1 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY ouse Bill 1141 * * * * * Stenographic report of hearing held in Majority Caucus Room, Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Friday, April 28, 1989 10:00 a.m. THOMAS CALTAGIRONE, CHAIRMAN MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY ry Birmelin Hon. Christopher K. McNally hard Hayden Hon. Nicholas B. Moehlmann id W. Heckler Hon. Robert D. Reber ard A. Kosinski sent: antz. Executive Director lley, Minority Counsel Reported by: Ann-Marie P. Sweeney, Reporter ANN-MARIE P. SWEENEY 536 Orrs Bridge Road Camp Hill, PA 17011 2 INDEX PAGE gner, Southeast Regional Dir., 3 Ivamans vs. Pornography st. Esquire, United States Attorney 57 eters, Esquire, Legal Counsel, 74 al Obscenity Law Center wn, Southeast Coordinator, 78 Ivamans vs. Pornography Viglietta, Director, Justice and 96 Department, Pennsylvania Catholic ence 3 CHAIRMAN CALTAGIRONE: We'll start the ngs. Members will be coming in. We do have some Df the Judiciary Committee present - Jerry , Dob Reber, Chris McNally, and the staff a Director, Dave Krantz. There will be others L be coming in as the proceedings go on today. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm State bative Tom Caltagirone, chairman of the House f Committee. Today's hearing is on House Bill 'd like to welcome everybody that's in attendance ay, and I'd like to call as our first witness jner, who is the Southeast Regional Director of 3ylvanians vs. Pornography. Frank. MR. WAGNER: Mr. Chairman and members of the f Committee, I'm here today to testify on behalf flvanians vs. Pornography. PVP is a congress of nography works located here in the Commonwealth ides some 43 county anti-pornography tions, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, ania Council of Churches, Pennsylvamans for Morality, Concerned Women of America, the Eagle nd the Pennsylvania Knights of Columbus.
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