93' A9 55' 29' 47 Issue Threatens

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93' A9 55' 29' 47 Issue Threatens ' I, ^ ■\ ^Average Daily Net Preas Run FAGBTWiSNlT-VOim fIttJRSDAy. OCTOBfek $1.1984 / Per the Week Eadcd jllattrkEBtEr ^ burning Hrralh Oct. 18, 1084 - Weather/ / r eaesMt at Q. a. WealS* Oai The annual diimST-danM o f Man­ The monthly meeting of the Hil­ 11,475 chester Lodge No. 73, A. F. and Clear, esMer tMagbL lA w f62 Main Street liard. Asan. will be held' tonight Plan^r^oniei About Town A. M„ drigtnally scheduled for. Oct. at 8 o’clock In the imfeteria o f the Member mt the Audit V 83. Satardagr fair, HOa wsrawi 38 has been postponed until Satur­ Waddell School. All members , are For OpeX^ouse Skywatch Schedule Bureau at aroulatioa . afteraeea. SS-et. M um Open Friday Past ehlehi o f Memorial Temple day, Nov. 20. urged to attend thia important 'I Mtmehesur— A City of nUage Charm geaerally fair, isaimir. Pythian Sister’ will meet tomor­ meeting at which plans will be \ row at 8 p.m. with Mrs. An Open Pairs Club Champion­ made for the faU dance and the General Manager Richard Mar­ Friday, Oct. 33 Night Unta 9l:30 RoUaaon, 71 Washlnirtor. SU Tne ship will be held by the Manches­ Halloween and Christmas partiss. Midnight— 3 ajAr ..................Volnateers Nssdsd VOL. LXXlV, N a 19 (Claarified AdvarMMag ea Pam .M) ter Duplicate Bridge Club in tWo tin will act 8s master o f ,eet«- ■y ^ MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1954 hostess will be assisted hy her Refreshments arill be served. 2 sm .— 4 a.m. .V, « ...,.^ ..r ,..V o ln a t e m Needed (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Daily at 8 A.M. daughter, Mrs. H e r b ^ Alley. sessions and ail contract bridge mantes at the formalities open­ 4 a.m.— 8 ’sm .' , ........: . .Voluateert Needed PRICE FIVE CEMTB meyers are invited to participate. The Cub Scout Pack 120 will ing. the town’s new court room and 8 a.m.— 0 a.m, . .V olnqtem Needed Memorial T«mj^e, Pythian Sl'i- The flrst duplicate session will be hold a meeting for aU membera .^H ce Headquarters to ths pub- 0 a.n».—Noon . ............KatherlAe H. Ruttgen, GuyMuUea ters, will hold a card party Sat­ held tonight starting at 8:05 p. m. and their parents tomorrow night Noon— 3 p.m. ., ............\ .......V olu n teers Needed New Britain ^MANCHESTER'S at the VFW Honfe and the second 'itc at 0 A on Saturday. urday at 8. p.m. at the home of at 7:30 -lit the Center Springs Mayor Sherwood Bowers will 3 p.m.— 6 p.m. ......... .......... Geiy Roche BOO Start N ew R iot W est, Reds WE DEAL IN ^ FINEST VALUE Mrs... Martha Johnson, 440 Main session will be held next Thursday Lodge. 8 — 8 ..................James Munrit, Guy Mullsn •‘f . J night. Winners in last week’s tour­ cut the ribbon signifying the be­ p.m. p.m. IN COFFEE St.' Members and friends will be ginning of use of the converted 8 10 ..............Olive Ray. Grace Andersoa PEOPLE nament were Mf. and Mrs. Ernest The Hartford District meeting p.m.—i).m. Cuts Dental irolcomed' to attend. Ungerer and Mrs. Joseph McVeigh Almshouse following the invoca­ 10 p.m.—Midnight \Mr. and Mrs Herbert Bensoa Nearing UN o f the American Legion Auxil­ tion by Father John F. Hannon pf NOT OUST THINGS and Mrs. Ruth Martin. iaries will be held in the high ■ , Marion Taggart In Missouri Prison SHIIRFINE Mrs. Nell Packard N(^den. 221 St. James' Church. Volunteers may register at d v ll Defense Headquarters, Municipal Issue Threatens Oor (msliiMf U duUnc school at Granby Gunday, Oct. 34, Atty. Herman Tulsa, chosen to Hackmatack St., has resigned her Mr. and M rs Emil J. Hicking, at 8 p. m. ‘ Building, Manchester on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1 4 % wmt pebpl»—«nd keep- COFFEE 99c ^sition as head hostess at the 138 W. Center St., are quietly ob­ represent the Manchester Bar ^—8 p.nt. Civil Defense Telephone Number MI 0-9088., Arm s Talk tmm as customen. Asan., will speak on behalf of the Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 22 (/P)— A second, riot within a ■y Pound Bag Howard Johnson Restauruit, serving their sllven wedding aiuii- AQ3wne can open a The Past. Mistress • d u b o f toam’s lawyers ■ ' '/ New Britain, Oct. 22 (4*)— month broke out m Missouri penitentiary at noon today. Farmington Avenue, West Hart­ versary today. They were married Daughters of Liberty No. 125. will 8. O, RottnSr preeldiHg. monies ars plannsd for the aeaend United Nations, N. Y;,Oct. a io n , have people come ford, and has accepted a similar Qct. 21,. 1029 by the late Rev. Mar­ .Court will then convene In the On Sunday, the American Le­ Dental decky among Mhool D ^u ty Warden William P. SteinhaUser said between 500 and in and aell merchandise hold its monthly mieeUng tomor­ new court room after an Invoca­ day of the open house. 22 (A*)— Russis and the big position in the Cafe Rouge, Stat- vin s : S tocki^, minister , of the row at 8 p.m. at the home of gion band will play a few selec­ Judge Rottner and Chlaf Her­ children a g ^ trom 6 to 16 ® walked to them. But to get BUMBLEBEE tion, to be given by the Rev. CllA j j h e y clustered in the lobby western powers reached ler Hotel, Hartford. North Methodist Church. v Mrs. Dolly Wylie, 61 Lake S t tions outside the building berin- man O. Schendel handled arrange­ here, has been reduced 14.6 X them to come back White Albacore ford O, