MONDAY, NOVEMBER' 21,1960 PAGE TWENTY il^ralb Avw sgo Dully Net Press Dim H is W rathcr v; Far the Week Ended Foreera* •( O. 0. W Nav. Itth, 1066 / PnrUy etoadljr teoAKl^ Xeev la St. Margaret's Circle, > Daugh­ steward, and Francis B ush el, ters of Isabella,. wUl sponsor a Masonic Officer chaplain. Ode. WedMadayAiiUffM. efeaSea About Town social evening and games tomor­ Honor Roll Announced 13,299 •catteead UfM abevren ewly M row at 7:30 p.m. at the K Of C To Visit Council Mn MAIN ST. Member off the Atadlt day. n g h IB OSa. UlUiclMstAr Lodge o f Maeona Home for members and friends. ; of OiNolaHoB. Mandu$ter-^A City of FUlago Charm will Zoeet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. Mrs. James Lemon anti Mrs. Wil­ ■'f- A fter a murineu meeting, Man- Calvin Smith of Durham, gyand Police Arrests fred Lemlre are co-chalnnen, as­ At North Junior High standard bearer ot the Royal amd Oheeter Aesembly, Order o f Rain­ sisted by Mrs. Prank Laing, Mrs. bow for Olrle. will, preeent at 8:30 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1960 (Olaaalfled A«v«rtlatag on Page 10) PRICE nVB CENTS Jules Filiere, Miss Mary Desmond, Select Masons of Connecticut, will Howard Wamock, 60, no certain VOL. LXXX, NO. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) "Hothera’ Degree;” Master Ma- Mrs. 'Robert ,Kerr. Mrs. Harry The honor roll for the flrstf vld Best, Ruth Blackwell, Kath­ make his official visitation to Ado- address, was charged with Intoxi­ •008 and their wives are invited. leen Blake, Theodore Blakealee, niram Council Friday at 8\p.m. f I !"■■■■ Magnuson, and Mrs. Paul Gruess- quarter marking period at the cation Saturday * evening as the ner." David Brady and Elizabeth Camp­ The event will take place at the A musical playlet, "Once Upon North Junior High School has bell.' Masonic Temple on Orchard St., result of^being found in a helpless a Nighttime," will be presented The Rsrtford County Council of 178 names on It. Also, Sandra Chapin,' Donald' Rockville. The ftoyal Master De­ condition in the rear of a Used car. Kasavuhu Seen Winner StOte Netvs tonight at 8 o’clock"^at a meeting VFW will hold Its annual dinner Ninety-six out of 402 eighth Conrad, Nicholas Convertlno, Don­ gree will be conferred on a .class He was to have been presented jn o f the WSCS of South Methodist of candidates. and dance Dec. 3 at 7:30 pm. at graders made It, or about 24 per na Daniel, Patricia Davies, Mary court this morning, but took sick Church in Cooper Hall at the Devannty, Ann Falkowskl, Mary Thrice Illustrious Master. John the Anderson Shea VFW Poet cent. Elghty-two mit of 332 sev­ yesterday and was taken to Man­ Roundup church. Home. Reservations must be made Filloramo, Sharon Gidman, Lor­ Turner o f Rockville will bo in chester Memorial Hospital and ene by Monday, Nov. 28, by calling enth graders made It, or about 25 raine Gooley, Eldward Goss, Ellen charge of the work.- Other offi­ admitted. This was W amock’s A Roeary and Benediction at 7:30 Donald Maynard, commander, or per cent. Harrison, Gary Heard, Mark Hel­ cers from Rockville are Everett 100th arrest on a liquor associated UN Blocks Ghana Bid pm. will precede a meeting of the. Wanegar," captain of the guard, Mrs. Marie Hale. No tickets will Eighth graders are Richard ler, Bruce Hence, Barbara HIghie charge. i House Speaker Rosary Society of St Bridget’s be sold .at the door. and Timothy Hogan. George Dean, conductor, Charles Ames, Janice Arsenault, Sandra H. Leonard, treasurer. Harold G. David L. Knight, 29, 233 Colon­ Church tonight at 8 o’clock in the Also, Robert Hughes, William ial Rd., Bolton, was charged with church hall. Guest speaker will be Atiden, Timothy Badger. Ross Stalger, recorder, ahd Paul C. Leh­ Battle Indicated A second session of an interde­ Hampton, Leroy Beckett, Cheryl Hust, Peter Jackson, James Jeray, passing in a no passing zone Sat­ Mrs. E, Mae Holden. Michael Johnson, Deborah Kar^' mann. sentinel. nominational mission study course Beebe. Linda Bellefleur, Richard Officers from Man hester are urday, and is schedule to be in will be offered tomorrow from 9:30 Michael Kenney and Jessica 9 To Stall Congo Debate Bennett, Claudette Berube, Gary William Kent, deputy illustrious court Dec. 3. He was arrested on Hartford, Nov. 22 {/P)— A Mrs. Roger Olcott, 403 W. Cen­ to 11 a.m. at Susannah Wesley Carlson and Richsrd .*. Carlson. Kllmko. Prosecutor of Circuit ter St, la Manchester representa­ master, Stanley Steiner, Illustrious W. Center St., just west of O’Lea­ fight appears to be brewing Hall, 20 Hartford Rd, A nursery Atao, William Carney, George Also, Chester Koblinsky, Nell principal conductor, John Seavey, ry Dr. tive for the annual pecan sale of will be provided. Cartwright, Sarah Chapin. Joseph United Nations N Y Nov-^was the Soviet Union which want-^Hammarskjold spoke of the clash for the post of speaker of the the Vassar Club of Hartford. Pro­ Kovensky, Mary Kulesa, Leslie DellaFera, Kathleen DuBaldo, house at the 1961 General I ceeds benefit the club’s scholarship Kupferberg, Marjorie Lavallee, 22 * 4 e % o C “" ’’a.m ost regrettahl. :in^^^^^^^^^^^ The date* for a midweek retreat Michael Dumalne, Julia Eells, Ju­ Prudence LeGeyt, Kenneth Leves-' He said he had requested a report Assembly session. fund. Pecans in one pound bags of the Manchester Chapter Holy dith Frithsen, Linda Garrison. from the U.N. Command and he state Republican CJhalrman Ed­ may be obtained through Decen^• qiie, Joan Marlow, Pamela Mason, Congo President Joseph Kasa* one action which would help Family Retreat League for high Richard Gray, Alan Grzyb, Linda Yon’ll get a thrill, too, hoped to have it during the day.” win May Jr. said last night that Other Area ber from Mrs. Olcott or any mem­ Kathleen McMahon, Philip Miner. vubu today failed in a new restore order In The Congo, the • # school junior and senior boys will Hackney, Barbara Hamilton, Joan Yugoslav Delegate Dobrivoje Rep. Anthony E. Wallace, Sims­ ber of the Vassar Club. Dale Mullen, Cheryl Muschko, Ju­ when you see the heels, attempt to halt debate 6n the U.S. delegate said, is to give firm be Nov. 29 and 30 instead of this Hart-lngton, William Heck, and dith Naschke, Jean Newth, James backing to the Congolese chief of Vidlc supported Ghana’s adjourn­ bury, has the lead in the race for week, as erroneously reported re­ without nails, put on with seating of a Kasavubu delega­ ment motion. Under the circum­ The Exchange Club of Manches­ Katherine Herman. Newton, H. James Norton, Mary state By seating him and his dele­ the speakership, while Rep.-J. Tyl­ M en J o in cently. Boys Interested may call Also, Hitt, Elizabeth Odell, Doreen Ouellette and Linda our New AUTO-SOLER. tion in the United Nations. stances. he said, ” it would be er Patterson, Old Lyme, has con­ ter will meet tomorrow at 6:30 gation. senseless and improper to contin­ George Trudell, 134 Lakewood House, Paula Huffleld, Daphne Pavel. Buy Holiday Fruit and Fruit By a vote of 50-34, the General '"The time to act on this Is siderable backing for House ma­ pm . at the Three J’s Restaurant in Circle, or Victor Lombardo, 75 Ronew your heels TO-. ue debate.” Bolton. Guest speaker will be John Hurd, Robert Hurley, Judith Jack- Assembly rejected a Soviet-hacked now,” he asserted. jority leader. Mary Ffearson, John Phillips, ' DAY. 1^'ork Guaranteed. 12th Court R. Reynolds III, a member of the White SL son, Linda Jasitls, David Johnson, Deborah 'Pond, Kevin Ponton, motion by Ghana to postpone fur­ Ghana's J. E. Jantuah said it Vjdic called for a quick de­ May added, however, that the state board of control of Exchange Christine Joyner, Kathleen Kane. Katherine Pritchard. Jean Reale, Baskets At Pinehurst ther discussion pending a full re­ was impossible to ' resolve the parture of the U.N.’.s 15-nation post of speaker was stUl subject Members of Sunset Rebekah Susan K o p p 11 n, Paul Krislack, port on the bloody clash between question of seating a delegation ConcUiation Commission for Leo­ to a contest. He made the com­ Former Manchester Mayor Club. Lodge are reminded to bring re­ Pamela Rines, Walter Simmers, HALPS Thomas Landers and James Le- Judith .Slnon, Curtis .Smith, Rich­ You will find just about everything you want in fine Congolese and U.N. forces. Thir­ imtil it had full information from poldville. ment as State Rep. Richard W. turns from the recent food sale Eugene T. Kelly has been ap­ The ways and means, St. Cam- Sure. ard Smith, Jane Spaeth, Robin SERVICE ^ holiday foods and staple groceries at Pinehurst . . ^ all teen coiintries abstained. on the scene. U.S. Ambassador James J. Sherman, '^Vest Hartford, an­ pointed prosecutor for the Ulus. and membership committees to a meeting tonight at 8 o'clock Also, Marilyn Lias. Carol Ivim- Starkel. , The atrtag vote in favor of push­ Wadsworth blamed Ghana for the nounced he was a candidate for bardo, Peggy Lucas, Sheila Mallon, at everyday low prices . . . "We cannot sit here in this as­ 12th Circuit of the State’s Cir­ o f the Guild of Our Lady of St. at Odd Fellows Hall. Returns may Also, Deborah Starr, Samuel DEPARTMENT ing ahead to a decision seemed to sembly and debate and discuss the current situation. He said that if speaker despite a preference by Bartholomew’s parish' will meet be made to Mrs. Sedrick Straugh- William Marks, Richard McAdam, Sweet, Guy Tangerone, Judith assure a Victory for the United Ghana had observed the' normal some GOP leaders for Wallace. cuit Court which begins oper­ Lealle McCaughey, Neill McKeever, For your convenianca, wa wiH ba opan for businaso seating of a government which tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the base­ an or Mrs. Henry Starkweather. Tests, Patricia Teslk, Linda Trom­ “Quality' Workmanship!” States knil-.others who want to has attacked this very organiza­ procedure and recalled Its charge A number of Republican leaders ations Jan. 3. Thomas McKeough. Janice McMil- give the :• Congo’s long-vacant d’ affaires, Nathanial Welbeck, ment of the rectory, 741 E. Middle bly, Judith Trudnak. Shirley Tur­ OAK ST. ENTRANCE Tuasdoy from 8 A.M. rill 9 P.M.. Wadnasdoy from tion.” he declared. met here yesterday; May an­ Twelfth circuit headquarters Is The board of directors of the leri. Donald Mordavsky, Joanne ner, Marilyn Twomey, Nancy Wel- GREEN STAMPS seat to a^.iUlegation headed by It appeared Kaaavubu was slat­ there would have been no dUBculty. Manchester. l^ke. Nielson. Jeffrey Nielson, ' and Manchester Ml 8-4123 8 A.M. riH 6 P.M. nounced afterward that a caucus Community Child Guidance Clinic bust, Beverly Werstler, Susan Wil­ Kaaavubu. ' ed to win. ' of Republican House members The circuit's domestic relations of Manchester will meet tomorrow .lentee Noren. kie, Jane Wilson. Ghana came under strong at­ U.N. Secretary-GeneYal Dag '(Continued on Page Seventeen) officer will be Thomas E. Elliott, Anderson Shea Auxiliary, VFW, Also, Roy Parks, Richard Pas- (We close (nnight, Monday, at the usual 6 P.M. Hme and all day would be held in Hartford Monday will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at 8 p.m. at the Chapman House, Thursdjg}', Thanksgiving Day.) tack by tha United States and one to discuss the two key poits and 80 Columbus St.. 60 Haynes St. tepiack, Almee Patterson, Patricia of the nSw African nations, ROY V. KARI-SON THOMAS H. ELTJOTT EUGENE T. KELLY at the post home. Peck, Janice Petraltls, Janet other legislative plans. ""he appointments were an­ Cameroon, which suggested that The speakership returns to Re­ Clerk Domestic Relations Officer Prdseeutor nounced today by Chief Judge Jay The Women’s Home League of Pierce, Judith Plsch, A n a d 1 n c Ghana may have engineered the 8 Pacifists Removed Rhodes, Enid Rosenthal, Nancy publican hands as a result of the E. Rublnow, the Salvation Army will meet to­ clash as part of a Machiavellian party’s House victory in the Nov. Other officers In the circuit will morrow at 2 pjn. In Junior hall Rotirke, William Rylander, Pame­ scheme to delay action on the aeat- la St. Pierre, Judith Seavey ahd 8 election;, The Democrats held be Stephen E. ■ KetchaM, Tolland, at the church. Mrs. Alvina Chag- Ing of' the Kasa'vubu g^roup. In Litchfield, meanwhile, a James E. Mirabile, East Hartford, non will be In charge of the fel­ Amy Shorrock. The clash occurred when the LECLERC Also, Richard SIgal, Karl Smith, caucus of Republican representa­ and E. George (Jorsky, Elling­ FUNERAL HOME lowship program. Refreshments Congolese army, under strongman Polaris Sub Allen tives from Litchfield County an­ ton, all assistant prosecutors; will be served by Mrs. Herbert Pamela SmlU), Alan Snyder, Nor- een Southerglll. Carol Spooner, FEASTING Col. Joseph Mobutu, sought to ex­ nounced their support of Wallace Roy V. Karlson, East Hartford, Metcalf, Mrs. Robert Richardson, pel the Ghanaian charge d’ af­ and Patterson for the two posts. clerk; and Jack Dennerley, Union, FUNERAL and Mrs. John KleMsh. Marshall Stephens, Ruth Strick­ land. Daniel Sturtevant, John Sul­ faires, Nathaniel Welbeck. assistant clerk. U.S. Ambassador James J. livan, Bruce Taylor, Judith Tay­ Afloat Off Groton The firet judges to preside In SERVICE Wadsworth declared that if Ghana Hijackers Arrested lor, Wayne Tedford, Peter Ten­ toe 12th circuit will be Judge had responded to Kosavubu’s de­ New York, Nov. 22 — A WALTER N. Town to Check nant, Gene Tomaluolo, Margaret Francis J. O’Brien of Meriden and mands for the withdrawal of Bronx butcher has been described LECLERC, Tomasko and Richard Tdtten. Groton. Nov. 22 (;P)— ^Two #^less. But the radar picket sub Judge John M. Alexander of Wind­ . Director While we have taken orders for hundreds, of ConnecHcnt fresh Welbeck ’’this regrettable resort by police as the brains behind a Cracking Vault Also. Bruce Tuttle, David Tuttle, CAN BE FUN self-styled pacifists swam ttielr Triton, with a length of 447 feet, sor. The a.s.signments are for a 4- native turkeys, and frozen Swift Preminm Bntterball turkeys . . to force would never have taken 8100,000 Connecticut timck hi­ Paul Walchowski, Robert White- way to the Polaris sabmarlne is 27 feet longer than the new­ month period ending April 30. Call Ml 9-5869 sell, Robert Willis, Eric Wolf. place.” jacking job. Judge O’Brien will preside at Building Inspector Thomas In a later speech, urg^ing im­ Ethan AUen Just after it was comer. Tlie hijacked truck contained 33 Main Street, Manchester IvOrralne Yaworskl, Edward Zelser wa also plan to hova o wida salacrion of both thasa Lemnitzer, said the AUen and Manchester sessions which will be mediate action to seat the Kasa­ launched today and managed to high fidelity and radio-phonograph- Monahan said today he will consult and .lanice Zeppa. other fleet ballistic missile subs, held Mondays and Thursdays. fina hirkays on iiond Tuaukiy for thosa who wont vubu delegation. Wadsworth de­ climb aboard. se(,s, electoical cquipnieqt, toys goon with contractor Clarence E "The seventh graders who made wiir add greatly to the nation’s In Rockville, court will be In the honor,' roll were John Andreoli, to coma in and moka their own selection. The nounced the So'viet Union for The fw’o men, unidentified by and plumbing fixtures. It left Sibley, West Hartford, to find out name, swam from the shore to ability to defend against Com­ session on Tuesdays and Judge Paula Baker. William B a r r 1, “ monatruous fabrications” against Lyndhurst, N. J.. Sa^rday and O’Brien will preside there. On what can be done about the crack­ Goi^n Horvast Connecticut will ba sold at the the middle of the Thames River, munist military blows. disappeared later that night after Anita Baskind, Linda Bayer, Da- the United States. He declared It Wednesday’s he will preside at toe ing of plaster In the vault addition service meat counter . . . the frozen 8uttarbolls reached the submarine and “ Our enemy.” he said, “ must its arrival at the Rand Express AUTO to the Manchester Police Station. know at all times that we main­ Freight Lines Depot, Orange, session ai Stafford Springs. He climbed the bunting on the ves-^ will sit in Glastonbury on Fridays. OLLIE’S BODY Sibley last month began con from the frow n food cose. eel’s bow. ' tain a certain ability to destroy Conn., near New Haven. stnictlon of the 2-story addition West Germany The.v were quickly removed him no matter how, or with w’hat Police tracked the truck to a STEPHEN E^ KETCMAM d.AMES D. MIRABII.E E. GEORGE GORSKY Judge Alexander ■wiU preside at ★ W ELD IN G that will house Circuit Court rec­ ATLANTIC Stuffed Turkeys Weighing From 8-10 Lb.s. from the Ethan Allen by the attempt to achieve surprise, he Bronx garage and yesterday 'a)- Assistant Prosecutor Assistant Prosecutor Assistant Prosecutor Blast Hartford with criminsj ses­ ords on the second floor. The ★ AUTO BODY and Coast Guard. might seek to attack us. We have rested Herman Ruth, 34. Paterson, sion at 10 a.m. Mondays; short cracking of the plaster was noticed FURNACE OIL All turkeys ordered in advance should be picked up at the serv­ N. J., and Herman Billet, 56, of calendar and small claims set for Automatto Delivery ice meat section. Balks on U.S. that capability now. FENDER REPAIRS last week and Monahan said he By LOUIS O. BLACK “The Ethan AUen and the long 448 Dunham Ave., Mount Vernon, 2 p.m. Mondays: civil and criminal will call for a meeting as soon as L. T. W OOD CO. N. Y. The butcher, Sal Mirra, 29, jury cases on Tueedaya and Thurs­ ★ COMPLETE CAR 1 ^ You will have to eat Groton, Nov. 22 (/P)— The Ethan line of fleet ballistic missile sub- Johnson Holds Sibley returns from a vacation Phone M l 8-1129 Funds Request Allen, the first In a new line of Po- was picked up later at his home. days; aiid criminal and ri'ril non- PAINTING trip. Tues, and Wed., too and Kennedy Will Fill laris-mlMlle aubmarines, slid down (Cpntinaed on Page Seventeen) All were charged with grand jury cases Friday*. ' LACQUER and ENAMEL Monahan speculated the/ crack­ Pinehurst meat Depart­ larceny. . Bonn, Germany, Mav. 22 (/P>— the ways today! Serious Talks East Hartford la toe only 12th TEL. MI 9-5026 ing might have been caused by too ment suggests: The- craft, heaviest in the na­ circuit court location where jury thick a coating of mortar, too The United . States asked West tion’s growing fleet of nuclear- War on Drunken Drivers triala will bo held. 281 ADAMS ST. much water In the mortar, or an Germany today to contribute 8600 powered missile subs, was hailed 80 High U.S. Posts With De Gaulle Towns included in toe 12th cir­ Young Gjuple HarUord, Nov. 22 {/P)— K new Improper mix. cuit are Manchester, East Hart­ CHUCK GROUND million at once toward the upkeep by the chairnmn of the Joint tactic In the continuing police ford, Glastonbury, Bolton, South DON'T "T.-r"’ lb. 69c of UJ3. Troops in West Germany Chiefs of Staff aa one of a line that campaign against drunken driving Paris, Nov. 22 (51--rLyndon B. Still plenty of wear left In to ease the drain on the dollar, in will add greatly to United States’ Found Dead in Bv M.ARVIN L. ARROWSMITH^'Slon, Clifford said he gave Kennedy Johnson. United State.s vice presi­ Windsor. Vernon, Andover, Cov­ thoet when brought here for will begin Friday. entry, Tolland, Ellington, 'Willing- formants said. defense efforts. Capt. William A. Gruber of the Palm Beach, Fla., Nov. 22 {JP— a list of about 80 high level jobs dent-elect. and French President expert repairing. But as the talks swung into Gen. Lyman J. Lemnltzer made President-elect John F. Kennedy — inclufllng cabinet posts—which Charles de Uanllc had n 4!^*minute ton, Ashford, Somers, Stafford, Open Mondays All Day his remarks to a crowd of about San Francisco State Police Traffic Division an­ Union, and Marlboro. H A M 8U R G their second day there was no nounced yesterday local - police gave priority attention today to must be filled first in order to give conference today. Johnson said Closed W^nesday meeting of minds, these sources 5,000 at launching ceremonies for filling about 80 top federal jobs too new president complete con­ they discussed "the wide range of Upwards of 200 appointmaota Afternoons lb. 55c chiefs will make periodic reports reported. the new Ethan Allen, a lethal sub­ San Francisco, Nov. 22 (/P)—A after disclosure that he intends trol of the executive branch when problems confronting the people were announced by J u d ^ Rublnow mersible that will be equipped to to state police on all traffic ac­ of the world.” Secretary of tre Areasury Roh- young couple was found shot to cidents and arrests involving al to cut toe White HouSe staff deep­ he is inaugurated Jan. 20. Sove in 5 ib. lots hurl -Polaris missiles 1,500 miles Kennedy also got from Clifford The two men met in E>e Gaulle’s (Continued on Page Seventeen) SAM YULYES MARSHALL'S ert B.' Anderson and Undersecre­ death last night, side by side near cohol. ly—starting at the top. or more. a second list of betwen 400 and private office at Elyaeo Palace. Al­ BINGOSPONSORED BY 'raE DAUGHTERS OF ISABELIA "SHOE r e p a ir in g tary of State jC. Douglas Dillon a vase of sweetheart roses and Gruber also said there would be Kennedy expects to abolish, at There was no recognition taken 500 jobs of secondary Importance, though it was billed in advance as AT THE OF THE BETTER KIND” SALTED HUTS met for the second day ■with Eco­ chrysanthemums In a one-room regular studies of how the courts least so far as title is concerned, 28 OAK STREET C H U C K nomics Minister Ludwig Erhard. during the ceremonies of the ef­ apartment. what In the Eisenhower adminis­ and a third tabulation of about 1,- a courtesy call, the two nien Im­ In 12 and 13 Oz. Cans fort by eight pacifists to try to 'Each wore a necklace of black 200 lesser positions—all filled by mediately got down to serious KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS HOME Same .Side as Watkins Prior to the meeting, United (ConOnned on Pag Seven) tration has been one o f the moat 5 lbs. for $3.35 interfere with the launching- by and white beads. A .22 caliber pis­ powerful poaltions tn government. presidential appointment. talk. 138 MAIN STREET Family Mixed Nuts with States experts worked out what Johnson Is in Paris attending the Bonn government sHhuld do moving three small boats Into the tol lay near them. The job is called '"Ihe assistant to As for the possibility Kennedy BuUetms Peanuti ...Ig . can S 9i path of the Ethan Allen, The eight Coroner’s deputies said Beatrice toe President.” will retain some personnel who are a meeting of parliamentarians help the Americans out of their from NATO countries. He was In­ from the AP Wires Tuesday, Novi 2 2 — 7:30 P.M. H A M 8U R G balance of payment difficulties. were quickly moved out of the Draeger. 23, Omaha, Neb., and The man who apparently ■will In' career jobs in these categories, Salted Mixed area before the ceremony began. Paul Stannard, 22, Glastonbury, Court Decides come closest to filling that role in Clifford replied in response to a vited to the palace In order to give The German experts were said to De Gaulle his first official contact with this colorful addition Nuts (no ) 5 lbs. for $2.50 have outlined what this prosper­ 'There was a slight chill in the Conn., had been dead-* about 30 the new administration is 32-year- news conference question: air as Lemnitzer spoke under clear, “ I am sure that he will.” with toe Incoming American ad­ Ig. can 98d ous nation can contribute. hours. Officers said they believe old, Theodore C. Sorensen, long­ RAME*'AGE IN CONGO bright skies. Stannard shot the girl and then Child May Sue time Kennedy side who already Dealing with reduction of the ministration. Informants said the experts did On coming from the meeting, Leopoldville, Use Congo, Nov. Cashews ,.lg. can 9 8 if When fitted out and commission­ killed himself "Simday. has been named 'White House White House staff, Clifford, said 22 (yPhr-Tho Congo army for«^ to your Holiday table Center Cut not greatly change the American ed, the Ethan Allen will be equip­ MStnnlng D. Murray, apartment Kennedy had told him the staff will Johnson said he had extended his' request for Increased foreign aid Minor Relative special counsel, "feHcltatlunB and congratulations” Ghana's top Deluxe FORK CHOPS ped with Polaris missiles which house manager, found the bodies These Kennedy plans were an­ 36 "nowhere near as large as it is the country today after an all- I and defense expenses. she can hurl 1,500 miles or more. when he came to collect rent. He to De Gaulle, who is cflebrating nounced here late yesterday by under the present administration.” night battle with United Na­ Nuts -----Ig. can $ 1.4 9 Ib. 79c Go'vemment officials reported There are wells for 16 of the atomic said ho believed Stannard was job­ Hartford, Nov. 22 151 — .The On President Elsenhower’s im­ Ms 70th birthday today. Clark M. Clifford, Kennedy's chief tions troops, then went on a today that Britain’s dedsioh de­ missiles in the midships section. less. Rent on toe 870-a-month State Supreme Court of Errors has mediate staff there are, Clifford Then, Johnson drove across the U)kxa£poo€ Imperia! Extra Large pends on the outcome of current liaison man with the outgoing Re- Seine River to lunch with Premier rampage. Alter Ghana charge With a displacement of 6,600 apartment was a week overdue, he ruled that it is legal for a minor said, 51 persons exclusive of sec­ U.S.-German talks on Washing- publi|cans. Michel Dcbre and a dozen or more d’affaires, Nathaniel Welbeck. Mixed Nuts 7-RI8 tone, Ethan AUen is the heaviest added. child to bring a negligence suit Reporting on that Haison mis- retarial and clerical workers. He Ig. can $ 1.6 9 , tonli foreign exchange problems. United States sub in the water. Miss Draeger was clothed in a against another minor


