NOTICE TO READER: Wbni rou ftniib riilliii this nu#«Mnp plaro a le ftaiop (n U119 notiro, mail the macaxine, and It «U1 t>« plaml id the hari'ls r<

AUGUST 17.1918 rHCe, IDC Published weekly at Cincinnati. O. Subscription, >3.00 per year. Entered as second-class mail matter, June 4, 1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under act of March 3, 1879.

LUNA PARK, CONEY ISLAND, NUMBER THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 36 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 64 PER CENT READING MATTER 2 X ti « Billl>OArcl AUGUST t7, 1918. FDR SALE, Coneession Outfits One complete Moving Water Fish Pond, 15-fL tank, built In 2 apeetol travelitig aaan. to beit toasOMr. will TheSECRET water-tight joints; elertrie gaetor. speed reducing geer ale.: ino lah and 12 Bsbpolee; atogant eomaaalan teat. CHOCOLATES lSx8il0. khaki and red atripe, with fringe trlOMaing. try a shipment of our famous pin hinge portable frame and elielvlna two Amrrlcai IS OUTI Hbowmtn's lampa. ate.; a rare bargain at $lg0.g0; om Baseball Poker Game. $50.UO; one Afriean Hlidr Rill STREETMEN! Gama with beat watarproof canvas tMk. $S8.tW: onr RED BOX CHOCOLATES We’ve been having a big demand from succeasful Streetmen for one 811k Stockiiu Uirla. automatic movtog Jtmii* tlwmiiK game. $56.0tr Above ouUlts ara brand naw and out FULL POUND 0 particular Persian Ivory Assortment—although we never have adver* regular atock. Sand half cash wHh arder and wr (24 LBS. TO CASE) tised these items and have been still as mice about them. wUI ablp C. O. D. for tto balance. J. M. NAI'GIL TON AMTtSKtfBNT CONHTBUCTION CO., H»te, HALF POUND % Mayer Bldg., Pearla, nunots. (48 K LBS. TO CASE) A 91# ; Persian Ivory Is in Favor FOR BALE CHEAP-IkiUre Pit .8)iew OMflt. two Unket Boiaa, one Daagan Una-Fon. XOtllO Tap. 14 SEND DEPOSIT- ASK FOR PRICE LIST Rtnneri, 8x10. like new; one-fifih-Jneii toon pipe Because It Never Tarnishes Pita, rad Prosceolua. Pit Coven, .stake Paller, Bannov CIGARS, CANDIES & TE CREA^ CONES Polea, two Carbide Lights, one male Ocelot. Bne apn-- Streetmen who are up and doing will recog- tmen. Goods sb>rad In ClnrlnnaU. Address PIT 1 nixe the following tuisortment as the very one BHOW, care Billboard. Cinctonatl. touts DENEBEIM & SONS > they want: 1224 OAK ST. KANSAS CITY MO BNo. 436—EI«?trlc Radium 484-Black and Whtto FOR SJIL£ - . ___ . Slru«l suid. N oho dig KNOX FIVE-TON AUTO TRUCK. j Gem Scarf Pin. Stares at. nitssas the shirt-front that Good rnndlUon. reasonal<1e pri<-e. Might take Tord . Y'si like Jupiter on a starry shows it Gets the fellow In ivaije. Write for desrrtpilon. CURL 4k SON. VELVET DJK>PS inV STAGE SETTINQS ILV night SUBds out « ^ TYndiMI, South Dakota. B«uttful colnfv uy all*. R«aUla and May tens*. il*^ J like • suabuijt.. GfOSS, $5 _“ GfSSS, ^ BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS, FOR SALE—One atriped Tent. 4i4, T-ft tide walls: MS Watt Farty-ilxtti Straat, Naw Varfc OKy. __Ne. 15036 Eboijr Per^ Ivory Blog, in White or Blsdt This Bine to 150 Bvana Whaal and 5aa three-amahar Tkhatot 41a: trrwunme. Looks equally well on a Queen and a country _ en one Fiber TrwA. 42a3e. aeervlhiiig In good condllJon; 9SS Market Street, • Saa FraiMleao. Cal. girl. Keeps the crowd oomiog. JB UTVSS| packed in trunk, ready to ship, first $25.00 takes all. H. DAVIS. 522 W. Third St.. DayUm. Ohio. Patriotic Novelties Take Finely WAR CURIOSITIES Diainai.4 Dya, OU or Water Oolsni SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS. OHIO. PERSIAN IVORY MAKES METAL “STRIKE ITS COLORS.*’ Big Special Features, with or without Bannan, Ani¬ mal and Human, ready to ahlp the day your arder TTie Call of our Country Is being met everywhere. The sweet- .•oroee. Uat free. NELHON SUPPLY' HOUSE. Store WANTED—CIRCUS SEATS heart and the folks left behind publish their patriotism and blzvd 514 B. 4th 8t, 8. Boston. MaaaarhusetU. state nuiniier and gire all other detaila. Addrtea their bleeding hearts by ahoiKing their colon in modem fashloD, THE SUTt’UKFE CO.. LouUrtlle. Kentucky. No. 431—American F*lag Seir* i FOR SALE—$4 Undressed Kewpiea. 2 Mazda Ughto. IceIVL Bangle—.in National cmi»n4—colors^ It#. 430^8w6etheart Hemoo Wire, Hammer. Saw. 300 Post Cards. Bally-Hoo and the leader of the loL Banpla pin. Admirably adapted for the ^09^ Bsckgri^d Curtain, all carefully packed in gouU WANTED FOR WEEK-STAND ^wa one. two or three stars, girl who's waiting, rrnee till ^1^ trunk; entire outfit $27.00. $5.00 caih. balance (X O. D. N. J. BARIN'. Box 380. N. H.. Pittsburg. Pa. VAUDEVILLE shown .... .f!!.Gross, $12| .. under laiirais. Mnring Picture Operator, Edison ma- chliir: must understand both gas and electricity. tYe- No. 429 -Service Pin, 1. 2 or 3 stars. Means-Pm,. CQ FOR SALE—960 CIGARS fer man who can do straights In arts. Also want good much to father, mother, sister, brother. UIUSS, ^ ■fWBiP'ia In first-class condition, $15.00 J. T. ALLAN. JB.* straight Man. Want two Canrasmen. Other useful 1739 4jlh 81.. BrtMiklyn. . _ rople write or wire. Pay own wires. State salary: pt> all. Silence a polite negative. OLLIE UAMIL- 12'K Gold Filled Service Rings FOR SALE Gum Wheel Top and FraaM. 6x4; one yoN. Wlnton, North Carolina. Trunk; all In good condition; will atrrilkea for 120.00 ^Every soldier end .vailor is ss proud of one of thme cash for all. WM. DUMAS, care Northwastam ShowA -** “® •>« » college degree. Worn by his family, too. Detroit. Michigan. WANTED No. 2796-Gross, $27. No. 2771—Dozen, $4 Two Good Colored Mule Riders WANTED—AmastmtnU tf All Kinds . Rw’ogniring the acute buying srr.5«i of Btreetmen. we are for Salem. O.. Labor Day Celebration. tk (or Rucking Mule. Will pay good salary and always keen to have you see a c(^y of our new SCHAEFFER. Sec’y. Oneral DeHvery. good trealment. Must lie ready to Join week August 2S. 1918. JOHN WHITE. White's Circus. Boute 1. Elktnn. Maryland. BUYERS* GUIDE—FREE TO YOU. STREET PERFORMERS Rtick a postal In the mall and be glad you did. WiRted Sketch Tetn ORIENTAL MANUFACTURING CO., «. i Novelty Acte, Straight Man for Art*. WANTED AT ONCE Long season to good people. This is Those playing instrument preferred. However. I ctn an oi>en-air Medicine Show. plsy your songs. Single Woman Singer. HR. J. K. UI NTER, Rail 22.*), Efflngham, Illinoif. DR. H. R. RUCKER, Arkansas City, Kan. Wanted—Triek Cyclists SONG-O-PHORE—start a mysterious band " -> Ladies and Gentlemen Trick Cyclists, to join recog¬ If you can alng. whistle or hum a tune you can play the SONO-O-PHONB (No [I Ini cm I* nized set. Rooked solid. Write or wire "CYCLIST," Instnirtlon necessary.) It produces sweet, rich end mellow tones snd sounds Just CL I* Rillboard, Chiesgo. like the real thing. There's a world of fun in a SONG-O-PHONE band. Y'ou l|el| g nil Fff _ I WANT QIMI can get up impromptu concerts, vaudeville or serenade parties. I'sed by the bojs )| g W A1111 I In the Army, the Navy, the T. M. C. A., fraternal organiaations. amateur and WANTED—Lady Performers that alng and dance; professional performers and in the home. The idea] musical inatrument to pats 3 TIHKOUHD SSI CO. those playing string Instruments given preference. away the dull hours when off duty, A profluble Item to handle at Parks. CsmltaU and Bazaars Wanted to lease or buy first-class Passertger Coach; Chorus Girls; salary. $20.00. Singing and Dancing must be In good condition, pass M. C. R. Inspection. For sale at all Mutleal InatruMMit Dralarz everywkare, w aa.t an raMl»t of grles. Writs far eatalaa. Houhratla. Musical Comedy People, write. A real Also wanted to liuy second-hand set of Trap Drums. THE SONOPHONE CO., . • • . . . • 1-3 East Mth Stosat Nmv Y.riu Agent wanted. THUS. AITON. ChllUeothe. Ohio. On sreount of draft, can use one R. F. Comedian; must play banjo or guitar. DR. HEBER BECKER, Blalrs- |A|AMTrn High Striker. Electric Plant, good vllle. Pennsylvania. WMn I tl# Organ. FOR SALE—2 Marry-Oo- Rounds. Powar'a No 5. lot Films. Trick Doves and Wanted Quick, Lewis-Williams Stock Company Doga. Tents. Kalaer Doll Ra-ks. Air Rifle Shooting WANTED MEN PERFORMERS (Under canvas) two General Business YIen, one capable of playing aome Juvenile Leads; General Busintas Gallevy. HARRY SMITH. Grata. Pennsylvania. On acount of draft, that want steady work all winter. Woman, capable of Characten. AU essentials neressiry. Preference given those doing spedaltlee. Addm. VERSATILE S. A 0. SKETCH Song and Dain-e Team. Musical Act, Silent Act. Come¬ JACK LEWIS, LawrsatMdBa, Virginia. WWMIS I bh/ team, for Med Sh.m Chant* dian that can put on act. State ail in first. Tb.e La- vrlies. I wired you to Chicago. ED. F. WEISE. Hud¬ Tlrkets to those I know or that can give serurlty. six nights. Singles and doubles $25 and all Must son, Michigan. faka piano or organ. Join on wirr Routo Janr^- vllle. la., NOW; Cedar Falla, la , Aug 19 and wack LEE THO.Ml’SO.N' TENT SHOW _ U/AMTCn COMPLETE DRA- TiAniLU MATIC OUTFIT Wanted Lady Banjo, Banjorines Mandolin Player WANTED, AH-Round MedMne ConiediM Drummer, or Flute Player who doubles on Banjo or Wind Instruments. All OtlMT useful people wrrita. State all In •rat

Catyrifhl. ISIS, by Tba Blllbaard Pablithlag CfS—y. COOP & LENTI J. C. MATTHEWS B. F. KEITH’S ED F. CARRUTHERS MOTORIZEO CIR- BOYS' BAND IS CUS LAYS OFF PROMINENT IN TO REORGANIZE BENEFIT EVENTS Overloading of Trucks Causes Two Hundred and Fifty Boys Breakdown in Transportation and All Real Musicians

Trailers Will Be Eliminated Participate in Many Military and Effort To Continue and Patriotic Parades

Southeastern Tour May Be The President Greatly Inter¬ Made Under Another Title ested in Their Efforts

Mr. Carruthers is doing excellent Mr. Matthewa is booking manager of I New York, Aug 12.—In all the big The first completely motorized cir¬ the Pantagea affiliatod circuits, with work in behalf of the Cemetery Fund civic, military and patriotic parades cus In the world has had a terrible headquarters in Chicago. of the Showmen's League. that have thrilled thousands of New test the last two weeks In Ohio, so Yorkers this year the B, F. Keith severe In fact that it may l>e its death. Boys' Band has been very prominent However, indications are that it will be not alone for its size e-s have given concerts, too, and have BY S. L. OF A. some of the inconveniences and ir¬ IN PANTAGES’ won high praises from masters of the regularities with creditable patience. baton, such as Sousa, Victor Herbert, However, being the jiioneer as a mo¬ Walter Damrosoh and Nathan Franko. torized show, it was hut the repetition CMCAGO OFHCE The wiccess of this boys' organization COMMjTTEES of the records of ali enterprises of has been such that a story of its his¬ whatsoever nature, that the first ef¬ tory will be welcome by our readers. forts should prove .severe in the te-^t of No Important Action Taken Success of Campaign for Ceme¬ endurance as well as expensive to the Before America joined the Allies A. tery Fund Seems Assured I'romoters. It seems that the Coop Other Than To Paul Keith and E. F. Alhee were dl.s- & Lent Circus was overi«»ading its cussing a newspaper article deploring trucks, that these heavy loads with the scarcity of appropriate public play¬ Friendly Rivalry To Secure the dead weight of huge trailers be¬ Complete Plans for the Season grounds for the youth of the city. They hind them was too much for the truck Just Opening thereupon decided to organize a boys' Maximum Contributions engines, and, consequently, the show club that would he an infinence in has not been moving with any regu¬ keeping lads off the street by giving larity the last few days. Not much Straight Pantages Show at them the necessary rooms and equip¬ Showmen of Every Rank Re¬ truck trouble was encountered early McVicker’s, Chicago ment for clean and wholesome sport spond Cheerfully to Call in the season, and even in the moun¬ and entertainment. tains of Kentucky and the hills of Before their pl.ans had fully matured Southern Ohio the odd hut interesting rhic.igo. Aiig 12.—Vaudeville no¬ the I'nited State.s went Into the war. Lives there a showman with soul »■> caravan wended its way with very tables gathered in fi>ri'e at the ottiees and the thought came to them that it dead creditahle punctuality over its route, of the Pantages I'lrciiit last week, the ' would he a wonderful opportunity to I Who never to himself has said: and. consequently, the show did a nice meeting being in the nature of a re¬ ' expand the scope of the school and I “It is my own—The Showmen's business and left an enviable reputa¬ union of the and atliliated teach boys band music, for It was League?” tion. . managers of tlie Middle West. Sev¬ certain that thrnout the duration of I (The Man Without a Country para- the conflict there would he many pa¬ However the last two weeks the eral conferences wore held of tile order, iuit there was no I Chicago. Aug. 12.—With subscrip- would require stirring music. ha.<» begun to tell and at Zanesville, im|>ortant action taken, nor was any I tion committees earnestly working on O., It was necessary to l.ny the .xhow contemplated. However, the meeting Promptly Messrs. Keith and .Mhee I the lot.-* of nearly every established off live days while the trucks were be¬ p*'rmiiteil tlte couipletion of (ilans for ! took two floors of the Alhambra Thea¬ outdoor amusement organization in ing re|)alred, this being the decision a spirited offensive, and the indica¬ ter Building at 126th street and had the country the succese* of the cam¬ after the show was only able to give tions are that Pantages, Jones, Linick them made over into a club for the paign for additional fund.<» with which five performance.s the preceding week. * Schaefer. Miles Saxe, Hodklns. El¬ youthful musicians. They installed to enlarge Showmen's Rest. In Wood- After leaving Zanesville the show en¬ bert & Oetchell. Heide and other new everything a.s they had planned, with lawn Cemetery, Chicago, seems as¬ countered unusually severe roads and vaudeville intere.sts centering with J. E. S. Tracey as bandmaster. W. D. sured. It is a mighty’ small amuse¬ again on account of the overloading (’. .Matthews In Chicairo will take a .‘tteln as .assi.-tant bandmaster. M. Wil¬ ment outfit that hasn’t been vi^ted si’vcral of the truck."* went to the Iwul. very active part in the affairs of the liams as second assistant bandmaster by some accredited representative of thus forcing the show to get into town season Jii.-H opening. and T. J. ('ampbell as gymnasium in¬ the Showmen’s League, or received a behind its paper and then too lute to As a result of this conference a structor. The news soon .spread and petition, thru the mail, and It Is a give a matinee. I'rom It. M. Harvey, greater effort will be made than before there was a rush of applicants. At j tribute to the spirit guiding the out- (('iHitlnued on |ii>(c> S8) (I'uDtUiueU on page 131 (CoatinueU on i

The Edition of This Issue of The Billboard Is 35,000 Copies AUGUST 17, ISIS

Krazce. Mr. Errol promises that ev¬ Lowery Minstrels Close erything will be in readiness for the MINSTREL MANAGERS TO MEET scheduled opening. AugusH 27. in Tren¬ After a Lung and tienerally Suit-essful ton, N. J. Then after a week each in Noason Haltiinore and in Washington the pro¬ duction will l»e brought into N'ew In New York This Week To Discuss Advisability This was the show put out by R. M. York. The writers of the pla>' are A. Harvey and featuring Prof. Lowery, Haldwin Sloane and Harry B. .Smith. of Rerouting Companies To Reduce Com¬ t-larence Powell. Ed Tolliver, Frank Supporting .Miss Ha\es in the cast wilt Kirk and a dozen other negro celebri¬ be Hal I'orde. Irving Fisher, Florence petition Among the Various Shows ties. The Lowery Minstrels made an Morri.son, William Kent, .Mercita Es- enviable reputation thus season and niondc. Lew t.'ocjper, .\l Fields and G. W. Ashle.v. are in great demand for the coming GUS HILL DISCUSSES PLANS season. Mr. Harvey has not yet de¬ cided whether he will put the show New Opera House out this coming winter or not. as war TO RELIEVE SITUATION conditions, increased railroad rates Harlington, Wis., .\ug. 10.—.V new and other expenses make it almost opera house is being tmilt here and impossible to operate a car show. Geo. Is Willing To Co-Operate With Other Managers \\;11 be ready for occupancy .\ugust 26. L. Barton was in charge of the show the last half of its season. A1 Hoffman. for Mutual Benefit—Favors Readjusting of Season Opens Charles Pheeney. Frank Van Miller and the late Clem Klugherz having Routes for Future Welfare of Minstrelsy I'or Tuo Clik-ago HousC' been identified with it during the sea¬ son.

• libagt). .\ug. 12.—Two Chicago New York, Aug. 12.—There has been inconvenience, and I welcome the pro¬ houses, the Olympic and the Stude- Scoop Premiere August 21 con.oiderable speculation among f»ro- posed meeting as a means of adjusting baker, have already opened officially ducing managers, managers of com¬ our routes to the satisfaction of all lor the new season, tho the torrid .Maysvllle, Ky.. Aug. 12.—The Scoop, panies and ad\ance agents as to what producing managers for the future weather still grips Chicago. Fiske by Parker Hord, will have its tryout the ultimate outcome will be, from a welfare of minstrelsy.” O’Hara came to the Olympic Sunday box-office point of view, from minstrel .\ugust 21, in.stead of August 16. as previously announced. In a recent Is¬ shows following each other so clo.sely sue of The Billboard Klaw Erlan- into the same territory. Therefore VIN AND MONA RICHMOND & ger were given as the producers of there is to be a call sent out from the this play. That was an error, and powers that be for a meeting to he Joseph C. Cronyea states that he is held during the current week to dis- both the manager and producer ot the advisability of rerouting the The Scoop, but that Klaw & Erlanger various minstrel companies in order may have the booking of it. Clifford that there will be less competition Devereaux, in the leading role. Ls de¬ among the various shows. voting a great deal of attention to the A representative of The Billboard production, one of the reasons for called on Gus Hill today and asked postponement of the opening. Ac¬ him if there was anything to the ru¬ cording to Mr. Gonyea it has not been mor. In the course of conversation definitely decided upon just what cities Mr. Hill remarked; “Yes. there is will be played during the tryout week, something to this rumor relative to the but if this latest Secret Service play ia invasion of one show on top of another a success Chicago will have It for a in the minsdrel field, which can be re¬ run, then possibly New York. lieved in a manner entirely satisfac¬ tory to each and every producing man¬ ager of minstrelsy. This will probably he done at the meeting this week, when managers will be called together Chicago. Aug. 10.—For Me and My for the discussion of ways and means Gal, a three-act musical comedy writ¬ to avoid this uncalled for competition. ten around the title which proved so Personally speaking, I feel that by be¬ successful as a popular .song, is now in ing on the ground during the booking the process of rehearsal by the New season, with all the facilities that I York Prodiicing Company, a local pro¬ possess at my command, that T have ducing concern recently organized, and selected a very desirable territory for will be revealed in and around Chica¬ my several companies on tour and I go, opening .\ugust 25. later complet¬ have little or nothing to fear from ing a Mid-West route. competition. Nevertheless T am al¬ ways willing to co-operate for mutual benefits. If there is anything I can Band Is in State Guard do to further the welfare of min¬ strelsy a.-< an attractive form of theat¬ New York, Aug. 10.—The Seventh ricals I stand ready and willing to do Regiment Band, which has just closed it, even tho it puts me to considerable a successful season at the Bronx Expo¬ sition. is regularly enlisted in the New York State tJuard. This bund is com- No Final Action po.sed entirely of professional musi¬ cians recruited from the leading thea¬ ters and musical organizations of New By Ways ami Means Coiiiniltteo on York City. In enlisting in the New Taxes Wril-kiKHrD drimatlc and muiical comedT people who htre t(aln signed with the Hslton Powell aUrac- tlons for the season of and will be seen with one of their musical comedy repertoire companies. York Guard they voluntarily sacri¬ ficed lucrative engagements and are Washington, D. C., Aug. 12.—De¬ deserving of heartiest support. night with Marry in Haste, a comedy spite the reported tentative action by More Entertainers to France The leader. Lieutenant W. S. My- by .\nna Nichols, with mu.sical num¬ the Hou.oe Ways and Means Commit¬ grant, has devoted fifteen years to the bers interpolated for the star. Pa¬ tee in framing the new Revenue Bill, New York, Aug. 11.—The names of tricia Clary, Mary Louise Malloy and State and National Government, serv¬ no final action has been taken on tilm.s, Lois Meredith, Thomas J. Gray, Billy Gertrude Ritchie have the princl|)al ing with our forces on the Mexican admissions, footage tax, rental.s. etc. Gould and .\m|)orito Farrar appear supporting parts. border. .V footjige tax probably will be reached Communications Intended for the on a list of those who have offered The Garden of Para«lise. a stage and a tax on rentals received by the hand should he address^ed to W. S. their services at the Y. -M. C. for version of The Little Mermaid, one of producer will be fixed also. Of course, entertaining purposes in France and .\nderson's» fairy talcs, came to the .Mygrant, 133 E. Eighty fourth street. the admission tax in some form will who will soon sail. .V number of en¬ Studel»aker tonight, with Cathleen New York, or to the office and per¬ stand. manent address, care of Charles H. tertainers who will sail for France at Nesbitt, Irene Halsman, Alexander Ditson Co.. S-12 E. Thirty-fourth once are Raymoiul Walker, Gilbert (!)nsIow, Gilda V’aresl, Alice A. Butler, & Lexow and Call Engaged Gregory. Renee Detrich. LouLse Car¬ John L. Shine. Wallis Clark. Florence street. New York. lyle. Nella .Mian, Henry Marcus and Wollenson and Enid Morel in the large Erminie Whittell. These will appear cast. Anna Held’s Condition •Yew York, Aug. 11.—The engage¬ in the fiifTerent Y. M. C. A. hubs and ment of Fatherine Lexow to Forporal du gouts. Donald Marshall ('all has been an¬ President Sees New Play New York. Aug. 11.—The recent nounced. Corporal Fall is In the torrid spell has brought about a seri- American Tank Service in France. The Washington. Aug. 10.—President OU.S turn In tho condition of Anna couple were f<»rmerly members of the Wilson enjoyed the new Adolph Klau- Held, who has taken numerous deliri¬ Will B<' ill ltcadiii(--s for Opening ous attacks. Dr. E. M. Overton, who Is Fair and Warmer Company, No. 2, ber production, Helen With the High treating Miss Held, stated that she has put out last year by Selwyn & Com¬ .\iigust 27 Hand, at the Belasco Theater, last been cured of the bone disease but pany. .Mi.«8 Lexow Is the daughter of Thursday night. The President had not that she is now suffering with pneu¬ the late Senator I..exow and is now ap¬ New York. .\ug. 12.—L<'on Errol attended a performance at the thea¬ monia. Ho says sho Is now at tho pearing in a repertoire of patriotic has jiKst put into rehear.sal the new ter for the last two weeks, hut braved crisis of her Illness, hut that If she plays with the Henry Jewett Players Nora Ba.ves musical production, which the heat Thursday to witness the new survives this attack sho will recover. at the Copley Square Theater, Boston. he will direct and produce for H, H. production with his party. AUGUST 17, 1918 T ti e Billboard 5

Lady Ticket Seller Producer Killed in Action

•:iil»siitiiiolaii nt Itlnokstone victor ('nine, of Jones & Crane, Dies 'IIkwht in threat Marne*Battlu

('hicjiffo. Aiir. 12.—Add horrors— Chicago, .\ug. 10.—Lieut. Victor O. nil. olensiires of war! The Blackstone Crane, of Co. I, 26th Infantry, Ameri¬ Thonler has ilisi>eii.sud with a male can Expeditionary Forces, was killed iirkft seller in the box-ofliee and sub¬ In the recent fighting near the Marne stituted Helen Ketehuni, a younp lady River, according to Thursday’s pub¬ New York, Aug. 10.—To talk about the weather Is “small town” gossip who is provin>r exeeptionally dexter¬ lished casualty lists. generally speaking. When the weather is of such abnormal and business ous in handiinK tickets and cash. Tho Probably no Chicago producing con¬ affecting proportions we are inclined to do a little “small town stuff” by way ni.Tny iesser tlieaters have u.^ed women cern was better known in its day than of diversion and information. The thermometer on Wednesday was according in hox-ottices this is the first instiince the firm of Jones & Crane, Inc. to the weatlier bure.'iu 102 degrees, the highest in the history of the local of one attached to a house. “Shorty” Jones and Victor Crane, after weather recording station. Theatrical business suffered and received a hard It is said thjif many tnen who used to many years’ experience in various knock on that day, a few preceding days and has since. It was probably cool delepate their .stenoRraphers to buy branches of the theatrical bu.siness, enough inside the “houses,” but it was like going thru a fiery furnace to get tickets now step up to the Biackstone opened an office in the Grand Opera to them. The general public did not care for the experience—therefore the Itox-oflice personaliy, under the charm House Building, producing road edi¬ drop in attendance. Today is cloudy, comfortably cool, and the matinee of the lady attache. This is the sec¬ tions of successful Broadway shows. crowds are out in numbers that should place some of the box-offices on the ond revolutionary procedtire on the They were exceptionally prosperous, right side of the ruled book for the day if not for the week. p.irt of the Blackstone management in having had control of several of the same department, for they ar- • ••••• Eugene Walter’s moa* succe.ssful plays. tached themseives from scalper In¬ Actors may be jokes in comic papers, but not in the affairs of men. He Victor Crane was an adept in revising fluence some time apo. is a representative and respected business man and citizen now. He works plaj'S for road purpo-ses. opera house for his Government. He stands by his Government and his profession. Call managers declaring that many of his Zelda Sears a Bride and the actor comes. He gives. He gives his money, his talent, his all. productions with parts contracted for • ••••• smaller company usage were more suc¬ cessful on the road than during the big Among the best advertised attractions now posted on the tool house In New York, Aur. 10.—It has been city engagements. the heart of Broadway (over the Subway entrance), opposite the office of The announced that Zeida Sears, comedi¬ Prosperity continued to shine upon Billboard, is “America’s Answer,” presented by the Division of Films Com¬ enne, became the bride of LoulsC. Wis- the enterpri^ng producers until road well. Krneral manafjer for Henry W. mittee on Public Information, George Creel chairman, now playing at the and one-night stand theatricals took Savase. on July 18 at the home of George M. Cohan Theater, and at Coney Island for week of August 26, under a slump In 1914. Their last ambitiou.s Hev. .Mbert Beebe, Norwalk, Conn. the auspices of the Knights of Columbus War Camp Activities’ Fund, and enterprise was when they produced Back of the marriape is a pretty ro¬ Tip, Yip, Yaphank, under the direction of Irv’ing Berlin, scheduled to open at A Modern Cinderella, book and lyrics mance. Twenty-five years apo Mias the Century Theater August 19 for six days. A few minutes ago a big mili¬ by Casper Nathan, jnusic by Hampton Sears, then a chorus pirl, met Mr, Wls- tary band passed the door advertising the event. It was a fifty-piece band, Durand, which took to the road in the weli in Chicapo, where he was man- followed by a perambulator. late summer of 1914. Three road com¬ aper of the .Mhamhra Theater. They • • • • • • / panies of this show were sent out Itecame friends and ever since have H. C. Wilbur requested that his name be printed hero on his last stop during the season of 1915-’16, despite kept in touch with e;ich other. They en route for Allentown. the fact that Jones died of heart dis¬ were a.s.'s«>ciated professionally when • ••••• ease shortly, after the flnst company .Miss Sears was playinp in Lovers’ Edward Francis Hayes, chairman of the House Committee, Showmen’s took to the road. Lane. Wiswell l>einR manaper of the League of America. New York, friend of all showmen, proprietor of the Com¬ The low< of hi.-< partner weighed company, and a few years apo he pre¬ mercial Cafe on Sixth avenue (showmen’s headquarters), and about twenty- heavily upon Crane, who later ex¬ sented her as a star in The Nest Epp. five years ago champion feather weight boxer around these parts, has answered ploited motion picture features on Mrs. Wiswell has appeared in a the call. For months he has been preparing himself to go “over there” as an State rights plans. Shortly after the wide ranpe of p.arts on the legitimate athletic instructor for the Knights of Columbus’ division of war activities entered the war Crane stage iind in vaudeville. and camp work. “Eddie,” as his friends call him, received his summons for enlisted and met with rapid promo¬ Mr. Wiswell was associated with service in the middle of the night and by early morning he was on his way tion. .'ttair, Havlin &■ Nicolai for several over seas. Those who want to communicate can address him care his place, Crane was exceptionally versatile, years, resigning to become general which will remain during his absence in charge of an experienced caterer. having had experience a.s an actor and manager of Henry W. Savage’s theat¬ • ••••• also being a skilled mechanic. He was rical interests. about 30 years old. Obey the law of the land. This Is no time for strikes and dissension. Serve yourself by serving the Government. Bronx 0. H. Opens August 30 • ••••• A Peculiar Squabble Irving J. Polack and his assistant, of the Polack Bros.’ Shows, were New York, Aug. 10.—The Bronx Op- visitors, on business this week, with headquarters at the Hotel Astor. etra House wilt open August 30 with • • • • • • Chicago, Aug. 10.—Harry J. Rid¬ The Little Teacher as the initial at¬ ings, manager of Cohan’s Grand, has R F. Carruthers called in this week en route to Washington on business traction. This will mark the begin¬ entered into a peculiar altercation with for the United Fairs Booking Association, Chicago. ning of the sixth of this popular • ••••• .\ctlng Police Chief Alcock over the Cohan & Harris Theater and the event boxing match for the benefit of the Oscar C. Jumey, park magnate, of Detroit, came to Broadway*~not long will be properly celebrated. Salvation Army Fund scheduled for a ago. After his return to his “Luna,” in the motor city, rumors began to fly The hotise has been entirely reno¬ local baseball park this afternoon. The thick and fast. vated and presents the appearance of • ••••• Police Chief declared he would not al¬ a new house. All of the best attrac¬ low boxing in Chicago, as it Is Dick Hood, of H. C. Evans & Company, Chicago, left our city with many tions are to be pre.sented the coming the law. Ridings thereupon stated good orders and a satisfactory impression of the men in the same line as season. Among those already ar¬ that he had the authorization of the represented by the Chicago firm of which he is the head. ranged for are Maytlme, Oh. Boy; • ••••• State Council of Defense, which ruled Turn to the Right, Copperhead, In¬ that the baseball park would be con¬ H. F. McGarvle, president New York International Ex|>08ition, has been formation. Please, and a number of sidered a Government reservation for the recipient of most flattering overtures to take up work for the Y. M. C, A. other big successes. the day. .\fter considerable argument “over there.” J. J. Rosenthal will continue as • ••••• it was decided to run the affair at Fort man.nger of the,house. Sheridan Instead of at the ball park. Gordon W. Bostock avers that there is a vast void between “had” the price of admission and “having” the price of admission. Allenton Leaves “Patsy” • ••••• Improvements Planned W. F. Hamilton, amusement promoter, recently returned to Broadway from a business trip to Sun Francisco. He specializes in ]>ugoams and street t’hicago, Aug. 10.—Joseph Allenton, Birmingham. A1a...\ug. 10.—Further celebrations. the stage manag<‘r of Patsy on the • ••«•• improvements are to he made at the IVinp. at t’ohan’s Orand, who. Lyric Theater before September 1, "f the play’s reriuirements. ha.s the John M. Murphy, one of the best known of Broadway’s hotel greeters, is including a handsome marquee in now manager of the Underwriters’ Club, way down town. tiiiii|ue role of an unseen actor, will • ••••• front of the theater to offer more pro¬ conclude his time with the play tonight tection In rainy weather. Marble seats A story like this about Sidney Riley, the musical director, i.s going the .mil will return to New York to be- are to he placed in the lobby and the rounds: Riley came in the other day from Olentangy Park, out in Columbus, Kin rehear.xals with Sanger & Jordan’s walls are to be redecorated. "Every G.. wlHTe he lH*en producing musical eom<>dy stock. He arrived ahead of Seven Day.i^ Leave. In Patsy on the comfort possible is being provided for his baggage, went to a hotel and registered, then out lie .sauntered and bought Wing Allenton takes the p;irt of a bed¬ patrons,” says Manager M. L. Semon. a piano. The piano was being brought into tlie hotel just about the time the ridden Irishman, who t.alks to his clerk was informing him the rate per room. In pure Celtic fashion he had wife thru a shutter without ever ap¬ the Instrument put hack on the truck, and out he wont behind it to find a pearing ui>on the stage. Going Over There hostelry tliat “would be ratefully kind to an actor” and not take all. Just now Sidney is rehearsing one of the Cohan & Harris’ Going Up shows, which Booking Pabst, Milwaukee takes tlio road at an early date. New York. Aug. 10.—.\mong the • ••••• entertainers who are .shortly sailing Billy B. Van, the <’omedlan. and Leon D. Rrltton, once known in tlie outdoor show world. Is now an as¬ for "over there” are Lois Meredith, .I'l'teph Conoly, a well-known theatrlc- sistant director in the Goldwyn Studios at Fort Lee, N. J. On his trli>s to Thomas J. tlray, Billy Gould, .\mpa- ;il manager, announce that they have tlie city lie calls at Tlio Billboard. He does not forget his old friends. We rito Farrar, Raymond Walker, Gilbert the sole and exclusive rights for all arc watching him grow. Gregory, Wright and Detrlch, Louise I.unkings at the I’abst Theater,Milwau¬ • ••••• Carlyle, Nella Allan, Henry Marcus kee. WIs. The Pabst Theater was the Thomas J. Quincy and his charming wife, professionally known as May and Ermine Whittle. These artists home of Herman stock, but will play Quincy, the high diving and aquatic experts, have scored a must decided will appear in the Y. M. C. A. huts in comblnatlona this season. (Cootlnued on page IS) France. e e AUGU8T 17, 1f18



pheiim Circuit until next January. AlbcC Asks Co-Operatioil “FREAKIEST SEASON She opens in Omaha next week. This ^ will he the fir.'jt time she has ever . ~ Z » - .u w t)f Artists To Sec'ureSts'uro Better Ser\lce played an extended tour on the Orphe- um Circuit. .. „ , . “ , Of Vaudeville Seems To Be in Prospect for Middle ___ New \ork. Aup. 12.—In a letter to 1 • T • i o H. F. Albee, R. C. Larsen, of Keith’s West—Uncertain Conditions Will Force mattnews Booking Lincoln Sq. noston Theater, suRgrests that aii acts " notify houses they are to appear in at Many Readjustments Chicago,Chicagro, Aur.Aufj. *12.—J. C. Matthews.Matthews, ten o’clock the day of their appearance Pantages hookinR manaRer here, who of their whereabouts. If It is impossU represents afhliated vaudeville inter- hie for them to appear personally they eats of the Middle and Far West, will ci»n either phone or wire, stating the changeTwilTprove of book the Lincoln Square Theater in time they will arrive at the theater. Decatur. Ill., again the coming season. This applies particularly to acts need- VALUE TO THE GAME which will he inaugurated September ing no rehearsal, as some of them are R with a Sunday opening. The Palace in the habit of not showing up at the Theater, at Danville, Ill., which re- theater until 12 or 1 o’clock. The re¬ cently came under the same manage- suit is the manager often has to try to Agents See Opportunity To Secure Choice Time for ment. will open on September 15. Both locate them, only to learn they have houses will play two acta and high- been near the theater all the time. Better Class Acts — Will Make the grade pictures. Mr. Albee agrees with the suggestion Most of Present Situation and has published an announcement Keith Houses Open Sept. 2 reque.'sting artists to kindly co-operate with Mr. Larsen’s suggestion when playing vaudeville houses thru the Chicago, Aug. 12.—^1^'hat bids fairi their own way. They intend to make New York, Aug. 12.—With the open to become the ’’freakiest” vaudeville the most of their period of triumph ing of the Alhambra, firpheum and P:’'*’^*' Booking Offices, adding that the courtesy might also apply to man¬ season the Middle West has known in and will endeavor to get the best deals Colonial theaters the week of Sep- many years is already under way in procurable for their acts. tember 2 the new season of the Keith other circuits. Chicago liooking circles, so far as the ____ will start officially. The houses - booking agenl.-* are i-oncerned. With m t- have all been redecorated and are in Pnforfainino*Entertaining ♦the Boys many Iheater.s in this section already Tanguay on Orpheum Circuit excellent condition The stage of the jsntertammg t open and others preparing to incor¬ - -Alhambra has been remodeled, a new Chicago. Aug. 10.—’The Importance porate vaudeville within a fortnight. New York. Aug. 12.—Eva Tanguay floor laid and the dressing rooms have Chicago. Aug. 1 . 1 of vaudeville as a means of inspiring the agents’ l>ooks are gradually tak- ha.s signed a contract to play the Or- been painted and enlarged, the Sammies and Jackies is realized ing on the same ftiU appearance that by the committees in charge of the en¬ marked them in previous year.s. _ _ tertainment of the boys in service Tho conditions are extremely uncer- EE I E E around Chicago, and many well-known tain, with new war proljlems to be I Bwl acts have recently been given for them. met in every department of vaudeville, A | i » , J. C. Matthews, Chicago agent, haa the agents, while not feeling anything T |/\ H |( || | k J booked several recently, one on August like conMdent. are. ne\ ertheie.^;?. facing y 'X T X # A Al || I w #1 M I 4 being composed of Tom Sawyer and the future w ith as nuicli optimism as K U R U 11 U 11 I W V ^ ■ his Jackies, Holland. Irwin and Hol¬ circumstances will permit. They ad- m m land, Denoyer and Danle. Herman mit that \audeville ha.s detenorated A I and Shriner. Sloan and Moore, and Halph and Anna; while the second, on unavoidaliie condition, in view of the X 'y I l| I I August 11, was made up of the Siegals. cOn.«tantly increasing tangles confront- M J 1^ Link and Grey, Hazel Leona. Two ing everyitody in the game—l>ut they M _ _ Sternads, Gladys Green snd Company, also feel that the present uncertainty I ■^■ SKCUlSKCMl MMIIIWTIWICMHMTIM MBS and Wicr and Temple. will force many readjustments that I AKOlBTtLTAISOIBTUT FIIEFItt FIttfmiF ^ llllll Ail of the above donated their serv¬ will prove of great value to the game x llini ices. the committee having nothing to pay but railroad fare. Some of tile agenf.s wlio liave devcl- ^ I 'EmfLl oped acts on the rung »)f tl»e r f f I f 'f vaudeville of success I EM Mae Cahill Dies that an opportunity for getting J choice for the better of ^ C (’liicago, .\iiR. 12.— Mae f.ih'll. of these Heretofore been .QCORQCOSORCt O. COLOVOS, Vi W Leroy and Cahill, pas.sed away Suiala.v said in vaudeville circle.s that some acts —BeaHTP* AA<*••’*• 1®*- . ntglit at her home. 7(114 Oglesby avenue. Funer:il services will be hehl ;'o lohTe "rr.s wanted-specialWANTED-SPECIAL ATTRACTIONSattractions 'y Wcdne.sday from lier late home. found full season’s work here as l)e- FOR OAV OR OAVQ* QTANO cause Kastern circuits never ‘‘gave FORrWrA DAYT wrAOR DAYS’T 9 STAND9IMIuL^ ^ them a look in.” Now under the *^'‘nuntl floor. Seatlnr nparltr. t.oeo. B«*t •ikeo In Southrm IHlnoU. Eitr* rperlil •rroorr for lari* ro«J Louise Carlyle Overseas . . ’ ailrai lions. Wo l an an-ommoilato a cirrus plav Itorsrs, Orrhaiiis. etc., housed with alt ronronirnrr* Ah- pressure of the necessity for recruit- aoluoly nroroM.f Address GEORGE 0. COLOVOS. Genaral Manafer, Beaton. IMIaala. ing acts to fill the gaps caused by head- ‘i'"'*! <»p«nUif sevumber 1. Chic.ago. Aug. 10.— Louise Carlyle, liners entering variou.s forms of war __ ^ m m mm w a wwv a of Carlyle anil Wayne, the vaudeville service, all this will be changed and f D f C O pAMEFrU AM 117 A MTCfl act. left for France with the overseas Bome of the acts that were welcome IIVIOHIRISH COMEDIAN WANTEDTw Amll 1 £ll,7 entertainment unit .\iigiist 7. accord¬ ing to the tnale niemher of the team, on1> in neighborhood theaters will get An experienced Musical Comedy Man who can sing and dance, and put over who is no*’ in Chicago. a chance at the big time. good parodies and comedy numbers. Jack Mahony, write. Address Rome of the agents like Harry Spin- L. P. WALL, Mgr. Vampire Girla, Palm Theatre, Omaha. Neb. gold. Lew M. Goldberg and Dave Beh- Greene for L. & T. Houses ler, who have discovered talent for MfEHT I AAETIAHO the usage of their own time, now find WANT^VAR I TWOI 0STOCK I VwR LOCATIONSLVwA I IwRw Chicago, Aug. 10.—Kmery Kttcison themselves in the position of dictating has entered into an arrangement with to tho.«e who used to have everything One or two hills a wcck. People, all lines, write. GRIFF B.XKNK'FTPj, Lubliner & Trinz whereby Gene - — ■■ — St. Regis Hotel, ('hicago, III. Greene, the Jazz singer, who played the local Aschcr motion picture thea¬ Another Postponement lAfA14/A MTCHMTFn *^°*'^'”*'*COMEDIAN, GOOD TEAM,FaM. MUSICAL ACT ters, will perform a similar service for the other picture hotise owners. New York, Atig. 10.—The investiga- IIt!/ andAllll twoTtUH chorusPUnVIlC girls.CIDI C tion into the White Rat affairs in the Intemat’l Nine Booked Solid case of Goldie Pemberton, ordered to KILGORE’S BEAUS AND BELLES, Piedmont Theitre, Charlotte, D. C. he re.sumed Tuesday at lOi.lO, was once more postponed until next Tue.sday. BRUNK’S COMEDIANS No. 1 WANT AT ONCE Chicago, Aug. 12.—George Hamid’s It is expected that the hearing will International Nine, the tumblers at tho he concluded at this next session and Man that plays Baritone or -rrornbone Trornbone for B. A- f). have made such a re concluaea ai inis iiixi s* »ion aii i j,r,gle. wire. Soubret for I’arts and Specialties. People in all lines wanted. o.,/X a kolf that the Referee will commence to Must be able to join on wire. Will advance tickets if known. Under canvas ’ k i,i r» prepare his report to the Supreme until winter, then Stock. Wire HARLEY SADLER, Mgr.,Mgr, Wichita, Kan., y»‘ars consecutive bookingsdoo on IU* Court. indefinite. tages and Loew Time. IT

august 17, 1918 Xfie 'Billboard 7 Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire Majestic, Chicago Rialto, Chicago (Reriewed Monday IfatinM, Auuat 12) (Reviewed Monday Matinee, August 12)

t hlriKo. Aiwf. 1-.—tlocMl Kuuimrr vaui'evllle Is Chicago, Aug. 12.—The Kialtn, Hie alr>'na «>f tbf Majeatio for tin- < nr *!*•! in town, was easily filled liefore Hie first r.nt n>nlalninir of nliol**- |H'rfi^ruian<'* I’ot under way. anil till* 1* easily nir langtitor wUh onr allosorlral niiiiitM-r t« ai'i'ouDted for. the eoiiilng into Hie artiflcinlly babnrr up. A latp Htarl—It wan J:.ti l«-f<>rr I'liilleil Kialtn on a hot day eoiiip.'ire* to pas* til, pill lire* wer» abown—aUortennl hhui- of tin- in? out of a rolling mill engine room Into a myicETHEnm refrigeratin? plant. The heat drove them in. a. t<. N'l. 1—Motion pletiires. Nil. 1 -Orpbaum ('Ircnlt Travi-l WiM'kl.T. No. 2—Gene Fowler entertaini'd with a \,i J—Mile. Tlirrosa'a aiiliiials. isnislstiiiB of head anil haml lialaiii'in? novelty, wliieh opeiinl il,.g4 iiigrona and a isniplo of iiioiikoji*. inn nh-ely and finished In seven minut**, in two. sliliito a nratly dre»a«I. »olI tralnod and on (Reviewed Monday Matinee, August 12) N'>. 3—Hazel Morris struts out singing, snap- tortainine numlior. Koal aliowinansbip Is u»«d pin? fln?*r* and »hnig?in? shoulders in typieat In pulling Ibla ail on, and OTorylldivg from ealiaret style, singin? a Bines nnmls-r In jazi prop* lo aoltng 1* gissl. Mno nilnnlos, full Npw York. Aug. 12.—A very large audieiice today welcomed 'WiUon I>iick- tun*, followed hy two others, which she put* *l*gr; two Niw*. aye’s return to the Palace on one of the best programs of the summer season. over nicely. Twelve minutes. In one. Most of the usual intermission was occupied with speeches by Inspector Henry \o. a—Tbo Man off tlie lo, Wigion, prosonlod No. 4—The Xylophone Four oisneil With a and Lieutenant Totton. of the AVomen’s Police Reserves, urging the sale of hr Billie Burke. 1* purely a alnglng numher. tbe • lash of mu.sle, niakiii? the wisiden key* of tickets for a benefit to purchase uniforms for the police reserves, and many iff.i l of wblob 1* partly l«st l>y U'e is«*tunie. Hii-ir in'trniuents vihrat* Into a niiiahal pro a sale was made tliru their eflfttrts. I he singer ha* a clear rolee of suffle enl ?i ini. which proveil at hit. Thirteen minutes, There was plent.v of singing in evidence today, hut strange to say hardly strength to put him aerosa nb-ely, and In a 1s t in three; two bow*. any dancing, without which no Palace hill seems complete. ter make up would m.ike a stronger apis al. No. r>—James ami Parsons^ two blai-kfac* No. 1—Pathe News Weekly, showing scenes actually taken at the front in Thirteen minutes, In one; eneore^ three how*. ••haraeters, offering a niiisy piamdog enmiirlsln? Europe. sin'?in? and dancing, but mostly noise. Nine No, 4 -All For rh-niis-raey 1* an allegory with No. 2—The Levoles opened witli a sensational wire walking exhibition. minutes. In on*. a Teal puneal. Tbe eurtain show* the slack wire, received much applause. Several bows, aHer ten minutes in terial. do an eight-minute epecialty In two and rresident Wilson se.ili»I at hi* desk, stiid.vlng full stage. one, for which they received two bows. the proldem* presented hy the war. Brli*lly No. 3—Four Harmony Kings, a colored quartet of real singers. Instead No. 8—Innew and Ryan try hard to put the tiiere a|i|H‘ar Is'fore liltn the spirit* of t»eneral of standing close together in a bunch, as is the u.sual custom with these audience in a laughing mooed, now married to a prosperous business man. Her ttoB at Wildwood, N. J., with their aUter. Tbey niilii.-iry traresty, entltM The Battle of Whats- husband has Invited to dinner the latest theatrical star, who is his wife's open on the raatages Circuit tha first week tlieuse, hare a mIrth-proTokIng skit that former lover, and who subsequently exiKises her treachery. Mr. I.ackaye is la October. I i kb d the risibilities of their siiilltor*. The superb In the i>art of the actor. His suavlt.v and unassuming elegance, with Bherwood and McDonald have contracted for M-t represent* a wireless station at the front, that wonderful repression for which he has so long been noted, were given Charles McCarron to write and produce a with cne a captain and the other a colored every chance to»Iay in this wonderful little drama. Charles Rlegel was ex¬ scenic novelty with words and music. orderly. Well-illrecteil croosflre chatter take* cellent as the husband, and Cordelia McDonald looked and acted the character Il.ircl Moran, the lady roper. Is meeting with the tdace of regular ls>mbs on this firing line, of the woman she was supposed to be. A p«*culiar incident occurred, whlcli «ucce*a on the Poll Time. This la the second and every shot wore.! a direi't hit with the In the hands of less experienced actors might have wrecked the entire offering. round this season In tbe Poll bouses. Is'iisc. Tlilritu-n minutes, full stage, s|>eclal Rlegel had handed 1.4»ckaye a cigarette, and. after they were seated at the pel; four howg. table, he Unik a match from tlie stand and struck it without avail. He tried Happy Doc Holland, th* man who sings with V-' s Murio Nordstrom, as fresh and breeiy about a dozen matches, hut nt*ne would burn, sti I.4ickaye eased himself out th* band, it again playing the fairs single this as III* suiiitiier day, op«-n» her number with I,et'a of an awkward predicament by saying; "1 will smoke mine after dinner.” year. Ilia bookings will keep him going until Pretend, a clever little bit that was well re- The audience realized the situation and burst forth into hearty applause. th* last of November, when he will play vaud* ■ elvcd. Htie gives several of her old numbers, Full stage, for twenty minutes, with many curtain Intws. Till* dates in his Mark face singing and dam-iag and for an om'ore Introilui'ca Tlie ttptimist and monolog now being written for him. the Pessimist. Miss Nonistrom I* alwa.vw in INTER.MISSION L L Dent la managing th* .Arcade Tbeater, leivsilng and entertaining and radiates person Jacksonville, Fla.,, while Jesse L. Clark la away atlly. Sov*nle«-n minutes. In one; three bows. No 7—McIntyre and Heath returned here with Tlie Man From Montana, oo his vacation. and. while these veteran ctimedians get many laughs, tite act can not compare Madam Harriette De Balestrler, wild animal Vo, p. The Four fasting faniiilwll* give eight wltit their famous (It'orgia Minstrels. In full stage, with a g«*od finish. trainer, who apiieared with Smith Greatei inimite* of tile fastest l>ar work seen here In Nt>. S—.Mme. Chilson, assisted by Sitlney Arno Dietcli. bandmastt**’. Ray Shows Is to appear In vamlCTtlle with a new many day*. Their work I* a revelation of Ridge Armory, Brwklyn, looking very charming in a beautiful silvery affair, animal aet. sisHiI and accuracy; three work straight and sang delightfully. This prima donna has a vt*ice of wonderful range and Lionel II. Keene, fornierl.v manager of Ixiew's on* I'lown. \n eicellenf numls-r and one that musical beauty, and was rewardeti with encores and bows. Bijou in IlirininKham, but Bow serving tbo woiiM linic t>e«'n a big hit In an earlier stmt.— No. 9—Joe .lacksttn closetl tlie show. This exponent of artistic buffoonery colors, has M-en promoted to corporal. IVAl.TKU. heiti most of tbe audience.— IIILLIAR. H. Gru«-n*berg. of Chicago, announces tbit Hie New Terre Unite vaudeville and picture PHOEBE PRETENDS REHEARSING iHui-e at Terre Haute, lud., will open Septem- MEANING MISCONSTRUED THANKS ARTISTS Ihw 13. Jules Bernstein, manager of Taiewe's Torowto New York, Aug. 1‘.*.—Phoelie Pretends^ a m-w Sew York, .ku«. lo.—On* or two of onr N*w York. All*, li—.\ lottrr of thank* ha* theater, has bad made a I'nion Jack that Comedy by tTleanor Gales, I* in under rraih-ra, wl*i ar* tb* owner* of aiToliall* ni ls. Is-*II sent to K. K. .Alb*-* from Maji^r .M. B. stretches from side to side of the stage, and in Ihe dlrertlon of K. B. Manner. The iday will Iiat* iiilsi-ousIriHsI til* objoet of tin- artirl* farsoii. ••! famp Iplon. Hiaiiklnir Hi* artist* the middle of each ebow It Is lowered like a kive its iwemlere In Philadelphia at the Broad i*Zariling aerolmtl* an «|M> Tolniitrs-ri-d Ihrir wrTii-** at an *iit*rtaiB- curtain, filling .almost th* entire space. 5*tr<-et Theater on Idbor Tbty. Tlie cast In {•eared In The Illlllsiard .Viigiist ;i. lii realitr iiifiil h*hl in l.ilwriy Tlirairr. .kniriist 1. for Hi* The Smith Brothers, ai robatte ring eijiert*, eludes DUntha Pattison, Robert Ixiwe. I.ol* It waa a iMswt for tbe ■ib'nt art, Init not In olli< *rs and men of Halt. No. 3, IH-isit JiiiiiiaMt from Ilulifav to Hartford, Conn., tbelr Harllett, Darriet I*. .Meadel, Helen ■Mittonuld, o|«*nln'.; |a>»ltl«vn. .\n arrolsitl* ai't of nirrlt firiitad*. faiiiii I pton. rii*** artists w*re; homo town, to siM-nd .1 well-earneil vacation. letits Fbrd, Prank Andrews^ Monel .\danie. slmulit W |da*ed fnrtbrr down in Hi* Inll in a Yalta Pno. KHirl Hopkins, Milirr and Lyl*. Mereedes and his all star vaudeville company Mabel Frenyear, Sallle Bergman, Manda Harris s]**! wln re th* audlen*"* •■an fully appres'lal* Hi* KaJlida Morris, Tommy lla.Trlen, .Ailolplm* ami played a return date at Camp Iiee, A'a., last and Kdward 8. Fbrbes. Hnio and paHm** that h.aTe l>t>*B *|M-nt to pm Compaii.r. ami Harry •’The nam* of wis-k at the urgent naiuest of otBeers and men Jure many eunlllbelsll* b-at*. I’h* fidb^wlnz ri- *a. Ii and every (lerformer will N» ever and In¬ of the camp. Hi.s act made a tremendou* hit. traet from Hie- artli’I* should idiiinly show wliiit delibly Ktaminsl ninm onr memory,” tlio Major .Ansin? th* acts seen at the Bavin* Vaudeville it wiis tnlrniliol to •onvry; ••lt*;il arroliaHi- lods «r^>te. ■'ami while In Hie tei-mhi-s over there Tliealer. Great I-ikes, HI., recently was Helen ar* all <1. K., hnt sbonld pl.icoil down on tli* or at onr dntle* here .th* word*, soar* ami Haskpll, late of th* team of Haskell and Freed¬ bin.” dam es ••n Hint ins aslon will b* reaoiindlair ayain man. Sam Freeilman, known as Jack Haekell and azalB to onr memory, and It will help to professionally, la at Camp Boone, and met bin LEE DOING WELL make onr aniuoii* tanks easy by aiieli pleasant w-ife at the station. The stage manager was memories, for It was truly th* best show yet Tlflilt, Ual*B Salt*. Symaittrlcalt asked to allow the Freeilmans to give their act FOOTLITE and Thaatrleal Susall**. rhl<-t*o. .\ii». IP.— Varela l.*o, on the road fiven In the Liberty Theater. la*! me again for th* last time, at least for a long time— IVrIte for I'ataloaue No 4 foe AVateraon. Itrriin A Snyder, Is ai hleelnx thank you and your* on lielialf of Hie otlleers •iiayls'. He consented, and the altuation waa WALTER G. BRETZFIELD CO.. INC.. and men of my battalloa, and. belleye me, ever IM7 Broadway. Nt« Ytrk. Csraw ITth Strati. remarkatilo aale* reeorda for the flra'e new explained to tbe T.OOO sailors present, who gavB aoDga. Indebted to yon and yonr helpers.” them th* biggest hand they ever received. 8 Ttie Billboard AUGUST 17, 1918 UST WEEK’S BEST VAUDEVILLE ACTS IN NEW YORK MEREDITH IN CHICAGO NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE cult ago. .\ug. U’.—E. E. MeDilitI), who aaoti to pdit Til* Miaaoiirl Brwip, a Ciili-ago vaiKlo- (BILLIARDS SELECTIONS) Till* pappr, and wlio loft this eify to bpromo MANY ACTS iilayinK tlie Fox TIuie arf rn ofDi'Inl pr*'** n-pppMontatlvp of the Fuel .VdmiD- tliusiaatic reKarilioK tlie treatment ai'rending a vacation at Cabin 44, as liave some famous stars under his managemeut a guest of Bobbie Watson, Rose 'Mitchell and this year. One of them it Harry Lauder, w-ltt, Gussle Burnham (late of Harry Fltigerald’s of¬ will make his farewell tour of tills i-ountry the fice). (Among acts that came to New York unheralded and unsung, but coming season. Another It Julian Eltinge. wIhi LEW HEARN, now playing in In and Out at who were discovered, and on sheer merit were included in these selec¬ will head a Morris production about the Brat the Globe Theater, Atlantic City, recently lost tions, and who NOW are playing THE BIG TIME, may be mentioned of the new year. two diamond rings, a watch and chain and Four Catting Lamyt, Alla Moskova and Cummings and Mitchall.) Morria has also announced that he will pro¬ $118 In cash. Ask I-ew to tell you how It hap¬ duce Jack Lalt’s comedy, A Fat Chance, with pened. Bophie Tucker as the star. CHARLEA' WILL.ARD. when Luna Park and IN CHICAGO Palisade* Park close, will combine his two (Casper’s Sslsetlons). MUSICIANS GRANTED INCREASE shows into one monster vaudeville act. Willard and four mechanics are working night and day, On the High Bess is a well wroughL patriotic melodrama, with mar¬ New Y'ork, Aug. 12.—The I'nited Managers* and they have Interested the master mind of velous scenic effects. The only shortcoming in the act is at once a great Protective .Yssen Everything, the new Ilippong 1 Hits the Lambs, Elks, T. M. .V. and the N. V, A. HOUDINI BREAKS WRIST

New Y'ork, .\iig. 12.—Harry Hnudlni. while at¬ tempting s very difficult feat for his serial photo “W HY Dl IDYOI EInto 1 FE?” play last Batunlay, fell sod broke a small bone in his wrist. The arm is in a piaster, but (be Then follow up with the only syncopated rural ballad written this year accident will not interfere with his o('eninK at the Hlpp Ka IIMNRIdg 47th STREET AND BROADWAY, ||6W lOrKIflLJ same. Address care Billboard, New York. AUGUST 17, 1918


THE MOST SENSATIONAL AM tha world was ealM and neacaful. if All suaahlaa. no rain. OTHER NEW HITS FOR THE Mothan. tweatheartt, all wera Jayful. COMING SEASON IDEA SONG IN YEARS Till Satan brouiht tha whala warld pain. CHORUS: BECOME IDENTIFIED You mada tlia mctliara alph. Evan Murdared nuna. IT WAS WORTH GOING OVER JOST TO You mada tha mothara cry. Hun. your work la dono. WITH A HIT You act tha whala world In taara.ra. For tharo la Ono who haara COME BACK You took hor only boy. That wall of mothara’ taara; Ha waa har prida and joy. Saya thay ahall not try In vain. Ramambor, WIRE FOR YOUR ' Whi m aho worahippad fer yoara. Ha waa’t forpat yau. AMERICA FOR AMERICAKS Yau nilnad beautiful Franca. Forpat ta pat yau. COPY NOW You navor pava har a ehanca. Thoaa mothara' taara will brlnp a euraa on you. You avan prayad on_DON’T halpicaa anaa.«». —Crp>risht 19IS. R. .M C. TtASE ME WITH THAT MELODY RIALTO MUSIC CO., Astor Theatre Bldg., Broadway & 45th Street, NEW YORK

MITCHELL LICALZI DIES FOLEY AND LATOUR Well-Known Theatrical Man and Owner Ed Nutt Wants (iood Trombone Scoring With Indianola of the Wilton Avenue Theater, For B. and O.; must be exempt. Ticket advanced, but must give reference. Tru¬ a Chicago Stock House man, Ark., week August 12; Jonesboro, Ark., week August 19. Vaudeville ran not bouat of many teama aa Address ED C. NUTT COMEDY PLAYERS. clever and versatile as Foley and I.atour. They ChU-aso, .\iig. lo.—Mltrbrll LlcuUi. proprietor do a eingl-g and dnnrlng a.'t which Is unique, I'f tUe \V.l«iin .\veniie nieater, one of the bert reflned and artistic in every sense of the word known ami bent liked theater nianaeem of the and the rouple make an attractive IcMiking pair. Miilille TVent. died Tuenday at the Presbyterian As their feature ami tlnlshing number they Hospital, thin city, after nine days of fllnesa. use the Indianola song and veritably stop the The torrid ware whieh then gripiied rhiengo program with It. Tlie house simply will not pMved too much for his weakemsl eondition, let the next act appear until acveral encore* I'Deunionla set in and the battle to save the life have been given on this niinilM-r, which Is pub¬ of the snreessfnl young theater owner, who wap THE BEST BLUES IN AMERICA lished by Stern A Co. only .TO years of age, was Io«t. Mr. I.ieaUi flrst came Info the loeal limelight BY HANDY PLAYWRIGHT RENTS THEATER about twelve years ago as an .lesneiute of Jonen, THE COMPOSER OF THE I.iniek A Sehaefer In the ereetion of the Willard New York. Aug. Hi.—It Is said that the Tliealer. on the South Side, then the most preten¬ Forty-eighth Street Theater has been rented tions Chirago neighhorho By HARRY D. KERR -■It iiiliige of tile llleratl. The quewHon Involved Wonder!ul Lyrics With a Chorus That Carries It Over New^York, Aug. 12.—Direetor* of the .\'tors’ In the emiiplalnt Is whether or not royalties van and Authors’ Theater are looking for a new SENSATIONAL RAG BALLAD Ite lonslilerisl as earned Ineoines. The writera bouse In which to offer their pr>slucti<>o->. Ttiru tlaiiii that iiaymenls from tiuio to time arp SWEET CHILD the ••ourtesy and generosity of Mrs. Sam ileferred ones und should be taxed only ui>on thp BY EWING AND STOVALL rls the Fulton Theater was used, without charge, rate In vogue at the time their work was eom- YOU MUST READ THE LYRICS TO APPRECIATE IT. by the co-operatlTe organization. The theater Phled. THE OVER NIGHT SONG SUCCESS has been leased by other interests, and must be 'A GOOD MAN NOWADAYS IS HARD TO FIND’ vacated by September 1. CENTRiALEKCRJIViNC CO. COME IN ANO HEAR IT PLAYED. ^^TNilTIllCU DEflCNEirtEKtRAVER/ REMEMBER. WE ARE NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN NEW YORK WRITE. WIRE OR GH GHACCi PHONE IM BRYANT. ONE BLOCK BELOW THE PALACE THEATRE. COME AKE UP •ipr N#* Iftt *9 SemIi Lett** IN ANO GET ACQUAINTED. HESS Ml U«€0 TMC STAH* worn 39 >f Ai»« OA» SALK AT T.*c LCAOING ONb ^P**1*Mm Ifi TKaatrKal Cn^ravlnf. Natl* PACE & HANDY MUSIC C0.,inc COSTUME Haii* aimO D(.**Af*TiM« af»4 Iif»« Ctattmf Larf«»l a<«4 c#m|»la«« *TO»tS tmroukmout tm* unit Ingravi^f a«b4 Prtntifbf PtaMt #a«ota4 «• TMatrk««l 1547 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. STATC^ ASO CANADA AT PQF'LJk Warh. Wrtta wa fcalara ar^tnug Latter Nea#%. MeraMt P»'C I s f CmU. 3».2T Opara Plaaa. •illpaarp . €••» %!. O. T Hk ’.s Co AUGUST 17, 1918

HOiy A QQFITI numbers staged by Arthur Conrad. Cos- RroadwayRro;ulway productiuosproductions tluriof;during first w<'«‘k8wi'eks of I Owen Martin, aa atraight comedian, wai n%/ fw O V wJLj tumes by ‘.M.iiiieii. SIkm'S by I. Miller, theirtUeir 8eaB«seawf n. In almostalnutst ereryevery Instanceinstance tliethe I suappy,snappy, and lifted auraesome of the weight from th,dstered up after the premiere comedy seeneascene, withontwlthoot much help from tbduction staged under the personal pr'rformanee. IssiW.IsMlIC. _ direction of Joe Ilurlig. WhereTer is the hiding place of that “butter- A•k battlefield at night in Prance,Pranee, with it:It! TUB CAST: fly ot fancy,” and for the sake of the modern numerous lighted tenu In fine perapectlTe, leni Now Affiliated With Group of iaS h Ti flr.7''act“ ^enV«" Imerlc^*"!^^^ . J Margaret White .Miss America co^er the “tleeling spirit” with bis bat? first act when the American flag la ahot ou: rnilaacipnia rinanciers anO aiAl ShiiwrSliaw .Mr. WoodWo^ Shaw and Lee did some remarkably deterdeverlof of a cannon and wafted glorioualy over the audi Same Lee .t'.-iptaiD Duniel I dancing. cnce to its place In the ceiUac- Will Control the Crescent Kitty Olnseo Al Shaw and Ponies, in a Chinese musical There was Dotbliig seen or heard at this bur Theater, , N. Y. o've'n Martin.Bud" Baker specialty, delighted the audience aud responded lesiiue show which conld poasibly offend th( Harry Johnson .inspector I.ausing to three oncores. most fastidious iiersoo,|>ersoa, and which probably a<' Miss New York .Clara Masters Billie Hill has a bright face an infectious counted for the presence of so many ladles it Miss New Jersey .Maudie Robinson I gmiie and the rarer charm of magnetism. the sudience. Miss Penn.Helen W ilson | New York, Ang. 10.—Joe M. Howard, an en- Considering the low price of admission to th< ,’rgetic. resourceful ami successful promoter of .One of her songs. Over Your Way in the Morn- . y.-^blr with th. ■...riesnne i. now amiiated with a compony of Washington .Martha Hires ing. BHi, was dellghtfnlly rendered. In this burlewiue show it compares faTorably wrlth tb« .iiirletsiue, is now araltated with a company .Hazel Calvert 11^,; nnnots . .Mabel I.ynch I , ^ . .T 1 Ameriran coin la worth its face value at Hur burlesque field and now control the Crescent Miss Michigan Ruhr I nbelle I bat of eitreme proportions, a closeflttlng white! * Seimoo't.—Me l\ U rhealer, Brooklyn (with a ten-year lease), which__ .Evelyn Do«iy bof the Academy, Pittsburg. Hugh M. Shubert, *t*ctlve costuming and lively music. white and gold bandings. on the wall adviM. agent, that tb. boas' iiiisieal director. show is lacking only In comedians, which Kittle Glasco sang I Want a Military Mao atao'l. ready and willing to furnish any and all Phil Ue' her, stage carpenter: F. C. .Schilling, s'’»rclty It apparently ehares with the big withItb good effect,effect. I service necssary to bill their abowa hi a MtU- I factory manner. Each and avery agent and dectriclan, and Roxey Clements, props, John manager of companies sbuiild oHnmend Toe McCormack, advertising agent, will utilize ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii|L- Henry for tbe msonrr in which ba cuoducta bli lieedy autoe in bis billsticking activities, which — • bouse.—BRAGG. take In the suburbs of Brooklyn and Long £ V ~ There is a well founded rumor on Broadway £ ARTISTSM B B !■ £ RAYMOND B. PEREZ, liat General Manager Howard has engaged a — — vell-known and popular editorial writer as press £= We Have To Offer You Three Son^Son^S That I 0«nc« Master Par Excallanca •eprpFpntative for tlie Crescent. S C 1 1 W O ^ S General Manager Howard will make freqnent SE SparklehparlClC With Success:SUCCCSS* £ New York. Ang. W.—If tie rebeartals «f thv dancers in each and every one of Jame. E lohn P. Walsh, owner of the Casino, presenting 11 “’TWAS ONLY A SIMPLE COTTAGE,BUT Cvw.iM-r'a attractions are any ciiterioa it la s I “ ’TWAS ONLY A SIMPLE COTTAGE, BUT foregime roncliisi.m that tbe admlrera of artlstir he same form of burlesque. Resident manager, — mmwAWMW aaa Bavaa S .^v.r Sprio; treasurer. Bud .kbbott; advertising = *TWAS HOME, SWEET NOME, TO ME = dancing will bn highly pleasnd at tbe reaulta ol tgent, Jaek Flarity; musleal director, Alvin 1£ ’TWAS. HOME,, * SWEET HOME,• TO ME” £ the teaching and training given these dancers ?tuss; eai'h and every one thoroly experienced s A beautiful, high-class Waltz Ballad, a real applause winner. g by RayuM.nd H. Peres, who bas put on all tbe dance niimiM-re of all tb. Cooper atlractl'w., ^rentrManag^^ “AMERICA IT’S UP TO YOU” - likewise for J. Herbert Mack's Maids of Amor lie interest of the Niehols Amusement Company, £I “AMERICA,7 IT’S UP TO YOU” 1g ica. Tbe music for tbe foregoing shows la b) ivhich now controls the Folly Theater. Baltimore. £g Every line a punch. This numbcrnumber is being used by London’s foremost gE Dyson.—nelre, ‘rXrn\“^an’!i".'^ro.“'rsident"r^ of ’the |E orchestras.orchcstras. It is also an exceptionally good Chautauqua number. E| LYRIC, PORTLAND, ORE., ■Mr. Howaril will make bis headquarters at £I “You’ve Got To Do SomothiugSometliiug fortor Dnele Soffi”Sam” I| Cloaet Proaperout Snanon the Gayety Theater, Pbiladelpliia, which is ^ * j r i 1* o S isted to play the American Biirle.sque Ass'.ela- £E A wonderfulWOnderful Novelty^OVelty Song,OOng. ES Portland, Ore., Aug. 0.—Tbn Lyric Thestei tion attractions. Treasurer. Ixuiis Martin: press £ xt -r it. . . sL j ii. -ii v • l , 9 closed its Sunday nigbt, July 38. It wli; vpresentative, w’aiter (Slick) Schiichter; ad SE Now, if youcannotyou cannot buy meat, get thcscthe^ soDgssongs and they Willwill bring homchome the bacoD.bacon. |S remain dark until August 35. Ben Dillon anc vertising agent. Ward McDowell; stage car- ” Al Pranks, the eomedlans, are going to Cal '.enter, Sam Martale; musical director, Abe £ “TEI^SINGUCTpH ft I ^IRO^IVN^^ * Ifornia for a short rest before tbe bouse open* g " IHAH WlH g Sgaln in August. Biltie Bingham, the soubrette Mr. Howard is offering unusual inducements £E is{g unquestionablypngilPfitlonahly the bcstbest OnC-Stepone-step of the 860800.season. E recently a^ says she wh: :o artiste and artisans for the different thea- — ^ ^ » KItpiHi fapr few weeks <»f lelnure tourlag

g= Orc^ration^ndorchestrations and profo^on^profesaonJ ^pi^(»pi^ s^^sent fr^ to any prof^ioi^ for the «t- iE nn’;|,“end‘tr,^ie.LtenT^J’lL^ke !jlirex”nsi^*.‘ue* shich will materially aid in the .success that E£ isfactory credentials. Band Music free to leadersleadefB at all Training Campfl. = m their p.„.uiarp<,i.uiar burieburlesque house before it open. '.hould attend the efforts of those Interested g nilU f) OUIMC 9 Prt MUSIC Daw 0 Cttirhlirtt Vflk S »'»»«“• inancially. artistically and otherwise.—NELSE. =g GUYOUT Rslls CHINSUlllllO W& UUtGOt PUBLISHERSpuBulHkRs DQaBox2|F8irburyfN6bi ZlldirDUrfl IIBDl gi , Tlie Lyric is *'**tbe only burlesque thester ii _ Z—leUY R. CHINS & GO. puKrs '^ ^e ' ES roriUml.Pori land, andami Isla welli patronized, both b) TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliHiiiiiiiiitiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE women and cbidren. A g.sMl, clean show is tb< HELLO, AMERICA, IM.Iicy nliich S|ieaks few llte growing ■ui'CfWs of the ronipany. Pourteen chorus girls gri.'e tb» Hurtig Seamon’s 125th Street louvrils at the Igrric. Tbe bill is changed week Theater VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS--- PROFESSIONAL SINGERS ly.—HERBERT C. YOUNG.

New York, Aug. 10.—When Hello, Ameri'-a, HERE RRE TWO RRAND NEW HITS. RIGHT OFF THE FREES ’Olered upon its summer run at the Columbia BURLESQUERS, TAKE NOTICE Theater we reviewed the presentation from the ilewpoint of a man thoroly familiar with bur- New York. Aug 10.—Tbe editor of bnrlesqiie esque as a theatrical attraction. It is general- CHEER FOR THE BOYS OF THE U. $. A. for TIm' KlllIxMird will review the Cnliimhli y roncevled that men are apt to me more or A Rea! Patriotic Song With a Stirring Melody. Whe<'| altra'-ttonH ei'-h week at the Columbia less favorable to this form of amueement. Theater, New York City. Llkewlae the Araerl- For that rea.son and thp further reason that ean Hiirh'sqne Asanclatlon ahowa at the OlympI'' we desire the unbiased opinion of a woman we Theater, New York Pity, in their regular order inviteil Marie F. I^ennards (M. P. L.), dramatic aa tliey aiifx-ar at tlmse hnnaet. -eviewer of The Billboard, to review the pres¬ I'M LONESOME, SWEETHEART, FOR YOU In addition to the foregoing he will covet entation of Hello, America, at Hurtig & Sea- An Exceptionally beautiiu' Waltz Ballad. tba other burleaque tbeotera in and around New iiion's I35lh Street Theater.—NELSE. York, giving apeclal attention to aingera and PROFESSIONAL COPIES? YES 1 SEND LATE PROGRAM • aonga in 'Hie llllllMiard, under the caption ot Featured Slngera and Hongs In Uuricaqua. by Hurtig & Scamon's new theater in West PRATHER PUBLISHING CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. Nelae. l.'.Mh street, near Eighth avenue. New York, Hingrra detlrlng new, novel and unique aonga cqiened Saturday, August 3, with their patriotic biirlesfiue musical revue. Hello, America, which lU H MVBj'lk ffkAAIG All AD 11^ AIDI A leading muair pnblUblDg bonaaa la ran all eumiuer at the Columbia Theater, New IIARItU—GUUD bHOKUS 6IKLS York. Good salary. Everything furnished. 40 weeks in New York City. Call ■*"“« •‘‘‘I HEI.IO. AMERICA—Book by Frank U Wake¬ ot Burleaqua, Tb* BUIboMtl, PoUaa SuUfliag. field and I^-wls A IXsIy, Music by Nat Os¬ or wire. Broadyrityi York* borne. I.yrica by Will H. Effiltb. Musical CHAS. GRAMLICH, 146$ Now Saw ZMlE Oigr.-WlI,aH. I AUGUST 17, ISIS

THE MINSTREL KING . GUS HILL Picked “Star” Hits by STERN’S “Star” Writers

Chas. R. McCarron Arthur Guy Empey GUSHILL Carey Morgan OWNER OF Arthur Lamb S. R. Henry Alfred Sol man GUS HILL’S MINSTRELS D. Savino Maceo Pinkard Will Skidmore Marshall Walker “CALIFORNIA” MINSTRELS Rosamond Johnson Arthur Donaldson and “FEMALE” MINSTRELS AND HIS GENERAL STAGE DIRECTOR “BaiNDA, OPEN UP YOUR WINDOW” FRANK TANNEHILL “MAMMY’S PICKANINNY, DON’T YOU CRY” DECIDE TO GO TO THE HMODS MMIC SPECMLISTS “I CAN’T BE BOTHEREO WITH NO MULE” JOS. W. STEM & CO. “BARE FOOT BOY” FOR THEIR ENTIRE SONG EOUIPMENT “ANTI LOAFIN’ BLUES” Every note of copyright nuteic in the $how eelected **Stern** material. “CHURCH AT TWILIGHT” RESULT! A SMASHING HIT! Encore upon encore. Every song a clean cut idea with a punch. “LAND OF DREAMS, GOODBYE” Ail rendered by the best all star cast of minstrels, vocalists and artists before the public “MOTHERS OF AMERICA” INCLUDING: George Wilson James Barardy Jimmy Wall Charles Kent “INDIANOLA” Arthur Deming Carl Graves Rags Leighton Ai. Fontaine “YOUR LIPS ARE NO MAN’S LAND BUT MINE” Jack Kennedy J. F. Brennan Billy Heins Wm. H. Hallett “OUR COUNTRY'S IN IT NOW, Billy Golden Fred Freddie James Horan WE’VE GOT TO WIN IT NOW” And all published eiclusively by JOS. W. STERN & CO. “LIBERTYSTATUEIS LOOKING RIGHTATYOU” 102 West 38th Street. Prof. Dept., 15S6 Broadway, “I’M GUD I CAN MAKE YOU CRY” NEW YORK- CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO “HOME, SWEET HOME, IS A GRAND OLD SONG”

BURLESQUE AGENTS’ ADVANCE eight, three and half-aheet blo<-ka; also an elgbt, sheet pictorials, featuring Lewis and Doddy; Harry MorTia' York, with unlimited pbotograpb*. wbicl in ny Bin Foster and Frank Barcourt. He also riea a four-sheet stand, twenty, eixteeo and and one sheets and a half sheet type; also one elude* a pboto of eaib ami etery rborlater. The carries a one-sheet card, circus herald, six three-*heet pIcloTinls, featiirini: Solly Ward; and a half-sheet card, three etyles, snpple- D*iial llouKe Herald will be non e*t to faeor sheet upright banner, three-sheet banner and lack cards, etc. larry Nelm*. manager of com¬ Dieiileil by a two sheet mamm.>tb card. Man¬ of Date Marion'* Uwn Song Book, eoolaining bi* three different kinds of one-siieet iMinner^ Diien* pany. Will op<'n at the I'alace Theater, Balti¬ ager of company, Fred tTark. eld and new s«ng*. at the Gayety Theater, Boston, 19. Bob more, .\ugust 19. The bill trunk* carry IM »b<’et Idwk, four three- Coben, manager of company. *heet pictorial of Dave Marlon, one three alieet KImer .Andrews, ahead of The Be.«t .w in PALACE, BALTIMORE, OPENS The agent ahead of Girls of the I'. S. .\ riciorlal of AgncK Behler, one three »heet and Town, opens at the Gayety Theater, St. I.oaia, ^ - carries eight, two, three and one-slu*et* and one half vbeet pictorial* of Mull and one .\ugust 19. He carries a swell line of pictorial Premiere Performance of New Behiran half sheet pictorials, featuring I.>'W Hilton auil one (.beet pictorial of Inez !)*• Verdier, Kiipple- paper, fealuring l'>ank Hunter Ionia Ober- Show Is Feature Attraction Inei Kayward. .Also a .me shc^t card aiul her¬ nii-iiied by (our different Wind* «>f window and wlathe, munugcr of eomiHiny. ald. Oismed at Hiirllg A Seanion'* -August 12. lai k I'ard*. Manager of Company. Boh Traver*. Jack Thomas, “The SU’ranion Miner," aliead of Batlimore. -Aug. 10.—After being completely Manager of company, Manny Ito-cntlial. | Harry William*, ahead of MoUle William^ The Trail Hiller*. ).|M'neil at the l.yceuni, Wash¬ renovated during the summer the Palace Thea¬ • •«n Company. I* carrying 'J) ahcei block*. ington, D. C., .Wiigilst t'-l. He h:iK a nice line of Charlie Bragg did the advance for the oi>ening ter <>|w>ue.l Oatiirdny night, August 3. with the pit torlal paiH'f. featuring Johnny Weber. Jim¬ week of The Burletuiue Wonder Sliow at H.trl premiere of Jack {.inger'a New Bebman tihow mie James, “The Akron Kid." is managir of font, August 12. lie billed tlie town with a 24 in a musical revue, entitled Just for Tonight, the LIGHT i-onipany. stand bliN'k, an eight, two. three ond oiieelieet lines, lyrics and tunes by the late Junic .MoCree. William Marens, ahead of The Blue Binls. and a half-sheet plelorial, reaturing lieotge iContinucl on page 13) (•lien* .\ugu*t 19 at ffaratii; and also us.d EFrEOTS lies a line line of pictorial pa|H-r, featuring a one shret card and bcruld. Eddie la-sler. lEver^thin^ Electrical for Theatres Edgar Blstey, and a three sheet of S


•Shows Government Collected Over TABLOIDS Publishers, Attention! $26,000,000 ARE YOU GAME TO HELP THE BOYS WHO COME HOME Waahingtoo, D. C., Aug. 12.—A preliminary HARRY KEl-DMAN and hi* Yankee Doodle FROM “OVER THERE” AND CUT UP SOME FROM '^,1. Girl* Company are now In their ninety-second FIGHTING YOUR WAR??? I for the year ending June ItO last and that ■week without closing and doing an elegant bua- amuaementa aueh as parka, cabarets, dan< n incb* In Oklahoma. Pauline Brlcmont (Mr*. I hare three numbers, two Songs and an Instrumental Dance Number, and 1 want to Place these three v.iu .n.i nleasure -e .irc.ii. with a publisher who wUl push them for aU that can be gotten out of them. I wlU put AIX the Income to “ *" * Plcuaure parka, taxed at Tirtually H) Harry Huber) ha* rejoined the show alter an ab- me from tbeae. by way of royalties, into a fund for the rest and recreation of returned and wounded soldiers 1’*^'' ^'rnt on aduiiskiona, in ought In, In right sence of ten uiontUa. Her husband, Harry ,,^ors. Do you care to h^ me do this and at the same time put oeer three good numbers to the public It months of the oiieratlun of the new law SJtl.. Huber, was killed In an automobile accident. JheThe I JACK TOMLINSON, Baldwinsville, N«W York. 3o7.000. In tbe luxury das*. Including pUn.'. Montgomery Duo has rejoined— ^ the.w- show,-1..... and It*. ' players, moTlng picture lllms and a number of specialty is a hlg hit. Mr. Feldman and Mr. other articlea, |12,Ob5.UiO wa« collected. Montgomery will launch a number two show the middle of SeptcmlxT. Teddy Waldman. the nut Sure Enougti Hits on tbe harmonica, left the show In San .Vutonlo, SINGER SERIOUSLY ILL Tex., to go In vaudeville with the Ned Norworth Trio. Mamie Geary, Rose West, Pearl King, SOME DAY—AT LAST New York, Aug. 10.—Claude Cunningham, tbe Mr. and Mra. John Muller and Ed Bellvllle are alnger, la so seriously 111 that all of bis engage doing g'Ki.l work. WHAT DO YOU SAY. BOYS? ments have been canceled, and phykiclans bold out but little hope for hla recovery. MR. A iMRS. GEORGE M. HALL (Margaret Bvarywhere they ara proring they have the “stuff.** Ftoia North. South. Sast and W«*l ueaa npoft* that they are received with enthualasra. An act with atthar •ocg la a aura BKPBAT. I.illiei are spending their Taeatlon at their summer home, Branson, Mo., and Margaret la VAUDEVILLIANS DEALERS THORO CANVASS IS BEING MADE Get ceplaa and "put them oeer." Teu'ra Braak away from the rlu ODOt and make putting on weight. eatablUhed forever. __ eome real profit. Deal dlzoeC BY S. L. OF A. COMMITTEES \V. J. RII.I.Y, formerly musical director with THE ACME PUB. CO.. 200 North 15th St., PHILADELPHIA. PA. (Continued from page lit Tex Valentine's (Juality Maids, is now In the door show fraternity to find that responta I* army, and would aiipreclat" hearing from hla ____ equally hearty from the emalleet organixatloDa friends at Aero Rquadron.Squadron I,1, Ellington Field,rieiQ. rWlB _ MB • • J ATI __9 WV • A aa from tboaa wboae names are measures of Tex. ^niES(TIES D.WlSDAVIS has NiughtN.upht out RobertRob*-rt I. Rus- OC tlfiZZ IJOUB -HH ^E\VVywh|rre7h!i*t?b“rl^^ plan 1. wel's Tent Show, Including a new Pullman car. The Ches Davis .^how,Show, as Itit lais now known, ||W||||r|J| ^IIIUII ■JIJI ■ ■ W ■■■■I ■ Showmen readily reallie that It b the beet opened at Marlon, III., July 22, and good lurkluck W BIBS BV f ^ B B ■■■ F Im P II W llllll means of equallxing tbe proposition of gaining has been with itIt since. The big tent theater |UU IIL UUIfIL I IIL I I I HULL toVunre^^newT wl3rS?.^n.l seats l.rvool.rrfK) people. The ^mpanycompany consists of 22 , o. , .sen ♦ el . ^howmen-.*^ Best and lu fiS^J^^ial .^nVance people, including a big beauty chorus and the It is a good song for Singles and Teams and Quartets. Orchestrations and than if the money was rtised by a few con Imiier'"'imiier'"' Quartet. professional copies free to professionalsprofessioi that mention The Billboard. Ulbutlona of large denomlnatloDa. with coe- JACK MAHONEY'S Flower City Girls opened WILLIAMS &.A. PI RON MUSIC CO., - - NEW ORLEANS. LA. ie'i5“'v^u*id‘l!2.oun?7o their season with_ . a. hang at Gary, Ind., July„ . 22. small assesament, while the gro«a amount ralaM Tbe company• - Is playing■ - ~ on Sun Time. The roe- - — . V- W K3 ■ V m am#H w-mk would exceed by far a few large contributlotta ter Includes Jack Mahoney, comedian; Barry “ATT “ ®* *”^***'^**'^*^LIBERTY A* A* SEF>TEA4BERm » t,j pnbllcaplrlted. Influential men. Ikwrence,I.awrence straights; Miss Seeley,.Seeley, prlma donna; AM 1i A committee* are keenly cognixant of thia Levine, comedian; Jeesie Mahoney, soubrette; fnAliBT /m I ■ 911^1«w)(l pAlVfjY Baxter Sisters, Pat Byrne, Rita Hubble.Hubble, Mlaa AFAD X jL^L^r and FANCYw JK contribute 1* bonor<-d as highly as his more for- AnthonyAntbony and Mrs. Levine.I^evlue. *t*rHr<**TUP UADUADlUinNV tunate brother who Is In a poaltioo to give an CHARLES WELLS' Tborobred Girl* went “THE1 FIE.alE. HARMONYITAIvIVlVylTITAn 1 BUGS”DULkS aiMunt running Into three flguree or more. good thru Oklahoma. Nig Shop* and his wife Straightstraight Man and IngenueIngenut De Luxe. Quote beat salary. aumm7ted*‘tbe‘*^howmc7a”^\7ue'7in",und"^ Joined the show and have become quite popular.popular, STAR THEATRE, ...... LOUISVILLE. KY. a par with Amerlca-a greatest fraternal organ- as did June Alfred, who Is also a newcomer. laatlona In tbe matter of perpetuating tbe Tbe company jumped to San .Antonio Tex., July ABBA I lAC B “happy family" aspect of fraternal assoiiatloa. “Taking care of members from the cradle to 20. Happy Jim Bonham has gone to New Or- nCmAII B AAF bA VVaaII I the grave’* will have become an Mtabllsbed leans, owing to hla mother's lllnes-s. The ro*- BP^wBwBSAM LOEBMAF^bBm WANTS■■ ^mBB I and practical fact rather than a poetic expres- ter Includes Blanche and Blonda Martin. June pay good money for a good Man. Other Musical Comedy People, please "<» organliatl^ alms and Jack Alfred, Nig and Lucille Shope, Happy 'vvrite. Also want good Chorus Girls; top salary. Wire or write at once, No event of modern times has done more to demonstrate tbe live ne^ of fraternal •vrgaolxa- Jim Bonham, Charles Clover. Mary Blade, i»uise ^ress SAM LOEB, Cozy Theatre, Houston, Texas. tlon among outdoor sbowfolk than tbe greatly Wells ' Billy Blaine, Margurite Williams and deplored Hagenbeck-Wallace wreck. Thru the 1 TIjriTnr dark cloudi of tbe horror one bright ray of sua- I I nrB| lir ahlne gleamed. In the shape of sbow-foikt' con¬ WANTED FOR COTTON BLOSSOM FLOATING THEATRE cern for other sbowfolka and as time panes, “n Good vaudevm. Team, that play part.. Slpsl. Gen. Eue. Men.en, with .pedalspecial* the fall eigniflcance of this spirit of mutual aid —becomes brighter and brighter. Show people guf^bprs bare been oppupd up. Biiij t»aj8 bp ti6S. Player. (For fall and winter season.) Join“ onon wire.wire. know of tbe hearty manner In which the Show. UkpB the town and will stick around for a while. D. OTTO HITNER,HITNER,.KUTTAWA, KUTTAWA, KVKY. men's League co-operated In every measure of relief lannctied by the bereaved circus manage¬ Mrs. Wehle la in Detroit and Billy has left ment. But when It came to the consecration of for that city In anticipation of an imjiortant WaHTFII_. inm at HNPF Gordinler Bros.* stock Cos Showmen's Rest the League's activity amounted event. Tommy Speck is handling the show dur- WANTED-JOIN^VHNIbli JUIH ATHI ONCEUHUL NoS. 1 and 2 ^to more than mere co-operation, and no one who Ingg hisbis absence.—Billy Kane. fo, i,eada and Henvlae;Haavla*: General Business Man and Woman that can do Characters and as cast, withwll ‘i** manner In which 31y>wmen s Beat BENNY KlRKIeAND Is Hoiveriilng In Ink and HpecialUaa. Stock and Bep. People In aU Unea write. State salary, weight, height and tie. Incloae programs aa a Durlal grr^d ror the wreck a-sn't w rit, much lit ho **v. t* th.t hl> and photo if you expect answer. WANT two stock IrarsUons. Also want the addrem of BlUle “F." Stohlmsnn. Ictlma heiUates In aylstllTg the League to doesn't write much. .\I1 he says 1* that his ▼ Jimmie Craig. Address enlarge the burial ground, so much of which was show. The California Ciiples, played Durant, qOIGORDINIER BROS., Medlapollt. Uwa. this weak. ParaiaBatit addr*sa. Bada. Illlaals. given over to the wreck dead. Tex., last week to nhe busiucss, and that he Committees are Tlelng with one another In the likes the manager. JE ^l^*K Rt'D SI'H.VFFEU, manager of the Girls From WANTED-MusicalA |A Comaily, Also Dramatic Company Huyler's t'onipan.v. is sure soiiu' |Hipiilar man. • «veat numiwr of contributors. Committee that Is. Judging from the farewell jiarly given On Percentage ffor Alrdome and Theatre. Three to four weeks’ engagement. Wire, stating all. Can also use Dramatic And that the project they represent la on his ..half last Friday night. You'^ a tlmught «howlng Sundays. Open ^ OUCC ^ir^ stating ail Ca^ alWJ rrreadT weu knoV„'in'T.iV 7l7cIe7"Vnd'"the’ he was goin- away and never cornin’ buck. People for my own Company. F. M. MITCHELU Michelson Thsatre, Grand gaming contributions amounts to iitti. They sniiithen'd him wi with showers of rice Island, Neb. more than calling attention of sbnwroen to tb'* need of making their contributions quickie, that the Pullman is>rter asked him. ''Where aa delay may mean a forfeiture foreve- yo' done left yo' new wife'r" Bud has had one of tbe opportunity to enlarge the groiin'*v of those things for some time. The party was «j|| Jk MTFH REPERTOIREfso that all showmen buried In Showmen'* given by .M Powell, who is visiting .Mildreopulir •npTwrt. It would be bard for any *how of time, nie company will reorganize in the man to Imagine a more worthy eanae. next few week* and hit the trail again. Stella pany is playing some of' tbe alHomes in that LEW GREEN, who will soon Join Cnrle Sam’s ,he bj u!ague.7a Rinehart, George Levy and hi* wife are taking city every new and then. Al is lining up his fighting machine, was tendered a farewell din- really In behalf of tbe great outdoor *how in t-be sights offered by St. Louis. The corn- show for next but la undecided which ner by Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Moore, of The M»on- world, Inclodlng tbose who have not yet Joined way to go. light Maid* Company, aownow playing at tbethe Idl* _ JACK IvORD,IvORD. of I-ordI.or5*KJ!lr**ir** u***” WFI nnN WILLIABIS A LICK •"** **'* •'’« Pl»y'«>K » <>•*«■ i“ ''■y Hotel, Detroit, Mich., and would vppreclate 1110*1^^ hai.‘aRIKS paM**!^ptniTplopu!“ Name llIXHHIflw n blVI% vaudeville before iiUtting out a new comjiany, hearing from her many friend*, according to a lowct ulary, pay your own. AddrsM FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS about September 1.—B. F, letter from Mr. Jtoas, from Welch, W. Va. HARRY FOOTE. Mlllarapart Fairfield G#.. Okie. AUGUST 17, 1918 'rne BiiiDoara

XO ARXISXS: Please read the following and kindly co-operate with Mr. Larsen’s'suggestion when' playing vaudeville theatres booked through the United Booking Offices. It might also be useful to managers when playing on other circuits. E. P*. ALDEE.

