PinPics Quick Start Guide iii Contents CHAPTER 1 Set Up Your Profile Create a User Account 1 Complete the Registration Form 2 Login and Complete Your Profile 4

CHAPTER 2 Catalog Your Pin Collection Set the Privacy of Your Pin Collection 8 Catalog Your Pin Collection 9 Collection and Search View Options 11 Find Your Pins: Search Tips & Tricks 13 Searching from the Front of the Pin 15

CHAPTER 3 Trade Your Pins Catalog Your Wants 18 Select Your Trades 20 Activate Trade Assist 21 Use Trade Assist to Trade Your Pins 22 Finding a Pin You Want 22 Trading a Pin You Don’t Want 24 iv PinPics Quick Start Guide

Confirmations and eMail Messages 26 Best Practices for Internet Pin Trading 28 Ask for References 28 Negotiate the Trade 28 Agree on the Terms 29 Ship the Pins 30 Confirm the Trade 30 Trade Issue Reports 30

CHAPTER 4 Add a New Pin Take a Photo of the Pin 31 Complete the Add New Pin Form 32

CHAPTER 5 PinPics Rewards Program Pins@Cost Drawings 37 Rules of Engagement 38 CHAPTER 1 Set Up Your Profile

hen you become a member of PinPics®, you join the largest online community of pin collectors in the world. As a community member, Wyou can view and search the PinPics database of over 100,000 pins. You can catalog and share your own pin collection. You can connect with other pin collectors around the world. And you can trade your pins with over 75,000 other PinPics members using the exclusive Trade Assist feature. And the best part is that PinPics membership is absolutely free!

Create a User Account Setting up your user account is easy. Go to and click the “Sign Up” Link to begin the registration process. Here’s how it looks from a desktop or tablet: 2 PinPics Quick Start Guide

If you’re using your mobile phone, just tap the “Menu” icon to bring up the navigation menu, and then tap “Sign Up.”

Complete the Registration Form You only need to fill in some basic information to set up your account.

Name: Enter your first and last name as indicated. If you want your real name to be visible to other users, check “Make name public.” If you don’t want to show your real name, uncheck this box. You can change your privacy settings at any time.

User Name: Create a user name for the site. This is how you will log in to access the site, and your user name will be visible to other members on the site.

Password: Type a secure password for your account in the first box — then retype it in the second box to verify it.

Email Address: Enter a valid email address. PinPics Quick Start Guide 3

Click the “Sign Up” button at the bottom of the form to submit your registration. You can complete the rest of your user profile later. You’ll see a pop-up message confirming that you have set up your account, and you’ll also receive a confirmation email message. 4 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Login and Complete Your Profile When you complete your registration, you will be back at the home page. To log in to your account, enter your username and password in the boxes at the top of the page. Unless you’re using a public or shared computer, click the “Remember me” button so that you will stay logged in to your account.

When you click the “Log in” button, the top menu will change. Click the “My Pins Profile” link to access your profile.

If you’re using a mobile phone, tap the Menu icon and select “Login” from the menu bar. PinPics Quick Start Guide 5

When you’ve logged in, tap the Menu icon. You’ll notice the menu options have changed. Tap “My Pins Profile” to access your profile.

The first time you access your profile page, it will look something like this:

We’ll explore how to set up your Pin Collection in the next chapter. For now, click the “Edit Profile” button to finish setting up your user profile. 6 PinPics Quick Start Guide

You can update all of your profile information — including your name, username, password, and email — from this screen. You can also choose to share your location, your interests, and even tell the PinPics community a little bit about yourself. Anything you choose to make public will be visible to all registered users when they view your profile. PinPics Quick Start Guide 7