will he pro-rated for the remain­ leAWCHESTER EYE^^NG HBRAtD, WANCTrBSTBR.’CONN, WESDAT, NOTTOBER 22. 1980 RegionatS der o f this year, es^piration date w ill F A O * F IV E Cburt Decides be July 1. The contract may be canceled by either party. nlk, U 6 Prospect 8t.; Rose Raiach, ./■ ■ You Should Know... TV-Radio Tonight Superintendent Oiarles Abell re­ RockvUle’V ernon Old SUfford .Rd., Tolland; Hans AboutTown QiUd Jday Sue Ballard Wins ported that teacbera of various de- Hackner, S;0 W. MUn St.; Arthur • p a ^ ta ts have* bean requeeted to Load-Le¥0l0ri St. LoulSr Old Town Rd.; PhlTheta Chapter. Beta Sigma Donald Seymore Conrad supply Hats of needs with estimat­ Phyllia Potter, Rockville; Caroline Phi, will meet tonight at o'clock Minor Relative CKl Contract Opposition to Water Sale Schmalz, 18 'niotnpaon St.; Alma 8 ed coats for study by the Educa­ at the home of Miss Judith Hunter, I AND Luglnbuhl, Ellirlgtoh. In the midst of a busy career in Television tional Needs Con^lttee. He rec­ 340 Oak St. the aircraft industry, Donald Sey* (Oonttmicd from Page Om ) Tbo Bsitard Oii Company -of ommended that the committee be 8:00 Big 8 neater (la progress) 77 Suaset Strip Set for Hartford Hearinfg Vernon and Tnlcottville news is more Oonrad has found time to First new (la _ e) 3:00 Father Khowa Beat«. Hartford and Now London last allowed to continue its study of Members of Oniar Shrine Club m ak e the contribution to public Another opinion Issued by the Early Show ( l a oroaress)____ Rlflemaa 3, nisdit was Voted succoisful low areas of possible alteration,' such UONRO-MATIC handled by The Herald’s Talcott- Quies Draw UoOraw 3:30 Dobte OllUa aa the lobby ramp, the commercial vllle Burean, 5 W. Main St., tele­ will hold a memorial service to- life that he thinks every citisen Supreme Court upheld a New Brave Bullion Wyatt Earp. 8, 40 bidder for the RHAK Hla^ School There will be oppbelUon in Hart-erided with Rockville in 1957 in n.orrow at 8:30 p.m. at the Wat-. owes. Cartoon Plavnouse ..Lefi Travel oil eontrset. The Regioniu 8 Board department, and art department. ford tomorrow to the application opposing the sale of the water phone TRemont 5-3136. Haven Superior Court 'Verdict in John Daly News ’Ma Martin He said two science units are kins-West Funeral Home, 142 E, A newly elected town director, of Education voted to award the Shock Abtorbtrt ' of the Rockville Water and Aque­ j- -npany, but withdrew opposition Cehle^ St., for Walter B. Joyner, favor of a physician who was the 8:16 Industry on Parade Alfred Hitchcock Presents oil contTMt for the school to the needed for the junior high school duct Co. to sell a maximum of 3- a'"'” - the water company signed MAYOR LEE RENA.MED Conrad came upon the opportunity 8:25 Weather. News A Sports 10. an organizer amj first club pres­ to seek elective office after 1958 defendant In a malpractice suit. 8:30 Sports, News A Weather 8:00 Tom Ewell Show , firm on the bid of thirty-five cents, and that lockers, language and miUlon gallona of aurplus water a an agreement to maintain a mint- New Haven, Nov. 2'2 iA*i — Thriller 10. less A voluntary allowance of eight science laboratory equipment are Distributed In Manohestar ident. Members will wear fezzes. when he was promoted to the job Mrs. Lillian Maggi, Hamden, Wild Bill Rickoch day outilde the present franchise mum supply in the river. Mayor Richard C. Lee. has been Sgt. Preston of The 'Yukon StagecoachStage West 8, cents, over the New Haven deliv­ area. o f chief of sales operations at had brought the action against Dr. U.9 Marshal______high on the priority list. B y David E. Beeman, first vice reappointed chairman of the Amer­ Report cards for Manchester Big Pteture :30 Science Fiction Theater ery price. It was the lowest except Rockville Corporation Counsel Pratt A Whitney Division, United JohH C. Mendillb, New Naven, Rollle Jacobs Club House prc'.idenl of American Sanitary ican Municipal Association's Ur­ Higi' School pupils are bBing dis­ 8:46 Hunu^-Brtnkley Red Skelton Show for one bid baaed on a 6,000-gallon Harvey A. Yonce’ will appear am Paper Co., said today the com­ ban Renewal Committee. Aircraft Corp. charging negligence in a throat John Daly :00 Million Dollar Movie tributed today. Before that, his work with PAW Garry Moore Show trailer load. the city’s representative. Mayor pany plans no .opposition to the ' The announcement was made operation. 'When the verdict went Doug Edwards—News iWYAL lOB CREM kept him on the road 80 per cent of Prolect 20 10, The tank capacity at RHAIC is 1^ 0 0 . ^ 1 Leo B. Flaherty Jr. will be unable' present application. He said hia yesterday by .Mayor Raymond against her in the lower court, the 7:00 Dangerous Robin Alcoa PresenU 28 Warren St.—MI 8-6950 MANCHESTER to attend but will pre.sent a pre- Paper Mactiine Hufie the time, but now the 46-year-old woman appealed. Death Valley Days 10 :30 U.S. Marshal 7,500 gallons, conMquently it waa company has notified the water d ick er of St. Louis, Mo., associa-' engineer has more control over hia Movie or the Week June Allyson Show felt the other bid could not be ac­ M red statement to the State company that there will be no op- tion president. Some 13,000 Amer­ The higher court cited several News A Weather Doug Fairbanks cepted. Ballard will deliver 4,200 Serve One of These For AUTO PARTS Water Re.source.>i Commission to TrondheitrfT^Norway--Norway’s schedule. He expects to be able to Million Dollar Movie :00 News, Sports A Weather I po;:'tion as long as the agreement ican municipalities are members. meet his time-consuming directors’ Instances in which Mrs. Maggi haul Expedition 3.3 11 gallona each time. TOAJrtiSOIVINO be read into the record. I biggest .fitpermaking machine, World’s Best Movies DESSERT 270 BROAD b, is kept. Word of the reappointment was Tesponslbllltles and also to dwell failed to follow rules of procedure 7:16 W Hass. Highlights 23 Feature Forty In other b'uinesi matters, the* Atty. Harry Hammer, outgoing Beeman said he did not have the received at Lee'.s office here. The I weighing 6.50 tons and about 13.5 used by the -Connecticut courts, Comment 40 11 .16 SUrlight Movie e Spumonla Vernon State Representative and Do* you; UMUll> on his special interests of town Board voted to sign a 5-year serv­ agreement immediately available feet''long. has gone into operation especia'lly in not being specific Huntlev-Biinkley, 30 Premiere form er Rockville Corporation New Haven Detnooral will work schools, long-range planning, and -7:30 Laramie 1 32. 30 Jack Paar Show 10. ice contract with the Minneapolis- • Bisque Tortonl but his recollection is that the with the committee at the a.a.aocia- at Trondheim. With only three enough in listing what she felt Counsel, said today he plans to. recreation. What In The World ■ 11 :30 Jack Paar Show (C) Honeywell Company which will in­ e Ice Cream Cake water company agreed to main­ tion’s annual meeting in New operators at ' ? controls, the ma­ Pleasant shopping in a completely new and modern store? were the errors in the lower court Bugs Bunny 40. 63 13 :60 News A Meditation ___ attend the hearing and will be Bay Stater spect the heating and ventilating e Stenciled Slices of tain a flow which would i o.v the York Nov. 26 to draft a politfy chine can turn out well ower 30 decision. SEE BATURarAr’B WEER FOR COMPLETE LISTING Ice Cream ranked aniong the opposition. It A native of Melrose, Mass., Con­ system once a year and perform paper firm about 3 million gallons statement on urban renewal and tons a day. It makes several varie­ Justice Samuel Mellitz dissented, 0 . T. C. was not learned whether other n rad has lived the life of a travel­ service Jobs. The company had Get some at your nearest a day In the river. housing. ties of kraft paper and cardbard. but the rest of the justices were been called in for emergency re­ towns in the present franchise ing englner and salesman ever feels may be Inetrltable toward the Royal Ice Cream dealer’s Beeman aaid however, that the in agreement in rejecting the ap­ pairs, estimated at $260. This area will oppose the application. since g^uatlng from the Univer­ subsidization and socialization of j^^ore, or at the plant. SURGICAL Hammer said that despite the watershoi’ supplying the Hock- sity of Cincinnati in 1937. He Industry that he has seen on busi­ peal. Radio charge will be absorbed in the an­ nual fee of $1,592, which however. water company's statenipnl that anum consists of more than Lake worked for Douglas Aircraft and ness trips to Britain and Europe. . (This Hattof ittciIndM ottiy tbOM m titn bTOBdcBdto o f 19 or IB wlnwlB SUPPORTS Bale of water will not affect the Shenipsit. He aaid there are as a civilian engrlneer for the Army taBgth. SoDM ■tAtlan e s n y «R mt abort BOWMBOtB). Do* you; U»CUli Two Children supply to present ciislotnera. there s' etches of time during the year and Air Force before Joining PAW Convinced that many Amerl WD BO—1388 WUfF—133* Fitted to your la more involved in the situation when there is no overflow from In 1940, and settling in Manchester cans don’t really understand School Board 8:00 News 8:0(r Ftaanetal News than s:ipply within the pre.sent Big, BI& selections of first quality merchandise? Art Jpbason Show 8:06 Showcase and Nawa Doctor^M EXACT the lake and water is supplied by in that year. American capitalism, he was ac­ 7:00 Fulton Lesrls Jr. area. At various times, he has been 8:06 Raynor Shines at ams and other sources. tive in the early 1950’s in Hart­ 11:06 Spottlfht on Sports 7;l6 Evening Devotlona specifications Edward P. Williams, president of Hammer said opposition should home-based In White Plains, N.Y.; Hires Fourth 13:06 Raynor Shines 7:30 Showcase and News Suburban Water Service Inc. ford's Junior Achievement Pro­ 1:06 Sign on 7:35 The Army Hour be pressed. He said he feels the Baltimore, Md.; Cincirmatti and 8:00 News BACK SUPPORTS which owns the Rockville Water gram, imder which teenagers learn W H A T -818 towns benefiting from a partic­ Dayton, Ohio; Santa Monica, how to set up and operate cor­ 8:06 The World Today • AUTO a b d o m i n a l SUPPORTS and Aqueduct Co., aaid yesterday Calif.; Port Monroe, Va.; and SocialWorker 8:00 Big Show 11 ;00 Music Beyond the Start Md Ntws ular water supply sho\ild have the porations and to make them pay. 8:30 John Daly 12:06 World News Roondnp MATERNITY SUPPORTS the company's soiirc of auppiy. right to determine the disposition Hartford. Producing such articles as 8:40 Bis BbOw 13:16 Slgnofl Lake Shenipsit (Snipsic ), contains i "Everybody owes it to contrib­ 7:00 Edward F. Morgan KNEE SUPPORTS D o * y o u ; u io m I; Miss Frances W. Badger of enough water to supply ctmtomers , thi'u iv,. on ute some o f their time to public Christmas ornaments or desk seta, 7:16 Bis Show ASSESSOR DIES ELASTIC HOSIERY the corporations are liquidated af­ Portsmouth, N. H., will be the 10:00 John W. Vandsrcoofc. GLASS In the present franchise area even! ^ I life,” he says, describing the in­ 11:30 Funne Alfaira New Britain, Nov. 22 (>P) —Pri­ RIB FBACTURE SUPPORTS If the population in the area were I One stop shopping for the entire family and the home? t e r ^ in government instilled In ter a year, usually at a profit for school social worker for junior 13:03 Sign Oil. vate funeral services vvlll bo held bo increase to four times its pres- **’" “ *'* rest with private inter stockholders. I^auding the educa­ TRACTION APPLIANCES him by his father, a Melrose Re­ and senior high schools. She was W nO-1888 here tomorrow for Thomas Lind­ Of All Kinds ent number ' ests. he said. tional value of these companies, 8:00 Ntwa \ CERVICAL COLLARS He said formation of a metro­ publican restive under the regime hired by the Board of Education 6:30 Weathsr and Bporta er, 78, city assessor for more than The hulk of customers is in of the late Mayor James Curley Conrad says he would like to see 30 years. Linder died at his horns, CER'VICAL BRACES politan district would, in his -view. last night. 8:30 Album of the Day Instollsd Frompfly Rockville with others to the bor­ of Boston. one find a sponsor in Manchester. 6:46 Three Star Extra 529 Lincoln S t, yesterday. Ife was SPINAL BRACES dering areas of rural Vernon, Ell­ be the correct aoUition to the ; The Conrads live at 14 Harvard 7:00 Dick Purtell In All Mokes of Cars current water problem. But one Shouldn't try to serve in She is the fourth social worker 7:26 Point of Law assessor from 1919 to 1951 and TRUSSES ington and Tolland, public life or In fraternal groups If Rd., with their daughter Jean­ to join the system. Her post rounds 7:30 News served under eight mayors. Before The water company proposes to Mrs. Craw to Hpeak nette, 17, ahd’-’son Donald Jr., 12. 7:46 Public Service Program W ork Done Indoors In Our Shop HERNIA SUPPORTS travel keeps Interrupting that out a plan formulated by Arthur coming here he was assessor in aell aurplus water to the Connect­ Mr.s. Harold Craw of Meriden, Do* you; UMUltf 8:00 News service, Conrad adds. Before 1968, They interrupt their busy sched­ 8:06 Pops Concert ■West Hartford. OPEN 8 AM . to 6 PJIL—SATURDAY 8 AM. to NOON icut Water Co. which ser\'ices a mimeter'.s wife, will be the guest ules each year for vacations in H. Illing, superintendent of schools. he was PAW chief Installation en­ The plan began with the hiring 6:06 Nlghlbeat mCDICRL South and East Wind.sor. Siiffield .speaker .Monday at a meeting of gineer, in charge of providing Lunenbury County, Nova Scotia, 11:00 News Thompsonville. Windsor Locks and j Ladies’ Benevolent Society of LOW, LO W prices— every day? and Central Beach, Quonochon- of Miss Beth Hoffman as elemen­ 11:15 Sports Final sales and technical assistance to tary school social worker. It con­ 11:26 Weather J. A. WHITE GLASS CO. PHfiRfnflCY Warehouse Point. i RiUngton Congregational Church. all aircraft manufacturers, com­ taug, R.I. Conrad is a fisherman 11:30 StarliKht Serenade Hammer aaid he will at -p^e meeting will begin at 8 p.m. tinued with the hiring of Miss 1:00 Slgnofl PHONE Ml 9-7322 J0NN9.raMllL8.8. M.8-4449 mercial airlines, and military serv­ by hobby. FREE DELIVERY 31 BISSaLST. 844 MAIN STREET . outline the bacUgrotind of the wa- q-he program is entitled "Family ices using PAW engines, and he Violet Bump to a.ssist Miss Hoff­ WPOF—1416 ter problem to the Commi.ssion ^,) j, considered part of man. 6:00 News. Weather 8 AJO. to 10 PAL 3 traveled throughout the United 8:16 Conn Ballroom tomorrow. As Coi^poration Coun-'t^* preparation for the Christmi., States and abr<^. This past Summer Robert Digan 7:00 Bob Scott ARTHUR DRUG ael of Rockville, he represented the ge„.,on. Wor.ship will be led bv His first job at PAW in 1940 was Members Polluck was hired to act as liaison between 9:00 Ray Somers 11:00 News city in opposing the sale of the j,rs. Marv Charter, D o * y o u ; u io h I) as an analytical engineer in the the schools and the court In cases 11:10 Ray Somers water company to Suburban. As Rr,»,vnl«. sales department. For two years, Held by AL Unit Involving legal action. Miss Badger 13:00 Del Rarest Show a state repreaontativc, he opposed . . , j, ^ la the early part of World War II, will handle cases at the junior a special act in the Legi.sikture | . p r ^ have been invested Convenienf self selection? he was the company representa­ state and dlatrlct offleera were and senior high school level similar whit^ would have amended the fr"w m e Troop . o f tlw \emon tive at Langley Field, Va., in a guests at an annual membership to the cases handled by Miss Hoff­ companv s charter to allow sale of I «'>'l Scou organiMtion. 'They are: power plant installation group potlucfk attended by 60 members man and Mias Bump. water outside the franchise area.' .'’"o Allison. Diana Anderson, The mea.*!\ire was defeated. j Denise Boudreau, Ca>l Ciulson. project sponsored by the Air of the American Legion Auxiliary The new social worker is a grad­ H am m er said a siih.sequcnt act I Inrkson. Kristine Peter- Force’ and conducted by the Na­ last night at the Legion Home. uate of Columbia University passed in the closing minutes of "“2‘'- '’ "oice Reinhardt and Regina tional Advisory Council of Aero­ Guests were Mrs. Harold Stron- Teachers College In 1927, and nautics with the collaboration of ach. department membership earned her master of arts degree the 19,59 se.ssion. giving any water, Walters. aircraft engine and airframe man­ companv the right to sell bevond , io other recent scout activity. Do* you; uiouAf chalnnan, and Mrs. John Sllvny, there in 1934 in health and physl- Its borders on approval of the'Wa-I Mariner Ship 9 visited Boston. ufacturers. district membership chairman, education. Her master of sci­ In 1944, he was promoted to ter Resources Commission, was not saw the t’ .S.S. Constitution and both of West Hartford, and Miss ence degree in social work was given sufficient t.nie for debate vi.sited the Science Miiaeum and A liberal refund policy? airplane performance engineer Barbara Wallctt, dl.strlct presi­ obtained at Simmons College In In Fine Whiskey... and, in 1953, was placed in charge and la of questionable value. I BaKson In.sUtiite. Girl Scout Troop dent, Manchester. 1942. He pointed out that the water 8 recently held a fa.shion show at of both airplane end engine per­ Mrs. Wilber Little, rehabilitation She did tw.o years of field work formance as chief of sales anal­ company ha.s legal ronimitnients Vernon Center Congregational chairman, reported the purchase In Boston. to at least one indu.stry using wa- , Cliurch. Fa.ahion.s were from Mari- ysis. FLEISCHMANN’S of 64 gifts as the unit’s donation Her teaching experience includ­ IVIcag ter from the Hockanum River, j Mads of Manchester. Mrs. Kran Both Active In Town 1::^ to the annual Christmas shops ed health and physical education which earries the overflow from ! Kilpatrick acted as adviser for The well-traveled engineer and during the next two weeks at In Milwaukee and Rockport’, Mass. the lake, and has moral obliga-. the show. Mrs. Ruth Foley and $425 his wife, the former Eileen John­ three veterans hospitals.' Mrs. is the BIG buy! Do* you; ulcuilf She has been employed by the tions to other. |>articiilarly tobae- , Mrs. Dorothy Magmison. co-lead- 4/5 QT. ston of Green County, Ohio, seem Little also asked for donations of New Hampshire Rehabilitation co farmers, who use river water ers, helped with the arrangements. satisfied with their choice of old, worn shocta to be used as and Department of Health since for irrigation. Hospital Notes Sale* Acres of Free Parking? Manchester as a home town near cancer pads at veterans hospitals. 1944. POMPON BOUQUETS There Is doubt, he said, that the Admitted Sunday: Sej-monr Bl- Tax the East Hartford plant. A city Mrs. Helen Griffin, scholarship Miss Badger will begin her work ■urplus the eonipany speaks of, is lin, Ellington. Inehided in size, Manchester has a small chairman, announced a kitchen ^ ^ Q Q A n d U p really a surplus at all. I Admitted todav; Angela Cote, 90 PROOF is why! social will be held as a scholarship in Manchester in December at a town charm and is still reason' .salary of $6,470. The American .Sanitary Paper I 491, Vernon Ave. ably progressive, Conrad says. fund benefit Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Co. of East Hartford pumps water] Discharged Monday: Clara Siin- Active herself, Mrs. Conrad is a fireplace room at the Legion from the river for use In its man-, derland. 67 Hammond St.; Etta Bl ENDED WHISKEY • 90 PROOF • 65T. GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Home. former president of the Bowers ufactiiring process. The company . Breneinan, Rockville; Emily Skal- THE FLEISCHMANN DISTILLING CORPORATION, NEW YORK CITY School PTA and the PTA Coun­ The auxiliary voted to give a CORSAGES $1.00 cil, and is president of the board donation to Children's Services of “BIG MAC” YOU’LL FIND THEM ALL AT of directors of the Lutz Junior Connecticut, Manchester district POTTED Museum. - office. At 5:30 P.M. As a director and a former PTA Mrs. Theodore Fairbanks was MUM PLANTS Etmh$2.50 member himself, Conrad has a installed aa assistant sergeant-at- & special Interest in Manchester’s arms by Mrs. Little, post district school needs. As an engineer, he’s president. Ralph Kanna’s Interested In the town's construc­ The next district meeting will LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CONNECTICUT’S WONDERFUL NEW tion projects and its need to plan be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at ahead in terms of capital projects the Legion Home In Glastonbury. CARTOON POTTED PLANTS AT REASONABLE PRICES and recreation. Manchester has Chairmen arc rejnlnded to send In many available but undeveloped reports in advance of the meeting. PLAYHOUSE CEMETERY BASKETS recreation areas, he says, and money should he set aside each Army-Navy Sct^iack At 5:00 P.M. on year for some development and work. King's, 741; Holt’s, 688; AAG’s, • Music Becomes Magij:. . . Pictures Come Alive A Republican like his father, 680; Krilcs, 676; 8 t i e n ’ s, 657; Conrad sees differences disappear­ Army-Navy, 646: Abe’s, 640; Cisco • Chromatic 24” Televfsion* ing between Mie two major i>ollt- Kids, 035; Rjiidcrs, 610; Bockers, Channel McCONVILLE’S Ical parties. But he says U .S in­ 614; Hot Shots. HU- Kay's Pets • Revolutionary Imperial Automatic Record Player dustry shcnild be guarded as long 61(1; Trumps. 809; Giants, 669; GREENHOUSES e Superb FM/AM Radio aa p ^ lb la against a trend he Yankees, 654; Barons, 655. 802 WOODBRIDOE ST.—MI 9-5947 OPEN ALL DAY THANKSOIVINO DAY

Imperial Record Player with "Feather Touch" stereo diamond pickup. WIN ploy records with­ out perceptible wear for o lifetime of normal MILUON DOLLAR use. m i ^ (pAjiciL S a k . MOVIE w s HUMPHREY BOGARY * Two 1 S-ineh speakers, heavy duty. JUST ARRIVED! ANN SHERIDAN * Two 1,000 cycle expotentiol treble homt.

“HIGH SIERRA” Contemporary styling—open At 7 and 10 P.M. DEPARTMENTcots STORE Channel I p In your choics of 900 CALORIES i > four Mlected fine woodt J09L WilOHT C O N T R O L i Cilocolate, Vanilla, = Butterscotcli. s VAWUI Y9u’11 take C9mf9rt in P9ntiac ’61. REG. / 11.49 Come in — prove To yourself Mognavox iU9Aid U. S. MARSHAL M9re headr9om, legr99m, f99tr99tn! OMBpans WHh Tha Nationally Advertised Brand, •tarring is truly the finest-your best buy. GRAND OPENW C • BUT Almost THE PRICE! JOHN BROMPiaD D99rs are wider, open farther! Hi^er seats, too! At 9:00 P.M. J Other Stereo Theatres from only ^339*^0 There'8 more room end comfort In your favorite road car for '61. SGIENOE^HOriON You'll Bit more comfortebly erect because the seate are hlgber. f R I D A Y TESTED, ADJUSTED, DELTVEREID. GUARANTEED, SERVICED I Clearance beneath the ateerlng wheel has been increased 12 per cent. THEATRE BY OUR OWN MECHANICS I FAMOUS FOR SERVICE SINCE 1931 I i You’ll feel taller, too, with the-extra headroom, legroom and footroom we've built At 9:30 PJd. Into this sleek new car. Ife designed for the increased comfort of all aboard. W THE ONLY WIDE-TRACK CARI The wide new doors awing open farther. There are no obatructlona to bump against Eontnc hit thx wMtxit trick et in , eir. Softy' Route 5 • East Windsor WI4III trinmid to loituco tidt o»orlitii|. Mo,o or make entry awkward. This is the Wlde-Track way to travel. Try It ioon. Channel woriM StliKod boKMM Hi* »«**li lot lur*- "WE SAVE YOU MONEY” •oattd dhvi«| ilibtMir. >T'» ALL PONTIAe->ON A NBW WIOB-TRACKI A T THE Meneheeter Shopping Parkade, Middle Turnpike W. and P otterton ’s fioJtkadiL -SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER. Broad___ 8L, htof Bcheater, Open Monday, Tneaday, 10 AJl. to MancheBtcr*s Largeat and Oldest TV, Radio, Record and Appliance Store THIS FRIDAY ONLY, OREN 10 A.M. to 11 P.M.; REGULAR HOURS 10 A.M.'to 10 FA4. PM li DEUVERY ANYW HBtE-MI 9^2343 6 PJM,—Wadneaday l^unday, Friihiy, 9 A.M. to 9 PJM. Saturday, 9 AJM to 6 P.M. 189 Center Street Com«’ of Church Street «H pl»eetM B pPa48BipH0BOiBt8g»ia8eiUrtmtUqiW3%WewlagtoB PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, Inc. . 7 87S MAIN STREET—.MANCHESTER, CONN. Watch for Your 16-Page Value Packed Circular

f ■ “T * A

■ - 4 - f -

0 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, I|1ANCUESTER, C0NN„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1960 \ * ported that he had a" job working MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESt>AY, NOVEMBER 22, 1910 as a draftsman for a home bulld- PACE SIX State News G>uple ei, waa engaged and would be married In January. formant*—aa , If people, rather ahead of Stevenson, with Nixon se«med safely unimportant, that The father was notified ot his Jusfaaa iSanrt|pBtpr lagging significantly behind the the iaiue came down the last quar- ' A ThonRht for Todajr SHEARSON, Fouiid Dead in son’s death at 3 a.m. today. | rhmword! ^ than reflmea, were our main con­ Connecticut pace of Eisenhower. •ter stretch to create a photo-finish Bponaered by tlii Roundup cern. in the nafton, a curtailed aweep in Records in Omaha listed the But, neither of these trends Cenadl of Chiucbas H A M M IL L t CO . San Francisco girl’s full name as Carolyn Bea­ lEopuin^ ijprald proved uniform. Some middle class Connecticut. PUBU8Uli;U BY I'Hii. •tta jbrm TMmreh buHe* (Oontinaed from Page One) trice Dreager, 27, the daiighter of Yankee suburban areas held firm against A Time for Xhankagiviiig Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dreager,- KUU lU > p r i n t i n g CO. INC. Wheedle And Threat (UontiiilMd from Page On-> U B1m «II Street the Kennedy tide; some middle size Gratitude la conducive to hap­ dispose of traffic cuea Involving Omaha. llAncheaier Conn. The latest tremendous policy By A. H. O. Connecticut cities went overwhel­ Alcohol. THUBIAS F FEhOUSON piness. The thankful heart dwells ASK FOR YOUR COPY OF SHEARSON S new white nightgown, Stannard In The father said "She went to Sah .stroke on the part of Oeoiffe Al- mingly for Kennedy, some for Ken­ O p e n F o ru m The announcement was made at Drop in at Baneficial’s;Open House for WALTER B FERGUSON on the countless blessings that lATEST RESEARCH REPORT underclothing. The bodies lay on Francisco abotit six months ago to PubIMtier* pert, pre.sident of the New Haven Analysis of the Connecticut vot­ nedy by small margins, and some are ours and on the joyful side of A meeting on the problem o f ■work as a waitress and the family Pounded October i. iWiI divided their vote almost equally a thin mattress Jad on the floor in Railroad, solidifies the opinion that ing pattern on Nov. 8 will never, in "Too Much Time’ things, sees light in the darkness, drunken driving sponsored by the front of panels painted to resem­ has had no hint that anything was PubUstaed Brery Evening Except between the two candidates, all To the Editor, and "traces the rainbow throtigh NANCHESTER OrFKE Public Education Committee of wrong. She called home a few days and Holiday, Entered at Ibe the Rentleman in question la not our opinion, get to the stage where without that much preestablished ble church windows. HOLiDAY MONEY I Just became a member of the the rain." 913 MAIN STREET the State Safety Commission. The woman had been shot in the ago, he said. JIca at Manchraler Conn, a. ! It ran be considered really con­ difference In political allegiance or From now on, it’s Open House at B e n eficia l where, soon ClBi, Mall Matter. ninninp a railroad: he Is running quart club If there is such a thing Sometimes our greatest bless­ MIMmII 3-1571 . Mltctwll3-a215 The commission’s executive di­ chest and head. Stannard waa shot The girl’s mother said her ■ an operation which Is half wheedle clusive. We hold the same opinion voting, habit. as approved, you can get the cash you want today for SUBSCRIPTION RATES for blood donors. Without a doubt ings come in disguise. Charles rector, Jam^s K. Williams, re­ in the mouth. daughter had met Stannard when Payable to Adyance and half threat. of the national vote as a whole, And, out in the country, the de­ Kingsley offered this advice: ported that Connecticut business­ Police said his moneyless wallet he was stationed at Offutt Air shopping, paying bills, or any good reason. Phone for I many others have never given Qua Tear ...... gree of Kennedy gain over Steven­ "Thank God every morning when men and industrialists were sym­ held a pawn ticket for a girl’s en­ Force Base here, but he had since Holiday Money now. “You’re the boss” at B e n e f ic ia lI BIX Month, ...... Tlie latest from Mr. Alpert is which is certain, for months ahead, son and the 'Jegree of Nixon loss more than a pint and for one and you get up that you have some­ pathetic to the commission’s cam­ gagement ring. left the service. Three Months ...... this: that he Is going to Wash his to draw all kinds of dissections and from Eisenhower kept ninning in­ only one reason . . . to much Laam $20 ta SSei—Laant llla-inturad at low coat One Month ...... explanations. But we think thst. In thing to do which must be done paign to keep Christmas and New The apartment was Immaculate. The girl had been married and W S P k l y ...••aaaaaaaeaaaaa.aaeeaee cars snd even clean their Inter­ timer "you’re asked to take an to pockets where they had become whether you like it or not. Being Year's parties dry. Although sparsely furnished, it divorced. aOS MAIN ST., 2nd FI.. Over Woolworth’s, MANCHESTEN Btoale O opy ...... so far as the truth can be ap­ almost negligible, so that Nixon hotir off to donate this blood and Mllehali 3-4154 • Atk for tha YES MANasar iors because New York and Con­ proached, and a pattern suggested, forced to work, and forced to do Williams also said 60 state contained an expcn.sive stereo hi-fi MEMBER OF necticut have agreed tn cut some waa fighting hack effectively. from all the comments I heard New Music troopers have attended a training Open Thursday Evening Until 8 P..M. a Saturday UnlJl Noon Tub ass^ iated press it will be much the same for the your best, will breed In you tem­ set, a large collection of jazz and Surgeons' Aid ISetc Tne A,,oclated Pres, I, exclusively "We do not believe anybody was while at the hospital it brought perance, self-control. diligence, ON . clinic to instruct them on han­ classical records and a jar of paint taxe.s for his enterprise. slate and for the nation a matter back memories of the service and antJUed to the use of reiiuhliration ot of a few basic trends with a lot of calling these spotty trends accur­ strength of will, content, and a dling alcohol detection Instru­ bnishes. Chicago—Indicators on a new l»9M fttilfflit tf fll Uvnt all news dispatches credited to it or In Ills own generous words: "We ojir favorite expression, hurry , up I Imn if tIM (Mtt SIO.M !■ surprises, noAy easily reconciled ately. Out In California, for in­ hundred other virtues which the ments. Stannard "vs'as the son of Joseph device mounted on a wall enable BOt otherwise credited In this oaiier on our part want tn show our good and wait. It only took 40 minutes It (■•MfvtitN *f SIQ OS and also the local news inihliehed here with one another by any aurface stance, the Democrats concentrat­ Idle never knew.” Dr. Dudley Miller, director of Stannard, 48 Ripley Rd., Glaston­ surgeons tn tell at a glance the All rljtits ot repuhllcstlon of special fnith by doing whatever W’e can to ed on the areas where they expect­ to get to the table where it took RECORDS the Stale Mental Health Depart­ logic, thrown ill. No wonder some go so far as bury. He attended local schools patient’s blood pressure, tempera­ dispatches herein are a|eo reserved five minutes of that to take the — improve the condition of our In Connecticut, as In the nation, ed to find Nixon strong, managed to say, "It is only the grateful FOR THANKSGIVING ment’s Alcohol Division, said there and was graduated from the Hart­ ture, and respiration during an op­ Full aei-nca client of N R A the returns started as a sweep. a satlafactorv victory over him blood. Certainly when people are person who is happy.” were plans to begin alcohol edu­ ford Reg.onal Technical School in BENEFICIAL lee. Inc cars. there, and then proceeded to lose eration. This reflected th» one big ba.slc regular donors It Isn't necessary Submitted by cation on the secondary-school 1956. Publishers RepreeentaUves: Tills Is very nke of Mr, Al|>ert. the stale by lo.s.s of strength in i FINANCE CO. Julius Mathews Ppeclal AK'PCV - Nes major trend in voting, which was a to ask the same questions over Rev. H. Osgood Bennett level. Shortly after graduationijie en­ Torlt Chlraro Detroit snd Boston, We point out, howover, that if he those areas where they had taken PKUNER SQUARES TREES resurgence and a repetition of the and over again, a different card North Methodist Church listed in the Air Force, arid re­ Detroit - A tractor-drawn MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF were running a railroad, it would their own vote for granted. should be made up so the person’s Save CTRGULATIONB great stir A1 Smith made in the ceived an honorable discharge In hedger-pruner that will cut apple Our theory of what happened Is former record qould be at hand Per Record Accident Totah Th# Herald Pnmln* Company Inc., be a matter of pride with him that I cities back in 1928. On the basis of STATE MAN NOW THIRD the spring of this year. and peach trees Into a square has •jsum^a no flnunriAl r^pp^inplnliltr for his cars should be clean, that, m l the big cities (Jid in Connectl that the religious issue, which and the entire process could be New York, Nov. 22 (E — Frank Hartford, Nov. 22 (iPt—The State The father aaid today that he been developed hy Michigan farm tvporraphlCRl errors AppenrlnB In a<1- cut, this slate could have gone for helped produce the basic surge In speedier. The very, very longest It Carroll of Greenwich was lii third Motor Vehicle Department’s daily received n telephone call from his experimenters. It is said tn speed vsrtftienientfl And other reA<11rp m«ttC fact, ninning i lean, attraidlve Kennedy bv a majoritv much larg- the cities, was also the factor should take including coffee place with 196 points at the end of record of automobile accidents as son in California last Thursday. cold-season work In orchards and In *I^« Manchester Rrenlnc ffer*M •tralns would be one of the most , ep than it did: on the basis of what which produced the random and of last midnight and the totals on should be only .80 minutes and no yesterday’s round of the Life Mas­ During the conversation Paul re- facilitate harvesting. ' '' * ia UlUnm il.d^uith Plsplay adyertlstn* cinain* hours i elemental of all the policies he the big cities did In the country, often spotty pattern of attrition in longer. So for the parties con- ter’s Division of the American the same date last year: or Mondas—1 p m FDdiy. Potterton’s 1959 1960 *"""«ral Service would p it into effed. ! 't"' national elecUosi began as if the suburbs and the outlands, Wt cemetd as to why people don’t Contract B ri^ e League’s annual fr>» Tueaday—1 p m Monday _ , .... It were headed toward a landslide. think the role the religious issue Accidents ..28,770 32.089 (Est.) jT Wedn»ada»—I p m Tu'aday. To Mr Alpetl, the ha.sic neces­ give blood this is the reason and tournament; Play will continue l.’JO Center Street Corner of Church Street for Thuraday—t r m W> This was what a corabinstion of a played in turning votes against if you want more donors and not through Thursday with a field of Killed ...... 208 237 or Friday—1 p m Thuraday ! sities of lunning a rallioiid have Catholic candidate and a good year Kennedy depended on several fac­ Injured ____17,811 18,293 (Est.) for Bafiirday—1 p m Friday fewer, correct the present situa­ 1B6 playera In the division. aaaalfled deadline If a m eaeb somcliow become the optional Iwx- for the Democratic party anyway tors. including the ethnic character tion.' The first impression is the day of puhileatlon except Satordar— |iirics. which the public can ha\e if could and did do. of the population Involved, and the one that lasts. This is my opinion Auto Tag Schedules • a.m particular Protestant denomina­ Don Willis Garage * very caught it choo.scs trr p.oy s special price Tills sweep beginning. In the and the opinion of six others who Hartford, Nov. 22 (Ah—The Tiieadav. November 22 slate and in the nation, came down tion which held leadership in a were waiting together. attending decently for them out of ) uhlic funds. given area. But we think that pos- state's new system of staggering to something miith less, to a vic­ .Tack J. Lappen WILL BE services u ^ fjp It seems ridiculous to ex|)ect tory still handsome in the atate, aibly the most important factor tn motor vehicle registrations begins Peopl' -Not Repimps in .lanuary. «ti; h' for a ‘ that anvi' who takes this view hut a squeaker in the nation. determining the strength of the PIANT LF.ASRD vote against Kennedy on religious Details of the new program were Two post mortem sidelights, the of '.'.hat It is to run a railioad, In both state and nation, strange Schenectady, N. Y.. Nov. 22 olir\ Aliczi, Charles Genovese, Richard and 3 Bunce Dr., in Manchester. 1987 waa aoinetidng of a de’jirea- 87S MAIN ST. Haven Railroad on passenger Hand, Harry Wackier, William leadership. Perhaps,\.er, we ^ m o u s / 968 MAIN ST., OROL'ND FIAIOR— TEL. Ml 9-8241 tickets. Conrad, Harold L. Hoar, Charles ! Change of Name aion year, and therefore not en­ Rice, Arthur E, Dqane and Roy A. Borgida, Glenn Mii tl. would have an easier lime being t.t ______g "INSURANSMI’THS SINGE 1914" The FBI and railroad detectives I Mildred M. Costello to Mildred couraging to new enterprises, the Quinn’s Pharmacy Tattersall. Also, Thomas O’Neill, Austin T. Marcin, reveiting back to maid- grateful for It If we were sure It arrested a Hamden man yesterday Also, Mrs. Doris Rockenbach, I venture of putting an expensive who they said aided and abetted Chambers, Edwin Flynn, Joyce ; en name after divorce woiild produce good results. Phena M l 3*4136 Renato N. Nicola, Mrs. Mary J. Nowsch. Mrs. B. Esther Connor, I luxury loaf of bread on the ntar- THE FOLLOWING CIVIC MINOED MEfICHANTS rertaih railroad employes in em­ Burr, Mrs. Maria Albert, Mrs. Meanwhile, comment from our bezzling about J475 from the line. Robert G. Kittle, Joseph Bangas- A city'.ii suburbs may be 20 de- ket was taken. It was the heat loaf Nancy Dimock, Mrs. Carolyn How­ ser, Mrs. Elizabeth Srhaller. Mrs. gi'ce.s ciioler than it.s downtown good neighbors has begun to come DISPLAY and SELL CLAXTON FRUIT CAKE The suspect, Marcellino Rici- land, Miss Yolanda Felice, Mrs. of hrcarl oblainatilr: If won its wav. gliano, 36, of 266 Lane St., Ham­ Earl G. Rollin.son, Dr. Richard center, says the National In An editorial In.Bogota Is "[>ro- tiy word and taatc. from one niai- Vera Andisio, Mrs. Anna Johannes, Demko, Earle G, Rollinson. Geographic Society, because busi- den, was released on $3,000 bond Atty. Arthur J. LeClalre Jr., found!V disturbed " hv our aciion, j kel to another; today the loaf of Also, Ralph Cliapnian, William buildings store so’ar energy Bolton PhRrmAcy Green Pharmacy after being presented before U.S. Kenneth Fairweather. Werner finding 11 ■ alajnitng ' herinlge was pul on the mar­ MANCHESTER MtNTAL RETARDED CHILDREN YOUR Falkoivski, Edward Werner. i ' " . X m conductor, who f.irned them over Also, Ludwig Hansen, Burdette A Single concrete proof of Uaslro ket, tine country already had Ha AND ||L t * a' 2; to Ricigliano. Another employe Webb Jr,. Lyman Fuller. Richard Intervention to justify Die patrol." maiiiinidh eatahlished bakeries. then turned them In for a refund, Kurtz, John McCartan, William E. An editorial In P.lo de .Janeiro an\ ime of them ia|iahle. In fi- OTHER LOCAL PROJECTS they added. Hill, Thomas McKenna, Donald finds the big danger of this ac­ CHRISTMAS Ricigliano waa charged with Frankland, Warren Blackwell, i nanniig an-l In rquipiui'iil of tak- tion 1" In that we alinll confirm the violating a statute concerning Miss Bertha Hart, Sylvester i tng Ihr „amli|p mi a ri'al loaf o f' theft from interstate shipments, Barnes, Robert Ostrander and gravest precedent: that it will be I broH l, (' thift la. any ona of them : the FBI said. Railroad officials George Hahn. enough for any I jitin-American i had bi'fn ablii tn ennauirr Ihe-gtm- | said the arrest of the two others Also, Mrs. George Hahn. Mrs. government to term na Uomniunisl hla a ,ni| unr, likriy to pay off 1 was likely. Beatrice MacAlpine, Jack Lappen, any mc-ement forming against H :n flnllnis ami iiTiia But Dir ra- We Count "Mrs. Robert G. TenEyck. 160 Keeney Ave., INC; ABORIO A SONS, INC., BLUE STONE DUST AND to roun' on prro' p' decisive Notih tnhliahM formula for making ami AMESITE rOR DRI\T. AND WALKS; LEWIS BROS. FLAG­ American In'ervention e , ei with Weat Hartford, landscaped her hon>p with the ti’ .-n'l wa.x ]p'i>of agsiliat STONE SUPPLY, flagstones; CAPITOL CITY LUM­ out the opinion of the OAR" ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY help of the*#. Yellow Pag« advertisers; THE an'.' aurh m.ih garnblr. It waa left I BEACON LIGHT AND SUPPLY CO.. OUTDOOR UGHT- BER CO.. SPLIT KAIL FENCING. . Tn that patU'dlar comment for one ad'cut imua housewife to | Our Blessings there is outlined Die gravest -lai.;- tftlii Nim .’8 \cat-s later, her ger we pin when w e t nun pel our unu fMki wBion I'l the whole In-, Bupport of some rxis'mg South ilufit r, romei i omplete Oner Rghin Thsukssrivins: approaches anH wa - before they’re even due! t t American regimes'against ‘ 'astro Al'.ra-, .1 "ptovi'ling that la, that We improved the looks or Communist ehalietiges Tlnse Die ne-,', m.i. m-re 1 atari, ron- wsnt to sincerel.v extend the vSeason’-s (ireetings Am not always llhes of the tree Ion autilug Dll' iroleaaioiiala. and de- to \'OII. And demivraey •.••tio o v e defen.1 1 ide Dill' aiilllug siiii elhing that la of our property with the help of To people Inaide their ow h loiin- qu.'Ditv ami imiieDung Die pulilir ^ tries, an'l to peopie In other flood really watila ia too nitn h of a gam­ \VK ARK TllA.N’ KFlM. for the blessinjr of liv- Nelifhhor eounlnes, they msy be ble .lifter all. I injf in our wonderful homeland where everyone Aymbols of oppieasion ami rear - I, Hut let a "gel liaek to OUT plesa-' JOIN HARTFORD NATIONAL’S 1961 CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW! the YELLOW PAGES” tlon. 'I But worship of Dial gorideas.^suc- enjoys the maiij' freedoms ao few o th e r nations (PHOTOGRAPHED FROM STOCK) In our effort to defend their p«o- reas 'I'here was gol'l in them tharj permit. n pleA A g a in s t the, possihllity of a lillla Ilf ftioliah noatalgla for bread When Mrs. Robert TenEyck decided to improve the grounds around her West Hartford wild dictatorship of ‘ he left, we,.Dial Waa tiread. vaan"! there? BRASS CANDELABRA home, she turned to the Yellow Pages for assistance. She consulted fihe classified section WK ARK 'THANKFUL for the opportunities HRST MANCHESTER OFHCE, $95 MAIN STREET run the danger of having oiirsehes Whir kno'A'B what oDier good things of her telephone;tbook time and again to find the equipment and services she needed. labeled the partners of some who !' might not have fortune* wrapped you (five us to serve you and that we are privileged CENTERPIECE are regarded as tyrants of the^^ up in them, if anybody dared? * f ' Just like you see It here. Brass base and 8 The Yellow Pages helped her arrange for outdoor lights to brighten her garden, fla^'» right. some whose rule may In it-' to .compound the prescriptiona which restor* XZa.irtfox'd. M ^ational BaiHlc candle "holders, complete with 3 candles. atones and Ameaite, for walks and driveway, a split rail fence, and many other necessary ■elf be doing more to promote re- j Container filled with fresh cut flowers. Stiiall|M>x K|»i«l»*niic health and ao often aaves lives. betllon than anything Castro can ' A distinctive center piece to grace your COMPLETE item* . . . and allowed her to conduct her business quickly and conveniently by phone. do, f 1 Hlanlyre. Nyasalaiul, Nov. 22 table on special occasions. TTila Is nothing new. It is the i i/ir A smallpox epidemic In the ANI)~\VE ARE PARTICULARLY THANK- Like Mrs. TenEyck,' you’ll find the Yellow Pages will save great persistent complication and ! past two montha haa killed you time by putting,a wide variety of products and services 39 Afriraga mnatly children J F'UL that everyone of (is have the privilcRe, on ORDER YOURS NOW! danger o f the cold war. which. at your fingertips. Look there m sT to find things fast! medical authoiliiea reported to­ MAIL THLS COUPON TO THE FIRST—MANCHESTER OFFICE ■eema to force us to accept as al-' day. ■“ this Thanksgiving, or any other da.v’ to visit the Your Choice Of Colors In Mowers and Candles. Uea, against Communism, regimes A provincial healDi officer said HARTFORD NATIONAL BANK, 595 MAIN STREET which are~ in themselves offensive j ’-’The dealha have been In vlllagea Church or Temple of our choice and gratefully jierilou* ' "'hich opposed vaccination.” i to our own Ideals. Tli give thgiiks to “ HE, WHOSE MERCY ENDUR- YELLOW su ctio n , now being aakod with in- . <>f the ex- " . Ireme Mjrlawi ( ongieha parly WheM praotioally averyone finds CMMlng ihArpness in this. , “ dr navehave been aiiviulng villagera that ETH P'OREVER." IWIM hemisphere, ia her. Die vai cinatiim la a ""feilej n,J arherne"" iprMtioally •▼ •rything PAGES fatcttul tActiCA we u»e in aiip|iort to make Afrliana sterile' gueb Allies Are going to h«lp u« the hemifphere, or going to »2,8

