MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 1 27/10/2009

MWE Output Summary from July 1998 (calendar years) — as of April 2009

Refereed Scientific Papers 1. “Discovery of hydrothermal sulfide mineralisation from southern Kermadec arc volcanoes (SW Pacific)” (Wright, de Ronde, Faure & [Gamble]): Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 164: 335- 343 (1998) 2. “Provenance of Permian-Triassic and Ordovician metagraywacke terranes in New Zealand : evidence from 40Ar / 39Ar dating of detrital micas” (Adams, [Kelley]): Geological Society of America bulletin, 110(4):422-432 (1998) 3. “Torlesse, Waipapa and Caples suspect terranes of New Zealand: integrated studies of their geological history in relation to neighbouring terranes.” (Adams, Campbell, Graham, Mortimer): Episodes, 21(4): 235-240 (1998). 4. “Mesozoic mesothermal quartz-gold-scheelite lodes, Wakamarina, Marlborough, New Zealand” (Skinner & Brathwaite): NZ Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 42: 335-348 (1999) 5. “An episodic Cretaceous cooling model for the Otago-Marlborough schist, New Zealand, based on 40Ar/39Ar white mica ages.” ([Little], Mortimer, [McWilliams]): New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 42(3): 305-325 (1999) 6. “Geology and thermochronometry of the east edge of the median batholith (Median Tectonic Zone): a new perspective on Permian to Cretaceous crustal growth of New Zealand.” Mortimer, [Gans], [Calvert], [Walker]: The Island arc, 8(3): 404-425 (1999a). 7. “Overview of the Median Batholith, New Zealand: a new interpretation of the geology of the Median Tectonic Zone and adjacent rocks”. Mortimer, Tulloch, ,[Spark], ,[Walker], ,[Ladley], ,[Allibone], [Kimbrough]: Journal of African Earth Sciences 29(1): 257-268 (1999b). 8. “Round Hill mesothermal gold deposit, Macraes Flat, New Zealand: evidence for a magmatic ore fluid” (de Ronde, Faure, [Bray] & [Whitford]): Economic Geology 95: 1025-1048 (2000) 9. “Structural setting of the Globe-Progress and Blackwater gold mines, Reefton Goldfield, New Zealand” (Rattenbury & [Stewart]): NZ Journal of Geology & Geophysics 43: 435-445 (2000) 10. “Metamorphic discontinuities in orogenic belts : example of the garnet-biotite-albite zone in the Otago schist, New Zealand.” (Mortimer): International Journal of Earth Sciences, 89(2): 295-306 (2000) 11. “Thermochronologic constraints on the breakup of the Pacific Gondwana margin: the Paparoa metamorphic core complex, , New Zealand.” ([Spell], [McDougall], Tulloch): Tectonics, 19(3): 433-451 (2000) 12. “Lithological and spatial controls on the distribution of quartz veins in andesite- and rhyolite-hosted epithermal Au-Ag deposits of the Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand” (Brathwaite, [Cargill], Christie & [Swain]): Mineralium Deposita 36: 1-2 (2001) 13. “Fluid geochemistry of veining associated with a paleoseismic zone, Benmore Dam, New Zealand” (de Ronde, [Bray], Faure, [Sibson] & [Whitford]): Geological Society of America Bulletin 113 (8): 1010-1024 (2001) 14. “Telescoped porphyry Cu-Au mineralisation, advanced argillic alteration and quartz-sulphide- gold-anhydrite veins in the Thames Goldfield, New Zealand (Brathwaite, [Simpson], Faure & Skinner): Mineralium Deposita 36: 623-640 (2001) 15. “Intra-oceanic subduction-related hydrothermal venting, Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde, [Baker], Massoth, [Lupton], Wright, [Feely] & [Greene]): Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 193: 359-369 (2001) 16. “Textural zones in the Haast Schist -- a reappraisal.” ([Turnbull], Mortimer, [Craw]): New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 44(1): 171-183 (2001) 17. “The Hishikari Au-Ag epithermal deposit, Japan: oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence in determining the source of paleohydrothermal fluids” (Faure, [Matsuhisa], [Metsugi], [Mizota] & [Hayashi]): Economic Geology 97 (3): 481-498 (2002) 18. “Discovery of active hydrothermal venting in Lake Taupo, New Zealand (de Ronde, Christenson, Davy & [9 others]): JVGR 115: 255-273 (2002) 19. “The Waihi epithermal gold-silver-base metal suphide-quartz vein system, New Zealand: temperature and salinity controls on electrum and sulphide deposition (Brathwaite & Faure): Economic Geology, 97: 269-290 (2002) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 2 27/10/2009

20. “Towed camera investigations of shallow-intermediate water-depth submarine stratovolcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc” (Wright, [Stoffers], [Hannington], de Ronde, [Herzig], [Smith] & [Browne]): Marine Geology, 185: 207-218 (2002) 21. “Whakamarina Quartzite and associated mafic rocks of Pelorus Group, Marlborough: geochemistry and origins” (Skinner & Brathwaite): NZ Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 45: 175-192. (2002) 22. “Tectonic significance of Cretaceous bivergent extensional shear zones in the Torlesse accretionary wedge, central Otago Schist, New Zealand” ([Deckert], [Ring], Mortimer). New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 45(4): 537-547. (2002) 23. “Hydrothermal alteration in metasedimentary rock-hosted orogenic gold deposits, Reefton goldfield, South Island, New Zealand (Christie & Brathwaite): Mineralium Deposita, 38: 87-107 (2003) 24. “δD values of fluid inclusion water in quartz and calcite ejecta from active geothermal systems: do values reflect those of original hydrothermal water?” (Faure): Economic Geology 98: 657-660. (2003) 25. “A provisional structural thickness map of the Otago Schist, New Zealand” (Mortimer): American Journal of Science, 303: 602-621 (2003) 26. “Gold mineralisation in the Sams creek peralkaline microgranie, New Zealand: Magmatic or metamorphic source of mineralisation? (Faure, Brathwaite & de Ronde): Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78-79: 613-616 (2003) 27. “Chemically rich and diverse submarine hydrothermal plumes of the southern Kermadec volcanic arc (New Zealand): (Massoth, de Ronde, [Lupton], [Feely], [Baker], [Lebon], & [Maenner]): ‘Intra- oceanic subduction systems: tectonic and magmatic processes’, Geological Society of London. Special Publication, 219: 1119-140 (2003) 28. ”Submarine hydrothermal venting related to volcanic arcs” (de Ronde, Massoth, [Baker] & [Lupton]): ‘Volcanic, Geothermal, and Ore-forming Fluids: Rulers and Witnesses of Processes within the Earth’ (Giggenbach Memorial Volume), Geochemical Society and Society of Economic Geologists, Special Publication, 10: 91-110 (2003) 29. “Geological and mineralogical characterisation of zeolites in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand” (Brathwaite): Clay and Clay Minerals, 51: 589-598 (2003) 30. “Hydrothermal Fluids associated with seafloor mineralization at two Southern Kermadec Arc volcanoes, offshore New Zealand” (de Ronde, Faure, [Bray], [Chappell] & Wright): Mineralium Deposita 38: 217-233 (2003) 31. “A provisional structural thickness map of the Otago schist, New Zealand.” (Mortimer): American Journal of Science, 303: 603-621 (2003) 32. “Paired plutonic belts in convergent margins and the development of high Sr/Y magmatism : Peninsular Ranges batholith of Baja-California and Median batholith of New Zealand” (Tulloch, [Kimbrough]): Geological Society of America. Special paper 374: p. 275-295 (2003) 33. “U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of molybdenum-bearing granodiorite porphyry at Copperstain Creek, west Nelson, New Zealand (Brathwaite, [Kamo] & Faure): NZ Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 47: 219-225 (2004) 34. “Rb-Sr age and strontium isotope characteristics of the Greenland Group, Buller Terrane, New Zealand, and correlations at the East Gondwanaland margin” (Adams): New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 47(2): 189-200 (2004) 35. “Occurrence and physical setting of ferromanganese nodules beneath the Deep Western Boundary Current, Southwest Pacific Ocean.” (Wright, [Chang], [Choi], Graham, & [Lee]): NZ Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 48 (1): 27-42 (2005) 36. “Evolution of a Submarine Magmatic-hydrothermal system, Brothers volcano, Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand (de Ronde, [Hannington], [Stoffers], [Wright], Ditchburn, Reyes, [Baker], Massoth, [Lupton], [Walker], [Greene], Soong, [Ishibashi], [Lebon], [Bray] & [Resing]). Economic Geology 100: 1097-1133 (2005) 37. “A Carboniferous 40Ar/39Ar amphibole emplacement age for the Au-bearing Sams Creek alkali- feldspar granite dyke, west Nelson, New Zealand” (Tulloch & [Dunlap]): NZ Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 49 (2): 233-240 (2006) 38. “Mineralogical and stable isotope studies of gold-arsenic mineralization in the Sams Creek peralkaline granite porphyritic granite, South Island, New Zealand (Faure & Brathwaite): Mineralium Deposita 40 (8): 802-827 (2006) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 3 27/10/2009

39. “Continuation of the New England Orogen, Australia, beneath the Queensland Plateau and Lord Howe Rise” (Mortimer, [Hauff] & [Calvert]). Australian Journal Earth Sciences 55: 195-208 (2006) 40. “Methane seepage and its relation to slumping and gas hydrate at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand.” (Faure, Greinert, Pecher, Graham, Massoth, de Ronde, [Wright], [Baker] & [Olsen]). NZ Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 49: 503-516 (2006) 41. “Characterisation and ancestry of New Zealand nephrite jade on the basis of strontium isotope composition”. (Adams, [Beck] & Campbell): Lithos 97 (3/4): 307-322 (2007) 42. “Epithermal Au-Ag and related deposits of the Hauraki Goldfield, Coromandel Volcanic Zone, New Zealand (Christie, [Simpson], Brathwaite, [Mauk] & [Simmonds]): Economic Geology 102: 785-816 (2007) 43. “Geochronology of Paleozoic terranes at the Pacific Ocean margin of ” (Adams): Gondwana Research 13: 250-258 (2008) 44. “Submarine Hydrothermal Activity along the mid-Kermadec Arc, New Zealand. Large-Scale Effects on Venting” (de Ronde, [Baker], Massoth, [Lupton], [Wright], [Sparks], [Bannister], [Reyners], [Walker], [Greene], [Ishibashi], Faure, [Resing] & [Lebon]): Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 8: Q07007, doi:10.1029/2006GC001495 (2008) 45. “Structure and petrology of newly discovered volcanic centers in the northern Kermadec–southern Tofua arc, South Pacific Ocean” (Ian J Graham, Agnes G Reyes, Ian C Wright, Kimberley M Peckett, Ian EM Smith and Richard J Arculus) Journal of Geophysical Research 13, doi:10.1029/2008JB005871 (2008) 46. “Exploring the Australian geological heritage of Zealandia and New Zealand” (Campbell, Adams, Mortimer) 2008. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 120(1): 38-50 (2008) 47. “Nature and tectonic setting of massive sulfide mineralisation and associated sediments and volcanics in the Matakaoa Volcanics, Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand” (Brathwaite, Sewell & Christie): New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 51: 349-366 (2008)

Reports: 1. “10Be and U-Th dating methods for hydrogenetic ferromanganese nodules: preliminary results for examples from the Pacific Ocean and Tasman Sea” (Graham, Ditchburn, de Ronde, Skinner, Whitehead, Wright & Zondervan): GNS Science Report 99/2 2. “The mineral potential of New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): GNS Science Report 99/4 3. “NZAPLUME” (de Ronde, Massoth, Wright & [others]): Cruise Report (1999) 4. “R/V Tangaroa–SAA3 Bollons Mn nodule sampling” (Wright & [others]): Cruise Report (1999) 5. “Rare earth prospectivity study - Ohika detachment fault (Buller) and Mandamus intrusives (North Canterbury)” (Tulloch, Christie): Ministry of Economic Development Openfile Mineral Report 3715. 42p (1999) 6. “K-Ar and Rb-Sr age determinations relating to gold and tungsten mineralisation in Otago Schist” (Adams & Graham): GNS Science Report 2000/5 (2000) 7. “Reconnaissance rare earth element (REE) geochemistry of Ohika Detachment Fault (Buller) and Mandamus Intrusives (North Canterbury)” (Tulloch & Christie): GNS Science Report 2000/10 (2000) 8. “Stable isotope composition of deep to shallow paleogeothermal fluids in the Hauraki Goldfield, Coromandel” (Faure & Brathwaite): GNS Science Report (2000) 9. GIS maps of Otago goldfields (Cox): GNS Map Series (2000) 10. GIS foliation map for Otago Schist (Mortimer): GNS Map Series (2000) 11. “Coromandel resource map and GIS database” (Brathwaite, Christie, Rattenbury & [others]): GNS Map Series (2000) 12. “Whole-rock analyses of sandstones, siltstones, and tuffs from the Murihiku Terrane, New Zealand.” [Roser], [Coombs], [Korsch], [Campbell], Mortimer, [Grapes]: Research report School of Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington 7. 26 p. (2000) 13. “Mineral Resource Assessment of the Coromandel Region” (Christie, Brathwaite, Rattenbury & Skinner): GNS Science Report 2001/11 (2001) 14. “Regional Geophysical and geochemical surveys for mineral exploration in New Zealand” (Christie, Cox, [Barker] & Stagpoole): GNS Science Report 2001/24 (2001) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 4 27/10/2009

15. “Drill core from the Golden Cross epithermal gold-silver deposit, Coromandel Region, New Zealand” (Christie & [McOnie]): GNS Science Report 2001/25 (2001) 16. Aeromagnetic map of the Coromandel region” (Stagpoole, Christie, Henrys & Woodward): GNS Map Series (2001) 17. “Preparation procedures for the 10Be analysis of marine deposits” (Ditchburn & Graham): GNS Science Report 2002/02 (2002) 18. ‘Pounamu Journeys - A science proposal for the assessment of the Aotearoa Pounamu Resource” (Cox): Paper prepared in confidence for Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu (2002) 19. “Preparation procedures for the 10Be analysis of marine deposits” (Ditchburn & Graham): GNS Science Report 2003/10 (2003) 20. “Ferromanganese nodules in the vicinity of Bollons Seamount SE of the Campbell Plateau, SW Pacific Ocean: Part 3: Beryllium isotope dating” (Graham, Ditchburn, Zondervan, [Chang], [Choi], [Lee,] and Wright): GNS Science Report 2003/15 (2003) 21. “Epithermal gold in New Zealand: Mineral Deposit Models (Christie & Brathwaite): GNS Science Report 2003/11 (2003) 22. “Otago Schist as an aggregate source: background investigations at Macraes Mine” (Reyes, Cox, Harvey & Soong): GNS Science Report 2003/20 (2003) 23. “Digital mineral exploration data for the Wharekirauponga epithermal gold-silver deposit, Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand”. (Christie, Mazengarb, Warnes & Jongens): GNS Science Report 2003/24 (2003) 24. “Petrographic evaluation of dredged samples from the Brothers, Macauley and Giggenbach submarine volcanoes, Kermadec Arc” (Reyes): GNS Science Report 2003/29 (2003) 25. “NZAPLUMEIII New Zealand American Plume mapping Expedition. May 2-16, 2002” (de Ronde, Massoth, Faure & [9 others]: Cruise Report (2003) 26. “Aeromagnetic Developments in Australia” (Woodward): Unpublished GNS report (2004) 27. “Use of INTREPID and ERMapper for aeromagnetic data processing in Geological and Nuclear Sciences” (Woodward): GNS Science Report (2004) 28. “Magnetic anomaly map of the Taupo Volcanic Zone New Zealand, 1:250,000” (Stagpoole, Woodward, Soengkono, Seveme & Christie): GNS geophysical map 18 (2004) 29. “Report on clay prospect, O’Boyles Farm, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone” (Brathwaite and Soong) GNS Client Report (2004) 30. “Seismic Experiments at Macraes Flat, Otago, New Zealand” (Leslie, Cox, Woodward & Gorman). GNS Science Report 2005/32 (2005) 31. “Statistical evaluation of stream sediment data from the Thames area – Coromandel region, North Island, New Zealand” (Richard Carver): Report by GC Xplore for GNS Science (2005) 32. “NZAPLUMEIII New Zealand American Plume Mapping Expedition 23 September to 17 October, 2004” (de Ronde, Faure, Graham & [20+ cruise participants]): Cruise Report (2006) 33. “Recognising the mineral resource potential of New Zealand–a regional initiative” (Barker, Christie, [Robson] & Graham): GNS Science Report 2006/25 (2006) 34. “An evaluation of Coromandel Peninsula company stream sediment data” (Carver): Report by GC Xplore for GNS Science (2007) 35. “Mineral resource assessment of the Northland Region, New Zealand” (Christie & Barker): GNS Science Report 2007/06 (2007) 36. “Mineral resource assessment of Māori land, stage 1: progress toward a national GIS and a preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Raukumara region, North Island” (Christie): GNS Science Report 2007/10 (2007) 37. “Petrographic descriptions and X-ray fluorescence analyses of some volcanic and metasedimentary rocks from southeast Queensland, Australia” (Mortimer): GNS Science report 2007/13 (2007) 38. “Immediate report on pounamu surveying” (Cox): GNS Science Consultancy Report 2007/51 (2007) 39. “New Zealand American Ring of Fire 2007—Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, Ngatoro Rift and Havre Trough”. ([Embley], de Ronde, Davy, & [Shipboard participants], 2007 R/V Sonne ROVARK cruise ): Cruise report, 36 pp. (2007) 40. “Proposal for airborne geophysical surveys in Northland: mapping, mineral exploration, water resources and hazards”. (Christie, A.B., Barker, R.G. & Cox): GNS Science Report 2008/01 41. “Mineral resource assessment of the Thames-Coromandel and Hauraki districts, New Zealand” (Christie et al.): GNS Science report 2008/14 (2008) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 5 27/10/2009