B. F. KEITH’S THEATRE BOSTON August 5, 1918. Mr. E. F. Albee, Palace Theatre Bldg., New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Albee: Owing to the present unsettled state of transportation I would suggest that all acts notify the houses they are to appear in Monday of their whereabouts at ten o’clock of the morning of that day. If they can not report to the theatre they can telephone or send a wire stating the time of their arrival. This applies particularly to acts that do not have to rehearse, as some of them are in the habit of not showing up at the theatre until twelve or one o’clock, even when they are in town. The result is, after waiting a reasonable length of time, we telephone to New York and try to find them, then suddenly learn that they have been here all the time. Very truly yours. R. G. LARSEN.

fbe Fbr It H th* to bory j do'laioa «aa roa'-bod after a talk with Jim porwoal dir—-tioa of Ja>-k Biacor. aad tbo opoa- n.* w.lier la M loaakee, B. r r.Iben of K' •ay obowBma «boo« kia or (rtrads make a?- | Docker, wbo maoafed all too Prinroae a Weot tnc performaaro «aa a opleedld trlbato to tbo hort k f»e|eboll, fwt M/dnoa. po'teyort of axt'iee t>hr«tlo« la ta* beacCfml of gbooiora’o : aa von aa tbo Prlmmao 4 Dorkitader Mta*tr»i. earaeat work of too oatlrc '^>iapoay. . raonr.t, K. C. Held*. '«f tbo Kmpreaa In Hf E*»t wbrttrr or aot bo «i»y bo » aiofnbor of I ly/olt: J f". Mt*t ew. tad Wtitof F Koef. of ia tool; (rime. J.a Glared that w^ra bo la aptto of tbo warm weatbor tbo bonao waa too Loaoy aop- tboaiaatir la lu r—opfom of tbo pUyon. of tbo l4e» f Ife-ait; ' rufl-a K. Hodkla* VeOtaa saa lt»oo woo Id loel d»af oara to too piled bda oXcl j*i»efy wl*!i all tbo E-ldle Looearl Tkta la tbo tr.t tboatriral rompaay to olaH ' Mtatfer of tbo Sr/atbwett Ftota#.. t --.,1, gbovaioa'a Root ?rort. B. ff Hayt, tajrtjo re;.r*aeo'trir* of Elhort k bit*. >faa ly. Uto Ar.yaow Tltl I We. Laa.! of 1 Balnator* wirti a womaa •»•«. m.itacer. Todpb Get-bofl. ttoa. Ha.’ Sweet Aa Apple faJer. ote. Al»o | Ioa*er. the afa»* B>,Ba(»r aad wm of tbo pro- ' K. F, Flbort tied a!fb two otbor* for Art! .tPDITIoxtl, grBs-'RIPTIrtxa TO ••■'I aito Pnairoae’* atar aosVa, Dvla't lie Ram | d»or, »aa dr.fte-j a/e.a af'er tjio -ccbpaay pU'e ta t-.e fbletjo r»»er,a-» RViof oo Toeotay. TERV .kM» IT'SK'* Baxboo Tree. Laay aIao with an-k | b*»»a '■••rk fhearaal.. ao M — Aajefa mak ax M oot of a pooatblo oao boa-irod. r r—t Pa-k. Cbl--ar> . * • plieaomeaal kiU for tbo roaTaay a« Sua^et Taraa Byaoa. Iho premiere darner. «aa appada>ed .taa* r..;oan *. H'-<.i-r . BROADWAY AND BYWAYS J'.ca A PotUti. tio O-eaa 1 Bile to Gold, BeP !a tae iJdstVeim. »*3»»er. aad will fca»a fall roatrol dar.aff tbo Loom Jl.yor . I Wjk I Had »y Oil Gin Ba. k Ayaia. D*aflo. comia# toaeMi. 'f'mtiooed frr.m poje !»| B. a;ia’.a J. R«.-^a'.»I . Giww War*. Uyasa of tbo OM Caar-b CVer. Aaoehor laaowati/m la Baltlmrire |a tbo ap- ' Wi-'eet tt tbo feato*. "•otfe* atr-arf^m" la Roo J'wa.* "Qo M»yo-a .. oti* . aad tbo rooixlt la Gia O n. who baa to-ee aj*roa**oat of iimm Marcaret Rera aa treaa- tro tw.iBmlng prol of tbo S»-» T-rk fr'eeoa Prs'’*— Tioa'or. Sat Aat-.« o. aiaatr>t to;» a. G«a BiTt E!« Mia Palaro Tboater. Mlaa Rera w..l bo tWmtl Kt;ewritV/0 Ttey ataie rbolf .rMM'mo. B—.■•n k tfy** «v>—« . I' ». a to t p-vtoerVm Ro'*b-!ot,f eador.e-»veT»r ftrol. Cafif'-rbia ITaat.*. • tad TV» FomaXo Mia 8rat woeaaa freaaarer la Boittatoro. Rno R'vy '--ly't Asa:—oo-at Co. : »a la t'e f».-t fbtt tr.e autatyemoot bat Gr.iiod Bo-r E.1-0 . »:-e:». w,, to uko tbe tia*. r* i* tmiataat ueaanrer aacil Jo*a Badrwtat. tiom fe ta todedti'e »-txtx»a»eat C. A. S[>*aaotrt;)«a er.wV.y tae » - Kanlan khn-oo . . aemt •Bii.iMd mr'oaa -a 'bo e»7 of iitport. of laat .ootow. I ■-» 1 ix »tpe-r 'tlle-t »f T'le hi ‘rm* - k* - a •‘■wr. .—. Tba-tday He xt»e ont »»e te--.* Kitf tt t Jf .••niriti Ora'* .ta-va!'*-ai Sortoty.... aaaber. eror re-ordtd ty taj 'OBpaay Winiam A. Botior, forme; proper*/ matter 1 •f'w’eat of wirp-•»•■ tbir Fred kro«o t. tx.' E’lnn fldnof__ —.. Tbey a*o aa fr-m tbo of toek uVated Btoart Robooa aad Harm Caad;. r.rrct tfO pnpl! tf. »t e-er 'foo to bio eM'»Xe w—.'era aa M - i*r,e aad Me^ia, lamb A Rol- bo dmrkeopor. j •o loa-a tvit tt M* Moe—wt -at »le a • n* la rtad tart » to t eoo-m of twetj o' maa, Wm Saa;aar,re. R.«uaocd Jooawm. Maroo ——^ CHARLES D. WILSON • e -orv.t tad »:t| pr-,.. v, of ‘V Ptakart, w*i*»- >aailt.m. e*r. B. F. KEITH’S BOYS' BAND IS • t» ho e.a aart)rr/vo . aata't eMlt* »'•> too Pro* a3 .-.Te-ji toe-, a a »•» of J PROMINENT IN BENEFIT -ft of t w O fie pttao to flfctto ta to W««n H.» So'aalra Ht Saya Samrthinfl yoa-boa la tbo d'ora i.£ or-b.»rd, ‘.aolada#! EVENTS».| fro- ,h-a tbo trld tear! 'A »t-do»ile fbo --.ot 'e < jniax to tea re bt toe »». •. Beuila, t'la* iy Geor»e W .tea. Bo-efiot Boy, j i Owtiaaoti from ytjo Ji 1 T t.iir —'it" H'-’ ''>0 'f aof**! | 11 t Tatra, toe->*rVtI Ita;** K.iif. '.Mmlttor.M mo rj.* an.ton—no* I max ky J I'-ia- bi Reeaaaa 1 < «a t Be BocMr^i ' ft# -•e.oar tiaao tbore tr. o«er 'i-eo b ia-tred ' • ■ead 'f t i tt aeraa* «.Vv'« f*'« ria. *od A‘e» W.tli No Mi>. tiaad by AtbTtr Mam 1 weaaaeTt. two bnadred »'* •• m^tM -- a»« ,1.- •, , e a., y.-t ,be afee del la iml am ** : iSi-.'o^ saaa^or. ■ ' -.a . r»*-.*a a eomaaar « "i l-ra/ I Pa Titini'*iiL -^'-a'.'y Mas 'lio A 1 I Ij—y Br.rd ta-T W: ftaa I ff »- ae ui 140 if «>i«<*‘a.'>o iad for jo-tdo tboir raamiK V r -».! ,0 f'.ittT f.ttad tad did fbo mate to a; ■Mo loir -»a tbo,.* atoa.4 Vt*» , kniiHo f.i.nnno *0 ipof-_ai.4rj :a Mat Viil Tlia I .Keaaody ami Ia-.ka*m Gtol I Caa Maao Ttmi A P- Retta Boyt' Boad a ant ».t i.v- • -y. auad by F-.d F'-tdT Aitl laada *Lao*. | ' 1 „ / e .e r^__ ^ I ***®*' >o; /ea.*, boaa« yo.d by Me-r *iia» by tu-T Hmoo .etbit ad My Zfr^-rait, Good- [ Re-.a A Alhoo. Back of the Name “MAGICIANS”! aye. onax by Bad G-nroi. Tio iasto- bi fbo j fraamdos*. ir.i.a«i« wi. o jor ow.nx toe t»» We wr -bo ffx oqraR- I mcemne to Tbivviabif ler*a by tbo t.ttio wrise-w, I Red ' rm» yo'tdo, •011*0-1 ta.'.l rb-.a b!ii*rf ■.» Ql^ W TTWa *■•’* v* ina. Stands the Best f I-TTt W. It4«i atrmt .. - . » ^_, _ 1 »"''*1 tbo 'et.; ar*» aa of Irj micitr Vt-t Pe-t « 1 ij Iwwira ir. h 'ana wuk Mil * .^bit B'lt bk ao -ei? Cooacry • la It Vaw j t-i,. aoait •olO Mte ta **»!-»- awr* m r-ie ae;- at •oe-j-am* ji mo —*0 •# 7* W a ;• N.-,«» lebe—7 Rrirae fa ', 10—y fooa -am-vt ca »»d awde- xo^eeanea Trunk Ever Built mrtoe Cine forao lew niwrered 'a-., onam LomiMX R xtr ti • ‘d *■• f*a i;“d m toe oiivw i -i *ae*'.ow »;.i 'onr too •«>»a**y t* i-: .•f*-- -- »•— •antaina 1 -amooeo ’.tno to“i-Bai Wny oxi-or.moTi* ’ feb nr,« •watre j'.-.r » a 150—;ii aa •'tTtoiiaii* ia.f*. fa • ** .a t.-nootnx ew. wtUnn foe tbe x—'ir *e «j ^Uijet MO PliMlene Hmt itr -km atwm FTUCR. aoiya xb- Tie _*iti« tt r »•» f.e '-Mrrtm o' •.lir.o and moitio-y hrayin* A Ctr'tM Tr>jr.x Tof lar» wait .-aL fn. n-m. ua. laeawm •«. e..a«la Mortet if a no--a ta.f OUi r tg N-m .,aro-..uo -boa'e-t t. . -v. . *.■ Twrbo-f too G-nii3i! t.t u-to «rt- fet-arto iradotf x'eid o-iek a 'bo band m-irm. i-i.( -.i thAf. rja.rr..o *r. for am »r>rei" aA a kkM Iw Eak «klz Kf Tot Sw. ■o'to aooei matuaiea ta-f . xb* eipr,—a sy W- T,a- 1 TATiyrP aoa;X MIDWEST VAUOE MANAGERS * * A »l«e»,-b r.»m r.iNor, Fafe-raie- »*»* WB J It win fA/ yr.'i t/b ptoT'.'.Ajto a xor.airto ^ Jtie*iM aiwaine tiut iKiteeWtnda Blot 'Voa Oor- h Tbo 'wrat po'vfiWjva .«.*o!a .a e-rory nwoort j MEET IN RANTAGES' CmI- bt wan aNnawrinher .» -m '‘oho r .mi ear Nnne TATiyrk rrff.v.s rnrux Vton *17 ■•—a, n Ira 'tbn *"'*** * A*AA '.dWAtOd 4 Ml tfo-Mirt wolndo t-ardn w .■» tin* bonr — WUAO'N, I ^ 'iVea#* tt aevt* 14-10-1 riior «vb a jo-.oy Wt an-wnmwtd at r-uw vto* nut -oiom pm t _ _ 1 ■w.o n.tto It eitoior wv toep ■vf a—o la*' f'.e no-w Ca.'AVr* a-nd Chw oumnarieot 4.1*• ft tn « OOWM «r—r. OtaiGAAA IRA. ACTS C. L. fi- with a personal donation of at least $1,000, and Out of the hnniireds of sonyts published mentb crsl astimsto. C —Commsot. PV—Phnnoaraph tsIu*. he will canraas all his friends in the Song World ly so few are really meritorious—such a small for contributions, based upon their earning percentage reveal that their writers have gr.a -ued on. HOW 1 HATE TO GET TP IS’ THE MORN'TS’G. by Irrlng Berlin (published by Wa- tersonl. I.V—A humorous recitnl of a young soldier’s only objeetlon to army serrice—the powers. Kahn helieses the proportions of the the spirit of the times in an inlellisent iiiaiiiier necessity of early rising. MV—A lilting P>S melody, maintaining snappy rhythm. E.A—Stage. world war make it imperattre that something —that there are periods when it Usiks as If the GE—A good song for right now. Tlijs is a sort of reverse English on Harry Lauder’a It’a more than temporary aid be gleen. Ha antici. whole supers!ructore of popular musiP publish¬ Nice To Get Cp in the Morning. PV--0. K. pates baring hia plana in working order early ing must soon rnlinpsc. GOOB BT. GIRLIE (T MfST LEAVE TOri. by Gerald ERzgeraid (published by Westland, In the fall. The presence of inferior songs only aerres to lyia Angelea, Cal.I. LV—A soldier optimistically assures hia sweetheart that, despite the title, accentuate what might be done with superior he will return “when war clouds fly.” MV—Sympathetic march. EA—General. GE—'Tho it A USEFUL OCCUPATION ones. Performers need material—but it ranst he lacks noTpIty (being a sort of modernization of the Bine Bell sentiment). It has many points of meritorious construction, r—The title should be the last line of the cborns: “I’ll come bark, gooe Idamed if little girl, to you.” PV—Acceptable. Chicago. Aug. 10.—When recently called be¬ they appear bored when shown alleged world- fore bit local draft beard, under the Crowder THE ME.SS.^GE FROM HOME, by Olive Prince. J. Btissel Robhtsoii and Spencer Williams betters which reveal no world-lH-ating propcii (published by Williams, Cliicago). I.V—Tells of soldier reading mother’s letter with a blessing Work or Fight edict, Rocco Vocco, Chicago sides. They should make it part of tlieir life as climax. MV—Tense, yet sympathetic, with final notes held in such a way that an appealing manager for Leo Felat, waa informed that the work to examine all song sources impsrtlally, as effect ia produced. EA—General. GE—In some ways suggestive of Hello, Centrsl. Give Me draft board deemed rnutlc publliblng a uaatui the caliber of songs they offer is of the uiuiost No Man's laind. C—Piimh ia found in "No matter where you may mam, God bless yon." Industry. He waa highly pleased with the flnd- importance to them. PV—Suitable. Ing, feeling certain that it wonld serve to dis¬ On the other side of the fence the person ' ho O OEATn. WHERE TS THY STING, by Harence A. Stout (published by Pare & Usndy). pel doubts of many people engaged la varloua feels that he has a good song—particularly If LV—Tells of a member of a eolored i-ongregatlon who. upon hearing a preacher declare that phasca of mneic pubHahlng aetlvltiea. there la some real basis for this belief—should booze and women are “down below,” queries as the title suggests. MV—In the slow vein of most songs in this category. EA—Stage. GE—A good straight comedy song. C—“If what you not hesitate to hrave the decision of the foremost say Is the positive truth” is reiterated several timet in the chorus for etfect. PV—Optional. RIALTO COMPANY MOVES headliner. More can bo done thru the perform¬ SALUTE, by Hamid Neander (published by C. A. Grimm). LV—An antbem-style tribute er direct than thru old line publishers, bee.nuse to our flag, our soldiers and our allies. MV—The appmpriate “ponderwus” setting. EA —Con¬ New York, Auf. 10.—The Rialto Music Oo., publishers have a thousand strings tied to their claves. etc. GE—A timely number for anthem usage. C-Supreme climax Is found in “I’nited composed of Aboer Urcenherg and H. S. Drucke, plans (staff writers who must be satisfl-d, run¬ all our lives we give, IHrmocrucy tbull live.” PV—Not of the type readily adapted for me<'lian- has move.1 from Ita old location in tha ning investments in songs which have net yet ical instrument purposes. _ Gaycly Theater Bldg, to large and spaclona THEY’LL BE MIGHTY PROl’P IN PIXIE OF THEIR 0LT> BLACK JOE. by Harry Carmll proved their mettle, etc.) while the performer offlees In the Astor Theater Bldg, at 1B81 (published by Shaplm). LV—An old colored volunteer, bent upon i-rossing the Rhine, gives Broailway. has only one consideration-immediate avail¬ voice to the prophecy entailed in the title. MV—A medley of standard Sontbem airs. E.k — ability. Southern recruiting. GE—Another angle of the sentiment expressed in Dixie Volunteers. (’— Thia enterprising concern has nine new s •nga, It is not always easy to Interest a headliner, Punch is found in the grandiose statement, “I’ll give thia whole world Liberty, just what some of which are promlilog bit*. but if the song Is ’’there” it is easier to do so, [ Lincoln did for me,” PV—Uptional. ss a rule, than to interest the busy psiubli lied NEW WESTERN SONG HIT publisher. I>et a performer get hold of a song that makes good and the piihiishers gather 'round Santa Clara. Cal., Aug. II.—J. M. McKlernan, like bees around the flower—and they don’t care Jr., eighteen-year-old student of the university who wrote it, either. here, has composed a new song bit that baa he- Writers with ideas should approach perform¬ ciune a sentatlon id the West, namely. You'll ers directly—and performers who duly appreciate Be Sadder But Wiser, Hr. Kaiser. When Uncle the importance of their intermediary position Sam Gets Over There. McKlernan la now at an should make It a point never to he too busy to ofllcera' training camp at Presidio and has writ¬ let a creator of ideas show his wares. But it ten numerous songs previous to this one. should sever be forgotten that they must be real ideas, as the Junk variety are far too pro- BRITT OPENS OFFICE lillc.—CASPER NATHAN. In Cincinnati for Watarton, Barlin A Snyder WHAT NEXT? Oklcago, Aug. 12.—Addy Britt, formerly at¬ Chicago. Aug. 10.—The stunts State street THIS WEEK’S SONG OF SONGS tached to the New York pmfessloDal depart¬ music counter managers are resorting to rail ment of Waierson. Berlin * Snyder, laft for attention to new songs have reached such limita Cincinnati Saturday night to open an oOee to that it would take a prophet to hazard what WHEN WE WENT TO SUNDAY-SCHOOL tlte Munro Hotel for that concern Monday morn¬ they are likely to do next. On top of all sorts ing. Britt will surround himself with tn efl- of window displays, including a mock news¬ clent staff and remain In Cincinnati ladeBnitety. paper bulletin and many forcible posters, the By KARR fc van ALSTTKE (Fnhlisbod by REHICK) 10-eent stores have incorporated the idea of TWO NEW WINNERS presenting a complete thematic of a good seller, A almple story-aong, written around a meter you’ll like. printed on the store windows, with words in¬ liOulSTlIle. Ky.. Ang. 10.—The Prather Pub- cluded. This serves to attract attention of Uthing Company la coming to the front at a passersby as do few devlres hit upon. publisher of popular aonga. Two new numbers announced by It look like sure winners. SONG LOGIC Cheer for the Boya of the U. S. A. ia a ttirrlng BOOSTERS AID RECRUITING patriotic number that la being featured by alng- era and miiaiclana at Camp Taylor. It waa atao _ lilrago. Aug. 10.—Nearly ill the larger music THE NEW SEASON repeated for the fifth time at a recent cooeert Publishing otBces have lent song boosters to re¬ at the Cincinnati Zoo. cruiting nagons. stimulating navy enlistments. Choice of materia) was never more Important than It wilt be for the new season ahont to I’m t/inging. Sweetheart, for You. la snoiher Armed with megaphones, the boys stand at open. There never waa a time when tn American performer appeared sa a more potent message- late addition to ita catalog, which ia going Mg. attention while the speakers deliver their ora¬ bearer to Hia Majesty, the American public. If what the publtahers offer in the way of songs tions, and then burst into song during intervals. appears in any wa.v “off key” when considered from the angle of immediate song ne.-easlty do not compromise, but reject the unsuitable so quickly that it will never get a .'hance to develop OPENS PUEBLO OFFICE The public takes lively interest in this form of Into an obnoxious condition of song popiilirization. The public is the final Judge, but long boosting, which aids both Uncle Sam and the before it gets an opportunity to decide you, as the intermediary referee, must <-ome to a de¬ publiabers. cision. By wisely using your powers of rejection you will establish a standard that will make the new output of snugs the banner issue of all that shall have been produced in American aong annals. The prize ia worth the degree of care required. KEOUGH IN NEW YORK BABY SONGS Chicago, Aug. 10.—Ex Keough, profeasional manager for Forster, music publisher, is now The success of certain numbers hinting at Juvenile and infant lonesomeneaa during war¬ in New York, working on Hindustan, the farm’s time threatens the song market with a tidal ware of similar output. Performers should he on sole recent output, upon which Forster pins bis guard to see that this is not overdone. There is nothing more appesllng than the plea of a TIGHTS faitli for continuous aoccess with 30-cent num¬ babe, but it must lie remembered that there is nothing quite so ridiculous as an. artificial con¬ glomeration along this order. In order to be impressive and tell a complete story inch songs h«H grsds and bsIm tm bers. must be replete with detail and must be told to a slow. Impressive meter. The long drawn out a 11 FROrTBSlOHAlH; Pmini Act. Dtvvrs, a>s* tendency can be overcome only by exceptionally strong subject matter capably expresaed. When •n, CiTcua Psifinuim. tbe subject matter is weak and the expression is pr you have the kind of a song that will me. Padding. Tnt. Bnsht bore an audieni'e more than a lecture on pacifism. tad Monkey Sulu. Etas- lie and Gtoth Mvpoitm and Orainsatto Punns and Gtltsn. Sind fsa LITTLE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY action that amounts to anything is in the out¬ OiUlocue B and FRES door parks, which most of tho publishers canvas SAMPUtS. Chicago, Aug. 12.—Tbe exceptional warm pretty thoroly. Few performers cure to re¬ JOHN BPIOtN. Buocsaaar to Splam weather now prevailing has reduced professional hearse gongs io this torrid weather, and the office activity of local and branch publishing result ia that profeasional rooms have an empty concerns to the lowest poailble ebb. The only appearance. AUGUST 17. 1918

MAKE EVERY MOMENT count while you nre on the Htafe. Re¬ member, yon have the aamc chance at any headliner on the bill once you actually face the audience. IT’S I'P Tl) VttU. .Now when It cornea to doploK out laiiKba tw<> niliida are uaiially better than one. I hare THEY DO COME BACK!!! d"D4- a year of (ood, bard comedy tblnklns and the reaiilt la ready for you in the abape of MADISO.N’S BI IMIKT No. 17. which baa recently come from the printer THE REVIVAL OF SONG SLIDES and which la pronounced TIIR RKST YKT. It containa my nerreat aure-llre monologuei, acta for two malea. acta for mule and fe¬ IS NOW ASSURED male, mlnatrel Ural parla, J(Ml aingle (caga that really hare punch i>aliitN, a Mu^ Rcmick, Snyder, Witmark, Stern, etc., arc using our new idea of dozen parr^lea on rerent [iniiular aonga, a one act farce for ft peojile and much other illustrating songs in preference to M. 1*. films, not only because they are neceaaary comedy atiitl. Nearly erery thing haa gone up In price, but not M.\lll chcajicr, but having the words of your first verse and chorus right on a SttN’S BflMIKT So. 17. which atlll re- malna ONK noi.I.AK PER COPV, or for colorefl slide, fitting the action, holds the audience interested and teaches yi.Sft win aend Bl’PCETS No. 17 and 1« while supply laati. Send ordera to JAMES them your song quickly. MADISOif, loss Third Avenue, New York. We can match up any song, reproduce your title page in colors and furnish you from 7 to 9 illustrated slides with at least 2 lines of wording THE LATEST on each, as well as a mica chorus slide, for S4..50 the set.

Write for prices on unbreakable chorus slides ASK youfi. DEALER,. ISPretE HumPublishing Co CHiCACO. lit. GREATER N.Y SLIDE CO I AIRT KIDDIR’” 45th 7HC SONG (MARCH) 154 w. St.. N.Y From Berlia To Donegal •MS JAKE” HARRIS’ NEW SONG HITS rajfwr aayt- ”MV—Pull of guatn. FA—Stage, ftB- Certainly original In eipreaaloa. C--Good open¬ Pharlea K. narrta’ catalug for thla aeaaon li HERE IT IS, FOLKS! ing number (or monolngtat " brimming orer with dandy up-to-date balladn. WHEA7LCY. Hlllyard. Wathlagtea. Jazi, comedy and novelty ».>ng aucceeaea. Promi¬ nent among them la the Irlah novelty war aong Ctrl 31 r hit. Ile’a My Boy. by I/'ii Kline; ala» Charles K. narrla’ new faranua wring hita. One, Two. I win pay $1,000 (one thnuaand dollara) to the one Three, B<»ya, Over the Top We G.i; Will Yon who tinge either of theae tonga to turcoM. They are the latett war tonga. Be True. What a Wonilerfiil Dream It Would THAT PEACH "GOOD BYE 70 MY BROWN EYES IN SUNNY Be, and the original "letter” aong. la "There a CALIFORNIA" I.etier fi»r Me, al»o a new child song atory. I Of a Novelty Rag Jazz HitI "OH. HEAR THE BAND FROM YANKEE LAND" I»Te Yi>a. My .\merira: a new deacriptive bal- ! Send for mplee of tonga and mntracU lad. Behind Each Stormy Cloud a Star la Shin¬ TOOK C. D. PATTERSON. ning. Another new wi>ng which will prove a TAKE YOUR Everything Is Peadies Down in Georgia lilt 40tti St- Saerameete. Cal. big anecewa la I.eave the World a IJttle Better WonlH by M Utile by Than You Found It. by the well-known ballad TIME AND Grant Ctarlia. MIttan Af«r and Gen. W. Meynr. TALENT writer. Jack Clogau. GET IT Dowd in Georgia there are f»eachc3 TO WRITE THE LATEST SONS HR The alaiTC la a part of the many big aiirprlae Waiting for you; yes. and each i.s j aong hIta for the profesabm and the trade the RIGHT! Sweet as any peach that you could reach THIS ONE! GOOD BYE ALL i-oming arawin. Each and every aong la being tried out by a welt known aingtog artlat, inaur- for on a tree. By mall, direct from pub. Voice and Piano. lOt- ing Ita auccesa. Southern lieauties, they are famuu-'^, pottpald. Stnd atampe for free orcheetrationa. Dealen wTlle for prlcas In quantltlta Great Oaaelaf Neaibar. Georgia’s where they grow; My folks write me, they invite me. EUGENIO FORTUNATO. UNEXPECTED PROMOTIONS f S. Fifth Strett. Phllageinhia. Pa. Don’t you want to go? Chicago. Aug. 12.—The fact that many man- rnoRUs agera of and workers In miialc publishing, offices Everything is pteaches down in Georgia— have been called for army servh-e haa brought W hat a peaeh of a elinie for a peach of a uneipected promotion to several asaiatants. Most time. of these boys are taking full advantage of their 8iF' Believe me, paradise i.< waiting down there QONG BOOKQ opportunity and are alriving their beat to con¬ vince their employers that they are poaaesaed HERE'S for you. BEST ON EARTH of as mmh necutlve ability as their pred*- I've got a peach of a Pa, peach of a Ma, Two Mata, till and lOill Alto JOKE CONTTf- Oh, what a peaeh of a couple they are! PRITI BOOKS YOUR Send l«e for Stmplea NO ntST SAMPt PS There’s a preacher preaches down in HartM Rtttltar Ca.. 32$ W. Magltae. ChltMA UNKNOWN WRITER'S CHANCE COPY! Georgia Always ready to say: Will you love and Several weeks ago .an adv, in The Billboard obey? SONGWRITERS’ MINUAL rminested song writers to register with tha 1 bet you’ll pick yourself a pwich of a wife, Buckeye Music PiihllKhing Company. Colnrabua, l luMlih Pongs or Music l.efcve having read ray Settle down to a |H'ach of a life. Slaniial cf rrmpnaing and PiiMimetbing new and iinhiiie in the way Clingstone |>c.irhes cling right to you, leed for lllK Time, and you ran pay me Pt'aches haunt your dn'am; as act earns the money. Profesptonalp of patriotic songs. .Special attoutiun ia called TRATION THE to the following siiggeallons! Think of getting, always getting, ftr HeKlnners, your credit is Knod here. I’etiehes in vour eream! My arts are mopping up on every cir¬ Do not send manuaeripta with first leller. ARE READY! TRICK! cuit; that i."! why I can Kuarantee them. When rvsiuested to aend m.anuacrlpt give In- LANDON CARTKH. Circle- formatioa Uiualy: CHICAGO ST. LOUIS Grand Opera Hauta Bulldlap LEO FEIST, Inc. Hallaad Bulldlat Heart Ranch. Winona. .Misttourl. BOSTON 141 Wtst 44111 SL, Ntw YmIl SAN FRANCISCO 181 TreaiaRt ct. CLEVELAND. 308 Bai<«ar Bldf. Paatapea Theatre Bulldlof nty. mate. PHILADCLPHIA DETROIT. 213 Woodward Ave. MINNEAPOLIS WANTED FOR THE BALES & DOW'S Broad aad Char-y Str. KANSAS CITY. 1123 Greed Ava. Lyrie Theatre Bulldlat Alaniiscrlpta on band; (tilve tlllea, atatlni GIRLS OF THE ALLIES which are songs, which are l.vrica only.) Ai A \o. I |>tsno Player: must read at sight and Information; (Name 4>f songs published. If any, iran.i.Hw- Two more ITwinis tllrls. with voices, Oth- when and by whom.) THE SONG OF ALL PATRIOTIC SONGS . rr useful people write. Norma I>v> and Joo Meearl. wrtie or wire. Addresa IIAIJ-IS A.\D IH»W. 198 W I’aed by: (Name cf acta using aonga.) Ave.. Akron, oiih, DRUMMER ROBINSON WITH FEIST “DRESS UP YOUR DOLLARS IN KHAKI TODAY" " ANTItn Trap Drummer for vaudeville house. Season By J. W. CALLICXTTTE, author of “My Old Iowa Home,” “Always a Smile for n|*«is September J llwlior Day). Must he good vaude- Chicago. Aug. 10.—J. Russel Robinson, an Lkaddy” and others. Beautiful words and catchy melody. A sure winner and an in¬ rille man and memlirr of union. Three ahowa a day. all ‘round handy man in a pmfetaiaaal depart¬ an diva a week Salarv, $2t week llcxal. steady po- stantaneous hit. Price, 2Sc the Copy. •I'lon foe right man Address FRANK BttSia.Y. S.35 ment. who used to aing a little and play a >r«haniin

William Cary Duncan and the music by Alex¬ ander Johnstone. It it staged by Clifford CHICAGO'S SUMMER SEASON Brooke, and the dances and ensemble are cred¬ NEW PLAYS ited to Carl Randall. The cast Includes Tavle Beige, Lonlse Oroody, Josie Intropidi, Baxel Kirke, Hal Skelley, Echlin Gayer, Thomas ALLEGIANCE Drawing to an End With Friendly Enemies as Conkey, Henry LeonI and a competent dancing chorus of youth and good looks. ALLEOIANCI^—A new war play, la three acta, the Only Attraction Likely To Continue by Prince and Princess Troubetxkoy (Amelie TAKE IT FROM ME Rives). Presented by Wm. Fareraham and Into the Fall Months Maxine Elliott at the Maxine Elliott Thea¬ New Tork, 10.—Julia Sanderson, Joseph Caw- ter, New Tork, August 1. thorn and Clifton Crawford are to star the coming season in a play entitled Take It From Me. The play is an adaptation from the French. THE CAST: OTHER SHOWS SCHEDULED TO Mr. Hartmann .. ...Carl Saoermaa OTIS SKINNER’S NEW PLAY Karl Bartmaun . .Carl Anthony FINISH BY SEPT. 1 Max Hartmann . .Charles Meredith New Tork, Aug. 10.—Otis Skinner has begun Elsa Hartmann . ....Blanche Turks rehearsals of his new play, Hnmpty Dnmpty, at Albert Perry .... .Charles Hami>drn the Empire Theater. Horace Annesley Tachell Anna Perry ...... Evelyn Varden is author of the play, which is a comedy. The Lombardi, Ltd., Eyes of Youth, Turn to the Right Count Von Oeler ..Harrison Hsnter production will be under the stage management Billy Elton .... .Charles Lalte of Iden Payne, and will have its first showing Gottlieb . and Jack-o'-Lantern Among New Attrac¬ in New York early in September. Mr. Skinner ....Charles Kraus is to appear this year under the management Minns . ...Margery Lytle tions Announced for August uf Charles Frobman, Inc. Karlchen .. William Read. Jr. Welcome to the se^-ond good, sound war play TRYOUT SEASON IS ON of the season, with Its direct message, its Cblrago. Aug. 12.—Tbe last lap of Chlcago’9 the Grand, with Grant Mitchell as the principal splendid acting and its interesting cast. Al¬ rapidly wnuiog sunimpr season Is now under actor, New Tork, Aug. 10.—This is the tryont sea¬ legiance is the story of the Hartmann fauilty in way. Only one of the summer shows now run¬ September 1—Seven Days’ l>eave, an English son and the towns around New Tork are having 1914, 1915 and 1018. ning—Friendly Enemies—is likely to run Into military melodrama by Walter Howard, will ample opportunities to see numerous prospective The play opens upon the scene of birthday the fall season (Its management declares busi¬ be seen at the Garrick. Broadway successes. Among the plays soon to festivities in honor of Grandfather Harlniann. ness is too good to admit of announcing a clos¬ September 1—Alexandra Carlisle will bring to be shown are; Where Poppies Bloom. Forever and three generations, including two ioten-sting ing date), but this attraction is an exception the Blackstone the Booth Tarkington and Julian After, I. O. U.. Some Night, Be Didn’t Want children, are cluttered around a birthday rake In many ways, because It was a holdover of last Street comedy. The Country Cousin. To Do It, Daddies, She Walked in Her Sleep, blazing with many red candles. season’s shows when the summer term started. September 2—Ina Claire will bring Polly With and One of Us, all of which will be shown at Grandfather Hartmann, born in Germany, but, All the many shows now running, including a Past to Powers’. Long Branch. being unable to earn more than a hare ex¬ the summer musical comedy invasion of the* istence In hit beloved conntry, he emigrated Palace in the shape of Doing Our Bit, will be FIDDLERS THREE MIDNIGHT FROLIC WILL TOUR to America, where he became natiiralixial. and for gone by Septemlx'r 1. fifty years following he enjoyed the privileges Late In August the following shows will be .Atlantic City, Aug. 10.—Fiddlers Three, New Tork. Aug. 10.—It is announced that of bit adopted country and was blessed with offered: which will be produced by John Cort August 19 Florenz Ziegfeld will take the Midnight Frolic much material prosperity. Therefore, on the August 18—Leo Carrillo will act Lombardi, at the Apollo Theater, Atlantic City, is a on tour, starting at the New National Theater war question, altbo loving Germany, he con¬, a comedy by the nations, at the Cort, modern operetta, the book and lyrics being by in Washington late in October. sidered it his honorable duty to keep his oath ■with Grace Valentine, Mary Kennedy, Wini¬ of allegiance to America. fred Bryson, Warner Baxter and Marion Abbott Lusltania’a sinking so abocked him that he as principals. died of apoplexy, deeply deploring the terrible .‘August 18—Margaret lllington, acting The odium the military classes of Germany had Eyes of Youth, a mystic melodrama by Charles DRAMATIC NOTES heaped upon bit beloved people. tiiiernon and Max Marcin, will open the I’rin- The ton, Karl Hartmann, is pro-German, and cess season. thru a German apy ia secretly contributing hit Henry W. Savage began rehearsal* Monday Charles Dillingham, the other by William Moore .August 18—The National will open its season wealth (made in America) to aid German for Have a Heart, to open its season at Hud^in. Patch. A conference between Messrs. 'Dilling¬ with Marcia Moore acting The Little Mother-To- propaganda. N. T., August 27, previous to a Canadiau and ham and Patch resnited amicably, the former Be. ’The grandson. Max Hartmann, It pro-Aliy, a Western tour. Among the principals re-engaged saying that If Patch could establish priority August 19—The Palace will return to vaude¬ true American lad sans the hyphen, who in are Keno and Greene, Grace Hoey. Lucille S.aund- his rights would not be Invaded. ville. mettled with an impetuosity to fight tba ers, Henry Antrim, Sam J. Burton and Victor •Alice Terry, the concert singer, who Is soon August 25.—Turn to the Right, one of the kaiser. Leroy. to make her vaudeville debut, will have as her successful pla.VF of last season, comes to the The first two acts are discursive, but the Willette Eershaw has been engaged by Sclwyn associate one of the best known composen and Olympic with many of its old players. third act sees the return of young Max Hart¬ & Co. for an important role in The Crowded \ucal comeUlana in this country. August •J.'i—The Illinois will start its new mann after two years’ abeem-e fighting with the Hour. The Eastman Sisters have been added to The .vear -with The Rainbow Girl, a musical com¬ Canadian army in France. Max Is blind in The Maid of the Mountains will be shown at Midnight FYollc. edy played by Beth Lydy, Billy B. A'an. Lenora both eyes, accomplisbed wilfully by a Pruaalan the Casino, New Tork, instead of at the Century Novaslo. I.aura Hamilton, Robert Pitkin, Sydney Jean Stewart is to have the leading role in oculist who treated bim ia a prison camp. as previously announced. The change was made Greenstreet and Harry Benbam. Seven Days’ Leave, which will begin Its season in The mother’t agonising cry of horror when because the Century stage was not suitable. Washington late this month. August 31.—Fred Stone will be at the Colo¬ she discovers ber son is stone blind in both Mme. Olga Petrova baa done her last pi<'ture, William Kent, last seen In Toot Toot, at the nial in Jack-O’-Lantern. cyea thrilled the audience genuinely. Tba pro- at least for the present. The actress is plan-, I Cohan Theater, New Tork, will ap|)ear the The month of September has the following German father revulti agalnit the fatherland ning a return to the legitimate this fall in' advance roster: I coming season under the management of H. H. at this stage. He also discovers that be baa The High Altar, a play written by the star in Fvaiee in a new Nora Bayes piece. September 1—A Tailor-Made Man. a highly bom made a tool by the German spy. conjunction with W. E. Roberts. Fred A. Nathans has taken over the manage¬ successful comedy, will begin an eng-igcment at Allegiance ia devoid of the comedy and love Uus Hill will soon start Mutt and Jeff on their ment of the Little Theater in Philadelphia and interest in Friendly Enemies, but as a play it annual tour. This aeason the offering is known announces that It will be devoted entirely to seems more logical. Alike in theme these two a» Mutt and Jeff in the Woolly West. intimate musical comedies, with other attrac¬ ORR’S NEW MUSICAL SHOW plays are entirely dissimilar in treatment. Rose Cogbian is to play the part of iMrs. Saund- tive features not offered by any of the larger Carl Sauerman made the old German a char¬ erson, the German s'>y, in the Eastern Company playhouses. Chicago, Aug. 10.—The musical version of acter of dignity and aincerlty. of The Man Who Stayed at Home. All scenery for the productions to be made Geo Hobart’s farce. What’s Tour Husband Blanche Tnrka played the mother with fine Doing, will be known as Miss Blue Eyes, pro¬ Conrad Nagel plays o|>]>ositc Alice Brady in by tlie new firm of Klaw A Erlanger-Dililng- emotional effect. Forever After. liam Ziegfeld is to be designed by Joseph Urban. duced by Harvey D. Orr. The book and lyrics Carl Anthony aa the son was Impressive. Ure by Geo. V. Hobart, and music by Silvio I.uclen Lacostc. the French writer and actress, Blythe Daly, daughter of Arnold Daly, made Charles Meredith, as the grandson, and Har¬ ^ieln and Edward Paulton. Eva Fallon has been is writing a comedy for Broadway production. lier stage debut last week in Getting Together rison Hunter, as the German spy, give ex¬ engaged as prima donna. She will have the Elsa Alder, the primn donna, it critically ill at the Sliubcrt. cellent characterizations. support of Will Phllbrlck and an excellent cast at Mount Vernon, N. T.. Hospital. Henry Miller and Ruth Chatterton have scored Evelyn Varden. ('has. L:iltc, ('has. Kraus. with a chorus of sixteen show girls. It eeems that there are two musical plays by a great success in A Marriage of (kinvenlence Margery Lytle and Williiim Bead. Jr., did The show is being booked by Klaw & Er- the title of Take It From Me, one owned by in Cliicago. creditable work. I'luirles IIjiu|nIcii. aa the son- langer and will open in Atlantic City at>out in-law, was natural and amiisiug. September 20. •The refined imlor scheme of the one qnlet in¬ terior used harmonized well with tiie imposiug TO SING IN CAMPS beauty of its gothie lines. —M. F. L. FOR SALE Excerpts from the New York dallies follow; Times: ’’For two sets the piny seems dls- Marguerita Sylva is to sing a new George M. courtive. The third act made tin audience sit Cohan song among the camps of the East. At up. in fact, and lean toward the (•Kitlights.” present sbe ia resting at ber summer home at American: “It was a thriller without me- Lake Mabopac, having concluded her vaudeville ebanlral effects.** engagement She is to sing Carmen with the Portmanteau Theatre World: ‘’Allegiance strikes a much more seri¬ Chicago Grand Opera Company the coming The Famous New Tork Portmanteau Theatre can be used at a complete theetre or for traveling purposes. ous note than Friendly Enemies. There is leta season. Fully equipped, portable lights and fixtures, one drop curtain, two complete sets of scenery. Used oue week. Depth. 28 feet; height, 20 feel; width, 24 feet. Must sell at once. Write, call or wire action and more talk. AEOLIAN CONCERT HALL, 29 WMt 42d St.. New York City, laguire fer State MaasKr. Herald: ‘’Alleglame is a stirring, patriotic WOODS ENGAGES ADA JAFFE play and likely to attract audlemes for many weeks to come.” New York, Aug. 10.—Ada Jaffe, formerly of Send four conts for postafo Tribune: “Altbo the play has betn linked the Tiddish stage, who was seen recently in The FEEE Book Till EdlUon with Friendly Enemlea, tliere la little re- Sbadeben in Marriages Are Made at the Fulton aemblaocc. Most of the differences are dlt- Theater, has been engaged by A1 H. Woods for HESS G^E MAKE-UP Tho Art of Maklaf-np the part of Rosie in Businees Before Pleasure. (Continued on page 62) AUGUST 17, 1918

The law of (-oropflisatlon Is working orortlmo. Again rontraatlng the case of the actor and without protest If It can be demonstrated that New York. Aug. 10.—The Jumble In Shop of > wonilrrful was tbo parly siimmpr weatbpr, in doing so it will aid the common cause, but the ball player the latter, as a rule, has the the Stage Women'* War Relief, which Mrs. [>olDting out that at present in providing public H> ni'gllcIMp waa tbp alamp In baainpw, dne to physical qualifications to make him an Ideal sol¬ Cliauncey Olcott tuccessfiilly launched last win¬ entertainment and diversion it is effectively per¬ pxcpspIvp tpnippratiirp. so wpH wprp tbp siirrlvops dier, while the former Is usually temporarily un¬ ter for the benefit of war relief work, has moved of la^t spa'rrps. struok with iiuprpopilpntpii sale are valuable possessions of tlie late Charl-'t way. <»n the contrary the fact that young men as a medium for propagamla the goverument can plrrngtb. A fpw of IhP npw rputiirps, no doubt, Froliman, given by bis sister. Miss Eh ma Fruh- of such splendid pbysii at qnaUdi'ations are will rruaiplp undpr tbp sbiH-k, not haring gatb- bring, anil Is bringing, to its aid a valuable j man, a trunk of Shakespt-arean costumes, in¬ l>eruiltleerate with reduceo|.tilarlty. It la spldom that npw plays harp it deprived of the services of trained and ev- from Jolin M- ( ormack, and two hundred wooden parents ma.v have considered more essential. Ix. n put thru such a test. I>erienced men of ages between I’l and but sis-k net-tiles, rfs|>e. tfully suiimitted to the In the eaae of baseball va, the stage, however, Ttiprp is onp consolation that may bp dprlrpd it is not iMi-sible to ilo so were all men of from Jumble In by an inmate of the Eastern State the bas>‘l>all |>euple have very mu<-h in their from thp rpi-ord heat ware. \Ve are not likely IS to 45 withdrawn from its service under the Penitentiar.v. favor politically. The artificially created local tu bare another such. [lenalty of losing deferred elassifiiation. The Many prominent theatrieal people visited the pride in the achievements of teams that re|>re- • • • • men we can give and can epare we have either slittp, which ia in charge of Miss .Marjorie Tay- sent cities In wbb'b few of them live and Thp new season is otSclally on. The fact that already given or will give with readiuess. A I'tr. late of Davbl Warfield. Kay Bulnter and still fewer were born, rallies to their support •rreral of last year's big hits are rounding out a further drain on our personnel would re-iilt in Philip Bartbolamae have been among the pur- thousands who are in the habit of expressing calendar year In the length of their New York the complete cessation of business, of the loss t ha sera. their views widely sn-l In many pla.-es. The runs necpesltatps the dirlsion of 'Tlip BilltM>ari]'s of millions in Invested capital, in the destrui flon Mrs. Olcott organized a branch of the Jumble l•aseltall fan may not have any dt-eper interest record of New York runs Into two groups, con¬ of a very considerable source of governmental In in Sarattiga this summer, wliii-li she '.s con- In the game than the theatergoer has in the sisting of last year’s pruductions and new pro- revenue (to be doubled In rate, and still further dtii'ting with great sui-cesa for the Stage stage, but there is no doubt that he is more iliictlons. The feat accompllsbeil by Turn to the incr^sed In volume by the probable Increawe in Women’s War Relief. enthusiastic and noisier in the support of bis Itigbt a year ago will be duplicated by spreral business), and in the throwing out of employ favorite pastime. And the space the dailies de¬ attractions this month. In spite of all our bard- ment of many neeed on the stage of vote to s|>orts is greater and more wlilely read shli>s. In spite of thp low aggregate of basiness women, who are scarcely fitted for work of an¬ the Kitinge Theater .Ruiiday night, August 4. than is any other part of their papers. erperlpnciHl In many sectors at many periods of other s<ndlng extension r>f the ojreration wuuld dig up a new theme for a serial. The i’it.v III aiti-nd the iM-rfurmani es, the cheers ^rom reas.m the standing of the stage under the ruling of the Work or light Ijw. Sot that the pro¬ Masked Stranger, Button. Button, Who'* Got the the ilelighted s|iectators lasted several minutes. is again seriously endangered. In the face of the fession Is as yet posltlrely menaced by the Button, and The Strawb»-rry .Mark all seem The free Sunday night entertainments, of new danger the stage can only do what other pro- application of the ruling, but the newspaper pub worked to death. We can't recall a single | which Miss (ieorge Is chairman, for soldiers, fi-eslons in the same plight liave done—expressing liclty giren to the subjei't with special ref¬ serial that hasn't been based on one or more sailors and marines who bsim uii In New York a iwrfect willingness toa<-|uiesce to the inevitable erence to the rase of the aefop anil the theat¬ I of these three themes. from all pans of the country on their way rical employee is of tbs sort that usually presag'-* eople in particular In their effort to Izvuise Closser Hale, that indefatigable first h.ite their players grouped In the same class with vice-president of the Stage Women's War Re¬ the actor hare focused the limelight on the lat¬ I THE BILLBOARD RECORD OF RUNS lief and clever actress authoress has written a ter, with the result that the actor's right to monolog called Hello. Central, which Grace si>ec|al exemption under the prorisions of the IN NEW YORK George pla.ved for the first time July 31 for rilling is coming In for a lot of close and un convalescent soldiers at the Base Hitspital at friendly scrutiny. I Feratea against the foil .SOth Street.Aug. 22. Engaged for New Hippodrome Show Follies of 101R. .New Amsterdam. .June 18. concentration of all our physical energies In the Getting Together . Bate* A Bllnn.Shubert.June 8.. New York, Aug. 10.—Half a dozen talented great task of winning the war. Theatrical per¬ Going Tp. ..Idlierty .Dec. 25.. Maytime . dancers have been engaged by Charles Dilling¬ formances on the other hand are for the most ~~ .Broadburat..Aug, 10.. Gb. laidy. laidy. ..Casino .Feb* 1.. ham for the forthcoming Hippodrome show. part given after working bours^ and thus fulfill Passing Show jf IPIS. ..Winter Garden.... July 25.. The principal soloists will be Desiree Lobowska. the piirisise for which si>eclal exemption was Halnbow Girl, The. ..Gaiety.Ajir. 1.. Gerda Guido, Peggy Barnstead, Helen Patter¬ granted the actor—to provide a necdeii diversion Seventeen . .. ..Booth .Jan. 21.. Tailor-Made Man, A. son, Marion Saki. the Japanese ballerino; Inez and relaxation to a public that Is doing Its ut¬ — ■ ■ .C. A H. Theatar.. Aug. 27.. Tiger Rose. ..Lyceum.Oct. 2.. Bauer, and the Sisters Breen. most to aerompllsh the work alinted to It In the gem-rat scheme. ATatini-e performances were or¬ PRODUCTIONS OF THE NEW SEASON iginally given for the benefit of the stay-at home BACK TO ENGLAND Allegiance . ...Maxine Elliott.... Aug. 1.12 housekeeper and the night worker, and as a Bliie Pearl. The. George Nash.I>i>Dgacre.Aug. 8. 4 general thing only one sueh performance Is Friendly Enemies . Mann A Bernard.Hudson .July 22.24 Violet Englefleld, the English comedienne, given weekly, disregarding the Satnniay after- Keep Her Smiling.. Mr. A Mrs. S. Drew..A8tor .Aug. 6. 7 now appearing in The Passing Show of 1018, noin lerforiuanee, which falls on a day set will return to England at the conclusion of NOTE—A Tailor-Made Man closed Its rnn of 410 performances on Saturday. August 10, aside (s a half b

We take pleasure in announcing the removal of our New York office to the McCarthy & fisher building, 224 W. 46th street, where a hearty welcome and every facility for comfort and special attention is yours. McCarthy & fisher, inc. MUSIC PUBLISHERS JACK MILLS. Prof. Mgr. 224 W. 46th Street. NEW YORK CITY, AUGUST 17, 1»1S

tad Tov IbuM aii Well tad Toa a Ladodte for the No. 2 show, which opene at Norton, Kan., I villc fields, and was with the team of Williams ON'T m fnmf. iost ••M mot mm sM mt: D 8*nd m« • lActaBlt* moMUd In • •(slid coM rinc GRAND AT COLUMBUS •August 26 and plays several big fairs, including and Welsh on the Keith Circuit. He Is now en OT 10 dn?»~frM trlni." W« wilt Mod H rirtt to'Mur bMM. whM It eoiM dwMit the Wichita (Kan.) Fair. The names of the route to Join one of tbe Wood-Hall AmusemeDt is 76 wHh ch« pontmM tfe«n wmr tkm rlMTiflOfull« dajrj. 11 you. or om ^ ymm Miiidi c«i MN from REOPENS AUGUST 26 members an* as follows: Otis Oliver, Carl Way, Company’s attraction, where he wTU play Rdlomowda OOTM It mmIi. But if m docldn to buy Howard Welsh, Roy Ilkins, Sheridan Davidson. straights. -Mod OT iSO OMta •ottl $14.76 bOTOMO pOldT William McConnel, Helen Glasgow, Vada Heil¬ Write Tebr •bOTOyoOWtsb lodlM*OT —P ■/—tPMWtM^OTUtbMM. man, Ann Hill and Cora King.—II. J. W. Grau Musical Company, Now MacGREGOR’S SIGNING ’EM UP llanUUMeCa..l2llKciUMAvs..D«C2S2Ghicaw at Olentangy Park, Will Be HELEN K. MAY WRITES the Attraction—Mgr. W. New Tork. Aug. 10.—Edgar MacGregor has Helen K, May writes: "I was with the Twl been pretty busy these days signing up pnjn- D. Harris in New York Pally Stock Company for four months, and cipals to appear in stock companies. He has FOR TWO DOLLARS closed the very pleasant engagement at the Ada arranged an exclusive contract with Arthur you can secure the current six Issues of K'l'NNYBONB, contaiulng a really surprls Meade Theater, Lexington, Ky., June 16. The Howard, who will be presented to New Tork ing (juantity of excellent, sure-fire mono- ('olumbiiF, (>., Auk. I*'-—The (Jranfl Theater audiences in The Dislocated Honeymoon at an eompany is now at Lake Brady, near Kent, O., loKiics, arts for two males and male and eloFed Siindaj as a picture house, and for the for the balance of the summer and is rehearsing early dale. Ruth Edell has also been con¬ female, minstrel first-parts, parodies on next tno necks will remain dark. PurinK that a nuniher of plays for the coming season. We tracted with and will appear In the Rubble IM'Piilar songs, farces. Jokes, etc. Single time carpenters, decorators and painters will be issues of KI NNYRUNE are 35 cents, ex have plenty of leisure time and are having a Git I, and a long term contract has been given husj puttinK the house in shape for the openinR i-oiit No. 1. which costs One Dollar. Ad¬ go«>d time boating, bathing and fishing. Regards -Mfred Gerrard, who will be presented In a new dress FUNNYBONE FVBLI8KIMO CO., of the new season. to all friends.” vehicle later. MacGregor Is now arranging con¬ 1052 Third Avenue, New York. The fall season will open the week of Au tracts with Ethel Stannsrd and with a popular Kust -6, when the Grau Musical Gompan; movea STOCK COMPANY CLOSED vaudeville team, Eddie Buxzelt and Peggy from (llentanKy Tark to the Grand. Sweethearts Parker. is the first play to be presented, and It will be WANTED-IOIN ON WIRE Bob William#!, of the Albert Taylor Stock followed by IliKb Jinks. Pisno. double either Rass. Baritone, aJ^y sheeu. poatafa. pola cards. Neat lor and Bertie Conway, two former favorites work, rttalng or esilmais free. Raroples, 10 cents. HURD OF 8HARPSBUR0 IN IOWA. of tbe house of sto<'k, made their annual debut BIIUE PIUMIEE’S COMEDIANS WANTS in the offering Because She Loved Him So, with CARMELO’8 STOCK AT OMAHA the Harry Minturn riayers. The show Knapp«' People in all lines: those duiiig spwlalties or douliliiig band given preteceuis. Vear’t wurk to the right pao- wvening.evening.' The play itself is redolentre.lolent of genuine j,ie. Ktate all In first Utter, salary, etc. Mox Adams, write. AddrAs , and wholesome humor.humor, Itsits acting by the Henry C. A. TAFF, weak Aug. 12. Fraaklla, Ind.; week Aug. 16, Carail. Illlaala. BUD DROPS IN Jewett Playersriaycrs gives it the reality of life, and Bud Schaffer, popular musical comedy at»vk Itsits stage settings, especially Inin thellie yacht scene, w • ^1 1 ■ owner and manager, dropped in at the Clncinnatt •with its representation of a storm at sea,sea. pro-pro¬ R^ SB ■ I I IT SB SB I 1 I If K offli-ea of The Blllhnard and gave the tab. and vide a aeusaUonalsensational touch that la not unwelcome. A VllIlClUVlAL M^ACIllACiUV kJ LKAXalL dramatic stock editor a pleasant aurpriae. Bud WANTRD—An opening for in up-to-date Dramatic Ptork Co. that Is cipahle of producing high-clasa playa. s|H*nt the day with him and visited the local POLI MANAGERS HAVE OUTING Theatro is new and up to dale, best loraUnn in Uila dty of 50.000 ivipulaUnn Sf»w playing five acta of Gym. t’luh, where he waa well re^*elved. Bud __ Tauderiile to good buslnesa. For InfurmaUon addreaa DRAMATIC STOCK C0„ Blllbaard. ia on hia way to (’lilcago to atari rehearsing a "New Haven, Conn., Aug. 10.—A fan well out¬ new musl<'al <‘omedy company, which he Intemls ing was given to Adelmo Vannl, formerly man¬ putting out on tbe road aliout Auguat 24. He ager of the Poll Theater, Hartford. Conn., by the WARTED FOR THE SOUTH AMERICAR TOUR, Ltd. will spend a few days with hla wife, Ceclle Casino# of Buenos Ayres. Mfintevideo. etc., gofwl Dumb Acts. Offering eonlrirta for two months firm. Round I*oli managers. Mr. Vannl has enlisted in the Klllott, well known leading lady In dramatic trip for ail |>absages and transportation |iaid and advance money upon reqursL I*. S. Marine Corps. 8. Z. Poll, Louis Segal, ROGER TOLOMEI, 1493 Braadway. Laaw OIRcas. Ntw Yark City. aUH'k, at New Bedford, III. Waiter M. Merkel, W. A. Ascough, Itoy (»lm- Ftend and Louis Kilby were pren-nt. Tlie staff FOR SALE—CAMPBELL BROS.’ NEW ORLEANS MINSTRELS STOCK NOTES of Poll’s Theater, Hartford, presented him with will sell any part of the show. One I’ullman Sleeping Car. T4 feet long, steel platfonns. ll-wheel trucks, kltrh- The Alcazar Playera, after three seasons of a wrist natch. He was also presented with a •111 fully equipiicd, will s’rcp fi.rty (Hviple, four sections, Itirre staters 14 people; one dramatic end Tent, 4t), with one have secured a theater of their own, and will the New Haven staff. Walter M. Merkel, w1h> 40 and one 30-ft. middle piece; 16 lengths of Bluea, Reserved Seau for 475 people: one Stage, I4i20 ft.: iJl new scenery, stakes, imles, rigging. Cars ran be seen on tracks at Kranayllle. Wts. Will sell all itr any part of o|ien the sl«<'k season the middle of September. succeeds Mr. Vanni as manag*T, comes from the same. Retiring from buslnesa. Address aU mall to WM. CAMPBELL Evaaavllla. Wlteaatla. Jai'k Marvin, is.pular among stock mansgera Poli staff at Worchester, Mass.—(JAllVIE. of the Middle West, Is now meeting with success In vaudwtlle. with the timely playlet. My Ixoely THE OTIS OLIVER PLAYERS .Soldier. Marvin haa Just flnlahed on the Inter¬ FRED CARMELO WANTS state Circuit, anil la now playing thru the IJncolD, Neb., Aug. 10.—’The Natural was Southern I’. H. (I. Ills art le booked to o|>eD Chorus Girls, Toe Dancer, Girl for Musical Act or Girls doing any Novelty Act offered by the Otis Oliver Players this week. on the (Irpheuni Circuit in September. The play was most interesting and tlie acting willing to double chorus. FRED CARMELO, General Delivery, Omaha, Neb. Al Cotton, the blackface comedian, who re- excellent, which pleased the audience very much. crntly apralni-il bit ankle while appearing at Altho the weather has been very hot a good the Lyric Theater, Portland, Ore., U going to crowd attended each performance. Those in the < allforiila to play tbo I.«vey Circuit. IlMES IDIMS FIOAIINC THEATRE Bert Meyers, blarkrace, closed bis engagement east were Cora King, Anna Hill, Elroy Elkins, Doris Smith, Carl Way, Mr. Davidson and Otii Good Blackface Song and Dance Comedian that can put on Nigger Acts and at the Strand Theater, Portland, Ore., liat week. Oliver. Harry J. Wallace, manager of tbe com¬ make them go. Write or wire JAMES ADAMS, 1046 South Fifty-eighth 8L, He was called by hla ^att hoard and left for the pany, will leave Sunday to AXiange lair dates Philadelphia, Pa. lihtaL AUGUST 17, 1918 HERALDS 5.AM 9x12 Ht-raliki. 4 pp.. ««rh pac« 6x9.tll-M 10.000 9x12 HenliU. 4 pp., ««rh ptgm 6x9. 19.99 5.000 10Hxl4 Merxidi. 4 pp.. <«rl> pxfe TxlOH. 12.10 10.000 lOWxM Hmlcli. 4 pp..a«-hpa<(>7xlOH. 19.99 5.000 12x18 Ifpraldi. 4 pp., Mrh pa«« 9x12.... 19.00 10.000 12x18 llrnldi. 4 pp.. Mrh pica 9x12.... 29.00 5.000 14x21 llrrxlcl*. 4 pp.. p«rh pace 10Hxl4. 17.50 10.000 14x21 Hmlila. 4 pp.. Mch pic* 10%xl4. 90.00 5.000 6x24 Heralds, two aides. 11.09 10.000 6x24 Heralds, two sides. 19.90 5.000 7x21 Heralds, two aides. 12.90 FORTY-FOUR PLAYS netant and eontinned. Mu one loainR week be- 10.^ 7x21 Herjlds. two ,ld«. M.OO •wensnsswa vrwe a ran I n^e^***hnndp*^l d"]!Thomaaslnl, rello and baritone has rejoined the minoo 9x24 Heralds’ two sides!. 29.99 IN THRFF YFAR^ h 7 Mmdred doHars was s..b>.rllwd In War .how. We are all Riad to s-e Alfred M-anse he 10tax28 two aides. 17.90 in 1 niVCiC 1 Sanw stamps by the roanaRem.nt and the iwr- ^ „„ 10^ 10Hx2S Heralds, two aides.. 10.00 formers of this company. A matinee Is Riven Printed to order from tnwi and cuts, black Ink on •way. rhl! Darla and bia better half hare each week, and the Rrosa receipts donated to aeaorted p .r. *7 - . .. joined theine Foxrox Players, dolnRooinR parrsparts anaand special. ai..>eeaidy Is show waa hooked. It sore odd to see a 14 Roarine Acts far Two Malta. \V liter made Ijis dehiit aa producer at Christa- h,ppy_ Visitors on the show since we have been fair without the customary 10 JO .TO attraction. 12 Orltlaal Aeti for Mala aad FstNiS. 32 Sura-F Ira Parodict. ,|ora House, on the East Sld^ New York where ^ere were Bill Klee of the Wortham A Rice It Is rumored that Charles W. Benner, of Ye 2 Roaf Llltlae Trie Atta. li.’ (*» t i:p him portTurnDtema eatPT or t p r«t Toni Weldeman of tin* Writlrui.m Sbona. Colonial St(M'k Company fame, (Ntnirmplatcm put 2 Rattllaa Quartatta Acts. A Naw Caaiady Sfcatch. t m.’. sinil prwDted The Trlmplot, a fantaay of owner of the Clepg Mu>lc Hounp tinjc out a rep. this s»*aaon, revlvine some of his A Graat Tablald Camady aad SuflaCidC his oon writing. The repertory was ijulckty ITeteber ran down from Dallas former succestes. Thla la another symptom that 9 Carklae Mlaxtral FIrtt-Parli. aiiRuicntcd by L«Td Dunsany'a plays and other A Craad MlaatrtI Flaala. short plei-ea from Mr. Walker’s fertile pen. In- Huadradt st Sidawalk Ceavanatleet ftr Twe Malaa aad Mala aad Ftmala. cliidlnR the delightful Six Who Pass While the _ _ _ RcnMtnbcr. tba price od llcNAlXiT*B BtTL- Until. Boll. WANTED FOR I-RTTN No. I la nnly noe dollar tmt aaev: m It was In Pebmary. 1917. that the Pwrtman- ww#-aiwifc.n^awia will MXid you Bt1J.E7rLNS Nra. 2 and 9 fv 11.50. with mnney-back guarantee. trail Theater played the Murat, Indlanapidle. to VI.. I V M All A TT A M AT IA UO WM. McNALLY, a cordial ree^ti^ enteen was produced at the Mnrat, T”7tb‘’pltyed three "«“ LLRUlI-mUK I UN A11H Au I lUNa 81 East 125th Straat. NEW YORK. months in Chicago and s. ven In New York. Musical Comcdy PcOplc foP thc PrinceSS StOCk. WANTED MED. PERFORMERS I want for all hIfy ’S, ‘.UrMl."X TU- 8-.. Tab. Pop,.lc-all lincs-for Road and Stock. tcr's work In South oiia K K. H. A D. (Vcnediaii: Job. In May he Inangurated hb second sea iJramatiC StOCk and Rcp. Pcoplc. must play strinx: one Tram, man and wife IMii- sii al). 'This Is a platform show. Live In Hotels. Sal¬ son of summer rern-rtory at the Murat. Indian (^an usc scvcral Small Organized Shows w’ith merit. ary every Sunday (sure): 92"> oo Single. $40 00 d<«i- lile. I pay Iransporlatloo. Those who woee heCore Xr;c"v'lb'’of wortbwhHe piryV <^an pl.Tcc Hawaiian Acts, Sister Acts, Minstrel Acta and write again and give time for h rwarding. DR. C. H. ZIMMFHIMA.N’. B^^^ -w. vs_... . n ~ „ .... Maid), must be thin: Musical Director, Chorus Girls, 2 Com- eight weeks soon goes to Kocheater, n. y.. for now touring thru Nebraska playing’ two-week ody Old Men. If yOU arC tOO gOod for thlS Show dOH t aUSWer. All « ‘“definite^rum_ stands to good business. In one week they gave must sing. Photos will bc rctumcd. State agc, height, weight, salary. ELWIN strongSTRONG PLAYERS r,r,o7rsnn?.ch-*“• ©pens near Chicago August 25. Address JACK REILLY, Man- - The Elwln Strong Players are receiving a he'wiu get Kilser Bl.rB^rnnndf. w^Van" agST, 1512 Tribune Building, Chicago, Ill. cordial r:m:Tn7beTrrTor;7ber:;:'71av“weltxime in the territory they are play¬ nlne-wcek old daughter, now the director and ing in -Nebraska.Vphnskn. LargeTjirae atidiencea were in at¬at- K-ss of the outfit. Joined the eompany recently. tendance at Plalnview, Newman Grove. Elgin The boyt of the ompany have b'-en offering their and Ollier stands. TTie i-ompany was somewhat fcrvlrea to the farmers and turn tbelr wages WARTED-PRODUCING COMEDIAN hindered at O’Neill thru the lack of lights, oYvr to the Bed Cross. owing to a fire, which destroyed the power with script, Prima Donna, Song and Dance Soubrette, Straight plant. The company will rontlnne under can¬ SWEET’S SHOW NOTES Man with good voice, 12 experienced Chorus Girls, Novelty Acts, vas until about October 1, after whieb Mr. Strong may take out a one-nlgbt Attraction. Good business has been the rule for the Sweet Harmony Singers and Pianist to double stage. People in all lines, Show thru Iowa in spite of the exceedingly write. Long season. Send height, weight, age and photo if pa’^siblc. MASON-WILLIAMS SHOW warm weather. The rural patrons are very Address hiisy harvesting a bumper crop In this section G. A. LYONS, Mgr. **America Maids Co.,** Lima, The 3fason-WHliams Show la In Ms 25th week and some of them are late In coming to the Ohio, Adgate Flats, Apt. B. under ranvas, playing thru North Carolina, to show, but they come and we cannot kick. goiwi business. Several of the boys that have ''Happy” Gance; Corbett Mabes, Camp Cody, N. M.. kenUMICO VcUmc.UIMPI9 Stralfht .Man. slnxcr. romh: S Phorus Gtrla. experienced. Salary no ,, p,,„ .-j H RHItlth who h*. - i>I.Ject If y.m ean the a -xls. Wire, i«v own. I pay minr. S,w.-lalt.v People. Teams. Quartette Slncerx. ‘ *“" “• t^nmin, wno naa Phoate'a Comediant are In their third week Mu.hal t'omnly Pi"i'le In all line., write or wire. sh< w l>een • iit ainm.i two yeara. ReorxanlxliiK for ooming been connected with the Wltmark Publishing Co., I. I .1 ...... seaw>n. opens Aiixu.-i 2H ll-.'krd aolld. Swi-etiey and Rixaiev. Marmret Kellar, Cedi Owens. Jack La Mar. ha* returned to the show TTie comoanv is do- in Indiana, continuing to do go-rd btislncs. Arthur Harrcy. TIk .Vr-. all fricmK write .w wire -HAP ” MOORE. Orkl.y HateL Kaasaa City. Mlwourl. “»» P "" C. (Pop) Choate celebrated his birthday ing Its share in siipiy Hager and m high spirits. lie would like to bear from T'bomaa. The akcrlfiee I* all the greater when Catherine Jolly, vhte. AddrCaS BrOWH’e Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. Pay your wires’, bis friends at Headquarters Co., 327 Maclliae one rvallxes Uuit Ute success of this show was I pay mine. tiun Brig., Camp Sherman, 0. 20 T li e Bllll>oar

