NOTICE TO READER: Wbni rou ftniib riilliii this nu#«Mnp plaro a le ftaiop (n U119 notiro, mail the macaxine, and It «U1 t>« plaml id the hari'ls r< <wr s'.liliris <» salkea deatmed tn prnreert No VoL XXX, No. 33 |\ • « ^ wrafper. No adprcia A Bl RUltOV. PnhtnMsia' CcneraL AUGUST 17.1918 rHCe, IDC Published weekly at Cincinnati. O. Subscription, >3.00 per year. Entered as second-class mail matter, June 4, 1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under act of March 3, 1879. LUNA PARK, CONEY ISLAND, NUMBER THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 36 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 64 PER CENT READING MATTER 2 X ti « Billl>OArcl AUGUST t7, 1918. FDR SALE, Coneession Outfits One complete Moving Water Fish Pond, 15-fL tank, built In 2 apeetol travelitig aaan. to beit toasOMr. will TheSECRET water-tight joints; elertrie gaetor. speed reducing geer ale.: ino lah and 12 Bsbpolee; atogant eomaaalan teat. CHOCOLATES lSx8il0. khaki and red atripe, with fringe trlOMaing. try a shipment of our famous pin hinge portable frame and elielvlna two Amrrlcai IS OUTI Hbowmtn's lampa. ate.; a rare bargain at $lg0.g0; om Baseball Poker Game. $50.UO; one Afriean Hlidr Rill STREETMEN! Gama with beat watarproof canvas tMk. $S8.tW: onr RED BOX CHOCOLATES We’ve been having a big demand from succeasful Streetmen for one 811k Stockiiu Uirla. automatic movtog Jtmii* tlwmiiK game. $56.0tr Above ouUlts ara brand naw and out FULL POUND 0 particular Persian Ivory Assortment—although we never have adver* regular atock. Sand half cash wHh arder and wr (24 LBS. TO CASE) tised these items and have been still as mice about them. wUI ablp C. O. D. for tto balance. J. M. NAI'GIL TON AMTtSKtfBNT CONHTBUCTION CO., H»te, HALF POUND % Mayer Bldg., Pearla, nunots. (48 K LBS. TO CASE) A 91# ; Persian Ivory Is in Favor FOR BALE CHEAP-IkiUre Pit .8)iew OMflt. two Unket Boiaa, one Daagan Una-Fon. XOtllO Tap. 14 SEND DEPOSIT- ASK FOR PRICE LIST Rtnneri, 8x10. like new; one-fifih-Jneii toon pipe Because It Never Tarnishes Pita, rad Prosceolua. Pit Coven, .stake Paller, Bannov CIGARS, CANDIES & TE CREA^ CONES Polea, two Carbide Lights, one male Ocelot. Bne apn-- Streetmen who are up and doing will recog- tmen. Goods sb>rad In ClnrlnnaU. Address PIT 1 nixe the following tuisortment as the very one BHOW, care Billboard. Cinctonatl. touts DENEBEIM & SONS > they want: 1224 OAK ST. KANSAS CITY MO BNo. 436—EI«?trlc Radium 484-Black and Whtto FOR SJIL£ - . ___ . Slru«l suid. N oho dig KNOX FIVE-TON AUTO TRUCK. j Gem Scarf Pin. Stares at. nitssas the shirt-front that Good rnndlUon. reasonal<1e pri<-e. Might take Tord . Y'si like Jupiter on a starry shows it Gets the fellow In ivaije. Write for desrrtpilon. CURL 4k SON. VELVET DJK>PS inV STAGE SETTINQS ILV night SUBds out « ^ TYndiMI, South Dakota. B«uttful colnfv uy all*. R«aUla and May tens*. il*^ J like • suabuijt.. GfOSS, $5 _“ GfSSS, ^ BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS, FOR SALE—One atriped Tent. 4i4, T-ft tide walls: MS Watt Farty-ilxtti Straat, Naw Varfc OKy. __Ne. 15036 Eboijr Per^ Ivory Blog, in White or Blsdt This Bine to 150 Bvana Whaal and 5aa three-amahar Tkhatot 41a: trrwunme. Looks equally well on a Queen and a country _ en one Fiber TrwA. 42a3e. aeervlhiiig In good condllJon; 9SS Market Street, • Saa FraiMleao. Cal. girl. Keeps the crowd oomiog. JB UTVSS| packed in trunk, ready to ship, first $25.00 takes all. H. DAVIS. 