42. Geochemistry of massive sulphide mineralisation and associated siliceous sediments in the Tangihua Complex, Northland” (Brathwaite & Christie): GNS Science report 2008/39, 14 pp (2008)

Short Scientific Papers 1. “Porphyry Cu-Au mineralisation, advanced argillic alteration and polymetallic sulphide-quartz- anhydrite veins at Ohio Creek, Thames, New Zealand” (Brathwaite, [Simpson] & Skinner): Proceedings, AusIMM Conference (1998) 2. “Hydrothermal alteration in the Reefton goldfield: preliminary results” (Christie & Brathwaite): Proceedings, AusIMM Conference (1998) 3. “Hydrothermal fluid mixing and boiling in the Waihi epithermal gold-silver deposit, New Zealand” (Brathwaite): Proceedings, IAGOD conference (1999) 4. “The basement at Kawerau geothermal field” ([Wood], Brathwaite) Proceedings, 21st NZ Geothermal Workshop, Auckland (1999) 5. “A geographic information system for the Coromandel region” (Christie, Brathwaite, Rattenbury & Skinner): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (1999) 6. “Quartz-vein styles in turbidite-hosted mesothermal gold deposits of western South Island (New Zealand), Victoria (Australia) and Nova Scotia (Canada)” (Christie, [Smith], [Ryan], [Ramsay], [Arne] & [Bierlein]): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (1999) 7. “Mapping of structural discontinuities in the Otago Schist as potential exploration targets: preliminary results”. [MacKenzie], [Turnbull], Mortimer, [Craw], [Norris]: AUSIMM conference (1999) 8. “Hydrogen Isotope determination of fluid inclusion water from epithermal vein quartz do values accurately reflect water of deposition” (Faure & [Matsuhisa]): Proceedings, NZ Geothermal Workshop (2000) 9. “The geometry of mineralisation and exploration models for the Blackwater mine in the Reefton Goldfield” (Cox): Proceedings, NZ Mining & Minerals conference (2000) 10. “Deposit types and paleo-depth extents of Coromandel Epithermal Au-Ag deposits” (Brathwaite & Christie): Proceedings, NZ Mining & Minerals conference (2000) 11. “Disseminated gold in turbidite-hosted gold deposits at Reefton (South Island, NZ), Victoria (Australia) and Nova Scotia ( Canada)” (Christie, [Corner], [Berlein], [Smith], [Ryan] & [Arne]): Proceedings, NZ Mining & Minerals conference (2000) 12. “Massive sulfide mineralisation associated with a frontal arc volcano: Brothers hydrothermal system, southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde, [Hannington], [Stoffers], Wright, [Browne] & [Herzig]): Proceedings, Volcanic Environments and Massive Sulfide Deposits conference (2000) 13. “Down-hole hydrothermal alteration trends in sediment-hosted mesothermal gold deposits of the Reefton Goldfield, South Island, New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): Proceedings, SME conference (2001) 14. “Detailed swath mapping survey of a submarine geothermal system, Lake Taupo, New Zealand” (de Ronde, Davy & [3 others]): Proceedings, 10th Water Rock Interaction symposium (2001) 15. “Do hydrogen isotope values of fluid inclusion water in vein quartz accurately reflect water of deposition?” (Faure, Brathwaite & Matsuhisa): Proceedings, 10th Water Rock Interaction symposium (2001) 16. “Industrial minerals derived from volcanic rocks in New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2001) 17. “Lithological controls on mineralisation in East Otago gold deposits” (Cox): AusIMM Conference Proceedings (2001) 18. “Oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of veins in the Hishikari epithermal deposit, Japan: origin of ore- forming fluids”. (Faure): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2001) 19. “Foliation Thickness and mica grain size: two new ways to subdivide the Otago Schist, New Zealand” (Mortimer): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2001) 20. “Down-hole XRD analyses as a guide to hydrothermal alteration in the Wharekirauponga epithermal gold-silver prospect, Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand” (Christie & Soong): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2001) 21. “Mineral resource assessment for the West Coast of New Zealand, using spatial analysis in a GIS: a new exploration management and land-use management tool” (Partington, Christie & Cox): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2001) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 6 27/10/2009

22. “Magnetic anomalies of the Coromandel region” (Stagpoole, Christie, Henrys & Woodward): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2001) 23. “Mineral assessment of the Coromandel region, New Zealand” (Christie, Brathwaite, Rattenbury & Skinner): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2001) 24. “Ground collapses related to abandoned underground workings at Waihi” (Brathwaite, Mazengarb, [Richards] & [Beetham]): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2002) 25. “Epithermal zeolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone (Brathwaite): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2002) 26. “Porosity and permeability in the basement rocks at the Kawerau and Ohaaki geothermal fields, New Zealand” (Brathwaite, Wood, Rosenberg, Faure) Proceedings, 24th NZ Geothermal Workshop, Auckland (2002) 27. “New Zealand platinum deposits – an overview (Christie, Mortimer & [Barker]): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2002) 28. “Prospectivity modelling for mesothermal gold in New Zealand using spatial analysis in GIS (Partington, Christie, Cox, Rattenbury, [Smillie] & [Stigley]): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2002) 29. “Arc exploration from the hydrothermal perspective” (Massoth, de Ronde & Wright): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2002) 30. “Fluids from arcs: a submarine magmatic-hydrothermal perspective” (Massoth, de Ronde & [4 others]): Proceedings, State of the Arc conference (2003) 31. “Paleodepth Studies of Epithermal Mineral Deposits in the North Island of New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2003) 32. “Epithermal zeolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone (Brathwaite): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2003) 33. “A deformed gold-arsenopyrite-pyrite deposit hosted in peralkaline granite porphyry at Sams Creek” (Brathwaite & Faure): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2003) 34. “Resource Assessment of East Otago region” (Christie & Smith Lyttle): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2003) 35. “Boiling and mixing of hydrothermal fluids in the Wharekirauponga rhyolite-hosted epithermal gold-silver deposit, Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand (Christie, Faure, [Rabone] & [Barker]): Proceedings SGA conference (2003) 36. “East Otago gold : field trip 1A & 1B, Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference 2003” (Cox, [Craw]): Geological Society of New Zealand miscellaneous publication 116B (2003) 37. “Minerals databases: Towards a comprehensive minerals information system for NZ” (Christie): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2004) 38. “The Sams Creek peralkaline granite hosted gold deposit, Northwest Nelson, New Zealand: Evolution of the host granite and mineralising system”(Brathwaite & Faure): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2004) 39. “The Sams Creek peralkaline granite-hosted gold deposit, Northwest Nelson: a new variant on granite-related gold deposits (Brathwaite & Faure): Proceedings, PACRIM conference (2004) 40. “Paleodepth assessment of epithermal gold-silver deposits in New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): Proceedings, SEG conference (2004) 41. “Uranium series disequilibrium dating of black smoker chimneys” (Ditchburn, Graham, Barry & de Ronde): NZ Science review, 61 (2): 54-56 (2004) 42. “Beryllium isotope dating of ferromanganese nodules and crusts” (Graham, Ditchburn & [Zondervan]): NZ Science review, 61 (2): 57-61 (2004) 43. “Brothers volcano, southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand: contrasting vent sites and evidence for a magmatic fluid component” (de Ronde, Ditchburn, Massoth, Reyes, Soong & [11 others]): Extended abstract, 34th UMI Conference, London (2004) 44. “Regional targeting of epithermal Au-Ag deposits in a Miocene-Pliocene volcanic terrane: Hauraki Goldfield, NZ” (Christie & Brathwaite): Proceedings, SGA conference (2005) 45. “The dynamics of coupling between deformation and fluid flow in the Earth’s crust – implications for ore genesis” (Cox): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 46. “Relationships between New Zealand, Australian and New Caledonian mineralised terranes: a geological framework (Mortimer, Graham, Adams, Tulloch & Campbell): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 7 27/10/2009

47. “Submarine hydrothermal venting and mineralisation associated with Kermadec arc volcanoes, offshore New Zealand” (de Ronde): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 48. “Zeolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone” (Brathwaite & [Hill]): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 49. “Epithermal gold-silver deposits in New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 50. “Orogenic gold deposits in New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 51. “Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 52. “Pounamu resource assessment and characterisation” (Cox, Adams, [Popham], [Goodall] & Campbell): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 53. “Investigations of massive sulphide mineralisation along the Kermadec arc 1996-2005 (de Ronde, Graham, Ditchburn, Faure, Massoth, Reyes & [Wright]): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 54. “Uranium series disequilibrium dating of volcanic massive sulfide deposits (Ditchburn, Barry, de Ronde, & Graham): Extended abstract, 35th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Monterey, USA (2005) 55. “Hydrothermal processes and sulphide depositions on submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc (Malahoff & de Ronde): Extended abstract, 35th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Monterey, USA (2005) 56. “Recognising the mineral resource potential of New Zealand – a regional initiative” (Barker, Christie, [Robson] & Graham): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2006) 57. “Depth distribution of ore in the Martha epithermal gold-silver deposit, Waihi (Brathwaite): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2006) 58. “Stream sediment geochemical surveys: a pilot multielement project near Thames, Hauraki Goldfield, and further developments of the REGCHEM database” (Christie, Sheppard, [Goff] & [Carver]): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2006) 59. “Zealandia” (Mortimer): Proceedings, Australian Earth Sciences Convention (2006) 60. “Active hydrothermal vent fields and associated mineralization for submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde): Extended abstract, 12th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium, Moscow (2006) 61. “Introduction to monograph 25, Geology and exploration of New Zealand mineral deposits (Christie & Brathwaite): AusIMM Monograph 25: 3-8 (2006) 62. “Overview of New Zealand’s geological framework and mineral deposits” (Brathwaite & Christie): AusIMM Monograph 25: 11-20 (2006) 63. “Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in New Zealand: an overview” (Christie & Brathwaite): AusIMM Monograph 25: 29-36 (2006) 64. “New Zealand platinum prospects in arc-type layered igneous complexes” (Christie, Mortimer, Waterman & Barker): AusIMM Monograph 25: 37-42 (2006) 65. “Review of shoreline placer ilmenite deposits in New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): AusIMM Monograph 25: 43-48 (2006) 66. “Hauraki Goldfield: review of regional exploration and geoscience information (Christie, Brathwaite, [Mauk] & [Simpson]): AusIMM Monograph 25: 73-84 (2006) 67. “Neavesville epithermal Au-Ag deposit, Hauraki goldfield (Barker, [Torckler] & Brathwaite): AusIMM Monograph 25: 131-136 (2006) 68. “Exploration of the Wharekirauponga epithermal Au-Ag deposit, Hauraki goldfield (Christie, [Rabone], Barker & [Merchant]): AusIMM Monograph 25: 137-144 (2006) 69. “The Martha epithermal Au-Ag deposit, Waihi geology and mining history (Brathwaite, [Torckler] & [Jones]): AusIMM Monograph 25:171-178 (2006) 70. “Zeolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone” (Brathwaite, [Hill] & [Merchant]): In: “Geology and Exploration of New Zealand Mineral Deposits AusIMM Monograph 25: 211-218 (2006) 71. “Gold, scheelite and stibnite mineralisation in the Marlborough Schist Belt: a review (Skinner & Brathwaite): AusIMM Monograph 25: 237-248 (2006) 72. “Geology and exploration of Sams Creek gold deposit, NW Nelson” (Brathwaite, [Reynolds] and MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 8 27/10/2009

Faure): AusIMM Monograph 25: 247-254 (2006) 73. “Orogenic (mesothermal) Au deposits of the Reefton goldfield, West Coast: review of exploration and geology (Christie, Cox, [Rattenbury], Brathwaite & [Whetter]): AusIMM Monograph 25: 255- 262 (2006) 74. “Exploration for submarine arc-hosted metal deposits in the southern Kermadec Arc, offshore New Zealand (Massoth & de Ronde): AusIMM Monograph 25: 327-332 (2006) 75. “Mineralization associated with submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand (de Ronde): AusIMM Monograph 25: 333-338 (2006) 76. “The Campbell ferromanganese nodule field, SW Pacific Ocean” (Graham, Wright, [Chang], [Choi] & [Lee]): AusIMM Monograph 25: 339-348 (2006) 77. “Summit construction, caldera formation, cone growth, hydrothermal processes, and sulphide deposition on submarine volcanics of the Southern Kermadec Arc (Malahoff): Extended abstract, 36th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Kiel, Germany (2006) 78. “Mineralisation associated with submarine volcanics of the southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde & Graham): Extended abstract, 36th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Kiel, Germany (2006) 79. “Mineral deposit profiles for clays associated with volcanic rocks in New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): Proceedings, AusIMM Conference (2007) 80. “REGCHEM database developments and analysis of stream sediment geochemical data for Otago” (Christie, Carver & Brathwaite): Extended abstract, AusIMM Conference (2007) 81. “Changing attitudes in local governments and communities to the value of mineral resources: New Zealand examples” (Christie & Barker): Proceedings, SGA Conference (2007) 82. “Provenance Connections between Late Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic sedimentary basins of the Ross Sea Region Antarctica Southeast Australia and Southern Zealandia” (Adams & [Ireland]): Proceedings, ISAES conference (2007) 83. “Zealandia” (Mortimer): Proceedings, Ores and Orogenesis conference (Arizona Geological Society Digest 22) (2007) 84. “Exploration for VMS mineralization in submarine arcs” (de Ronde & Leybourne): Extended abstract, Exploration ’07 conference (2007) 85. “Application of radiometric dating methods to modern seafloor volcanic massive sulfide deposits: insights into hydrothermal processes” (Ditchburn, de Ronde & Barry): Extended abstract, 37th Underwater Mining Institute Conference (2007) 86. “Summit construction, caldera formation, cone growth, mass wasting, hydrothermal processes and sulfide deposition of submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc” (Malahoff & de Ronde): Extended abstract, 37th Underwater Mining Institute Conference (2007) 87. “Exploration for volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization along the Kermadec arc”. (Leybourne, M.I., de Ronde, C.E.J. & Baker, E.T.,): AusIMM PACRIM Congress, 24-27 November 2008, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. (2008) 88. “Hydrothermal activity along the Kermadec intraoceanic arc: remarkably rich and diverse styles of seafloor venting”. (de Ronde, C.E.J., Baker, E.T., Lupton, J.E., Embley, R.W., Massoth, G.J., Faure, K., Leybourne, M.I., Walker, S.L., Greene, R.R., Ishibashi, J., Graham, I.J., Chadwick, W.W., Jr., Butterfield, D.A., Resing, J.A., Yoerger, D.R., Stoffers, P., Wright, I.C., Hannington, M.D., Merle, S.G., Takai, K., Arculus, R. & NZAPLUME III, SWEEP Vents & NZASRoF’05 participants): New Zealand Branch of AusIMM Conference, 31 Aug. – 3 Sept. 2008, Wellington, New Zealand. (keynote) 89. “High-sulphidation submarine hydrothermal systems of the Mariana Arc” (Ditchburn, R.G., de Ronde, C.E.J., Barry, B.J., Embley, R.W., Chadwick, W.W., Jr., Hein, J.R. & Butterfield, D.A): Extended abstract, 38th Underwater Mining Institute conference, 17-21 November, 2008, Oxford, Mississippi, USA (2008) 90. “A 10 year odyssey of discovery along the world’s most hydrothermally active intraoceanic arc: The Kermadec arc, New Zealand”. (de Ronde, C.E.J., Baker, E.T., Lupton, J.L., Embley, R.W., Massoth, G.J., Faure, K., Leybourne, M.I., Walker, S.L., Greene, R.R., Ishibashi, J., Graham, I.J., Chadwick, W. Jr., Butterfield, D.A., Resing, J.A., Yoerger, D.R., Stoffers, P., Wright, I.C., Hannington, M.D., Merle, S.G., Takai , K., Arculus, R. & NZAPLUME III, SWEEP Vents & NZASRoF’05 participants): AusIMM PACRIM Congress, 24-27 November 2008, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia (keynote). MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 9 27/10/2009