Two hundred thousand dollars was raised as tn of Its existence. Much national advertising was investment to be used In developing the oil and given to Paula Valley, and these bustling people THE SMALL TOWN AND THE WAR gas properties bandied under the title of the St. have bad no more business sense thsn to take it Clair and Gulf Oil Co.; $150,000 was then sub¬ and be thankful that they got It. They really scribed for furthering the Interest of the Prairie believe that It la worth mentioning as one of on i Gas Co. These are interests which, when their local assets. Gen. Pershing’s Views Are Proven To Be Right— fully deTeloped, will help the town. Tliey realize that a community as extensive The Pauls Valley Ice & Fuel Co. was organized as theirs has need of some one to look after their Oklahoma Answers North Dakota—Politics, with a capital stork of $40,000. It was all paid general good. That is why they hare a county up, and the company set to work to supply fuel agent. The town pays $.'>t) per month towards Business and Pleasure Are Affected and ice, two of life's neceaaitiea, to the pe<'ple (hr salary of the county agent ami work of tbs of that community, unty demonstrator. Among the things which A town Is really not mueb of a town any more the county agent baa done might be mentioned such work as a trip to Missouri, where be pur¬ OpDPral pprahlnR pays: “Morale Is a state It is said that the Nonpartisan League has that does not bare some adequate way of taking chased nine cars of corn for the farmers to meet of mind upheld by entertainment.” America haa sold 8,000 copies of President Woodrow Wilson’s care of Its weekly laundry. The Pauls Valley an emergency. This corn was delivered to the the cleanest and best army that ever went on boiik, The New Freedom, to Its members. A $team Laundry was therefore organized, and the field of battle. America has made her sol¬ movement founded on a power that drives that $10,000 raised to equip it and set it to work to farmers at actual coat. dier camps a s^mt from which morality and many people to purchase a book that Is as funda- help make life more livable by relieving the The local activities were looked after by one health radiate. The profiteer and the grafter ment.ll as The New Freedom will never be met women of one of the most irksome tasks that of the most efficient secretaries to be found tn this country, Thomas F. Hodges, and an as tare been forced to hide behind the shield of by harlequin orators or slap-stick spellbinders. falls to their lot—washing and Ironing. pretended patriotism. They at least must work When the merchants, bankers and manufacturers Twenty five thousand dollars was raised for sistant. These men know what activity means. They know that a live town must thrive by under cover and are no innKcr able to boast of will lihow the same wllliugnesa to back their own the extension of the water and sewer system, of great githeringt. That Is why they went right their ability to plunder the public. faith with their own money in anything I'ke the whioU they were already mure or less proud. after the convention of the Women’s Clubs for What has broiiftht about this marvelona obanitp? same degree that the farmers have done then One hundred thousand dollars was raised for a the 5tb district of the State, which they landed. nas It been done by every one thlnkini; the same tliere will soon be aometbing atlrring. Mlnda local building and loan association. It has been They secured the location of the Fort Smith and thoughts at the same time? Not much. Our will begin to work. Agitation and discussion doing wonderful work as a community bnllder. Wichita Falla National Highway for their town; position In the world has been obtained Just will lead to organization and action. The new homes, new offices and many Improve¬ they got the Santa Fe R. R. to see that It would as the position of any community must be ob¬ Can we accompIUh enough to Justify us In ments show something of what this institution means to these people. pay them to build a new depot at Panls Valley. tained. Just as any person must expect to fight asking for such a campaign? Other towns and Then they located the Denver and New Orleans down opposition, educate followers and organize National Hlghw.ay so that It could go thru Paula converts, then lead workers; that Is the way Valley, and now It does. America has achieved world power and Influence. Here are a few Items which might not be bad Tlas Woodrow Wilson had the undivided sup¬ reading for those who understand what com port of even his own party In tlie work of ad¬ CHAUTAUQUA IN WAR TIME munlty building really means. The business men ministering tile affairs of this government? The saw that when brooms are selling for more than <’ongresslonaI rtecord Is already a graveyard a dollar each that a factory might be made tn mied with partisan skeletons on account of By DR. FRANK CRANE pay, so one was started at Pauls Valley, with a which some of our timeserving politicians are capacity of 40 dozen per day, and tbit factory Is coiKtantly quivering in their boots for fear some sweeping right Into the front rank of local ac¬ Chantanqua la peculiarly an American institution. of their ••onstituenis will drag them forth and tivity. Nobody Invented it. It was not devised. It Just grew. parallel some of their bitter attacks. In whhh Its roots run deep into the American character. Of coarse there are some who will eventua’ly they branded the President as a traitor, with Its Idea is that of a free assemblage of a sovereign people, every sonl a king, every die, even In a live town and In a bustling com some of their fulsome fights of fiattery with man looking upon the problems of the world, ita governments and its morals, with a munlty like Pauls Valley and Garvin County, so which they now try to steal a part of the re¬ disposing eye. a flrat-class marble works has been established flected light which they see shinea forth from The American people are always at school. They conceive of Edneation not as the to meet the demands of those who care for their privilege of the few, but as the duty of the many; not alone for gentlemen and scholara. the Capitol. I dead, and who realize that friends are more to teachers and the learned professions, but also for Every Man. Every Wowan, Every Child. j^mall towns are as bitter In their scraps as In War Time Chautauqua may be of Invaluable aervice. Battles are not only won us as the years go by, and that even the memory national political parties. In fact the smaller by soldiers at the front, but also by the spirit of the people at borne. Equipped by long of our loved ones Is enhanced as we grow older the community the more bitter the feuds. There preparation In times of peace, the Chautauqua camps all over the country are now pre¬ and contemplate the mystery of life Itself, all of la hope therefore for the organized effort to Im pared, as la no other agency, to ‘‘keep the home fires burning,” to maintain that Intelli¬ wlilch means a market for the output of a modern gent patriotism, that clear understanding of what we are fighting for, that indomitable prove conditions by the very fact that this Is the marble worka. resolution to win and that cheerfulness and courage which are needed In order to make It Is easy to see that there Is need * f com¬ law of progress. America one hundred per Cent efficient In her gigantic task of "making the world safe During the next fifty years there will he two for democracy.” munity action where there are so many things great problems up for the consideration of tlie President Wilson Justly terms chautanqua “an integral part of the national defense.” oing on. Community protection. If you pleaae. American i)eople. The first will be found rooted Never before baa chautanqua meant what it is going to mean in 1918. Here, In the TTio commercial life must be protected from In the emotions of the people. It will be the free air of discussion, will be blown away the subtle poison gas of German propaganda. wi'lt-mcanlng. but thriftless workers In church, Here the great Common People will be lined up to support, not In blind subserviency, but effort to cash In on the war record of the mil¬ charity, school and eleemosynary forms of ac¬ in discriminating loyalty, the Government. Here will all good causea find reinforcement. tivity. The result of the perfect system as It lions who will have fought to make democracy Here will the greatest crlala that ever was Imposed upon the world be made to fuse the safe for the world. These men will be the po¬ hearts of our people Into a sturdy loyalty. obtains In this wideawake community has been litical leaders. They will be the office holders. The hosts of Chautauqua this year will come to tbeir places of assembly with true •<• effective that not a single anbscrlplion Hat They will be the presidents, the congressmen and and earnest reality. lias been presented to the business men during senators. They will be the county officers and these wonderful montbo, either for commercial the State rulers. Put It down as a fact that or public purposes. Somo record. the warrior will rule after the war is over. One of tho stock tn trade expressions thst The other problem will be the economic one sections have accomplished great things along A mo'lern fire department was installed. Bat, one bears In work of this kind la; "Ob, this of paying the bills. The billions now being shot these lines, and there is no reason on earth why of course, that took money, so $0,000 was raised town, or this c<>anfy. Is different from any other after the Hun as he advances upon Paris—back¬ we shouldn't expect the future to hold out the for this purpose. one yoti were ever In. Our people won’t co¬ operate on anything.” wards—will all have to be taken from the sweat cornucopia of hoi>e to us as we face the facta In What effect did all of this money raising have Perhapa the bitterest fights that have ever of someone’s lirow, for that Is the injunction; our battle for the small town and the country on the big Issue of WAB? In some places rent any section of this great country has been It s a law of nature. The workingmen, the me- distiict. the little two-by-twice atategmen and store bos ihanics. the business men and the farmers will The other day Thomas F. TTodge, secretary l>olitical economists cry aloud against all activity over the location of the county court house. Can you think of • warmer time than an election have the bills to pay, and the sooner we real¬ of the Chamber of Commerce and Community except the work of war. The answer to this la over this tcxwI problem? Garvin County had ize this fact and set to work to organize our I-eague of Paula Valley, Ok., sent us the facts found In the fact that Pauls Valley went Over had a court honse fight on ita bands over the forces the better will be the results of our ef¬ which be has gathered for bis annual report to the Top with $40,000 more than her share in the forts. the league covering the first nine months of the last Liberty Loan. The county went Over the Statehood question, and the hottest part of this fight was rvarlieii during this campaign, hut The smaller towns and country districts are .idministration of B. K. Johnston, the president Ti>p with a rush. Then came the Bed Cross Pauls Valley won out, and Is t-day the c«iunty right now in need of a closer organization of our of the League. Drive, and Pauls Valley was there with the seat of Garvin County, and has a court house community and rural forces than ever before in The Chamber of Commerce and Commnnity proud record of having more than doubled her which cowt $l.'>il,lligl. the history of the world. Are these forces going I^-iguc held what they called Community Week, quota. Paula Valley unfurh-d the FlUST COl’N During the Community Week, which we have to solve these economic and social problems by nliid i>eople; $75,000 went on the business houses. this work certainly belongs to him. It was he a aoclal revolution. Political parties have been fact, was held under the ansplcoa of this paper. During those active days of agitation and fur¬ who showed the merchants that they neeiled t-» swept from power, and a new force has taken There are five systems of township roads which thering the beet Interests of Paula Valley anpuIation, Is now the county seat. These farmers were sopplled with .TOO farm hands. At kota alone I’Ort.OOO farmers have given $16 each of work that .4merlra needs most just at this roads are the arteries of trade and social affairs home the campaign fur War Gardens was a real to a fund, from which they are drawing the tune. Wc niu«l ri’iiieniher that when ttie war Is of that community life. They are the very life success. They went right after every form of sinews of war in the battle of their ideas as over tlier" will be a greater struggle than ever of that section. Therefore the first thing that activity and during the nine months covered by for business, that politicians will try to slip against the commercial and economic prac was needed was an Improved road policy. What this report they equaled Helntz’s record by hold Into office on the plea of patriotism and that all ticee of the commercial and Indnstrial world. An brought this need to the public mind? You know Ing “57 varieties” of meetings thru the county, kinds of favoritism and special privileges will he Investigator for one of our Chicago papers who the answer. It was the urge and entbutiaim They staged what they called Turkey Trot Day, used as a bait fi>r rotes. That the business men, recently went there to study these conditions re set loose during “Community Week.” when 100 big turkeys were given away to the l>orted that already the banker, the manufacturer the workers and farmers will have to do the work The first thing brought forcibly to the public 7,000 vialtora who came to their city to do their of reconstructing Europe and advancing the bus¬ or rue business man of North Dakota is about as mind was the need of improved ros' a. A cam Cbiistmaa shopping. iness Interests of our own country. They will .popular as the BomanolT family is in Buasla. paign was started dtirlng Community Week to All of this meant that there must needs be a even have to pay the bills i)lled up by tje kaiser’s No less an authority than Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, raise the money with which to flnince this Community House, ao $15,000 was rals<'d and i>ut lielliab wrongs. ex secretary of the D. S. Treasury, has pro¬ project. Three hundred and sixty thousand dol Into this splendid community building, whi There ran be no mistaking the fact that ws nounced this a DISEASE. But that is only an lars in cash and bonds was raised and during the among other things, baa an auditorium seating need to learn more about what la being done to attempt at a funuyism by a man who isn’t funny past nine months haa been ai>ent on theae five 2,600. Thirty tbonsand letters were sent from except when he tries to be serious. ayatema of township roads. tha Community House during the first six months (Continued on page 02) AUGUST 17, 1918 X ti e Billboard 21 the CHAUTAUQUA COMMITTEE’ ree-ived money for hia release from their con- REPORTS traet. Private Peat, if he paid SI .400 for hla = TO BE OR NOT TO BE= releaae, waa eertalnly entitled to the difference whieh the Colt-Alber Bureau paid to a cheaper T'k' M.-itlli-iin iS. I>. • riiuiitniKiiin i« unc nf THIS IS THE BURNING QUESTION. • • ;.,K iii<'M ai U-*! *» plntfnrin man TO BE-A Big Hit aelling ticket* to bis lecture right up to the day aci r. Mr. Kratx In ae the atar of the i-ourae. Hie P'.jtform manager stating that this company I There are certainly a number of very queer wa* par en-ellem-e. ' The Publicity Committee of the 1. L. A. ha* angles to this strange case. We understand aent a letter to a great number of publlaher* Chicago Conservatory now that during the time when Private Peat a-king them to meet u* at our sixteenth Annual was being advertised to lecture on the Coit- Convention, to be held at the La Salle Hotel. Chi- Auditorium Building, 9th Floor, Chicago Alber Seven-Day Circuit of Chantauquas that GAMBLE CONGERT PARTY rigo, September 1.3 to SO. inclusive, for, as the We ftpecltlize In Music and Dramatic ArL for Grand be waa busy engaged filming his book. “Private Opera. Send for catalogue. committee hat set forth, there has been the grow¬ ARTISTS Peat,’* for the Famous-Lasky Corporation. ing effort of musician*, alngera, noog publisher* Hooks illroct by Post. We hear that Private Peat had paid the and muklcal Inatniroent maniifarturers to get Colt-Alber Chautauqua Bureau $1,400 forfeit, Davit Theatre Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. clnaer b’gether with our member* at these gath¬ HARRY J. LOOSE which It claimed on hia contract. Then the ering*. Chlcagro Detective whose message is a bureau kept right on announcing and advertla- Kilmnnd Vance Cooke wrote and thanked ns revelation to Tax Payers and ing the appearance of Private Peat when It for the work we sre doing tlong this line for he Good Citizens. THEDBALDI GDNGERT CD. had accepted 11,400 for hla release from bis Address REDPATH BUREAU, Chicago. OLE THEOBALDI. Violinist. resllies the benefit that thla activity promise* contract. HELEN KELLEH, Pianlste. to all. He wrote: ‘'Perhaps I had better make We hope that the jieople of Washington. Pa., LILLIAN CASE. Contralto. a partial list of my aong*. On counting them up and those In all other towns where Private 418 Athenaeum Bldg., CHICAGO. I am surprised to find there are s<» many, as I Peat waa advertised to appear on the Colt- have never poned as a song writer. From this Wanted, High-Grade Talent Alber Cbantaiiqua Circuit will inalat upon time forwanl. I expect to pay more attention LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. PREPARE FOR LYCEUM AND CHAUTAUQUA finding out who la responsible for the story Versatile Musicians write for Talent Application Blank. to this department of my craft, for some of Its started giving the reason why Private Peat LOUIS 0. RUNNER. DEARBORN SCHOOL OF returns are as gratifying as others sre dtsip- would not appear. Who is retpontlble for the story 3327 South Boulsvard, Chlesfe. LYCEUM ARTS iwlntlng.'* which appeared In The Washington Observer? IIICIIAIin n PE YOUNG. Diractev. Come on. America; music by Cspt. K. M. Mnr- On the day on which he was advertiaed to Trath riMV Audnerlusi BuHdlaf. CHICAGO. cblaon; publlaher. Dttaon's. appear at Waihington the following notice ap¬ LEE FRANCIS LYBARGER H*ia* st tSs CSIrae* Graad Opera Cs. For the Freedom of the World; music by Zs- peared In The Observer; ECONOMIST AND SOCIOLOGIST, mecnlk; publisher. Fox. PRIVATE PEAT CANNOT BE HERE LAWYER AND LECTURER r. 8. A. hVrever (the new Dixie); mnslc by “A great many people will be disappointed to Popular Lectures for Great Occ*.sion*. LENA BUDD-POWERS Fmmeft; publlaher. Fox. know that It will be impossible for Private Address cars Blllbsard. Chicae*. Trirhff of Faith of .\merlca; music by Zamecnlk; pnb- Peat to appear tonight on account of hia PnA .I.tTlC AltT KM’RKSSION. P.tNTtnilME I’rartlcal Stage Tralnlnf lUher, Fox. physical condition, due to the wounds be sus¬ DtSRBORN SCHOOL OF LVCCUM ARTS. The Monkey Man; mnalc by Dorothy Lee; pnb- tained while fighting on the battle fields of Ttath FImt Audllsriuai Bldg.. ChlcSe*. llaher. Fox. freedom. Peat has bad one arm shot off and CHICAGO OPERATIC CO. The Moo Cow Moo; music by Bullard; pnb- one lung la nseleas. It may be he will not live THE COMPANY FOR LYCEUM AND GERTRUDE PAINE llaher, Ibeton Music Co. thru the summer, much less work. He baa had CHAUTAUQUAS How Did You Die; mnalc by Herbert Crimp; to give np all apeaklng engagements, altbo be JOHN B. MILLER. Maaaier. 947 Lakeside Place. Chicaee. Musical Humorist publlaher. Keith. Prowae. laindon. tried bravely to go tlim with them. Even tho Have Komo tipon time for Lveeum 1918 How Did Yon Die: mnslc by Florence Tbomae; thla heroic soldier will not be able to tell of and 1919 pabllsber, Keith. Prowse, London. hia experiences before the people of Washington HUGH R. NEWSOM Actress 1136 East 64th St., Chicago. The inepbant; music by Jesale Gaynor; pnb- the sympathies of everyone will go out to one lleher, John Church C«, who haa done hla share toward making the CONCERT CO. .kbsence; music by Preilerick Wllllame; pub¬ world a de<-ent place to live In. RECITALS A.ND Ml SICAI. FFStTIVAlJ*. CHAU DR. STANLEY L KREBS lisher. John Church Co. “In place of Private Peat. Burnell K. Ford, TAUQUA.S AM) .^I'ECIAI. EVE.NTS. liusiiK'ss and Community nuildlnR The l-angiild Man tfln de alerte); mnslc by noted aolentlst and electrical wizard, will lec¬ Address care Billboard. Cbicsdo. I^Tturfs lilrhard Htahl; publisher, Carl Flsi-her. ture on the Chautauqua program.** K.XPEUT f'N SALE.'^MAN.SHIP Cradle Song; music by Harvey B. Gaul; pub¬ Private Peat is now filling hla Chautauqua 2229 Andrews Ave., NEW YORK CITY. llaher. CsrI Flachrr. time. He is booked with the big independent FLDYD FEATHERSTON CO. Aalei-p, Adresni. .kwake; mnalc b.v Kate Van cliautauquas. And the question naturally arises No committee reported this company at ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY derpool; publlaher, Orpheus Pub. Co. is why all this conflict of opinion and the multi¬ less than ONE HUNDRED during the Grandmother'* Song; music by Kate Vander- plicity of reasons why Private Peat didn't fill Lyceum Season 1917-lS harry LOMBARD, Mgr.. pool; publisher. Orpheus Pub. Co. his lecture engagements for the Colt-Alber Address ears Billboard. Chleaie- I'resontlnK Lixht Opera In EnKllsh.* A Ijiugh a IJttle Bit; music by Adam Geibel; Uliautauqua Bureau? Peraoonlly we think this Iricil aurcesH. Hooked with publisher. White, Smith Co. entire rase la one that should be tboroly ven¬ WILLIAM n A the FEDERATED SYSTEM. A IJttle Hong for Two; music by C. Burnham; tilated by the I. L. A., for if Peat bought bis publisher, John Church Co. release from hi* i-ontract for $1,400 then the STERLING OJA, JL JL IhJ WANTFIT I-a

sTtiKt lias seli'ctcd imc numbor to tie pri^ented ARTISTS ANNOUNCED with loDea' Band as aeiMmiianimcnt, The band MUSICAL SETTING ASKED will be heard in three niiroboTs, one of which ia By Society of American Singers for a new march, Klnfr Wheat, composed by Band¬ Engagement for Season of master Frederick Neal Innes especially for the Comique Opera Wheat Show. TTie date of the Dedicatory Fon- FOR OFFICIAL WAR SONG eert is Monday ereninp, Septenibi'r 30, the oi>en- •New Tork, Aug. 10.—The Society of American inK nUrht of the Wheat Show. Singers announcea that it has engaged for its Innes' Band remains the entire two weeks of season of Opera Comique the following co oper¬ National Patriotic Song Committee, Co-Operating the Ex|ii>sition, and will be auemented by such ating artists: operatic stars as Dorothy Follis, reeentiy en- Marguerita Sylva, Maggie Toyte, Gates, cafted by t'anipaninl for the Chteago Grand Opera George Ilamlln, Ulccardo Martin, tlerbert With¬ With War Camp Community Service, Calls on Company; Theresa MacDonald and Ernest Pechin, erspoon, Clarence Whltehlll. Arthur Mldilb-ton, said to be the greatest cornet player In the David Blspbam, Kathleen Howard, Blanche Do Composers To Submit Manuscripts as world. Costa, Inez Barbour, Orrin Bastedo. Carl Formes. All of the concerts will be giren In the new Henri Scott, Julia Heinrich, Franklin Biker, Bl¬ Contribution to Patriotic Work Auditorium, which is located on the second floor anca Saroya, Josephine Jacoby. Dora He Phil of the reeentiy completed Exposition Building. lh>pe, Helen Buchanan, Marie Kent, Sue Har¬ vard, John Hand, Franklin Biker, Harvey Wil¬ New York, Aug. 10.—The National Patriotic I And everywhere that the flag flies, son, John Barnes Wells, Walter Greene and With its red, white and blue. Songng Committee, which is co-operatingco-onerating with thethol_^'t^ m, 't *hiteiiil and blue. SPAULDING WINS HONORS John Quine. There are hearts like those in the old tOWD War Camp t’ommiinity .Service, has been asked To^'wefcome'^ you. To welcome you. Rome. Aug. 9.—Louisa Tetrazzini was obliged The rciK-rtolrc for the first eight weeks Include to supply a musical setting for a song i>oem, to disappoint the royalty and members of the the following productions: written hy Margaret Widdemer and dedicated Copyrighted by WarWi Camp Community Service, dipiomatie eircle who gathered in the gardens Huffman's Love Tales, Mignon. Carmen, lai to the War Camp Community Service by her. Ib'fiicated to War ^Camp Community ^rvlce by of the British embassy one evening recently for Navarralse, Bianca (Prize 0|>ers), Daughter ot The comisssition shall Ike suOlclcntly simple ' emer, the Itegiment, Chimes of Noriiianera. wliat is to be another national song. William Wade Hinshaw, president of the So- Manuscripts submitted must be signed by a slety of .\merlcan Singers, in connection with noin de plume, and the real name and address of this announcemrot stales; "The artists |istei>Tc arc definitely signed. They have eontraeted which is written the nom do plume corresponding to give their services for no salary In the event to the one on the manuscript. There is no that the venture is not the snecess anticipstol. prize offered for this contribution to the patriotic With the achievement of success it is their priv¬ work of the two organizations, but the chosen ilege to divide the profits among themselves. We song will lie piiblisbed and used by the War Camp have under way tentative arrangement* with a t'onimunity Service and tlie nicmbers of the Na¬ number of other artists of prominence, but nntil tional Patriotic Song Committee. they are signed I do not wish to make their The comiHisition selected will be published ex¬ names public.” clusively liy War Camp Community Service and Tile Society also announces that the date ot liear its insignia. The customary royalty will the 0]ienlng baa been brought birwsrd from Sep be accorded the r-omposer. There will be no roy¬ tember 30 to September i'!. The Park Theater alty, however, on those copies distributed gratis has been engaged for a |>eriod of not less than to men in the service, or used by the War Camp eight weeks. The move of making the o|ienlng Community Servli-e. earlier was done In order to give the Metropolitan Send all manuscripts to the National Patriotic 0|ier.i House stars an opportunity to ipio-at in Song Committee, National Headquarters, 63 tills long season of Opera Comiqne. Washington Square, South, New York. The S,s icty of American Singers la org.anizcl Miss Widdemer's versee follow: to present the great light operas In English, and EVEBY TOWN'S TOFR OWN TOWN to engage only .kmerlcan singers anrl cxuiductors. When you march off from tlic old town. Bianca, tlie prize o|>era of Henry Hadley, la With tile Hag floating liigh, the first of Uie series of prize operas to be offered AH the folks tliat love yon during the life of the organization. Will be there to say giasl-by; Tliere’ll be hearts that go with you. There'll be words ringing true. NO AFFILIATION So keep your heart in the old town. The town that loves you. New Tork. .4ug. lO. — .\ltho the .Society of CHORUS: American Singers, whlcii oiicns .September ."¥> at the Park Theater in a series of light oiioras in But every town is your home town, .tnd each day's your day. English, and the ('onimonwealtb OiH-ra Company For every mother loves a soldier boy are working along the most friendly lines, there For the sake of the one away. io no afllliatton between the two organizations. And everywhere that the flag flies. With Its red, white and blue. While many of tin- singers are allied «ith both Tlicre are hearts like those in the old town organizations the Coiiimonwealtli Opera Company To welcome you. will have no active participation in tiie perform¬ ance at the Park Theater. When you're far off from the home town Botli arc working for the same end, and when your heart still be gay. For everywhere is a soldier’s town. the Commonwealth Is ready to enter the llebl T1m> it seems far away. there will lie plenty of room for it. Tliere are hands out for your welcome, Organizer and chairman of Vational Patrlotlr Pong rummlltce. Tliere’s a home light that gleams. And the hearts are just like the dear hearts ROSENFELD’S LECTURES In the town of your dreams. STARS TO APPEAR AT FAIR the i-oni-ert given liy the Ambassador and Lady CHORDS; K'sld for the Iloiise of Refuge eslablisht-rl by the rhiiwgo, Aug. lO.— Maiirieo Rosenfeld. the Oh. yen’ll come back to the old town, Noter Singers, Musicians and Band To Giornule D’ltalia for tliera of the Clili-ago Hymphony Orchestra, was nlso Ihtry, as evidenced by her iqilendid success In a Chicago. Ang. 10.—Tho he has been confined Company. (liiesiioned liy Government agents regarding his s|>e<'lal vandeTllle engagement In New York last in the tJerman internment camp at Rnhieben for This is the first time in the history of fairs utterames on the war in connection wllli tlie week, has been engaged to create in this country a long time, Ernest Macmillan, an English mn- and expositions that artists of this caliber investigation tielng made of remarks alleged to the role of Anita In l.a Navarralae, by Massanet, slcinn, was awarded the degree of Mua. Doc. in have been pre8entee of this opera was glvn In bia degree exercise from the Internment a group of songs with piano acconq>anim<-nt and iiiiiiiisni late last season, but managed to make in laindon at rovenl Garden June 120, 1804, Em¬ camp. will appear in duets. In addition to this each satisfactory explanations. ma Calve singing the role. I AUGUST 17, 1918 Xlie Billboard 23

CONCERT NOTES CX/ Sjddbvu - VTiink I*iinirrk, annoiinion that hr hax »4M iirrd the KcrTlrrH of Ith'hanl Itiihlifr M one TENOR and of |lir loailinc pla-io tcachrra for the comlne New Tork City, Angnst 12, 1918. VOCAL TEACHER yiiir. Mr. ItiililiK wHK iMim In CliIraKo, atudieil Deaf Julia ITelnrirh—Ton left New York for the monntaina Just in the nick ill Vioniia nllh U'xolirttik;, and after plajinit of time, for. If you found your apartment warm before you left, yon would cer¬ 22 West 39th St, NEW YORK CITY In i;iicl«nil and ^*rnn^•e wan hoard In thia country tainly have parlMiih'd in it. During these past days it’s lieen about one hundred Telephone. Greeley ."1701 ill r.N>>. Ilo oaiiic ijonic to btay after two yearn in the shade. Tonight, tho. there la n breath of air afloat, and, aa I have been TEACHES THIS SUMMER. driving for several hours in the park, in one of those relii-a of liixiiry-loving Mr. Van Ynrv .Mso Spei-iahzes on the itiieakii'f of war. Voii-e Olivo Kloin In alnalnit one of the July rccorda ladles—a Victoria—I now feel fairly comfortable and will sip a lemonade and talk with you a few momenta before retiring to my couch to coax sleep by the for tbo Victor Company. MIsa Klein Is a wafting of a fun. ti.'hooi'' tally Kirl of niusloal fame. I beard today that yon were going to rhhnge yoiir name. T was n hit sur¬ CARUSO REFUSES CUP Kmont Norilln. promlnont oroboatra loader and prised, for your father's name. Max nelurich. was so long and so intimately Tiollnlut of Omaha, Nob., haa M|tnoi| a oontraot assochvtt'd with the .Vmerh-an piiblir. He waa devoted to America and Americans Singer Objects to Plan of Friends Con¬ In load the orrhontra at tbo Orphoiim Theater and BO are you, Indetd you were bom in thia country, were you not? But you tributing to Anniversary Present thio Hoa-on at llmaha. lie euoopeda Harry know what yon want and when you want It, ao when you become Miss Julia —Suggests That Money Be Henry let me know ami I’ll change your name in my address book. Just before tiiliornian, who baa a'dio to tho Itlalto. Given to War Fund you went away I happened Into a meeting of the Kducational Alliance. It waa Mmo. la-onora Sparkea, of the Metroftolltan down at that hull among the people of the East Bide—the heart of tbe city. New York. Aug. 10.—Enrico I’ariisn. famous 0|M ra 4 ompany, la rei-orerlna from tbo Injurlea Yon had been singing, had Just finished. T missed ymir numbers, bnt couldn’t teni>r, frustrated plans of his Metrn|Mditan ahirh nlie rovclvrd In an automubllo accident. It rats* the applause; It was great all right. Those simple human folk are never friends to present him with a silver loving < up aa>- llrM rofiortod that her aknil bad been frac- afraid of showing their good will or pleasure. The speaker who follov.-ed your liirril. hut fortuoaioly hor acatp waa only lac- numbers bad no diflii'iilty in explaining to hia audience the difference between as an Caruso told them that he felt as if the money should be used t>n. snccessfnl musical plays. INSTRUCTION IN SINGING Mme, Regina Virarino, tbe brilliant young Fortuno Callo, who directs the Ssn Carlo Opera AND American prima donna of the company, was tbe Company, will begin bis season next month In DRAMATIC RECITATION soloist at one of the Stadium concerts last week, York at the Shubert Theater for a season of at DAVID BISPHAM Opera. Ceacerts, Retitals. receiving an ovation for her singing of Caro least four weeks. Ilia company la not unknown _STUDIO. 44 W. 44TH ST., N. Y. Will teach during summer. Nome. In New York, It* succ*-** last year being one of the surprise* of the musical season. free sing will also be featured as part of the pleted by Clyde and Fulton Myers, mandolin ANTONIO CANSINO COMING Yrette Oullliert and Krnest Bloch are to •••.iicerf. .si,-phen Allokop baa been apixtlnted and guitar; Ml.«s Annie Lois Brooks, reader; resume their lecture* this year at the David director. Mrs. Hugh M.vtbews, songs; Miss Harriet Will Arrange Andalusian Dance With Manno* Music Si-hool. Now York, which will The Municipal Band of Pittsburg gave an Ne.ves, songs with her own guitar arcompant- Accompanying Music open Its third season In Oi-tober. excellent program at West Park, Pittsburg, ment; little Ethel Fisher, Interpretative dances Madame Betty Bulland, tlie Belgian Ttollnist, America vvllt have an trpportnnify next season Pa., Wenmhiay evening, .tugu>t 7. in costume; Miss Marguerite White, violin. is Toliinteering her servli-es at many of the to witness tbe Andalusian dance, and its accom¬ Ilrabak’s Bohemian Band gave « delightful patriotic beneUts held for war activities. She panying music. Seoor Antonio Cansinn, tbe mttst municipal concert at Troy Hill, Pittsburg, Pa., was one of the artists at the Professional BOOK ON O. A. THEATERS nofetl ex|>eTt on this form of Castilian art, i.s August 7, Large rrowda attended. Women's I^iague, August 11, who was greatly coming to the I'nited States to stage and prepare Attractire program* were presented at con¬ Chicago. Aug. 10.—Those interested In open- appreciated. a Spanish revile, in which Elisa and Edii.vnin certs throout tbe parka of Atlanta, Ga., Sun¬ air theaters, where grand opera end varioua K. K. Doggett has organized a ehorivs of ne¬ Caasino, bis children, will appear. These ehll- day, August 4. Large crowiU attended tls'se at otlier forma of musical entertainment are be¬ gro folk singers, who appeared recently at the dren have alreaily danced before the ellt>* of Lakewood and Piedmont. Programs showed the ing offered with great success during the cur¬ Central Park knitting bee of tbe Comfort Com¬ .\merli-a, at I’alm Beach, Miami, New|»>Tt and careful selection of popular, cla.ssical and fa¬ rent season, will he pleasetl to know that Mitch¬ mittee of the Navy I.,eague. New York. New York, and are now in Chicago with the at¬ vorite aira. .kt Grant Park a community sing ell Kennerley will issue a Itook called ’’The Tbe Thaviu Band and l)|>era Co. of Cbli-ago traction from the New Y'ork Winter Garden, Do¬ waa conducted In conjunction with the concert. Open-Air Theater,” from the pen of Sheldon ha* engaged tbe following dancers for a tour ing Our Bit. Misses Lola Threadgllle and Flossie Willis Clieney, some time this month. It will be the luglnnlng August -JS: Dorothy Gnoadlnger, rendered a pleasing program Friday night. Aug. first comprehensive treatise on this snbject. prima ballerina; Dorothy Lang, first solo dancer; SKETCH OF SPIERING 2, at Camp Gorihm. Ga. The young ladies have Virginia Uucker. Grace Blair. .\nna Peterson, offered their service* to the T. M. C. A for hantlsome sketch of Theodore Splerlng, the ClarllH-l Sr-bmidt and IJIIlan Young. SUCCESSFUL CONCERT A oversea service and are awaiting their (>all. eminent American violinist, has been made by a The American Bureau of Translation, headed The Music Study Club of Atlanta, tia.. will New York, .Ang. 12.—The midsummer pa¬ daughter of Richard IjP Galliene. the writer and by Sigmund Hpaeth and Cedi Cowdray. la pre¬ bring John Powe’l. noted pianist, to .Vtlanta a* triotic concert held Sunday evening. August H, poet. Mr, l4> Galliene is the proud father of tw(» paring Knglish versions of songs formerly heard an extra attraction wlh the I'iDcInnatl Sympho¬ at the room* of the Professional Women'* distinguished daughters, one having mule her here In German. ny Orchestra, of which Eugene Ysaye. the great I.eagtie. emhrai-tsl a lengthy array of talent, sncees* on the dramatic stage, the other showing Mr. and .Mrs. Waller Kniipler have left Chi¬ Belgian violinist. Is the conductor. lie will he rewanlisl by generous returns. 'The proceed* unmistakable genius with pencil and brush. cago In favor of their summer cottage at >fa- beard In the near future. are to ho usetl for an ambulance to be sent to Mr. Bpierlng has been suggestt>d fi>r tbe di¬ go’ian Ijike, Mirhisan. Signor Itaoiik B. Bonanno, Italian baritone France by the league. Among the artists who rectorship of the Boston Symphony. New York Community sing* nnder the anspjees of the and former Italian army offleer. sang several volunteered were Madame Mura. Adelaide Herr¬ andlences are well aware of hia ability as a di¬ Clvlr Music Assn, were held In Lincoln and appreciative niiiiihers at Camp tJordon. Ga.. mann, Jean Moore, Mae Sims, Francesca Bed¬ rector, as he wielded the baton over the Phil¬ namilton parka, Cbh-ago, last week. Mi'Dday night, August I'J. His ao-ompanlinents ding, Grant Mitrbell, Barlow Borland, the Cell! harmonic Society On'bestra following the depart¬ Begins Vlcarlno. the snhdst at the Btadium were played by Miss Gwemlolyn Bayless, who Trio. Horace Brockhank, Thomas J. Evers. ure of Herr Mahler some time ago, .and before eoneerta. New Tork. last week, has been en¬ also presentert a planologiie. which delightetSTa ( oiii|iaiiT. Ilomeo and Juliet, with Orville narrold and I U'.* liates in the prim ipal n>lea, waa siing be¬ BIG VICTORY SING fore an enthusiastic audience at navinta Park last Wednesday night, XSIANINT A r T Columbus Patriotic League Girls* Gleo Club Scores Big Hit at Memorial Frieda Ileinpel. now at Tjike Placid, where Indian IVtezzo-Soprano Hall Mme. Sembrlcb gave a tea in her honor. Is to Tbe Indian Girl upon the story of whose life was based sing to the students In the Training Camp for Charles W. Cadman’s new Opera t'oliimhiis. O . Aug. 10.—Over 3.000 soldiers Ofliirra at Plattshurgh. on I.ake Champlain. .Hid I iviliiins defied the Intense heat that pre- The French MiHtiiry Band. Capt. Gabriel SH AsNE WIS Tiiiled Siimlay afternoon, .\tigiist 4. to attend Pares conductor, will l>e beard In t blcago after the fourth community sing at Memorial H.vll. visiting Boston and New- York. Recently produced at the The r.Ttrlotlo Ix'agiio tlirls’ tllee Club, under Caruso Is to sing .\iigiist 17 at Saratoga. S. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE, New York the direi'tinn of Mis* Lillian Sto,-klin. was the T., and John MeConnaek will appear the same hit of the occasion. Rousing apidaii—' .ind day at 4h-ean Grove. .N. J., where Galll-Currl Engaged for the idicers greeted the club's singing of tleorge M. rhisea the slimmer eoiu ert *<-ason on Ijibor Day. EVANSTON SPRING MUSICAL FESTIVAL Co'all’s new war song. When You Come Mack. Madam Alvano, who la recognized as one of S«-vernl encores were necessary to apiwase tlie the beat voice teachers in the West. Ir now Specializes on Indian Folk Songs. Available for Concerts, upplaiise of the crowd. teaching at her audio on Nassau street. Wal¬ Recitals, etc. For terms and dates address The first group of song*, which began, of nut Ilillw, Clni'innati, O. She has many pupils course, with The Star-Spangled Banner, was who are now lieeomtng prominent In the music PERCY RECTOR STEPHENS, - 47 West Hiid Street, NEW YORK. directed by Willis G. Bowland. He also hsi the viivlrt of Cincinnati and has turned out many KIks’ chonia. whose singing of Ce<’il Fanning's iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif* who have since made gooil as professlonala. Pile Wind Is Blowing Off the Shore evok4-d The Sing-Song at the City Park, Dallas. loud applause. 'Tex., will he made a weekly event and will be Kotwrt W. Boherts din-cled the singing of held every Friday night under the direction of 1 JEANNE NUOLA™IJ!J!SJi?! Sweet and Ia>w and Dixie, and he worked until Fam Losh. The leader of the chorus hat not = M EAST S9TH STREET (Phaa*. Plaza SIM), NEW YORK. = tlie audience did It* twst in N>th. Ix'eo decided u|Hin, hut It la proliable that local The Knights of 4'olunihus 4'horal Soilety. un¬ ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii?; talent will lie engaged. The purpose of the der leadership of Isadore A. l,elnheu**r. in- It la aahl, la to give the city a weekly op¬ trodueeil another new song. The Call of Calls, portunity to let off steam, nADin nACAio The World’s Foremost Cel list (^imposed by Isabelle Rowley and arrangtsl by Birmingham, Ala., Is te have a free weekly TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR NOW BOOKING K. J. Lt-o. It didn’t take people long to learn concert, starting Sunday afternoon Anguat 11 EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT tlie chorus, which iMiaseascs the occtletl vigor toil continuing SiUMlay PABLO CASALS USERA a CO., lO E. 4Srcl St.. N. Y. and swing. every thereafter. A J 24 T ti e Billboard AUGUST 17, 1918

of the future of the amusement busl- energj*, efficiency, application, econ¬ born In 1848, entered the clrciia ring at the age of 10. In tS70 he crestc-y his daring, sensational Shonts, when lie dramatically in¬ home as by the heroism of our boys at trick riding. .Sh.irlly after lie joined Barniim. quired, “What can you buy for a nick¬ the front. touring Eiiroiw aiiil tliis eonntry, later api>earing with Forepaiigli and Rliigling Rros. and then I Billiard el nowadays?” rather vividly and So let’s got busy. Joined 1‘iihllIoneH llirii Mexhoi and Cuba. Ilia THE SHOW WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA forcefully reminded ue that our Hve- Let’s keep busy. last engageiiient was with the Royal English Winter Cireiis, Chii-ago. He retireil from tho cent piece does not go very far any The Billboard I’ublishini; Company, Let’s economize. ring after this ami devoted miK-h of his time to longer. Let’s Hooverize. writing elreiis stories and making ja-n sketches 1 W. H. DON.\LJ)SON. of arenic events, which were user IS'.at, in Cliieago. Billboard Building, 25-27 Opera Placp. business will commence to improve there is the sooner we will win the Virginian—itwen Wlsler Is very much alive. CinclDDati, Ohio, ----- U. S. A. You have Imen lalsiriiig under a wrong Impres from now on or whether it will suffer Long-Distance Telephone, Canal 50R5. war. alon when you think he died before the VIr gininn was finish*sl. Theislore Roosevelt had PTivate Exchange, connecting all departmenta. additional contraction. There is sim¬ The professional people of America nothing to do with the writing of the famous Cable Address (Registered), "Billyboy.” ply nothing to argue from—nothing have rendered a royal account of Western story, nor was he the m-s|e| for the on which to base progno.'itication—save themselve.s so far. They have been character. Wlsler anil he were students at our own experience during the Civil Harvard In 1878. Wlsler a freshte and Roose¬ BK.VXCH OFFICES: admirable—splendid. But fine as their velt in his Junior year. They met at Medora. War and that of England, France, NEW YORK showing has been they must not re¬ N. D., fourteen years later, both graduates of Australia, Canada, South Africa and main content with it or evince the Harvard, preferring Western freedom — Broadway and Forty-fourth Street, second floor at that time—to Eastern eonvenlionalllles. He Putnam Bldg. Entrance, 1493 Broadway. Italy in the present world war. slightest disposition to rest upon their had Just become known as a writer of Western Telephone, 8470 Bryant. laurels. life thru Jimmy John Boss and Other .8torles and was comisrsing the Virginian, the original edi¬ CHICAGO All that we can learn from these They must do better. tion being dedicated to Roosevelt, because of Crllly Building, Monroe and Dearborn Streeta. sources i.s that the demand for enter¬ They must try to establish a new tbe great friendship that had s^irung up between Telephone, Central 8480. them. Wlsler wrote a sketch of Roosevelt. tainment will not perish entirely. and higher record for the second year The Sportsman and the Man, for Outing In llHtl. ST. LOUIS Music will not only hold its own, of the war than they maintained dur¬ Other books of note from bis (len were semi bls- hut may even be expected to record ing the first. toriral Southern tales, l.ady Baltimore. IMM, Gamble Bldg., 620 Chestnut Street. and Seven .Ages of Washington, llk)7. His latest l/ong-Diatance Telephone, Olive 17^. increased demand. There are a few slackers and a few successful novel was I’adre Jas|)er. 1913, but he All other classes almost without ex¬ idlers still remaining in their ranks. if a constant contributor to magazines. SAN FRANCISCO David K. Munson and Richard Kehoa are re¬ 603 Oumtioldt Bank Building. ception will be more or less affected. These should be treated as the work¬ quested to write to Marlon Moore. General De¬ In the hamlets, villages and small ing bees treat drones. livery, Hutchinson, Kan. Very Important news SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES: awaits them. towns especially. In the larger towns There are a few members who are Kansas City, 1117 Commerce Building, Tele¬ If this should come to the attention of Ray phone M. 3657. Baltimore, 924 Equitable and smaller cities untoward Influences not 100% efficient. These should be Duncan, or anyone kmvwing of hl« present where¬ Building, Telephone St. Paul 1473. Wash¬ will be less marked, but still discern¬ prodded. abouts. kindly communicate with Mrs. M. L ington, D. C., 302 Riggs Building, Phone Green, 308 E. Pine street, Deming, N. M. It Main 3307. Philadelphia, 1137 Westmoreland ible. In the big cities the effect will And everybody should exercise more will be to bis advantage If be will write to her. Street. Omaha, Neb., 216 Brandeis Theater be felt still less and in New York and self-denial and economy. FVank Pettit and Clara .A. Wolgast are re¬ Building. Ixindon, England, 8 Rupert Court, quested to eommiinieate with L. W. Butler, care perhaps also in Chicago, New Orleans It is 480 miles from the present bat¬ Piccadilly Circus, W. Paris, France, 121 Rue of The Billboard, Cincinnati. Montmartre, Tel. 222 61. and San FrancUsco we may expect the tle line to Berlin. That is quite a ways, .Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Felix least disturbance—it will hardly he and there can be no peace until Ger¬ Wehrle. last heard of with Nlgro's Carnival, get In touch with William Uelaporte. General De ISSUED WEEKLY and entered as second- manifest at ail in these last named man autocracy and militarism is livery, St. Lulls. Mo. class mall matter at post-oOIce, Cincinnati, Ohio. centers unless the no matinee rule crushed, which can hardly be until Joseph Unotla would greatly appreciate tbe whereabouts of Raymood Worth, known as "I-Tat ADVERTISING RATES—Twenty-five cents per should Issue—and that will not hap¬ Berlin is taken. line, agate measurement. Whole page, $175; Iron.” IjBst heanl of was with Barnuni A half page, $87.50; quarter page. $43.75. No Bailey’s Circus. .Address Unotta as Corporal Q. advertisement measuring less than four lines M. C.. Ft. Biles, Tex. accepted. The correct address €>f Mrs. Mamie Clements is desired by Harold I.tghtbizer, .IS.'! Ridge Last advertising form goes to press 12 M. avenue, Tounc«l<>wn, Ohio. Monday. If this should come to the attention of John SUBSCRIPTION: Bow. or to anyone knowing of his present where One Tear.$3.00 CABARET IS DEFINED abouts, write or tell him to write to Mrs. .N’ M. Six Months . 1.75 Bay, 4420 Jeff.-W., Ecorse, Mich. Important! Three Months . 1.00 “ ■william H. Edwards, internal revenue collector. New York, has J Valuable Information awaits M-vIIm-I Perry Payable in Advance. about her three chlldr>'n. Should someone IN QUANTITIES (two or more to the same i> given a definition of what constitutes a cabaret that will help to make a know the whereabouts of her write to Mre. Epstein. 4.'V4 Third street. San Francisco. Cal. address) 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT IS AL¬ the meaning of the revenue law clearer and do away with some of the ♦ LOWED. No extra charge to foreign subscribers. Anyvine knowing tbe where.vNmts of "Korah." '« difficulties that have confronted proprietors of establishments which f novelty scenic artist, formerly with “Budge," THE BILLBOARD is for sale on all trains the cartoonist, kindly write to D. H Bukhe. and newsstands thruout United States and serve refreshments. t General Delivery, Battle Creek. Mich. Canada which are supplied by the American Dolly Mullins—M. Tiimher, of 42 Station Road. News Co. and Its branches. It is also on sale " According to Mr. Edwards’ definition a cabaret is any place where ♦ King’s Morton, Birmingham, England. woiiM at Brentano’a, 37 Avenue de I’Opera, Paris, o the price of admission to public amusement is included in the bill for t like to get in touch with you. Is anxious to lo¬ France, and at Daw’s Agency. 17 Green Street. cate hie son W. R Tlni^ or Turober. When Leicester Square. London, W. C. When not “ refreshments, and does not necessarily mean dancing girls and singing. ♦ list heard of. May 20, 1917, was traveling for on sale please notify this office. !> Twenty per cent of the total bill is considered the proprietor’s charge I a Farm Msgitlne of Omaha. He mentioned Remittances should be made by post-office ” for the cabaret, and the Government exacts a tax of ten per cent on 4 your name In letter to his home, .Address either or express money order, or registered letter, per above, or to The Billboard, Clnelnnstl. addressed or made payable to The Billboard .. this portion of the bill, or two per cent of the whole. I Griffith Gordon—No record In Oirlstmas Bill- Publishing Company. hoard. 1910, of article mentioned by yon. Could “ While the ruling referred to was made in a local case. It Is probable 4 The editor can not undertake to return un¬ you give ns exact date—or copy of poem? solicited manuscripts. Correspondents should <> that revenue officers in general will be governed by it. I Information is wanted of tbe whereabouts of Muriel \. Hudson, formerly with Stop, Look keep copy. The Billboard reserves the right to edit all (Contlnned on page fl'.’t advertlslhg copy.

pen until baseball, racing, golfing and Roseate as is the news from over Marriages Vol. XXX. AUGUST 17. No. 33 all other sports and pastimes that there, let us not let it induce us to break into the working day have been relax even temporarily. If it serves A.AI-BERG4>UBniS -J. A. Aalherg. general agent, late of Brown A- Dyer Shows, and declared taboo. otherwise than to stiffen us to renewed THE BILLBOARD’S SERVICE FLAG Dorothy DiiRols. contortionist, were married But nothing help.s us to decide effort and greater determination we at Petersliiirg, V.v.. In July. whether or not the tide has reached shall be unworthy of our boys who are ANDREW LEDGE’TT—John R Andrew, form er treasurer of the Hagenheck Wallace rir<-tis. its lowest ebb as yet nor have we any creating it. Only when we match ev¬ and Dallie Julian la-dgett. wet] kn-'wn hire O way of determining when the flow is ery Intrepid advance of theirs with hsi-k rider, were married In Peru. Inil . July some new, helpful, supporting sacri¬ 29. They will be located In Waterloo, Iowa, te due. this winter. fice or aid of our own will we be play¬ CARR-SMITH-M. L. OaiT. ticket seller for ing fair. Meyers’ Siamese Twins, and Laura Smith, at 153 Still everyone’s duty is clearly mani¬ tarhed to (ho Liberty attrartlon, were marrleeen Itorn In Qiie- Births do so wisely, but do not include poor tiec. In his Infaney be was taken to Chicago and began bis musical career as a church cbofr- or questionable stands to reduce your ist. In 1888, when quite a youth, be Joined Bom to Mr. and Mcs. Ralph IgRan at Colnm- hui, O., a daughter, reeently. Ralph la a mem¬ outlay for transportation. tbe Bostoniaua, remaining with them for ten Editorial Comment years. He was one of tbe four famous alngera ber of the Amazon Bros ' Show, Cut out every nonproducer about In De Koven's Robin Hood, singing tbe princi¬ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Burton Atyer In Son the show or house. If you can not pal baas role. I-ater he appeared as leading Frsncisco. a daughter Myer Is mnnnger of the man for Alice Nellaon, Frlflal Seheff. Marie Ca¬ Ssn Franc-lseo Psninres tlu-ster- Twenty-five or thirty year.s ago a make the gifts, abilities or energies bin and many other operatic stars. He sang Born, to Mr. and Mrs. P. 7,. Hoffman In Mll- certain old saw, tv’hich had it that “all of any man or men available there are grand opera In I»ndon, hut never In this coun¬ waiikeo, an eight pound son. Hoffman Is a try, altho be baa sung In rrinrert here. He member of the Wortham Sc Rice Shows. signs fail in dry weather,” was far plenty of other employers who can. composed many songs. Forgotten being possibly Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nlebolaa on Jnly more frequently heard than it has There is employment for everyone tbe beat known. Ills last appearanee was as 4, a son. christened Slaaley Woodrow Nicholas. Born, to Mr. and Mrs Al Cohn, st Ig>« An been of late. Do not be surprised, and then some, A.ND THERE IS NO AlMlullab, In Chu Chin Chow, at the Century Theater. New York, spring of 1918. He Is con¬ geles. Csl., a daughter, on July 31. Mother however, if it is revived, or some EXCUSE FOR THE IDLER. sidered the veteran liasso of tbe comic opart and hahy getting along nicely. smarter, apter, modernized saying ex¬ If ever there was any truth In the stage and la still In fine voire and vigorous health. pressing the same thought is preseed famous line, “Those truly serve who W. T. Whitlock—While Charles W. Flab waa OBITUARIES ON into service in its place. merely watch and wait,” there Is none living be waa known at one of tbe greatest now. This is a different kind of a war. harehark riders of his tlma—iH>sslb1y the first to PACE 58 In times like these all sigrus do fall intr'iduee now well-known cirrus e<)nlne feats lamentably. No one has any opinion It must be won almost a.s much by the on the bare back of a speeding borae. He was august 17, 1918 X ti e Billboard

IToven, the American Mad Magician, la atlll one of the big Stars in England. " a a s a Hondlnl, In hla spare time, while not per¬ fecting bis new sensation for the Hippodrome. Is attending to bis Him development factory over in Hotioken. or else digging up new mag- | leal data, or else poslig for Tils picture film, j or else entertaining srddlers and sailors, nr |S ' By William ^(J. Hilliar else working on the plans for « new dyln'; Thomas ramplwll, manager of the Tulane machine which may revolutionize the flying art. A'MrrM All nanmunli alliifu for thla rnlumn to WIIXIAM J HII.IJAJt. rart nt 1%# Billboard, and Crescent Theaters in New Orleans, and W. hut In epite of all of his activities remains r"tmm Ibiililins. Ni-w \i dcail 1 hp N. <’ land. the.v at once assume an air <>f .satisfaction maslelan that he la, he could not fool the ma¬ IlingliDg Brew.’ t^bows. » hchl liltrli JliiKa il<>«n In rhlnalnwn la«f chine Into believing It wag all right. CoD»e- and ciMilness siiperindm-ed hy the appearance • • • • of Dana laiinson. ailvertlsing agent of the house, Thurnlajr, wllh over Bcvpnty Kiicata Iwlng pro* tpience—a car for aale. Mrs. 7at Zam seda me the following; who stands at the main diK>r dressed in natty < nl .Seven pi'iplc < nnip from I’rovI 1pii> e. It a a a a Palm Beach, with gold braid and trimmings, I. rlnhl rrtiiip from ISlpraon, and the affair “A gorsl Magician must love magic. He serenely oblivious to the superheated atmos- must read human nature siifflclently to note »a« "IM- of the moat aiiccpaafiil over tiplit l>y a HE ToritSELF pliere outside. If he holds the undivided attention of his niacic fralpriilty. ThP incniia »itp apparently Ily William Turtlo Charles (i. Bochert Is ahead of Why Marry, audience. which opens in Denver on the ill the fhlm-ce lanaiiane, hnt ii|M'n helns You can't he .\|blnl or De Kolta, Manton will lie misseil fnim his usual “He ehould be Inventive, so as to present knooii to manic. They didn't copy, tbelr fame was made should fully convey hia meaning. the .liiierican Klim ('•unpany pictures. The ca'vta i f honor were the foMowinn: I*real Hy lieing their own true self. “If be spewks he should remember that It Ed Mitchell, on the advance of the Burk •lent Satchel of It. I. S. M Ice al No. of TroT- Siiow-s. savs tliat to dale he has iteen fortunate Y'oii can't ever f>e a lluiidlnl, frazzles the nerves of an audience to be strain- In side stepping tornailoes and be Is confident Hem-e, It. I.. with hla l-iter half: .Sv-rretary • »r a Paul Valadon, too; log to bear mumbled words. that he ran pilot the shows thru the short grass Kenner, ami Slater Kenn.-r. treaaiirer. S. C. S. But you can he known ami you can he great “I’erfe<-t grammar adds charm In a native rioiniry Intact. Wlilch rcininils tis that, altho the twister that M. LikmI No. H of P.vle «.in. N. J.; rr.-al.lent By I'eliig yuuraelf clean thru. artist, tho a foreign accent, or Jolly slang, if struck the Johnny J. Jones aggregation up In Ik-- Iionnelly. S. M. .M. I-o. al No. 4 -if Man No .rfie grows great If he imitates— conveying Meat, can be pleasing if clearly the maple leaf country upset a. lot of the shows hallan; Vh . I‘re«lt ami tlo* entire frolic and app.inatus must be Immaculately clean fishing trip In the Catalina Islands, and reports For not all can cllmh that high. that lie had a wonderfii' time, altho no ap¬ reflecta the nreateat luve-lhle credit on the com and neat." But you can at least play a wonderful game. preciable diminution In the numbers of the finny nilttee that had rlarse of It. Very good. Mrs. Zat Zam; accept my thanks Any time you want to try. trllie contigiHois to the islands Is noticed. He's waiting now for the .Auditoriom to reopen with You may not set half wa.v to the top. for the best yet.—ED. “Mr. tVllllani J. llllarman • • • • I>. W. i'.rifflih's new picture. Tlie Great Iswe, Or never meet fame or pelf. which he predicts will |day to hig business. • Ihar Sir; \Vlieri‘ can I set a maeaxine huy But. go or sl.iy. cliiuh or fall. The New York Times last Sunday printed “Hank'' Wolfe was in Cleveland last week, the name of Kaa|H' tVl/ra'.l for wold like 1“ Y'"U can at lca»t lie yourself. a very clever poem by Charles C. Jones blazing the trail for Hello. .America, while at auherll'e to It Yoiira tnd* y the Empire Billy ExIon was paving the way lie Cunjure Mao. for Hello. Paree. .slid there wits keen rivalry ••sTi:riii:N (’ruKAS. • • • s 7'ska and King are dosing the show at Fox's between the two. ■ [■..-t fdfl'a* l*OV ."•.'1. Ifc-osllkla-pk-sle. Nt*w York.** Blrney Smiilker, advance agent for the Po- Theater. Jamaica. 1- I. this week. The great When doing the restored handkerchief trick IlO'ther Stephen, what would you do with It rememlier Db Lens' Howitt Burns. lack Bisdbers' Shows, was undismayed when he success these U.ys have mS'le since they re¬ struck Rochester, .N. Y.. and was told that the If you got It’ • • • • turned from the Orpheiim Time U convincing town had had ten weeks of carnivals. He managers and agents that comedy magic acts Tbiirton Is enjoying life on bla country started right in with an aggressive advertising campaign, and, acconllng to his statement, had In reply lo John F. iilimer. Viral I.lentenant are now a neceewiry (eirtlon of any vaudeville estate, and for recreation Is building several more people on the groiintls in two evenings new illusiuna for bis tour onder the Shuliert hill Knnlneera, K1 I’aao Te\a«. I am li"t the hill. Their new "gag'' with the cat la a than all the other earnlvals had In I'si liays. party In nueatlon. Many thanka, howevi r. for I direction. J«ie Curtis, secretary of the Chattanisiga DIs- joiir letter. • • • • trlet Fair, has been all smiles since .August I, • a • • ' I,awrence Crane, The Irish Fgg-Bagglst. who when the elections were held and l*resldent Sam Reports from England are to the effect th»t .A. Conner of the fair asMs-latlon was electe.| .‘lylvlan'a Magic Par'ora, of Providence It I magic acts are in great demand Over There. waa with the James M. Henson Shows, has left Judge for a term "f eight years, winning out • re pnhllahlii* aoine magic hooka that are jiiat Before the war In the British Isles .vou nearly D'e company to arrange for bia vaudeville over a strong cll<|tie already In offlee. Mr. the very thin* for clrcua or carnival iiiagielana. a'ways found a magical act playing the best | b<»>klngs. Curtis had charge of Judge Conner's publleity and advertising, and the result of the election theaters. Imt so many have gone to the front ' • • • • Is a good indication of the effectiveness of his correapondent aenda me the follow Ing: Why nowadays lonjurers are scarce. Van ' best thing to do in a hurry Is NOrHlNG. work. Clay M. Green, general agent of the K. G. do eolorril niaglelana eat lees than white mag'- Barkoot Sliows. is In Vincennes. Ind.. arrang riana? .Anawer; Itecauae there are fewer of ing for the visit of the slwiws to tlie Kn>v thrm. (iatagazuluni. Coiiiily Fair the w-.>ek of .Angust •Jivai. And as evldeni-e that he has not been itile since his a a a • arrival Clay M. avers that he has hooke.l sj Miiirice lie Witt la getting a new outfit -d|ial Corpa and U now atatlonril at the .Army Poultry Journal, was a caller at the Cincinnati • ■fflec of The Billboard a few days ago. t). T. Hcapital. Ellla laland. New York. Carneg haa A. PAUL KEITH, Presideot E. F. ALBEE, Vice-Pres- and Gen. Mgr. has l>een well known on the fair circuits for •Iready la-cume very laipular with the boya of years and is preparing for record business this Tear. . .. UNITED Harry March, owner and manager of March s Merrymakers, has answere1 ka Frre MARTINKA A CO. Di- OFFICES laii fiSS Ns. Clark St.. Chleat*. Uk. I87S. 4(3 8lath Ava.. N«w Vart. Phone and running water la B. F. Keith’s Palace Theatre Building til rooms. MAGICIANS Five minutes from the Iioop. J3 '0 to $*.00 Weekly. Magical Appaiatua. Handcutla. Mail NEW YORK CITY Baca, Milk Lana. Stiaicht JarkeLa. ■ Amuarment Gooda. Latge Calaloc Mailed lo You I RCC. THC HEANEY MACIC CO. Oiil »» i.lwha. Hit. MAGICIANSl LANKERSHIM HOTEL- :::SAN FRANCISCO Iftr fibf thin ifpAt birgain IIM. ju»( off the \ (too dl.trrmt tJrratpm haIp in Mach* FIFTH, NEAR MARKET STREET. FIRE PROOF. hut n ThP 5 K m>YI> i'0, 105 H. lltlnoU 8t. I'lfliatiapnit*. tmliana. CATERING TO THE PROFESSION Green Boca for Free l'»« of Mrmters ft PrcfetslciD. WANTED—YOUNG LADY DANCER NEW MAGIC with good »p|i»ar«niv mu^iialtv liicllnr,l. must t^ able lo ik* a GNE A.N'D tiNB-HAIjr Tt1 TAVO-MIVCTIJ _ _ FIIts'T CLASS D.ANt'INt! .sPECl.AI.TA' tlial will lie rtvoraldv appreciated In the lieet vauilevllle theatres Also n M ■ fc Npn<1 f.>r ftiti«trat«s1 IJM 5' ■tamp a I.ADA' sti|z> I'KI.MST. with gissi aingtng voire. Long rngigenirnta to the right parties. Season to start W M Iw I b Iw HORNMANN MAGIC CO. In Sepleml>er Send photo. Stale lowest salary, age and height Dancer, line of dancing; Cellist, character pi,,, .i, , ..meriem-ed Plano I.eader f-ve Tatido- 8U. 3, 470 ath Av«.. NEW YORK. .d vol|» Hrpniallon not neiessary Thla act will make any artlH a reiaitatloo. We pay tailmad farea and Theatre. IJma and Portsmouth. O..’ to open Aug. furnlah any ealra wardrobe ueieeaary. Photo, wMI ^ returned^ Addrees_ „ v s P«f'tculars. lowest Urms. Address rofraaional I'alalog. in.- .Small I'atalog. FRKR VAUDEVILLE. 8 AabecselE 8L. Reeheatee, Naw Yerk, GL'S SIN, Springfield, Ohio. Wa buy or rirhango Second -1 Itiiil Apparatua. Kobert, Mitil^filln Piirnoll and Bn* Knr- OVERLAND SHOW nan. John BobPrta, who la now In fhn army, paid hla wifp and hla many frlonda a visit recrntly. CHANGES HANDS Jimmia Hndite has ananKed I>oo Kaana as 36 Years' Reputation Back of Everi Tent managpr for bla Pratty Baby Bbow at tba cIoa« of this show. Pat Valdo, Jarry Oambla. Kd Allan, T/irratta, Frank A. Walters* Circus Pur¬ Frod Bradna and Harman Joaepb wlsb to thank Mr. Wabstar and Mr. Brlaas. Thaaa aontlamrn flACc’ SHOW chased by R. A. Mills* Wil¬ are the Kraatast cartoonists in Amarlca. Bob Scovllla, formarly driimniar with this UUdS CANVAS liam Winters and Dick show In Biinipa, antartalnad his manv frianda in Cofreavllle. Kan.—HERMAN JOSEPH. Williams RINGLING BROS.’ NOTES Carnival Tents Send fo*C«tnlos nad Sacood H—d Urt The Prink. A. Waiters Circus, which has tx-iii playinir thru Eastern Ohio and Western ena braliM at MeadeTllle, Ill., when a heavy l'<•llnK.vIvania, rliangi-d bands last week, the wagon and a rapid transit car ^rame "hitched.” purchasers beinir It. A. Mills, William Winters Street car oSIclals tried si-veral ways to clear J. C GOSS CO. ..iiil Dick Williams, who will o|MTate the show the track, and three minutes after Charlie’s « K. W. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET in the future, k A. Walters’ Circus is .m ;:r-ivil the congestion wis over. He merely Portable type. Kor Circuses. Ksirs. Carnivals, etc. ovcrliind oiitlit, with nine wagons and twenty- DETROIT, MICH. Smooth, steady Uaht. Send for Kullelm No 26. two head of stock. •'itched the teim to the hsok of the wagon. The Ma.vor of Meadevilie paid the dressing room a UNIVERSAL MOTOR C0„ Oshkosh, Wlscoasla. Mr. Walters’ businesa Interests in Pittslnire. wiricb denianded bis attention, waa the rcarou visit and received a big reception. for bis disiHisinir <>f the circus. Milwaukee turned out cn masse. The show- Tlie shows oiH'ned earl.v in May and acrordlns; folk made the Schllti Palm Oanlen their head- to reiHirta has bi-cn doing a nice business all nuarters while there. Among those seen st the season. The line-up of the big show la Prof. J. W. Hampton, with his trained dogs. m<>oke.vs and an educated gnos*-; Williams Pamlly. acrobats Established IMS. and wire walkers; Billie Winters and hla fam¬ catered esiiecially to the Ringllngfnlk. hfay Tevia Snakra. Iguanaa. CMneaa Draanoa, Firrota ily of olow'iis. It. A. Mills has a seven-piece T)aven|iort vielted her alater. Lulu, while In Mil¬ and Ajumala for I’M Showa ALL Potannou* 3 Pullman Stateroom Cara, 70 to 80 band, as follows; Joe Neider. cornet; Hay waukee. Soakns flxtal to handle Pvkoa raaaonabla. Frasnot ahipmenu at all orden. Bland, alto; Carl Ibaiiliot. clarinet; Joe S«‘X- The Meintirea, sdiootlnig act. canaes favorable ft., steel platform sills. bour. troinlsine: E. A. Mills, trombone; Parker comment, which il>eak8 well for the Inventor of MANAGER MARTHA LEARN, Yount, tulia; W. H. Sni'ili. trap drums. the bulletproof coat. South SIdo Military Flora, Saa Aatoola. Toaaa. 1 Combination Club and Baggage The Itnmonts. danciivf act. bring forth en- thnsiastic applause. Car, 78 ft., steel platform sills. ST. JOHNSBURY, VERMONT, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beach, formerly of the 101 Banch were vlsltora at Milwaukee. ATTENTION Good for Walter L. Main Show—Other Ed Allen, the "Joey’’ that makes clown pro¬ Circuses Would Be Welcomed ducing a anccess, was a caller in the ’•Schllts’* SOUTHERN IRON Sl city. Following are some of the “Jneys’’ who keep EQUIPMENT CO. St. .Tohnshnry. Vf.. Aug. R.—The W.alfer T* the ’-Joy Trail’* of RIngling Bros ' Oreateat on Main Show plii.vcd here on July .To. the first cir¬ Earth going: Oeorge Hartrcll. \l Miaco, Jerry cus here In ovi-r two years. Manager I*->wnic ATLANTA, • - - GEORGIA Alton Angiistad. Johnnv Tripp, John Slater Ar¬ l'«>ket’a hear from you. boys. up to 'ITt cars. It should prove a popular lot in M'. Mclntlre had the honor recently of re¬ fho future. ceiving ■ letter from President Wilson In eon- This town Is circus hungry .and the first big s'deralion of an Invention on a rapld-flrlng I/ing aeason South. Salary. $25 a week, you par your own hotel*. I pay car fare. Join on wire, show to l>lay lierc la sure to get hig business. gun. The matter waa placed before the War <'I»AIlENt'B Al'SKINliS. (bsieral Afenl. Sheridan, We would gladly welcome A1 <1. Barnes. Sells- Department. V\]rn., Kridar and Saiurilay; Moudar. (iUlaUe. Wyo.. Floto. Hagenhcck-Wallace, e the be,'! locatl'di for the big ones. Vermont should be territory SIG SAUTELLE’S SHOWS in September, ns no fairs are bUled for tbla CHEAP season.—FBANK O. FKENCH. The last week of Jn’y marked the twelfth f'omblnatlon Bxaaage and Sleeping Car. fully equipped week for the Sig Sanfelle New Overland Sbowa In New England territory t« very satlafactory Back In the Came Perts of Snakes. llb.OO up. ytxe4 and ready for (xrupanry. 75 ft. In length, 6-wheel ANDREW-LEDGETT safe. Shi|imentt promptly. trucks, aoltd steel wheels, observation end. sleeping hnalnesa despite the fact that we have en¬ rapacity for 40 people, two private staterooms, bath, countered a great deal of opposition this season MEXICAN PARROT A SNAKE CO.. etc. far can tie fern at Hie Jewett far Works. Newark, John K. Andrew, former treasurer of the from other shows. E. METZ. Manager. ft. Ternts and partieulars on regueKt. Address JUllN IlHgeiilM-i k W iilliii'e f'ircus, and Dallle JoUAN At flloucesler. Maas., on the Fourth of July SIZ Alvarar Plaea. San Antaala. Texas. W VtHJEL. Mlllersixirt. itliio. Kairleld County. Ledgeft. the well known tiarebm k rider, who has we gave four performances of the big show to lieen identified with tlie prim-ipal einusee i-iiice capacity audiences. We are Jnst coming off •’ALLIGATORS’’—I’lt Show. $15.00, mnaUtIng of on# childhood, were married at Peru. Ind., July JO. ('a|>e I'od. where in ail the towns we did 4-fL. two 3-fl.. four 2-fl.. four 10-in., four bablaa. This winter they will be located at Waterloo, capacity tiiiaincs*. After one mo-e week In nno eca. Pit Show. $10 00. ronilstlng of one 3S-ft , la., where Mr. Andrew will manage the Majestic Masaachnsetta we again enter Conn -ctleut. Gen¬ two S-ft.. two Z-ft . two l»-tn.. two babies, one egt Theater for the Finn & Hclman Circuit, but in eral Agent C. P. Farrington la arranging a Pit Show, $5.00. cooelxtlng of one 3-fL, one 30-In., SHOW TENTS. BLACK TENTS. CANDY TOPS. all probability they will be associated with r>nte Into New York State, and will keep the one 2-ft.. on* l»-ln . on* beby, on* egg. THE FUDR- MERRY-GO-ROUND COVERS show out If basinets warrants it.-~^OHN. IDA ALXJCATOR FARM, JecksoovlU*. Fla. "Touni the white tops again next season. Alligator Jn**e Plat-*.’’ And Everythlnf In Canvak Send ter Catalog. BARNUM & BAILEY NOTES DOUGHERTY BROS.’TENT & AWNING CO. MO S. 4th St., ST. LOUIS. MO. Since the Barnnm & Bailey Shows Invaded Kansas and Dklahnma business ha* been ex- I cepthinally good. At Tulsa business was tre- SHOW AND CONCESSION menihius. Oklahoma City for the past four yeas* haa not been up to the standard. This scii«.iii they seemed to wait for the Createst Show on Karth. , Never has the writer seen Uklaboiiia City as prosiieroii* as now. ST. LOUIS TENT AND AWNING CO. Ijlla Conlona paid his manv friends a visit OPENING NOV. 30* AND THE BALANCE 1012 Marktt Straet, . ST. LOUIS. while there and we were visited by Vic Esiick, formerly liandmaster D-r the Johnny J. Jones Show-, also Mr. and Mrs. Thomimiin, of Wild OF TENTING SEASON Wc't fame, who are now located at FI Iteno. Carl Mo.grove and wife enterta nr-d their folk* nt Oklahoma City and Mr. and Mrs. Gibson We have Snakes MORE FOB YOFR Joined at the same place. Big Chief Exendine For THE WALTER L. MAIN CIRCUS MIxtd FIxMI Dmis. $10.00 up. Black Iguanaa was visited by his m-dher. Big Show Al la of all kind*. Nnvrliy Animal Acta, tinwn*. Cnmedv Roller .ikatlng Act. Man to aell big ahow oo band. Wa Muaiciatia ami .Minstrel I’eople Twm more Blllpoaten and Lithogra¬ P. 0. Bax 256. Browaavtlla. T*xaa. tiirnetl the M'»ise Ha l over to the Barnum folk* phers for the Advani-e. two Candy Butchera. Itrlvera. tirmim*. Trsln Men. Cativatmen and two Seat Men for a hig dance after the night show and grand THIRTY WKF.KS* WtiRK TO THE RIGHT I’EOI’IJC Hoopla atid>* .ywn Addresa ANDREW OOWNIE. time was bad by ail. Auyutt 15. Newpert; 16. Cenoerd; 17, Derry; all Ntw Haaigthire; 19, Nerweed; 20. Qulaey; 21. Reekliad; 22. Swimming is the craxe these days. Everyone Taunton; nil Mnuaehuaett*. Cara Waltar L. Mala Circus. in the dressing room has purchased a liathing HORSE and PONY PLUMES Bult. Oh, you California and the I'aclHc Ocean. For Rhpw Paradea, Acts and Adeertising purpnaea At Bpringfield. Mo., the writer visited the Bend for price liaL M. SCHAEMBS. 612 Metregelltaa wife of Hue EnoliB, Ind. fect condition. $100.00 each. C. W. I’AIUvKK, Leav¬ Frank Hammer, IV>c Keen*. Mari* Ferner and enworth, Kansas. Jhe writer. Mr. Hall drove the quartet three miles to bin country home where a grand supper was enjoyed. SPARKS’ SHOW WANTS MUSICIANS The Wild West li packing them In at every CAN PLACE one more Trombone and Alto for long aeason. Kiemptml men preferrrsl. Join on wire le-w Sho'W Outfits performance. Here are some of the (lerformera; pilch. Will not advance ticket unless 1 knuw you. Indiana llsrlxir, Ind.,,August 16; lienaaelaer, Ind.. Aur><( Send (er Free Ne. 25 Bargaia BeekInL whiek dia- Cy Compton, Art Malnwood, Tom Keman, Hank 17; Attl> a. Ind.. August 19; Clinton. Ind., August 20; I’rincrion, Itid., August 21; llunllnghurg, Ind., August placaa all larnitr auaibtra. Durnell. Strawberry Bed. Alt Wishes, l.illian 22; KairOeld, lU., August 23; Uarrlsburg, lU., August 24; Duquudl, lU.. August 26 JACK PHILLIPS^ BaaOaiuttr. R. H. ARMBRU8TER MFC, CO., BfritlMd. III. Compton, liOttle Woll, Tiny Kllen, Billy Mack, august 17, 1918 T ti e Dillboard 27


also says“Kriti” don't believe wc are Americana, as Americans are not good flghlers—he’s b-arn Ing fast.” Jerry wants to hear from Bobby UNDER THE MARQUEE Zenaro, !>«• Hastings, Astrid I.iwrence and B; CIRCUS SOLLY all Ollier frieiiils. His .address Is Hend<|iiarteri Co.. S-’Tlh Inf. Baml. A. E. F., Fran-

Unnalil M. Slrphon. ■ foriiirr ‘'i>tr<>n( min" J.vck B.iriiell. f-.rmerly of the Sells Kioto Clr- mllh ICIiiRlInc Hri-n." Cirnii., mill <-n lh«- I'lntaiCPi rus, visited friends on the Rarnum Ac Bailey V.iiiiIp»1I1p I'ln ntt, lia» Imhd Krnntnl a warrant Show at Eniil. Ok. In llip I'nltp.1 Slaipi Marinr C»riii with ihe rank of <-<>n><>ril. Up Ip artliiit a» an Inatructor (t tlip Kpt-ruit l>p|>ot at Mare Ulaud, Cal. SELLS-FLOTO NOTES

Mpmlipra of The Drpaalnir Hoom of thp B. A The Sells-IToto Cir-'us evperien-'ed a wind, hall p 8l)ow pxtpnded their deep aympathy with a and rain storm on Sun-lay at %■ lance. Neb., but lipaiiiirul large floral otfering. whlrh wraa placed no damage was done. The folk-wliig day was on thP grare of Mra. AIpi Todd (Jennie Ward) Ideal, and the town was fllled with i>eo|-le. How¬ hy r.llllp nice wrhen the ohow plaged PlfM.mlng- ever, only a tiiatiiiee was givi-n i-n a-’-suint of a pn. III. Frank Curran made a heautlful talk, long run of I'.si miles to Br-k- n Bon for the fol¬ which brought teara to all preaent. Among lowing -lay. Gran-I Islanl an-I Y’ork were the th(»p prenent were The rn»mwplla. The Hanne- next tn.. stan-|s pl.i.ved. At the latter stand a forda. Mr. and Mra. Mllletle, Mra. tJeorge Bel- small Are orlgiivited in the si-lenall. but was ford. I*oc Keen, Ia>rrett. Mra. Nelaon. Web Bel- quickly extliiguisheil. B.-.itrlce. on Saturday. ford. Chaa. Smith and wife and Mra. Ward flnl*he-l the Nebraska engagements. M. E. .kx- iJmnlp'a mother) and man; othera. tell has been engage-l as -s-nfrii-'tlng pri’ss agent. Fred Ru-dianan was the gm-t of General .Man- Jack I>e Claire (Jidin B. I.e Cleirq). who baa iger Onfry at Gran-I Islan-1. Mark Davis ijew a|>pnt the t>aat three aeaaona with the KIngling Babei, can-ty but-'her. Is now locatisl at Camp .'>howra aa cbiwrn, enllated July IR and la now IF.YOU CAN TELL'IT FROM A* GENUINE Kearney, but will leave shortly for "over there.” at Carla laland. S. C. lie would aie Charlea Lewis, annoiim-er left at Grand Islan-I to join The Heir for a Sight Company. Ho was pretiale bearing from all iiia frienda. Hli ail- I DIAMOND SEND IT BACK acmlileo the flneat imuinis^^LMith dreaa Is ITIrate J<e-1 M->rgan came on the ehow at Marry Benaon. who Intended going out writli Wonderful, dassliM raintww brillianey, GUARANTEED 20 Y'EARS. Send 11 and wo will ship (J. O. D. for Beatrl--e for a few days' visit. Henry Boucher, FREE EXAMINA'HON. Money bark if not pleaaed. Act quick. Stata aixa. Offer limit^ (Jnly ona to a animal trainer, who Is now serving the colors lii the Sparka Show this aeaaon, liut waa railed cuatomer. Catalogue FREE. AGENTS WANTED. b.T the draft, writes that be la atlll on the ^ a California camp, re-'ently had a leg broken HEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Dapt. N. Y. Lmt CmcM. NEW MEXICG while playing fisit ball. A hot wave struck yib. but would rather be un.tbe road. Mall for (LidiMiv* CDOtroll«r* G«oain« llexicmn I^iaaonds) Benaon will be forwarn (Atlanta), Ua.. and railed by the draft, has )>een exempfe-l. .an-I re¬ formerly of the Itingling Show, sends heat re¬ turned at Preston. la-on. !a.. wae the next gards to bia circus frienda. Address blm care stand, where Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beaming of of JRth Bn. CALIFORNIA Kellerton. la., were visitors. Th-m followed hr Charlton on .kngiist 1. Several visitors were re Iiw Mer.bey (la-w Herahey In •Trogland") eelved at Ottiimw* on the following day. among has left tbe Fisher h Fleming Minstrels to them being Bert Chlpman, contracting press Join James .krn'nt his act aa a feature S|>*- COWBOYS’ Morgan Stoi-k Company, .kt the latter place a ■ialt.T. lie sends regards to his friends with few minntes' delay was caused by all the mem the Setls-Floto Clrcna. - - ip^OUR BOYS IN FRANCE ber» of draft age being required to show their cards. Ev-Mayor Mslott and Editor Bradfiite. In a conreniatloo with a ftlend aoroe time tobaccofund both of Bloomington. Ind.. and apeclal friends aso liinch Wheeler. i>ress agent of the Yankee ROUNDUP of General Manager Gentry are spending their loSousi'n Clrcna. staled that he waa but Tu summer racatlons with the s)i-iw. Henry Gentr.y. years of age and added that be waa goal for EWING FIELD Jr., after a few weeks' visit has refnrned to his 40 more. You are. Frieml Wheeler. If you con home In Denver. W. M Schott has been ap tiDue the InvlgoratiDg life of clrcuadom. pointed assistant trainni.sster. Master R->brut Wells, son of Equestrian Director William Wells The l.eandow. novelty contortionlata. write: San Francisco, Aug. 31-Sept. 1-2 and wife, celebrated his se--ond birthday anniver¬ "We are enjoying a (deaaanl engagement with sary at Ottumwa. la., on July 2, where he hap¬ the C. O, Si>angler StH>w this season, making CHAMPIONSHIP FRONTIER SPORTS CONTESTS pened to have relatives They spent the day two-we«'k stands. The atx'W carries ten peo¬ with him. In the evening Mr. Wells and son ple. We met an oldtlmer In B«TWlck. I’a. $10,000—IN CASH PRIZES—$10,000 left for a few days’ visit at Osceola.—EDDIE 'i'lnkle" Tbomtou la hla name. Me la manag¬ DECK. ing the opera bouse there. Carlton Malcoa— UM«r Hm diraclieg ol SAM C. HALLER, SuHt til PscHic BMf., San FrancUeo, Calif. Where are yooF* PEOPLE’S EXPOSITION SHOWS Jerry Bealre Martin writes from ••Somewhere In France” that be la still doing bis act (ron- WRITE FOR PRIZE LIST The Tenple’a Fxp-ssitl-sn Shows are now play¬ lorllon) at M. <’. -k Miita. In the trenches, ing South Dakota parks, owing to war condi¬ at hospitals, and on July 4 at a baiwiuet in tions, shortage of help. etc. Man.sger Johnson honor of some French and .kmerican generals. ann-nnees that hiistncss has been fairly g-iod Hr also says hs lio|>es Im‘ doing some tier- and that his attractions can bw handled to very forming in Berlin by Cbriatmaa. good advantage .st parks while help la so scarce.

FsMie I*eck, of the Sella Kioto Show, waa WILLIAM McCONKEY DIES g'rsted with placards In many business honaea while tdaylng NeliraaWa reading: "We speak -knierlcan and expis't you to do the same. If Well-Known Trainer Passes Away in you don't know tlie language learn It. If you SPARKS’ClUtUS WANTS Lansing, Mich. don’t wlxh to. GET OUT.” ' Double Trapeze Team, Clowns, Wild West People, Seat Men, Thru the courtesy of Secretary P. H. Pavla, Marvelous Merrill, neidiew of Marvelons Mel¬ Drivers and Workingmen in all Departments. Route: Indiana of the Chamber of Commerce of Lansing. ville, iiresenteil his novelty sensational aerial Harbor, Indiana, August 16th; Rensselaer, Indiana, 17th; At¬ 'Hclilgan. The Billhoard Is Informed of the act at Chester Bark, Cincinnati, last week to ileath of William Mi-Conkey, nationally known aa •ppreelative audiences, being one of the all ncta tica, Indiana, 19th; Clinton, Indiana, 20th; Princeton, 2l8t. a trainer of dogs and horses for and wltb clr- on Ihe bill at tbe free vaudeville theater. -aises and other attractions. He bad been III Address CHAS. SPARKS as per route. for several m.'ntha and passed away at his home, ILY Clemens Street. Lansing. .August J. Ite|a>ria have reached New York that agents Mr. M-’Ci-nkey 04 years of age and had fie->n of tbe Government have been trailing one of the large circuses lately In seari-h of some al- a resident of Lansing for the past .10«. leg'Hl reserved si-at sellers wlm have be«-n charg¬ Funeral services were conducted the following ing an excess on which no tax has Iteen paid to Tiicseen From his training bams In his borne elty Mr, • aught and ltsteloyees, bill as Ihiwe who should be In Yankee Robinson Side Show and other shows. He had also been asao-datnl khaki uniforms. TIh* halanrc of the blame has with clrcnses. amn the Indie duals and not charged Oriontal nancers, Novelty Acts, Man to handle Snake Show, Nellie Sl Hamilton Show, which was his first e\|HTl to the ownerAof the elviia, at Aral reiiorlcd. eni-e. and afterward with Walter I* kfain, Brad and husband, wire. Route: .\up. 1(>, Sac City; 17, Manning; Paulman-Dingis. Perine. Kelly Bros., an-I --thcr organlratlnna. He will also be r«meniberc-l as *‘.Rky" Harris, who la now afatloned at a 10, Wei-at (T City; '20, Ogden; 21, Huinlioldt; 22, Britt; 23, Hamp¬ driving the Mexl-'an horse. Chief, at the hea-l ranrji at Iteming,N. M.. fiirnlahe* u« with an of parades without lines. Mr. McCVinkcy l.s ai-r«iiint of a (laraile and circus that was ••pulle«l ton. .\11 Iowa. J. J. McNULTY, Mgr. Side Show. siirvivcit liy the widow, two sons, WUliam au-l tlu>re recently, a great many iiartlrl|tnnls Howard, and five grandchildren. being Well ktsiwn professional (leoide wh-> are Bow serving Ihs eolora. An account of the rvent will appear later. Have you lis>kod thru tbe Letter List?