As you scroll down the form, you’ll notice four configuration options: Trade Assist, Member Status, Public Collection, and User Preferences. For now, leave these on their default settings. At the bottom of the form, you can choose to upload a profile image. Simply click the “Choose File” button, and find the image file on your computer to upload it. When you’ve finished making your changes, click the “submit” button. You’ll return to your profile page, and see a message telling your profile has been updated. Notice in the example below, the new profile image is displaying. The public profile information displays below the profile image. In this example, the Real Name, Location, and Interests are public, but the email address and biography are private.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up your profile! In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to catalog your pin collection using the PinPics database of over 100,000 collectible pins. 8 PinPics Quick Start Guide

CHAPTER 2 Catalog Your Pin Collection

ow that you’ve set up your profile, you can begin to catalog your pin collection. You’ll search through the PinPics® database of over N100,000 pins (and growing) to find the pins in your collection. Once you’ve built a record of your collection online, you will be able to organize and sort your collection by character, year, limited edition size, attraction, and many other options. But more importantly, your pin collection will never be farther away than your mobile phone. The next time you’re at a park or trading event and wondering if you should trade for a pin or not, you can easily search your entire collection on your phone and see if you already own it. And when you trade or purchase a new pin, you can update your collection on the spot.

Set the Privacy of Your Pin Collection You can choose whether you would like your pin collection to be viewable by other PinPics members or if you would prefer to keep it private. By default, your collection will be public. This means that if another user views your profile, they will be able to see the pins that you have marked as “Own.” When you begin trading your pins using the Trade Assist feature, other PinPics members will be able to see the pins that you “Want” and that you have available for “Trade,” but you can still keep your personal collection private if you choose. To set the privacy of your pin collection, go to “My Pins Profile” and click “Edit Profile” under your profile image. When you scroll to the bottom of the form, you’ll see these user settings: PinPics Quick Start Guide 9

If you would like your collection to be private, and only displayed to you, select “Private” under the Public Collection option, and then click the red Submit button.

Catalog Your Pin Collection When you visit My Pins Profile, notice that there are three tabs in your collection: Collection, Want, and Trade. We’ll explore the Want and Trade tabs in later chapters. For now, let’s add some pins to your collection.

The PinPics® database has over 100,000 member-added pins, with new pins added every day. Chances are, most of the pins in your collection are already a part of the PinPics® database. Just enter a few search terms that 10 PinPics Quick Start Guide

describe your pin, to find the pin in the database. For example, if you search for “Olaf” you will find well over 100 pins.

When you find a pin in your collection, hover your mouse over the photo of the pin. A pop-up box will appear where you can check Own, Want, or Trade. Click the check-box next to Own to add the pin to your collection. PinPics Quick Start Guide 11

If you return to “My Pins Profile” you’ll see the pin in your collection.

It’s that simple! Now repeat the process until you’ve cataloged all of the pins in your collection.

Collection and Search View Options When you view your collection or search for pins, you can choose from three different views to display your search results:Grid View, List View, and Text View. You can select your view by clicking any of the three icons in the search bar.

Here’s the default grid view on a desktop computer or tablet. 12 PinPics Quick Start Guide

This is the list view on a computer or tablet:

And this is the text view:

And here’s how the three views look on a mobile phone: PinPics Quick Start Guide 13

Find Your Pins: Search Tips & Tricks With a database of over 100,000 pins, it can sometimes be difficult to find a specific pin, especially if you don’t know a lot about the pin itself. A search for a character featured on the pin, or the related movie title can return hundreds, or even thousands, of results. Chances are, your pin will be in there somewhere, but fortunately, you don’t have to look through all of the results to find it. If you’re viewing the site on a desktop or tablet, you’ll see options on the left side of the screen that allow you to narrow the search results. You can use these pull-down menus to select specific details about your pin, including the Origin of the pin, the Year the pin was released, whether the pin is a Limited Edition, and even the SKU number of the pin. Selecting any of these options will filter the search results and help you to locate your pin more easily. If you’re using your mobile phone, swipe down to the bottom of the page, past the initial search results to access the Narrow Search Results options. Your best resource for this kind of information is the back of the pin. You may not be able to read the back of the pin with the naked eye because the type is embossed and quite small. However, if you take a photo of the back of the pin with your cell phone or tablet, you can zoom in and read the tiny writing more easily. 14 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Here are some examples of information you can find on the back of pins that can help you to narrow your search: PinPics Quick Start Guide 15

