Extensions of Remarks
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25592 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 28, 1977 National Transportation Policy Study Com offer reduced-rate transportation on a space Amends the Immigration and Nationality mis3ion has to submit its final report to Con available basis to persons 65 years of age or Act to subject any person who pays any com gress regarding its study of the transporta older or 21 years of age or younger, and to pensation to an illegal a.lien to a cr1m1nal tion needs of the United States. handicapped persons and necessary attend fine. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to im ants of such handicapped individuals. H .R. 3146. February 7, 1977. Ways and pose a tax on the sale of fuels used by H.R. 3139. February 7, 1977. Post Office and Means; Interstate and Foreign Commerce. shallow-draft vessels used in commercial in Civil Service. Extends to former employees Amends Title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social land waterway transportation. of county soil conversation comlilittees who Security Act to provide payment for outpa H .R. 3133. February 7, 1977. Ways and are employed by any Federal agency, speci tient prescription drugs under the supple Means. Amends Title II (Old-Age, Survivors, fied civil service compensation leave, and mentary medical insurance program. and Disab111ty Insurance) of the Social Se seniority benefits afforded to former employ H.R. 3147. February 7, 1977. Agriculture. curity Act to revise the eligib111ty require ees of such county committees who are em Excludes from eligibility for food stamps ments for disabllit y insurance benefits for ployed by the Department of Agriculture. under the Food Stamp Act of 1964 any house blind persons. Revises the method of com H.R. 3140. February 7, 1977. Armed Serv hold whose principal wage earner is on strike puting the primary insurance amount for ices. Sets forth procedures which the Secre for the duration of such strike. Excepts a blind persons under such Act. tary of Defense or the Secretary of a mili household from this exclusion if it was par H .R . 3134. February 7, 1977. Merchant Ma tary department must follow before a mili ticipating in the food stamp program imme rine and Fisheries; Public Works and Trans tary base or installation is closed or the diately prior to the start of such strike, or portation. Amends the Ports and Waterways number of civilian personnel positions at if any of its members is subject to an em Safety Act of 1972 to impose additional such a facility is reduced below a specified ployer's lockout. tanker design, construction, and operation level. H.R. 3148. February 7, 1977. Agriculture. requirements in order to improve tanker H.R. 3141. February 7, 1977. Armed Serv Excludes from eligibility for food stamps un safety. Establishes procedures for oil spill ices. Sets forth procedures which the Secre der the Food Stamp Act of 1964 any house liability and compensation determinations. tary of Defense or the Secretary of a IIlili hold whose principal wage earner is on strike Imposes strict liability upon owners and op tary department must follow before a mili for the duration of such strike. Excepts a erators of vessels and offshore oil facilities tary base or installation is closed or the household from this exclusion if it was par for oil spill damages, including cleanup costs. number of civilian personnel positions at ticipating in the food stamp program imme H.R. 3135. February 7, 1977. Wavs and such a facility is reduced below a specified diately prior to the start of such strike, or if Means. Amends the Internal Revenu·e Code level. any of its members is subject to an employ to increase from $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 the H.R. 3142. February 7, 1977. Interstate and er's lockout. maximum size of small iEsues of industrial Foreign CoIIllilerce. Amends the Natural Gas H.R. 3149. February 7, 1977. Ways and development bonds on which the interest Act to terminate Federal Power Commission Means. Amends the Internal Revenue Code qualifies for a tax exclusion. authority to regulate the sale or delivery of to extend to two and one-half years the max H .R . 