Major Gordon W, IJlHe (I'awnee BUM and Wanted for Walter L. Main Circus ’kck .Miller recently paid Ihe Barnum A Bailey Rbow a vlgjt while that attraction waa playing .^n(^r^w Downie, Prop, Mur.—Spcchd .\|D'nt that make close contrartR, Bill- SNAKES-PARROTS Oklahoma. pueters, Lithonraphen*. ftmt Banner Man, also Ctiok for No. 2 .Xtlvortisinp Car. lit Snakes, flied to handle. Bid and up. PAN-AMERICAN BIRD CO.. F. J. FRINK, General Agent, Windsor Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. W. Odall Leara, Maaaisr. According to recent retmrt the Molly Bailey 907-1109 Zaratara St.. Larada. Ttxat. Show ban eloeeil Its anaaon at some (mint In Texas. Uallri>ad mndlH"Dt are aald to be the SCHEPP’S FAMOUS DOG AND PONY SHOW • a.iae of the closing. kk'ANT two young Mivi. vvemiu fr-m draft, to take care ig the aiiimaU and props and Irani the hiislnraa. (k^brl- ety and nuwal hahits ahMdutelv eaMptlal. Miiat he kind to aiilmaN. Will pay go-sl salarira. All year round SNAKES, ANIMALS Jerry Desire Martin, In another commiinlrtllon to reliable parlies wbo wll' a|>iBi'e, while the bprliifSeld. Mass.; week .kugust 2(1; I'lilcupeak Maas.; tbptember 2, Fair, N'utih Adams, Maas. Ucadquarteta, MoiuUn. HisKT J. rUTNAMp Buffalo, N. T. tilirra are raising b—1 wltb tbe boebea. Ua k'teavcul UllL LuularlU*. Keutucky. 28 T ti e Billboard AUGUST 17, 1918

ranged for a comprehensive exhibit of the foods I FAIR NOTES and will give a aeries of fire demonstrations | showing how to prepare, cook and serve these PATRIOTISM TO BE SUPREME substitutes. Oovernment experts and food and The Mower Connty .\grlcultural .Society, culinary experts from the Kansas State Agri¬ Austin, Minn., will hold Its sixth annual fair cultural Colege will co-operate In the work. August 20-29. Wichita is on Circuit No. 1 of the United AT LOUISIANA STATE FAIR States Government exhibits and will receive the A fc«tur»» of tlip Mlchlgnn State Fair will same collection that goes to Minnesota, Missouri Iw sixty fis)t cilunm built up eutlrlcy ol fruit*. and Texas State fairs. Vegetables and grains. The contractor for the new $200,000 exposi¬ A hald eagle- raptured near .Marlon, O., will tion building Is under bond to complete his be turned over to the Dhlo .ttate Fair for cx- Management Dedicates Fair to the Government work by September 1. thirty days before the bllhin purposes and will then be Illierated. fair opena. This new building gives Wichita Kvening ontertnlnnient* will be a leading fen the largest exposition plant In America en¬ in Its War Program—Fine Collection of tirely under one roof. fure of the Uedwooil County Fair, lte.l Falls, Minn., S«-pteiulKT 21 '27. The United State* Navy will have a big dls- Amusement Features Booked— BIG LABOR DAY CELEBRATION plny at the Wlseonsln State Fair, which open* at Milwaukee S«qtteiulbT 9, Large Premiums Offered Coshocton, O., Aug. 10.—^The Central Trades Buildings at the Dalla*., Pa., fair ground* and Labor Council will bold a big Labor Day are Isdiig reiiiodeIenmtlnn* are Celebration, having for its slogan "Win the Is-ing made fur a rousing big fair this year, War for Freedom.” Included in the program ara August '28 30. Shrrreport, !«., An)?. 10.—Judging by the feet of display space, representing all govern¬ free attractions, airplane fiighta, competitive nnmerouit incjnirieH and appIlcatioDH for concee- mental departments. drills, auto and motorcycle races, etc. The Last year the Jackson County Fair, Jackson, alons. pxhiblt apace and other rcaervationa and The annual football game between the Fnt- affair vriM be held at the fair grounds, where Mich., had over 15.lll< e of Secretary \V. It. Hirach, the 1018 isiana will he played Saturday, November 2, rides. Fred Fish, 1511 Orchard street, la secre¬ they will be even greater. The fair dates are utate Fair of LouiKiana, which wiii be held Oc¬ and a monster crowd is expected, due to the In¬ tary of the celebration. , September 0 to 14 inelustve. tober 30 to November 4. inciuaive. is going to be tense rivalry between these teams. I No pie, cake or fancy pastry of any kinit the biggest and best on record. A record-break¬ j will be exhibited at the roniing Minnesota ing cotton crop seems assured and the farmers, OHIOANS WILL CELEBRATE State Fair, September '2 to 7. .4 big bread ex¬ merchants and other business interests and PATRIOTIC FOOD SHOW hibit will be shown ami canning demonstra- their hundreds of Uionsands of cmpioyees will CiJumhus, 0., Aug. 10.—Ohioans will Join in I tion* vxill l>e a feature. have roiis of money to spend. Is To Be Feature of Wichita Exposition a mammoth patriotic celebration on Wednesday William J. Littlejohn ha* been appointed The State Fair Association is offering ap of Ohio State Fair week, the last week In thU acting secretary to temporarily fill the vacancy proximatcly $25,000 in premiums, most of which Wlchlt.a. Kan.. Aug. 10.—The International month. During the entire day events of a war¬ caiistsl by the resignation of Charles Bailey will be awarded for articles that are directly Wheat Show, Wichita Fair and Exposition, has time nature will prevail. Thos. F. O'Mara. pub¬ a* secretary of the Trinidad, Colo., FVrir. Xu in line with the government's call for increaseil added one more edueatlonal and highly inter¬ licity director, is making arrangements for a fair will be held at Trinidad thia year. food procclal prizes for war work ex¬ automobile contests, horse racing, gorgeous fire¬ hibit*. works spectacles, sensational vaudeville feats, W. A. Metzger, of Is>xlngton. Ky.. will make musical concerts, and the (lladway amusements, the ehaniplonshlp cup to lie awanled at the about twenty five different attractione which will Kentucky State Fair SeptemlsT ».ll In the be furnished by the Wortham Shows. kttMNSi world's ehaniplonshlp •s>m|>etition for Modern warfare will be depicted in a realistic flvo-galteil stallions, flve-galted mares and manner thru the mammoth fireworks spectacle. flve-gnited gelillngs. The World's War. with displays each evening. LEE COUNTY FAIR Judging by the annoiineement* sent out by Sec. An excellent bill of free acts will be seen each retary J. C. Itlehardson. Warren. III., will have * afternoon in front of the grand stand and each AMBOY, ILLINOIS great fair this year. Premium* in all depart¬ night in connection with the fireworks. ments are lllieral, a fine siic’-d program with Fnder direction of J. .Alex. .Sloan, as super¬ large purses has been arranged, and plenty of intendent, the annual automobile race meet, with high-grade entertainment has been provided. a dozen or more famous daredevils iiarticipating. August 27, 28, 29 and 30 will be held Sunday, November .3. Tile fair as- Half of this year'* pro<-eed* of the Hayden, aoclation will offer a special prize for a l.iberty We want pood, clean Concessions, Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel and r. In., fair will be given to the Red Cross. championship contest. The price will be paid in Shows. This is the best Fair in Northern Illinois. For further informa¬ George W. Smith, seeretary. slates that a better l.iberty Ronds. racing program is offered than ever before. The A three-day horse race meet, in which purses tion address WILLIAM L. LEECH, Secretary, Amboy, Illinois. prizes are larger and the variety of attractions aggregating $3,360 are hung up, will be fiulled greater. off daring the first three days of the fair. Five Tlie annual free street fair and Wells County running events and one harness race each after¬ sgrieultiiral exhlldt will be held at Bliiffton. noon are called for. THE FAIR THAT TOOK ITS GATES RIGHT OFF THE HINGES Iiid., Sept. 21-2*. Secretary John F. Deeker an- Offlclal assurance is given that fJladway at noiinees that nil premiums, amounting to tractions will lie fully up to standard. It will $1,000. will lie luild In thrift stamps. The be the first visit here by the Wortham Shows. program will liicimie some lilg patriotle fea According to reports from other i>olnts the pa¬ CONCESSIONS SELLING FOR lures. trons will surely pet their money's worth. A slr-day-and nlglit fair will he held at A large exhibit by the government will he Bristol. Tenn. Va.. eniomencing Sepfeniher among the feature attractions. There will he 23. Riees an aiitomnhlle show, cattle show two carloads of exhibits, requiring 9.000 square and extensive exhibits of all kind* are planned Preslctent Fuller and Manager Biel are work KANSAS FREE FAIR Ine liard to make this the Iv st fair ever held In this part of the stf. J. Nfltehell. of Knox County .\griiultiiral Ro.ird li:i- La Fayette, Indiana, September 9-10-11 •12-13 annouDced that the Knox County Fair and Racea The edueatlonal ilejiarfment of the Wavne scheduled for August 20 to 23 have been called Up-to-date riding devices County Fair. Wooster, ll.. Is given tlie most off due to the .war and other local condition* C. W. TRAVIS, Secretary. prominent idace In the iinmi il premium ll«t ConcesMou folks will be disappointed to learn just Issued. This department Is In charge ernilfted on MONMOUTH FAIR SUSPENDED the grounds that are not elesn In everv way More than $5,000 will lie given In premium*, etc., and there will he a nUtnlK-j of new features In Red Bank. N. J.. Aug. 10.—L. P. Randall, EVER RREATER LEBARON FAIR.S" evldenee. Tlie fair I* to be held August 26 29 secretary of the Monmouth Fair, which wa# scheduled for September 2-5, advise* that ow¬ SEPTEMBER 17. 18. 19. 20. DAY AND NIGHT FAIR. Fair seeretnrles. was your meeflng a lUirces-. ing to the State Highway Commission closing WANTKD —Ilidf*. SIkh* and ronfe-sionn. Addrr«.a CLARENCE 0, BECKER. Lebanon. PanntylvonU. this year? Or did the unusual eomlltlons mill the road in front of the fair grounds the fair I tale against you and eiif the attendnnee or management has been compelled to suspend revenne? Th- greater niiinlier of earlier repirt- Monmouth Fair, as a large part of the patrons h:ive Iieen deeldedl.v favorahle. hut we want to coipo in automobiles. from Kei'retnrle* of fairs that have lieen Tae closing of the road was made necessary CHAIRS AND SEATS FOR SALE OR RENT held telling Just how this .vear’a event isim as a war measure, owing to the proximity of Poruhle Grand Stands. Folding Chairs and Circua Seats furnished and xrected anywhere on a rental basis for pares with those of other years. Did yon pul Fort Hancock and Camp Vail to the grounds. I'aradu, Lzblbltlon., ConveuUons, etc. C. E. FLOOD, 2334 Scranton Rd., CIsvsIand, OhI*. on special events, or offer apeclal Indueements AUGUGT 17, 1918 Tl\e Billboard 2'

•" r-l;it'.lor;-? If ao. wlial «.n> Iho ro'iilt? TpU II- nil .i'“iiit It—the DKiie jriiu i-an i!o luto ||•*luil . III!' I'lllir. I PUTTING I Thai'! *•!» mat'# m !h* M< rvAcra'n CiiK Km ill r. vrhiM. pit alHiw ho* (•'•'•n no. I 0WNER5 |< * SCFCIAl OMTHF Ilf till, ultra, tlimn at t'liiwtir I’ark. rinrinnatl. j il )*^|XIAIS **■■* • %r>rfM ii««tiaS tiff W^'v h. i. imri lia> a tnii k and will .tart on tlio 1 f 1 1 f .r ilrriiit in a Hook or two. tlroonflold. | I l *•** , $? V». <>,. mil In* 111* flrn n>i t. .XiiionK Uiwdrr'* at j ' • ' 0® •'! »4ivf> tlPERI./?,.. ,,tv„.,„.^ t a<* an- 'I'.iii Tljiiiiili, 111* kiiiallt'*t man; ! , ILLFiItLF. iO, ---^ llidi.ii Ray. mill tin- wliool of ilostlny; Piinrh aud Jmly. illiiMiiD kljiiw nud (CTotal otliora. ON WINDOWS AlCO. JEWEY itTY; rharli‘8 I* H Hit la W'rrotary and *ii|i|.rln lonilpDt of prliologp* of th* Jarkson < ounty K.alr, Nfiirplijalior", III.. In that part of th* i. 'jti* known a* Eir.rpt. Ho ha* proparod a WyandDt County Fair Tory iltra. llT* proiniiim Il*f for fhl* yoar'* fair. Sopti 'idn r 2 and pronilM** fin* *xhiMt« a idaary *|ii' pro^raiii and attrartiona of th* Upper Sandusky, 0., Sept. 3 4-5 6 Uiahrat (da>s. Coorite li. Walki-r. *ri rotary of th* Sfnnth Want ;i frw '1. <'l<-.'iii Shows, Tl.-ill wo*t \Va«;i n ■ II I air. I'ontralla. Wash.. I* ' aiitl otli r ’rn*noy-K«-tliiin Coii- tiiaklDR nual |.io|.arali. II* ( ir tlio lltl^ fair to ho <1 .-sions. Atlclrt'ss liolil tho In-t Willi In Amsii*t. A hnlldtni; la holnjf orooli'd for tho oTrlii*ho uno of tlio IRA T. MATTESON, Secy. Rod rrii»a l.irso IItp «tOi k oihiblt 1* a* *iirod. and tlio ►^..ivlnif of fruits and grain 1* alko o.\poriid to lie lureo. .\lioiit tlio idf*|o»t thing In tho way of an ailToriNIng . ii otiir that wo liavo soon in a Pine tliup li II lifioon Ini-h rule sent out by tho BOACONSTRiCTORS llllnoi* Coiitonnial Slato K.alr and Indu»* A very fino lot on hand, 7 to 11 feet. Kx|Mi«itloii. It 1* md only an oxtremoly uBofiil article, but 1< ld:'ily nrnainental as well, and oTory reilpPnt 1* »iiro to retain a pleasant iiioiiiory of t o f.ilr and Its hustling secretary, WILLIAM BARTELS GO. n. M. Parlson. 44 CORTLANDT ST„ NEW YORK A fine spik'd pniirram baa been arranged for the Sanduaky I'miuty Kalr. Fremont, Ohio. iToptoniber 17 20. In adilitioo to the usual rnroa there will lie one on the openlhg day known DANBURY FAIR sa the IHIa-rty Rond Stake, in which $200 In OCTOBER 7. 8. 9, 10. II, 12. I.llierty Rmids will lie clT hold thr remrd for the Urrr«t agrli'ultural and retary Cha*. IIiH bonodo] i,i getting everything iDiiOAtriAl eihltiition tn NVw >liii:land. K>r rrA«i« In shape for the otieniDg date and expects to KENTUCKY DERBY h«>*ca applY to N. T. Itl'LKLKY, S^riffiary Utotha aiid give piitriui* a iiuiulicr of noTelties in the en¬ SiantU. Uaatmry, roniieyticut. tertainment line. The great Inter State Fair at Sprlngbrook Park, at South Rend and Mishawaka. Ind., AND OVER THE TOP The Sauk County Fair at Baraboo, Wis. Sept. 10 M. offer* more than $12.«k>0 in prlres In will 1» hrld Srptemhfr IT. IS. 19 and 20. 191(1. Coo- It* speed program, and siibHtaDtial premiums Both are hand operated skill games, containing not a single ob¬ rrMlnnt. Mirrj- iiot >«'Ur fair? Write ua. lai'n engaged for f'c fair in operation in Greater New York, 4 in Detroit, 2 in Chicago, and Cora Beckwith, swimmer, and at New Orleans, Omaha, St. Louis, Cleveland, Rochester, Atlantic WILLIAMSBURG. KANSAS. FAIR her diving girl*, will be featured at many State and county fairs and army cantonments tbruoiit City, and Toronto, Canada. ASSOCIATION the West and South this coming fall. The SEPTEMBER 27TH AND 28TH. 1918. equipment Is brand new and the act 1* hand¬ <*(tnn'«iAionft wanted. somely moiinteil and makes a most attraetlra Material and labor will be higher ne.xt year; place your orders stago picture. Jake Rosenthal, manager: ••Billy” WANTED SIDE SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS— Robinson, treasurer and press agent; A. now. Mt. Alr». Md.. Auf. 22-23-21; KarniMN’ Pair A 1*1.-- i.i. . 'Ur A iili:lil. Jnil.N T. JI r.\SLl.\. 123 E Muntz and Pete Il.iskins, carpenter and canvas- l;al;iiu"r<> St . Italllmorr. .Md man, make up the personnel of the aggregation. Respon.sible Park Managers and Concessionaires should interest themselves in these w’onderful money-getters. BIG CORRY, PA., FAIR KENTUCKY DERBY CO.. 126 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK CITY AUGUST 27, 28, 29, 30-OPEN DAY AND NIGHT NY ants Rides, Shows and Concessions. All lej^itimate Wheels and Carnes go. Minnesota’s Best Fairs Best .Mayor in Pennsylvania. NVAKE MORGARIDGE, Secretary. i I - THE S. E. MO. DIST. FAIR iSTEARNS COUNTY FAIR At Sauk Center, Aug. 21, 22, 23, 24 SIKESTON, MO., SEPT. 18-21,1918 A. F. STREBEL, Secretary Now rc.qdy to l>ook Conoosslons of all kinds except Shows and Rides. This Is a Rood one. Ask the boys who have been there. T. A. WILSON, Secretary. CONCESSIONS WANTED BENTON COUNTY FAIR 75TH YEAR At Sauk Rapids-St. Cloud, Aug. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 ROCKLAND COUNTY FAIR, ORANGEBURG, N . Y. GEO. C. MANTOR, Secretary SEPT. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1918. AT ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA Me want RIdinK Devices, Merry-Oo-Hound. Show.s, Novelties and everything Splendid opportunity for legitimate conccstiion? and show.s of all kinds. For or anything in iegititnale Concessions. Liberal terms. This is one of the old¬ information write the secretaries. est Fairs in New York State. Attendance alwavs good. Business sure. Address SUPT. OF CONCESSIONS. Sparkill, N. Y. "JUST A LITTLE BETTER EVERY YEAR" PHILADELPHIA COUHTY FAIR PORTAGE COUNTY FAIR SEPTEMBER 2-5. RAVENNA, OHIO, AUGUST 27-28-29-30 For Concessions, Btand.s, Ktc., write to W. R. BUCKMAN, Secretary, Byberry, Philadelphia, Pa. DAY AND NIGHT FAIR THE MISSOURI SLOPE FAIR, Mandan, N. D., Sept. 10-11-12 7-BIG FREE ACTS BOOKED-7 U \NTs .,f Rii kIntU. kinnI rarnlr^l i omiuny «>r Kroe Acts. l^tiop-fhe-lAvip WANT 8ho«A Motortlrome. Mmikey SitcrUway. all kind* of t-lvan Cinitsaloiia. .MI Wheels now open eznapt Atrtpltne. G«kn|. ||ro »t«n. of ■^i.ito n?«.i flte niilr*» 8iwa.>. leji<9i >r4f vaji^ rrcwrtl-brrAkrr. Sev- Candy. No eirlualvea oo Refreahmenta. £veo'U>liig booked IndepcndroL Met nn early, boys, and not b« dll' tr*! I.'" <1 HrAolnc pairlotM^ rcAturcH. Gimrti tii' Ami mrnt Ur«l .\uctlon In^ltans rnrani|>e«| on cronihU. ami lltlhigA. Mt»nt.. lln* foUoHlna week. Mile* Cny and Kornythf. MonU. aprolnieenU, MINERAL POINT FAIR Aiul our are iiol afraid to aiK’iid It. at ivasl m ntlrndafO'e If tntereHte«l wrtte EILIS E. COX. Secretary. CaHhafo. ininolt. AUGUST 20-21-22-23,1918 LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS WANTED Wanted good shows and concessions. Only fair in Iowa County. '*WIN THE WAR FAIR" We have a territory of forty miles to draw from. Write or wire The West Michigan State Fair, Grand Rapids. Mich., Sept. Ihth to 20th, Inc. W. V. PARKINSON, Superintendent of Privileges, Southwestern McinlKT Michigan Shortship Circuit._ Wisconsin Fair Association. W. G. MARTIN, Secretary. WANTED-SHOWS AND RIDES LENAWEE COUNTY FAIR FOR FULTON COUNTY FAIR. SEPTEMBER 24*28. Harr (‘nntrai tril for ,\lrrr> *G»'-K< uii*l anf our IxiyH jninnl the l■<>lo^«, in JOHNNY J. JONES oliidinir Harry Nowhall, Coi'il I’olorson ami Carl Carlinsky. This makes a total of thirty Are the S. W. BRUNDAGE SHOWS Wortham & Riee Shows liave sent so far. Band Highly Endorsed by Official of Bran¬ toaster Harris has inereaseil his band to sixteen don Exhibition ideees. and |iress and (nihlie alite are eoiiiiiient iPK on tliem. Ceorge MeCartliy, of the C. A. W. I, Smnie, secretary and manager of the START ON FAIR DATES Wortham Shows, wlii* joinetl tlie eolors. sIo|>|mmI Brandon, Mauitoha, Agricultural Exhibition, re over for a visit on the sliow on his way to cently addressed the following letter to Johmiy Camp (irant. .\n eutht |>onnd boy waa born to J. Junes: Mr. ami Mrs. 1*. Z. HofTman while the sliow was in Milwaukee, and I’. Z. says he is a real Braniloo, Manitoba, July 26, 1918. Carroll, la., This Week, First On List—Fairs and trouiMT. If the kaiser should ever see the olBee Johnny J, Jones Exposition Co.: wagon of the W. & U. Shows luill into town Dear sir—At the close of your engagement at Fall Celebrations Will Be Played for Balance he would flee in despair. .Artist A1vi has Just our exhibition 1 feel that it is due you to ex¬ eompleted the decorations, and it is truly a press the hearty appriH-latlon of my IViard of thing of beauty. We started our Journey across Directors for the siilendid midway attraciions siqiplied ns this year. Not only was your tiiul of Season—Management Looks Forward the long desert this week, as the sliow will not way shows of a high standanl. but tlie entire play another wet town this season. Just heard staff, from yourself down, wen the most luisl- from Bill Klee somewhere in Texas. Says it's to Good Business nesslike arl courteous men that I have ever done business with. I regret very much that weather comlltlons have Interfensl with your e,rm at six o’clock on Tuesday evening. now on until closing time tlie dates will be request that we not forget to send it each week. Chicago, Ang. 1(1.—.Among the Chicago vis¬ July ‘23. would have put many a carnival out fair and fall celebrations, and every one la ■The center of the company's service flag, itors this week were Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. of liusiness. It was different with yon. A'oii looking forward to an excellent business. which now contains some S-l stars. Is far ti>o No.ves. Mary is here on business while .Mrs. were corn CARNIVAL IN STORM to the hungry thruigs. ACTIVITY FUND, Combined A1 Meyers will lie on this week to tak* over Tents of Red Ribbon Shows Blown rndergr. while the Bed Bibtxm Shows were Show. exhibiting there, causing a great deal of damage 20 big plants manufacturing Government supplies, em¬ George Hayward was calloi! to Des Molnos to the tents and other parapliernalla of that at¬ on Iniportsnt business. traction. The lO-in-l lo|i was completely de- ploying 87,000 men; working day and night. Highest L. Claude M.vers showed tlio tolks around this the colored minstrel tent was hlown part of the country what could t>e done with a down and suffered almost as badl.v. while the wages paid. few musicians when he g.xve a sacreil concert Tuerry-go round top was torn into ribbons. Man¬ Sunday on the public park. Mr. ami Mrs. Ver ager S. Battiato. who made a flying trip to Cin- Opening Saturdaj^ August 17, to August 31. Three Sat¬ non are leaving this week to take up a winter einnatl the folowing day. stated that other tops proposition. had been seenred to replace tlie damaged ones urdays—two Sundays. Wire or write George H. MeSparron. late of the Rlngllng and everything would be in shipshape by the Show, is now on the sdvsnee foree. close of the week. J. J. Russell's brotlicr. J. .A. Russell, palil the ED ROHRER, Chairman of Committee, show a flying visit with his wife Sunilay, The hottest weather in years does md seem care Cincinnati Times-Star, Cincinnati, Ohio. to hold the people liaek here and the streets are thronged every night. Burlington, Ta.. Aug. 10.—The TrI-Sfate Fair Mrs. Woodman, on the staff of The Advertiser, Is on in full blast and is scoring a big success. paid the show' a high compliment when, after The display of horses and other live stock ex¬ she liHiked it all over, she said: "If lliere were ceeds the fine showing of last year. The vaude¬ more Col. Parkers In your line of business there ville features are high class in every particular, would lie more real shows on the roail.’’ tin F'rlday. the 9th. which bad been designated Our next stand is Rncit Island, right on the l.itierty Da.v, a service flag bearing l.-'iOO stars river front.—GEORGE N. D. HENNESSEY. was flung to the breeze. The World’s Fair Carnival Company is mak¬ ing a liig hit and getting the hiisiness. ED A. EVANS SHOWS CON T. KENNEDY SHOWS M.ilvern I:i.. .Auf. 9.—Very nice business was oijr pleasure In Red Oak, and we were the re ciplente of many comidinientnry remarks regaril Has Excellent List of Dates Arranged Ing tile standsnl of »nr shows. We were situated on the Washington school Beginning with last week Ihe Con T Fimoiis for their heiullftil design ind the miny mod¬ ern Irorrnvrmtnts of merit. Patent horse hanger lioiiM* grounds, Ju't two s<|nares from tlic bii- Kennedy Shows has an excellent .string of con- le oks, paleiit telesrope under horses, rlesr t latforms. InesH dlHtrict, and our ml'lway was crowded eeeutlve dates eontraeted that will run until tlie Iilngeil eetitirpole. eountershaft. cliiteh, tTake. pul •'Sell night, all show s an>t conceeslons coining In second week In Oetober. The list Ineliides ley and gears ronaianlly a.*semble>l. roller lieartiigs. for (Iiclr share of pilroiiage. The weather has Flint. Mich., week of .Aug. .I, under the (tdd wireil for elei trie light, without Iwwe holts, oulekly been s., extreiuelv warm that It has lax'n wonder Fellows’ War Fund; Lima. O.. week of Aug. 12, assembled, niakea it TUB PitUTlBIJ: maihtne of fill In a way how gissl liusiness has liebl U|i. 1. a^>comotive Works’ Tobacco Ftind; Dayton, O.. today. It'a a real attracticn. Don’t overlook It. Malvern Fair this vM-ek Is most |ironiislng up week of Aug. 19. Home Guards’ War F'und; lA Write for particulars to date, and a dandy week should he the la-siilt porte, Ind., week of .Aug. 26, lAporte County If yesterday’s (Wedii sdayl business Is any erl- Agricultural Fair; Peoria, III., week of Sept, terlon to go by. Splendid management and con 2. Labor Council and Shriners; Milwaukee, genial CO o|ieralion prevail, and gooil results an* Wis.. week of Sept. 9. Wisconsin State F’alr; NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y., U. S. A always sure la follow. Sioux City, la., week of Sept. 16, Inter-State Shenandoah, la., wlilch or rather where we Live Stock Fair and the Ak-Sar-Ben at Omaha. will Iw by the time the many readers are [>e- Neb., Sept. 25 to Oct. 5. ‘‘Dad’’ Weaver, man¬ Over Fifty Years of Exclu¬ ruslng this eojiy of the wi'ekly Billyboy, Is bound ager of the Ak-Shr-Ben. visited the Kennedy to lie a dandy as Is also Clarinda, where we go Shows at Battle Creek. Mich., on August 1. and sive Carrousell Building the next week. Noble FAiIrly. who has the after signing contracts wlh Manager Kennedy (IXaMished lAAT 1 dsnring academy; Karl Stanfleld, with the silo left the same night for Chicago, en route back drome; Clarenee V George, with the monkey to Omaha. sfteeilway: Dim- Harvel and hla museum; Mrs. DENTZEL Jerry Barnes, who has the carmisel, ferrls GIVE HIM CREDIT wheel. Over the Top and Paradlae Alley, assisted by a roriia of able asslstinta, are all very miieh Steve A. Woods, general agent Con T. Ken CARROUSELLS elated oyer the alliiatlon up to the present, and nedy Shows, stepped into Cincinnati last week Mechanically and Artialically Perfect Indivblnslly are putting away a little for a rainy and contacted several moves on a railroad that day. lias been particularly tough for agents this sea¬ We were very much tdenaed to have with ii« son. WM. H. DENTZEL Ralph NIeoI and hla wife (known as Jessie Troyi Steve reports the Kennedy Show moving along IMI Oermanfoimi Avc., Philadelphia, Pa. sll Isst week, together with hla aplendid com¬ nicely and playing to excellent business. pany of talented ladlea and gentlemen.—K. G W AUGUST 17, 1918 e B 31

MEYERHOFF ATTRACTIONS Reported Doing Well at Western Canadian Fairs

I In a rprpnt Ieit are nl•■etlnK with aiK'ceaa I at tile Weattrii I aioKliaii Kaif'.. At I'ort Arlliiir, Swift I'lirn'iit, Mi’ilioino Hat ami Sami Itonifai'o Iiik rrowils were in alti-ml- . nm-e ami all the attrartioDs rorelveil kihkI pat- Band and Orches¬ I ronaite. AtiHinjc the altrai-lloiia are llohlie's , l•alloranla of Kuroixaii haltlfllelilH, Meiz'a in-in-l, rrime l.hiiiaera Hawaiian (firla anil iniisictana, Wally, the ngan'tie denil; The Itoyal l.illlpii- tra Instruments tiaiia, ‘'I'lirly” I'lilToririt tfirl abow. I’ltroffa Kiiro|M-an St-naallon, Th« \Vhl|i, Topay Turvy, SUPPLIES, ETC. Kerrla Wheel, Merry-toelloninl, the I»lp ami alHiut rai coneeaaloua. Several bigh-clafea free Everjthin; for the Band and • attractioua are alao carried. Orchestra. METROPOLITAN SHOWS Can place Hiph Diver with rigging, lady preferred; also Single Aerial Act for FAIR season, starting ^‘ptember 23rd, closing Decem¬ rterrln. Ill., Anjr. !».—Altain the Metropolitan Show* denionatrated that It la posalhle to make ber lUth. CAN PLACE one more good Shovv and several legitimate Band Instruments Re¬ a (ood town out of a t>ail one, CarlHinilale, 111,, baa rerenlly bad aeveral aad expenencei ('oncessions. WANT to enlarge BAND for Fair setison: Snare Drum, and there were all kinds of op|M>aitioD before Trombone, Alto, Clarinet, Bass. .Yugust 12th, Carneys Point, paired and Plated' we arrived. After the oiienlng Monday niitht. however, X. J.; August 19th, Penns Grove, X. J.; August 2()th, New Castle, The ver\’ Itest dnim heads, BtrinRs.etc. all alKnii of oiifMmllion di».ai>|)ear^ comidetely Wire ue for the best of service. and the hd wa* erowdeil mirhlly for the bal¬ Del.; September 2nd, Havre de Grace, Md. All munition towns. ance of the eneaeemeDt, re.ullinc In a very aatl.fai'tory week* hnaioewa. Kriday nUbt SeptemlxT 9th, Highlandtown (Baltimore, Md.); Septeml)er 16th, Marsh-Marley Music Co. >'red He Ivy, manager of the nmakey l■keerita. S<>rgeant Major McAdams, of the I'anadlan Army, who is tour¬ follow. Musicians, address TONY NASCA; others, JAMES M. ing Illinois In the interest of War Savings BENSON, as per route. Stamps and the KoirtU I llierty Iy>an, also made the show grounds his headiinarlers during the BEFORE week and made nightly talks to the crowils. You buy that next The opening In Herrin wa* the second biggest of the season and iindoiihlmlly wrlll finish strong. WE ARE MOVING drum or any dnim Mines hereabouts are all working night and day equipment send for our and record wages are twing paid. Chrlstot'her next week, another mining town, and then complete drum catalog. South.—WILLETT L. UOE.

LUDWIQ a LUDWIG, BUTLER COUNTY ROUNDUP ' III I N. LfatMla St.. D.*t H. CHICAGO. During the current week f.Vngust 14 ITi El Dorado, Kan., will he the seme of the Butler County Annual lloundup and Hoping Contest. .4 hdal of $»**• In priiiw will b-' awarded In the DRUMMERS broncho riding euitesfs. and H.0J.1 in the calf roping events. The imrse-s are guarant»-ed by the For a Burprise in prieew, oompleteneai of owners of Wonderland Bsrk, where the emtest is catalog and 6ne workmanship to be belli. The offlclals of the Itoundup i-on «ist of S. J. MaiMen, tiresidont; D. A. M'-s. g’-n Send for our catalog. eral manager, and W. 11. Jackson, se. retary- treasurcr. KEWPIES ACME DRUMMER'S SUPPLY C0„ 2S13-15 W. 22nd St.. CHICAGO, ILL. C. A. WORTHAM COMPANY SILK DRESSED ^ Duluth, Minn.. Aug. There was not a kick \ EVERY SHOW BAND on bwine-s for the L. A. Wortham attractions at i should tiara thsa. two new marrhra. "BLACK JACK." the Crfsikslon Fair. It Is not the biggest fair t>, Huffer, a wiaiderful military march with a spirited In the cuiintry, nor the smallest, hut I* showed "punch" Iseparate part for Bucira and Drumtl. and nice for all the shows. The grounds are "BACK HOME." arranged by Huffar. Introducing aim auggratlra of and appropriate for the Tirtnriout well l«»-aled and the’ attractions bail the best rstum of our hoyg from "Orer There." Also great ■.s'ltions (Mwaible on the groiinils. Thie wa« the for rwunlona home comings, gtr. first trli> of any of the Mg Wortham attractions GgMigI Istraductory Prke, full band. each. 2S«. to the C'ris.k'ton and the wonderful line up of attractions gave the fair otfi. lals ami vislto:-, TIPTOPTOYCO. THE DIXIE MUSIC HOUSE. Chicago an idea uf what a niolern carnival organization Kr JOS. G. KAEMPFER, Prop. could be. Wortham was ismipliinented hy the as so<-lallon. and the directors and offleers rei-elved many longra tula lory comments on rontractlng 114 East 28th Street, New York City WANTED with an organization of the Wortham cillher. This week the big show lx on its regular an¬ CHICAGO OFFICE TIP TOP TOY CO., 231 N. Desplaines St, Chicigo. III. nual risit to Duluth. This Is another of the A-1 PIANISTS many Wortham r«-pealers. but that d«>esn’t bother IStoadv work, gotid BalaricB. the comptn.T or auspices. They know Wortham will have something new and better than last BARTOLA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CO. .year, and a Mg week will mult. For the fir»t lime in Diilnth the .'thriners will stand s|>on«or 707-712 Mailers Bldg., Chicago, III. for the Wortham attractions. Dnlntb Is going to he another Fargo and Bismarck week. Sn perlop fidlows, and then comes the long string of SPECIAL CHINATOWN ATTRAC¬ the Mg State fsirs or>enlng at Des Moines for TIONS FOR SHOWS the Iowa State Fair; Hum to the Minnesota State Three figures, one smokea, one moraa arm. the other Fair at Ilamllne. and then Sws. also a Carousel Swing, hr our Fair dales. Seprrmher is. IS and 20, son. The “Elektra’’ guarantee stands 19IH. E. J. MAKiniMtN. Her'y. HamesTlIle. Minn. GARETY IN ARMY in back of every Rosy Posy we st'll. Bamev S. Oarety. for several years with C. Send us a .sample order. Money re¬ A. Wortham Interests, la now In the army, ata AIR CALLIOPEf tioned at C’ami> Wheeler. He wuild like to funded if not satisfactory. Remember, hear from his friends In the show hiiatncss and DR\S4s VI I nil IRoWDn can be addressed Private Barney S. tJarety, we will not play in opjKisition to you «>•. I.. F.’4lh Infantry, t’amp Wheeler. Macon, I’l \>S VI IliMMU OK HI at the Fairs, as we do not buy conces¬ lia. HAM) I WO sni ).s )OK IN sions. _ MDI OK OI IMD) HI VMM. Kate RMealAriaa Write us hefere hiring ytwir raw •VCraiiriGl Xmis we can saxc you mmiey. LIBERTY BEARS TANCLEY CO HUICATiNI IOWA M. MAGEE A SON. INC.. 147 Faltan Strast. Ntw Varfc aty. SAMPLE OF Rod. white ihbI blue comhinat ion. With and without IS-INCH electric cyt>s. Sample of’Jl-inch ri cfl Dranairi The ‘‘Original” Will Rossiter DRESSED Electric FvctI LiUirtv Bear.. $1.50 Prepaid ROSY POSY ELEKTRA TOY & NOV. CO. $1.50 I Exclativt Maaufacturrrs af Dalit aad StuWad Aalmalt. SONG BOOKS PREPAID 400 LAFAYETTE STREET, NEW YORK Still In the lead — 82.00 a hundred — Sell on sight! WILL ROSSITER, “The Chkaro PnblUlMr” 71 W. Randolph St., Chicago, IIL WANTED TO BUt SPIDORA AND PDRTABIE IlLUSIDNS Suitable for tent ahinr. nr plana and dlmemuona fi>r aame. Rannera, T.lfhta. iJvinr Tent. Mummlea, Submarine^ Mev'hanUal Sh4»w, l^lnrh and Judy. I'nroplete; h(»>* Attraoilnn. Craay Hmiee^ IS?ORE rit Show. Trnt and Marquee, anvthlnn aullable for Tit Sh"w. Snlr sh*»w A>r Ten r«*altltely nn Junk WANTED CARNIVAL wanted, state rxart weicht and alxe pat-keil. nuntltlon ai'd lowest prit'e. < ol'LO VsK Lady Midget and With Mrrry-Vto-Round. KerrU WhrrI or Whip, ftnip nr flrr idaan Rh«ma and Oi>nrfiMlnna. C.W T’>*IC iTnall or- Stpter Team that tan ik> red Iv't brnk. wing and Ortfiital tUncIng for my tbijw In MaiuU. Aihlreaa katilinl \Vlld Wr^t iMiifli with attn-h C.AN IIANDl.K Ml Kr»^ Nothing hpo hic State terms. iVucoi- CAPT. J. W. PRICE. 806 Cast JtRcrveii St.. SpriRfSeld. Illlaelt. Plt>iia fet In lou




THIS IS IT llillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll>lllll»lll>IIMII OREST DEVANY





A Cool, Calm, Scenic Boat Ride JUST THE RIDE FOR MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE OR SWEETHEART 34 Ttie Billboard AUGUST 17, 1918

Kasyvillp, Mo., Aug. 10. 1018. the outfit that Is now with the Great American I'riind All; Shows. Fletcher is the ’'field” man and s|H'nds I liavc iMM'n roadine this do|M> al>">nt lunv rvory the greater part of his time with and iM'twccD k1h>w ought to liavp a •Teal” |ir«'ss aB<'til. I the different outfits. liari* hpoD doing iiHist of that mysolf. Hut I am willing to try out adxii'p so I signs u|i a guy W. 11. J.smes, who owns »ix sliow i-ars now w'liat says hP' is "roal.'’ William Itltor is his lea>'d to one of the |•rolulllellt organizations, Sunday name. Rut he says the (irofession kiK>w-s and an oldtinicr in the business, l« another him at •'Snortin’ Rill" Uiter. lie is tliere trouper employed In the Illinois Central yards with the talk-talk, and I figure if he ran write at Centralia. James is the "big boss," or ratlier as grsMl he is really "real.” So 1 seopies of tlie KasyTille paiiers. Well, anyhow, they have Itiled quite a few The Easyville Sitlallcr say-; "Mr. William preachers, churchmen and Bible stiidenta for Iliter, general press reiiresenlallve for the treason, but we have yet to hear of a single amnsement company whleh will visit our city actor, performer or showman even being tried. in the near future, umler the auspnera office force with amusing stories of show life. runuahed on request of Csime again, Mr. Uiter, you will always t>e wel¬ of Uncin Sam's army and send reganis to all ELI BRIDQC COMPANY, the b>ys under canvas. They would als^i like to come.” The other iiai>er said: "Mr. Rill Uiter. Bex 22 B, Reedlieuae, III.. U. 8, A. bear fs>m their frienils. These Isiys are all sta¬ the genial press reiiresentatlve of the carnival tioned at Camp Devena, Mass. Gleason, who eomi>any that will visit our city soon, called i>n furnishes tbe information, also furnishes tbe us ttslay," etc. Not a thing about the Nutt following address: Tb'mas Gleason, 8th O,, Ex|iositlon, Col. ll(H>za Nutt or the Kaayvllle Isslge of Owls. All about "Snortin' Bill" Uiter. 2d Bat., IViiot Brigade, Overlluw Barracks, When 1 paid him off and bid him good-by I Camp Devens, Mass. said: “My friend, you have got this publicity thing wrong end to. Managers usually ex¬ TIP FOB QIllFTEUS pert the press agent to bill the show, not the ^ On tbe shank of a new fish hook are prongs agent.” to bold live bait with a minimum of injury.— Some fellows are no busy telling peojile what Evening World. great men they are they haven’t time to do any f work. Chas. ("Whltie”) Pierce (also known as "Con¬ Vour once more disillusionized friend, fetti Whltle”), who for several years was COU UOOZA NCTT. well known on tbe Hampton midway, was a caller at Tbe Billboard office last Wednesday. Corn. Jake Brlrendlne, 7th Dlv., Co. B. Motor Whltle Is the same little "tow head” with the Supply Train, A. E, F., via New York, writes: same smiling face that he was when tbe late "Just wanted to say hello and good-by to all Jack Hampton considered him one of bis own my friends on the I’atterson Shows. Tell Aug. family. For tbe past seven months Chas. has to feed the fish. (Jrandfatber Boss and Ireland been manager for the Cnion News Company at —Stick with the ship.” Hamilton, 0. He expects to return to the car¬ WATCH FOR THE 1918 nival game after tbe war. Arthur J. Emahizer (“Willie,” the wrestler), who was called to the colors from the Landes- Bennie KmlUi writes that be Is still with the Rurkholder Shows on June 25, has been trans¬ Benson Shows. He has decided to put his cele¬ ferred to a camp near New York City, and Is brated dancers on the market. By the way. waiting orders to "go over.” Mall will reach H-S CAROUSSELLE Bennie, bow many whistles did you seU at him care of The Billboard, New York City. The moot complete and improved porta¬ Charleston a few years ago? ble machine built. New, dazzIinK decora¬ Sir Edw. St. Ra-I>lem, of the Ts’e Bros.’ John S, Phipps, last season an announcer tions. New l:tl>i>r saviiipi devices. New Shows, tells us of a sensational, altbo Involun¬ with the Dano Greater, Is now in toe service (»talog explaitiM it. Wr ite today. tary, free act he witnessed recently when two of Cncle Sam and wants to bear from ail men were n’seued from a marooned scow l.issi friends, especially those who were with him feet from Horeshoe Falls at Niagara by the aid on tbe Dano caravan. His address is Co. G. HERSCHELL SPILLMAN COMPANY of a rudely constructed breeches buoy after a 8th Bn., InfL Bep.. Camp MacArthur. Waco, 196 Sweeney Street, line had been shot to them from a cannon on Texas. the shore, .\fler the men were safely landed in NORTH TONAWANOA, N. Y. the pn'sence of some 3.5.000 peoide they were Several members of tbe Mighty D<>ris Shows the center of great interest. Sir Edw. tried were seen in Pittsburg rec«'nily, including Til El to b<««k the iiii-n for the side-show with I/’e’s Homer Moore, Mae Fishman. Jas. Harrington, Cnlled for the week, but the movie men got to "John” and Cassidy. Tell us alstut the trip, AEROPLANE CAROUSSELLE them first. folks.

The following from Ed R Salter: "By the During tbe layover of the Great White Way way. I’m 34 years "young” tomorrow (Aug. 7). Sberators in tbe busItM-ss, has Is'en om- W. I.. (Slim) Orlffin—You have some of yonr nected with Paul’s United Shows for tbe (last corresivindence lines crossed or i>osslbly you are eight years, while the Mrs. is also well known not in possession of the latest alphabet. Hear as a glass and candy wheel worker. They are you are doing .some good work ahead of Bobby not trouping this season. The latrM liivmilfMi and me I'ark*. Fain and Osndvela. Iliiladplpbla bakers, despite the fact that I'livtablo or slallr Hal 1 angiion —What do you know that Is In¬ Mr. Ibawer has llfte

BEST ON EARTH. PRICES RIGHT. Srihi fi)r reteli^tiF JOHN T. DICKMAN COa. INC.. HOROSCOPES 245 8. Mala Streot. Loe Aafelee. Cal. Printed Fortunes. Future Photos. THE SOLDIERS’ GREATEST PASTIME AND AMUSEMENT Palmist and Fortune Telling Games. FOR SALE, MONKEY SPEEDWAY 5c for Catalog and Samples. Now used at Cantonments. A highly moral game and exercise. Nnw In operation: four seta double trarhs. in car*. 15 J. LEDOUX, monkeys, all tldert Aim Fanis Whrel for ronn- 169 Hamburg Ava.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Dept. B., keya. a Rannrrs Brorythliig In Orat-elaas shape Now In '1 Plttaneol, THE I. B. ESTE CO. - • 1534 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ALSO MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIIUTORS OF SCORE BAU QAML ■iiJ high-gradY'*a^ordions. Hf Gold Medal. I’ P I K Cattlemen’s Carnival B 277-27S Columbus Aveaue, GARDEN CITY. KAN.. AUG. 2S. 29 AND M. W Saa Fraaelito. A rvmleal nf frontlav ai-irts tl.noo In priart. JAPANESE CHINA, VASES, TOYS and NOVELTIES rsrh In Rnplng and Riding Ciintaal. I’rogram on ap pllraltnn. Will rnnirarl with Brat-claaa HIraat Fair For Carnttfcls. Cardlioara (irganizatinn fnr alawe dairv. J. II. Ilt'KN.slIiK. Music. Rry alrt Eirhangiw. For Paddle Wheels—Grind Games—Sales Boards, etc. FREE ttansarr G. MOLINARI ft SONS, CA TALOG if you mention your business and the B. B. ORGANS Manulaclurvrt. 112 32d St.. Brooklyn. N Y. WANTED Rt.ngbt, Id. KT'-tiongt-d and To lirt’ure th« llor»^ and Auto llai'rre to rom* lli-ralr»

AUGUST 17, 1918 Business Munitions for You Juat u thn war rtniint b«i mndurted aura-«iiifully withmit thi> proper mnnltiofia, neither ran jnu h« aucoeiaful In huaineM Shure without the proper muiutiona THE BEST GOODS. THE UVK sEUJ:R8. THE GREATEST VALI ES ALWAYS FRESH STOCK. Hook up with a repreaeoUtiTa roiirem. One who ran lake care of you the way you want to be taken care of—or to pul No. 60 Gaa. super quality. Ter cross.t3.M WINNER It in one wort—»ho can kite you SATISFACTION. .No. to Saiisacr Squawker. Ter gross. 2.50 Our nrcanUatlon ts coopoaed of (merals. raptaina, Ueutenanta. rte., who hare had tntenaire tralnint—am No. 20 Sausage Squawker, estra large. I'rr gr,. 3.75 DOW eapert- and who will are that you get A SQI'AIH; DI.AU Ask ua to aend ynu the .No. 10 Roiiml Squawker. I’rr gross. 3.50 All-Wool Fell rillow Tops. I’rr dozen.6.00 l*nll<-r Wblatirs. Per gmaa. 1.25 Paper Uorna. 10 Inch. I’rr grogs. 1.25 SHURE WINNER CATALOGUE No. 78 -eiake RIowouta. I'rr gross. 1.50 Hullrt BaarMia. I'rr gross .10.00 This book ia the only real guide to the dealer. It Uhistrates the BF-ST OF EVERYTHING, and will be the TURNING POINT to your BUSINESS SUPA'ESS. You need this book If you are in any of ilie following lines Fraternal Paper Hats. Prr 100.3.00 M\1iig BIrda Per gross.4.75 WATCHES SALESBOARD MERCHANDISE HIGH PITCH GOODS FANCY GOODS Pane Assortment. ISO Panes.5.00 JEWELRY CLOCKS RING-A-PEG AUCTIONEERS’ pane Assortment, 200 Panes .10.00 RUGS CARNIVAL GOODS NOVELTIES GOODS, ETC. A full line of Norrlllrs. Paddle Wheels. Amuarmenl HANDKERCHIEFS SILVERWARE NOTIONS IVtlcta. Dolls. Hr. Setid for Patalogur DepL 1). HOUSEHOLD GOODS PREMIUM GOODS NOVELTIES

We protect your interest by selling to dealer! ODly. and do not furnish ratalngues to consumers or curiosity seeker*.


We bare completed out stay tn the San Ixinis Ko. 9 $42.00 GROSS Valley (Colorado), playing every town of any S glee with the ezreptlon of Monte Vi.ta, where No. 10 48.00 the City Council lad Mayor hare decided not to accept license from any lent show or merry-go- No. 11 - 60.00 “ round until after the war. At Creode almost every member of the trooi>e Tho Iw'st on flip niarki’t. Made epent at least two day*' trout Ashing with no of fine .Vnpora Hkin, lonu hair small degn-e of success. FVjster Douglass prOTcd Jo be the champion, landing in all 72 of the rain- and fla.Nliy ril)l>on.N. SAMPLES bow family. Billy Btreeter demonstrated that of all throe sizes, be could fall into the rlrer as many times as anyone and lire to tell the tale. Doyle's auto $1.35 Prepaid. eonid be keen every morning tn the early hours pulling the trailer behind, loaded with happy RED. WHITE AND BLUE anglers, t>uund eighteen miles up the Rio Grande ROGERS SILVERWARE Rlrer and returning at elx In the erening, with ELECTRIC EYED Ns. 21-B. B. Wai. Ragara 26-PI*m Slirtr plenty for all. Ray Zimmer, the champion S«l. Fancy tbual design. Contains g teaspoons. wrestler on Bud White’s Athletic Show, keeps • large spoons, 4 forks. 6 medium knlret. them all guessing, and packs the tent erery per- bottrr knife and augar sbrll. All articisa ei- formani'e. He sometimes stalls for nine min- cept knives are of solid nickel slleer, tnely mes and thirty seconds, and then pins their Anished and stamped ■’Rogers Nickel Silver." i^*older In Just ten secomls by the watch. Ala Gutraniert to be solid nickel ellrer through¬ out of Oneet quality. There bring no plate mosa la the record town for the season so far. to wear off. th^ will give salisfaetery Mrvtee and Mr. Isler celebrit'-d by purchasing an ez- Sample, $1.25 Prepaid. for many >rers. Knlvee are plain mirlbla penaUe anto. Oe aays the yellow cars will hare ateeL hand forged and heary allverplated. to trarel it they beat him to the next stand. We make all kinds of stuffrt animals for Each sat In box. at shown In llluatratlnn. Carl Bearer and wife and Miss Frankie Deroe. give away purpoac.v. Deposit on all ('. t). YIsnufaHurH't guarantee accompa* PO TC late of the Parker Shows, will meet ns at Wal- D. orders. Quick delirerles. Catalog? Y'es. niaa each aet Par sat. • ■ s' senburg to replace Charlie Johnson and wife and For a full line of live Bales Board and daughter of the monkey speedway. Mr. I*Ier Bcheate Arttclea. see our catalogue. Ulus- Just rn elred communication from Jack Klee, who AMERICAN MADE STUFFED TOY CO. irtling Wtichaa. flncka. Jewelry. Bilearwara. 183 BLEECKER ST., NEW TORK. Ilaaors and i’remliim Goods. Write for cata¬ ie In Denrrr. saying he has arranged with the logue today, lust off tba preta. Rio Grande R. R. to handle us to one more coal ramp then north to Pueblo. ITorenre and JOS. HAGN CO.. Wtielssale itwalers) probably Victor. Bu.slness bas steadily Increased 3M-302-3tM-3M W. Madltea St.. Cklcaga. III. since July 1, and Mr. Isler aays we ran stand the raise in railroad rates If any other rotd show can.—KD FAXCDER.

SAN FRANCISCO FACTS (COMPOSITION) 14< 2 iRCiWL Thi.s now oroation of th" famous Thru tbs courtesy cf Man.rger rugenr Roth, of the rnllfnrnta Thniter. the members nf the “Kutie Kid” will cause a genuine sen.'^ation at the Fairs I'r*-s riu'i »>’re given a prirate view in their this scaBon. Dressed in Bathing Costumes, f»oth Boy and club T<»>ni» of l^'mb'n In I’eace and War. I Girl, in various colors. These dolls arc guaranteed to F-m Bing I./'we l» manager of a Chinese Dra¬ matic I'miipany. which Is presenting a twelve- stand up under all weather condition.s. •rct fhincre pr>Mem drama at the I.lberty Thea¬ ter f >r the beneAt of the Chinese Y". M. C. K. The p|ei-e i« entitirt Blind Matrimony and was Send your order today and insure prompt delivery written by 11. I’. F'>og and Teenford Y’lp. Mowanl J. Sheehan, manager of the Rialto of your goods Theater. Is In the southern part of the State on bis boneymo.-n. Sheehan was married to \Vc also have the same doll in sjitin ribbed dresses and YIIss IMytbe r. Freldling on July 27. caps, trimmctl with genuine fur. Mide rt Auto leather with fanrr <4 0 K/\ FIB Prof. John K. Jai k-»'n. Instructor at I..urllne Indian bead basket dvwign at ggoM. B.rtbs. was a BlHNiart caller recently and maile We also manufacture 2J ami 32-ineh Unbreakable tl.7S nr Darts; Saaigla. 23a. streDoous complaint because n me of the many Dolls, Poodle Dogs and StufTed "Kuties” in up-to-date No I Genulna Iieather Bonka. f:< 0« per groaa. friends of his with traveling aggregations ever • shH billbonka ranging from $15 M to ftS 60 par I'vk him up when In San Francisco. It was Patriotic Costumes, Soldiers, Sailors, Nurses and Vamas. rr>,«a Five stsoHrt vamplea for tl 66 suggested that perhaps said friends did not R'Wistration and Boldicn’ I’aaa Cart Ciaaa at $4 60 know where Jackson Is located. $5.00 BRINGS SAMPLE ASSORTMENT per grosv f>ne-thlrt cash depnalt no C. O. D. ahu>* A. (Whltey) Temple, carnival man. Is now nirniv Sample. 16c N. GOLDSMITH A BROS.. n. In the Marine l^>rps slatl>>ner an Astern .Yrmy Camp with the «3d U. S. Infantry 116 Wooster St. NEW YORK CITY Id whleh they are privates. Waldimar Young and Bill Jacobs are planning to resuscitate their sketch. When Caesar Ran B Sewspai'er. and play It oo the Eastern Clr- GENUINE ROSE O’NEIL ctiRg. It already played the entire Orphe- om Circuit. lieon Strnchan. formerly violinist with the BIG LANDSCAPE Metcqs'Ilfan Grand (»i>eni Company, has been KEWPIES engagcil as director at Hte New Fillmore Thea¬ ter. whev be will Install a new orchestra. CHOCOLATES Frieda Riibensieln. cashier i>f the .\ll Star Most Popular Doll on the Market Today. Mid 28c UNDREUED KEWPIES, $12 Ptr Doz. SILK DRESSED, $1S and $11 Par Doz. You ron'f trll the ilitTefctu*^ l^etween then# Have stock on hand at all times. .\ll {toods shipped same day as order is Hoiet oihI the rrfular pouiitl hnie*. >%• UM ihe heat ntaterUU. Write for tirrulftr. received. GRAMERCY CHOCOUTE CO

OF NEW YORK Swagger Sticks CHICAGO OFFICE: (231 NORTH OESPLAINES STREET, CHICAGO. ILL. $7 GROSS ^ Always tnsli nighly PoUahed. Genulna D. B, Bullet Top, $24.H GROSS. stock 8 SWAGGERS Simpit Dozm, $1.25. $11.11 DOZEN. liaHTPIICES With extra Ana Anith. Bullet Top SATIN CENTER and Buttom. Throe Simples, $2.01. ■ ■ PIECES Briiht assortid $8. $10 and $12 Grots. Atlractlre Bed, YVhile and IVnlgna and FYnUb Blua fnn*e. A wrmder- Compiata BampI* Linav TSa pre¬ ^ at rulow Tops. colors. paid. ful aaanrtnuMit of mlora In ^ Na. ts—Air, H H $9.00 DOZEN. the foUnwtiig numi'ec* $2.50 OraM. One-third depnatt on all nrdera. SamHa. $140. "H«neanl>ec Me," "Wnrld’a War.;’ ••B»4diac'a Fare- Na. 40—Gat. $3.00 Grata. I. EISENSTEIN A. CO.. One ihirt cash nr- Na. 40—B a u n d Souawkara. dnr Immediate delirery. weU - • $2.75 Grata. 44 Asa St.. Ntw Yerfc City. L a r • a Sautaia Souawkara. KNICKERBOCKER HANDKERCHIEF CO., 421 Broadway. New York Cit] $ Grata. Watarmalana. $4.50 Grata. Baa4 Stleka. 4$c Oraaa. TENTS TO RENT FOR FAIRS Md CARNIVALS Wklpa, a taw left at the old M. MAGEE A SON. INC.. prlie, $4.50 A $5.50 par Grata. 147 Fulten SIraat New Yerk aty. Twma CAMU. FOR SALE—Marry-Go-Round Wire quick. COL. FRANCIS FElUlU SHOWS, Elyria, Ohio, week and High Btrlker. Apply to H. L. BHAW. Ml 81 Are.. ritUbuigb. Ps. August 12. G. H. COLEMAN. 36 e AUGUST 17, 1918 SILK CAMP HANDKERCHIEFS \iyiEDICINE MEM/ IjnliroAtU red with Nllk In ti WHATEVER YOU PIPES X trnriua r<»l»irlnK^ Mhowlnit In By GASOLINE BILL BAKER 'isniA of All hranchm uf th« NEED WE / \ TI'«’s4* funflkrri hiRfN are flnriy \ a ^ flnl-hfHl wiili IMI'Oim;]) LACK Jacob Feluetein, known arxnind New York | \* eWTA ^ Unlrr now while have a» "Spiegel,” U now eerring the color* at llreat Ijikea, Ill., and na.vj that he would not trade placeii with any man on the road In splie of their “big day*." He eay* he 1* learning $2.25 Dozen to "pitch” Into the lino*. He send* regard* $27.00 GROSS to all the fellow* and l>e*t wishes to the tioy* from Ann street. New York. HI* adilress la WE ALSO HAVE A QUALITY — — SERVICE Ward A, Main lloepttal, Hreat l,akes. 111. BIG STOCK OF RED. PRICE I WHITE AND BLUE We can give you the necessary co-operation to make your show a success. Dr. T. A. Smith, of Texatine fame, write* HANDKERCHIEFS. that he la now at Tyler. Tex., and will not WRITE TODAY return r ralalof. (the little Doc). I notice there are a few kick¬ 25 per rent ilefNiait on all ordrra. POWDERS ing about town* being close

SAVOY DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., 28-30 Kinzie SI, CHICAGO, ILL L. A. Nixon, former pitchman, aheefwrlfer and camiTal man. will soon be working for our Uncle Sara, baving enlisted in the Naval Re¬ serve Cori>s. I,arry 1* leaving Newbern. N. C.. LABOR DAY where be hat been doing advertising work on a will be more generally celebrated this year local paper, for I/>ulKiana to spend a few weeks . than evrr. tlet your urdcr In early aud avuet American Flag Emblems, 'f,';‘aT Glass Surfaces In that section before being called to report. He dUappeIrtroenL enlisted at Norfolk, Va. His permanent ail- ain s«l liiihM v\niA-Tiir*r*' •«Illn« our popular FLAG dreaa will be care of The Billboard. •Ira. axa laenti. K.MIUJ.MH for a $7.00 inteatmrut. Tlu-^o Ktublrms ara mada by tba Dacaleocnanla I rocaaa, and can be applied In two mtnutea to all Inalde window glaaa aurfacaa. auch Dr. T. J. O'Brien wants the address of the aa automobile wlndahlelda. oftica windows and atora windowra. The Aiaarlcaa Shield The Patriot's Is in the renter, with two large American fla?f dra[>ed on elthar aide. The rich na- manufacturers vf the Ber|>entlne (or one-piece) ^nal oolora oT Red. White and Blue are used, and thla makea a beautiful afTect. hose supporter. Address him Ueneral Delivery, These colora wUl not wear off or wash off. Everybody wania to ahow a Flag today, Birmingham, Ala. and theaa aell very quickly. You charge 50c to apply, or you aell them for 2Se each. Flag Banner 6 FLAG EMBLEMS. COST.$ 0.50 I Mr. and Mrs. Capt. J. Sohremmer wrlfea from 25 FLAG EMBLEMS. COST. J.18 Duryea. Pa., that they are meeting with won Made ef high-grade flannel felt, with beau¬ tifully deeigiiid Amerli-aii Flag againat va¬ 80 FLAG EMBLEMS. COST. 4.00 derfu! success with the Vurplllat Medicine Show. 100 FLAG EMBLEMS. COST. 7.00 rious bright coliirexl backgrounds, framed hy The "Captain” is still going over big with his ailracilxe Imrdrrs of flags of different Al- 250 FLAG EMBLEMS. COST. IS.75 blackface and other tpeclaltles. Mrs. Sebrem- 600 FLAG EMBLEMS. COST.J5.00 llteliii liallert> Hell Itadge. (pfowi.4.00 ?*• “Balloons. Per Gr.. 2.50 Bell Board Ball Game. pets the coin. Price, each.. wA.VV t«ap, Barrows with wliile ffash. Campbell with (jos” and nurse my 19IH rataloguo. You ran t do a auix'taaful uufclty Watermelon Balloons. Gr., 4.25 Novelty Clown Ball Game 20.00 also Guns, A Saap for aBly..*^w

• Inni-r, ami ho«li|ra it helpa the “boya o»er llifrc.” \oiir iirdet waa forwarikd to Canf;, AGENTS l)r. la'via.—UUt. -THIS IS A- M. U. llPiiry wrifos fr'iii Detroit that h» It uorkltiK pent a* usual and Krttini; hy nlrrly. Nollitins luK. but llTint; like other f"lk». Heory FOR THE BOYS AT THE FRONT OR THOSE WHO LIVE IN A TRUNK GOLD MINE at ran auction salea last winter auil InforuiA ua Only 10 Bases a Day Means ii 00 Dally Profit. tliat be will enciiTc in the Hanie ori'iipallon The set shown and deserlt'id here ts the BKJCiEST VALVE In the way of a Military Senico Sot eror offered. thla winter, eonililioin periiiittinir. Ho eaya It eoritalna oserything for the toilet, hi.tb for the boys at the front and for those of you engaged in trantllng that nearly ereryteily in the coiiniry w-orkiniC or in the amusemeot Held. (••■ui has been in l«Toir iiiul ilial there were nine at one time a few wo-ks ago.

Iileil I'liiiieily < ,111111.iiiy •'We hare J'u-I liiii'-lieil a MK'ieKHfiil enKuuetiient at HilN leito Oliio, ihirina fair s\e«'k. W,- are dolni; an e\. elleiit hufiiie'H everywlu-re. with Hie tent pui'ked to euiei' lty every ntsl't. Hr. ItiirP n hue the kn-u k of m -Vin-g friende and in erlllni; “■onie” me.Urine. .Mrs. Barton hna liecn iiiakiii«r a hit wi'h her serpentine daneefl and .''Is no,,kin' iiiioeraoiistiODs. Jack Haley, as Jaki , h..!- them ...rr,-iiuiiiif. Harry V. Wiwt and h;s w.f,; i Mamie Zaiita) are cleaa- tnif up with their eomedy sketi lies. Hart Bar¬ ton. with his contortion and trapeze acts, ia tlao a favorite. Other nieiiiberH include Harvy Lurky 'Levm Osnblna'lon In display caaa. I*ull Binkley utilities; I.a Verne Hinton, [danlst, oae nf box. fixing Im lien f-lach article full driff and Janie,, Hu via, sui>eriDten,lent of canvas. s'.lie site Ite BlIJ,BOAIU> READ of er friends. His addrers In care of the 31Tth nl-kel soap box. collapsible metal drinking cup, collapMtde shaving brush In nickel tul.c QI I U.,< 10 lloxee ami .Sample tiase frra for $5.00. Get C’asalry Band. Ft. KI Faso, Texas. shaving stick in nlckri tube, bone tooth bnish wrPb irotecior. wash rag, metal mirr.'r. busy quirk Only one of our “37 Varieties." all coin polished on both sides, aud complete sewing outOt. Price each. ~ axrrs Tedye Uhea—Tell ua hnw things are going In E. M.OIVIS SOAP CO. V3^3?rr;;..®A'J.^.'CHICiB0 Neb. Z'ka. P. S.—Writ* tor our now lllusinted Catalogue, the BOOK ol BARGAINS, mailed tree. Write lor it todoy. r>r. Sliver rioud—Those notes you pr'inleed arc a l,ing time reucUing us. K.mla Interested e^ 165 WEST MADISON ST., in tb<* success of that (raui.'up y,,;! opened with. Von sure bad the Idea, if It proved practical. Over Childs’ New Restaurant,

Fay Abb.»ft and Charles Underwood: Just be¬ IS INCHES WIDE. SO INCHES LONG cause you are marrie,! it no excuse for not ^ JUMBO THERMOMCTER your frieiiils hear fr-'Ui you once in a PRONOUfJCED^AWL TER and barometer wkil.,. You all •■cun” the ch-atter luug enough No matter how chcag ths cth- tu u.s« the peucil iW'W ami theu. (THE MOUSE YOU CAN’TFOMOEf) srs tell, our priest art always a Mk. and eight day clock little less. This ts Ihr thtri In r , ojierati'in 1* irillf ,«-, nlI:iI. esiierlally whoii adYfftisinc. n>ti iTiily l>|rf seti-r.ii .iri, working in the .-auic t,,WD f t a In fe^t aiKl liitjte.. Ui! in J' length of tim,,. 1 lii.s appl es i,i the cit '-s as lara »i)<1 imt.4. ^.trm vi tmTi We 1 as the Miiall I-'wns. W rk ng together ami art niakinr Uc »ut l>y f••r ,'.uh "tloT Is -,i uiiicli aj,>re ciig'-iiial and a Utiti:inc s;aLe uti Uir Is-i.Ies bring- b.'iHr results. Several g'Xid shop t siauds ID d ff. f.'iil i>arls .,f the e, iiniry have II for a day and a ta-eu ch'sial during the past tw , weeks on ac- Does that Icok good to you? Wo have been working on a brand new proposition for the Itat six sill. riiiiut «,f the felb-ws n d w,,rkiiig in harmony, months, whereby you can earn Fin.OOO.iMi a year w , .tU ,>.:r olil aKciits ai I friends and also HALF WORK ami the i|uestii>n arises: "Hus aii.v one of them overv readi-r of The Billboard to dnp us a p' dal card snj just say send me >"ur lunv prop,wUlon. rtlfpliy wa- e In public places gained by '' the other fellows?” tnd we will fsnvard at oiue Illcriture describing the : ■ -i nii.nin -makur that wo ever put out. and and ,in pmniineii' cenevs !• we have bad some big ni'uiey-makta's iu the past. lUgaxdlvu of what your preseul occupation is. lasllv seturcl I. r the big The news Is roiiiiug In nicely now and from write us at once, as this will Interest you. '.IVMBl)” Tlicrm-iiiei.a' Tlie all sections of the oiintry except the I’aci9c f sirietp a Ivi-rtleing spa e« go lil'.e hot takes »vne of O'lr States. Kick In. you out there, ati'i let men sell out the board In a us ko >w what'a doing with you. day ai d a half or Iiss From Dr. C. H. (Dick) itlmmerman; “Well, WRITE Ub TODAY AND LET US SEND YOU boys, here goes, but remember, nu ctlUcDius, FULL DETAILS. (Continued on page 39) Th# ClrniBy Mf{. Co., Ipringfield. ohio. JUST OFF THE PRESS- ’The Hustler 1918 Catalog A MARVEL or MODERN SCIENCE YOURS FOR THE ASKING IF YOU ARE A The most remarkable Gas Lighter ever In Carnival Workers, Paddle Wheel Men, vented. No flint, npsrk or aUvIiol. loe. l',- Streetmen, Salesboard Men, Sheet Streetman, Carnival Concessionaire, Pitchman, Premium User, Sheet Writer, ind 2!‘C retail. Hold over gas let and II Auctioneer, Salesboard Operator, Demonstrator, Medicine Man, lights Itself. A quick-selling item which Writers and Peddlers: sells nu Its mcrita Lvery bciue. factory or busincsa needs one. WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF OR IF YOU ARE A WHOLESALE BUYER OF Send Stsmps fee Samples. Watchsa. Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cutlery, Specialties, Novsitlos. Teys, Carnival Geeds, Stationery, Dry ILLUMINAL CORPORATION. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Goods, Notions. Confectlonory, Cigars, Sportlsu Goods, stc., etc. When writing specify your line of buslncoo M Murray Strsot New York City. If you are not a dealer, save your stamps. SILVERWARE, REVOLVERS, NOTIONS, NO CATALOGS MAILED TO CONSUMERS. NOVELTIES AND CARNIVAL GOODS. lALLDDNl WHIPS. CANES. RUBBER BALLS, RIBBDN. DDLLS. BEARS. WHEELS. HC. LEVIU BROS., Hants. Ind. 1918 Catalogue Now Ready LOOK HEREI Write for your copy today and state The Devil reeignel Turns the here nf hell over to thp what business you follow, as we do not Ktiter. Appninta him ruler of the Infernal Roglcne— FASTEST SELLING LINE and take* a vacation. Jiut what you have b«t. 2 822-824 N. 8th St., ST. LOUIS. MO. U. S., All ies and Service Flags Will not fftda. rate! or fr^. Mounted <>n n.i’kH BtsfTs wills t-iil ou top and adjuatanlo Ciau^ia to fa.vt(n a.- rakLaior PR 1C CS* Ne. IF—Single-Polo, tvll T’ R ’Dozen .$ 5.03 sriX GAS IfiWER AND MHTGR NEWS. BEST BARGAIN BULLETIN p|^[[ Ne. 2 —Two-Pole, Mil IT. S. Rervlco Flag. Iv'zen. 7.50 K'VKR. Subs, taken everywhere. Write at onee. MO- Ne, 3F—Three Pole. »\fl I . b'. and Sas EnglL-h and Frwich , TtlR ITB. t o., 455-9 Fhiulty Bldg.. Detroit. Mich $'l»g« D-ai-n . 9.0$f No 9F—Fiie-IMe, s.ll f .-i. ami ' < Fhigli.-h. Krcii. h, Belgian OVER 100 BIG LOTS or and Italian Flagv D,a>«. 15.00 AGENTS GOODS. ADVERTISING NOVlLTlEi. POSI Prices on Flags ami Hoblers sufaralciy ,hi r*s,ue-l Sievial PAPER MEN, ATTENTION! C^S. BOOKS. PIC7UR£^. ETC..AT A FRAC¬ prices. SAMPI-V--* sent upen rm-ipt "f JilMut. “ilui.-y rufutidvd If If you want to work fiT the best Farm Paper In th« not laUafai-loryRvuU your orucr today. s >ulh on a straight salary and eiiwnaea. I havo a TION or OWdNAL COST. WRITL TOOAX NOW* g,nd propoallbut to offrr you. Write me. H. P 244-46 New High Street. t iiFKEY, I'. <). Drawer 1236, RIchm'ind. Virginia. FANTUS6R0Sm^i9 »i s deakborn si:.chicaco PACIFIC PENNANT A ADV. CO LOS ANGELES. CAL. ■^ILK-SATIN" ALL BRANCHES INFANTRY ORDNANCE field ARTILLERY MACHINE GUN PILLDW TDPS COAST ARTILLERY SIGNAL MEDICAL CAVALRY Ur-to-Dat« Military De$itfl$, Littio* traplwd and Air Braabad ia Beautifal All Color$ and Attractively Fringed, Branches

$12 Doz. and .*in Backs 6g Each ERS. immediate DELIVERIES. WIRES MUST BE PREPAID. SIIMGCR BROS., 82 Bowery, N. Y. City. Xtie House of Military Specialties GSr ytCQU^IJVTSD WITH h’l.VG SOLOMO/f. 38 e B AUGUST 17, 1918 Skating News

ROLAND ClONl IN FIIANCB From somewhere in France Roland ClonI, world's champion skater, scuds bis regards to friends in the States, and would be glad to bear HES £J from them. Ills address Is Co. A, 3Jt>th In¬ fantry, K3d Division, A. E. F.. via New York City. “1 bear they still have one of the big rinks o|ien in I’arls, be writes, “and maybe and show liwations are now being arranged with later 1 may have a chance to get on there. a view to getting the best class of shows and While In England we stopjied at one city that concessions here. had a couple of rinks, but they bad been closed WONDERFUL LUNA PARK up to open for summer danclug.'' KANSAS CITY'S CONEY ISLAND I DRISCOU- TO RACE LtX’AL .STAR.S Daniel J. Drisenll. manager of the ndler rink at Luna Park, Charleston. W. Va.. Intenda to Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 10.—Eliu-tric I’ark. RETAINS PRISTINE GLORY stage a scrleis of races with local stars wio«, Kansas City's Oney Island, is still enjoying and would be glad to hear from a few giH>d the most prosperous season of its career. With racers who would like to coni|>ete. Ilia (lartlea the weather at the sizzling point for the past have been a great drawing card. An ellnilnatlon week the beach has lieen doing capacity busi¬ party was staged Tiiesilay night, August fi, ness. Heart of Coney Island, Now Sixteen Years Old, Is and on Tbiirsday, the Slh, a grand prise mas¬ Preparations are being made for the annual querade. Both drew immense crowds. “I am mardl gras celebration, wbirb will be ushered tickled over the business I am doing up to Enjoying Biggest Year in Its History— In with martial music, gorgeous floats, masque¬ date.” Mr. Driscoll says, “and your pa|>er has rades and confetti battles. certainly been of value to me." Manager M. C. Heim contemplates a number Unsurpassed Among World’s of changes in the park for next seaae to take im some of the skaters st now sixteen years old, and as glorious as Its Show. Richards Trained Wild Animal Show and Cir¬ Idora Park, Oakland. Al recently skated a Maains tower ot Jewels It radiates as the big¬ Restless, working like a steel trap with cus, under the management of Sam Met raeken. benefit exhibition for the Red Cross at the lit¬ gest, best and most giguntle imblie idaygroiind plenty of customers, the creative faculty of wrhlch is giving such wonderful satisfaction tle portable rink li>ealed Just outside of Camp In the world. With all the hard luck, and war Thompson went merrily on its way and he next to its many patrons in Luna Park: Louis Fremont, and he packed ’em In, realising a nice necessities of lights outs, together with bad planncl the great New York Hippodrome, and Schwartz, treasurer and secretary; .Arki Shaw, •um for the Red Cross. weather, this has lieen the biggest year in the “Skip” Dundy executed it. It again was the reserve seats; Charley Miller, one of the FRISCO RINK NOT HCNN'ING talk of the universe, and it tx'camse the Lnna history of Coney Island, and I.una is smiling iK-st known Lune talkers, who has worked of New York's winter happiness. Then the There is no roller rink open In San Francisco ogaln with rofTers tilled and tlie tinkle of the eiery season in the park since Its opening and Black .Angel (lassed bis hand across the brow of this summer, the one which ojieraled la.t win¬ dimes ringing in the bushel basket. who talked on the orlglcal Trip to the Moon, “Skill” Dundy. He had. so one of bis most ter having been turned Into a dance ball. But There is a psyeliologleal fact liaek ot the has charge of the front and is an indefatigable intimate friends states, a premonition of bit at Oakland, across the bay. there Is a flrst- double success of Coney ami its I.una tliis war worker, and is getting the money; Amlrew dissolution. It was when their next mar- rlass rink at Idora i'ark that has a hunch of summer. It is this, that the peany with Joe'e brother. Jack, who la also thing. a well-known ice and roller skater. PVancls was the picture of radiant health and says he And all of this is a monument to Thompson and Joe are a part of the entertainment squad & Dundy, creators of I.una. and their siieeessors, whose duty it Is to help entertain the bqys at the the Board of Directors of the present I.una viriuua camps with their tsienta. ' Amusement Company, who took over the great QUICK-SURE-MONEY GETTERS institution a few years ago and s.iveil it for¬ These card vending machines are a proven success. Benny Specht, well-known roller skater and ever to the amusement lovers of tlie world. And They do all the work and make you racer, wanta bla many friends In the came to the whole world is a true ipialilleation. for there know that he Is In rived the greater part of the l^iginal I.una, built similar I.iinus ail over the with each machine 3,000 cards. The cards selling at 1 cent last ten or twelve years.” She may re-enter the •Vorld. Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Bnisscls, St. each will net you $30.00 so you have the machine and $1.00 game later when the winter rinks o|s'n up. in money clean profit. In other words the machine costa Petersburg, all had their I.iimis, and tlie name Van Frank, known professionally as Dare- became internationally synonymous for haii- you nothing to start with and will ctmtinue to make yon Devil Frank. Is over In France and w.oild lie plness. He also erected one in Con-itantinople. big profits for years to come. Additional cards esm be pleased to hear from his friends. His aildress And now he has returned to ills original I.una. bought from us at a price to net you 200X profit. Is S. S. M. IVK), Par B. C. M.. Paris. The great park, never an.vwliere quite dupli¬ We have 22 different kinda of these mKhines, eveiy cated. had its origin in the first amiiseriient ven¬ one a live money getter and backed by our moneybaek’’ Kathleen Pope Is the star of the big Ice re¬ vue at Healy's Golden Glades, New A'ork. where ture of two enterprising young sh'iwiiieii. Fred¬ guarantee. Write for catalog. a acore of line ice skaters are entertaining tlie erick Thompson and “Skip" Dundy. Tle y had Hers is yew ckacs to pick ep a tot el ^ toeasy wilbsal summer crowds. created for the midway at the Buffalo Exisisl- aay txtra cffsrt —are jam aKvt to ysar sppsitasilits. tion a mechanical illusion which they railed A Trip to the Moon. It proved a fortune getter DELAY COSTS MONEY-ORDER HOW for the firm of Thompson A- Dundy. With their BUSINESS GOOD AT LIBERTY earnings they decided to Invade fi>ney Island THE EXHIBIT SUPPLY CO., SfeStSTrLt with an enterprise so massive that it 8«-emed lm;iosslhle of aer


PATRIOTIC PICTURES rVght punch”^ AGENTS AND STREETMEN DOES 1000 PER ira Mlllng th^m hj (hr ihounuiilii rvcry lUy Trmirndniu >lMnui

Ernry want.* h ! a ca, mnnngramed. An artinl ehargfw no and ca/i’t dn a* givxl work aa ynu con do WOODROW WILSON. THE KAISER'S FINISH. DUTY CALLS. AMERICA. WC LOVE YOU: fLAO OF foi* It 30. .No akin la rr FREEDOM. COLORED MAN IS NO SLACKER. GENERAL PERSHING. PERSHING IN FRANCE. uuirwd, no expvrlwi'«. Spam TIIK *‘rill.l>HKI> LIAN" I’krture U a big wuuiar In tha South and In a>*ry nagro dlatiict. Oat buay. nr all time. No siprnairn you Southern Agniull paint* or lahorinua hand Int- AGENTS' WHOLESALE PRICES; taruig. Evnryihmg mady to 100 by ExoraM.t S.OO SOO by ExprMi.tTT.SO go to work, olao elrculara. 2J0 by Eibmt. 12.00 1000 by Exartti. 40.00 full Initrui-Unn*. dupiay aheot. ate.. fr«i. Wrtto to¬ KOPIES' PORTRAIT t FRAME CO. Dept X. 2IIM iOSO W«t Likl $1. CHICAGO. III. day for aomplm. or aend for one of our apn-iil prtreii cofnpleta mitflt* by return moil 1)0 It N'lllV. nian enrloua. It la a riot of color. Frank la maater of tbe 'twin six' be driven and we t|>ent OUR OUTFITS ARE SPECIAL VALUE! PIPES a whole day doing the parka and boulevards. BfOQER THAN (rontlouad from page 37i 'The Chief.’ aa he la called by tala friends, la surely on 'Easy Street’ and knows b<«w to aa thia la m.T flrit pipe. Am d"wn In tbe Crtrk- EVER AND LESS er State i third yaar| and doing very g'a>d bual- enjoy home life after many years on the road.” IbM- and bia wife send beat wlabea to all for n IN PRICE. naaa. Hava not t>aaD getting any real big money, but And Ibat by biiatling and worbing aucreasful aeSSUD. Ws hare hundreds of sue rlran tha niailirloa hiiHinraa la la g'xxl aa It baa reesful sgnnt* and saleamen Itean at any time ainra 1 antarail tbe game aa a Frank Trafton, who some time ago was think who are ennatoully aeudina 'Digger' ringer In P.tOtl. I And that towoa ara log of moving Us beaduuartera at 517 Central In repeal orders. avenue, dncinnatl, to leime other city, still haa Na. 040 -Imitation Turtolte Rimmrd Olaaara being eloaed every lywr and then on aecoiiot of nrai. a town you will D"! bare any trouble ID Axing. SPECIAL OUTFITS Take a lip from me. boya. and when you clot# Harry iRnffalo) Cod.v kicka In from Pitts¬ OVER. Id a town ha>k up tbe aerretary of tbe hx-al burg that he ran In there for the Eagle*’ Con¬ $9.50 GROSS Ued Croaa ami band him a ten apot. Yon will vention. He Btatea that everyone waa working. DEPOSIT REQUIRED ON ALL C. 0. D. not mlai It In tbe long run and you will sot A few "hammeramltb*" were also in evidence, COMPLETE MONOGRAMING OUTFITS ORDERS. only tie doing yoiir 'hit.' hut will make tha not ftir money, but for the aport of it. Buf¬ These outflta mntaln everything as enumer¬ path aniootb for tbe next fellow. I am Tarry¬ falo tella iia there are about Afty pitchmen In ated beluw. and are reoily to begin work with Free Sales Bulletin ing hill one jierformer at present. I.. II. Keevea. and apuind the "bnrg.” He endoaea nine read¬ oa annii aa revetted. Letter* and border* Ota hkirkfare n-iig and dame artl-t. who la a rlean ers from towna In Ohio and I’ennaylvanla. Eight aaeurud to yuur aeisctloo. Full of MoRoy-Miktri for Wi>rker and a huatler. lie baa been with ma of them run from .lO cent* to $1.50 and one Is PARK CONCESSIONAIRES for three yeara. My iwrmanent addreaa la B'X free. He afatea that he had a bunch of them PITCHMEN 3K1. riitbbert. Ga.. and I w oiIJ appreciate hear¬ to send In. but a*imeoDe "toiicheir’ him for CANVASSERS ing from all my old frleodi." Nut bad at all, them. He close* with. "B*‘ good, but If you CAMP WORKERS C. 11.; come again. can’t be g-ssl work straight.” CARNIVAL MEN DEMONSTRATORS IK> YOU REMEMBER "Whitle" Per*all says the Wat way fo aire IM Letters of ynur own cbotoe. out and an- AUCTIONEERS anrted In enrelnpew. When the whole town turned out to beer the np how many live ones are In a small town la PREMIUM USERS to go to tbe atatloD when the train comes in. 18 Bnrder* to mat<-b letren. pitchman work and tbe May t waa tbe be#t I Bottle of special tranofer cement SaaO Ua Yaar Paraianaat Aggrsas. booalerT for If they have life enough to turn out for the one great event of the day they are not 1 I'bamola. I t'aniei'a hair brush. N. Y. Moreoutile Tridiug Co. Wbtlle? 111., sends bla regards to all the paper hoys and wants to hear from Burke. Howe. Michaels THE When Henry had to glre hack *37 on the fair grounda and wa.n't half thru with tbe pitch and all hla friends. He also aaya that any of OUTFIT No. 2, $4. tbe b«ya anticipating enUating In any branch of When Dewev and I/Cwla aplit up the Mg bank tbe aervice will make no mistake In coming Into PROFIT OVER $80. P La &P K. roll In PelPdl? They needed a grip to carr7 the navT. Hla address Is Co. 13. lAth Reg., it away. Nsw Aviation Camp, Great Lakes, HI. I DO Old BifUah assorted letters, with red out¬ When Johnny Norria could hare bought a line SUSPENDER BELT ticket from Kritco to Chi for $10, bat couldn't 108 BItick letters, with Mack outline. ralae tbe ten? 100 Script letters, with red outline SERPENTINE GARTERS When Sol Rufaky and Jack laaacs aaad to (N'tiTB Tou may have your chrice of Buy Where They Treat You Right letters and need not accept the above un- work together? - ANO- 1ms you specially rtuuire I hem ) Your mother, who taught you peracTeranc* 28 Bnrder*. STRETCHABLE BELTS would comiucr? 3 R.->ttIe* of specltl trxnafer cemeiU. on IN TOUCH WITH US Swagger Sticks 3 Camel's hair brushes. I>r. and Mra. Edw. White write from Boone- I Piece nf chxmoi*. Our priros are rinht. Tllle. N. Y., that their company ojieAed on 1 O’le or two-Inch felt roller, best quality. June 17 at Frankfort. Ky., and thinga hare $9 GROSS 3 Display sheet*. In color*. Kample letter* for iwactlring. been moving al"ng nicely. Everyone with thk Genuine Bullet Top. with Metal Ferrule. Directions, working material, etc., all LEVENTHAL & WOHL company 1* pnrchaxing War Savlnga and Thrift packeil In a neat and handy box. 58 Orchard Stract, Naw York Stampa and Mr*. White la doing her iiaual good HIGH-GRADE work and In addition la knitting dally for thn Red cp'xa. and far thIa year haa turned In SWAGGERS OUTFIT No. 3, $9.00 thru her own efforta over SKM* In caah. The CMiulne V. 8. Bullet Top and Hr. giiea Thrift Stampa In all kid conteata and Bottom. PROFIT OVER $300.00 War Saving* Stamp* In the big conteata. He etatcB that It rert.alnly makea them buatle. In $12 GROSS 108 Old English letter*, with red outline, i concliialon I'r White write*; "On our way lArge stock alwaya on hand. Or- inn Did English letter*, with block uulUno. ! Eaat we atopped a few daya In Chicago and dera ah'pped tbe same day re¬ 188 Block letter*, with reil outline. were royally entertained by the prince of boats ceived. One-Uitrd deposit on ill 188 Block IiWtera. with black outlinei Straight Salary and hla wife, Frank and Mabel Clond. They orders. 8. 8. NOVELTY CO,. 2U 180 Large Roman letter*, with red outline!. j rerlalnlT have a beautiful home and a Oownr Breadwty. Nsw Ysrk CRy. 100 Large Human letters, with bla<-k outHnei rtprrmm who hara the gnMl«, pirata wrlta. RtraUht I garden that would make any Southern Califor¬ 188 BcrljH letters, with red outline. aalary FU lha amount ynurfwlf you know what you 180 Rertpt letter*, with black outline. ara worth i'otrr lha f'aira with tha brat FARM PA- 180 Hmoll Roman letter*, with re r>ami>le letter* to proctl'-e xrtth. dlrecUco*. IIEMKHT rOMPANT, oxford. Nrlea,etc. l^md for descriptive plan and sample outfit. Sample, 50c. a limitad lime on AMPaill'AN MO'MRING. Retaiis for $1.00. Apply for territory. OUTFIT No. 4, $25.00 G. S. WYCKOFF, Maaagar. Part Narrit. Naw Jtrxay.

