WOMEN EAST-WEST CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY Association for Women in Slavic Studies January - June 2018 Compiled & edited by June Pachuta Farris Readers are encouraged to forward items which have thus far escaped listing to: June Pachuta Farris Bibliographer for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies Room 263 Regenstein Library 1100 East 57th Street Chicago, IL 60637 USA
[email protected] GENERAL Anderson, Kimberley, and Sophie Roupetz. "Children Born of War: A European Research Network Exploring the Life Histories of a Hidden Population." In: Aspasia 12, 1 (2018): 112-20. [Czech/German, Upper Silesian/Polish/German, Polish/Soviet, Lithuanian/Soviet, Latvian/Soviet children of the World War II era] Applin, Samantha E. Work-Family Structures and Cross-National Rates of Women's Offending. (Ph.D dissertation, State University of New York at Albany, 2016) [includes Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic countries, and other countries of Eastern Europe] Beyond the Pink Curtain: Everyday Life of LGBt People in Eastern Europe. Roman Kuhar, ed and Judit Takács. Ljubljana: Peace Institut, 2007. 389p. [Takács, Judit, and Roman Kuhar. "Introduction: What is Beyond the Pink Curtain?" pp. 11- 12; Von Velzen, Liselotte. "Down and Out in Belgrade: An Ethnographic Account on the Everyday Life Experiences of Serbian Gays and Lesbians in 2004," pp. 15-33; Kuhar, Roman. "The Family Secret: Parents of Homosexual Sons and Daughters," pp. 35-47; Reingarde, Jolanta, and Arnas Zdanevičius. "Disrupting the (Hetero)normative: Coming-out in the Workplace in Lithuania," pp. 49-64; Nedbálková, Kateřina. "The Changing Space of the Gay and Lesbian Community in the Czech Republic," pp. 67-80; Béres-Deák, Rita.