. *<■ . / t' ■J

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER , 1960 MANCHjSsTER, CONN, 22 V -■ PAGE NINE PAGE ElGter MANCHESTER EVENING HERAUD, BIANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY* NOVEMBER 22, 1960 ------^ 4 cate of approval for some was RoekviUe-V ernon Hospital Notes approved for Thomas McCann at Health Reasons •‘H al Boyle Kurtz Bros. Expaiision 630 Center St. HAVE DOCTOR Obituary In the one request denied, Wii- 'VisitUig hours are 2 to 8 p.m. for 11am J. McGulret was refused k Crib Mattresses .. variance request to divide land Into Phone In Your Prouri|rtion Do We ReaUy all areas except matomlty where Approved by Zoners two lots with less frontage than Hemingway Resigns Site ol Attic Fire Ror Wing at Buckland they are 2 th 4:80 aad 6:80 to 8 regulations allow on property on Ml 9-2343 I Death Claims pjn.; and private rooms where the' east side of Grandview St. ,and Two ertb mattraiaai wore 69a- Expansion of the Buckland ( they are 10 ami. to -8 p.m. Kurts Bros. Inc., .has ueen giv-^manding the directors reverse the the north side of E. Eldridge' St. Weathler Control? en permission by the Zoning ZBA stahd. Former Mayor Eugene In Rural Zone. WE DELIVER FAST As GOP Registrar troyed by fire o f undatarmlnad School may never come about W . Be Joyner origin ahortly after 1 o'clock this Bucldey Playlet Patients Today: 228 Board of Appeal's (ZBA) to ex­ Kelly said “The town board has no weathcf It is all part of the cult And expansion of the Highland pand its operations on Keeney St. authority to overrule the ZBA de-; New York (>P) — Science now afternoon in the attic of Raymond ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. Denald B. Hsmlnrway, Muiches- of comfort that has. become the Park and Keeney St Schools will In a 4 to 1 vote last night, the cislon.” LIGGETT GEXALL D Walter B. Joyner, 68. of 81 Holl holds out the hope thlit man even­ Berube’s house on Rts. 80 ind S3 Bas^ on Safety Florence Jodoin, 68 Brnaford St.; St., died early this morning at tually will be Able to control the real religion of our age. . be delayed at least four months, ZBA approved an addition to the He did. however, appoint a sev­ TPC Approves PARKADE -1 404 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. U ri Republican registrar of vot- in TalcottviUe. en-man committee to meet with Manchester Memorial Hospital weather. We have become such a pam­ A piay, 'T h T itie ty Club VUlU the Board of Education was told John Dicklson, South Coventry; present tool uid die firm building • n since 1948. wUl resign Dec. 16 pered people that we feel anything Quick action on the part of fire­ for industrial purposes in a Rural Kurtz Bros, and try to help them after a short Illness. This poaslbility, on the face of It. Paul,” wAi preeehtad at BuCkley Richard Bolduc, Mansfield; Mias ■for reasons of health. He was bom in Manchester, July which menaces our momentary men from the Talcottville And laat night Zone. solve the problem. This action Two Requests sounds like a great boon. But is It? DolMonviUe companies of the Ver­ Mary Burns, 135 Hillard St.; WU- The resignation of the popular 16, 1897, son of the late Herbert and comfort threatens our eternal wel­ School yeeterday by Uia a«hool Frank Sheldon, chairman of the This was the seventh time the came after Oscar Kurtz said, after Do we really want a push-but­ non Fire District prevented any ,11am Stewart, 627 Adams St.; Mrs. the fifth refusal, that “We have to eifieial was announced today by Katherine E. Ritter Joyner. Mr. ton climate as the Anal climax of fare. We are In danger of pam­ Safety fatrol. Hla pliy teiie of building and sites subcommittee firm has been before the boair In spread of the flamea of the board, reported that, at a Minnie 'Weeder, 52 Foster St.; Al­ expand our plant to keep abreast The Towm Planning and Zoning the office of General Manager Joyner was vice president and a push-button world? pering ourselves Into extinction. a younteter who la visited by bert Burdick, Norwich; Horace seven years seeking permit for the Commission (TPC) last night ap­ sales manager of Colonial Empire The fire was discovered by Mrs. meeting last week among town of orders. We would still consider Richard Martin. Hemingway was There is no doubt that the That is why the prospect of full friende while raeovarin|r from an ■Wickham, East Hartford; Mrs. expansion. A fifth plea was denied proved an Alexander Jarvis re­ re-elected to the post for his sev­ Inc. Berube’s mother who smelled planners and hla committee, the an industrial site in Manchester, achievement of automatic weather control of the weather must be accident Sldonla Mlsovlch, 11 Church St.; In March and the firm threatened quest for a change from Busine-ss enth straight term O ct 3. Mr. Joyner was a member of emoke. The friends have formed a safe­ recommendation was made to tc move from. town. A sixth re­ but there is no suitable area in by man would offer many advan- viewed with some cautious mis­ Firemen carried the mattresses Mrs. Janette Hellstiom, 625 'Ver­ town we can afford.” The firm 2 Zone to Industrial Zone prop­ Martin's office also announced Center Congregational Church, Uges. givings, , ty club ae the reeult of his acci­ abandon plana of expanding Buck- quest was refused a hearing by Manchester I^dge of Masons, was out into the back yard where Water non St.; Mrs. Helen Lazeroff, 26 had sites in Glastonbury and Elast erties on Hartford Rd. and Bid- the resignation of Miss Jean Hand- It would enable him to grow It is one thing to air-condition dent. land School. the ZBA because it came to the' well St., and approved plans for ley from the Town Development a .12nd degree Mason, belonged to was sprayed on them. Dorothy Rd.; Miss Cynthia Gess, Hartford under consideration at vastly larger crops, thus averting a ‘home. It is quite another thing . Ths players were Timothy The reason for abandoning board before the six-month period a subdivision on Lookout Moun­ Comlmssion. She was re-appolnt- Sphinx Temple of the Shrine in There was no damage to the Coughlin, Sheila Rackard, Stephen 26 Little St.; Robert Skoog, An­ the time. The town- offered to sell for a longer time the crisis of to seek to air-condition the world plans, according to Martin Al- dover; Gloria Badeau, 233 Wood' on hearing the same application either of two parcels of land to tain. off Sprlng^St. ed to that unit earlier this month. Hartford was an organizer and house, although it was filled with Cone, George Bradiau, Linda Ne­ vord, chairman of the Town Plan­ worldwide hunger being brought hitherto regarded as a chore of land St.; Mrs. Erlne Campanelli, had expired. Kurtz Bros., Indicating it would The sub division plans submit­ Board Fills Vacancy first president of Omar Shrine Club smoke. gro. Jo-Ann Bajek, Gerard Slater, ning Commission, was a pro­ In March, the vote waa 3-2. Last of Manchester, and a member of on by over-population. God or nature. 19 Hannaway St.; Henry Wierz- seek a zone change If the firm took ted by Hayden L. Griswold, will Hemingw'ay will be replaced by It would help reduce his cost Barbara Reaie, Janet Moseley, posed 8-Iane highway and clover- night, John F. (Clifford reversed Nutmeg Forest, Tal) Cedars of Are we wise enough yet to Fred Brunoll, ftoger Hurd and blckl Jr., 85 Lockwood St.'; Ron­ up the offer. bo forwarded to the Town Board appointment of the Board of Di­ of living. He would need less make'our own weather? Do we leaf in the northwest section of his vote saying he now thinks the That’s when Kurtz Bros, sub­ rectors after the Republican party Lebanon, A graduate of the New Mark Ponton. Laurie Carr was ald Vincent, 29 PairvieW S t; Gary Of Directors for final approval. England Conservatory of Music In clothing, less fuel for heating pur­ know enough yet about ourselves Holiday Marked town. Bilodeau, East Hartford; Miss Lor­ request justified. Daniel Hair, sec­ mitted its sixth application. Jarvis has agreed, by letter to To H e lp the announcer. give the board one or more nom­ poses at least in his home. He The area occupied by'the high­ retary and former chairman, vot' inations for the part-time post Boston, Mr. Joyner was a violinist, even to pick the weather which raine Leclerc, 23 Main St.; Mrs. Other Requests the TPC, that he will not transfer would spend less for cold cures way will prevent the growth of ed against the application again which pays *4,147 annually. cellist and bass player in many would be best for us? At Two Schools Celeste Eccelente, 46 Maple St.; Seven of eight other requests at the Hartford Rd. and Bidwcll St. musical organizations and orches­ and cough drops. Many have dreamed of an Earth residential developments, ' Alvord Henryi Addis, 13 Pearl St.; Mrs because of its possible future af­ Monday night's public hearing area and would not place any Atty. John F. Shea Jr., Republl- fects on residential living in that tras in the Manchester area. It would enable him to reduce of flowering plenty bathed forever Thanksgiving programs were Liquor Store Hit told Sheldon. Sophie Lipke, 116 Prospect St., were approved. buildings or other improvements ean town chairman, said the town Survivors include his wife, Mrs. the rigors of both heat in sum­ Consideration should be g-iven to area, he said. A request to divide a parcel of committee or iU execuUve unit Donald S. Hemingway In a mild and beneflclent sunshine. held at Highland Park School this Rockville; Mrs. Edith Greenwood, on said promises for one year of I Lois Hammond Joyner; two sons. mer and cold In winter, and per- But la a satin security such as this By Another Break building a whole new school In the 272 Mail) St. No Opposition land into two lots,, one of which the letter dated Nov. 10, 1960. RETARDED will meet s.oon for the purpos*;.. Waller H. Joyner and Herbert R. hapk give the whole world the morning, and at Manchester Green Avery St. area, Alvord said. has less frontage than allowed, was Hemingway, 63, was retired the real answer to our life's true ADMITTED TODAY: William Atty. John Mrosek presented the The area runs southerly from since last May in the public rela- Joyner, all of Manchester: a broth- year-round climate of a balmy School yeeterday afternoon. granted Anthon.y Pastula for land from Montgomery Ward s shipping needs? An undetermined amount of Would Await Master Plan Morneault, East Hampton; Guy Kurtz Bros, case before the ZBA Hartford Rd. to Bidwell St., a tlons department of the Southern' er, Raymond W. Joyner of Har- South Sea Island. It could turn out to be a lotus The fifth grade at Highland Park The planning commission last laat night in which there waa no north of 62-64 North St strip of land 110 feet In width and receiving department last beer was stolen from the Colonial Hebert, 32 Salem Rd. New England Telephone Co. in mony, R. I., and nine grandchll- Doesn't it all aound wonderful? nightmare, the plethora of a pop­ under the direction of Mrs. Mar­ week voted against the purchase public opposition. He presented let­ Mrs. M. Troiano of 110 Main St. from east to west. July. New Haven, dren. pied promise. oak Package Store at 282 Tol­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A ters from the Manchester Cham waa 'grsuited a request for a park But the question remains —would garet Boyle was in charge of the of additional land adjacent to the daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Five requests for zone CHILDREN In his letter of resignation to Town directors will make an ap- Funeral services will be held Frl- The rhythm of the changing sea­ program at that school. Barbara ber of Commerce and the Develop­ ing area for five cars at the rear • the Board of Directors, received it actually be so wonderful, as­ land Tpke., last night according to Buckland School for expansion Khoury, 28 Pioneer Circle; a were denied the Eighth District, "Manchester Association for Hie polntment to fill the vacancy on day at 2 p.m, at the Watkins-West suming an unbridled science might sons, some have held, is respon­ Grube read the 121 Psalm, Manchester police. purposes. ment Commission in favor of the of a building in Resident Zone A. yesterday bv Marlin s office and daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Frank D’Amico, 26 Wells St. involving property pn N. Main Help of Retarded Children" the development rommlsslon. ^ F'uncrfll Home. 142 E. Center St. manage to achieve these miracles? sible for the vigor of people who Diane Thomas interprteed the At 12:40 this morning a front request for expansion. Mayor dated Nov, 18, he said he will have Miss Handlev, who was appoint- The Rev. l.aurenre Vincent of Cen- The Board of Education voted Weber, 21 Brooklyn St., Rockville; Harold A. Turklngton also voiced was granted peniiission to erect St.; Green Manor Construction We already have done much to dwell In a temperate climate. To meaning of Thanksgiving^ and window was discovered smashed, Co., involving, property on Green­ Serves Retarded Youth in YOUR to spend the winter months this, edI to the unitiinii in 19M19SD said in hert*or Congregational Church will of- Nancy Luckman read the ^anks- last night to investigate the mat­ a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard his approyal, along with other an addition to the rear of a non- ameliorate the extremes of bad do our best—and feel our best— snd investigation revealed that Shaffer, 10 Loomi.s St., Rockville. wood Dr., Vei-non and Lydall Sts.; vear and next year in Florida letter: I flciale. Burial will be . in East we need an icicle time as well as a glving Proclamation. ter further in view of the new citizens of the town. conforming garage. Communityi. ", .for reasons of health, with Cemetery. weather. We have air-conditioned some beer had been taken. knowledge. The board had voted BIRTHS TODAY; A daughter to Alexander Jarvis, involving land "I am moat grateful for the op­ time of sunshine. Susan Goldberg, Russell Willhide, Ralph Kurtz said that "the roof Fred AnnuIIl wM granted a which most of you are familiar". Friends may call at the funeral houses, cars, theaters, offices, fac­ ’Ihls package store has been the at an earlier meeting to add four Mr. and Mr.s. William Naimey, 93 on the addition will conform with variance to diminish a lot frontage on^'Locust St.; Jarvis, involving portunity of serving on the com­ tories and bowling alleys to pro­ The greatest victories of the hu­ Shaaron Flynn, James Bronkel scene of a number of breaks In re­ Send ('.ontrihntions to MAHRC, He added, "it has been my home tomorrow and Thursday from Dorothy Jacobson, Wendy Robbins rooms to the school. West St., Rockville; a son to Mr. our present building and will have at 59 Birch St. -property on Center St.; and Jame.a pleasure to serve as Republican mission and for the confidence it 7 to 9 p.m. Friends may make me­ tect us from extreme high tem­ man mind and spirit have come in cent months. However, most of and Mrs. Amerigo Eccelente, 46 and Helen Gorman, involving Inc., P.O. Rnx 621, Manchester, lands whose inhabitants do both and Jan Roberts told the story of Superintendent of Schools Ar­ the same pitch.” Extension of permission to maLn- registrar of voters for the past displayed in re-appointing me. It morial contributions to the Heart peratures in July and August. them have been solved. Maple St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. property on K Middle Tpke. has been a privilege and a reward­ sweat and shiver. This alternation the Pilgrims. thur H. Illing recommended in Oc­ Celebrate Golden Wedding “ Ample shrubbery surrounds the tain a free standing grourfd sign Conn. 14 years. They have been interest­ Fund In lieu of flowers. We have marvelous heating sys­ Robert Alesbury gave the his­ tober that four rooms be added to Ernest LeDovt. Coventry. plant area.” he also said. for two more years fit 1149 E. A request from Edwin C. Bunce ing and informative years, with the ing experience to serve with such of the weather has kept the natur­ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. Brown 11^------^---- CHECK.S MAV BE MADE able people. The commission has tems to warm our autos, our al thermostats of. a strong people tory of ’Thanksgiving. Buckland, si.x rooms to Highland The March decision of the zon­ Middle Tpke. waa.-granted Wayne for a zone change for property PAYABLE TO "MAHRC” number of voters increasing sub­ Mrs. Eileen P. Stewart Carolyn Macaione, 111 Ferguson N. Fairfield St., observed their land, and have lived in Manchester an Important and valuable role to homes and our places of public vital and healthy. Each class sang a holiday song, Park and six rooms to Keeney St. ing board brought a protest from Wright. at \y. Center and Spencer Sts. stantially in proportion to the large Mrs. Eileen P. Stewart, 39, wife work and assembly in winter. And including, "Company I*s Coming,” Recipes Sheldon told the board last Rd.; Mrs. Blancli Baker, 42 Ma­ golden wedding anniversary Friday moat of their lives. ' the Chamber of Commerce. After William,.Osborne, 276 Main St., was tabled by the commission un­ increase in the population of the play in the communily It is doing Fighting the everlasting prob­ and I am sure, will continue to do, of Benjamin F. Stewart. 40C Dutch millions now have the cash to flee "The First Thanksgiving,” "Over night that Alvord recommended ple St.; Mrs. Naomi Janicki, Tol­ They have six children, Alfred a (Chamber Board of Directors’ was grntited extension 5f pcrmls- til adoption of a 40-foot building town. lems of their climate has taught land Ave., Rockville: Richard Ger­ and were honored Sunday at a Brown, McKinley St.; Mrs. an effective Job." Point i^ane, Hartford, and former­ south for a vacation week or two the River and Through the Woods,” waiting four months until a mas- party at the home of their daugh­ 68 meeting, Nicholas Pencheff, then sipn to have a repairers license.' line on the south side of Hartford "The opportunity of serving In an them the values of sacrifice, en­ Russian Tea Oaks ber, 14 (barter St.; Mrs. Evelyn Cavagnaro: Samuel Brown, East ly of Manchester, died suddenly in January or February. durance and cooperation. "For the Beauty of the Earth,” tc. plan of Manchester's expect­ ter, Mrs. Steve Cavagnaro, 89 Tan­ C of C president, sent a letter to ' Special exception to have a lim­ Rd. and Spencer St. has been official capacity with the town of Sunday at Hartford Hospital. In the last century, Charles “ Swing the Shining Sickle,” and 2Ve cups sifted cake flour ed growth is finished by the Plan­ Latham and son, Hebron: Robert ner St., and at a dinner at Cavey's Hartford; Ernest Brown, Sunland, the Town Board of Directors, de- ited repairer's, license and certifl- made. Advertise in The Herald—It Pays Manchester has been deeply ap­ Give mankind perfect weather Bard, 73 Mather St.; Mrs. Bar­ Calif.; Mrs. John .Broderick, Haz- She was bom Aug. 22, 1921, In Dudley Warner (not Mark TTwaln) always and men will lose their “ Thankful.” , S teaspoons baking powder ning and Renewal Associates of Restaurant. preciated by me.” 5 Cars Involved Sherbrooke, Canada and had lived Announcer was Thomu McKay. Vi teaspoon salt bara Anderson and daughter, ardville; and Raymond Brown, observed In the Hartford Courant: chief topic of conversation weaken Boston. Mr. Brown and the former Annie Marlborough, They have 12 grand­ Never Opposed In Manchester for eight years be­ David Hochberg was .the an­ 2/3 cup margarine Wapping: Mrs. Margaret Aspinall McMurray were married Nov. 18. ‘‘Everybody talks about the in their own sloth—and probably The plan might show that more and son, Andover; Mrs. Doris Au- children, Registrar since 1948, no Repub­ In 2 Acciialfi photo h.v Pinto) Republican worker in the Cam­ Densmore of Manchester: two ful" were sung by the audience. Freeman and son, Ellington; Jo­ Vi cup strong cold tea Avery St. area, the Spring St. seph Dionne, 170 Eldridge St.; bridge 8t.-Oxford St, neighborhood, chester police yesterrlay afternoon sons, Bruce C. Stewart and Robert Betty Kirby read Psalm 101, and of Manchester; three Vi cup orange marmalade maras­ area, or the area between Buckley Daniel Miller, 162 Spencer St.; where he then lived. and evening. Ttiere were no in -; Karen Kissman read a prayer ahe chino cherries lemon slices Bom In Yorkshire, England, 'daughters, Mias Janice L, Stewart, and Bowers Schools, said Sheldon. Mrs. Alta Laws, 27 Grant Rd. juries or arrests. Miss Gall I»vejoy, and Mrs Vln had written. Mias Gale Creighton, Sift flour, baking powder and However, he said, any considera­ Hemingway came to Manchester in music supervisor, led the children DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. Turkey and Fixings 1908 when his father obtained work At 7 p in. Persephone, Kambas, cent Edgar of East Hartford, and Kennedy Will Fill salt together. Cream margarine tion of classroom expansion should in singing the Doxology. Margaret Leckner and daughter. at Cheney Bros , i at that time a 17, 112 Grandview .St., struck ono grandchild. with sugar and lemon peel. Add also include consideration of class­ Ellington; Ettore Annati, 'kVilli- silk manufacturing firm of world parked cars belonging to Herbert The funeral will be held tomor­ Cheryl Hamilton told the story eggs one at a time, beating well rooms available in 1962, when mantic; Mrs. Judith Tedford, West renown. Stevenson, 3.7, .707 Woodhrldge .St., row at 2 p.m. at the W, P. Quish of the first Thanksgiving, writ­ after each addition. Combine mitk Howell Cheney Technical School is Willington; Matthew Maetozo, 172 In Abundant Supply Hemingway now lives at *5 and Louis Butcher, 34, 13 Santina Funeral Home, 22.5 Main St, Frienda ten by her, and Dorria DlManno and tea and add to creamed mix­ supposed to be vacated by the State Porter St.; Janet Napper, Wap- Dr. 80 High U.S. Posts Department of Education. Summit St. with his wife, the for­ mav call at the funeral home from recited her own work, “ Poem of ture alternately with flour, begin­ ping; Maryellen Derkacs, East mer Clara D. Sharp of West Hart­ The ac.cident oecurred on Main 7 o'clork tonight until the time of the Pilgrims.” ning and ending with flour. Stir A new technical school is being Hartford; Mrs. Hazel Strass, 193 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS «> New arrivals on the market In­ .St , near the Center, when, accord­ the funeral. Debbie Rubin and Paul Smyth smooth after each addition. Pour constructed on Hilliard St. to re­ ford. The couple has one son, Al­ Thanksgiving Day with his wife— W. Middle Tpke.; Erwin Whitman, There are plenty of jurkeys in clude kumquats, Boston and ro- ing to police, -Miss Kambas, made (Continued from Page One) read the Thanksgiving Proclama­ into 2 8-lnch layer cake pans which place the one being run by the bert, who resides in Bolton. expecting their second child early 31 Crosby Rd.; Thomas Sayers, supermarkets and neighborhood maine lettuce, Italian-type peppers Hemingway has been active in a "U" turn and then stopped when Giro V. Ckirtl tion and the audience sang "We have been greased and lined with state in the building on School St. Willlmantic; Joafi Welch, 79 Falk- groceries to grace Thanksgiving from Florida, anise domestic cab­ some hooks began to fall off the Giro V. CurtI, 84, of .57 Goodrich nedy act swiftly to name a budget next month — and their small owned by the Manchester Board of Day tables. Manchester fraternal groups and daughter, Caroline. Kennedy will Gather Together.” waxed paper. Bake in a moderate nor Dr.; Richard Bolduc, Mans­ bage and big Boston lettuce from veterans activities. seat. When she started up again ,St , Hartford, and formerly of d'rector or at least someone to A proces.sional and recessional oven (375 F.) 30 to 35 minutes. Education. Big birds over 20 pound.s are in California, dandelion and parsley return to Palm-, Beach Thursday Reports Next Month field; Mrs. Mary Smith, 458 Main His Democratic counterpart is her ear struck Stevenson’s car, Manchester, died Sunday night at represent the new director for were played by Barbara Ray- Cool. Spread top of each layer St.; Mrs. Gertrude Law and particular abundance. But there' from Te.xas, swiss chard from Vif- registrar Edward F. Moriarty of pushing it Into Butcher's car. evening for five or six more days. Another factor to be considered a Hartford convalescent hospital. talks with the Eisenhower Budget bum. with orange marmalade and put daughter, Willlmantic; Mrs. Joyce are^not as many birds under eight I ginia, endive, e.scarole, cucumbers. 64 N. School St. Vehicles being driven by George The funeral will be held tomor­ layers together. Decorate top with is whether “ to bring the schools to Dimmock, West Willington: Rob­ founds as last year. cabbage and beets from Arizona, Bureau regarding spending and In his letter, Hemingway told the G. Winters. 26. of Windsor, and row at 9:1.5 a.m. at the D’Esopo halves of maraschino cherries and the youngsters or bring the young­ ert Berzenskl, 58 Bissell St.; Al­ Stocks of turkeys in cold storage white broiler onions from Indiana George R. O'Brien, 28, Victoria Directors that " ---- It is with a fi Funeral Chapel, 23.5 Wethersfield revenue planning for the next fis­ paper thin slices of lemon dipped sters to the schools.” fonso Renna, Hyde Ave., Rockville: had reached a record total of 279 and Ohio, and greenhouse water­ deep sense of regret that I am plac- Rd., Coventry, collided on Main .St. Avp., Hartford, followed by a cal year. Clifford ssUd he hopes Folice Arrests Town Man’s Car Sheldon said there will be some Mrs. Geneva Holda, 24 Eldridge million pounds on Nov. 1 The previ­ cress from Maine. near Hazel St., at 3 p.m. in sugar. ing in yoair hands at this time my solemn Ma?s of requiem at St. the new director wilt be picked by seven classrooms available in vari­ St.; Mrs. Anna Skelly, 56 Gardner ous record was 255 million pounds Best vegetable bUys are broccoli, resignation as registrar .. effec­ Police said both were traveling Patrick and St. Anthony’s Church, Dec. 1, and that Kennedy is fully Hit in Mansfield ous schools next year, enough to St. on Nov. 1, 19.58. Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauli­ tive as of Dec, 18, 1960, as shortly Three Rhode Island men were Chocolate Fudge south on Main St. when Winters Hartford, at 10 o’clock. Burial will aware of the urgency but wants 4 squares (1 ounce each) un­ educate all the children. But it It is difficult to determine flower, (Chinese cabbage, cucum­ thereafter I shall be leaving Man­ made a right turn into a parking be In Ml. St. Benedict Cemetery, to find the best man available. arrested this morning and charged will mean splitting some class­ whether you will pay more or less bers, Florida endive and escarole, chester for Florida. A car driven by a Manchester sweetened Chocolate stall and was struck on the right Bloomfield. 2. Reported that for the "ex- with driving overheight trailer rooms, transferring children from Old Helmet Modernized for your turkey this year than a mushrooms, medium yellow onions, trucks. man was struck at the intersection 1 1/3 cups undiluted evaporated year ago. Birds were sold in more "I hope and expect to return to front door by O'Brien. Friends may call at the chapel ceedirlgly complex and difficult milk one school to another, and, in gen­ turnips, rutabagas. Eastern pota­ Elle Bricault, 59, of Center Falls, weight categories last year than Manchester in the late spHng of tonight from 7 to 9 o’clock. task” of transition from the out­ of Rt.x. 44 A and 32 in Mansfield at 4 cups sugar eral, ca'-se disruption which will New York — Ancient visored, toes, radishes, yellow staightneck 1981 with the intention of returning Ralph Nero, 51, of Providence, and this year. AUTHOR STABS WIFE going to the new administration, about g p.m. yesterday. dash of salt result in only a temporary solu­ crested Roman helmets have found squash, curly parsley, nemagold to Florida again the following New York, Nov. 22 iffi—Author Edward Robertson, 26 of Lincoln, For those who aren't fanciers of Tile Art Preserved machinery has been set up for Thomas J. Regan, 46, of 96 V* cup butter tion to the problem., a modern imitation in the Navy’s and orange and yellow Jersey fall . " Norman Mailer, who wrote the all drivers for the T. DelFarno As a last suggestion, SheldPn turkey rneat, many stores are fea- iweer'pota'toer Hemingway said today he new appointees to confer with Helaine Rd., was driving west on Stir chocolate and milk to­ Jet-plane program. The helmets till ing rib roasts and hams. Shrimp beat seller "The Naked and the Trucking Co. of Providence, post­ reported, the planners thought it Best fruit buys are chestnuts, reached his decision to seek a Tehran During the Middle their departing counterparts. ed bonds of *25 each for appear­ Rt. 44A when hla car was struck gether over low heat until choco­ . contain radios that enable air­ and lobster tails are among fish Dead,” professed love today for might be a good idea to plan for cranberries. Emperor grapes, Cort­ warmer climate during the winters his wife he Is accused of stabbing Ages the Persians preserved for 8. Disclosed that officials of the ance in court on Monday. by one operated north on Rt. 32 by late melts; beat to blend choco­ craft-carrier deck personnel to specialties. within the last month. posterity the art of making ce outgoing administration have been ■Van E. Snyder, 18( tSt Waterbury. late. Add sugar and salt.. Cook, the eventual abandonment of communicate over the roar of jets. The traditional Thanksgiving land and McIntosh apples and and crIllcaJly Injuring during a Bricault and Nero were arrested Green School. It 'is in a dangerous small pomgranites. \ party In their apartment. Mailer ramie tile. .Scholars can trace the requested to prepare detailed me­ by Patrolman Alfred Ritter at 7:30 Snyder was given a warning by stirring often, until sugar is dis­ The visor contains a microphone, cranberry is in abundant supply. A Can't Devote Time traffic area now, and will become ! The resignation of Miss Handley was sulalued as he went through course of Saracen conquests In morandums for their succes.sors, this morning on W. Middle Tpke. in State Trooper Donald J. Sullivan solved and mixture reaches boil­ the crest an antenna. record crop of 131 million pounds of 29 Robert Rd., a Democrat, fingerprinting and photographing the glazed wall tiling of Persian setting forth principal problems to front of the Wickham Estate. Rob­ of Stafford Spring."! Troop for fail­ ing point. Continue coolking, with­ worse as time goes by, and E. has been harvested. I.ast year ‘ Lrass’ Is Missing Link l''.:dle Tpke. develops. came Just 15 days after the Re­ at iKillce headqimrlers. buildings. be met. ertson was arrested at about 11 ure to grant the right of way at out stirring, to 238 degrees on SUDAN COTTON CROP DIPS 1 federal authorities banned much of candy thermometer (soft ball Sheldon will report at the De­ the crop from the market on Nov. publican majority and Democratic 4—Said that although the White a.m,, also on W. Middle Tpke. an intersection. ton production declined from 672,- Akron - - New artlfical gross minority of the Board of Directors House staff will be cut, he doubts Police charged that large rein­ Stage). Remove from heat. Add cember meeting on his commit­ 9 after laboratory tests showed a used for miniature golf courses Is Mrs. Regan received bruises to tee’s reactions and suggestions, 200 bales of 420 pounds each in weed ^killer used in growing the unanimously re-appointed her to there will be any deep personnel forced sections of moulded con­ her right leg. Elizabeth Regan and butter. Cool without, stirring until regarded as a missing link in plas­ lukewarm (110 degrees). Beat un both on the existing schools and 1959 to 656,200 bales in 1960 al­ berries may have been the cause the development commission. To Avoid Athlete’s Foot reductijona In agencies which are crete that were being taken to the three student paa.sdngers in the though the cotton-growing area tic chemistry because it Is the In her letter of resignation, dated part of the executive office of the new state prison in Enfield were til creamy and mixture loses gloss. on the purchase of sites for new of thyroid cancer in rats. This Snyder car were not reported In­ was increased from 854,000 feddans year the crop has been given a first 'solution in the polyurethane Nov. 20, and announced today, she president. These agencies include two feet higher than the law al­ jured. Turn into 8-inch square cake pan. schools. class that can be stored writhout said "My present employment .... to 917,000. (A t'eddan is 1.038 clean bill of health. the Budget Bureau, National .Se­ lows. acres.) The chief buyers were the deteriorating and used without prevents me from devoting the curity Council, Central Intelligence Housewives have a large variety SeeifourFOm DEALER'S USED GAR VALUES Place Feet on Desk A height of 12 feet 6 is allowed. CXINFEBENOE CONFUSION ■United Kingdom, India, Commu­ adding other ingredients. time required to be an effective Agency, and the Council of Eco­ of vegetables for selection to round TVo of the trucks measured 14 Baton Rouge, L*., Nov. 22 UFi nist China, and Russia. out holiday menus. member.” nomic Advisers. feet 6, while the third was 14 feet Former executive secretary of — Southern governor* reaponded Utah calls itself both the “Bee­ Clifford said he will accefit no 8. quickly today — both fqr and ItSAS MAHCMSSTBR CSNTSR hive State" (honey is one of t(j the State League of Women Voters. And Wiggle Your Toes position in the new administration Attention was called to the Mis Handley has been employed against—to a Ugh ‘ levU aoeret PARKINS ,, , major products), and the "Mormon and that he expects to return full trucks as the result of a report at conference seemingly cloaked in State.” time to private law practice in 7:15 that the blinking light at the confusion. FItst reports said By WAKD CANNEL * But our foot problems are more Washington as soon as his present Green had been struck ‘by an ob­ Gov. Jimmie f[. Davis of Louisi­ Newspaper Enlerjirlse Assn. than skin deep. Dr. Lelyveld sees assignment Is completed. ject. ana, fighting to preserve segre- W i n FLOWERS FOR TOUR HOLIDXr SEND THEM Rockland, Mass. ■ ■ (NEA) — the whole situation getting worse, Kennedy kept hla schedule free The three trucks were impound­ gatioh in New Orleans public Here fs another one of those nig­ not belter, His research shows today for conferences with staff ed at the police station until schools, had Issued the Invitation Maneiieftten. LUMBER* gling anniversaries ' that nobody that 99 per cent of the U.S. chil­ members and work on the job shortly after nobn when telegrams for a Nov. SO conference of THE can remember. Or forget. dren have perfectly normal feet problem at the Atlantic shore were received from the State High­ southern governors here. But It Is exactly 40 years since the TABLE at blrlb- home of hla parents. way Dept. In Hartford 'allowing the Governor's press secretary plant known as dermatophytosls HOMETOWN But by high school graduation He plans to fly to Washington the trucks to continue on to En­ said Davis had not issued such a was brought from the Orient to tomorrow afternoon to spend field. call. grow In the U S. And today, there time, 6.5 per cent of the boys and WOODLAND GARDENS > Easy financing terms to suit your budigot NEWS : is hardly ap American home with­ 8.5 per cent of the girls have real out it. foot, problems. Chrysanthemum i You probably know it beat by By adulthood, the feel of 90 per llie name "athicte's fool." that in­ rent of all Americans are crippled Check the used cars and trucks, sure! But check the visible acourge tlmt burns, itches, to Home degree. Cut Flowers j cracks, swells and Hies your feet During World War II, more A T T H € ! You probatily have It. You prob- tlinn onc-lhird of the men reject All colors, plenty of White Yellow Pink, dealer, too! Ford DealerUsed Cars are inspected, J ably always will, aecording to the ed by the military were count- Bronze, Red, etc. ''' 1 O O ! man who knows most about It. e«i out because of foot problems MRKADE Only ,.T ...... Ig. beh. I.TT He I* Dr .loseph l,.elyveld, chair­ rhirliig the Korean War, twice as man of tile National Fool Health reconditioned where necessary and road-tested! mnnv men were rejected for foot POTTED CHIiYSANTH£MUM$ j Council in RocklaiKl, Mhas. He la Hilmenla than for any other single I the man who first coined the name reason. Thanksgiving Special. T O O "athlete's fool " He has devoted The stallstica are not Improv Only ...... l i T Y most of his professional career to Ing, l>r. la'Iyveld says. The foot Ml 9-2343 Your Ford Dealer’s A-1 Used Cars i^ d when you buy an A-1 Used just good sense for him to play square fighting Itus ailment and our oth­ Is a very delicate machine; 26 Holiday Driod ArranQ«ineiits~> Rcgfirdlem of where er fool ills. are the cf^ m of the used car crop. Car from a Ford Dealer, you're deal­ with you . , . to give you the best bones are bound together by 107 Moke wonderful qiftt Window Shades your aervice man ur According to Dr. I,«lyveld: ligaments, supported by 19 mus­ 1, There is no cure for athlete's He gets all makes and models in ing with an ^tablished businessman possible deal on the 'best used cars sroman is stationed, - cles. U tiHM to raise, balance and Mode to Order : fool now, or in the immediate fu- absorl) the shock of the body's "We Save You Money" trade and only the best get his A-1 ■who has a large investipent and his and trucks in town! the Manchester Eve­ ' lure. weight with each step. For an ORKNS— Double Balsam ...... bunch 49c ALSO I 2 The snllsepllc footbaths ui- label. When you see it on a car, you good name at stake. He’s here today ning Herald can be fur-, average man. that's 175 pounds IT SURELY WONT GET THIS BAD! Mountain Lourel ..... bunch,49c VENETIAN BLINDS 1 ually found at public poola, gym- lifted 50 times per mlnutd when know it has met with the dealer’s and he will be here tomorrow! Your Remember, deal with the man warded to be at “ Mail : nasliims and showers are almost walking. Bring your old rollers In A-1 standards—that it has been nearby Ford Dealer wants to keep • who has the facilities and know-how Call" refuiariy with ell I worthless In the battle against "Poor shoe fit is only half the But if your home waa filled with icy drafts last Winter Special—4orq|e 10" cones ...... 29c and save S5o per shade. athlete's fool- trouble, " Dr, l.,elyveld said. "The THANKSGIVING SPECIALS thoroughly inspected, reconditioned your good will because someday he to put his used cars in A-1 shape. the hometown news 3. Even if we sterilized our . . . put an end to discomfort and big fuel bills NOW. Do RUSCUS—"Red, Silver ..... large bunch 45c uns.uspecteil problems CAn, result HAVE A PERMANENT RECORD OF YOUR where necessary and road-tested to hopes to sell you a brand new Ford See your Ford Dealer and get a,car people away from floors, socks, shoes, we would from poor sock or stocking fit, I probably make no slgnlflranl dent it by installing tight-fitting, Mercury Wood or Aflumi- make sure it’s in top condition car or truck, ot another used car. It’s home are so anxious causing prCSaure and irritation HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES— TAKE PICTURES! you know is A-1! in the problem. during walking" to p e t One recent experiment at New But giving up wallilng Is not num Storm Windows and Doors from MANCHESTER African Violets York I'niversity's Poat Graduate the answer eltheK A recent U.S. I .Medical Hchool seems to sum up military medical inveatigsUon LUMBER. Stop in NOW for Free Estimates. We’ll gladly Decorated RusHe Bcoketa and Logs, 1.99 and up Subscription* I the body of knowledge. After ahows that pssaengera on long air Flash 8 MM. arrange Easy Terms. FORD DEALER y fT L U S E D I thorough examinHllons. 4.5 sub- flights are i>ultlng their feet and FILM I Advent-Wreaths ...... 1.39 Payable ut Advance ! Je.cts, with no evidence of the In- legs in real jeopardy of phlebitis I fectlon, were dcllhenilely exposed” If they don't take Ihelr shoes off KODAK PiAows and Sprays I to the fungus one foot was and walk through the plane from (FRESH) i 10 STORM WINDOWS and 2 DOORS CAN COST Telephone Ml 6-2711 placed In a contaminated bath, the time to lime. Bulbs 1.69 Time for Mulching ■ ■Hoy, large bole .. Cirailation Dept. other In sterile water, Concludes Dr. Lelyveld; "W e V2 Price I AS UTTU AS $17.20 A MONTH Today! Raault: Nobody came down with are killing our feel. And it's lar­ R EO . $1.20 MOVIE Still time to plant Evergreens, Holland Bulbs, Tr^es. athlete's focil in either fool even M gely the price of civilization. But liet usJielp you with your planting problems.. after six weeks. there are a few things we can do NOW Reason? -Aecording to D,r. to help the. situation. FILM DILLON SALES and SERVICE, Inc. JKanrtfTHtrr Lelyvelt. Uie athlete's foot fungus "But it is difficult to convince BUY WITH ASSURANCE and SAHSFACTION AT lives In the horny layer of akin on people-to take their shoes off in REO. $2.85— NOW E. JL JOHNSON our feet, awaiting the proper con- the office and wiggle their' toes S u rn in g dltlona to atrlke the real .skin. The in the air for a few minutes sev­ WOODLAND GARDENS H- only anawer, to date, t6 prevent eral times each day. $ f .99 PAIN T 0 0 . 819 MAIN STREET— MANCHESTERp CONN. “proper Conditions" Is frequent • OPEN DAIL'T to •.'06s “ It Is also a good idea to prop 168 WOODLAND ST, - PHONE MI 8-6474 72S MAIN ST. Weralli foot waahlngs, thorough drying, your feet up on the desk for 10 R cf. 60c. Roll SiM vaof 12 powder and mercerized cotton minutes now and than. But people 25c I PHONE Ml 9-4501 focka.' ' tell ms the boss n^fht ob ject” MAttoMagraR aeoR so vmAme* f ' '