FARM PAPER SOLICITORS WANTED WTio ran 3880 I.etler* of yswir own aelertlon. produra huxlnraa In Mlaaourl. Illliiolx. Arkanxaa. Mual MEMORIAL ART PUB. CO., *“ 280 Bonier* of ynur own aelertlon. •■a high-rlau man who ran dallrrr lha goixlx. Ralxtr 23 Bottle* of transfer cetneiiL and aipanaa to lha right man All Irtliri trralail F. FICKE, A. BENJ.\MIN. A. SCITWARTZ, Props. 23 ramcr* hair brushes. airinly mnSdantlal. GARntrTT \VATJ» Clrrulalinn 2.3 Plts-e* of chamois. Manager. Journal of Agrlrultuia. Pmllar Bldg, HI. 25 Enrelinww of sample letterg fer prarlleiDg. I.ouls. Mlaaourl. 2.3 Dlaploy sheet.*. In colors. 23 Direction aheeta. SERVICE FUGS ON CLOTH Thme outfits were formerly $2 58. $5 88. key checks Hiss. 8x14 liK'hra. 1 (Hsr. S stirs or 3 Star* $18 08 and $38 88. reepecUvely. ttrder now while the pnies are right. Samples free. Toil ran ha your aim haaa rniitnl in ml. whits and bluo. Two mcul rxiru at top. xrtth our Kay (Tiark OutAt Drpont required on allC.O. D. order*. ■ Good for ts a day alamplng 15e EACH postage nainaa on pnrkal k«v eharka. I9C bMVen PREPAID. foba. atr Bainpla rharfe, with if if In uuantltlsa of on* grm* nr mors. $9.AA ntr ^WmHaN^ your nama and addiam. lie. if Gmas. F. O B. Now York City. Alt royal- PIASt DIE WORKS. OaRl. D. Wlaakaatar. N. N. tira paid. Immodiats ablpinrnt. Order by WAGNER CO., nunlirr. piraan.

tSn ■ Wrrir Fmilnga. I mda It at home with a !lf Broadway, NEW YORK CIH. f' aafcnx ,niall mall orilar bu«lnaaa. Btartixl SWEENEY UTHOQRAPH CO.. Inc. with II capital. I mada good. Fraa bonklK UUa boar. 2SI Watt inn 8trast. NEW YORK CITY. Maud aump. A1.BB. BCOTT, Cohoaa, h. T. 40 T ti e Billboard AUGUST 17, 1918

WONDERFUL LUNA PARK RE¬ Sell Soft Drinks TAINS PRISTINE GLORY 2sla.rLy ^a.fce ^lO to ^50 a, (Continued from page 38) Good driiika sell fast and pay a l.-irge profit. Sell Crescent velous arrompIUbment, Brewster’s Millions, drinks and you may be you have the best drinka and the sure was in the first few weeks of Its remarkable biggcbt profit payer* made. For ohows, picnics, ball games, etc. success. It. by the way, was created because of the extreme senslriviuess of Ybomi>soD. The legitimate tbeatrical managers, or a fraction of CRESCENT ORANQEADE POWDER them, had welcomed bis great accumplisbnients Just add cold water and sugar Delicioua, refreshing, healthful. with the uuallbcatlon tbat be was only a cirrus Has a true orange flavor and a rich orange color that is sure to man and would be lost in tbe field of legiti¬ please the most particular. Enough for 60 gallons $3.00; for 30 mate production. This was enough for Tbomp- gallons SI.60 sJl postpaid. Trial pkg. and catalog 10c postpaid. eon. Ue bought tbe dramatic rights of tbe book, Colored signs, printed from engraved plates, free with orders. a great beaf seller, Brewster's Millious, In¬ serted tbe famous storm at sea with a yaebt Lemon, Strawberry, Raspberry and Cherry Powders fouoderlDg, and again seosatiuuulized the firm Tlipse powders are the sime strength and price as Orangeade. of Thompson & Dundy. It was on the verge UADDICCeV ftn All 7 III U.AUaw ftk'io.on of this new fortune tbat Dundy asked a frieml Made of Steel and to bu> him out for $3,e»t I'orlstde Stand made for I mentsllst, and the new I.iina Ride. Tliese, with all kinds of concession «<>rk Ruilt of tenner snd I the uneuiialed Chutes, the only one of Its kind stnintl)i finished with Iron Ver>- flashy snd hsmly 9 The eager demand for these makes I In the world, the Witching Wavi-s. and a sei>re feet of rounter spscs. (irlddle hetty snd lesk prsf. them the best bet this year. Round I of other remaining thrillers, have put I.una m-ssuros 24tIH Inches. Ussollne pressure tank snd and Square Styles, ^nd for sam¬ again at tbe fore of the world's amusement teo best burners Welahs T.t poiin Whip or other new Ride*. 8iIo nr Motordrome. Mldfeta and Fat rw>ple. leglUmata locala In and around Sew York relative to the POD CAI P Vi-OT MACHINES OF ALL Tent Shows and Conoesslona of all kinds. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—Herry-Oo-Round and Fanis Wheal. Invasion of the iKuterettes, who made an on¬ rvrn kinds fob bale cheap. Terms reasonable. Flat rent or perrentage. Outdoor AUrartlona. weekly terms In first letter. Bgbt-acre Addrtw 8|r*KI.NO IfFO. t'O., 1931 FresmSD Ave. slaught on tbe double deckers in a manner '1nrlnn.l1. Ohio amusement park, operated aeren days; ten direct car lines to the rrounds. Sc car fare. Write or wire that made tome of the male bill atlckera elt J. T. SHERLOCK. Geberal Maaaaer, IS9S Mala SL. Buffale. N. Y. Phaaa. Oxterd SM2. op and take notice. MENTION US. PLEASE—THE BILLBOARD. AUGUST 17, 1918 Xtie Billt>oar€l 41

VIOLINIST AND TRAP DRUMMER. UNION Agents and Solicitors Wanted M‘ii i'Ikiiii;>' jiln.iit Sc|it*-mlMr 1. Vluliii- 1st. I’ll .V' urs' «-x|H ! wilti tliu' lltirary. Tro- WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2S€. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS T‘t J •!> .C'.it t " wt-rk. I>riiiiiiii*T, HI ,T. ars' »‘X|>>ri* iic ' ; iwtis tiiii' .iiitfit, iiii'linliiis IH-scan's A<;ENTS MAKK VWVr I'KOUT ll■ll s, I'tiiiiK-s. >1 ' inil liiitliU, ratnollc rtitur. W irnkm SET IN $-PT. TYPE WITHOUT DISPLAY. NO CUTS. NO BORDERS. I’rifiT J"ii $J." !'• $.'{11 wi'*k. M"lli cXHiupl. i/.tiiT'). Traimfcr KUits. N<>T*lly Siaii*. ratalng fr«<. MUSICIANS. H.ix i;i)l. iHiawa. Iowa. IIINTtiN t'tl.. Star t'lly. liKllatia. MO AO ACCERTED FOR EESS THAM 2S CEMTS Par Wcrd. Per Word. agents handi.e MA SPE.t lAl.TY AS A SIDE- 1 WORLD FAMOUS HANDCUFF (COLORED) AA Els SBF:KG, 515 E 1 nth sua AGENTS AND SOLICITORS WANTED. 3« FURNISHED ROOMS.lo LINK Sample*. lu<. ANIMALS. BIRDS AND PETS.3c Es.-iip*- .Artist - F'oruterly witli '-Ir* iis :iii,t tiiiii aa \''tk i'xw FUTURE TIME WANTED BY ACTS.2o s* ATTRACTIONS WANTED .3o HOTELS (Th^a'rl. al) .3c sirels. Enirageinent' now oim ii f- r cir. ii-. iiiin AT LIBER.Y AT FUTURE DATE.2o HELP WANTED . 3c strels, sld.‘-sbow. LUKE JONES, Box I'Jt;, agents Fair AA^itrkt rik aiitl Street Sh •II, fJiie^t AT LIBERTY (ctlsi lcy Aral line atiil name In bla. k I or. bmoiil. New York. LHie of tlie fa-te»t M’IIi t's on V. MANUSCRIPTS. SKETCHES AND PLAYS.le kite HnbUra arc i tyi.*') Ic ifkr! <*iie niin Dh>.4h»o ia«l year . 1 .wl $'. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 3e II BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS (ai^co iiioa« rr MOVING PICTURE ACCESSORIES FOR SALE . II It).' each. :< U r U'm-. ea-A)' to dllni<.ii'>tra’e. iiuavl . 3o IS^.a .l Hand) 2c ,, • ti lot ft.r -aroidrs, and 1 (•artb ulariY. <21 E.ST 'HE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IS..<.>ii.l Haii.ll . . 2c At Liberty at Future D^te iil.DEU COMPANAr, I'uot-Siatolard I’Ulhliiig. BOOKS AND FORMULAS .la ijiU've, N rail a ^al* . »• iJ iTfltla; EXCHANGE OR SWAP.2c SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE (Sc (md-IIan-l). .2c IM i ihr niarkrt. wrwi FILMS FOR SALE IS^aaaiil-lIaiid).2o Till** hoU'M*. memlHT .\. K <>f M . atiK. itri'heum Theatre, FOR RENT OR LEASE PROPERTY. THEATRICAL PRINTING.3c FOR SALE AOS I New 3c Ih-troit. Mithigan. Yol R .NA.AIE liiings c'lw .Mniieb MaKins ltUa<. th« WANTED PARTNER (l-cpltil InTc^mcnt).3c FOR SALE ADS (Sc<.ciO(l HcJid Goods Onlr).2e WANTED TO BUY.2c ’•‘4' alKfllt a «im1 null tlealrr <• mag.txmc. T!!OHOf(;i!LY KXPKUIK.N' A-l KLITIST- A II KK.AI S. IMH Ktaua HMk . Mi.U4ukAA Wiv We do not pla. c . har^.a f -r a.L< In the na'slfled Columns upon our books, no Mils icndcrcd. With library l snloi^: sluht n‘a- rale i>ernianrinly with if«XMl on he-ttra; h^Ml or re^irt CASH MUST ACCOMRANV THE CORY. preferred: licst of r*frrrnrrw Atl»lrf-*H FLI TIST. Animals, Birds and Pets All nyfry fiir ads In I'd. AT u\t K fmm Ihm- k»hh| K'lK S.AI.K Some lieautlfully marked Sable and W'lwoneln. effects, electric Mils. PIANIST AND DRUM¬ Show ()utfltaul>; a js-rllgree MER, care Billboard, Cincinnati. Ohio. ■nd Monkey SiH.edvta.v. wr havt' s«*mo ko«m1 I’anailtaii g'cs «llh each pup; ready for ddlvrry July l3Ui. J. K. Ksir4 iMMiked. 1>. JOYKS. Virtur Anm.bimeni i*ark. l.tNAU.tY. Kagle Lake. Texas. AT LIBERTY—A-l STRING-BASS PLAY- L< ndon, tint.. Canaila. er: A. F’. M.; tbomly exi>erlenced in any and EXPERIENCED PICTURE ORGANIST OPEN For .xAI.K line big Regal I’Mhon Snake, almut all flionfer work; exempt from draft; will only for tirst i-lass eiieacemi-nt: fine lilirary of music: WANTED -Attrartloni and ronree^ion* for Ure ft. long. Iliie specimen. ac< llniaird. been on e«bi- • nnsider a cr.ntrart for one or for entire Iniprovls.-; al«.> No. 1 pLiiilst; c.s.d salary Strrk Show, HrUUciiort. Ill . September 17, IS, Id, bilion four ytars. l.e.t offer loir fJJ.', 00 gtia him, one next show season of nine months. Prefer sta¬ essential. ORGANIST, iki.l E. MKh. Ave., VAi. C. E. .SCHMALHAI SEN. rrtra large, healthy, aivllmaird lliaiit Moti- tionary work; will travel with bljf road show lamslne. Michigan. k<>, fine ai^ciiuen, $30; one klriicajt lit g. $1«; beau¬ or I pera troupe, state salar.v an.l full parti.-- W.AN’TED-Rides, fur LakesUie l*ark. Wilminaton, tiful Ma, as Kirda, $0 eai h. t'o.kalou.. $9 ea. h, half North I'arolina; co«>d oik’iiiiik Palniid and Tbo- la.h with onlet. Iialance I' <> H llefereioe. Eng¬ ulars. Address BOX 300, Joplin, Missouri. HEAD-BALANCING TRAPEZE NOVELTY— t«»tfrarhef; hiaae’^t park proi^H’^itiun in the South: open land .Nat I Hank Address liKN F KARR. R F I>. Class A act: in tights or sait-.r costume. ED¬ all year. VR*TOR tiRAYUlU., .Manager. No. T. lb X 21, Lillie Uo k. Arkan.a.. AT LIBERTY-WOULD LIKE ENGAGE- WIN HGDDY, -407 McBoan Street. Peoria, III. \Vg\.NTEI>- First-das'^ Intlftieinlrnt Shows or Free meiil w til »i i.»x or GIANT MALE RIIFISI S 3HiNhE3 Rob. Iroy.le. Attrartlons for LalHjr Day. Slate terms. D. YoTTEK. Trr> uuiik. Jii.t lraiiie.1, Ja.k Riicklo. II . . oe i.s Never have traveled with aitber, but have had HYPNOTIST—OPEN FOR DATES NEARBY F't. .Madison. Iowa. your fl>eed, with whetl. (.plindol Moiikoy Rum exjwrl.-n. •• iit liiir. .. ..'.inl . an circuit. N. Y. and N. J.. er clubs, entertain Wheel. II — - -. female Ilhe.u.. fri-nl and li.inl fe.t. take tickets, or help on onceeslons; am alwi ments etc. Experienced subjects, write. JOHN light rope. t eingle Ibkf hnnd.v to do small repairs on wiesl or Iron. d-. BRADLEY, JR., Box 301, I'allsades Park. N. J. Books and Formulas .\<'l. large sbite Uu..ian l*i-o for iiiit b r .mall animal aol. Rl I'K. Sto k- and loditinirT Conld 1 brine a small trunk T Can IE YOU 'WANT SOMETHING NEW AND b-n Park, liuh and Eedrral St.., Cam-kn. N. J. e-ime at once. Have traveled some thrn the tlir IHnit in hal'oon work write HELDEROP 4 BEADWORK Dr.-^RIN.-^ AM) INSTRI tTIDNS A S,.iilh. Glie full parti.'iilnr. In flrM leii--- MOORE. laiN.r Day open. I'nllmlted terri book every beadworkor should have; over Ml patterns; IDLICE IHHLS. ITITIES. F"ll SAI.F: The dogs •k.Idress Z. J. M., im East .\venne. Batavlj. tor.v. Best of concessions. 121 E. Water Street. prb-e. 5<)c; we sell supplies. F’KANK H. TILVFYoN. cf Intellweeice and fashion. THK.N'Ei lx KENNELS, New York. Muskegon, Michigan. .'laiirafel Bldg., ('ineiiHiatt. Ohlix Trane,a. .Nret Jersey. ItlMIK Mow To Build Illusions. Mandi'Uff Acta, SFMTn.AN'It rONlKS—Two midgets; one trained; AT LIBERTY-THREE-PIECE CONCERT LADY ORCHESTRA PIANIST—HOTEL OR Svcofid .''ight .Acts, Chaiieaugraphy Act: many trick*, thr.w Siwltrd G-xis: Tap.-Woem Midleine foe doga. and dance orchestra; piano, violin, banjo and motion picture theater; tliotady able ami expert great book; Me. Ibok Magic and Its Mysteries. 3()c. Joe Ib'i AVILL.M.AN. Austin, >K.i laiia. double set of organ chimes; large library; miv-ic eneeil; liest of referenees; with orchv-stra only; Mysterious Mental EITwts. a aecoiul sight ae. t Place, -Yvonilale. I'inclnnati, (Uilo. TKl'DEU 52t-B .Momly. la well. Massai hu.sctts. Jlayiiig he.t vauilevlllr. have evielirnt ^^kip R.'ix I»"g f"t sale heap, male Eei Terrier, aimlh, r HindfooL Jl’ST RKCKIVEI) ERllM FNGKA.NI>- 'The Stage AT LIBERTY—CHARAfTTERS. GEN. BUS., Artist. Lightning Sketches. Cart™ ns. Smoke. Bag Raskel, etc. Miss C., Bllllaxid, .New York. director, specialty exempt from draft, reliable PIANIST 'WITH EXTENSIVE REPERTOIRE desires engagement in first-class pb-tnre thea¬ and Sand I’tcturi’*. and how to do them, by Burrow*. experienced. VICTOR DE LACEY, 2h. Vermont: 17, Bethel. Vermont. Per. ad¬ SECRETS OK MIND UE.ADIN'G. J()c-M,vstlfy your A-l VIOLINIST AND PIANIST—YOUNG lireferrisl. iinbio; steaily. reliable; only first dress, care Billlsvard, Cincinnati, Ohio. friends; give evhtt*itious, go on the stage; make money. WILL F. IXIRTON. Bo-ksellor. Orange. New Jersey. ladles: desire eugageme-nt In photoplay theater class offers cnnslileretl. PIANIST, 1782 F^ast or hotel. Have sPlemilRI library and •■an furn.«li ik'ith St.. Cneveland. Ohio. SCENIC ARTIST AT LIBERTY—GOOD ALL- ATST YOKES BY YANSF;\ One solid hour Swed¬ references Address GLADYS SMITH. Tcga. round for stock; smal parts If necessary. .\d- ish dialect stories; every line a laugh: price. 25o. PenasylvaDla. AT LIBERTY—A-l STRING BASS; A. T. dress 'W. H., Box iljs. Shreveport. I.onlsl.ina. CHAS. A’ARLEY. 510 Beaumont. .St. Paul. Minn. of M.; for locatbin, s.vbi'r reliable; exiverlenceil; ran double tuba. FRANK MINER, Junction AT LIBERTY AUGUST 1—THREE LADY City. Kansas. musicians: fliitut. oirnetlst doubles as vocal TENOR SAXOPHONIST—EIGHT YEARS Business Opportunities professlitnal experience in alF lines; nnder d-ift solont. trap drummer xylophone s-d-dst: de¬ 3e WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Se. sire I. .Iiton together. Wire GENEVIEVE AT LIBERTY—FOR VAUDEVILLE OR MU- ace: ran Join on wire. FERD. WEIDNER. BAYLESS. Leader. Dneonta Theater. Dneonta, steal comedy: straight man; go,s1 appearance: Dorchester. Illinois. $1,700.00 BEYS A SM.AI.I. I.IVF WIRE GltOCTaiY New York. plays ssxophone. plamv anil trombone, and can and steam healtsl R.svmtrg House combined, with ;iiit It over on them all. .\ddress L. E, GOD¬ THE RITTIER TRIO—TWO ITIOLINS AND electricity. In the city cf Milwaukee. Wts ; clearicg WIN. lIRR So. Ilarwtssi Sf., Dallas. Texas. AT LIBERTY—A 1 VIOLINIST AND LEAD- Plano—Moving picture specialist*. The proper $■-•00 per month, will stand close Inspection. K, Bill¬ er. Have excellent library. ptcliirea preferred music sf the proner tlm,. to the pro|v«>r scene board. lenineralc and sirtcily reliable; references Everyfhting In the movie line from .4 to 7. CELLIST—EXPERIENCED ALL LINES; A. .ACCOCNTS. NOTES. CLAIMS AIJ. KINDS col- VIOLINIST, 17'2.Y \V. Broailway, lauilsrl'le, F. of M , Ixvcals IR snil .’si relectcil for mIM Can come on wire. State plalnl.y In your letter Kentucky. or wire what yon pay; whether .you pay rail¬ lecteil anywhere In world Vo charges unless «e col¬ tary service. .Adilress CELLIST, 7rt2 North lect. MAY'S CXII.l.EiTION AGENCY. S.mcrse;. Fifth Street.. St. Joseph. Missouri road fares Cannot he encaged Address LUELLA CRANDALL. Mgr., lid F Kentucky. AT LIBERTY—EXPERIENCED CELLIST Vine .street. Dw.xtnnna, Minnesota wants atcady itosltbin In a moving picture hiHisc AVYONF: INTT-IHESTED In the Slot Ma. hire or CLARINETIST—Bh OR Eb—THOROLY EX- Vending Business, please -end address lo Drei. 1 or cafe: out of draft; state hours, salary, full perlcin eil In banil sml on hitsfra; age, ■»; draft Bblg . Philadelphia. Pennsylvania particulars; A. F of M : man. wire or write exeiniit- location preferrcil; .V F, of M D. J. TRAP DRUMMER AND CORNET—MAN AND Immediately. Address EARL W. DAVIS. 131 ROBERTS. Bitx 471 Patchoguc. New York. wife; union; exi>erlenced In all lines; prefer North Weal St., Lima, Ohio. high-class phtnre or vaudeville bon-e la-l.v plays gnbl tninipef; gent carries full line of Cartoons and Drawings CLASSY FEMALE IMPERSONATOR; HIGH- trap*. Including xylophone and tympanl nnti Se WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2$e. AT LIBERTY—VIOLIN LEADER; WANTS class singer: sitveral changes; Blossom. Merry plays them. En«f preferred. Salarv niit.«t steady rngugciiient rainlevlllc .r tab. Iioii'c; Will 'w. M.ilil of Paris; only fair sex Imiierson.a right: we are all bnsiness, THE VIBBARDS. TRICK DR.A\VIM:s EUR .STAGE Complete set slate salary. FRED SUTTER, .M.3 Gtiulrr tor with real nitvelty voice; references; ilrawing Mannlngton. We-t Virginia. of 20 $1.00. •amples. 10,* B.Al.D.A (’.ART<»0*>t Building, San Antonio, Ti-xas. card everywhere: big novelty f>r vandevRle. SERVICE Dshk.-h AVi.-.en- -; ninsbal ctnieilv. circuses .Viblress WALTER, Artist. Gen, Del,. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. TRIO MUSICIANS AT LIBERTY—VIOLIN, AT LIBERTY—PROMOTER. I INCORPO- piano, cello (double drums): hlgh-cla-s niusl Exchange or Swap raled $.1irtiire thea¬ to Join a reliable show or moving pictures ter; excellent references; high-class llbrarv THF HOBBY HORSE Al'ToMAIHlLE-The great¬ Plesse state particulars In first letter. M. B. FRED STARK. Orchestra I.eader, Hotel T.xte AT LIBERTY—A GOOD TEAM. PIANO est aniusemer’ device evir Invented. Alanager*. write FANE. '.’.V.' YV .V.'d Street. New York Springs. Tate Springs. Tennessee. player: siglit rentier; piny any klml of sle-w. Address DR F' C I.ODFH. Mercantile Bank Bldg . Inrge library of iiiiisb-; Is-sl referenee': ntul a FTinsville Indiana song anil dance sonbreite nr Ingenue: warilrolic; Join at onee; gtsMi referenee, BONNIE DEE, Gen. Ib-I., Omaha, Nehraaka. In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard (Continued on page 42) 42 Tlie Billboard AUGUST 17, 1918

WIIX TRADE Single r>l!n(ier IniRan M<*t»>rr3rHe. WAXTT/D >ftn and Woman for JurenllM and r<»R HAI.K Two r. ft. Humm. one 12iH. wlik drop barn, extra tire, extra ^'il tank, shipping trunk. fi>r General Uustness; preference glren to those who can Partners Wanted for Acts Rawflah, Hhark and other atrange ocean flah, lettered IrnUHf'rnt (ilass or Hmall JapancHc Thitia and Vasea to douide piano; also huaUing Agent who understands (NO INVESTMENT) "rnited Htaira Marine Eihihit"; one 8iM. aame let¬ the value of $7r>; also a $10 Auto Mr»nograni Outfit, h.xi-urn and ('hautauqua work, state salary and age I* WORD. CASH. NO AD. LESS THAN IS«. tering, no plcturra, iiaed three gtontha: each $5 on 1.000 letters, also shields, etc., nevir umd. for $10 in first letter. CHARLES r. KING, Box 337* Uf- KEIJ.IR Kl.NS TRICK SHtlWR. (>cn. Del.. Dr- worth of glass Vases or Slum; you must l>e willing to ingHton, Texas, AfROBATK' NOVELD' SKATER WANTS Lad, 1 ship your goods allowing Inspeition Inforc deal is nr (imt I'anner for Vauilerille, Faira or Clrcut; atale dosed, as I hare l>een raught a muple of limes al¬ W.VNTEI) Vlollnlat for Picture Theatre, male or ^o Brat letter. Addreia SKATER. V. M. f ready’ In trades. GUDVKR KDRTONIC', 43r>3 Was* LOU HALE OR RENT—A Show Wagon, contain* female; A F. of M ; alcady wwk ^r armind. It^hrre a.. Laporie. Indiana, iiig the Paaalon Play In riewa. 3 Mummiea and t'agra nor Road, (Mereland. Dhlo. ntatiiirra a week; no ticketa. Wire, write, phone GEO. I for Animala; opciia like a lent when ahowlng. elei-irin II s.\I,I/rRwork ar.a^.anakea; openingina oug^Aug PARD'ER WANTED FOR RING AIT Comedv IK; .Michigan Fairs tiookcd till Orlol)er 10; make A WAU ( THIOSITY Tlie Gorilla Man (miimml* '''i eairs i^Kvigea nil ih-iow FOR hale cheap-Handcuff Act. Han.huffa. . ^r"io‘’vZ-s""' fled), the monster the first German sprung from; best I KErLiE KING MowR TRi'tK all ill first iMtfC. Addreas **R1NGS/* care Hilllmard. | Mail Bag. t'ablnH, l*tlli>ry. Paiklng Case EiM'ape, bur¬ advertised curiosity on earth; the Hiinday papora had | (•rto'ral Delivery. Detroit, Mtehlgan lesque .Magic Art. .Mind Reading Act. Magical Appa illostrateil page alamt It; a wrhole show; price. $.'>0.00, WXVTV-Ii_e',*0-I.r Vne ..larr BKUABIJ! MAN TRAP PRI MMER Age. 25. rstus. Ikcture HeU «id many other bargains, hargsin with 3x12 banner. NEI»' _ ...____-*1!. -“r.'l—.. 'll. •'argain WANTED—I.*dy or Gentleman Pattner: for vaude- j price. Addreaa C. W. SMITH. *74 WUllama Are., Ds -preference: all must lie exempt; teama, $05; I rllle art; muet do hand-balancing or oontnrUon work: trolL Michigan. HAND one,AN AND HOU.m SKATER at low $35 and tranaportallon; write. Addreea CHAH KHW. CllS send photo, will return; )oln on wire. Ad'lreea price AYfI KICAX ROLLER KINK, .Sandusky. O. SMITH, General Delivery. Saskatoon. Saak. Canada. | STRONG MAN, Kelly Kurni Aaan., Orpheum 'nieater FOR HALE—150 Canvaa Benrhsa. allghtly uaeil; Bldg., Seattle. Washington. E'OR SALE Alilomallc Card Prtss, 2 rases of Tji)e. YOIT CAN MAKE TOI R SPAKE TIME PROFIT- 1.000 Canraa Cota and large atock Tmu. D M Inks and Slmk. $.50.00; gi«id motuy maker; rraann for ABLE coaching amateur Mlnalrel and Dramatica; de- KERB MFG. CO., 1007 kladlsou 8L. Chicago. aelMng. idher business. WATKINS. Box 85. Lebanon, niand more than we could suppl.v. We teach you WANTED- Single Lady Partner, not over 30. to double with all around Mee good Ohio. bow and,ml turn over lo.a|Im al work to Write for "Re- FOR HALE-Dentrel Carrouaelle; located Put In suits Ol.lained by 7!> I>lre. lorB Placed I-ssl Season." P<»n" Plxyw and »M.d O"!* »»>*•..HjV. O.; fine machine, will he sold, worth the money. HDOKKR-HOWE ('OSTl'.ME CO. (N>w &iglind't •nd a lady at all tln^. St^dy, Addreaa TUAD WORK. Rorheet^ MtUa, Bennaylvania. FOR HALE 7 Prlmo Iligh 1 '\Jl'in''st*^"Ha'Ter* I P'^***"^ engagement at top salary with clean, refined ■ondllion; price, $j.00 eii h. MISS NEIJJB | I-awst). Department Jl. 30 to 36 Main HI., Haver-I . . i,.—, nhoio which win he re¬ MKKK. <^57 Kaat .^kth St., Chicago, Illlnnlt. hUl, MasaachuMtta. ^ FOR VALE-Portable African Dtp; complete out- lyV’k? '**•**11 ^d ijt. Including trunk for dip and galranlaed Iren tub height and what eiperirere; allow Ume for forw^- *0 takes It. JACK HCILNELU 7234 Kvsi^Ave UiRD'S PRAYER PIN FOR SALEJ—Ei^llent con- ftfa TiUSCriDtS SlCfitcllfiS & Pl&iVS I Ing of mall. AddreaaAddress COMEDIAN, car©care the Dalton Chicago • o c.. dition. with or without nilrroaoope. 3«6 lrAa»llUSl/l ipMXk.CtvXiC9 Uw * J ® I Hhow,Show, SinaCHlntL SouthBouth Dakota. | i-nicago. Dean St., Brooklyn, New York. WORD. CASH. NO AD. LESS THAN 25*. WA-NTED—Young Lady with some experiegiee In H^R-One brand new papier mache Clown MAGIC APPARATl’H AND ILIA’SIONH-Llst* for $5,900 IN PUIZEH-For good PatrtoUc Honga; If Palmlatry for atandard Mind Reading Al’Act In Vaude- -•'*’. niovable eyea. mouth and eara. made by stamp. E. EASTWtKlD. ‘243 Front. I’nrtsmouth, O. you can write eong poema. ercloae postage and write ville. Addr^Addreaa WJl. HOWE.UOML, 1139 8tL. Troy 8HL,L, Chi-t hl- « >*« York and never been uaeel. .As I am hi cago Illinois **** concession businesa now will sell at a l>ar- Immediately for partlculara. P. O. BOX 355, Bead- i**®- HHnols. MAGICIAN-For sale, 58 large all colored Slllc galn; coat $*0 00. KAY M. WOOD, 414 £. MadUoii. Ing. Pennsylvania. ' '' ' k'ranklln. Krnluiky. HsiKlkenhlffs: first $9,115 takes them. GOLL, 124 WANTED—I.kiy that dn«« Aerohatle nr Juggling Fulton Ave.. Jersey City, New Jersey. ACTS, PARODIES. PL.4T8, HKETCHr.-R. Cem- ,1''’** tiimM Scenerv- free ratios let ms write';* nre- *'"***- GLADYS WIIXIAJIH. care Harvey Hobart. I For 8AI*EHAIJl BomeihlngSomething fin©;fine; rocnplH©complete Submarine MONEY-MAKER FOR PALMIST. CONCESSION- ho1";o.™T’., ‘’ai. Ne*Ul- Bldg.. Omaha. Nebraska. «•<":,Show. mlnUtur©«tnl.ture Ptage..age ff»«otfr,;nt and •*nery.armory, 8ftxtx8 ftft., . wbhwith on© r. S. Ship. Iwvfi ratntl Boata and on© British Ship. puizlea throng; big Hindu Wheel of Destiny; read In- ‘ J.,,.’. - WANTBD-Partner. man or vroman. for a wrll- I Itwera lifelH.als. explmlea and ahowa ship mi stsnily; aelenllfie. accurate horoscope; l»sta mind '^*'**'*‘* lowm repertoire show; Ume aU booked. B. u. j’":?"* ij??'’™*'’"’*-**'*' **P »'"* »*«"•'' reading; Incomparable, eaally understood; In fine m avn avn BKP-rrtrpedo. The atage Is made In panels, nbely palnle0. KiKim 1106. 538 8o. Dearborn, Chicago, Illlnola. cash with order; photo, 2.V. Also I'mlergreunil China¬ 3g WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Se. MI ST HELL AT ONCT: CHEAP—Fibre Trunk and town Props and Mumm.v Freaks cheap, stamp fiir Rotary Mimeograph. UOWAUD LINDSEY, Saran- LOOK. PEBrORMERS AX'D TABLOID StAN- , new Bat. FISHER A ISFJJ, 109-111 N. FreoKHit daga. New York. AGEHS—Hare the following acta for sale: One aure- WANT TO FIN'D DAISY UcCORKLB.HeCORKLB. DAISY Are.. Lna Angelea, California. fire Tabloid bill, entitled "Fanrhlta." a poatUva Kreaa HORNBUCKUI OR MADAME LaZORA—Laat beard v-vK.-ir vtf>>icH_ai.« —t. le i., ft'™ »t»rt to finish; price, $3.00. One male Mono- of vraa vrtth lAchman A Looa Carnival. 1908, Jefferson- FOR SALE-Brand new 10x12 Ball Hood, ret! and ^ 1.,*^ '"kb*, entitled "Connubial Felicity." Including opening vUle, Indiana. GEORGE H. UcCORKLE. care BIU- cnnditlon. Ml NSO.N, 117 Garfield Place, Cincinnati, ,„ng. words and music; another acream; price. $1.00. Ona board. white, coat $45. $.30 tikes It; Knisk the Helmet Off the Kaiser Ball Game. 120; swell big TrsTrllng Sample cross-fire Tslklng Act for male and female or two Trunk, cost $25. $10, or $50 for the entire oulll'. great ;- mUeg. mtUIed "My Flrsl Aitoiogy." Including finish PORTABLE ELECTRIC LAMP—Fits any lamp- gong; price. $1.00. One ere»-fire Talking Act for Schools, Services, Instruction outfit for the fairs. Address CAIT. W. I). AMENT. house, connects to any kind of current, no rheostat ,nd female, entitled "Winning Her Over;" price, Mtrrellne. Mn.. Aug. 5-11; Chanute, Kan., Aug. 12- or rompensarc required; any Inexperlemed person 50^. one War Monologue, atrlctly to tha mlnuta; le WORD. CASH. NO AD. LESS THAN 2$e. 16; care Campbell Show#. can connect, better light thM carbon or gas; cost to ^ emam; Include* poem for flnleh; a operate almut 7.V per week; weighs aNiut 6 Ib^; ^ our battle# from *78 to the present; price. HYPNOTISM—Startling, amusing, myattfytng. pref- I FOR SALE «>ne Khaki Tent. auital>le for Pit rwdy to use; complete; $18.00. RAY. J. FINK. P- mTo : a splendid Damp Monologue; price; 50c. Alio my ‘**^‘*:**^‘®Write PACKWA. 2219 W. 47ih Show ^xIOO. gma! condition O. Box 162, Reading, Pennsylranla. Mlndresdlng Act, complete; the same art that 1 uaed 8L, (^cago, niinola. price $100.00; one Khaki TriiL else about toiso. ' - — suitable for ‘49 Camp, or mostly any kind of show --- for yeara In Ml the leading theaters; this la a (trang TYPEWRITERS Bllckenaderfers. like new, $10.00. norelty art and a feature on^ any bill; price. $100. LEARN JflND READING—My complete copy- fair condition, price $100 00. also almut In Pit Sho* case included; Coronas. Underwooda: bargains; shipped .8ddre«* all orderg to the LOFTTS1 rtima "ittvT'ir^ri^MANUSCWPr I rigbicd act. for two people, covers five different "ef- Banner#, representing animala: prii-es on aiiplica on approval: guaranteed. EDWARD LaZELLE, 515 BUREAU.HFAU Gypsy,Gvdsv Harrison Co..Co West Virginia.Virginia |fe, Msmaon vo.. weai Virginia. 1 ZAI.ANO. 406 East Marshall SU. Ithaca. New York. goods. REN F KARR. R F. I). No. 7. Ib.x 21 No. Clark St.. (Tilcago. Illinois. Utile Rock. Arka.'iaaa. PLAYS FOR ROAD AND STOCK PRODUCTIONS rru n 1*- or om rv. 1 —Jlelodramas. Farce Comedies. Comedy Dramas. ^IBNOWI.Erx.EB. lOc. W. W., 921 Or- Irish Play, one Sex Pliy. one White Slive Play. | cn»rd at, Toledo, Ohio. Fol'R MILLS OWljt and three musical new Ce-' Vaudeville Acta. Sting IavIcs. For terms address J. tury; all nickel play, (lerfrct and ready to ship Div JEROJIE NOLAN, Playwright. Mahanoy City. Pa. M-ME. HENZELI'S BALLET *CH0Ole-All kind# I $■•« 00 gets the whole lot. FHLDLUll'k ISiK.N. nf Dancing Acta originated for great artist*, vaudMlle | Uotel Almo, Tampa. Florida, Help Wanted SCRIPTS-Muslcal Comedy. $2.00: Dramatic. $3 00; »or cabaretrebaret MJfE.MME. MENZELI,MKKZEU, 23 BastEast 16tlileta BL. New Blackface. $I 00; list for stamp. DeVAIGNIE MAN- Telephwie, 3334 StuyreaanL IF YOU ARE ni'lLDINO A NEW THEATRE, re- 3e WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. USTRIPT CO.. Room 1106. 638 8. Dearboin 8t., Chi- - _ ■ , ■ -- —- mrmlicr we ran furnish you with mo»t aiiyiliiiig |> cago Illinois PRACTICAL LESSONS IN HTFNOTlSJf, which romplrto a theatre from top to lauioni at areally rr- ACTORS AND ACTRESSES WAVna>-Blg de- - Tii*wlll enable *"^'7’*,'®anyone to £7*give V"the most aide apUtUng en- dm-ed prb-es: Opera Chairs, atandard make Moving Pi- • mand. Fasdnallng profession can easily be lesmed STOPI LOOK AND WRITE-Artors. Mansgere, ‘'1'.*''’“*'’*;=tcrtalnmenta: nicely bound;“I'””* price. $2.00. PROF, lure Jiarhinea, etc. At Icaal give iia a trial ami hw At home. In spar© time, by our method. Addresa PrnfcsulontU and Amateur*, for low©*t price© on new stakkx.,STARKE. dilb5315 S. uearoocnDearborn Si.,8L, CoxcAAn,Chicago. iiiin<4A.Illln<4a. i-onvlmed. ('HlUACtO THEATRE WUEI'KING E.\ . AMERICAN Sl'UOOL OF ACTING, SeA Isle City, and up-to-date Vaudevill© Art*. Monoloifue©. Song* and ~ ~ ' 5014 Cottage Grove. Chicago. New vTeraey. f«»r th© material that will take the houte by atorm: On.TToTin SVlAW fnr SciIa -i^end fnr my prlrea. HARRY A. GLYNN. Hlgh-n*M ^U-Xld.nU OnUW rrOp. lOr Oait .NOTlfT)-150 ft. of Side Wall. 125 00; Edlxm M BANT)—Owned hy lartre ©feel company, want* good Vaudeville Material, 40 Pallaade Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. 2o26 WORD*WORD, CASH. NO AO.AD. LESS THAN 25e.2Se. P. and 9 reels. $.50 00; trade for I'na-Fiat or buy one. Comet, Clarinet, Baritone. BBb Ba^* and BaM Drum- — — _ . . ______It WALDRON. 712 36th St.. Cairn, Illinoia. mer Payers. wUlIng m work In mill; good joba. Ad- VAI’DITVILI.EVAI’DFVILI.E SKETCHF.S—BySKETTHF-S—By the author of mor*mor. 30 COJIPO-CIH'HECOMPO-CIM'HE CHINESE HEADS, Wax Flg-Fig- , oress E. G. AH.NOLD, Monessen, Pennsylvania. than one hundred aucceeeea, among them being Mr.■ I urea. Aerial Suapciiainu, Big Show Light, 4 natural I RENE ASTRA AND JIINIATTRE CAULDRON and Jfra. Gene Hughe* In "Ruppreaslng the Pre«a." tanned Aliiaatnr llbtca, 12x19 and 20x33 Tent*. Gaao- Two miniature llliiaion.. n<». wi'iidrrful. senaaMonal: CELLIST-Sight reader; wanted for combination iieVUn a.'.d Elwood In "The Girl Prom Yonkers," line Engine, Dvnamn. alamp for particulars. W. H full of comoly; no enraa. no av.l.iant niiulriil. can hnuae: steady position: 21 shows per wed:; stite aal- 1^14 -Shtw In "A Truthful Utr," Msurtce Downey SHAW, Victoria, Missouri. worked close to the aue. Vent and Piimh Figures; Oklahoma. Waning Honeymoon," Wilfred I»rralne and Com- jj FIVE-PASSENGER AUTOJIOBILB BODIES. •»!#”• faclorv In Annrba JOSLI’ll P.kFFE.V. 223 -pany In "A Rainbow at Night." Paulino Rons In fine for riding devlcet. $5 00 each. Air Calliope on Admiral. Kansas Uily. Jliasoiirl. COT'NTY AGENTS (Either Sex) WANTED every- "Putting One Over." Irene Reels In "Congressman small auto; Electric Automatic Rase Ball Game, com- —- where to sell and advcrlis" our ^laranteed line; big Kitty." A few good art* on hand W'ould like to pi^e; Conderman Ferris Wheel. Submarine Show. .six suoUE RAM- TAIil.FJ*-Pcrfiwl condition ^oflts; Bberal •'O'''- L. A. HART. President. Dept, heir_" from recognised2:?:-"-- eauderUle—" - 1 "““""'‘vBalloons “'oand Parachutes.laramuira. Monkey.^luiiarr Balloonnaiioiai andami Para-laia- *eo<|*corr Island, N©w York. HI LRUKD, Jlarvell, Arkansas. Miscellaneous for Sale Idnatlon <1©«irrd, aluo made in 3A. SO. 100 alyl©. a©v©ral good Mummies; Roman Ring, and Stage Rigging. Slide I sKATES Sligblly umM and nverhauld; Floor LADIES' ORCHESTRA —For high-class picture 3e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. ‘''J’.- .•"’nf ^•'; •'xn-Rng Ma.blnra at rr.bicr.1 pri.-ea. SHEA SCR- Ihialcr; Violin, Flute. Cornel. Clarinet. Trombone...... Workrra' (.O.HS of all k iida. Mag.-. Illualona and 33 Dein6l. Mich. TympanI; must be able to deliver; permanent engage- 1 IinUMDRUM HEADS—TranaparenL guaranteed, $1.25.$1 )-a<-at>e Acta. Rrbbie and Ibii Ball Alleys. Watson PI- I ►CIS KOHLJIANN. 4603 S. Trey St., Chicago. ano Orcheatra. Band Organa; Folding Organ, amtll ment; loiiriala save correspondence; tell all first let- I I31UIS KOHLJIANN. 4003 S. Trey St., Chicago TENT ’.oxi'.n, fair condlllon. wllhoiil pole*. $25 00; ter ORIMIEUJI THEATRE, Uhas. Garfield. Jlgr.. ' _—-I Crank Organ, Cathedral Chimes, for Bally. $15 00, 28x'iO. like new. wlib |«ilra. $6ttn«; two Illusion Flint. .Michigan. GOOD USED PENNY ARCADE JIACHINES—Will l«ri» B'eel Arena. Una-Fona; Parker 2-abreaat Carreu- Cbalra. aiiifal'le for l>c. ai.ltatnl Prlm-eas. etc.. $7 00 pav spot cash; aend Tlxt and description. P. O. BOX Tents for Ml purpose; large Dramatic Outfit,“'■ Irsib. Roi.rlorg Challriigc lland.iitr Act. isimplele. MOVING Pim-RE OPERATt)R WANTED IMAFE- ('i©T©i©nd Ohio. rooiplet©; istm and I Md Tninia; Bcenary. any ala© up $16 00; also Cuffs. I^g Irons. WIIJ’OX. _ - - - to 12x21. In waterproof brlirht trunk, dy© atiilT, at T)IATELA'—Power's outfit; ©mall town; give particu¬ I I 11534$ Mb lilgan. l><'ireii, .Ml. higan. lars; limit. >ir» per. Address 1*ALAPE, Norlhural>er- I SEI-L BEADWORK—OriglnalRy and perfect laiid. Pennsylvania. workmanship tend to make It desirable; illualrated ’JL’!; TENT Sire 20x10. complete with |e le*. Make*

musicians wanted Two more TroralK.iiea. orte BbR*Clmrnrair'ohl?^''^ TRAFTON. San Rafael ^ „nta and Trii ua your (»oda iS^gret m8ro;- end «lc.lgr, liblg., (IndnnaU. Ohio._ dealers In used Show Property In America WESTERN *»n>e.^ four S..iit.rei e Drcr, and .me $,vrelng Dr^ Baritone and Baas Drummer: wire low>“.t; tierih and transportation furnished. J11I.LEK-ALLJ-;N' SHOW.S, SHOW PROPERTIES CO . 518 Delwvara Bt . Kansas fTI * V* 1- ^ . ‘"T mm • « V * A City, afiamcxiiriMlaaourl rlantatlon, VrntrUnquNt. raf Girl. firM-ula^a $f»n7ll- Junction City, Kansan. MUSlCSll IllStnilI161lt8 city, Miaaourt_ flon. |ir»; lbMi|i-l*a Oufflf. miifilatliiacoiiAtttliia ..fitf *>n© n©w a fWM npruA rnAttiu •nH fFamg#. *"*'7 canraa nwrr. fi* trlvet llnwl bifxck*. 75 hoop*. WANTED—Colored Quartette for three day* In FOB BALt-BECOND-HAND. 3.0003,OW) OPERA rnAIURCHAIRS Steel and reateast frame*.frame.. 75©T5e jj., reajMm forf,rr"‘arlMt.'g'’'''*draf!"l aellln*. draftnl ‘’‘‘pR.'.F^PHoF LEoVLe’.'Jn week of Septemtier 9-14; etrect fair; send particulars, 26 WORD, CASH. NO AO. LESS THAN 25*. J’-wLiilffd?oi^"lK r”.'* •ior'V r '.'7 T.K.NK.ToftNE. .are Mr.Mra E J..b..««m. 1107 9th SI,. N W.. irice. J. P. BARKETT. Bruce. Wisconsin. ITialra; three asl>eal.« Booths; send for list drnppe.1 washlnalnn DIsirl.-t of Cobimbla ~7r an;vx:rr";;ri—rT-rrr—— nM‘lre-.'^".:;eX.l‘‘"jpattern# and save half. J. rP. mdlREDINGTO.N. S. ran- w.,hb,g.nn. Dis.ri.toiMri.t of .t oiumb...o' __w, _ a IrLARIVKT LaAKI.NM in Bh.lin. low pitcn,pitch, 17I7 k©ya.K©y*. Bo©hmtV>©nm *y»-ay*- l PgmnwUanlA W ANTED—Young Man, to Join Bar Ar*t: mu«t b© t©m, buffet, alm^'at new. with ailver key*: will be aold I ' ' THE SII.K STIM'KING GIRIJ* and TViil. used on* steady and .f good habits aii.l ui..(er .Irift age; aplen- to first person who sends me $65 00. Thta I* a real i i„ tv f an «„.i. did opportunity for right man; would .onsider good bargain; art quirk; send money with three days' trlsl | FANS (3) FORFOK s>U.^^-I2-ln..SALE--12-ln.. L..C'.. w-.7rleSO-cycle. 110- I week; glrU coat $68no, will sell f..r $'m.lO, also 16 amateur; give weight, height and what tri.-ks you do. write for .ilher bargains on Clarinet*. Addreaa AL- I’ -; ‘'•“•I’-cheap. BOX *—•222, •'•••ud*.Saluda. North Carolina. 1 khaki Tent, e^pr.-lallv ma.le f.T 'he game, with • re.1 trimmings, imat $10.00, will sell $.30 00; drat Address LEO, care Billboard, Cin. liiiiati, Ohio. FRED SBGI HA, 602 Scott Street. LItUe Bock. Ark. _:_ ' FINE track MERRY-GO-ROUN'D. at Rock Spring*. $s.i 00 cels llicm full parti, iiltrs nf the game and UH.kIrl write OLIVER M. STCRBO. Box 204. M'ANTED JIusIclans for vau.bville house; Second DEAGAN CNA-FON'-TVunkCNA-FON—TVunk for same;same: DeagtlDeig.n J'r'> • f'"' FREED, Billboard, St. la-ula. Dcalge City, Kinsia. Violin. Cornet. Trombone. Trap Drummer. Bass VIo- Marlmbaphone; for sale cheap. DRCMJIER, Stutt Iln; permanent position; no tbkets furnished: non- gart. Arkan.saa. union. Wire LIBERTY THEATER. Oklahoma City, FOR RAIX-Abnut 401) TeoU. sUgbtly uaed. Wall ’’to'’’*’’ i Oklahoma. FLFJTRIC BAND ORGAN Beautiful Inatrumenl; 7"“gxlO*’loVl2 lO^x'l^*’ I^liihmlan‘^nU 7o7u l» ani'‘mX at^half pricIl"''ret,uRt’'w^rdrrtm Tr.inks. Soiund'^st Tri":- iJxV lixM ^4x2^‘^4.2L *6X2^ r.;;^iaAm*i;i Jdu.l to new; ^d for list. REDINGTON tf . WANTED AT ONfU—Good looking Girl for conce* $600.00 F M)TH™eIJ>, 629 Hollind 8t.. Erie. ,2^2, ,,^2, 26x36. Scranton. I'riinavlvanla Sion at fairs; Mg money for right party; must tie ex I .mnayivania.__ 20g4». 20x60. 30x45. 30x60. 40x60. 50x80. 60x90, 7nx Iierlenced; send photo. ROSETTEK, ARiany, Ohio. TRUNKS AT I/IWEST PRICES 7.arfe assorlmml I ' ftFaNTr irvi-ivp INE MARIMBAwaniMiia ctmrOR SAT,B“*h*ip whi.»* nt© rKA^-FRAN "*■ c'fh MadiNcMf"' Htbargalna PhirN»n D M KERR WANTED-Flule and Piccolo, for Cady'* .Metrepol- ro. 47 K. 21at St . New York City MaOUoo St . t nicigo iiaeil tVarilrolm aiul Dn-va Trunks, all makes; also la-alher Haas and Ci-.i-a; Trunks iMUiahl. rrpilrid Han Orchestra (ladles and genilcmenl, Imoked solid FOR SA7J5-Sllv.r plated Eh HIghtm Tuba, high I I'''.'''".,,',*', ' with I'nited Chautauqua System (Middle West): a I and exi-tiaiigcd. 570 7t1i Are., I>etwe«*n 4oth and list. and l.iw pitch, bargain, $45.00; Full Ores* Coal and I York cii. pleasant engagement; )nln at nnce. IKINAIJ) CADY, Vest, alx* 40. $8.90. O. R MAY, 63 Cherry HI.. Jlerl- I ' ’’ Aug. 15, Hazard Neb,; 17, Farwell, Neb.; 20, Elba. den, C»>nnectlcuL Neb.; 22, (4otesfleId. Nebraska. HIGH ART NEW PHCm ESS DYE ^C'ENEIO A tIMIr, mod©m rt©©Jm«. f©©iiilful. bnIHant « WANTED—Trainer, one that ran train goat*, dogs fr» U: ©hat vm ba»c l4'<»Hhe f"^ ' and ponies. Address, with salary and eiperience, to fi'iw bcf<»r© prlc'-a advaiii©. ENKEBOLL Ht’KNH' < DR. HULBCBD, Jlarvell, Arkansas. In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. txmaha, Nebtaaka I AUGUST 17, 1918 X li e Billboard 43

SI/W MACHINB*—rrtiullt aiift nlrkrl- fTIAIR.H WANTED (Opera or Wood Folding Rtyle) BIG BARGAINR—Must sell quick three 3-reel Fea- pUtMl, Ilk)* nf"*; Mill* o. K Hum M*rhln«*. (ipcriiiir —If you haee any to aell writ* NATIONAL THEATRF, lurra. $12.00 each. Including posters: Across the Bor¬ llrlla, C%eck B<«*. TurfK l*rao:NRY * 8(IN8 CU.. 2*01 Indiana At*.. Chlcar> aiiy Kye. Hand of the and '2.5 more, all In good WE BT’Y u»*d Power. Esllck Comclie*. Western.- and Si ii-atioiisl, an<1 wfirhl'a greatest han<) balancer; two separate jriu ran writ* a«n( porma, *ful<«* pfi 17th St, Detroit* Michigan. rcnnt>lTanla WANTED TO ITRCHASE Race Horae Wheel, bd of Knife Ita/'k Knlvt* and lot of Canes; also Slum and others; also big line Educational. .Ssenb-s. etc.; we do ev-liangi- business. What baye to tradef tlFA'F.RAL I’rixe,. slate full particular*. VHToR GRAY'BILL. 1 -AIIBKVH P(H NI> UK Tt NKH FOR Ml .HH'AL. KIL.M IIRoKlJtS. 112 N. La Salle SI . t hicago. 111. Agents and Managers Laki-slde Park, Wilmington, North Carolina. KOI KS " ivlla on iiaht nlirrrrrr ahown and will At LIbsrty Adv*rtluia*ati, IS wtrta, fr** at ekarg*. nuke a lui hit at the fair*; line up now for a moiiry- 5 MfST ri/ySE Ol'T OriPK—SfO dogle-reel West¬ niakir and a sure winner; runalata of both popular W.\.N'n’:D Mating Picture Tliealrr. well loc*led A-l ADVANCE AGE.NT-For theater; can post; »• al and Inalrummlal iiumliera; adla for 2.V (ler and a bargain. G. ToZlEK, 35 Van NoraUand Ate , ern Comedies and Dramas at 22 00 rcr n-d , write for do not drink, married; always on the Job. J. T. I.Hind. »rnd *lam|>* for aaniple pound and wholeaale Jeraey City, New Jersey. oargaln Hat. THOMPSON FILM EXCHANGE. Mor¬ AN.»LEY'. 120!) S. 3d St., Terre Haute, Indiana. gantown. Knuucky. i ri.T*. ABBEY R Ml SHI IliH RE. Adrian, Mi< h. ADVANCE AGENT AT LIB»jitTY-A real aget^TRIAL FILM CO.. 145 W. 45lh .YtlTance Agent and General Buslneas Getter. .4m 48; •t'HUMBIA-B MAR.«ElLl.AIgB HYMN" and St.. New Y'ork. • Shoot Blfht Where Thej Are;" eocal mualc; 12o Calcium Lights 18 years' experience; locate or travel. C. Pl "rM.4N. rarh. M. W. MAIIEEY, Aurora. Tolorado. 2318 Hlghlainl Arriiue, Cincinnati. Ohio._ 5* WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 25*. ROADMEN—Flv*-p*rt Feature*, with good supply of paper; Banker's Daughter, 120.00; Paid In Full, FREEMAN—Rend that poem to me; It may mean NuncB—Owing to the death of R. A. Bllaa, of 235.(10; will trade. BOX 350. RL Joseph, Missouri. Bands and Orchestras both fame and fortune; I will fir* you an boneat *07 Third Are., Peoria, Ill., alt business of th* R. At Liberty Advertliementi, 25 w«rdt. Ire« •f eharg*. opinloo aa to Ita ralue; no chart* for thia; or word* A. Bill* Co. will b* ■uspeodad until th* estat* it s*t- SINGLE T3VO-RFXL COMEDIE.S. DRAMAS. 22 00. to your miulr; arrantement* for publication; don't de¬ 23.00 reel; Feature* reaauiiabl*. MANOR I'115IR, AT LIHKKTY Three-pier^ jazz banti 2ii>en for dania lay; writ* rlfbt now. RTl'DIO A. 203 Columhu* Ar*.. 130 We*t 4Slh RL. New Y’ork. work or hotel; Rztophone. piano, dnims: locate only. New Yorfe. J^ZZ_t^ANI). Ware Drug Store, Meridian. Mlaslaaippl. Films for Sale—Second-Hand RONS OF LIBERTY. 3 reel*. European wrr picture; HELP VNCLB RAM WIN THE WAR—Buy E*< apetl from Siberia, 5 reels; for sale cheap. Address Thrift Stamp*. W* will take Thrift Rump* aame 2* WORD. CASH. NO AO. LESS THAN 25*. J. S., care Billboard. New Y’orlu Billposters a* money for our mualc. Rend u* a 25c Thrift Stamp At Liberty Advariltameats, 25 ward*. Ir** at eharf*. and w* will mall you our two lateat number* When 501) 1, 2. 3 RE2X RCBJECTH. pick of the market. "WHY GERMANY CAN'T WIN THE WAR." 5 the La*t Word* Hare Been Raid. Will You Forfet. $2 IK) to 25.«i) per reel; roiidltlon from go<»l running reels genuine war stuff, full of action, flrst-class con¬ AT LIBERTY'—Btllpitster and second man. on ac¬ order to almost new. moat hare plenty of adtertlaiiig. 1. count of disappointment, at lltierty for balance of The Star-Rpanfled Banner Will Ware Far and Wide. dition, lots of posters. H, I. 3, 8-sheets. 7.t>00 hcr- The flrtt a beautiful ballad, and the laat an American 3. 4-shceta, etc.. Dramas. Comedies, Westerns. Special season; travel or locate. HOY HENDERSON. 2309 7th abls, 50 pfioto*. 6 different cuts fur herilds, etc.; St., Erometshurg. Iowa._ anthem And our lateat and beat poem. Ach. Louie, offer: Fire reel* mlaeil Drama, Comedy. Wealern. spe¬ complete war allow; clean-up for small towns;,I hare cially telei'led for merit and crndlllon. with plenty of the World la Min*, the Kalier'a diwam and the mllstetl In Y’. M. C. A. war work reason for aelllng; TOl'NO MAN—'20; 5 ft.. 5; 140 lbs.; desire* position paiier; 220.00. lOCc ileposlt. balance C. O. D.. prlr- American flniih to hit dream. ThI* 1* one of the price, 2100 (or ell ebove, 2'25 deposit, privilege of ei- anything; ran post hills; advance work: tlso some leet poem* of the year Worth the price akme. Mall ilege eiamlnatlon. FRED AMER, 703 Lung RL. Co¬ •tage experience; state term*. MAX GORDON. 335 lumbus, Ohio. eminatlon. CnU H. BOWMAN. 282 BeUmead SL. It today. RIHCERB MfRIC CO.. Ahrcn. Ohio. Greensboro, North Carolliia. E. 95th SL. .New York City._

MC8IC ARRANGED for Plano. Orebaatr* and Band, BARG.LIN — M' ilograph. 1917 model, used only BEATING BACK—True bandit story, with Al Jen¬ we compo** mutle to rrorda; writ* for price*. BAl'ER three months, guaranteed to b* lust like new, 2200.00. nings (himself), and Dope, with two big time Kmth Burlesque and Musical Comedy BROS (formarly at Bouaa'a Band). Othkoah, Wla. eipresa prepaid; mu«t h« snlU:i)IA.N’ .4T liberty' For slm-k In vicinity RO.NO WRITERS AND MI RICIA-NR-W* pay for 2 reel*. 225 00; Fall of Rummy Nuffs. 2 reel*. 230 on; of SI. Louis only. IIOMEK YlEACHVil. care W. F. your cn-operaUoo; hare you manuacrlpt* nr aerrlce* plenty of paper on ea,'h Included. .SAVINI FlLM.s, WE HAY'E LOTS OK ONE-REEL COMEDIF-S .Men hum. Venb-e. Illinois. to offerf Writ* for particular* to MONARCH Ml'RlC INC., Allanla. Ge«'riia. AND DR.4.MAS, 24.00 each; 2-reeler». 210.00; 3-reel- FOR TAB. OR MI SICAL CO.MEDY-Comedian or CO.. I.NC., Reading. Pcnnayliania. ers. 212.00; 5-reeIcrv. 225.00 to 250.00 each; all with straight man; lead numbers; wardrolie; expertenrwl; CH.YI’LIN.s-Three 2-reel aubjerla. Bn* condition; paper. SAY'IXI FILMS, INC.. Atlanta. Georgia. ability; solier; reliable; Cla.s* 5 In draft BOB DEX- RONGR FOR VACDEA'llXE At'TR 40 for tl 2'.; also Fast Lynne 15 reel.*); '^n Night* In a Bar Ib* m TEIt. Ibrx 211. Mar^halllowii. lima. 15); all flr-t-cla*s with full line of adTenistiig; bar¬ other*. 130 for $I 00. opera Relertlona. fJlee Cluloi. PRODl’CINO COMEDIAN and prim*~d^* for Mala Uuartettea, Planlttbwi. Duet*. Concert R<'nga. gain*. QI K'EN CITY FKATTRE KIL.M CO.. 2212 2d-Hand M. P. Access, for Sale Gllliert Are., Cincinnati, Uhio, coming season: not in drah; singers, dancers. muMcal PinUP J. A. WEIRRBEBG. 545 Eaat 114th RL. 2* WDRD. CASH. ND AO. LESS THAN 25«. act. Afldrces C05rci'I.4N, 16u4 Padflq Ata. At- New Y'ork City. lantlo City. New Jersey._ n.DSING ol'T *00 Single Reel*, with Poster*. 22.50. LYRIC FIL.M srPI'LY' CO.. Terre Haute, Indiana. EDISON, POWER'S. Ll'BlN MACHINES. *40 80 ••RONR OF I'NfT-E RAM." a four-act pliy of pep up; Spot Llgnt. 21*00. CHAS. BlINEETT, 240 and patriotlem a.-ript only $' ronr '"nie Mar North 13th Rt.. Philadelphia. Pciinsylvanla._ Circus and Camiyal Rtby." the greateat drawing card In year*. 215 aea- FE-YTl'RE FlUM. all length*; excellmt condltton. aon. reeling fee. 21 IICI.U LE.RTEK. 25 12th RL. with peelers; will sell riieap; writ* for nvy Ilet. For RALE—We have bought all Theatre*. Power, At LIbtrfy A#vcrtlwmefitt, 25 wordt. frtg tf H. B. JOH.N.RTO.N. 530 S. Dearborn RL. Chicago. lU. College Point. New York. Simplex. Motingraph Machines. The«fre Chairs. 15.m- AT LIHKKTY—Tuo ezp^rieiK eil ind capable mn- penssri's, Rlu-oktst*. Rpotligbt*. Asbestos Curtain*. rcii»i<'n agents, to handle anything of rofrit. to work FILM FuR RAIE to Film Exchange*; closing out S.-rr»n*. Elei-trU- Signs. Film Hewtnder*. Film Case*. on ptTcentage. E. A U. PHOENIX. t;enfral Dellf- Theatrical Printing of all short aubjectA one to four reels: 22 50 to 25 00 I'yrenes, F'olding Chairs; act quick: It must l>e ivld ery. ricfpland. Ohio.__ reeL LYRIC FILM 8CPPLY CO.. Terre Haute. Ind. S* WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25*. at once. THEATRE BROKER.4GE EXCHA-NtiE. 112 North La Salle SL. Chicago, Illinoia. AT LIBERTY—On a4’ount of dlNappolntroent. ground FOR SAIJ: .4 big lid of I. 2 and 3-reel subje. ts. tumMer anil trampoline aiTohat. join at once. JACK AIX KIN'DR. CHEAP—Laturtwada. Cut*. Ct'R- In gisxl roiiditli n. at bargain pices during this mnnih. HISSU*, rare Billboard. CincinnaO. Ohio. TISR. Ralida. Ohio LI'BIN REPAIR PARTS. TIrketa. Condanaara. Ce¬ hare some t. 5 anil s-reel Features at reasonable ment. CHA.h. H BE.N.NETT. 240 N. 13th SL. PhUa- TEN* DIKKERKNT PI Nril ACTS. Magi.-. Veiitrtl- prlres; get list; lllm terrlie sent everywhere; wrMe u* delphia. Pannaylvania. o<)uht. character Impersonating, imitations, roller Theaters for Sale your want*. WYANIm»TTE FILM RIPPLY CO., akating, ptilts, producing clown, h*’iincing wire. PROP. 21SVk N. High SI., Columtus, Uhio. MonO.N PICTCRB MACHINES AN"© RI’PCLIE-H BUX K. XYE. 137H 22.1 St.. Milwaukee. WimH>nain. I* WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 25*. Power and Edist.n Machine* and Mntiograph Out- FUR SALK The great 5-reel Westeni Pletiire. Lily flta at 225 00 to 247.50; Monarch and OpUgraph Ma¬ Colored Performers for rale or RENT Theatr*. with afage and of Poverty Flat, featuring Beatrii Miehelen*. only chine* from 210 to 250. Ln ture and Snog Sets, brand fully equipped; aeata 4(0: Ur* city, thra* «hlp yard*, 235 (Ml fi r quick sale. Ql EE.N FE-ATT RE SERVICE. nrw. fifty reela of flne Film. 21 00 to $5 00 per reel. At Llbarty AdvertltAmeata. 25 wenU. free ef eharge. three fort*, thr** *aw mill*, numernu* logging r*mp*; Birmingham, -YlabaroA Gas Machines and Supplies. Rheoatata, Patriotic and •eeert] S*h packing plant*; all to draw from, poioila- Announcement Slides. Condensers and Motion Picture TKI»l>Y \\ EIXS All annitui minstr*-! performer; Unn at city about 11.000. Apply D. H. WELCH. FOR S.4LF. Two sensational .5reel Feature*. I/cnses; brand new motor drive Maihine* at $175.00, singing, datii-lng an.l talking comedian, at liberty. Attofla. Oragoo I.iabts of I.iindi n and World. Flesh and Devil. 210 00 we save you half, send for Bargain Lists or tell us Pare NTannlng ll.ktel. rieTelarol. Mi'j^issippl._ eaili. or 270 i«l fur two. with all adverilsing. fine coii- what you have to sell nr exchange. NATIONAL for RALB~MoTlng Plctura Theatr* Equipment, diilon. A. M. GRAHAM. 21 1‘olier Bldg.. Birming¬ EgCIPMENT CO.. 417 West Michigan RL, Duluth. •eating capacity SOO, Power'* Marhin*. Elactrlc PI ham. Alabama. Minnesota._ _ Dramatic Artists ano. Rod* Fountain. Popcorn and Confectionery In At LIbvriy Advsriltemeats. 35 wards, frvs af ebsrg*. connertirn: building foe rent: reaaona. cannot glre It I'OK S.tLE Several hundred goeid ReelA with pa¬ moving • PICTCRE MACHINES—Excellent bar¬ peenonal attention. ELECTRIC THEATRE. Rant* per. 22.00 to 25 (Ml, no Junk. Song slide*, with music. gain* In factory rebuilt machlnn; Power'* No. 8. AT UBERTV .Man and wife; lioubTe piano and Rna*. .New Meilco. 7..C per ael. CRKSt F.NT CITY FILM EXCHA.NGB. Power's No. 8A. Monograph and Edison; not usual dnims; specialties for vauderille; wife real Ingrouo Nrw Urlraiit. L ulslana. kind of wnmout machine*, but entirely rebuilt bv type. man. small parts; exi-elleni harltnoe singer, rosd For rale .3tM.*eat Theatre, fine location, clear¬ mantifacturers and guaranteed. ERKEK BROR., 601 or anything reliable. A. LATOl’R. General Delivery. ing orer 275 no 'pee week. built by owner (Ire year* FOR SAI.E Thre*-reel Paihn hand-colored P**- Olle* Street. RL Louis. Missouri. , omsti*. Neliraska, «»<>; fully equipped; e, tome paper: also one-reel In Af¬ AT LIBERTY FOR I NI LE -DIM .s I’ABIN Dm ««ln. no dealer*. R B. F., 1345 R. 4Slh Court, (Tc- ro a. In case, or will trad* for Drummer'* Traps or OPERA AND FOLDING CH.AIRR-New and *« anil .Marie Brooks; play anything cast for; rxpcrnvn-rd ero, IllinoU. liiile Tl m lYInn; quick; drafted. JACK SMITH, nntl-band always oo hand for prompt shipment; and reliable, joint engsgcmetit only. Lol’ BROOKS. Rwaii Lake, Iilkho. veneer chalra. 75c each up: folding rbalf*. 50c each I iii7 ll*rrt»on St . Kan-a.* t’lty. Missouri,_ Ft»R RALE Iciulpment of the beautiful "Rtrand up. upholstered chairs. 21 25 each up: all chair* rrateil for r»H or steamer t^lpraent. ATI A 8 SfATING’ AT LIBERTY’ .4-1 Character. H-iry. General Tlieatef." We*t l.a Fayette. Indiana: population, re*- FOR S.4IJ5 Rig lot of Paper on Tlie Ltbevtlne. I'n- Business Woman with specialty. Quick stuily, gomt Mmi 5.000. (ludent 3.200. anldler 1.000; equipment COMPANY. 10 Eaat 43d Rt.. New York flly. wrllien Law, Evtape. CYtrlsIlan. Any Girl, l*Teaullfully decorated and mrapirle with I'nlird. Great Xoritiem. I'nlconi and many nthars. graph* and all other make* of machines at prteaa AT LI'BERTY’ r(»R G'NiTiToM'-l C.4BIN. tJH’ light*, fan*, eentllator*; rr**on*ble prb-e «nd long writ* me, 1 may bare what you want; also 300 reels that gtv* you graater ealues for yoixr maoey than ram AND M.XKIE BKtniKS-Play anything .id f'V: rx- term le«.e; only theatre In Wo»l In* Fayette; full par¬ of giaMi fraturoA and short suhNi-ts, cheap. GCT caa aacur* tliawbsr*: good running Machlna*. com- pctlenceil and tellable: Joint engagement* only. l»l’ ticular* on application Addreaa ROIIERT L. CR.ANUAlj* 424 Kavota llulldlng. Minnsapulla. Plst*. a* low aa 235 0*; FL Warn* and Rall-How*ll BUikiKS. 1387 Harrison Street. Ksiisl* Illy. Mo. JAgl'ER, L* Kaycit*. Indiana. Minnesota. Cnmpaosarc*. Mercury Arc Rertlflan. Ga* Making .4T LIBERTT la-ading woman; Idig experience in Outflt* and Rupplles. Film for road men al II 00 p« both stork and rep : »ppe»r»nce. ihllitv. wardrobe FttR SALE—Mlgni’ii. ,5 reeK with paper, frwturing real up. Attractlv* ratal price* for this territory We 2418 Gatli* St. lire Mr* Buckley. r.irrsni'iiKh, i> Wanted Partner Realrla Miehelen*. 2.30 (Ml for quick sale; will ship buy and sell •verything used In picture thaatrea. D**l ~4'HARACTERR—.411 lines; eimaioiiaL coro^v; any (CAPITAL INVESTMENT) t'. U. D on eipre** agent'* guarantee of chartea. M wPh th* old reliable WESTERN RHOW PROPBR- TIE9 COMPANY. St* Delawar* Rt . Kana** Oty. M* ilUlei l. exi’crlcni'eil: elegant wardrobe; »lng con¬ 3* WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25*. L. HARWIXL, 20'25 No. 5lh Are.. Birmingham. Ala. tralto MISS JENNIE CUD’IU-A.ND. 62 E. 11th Street, .St. r«ul. Mlnnivyg*. _ PARTNER WANTED FOR REP RHOW E*t*b- FUR RALE Fighting in France. 5 reels, full of INIYVER'S 8A*. Slercoptli-on*. Slid* Set*. Ytnfor*. cnARI.F:s BAILEY Character actor: pirfer on*- ll*))e<); mu*t baee 2100 00 and be acllre. agent prr- action. (Note This 1* not p*Ic)m*I up fnim week- Bllvv Ga* Outflt. Ollier*; Film*. Oxono. everything; ft-reed; hare fate date* to open with In Replember. llr*. but It Is an original takrn on the battleflelds ) stamp FRED L. SMITH, Amsterdam. New Y'ork. ptei-e i-iimpsny Centropoll* lloii-l, K*n>ia* CjD. Mo- CIIA)UJCR KYIJ:. "Kyle* P.'pular I’layer*." Aug. *- Condition A-No. I. price for flim. 2150.00; naper. 7c COMKUrAN 25: In fifth cl*.-.*: 5 ft.. 4 In.: would 10. Ijlrlngaton Manor, New Y'ork Rial*. per sheet. This pictur* I* raluahla for the Bunt ei- INIWER'S NO 8 MOVING PlCTfRE MACHINE. like position with dramatic ihiiw. Some expevlenc*. chsnges In the country. Will ship anbjeet to rewind I'omplele outflt. flr*t-rla.*a oonditlon: flr»t 275 00 take* bul not sing or daiuN*. GKi. J. BoZWICK. 311 WANTED--On* L*'ly Partner or A*»l*l*nl. for a riimlnatinii. a deposit of 210.00 neceaaary to guarantee outflt: wUI ship COD. aubyert oxamlnatlon. 210 00 t berry SIreil. Toledo. (3hlo.__ firat claaa Rhuutlng AcL BUX 1, Billboard. New eipres* charge* IlLAND'H ATTR.4CT1UXS, 12«1 depnalt FRED SCHAEFER. 1810 N. 2d RL. Phil¬ adelphia. Pcnnaylvant*. ~GENrai.\L Bl SINF.S.S W(»MAN A 1: singing spe- York So. Central Park Are.. Chirkgo. IlllnolA cUI(\ . can >'in ininicdiatciy .4dilrc** M.4RIE -4 NFjJsON, Jfffer-.*! Hotel, eomer 18(h Street and FuR S.4I.R Th* great sensational aubject. Mex¬ STEEL FITAf VAI'LT; double doors; holds four •dh Avenue. New York City. New York._ Wanted To Buy, Lease or Rent ico. In 4 red*, guaranteed In excellent condition a* hundred rwiU. 128.00. coat $.59 00 J. P. RED- new. big flash and plenty of adrertl*lng matter, 1, 3. 0- INGTON. Scranton. Pennsylvania. .1 H GAMBLE llcavie*. Cbarai'rfr*: ahtllG; *«» 3* WORD. CASH. NO AD. LESS THAN 25*. shrela. pliotn* and banner*; Riat the thing for a road 28: height. 6 ft.; cxcmpieel Tb-ket. please. Join kt attractlmi that will get the money, WTANDUTTE WE BPT AND snx. all makes Moving Pictur* Ma¬ iniiv. .\.^ichu:*^t^. ANYTHING PERTAIIONG TO OR I'RBD IN TBS FILM RI PPLY CO.. 4\)lumbu». Ohln. chines; w* pay hlahaat pricea; if you bsv* anything LKADINO MAN-^lHrwfiic: age. 81; 5 ft, lOH; RHOW BCSINms—Fair ^ceo and aatlaflad euatoowao for sal* or want to buy. writ# Immediately. ELLS¬ 140. Only re.

BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. Touralne Co., 251 Causeway st., Boston, .Mass. COIN COUNTING MACHINES AND Dp Moulin Bros. A Co.. Dept. 11, Greenville. 111. Witty, .Schmitt A Co„ 1407 W. Jackson Blvd.. WRAPPERS iPudlin A Perry. 125 Prince st.. New Y'ork City. Chicago, Ill. Abbott Coin Counter Co.. 1‘vln Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. Shryoi’k-Todd Co.. 824 N. Eighth st.. 8t. Louis. FRANK J. SCHNECK &. CO. Each additional line it ailditional clasKiflca- N. Shure Co., ’2.37-241 YV. Madison st., Chicago. Imlls. nilows. < aiiilliw. lUskris. KTr BALLOONS ISC? Tim** Bldf.. New York tlon, without subKiTiptioii, $7.5U in advance |ier (Hot Air) CAPTIVE BALLOONS annum. Braze) Novelty Co., 1710 Ella st., Cincinnati. O. F. G. Seyfang, 144’ki Broadway, New Y’ork City. Frank .1. .S. A Co.. 1407 Times Hblg . N. Y. One line will be allowiil to advertiser*, free Kindel A Graham, 891 Mission st., San Francisco. Tip Top Toy Co., Ii21 W. Fulton at., Chicago. of charge, for eale**o, o. cortled as wn'ii a* received. Desplaines st.. Chicago. 111. CARNIVAL FRONTS AND SHOW CONE MACHINERY BALL THROWING GAMES Lanier & nrie^ha* h. Huth^r st.* f'ineipnati. ADVERTISING FLAGS BANNERS The Penn Novelty Co., 9e Moulin Bros. A Co., Dept. 12, Greenville. III. DECORATIVE ELECTRIC LAMPS Brlant Mfg. Co.. Indiana|>oIis, Ind. RESULTS Novelty Mfg Company, Box 45 .Niles. (> Ell Bridge Co.. Box 22B, Ibsidhonse, III. DECORATORS. FLOATS, BOOTHS, Allan Herschell Co., Inc., North Tonawanda, New York. '; that will develop into additional Real business for you — that’s ETC. Herschell-Splllnian Oi.. North Tonawanda. N. Y'. Botanical Decorating Co.. 2(>s West Adams at., F. Mueller A Co., 2052 Elston ave., Chicago. ;; what the Trades Directory Department of The Billboard pro- Chicago. HI. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland, Cleveland, O. The Home Decorating Co.. 28 South Fifth ave., Chicago. C. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. ;; duces. It creates a selling force of unusual strength that can be Chas. A. Sturk, 1510 E. Jefferwn ave., Detroit. DIAMOND JEWELRY Mich. harnessed to your name, product or line of business. The exceed- (For Saleaboarda and Premiumai Sycamore Novelty Co., 1320 Sycamore st., Cin¬ Altbach A Itosenson. 203 W. .Madison *t..*Ch'go. cinnati, O. ;; ingly low rate, together with the pulling power of this advertising, Alter A Co.. 165 YV. Madison at.. ( hlcago. United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North National Mercantile Co., 87 Nassau at., N. T, Desplalnes st., Chicago. III. ;; makes it a doubly attractive offer. Why not give us a trial and DOLL RACKS ANIMAL DEALERS ;; let us “show you” ? Herichell-Bpillman, North Tonawanda. N. T. Wm. Bartel.s Co., 42 Cortland st.. N. Y. City. DOLLS SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER; Henry Bartel*. 72 Cortland st.. New Y'ork. I Horne's Zoo Arena Co., Keith and Perry Bldg., t $10.00 A YEAR (in advance), SIX MONTHS, $5.00 AVERILL M’F’G CO. Kansas City, Mo. Papoose. Felt and Novelty DoUa Wm. Mackensen. Yardley. Pa. 37 Ualea 8er. 727’729 South at.. I>hlladelphla. Pa. New Y’ork. Kindel A Graham, 891 MIsalon st., .8an Francisco phia, Pa. Milford Novelty Co., 3.57 W. 36th st.. New York. CIRCUS WAGONS Begga Wagon Co., Kantaa City, Mo. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. AUTOMATIC BOWLING ALLEYS Stern Pub. A Novelty Co., 147 West 36th st.. N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal at.. The Ten-Pinnet Company, 252 Draper street, In¬ New York. CIRCUS SEATS New York. dianapolis, Ind. CANDY FOR WHEELMEN (New and Second-Hand) Progressive Toy Co., Inc., 102-104 Wooster at.. liouls Denebeim A Sons, 1223-24 Oak st., Kan¬ Raker A Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte ata., AUTOMATIC BOWLING GAMES New Y’ork, sas City, Mo. Kansaa City, Mo. Hoyal Toy Oo., 267 Canal at.. New Y’ork. Brlant Mfg. Oo., Indianapolis. Ind. CANDY FOR WHEELS United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Frank J. Schneck A Co., 1467 Times Bldg., New AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER Gramercy Chocolate Co., 76-M Watts at.. New Deiplainea at., Chicago. 111. York. N Power. 90 Gold st.. New Y’ork City. York. CLOWN WHITE AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU¬ Johnson Candy Co., 1249 Plum st., Cincinnati, O. Chat. Meyer. 1-3 E. 13th at.. New York City. MENTS Pnrltan Chocolate Co.. Court at. and Central M. Stein Coametlc Co.. 120 W 31st at.. N. T. 0. KEWPIES A. Beml. 216 N. 20tb st.. New York flty. ave., Cincinnati, O. TIP TOP TOY CO.. 114 E. 2Mh St.. N*w Vark. North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works, Frank J. Scbneck A Co., 1407 Times Bldg., New COASTER CARS North Tonawanda. N. Y. York. Philadelphia Toboggan Co., 180 Duval at., Phlla. Tip Top Toy Co., 115-116 E. 28th at.. New York.