91. “Exploration for volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization along the Kermadec arc”. (Leybourne, M.I., de Ronde, C.E.J. & Baker, E.T.): AusIMM PACRIM Congress, 24-27 November 2008, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 92. “Mineral resource potential and local government agencies in New Zealand” (Barker & Christie): Proceedings of the AusIMM Conference (2008) 93. “Geology and geochemistry of volcanic massive sulphide-barite±gold mineralisation in the Matakaoa Volcanics, Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): Proceedings of the AusIMM Conference (2008) 94. “Regional mineral resource assessments of New Zealand” (Christie & Barker): Proceedings of the AusIMM Conference (2008) 95. “North Island epithermal gold field trip 29-30 August 2008” (Christie): AusIMM Conference field trip guide. 66 pp. (2008) 96. “South Island orogenic (mesothermal) gold field trip, 5-6 September 2008” (Christie): AusIMM Conference field trip guide. 24 pp. (2008) 97. “Mineral exploration in New Zealand: new research framework and tools” (Mortimer & Christie) Australian Earth Science Convention, Perth (2008) 98. “Platinum prospects in arc-type layered igneous complexes of New Zealand” (Christie & Mortimer): Africa uncovered: mineral resources for the future, SEG-GSSA 2008 conference (2008) “Geochemistry and tectonic setting of massive sulphide mineralisation and associated sediments and volcanics in the Matakaoa Volcanics, Raukumara Peninsula” (Brathwaite & Christie): Geological Society of New Zealand miscellaneous publication (2008) 99. “Exploration for volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization along the Kermadec arc, the world’s most hydrothermally active intraoceanic arc” (Leybourne, de Ronde, [Baker], [Embley], [Yoerger]). Deep-Sea Mining of Seafloor Massive Sulfides: A Reality for Science and Society in the 21st Century. Science and policy Workshop, April 1-2, 2009, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts, USA (2009)

Conference Presentations 1. “Porphyry Cu-Au mineralisation, advanced argillic alteration and polymetallic sulphide-quartz- anhydrite veins at Ohio Creek, Thames, New Zealand” (Brathwaite et al.): AusIMM conference (Sep 98) 2. “Hydrothermal alteration in the Reefton goldfield: preliminary results” (Christie & Brathwaite): AusIMM conference (Sep 98) 3. “Late Cretaceous core complex related to Tasman Sea opening (Westland, New Zealand) : thermochronological and numerical exhumation models allow discrimination of Miocene and Cretaceous tectonism” ([Dunlap], [Braun], Tulloch): Penrose Conference, 25-31 March 1999, Arthur's Pass, South Island, New Zealand (Mar 99) 4. “The application of flow-through experimentation to problems in epithermal ore deposits and geothermal systems” (Mountain), NZ Geochemical Group conference, Lower Hutt ( Jul 99) 5. “Hydrogen isotope fractionation between amorphous silica and water, and its implication in the formation of epithermal quartz” (Faure & [Matsuhisa]), NZ Geochemical Group conference, Lower Hutt (Jul 99) 6. “Fluid inclusion and isotopic evidence for hydrothermal mixing and boiling in the Waihi epithermal gold deposit, New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Faure), NZ Geochemical Group conference, Lower Hutt (Jul 99) 7. “Geochemistry and mineralogy of hydrothermal alteration associated with mesothermal quartz lode gold mineralisation at Reefton, South Island” (Christie & Brathwaite) NZ Geochemical Group conference, Lower Hutt (Jul 99) 8. “Transfer of heat and mass to the oceans during crustal accretion events: insights based on thermochemical observations of hydrothermal plumes” (Massoth et al.]): NZ Geochemical Group conference, Lower Hutt (Jul 99) 9. “Hydrogen isotope fractionation between amorphous silica and water, and its implication in the formation of epithermal quartz” (Faure & [Matsuhisa]): 9th Goldschmidt conference (Aug 99) 10. “Hydrothermal fluid mixing and boiling in the Waihi epithermal gold-silver deposit, New Zealand” (Brathwaite): IAGOD conference, London (Sep 99) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 10 27/10/2009

11. “A geographic information system for the Coromandel region” (Christie, Brathwaite, Rattenbury & Skinner): AusIMM conference (Sep 99) 12. “Quartz-vein styles in turbidite-hosted mesothermal gold deposits of western South Island (New Zealand), Victoria (Australia) and Nova Scotia (Canada)” (Christie et al.): AusIMM conference (Sep 99) 13. “The Hishikari Au-Ag epithermal deposit, Japan: Oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence for a magmatic contribution to ore fluids” (Faure & [Matsuhisa]): GSA conference (Oct 99) 14. New Zealand’s Industrial Mineral Potential (Christie et al.): Australasian Minerals & Markets conference, Perth (Nov 99) 15. “Discovery of active submarine venting along the southern Kermadec arc, offshore New Zealand: initial results from the NZAPLUME cruise” (de Ronde, Massoth, Faure et al.): AGU meeting, San Francisco (Dec 99). 16. “Intense and diverse submarine hydrothermal plumes of the southern Kermadec arc, offshore New Zealand: 1999 NZAPLUME cruise” (Massoth, de Ronde et al.): AGU meeting, San Francisco (Dec 99). 17. “A towed-camera study of Brothers arc caldera and associated sites of hydrothermal venting (S. Kermadec Arc)” (Wright, de Ronde et al.): AGU meeting, San Francisco (Dec 99). 18. “Discovery of active submarine venting along the southern Kermadec arc, offshore New Zealand: initial results from the NZAPLUME cruise” (de Ronde, Massoth, Wright, Faure et al.): Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Palmerston North (Dec 99) 19. “Discovery of active hydrothermal venting in Lake Taupo, New Zealand: results from the JAGO submersible dives (de Ronde et al.): Oral presentation, Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Palmerston North (Dec 99) 20. “The geochemistry of submarine hydrothermal plumes over the southern Kermadec arc: 1999 NZAPLUME results” (Massoth, de Ronde et al.): Oral presentation, Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Palmerston North (Dec 99) 21. Seafloor processes inferred from chemical and physical observations of hydrothermal plumes from the southern East Pacific Rise (Massoth et al.): Ridge Flux meeting, San Francisco, (Dec 99) 22. “Processes controlling CO2 Contents of some South Sumatra natural gas reservoirs” (Christenson, [Funnell], Brathwaite, Christie, [Lyon]) 2000 AAPG Conference, Bali, Abstracts: A16 (June 00) 23. “Submarine magmatic-hydrothermal systems along the southern Kermadec arc: a systematic reconnaissance” (Massoth, de Ronde et al.): IAVCEI conference, Bali, Indonesia (July 00) 24. “Telescoping of porphyry Cu-Au mineralisation, advanced argillic alteration and polymetallic sulfide- quartz-anhydrite veins at Ohio Creek, Thames, New Zealand” (Brathwaite, Faure et al.): 15th Australian Geological Convention, Sydney (Jul 00) 25. “Hydrogen Isotope determination of fluid inclusion water from epithermal vein quartz do values accurately reflect water of deposition” (Faure & [Matsuhisa]): NZ Geothermal Workshop (Aug 00) 26. “The hydrosulphide/sulphide complexes of copper(I): experimental confirmation of the stoichiometry - th and stability of Cu (HS)2 to elevated temperatures (Mountain & [Seward]): 10 Goldschmidt conference (Sep 00) 27. “Massive sulfide mineralisation associated with a frontal arc volcano: Brothers hydrothermal system, southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde, Wright et al.): Volcanic Environments and Massive Sulfide Deposits conference, Hobart (Oct 00) 28. “SUAVE (Submersible System Used to Assess Vented Emissions): a diverse tool to probe the submarine hydrothermal environment (Massoth): RIDGE In Situ Sensors workshop, California (Oct 00) 29. “In situ applications and novel approaches for plume-borne hydrothermal effluents” (Massoth): Invited oral presentation, Aptos workshop, California (Oct 00) 30. “The geometry of mineralisation and exploration models for the Blackwater mine in the Reefton Goldfield” (Cox): NZ Mining & Minerals conference (Nov 00) 31. “Deposit types and paleo-depth extents of Coromandel Epithermal Au-Ag deposits” (Brathwaite & Christie): NZ Mining & Minerals conference (Nov 00) 32. “Disseminated gold in turbidite-hosted gold deposits at Reefton (South Island, NZ), Victoria (Australia) and Nova Scotia ( Canada)” (Christie et al.): NZ Mining & Minerals conference (Nov 00) 33. Exploration for hydrothermal minerals offshore New Zealand: Revealing the source. (Massoth & de Ronde): NZ Mining & Minerals conference (Nov 00) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 11 27/10/2009

34. “10Be/9Be dating of hydrogenetic ferromanganese nodules from the Bollons Seamount region, south Pacific Ocean” (Graham, Ditchburn & [Zondervan]): NZ Geological and Geophysical Societies conference, Wellington (Nov 00). 35. “NZAPLUME – Submarine discharge of magmatic fluids (Massoth, de Ronde et al.): NZ Geochemical Group conference, Leigh (Apr 01) 36. “Submarine hydrothermal venting associated with an active arc front; southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): Invited oral presentation, 11th Goldschmidt conference, Virginia (May 01) 37. “PGM research at the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences” (Christie): Australian Platinum conference, Perth (May 01) 38. “Detailed swath mapping survey of a submarine geothermal system, Lake Taupo, New Zealand” (de Ronde et al.): 10th WRI symposium, Villasumius, Italy (Jun 01) 39. “Down-hole hydrothermal alteration trends in sediment-hosted mesothermal gold deposits of the Reefton Goldfield, South Island, New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): SME annual meeting (Aug 01) 40. “Industrial minerals derived from volcanic rocks in New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): AusIMM conference (Sep 01) 41. “Lithological controls on mineralisation in East Otago gold deposits” (Cox): AusIMM conference (Sep 01) 42. “Oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of veins in the Hishikari epithermal deposit, Japan: origin of ore- forming fluids” (Faure): AusIMM conference (Sep01) 43. “Foliation Thickness and mica grain size: two new ways to subdivide the Otago Schist, New Zealand” (Mortimer): AusIMM conference (Sep 01) 44. “Down-hole XRD analyses as a guide to hydrothermal alteration in the Wharekirauponga epithermal gold-silver prospect, Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand” (Christie & Soong): AusIMM conference (Sep 01) 45. “Mineral resource assessment for the West Coast of New Zealand, using spatial analysis in a GIS: a new exploration management and land-use management tool” (Partington, Christie & Cox): AusIMM conference (Sep 01) 46. “Magnetic anomalies of the Coromandel region” (Stagpoole, Christie, Henrys & Woodward): AusIMM conference (Sep 01) 47. “Mineral assessment of the Coromandel region, New Zealand” (Christie, Brathwaite et al.): AusIMM conference (Sep 01) 48. “Chemically rich and diverse submarine hydrothermal plumes of the southern Kermadec volcanic arc (New Zealand)” (Massoth, de Ronde et al.): Geological Society of London conference (Sep 01) 49. “Geochemistry of fluids from Southern Kermadec frontal arc hydrothermal systems” (Massoth, de Ronde & [3 others]): Geological Society of London conference (Sep 01) 50. “Geochemistry of fluids from southern Kermadec frontal arc hydrothermal systems” (Massoth, de Ronde & [3 others]): 31st Underwater Mining Institute conference, Hilo, Hawaii (Oct 01) 51. “Industrial minerals as volcanic products” (Brathwaite & Christie): Geological Society of New Zealand conference (Nov 01) 52. “The Brothers hydrothermal system, southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): AGU Ocean Sciences conference, Honolulu (Feb 02) 53. “Orogenic vein and disseminated gold deposits, Reefton goldfield, South Island, New Zealand” (Christie, Brathwaite et al.): SEG Global Exploration conference, Denver (Apr 02) 54. “Geological and mineralogical characterisation of zeolites in lacustrine tuffites, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand” (Brathwaite): 6th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, Thessaloniki , Greece (June 02) 55. “New Zealand platinum” (Christie & [Barker]): Australian Platinum Conference, Perth (June 02) 56. “Ground collapses related to abandoned underground workings at Waihi” (Brathwaite, et al.): AusIMM conference (Sep 02) 57. “Epithermal zeolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone (Brathwaite): AusIMM Conference (Sep 02) 58. “New Zealand platinum deposits–an overview” (Christie, Mortimer & [Barker]): AusIMM conference (Sep 02) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 12 27/10/2009