Searching from the Front of the Pin Sometimes the back of the pin doesn’t give you enough information to narrow your search. In that case, you can use details from the front of the pin to help you locate it in the database. Say you own this pin, and would like to add it to your collection: 16 PinPics Quick Start Guide

The pin features and , so you might start your search by entering “Mickey Minnie” in the search box. This would be the result:

At the time this quick start guide was created, there were 6,064 pins in the database that feature both Mickey and Minnie Mouse. You could view all 122 pages of the pins and eventually you would find your pin, but perhaps it would be better to narrow the search a bit by adding some more information from the pin itself. In the pin, Mickey and Minnie appear to be on a cruise ship. If you search for “Mickey Minnie Cruise” you get this result:

Now you only have 6 pages of pins to look at — a big improvement over 122 pages! But in fact, this pin shows up in the middle of the first page of the search. If there’s a specific item pictured in the pin, that’s a useful way to narrow the search. For example, if you search for “Mickey Minnie Porthole” you get only 12 pins that match the description. Unfortunately, this pin isn’t one of them. PinPics Quick Start Guide 17

But if you search for “Mickey Minnie Camera” you get 56 pins that match the description, and this pin shows up right away.

Don’t give up when searching for your pins. Unless the pin has just been released, it’s probably already in the database. And if you can’t find your pin in the database, Chapter 4 will show you how to add the pin. 18 PinPics Quick Start Guide

CHAPTER 3 Trade Your Pins

inPics has revolutionized online pin trading, making it easy and fun. Before PinPics, if you wanted to trade pins over the internet, you first Phad to find someone offering to trade for a pin you want. You had to contact that person and send them photos of your pin collection. Then, they have to look through your collection to see if you have any pins that they want. More often than not, it won’t be a match. Finding a potential trade partner online is like searching for a needle in a haystack. But when you use the PinPics Trade Assist, you can find aPinPoint Trade Partner with a single click. You identify the pins that you want, and the pins that you are willing to trade, and the Trade Assist feature will match you with other PinPics members who both have the pins that you want and want the pins that you have to trade. PinPics will generate a trade request email for you, and you can coordinate your trade online through the PinPics messaging system. One of the advantages to using the PinPics Trade Assist is that you can be confident that you’re trading for official, licensed, tradeable pins. The Trade Assist feature uses the PinPics database, and only official pins are available to trade. Bootleg pins and scrappers, which may appear in the database for reference, are not tradeable through the Trade Assist feature. Before you can begin trading, you need to catalog your wants, select your trades, and activate trade assist.

Catalog Your Wants It’s time to go window shopping! You can browse the latest pins in the PinPics gallery, or search the PinPics database of over 100,000 pins. When you find a pin you want, mouse over or tap the pin to bring up the selection box. Check the “Want” option to add the pin to your wants. PinPics Quick Start Guide 19

If you go back to My Pins Profile and click on the “Want” tab, you’ll see the pin has been added. The more pins you have in your “Want” section, the better the chances of finding a successful PinPoint Trade Partner. 20 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Select Your Trades Next, you need to go through your pin collection and identify the pins you would be willing to trade to get the pins that you want. You can mouse over or tap any of the images in grid view and check the “Trade” option.

In the list view, the “O”, “W”, and “T” options are always visible to the left of the pin image. Select “T” to make a pin available for trade. PinPics Quick Start Guide 21

All of the pins you have selected for trade will show up in My Pins Profile in the Trades tab.

