Winds of Change Supporting Organized Voices and Empowered Communities Since 1987 Summer 2019 E Huntington, WV OVEC People? Yes! Petro Chem? No!
Winds of Change Supporting Organized Voices and Empowered Communities Since 1987 Summer 2019 E Huntington, WV OVEC People? Yes! Petro Chem? No! On April 9, about 50 people representing more told the group, “Out-of-state and out-of-country than a dozen grassroots groups from West Virginia, companies come to capitalize on West Virginia’s Ohio, and Pennsylvania gathered to show our people. They minimize the health impacts, such as opposition to the Appalachian Storage and Trading cancers and neurodevelopmental defects.” Hub, a petrochemical mega-complex build-out The Hub was the main topic, both inside the proposed for the Ohio and Kanawha river valleys. conference and outside at our press conference and We gathered outside the Marcellus and protest. Manufacturing Development Conference, hosted by “Inside the Marriott are people who are thinking the West Virginia Manufacturers Association. only about the money and the profits and not giving The Dominion Post, the Morgantown newspaper, one minute to what is going to happen to our air and reported on its front page: water,” said BJ McManama, with the Indigenous As the gas industry celebrated its progress Environmental Network. inside the Marriott at Waterfront Place, outside Ashley Funk, a community organizer for by the rail-trail, close to 40 people assembled to Mountain Watershed Association, said, “We protest the expansion of the plastics industry. are standing together to show the shale gas and They called themselves People Over Petro, and petrochemical industries that, unlike the plastics from the three-hour protest was coordinated by the which they want to profit, our communities are not Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition.
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