> - . . r y \ H i / ,• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY. NOyEMBER 22, 1960 PAGE TEN ItA N C m iB It RVBNINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, 0 0 NN«-TUESDAY. NOVEMBER .22, i 860 PAGE I Manchester only gets $7,100 to challenges, however, some states of North ficituate, Mass.. ,diB- $7,500 after 13 years of succfesstvtiP |Keimedy Vote may not-complete their final, of­ South Windsor regardinir a traffic atfnal, J15 bond ME A Submits service, he said. Vater also pre ficial tallies fpr several m ore forfeited. sented sutistics he said showed weeks. - / TAILOR-MADE Bulba Wanted other towns in the state started Margin Drops Thus far, 11 sUtes have com­ The planting: of. aprifigr bulbs Salary Plan their teachers with at least $4,600. pleted the official canva^, and -11 Voterjs Defeat aroupd the Tp'vn Hall last Satur- The-boa'rd of education’s person­ others Hope to finish, this week. The Kirgch Vertical Slat Blinds you order from day was the project of the Avery j nel policies committee, headed by Under 175,000 Fifteen other state canvassing Findell are made to. fit your windows perfwtly Fireaiims Rule Heights Garden- Club.. The plant - | In 12 Steps Christie McCormick, promised to boards meet next week — Inany by skilled Findell workmen, right here in Man­ tng was.done urtder the guidance of look further into the MEA's re­ of them expect^ to complete their chester. Service is as near as your telephone. Mrs. Casimlr t-asimir Bednarezyk.Beanansje. cchalr- m. | q-lie Personnel Policies Commit- quest and make recommendations (Continued from page One) work next MoiidSy. Mor« than ,VOO voters, one of man of the eonservaiion and plant- Manche.ster Education to the board at a later date. Some of the 13 others may not Why not call now for details . . . MI 3-4865. LOOK FOR THIS the largest (froups to attend a Ing committee Others who h^ iMEAl pre.sented a ^ total up to more than twice' the finish their counting much before Kennedy figure. the Electoral College meets Dec. town meetinK in several years, de- onham the Myshrall. Mrs. C. T ‘. ' jlacn3 po_ I .salary propo.sal of $4.ri00 to J8.060 |, ROHV g y PI adU l l lI SIUOlUUClll»cI b IIIS That will make Kennedy the 19 to make official the selection feated a propo.sed ordinance re- Allan Parker, and Mrs. I |o the f fr I*! nth to win the presidency with I night. I of the next president FINDELL MFG. CO. stricting the discharge of fire- Robert Frost, According to Robert Vater. rep- | JrlO rilC lo r W O llO fly l less than so per cent of the whole Scattered precincts still are un­ I * vote. 485 E. MIDDLE TPKE.. MANCHESTER arms: table an ordinance onj Meeting Tonight I re.«erUali\e of the MF.A, the plan reported from 14 states. In; most vow ASSnUNCE OF EXPEIT AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Previotis winners with less than swimming pools for re-drafting; | T-f,e I>adles Auxiliary of the i for .salary increasee could be af­ Ten Manchester area students cases, the missing returns Sre not Venetian Blinds, Repairs, Repair Parts and approved four other requests. - south Windsor Volunteer Fire De- half were John Quincy Adam.s. on fected hy eliminating one of the are home for the Thanksgiving 29.8 per cent in 1824; James K. enou^ to change results. And Spokesmen for the many hunt- partment will meet tonight at. 8 at i 1.1 .step.a In the present pay scale holiday from Bay Path Junior Col­ once the results were known, the era who attended the meeting oh- Co. 1 Firehou'e. Polk 49.3 in 1844; Zachary Taylor iiange. In.stead of the present .1-1.- lege. Longmeadow, Mass.' 47.3 jn 1848; Jam es B uchanan 45.3 unofficial tabulation was halted jepted to a provision in the fire­ 20n to .117,100 in 13 .steps, the MF.A They, are Miss Ellenmary Fog- Manchester Evening Herald In 1856; A braham Lincoln 39.9 In because nobody cared. These pre­ ILlarms Ilin proposalf’l which •• would make Ei7f' want.s a pay scale of H..'i00 to ai'ty. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1860; Rutherford B. Hayes 47.9 cincts will be counted along with CODE OF ETHICS It Illegal to discharge firearms in;>south M'Indsor correspondent r.l- .IS.000 in 12 steps. Pay scale Int- Bernard M. Fogarty, 281 Porter the others in the official tabula­ town unless permits were obtained ; more G. B urnham , telephone In 1876; James A. 48.3 in creases under- the propo.serl ached St,: Miss Roberta F. Campbell 1880; Grover Cleveland 48.8 in tions. But until then the precise TRADE WITH CONFIDENCE 1. To promote good will between 6. To itemize all parts and mechan­ from the chief of police, except in .Mitchell 4-0fi*l. Iile indicates an increment Of $300 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1884; Benjamin Harrison 47.8 in results will not be known. the motorist and members of ical adjustments in the price defense of home.s or property. J on an average after the second j F. Campbell. 191 McKee St.; Miss 1888; Cleveland 46 In 1892; Wood- this association. charged for service rendered. The ordinance was drafted be- r. veco-.Teec heis at tlie Ion of the nav ; Donna McNeill, daughter of Mr. row Wll-son 41.8 in 1912; Wilson NIXON ,EY J),657 INVITATION of a petition for such a RorAl rrnon scale would benefit most. Vater land .Mr.s. E. H- McNeill. 3ft Strant 49.3 in 1916. and H arry S. T rum an 2. To have a sense of personal ob­ 7. To retain all parts replaced for St.; Miss Nancy Kelley, daughter San Francisco, Nov. 22 (;T3—Vice AT THESE GARAGES..s.. measure by a group of .13 resi- |. i . r s.sid 49.5 In 1948. President Richard M. Nixon'a mar­ A warm welcome awaits any investor ligation to each individual cus­ customer inspection. dents. i (.andHiales lor Figures pie.senle'l by .^rthiii of .Vtr. and .Mrs. R obert G. Kelley, Partial recounts have been tomer. 8. To uphold the high standards While advocating some regiila- filing, retiring superintendent of to Hoffman Rd..; Olivia Jylk- started by Republicans in Illinois, gin over President-elect John F. to our new office. Drop in, won’t you? ka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Kennedy in California tunied out To perform high quality repair of our profession and always tion. speakers termed the pro­ Rmrual Office '.schools, show the 12-.slep’ plan w ith 27 electoral vole-s. and New 8. posal ton rest netrve and dicta­ would cost aboul $.373.0 2 .'). in ad- B. .jyikka, 11 Durant St.; and Miss to be 21,657. ALL MEMBERS OF THE service at a fair and just price. seek to con*ect any and all Nancy Griffin, daughter of Mr. Jersey, with 16. In Texas, with 24 Open Thursday evenings 6:00 to 9:00p.m. torial,' and objected berause the dilinn to the present .$2..3 m illion. electoral votes, a limited court This was the figure finally pro­ To employ the best skilled me­ abuses witliin the automotive South Wtnd.sor L,andowners' Pro­ Vi ceded lo T$vo : m akin g a total reqmiemenl for a'nd Mrs. William E. Griffin, Bol­ duced by completion of tabulation ton. All are juniors at the college. lest was arranged of what the Re and Saturday until noon, chanics obtainable. industry. tective Assn, and local American 1 leacheis salaries of .12,930,79.'), in of unofficial returns from all 58 INDEPENDENT GARAGE OWNERS Also, .Miss Heather Lee, daugh­ f ■ ’leans called "frauds and Irreg­ Legion Post were not eonsulted in The Roi'kville . Redevelopment 1901-62 . ularities" In the election. The elec counties yesterday—two weeks 6. To use only proven merchandise 9. To uphold the integrity of all ter of .Mr. and Mr;.. H enry E. , after the Nov. 8 general election. drafting the measure. i Agency has nai rowed the num ber La-st year, teachers requested a Lee. ,32 Palm St.; Mias Denise toral voles of all three are in of high quality distributed by members of IGOA. ' minimum wage scale of $4,300 to The final statewide totals gave OF AMERICA, Inc. The firearms proposal was de-' fnr the execu tive di- Daigle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. eluded in Kennedy's total of 300. F U T N A M & C O , reputable firms. feated by a large majority afterj r „,,, ! $7,.V)0 . 1)111 compromised their rc- Texas Atty. Gen. Will Wilson, a Nixon 3,240,00^: Kennedy 3,218,- M»mb»rt New yorlil Sfoclr Exchange Ronald Daigle. 61 Battista Rd.; 348. a lengthy debate, .Several speak- , . .■ .I . ■ il'ier t to $ t ,200 to $7, 100. , -- ,Mi.-w Vivian Zola, daufthter of Mrs, Democrat, rejected a Republican era defended the proposal drafted men aie niil-o - I Vater pieseiiled Ins c ase before request for a statewide investiga­ S ecretary of S tate F ra n k M. 71 lACT CINTIR ST. • MANCHIST18 • HI; Ml I-J1SI fi'om Thnmpsonnile and the other. I Kdiicalion. He Rena Z. Saglio, 22B St. James St.; Jordan said he is reminding coun­ bv Town Attorney Edwin A I^ss- N ew Y o rk I and Misa Phyllis UrlOchlo, daugh­ tion. but said a court test of re­ man as in the puhlie interest be­ I.H:)]d tlu)t )U D nler foi- tc a ih e rs , in turns from 36 precincts cotild de­ ty clerks to speed official returns James T. Blair • Robert H. Sfarkel 3'he ageni y plan.s to inelrview ter of Mr. and Mra. Daniel J. Uric- rause It would help pi-eveiit rare- this ('i>ti(j)l lim r. to attain pjofos- rhio. 103 rolumbus St., seniors. termine whether the GOP charges to his office for the canvass. The less discharge of firearms which b.ith petsonallv a.s soon as pos­ SMin.-)l sl;)t'is, oj)p of tlie lhin:;s official vote must be certified by COMPLETE C A R SERVICE sible, hefnie making a final ehoiee. flasses will resume Monday at justify further investigation. m ight endanger the lives of I ni-rdod )s a .salary Hi-tiedulc' r<))u- Bav Path, Even without rero tints snd Nov. 28. Originally six applicants -.‘.ere paial)lf lo lliose df other pro- • SPECIAUZING IN CHRYSLER PRODUCTS • dents. given examinations by ttie Slate The awimmuig pool uroposal de­ : lossions. \'atf-r ar'giicd that FOR EXPERT Personnel .Ser\'ice. Of these I'liu- rollege |,'rad)mles In 1960 rn- tailed Building D epartm ent spec i- ftettions in eon.stniclion of per­ rneii weie recommended to lhe^|p||„g tmsines.s and indiislty were manent pools. Objected to was the agenc\-. three with rather elose . j,aj,| an average of $.3..300 In WHEEL ALIfiNMEHT-WHEEL BAUNCIHQ provision that a' 4-foot fence with seores, the fourth witli a lower'|hp fields of engiMeeiing, ac- T U N E U P S a latch gate would have to be srore. I counting, sales or genei al business. erected around large aboye-groiind Tlie latter ap()licanf was diop-'Tlie stalling salaiy for .Manches- RADIATOR REPAIRINO and RECORING plaitic pools as well as around ped from i onsideration first oy let teat liei s witli a haciielor of arts Are Our Specialty! permanent pools, as a safety meas­ agency membet.s. Holder of ttie Idegtee wtis $4,200. He said the ure next lowest score was Iheti elim l-; average Industrial worker in Con- COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE Approved was an amendment tiated, leaving only two cantlidaies ; net t it til earneil $4,800 Inst year, WoV* Hi* t r a in e d MEN and lOlOW HOW to propoaed by Ally. Daniel P. f'ava- for final consideration, it was and some altllleil workers rereived naugh excluding above - ground learned today. s-s niueli as $7 ,.300. A teacher In k — p your cor in TIP-TOP CONDITION! poola from this provision. The Its binding is scarred and frayed. Its entries, SEE measure was tabled for final re-_ drafting. fading into illegibility on crackling, yellowed A t Your Service Extension of ttie town election ; closing hours from 6 to 7 p m. was ' pages, are of interest only to an antiquarian. TOM BROWN and AL STRIMAT1S voted. Yet this “old black book” is a testimonial, as Voters also approved three ap- - proprlatlons; $11,000 to he paid j UPHOLSTERING one historian put it, to the “raising and expen­ to the Connecticut W ater Co., for CLARKE MOTOR SALES j THERE IS STILL TIME laying a pipeline In the proposed i diture of millions—to keep faith and ward off BANTLY SERVICE CENTER Geer-Shepard wareho-jse on Rye: ruin from thousands of those whom fire had 3D1 BROAD STREET — Ml 9-2012 St.; $10,144 for plans snd specifi- TO UPHOLSTER YOUR LIVING 337 MAIN ST„ a e n u from Hqyite> .MI9-B247 ratlons fnr an S-room addition In ‘ despoiled." the Avery St. Elementarx" School; ROOM SUITE FOR CHRISTMAS and $4,230 for work on a play area This is the original record book of the Hart­ In bark of Union School. ford Fire Insurance Company, now observ’ing Of the money lo he expended at ' Union, $900 wlil be for fennng and Just Received its 150th anniversary. $3,300 for site work ... John Egan acted as mnderalni THE MOST FABULOUS FABRICS While laborious, hand-written records hav* at the Town Meeting, which was long since given way to punch cards, micro­ HARTFORD ROAD opened by Second Selerlman S.MVIIM.KS BROrCiHT TO VOl R DON WILLIS Frank Pierce. Town Clerk Charles HOMK WITHOUT .\NY OBUC.MION film and data processing equipment, the N. Enea read the call Fined on Morals Charge insurance companies of Connecticut are still ENTERPRISES, A local man was fined and sent SAM'S LOW OVERHEAD ENABLES HIM dedicated today to “keeping faith and w aring Now Is The Hour to jail when found giiillv of laai ivi- TO REUPHOLSTER AND RESTYLE INCORPORATED oua carriage hy .Iiitlgc William off ruin” to their millions of policyholders. GARAGE Thresher at Monday night a Town A SOFA AND TWO CHAIRS And in so doing, these same insurance INOORPORATED WINTER TUNE-UP 270 HARTFORD RD.. MANCHESTER Court aeaalon. Diapoaitlons wete al«o given in companies have broup(ht world fame to TEL. Ml 3-24DB— Ml 3-2409 seven cases involving motor FOR PLUS WINTERIZE RADIATOR vehicle laws. Connecticut... and earned us the proud title, ONLY FABRIC Paul Pelletier. 70 Ronda Di . “The Insurance State“. While titles as such are SPECIALISTS Deafers tn New tHC Trucks was given a 30-day jail aeptence SNOW TIRES and $100 fine on the charge of relatively meaningless, Connecticut can take lascivious cairiage, flthcr iltapoal- ALSO 0000 STOCK OF USED CARS and TRUCKS YOU CAN BUI)(;KT if you wish pride in its title because of the hard-won repu­ and SNOW PLOWING tlons Included: John E. Kessler. WHEEL ALiaNMENT BRAKE SERVICE 22. 199 Pine Tree Ijine, failure lo tation for integrity underlying it. SENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING dnv* in the right lane, fined $12. FOR YOUR UONVFNIFNI K PUKASF udth a charge of fatliire to carry CALL DAY. FYKNINt; OR SUNDAY The basic principle of insurance was first C d l Bud Mfehokik f o r aN your truck and cor noods registration nolled; Adele Grahn, ‘ BENERAL REPAIRING 41, of Hartford, reckless driving introduced in Connecticut in the 1700's. First fined $24; B erry B Collin 29, of ca|^e fire companies—like the highly respected Bud Says; East Hartford, disregarding a traf- SAM’S Hollywood Service, Inc. fi( signal fined $9. Nicholas Chris- Hartford Fire—follbwed by the life, accident Ml 9-4531 18 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER 'You'H novor got a vfcid if you buy a cor or truck tofaro 31, of H.nzardville, dis­ 342 E. CENTER STREET Ml 9^8187 — Ml 9-0931 from Bud, tko working mon^s friend." regarding a traffic signal, fined $9 and casualty companies. Founded by men of Paul Nlsaon, 42, East ford, passing UPHOLSTERY character and the highest personal honor, these a stop sign, fined $9. A rthur Ifi ARTHUR DRIVK—MUOO.MFIKl.D companies quickly earned a reputation for Burette 69 of Fiirhhurg, Mass. TEL CH 2-2378 - passing B stop sign $9 bond fipr corporate integrity. A few examples: felted, snd Robeit 8 Smith, .30 • Follmping a New York fire that resulted in losses of nearly $20 million, the founder of one Con­ necticut insurance company traveled to the scene KEN’SGARAGE by sleinh; he personally saw to it that his com-' OLLIE’S M im z COURT^ M I 9>^8B34 pany made its loss payments in full. KENNETH W . CHADWICK, Proprlotor • Three days after the great Chicago fire in 187J, ROUTE 4, ANDOVER. CONN.— Pilgrim 2-4227 • OVER 32 YEM S'Iq GPEIUENCE! • representatives of Connecticut in^fifonce com­ AUTO BODY panies stood in the ashes and promised payment // of ev.ery dollar of loss. None of our companies Y o u 'Yam 'Em In—I'll 'Yam.'Em Out!" failed to keep that promise. ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WELDING, AUTO BODY

