvß †mZzi KvR mgvßKib 50419979 - Shirnirtek-Gabtoli bridge. 50419979 -wkiwbi‡UK n‡Z MveZjx †mZz ch©š ms‡hvM moK 50419980 - complettion 50419980 -‡Kvbv‡Lvjv-‡Lvjv‡gvov-nhiZcyi-BUvfvUv-‡ngv‡qZcyi ofKonakhola-kholamora-Hazratpur-itvata-H mo‡Ki Amgvß KvR mgvß Kib emayetpur road. 50419981 - Koraikandi-Bancharampur-Jibonganj road 50419981 -KovBKvw›`-evÄvivgcyi-RxebMÄ evRvi moK wbgv©Y construction. 50419982 - Dokhar-Akhaura-Senaribad road 50419982 -`iLvi-AvLvDiv-‡mbvievw` moK‡K gnvmo‡K DbœxZ upgradation Kib 50419983 - Bridge in 50419983 -MvBevÜv-bvKvBnvU-Mwe›`MÄ mo‡K eo`vn †mZy gaibandha-Nakaihat-Gobindoganj road. (01/01/2009-31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419984 - Syhlet-Salutiker-komapanygoanj-Volagoan 50419984 -wm‡jU-mvjywUKvi-‡Kv¤úvbxMÄ-‡fvjvMÄ mo‡K 10wU j 10 bridge construction. †mZz wbg©vb| 50419985 - Bypass road construction in Satkhira city. 50419985 -mvZ¶xiv kni evBcvm moK wbg©vY 50419986 - Dhaka-Demra road upgradation. 50419986 -XvKv - †Wgiv mo‡K 1g wK‡jvwgUv‡i KvRjv n‡Z mvq`vev` IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­v›U n‡q AwZk `xcsKi moK ch©š— ms‡hvM moK wbg©vY 50419987 - Construction of 4 overload control station. 50419987 -4wU Ifvi‡jvW K‡›Uªvj †ókb wbg©vY 50419988 - Rikabibazar-Rampal-Dghirpar-Banglabaza 50419988 -wiKvexevRvi - ivgcvj - w`Nxicvo - evsjvevRvi - r-Munshiganjsadar bypass road gyÝxMÄ m`i - bqvMuvI - gy³vicyi moK (bqvMuvI construction. nvmcvZvj ms‡hvM moKmn) 50419989 - Feni-noakhali roads upgradation in 4 lane. 50419989 -†dYx - †bvqvLvjx RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki †PŠgynbx evRvi Ask 4-†j‡b DbœxZKiY (30/11/2008-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 50419990 - Faridpur(Munshibazar) 50419990 -dwi`cyi (gywÝevRvi)- Pif`ªvkb - †Mvcvjcyi moK wbg©vY -Charvadrasion-Gopalpur road construction. 50419991 - a 50419991 -RvgvjMÄ - mybvgMÄ moK Dbœqb 50419992 - Tongi - Ashulia - Zirabo Road 50419992 -U½x - Avïwjqv - wRiv‡ev - Bwc‡RW moK‡K 4 †j‡b DbœxZKib 50419993 - Upgradation of narayangonj acess road in 50419993 -bviqYMÄ ms‡hvM moK‡K 4 †j‡b DbœxZKib 4lane 50419994 - Construction of 4 bridge in 50419994 -†Kv¤•vbxMÄ - QvZK mo‡Ki 4wU †mZz wbg©vY Companygonj-chatok road 50419995 - Construction of Baburhat-Motlob-Pennai 50419995 -eveyinvU - gZje - †cbœvB moK wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) road (2nd phase) 50419996 - Rangpur-badargonj-Parbatipur-Dinajpur 50419996 -iscyi -e`iMÄ -cve©Zxcyi - w`bvRcyi moK (iscyi Road Ask) cÖk¯—KiY I kw³kvjxKiY 50419997 - Bhatiapara-Kalna-Narail-Jessore Road 50419997 -fvwUqvcvov - Kvjbv - bovBj - hv‡kvi moK (Kvjbv †mZz mn)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50419998 - Construction of Baniachang-Azmirigonj 50419998 -evwbqvPs - AvRwgwiMÄ moK wbg©vY Road 50419999 - Dohar - Barra - Balirtek Road 50419999 -†`vnvi(KvwË©Kcyi)-eviiv-evwji‡UK(eviviqv †mZz)moK (AvIi½ev` evRvi ms‡hvMmn) 5043 - Bangladesh Road Transport Authority 5043 -evsjv‡`k moK cwienY KZ…©c¶ 50430000 - Bangladesh Road Transport Authority 50430000 -evsjv‡`k moK cwienY KZ…©c¶ 50435010 - Establishing data center & web portal 50435010 -G÷vewjkwjwms WvUv †m›Uvi GÛ I‡qe †cvU©vj wm‡÷g system for BRTA (01/04/2013-31/03/2015) di weAviwUG (01/04/2013-31/03/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 50436760 - Dhaka urban transport project 50436760 -XvKv Avievb Uªv݇cvU© cÖKí 50436761 - Community Road Safety Initiative Project 50436761 -KwgDwbwU †ivW †mdwU Bwbwm‡qwUf cÖKí 50436771 - Urban Transport Environment Investment 50436771 -Avievb U«v›m‡cvU© Gbfvi‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U ÷vwW Study 50436871 - Feasibility study for Padma bridge on 50436871 -XvKv-gvIqv-fvsMv mo‡K cÙv †mZz wbgv©Y mgx¶v Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga road 50436881 - Feasibility study for construction of tunnel 50436881 -KY©dzjx b`xi Zj‡`‡k Uv‡bj wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ mgx¶v under Karnafuli river 50436911 - Feasibility study for construction of Dhaka 50436911 -XvKv wis †ivW wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ mgx¶v ring road 50436921 - Feasibility study of construction of second 50436921 -XvKv-gywÝMÄ mo‡K gy³vicyi †mZz evwQjvq Z…Zxq Sitalakhya river bridge on eywoM½v †mZz Ges †Wgivq wØZxq kxZj¶v †mZz wbgv©‡Yi Dhaka-Munshiganj road Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v 50436961 - Feasibility study of Dhaka urban transport 50436961 -XvKv Avievb Uªv݇cvU© mgx¶v cªKí 50437083 - .. 50437083 -. 50439630 - Road Network improvement & 50439630 -moK †bUIqvK© Dbœqb I i¶vYv‡e¶Y cªKí-2 Maintenance Project _II (BRTA part) (1/7/2004-30/6/2010) (weAviwUG Ask) (5wU privatization of 5 vehicles inspection hvbevnb cwi`k©b Kvh©µg †emiKvwi center) 50439631 - Establishment of 1 Training Institute and 50439631 -1wU †Uªwbs BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb I 5wU †fwn‡Kj B݇cKkb Extension & Repairing of 5 Vehicle †m›Uvi Gi feb m¤•ÖmviY I †givgZ| Inspection Center's building 5045 - Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board (DTCB) 5045 -XvKv Uªv݇cvU© †Kv-AwW©‡bkb †evW© (wWwUwmwe) 50450001 - Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board 50450001 -wWwUwmwe 50455010 - Study for Institutional Development of 50455010 -÷vwW di BÝwUwUDkbvj †Wfjc‡g›U Ad XvKv Uªv݇cvU© Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority & †Kv-AwW©‡bkb A_wiwU (wWwUwmG) GÛ XvKv gvm UªvbwRU Dhaka Mass Transit company (DMTC) †Kv¤úvbx (wWGgwUwm)| 50455011 - Detail Study of Traffic Management for 50455011 -wW‡UBj ÷vwW Ad UªvwdK g¨v‡bR‡g›U di †gRi Major Arterial roads in Dhaka City Av‡U©wiqvj †ivW&m Bb XvKv wmwU| 50455012 - Study for Introduction of Bus Rapid Transit 50455012 -÷vwW di Bb‡UªvWvKkb Ad evm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU (BRT) System in Dhaka City. (weAviwU) wm‡÷g Bb XvKv wmwU| 50455013 - Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development 50455013 -XvKv gvm i¨vwcW UªvbwRU †Wfjc‡g›U †cÖv‡R± (GgAviwU Project (MRT Line-6). jvBb-6)| 50455087 - Improvement of Comilla-Bibir Bazar Land 50455087 -Kzwgj­v-weweievRvi moK Dbœqb Port Road 50456760 - Dhaka urban transport project 50456760 -XvKv Avievb Uªv݇cvU© cÖKí (1/7/98-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 50457000 - 50457000 -wbg©j evqy I †UKmB cwi‡ek (01/07/2009-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 50457010 - Study for Institutional Strengthening and 50457010 -÷vwW di B›mwUwUDkbvj †÷«s‡`wbs GÛ K¨vcvwmwU Capacity Enhancement of Transport Gb‡n›m‡g›U Ad U«v›m‡cvU© wi‡j‡UW G‡Rw›mm GR Related agencies as Identifide in STP AvB‡WbwUdvBW Bb GmwUwc (01/07/2009-30/09/2010) 5096-5098 - Development Programme Financed by 5096-5098 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 5096 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 5096 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 50964301 - Widening of fleecily permanent including 50964301 -wm‡jU-mvjywUKi †Kv¤•vbxMÄ †fvjvMÄ mo‡Ki kni construction of road side drain with Ask (Av¤¦iLvbv-wegvbe›`i Ask 6.24 wKtwgt) 4 ‡j‡b footpath slab at 4th k.m. (p) to 9th k.m. (p) DbœxZKiY on Sylhet Salutkor Companygonj Bholagonj Road under Road Division Sylhet 50964688 - 50964688 -moK I gnvmoKmg‡ni g¨vBb‡U‡b›m Kg©mPx Rvcvb †WU K¨vb‡m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z 50964689 - 50964689 -moK I gnv-moKmg‡ni g¨vBb‡U‡b›m Kg©mPx, wWGdAvBwW-Gi AvIZvq A_©vqbK…Z 50964697 - 50964697 -Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖm nvBI‡q m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v 5099-5099 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 5099-5099 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 5099 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 5099 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 50990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 50990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 51 - Ministry of Railway 51 - †ijc_ gš¿Yvjq 5101-5120 - Administration 5101-5120 -cªkvmb 5101 - Secretariat 5101 -mwPevjq 51010001 - Secretariat 51010001 -mwPevjq 51010005 - Railway Inspector. 51010005 -‡ijI‡q cwi`k©K 51015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 51015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 5105 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 5105 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 51057051 - 51057051 -cÙv †mZz cÖK‡íi we¯ZvwiZ mgx¶v cÖKí (chv©q-2) 51057070 - Preparation work of Jamuna multipurpose 51057070 -hgybv eûgyLx †mZyi cÖ¯‘wZgjK KvR bridge 51057080 - Construction of Bangabandhu bridge 51057080 -e½eÜz hgybv †mZy wbgv©b cªKí (01/07/99 - project 30/06/2001) 51057082 - Fesibility study of the Padma bridge 51057082 -cÙv †mZz wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (chv©q-1) construction (Phase-1) 51057090 - Resettlement of persons affected by 51057090 -e½eÜz †mZzi f‚wg AwaMÖn‡Yi d‡j ¶wZMÖ¯’‡`i cybev©mb Bangabandhu bridge cÖKí (01/07/93 - 30/06/2001) 5131-5140 - Railways 5131-5140 -‡ijI‡q 5131 - Railway Operations 5131 -‡ijI‡q cwiPvjb 51310000 - Railway 51310000 -‡ijI‡q 51310001 - General Administration 51310001 -mvaviY cªkvmb 51310005 - Repair and Maintenance Wing. 51310005 -‡givgZ I msi¶Y DBs 51310010 - Operating 51310010 -cwiPvjb 51315010 - BANGLADESH RAILWAY SECTOR 51315010 -GwWwe''i †m‡KÛ wcGdAvi Gi AvIZvq evsjv‡`k IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UNDER 2ND †ijI‡qi †m±i Dbœqbt `k©bv-Ck¦i`x-wmivRMÄ PFR OF ADB: REHABILITATION OF YARDS †mKk‡bi wewfbœ †÷k‡bi BqvW© cybe©vmb Ges jyc jvBb AND EXTENSION OF LOOPS AT ewa©ZKiY (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z DIFFERENT STATIONS IN DARSHANA-I 51315011 - BANGLADESH RAILWAY SECTOR 51315011 -GwWwe'i †m‡KÛ wcGdAvi Gi AvIZvq evsjv‡`k IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UNDER 2ND †ijI‡qi †m±i Dbœqbt `k©bv-Ck¦i`x †mKk‡bi 11 wU † PFR OF ADB: UPGRADING OF SIGNALING ÷k‡bi wmMb¨vwjs e¨e¯’vi gv‡bvbœqb cÖKí AT 11 STATIONS BETWEEN ISHURDI (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡ygvw`Z AND DARSANA 51315012 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR 51315012 -GwWwe'i †m‡KÛ wcGdAvi Gi AvIZvq evsjv‡`k SUPERVISION CONSULTANCY †ijI‡qi †m±i Dbœqb cÖK‡íi mycviwfkb civgk©K SERVICES OF BANGLADESH RAILWAY †mevi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z UNDER 2ND PFR OF ADB. 51315013 - REPLACEMENT AND MODERNIZATION 51315013 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c–e©v‡ji wPbwK-Av¯vbv-PÆMªvg OF THE EXISTING RAILWAY SIGNALING †mKk‡bi 11 wU †÷k‡bi we`¨gvb wmMb¨vwjs e¨e¯’vi SYSTEM AT 11 (ELEVEN) STATIONS OF cÖwZ¯’vcb I AvaywbKxKiY (01/07/2012- CHINKIASTANA-CHITAGONG SECTIONS 30/06/2015) Aby‡ygvw`Z OF BANGLADESH RAILWA

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 51315014 - THROUGH RENEWAL OF WORNOUT 51315014 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wPbwK Av¯vbv-AvïMÄ †mKk‡bi RAIL AND ALLIED WORKS IN ¶qcÖvß †ij U«¨vK bevqb I Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K KvR CHINKIASTANA-ASHUGANJ OF (01/07/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z (1g BANGLADESH RAILWAY ms‡kvwaZ) 51315015 - CONSTRUCTION OF 3RD & 4TH DUEL 51315015 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi XvKv-U½x †mKk‡b 3q I 4_© Wy‡qj GAUGE RAILWAY TRACK BETWEEN †MR jvBb Ges U½x-Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡b Wy‡qj †MR DHAKA-TONGI SECTION AND DOUBLING Wvej jvBb wbg©vY(01/07/2012-30/06/2015) OF DUEL GAUGE TRACK BETWEEN Aby‡gvw`Z TONGI-JOYDEBPUR SECTION INCLUD 51315016 - Procurment of 100 meter Gruge and 50 51315016 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 100 wU wgUvi †MR I 50wU eªW †MR Broad Gruge Passenger Cariage for hvÎxevnx Mvox msMªn cÖKí Bangladesh Railway. (01/04/2013-28/02/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315017 - Replacement and modernization of 51315017 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi AvïMÄ-AvLvDov †mKk‡bi 3wU † signaling system of 3 (three) stations ók‡bi wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I between Ashuganj and Akhaura section of AvaywbKxKiY| (01/09/2013-30/06/2016) Bangladesh Railway in east zone. (01/0 Aby‡gvw`Z 51315018 - Expansion of existion Computer Based 51315018 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Ck¦i`x-Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡bi 4wU † interlocking Colour light signalling system ÷k‡b bewbwg©Z 3q jvBb¸‡jv‡Z Kw¤•DUvi †eBWR to the newly constructed third line at four B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’vi m¤•ªviY stations of Ishurdi-Joyde (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315019 - Procurement of 120 nos Broad Gauge 51315019 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 120wU eªW‡MR hvÎxevnx Passenger Carriages for Bangladesh K¨v‡iR msMªn (01/07/2014-31/12/2017) Railway (01/07/2014-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315020 - Construction of Dual Gauge Double Rail 51315020 -AvLvDov †_‡K jvKmvg ch©š Wy‡qj‡MR Wvej †ijjvBb Line and Conversion of exsting rail line wbg©vY Ges we`¨gvb †ij jvBb‡K Wy‡qj‡M‡R iƒcvši into Dual Gauge between Akhaura and (01/07/2014-30/06/2020) Aby‡gvw`Z Laksam 51315021 - Technical assistance for Bangladesh 51315021 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cÖvwZôvwbK mnvqZvi Rb¨ KvwiMix Railway's Functional Assistance. mnvqZv (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315022 - Technical assistance for SASEC Railway 51315022 -mv‡mK †ij †hvMv‡hvM wewb‡qvM Kvh©µ‡gi Rb¨ KvwiMix Connectivity Investment Program. mnvqZv (01/12/2014-28/02/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315023 - Construction of a Dual Gauge Line parallel 51315023 -XvKv bvivqbMÄ †mKk‡b we`¨gvb wgUvi †MR †ij to the Existing Meter Gauge Line in jvB‡bi cwie‡Z© mgvšZivj GKwU Wy‡qj †MR Wvej Dhaka-Narayangonj Section jvBb wbg©vY (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) approved 51315024 - Construction of Amnura bypass Railway 51315024 -Avgbyiv evBcvm †ij jvBb wbg©vY line (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) approved (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315025 - Rehabilitation of 50 nos MG and 50 nos 51315025 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji Rb¨ 50wU GgwR I BG Passenger Carriages for the western 50wU wewR hvÎxevnx K¨v‡iR cybe©vmb zone of Bangladesh Railway (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) approved 51315070 - Remodeling of Chittagong Railway station 51315070 -XvKv PÆMªvg ‡ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKí PÆMªvg ‡ijI‡q †÷kb wig‡Wwjs (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/07 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315100 - Rehablitation and Construction of 51315100 -cvPywiqv-dwi`cyi-fv½v †ijc_ cybe©vmb I wbg©vY Pachuria_Faridpur-bhanga Section of cÖKí(01/07/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangadesh Railway 51315131 - Technica; Assistance for subregional Rao; 51315131 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di mvewiwRIbvj †ij U«v›m‡cvU© cÖ Traneport Project Preararory Facility. ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix d¨vwmwjwU (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315132 - Procurement pf 20 Sets Diesel Electric 51315132 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 20 †mU (wZb BDwb‡U †mU) Multiple Unit(DEMU) for Bangladesh wW‡Rj B‡jKwU«K gvwëcj BDwbU (wW.B.Gg.BD.) msMªn Railway. (01/01/11 - 30/06/14) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315200 - Construction of single line MG Railway 51315200 -‡`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K·evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z Track from Dohazari to Cox?s Bazar Via. gvqvbgv‡ii wbK‡U ¸b`yg ch©š wm‡½j jvBb wgUvi‡MR Ramuand Ramu to Gundum near wmMb¨vj jvBb U«¨vK wbg©vY (01/07/10-31/12/2013) Myanmar. Aby‡gvw`Z 51315300 - Procurement of 125 BG Passenger 51315300 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 125 wU we.wR. hvÎxevnx Mvox Carriages For Bangladesh Railway. msMªn (01/08/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 51315330 - Export Infrastructure Development Project 51315330 -ißvbx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cªKí (01/07/09 - (EIDP). 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 01/07/2009---30/06/2013 51315340 - Balance work of rehabilitation of Main Line 51315340 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †gBbjvBb †mKkb mg‡ni cybe©vmb Sections of Bangladesh Railway (West (cwðgvÂj) cªK‡íi Aewkó KvR (01/07/2009- Zone) Project 1/07/2009---31/12/2012 31/12/2013) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z| 51315350 - Modernization of Saidpur Railway 51315350 -ˆmq`cyi ‡ijI‡q IqvK©mc AvaywbKxKiY (Rvcvbx FY Workshop. 01/03/2009---30/09/2012 gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/03/2009-30/9/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315360 - Procurement of 1 no. 60 M.Ton Capacity 51315360 -`yN©Ubv wiwjd †U«‡bi Rb¨ 60 †g.Ub ¶gZv m¤•bœ 1wU MG & 1 no. 80 M. Ton Capacity BG Crane Gg.wR. Ges 80 †g.Ub ¶gZv m¤•b 1wU we.wR. †µb for Accident Relief Train. msMªn (Rvcvbx FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (15/03/09 - 30/09/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315400 - Rehabilitation of Kalukhali- Bhatiapara 51315400 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KvjyLvjx-fvwUqvcvov †mKkb Section and Construction of cybe©vmb Ges Kvwkqvbx-†MvcvjMÄ-Uyw½cvov bZyb †ijc_ Kashiani-Gopalganj-Tungiparp new Rail wbg©vY (01/10/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z line. 51315500 - Construction of a New Raolway line Rrom 51315500 -Ck¦i`x †_‡K cvebv n‡q XvjviPi ch©š bZyb †ijc_ Ishurdi to Dhalarchar Via Pabna. jvBb wbg©vY (01/10/10-30/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315530 - Rehabilitation of Laksam- Chandpur 51315530 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi jvKmvg-Puv`cyi †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb Section of Bangladesh Railway. (01/01/11-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315540 - Construction of 2nd Bhairab and 2nd Titas 51315540 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †ijI‡q G‡cÖvPmn 2q ˆfie Ges Bridges with Approach Rail Lines. 2q wZZvm †mZy wbg©vY cÖKí (01/11/10-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315550 - Procurement of 150 Nos.MG Passenger 51315550 -150 wU Gg.wR. hvÎxevnx Mvox msMªn (01/12/10 - Carriages 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315560 - Construction of Khulna-Mongla Port Rail 51315560 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwWmn Lyjbv n‡Z gsjv †cvU© ch©š †ijc_ Line including Feasibility Study. wbg©vY (01/12/10 - 31/12/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315570 - Procurement of 170 Nos.MG Flat 51315570 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 170wU Gg.wR.we.Gd. wmwU wagon(BFCT) and 11 Nos.MG Bogi Brake 11wU †eªKf¨vb msMªn (01/12/10 - 30/06/12) van(BBV) with Air Brake System For Aby‡gvw`Z carrying container. 51315580 - Procurement of 264 Nos. MG Passenger 51315580 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 264wU Gg.wR. †KvP I 2wU carriages & 2 Nos BG Insprection Car. we.wR. B›m‡cKkb Kvi msMªn (01/12/10 - 31/12/12) (FCH). Aby‡gvw`Z 51315590 - Procurement of 30 Nos.Broad Gauge(BG) 51315590 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 30wU we.wR. wW‡Rj B‡jKwU«K Diesel electric(DF) Locomotives. †jv‡Kv‡gwUf msMªn (01/12/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315600 - Procurement of 100 Nos. Bogie Tank 51315600 -wegv‡bi R¡vjvbx cwien‡bi Rb¨ 100wU GgwR U¨vsK ewM wagon and 5 Nos. MG Brake Van with Air IqvMb Ges 5wU Gqvi Gg.wR. †eªK mgw¤¦Z Gg.wR. f¨vb Brake Equipment For Carrying Aviation msMªn (01/12/10 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z Fuol. 51315700 - Rehabilitation of Fateabad –Narirhat and 51315700 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †lvj kni-†`vnvRvix I Sholashhar-Dohariari Sections of d‡Zqvev`-bwRinvU †mKkb cybe©vmb (01/01/11 - Bangladesh Railway 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315710 - Procurement of 10 (1set consist of 3units) 51315710 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 10wU (wZb BDwbU †mU) wW‡Rj of Diesel Electric Multiple B‡jKwU«K gvwëcj BDwbU (wWBGgBD) msMªn Unit(DEMU) fpr Bangladesh Railway (01/12/10-30/06/2015) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 51315750 - Procurement of 41 MG diesel locomotives 51315750 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 46wU (40wU wgUvi †MR Ges 6wU eªW ‡MR) wW‡Rj BwÄb †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMªn (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/96 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315760 - Procurement of 180 Nos. BG Bogie oil 51315760 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 180 wU we.wR. ewM I‡qj U¨vsK Tank Wagon and 6 Nos BG Bogie Brake IqvMb Ges 6wU we.wR. ewM †eªK f¨vb msMªn (01/08/10 Van for Bangladesh Wailway. - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315780 - Procurement of 10 Nos. Broad Gauge 51315780 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 10wU wewR wW‡Rj B‡jKwU«K (BG) Diesel Electric(DE) Locomotives. †jv‡Kv‡gwUf msMªn (01/08/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 51315800 - Procurment of 50 Nos MG BFCT and 5 51315800 -K‡›UBbvi cwien‡bi Rb¨ 50wU d¨vU IqvMb Nos MG Broke Van (we.Gd.wm.wU.) Ges Gqvi †eªKmn 5wU Gg.wR. †eªK f¨vY msMªn (01/08/10 - 31/12/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 51316020 - aaa 51316020 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KzjvDov -kvnevRcyi †mKkb cbev©mb (30/06/2011-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 51316030 - aaa 51316030 -bvwRinvU n‡Z cvbyqv ch©š wgUvi‡MR †ijI‡q mvBb wbgv© ‡Yi mgx¶v (01/04/2011-29/02/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 51316040 - Collection of 70 Meter gauge (MG) Diesel 51316040 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 70wU wgUvi‡MR (Gg.wR.) Electric (DE) Locomotive. wW‡Rj B‡jKwU«K (wW.B.) †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMªn (Permitted) (30/6/2011-30/6/2017) (30/06/11 - 30/06/17) Aby‡gvw`Z 51316050 - aaa 51316050 -bvfviY n‡Z mvZ¶xiv n‡q gyw›mMÄ ch©š †ijI‡q wbgv© ‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v (30/06/2011- 30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 51316242 - Construction of approach rail line upto 51316242 -ZvivKvw›`-n‡Z hgybv †mZz ch©š †ijI‡q ms‡hvM Tarakandi-Bangobondu bridge wbg©vY(2q ms‡kvwaZ ) (01/07/99 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 51316533 - Rehabilitation of Razshahi Rohanpur 51316533 -* evsjv†`k †ijI†qi ivRkvnx †ivnbcyi eW©vi Ges Border and Amnura-Chapinobabgonj Avgbyiv-PuvcvB beveMÄ †mKkb mgn cybe©vmb Section. (01/07/2007-30/06/2012) Aby†gvw`Z 51316534 - Rehabilitation of Lalmonirhat-Burimari 51316534 -* evsjv†`k †ijI†qi jvjgwbinvU eywogvix †mKk†bi section of Bangladesh Railway. cybe©vmb (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2007-30/06/2011) (01-07-2007- 30-06-2011) Aby†gvw`Z 51316535 - Rehabilitation of Dhaka-Narayangonj 51316535 -XvKv -bvivqbMÄ †ijI†q jvB†bi cybe©vmb Railway line. (01/07/2007-30/06/2011) Aby†gvw`Z (01-07-2007-30-062011) 51316536 - Remodeling of Khulna Railway station & 51316536 -Lyjbv †ijI†q †÷kb I BqvW© wi-g†Wwjs Ges yard and Development of operational †ebv†cvj †ijI†q †÷k†bi Acv†ikbvj myweavw`i Dbœqb facilities of Benapole Railway station. (01/07/2007-30/06/2013) ms‡kvwaZ Abby†gvw`Z (01-07-2007-30-062011) 51316537 - Procurement of 50 Nos. MG Flat Wagon 51316537 -Kb†UBbvi cwien†bi Rb¨ Gqvi †eªK msewjZ 50wU (BFCT) and 5 Nos. MG Brake Van with GgwR d¬¨vU IqvMvb (weGdwmwU) Ges 5wU †eªKf¨vb Brake for Carring Container. msMÖn (01/07/07 - 30/06/11) Aby†gvw`Z (01-07-2007-30-062011) 51316538 - Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development 51316538 -* XvKv PU«Mªvg †ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKí t cvnvoZjx Project.Pahartali Workshop Development IqvK©kc Dbœqb (01/07/2007-30/06/2014) Project Aby†gvw`Z 51316539 - Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development 51316539 -XvKv PU«Mªvg †ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKít 11wU wgUvi †MR Project. †jv†Kv†gvwUf msMªn (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Procurement of 11 Miter Gauge Aby†gvw`Z Locomotive. 51316540 - Consulting Engineering Services for 51316540 -XvKv PU«Mªvg †ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKít Kbmvwës BwÄwbqvwis Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development mvwf©†mm di XvKv-PU«Mªvg †ijI†q †W†fjc†g›U cÖ†R± Project and Skill Development Program. Ges ¯‹xj †W†fjc†g›U †cÖvMªvg (01/07/07 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 51316541 - Rehabilitation of Gouripur-Jaria Jhanjail & 51316541 -evsjv†`k †ijI†qi †MŠixcyi-Rvwiqv SvÄvBj Ges Shamganj-Mohonganj sections of k¨vgMÄ-†gvnbMÄ †mKk†bi cybe©vmb (01/01/08 - Bangladesh Railway (1st Revised) 30/06/12) Aby†gvw`Z 01-07-2007- 30-06-2012) 51316543 - Emergency flood damaged Rehabilitation 51316543 -Ri“ix eb¨v ¶wZMª¯’ cybe©vmb mnvqZv cÖKí 2007 Assistance Project, 2007. (01-11-2007- (01/11/2007-31/12/2010) Aby†gvw`Z 30-06-2009) 51316610 - Conversion of Meter gauge (MG) Track into 51316610 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cve©Zxcyi -KvÂb-cÂMo Ges Dual gauge (DG) on KvÂb-weij wgUvi‡MR †mKkb‡K Wy‡qj‡M‡R Ges Parbatipur-Kanchan-Panchagar & weij-weij eW©vi †mKkb‡K eªW‡M‡R iƒcvši (Rvcvbx Kanchan-Birol section and MG Track into FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/02/09 - 31/01/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Broad Gauge (BG) on Birol station- Birol Border section of Bangladesh Railway 139 km. DG + 9 mk DG. (JDCF) (01-02-2009- 31-01-2012) 51316640 - Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development 51316640 -XvKv PU«Mªvg †ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKít jvKmvg Ges wPbwK Project. Between the Double line of Av¯@vbvi g‡a¨ Wvej jvBb U«¨vK wbg©vY ms‡kvwaZ Lakhsham- Chinkiasthana (01/07/07 - 30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 51317060 - Development and Remodelling of 16 51317060 -evsjv`k †ijI‡qi cev©Âj I cwðgv‡ji 16wU †ók‡bi stations of Bangladesh Railway at East Dbœqb I wig‡Wwjs(01/07/2003-30/06/2007) and West Region (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 51317205 - Technical Assistance for Project 51317205 -* wek¦ e¨vs‡Ki A_©vq‡b Òißvbx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí Preparation towards Implementation of Óev¯Zevq‡bi j‡¶¨ cÖKí cÖ¯ywZi Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv "Export Infrastructure Development Project (01/03/09 - 31/12/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z| " under World Bank Financing. (01-07-08- 31-03-2010) 51317206 - Technical Assistance for Feasibility Study, 51317206 -wek¦ e¨vs‡Ki A_©vq‡b ev¯@evwqZe¨ cÖKímg–‡ni m¤¢ve¨Zv Safeguard Policy Study, Detailed mgx¶v, †mdMvW© cwjwmmg–‡ni mgx¶v, we¯@vwiZ Engineering Design and Tendering BwÄwbqvwis wWRvBb I †UÛvwis mvwf©m cÖ`v‡bi j‡¶¨ Services for Projects under World Bank KvwiMwi mnvqZv (01/05/08 - 10/08/11) Aby‡gvw`Z* Funding for Bangladesh Railway. (01-05-08- 30-04-10) 51317300 - Rehabilitation of Saidpur-Chilahati section 51317300 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ˆmq`cyi-wPjvnvwU †mKk‡bi of Bangladesh Railway. cybe©vmb (1/01/2010-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z (01-07-10- 30-12-2012) 51317310 - Rehabilitation and Mordernization of 13 51317310 -Rq‡`ecyi-gqgbwmsn †mKk‡bi 13wU †÷k‡bi (thirteen) station Signalling system of wmMbvwjs e¨e¯’vi cybe©vmb I AvaywbKxKiY(01/7/10 - Jaydebpur-Mymensingh section. 30/6/13) Aby‡gvw`Z (01-07-10- 30-06-2013) 51318030 - Rehabilitation of 65 Nos. (56 Nos. MG & 9 51318030 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 65wU (56wU GgwR I 9wU wewR) Nos. BG) Locomotives (Revised 45 Nos. †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf cybe©vmb (ms‡kvwaZ 45wU - 36wU I 9wU MG & 9 Nos. BG Locomotives) of wewR †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf) (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/04 - Bangladesh Railway. 31/12/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 51319040 - Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement 51319040 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †m±i BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R±- Project. (1) Construction of Double line wmMb¨vwjsmn UsMx ˆfie evRvi ch©š Wvej jvBb wbg©vY Between Tongi and Bhairab Bazar cÖKí ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/2006-30/12/2014) Including Signalling. Aby‡gvw`Z (01-07-06- 30-06-2011) 51319050 - Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement 51319050 -* evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †m±i BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R±- Project. (ii) Railway Mordernization Project. evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q ms¯‹vi (01/07/2006-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 51319060 - Procurement of 1 BG & MG Mixed Gauge 51319060 -GKwU we.wR. I Gg.wR. wg·W AvÛvi ‡d¬vi ûBj †j` under floor Wheel Lathe Machine for †gwkb msMÖn (01/07/06 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangladesh Railway. (01-07-06- 30-06-2010) 51319061 - Rehabilitation of 51319061 -evsjv‡`k ‡ijI‡q gqgbwmsn-Rvgvjcyi-‡`IqvbMÄ Mymensingh-Jamalpur-Dewanganj Bazar evRvi †mKk‡bi cybev©vmb (Rvcvbx FY gIKzd mnvqZv of Bangladesh Railway. Znwej) (01/03/09 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z (01-03-09- 30-06-2012) 51319064 - Supply & Installation of Load Monitoring 51319064 -e½eÜy †mZyi Dfq cÖv‡š U«v‡Ki Dci †jvW gwbUwis Device on Rail Track at both ends of wWfvBR ¯’vcb (01/01/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Bangabandhu Bridge on turnkey basis. (01-01--2009-- 31-12-2010) 51319070 - . 51319070 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ce©v‡ji †dŠR` PÆMÖvg †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb (01/07/07 - 30/06/13) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z* 51319080 - Conversion of Vacuum Brake system of 51319080 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 277wU wgUvi †MR we.wm. IqvM‡bi 277 nos. Meter Gauge BC Wagons of f¨vKzqvg †eªK wm‡÷g†K Gqvi †eªK wm‡÷‡g Bangladesh Railway into Air Brake system iƒcvšiKiY (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z* (01-07-07- 30-06-10) 51319090 - Rehabilitation of 200 Nos. MG & 60 Nos. 51319090 -evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 200wU Gg.wR. I 60wU we.wR. BG passenger Carriages. hvÎxevwn Mvwo cybe©vmb (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) (01-07-09- 30-06-13) Aby‡gvw`Z 5196-5198 - Development Programme Financed by 5196-5198 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Revenue Budget 5196 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 5196 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget 51964301 - Construction of 9th floor of Rail Bhaban for 51964301 -†ijc_ gšYvj‡qi `ßi ¯’vc‡bi wbwgË ‡ijfe‡bi 9g establishing Railway Ministry. Zjv wbg©vY 52 - Ministry of Shipping 52 - †bŠ-cwienY gš¿Yvjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 5201-5220 - Administration 5201-5220 -cªkvmb 5201 - Secretariat 5201 -mwPevjq 52010001 - Secretariat 52010001 -mwPevjq 52015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 52015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 52015011 - Establishment of Four Marine Academy in 52015011 -evsjv‡`‡k 4 wU †gwib GKv‡Wgx ¯’vcb (cvebv, ewikvj, Bangladesh (Pabna, Barisal, Sylhet & wm‡jU I iscyi) cÖKí (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Rangpur) Aby‡gvw`Z 52015012 - Bangladesh Trade and Transport 52015012 -evsjv‡`k †U«W GÛ U«v›m‡cvU© d¨vmvwj‡Ukb ÷vwWR Facilitation Studies Recipient Executed AviBwUGd cÖ‡R± (01/03/2014-28/02/2016) Trust Fund Project Aby‡gvw`Z (01/03/2014-28/02/2016) Approved. 52015013 - Bangladesh trade and transport facilitation 52015013 -evsjv‡`k †U«W GÛ U«v›m‡cvU© †dwmwj‡Ukb ÷vwWR studies RETF project. AviBwUGd cÖKí 52017651 - Establishment of project monitoring unit 52017651 -AvBWwe­DwUG 3 cªKí ev¯evq‡b gwbUwis Kivi Rb¨ design and co-ordination of IWTA-3 project †bŠ-cwienY gšYvj‡qi cÖKí gwbUwis BDwbU cÖwZôv Ges wWRvBb I †Kv-AwW©‡bkb Kbmvj‡U›U wb‡qvM 5205 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 5205 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 52052791 - Chittagong Port Authority 52052791 -PÆMÖvvg e›`i KZ©„c¶ 52052792 - Paira Port Authority 52052792 -cvqiv e›`i KZ©„c¶ 52052793 - Mongla Port Authority 52052793 -gsjv e›`i KZ©„c¶ 52052794 - Bangladesh Land Port Authority 52052794 -evsjv‡`k ¯’j e›`i KZ©„c¶ 52052795 - Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC) 52052795 -evsjv‡`k wkwcs K‡cv©‡ikb 52052797 - Bangladesh Inland Water Transport 52052797 -we AvB Wwe­D wU wm Corporation 52052798 - National River Protection Commission 52052798 -RvZxq b`x i¶v Kwgkb 52053291 - Bangladesh Inland Water Transport 52053291 -evsjv‡`k Af¨š@ixY †bŠ cwienY KZ©„c¶ Authority 52054705 - 52054705 -‡gwib GKv‡Wgx ‡nv‡ó‡ji GKvsk AvaywbKxKiYmn Avbylw½K myweavw` wbg©vY/ms¯‹vi 52054712 - 52054712 -¯’je›`i KZ©„c¶ 52055000 - Unallocated Block 52055000 -AeivÏK…Z †_vK 52055010 - BIWT of 2 52055010 -weAvBWwe­­DwUGÕi 2 wU †W«Rvi I mswk­ó mnvqK Rjhvb cybe©vmb 52055011 - Procurement of water vessel for Mongla 52055011 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ Rjhvb msMªn| Port. 52055012 - Development and expansion dredging for 52055012 -cïi P¨v‡b‡ji bve¨Zv mgm¨vi Dbœqb I msi¶Y Pushur chanal 52055013 - Reconstruction Rosevelt Jetty at Khulna. 52055013 -Lyjbv¯’ i“R‡fë †RwU cybt wbg©vY 52055014 - bbb 52055014 -weAvBWweDwUGÕi Rb¨ wewfbœ ai‡bi mvwf©m RvnvR msMªn| 52055015 - bbb 52055015 -weAvBWweDwUGÕi Rb¨ wewfbœ ai‡bi mvwf©m RvnvR msMªn| 52055016 - ggg 52055016 -gv`vixcy‡i wWBwcwUwm ¯’vcb| 52055017 - ooo 52055017 -cvebvi Lv‡qiP‡ii Uvwg©bvj myweavmn †dix Dbœqb| 52055018 - ZZZ 52055018 -Lyjbv b`x e›`‡ii wKIqvj ewa©ZKibmn Uvwg©bvj wewìs AvaywbKxKiY| 52055019 - WWW 52055019 -Bwjkv, †f`ywiqv (†fvjv) I jvnvinvU (ewikvj) †dixNv‡Ui Dbœqbmn Avbylvw½K myweavw` wbg©vY| 52055020 - iii 52055020 -‡fvjv b`x e›`i Dbœqb mn Avbylvw½K myweavw` wbg©vY 52055021 - UUU 52055021 -‡UKbvd GjvKvq kvn-cixi Øx‡c b`x e›`i ¯’vcb| 52055022 - „„„ 52055022 -Avbylw½K myweavmn we‡kl ai‡Yi c›Uyb wbg©vY I ¯’vcb| 52055023 - ```` 52055023 -j¶xcyi¯’ gRy‡PŠayixi nvU †dixNvU gwZinv‡U ¯’vbvšimn Avbylw½K myweavw` wbg©vY| 52055024 - mmm 52055024 -bIqvcvov b`x e›`i GjvKvq wK-Iqvjmn AvbylvswMK myweavw` wbgv©Y| 52055025 - www 52055025 -‡`‡ki `w¶Yv‡ji Uvwg©bvj feb I j¨vwÛs †ókbmn AvbylvswMK myweavw` wbg©vY|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52055026 - Capital Dredging of 53 River-routes in 52055026 -Af¨šZixb †bŠ-c‡_i 53 wU i“‡U K¨vwcUvj †W«wRs (1g Inland Waterways (1st phase:24 River ch©vqt 24 wU †bŠ-c_) (01/07/2012-30/06/2018) Routes) Aby‡gvw`Z 52055027 - aa 52055027 -Puv`cyi-kwiqZcyi i“‡U cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ 1wU †iv †iv †dix I 1wU †iv †iv cëzb wbg©vY (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) 52055028 - Chadpur-Shariatpur 52055028 -Puv`cyi-kwiqZcyi i“‡U cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ 1wU †iv †iv †dix I 1wU †iv †iv cëyb wbg©vY (01/07/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 52055029 - SASEC Road Connectivity Project: 52055029 -mv‡mK †ivW Kv‡bKwUwfwU cÖ‡R±t †ebv‡cvj I eywogvwi Improvement of Benapol and Burimari ¯’j e›`i Dbœqb (01/07/2013-31/12/2016) Land port. Aby‡gvw`Z 52055030 - 52055030 -evsjvevÜv, eywogvix, wnwj, †mvbv gmwR` I Zvgvwej ¯’j e›`‡ii cÖvK-m¤¢¨ve¨Zv hvPvB b·v cÖYqb I e¨q cÖv°j‡bi Rb¨ mgx¶v cÖKí (01/01/2002-31/05/2002) 52055031 - Establishment of Ship Personal Training 52055031 -kxc cv‡m©v‡bj †U«wbs Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb, gv`vixcyi cÖKí Institute, Madaripur. 52055032 - Development of launch Ghats and wayside 52055032 -evsjv‡`‡ki cj­x A‡j jÂNvU Ges I‡qemvBW NvU Ghats in rural areas of Bangladesh. Dbœqb cÖKí 52055033 - Strategic Master Plan for Chittagong Port 52055033 -÷ªv‡UwRK gv÷vi c­vb di wPUvMvs †cvU© (01/04/2013-28/02/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 52055034 - Construction/Procurement of one Salvage 52055034 -weAvBWwe­DwUwmÕi Rb¨ 1wU m¨vj‡fR UvM wbg©vY/msMÖn ( Tug for BIWTC. 52055035 - Procurement of Contanier and Cargo 52055035 -ÔÔK‡›UBbvi I Kv‡M©v n¨vÛwjs hš¿cvwZ msMÖnÕÕ kxl©K Handling Epipment. Dbœqb cÖKí| 52055036 - Comprehensive Security Enhancement of 52055036 -Kw¤úÖwnbwmf wmwKDwiwU Bb‡n›m‡g›U Ad gsjv †cvU© Mongla Port. kxl©K Dbœqb cÖKí| 52055037 - Sheet Piling at Jetty No. 5 to 9 of Mongla 52055037 -wmU cvBwjs G¨vU †RwU b¤¦i 5-9 Ad gsjv †cvU© kxl©K Port. Dbœqb cÖKí| 52055038 - 14 km Capital dredging upstream form 52055038 -gsjv e›`i n‡Z DRv‡b cÖvq 14 wKt wgt †bŠ-c‡_i Mongla Port. K¨vwcUvj †W«wRs kxl©K Dbœqb cÖKí| 52055039 - Shifting and construction of Mawa ferry 52055039 -gvIqv †dixNvU ¯’vbvš—i I Avbylw½K ¯’vcbvw` wbg©vY| ghat allied with other works. 52055040 - 52055040 -GKwU D”P ¶gZvm¤•bœ UvM‡evU msMªn (01/07/98 - 30/06/02) 52055041 - Construction and Placement of special 52055041 -Be¤o¢‰L p¤¢hd¡¢cpq ¢h­no dl­Zl f¾V¤e ¢ejÑ¡Z Hhw type terminal pontoons with allied. ÙÛ¡fe 52055042 - Removal of Garbage from the Rivers of 52055042 -h¤¢sN‰¡, n£amrÉ¡ J a¥l¡N (Awn ¢h­no) ec£l hSÑÉ Afp¡le Buriganga, Shitlakhya & Turag (Partly) and Hhw f¡¢e c§oZj¤š²LlZz Decontamination of Water. 52055043 - Procurement & Installation of navigational 52055043 -AiÉ¿¹l£Z m’O¡V l¦V J AeÉ¡eÉ l¦­Vl SeÉ ®e±-pq¡uL aids for Launch & other routes. k¿»f¡¢a pwNËq 52055044 - Development of Tamabil Land Port 52055044 -Zvgvwej ¯’j e›`i Dbœqb (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 52055045 - Capital dredging in Pussur Channel from 52055045 -gsjv e›`i n‡Z ivgcvj we`y¨r †K›`ª ch©š— cïi P¨v‡b‡j Mongla Port to Rampal Power Plant. K¨vwcUvj †W«wRs 52055046 - Protection of sliding of accumulated soil 52055046 -gsjv e›`‡ii †RwUi bx‡P RgvwqZ cwj †f‡½ cov underneath the jetty of Mongla Port. †ivaKiY 52055047 - Construction of 2 nos.dedicated ferry and 2 52055047 -2wU †WwW‡K‡UW †dix I 2wU †WwW‡K‡UW c›Uyb wbg©vY nos. dedicated pontoon. 52055048 - Construction of 2 nos.Coastal passenger 52055048 -2wU DcK~jxq hvÎxevnx RvnvR-Kvg-†dix wbg©vY vessel-cum-ferry. 52055049 - Removal of Wreeks from Pussur Channel. 52055049 -cïi P¨v‡b‡ji Wyeš— †iK AcmviY 52055050 - Procurement of a Trailing Suction Hopper 52055050 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ GKwU †U«wjs mvKkvb ncvi †W«Rvi Dredger for Monglaport. msMÖn 52055051 - Repair of 40 old pontoons of BIWTA. 52055051 -weAvBWwe­DwUGÕi 40wU cyivZb c›Uyb †givgZ 52055052 - Procurment of digital equipment and 52055052 -nvB‡W«vMÖvwdK Rwic I nvB‡W«vwjK Bb‡fwó‡Mk‡bi Rb¨ software for hydrographic survey and cÖ‡qvRbxq wWwRUvj hš¿cvwZ I mdUIqvi msMÖn hydraulic investigation.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52055053 - Procurement of SL Chain, Joining Shackle 52055053 -‡bŠ-c‡_i wewfbœ jÂNv‡U ¯’vwcZ c›Uyb gywis Kv‡Ri Rb¨ and FS Wire for mooring of pontoons of GmGj †PBb, R‡qwbs †k‡Kj I GdGm Iq¨vi msMÖn different Launch Ghats. 52055054 - Procurement of 35 Commercial Vessels 52055054 -35wU evwYwR¨K Rjhvb msMªn Ges 2wU bZyb wúcI‡q and Construction of 2 New Slipway wbg©vY| 52055055 - Development of Sonahat Land Port 52055055 -†mvbvnvU ¯’j e›`i Dbœqb 52055056 - Development of Gobrakura-Koroitali Land 52055056 -‡MveivKzov I KoBZjx ¯’j e›`i Dbœqb Port 52055057 - Protection of Sliding of Accumulated Soil 52055057 -gsjv e›`‡ii †RwUi bx‡P RgvwqZ cwj †f‡½ cov underneath the Jetty of Mongla Port †ivaKiY 52055058 - Comprehensive Security Enhancement of 52055058 -gsjv e›`‡ii mvwe©K wbivcËv e¨e¯’v †Rvi`viKiY Mongla Port 52055059 - Capital Dredging in Pussur Channel from 52055059 -gsjv e›`i n‡Z ivgcvj we`yr †K›`ª ch©š K¨vwcUvj Mongla Port to Rampal Power Plant 52055060 - Procurement of a Trailing Suction Hopper 52055060 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ GKwU †U«wjs mvKkb ncvi †W«Rvi Dredger for Mongla Port 52055061 - Procurement of Spilled Oil Cleanup Vessel 52055061 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ wbm„Z †Zj AcmviYKvix Rjhvb msMªn for Mongla Port 52055062 - Procurement of 20nos. dredgers with 52055062 -20wU ‡W«Rvimn mnvqK hšcvwZ Ges miÄvgvw` msMªn ancillary machineries 52055063 - Construction and Placement of special 52055063 -Avbylw½K myweavw`mn we‡kl ai‡Yi cëyb wbg©vY I ¯’vcb type Terminal Pontoon with allied facilities 52055064 - Procurement of six (06) new vessels (three 52055064 -6(Qq)wU bZyb RvnvR µq (cÖwZwU cÖvq 39,000 wWWwe­wU (03) new product oil Tankers and (03) new m¤•bœ 3wU bZyb †cÖvWv± A‡qj U¨vsKvi Ges 3wU evé Bullk Carriers of about 39,000 DWT each. K¨vwiqvi cÖKí 52055999 - 52055999 -** Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq wbe©vwPZ cÖKí/Kvh©µg A_©vq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK 52056010 - a 52056010 -b`x fvsM‡b weaŸ¯Z Pvu`cy‡i †bŠ-e›`‡ii NvUmg–‡ni cyb©evmb (1-1-2002 - 30-6-2004 ) Aby‡gvw`Z 52056020 - 52056020 -bvweK cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb I bvweK wbev‡mi ms¯‹viKiY (01/01/2002 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 52056030 - 52056030 -GKwU D”P ¶gZv m¤•bœ UvM‡evU msMÖn (1/7/98-31/12/03) 52056110 - BIWTA 52056110 -2007 mv‡ji N–wY©So I R‡jvPQv†mi ¶q¶wZ cybev©mb I fwel¨‡Z N–wY©So †gvKv‡ejv 52056112 - Nowapara, Bhairab-Ashuganj 52056112 -‡bvqvcvov, ˆfie-AvïMÄ I ei¸bvq b`x e›`i ¯’vcb (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057010 - BIWTA - Development of riverways by 52057010 -eZ©gvb b`xc_mg‡ni Lbb I Lbb Kv‡Ri cwiPvjbv I re-excavation and improved management `¶Zv e„w×KiY of such works 52057020 - Development of 100 launch ghat in rural 52057020 -Mªvg A‡j 175wU j Nv‡Ui Dbœqb (01/07/97 - areas 30/06/2001) 52057030 - Procurement of navigational equipment 52057030 -‡bŠ mnvqK hšcvwZ msMªn 52057040 - BIWTA-Development of (High Frequency) 52057040 -nvB wd«K¨‡qw›m (GBPGd) †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM Dbœqb telecommunication system 52057050 - Mapping of off-shore areas of Bangladesh 52057050 -evsjv‡`‡ki Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ gvbwPÎ cªYqb (chv©q-1) for economic development DcK‚jxq AÂj (01/07/89 - 30/06/2001) 52057060 - Opening the River way around the Dhaka 52057060 -XvKv kn‡ii Pvwiw`‡K b`xc_ PvjyKiY, 1g ch©vq, City (Phase-1) m`iNvU n‡Z Avïwjqv weªR ch©š@ As‡ki bve¨Zv Dbœqb I j¨vwÛs myweavw` cÖ`vb (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057070 - Procurement of 5 survey work boats and 3 52057070 -5wU Af¨šixY Rwic IqvK©‡evU I 3wU G‡Kv‡gv‡Wkb accomodation barges for BIWTA ev‡R©R msMªn 52057080 - Inland container river port, Dhaka 52057080 -Af¨šixY K‡›UBbvi †bŠ-e›`i, XvKv 52057090 - Flood rehabilitation project for BIWTA 52057090 -evsjv‡`k Af¨šixY †bŠ-cwienY KZ©„c‡¶i eb¨v cybev©mb 52057100 - 4 & 108 TEU self propled Multipurpas 52057100 -4 wU 108 wUBBD †mjd †cÖv‡cì gvwëcvicvm Bbj¨vÛ Inland Containar K‡›UBbvievnx RvnvR wbg©vY/msMªn (†RwWwm dvÛ)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52057110 - Reform and development of Baghabari 52057110 -evNvevox b`xe›`i ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb Ges Ki‡Zvqv b`x‡Z river port 52057120 - Construction of Landing and other facilites 52057120 -KzZyew`qv DcK‚j Øx‡ci eoMvI gv‡jKkvn& I mËi DÏxb at Baragaon and Sattar Uddin steamer RvnvR Nv‡U DVvbvgvi myweavw` wbgv©Y ghat 52057130 - BIWTA-Repari and replacement of 20 old 52057130 -20wU cyivZb cjUzb †givgZ I cªwZ¯’vcb paltoon 52057140 - Installation of electronic fixing system 52057140 -B‡jKU«wbK cwRkb wdw·s wm‡óg cªwZ¯’vcb 52057150 - Sondip RCC jati 52057150 -m›`xc¯’ ¸ßQovq bewbwg©Z Aviwmwm †RwUi m¤•ªmviY (01/07/09-30/06/11) 52057160 - BIWTA 52057160 -Af¨šixY †bŠ-c‡_i bve¨Zv i¶v‡_© `xN© †gqvw` Lbb Kg©mPx I 7wU †W«Rvi I 1wU eyóvi cv¤•mn Avbylvw½K myweavw` ¯’vcb 52057170 - BIWTA 52057170 -hgybv b`xi Dci Aew¯’Z †ijI‡q †dwiNvUmg‡ni ïé †gŠmy‡g bve¨Zv i¶v‡_© †W«wRs 52057180 - Aricha ferry terminal and other facilities 52057180 -AvwiPv fvwU‡Z cvUywiqv‡Z †dwi Uvwg©bvjmn Avbylw½K myweavw` wbgv©Y 52057190 - BIWTA 52057190 -bMievox †dwi Nv‡Ui cwie‡Z© bUv‡Lvjvq ¯’vqxfv‡e †dwiNvU I Avbylvw½K myweavw` wbgv©Y 52057200 - Development and Moderrization of Barisal 52057200 -ewikvj b`x e›`‡ii Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb (01/07/09 - River Port 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057210 - Construction of Ferryghat, Parking Yard 52057210 -cvebv †Rjvi †eov _vbvaxb bwZecyi, †dixNvU, and Allied Facilities at Natibpur Under cvwK©sBqvW© I AvbylswMK myweavw` wbgv©Y Bera Upazilla of Pabna District 52057211 - Development of deck workers training 52057211 -‡WK Kgx© cªwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb centre 52057220 - Hydraulic and Morphological study for the 52057220 -bMievox/bUv‡Lvjv weKí †dixNvU wbgv©‡Yi Rb¨ ¯’vb selection of Nagarbari/Notakhola wbev©PbK‡í nvB‡WªvwjK I gvi‡dvjwRK¨vj ÷vwW 52057230 - 52057230 -weAvBWweøDwUwmi Rb¨ †iv †iv †dix, †iv †iv c›Uzb, †K-UvBc †dix Ges BDwUwjwU AvBc-1 †dix I c›Uzb wbg©vY (1g ms‡kvwaZ) 52057240 - Procurement Construction of 108 TEU'S 52057240 -Kb÷«vKkb/A¨KzBwRkb Ae 4bs 108wU B.BD.Gm self propelled Multi-purpose Inland †mjd/ †cÖv‡cì †mjyjvi Kb‡UBbvi/†f‡mj Ae 100wU Container Vessels B.BD.Gm di weAvBWwe­DwUwm RvnvR wbgv©Y (01/01/10 - 31/12/13) (†RwWwm dvÛ) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057250 - Construction of R.C.C. Jetty at Kumira, 52057250 -PÆMªvg¯’ Kzwgivq Aviwmwm †RwU wbg©vY Chittagong (01/01/2010-31/12/2011) Abz‡gvw`Z 52057260 - Development of Bhomra Land Port . 52057260 -†fvgiv ¯’j e›`‡ii Dbœqb 52057270 - Procurement of six numbers dreegers and 52057270 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae wm· bv¤¦vim †W«Rvim GÛ Gbwmjvix ancillary crafts and accessories for µvdUm& GÛ G‡·mwiR di wgwbw÷« Ae IqvUvi Ministry of Water Resourees and Ministry wi‡mv‡m©m GÛ wgwbw÷« Ae wkwcs (gsjv †cvU© 1wU, of Shipping (Part or Mongla Port Authority ) weAvBWwe­DwUG 3wU, weWwe­DwWwe 2wU) (gsjv e›`i KZ©„c¶ Ask) (01/08/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057280 - cvU© GÛ jwRwóKm Bwdwm‡qw›m BgcÖ 52057280 -†cvU© GÛ jwRwóKm Bwdwm‡qw›m BgcÖ“f‡g›U “c‡g›U (1/11/2010-30/04/2011) (Port and (1/11/2010-30/04/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Logistics Efficiency Improvement) 52057290 - Procurement of six numbers dreegers and 52057290 -cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae wm· bv¤¦vim †W«Rvim GÛ Gbwmjvix ancillary crafts and accessories for Ministry µvdUm& GÛ ‡•mwiR di wgwbw÷« Ae IqvUvi wi‡mv‡m©m of Water Resourees and Ministry of GÛ wgwbw÷« Ae wkwcs (gsjv †cvU© 1wU, weAvBWwe­DwUG Shipping (Part of BIWTA ) 3wU, weWwe­DwWwe 2wU) (weAvBWwe­DwUG Ask) (01/08/2010-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057300 - Dredging of 52057300 -gv`vixcyi-Pigy¸wiqv-†U‡KinvU-†MvcvjMÄ †bŠ-c_ Lbb Madaripur-Charmuguria-Takerhat-Gopalg (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z anj River Route) 52057310 - Establishment of a permanent port on the 52057310 -cïi b`xi Zx‡i ¯’vqx e›`‡ii Dbœqb bank of Pasur river 52057320 - Establishment of Inland Container River 52057320 -AvïMÄ Af¨šZixY K‡›UBbvi †bŠ-e›`i ¯’vcb Port at Ashuganj (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) (01/01/2011-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057330 - DREDGING OF PASSUR CHANNEL 52057330 -cïi P¨v‡bj †WªwRs 52057340 - Development and extension of Benapole 52057340 -‡ebv‡cvj ¯’j e›`‡ii m¤•ªmviY I Dbœqb land port