59. “Arc exploration from the hydrothermal perspective” (Massoth, de Ronde & Wright): AusIMM conference (Sep 02) 60. “Hydrothermal venting associated with the Kermadec intra-oceanic arc—contrasting arc segments for hydrothermal activity: initial results of the NZAPLUME II cruise” (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): InterRidge Theoretical Institute (IRTI) conference, Pavia, Italy (Sep 02) 61. “Submarine arc volcanoes as chemical sources to the oceans” (Massoth, de Ronde, Wright & [3 others]): InterRidge Theoretical Institute (IRTI) conference, Pavia, Italy (Sep 02) 62. “Submarine hydrothermal venting related to volcanic arcs” (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): Invited oral presentation, GSA conference, Denver, USA (Oct 02) 63. “Direct mesurement of hydrothemal fluids from ancient seafloor vents: implications for the composition of ancient seawater” (de Ronde, Faure et al.): Invited oral presentation, GSA conference, Denver, USA (Oct 02) 64. “The Kermadec arc: a hot prospect for gold-rich massive sulfide deposits?” (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): 32nd Underwater Mining Institute conference, Wellington (Nov 02) 65. “Exploring submarine volcanic arcs from the hydrothermal plume perspective. (Massoth & de Ronde): 32nd Underwater Mining Institute conference, Wellington (Nov 02) 66. “Submarine hydrothermal venting related to volcanic arcs” (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): Plenary oral presentation, Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Whangarei (Dec 02) 67. “Gold mineralisation in the Sams creek peralkaline microgranie, New Zealand: Magmatic or metamorphic source of mineralisation? (Faure, Brathwaite & de Ronde): Geofuids IV conference (Aug 03) 68. “Paleodepth Studies of Epithermal Mineral Deposits in the North Island of New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): AusIMM Conference, (Sep 03) 69. “Epithermal zeolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone (Brathwaite): AusIMM Conference, Greymouth (Sep 03) 70. “A deformed gold-arsenopyrite-pyrite deposit hosted in peralkaline granite porphyry at Sams Creek” (Brathwaite & Faure): AusIMM Conference, Greymouth (Sep 03) 71. “Resource Assessment of East Otago region” (Christie & Smith-Lyttle): AusIMM Conference, Greymouth (Sep 03) 72. “Boiling and mixing of hydrothermal fluids in the Wharekirauponga rhyolite-hosted epithermal gold-silver deposit, Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand” (Christie, Faure et al.): 7th SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece (Sep 03) 73. “Fluids from arcs: a submarine magmatic-hydrothermal perspective” (Massoth, de Rondeet al.): State of the Arc conference, Seattle (Sep 03) 74. “The Campbell ferromanganese Nodule Field (SW Pacific Ocean) formed beneath the Deep Western Boundary Current: An important source of paleo-environmental and chronostratigraphic information” (Graham, Ditchburn & Zondervan): Invited oral presentation, 33rd UMI conference, Jeju Island, Korea (Oct 03) 75. “Submarine hydrothermal systems along intra-oceanic arcs (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): Invited oral presentation, GSA conference, Seattle, USA (Nov 03) 76. “Back-arc neighbours: arc-like fluid sources” (Massoth, de Ronde et al.): Invited oral presentation, GSA conference, Seattle, USA (Nov 03) 77. “Shallow submarine hydrothermal systems associated with arc volcanoes” (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): Invited oral presentation, GSA conference, Seattle, USA (Nov 03) 78. “Fluids from arcs: a submarine magmatic-hydrothermal perspective” (Massoth, de Ronde et al.): RIDGE 2000 Community Meeting, Boulder, Colorado (Nov 03) 79. “Pounamu resource assessment” (Cox, [Popham], [Todd], [Barrell], [Thurlow]): Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference (2003) 80. “Hydrothermal venting associated with ~840 km of Kermadec intra-oceanic arc: a highly prospective region for seafloor massive sulphide deposits (de Ronde, Massoth, Faure et al.): CSIRO Workshop on Seabed Hydrothermal Systems of the Western Pacific (Dec 03) 81. “Pounamu Resource Assessment” (Cox et al.): Geological Society of New Zealand conference, (Dec 03) 82. “Gold-arsenopyrite-pyrite mineralisation associated with peralkaline granite and lamprophyre dykes at Sams Creek, Northwest Nelson” (Brathwaite & Faure): Australian Geological Congress, Tasmania (Feb 04) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 13 27/10/2009

83. “Gold mineralisation in the Sams Creek peralkaline microgranite, South Island, New Zealand: magmatic or metamorphic source of mineralisation? (Faure, Brathwaite & Tulloch): Australian Geological Congress, Tasmania (Feb 04) 84. “Evolution of a submarine hydrothermal system, Bothers volcano, Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde et al.): Oral presentation, 32nd IGC conference, Florence, Italy (Aug 04). 85. “Brothers volcano, southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand: contrasting vent sites and evidence for a magmatic fluid component” (de Ronde, Ditchburn, Massoth, Reyes, Soong et al.): Oral presentation, 34th UMI conference, London (Sep 04) 86. “The Sams Creek peralkaline granite hosted gold deposit, Northwest Nelson, New Zealand: evolution of the host granite and mineralising system” (Brathwaite & Faure): AusIMM conference (Sep 04) 87. “Minerals databases: Towards a comprehensive minerals information system for NZ” (Christie): AusIMM conference (Sep 04) 88. “The Sams Creek peralkaline granite-hosted gold deposit, Northwest Nelson: a new variant on granite-related gold deposits (Brathwaite & Faure): PACRIM conference (Sep 04) 89. “Paleodepth assessment of epithermal gold-silver deposits in New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): SEG conference, Perth (Oct 04) 90. “Investigating geological relationships between New Zealand, Australia and New Caledonia” (Mortimer, Adams, Campbell, Tulloch, Graham): Oral presentation, Geological and Geophysical Societies and Geothermal Workshop conference, Taupo (Dec 04) 91. “Investigations of massive sulphide mineralisation along the Kermadec arc: NZAPLUME programme, 1999-2004” (de Ronde, Faure, Graham, Massoth & Wright): Oral presentation, Geological and Geophysical Societies and Geothermal Workshop conference, Taupo (Dec 04) 92. “Geochemistry and source of zeolite-bearing lacustrine tuffs in the Ngakuru Formation, TVZ” (Brathwaite): Oral presentation, Geological and Geophysical Societies and Geothermal Workshop conference, Taupo (Dec 04) 93. “A submarine magmatic-hydrothermal system at Brothers Volcano, Kermadecs” (Reyes, de Ronde, & Soong): Oral presentation, Geological and Geophysical Societies and Geothermal Workshop conference, Taupo (Dec 04) 94. “Hydrothermal mineralization along the volcanically active Mariana Arc” (de Ronde et a.l.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 04) 95. “A systematic reconnaissance of submarine hydrothermal venting along the South Tonga (Tofua) intra-oceanic arc” (Massoth et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 04) 96. “Systematic survey of the Kermadec-Tonga intra-oceanic arc between 1999 and 2004: a significant source of diverse submarine hydrothermal emissions” (de Ronde, Massoth, Faure et al.): Oral presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 04) 97. “Submarine venting associated with intra-oceanic arcs: a previously unheralded source of magmatic-enriched hydrothermal emissions and seafloor mineralization” (de Ronde et al.): Oral presentation, Gordon conference, USA (Aug 05) 98. “Hydrothermal activity associated with the Kermadec arc, offshore New Zealand” (de Ronde) Invited oral presentation, 3rd International workshop on Water Dynamics, Sendai, Japan (Aug 05) 99. “Regional targeting of epithermal Au-Ag deposits in a Miocene-Pliocene volcanic terrane: Hauraki Goldfield, NZ” (Christie & Brathwaite): Oral presentation, 8th biennial SGA meeting, China (Aug 05) 100. “Early Cretaceous large volume silicic magmatism in New Zealand and Queensland: similarities between the Median Batholith and the Whitsunday Volcanic Province” (Tulloch, Mortimer et al.): Oral presentation, STOMP conference, Townsville (Aug 05) 101. “A mantle-derived source for a peralkaline granite-hosted gold-sulphide deposit at Sams Creek, New Zealand” (Faure et al.): Oral presentation, STOMP conference, Townsville (Aug 05) 102. “Investigating geological relationships between New Zealand, Australia and New Caledonia” (Mortimer et al.): Poster, STOMP conference, Townsville (Aug 05) 103. “Hydrothermal processes and sulfide depositions on submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc” (Malahoff & de Ronde): Oral presentation, 35th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Monterey, USA (Nov 05) 104. “Uranium series disequilibrium dating of volcanic massive sulfide deposits” (Ditchburn, Barry, de Ronde & Graham): Oral presentation, 35th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Monterey, USA MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 14 27/10/2009

(Nov 05) 105. “Evolution of a Submarine Magmatic-Hydrothermal System: Brothers Volcano, Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde et al.): Oral presentation, Annual meeting Geothermal Research Society of Japan, Nagasaki, Japan (Nov 05) 106. “Evolution of a submarine magmatic-hydrothermal system: Brothers volcano, southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde et al.): Oral presentation, Geothermal Research Society of Japan, Unzen, Japan (Nov 05) 107. “Zeolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone” (Brathwaite & [Hill]): Poster, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 108. “Epithermal gold-silver deposits in New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): Poster, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 109. “Orogenic gold deposits in New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): Poster, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 110. “Pounamu resource assessment and characterisation” (Cox, Adams, Campbell et al.): Poster, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 111. “Relationships between New Zealand, Australian and New Caledonian mineralised terranes: a geological framework” (Mortimer, Graham, Adams, Tulloch & Campbell): Oral presentation, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 112. “Relationships between New Zealand, Australian and New Caledonian mineralised terranes: a geological framework” (Mortimer, Graham, Adams, Tulloch & Campbell): Poster, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 113. “Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in New Zealand” (Christie & Brathwaite): Poster, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 114. “Submarine hydrothermal venting and mineralisation associated with Kermadec arc volcanoes, offshore New Zealand” (de Ronde): Invited oral presentation, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 115. “Investigations of massive sulphide mineralisation along the Kermadec arc 1996-2005 (de Ronde, Graham, Ditchburn, Faure, Massoth, Reyes, & [Wright]): Poster, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 116. “Characterisation of New Zealand nephrite jade using its geological age and strontium isotopic composition” (Adams, Campbell & [Beck]): Oral presentation, 50th Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Kaikoura (Dec 05) 117. “Similarities between early Cretaceous magmatic belts in Queensland and New Zealand” (Tulloch, Mortimer et al.): Oral presentation, 50th Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Kaikoura (Dec 05) 118. “Petrology of newly discovered submarine volcanoes from the Kermadec-Tonga arc: initial results” (Graham, de Ronde et al.): Oral presentation, 50th Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Kaikoura (Dec 05) 119. “First submersible dives on Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde et al.): Poster presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 05) 120. “Seamount hydrothermal systems: volcanology, biology, geochemistry and oceanography” (Massoth et al.): Poster presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 05) 121. “Plume-vent connections along the Tonga-Kermadec Arc” (Massoth et al.): Poster presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 05) 122. “Petrology of newly discovered submarine volcanoes from the Kermadec-Tonga arc: initial results” (Graham, de Ronde et al.): Poster presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 05) 123. “Mineral potential of Māori land: Wealth creation for the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand” (Christie): Oral presentation, SEG 2006 conference, Keystone, Colorado (May 06) 124. “Zealandia” (Mortimer). Keynote oral presentation, Australian Earth Science Convention, Melbourne (Jul 06) 125. “Exploration guides for zeolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, with reference to the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand” (Brathwaite): Keynote oral presentation, International Natural Zeolite Conference, Socorro, New Mexico (Jul 06) 126. “Occurrence and utilization of mordenite-clinoptilolite deposits in lacustrine tuffs, Ngakuru, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand” (Brathwaite & [Hill]): Poster, International Natural Zeolite MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 15 27/10/2009

Conference, Socorro, New Mexico (Jul 06) 127. “Active hydrothermal vent fields and associated mineralization for submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde): Oral presentation, 12th Quadrennial IAGOD symposium, Moscow (Aug 06) 128. “Stream sediment geochemical surveys: a pilot multi-element project near Thames, Hauraki Goldfield, and further developments of the REGCHEM database” (Christie et al.): Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (Aug 06). 129. “Active hydrothermal vent fields and associated mineralization for submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde): Oral presentation, 12th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium, Moscow (Aug 06) 130. “Summit construction, caldera formation, cone growth, hydrothermal processes, and sulphide deposition on submarine volcanics of the Southern Kermadec Arc (Malahoff): Oral presentation, 36th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Kiel, Germany (Sep 06) 131. “Submarine hydrothermal activity along the mid-Kermadec arc, New Zealand: Large-scale effects on venting” (de Ronde et al.): Oral presentation, 16th Goldschmidt symposium, Melbourne (Sep 06) 132. “A refined geochemical dataset of volcanic rocks from the Kermadec intra-oceanic arc” (Graham et al.): Oral presentation, 16th Goldschmidt symposium, Melbourne (Sep 06) 133. “Hydrothermal mineralization in arc-type submarine volcanoes” (Reyes, de Ronde et al.): Poster presentation, 16th Goldschmidt symposium, Melbourne (Sep 06) 134. “Enriched mantle component in high Sr/Y (‘TTG’) granites: Hf, Sr, Nd, O isotopic compositions of Cretaceous arc magmas from New Zealand (Tulloch, Faure et al.). Oral presentation, 16th Goldschmidt symposium, Melbourne (Sep 06) 135. “Recognising the mineral resource potential of New Zealand – a regional initiative” (Barker, Christie, [Robson] & Graham): Oral presentation, AusIMM conference, Waihi (Oct 06) 136. “Large-scale discharge of hydrothermal fluids associated with intraoceanic arc volcanoes”(de Ronde): Oral presentation, Active fluid flow and deformation workshop, Lower Hutt (Nov 06) 137. “Submarine hydrothermal activity and gold-rich mineralization at Brothers volcano, southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand” (de Ronde, Dichburn, Reyes et al.): Oral presentation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 06) 138. “Geology and geochemistry of metalliferous sediments and the associated Matakaoa Volcanics, East Cape, New Zealand” (Brathwaite, Christie & [Sewell]): Oral presentation, GSNZ conference, Palmerston North (Dec 06) 139. “Stream sediment geochemical surveys in the Hauraki Goldfield, Coromandel Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: utilising mining company exploration data and a pilot survey to assist planning for national surveys” (Christie): Oral presentation, IAGS conference, Oviedo Spain (Jun 07) 140. “Provenance Connections Between Late Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic Sedimentary Basins of the Ross Sea Region Antarctica Southeast Australia and Southern Zealandia” (Adams & [Ireland]). Oral presentation, ISAES conference, Santa Barbara (Aug 07) 141. “Mineral deposit profiles for clays associated with volcanic rocks in New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (Aug 07) 142. “REGCHEM database developments and analysis of stream sediment geochemical data for Otago” (Christie, Carver & Brathwaite): Poster, AusIMM conference (Aug 07) 143. “Changing attitudes in local governments and communities to the value of mineral resources: New Zealand examples” (Christie & Barker): Oral presentation, SGA conference, Dublin (Aug 07) 144. “Exploration for VMS mineralization in submarine arcs” (de Ronde & Leybourne): Oral presentation, Exploration ’07, Toronto (Sep 07) 145. “Emerging relationships between mineralised plutonic terranes in New Zealand and Eastern Australia (Tulloch, Faure, [Ramezani] & Mortimer): Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (Sep 07) 146. “Zealandia” (Mortimer): Oral presentation, Ores and Orogenesis conference, Tucson, Arizona (Sep 07) 147. “Application of radiometric dating methods to modern seafloor volcanic massive sulfide deposits: insights into hydrothermal processes” (Ditchburn, de Ronde & Barry): Oral presentation, 37th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Tokyo, Japan (Oct 07) 148. “Summit construction, caldera formation, cone growth, mass wasting, hydrothermal processes and MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 16 27/10/2009

sulfide deposition of submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc” (Malahoff & de Ronde): Oral presentation, 37th Underwater Mining Institute conference, Tokyo, Japan (Oct 07) 149. “Towards a better understanding of the petrogenetic of volcanic rocks from the Kermadec intra- oceanic arc” (Graham et al.) Oral presentation, Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Tauranga (Nov 07) 150. “Platinum prospects in arc-type layered igneous complexes of New Zealand (Christie & Mortimer): Oral presentation, SEG-GSSA conference (Apr 08) 151. “Contrasting examples of submarine hydrothermal venting along the Kermadec intra-oceanic arc and the Aeolian island arc”(de Ronde, Faure, Graham et al.): Oral presentation, European Geoscience Union conference, Vienna (Apr 08) 152. “Rapid generation of felsic magmas at ~370 Ma in the New Zealand sector of the Gondwana margin” (Tulloch & [Ramezani]): Oral presentation, Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver (2008) 153. “Regional geological framework of New Zealand's mineral deposits (Mortimer). Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (2008) 154. “Geology and geochemistry of volcanic massive sulphide-barite±gold mineralisation in the Matakaoa Volcanics, Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand (Brathwaite & Christie): Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (2008) 155. “Provenance of gold in Mesozoic mesothermal mineral deposits in New Zealand” (Adams): Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference (2008) 156. “Basement geology of Zealandia and Australia : stark differences, broad similarities and jolly good matches” (Mortimer, Tulloch, Adams, Campbell): Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference (2008) 157. “Petrogenesis of volcanic rocks from the northern Kermadec Arc-southern Tofua Arc” (Graham, Reyes, Faure et al.): Oral Presentation, IAVCEI Conference, Reykjavik (2008) 158. “A Ferromanganese Nodule Resource within New Zealand’s EEZ” (Graham & [Wright]): Poster, IGC conference, Oslo (2008) 159. “Mineral resource potential and local government agencies in New Zealand” (Barker & Christie) Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (Sep 08) 160. “Regional mineral resource assessments of New Zealand” (Christie & Barker): Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (2008) 161. “Petrogenesis of volcanic rocks from the northern Kermadec Arc-southern Tofua Arc” (Graham, Reyes, Faure et al): Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (2008) 162. “Mineral resource potential and local government agencies in New Zealand” (Barker & Christie): AusIMM conference (2008) 163. “Geology and geochemistry of volcanic massive sulphide-barite±gold mineralisation in the Matakaoa Volcanics, Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand” (Brathwaite & Christie): AusIMM Conference (2008) 164. “Regional mineral resource assessments of New Zealand” (Christie & Barker): AusIMM Conference (2008) 165. “Mineral exploration in New Zealand: new research framework and tools” (Mortimer & Christie) Australian Earth Science Convention, Perth (2008) 166. “Platinum prospects in arc-type layered igneous complexes of New Zealand” (Christie & Mortimer): Africa uncovered: mineral resources for the future, SEG-GSSA conference (2008) 167. “Geochemistry and tectonic setting of massive sulphide mineralisation and associated sediments and volcanics in the Matakaoa Volcanics, Raukumara Peninsula” (Brathwaite & Christie): Geological Society of New Zealand annual conference (2008)