• In the San Francisco earthquake and fire j m m of 1906—which destroyed 2.5,000 huilditigs at a ALSO-SPECIALIZING IN and FENDER REPAIRS ^ H ow an old Uacic. ]>oolc made Joss of $3.50,000,000—it was a Connecticut insur­ 14-HOUR VVRECKER SERVICE And ROAO SERVICE ance company which headed the list of those that 281 ADAMS ST. TEL MI9.502S Connecticat world-famous aud paid every penny of claims against them. GENERAL REPAiRING - WORK QOARANTEEO Enamel Refinislimg COMPLETE CAR PAINTING 1-^ 5 5 The list could go on and on. Each instance FRONT-ENO and BRAKE SPEOIAUSTS . . Our reputotion ond 32 yooro* nitpurionco b your brought new prosperity to its people! would involve the fulfillment df a promise. For guorontoo of comploto SATISFACTIONl LACQUER and ENAMEL IC€ CR€ that’s all an insurance jxilicy really is; a prom­ ise to pay! .\nd it’s only as good as the character and strength of the companies which make that promise. CALL THIS NUMBER- All the insurance companies ot Connecticut, PAYER & FISCHER GARAGE from the youngest to the oldest, join in saluting S St G ' Hartford Fire on its 150th anniversary. To­ gether with this great Company, we look TEXACO Ml yN 3-8579 forward to continuing years of service to 381 MAIN STREET — Ml 9-8280 Auto Service FOR Connecticut and the nation. COMPLETE,AUTOMOTIVE SOIVICE Spitcializing In WITH "SATISFACTION OUARAIITEED" HALF GAU.ON Thtu IS Coumticft hsanna ComiinJts, with 22,000 horn offiet tmpfoytu u it in m u t piyroB if JOO uiMon M in , in pnud to bt citiiens of "Tio bitunm S tiW We Specialize in: ON ALL MAKES PACKAGE chartered m. TUNE-UPS TUNE-UP. BRAKES, FRONT-END AUG N M fN T WHEEL BALANCINO, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS 1810—Hartford Fire Insurance ('ompany Croup 1841—Security-Connecticut Insurance Group 1865—Connectiejut General Life Insurance Co. 1819—/Ctna Insurance Company 1846—Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. ■1866r-Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Ca Fiaturint the moit advancad SUN ai|ui|Niwirt 18.']| —Mutual of Hartford Insurance Company . 1851—Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company 1867—Safeguard Insurance Company Call Manchester Mitchell 3-2819 ED WILSON’S 1833—Litchfield Mutual Fire Insurance ("Company 18.53- dItna Life Affiliated Companies 1871—National Firp Insurance Company in the Manehai^r area 1836—Middlesex Mutual Assurance Company 18.54- Phoenix of Hartford Insurance Company 1887—Patrons Mutual Fire Instuance Company FREE PICKUP ^ RAY STREETER IMfV-NeytJxmdon County Mutual Insurance Co. 1863—The Travelers Insurance Companies 1953—Insurance City Life C4}inpany V and DEUVERY MtL GRANT. Propriofort SUPERIOR SERVICE, Inc Soiisfaction Guarai^teed! 144 WIST MIDDLE TPKE. — MANCHES11R 185 MAIN ST. (Roar)— FoniMriy lottdriMu's G o m o


a / ,.v ' 'V l> /


group will be divided into three of the church will hold a fall house- Otructed his clergy that no sanc- Ing editor, was won In last fiight’s groups for discussion. One will Bolton clsanlng session Immediately fol­ Archbishop Denies tlOnO Or canonical penalties were Election by Kevin P. BueklOy, l4, nuentLT MADS cover family; a second, community lowing the rehearsal. provided -when Puerto Rican bish­ LArchmont, N. T. Both ere Jun- service and the third, voters, em­ The church school-atafT of-Bol­ Penance Required ops Jointly issued letters urging iora SWEET OIIER ployers and executives. Any wom­ ton Congregational Church Will Catholics to vote against the Circuit Court an interested In 'attending shbuld Clothing Drive meet this evening at 8 o’clock In By Marin Backers Popular Democratic party. FOR mnANRiOIVING contact Mrs. Albair for a reserva­ the parish room. DirMt Frans th « Mill! There will be a special meeting YAUB DAILY ELECTS COSMETICS tion, not later than Saturday. (Coatihned from Pag* Om ) AiiM Raiaat Apphs Posts Filled Assembly Planned Set at School ' -of the Fire Department tomorrow New Haven, Nov. 22 — $VE CARRY ALL THE TOP LINES Parents are invited to attend a at 7:30 p.m. at the firehouse. All ment covers all three dioceses in Lancelot Ltebman, 20, Frankfort, Appointments to the State’s new Thanksgiving assembly program at The Student Cpuncils of the Ele­ members are urged to attend. Ky., has been elected chairman of iOLTON ClOia MIU the church’s Puerto Rico province N«w BaiMtl lU .—MS 9-tMS9 Circuit Courts were announced to­ thi Pprter School tomorrow at mentary School will again sponsor Canvassers who" worked on the —San Juan, Ponce and Areclbo. Yale University's undergraduate ARTHUR DRUG day by Chief Judge Jay E. Rubi- noon for the primary grades. a clothing drive during the week building fund drive for the. Con­ newspaper, the Tale Dally News. The youhgsters will present a gregational Church Sunday will He said: ’ Anotiier top post, that of manag- now, Columbia; and Hebron, are of Nov. 28 this year. "Re(^ent statements reported in among tow’ns In the eleventh cir­ program of soiigs, poems and a The clothing collected will be meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. in the puppet show. parish room of the church. the press as coming from the SSTherbiwii 42Meaanre ef land cuit, shipped to the Save the Children chancery office of the San Juan 43 Gre4k god ^ Philip M. Dwyer of Mansfield The Grade 4 taught by Mrs. Federation, a non-profit, non-sec*- ThanksgUing Service and aninial of war / Center has been named prosecutor Gwen Henrickson has voted to send tarian organization seiwing the Three local churches will hold Archdiocese were not authorized« 44Knocka of the circuit. Assistant prose- $1.,50 to CARE. This money was needs of children In underprixi- special services on -Thanksgiving by the Archbishop of San Juan.” ' T h e Bank that gives you P L A N N L Li ^ t C U >■' I f t region 40 Dregs / futors are Jean M. Bachand of given them as the PTA award for leged areas at home and overseas. Day this year. The Archbishop said he had in- S6 Ventilate 47 Gaelic parent attendance at the last PTA At St. George’s Episcopal 37 Precipitouf 4 8 Hope’ U M Putnam and James N. Oliver Jr. Much of the donated clothing 40 Notions OOLetter of Plainfield. Harold E. Dorwart meeting. will be shipped to isolated regions Church, Communion- will be cele­ m 41 Emerge , S2Mu^^ ayllaUf of Willlmantic has been named About Town of the southern mountains. Here it brated at 10 a.m. clerk and Joseph A. Mazzola of Rep. LaVergne H. l^llliams of will be distributed free of charge Mass will be celebrated at 9 a m. I i 3 4 i r r " r " i6 Willimantic, domestic relations of­ Collins Rd., has stated he will be by responsible authorities. Some of at St. Maurice Church.'Confession ficer. happy to hear from any person who it will be sold to low-income fami­ will be heard at 8:30 a m. IT 12 (3 'Tlie clerk's office for the circuit wishes to have a bill presented to lies who do not wish to accept free A family worship service will be A Christmas ClubN3ieck Pays the Bills! 25 Mariner’! will be in the Danielson Municipal .the next session of the legislature. clothing. held at the Bolton Congregational directiOB iT l5 Church at 9:30 a.m. 28 Gem Building. Judge George E. Kin- He may be reached at his home If The following types of clothing 30 Peruse li H r 18 is mouth Jr. of Mystic, will sit for help Is needed. are needed: Sweaters, coats, caps, 31 FastidiOO! both criminal and civil sessions on Mr. and Mrs. Leman Bronson gloves, mittens, trousers, skirts, Advertisement— Itrllr **** 32Iroonoian Tuesdavs at the Daniel.son court, and daughter Amanda of Hopa- dresses, shirts, blouses, socks,^ It's still not too late to order vattsa If** Indian 20 shoes (not high heels), sheets,^ flowers for the Thanksgiving “UmatIs oust it, 127 Main St. tough, N.J., spent the weekend s«sf-who*l to 53 Poker stake w igjsi u Court will be in session at the with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. blankets, towels, and diapers. table, your hostess .or those who froai-wbssl MARTHA, HE IS^A'-T= 3 4 Fish are ill. Phone now MI 3-8089 35 Dance Step Plainfield Town Hall on the sec­ Stewart Tibbit.s of Lake Rd. Bron­ The clothing is also used to fill atapslli~f 0* 38 Rip ST H s r ond and fourth Fridays for both son, stationed in New Jersey with emergency needs in disaster strick­ Lee’s Florist and Gift Shop, Route JTiU 39 He seteed Itt' criminal and civil cases. the Army, ha.s returned to his post, en areas. 44A, Bolton. tile — U At Putnam Town Hall, Judge from which he will be discharged Square Dance Set $72.00 BY DICK TURNER 42 Swiss stream Bomarco, Community married Manchester Evening Herald dSVentnres 37 Kinmonth will hear criminal cases early In the year. Mrs. Bronson and 40 Papal name at 10 a.m. on Mondays, short cal­ the baby have remained here for a couples club, will .sponsor a square Bolton correspondent. Mrs. Louis longer visit. dance at the Community Hall Sat­ DImook Jr., telephone Mitchell OOCowardljr endar and small claims at 2 p.m. •> tsMst Csmm4 eiNatnralfSls Criminal and civil cases will be urday from 8 p.m. to midnight. 9-9823. U Iterate a u if u heard on Fridays. Manchester Evening Herald Co­ The Congr^gators of the Gonr Fki aver avarsM MilM 54 Clearest bowL StardlTy coa- 55 Worms u 8i 52 Jury and non-jury, criminal and lumbia correspondent Mrs. Don­ gregational Church, Couple.s' Club BRIDE 59, BRIDEGROOM 104 •triictsd. Batilr cl**-*4. 56 Disburdens civil' cases, will be heard on ald R. Tuttle, telephone ACademy of United Methodist Church, and Oklahoma City, Nov. 22 l/P) — DOWN lii si Wednesdays and Thursdays at the 8-343.5. other couples are invited to at­ Despite a 45-year difference in SSI.M lEasjrjgalt Willimantic court in the Windham tend. Ho.stesses for the evening their ages. Charles N. Stewart and SGocfdeis of ■ U Court Building. are Mrs. Richard Mather and Mrs. Mrs. Ida Dymes were married yes­ discord Justlre Court Action School Patrol man Milton .lensen. terday. It was the serond mar­ WELDON IRUt DO. Four cases were disposed of In Robert Redden of Andover will riage for each. Aatharisad Deater Justice Court Monday morning by ‘Cowboy of \"ear’ call the dances. Mr.s. Dvmes is 59. Stew-art is 104. Ml MAIN iTe-MI MM l SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAI Trial Justice Elizabeth Dennis Bulletin Board Hutchins. The Bolton Elementary School Edward W. Howard, of Windsor, ■William Griffin, representative will close tomorrow at 1:05 p.m. was flned |15 when found guilty of the Knights of Columbus, was for the Thank."!giving recess. of disregarding a traffic signal; elected "cowboy of the year" In a Lunche.s will be served at the Stuart A. Baribeault. of Williman­ contest sponsored by the Women's .school. Kindergarten classes, both tic, fined $15 for failure to drive Auxiliary of Manchester Memorial morning and afternoon ae.ssions, right; George Littlefield, , Marl­ Hospital, will meet as n.sual tomorrow. FOR EXPERT borough, through Clifford Wright Ejection of Mr. Griffin, the school policeman at Lincoln School, was The Board of Finance xvill meet WHEEL AI.IGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING of Hebron, acting as guardian, tonight at 8 o'clock at the Town RADIATOR REF’AIRING AND RECORING fined $12 for failure to drive right; announced by Charles S. Burr, a Offices. Richard M. Remsen, of Williman­ member of the board of trustees The adult Instruction class of COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE tic, fined $12 for passing in a no at the hospital. Toumspeople paid St. Maurice Church will hold Its SEE passing zone. "penny poll taxes” by donating meeting this evening at 8 o'clock Returns to Nhip coins In ballot boxes beneath the in the Rectory. "Brethren of Our Terry Barstrom, U.S. Navy, has photo of their favorite cowboy Ixjrd " will be the sub)|ect for dis­ returned to his ship, Newport candidate. A total of $148 in coins cussion. CLARKE MOTOR SALES News, after a short visit with his was collected in the ballot boxes The Senior Choir of United parents, Mr. and Mrs. Knule Bar­ and will be donated to the hospital Methodist Church will rehearse 301 BROAD STREET—MI 9-2012 strom. Just returned from a long The ■winning cowboy was given a this evening at 7 o’clock. Members' Mediterranean the Newport pair of allver spurs. W. J. Godfrey News is now stationed at Newport, Gourley, representative of Kiwanis, MONEY FOR ^ • Va. waa awarded a red ribbon for plac­ Invitation Extended ing second in the contest. The con­ An invitation to local women to test was spon.sired In conjunction attend a meeting of the Service with the recent "Hi-Fever Follies” Bureau for Women's Organiza­ musical benefit. tions has been received through CHRISTMAS GIFTS Mrs. Rudolph Albair, president of Bermudiang Get $3,500 K|Ds! the PTA. m PRIZE! The meeting will be held at the Hamilton, Bermuda — Bermuda **Miu Jontt works ths computer, Miss Smith over Connecticut Light and Power Co. is believed to have one of the there works ths comptometer, and Miss Higgins, on the Berlin Turnpike Dec. 1 highest average personal Incomes GUARANTEED! from 10 a.m. until 2:15 p.m. There in the world—$3,500 a year—ac­ hers, works us alll” will be a workshop after which the cording to Government, sources. W‘ AS LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON Mhen you have an S.B.M. Christmaa Club account, you are assured that you’ll have enough money to buy d /i VS'anp gifts for everyone on your Hat. An S.B.M. Christman SELLING OUT,.. Clubber is on SANTA’S list to receive a most welcoma I TH€ ENTIRE lALANCE check just in time for Christmas buying. Join our new 1961 Chri.stmas Club now- and hare enough money for FUR STOCK Christmas 1961. B. C. BY JOHNNY HART OF TERRY FURRIERS OF 244 TERRY RD.. HTFD. THIS BEAUTIFUL IVB been SriOWlNfr MV* po ME RE me SO so NOW THERE 60£S SETTI.EMENT OF FORMER OWNER’S ESTATE NEWSON4* AROONO AND FA SO LA Vj AN ELOtpuEHT CAT/ ffor REVIEWS LKE 'TERWF' EVERYTHING FOINSETTIA CORSAGE ’KEEN* AND'WILD'. WHAT DO MbUTrilNKOF IT f AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES K Given Free m ( c o m e : s e e : COLUMBIA To everyone opening SPORTS BIKE TODAY 9 26’ -trsent, slook and spoody. Whito- JlL j until P. m. 26* trams. Plenty of chrbmt and assy to a CHRISTMAS CLUB wsH tiros and plonly of chroma. Fully oquippod. ridt. Fully equipped. U‘f* ACCOUNT for 1961 MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALIA TOMORROW UQtil 9 ELECTRIC STUDIO There'g n Chrigtmng Club Pten ORGAN for every budget from 50c to $10 LIONEL Reel profesiienel The Lin iE SHOP . tone. Includes 307 EAST CENTER ST.—Manche«ler Shopping Plaza ELECTRIC TRAIN SET eesy-pley key selector method. Feer-car wt complete witti trKke, tresiformer, Boeutifut walnut finish. atNitIp, even emoke! A lovely gift to give or receive Sport Car Faur-Spaad RACE TRACK < FDITABIE PN0N06IAPH this Christmas MR. AUTO WASH SET Flays St 4S. 33Vb, Utk, and 79. Two 4' Thrilling recet by speakers may be resMte centrel I removed and Elpffance in Chino Ntw EiglaRd’s Most Ineisdet Jefser aad Mercedes-Benz reetra placed Mperetely. Modorn ftutomatie dinnertvate, glasses Bas Pwsarad ' Faldina Gar Wash Exquisite .imported China place AIRPLANE DOLL CARRIAGE settings are yours for just 12.55 ^ Siaioalziac aad Only twinanfiat Has dslsckiblt, when you deposit $25 or more to mpdel made. fBHf'bBW bosd witk a new or existing account. An ele* ‘ Motor Gloaalas Complete with MM vltsr. Ineludtt band gant gift to gii'e at Christmas, or starter, battery, brdw sad sdiui^iMt Ruihsr. * latorior Shaai|ioos fuel, eccesterici. to keep for yourself. ^latching pieces are also available,'plus gen- • Foroisa Cars une crystal for just 11.75 Advamted ELECTRIC Washad Expaiily CHEMISTRY each 6-piece set with a $25 or more RANGE deposit to new or existing accounts. • FREE COFFEE LAB EVERY MORNING A ierie sseorl- Abneet I fast bidil nmnt ef ehemtcsls and equipment, tven Sals, esntrsllsd bast from — HOURS — includes ilew-blewinf eiper'inwntsi lsr|s imalstsd svtn. 8 A.M.-.’j;.30 P.M. Daily eXTRA OPPORTUNITY% 8 A.M.-l P.M; Sunday D atu m POLLYANNA Beautiful genuine crystal gla-ssware in the old fashioned «nd juice SPITFIRE RlasA size are yours in sets of 6 for only $1.76 ^er set when'yoil open WASH RATES DOLL Christmas Club Accounts of $5 or more. 92.00 per wash. RACER 98.00 for 9 washes. (Save 9$) firasi dswuhlH fua. M **"----^ M Mm 918.00 for 12 washes. (Save 99) tisa. Has fast teaks, ropted bsir .aad hitasdsp asss.. smsrieney lever band teaks 344 BROAD ST. Between West Middle Turnpike .md Center St. LENOX PHARMACY -MANCHESTER-^. .2ff E. CENTM Sr. Ml UMH ALWAYS PUNTY OP PBII PABKBMI i ''' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ TUESDAY. NOVEMRER 22. I960 PAGE FIFTIP W

PAGE FOURTEEN BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1980 Penn State and Baylor Accept Post-Season Dates ession on O’Malley Main Four of Nine Major Bowl Spots Unfilled Figure; Webb

New York, Nov. 22 (/P)— f aeaaon. Iowa and Mipnesota, Big Ten co-Aa victory Saturday over MiasissippiyFlorlda was invited iMt. weak but Supports Move For Bob Scheffing Speculation, rather than col­ The newly organized Gotham champions, must be eliminated If State and the. SEC champ usually put off a decision until after ita Bowl in New York may not even not invited to the Rose Bowl Con­ final game againat Miami tbla lege football teams, filled is the host. Florida and Alabama CHURCH TEN PIN get off the ground. Syracuae, the ference rules prohibit other bowl may slip In if Ole Miss falters. The weekend. If Ole Miss wins the SEC New York, Nov. 22 (/P)— Standings (/P most of the available post-sea­ defending national and Cotton play. visitor may be Rice if the Owls title, the Gators will accept. Del Webb anii Walter O’Mal- I Detroit, Nov. 22 )— Bob Scheffing steps Into one of base­ son bcwvl spots today even af­ Bowl champion, and a key to a beat Baylor and tie for the South­ W. L, ball’s most (iai\ger6us managerial jobs in Detroit with no il­ Here is the present bowj lineup, ley, two titans of the major St. Jam es No. l ____64 24 Drivers ter Penn State and Baylor an­ good home drav.' by the Gotham including the speculation; west Conference title. IJBER TV — Penn State (6-3) la leagues, were expected to hold lusions he’ll be an overnight miracle man. nounced their wlllingnesfi to par­ ronvmittee. withdrew from - all back to defend its title. Texas. Ten­ Wapplng No. 2 ____59 2t Spoons . The Tigers hired him yeaterdayfi ticipate In the Liberty and Gator poat-gea.aon con.alderation yeater- ROSE—Washington (9-1), de­ COTTON— Arkansas (8-2) is the nessee and Alabama, which lost 7- ^ ' the center of the stormy stage Second Congo No. 2.5$ 3( Blasters as their eighth manager since Bmclg, reapoctively day. fending Big Five and Rose Bowl host. Oregon. Alabama and Ten­ 0- In the anaugural last year, are today as the beleaguered Second Congo No. 1 *54 34 Nlbllcs . :^p52, knowing it'll take time— Rocky Colavlto and soina othara,'* champ, is in. “It's just about nar­ nessee have been named as pos­ pois.sibles. American League resumed ita for St. James No. 2 ....53 3f Fairways perhaps several years — before Steve Boroa, Larry Oaborne and Thi.g pair yesterday joined The committee atill hopes to rowed down to Navy, Iowa and Cleeks . Jake Wood; youngsters up from land the winner of the Armj--Navy sibilities. mldable task of locating a Iran St. Bridget's ...... 52 3( they can challenge for a pennant. Ington, Arkanan.a and Mi.'sonii. Minnesota, with some other.s un­ Irons .. the Tigers’ American Asan. pen­ game. BLUE BONNETT—No teama chise iq Los Ajigeles. Emanuel Luth. No. 1 50 31 Tiger President John Fetzer which over the weekend an­ der consideration." HusWe.s Coach OR.WGE— Missouri (9-1), which have been named, hut Texas seema Webb, co-owner of the New York So. Meth. No. 1 ....48 4( Brassies nant winners at Denver, are being nounced bowl accepfanre.a. Four of The li.' games when many of the i thur Brlckley 353, Ted Plodzlk policy of one-year contracts and Texas and Rice, all 7-2, and Oregon sissippi is favored to wdn the cepted a berth in the Tangerine his back and refusing to give it to an official jn a game against Philadelphia at Cin­ Cronin of the,American and War­ Com. Baptist No. 1 ..37 61 the National League than the eligtble.a wind up the'Vegiilar IPttO j 7-2-1. South eastern Conference title with OATOR— Baylor (7-2) is in, and Bowl. ren Giles of the National. 351, Harry Mathiason 139. signed Scheffing through 1962. American League,” said the 45- cinnati Gardens. The Big^O’s reluctance to surrender came when the 24-second whistle Talcottville No. 1 ...82 S( "He knows how to develop young sounded. The purpose of this special ses­ So. Meth. No. 2 ...... 31 5! year-old Scheffing. He has been in sion is to acquaint the commission­ HOLIDAY COMMERCIAL talent and he’s the man who can the senior circuit all but two of So. Meth. No. 3 ____28 6( do the job for us,” said Fetzer. er and th5 two league heads with Second Congo No. 3 .14 7( Standings his 15-year career as a big league what had transpired when the two W. L. Pet. "He impresses me with his mature manager, coach and player. Special Treat 7 .781 approach to baseball. You might Giants Lose Two strongmen locked horns in Los Despite the - fact it Split even Lenox Pharmacy 25 "But I’ll get a good line on my Old Grads Assist 8 .760 call him a ball player's manager. Angeles over the weekend. with So. Meth. No. 2, St. James 24 players by the end of spring In Halftime Show Wilt Regains Lead, O’Malley made his position clear .16 16 .500 "He came about as highly rec­ For Rest of Year No. 1 still extended its league lead training.” Securing Trophy even before he left the west coast. 13 19 .466 ommended as any manager could Olympic Runners to five games. Second place Wap­ Moriarty Bros. ... Scheffing'a familiarity with the Fiuis planning to attenil the Not Opposed 13 19 .406 be. Everyone we spoke to has a New York. Nov. 22 OTV— plng Community No. 2 dropped a Man. Motors Service National League — he was a Mil­ 3Ianche«ter High vs. East H art­ The InJury-rlddled New York New Haven, Nov. 22 (8P) — *Tm not opposed to the expan­ Botticello Nurseries .. 6 26 .188 high regard for him.” waukee coach last season — may ford Thanksgtvjng morning sion of the American League into 6-2 decision to St. Bridget's. •' football Giants were trying to Baylor Runner-Up The IVy League football trophy With the top bowlers were Don Used to Risky Jobs be put to quick use. footlmll game are In for a lit­ reconcile themselves today to Is being displayed proudly by Los Angeles,” he said, "but not in Closing to within one game of Scheffing has held risky jobs tle extra treat. 1961.” Anderson 202—562, Jack Lappen the league lead was Paul Dodge Plans Deals their latest hod news— the loss Yale today, but for a time It ap­ 650, A rt Johnson 223, Ken Wahl before and suffered through dis­ peared the prize might not get The position of Webb^ and the v;ith a clean sweep of four points ”l hope to make some interleague The Manrhestor hand Is plan­ of two key players for ths ro- New York, Nov. 22 {fP)— Wilt Chamberlain of Philadelphia 217, Joe Mlrano 213, Ernie Scott appointments. He was manager ning a rather elaborate half­ here. American League is just as plain. from Moriarty Bros. Front run­ deals,” said the rugged ex-catch­ Fared Well Here malnder of the season. . has regained the National Basketball Assn, individual scor­ 211, Harry Schwab 201. of the Chicago Cubs for three sea- er. "There are some players over time show whirh they have Last year’s league cham­ They are determined to grant a ning Lenox Pharmacy dropped a Halfback Frank Gifford sof- .sons, 1957-69. The turnover on the there who’d look good in Detroit been vs'orklng on for the last fered a deep conciisston In the ing lead despite a tremendous scoring spree by Elgin Baylor pions, the University of Penn- franchise to Los Angeles, and in 3-1 decision to Manchester Motor Cuba la about as quick as with De­ BOWING OUT THURSDAY: Thesfi five defensive players will be making their final 1961, O’Malley notwltlistanding. uniforms.” two weeks. ) National Football League game ■ of Los Angeles. . «>■ sylvaala, apparently didn’t , Y FRUIT LEAGUE Service which gained a tie for troit, and second division finishes appearances of the season for the Indians Thursday morning when they meet PJast realize the trophy was to bb Webb was dispatched to the Standings The interleague trading period Theme of the program will Ry EARL YOST with the Philadelphia Eagles Chamberlain leads the West gained the free-throw lesid from fourth place with Its upset vic­ are as frequent. Detroit has Hart ford at Memorial Field at 11 o'clock. l>eft to right. Bruce Badger, end: Dirk ,Mc- be the Pilgrims’ first Thanks­ Biinday and will he sidelined ' Ooaat flakh 549-513, but th^ Phila­ presented at last night’s Yale West Coast with Instructions from W. L. Pet. tory. crawled into the first division only started yesterday and runs Into Mullin, guard; and Denny Seibert, end. Rack row, Bill Eagleson. linebacker; and Lance Clyde Lovellette of St. Louis. victory celebration. his league to offer what tt con- Berries ...... 24 12 .667 next month. giving and will last eight min­ Olympic runners have fared well in past performances in for 30 days. Defensive end delphian has played one more Schayes -mtsieid only three of 28 Ed Doucette's 350 topped the twice in 10 seasons. 'Stewart, halfback. {Herald Photo by Saternis.) utes. Some of the formations Jim , KatCavage suffered a cel­ game than Baylor, who eet an When some old Elis realized sidera a ’’reasonable” settlement Sugar Plums ...... 20 16 .556 scorers. Scheffing said he was glad Tom the Five Mile Road Race, the annual No. 1 sports attraction attempts for- a .8M percentage. the cup might not make it tn to O'Malley for any expenses he Dates A N u U ...... 19 17 .528 "I don't feel I’m qualified to Ferrlck, pitching coach in Detroit whirh the band plans to make lar bone fracture. NBA. single game record by scor­ talk about the Tigers' problems inriiide 1. Pilgrim’s hat, 2.Bow in Manchester. Of the 23 previoU.s races, 12 were won by men Lo"vellette has. an ..883 mark. time, they chartered a plane might have accrued in bringing the Peaches ...... 18 18 .500 last summer' under the departed Gifford was Injured when ing 71 points againat New York 8T.\R-U TE right now,” saJd Scheffing, who'll and arrow. 3, Bhinderbiis, 4. jwho represented the United States in Olympic .Games com­ Chamberlain leads In rebounds for Philadelphia and brought Dodgers there three years ago. Koneydews ' ...... 18 18 .500 Jimmie Dykes and Joe Gordon, tackled by Chuck Bednartk last week, and got 62 in another with 417 in 16 games for a 27.8 Included with the leading bowl­ receive a reported $36,000 a year Turkey with a surprise slated petition. * ------— game. back the trophy themselves. O'Malley has said that compensa­ Flgbars ...... 9 27 .250 ers were Alisa Smith 160—410, would be retained. Only one former Olympian ha-s, . . . _ . after taking a pass. average, with Baylor second with At the presentation to Yale’s tion to the Dodgers by the new with Detroit. tor the conrluslon. The high Veteran quarterback Charley Baylor leads In averages, how­ Donna Bowman 165. "Now I want to get two more srhool majorettes and speelal entered this year's 24th edition of , urp?k'in»*'th* » 298 retrieves for 21.3. Robertson outgoing Captain Mike Pyle, American League entry would be Ruth Willey’s 112 was the best ‘T m no miracle man, but I’ve Conerly didn’t play Sunday be­ ever. He has averaged 36.64 points coaches,” Scheffing said. "I want props will also perform. the Silk Towm spectacle Thanks-i ia atm topa In assists "with 152 for the trophy was appropriately the least Important of the condi­ score. always wanted to manage a young at least one to have an American Best Team Effort cause of a knee Injury, and tend a game to 36.60 fbr Chamberlain. an 8.4 average. Guy Rodgers of FD51MES A FELLAS

