EMBC+ INTERNSHIP CATALOGUE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016 Version 05 November 2015 CRYPTIC SPECIES AND THEIR ECOLOGY Internship institute: Ghent University, Marine Biology Research Group Supervisor: Drs. Nele De Meester (
[email protected]) Number of students for this internship: 2 Description of the internship: Behind the morphological similarity of many species, a hidden genetic diversity can be found. This cryptic diversity has been well documented in the marine nematode Litoditis marina. Despite the growing knowledge about this cryptic diversity, little is known about the ecology of the different cryptic species. Differences in environmental preferences, decomposition processes, dispersal capacities and competition abilities will be tested on four cryptic species (Pm I, Pm II, Pm III and Pm IV) in different experiments. Studying the interactions between different cryptic species is realised by creating populations where several cryptic species are present. To analyse these populations, genetic methods are necessary. This assignment will consist almost exclusively of molecular work (preparation for DNA extraction, DNA extractions and qPCR analysis) in which analyses are performed to discriminate the different cryptic species. Additional Contact details: Marine Biology Research Group, Ghent University Krijgslaan 281/S8 9000 Ghent Belgium THE ROLE OF INFAUNAL AND EPIBENTHIC SCAVENGERS IN THE DECOMPOSITION OF FISHERIES’ DISCARDS Internship institute: Ghent University, Marine Biology Research Group Supervisor: Dr. Jochen Depestele (
[email protected]; Other contact details:
[email protected] Number of students for this internship: 1 Description of the internship: Beam trawl fisheries, as all bottom-contacting trawls, induce mortality on benthic communities and thereby generate carrion. The induced mortalities and the increased food availability create a shift to benthic communities consisting of species with fast turnover rates and the ability to scavenge on a broad spectrum of prey, i.e.