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52057350 - Feasibility of Mongla port area 52057350 -wdwRwewjwU Ae gsjv †cvU© Gwiqv 52057360 - Bangladesh port system development 52057360 -evsjv‡`k †cvU© wm‡÷g †Wfjc‡g›U cª‡R± gvóvi c­vb project master plan and trade facilitation GÛ †U«W †dwmwj‡Ukb óvwW study 52057370 - Construction of residential buildling for 52057370 -gsjv e›`‡ii AvevwmK feb wbg©vY Mongla Port 52057380 - Construction of terminal at Benapole land 52057380 -‡ebv‡cvj ¯’je›`i Uv©wgbvj wbg©vY port 52057390 - Procurement of 4 additional roll-on-roll of 52057390 -4wU AwZwi³ †ivj Ab †ivj Ae †dwi msMªn/wbg©vY ferry/construction 52057400 - Infrastructure Development of Bhomra 52057400 -†fvgiv ¯’j e›`‡ii Dbœqb land Post (01/11/2010-30/06/2013) (01/11/2010-30/06/2013) 52057410 - Development of Nakugaon Land port 52057410 -bvKzMuvI ¯’j e›`i Dbœqb (01/07/2011-30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057420 - Procurement of various equipment and 52057420 -weAvBWwe­DwUwm Gi Rb¨ wewea ai‡bi mnvqK hšcvwZ infrastructure for BIWTC msMªn I AeKvVv‡gvMZ my‡hvM myweav m„wó (01/07/96 - 31/12/2001) 52057430 - Management of advisory service for BIWTC 52057430 -weAvBWwe­DwUwm Gi Rb¨ e¨e¯’vcbv civgk©K mvwf©m 52057440 - Removal of defects of 3 disel passenger 52057440 -wW‡RjK…Z 3wU hvÎxevnx Rvnv‡Ri µwU ms‡kvab ship 52057450 - Rehabilitation of selected BIWTC vessels 52057450 -weAvBWwe­DwUwm Gi evQvBK…Z †bŠhvb¸‡jvi cybev©mb (IWT-3) 52057460 - Procurement of 2 passenger vessel for 52057460 -PÆMªvg ewikvj i“‡Ui Rb¨ 2wU DcK‚jxq hvÎxevnx RvnvR Chittagong-Barisal route msMªn 52057470 - Rehabilitation of 2 RO RO paltoon 52057470 -2wU †iv †iv c›Uyb cybev©mb 52057480 - Rehabilitation of Pontoon and Ro-Ro Ferry 52057480 -weAvBWwe­DwUwm Gi †iv‡iv †dwi I c›Uzbmg–n cyb©evmb of BIWTC (01/08/2000-31/12/2003) 52057490 - Dredging on 12 Important River Routes 52057490 -12 wU ¸i“Z¡cY© †bŠ-c_ Lbb (01/10/2011-30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 52057550 - Marine enviornment pollution control 52057550 -PÆMªvg e›`‡ii cwi‡ekMZ mvgyw`ªK `lY wbqš‡Yi Rb¨ project for Chittagong Port e¨e¯’vcbv Dbœqb 52057631 - Inland water-ways environment monitoring 52057631 -Avf¨šixb ‡bŠ c_ mg‡ni cwi‡ek `lY cªwZ‡iva I and pollution control wbix¶v 52057651 - Establishment of project monitoring unit 52057651 -AvBWwe­DwUG 3 cªKí ev¯evq‡b gwbUwis Kivi Rb¨ design and co-ordination of IWTA-3 project †bŠ-cwienY gšYvj‡qi cÖKí gwbUwis BDwbU cÖwZôv Ges wWRvBb I †Kv-AwW©‡bkb Kbmvj‡U›U wb‡qvM 52057661 - Procurement of a high power tug boat 52057661 -GKwU D”P ¶gZv m¤•bœ UvM‡evU msMªn 52057670 - Rehabilitation of 3 inland passenger 52057670 -weAvBWwe­DwU Gi 3 wU Af¨šixY hvÎxevnx †bŠ-hvb vessels †givgZ 52057680 - Acquisition of 2 roll-on roll-off ferries under 52057680 -G‡Kvqvt Ad 2 †ivj G †ivj †dwi AvÛvi µvm †cªvMªvg crash programme 52057841 - Establishment of inland water transport 52057841 -Af¨š@ixY †bŠ-wbivcËv Ges †bŠ-cwi‡ek e¨e¯’vcYv safety administration Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ mgy`ª cwienY Awa`ßi‡K kw³kvjxKiY (1-1-2001 - 31-12-2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 52057911 - Oil spill Impact and Response 52057911 -I‡qj w¯•j Bg‡c± GÛ †imcÝ g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖKí Management Project 52058050 - Procurement of 3 Dredgers and 1 Booster 52058050 -Af¨š@ixY †bŠ-c‡_i bve¨Zv i¶v‡_© `xN© †gqvw` Lbb Pump for Navigation of Internal Waterways Kg©m–wP Ges 3wU †WªRvi I 1wU ey÷vi cv¤•mn AvbylswMK (01/07/1998-30/06/2002) hš¿cvwZ msMÖn (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998- 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 52058060 - Dhaka 52058060 -XvKv-gsjv I PÆMªvg-gsjv †bŠc_؇qi ms‡hvM i¶vKvix MveLvb Lvj †W«wRs Gi gva¨‡g cÖk¯@KiY I bve¨Zv Dbœqb (1/7/04-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 52058070 - a 52058070 -¸i“Z¡cY© 4 (Pvi) wU Af¨š@ixY †bŠc‡_ †W«wRs Gi gva¨ ‡g bve¨Zv Dbœqb (1/1/05-31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z (Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jk‡bi AvIZvq) 52058080 - U 52058080 -DcK–jxq GjvKvq 3wU Dc‡Rjvq (K·evRvi m`i, m›`xc I gbcyiv) Rjhvb NvUmn j¨vwÛs myweavw` wbg©vY (1/1/05 -31/12/06)Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52058090 - a 52058090 -w`ev-ivwÎ myôz I wbivc` †bŠ-PjvP‡ji j‡¶¨ †bŠ-mnvqK hš¿cvwZ ¯nvcb, cybt¯nvcb AvaywbKvqb I m¤cªmviY 1g ms‡kvwaZ(1/1/2005-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 52058110 - Boat center and technical facilities at 5 52058110 -‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b 5wU †evU †m›Uvi I KvwiMwi myweavw` points cÖKí 52058120 - Parking facilities for bus and coaches near 52058120 -AvwiPv jÂNv‡Ui wbKUeZx© ¯’v‡b evm/†KvP Gi cvwK©s Aricha launch ghat myweavw` cÖKí 52058130 - Procurement of miscellaneous equipment 52058130 -weAvBWwe­DwUwm Gi Rb¨ wewea DcKiY msMªn I and development of infrastructure of AeKvVv‡gvi Dbœqb BIWTC 52058140 - Procurement of passenger sea trucks for 52058140 -‡`‡ki DcK‚jxq GjvKvq I Øxcv‡ji Rb¨ hvÎxevnx the coastal areas mx-U«vK msMªn (01/07/98 - 31/12/2001) 52058150 - Procurement of ferries and sea trucks 52058150 -Pxbv AvBGmwm F‡Y †dwi RvnvR I mx-U«vK msMªn under Chinese ISC credit (01/04/98 - 30/06/2002) 52058160 - Construction of jetty for loading and 52058160 -we‡ùviK gvjvgvj DVvbvgvi Rb¨ †RwU wbg©vY unloading of explosives 52058170 - Contruction of ferry terminal and ferryghat 52058170 -Pvu`cyi-kixqZcyi †bŠ-c‡_i †dix mvwf©m cÖeZ©‡bi j‡¶¨ and related facilities at Harinaghat and nwiYvNvU I AvjyevRvi GjvKvq †dwi UviwgYvj I Alubazer area for Chandpur- Shariatpur †dixNvUmn Avbylvw½K myweavw` wbgv©Y (01/01/00 - ferry service 31/12/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 52058171 - Bangladesh port system development 52058171 -evsjv‡`k †cvU© wm‡óg †W‡fjc‡g›U cª‡R± gv÷vi c­vb project master plan and trade facilitation GÛ †U«W ‡dwmwjUkb óvwW study 52058180 - BIWT of 2 52058180 -weAvBWwe­DwUwmÕi 2wU DcK‚jxq hvÎxevnx RvnvR cybe©vmb (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 52058182 - Construction of Ro-Ro ferry Ro-Ro 52058182 -weAvBWweÐDwUwmÕi 6wU †iv †iv †dix, 2wU †K-UvBc †dix Portoon, K-Type Ferry and Ulility Tyre-1 I 6wU cëzb czbe©vmb(01/07/2007-30/06/2011) ferry Portion for BIWTC (1st Revised) Aby‡gvw`Z 52058183 - Procurement of Cargo-Handling 52058183 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ Kv‡M©v n¨vÛwjs hš¿cvwZ msMÖn Equipment for Mongla Port (1st-Revised) (01/07/2007-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 52058190 - Dredging of the outer Bar in the pussur 52058190 -cïi P¨v‡b‡ji AvDUvi ev‡q †WªwRs channel (1st Revised) (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 52058200 - Construction of Post facilities in order to 52058200 -eywoM½v b`x I b`x Zxif–wg `Ljgy³ ivLvi j‡¶¨ e›`i I prevent unauthorized encroachment of the Ab¨vb¨ myweavw` wbg©vY Buriganga river and its fore share land 52059000 - a 52059000 -KY©dzjx b`xi Dci †mZz wbg©v‡Yi d‡j RgvK…Z cwj Acmvi‡Yi j‡¶¨ K¨vwcUvj †W«wRs 1g ms‡kvwaZ (1/7/2004-30/6/2007) Abyy‡gvw`Z (Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jk‡bi AvIZvq) 52059010 - Chittagong Port Trade Facilitation project 52059010 -PÆMªvg e›`i †U«W d¨vwmwj‡Ukb (PeK Ask) (CPA component) (1/7/2004-30/6/2009) Abby‡gvw`Z 52059020 - 52059020 -PÆMªvg e›`i †UªW d¨vwmwj‡Ukb (mIR Ask) (1/7/2004-30/6/2009) Abby‡gvw`Z 52059030 - Dhaka city 52059030 -XvKv kn‡ii Pvwiw`‡K e„ËvKvi †bŠc_ PvjyKiY (2q ch©vq) Abby‡gvw`Z (Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jk‡bi AvIZvq) 1/7/2005-30/06/2008 Abby‡gvw`Z 52059040 - a 52059040 -Af¨š@ixY †bŠ-e›`img‡ni c›Uyb wbg©vY - Aby‡gvw`Z (1/7/2005-30/6/2007) (Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jk‡bi AvIZvq) 52059050 - Procurement of 2 Dredgers, Crane, Boats, 52059050 -Af¨š@ixY †bŠ-c‡_i bve¨Zv i¶v‡_© 2wU †W«Rvi, † Crew House Boat and Tug Boat with other µb‡evU, µz nvDR †evU Ges UvM‡evUmn Avbylw½K accessories adjusted miÄvgvw` msMªn (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z 52059051 - Rail Stations 52059051 -MvRxcyi †Rjvi axivkÖg †ij †÷k‡bi mwbœK‡U cyevBj axivkÖg †ij †÷k‡bi g‡a¨ †ij ms‡hvMmn bZzb GKwU AvBwmwW wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨v mgx¶v (01/07/05-30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059060 - 52059060 -Kb÷«vKkb/GKzBwRkb Ae 4bs †mjd/‡Mªv‡djW †mjyjvi Kb‡UBbvi †f‡mjm Ae 100 wUDÕm di we.AvB.Wwe­D.wU.wm (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Abby‡gvw`Z 52059061 - 52059061 -‡cvU© Gwdwm‡qw›m BgcÖ“f‡g›U c­¨vb (01/03/2006 - 31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52059090 - Providing Facilities at Taknaf, Sandwip and 52059090 -DcK‚jxq 3wU Dc‡Rjvi (K·evRvi/m›Øxc I gbcyiv) Monpura (Phase-1) RjhvbNvUmn j¨vwÛs myweavw` wbgv©‡bi j‡¶¨ m¤¢e¨Zv hvPvB I we¯ZvwiZ b·v cÖYqb (1-5-2002 - 30-9-2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059100 - .. 52059100 -gy›mxMÄ †Rjvi gxiKvw`g GjvKvi b`xe›`i ¯’vcb 01/07/2003-30/06/2005 Aby‡gvw`Z 52059110 - P 52059110 -cvUywiqv †dwiNv‡U evm I U«vK Uvwg©bvjmn AeKvVv‡gv wbgv©b (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059120 - a 52059120 -XvKv gsjv I PÆMªvg gsjv †bŠc_؇qi ms‡hvM i¶vKvix MveLvb Lvj †W«wRs Gi gva¨‡g cÖk¯@KiY I bve¨Zv Dbœqb 52059121 - 52059121 -wPUvMvs †U«W d¨vwmwj‡Ukb ÷vWx cÖKí (01/07/2004-30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059130 - Salvage Vessed Procurement 52059130 -D×viKvix Rjhvb msMÖn (01/01/06-31/12/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059521 - CONSTRUCTION OF TWO 52059521 -cðv` myweavmn 2wU eûgyLx †RwU wbg©vY I gvjvgvj MULTIPURPOSE BERTHS & PROCUREM DVvbvgvi myweavw` cÖeZ©b 52059530 - Reconstruction & rehabilitation of of 52059530 -NywY©S‡o ¶wZMª¯ PÆMªvg e›`‡ii myweavw`i cybev©mb I cyclone afftected Chittagong port cybwbgv©Y 52059550 - Construction of one 33 KV sub-station with 52059550 -hšcvwZ ¯’vcbmn 1wU 33 wK‡jv †fvë mve‡ókb wbg©vY I rehabilitation of 11 KV sub-station we`¨gvb 11 wK‡jv †fvë mve‡ókbmg‡ni bevqb 52059560 - Construction of 50 bed hospital for 52059560 -PÆMªvg WK kªwgK cwiPvjbv †ev‡W©i 50 kh¨v wewkó Chittagong Dock Labour Governing Board nvmcvZvj wbgv©Y 52059571 - Technical assitance for re-construction & 52059571 -NwY©S‡o ¶wZMª¯ PÆMªvg e›`‡ii AeKvVv‡gv I rehabilitation of insfrastructure of cyclone my‡hvM-myweavmgy‡ni cybwbgv©Y I cybev©mY Gi Rb¨ cÖ affected Chittagong port ‡KŠkjx †mev 52059580 - Construction of termial facilities at 52059580 -KzZyew`qv DcK‚j Øx‡ci eoMvI gv‡jKkvn& I mËi DÏxb Kutubdia off-shore island RvnvR Nv‡U DVvbvgvi myweavw` wbgv©Y 52059591 - Study of inland waterways around Dhaka 52059591 -XvKv gnvbMixi Av‡k cv‡k GjvKvi †bŠ -c_ Dbœqb city mgx¶v 52059610 - Improvement of telecummunication 52059610 -‡Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb system 52059620 - Procurement of three dredgers and one 52059620 -Af¨š@ixY †bŠ c‡_i bve¨Zv i¶v‡_© `xN© †gqvw` Lbb booster pump for maintaining long term Kg©m–wP Ges 3wU †WªRvi I GKwU ey÷vi cv¤•mn navigability of inland waterways Avbylvw½K hš¿cvwZ msMÖn 52059622 - Flood'98 rehabilitaiton of BIWTA 52059622 -weAvBWwe­DwUG Gi eb¨v cyYev©mbÔ98 (01/07/99 - 31/12/2001) 52059623 - Establishment of landing facility at 7places 52059623 -cveZ©¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq †bŠ c‡_i 7wU ¯’v‡b j¨vwÛs of waterbased at Hill Tracks myweavw` cÖeZ©b (01/07/99 - 31/12/2001) 52059624 - Infrastructure/Installation construction of 52059624 -Pvu`cyi-kwiqZcyi †dwi PvjyKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ Pvu`cyi Harinaghat and Sariatpur, Alubazer BIWTC nwibvNvU I kixqZcyi AvjyevRvi weAvBWwe­DwUwm Gi to open Chandpur-Ferri service ¯’vcbv/AeKvVv‡gv wbgv©Y (1/3/99 - 31/12/2002) 52059630 - Procurement of gantry crane and other 52059630 -M¨vbwUª †µbmn nvBóvi hšcvwZ msMÖn equipment 52059640 - Establishment of new container port in 52059640 -PÆMÖvg e›`‡i wbDgywis GjvKvq GKwU K‡›UBbvi Uvwg©bvj Chittagong port wbgv©Y 52059650 - 52059650 -‡UKbv‡di Rb¨ gv÷vi c­¨vb, †j-AvDU c­¨vb cÖYqbmn †RwU wbgv©Y I Ab¨vb¨ Avbylvw½K myweavw`i Rb¨ mgx¶v cÖKí (1-7-2002 - 31-12-2004) Abby‡gvw`Z 52059661 - 52059661 -XvKv-gsjv I PÆMªvg-gsjv †bŠ-c_؇qi ms‡hvM i¶vKvix MveLvb Lvj †W«wRs Gi gva¨‡g cÖk¯KiY I bve¨Zv Dbœqb (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Abbyt 52059670 - 52059670 -weAvBWwe­IwUwmi 6wU †iv-†dix, 2wU †K UvBc †dix I 7 wU cëyb cYev©mb (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 52059680 - Benapol 52059680 -‡ebv‡cvj ¯’je›`i Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY 1g ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059681 - wvAve 52059681 -KzwZD`wZ 52059682 - Rehabilitation and Re-construction of 52059682 -NywY©So wmWi-2007 G ¶wZMÖ¯’ wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gvmn Infrastructure & Other Facilities Damaged Ab¨vb¨ myweavw`i cybt wbg©vY I cybe©vmb by Cyclone SIDR-2007 (weAvBWwe­DwUGÕi Ask) (01/07/2008-30/06/2010)| Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52059683 - Navigation aids to Mongla port 52059683 -†bwf‡Mkbvj GBWm& Uz gsjv †cvU© (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059684 - One Cutter Suction Dredger collection for 52059684 -gsjv e›`‡ii GKwU KvUvi mvKkvb †WªRvi msMÖn Mongla port 52059685 - Reahabilitation and Reconstruction of 52059685 -N–wY©So wmWi-2007 G ¶wZMÖ¯’ wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gvmn Infrastructures and other Facilities Ab¨vb¨ myweavw`i cybt wbg©vY I cybe©vmb (weAviwUwmÕi Damaged by Cyclone SIDR Ask) (01/07/2008-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059686 - Construction of 4 No. Sea-Trucks for 52059686 -†`‡ki DcK‚jxq GjvKv I SuywKc–Y© i“‡U cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ carrying passengers in the coastal belt 4wU hvÎxevnx mx UªvK wbg©vY|(01/07/2008- and in the risky water routes of the country 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059687 - Construction/Procurement of 2 Nos. 52059687 -gvIqv †m±‡i `ª“Z I `¶ †dwi mvwf©m wbwðZK‡í 2wU Ro-Ro ferry and 2 Nos. Ro-Ro Pontoon for †iv-†iv †dwi I 2wU †iv-†iv c›Uzb wbg©vY cÖm‡½ ensuring quick and efficient ferry services (01/07/08 - 30/06/11) Aby‡gvw`Z provided by BIWTC in Mawa ferr 52059688 - Modernization of Banapol land port(1st 52059688 -‡ebv‡cvj¯’ e›`‡ii AvaywbKxKiY (1g ch©vq) phase) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059689 - CCTV with Handling equipments collection 52059689 -†ebv‡cvj ¯’j e›`‡i n¨vÛwjs BKzBc‡g›Umn wmwm wUwf and establishment in Banapol land port msMÖn I ms¯’vcb 52059690 - Barishal river 52059690 -ewikvj b`x e›`‡ii Dbœqb I AvaywbKvqb 52059691 - 52059691 -Af¨š@ixY †bŠ-c‡_i bve¨Zv i¶v‡_© 2wU †WªRvi, 2wU † µb‡evU, 2wU ¯•xW †evU, 2wU nvDR‡evU I 1wU UvM‡evUmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylvw½K hš¿cvwZ msMÖn 52059692 - 52059692 -m›`xe¯n ¸ßQovq bewbwg©Z Aviwmwm †RwUi m¤•ÖmviY (01/07/2009-30/06/2011) 52059693 - 52059693 -†WªwRs Gi gva¨‡g 2wU Af¨š@ixY †bŠ-c_ I GKwU Lv‡ji bve¨Zv Dbœqb 52059694 - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of 52059694 -N–wY©So wmWi-2007 G ¶wZMª¯’ wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gvmn Infrastructures and by Cyclonge ' Ab¨vb¨ myweavw` cybtwbg©vY I cybe©vmb (gsjv e›`i SIDR-2007 KZ©„c¶) (01/07/2008- 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 52059695 - Procurment of cutter suction Dreger, Pilot 52059695 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ GKwU KvUvi mvKkvb †WªRvi, cvBjU and despatch boat for Mongla Port †evU I †WmcvP †evU msMÖn (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 52059696 - Procurement of pilot boat & pilot Despatch 52059696 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ cvBjU †evU I cvBjU †Wmcvm †evU Boat for Mongla Port msMªn 52059697 - Dredging in the Harbour Area of Pussur 52059697 -gsjv e›`‡ii ckyi P¨v‡b‡ji nvievi GjvKvq †W«wRs Channel (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 52059698 - 52059698 -Gg, we, evsjvi KvKjx Rvnv‡Ri 5Zg wiwbDqvj mv‡f© m¤c bœœ KiY 52059699 - 52059699 -Gg, wf, evsjvi gvqv Ges Gg, wf, evsjvi ggZv Rvnv‡Ri 5g Zg wiwbDqvj mv‡f© m¤c bœ KiY 52059700 - 52059700 -weGmwm †gwib IqK©‡ci Dbœqb 52059701 - 52059701 -weGmwmÕi RvnvR mgy‡n js †iBÄ AvB‡Ww›Uwwd‡Kkb GÛ Uª¨vwKs wm‡÷g ev¯Íevqb 52059702 - 52059702 -1wU cyivZb cÖvq 1,000wUBBDGm aviY ¶gZvm¤c bœ c~Y© †mjyjvi K‡›Ubbvi Rvnvi AR©b 52059703 - 52059703 -2wU bZyb cÖvq 1,000wUBBDGm aviY ¶gZvm¤c bœ c~Y© †mjyjvi K‡›Ubbvi Rvnvi AR©b 52059704 - 52059704 -2wU cyivZb cÖwZwU cÖvq 30,000- 35,000 wWWwe­DwU aviY ¶gZvm¤c bœ evé K¨vwiqvi AR©b 52059705 - Development Of Nevigability of 2(two) 52059705 -‡W«wRs‡hi gva¨‡g 2wU Af¨šixY †bŠ-c_ I 1wU Lv‡ji inland waterways and 1(one) Khal by bve¨Zv Dbœqb | dredging 52059706 - 52059706 -weAvBWweÐDwUwmi Rb¨ 4wU 100 wUBDB †mjd †cÖv‡cÛ †mjyjvi K‡›UBbvievnx RvnvR wbgv©Y/msMÖn (†RwWwm dvÛ) 52059707 - 52059707 -Kzwgiv-¸ßPiv †bŠ-i“‡U mKj †gŠmy‡g PjvPj Dc‡hvMx 500 hvGx aviY ¶gZv m¤•bœ 1wU hvGxevnx RvnvR wbgv©Y/msMÖn| 52059708 - 52059708 -†fvjv-j¶xcyi i“‡U cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ 2wU †iv †iv †dix I 2wU †iv †iv cëzb wbgv©Y/msMÖn|(Rvbyqvix,2009-Ryb,2011) 52059709 - 52059709 -†fvgiv ¯’j e›`‡ii AeKvVv‡gv ¯’vcb I Dbœqb|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52059710 - 52059710 -‡ebv‡cvj ¯’j e›`‡ii n¨vÛwjs BKzBc‡g›U msMªn I ¯’vcb| 52059711 - 52059711 -2wU Abya© 10 eQ‡ii cyivZb cÖwZwU 30,000-35,000 wWWwe­DwU m¤•bœ evé K¨vwiqvi µq| 52059712 - 52059712 -1wU Abya© 10 eQ‡ii cyivZb cÖvq 700-1000 wUBBDGm aviY ¶gZv m¤•bœ cY© †mmyjvi K‡›UBbvi RvnvR AR©b| 52059713 - 52059713 -2wU bZyb cÖwZwU cÖvq 700-1000 wUBBDR aviY ¶gZv m¤•bœ cb© †mjyjvi K‡›UBbvi RvnvR AR©b| 52059714 - 52059714 -1wU Abya© 10 eQ‡ii cyivZb 1,00,000-1,25,000 wWWwe­DwU m¤•bœ gv`vi U¨vsKvi AR©b 52059715 - 52059715 -2wU Abya© 10 eQ‡ii cyivZb 30,000-35,000 wWWwe­DwU m¤•bœ †cÖvWv± K¨vwiqvi AR©b| 52059716 - Development of Bhomra Land Port. 52059716 -‡fvgiv ¯’j e›`‡ii Dbœqb 52059717 - Development of Nakugaon Land Port. 52059717 -bvKzMvI ¯’j e›`‡ii Dbœqb| 52059718 - Development of Ramgarh Land Port. 52059718 -ivgMo ¯’j e›`‡ii Dbœqb 52059719 - Procurement, Installation and operation of 52059719 -‡ebvcj ¯’j e›`‡ii wmwmwUwf I n¨vÛwjs BDKzBc‡g›U Handling equipment and CCTV for msMÖn, ms¯’vcb I cwiPvjb| Benapole Land Port. 52059720 - Development of Tamabil, Gobrakura and 52059720 -Zvgvwej, †MveiKzov I KoBZjx ¯’j e›`‡ii Dbœqb Koroitali Land Port. 52059721 - Development of Thegamukh Land Port. 52059721 -‡ZMvgyL ¯’j e›`‡ii Dbœqb 52059722 - Procurement of Container and Cargo 52059722 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ K‡›UBbvi Ges Kv‡M©v n¨vÛwjs hš Handing Equipment for Mongla Port. ¿cvwZ msMÖn| 52059723 - Procurement of Harbour Craft for Mongla 52059723 -gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ Rjhvb msMÖn| Port. 52059724 - Improvement and maintenance of 52059724 -cïi P¨v‡b‡ji bve¨Zv mgm¨vi Dbœqb I msi¶Y| navigability of Pussur Channel. 52059725 - Construction of ICD at Rosbelt Jetty of 52059725 -Lyjbv¯’ i“R‡fë †RwU‡Z AvBmwW wbg©vY| Mongla Port in Khulna. 52059726 - Construction of ICD at Rosbelt Jetty of 52059726 -gsjv e›`‡ii Lyjbv¯’ i“‡R‡fë †RwU‡Z AvBwmwW wbg©vY| Mongla Port in Khulan. 52059727 - Construction of Multipurpose Berth with 52059727 -cðvr myweavw`mn gvjwUcvicvm ev_© wbg©vY| Back-up facilities. 52059728 - Construction and Rehabiliation of 52059728 -PÆMÖvg-m›`¡xc-nvwZqv-ewikvj DcK‚jxq i“‡U `¶ hvGx Passenger vessel for providing efficient †mev wbwðZK‡í DcKyjxq RvnvR wbg©vY I cyb©evmb| servics in Chittagong-Swandip-Hatiya-Barisal Coastel Route. 52059729 - Construction of 1 Ro-Ro ferry and 1 Ro-Ro 52059729 -Pv`cyi-kixqZcyi i“‡U cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ 1wU †iv †iv †dix ponton for operation in Chadpur-Sharitpur I 1wU c›Uyb wbg©vY| ferry route. 52059730 - Construction of 2 Nos. Inland passenger 52059730 -2wU Af¨šZixY hvGxevnx RvnvR wbg©vY| vessel. 52059731 - 52059731 -hvGxevnx mvwf©‡mi Rb¨ B‡jKU«wb· wU‡KwUs wm‡÷g cÖeZ©b| 52059732 - 52059732 -nvB‡W«vwjK †evwWs eªxR msMÖn/¯’vcb| 52059733 - 52059733 -cvwb m¤c` Ges †bŠ-cwienb gš¿Yvj‡qi Rb¨ mnvqK miÄvgvw` I hš¿cvwZmn 6(Qq)wU †W«Rvi (evcvD‡ev-2(`yB) wU, weAvBWwe­DwUG-3(wZb)wU Ges geK-1(GK) wU msMÖn| 52059734 - 52059734 -AvïM‡Ä Af¨šZixY K‡›UBbvi †bŠ-e›`i ¯’vcb| 52059735 - 52059735 -gv`vixcyi-Pigy¸wiqv-†U‡KinvU-†MvcvjMÄ †bŠ-c_ Lbb| 52059736 - Dhaka 52059736 -XvKv, bvivqYMÄ I UsMx b`x e›`ivaxb D‡”Q`K…Z Zxif–wg‡Z AeKvVv‡gv myweavw` wbg©vY 52059737 - 52059737 -eywoM½v, kxZj¶¨v I ZyivM (Ask we‡kl) b`x eR¨© AcmviY Ges cvwb `~lY gy³KiY| 52059738 - Procurement of 10 Dsases, Crane Boats, 52059738 -10wU †W«Rvi, †µb‡evU, UvM‡evU, Awdmvm© †evU I Tugs, Officer House, Boats and Crew µ-nvDR †evUmn Ab¨vb¨ mnvqK miÄvg/hš¿cvwZ msMÖn| House Boats with other Accessorius. 52059739 - 52059739 -cÖ‡UvK‡ji AIZvaxb wewfbœ †bŠ-c_ †W«wRs|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52059740 - Capital Dredgingg of 53 River routes in 52059740 -Af¨šZixY 53wU †bŠ-i“‡U K¨vwcUvj †W«wRs (1g Inland Waterways (1st Phase) 24 River ch©vq-24wU ‡bŠ-c_) Routes) 52059741 - 52059741 -4wU †W«Rvi, †µb‡evU, UvM, µz-nvDR‡evU, Awdmvm© nvDR‡evU I Ab¨vb¨ mnvqK miÄvg/hš¿cvwZ msMÖn| 52059742 - Dredging of 12 Important Waterway 52059742 -12wU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© †bŠ-c_ †W«wRs 52059743 - 52059743 -evsjv‡`‡ki cj­x A‡j jÂNvU I I‡qmvBW NvU Dbœqb 52059744 - Construction/Procurement of 2 Nos. 52059744 -2000 GBP wc aviY ¶gZv m¤cbœ 2wU m¨vj‡fR UvM Salvage Tug of capacity 2000 H.P wbg©vY/msMÖn| 52059745 - Conversion of engines of some major 52059745 -weAvBWwe­DwUwmÕi †dix en‡ii ¸i“Z¡c~Y© †dixmg~‡ni ferries of BIWTC into CNG driven engine. BwÄb wmGbwR‡Z i“cvšZiKiY 52059746 - Procurement of Hi-tech Navigation System 52059746 -Nb Kzqvkvq wbwe©‡Nœ †dix cvivcv‡ii j‡¶¨ for installtion in ferries at Paturia and weAvBWwe­DwUwmÕi 4wU †dix‡Z Ges cvUywiqv I gvIqv Mawa ferry route. ‡dix i“‡U ¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ nvB‡UK †bwf‡Mkb wm†óg msMÖn/¯’vcb| 52059747 - Modernization/enhancement efficiency of 52059747 -weAvBWwe­DwUwmÕi WKBqvW© mg~‡ni `¶Zv BIWTC's Dockyards. e„w×KiY/AvaywbKvqb 52059748 - Construction/Procurement of 2 Nos. 108 52059748 -weAvBWwe­DwUwmÕi Rb¨ 2wU 108 wUBBD †mjd ‡cÖv‡cì TEU self propelled Multipurpose Inland gvwëcvicvm Bbj¨vÛ K‡›UBbvievnx RvnvR wbg©vY/msMÖn| Container Vessel for BIWTC. 52059749 - Construction/Procurement of 2 Nos. 108 52059749 -weAvBWwe­DwUwmÕi Rb¨ 2wU 108wU wUBBD †mjd †cÖv‡cì TEU self Propelled Multipurpose Inland gvwëcvicvm Bbj¨vÛ K‡›UBbvievnx RvnvR wbg©vY/msMÖn| Container Vessel for BIWTC. 5206 - International Organisations 5206 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 52064381 - International Monetary Organisation (IMO) 52064381 -Avš@R©vwZK A_© cÖwZôvb (AvBGgI) 52064383 - International Navigation Congress 52064383 -AvšZR©vwZK †bwf‡Mkb Ks‡Mªm 52064385 - South Asia Maritime Programme 52064385 -`w¶Y Gwkqv mgy`ª Zxi Kvh©µg 52064387 - Indian Ocean Memerandum of 52064387 -AvBIGgIBD Understanding 5231-5250 - Shipping 5231-5250 -‡bŠ-cwienb 5231 - Department of Shipping 5231 -mgy`ª cwienY Awa`ßi 52310000 - Department of Shipping 52310000 -mgy`ª cwienY Awa`ßi 52310001 - Department of Shipping 52310001 -mgy`ª cwienY Awa`ßi 52310010 - Lighthouse Establishment 52310010 -evwZNi cwiPvjb 52315010 - Establishment of GMDSS and Integrated 52315010 -wRGwWGmGm GÛ Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW †gwiUvBg †bwf‡Mkb wm‡ Maritime Navigation (EGIMNS) ÷g ¯’vcb ÕÕ kxl©K Dbœqb cÖKí (01/01/2014-31/12/16)| 52315011 - National Ships & Mechanized Boats 52315011 -ÔÔb¨vkbvj kxcm GÛ g¨vKvbvBRW †evUm WvUv†eR Database Management and Capacity g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ K¨vcvwmwU wewìsÕÕ kxl©K Dbœqb cÖKí| Building Project. 5232 - Seamen and Welfare Directorate 5232 -bvweK I cªevmx kªªwgK Kj¨vY cwi`ßi 52320000 - Seamen and Welfare Directorate 52320000 -bvweK I cªevmx kªªwgK Kj¨vY cwi`ßi 5233 - Government Shipping Office 5233 -miKvwi mgy`ª cwienY Awdm 52330000 - Government Shipping Office 52330000 -miKvwi mgy`ª cwienY Awdm 5234 - Office of the Engineer and Inland Ship Surveyor 5234 -cª‡KŠkj I RvnvR Rwic Awdm 52340000 - Office of the Engineer and Inland Ship 52340000 -cª‡KŠkj I RvnvR Rwic Awdm Surveyor 5235 - Mercantile Marine Department 5235 -‡bŠ evwYR¨ Awa`ßi 52350000 - Mercantile Marine Department 52350000 -‡bŠ evwYR¨ Awa`ßi 52350001 - Mercantile Marine Department 52350001 -‡bŠ evwYR¨ Awa`ßi 52350010 - Lighthouse Establishment 52350010 -evwZNi cwiPvjb 5236 - Training Facilities 5236 -bvweK cªwk¶Y 52360001 - Marine Academy 52360001 -‡gwib GKv‡Wwg 52360010 - National Maritime Institute, Chittagong 52360010 -b¨vkbvj †gwiUvBg Bbw÷wUDU, PÆMªvg 52365010 - Procurement of One Ship & of Integrated 52365010 -evsjv‡`k †gwib GKv‡Wgxi Rb¨ GKwU †U«wbs kxc µq Centre for Marine Academy. Ges mgwš^Z wmgy‡jUi †m›Uvi ¯’vcb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52365011 - Modernization of Bangladesh Marine 52365011 -?????????? ????????? ??????? ????? ???????? ?????????? Academy through infrastructure reformation. 52365220 - Procurement of simulator and other 52365220 -‡gwib GKv‡Wwgi Rb¨ wmgy‡jUimn Ab¨vb¨ cªwk¶Y training equipment for Marine Academy hšcvwZ msMªn (01/07/91 - 30/07/2001) 52365230 - Rehabilitation of Marine Academy affected 52365230 -†gwib GKv‡Wwgi NwY©SoÕ97 cybe©vmb cªKí in 1991 cyclone 52365232 - Establishment of inland waterbase 52365232 -Af¨šixY †bŠ wbivcËv cÖkvmb cÖwZôv security administration 52365233 - Formulation of National marine policy 52365233 -RvZxq †bŠ-bxwZgvjv cÖYqb 52365240 - Upgrading of deck personnel training 52365240 -‡WK Kgx© cªwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb centre 52365250 - Enhancing Capacity of the Marin Academy 52365250 -G¨vb‡nw›ms K¨vcvwmwU Ae `¨v †gwib GKv‡Wwg (01/07/2009-30/06/2012) Abz‡gvw`Z 52366020 - 52366020 -bvweK cÖwk¶Y †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb I bvweK wbev‡mi ms¯‹viKiY (01/01/2002-30/06/2003) 52366030 - 52366030 -‡gwiY GKv‡Wgxi †nv‡÷‡ji GKvsk AvaywbKxKiYmn Avbylvw½K myweavw` wbgv©Y/ms¯‹vi (1-7-2002 - 30-6-2005) Abby‡gvw`Z 52367630 - Inland waterways environment pollution 52367630 -‡bŠ-c_ mg‡ni cwi‡ek `lY cªwZ‡iva I wbix¶v monitoring and control 52367631 - Enhancing Capacity Of The Marine 52367631 -‡gwib GKv‡Wgxi kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí Academy 52367632 - Integrated Simulation Center Of Marine 52367632 -wmgy‡jkb Ges cÖwk¶Y kxc msMÖn/µq Academy 52367633 - Integrated Simulator Centre of Marine 52367633 -‡kL gywRe †gwiUvBg wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb| Academy. 5296-5298 - Development Programme Financed by 5296-5298 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 5296 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 5296 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 52960000 - Block Allocation for Special Programme. 52960000 -Kg©mwPi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ 52964300 - test 52964300 -test 52964301 - Development and extension car parking 52964301 -gsjv e›`‡ii msiw¶Z GjvKvq Kvi cvwK©s Bqv‡W©i Dbœqb yard for Mongla Port. I m¤•ªmviY (1g ch©vq) 52964302 - Development and extension car parking 52964302 -gsjv e›`‡ii msiw¶Z GjvKvq Kvi cvwK©s Bqv‡W©i Dbœqb yard for Mongla Port. I m¤•ªmviY (2q ch©vq) 52964303 - Pushur Chanal, vessel bading and 52964303 -gsjv e›`‡ii cïb P¨v‡b‡j RvnvR evw`©s Gi Rb¨ gywis Rosevelt jetty for Mongla port. eqv Ges i“R‡fë †RwU‡Z e¨env‡ii Rb¨ c›Uybmn AvbylvswMK myweavw` wbg©vY I mieivn| 52964304 - Computerization and automation of 52964304 -Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rkb Ges gsjv e›`‡i A‡Uv‡gkb Mongla Port. PvjyKiY| 52964305 - Establishment of economic strength 52964305 -weGmwmÕi †gwib IqvK©kc Gi evwYwR¨K K¨vcvwmwU enhancement of commercial capacity of ewa©ZKiY BSC Marine Workshop. 52964306 - Expansion and Renovation of BSC Marine 52964306 -weGmwm ‡gwib IqvK©kc Workshop. 52964307 - Small Vessel Database and Management 52964307 -†bŠc‡_ PjvPjKvix ‡QvU ‡bŠhv‡bi WvUv‡eR ˆZix, System Development Program e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ cÖYqb I Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ Kvh©µg 52964308 - Construction of Female Cadet Block, 52964308 -wd‡gj K¨v‡WU e­K †gwibvm© Wi‡gUix Ges Ab¨vb¨ wbg©vY Mariners Dormitory and Others RyjvB/2013-Ryb/2015 Enhancement. 52964309 - Construction of Trainee's Hostel and 52964309 -b¨vkbvj †gwiUvBg Bbw÷wUDU, PU«Mªvg Gi cÖwk¶Yv_©x‡`i Procurement of Furniture and Equipment Rb¨ †nv‡ój feb wbg©vY Ges AvmevecÎ I miÄvg msMªn of National Maritime Institute, Chittagong 52964310 - Fire Hidrant System at Bhomra and 52964310 -‡fvgiv I eywogvix ¯’je›`‡i dvqvi nvB‡W«›U wm‡g›U ¯’vcb Burimari Land Port 52964311 - Training equipments procurement and 52964311 -‡gwib GKv‡Wgxi K¨v‡WU msL¨v e„wׇZ cÖwk¶Y hš¿cvwZ installation of increasing number of msMÖn I ¯’vcb Cadets at Marine Academy.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52964312 - Repair of 40 old pontoons of BIWTA. 52964312 -weAvBWwe­DwUGÕi 40wU cyivZb c›Uyb †givgZ 52964313 - Procurement of Digital Equipment & 52964313 -nvB‡W«vMÖvwdK Rwic I nvB‡W«vwjK Bb‡fwó‡Mk‡bi Rb¨ Software for hydrographic survey and cÖ‡qvRbxq wWwRUvj hš¿cvwZ I mdUIqvi msMÖn hydraulic investigation. 52964314 - Procurement of SL chain, Joining Shackle 52964314 -‡bŠ-c‡_i wewfbœ jÂNv‡U ¯’vwcZ c›Uyb gywis Kv‡Ri Rb¨ and FS Wire for mooring of pontoons of GmGj †PBb, R‡qwbs †k‡Kj I GdGm Iq¨vi msMÖn different Launch Ghats. 52964315 - Rehabitation of BIWTA Floating Dock with 52964315 -WwKsmn weAvBWwe­DwUGÕi †d¬vwUs WK cybe©vmb docking. 52964331 - Magor repair of different types of 52964331 -gsjv e›`‡ii wewfbœ AvevwmK feb, Awdm feb I Ab¨vb¨ Residential building, office bulding and ¸i“Z¡c~Y© ¯’vcbvi mvwe©K †givgZ| others important infrastructure of Mongla Port. 52964333 - Installation of Solar panel in different 52964333 -gsjv e›`‡ii wewfbœ ¯’vcbvq we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ †mŠi Infrastructure of Mongla Port to product c¨v‡bj ¯’vcb| electricity. 52964334 - Procuement of 3 Nos.long boom excavator 52964334 -b`x n‡Z cwjw_bmn wewfbœ ai‡bi eR©¨ Acmvi‡bi j‡¶¨ for removal of polythene and other 3wU js eyg G‡·‡fUi msMÖn| gorbages from the river. 52964335 - Docking and Rehabilition of BIWTA 52964335 -Af¨š—ixY KZ©„c‡¶i WK Ges wUGm wmwÏKx RvnvR Training shift (TS) Siddiqui WwKsmn cybevm©b| 52964336 - Development of Webbased Data base for 52964336 -weAvBWwe­DwUGÕi mvwe©K Kg©KvÛ Kw¤cDUviq‡bi j‡¶¨ Computerisation of all activities of BIWTA. I‡qe †eBmW WvUv‡eBmW cÖYqb| 52964337 - Procurement of necessary equipment and 52964337 -wWwRUvj nvB‡W«vMÖvwd Rwic I Z`mswk­ó DcvË msMÖn accessories for Digital Hydrographie Ges nvB‡W«vMvwdK Rwic PvU© cÖYq‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq hš Survey with Data collection and prepartion ¿cvwZ msMÖn of Hydrographie chart. 52964338 - Procurement and Installation of Solar Plant 52964338 -weAvBWwe­DwUG fe‡b †mŠi we`y¨r c­v›U ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq) at BIWTA Bhaban. 52964340 - Development & Extension of Hiron point 52964340 -wnib c‡q‡›U †ió nvD‡Ri Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY Ges Rvdi Rest house and Construction lingthouse c‡q‡›U jvBU nvDR wbg©vY| at Jafar Point. 52964341 - Construction of Vessel Berth at Hiron point 52964341 -gsjv e›`‡ii wbR¯^ Rjhv‡bi Rb¨ wnib c‡q‡›U †f‡mj for own vessel of Mongla Port. ev_© wbg©vY| 52964342 - Construction of Marine Workshop with 52964342 -wm­cI‡qmn †gwib IqvK©kc wbg©vY| slipway(small). 52964343 - Construction of boundery wall from Jetty to 52964343 -‡RwU n‡Z AvB,we ch©šZ cÖvPxi wbg©vY Ges †RwU BqvW© I.B and development and extension Jetty Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY| yard. 52964345 - Construction of road from Jetty yard to Car 52964345 -‡RwU n‡Z Mvox cvwK©s BqvW© ch©šZ iv¯Zv wbg©vY Ges parking and Development of Cantylabour K¨vbwc mshy³ GjvKvi Dbœqb area. 52964346 - 52964346 -nvRiv eªxR mwbœwnZ cwðcvk¦©¯’ Kzgvi I Avwoqvj Lv b‡`i ms‡hvM¯’‡j 600 wgUvi Pi bve¨Zv Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ Lbb Kvh©µg| 52964347 - Construction of Water Supply System and 52964347 -m`iNvU Uvwg©bvj GjvKvq cvwb mieivn I cvwK©s parking facilities at Sadarghat Terminal myweavw`mn Ab¨vb¨ KvR| area. 52964348 - Excavation and recovery of Hakker khal 52964348 -XvKv iv‡qi evRvi msjMœ nvB°vi Lvj cybi“×vi I Lbb Adjeacent to Rayerbazar, Dhaka. KvR| 52964349 - Construction, re-construction and 52964349 -cvUywiqv-†`ŠjZw`qv I AvjyevRvi-nwibvNvU ‡dixNvU I maintenance of Paturia-Dailaadia and AvbymvswMK myweavw` wbg©vY, cybtwbg©vb I msi¶Y KvR| Alubazar-Harinaghat Ferryghat and allied facilities. 52964350 - Construction of wall from Jetty to IB & 52964350 -‡RwU n‡Z AvBwe ch©š cÖvPxi wbg©vY Ges †RwU BqvW© development Jetty yard. Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY| 52964351 - Development & Extension of rest house at 52964351 -wnib c‡q›U †ió nvD‡Ri Dbœqb I m¤•ªmviY Ges RvdW© Hironpoint & c‡q‡›U jvBU nvDR wbg©vY| 52964352 - Construction of Vessel Berth at Hironpoint 52964352 -†RwU n‡Z Mvwo cvwK©s BqvW© ch©š iv¯v wbg©vb Ges K¨vbwc of own vessels mshy³ GjvKvi Dbœqb|