Activate Trade Assist Once you’ve added some Wants and Trades to your profile, you’re ready to turn on the Trade Assist feature and begin trading your pins! Go to My Pins Profile, and click the “Edit Profile” button under your profile image. Scroll to the bottom until you find theTrade Assist option. Click or tap the “Yes” radio button to activate Trade Assist, and then click the red “Submit” button at the bottom.

When you turn on Trade Assist, other PinPics members will be able to view your profile and see the pins you have under your “Wants” and “Trades.” By default, they will also be able to see all of the pins in your collection (your “Owns”), but if you would like to keep your collection private, make sure you select the “Private Collection” option under Public Collection. 22 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Use Trade Assist to Trade Your Pins The PinPics Trade Assist feature helps you to connect with other PinPics members by matching your wants with their trades, and their wants with your trades. First, we’ll take a look at the different ways you can find a trade partner, and then we’ll explore how to send a trade request and complete the trade. You can either find a pin you want, or trade a pin you don’t want. Finding a Pin You Want Click on the “Wants” tab under My Pins Profile, and click on any pin to bring up the information about the pin. You’ll notice two Trade Assist options. Trade Pins (What can I trade?) and Trade Partners (Who has this pin?).

Trade Pins If you select the Trade Pins (by clicking on “What can I trade?”), you’ll see the pins that you could offer to specific members in exchange for the pin that you want. You can select the members you would like to contact, and include an optional message to each member. PinPics Quick Start Guide 23

Trade Partners If you select the Trade Partners (by clicking on “Who has this pin?”), you’ll see a list of members who have the pin you want, and for each member, you’ll see all of the pins that you have for trade that they want and might consider in exchange. 24 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Each user is organized in its own accordion tab. Simply click on the user name to open the tab, and select the pins you are willing to offer in trade. You can also include a message to the user. In either case, when you select users and click “Submit” the PinPics website will generate a Trade Request email to each user you selected. Trading a Pin You Don’t Want You can also begin with a pin you would like to trade, and see what pins you could get for it. Click on the “Trade” tab under My Pins Profile, and click on any pin to bring up the information about the pin. You’ll notice two Trade Assist options. Trade Pins (What pins could I get?) and Trade Partners (Who wants this pin?).

Trade Pins If you select the Trade Pins (by clicking on “What pins could I get?”), you’ll see the pins that other members might be willing to offer you in exchange for this pin. You can select the members you would like to contact, and include an optional message to each member. Trade Partners If you select the Trade Partners (by clicking on “Who wants this pin?”), you’ll see a list of members who want the pin you have for trade, and for each member, you’ll see all of the pins that you want that they might be willing to offer in exchange. Each user is organized in its own accordion tab. Simply click on the user name to open the tab, and select the pins you are willing to offer in trade. You can also include a message to the user. PinPics Quick Start Guide 25

In either case, when you select users and click “Submit” the PinPics website will generate a Trade Request email to each user you selected. 26 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Confirmations and eMail Messages When you successfully initiate a trade request, you’ll see a confirmation screen with the heading Trade Assist - SENT! The page identifies your reference pin, and the pin or pins you are proposing to trade.

The Trade Assist system will send an email message to your trade partner (or partners) with a copy of the trade request. They will receive an email alert at their registered email address, and they will also be notified the next time they log in to the PinPics website, because the flag in the top menu will show they have new messages in their inbox.

To access your messages, click the Trade Request/Inbox link in the top menu. You’ll notice several tabs in your messaging system. PinPics Quick Start Guide 27

This is how a new trade request appears in your inbox. When you open the email, you’ll see a copy of the same message sent to your registered email address.

You can see copies of the trade requests you’ve sent to other users by clicking on the “Sent” tab.