I AUGUST 17, 1918 e B 45

Tip Top Toy Co., «21 W. Fulton iit., rhloajro. GAMING DEVICES MAGIC MAGAZINES E. H. Stafford Mfg. Co.. Chicago, III. T’Ditfd Statfi Tent A AwiiIhk Co., ‘J'Jl* North Orest Devany, 1547 Broadway, New Y’ork City. Eagle Magirlan, .320 .South 8th st., .Minneapolis, Steel Furniture t o.. Grand Rapids. Mich. DoapUlDei at., Chlraso, III. H. C. I'.vans ft Co., 1522 W. Adams st.. Chlrago. Minneeota. ORANGEADE DRUMS (Snaro and Baas) GAS AND CIGAR LIGHTERS MANUFACTURERS MECHANICAL American Orangeade Co.. Bridgeport, Conn. IMxlo MiimIo lloiiao, lo.'i W ^^«llKl>n at., riilmiro. Mars Manufacturing Co., 104 5th ave.. .N. Y. C. AMUSEMENT DEVICES Charles tlrangeade Co., Garflehl Sta., (Thlcago. Chas. T. Morrissey Co.. 4417 Madison st., Ch'go. I.iiitwig A Ludwig. 1614 N. Lincoln at., ('hicago. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES Ell Bridge Co. Box 22B Roo., Springfield. O. (Cooking Machines) United States Tent ft Awning Co.,. 229 North MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND Desplaines et.. Chicago, Ill. ENGRAVING, HALF-TONES AND Talbot Mfg. Co., Ill N. 15th st., St. Louis, Mo. ORCHESTRIONS Geo. Zorn. Jr., .Ylfr., 524 Market at.. Phila.. Pa. SHOW PRINTING ICE CREAM CONES (Wholesale) A. Bernl. 216 W. 20th st.. New York City. PANAMA HATS Central Eograrlng Co.. 0(>era ITace. Cincinnati. Louis Denebelm ft Sons, 1224 Oak st., Kansas North Tonawanda Musical lOBtrumeDt Works, City, Mo. EYE BROW PENCILS North Tonawanda. N. Y. The Ilega Co., Kocheater. N. Y. ILLUSIONS C. R. Plelser, Abilene. Kan. SABATOGA PANAMA HAT CO. M Stein Coametlc Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. C. llornmann Magic Co., 470 Eighth are., N. Y. C. MONOGRAMS AND EMBLEMS tSI Greens Street, New York. FACE POWDER INCANDESCENT LIGHTS Globe Decalcomanie Co., 76 Montgi^mery st., PAPIER MACHE STAGE PROPER* Chaa Meyer. 1-3 E. 13th at.. New Y’ork City. Safety Electric Co., 337 N. Dearborn at., Chicago Jersey City, N. J. M. Stem Coametlc Co., 120 \V. Slat at., N. Y. C. TIES INDIANS AND INDIAN COSTUMES MONOGRAM TRANSFER LETTERS, Amelia Grain, 819 Spring fJarden sf. Phila., P*. FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES G. F. Harris i’o. .3oIis. Omaha, Dea Moines. Triangle Film Corp., 71 Weat Twenty third at.. Morlmura Bros., 546 Bnmdway. New York City. New Y’ork. M. P. Sales Co.. 537 South Dearborn at.. Chicago, PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES Tskito. Ogawa ft Co.. 327-31 West Madison it., 8. Catanzaro ft Sons, Inc., p.'nn ave. and 22d I'olreraal Film Manufacturing Co., Forty-eighth Chicago, III. Illinois. and Broadway, -New Y’ork City. N. Power A Co., 90 Gold st.. New York City. at., Pittsburg, Pa. JEWELRY Precision Machine Co., 317 E. 34th it.. N. Y. C. FERRIS WHEELS PEANUT ROASTING MACHINERY •Mthacb ft Rosenson. 203 W. Madison at.. Ch'go. Ell Bridge Co., Box 22B. Koodhouse, Ill. MUSIC PRINTING Iloleomb ft Hoke, Indianapolis, ln.|. Gordon Sfrauss Co. (not Inc.), 105 W. Madlaon n. S. Talbott A Co.. 29.31 Flournoy at.. (Tileago. FESTOONING st., Chicago. PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES Warner C Y*’illlams ft Co., 635 Prospect st., Ktngery Mfg. Co. Cincinnati, O. Chicago FYag & Decorating Co., 1334 Wabaah I/prla Brot., Terre Haute. Ind. Indianapotis, Ind. are., Chicago. III. Mac Fountain Pen ft Nov. Co., 21 Ann at., N. Y’, PENNANTS MUSIC PUBLISHERS National Tiaaue Manufacturing Co.. 305 Bergen JEWELRY American Pencant Co., 66 Uanover at.. Boaton, at., Brooklyn. N. Y. (Tor Stage Use) C. L. Bamhonse. 7 First ave.. Oskaloosa. la. Massachusetts. FILMS Alter ft Co., 165 W. Madlmm at.. Chicago. Ill. Carl Fischer. .30 Cooper Square. N. Y’. City. Berk Bros.. 643 Broadway. New York City. (Hanufacturera. Dealers in and Rental Bureaus) Holsman Co., 177 W. Madlwm st., Chicago, HI. Fisk Music Pub. Co., 90ft Market. San Fran’eo. N. Shure Co.. 2.37 241 YY’. Madison at., Chicago. Charles K. Harris, Columbia Theater Building, laiemmle Film Service. 204 W. Lake at., Chi¬ Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth st.. St. I>iuia. PENNANTS AND PILLOWS N. Shure Co.. 237-241 W. Madison st.. Chicago. New Y’ork City. cago; Minneai>ol|a, Omaha. Dea Molnea. American .\rt Production Co.. 141 Wooster at.. Samuel Welnbaus Co., 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Jerome H. Remlek. 221 W. 46fh st.. N. Y. City. Mutual Film Co.. New York City. New Y’ork City. J. J. Wyle ft Bros., Inc., 18 E. 27th at.. New Shapiro, Bernstein ft Co., 1416 Broadway. New l nlver<-al F Im Manufacturing Co., Forty-eighth Y’ork City. Bloom Bros ' Co. Minneapolis. Minn. York City. and Broadway, New Y’ork City. Song Mart Publishing Co., Santa Crux. Cal. Pacific Pennant ft Advertising Co.. 244 New KEWPIES FILM MANUFACTURERS Harry Y’on Tllier Music Publishing Co.. 125 High at., Is>s Angeles. Pennant Nov. Co., .3.32 Broadway, New York. Rothseker Film Mfg. Co., 1331 Dlveraey Park¬ YVest Forty third st.. New York City. way, Chicago. 111. W. A. Quincke A Co.. 401-2 Majestic Theater F. Sfernthal. 217 W. Madison st., Chicago. TIP TOP TOY CO. Bldg., Los Angeles. Unlfi'd States 'Tent ft Awning Co.. 229 North FIREPROOFERS OF COTTON AND 114 East 78th St.. NSW York. Warner C, Williams ft Co., 635 Prospect et., Desplaines st., Chlrago, Ill. LINEN FABRICS Indianapolis, Ind. PERFUME AND NOVELTIES The Antlpyroa Co., 170 Green at., N. Y*. City. KNIVES Wat'Tson. Berlin ft Snyder, Strand Theater, Sap^'rlor Perfume Co.. N. Wells st., ChtciffO. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland, O. New Y’ork City. FIREWORKS Karl Gugfonbolm, 17 E. 17th at.. New York PHOTOGRAPHERS •American Italian Fireworks Co., Inc., Dunbar, City. MUSICAL BELLS A SPECIALTIES Commercial Photographic Co., Davenport. la. R. H. Mayland'e Son. .34 YY’llIoughby st.. Brook¬ Pennsylvania. N. Y. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal at.. Hartsook, San Franelseo and I>va Angeles. Cgl. N. R. Bamaba Fireworks Mfg. Co., New New Y'ork. lyn. N. Y. Y'oung ft Carl, 7fh and Y’ir.e sts., Cineinnatl, O. Rochelle, N. Y'. Shr.voek-T«Hld Co.. 824 N. Eighth at.. St. I/>nls. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION N. Shure Co.. 237-241 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. ConaolldatH Fireworks Co. of America, Wool- Byron Mauxy. 250 Stockton at., San Francisco. (Miniature*. Business Cards and Post Cards) worth Bldg.. New Y’ork City. Samuel Welnbaus Co., 7'22 Penn ave., Pittsburg. J. C. Deagan, Berteau and East Ravenswood Photograpliie Card Co., 105 YY'eat 47th st.. New Gordon Fireworks Co., 220 So. State, Chicago, LAWYERS Park ave., Chicago. York City. nut Fireworks Co.. Inc., 5224 .323S 37th are.. PIANOS South, Seattle, YY’aab. Edward J. Ader, 1434-38 Otla Bldg.. Chicago. Ill. Byron Mauzy. 2,30 Stockton st.. San Francisco. Imjierlal Flrew-irka Co. of America, Inc., Box F. L. Boyd, 17 N. I.a Salle st.. Chicago, 111. CARL FISCHER Columbus Piano Co., Columbne, O. 612. Schenectady. N. T. Edward Doyle, 421 Merebauts’ Bank Bldg., In¬ neadquartrrs for evernhlng tn Mualr. Catalog free. International F'ireworks Co.. IP Park Place, New dianapolis. Ind. 44-54 Coenr Sq.. N. Y. 334 S. Wabash. Chlcafo. PIANOS (Electric) York, and Jersey City, N. J. James A. Timony, 1476 Broadway, New Y’ork. Star Music Co., 9 East Harrison st.. CTilcago. . 1 Martin's F'lreworks. F'ort Dodge, la. LEATHER AND ALUMINUM North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works, North Tonawanda. N. Y’. PILLOWS Nenpin Fireworks Co.. Chicago. Ill. (Sou'^enir Oooda) Sonophone ('o., 1-3 E. 14th at.. New York. North .American Fireworks Co., 0.30 Consumers Rosenthal ft Stark, 12 E. 12th st., N. Y'. Pacino Pennant 4 Adv. Co.. 244 N. High at., Bldg.. Chicago. South California Music Co., 332 S. Broadway, Iod. Seventh and Wyandotte M. Gerber. 727-729 South sf.. Philadelphia, Pa. Sts.. Kansas City, Mo. LIGHTS Goldberg jewelry Co., 816 YY'yandotte at., Kan¬ M. D. DREYFACH Phlcago Flag * Decorating Co., 13.34 Wahatb (Beacons, Torches, for Circuses and Tent Shows) sas City. Mo. PILLOWS Write for Cstsleg PILLOWS ave.. Chicago. III. American Gas Marblne Co., 5'J7 Clark at.. .Mbert Karl Guggenheim 17 E. 17th st.. N. Y’. City. 482 Brecma St., New York. P'tigherty Bros.’ Tent ft .Awning Co.. 116 S. lea, Minn. Ed Hahn. 222 West Madison st.. (Tilcsgo. 111. M. n. Dre.vfaeh. 182 Broome st , New York City. Fourth St.. St. Ixiiils, Mo. Bolte Mfg. (V>., 125 S. Raelne are., Clilcago. Keyatone Merrhandlse Co., 147 Bowery. N. Y’. C. H. C. Ev.a'ns .% Co., 1.3‘22 W Adams st , Chlrago. t’nlted Slates Tent ft .Awning Co., C21> North J. Frankel, gasoline mantles for gasoline light¬ I.eTln Bros.. Terre Haute. Ind. Dcsplalnes st.. Chicago. III. ing. ‘224 North Wells sf. Chicago. III. Mac ptountain Pen ft Nov. Co. 21 Ann at.. N. Y. Fair ft Ca-nlval Co.. 126 .3rh ave . N Y. City. Knlekerb eker Handkerchief Co . 421 Broadway. The W.ird Stllson Co.. Anderson. Ind. IJttle YY’ondcr Light Co,, Terre Haute, Ind. Military Art Novelty Co., in'? E. 2.3fh st.. New ITie Alexander Milburn Co., Baltimore, Md. Y’ork City. New Y’ork. FLORAL DECORATIONS Muir Art Co.. .30t’) West Madiw'n s?.. Chleag-t. I’nlted States Tent ft Awning Co.. 229 North Miller Rubber Co . Akron. O. General Flower ft Di-c. Co., 22S W. 4Plh st..N.Y, Ih-splalncs st.. Chleago Ill. Morrison ft Co. 210 YY’. Madison st.. Chicago. Paelflc I’enn.ant ft .Ydv.-rtislng 241 New Windhorst ft Co . 104 1<>6 N 12th st.. St. leuls. Illinois. High st.. Ix's .\ngelee. Cal. FORTUNE WRITERS (Invisible) Pennant Nov. Co.. 3.32 Br-a-fwav N. Y. City, Nadel ft Sblmmel 132 Park Row, New Y’ork. S. Bower, 117 Harman st . Brooklyn, N. Y". LIQUID MAKEUP Rudolph Toy ft Novelty C... TeiS Market st.. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 YY’oodland ave., Cleve Tho Hess Co. (Y'oiithfnI Tint), Rochester, N. Y. FOUNTAIN PENS land. O. I’hl'adelphla. N. Shure Co. ‘237 241 West Madls n st.. Chicago. Berk Bros.. 54.3 Broadway. New Y'ork City. LUMBER (Theatrical) Pudlln A- Perry. 12.3 Prince sf.. New Y’ork City Stern Piib. .1: Novelty Co.. H7 W. 3i',th st., N. Y. Levin Bros.. Terre Haute. Ind YV right lumber Co.. Inc.. 11.8 West 3«th at.. N. Shore Co.. 2.37 '241 W, Madison st.. Chicago F. Sfernthal Co . 217 YV Yf eii- ii -t Chi- ago. Mae Fountain pen ft N weltv Co.. 21 Ann st. N T N. Y'. Mercantile lY-adlng Co., 167 st.. Tip Top Tot Co . lU F 2'-ts -f . New York New Y'ork Fountain Pen Co., .372 Bnxime at.. ^'mAGiVaND STAGE MDNEY New York. Tip TVvp Toy Co , 621 \Y’ Fulton sf . Chfesgo. New Y'ork. Gilhert Novelty Magic Co., 111.35 So. Irving Webb. Freyseblag Merc. Co. Kansas City Mo I’n'.ted States Tent .L- Awn ng <’■>.. 229 North N. Y'. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal at.. sve., Chlc.vgo, III Samuel YVeInhaus Co 722 Penn ave . Pltfshurg. Desplaines st . Chlrag '. Ill New York. Zom Novelty Co.. 524 Market st.. Phila Pa. Standard Pen Co. 13417 Main st . FvansvlIIe.ImL MAGIC GDDDS Western Art leather C-*.. T3N>r Opera House FRUIT AND GROCERY BASKETS Chicago Magic Co. 72 W. Adams et Chicago. NOVELTY MUSICAL INSTRU¬ Bldg Denver. 1 of .Y. !• Felsman. 115 S. State at.. Chicago. Ill. Chas. ZInn ft Co., S!t3 Broadu.vv. N Y. City. MENTS PILLOW TOPS (Leather) Gilbert Magic Co . 111.35 .So, Irving ave., Chicago. Sonophone Co., 1-3 E. 14tb st.. New Y’ork. M. D. Drevfaeh. 482 Bpsime st.. New Y'ork City. FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Heaney Ylagic Co., Berlin, YY’ls. Catalog free, OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST S Y Mereantile Tr.ading Co.. 167 Canal st.. FOR STAGE AND PRIVATE USE llornmann Magic ('o.. 470 Sth ave.. New York. New Y’ork. The Oaks Magical Co.. Dept. .332. Oshkosh. Wls. F. L. Flark, 16 E. Woodbrldge st . Detroit. Mlcb YY'm. Blrns, 103 W. .37th sf.. New Y’ork. Pennant Novelty Co.. Tnc.. S.32 Brn.adway. N. Y. Joseph Paffen. 223 Admiral Bird., Kansas City, OPERA CHAIRS Tip Top Toy Co., 114 E. 28th st.. New Y’ork. GAMES Mlssonrl. A. IT. Andrew* Co,, 115 Wabash are. Chlrago. Briant Mfg. Co., 120 YV. lOtb at., Indlanapolla. Thayer Mfg. Co., 334 S. San Pedro st., Los An¬ Camle-Goudle Ylfg. Co., 22d and Grand ave.. Ind. geles, Cal. j Kanaafl City. Mo. (Continued on page 46.. 46 T ti e D 1111> o a r <1 AUGUST 17, 1918

The Touraine Confectionery Co., 251 Causeway, SPORTING GOODS TIGHTS Boston, Mass. H. O. Evans A Co., 1522 W. Adams sL, Chicago. Walter O, Bretzflcid Co., 1367 Broadway, N. Y. United States Tent & Awning Co., 229 North H. 0. Hunt & Co., 160 N. Wells st., Chicago. DIRECTORY Besplalnes st.. Chicago, Ill. SILK. Worsted, lisle, Cbtton TUhts Sperlallata. Samuel Weinhaus Co., 722 Penn are., Pittsburg. SPOT LIGHTS, NITROGEN A ARC Symmetiicola. etc. large stock. Or mads to order, i’rloa moderat& (Continued from pajfo 45) SCENERY (’has. Newton. 305 W. 15th st.. Sew York. PILLOW TOPS (Silk) The Progressive Scenic Co., Old Phone 1637, SQUAW-KEE-KE INDIAN BABIES GANTNER t MATTERN CO, ^’i"*'***' 618 Louisiana st., Shreveport, La. California Art Works, 685 Market st., San Fran¬ Decorative Novelty Co., 739 S. Broadway, Loi cisco. Angeles. J. J. WYLE & BROS., INC. PLAYS STAGE HARDWARE Successors to Siegman A Wrtl. SCHELL^S SCENIC STUDIO 18 and 20 East 27tli SL. New York CNy. 581.583-585 South Hl|h St.. Columbus. 6hlo. J. R, Clancy, 100 W, Bclden ave,, Syracuse, SAMUEL. FRENCH New York. I'atilocu* Free. TOYS A. W. Geratner Co., 634 Eighth ave.. N. Y, C. 28 West 38th St.. New York City. SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE Miller Rubber Co., Akron, O. .Amelia Grain. 819 Spring Garden st., Phila. STAGE JEWELRY TOY BALLOONS POCKETBOOKS AND LEATHER SCENIC PAINTERS Brazcl Novelty Co.. 1710 Ella at., Cincinnati. O. Martin Scenic Co.. Center st.. I»s Angeles. Cal. NOVELTY MFRS. J. J. WYLE & BROS., INC. Kaglc Rubber Co.. Ashland, O. Superior l.eather GihkIs Co., 73 Kingston st., Stapp Scenic Works. I>cpt. B., Altus, Ok. Ku.ressors to Siegman A Weil. F’aultlcss Rubber (o., Ashland. O. Boston. Mass. SCENIC PAINTERS 18 and 20 East 2yth at.. Now Ygiii City. FaI Hahn. 222 West Madison st.. ('hicagn. HI POODLE DOGS. STUFFED ANIMALS, (And Dealers in Scenery, Etc.) Klndel A Graham, 891 Mission st., San Fran¬ DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS M. Armbruster A Sons, 249 Front st., Columbus, STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES cisco, Cal. Ohio. Maesillon Rubber Co. Masaillon, O. Advance Whip Co.. 2S7 Klin st., Westfield. Mass. Display Stage Lighting Company Inc. 266 270 Enkeboll Art Co., 530.'; N. 27th st., Omaha, Neb. Miller Rubber Co.. Akron, O. Berk Bros.. .'>43 Broadway, New York City. West 44th at.. New York City, The Myers-Carcy Studios, 500 Market st., Q. Nervlonc, 1157 Sedgwick st.. Chicago. HI. Klektra T.\v A Novelty Co., 4tK) iJifayetto at.. Kllcgl Bros.. 240 W. 50th st.. New York City. Steubenville, O. N. Sbure Co,. 237-241 W. 3fadis>>n st., Chicago. New Y’ork. Rialto Electric Stage Lighting, 304 W. 52d st.. National Scenic Studio, Box 417, Cincinnati. O. Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth at.. St. Louis. H. C. Kvnns A Co.. lo22 W. .\datns st.. Chicago. New Y'ork. Tlic New Y’ork Stnilios, 1001 Times Bldg., N.Y’.C. Fair A Carnival Supply Co.. 120 Fifth ave.. TRUNKS Schell’s Scenic Studio, 5S1 S. High st., (Jolum- STAGE MONEY New York City. Newtim A Son, 60 Elm st.. Cortland, N. Y. bus, 0. N. Shore Co., 237 241 W. Madison st., Chicago. J. Allen Turner, Inc., 266 West 4l8t st.. N.Y.C. Oppcnbclmcr, the Trunk Man, 758 Market st.. Tooine.v A Volland Scenic Co., 2312 Market st., Tip Top Toy Co.. 114-116 E. 28th st.. New Y'ork. San FVanclico. St. lx>iils. Mo. STREETMEN’S SUPPLIES Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton st., Chicago. C. A. Taylor Trunk Works, 28 East Randolph United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Berk Bros., 643 Broadway New York City. United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North st.. Chicago, HI. Desplaines st., Chicago. Ill. Brackman Weller Co., 337‘ West Madison at,, licaplainea st., Chicago, III. Chicago. 111. TURNSTILES SECOND-HAND BAND INSTRU¬ POPPING CORN (The Grain) M. Gerber. 727 729 South st.. Philadelphia. Pa. (Regiatertng and Coin-Oontrolled) Amerii-un Popcorn Co.. Sioux City, la. MENTS Guest Tie Holder Co., 220 Post-Standard Bldg., II. V. Bright. Prospect Bldg., Clevclanil. O. Dixie Music House. 105 W. Madison st., Chicago. Albert Diekinsnn Co., 2750 W. 35th at., Chicago. Syracuse, N. Y". TURNSTILES .Shotwell .Mfg. Co., 1019 W. Adams st., Chicago. SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte *t., Kan sas City, Mo. (Full Automatic and Registering) Bush Terminal, Brooklyn. N. Y'. United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Perey Mfg. Co., Inc.. SO Church st., N. Y. City. Desplaines st., Chicago. III. Ed Hahn, 222 West Madison st., Chicago, Ill. POPCORN MACHINES Ix-vin Bros.. Terre Haute. Ind. UKULELES Holcomb A Hoke Co., 1003 Van Buren at., SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY Mac Fountain Pen A Novelty Co., 21 Ann *t. Kindcl A Graham, 891 Mission at., San FY'an- Indianapolis, Ind. American Amusement Assn., 50>x When Bldg., New York City. cisco. Cal. Klngery Mfg. Co., Cineinnatl, 0. Indianapolis, Ind. Morrison A Co.. 210 W. Madison st., Chlrtgo, HI. J. M. Llcbert, Mfr., 440 5th st., San Francisco. W’. Z. Long Co.. 76 High st., Springrteld, 0, Western Show Properties Co., 518 Delaware st., Y’. Mercantile Trading Co.. 167 Canal st., Tip Top Toy Co., 114 E. 28th st.. New York. Pratt Machine Co., 2 Bissell st.. Joliet, 111. Kansas City, Mo. New Y’ork. Pierce Chemical Co.. Pierce Bldg., Chicago. Ill UNIFORMS PORCUPINES SECOND-HAND TENTS (Bought and R. W. Stoekley A Co.. 810 B Walnut at., Phila. Llnwood n. Flint, North Waterford, Me. Sold) N. Sbure Co., 237-241 W. Madison st.. Chicago. .Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. Eighth st.. St. Louis. UNIFORMS & THEAT. COSTUMES PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS Nickerson Tent, Awning A Cover Co.. 173 Samuel Weinhauf Co., 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg, De Moulin Bros, A Co., Dept. 10, Greenville, III. Ell Bridge Co., Box 22B, Roodhousc, Ill. State st., Boston. Mass. "ankee Novelty Co., 98 Third ave.. New York. Universal Motor Co., Oshkosh, Wls. VASES SERIAL PADDLES STRIKING MACHINE MFRS. Bayless Bros. A Co., 704 W. Main st., Louis¬ PORTABLE SKATING RINKS UN¬ Fair 4 Carnival Supply Co., 126 Fifth ave.. W. Ansterburg. Homer, Mich. ville, Ky. DER CANVAS New York. Moore Bros.. I.4ii>eer, Mich. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES Tramill Portable Skating Rink Co., 1323 Agnes STRIKER MANUFACTURERS .Vekerman A Harris, 281 O'Farrell st., San at., Kansas City. Mo. TIP TOP TOY CO. Francisco. United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Herscbell-Spillman Co.. North Tontwanda, N. T. 114 East 28th 9t.. New Ysrk. M. Barnes, .IS South State at., Chicago. IlL Desplaines st., Chicago. SWORDS. SPEARS AND SHIELDS Bert lavey Circuit of Vaudeville Theaters. Al- azar Theater Bldg.. San FYanclsco. PORTABLE SKATING RINK SERIAL PAPER PADDLES West Side Iron Works, 267 West 37th st. New Peerleas Portable Skating Rink Co., Paola, Kan. York City. Jones, IJnlck A Schaefer, 110 South State st.. ational Ticket Co., Shamokin. Pa. Chicago, HI. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS SERIES QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES SYMMETRICALS United Booking Offices, 1403 Broadway, N. Y. C. Walter G. Bretzfleld Co.. 1367 Broadway, New Corona Typewriter Co., Inc„ New York, San Blttlemcycr I’rintlng Works, 1331 1333 Vine at., Western Vaudeville Mgrs.' Assn.. Chicago. Y'ork. Francisco, Groton, N. Y". Cincinnati. O. John Spicer, 86 Woodbine at., Brooklyn, N. Y. VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES POST CARDS Theo. Mack A Son, 621 S. Clinton st.. Chlcsgo. Williamsburg Post Card Co., 25 Delancey at.. SHOOTING GALLERIES T. Dickman Co., Inc., 245 8. Main st., Los TATTOONG SUPPLIES ' New York City. Edwin E. Brown, 312 N. Burdick st,, Kalamazoo, WAFFLE MACHINES Angeles, Cal. POST CARD MACHINES Michigan. (Sugar Fuff) Ilaydark Specialty Co.. I).7.ydark Bldg., St. Louis Charles Wagner. 208 Bowery tnd Chatham 8q., Talbot Mfg. Co.. Ill N. 15th st.. St. Louis. Mo. E. R. HOFFMAN & SON New York City. POST CARD AND TINTYPE MA¬ WAGONS SHOOTING GALLERIES. TELEPHONE HOLDER CHINES AND SUPPLIES 3317 South Irvlna Avenue._Chleaia. III. Wm. Freeh Co., Maple Shade, N. J. (Phone Hands Free) Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg., St. Louis. WATCHES It. Hoffmann A Son, 3317 South Irving ave., Kalisjian Hand Appliances. 1930 Washington Altbaoh A Rosenson, 203 W. Madison st., Chl'go. POSTER PRINTERS Chicago, ill. st.. Boston, Mass. Alles Printing Co., 224 E. Fourth st., Los An¬ •Liter A Co., 16,5 West Madison st.. Chicago. III. W. F. Mangels. Coney Island, New York City. M. Gerber, 727-7’29 South St., Philadelphia. Pa. geles. Mueller A Co., 2652 Elston are., Chicago. TENTS Francls-Valentlne Co., 777 Mission at., San Fran¬ American Tent A Awning Co.. 307 Washington Ilolenian A Co.. 177 W. Madison at., Chicago, Ill. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. Irving Schwartz A Co., 1472 Broadway, New cisco. ave.. North, Minneapolis, Minn. Y'ork City. Gllle Show Printing Co., 820 Mission at., San Baker A Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte sts., A. J. SMITH MFG. CO. N. Shure Co.. 237-241 W. Madison st.. (Tjlcago. Francisco. Kansas City, Mo. SHOOTING GALLERIES. Columbus Tent A Awning Co.. Columbus. O. Samuel Weinhaus Co.. 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg. 3247 W. Van Bursa St.. Chicaga. III. PRESS CLIPPING SERVICE Carnie-Goudie Co.. 23d and Grand ave. Kansas WHIRL-O-BALL KUpen Service, 194 Main, Buffalo. N. Y’. City. Mo. SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS Briant Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRINTERS Dougherty Bros.' Tent Co.. 118 South Fourth at., AND LITHOGRAPHERS Sr. Louie, Mo. Wentworth A Rice, 727 So. Dearborn at.. Cht WIGS Ackerman-Quigley Co., 115 W. Fifth st., Kan¬ Foster A Stewart Co., Inc.. 371-375 PaclOc st.. Zauder Bros., Inc., 115 W. 48th st.. B. Y. City. cago. Ill. sas City, Mo. Brooklyn. N. Y. PRINTERS Planet Show Print and Engraving House, Chat Fulton Bag A Cotton Mills, New York, St. WIG MAKERS (Of Letterheads, Cars, Envelopes and Circular ham, Ontario, Can. Ix>uis, New Orleans. Atlanta and Dallas. Tex. G. Shlndhelm, 100 W. 46th st.. New York Caty. Letters) SIDE-SHOW CURIOSITIES J. C. Goss A Co., Detroit, Mich. Central Printing Co., 1143 Phelan BHg.. San HenriX'Luebbert Mfg. Co., 326 Howard, San WIGS AND TOUPEES Nelson Supply, 514 E. 4th st., S. Boston, Mass. Francisco. Francisco. P. W. N.ack. 32 W. Wash, st., Chicago. III. PRINTERS SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS Geo. T. Hoyt Co., 52 S, -Market st.. Boston, Mass WILD ANIMALS, BIROS AND REP> (Of Pictorial Posters. Big Type Stands, Stream Enkeboll Art Co.. 5305 N. 27th st., Omaha. Neb. Murray A Co., Inc., 625 W. F)ilton at.. Chi era. Etc.) United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North cago. TILES American Show Print Co., Milwaukee. Wls. Desplaines st., Chicago. Ill. L. Nickerson Tent. Awning A Cover Co.. 173 I/>uis Ruhe, 248 Grand st.. New York City. Donaldson Lithograph Co.. Newport, Ky. SIGNS State st., Boston, Masa. WILD WEST COSTUMES Hennegan A Co., 311 Genesee Blvd., Cincinnati. W. A. Plummer Mfg. Co., Pine and Front sts., . J. Hayden A Co., Inc., 106-110 Broadway, Charles P. Shipley. Kansas City. Mo. Brooklyn. N. Y. San Francisco. Cal. PRIZE SILVER CUPS St. Louis Tent A Awning Co., 1012 Market at.. WILD WEST SADDLES, CHAPSr New England Flag A Regalia Co.. Stamford, Ct. SIGN CARD WRITERS’ BRUSHES St. Ixiuis, Mo. Dick Bllck Co., Galesburg, Ill. Catalog B free. ROPES AND SPURS PUZZLES, TRICKS, JOKES Selck Tent A Awning Co.. Des Moines, la. Visalia Stock Saddle Co., 2117 Market, San Oaks Magbal Co.. Dept. 451. Oshkosh. Wi SKATES Tucker Duck A Rubber Co., FT. Smith. Ark FVsncIsco. Cal. Chicago Roller Skates Company, 224 North Ada United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North ROLL TICKETS Desplaines at., Chicago, III. WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES Ansell Ticket Co., ir>4166 E. Erie st., Chicago. st.. Chicago, Ill. Richardson Skate Co., 154 E. Erie at., Chicago. Juergen Jewelry Co., s.1 Chambers st., N. Y. C. Donaldson Lithograph Co., New[X)rt, Ky. TENTS TO RENT John H. Williams. Manufacturer of Henley National Ticket Co., Shamokin* Pa. XYLOPHONES Roller Skates, Richmond, Ind Foster A Stewart, Inc. 371 Pacl8c at.. Brook Royal Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa. lyn, N. Y. J. r. Deigsn, Berteau and E. Ravenawood Park. ROUGE SKEE-BALL M. Magee A Son, Inc., 147 FYiUon st.. N. Y’. C Chlrago, HI. D. Este Co., 1624 Sanaom st., Philadelphia. The Hess Co.. Rochester, N. Y. United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Desplaines st.. (^hlctgo, HI. XYLOPHONES. MARIMBAS, BELLS M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st st., N. Y. SLIDES AND NOVELTIES Greater N. Y. Slide Co. 154 W. 45th at., N. T THEATER TICKETS SALESBOARD ASSORTMENTS E. R. Street, 28 Brk st., Hartford. Conn. w AND SALESBOARDS SLOT MACHINES (KoU and Reserved Seat Coupon) (Manufacturers and Dealers In) Ansell Ticket Co., 154 E. Erie st.. (Ttlcsgo. Ill Altbsrh A Rosenson. 203 W. Madison st.. Ch’go. Sicking Mfg. Co., 1931-1935 Freeman ave., Cln National Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa. Alter A Co.. 165 W. Madison st., Chicago, 111 cinnatl. O. THEATRICAL NOTES Barnes Bros.' Novelty Co., 5 South Jefferson st. Vance Supply House. 41.5 S. Robey st.. Chicago. THEATRICAL FOLDING BICYCLES Hutchinson, Kan. SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES PADDLE WHEELS AND DEVICES The Crand Opera Mouse at Rirrllngton, la., Brackman-Weller Co.. 337 W. Madison st., Chi Exhibit Supply Co.. 542 S. Dearborn it., Chicago. Kallajian Expert, 1930 Washington si.. Boston, cago. HI. Massachusetts will open Its next season with Friendly Eoemlea The J W. Hoodwin Co.. 2949 West Van Buren SMOKEPOTS August ‘20. M. Wagner, 34 Park Place, New York. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES AND st., Chicago, HI. The Athens Theater of Newbem, N. C., Iowa Novelty Co.. Keota, la. SNAKES EFFECTS Bert J. Putnam, 4!»0 Waahington at., Buffalo, J. Allen Turner. Ine.. '266 West 41st st.. N Y. C. foriiierly manager by l.ovlck A Taylor, has SI'EtlAl-ISTS IN SALES New York. John Brunton Studios. 226 W. 41st st N. Y". C. changed hands and will be known as the Athena UU.4UI> AS.SOKTMENT8. 1034 Arch Street SNAKE DEALERS THEATRICAL TICKETS Show Shop, and will be directed by Livlck LIPAULT GO. Henry Bartels. 72 Cortland st.. New York. PHILADELPHIA. National Ticket Co.. Shamokin, Pa. A Rourdelals. W. Odell Uarn A Co , South Side Mlllttry Moe Levin 4 Co., 337-339 West Madison st. IMaza, San Antonio T'ex. TICKETS Eleanor Phillips has been with the Wash¬ Chicago, Ill. W. A. Snake King. Brownsville. Tex. (Roll and Reserved lest) burn Show for several weeks, and baa been do¬ Texas Snake Farm Brownsville. Tex. Rees Ticket Co., 10 Hsmey st., Omaha, Neb. ing well with several concessions. She will SNAKE OIL FOR STREETMEN TICKET CHOPPERS leave soon to meet her minstrel show, which la "N. Y. MER»NTIinRAOING~CO. Kcldhawk, 1229 Market at.. Wheeling. W. Va. n. V. Bright, Prosim him an 114 E. 28tti St.. New Ysrfc. Surreaaors to Siegman A Well. IS aad 20 Eaat 27th M.. New Vark City. National Ticket Co., Shamokin. Pt. essay on Patriotism which wou a prlxc in a Royal 'llcket Co.. Shamokin, Pa. Turltan Chocolate Co., Court at. and Central competition conducted by a Chattanooga newa- Trlmoont Presa. w Albany at.. Boston. YAias. ave., Cincinnati, O. SPIRIT GUM Weldon, WlUlams Uck, Ft. Smith, Ark. paper. N, Shoxe Co., 237-241 W. MadUoa et., Chicago. M. Stela CoameUc Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. O. A AUGUST 17, 1918 e B 47

Elrera Slst»ri« (Orph^iim) Boston. Hill, Tivoli A Hill (Pantages) Minneapolis Eniprioa Ik Bald win (Hrphoum) It*-* Moln«*». (I’antages) Winni|ieg, Can.. 19-24. EDimi-tt, MIcbael, & Co. ((lipp.t Oakland, Cal.. Hoffman, loiura (Or|dieum) Salt Lake City; (Or 14 17. (ihcum) Di’nver 19-24. Kainiy's, Carl, Pets (Buabwk-k) Brooklyn. Holden A Herron (Emery) Providence. Bmidre Comsdy Four (l’BotaK<‘ii) Spokane, Iloliiian, Harry. .A Co. iBuehwIckt Brisiklyn. Watth.: iPantaKos) Seattle ltt-’J4. Holmes A lo'vcre (I’autagcs) Minneapolis; (Pan E<|iillll Br>>a. (Orpbeuni) l.oa .\Dgeles; (Orpbe tages) AA’Innlpeg, Can., 19 24. ROUTES IN ADVANCE lull) Salt iJike City 1!)-'J4. Holmes A Buchanan iKeitlii lA'ashington 19 21 FvaiiH, .Maxie (I’antas^'a) San Diego, Cal.; llolmer .A Parker (Riversidci New A’ork 19 24. (CaDtageH) Salt Lake City 19 ;;4. Molt A Rosedale I Keith) AA’ashington. Falier Ik Burnett (IIIpp.) Oakland, Cal.. 14-17. Honeyniisin (l)(|ilieum) Salt laike City 19-24. Faahlona de Voi^iie (I’antages) Victoria, Can.; H'Mi|H-r .A Burkhanlt (I’antages) Seattle. Wash.; (ranlagea) Tacoma, Waali.. 19 24. (I’aniages) A'ancuuver. Can.. 19'24. Fealy, Manning & Knoll (Orpheiim) Boston. H'sisier (ilrls (I’antages) Oakland; (I’antages) Managera and performers are rest>e,-tfullir requested to rfliitrllu.te their dates to this defiartinenL Koutes Fern Sc. Davis (Orpbeuni) San Franclseo 19-24. Los .Angeles 19 24. mast rsarh The Billboard not laler Ihin Friday of earh week to insure publication. Flnders-Keeis-rs (Cautages) I'orllaud, Ore. Hopkins A .Axtcll lllipp. 1 San Jose 14-17. The Billboard forwards all mall for p^esslonals free of rharxe Members of Ihe profession are Inviled. Fisher .t (MImore tl’antages) Waco, Tex. Howard .A Jenkins (A'ictorla) New York. while on the roed, to ha>e their mail adeg 19 24. Huff, Lew (Hipii.i SaiT.imenlo. Cal.. 14 17. , ~ •• flivnn the week of Clifford, Bessie (Orpbeuni) Duliitb; (Orpheum) Flopis (Victoria) New York. Hull Chasers Four (Palace Hip.) Seattle, Wash., August 12*17 is to be supplied. WinniiMg 19-24. Flynn’s. Josie. Minstrels (I’antages) Spokane, 1.'. 17. __ Clifford, Falltli (M.ajcstlc) Chicago 19-24. Wash.; (I’antages) Seattle 19 24. Ilyanis A McIntyre (Riverside 1 New York. Clifford. Kdltli, & Co. (Keitlii Cleveland, Fogarty A Foster (Orand) St. Isvuis. Id the Days of Lung .Ago (lli|>p.) Sacramento, 1.1.1, t.nct /i>.i....i V— V. .1. Cliinn Si-al (Skydonie) St. L/iiiia. Follies, The (I’antages) Salt Lake City; (Pan* Cal.. 14 17. tdJ!ride“Be‘llideis'ido Bell Vf>Co'Tt'L^eTi iCeccicei Vo’^'vv:’”-V k Coleman Sc Kay (I’aniages)•I’antage;) Kansas City.City, tnges) Ogden 19-24. lolecu Sisters (Keith) Boston. .tlhm lt iw..T.Keilll, .K OM lu 1 rr Colour Ceiiis orpbeuni)(Orpheum) Madison, III. Fonda, Mabel. Trio (Avenue B) New York. Irving A Ward (Yonge St.) Toronto, Can. .tdonis * IVig (Majestic) Springfield II! Colmiihia Sc Vlrh.r lOrpbeuni) Calgary; (Orpbe- | For Pity's Sake (Keitht Washington, Irwin, Clijs. (Riverside! New York; (New .terial I’atts (I’antagcs) nklalioma City.’ "“')uni) Sjsikanet‘|s>kane 19-‘24.19 24. Ford Sisters (Kamona Park) Urand Kapids, Brighton) Brighton Beaeli. N Y., 19-24. .Miearn Dan (lilpp. i San Jiwe. Cal.. 14 17. ColumbiaColiiMihia .kA 'Vh-tor l< tor (lilverslde)(Klverslde) New York.Y'oek. MIeh.. 1924. Jack A Forla (Delaneey St.) New York. .\ltwrt A Itogers (tireeley Sq.) New York. Conlln A lil.issClass (Orpheum) Calgary; (Orpbe(Orpheum) | Four Entertainers (.\merlean) New York. Jackie A Billy (Pan'ages) Helena, Mont.; (Pan* .Mbrigbt. Bib (I'antages) Kansas City. S|Hikane 19 24. Four Harmony Kings (Palace) New York. tages) Missoula l9-‘24. .tlbrlght. Pond A 1‘almer (Warwick) Brooklvn. ConmlllConnelll Sc Craven(raven (Klverslde) New York 19-24.1! Four Holloways (Orpheum) New York. Jaokson. J's- (Palaee) New York. .Mei Bros. A Evelyn (I'antages) Kansas City * Oatman (I’antages) Portland, Ore. For. Eddie. A Co. (Keith) Philadelphia. Jameison. Davy (I’antages) Los .Angeles; (Pan¬ 19-24. Cisik Sc .Savo lllipp.) Cleveland 19-24. Foyer. Eildie (Orpheum) Duluth, Minn.; (Or* tages) San Diego 19 24. .\ exandria (I’antages) Kansas City 19 24. Coreoran Sc Mark (FuKon) Brooklyn. pbeiim) Wlnnli«eg 19-24. Jerome A Marion (On'heuni) Boston. Alfred, Jack. A Co. (Palace) Bskford, 111. Cowla A Verdi (I’antages) San Francisco 19 24. I'rsdkin A Jean Tell (Riverside) New Y’ork; Jessel, George (A'ietoria) New York. .ill for IVmiMTScy (Majestic) Chicago. Could This llapiien (l/)ew) Montreal. (Keith) Boston 19-‘24. Jewett A I’eiiileltoii (National) New York. .tllsn. Minnie. Sc Sister (KeithI Ibiston. Craiio A Apollo (I.yrlc) Hoboken. N. J. Frsnels A DeMar (Delaneey St.) New York. Johns.>n Bros. A Johnson lEiii|drei No. Yakima, .\llen. Nora. Co. t Victoria) New Y'ork. Crawford A BrrslerickBroderick (Keith)I Keith) Washington 19 24. Franklyn Dtio (DeKalb) Brooklyn. AVash . Id 17. .kllen. Fred (Palace) Chicago 19’-’4. Creamer.Creamer, BartonBurton A Sperling (Pantagesl(Pantages) Van* Freilerl'cks A Van (Palace Hip.) Seattle. IVash.. Jolson. Harry (Fontaine Ferry Park) Louis¬ .Vliimnd. Tom A Pearl (People's Hii. ) Butte, coiiver.couver. Can.; (I’antages)(Pantages) VictoriaA’lctorla 1919-24. 1.117. ' ville; (Forest Park) St. Lulls 19 24. M>mt., 14 17. Creighton. Belmont A Creighton (Pantagr(Pantages) I»f 1>ijsanxa. Trixie (Morrleon) Rop.) Spokane, AVash.. 14 17. (I’antages) Tacoma, Wash., 19-’24. Kllaro Rms. (Orpheum) Duluth. Antonio, Krna, Trio (Broailway) Springfleld. Knight A Jackson (HIpp.) Sacramento, Cal., 14- 17. Anlen. (Jerlrude. To. (.\venue B) New York. THIS BUNKBLANK IS AVAILABLE FOR ROUTE DATA IN CASE YOU HAVE Kranz A loiSalle (D«dancey St.) New York. Armstrong A Ford (Builcvard) New York. — aaaawaum aaaakMA K^mka Bros. (I’antages) Edmonton, Can.; \eg. Can.; WVMI fc.wwnigw. wnitvw Kiinia Four (I’aniages) Spokane, Wash.; (Pan* I I’antages) Edmonton 19-24. tages) Seattle 19-’24. Baker. Walter A Co. (ilipp.) S|K)kane. Wash., LaDent, Frank (I’antages) San Diego, Cal.; 14 17. (I’antages) Salt loike rity 19 24. B.ill. Foster. A Co. (Forest Park) St. Louis, Mo. naaaav La France A Kennedy (I’aniages) Houston. Tex. Ballylswi Trio (Fulton) Bissiklyn. NAME_NAME Lal’elite Cabaret Revue (Palace) Milwaukee. BarcfiHvf Boy (I’antages) Winnipeg, Can.; IaVsII. Harry, A Sister (Emery) PMvldenco. (I’antages) Edmonton 19-24. lArkaye, Wilton (I’alaee) New Y'ork. Barrett. Pat (I’antages) Denver. IBfCEIf 'TIIB8TCD loidy .Aller’s Pels (Keith > Philadelphia, Bartos. Three (I'antages) San Francisco 19-24. WEEK llllEWIEIITHEATER STATE loinder Bros. (Ramona Park) Urand Rapids, Barton. Joe (Empire) North Y'akiiiia. Waih., ItJ MIeh.. 19-24. lAne A llariK-r (Forest Park) St. Liuis. I.Angi|on A Smith (National) New York. Baxter A Virginia (Empress) Denver. l-Aynion Ciirzun A .Andelon (Ilipp.) San Jose. Beaumont A .\rnold (KIvcreldcl New York; Cal., 14 17. (Keith) Boston 19-24. loizar A Dale (Henders->n) Coney Island. Beeman A- .Anderson (I’antages) Salt Lake City; ' '' ■ ■ ■ Iau> Beegs Co. (.American) New York. (I’antages) Ogden 19-24. Irf'Fevre, Geo. A May (Columbia) Davenport, la. Beers. Ia*o (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, New Ia*e. Ldus (Grand) St. Lonl*. Y’ork; (KeithI Boston 19'24. lo’lpilg (Orpheum) Ib’S Molne*. Bi-nnetf A Kichards tKaiieuia Park) Grand Rap- Ia>lands (I.inisdn S<|.) New York. Ids, Mich. Ijeonard, Brown A Co. (I’antages) Salt Lake Bennett A Richards (Majestic) Chicago 19-24. city; (I’antages) Ogden 19 24. Bernard A Termini 1 Keith 1 Philadelphia 19 24. I.erner. Tina (Oriiheum) San Franclseo. Bernfiardt. Sarah (Or|>heum) Salt Lake (^Ity; _ Les .Arados 1 IIIpp. 1 San Jose. Cal.. 14-17. (Onibeum) Denver 19 '24. Ia>volos, (Palaee) New York. Birns. Sheum) Calgary, Can.; (Or- De Mar. Grace (Orpheum) lava Angeles 19-24. Gibson Glrlt. Tbr*e (Pantages) Ogden. Utah; Live A Wilbur (Kamona Park) Grand Rapids. rheum) Spokane 19-’24. DeMlehelle Bros. (Pantages) Seattle. Wash.;1-5 (I’antages) Denver 19-24. MIeh. Riswtt A Seott (RIJou) Fall River. Mass. (I’antages) Vancouver. Can.. 19 24. Gilbert A Friedman (Keith) Washington; (KeithI Livetfs Concentration (Ovlumhla) Davenport, Blands. The (Palaee) Chicago 19’24. m-l’eron Trio (HIpp.) Portland. Ore., 11-17. Philadelphia 19 24. la. Boling'r A Reynolds 1 Buslm b-k > Brooklyn 19 24 DeVoy. .Yrthur. Co. (l/ww) Hamilton, Can. Gllleite. Lucy (Pantages) Vancouver, Can.; Liwande’a Topsy Turvy Riders (Grand) St. Bonner, Diana (Pantages) Kansas City. I*eWltt A Gunther (Grand) St. laoiis. (Pantagea) Victoria 19-'24. Isinl*. Bon Voyage (I’antages) Vancouver. Can.: (Pan Dehaven A Parker (Orpheum) Salt iJike City, Girard, Harry, A Co. (Pantages) San Diego, L.we A DeMarlo (Liberty) Walla Walla. Wash.. tages) Victoria 19 ’24. I'tah. 19-24. , Cal.; (I’antages) Salt loike City 19-24. Id 17. Booth A leander (Fontaine Ferry Park) Ismls- I),-nnev A Morrison (Palace Htp.l Seattle. Wash . Loyal. Sylvia (Royal) New York. vRIe: (Forrest Park) St. Isiuis 19-24. )y, j'f, Girl Behind Cigar Stand (Palace) Rockford. HI. . Girt on Magazine (Orpheum) Duluth, Minn.; I.ueler, I.ucy (Pantages) Denver. BiMitork’s Riding School (Keltl)) Ib-lon 19 21. DonishawnPenishawn Dancers (I’antages) Tacoma. Watb.; ” (Or;iheuni) Calgary 11L24. I.vnn Ben (Lincoln Sq.) New York. -f- (Pantages)(I’antages) liirtland.Ihirtland. Ore., 19-'24. Girl* From Starland (Liberty) Walla Walla. Lynch Ed. ('o. (DeKalh) Bnsiklyn. B”yer. Nancy. A Co. (Grand) St. louia. D<>ueeDs'Uee of CiutisClutis (Grand) St. Is>uis. L.vons, Jimmy (I’antagcs) Oakland, Cal.; (Pan¬ Wash.. Id 17. Rrandt A .\ubrey (Rl>>u) BrisAlyn. Diamond. Col.. A Granddaughter (M.ajestlc)(M-aJestic) tages) I/is .Angeles 19 24. Brendel A Bert (Oriihenm) Des Moines. Springfield,Springfleld, III. lilen A Jenkins (Yonge St.) Toronto, Can. I.Ttell, Willlani. Co. (HIpp.) Baltimore. Brlerre A King (Orpheum) I)ulu(h. Minn. Doherl.vDoherty A Scalia (Coinmbla)(Columbia) Daveni»>rt.Daveni»'rt. la. Gordon .A Gonlon (I’antages) Waco. Tex. MeClarens. Musical (Washington) Belevllle, III. Broadway Revue (Victoria) New York. Donnell .V- TvsonTyson (Pantagea) S|«>kane. Wash.: Gonlon A Rica (Oridieiiin) Salt laike City 19 24. MeCIell-in A Carson (Liew) Hamilton. Can. Hrisiks A Power* (Shea) Buffalo 19 24. (I’antages)I I’antages) ’ Seattle 19-’24. Gordon .A Keen tOridieiim) San Francisco. McConnell A Simpson (Pantages) Kan-as City. Brower, Walter (Majestic) Chlrago. Iksdey A Nelson (Oriiheum) San Francisco; Great Ihdiiliiiie (I’antages) Oklahoma City. McCuHongh. Carl (Orpheum) Salt iJke City; Bmwd Girls (Orpheum) Calgary, Can. (Orpheum) Isu)Isi* .Vngeles.Angeles 19'24. Green. McHenry .A Dean (I’antages) Oakland, (Orphenni) l)enver 19 '24. Brown, Geo. H., A Co. (Keith) PliiladelpbU 19 l»ormanDorman A Glenn (Grand) St. louls. Cal.; (I’antages) I/os .Angeles 19-24. McFarland's Dancing Girls (Pantagea) Kansas 24. lllrk.lllck. William (I.oew) New UcM-helte. Greenlee .A WlHiains iBiishwlek) Brooklyn 19-24. City 19-’24. Diero (Ni-w Bright'Ui) Brighton Beach, N. Y.. Brown. Kalmer. A Co. IBushwU-k) Brooklyn 19 Diero (New BrlghtertAlliert (Or)>heum)(Orpheum) Salt iJike City; ||,,i i,„,, , Drighton) Brighton Beach, New Maelt A M.avbelle (I’antages) San .Antonio. Tex. urn) Denver 19-24. (Ori»heuni)(Oriiheum) I>enverIh-nver 19 24. ) ork 19 ”4 Mailden, I/cw. A Co. (Orphenm) Los .Angeles; Burk A loH- (People’s Hip.) Butte. Mont.. 14 17. Ihsdey. Johnny (Ilipp.(Ilipp.) t Toronto,Toronto; 1(Morrison) Morrison) n,)] * (lullda (Y-mg* St ) Toronto. Can. (Orpheum) lais .Angeles 19-‘24. Burns A Kissen (Keith) Philadelphia; (River- R«skawayKis'kawa.y Beach. New Y'lrkYork 19 24. Hallen .A Hunter (I’antages) Isis Angeles, Cal.; Mahoney A Rogers; (I’antages) A’ietoria. Can.; side) .New York 19-24 Iv.ree’s.Doree’s. Mme.,Mine., Cels-brlllcsCelebrilles (Orpheum) DesDe* Moines (I’antages) San Diego 19 24. (I’aniages) Tacoma. Wash.. 19 24. Bush, Frank (Isww) Montreal. l>”*eDoze A IbIb-rnanV rnariL INew(New IVighlon)Brishlon) Brlgl)XonBrlg>«'>n nal,H rln Nsn (Soliiiier Park t Montreal 19 24 Maid of France (Shea) Buffalo 19'24. Cahill A Romalne (Sk.vdome) St. Ixiuis. Beach. N. Y..V.. 19 '24.’24. Handicap Girls (Pantages) San Francisco; (Pan- Makarenko Di)o (Warwick) Brooklyn. Caine, Derwent Hall |Ori>heum) Is's .\nge1ea; Drenn) Kanta«les (New Brighton) Brighton tages) Oakland 19 24. Man off lee Wagon (Majestic) Chicago. B*-aeh, New York. 19 '24. (Orphciim) Ism .Angeles 19-24. Handw-orth, Octavla, A Co. (Pantages) ('algary. Manklrhl Troniu- (HIpp.) .Alton III. Calre. .Amelia (Majestic) Springfleld, Ill. Drew A Wallace (Orpheum) Isis .Angeles. Can.; (lantages) Helena. Mont., 19-24. Marino .A- Maley (Orphenm) Madl.son, III. ■Alarr A Burke (D«daneey St.) New A'ork. Martin A Raves (Riverside) Sew York. May. Eunice (I’antages) Salt Laka City; (Pan¬ tages) Ogden 19-'24. May A Kildiiff 1 Eini'rensi Denver. Ma'vhew, Stella (Majestic) ChlcagP, Mavo .A I.vnn (Or|>beum) Salt I.ake City 19 24. Mehlinger A Myers (Morrison) Rcckaway Beach, New York. Melody Garden (HIpp.) Cleveland 19-24. reel! Trio (I’antages) San -Antonio, Tex. Eddy Duo (Oriihenni)(On.henm) Winnipeg.'Can.;Winnipeg. Can.; (Orp(Orpbe- •J'’!'’ '*’<'*• Meyakio*. The (Pantag»'s) Houston. Tex. Cervo (Orpheum) S|Mikane 19-’24. uni)urn) Calgary 19-24. Help Pol eeJP.nU^^^^^ Milady’s Gowns (HIpp.) Portland, Ore., 15-17. CharKittb Quintette (Ramona Park) Grand Rap- Edb’r.Edler. Grace A Anna.Anna (HIpp.) San Jose. Cal., 14- t»KWi) L h'Kafy Ids MIeh. 17. Henlere. H.. A Co. (Riverside) New York 19 24 Chaliier A Dc Roaa Sisters (Pantages) Houston, Edwards. Margaret (Forest Park) St. 1/onls. Henry A Moore (Pantages) Salt Lake City: R*al Hair. Irtth Caoitdlaa. Jaw. Datahaaa. Tex. Edwards' Song Revue (Palaee) Chicago 10-24. (Pantages) Ogden 19 24. SSc tach; Ntfr*. 30* aad SO*; Lady’s Wl*. $1.23. 31-73; la*. Cliaraettn. 11.73: Tlfht^ Chinko A Kaufman (Royal) New York 19-24. Edward*. Gold A Reese (Delaneey St.) New Herman. AI (Columbia) Davenport. la. Hers. Ralph (Orpheum) San Franclaco, Me; Carahral Pa»tr Hata. taz. 23*. Catal*« Christie A Bennett (Empire) North Y'aktma, York. tra*. Kll*»art Mfr.,43 C«*oar $*.. Ntw Y*rk. Uickman Broa. (Keith 1 Portland, Ore. WIG )Vaah., 18 17. Eldura A Co. (Sohmer Park) Montreal. 48 Ttie Billboard AUGUST 17, 1918

Miller, Paokpr i ShI* (I'anlases) H)>I«Da, Mont.: RubevlIIe (Bushwlck) Brooklyn; (Davis) Pttta- ProTldeni-e Stock Co.; (Majestic) Providonco. (I'antagfn) Mlawmla bttrg 19-24. STOCK & REPERTOIRE R. I., Indef. Mlilrr, Kil'Hf. I)U'> (Keith) Boston. Samuels. Maurice, Co. (Or|>heum) Boston. Academy Players: Haverhill, Mass., indef. Robins' Playera. Kdw. II. Robins, mgr.; (Royal Miller \ t'aiinian (ItavlK) rillslxirg Sansome A Del.llab (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Alim Players; (Empire) Montreal, (an., indef. Alexandra) Toronto. Can., A|irll 6. Indef. Mile a Minnie (l':iiitiij;<'K| Seattle. Waah.; Santell, Great (Empress) Denver. Albee Stuck Co.: (Keith) Providence. H. I.. Savidge Walter, Amiisement Co., AA’nltcr Sav- lI’antaKei^) Vaiieow) Montreal. Sliuliert Stis-k Co.; (Shubert) St. Paul, Minn.. Moii.ireli D.iiK'iiii: I'uur (llipii. | OaklaiKl. Cal.. Scytiiour A Dupree (Hipp. i S|M)kane, Wash.. 14- Fla., imlef. Auditorium Players: Malden. Mass.. Indef. Indef. 14 17. 17. Sliubert Slock Co., Harry L. .Mlntiirn, mgr.: Mont»t>itiier.v \ Perry (Keith) Boelon. Shaw A Camphcll (Orpheum) Wlnnli>eg: (Or- .Auditorium Players: Manchester, N. H.. Indef Austin. .Mildred. Slock Co., No. 1: (Hanalian MilwaiiLee. AVi*., indef. MonlR'Uiiery. M. (KeKh) WashlnKlon. pbciim) (’.xlgary 19-24. Spooner. Cecil. Stock ( o.; ((:r.ok- Moon Morris. A: C'l. (I'antattes) Waeo. Tex. Shayue, .A1 (Ma.lestic) Springfield. III. Gardens) Liiiisville, Ky., Imlef. .Austin, Mildred. Stm’k Co., No. 2: (Broadway) lyn. indef. Tom. A C.irls (BiJ.oi) Brooklyn. Sheehan A Begay (New Brighton) Brighton .Starnes Stisk Co.; Oakland City. Ind., 12 17. Moran A- Wiser (New Bciftliton) tiriRhtoii Biaeh. Beach, N. Louisville. Ky.. Indef. Bishop Players; (Playlionae) Oakland, Cal., In¬ Stone. Florence, Stock Co.; (Sliulwrt) Minns- N. Y.: (Uoyul) New York 1H-24. Sherman, Van A Hyman (Pantages) Winnipeg, a(>o|ia. indef. Moran A Mack (dri'lteiiiii) I.oi< Angeles l'J-24. (’an.; (Pantages) Edmonton 19-24. def. Bonstelle. Jessie. Stock Co.: (Garrick) De- Strand Players; Hoboken, N. J., indef, Morati. Helen (Bijou) BpK.klyn. Sherman, Sadie (Empress! Ib'nver. Trent Players: (Trent) Trenton. N. J.. Indef. Morrati. I.lnlon \ Co. (Pantattes) Vancouver, Shields, Frank (Keith) Portland, Me.. 19-24. truit. Mich., indef. Brissac, Virginia. Co.: (Strand) San Diego, AA'slIace. Clieater. Players; (CtdumiHa) Alllanca. Can.; (Panlages) Victoria lH-24. Shirb-y Sisters (Boyal) New Y’ork 10-’24. O., indef. Morfenson. Mheum) Calgary 19-24. def. Sims. Rouble (Henderson) Coney Island, N. X. Whitney Stock Co., Welsh A Walbourn, mgr*.: Moss A Frye (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, Byers, Fred. Stock Co.: (Keystone Park) Sayre, Singer’s Midgets (Pantages) Lw Angeles, Cal.; Jackson. Mich., indef. New York. Pa., Indef. (Pantages) Salt Ijike City 19-24. Wilkes’ Players. Salt Lake City, Utah, indef. Moss A Fyre |Or|ilieum) Wlnni|>eg. Can.; (Or- Carmelo’s, Fred, Musical Comedy Co.; Omaha, SIsto, Wllliatn (Orpheum) New Y'ork. VA'illlams'. Ed, Stock Co.: Quincy. Ill., indef. pheum) Calgary 19-24. Neb., indef. Smith A ToscI (Liew) Hamilton, Can. AA'Illiams', Ehy A l>N'limar (Washington) Belleville. Ill. Carter, Monte, Musical Comedy Stork: (Oak) Smith, Fayse Jack (Greeley) New Y’ork. def. .Musical Conservatory, The (Majestic) S|irlng- Seattle. Wash., Indef. Somewhere In France (Hl|>p.) Toronto; (Ramona Wlnnl|wg .stock Co., G. T. Husden, mgr.: (Win¬ fielil. 111. Clancey Stock Co.: (Jacques) Waterbary, Coon., Park) Grand Itnpbis. Mich., 19-'24. Nartell A Follette (F.miiress) St. I/ouls. Indef. nipeg) AA'innipeg. Can. Sorrento Quintet (Vongc St.) Toronto, Can. Nation's Peril (Pantages) San .\ntonlo, Tcx. Colonial Musical Comedy Stock: (Colonial) To¬ Y'ankeeland Girls Co., Thos. Alton, mgr.; Chtl- Spanish Dancers (Pantages) Missoula, Mont.; Nordstrom, Marie (Majestic) Chicago. ledo, O.. indef. llcothe, ().. indef. (Pantages) S|M)kane, Wash., 19’24. Norton A Ian- (Oriiheuiii) Winni[ieg, Can.; (Or- Ye Liberty Playera: Oakland, Cal., indef. Stetson A IlulH-r (Bri>adway) Springfield, Mass. Chicago Stock Co,: (Lakemont Park) Altoona, pheum) Calgary 19-24. Stevens, Emma (Keith) Philadelphia 19-24. Pa., Indef. Norvellos (Pantagi's) Helena. Mont.: (Pan- .Stewart A Olive (.Avenue B) New Y'ork. Comell-Prlce Players. W. E. Cornell, mgr.: tagee) Missoula 19 24. Stewart A Mercer (Forest Park) St. Loiis. Wauseon, O., Ylarch 25, Indef. DRAMATIC & MUSICAL O’Connor. Bob. Co. (flreeley) New York. Stag, Pole A Spire (Keith) Detroit 19-'24. Cutter, Wallace, Stock Co.: (Opera House) Corning. N. Y., Indef. Back Again, Weber A Fields, mgrs.: Philadel¬ O’Mearas. (Biding (Fontaine Ferry Park) Louis¬ Stockings (Pantages) Seattle, Wash.; (Pantages) phia April 22, Indef. ville; (Forest Park) St. I/utis 19 24. Y’ancouver, Can.; 19-'24. Dailey. Ted, Stock Co.; (Orpheum) Uma, O., indef. Barrymore. Ethel, Clias. Frohman, Inc., mgr.: O’Neill Sisters (Yonge St.) Toronto. Can. Stone A McEvoy (Hipp ) Baltimore. (Emidre) New York, indef. O’Hoarke. Jane. A Co. (Panlages) Kansas City Strazler's Animals (Bijou) Fall River, Mass. Daria, Walter, Stock Co,; Sharun. Pa., indef. Day, EIiza)>eth. Players: (Victoria) Wheeling, Brat, The, AA’. T. Wyatt, mgr.: (Mason) I/m 19-24. Stricklands (Greeley) New Y’ork. Angeles, Indef. Ocean Bound (Pantages) Victoria, Can.; (Pan- W. Y’a., indef. Sullivan, .Arthur. Co. (Emery) Providence. Broadway Musical Comedy Co.: (.Academy) Pe- tages) Tacoma, Wash., 19-24. Sullivan A Mason (Panlages) San Diego, Cal.; DePurest Playert: (Home) Hutchinson, Kan., Indef. teraliiirg, \ a.. 12 17. Obrman, Mme. (Blverslde) New York; (Keith) (Pantages) Salt Lake City 19-’24. Business Before Pleasure, A. 11. AA’oois .Angeles, Dcniiam Theater Stock Co.: (Denham) Denver, C<4.. indef. New A'ork Aug. 15, Indef. Oh. You Ib'vll (Pantages) Helen.!. Mont.; (Pan¬ Cal.; (Pantages) Salt Lake City 19-24. Cohan Revue; (Grand) Chicago. Indef. Dominion Players: Winnipeg, Can., Indef. tages) FMmonton 19-‘24. Swartz A Clifford (Pantages) Edmonton, Can.; Dan Cupid, Paul Zallee, mgr.: N. English. la., Dwight, Albert. Players. J. S. Mcl.aughlia, Oh. Cliarmed (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.; (Pan¬ (Pantages) Calgary 10-24. 14; What Cheer, LA; Marengo 16; Coggln 17; mgr.: (Olympia) 8. S. Pittsburg, Pa., in¬ tages) Kdmonton 19-’24. Ta4, Jue Qiion (Panlages) San Antonio, Tex. Keystone IS; Green 19; Waverly 20. def. Ohrnian, fliilson (Palace) New York. Tally A Harty (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.; (Pan¬ Doing Our Bit; (Palace Music Hall) Chicago, Olives (Pantages) Calgary, Can.; (Pantages) tages) I'ortlaud. Ore.. 19-’24. Empire Stock Co.: Salem. Mass., Indef. Indef. Fasaett Stock; (Lyric) Hamilton, Can., Indef. Helena. Mont.. 19-24. Tanguay. Eva (Orpheum) Omaha 19-24. Fancy Free, The Shuberts, mgrs.; New Y’ork Onri. Archie (Pantages) San Francisco; (Pan¬ Tarzuu (Orpheum) Des Mednes. Galvin's, James A., Musical Stork: Camp Pike, April 11. Indef. tages) Oakland 19-24. Tate's, Harry, Mutortug (Orpheum) Madison, Little Ruck. .Ark., indef. Faversbam, AA'Illiam; Chicago May 9. Indef. Owen A Moore (Erber) E. St. T/otls. 111. Glaser. A'aughan. Stock Co.; (Temple) Roches¬ Ill. Friendly Enemies. .A. H. \A’|>.) Baltimore. March II, Indef. Palmer, Gaston (Pantages) Kansas (’By. Taylor's. Peter. IJons (Pantages) Ogden, Utah; Gordlnler Bros.' Stock Co.; (Palice) Oklahoma Getting Together (Garrick) Chicago. Indef. Parish &• Peru (Pantages) Vancouver, Can.; (Pantages) Denver 10-24. City. Ok.. Indef. Going Up. Cohan A Harris, mgrs.: New Y'ork (I’antages) Victoria 19-24. Tempest, Florenze (On>henm) Duluth, Minn.; Goodhue Stock Co.: (Central Sq.) Lynn. Maas., Dec. 25. Indef. Parker. Misses (Pantages) ls>s Angeles; (Pan¬ (Or|ilieiim) Winnipeg 19-24. Indef. nitchy Koo, 1916; (Gl ibc) New Y’ork. Indef. tages) San Blcgo 19 24. Temidatlon (Pantages) Portland. Ore. Grand Stock Co.: Tulsa. Ok., Indef. Just .Around (he Corner: (Cort) Chicago, Indef. I'arker Bros. (Keith) Philadelphia; (Shea) Buf¬ Tenner A Tenner (Empire) North Yakima. Wash., lialblay-l-aug Stock Players: (U|iera Honse) Keep Her Smiling. Richard AA'alton Tully, mgr.: falo 19 ’’4. 16 17. B^ton .April 6. Indef. Parrillo & Teresa (Erber) R. St. T/iuls. 111. Kubt. H. Mcl-augblin, mgr.: Cleveland. O, Tennessee Ten (Shea) Buffalo; (Hipp.) Toronto Kiss Burglar. Orr A AVcIch. mgrs.; New Y’ork Patricola (Panlages) San Francisco; (Pantages) Hawk. Earl. Sto<'k Co.: Frederlcksbnrg. A’t. 19-’24. Hawkins. Frank, Stuck Co.: (Bijou) Bay City, May 9. indef. Oakland 19-24. Texas. Comedy Four (Palace) Brooklyn. Mich., Indef. Little Bit Old Fashioned. A. Earl Steward, Payton. Corse, Co. (Ixww) New Bochelle. Theres’ Animals (Majestic) Chicago. mgr.; (Posers) Chicago, Indef. Peacock .Mley (Pantages) Kansas City. Hawkins-Webb Co.: (Jeffera-Strand) Saginaw. Thornton, J, A B. (Majestic) Chicago 19-24. Little Teacher. Cohrn A: Harris, mgrs.: New Peat & Stevens (Hi|>p.) Portland, Ore.. 1.V17. .Allch. Three Manning Girl* (Emery) Pn>vblen<-e. Y’ork Fell. 4. Indef. IVrmalne & Shelly (Pantages) Missoula. Mont.; Hoff. Marion, Stoek Co., Geo. Damrotb, mgr,: Three I'umbling Foils (Hipp.I Seattle. Wash., Ia>ng Branch, N. J., indef. Tjombnrdl. Ltd.: (Cort) los .Angele*. Indef, (Pantages) Spokane 19 24. Man Who Came Back; (Plymouth) B'iston. Indef, Pero A Wilson (Hiiip.) Baltimore. 15 17. Hudson Theater Stock Co.: Union Hill, N. J., Tivoli Girls. Three (Grand) St. I>onl«. Man.Wbo Stayeil Home: (46th St.) New Y’ork IMiillliis. Mr. & Mrs. Norman (Palace) Mil¬ indef. Tombes A Parker (Keith) Boston; (Blverslde) Indef. waukee. Janney Stock Co.; (Pabat) Mllwankee. Wla.. In¬ New Y'ork 19-24. def. Maytlme. The Sbuherts, mgra.: New Y’ork Ang. Pisano & Bingham (Palace) Bris'klyn. 16. Indef. Trlx, Helen A Sister (Keith) Philadelphia. Jewett. Henry, Players; (Copley) Boston, indef. Pltchineoff, Mme. (Orpheimi) I/^s -Angeles. Two l.llles (Fulton) Brooklyn. • Keith Sto<-k Co.: Colnmbua. O., indef. Miller, Henry, Co.: (Henry Miller) New York, Pollard illipp.I Oakland, Cal., 14-17. Indef. Two Weeks’ Notice (Columbia) Davenport. la. King, Will, Musical Com^y Stoik; (Savoy) Potts Ernie. & Co. (Hipp.) Sacramento, Cal., Milton A- Kcir* .American Beauties: Kenn City, Vadle A Gygl (Orpheum) San Francisco. San Francisco. Indef. 14 17. Valina A Nuts (Orpheum) Los Angeles 19-24. 111., 12-16. ' King's Musical Comedy (V).: (Greeley) Portland Potter A Hartwell (Keith) Cleveland. Nothing But the Truth- (Cort) Chicago. Indef. Y'alyda A Brazilians (Orpheum) .''an Francisco. Me.. Indef. Powell, (’aliierine. A Co. (Keith) Washington Van A Schenck (Boyal) New York. Odda A Ends of 1917. Jai-k Norworth, mgr,: Cbl Knickerbocker Players: (Knickerbocker) Phila¬ (Keith) Philadelphia 19 24. Van A Y’ernon (Majestic) Springfield, III. cn^i May 12. Indef. delphia, Indef. PTetty Soft (Pantages) Miss.uila. Mont.’, (Pan¬ Vcsiio Duo (Ijoew) Hamiltou, Can. Oh. Boy, F. Kay Comstock, mgr.: Philadelphia IjRene Stock Co.. Harry laiBene, mgr.: (Caaino) tages) SiBiknn>’ 19-24. A'lctoria Trio (Pantages) Missoula, Mont.; April. Indef. AA'aalilngtnn, Pa.. Indef. Prince A B.11 (Panlages) TVnver. (Pantages) Spokane, Wash., 19-'’24. Oh. Ijidy, Lady. Comstock A Elliott mgrs.: IjikewfSMl StcH'k Co.: Skuwbegan, Me. Indef. Prt'dictions Co. ('oln Sd.) New York, AA’ah. Yen (Ori>heum) Boston. New Y'ork Feh. 1. Indef. (juakertonn to Broadway (Pantages) San Fran¬ Walsh A Bentley (Pantages) Ogden, Utah; Lando, Albert, Stock Co.: (AYahlom Park! ITtcli- Over Thester; (Princes*) Chicago. Indef. cisco 19-24. (Pantages) Denver 19-24. burg. Mats., indef. Pair of Petticoats, .A; (.studebaker) Chicago, Querry A Granily (Palace) Bockford. Ill. I.aSalle Stwk Co.: (Orphenm) Germantown, Walters. Flo A Ollle (Lincoln Sq.) New Y'ork. Indef. (juinn A (’averlv (Keith) Philadelphia. Plilla., Pa., indef. AVard, B.nker, A Co. (People’s Hip.) Butte, Passing Show of 1916; (AA'lnler Garden) N(ri* Rue. Ban. Co. (,BiJou) Brooklyn. laiwrence Players: Del Ijiwrence, mgr.: (Ma¬ Y’ork. Indef. Mont., 14-17. llae, Frank. Co. (Vii torla) New York. jestic) San Francisco. Indef. Ward A Cullen (Pantages) San Francisco; (Pan¬ Pet(W Ibtieta-.n. The Shubert*. mgrs.: Chicago Ilae A Faulkner (I.ilK-rtyi Walla Walla. Wash. I-aSalle Musical Stock Co.: (A’lctoria) Wheeling. April 15. Indef. tages) Oakland 19-24. IB 17. W. A’a., indef. Rainbow Girl. Klaw A Erlangcr, mgrs.; New Ward, AVilson A AA'ard (.American) New Y'ork. Baines A Goodrich (American) New York. AVare, Helen. A Co. (Keith) AA’ashlngton 19-24. T>>wls, Wm. F.. Stock Co.: Shelton. .Neb.. 12 17. York -April 1, Indef. Itakoma (Pantages) Missoula, Mont.; (Pantages) See You I.ster: (.Adclphl) Philadelphia, Indef. Warner. Frank A Rae (.American) New A'ork. l..exington Stwk Co.; I>exlngton, Ma«».. Indef. Si>okani'. Wash., 19-’24. Weir, Jack A Tomn>y (Greeley) New Y'ork. IJberty Players, Will L White, mgr.: (Norum- Seventeen. Stuart AA'alker, mgr,: New York Jan. Bamsilell A Bi*yo (Keith) IVtsfon 19-24, 22, Indef. AVelsb. Bessie (Liberty) AA'alla AA'alla. AA'ash., bega Park) Auburndale, Maas', Indef. Kast'h. -Vlls-rtina. A Ballet (Hipp.) Toronto. Rick -Abeil. Klaw A Erlanger, mgrs.: Chicago 16 17. IJberty Stock Co.: Stapleton. S. I., N. Y., Indef. Bayinond A Wlllw-rt (Oriiheum) New Y’ork. May 12. Indef. Westonv, Sonor (Shea) Buffalo; (Hipp.) Toronto Lllierty Musical Comedy Co.: (Burbank I Ix>t Bector WeluT A Tailed (Hip|i.) S[iokane, Wash., Angeles, Indef. So I/ong. I-etty, Cyril Ring, mgr.: Boston, 19-24. Mas*.. Indef. 14 17. Where Things Hapi>en (Orpheum) Calgary; (Or- Ucalzl, Mitchell, Stock Co.: (Wlleon Are.) Chi Bed Fox Trot (Pantages) Helena, Mont.; (Pan¬ Stone. Fred. Cbas. Dillingham, mgr.: New Y’ork l>lieuni) S|ioknne 19 24. cago, indef, tages) Missoula 19-24. Oct. 16. Imlef. AA'liecler A Potter (Pantages) Helena, Mont.; Ix>nrrgan, I>ester. Players: New Bedford, Mass., Beddington A Grant (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.; Tailor-Made Man, Cohan A Harris, mgrs.: New (Pantages) Missoula 19-24. indef. (Pantages) Portland, Ore., 19-24. Y'ork .Ang '27. Indef. AA'hlffen. Mrs. Thos. (Ori(henm) Duluth; (Oriihe- Lyceum Players, J. L Morrissey, mgr.: (Ly¬ Iteiliiiond A Wells (l.ll) Walla Walla. Wash., Three Face* East, ('ohan A Harris, mgrs,: Pblla- nm) Winnipeg 16-24. ceum) Duluth. Minn., indef. IB 17. dclphin May .A. Inib-f. Whlpide. Huston. A Co. (Orpheiiml Tb'S Moines. I.^lc Musb-tl Comedy Ct*.: (Lyric) Portland, Beel Guys (P.antages) .Sar. Blego, Cal.; (Pan¬ Tiger Bose, David Belaacit, mgr.: New Y’ork. White Coupons (Palace) New Y'ork. Ore., Indef. tages) Salt Ijike City 19-24. Indef, AA’hltfield A Ireland (Ori»heum) Salt Lake City I.yric Players: (Lyric) Hamilton. Gan.. Indef. Beeves .A .Arnold (Biishwlek) Brooklyn. Toot-Toot. Henry W, Savage, mgr.; Boston .April 19-24. Macl-ean, Pauline, Stin-k Co.: Erie. Pa., indef. 22. Indef. Beeves A Gaynor Sisters (Orphenm) New Y’ork. AA'ho Is He? (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Majestic Players: Peoria, III.. Indef. Uncle Tom’* Cabin Co.; Valparaiso, Ind.. 15; Begay A I-oraln Sisters (Keith) Boston 19-’24. AA'hy Worry (Bijou) Fall River, Mass. Majestic TTieater Players. AA’m. Hivldge, mgr.: Elkhart 16: Kendallvllle 17: Imllanaisdia 16,24. Ileilly. (’has. (.Avenue B.) New York. AA’illlams, Barney, Co. (Orpheum) New Y'ork. (Majestic) Perth -Amboy, N. J., Indef. ZIegfeld Midnight Frolic (New Amsterdam) New Beo A Helmar lHi|>(>.) -SiMikiine, AVash., 14 17. AA'llllams. Elsie, A Co. (Bushwlck) Brof>klyn Manhattan Players; Rochester, N. A'., Indef. Y’ork, inilef. Better Bros. (Bijou) Brooklyn. 19 24. Bevne Ibiiiiiiiet (Pantages) Minneapolis; (Pan¬ Wilson, Dot A Alma (Pantages) Oakland; (Pan¬ Marks. May Belt Dramatic Co.: (NuW Empire) tages) Winnliieg, Can., 19-‘24. tages) lyos Angeles 19 24. Montreal, Can., April 22. Indef. Bice A Elmore (Is«ew) Palisades Park. N. J. Wilson. Jack. A Co. (Henderaon) Coney Island. Mitchell Stock Co.; Grand Island, Neb.. Indef. BURLESQUE Bichards, Chris. (Sohnier Park) Montn’al 19-24. N. Y'.. 19-24. Moredoek A Watson Popular Players:" Indian Blchard. the <;reat (Pantages) Oakland, Cal.; Wilson A Tomsel (Hlpp.1 Portland. Ore., 15-17. Springs. Ga., 12-17. AMERICAN CIRCUIT (Pantages) Lis -Angeles 19-24. Wilson. Dale (Hipp.i Spokane, Wash., 14-17. Morosco Stock Co.; (Morosco) I^ns Angeles, Cal., Indef. American B!!rli‘si|tier*; (Gaycty) Brisiklyn 19 21. Bipon. .Alf. (Hip|i. I Portland. Ore., I.'l-IT. AA'Incliell A Green (Orpheum) New Y'ork. ■Aviator Girls: (Majestic) Scranton, Pa.. 19'24. Murphy, Horace, Stock Co.: (Empress) Ix>s An¬ Rock A Drew (Majestic) Chicago 19-24. AA'lnton Bros. (Pantages) Seattle, Wash.; (Pan¬ Auto Girls: (Court) Wl(e*dlng. W. Va.. 19 20 geles. Indef, Roden, Ruth (Hipp.) .Alton, III. tages) A'ancouver, Can.. 19-24. (open 4 daysl. O'Hara, Warren, Players: (New Bedford) New Roeber A Gold (Or[dieum) New York. AVohIman. A1 (Pantages) San Francisco 19-24. Bine Blnis: (Hndsoni Schenectady. N. Y'., 21-24. Rodrigues (Lincoln S<|.) New York. Wood. Britt (Pantages) Calgary, Can.; (Pan¬ Bedfo.-d, Maas.. Indef. Broadway Belles; ((’entnry) Kansas City, Mo., Romance (Lyric) Hoboken. N. J. tages) Helena. Mont., 19 24. Olentangy Musical Comedy Stock Co.; (Olen- ’23; (Empln-) Qulmy. lil.. 24. Rose A ElHs (Pantages) Denver. Wood, Fred. A'lolinlst, JoneslKiro. Ark.. 12-16. tangy Park) Columbus O., indef. Re:,!ity Revue: (Victoria) Plltshiirg, Pa 19-24. Rose A Bernard (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, AA’oodward H. Guy. A Co. (Pantages) Kansan Oliver. Otis, Players; (Lyric) IJncoln, Neb. In¬ Frolics of Night: (Gayi-ty) Lxdsvilic, Ky., 19- New York 19 24. City 19-24. def. •24. Rose A Moon (Shea) Buffalo 19-24. WorM In Harmony (Pantages) A'lctoria, Can.; Oliver, Otis, Players; Hsrry J. Wsllsce, mgr.; Ftillle* of Pleas!!re: (Cambria) Johnstown. P»., Rote. Harry (Bljon) Fall River, Mass. (Pantages) Tacoma. Wash., 19-24. (Grand O. II.) Colorado Spring*. Col.. Indef. 21; (MIshler) .Altisoia 22: (Orphenm) Y’ork 24. Rose A Rosana jEmpire) North Y’aklma, Wash., Y’erka Twins (Orpheum) I/is Angeles. Opera Playera; (Parsrini) Hartford. Conn. In¬ GIrla F'rotn the FoDles: (National Wlnli-r Gar¬ 16 17. A'oung. Margaret (Riverside) New Y'ork. def. den) New York 19 ’24. Rosener, Geo. M. (Pantages) .Salt Lake City; Yvette A Saranoff (Orpheum) Dea Moines. Orphenm Players; Beading Ps.. Indef. Grown I'|i Babies: (Gayely) Milwaukee 19 '24, (Pantages) Ogden 19-24. Zelaya (Boulevard) New Y’ork. Park Stock Co.: (Park) Waltham. Mass.. Indef. GIrla From Joyland: (Gayety) Baltimore 19'24. tages) Tacoma, Wash., 19-24. Zeno, Dunbar A Jordan (Pantagea) Calgary, Phelan, E. V., Stock Co.: Lynn. Maas., indef. High F'lyers: (Grand) Worcester. Maas., 19 21. Ross, Wyse, A Co. (Pantages) Portland. Ore. Can.; (Pantagea) Helena. Mont., 19-24. Poll Players: (Palace) Hartford. Conn., Indef. Hello, Paree: (Cadillac) Detroit 19 '24. Ross. Eddie (Pantages) A'lctoria, Can.; (Pan-■ Zeno A Mandel (Pantages) Oklahoma City; Poll Stock Co.; Bridgeport, Conn.. Indef. Innocent Maids: (Einidrc) Hoboken 19’25. Rowland. Adele (Majestic) Chicago 19-24. (Pantages) Kansas City 19-24. Poll Stock Co.; Worcester. Mass., Indef Jolly Girls; (Howard) Bosttm 19-24. Roxana (Hi|>p.) Portland. Ore. 15-17. Ziegler Sisters A Ky. 5 (Rriyal) New York; Poll Stock Co.; Springfield, Mss*. Indef. I.ld Lifters: (Star) Toronto. Can. 19’24 Boyal Cascogne4 (Oridieiini) Boston. (Bushwlck) Brooklyn 19-24. Poll Players: Wilke* Barrs. P*.. Indef Mile a Minute (ilrls: (Ol)U!|ib') New York 19 Koye, Doridhy (Licw) Montreal. Zubn A Drcla (Delancey St.) New York. Princcas Player*; Dos Motnet, la., Indef. 24. august 17, 1918 e

