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Slave Tables.Pdf INDEX TO TABLE B. NOTE – The figures denote, respectively, the No. of case Abbot, Henry L. 73 Brown, J. Frank 420 Carter, John E. 49 Adams, Green 127 Brooke, Robert C. 422 Counselman, (now 66 Connel) Lucy A. M. Alexander, T.L. 129 Bisco, Ann M. and 430 Cissell, Geroge W. 67 Emma Arnold, Rezin 140 Bisco, Emma 432 Colton, Edwin 75 Abbott, Sarah A. 179 Barnes, Martha E. 440 Cissell, Isabel 93 Ailer, Georger 234 Beal, Louisa G. 458 Chapman, Edward 103 Abbot, Elizabeth 239 Bohrer, Benjamin S. 459 Cassell, Elizabeth E., 105 admin’x Adamson, Robert L. 264 Bryan, Susanna P. 464 Cammack, 112 Christopher Adler, Morris 282 Barry, Juliana 473 Carper, Thomas J. 149 Acker, Nicholas 370 Brawner, James L 475 Chew, Walter B. 159 Alexander, Columbus 399,8 Blair, Francis P. sr. 483 Combs, Michael R. 196 93 Addison, Anthony 457 Burrus, Jane S. 497 Cawood, Philip A. 200 and Sarah E. Adams, Sarah 539 Bowen, Rinaldo J. 511 Conrad, Nelson, 240 trustee for Conrad, Mary and Eliza D Anderson, Sarah G. 505 Belt, John M. 512 Combs, Robert M. 258 Abell, Violett A., 562 Bailey, Theodore 519 Callan, Nicholas 269 executrix Allnutt, Nancy 568 Byington, Samuel 528 Card, Benjamin C. 309 Anderson, Samuel B. 611 Blake, Mary E. 542 Cochrell, Jane E. 320 Alexander, Mira M. 659 Boucher, Alfred H. 550 Coseen, Ann, 291 administratrix Ashby, John R. and Ellen 661 Bolsean, James T. 551 Coakley, Gabriel 332 G. Allnutt, Barbara A. 694 Bronaugh, Fanny P. T. 557 Cost, Henry 360 Aylmer, Robert R 728 Beall, Margaret J. 586,639 Clarke, Reuben B. 361 Addison, James, L. 869 Blake, Ann 601 Clarke, Mary Ann 367 Abbot, Ellen J. 960 Birch, Randolph 613 Collins, Reuben 379 Beall, Ann E. 6 Bayen, Judith C. 619 Cruit, Susan, ex’tr’x 412 of Rob’t C. Bates, John E, 7 Boggs, Wm. Brenton 625 Chapman, Susan A. 428 Bates, Edgar H. 9 Beall, Jackson 630 Chew, Angelica and 429,431 Bisco Brown, Ann S. 12 Beall, George W. 631 Carroll, William 466 Thomas Boarman, Sarah 16 Beall, Jane E., 639 Clarke, Oliver H.P. 503 Matilda B.B. and Margaret J. Bryan, Julia A. 20 Blake, John B. 647 Crawford, Elizabeth 508 Bender, George 27 Brooke, Ellen M. 648 Coffin, John H.C. 520 Beall, Sarah Ann 57 Beale, Emily 655 Carroll, Ann 521 Ball, James N. 58 Beale, Robert 666 Champion, William 529 H. Berry, Benjamin 63 Beall, Robert 677 Coyle, Matilda 555 Brown, Marshall 68 Beall, Benjamin 691 Clarke, Martin 561 Bradley, Anna 77 Brightwell, Thomas 702 Carter, Richard W. 574 R. Brocchus, Perry E. 78 Birch, William R. 714 Colquhoun, William 575 S. Brooks, Lewis 85 Buchey, Charles A., et 733 Cummin, Mary A. B. 582 al, trustees Bean, Artimesia 92 Balmains, A. E., and 737 Curtis, Elsey 587 trustee Denham Burr, Benjamin B. 96 Berry, Philip T. 740 Cooksey, M.A. and 596 Sarah A.A. Bird, Thomas R. 120 Boone, Jane C. 772 Cecil, Anna 600 Buell, Martin 121 Barnes, henry S., 787 Cook, Leonard 604 Angeline, and Theodore Bayne, John 136 Bibb, Mary R. 792 Carr, Samuel, R. 605 Butt, Richard 147 Bridgett, John F. 801 Craycroft, Edward 606 Brien, Mary, 155 Blagden, Thomas 802 Clakre, W.P. 621 