To respond to a trade request, click the “Answer” button. You’ll be able to send a message back to the PinPics member. You can take advantage of the PinPics messaging system for all of your trade-related correspondence. 28 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Best Practices for Internet Pin Trading The key to successful pin trading is clear, courteous, consistent communication. Trading pins online through email is different from trading pins in person. Even though you will be conducting your trades through email, remember there’s a person behind every pin. Be as polite and respectful in your email exchanges as you would if you were trading with your partner at a park or a live event. Remember to turn off the CAPS LOCK key when typing (uppercase words are often viewed as shouting). Please respond to every trade request you receive! Even if you’re not willing to make the offered trade, let the other person know. Keep in mind that people lead busy lives. It may take a few days (or even longer) for a member to receive and respond to your trade request. Once you do begin to correspond with a member, make an effort to check your messages daily — or if you know you won’t be able to respond in a timely manner, let your trade partner know. Ask for References It’s important to know who you’re trading with when you trade pins on the internet. Ask for references before you finalize the terms of your trade. Currently, you can look up pin trade references at this URL: You can also request email addresses of past trade partners, or contact a PinPics moderator for assistance. If you are brand new to pin trading and have no trade references, during the negotiation, a more established trade partner may ask that you mail your pin first. This is something you will discuss during your final negotiations. Negotiate the Trade Each pin collector has his or her own approach to pin trading, but most collectors will consider the relative value of the pins before they will agree to a trade. It’s reasonable to expect that a collector would trade one open edition pin for another open edition pin; however, it’s not reasonable to expect them to trade a limited edition pin for an open edition pin. Some collectors will only trade limited edition pins of the same edition size. For example, they might be willing to trade an le 250 pin for a different le 250 pin, but they would not be willing to trade an le 250 pin for an le 500 pin. If you hope to trade for a collectible limited edition pin, you may need to be willing to offer several pins in exchange for it. PinPics Quick Start Guide 29

If you’re not able to reach an agreement with a member for a specific pin, thank them for their time, and move on. You may have an opportunity to trade with this member in the future. Agree on the Terms When you find a partner who is willing to trade with you, you must both agree on the terms of the trade. Communication is essential, and it’s important that you each spell out all of the agreements and expectations to insure a smooth, enjoyable trading experience. First, establish which pins you will be trading. Identify the individual pins by their unique Pin Numbers in the PinPics database. If you’re trading multiple pins for a single, higher-value pin, state this clearly. Each of you should confirm that the pins you are trading are genuine, official pins, and that the pins are in good condition, free from any significant damage or flaws. Agree on the shipping methods you will each use to ship the pins. For most pins, shipping via U.S. First Class Mail is sufficient.It’s highly recommended that you ship your pins with a tracking number so you can obtain a delivery confirmation. A delivery confirmation shows that the pin was delivered, but it doesn’t guarantee the pin was delivered to the correct address. However, shipping with a tracking number makes it much easier to locate a lost pin if something goes wrong. If you are trading valuable pins, consider buying insurance when you ship the pins. If you are shipping internationally, each of you will need to agree on your local shipping methods and insurance options. Tracking availability varies with international shipping, so you may need to research your options. And keep in mind that international delivery times are much longer than local delivery times. You may have to wait two to three weeks to receive your pin. Agree when you will ship your pins. Generally, you will ship your pins at the same time. However, if you are new to pin trading and have no references, an experienced trader with references may ask you to ship your pin first. If you are only able to get to the post office on certain days, let your trading partner know. When you have shipped your pin, send your trade partner an email, and include the tracking number if you have one. 30 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Ship the Pins When you ship your pins, make sure you package them safely so they won’t get damaged in transit. Always use bubble wrap and/or a padded envelope. Attach the pin to a card or a piece of cloth before you wrap it. If you’re shipping a valuable pin, purchase insurance when you ship it. Confirm the Trade When your new pin arrives, inspect it immediately. If it meets your expectations, send a thank-you email to your trade partner and let them know. If you’re not satisfied with your pin, email your trade partner and explain why. Make sure you also suggest a way to rectify the situation, such as another trade. Remember to be polite and professional! Trade Issue Reports If you do not receive your pin, or have concerns about the trade that you’re not able to resolve on your own, you can file a Trade Issue Report and one of our moderators will do his or her best to help you. If you agree to exchange shipping and tracking information on a certain date, and you do not receive a tracking number or shipping confirmation from your trade partner within 24 hours, you may file a Trade Issue Report and request moderator assistance with your trade. If you are contacted by a PinPics moderator regarding a Trade Issue Report, you must reply to the email within 24 hours. Failure to respond to a moderator email may result in immediate temporary suspension of your PinPics account pending further investigation. CHAPTER 4 Add a New Pin

