PACI Fie -' CITIZEN Lives M('Mb~R Hlp Public"Lion: J;1Pant'!~~ Am,.,Lc
Per spec PACI Fie -' CITIZEN lives M('mb~r hlp Public"lion: J;1pant'!~~ Am,.,lc .. " CIlium, L.. ",q\,l" 1 ~5 Wf' II IlI" St.. Lo, Angel",. Calif 90012; (213) MA 6 6936 Publl!lhtd W l!ekl ~ heepl Fh)1 .nd LA,I Wrt'Io.\ 01 Iht 'l'fI.r Second Clan POitage at Los Angeles, C.lif. B~' JURY ENOMOTO '.1'1. JA L r ..slden l VOL. 69 NO. 3 .'RlD AY, JULY 18, 1969 Subscriptio n Iht. '" V.. , TEN CENTS Sacramento U.S. S5, For.lan $7 Th~ mretin~ 01 our Nation· .1 Board and SIArr in La. An~,,"'l('!' thi!' w(,t'k,mrl InRrk!li. tht" hoUwuy point or lhi~ bi OFF ICE MANAGER FOR ('nnium In about n ~ .. ·,u· "c FULL·PAGE ADVERTISEMENT TELLS will ns~emblc In Convention l.A, JACL OFFICE SOUGHT HAYAKAWA Nixon view on Title 2 bills at Chicago. Aud anothc-r bien nium \\ i 11 b('come hislOQ' 1.05 ANGELES - 'The So. \Vhert sr,," Wl~ now OF PLIGHT OF EX·CORONER NOGUCHI Collt. J AC L Reglon,,1 Olrie. PERMANENT PRES. • In ms brio! t,,'porl 10 th~ hos been Rulhorbed an oUiet' "'RtionRI Council at Son Jose, manager 10 lIs slnlt. JUST Committee in ' Plea for Justice', Wun. If OF S.F. STATE sought, hearing requested Appli cations should Include Our Ha lfway Point It ' Happen to One of U. It Can Happen to You' rC5t11nc nnd o d dr('s~ed to Jet tley MAlou l, J AC L Ollie,', 12~ (Speoill l to 'r'ht PlicUle Cillzen) no requirement ot 8n overt i!, American history, were na Board of Trustees act.
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