3136. February 7, 1977. Interstate and natural gas by producers of new natural gas. imum period which may elapse between the Foreign Commerce. Amends the Natural Gas H.R. 3143. February 7, 1977. Ways and sale of a residence and the construction of Act to terminate Federal Power Commission Means. Amends the Internal Revenue Code another in order that gain from such sale authority to regulate sales of new natural of 1954 and Title II (Old-Age, Survivors, and will not be recognized for Federal income tax gas and sales ot natural gas to certain high Disability Insurance) of the Social Security purposes. priority customers. Act to authorize individuals who are enrolled H.R. 3150. February 7, 1977. Judiciary. Sets Directs the Commission to prohibit the in a private retirement plan to voluntarily forth rights of Federal court and grand jury curtailment of natural gas supplies for es exempt thelllSelves from the Old-Age, Sur witnesses with respect to contempt. sential agricultural purposes. Restricts the vivors, and Disability Insurance program. Requires that witnesses compelled to tes use of natural gas as boiler fuel. H.R. 3144. February 7, 1977. Ways and tify before a Federal court, Congress, or ex H .R. 3137. February 7, 1977. House Admin Means; Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ecutive agency be given transactional im istration. Requires Federal agencies to pub Amends Titie XVIII (Medicare) of the Social munity. licly report to Congress all expenditures Security Act to establish a Long-Term Care Specifies guidelines regarding the size of made for or on the behalf of a Member of Services program to provide home health, grand juries, disclosure of and access to Congress or a congressional employee with homemakers, nutrition, long-term institu grand jury testimony, rights of grand jury respect to the travel of such person and re tional care, day care, foster home, and out witnesses, and grand jury jurisdiction. quires the committee of Congress which ap patient mental health services. Specifies that Grants rights and powers to grand juries in proved such travel to reimburse such agency these services shall be delivered by commu cluding authority to conduct independent for such expenditure. nity long-term care centers under the direc inquiries. · H.R. 3138. February 7, 1977. Public Works tion and control of a State long-term care Entitles defendants charged with non and Transportation. Amends the Federal Avi agency. petty offenses to a preliminary examination, ation Act of 1958 to allow air carriers to H.R. 3145. February 7, 1977. Judiciary. to be filed by a Federal district judge. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SOLAR ENERGY DEVELOPMENT Alexander A. Simon, president of Shenan "Georgia's energy will be greatly improved A VIATION HALL OF FAME doah, announced the new industry is a West through successful research in alternate en German based knitwear firm, Wilhelm Bleyle, ergy sources. K.G. "Some Georgia homes," Hensley added, The solar-produced electricity will provide "are already using the sun to heat water and HON. HERMAN E. TALMADGE lighting and other base electric loads for the perform other household chores." OF GEORGIA Bloyle plant. A real breakthrough in today's energy sit Steam not usec' for the production of elec uation however using the soon to provide IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES tricity will provide for the heating, cooling electrical power has yet to appear. Thursday, July 28, 1977 and process steam requirements. In the light of this ERDA announcement, Shenandoah, a planned community initi that breakthrough should be a strong pos Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, Dixie ated in 1974, will provide five acres for solar sibility, Hensley concluded. Business magazine, which is published by collectors and generation facilities. Concentration-type collectors will be used. Mr. Hubert Lee in Decatur, Ga., recently U.S. Energy Research and Development Ad Some 2,500 square meters of collecter mir had articles concerning solar energy de ministration (ERDA) will build the solar col rors will tract the Sun's location and heat velopment in Georgia and new additions lectors and entire solar-powered electrical the oil to 600 degrees. to the Aviation Hall of :Fame in Dayton, generating station. Heat collected from the solar system will Walt Hensley, Georgia Power Vice Presi produce steam to drive two turbines to Ohio. dent, said experimentation to generate elec generate electricity for the plant. The ex I bring these articles to the attention tricity from the sun to power in industry is haust heat from the turbines will then be of the Senate and ask unanimous con a virtually untapped field. pipec~ into the knitwear mill to heat or cool sent that they be printed in the RECORD. Others participating in the original site the building and to provide steam for press proposal were Westinghouse, Heery & Heery ing the clothing made there. There being no objection, the articles and Ga. Tech. were ordered to be printed in the REcoan, Engineers estimate the plan will get 60 Walt Hensley said that ERDA's acceptance to 70 percent of the total energy needs from as follows: of the Georgia Power-Shenandoah proposal the sun. ELECTRICITY FROM SoLAR HEAT BY GEORGIA is definitely good news for the Georgia con Georgia Power will provide distribution POWER sumer. facilities and engineering services. ERDA A multimillion dollar experimental project "This proposed research actually is part of will provide money for the generating and utilizing solar energy to generate electricity Georgia's response to President Carter's ap heat recovery system (services).