f you have a pin in your collection that’s not in the PinPics database, you can add it. The PinPics database is entirely supported by the PinPics I community. And when you add a new pin, or improve the listing of an existing pin, you’ll earn points in the Loyalty Rewards Program! All pin submissions are reviewed by moderators before they’re approved. The more accurate information you provide about the pin, the faster this process will be (and the better your chances of receiving the Loyalty Points for the pin). If your pin is a duplicate of a pin that already exists in the database, a moderator will let you know the pin number of the existing pin so you can add it to your collection. Take a Photo of the Pin Before you fill out theAdd a Pin form, make sure you’ve got a good photo of the pin to upload. Please remove the pin from the packaging and backing card before taking the photo. Place the pin on a clear surface, on a white piece of paper. If possible, please crop the photo to remove the excess background. The image should focus on the pin itself. While you have the pin out, you may also want to take a photo of the back of the pin. The back of the pin includes important information you’ll need to include with your Add a Pin listing, such as the year the pin was released, the limited edition size, or the series number, but it’s very difficult to read with the naked eye. If you take a photo of the pin back with your cell phone or tablet, you can easily zoom in so you can read the information on the back of the pin. Now you’re ready to complete the Add a New Pin form. You can access this form from the top menu of the PinPics website. 32 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Complete the Add New Pin Form These guidelines will help you to complete the Add New Pin form. Pin Name Please name your pin following the naming conventions (to the best of your ability). Begin with the abbreviation for the Origin of the pin.

ABD (Adventures By Disney) MLB (Major Leagur Baseball, licensed by Disney)

WDW ( only)* DLR ( Resort only)*

DSSH (Disney Studio Store WDI (Walt Disney Imagineer pins, in Hollywood —formerly DSF, exclusive to cast members) Disney Soda Fountain)

D23 (Exclusive to D23 club DVC (, members) exclusive to members)

DLP ()† HKDL ()

Jerry Leigh (Disney licensed) TDS (Tokyo Disney Sea)

TDL (Tokyo Disneyland) Mickey and Pals (licensed to sell)

Disney Auctions (LE 100, no Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) (LE, longer produced) no longer produced)

DMC (Disney Movie Club, Club 33 (only available at Club 33) available to members with DVDs)

*Note that open edition pins are usually shared releases and not exclusive to the park where you obtained it. †EuroDisney and Paris are now Disneyland Paris

Next, specify the park or event (if applicable).For example, WDW has four parks: , , Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. PinPics Quick Start Guide 33

Events might include MNSSHP (Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party), followed by the year; MVMCP (Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party), followed by the year; or a Pin Event such as the event that WDW holds annually. Finally, list the character or characters featured on the pin. Please make sure you spell the character names correctly. For example, the name of this pin is DLR - Diamond 60th Anniversary Framed Set - Dale Only

And this pin is DSSH - Pin Trader Delight - Hiro - GWP 34 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Origin Select the origin of the pin from the pull-down menu. This should match the origin you list in the name of the pin. Type Select how the pin was made available. It could be Public, Cast Member, Event Only, or Trade Only. Class Select the class of the pin. If it’s a Disney Pin, select “Disney Pin.” Limited Edition Indicate if the pin is a Limited Edition, and the size of the edition. If it’s an open edition pin, skip this field. SKU Number If you purchased the pin and have the original packaging, you will find the sku number underneath the barcode on the back of the pin. Enter all of the numbers without dashes.

