Marwatch System Guide

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Marwatch System Guide MARWATCH SYSTEM GUIDE RELEASE 5.1 DOCUMENT DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2015 MarWatch System Guide, Release 5.1 Introduction Notice The information contained in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects but is not warranted by Martello Technologies Corporation. The information is subject to change without notice and should not be construed in any way as a commitment by Martello Technologies or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. Martello Technologies and its affiliates and subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. Revisions of this document or new editions of it may be issued to incorporate such changes. No part of this document can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical - for any purpose without written permission from Martello Technologies Corporation. Trademarks MarWatch™, Martello Technologies, and the Martello Technologies logo are trademarks of Martello Technologies Corporation. Mitel Performance Manager, the Mitel word and logo are trademarks of Mitel Networks Corporation. Windows and Microsoft are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged. © Copyright 2015 Martello Technologies Corporation, all rights reserved. November 20, 2015 Page 2 of 215 MarWatch System Guide, Release 5.1 Introduction Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Revision History ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Documentation Conventions ................................................................................................................... 8 What’s New in this Release..................................................................................................................... 9 MiVoice MX-ONE Device Support ............................................................................................................ 9 MiVoice Business SIP Trunk Utilization..................................................................................................... 9 Monitor any SNMP Device ....................................................................................................................... 9 MBG 9 SIP Teleworker Endpoint Voice Quality ......................................................................................... 9 Remote IP Set Test .................................................................................................................................. 9 Adding a Device is Simplified ................................................................................................................... 9 Improved Dashboard Branding .............................................................................................................. 10 Move Containers and Devices................................................................................................................ 10 License Policy Assignment for Certain Users .......................................................................................... 10 License Administration Enhancements .................................................................................................. 10 Audit Log Enhancements ....................................................................................................................... 10 Alarm Management Enhancements ....................................................................................................... 10 Quick Query Enhancements................................................................................................................... 10 Alert Profile Enhancements ................................................................................................................... 11 Report Enhancements ........................................................................................................................... 11 Dashboard Enhancements ..................................................................................................................... 11 Tool Enhancements ............................................................................................................................... 11 Probe Enhancements............................................................................................................................. 11 Server Monitoring Enhancements ......................................................................................................... 12 Router Monitoring Enhancements ......................................................................................................... 12 IP Class of Service Monitoring Enhancements ........................................................................................ 12 Trap Directed Polling ............................................................................................................................. 12 Device Information Panel ...................................................................................................................... 12 Login Enhancement ............................................................................................................................... 12 MarWatch Overview............................................................................................................................. 13 MarWatch Architecture ......................................................................................................................... 13 MarWatch Capabilities .......................................................................................................................... 13 User Interface........................................................................................................................................ 14 Supported Browsers .............................................................................................................................. 14 Supported Devices................................................................................................................................. 14 Fault and Performance Monitoring ........................................................................................................ 15 Alarming and Alerting ............................................................................................................................ 17 Remote Access ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 19 Optional Features .................................................................................................................................. 19 MarWatch System Data Model .............................................................................................................. 21 November 20, 2015 Page 3 of 215 MarWatch System Guide, Release 5.1 Introduction MarWatch User Interface ..................................................................................................................... 24 Login Page ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Dashboards ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Dashboard Context ................................................................................................................................ 26 Search Capabilities ................................................................................................................................ 27 Displaying Device User Data .................................................................................................................. 28 Expanded Views and Context Sensitive Help .......................................................................................... 30 Alarm Summary and Display Filtering .................................................................................................... 30 Breadcrumbs ......................................................................................................................................... 30 Menu Items ........................................................................................................................................... 31 User Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 32 Planning Ahead ..................................................................................................................................... 33 Small Organizations ............................................................................................................................... 33 Large Organizations ............................................................................................................................... 33 Service Providers ..................................................................................................................................
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