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52964353 - Construction of Marine Workshop with 52964353 -wúcI‡qmn ‡gwib IqvK©kc Kc‡c· wbg©vb slipway. 52964354 - Construction of vessel Berth at Hironpoint 52964354 -gsjv e›`‡ii wbR¯^ Rjhv‡bi Rb¨ wnib c‡q‡›U †f‡mj of own vessel ev_© wbgv©Y 52964501 - Installation of Solar Panel for Production of 52964501 -gsjv e›`‡ii wewfbœ ¯’vcbvq we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ Electricity at different Establishment of †mŠi-c¨v‡bj ¯’vcb Mongla Port 52964502 - Construction of allied facilities in the 52964502 -weAvBWwe­DwUGÕi ‡dixNvUmg‡ni AeKvVv‡gvi Dbœqb BIWTA'S Farry Ghats 52964503 - Procurement & Installation of Aids to 52964503 -`w¶Yv‡ji DcK‚jxq I Af¨šixY †bŠ-c‡_i Rb¨ Navigation for Southern Coastal & Inland †bŠ-mnvqK hšcvwZ msMªn I ms‡hvRb Kvh©µg Waterways 52964504 - Procurement & Installation of Aids to 52964504 -DËiv‡ji myigv I hgybv b`xi Rb¨ ‡bŠ-mnvqK hšcvwZ Navigation for SURMA & JUMUNA Rivers msMªn I ms‡hvRb Kvh©µg 52964505 - Construction of Parkin Yard for Imported 52964505 -gsjv e›`‡ii Avg`vbxK…Z Mvox ivLvi Rb¨ BqvW© wbg©vY Car in Mongla-Port 52964551 - Implementation of long range identification 52964551 -weGmwmi RvnvRmg–‡ni js †iÄ AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb Ae of Tracking (LRIT) system in BSCIS Cargo †U«wKs (GjAviAvBwU) wm‡÷g ev¯Zevqb Vessels 52964553 - Procurement and Installational Aids of 52964553 -Af¨šZixY ‡bŠ-c‡_i Rb¨ †bŠ-mnvqK hš¿cvwZ msMªn I Inland Waterways ms‡hvRb Kg©m–wP 52964554 - Construction of Infrastructural Facilities at 52964554 -AvïM‡Ä U«v›mwkc‡g›U c‡q›U Ges ewikv‡j wWBwcwU Ashugang transhipment Point and DEPT ‡m›Uvi Pvjyi j‡¶¨ ¯’vcbvw` wbg©vY centre Barisal 52964682 - Docking and Rehabilitation of BIWTA 52964682 -evA‡bŠc KZ©„c‡¶i wU.Gm. wmwÏKx RvnvR WwKsmn Training Ship (TS) Siddiquie cybe©vmb Kvh©µg 52964690 - Improvements of Neviganility of 600 meter 52964690 -nvRiv eªxR mwbœwnZ cwðg¯’ Kzgvi I Avwoqvj Luv b‡`i Shoal at the Joining of the Kumar River ms‡hvM¯’‡j 600 wgUvi Pi bve¨Zv Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ Lbb and Arial Khan River near the West Side of Kvh©µg Hazra Bridge 52964702 - Development and Extension of Jetty, Yard, 52964702 -gsjv e›`‡ii †RwU, BqvW©, †kW I ms‡hvM mo‡Ki Dbœqb Shed and Connecting Road at Protected I m¤•ÖmviY area of Mongla Port 52964705 - "Modernisation of Marine Academy" 52964705 -†gwib GKv‡Wgxi AvaywbKxKiY (2004-05 n‡Z (2004-05 to 2006-07) 2006-07) 52964726 - Procurement of necessary equipment and 52964726 -wWwRUvj nvB‡WªvMÖvwdK Rwic I Z`&mswkÐó DcvË msMÖn accessories for Digital Hydrographic Ges nvB‡WªvMÖvwdK Rwic PvU© cÖYq‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq hš survey with data collection and preparation ¿cvwZ msMÖn of Hydrographic chart 52964727 - Procurement of 3 nos. long boom 52964727 -b`x n‡Z cwjw_bmn wewfbœ eR©¨ Acmvi‡bi j‡¶¨ 3 Excavator for removal of Polythene and (wZb) wU js eyg G·Kv‡fUi msMÖn other garbages from the river 52964733 - Develompment of web-based database for 52964733 -weAvBWweÐDwUGÕi mvwe©K Kg©KvÛ Kw¤•DUvivB‡Rk‡bi computarisation of the all activities of j‡¶¨ I‡qe-†eBRW WvUv‡eBR cÖYqb BIWTA 52964750 - Dredging Activities for Maintaining 52964750 -¸i“Z¡cY© †dixNvUmg‡ni bve¨Zv A¶zbœ ivLvi j‡¶¨ Navigability of Important Ferry Routs †W«wRs Kvh©µg 52964755 - Const,Rep and Maint of BIWTA salv vss 52964755 -weAvBWwe­DwUG D×vi BDwbU, RvnvR †W«Rvi, c›Uyb, Ut,Dredg,Pont,DGPS eqipments (2005-06 wfwRwcGm I ¯’vcbvw` wbg©vY, ‡givgZ I msi¶Y Kg©mPx to 2006-07) 52964836 - Rehabilitation Programme of Total 16th 52964836 -ÔÔweAvBWwe­DwUGÕi 30 (wGk) eQ‡ii Avqy®‹vj m¤•bœ Nos. Vessels of BIWTA Over 30 Years Old ‡gvU 16wU Rjhvb †¯•kvj WwKs Gi gva¨‡g cybe©vmb by Special Docking. Kvh©µgÕÕkxl©K Dbœqb Kg©m–wP 52964906 - Merin 52964906 -‡gwib GKv‡Wgxi cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg AvaywbKxKiY Kg©m–wP 52964907 - Maltibim 52964907 -gvwëexg B‡KvmvDÛvi msMªn Kg©m–wP 52964908 - 52964908 -bvweK cÖwk¶Y wk¶v Ava–wbKxKiY 52964909 - 52964909 -weGmwm en‡ii 2wU cyivZb I AjvfRbK RvnvR †givgZ K‡i Dnv‡`i A_©‰bwZK Avqy¯‹vj e„wÏKiY (weGgAviB) 52964910 - 52964910 -weGmwm en‡ii 2wU cyivZb I AjvfRbK RvnvR †givgZ K‡i Dnv‡`i A_©‰bwZK Avqy¯‹vj e„wÏKiY (weGgAviB)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 52964911 - 52964911 -weGmwm †gwib IqvK©kc AvaywbKxKiYÑ(‡dBR-2) weGmwm †gwib IqvK©kc AvaywbKxKiYÑ(‡dBR-3) 52964912 - Implementation of Long Range 52964912 - Identification and Tracking (LRIT) System in BSC's Cargo Vessels. 52964913 - 52964913 -weGmwm †gwib IqvK©kc AvaywYKxKiY 52964914 - 52964914 -weGmwm en‡ii 2wU cyivZb I AjvfRbK RvnvR †givgZ K‡i Dnv‡`i A_©‰bwZK Avqy¯‹vj e„wÏKiY (weGgAviB) 52964937 - Development of Main Road and by-pass 52964937 -gsjv e›`i KZ©„c‡¶i cÖavb moK I evBcvm mo‡Ki Road of Mongla Port Authority Dbœqb 52964938 - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of 52964938 -NwY©So AvBjvi AvNv‡Z weAvBWwe­DwUG Gi ¶wZMª¯Z Pontoons, Jetties and other Facilities of cëyb, †RwU I Ab¨vb¨ ¯’vcbvw` †givgZ I cybe©vmb BIWTA Damaged by Cyclone Aila Kvh©µg 52964939 - Balancing, Modernization, Re-organization 52964939 - and Expansion (BMRE) of M.V . Banglar Kallol for exlpansion of economic life of the vessel. 52964940 - BMRE of M.V Banglar Kakoli for expansion 52964940 -B÷¨vwe­k‡g›U Ae B.Avi.wc. mdUIq¨vi of economic life of the vessel. 52964941 - Establishment of Techno-economic 52964941 - Strength and enhancement of commercial capacity of BSC Marine Workshop. 52964942 - Expanson and Renovation of BSC Marine 52964942 - Workshop. 52964943 - BMRE of M.V Banglar Mamata for 52964943 - expansion of economic life of the vessel. 52964944 - BMRE of M.VBanglar Maya for expansion of 52964944 - economic life of the vessel. 52964945 - BMRE of M.V Banglar Doot for exlpansion 52964945 - of economic life of the vessel. 52964981 - Procurement of Hydrographic Data 52964981 -nvB‡WªvMÖvwdK WvUv G¨vKzBwRkb GÛ cÖ‡mwms md&UIq¨vi Aquisition and Processing Software msMÖn 52964982 - Procurement and Installation of Aids to 52964982 -evsjv‡`k-fviZ cÖ‡UvKj i“‡Ui Rb¨ †bŠ-mnvqK hš Navigation for Bangladesh-India Protocol ¿cvwZ msMÖn Route 52964999 - Modernization of BSC Marine Workshop 52964999 -weGmwm †gwib IqvK©kc AvaywbKxKiY 5299-5299 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 5299-5299 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 5299 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 5299 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 52990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 52990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 53 - Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism 53 - †emvgwiK wegvb cwienY I ch©Ub gš¿Yvjq 5301-5320 - Administration 5301-5320 -cªkvmb 5301 - Secretariat 5301 -mwPevjq 53010001 - Secretariat 53010001 -mwPevjq 53015010 - Conversion of the DSL of debt into capital : 53015010 -cÖ`Ë F‡Yi wWGmGj ‡K g–ja‡b iƒcvš@i t †nv‡Uj Hotel International Limited B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjwg‡UW (‡mvbviMvuI) FY Pyw³ bs wewWwc- 4 53015020 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 53015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 5305 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 5305 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 53050000 - 53050000 - 53052801 - Bangladesh Biman Corporation 53052801 -evsjv‡`k wegvb K‡c©v‡ikb 53052803 - Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority 53052803 -evsjv‡`k wmwfj Gwf‡qkb A_wiwU 53052805 - Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation 53052805 -evsjv‡`k ch©Ub K‡cv©‡ikb 53052806 - Bangladesh Services Ltd. 53052806 -evsjv‡`k mvwf©‡mm wjt 53052807 - Hotel's International Ltd. 53052807 -†nv‡Ujm B›Uvib¨vkbvj wjt 53052808 - Bangladesh Tourism Board 53052808 -evsjv‡`k ch©Ub †evW©