Popular Articles / News Items (syndicated counts as one) / Seminar Presentations: 1. “Seafloor sites lure scientists” (de Ronde): NZ Herald (Aug 98) 2. “Undersea volcanoes growing: huge economic benefits foreseen” (de Ronde): DIVE New Zealand (Sep 98) 3. Ocean depths hide climate secrets” (de Ronde): NZ Herald (Oct 98) 4. “Sea scientists take the plunge” (de Ronde): NZ Herald – feature article (Oct 98) 5. “Black gold hidden beneath the sea” (de Ronde): Dominion – feature article (Oct 98) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 17 27/10/2009

6. “Mineral commodity report 17 - rare earths and related elements” (Christie, Brathwaite & Tulloch): NZ Mining 24: 7-19 (Oct 98) 7. “Overview of New Zealand’s geology and mineral resources” (Brathwaite, Christie et al.): AusIMM Bulletin (Nov 98) 8. “Offshore minerals” (de Ronde): University of Auckland NEWS (Dec 98) 9. “New Zealand’s geology and mineral resources” (Christie & Brathwaite): In: Mineral resources of New Zealand -1999: 10-13 (Feb 99). 10. “Offshore White Island mercury deposits” (de Ronde): IRN radio and Morning Report Interviews on National Radio (Mar 99) 11. Syndicated news items on undersea volcanoes (de Ronde): “Five smoking volcanoes in Bay waters”: ; “Five live underwater volcanoes discovered”: Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune; “Scientists vent their curiosity”: Evening Post?; “Scientists find five volcanoes”: ; “Scientists find five active undersea volcanoes”: Greymouth Evening Star; “Seabed –mapping voyage yields exciting discovery”: ; “Voyage plots and samples volcanic vents on sea floor off NZ”: ; “Scientists taking in-depth look at offshore volcanoes”: NZ Herald; “Scientists to study BOP volcanoes”: Opotiki News (Mar 99) 12. Syndicated news items on undersea mineral wealth (de Ronde): “Undersea volcanoes promise big bonanza”: The Dominion; “Scientists seek secrets of ‘black smokers’”: Wanganui Chronicle; “Seabed search for gold”: ; “Scientists sail for rich volcanic sites”: Daily Telegraph; “Hot stuff for scientists”: Eastern Bay News; “Scientists sail for the golden sunset”: Otago Daily Times; “This little sucker has a keen nose”: Evening Post; “Sunken Treasure sought”: Wairarapa Times-Age; “Minerals spew into NZ’s ocean depths”: Gisborne Herald; “Seabed discoveries suggest massive offshore resource”: Greymouth Evening Star; “Voyage plots and samples volcanic vents on sea floor off NZ”: Otago Daily Times; “Gold rich smokers discovered”: Eastern Bay News; “Scientists on track of seabed treasure trove”: NZ Herald; “Sniffing out ocean riches”: The Dominion (Mar 99) 13. Syndicated news items on undersea mineral wealth (de Ronde): “Riches in the sea’s hot plumbing”: ; “Submarine volcanoes active off coast”: The Otago Daily Times (May 99) 14. Syndicated news items on undersea mineral wealth (de Ronde): “Volcanoes active, scientists say”: The Press; “Active ocean vents surprise NZ scientists”: Daily News; “Underwater Bay volcano activity surprises scientists”: Bay of Plenty Times; “Study discovers five active Bay volcanoes”: The Daily Post (Jul 99) 15. Feature article on offshore minerals (de Ronde) : Globe 12 (Jul 99) 16. “Submarine volcanic imprints on the ocean” (Massoth): Royal Society of New Zealand Lecture (Sep 99) 17. “Probing the submarine hydrothermal vent environment using an in situ chemical analyzer” (Massoth): New Zealand Institute of Chemistry 1999 Meeting “Chemistry in New Zealand”, Wellington (Nov 99). 18. “Mercury deposits may taint fish” (de Ronde): Sunday Star Times (Oct 99) 19. “Mineral commodity report 19 – beryllium, gallium, lithium, magnesium, uranium and zirconium” (Christie & Brathwaite): NZ Mining 26: 27-42 (Oct 99). 20. “Coromandel GIS” (Christie): Australia’s Paydirt (Oct 99) 21. “A geographic information system for resource assessment of the Coromandel region (Christie, Brathwaite, Rattenbury & Skinner): NZ Mining (Oct 99) 22. “Lode gold deposits of the Buller Terrane, western South Island in comparison to similar Paleozoic deposits in Victoria, Australia and in Nova Scotia, Canada (Christie et al.): NZ Mining (Oct 99) 23. “First Systematic Survey of Submarine Hydrothermal Plumes Associated with Active Volcanoes of the Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand: Initial Results from the NZAPLUME Cruise” (de Ronde, Massoth, Wright, Faure et al.): InterRidge News (Oct 99) 24. “Initial results from the NZAPLUME Cruise” (de Ronde): NZ Geological Society Newsletter (Nov 99) 25. “A new spin on Kiwi prospects” (Mortimer, Tulloch): Mineral resources of New Zealand (1999) 26. “The Median elephant” (Mortimer): Newsletter Geological Society of New Zealand, 120: 4-5 (1999) 27. Syndicated news items on undersea mineral wealth (de Ronde): “Foreign miners eye treasures in NZ waters”: The Dominion; “Wealth from depths”: NZ Herald; “World interest booming in undersea black smokers”: NZ Herald; “Experts search for volcanoes on the seabed”: Gisborne Herald (Feb 00) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 18 27/10/2009

28. GMR minerals research: overview (Graham): GNS-sponsored Minerals Industry Seminar, Lower Hutt (Apr 00). 29. Presentations at GNS-sponsored Minerals Industry Seminar, Lower Hutt: GMR minerals research: Origin of MOP II gold deposit in Quebec (Mountain); Waihi research (Brathwaite); Reefton gold (Christie): Origin of Otago gold (de Ronde); Hydrothermal plumes (Massoth); Massive sulphide deposits (de Ronde); Structures and fracturing related to gold location (Cox); Structures resource assessment (Apr 00) 30. Syndicated news items on undersea volcanic eruptions (de Ronde & Massoth): “Kiwi scientists watch birth of volcanic island”: Dominion; “Kiwi scientists witness birth of volcanic island”: Oamaru Mail; “Kiwi scientists see new island born”: Gisborne Herald; “Kiwi scientists witness undersea eruption”: Horowhenua-Kapiti Chronicle; “Scientists see birth of island”: New Plymouth Daily News; “City recalls volcano experience”: Timaru Herald; “Kiwi scientists witness volcanic island birth”: West Coast Times; “New island created”: Wairarapa Times-Age“Front-row seat for fiery ‘birth’: New Zealand Herald? (May 00) 31. “Kavachi eruption” (Massoth & de Ronde): TV3 News interview, TV1 News, syndicated to world newscasters, including CNN (Jun 00) 32. “Kavachi eruption” (de Ronde & Massoth): Nature - News Section (Jun 00) 33. “Industrial minerals in New Zealand” (Christie et al): NZ Mining 27: 14-25 (Jun 00) 34. “Mineral commodity report 20 – clays” (Christie, Thompson & Brathwaite): NZ Mining 27: 26-43 (Jun 00) 35. “New Zealand’s industrial mineral potential” (Christie & [others]): Industrial Minerals July 2000: 66-77 (Jul 00) 36. “Onshore minerals research and the Kavachi Volcano” (Christie, Brathwaite, de Ronde & Massoth): Globe 14 (Jul 00) 37. “A Fiery Birth” (Massoth & de Ronde): NZ Science Monthly (Jul 00) 38. “Southern Exploration” (Cox et al.): Presentation on use of aerial geophysics to Otago Regional Council (July 00). 39. “Offshore Volcanoes (de Ronde): Talk to AGM of Whakatane Volunteer Coastguard (Aug 00) 40. “Volcanic Voyage of Discovery” (de Ronde, Massoth et al.): Australian Science (Aug 00) 41. Offshore White Island occurrence of mercury” (de Ronde): Opotoki News (Aug 00) 42. “Submarine volcanoes, black smokers, gold and the origin of life” (de Ronde): Te Papa Ocean Planet Lecture Series (Sep 00) 43. “Active Volcanoes” (de Ronde): Waikato Times (Aug 00) 44. Developing the West Coast Mineral Estate (Cox, Christie et al.): GNS sponsored workshop, Local Government Planners and Economic Development Officers, Westport (Oct 00) 45. “Blue sky for the marine mineral” (de Ronde): NZ Paydirt (Oct 00) 46. “Laboratory at sea” (Massoth): ACRI newsletter (Dec 00) 47. “Disseminated gold at Reefton, South Island, New Zealand, compared with similar occurrences in Victoria, Australia and Nova Scotia, Canada” (Christie et al.): NZ Mining (Jan 01) 48. Syndicated news items on black smoker chimneys (de Ronde): “Deepsea find may hold key to riddle of life”: The Dominion; “Hutt scientist recovers rare sea chimneys”: Evening Post; “Scientist recovers smoker chimney from sea floor”: NZ Herald?; “Ocean floor littered with smoking chimneys”: ; “Chimney from sea floor”: Timaru Herald” (Apr 01) 49. “Offshore mineral deposits” (de Ronde): 2ZB radio interview (May 01) 50. “Hydrothermal alteration associated with sediment-hosted mesothermal gold deposits of the Reefton Goldfield, New Zealand” (Christie): Talks to NS Department of Natural Resources, Dalhousie University and Acadia University, Nova Scotia (May 01) 51. “Down in the Ocean Depths: Rifts, Rocks, Roughy and Research” (de Ronde): Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Science symposium (May 01) 52. “Science and the deep ocean” (de Ronde): Talk to Samuel Marsden Collegiate School (May 01) 53. “In Lieu of Alchemy: Modern Methods in Exploration” (Cox): 2001 GSNZ Hochstetter lecture (Jun-Aug 01) 54. “Mineral commodity report 21 – Limestone, marble and dolomite” (Christie, [Thompson] & Brathwaite): NZ mining 29: 8-27 (Aug 01) 55. “Onshore minerals research at the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences” (Christie, Brathwaite and Faure): NZ mining 29: 54-58 (Aug 01). MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 19 27/10/2009

56. “Environmental Matters” (de Ronde): Radio Interview with Newztel News Agency (Sep 01) 57. “Australian angle in gold search: West Coast mineral resources assessment project” (Cox): Christchurch Press (Nov 01) 58. “NZAPLUME cruise” (de Ronde): Item in new book entitled “White Island—New Zealand’s Most Active Volcano” by Peter and Jenny Tait (Nov 01) 59. “Aeromagnetic map for the Coromandel region” (Stagpoole, Christie et al.): NZ Mining (Dec 01) 60. “Mineral commodity report 22 - aggregate” (Christie, [Thompson] & Brathwaite): NZ Mining (Dec 01) 61. “Digital data for mineral exploration” (Christie): NZ Mining (Dec 01) 62. “Gold in New Zealand” and “The Reefton Goldfield” (Christie): Talks to University of Western Australia, Perth (June 02) 63. “Mineral commodity report 23 - zeolites” (Christie, Brathwaite & Thompson): NZ Mining, 31 (Jul 02) 64. ”Given land, we’ll grow the economy” (Christie): Press release for AusIMM conference (Sep 02). 65. “Underwater explorer” (de Ronde): Scienttrific 21 (Sep/Oct 02) 66. “Christie pushes the platinum line” (Christie quoted): Paydirt (Oct 02) 67. “Conference limelight shared around” (Brathwaite quoted): Paydirt (Oct 02) 68. “Martha Collapse – the wrong sort of finger pointing” (Brathwaite quoted): Paydirt (Oct 02) 69. “Offshore hydrothermal vents and results of NZAPLUME II cruise” (de Ronde): Seafood (Nov 02) 70. “NZ research on hydrothermal systems related to submarine arc volcanoes” (de Ronde): Geotimes (Dec 02) 71. “Finding New Zealand’s undersea mineral wealth” (de Ronde & Malahoff):Archives—the science site ( (Feb 03) 72. “NZ scientists discover seabed volcanoes on Mariana arc” (de Ronde): NZ Herald web site (Feb 03) 73. “From NOAA OE Mariana arc/back-arc expedition” (de Ronde): web piece ( (Apr 03) 74. “From the TELVE I” (Massoth): CSIRO internal magazine (Apr 03) 75. Syndicated news items on gold-rich deposits (de Ronde): “Volcanoes spew gold”, The Nelson Mail; “NZ and Tonga ‘sitting on a gold-mine” The Press (May 03) 76. Syndicated news items on Australian Research Vessels (de Ronde & Massoth): “Black marks for research ship”, “CSIRO forced to hock research ship”, Sydney Morning Herald (May 03) 77. “Pounamu resource assessment” (Cox et al.): combined Kaitiaki Pounamu Rünanga Southland, Colac Bay Marae (July 03) 78. “Pounamu resource assessment” (Cox et al.): combined Kaupapa Taiao Group, Office of Te Rünanga o Ngai Tahu, Christchurch (Aug 03) 79. “Otago maintains golden reputation for mining” (Cox): Otago Daily Times (Aug 03) 80. “East Otago Gold. Field Trip 1A & 1B - Geological Society of New Zealand Annual Conference (Cox & Craw D): GSNZ Miscellaneous Publication 116B, 22 pages.(Dec 03) 81. MinMap website online (2004): 82. Syndicated news items on Shinkai 6500 (de Ronde): “Shinkai 6500 submersible coming to NZ” DomPost, The Press, Hawkes Bay Today, Otago Daily Times, Greymouth Evening Star (Feb 04) 83. “Shinkai 6500 submersible coming to NZ” (de Ronde): Interview on One Network News (Feb 04) 84. “Shinkai 6500 submersible coming to NZ” (de Ronde): Interview on Morning Report (National Radio) (Feb 04) 85. “Undersea minerals” (de Ronde): Talk given to Ohariu Valley schoolchildren (May 04) 86. “Unique sights from the underwater ring of fire” (de Ronde): Dominion-Post, NZ Herald (May 04) 87. “Unseen volcanoes, hot springs, mineral deposits and unique minerals associated with underwater volcanoes” (de Ronde): Manawatu branch of the Royal Society (Jun 04) 88. “Exploring deep sea mysteries” (de Ronde): Go Zone (Newspapers in education) (Jun 04) 89. “Visitor to Bay waters to explore seabed” (de Ronde): Bay of Plenty Times (Jul 04) 90. “Exploring the Ocean in a sub” (de Ronde): Education Supersites web page (Aug 04) 91. Syndicated pre-NZAPLUME III news items (de Ronde): “Off to plumb the great unknown”: Dominion Post; ‘Making history for science”: The Daily Post; “Shay’s chance of a lifetime”: Opotiki News (Sep 04) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 20 27/10/2009