The whole program Is nnder giving morning. Pete Close. The packaged id a Crimson box to tions. team and I’m sure it'll improve. League background.” \ f ttnrsVtnait A s* L Is f v U n « . *J C 4 I ^- ^ 4V 0 IH A stirring two-man Kyle Rote played with a brace Both marks are the highest in the Philadelphia Ja second with 121 for Roland Irish led the men with the supervision of Robert Vo­ former Manchester High and St.; s„^, ,, ^ ’ mark Yale’s win over arch ”l am opposed to sharing the Los HARTFORD OOtlNTY 138—356. Top women pinners were "It's a team with a lot of good Scheffing played with Chicago, standout made- nee the Olympics, protecting a broken bone tn his 15-year history of the league. an 8.1 mark. rival Harvard, which clinched players coming up from the ter. band director. He Is being Angeles Coliseum in 1961,” he said. Standings Fran Crandall 115-114, Flo Kloter Cincinnati and St. Louis in the assisted by Vincent Paxla, stu­ the 1960 Olympic'squad as a mem"- "'"‘'^""y left hand. Oscar Robertson of Cincinnati The scoring leaders: the title. “I think a new team should be lo­ minors and there are enough stars eontinuee in third place with “483 W. L. Pet. 117, VI Morton 117, Helen MoCann National League. His only experi­ dent training tearher from the her of the 1.500 meter team. A Ma- . Pta. Ave. cated In an area 15 rrtiles from the on the club who are solid major ence in the American League came points, and his teammate. Jack Chamberlain, Phlla...... 549 86.60 Pagan! Caterers...... 7 2 .777 114, Alba Sobiski 113. ■* Lnlverslty of C'onnectteut and 'rine second lieutenant, stationed at p!,'' Dodgers home site.” Aldon Mills ...... 6 3 .666 ______: ______/ leaguers. I'm talking about Eton as a coach in 1952-53 with the &t. iQuantico, Va , ao.xe won here IWyman, is fourth with 430. Bajdor, Los Ang...... 518 36.64 Jonathan Almond, drum major Elis’ Balitie Named Bursiek Selected He mentioned such places as Dari-Malds ■...... 5 4 .555 MossI, Jim Sunning, A1 Kaline and Louis Browns. Coach Says of Win In charge of the band on the 1958 aJteralter pushing Little Johnny,Johnny 5 ?>' one-time Boston’s Sam Jones is the real Robertson, Cinn...... 483 26.8 MONDAY HOLIDAY WIVES Long Beach and San Bema- Oliva's Esso ...... 3 6 .333 Standings field. Kelley to a course record in 1957,'1957, ’yP "'"" / ' Y *^?*'*" ■'V "'* On ECAC s Weekly ■harpshooter. The Celtic star has Twyman, Clnn...... 430 23.9 dlno. Some American League .Kelley's 23;59.3 clocking in 19 5 7 , "tir e d while Hart Is residing been hitting at a .496 pace. Hal Naulls, N.Y...... 336 24.0 New Yale Leader Pellets ...... 3 6 .333 W. L. Pci. in California. owners are' wondering why he Lea's Market ...... 3 6 .333 Ry FRANK CLINE " "Simmons (Mike) and Man-| Allbrio tboiight, that ' Still stande a.s the best time in the Greer of Syracuse is second ■with Shue, Detroit ...... 335 23.9 Cookers ...... 27 13 .675 chuck (Grsgl were just terrific I Wether.sfieid was tbie best team the The entry list now numbers 126. All - East Eleven didn’t add Laguna Beach. Washers ...... 2.1 17 .575 i rare which is being sponsored for ,484, with, Chamberlain third at Pettit. St. Louis ...... 321 24,7 New Haven, Nov. 22 ()F)—An­ ’’O’Malley just doesn’t want the "■\Va.a that the hopt game a They ran beautifully, twisting and! Indians have faced this fall Palmer Still Leads. I the 10th time by Nutmeg Forest, .Also-Rans Listed with to top pinners were Dusters ...... 22 18 .550 .476 and Bill Sherman of the Ccl- Arlzin, Phila...... 320 21.3 other lllinosian has been elected American League in Los Angeles,” ManchestPr High football fuming and fighting for eaery Ves, Wethersfield wa.a best No. 116, Tall Odars of Lebanon. There have also been a numl>er New York. Nov. 22 'JT< — Dsrt- tica and Robertson tied at .465. Bob Clough Sr. 156-115-132—403, Ironers ...... 17 23 .425 of also-rans among men who make Howell, Det...... 308 22.0 captain of Yale’s 1961 football said Nate Dolin, the blunt spoken team ever pla\eotball game this group ever play­ Alibno "is to try and keep our New York, Nov. 22 (P) — Mini-^and Iowa whitewashed Notre Webb Isn’t talking, at least, ndt Cunliffe Motors .20 4 .833 and a sparkling 153. Other fine ed U-r me and the best game ever Manchurk u the Indians' second ments, won seven and placed! in this season and who had been bad knee. However, he saw con­ scores Included Kathy Gaudino bunch from taking Faist Hartford hosota leapfrogged back Into first Dame, 28-0. just yet. While in Los Angeles, he .16 8 .667 fiiaved here on Memorial Field,' re­ leading ground gainer hut - has the top five 1.5 times. nominated three other times, play­ siderable action later In the con­ 113, Ciiidy Evans 107, Bobble totaled only eight points this sea­ too lightly, Titey play in a little . place in ths weekly Associated Duke plummeted right out of the test. conferred with Kenyon Brown, .14 10 .583 sponded Briggs. Ken Venturi of Palo Alto, Calif., ■ ■ ed a tremendous defensive gams top 10. The Blue DevUs were No. 6 Weiss 103, Diane Maynard 102. son on a touchdown and one rush tougher loagiie than we do and Basically, Relations Good After the election, the Blues former stockholder in the Detroit Man. Auto Parts . .13 11 .542 Then, after thinking a moment, ."till has a firm hold on second in the victory over Harvard that Press' football rankings today as lu t week, but fell before North for two points after touchdown t.hey've prnveci more than once held a victory dinner on bringing Tigers, on the prospect of Brown DeCormier Motors . 6 IS .250 he added. "But no. I couldn't hon- spot with total winnings of $46,- gave Yale an undefeated untied the fight for the National College Carolina, 7-6. Arkansas, Navy, Au­ HOLIDAY BANTAMS Getting hack to the discussion this t, they know how- to season. home the league crown for the heading a syndicate, including Man. Radiator . . . . 4 20 .167 e.slly say this was the best game srnic with that hall 400 Dow Finsterwald, Teqiiesta. 'Champioiishlp headed into a photo burn and Ohio State all moved up^ Hitting 100 or better were Gary a MefbchcBtcr team ever played for of the game Briggs continued. Fla , IS in third plare wuth $41,- Other New England players finish. one notch, Kansas popped back Into first time since 1956. Ben Balme, hotel owner Conrad Hilton, to Smith 103 and John Tinker 102. "One of the key plays in the game "Pul. If we can just match the Indians and Hornets Howie August hit a sparkling me although it rates up there pret­ 200 named to the team were Ifoly the top 10 for the first time since 21, a senior and powerhouse guard take over the Los Angeles fran Highest individual single to date desire we showed a.gainst. Weth­ ■nio coveted title will be de- 420 triple on games of 150, 144 and ty high. Best game we ever won was Minor s (Buddvi catch of that Bill Caspar, playing out of Ap- Cross tackle John Timperlo and Oct. 10. from Portland, Ore., was present­ chise. He was expected to make is Steve Boris’ 116. Highest double pa.M which kept our first touch- ersfield I think we ll do okay " , elded on the results of next week’s ed -with.the Jordan Olivar Award, 126. Other fine totals wpre Dick was bark In Hl.5k.when we upset pl» Valley, C ailf. maintained a end Dick Laine of Brown. ■ The leaders, with first place his report at the league meeting. Is held by Dick Cobb Jr. 210. Three dow-n drive alive Peipel's (Doni Bob Vinton, former final AP. poll of the season. named in honor of Yale's coach. Descy 142—372. Mike Denhup 142. Weaver, 28-7, going into th» game bare margin for fourth spot wuth Other aeleetions were end A1 votes, season won-lost-tted records new teama were added thi." week fine run later m the gam- was an Game on as Scheduled It was also announced that an­ a decided underdog. t.iT .^OO over Jay Hebert of San- Georgetown. University Ferrie of Wagner, tackle Paul Minnesota barely edged out in parentheses (points figured on a making It an eight team league for other htg p!a\- C ro w n other victory banquet would be ' But, the best game wo. ever f-vri, FIs . who has won $36,800 track stahdout. will be in Rusincovitch. Scranton: guard Tim - Iowa and Mississippi for the No. 1 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-8-2-1 basis): ELKS boys 12 and under. filayed was hack in Ih.M when we "Defensi\e|v we did a good lob Gannon. Hofstra: center Alex ■spot. T h e Ciophers finished with 1. Minnesota (13%) (8-1) 424% held in New Yorti's Waldorf- Standings despite the fact we were badly Providence, R I, Nov 77 ir - By FRANK CLTNE Thursday's Five Mile Sport Schedule ios* to Middletown. 24-20 We plav- series of strained relations Kroll, Rutgers; and backs Richie 424% points to 417% for second 2. Iowa (17%) (8-1) 417% Astoria Hotel Jan. 11- with some W. L. Pet. PARKADE HOUSE ed that one without a quarterback fooled a couple of times, parti­ Young Gene Fo.smlre,. a persi.slenl, between his school and East Road Race. The former Richman of Villanova. Vem place Iowa. Mississippi, in third 2,000 persons expected to attend. Aceto A Sons .22 11 .666 detemitned puncher from Revere. F.lprt Cromwpll ' Basically, th* relations be­ 3. Mississippi (18) (8-0-1) 398 Standings and darn near beat them cularly early in f.he fourth period tween our two schools are Hartford High which were re­ Manchester High stand­ .Magnuson of Lebanon Valley and place, -had 398 points. 4. Washington (2) (9-1) 249 David Wliiebremier of New Ox­ Yliursday, Nov. 24 .19 14 .576 W. L. More than .satisfied with our Mas.s, has annexed New Eng­ ford, Pa;, was named manager of Turning back fd ?aturdav'.' up­ good. But, If we have another kindled again with last week's out is now a student at Chuck McDonald of Kings Point. Washington, the Big Five cham­ 5. Missouri (9-1) 241 Five Mile Road Race, 10:30, .16 17 .485 Green Pharmacy ...32 8 defense In spite of their first TT) ! land s vacant featherw-eight title Hartford Nov 22 ./p, — Ken the varsity for the 1061 season, set victor y o^'cr iV'et.hersfield. Incident Invohung Manchester paint smearing incident.": the Georgetown Law Joe lacone. West Chester half­ pion and host team in the Rose 6. Arkansas (8-2) 328 Main St. .15 18 .455 Railway Express ..27 13 which they scored through the air " Fosmire rallied from a second Cromwell of Ogden. Utah, a iun- succeeding C. Cotesworth Pinck­ Briggs declared "Feel that students, we will open up the "Teams from towms rather, back, was named sophomore of the Bowl, moved up one notch to 7. Navy (8-1) 188 Blast Hartford at Manchester, .14 19 .424 Walsh’s Esso ...... 24 16 V.'etbcrsfleid was a better A few- moments later A.ssistant 1 round, eight-count knockdown, lor fullback has been elected cap­ School. Last year he was ney of Richmond, Va. whole question again.;' close together tend to build week. He was followed in order by fourth With 249 points, "whUe Mis­ 8. Auburn (1) (8-1) 149> 11, Memorial Field. Decl's Drive-In .13 20 .394 ■Vernon E s s o ...... 24 16 team than Hall ' T'oach Tony Alibno was encount- j tain of the 1961 Trinity College seventh among the fin­ won a .spilt derision over Paddy up natural rivalries," con­ halfbacka Ken Kezer, Massachu- souri, the leader last week, tum­ 9. Ohio State (7-2) 117 Basketball—Alumni at Rock­ Stanek Electronics .23 17 Hall won the Central ronnecti- ered m the corridor , Read of Prnvndenre last tiight and football team. Also elected That was the way J Ray­ tinued Rogers. "But I think ishers. setta, and Jon Meeker, Broxi'n. 10. Kansas (7-2-1) 48 night were Raird Morgan of Brvn bled to fifth with 241 points after ville, 8:15. 165--398 and Mitchell Electric ...21 19 cut In'erscholastic I/eague title hv "One of the best concerted e f­ took over the New Knglarid crown mond Rogers, pnncipal at some things can be done on Others receiving votes were Jim Aceto 135—369 led the scorers. Mawr. Pa and Pciiig ■ Anderson Manchester High v school, taking a 23-7 beating from Kan­ Finest Five ...... 20 20 edging Conard 14-!'? Paturdav forts cif snv hunch we've | ever abandoned by Harold Gomes Both ; the school level to eliminate sas. Duke (7-2-0) 86, Rice (7-2) 34, Yale Man. P o lic e ...... 17 23 "Believe If we had lh» plavs m had, opined the Indians' ‘ line Fosmire and Read weighed 12R for MIngham, Mass a.s co-raptalns of summed up his attitude tn hi.a vandalism and rowdy tactics. (1) (9-0) 30%, Michigan State NBA AT A GLANCE HOLIDAY MIXED DOUBLES the ,occer team office yesterday toward the Arkansas, the Cotton Bowl host, Wood's Locker ....10 30 our offensa then that we have now roach F.vervone plaved well both the 12-round bout "Some people get go en­ (6-2-1) 19, New Mexico State (9-0) Monday’s Games Leading the women were Hildur Gammons— — w« could have beaten both Hall wavs We made som» mistakes out was sixth,, followed by Navy, Au­ thusiastic that they some­ Hoople Finishes Grid Slate^ burn, Ohio State and Kansas. 9, Penn State (8-S)-9 Syracnie: No Games Scheduled. 7 Zawlstowskl 134, Barbara McCon- and Conard. " Briggs continued there sure but u-hen they mad* ; HOCKEY AT A GLANCE times forget gam68 are played (7-2) 8, Alabama (7-1-i) 8, Baylor Tuesday’s GamM vllle 133, Anne Twerdy 122, Thala lER TO SAY ‘SUNOCO” speaking of the two West Hartford hobbies W'e were able to captalir.e i Both Minnesota and Iowa have Best scores included Richard on the field and not in the (7-2) 6, Florida (7-2) 6, Texas (8-3) JAYVEB MIDGETS Cincinnati vs. Los Angeles at Mosher 113, Nancy Yost 110. Joe Sullivan 216, Steve Stenger 213, schools, both of whom conquered on these breaks. That a the sign of j finished their seasons, each with 3. Purdue (4-4-1) 2. Oregon (7-2-1) Monday's Bessiilts standings before or after the Best bowlers were Dave Sapl- New York DePautot 377 and Dick McCon- Richard Lorber 209, Edward Cron­ the Indlan.a. a good team " Rlnnchard^s 60 Points Tops Discovers Own System Best an 8-1 record and tied for the Big 2. Michigan (5-4) 2, Oregon State No Games .Scheduled game." enza 124, Bob White 113, aiff Has- St. Louis at New York vllle 139—360 topped the men. in 203, Lester Rogers 200. WHEN YOU WANT QUALITY Ten Championship. (6-3-1) 1. sett 109. Rogers admitted that there Mtawourl Unbeaten _i_____ ^ !Setv England Scoring Paraide was some serious considera­ But,UUcd place Mississippi, the GREEN JR. BOYS HEATING 0IL...AND BE SURE tion given Friday toward By MAJOR AMOS B. HOOPLE only team Inrthe top 10 that hasn't canceling Thanksgiving Day Originator of the Turkey Trot UConD Soccer .Club With the top pinners were Gary Brand Syxmkinq Ni»w, Foetory Frash . Boston Nov 22 •If^- irullbackfi Aceto, So Conn 10 6 " 38 been'defeated, • sUIl has one more Smith 112-116, ^Iph Rawson 136, morning’s game. The night Egad, gentle readers, here we game. The Rebs, .who boast an Boh Blanchard of unbeaten, un­ DeMiro, Wesleyan 8 .5 , 8 before s half dozen Manches­ arc at the windup of another auc- Terry Kloter 124, Rich Flah 119, TO SAY IT TO GLENNETS n 8-0-1 record, play Mississippi State To Meet Maryland tied Yale has claimed the New Kezer, Mass ...... 9 6 ,3R ter High students, who were cessful season for the world- Jerry DuBols 115, Dave Grzyb 115, Smith, -Colby _____ 7 6 0 .18 In' their finale Saturday. Bill Adamson 112, Bob Byrnes 110. Fngland football Scoring crown. picked up the next morning, f,"' ■■'‘d Hoople System . Now the question Is: In NCAA Tourney White, Conn , . 9 6 lO .16 had gone to East Hartford to Sir T Blanchard jammed over from By way-of saying au revoir for If MlMissippl wins impressively WEST SIDE BOXED DOUBLES Sr.umcr.ylt, Trinity 8 6 0 38 "petailate" for a "paint .job" this autumn I have some special I''^'7 the one in the Elie' .Saturday con- X-McCarthy, Holy over arch^rlval Mississippi State, Storrs, Nov. 22 (^ — The Uni Standings C O M E T S done on Manchester High the surprises for you. One of the sea­ '61 We would like to an­ quest of ancient rival Harvard Cross . . . . 9 4 12 m 'Will the 49 selections from all over verslty of Connecticut soccer team Good men’s scores-^ere Howli. The touchdown, his eighth of the night before. As of today no son’s biggest upsets I've saved for the country be Influenced enough will play the University of Mary­ nounce that H arry Ror.yrkI, Dartm'th 9 5 2 32 one has been singled out for Hansen 138— 361, Harry Buck .sea.son, boosted his total point pro- ISat —- the Army mule will be at to send the Rebels todhe top? land at Brooklyn College in New minster 357, Ed“ Werner 358. Aud­ the better coi^aet carj "AT ANY PRICE! X-Hennease.y, Holy v'andalism carried out here hts stubborn best as. Navy li fore­ Van Camp, formerly duct.fon for the year to 60, a.nd Cros." , . . . .f. ? .5 7 32 In any event, this probably ■will York Friday In a semi-final round rey Frey's 113 led the women. , The new Manchester High s ' to dip its colon. The score. 17- contest of the NCAA National Soc­ vaiilated him over Ron Deveaux ciiampeon. Maine . 8 .5 2 .12 be the closest finish in the poll SEOANS associated with the of Tufts. principal concluded, ’'I anti­ 14. Amazing, isn’t it? cer Championship. WAGONS Sihgloton, Yale 9 ,5 2 32 since It was Satiblashed In 1936. Y JR . BOYS cipate our boys playing a Other Bhocken tn our farewell Coincidentally, Minnesota won the Maryland won the right to play Top bowlers were Mike Orlow- Randee Heating Serv­ IVveaux. s sophomore, conclud­ X-Seaeon Not Completed, good, hard, crisp game of ed ins season a week earlier and forecast for the season are Texas championship that year. •UConn, New England champions, skl 133, Bob' Cowles 103, John A ice, has been added jo ^ football Thank.sgiving Day. A and .M. to topple Texas on Lucas 105, Sieve Cole 102, A1 rtni.shed in second place with 58 *11118 V^eCk, the poh was so close by ed^ng Rutgers,” 4-3, at New our Fuel Service De^ (loints. He scored eight touch­ From my past experiences, Turkey Day, and Soiuth - Carolina that one selector couldn’t separate Brunswick, N. J., yesterday. It Gryzb 100, Bob Allen 100. downs in SIX games for the Jum­ I’ve found that the team that j to thump Wake Forest on Satur- •The OI! Boy Hlniaeir Minnesota and Iowa. He resolved was Rutgers’ first setback In 12 More partment. Harry has loses Its head and fights or j day. Har-rurnph! Well, friends, games this year. bos. missing two other contests hla dilemma .-by giving them each had over 18 years ex­ because of Injuries uses unsportsVnanlike tactics I that's it fqr now. Don't eat too I turn with the complete hat of a half of his first place vote. UConn goes Into the aemi-finsls BA DART LEAGUE Is already licked.’’ Colby B Bnice Kingdon. who fin­ much turkey. Watch for my re- ' Bowl games and tcorea. Iowa received the most first as a result of its 4-3 triumph over Standings - - perience servicing oil place "Votes, 17%. Minnesota had Cortland (N. Y.) State here last ished his season two weeks ago, 1 Adieu and cheerio I W. L. Pct.GBL burners and will be was third .with 52 12% and Misaisaippi. which was Saturday. Qeltic ...... 31 19 .620 — I THANKSOniNO DAY Idle last Saturday, IS. But the The other seml-flnallsts, St Blackpool • • •s••29 21 .580 Dick Desmarais of Boston Uni­ 2 available to handle Biggest Gain in Scoring Race Ohattanoge 14, Miae. So. 12 Gophers got to the top on the b uis Louis University and West Chester Ballymena ...... 28 22 ,560 3 OVER versity and Ken Wolfe of Yale burner installations ; Colorado St. 8, Denver 7 of a stronger show of seconds and College of- Pennsylvania will play Unfield ...... 27 23 .540 4 IN STOCK TO PICK FROM each got one touchdown in their ' Texas A. and M. 17, Texaa 7 thirds. • • In Brooklyn Friday. The victor will Arsenal ' ...... 28 24 .520 5 and service for our teams final game of the season Turned in by Bruins^ Stasiuk I Va. M UUry 80. Va. Tech. 18 Both Minnesota and Iowa wound take on the winner of the Connec- Portadown ....>23 27 .460 8 a.nd remained in s tie for fourth I Richmond 25, $Vm. and Mary T t . up operations last Saturday. Min? tlcut-Maryland scrap for the Na­ Rangers . .; ...... 23 37 .460 8 customers. place, each unth 48, Montreal, Nov. 22 UP) — Vlc*>a week ago. slipped back a notch I Wichita 25, Weal Texas Htate 8 aesota crushed" Wisconsin, 27-7, tional .title. Glenavon ...... 13 37 .260 18 IMMEDIATE DEUVERY Southern fVihnecticuts Ray Manchester 28, East Hartford 7. I'.iarleglio got a tou(*hdown Satur­ Stasiuk, the solid workhorse of the and Norm Ullnian of the Detroit day and l\nished with 45 points, Boston Bruins, came out of no­ Red Wings moved ahead of him. SATURDAY, NOV. 26 while Amencan International's Ullman scored one goal and three MILES Store hourt 7:30 o.m.-5 p.m.-SfNurdoy riH 121 where with a whopping nine points aaststs. setting himself up as pace­ I Colorado 85, Air Force Acad. 18 PRICES John .Mahoney came up with a 13- last week to join the mob dosing I Anburn 16, Alabama 10 Evory Friday night tiH 8:30 |'>oint performance m A ir's finale setter on assists with 20, snd now OR ONE YEAR START ■ ' r ' tn on two Montreal Canadiena' with 27 points is only two behind ] Army 18, Nax-y 8 and became the only other New sharpshooters for scoring leader­ I Rice 21. Baylor 14 s.. FACTORY ’ Knowledgeable people Itkigland player to amaas 40 or the leader.". AT "Yonr Ouoremfoo—Oiir 40 Yoora ship of the National Hockey Bellveau picked up only a single Holy Cross SO, Boston Cel. • ' CLOSED more, (inlshing with 43. League. “■ WARRANTY! assist and is in fourth place with , Florida 2‘2, .Miami (Fla.) 14 Of Dopondoblo Sorvico" In the passing department, Stasiuk was in 25th place a week Georgia Tech. 10, Georgia 14 Yale s Tom Singleton failed to 26 points on nine goals and 17 as- ago. In the NHL list, released to­ ai.stjs, Houston 29, Tulsa 20 1 1 . ' ■ ., ■■ ■ ' buy Imperial IMPERIAl throw for a touchdown against La. State 20, Tnlanc IS ALEX HACKNEY day, he wag In a tie for sixth place. Pobby Hull of the Chicago Black NO PAYMENTS Harvard, but retained his lead, The Veteran Bruin rightwinger Mlseissippl 2 1 ,'MlaeLssippl At. 8. ONLY finishing wlUi 52 points Lhixiugh H.iwks came up with a goal and DOWN scored only one goal in his team's two assista and remains In fifth So. California IS, Notre Dame 8 THANKSGIVING DAY it’s a matter of taste (and value) the air. New,Hampshire's Bo Dick­ Trophy Night Fete four games hut he contributed place with a 10-13 count for 23 Oklahoma 20, Oklahoma 8f. 9 TIM. JANUARY inson was second with 60, includ­ eight aasiats and now is only eight So. Carolina 17, Wake Forest 16 ing eight touchdown strikes. points. ______Set for Satui*day points behind Montreal's ’ Dickie The leaders: Tex. Chris. 14, So. Meth. 0 HIRAM WALKER Moore and Bemle (Boom Boom) Teaneasee 24, VanderMIt 8 HI8H TRADES f LDWPRIGIS • LOW BANK TERMS Bcortng LMkdera O A P t" Stcrt«towprahU)llsu$frw nst0yiii9opM l1iankt9ivIii4Day^ . > F T IX QUART Geoffrion. More. '$(ont...... 19 in 29 UOLA 17. Utah 1.8 $5.20 , G, TD, PAT T. Scheduled Saturday night at ihe All T u s t iBcl. MAncheatcr Country ' Club ia the Moore scored one goal'snd two Geoffrion. Mont, ...... 12 '17 27 BlancharJ. Yals 8 12 fiU ssaiata in the Canadiens’ two 20 annual Trophy HIght. prpgram Ullman, Det...... 7 27 N. MAIN Sn tE E T e ix in q t o n h b a k c b Dsveaux, 'Tufts ,..6 8* 10 Thlii tsriU also be Alex Hackney games and moved into m tie for the Bellveau, Mont. . . 4. . . 9 >7 26 GOLFER SUCCUMBS sewD su99M»yDubHyyouriioMkwltliMiatiiiiiiliMl; . . Ktngdon, Oolby . . 7 8 '4 r Kaackwtor, OaoB. WMt Boai. Bmito Night when club members wiU lead at 39 points with Geoffrion. Hull, ..Chicago ...... 10 13 23 Bristol,' Nov. 22 UP) — Louis Lsm- Desmarais, B. U. >10 8 . 0 MORIARTY BROTHERS a-etss — M S U irUskey by Hinn Walker honor the popular homa pro. The Boomer managed to get only a Howe, Detroit ...... 5 16 2 1 toakl, 41, a vetsran golfer, disdi a t Wolfe, Vale 9 7 6 PraaantatioH of all trophies won goal. Stasiuk, Boston 4 17 31 ths Pequsbuck golf club ysstsrday. Mi clitfflGr Podwy Hort Astod U Dn "HarMwr^ OeiaHgr*> OMsst UaMia • Asw uij • ’Dsasat • IRgtIaii DsiUei" ^D tD wHisrey. u no o f. xm uiaiom t whishys. « vokis o i m oh oio Clarleglio, Southern during toilmamenta held a t the Moors now Ijiaa scored 19 goals Mshovllch. Toronto ...16 4 20 LostoMci wag a sevsn-tlms win- *QIUAUTY--~-41m h9$t moiwm^ of olT! Uonn...... 10 7 8 801 CENTER STREET Bfl S-SISS-OPEN EVENINGS W otAM NaniAi snars • h« am WAutei t sons in c , h o iia uunois local club this summer will b* in 20 games end leads In ths goals Horvath. Boston ...... 13 8 20 nor of tns Bristol City Golf Cham­ HOMB IWBOinBlIKMT BBAiMmuMnaui ? Mshonby, AIC . . . 1 7 1 made.. A steak dinner will be departmmt. Geoffrion has 12 goals DelVecchio, Det...... U 9 20 pionship and won numsrous ‘ens- Van Nort, Amherst 1 6 3 served. The program wlU gat un and 17 aaatsts- HSbenton, New York . . 9 11; 30 day tournaments. Hs also won the McLuesSii ‘Tufts ... t 0 ' S dararajr at Jsaa Baltvaau a( llMtraal* third Bhtdigsts,tNsw York.. 9 11 20 Psquabuck Club title sevm tiast. t I ■ i V .-t