Mildeni: (NriMt) 'Wllket-Barrr, Ti.,' Buntington'a, F. C., Mlnatrela. J. W. Weat, AT LIBERTY-Good Oriental dancer, ran Join at mgr.: Camp Pike. Ark., Indef. once. PRINCESS I*EARL. General Dellrery. Kao- MPItary Malda: (Crnwo) Chicago lS-:4. Mallory’a Origloal Mobile Mlnatrela: 3 Roger •aa City. Mlxsnurl__ M nta Carlo OIrU: (Trocadcro) rhlladolpbU St.. Klngatoo, N. Y., indef. AT LIBERTY BALL/KINIST—Free act., nuw tuoking parks, fairs 19'.’d. Murphy, John, Mlnatrela: Steel Pier, Atlantic and celeliratiuna; get In touch with thU act Wrtta M <.,-blcf Makcra: (Caalni>) Cheater. Ta., 19-31; City, N. J.. Indef. or wire U. U. HAMFELDT. 139 -Neeblt Terrace, In- iHr"iilla. iDil.. 19. Port GIbaon, Miat.. Indef. care Park Hotel. Sherman, Texas. CO. Labor Day open. 121 £. Water St., Jluskegou. Michigan. 14. ROSE WINCUESTEB—VeriatUe character woman, I'enoaot Winncra: (Lyceum) Cnitimbua, <*., 19- general buxineaa; at liberty for atock or hlgb-claaa I MEDIC.M AND psvt lllC PAL.MIST." born with 14. BANDS & ORCHESTRAS repertoire; thurougbiy experienced and reiiablc. Old- I Tell; grnume seer at leisure for prlrate house parties, rariiian Flirta: (Crand) Trenton. N. J.. 22-24. ham Hotel. Kansaa City, Miisourl ! rhlladelphla Tlclnlty. MADA.ME DCPONT, 705 N. ItrTlew of 1918: il'laaa) S|irtogfleld. Maax.. 19> Arken'a, George, Jaxz Rand; Lakewood Park, 5lh St., Philadelphia. Peiiiisylranla. Waterbury, Conn., until Sept. 8. SINGl.NU AND DANCING SISTER TEAM — 24. I’tlHl'TSKY BBOTWEBS—Two acts; tight wira and Broadway Ladlea* Urcheatrn: (BIncbea) Wild¬ Changing apeclaltica for week; ingenue and aoubratte; IMiile n.ixzle of 1018; (UaKPtF) rhlladelphla rallable managera only; wardmlie, experience, ability. luggling; clubs and b: ll..vcpuia) Waablngton 10 24. Flaher A Hla Li|ai. Orehealra: Weat Branch, AT LIBERTY—A-1 atage carpenter; do bits. Ad- dreaa ROBERT E. LEE. Broadway Theater, Wlntton- Whlte’a. I'.it. Caletjr CIrU: (Cnglewexl) Chi- Mich., 15; Harriaville 18; Al|iena IT; Rogera Piano Players 18; Onaway 19; Kaikaakt 20; Mantun 21. SaUrg, Nurth Carolina.* 19-4 At Liberty Advertlaaaieats. 29 words, tree af eharta. World Beatera: (Star) St. Paul. Minn.. 19-24. AT LIBERTY-Producuig comedian, with plenty uf musical tab. acripta; would like to bear from bout* A-l PIANIST—L'nion; cue pictures perfect; prefer JAMES F. VICTOR’S BAND manogara contemplating putting on itock. FRED MO- SHER. 2018 W. Harriion St., Chicago. llllnoU. flrst-class house where real music Is appreciate: sal¬ COLUMBIA CIRCUIT with Polack Brot ’ 29 Big Sbowa. ran use a few more ary your limit. JACK POST. 3639 Benton Bird.. flrat-claan Mualclani. Aug. S-10. Rw-heeter, N. T. Amerira’a Beat: (Empire! Brnoklyn 1924 AT LIBERTY-For property man or carpenter with Kama* )'ilv. Missouri._ show; atock or repertoire preferred; alz years* experi¬ Ron Tona; (Park) Brldgc|><>rt. Coun.. 22-24. AT LIBERTY—A-l Pianist; thoroughly eiperi- Fulton's Lady Huasar Band: Sante Fe, Mo., 13: ence; hae* reference from two houae* for that time; Bowery Burlemquera; (Cayely) B<«t>>n 10 24. enced; rauderUle house orrheatra preferred; union; nonunion. EARL POtVELL, Rock Falla, lUlnola. Big Burleaqiie Rerlew; (Crand) Hartford. Conn., Perry 14; Lawler 15. steady, rellshle; only flrst-clsss offers considered. Pl- HarrU' Show Band: Cedar Rapida, Ta., 12-17. 19 24 STAGE BAND—Permanent, oober. reliable; mxr- AMST. 1782 E. 6.Mh St., Clerelind. Ohio._ r,i-Ie«<4iie Wonder Show: (Jacquea) Waterbury, Maaten'a, Harry, Orcbeatrt: Port Depoalt, Md., ri«d: 38; nonunion; will Join; Boston prefMred; atata Indef. AT LIBERTY'—Good talker, piano and una ton salary. FRED FANNER, 37 WoodTilla tSU. Rox. 8te- player and singer: twenty years' experlrnce. Address Conn.. 10-24. tioo. Boaton, Maiaachuaetta. _ neliuian Show: (Cayet.r) Plttahnrg 19-24. Nasca'a Band: Penna Grare, N. J. 12-17. SHER5IAN H. TH05U*.SGN. 1001 South 8L. Nssh- BeaiilT Triiet: (Crand 0|iera llouae) Akron, O., Neel'a. Carl, Band: Port Depoalt. Md., Indef. TtUe. Tennessee. Vietor't, P. F., Band: Coney laland, N. Y., In¬ Moving Picture Artists a. 22-24. def. “ EXPERIENCED PIANIST WISIIE.H STEADY B->atoiilaoa; (Columbia) Chicago 19 24. At Liberty AdvartiaaoMata, 28 warda, free *( charge, WORK—Dance, orchestra, cabaret, hotel or musical Cheer Up. America: (Mlner’a Br>ina» N. T. 19-24 Wuoii'n, Fred, Band A Orcbeatm: Jonenboro, show; good sight reader, fake amt transpose; under KoMlea of the* Day: (l.uml>erg) I tba. N, Y., Ark.. 12 17. YOL'NO MAN—la; wixbe* poaitioo with Film Co.; draft age; write or wire. HAROLD PETERSON, Iro- 22-24. aome experience; can make up, trial Film on request. toQ. Iowa. Ulrla of the U. S. A.: (Majeatlc) Jeraey City, THEODORE UAN'NA. 83$ Summer SL, Elizaheth, LADY PIANIST—Experienced moving picture play¬ N. J.. 19-24. MISCELLANEOUS New Jersey. __ _ _ er; detlres location; orchestra In small tosm preferred; (k>ldeo Crooka: (Gayety) Kanaaa City, Mo., Adamn*, Jna., Floating Theater, James Adanu, must state salary and details. PIANIST, Routs 2. 18- 24. mgr.: Port Depoalt. Md., indef. Musicians Box 20, Bluefleld. West Virginia. GIrla De I.nao; (Caalno) Boaton 19-24. MALE ORGANIST—Age. iiG experienced picture Haotioga. Harry, Big Show: (Empire) Newark, ® k?\ f.!‘T2-17:*^- ®- I At Llhart, AdmHaaiaata. 28 wefdMrae ef eharn- player; desires posilion In Chicago Address A. W. N. J.. 10-24. Gamble, Emeat, Concert Party: Greeley, Neb., A-l CGRNET18T—Experlencrd; Tauderllle or plo- F.. 4121 W. Jackson Bird., Chicago. Phone, Qar- Hello. America: (Empire) Toledo, O., 19-24. 15; Columbus 18; Madla P-g Show: (Hnrtlg A Seamon) New York rllle, Teon., |>erm. expeMenced In all Unea; South preferred; eiate aU. TABLOID PIANIST—Expert abilily; sight reader, 19 24. Uelma, Harry, Magician: Hammond. Ind., 12- LADA. Jefferson HoteL 38Ui and 6th Aroiuo. N.w musical comedy, pictures. rauderUle; nonunion, but Irwlo’a Majeatira; (People’al Philadelphia 19 24. 17; Gary 19-24. York City. will Join; married; state particulars, salary, hour*. FRED VELTEN. General Dellrery. Peoria. Illliiola. Kelly I-ew. Show: (Gayety) Itocheater. N. Y., Krebs, Dr. Stanley L.: Hamiltun. Mo., 14-18; A-l Tl'BA, B A U., an uid trouper; uut of draft; 19 24. Bay View. Mich.. 18-19. food huts caurasraau fur amatl or medium size show; Liberty GIrla; (Colnmbla) New York 19-24. LaShea'a. Uerliert, AttracUont: (Bijon) Com* prefer week xtaiid. GL'Y E. SCLLIGER, 123 Weat Mania of .America: (Caalno) Bro'>ae, I-ondon Malda: (Gayety) Omaha, Orillia 18; I.IndMy 17; PeterslKim 10; Oebawn AT LIBERTY ACO. 9TU. VIOLINIST—Expert- sical comedy position. P.AI'L A. BAKER, 900 West '20; Newmarket 21: Georgetown '2'2. meed leader; Tauderllle and pit-turn; married, re- Oth St., Bloomington. Indiana. Neb., 19--2S. Ilablo; union; hare large library for pictures, f*. B. Step IJrely (ilrla; (Gayety) Buffalo, N. T., Wormaer't. Jean. Alpine Y'odelert; Mt. dtre. HATHAWAY, 12t W. pjili SI.. Cheyenne. Wyoming. YOL’NO MAN —Age. 20. good appearance; good lyr- 19-24. Neb., 14; Web}>er, Kan., 15; Danluiry. Neb., ic tenor voice: wishes to join an act; has bad ex¬ Star A Garter Show: (Empire) Albany, N. T., 16; Woodruff. Kan.. 17; Oronisjue 18; Rex- AT LIBERTY' — Vluliiiixt Icailer; tbomly experl- perience. JOSEPH ALTER. General DeUrery, De- ford 10: Kanurado 20, also sing; jirrfer picture thealrr: go anywhere; trolt. Michigan. _ 19-24 locate only; age, 19. Salary, your >laut. (MlSt^.t Wllllama', Mollle. Own Co.; (Caalno) Philadel¬ Zaoclg's Crystal Gaiera: Luna Park. Coney lal¬ MONA LEWIS. Judaonla. Arkansas, phia 19-24. and. N. Y., indef. Welfh’a, Ben. Own Co.: (Star 4 Garter) Chicago AT LIBERTY. Y'A.V A .SMITH—Violin and alto Vaudeville Artists Walter L brown, piano anU trumiMine. Truupo 19 24. At Llbvriy Advarilaaaiantt. 25 wards, frae at ehargs. Wataon’a, Billy, Show: (Gayety) St. I/>ula. Mo., or locet*. Experteiiccd In all lines. VAN SMITH. CIRCUS & WILD WEST Wch_Hl!l._^rflnla;_ 19 24. ALL AROL'NU MAGICIAN—Do magic and Jug¬ Arena Wild Weot Sbowa: Tncamcarl, Arli.. 31- AT LIBERTT. TOMMY HATES—Musical trick gling; open fur parks, fairs, vauderille. Me. Wsatol. 23. bone aoloixt. t are uf Tlie Billliuard. Cincinnati. O. yising girl fur tssOisiit. ARTHUR LA DELL. Gen. Barnes. Al O., Clrcoa: Dareniiort, la., 14; Ot¬ AT UBERTY, A-l DRL'YnfER—Twelra years'‘ei- Del ■ Seattle. Ws-Hhliiglon.___ TABLOIDS tumwa IS; CblUlcothe, Mu., 16; ExcelalJf perlcnoe Tauderllle, enneert. jaia; ortglnalttv: rx- AT LEISURE FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES. ABC GIrla, O. B. Blanchard, mgr.: (Broadway) Springs 17. crilent xylopboidst; no trouptng; marrl.-d; age. S3. Philadelphia and vicinity only. SAM LIXGERMAN. Louiaallle, Ky., indef. Larnum A Balley’a CImit: Colorado Springs, I RAT WriLSON. 520 N. Oth Street, SprLigr-l l. PI. Ventriloquist, and his talking hoy. "Bobby. " 705 N. 8lh St.. Phlladelpliia, Peiiinylrsnis._ Bernard, Al A Gertrude, GIrla and Boya From CoL. 14; Denrer 18; Greeley 16; Cbeyeoue, CORNETIST— Eii^crieiicrd In all lines for rauilo- Dixie: (Emprewa) Tnlaa. Ok.. 12-17. Wy.. 17. rilla or picturrs; only flrst-dsKS engagements consid¬ COMEDIAN, Oharaetera. Hearlee—Some lead*. Darla. Chea.. Mualral Berue, Darla A Roger, Christy Hlppodn>me Show*: Plaza, N. C., 14; ered; union. COR.NETIST. Loek Bt'X 211. Shell Wife, characters. Ingenues. Jutriillcs. wardrobe and mgra : Herrin. III., 12-17. Wilton 13; Bismarck 18; Uehrun 17; Dickinson Lake, Wisconsin._ sMUty; spedalUea. Beyond draft. Man. 0 ft; 19; Beach 21. Kale*. Chae. T.. Comedy Co.; Chlltenango, N. Y., CORNETIST—Experienced ami cumpeleiit In all serpts and direct. Lady, 5 ft., 3 In. H. H. HOTTB. Coop A Lent Sbowa: I.<>u<|oDTil1e. O.. 14: Ash¬ lodef. linen af orchestrs work. CORNETIST. Box 1(5, Jop¬ Midland. MlehUan._ GrilBUi't Borne Comedy Playera, Fred Grlf- land 15; ManelleM Iff. Mt. Carmel 17. lin. Yllasourl. ' DEXTERITY. tX).MEDV A.VD XfUSIC. Introducing 8tb. mgr.; i.Myatlc) Webb City. Mo., indef. Gentry Bros.* Show*; Larued, Kau.. 14; GarJeo violin solos, singing, juggling, balancing, with changes Cit.T 15; I.aniar, CoL. 18; Las Animas 17. DRl'MMZR—For coming season : bells, chimes, xyln, for three nights Gert. larlv and girl, traveling In own Kett'a Mualcal Comedy Berue: ((iri>beum) Grand trombone; exp*c1ence>l aU lines; refemiies, Keith, Rapida. MIrb.. Indef. Ilageutieck-Wallace Shows; Racine, Wla., 14; automobile. BARN.4LL. 47 Jones Street. Dayton, O. Waukegan 15; Elgin. III., 18: Aurora 17. ete, drculta. Go anywhere; South preferred. Slate Kllgore’a Beaiia A ^llea: Charlotte, N. C., 12-17 salary. ROOM 5. 1. O. n. F BKIg . Elkhart. Ind. ^151A GAY—Fur Ingenues snd soubreltea. some spe- Klag'i, Bob. Southern Maid Co.: (Wilder) Camp Main. Walter L.. Shows: Claremont. N. H., 14; rlalliea; shows In Texas or nearby only. General Do- Karla. Ga.. lodef. Newport 15; Concord 18; Derry 17. FLLTB ANT> PICCOIX). who Is piano tuner, wishes llrerv. Gunter. Texas,___ Itingliug Bros.* Shows; Watertown. S. D.. 14; pusillon; prefer thealcr, hotel or Gorcmmeiit work; Lee, Jamea P., Mualcal Comedy Co.: (Strand) HIGH-CLASS. SENSATIONAL NOVELTY ACT Willmar. MIdd.. IS; St. Cloud 18; Dulu'h 17. married: draft class 4. Address FLLTE AND PIC- San Antoulo, Tex., Indef. COLO, Bnckeye Lake. Ohio. AT LIBERTY—Suitable as a feature for road show Lqgd A Vernon Mualcal Comedy Co,: IJttle Saiitelle'a, SIg., Shows: Warren. Maas.. 14; Pal¬ Write or wire FRED C. PirTTITT. New Albert Ho- Bock. Ark., lodef. mer 15;'w 18; ('blco|>ee Falla l7; Spriug- VIOLINIST AN liT Imam ST-Man and wife; for tel. Denrer. Colorailo Mattlae. Johnoy. Baby Dolla Co.; (Empire) New 8eM 19: Tliouii«*onTll1e, Coun.. '20. flrst-elasa pictures or rauilerine tliester: largo librarr; reliable. VIOLINIST. 403 Leona Are.. Newport, Ark XIAN A.N’D WIFE I'latiu and drums (own oulUt); Orleana. ly., Indef. Sells-Floto Shows: Iowa Falla, la., 14; Vinton Ingenue: man. anull parts; spe; iaUtes; wardrut'c. man Moom'a. Hap., Merry Malda: Itakley Hulet, l.’i; MiiscaMne 18; Fairfleld 17. VIOLINIST AM) PIAMST-Man and wife: open One baritone aliiaer. reliable managers only. LA- Kanaaa City, Mo., indef. Sbipp >V Felliis; En route thru .South America; for A-I rinllnist and pianist; pml library; rellatda. TOCR. General Dellren-. Omaha. Nebraska._ permanent address: BlTSdarla 835, Buenos VIOT.INtST, 403 Leona. New(Hwt. Arkansas. Morton'a Kentucky Bellea: (Bonita) .Atlanta. NOVELTY TEAM-Lady and gent; real Iniupers. Ga.. Indef. Aire*. exempt; singles. dt'Ubles; free attraction; go<’d acta, Pbel|ia A Cobb'a Jolly Patbflndera: (Komi>aer) S|i:irk*. John IL. Shows; ETinsTlIle Wl*.. 14; Operators change: big features: smalt show, meor, Ind.. 18; inywhere NoyW-TY DUO. Billtoard. Chicago _ SiUaffer'e. Bud. GIrla From Huyler’e Co.. Bud Uene*«|.ier 17 At Liberty Advardsaaieatt. 25 wards, frse at charts. TOMMY' HAYES, musical trick bone soloist, in ait Schaffer, mgr - |j>c;in. W. Va.. 12 17. Sun Bn>*.' Shows: Rock Valley. la., 14: Bell* that la a novelty, clean and refined. Care The Blll- Khen. Tei and Mabel, Mualcal Comedy Co.; Rapids. S. D.. 1.5; Fulda. Minu.. 16: Sber- AT LIBERTT—Experienced operater; not in draft; Iward. Cincinnati, Ohio, biim 17. sober. raiJehle; no card; wUl Join; beat reftpwigee; (Star) San Antonio, Tex., Indef. YOUNG MAN uf nrat apiwarance wuuld like to Valentine, Tex., Quality Malda: (Grand) Tulaa. Wwlla Walla Frontier Days: Walla Walla. write or rrlr# full particulars. CARLTON Tf^MPIJN. Portland, Indiana_ Join burlesque or rauderille acd; s.ime exi»crirni*e *lo- Ok.. Indef. Wash.. Sept. 1o 14. liig straight: age. 24. 5 ft . 10 in ; for appoiniment Zarrow, H. D.: Buckeye Ijlke, O.. Indef. West Clrcua: Carthage. ().. 12 17. AT LIBERTY—Manaier and operator; married: address RID HART, care B.-s,h. 68 W OSth St aloire draft are; aolwr and reliable; best refereni-es; Zar rnw'a American GIrla: (GranbiD*on Circus; Onawa. la.. 14; Ida New York City O.. 12 17. Grore 15; Sac City 18; Maonlng 17. rusraniee results. MANAtiER. B*»x 192. Newport. .Arkansas Y’OUM: MAN —18. wuiibl like to Join rauderille a. t Zarrow'a Engllah Datalea: (Prlacllla) ('lereland, ran play as Jewr cunictliati IRVING 5f.\GRAM, l4Sj M P. OPERATOR-Two years’ experience: sober, O . Indef. CARNIVAL~cbMPANIES E I’arkwav. IlnsiklMi. New Yurk _ _ ZInn'a Tabloid Stock. A. M. ZInn. mgr.: New rellsbie and exempt from draft: or wnubi learn motordrome riding. ROSS T. SMITH. Byesrille. O YOl NG COMEDIAN wMks pla<-e with raiiderine Darldaon Hotel, MlIrraukee, Indef. Allen, Tom W., Shows: Eldorado, Kan., 12-17. or raiisual isintedy ismipaiiy; exempt R H IIL.YN- Baldwin I'nlted Shows: Siwrrtrwa Point, Mi., PROJECnoMST AT LIBERTY-Desiree poalUon CflABD Ix’.k Rox ;tni. Wsterluo, Indiana 1'2-I7. with Ur* manager who apre< late* gouil serrlce and B.rrkoot, K. G., Shows: Pontiac. Ill.. 12 17. s<'reen reeultt. Write H KETTIG. HOT Sclgwlck MINSTRELS Benson Better Show*- Penns Grove, N. J. 12 17. S«.. Chicago. Illinois__ Buaby Mlnatrela: 2922 Brighton are., Loa An- Rernardl Greater Shows: Pendleton, Watb., 12- STAGE ASPIRANTS gelea. Cal. 17. Parks and Fairs Coburn. J. A.. Mlnatrela: Palace Hotel. Cln- Rniicber, A. 0.. Canadian Shows: Nantoo, Al¬ The following adTertiaementa are from Artiita who frankly diiclaim long azpenenco. Ysnatl. O.. Indef. berta, Can., 12-17. At Liberty Adrsrtlsajasatt. 2$ srergt. frt* e( ebarga Is lu4 Broil.* Ideal Mlnatrela; I.ebanoo. N. H., Bmadway Shows: Knoxrllle. Teun., 1217, They will be found willing, 18; Raadoipb. Vt.. 18; Bethel 17: White Hirer ” A-l FEATL’WwiRlTAND Jl’CiOLINO^tT-ParkT obliging and reasonable. Junction Wooilatock 20; WIndaor 21. I (Continued on page 83) fairs, .-elebratlona: circus going Mouth: lady and gent Field, Al G.. Mlnatrela; Sc-beneetady. N. Y., 18; CLARK AND LI’DE. 1108 H Adams Ht.. Peurla, 111 Syraciiae 18-17: RiH-beater 18-21. AT LIBERTT FOR FAIRS—Rica A Elliott, pre- Vaudeville Artists Flaher A Memlng American Mlnatrel Sbowa: asnting a smsstlonal norelty aerial art: reasoiiahle .\t Liberty AdveiilMniaatt, 25 wrords. frt* .f chart* Fairmont, W. Va.. |ier. ADDITIONAL ROUTES ON terms. C. B. RICK. Bos 244. Mlnnrtpolls. Minn Iiilch, Dan. Steel l*ler. Atlantic City, N. J., AT”Tii^raTT^-Elp*rienoed~Tnd~c*p*bio"ninife Y’OU.Nt;*^l.\N Age. 17; want* to join mi)sic*l com¬ Indef. PAGE 63 rock man, to handle same on percentage: can dellrer edy. rauderille act or minstrel: a little experience, n-1 ■ ■lira. Gua, American Mlnatrela: Cohoea, N. T„ the gooda. EARL L. PUENIX, Ueoeral Dellrery, much: willing to learn. C.AI.VTN DUNCAN, 2.'.n9 St. 14; Troy IS; Amaterdam 18; Newborg 17. Cleveland. Ohio. Xavier St. Loultrille. Kentucky. to make the affair a aaocesaful Tenture. A SUPPLEMENTARY BOARD patriotic rally—all week—will l>e oue feature, INCREASE ON ADMISSION TAX and a patriotic h:in(|uet, at which waya and To Assist Division of Fitms nieana will be dlKcusaed to further aasiat T-lh erty Ijniu eampaiena, another. William Me New York. Aug. 12.—The Advisory R'ard of Atloo has been inrited to discuss 1iii|Mirtant ■nar Motion I’lcture IMreciors, which la Toliintartly WILL HAVE LITUE EFFECT assisting the Itivislon of F'ilnis of the ('onimlttee measures and government activities with the committee. It ie said has already been on ruldie Inforinatlon. wiil have its work sui>- subscrlbcMl, with JlO.tlOO more promised, and tlie pleiiicnlcd on the l'aointed un¬ taking will be a great financial success from der an arrangement with the Motion Picture start to finish. Itircctors’ .\ss-Hdation. F’rank Beal has t>een tors and Exhibitors Is That Public Will s«'lectcd ciialruian. Tiie dln-ctors are: lads Wei«-r, Walter Kduards. Joseiih Be tJrasw, Cheerfully Pay the Increase RED CROSS WAR FILMS William ItidMTt Italy and Ben Wilson. Nomina- lion of tills Board of Itireetors has lieen con¬ at the Box Office New York, Aug. 10.—With Britain's Far firmed by Charles S. Hart, illn-ctor of the Di- Flung Battle Line and the Fourth of July Pa¬ tislon of F'ilnis. Scenarios which are aubnillled rade in I’aria as its outstanding features. The to James Vincent. s<-eretary of the Advisory New York, Aug. 12.—Tonslderahle eomment war and the high piteh of patriotic entbnslasm Kivoli ia offering a greater variety of thrills, Board of Motion Picture Directors. Times Bldg., is current in nxdion picture elreles relative to to which the American public has bf-en aroused, romani-e and good music than it would se<-ra New York City, will tie passed U|sin by the the effect the proposed Increased war tax would are strong indications that the increased war ivisslble to compress within a two liours' en¬ Eastern organisation. Those that can be mad* Iiave on box-oIBce receipts. Among some niem- tax on admission to the motion picture theaters tertainment. The otticini Britiah war pictures, to the liest advauiage in Is>s Angeles and vicinity bera the proposed tax i« looked upon as a will have little or no visible effect on a success¬ which are being shown ezclutively at The will be sent to tlie Western Board, which will iiienaee to productive results. However, they ful financial outcome. Kivoli, give an engrossing and comprehensive in turn designate tlie Directors who will mak* nre in the minority, as the consensus of opinion these pictures. Both flic F^astern and Western nmong the most prominent producers, distributors .Advisory Boards will wsirk in the closest co- and exhibitors seems to be that an Increased LILLIAN WALKER o|>eration, and the profiaganda films, which will tax will have little or no effect upon box-offlee lie made under their direction, are cxiieeted to receipts. N' of groat aid to the Government. — The American public has been used to war and its conditions. They reallxe to carry the war M. P. APPEAL BOARD to a successful ending the government must be supplied with unlimited financial means, .and in Kansas rify, Mo.. .Aug. HI.—A Motion Pic¬ order to do this private individuals must be ture .Appeal Board ha* been appointed by .dayor taxed. Never in the hlalory of this country has rowgill. whose duties are to listen to appeal* patriotism ever been at such a high standard. in meritorious ease* from too severe a eensur- The demands of the government are being sliip. MemlM»rs of tills hoard have no financial granted without question, and taxation of neees interest in the industry and are giving their sities is paid without a murmur. In the case of services gratis. impular entertainment the general public realize that in classifying the exhibition of films and CALIFORNIA M. P. MEETING theatrical performances of ail grades as an es¬ sential the government was fully awake to the San Franeiseo. Aug. 9.—The annual directors' fact tliat entertainment was necessary in order meeting of the I'niltHi M"ll >n Picture Iniliistrle* to divert the public mind from the horrors of of Northern (’allfornla. held recently, Tesnlled in war. Americans are highly emotional, and the the unanimous re-idection of the officer*. .All theater has always been a safety valve where memlier* of the Board of Directors were re¬ surcharged emotions might be relieved by wh<'le turned to office at a recent general meeting. some entertainment. In spite of war pressure the business and ac- Another reason put forth that the increased eompHshnienls of the last year were declared tax will Lave no effeet on the motion picture satisfactory l>y the film men. Iiatronage, is the excellent medium offered by Tlie officers are: President, Is'iil* Relrh"rt: the screen for war propaganda, heartily en vlce-prcsiih'iif, Fbigene Rotli: secretary. Norman dorsed by the governne nt, from I’resident Wil Eisner; treasurer. Sam la'vln; director*. M. J. ►on down. People «:io never saw a film exhibi t'olien. Fliigi-Iie IJolIi, Honiird J. Sheehan, Louis tion—who were, in fact, opposed to such exhibi Kelehert. J. .A. Partington, Sam Levin, Norman lions to the extent of protesting legally against Eisner and Herman Woldier. them—now welcome sieTi showings when ex hihiting war activiiii-s. In ni'.ny .States Sunday FORMS OWN COMPANY shows arc in direct violation of the laws hither¬ to most religiously lived ii;i to. Within the past I»s .Angeles, Aiig. 9.—.A report 1* fast gain¬ few weeks in several .'States stieh laws have been ing authenticity in tlie film isdony that Franklin set aside and Sunday shows not only permitted, F'arniim, late of the i'lilversal. is alsmt to form but sanctioned, by the religious fraternity. his own eonqiany of aeled photoplayers for Three of the States are now planning to in the prisluctlon of pliotis-omedles and photo- loriwirate the legality of Sunday theatrical per¬ drama* of the Western style. He will be hi* formances in tlicir ptilitical platforms for the own director, aaaisted by Miirtloi'k Metjuarrie, coming fail elections. as co-director. The third reason given—and one that seems to corrolHirate the views taken by the majority, is that oiir nam in uniform must be entertained. CRUSADERS FOR ANTIPODES We have thousands of them on leave of absence New York, Aiig. 19.—Millard Jolmson. presi¬ from duly tlaily, and the motion picture is about dent of Aiisiralliin F'ilnis, Ltd., piirelia.sed the the first idace th*-y seek. Even slinuld the pr»v Australian and New /.ealaiid right* to Persh¬ I posed revenue bill—now under comt of the Wasliitigtoii liiiliistry realize tliat aiiiicahle roois-ration with of zny company, is rapidly approaching com¬ ceiling, and ail the patient lying on Dia back statue in Paris. These are oflic'lal American • lly. Stale anrtance of Hie sereen in stliiiiiliiHiig Interest cess. New York, Aug. 12.—With a desire to assist August 11, to an audience of New York's elite in government nctirilles to successfully prosi-- Harley Knoles, who is directing the picture, the Government an exposition is to be held St society. The pii-ture. full of heart tlirobs and ciite Hie war. Tlie largest gathering of picture chose the scenes in and about the home of the Grand Central Palace wei-k of October human interest, received a tremendous ovation, ■lien ever assembled is ex|H'cted at Hie Iloli-I Louisa Alcott at Concord, Mass. He used the 5. Under the supervision of Frederick Elliott particularly the st-enes depicting England's Sherman September 3 to 7, from every branih rooms she lived in to picturize her famous sto/y. varied and unique plane have been formulated Dowager (Jueen Alexandra. of the Industry, AUGUST 17, 1918 51

The Big Featured Picture That Am2ized New Yorkers “AMONG THE CANNIBAL OF TBE SOUTH PACIHr DEPICTING MARTIN JOHNSON’S REMARKABLE ADVENTURES AMONG THE MAN- EATING CHIEFS OF AN UNKNOWN LAND. Played to enormous business at the Rivoli Theatre, N. Y. Made the audience gasp. Is the most unique and startling cinema ever shown. Advertises itself like a Barnum of the Alms. Will fill the biggest house. A pictorial autobiography of enthralling interest, cut from over fifty thousand feet of negative taken in these enchanting, fascinating regions. The very acme of artistic cinematography. A rare combination of travel, ad¬ venture and remarkable entertainment. FOR TERMS WRITE OR WIRE MARUN JOHNSON FILM CO., Inc. 516 Candler Building. NEW YORK CITY

PREPAREDNESS ENABLES US TO SERVE YOU RIGHT aignmenis are picked up only na regular routes .md delivered likewise, consequently many a EXHIBITORS MOVING PICTURE MACHINES-SCREENS-OPERA CHAIRS theater is dark becau!>« of delayed delivery. CARBONS—CONDENSERS—LENSES—ADMISSION TICKETS Branch managers threaten to co operate and cut A rburter liiM born Erantod by the World Filin Corporation and arrived at tbe scbona Soptomlwr 1, Ilearta of tbo World at tbo Carrick la doing an house will play Shiibert’a attractions exclusively. iniinenae bualneaa and To Hell with the Kniav-r, The theater has been thondy n-novated. since at the Victoria, haa tieen having rapacity at¬ Arthur A. KriidonHold bna lioon nanH'il gon Its close, from cellar to roof; rmlworated with- oral nianncor of tbo Coinnibia and .Amorican tendance all thru the run. la and repainted wltbont. New wencry has been tboatora of Mavoniairt. la., and tbo I’alaoo installed and tbe entire bouse practically made Tboator of Moliiio, III. The Elegficbl Theater, Michigan avrnne, Chi¬ cago. haa aigned a eontract with the Haworth IMctiirea Corporation for the entire aeries of ('raahing Tbmneh Borlln, a aoron roolor, (fir¬ M. P. WAR SERVICE ASSOCIATION eight Hnyakawa prodiietlona, the drat of whieh. ing tbo bialnry of tlm war from tbo death of HU Birthright, will be relenaed Seplemlicr 1. Arohdiiko Kordiniind to tliO rb'tory of tbo .Ainor- -- I/M Angeles, Aug. 10.—The Motion Picture Icana at Marne, la a war fltni prmim-od under ^War Service Assm'lation is doing wonderful The I.iinn Thealer, T,a PayeMe. Ind., wlileh tbo poraonal direction of Carl I,aommlo, I’nl work, efltciently and quietly. Thia aasm-iatloo waa rlom-d for alx nionlha undergoing repairs, roraal |>roaldont. Ita Brat run waa at the IS behind almost every work connected with o|a-ned with My P'onr Yeara In Cermnny. .V Ifroadway, New York, Aumiat 11, • tbe war, that is aa far aa the artists and di¬ balcony haa been built, new cooUng apparatus rectors of tbe profession are concerned. They inatalled and a aeating capacity of 1,100 pro- Tbo Jewel Theater. Beil I,ako, Minn., opened were instrumental in getting up tbe procession vldeil for. recently with The Belgian. Thia bonae baa which opened the exposition recently in Los I'oen remner I. ucconling to a atatement laauol from the Po\ otHcea. Tbta Exhlbllora In T.oa Angeles proteated vigorously Chicago, Aug. 12.—Kxbibitors in smaller poHry la to buy only brat atnries, giving ex- as unfair to tbeir business when tbe prmlucera towns are complaining to exchanges that ex¬ blbltom picturea which are moat popular In limed their recent paraile for S:.YO thru the press companies are very indifferent In delivery tbeir Immetliate vldnltlea. principal thorofarea until after 10 o'clock. Not of aims since the merging of vartons compaoies a houae held a baker’s dosen, and when tbe pa¬ into one. Previous to tbe consolldatioo distrub- Tbe aeren rent fare on atreet rara In Boaton rade was over It was too late for pictures. Had utom were rendered special service from tbeir It been held earlier in the evening all parties I baa isrreaaed tbe revenue of oirt-of-town thea- oAces direct to trains, tbs same servics cover¬ War hetoinit and auxiliary nurse, who saw active tera. Many of tbe eablbltora aay tbeir bualneaa would have been beneflted aay bouse managers. ing delivery at the exbibitora’ end. Now coo- j service In Frtnce. AUGUST 17, 1918

fhoiilU they harm the man, and serfectly arranged and reflect FILMS REVIEWED will bo his w ife. credit on the efforts of Mr. Apfid. As a sl'Ie KXIUBITOKS, XOTE: Altho not up to the issue to the central theme a youthful couple are usual Clara Kiuibull Young standani her ad¬ introtlui-ed and add greatly to the narrative, ping than the regular run of screen drama and THE SOURCE mirers will not be disappointeil In the star, al¬ for MEKKLT ri-WEIlS 1* d. void of melo that la 'Why the interest is more vital and tho her vehicle will hardly come up to exitecta- dramatics, punches and ]dots ami for that res (Paramount—FIVE REELS—Featuring Wallace liolding. George B. Baker wrote and directed tlons. son will appeal largely to n higU-claes clientele Reid. Directe*! by George Melford) the picture, and his name alone is a guarantee who do not care for the soviliil action of the vil¬ of superiority. The big thouglit back of tlie lain-pursu<‘


(SEVEN PARTS—Produced and Directed by Mark Bennett. Released thru W. II. Production*. Inc. Starring Mabel N'ormand)

MICKEY IS ALL GIRL, .\IX MISCHIEF. ALL I.OVEARLE.NE.'ts: She ia aa brilliant a* a night-air-raid! At last we have a picture that has the genuine ring of high spirited, breeiy girllshnesa, a super-picture that come* once in a life time. Tlie flimixation of Mickey contains every Ingredient that goes Into tl-.e making of worthwhile successes—and every cog in the wheel fits. Take my word for it .Mickey will I'gll out the reserves. She'll get their goal, too. Anyhow she d winds from the West¬ George D. Baker) ern country, and she digs a deep hole in .vour heart where her sweeinc** will linger like tlie A DRAMATIC PICTCRE OF COMPELLING Produced by American Film Co Ilia- ill !:i tlie Eves of Julia Deep, starriii* Mar> Mile* Mlnter. fragrance of a briar rose. There is not a dull INTEREST; should plc.v*e all those who admire tiibuted by Pathe. moment In all the seven reels and tbe comi-dy beautiful setting*, restful garden seen*'* and register* with an unforgettable punch. Even many locations of exceeding charm. .\nd no igently to Infuse Interest in the ordinary little the cat, dog and s<|iilrre| give startling evidcm-c little credit is due Anna Q. Nilsson for her vivid process is not a natural one, nor will it be play and Mary Miles Minter Is an engaging little of being high salarii-d actors, and. as for Minnie lmi>ersonatioD of Mary Manners, the g'.rl who, artiste who, given the stronger sccnar'o, wouM convinring to most spectators. Tbe director U Ha Ila, the squaw, she slone la worth tbe prlie endowed with the occult isim-cr to peU'-trate Into register a substantial suceews. But youth and lavish In his presentation of beautiful scene*, •if SflnilKsion. But it's Mickey that strangles us the heart and thoughts of others, succeeded In • r-pplnqulty are powerful assets, and the hero, the wilds of Abyssinia, and the atmosphere of with laughter, and the hair raising stunts In- clearing her lover from the charge of murder, w!io looked Into the ETES OF JI I.I.k DIIEP, did diilgeil in by this acrobatic persona puts Ikuig. the Riviera seems very real even tho we guess and whose sweetness of character brought hap¬ not want to look away again, so that amwers Kairlisiiks on the Invalid list. And a* for thrill*, that California Is the exact location, .k s<-ene piness to the venerable Juilge Brainard. Mies the purpose of a movie « n a hot summer oa*ant Nilsson is blessed with unusual beauty and reg¬ EXHIBITORS, NOTE: Will d.- ight the- yourger ments tlial III*- man sitting next to me In tbe isters splendidly upon the screen. Slie is all bridal procession Iiapidly tripping along a set. Picture U well pr("*cnted, clean and ph as¬ proJ< rtmm forgot to mop his brow, tho magnificent stretch of **'* coast. Milton Sills, grace, youth and thceriness. 1 he pi*-ture has ing. Ilia ru<-e rained from the heat of a torrid day. some telling moments when the eyes of the hero¬ tlif archeologist, discoverer of the Savage ine haunt' the <’ousi-icnce of the learned Jurist Woman, is distinctly different from the type MERELY PLAYERS presiding over the murder trial of Ills heretofore our imagination conjures as men of science. His unclaimed and unrecognized sou, Hr. John ■igreeable good looks aro worthy even of the (World—FIVE REELS- Starring Kitty Gorn. O'Nell, ami force a ci:nfes.-.ion from the venerable beauty of our Clara. Directed by Oscar Apfel) old man who had really coiiiniitteJ the crime. THE STORY; I.«rier, an archeologist, spurned It is a very coherent story, sticking close to the by the gay Parisslene he loves, tries to assuage FROM THE POINT OF 8ARTOU1AL .SPLK.N main theme, and has the merit of plansltiility. his heart ache in his work, lie finds Renee, a DOR th'g pboiopiny is an nobeatable priqioaltloii. I’ossibly the intense dramatic plot is more grip- girl of the wi'.ds, and, stnu-k b.v her beauty, ih-- ic:tty Gonlon ha* never l>ccn seen to g < atcr :.d- termines to chag !ii, thru her, tlie woman who-o *an;a;;e than as the am-iety qu '-n, who dabldes disloyalty has einhittereil him. .kcconlingly h<- •a amateur theatricals, foils her t radii‘era anmplete, |Hr»(Ki; l*'«*r'* hunts for her in vain, and again tries to forget of the plotters and proves tbe value of a woman's r* ll<*ail. latM), l‘■lwrr‘s Msihine, larx**. Im|>r»v«l «re grief in his work. I.,ater he goea to Africa, and wit. One of tbe motivating forcea of Ibla charm¬ tn*l lamp h*si»e, magaxliirs, all IniMw, wllli hra'I. Ifl.'i till; laihlp. entnplrlr. $'J(I *Ht. lot S*-*-iifrv. Adver- 4-K. W., 60 or 110-Tolt, ateady, amootb light Sta¬ Is captur<‘d by a savage tribe, who plan to offer ing picture ia the Interest taken by tb** btrolne ll•lllg Fnsil Itriip. f I nil Ml * line. \Vin*<. Itnplir'.. el* . tionary or portable work Moving pleturea, clrcuaea, bim as sacrifice to tbe spirit of tbeir queen. in amateur theatricals, and being a w**altby all $.'>0,110; :>llrr Skatrs. with hs camivala. He. I'seil extenslTely by tbe Army and Navy. Rit>alra. Ijomi. |»| I’nitn-llna Is-iim-s. t'isnlrii»*'rs. They come ujion Renee, and think she is tbe widow who knows bow to faa*'inate, it la net Send for Bulletin No. 26. I'alrlum Iturnm, *na|M hIiIIs tlie)- Iasi; SO-rnli. D spirit, and seeing her Joy on meetiug I^erler to be wondered at tbat tbe frigid critic anc- UNIVERSAL MOTOR COh Oshkosh, Wit. (’. Generator at liarfalii. K. M. RKIl), Murrisoo. deride they would bring her anger upon them cumba to her ebarma. Tbe aaaembUng of numer- Dklahoma. AUGUST 17, 1918 Xfie Billboard 53

Kjotcro rltlm. aod th<> lartr prodiK-tlon ii on FOX STUDIOS ACTIVE ■ par with thr atory. SPECIAL PRINTED Tp Mack Hponett we «iy. WKLL DONE, for New York, Aug. 12.—After a period of vaca¬ he liaa produced a rlaaaical frolic that will tions all of the Fox studios became active and hrIoK Jot to countlcas milllona. If be ncTer ROLL TICKETS are now producing fall releases. Peggy Hyland attcmpta the making of uootbcr Dim, Mickey Five Thousand.$ 1.25 reported to Earl Harbaugh, who ia directing her alone will atand aa a monument to hla genlua. in Marriages Are Made. R. A. Walsh, at the Vfe bare one criticlam to make. Tbe acene Ten Thousand . . . w - 2.50 Fort Lee Stwilos, is directing his brother George following the race la too abrupt and tends to Fifteen Thousand - - - - 3.75 in a novel film. The patriotic Lee Kidlets are ronfuae—tbe two being too similar In treat¬ Twenty-five Thousand - - 5.50 enjoying tbemselvea producing another slacker ment. But tbe picture Is otherwise logical and slammer. Go Get ’Em, under tbe direction of constructed for entertaining purposes, in wbk-b Fifty Thousand.7.50 their new director. Arvld Gilatrom, who also It admirably succeeds. One Hundred Thousand - - 10.00 wrote tbe wript. Then along comes Tom Mix, Mabel Normand deserves the gratitude of the out on tbe Coast, with tbe information that be aition for her peerless cbaracterlxatlon. Iler THE BIG TICKET AT THE SHALL PRICE is bard at work on hia next release. Two Qnn- grasp of tbe subtleties of screen acting bare Tour own Special Ticket, any printing, any colors, accurataly numterad. men. sever been eeiualed. Her expressive eyes and evtry roll guaranteed. OoupoB Tickets for Prixe Drawings, 5.000. FZ.S0. Prompt ablpmeots. Catb with order. GM tbs aamplca. Send diagram for mobile i-ountenance restmnded to every mood, IlrMrved Seat Oaupoo Tickets. Suta bow many seta desired, aerial or dated. •nil Mickey became a living, breathing person¬ Htork TlckeU. S.OOO to 25,000. 15c pw 1,000; 50.000, lOe; 100,000. 9c. LOEW SIGNS BIG CONTRACT ality. vivifled by tbe undisputed ability of this NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shanrtokin, Pa. New York, Aug. 12.—Involving a anm of ap¬ adorable creature. As a motion picture star proximately $40u.000, Marcus Loew contracted •be possesses tbe talent which will Immortalize the prodootlon on tbe whole Is pleasing and guess aa to tbe outcome. Befor? we go too far with Famous Players-Laaky Corporation last tbe name of Normand. deserves praise. Gladys Broekwell’a acting is In our condemnation of old stuff, however, we week, according to advices from tbe latter’s i:.\lllRlTOII.S. NOTE: This la a top notrher. a bit stilted during tbe dance ball scenes, but must meution aometbtng in it that Is entirely offleea, for sixty Paramount and Artcraft fea¬ Btsik it quick. As a boz-oOce ballyhoo Uickey she rlsee to tbe occaeloa during tbe dramatic new—that until this time baa been unkn^iwn to tures and thlrty-slz one-reel subjects, to be will shriek louder than onr long distance guns action that follows. movie fans—and that ia tbe first ap|M-aran>'e of exhibited in each of his twenty-two bouses in and over No Man’s Land. THE 8TORT: Adele Durand, an apparently Katherine Harris Barrymore (no, she isn’t Ethel's around Greater New York for the season 1018- soulless woman, la tbe cause of tbe ruin and slater, bnt Jack’s wife) on tbe screen. As yet 1919. FRIEND HUSBAND subsequent suicide of one of ber admirers. she is not thoroly acclimated to the aileot art, Robert Bradley, the dead man’s beat friend, but abe shows decided posaibllities. Henry Kolk- iijuldwrn—FIVE KEELS—Starring Madge Ken¬ RELEASES 100 COMEDIES threatens to denounce ber aa a murderess unless er. opposite ber, la convincing as tbe lawyer, nedy. Shown at the Strand Theater, she gives her life Into bis keeping. Be forces Lawrence Seldon, who refuses to exchange bis New York August dl Loa Angeles, Aug. 10.—The Christie Company her to become one of the girls in a border dance Ideals for more pecuniary gains, while Edward will eelehrate the release of its one hundredth hall, and thereafter ber hate for bim la ber one Abeles la very much miscast In a lesser role. comedy in ax luiiny weeks on August 10. In TIII-S t;IKL DID NOT WANT TO MARRT, feeling—she la determined to have revenge. She It certainly seemed like old timea to gaze upon that time three of its boys bave gone away to but tbe l•e•|U«■st in her Aunt's will stipulated bears a bandit chief plotting the murder of an I-ottte Briscoe again—our chief regret in that tbe war—Hurry Hum. Neal Bums and Jimmy that she must possess a husband if she would American mine owner and liaatena to warn ber direction is that we saw so much leaa of ber than Harrison. Harry Edwards enlisted In tbe navy, Inherit a fortune. Most girls struggle for a fellow countryman, only to find after she has we would bave liked to, but, nevertheless, we so also did Bobby Burns. Billie Rhodes, form¬ wedding ring, but Dorothy Dean rebelled against done so that he Is Robert. The two ehaaed by were glad to see ber again, ^e remaining cast erly a Christie lead, baa graduated Into live-reel the matrimonial yoke and elected to marry a the bandits are forced to travel together, ami were all good—and ob, yea, the story: Why comedy-dramas. Ethel Lyne has succeeded her nan on a purely business arr.ingement. Rut a certain respect f<^r each other begint to dawn everybody baa read Tbe -Bouse of MIrtb. and if as opposite to Smiling Billy Mason. all ber highbrow Ideals were smashed to smith¬ In tbe feelings of ca<'b. The story •-■•uii-v to a they haven’t It’a all abont a girl who began by ereens when Friend ilusluind overcame her dramatic climax with the two held prisoners thinking money meant everything in tbe world. s- riiples. ies< loil her from a gnng of luirglars. HILLI8’ BOOK PICTURIZED with other Amerli-ana by the unscrupulous • nd was determia<-d to marry a rich husband, kidnaped her on a mo<'k honeymoon, and made gnaser poaing aa a Colonel In the Me.vh-an but abe sort of didn’t go abont It in the right ber love him In spite of herself. New York, Aug. 10.—Fonnded npon the writ army. In tacrlBi'Ing herself to save the otliers way and only got herself into all aorta of trouble A very pleasing summertime offering, with Inga of German atrocities In Belgium by the •k^lele proves lierself at last, and au**se'iueully and then, of course, in tbe end, abe married tbe nothing very exiiting to disturb one’s ee depended upon thle film for tbe Fourth Liberty Loan drive. conalstenctes are forgotten In tbs abaorblag read novels of this generation, and because of for good work, and her Inimitable personality story. this win draw tbe majority of Its rcadcra to entitles her to rank with the topool<-hi rs. Tlio see its portrayal on the screen. TO FILM WAR EXPERIENCES deprived of tlie oi>portunllles given her In her CACTUS CRANDALL last picture. The Service Star, she, neverthe¬ .N'ew York. Aug. 10.—Majorle Kay, known aa less. gives full value la the trite little offering LOS ANGELES NOTES (Triangle—FIVE KEELS-Featuring Roy Stew¬ The Girl From Over There, becanse she was which Mimi-d to please Rtrand patrons. Bock- art. Directed by I'liff Smith) Tb# Parez Film Company has •vpeaied offleea one of the first American girls to entertain the cliffe Fellow es was a convincing liero and looked tt Sll W. Eighth street, under the manage* soldiers on tbe battle front, will relate her ex¬ (cmpetent to subdue the rebellious little bride, THIS 18 A RIPriTT-BIFFlTT BREEZE ment of William Sherry, formerly of Para¬ periences to tbe men at Camp Custer, where ber who found ber real happiness in the strength FROM THE WEST, and Kuy Stewart beads tbe mount Artcraft. F. M. Steele baa been laatalled father is stationed with the T. M. 0. A. of his love. Hat of dare-devil riders who rip thrn tbs as local manager. Mias Kay la soon to be seen on tbe screen r.MMUlTDRS. NOTE: This picture, up to • actus with the whirr of a whirlwind. Tbit Harry Burns, press agent of tbe Rolln studio, In e film version of tbe adventures and exploits Gold.vwn standard and with .Madge Kennedy delightful tale of outdoor life Is just one darned baa resigned bla position. she experienced at the French and the Flanders as tiHf |•arll■ tihir iTight luminary, should at¬ ride after another, and tbe thrills that come The old Emprete Theater, formerly of Sulli¬ fronts. A well-known scenario writer la putting tract good business. In rapid aiiccesalon make one sit up and take van A Coosldine Circuit, baa been converted Into the finlahlng touches to a screen story for tbe notice. Tlie story concema a young ranch a place of religious worship. The bouse baa approval of a prominent producer, whose Identity THE BIRD of"PREY owner of Iron nerve, wIk> beards a Mexican been thru a tucceasloa of good, bad and indif¬ will be announced shortly. liandit In hit den to rea<'ue a white girl from ferent stock, musical cmrc-ly and borne talent iFoi—FIVE BEEL8—Featuring Gladys Brock- the clnt^-bea of the llrentloua wretch. He auc- productions since its vaudeville days, being well. Directed by Edwat.l J I. Saint) CAMPEAU ORGANIZES COMPANY ceeda la that after tome thrilling adventures dark at least a third of the time. TnniI.L ('ROWDg TllltlLL in this Mexican with cattle ruttlert, Mexican greasers and lure- Thomas Canon, for many years theatrical New York, Aug. 11.—Frank Campean, tbe melodrama. In which a muaic ball girl, the fire gnn men. Some startlingly beautiful tcenea promoter and agent, and Jim Hathaway, of Fairbanks villain, baa organized a company of man she hates snd a bandit eblef iwbo brings of mountains and footbilla, dried arroyos and the Pals, were here for a few hours last week. s<-reen players, who wilt present The Virginian memories of musical comedy villains) play yawning rbaama are vividly photographed. A En route where they did not eay. on tbe stage for tbe benefit of war activities. havoc with the |>eace of mind of llieir audience. herd of S.OOO long-homed steera add realism to The interli'r of Tally's Broailway la being He will be assisted by Douglas Fairbanks and Suspense Is the biggest fictor la this play, for Hie colorful Mexican atmosphere, and, aa this renovated aoy Stewart’s si'enarto. fresh from bit own stalled. New opera ebatra for tbe entire bouse The Virginian Campeau was Trampas. • •>me of the various complications cunningly pen. we are happy to re<-ord that both Director are ea mute from the East. woven Into the'plot. One la familiar with tbo Smith and Mr. Stewart worked together In The management of tbe KInema is Intuillng ••Id sti^ry made new by clever manipulation of sympathetic unison with the most gratifying n $50,000 orchestral unit. A new feature la sIluatK^oa and fretb bits of business—here is a results. No finer or more apiritcl pli'turizatlon the hi'nse ia the eatabliabment of a tmokara’ new Idea which falls abort because of some of the cattle country, with the tyt>e of men •ectlon. minor commonplace little touchee that could peculiar to that se<-lloo has ever been presented Wellingt'-io Cross is to star in a film produc¬ rttlly have been avoided. But In spite of this to tbe public. And, above all, Mr. Stewart la tion within the Dear future. swh • sterling, dependable hero that It is a George L. Sargent, until recently a director joy to watch him. with the American Film Comi^any at Santa Bar¬ A new leading lady, Marion Marvin, now bara, baa liecD appolnte<1 manager of tbe IJh- listens to bis protestations of love, and Is a erty Theater at Camp Kearne.v. MUSLIN BANNERS welcome addition to the fraternity, possessing A1 Jolson stopped off a few days en route to looks and charm. Tbe entire production ia on Catalina Island an<1 etaic'l while here that be 3x12 FT. $1 Cn a oa-ale aa broad and generous aa the country was on tbe verge of taking a plunge into the PAINTED IN It depicts. Give us more of these Roy Stewart film prodoclng end. pictures. They uphold the backbone of tbe in¬ Arthur Hoyt has been appolntcil casting di¬ 4 COLORS PH {PAID dustry. rector at Cnlversal fiiy. He formerly occupied WC MAKE 1 SPECIALTY oi DISPLAY CARDS E-MIIRITORH. NOTE: You will not be dis- a similar position with Triang'e. AND BANNERS FOR EVERY PURPOSE apiMunteil in this film. It has all the dash and Charles Swickard has l^een cngageil by Metro SAMPLINER ADV. CO. <« daring that delight an audlem-e. Superbly pre¬ at illrector. sented. Rolltn S. Sturge-'n. formerly with Vitneraph 729 SCVtNTH AVE , N V and Paramount, b.vs l>een eiig.-ignl by Bluebird THE HOUSE OF MIRTH to illrect Mr>nroe Salisbury. n. Sberhiao Bickers has been engaged as MOVING POURE BUSINESS (Metro—FIVE REELS All stir cast. Directed piibllelty man at the Krot'a Be.ach. He returns on •eerythiiig. Write today. convenience was the worhl known House of Mirth, December 28. when the Boston English Oiwra atin Mevhig fktara Crl by Edith Whsrton. Now, when this theme hsa Company opens at tbe Mason. constituted the basis for prv'bably more photo¬ Jaci'b Gi'ttsteln. owner of a string of motion plays than any other aituatton it la resurrected, picture theaters in Seattle and the Northwest, anil In turn warns us {•••or working persons la here on bla annual vacation. against tbe evils of modern society. Tbe prin¬ Walter Beckwith and Madallne are comfort cipal objection to this admirably directed play ably established in quarters at Big Otto’s Ranch la that It baa been produced too late. Sometime near El Soreno. Beckwith has training and ago we would not have been quite eo eatlated breeding dene and recreatloD cages for bis big MARIIMKAY with thic familiar pM and would have been lion family here. With ten cubs just passing vastly more interested in the rather tbooghtless six no'nths. his l|.>ns n-vw number thirty, .k ! FOS SALE—One-lhn Ediem M. P. MacblnSL compMa j mrpl rlu-ottat: Bills Calcium Oufll. new; T reels "The Girl IroM Over Thin” explolta of tbe heroine Instead of profiting by group of five are I'n the Pantages Circuit, work- I Klim. In coiutltlon. Machine Stand, alao Repair past ozperlance And hazarding a perfectly correct lAC uoder the direction of Peter Taylor.—BOZ. l-trta. MBS. EDGAR FERGUSON. Na Adams. Mich. aa AUGUST 17, 1918 -1 A GOOD CARNIVAL AND CIRCUS LABOR DAY NOVELTY For Paradaa and Dcmasitratleas

WORLD AT HOME romplain. The peraonnel has not changed sine* tile opening and most of the people have The “ALLIED FLAG” l«‘en with the company since it* initial season EMblem ef Warldwida Damacraey. Signs for Florida Fairs three years ago. Bob DIry, who haa the Ath¬ One Hax made up ut the iiiiioiiil ■land- letic Show, was all smiles at Ilion not only 1 ardi of the Nee Iradiiix allleil n.lions that Harry R. I'olack has just sicnod oontraots for liecause of his good busiaesa. but hia partner are flehting fur lllierly and for internallonal tlie World at Home Shows to furnisli attractions li.vs lieen released from tbe army and returned jusllce. "Old Glory” In the center, lur- rmiiuhd hy Iho flasv of Knxiand France. Bel for several of tbe largest Florida fairs to lie to the show. Several of the concession buya, glum and Italy. Each fiag in the cotrect na- lield the fore part of the coming winter. Be¬ when they beard tbe writer waa sending in a tliiiial ndnrv sides landing the Florida State Fair, Novein few notes to old Billyboy, remarked: "Tell •i Tlie World's nr-.! Internatleasl flss! A lH>r 27 to iH-cember U. inclusive, contracts have them we are still with and fur the I^a Groa elxiiincsiit rmldetn. msrkliiR an etsH-h In his¬ U-en signed for tbe Marianna. Live tiak. (h-ala Exposition Shows twenty-four hours of the tory. typlfylni the grralesl alliance brtireen anil Gainesville Mid Winter I'airs. The Florida day.” .\mong the concessionaires are Carl tialloiis In the hitlory of 'he world. State Fair promises unusual iuterest this year, H. Barlow, Chester Taylor. John Taylor, Leo psT API* vikR ii3 Sire. k'ksiltk Incites. Go1—General Cohen’s Silk Camp Handkerchiefs Sale-JI-Proclamation w-at _ If crilcr ta grt our M.iuma Army ttmnevr in thv Mr^tcrn Front. Gvfivrtl I'obcn <-*11* for Voluiitcvr* for hit Army of t amp Please send me The Billboard for three months, for which I en¬ yC ""'h't*- I -tfl «vTy on* Intrmtrd in Souvrnir Silk lUiulirr- w \~ chief* to wild me oria liaiUtr NiK ■ ptney more. If you ie-oJ close $1.00. 7 ' 3bc; 1. /Hi A more I niu n-turn it. Thi* itaiUr will bring you. prep«i>l. I J ;. St. i SAMPIE SILK HANDKERCHIEFS FOR $1 Name I HA O (Aed eer t'ory. “Hew Te Mike Meeey el the Carnet”). V9iw 1wincluding mv original creation, -just hello", also ” "FOUCET me NOT" AND Address Now, my pal* and reatler*. enll-t at nn<-e. Don't be a iltiki-r; aeiid me the one dollar; I will aeinl you boneit value. «id mrty City. State. dollar aent I will lnTr.t In the nett l.iur of IJlierty Bond* Tbon t SAMPLES. IIJIO. you and th) General will have done thrir bit to help win tbe war. Be oue of Ueneral L'ohen'a Macbloe Gun YI«i. shoot your dollar In tbe nett mail GUSTAVE W. COHEN A BROTHER, 744 Breadway. New Yerk City.

plcture-mtimpa" account for hia nnuaual ae- city ntncc 1312. Thw celebration will be heW tlTlty. under tbe combined ausploea of the Y. M. C. A. The new by-laws of tbe Local are now in and Kniabtx of t'olunibua War Artirity Fund In the lianils of the printers and will soon be ready tbe haei' ball park In tbe heart of Norwoo United this I Bright- Catchy. turns to bis old standby, the Haymarket Thea¬ season, lastini; Aujtust 1T-3I, .including three ter; G^. C. Taylor is at the Powers. Jeff Cas¬ .Saturdays and t«o Sundays. TwJay Manager ij Quick Shipments Direct from Our Chicago Factory. pars at the Garrick, and Chas. Webster at tbe Solomon added to his personally owned at¬ Columbia. . tractions liy the purchase of Wm. Glick'a ROUND- OVAL—SQUARE. The entire city is being covered with the whip. The attraction lias tieen with tlie Salvation Army poster campaign by members shows ail season.—C. H. McC.MtTY. 25 BASKETS. 8x12 to 12x16. - . $14.85 of tbe l/>cal under the direction of Brothers Murphy and Howard.—L. I. MONTAGUE. CAPT. LATLIP’S SHOWS .. RAEDLEIN BASKET COMPANY A CLASSY DIVING TANK 713-717 Milwauka* Avtaua. CHICAGO, ILL. The Paptain Tgitlip Shows ha* a nice list of Atlantic City, .4ug. 10.—A1 Gorman takes fairs in the heart of the coal fields of West great pride in showing a new circular diving Virginia, including the Ripley Fair. Jacktoa ^ Yra Cm Beat m Egg. Biit Yoo Cm Not But Ow CocoMit 01 SkMipM tank be has bad Iniilt in ('liicago for tlie um* County Fair. Wcstfielil. Charleston and St. Al¬ of the Burlow Family in their Diving .\rt for ban (across from Niiro, the liiggest powdor '/■? avert Sale It a Boost. Axenti, Jriiiiaxa, Dsman.iritors. riiehman. Carnival, are tbe coming mason. plant in the United States). you ld many of tlie hoys, the lineup is CSKKIifh UNITED PURE FOOD CO. (Drag OepartRiMt) very little space when packed for shipment. still strong. The Hersehell-Spillman earry us 139*141 FrankliH Strtrt. NEW YORK CITY. It is so light (weighing only •J.iSKi |M>unds' all and the new cleelrle light plant have arrived i altogether) that it can be easily shiiqied as and now the midw.iy hHiks like old times, and excess baggage. It is of the niftiest lit¬ when tbe sliows and coiieesslons are all up with tle confrlvame* I have Inspected for a long their lights tiirneil on llie |>eo|de In these small SALES BOARDS and CARDS time. mining town* think It is wonderful. The Cap¬ tain has ts.iight two oiie.and-a-hair-ton trucka and the slsiw now does Its own hauling to and j of all descriptions carried in stock LA GROU EXPOSITION SHOWS from the cars. .N'o liainl is carried, but the Mg Deagan una fon and the air callio|ie furnish it'neim^kl manniactnred to your order Utica. N. T., Ang. S.—Last week the La plenty of music for tbe midway. The company Grou Exposition Shows were Vicnted in the DOW carries eight shows and aismt fifteen con- ceaalons. It is transitorled in four cars. Sev¬ J.W.HOODWIN COMPANY pretty ammunition eenter. Ilion, N. Y.. where eral fairs outside of West VirgiuiA will b« tbe Remington .trms and Typewriter factories played.—B.OY REX. 3949-53 W.VanBurenSt.ClilcagOelll. are loi-afed. Large crowds filled the midway liotli .vfiernisin and night and the Banner r ■ r* FtmMp voar order tame day aa received Week f^-nlteif. Stdvay. the week previous, was tlie home of tbe Kemet-Solvey Process WAITES PLAYING FAIRS Uonipanv, where SV jieople were killed recently MUSICIANS WANTED for YANKEE ROBINSON CIRCUS wlien file company’s T. N. T. plant suffered T'lie Australian Waites, whip crackers, ime Cornat. CUrtnat. Baaa and Tromhuna wire an expio'iou. of the feature acts with tlie c.ioj, A Is-nt CIr H. W. WINOCHT, Idagrtva. Au$. IS; Sac City. 11: Maanlat. 17; aH lewa. Business for tills company on the wlede baa cus. will ts-gin their fair date* next week, liceu very satisfactory and no one haa cause to starting with the Iowa falra. EVERY AOVCRTIKR WAMI low WHERE YOU EAW HIE A0. AUGUST 17, 1918 e e mmm 55 WkNTEDFORNaiWIKID’r'COMMIINinPlIRK ON WAR ACTIVITY FUND FOR THE Y. M. C. A. AND K. OF C. COMBINED August 17th to 31st. Three Big Saturdays, Two Big Sundays MIDWH SHOWS AND ATTRACTIONS. NOTHING TOO DIG. LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS. POSITIVELY NO GRIFT. Italian musicians to enlarge band. Want workingmen in all departments, trainmen, canvasman, talkers and all day giinders. First carnival in Norwood since 1912. Manufacturing center of Cincinnati and all factories working full time. Address SAM SOLOMON, SOL’S UNITED SHOWS, Metropole Hotel, Cincin¬ nati, Ohio, this week. Circuit of Southern Fairs follows Norwood celebration.

: : FOR SALE : : AT LIBERTY COMPLETELY ORGANIZED BAND CARNIVAL COMPANY Seventh Regiment Infantry, New York Guard 14 CARS Available for Parks. Fairs. Expositions, etc. High-grade Concert and I’opular Music. Just closeti successful season at New York Interna¬ Consisting two Riding Devices, eight Shows. Com¬ tional Ex|>osition. New York City. The first and only enlisted Band, pany booked for six weeks. $7,000.00 cash will handle comi'osed wholly of New York’s greatest professional union musicians. Lieut W. S. MYGRANT, Band Leader, deal; time on balance. Address CARNIVAL COM¬ Bandmaster 13th Regiment. C. A. C.. National Guard, N. Y., 1897-1911. PANY, Billboard Pub. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ('ornet t^luist Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 1908-1912. Conductor and Soloist I’rospect Park Concerts, 1897-1911. Conductor and Soloist Central I‘ark Concerts, 1915-1917. Ist N. Y. Field Artillery, Mexican Border Service, 1915-1917. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CARNIVAL COMPANY FOR CARO, MICH.—DAY AND NIGHT FAIR CAPITAL CITY SHOWS One of the best Fairs in the State, August 26th to 31st, inclusive. Same Company can play Detroit Charity Carnival and Hamtramck, Mich., Want PK, Platform or Mechanical Show, Also Ona 6ally Hoo Show Big Patriotic Celebration. Act quick. Address NELSON MEYER, Want (’onderman Ferris VNTieel Operator. Must be thoroughly experienced. Sec'y* 1012 Chamber of Commerce, Detroit, Mich. Wire, stating salary; Wheel loads on wagons. Can place legitimate oonoes- sions. .Address LEW’ HOFFMAN, Onawa, Iowa, week .August 12; ijlteldon, Iowa, Fair, week August 19. WANT FOR HARRY K. MAIN SHOWS Five or Seven-in-One and Platform Attractions, clean Concessions of all kinds. Playing real spots. Fairs? Yes. In South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. If you want to enlarge your bank roll better join the little wodd show. Opening for good Stage Manager and Plant. Performers. Can also place two good Cabaret Dancers. Josie Hubbard and Gladis FOR SRLE-5 FUT CMIS Hindley, write. Ha\*e complete Cook House. Want man to take charge On account of scarcity of labor and other conditions, am cut¬ of same. Address HARRY K. MAIN SHOWS, Macon, Ga., week August 12th. ting my show to 10-car outfit, leaving Nonf ood. Cars can be seen in Cincinnati. Call dr address SAM SOLOMON, Care Metropole Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wanted for Cole Bros.’ World-Toured Shows PEOPLE IN ALL BRANCHES Musicians for White and Colored Bands. Riders with own stock. Acrobats, Clowns. Comedy Acts, Jap Troupe, Seal Act, Side-Show People, Midway MUSICIANS WANTED Dancers, Ticket SeUers, Pit Grinders, Boss Candy Butchers and Candy Baritone. Trombone. Comet and 8narc Drum. L. CLAUDE MYERS^ ear# Butchers. Balloon Man. Bofss Hostler, Boss Canvasman. I.ight Man. Train Parker's Graatast Shows, Rock Island, HU weak of Aug. 12th; Ottumwa, Iowa, Men. Drivers, Workingmen, Cook and Waiters. Legal Adjuster. Kellog and weak of Aug. 19th. Allen, write. Air Calliope Player, Dick Keno write. Blacky Webb and Fahey, wire. Hamburger and Photo privilege for sale. Privilege People, write. All sizes Tents for sale. Send for list. WANTED MUSICIANS J. AUGUSTUS JONES, Sedalia, Mo. l>rum Major, Lady to sing with band. Solo Comet, Trombone and Bass Drum¬ mer. Write or wire, stating salary, GAY JA8PER80N, cara World at Homa Wanted Billposters FOR COL^BROS.^^RLD Shows,-waak of August 12, loaia, Mich.; August 19, at Flint, Mich. Also Banner Men. Litfiographors. Porter and Cook for Advance Car. Josh HfllffV A f f Billings is car manager. Address IMTue JMW WnlllJ, DALLUUWO L. C. GILLETTE, cara Annex Hotel. St. Louia, Mo. TIPPECANOE IS READY FOR YOU WANTED—TO CORRESF>OND WITH CARNIVALS 1918 catalofue ready for the asking. AU the best goods of their class. OR OTHER AMUSEMENTS for contracUns (or Coimtj Fair. NuiembeT 3 to S. iuclu8l.e. the TIPP novelty CO.. TIPPECANOE CITY, OHIO HERTFORD COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION. Wlat.ii. Norta Carallaa. THE U8US’ WAR FUND CARNIVAL IN THE HEART OF SALT LAKE CITY Th« first caraHral Salt lAka City has had this year. Will be the biggest ever held here and theentrance Is fifty yards from the shopping center of the city. Two thousand Eagles to boost it. It can not miss, and seven good fairs to follow. We need a whip. Never had one in this town, so a whip will mop up. hhinatewn, submarine, haunted swing, Hawaiian village, freaks. Wild West, refined girl show or any kind of show wanted. Have some extra tents if you (Ave the show. No exdusives, so you can all come. No graft, soup or cheese cloth joints will be allowed to light. We have the reputation of dealing t dr and this ad ie on the equare. Opens Sept. 2d, I.abur Day, and runs six days. A free gate, a good town and a lot of money in sight. ROGERS AND SHAEFER’S SUPERBA AMUSEMENT COMPANY. ' Address H. W. SIIAEFER, Moxum Hotel, Salt Lake Oty, Utah. Bsniey Bslrd, George Scott, J. T. Me and aB Md ffteods, write. 56 xne Biiii>oar

FRANK J. SCHNECK THE CORRAL Optimistic Over Outlook for Fsirs— By EOWBT WADIkT SWEETIE DOLLS Will Open Atlanta Warehouse 1 Blisus Ilka Salth. Ortassd In Silk Swsatar Suits, RlbbsMt aa* Cagt ta J. J. Martball writes that be visited the Jobs match. Big varlsty af ths briihtsst talsrt. Guaraatas* agaiart psMIng ^ New York. Aug. 10. —Prank J. Schne k. «if Boblnsoo 10 Big Shows at Bellows Falls. Vt., an* srasUat. F. J. Rc lifUrk A Cuiiipuny. baa Jii-I miirnvcl recently, and that the outfit did a good business from a trip tliru th<« couiitry, and in an Inter aud satisfied everyone. Joe Webb Is the chief view Ktated tliat lie think. hettiT Ilian rver of the cowboys. Among other Wild West peo¬ of thp outlook for fair. till, lu-aaoii, ospoclally ple "with it" are Net)rsska Bill, whose work »in< v tlio l(fgiiinal Kallroad Illrp< tora hate with the stock whip is one of the outstanding s ADMIRATION DOLLS Butlioriri'd tlie railroad, tu make aiierlal f:ilr festures, especially his work with the OO-foot Fully Jainta*. All uma* Skra. Dra«ad with and withaut Swaatae exruralon ratra. whips; Jack and Doris Griggs, Prairie Lilly, Suite. Slrat. 14. Id and 24 Inahta hlfh. Cat ha had with aid Mr. S< llU••rk li.a. Jii.t (lilpped a carload of Vera Loring and Bill DavU. The black mule, withaut wig*. With aiavahla ayaa. (once.Hlonaires' g<>oen n wureliou.e after Septeni burking horse that is real. Joe Webb does the THE “PROGRESSIVE" REPRESENTATIVES lior 5 to aeeoniniiMlale tlie Soutliern fair trade. best flve-borse Caleb in the business. whlptng congestion. .\tlanta is (fiitrally located in tlie Soulli ane contOKt. Several The above representatives carry a complete Stock of all our leading Dolla and tJwaya MAKS cession business for the past L? year*. of the top bands have already signified their In¬ IMMEDIATE DEJ.1VERIES, You don't have to worry about freight or exprcaa coogeatlon. If you Coneeaslonilrea are advlacl to wut.-h ne\» tentions of being on deck. The stork Is all In need merchandiia order from the nearest repraaanteUve lUted above in your territory. In the poet la- week's Issue of The Bllllioard for a very Ini fine sliape and rearing to go. ‘Taleum Powder' sues of The Billboard we told you that Sweetie dhd Admiration Dolls will unquasUonsbly ontaell all portant notice from the Frank J. 8ehne> k & Is asking for the address of one Kufus Rollent, other Dolli. Today they are positively outselling them all. A trial order will mora than convlnea Company office. and Is offering to give him anoilier 'sittin,* you. Sure mulls. Write for catalog and samplee. while 'UuQip.' the mule, eontinuslly brays Come on, Strlrklnnd. Bring your best ropo 102.106 Wesiur StrMt, FRANCIS FERARI SHOWS horses, boys, for we tie them down here, and PROGRESSIVE TOY CO. there Is *1,200 In the ox tying at Garden.” ■ NEW YORK No season for a number of year. In the StTe Charlie II. Tompkins is beard from at El of Ohio bat been so big for tlie I'ol. Fr.iii i. Reno, Ok. "Some one osked reeentiy In your Fertrl Rliows. .kshlabiila, Cleveland. !.•-ala department If 1 had quit the business for good and El.vrla. all under tlie aii.pli e- of ilie I'.lks. or only for this season. Now, did you ever know have lioen giMsI. The Ferari .''how- afe n-'-.v a real bonest-to-goodness trouper who ever quit HOW YOUR PATRIOTISM- lieadrd eastward for tlieir Idg fair iluTe>, liav- for good? At the lirenent time I am in the Ing but three iis-re slaiid. In tlie - of Oldu •otomoblle buoinesR bere Belling Maxwell cars to make. .Newark will Is- played wi.-k of .\ng. and trucks. So far business has been good 2il. under tlie aii«pli es of tlie Wes •Inn n of the with me. I am running a big repair shop In World, during tlieir State i’on* w-it;i connection with the auto business, and keep /anewvIMe to foUow, under aii-id e- of the M'h|. fl»e men busy all the time. I have used circus ern WiHsliiien’s Band and Pegi,-,- Team, the methods In advertising, carry a big stock of same rnmmlltee tills sliow bad twelve .vear. cars and supplies, and in the short time 1 have ago. Tills will lie Labor Day week, and eitep- been here I have built up a business anyone sho preparations are un ler way to make ibis y could be proud of. As to the show business I I'snner week, as an alflli itt.>n wllli itie Tra-Ie. expect to go out again next season. Most of and laitior roumdl is planned for Labor |iay. my old hoys are In the draft, some of them had Zanesville l.dng tlie la»l stand in Oliln. the been with me since my show first began. Carl sliow will then Jump to .Vltnona. Pn.. where Mitchell, my band leader; Clarence Hackney, It will furnish all the attr.setlon. for tlie .\nier- second agent, and many others. By next seas'in l< an Patriidle la-agiie l.ilierty drive .Not In .1 I expect to be in the field with a motor truck niiiiilier of years ha. tlie Col. Ferari Shows li*. n Wild West outfit out bere. I am In the heart in such demand by soi leiie. and or - of the Indian and cow-pony country, and am for tlieir war work. The r>'piitatlon of these loaing no time in getting an outfit shaped up sliowt has stocsl them In baud tlii. sei.011. I'e In the way of horses and Indians who want pendable attrartl»ns ami bigli-elasa. clean to go East, so the show world can look for the sliowg Is wliat I. demanded. Wlille the draft Tompkins Real Wild West among the shows onler lias sffeeted tills enni|isny the same as Iisteo to taie lue roaa next season. in me RED CROSS NURSE LIBERTY STATUE WITH GEE-GEE all others, every show and every conees.lon that meantime any trouper that eomea this way Is RED CROSS DOCTORS ELECTRIC TORCH NETTIE KNIT opened the season is still w tli It aii l running. more than welcome at out garage and to our Exact reproduction of the orit- SOLDIER BOYS DOING HER BIT The band h> affected more than otlier de¬ home. Best of LucN to all." SOLDIER GIRLS InsL For your Cooresslon. Beady (Trade Mark) partment. and new hut older nnn that the J. R. Raley. Pendi-ton, Ore.:—Your letter re¬ SAILOR BOYS to eonneet to any sockaL In¬ Tlie blggeat catch of the day. No draft did not affect have replaced tlio.p that garding the late Dell Biancett received. We SAILOR GIRLS cluding electric wiring and Doll wanted after seeing this. IS bavp had to leave. Fifteen att-aetlons au'l will publish it in detail in another Issue. We 14 In. high. Rest material. Dressed globe. Bronte color. 30 Inches Inches high, including Band Bag would be pleased to hear from the Roundup In real Cnlforme. These are not high. $4.90 Eaek. Dosea lota. *4.00 and Knitting Needlea. Dreeaed. about thirty concessions make up the line up. Two coaches have been recently added to tlie Committee of your city regarding their com¬ cheap excelsior stuffed DoUa. Par Eaek. Same Statue, 19 Inchea per Daiaa. *14.00, In Groaa Lola, Dazeg, *9.00. Aaeortod. hl^ *SJK) Eaek. Doaea lolg^ *2A0. *I3A0. train, making It now a twenty-car all-spei iat ing contest. train. As for twenty-four years the Col. Fe¬ It Is rumored that Guy Weadlek will taks RUDOLPH TOY AND NOVELTY CO.. SOS Mwkat Btraot, PhllaStlolila. Paaaaylvaala. some riders, ropers, fancy shots, etc., to France rari Trained Wild .\Dlninl Arena I. tlie feature to give exliil)itioii» for the soldiers. attraction and never falls to plesM- tt:e people All you contest hands: Don't forget the big tnd commltteei. contest to be held at Tuenmeari, N. M., on Au¬ gust 21, 22 and 23. Write to Robert P. M. Case, the secretary for full partleulars. = PLAY THE FAIRS= Fancy Baskets Standard "lATTENTlOH!! "a” Real Money Getter!! ASSORTED COLORS Toilet Soap Demonstrators! QUICK SHIPMENTS Here’* a new one. Loaves 'T.illef Soap I.cavee put (Saven ea Fsullles) up in a neat book. KNOCK THE HELMET OFF THE rrepsred from the pur- Containa W1 leavet, mmm eel vepelel'le oilv. Free each leaf la a wash -AND- fpjp animal fat. and eella for lOc. Bet¬ Tfie moet convenient ter and cheaper than wa.v to carry S' ap tu cake enap. Sometbing THE ROYAL HECK STRETCHER! the everybody can use— No Park, Carnival, Cantonment or Resort complete this 'season without a AUT0M0BILI8T. e o 1 d 1 e T, camper, TRAINMAN. traveler, automobllist, “Kaiser Game.” 'There is one to fit your purse. Write for full information. TRAVELER. trainman and the gen¬ CAMPER. eral public. PENN NOVELTY COMPANY, 908 Buttonwood SL, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIER Our price, *»5.00 per and the groaa. GENERAL PUBLIC. SQUARE SHOPPERS Bample aent for 10c. BRACKMAN 'WEILER CO. 337 Wast Madison Street, CHICAGO. ILL. $5.25 Dozen Roberts’ United Shows Onc-third cash with order, balance C.O D. - WANTS CONCESSIONS OF ALL KINDS Writ* tor priett *■< circulirt mi othtr Rumbtre. For eleven weeks of Fairs. Opening Barboursvllle, Ky., week September 2(1. Also want two Bands, White and Colored, to open at Barboursville. Can place COLES &. COMPANY strong Platform Show to open same week. Want good Oriental Dant^er to HSWamRSL, H.Y. City join at once. Also Cabaret Dancers. Can place strong Freak for Pit Show. Want Talker to take charge of Plant. Show. Can also place Chinatown, Dog and Pony or Wild West Show to open at Barboursville. We irositlvely play eleven straight weeks of Fairs, playing some of the best County Fairs In the STUFFED South. Out until Christmas. Address ROBERTS UNITED SHOWS, Mary¬ ConceMlon trade. Perfume ville, Tenn., this week. KAISER HEADS in botUoe, all aisea and Made of lll-ns. rsnvas. solid wood l>sse, round¬ ahapea. aachet for ci^e-^^ay. ed off so that the corners will not break can¬ tor lllutlraltd Cataloi. WANTED FOR COLE SHOW COMPANY vas. Musicians on all Instruments, includinf? Leader and Trap Drummer. Family (4) Heads and Banner, $8.00 SUPERIOR Acrobatic Act that do three or more acts. Clowns, Workingmen in all depart¬ rirrulars sent of Games. ments, Cook for Car. Billposter, Seatmen, Car Loaders, Animal Men, one Man KOCHER AMUSEMENT DEVICES, PERFUME CO. to handle big Male Elephant. Address HOWARD DAMONN, Mgr., Sedalia, Mo. a09 W. Indiana Ave.. Phlladtiahla. Pa. IMS. Writ SL,CMii|>.ia WANTED-THE McMAHON SHOWS-WANTED $125 MADE For the fcllnwlng crrtm of Nvhrisks Fslrsr BENKI.EMAN, MADISON. ALBION. ST. PAI’L, WAHOO snd la the reoord tor oca day srtth my othsrs. WANT one gr. F.verv "Magic Waods." "Magic Olaaa Norioo, Ferris Wheel Woods. Address Soldier's Father. MDS COUNTY FREE FAIR -FIRST- DACOMA. OKLA.. SEPTEMBER 17. It. It. Rirhret agricultural epot In State. WAN’TKI> -< on- iteMona. Hhowt. Riding Dericca for week. Will bw-k t'io'ut for one day. Addreca ALBEJIT M. C'ARI’E.N ter. Manager Prlrlltgea. Dacoma. Oklahoma. WORLD’S CONGRESS?DAREDEVILS Central Nebraska Africultural Association GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA. PLAYING A SEASON’S ENGAGEMENT TO CAPACITY BUSINESS WANTS RIdee. Hhowe. Conceealona. A UOOD CAR¬ NIVAL COMPANY, for the beet Fair In Central Ne- (Tteka. four da>a tnd three nlghta. September 10. 11. i: and 13. RfDOLF DIRTSCUI. Secretary. All THE GREATEST THRIllEHS Ml EARTH IH ORE MIGHTY SHOW CONCESSION TENTS FOR HIRE M. MAGEE A SON. INC.. If you want The Daredevils or any of our Feature Acts communicate immediately to otu: 147 Futtaa StraaL New Vert City. WANTED—SHOWS New York Office, Suife 1013, Lons Acre Bide. DAREDEVIL AMUSEMENT GO., Inc. for Weyauwega Fair. Bepumber 3. 4. 5. t. Addreta A. J RlEt'K. SerreUry. Weyauwega. Wlaconaln. CHAUTAUQUA COUHTY, N.Y„ FAIR,SEPT. 1I-14. WAinO HMimD NARTEI he Ever Greater Dunkirk-Fredonia>Jamestown Fair AM AGRICULTURAL FAIR. BUSINESH klE.N'S EXPOSITIO.N. JUTLAND MIDWAY, FUN FOR THE FESTIVAL AND HOME COMING WEEK COMBINED 500.000 people within a atreet car ride. Think of this, tlieti you will know why we are not afraid to take a chance with you on a percentage ba»U. Fife line, of raUroada enter Dunkirk which la the shipping point for Bhowmen and Cunceaitoneni. a. the Fair Ground, are only a itone'a throw from the Erie Railroad. N. Y. C. Railroad. Nickel Plate Railroad. PeniisylTaida Railroad and the Buffalo A Lake Erie Railroad. 50.000 people within a walk of the grounds We are on the STATE Weatem New York Fair Circuit. Our priie li.ti are Immenue, ronMquently our racing ilata are TRENTON without equal, and our exbihlu of farm product., farming Iroplementa Ute stock and manufactured producU are uniurpaiaed. A DAYLIGHT TO MIDNIGHT GRIND. If you mi., thi. one you mm SEPTEMBER 30TH TO OCT. 4TH. 1918 a good one. ttpeclal AttracUona. War Garden and Educational EihlMtu Adrertiiwd orer a ra'- F'irst-clasB Carnival Company to take exclusive Midway, including all Tent, diua of Bfty inilea. Perfect Interurban railway facilltlea. A S-DAY AND S-NIGHT FAIR that can't be beet. Intelligent, prosperous people to draw from. A HARVEST FOR PROGRESSIVE Pit Shows and Riding Devicea Communicate with EXHIBITORS. NEAR BEER PRIVILEGE FOR SALE. CONCESSIONS. SHOWS. RIDING _M. R. MARGERUM, G«n. Mgr., Trenton, N. J. DEVICES. BANDS. FREE ACTS, and anything suitable for Carnival Company. Freaks and aU mannar of Side Show Wonders, ITIualanlsts with Illusions. Dancers for Cabaret aii—UHU OO BOODA, IWria Whcwl and clean Shows. Ready to Imk acceptable Conceaslooa. WANTED—CONCESSIONS FOR STOKES J. C. MILLER. 8u*t. Privllaga: GUV E. STILL. Sscratanr. COUNTY FAIR Wanted for the Great Walton Fair, Sept. 3,4,5,6 UNO, If. C, Oetobw 15. IS. If. Good crop* and ptcoly of money. T. F. BAKER. Beerettry. bbowg of all kinds. Side Bbuwa with fronts, Bally-Uuo Shows. AJiimal show,. Ortenial lUuaian, Musical Com¬ edy. Freaka of all kinds. Diving Girls. WANT to bear from all cIskwi of i'uiicceaioo I*sopte. This is a big HEHSSEUER COUHTY FUR, TII0Y,K.Y. fair, thrss days' horse racing. Always big crowds. Alto want to ees' from Novalty Heo of all klnda. Show peo- Pla. encaa on. This la where you will get the liTiig areen. TtUs fair la now under new managemenC AdiBnaas OCTOBER I. 2. 3 AND 4. ItlR A. J. COURTNEY er W. H. AUSTIN. Sugt. ef Midway. Waitaa. Naw Ycrfc. Wbat taevw you to offerf Let ue bear from you. F. P. CAIRO. Secretary. Tray. New Yerk. LAFOLLETTE, TENN.-eREAT TRI-COURTY FAIR CARROLL COUNTY FAIR, HUNTINGDON, TENN. V tA'AV-^KAWA.NTS a. aood AmusemriitRawv.a»^^..» Co.. wiMERRY-GO-RCUXU. R-vi B V. r*4 h t»4>t’V’th TYvPLA.NTATIO.N AWA'rf/hV’ asxxakwSHOW. DUAuZkiBRASS ttAVruBAND. 17121^FREE AT-AT. In the hull of the coal mince, where the roincra are workuig night and day. making t)0 and ISO a day and TKACnONa WIU consider anythiog that wiU make a fair attractiva Write iinwhere to ipand IL rimty roonry. WANT two imwe Showa and Conceealona of all klnda. No exclualvea. PROF. N. W. LOVE. Secretary and Geaaral Maaamr. HcKearle. TeRuetiea. . t tv ANT Daocera for Cabaret; must tie gd dancers and conduct tbenurlvea aa ladies. This fair la six days and •Li QlghtA Augtmt 26, 27, 28. 28, 30, 31. Wire or write GEORGE H0LDCRNES8. Hetal Burnett Lefellette. Teeueeeee. THE BIG PLATTSBURGH, N. Y., FAIR FIVE DAYS. SEPTEMBER 8. 10. II. 12. 13. 1918. $30,000 tn purees and premiums. One roncesaloner has br«n with us for 33 roasreutive yeaiA 4,004 “rookiea" OLDEST ARD BEST—STOREBORO FAIR In the Training Camp. Governor Whitman la to be with us Make bookings at once. E. F. BOTSFORD. Pr*sl4eat. Plattoburth. New Yerk. 51st Annual Exhibition, S«pt. 24th to 27th IdirgeBt PRir in Western I’ennsylvsnia. Want Concessions of all kinds.^ es¬ pecially go^. clean Shows. QEO. H. MeINTIRE, SupL of ConcBssionB, Stonsboro, Ps. _ HUIUHD, VT., FAIR, Septeniliei 3. 4, S, H SniTHElST UlEH COUHTY FAIR Attractions and Concessions Wanted Open for Merty-Oo-Bound and Bbowa as veell aa other OonceasioiiA Write SECRETARY P. E. COOKE. Saeaa- No Rtata Fair at W. R Junrlloo or Mlddlabury meaoi bigger attendance then uver here. We win he*# our burg. Kanaa*. Dates vt Fair, tieptember 18. 19 and 20. uiuel big Fair vrtth many new PatrloUc Features and Statu and Ooremmeat BxhlMtA No Gambling er «oseh Sbowe allowed. W. K. FARNSWOBTH, Seeretery. Wanted m Some First-Class Carnival Company BIG INTER-STATE FAIR, INDIANA, PA. That has eight or ten weeks of Fairs, a real Ten-in-One Show. Can place Punch or Ventriloquist that can do inside lecturing. Address at once, BEST KNOWN IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. SEPTEMBER 3. 4. • AND E. Clean Midway Rbowi end Conceeeloni wanted. Writs HORACE I. THOMPSON. MarlUB Casltf, Fr. JACK VELARE,.SOUTH BUFFALO, N. Y. 58 TT fti c B lllbo&rd auqust 17, isis OBITUARY WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR THE NO RULING On Circus Employees Undsr Work or Fight Ordsr f'AIIILI./—Ma(* Cabin, of Ixroy and Cablll, THIRTIETH AHHUAL parsed away in Chicago August 11. The funeral will Im' held August 14 from her late rcsideuee Wasliington, D. C.. Aug. 12.—It was atateil iU I'liieugo. at the olHce of the I’rovost Marshal General t" (lay that General Crowder bad not yet made a tWTI.FTT—Robert W. Catlett died at O.ik- COHFEDERATE VETERARS’ REUNIOH ruling on clreua |•err^rlners and cmployeea un¬ land. Cal., July 28, from typhoid-pneunHiula. der the work or figlit onler. Ill was four years of age and a son of Waller At Camp Fagan, Arkansas County, Ark., L. Catlett. BILL VISITS CAMPBELL SHOWS CI{.\NIv—Victor Crane, well known In the tbe- August 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 atneal business, was killed in_ action (aeeording to tile ( a-ualty list of AuguiTt S). lie w:is of At Galesburg, HI.. I found the Campbell Shows the hrni of Jones A. Crane, Ine.. in Chicago, Free Act, Shows, Icptimate Concessions of all kinds, Xjvel- drawing big crowds and a liberal percentage of lie was an actor as well as a producer. ties, etc. In the heart of the rice and cotton belt. tA'ery- money ipendera. Karlier in the season a ds- ri M II - (ieorge riueh, father of Isniis Kineh, scription of tlie sliow waa given. It la much the cotieessionaire with the Great Wortliaiii Slsnv*. one loaded v ith money here; a clean-iip assured. No time same now. An addition and new feature, hoviever. died recently at Mi<’lure, 111., of paralysis. I)'- is tlie parade, wbieh it given twice each week. ceased leaves a widow, three sons and one to write; wire or come on. It coDsists of eighteen pieces, and I waa for daughter. He was in his seventy-fourth year. tiinate to witness it while there. Along the Gll.t-fill.— Harry Gilfidl. a well known eonie W. L. MORRIS, St. Charles, Arkansas. main streets It made an excellent inipreaalon, dian. who in private life was known as Frank and in the tw-<> bIcH-ks length It rontalned first H. B. Graff, died at his home at Kaysliore. L. I., \y. Campbell and Harry Poison, driving trap; •kiigiist III. He want on tlie stage at tile age of neat waa "Saddle Mare” (Black Beautyi, with 17. He appearvMl in many of the late Charles LARGER, BETTER, FINER THAN EVER Vera Middleton at the reins (this little lady is Hoyt plays, and was featured in The Liberty an excellent rider); then the Mg hand-carved Bells and for four years was the leading eo- band wagon, with six Jet black horses, with Harry Fink and his band in red and whits median with BInnelie King. He has been ap¬ pearing in vaiiilevllle in recent years. He was nnlforma: Kline the little man with a big voice, singe with the band, and is a Mg feature a lll•'mller of a nntnher of fraternal societies, anil Is stirvlved by ii willow. with it (he can be heard, distinctly, for four NANTUCKET Mocks): then a tandem, two beautifully a|>otted GKKY—Kranees Venila Grey, wife of A. M. Zlnn, mnsieal comedy prodneer, died at Toledo, horses, driven by Miss Glym In spangled O.. .Viignst 1, Slie was a comedienne and dan¬ enstume; next Miss Ashborti and her high school cer with her hnsband's rompaiiies and was liked horse: then an open den of Hons; next an open by all who knew her. den of bears, with the riown hand; next three HAIIT—Private William J. Hart bnsb.nnd of saddle ponies, pony trap driven by Cecil Poison; AGRICULTURAL FAIR then an open (len of four beautiful ponies, next Mary Ihinohiie, a singer, appe.aring in vaudeville. lUed as a result of a fall from n live story build three unrlrteahle mules, another open den of Ing in New York reeenlly. Hart was known as Itons. next a tsMcaii wagon, horses and Oriental s song writer altmg Broadway before entering girls, making a glittering spectacle; another the servlre. TWO BIG DAYS-AUGUST 21-22 band wagi n. with the minstrel show hand; next H.YSTY—Charles TTasfy, Jr., who had been on a group of Wild West ponies and riders in cos. the stage for tlilrty-flve years, died at his home Open for clean Shows and all kinds of Concessions. Address for Shows, tnme; now a float, typically Indian (with Chief in San Diego, Cal., August 4. He was well Deerfoot the leading flgnre, well gotten up and known as the “Hoosler Comedian.” He leaves CHAS. GRAUBART, Gen. Del., Nantucket, Mass.; for Concessions, Interesting): rn open den of tigers, with the a widow and two sons. steam rallloi.e bringing tip the rear. H. 4/.ZAKD—Mrs. Jack Hazzard, mother of SAMUEL GRAUBART, Gen. Del., Nantucket, Mass. Thla addition »n t)ie show has had good e(re<'t Alice Dovey, the actress, died at Platsmouth, on the attendance as It makes the town reeog Neb., recently. ntze the attraction is of unusual importance, HflKTON—Mrs. V. FI. ITorton died at the Mr. Campbell has expended much on new equip¬ Mercy Hospital at Cleveland, 0., recently. ment, has added both to his train and parapher¬ She leaves a husband, two sons and three THE BIG C SIEilTEI SHOWS nalia, and In a few weeks will have delivered test liked theater .\rc in need of two good Shows; must have their own tents. All Con¬ among carnivals If not the biggest. The show managers of the Middle West. Mr. I.iealzi. who cessions wishing space at Port Washington or Fairs, write or call at I carries no "strong Joints” or “grift,” and Mr. was :;'.i years of age. is survived liy a widow, Campbell states It will pot. a ilaiigtiter and a son. Mrs. Llealzl will re 1436 Walnut Street Ix'tween 2 and 4 P. M. or telephone 636 Kil. Fxrellent harmony prevails thrnout. and the tain tlie direction of the Wilson Theater. show la making money, a< welt aa pteaalng every¬ T.INKS —Harry l.ines. Juggler, died at his home I I. J. CHRISTI.\NSEN and D. MOORE, Owners and Managers, where. Afr. Campbell Jn«t pnrehaaed alx ad in Minne.apnlis .Yngust 3. He was In 111 health ditional head of horses this week, making a for some time. I 1436 Walnut Street, Milwaukee, Wis. total of 40 now with the ehow.—WILL J. FAR McCONKKY—William M. MeConkey, noted LET. trainer of animals for elreiises and other exhibi¬ tions. died at his home in Lansing, Mich., Au¬ gust 3. He appeared as ringmaster and director BISTANY BROS.' SHOWS of many aiiininl acts, Mr. MeConkey started in the show business when he was twenty seven Ware. Afasa , Ang. 0.—The platany Bros • years of age and had traveled with many shows LIHLEJOHN’S UNITED SHOWS Shows have hern pla.ving thm Atassachn«etfs and was well known all over the country. He under att«p1ces of various war fund acr bertha, Baker heater. Tent outfit, 60x9(1. 10-ft. wall, 9-oa. drill. 6 leiigihs Calgary Industrial Exposition at Calgary, Can., tiling dia-tic would liave to lie «lone. Kvery blues, mo reserved seats, stage, seeuery, lights, striped marquee, 16x20 ft., ruUy equipped. Show eii route. PRICE, follows: employee of the show waa loyal and patient $1.600.00 (or Car and Outfit; Car alone, $1,100.00, Terms: Une-half rash, or discount for all cash. Address "Editor The Billboard —A number of yonr read JACK HASKINS. Benkelman, Nsbraxka. I and anxious to do all he or she could do to help era may he Interested in knowing that the John f tlie sle w move, liiit tlie apparent olvstaele was ny J. Jones Show* grossed $34,."ISO.20 at the re tlie liiiie trailer- -it is selfevldent that a mo¬ ('cnt Calgary Exhibition, June 29 to Jnly 6. a* torized licw slioiild not attempt to carry trailers, WANTED—DANCERS FOR CABARET against a carnival buMintsts of last year amount hilt e'erything shciild lie moved on its own Also one more risno IMtyer. All thost* with me last two seasons write. Ted Hill and wife, wire or roroe Ing to $26.7.52 the largest amount ever grossed power. (In iiceoiiiit of tills truck ‘roulde, as Gii. Hazel. lUondie. Floretice. Luclle. Gertie, Kva. Dirk Wakeflcld. Dick recbles, come or wire. CAN I’SB at our exhibition up to that time. The business well as “onie severe storms wliich eeme at the a few Grind Sliows and Conceaaioiia. All Cabaret T>et>ple wire DAN KELLEY. All others acldress done by the Johnny J. Jones Shows on July 1 wrong time, some incoiiipelent drivers and a ANDERSON ARNU8EMENT CO. Our route aa fellows: Elm Creek, Neb., 12*19: Ortaaes. Neb.. 20*28; Ner* amounted to $13,200.75. vchlch We believe was ton. Kan.. 27*8ept. 3; Elweod. Neb., 3*12; thee Mayweed. Lexington. North Platte nnd Lewellan. They shortage of I ilHir, tlie sliow had extremely lieavy a record in th« carnival business. We found tba aro all F'airs and giMnl. So < ittnr on. finale iai losses witliin a short [lerlisi, and tlie shows very aatlafsctorv snd It was a pleasure only tiling we con'd do was to let the sIiow to do business with Johni^ 3. Jones and the chgie so tliat tile ha-k salaries and a few Mi's road, and then we feel that we will be sure to and Hiut If will tour Kastern Tenneasee, East¬ members of the staff. Toors very truly, could he Ihinldated and tlie physical e(|ulpment UHive. ern Kentucky. West Virginia and the Carolinaa •T. L. RICHARDSON.” lie rearranged so as to move tlie sliow like a “Tlie present is an ofiportiine time to lay off and remain nut until tlie first of tlie year. Nut 'regular sliow.’ We lost N' w I’liiladelpliia eom- tlie sliow to reframe aail reorganize it, since t tfliler will lie kept with tlie sliow, tlie trueka pTclely, and altho Dover was only four miles several of cur acts were s<-liediilei| to go oxer having notliing but their own load, the pisiple away, we were nnalde to make an aftermsm to fairs and we wialied to investigate tome lieing slept in liotels lait fed on the bits. It siiow. .\t niglit as the doors were ois-ned a special territory. will continue as a two-ring elrena and will play Iiiige black cloud came up and soon the lot w:is "Last Friday morning, at Itover, <»., oiir territory menlioneil exclusively siiu-e it ia proh- r’elugod with wafer instead of people. This people wi-re Informed that the show was closeil. able tliat tlie railniad sliowa will not be able ASSASSIN!! was 'lie of a terrible two week strain Tlie niglit tiefore some of tliein had tieen so to tour tliat section—hence the finish of the on tile management. Mr. I. S. Horn of Kansas advised, as well as invited to remain with the scnsi.n may yet. very proliably will, set the The lowest priced successful Mechanical f'i’v. wlio xvltli myself were tlie principal stock- new organization. .\II wlio were invited to re liackers ft the world's first motorized clrms Ball Throwing Onme on earth. ORhr $20.00. t'olilers i f the sliow. load l>een with us sever.ll m.iln appeared plmsed to do so. while stilt finiinilally aiiccessfiil. in wlileli event all who I’avs workingsiieroicar.v to make tlie show move, otliers would liave Is-cn Inxifed liiid 1* i >t have lieen In any way associated with It will likewise seve-al exisrfs ef the Service Motor been for eonfllctlng fair dates. On account of find an exceptional pride fn spite of Its first —IT’S A SCREAM— Truck Company, hut we were all forced to tlie delinipicnt salaries not isdng |mld immedi¬ two weeks of trying experiences and provoking re«s*—til»e fl'e 'fact that oiir only ehanee l.iy in ately. some of the irate working i>e«ple. a« well trniihles. Write for full information. nlsiii-' ing the trailers—and tlins tlie siiow was as some of tlie |H-rformers. altmist caused a laid off, and a reorganization started Immedi- riot wlien the Service Company attempted to atel.T liT returning tlie trucks to tlie Servlre move tlielr trucks frrmi tlie lot in onler that NEWMAN COVEN, NOTICE Penn Novelty Go., Motor Company, to l-e put into shajie for the ttiey could Is'gin a systematic rebuilding of road again. .4ffer this is done, which slionid them Ininiedlately.” lie (V ne tiy tlie la-t of this week, the trucks and MAY KKCOMi; TUB "WALLACK SHOW” Newman Coven, formerly with Clark A Conk¬ TENTS TO RENT ’“WSIRlS."" equipmer.t will doubtless l»e again entnisted to It U very probable that the reorganized motor lin’s Shows. Ik advls4-d t« send forwarding ad¬ ■. MA6CI a SON, INC. Mr. Hern and myself for the resumption of the show Will be known aa "Tlte WallBce Show,” dress to The Billboard for important mall. 147 Fsltss Strsst, Nsw YSfk City. AUGUST 17, 1918 THe Billboard 59 6 BIG CA.NADIA.N FAIRS g WANTED SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS BIGGEST AND BEST IN CANADA OPENS AUGUST 19TH TO OCTOBER 1ST Three Rivers. Week August 19 Quebec, Week September 2 Valleyfield, Week September 16 Sherbrooke, Week August 26 Ottawa, Week September 9 St. Scholastique, Week September 23 Will advance railroad to any good show. Wire at once to New York Office, HENRY MEYERHOFF, 140 West 42d St., New York or _ HENRY ME\ EKHOFF, week August 12, Moose Jaw, Sask., Canada.