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 53052814 - Bangladesh Telecommunications 53052814 -evsjv‡`k ‡UwjKwgDwb‡Kkbm †Kv¤•vbx wjt Company Ltd. 53054727 - Biman Bangladesh Air Lines Limited 53054727 -wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB›m wjwg‡UW 53055010 - Construction of motel and youth in 53055010 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae †gv‡Uj GÛ Bqy_ Bb †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae development of Budhist temple at kuakata eyw×÷ †U¤•j G¨vU KzqvKvUv GÛ cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae Gwm and procure of ac tourist coch for tourist U¨ywi÷ †KvP di U¨ywiRg †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/06 - development 30/06/10) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 53055011 - Construction of 5-Star Hotel at Chittagong 53055011 -PÆMÖv‡g 5-ZviKvgv‡bi †nv‡Uj wbgv©Y; 53055012 - Development of Tourism Facilities Near 53055012 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi ˆfie †mZz GjvKvq I jvjgwbinv‡Ui Bhairab Shetu of Kishoregonj and wm›`yigwZmn †`‡ki 5wU wewfbœ ¯’v‡b ch©Ub myweavw` Shindurmoti of Lalmonirhat along with wbgv©Y Creation of Tourism 53055013 - Construction of Tourism Centre at 53055013 -h‡kvi †Rjvi AfqbMi Dc‡Rjvq ch©Ub †K›`ª wbgv©Y Abhoynagar Upazilla at Jessore 53055014 - Creation of Tourism facilities at Babudying, 53055014 -y&PuvcvBbeveM‡Äi eveyWvBs-G ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Chapainababgonj. 53055015 - Creation of Tourism Facilities at 53055015 -e½eÜz ‡mZy GjvKvq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Bangabandhu Bridge 53055016 - Construction of Tourism Centre at Barishal 53055016 -ewikvj Ges ei¸bv †Rjvq ch©Ub †K›`ª wbgv©Y & Borguna District 53055017 - Creation of Tourism Facilities at Ancestral 53055017 -cÖL¨vZ ivRbxwZwe` †R¨wZemyi ˆcZ…K wbevm eviw`‡Z House of the Great Politician Jyoti Bosu at ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Barodi of Sonargaon 53055018 - Creation of Tourism Facilities at Char 53055018 -‡fvjv †Rjvi Pi KzKix gyKix‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Kukri Mukri 53055019 - Creation of Tourism Facilities at Different 53055019 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq ch©Ub myweav m„wó District of Bangladesh. 53055020 - Upgradation of Hazrat Shahjalal 53055020 -wRqv AvšR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡ii Avc‡Mª‡Wkb (01/01/09 International Airport (01/01/09-30/06/12) -30/06/09) 53055021 - Construction of Exclusive Tourist Zone at 53055021 -K·evRv‡ii gbLvjx‡Z G·K¬zwmf Uz¨wió †Rvb wbg©vY Monkhali, Cox's Bazar 53055022 - Construction of Parjatan Bhaban at 53055022 -AvMviMuvI¯’ †k‡ievsjv bM‡i ch©Ub feb wbgv©Y Sherebangla Nagar, Agargaon 53055023 - Creation of Tourism Facilities at Kaptai 53055023 -KvßvB †j‡K ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Lake 53055024 - Development of International Standard 53055024 -K·evRvi mgy`ª ˆmK‡Zi †gwiY WªvBf‡K †K›`ª K‡i Tourism Facilities at Marine Drive, Cox's Avš—R©vwZKgv‡bi ch©Ub myweavw`i Dbœqb Bazar 53055025 - Construction of Tourism Centre at 53055025 -PÆMÖvg †Rjvi gx‡iik¦ivB¯’ gnvgvqv †mP cÖKí GjvKvq Mohamia Irrigation Project Area of ch©Ub ‡K›`ª wbgv©Y Mirersorai Upazila under Chittagong District. 53055026 - Vertical Extension of Parjatan Moten 53055026 -gsjv Ges †UKbvd ch©Ub †gv‡U‡ji DaŸ©gyLx m¤cÖmviY Teknaf & Mongla 53055027 - Construction of Bangobandhu Chinta 53055027 -‡fvjvi gbcyivq e½eÜz wPš—v wbevm wbgv©Y Nibash at Monpura, Bhola 53055028 - Creation of Tourist Facilities at Mohongonj, 53055028 -‡b·Kvbv †Rjvi †gvnbMÄ, LvwjqvSzwi Ges KjgvKv›`vq Khaliajhuri & Kolmakanda of Netrokona. ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b 53055029 - Creation of Tourism Facilities at Nijhum 53055029 -‡bvqvLvjxi wbSzgØx‡c ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Dwip, Noakhali 53055030 - Creation of Tourist Facilities Near 53055030 -cÖ¯—vweZ cÙv †mZz GjvKvq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Proposed Padma Bridge 53055031 - Creation of Tourist Facilities at 53055031 -cÂM‡o ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Panchagarh 53055032 - Construction of Tourism Centre at 53055032 -‡b·Kvbv †Rjvi c~e©ajv Dc‡Rjvi ivRajvq ch©Ub †K›`ª Rajdhala of Purbodhala Upozilla, wbgv©Y Netrokona. 53055033 - Creation of Tourism Facilities along with 53055033 -my›`ie‡b mv‡cv©U f¨v‡mjmn ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Support Vassel at Sundarban.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 53055034 - Construction of Tourism Centre at 53055034 -mybvgMÄ †Rjvi †U‡KiNvU Ges Uv½yqvi nvI‡o ch©Ub Tekerghat & Tanguar Haor of Sunamgonj ‡K›`ª wbgv©Y District 53055035 - Construction of Watch Tower at Kuakata 53055035 -KzqvKvUvq IqvP UvIqvi wbgv©Y 53055036 - Construction of International Standard 53055036 -‡MvcvjM‡Äi Uzw½cvovq eûgyLx e¨envi Dc‡hvMx Tourism Centre for Multi Purpose Use at Avš—R©vwZKgv‡bi ch©Ub ‡K›`ª wbgv©Y Tungipara of Gopalgonj 53055037 - Ariport Safety and Security System 53055037 -evsjv‡`k wegvb e›`img‡ni †mdwU Ges wmwKDwiwU Improvement in Bangladesh e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) approved Aby‡gvw`Z 53057010 - Development of Barisal airport 53057010 -ewikvj wegvb e›`i Dbœqb cªKí 53057011 - Restructuring and Commercialization of 53057011 -wióªvKPvwis GÛ Kgvwk©qvjvB‡Rkb Ae wegvb Biman 53057020 - Proposed projects for Zia International 53057020 -wRqv AvšR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡ii cª¯vweZ cªKí (wRqv Airport AvšRv©wZK wegvbe›`i AvBGmGmGGg ¯’vcb) 53057021 - Study on Design of Operational Building 53057021 -wRqv AvšR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡ii K‡›Uªvj Equipment/Control Tower of ZIA UvIqvi/Acv‡ikbvj wewìs BK‚¨c‡g›U wWRvBb óvwW international Airport 53057030 - Construction of STOL airport (Mongla and 53057030 -‡`‡ki wewfbœ GjvKvq ÷j wegvb e›`i wbg©vY (gsjv I Bogra) e¸ovq ÷j‡cvU© wbgv©Y) (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 53057031 - Consultancy services for the project titled 53057031 -wRqv Avš@R©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb kxl©K cÖK‡ upgradation of Hazrat Shahjalal íi civgk©K †mev (01/07/2005-30/06/2008) International Airport Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2007-30/06/2011) 53057040 - Development of Shah Amanat Chittagong 53057040 -kvn AvgvbZ PÆMªvg wegvbe›`i‡K mycwimi wegvb PjvPj airport into an international airport with Dc‡hvMx Avš@R©vwZK wegvbe›`‡i iƒcvš@i (chv©q-1) facilities for operations of wide body (1/7/96-30/6/03) Aby‡gvw`Z aircraft (Phase-1) 53057050 - Construction of tourist motel and 53057050 -ev›`iev‡b chU©b †gv‡Uj I we‡bv`b †K›`« wbgv©Y recreation centre at Banderban 53057060 - Construction of cargo village at Zia 53057060 -wRqv AvšR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡i Kv‡M©v wf‡jR wbg©vY International Airport 53057070 - Construction of tourist motel and 53057070 -LvMovQwo‡Z chU©b †gv‡Uj I we‡bv`b †K›`« wbgv©Y recreation centre at Khagrachari 53057080 - Consturction of tourist motel at Modhutila 53057080 -gaywUjvq chU©b †K›`« wbgv©Y center 53057081 - National Hotel and Tourism Training 53057081 -RvZxq †nv‡Uj Ges ch©Ub cªwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU msµvš Institute KvwiMix mnvqZv cÖKí 53057090 - Procurement of ILS for Chittagong and 53057090 -PÆMªvg I wm‡jU wegvb e›`‡ii Rb¨ AvBGjGm msMªn Sylhet airport 53057100 - Development of Cox's Baar Airport 53057100 -K·evRvi wegvb e›`‡ii Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ch©vq) (Phase-1) (01/07/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 53057110 - Procurement of ATC simulator 53057110 -GwUwm wmgy‡jUi µq 53057120 - Construction of Stol airport at Noakhali and 53057120 -‡bvqvLvjx I nvwZqvq ój wegvb e›`i wbg©vY Hatia 53057130 - Procurement of fire vehicle and ambulance 53057130 -wewfbœ Acv‡ikbvj wegvb e›`‡ii Rb¨ dvqvi †fB‡Kj I for different operation airport G¤¦y‡j›m msMªn (wRqv AvšR©vwZK wegvbe›`i, PÆMªvg I wm‡jU wegvbe›`i Gi Rb¨) 53057140 - Establishment of tourism facilities at 53057140 -lvUb‡j chU©b myweavw` cÖeZ©b Shatnal 53057150 - Construction of tourism motel and tax-free 53057150 -‡ebv‡cv‡j chU©b †gv‡Uj wbgv©Y shop at Benapol 53057160 - a 53057160 -wRqv Avš@R©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii Uvwg©bvj fe‡bi m¤•ªmvwiZ As‡k 2q, 3q I †gRbvBb Zjv wbg©vY (1/7/2000- 30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 53057170 - Construction of Tourism Infrastructure in 53057170 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b ch©Ub myweavw`i Dbœqb Different Places Of Bangladesh (01/07/09 - 30/06/12)

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 53057180 - Development of Rourism Facilities in 53057180 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ, wK‡kviMÄ, ivRkvnx Ges iscyi Gi Chapainabahganj, Kishoreganj, ch©Ub myweavw`i Dbœqb (01/07/2010-30/06/2012) Rajshahi and Rangpur Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) 53057190 - Construction of a new Parjatan Motel at 53057190 -PUªMªvg¯’ †gv‡Uj ˆmKZ K¤•vD‡Û bZyb ch©Ub †gv‡Uj Motel Shaikat Compound in Chittagong wbg©vY Ges K·evRvi¯’ †nv‡Uj ‰kev‡ji cvk¦©w`K and Horizontal Extension of Hotel Shaibal m¤•ªmviY (01/12/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z at Cox’s Bazar) 53057210 - PROCUREMENT OF TWO WATER 53057210 -my›`ieb ch©Ub wk‡íi Dbœq‡b 2wU AvaywbK Rjhvb I 2wU VESSELS AND CONSTRUCTION IqvP UvIqvi wbgv©Y 53057220 - Technical assistance project on National 53057220 -RvZxq †nv‡Uj I ch©Ub cªwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU msµš Hotel and Tourism Training Institute KvwiMwi mnvqZv cÖKí 53057230 - Establishment of different tourism facilities 53057230 -evsjv‡`‡ki ch©Ub wkí Dbœq‡b wewfbœ myweavw`i cªeZ©b for development of tourism industry in Bangladesh 53057240 - Establishment of tourism facilities at 53057240 -gywRebM‡i ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Muzibnogar 53057250 - Establishment of tourism facilities at 53057250 -mvMi`vwo‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Shagordari 53057260 - 53057260 -cUyqvLvjx K…wl wegvb AeZiY †¶Î‡K ój‡cv©U G iƒcvši 53057310 - Construction of modern water vessel for 53057310 -my›`ieb ch©Ub wk‡íi Dbœq‡Y 1wU AZ¨vaywbK Rjhvb development of Sundarban tourism wbgv©Y 53057410 - Development of Chittagong Airport into an 53057410 -PÆMªvg wegvbe›`i‡K mycwimi wegvb PjvPj Dc‡hvMx International Airport (Phase-1) some Avš©RvwZK wegvbe›`‡i iƒcvši (chv©q-1 Ask we‡kl) components 53057411 - Development of manpower training 53057411 -wegv‡bi Rbkw³ cÖwk¶Y I DbœqY facilities of Biman 53057420 - Construction of tourism facilities at 53057420 -gvaeKy‡Û ch©Ub myweavw` wbg©vY Madhab kundo 53057430 - Construction of tourist motel at Tungipara 53057430 -Uyw½cvovq ch©Ub †gv‡Uj wbg©vY 53057440 - Introducing the Tourism Facility at Grater 53057440 -e„nËi w`bvRcy‡i ch©Ub myweavw` (cÂM‡o ch©Ub †gv‡Uj Dinajpur wbgv©Y Ges KvšRxi gw›`i mwbœK‡U ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©Y) 53057610 - 53057610 -gywRebMi I mvMi`vox‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b 53057810 - Construction of Tourism spot at Kaira 53057810 -Lyjbv †Rjvi Kqiv _vbv GjvKvq GKwU ch©Ub †K›`ª wbgv©Y Police station area in Khulna District 53057820 - Construction of Bagura Tourism Motel 53057820 -e¸ov ch©Ub ‡gv‡Uj wbgv©Y 01/7/02-30/6/04 wcwmwc Abz‡gvw`Z 53057830 - Sylhet district 53057830 -wm‡jU Imgvbx Avš@R©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii c¨v‡mÄvi Uvwg©bvj fe‡bi m¤•ªmviY I AvaywbKvqY Ges 2q Zjv wbg©vY cÖKí (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2003- 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 53057840 - Sylhet Osmani 53057840 -wm‡jU Imgvbx Avš@R©vwZK wegvbe›`i‡K mycwimi wegvb PjvPj Dc‡hvMxKiY (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2003- 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 53059500 - Development of tourism facilites at 53059500 -gvaeKz‡Û ch©Ub myweavw` Ges †bvqvLvjx †Rjvi gvBR`x Madhabkunda kn‡i ¯^íe¨vqx 20 K¶ wewkó †gv‡Uj I dvódzW †i‡¯viuv wbgv©Y 53059510 - Construction of low cost hotel at Cox's 53059510 -K·evRv‡i GKwU ¯^í e¨qx †nv‡Uj wbg©vY bazar 53059610 - Extension of International terminal 53059610 -wRqv Avš©RvwZK wegvbe›`i¯’ Avš©RvwZK Uv©wgbvj fe‡bi building at Zia. m¤•ªmviY (chv©q-1) 53059640 - Construction of five star hotel at Zia 53059640 -wRqv AvšR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡i AvšR©vwZK gv‡bi cvuP International Airport Zviv †nv‡Uj wbgv©Y 53059660 - Extension and development of the runway 53059660 -wm‡jU Imgvbx wegvbe›`i Gi ivbI‡qi m¤•ªmviY I of Sylhet Osmani Airport Dbœqb 53059670 - 20 CM covering on the runway of Zia 53059670 -wRqv Avš©RvwZK wegvbe›`i Gi ivbI‡q‡Z Av¯iY International Airport 53059680 - Procurement of two air buses 53059680 -2wU bZzb Gqvi evm µq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 53059710 - Provision of tourism facilities at Mujib 53059710 -gywRebMi I mvMo`vwo‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©Y nagar and Sagar dari 53059740 - Construction of international standard five 53059740 -wRqv AvšR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡i AvšR©vwZK gv‡bi cvuP star hotel at Zia International Airport Zviv †nv‡Uj wbg©vY 53059770 - Development of tourism facilities near 53059770 -‡mvbviMvI †jvK I Kvi“ wkí dvD‡Ûkb GjvKvi ch©Ub Sonargaon Loko-karu shilpa foundation myweav 53059780 - Expansion of 4th floor of hotel Abokash 53059780 -‡nv‡Uj AeKv‡ki 4_© Zjvi m¤•ªmviY 53059781 - Upgradation of Barisal Airport 53059781 -ewikvj wegvbe›`i Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí 53059782 - Upgradation of Coxsbazar Airport (2nd 53059782 -K·evRvi wegvbe›`i Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) kxl©K cÖKí phase) 53059783 - Construction of New International Airport 53059783 -XvKvi A`~‡i bZyb AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`i wbg©vY near Dhaka city 53059784 - Conversion of Khan Jahan Ali Stal port into 53059784 -wbg©vYvaxb Lvb Rvnvb Avjx ÷j †cvU©‡K Lvb Rvnvb Avjx Khan Jahan Ali Airport wegvbe›`‡i iƒcvšZi kxl©K cÖKí 53059785 - Construction of tourism infrastructure in 5 53059785 -evsjv‡`‡ki 5wU wewfbœ ¯’v‡b ch©Ub AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY different places of Bangladesh 53059786 - Constraction of Tourist resort in Teknaf 53059786 -‡UKbv‡d ch©Ub wi‡mvU© wbg©vY 53059787 - Construction of Parjatan Bhaban in 53059787 -AvMviMvI¯’ †k‡i-evsjv bM‡i ch©Ub feb wbg©vY Agargaon of Shere-Bangla Nagar 53059788 - Construction of Watch Tower in Kuakata 53059788 -KzqvKvUvq IqvP UvIqvi wbg©vY 53059789 - Establisment of Tourism facilities in 53059789 -PuvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi †mvbvgmwR` ¯’je›`‡i ch©Ub Sonamosjid landport in the District of myweavw` cÖeZ©b Chapainoabgonj 53059790 - Restructuring and development of 53059790 -iscyi ch©Ub †gv‡U‡ji ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb Rangpur Parjatan Motel 53059791 - Restructuring and development of 53059791 -ivRkvnx ch©Ub †gv‡U‡ji ms¯‹vi I Dbœqb Rajshahi Parjatan Motel 53059792 - Establishment of Tourism Training 53059792 -iscyi, wm‡jU, K·evRvi I gqgbwmsn †Rjvq ch©Ub Institute in Rangpur, Sylhet, Cox's bazar cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb and Mymensingh 53059793 - Construction of new Parjatan Motel in the 53059793 -PÆMÖvg¯’ †gv‡Uj ˆmK‡Zi ¯’v‡b GKwU bZyb ch©Ub place of Motel Saikat in Chittagong and †gv‡Uj K·evRvi¯’ †nv‡Uj ˆkev‡ji cvk¦©w`K m¤cÖmviY horizontal expansion of Hotel Shaibal 53059794 - Establishment of tourism facilities in the 53059794 -wK‡kviMÄ ˆfie †mZy GjvKvq Ges jvjgwbi nv‡Ui areas of Bhairab Bridge of Kishorgonj and wmÜyigwZ‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b in Sindurmoti of Lalmonirhat 53059795 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059795 -e½eÜy †mZy GjvKvq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Bangabandhu Bridge 53059796 - Establishment of Exclusive Tourist Zone in 53059796 -K·evRv‡ii gbLvwj‡Z G·K¬ywmf Uywi÷ †Rvb m„wó Monkhali of Cox's bazar 53059797 - Establishment of Exclusive Tourist Zone in 53059797 -‡UKbv‡di GMAvBj¨v‡Û G·K¬ywmf Uy¨wi÷ †Rvb m„wó Aigland of Teknaf 53059798 - Elevation of Cox's bazar Golf course into 53059798 -K·evRvi¯’ Mjd †Kvm©‡K 18 ‡nv‡j DbœxZKiY Ges 18 holes and Construction of 300 room 300 K‡¶i AvšZR©vwZKgv‡bi exP †nv‡Uj wbg©vY international standard Beach Hotel in Cox's bazar 53059799 - Establishment of International Standard 53059799 -ch©Ub Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi †gv‡Uj feb †f‡½ kwcs gjmn Tourism facilities demolising Motels. wewfbœ AvšZR©vwZKgv‡bi ch©Ub myweav m„wó 53059800 - Construction of Support vesel in 53059800 -my›`ie‡b mv‡cvU© f¨v‡mj wbg©vY Sundarban 53059801 - Construction of Youth-in in Cox's bazar 53059801 -K·evRv‡i B‡qv_ Bb wbg©vY 53059802 - Establishment of Sky Train in Cox's bazar 53059802 -K·evRv‡i ¯‹vB †U«b-Gi e¨e¯’v 53059803 - Installation of International Standard 53059803 -‡`‡ki ch©Ub AvKl©Yxq ¯’vbmg~‡ni wbKUeZ©x cÖavb cÖavb Signage in the roads near Tourism iv¯Zvq AvšZR©vwZKgv‡bi mvB‡bR ¯’vcb Attraction place 53059804 - Establishment of Tourism facilities in 53059804 -wbSzg Øx‡c ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Nijhum Dip 53059805 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059805 -wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi gQyqv‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` Masua of Kishorgong

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 53059806 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059806 -cÂM‡o ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Panchagor 53059807 - 53059807 -Uvs¸qvi nvI 53059808 - Establishment of tourism facilities in Haor 53059808 -Uvs¸qvi nvI‡p ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b of Tangua 53059809 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059809 -kªxg½‡j ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Srimangal 53059810 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059810 -‡b·Kvbv¯’ LvwjqvSywo I KgjvKv›`vq ch©Ub myweavw` Khaliajhuri and Kamlakanda of Netrakona cÖeZ©b 53059811 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059811 -Lyjbvi `v‡Kvc Dc‡Rjvi ˆKjvkM‡Ä ch©Ub myweavw` Dakop of Khulna cÖeZ©b 53059812 - Establishment of tourism facilities in Katka 53059812 -my›`ie‡bi KUKvq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b of Sundharban 53059813 - 53059813 -ågY Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq hvbevnb msMÖn 53059814 - 53059814 -cÖv_wgKfv‡e 10wU †Rjvq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b 53059815 - 53059815 -3wU cve©Z¨ †Rjvq ch©Ub †K›`ª I K¨vej Kvi ¯’vcb 53059816 - 53059816 -XvKv-PÆMÖvg gnvmo‡K myweavRbK ¯’v‡b I‡q mvBW †i‡ ¯Zviuv wbg©vY 53059817 - 53059817 -iscyi¯’ wPKwj we‡j AvaywbK ch©Ub †K›`ª wbg©vY 53059818 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059818 -MvRxcyi¯’ auvavi P‡i ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Dhadhar Char of Gaziour 53059819 - 53059819 -gnvLvjx¯’ †nv‡Uj AeKvk‡K ZviKvgv‡bi †nv‡U‡j DbœxZKiY 53059820 - 53059820 -ev¯Zevqbvaxb c`¥v †mZy Dfqcv‡k¦© AvšZR©vwZKgv‡bi ch©Ub †K›`ª wbg©vY 53059821 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059821 -Lyjbvi gyRMbœx‡Z ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Mujganni of Khulna 53059822 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059822 -nweMį’ evwbqvPs I Kywgj­vi eywoPs-G ch©Ub myweavw` Baniachang of Habigong and Burichang of cÖeZ©b Comilla 53059823 - Establishment of tourism facilities in 53059823 -jvjgwbinvU †Rjvi nvwZevÜvq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b Hatibandha of Lalmanirhat 53059824 - 53059824 -ag©xq I †bŠ-ch©Ub Dbœqb cÖKí 53059825 - Establishment of tourism facilities in Tista 53059825 -wZ¯Zv e¨v‡iR-G ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b berej 53059826 - Establishment of boat club in Hrizu Khal of 53059826 -K·evRvi¯’ FRy Lv‡j †evU K¬ve wbg©vY Cox's bazar 53059827 - 53059827 -cÖPvi I wecYb Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv cÖKí 53059828 - 53059828 -I‡qe-†cvU©vj I B-Mf‡b©›m cÖKí 53059829 - Construction of Bangabandhu Sheikh 53059829 -e½eÜz †kL gywRe AvšÍR©vwZK wegvb e›`i wbg©vY kxl©K Mujib International Airport cÖKí 53059830 - Development of Barishal Airport 53059830 -ewikvj wegvb e›`i Dbœqb kxl©K cÖKí 53059831 - Construction of Terminal Building, Cargo 53059831 -K•evRvi wegvbe›`‡ii Uvwg©bvj feb, Kv‡M©v wf‡jR, Village, Apron and allied Infrastructure at G‡cÖvb Ges Avbylw½K AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY kxl©K cÖKí Cox’sbazar Airport 53059832 - Construction of Khan Jahan Ali Airport 53059832 -LvbRvnvb Avjx wegvb e›`i wbg©vY kxl©K cÖKí 5306 - International Organisations - Transfers 5306 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 53062801 - Civil Avaiation Authority 53062801 -‡emvgwiK wegvb PjvPj KZ©„c¶ 53064391 - World Tourism Organisation 53064391 -wek¦ ch©Ub ms¯’v 5396-5398 - Development Programme Financed by 5396-5398 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 5396 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 5396 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget 53960000 - Block Allocation 53960000 -‡_vK eivÏ 53964000 - Promotional Program for publication and 53964000 -ch©Ub wk‡íi cÖPvi I weKv‡ki j‡¶¨ cÖ‡gvkbvj Kvh©µg Improvement of tourism ind.

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 53964350 - Integration of automation System of 53964350 -Bw›U‡Mªkb wm‡÷g Ae evsjv‡`k ch©Ub K‡c©v‡ikb Bangladesh Porjoton Corporation 5399-5399 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 5399-5399 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 5399 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 5399 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 53990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 53990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 54 - Ministry of Post and Telecommunications 54 - WvK I †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM gš¿Yvjq 5401-5420 - Administration 5401-5420 -cªkvmb 5401 - Secretariat 5401 -mwPevjq 54010001 - Secretariat 54010001 -mwPevjq 54015010 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 54015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 54015011 - strengthening the policy 54015011 -‡÷ªs‡`wbs w` cwjwm dg©y‡jkb K¨vcvwewjwUR Ae wgwbw÷« Ae †cv÷ GÛ †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkbm (01/07/2003-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 54015351 - Consultancy for establishment of 54015351 -†Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM †mevi Rb¨ GKwU wbqšK cÖwZôvb ¯’vc‡bi Regulatory Organization in respect of wbwg‡Ë civgk©K †mev (2q ms‡kvwaZ) Tele-communication Services 5405 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 5405 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 54052718 - Teletalk 54052718 -†UwjUK 54052719 - Licensing Authority of Mailing Operator and 54052719 -‡gBwjs Acv‡iUi I Kzwiqvi mvwf©m Courier Service 54052811 - 54052811 -‡Uwj‡dvb wkí ms¯’v 54052812 - Bangladesh Cable Industry Ltd. Khulna. 54052812 -evsjv‡`k †Kej wkí wjwg‡UW, Lyjbv 54052813 - 54052813 -evsjv‡`k K¨vej wkí wjt 54052814 - 54052814 -evsjv‡`k †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkbm †Kv¤•vbx wjt 54052815 - Bangladesh Telecommunication Control 54052815 -evsjv‡`k †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM wbqš¿Y Kwgkb Commission 54052816 - Bangladesh Telecom Company Ltd. 54052816 -evsjv‡`k †UwjKg †Kv¤•vwb wjt 54052818 - Submarine Cable Company 54052818 -mve‡gwib K¨vej †Kv¤•vbx 54055010 - Optical Fiber cable network development 54055010 -Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q AcwUK¨vj dvBevi K¨vej †bUIqvK© at Upazilla Level (01-07-2010-30-06-2016) Dbœqb cÖKí (01/07/2010 - 30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 54055011 - Technical Assistance for Improving Public 54055011 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di BgcÖ“wfs cvewjK Administration through E-Solutions GWwgwbm‡U«kb GÛ mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi †_ªv B-mwjDk›m cÖ Project:Support Extending E-services with ‡R±t mv‡cvU© G·‡UwÛs B-mvwf©‡mm DB_ jv÷ gvBj Last Mail Connectivity in a Selected District Kv‡bKwUwfwU Bb G wm‡j‡±W wWw÷ªK (AvDUcyU-1) (01/07/2013-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z (Output1) (01-07-2013-30-06-2014 ) Approved 54055012 - "Installation of Wireless Broadband 54055012 -wWwRUvj evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ Iq¨vi‡jm eªWe¨vÛ †bUIqvK© Network for Digital Bangladesh" ¯’vcb 54055013 - "Installation of NGN Based 54055013 -wWwRUvj evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ GbwRGb †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb Telecommunication Network for Digital †bUIqvK© ¯’vcb (01/07/2014-30/06/17) Bangladesh (NTN)" (Aby‡gvw`Z) 54055014 - "Optical Fibre Cable Network Development 54055014 -`yM©g GjvKvq 1000 wU BDwbqb cwil‡` AcwUK¨vj in 1000 Union Parishad of Durgam dvBevi K¨vej †bUIqv©K Dbœqb (Remote) Areas" 54055015 - Bangabandhu Satellite Launching Project 54055015 -e½eÜz m¨v‡UjvBU Dr†¶cY cÖKí 54055016 - Introduction of 3G technology and 54055016 -3-wR cÖhyw³ PvjyKiY I 2.5-wR †bUIqvK© m¤cÖmviY Expansion of 2.5G Network (Phase II) (ch©vq-2) 54055017 - Installation and Establishment of 2nd 54055017 -evsjv‡`‡ki Avš—R©vwZK †Uwj‡hvvM‡hvM e¨e¯’vi Ask Submarine Cable System (SMW-5) for wn‡m‡e wØZxq mve‡gwib †Kej wmwgBD-5 ¯’vcb International Telecommunications in Bangladesh 54055018 - Establishment of the Interconnecting 54055018 -wmwgBD-4 I wmwgBD-5 mve‡gwib †Kej wm‡÷‡g Submarine Cable System Between the evsjv‡`‡ki †Kej j¨vwÛs †ók‡bi g‡a¨ Avš—©ms‡hvM SMW-4 and SMW-5 Cable Landing ¯’vcb Stations of Bangladesh

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 54055019 - Installation of wireless Broadband 54055019 -wWwRUvj evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ Iq¨vi‡jm eªWe¨vÛ †bUIqvK© Network for Digital Bangladesh ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/05/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/05/2014-30/06/2017) approved. 54055020 - Launching of Banggabandhu Satellite 54055020 -e½eÜy m¨v‡UjvBU Dr‡¶cb cÖKí (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) approved (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 54055021 - 54055021 -‡óªs‡`wbs w` BÝwUwUkb K¨vcvwmwU Ae wewUAviwm (1/7/2003-30/6/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 54055022 - Regional Submarine Telecommunications 54055022 -AvÂwjK mve‡gwib †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM cÖKí, evsjv‡`k Projects, Bangladesh 54056041 - strengthening the 54056041 -†÷«s‡`wbs w` †i¸‡jUwi K¨cvwmwU Ae wewUAviwm (1/7/03-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 54056050 - Installation of digital telephone exchange 54056050 -Dc‡Rjv I †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ of Upazillas of growth centers ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/02 - 30/06/09) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 54056051 - strengthening 54056051 -‡÷«s‡`wbs w` Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Ae wewUAviwm (1/7/03-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 54057000 - Internet Information Network Expansion 54057000 -B›Uvi†bU Z_¨ ‡bUIqvK© m¤•ÖmviY (Bb‡dv-evnb) (INFO -BAHAN) (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 54057001 - 54057001 -Bb÷‡jkb Ad wcIGm ‡gwkb GÛ GwUGg ey_m Bb ‡cv÷ Awdm‡m 54057002 - 2.5G Network Extention 54057002 -2.5wR †bUIqvK© m¤¤•ªªmviY 54057003 - Telecommunication Network Development 54057003 -†Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM †bUIqvK© cÖKí Project 54057004 - Wireless Broadband Network for Digital 54057004 -wWwRUvj evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ Iqvi‡jm eªWe¨vÛ †bUIqvK© Bangladesh 54057005 - NGN Based Telecommunication Network 54057005 - wWwRUvj evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ GbwRGb wfwËK for Digital Bangladesh †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM †bUIqvK© e¨e¯’v 54057006 - Installation of Digital Exchange in Shaltha 54057006 -mvj_v Dc‡Rjvq wWwRUvj G•‡PÄ ¯’vcb Upazilla 54057010 - Telecommunication Network Development 54057010 -‡UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Abz‡gvw`Z 54057020 - Introduction of 3 G Technology and 54057020 -3 wR †bUIqvK© cÖhyw³ cÖeZ©b I 2.5 wR †bUIqvK© Expansion of 2.5G Network m¤•ªmviY (01-01-2011-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 54057030 - aaa 54057030 -1000wU BDwbqb cwil‡` AdwUK¨vj dvBevi K¨vej †bUIqvK© Dbœqb (01/01/2012-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 54057110 - 54057110 -Kb÷ÖvKkb/G¨KzBwRkb Ae 4bs 108wUBByGm †mjd/†cÖv‡cì †mjyjvi Kb‡UBbvi †f‡mj Ae 100 wU.B.BD.Gm di we.AvB.ewe­D.wU.wm (01/01/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 5406 - International Organisations 5406 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 54064401 - World Postal Institute 54064401 -wek¦ WvK ms¯’v 5431-5440 - Post 5431-5440 -WvK wefvM 5431 - Postal Department 5431 -WvK wefvM 54310000 - Postal Department 54310000 -WvK wefvM 54310001 - 54310001 -WvK wefvM 54310002 - 54310002 -‰e‡`wkK WvK cÖkvmb 54315010 - Development of post office of up-grated 54315010 -cÖkvmwbK we‡K›`ªxKi‡Yi AvIZvq g‡bvbxZ Dc‡Rjv upazilla under decentralisation m`‡i Aew¯’Z WvKNimg–‡ni Dbœqb 54315011 - Construction of Head Quarters Building of 54315011 -‡k‡i evsjv bMi WvK Awa`ßi feb wbg©vY Bangladesh Post at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar 54315012 - Modernization of Mail Transmission 54315012 -WvK wefv‡Mi WvK cwienb e¨e¯’v AvaywbKxKiY System of 54315013 - Construction of Head Quarters Building of 54315013 -evsjv‡`k WvK Awa`߇ii m`i `ßi wbg©vY cÖKí Bangladesh Postal Department (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) approved 54315020 - Rehabilitation of post office affected by 54315020 -1991 mv‡ji N–wY©So, R‡jv”Q¡¡vm ¶wZMª¯’ WvKNi BZ¨vw` cyclone and tidal in 1991 cybev©mb I cybtwbgv©Y

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 54315030 - Construction and reconstruction of 9 54315030 -4 wU ‡g‡U«vcwjUb kn‡i 9 wU UvDb mve Awdm sub-town post office buildings in 4 wbgv©Y/cybtwbgv©Y/m¤•ÖmviY (01/07/92 - 30/06/2002) metropolitan cities 54315040 - Procurement of fax, computer and other 54315040 -WvKmvwf©m AvaywbKxKi‡Yi j‡¶¨ Kw¤•DUvi I Ab¨vb¨ equipment for Postal department hšcvwZ msMªn (01/07/1993 - 30/06/2000) 54315050 - Construction and expansion of training 54315050 -evsjv‡`k WvKwefv‡Mi cªwk¶Y †K›`«¸‡jv wbg©vY I center of Bangladesh Postal Department m¤•ªmviY 54315060 - Development of rural postal service 54315060 -MªvgxY WvK mvwf©m Dbœqb 54315070 - Construction, reconstruction and 54315070 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ cªavb WvKNi I wWwcGgwR Awdm I expansion of main post office, DPMG evmM„n wbgv©Y, m¤•ªmviY I bZzbZ¡KiY office, residential building of Postal department 54315072 - Rehabilitation project of damages of 54315072 -1998 mv‡ji eb¨vq WvK wefv‡Mi ¶q¶wZi cybe©vmb Postal department by 1998 flood cÖKí (01/07/99 - 30/06/2002) 54315080 - Postal printing 54315080 -†cv÷vj wcÖw›Us †cÖm‡K kw³kvjx Kivi j‡¶¨ bZzb gy`ªY †gwkb msMÖn I ¯’vcb (01/07/06 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 54315090 - Development of rural Postal services 54315090 -MªvgxY WvK mvwf©m Dbœqb 2q ch©vq (Phase-2) (01/07/1996-30/06/2003) 54315100 - Bangladesh Postal 54315100 -evsjv‡`‡ki WvK wefv‡Mi 4wU wRwcI I 66 wU cÖavb WvKN‡ii †UªRvwi Ges ÷¨vcIqvi nvD‡Ri wbivcËv e¨e¯’v AvaywbKxKiY I kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/2006-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 54315110 - Acquisition of land at upazilla HQ for Postal 54315110 -†`‡ki 114wU _vbv m`‡i WvKNi wbgv©b I †cv÷ department gv÷v‡ii evmv wbgv©Y/cybtwbgv©Y/m¤•ÖmviY (01/07/95 - 30/06/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 54315120 - Strengthening the postal academy & 4 54315120 -‡cv÷vj GKv‡Wwg I 4wU †cv÷vj †U«wbs †m›Uvi postal training center of hunman kw³kvjxKiY Ges gvbe m¤•` Dbœqb (01/07/2008 - resources development 30/06/2010) 54315130 - Construction/Re-construction of 54315130 -evsjv‡`k WvK wefv‡Mi Awab¯’ RivRxY© WvKNimg–‡ni Dilapidated rebuildings of Bangladesh wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY (01/07/2008 - 30/12/2010) post office 54315140 - aaa 54315140 -Z_¨ cÖhyw³ wbf©i MªvgxY WvKNi wbgv©Y (01/07/2011-30/06/2013) 54315150 - aaa 54315150 -‡cv÷-B-†m›Uvi di i“evj KwgDwbwU (01/01/2012-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 54315720 - Construction of 20 sub-town post offices 54315720 -evsjv‡`‡ki 4wU †g‡UªvcwjUb kn‡i 20 wU UvDb mve and 80 unit residential buildings in Dhaka Awdm wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY/m¤•ªmviY Ges XvKv I PÆMªvg and Chittagong †g‡U«vcwjUb kn‡i wefvMxq Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ wewfbœ †kªYxi 80wU BDwbU AvevwmK feb wbgv©Y I m¤•ªmviY (01/07/97 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54315730 - Construction of 12 mail sorting offices and 54315730 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b 12 wU †gBj GÛ mwU©s Awdm I 50 sub Post office buildings 50wU mve-†cv÷ Awdm wbgv©Y (01/07/1997-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54315732 - Procurement and installation of letter 54315732 -evsjv‡`k WvK wefv‡Mi Rb¨ A‡Uv‡gwUK †jUvi mwU©s sorting machine for Bangladesh Postal †gwkb msMÖn I ¯’vcb (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) department ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 54315733 - Construction of Muzibnagor complex Post 54315733 -‡g‡nicyi †Rjvi gywRebMi Kg‡c­· WvKNi wbgv©Y office at Meharpur district (01/07/99 - 30/06/2001) 54315734 - Construction/Expansion / Innovation 54315734 -‡Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z cÖavb WvKNi I wefvMxq Awdm project of main Post office situated at wbgv©Y/m¤•ÖmviY/bZzbZ¡KiY cÖKí distirct sadar and divisional office (01/07/2000-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54315735 - Procurement of other equipment including 54315735 -WvK wefv‡Mi Rb¨ †gvevBj f¨vbmn Ab¨vb¨ hš¿cvwZ mobile van for Postal department msMÖn (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54315736 - Development of rural Postal services 54315736 -MÖvgxY WvK mvwf©m Dbœqb 3q chv©q (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (Phase-3) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 54315745 - bangladesh 54315745 -evsjv†`k WvKwefv†Mi wewfbœ _vbv m`†i WvKNi wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY/m¤•ÖmviY (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 54315750 - Village Postal Service Development(Fourth 54315750 -MªvgxY WvK mvwf©‡mi Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq) Phase) 01/07/2008-30/06/2010 Abyt

