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Double Number-JULY --OCTOBER, 1926 ARMISTICE DAY NUMBER LOCAL P. C's. UXIT P. C's. II Norfolk-Portsmouth II i ~mro~tr~tr:~~~ POST NO. 1 CQ.lVIPANY I, Norfolk, Va. II '7)c11:J 320th Inf. Reg. .11 Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelph:a, Pa. ~~oorm~ce POST NO. 2 1[ ~omw]C~ll"q ~~~ Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 COMPANY E. 32,0th Inf. Reg. POST NO 3 \ \ -OO~@i~<\ill"~W~tf~ Pittsburgh, Pa. Charleston, VI. Va. lBJBQVo·~~J£\&J~ POST NO.4 ~~-~"~ean~Citl'Dif~ COMPANY B. 320th lnf. 'Reg. Washington, D. C. POST No. 5 Pittsburgh, Pa. Clarksburg, W. Va. POST NO.6 COMPANY G. 320th In£. Reg. Fairmont, W. Va. Pittsburgh, Pa. POST NO.7 Grafton, 'vV . Va. CO:.VIPANY K. POST No. 8 320th In£. Reg. Pittsburgh, Pa. Richmond, Va. POST No. 9 305th F. S. Bn. P. C. Chestnut Ridge Pittsburgh, Pa. Uniontown, Pa. POST NO. 10 Petersburg Post 315th Field Artillery Petersburg, Va. Bluefield, W. Va. AUXILIARIES Penna. Aux. No. 1 317th Infantry Pittsburgh, Pa. H clq. Baltimore, Md. Penna. Aux. N o. 2 Philadelphia, Pa. N . Y. Association Officers of the 80t h WestVa. Aux. No. 1 Fairmont, W. Va. New York, N . Y. TH E 80 th DIVISION "ALWAYS MOVES FORWAR D " TO MY COMRADES OF THE EIGHTIETH Dl VISION:- You have conferred upon me a great honor and·a great trust in electing me Presiden: of the Eightieth Division Veterans' Association. For this I thank you and I pray that I may haye the strength to warrant the confidence you place in me.
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