92. GNS Web Site (Lyell & de Ronde, with input from Graham, Faure & Massoth)-operated during both the NZAPLUMEIII and Shinkai 6500 cruises, receiving >65,000 hits from more than 20 countries (to Jun 05); a feature was the regular newsletters posted by Mike Bodnar (journalist) during NZAPLUMEIII, and the gallery of submarine photos from Shinkai 6500; in October 2004, it received mention on the Education Supersites web site (Sep 04) 93. “Scientists return with rich haul from Kermadec area”: (de Ronde) Scoop web page (Oct 04) 94. Shinkai 6500 expedition featured on TV1 Network News (de Ronde et al.) (viewers ~635,000) and TV1 Midday News (viewers ~635,000) (Oct 04) 95. “Uranium series disequilibrium dating of black smoker chimneys” (Ditchburn, Graham, Barry & de Ronde): NZ Science review, 61 (2): 54-56. (Oct 04) 96. Syndicated articles on NZAPLUMEIII cruise (de Ronde, Wright): “Research ship returns with ocean’s secrets” The Daily Post, “Ship returns with deep secrets” Bay of Plenty Times, “Ship returns with seabed secrets” Wanganui Chronicle, “Ship returns with ocean;s secrets” Greymouth Evening Star, “Research ship finds secrets of ocean floor” Timaru Herald, “Research ship probes secrets of seabed” , “Voyage discovers new volcanoes” Whakatane Standard, “Mayor Island seabed secrets sought” Bay of Plenty Times (Oct 04) 97. Syndicated articles on SHINKAI 6500 cruise (de Ronde) “Seabed may hold life’s answers” Hawkes Bay Today, “Sub goes in hot pursuit of bugs” NZ Herald, “Mini-sub explores seabed hot- spots for clues of life” Gisborne Herald, “Do volcanoes hold the secrets of life” Horowhenua Kapiti Chronicle & The Daily Post, “Video exposes sea-floor” Northern Advocate, “Strange life- forms 1800m down in smoking deep-sea volcano” The NZ Herald, “Underwater crater yields its secrets” Manawatu Standard, “Mini-sub may have found new scientific treasures” Hawkes Bay Today, “ Hidden sea creatures discovered off Bay” Bay of Plenty Times, “Sea-floor exploration breaking new ground” Timaru Herald, “Sea-floor finds excite scientists” Otago Daily Times, “Volcano Dive masy reveal new animals” The Dominion Post (Oct-Nov 04) 98. Interviews (de Ronde) related to the Shinkai 6500 expedition on Global News, Radio Pacific, Radio 95FM, Radio NZ “Eureka, & ABC’s “Pacific Beat” (Oct-Nov 04) 99. “New Zealand explorers map new undersea volcanoes”: (de Ronde) the Science Site (Nov 04) 100. TV3 news items on SHINKAI 6500 (de Ronde, Massoth) (Nov 04) 101. Morning report interview (Malahoff) on SHINKAI 6500 (Nov 04) 102. “Submarine volcano creatures”, “Undersea exploration delivers treasure trove” (de Ronde): Scoop web page (Nov 04) 103. Results of Shinkai 6500 expedition (de Ronde et al.) featured in ARD magazine item (German TV) on (viewers ~2,930,000 and with two repeats, ~4,000,000) (Nov 04) 104. Results of Shinkai 6500 expedition (de Ronde et al.) featured on TV1 Breakfast News and TV3 News—Shinkai 6500 submersible dives (viewers ~215,000x2) (Nov 04) 105. Syndicated articles on further discoveries from SHINKAI 6500 cruise (de Ronde): “Strange new world 1.8km underwater” , “ Scientists find new life in deep sea volcanos” Oamaru Mail, “Ocean depths to reveal their secrets” The Dominion Post, “research ship probes secrets of seabed” Manawatu Standard, “ Strange find in deep sea volcanos” West Coast Times, “New life forms found in NZ deep sea volcanoes” NZ Herald web page, “Exploration: Deep-diving scientists discover unknown life in a volcano”, The NZ Herald, “In the deep sea there’s life, but not as we’ve known it”, Otago Daily Times, “Probe finds new creatures” Nelson Mail, “New life found in deep sea volcanoes” Timaru Herald, The Daily Post, Greymouth Evening Star, “Scientists probe deep mysteries” , “New species on the seafloor” Bay of Plenty Times (Nov 04) “Pounamu Journeys: a geologist's perspective” (Cox): Talk at Otago Museum (Nov 04) 106. “The New Frontier” (de Ronde): Sunday documentary (viewers ~550,000) (Nov 04) 107. “Pounamu Journeys: a geologist's perspective” (Cox): Talk, Otago Museum (Nov 04) 108. “Evaluating NZ’s Mineral resources” (Christie): AusIMM Bulletin, No. 6: 86-89. (Dec 04) 109. “Minerals-related databases soon out on website” (input from Christie): NZ Quarrying & Mining, 16 (Dec 04) 110. “Pounamu Journeys: a geologist's perspective” (Cox): Article, Otago Daily Times (Jan 05) 111. GNS pounamu research (Bill Doland, Ngai Tahu pounamu protection officer): Comment, TV1 Breakfast Show (Jan 05) 112. “Undersea Volcanoes, Strange Lifeforms” (de Ronde & Massoth): Dive NZ, 86: 26-28 (Feb 05) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 21 27/10/2009

113. Syndicated news items on Shinkai dives on Brothers volcano (de Ronde): “Battle for the bottom of the sea”; article (1 full page) on NZ’s offshore mineral etc resources in NZ Herald; “Into the blow zone”; article (2 full pages) on NZ’s offshore volcanoes in DomPost (Feb-Mar, 05) 114. Interview on New York radio (John Batchelor show) on offshore work along Kermadec arc (de Ronde) est. listeners 3-5 million (Mar 05) 115. “Mysteries of the deep; submarine volcanoes offshore New Zealand” (de Ronde): University of the third age (U3A): Ohariu-Belmont branch (May 05) 116. Newspaper articles (Massoth et al.) in the Sunday Star Times, NZ Herald and Dom-Post on the Pisces V expedition to New Zealand (May 05) 117. News item (Massoth et al.) on Breakfast TV (TV ONE) and TV3 on Pisces V expedition (May 05) 118. Filmed interviews, “Awesome forces online resource teachers section” (de Ronde): Te Papa (May 05) 119. Article on Pisces expedition; (Massoth) Hutt News (Jun 05) 120. John Batchelor Show” (x 2), ABC Radio Network, New York (audience est. 3-5 million) (Jun 05) 121. Presentations at a 2nd pounamu research reference group meeting (Cox, Adams) (Jul 05) 122. Public talk "The sea round us". (de Ronde): Sir Peter Blake Marine Education and Research Centre (MERC), Long Bay, Auckland, as part of the MERC 2005 winter lecture series (Jul 05) 123. Article (2 full pages) on the NZASRoF expedition with Pisces V to the Kermadec arc (Massoth et al.) in Globe magazine (Sep 05) 124. “Riches in our Backyard” and Submarine Volcanoes” – two articles featuring Cornel de Ronde in Trade-a-boat (Sep-Oct 05) 125. Presentation on Pounamu Research to Te Roopu Kaitiaki hui, Department of Conservation, Dunedin (Simon Cox) (Oct 05) 126. “Into the blow zone”; (de Ronde) article (2 full pages) on NZ’s offshore volcanoes in DomPost (Nov 05) 127. “Structures, ore shoots and exploration targeting – examples from New Zealand” (Cox): section in the Orogenic gold deposits short course, 2005 NZ Minerals Conference (Nov 05) 128. “Is anyone listening”; (de Ronde) half page article in the NZ Herald (Nov 05); “Battle for the bottom of the sea”; full page feature article in the NZ Herald (Nov 05) 129. “The Sam’s Creek peralkaline granite hosted gold deposit, Northwest Nelson, New Zealand – a variant on alkaline intrusion-related gold deposits” (Brathwaite): Section, Intrusion-related gold deposits short course, NZ Minerals conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 130. Numerous talks (public and private) given, including to Ngai Tahu, on pounamu resource assessment and fingerprinting (2005) 131. Presentation on Pounamu Whakapapa research to combined Otago/Southland Kaitaiaki Pounamu Runanga, Department of Conservation Dunedin (Chris Adams) (Dec 05) 132. Presentation on Whakatipu Pounamu Resource Assessment to combined Otago/Southland Kaitaiaki Pounamu Runanga, Department of Conservation Dunedin (Simon Cox) (Dec 05) 133. “PETLAB: New Zealand's rock and geoanalytical database” (Mortimer): Newsletter Geological Society of New Zealand 136: 27-31 (2005) 134. Attendance at hui on Whakatipu Pounamu withcombined Otago/Southland Kaitaiaki Pounamu Runanga, Department of Conservation, Alexandra (Simon Cox) (Jan 06) 135. National radio interview (Hamish Campbell) (2006) 136. Christchurch Press Interview (Simon Cox) (2006) 137. Maori TV interview and material for programme (Cox, Campbell, Adams) (2006) 138. GIS data provided to Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, DoC and Environment Canterbury (2006) 139. Informal supervision of Gareth Campbell, PhD student at Auckland (Simon Cox) (2006) 140. “Quantified: New Zealand” feature of New Zealand scientist (de Ronde), his institute and his field of research, Nature 441, xvii (May 06) 141. TV1 News—2006 Ring of Fire cruise, Mariana arc (May 06) (de Ronde) 142. TV3 News—2006 Ring of Fire cruise, Mariana arc (May 06) (de Ronde) 143. Kiwi in sea volcano team”: (de Ronde) 2006 Ring of Fire cruise DomPost (May 06) 144. NOAA press release and many American newspapers and web sites (e.g., Astrobiology magazine) (May 06) 145. “Awesome eruptions 600 m below”: (de Ronde) Bay of Plenty Times (May 06) 146. “Quakes and eruptions: we’re chained to them”: (de Ronde) DomPost (May 06) 147. National Radio—Jim Mora show: (de Ronde) Mariana arc cruise (May 06) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 22 27/10/2009

148. Talks on Kermadec volcanics/mineralization (Graham) delivered to pupils of Waitaki Boys High (Aug 06) 149. “Deepsea minerals search heats up” (de Ronde): article in the (Aug 06) 150. “Volcanoes of the Mariana arc” (de Ronde): talk to U3A Ohariu branch-Wellington (Aug 06) 151. “Eruptions on the seafloor” (de Ronde): talk to U3A Lower Hutt branch, Lower Hutt (Aug 06) 152. “The Ring of Fire”(de Ronde): article in Position (Aug-Sep 06) 153. “Deepsea minerals search heats up” The National Business Review (Aug 06) 154. “40,000 leagues under the seas stars Kiwi scientist”: (de Ronde) article in NZMIA newsletter, E- News #6, ( (Sep 06) 155. “Mariana submarine volcanoes” (de Ronde): Talk to Rotary Club, Courtney Place branch (Sep 06) 156. “Unlocking secrets of deep sea volcanoes” (de Ronde): Article in “Geography of the New Zealand Official Yearbook 2006” (Sep 06) 157. Supervision of Tim Popham’s Otago University MSc thesis “Pounamu characterisation and resource assessment: Scott Basin, Wakatipu, New Zealand” (Cox) (completed Sept 06) 158. Participation in hui and Pounamu resource assessment fieldwork with Ngai Tahu (Kati Waewae) based at Lake Kaniere Lodge (Cox & Adams) (Dec 06) 159. “New Zealand Exposed” (de Ronde): 30 min documentary, “Here’s the Catch” on TV3 (Feb 07) 160. “Publication of a new AusIMM monograph on NZ mineral deposits and the NZ minerals industry over the past 16 years” (Brathwaite & Christie): Geological Society of NZ Newsletter (Mar 07) 161. “Underwater spectacles” (de Ronde: Talk to combined Probus Club, Lower Hutt (Apr 07) 162. “Mariana submarine volcanoes” (de Ronde): Talk to Rotary Club, North Wellington branch (Apr 07) 163. “Undersea Mapping role” (de Ronde): Article on Aeolian arc cruise in DomPost (May 07) 164. GNS/JAMSTEC workshop on Brothers volcano (de Ronde, Graham): Taupo (May 07) 165. “Brothers volcano” (de Ronde): Public lecture in Taupo (May 07) 166. TV ONE News—ROVARK ‘07 cruise, Brothers volcano (May 07) (de Ronde et al.) 167. “The mineral potential of Northland – summary” (Barker & Christie & Walton): Article posted on GNS Science website (May 07) 168. “All they need is love” (GNS scientists, including de Ronde): Talk on scientists and their work in NZ Herald (Jun 07) 169. Reports on Northland mineral initiatives: “Studies: mine of wealth in North” (input from Christie & Barker): Northern Advocate 2-6-07 (News, P. 1); “Northland sitting on pot of gold and minerals: study” (input from Christie & Barker): New Zealand Herald 1-6-07 (News, P. 7); “Environments in priority – NRC boss” (input from Christie & Barker): Northern Advocate 7-6-07 (News, P. 3); “Millions predicted for minerals” (input from Christie & Barker): The Bay Report 7-6-07 (News, P. 4) ; “The Far North’s Pot of Gold” (input from Christie & Barker): The Northland Age 7-6-07 (News, P. 1) (Jun 07); “Mineral goldmine in the north” (input from Christie & Barker): Rodney Times 19-6-07 (News, P. 20) (Jun 07) 170. Web site for ROVARK expedition operational (de Ronde et al.) (Jun 07) 171. “Current Research” (Graham): GNS Science website (Jun 07) 172. “Undersea mining moving ahead in South Pacific” (de Ronde): LaSpecular International News (Jul 07) 173. Consultant (de Ronde) for Auckland Museum on incorporation of the Mariana arc “black smoker” chimney exhibit (2007) 174. Consultant (de Ronde) for the Gibson Group in their design of the virtual submersible dive on Brothers volcano for TimeWarp (2007) 175. Consultant (de Ronde) for Te Papa on the re-design of the Olivia “black smoker” chimney exhibit in NatureSpace (2007) 176. Syndicated news items on ROVARC cruise (de Ronde): “Voyage to explore underwater crater” (DomPost), “Underwater volcano mission” (Wanganui Chronicle), “Mapping underwater volcano (Hawkes Bay Today), “Robotic vehicles used to map underwater volcano off BoP” (Gisborne Herald), NZPA website for text and images (; “Seabed volcano in all its glory” (NZ Herald – half page article), “Seabed volcano probed” (Hawkes Bay Today) (Aug 07) 177. “Zealandia” (Mortimer) educational supplement in the NZ Herald (Sept 07). 178. Syndicated news items on ROVARC cruise (de Ronde): “NZers lead volcano investigation” Daily Chronicle; Kiwis lead submarine volcano investigation” Wanganui Chronicle; Kiwi scientists lead MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 23 27/10/2009