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 54315755 - Automation Work of Bangladesh Postal 54315755 -evsjv‡`k WvK wefv‡Mi Kvh© cÖwµqv ¯^qswµqKiY Department(01/07/2008-30/06/2011) (01/07/2008-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z approved 54316010 - 54316010 -wewfbœ cÖKv‡ii hšÎcvwZ msMÖ‡ni gva¨‡g WvK wefv‡Mi Kvh©µg hvwšÎKxKiY 54316020 - 54316020 -mKj †Rjv kn‡iB †cvó mvwf©‡mm G cÖeZ©Y 54316030 - 54316030 -‡cv÷vj wcÖw›Us †cÖ‡mi gvb DbœxZKiY 54316040 - 54316040 -KvD›Uvi A‡Uv‡gkb cvBjU cÖ‡R± I I‡qf mvBU cÖeZ©Y 54316041 - 54316041 -K) MÖvgxb Rb‡Mvwôi Rb¨ Ò‡cv÷-B-‡m›UviÓ ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq) 54316042 - Construction of ICT based Rural Post 54316042 -Z_¨ cÖhyw³ wbf©i MÖvgxY WvKNi wbg©vY Offices 54316043 - 54316043 -XvKv wRwcI-‡Z m‡e©v”P MÖvnK †mev cÖ`v‡bi j‡¶¨ m¤cÖmviY, cybtweb¨vm I bZzbZ¡KiY 54316044 - 54316044 -‡ki-B-evsjv bM‡i WvK Awa`ßi (WvK feb) wbg©vY| 54316045 - 54316045 -evsjv‡`k WvK wefv‡Mi Aaxb¯’ RivRxY© febmg~‡ni wbg©vY/c~Ytwbg©vY (2q ch©vq) 54316046 - 54316046 -WvKNimg~‡n Aew¯’Z miKvwi m¤ú‡`i mvwe©K wbivcËv wbwðZ Ki‡Yi j‡¶¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv I wbivcËv e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb| 54316047 - 54316047 -evsjv‡`k WvK wefv‡Mi Rb¨ †`ke¨cx ¯^qsm¤ú~Y© I ¯^wbf©i WvK `ªe¨ msMÖn, cwienb I wewj e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb| 54316048 - 54316048 -WvK wefv‡Mi Kvh© cÖwµqv ¯^qswµqKiY (2q ch©vq) 54316049 - 54316049 -evsjv‡`k WvK wefv‡Mi Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i gv‡S mvwe©K `¶Zv e„w×g~jK cÖwk¶Y I Ab¨vb¨ gvbem¤ú` Dbœqbg~jK cÖwk¶Y Kg©m~Pxi ev¯—evqb| 54316050 - Post e-center for Rural Community 54316050 -MÖvgxb RbMvwói Rb¨ cv÷ B-mUvi ¯vcb 54319999 - Postal department - transfer 54319999 -WvK wefvM-¯’vbvši 5432 - Field Offices 5432 -gvV ch©v‡qi Awdmmgn 54320000 - Field Offices 54320000 -gvV ch©v‡qi Awdmmg‚n 5441-5450 - Telecommunications 5441-5450 -‡Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM wefvM 5441 - T&T Board 5441 -wU GÛ wU †evW© 54410000 - T&T Board 54410000 -wU GÛ wU †evW© 54415000 - Unallocated block 54415000 -AeivÏK…Z †_vK 54415010 - Installation of Digital Telephone 54415010 -evsjv‡`‡ki PÆMÖvg-Lyjbv I wm‡jU wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb Exchanges in the Cities of Chittagong- G·‡PÄ jvBb ¯’vcb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) Khulna-Sylhet in Bangladesh (1/7/2002-30/6/06) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 54415020 - Installation of International 54415020 -mve‡gwib K¨ve‡ji gva¨‡g Avš@R©vwZK †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM Tele-Communication System Through e¨e¯’v ¯’vcb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (1-9-2000-31-3-2006) Sub-marine Cable Aby‡gvw`Z 54415030 - Installation of Optical Fiber Links among 54415030 -evsjv‡`‡ki K‡qKwU †Rjv m`‡i AcwUK¨vj dvBevi some District Headquarters of wjsK ¯’vcb Bangladesh 54415040 - Installation of Cellular Mobile Construction 54415040 -10 (`k) j¶ wUGÛwU †gvevBj (1g ch©vq 2.5 j¶) of (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (1-7-2002-30-6-2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Konakhola-Kholamora-Hazuatpur-Etabata- Hamyetpur Road (1/7/2002-30/6/2007) 54415111 - Establishment of Bangladesh 54415111 -evsjv‡`k ‡UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb †i¸‡jUix Kwgkb Tele-Communication Regulatory (wewUAviwm) ¯’vcb Commission (BTRC) 54415120 - Flood rehabilitation project of 54415120 -‡Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM eb¨v cybe©vmb cªªKí telecommunication 54415140 - Set up of Radio link in 89 Upazilla and 54415140 - 89 wU Dc‡Rjv Ges Ab¨vb¨ ¯’v‡b †iwWI wjsK ¯’vcb other places 54415160 - Installation of 30,000 digital telephone 54415160 -PÆMªv‡g 30,000 jvBb wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb ¯’vcb lines in Chittagong 54415170 - Flood rehabilitation project of 54415170 -‡Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM NwY©So cybe©vmb cªªKí telecommunication

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 54415180 - Installation of 'A' standard satellinte at 54415180 -XvKvq óvÛv©W ÔGÕ f - DcMªn †K›`« ¯’vcb Dhaka 54415210 - Establishment of computer centre and 54415210 -evsjv‡`k wU GÛ wU †ev‡W©i Kw¤•DUvi †K›`« Ges WvUv data communication system for KwgDwb‡Kkb e¨e¯’vi cÖeZ©b Bangladesh T&T Board 54415220 - Modernization of 2 Coaster Station at 54415220 -gsjv wQwjgcy‡i Aew¯’Z †Kvóvi †ókb 2wU AvaywbKvqb Silipur, Mongla Ges wRGgwWGmGm hšcvwZ Øviv mw¾ZKiY (01/07/2000-31/12/2002) 54415221 - Advisory services for updating commercial 54415221 -evwYwR¨K wnmve c×wZ g¨vby‡qjmgy‡ni nvjbvMv`KiY accounting manual, training and cªwk¶Y I wnmve cÖ¯yZKi‡Yi Rb¨ Dc‡`óv mvwf©m preparation of accounts (KvwiMwi) 54415231 - Assistance in traffic forecasting and 54415231 -U«vwdK ‡dviKvwós mnvqZv I wU GÛ wU †ev‡W©i cwiKíbv strengthening of BTTB planning unit kvLv‡K †Rvi`viKiY 54415240 - Modernistion of Tephone Shilpa Sangstha 54415240 -‡Uwj‡dvb wkí ms¯’v‡K AvaywbK c×wZ‡Z iƒcvši Kivi wbwg†Ë 54415260 - Establishment of 1,30,000 Digital 54415260 -evsjv‡`‡k 1,30,000 wWwRU¨vj †Uwj‡dvb jvBb ¯’vcb Telephone line in Bangladesh 54415270 - Greater Dhaka telecommunication network 54415270 -e„nËi XvKvi ‡Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb (chv©q-2) improvement (Phase-2) (ms‡kvwaZ-4) (01/07/90 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 54415280 - Installation of trunk automatic exchange in 54415280 -3wU †Rjv m`‡i Uª¨vsK A‡Uv‡gwUK G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb 3 district HQ (01/07/95 - 30/06/2000) 54415290 - Establishment and expansion of 54415290 -evsjv‡`‡k K‡qKwU †Rjv m`i I Ab¨vb¨ ¯’v‡b AMªvwaKvi telephone lines in different district HQ wfwˇZ †Uwj‡dvb jvBb ¯’vcb/m¤•ªmviY 54415310 - Intallation of telephone line at Abhoinagar 54415310 -h‡kvi †Rjvi AfqbMi I mvikv Dc‡Rjvq Ri“ix wfwË and Sharsha upazilla on emergency basis ‡Z †Uwj‡dvb jvBb ¯’vcb/m¤•ªmviY 54415320 - Installation MW linki between Khulna, 54415320 -Lyjbv-ewikvj-PÆMªvg-K·evRvi-XvKv Ges Barisal , Chittagong, Cox's Bazar, Dhaka wm‡jU-gqgbwmsn-iscyi gvB‡µvI‡qf c×wZ ¯’vcb and Sylhet, Mymensingh, Rangpur 54415330 - Conversion of existing analog telephone 54415330 -‡dbx †Rjv m`‡i we`¨gvb GbvjM †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ into 2000 line digital exchange at Feni iƒcvši K‡i 2,000 jvBb wWwRUvj G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb District HQ 54415340 - Modernation of TSS with appropriate 54415340 -‡Uwj‡dvb wkí ms¯’v‡K AvaywbK c×wZ‡Z iƒcvšwiZ technology Kwievi wbwg‡Ë eQ‡i 1,00,000 jvBb wWwRUvj myBwPs 54415350 - 54415350 -†Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM †mevi Rb¨ GKwU wbqšY KvVv‡gv ¯’vc‡bi wbwg‡Ë civgk©K †mev 54415351 - Consultancy services to establish a 54415351 -‡Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM †mevi Rb¨ GKwU wbqšY KvVv‡gv ¯’vcb regulatory organisation for wbwg‡Ë civgk©K †mev (ms‡kvwaZ) telecommunication services (Revised) 54415352 - Installation of high power optical fibre link 54415352 -XvKv DËie‡½i g‡a¨ D”P ¶gZv m¤•bœ AcwUK¨vj between Dhaka and North bengal dvBevi wjsK ¯’vcb 54415360 - High capacity optical fibre system between 54415360 -¯•vi U«v›mwgkb wjsKmn XvKv-PÆMªv‡gi g‡a¨ D”P ¶gZv Dhaka and Chittagong m¤•bœ AcwUK¨vj dvBevi c×wZ cÖeZ©b (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/98 - 30/06/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 54415371 - Telecommunication tariff study 54415371 -‡UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb U¨vwid óvwW 54415381 - Development of a standard licence for 54415381 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae G ó¨vÛv©W jvB‡mÝ di †UwjKg mvwf© telecom service in Bangladesh ‡mm Bb evsjv‡`k 54415390 - Installation of 200,00 digital telephone 54415390 -2,66,000 wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb jvBb ¯’vcb (76,000 lines (Revised) (66,000 lines converted to jvBb wWwRUvj jvB‡b iƒcvš@imn) 4_© ms‡kvwaZ digital) (01/07/94 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54415392 - Establishment/Expansion of digital 54415392 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjv kn‡i wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb G· telephone exchange at various district ‡PÄ ¯’vcb/m¤•ÖmviY towns of Bangladesh 54415393 - Post flood rehabilitation of 54415393 -1998 mv‡ji eb¨v‡Ëvi †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM cyYe©vmb cÖKí Tele-communication project'98 54415410 - Study on the choice of the technology for 54415410 -÷vwW Ab w` P‡qm Ae w` †UK‡bvjwR di w` the development of network †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †bUIqv©K 54415510 - Installation of digital lines telephone lines 54415510 -MvRxcyi †Rjvi kªxcyi, Kvcvwmqv, Kvwjqv‰Ki I KvwjMÄ in the district of Gazipur at Sripur, _vbv m`‡i wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb ms‡kvwaZ Kapashia, Kaliakoir and Kaligonj upazilla (01/12/98 - 31/12/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z proper

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 54415520 - Insttalation of digital exchange and radio 54415520 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j wWwRUvj †iwWI wjsK I wWwRUvj links in the Chittagong Hill Trancts †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb (01/07/99 - 30/06/2002) 54415522 - Installation / Expansion of digital telephone 54415522 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjv kn‡i wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb G· exchange at different district town of ‡PÄ ¯’vcb/m¤•ÖmviY (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/99 - Bangladesh 30/06/2006) Aby†gvw`Z 54415523 - Establishment of digital telephone at 54415523 -‡g‡nicyi †Rjvq gywRebMi Kg‡c­‡· wWwRU¨vj Muzibnagor in Meherpur district †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb ms‡kvwaZ (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 54415551 - Consultancy services to support regulatory 54415551 -KÝvjU¨vwÝ mvwf©‡mm Uz mv‡cvU© †i¸‡jUwi dvskb function, frequency management and wd«Kz‡qwÝ g¨v‡bRg¨v›U GÛ cÖvB‡fU †m±i Acv‡ikb private sector operation related activities of wi‡cv©U GKwUwfwU Ae GgIwcwU MOPT 54415561 - Consultancy services to support regulatory 54415561 -KÝvjU¨vwÝ mvwf©‡mm Uz mv‡cvU© †i¸‡jUwi dvskb function, frequency management, private wd«‡Kv‡qwÝ g¨v‡bR†g›U GÛ cÖvB‡fU †m±i Acv‡ikb sector operation related activities of MOPT wi‡j‡UW Gw±wfwUR Ae GgIwcwU (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 54415562 - Development of Intercom connection 54415562 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ †UwjKg Acv‡iUi‡`i g‡a¨ Avšt facilities among the Telecom-operator of ms‡hvM myweavi Dbœqb (01/07/2000-30/06/2003) Bangladesh 54415571 - Institute for regulatory procedures and 54415571 -Bbw÷wUDU †W‡fjc‡g›U †i¸‡jUwi cÖwmwWDi GÛ ÷vwW study for telecommunications sector di †UwjKg †m±i widg©m reforms 54416010 - Installation of Tele-Communication 54416010 -2002 mvj XvKvq AbywôZ b¨vg m‡¤§j‡b AvMZ we‡`kx Facilities for the Foreign Guests attending AwZ_x‡`i Rb¨ †UwjKg myweav cÖ`vb the NAM Conference on Year of 2002 at Dhaka 54416020 - Expansion of Data-Network and Inter-net 54416020 -evsjv‡`k e¨vcx B›Uvi‡bU I WvUv †bUIqvK© m¤•ªmviY all over Bangladesh (Inco-Bahan) (Bb‡Kv-evnb) 54416022 - emargency 54416022 -Ri“wi wfwˇZ ‡`‡ki meK‡qwU †Rjvq B›Uvi‡bU mvwf© ‡mi cÖeZ©b (1-1-2002-1-1-2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 54416030 - Installation of Radio Link at Different 54416030 -evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq †iwWI wjsK cÖwZ¯’vcb (2q Upazilla of Bangladesh ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54416040 - Establishment of digital radio link and 54416040 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji wWwRUvj †iwWIwjsK I wWwRUvj digital telephone exchange in the †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ) Chittagong hill tract area (1/7/02-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 54416041 - Strengthening the regulatory capacity of 54416041 -†óª‡`wbs w` †i¸‡jUwi K¨cvwmwU Ae wewUAviwm BRTC (1/7/03-30/6/07) (GmwcBwm mycvt) Aby‡gvw`Z 54416050 - 54416050 -Dc‡Rjv I †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ) (1-7-2002- 30-6-2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54416060 - 54416060 -‡g‡ÆvcwjUb kni I ¸i“Z¡c~Y© †Rjvmg~‡n wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq 1,10,000 jvBb) (01/07/2002-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54416070 - 54416070 -XvKv †Rjvi †KivbxMÄ Dc‡Rjvq wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) 1g ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 54416080 - BTTB 54416080 -wewUwUwe KZ©„K wcÖ-†cBW mvwf©m PvjyKiY (01/07/2003-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 54416090 - 54416090 -‡g‡U«vcwjUb kni, Myi“Z¡cY© †Rjv m`i Ges Dc‡Rjv †Mªv_ †m›Uv‡i wWwRUvj †Uwj‡dvb G·‡PÄ ¯’vcb (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 54417000 - Internet Information 54417000 -B›Uvi†bU Z_¨ ‡bUIqvK© m¤•ÖmviY (Bb‡dv-evnb) (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 54417010 - Telecommunication Network Development 54417010 -‡UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U (01/07/2009-30/06/2013) Abz‡gvw`Z 54417011 - Optical Fibre Cable network development 54417011 -1000 wU BDwbqb cwil` AcwUK¨vj dvBevi Kej in 1000 Union Parishad bUIqvK©K Dbqb 54419999 - T & T Board-Transfer 54419999 -wU GÛ wU †evW© ¯’vbvši 5442 - Field Offices 5442 -gvV ch©v‡qi Awdmmg–n 54420000 - Field Offices 54420000 -gvV ch©v‡qi Awdmmg–n

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 5496-5498 - Development Programme Financed by 5496-5498 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 5496 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 5496 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 54960000 - Block Allocation 54960000 -‡_vK eivÏ 54964747 - Service Promotion and Service 54964747 -†mev c‡Y¨i Dbœqb Ges †mev m¤•ÖmviY Development Programme 54964858 - One point passport service through post 54964858 -†cv÷ Awd‡mi gva¨‡g Iqvb c‡q›U cvm‡cvU© mvwf©m office 54964859 - Online MV(Motor Vehicle) tax collection 54964859 -AbjvBb Ggwf (†gvUi †fwnK¨vj) U¨v· Kv‡jKkb programme †cÖvMªvg 54964860 - 54964860 -2.5wR †bUIqvK© m¤•ªmviY 54964861 - 2.5G Network extention 54964861 -2.5wR †bUIqvK© m¤•ªmviY 54964862 - Procurement of Multipurpose Postal Cash 54964862 -eûgyLx ‡cv÷vj K¨vk KvW© µq I mgw^Z wecYb Card and Integrated Marketing. 5499-5499 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 5499-5499 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 5499 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 5499 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 54990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 54990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 55 - Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 55 - cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg welqK gš¿Yvjq 5501-5520 - Administration 5501-5520 -cÖkvmb 5501 - Secretariate 5501 -mwPevjq 55010001 - Secretariat 55010001 -mwPevjq 55010003 - Rehabilitation Programme of Chittagong 55010003 -cve©Z¨ †Rjvmg–‡n cybev©mb Kg©m–wP Hill Tracks Districts 55010010 - Civil Affairs Office 55010010 -wmwfj G¨v‡dqvm© Awdm 55010011 - Task Force for Repatriation and 55010011 -fviZ cÖZ¨vMZ DcRvZxq kiYv_©x cÖZ¨vevmb I cybe©vmb Rehabilitation of Tribal Refugees Ges Af¨šZixY DØv¯‘ wbw`©óKiY I cybe©vmb m¤•wK©Z Returned from India & Identification and Uv¯‹‡dvm© Rehabilitation of Internally Displaced People 55015010 - Lump provision for Chittagong Hill Tracts 55015010 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dbœqb eve` †_vK eivÏ development 55015020 - Lump provision for new project of 55015020 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvi bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ Chittagong Hill Tracts 55015030 - Promotion of Development and confidence 55015030 -cª‡gvkb Ae †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ Kbwd‡WÝ wewìs Bb`v Building in the Chittagong Hill Tracts wPUvMvs wnjU«v± (1/4/2003-30/9/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/04/2003-30/09/2013) 55015040 - Construction of Office Building, Residential 55015040 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` cÖavb Kvh©vjq, evmfeb I Accomodation and other ancilliary GZ`&mswk­ó Kg‡c­· wbg©vY Component of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z Regional Council at Rangamati. 55015050 - Unapproved Block Allocation 55015050 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 55015760 - Lump Provision for Chittagong Hill Tracts 55015760 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg Dbœqb eve` †_vKeivÏ Development 55015831 - Mountain environment & natural resources 55015831 -gvD‡›Ub Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ †bPvivj wi‡mv‡m©m information system for hill districts Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g di wnj wWw÷«± 55015999 - 55015999 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ** 55016010 - Pre-investment study for socio-economic 55016010 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq mvwe©K Av_© mvgvwRK Dbœq‡bi j‡ development of CHT ¶¨ cÖvK-wewb‡qvM mgx¶v 55016111 - Assistance to cell for CHT development 55016111 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡ji Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ MwVZ †mj‡K mnvqZv 55017270 - Lump Provision for Three Local 55017270 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªv‡gi 3wU ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡`i Rb¨ Government Parishad †_vKeivÏ 55017271 - Technical Assistance for Second 55017271 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di ‡m‡KÛ wPUvMvs wnj U«vKUm Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development i“ivj †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (01/03/2010-30/09/11) Project (CHTRDP-II) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 5505 - Autonomus bodies and others Institution 5505 -¯^vqË¡kvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôvb 55053880 - Hill Tracts Regional Council 55053880 -cve©Z¨ PUªMÖvg AvÂwjK cwil` 55053881 - Local Government Parishad-Rangamati 55053881 -¯’vbxq miKvi cwil`-iv½vgvwU 55053883 - Local Government Parishad-Bandarban 55053883 -¯’vbxq miKvi cwil` - ev›`ieb 55053885 - Local Government Parishad-Khagrachhari 55053885 -¯’vbxq miKvi cwil` - LvMovQwo 55053887 - Local Government Parishad-Chittagong 55053887 -¯’vbxq miKvi cwil` - cve©Z¨ PUªMÖvg Hill Tract 55053888 - Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board 55053888 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg Dbœqb †evW© 55055010 - The Integrated Community Development 55055010 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg GjvKvq mgwš^Z mgvR Dbœqb cÖKí (3q Project for Chittagong Hill Tracts Area ch©vq) (01/07/2012-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 55057011 - TA for sloping agriculture land technology 55057011 -‡úvwcs GwMÖKvjPvivj j¨vÛ †UK‡bvjwR (më) cÖK‡íi (Salt) project Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv (ms‡kvwaZ) cybt Aš@f©–w³ (01/07/1993-31/05/2001) 55057020 - Lump provision for three local Government 55057020 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡`i Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ Parishads of Chittagong Hill Tracts 55057030 - Lump provision for Chittagong Hill Tracts 55057030 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ Development Board 55057040 - Integrated community development project 55057040 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq mgwš^Z mgvR Dbœqb cÖKí for Chittagong Hill Tracts (Phase-2) (ch©vq-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/1996 - 31/12/2010) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 55057051 - 55057051 -úwcs GwMªKvjPvi j¨vÛ †UK‡bvjwR (më) cªK‡íi Rb¨ KvwiMwi mnvqZv 55057060 - 55057060 -evNvBnvU-gvmvjs-mv‡RK moK wbg©vY 55057070 - Pre-Investment study 55057070 -cÖvK wewb‡qvM mgx¶v 55057080 - Rural Development Project at Chittagong 55057080 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí Hill Tracks (01/01/2001-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 55057081 - Plan for Chittagong Hill Tracks 55057081 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg AvÂwjK Dbœqb cwiKíbv/gvóvi c­¨vb Development cÖYq‡bi KvwiMix mnvqZv (01/05/2000-15/04/2001) 55057090 - Rural Development Project at Chittagong 55057090 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j cj­x Dbœqb (L) wcGgBD AsM Hill Tracts (PMU). (01/01/2001-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 55057100 - Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural 55057100 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (cve©Z¨ Development Project PÆMªvg AvÂwjK cwil` AsM) 55057110 - Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural 55057110 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) (¯’vbxq miKvi Development Project (LGED part) wefvM AsM) 55057270 - Lump Provision for Three Local 55057270 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi wZbwU ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡`i Rb¨ Government Parishads of Chittagong Hill †_vKeivÏ Tracts 55057280 - Unpaid steelement schemen under 55057280 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg gvw_‡m_ivj Dbœqb cªK‡íi Aaxb¯’ Chittagong hill tracts DžPf‚wg 55057290 - Lump Provision for Chittagong Hill Tracts 55057290 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ Development Board 55057310 - Integrated community development 55057310 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg A‡j mgwš^Z KwgDwbwU Dbœqb Kg©mPx programme of Chittagong 55057320 - Upland settlement scheme in Bangladesh 55057320 -ev›`ievb †Rjvq D”Pfwg e‡›`ve¯KiY cªKí hill district 55057410 - Integrated Community Development 55057410 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg GjvKvq mgwš^Z mgvR DbœqY cªKí Project for Chittagong Hill Tracts (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) 55057610 - Block Allocation for Development of 55057610 -we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rbv †_vKeivÏ (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Special Area ( Except Chittagong Hill e¨ZxZ) Tracts ) 55057710 - Block Allocation for New Project of 55057710 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ Chittagong Hill Tracts 55057720 - Construction of 55057720 -evNvBnvU-gvmvjs-mv‡RK moK wbgv©Y Baghaihat-Masalong-Sajek Road 55057730 - Pre investment Study 55057730 -cÖvK wewb‡qvM mgx¶v 55057731 - Hygiene Promotion, Sanitation and Water 55057731 -cve©Z¨ PU«Mªv‡gi nvBwRb †cÖv‡gvkb, †mwb‡Ukb Ges Supply (HYSAWA) Fund Project in CHTs IqvUvi mvcjvB (nvBmvIqv) dvÛ †cÖv‡R±

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 55057732 - Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural 55057732 -wØZxq cve©Z¨ PÆMªªvg A‡j cj­­x Dbœœqb cªªKí ( Development Project (CHTRDP-II, LGED wmGBPwWAviwWwc-2, GjwRBwW Ask) part) 55057733 - 55057733 -cve©Z¨ PU«Mªvg GjvKvq mgw¤¦Z mgvR Dbœqb cÖKí-3q ch©vq 55057734 - Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural 55057734 -wØZxq cve©Z¨ PÆMªªvg A‡j cj­­x Dbœœqb cªªKí (wcGgBD Development Project (PMU part) Ask) 5506 - International Organisations 5506 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 55064411 - ICIMOD 55064411 -cve©Z¨ Dbœqb welqK Avš@R©vwZK †K›`ª (BwmgW) 5599-5599 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 5599-5599 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 5599 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 5599 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 55990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 55990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 56 - Power Division 56 - we`y¨r wefvM 5601-5620 - Administration 5601-5620 -cÖkvmb 5601 - Secretariat 5601 -mwPevjq 56010001 - Secretariat 56010001 -mwPevjq 56015010 - Sector Assessment on Power System 56015010 -‡m±i G‡mm‡g›U Ab cvIqvi wm‡÷g Bwdwm‡qw›m B¤•ª Efficiency Improvement Project-2 “f‡g›U cÖ‡R±-2 (01/01/2010-31/12/2012) (01/01/2010-31/12/2012) Approved Aby‡gvw`Z 56015011 - Sustainable Energy for 56015011 -mvm‡UBbq¨vej GbvwR© di †W‡fjc‡g›U (GmBwW) Development(01/01/2009-31/12/2011) (01/01/2009-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 56015012 - Technical Assistance for Renewable 56015012 -­­­­wU G di wiwbI‡qej GbvwR©© Energy 56015013 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015013 -????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015014 - Capacity Building and Project 56015014 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GÛ cÖ‡R± Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb mv‡cvU© di Implementation Support for Power Sector cvIqvi †m±i G‡RwÝm Agencies 56015015 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015015 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015016 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015016 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015017 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015017 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015018 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015018 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015019 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015019 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015020 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015020 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015021 - Sector Assessment on Power System 56015021 -‡m±i G‡mm‡g›U Ab cvIqvi wm‡÷g Bwdwm‡qw›m B¤•ª Efficiency Improvement Project “f‡g›U cÖ‡R± 56015022 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015022 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015023 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015023 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015024 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015024 - ?????????? Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015025 - Technical Assistance Project for wind 56015025 -Gwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs resource mapping 56015026 - Technical Assistance Project for Wind 56015026 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U cÖ‡R± di DBÛ wi‡mv‡m©m g¨vwcs Resources Mapping (01/11/2012-31/10/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 56015027 - Capacity Building and Project 56015027 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GÛ cÖ‡R± Bwèwg‡›Ukb mv‡cvU© di Implementation Support for Power Sector cvIqvi †m±i G‡R›mxR Agencies

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56015028 - Technical Assistance for Sustainable 56015028 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di mvm‡UB‡bej GbvRx© cv&Iqvi Energy Power Generation (SREGen) †Rbv‡ikb 56015029 - Technical Assistance Project for 56015029 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m cÖ‡R± di †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Development of Sustainable Energy Power mvm‡UB‡bej wiwbD‡qej GbvR©x cvIqvi †Rbv‡ikb Generation (SREPGen) (GmAviBwcwRBGb) (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56015031 - T A for Emplymentation of Bangladesh 56015031 -wUG di Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae evsjv‡`k cvIqvi †m±i power sector reform widg© (2q ch©vq) (01/01/2011-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 56015041 - Technical Assistant for Renewable Energy 56015041 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di wiDwb‡ej GbvwR© Development †W‡fjc‡g›U 56018361 - Technical Assistance for Power Sector 56018361 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm&‡U›m di cvIqvi †m±i widg©m Reforms (01/07/1995-30/06/2003) 56018371 - Technical Assistance for Implementation 56018371 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm&‡U›m di Bgwc­‡gb‡Ukb Ae evsjv‡`k of Bangladesh Power Sector Reforms cvIqvi †m±i widg© (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/01/2003 - (01/01/2003-31/12/2009) Approved 31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56018372 - Technical 56018372 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmmU¨v›m di †UÛvwis cÖ‡mm di BbwW†cb‡W›U cvIqvi ‡cÖvwWDmvi (AvBwcwc) cÐv›U (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 56018373 - Power Sector Capacity Development 56018373 -cvIqvi †m±i K¨vcvwmwU †W†fjc†g›U ‡cÖvMªvg Programme (PSCDP) (01/04/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 56018381 - 56018381 -cvIqvi !m±i K¨vcvwmwU !W!fjc!g›U !cÖvMªvg (01/04/2007 - 30/06/2010) 56018391 - Technical Assistance to Establishment on 56018391 -wUG Uz Góvewjó Gb GbvwR© †i¸‡jUwi Kwgkb( Abyt) Energy Regulatory Commission (01/07/19995-30/06/04) 56018393 - 56018393 -†UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m di cÖ‡gvkb Ae cÖvB‡fU †m±i cvwU©wm‡ckb GÛ cvewjK cÖvB‡fU cvU©bviwkc Bb w` cvIqvi †m±i (01/04/07 - 30/09/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 56018410 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 56018410 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 56018411 - TA for implementation of Bangladesh 56018411 -wUG di Bwè‡g‡Ukb Ae evsjv‡`k cvIhvi †m±i widg© Power Sector Reforms (2nd Phase) (2h ch©vh) 56018412 - Chittagong Hill Tracts Power Distribution 56018412 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg we`y¨r weZiY Dbbhb cªKí Project 5605 - Autonomous Bodies and Others Institution 5605 -¯^vqË¡kvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôvb 56050012 - Test Executing Agency 56050012 - 56050013 - PGCB 56050013 - 56052769 - Rural Electrification Board 56052769 -c­­jÐx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© 56052770 - Bangladesh Power Development Board 56052770 -we`y¨r Dbœqb †evW© 56052771 - DESA 56052771 -XvKv we`y¨r weZiY KZ„©c¶ 56052772 - PGCB 56052772 -cvIqvi MªxW †Kv¤•vbx Ae evsjv‡`k 56052773 - DESCO 56052773 -XvKv we`y¨r weZiY †Kv¤•vbx 56052774 - EGCB Ltd. 56052774 -BwRwmwe wjwg‡UW 56052775 - APSCL 56052775 -GwcGmwm 56052776 - DPDC 56052776 -XvKv cvIqvi wWwóªweDkb †Kv¤•vbx 56052777 - WZPDC 56052777 -I‡qó †Rvb cvIqvi wWwóªweDkb †Kv¤•vbx wjt 56052778 - NWPGCL 56052778 -b_© I‡qó cvIqvi †Rbv‡ikb †Kv¤•vbx wjt 56052779 - NWZPDCL 56052779 -b_© I‡qó †Rvb cvIqvi wWw÷«weDkb †Kv¤•vbx wjt 56052780 - Sustainable and Renewable energy 56052780 -‡UKmB I bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvbx Dbœqb KZ©„c¶ (†mªWv) Development Authority (SREDA) 56052781 - CoolPower Generation Company 56052781 -†KvjcvIqvi †Rbv‡ikb †Kv¤•vbx evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW Bangladesh Ltd. 56052782 - Electricity Generation Company Of 56052782 -B‡jKwU«wmwU ‡Rbv‡ikb ‡Kv¤•vbx Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh (EGCB) Limited. (BwRwmwe) wjwg‡UW 56052783 - Bangladesh Fuel and Electricity Research 56052783 -evsjv‡`k R¡vjvbx I we`y¨r M‡elYv KvDwÝj Council 56055010 - Shikalbaha 150MW Peaking Power Plant 56055010 -wkKjevnv 150 †gt It wcwKs cvIqvi c­¨v›U wbg©vY cÖKí Construction Plant (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56055011 - 1.8 Million Consumer Connection Through 56055011 -cj­x we`y¨&Zvqb m¤•ªmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g 18 j¶ MªvnK‡K Rural Electrification Expansion. ms‡hvM cÖ`vb (01/01/12 - 31/12/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055012 - Construction of Shikalbaha 225 MW 56055012 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae wkKjevnv 225 †g.I. K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj Combind Cycle Power Plant cvIhvi cШv›U 56055013 - Construction of Shajibazar 300 MW 56055013 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae kvnRxevRvi 300 †g.I. K¤¦vBÛ Combind Cycle Power Plant mvB‡Kj cvIqvi cШv›U 56055014 - Bibiyna 450 MW Combind Cycle Power 56055014 -weweqvbv 450 †g.I. K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi cШv›U Plant 56055015 - Construction of 750 MW Karanigong 56055015 -KbóvKkb Ae 750 †gt It †KivbxMÄ Wz‡hj-dz‡hj Duel-Fuel (Natural Gas/HFO) Combined (b¨vPvivj M¨vm/GBPGdI) K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIhvi Cycle Power Plant c­vU| 56055016 - Preparation ol Land for Construction of 56055016 -wcªcv‡ikb Ae j¨vÛ di KbóvKkb Ae cvIhvi ‡ókb Power Station at Khulna (Coal Based 1300 G¨vU Lyjbv (†Kvj †eBRW 1300 †gt It) | MW). 56055017 - Preparation of Land for Construction of 56055017 -wcªcv‡ikb Ae j¨vÛ di KbóvKkb Ae cvIhvi ‡ókb Power Station at Chittagong (Coal based G¨vU wPUvMs (†Kvj †eRW& 1300 †gt It)| 1300 MW). 56055018 - Power Distribution System Development 56055018 -cvIhvi wWwó«weDkb wm‡÷«g †W‡fjc‡gU cª‡R±, Project, Mymensing Zone ghgbwmsn †Rvb| 56055019 - Power Distribution System Development 56055019 -cvIhvi wWwó«weDkb wm‡÷«g †W‡fjc‡gU cª‡R±, wm‡jU Project, Sylet Zone. †Rvb| 56055020 - Sirajgonj 450 M.W Combiend 56055020 -wmivRMÄ 450 †gMvIqvU K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯’vc‡bi wbwg‡Ë gvwU fivU I Avbylw½K myweav (01/07/2005-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055021 - Power Distribution System Development 56055021 -cvIhvi wWwó«weDkb wm‡÷«g †W‡fjc‡gU cª‡R±, ivRkvnx Project, Rajshahi Zone †Rvb| 56055022 - Power Distribution System Development 56055022 -cvIhvi wWwó«weDkb wm‡÷«g †W‡fjc‡gU cª‡R±, iscyi Project, Rangpur Zone. †Rvb| 56055023 - Power Distribution System Development 56055023 -cvIhvi wWwó«weDkb wm‡÷«g †W‡fjc‡gU cª‡R±, wPUvMvs Project, Chittagong Zone. †Rvb| 56055024 - Power Distribution System Development 56055024 -cvIhvi wWwó«weDkb wm‡÷«g †W‡fjc‡gU cª‡R±, Kzwgj­v Project, Komilla Zone. †Rvb| 56055025 - Prepayment Metering Project for 56055025 -wcª‡c‡g›U wgUvwis cª‡R± di wWw÷ªweDkb †m›Uªvj †Rvb Distribution Central Zone Sylhet (Phase-1) wm‡jU (†dR-1) 56055026 - Aminbazar-Maowa-Mongla 400 kv and 56055026 -Avwgb evRvi-gvIhv-gsjv 400 †Kwf Ges gsjv-Lyjbv Mongla-Khulna (S) 230 kv Transmission (`t) 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cªKí| Line Project. 56055027 - Up-gradation of Sirajganj 150 MW to 225 56055027 -Avc-‡M«‡Wkb Ae wmivRMbR 150 †g.I. 225 †gtIt MW Combined Cycle. K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj 56055028 - Installation/Shifting of 132 KV, 33 KV, 11 56055028 -BÝU‡jkb/wkdwUs Ae 132 ‡, 33 †, 11 KV, .4 KV underground/Overhead Line †, 4 † AvÛviMvDÛ/Ifvi‡nW jvBb Gjs along "Meyor Mohammad Hanif Flyover †gqi †gvnv¤g` nvwbd d¬vBIfvi cª‡R± AvÛvi wW.wm.wm. Project Under DCC" 56055029 - Construction of 132/33 KV and 33/11 KV 56055029 -Kbó«vKkb Ae 132/33 †Kwf GÛ 33/11 ‡Kwf Sub-stations Under Dpdc mve-‡ókb AvÛvi wWwcwWwm 56055030 - Siddirgonj 33/11 K.V 56055030 -wmwÏiMÄ 33/11 †Kwf Dc‡K›`ª I 33 †Kwf myBwms ‡ ÷kb wbg©v‡Yi miÄvg mieivn I ¯’vcb cÖKí (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055031 - Construction of 132/33 KV & 33/11 KV 56055031 -Kbó«vKkb Ae 132/33 † GÛ 33/11 ‡ Sub-station under dpdc mve-‡ókb AvÛvi wW.wc.wW.wm. 56055032 - Construction & Expension of Distribution 56055032 -Kb÷ªvKkb GÛ G·cvbmb Ae wWw÷ªweDkb †bUIhvK©© Network of North-Zone under DPDC Ae b_©©-‡Rvb AvÛvi wW.wc.wW.wm. 56055033 - Construction & Expension of Distribution 56055033 -Kb÷ªvKkb GÛ G·cvbmb Ae wWw÷ªweDkb †bUIhvK©© Network of South-Zone under DPDC Ae mvD_-‡Rvb AvÛvi wW.wc.wW.wm. 56055034 - Pre-payment metering Project of 8 Division 56055034 -wcª‡c‡g›U wgUvwis cª‡R± Ae 8 wWwfkb AvÛvi under DPDC wW.wc.wW.wm. 56055035 - Augmentation of distribution System in 56055035 -AM‡g†›Ukb Ae wWw÷ªweDkb Bb ¸jkvb Gwiqv Gulshan Area