Business Services Offered 13 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY aiul SHORTEN Hoaadluikl Goods 51 Apartment*—Flats— B o o m i tor Root 65 UottM* for Salt 72 Hoium* for S*lt 72 Hebron Tensmsnts 63 8 Pacifists Removed IT dpMt>LETE REPAIRS — By Stu- DININa ROOM eat, mahofany, pqVB ROOM ranch, 8 years old, BOLTON — 4-ro6m ranch * with NICW 2-FAM3LT duplex 8-8, double Eugene Kelly NAmed art R. Wolcott bn euitoinatlc taMe, 6 chairs, china closet, Ixtt- THREE ROOM heated epartaunt, 8 bedrooms, 6 minute, from Man­ breezeway, garage and amesite gafsgo,-separate heating. Conven­ Town’s History CLASSIFIED washers dryers and electric MifitMHeMADe fet. In good condRlmi, $900. M I idt^en, living room; . betfiroom chester oh Route 44-A. Will apply drive, larae besutlfully landscaped iently located • near everything. ranges, MI 9-6678, MOM 6000001 8-1907, and baUi, modem and private; MI rent toward purchase if desired. corner lot. Located' Notch Road <3ood inyeetment. Dlscoe Agency, Feature"x>f New Polaris Sub Allen CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. TMAM48NSIX 34806. Monthly rent $126. PI 2-6647, eve- Extension. Immediate occupancy. hU. 9-0828. Prosecutor of Circiut 5CAPLE DINETTE SET, .maple ^------/ , nlngs PI 2-8090. Reasmiable rates. Call PI 3-7658 LEMMEBS3Me»4 arm eludr, round mahogany cotfee Assumable 4H% VA mo^age. Church Letters FOUR kOOM apartment, eei^tral $11,800, $600 down. (Jail MI 8-8406. Lots for SBM 78 ADVERTISING between 1:80-4:80 or any time H6100KHIS table, comer table, matching cof­ location, secemd floor, heat, hot j(ANC!HESTER'— Unheated 6^ (Centtnned from Page Saturday or Sunday. Lew School In 1949 and begin In OSMNOHSr fee table, utility table, gtid framed water, adults. MI 8-7590. After 6 room ranch house with-fireplace, MANCHESTER—One year Old four THREE B ZONE let* With attached garage, large yard^ oil bedroom colonial on laige lot. wktor. Union 8t,^ MnnchMnr. His education at Trinity waa In* edits news letters for the Hebron CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS My 9-9975. ______furnace, newly redecorated, near Breezeway and gafage. Paneled $2.50(> each. Ml 8-4496. Judges at a sdries of organization temipted by a four-and-a-haU‘year CongregatlwiBl C!hurch, reports a Household Sendees FIVE ROOM apartment, second stieetinge, the last o f them Mon­ 8 ;15 AJM. t o 4;30 PJtt. sehMla. church, bus, shipping dla- living room with fireplace. Formal tour of military duty. Ha ivaa dls news letter Will be published each (Oenttnoed trosi Pz*e 6 m ) Offered 13-A iW e® Rooms of Purnituro floor, oil heat, hot water,., central trfet. Children. accepted. MI dining room. Modern Kitchen with AkDOVSR LAKE-TWO ndJolBlni day. locaUon. MI 8-4751. charged from the Army Air (Jorpe month If possible, -^th historical 9-5479. built-in oven and range unlta. Ex­ lou for eki*. Mkrion E. Roheitaon, . All top posts in the 18 circuits with the rank of major. facts from church or town rec­ marines which fellow it, takefi at COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. FLAT FINISH Holland window FROM MODEL HOME broker, Ml 8-685S. shades made to measure. All NEW 8 ROOM apartment, stove, ceptional closet space.i Five min­ were filled, including the prose­ For about i year beginning in ords. part of our overall ifivlilneffible MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 10:M AAL—SATURDAY t AAL h o m e f o r rent, 406 Woodbridge utes from the center olf Manches-' cutors, clerks, and domestic rela­ 1958 he waa assistant regional ad *8 and ^ metal Venetian blinds at a new Cost Over $700 reMgerdtor, heat, hot water, gi^ St., Green Manor area, 6 room The Hebron Congregational retallatoiY forced, give ufimlitak* rage. Adults only. $08 monthly. P I ter, fifteen minutes from the heart WantefI— Real Estate 77 tions officers. In (Jircult 14, Hart­ ihlnistrator at Ft. Worth, Tex,, for began with the settlement able evidence to the world that lea low price. Keys made while you cape, attached garage, 3 large of downtown Hartford. Selling be­ PLEASE READ YOUR AD wait. Marlow's. 2-8090. ford, even the clerical workers the Securities and Exchange (Jom of thOstown In 1708. In May of that intend to maintain and enhanca , n e v e r 'B E E N USED bedrooms, den, 1^ baths, large low bank appralial. Good financ­ ARE YOU considering leillng youf mission. ' , or **Waat Ads’* mn tmken over the phone m a epn- living room with fireplace, oil were named. In other districts year pernUssion was. given by the Q—Under what agency does the that capability In the future.'* HAROLD It SONS, Rubbish remov­ Sale Price $888 COVENTRY—6 room, first floor, ^ ing available. Price 818,900. Wea- home? If you are, we will pur­ some of the minor Jobs still re­ Karison.'the clerk In the new veatenee. The adverttser should read his ad the FIRST DAY IT baseboard heating. Will lease for chase your equity. For exnedlency General to the' nine families Onauz Bureau operate? APMSAiUI and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next lnser> al, cellars, and attics cleaned. apartment, spacious rooms, beau­ ley Vancour. MI 8-4888 any time. main to be filled. clrpult court, is a casualty adjust' The traditional botlle of bhaffi'* lo iD ir T d E r Pay Only $4 Week one o f mpre years, $150 per' please call us. Ml 8-8129. J. D. here to be In^oroorated as a towrt A — The Department of Ck>m- pagne that splashed against the . The Hesald is responsible for only ONE incorrect or omitted Ashes, papers, all rubbish. Harold tiful big yard, steam-heat. Fast, er for Traveler’s Insurance Co. .so they might raise money for sup­ merce. FINPSOUTHE MYUCCNSE!X pleasant commuting to East Hart­ month. Call New Britain 9-4000, SOUND VALUES! Realty (Jo., 47' Main St., Man- Judge Rubinow said that in the A native of Hartford he attend­ Allen's hull and sent her sliding faisertton for aay adverttsement and then only to the extent of a Hoar. MI 9-4034. Sacrificing complete bedroom, port of the GospjjNln those days ford, Manchester and other sur­ after 6 p.m. cheater. majority of cases the appointments ed East Hartford Schools and was Into the Thames River waa swung "make good** Insertion. Errors whloh^do not lessen the valne of TV SERVICE - Pottertwi’s all complete Uvlng room and kitchen Immaculate 6 room colonial, were made upon the recommenda­ the church was eupp^rtod largely Q—'What city la often called the adverttsement wU not be corrected by **010110 good’* Insertion. ooesui eXAMIhlCR 01PMT rounding cities, unfurnished. Un­ THINKINO of selling your home? graduated from the University of by Mrs. Robert H. Hopkins, makes. Highest quality guaranteed decorator furniture from model dis­ heated. $76 per month.. Call be­ completely redecorated, $2,000 leas tions of the Judges resident in the by taxation of the peopi>K^lso by the “ Paria of South America” ? I UM MEf play home. We will give you free Cali us for the service you de­ Connecticut in 1945 and Its law Brookline, Mass. work and parts, over 47 years ex­ 81AME IT fore 6. Coventry PI 2-8495. Sabnrban For Rent 66 bank appraisal. various districts for their home school in 1957. He has been associ donations. A—Buenos Aires, Argentina. - perience. Famous , for service ONf _ delivery and free storage up to one serve. Cieazynski-Felber Agency, circuit. The first minister. Rev. John Mrs. Hopkins Is a great-great- YOUR COOPERATION WILL I ki| 9 O T11 year. • Andover—5 room ranch with MI 9-4291. MI 8-1409. ated with Travelers since that great-granddaughter of Ethan BE APPRECIATED l^lHl Irll I I since 1931. Phone MI 0-4637 for 4 ^ ROOM heated Garden Apart­ HEBRON—GILEAD. Immediate Salary for the prosecutors in the time. Bliss, had a salary of 50 poun Q —' How was the fate of a de best service. ii-tt ment available Dec. 1. Includes oecupancy, 5 room flat. Refer­ barns, garages, 400 foot on Route a year, and 100 acres of land on Allen, leader of the Green Moun­ NORMAN’S 6, commercial zone, priced for USTINGS WANTED—Call thia of­ four largest circuits, 1, 2, 6 and Elliott, long active In Democra' ed Roman gladiator deter­ stove, refrigerator and parking. ences required. Call AC 8-9075. 14, will range from $6,940 to the east, and 60 on the west, side of mine tain Boys In the Revolutionary WEAVING of Bums moth nolea 448 HARTFORD ROAD quick sale. fice for personalized service. Your tic party affairs, is now a director War. $106 monthly. Call M3 8-7926 or Inquiry Invited. Alice (Jlampet, iS,340, and in the other circuits of the Eighth Utilities District. the Plains of Abraham, as then A —''■It waa up to the spectators Lost and Found Aatomobiles for Sale and tom clothing, hosiery runs, Before you buy furniture any­ MI S-6676. ' known, extending from Godfrey Waddell School section—Beauti­ Realtor. MI 9-4543, from $6,340 to $7,260. Elliott is employed b.y Pratt and to decideN^hether hia life should The Allen was built by the Bllec- handbags repaired, zipper re­ where—shop at Norman’s. Wanted t6 Rent 69 Hill to Burnt Hill, also the Min­ POUND—Kitten, Tiger markings, 1949 PLYMOUTH, 4-door sedan, placements, umbrellas repaired, k ful 3 bedroom ranch, fireplace, Clerk salaries in the large cir­ Whitney Co. of West Hartford and be spared, ^ ^ y pointing their trlc Boat Division of General R 0 6 VILLE!— Central location 5 isters’ Meadow, later known as white Mb and boots. Vicinity Man­ beautiful condition, |9S. MI men’s shirt collars reversed and priced for quick sale. cuits range from $7,500 to $10,- operates an advertising agency out thumbs down they could Instruct Dynamics Corp. room rent, furnished and heated, WANTED— F^ifnlahed apartment, ARE y o u CONSIDERING Porter’s Pond. The Rev. Mr. Bliss, chester High School. TR 5-2938 9-0016. replsuied. Marlow's Little Mend­ TAPPAN GAS stove, like new. Ml $25 per week. Tel. TR 6-4291. two bedrooms, kitchen, bath Im­ 380, and in the other circuita from of his home. the ■victor to kllKhlm, If the The Allen is the first In a new- after 6 p.m. ing Shop. 9-4187. Five room cape in excellent con­ SELLING YOUR Born In Hartford, Elliott moved it Is thought, lived where Stoddard crowd waved and a^ipjauded. the klnd of fleet ballistic missile subs. IDEAL FOR city driving—or sec­ mediately. MI 9-9991. $5,620 to $8,020, while domestic NEAR MAIN ST. — 8 furnished dition with garage,- nlc# lot, priced PROPERTY? relations officers wrili get from to Manchester when he was three Eelden now lives. defeated gladiator llvedxto fight She is 30 feet longer and displacea FOUND — Reddish brown male ond car. 1959 Fiat Btanchina.' Call DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ Th r e e r o o m s of furniture — rooms (Uid bath, heat and . h o t. right. years old. He completed a hl^h The first meeOngs were held In another day. about 1.400 tons more than the mongrel puppy. Call I^e Frac- MI 3-8478 5-9 p.m., or Apt. 26, 466 Fainting— Papering 21 Help Wanteil— Male 36 Building Materials 4' $6,720 to $9,120 in*the large cir­ pany doors and windows, custom kitchen, living room, bedroom; water, no children. MI 9-4256. Houses tor Sale 72 We will estimate value of your cuits and from $4,620 to $6,540 In school equivalancy education 'While private houses and in Dr. Obadiah George Washington, one of the chla. Dog Warden, MI 3-8594. W. Middle Turnpike. work guaranteed. Call collect Wil- TV, gas stove, refrigerator, etc. property without obligation. We EXTERIOR and interior painting. WOULD YOU LIKE TO the others. he was In the Civilian Conservation Hosford's barn. The first church Q — What la the life span of^lK earlier FBM subs already in com- llmaiiUc. HA 8-1196. YOUR BEST BUY IS AT Reasonable. 405 N. Main St., MI FOUR ROOM apartment. Just MANCHESTER—New 6 room Gar­ J. D. REALTY also buy property for cash. Corps during the depression years. building was erected in 1724, a 'Rjis.sion. LOST—Tiger cat, partly Angora, 1952 CHEVROLET, very good run­ Ceilings refinished. Paperhanging, built, 2-famlIy house, must furnish *?ie prosecutors and clerks in the eagle 7 Wallpaper books. Estimates given. SELL? NATIONAL 9-4836. rison (Jolcnial, IH ceramic batha, Member Multiple Listing. He also sUidied. advertising, and small wooden structure, with gal ^'Both the George Washington four white paws, white chest and ning condition. Good for second KNITTED GARMENTS shortened. own oil heat, $100. MI 9-8715. 470 Main St. MI .8-5129 new system are lawyers. They will A — While the Ilf'* span of stomach, black tail, horse shoe car. Call Ml 0-4837. Fully covered by Insurance. Cali Knotty Pine Paneling, 8’ 12c sq. ft. fireplace, plastered walla, hot be permitted to continue private real estate. lertes, and glass windows which eagles In the wild la a matter for and Yhe Patrick Henry have com­ Invisible reweavlng on damaged If the emswer is *’yes,” we have Elxotic Paneling GAS, STOVE, Magic Chef. 86” . One water heat,-amesite drive, ahade STANLEY BRAY, Realtor over each eye. Vicinity Birch St. Edward R. Price. MI 9-1003. year old. Cost $860. Like ■ new, SIX ROOM duplex, one block from SOUTH WINDSOR, Graham Rd. practice only if there is time left Circuit court J \i d g e s,- unlike came from Boston. It was plaster­ conjecture, there la record of a pleted successful underwater fir* BUICKS 12) Rivieras, 1955 or 1958. garments expertly done. One week an excellent poeition open for you From $4.60 per sheet trees. Ml 8-4880. Reward. Call MI 8-2204 after 4 service. Eastwood Weavers, 11 $100. MI 8-0188. Main St. Available immediately. ' One year old attractively differ­ BRAE-BURN REALTY available to them after completing many Judges of the old minor ed and had two doors. Here John golden eagle that lived for 46 ings of theNpolarts off Cai5e Cana­ Must sell one. BU 9-6003 after 5 PAINTING AND paperhanging. as an Assistant Manager Trainee. 1x10” Pine Sheathing $86 per M ’ p.m. Child heartbroken. Asylum St., Hartford. If you have sold before, tt will be $80 monthly. No pets. Call after ent 514 room ranch with attached MI 3-6273 their court duties. courts, must be members of the Blias was ordained in 1719. 'years In a zoo. veral, Fla. Eventually, feiir other p.m. or weekends. Good clean workmanship at rea­ Ceiling 'nie 9c sq; ft. PRIN(3B!T0N ST.—7 room colonial Connecticvit bar. They will devote There was a men's side and helpful, but' if not, we will train ROPEk GAS RANGE. $80; 9x12 8:30 p.m. MI 3-7029. with 4 bedrooms. IH baths, large garage. Plcturebook kitchen With Fortner Mayor Kelly, ■who did .'libs will join tbSsAllen as the "sec­ FOUND — One puppy, mongrel, sonable rates. 30 years In Man­ Ping-Pong Table Tops $11.95 each beige cotton rug and pad, $16; IF YOU WISH personal aendee, full time to the duties of their o f­ women's side In the seating plan. ond generation” orB BM ships. 1954 FORD, Victoria model, radio, chester. Raymond Fiske. Ml you. You must have the desire to living room with fireplace, hot built-in oven and range units. Lot not seek reelection, is associated Q - VVho founded London’s white and buff, wearing long BnildinY-Contneting )4 8d Common Nalls $9.40 per keg twin bed, spring and • mattress, SEIVEN ROOM furnished apart­ 100x200, Schools nearby. Suburban call Joseph A. Barth, broker. Ml fice and receive an annual salary The Meetinghouse was unhealed The older FBM subk-'^je the A-1 chain, male. Call Lee Fracchia, heater, new tires. 8450. Very good 9-9237. learn. This is a permanent position No. 1 Oak Flooring $185 per M’ water heat, one-car garage. By in law practice with Atty. Leon $26; lady’s ice skates, size 8 $8. ment ■with gas. Inquire at 17 North living at Ita best yet only minutes 9-0820. of $15,000. but women were allowed to take Westminster Abbey? polsrs, which has a rangB^..of some Dog Warden, MI 3-8694. condition. MI 3-1025. with an old reliable conu>any. Good Cedar Shakes $9 per sq. appointment ohly, $23,900. Phll- Podrove. A Manchester native, he A • The abbe.v was founded In A. A. DION. INC. Roofing, siding, English bicycle, $15. Call 5H St., MI 9-1016. from industrial centers and shop­ attended schools here and in New Judge Rubinow’s own schedule, small heaters filled with live coals 1,380 miles- The newer shlpg 'wlU INTERIOR PAINTING, decorating, starting salary and commission Plywood Sheathing brfek•fck Agency,Agency kd 9-:-8464. 1065 by Edward the Confessor. painting. Carpentry. Alterations ceilings, \ floors, paperhanging. 8-4723 after 6. ping, Nice neighborhood with Britain. He attended Trinity Col­ subject to appellate division as­ to keep their feel warm. be armed with the A-2, whlfiK U and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ with excellent chance for advance­ From $89 per M’ FOUR LARGE rooms, modern first Peraonals 1961 FORD VICTORIA, good condi- Steaming off wallpaper. Clean ment to the right man. Company floor flat, plenty of closets, heat, MAN(JHESTER — New 7 room varied house designs. Selling be­ lege and was graduated from the signments and special assign­ The next letter will tell of dif expected to be capable of flights^ tioh, reasonable. MI 3-6356. ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. %” Birch Plywood 43c sq ft. ranch, 2 fireplaces, 2 full baths, low bank appraisal. Good financ­ ments. has him sitting fo r. the fltulties and problems leading to Q — .What term is used to de­ of 1.725 miles. MI 3-4860. workmanahlp. Free estimates. No vehicle furnished and all expenses CASH 'N CARRY Wearing Apparel— Fars 57 hot water, garage Included, cen­ West Germany University of Connecticut School RIDE WANTED from near Park- Job too sm w . John Verfaille. MI paid. For Interview apply between tral location, $100. MI 9-6544. 2-car garage, large kitchen with ing available. Price $15,900. Wes­ of Law In 1951. * first four-month ■ period at New the founding of the churrh of Eng­ signate an American Indian or The pacifists were aboard two 1954 PACKARD, automatic trans­ WOOD TRUSSES 'FROM AS LOW built-in oven and range, formal ley Vancour, MI 3-4836 any time. ade to Central Connecticut Teach­ ALL TYPES of carpentry work 8-2621. m. 8-10 a.m.-3-S p.m. $8.50 EACH BOY’S CHARCOAL sport coat, blue In 1962 he first practiced law Haven and Berlin. He will preside land, and the bhilding of a second Eskimo? rowboats and a canoe that tried to ers’ College, New Britain, 8 a.m. mission, radio, heater, power SIX ROOM duplex, redecorated, dining room. Lot 100x200. $20,900. Balks on U.S. with the Manchester firm headed In New' Haven at short calendar Meetinghouse. A — Amerind. enter the area where the giant brakes, steering, electric aerlali done. Alterations, dormers, roof­ overcoat, brown surcoat, brown Phllbriek .Agency. Ml 9-8464. class. MI 8-6574. ings, porches, finish upstairs, INTERIOR PAiNTINd, free esti­ SINGER SEWING CENTER NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. suit size 14; shirts size 12. Call MI new heating system, near Main TONGREN’S WEEKLY by Judge Rubinow and Atty. John and small claim sessions at 10 a.m. submarine was to slide down the MI 9-8628 mates, reasonable rates. MI Special Offering Slated basements and garages etc. Call 798 MAIN ST. 381 STATE STREET 3-8485 after 6. St. Call MI 9-9732. D. LaBelle, now state's attorney. Mondays. The Rev. John N. Cross, pastor Q — What Is the present num­ ways within a few minutes. VACUUM CLEANERS repaired in 8-0494. ^ NDRTH HAVEN, CONN, MANCHESTER—8 room (Jolonlal, SPECIAL Funds Request 67 Ford, V8...... 8699 MI 9-6681. WILLIMAN'nC, CONN. large kitchen, dining room, sun Kelly has been active In Demo­ He will also preside In Berlin' of the Hebron and Gilead C!ongre' ber of Independent nations on the 'The canoe actually got into poll- my own home shop. Forty years CHestnut 8-2147 THREE ROOM apartment with cratic party politics and In civic African continent? 66 Ford. V8...... 8399 parlor off large living room, bath Manchester—5 room older home. Mpnday evenings and Thursdays. gatlonal churches, announces that tlon, but was moved back. factory experience. All makes, PLA8TERINO AND brick work, Wanted— Buy 58 heat, hot water; gas, and elec­ affairs. A — Twelve. low rates, free estimates, free 54 Ford, V8 ...... 8166 Electrical Sisrvices 22 SfPEMENCED man with me­ tricity, plus , range and refrigera­ and 4 bedrooms on second floor, Clean. Oil heat. Recreation room. ' (Oonttnued from Page One) Judge Rubinow is one of "five the "Share Our Surplus” offering Two Navy and five (Toast Guard 64 Ford, 6 ...... 8145 chimney repairing, plaster re­ chanical ability wanted for service Attorneys Ketcham and Gorsky, Judges who will handle appeals as will be received this coming Sun vessels moved the small beats out pickup and delivery. Mr. Miller, pairs. All types of masonry, old Diamonds—-WatclM WE BUY 8E U . or trade anttque tor. All for $73. Available Dec. 1. one-car garage, nicely landscaped Workshop. Large rooms. Con­ JA 8-5409 63 Chev., 6 ...... 8145 FREE ESTIMATES—I^m pt serv­ station. Good opportunity for right and used furniture, china, riaaa, Eveningrs TR 5-6845. lot. Prited at $16,900. Phllbriek venient location. Asking $11,990. while the Bonn government is said associated in the practice of law they arise. The Judges w*!!! pre­ day. Donations may also be Q — What Is the temperature of the area In front of early gath­ 63 Mercury ,V8 ...... 8100 and new. Free estimates. C ^ E. man. Apply S & G Auto Service, Jewelry 48 for seven years Iri Rockville, say of Kentucky's Mammoth Cave? erers at the ceremony. Richardson, MI 9-6674. ice on all types of elbptrical wir­ silver, picture tramea and old Agency, MI 9-8464. to be ready to contribute around side over regular court sessions, brought to the special 'Hianksgiv ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, 52 Chev., 6...... 8125 ing Licensed and insured. Wilson 541 3-2819. We have other listings. $1 brHion. they will continue to maintain their convening aa an appellate division Ing service tomorrow. Ever.v A — It never varies from 54 One of the pacifists jumped or LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler—re­ coins, old doila and guns, bobby VERNON—Bolton Lake. Large 4 bonded representative, Alfred 61 Chev. 6 ...... 8125 BIDWELL HOME improvement Electrical Co., Mancheater, MI collections, attic contents or whole TWO ROOMS and bath near Main The Germans have said they do law practice after their duties with when necessary. dollar given wlH provide over 300 degrees. fell Into the Thames River and a Amell, 206 Henry St, Tel, Ml 46 Austin ...... 8 49 pairs, adjusts watches exi>ertly, room Cape completely renovated. "Anything in Real Eatate” Co. Alterations, additions, ga­ 9-4817. Glastonbury, ME 8-7376. Reasbnable prices. Open Tuesday estatea Furniture Repair Service, St. Call MI 8-0748. not W’ant to contribute directly to the new court begins. The other appellate Judges are pounds of food for starving people Coast Guardsman went In after 3-0450. TelcottvUle, Conn.. TeL Ml 3-7440. Ne^' tile bath and fixtures. Corner Gorsky, a native of Hartford, overseas. Q- AVhat Is an estimate of the him. All the pacifists were put rages. Roofing and siding experts. Situations Wanted— thru Saturday, Thursday eve lot. Only $9,500. Intercity Realty, MI 8-6321 the coats of ,keeping U.S. troops in Archibald Tunick of Greenwich, I^RUNNER’S Aluminum clapboards a specialty. Germany because it ■would revive has practiced law since 1934. He is Girl Scout News world's population ? aboard official vessels. RIDE WANTED from comer Chest, Private Instraetiom 28 Female 38 nlngs. 129 Spruce St. 5H 9-4387. FUUR ROOM apartment on Birch JA 2-4125. Bernard A. Kosicki of Middletown. On the Manchester-Vemon Unexcelled workmanship. Easy MANCHESTER—$17,900, Two-year "unpleasant memories” ot occupa­ a graduate of the former Hartford Erving Pruyn of Colbbrook, and Girl Scouts from tlie Grade 6 A —Approximately 2,800,000,000 However, officials said the small nut and Winter Sts. to Rockville WANTED COLLAPSIBLE baby St., adults only. MI 9-1428. boats were boarded only for an ex­ Town Line in budget terms. Ml 9-6496 or TR EXPERIENCED elementary BABY SITTING in my home, 8-6 $13,900—LARGE 5 room ranch, old family Cape Cod ideally lo­ tion payments. The Bonn govern­ School of Law, now the University Searls Dearlngton of Danielson. patrol who took part in a trail ride persons. Hospital, 8-4 or 9-5, Monday ‘1-9109. carriage. Call MI 9-1880. amination and the man who ■went thrcnigh Friday. MI 9-8625, school teacher will tutor children p.m. Monday-Saturday. Call MI Fuel and Feed 49-A fireplace, aluminum storms, at­ cated on half acre wooded lot. ment contends also that such pay­ of Connecticut Law School. The present system of municipal Sunday, with badge consultant TALCO’TTVnj-E ments might prompt other nations Currently the trial justice in the Mrs. Lee Johnson, were: Linda Q—To whom did Beethoven waa taken tn tow only I ^ Y ’S ROOFING CO., shingle and in reading, arithmetic, EngUah, 3-4758. FOUR ROOM DUPLEX. MI 9-8882. tached garage. $2,900 assumes Congenial neighbors, be in for the and town Justice courts, which the RIDE to Bage-All«i’s, Hartford. Open Eves. ’Till 9 spelling and social studies. Call MI DRY OAK WOOD cut fireplace Rooms Without Board 59 4V4% mortgage, $95.35 monthly. holidays. Six complete rooms, four with troops in Germany to ask for Ellington Justice Court, he will new court replaces, will go out of Harrison, • Peggy Bo\isquet, Carol dedicate his Third Symphony? because he needed help. built up roofs,' gutter and conduc­ and stove lengths, $10 per load de­ relinquish that post when the pre­ Kearney, Elaine Hnvey, Linda A—This symphony, now known The pacifists— members of the Regular department store hours. Tel. MI 8-6191 tor work; roof chimney repairs. 9-8908 for further information. Carlton W. Hutchins MI 9-5132. on first floor, fireplace, lavatory, contributions. existence Dec, 31. MI >*7384 after 5. WANTED—Ironing to do In my livered. PI 2-7886. LARGE FURNISHED room, one VERNON—Three loom furnished 2 twin sized bedrooms and bath However, Chancellor Konrad sent municipal and justice court For the first week, Rubinow said, Smith, Sarah Borst and Linda A t­ as the "ElTOlca,” was once dedi­ Committee for Non-Violent Ac­ Ray Hagenow, MI 6-2214; Ray home. 5H 8-1791. apartment on bus line. Call TR MAN(JHESTER—Special. Six room system expires. He has been trial kinson. The girls haye been work­ cated to Napoleon. But after Na­ tion—had announced In advance Jackson, MI 3-8325. SEASONED A guaranteed carpenter work and LOVABLE 50NIATURE poodle for Rent 64 Mitten Agenev, Realtors, MI Realty Co., Hartford, ADams ca' 400, of Hartofrd. left over by the municipal , and Perry and Mrs. David Porter have great man.” unauthorized persons and vessel! ment? Bankrupt? Repossession? -rourVO needs. J. D. Realty, 470 WINDHAM WOOD YARD —Hard­ 3-6930, or M3 9-5524. of defense payments by focusing free estimates, call M. Jutras A puppies, AKC registered. Call MI wood and slabs for fireplace, fur­ 6-0818. Evenings and Sundays MI attention on the foreign aid con­ During the 1949 session of the town courts, completed the 16-hour basic train­ for about an hour before and after Don’t give up! See Honest Doug­ PREPARE FOR driver’s test. Mllain St., 5 0 8-5129. LARGE attractive room next to LARGE STORE at 26 BIrch Bt the launching. Son, MI 9-0279. 8-4010. nace, stove, kindling. Call • 'days bath, private home, private en­ BOLTON—First Lake. 8 room 9-3695, JA 8-6280. tributions, the bulk of which would Connecticut General Assembly, “ Whenever feasible,’.’ Rubinow ing course at Willimantic for Q—What Is an interesting fact las, get the lowdown on the low­ Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class Apply Marlow*e, 887 Main St. The committee has staged sev­ est down and smallest payments room. Three instructors. No wait­ INVESTMENT — Put your money 9-4, evenings 7-9. Tel. HA 3-0403. trance, reasonable. Gentleman. waterfront coftage, partial cellar, be spread over a longer period. Gorsky was the assistant en­ said, criminal cases scheduled for Brownie and Girl Scout leaders. concerning- the old Water Tower Near Main St. Parking. eral demonstrations and inclijento anywhere. Not a small loan or ing Manchester Driving Acade­ to work on prime properties. First Elxcellent location. MI 9-4968. easily winterized, artesian well, ADAMS STREET The Americans want the West grossing clerk. trial by Jury will be held not later Church To Buy House in Chicago, 111.? RooDng— Riding 16 mortgage money needed. Excel­ FOR SAL£—Male beagle, eight SEASONED hardwood cut for fur­ Ketcham was born in Beacon, than the next week after they are A decision has been made by St. A—It la one of the few build­ in Its efforts to draw attention to finance company plan. Douglas my. PI 2-7249. months old, $25. 105 Russell St. STORE SUITABLE for office or property in excellent condition. Germans to make long-term low Motors, 333 Main St. lent return. J. D. Realty, 470 Main nace or fireplace, $10 a load and ROOM FOR rent, bath, heated, any business. 190 West Middle Shown by appohilment. Marlon E. interest loans for foreig;n aid, none N.Y., but has lived In Tolland put down for Jury action. Peter's Episcopal Church to pur­ ings which survived the great Chi­ Its opposition to Polaris sub­ LARSON'S Connecticut’s first li­ COUGHLIN ROOFING Co. — AU St., 5 0 8-6129, $20 a cord delivered. 5D 3-6183. kitchen pri'vileges, free parking. Eight rooms—older home. Full To keep things flexible, court chase the large, 2-story tennant cago fire of 1871. marines. Turnpike. Call Ml 9-6205, 2 to 9 Robertaon, Broker, Ml 8-6953. bath, baseboard oil heat. Practical, of which would be tied to German County most of his life. He grad­ WANTED — Clean used cars. We censed driving school trained — types of roofs and roof repairlri^, MI 3-4451. rules permit transfer of jury cases house opposite Phelps Hall on Names of the eight particlpanto PARAKEET, cage nnd stand, for p.m. Or Ml 8-6802. ly new furnace. 2-car garage. Shade exports. uated from Syracuse Univerait.y buy, trade down or trade any­ Certified and approved 1s now of­ specializing in Twenty Year Bond­ NEED BTJNDS? For improve­ MANtJHESTER — (Jolonlal, 6 spa­ from one circuit, it is becomes Church St. to be used for church Q —Which Is Africa's newest were not announced by the Coast ed Roofs. Call MI 3-7707. sale. Make an offer. 5H 3-0173. trees. House in very good shape. and the Albany Law School of thing. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. fering classroom and behind ments^ for consolidation of debts? Garden— Farm— Dairy ATTRACTIVELY furnished room MAIN STREET—Building for eom- cious rooms, large living room „ , Union Univeraity. overloaded, to another circuit. school and other needs. A t present fully, Independent nation? Guard or the N’a'vy. However, the for gentleman, private entrance - ’ - - tjjg 'Lot 140x127. $11,900. ■“ Bank ■ or FHA London, Nov. 22 TAKE AN OFFER mate expulsion order of the chief the ho\ise a good cleaning — be­ Open evenings. BU 9-6117. refrigerator, parking, $116. MI. JA 7-0820 between 8-1:30. room, 1)4 baths, oil furnace, bot­ thaniel Welbeck, Ghana’s charge cause her husband Is around de- i 'M THUNDEKIIRD '57 NASH $995 is easy today..* torola antes and service. Person­ 3-1809. of state.” EXCELLENT position open, exper­ tled gas water heater, refrigera­ Six room Garrison (Jolonlal, one d'affaires in The Congo, and that mandlng food at all hours, atten- ^ Radio, heater. Fordo- Rambler 4-Door, Red and alized service all makes radio ienced salesperson. Women’s SNOW BLOWERS Ariens, Reo, An Albert Super Duper Special NINE ROOM 2 bath home, excel­ Wadsworth said the Incident was the UJI. had yielded and agreed NEW FOUR room apartment, sec­ tor, stove.-20 miles to Jay Peak year old. possible 4 bedrooms, 1)4 tlon' to whatever he Is doln* and matic, power steering and white. Radio, heater, au­ and TV. 521 East Middle Turn­ wearing apparel. Apply Tweed's, Toro powerhandle and Bolens 18 $50 F;REE GROCERIES lent location, garage large lawn, ski area, $8,500. Ml 3-0701. regrettable but the assembly to hand Welbeck over to the Con- pike. MI 3-7638 or PI 2-8148. with purchase of anV 8 room outfit ond floor. May be seen at 247-249 parking area. MI 3-2880. sq on. brakes, electric windows, tomatic, A really eco­ 773 Main St. to 32 inches. Parts and service. baths. aluminum storms and should gel on with Its debate' on goIeM for expulsion. sun roof. White with black during our Great Anniversary Sale. School St.. 1-6 p.m. FOUR BEDROOM (Jolonlal, 7 the seating of the Kaaavubu dele­ After a few months of having a nomical ear! Capitol Equipment Co.. 88 Main MANCJHESTER— Beautiful central­ screens. $16,400, 8)4% mortgage Earlier, the United States ac­ husband at home all day with and while Interior. Excel­ CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, ROCKVILLE!—Connecticut licensed St. MI 3-7958. You get your groceries at the rooms, 3 down, .4 up, a fine home, gation. available all hours. Satisfaction R.N. or L.P.N, two days per week market of your choice FOUR ROOM, five room’ apart­ ly located 7 room duplex, excel­ may be assumed. This is the buy of cused the Soviet Union of trying nothing to do but loaf, his wife be­ lent! centrally located, only $13,900. ■Western delegates ’predicted he to plunge the assembly into a,Cold guaranteed. Call 50 9-1316. Friday and Saturday 7-8 p.m. In WAlXPAPER SALE—Many pat­ 3 COMPLETE ments, Private home. Excellent lent throughout, $97 monthly. Ga­ Carlton W. Hutchins. MI 9-5132. the week. Call today. gins to feel like she did at the end '57 DODOE $895 location. Garage. Utilities. Adults. rage optional at $5 extra. Call MI would win by a comfortable mar­ War debAte on an issue that convalescent home. Tel. Rockville terns to chopse from, plastic ROOMS OF BRAND NEW of a summer’s vacation when the Coronet 2-door. Yellow MI 3-2880. 3-0008. 4 CAROL DRIVE — Rockville. $13,- gin, but the issue was complicated should involve Africa alone. 'Sb MERCURY $895 TR 6-4291. coated and trimmed, choice se­ FURNI’lURE children had been Underfoot for and gray. Radio, heater, MilUnsiY Dressmaking 19 AND APPLIANCES 650. 5 room ranch, large living T. J. CROCKETT', flealtor by fighting in Leopoldville . last "W e do not plan- to fall Into three months. lection. C. J. Morrison Paint Se v e n r o o m furnished apart­ 2-Door Hardtop, Radio, automatic trahsmlsalon. DO IT YOURSELF, and do It now. The “ Economy” FOUR . ROOM single house, fur­ room, cabinet kitchen, 3 bed­ night bteween U.N. troops and the their old.familiar Cold War. trap,” She wants a little peace and EXPERT TAILORmO on ladles’ Store, 885 Center. ment with gas. Inquire »'t 17 nished. with garage, In Cdventry. MI 3-1577 heater, Mercomatlc,’ pow­ Earn money for bills that are Free $60 Groceries rooms, 1)4% mortgage can be forces of the Congolese army chief, said a U.S, spokesman. He ac­ quiet and the house to herself. er steering. Stock No. and gentlemen’s clothing. 189 getting you down. Work a few North St. Call M3 '3-6434. Woodland St. Call any Urns, 50 CHRISTMAS TREES — Quality 8 Rooms ...... $188 assumed. Marion E. Robertaon, SIX ROOM brick front Gambolatl Joseph Mobutu. cused the Russians of making She wants to get back to her own CB-51.. '59 rORO $1895 8-2264. houra each day at .your conven­ Balsam, beautiful double faced The ’’Honeymoon” Broker, MI 3-5953. built, 4 bedrooms, wall-to-wall Kaaavubu in a statement de­ "wild and- asinine” allegations work schedule. ience to build a business of your wreaths,.samples available, priced Free $50 Groceries carpeting, excellent condition. fended the action o f Mobutu's sgalnst the United States. 4-door ranch wagon. TWO NEW 4 large ’ room apart­ (JOMFY FOUR room ranch with So any husband who has no Black.. Radio, own, Avon's Christmas gift cata­ for early sell-out. Delivered any.- 3 ROOMS ...... ,. 1269 ments, new appliances. MI 9-9268. East Center Street location. $1,000 army in using force in an effort to Kssavubu Issued his sto'tement' 'M MERCURY SAVE! heater, logues backed by full TV and partially finished, recreation room, -j)lans for retiremsnt ought to real­ Fordomatlc. DRESSMAKINO and. alterations. where. MI 3-2817 or MI 9-8935 The ” C!harm House” » SEPTIC TANKS down. Call MI 3-6454 or AD 6-1241 throw out a Ghanian diplomat who defending the action of The Congo Monterey 4-door. Blue. so's homo hooting magazine advertising will earn you storm windows, ‘copi>er pipe, itnd ize that even If he should like C ^ i 50 9-0SS3 any Ume. Free $50 Groceries 147-149 SPRUCE ST. 5 room flat CLEANED and INSTALLED has been acting as advisor to Pa­ army after he and his foreign that kind of life (which he probab­ Radio, heatep, Mercomat- over $6 an hour to start. Call CH FOR SALE!—29 and 10 gallon aquar­ 8 ROOMS ...... $394 wall to well carpeting. This house with bath, first floor, $56. 4 room 64 RUSSELL STREET trice Lumumba, Kasavubu’s rival. minister, Justin JBomboko, had ly Won’t), it is almost gure to be ic, power ateering. our way I T-4137. iums, plus stand,, lights and filler, The ’’Hollywood” flat, second floor, front, $45. 3 is on a corner lot on top of a hill '58 PLYM. $995 $35. Call MI 9-8615. • S E W E R S The assembly resumes debate talked by radio teletype with Mo­ a trial and tribulation to his Moving— Trucking- Free ^ Groceries room flat, second floor, rear, $35. and is In lmmacul,ate condition, $13,900 2-Dbor Sedan. - IVhlte. HIXPERIENCED saleslady, daya MACHINE CLEANED $12,500.. (Jail Everett Murphy, after a late night se.ssion which butu. wife. You gat premium quality Storage 20 3 ROOMS ...... $488 No furnaces. Reference's. Immedi­ '58 CH€V. $1495 Standard transmieskm. and some evenings. Inquire In Real Estate, MI 3-0886. Eight room home, in excellent saw several delegates push ,Kss- Bom boko told newsmen Kasa- . For a woman, it seems thqre is Mohilheat with R T -98. . . the person. Youth Center. Parkade. STORM WINDOWS and screens, The ’’Boulevard” ate occupancy. No objection to condition. Oil steam heat, alum tsDoor Station Wagon. V-8. 51ANCHE8TER Moving and Truck­ Free $50 Groceries children. Write B, Herald. • INSTALLATION aviihu’s candidacy. vubu had declared Welbeck per­ one thii)g worse than Having a most completely effeeti've fud ing Company. Local and long dis­ window sash. 137 Birch St. EIGHT ROOM modified ranch, 3 inum combifl'atidn storms and sona non grata (unwelcome) In husband who Is never at home. Gray. Radio and heater. oil additive in lue today. And 3 ROOMS ...... $597 SPECIALIST baths, 4 bedrooms, family room, ■But Ctiba's ambassador, Manuel tance moving, packing and stor­ . The. "Aristocrat” FOUR LARGE pleasant rooms, screens, garage, park-like lot with Blabe, led off jthe debate with a Leopoldville a month ago. He And that Is having - a husband you get premium service. Au­ age. Regular service throughout STENOGRAPHER REAL OLD IC!E cream parlor wall-wall carpet, $21,900. Many an 80 foot frqntage. Walking dia '60 DODGE SAVE! chairs (3) and table. Heart design Free $50 Groceries second floor, tile bath with khow- heated attack on "anti-African blamed the Ghana government for who Is home ALL of the time. '55 BUICK $545 tomatic deliveHee . . . a bal­ New England States and Florida. Personnel Department has an er, cabinet kitchen, walk-in Town and Country extras, Carltoh W. Hutchins, MI tance to Main Street atoree s«d all a lack of understanding that made 2-door aedan. Radio, heat­ 6t Jaryjs Road. 3 ROOMS ...... :,. $679 colonial leaders” and a blast at 4-door, 2-tonc green. Ra­ anced payment plan and many 50 3-6568, opening for an experienced stenog­ cloeeta, heat, and garage. Rent $90 9-5132. schools. the action necessary. er, automatic transmis­ $10 DOWN DELIVERS Kaaavubu and his associates NO PAY FOR TEACHERS dio, heater, Dynafiow. sion. Real nice! other extras dedgned to make rapher. Shorthand and typing are FOR SALE—V. M. Hi-fi record Free storage until wanted. Free monthly. No pets. Adults only. tools of the imperialists. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. Drainago Go. TWO-FAMILY house for sale. AA ELVA TYtER, Realtor Kssavubu also disclosed he had Now OrlMaa, Nov. ** (^ —» home heating rsaUy t a n . 816 essential, as well as good Judg­ player. Plays all size records. Call Delivery Available Dec. 1. Write Box 6, Opponents of the move to seat sent messages to Hammarskjold t-18 Light trucking and package deliv­ zone, 119 ft. frontage by 188’. Six MI 9-4469 MI 9-9901 MI 9-5051 Hie Superintendent of Orlenm DOLLS ery. Refrigerators, washers and ment and ability to meet people. MI 9-4907 after 6. Free set up by our own reliable Herald. M l M 1 4 3 rooms and three rooms. Will hold Kssavubu,. contend that no action and Tuniaian President Habib A special design for the junior Modem office, good wages, excel­ men should be token until the U.N. Pariah arhoola laid todny the Btove moving epeclaJly, Folding WOOD STORM windows — Two ROCKVILLE—Five room furnished ^ second mortga’ge, $14,500. Call (JUSTOM b u il t 1968 6 room Bourguiba expressing regret over '$9 INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION Mobilhoot iT^8 SbIss. ub-ev,erywhere frock that’s The youngsters will love 4.0 chairs tor rent. Ml 9-0762. lent benefit program. Write P.O.. SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT owner, AQ 9-0336. Conciliation Commission goes to Uie shooting In front of welbeck’s nearly mtlllon payroll due Box 1612, Hartford, ktatlng busi­ 36x55, two 20x38>i. one 28x39 four apartment near shopping center, home, 2 baths, fireplace, breeze' ■chool teaishere and school em­ Iht den-cHM itteely fitted with flared skirt, and cuddle this cute brother end siS' Phone For Appointment way double garage, 2V acrea The Congo to try to bring warring residence. Some Tunisians were' >/4 TON METRO SPECIAL AUSTIN A, CHAMBERS Co. Local- ness experience, education, and 18x5414. $18. MI 9-0110 ' ' Samuel Albert. Hfd. CH 7-0358 $26 per week. Call Rockville, TR ♦12,600—SIX , rooin- cape, full base­ ployee tomorrow will not be'met, oddiHvt aschUne ctooice. ter eock doll eet! (Bo easy and fun 5-4291. tillable, outskirts. Carlton W. political factions together. among the defenders of the be­ >Ko. SIM with Patt-O-Rama is to make extras for gtft-glvlng?) moving, packing, storage. Low salary requirements, If you have no means of transpor­ ment, combination windows and an notten he termed "unpre^ Walk-in truck. Blue. ’53 BUICK 4-Door $145 NEW SE!ARS 10 section electric SEPTIC TANKS Hutchins, Ml 9-5132. Guinea announced earlier that leaguered building, to sttiasS.'ilf 33,13,14,16, IS. E(uat Patter^^o. 2636 bee pattern rate on long distance moves to steam radiator with ' thermostat. tation. I’ll send my auto for you. TAIXXJTTVILLE!—4 room apart­ , doors, amesite drive, shade trees, President Sekou Toure had sent a In other Congo developments. dented- In atal& history.** Dr. ’52 PLYM. 4-Dodr $77 49 Btatea. MI 3-5187. LEGAL 8EICRETARY,. Elxperience 80 daya occupancy. Marion ' E. dnmeo RedmoodYold n news oon- gSH to aa. M8e 11, 81 bust, 8 pieces; imterial requirements; full Phone MI 3-5890. No obligation ment on^first floor, 2 bedrooms, AND EAST WINDSbR —Gracious coun­ cable to - President Elsenhower Hammarskjold warned that the referred but not naeeawry., Robertaon, Broker. MI 8-5953. ferpnee the distribution of pay ’51 DODGE 4-Door $95 f t H e 0( BMtmeb, dickey; 1!4 yards. directions. Small local offlpe. Box D, Herald. A—Lr-B—E—R—T— S parking, very convenient locaUon. try home with colonial charm, Charging the UnltedVStotes with United Nations must put up the WE GIVE ' T defdtT f tnd 85c in coins to:— ehedee tomorrow Is cameled *1345 ’47 CHEVROLET 0 To order, send 25c in coins to:- LIGHT '. TRUCKING and moving 43-45 ALLYN ST. HARTFQRD No objection to well mannered PLiraCED SEWERS MANCHESTER — Move In for large rooms, all modern conven­ taking a partisan stam in behalf money needed to pay for its 20,000- GREEN STAMPS , ‘flie Miuichester Eve- Anne Cabot, The. Manchester Eve­ Open Nights tyi 8—Sat. 6 p.m. children. Ideal for elderly or re­ man army and other actlvltl^ In and **as of ttiiz minote, the evenings and weekends. 5CI 9-66M. Help sranted—Male Building ftlaterials 47 Chriatmaa. 6 room split level, iences, on 2 acres of land. The B. of Kaaavubu In assembly debate hnnks can be of no noeietnam.” I liss AVE. o r ning Herald, IlM AVE. Of tired couple. Available on or prior M adilis OlsMsil large wooded lot, finished V. Agency, JA 8-2628. and declaring that dulnea would The Congo or Junk the entire f i ^ YOBS 84, N. UGHT WALNUT dining room set. to Dec. 1, $75 monthly. Call Ml The State hao denied the Board , **WE’LL BE HERE TOMORROW TO BACK CP AMEB1CA8, NBWYOBKM,N>Y. PAD4TB1R8 WANTBD, GLKAN, USED lumber for sale, aa- Septte Tsnka, Dry Walla. Bearer recreation room, many, many refuse to take part In the concilia­ operation. Base, dish closet, Duncan P h^e 8-0257. IT’S A (JHABiMER I 4 year old 4 use of any fuiids to operate the For lst>claaa mailing add 10c . Putttiitg— Paperinc SI lanced. Apply in person, 44 ^ify- ■orted aizge, hardwood flooring, Uaae laatalled^^Mlalr 4Va$ar- extras. By appointmenlt only. The tion mission If the United States Hammarekjold told the 99-na­ ^ THE CARS WE SELL TODAY** (for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ table, psids, included, 6 chain room /anch with tile bath, fire­ sticks to Its position. eehools which have bees - bile- M08MRTY berry R o u , Olaetonbury, Conn. window uah and doors complets Very good condition, $128. MI proeflag Doaa. B. V. Agency, JA 8-2628. - tion U.N. Financial (Committee dress with Zone and Pattern Num­ EXTERIOR AND Interior painting MEtttord r ’heo.’ windows plumbing and heating THREE ROOM furnished heated, place, breezeway,, garage, amesite The Soviet Union put out a that the world organization waa grated In the tret gnulee by an pwrim nging. Wallpaper 4-1658. Can be seen at 136 Deming apartment with bath, private en­ order of a Federal Dtotrict IkiHIB ifDdsMo. and Mm . ber. nippUee.'aaaorted pipes and s ^ St. a c r e a g e w it h brook, (Joventry. drive. Just a shortway out and Statement accusing the U.N. Com- faced by a grave financial situation BdiFiN * winter Have you the *60 Album eon- books, Ouaiuteed workmanship. TbOL AND gauge m4kera wanted, pipes. Open daUy 8:80 till dark, trance, parking. MI 8-120$. Early American house, 8 rooms, asklrtg only $11,500. C»U us 'tor msnd of conabqrating with Mo­ Judge. MORIARTY BROTHERS 880TIIEBI ItMeoBabU rates. Folly inaursd. MoKINNEY BROS. that threatened not only Its Con­ COMET — ENOLIBB fOBD miriting'pattern tatatng many lovely desigiie and first Claes only. All prevaUlng Saturday 9-4.. Piom an House LARGE UPRIGHT freezer, used 'bath, 4 ■ flreplacea, deep well. service on over 80 listings in all butu. tt called for an Immediate re- go oomnuuid but ail its other op­ baneflte, overtime. Cali Manches­ THREE furnished rooms and ga- OB. Joit Sow' oente. tree patterns Only 3So a eopyl W nekiag, yard at Stock Placa off ■lx months. Also, ton of (Aestnut ru s 878 Hartford Rd. C o . Twenty.flve acres pasture, all-pur- price catMories. The Elsie Meyer >rt from *ecratary-feneral Dag erations. He ssIdThe U.N. treasury The Arab nation of Yemen hu Ml OENTllB ST. — lO i-BIM - . OPEN BVENCNOf f:sjix.T !u 'isu r^- ter Ybel and DealcB. MX NocOiMiia St. OaU Ml s-sm . Ppee barn. Call Maurle# McGuire, Agency, Realtors, MI MI iininankjold on tu UtMt turn LIHOOLN- - (WNTINHinMJU--MSROimT oohl. M Id -r m a fte r s . 80*1848. . g would ba TtotuaUy bars by ttM no parliament and no pdlltleal par- • - • • ,4 * t Brelur, MI *4844. sC erwts in H m Oonge. Ml eSF I" yaar’a sad. S ' A Y A

