Racketlon Tournament

Rules and Format

 Games played to 21 points. (2 clear points)

 1 game of all 4 sports.

 Table – squash – tennis

 2 minute warm up on each sport.

 Must be ready to play next sport after finishing no breaks between sports. You play your opponent in each of the four racket-sports, in the order of , badminton, squash and tennis. In each sport, the same scoring rules apply:

In each sport, one set to 21 points is played. Every rally results in a point to the winner of the rally (PARS). The winner of a set needs a margin of at least two points (21-20 is not possible).

After every two points, the serve goes to the other player (at the score of 20-20 or above, the serve changes every single point). In tennis, the server has two changes - first and second service - just as in normal tennis.All other aspects of the game are regulated by the rules of the individual sports.

The winner of a racketlon match is not the one that wins most sets but the one that scores the most points in total over the 4 sets. If, after 4 sets, both players have exactly the same number of points, the final tennis is extended with one single point which decides who wins the match. The winner of the last point decides who will serve, and there is no second service in the single point The initial order of serving, receiving and ends in each of the four sets shall be decided by one single toss before the match starts, according to the following procedure: The winner of the toss decides whether to start serving or receiving in table tennis. The player, who starts serving in table tennis, starts receiving in badminton, starts serving in squash and starts receiving in tennis. In each set (except in squash, of course) the player who starts receiving decides what end to start the set from. Ends are switched at the time when 11 points are first reached by any of the players.

All matches MUST conclude when a result is achieved and a player cannot be caught (i.e. before or during tennis or occasionally even squash)