Babak Tabarraee Global Cult Cinema Summer 2020 MES s342 (81480) / RTF s352 (73294) GLOBAL CULT CINEMA Summer session II 2020 (July 13 – August 14) Online (Hybrid Class): Synchronous Classes: MWF 1-2:30, Asynchronous classes: TTH 1-2:30 Zoom Link: Instructor: Babak Tabarraee. Virtual Office Hours by appointment:
[email protected]. Teaching Assistant: Benjamin Rangell. Virtual Office Hours by appointment:
[email protected]. COURSE DESCRIPTION With their dedicated fans and enduring presence in the public sphere, cult films unfold important crossovers between media and culture in different regional contexts. This course will analyze global configurations of cult cinema, especially in the Middle East. From various scholarly viewpoints, we will ask how and why certain movies have generated emotional attachments in different sociocultural environments. Reviewing the foundational texts on the concept of cult in cinema studies, we will examine several approaches to studying the applications and functions of cult films and film cults. We will specifically examine case studies from and through the Middle East to understand the resonance of cult media texts around the world. Moreover, we will investigate the communal identities displayed through the cultural expressions of cult fans in order to better understand people’s complex relationship with the political order and cultural power. As such, “Global Cult Cinema” will explore less examined but significant areas of international film canons and fandoms. The interdisciplinary nature of this course further enables us to investigate important constituents of audience reactions to the global and local media through the purposeful use of the theories on popular culture, fandom, stardom, and politics of national and transnational film reception.