522 W. Third St.. DayUm. Ohio. Patriotic Novelties Take Finely WAR CURIOSITIES Diainai.4 Dya, OU or Water Oolsni SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS. OHIO. PERSIAN IVORY MAKES METAL “STRIKE ITS COLORS.*’ Big Special Features, with or without Bannan, Ani¬ mal and Human, ready to ahlp the day your arder TTie Call of our Country Is being met everywhere. The sweet- .•oroee. Uat free. NELHON SUPPLY' HOUSE. Store WANTED—CIRCUS SEATS heart and the folks left behind publish their patriotism and blzvd 514 B. 4th 8t, 8. Boston. MaaaarhusetU. state nuiniier and gire all other detaila. Addrtea their bleeding hearts by ahoiKing their colon in modem fashloD, THE SUTt’UKFE CO.. LouUrtlle. Kentucky. No. 431—American F*lag Seir* i FOR SALE—$4 Undressed Kewpiea. 2 Mazda Ughto. IceIVL Bangle—.in National cmi»n4—colors^ It#. 430^8w6etheart Hemoo Wire, Hammer. Saw. 300 Post Cards. Bally-Hoo and the leader of the loL Banpla pin. Admirably adapted for the ^09^ Bsckgri^d Curtain, all carefully packed in gouU WANTED FOR WEEK-STAND ^wa one. two or three stars, girl who's waiting, rrnee till ^1^ trunk; entire outfit $27.00. $5.00 caih. balance (X O. D. N. J. BARIN'. Box 380. N. H.. Pittsburg. Pa. VAUDEVILLE shown .... .f!!.Gross, $12| .. under laiirais. Mnring Picture Operator, Edison ma- chliir: must understand both gas and electricity. tYe- No. 429 -Service Pin, 1. 2 or 3 stars. Means-Pm,. CQ FOR SALE—960 CIGARS fer man who can do straights In arts. Also want good much to father, mother, sister, brother. UIUSS, ^ ■fWBiP'ia In first-class condition, $15.00 J. T. ALLAN. JB.* straight Man. Want two Canrasmen. Other useful 1739 4jlh 81.. BrtMiklyn. New York. _ rople write or wire. Pay own wires. State salary: pt> all. Silence a polite negative. OLLIE UAMIL- 12'K Gold Filled Service Rings FOR SALE Gum Wheel Top and FraaM. 6x4; one yoN. Wlnton, North Carolina. Trunk; all In good condition; will atrrilkea for 120.00 ^Every soldier end .vailor is ss proud of one of thme cash for all. WM. DUMAS, care Northwastam ShowA -** “® •>« » college degree. Worn by his family, too. Detroit. Michigan. WANTED No. 2796-Gross, $27. No. 2771—Dozen, $4 Two Good Colored Mule Riders WANTED—AmastmtnU tf All Kinds . Rw’ogniring the acute buying srr.5«i of Btreetmen. we are for Salem. O.. Labor Day Celebration. tk (or Rucking Mule. Will pay good salary and always keen to have you see a c(^y of our new SCHAEFFER. Sec’y. Oneral DeHvery. good trealment. Must lie ready to Join week August 2S. 1918. JOHN WHITE. White's Circus. Boute 1. Elktnn. Maryland. BUYERS* GUIDE—FREE TO YOU. STREET PERFORMERS Rtick a postal In the mall and be glad you did. WiRted Sketch Tetn ORIENTAL MANUFACTURING CO., «. i Novelty Acte, Straight Man for Art*. WANTED AT ONCE Long season to good people. This is Those playing instrument preferred. However. I ctn an oi>en-air Medicine Show. plsy your songs. Single Woman Singer. HR. J. K. UI NTER, Rail 22.*), Efflngham, Illinoif. DR. H. R. RUCKER, Arkansas City, Kan. Wanted—Triek Cyclists SONG-O-PHORE—start a mysterious band " -> Ladies and Gentlemen Trick Cyclists, to join recog¬ If you can alng. whistle or hum a tune you can play the SONO-O-PHONB (No [I Ini cm I* nized set. Rooked solid. Write or wire "CYCLIST," Instnirtlon necessary.) It produces sweet, rich end mellow tones snd sounds Just CL I* Rillboard, Chiesgo. like the real thing. There's a world of fun in a SONG-O-PHONE band. Y'ou l|el| g nil Fff _ I WANT QIMI can get up impromptu concerts, vaudeville or serenade parties. I'sed by the bojs )| g W A1111 I In the Army, the Navy, the T. M. C. A., fraternal organiaations. amateur and WANTED—Lady Performers that alng and dance; professional performers and in the home. The idea] musical inatrument to pats 3 TIHKOUHD SSI CO. those playing string Instruments given preference. away the dull hours when off duty, A profluble Item to handle at Parks. CsmltaU and Bazaars Wanted to lease or buy first-class Passertger Coach; Chorus Girls; salary. $20.00. Singing and Dancing must be In good condition, pass M. C. R. Inspection. For sale at all Mutleal InatruMMit Dralarz everywkare, w aa.t an raMl»t of grles. Writs far eatalaa. Houhratla. Musical Comedy People, write. A real Also wanted to liuy second-hand set of Trap Drums. THE SONOPHONE CO., . • • . • 1-3 East Mth Stosat Nmv Y.riu Agent wanted. THUS. AITON. ChllUeothe. Ohio. On sreount of draft, can use one R. F. Comedian; must play banjo or guitar. DR. HEBER BECKER, Blalrs- |A|AMTrn High Striker. Electric Plant, good vllle. Pennsylvania. WMn I tl# Organ. FOR SALE—2 Marry-Oo- Rounds. Powar'a No 5. lot Films. Trick Doves and Wanted Quick, Lewis-Williams Stock Company Doga. Tents. Kalaer Doll Ra-ks. Air Rifle Shooting WANTED MEN PERFORMERS (Under canvas) two General Business YIen, one capable of playing aome Juvenile Leads; General Busintas Gallevy. HARRY SMITH. Grata. Pennsylvania. On acount of draft, that want steady work all winter. Woman, capable of Characten. AU essentials neressiry. Preference given those doing spedaltlee. Addm. VERSATILE S. A 0. SKETCH Song and Dain-e Team. Musical Act, Silent Act. Come¬ JACK LEWIS, LawrsatMdBa, Virginia. WWMIS I bh/ team, for Med Sh.m Chant* dian that can put on act. State ail in first. Tb.e La- vrlies. I wired you to Chicago. ED. F. WEISE. Hud¬ Tlrkets to those I know or that can give serurlty. six nights. Singles and doubles $25 and all Must son, Michigan. faka piano or organ. Join on wirr Routo Janr^- vllle. la., NOW; Cedar Falla, la , Aug 19 and wack LEE THO.Ml’SO.N' TENT SHOW _ U/AMTCn COMPLETE DRA- TiAniLU MATIC OUTFIT Wanted Lady Banjo, Banjorines Mandolin Player WANTED, AH-Round MedMne ConiediM Drummer, or Flute Player who doubles on Banjo or Wind Instruments. All OtlMT useful people wrrita.
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