Classification Chart (Organization) Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 01 - Office of the President 01 - ivóªcwZi Kvh©vjq 0101-0120 - Administration 0101-0120 -cªkvmb 0101 - Office of the President 0101 -ivó«cwZi Kvhv©jq 01010001 - President 01010001 -ivó«cwZ 01010002 - Personal Division 01010002 -Avcb wefvM 01010003 - Public Division 01010003 -Rb wefvM 01015004 - Test 01015004 -Test 0199-0199 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0199-0199 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0199 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0199 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 01990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 01990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 02 - Parliament 02 - RvZxq msm` 0201-0220 - Administration 0201-0220 -cªkvmb 0201 - Secretariat 0201 -mwPevjq 02010001 - Secretariat 02010001 -mwPevjq 02010005 - Parliament Medical Centre 02010005 -RvZxq msm` ¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª 02015001 - stray public accounts committee 02015001 -†÷«s‡`wbs cvewjK GKvD›Um KwgwU (01/09/2006-31/08/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 02015010 - Assistance of Establishment of Permanent 02015010 -G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae Gwkqvb cvjv©‡g›Um di cxm (GGwcwc) Secretariat Association of Asian Gi ¯’vqx mwPevjq cÖwZôvq mnvqZv cÖ`vb Parliament for Piece (AAPP) 02015011 - Koica e-Perliament and ICT Project 02015011 -KBKvi Gi mnvqZvq B-cvj©v‡g›U GÛ AvBwmwU kxlK© cªKí 02015012 - Strengthening Parliament Capacity in 02015012 -†÷ªs‡`wbs cvj©v‡g›UÕm K¨vcvwmwU Bb Bw›Uª‡MÖwUs ccy‡jkb Integrating Population Issues into Bmy¨R Bb Uz †W‡fjc‡g›U (GmwcwmwcwW) Development (SPCPD) (01/07/2012-31/12/2016), Aby‡gvw`Z (01/07/2012-31/12/2016) 02015020 - Block allocation for unapproved projects 02015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZyb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ** 02015030 - Improving Democracy Through 02015030 -BgcÖywfs †W‡gv‡µwm _ª“ cvj©v‡g›Uvwi †W‡fjvc‡g›U Bb Parliamentary Development in evsjv‡`k (AvBwcwW) (01/07/10 - 30/06/14) Bangladesh (IPD) 1/7/2010 – 30/06/2014. Aby‡gvw`Z 02015040 - Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight 02015040 -†÷«s‡`wbs cvj©v‡g›Uvwi IfvimvBU, (1/7/2010 - (1/7/2010 – 30/06/2014) 30/06/2014), Aby‡gvw`Z 02015050 - Solar Power System in Bangladesh 02015050 -‡mvjvi cvIqvi wm‡÷g Bb evsjv‡`k 02015060 - Building Accountability to Women through 02015060 -wewìs GKvD‡›UwewjwU Uy DB‡gb _ª“ w` DB‡gb the Women Parliamentarians cvj©v‡g‡›Uwiqvbm 02015241 - Involvement of Parliamentarian in 02015241 -Bbfjf‡g›U Ae cvjv©‡g›Uvwiqvbm& Bb Bw›U‡Mªkb Ae integration of reproductive health wi‡cÖvWvw±f ‡nj_&, wi‡cÖvWvw±f ivBU GÛ †RÛvi Bmy¨R DB_ ‡W‡fjc‡g›U (01/01/2006 - 31/12/2010) Aby‡gvw`Z 02015301 - Strengthening the parliamentary 02015301 -†÷«s‡`wbs w` cvj©v‡g›Uvwi ‡W‡gv‡µwm democracy (15/4/1997-31/12/2006) Aby‡gvw`Z 02015320 - Involvment of Partiamentarians in 02015320 -Bbfjf‡g›U Ae cvj©v‡g›UvwiqvÝ Bb ccy‡jkb GÛ Population and Development †W‡fjc‡g›U| (01/1/2003 - 31/12/2005) (01/01/2003-31/12/2005) Aby‡gvw`Z 0206 - International Organisations 0206 -Avš@R©vwZK cªwZôvbmg‚n 02064171 - Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 02064171 -KgbI‡qj_ cvj©v‡g›Uvwi G‡mvwm‡qkb 02064172 - Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member 02064172 -cvj©v‡g›Uvwi BDwbqb Ae w` IAvBwm †g¤¦vi ‡÷Um States (PUIC) 02064173 - Inter-Parliamentary Association 02064173 -AvšZt cvj©v‡g›Uvwi G‡mvwm‡qkb 02064174 - Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) 02064174 -Gwkqvb cvj©v‡g›Uvwi G‡m¤¦wj 02064175 - Association of Parliamentary Librarians of 02064175 -G‡mvwm‡qkb Ae cvj©v‡g›Uvwi jvB‡eªwiqvbm Ae Gwkqv Asia and the Pacific (APLAP) GÛ w` c¨vwmwdK 0221-0230 - Assembly 0221-0230 -msm` 0221 - Assembly 0221 -msm` Government of Bangladesh Page 1 of 640 Print Date and Time : 3/2/2016, 9:59:10AM Classification Chart (Organization) Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 02210001 - Assembly-General 02210001 -msm`-mvaviY 02210005 - Parliamentary Standing Committee 02210005 -msm`xq ¯’vqx KwgwU 02210010 - Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Staff 02210010 -w¯•Kvi, ‡WcywU w¯•Kvi Ges Kg©Pvixe„›` 02210020 - Leader & Deputy Leader of the House and 02210020 -msm` †bZv, Dc‡bZv I Kg©Pvixe„›` Staff 02210030 - Leader & Deputy Leader of Opposition and 02210030 -we‡ivax `‡ji †bZv, Dc‡bZv I Kg©Pvixe„›` Staff 02210040 - Chief Whip and Whips and Staff 02210040 -Pxd ûBc, ûBc Ges Kg©Pvixe„›` 02210050 - Members 02210050 -m`m¨e„›` 0296-0298 - Development Programme Financed by 0296-0298 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Revenue Budget 0296 - Development Programme Financed by Revenue 0296 -ivR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K A_©vqbK…Z Dbœqb Kg©mwP Budget 02964501 - Parliament Bangladesh Television 02964501 -msm` evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb 02964502 - Programme for Creating Connectivity and 02964502 -gvbbxq msm` m`m¨M‡Yi Kv‡bKwUwfwU I RvZxq msm‡` Intranet Application in the Parliament for B›U«v‡bU GwcЇKkb ˆZixi Kg©mwP Honourable MP''s 02964503 - Production of Network Core Equipment 02964503 -evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm‡`i AvBwU AeKvVv‡gv Dbœq‡bi j‡ and Establishment of Modern Data Centre ¶¨ †bUIqvK© †Kvi BKzBc‡g›U msMªn Ges AvaywbK WvUv to Develop IT infrastructure of Bangladesh †m›Uvi ¯’vcb National Parliament 0299-0299 - Mismatch Shown in Accounts 0299-0299 -Miwgj wnmv‡e cÖ`k©Y 0299 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction of 0299 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q Concerned organisation 02990000 - Mismatch Adjustment of Cash Transaction 02990000 -mswk­ó cÖwZôv‡bi bM` †jb‡`‡bi Miwgj mgš^q of Concerned Organisation 03 - Prime Minister's Office 03 - cªavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq 0301-0320 - Administration 0301-0320 -cªkvmb 0301 - Prime Minister's Office 0301 -cÖavbgš¿xi Kvhv©jq 03010001 - Prime Minister 03010001 -cªavbgš¿x 03010002 - Prime Minister's Office 03010002 -cÖavbgšÎxi Kvh©vjq 03010003 - Special Security Force 03010003 -we‡kl wbivcËv evwnbx 03015010 - Worth of supplied food for Food for Work 03015010 -Kv‡Ri wewbg‡q mieivnK…Z Lv`¨ mvgMÖxi g–j¨ (GwWwc (Out of ADP) ewnf©Z) 03015011 - Access to Information Program BGD 03015011 -A¨vK‡mm Uz Bbdi‡gkb †cÖvMÖvg (01/10/06-30/09/09) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015012 - Access to Information (ll) 03015012 -G‡·m Uy Bbdi‡gkb cÖKí 03015020 - Unapproved Block Allocation 03015020 -Abby‡gvw`Z bZzb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ ** 03015031 - Supporting Good Governance Initiatives: 03015031 -mv‡cvwU©s ¸W Mf‡b©Ý Bwbwm‡qwUf: mv‡cvU© di cvewjK Supporting for Public Sector Anti †m±i Gw›U Kivckb Bwbwm‡qwUf Corruption Initiatives (01/10/2003-30/09/2004) (Aby‡gvw`Z) 03015041 - Strengthening ICT Capabilities of Prime 03015041 -cÖavbgvš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi AvBwmwU ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY Minister's