sea volcano investigation” ; “Kiwis to survey undersea volcanoes” DomPost; “NZ scientists surveying volcanoes in the Med” Gisborne Herald (Oct 07) 179. Newstalk ZB (de Ronde): Aeolian07 pre-cruise and post-cruise interviews; on ‘teletext’ (Nov 07) 180. “Robot paints stunning map of deep-sea volcano”(de Ronde): Oceanus (Dec 07) 181. The NZASRoF’07, or ROVARK cruise (de Ronde): RSS News Feed-as of mid Feb ’08, has had 6,266 views/subscribers since being published (Dec 07) 182. New Zealand Exposed (de Ronde): 30 min documentary “Here’s the Catch” on TV 3 (Feb 08) 183. “Undersea Vents In the Pacific Ring Of Fire” (de Ronde): Catalyst TV mini documentary ( (Feb 08) 184. “Undersea Vents In The Pacific Ring Of Fire” (de Ronde): 11:18 mins, Catalyst TV, ABC, est. viewers ~830,000 (~21% of all Aust. households) (Feb 08) 185. “’Serious players’ move in on gold” Waikato Times (Apr 08) 186. Article on ROVARK expedition (de Ronde): NZ Geographic (Mar 08) 187. “Hunting for treasure on the ocean floor” (de Ronde): DomPost (Mar 08) 188. “Submarine volcano mineral deposits” (de Ronde): Interview on ABC radio (Jun 08) 189. “Exploring OurSpace” (de Ronde) (mention of Deep Ride) The Hutt News (Sept. 30) 190. The “Deep Ride” (de Ronde) (Te Papa) ‘hero story’ on the Science NZ website. 191. “Exploration for volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization along the Kermadec arc-Havre Trough, New Zealand”. (Leybourne & de Ronde): Explore Newsletter 139, (2008) 192. Hard Rocks in the West” (Tulloch & Mortimer). In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 193. “Finding our Roots” (Mortimer & Bradshaw). In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 194. “Needles in a Haystack” (Christie): In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 195. “Pounamu and Pakohe” (Campbell & McCraw): In A Continent on the Move (I Graham Ed) (Jul 08) 196. “Lifeblood of the Ocean” (de Ronde & Massoth): In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 197. “Gold Rush” (Christie et al.): In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 198. “Bricks and Mortar” (Brathwaite & Barker): In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 199. “Future Bounty” (Graham & Wright): In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 200. “Treasures of the Deep” (de Ronde & Stott): In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 201. “Black Sand” ([Mauk] & Christie): In: A Continent on the Move (I Graham, Ed) (Jul 08) 202. “Rumbles from the deep” (Graham): Oral presentation, SciCon (Jul 08) 203. “Ferromanganese nodules” Mineral Wealth Poster Series 1 (Eds A Christie, C de Ronde, I Graham) 204. “10 years of research along the Kermdec arc” (de Ronde): Wellington Dive Club (2008) 205. “The Kermadec arc” (de Ronde): Mineral Club of Hutt Valley and Wellington (2008) 206. “10 year odyssey of discovery along the Kermadec arc” (de Ronde): Society of Economic Geology Distinguished Lecturer for 2008 (Sofia, Zurich, Kiel, Sala, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart, Perth, Oxford [Mississippi], Toronto, Ottawa) (2008) 207. “EarthWorks” (de Ronde) series (Part 4: Oceans) 0900-EarthWorks_Four_-_They_that_go_down_to_the_sea-048.mp3 (Dec. 7, 2008) 208. “Breakfast TV” (de Ronde) TV ONE as part of special item focused on OurSpace at Te Papa (29 Sept; est audience 95,000) (2008) 209. “GNS scientist and explorer conducting world-leading research into active volcanoes on the sea floor around New Zealand.” Feature Guest, interview with Kathryn Ryan on Nine to Noon, Radio New Zealand, (de Ronde) (duration: 33’31”; July 21) 1009-Feature_Guest_-_Cornel_de_Ronde-048.mp3 (2008) 210. “Welly Award” (de Ronde): Finalist in Science & Technology category for Wellingtonian of the Year (2008) 211. Opening of the Deep Ride at OurSpace at Te Papa of virtual dive on Brothers volcano (de Ronde); 330 guests to private launch for GNS staff/families; projected ~8,000 visitors to the ride per month (2008) 212. “NZ scientists helping frame environmental code for marine mining” ( environmental-code-for-marine-mining/tabid/422/articleID/96231/cat/76/Default.aspx) (2009) 213. “Evidence of recent undersea eruption off NZ coast” Scoop Sci-Tech ( (2009) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 24 27/10/2009

214. Univ. Washington post-cruise articles: (de Ronde) “’Catastrophic’ eruption blows top off submarine volcano” The Press, “Sea volcano blow its top 300 km off NZ coast” DomPost, “Underwater rumble shock for scientists” Timaru Herald (2009) 215. Univ. Washington pre-cruise articles: (de Ronde) “Expedition to seabed volcanoes” The Press, “Volcanoes under the sea” Manawatu Standard, “Submarine volcanoes to be explored” Bay of Plenty Times (2009) 216. Interviews (de Ronde) about Univ. Washington cruise to the Kermadec arc on Radio Live (x2), Radio New Zealand (March 12-14, 2009) 217. “Expedition to NW Rota 2009” (2009) (de Ronde & Berkenbosch) 218. TV3 News—Interview (de Ronde) on expedition to NW Rota-1 (May 10, 2009)

Contributions to External Publications: 1. “New Zealand minerals industry 2010: a strategy to help rehabilitate the New Zealand economy” ([Gordon], [Barker] & Christie): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (1998) 2. “Little studied arc-backarc system in the spotlight” ([Stoffers], Wright, de Ronde et al.): EOS (1999) 3. “Cruise report Sonne 135” ([Stoffers], Wright, de Ronde & [others]): Cruise Report (1999) 4. “R/V Atlantis–DSV Alvin Cruise 3-30, Dives 3319-3342” ([??], de Ronde & [others]): Cruise Report (1999) 5. “Space-based synthetic aperture radar for geological mapping in the central Coromandel Peninsula, South Auckland, New Zealand ([Belliss], Christie, [Burgess], [McNeill], [Pairman] & [Fowler]): Geocarto International 14(3): 55-66 (1999) 6. “Elemental mercury at submarine hydrothermal vents in the Bay of Plenty, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand” ([Stoffers], [Hannington], Wright, [Herzig] & de Ronde): Geology 27 (10): 931- 934 (1999) 7. “The water column chemical signature after the 1998 eruption of Axial Volcano ([Resing], [Feely], Massoth & [Baker]): Geophysical Research Letters, 26 (4): 3645-3648 (1999) 8. “Physical and chemical factors influencing species distributions on hydrothermal sulphide edifices of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, northeast Pacific. ([Sarrazin], Massoth & [others]): Marine Ecology Progress Series, 190: 89-112 (1999) 9. “Helium, heat and the generation of hydrothermal event plumes at mid-ocean ridges ([Lupton], [Baker] & Massoth): Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 171: 343-350 (1999) 10. “Project SHAARC: investigation of submarine hydrothermally active arc volcanoes in the Tabar- Lihir-Tanga-Feni islands and Solomon island chains” ([McInnes], Massoth, de Ronde & [others]): Cruise Report (2000) 11. Reply to Comment by MR Palmer and GGJ Ernst on “Helium, heat and the generation of hydrothermal plumes at mid-ocean ridges” ([Lupton], [Baker] & Massoth): Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 180: 219-222 (2000) 12. “Utilisation de l’analseur in situ lors de al campagne MANAUTE: disribution du manganese dissous dans le bassin de Manus” ([Radfod-Knoery], Massoth, & [9 others]): Journees Dorsales (2000) 13. “Ridge-arc interactions: first results from the southern Lau Basin (25 °S) ([Worthington], de Ronde, [Stoffers] & [Kobayashi]: Proceedings, DeRidge 2000 conference (2000) 14. “10Be/9Be dating of ferromanganese nodules from the NE Pacific Ocean” ([Lee], [Choi], [Chang] & Graham): Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 39: 766-771 (2001) 15. “Orogenic disseminated gold in Phanerozoic fold belts - some examples” ([Bierlein], Christie, [Smith], [Maher] & [Corner]): Proceedings, 6th SEG conference (2001) 16. “Application of isotope dating technology to Marine samples (in Korean and English)” (Chang, Choi, Lee, Graham & Wright): KIGAM Science Report (2001) 17. “Observations and sampling of an ongoing subsurface eruption of Kavachi volcano, Solomon Islands, May 2000” ([Baker], Massoth, de Ronde, [Lupton] & [McInnes]): Geology, 30: 975-978 (2002) 18. “ExplORE NZ–A Crown Minerals/GNS mineral resource assessment project” ([Smillie], [Partington] & Christie): NZ Mining 31 (2002) 19. “Quantifying the opportunity cost of New Zealand’s mineral potential” ([Walton], [Barker] & Christie): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2002) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 25 27/10/2009

20. “R/V Southern Surveyor 02/2003 Tonga-Eastern Lau Vents Expedition, March 14-April 3 2003” ([Arculus], Massoth, de Ronde & [others]): Cruise Report (2003) 21. “Ferromanganese nodules in the vicinity of Bollons Seamount SE of the Campbell Plateau, SW Pacific Ocean. Part 1: Distribution and external morphology” ([Chang], [Choi], [Lee], Graham & Wright): GNS Science Report 2003/13 22. “Ferromanganese nodules in the vicinity of Bollons Seamount SE of the Campbell Plateau, SW Pacific Ocean: Part 2: Petrography and chemistry” ([Chang], [Choi], [Lee], Graham & Wright): GNS Science Report 2003/14 23. “Hydrothermal venting along Earth’s fastest spreading centre: East Pacific Rise, 27.5º-32.3ºS.” ([Baker], Massoth & [10 others]): Journal of Geophysical Research, 107: 10.1029/2001JB000651: EPM 2-19 -2-10 (2003) 24. “Habitat, growth and physiological ecology of a basaltic community of Ridgeia piscescae from the Juan de Fuca Ridge ([Urcuyo], Massoth & [others]): Deep Sea Research 50 (6): 763-780 (2003) 25. ”Submarine hydrothermal venting on the southern Kermadec volcanic arc front (SW Pacific): location and extent of plume signatures” ([Baker], [Feely], de Ronde, Massoth & Wright): Geological Society of London. Special Publication, 219: 141-162 (2003) 26. “Decay of hydrothermal output following the 1998 seafloor eruption at Axial Volcano: Observations and models” ([Baker], Massoth & [5 others]): Journal of Geophysical Research, 109: (2003) 27. “A geophysical study of the structure of the Waihi region, New Zealand” ([Smith], [Cassidy], [Locke], [Mauk] & Christie): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2003) 28. “The morphology and evolution of massive sulfide chimney samples from the southern East Pacific Rise” ([Rudsits], de Ronde, & [Mauk]): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2003) 29. “Pounamu in the Sugar Loaf Stream - Route Burn catchment, Wakatipu, New Zealand” ([Todd], with input from Cox): PGDipSci Thesis, University of Otago (2003) 30. “The formation and dispersal of Pounamu in the Scott Basin/Scott Stream area, Wakatipu, New Zealand ([Popham], with input from Cox): PGDipSci Thesis, University of Otago (2003) 31. “A comparison of orogenic gold mineralization in central Victoria (AUS), western South Island (NZ) and Nova Scotia (CAN): implications for variations in the endowment of Paleozoic metamorphic terrains” ([Bierlein], Christie & Smith): Ore Geology Reviews, 25: 125-168 (2004) 32. “Short-term variations in the distribution of hydrothermal plumes along a superfast-spreading center, East Pacific Rise, 27(degrees)30'-32(degrees)20'S” ([Walker], [Baker], Massoth, [Hey]): Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 5 (12) (2004) 33. “Explorations of Mariana arc volcanoes reveal new hydrothermal systems” ([Embley], Massoth et al). EOS 85/4, 37, 40. (2004) 34. “Tectonic/volcanic segmentation and controls on hydrothermal venting along Earth’s fastest seafloor spreading system, EPR 27˚-32˚S” ([Walker], [Baker], Massoth, [Hey]): Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,5 (12) (2004) 35. “Mixing, reaction and microbial activity in the sub-seafloor revealed by temporal and spatial variation in diffuse flow vents at Axial volcano” ([Butterfield], Massoth & [5 others]): American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series 144: 269-289 (2004) 36. “YK04-09 SWEEPVENTS cruise of R/V Yokosuka and Shinkai 6500, Oct. 25-Nov.10, 2004” ([Kojima], de Ronde, [Takai], Massoth & [shipboard participants]): Cruise Report (2004) 37. “Lithospehric footprints of giant orogenic gold systems” ([Bierlein], [Groves], [Goldfarb] & Christie): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 38. “The orogenic gold deposit model and New Zealand: consistencies and anomalies” ([Goldfarb], Christie & [Bierlein]): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 39. “Structural controls on gold mineralization, Reefton Goldfield, New Zealand” ([Rattenbury], Cox, [Reynolds], [Moore] & [Whetter]): Proceedings, NZ Minerals conference (2005) 40. “Modern sea-floor tectonics and submarine hydrothermal systems” ([Hannington], de Ronde & [Peterson]): Economic Geology, 100: 111-141 (2005) 41. “Hydrothermal activity on near-arc sections of back-arc ridges: results from the Mariana Trough and Lau Basin ([Baker], Massoth, [Nakamura], [Embley], de Ronde, & Arculus): Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6, Q09001, doi:10.1029/2005GC000948 (2005) 42. “Organic complexation of copper in deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems” ([Sander], [Koschinsky], Massoth, [Stott] & [Hunter]): Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2005GC001152 MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 26 27/10/2009