7 * \ ' r TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Si, 1980 P l^ EICfmSKN >»i A rm g e Daily Nat Preaa Ron iKanr^^Bt^r lEutttfttg If^ralh H. For tho Week IMded Nov. 19th, 1860 Members of Sunset Rebekah The meeting of the Manchester holiday Assembly A b o u t Tow n Lodge last night made plana for Group of the u.R Power ^uadron. A IIL A N n O 13,299 a military whist card paHy to be acheduled fo r Friday, has been 252 Make Honor RoU FURNACE OIL Member of tiie Audit ^ ^ postponed until Dec. 0 at the North Held at Buckland held Dec. 6 a t 8 pjn. in Odd Fel­ Antomstla Dellvwy' Bureun o f OUvnIattou* U «m orla l Tonple, Pythian Sla- lows HsUl.;'After a buaineaa meet­ Methodist Church. 300 Parker St. Mancheltter—^A City of Village Charm t w , w ill m eet tonight a t 8 o’cloclc' ing,' past noble grands were en­ Walter McGill and Russell Reddig BuckUad School pupils present­ L T. W OOD CO. a t Odd FtilowB Hall for nomlna* tertained by youngsters from the of the marine division of Llbefty At B^nard School ed a Thailksglvmg program yes­ Phone M I 8^1188 tlM i'O f olBcera. Members are re* Richard Rlsley dance studio. Re­ Mutual Insurance Co. w ill discuss terday in the school auditorium, VOL. LXXX, NQ*. 46 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1960 (Claealfled Advertlalng on Page ndx^led to bring favorite recipes freshments were served by Mrs. marine insurance and appraisals. tmder the eupervuion pf'Mias Gale fbr the cookbooh project., Plans Els\e White and committee. Future meetings of the group will Two htmdred and fl/ty-two pu-,4 Alsq, HefenA Deary, Frances Creighton, music director. wiU be discussed for the Christm u be held on the second Friday of the pile at Barnard Junior High Ceioccio, Margaret Dehan, Lynn Brian Buckley vfae announcer. Vlair to be held Dec. 13. Refresh- The office of Luts Jtmior Mu­ month. School* out o f 1,280 pupils made Dennison, Kathleen Dunn, Patricia A fte r the pledge o f menhi will be served. seum will be closed on Friday and the honor roll for the first marking Feltham, Cynthia Flynn, Karen America the BeauUi^ Margaret I lOdth Psalm. M«meiM«t*r Cad*t Favors Coexistence State News Satur<}ay mominga, Nov. 25 and 'The Arm y and N avy Auxiliary period. 'The number Included 71 Elynn, Timothy Gallagher, Kath­ Royster read , the ------Katjtiy Pemberton led the prayer Ihe Polish 'Women’s Alliance, 26. However, the' exhibition halls will serve a Christmas dinner Dec. ninth graders, 84 eighth graders leen GaUdino, Lucinda Geer, Marcia rti^ponses by the sixth grade glee Squodron Oroup 246, 'which' usually meets will be open to the public as us­ 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. For and 97 seventh graders. Glenney, Christina Grlsh, Thomas club. Miss Creighton led the sing­ Wednesdays, has postponed to­ ual from 2 to 5 p.m. reservations, call Mrs, John Lovett, Honor pupils in the seventh Gott, Gary Gunas, Elsa Gustafson, R ou n d u p morrow’s meeting to Nov. 30 be­ 54 Hawthorne St.; Mrs. Anthony grade are Daryl Bagley, Jane Bar­ John Helfrick, Kathryn Hughes. ing of the doxology. CIVIL AIR PATROL U. S. Orbits 2 TV Rowe. 248 VVoodbrldge St.; or rera, Jean Baxter, Donald Beau­ Also. Gayle Hunter, Betsy Hyde, Kindergarten pupils sang a pray­ cause of the ’Thanksgiving holi­ ’The Perennial Planters garden er, and first giaders sang "The Soviet Answers Mrs. Samuel Schors, 61 Green Rd., lieu, , Suzanne Beauvais, Philip Charles' Jacobson, Jane Lee, Rob­ Hous«-to-HeH8« d a y . club 'Will hold a Christmas work­ First Thanksgiving.”' Third m de by Dec. 4. Bennett. Siisan Binock, Joan ert LeLAcheur, Della Lupacchino, shop Monday at 8 p.m. at the home pupils sang "We Thank God.’’ The Police Classify Blazlnski, Constance Botti, Diane Sandra McBride, fthth McElraevy, of Mrs. Raymond Halsted, 212 entire assembly sang ”Ye, Thank­ CANDY DRIVR Greenwood Dr. Members will bring Bottum, Daniel Bourque, Linda Sally MlHer, John Mlnnlck, Louise BrannlCk, Beverly Burke, Bruce ful Peopfe, Come.” Fourth and Sliiig Shot as scissors, corrugated or heavy card­ Morin, Loretta Murphy, Janice fifth graders aang "Swing the Two Assemblies Burke, Nancy Button. Kathleen WEDNESDAY. NOV. 23 board, glue, decorative Items such Nielson, Sandra Niles, Dianne Shining Sickle.” Campbell, Alice Casella, George Deadly Weapon as pearls, rhinestones, sequins, and Held at School Novakouskl, Sarah Olmstead, John Raymond Dzen told the story of FrontfEnd colored stones, and samples of Cochran. Ortolanl. Engaged Thanksgiving Day. The sixth grade Also, Carol Comber, Linda Cox, ^revplutlonarism, called for all-out their favorite decorations. Also, Janice Patrick, Claire ’The .engagement of Mias Doris glee club sang “ O God Beneath B y PR nSTO N ORO'VXR HartforeJ, Nov. 23 (/P)— Po­ Candace Davidson, Andrea Deary, Communist backing for revoluti­ i'illlcent Jones will be co-hostess. Two Thanksgiving assembly Palvelack, Janice Peach, Dwight Carlson and W alter TopUff, both Thy Guiding Hand” and "EJve- Moscow, Nov. 23 (/P)— The lice throughout Connecticut Michael Dixon, Timothy Donovan, Special programs were presented at the FTielps, Connie Pickens, Paul Pll- of Manchester, is annbunced lay her ning Prayer. ’The program, con­ Soviet Union sharply inform­ onary movements in underdevel­ were notified by State Police Girl Scouts in Troop 7 are re­ Shirley Dunn, Ronald Durand, konia, Juris Pukinakis, Joseph Put' mother, Mrs. Svea Carlson, 53 cluded with “Prayer of ’Thanksgiv­ oped countries. It urged, however, R £0. 87.60 Nathan Hale School this morning Gregory Dvorak, Linda Dyber, Notice ed Red China today that the Maj. Leslie W. Wiliams today minded to meet their leaders In nam, C arol Randall. Joanne Rey­ Walker St. ing” by tb ' entire assembly. in a seeming mood for compro­ John Welply was anfiouncer at Leslie Egan, Carol Edwards, Joan ‘Eye’ Sends (1) AUUN FRONT END front of Barnard and Illlng Junior nolds. David Rcznlck, Patricia The bride-to-be is also the Kremlin’s viejvs on peaceful mise, that Communists “ turii to that sling shots recently High Schools before -school to­ both assemblies. The program In­ Pedora, Harry Forrest, Mary-Lou Rhoades, Norman Rivard. Paula WE HAVE DAILY the possibility of averting world (2) BALANCE FRONI daughter of the late Rudolph Carl­ coexistence remain the con­ placed op A U low cost group creditor life Insuranca western Allies scored a hard-won OPEN AN ACCOUNT nrim in a as* « s is iB«his. for Sw bud i4 bniisa ■^ctory last night when the Gen­ Tunisia. Ethiopia, Liberia, and weight, according (o Consumer He said the first look at the or­ See Our N.aiiKinaaonflty lisll h.isiiSs hi.ilia for frt. litnrturi (protpactaii) wrttii Ijlbya— abstained. Nigeria and Protection Commissioner Attilio Pharmacist For eral Assembly voted by a wide bit and other characteristics of STILL TIME ud at ■ prin HmS dihi. mspalitwa. Not anly ds r«a Upper Volta did hot vote. R. FrasainelU. the new “weather eye” was “very Demonstration a b s t a in iMMMopwataigBnMi. margin to give the empty U.N. TO GET FOR $50 Kvttv f mm a wUb a Inaibis impabnant h bm tnl I . Congo seat to President Joseph The decision to seat Kasavubu The checka, in the interests of good.” ta t ttah friiatoa. TaUfca tratablor abl... nqaba. a . Bruce Vanderbrook •tMCMl atUnfi er dfannl attatba^ e n bs an d M tata KasavubuJ! _ Historic Moment Reenacted at Andover Refined calculations at that YOUR or add that amount to your pres­ ALL TYPES OF R E N YX , F IE L D A OO., Ine. The 53-24 vote with" 19 abs'eh- pre-pack­ time showed Tiros II in an orbit ent account and receive free a hand­ B A ’TTERIES • 1 YEAR GUARANTEE a 73 Mountain Road, Rea, tion missiono decided just before aged turkeys that weighed slight­ With all the solemnity befitting the occasion at An­ giving feast. The 5-year-old Pilgrims and Indians with a low point of 406 miles and Free tlona marked a bitter defeat for the ballot to delay its departure some hammered aluminum insu­ Manchester, Conn. the Soviet bloc and many Asian- ly less than the weight indicated dover “colony” yesterday, Gov. William Bradford are in the kindergarten classes taught by Miss Anni a high point of 431. lated food warmer. For each addi­ REXALL for the -violence-tom Congo sched­ on the label, he said. A T THE Parkade Phone M I 8-4289 African nations who fought Kaa- (Rocky Woodstock) welcomes the Pilgrims’ loyal Miller and sponsored by the Pre-School Parents As­ About a third of the frama in tional 860 you may purchase one LIGGETT uled for last night. ij Sometimes, fow l shrink In stor­ the first picture from the narrow DRUG S'vubu’e' bid for a seat every step The mission did not disclose friend, Squanto, ((Jeoffrey Soner) to the Thanks­ sociation of Andover. (Herald Photo by Ofiara.) ^ C H O I C E Gifts for 88.00. o f the way. v age, he said, but the state feels angle camera showed a section of that w.'hen the turkeys are put up Opponents of Kaaa-vubu tried (Continued on Pag Seven) Earth surface, with its cloud cov­ repeatedly to stall a decision by for sale they should carry the cor­ er. V when you open a OPEN AN ACCOUNT demands to adjourn the debate or rect weight at the time of sale. Ribicoff I r k e d For Retired Couple 65, Over FDA Puts Ban At first scientists said they new account or defer any action on the credentials Stores where underw’eight birds could not tell, for lack of a more 1. Talking Doll. add to your pres­ committee’s recommendation to have been found are being requir­ general view from the wide angle Congo Troops ed to relabel those that fall short camera, just where It was made. ent account. FOR $25 seat Kasavuhu, But all attempts On Red G)lor 2. Aluminum Tree looking for us? were voted down. of the weight on the label, he said. By Speculation! ^ 220 M o n Estimated But while the news conference or add that amount to your pres­ The ballot climaxed two weeks Bury 4, Shout was in progress offIclaJa reported Offer good at our ent account and receive free either of debate highlighted by bitter Extended Forecast £ost 111 Some Foods the spot had been located — "in* with Revolving Color Wheel a Heat-’n-Serve platter and tray or clashes between the United States HeMa^Resignj^^ the northern Midwest, that is, the Coventry Branch. Windsor Locks, Nov. 23 (JPi—The a 4-piece place setting of Wallace and Russia. The tw o powers ac­ Dakotas and the Northern P lid ^ *^Death to UN’ U.S. Weather Bureau at Bradley Hartford,HprtfnrH Nov.Nnv 232.^ (i?*)—Governor(4*)—rinvAmnr ^ Waehington, Nov. 23 ()P)— A red or Route .31, also. Stainless tableware. For each ad­ cused each other o f making a area." WE HAVE MOVED! Field issued this forecast for Con­ Ribicoff, back from a Florida va­ food coloring used for maraschino ditional 836 you may purchase Cold W ar issue out of The (Congo’s Officials said they had no evi­ necticut today: Washington, Nov. 23 —The vliving standard on which the study ^3. Two Electric either for 2.60. plight and exploiting the African Leopoldville. Nov. 23 (/P)— Shouts cation and a conference at Palm cherries and the casings of some dence the second camera was not Temperatures for the next five was baspd. nation to promote their owm inter­ of “ Death to the United Nations” Beach with Rresident-elect John government estimated today it days, Thursday through ' Monday, The bureau described it as “ not" frankfurters ha.s been banned ests. rang out today as the Congolese F. Kennedy, today appeared an­ takes $220 to $280 monthly income (Continued on Page Twelve) villi average 3 to 8 degrees above a luxurious level, but one adequate pending further teats of its safety. B la n k e ts The USSR has firmly backed army marched to bury Us four men noyed over speculation thhl he is T2r 'ft normal. A t thi.«i time normal mean to support a retired couple aged to provide more than the basic es­ The Food and Drug Adminis­ Leftist-leaning Patrice Lumumba, kUled in a clash with U.N. troops ready to resign and join the Ken­ temperatures at Hartford la 37 65 or more on a modesit but ade­ sentials of consumption.',’ tration announced the ban last deposed Congo premier, who also Monday night. nedy administration. night, saying more than a year quate urban living level. The budgfet cost estimates, com- SAVINGS gent a delegation to the U.N. Thousands o f Congolese lined the As newsmen gathered at the of expcrimenla with dogs and rats (Continued on Page Nineteen) ’Budget costs YOUR Kaaavubu issued a statement ex­ Boulevard Baudouin while the morning press conference, the sun-, have shown the co)or "produces payments of about $125 a mofith I v O A N pressing satisfaction over the as- cortege moved slowly in sizzling tanned Governor said, "Glad to see 20 cities surveyed by the Labor to couples over 65. liver damage in test animals and Bulletins \ s s (j < r -\ r I (> aembly’a decision to seat him. He heat to the strains of ^ Chopins you boys. I ; don't have anything Department’s Statistics Bureau Officials however emphasized no safe use level has been estab­ expressed hope that his delegation funeral march. unless you have something on your ranged from $2,641 in Houston to froiiii the A P Wires $3,366 in Chicago for the specific that Social Security never was lished." could meet soon with Secretary- United Nations officials stayed minds.” No effort will be made, however, aascwtsTaa»a atsaaT risaseiAL isstitutios "Does Kennedy have anything intended to supply more than min­ General Dag Hammarskjold and away from the burial. The ij.N . to remove from the market food­ News Tidbits on his mind?" the Governor was imum living cost protection. A the U.N. Congo Advisory Com­ Military Command was not rep-' stuffs already colored with the SPACE “MAN IN ’61 / O O r% 4 € a in asked. more than subsistence living level mittee to try to bring the warring resented and ‘no wreath was of­ Culled from AP Wires eoal tar dye, designated Red No. New York, Nov. 28 liD—Dr. YARN SHOP “ I don’t know,” he responded. generally presumes some ouLsIde fered. No Herald STOP IN TODAY . . . JOJN OUR formerly of 50 Co'ftage St. factions together in his chaotic 1. Werhher %'on Braun> with purchase of state. ’ Col. Joseph Mobutu, army chief, “ W hy don't you ask him ’’ income such as private pensions day that the United States wtU Asked what he and the Presi­ or yield from investments. John L. Harvey, deputy FD A The vote highlighted, the vride- headed a gorup of Congolese of­ Northeast Airlines 4-engine Vis­ commissioner, said "The additive have a manned space flight la 1961 CHRISTMAS CLUB dent-elect discussed in their 2-hour Tomorrow The Labor Department old folks open split In Oie African bide on ficials who followed a jeep carry­ count with 44 passengers and crew is not an acute toxic substance orbit next year. However, ha^ The Congo. ing the body o f his chief aide. of five return and make emergen­ conference, he answered, “ We budget i.s more than minimum and iqild his predicted sxdiedole de­ any PHILCO has now M O V E D to the new talked 'about the obligations and and . . . is only used in small Nine African states voted to Joseph Kokolo, killed in Monday cy landing at Philadelphia's Inter­ The Manchester Evening less than luxury. For example, its amounts In foocLs, drugs and cos- pends on a series o f soooeasfnl seat the Congo president. They night’s clash With U.N. Tunisian national Airport when pheasant re.sponsibilities of the presidency.' food coat calculations are a com­ manned ballistic flights powered Appliance or TV Main St., Comer of Oak The Governor appeared extreme- Herald will not publish tomor­ melic.s." were Cameroon. Chad. Congo troops. gets caught in landing gear after bination of low and moderate-cost ■ Red No. 1 is not used in lip- by the Redstone rocket. ”l have (Lower Store Level) (Brazzaville), Dahomey, Gabon, The coffins hearing-theJ)odies of takeoff. .Business as usual prevails row, Thanksgiving Day. eating plans. It contemplates T V absolutely no reason to believe . costing *200 (CUntlnued on Page Nineteen) stirks, he said. The action .to ban I lOUSE k HALE Ivory Coast, Malagasy, N iger and three other soldiers followed In in Haiti under martial law called set ownership, but assumes most the color, however, recalled FDA we will not have an orbital flight or more Senegal. huge black funeral vans behind to challenge University of Haiti elderly couples w ill use public action against other coal tar col- In 1961,” he told a news confer­ Six Africana. voted against. transportation ence. ”1 think we will.” He said students strike. s used in llps.ticks. The FD A They were United Arab Republic, (ConUnned on Page Nineteen) the first ballistics flights. In­ Former Texas Gov. Allan Shiv­ Every Thanksgiving Day The budget is described as rep­ once ordered - them banned but Offer Expires ■i'v NOTHING HAS CHANCED, ers says he may get Into an ex­ resenting “a level of living which volving the firing o f missUee In a 200-mile t r j^ t o r y . at a pected free-for-all to pick a Sen­ provides the goods and services (Continued on Page 'llvelvel .maximum altitude pf 100 raUea, Sat», Nov, 2 6 ate successor to Vice President­ necessary for a healthful, self-re­ are scheduled to begin In the elect Lyndon B. Johnson... .Uni­ specting mode of living, and al­ Bonn Refuses Full $600 Mi^ion versity of California records first quarter next year. Unkindest Cut of A l l - lows normal participation In com­ EXCEPT THE LOCATION! strong earthquake today, prob­ ably centering In ocean deeps off munity life according to stand­ Kennedy Gains SENTENCED TO LITE To Give U.S. Financial Relief New Zealand. ards prevailing in large, cities or Hartford, Nov. 28 (/P)— A een* You'll still receive the tame friendly service, the Russian grain Imported to Brit­ Carver Gets the Bird their suburbs in the United States." tence o f life fanpriaoimieat was ain contains at least five times as The survey; based on data col- Popular Votes bnposi^ In Superior -Court to­ Bonn, Genhany, Now 23 —♦attention was given the Interna- tame quality merchandise, plus free instructions, much strontium 69 as grain from day OH Leonard Rozler, 4d, Neto Philco Park Ridge United States-Wezt (lerman finu- tional payments position which at (Continued on Page ’fwelve) North America, Britain's Radio­ Hours later, after all are stuffed Britain, for the fatal ehoottng cial talks have broken up without present is affected by a number of By HAL BOYLE Washington, Nov. 23 t)P)—Presi­ biological Laboratory discloses. . to repletion, he is sure to overhear that Your Yarn Shop hat offered you during the full agreement being reached, , a factors, including a continuing New York Cooking the dent-elect John F. Kennedy’s pop­ last July IS of his common law Giant wave smashes into coosUd this dialogue: Joint cohlmunique disclosed today. deficit in the balance of payments Thanksgiving turkey is easy. ular vote margin over Vice-Presi­ wife, fillas M argaret Foxwortl^ resort of Rockaway. Ore., for sec­ "My, wasn’t 'the turkey de past six and a half years; only now it's available at But the communique said ar­ of the United States and a sub­ . Carving it —as ever>'one knows dent .Richard M. Nixon widened 29. Rozler was originally Indlet* CONSOLE TV ond time in month, knocking three llcious?” Nine Pacifistsi ed for first degree murder but rangements have been made for stantial surplus In the balance of unoccupied houses onto railroad — is the real art, , bit in tabulations today of late “ Yes, but did you see the way waa permitted to plead guilty our new location in"House and Hale's (lower store continuing diacuasions at defend­ payments in Germany.” . tracks, collapsing walls of another When the fam ily has a turkey and revised roliim s from the elec­ he carved it? M y little son— the to second degree murder. Tho ing U. S. gold reserves by having The two governments said the ajid covering highway with four dinner in a restaurant, everything tion. one in kindergarten—could have Remain in Jail level, next to Domestics). Germany contribute more to west­ discussions made clear that both feet of water goes according to Holye. Every­ It stood at 194,133 on a count sentence, by Judge Raymoad t . done better blind-folded,’’ ern defense and foreign aid spend- the U.S. and Germany were “ de­ Mrs. Edith Eichler, 33, who had one takes the portion dished out o f 33,960,660 votes for the Demo­ DevHii, waa mandatory. Weekly New Haven, Nov. 23 LPi—Eight ipg- termined to maintain strength and rare ” B positive” t.vpe blood, dies to him without complaint, and no The wonder is that anyone can cratic Winner and 33,766,527 for The discuaaions between West — for friendly service, phone Ml 3-4123 — confidence in the financial struc­ at Orange, N., J„ hospital while one questions the chef'.s impartial­ be found to d6 the job. But there young men and a girl from Bar- his Republican opponent. 2 PACIFISTS UNDm BONO - German leaders and U. 8. Treas­ is always a victim, willing or un­ New Ha%’en. Nov. 23 (4V-• DIatInrUva high atyle 23 inch' ronaole on bright ture o f the free world which un­ undergoing open heart surgery. . . . ity, judgment or skill. naid College languished In jail to­ In tabulations yesterday Ken­ ury Secretary Robert B. Anderson Jury awards 8136,006 dsunages to willing. , nedy’s edge was 174,627 qn re­ Two of nine paclflato who tried braaa tipped legs. Walnut or mahogany finish. Ex- and U. 8. Undersecretary of State derlies the common defense and But when the. fam ily has a tur­ day because they tried to stop the Alphonso Woodall, 37, of Cleve­ Here are some types of turkey spective totals o f 33,919,206 and to stop the launching o f a un­ C.. Douglas Dillon deadlocked last the Atlantic Alliance.” . key dinner aV-home, chaos and re­ launching of a nuclear submarine. cluiive Mauh II t ^ l rhaaals beats the heat . . . no PLEASE NOTE: land, Ohio, injured In crash o f kite carvers you’ve probably aeen your­ 33,744,669. clear submarinp, were reieuae((' night when the Bbnn government The communique did not men­ bellion—murmutad or shouted— The sub Ethan Allen went down parts underneath, no heat traps . . . no serslee he was riding in television stunt self at fafinily Thanksgiving Day from Jail under bonds today* said It could not put up $600 m il­ tion the $600 million, whicl^ caiua- reign from the moment the bird the ways as scheduled, yesterday The risc*since yesterday in Ken­ f Although wa hava moved, TO U R T A R N SHOP la aOU owmsd and operated by Mlaa for “ You Asked For It ” show. dinners: They uvre Gins. 19, Is­ headaches . , . provides 76% longer PhUco T V life lion In 1061 as an immediate re­ ed the most serious disagreement. arrives on the tame. despite the efforts of the young nedy's margin waa chiefly due to President-elect John F. Ken­ 1. The Poor Workman—He’' al land P a r lj^ N . Y., a Boniaril expectaneqr. Katherine Giblln, #ho will carry on the friendly ways o f this ahop devoted to your lief for U. 8. balance of payment Th«( United. States wanted West The one who reluctantly «Krces | ^ b t a m i n g 'hls^ people, who described themeelvea new figures from Louisiana which nedy's home in fashionable College student, and Edmuni difficulties. to do the .carving becomes as pacifists opposed to submarines raised his plurality in that state Germany to make that sum avail­ Georgetown sectloh of Washlng- Le4te«, SO. New York City. knitting needs . , . "The talks between the repre- loneliest human being in equipped with Polaris mlseiles. over Nixon by nearly 16,000 votes. able in 1961 to offset the $700 ^ton reported eold. . . . National says, “ and this knife has too long ' aentatives ef the two governments world. The demonstiatora rowed into Revisions In several other states million it spends on maintaining Grange- closes convention at Win­ a blade . . . ^ d this knife doesn’t PLAN E OV'EBDUE. 82 ABOARD \w ere Conducted on an informal ba­ U.S. troops in W est Germany. He is one who stands in crisis, the launching area shortly before also contributed to upping the TWaHtia, Nov. 83 (4V-A Yldl-'. ston-Salem, N. C., after reeffflrm- have enougir tensile strength . . . the Allen wae launched into the 856 sis,” the communique said. The communique said West ringed by critics. He knows he is and this kinfe doesn’t Kennedy margin. IppiBo A ir Llnea plaae with roue fireetoiie W E G I V E "They covered a broad range of Ing support for programs o f nted- Thames River at Groton yeater- Germany decided to embark on a l«al care for the aged and federal in a situation wfiich he can’t win. There are still more than 1,000 penotts aboard was repqitadi. financial and economic questions 2. The Brusque Matriarch—“Oh, day. Two of them ' Succeeded in V STOBI • Instructions are FREE just for the asking . . , new.foreign aid program by mak­ aid to' education. Me is bound to give somebody too precincts out of the national total overdue tonight on a Sight: Including balance of payment prob­ give me that knife before you cut clamberifig up the bunting which MAIN ST. ing available next year between Japanese Crown Prince Aklhlto much light meat or too little dark of 168,064 which have not report­ Hollo In the Central lems, assiatance to developing yourself,” she sayi as her hapless draped the sub’e hull rtiortly after three and four million marks and Princess Machiko arrive -in meat. He endows with a section of husband makes a first tentative ed their vote.. - to'Manlla. Reacnq • Your Ydfrn Shop invites Charge Accounfs . . . countries, international'trade and it splashed•PI Into the water. ($720 mlUion and.89S9 m illion). Ethiopia from Aden to begts 4-day drumstick one who passionately thrust. She slices’ and serves with Tabulationa as of noon today dlBpntcIied fo r a related prcMems of mutual inter­ When brought before U. S, Com­ . Anderson and Dillon “warmly iteto visit. . . . Legislators from yeamfd for a wing. bold confidence, knowing the guests made no change in the indicated paot last noade t e l . . CREEN est.” missioner Robert Alcorn here on welcomed” the deciaion. NATO countries examine plan for H is technique is also bound to cannot cavil too loudly at the cook. chargee of entering a restricted electoral vote totals of 300 for Manila control l O T A M P S j ; AMPLE FREE PARKING REAR of STORE . . . The communique said that in AUTO The communique followed two center of research and practical come under adverse scrutiny.' 8. The ' Do-It-Xourse)f Home Kennedy and 223 for Nixon with an hour hefbra ha area, the'^loung people objected to view of tho "sp ^sl responsibility Ml 3-7080 days of disciuslon between the science In western Europe com- Someone suggeata,- “ Don’t you Handyman— He brings >a crosscut posting bond, ^ e y said their ac- i4 electora in Mississippi and A la­ land.. B e eaM hi. of the United State^gnd Oermsny ns VeHIa iLYmammssWsssitaOdta Antertcaa oSeiala and top Oer- parable with ^the Xla—achueetta think you’d better— ?” And an­ saw, a plane, and a brace and bit tivlUea had been conducted on a bama not pledged to either. The froin Manila aag^ hi Uw flsld « f International flnsn- uuUtute of Technology in the other adds, “ I f I were you. I ’d required total to win election waa feet. That pot sial and iqoiOtaiy pOUqr, primary (Ow MommI m fljpo aicU ), UUted atetw,' •ta rtr-." « lea Fqga roor) (,0 |Bitened' Yaga Mflw), 288 alectoial votes. d m T»Mnd. , t 1 r