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56055036 - National Power Transmission 56055036 -b¨vkbvj cvIhvi U«vÝwgkb †bUIhvK©©m †W‡fjc‡g›U cª Development Project (July-2012 to ‡R± June-2016) 56055037 - Mongla-Bagerhat-Gopalganj-Madaripur 56055037 -gsjv-ev‡MinvU-‡MvcvjMÄ-gv`vixcyi 132 † 132 KV Transmission Line Poroject. UªvÝwgkb jvBb cª‡R± 56055038 - Divisional RE Expansion Progromme-II. 56055038 -wefvMxh cj¬x we`y¨Zvhb m¤•ÖmviY Kvh©G“g-2 56055039 - Installation of 5 MW Solar Photovoltak (P/V) 56055039 -BÝU‡jkb Ad 5 †gt It d‡Uv‡fvj‡UK (wcwf) MªxW Grid Connected Power Generation at Kv‡bK‡UW cvIqvi †Rbv‡ikb G¨vU KvßvB Kaptai. 56055040 - Khulna 150 M.W Piking Power Plant 56055040 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae Lyjbv 150 †gMvIqvU wcwKs cvIqvi c­¨v›U (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055041 - Installation of an off-grid wind solar hybrid 56055041 -BÝU‡jkb Ad G¨vb AdMªxW DBÛ †mvjvi nvBeªxW wm‡óg system with HFO/Diese, based engine DB_ GBPGdI/wW‡Rj †eBRW BwÄb W«vB‡fb driven generator at Hatiya Island †Rbv‡iUi G¨vU nvwZqv AvBj¨vÛ 56055042 - Installation of an off-grid wind solar hybrid 56055042 -BÝU‡jkb Ad G¨vb AdMªxW DBÛ †mvjvi nvBeªxW wm‡óg system with HFO/Diese, based engine DB_ GBP.Gd.I./wW‡Rj †eBRW BwÄb wW«‡fb driven generator at Hatiya Island †Rbv‡iUi G¨vU nvwZqv AvBj¨vÛ 56055043 - Solar Street Lighting Programme in City 56055043 -‡mvjvi ÷«xU jvBwUs †c«vMªvg Bb wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb Corporation. 56055044 - Extension of Bara Pukuria 250 MW Coal 56055044 -Avc‡M«‡Wkb Ae 150 †g.I. wcwKs cvIqvi c­¨v›U Uy Fired Thermal Power Station (3rd Unit) 225 †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U (01/??/2012-30/??/201?) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055045 - Upgradation of Khulna 150MW Peaking 56055045 -Avc‡M«‡Wkb Ae Lyjbv 150 †g.I. wcwKs cvIqvi c­¨v›U Uy Power Plant to 225MW CCPP Project 225 †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055046 - Sirajgang 225MW CCPP Project (3rd Unit) 56055046 -wmivRMÄ 225 †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U (3q) 56055047 - Sirajgang 450MW CCPP Project 56055047 -wmivRMÄ 450 †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U 56055048 - Bheramara CCPP 360 MW Development 56055048 -‡fovgviv K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj c­¨v›U (360 †gtIt) Dbœqb Project (2nd Unit) (2q BDwbU)| 56055049 - Construction of 132/33/11 KV Grid 56055049 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 132/33/11 †Kwf MxÖW mve-†÷kb Bb substations in DESCO Area. †Wm‡Kv Gwiqv (01/07/2013-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055050 - Construction of Sirajgonj 150 M.W Gas 56055050 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae wmivRMÄ 150 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb Tarbain Power Plant cvIqvi c­¨v›U (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055051 - Western Grid Network Development 56055051 -I‡q÷vb© MªxW †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project 56055052 - 400/230/132 kV Network Development 56055052 -400/230/132 ‡Kwf MÖxW †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖKí Project (01/07/2013-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055053 - Matarbari-Anwara-Madanaghat 400 KV 56055053 -gvZvievwo-Av‡bvqviv-g`bvNvU 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Transmission Line Project cÖKí 56055054 - Construction of Manikgonj 25 MW HFO 56055054 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae gvwbKMÄ 25 †gMvIqvU GBPGdI based Power Plant. †eBRW cvIqvi c­v›U | 56055055 - Construction of Jangalia,Comilla 50 56055055 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae Rv½vwjqv, Kzwgj­v 50 †gMvIqvU Wz‡qj MW.dual fuel power plant dz‡qj cvIqvi c­v›U 56055056 - Wind maping at different location of 56055056 -DBÛ g¨vwcs G¨vU wWdv‡iÛ †jv‡Kkb Ae evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 56055057 - Construction of 2X750 MW.Meghnaghat 56055057 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 2*750 †g.I. †gNbvNvU Wz‡qj dz‡qj duel fuel(natural gas/HFO) combined cycle (b¨vPvivj M¨vm/GBPGdI) K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U power plant. 56055058 - Reparing of Ghorashal unit 3 power plant 56055058 -wi‡cqvwis Ae †Nvovkvj BDwbU 3 cvIqvi c­v›U BbUz into combined cycle K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj 56055059 - Construction of Bangladesh Power 56055059 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae evsjv‡`k cvIqvi †W‡fjc‡g›U †UªBwbs Development training Kg‡c­·, ‡KivbxMÄ, XvKv complex,Keranigong, Dhaka 56055060 - Re-Inforcement, Renovation and 56055060 -wi-Bb‡dvm©‡g›U, wi‡bv‡fkb GÛ AM‡g‡›Ukb Ae 33/11 Ogmentation of 33/11 K.V †Kwf mve-†÷kb AvÛvi ‡Wmv (01/07/06 - 31/12/09) Ayb‡gvw`Z 56055061 - Conversion of Sylhet 150MW.gas tarbine 56055061 -Kbfvikvb Ae wm‡jU 150 †gMvIqvU Uz 225 †gMvIqvU power plant to 225 MW combined cycle K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U power plant (01/01/2013-31/12/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56055062 - Conversion of 2X35 MW Shajibazar gas 56055062 -Kbfvikvb Ae kvnvRxevRvi 2*35 †g.I.cvIqvi -c­v›U turbine power plant into combined cycle Uz 105 †g.I. K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U Aby‡gvw`Z through addition of 35 MW steam turbine (01/01/2013-31/12/2014) 56055063 - Conversion of Bagabari 100 MW.gas 56055063 -Kbfvikb Ae evNvevox 100 †g.I. Uz 150 †g.I. turbine power plant into 150 MW combined K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U Aby‡gvw`Z cycle power plant (01/01/2013-31/12/2014) 56055064 - Construction of Ghorasal 300-450 MW 56055064 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae †Nvovkvj 365 †g.I. K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj combined cycle power plant cvIqvi c­›U (01/07/2013-31/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055065 - Mahamaya Irrigation cum hydro project 56055065 -gnvgvqv Bwi‡Mkb Kvg nvB‡Wªv cÖ‡R± 56055066 - Upgradation of distribution system of 56055066 -Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb Ae wWw÷weDkb wm‡÷g Ae I‡RvcvwW‡Kv WZPADICO 56055067 - Construction of Shikolbaha 225 Mega Watt 56055067 -wkKjevnv 225 †gt It Wz‡qj dz‡qj K¤^vBÛ cvIqvi c¬ Dual Fuel Combined Power Plant ¨v›U wbg©vY (01/01/2012-30/06/2016) (01/01/2012-30/06/2016) 56055068 - aa 56055068 -Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb Ae Lyjbv 150 †gt It wcwKs cvIqvi c¬¨v›U Uz 225 †gt It K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c¬¨v›U (01/12/2012-31/12/2014) 56055069 - aa 56055069 -Bb÷‡jkb/wkdwUs Ae 132 †Kwf, 33 †Kwf, 11 †Kwf AvÛvi mvDÛ GÛ Ifvi‡nW jvBb Ges †gqi †gvnv¤§` nvwbd d¬vBIfvi Ae wWwmwm (01/01/2013-30/06/2013) 56055070 - Upgradation of Shympur BSCIC 11 KV 56055070 -k¨vgcyi wewmK 11 †Kwf mve-†÷kb‡K 33/11 †Kwf Switching Station to a Regular 33/11 KV wbqwgZ Dc‡K‡›`ª DbœxZKiY cÖKí (01/07/06 - Sub-station (01/07/06-30/06/2010) 31/12/08) Ayb‡gvw`Z 56055071 - Construction of Switching Station for RE 56055071 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ad myBwPs †÷kb di AviB †cÖvMÖvg Program. 56055072 - Barguna/Patuakhali 660*2 MW Coal 56055072 -ei¸bv/cUyqvLvjx 660*2 †g:I: †Kvj †emW cvIqvi Based Power Plant Construction Project cø›U cªKí 56055073 - Potuakhali 50-100 MW Wind Power Plant 56055073 -cUzqvLvjx 50-100 †gI DBÛ cvIqvi cøv›U cÖKí Construction Project 56055074 - Khulna 225 MW CCPP Construction 56055074 -Lyjbv 225 †gI wmwmwcwc KÝ&UªvKkb cÖ‡R± (2q BDwbU) Project (2nd Unit) 56055075 - Land and Infrastructure Development for 56055075 -j¨vÛ G¨vKzB‡Rkb, j¨vÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ cÖ‡UKkb 660*2 MW Coal-Fired Tharmal Power di cvqiv 1320 †gtIt _vg©vj cvIqvi cøv›U cÖKí| Plant Project at Barguna/Patuakhali 56055076 - Pre Payment Metering Project for 6 NOCS 56055076 -wcÖ‡c‡g›U wgUvwis cª‡R± di 6 GbIwmGm wWwfkb AvÛvi Division under DPDC (Phase-1) wWwcwWwm †dR-1) 56055077 - Rural Transmission Network Development 56055077 -MÖvgxY mÂvjb ‡bUIqvK© †W‡fjvc‡g›U cÖKí & Renovation Project 56055078 - Expansion & Strengthening of Power 56055078 -G·c¨vbkb GÛ †÷«‡š’wbs Ae cvIqvi wm‡÷g †bUIqvK© System Network under DPDC (Chinese G AvÛvi wWwcwWwm (PvBwbR wR Uy wR) to G) 56055079 - Pre-payment Metering Project for 7 NOCS 56055079 -wcÖ-†c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di 7 GbIwmGm wWwfgb Bb Divisions in South Zone under DPDC mvD_ †Rvb AvÛvi wWwcwWwm (July 2015- June 2018) 56055080 - Procurement 56055080 -cÖwKDi‡g›U GÛ Bb÷‡jkb Ae 132/33 †Kwf 50/75 GmwfG U«v›mdigvi (01/07/06 - 31/08/08) Ayb‡gvw`Z 56055081 - Pre Payment Metering Project for 6 NOCS 56055081 -wcÖ‡c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di 6 GbIwmGm wWwfkb AvÛvi Division under DPDC (North-2) wWwcwWwm (b_©-2) 56055082 - Distribution system Improvement 56055082 -wWw÷weDkb wm‡÷g Bgcæf‡g›U 56055083 - Upgradation of Rural Distribution System 56055083 -Avc‡MÖ‡W‡kb Ae i“ivj B‡jKwUªwmwU wWwóªweDkb wm‡÷g (Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet Division) (XvKv, PUªMÖvg I wm‡jU wefvM) (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055084 - Construction of 33 KV Switching Station 56055084 -Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 33 †Kwf myBwPs †÷kb 56055085 - Construction of 33 KV Switching Station for 56055085 -cjøx we`y¨Zvqb e¨e¯’vi Rb¨ 33 †Kwf myBwPs †÷kb Rural Electrification System wbg©vb 56055086 - Educational & Religious Institution 56055086 -‡mŠi we`y¨‡Zi gva¨‡g 240 wU Dc‡Rjvi wkÿv I agx©q Electrification Through Solar Electricity in cÖwZôv‡b we`y¨Zvqb-1g ch©vq 240 Upozilas

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56055087 - Electrification of Educational & Religious 56055087 -‡mŠi we`y¨‡Zi gva¨‡g 240 wU Dc‡Rjvi wkÿv I agx©q Institution through Solar Eletricity in 240 cÖwZôv‡b we`y¨Zvqb-1g ch©vq Upozillas- 1st Phase 56055088 - Expansion of Renewable Energy 56055088 -bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvbx cÖhyw³i cÖmvi- 3q ch©vq Technology- 3rd Phase 56055089 - Divisional Rural Electrification Expansion 56055089 -wefvMxq cjøx we`y¨Zvqb m¤úªmvib Kvh©µg-2q ch©vq Program-2nd phase 56055090 - Development of new 56055090 -‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae wbD 132/63 †Kwf GÛ 33/11 †Kwf mve-†÷kb AvÛvi †Wmv cÖ‡R± (01/07/2006-31/12/2010) Aby‡gv`Z 56055091 - 1320 MW Coal Based Power Plant. 56055091 -1320 †gt It KqjvwfwËK cvIqvi cv›U 56055092 - Construction of 11 kV Switching Station at 56055092 -e½feb, MYfeb Ges cÖavb gš¿xi Kvh©vj‡q 11 †Kwf Bangabhaban, Ganabhaban and Prime myBwPs †÷kb wbg©vY (01/07/2014-30/06/2015) Minister's Office Aby‡gvw`Z 56055093 - Matarbari Coal Fired Power Plan Project 56055093 -gvZvievwo Kqjv wfwËK we`¨yr †K›`ª cÖKí 56055094 - Pre-payment Mattering for Distribution 56055094 -wcÖ-†c‡g›U wgUvwis di wWwóweDkb Kzwgj­v GÛ gqgbwmsn Comilla and Mymonsing (01/07/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055095 - Construction of Khulna coal based power 56055095 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae Lyjbv ‡Kvj †eRW cvIqvi c­v›U Kv‡bKwUs plant connecting road †ivW (01/10/2013-31/12/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055096 - Feasibility study for the Transmission 56055096 -* wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di `¨v U«v›mwgkb wm‡÷g B¤•ª system Improvement, Western zone “f‡g›U, I‡qóvb© †Rvb(01/10/2013-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055097 - Rural Electrification Expansion For Dhaka 56055097 -cjøx we`y¨Zvqb m¤úªmvi‡bi Rb¨ XvKv wefvMxq Divisional Programme-2 Kvh©µg-2 56055098 - Rural Electrification Expansion Dhaka 56055098 -cjÐx we`y¨Zvqb m¤•ÖmviY XvKv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2 Divisional Program-2 (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055099 - Pre-Payment Metering Project for 5 NOCS 56055099 -wcÖ‡c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di 5 GbIwmGm wWwfkb AvÛvi Divisions under DPDC wWwcwWwm (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2015-30/06/2017) 56055100 - Rural Electrification Expansion 56055100 -cjÐx we`y¨Zvqb m¤•ÖviY PÆMªvg-wm‡jU wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2 Chittagong-Sylhet Divisional Program-2 (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055101 - Rural Electrification Expansion 56055101 -cjøx we`y¨Zvqb m¤úªmvi‡bi Rb¨ ivRkvnx - iscyi Rajshahi-Rangpur Divisional Program-2 wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2 56055102 - Pre-payment Metering Project for Khulna 56055102 -Lyjbv kn‡ii Rb¨ wcÖ-†c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖKí (1g ch©vq) City (Phase-1) (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) (01/07/2014 - 30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 56055103 - Power Distribution System Development 56055103 -PÆMªvg †Rv‡bi we`¨yr weZiY wm‡÷g Dbœqb cÖKí Project Chittagong Zone 56055104 - Up-gradation of Rural Electricity 56055104 -cj­x we`¨yr weZiY wm‡÷‡gi ¶gZvea©b (XvKv, PÆMªvg I Distribution System (Dhaka Chittagong & wm‡jU wefvM) Sylhet Division) Project 56055105 - Rural Electrification Expansion Dhaka 56055105 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY XvKv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2 Division Program-2 56055106 - Rural Electrification Expansion Chittagong 56055106 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY PÆMªvg-wm‡jU wefvMxq Division Program-2 Kvh©µg-2 56055107 - Rural Electrification Expansion 56055107 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY ivRkvnx-iscyi wm‡jU wefvMxq Rajshahi-Rangpur Division Program-2 Kvh©µg-2 56055108 - Construction of Switching Station for Rural 56055108 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb Kvh©µ‡gi Rb¨ myBwPs †÷kb wbg©vY Electrification Program. (01/07/2014-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055109 - Strengthening Power Distribution System 56055109 -we`¨yr weZiY e¨e¯’v kw³kvjxKiY cÖKí (01/07/2014 - Project (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Approved 30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055110 - Payra 1320 MW Thermal Power Plant. 56055110 -cvqiv 1320 †gtIt _vg©vj cvIqvi cøv›U cÖKí| 56055111 - Khulna 750-800 MW (Duel-Fuel) LNG/HSD 56055111 -Lyjbv 750-800 †gtIt Wz‡qj dz‡qj (LNG/HSD) Combined Cycle Power Plant Construction wmwmwcwc Project 56055112 - Bagherhat 50-100 MW Solar Power Plant 56055112 -ev‡MinvU 50-100 †gtIt ‡mvjvi cvIqvi cøv›U cKí Construction Project 56055113 - Kuakata 50-100 MW Wind Power Plant 56055113 -KzqvKvUv 50-100 ‡gtIt DBÛ cvIqvi cøv›U cÖKí Construction Project

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56055114 - Sirajganj 400 MW CCPP (4th Unit) 56055114 -wmivRMÄ 400 †gtIt wmwmwcwc (4_© BDwbU) 56055115 - Energy Efficiency in Grid Based Power 56055115 -??????? ??????????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? Supply Project ???????? 56055116 - (India)- Comilla (South Substation) 56055116 -???????? (????????) - ???????? (?? ?????????) (Bangladesh) Grid Interconnection Project (????????) ????? ?????????? ??????? 56055117 - Capacity Upgradation (500MW) of the 56055117 -???????? ???????? (?????????) - ???? (???????) ????? Existing Bangladesh (Bheramara)- India ???????????? ?????? ????????? ??????? (Baharampur) Grid Interconnection 56055118 - Ashuganj-Bhulta 400 KV Transmission 56055118 -???????-????? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? Line Project 56055119 - Aminbazar-Maowa - Mongla 400 kV 56055119 -?????????-??????-???? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? Transmission line (NG3) (????-?) 56055120 - Matarbari - Madunaghat -Meghnaghat 400 56055120 -gvZvievox-g`ybvNvU- ‡gNbvNvU 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb kV Transmission Line (NG4) cÖKí 56055121 - Madunaghat - Moheskhali 400 kV 56055121 -g`ybvNvU-g‡nkLvjx 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cÖKí Transmission line (Addl part NG4) 56055122 - Baropukuria-Bogra-Kaliakoir 400 kV 56055122 -eocyKzwiqv-e¸ov-Kvwjqv‰Ki 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Transmission Line Project (NG-5) cÖKí 56055123 - Patuakhali - Gopalganj 400 kV Line & 56055123 -cUzqvLvjx - ‡MvcvjMÄ 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Ges Gopalganj 400 kV Super Grid Sub-Station ‡MvcvjMÄ 400 †Kwf mycvi MÖxW mve-†ókb cÖKí 56055124 - Rooppur-Bogra 400kV Transmission Line 56055124 -iƒccyi-e¸ov 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cÖKí Project (NG-6) 56055125 - Rooppur-Gopalganj 400 kV Transmission 56055125 -iƒccyi - ‡MvcvjMÄ 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Line (NG-7) 56055126 - North- Eastern Interconnection Project 56055126 -DËi - c~e©vÂjxq AvšÍtms‡hvM cÖKí 56055127 - Construction of 230/132/33 Kv 56055127 -aaa underground grid substation along with DPDC tower building (30 storied ) at DPH dhanmondi 56055128 - Improvement of Reliability of exciting 56055128 -aaaaa 132/33 kv & 33/11 kv substations through alternative sources 56055129 - Power Distribution system Development 56055129 -cvIqvi wWw÷«weDkb wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± wPUvMvs Project Chittagong Zone †Rvb 56055130 - Construction of Bibiyana South 400+- 10% 56055130 -weweqvbv `w¶Y 400+Ñ 10% †gt It M¨vm wfwËK K¤ MW Gas Based Combined cycle Power ¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`¨yr †K›`ª cÖKí Plant 56055131 - Rural Electrification Expansion Barisal 56055131 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY ewikvj wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2 Division Program-2 (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055132 - Rural Electrification Expansion Khulna 56055132 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY Lyjbv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2 Division Program-2 (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2014-30/06/2018) 56055133 - Ashugonj-Bhulta 400 KV Transmission 56055133 -AvïMÄ-fyjZv 400 †Kwf U«v›mwgkb jvBb cÖKí Line Project (01/07/2014-30/06/2017) 56055134 - Ghorashal-3 Repairing Project 56055134 -‡Nvovkvj-3 wi‡cqvwis cÖ‡R± (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) (01/01/2015-31/12/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055135 - Rajshahi Power System Development 56055135 -ivRkvnx cvIqvi wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Project (01/05/2015-31/12/2018) (01/05/2015-31/12/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055136 - Greed Interconnection between Tripura 56055136 -wÎcyiv (fviZ)-Kzwgj­v (`t Dc‡K›`ª) (evsjv‡`k) MªxW (India) and Comilla South Sub-Station AvšZt ms‡hv‡Mi ¶gZv ewa©ZKiY (01/01/2015- (Bangladesh) Project 30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055137 - Capacity Upgradation of the Exinting 56055137 -evsjv‡`k (†fovgviv)-fviZ (enigcyi) we`¨gvb MªxW Bangladesh (Bheramara)- India AvšZt ms‡hv‡Mi ¶gZv ewa©ZKiY (01/01/2015- Bharampur Greed Interconnection Project 30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055138 - Thanchi Electrification Project 56055138 -_vbwP we`¨yZvqb cÖKí (01/07/2015-30/06/2016) (01/07/2015-30/06/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z 56055139 - Institutional Strengthening of Rural 56055139 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm‡÷›m cÖ‡R± di Bbw÷wUDkbvj † Electrification Program ÷«s‡`wbs Ad i“ivj B‡jKwU«wd‡Kkb †MªvMªvg cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56055999 - 56055999 -** Rvcvb †WU K¨v‡›m‡jkb Gi AvIZvq wbe©vwPZ cÖKí/Kvh©µg A_©vq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK 56056010 - Construction of Haripur 360 MW Combind 56056010 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae nwicyi 360 †gtIt K¤¦vBÛ mvB†Kj Cycle Power Plant and Associated S/S cvIqvi cÐv›U GÛ G¨v‡mvwm‡q‡UW mve †÷kb (wcwRwmwe (PGCB Part). Ask) (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 56056020 - Construction of Haripur 360 MW 56056020 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae nwicyi 360 †gtIt K¤¦vBÛ mvB†Kj Combined Cycle Power Plant and cvIqvi cÐv›U GÛ G¨v‡mvwm‡q‡UW mve †÷kb (AviBwe Associated Substation (REB-Part) Ask) (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057010 - Construction of Bhola 20+10% Megawatt 56057010 -†fvjv 20 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª wbgv©Y Gas Based Power Plant 56057020 - Emergency Extension and Rehabilitation 56057020 -avbgwÛ 250/75*2 GgwfG 132/33 †Kwf Dc‡K‡›`ªi of Dhanmondi 132/33 Kilovolt 2x50/75 MVA Ri“wi msi¶Y I cybe©vmb cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) ( Sub-station 1/7/99-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057030 - Areas wise rural electrification (Phase-3 56057030 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-3 K) 'A') 56057040 - Intensification and Expansion of 56057040 -15wU cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZi weZiY e¨e¯’v wbweoKiY I Distribution System of 15 PBS (Phase-2) m¤•ªmviY (chv©q-2) (1/7/99 - 30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057045 - Rehabilitation of destroyed Distribution 56057045 -win¨vwewj†Ukb Ae ‡W÷«‡qW wWw÷«weDkb wm‡÷g AvÛvi System under Rural Electrification i“ivj B‡jKwU«wd‡Kkb ‡cÖvMªvg wWD Uy wmWi (2007) Program (01/12/2007-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057050 - Area wise rural electrification (Phase-4 'A') 56057050 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-4 K) 56057060 - Introduction of central facilities for Rural 56057060 -cj­x we`z¨Zvqb †evW© Gi †K›`ªxq myweavw` Electrification Boards 56057070 - Construction of 33 Kilovolt Transmitting 56057070 -cwem Dc‡K‡›`ªi Rb¨ 33 †Kwf ms‡hvM jvBb wbg©vY line for Rural Power Distribution Sub (1/7/2000-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z Station 56057075 - Intensification and Expansion of 56057075 -9wU cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZi weZiY e¨e¯’v wbweoKiY I Distribution System of 9 PBSs m¤•ªmviY (01/07/2002-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/02-30/06/2009) Approved 56057076 - System Loss Reduction of Takenover 56057076 -AwaMªnYK…Z jvBb Gi wm‡÷g jm n«vmKiY Lines (1/7/2002- 30/06/2006) (1/7/02-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057077 - Rural Electrification Through Solar Energy 56057077 -‡mŠi we`y¨‡Zi gva¨‡g cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (1/7/2002- 30/06/2007) (1/7/02-30/6/07) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057080 - Diffusion of renewable energy technology 56057080 -bevqb †hvM¨ R¡vjvwb cªhyw³i cªmvi 56057081 - New Project 56057081 - 56057090 - 56057090 -Bgv‡R©wÝ Kb÷ªvKkb Ae mve †÷kb di cvIqvi wm‡óg Ae †Wmv (30/01/2006-31/12/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057092 - 56057092 -Avwgb evRvi GÛ Gqvi‡cvU© 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb GÛ G‡mvwm‡q‡Ui mve-†ókb 56057100 - Ten Lakh Consumers Connection Under 56057100 -cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZi we`¨gvb weZiY e¨e¯’vq 10 j¶ MªvnK Existing PBS Distribution System e„w× (01/07/06 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/06-30/06/2010) Approved 56057110 - Rural electrification development (Phase-4 56057110 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-4 M) 'C') 56057120 - Expansion and Intensification Programme 56057120 -18wU cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZ weZib e¨e¯’v m¤•ªmviY I NbvqY of 18 PBS 56057122 - Intensification and Expansion of 56057122 -18wU cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZi weZiY e¨e¯’v wbweoKiY I Distribution System of 18 PBS (Phase-II) m¤•ÖmviY (ch©vq-2) (1/7/98-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057130 - Expansion and intensification of activities 56057130 -15wU cj­x we`y¨r mwgwZ weZiY e¨e¯’v m¤•ªmviY I NbvqY of 15 PBS 56057140 - Expansion of distribution network of rural 56057140 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb weZiY e¨e¯’v m¤•ªmviY electrification 56057150 - Rural electrification development (Phase-4 56057150 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-4 N) 'D') 56057160 - Mymensingh 60 MW gas turbine power 56057160 -gqgbwmsn 60 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`« station 56057165 - 56057165 -gqgbwmsn-Rq‡`ecyi- 132wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb jvBb wbgv©Y

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56057170 - Rural electrification development (Phase-5 56057170 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-5 K) 'A') (1/7/96-30/6/05) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56057175 - Construction of REB Training Academy 56057175 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb †ev‡W©i †U«wbs GKv‡Wwg feb wbg©vY| Complex (01/07/03-30/06/07) Abbyy‡gvw`Z 56057180 - 56057180 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-5 M) (1/7/03-30/6/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057190 - 56057190 -67wU cwem GjvKvq weZiY e¨e¯’v wbweoKiY I m¤•ªmviY (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057200 - 56057200 -nwicyi 150 †gt It K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª wbg©vY (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057210 - Aminbazar and Airport 230 KV 56057210 -AvwgbevRvi GÛ Gqvi‡cvU© 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb GÛ Transmission Line and Associated G‡mvwm‡q‡UW mve-†÷kb Sub-station (01/07/2006-30/06/2010) (01/06/2006-30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057211 - Technical 56057211 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ †c‡g›U Ae K‡¤•b‡mkb Uz Gwj‡Rej wewcwWwe ÷vd û Ac‡UU Uz R‡q›U wcwRwmwe evB 31/3/03| (1/11/03-30/6/04) 56057220 - Transmission Efficiency Improvement 56057220 -U«v›mwgkb Bwdwm†qw›m B¤cÖf†g›U _ªy wiA¨vKwUf cvIqvi Project(01/07/07-30/06/2010) Approved K†¤cb†mkb G¨vU MªxW mve †÷kb GÛ wiBb†dvm©†g›U Ae †Mvqvj cvov mve †÷kb (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057221 - 56057221 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW GÛ wW‡UBì BwÄwbqvwis Ae M¨vm †eBRW I‡qó †Rvb K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj c­¨v›U (1/1/03-31/12/04) 56057230 - Greater Chittagong Power Distribution 56057230 -e„nËi PÆMªvg we`¨yr weZiY cÖKí ¯‹vWv cybe©vmb Project (SCADA) (01/01/2009-30/06/2009) (01/01/2009- 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 56057231 - 56057231 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di w` K‡c©vivUvB‡Rkb Ae wewcwWwe (1/1/04 - 31/12/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057235 - BPDB's Power Plants Maintenance & 56057235 -wewcwWwe cvIqvi c­¨v›U †gBb‡U‡b›m GÛ IfviAj Overhaul (Karnofuly Hidro Power station (01/07/2005 - 30/06/2007) (KY©dzjx cvwb we`¨yr 4th & 5th units Renovation Project. †K‡›`ªi 4_© I 5g BDwbU wi‡bv‡fkb) Aby‡gvw`Z (Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) 56057240 - 10-Town Power Distribution 56057240 -10 kni we`yr weZiY e¨e¯’v Dbœqb cÖKí Project(01/07/2004-30/06/2010) Approved (01/07/2004-30/06/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057241 - 56057241 -‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡U›m di K‡cv©‡iUvB‡Rkb Ae XvKv B‡jKwU«K mvc­vB A_wiwU (1/7/04-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057245 - Emergency Rehabilitation Expansion of 56057245 -Bgvi‡R›mx win¨vwewj‡Ukb GÛ G·cvbkb Ae Avievb Urban Ares & Power Distribution System Gwiqvm GÛ cvIqvi wWw÷«weDkb wm‡÷g AvÛvi wPUvMvs under Chittagong. †Rvb (01/07/2008- 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057250 - Emergency Rehabilitation and Expansion 56057250 -Bgvi‡Rw›m win¨vwewj‡Ukb GÛ G·cvbkb Ae Avievb of Urban Areas and Power Distribution Gwiqvm GÛ cvIqvi wWw÷«weDkb wm‡÷g AvÛvi ivRkvnx System Under Rajshahi zone †Rvb (01/07/2008- 30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057251 - Strengthening Desco's Electric Distribution 56057251 -†÷ªs‡`wbs †Wm‡KvÔm B‡jKwUªK wWw÷ªweDkb †bUIqvK© Network. (01/07/2004 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057255 - Upgrading and Expanding Distributin 56057255 -c­¨vwbs GÛ G·cvwÛs wWw÷«weDkb wm‡÷g Bb ¸jkvb System in Gulshan Circle mv‡K©j (01/07/06 - 30/06/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057260 - 56057260 -GBGm nwicyi 360 †gt It we`y¨r †K›`ª n‡Z nwicyi 230/132 †Kwf Avšt ms‡hvM jvBb wbg©vY (1/7/2001-30/6/04) 56057261 - 56057261 -K†cv©‡iUvB‡Rkb Ae XvKv B‡jKwU«K mvcÐvB A_wiwU (01/07/07 - 30/06/08) 56057270 - National Load Deptch 56057270 -b¨vkbvj †jvW †WmcvP †m›Uvi (Gb.Gj.wW.wm) Center(01/07/2007-30/06/2009) Approved (1/7/2000-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057271 - Technical and equipment support for 56057271 -†UKwbK¨vj GÛ BKzBc†g›U mv†cvU© di GbvRx© †mwUs energy saving in DPDC area Bb †Wmv Gwiqv (01/02/08 - 30/09/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057275 - Three Transmission Line 132 KV 56057275 -wZb mÂvjb jvBb (132 †Kwf) cÖKí (01/07/06 - (01/07/06-30/06/2009) 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057280 - Shunt Compensatin at Grid Sub-station by 56057280 -mv›U Kg‡cb‡mkb G¨vU MÖxW mve-†÷kb (01/07/2003 Capacitor Bank (Phase-1) - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (01-07-03-30-06-09) Approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56057285 - Meghnaghat-Aminbazar 400 KV 56057285 -‡gNbv NvU-Avwgb evRvi 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cÖKí Transmission Line(01/07/06-30/06/2010) (†dR-1) (01/07/06 - 30/06/09) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 56057290 - 56057290 -Avc`Kvjxb mg‡q e¨env‡ii wbwg‡Ë 132/133 †Kwf bZzb †gvevBj Dc‡K›`ª msMÖn (1/7/03-30/6/2006) Abby‡gvw`Z 56057295 - Rehabilitation of Khulna 110MW & 60 MW 56057295 -win¨vwewj‡Ukb Ae Lyjbv 110 †gt It GÛ 60 †gt It Power Station cvIqvi †÷kb (01/07/2008-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057300 - Transmission Line Facilities New Grid 56057300 -mÂvjb jvB‡bi myweavmn bZzb MÖxW Dc-†K›`ª wbg©vY I Sub-station(01/07/2005-30/06/2010) m¤•ÖmviY (01/07/2005-30/06/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved 56057301 - The institution 56057301 -w` Bbw÷wUDkb †W‡fjc‡g›U c­¨v›U di Avi,B,we, GÛ i“ivj B‡jKwUªwd‡Kkb †cÖvMÖvg (1/7/04-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057310 - 210 MW Ghorashal power station 56057310 -210 †gMvIqvU †Nvovkvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`« m¤•ªmviY extension 56057311 - Socio-Economic Monitoring and Impact 56057311 -†mvwmI BKbwgK gwbUwis GÛ Bgc¨v± Bfvjy¨‡qkb Ae Evaluation of Rural Electrification i“ivj B‡jKwUªwd‡Kkb †cÖvMÖvg Bb evsjv‡`k Programme in Bangladesh (1/7/04-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/03-30/06/2009) Approved 56057320 - Installation of Capacitor Bank at Seven 56057320 -†jv-†fv‡ëR mgm¨v `–ixKi‡Yi wbwgË 7wU 132/33 †Kwe 132/33 Kilovolt Grid Sub-station to Improve MÖxW Dc‡K‡›`ª K¨vcvwmUi e¨vsK ¯’vcb cÖKí (1/7/2000 the Low-voltage Problem -30/6/06) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56057321 - Consulting 56057321 -KbmvjwUs mvwf©m di dvBb¨vbwkqvj wi÷«vKPvwis Ae 45 cwem (1/7/03-30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057330 - Pre-Payment Metering Project for 56057330 -wcÖ-†c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di wWw÷weDkb mvD`vb© †Rvb Distribution Southern Zone Chittagong wPUvMvs (†dR-1)(01/01/2009-31/12/2010) (Phase-1) (01/01/2009-31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z Approved. 56057331 - 56057331 -cÖ‡gvkb Ae w` BDR Ae wiwbDqej GbvwR©m Bb w` i“ivj Gwiqvm Ae evsjv‡`k (01/11/2004-30/06/2008) Abyy‡gvw`Z 56057340 - 90 MW Sylhet combind cycle power centre 56057340 -90 †gMvIqvU wm‡jU K¤¦vBÛ we`y¨r †K›`« 56057350 - 210 Megawatt Siddirganj Thermal Power 56057350 -210 †gMvIqvU wmw×iMÄ Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª (2q ch©vq) Station (Phase-2) (1/7/2000-30/6/04) 56057360 - Prepaid Metering Pilot Project 56057360 -wcÖ‡cBW wgUvwis cvBjU ¯‹xg (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2006) Abyy‡gvw`Z 56057370 - 16-town power distribution project 56057370 -16 kni we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (chv©q-2) (01/07/1998-30/06/06) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56057380 - Rehabilitation of power plant project 56057380 -we`y¨r †K›`ª cybe©vmb cªKí (chv©q-2) (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057382 - Rehabilitation of Karnafuli Hydro Poser 56057382 -KY©dzwj cvwb we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi BDwbU-3 Gi cybev©mb Station (Unit-3) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998 - 30/06/06) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56057383 - Rehabilitation of Power Station (Phase-2) 56057383 -we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi cYe©vmb cÖKí (†dBR-2) 56057384 - 5 Town Power Distribution project 56057384 -5 kni we`¨yr weZiY e¨e¯’vi Dbœqb cÖKí (1/7/2002- 30/06/2006) (1/7/02-30/6/06) Abyy‡gvw`Z 56057390 - Greater Rajshahi power distribution 56057390 -e„nËi ivRkvnx we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-2) project (Phase-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1993 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057400 - Siddhirganj-Maniknagor 230 KV 56057400 -wmw×iMÄ-gvwbKbMi 230 ‡Kwf mÂvjb jvBb wbg©vY Transmission Line (01/08/09 - 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057410 - 300 MW coal based thermal system power 56057410 -eocyKzwiqv 300 ‡gMvIqvU Kqjv wfwËK Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª station at Boropukuria, Dinajpur (eocyKzwiqv-w`bvRcyi) (01/07/1995-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56057420 - Ishurdi-Baghabari-Serajgonj-Bogra 230 56057420 -Ck¦i`x-evNvevox-wmivRMÄ-e¸ov 230wK‡jv‡fvë KV Transmission Line project mÂvjb jvBb cÖKí (1/7/2001-30/6/2006) (01-0701-30-06-09) Revised Unproved Aby‡gvw`Z 56057430 - Rehabilitation of power station (BRDB 56057430 -NywY©So I R‡jv”Q¡v‡m we. wc. wW. we ¶wZMª¯’ we`y¨r project) e¨e¯’vi cyb©evmb cÖKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56057440 - 56057440 -Lyjbv-Ck¦i`x-e¸ov-eocyKzwiqv 230wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb jvBb cÖKí (1/7/2001-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057450 - 210 MW Ghorashal power station (Unit-6) 56057450 -210 †gMvIqvU †Nvovkvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª (BDwbU-6) 56057455 - 56057455 -210‡gNvIqvU Lyjbv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª 56057460 - Rehabilitation, renovation and 56057460 -MªxW wm‡÷‡gi cybe©vmb ms¯‹viY I ¶gZv e„w×KiY augmentation of grid substation including (01/07/1998 - 30/06/2004) Ashuganj-Jamalpur 132 KV Transmission Line 2nd Circuit 56057461 - Technical Assistance for the corporitization 56057461 -†UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di w` K‡c©v‡iUvB‡Rkb Ae w` of the West zone Distribution coperation of I‡q÷ †Rvb wWw÷«weDkb Acv‡ikb Ae w` evsjv‡`k the Bangladesh power Development cvIqvi †W‡fjc‡g›U †evW© (1/7/03-30/6/04) Board (1/7/2003-30/6/2004) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057470 - Greater Chittagong power distribution 56057470 -e„nËi PÆMªvg we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-3) (ms‡kvwaZ) project (Phase-3) (01/07/1992-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057471 - Feasibility study and detail engineering of 56057471 -wdwRwewjwU óvwW GÛ wW‡UBì BwÄwbqvwis Ae M¨vm GAS biased West Zone combined cycle †eBRW I‡qó †Rvb K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj c­¨v›U plant (01/07/2003 - 31/12/2006) Abyy‡gvw`Z 56057480 - Comilla Chittagong 230 KV transmission 56057480 -Kzwgj­v - PÆMªvg 230 wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb jvBb line (01/07/1995-30/06/1999) 56057490 - Second East-West interconnecter project 56057490 -wØZxq ce©-cwðg Avštms‡hvM cÖKí hgybv †mZyi Dci over Jamuna multipupose bridge AvïMÄ-e¸ov 230 wK‡jv‡fvë jvBb 56057500 - Ashugonj 450 MW. Combined Cycle Power 56057500 -AvïMÄ 450 †gtIt K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U wbgv©Y Plant (North) (b_©) (01/12/2011-30/06/15) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057510 - Power distirbution project Eastern zone 56057510 -we`y¨r weZiY cÖKí cev©Âj (chv©q-2) (Phase-I) 56057520 - Power distribution project Western zone 56057520 -we`y¨r weZiY cÖKí cwðgvÂj (chv©q-2) (Phase -2) 56057530 - 210 MW Chittagong power station (Unit-II) 56057530 -210 ‡gMvIqvU PÆMªvg Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª (BDwbU-2) 56057540 - aaa 56057540 -‡mŠi we`¨yr PvwjZ †mP cv¤• I †mvjvi †nvg wm‡÷g (01/07/2011-31/12/2013) 56057550 - Power distribution project outside Dhaka 56057550 -cvIqvi wWwó«weDkb cªKí AvDU mvBW XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb metropolitan area GjvKv 56057560 - Emergency rehabilitation of transmission 56057560 -XvKv we`y¨r weZiY KZ…c‡¶i AvIZvaxb GjvKvi Dc and distribution facilities under Dhaka mÂvjb I weZiY e¨e¯’v Ri“wi msi¶Y I cybe©vmb cÖKí DESA project (chv©q-2) 56057562 - Rehabilitation of Power Distribution 56057562 -1998 mv‡ji eb¨vq XvKv we`y¨r weZiY KZ©„c‡¶i ¶wZMª System of DESA Damaged by the Flood of ¯ we`¨r weZiY e¨e¯’vi cybev©mb cÖKí (01/07/1998- 1998 30/06/2000) 56057570 - 109 MW new combined cycle addition for 56057570 -109 ‡gMvIqvU nwicyi K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj ms‡hvRb Haripur (01/07/1991-30/06/03) 56057572 - 230 Kv Transmission Line Between 56057572 -†emiKvwi Lv‡Z wbwg©Ze¨ nwicyi 360 †gMvIqvU we`y¨r Existing 230 Kv Sub-Station and Proposed Drcv`b †K›`ª n‡Z we`¨gvb nwicyi 230 wK‡jv‡fvë 360 MW Private Plant at Haripur mÂvjb Dc‡K›`ª ch©š@ 230 wK‡jv‡fvë jvBb wbgv©Y 99-00 56057580 - 210 MW Siddhirgonj thermal project 56057580 -210 ‡gMvIqvU wmw×iMÄ Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1995-30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057590 - System loss reduction pilot project 56057590 -wm‡÷g jm wiWvKkb cvBjU cª‡R± ( mst Abbyt) (01/07/1995-30/06/2004) 56057600 - RE Upgradion Project (Raj, Rang, Khu & 56057600 -i“ivj B‡jKwU«wd‡Kkb Avc‡Mª‡Wkb cÖ‡R± (ivRkvnx, Bar Division) iscyi, Lyjbv I ewikvj wWwfkb) (01/07/2010-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057610 - 60 MW Shaji Bazar gas turbine power 56057610 -60 ‡gMvIqvU kvn&Rx evRvi M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª station (01/07/1995-30/06/2001) 56057620 - Greater Dhaka power distribution authority 56057620 -e„nËi XvKv we`y¨r weZiY cÖKí (chv©q-3) (Phase-3) 56057630 - Modernization of Ashugonj Power Station 56057630 -AvïMÄ we`y¨r †K›`ª Kg‡c­‡·i BDwbU bs-3,4 I 5 Gi Complex Unit No. 3,4 and 5 cybe©vmb I AvaywbKvqb (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057631 - TAPP for Corporaterization of Ashugonj 56057631 -wUGwcwc di K‡c©vUvivB‡Rkb Ae AvïMÄ cvIqvi c­¨v›U Power Plant