administratrix Bisco, Anna 165 Bates, Frederick 814 Caldwell, John M. 614 Boarman, Richard A. 166 Bowie, Thomas C. 840 Carroll, Ann C., and 621 Maria Fitzhugh Boarman, Susanna 176 Barbour, James L., 844 Cochran, George W. 623 administr’r Bryan, Daniel 183 Brown, William 845 Catts, J. Madison 635 Buchignani, Margaret, 208 Burche, Susan M. 853 Clarke, Daniel B. 658 guardi’n Beall & Middleton 217 Brown, William V.H. 858 Caldwell, Sarah, 130 J.H., and Ann Beall, Benjamin 218 Bestor, Eliza 888 Crawford, Samuel C 672 Belt, Charles R. 223 Brent, Anna 889 Cox, Newton James 692 Birckhead, Eliazbeth 242 Brown, Thomas 898 Cassin, James L. 693 Barker, Quintin 244 Bradley, A. Thomas 902 Carusi, Lewis 717 trustee, and Kimmell Barkley, George W. 252 Brawner, Eleanor H. 908 Clements, Lemnel, 743 committee of A.M. Waring Brown, Elizabeth 257 Baker, Sophia 911 Carbery, Joseph F., et 748 al Birch, William H. 266 Bowie, Robert 914 Crane, Sarah 768 Blanchard, Anne 284 Burgess, Josiah 916 Cudlipp, Frederick 770 Brown, Joseph F. 285 Bates, Catharine 921 Coyle, Fitzhugh 809 Bryan, Elizabeth A.S. 305 Brown, Rachel 924 Clements, Elizabeth 810 N. Bryan, Joseph, trustee of 322 Bradley, Joseph H. 941 Clements Benjamin 819 Louisa Bryan H. Bryan, Joseph 323 Bradley, A. Thomas 942 Cox, Thomas C. 822 trustee for E.M. Bradley Bowie, Melvina 324 Barnes, Thomas T. 945 Christian, William 842 Browning, Peregrine W. 328 Barnes, Thomas T., 946 Chilton, Robert S. 843 trustee for George A. Barnes’s heirs, Elizabeth Barnes, et al Bryan Joseph, of Ala 329 Bell, Virginia 953 Callis, Eleanor H. 846 Banning, Mary E. 330 Bohrer, Elizabeth 954 Chisholm, Catharine 871 Barron, Thomas II 334 Berry, Albert B. 962 Chapin, E.M. 875 Brent, Elizabeth 346 Brashears, John C., 2 Clarke, John W. 894 (table C) Brisco, Ann 348 Brooke, Lloyd (table 5 Cooper, Samuel 904 C) Bully, A.F. 353 Carberry, Thomas 39 Cammack, William 906 Brown, Baley 356 Carberry, Thomas, 44 Clarke, Delilah 961 executor Barber, Margaret C. 366 Cunningham, Ann 6 H., (table C) Bradly, Charles 377 Drury, Samuel 17 Boone, Jane E. 380 Dickson, John 23 Brown, Absolom 390 Deeble, Edward 26 Beasley, Joseph 392 Barker, Ann G 401 Berry, Thomas 410 Donoho, Thomas 35 FEarson, Joseph N 185 Hill, Clement 434 Davidson, John 52 Fearson, Samuel 186 Harvey, Mary Ann 471 Dawson, Thomas B. 53 Fister, John 249 Hill, Ann M 472 Doniphan, William T. 64 Forrest, Ann M. S. 276 Hoover, John 482 Davis, Sarah, of Abel 116 Fenwick, Mary 343 Hancock, Andrew 498 Downes, John 118 Fenwick, Julia 344 Hall, Edward 507 Downing, Joseph 122 Farr, Nimrod 352 Hall, Martha T 509 Dodge, Robert P 135 Farr, Bushrod W. 357 Harrison, Rachel 517 Dixon, Henry T. 154 Farquhar, Emily W. 363 Harding, Josiah 522 Dobyn, James 194 Franklin, Stephen P 452 Hoyle, William L 540 Dorsey, Achsey 214 Fenwick, Philip 487 Hasson, Mary 545 Davis, Thomas I. 222 Fowler, Alonzo R 489 Harbin, Julia A., 552 Geo. S, Sarah P., and Catharin A Demar, Charles H., 224 Fuggit, Francis J 502 Hurley, Ann M 559 trustee Dodge, Francis and 255 Fowler, Henderson 516 Hopkins, George W., 571 Robert P., trustees, and and