IISSSSUUEE 0033 JJUULL 22001122 A Magaziine for Raspberry Pii Users FFiirreedduuppaanndd rreeaaddyyttooggoo •• DDeebbiiaann EEsssseennttiiaallss 115500++ •• TThhee CC CCaavvee GGAAMMEESS TTOO TTRRYY •• SSccrraattcchh PPaattcchh OONN YYOOUURR PPII •• PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg FFuunnddaammeennttaallss hhttttpp::////wwwwww..tthheemmaaggppii..ccoomm Raspberry Pi is a trademark of The Raspberry Pi Foundation. Front Cover and Feedback images were created using Photofunia Welcome to Issue 3 of The MagPi, a community led magazine keeping you up to date with all things Raspberry Pi. This month has seen the team working hard searching and testing 9000 stable Debian packages, and identifying over 150 games and 43 apps to try out on your Pi. Meltwater introduces his article ‘Meeting Pi’, offering ideas and tips on introducing the Raspberry Pi to users of very young ages. We feature an article on low level programming using C and Alex Kerr has produced his article ‘Programming fundamentals’ describing how to use variables, ‘If’ statements and loops. Bodge N Hackitt continues his series, explaining how to program the USB robotic arm using Python. Darren teaches us more on interfacing with the Pi, plus more from the reader’s favourites Command line, Scratch Patch and the Python Pit. An email that caught my eye this month was from CaytonJohn, aged 7, reading up on the first edition of the MagPi. Could this be our youngest reader? If you have photos reading our magazine, please send them to
[email protected]. On behalf of The MagPi team we want to thank Will Bengtson and his team at QRt for giving us our beautiful, personal The MagPi QR code.