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56057640 - Loss reduction pilot project 56057640 -jm wiWvKkb cvBjU cª‡R± (01/07/1995-30/06/2003) 56057650 - Installation of 8*225 kw. Wind Power 56057650 -cix¶vg–jKfv‡e 8* 225 wKt It ¶gZv m¤•bœ evqy Station on Experiment Basis PvwjZ we`r †K›`ª ¯’vcb (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2007) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56057660 - RE Exp. Dhaka Division Prog-I 56057660 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY XvKv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057670 - RE Exp. Chittagong-Sylhet Division Prog-I 56057670 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY PÆMªvg-wm‡jU wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 cÖKí 56057680 - RE Exp. Raj-Rangpur Division Prog-I 56057680 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY ivRkvnx-iscyi wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057690 - 210 Mega watt Khulna thermal power 56057690 -Lyjbv Zvc we`y¨r †K›`« 210 †gNvIqvU (BDwbU-2) station 56057700 - RE Exp. Barisal Division Prog-I 56057700 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY ewikvj wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Abyy‡gvw`Z 56057710 - 450 MW Meghnaghat thermal power 56057710 -450 †gMvIqvU †gNbv NvU Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª (chv©q-1) station (Phase-1, Unit-1) (BDwbU-1) (01/07/1995-30/06/05) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z 56057720 - Comilla-Meghnaghat-Rampura and 56057720 -Kzwgj­v †gNbvNvU-ivgcyiv I †gNbvNvU-nwicyi 230 Meghnaghat-Haripur 230 KV transmission wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb jvBb Ges b¨vkbvj †jvW †Wmcvi line despatch centre †m›Uvi (01/07/1996-30/06/2003) 56057722 - Hasnabad-Aminbazer (Shavar) Tongi 230 56057722 -nvmbvev`-AvwgbevRvi (mvfvi) UsMx 230 wK‡jv‡fvë kilovolt transmission line mÂvjb jvBb (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057723 - Second East-West Electrical 56057723 -wØZxq c–e© cwðg Avš@tms‡hvM ˆe`y¨wZK jvBb Interconnector Project Asugong-Jamuna (AvïMÄ-hgybv †mZy-wmivRMÄ 230 † mÂvjb Multipurpose-Sirajgong 230 KV jvBb)(1/7/02-30/6/06) Abyy‡gvw`Z Transmission Line (1/7/2002- 30/6/2006) 56057724 - a 56057724 -G BGm, nwicyi 360 †gt It we`¨yr †K›`ª n‡Z nwicyi 230/132 †Kwf Avš@tms‡hvM jvBb wbg©vY (01/07/2001-30/06/2004) 56057730 - 18-Town power distribution project 56057730 -18 kni we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (ch©vq-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1998-30/06/06) Abyy‡gvw`Z 56057740 - 9-Town power distribution project 56057740 -9 kni we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1996-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057750 - Emergency rehabilitation project (Phase 56057750 -Ri“wi cybev©mb cÖKí (chv©q-2) -2) 56057760 - Greater Dhaka power distribution project 56057760 -e„nËi XvKv we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-4) (Phase-4) 56057761 - 132KV transmission line for Comilla-Bara 56057761 -Kzwgj­v-ev‡ivAvDwjqv 132 wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjY jvBb Aulia 56057762 - Greater Dhaka power distribution project 56057762 -e„nËi XvKv we`y¨r weZiY cÖKí (chv©q-4) (ms‡kvwaZ) (Phase-4) (DESA) (01/07/1996 - 30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057763 - Greater Dhaka power distribution project 56057763 -e„nËi XvKv we`y¨r weZiY cÖKí (chv©q-4)(ms‡kvwaZ) (Phase-4) (DESCO) (1/7/96 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057770 - Tangi - Ullan 132 KV 2nd Circit Turn into 56057770 -U½x-Djb 132 †Kwf 2q mvwK©U Uvb© Bb Uz emyÜiv Bashundhara (01/07/1999-30/06/2001) 56057780 - Transmission line of Rampur-Ulonpur 132 56057780 -nwicyi-Djb 132 wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb jvBb Kilovolt (01/07/1999 - 30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057790 - Transmission line of 56057790 -wmw×iMÄ-gvwbKbMi 132 wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb jvBb Shiddirgonj-Maniknogor 132 Kilovolt 56057800 - RE Exp. Khulna Division Prog-I 56057800 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmviY Lyjbv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 56057810 - 56057810 -Ri“ix e¨env‡ii Rb¨ †gvevBj mve-‡÷kb ¯’vcb 56057820 - Grid Interconnection Bangladesh-India 56057820 -MªxW B›Uvi-Kv‡bKkb evsjv‡`k-BÛqv 56057830 - aaa 56057830 -cj­x we`¨yZvqb m¤•ªmv‡Yi gva¨‡g18 j¶ MªvnK ms‡hvM cÖ`vb (01/01/2012-31/12/2015) 56058170 - Greater Khulna power distribution project 56058170 -e„nIi Lyjbv we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (chv©q-2) (Phase-2) (01/07/1992-30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56058291 - Modernisation of central power distribution 56058291 -‡K›`«xq we`y¨r e›Ub †K‡›`«i AvaywbKxKiY Ges cvIqvi centre wm‡÷g KwgDwb‡Kk‡bi mgx¶v

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56058311 - Technical assistance for strengthening 56058311 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm&‡U›m Uy †÷ªs‡`wbs wewcwWweGm Gi BPDB's financial management A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’vcbv kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/1991-31/12/2000) 56058321 - Technical assistance for strengthening 56058321 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m Uy †÷ªs‡`wbs wWBGmG (†Wmvm) DESA financial management Gi A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’vcbv kw³kvjxKiY (01/07/1991-30/06/2001) 56058351 - BPDB'S tarif study 56058351 -wewcwWwe Gi U¨vwid óvwW 56058361 - Technical assistance for power sector 56058361 -‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm&‡U›m di cvIqvi †m±i widg©m reforms 56058371 - Study on introduction of pre-payment 56058371 -÷vwW Ae Bb‡UªvWvKkb Ad wcª‡c‡g›U B‡jKwUªwmwU electricity metering wgUvwis 56058381 - Feasibility Study for Picking Power Plant 56058381 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di wcwKs cvIqvi c­v›U (2*100) (2*100) MW in the Dhaka area †gMvIqvU Bb `¨v XvKv Gwiqv ( mst Abbyt) (01/07/1997-30/06/04) 56058391 - Technical Assistance to Establish an 56058391 -wUG Uz Góvewjó Gb GbvwR© †i¸‡jUwi Energy Regulatory Commission Kwgkb(01/07/99-30/06/2004) 56058810 - Rural electrification development (Phase-5 56058810 -GjvKv wfwËK cj­x we`y¨Zvqb (chv©q-5 L) 'B') (1/7/96-30/6/2005) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56058850 - Intensification and expansion of 56058850 -weZiY e¨e¯’vi wbweoKiY I m¤•ªmviY (chv©q-2) distribution system (Phase-2) (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/97-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56058860 - Expansion of distribution of 12 PBS 56058860 -12wU cj­x we`z¨r mwgwZi weZiY e¨e¯’vi m¤•ªvmviY I NzYvqb (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56058870 - Renewal of DESA distribution line in PBS 56058870 -cwem GjvKvq Aš@fz©³ †Wmvi weZiY jvBb bevqb area (1/7/97 - 30/6/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 56058872 - Diffusion of Renewable Energy 56058872 -bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwb cÖhyw³i cÖmvi (ch©vq-2) Technology (Phase-II) (1/7/99-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56058881 - Rural poverty alleviation through rural 56058881 -cj­x we`y¨‡Zi gva¨‡g MªvgxY `wi`ªZv electrification n«vmKiY(1/7/96-30/6/2003) 56058890 - Rehabilitation and modernisation of unit 56058890 -‡Nvovgviv Zvc we`y¨r †K‡›`«i 1bs I 2bs BDwbU cybev©mb no.1 and 2 Ghoramara power station I AvaywbKxKiY 56058891 - 56058891 -cjÐx we`¨yZvq†bi gva¨†g MªvgxY `vwi`ªZv n«vmKib (2q chv©q) 56058900 - Joint venture power generation 56058900 -‡hŠ_ D‡`¨v‡M we`y¨r Drcv`b 56058905 - 56058905 -UvsMvBj-gaycyi-Rvgvjcyi 132wK‡jv‡fvë 56058910 - Tangail-Kabirpur-Sirajgonj 132 KV 56058910 -Rq‡`ecyi-Kweicyi-UvsMvBj 132 wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb transmission line jvBb (2q ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56058920 - Power distribution project (East-West 56058920 -we`y¨r weZiY cªKí (c–e©-cwðg mshy³) (chv©q-3) Connecter) (Phase-3) (01/07/1997 - 30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56058930 - Cyclone rehabilitation (Block Allocation) 56058930 -NwY©So cybe©vmb (†_vK) 56058981 - TA project for valuation of assets of 56058981 -wUGwcwc di f¨vjy‡qkb Ae G‡mUm Ad †Wm‡Kv DESCO 56059000 - Ghorashal power station (Unit 1 & 2 ) 56059000 -‡Nvovkvj Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ªi 1bs I 2bs BDwbU cybev©mb I AvaywbKxKiY (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1994 - 30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56059020 - Installation of cooling tower for 90 MW 56059020 -wm‡jU (†dÂzMÄ) 90 †gMvIqvU K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r combined cycle power station in Sylhet †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ Kzwjs UvIqvi ¯’vcb (Fenchugonj) (01/07/1997-30/06/1999) 56059022 - Sylhet 90 MW Combined Cycle Power 56059022 -wm‡jU 90 †gMvIqvU K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª Station (Phase-II) (chv©q-2) (01/07/1998 - 30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059023 - Transmitting line of 132 Kilovolt 56059023 -Kzwgj­v evi AvDwjqv 132 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cÖKí Comilla-Baro waolia 56059024 - 56059024 -wm‡jU -‡dÂyMÄ 90 †gNvIqvU Zvc we`~¨r †K‡›`ªi Rb¨ dzwUs UvIqvi ¯’vcb 56059030 - Construction of Shidhirgonj 120 MW Gas 56059030 -wmw×iMÄ 120 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª Turbine Power Station and related Power wbg©vY I mswk­ó we`y¨r mÂvjb e¨e¯’v M‡o †Zvjv transmission system (01/07/1999-30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059040 - Rehabilitation, Renovation and 56059040 -MÖxW wm‡÷‡gi cybe©vmb, ms¯‹vi I ¶gZv e„w×KiY (2q Augmentation of Grid System (Phase-2) ch©vq) (ms‡kvwaZ) (01/07/1999 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56059050 - Procurement of Materials/Equipment and 56059050 -we`y¨r Dbœqb †ev‡W©i AvIZvaxb mÂvjb I weZiY e¨e¯’v Replacement of Transmission and cybe©vmb I cÖwZ¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ Ri“ix wfwˇZ gvjvgvj I Distribution System of BPDB LyPiv hš¿vsk msMÖn cÖKí (01/07/1999- 30/06/2001) 56059055 - S 56059055 -msi¶Y I cybev©mb Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 11wK‡jv‡fvë jvBd jvBb †gBb‡UÝ †fwnK¨vj I hšÎcvwZ msMÖn cÖKí (ms‡kvwaZ) (30/7/02-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059056 - a 56059056 -cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi †Rjvmg–‡n cj­x we`~¨Zvqb Kvh©µ‡gi m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB (1/7/2000-30/6/05) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059057 - 56059057 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb Kvh©µ‡gi Rb¨ cwi‡ek m¤cwK©Z hvPvB I e¨e¯’vcbv cÖwk¶Y (1/7/2002-30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059058 - N 56059058 -bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwbi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ mgx¶v ( Abyt) (1/7/2002-30/6/2004) 56059060 - Procurement of Materials/Equipment and 56059060 -XvKv we`y¨r weZiY KZ©„c‡¶i AvIZvaxb GjvKvi Replacement of Transmission and DcmÂvjb I weZiY e¨e¯’v cYe©vmb I cÖwZ¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ Distribution System of DESA Ri“ix wfwˇZ gvjvgvj I LyPiv hšvsk msMÖn cÖKí (98 -00) 56059070 - Construction of Sylhet 150 Megawatt 56059070 -wm‡jU 150 †gMvIqvU K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª Combined Cycle Power Plant and wbgv©Y I mswk­ó mÂvjb e¨e¯’v M‡o †Zvjv (ms‡kvwaZ) Associates Power Evacuation Facilities (01/07/2000 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059075 - 56059075 -wm‡jU-kvnvRxevRvi-AvïMÄ 230wK‡jv‡fvë ‰ØZ mÂvjb jvBb wbgv©Y 56059080 - Construction of Chandpur 150 Megawatt 56059080 -Puv`cyi 150 †gMvIqvU K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª Combined Cycle Power Plant and wbgv©Y I mswk­ó mÂvjb e¨e¯’v M‡o †Zvjv (ms‡kvwaZ) Associates Power Evacuation Facilities (01/07/2001-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ Abby‡gvw`Z 56059090 - Bandaria-Patharghata 132 Kilovolt 56059090 -fvÛvwiqv cv_iNvUv 132 wK‡jv‡fvë mÂvjb jvBb cÖKí Transmission Line Project (1/7/2001-30/6/2003) 56059110 - 100 MW gas turbine power plant at 56059110 -evNvevox 100 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª ( Baghabari Abyt) (1/7/98-30/6/04) 56059130 - Repair and rehabilitation of cyclone 56059130 -NwY©S‡o ¶wZMÖ¯ we`y¨Z Dbœqb †ev‡W©i PÆMÖvg I kniZjx damaged PDB's power distribution GjvKvq we`y¨Z weZiY e¨e¯’vi †givgZ/cybev©mb cÖKí fecilities in Chittaong and Shahartoli 56059140 - Urgent repair and rehabilitation of DESA's 56059140 -‡Wmvi AvIZvaxb GjvKvi Dc mÂvjb I weZiY e¨e¯’vi sub distribution and transmission centres Ri“wi msi¶Y I cybev©mb (chv©q-3) (1/7/90-30/6/2003) 56059620 - Construction of Tangi 80 MW Gas Turbine 56059620 -U½x 80 †gMvIqvU M¨vm UvievBb we`y¨r †K›`ª wbgv©Y I Power Station and related Power mswk­ó we`y¨r mÂvjb e¨e¯’v M‡o †Zvjv (ms‡kvwaZ) transmission system (01/07/1999-30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059622 - Horipur 56059622 -nwicyi we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi 1bs, 2bs I 3bs BDwb‡Ui †i‡bv‡fkb I AvaywbKvqb (01/07/2004-30/06/2007) Abyy‡gvw`Z|(Rvcvwb FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) 56059625 - Construction of Shirdhirgong 2x120 MW 56059625 -*wmwØiMÄ-2* 120 †gtIt wcwKs cvIqvi c­v›U wbg©vY Peaking Power Plant (01/07/2003 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/04-30/06/2012) Approved 56059630 - a 56059630 -eb¨v- 2004 cybe©vmb Kg©m–wP (01/07/05-30/06/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059635 - Haripur 360 MW Combinend Cycle Power 56059635 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae nwicyi 360 †gtIt K¤¦vBÛ mvB†Kj Plant Construction Project cvIqvi cÐv›U GÛ G¨v‡mvwm‡q‡UW mve †÷kb (01/07/07 - 30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059636 - Sidhirgonj 2x150 MW gas turbine peaking 56059636 -wmw×iMÄ 150 ‡gt It wcwKs cvIqvi cÐv›U wbg©vY power plant construction project. (01/01/09 - 31/12/11) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059637 - Construction of Block-E , APSCL-150 MW 56059637 -e­K- B, GwcGmwmGj- 150 †gtIt we`¨yr †K›`ª ¯’vcb Power Plant 56059638 - Sylhet Shajibazar Bramanbaria 56059638 -wm‡jU kvnRxevRvi we-evWxhv 230 †Kwf jvBb 56059640 - Consumer meter replacement, renew, 56059640 - renovation, prepaid meter implementation project. 56059641 - Distribution line maintenance & renovation 56059641 -weZiY jvB‡bi m¶gZv e„w×KiY project 56059642 - Distribution sub-station capacity 56059642 -weZiY jBb m¤cªmviY I weZiY Dc‡K‡›`ªi ¶gZv enhancement project e„w×KiY

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56059643 - Strengthing of power distribution system of 56059643 -†óªs‡`wbs Ae cvIqvi wWwóªweDkb wm‡÷g Ae wWwcwWwm DPDC project 56059644 - Construction of 33/11 KV sub-station 56059644 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae 33/11 ‡Kwf mve †ókbm AvÛvi under DPDC project wWwcwWwm Gwiqv 56059645 - Pre payment metering project of LV 56059645 -wcÖ-†c‡gÈ wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di Gj wf KbRygvim Ae consumers under DPDC(Phase-1) wWwcwWwm (†dBR -1) 56059646 - Construction of 132/33 KV sub station 56059646 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae 132/33 †Kwf mve †÷kb AvÛvi under DPDC project wWwcwWwm 56059647 - Reactive power compensation of DPDC 56059647 -wiG¨vKwUf cvIqvi Kg‡cb‡mkb Ae wWwcwWwm distribution network wWw÷«weDkb †bUIqvK© 56059648 - Extension of Kaptai Hydro Power Station 56059648 -G·cvkb Ae KvcZvB nvB‡Wªv cvIqvi †ókb (6th & 7th Unit) 56059649 - Extension Of 210 M W Khulna Thermal 56059649 - Power Station 56059651 - Pre- Payment Metering Project for 56059651 -wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di wWw÷«weDkb b`©vb ‡Rvb Distribution Northern Zone Rajshahi, ivRkvnx, ‡dBR=1 Phase-1 56059652 - Bangladesh Central Zone Power 56059652 -evsjv‡`k †m›Uªvj ‡Rvb cvIqvi wWw÷«weDkb cÖ‡R± Distribution Project (01/12/09 - 30/06/13) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059653 - Supply & Installation Of Consumers 56059653 -mvcjvB GÛ Bb÷ª‡jkb Ae KbRygvi wgUvwis GÛ Metering and Customers Management Of Kv÷gvi ‡g‡bR‡g›U Ae mvD_ †Rvb wWw÷wfkb wPUvMvs Southern Zone Distribution Zone Chittagong 56059654 - 56059654 -cjjx we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY XvKv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 56059655 - Rural Electrification Expansion Dhaka 56059655 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY XvKv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 Division Program -1 56059656 - Rural Electrification Expansion Rajshahi 56059656 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY ivRkvnx wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 Division Program -1 56059657 - Rural Electrification Expansion Barishal 56059657 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY ewikvj wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 Division Program -1 56059658 - Rural Electrification Expansion Khulna 56059658 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY Lyjbv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 Division Program -1 56059659 - Rural Electrification Expansion 56059659 -i“ivj B‡jKwU«wd‡Kkb G·cvbmb PU«Mªvg wm‡jU wWwfkb Chittagong-Sylhet Division Program -1 †cÖvMªvg-1 (Rvcvbx FY gIKzd mnvqZv Znwej) (01/07/10-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059660 - Rural Electrification Up-gradation Project 56059660 -ivRkvnx, Lyjbv I ewikvj wefv‡Mi 33wU cwem Gi weZiY in Rajshahi, Khulna and Barisial Divisions e¨e¯’vvi ¶gZvea©b I DbœxZKiY (1g ch©vq) (Phase-1) 56059661 - Up-gradation & improvement of existing 56059661 -Lyjbv-ewikvj wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb cj­­x we`y¨Z mwgwZi distribution system in Khulna-Barisal mg~‡ni we`¨gvb weZiY e¨e¯’vvi ¶gZvea©b I DbœxZKiY Division under Rural Electrification (1g ch©vq) Program. (Phase-1) 56059662 - Up-gradation & improvement of existing 56059662 -PvKv wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb cj­x we`y¨Z mwgwZi mg~‡ni distribution system in Dhaka Division we`¨gvb weZiY e¨e¯’vvi ¶gZvea©b I DbœxZKiY (1g under Rural Electrification Program. ch©vq) (Phase-1) 56059663 - Up-gradation & improvement of existing 56059663 -PÆMÖvg-wm‡jU wefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb cj­x we`y¨Z mwgwZi distribution system in Chittagong-Sylhet mg~‡ni we`¨gvb weZiY e¨e¯’vvi ¶gZvea©b I DbœxZKiY Division under Rural Electrification (1g ch©vq) Program. (Phase-1) 56059664 - Energy Saving Program Thru Replacement 56059664 -Bwdwm‡q›U jvBwUs Bwbwk‡qwUf di evsjv‡`k (cvU©-1 of Incandescent Lamp by Compact GÛ cvU©-2) (01/08/2009-30/06/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z Fluorescent Lamp under Rural Electrification Program-1 56059665 - Diffusion of Renewable Energy 56059665 -bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvbx cÖhyw³i cÖmvi- 3q ch©vq Technology-3rd Phase 56059666 - Improved Capacity for Energy Access 56059666 -cÖvwZôvwbK `¶Zv Dbœqb (ICEA) 56059667 - Bheramara 450/306 MW CCPP 56059667 -‡fovgviv 450/360 †gtIt wmwmwcwc wbgv©Y cÖKí Construction Project

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56059668 - Barapukuria 125 MW Coal based Power 56059668 -eocyKzwiqv 125 †Kvj †eBR cvIqvi c­v›U wbgv©Y cÖKí Plant Construction Project 56059669 - Bhola 150MW CCPP Construction Project 56059669 -‡fvjv 150 †gtIt wmwmwcwc wbgv©Y cÖKí 56059670 - Computer billing system devlopment & 56059670 - implementation project 56059671 - Construction of 150 MW combined cycle 56059671 - Poweer Station in ashuganj Power station 56059672 - Bibiana-Kalayakur 400 KV and Fenchuganj 56059672 -wewehvbv-KvwjhvˆKi 400 †Kwf Ges †dbPzMbR wewehvbv Bibiana 230 KV T/L 230 †Kwf mbPvjb jBb 56059673 - India-Bangladesh 400 kV Interconnector 56059673 -fviZ-evsjv‡`k 400 †Kwf Aš—t ms‡hvM jvBb Line 56059674 - Bhola-Barisal 230 KV Transmission Line 56059674 -‡fvjv-ewikvj 230 †Kwf mbPvjb jBb 56059675 - Anowara-Meghnaghat 400 KV 56059675 -Av‡bvhviv-†gNbv NvU 400 †Kwf mbPvjb jvBb Transmission Line 56059676 - Aminbazzar-Maoya-Takerhat-Khulna 400 56059676 -Avwgb evRvi-gvIhv-‡U‡Ki nvU-Lyjbv 400 †Kwf KV Transmission Line mbPvjb jBb 56059677 - AminbaZar-Maoya-Takerhet-Khulna 400 56059677 -AvwgbevRvi-gvIhv-‡U‡Ki nvU-Lyjbv 400 †Kwf mbPvjb KV T/L jvBb 56059678 - 132 KV Connection with 08(eight) New 56059678 -132 ‡Kwf ms‡hvM jvBbmn 08(AvU)wU bZzb 132/33 132/33 KV Gride Sub-station †Kwf MªxW Dc-†K›`ª 56059679 - 132 KV Connection Line with 08(eight) 56059679 -132 ‡Kwf ms‡hvM jvBbmn 08(AvU)wU bZzb 132/33 new 132/33 KV Grid Sub-station †Kwf MªxW Dc-†K›`ª 56059680 - 132 KV Connection Line with 08(eight) 56059680 -132 †Kwf ms‡hvM jvBbmn 8wU bZzb 132/33 †Kwf new 132/33 KV Grid Sub-station MªxW Dc-†K›`ª wbg©vb cªKí 56059681 - Rauzan-Madhunaghat-Sikalbaha 230 KV 56059681 -ivDRvb-wkKjevnv-Av‡bvhviv-nvUnvRvix I Lyjwk 230 T/L †Kwf mÂvkjb jBb cªKí 56059682 - Shampur-Jhinaidah-Veramara-Shripur 56059682 -k¨vgcyi-wSbvB`n-†fWvgviv-kªxcyi 230/132 †Kwf 230/132 KV Grid S/S Dc-†K›`ª wbg©vb 56059683 - RPCL-Mymensing-Tangail-Valuka 132 KV 56059683 -AviwcwmGj-ghgbwmsn-Uv½vBj-fvhv-fvjyKv 132 †Kwf Double Circuit T/L Project Wvej mvwKU mÂvjb jBb cªKí 56059684 - Bibiana-Kaliaquir 400 KV and 56059684 -weweqvbv-KvwjqvˆKi 400 †Kwf Ges ‡dÂyMÄ -weweqvbv Fanchugonj-Bibiana 230 KV T/L 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb (01/07/10-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059685 - ashuganj 150 MW combined cycle Poweer 56059685 -AvïMbR 150 †gt It K¤¦BÛ mvB‡Kj cvIhvi c­vU Plant 56059686 - Ashuganj 450 MW Combined Cycle Power 56059686 -AvïMbR 450 †gt It K¤¦vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIhvi c­vU Plant 56059687 - India-Bangladesh 400 KV inter Connector 56059687 -fviZ-evsjv‡`k 400 †Kwf Avštms‡hvM jvBb Line 56059688 - Aminbazar-Maoya-Mongla- 400kV & 56059688 -AvwgbevRvi-gvIqv-gsjv 400 †Kwf I gsjv-Lyjbv (`t) Mongla-Khulna (S) 230 KV T/L Project 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cªKí 56059689 - Rehabilitation and Augmentation of 56059689 -win¨vwewj‡Ukb GÛ AM‡gb†Ukb Ae wWwó«weDkb Distribution Network of DPDC †bUIhvK© Ad wWwcwWwm 56059690 - Rehabilitation and Augmentation of 56059690 -win¨vwewjwUkb GÛ AM‡gb‡Ukb Ae wWw÷«weDkb Distribution Network of DPDC †bUIqvK© Ae wWwcwWwm (01/01/10-30/06/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059691 - Prepament Mettering Project for LV 56059691 -wcª‡c‡gbU wgUvwis cª‡R± di Gjwf KbRygvim Ae Consumers of DPDC (Phase-1) wWwcwWwm (†dBR-1) 56059692 - Construction and Conversion of 132/33 KV 56059692 -Kbó«vkb GÛ Kbfvikb Ad 132/33 †Kwf mve-‡ókb Sub-station Under DPDC AvÛvi wWwcwWwm 56059693 - Construction of 33/11 KV Sub-stations 56059693 -KbóªvKkb Ae 33/11 †Kwf mve-‡ókbm AvÛvi wWwcwWwm Under DPDC area 56059694 - Siddhergong 2X150 MW Gas Turbine 56059694 -wmw×iMÄ 2.150 ‡gt It M¨vm UvievBb wcwKs cvIhvi c­¬ Peaking Power Plant Construction Project ¨vU wbg©vb cªKí 56059695 - Siddhergong 2X150 MW Gas Turbine 56059695 -wmw×iMÄ 2.150 †gt It M¨vm UvievBb wcwKs cvIhvi c­ Peaking Power Plant Construction Project ¨vU wbg©vb cªKí 56059696 - Siddhergong 2X150 MW Gas Turbine 56059696 -wmw×iMÄ 2.150 †gt It M¨vm UvievBb wcwKs cvIhvi c­ Peaking Power Plant Construction Project ¨vU wbg©vb cªKí

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56059697 - Siddhergong 2X150 MW Gas Turbine 56059697 -wmw×iMÄ 2.150 †gt It M¨vm UvievBb wcwKs cvIhvi c­ Peaking Power Plant Construction Project ¨vU wbg©vb cªKí 56059698 - Solor Powered Irrigation Pump and Solor 56059698 -‡mvjvi cvIhvW© Bwi‡Mªkb cv¤• GÛ †mvjvi †nvg wm‡÷g Home System. 56059699 - Improvement of Existing Distribution 56059699 -Bgcªf‡gU Ae Gw·mwUs wWwóweDkb wm‡÷g Ae cj­x System of Palli Bidyut Samities to meet-up we`y¨r mwgwZm Uy wgUAvc Bwi‡Mªkb wWgvÛ Irrigation Demand 56059700 - Construction of 33 KV Source Line for PBS 56059700 -cwem Dc-†K‡›`ªi Rb¨ 33 †Kwf ms‡hvM jvBb wbg©vb-2h Sub-station ch©vh 56059701 - Infrastructure Development for REB 56059701 -cwe‡ev‡W©i cªwk¶Y GKv‡Wgx cwiPvjbvi AeKvVv‡gv Training Academy Dbbhb 56059702 - System Loss Reduction and Power Factor 56059702 -wm‡óg jm n«vmKiY I cvIhvi d¨v±i Dbbhb Improvement 56059703 - Solor Power Generation 56059703 -‡mvjvi cvIhvi †Rbv‡ikb 56059704 - Construction of 830 MW Peaking Power 56059704 -KbKUvKkb Ae 830 †gt It wcwKs cvIhvi c­vU Plant 56059705 - Construction of 830 MW Peaking Power 56059705 -Kb÷«vKkb Ad 820 †gt It wcwKs cvIqvi c­v›U Plant (01/09/09-31/12/2011) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059706 - Construction of Barapukuria 120 MW Coal 56059706 -KbKmUvKkb Ae eWcyKzwihv 120 †gt It Khjv wfËK Based Power Plant (3rd Phase) Zvc we`y¨r †K›`ª (3h †dR) 56059707 - 150 MW Shikalbaha Dual Fuel System 56059707 -150 †gt It wkKjevnv Wz‡hj dz‡hj wm‡÷g BbK¬zwms Inclusion 56059708 - Conversion of Shikalbaha 60 MW Power 56059708 -Kbfvimb Ae wkKjevnv 60 †gt It cvIhvi c­vU Uz Wz‡hj Plant to Duel Fuel System through dz‡hj wm÷g †_ªv BbK¬zkb Ad GBP Gd I wm‡÷g Bb Inclusion of HFO System in Addition to the GwWkb Uz w` †c‡RU M¨vm wm‡÷g Present Gas System 56059709 - Feasibility Study for Bhola 150 MW CCPP 56059709 -wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di †fvjv 150 †gt It wmwmwcwc GÛ and Barisal-Bhola-Borhanuddin 132 KV ewikvj-†fvjv-†evinvb DwÏb 132 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb Transmission Line wbg©vY (01/09/07 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059710 - Pre-payment Metering Project for 56059710 -wcª-†c‡gU wgUvwis cª‡RU di wWwó«weDkb †mUvj †Rvb Distribution Central Zone Mymensingh and ghgbwmsn GÛ wm‡jU (†dR-1) Sylhet (Phase-1) 56059711 - Pre-payment Metering Project for 56059711 -wcª-†c‡gU wgUvwis cª‡R± di wWwó«weDkb Kzwgj­v †Rvb Distribution Comilla Zone (Phase-1) (†dR-1) 56059712 - Emergency Procurement of Materials and 56059712 -Ggvi‡RwÝ cÖwKi‡g›U Ae †Uvwi‡hjm GÛ BKzc‡gU di Equipment for Renov. and Aug. of wi‡bv‡fkb GÛ AM‡gUkb Ae wWw÷«weDkb jvBbm GÛ Distribution Lines and 11/0.4 KV 11/0.4 †Kwf mve-†÷kb AvÛvi wm· †Rvb Ae wewcwWwc Sub-station under six Zone of BPDP cª‡R± project 56059713 - Rehabilition Modernization of Existing 56059713 -we`¨gvb †fWvgviv, evNvevWx Ges eWcyKzwihv (1g I 2h Bharamara, Baghabari and Barapuquria BDwbU) we`y¨ †K›`ª ms®‹vi I AvaywbKvhb 125 MW (1st and 2nd Unit) Power Station 56059714 - Efficiency impremement Project (Yet 56059714 -BwdbwÝ Bgwcª‡gU cª‡R± (G‡cªvf wWwcwc) approved DPP) 56059715 - Construction of Liquid Fuel System for 56059715 -KbmUvKkb Ae wjKBW dz‡hj wm‡÷g di wmivRMÄ Sirajganj 150 MW Peaking Power Plant 150 †gt It wcwKs cvIhvi c¬vU 56059716 - Construction of Liquid Fuel System for 56059716 -KbmUvKkb Ae wjKBW dz‡hj wm‡÷g di wmivRMÄ Sirajgang 150 MW Peaking Power Plant 150 †gt It wcwKs cvIhvi c­vU 56059717 - Construction of Liquid Fuel System for 56059717 - Sirajgang 150 MW Peaking Power Plant 56059718 - Constructin of 56059718 - 56059719 - kljjojho 56059719 -kl;jkoo 56059720 - Construction of Liquid Fuel System for 56059720 -Kb÷«vKkb Ae wjKyBW dy‡qj wm‡÷g di wmivRMÄ Sirajganj 150 MW Peaking Power Plant 150 †gt It wcwKs cvIqvi cÐv›U (01/01/10 - 30/06/11) Aby‡‡gvw`Z 56059721 - Pre-payment Metering Project WZPDCL 56059721 -wcª-†c‡gU wgUvwis cª‡R± I‡RvcvwW‡Kv wjt 56059722 - 21-Town Power Distribution Project 56059722 -21-kni we`y¨r weZiY cªKí I‡RvcvwW‡Kv wjt WZPDCL