(2005) 43. “The role of regional-scale faults in controlling a trap-door caldera, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. ([Smith], [Cassidy], [Locke], [Mauk] & Christie): Journal of Volcanology and Geophysical Research, 149: 312-328 (2005) 44. “Methane dynamics in hydrothermal plumes over a superfast spreading center: East Pacific Rise” ([Gharib], [Sansone], [Resing], [Baker], [Lupton], Massoth): Journal of Geophysical Research, 110: B10101 (2006) 45. “Silceous sublacustrine spring deposits around hydrothermal vents in Lake Taupo, New Zealand” ([Jones], de Ronde, Renaut & Owen): Journal of the Geological Society of London, 164: 227-242 (2006) 46. “Long-term eruptive activity at a submarine arc volcano” ([Embley], [Chadwick], [Baker], [Butterfield], [Resing], de Ronde, [Tunniclife], [Lupton], [Juniper], [Rubin], [Stern], [Lebon], [Nakamura], [Merle], [Hein], [Wiens] & [Tamura]): Nature, 441: 494-497 (2006) 47. “New Zealand American Submarine Ring of Fire 2005—Kermadec arc submarine volcanoes” ([Embley], de Ronde, Massoth [& shipboard participants]): Cruise report (2006) 48. “Comparative study of sampling methods and in situ and laboratory analysis for shallow-water submarine hydrothermal systems” ([Villanueva], [Prol-Ledesma], [Torres-Vera], [Canet], [Armienta] & de Ronde): Jouurnal of Geochemical Exploration, 89: 414-419 (2006) 49. “Evidence for hydrothermal venting in Fe isotope compositions of the deep Pacific Ocean through time” ([Chu], [Johnson], [Beard], [German], [Nesbitt], [Frank], [Bohn], [Kubik], [Usui] & Graham): Earth & Planetary Science Letters 245: 202-207 (2006) 50. “Submarine volcanoes and high-temperature hydrothermal venting on the Tonga Arc, southwest Pacific” ([Stoffers], [Worthington], [Schwartz-Schampera], [Hannington], Massoth, [Hekinian], [Schmidt], [Lumdsten], [Evans], [Vaiomo’unga] & [Kerby]): Geology, 34: 453-456 (2006) 51. “GIS modelling of gold prospectivity in New Zealand” ([Partington], Christie & Rattenbury): AusIMM Monograph 25: 21-28 (2006) 52. “Geochemical characteristics of Miocene-Pliocene volcanism in the Hauraki Volcanic Region, North Island, New Zealand” ([Booden], [Mauk], [Black], [Smith], [Briggs], Brathwaite, Christie & [Skinner]): Proceedings, AusIMM conference (2007) 53. “Silceous sublacustrine spring deposits around hydrothermal vents in Lake Taupo, New Zealand” ([Jones], de Ronde, [Renaut] & [Owen]): Journal of the Geological Society of London, 164: 227-242 (2007) 54. “Hydrothermal activity and volcano distributions along the Mariana Arc.” ([Baker], [Embley], [Walker], [Resing], [Lupton], [Nakamura], de Ronde & [Massoth]): Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B08S09, doi:10.1029/2007JB005423 (2007) 55. “Venting of acid-sulfate fluids producing a high-sulfidation setting at NW Rota-1 submarine volcano on the Mariana Arc” ([Resing], [Lebon], [Baker], [Lupton], [Embley], [Massoth], [Chadwick] & de Ronde): Economic Geology, 102: 1047-1061 (2007) 56. “Liquid carbon dioxide venting at the Champagne hydrothermal site, NW Eifuku volcano, Mariana arc” ([Lupton], [Butterfield], [Lilley], [Evans], [Embley], [Olson], [Proskurowski], [Chadwick], [Resing], [Baker], de Ronde, [Nakamura], [Roe], [Greene] & [Lebon]): Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7, doi:10.1029/2005GC001152 (2007) 57. Preface to “Shallow-water hydrothermal venting” ([Prol-Ledesma], [Dando] & de Ronde, eds): Chemical Geology, 224: 1-4 (2007) 58. “Exploring the Submarine Ring of Fire: Mariana Arc - Western Pacific” ([Embley], [Baker], [Butterfield], [Chadwick], [Lupton], [Resing], de Ronde, [Nakamura], [Tunnicliffe], [Dower] & [Merle]): Oceanography, 20: 68-79 (2008) 59. “Multiple Hydrothermal Sources along the south Tonga arc and Valu Fa Ridge” ([Massoth], [Baker], [Worthington], [Lupton], de Ronde, [Arculus], [Walker], [Nakamura], [Ishibashi], [Stoffers], [Resing], [Greene] & [Lebon]): Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 8: Q11008, doi:10.1029/2007GC001675 (2008) 60. “Clay mineralogy of modified marginal aggregates” ([Bartley] & Christie): Proceedings, Recycling & Stabilisation Conference, NZ Institute of Highway Technology (2008) 61. “Introduction to Special Section: Active Magmatic, Tectonic and Hydrothermal Processes at Intraoceanic Arc Submarine Volcanoes” ([Embley], de Ronde, & [Ishibashi]): Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, doi:10.1029/2007JB005871. (2008) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 27 27/10/2009

62. “Direct video and hydrophone observations of submarine explosive eruptions at NW Rota-1 volcano, Marian arc“ ([Chadwick], [Cashman], [Embley], [Dziak], de Ronde, [Matsumoto], [Deardorff] & [Merle]): Journal of Geophysical Research, 113: B08S10, doi:10.1029/2007JB005215 (2008) 63. “Silicified filamentous microbes from the Giggenbach seamount: implications for the interpretation of fossil microbes”. ([Jones], de Ronde & [Renaut]): Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B08S05, doi:10.1029/2007JB005482. (2008) 64. “Observations of local seismicity and harmonic tremor at Brothers Volcano, south Kermadec Arc, using an ocean-bottom hydrophone array”. ([Dziak], [Haxel], [Matsumoto], [Lau], [Merle], de Ronde & [Embley]): Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B08S04, doi:10.1029/2007JB005533. (2008) 65. “Collapse and reconstruction of Monowai submarine volcano between 1998 and 2004, Kermadec arc, New Zealand” ([Wright] [Chadwick], de Ronde, [Reymond], [Hyvernaud], [Gennerich], [Stoffers], [Mackay], [Dunkin] & Bannister): Journal of Geophysical Research, 113: B08S03, doi:10.1029/2007JB005138. (2008) 66. “Cyclic eruptions and sector collapses at Monowai submarine volcano, Kermadec arc: 1998-2007” ([Chadwick], [Wright], [Schwarz-Schampera], [Hyvernaud], [Reymond] & de Ronde) : Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems doi:10.1029/2008GC002113. (2008) 67. “Ocean current and temperature time series at Brothers volcano”. ([Lavelle], [Massoth] [Baker] & de Ronde) Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, doi:10.1029/2007JC004713. (2008)

Contributions to External Presentations: 1. “New Zealand minerals industry 2010: a strategy to help rehabilitate the New Zealand economy” ([Gordon], [Barker] & Christie): AusIMM conference (Sep 98) 2. “Cruise report Sonne 135” ([Stoffers], Wright, de Ronde et al.): Geological Society of New Zealand conference (Nov 98). 3. “Hydrothermal activity on submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc” ([Baker], Massoth, de Ronde & Wright): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 99). 4. “The Calyspo field; a shallow submarine geothermal system in the Bay of Plenty, N.Z” ([Robertson] de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 99). 5. “The Calyspo field; a shallow submarine geothermal system in the Bay of Plenty, N.Z” ([Robertson], de Ronde et al.): AusIMM conference (Dec 99). 6. “Southern East Pacific Rise axial submersible studies at sites of high (5°00’S) and low (11°18’S) inflation indices” ([Rona], de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 99) 7. “From rifting to active back-arc spreading at the transition from the Havre Trough to the Lau Basin (SW Pacific)” ([Ruellan], Wright, de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 99) 8. “Coincidence of full spreading and crustal rifting in the Lau-Havre marginal basin system and the possible driving force of the regional tectonics” ([Matsumoto], de Ronde et al): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 99). 9. “An inventory of hydrothermal activity on submarine volcanoes of the southern Kermadec arc: results from the 1999 NZAPLUME project” ([Baker], Massoth, de Ronde & Wright): Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Palmerston North (Dec 99). 10. “Petrology of the central volcanic province, northern Havre Trough” ([Worthington], de Ronde & [Kobayashi]): Geological Society of New Zealand conference, Palmerston North (Dec 99) 11. “A look at the biology and ecology of a complete Vestimentiferan Tubeworm aggregation from the North East Pacific Hydrothermal vents” ([Eckner], Massoth et al.): American Geophysical Union /Ocean Sciences conference, San Antonio, Texas (Feb 00) 12. “Comparisons between turbidite-hosted gold deposits in the western Lachlan Fold Belt, the Otago Schist and Buller Terrane, and the Meguma Terrane” ([Bierlein], Christie et al.) 15th Australian Geological Convention, Sydney (Jul 00) 13. “Paleomagnetic dating of Pacific Ocean hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts: comparison with radiochemical and paleontological methods.” ([Usui], Graham et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 00) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 28 27/10/2009

14. “Ridge-arc interactions: first results from the southern Lau Basin (25 °S) ([Worthington], de Ronde et al.): DeRidge 2000 conference, Universitaet, Bremen (Dec 00) 15. “Orogenic disseminated gold in Phanerozoic fold belts - some examples” ([Bierlein], Christie et al.): 6th Biennial SEG meeting (Sep 01) 16. “High resolution Pb isotopic profiles of Fe-Mn nodules (19-0 Ma) from the Deep Western Boundary Current, Southern Pacific” ([Baker], [Waight], Graham & Wright): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 01) 17. “Hf isotopic profiles of Fe-Mn nodules (19-0 Ma) from the Deep Western Boundary Current, Southern Pacific.” ([Ulfbeck], [Baker], Graham & Wright): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 01) 18. “Simultaneous in-situ measurement of Pb-isotope and the LREE in Fe-Mn nodules by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS.” ([Kent], Graham & Wright et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 01) 19. “Observations and sampling of an ongoing subsurfgace eruption of Kavachi volcano, Solomon Island, May 2000” ([Baker], Massoth, de Ronde et al.): Ocean Sciences Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii (Feb 02) 20. “Sublacustrine precipitation of hydrothermal silica” ([Renaut], [Jones] & de Ronde): GAC-MAC conference (Feb 02) 21. “Geochemical exploration of hydrothermal emissions in the Kermadec volcanic arc” ([Ishibashi], de Ronde, Massoth et al.): Geochemical Society of Japan conference (May 02) 22. “Prospectivity modelling for mesothermal gold in New Zealand using spatial analysis in GIS ([Partington], Christie, Cox et al.): AusIMM conference (Sep 02) 23. “Quantifying the opportunity cost of New Zealand’s mineral potential” ([Walton], [Barker] & Christie): AusIMM Conference (Sep 02) 24. “Hydrothermal event plumes: constraints on the mid-ocean ridge thermal budget” ([Lupton], Massoth et al.): InterRidge Theoretical Institute conference, Pavia, Italy (Sep 02) 25. “NZ needs that open door widened – potential for increase in mineral production” ([Walton], [Barker] & Christie): Gold Mining Journal (Oct 02) 26. “The Fosterville (Central Victoria, Australia) and Globe-Progress (Reefton, New Zealand) deposits: examples of shear zone-related disseminated-style gold systems in low-grade metamorphic terrains” ([Bierlein], Christie et al.): GSA conference, Denver (Oct 02) 27. “Fine-scale dating and chemical profiles of deep-sea ferromanganese crusts in the western and central Pacific” ([Usui] & Graham): 32nd Underwater Mining Institute conference, Wellington (Nov 02) 28. “A new initiative and a new discovery - the wheel turns in New Zealand” ([Douch], Christie et al.): PDAC conference, Toronto (Mar 03) 29. “How many active vent fields populate the global ocean?” ([Baker], de Ronde, Massoth et al.): SOC workshop, Southampton (Jun 03) 30. “A geophysical study of the structure of the Waihi region, New Zealand” ([Smith], Christie et al.): AusIMM conference, Westport (Sep 03) 31. “The morphology and evolution of massive sulfide chimney samples from the southern East Pacific Rise” ([Rudsits], de Ronde et al.): AusIMM conference, Westport (Sep 03) 32. “Inferred genesis of each textural zone in ferromanganese nodules from the Campbell Drift, SW Pacific” ([Chang], Ditchburn, Graham, Wright et al.): 33rd UMI Conference, Jeju Island (Oct 03) 33. “Short-range difference in growth pattern of deep-sea ferromanganese crusts over some seamounts in the central Pacific Ocean” ([Usui] & Graham): 33rd UMI Conference, Jeju Island (Oct 03) 34. “The spectrum of ore-forming fluids in the VMS environment: modern and ancient” ([Hannington], de Ronde et al.): Invited oral presentation, GSA Conference, Seattle, USA (Nov 03) 35. “Discovery of active hydrothermal sites along the Mariana volcanic arc, western Pacific Ocean” ([Baker], de Ronde, Massoth et al.): AGU conference, San Francisco (Dec 03) 36. “Geochemical characterization of hydrothermal plumes and hydrothermally active volcanoes on the Mariana arc” ([Resing], Massoth et al.]: AGU conference, San Francisco (Dec 03) 37. “High resolution imaging of Mariana volcanic arc volcanoes and discovery of new hydrothermal systems” ([Embley, Massoth et al.): 3rd State Of The Arc conference, Timberline, Oregon (Dec 03) 38. “A proton microprobe investigation of tungsten-rich quartz veins from the Macraes mine in Otago, New Zealand ([Markwitz], Barry, de Ronde et al.): 9th Conference on Nuclear Microprobe MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 29 27/10/2009

Technology & Applications, Dubrovnick, Croatia (Sep 04) 39. “The geologic setting of hydrothermal vents at Mariana Arc submarine volcanoes: high-resolution bathymetry and ROV observations” ([Chadwick], de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 04) 40. “Active volcanic and hydrothermal processes at NW Rota-1 submarine volcano: Mariana subduction Zone” ([Embley], de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco ( Dec 04) 41. “Hydrothermal plume distributions along Valu Fa Ridge and eastern Lau spreading centre, Lau back-arc basin” ([Baker], Massoth, de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco ( Dec 04) 42. “Characteristics of hydrothermal activity in the lau back-arc basin” ([Resing], Massoth et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco ( Dec 04) 43. “Lithospehric footprints of giant orogenic gold systems” ([Bierlein], Christie et al.): Oral presentation, NZ Minerals Conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 44. “The orogenic gold deposit model and New Zealand: consistencies and anomalies” ([Goldfarb], Christie & [Bierlein]): Oral presentation, NZ Minerals Conference, Auckland (Nov 05) 45. “Structural controls on gold mineralization, Reefton Goldfield, New Zealand” ([Rattenbury], Cox et al.): Oral presentation, NZ Minerals Conference, Auckland (Nov 5) 46. “Carbon fluxes from subduction zone volcanoes—examples from the Mariana and Kermadec arcs ([Lupton], de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 05) 47. “Submarine volcano collapses in the Tonga-Kermadec arc” ([Arculus], Wright & de Ronde): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 05) 48. “Collapse and re-growth of Monowai submarine volcano, Kermadec arc, 1998-2004” ([Chadwick], Wright, de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 05) 49. “Hydrothermal systems on Kermadec arc volcanoes revealed by Pisces V submersible dives” ([Embley], de Ronde et al.): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 05) 50. “Geomicrobiological exploration and characterization of deep-sea hydrothermal systems in the southwest Pacific: Mariner field in the Lau Basin and the Brothers NW caldera field, Kermadec Arc” ([Takai], de Ronde [et al.]): Oral presentation, JAMSTEC symposium, Japan (Aug 06) 51. “Geological framework for Mariana hydrothermal systems” ([Embley], de Ronde [et al.]): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 06) 52. “Liquid and emulsified sulfur in submarine solfatara fields of two northern Mariana arc volcanoes” ([Nakamura], de Ronde [et al.]): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 06) 53. “Up-close sampling at a deep submarine lava eruption” ([Butterfield], de Ronde [et al.]): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 06) 54. “Direct observations of explosive eruptive activity at a submarine volcano, NW Rota-1, Mariana arc” ([Chadwick], de Ronde [et al.]): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (Dec 06) 55. “Geochemical characteristics of Miocene-Pliocene volcanism in the Hauraki Volcanic Region, North Island, New Zealand” ([Booden], Brathwaite, Christie [et al.]): Oral presentation, AusIMM conference (Aug 07) 56. “Clay mineralogy of modified marginal aggregates” ([Bartley] & Christie): Oral presentation, Recycling & Stabilisation conference, NZ Institute of Highway Technology (June 08) 57. “Numerical modelling of fluid flow in submarine hydrothermal systems”. ([Grün], [Coumou], de Ronde,, [Driesner], [Weis] & [Heinrich]): 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lugano (2008) 58. “Simulation of submarine hydrothermal systems: IV. Fluid flow in active arc-related volcanoes”. ([Grün], [Coumou] [Weis] [Driesner], de Ronde, C. & [Heinrich]): AGU Annual General Meeting, San Francisco (2008) 59. “High-resolution distribution of temperature, particle and oxidation/reduction potential anomalies in a submarine caldera: Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc”. ([Walker], [Baker], de Ronde, [Yoerger], [Embley], Davy, [Merle], [Resing] & [Nakamura]): AGU Annual General Meeting, San Francisco (2008) 60. “Submarine hydrothermal activity on the Aeolian arc: evidence from helium isotopes”. ([Lupton], de Ronde, [Baker], [Sprovieri], [Bruno], [Italiano], [Walker], Faure, & Leybourne): AGU Annual General Meeting, San Francisco (2008) MWE Outputs since July 1998 Page 30 27/10/2009

61. “Exploration strategies for polar environments: High-resolution mapping of hydrothermal discharge using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle”. ([Baker], [Walker], de Ronde, [Resing], [Embley] & ]Yoerger]): 16th International Symposium on Polar Sciences, Incheon, South Korea, June 10-12, 2009. (2009)