Office (01/01/2004-30/06/2007) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015110 - Support to Information Technology Task 03015110 -mv‡cv©U Uz Bbdi‡gkb †UK‡bvjRx Uv¯‹ †dvm© Force 03015121 - Support to Digital Bangladesh 03015121 -mv‡cvU© Uy wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k cÖKí 03015131 - Public Private Partnership Program 03015131 -cvewjK-cÖvB‡fU cvU©bvikxc †cÖvMªvg Acv‡ikbvjvB‡Rkb cÖKí (05/05/2011-30/06/12) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015810 - Lump provision for canal digging 03015810 -Lvj Lbb Kg©mPxi Rb¨ †_vKeivÏ programme 03015820 - Modernisation of Information 03015820 -cÖavbgvš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ e¨e¯’vi Communication Technology Systems at Dbœqb (01/01/2002-30/06/2006) ms‡kvwaZ prime Minister's Office Aby‡gvw`Z (1/7/2002-30/6/2004) 03015821 - Improvement of the Image of Bangladesh 03015821 -BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ad w` B‡gR Ae evsjv‡`k AvDU mvBW di outside for creating enabling enviornment wµ‡qwUs G¨vbvewjs Gbfvqi‡g›U di Bb‡fó‡g›U GÛ for investment and growth †MÖv_ Government of Bangladesh Page 2 of 640 Print Date and Time : 3/2/2016, 9:59:10AM Classification Chart (Organization) Ministry / Function Operation মনণণলয় / পণবতষণবনক পবরচণলন Departme Code Code ববভণগ ককণড ককণড 03015822 - Lump provision for development of special 03015822 -we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg areas (Except Hill Tracts) e¨ZxZ) 03015830 - 03015830 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) †ecRv AsM , 1/11/2004-30/6/2008 Aby‡gvw`Z 03015840 - 03015840 - Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB,wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) wewb‡qvM †evW© AsM (1/11/2004-30-6-2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015850 - 03015850 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) cªvB‡fUvB‡Rkb †evW© AsM (1/11/2004-30/6/2008) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015860 - 03015860 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) wewmK AsM 1/11/2004-30-6-2008 Aby‡gvw`Z 03015870 - 03015870 -cÖvB‡fU †m±i †W‡fjc‡g›U mv‡cvU© (wewb‡qvM †evW©) (01/07/2006-30/06/2008) Abby‡gvw`Z 03015880 - 03015880 -Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae †ecRv weI AvB, wcwm GÛ wewmK (AvBGmwewewcwe) - cÖKí cwiPvj‡Ki Kvh©vjq (01/11/04 - 30/06/08) Aby‡gvw`Z 03015890 - Prime minister office 03015890 -cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi AvBwmwU ¶gZv kw³kvjxKiY (2q ms†kvwaZ) (01/01/2004 - 30/11/2007) 03016020 - 03016020 - 0303 - Ad-hoc Commissions 0303 -GWnK Kwgkbmg–n 03030000 - Ad-hoc Commission 03030000 -GWnK Kwgkb mg–n 0305 - Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0305 -¯^vqËkvwmZ I Ab¨vb¨ cªwZôvb 03052828 - Privatisation Commission 03052828 -cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Kwgkb 03052829 - Bangladesh Small NGO Foundation 03052829 -evsjv‡`k ¶z`ª GbwRI dvD‡Ûkb (cÖ¯vweZ) (Proposed) 03052830 - Export Processing Zone Authority 03052830 -ißvwb cÖwµqvKiY GjvKv KZ©„c¶ 03052831 - Public Private Partnership (PPP) 03052831 -cvewjK cÖvB‡fU cvU©bvikxc (wcwcwc) 03052832 - Bangladesh Economic Area 03052832 -evsjv‡`k A_©‰bwZK AÂj KZ©„c¶ 03054717 - Activities of Nirbahi Cell 03054717 -wbe©vnx †m‡ji Kvh©µg 03055010 - Capacity Building of Privatization 03055010 -K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae cÖÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Kwgkb Commission 03055011 - Support to Capacity Building of 03055011
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