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56059723 - 56059723 -‡mŠi we`y¨‡Zi gva¨‡g 240wU Dc‡Rjvi wk¶v I agx©h cªwZôv‡b we`y¨Zvhb 56059724 - 56059724 -we`¨gvb e¨e’vh wcª-†cBW wgUvwis weZiY 56059725 - 56059725 -cwe‡evW© I 70wU cwe‡mi m`i `ßi fe‡b †mvjvi †nvg wm‡÷g ’vcb 56059726 - 56059726 -cwe‡evi ‡U«wbs GKv‡Wwg feb cªK‡íi Aewkó As‡ki KvR I Af¨šixY mvRm¾v 56059727 - Efficiency Energy of DPDC Distribution 56059727 -Bwdwm‡hwÝ G¨vbvwR© Ae wWwcwWwm wWwó«weDkb †bUIhvK© Network by System Metering and evB wm‡÷«g wgUvwis GÛ wi‡nwe‡j‡Ukb Ae ®‹¨vWv cª‡R± Rehabilitation of SCADA Project 56059728 - Conversion of 15 nos 11 KV Switching 56059728 -Kbfvikb Ae 15 bs 11 †Kwf mBwPs †ókb Uz G †i¸jvi Station to a regular 33/11 KV substation 33/11 †Kwf mve-ókb AvÛvi wWwcwWwm Gwihv| under DPDC area. 56059729 - Emmergency Contruction of substation for 56059729 -Bgvi‡RwÝ KbóªvKkb Ae mve-‡ókb di cvIhvi wm‡ó«g power system of DPDC Ae wWwcwWwm 56059730 - Chittagong Hill Tracts Power Distribution 56059730 -cve©Z¨ PÆMªvg we`y¨r weZiY cªKí Project (01/01/11-30/06/2013) Aby‡gvw`Z 56059731 - Dohar 100 MW HFO Based Power Plant 56059731 -‡`vnvi 100 †gt It GBP Gd I †eBRW& cvIhvi c­¨vU 56059732 - Chapai Nawbabgong 100 MW HFO Based 56059732 -PvcvB beveMÄ 100 †gt It GBP Gd I †eBRW& cvIhvi Power Plant c­¨vU 56059733 - Extension of Bara Pukuria 250 MW Coal 56059733 -GKUkb Ae eW cyKzwihv 250 †gt It Khjv wfwËK Zvc Fired Thermal Power Station (3rd Unit) we`y¨r †K›`ª (3h ch©vh) 56059734 - Conversion of Baghabari 150 MW and 71 56059734 -Kbfvk©b Ae evNvevWx 150 †gt It I 71 †gt It cvIhvi MW Power Plant to Dual Fuel System and c­¨vU Uz Wz‡hj-dz‡hj wm‡ó«g Ges K¤¦vBÛ DBZ G wbD Combinad with a new 80 MW Steam 80 †gt It óxg cvIhvi c¨vU cª‡R± Power Plant Project 56059735 - Pre-payment Metering Project for 56059735 -wcª-†c‡gU wgUvwis cª‡R± di wWwó«wDkb Ae ‡mUvj †Rvb Distribution of Central Zone Sylhet wm‡jU (†dBR-1) (Phase-1) 56059736 - Construction of 225 MW combined Cycle 56059736 -KbKUvKkb Ae 225 †gt It K¤¦vBÛ mB‡Kj cvIhvi Power Plant c­vU 56059737 - Kaptai Solar Based Power Plant 56059737 -KvßvB †mvjvi †eBRW& cvIhvi c­vU 56059738 - 56059738 -‡mŠi we`y¨‡Zi gva¨‡g 240wU Dc‡Rjvi wk¶v I ag©xq cÖwZôv‡b we`y¨Zvqb-1 g ch©vq 56059739 - 56059739 -70wU cwe‡mi m`i `ßi fe†b †mvjvi cvIqvi c­v›U ¯’vcb 56059740 - Rural Electrification Expansion under 56059740 -‡MvcvjMÄ cwe‡m cj­x we`y¨Zvqb Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY Gopalgonj PBS 56059741 - Providing electricity to proposed silo 56059741 -‡cÖvfvBwWs B‡jK&wUªwmwU Uz cÖ‡cÖvmW mvB‡jv cÖ‡R± AvÛvi project under Bagerhat PBS ev‡MinvU wcweGm 56059742 - Construction of 33 KV Switching Stations & 56059742 -KÝUªvKkb Ae 33 †Kwf myBwPs mve-‡÷kbm& GÛ †mvm© Source Line jvBb 56059743 - Electrification of education and religious 56059743 -‡mŠi we`y¨‡Zi gva¨‡g 240wU Dc‡Rjvi wk¶v I ag©xq institutions through Solar Energy in 240 cÖwZôv‡b we`y¨Zvqb-2q ch©vq upazilas 2nd Ph. 56059744 - 56059744 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY XvKv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 (2q ch©vq) 56059745 - 56059745 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY PÆMÖvg-wm‡jU wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 (2q ch©vq) 56059746 - 56059746 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY ivRkvnx-iscyi wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 (2q ch©vq) 56059747 - 56059747 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY ewikvj wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 (2q ch©vq) 56059748 - 56059748 -cj­x we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY Lyjbv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-1 (2q ch©vq) 56059749 - 56059749 -cwem mg~‡ni Dc‡K‡›`ªi Rb¨ 33 †Kwf jvBb wbg©vY - 2q ch©vq 56059750 - Electrification of rural & off grid areas in 56059750 -B‡jKwUªwd‡Kkb Ae i“ivj GÛ Ad-MÖxW Gwiqvm& Bb Bangladesh through solar energy. evsjv‡`k _ª~ †mvjvi GbvwR© 56059751 - 56059751 -wm‡óg jm& n«vmKiY I cvIqvi d¨v±i Dbœqb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 56059752 - Diffusion of Renewable Energy 56059752 -wWwdDkb Ae wiwbDej GbvwR© ‡UK‡bv‡jvRxm&-4_© †dR Technologies-4th Phase 56059753 - Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps 56059753 -wi‡c­m‡g›U Ae wW‡Rj Bwi‡Mkb cv¤úm& _ªy †mvjvi through Solar Powered Irrigation Pumps in cvIqvW© Bwi‡Mkb cv¤cm& Bb wi‡gvU& GÛ Ad-MÖxW remote and off-grid areas. Gwiqvm 56059754 - Installation of a 100 KW Biomass Plant for 56059754 -BÝU‡jkb Ae 100 wKt It ev‡qvgvm c­¨v›U di electrification of a remote and off-grid B‡j±wUªwd‡Kkb Ae G wi‡gvU& GÛ Ad-MÖxW wf‡j‡R& villages 56059755 - Electrification of remote & off-grid villages 56059755 -B‡jKwUªwd‡Kkb Ae wi‡gvU GÛ Ad MÖxW wf‡j‡Rm& Bb in Bangladesh through Solar based mini evsjv‡`k _ª~ †mvjvi ‡emW& wgwb MÖxW (30 wKt It-50wKt grid (30 KW-50 KW). It) 56059756 - Community based Solar Powered Multi 56059756 -KwgDwbwU †em&W& †mvjvi cvIqvW© gvwë BDwUwjwU †m›Uvim& Utility Centers. 56059757 - Installation of 3~5 KW Solar Power Plant at 56059757 -BÝU‡jkb Ae 3 wKt It-5 wKt It †mvjvi cvIqvi c­¨v›U existing Zonal Office Complexes of 70 GU Gw·mwUs †Rvbvj Awdm Kg‡c­· Ae 70 wcweGm PBSs. 56059758 - Installation of 5 KW Solar Power Plant for 56059758 -BÝU‡jkb Ae 5 wKt It †mvjvi cvIqvi c­¨v›U di REB O & M Complex and Central AviBwe IGÛGg Kg‡c­· GÛ †m›Uªvj Iq¨vinvDR Warehouse 56059759 - Concentrating Thermal Solar Plant in three 56059759 -Kb‡mb‡UªwUs _vigvj ‡mvjvi cvIqvi c­¨v›U Bb w_ª regions of Bangladesh. (PPP Project) wiwRIbm& Ae evsjv‡`k (wcwcwc cÖ‡R±) 56059760 - Load control and data acquisition (LCDA). 56059760 -‡jvW K‡›Uªvj GÛ †WUv GKzBwRkb (GwmwWG) 56059761 - Energy Auditing for RE System 56059761 -GbvwR© AwWwUs di AviB wm‡÷g 56059762 - Research & Development for System 56059762 -wi‡mvm© GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U di wm‡÷g Bw¤cÖ“f‡g›U Improvement 56059763 - Bibiana-Comilla 230 KV Transmission 56059763 -weweqvbv-Kzwgj­­v (DËi) 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cªKí Line Project (01/07/10-31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z| 56059764 - Brahambaria-Nabinagar-Narasinshdi 132 56059764 -we-evWxhv-bexbMi-biwms`x 132 †Kwf Wvej mvwKU †cvj KV Double Circite Pole Line Construction jvBb wbg©vY cªKí Project 56059765 - 8 Transformer Purchage and Instalation 56059765 -8wU Dc-†K‡›`ªi ¶gZv e„w×i Rb¨ 15wU U«vÝdigvi µh Project for Increase of MVA for 8 I ’vcb cªKí| Sub-station 56059766 - 132 KV Under Ground Line & Material 56059766 -fwel¨Z cvIhvi c­¨vU-G Drcvw`Z we`y¨r BfvKz‡hkb Purchase Project for evacuation Facilities myweavi Rb¨ 132 †Kwf AvÛvi MªvDÛ jvBb I gvjvgvj of Future Power Generation Project µh cªKí 56059767 - Grid Sub-station & Transmission Line MVA 56059767 -MªxW Dc‡K›`ª I mÂvjb jvB‡bi ¶gZv e„w×KiY cªKí| improvement Project 56059768 - Ishurdi-Rajshahi 230 KV Transmission 56059768 -Ck¡iw`-ivRkvnx 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cªKí Line Project 56059769 - Chandragona-Rangamati-Khagrachari 56059769 -P›`ª‡Nvbv-iv½vgvwU-LvMWvQwW 132 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb 132 KV Transmission Line Project cªKí 5606 - International Organisations 5606 -AvšRv©wZK ms¯’vmgn 56064471 - International Renewable Energy Agency 56064471 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj wiwbDGej GbvwR© G‡Rw›m (IRENA) 5631-5640 - Power 5631-5640 -we`¨r 5631 - Electrical Adviser and Chief Electrical Inspector 5631 -‰e`y¨wZK Dc‡`óv I cÖavb we`y¨r cwi`k©K 56310000 - Power Advisor and Chief Electric Inspector 56310000 -‰e`y¨wZK Dc‡`óv I cÖavb we`y¨r cwi`k©K 5633 - Energy Audit Cell 5633 -R¡vjvwb wbix¶Y †mj 56330000 - Energy Audit Cell 56330000 -R¡vjvwb wbix¶Y †mj 5699-5699 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 5699-5699 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 5699 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 5699 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 56990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 56990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 61 - Supreme Court 61 - mywcÖg †KvU© 6101-6120 - Administration 6101-6120 -cÖkvmb

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 6101 - Register Office 6101 -‡iwR÷ªvi Awdm 61010001 - Register Office 61010001 -‡iwR÷ªvi Awdm 61015010 - Block Allocation for New Projects 61015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 6121-6130 - Supreme Court 6121-6130 -mycÖxg †KvU© 6121 - Supreme court 6121 -mywcÖg †KvU© 61210000 - 61210000 - 61210010 - Appeal Division 61210010 -Avwcj wefvM 61210020 - High Court Division 61210020 -nvB‡KvU© wefvM 61215010 - Judicial Strengthening (Just) 61215010 -RywWwkqvj †ó«s‡`wbs (Rv÷) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) (Approved) (01/07/2012-30/06/2015) Abyt 61215011 - Judicial Strengthening Project 61215011 -RywWwkqvj †÷s‡`wbs cÖKí 6196-6198 - Development Programme Financed by 6196-6198 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 6196 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 6196 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mPx Budget 61964501 - Internal Electrification of newly constructed 61964501 -evsjv‡`k mywcÖg‡KvU© nvB‡KvU© gj fe‡bi bxP Zjvi DËi 05 nos court, 08 nos chamber at I ce© cv‡k¦© bem„ó 05wU GRjvm, 08wU ‡P¤¦v‡ii Af¨ north-east side of ground floor in High šixY ˆe`y¨wZKKiY, DËi e­‡Ki be-m„ó 03wU GRjvm court main building, supply & Instllation of I 04wU ‡P¤¦v‡i cÖ‡qvRbxq msL¨K GqviKzjvi ¯’vcb Ges gj fe‡bi be-m„ó 02wU GRjvm 04wU †P¤¦v‡i cÖ‡qvRbxq necessary amount of air-cooler for newly msL¨K GqviKzjvi mieivn I ¯’vcb KvR sonstructed 03 nos court & 04 nos chamber at north block and supply & Installation of necessary amount of air-cooler for newly constructed of 02 nos court & 04 nos chamber in Main building of the Bangladesh surreme court 61964502 - Supply and Installation of Air-cooler and 61964502 -evsjv‡`k mywcÖg †KvU© gj fe‡b gvbbxq cÖavb wePvicwZ electrical works for Chief Justice rest g‡nv`‡qi †i÷ i“g, Kw¤•DUvi i“g Ges 3q Zjvq 04 room, computer room and 04 new justice Rb wePvicwZi bZyb †P¤¦v‡ii ˆe`y¨wZKiY, GqviKzjvi chamber at 2nd floor of Bangladesh mieivn I ¯’vcb, G‡b· feb I gj fe‡bi 2wU Gj, wU myBR wMqvi cwieZ©b, G‡b· fe‡bi GgwWwe, wWwe Gi Suprime Court Main building, Supply & mvwK©U †e­Kvi, †Kej ¯’vcb, gj feb Ges G‡b· fe‡bi Installation of spare parts of 2 nos L.T wewfbœ †KvU©, †P¤¦vi, jvB‡eªix, Kbdv‡i›m K¶mn Ab¨vb¨ Switchgear for main and annex building & K‡¶i GqviKzjv‡ii A‡K‡Rv Kg‡cÖmvi I LyPiv hšvsk circuit breaker for MDB, DB, cable for cwieZ© Annex building, Supply & Installation of Compressure and spare parts of existing Air- 61964503 - Supply and Installation of Electrical 61964503 -evsjv‡`k mycÖxg‡KvU©, nvB‡KvU© gjfeb Ges cyivZb Equipments for Newly Constructed nvB‡KvU© fe‡b be-wbwg©Z ‡Pš^vi I GRjv‡m ˆe`y¨wZK Chambers and Ejlas in Old High Court miÄvgvw` mieivn I ¯’vcb Building and High Court Main building of the Bangladesh Supreme Court 61964504 - Construction of Installation of 5(five) 61964504 -evsjv‡`k mywcÖg †Kv‡U©i Af¨š‡i gj fe‡b 5wU GRjvm, numbers Ejlas in High Court Main G‡b· we I wm fe‡bi wmwKDwiwU Mªxj, Building, Security Grill, Thai aluminium _vB-G¨vjywgwbqv‡gi cvwU©kb wbg©vY, UvBjm ¯’vcb Ges Partition, Tiles in Anex B and C building cyivZb nvB‡KvU© fe‡bi Qv` I iv¯vi ms¯‹vi KvR and Repairing work of roads and roof in Old High Court building of the Bangladesh Supreme Court 61964505 - Construction of Bangaldesh Supreme 61964505 -evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †KvU© Gi AvDUvi evDÛvix Iqvj wbg©vY, Court outer boundary wall, 4 (four) nos, gj †MB‡Ui Av`‡j 4wU †MBU wbg©vY, cÖkvmwbK fe‡bi gate window grill, collapsible gate of bxPZjv n‡Z PZ_© Zjv ch©š DB‡Ûv Mªxj, Kjvcwmej Administrative Building from ground floor †MU Ges 2q Zjvi †d¬v‡i wgii cwjk UvBjm, Iqvj c¨v‡bj I wmwjs wbg©vYmn Ab¨vb¨ KvR to 4th floor mirror polished floor tiles, wall panel and ceiling of 1st floor with other related works

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 61964508 - Internal Electrical Work of new annex 61964508 -evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †KvW© PZ¡‡i Aew¯’Z bZyb G‡b· feb-G building-A at Bangladesh Supreme Court Gi Af¨šixY ˆe`y¨wZKiY, D³ PZ¡‡i Aew¯’Z 5wU fe‡b Compound, Installation of sucurity Light in wbivcËv evwZ ¯’vcb, e­K-wm Gi ˆe`y¨wZK mvwf©m jvBb 5 buildings at that Compound, Installation ¯’vcb Ges wis †gBb BDwbU I GBPwU K¨vej mieivn I ¯’vcb| of Electrical Service Line at Block-C, Supply and installation of HT Cable and Ring Main unit (RMU) 61964509 - Civil & Electrical/Mechanical work inside 61964509 -evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i Af¨š‡i wmwfj I the premises of the Bangladesh Supreme ˆe`y¨wZK/hvwšK KvR †hgb-gj fe‡b cwðg cÖ‡ek Øvi Court such as modification of the west AvaywbKvqb, evMv‡b A‡Uv cvwb mieivn jvBb ¯’vcb, side main building entrance gate, Avbmvi e¨vivK‡K cywjk e¨viv‡K i“cvši, Ae¨eüZ Wy‡c­ · evmv‡K mnKvix cywjk Kwgkbvi Kvh©vjq ¯’vcb, 3wU Installation of auto water supply to garden, wUb‡mW ms¯‹vi, iv¯v, Gg,Gm †MU Ges wmwm wUwf, Conversion of Ansar Barrack to police e¨v‡MR ¯‹¨vbvi, AvP©I‡q, †gUvj wW‡U±i ¯’vcbmn BZ¨vw` barrack, Conversion of unused duplex ms¯‹vi I bevqb KvR house to Assistant Police commissioner's office, Repair of 3 (three) Nos Tin Shade building Road, M.S Gate and supply and installation of CCTV, Baggage Scanner, Archway, Metal Detector etc and other necessary repair works 6199-6199 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 6199-6199 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 6199 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 6199 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 61990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 61990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 63 - MInistry of Liberation Affairs 63 - gyw³hy× welqK gš¿Yvjq 6301-6320 - Administration 6301-6320 -cÖkvmb 6301 - Secretariat 6301 -mwPevjq 63010001 - Secretariat 63010001 -mwPevjq 63015010 - 63015010 -PÆMÖv‡gi KvjyiNv‡U knx` wRqvDi ingvb ¯§„wZ Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (1/7/2002 - 30/6/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 63015011 - Construction of Residence for Landless & 63015011 -f‚wgnxb I Am”Qj gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Rb¨ evm¯’vb wbg©vY poor Freedom Fighters (01/01/2012-30/06/2015) Aby‡gvw`Z 63015012 - 63015012 -gywRebMi gyw³hy× ¯§„wZ †K›`ª ¯’vcb 63015013 - Construction of Freedom Fighters 63015013 -mKj Dc‡Rjvq gyw³‡hv×v Kg‡c¬• feb wbg©vY Complex Building in all the Upazilas (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) (01/07/2010-30/06/2014) 63015015 - 1971 Freedom 63015015 -1971 G gnvb gyw³hy× PjvKv‡j cvwK¯Zvb nvbv`vi evwnbx KZ©„K MYnZ¨vi Rb¨ e¨eüZ ea¨f–wgmg–n msi¶Y I ¯§„wZ ¯Z¤¢ wbgv©Y (1/7/02 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 63015020 - 63015020 -7Rb exi †kªô gyw³‡hv×vi mgvwa‡Z ¯§„wZ¯Z¤¢ wbgv©Y (1/7/02 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 63015022 - 63015022 -A¯^”Qj gyw³‡hv×v I Zv‡`i †cvl¨‡`i Rb¨ cÖwk¶Y I AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’vb Kg©m~Px 63015025 - 63015025 -evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy×t `wjj I BwZnvm welqK MÖš’ cÖKvk 63015030 - 64 district 63015030 -†`†ki 64wU †Rjv m`‡i knx` gyw³‡hv×v‡`i bvgdjK m¤^wjZ m¥„wZ¯Z¤¢ wbgv©Y (1/7/02 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 63015032 - 63015032 -‡mvnivIqv`x© D`¨v‡b ¯^vaxbZv¯Z¤¢ wbgv©Y XvKv (ms‡kvwaZ) (1/7/98 - 30/6/06) Aby‡gvw`Z 63015040 - Construction of Shadhinata Stambha at 63015040 -XvKv¯’ †mvnivIqv`©x D`¨v‡b ¯^vaxbZv ¯@¤¢ wbg©vY (2q ch©vq) Shuhrawardi Uddyan Dhaka (2nd Phase) 63015050 - Construction of Muktijuddho Memorials 63015050 -gyw³hy‡×i m¥„wZ ¯¤¢ wbg©vY cÖKí 63016050 - Production and publication of books on the 63016050 -evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy× `wjj I BwZnvm welqK MÖš’ cÖKvk history of the liberation war (01/07/1997 - 30/06/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 63016110 - Construction of a cultural centre at 63016110 -gywRebMi gyw³hy‡×i ¯§„wZ ‡K›`« ¯’vcb (01/07/1998 - Mujibnagar 30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 63016120 - Block allocation for unapproved projects. 63016120 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ **

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 63016130 - Further Development and Implementation 63016130 -wgicy‡i gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Kj¨v‡Y cÖwZwôZ nvmcvZv‡ji of the Hospital Established for the Welfate AwaKZi Dbœqb I ev¯Zevqb (01/07/08 -30/06/11) of the Freedom Fighter at Mirpur, Dhaka Abby‡gvw`Z 63016140 - Preservation and development of hitorical 63016140 -gyw³hy×KvjxY D‡jÐL‡hvM¨ m¤§yL mg‡ii ¯’vb¸‡jv msi¶Y places where remarkable face to face war I Dbœqb (01/07/08 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z took place during the liberation war 63016150 - Construction of Shadhinata Stambao at 63016150 -XvKv¯’ †mvnivIqvÏx© D`¨v‡b ¯^vaxbZv ¯@¤¢ wbg©vY (2q Dhaka Suhrawardi Uddayan ch©vq) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/09 - 30/06/12) 63016160 - BMRE of Existing 500 BPM RGB line to 125 63016160 -weGgAviB Ae GKwRmwUs 500 wewcGg AviwRwe jvBb BPM (a) ILT. PET line of Tabani Becerage Uz 125 wewcGg (2) AvBGjwU wcBwU jvBb Ae Zvevwb Company Ltd. †efv‡iR †Kvs wjt (01/07/09 - 30/06/10) Aby‡gvw`Z 63016170 - 63016170 -mKj †Rjvq gyw³‡hv×v Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY 63016180 - Construction of Muktijuddho Memorials 63016180 -gyw³hy‡×i m¥„wZ ¯¤¢ wbg©vY cÖKí 63016190 - Construction of Freedom Fighters 63016190 -mKj †Rjvq gyw³‡hv×v Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY Complex Building in all the Districts 6305 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 6305 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôvb 63053580 - Freedom Fighting Memorial Museum 63053580 -gyw³hy× m¥„wZ Rv`yNi 63053585 - Freedom Fighter Welfare Trust 63053585 -gyw³‡hv×v Kj¨vY U«v÷ 63053587 - Freedomfighters Allowance Scheme 63053587 -Am”Qj gyw³‡hv×v m¤§vbx fvZv Kvh©µg 63053588 - National Freedomfighter Council 63053588 -RvZxq gyw³‡hv×v KvDwÝj 63053589 - Fund for Micro-credit for Self-employment 63053589 -gyw³‡hv×v‡`i AvZœKg©ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ ¶y`ªFY Znwej of Freedom Fighters 63054301 - Honorarium Programme for the Freedom 63054301 -‡LZvecÖvß gyw³‡hv×v‡`i mb¥vYx fvZv Fighters Having Gallentry Awards 63057010 - Construction of Multi Storied Commercial 63057010 -XvKv¯’ MRbex mo‡K gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Kj¨vYv‡_© eûZj cum residential Building for the welfare of wewkó AvevwmK I evwYwR¨K feb wbg©vY (01/01/10 - Freedom Fighters at Gaznabi road, Dhaka 31/12/2012) Aby‡gvw`Z 6396-6398 - Development Programme Financed by 6396-6398 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 6396 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 6396 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Budget 63960000 - Development for 63960000 -gyw³hy× ¯§„wZ hv`yNi Dbœqb 63964694 - Repair and Maintenance of the Intellectual 63964694 -iv‡qi evRvi eyw×Rxwe m¥„wZ‡mŠa cÖKí msi¶Y I †givgZ Mausoleum at Rayer Bazar (2003-04 to (2003-04 n‡Z 2004-05) 2004-05) 63964695 - Preparation of Freedom Fighters 63964695 -gyw³‡hv×v‡`i WvUv ‡eBR †Zwi Ges MYDØy×KiY| Database and Raising Mass Awareness 63964697 - Making the Students aware about the 63964697 -QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i gyw³hy‡×i BwZnvm Ges gvbevwaKvi I human rights and tolerance in the light of m¤•ªxwZi fveavivq DØy×KiY (RyjvB 2011 n‡Z Ryb Liberation War 2014) 63964754 - Repair and Maintenance of the Intellectual 63964754 -iv‡qi evRvi ea¨f‚wg‡Z knx` eyw×Rxwe‡`i ¯§„wZ †mŠa Mausoleum of Rayer Bazar (Phase-II) wbg©vb (2q ch©vq) Kg©mPx (2005-06) (2005/06) 63964755 - Mujib Nagar Muktijuddha Smriti Kendra 63964755 -gywRebMi gyw³hy× m¥„wZ‡K›`ª PvjyKiY kxl©K Kg©mwP (A‡ Started Programme ±vei 2014-Ryb 2016) 63964757 - To Motivate The New Generation With The 63964757 -bZyb cÖRb¥‡K gyw³hy‡×i †PZbvq DØy×KiY Ges gyw³hy‡ Spirit Of Liberation, Collect and Highlight ×i BwZnv‡mi Dcv`vb AvniY I Dc¯’vcb (RyjvB Historiacal Material of Liberation War 2014-Ryb 2017) 6399-6399 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 6399-6399 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 6399 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 6399 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 63990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 63990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 65 - Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas 65 - cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvjq Employment 6501-6520 - Administration 6501-6520 -cÖkvmb 6501 - Secretariat 6501 -mwPevjq

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 65010001 - Secretariat 65010001 -mwPevjq 65010010 - 65010010 -we‡`k †diZ Ges †`kxq kªgRxwe Kg©x‡`i `¶Zv Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ Znwej 65015010 - Promoting Decent work through Improved 65015010 -cÖ‡gvwUs wW‡m›U IqvK© _ª“ B¤•ª“fW gvB‡Mªkb cwjwm GÛ Migration Policy and its Application in BUm G¨vcwj‡Kkb Bb evsjv‡`k Bangladesh 65015011 - Institutional Support for Migrant Workers’ 65015011 -Bbw÷wUwUDkbvj mv‡cvU© di w` gvBMªv›U IqvK©vm Remittances Project †iwg‡U‡b›m (01/01/2012-31/12/2016) Aby‡gvw`Z (01/01/2012-31/12/2016) 65015020 - Block allocation for unapproved projects 65015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ** 65015030 - Disscmination of information & awareness 65015030 -wWwmwg‡bkb Ae Bbdi‡gkb GÛ GIq¨vi‡bm development of women migrant Workers †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae DB‡gb gvB‡Mª›U IqvKvm© (Approved) (01/12/2008-30/09/2009) Aby‡gvw`Z 6505 - Autonomous Bodies and Other Institutions 6505 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôvb 65052821 - Bangladesh Overseas Employment and 65052821 -evsjv‡`k IfvimxR Ggc­q‡g›U GÛ mvwf©‡mm wjt Services Ltd. (†ev‡q†mj) 65054732 - Efficiency Development Fund 65054732 -`¶Zv Dbœqb Znwej 6506 - International Organizations 6506 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg–n 65064413 - Islamic Centre for Vocational Training 65064413 -Bmjvwg KvwiMwi e„wËgyjK cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª 65064415 - International Organization for Migration 65064415 -B›Uvib¨vkbvj AMv©bvB‡Rkb di gvB‡MÖkb 6531-6540 - Bureau of Manpower, Employment & Training 6531-6540 -Rbkw³ , Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwk¶b e~¨‡iv 6531 - Bureau of Manpower, Employment & Training 6531 -Rbkw³, Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwk¶Y ey¨‡iv 65310001 - Bureau of Manpower, Employment & 65310001 -Rbkw³, Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwk¶Y ey¨‡iv Training 65310002 - 65310002 - 65310100 - Employment Exchange 65310100 -Kg© wewb‡qvM †K›`ª 65310200 - Training Establishment 65310200 -cÖwk¶Y cÖwZôvb 65310300 - National Apprentice Training 65310300 -RvZxq wk¶vbexk cÖwk¶Y 65310500 - Institute of Marine Technology 65310500 -‡gwib †UK‡bvjwR BÝwUwUDU 65315010 - Programme to Enhance the Vocational 65315010 -†cÖvMªvg Uy Gbn¨v›m `¨v f‡Kkbvj ‡U«wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae Training Capacity of Bangladesh evsjv†`k (01/12/2007 - 30/11/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z (Approved) 65315011 - 65315011 -gy›mxMÄ, Puv`cyi, ev‡MinvU, dwi`cyi I wmivRMÄ †Rjvq 05wU ‡gwib cÖwk¶Y BbwówUDU ¯’vcb kxl©K cÖKí 65315012 - Establishment of 05 (five) Institute of 65315012 -gy›mxMÄ, dwi`cyi, Puv`cyi, wmivRMÄ I ev‡Minv‡U 05wU Marine Technology at Munshigonj, Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR ¯’vcb Chandpur, Bagerhat, Faridpur and (01/07/10-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z Sirajgonj 65315013 - Establishment of 30 (thrty) Technical 65315013 -‡`‡ki 30wU †Rjv m`‡i 30wU KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª Training Centres (TTC) in 30 district head ¯’vcb kxl©K cÖKí (01/07/2010-30/06/2011) quarter Aby‡gvw`Z 65315014 - Ensuring safe migration of Bangladesh 65315014 -GbwmDwis †mBd gvB‡Mªkb Ae evsjv‡`k DB†gb women workers (01/10/2009-30/09/2010) IqvK©vm (01/10/2009-30/09/2010) (Aby‡gvw`Z) (Approved) 65315015 - Economic Empowerment of women 65315015 -B‡KvbwgK BgcvIqvi‡g›U Ae I‡gb gvBMªv›U IqvK©vm migrant workers from Bangladesh d««g evsjv‡`k (01/10/2011-30/09/2012) (01/10/2011-30/09/2012) 65315016 - Enhancing the Vocational Training 65315016 -G¨vb‡nw›ms `¨v †fv‡Kkbvj †U«Bwbs †cÖvMªvg Ae wUwUwm, Program of TTC, Chittagong wPUvMvs (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) GmwcBwm (01/01/2012-31/12/2014) SPEC mycvwikK…Z Recommended 65315017 - Stipend Programme for the trainees of 65315017 -Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR Ges KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y Institute of Marine Technology and †K›`ªmgy‡ni cÖwk¶Yv_©x‡`i e„wË cÖ`vb Kvh©µg (7g Technical Training Centre (7th Phase) ch©vq) (01/07/2012-30/09/2017) Aby‡gvw`Z 65315018 - Modernization and Renovation of 65315018 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR, bvivqbMÄ Bangladesh Institute of Marin Technology ms®‹vi I AvaywbKvqb (2q ch©vq) (2nd Phase) (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) Aby‡gvw`Z approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 65315020 - un-Gov. joint programme to address 65315020 -BDGb Mft R‡qb›U †cÖvMªvg Uy G¨v‡W«m fv‡qv‡j›m violence against women G‡M‡b÷ DB‡gb 65315030 - Network for prevention & protection of 65315030 -‡bUIqvK© di wcÖ‡fbkb GÛ †cÖv‡UKkb Ae DB‡gb women Migrants workers from violence gvB‡Mª›Um IqvK©m dig fv‡qv‡j›m 65315040 - Modernization and Renovation of Existing 65315040 -we`¨gvb cyivZb 11wU KvwiMwi cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ms¯‹vi I 11 (eleven) Old Technical Training Centres AvaywbKvqb (2q chv©q) (01/10/2011-30/09/2014) (2nd Phase) (01/10/2011-30/09/2014) 6541-6570 - Labour 6541-6570 -kªg 6542 - Labour Offices Abroad 6542 -we‡`‡k Aew¯’Z kªg Awdmmg–n 65420001 - Abudhabi 65420001 -Aveyavex 65420003 - Kuwait 65420003 -Kz‡qZ 65420005 - Qatar 65420005 -KvZvi 65420007 - Lybia 65420007 -wjweqv 65420009 - Oman 65420009 -Igvb 65420011 - Iran 65420011 -Bivb 65420013 - Malaysia 65420013 -gvj‡qwkqv 65420015 - Reyad 65420015 -wiqv` 65420017 - Jeddah 65420017 -‡RÏv 65420019 - Bharain 65420019 -evn&ivBb 65420021 - Dubai 65420021 -`yevB 65420023 - Singapore 65420023 -wm½vcyi 65420024 - Seoul 65420024 -wmDj 65420025 - Iraq 65420025 -BivK 65420026 - Italy 65420026 -BUvjx 65420027 - Japan 65420027 -Rvcvb 65420028 - Jordan 65420028 -RW©vb 65420029 - Milan 65420029 -wgjvb 65420030 - Brunai 65420030 -eª“bvB 65420031 - Grees 65420031 -Mªxm 65420032 - South Africa 65420032 -`w¶Y Avwd«Kv 65420033 - Australia 65420033 -A‡÷«wjqv 65420034 - Mishor 65420034 -wgki 65420035 - Spain 65420035 -‡¯•b 65420036 - P.R. Zeneva 65420036 -wcAvi ‡R‡bfv 65420037 - Maldip 65420037 -gvjØxc 65420038 - Rashia 65420038 -ivwkqv 65420039 - Hongkong 65420039 -nsKs 65420040 - Thailand 65420040 -_vBj¨vÛ 6564 - Non-ADP Projects 6564 -evwl©K Dbœqb Kg©mwP ewnf©Z cÖKí 65640001 - Emergency Repatriation and Livelihood 65640001 -cÖevmx kÖwgK‡`i Ri“wi cÖZ¨veZ©Y I RxweKv cybi“×vi Restoration of Migrant Workers Project cÖKí 6596-6598 - Development Programme Financed by 6596-6598 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 6596 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 6596 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©m–wP Budget 65960004 - 65960004 -‡cvÖMªvg Uy Gbn¨›m `¨v f‡Kkbvj ‡U«wbs K¨vcvwmwU Ae evsjv‡`k (01/12/2007-30/11/2010) 65964346 - Strenghening Training Activities through 65964346 -evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae ‡gwib †UK‡bvjwR‡Z 2q wkdU 2nd shift at Bangladesh Intitute of Maeine cwiPvjbvi Technology (2nd phase). gva¨‡g cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY (2q ch©vq) 65964905 - Strengthening the training activities of 65964905 -evsjv‡`k Bb&w÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR‡Z 2q wkd&U Bangladesh Institute of Marin technology cwiPvjbvi gva¨‡g cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY through 2nd Shift (2009-10 to 2012-13) (2009-10 n‡Z 2012-13) 6599-6599 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 6599-6599 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 6599 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 6599 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 65990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 65990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 67 - Anti-Corruption Commission 67 - `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb 6701-6720 - Administration 6701-6720 -cÖkvmb 6701 - Anti Corruption Commission 6701 -`ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb 67010001 - Commission 67010001 -Kwgkb 67010002 - Special Allocatin for Anti-Corruption 67010002 -`yb©xwZ `gb msµvš Kv‡Ri Rb¨ we‡kl eivÏ Related Activities 67015010 - Support Good Governance Initiative (2nd 67015010 -mv­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­‡cvU© ¸W Mfb©‡b›m Bwbwm‡qwUf (2q ch©vq) Phase) (01/01/07 - 31/12/09) Approved (01/01/07 - 31/12/07) 67015011 - Construction of the Office Building for 67015011 -h‡kvi mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡qi Rb¨ bZyb feb wbg©vY Jessore Integrated District Office cÖKí (01/07/2013-30/06/2014) Aby‡gvw`Z 67015012 - Construction of the Office Building for 67015012 -†bvqvLvjx I nweMÄ mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡qi Rb¨ Awdm Noakhali and Habiganj Integrated District feb wbg©vY Office Project 67015020 - Block Allocation for Un-Approved Projects. 67015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 6799-6799 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 6799-6799 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 6799 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 6799 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 67990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 67990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 68 - Tax Ombudsman Office 68 - Ki b¨vqcvj Kvh©vjq 6801-6820 - Administration 6801-6820 -cÖkvmb 6801 - Tax Ombudsman Office 6801 -Ki b¨vqcvj Kvh©vjq 68010001 - Office of Tax Ombudsmen 68010001 -Ki b¨vqcv‡ji Kvh©vjq 69 - Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission 69 - evsjv‡`k RywWwkqvj mvwf©m Kwgkb 6901-6920 - Administration 6901-6920 -cÖkvmb 6901 - Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission 6901 -evsjv‡`k RywWwkqvj mvwf©m Kwgkb 69010000 - Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission 69010000 -evsjv‡`k RywWwkqvj mvwf©m Kwgkb 69010001 - Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission 69010001 -evsjv‡`k RywWwkqvj mvwf©m Kwgkb 6999-6999 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 6999-6999 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 6999 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 6999 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned Organisation 69990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 69990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 71 - Bridges Division 71 - ‡mZz wefvM 7101-7120 - Administration 7101-7120 -cªkvmb 7101 - Secretariat 7101 -mwPevjq 71010001 - Secretariat 71010001 -mwPevjq 71015000 - Unallocated Block 71015000 -oo 71015010 - Unapproved Block Allocation 71015010 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 7105 - Autonomous Bodies and Other Institutions 7105 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 71052750 - Bangladesh Bridge Authority 71052750 -evsjv‡`k †mZy KZ©„c¶ 71055010 - Construction of 2nd Padma Multipurpose 71055010 -cvUzwiqv-†Mvqvj›` Ae¯’v‡b 2q cÙv eûgyLx †mZz wbg©vY Bridge at Patuaria-Goalundo 71055011 - Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban 71055011 -†MªUvi XvKv mvm‡UBbGej Avievb U«v›m‡cvU© cÖ‡R± Transport Project (01/03/2012-01/03/2016) ((01/03/2012-01/03/2016) 71055012 - Muktarpur 71055012 -gy³vicyi †mZy ms‡hvM moK ( 01/02/2011-31/12/2013) Abby‡gvw`Z 71055013 - Four laning of Bangabandhu Bridge both 71055013 -e½eÜz †mZzi Dfq cÖv‡šÍi G‡cÖvP moK 4 †j‡b side Approach Roads DbœxZKiY (01/05/2014-30/6/2017) Abby‡gvw`Z (01/5/2014-30/6/2017) Un-approved

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Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 71055014 - Construction of Bekutia bridge on 71055014 -wc‡ivRcyi-SvjKvwV mo‡K KPv b`xi Ici †eKzwUqv †mZz Pirojpur-Jhalokati wbg©vY (01/05/2014-30/06/2017) Abby‡gvw`Z road over the river Kocha (01/05/2014-30/06/2017) 71055015 - Construction of Tunnel under the river 71055015 -KY©dzjx b`xi Zj‡`‡k Uv‡bj wbg©vY Karnaphuli (01/01/2014-30/06/2018) (01/01/2014-30/6/2018) Abby‡gvw`Z Un-approved 71057000 - Support to Dhaka Elevated Expressway 71057000 -mv‡cvU© Uy XvKv Gwj‡f‡UW G•‡cÖmI‡q wc.wc.wc. cÖ‡R± 71059030 - Construction of Padma Multipurpose 71059030 -cÙv eûgyLx †mZz wbg©vY (01/01/08 - 30/06/15) Bridge. Aby‡gvw`Z 71059041 - Detailed Design Study for the Construction 71059041 -wW‡UBì wWRvBb ÷vwW di w` Kb÷ªvKkb Ae cÙv of Padma Multipurpose Bridge. gvjwUcvicvm †mZz (01/07/07 - 30/06/10) ms‡kvwaZ Aby‡gvw`Z

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