Original Price If the pin was offered for sale, enter the original retail price of the pin in the appropriate currency. If the pin was a Gift with Purchase, enter gwp. If you don’t know the price, or the pin was trade only, leave this blank. PinPics Quick Start Guide 35

Release Date If you know the specific release date of the pin — such as for a limited edition release — enter it here. Otherwise, enter the year the pin was released. All current official Disney Pins include the year on the back of the pin in the Disney Pin Trading logo. You may need to take a picture of the back of the pin and enlarge it to read the date.

Retired/Sold Out If you know that a pin has sold out (such as a limited edition pin), indicate it here. Otherwise, leave this blank. Categories Select any categories that apply to the pin. If the pin features a character from a film, select Feature“ Film.” 36 PinPics Quick Start Guide

Upload Pin Image Click the “Choose File” button and navigate to your pin photo. Pin Description This is the most important part of the pin listing, so please be thorough. Describe the pin as completely as you can. List all of the characters in the pin, what they’re wearing, and what they’re doing. If the pin is related to a movie, list the movie title. If there are any words on the pin, list them in the description. Think about how you would search for this pin in the database, and make sure you include those words and search terms in your description. Submit Your Pin When you’ve completed the form, click the “Add This Pin” button at the bottom to submit it. A PinPics moderator will be in touch with you by email. CHAPTER 5 PinPics Rewards Program

inPics began in 1999 as a database to organize pin collections, but over the Pyears, it has evolved into the largest online community of pin traders and collectors in the world. The PinPics website continues to grow thanks to the support and contributions of active members. And the PinPics Rewards Program is our way of saying thanks. When you contribute to the PinPics site by adding a new pin, improving an existing pin listing, or sharing comments, you will receive Pin Points. And when you accumulate enough Pin Points, you will be eligible to participate in the Pins@Cost Drawings for a chance to purchase a sold-out, Limited Edition pin at the original retail cost! Pins@Cost Drawings There are two major categories of official Disney pins. OpenThe Edition pins are available everywhere. These pins are sold online, and in virtually every Disney park, attraction, or hotel location. These pins rarely appreciate in value, but they’re suitable for pin trading. Limited Edition pins are highly sought by collectors because of their rarity. Depending on the size of the edition, there may only be 300 (or fewer) of the pin in existence. Most Limited Edition pins sell out in a matter of days, if not hours. Even if you do live near a park, you need to be willing to wait 38 PinPics Quick Start Guide

in line up to 24 hours just for a chance to pull a lucky lottery number and obtain a Limited Edition pin before it sells out. Most pin collectors have to purchase Limited Edition pins on the secondary market, buying them from dealers or on eBay, but the higher the demand for the pin, the more expensive it will be. At PinPics, we think everyone should have a chance to own a Limited Edition Pin. That’s why we created thePins@Cost program. Throughout the year, the PinPics team braves the lines to purchase hot new Limited Edition pins. Every month that you maintain at least 20 Pin Points, you will be eligible to participate in the Pins@Cost drawings, and you could have the chance to purchase a sold-out, highly collectible, Limited Edition pin at the original retail price! Pins@Cost features only the best and most desired Limited Edition pins. Some of the previous Pins@Cost pins now sell in the secondary market for hundreds of dollars. Rules of Engagement Every member of the PinPics community is a part of the PinPics Rewards Program. The more you contribute to the community, the more points you earn. Each time a PinPics moderator approves one of your contributions, you will receive Pin Points. You accumulate points in a rolling three-month collection window. Any month where you have accumulated 20 Pin Points during that window, you will be eligible for the Pins@Cost drawings. You receive Pin Points for adding a new pin (approved listing), improving a pin image for an existing pin, correcting the sku of a pin, adding an approved comment for a pin, identifying a counterfeit pin, adding a blog in the forums. As the PinPics community (and the PinPics website) continues to evolve, look for more ways to earn PinPics Rewards Program points!