NOW PLAYING ELEVEN WEEKS OF THE BEST FAIRS IN RUBIN & CHERRY KANSAS, OKLAHOMA AND COLORADO OIL FIELDS. ri S H. W. CAMPBELL’S WANT—Man to take charge of Motordrome. Just built and In flrst- class condition. Will split flfty-flfty. Want to hear from Develo and Crazy Bob Perry. This Is a snap for a good rider. WANT—One or two good Ballyhoo Shows and one flrst>class UNITED SHOWS Platform Attraction. WANT these for our circuit of North and South Carolina and Cit nrgla Fairs. They are all good ones. -CAN PLACE- WANT—Good Electrician at once. Can place Singers and Dancers for the best Plantation Show on the road. One more good Show—will furnish eomplete outfit for same. Want FAIR SECRETARIES—We have one week open in September and Silodrome Manager and Riders, Athletfb Show Manager and Talker, one In October. If you want a big attraction, wire us. Colored Performers and ' Musicians. Want White Musicians. Will All the above address RUBIN GRUBERG, Mgr., Psr Route. L. R. VAN DIVER, MANAGER CONCESSIONS. CAN PLACE AT consider organized Band. W’ant two good Polers, Teamsters and ONCE—Post Card or Photo Gallery. Knife Rack. Hoopla. Novelties, and Workingmeji, Door Talkers and Grinders. Have good proposition for any flrst'Class, clean Concessions. Especially want some good Agents man with experience to handle I’nderRround Chinatown (new Parker to handle my own stores. Write or wire quick. Will give exclusive to make). Want Lady or Man to ride Manage Horses, also good Ring good Cider Mill. C. E. Williams wants to hear from Babe Miller. Harry and Edith Stock Groom. Can place Legitimate Concessions. Absolutely no Darling and Clarence Lutz. Can place a few more LADIES for my grafL Want Cabaret Girls. People in all branches of show business, Dancing Pavilion. come on. Address as per route (all Fairs): Chanute, Kan.; Caney, WE HAVE THE CREAM OF THE SOUTHLAND FAIRS. Kan.; lola, Kan.; Eureka, Kan. This Week HBYT IMErif KNOXVILLE, TENN., H. W. CAMPBELL, Manager. CORBIN, KY. RhAI WiCdl Positively on the Streets. WANTED FOR WANTED—CAPABLE MAN SOUTHERN EXPOSITION SNOWS TO HANDLE WHIP For Southem SLiof of W. A. Blackwell Fairs Good salary, but you must get open Monday night. As¬ atutlnc Sim.BTTTLLE. TENN.. Sl'CrST 14. IS. 14. A-1 Pit Show. Platfona Show, or anr good Show* Jnt don't ronflirt. Working Men for Alien Hererhetl Swing and Q1 Kerris Htieei. CAN I'SE Talkers, alio sistant Electrician. FOR SALE—Bucking Mule and two iVorkIng Men In all departments. Cabaret Danrera fbr Cabaret Da Luxe. Coucesainna, here is tout oppor- :unltj If reu hare a clean, legitimate one and can stand good treatment, come on. Urift Slav away. WANT femaJe Lions. Address J. M. SHEESLEY, this week, ro BI T tbsTO Top. All mail and wires to SOUTHERN EXPO. SHOWS. Rauts: Shalbyvilla. Taint.. Aug. 14. IS. 14; Wlaebaalar. Taiui.. Fair, Aug. M-tS: than Swaatwatar, Taaa.. and ether Fairs te fallew. Springfield, Mass.; next week, Pawtucket, R. 1. CONCESSIONS FOR SALE Want First-Class Man for SOUTH BEND, INDa Allan Herschell Machine Inter-State Fair, September 10-14, five days and five nights. The best Fair In the State for Concessions. Ask anyone who has been here. At¬ Also Workingmen, Plant. Performers and Talker for Plant. tendance last year nearly 100,000. All Legitimate Concessions for sale except Wheels. Have some choice locations left. Those contracting first will receive best locations. For contracts and prices address Address VersailleSg Ky., week Aug. 12th. V. A. ZIMMERMAN, Sec. Inter-State Fair, SOUTH BEND, IND. WASHBURN-WEAVER UNITED SHOWS. J. F. MURPHY SHOWS ig MIGHTY HAAG SHOWS MN PUCE FOR STRIHC OF FURS CAN PLACE MUSICIANS Whip, one which can gllly; Swings, one or two Showa that will not conflict with what we have. All Conceaalona open except Candy. Operator for Eli Baritone, Comet and Clarinet. Long st'ason. Ride over roads in auto¬ Ferris Wheel on account of draft. Can always place useful carnival people. mobiles. Treatment good. Addreas E. HAAG, Big Sandy, Tenn., Fair Secretarlea—We have a few weeks open either North or South Carolina August 17; Camden, Tenn., August 19. Dr Georgia. Address J. F. MURPHY. Mgr„ Andaraon, 8. C., Aug. 12th to 17th. GOV. J. A. MACY WANTS People for Ceberet Show, danrrrs kMp ell tips: Pleno PU'yrr end Dnimmrr (lop ,aleriee): profrr merrlod WIICOX GREATER SHOWS WANTS men with wlree who dance. Man for front whnae wife can work floor. K.malo ImperM>iiator to entertain with apeclaltlea. All Join at once. Grace William,. Mary, Kdna. I.essle, Gea tSla.a. "fraxy Ray" ami all girl, Vmr-Oo-Round ind Wblp. Hhow* and ronrewinna. E^oon, Pa., tbU woak. au^lrfa Bod Men; Ftreman’a who worked for me before. Come oa or wire, no Ume to arrito. Playing real apota. will be out all winter. 'olebtalloo. Prlrtburg. August 19-S6. clam bake and beur on the grounds, then Uie big one. Wharton. N. J., VeraaUIea. Kj.. thla week. w alreeu. gala day. tan dara. auarl

GOOD CARNIVAL COMPANY WANTED Southern Ohio This Year WILL BOOK ELI FERRIS WHEEL Portsmouth, O., Labor Day Celebration and Patriotic Week. September 2. 3. 'or ths baUnrs uf the Basnon with Carnival that haa contracts fur at leaat tlx to aUht Fairs. Carnival that AM Its owii iraiti and golua Nuiith and that ha« Fairs contracted. ‘Hila UTievI la ready to orator at uf*c# for same. Addraaa ENOCH BUTCHER, VtraiHlan. 0., sf spent by the people for amusement. Give full i>articular.s. Address la Asfsat 2#. then BIMtoard. ClMlnaatl. If a toctX show will leave It on for nest season, as 1 have three JAMES JACKMAN, Secy. Trades Council. 1308 Mscconell Ave.. Portsmouth. O. Abeela. THE EXPOSITION, CLEVELAND, OHIO DAY AND NIGHT—AUG. 21 TO SEPT. 2—TWO SUNDAYS AND LABOR DAY WANTED—Several More HIGH-GLASS SHOWS, GOHGESSIOHS, Also WHEELS and Other MIDWAY PRIVILEGES Address limnedistelv T. A. WOLFE, Chsmber of lodustry Building, Clevelsod, Ohio. 60 T Jti e Billboard AUGUST 17, 1918

**Ca8tidy, Jack Ertal, Ora Howard, Kitty McGraw, Sallie Partello. Evelyn Sterling, Betty •♦Castillo, Adgie Esmond, Mrz. Elsie Howard, Ida •••McHan, Mrs. Kitty Partlllo, Mrs, Mande Stewart Grace •Castillo. AsKio (S)Espanozos, Elvira Howard, Mrs. Mabel McIntosh, Peggy Pate, Verna M. •Stewart, Viola Castles, Mrs. Luclel IETTERS> ••Evans, Gertrude H. McIntyre Paul, Mra. Blanc Sticking. Rnrellne Chapin. Helen Everett, Nell Howley, Mrs. Trlzle McKinna, Mayorie Pindar, Claudlne Still. Marguerite •••Clabough, Miss •••Fagan, Babe Rose ••Huber, Marie McLemore. Mrs. V. Platt. Leora Still, Marguerite Free, prompt and far-famed, the Mall Edna ••Pain. Ethel •Hubert, Rosella McLemore, Mrs, Pointer. Florence ••streble, .Mrs. Etiw. Farina, Krao Huglies, Kittle Tester ••Pollett. Ixiura Forwarding Service of The Billboard Clark. Mrs. Rose Strong. Jessie C. Clark, Mrs. Ruth Farrell, Margaret Hull, Bobbie •••McLeon, Jessie Poison, Mrs. Rhea Strong, Bobbie stands alone as a safe and sure medium •Clark, Vie l-isher, Mrs. C. R. Hurst, Mrs. W. S. McMlllen. Mrs. Edgar Poison. Mrs. 11. 8. SI rout. Mrs. E. D. through which professional people may Clark, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mabel May ••Husman, Tlllle McNamee, Bessie Powell, Mr*. E. T. Sullivan Cleo have their mail addressed. Thousands Clarke, Marie •••Hyatt. Virgie ••McNeille. Mrs. Jack Prescott, Billie ••Sutcliffe. Eleanor Isabelle. Ann Price. Nellie of performers and showfolk now receive Clements, Arline Fleming, Mrs. Mabel •MacKay, Elsie Swadley. Mra. llniurr ••Colby, Princeton Fleming, J. •Jajie. Mrs. Jewell Mackey, Mrs. J. (Yank Proctor. Mrs. Bertha Nell their mail through thie highly efficient Mack, Lucille Proffer, Rose •••Cole, Ada Flippen, Edna ••James, Mrs. Arthur Swift, Blanch •••Purtle, Mary department. •Cole. Hazel Floretta. Mile. Jasmer, Georgia Malone, Mrs. Alice Taylor, Ine.a Rader, Mrs. Lewis M. Mail is sometimes loot and mix-ups ••Colvin, Mrs. ••• Ulllan Jenkins. Ethel ••Mandell, Marland •Taylor. .Margaret •Raffln, Mra. Alfred •Colvin. Mrs. Gladys Flynn, Mrs. Dorothy Jennings. Ethel •••Manus, Mrs. Kumy result because performers do not writs Manns, Rnmmy Raines, Mrs. Evelyn ••Tempest, Florence Hamilton Ford Vlns (S)Jennisigs, Mar- Temple, Dorothy B. plainly, do not give sorrect address or •••Margarle, M. Ralston, Lotta Forth, Ella garet Thamer, Mrs. J. R forget to give an address at all when Cook. Ella •••Marshall Erma Ralston. Jackie ••Foster, Lillian Johnson, Mrs. Walter Thomas, Margrett Cook. Mayme A. Marshall, Helen Ramsey, Edna writing for advertised mail. Others Jones Minnie P. Thonipaon, .Mrs. Cooper, Patsy Marehall, Louise Raum, .Mrs. B. F. cend letters and write address and ••Fox, Josephine ••Kamm, Mrs. Carl B. *Coo(>er, Jane •••Marshall, Erma •••Ray. Marie Mane Foy Merry Kelley, Verdla Thompson, Mra. liana name so near postage stamp that it is ••Marlon, Babe Ray, Marie •Connell. Millie Frances, Beverly •••Kelly. Kate ••Tbumpaon. Minnie obliterated in cancelation by the post- Martina, Mrs. Daiey Reed, Nora Corbitt. Mr*. Rose Frazier. Mamie Tlllson, Bonnie office stamping machines. In such cases •••Kelpef. Mrs. Etta Martin, May Reed. Jackie Cort)itt, Gladys Frederiek Emma Kennebrew, Mrs. Todd, Edna and where such letters bear no return • Estelle Mason. Kathryn Reeves. Dt>rothy, Co, Freeman, Margaret Klara Toor. Onya Cornell. Dorris Matingly, Jean Rene. Irene address, the letter can only be for¬ •••Freeman, Mrz. ••Kennedy. Ethel I'ripp, Mrs. Grade Costley, Mrs. Robt. •Matolka. Princess •Rene, Irene warded to Dead Letter Office. Help The Matlin Keymn, Dorothy Truren. Ethel Courtney. Hazel Matthews, 8adie J. Reynolds. Dolly ••Freigang, Mrs. Kiddg Mr*. PauUne I'pdike, Alma E. Billboard handle your mail by eom- Coyle. K. Cunard •Mattison, Ruby Reynolds, Mrs. Ben Astrid Kidder, Mrs. Chas. Max. Josephine Reynolds. Teddy Van, Mrs. Edyth plying with the following: Blanche Van, Lola Frey, Bess Kimble, Gertrude Mayo. Dolly Write for mail when it is FIRST Cramer, Jannette Vance, Ethel Gardner, Mrs. Thelma King, Francis ••Melrose. Marjorie Rhodes Lela advertised. The following is the key Crandall. Ruth ••Gamotte. Bessie King, Frances Melton, Nola Roberts, Ruby Virden, IVdIy to the letter list: •Crane, Texas Amy Garrett. Maggie King, Grace Vaughn, Gertrude •Merkllnger. Anna Robinson, Mrs. H. B. Crane, Mrs. Jack Garthwalte. Mrs. C. King. Pearl Roders, Sirs. Dot Veal, Ida Cincinnati.(No Stars) Mersel, Mrs. Jessie Crew, Lena R. •••Klark. D1 Vernon, Louise New York.One Star (•) Merten. Mrs. Chas. Roe, Mrs. Nellie Cunningham. Marlon Gass. Eva Neal Knight. Mrs. A. H. Rosale, Stella •••Vernon. Billie Chicago .Two Stars (••) Cutler, Mrs. Lonis Gatto, Mrs. Flo Metz. Mrs. Ted •Voegele. Alma •Knight. Alta Miles, Mrs. Lizzie Rose. Mrs. Vina St. Louis.Three Stare (•••) ••Dale. Peggy Geiger, Mrs. J. C. Knower, Rath Bose. Mrs. H. A. Von Drake, Louella Dale, Adelaide Miles. Mrs. J. C. San Francisco .(S) Gelst. Mrs. Tillle Knox, Mrs. B. B. Rosenberg, Mildred Wade, Elizabeth Dale. Louise Miller, Tressa Wagoner. Mrs. Ralph If your name appears in the letter Gervals. Ruth Kober. Madelen Miller. Mildred Rosa. Helen •Daniel, Mrs. laola Rose, Mildred list with stare before it write to the Gibbs, Jnstine Koenig. Helen ••Miller. Flossie Waldon. Mrs. Bonnie •••Dare. Doris Gibson. Patsy Kobn Betty •••Miller. Henit Roea, Caroline Wales, Eleanor office holding the mail, which you will Darlin. Bobbie Gilmore, Mrs. Doc Korte Ida Miracle, Marie Rnbas, Mrs. John Sterling know by the method outlined above. Dauene, Tottle •••Ruby Sisters Gilpin, Edna Knntz. Selma Mitchell. Mrs. J. W. Wales. Mrs. Eleanor Keep the Mail Forwarding Department •Davies. Mrs. D. J. Glrond, Mrs. A. Bar, May ••Mitchel, Kate Rnnlon, Mrs. Ollle Sterling •Davies. Ray supplied with your route and mail will Glover, Anna I-a Bell. Pearl Mitchell, Vera Rnssell. Mrs. Ted ••Walker, Olive Le forwarded without the necessity of Davis. Dorn Goad, Grace La Belle. Pearl Mltcheltree, Mrs. C. G. Rnssell, Sfrs. Bessie •Walker. Lillian Davie, Jack ••Gonzalez, Lola T>a Brough, Marquette •Modrln. Roth Russell. Bobby (BilUei advertising it. Postage is required only Russell, Flo Davis, Mrs. R. L. Goodman, Mrs. Anita •••I-aDe'.l. Florence Montague, Mrs. Violi Wallace. Mrs. Ira for packages—letter service is abso¬ Russell. Bobby •Wallace. Mrs. Eva lutely freo. Sabo. Elsie Ward Irean Mail is held but thirty days, and sen * * Sailor, Dorothy Ward. Billie not be recovered after it goes to the Sanders, Mrs. Jennie Warhelm. Bernice ■‘Sanford. Vivian Warning, Nellie Dead Letter Office. '••Sappington Gladva Warvell. Minnie Mail advertised in this issue was un¬ •Sargent. Mrs. Edith Warwick, Eleanor called for i;p to last Sunday noon. All Are You One of the Thousands? D. Watkins, Mrs. Omer requests for mail must be signed by Siter, Jein Reid Watson. Mrs. Fay Slanders Mrs. Carrie the party to whom mail is addressed. Wstson, Bessie Are you one of the thoueandc who are daily having The Billboard’a Saiinderson Babe Wiyne. Mra. Sue Mail Forwarding Service handle your mail? Schafer. Mrs. Ethel •Weaver. Marion The Billboard’s Letter Departments forward nine out of ten letters Schaffer VI •••Welfler. Stella •••Sehatlie. For¬ Parcels and Amounts Due on the earns day they are received. In fact, many of our clianta ara not ••Wells. Flo res tinea Wells. Mrs O ••Andrews, Milton, ••Husby. Jeff, 15c put to the necessity of writing for their mail mora than onca or twica a SchetBe, Forrestinea •••WeiS. Violet 10s Judge. P. D.. 4c aaaaon. Sehlnkel. Mrs. Mar •••Barthel. 6c Kohn, M., 2c garet West, Marie The letters advertised in this issue are hardly five per cent of those •West. Kathryn •Bcnls. H.. 4c Kolp. Pearl. 2c that past thru our Cincinnati and its affiliatad branch officaa. Sehntder. Bertha Black, Prank, 2c •Kyes, H. D., 2c (SiScott. Florence •••West, Ruth Wheeler Mrs Peggy Brown. A. E.. 4c Mardell, Art, Esq.. 4c SERVICE did it. Quick, thoro understanding by intelligent and dis¬ •Screws. Mrs. M. II. ••White, Mrs. H. H. Brown, A. B.. 2c Meyers, E. E., 3c criminating mail clarka hat rasultad in practically nina-tanths of Ameri¬ Seleste. Olga Brunson. Wm. W.. 2c •Minor, Miss E., 2c ca’s theatrical entertainers using The Billboard as thair permanent ad- Selsor, Mrs. Sody •White Benlta White, Daisy Burke, Theda. 43c •Drmieton, F.. 2c dreee. Others are being rapidly attracted. Settle. Toney Cady, E. A., 15c ••yulgley. John A., ••Shaefor. Edna White. Ollle Carmichael, W. E., 2c 10c It is unneceesary in writing for mail to uaa a salf-addrassad and Shafer. Bessie ••• Whiteford. CamllU ••Whitney. Laura Davis, Z. L., 2c ••Ray, El. 4c stamped envelope—A POSTAL CARD WILL DO. Give your route far Sheflin. Mrs. J. O. ••Esty. Eugene. 10c Rogers, Sybilla D., ic enough ahead to permit your mail to reach you. Write names of towns, •Sbemian, Ixili Wlleox. Mra. Ilor- tense •••Everett, Herr. 3c •Rusk. Webster C., 4c dates and signature plainly. 'Sherman, Nell|« •Fellz. Nabor, 14c Schafer, Cal, 10c •••Shields. Pearl Wtkina. Mirgnerete •Frances. 2c Starkey, Fred. 2c LETTERS ARE HELD THIRTY DAYS ONLY, ••Shields, Pearl Williams. Mrs. J. F. Gartland, J. J., 2c ••Tripp Trio, 40c Shorey, Ethel May, Williams, Margeret after which, if no address has been obtained, they are sent to the Dead Wllllims. Frances Gough, P. D.. 2c •Tyler. Bernice, Ic Letter Office. It is deeirable to write for mail when your name FIRST Players Hamilton, Chas. B. •Wsgetaff, Wm.. 6c Showalter, Margurete Williams. Mrs. J. L X.. 2c Webster. Musical, 6c appears in the list. Address your postal to “Mail Forwarding Service, Shuller. Teddy Wllllt, Virginia Wilson. Nadine •Heward, Connie ••Wbltesfleld, Jae., 6c The Billboard.” Slebert, Siig ••Wilson. Valeakt I.avina, 6c Wiseman, Bessie. 2c REA® THE EXPLANATION AT HEAD OF THIS LIST. Sllverlake. May Hurst, Mrs. W. S., 2c •Woodard, Alma. 6c Simmons, Maude Wilson, Etbal Slacoe, Mrs. Richard ••Wilson Valetka LADIE8’ LIST. If. Wilton Bell •Acker, Kitty Hoey Bennett. Eva Smith. Melzle Winters. Dolly A Sid Adams, Florence •Bennet, Dora Smith. Mrs. C. C. Wise. Mrs. David ' •••Adams, Florence Berry, Lucille Davis, Mrs. William Goodstien, Mary •LaEmma. Miss Monte, Leona Smith. Mabel P. Wiseman, Mrs. Bessie Aggie. Madame •••Bevel. Lonise Day, Juliette ••Gordon, Karine La Fontaine, Myrtle Montrose, Deloren Smith. Ruby Wltmore, Bobble Aikens. Mrs. Ruth Bingen, Marie De Balestrier, Har¬ Gordon. Babe La France, Harriet Moody. Billie •••Smith. Emma Wolf. Mrs. Wm. Alderher. Sylvia Bingo, Mrs. Lena riet Grandl. Mrs. Robt. •LaFrfnce, Josie Moore, Mrs. Louise Soger. Mrs. Bee W^. Amy Newcrimer. Mrs. Aldrleh. I-eonard Auerbach. CTias •••Rachman. Dnlar Brown. Mrs. Marie Dunlap. Mrs. May Hirrlty Josephine Mrs. Edith Buelah ALLEN. WM. 0. •••Babers. Andrew •Bailey Maybella Brown. Kitty Earl, Mae A Billy ••Harrlty. Josephine Tx-nahan, I.eonia Newton, Neola (Wat Dept.) Badararro, Joe Baines. Mrs. Maude C. Brown. Gladys Earle, Charlotte Haugh, Thelma Ix*ndon. Edna E. ••Newton, Hose R, Allen. A K. BAIRD k WILSON Baker, Opal Bnchanan, Frances Eckaril. Mae Hawley, Augusta •I.eone IJIllan Nickolson Diile Allen. Arthur Punch (War Dept.) •Baker. Margaret Bnchn, Mrs. Marie Eckert. Mrs. Grace Hayes, Marie Ix-vy. Beatrico Nold Mrs. Gill •••Allen, Harry Paird. Joe Baldwin Mrs. Arthur Buckley. Mrs. Jack Eckert, Ora Hazelton. Daisy Ix*wls, Mrs. Margaret >oII. Marlond ••Allrn. Sid Baker R. Ben •Baldwin. Dixie Burke. Evelyn Edwards, Daisy Hazen, Mabel ••Ix*wls Grace Noll. Bobble •••Alien. Billy ••Baker, Harry L Barker, Nan Bnmett. Mrs. W. R. Hebretf. Josle Livingston, Ethel •Norris, Trlzle Alllger. Elmer Baker. E. E. Egan Mrs. B. W. ••Norlh. Daisy Bamee. Mrs. Ethel Bushman. Billie •••Eger, Elizabeth Helena. Mary Ix)ekhart •Altman. Max Baker, F. te-slle Barnett. Marie Butler, Mrs. Prank Hersehe). Mrs. Fred Ixwflier, Blanche O’Brien, Bobbie Amiek. Jack ••Baker. Cye)on« Elsef. Bessie •••O'Brlon Mra. Vera Barooty, Marie Cairo, Madam Elliot, Kathryn Herb»-rt. Mra. Jos. C. Ix>veH, Ray •••Amiiiideon, E. P ••Baker nVonpei Callagher, Mrs. Odea Elliott Dazel •••Hewitt, Frances ••Ixickey. Ethel Odam, Mra. Eva ••Anderson, Jack Bakken Ben Barrett. Mrs. Edmond Callahan. Eva Ellenberger Bobble Hickman. Mrs. Psnl Lyle Frances Ollson. Mrs. Georgia Andcraon, C. A. Baldwin. Eddie Barry, Myrtle Callicott. Mrs. G. O. Elma (The Fat Girl) •••Hicks, Margaret Lynn, Doris Oliver. Mrs. Rose Anderaon, William Baldwin Johnnie or Bartlett, Ruth Calvert, Elsie HIU. Marlon M. Lynn. Florenee Oliver. Mrs. Prentiss •Anderson. Seymour Tlllle Elmore. Phyll* Bartlett. Ethel •Cameron, Gertrude •nilT Mirkm McCalotof, Dorothy Oliver. Mrs. Rose •Anderson. Harvey Baldwin. Howard T. Bates, Mrs. O. M. (SlCamp. Blanche •••Emalizer, Mable C. •••Hill. Margaret MeCarthy, Nellie Omellsn Blanche Anderson Txwena ••Bale lioula C. Embree. Mrs. Geo. Btyham. Boaca •••Campbell. Jessie ••Hlpee Mrs. Hazel •Merirthy. Nellie •Onril. Mrs. Phil Andrews Adam Barblert, Gulaonnl Emerson, Dorothy Beal, Pearl CampbelL Mrs. Jessie ••Hodges, Mabel McCoy. Gertrude Orlette. Mile. May ••Andrews, Milton Barnett. I. J. ••Beasley, June H. ••Emmerson. Dorothy Holland, Alfretta McCoy. Pearl ••Otto, Hazel Angel Arthur ••Barnett. Doc Beckman, 8adle Carlisle. Msrlon Emmet, Fern HoHister. Mrs. McCoy. Pearl •Owen. Mra. Flo Angelo. Mr. k Mrs. Bartlett, Warren D- •••Bechnan, Hacal Carson. Agatha Empy, Leona Leonard ‘McDonald. Mrs. Page, Ray Billy O. ••Bartman, Ellla B •Belanger, Olive •••Carson MalUe •••Engler, Ciriean •Hopkins. Mae Leans Palmer, Miss Jack A. Apsebe AHiona Jack •Barrett. Edward ••Ben. Mrs. Ardila ••Cassidy Mrs. De- Enrtqne, Alice Horton, Margaret McDonald. Florence •Parker, Gladys Arenstan Meyer •Bary. Martin •••Belle, Montana Lyle Errington. Myra •Houston. Lanra McGee, Margaret (R)Parks. Baby Arizzo, Divld Barry, Phillip A. august 17» 191S

Ji BiiIIp7 Carr, Joe DeBell. Frank L'rank, G. A. Herbert. Cbaa King, J. E. Lnpler, Wallace Montgomery. James E. ••Battrell, Edw. J. •Carr. Uuerr Uebrow, Bill Freeman, J. 11. Herberts, Harry J. King, Lowry Lyle. Jack Montroae. Geo. B;i/1«*. Moyd ••Carr outer •••De Coeta A ^ Freeman. Jno. R. ••Heme, Clyde C, ••King. J. R. ••Lyman. Qea N. Moore, W. A. BrsooB E«po. Showi •••Carroll. K. U DeElllott Frtal Friedman. A. •Uerrman A Rice King. H. U. Lynch Players M'oore, H. K. Jack * Cartrlght, Wm. Ue Forrest. Sam ••Friedman, Isaac llerst. Sidney King Bros.’ Amuse¬ Lynn. John Joa. Moore, Bob •••Bear. W. L. Caiaidy, Ed Del Mont. Al A Nan hVlee. E. 8. Herts, Peter ment Co. ••M. G. Moralea, George Bcaril. BIIIt Caatle. John U. (SIDePerun B, Friench. Jack lleth. W’aroer King. Leo H., Stock McCufferty, J. 0. Moran, Eari BEASLEY. HALL Caatle. Cblck ••UePeron R. Frustlerl. Pietro Mewett, Seymour Co. McCaots. Allan Morfoot, O. B. (War Dapt.) Celenia. Frank ••DeSbane, 8ld Fry, Harry Hewes. Slim King, Dr. •••McCarthy, A. W. •Morgan, Jack •••Beaalay, Hall CHAOMON. De Vaux, U. A. Fnhrman, J. B. •Hewitt, Wm. Kings, Mus. Com. Ca. McCommlck, Earl Morgan, J. Doug. Beattie. J. N. JOSEPH W. K. De Voe, Lew •Fuknda Tomeklcbi (Sborty) ••Kingsbury, Charles McCormac, Earl Morin. Wm. A. Beck. Fred A. (War Dept.) Dean, Al Fuller, John Higgins. A. II. •Kingsley, John •.McCormick, Mart •••Morlock, R. W. Becker. Joe ••Cbalmben. 1. X. Dean, Muntgomcry E. •Fulton. Arthur U, Higgins. Ted Kinsley, Chas. McCormick, Jamaa •Morrelll, Sid Be.kwltb. r»t. R. B. ••Chamber*. Bub Dean, Sky L'urtell, L, A. •••Hildebrand, Albert Kirby, John McCormick, Jack Mon la, Harry R. Bedenbender. fart Cbambcrii. E. B. Dean. Wm. A. ••F. K. Ilk Hiller, K. K. Kirby, Sherman McCoy, John Morrison, Ray B<-. ••ChrUtaffell, Gorgio •••Desmond. Hubert J. McGregur, Donald JOS. MALL. Berry. f<*l. Jim Doc ••Chriatenavn*. The Marvel HOMMELL CARL •••Koehler. Harry ‘McUurroo. Mack (Questionnaire) Deaapllnter Brue. Gerard, Frank HENRY Kogman. Geo. 8. ••Berry, .krtbur K. Cbnatle, Frank M. •Deters. August •••McHau. V, F. ••Munson. David K. Berry. F. V. Chriatic. D. E. Giard, I.eunani (War Dept.) Kobiman. E. L. McIntosh, Tommy .Munson, David K. •Deters, Uenty Gibbs. Geo. R. ••Hooper Frank Kramer, L. W. Beeeridfe I’layere Chuesberg. J. F. Devin, Ja*. E. McIntyre. Bub Muntzer. F. A. Gilbert. Thoe. Hooten. Jean Krantx, Joe McKay, Jack .Murphy, A. J. Beverly. Wm. Churchill. Clairo Devine, J. A. •GUI. Thoe. L, Hooten A Hooten Krlnko. Joa. S •••Billinga. Sandy Clrmferrl. Tummy Devue. Jack ••McKenale. Robert E. Murphy, Horace Birk. k'red C. •Gillette. U C. Hoover. Bert •••Krug. Clarence H. McKenzie. Geo. ••-Murphy, Gale Clark, Jon. Dickman. Dick •Gilmore Penl Hopple. Clyde •••Bielier Bob J. Clark. 811m DleUcl, Amund Kruger, Louts J. •••McKenale, Robt. E. ••.Murray, H. C. •OIBOUD WM. HOPSON. JOHN H. Kuba, Frank J. McKeesun, Wm. (S(Murray. Jack A. Biwer. farl O. Clark A Greer Mua. DUl. Frank (Telegram) (Wax Dept.) •Blackburn. Geo. W. Com. Kahn Henry ••McKinney, Jay Slim •-Murray. James •Dimitrescu, Mlttu O. Giroud. Wm. Horton. Wm. ••Kulolia, Jim McKlosey, Fultun ••Murray, Wbltey Blair Jaek CUrk, Jan. kf. Dlnder, All Glatco, Geo. B. Hoekina. Jack Blanibard. W. W. Clark. Harry D. Knudeon, Kart •McKittrick, J. Murray. Billy Dig. Dan Glass. Sam •••Hotchkiss, Frank Knrtz, Mue .McLaughlin, A. A. •Murrell. Jack •••Blankrnabip. Mr. •CUrk. Carl H. •••Dodaoo, 0, O. CUwaun, P. E. •GUnce. Jack Hough. Herbert H. Kyee, Joe McLogblin. E.*B. •Musselman. J. J. K M'« Virgil Dooley, Bill House. Billr •Kyes, H. D. (S) Myers, Harry Blakeadnle. Ed CUyton, F. E. Cloth, Max McMuliun A ScliiH-mer ••Doran, Martin Glover. Geo. H. •Honiton. j. Sam La Clede. Louie McMillen, Edgar Myers, C. N. BLAND. EDW. J. CTemann, Lon L, ••Dorey, Eddie Howard, Bart (War Dept.) Clemonn. Hugh Godwin. Albert ••LaCroeae. Jack McMullen. J. A. Nagata. Sam Dossett. J. B. Goff. Noah Howard, Walter •••La Dell, Harry McNalty, Jamee Nulbaudian, Jake Bliaa. A1 Clifford Geo. Dougherty. Bill ••Howard, James ••Clifford A Clayton ••Gold. Irving •La Mar. Cbarlea McPherson. C. E. Naugle. W. Bk>ora. Max. Co. Dougherty, Jimmie Howard, Tom La Place. Mons. Blundell. Caah niflon Cometly Golomb. Joe Meguiun, Clia*. E Nebison, Charles J. Dowd, Owen Goasales, Manuel Robt. ••Howard James La Rose, Geo. MeSpadden. John K. Neisa. Maurice •••niy. W. L. •••Clinton Charley Doyle. B. M. Howie. Clyde Boillne. r W. Close. Emmons Hugo Gooding. Roy. La Zone. Elmer Mabery, L. A. Neluaco A Harley •••Drake, Jamee M. Amusement Co. Howland, Oscar V. Lachan, Billy Macbedon. Alex. Nelson. Irving Boehme. Frederick Clyde. Vander ••Drake. K. W. Hoyte A Co.. H. H. Cocke. Jack Goodner, Arthur B. •Ladd. Edw. Dirk Mack, Chas. Nelson, Claude W, Hoger. Lutlier DuMouc. Arthur Hosier, James Ladd, Edw. Dick •Newcomb. E. G. •Boberty. l-'rank J. Goosman. Dick Mack. J. J. Coennen, Gev>. itubel. Cbaa. Goswauds Bobby Hubbard. G. fl. •••Lake. Geo. Newman, A. G. iTelegraml Alexandria Duenweg. C. U. '••Huber, Jack Mack. Frank C. Grady. C. W. (81 Lambert, Ben ••Mack. D. •••Newaon, Cloiae Boker. Walter A Co. >C0FFIAN. METER Dube, A. B. Hudson, licon ■Lamp, Jack ••Nicbolaon, T«d iSlBold. J'red Graf. L>ank ••Mack, D. (Wax Dept.) Du four. Lew Oraaer. W', A. '•Huesby. Jeff Lampe, Samuel Bollngti'o. Jnbn Coben. Martin E. Hueeton. Maurice •Macy, Dick Nigh. C. A. Duke. Geo. •Grassman. S. L. •Landrum, Ed L. Nixon. Doe Bollle. Gua C. Cole. 11. B. Hu^ Cart S. .Madell, Geo. Duke. A. W. Gray, Jat. H. Lane. Myer .Madisun, Ralph Nonnen, J. R. Bond. Howell B. Cole. A. 8. Dulaney, Jae. ••Gray, Bee Ho Hun. Geo. H. ••Lane, Ralph Norene, St. Clair. Boon. Bob Cole. Ed '•Hugben. Earl Madolr, Hughey Dunbar, Mr. Green, Silas Lange. A. E. Mahan, Jno., Shorty Stock Co. Boone'a Mexico ••Cole. La Faye Dunnas, Luther Greenwald. Emil Hunt, Kid Langley, Geo. Norman. Jesse Coley A Lewia Shows Hunter, Neal .Mabom .v, J. E. Bancb Sbowa •E. E. B. Greer, Deane Lanliam. Fred K. .Mahoney, Sam Notts. Fred Booth. E. M. Collinn. C. B. Eagle. Dr. Bed Greenstein. lonie Hutebinaon, Jack Lano. Bert ••Novelty Trio •••Boeeherf. leo Colman. Wm. Hyman, John .Mahoney. Jos. C. ••Eaglewlag, Opoeer Gresaeff. Geo. Lareane, Harry Makin, M. Nunan. W. F. B0ULE8. EKVEST E. Colvin. D. B. Eakin. Uai^d Grey, Bee Ho Indriani. Luigi large. Bob Nye. T. FVaokLn (War Dept.) Comalo. Mike Inman. Wm. A. •Malkin. David ••Earivln, K. A. Griffln, D. Al •I^arriyee. Larry Maocino. Vincenzo O'Brien. Geo. ••Bourke T1hb< Conklin. Peter ••Earl. Jack F. ••GrilBn, Check loterDationai Pacerlne larson, R. E. O’Connell, James Bowen. Curly Conklin. Edward Mfg. lasbiey, Hugh ••Mankin, Frog Man Earle. Harry Griffltb, Cblck •Mann ••O’Dare. Jimmie Bowen. J. M. Connell, Harry Earle, Je*. Grows, Louis Irvin, Jas. lauhley, Hugh O'Dell. Lyman R. B.>wer. O. S. •••Conrad. A. W. liwin, Joe I.atham. Tayette M Mansfield. A. H. •Early. Walter B. Grotte. Emil .Mantell, L. Ayera •O’Meara. R. T. Bowman. Walter Conway. W. S. Ebey. Ed OROUAEO, FBAITK laeminger. E. K. latimore, Ernest O’Neill. R. B. •Boi 10. Cook, Frank A. Jaek. W. E. Lauderdale, M. O. Marco, R. Edmunda. Lee (War Dept.) Marcbi, Marino Uaklerg, J. A. Boyden. Hi-k ••Cook. Jack Edwards. C. B, Grovand. Frank Jacks. Will Buck Ogburn. Joe Bracy. l>ew(a E. Cook. (iwi-ar (Wu Dept.) James, Jimmie J. Lawrence. All Martin. Dan Oleon. Mr A Mr* Branixan Jack ••EUjab. Ross Jamieson, Davey Martindales. The Otppage. Bert ••Elligan, M. V. Backonschmidt. Leo Lawrence. Capt. Louis Jake Bright. Sam Japanese Cement Co. Lawrence. Walker Martin. R. G. Ontiveros. .\ugu»i.u Cornell C. B. Elliott. Waiter G., A •Haddad. K. J. Jenkins. J. M. Martyn. .\lvin Brill. Ed S Comlelaun. Larry Gmyce Koberteon •Haden. John A. ••Lawrence. C. A. Orbitz. Paul Correlll. .Antoni* Jennier Roy Layman, Frank K Martyne, Jack Britton. H. K. ELLIS ALBERT Hairrltoa. John L. Jennings. FTink •Mason. Tony Oregon Medicine Co. •••Britton. Chile •COTTMAN. CLAR. (Wax Dept.) Bale, Mr. A Mrs. D. Shows rmsby, J. J. Briaky. Tom ENCE JOHNSON. ••Le Bear. Chas. Mason. E. H. Ellis A ElUworth H. LOVELESS ••Mason, John S. Orpheuui Musical Com. ••Britt Jack (War Dept.) Ellis. Bob Hall. Geo. B. ••Le Doux. Ernest Co. (War Dept.) Le Mar, Piof. Mason, Iteil Brooka. Jimmie Courtney. .Albert ••Ellis, touie •HALLER. JOSEPH JvvhnsoD, Jas. W, Massie. ('has. Orto*. Demetrlo Brooka. O. C. Covell. nojd (Wax Dept.) Le Moiud. Frank ••Osten. T. P. Elson. W. W. Johnson. William L. ••LE ROY, EDOAB Masters. Kelley ••Brook*. Kat COVEN NEWMAN •Emergency Hamilton. Geo. W, Johnson. 0. F, Mathew*. H. D. Osterly. Oco. F. BROWN. JACK A. (War Dept.) •••Hannon. P. J. (OoTormnent Mail) Owens. Suowhall Jack Engelbert. Dick Johnson, Ab ••Leader, Ralph Mathews. Henry (War Dept.) Cowan. Bud Hanshor, Sam Johnson. Adrain Owens Harry ••Brown. A. Conan. M W Ennor. J<^n Hardin, Larkin H. •••Leavlene. Willie Mathias' Show* •••Pare. W. E. Cowan, W. B. Knoa, Earl B. RuaseD Lee. Nort Mathias. E. ••Brown. C. M. ••Hardman, H. B. Jones. D. n. Robert Painter. Miller Brown Cliff ••Cowdry, C. B. Ksli. k. Us Harley. C. B. I..enbu*'hcr. Earnest Matthews, B'dly A Palaro Dave' (SiEspanozoe. Arturo Jones. David C, Leon. Dr. A Lady Bunny Brown, Eddie, A Flo •••Cox. Melvem Ilarnry K. M. •JoocS, Jack I’aliiier, Kanctb Bo.wn. A E Craig. W. H. Evans, LTank E. Barrington, Ernest Leon. W. D. Matthowi, Prof. Pant. Ed. Brown. J. Evan*. J. B. Juu< ■ Fred ••Leonard. Ixiuis Matlmt. A. Paul D •Oalg. Merton •••Evans, Geo. P. A. JORDAN. RICKARD ••Maunsell. Philip M Pauzerl. Prof. C. Brow n. J J. ••Craig. H^py ••Harris. Frankie Leonard, Frank 8. T’arelle, Jimmie Brown. Sam Eyllward. Jas. J. (War Dept.) Leonard, L. H. A. Craig. B. H. Harris, Jack Joy, Eddie Parks. Joe ••Brown. Samuel L'agan. Bob ••Harris. DeU Leonard's Cnited Max Tony Parkyn. II. J. Crawford. Artbur Faraday. U. C. Joyce, Marty Show* Maynard, Walter ••Brivwnie. Bud Crawford. Raymond Harris Frankie Pate. R. O. Farber. Archie P. Joyner, C. A. ••LESLIE. EDDIE Mea< hum. llomor Bryant. Billy (Cy. Crnwford, L. •HARRIS. JOHK Judge, Larry PATERSON, OZORQE Farrell, .Geo. (Draft Board) Meehan Plajera COLLINS rionel Crichton. G. Howard Faunoo A Faunce (War Dept.) ••Juggler MelNiiirne. Gene Crli>pcn. O.- T. •••Harrla, Sailor Jack Leslie. Donald Payne. O. II Bueklngbam. Curtin ••Faust. Jake G. Justice, Bay Lester. Carl ••Melks. James „ C Crocker, H. A. Harrison. Doc O. Peacock. Murray .k. •Felix. Nabor Kafka, Paul lerlnson, Mike ••Melnotte. Armond Bui ford Sidney •••Cromwell. Star Hart Stock Co. Kafka, Dale Melroy. T’rof ••Pearse. Eirl Burbank. A. C. Crotty. Joe Fenwick. F. ••Hart. Harold Levltcb. Fred ••Peluisi. James •Ferguson, L. S. Ka)o. Beroda ••MelTlIle, Bert Burbank. Ray Crowley. Mr, A Mm. •••Hart. Harry M. KalntMn. (Maa. Leyy B. H. Menola, Eugene Pendley C. E. Burdge. W. 8. Jtvbn ••Ferguson. V. Hartxberg, Amos Kane. John B. Lewis, Chas. Penn, BenJ Thoe. Ferrell, Geo. Merbo. Bernardo •••Burke. Joe A ••Crutknhenk R. ••Hartxberg, A. A. •••Kankanitt. Alfred ••Lewis. Bert Morwin. Musician Pennell. Geo. Helen •••Crump. Geo. ••Ferrcntl, Joseph Hatsu. M. K. Lewis. Artie HaroM •Penrice. Clyde C. Burton A Stone Culpepper. J. n. Ferria. Wiley •Hats. M. T.iewls. Benjamin Peralta, V. P, •••Rankantn. Duke Lewi*. Fred Metz. Harry Bunyard. W. C. •••Culiwpper. J. C. Fery. Anthony Hauser. Uus Kannita, Lato K. •••Meyers Jack V. Pery. Whity •••Bunyard Clay Cumtnga, Wm. hTeldt, B. M. Uausman, Arthur Kats. Charley Leyden. Jack Meyer lap Peter*. Mr BiirrU. Arthur Marshall Flier. Emeat Hawk. Arthur Keaton, Henry B. I.Inck, George D. Me.vers. I'linrles Peterson. Ed •••Burrough*. T. O. Cummings. R. I« Flnberg. Charles Hawk Geo. Keeler, Walter •UNDBERO. Me.vers. Louis ••Pettii'ord. Bob Burteb. JImmln •Cunningham, Tbos. Finch. T. S. KAWKIKS. SAMUEL •••Keeler, Bert ARTHUR E. ••Meyer Co., .k. L. Pettit. Frank Cnrey, Duke Fink. P. Bii*h. Albert (War Dept.) Eeeee. Jaek (Wax Dept.) ••Michaels, Karl Peftlte. La Butler hToyd Cushman. Ben Fint, Nam Hawka. Wm. •••Keeth. J. F. Linder, AH Philion. Jaek Dalton, Mr. A Mrs. Finley, Malrin Middleditch. Kdilie A. Phillli**. CaniplielT Butlera. .Aerial Hay. J. W. Keith. Ora •••Une. Red Mlflln. Billy Beer*. Erank C. Thoe. 11. k'lnley, J. M. Hayden. Wm. Keller. PlilH E, IJnn. Budd Phillipii. Bill Bullini ••Dalton. Albert Miles. Danny Bymea J. C. •••Fish. Hlk« H. Hayelof. W. Keller .k. J. IJndscy, liCstcr, Miles. John Pickell C W ••Bjron. Ilobf. M. Dalvtne. 11. O. ••Kt*hct. C. B. Hayes. II. Keller. T.eroy Thea. Co. I’ickerim: Freil Daly, nollia A Daly Miller, Dave B. 1 I’ieTe. Cliiire Cain). Hiram I'lshct. llarry Hayne*. D. B. Keller. Wm. IJnwooil, Ernest Miller. A ••'allwmn. R A. •••Damron. Camle n*hcr. W* R. Ileaburg. J. A. Kellett. E. M. •••link Harry I’lllieani. Frank Miller. 0 W Pln-zrei, H H Callahan St.vk Co. Daniels. Burley Fltipatrlck Peter J. Ilesn.v. J. Kelley. D. C. •••Little. Chick Miller Bril'*. Stereop Callender. B. B., A Danker, W. P. naherty. leo M. Heard. James R. ••Kelle.v. C. J. Little. Eilw l^e til an* Plaseeke. .\rnoltl Ce. Daniels. O. P. Flanagan. J. P. ••Heart*. Edw. Kelly, Dan Lkvyed. Rlcharil Miller. T.imiN Platt. lenor Canienm*. the Tbren Daniels, Jack Mckay Fl« •••Mivnlrestac Or* C Comedf Co, Carllle ( ly.te Dawson IT D. Franil* John Henry. John King. Billy T.ndwig. P'tnce (Continued on page 6J) CvrlUle. Jaek m« Bary Tony Kranclm-o*. Two Henry*. J. E.. Shows King. Frank I.upler. F. R. 62 XtieBIllboard august 17,1918 K. e. BARK6OT WORLD’S eREATEST SHOWS JOIH A SHOW THAT HAS HOT PLAYED A BLOOMER Wanted for our big Fair Circuit, starting at VINCENNES, IND., AUGUST 26, SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS. Will lwM»k a si)oci!il feature attraction, (lood treatment, first-class equipment and accommodations. Will furnish wagon fronts and complete outfits. Want to hear from a good plantation; one with uniformed band preferred. .Ml shows and concessions desiring space for F'airs, wire or write CLAY M. GREENE, General Agent, Vincennes, Ind. Shows and concessions wishing to join lx*fore the Fair dates, address C. B. TURNER, Manager K. G. Barkoot Shows, Pontiac, Ill., week .\ugust 12th; Bl(K)mington. Ill., week August 19th.

Webb. Tlio*. E. Wilson, E. P. LETTER LIST Webke*, Carl •••Wlltach, LonU J. •••Wetf, Henry L. (ContitiiUMl from p.ijXo Gl) WInandy. John D. WANT TO BUY Wehner. Mark WIriz, Cha*. Fat. ■Iniiiiiiy Satteily, Elp cr ••Welderoan, T. r. Witlng, H. H. n<>i' 1». .V. ..adl,..t..... 1... E. AVell. Hugo WIttenmeyer. J. O. Kil. scales, t .1 tun'd F, •Welperf, (’. J. Wltzlaben. E. Welaf. H. C*. I’reo. U. A. ^eaIliou, e. J. ARMITAGE & 6UIHH OCEAH WAVE »d CA6HEY ••Wlzlard* Trio ••Well*. Geo R I’revett A Merrill .'....1.1.., Ii.iivai'd Wolff. Paul Welsh, Henry Apples I’ri •<. Harris Ji .. Peek. A. E. Wolaey. Floyd Wendell, Otto I'liie, SlH-rty Scbepii's comedy Cir- BROS.’ MIHIATHRE RAILWAY Wood-Hay Stock Co. rriie, J. e. CU.'l Wender. All Ih th inachinm aecond-hand. Must be in good condition and cheap for caih. Write (do not wire) full partic¬ Wootl, Frederick 11. Seldller. Dick I'riee. \ ami ulars In flrst letter. Say whellier Ware Is with or without Engine and Organ, state In what >ear It was built Weai'ott, Mort B. WimmI, Jark ••Crire, W llliuiii .V. biiiuek. Guy Ifiitt and where It can lie Inspected. Miniature Railway must be Cagney Brothers' manufacture, steam operated, Westro|>, Mr. A Mrs WismI. F. W. •••I’riec, ioa el.iii'k. 11.11 tley la i-omoiive and lliree Cars (no rails) watiied. Slate wltere machine may he liupected and quote prue f. o. b. Geo. Wood. W. A. I’rimlel, U. .''elioe'li, Billye cars present location. Address L..I BRIDGE COMPANY, Bax 22B. (toedhaute. III.. U. & A. Wheat, Charlee Woods. Cully •"Siliieiie, I'red I’roctiir, liei't Wheeler, F^arl I.. Woielward. Harry A. ••Sciua'Ie, Gtsi. I’roctor, Cleo. II. Wbetton. P. D. Worden. Geo. Seboiie, Fred I’ugb, Joim Whirlwind Chief Worden'a Minstrels ••Schwartz, Joe ‘••I'urtle, liarl B. White, Phil E. Worthing, Pete .■s. linartz, Harry Wasted-SREAT VRITED SHOWS-Wnted Queer, Krauk White A Young Wright H. Scot/.'I.a. Juiiu QuiiilBIQ. Jue SHOWS—Can place one or two Shows that cater to ladies and children. ••Whittier. 11 n. •AVrIghi. A. n. Qiiimi. Jaek L. Sioit. Joim CONCESSIONS—Legitimate Concessions of all kinds, except Kewpies, Candy, Gro¬ Wilbur Raymond I.. ••Wright. Jitney Qiiliin. l.liiyil M. s.-oM. All.ioi, B. W lllo • M iltor N. Wright. Henry Otho Budelille, (ieiirge SiKttie, Wiu. ceries. Glassware, Soft Drinks and Cook House, come on. ••Wilde. Jack Wright. Carl A. •••Rader, Jobu .Seamen, llonard Wiley. INI. WORKINGMEN for Allan Herschcll Carousall and Eli Wheel. Good salaries and Wright. Ge<*. T. |{atrliiiiil. .Inliii n. SELDOM. WM. you get it every week. Wilk<, Monte Wright. Rob Ramirez. Argii (Wa’r Dept.) Willard. Billy •••W. W. liauiiiiie, J. 1.. Selsor. Soda TALKERS capahle of making good o{>cnings. Salarv or percentage. WlHarvl. Billy Yartiorough. T. R. RauiHe.T. Cliae. K, Si'lsor. E. W. W eek of .\ugust r2, Nashville, Tcnn., llaymarkct, auspices \V. O. W.; week of .Augu.-vt •WniiaiiiK. Carl Ynrgiin, Dirk Itauilall. liarry Serrett. Frank ••Ybarra, Richard RabZO & Nenaom Settle. J. I'. 19, Columbia, Tenn. (streets), auspices Firemen. Address all mail as jM'r route, t'aii Wi!1iatti«. F;me-t Wil I nn-, Prof. Mose Yank, Charlea Rairt, X. V. Settle. .lack a- Toney use gotxl Scenic Artist for balance of season and for winter quarters. J. D. VAUGHN, M|r. Aoiing Harry Seymour, Eanrence Willlaiii-. Paul Ratlibun, Hal •Young John E. Sliaiiiioii. Mark Beldon William*. F.arl l!ay. Laain Young. Julea R.iy, Harold R. Shapiro. Henry William*. C. n. Kay, Reuben, Sbowa .siiapiro., Lewis Wmiania lat C. •••Young. Joo B. William*, n W, ••Younker, Wm. Rayiuer, Cbarlie •••Sliargel, Herman Wllllani*. F'ore*t •Xanonetta. Richard •Raymond. Ray Sliar|>e, Captain •••William*. Fred X. Zencro. Bobby Kayiiiond, Bari Shaw. Walter Rea, Mr. ii Mra. Shea, Daniel WILLIARD, FRANK 7.ciirlant. Skimur. K. Show*, new Merry•Go-Kouiid, Ferru Wheel and legitimate Couuemlona. NO GRAFT, NOTUING OBJXC- Rielly Vaude. Co. Shirley Thrower—You are requested to i-om- Slater, Geo. TIONAHU; KUey, John II. miinlcate with yonr wife, .\rlean Starkey Throw, Sloan, Wui. II. MOOSE CONVENTION, SPRINGFIELD. MASS.. WEEK AUGUST 19. CHICOPEE. MASS., aad NORTH er. lf>(16 X. P.arkway street. Memphis. Tenn. Rinaldo, Bruce Smith A King ADAMS. MASS.. FAIR. LABOR WEEK. FOLLOWS. Anyone knowing the wberealaxits of Erueaf Rin}!. E. C. liuisly •Siiiitli. J.'c X. Wire or write re your fzirs to tollow. trim-, cte. CAN ^.••K otir more elcan Rally Show and one Plilform Show, A. ^for^o■■k. ln«t beard from wa« with the Great RililM’I. Cus Smith. Casiy all kiim. (lean Coiie»y>;oiu. No atriHif xuuls or grail tolerated WA.VT Bovv t'aiivaaman, tVorkiiig i'eo|>le all White Way Show*, write to bl* tmilber, Mr*. •Rise, Billy Siiiitli. Clayton departineiiis. G' I’ertornier*. fontortioiiUta. Muiieal Acta, cte.; Spielera. Kllzabelb Morlork, 2100 W. Thirtieth. Uttle ••Rilcbie Siiiilh. Capt. David II. (iriiider«. etc. All muat eoiiduet tliemaelvea a* ladieti and getitlemeu at all Umea. (Hhera eanuuC laal. Ad- RiM-k, .Ark. ••Robbins, Walter F. .siiiilh, Ed. J. tlre:s vv?'k August 12. I'llmer, Mass., li*. Spriiigtieltl. Mas.s. Anyone knowing elliii«n. Sam Robyn, Enrest iiii|>rove liHBl l•on'tltton» and to help better the Spot l.iglit Rch co. i lias. S. Sprague i. rivon work that the i-mntry pf>o|ile hare to do and to Rogers, Bert BROWH’S IHTERHATIOHAL SHOWS WART ••Springer, .Mr. help make life more Inviting on the farm and Rogers. Ex<-eII St. Claire. Harry In the siiialler omniunltle*. We shall he glad Rogers. E. J. St. John. Cliiren. e FOR OKLAHOMA FREE FAIRS in this effort to licar from all loi-al organizatlnn* •••Rogers. Frank .standard S|«s-.alty Co. su.h aa OKMIT/JEE, MADIUa IDAllUJ. and otbera. one high-cltaa Show and Wild Weat, only legltlmalt here there I* Mime concentrated effort being Rogers, Tom (8)6IANLEY. MAX ( omissions of all kinds, anything aultable for Ten-ln-One. PoalUvely ho gill ahow or grUL Sherman. Tevav .August 11 to 17. _ Rogers. Ed (Wat Dopt.) put forth to do Jii«f meh thing* aa we hare set ••Holley, Joe Stanly. I.«s» forth in till* de» rlptlon of Paul* A’allcy, Gk. Romeo, A. Stallion. Walter It eeciii* to II* that Oklahoma ha* answcreit Iionliy. ( has. Starkey. Fred the grlcveiii-e* of the farmer* of North Dakota Roneoh, Daniel 1*. •••Starr. Chas. 11. WAHTED FAT GIRL, MIBHET, FREAKS •-t. vo, Billie Slaton. W G. (ir anything that can make good in first-class Pit Show. TBlkera and Work¬ more effertirely than hare the bu-lne** men, Re e. Ciias. A. Stauf). John the nianufai'turer* and the banker*, who are It'i'e. liarrv .\ ing Men. Princess Louise, write. Address Staunton, P. J. Dghtltig now In self defenw. Certainly the MOIl ••ROSS. CHAB. .Sterling y. liiiMis JOHN FRANCIS, care Tom W. Allen Show, Eldorado, Kan. AI.F. of Paul* Valley I* better than anything we ^W'ar Dept.) •Sternau, Sigmund Ross. S. 1. Steaurt. Louie have come from North Dakota. This war la •••Rotlie. Gwatro ••Sti*ele, li^>■a^ B. not a sei'tbinal matter. We are not comparing ••Rowe, Tom •••Stephens, E. T. one part of our country with another except that Roylston. Cra'.g Stephanson, Morria FOR $ALE-SIRPIK ARMRU we may nil lie bi'neBted by the comparl*«a. Dtir ••Rone. H s. Steve*. Frank objert le to get a* many thinker* organized Into Rozell. Erank A. Stevens. It.Tt Seven very fine female Lions, two Camels, one silver-tipped Grizzly ••Rucker. Julian Stevep'. E. Y. an army o o r d 63 LAST CALL LAST CALL FIRST BI6 FAIR OF THE SEASOH 6 BJG DAYS AND NIGHTS THE ERIE EXPOSITION ■AUGUST 19TH TO 24TH< Openings for concessions, exclusive Candy, Dolls, Fruit, Pillows, Groceries for sale, all other concessions open. DONT HESh j£. The Erie Exposition is billed for a hundred miles. 6 days* racing, including running and trotting races. Five-thousand- dollar free program of free acts. Government exhibits. Address C. R. CUMMINGS, Mgr. Erie Exposition, Erie, Pa.

KEEP HER SMILING j Great Patterson Shows; Jas. Patterson, ingr.: Springfield. Ill., 12-17. Great White Way Shows: Franklin, Ind., 17. KEEIMNU HER SMILING—A new munical rom- IlaniilloD, Ollle, Show--: Winton, N. C.. I2-i7. eeg Man., A.tor Theater, New Vork, Auguat 6. 12 18. Kaplan Shows; Sanders, Ky., 12-17. TUB CAST: ERIE, PA. Kenne kctt-Ue Witt C. Jennings Mail''- deln .Daisy Rudd Moss Kros.’ Greater Shows: New Uariuony, Ind., Gra|le's Expo. Shows: Wildwood Park, Mission Doctor Morrow .Edmund Datby ciieDfiMtDc mmm. LINES Of AMUSEMENT Hill, S. D., Indef. Madlora .Marie Banttbaff NiW YORK Polack Bros.' Shows; Tonawanila. N, Y,, 14 18. cNbKAVtHi Niw YORK BUSINESS Reiss. Nat, Shows; Cieero. III., 12-17. Blararloofshy .Fred Pena ST. LOUIS Maniac .Enrico Sbordl Royal Expo. Shows: Toledo, Ill,, 12-19. Ruhin & Cherry Sbowrs: Corhln. Ky., 12-17. Keep Her Smiling la eery similar in theme to CATALOGUE MAILED UPON REQUEST. SPECIFY KINO OESIREO Sol's United Shows: Siiringfleld, O.. 12-17. « snci-essrul s<'reen play In wbb-b the Drewa Superior Shows: Cleveland, O., 12-17. appeared last eeason and which probably aug> IHraiRIlAl taia^or.ot Nd IS-.I duma'c Reiierio re Slo « Vvoooilif ■. imed. .Ic Tolbi'rt, Milt, Shows: .Athens, Tenn., 12 17. ges'ed this new play for their return to the raiH I atatOGUt ol Raic, a«iat>on auto Races Motordrome. SlOcit, dulo Horse bhows el' Washburn, Leon, Shows: Williraantir, Conn.. apokea drama. C.MILOCliF dlL.inotic M ni! Reading -.j riiuaiiSm. Majii Haoi f.if' i ( 12 17. _ The atcry com-ems a toring bat silty and. ap Wilcox Greater Shows: OIrphant, Pa.. 12 tv. pareotly. an<-on»<'iously heartless wife. who MINSIRtl CaiatOGUC ol While and Crvlnred Minstrel and C< lored Musical Corned, ot ail K'nd, World at Home Slows: Ionia, Mieh.. 12 17. forces ber husband Into extraragances which Mlisicai tOMEO' CaiatOGUE ->: Ope'as a.iJ Musical Snow, wdti anc .ilnou: t-tlc WorM's Fair Sh-iw A- Frank RoM.jn-.' Shows they cannot afford, with the result that Henry CaRNIvaL CaiaLOGUE ol Pnntmq tur Featuring Carnivals. Street Fairs and like events (■..mlened: Mf. Plea-^aiir. la.. 12 17. Trindle. the henpecked, poorly-paid clerk hus¬ Wi-rtlr’iM .V Ki..- Show-: ^■.•.l:lr I.i., 12- band. falle in with pr^perous men of affairs, CIRCUS and WILD WEST CaT.ILOGUE otComplete line o< handsome up-to-date Raper and. tbrn sonte quirk of luck, with which be CaiALOi.Ut OF UaiES hnee Hdis Sloch Leti-'s>r- lyu’* and b'O.k Wurh etc. Wortham’s Alamo Shows: I/igan. Utah, 12-17. appears to bare bad little to do, he rises to a FOI OERSOF NON HOYatTI PL A YS n th Cori.picle Li.ovi ot Paper All the olo la.urite. salary of 915.000 a year, and a real estate ADDITIONAL ROUTES frltad offers to bvlld them a 9-5.OO0 bouse free ' Rrceiveil Too Late for Clasaifloation) tf tliey will lire in It and entertain, for the ad reetlalaf adraatage to bis property “on the sound." Bi n-..|1 Better Shows—11 lIRRKCTION)—Car¬ These exotic bloesnms of tbe wife's eztrara ney's I’oint, N. J., 12 17. gsnt Indnlgences. falling into Henry's yawning Bislany Bro>.' Sliows: Palmer. Mass.. 12-17. puiee, where they did not take mot, is some WANTED FOR CENTRAL STATES SHOWS Brown A Il.ver Slmws: .Selma, N. C.. 12 17. shat of a strain on the law of grarltatlon. On Chrr-t.v Shows: Uiebaidson. N. D.. 12 17. tbe other hand tbe medeaty of tbe Genuine has Clifton Kelley Shows: Belleville. Ill.. 12 17. EXCLUSIVE Ferarl. Frances. Shows: Elyria, ft.. 12 17. little chance In competitloii with the braas batid We nnw have the foHowing fairs booked: London. Ky.; Clinton, Tenn ; Waynesville. N. C.: Winder, C,i.; F'lyiin ' J F'raneis. Shows: Marengo, Ind., 12^17. of itham. (•aineaetlla. Ga.; Jackseo. Ca; Baxley. Ua.; Lyons, Ga.: Jesup. Ga., and a few ni'>re under cootracL Look, Fo\ Roy E., Shows: Rosenhiirg, Tex.. 12-17. The play la somewhat thin of fabrie. but com- this is your last ebaure; time la getung short; don't wait any Inuger. Can place any kind of a ^ow or con- pensat^ fiw hy refined, clean, comedy, and the ceesion that is moral and up-to-date that doeou’t coufUet with what we have. We are enlarg¬ F-i-ci, .Shows: Comanehe. Gk., 12 17. neat actiag of Mr. Drew, wbnae every ge-ture ing our tbowt for the belauee of tbe seas<«i. CAN I'SE three Colored Teems, four Husii-al Great t'osmo|iolitan Shows: Benton. III.. 12 17. coasted algalficantly. Comedy Girls, five Cabaret Dancers, one Man for Animal Show. ConrcfaioD Workers of aU kinrtv One Gr -Iter -Shei-'Iey Shows: Springfield. .Masw., 1'2- At the Trlndlea' house party, *mld a score of good klan for Underground Chinatown that can lecture on Inside. We pay the very beat salary, and you get 17. scft-coliwed lights, flowers wine and daizling IL Wo have a romplcta Motonlruae in starage; will let out to anyone that has their own machines: wurk mu Hoiiiier Show’s: Prederie'-itown. Mn 12-17. at once; no time to write; wire your wants, pud. and we will answer tbe same way. Route- Jellico. Tenn., Isler Greater Shows: Louis Isler. mgr,: Rrv-k- slcal talent provided by Mrs. Trindle for their Aug. 12 to 17; tlaryville, Tenn., 19th to 24tb. J. T. PINFOLD, M|r- entertainsaent. Mr. Trindle Joined In. bnt his vale. Col.. T2-17. clap wa« different from the others: be brought Kilties Orchestra: Van Lue, O. 14: Repnblle hia two handa prayerfully together. Indicating 15; Rising Sun 1C; Prairie D«’pot 17; Gllhoa bopelets despair, for be was shy the wherewithal 18: Grover Hill 10: Mclaire 20; Whitehoiise 21 to liquidate the exiiense of auch wild extrava¬ ATTRACTIONS WANTED Little Giant Shows; E'. D. Corey, mgr.: Grand gance. E’orks. X. D., 1'2-17. Later ho sat crooched In a wilting heap on We«k Commffneing Labor Day, September 2d, by tho McMahon Shows: Bartley, Neb., 12-17. the ead of the veranda, and glanced with tim¬ Majestle Shows: GalliiKiIis, O.. 12 17. idity at their beautifnl house no which payments Murphv's J. F'.. Shows: Andersrm, S. C., 12 IT were overdue. It was a picture with an appoel WIQNTOWN SPEEDIMT RSSOCUTION, UNIONTOWN, PR. Xasea’s Band-tCOKRECTIOXt—Carney’s Point. tn which the house spoke eloquently. Located in the crater of the coal uad coke mthintry. Money flows here like water. X. J.. 12 17. Northwestern Shows; Detroit, Mich., 12-17. At this moment bis wife put her arm armind Second Annual .\utnmn Cla-ssic w ill l»e hold L;il)or Day. Private siding on speed- Ms nei'k. kissed hlaa with her foolish little red Nutt Conieily Players: Truman. .\rk., 12-17. llpa and ashed for an antomoblle. He did not wa.v grounds. .\n opportunity to clean up big. Pat's Sunflower Minstrels: .\dvance. Mo., 15 17: refuse. Puxico, Mo., 10 21. Mrs Drew is much prettier oo the stage than Robinson. .lohn, Cin'us: T^incaster, O., 15; Clr- OB the screen -M. P. I* clevllls Ifi. Excerpts from New York dallies follow. Schepii's Dog A Pony Show: Palmer, llaxs., 12 Time# The play Is breeiy and cleverly WANTED FOR M.I. CLARK & SON’S SHOW IT •■aged and acted. Sevmoiir's. Pete. Oversea Girls: Brown’s tlofel. American—Sidney Drew la one of oor most show agent. Can use musicians luid performers for Ixila Charlotte .N. C.. indef. <.i*trherii Ex IS*. Shows: Shelbyville, Tenn., 12-17. amusing actors. Halcyville, Ala., Atigust 20th; RuHselivillo, August ’2,')th. Telegraph—Play 1« an amnainff doineatic com¬ 'leiaii \ PoIHe Shows; Burnham, Ill., 12-'20. edy. World--Pine acting of Sidney Drew Is wasted on a dull play Truck Drivers and Tribune The play Is Inconsequential. Wanted Musicians, Workingmen Must double on canvas. .Xddresa nONI>i^T HILL'S SHOWS, Forest City, August OhioCountyFair CARNIVAL COMPANIES lo; Giuuer, 16; Britt, 17; all Iowa. Hartford, Ky„ S«pt. 18. 19, 20, 21. iroutlnued from page 40) Want a few good money-getting at- Brown's latcmatifliMl Bboura; Sheman, Tex. 12- iruftions and concessions. Address IT. WANTED QUICK-FRANKLAIN QUAKER MED. CO. DR. L. B. BEAN, Secretary. Brundage. ff. Pf., Moxrsr ParTotl. la.. 12-tT. fampbell'a, n. W., Daltod Shows: Phxnute. Good Blackface Camedlao who knows the Med. Biuineae and can do anoil Singles, work acta, make them go Kan.. 12-17 Gnod thing for tight man: work »l«»en menths a vear. salary .sure, no bisieera or mashers wantni. otluT g*"'I WANTED-GOOD PapHat Pity Shows* Onawa. la.. 12 17 Mmllclne I’rople write, state what yen can and will ilo: all particulars In first letter. Adilresa iiuii-k. JOE J. RAY. Maaager Fraaklala Quaker Mad. Ce.. Narth Feag 4u Lac. Wltesaila. Poppiug'a. Harry. Show; Klttannlng. Pa. 12-17. CLEAN ATTRACTIONS Poroy Greater Shows; Kenvil. N. J.. 12-17. Crnaman A Pannel United Shows: Bloorofield, For the Piedmont Fair Association Neb.. 12-17 NEW SILO DROME FOR SALE GREENWOOD, S. C., OCT. 23, 24, 25. Dano Greater Shows; Tioutslana Mo.. 12 17. Now tn opermUon. with or without Moton-yclai IVvo men can handle. Bun since 1th. Must sell quick. AIm* Great American .Sbowi: Buffalo,' N. T.. 12 17. MoU'CilraWM. ator^ at WatMs*. Neli., fnr tT^. \ddrcss RUFUS .\. M.\Y, Secretary. Great Wortham Shows: Sedro Woolcy, Wash¬ F. C. CLARK. McMahea Sbswt. •artUy. Nab., wtek ef Aag. It Baakalaian, Neb.. Fair ant ington 12 17 Evans'. Ed A., Greater Shows: Plarlnda, la., TENTS TO RENT lfi-22. M. MAGEE A SON. INC.. Evaat* Expo. Shnwa. J. B. Byana, mgr.: Au- WANTED CONCESSIONS—For Big Lolioi Day Cctebiatioii 147 Fultoa Street. New Yert City. gusU. Kan.. 12 17. at CAMIUUDUA OUlO. IkiUre oeunty participating. Quaruaegr Oo. b«A oounty in the iUaae. Will have ov Gray, Roy, Amusrment Co.: Carthage, Trnn., lO.OOt psople* Ton can get ttreat or part privUega. Pur trmu write to 12 17. G. H. BRABHAM, SsaroUry. Bywvlllt, Oklt. MENTION US, PLEASE—THC BILLBOARD. THE BILLROARD AUGUST 17, 1918 FRANK J. SCHNEIX CO. TIMESiBUILDING, Broadway and 42nd St., NEW YORK ^ LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE PHONE,JBRVANT 8670 Maoafactiiters ol TOYS for tte CONCESSION TRADE {

“ Our “KUTIE-KIDS" and > COMPOSITION DOLLS are going bigger than ever. Ask the boys with The Great Wortham Shows on the Pacific Coast or any of the big shows and parks in all jpp parts of the country what they think of our merchandise and service. We are shipping our goods to Carnivals, Parks and Fairs as far East BMUUful bisqueblsqu* flnlah.flnUh. bot- abU arms, legs and bead, made of wood fliire, guaranteed un¬ ...b, as Poland, Maine, and as far Wesfas Portland, Oregon. SIS'!®breakable; will not.rS'S shrink, melt »5SJ“a.Tj.S';'d.SS"irb«T There must be a reason. Why not try us with your next order? ”uiSlS2!'“ bright. fla«hy colors: blonde and Iri^SmJTwHiriinf fS?!' i5‘’tadJ^ HOOK UP WITH A LIVE WIRE HOUSE THAT KNOWS YOUR WANTS AND WILL TAKE brunette wlga; 1$ ‘inchesIncbes huh. vlth and without wlgi. "‘MMflK.'llVM. mWUD. OF them. Right prices, right kind of merehand^ and right service. '■LSjnplBS,‘ihL''»r5rPi»»*l. $1.50, Pnpiid. Our Customers Are Always Right, our motto. Our toy line consists of all sizes of Poodles, Electric Eyed Bears and 32-inch Carnival Dolls. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for ZINN’S BASKETS, MUIR’S FAMOUS PILLOWS and Chocolate Bros.’ Candy. All merchandise promptly shipped direct from factory' at factory prices. Shows playing the Pittsburg district are invited to inspect our line at VIXMAN & PEARLMAN, 620 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Our line of “KUTIE KIDS” are alw carried in stock by H. C. EVANS & CO., 1522 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill.f MILWAUKEE TOY CO., 37-39 Oneida St., Milwaukee, Wis., and MARKS ISAAC, New Orleans, La. . WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE BILLBOARO. We do not issue catalogs. Complete sample assortment shipped prepaid on receipt of SIO. If you don’t find our line the best on the market for the money send the samples back at our expense and money will be cheerfully refunded.

COLORED WANTED WANTED SATIN PILLOWS FRINGE The Mighty Doris Exposition Shows SEND $12.00 FOR SAMPLE DOZEN FREE CIRCULAR —GET OUR QUANTITY PRICE FOR OUR BIG STRING OF OUR NEW VIRGINIA; GEORGIA AND FLORIDA FAIRS One good Ten-ln-One Show or any other Show that does not conflict. Can MOTHER WILSON- place Concessions of all kinds. No exclusives. No Jips. We move on our own train and have all railroad contracts. WANTED—Few more Musicians, Train SISTER PERSHING Crew, Calliope Player and Una-Fon Player. This week East Avenue, Balti¬ more, Md.; week August 19, Eighth Street and Easton Avenue; week August SWEETHEART SERIES 26, Harrisonburg (Va.) Fair; then Staunton, Va.; Winchester, Va.; Covington REMEMBER ME Va.; Lynchburg, Va.; Danville, Va.; South Boston, Va.; Emporia. Va.; all SERVICE FUG Fairs, respectively. Address all communications to HONEST JOHN BRUNEN. FORGET-ME-NOT Manager, as per route. No contracts hold good unless signed by Honest John PILLOWS Brunen. “OVER THERE** 1-2-3 Stare MOTHER VERSE AVIATION SERIES GOLDEN SUN “ WE MAKE MOSS BROS.’ GREATER SHOWS ROSARY ALL INSIGNIAS WANT Ferris Wheel; will book same at Forty Per Cent. Want Meritorious Attractions: will furnish complete outfit for any money-getting show. Want Talkers, Lecturers and Curiosities for neatest framed Ten-ln-One on the road. PERFECT DAY “ AND MANY OTHER NEW DESIGNS. QUICK I hTeaks and Curiosities address CHAS. ROCCO. Want Piano Player and Trap Drummer for Cabaret, also Dancers for same. Have complete Platform for WESTERN ART LEATHER CO. service! Midget or any strong Platform Attraction. Legitimate Concessions come on. DENVER, COLO. Week of Aug. 12th, Henderson, Ky., under Moose, on the Main Streets; week P. O. Box 484, Tabor Opera Bldg., of Aug. 19th, Rockport (Ind.) Fair; week of Aug. 26th, Boonville (Ind.) Fair. Concessions Wanted — Soldiers and Sailors’ Reunion WANTED FOR BIG GALA WEEK,RED LION,YORK GO., PA. SANDOVAL. ILL.. AUGUST 20. 21. 22 AND 23. ISIS. SEVEN BIG NIGHTS, TWO SATURDAYS, SEPTEMBER 7-14, INCLUSIVE. WS V/AHT fu^^xg Uerlcet and oth«r Ifgltlmats ('(nrcwllona. No gambling. Addraaa Pbom And Conttsslciis of ill klndi. Wire or rome on. Terms teiionahle SPANGLER A EM8WILER. Ri4 Llem. PeagayhBAla. SANDOVAL BUSINESS MEN’S ASSOCIATION. N. 0. Watt. Colwaaaigna. CORTUND, E Y., FAIR, WMk Amnt 19 RfARTED TO JMR THE LaOROI EXFOSITNH SHOWS Two More First-Class Shows Day and Night Fair. Other good Fairs to follow. Can use good, legitimate Concessions. Address all mail and wire.s to STEVE LaGROU, Rome, N. Y., week August 12th; Cortland, N. Y., week August 19th.