John S., Emily Dodge executors Duvall, Wm. T. and 264 Fowler, Elizaveth J 583 Hyatt, Seth 579 Adamson trustees Dougal, William H. 283 Fitzhugh, Maria and 621 Hodges, Benjamin B 581 Ann Carroll Dunlop, Robert P. 371 Forrest, Sarah 644 Henshaw, Susanna G 591 Duncanson, Martha D. 378 Fearson, Joseph C 700 Herrold, Adam G 592 Duhamel, W.J.C. 385 Forrest, Bladen 715 Hughes, Sarah T 633 Drane, Elizabeth Ann, 397 Fling James W 837 Hinsley, John 634 guardian, &c Darne, Mary 409 Falconer, Mahlon 839 Higgins, Lucretia R 654 Donoho, Harriet 443 Fowler, James H 851 Haller, George W 671 Dean, Mary C 491 Fitzhugh, Edward and 907 Harmon, Henry M, 676 Cora, his wife executor of Susanna Lowe Duval, Eliza 510 Fendal, Philip R. 940 Harshman, Letitia 678 Dellinger, Henry M. 563 Goddard, Margaret A. 45 Harbaugh, Leonard 698 Dorsett, Fielder R. 586 Gray, Drusilla 54 Harding, Andrew J., 721 executor Dodge, Allen 636 Garrett, Milton 130 Hammack, John D 726 Drury, Terence 663 Gantt, Rosa O. 172 Hall, Baruch, 754 guard’n of Rosa E Dent, Josiah, 685 Gibbons, John L. 177 Hall, Baruch, 755 administrator W.S. guard’n of H.W. Nichols Dent, Josiah, trustee, and 686 Gallaher, Elizabeth A 180 Hall, Edward, trustee 757 M. Throckmorton of Baruch, and Absalom Duvall, Zachariah 718 Gardner, Charles T 219 Hall, Elisha J 738 Durry, William P. 720 Greenleaf, William C 253 Howle, Peter C., 777 administrator of Parks G Dufieff, Mary M. 736 Greeves, Sarah Ann 259 Hatton, George W 781 Denham, A., trustee of 737 Gittings, Jedidiah 260 Harrison, James E 793 A.E. Balmain Dulaney, Grace 751 Gormley, Margaret 277 Higgins, Samuel 821 Davis, Nancy W. 764 Gadsby, Mary 308 Harrison, Rebecca 832 Augusta Dickinson, William F. 798 Getty, Margaret W 312 Holt, Joseph 836 Dorsey, Presley W. 803 Gittings, Benjamin E 368 Howard, William E 854 Dorsey, Sarah 804 Gindman, Darius, 419 Homiller, Charles 857 trustee of Ann Gladman Darrell, William S. and 811 Gunnel, Robert 442 Hilliary, Elanor B.M 879 Virginia E. Darby, Rebecca R., Ruth 824 Green, Michael 469 Hilliary, Eleanor 880 E., and James A. B.M., and W.H. Luch Davis, Abel G. 855 Golden, Catharine 475 Hamilton, Anna M 881 Davis, Alex McD. And 878 Golden, Catharin A. 477 Hopkins, George W 883 Martha Douglas, Samuel E. 903 Granmer, Christopher, 515 Holmead, Mary Ann 899 executor Dawes, Charlotte Maria 920 Griffith, Lyde 570 Harris, Susan W 912 Dashiell, Eliza 922 Gittings, CHristianna 595 Holcomb, Sarah M., 931 guardian of Florence Holcomb Dulaney, Caroline, 932 Graham, Alysia 620 Harris, Martha E 937 Phoebe R., and Rosa E Dulaney, Caroline R 933 Gibson, John 668 Hoover, Andrew P 950 Dick, Robert 947 Greer, Alexander A 682 Hamilton, Matilda 963 Dorsey, John A., (table 10 Green, Ammon 731 Holmead, Matilda S 649 C) Elliott, Seth A. 3 Gunton, William, 775 Ireland, Susan 375 administrator of William A. Gunton Ewell, Fanny B. 25 Green, Ann 780 Irwin, Aurelia H 411 Ewell, Mildred E. 24 Gough, Stephen and 789 Ingle, Joseph 806 Georgianna Edelin, James 100 Goszler, Elizabeth 870 Isherwood, Martha 823 Evertt, Thomas T.
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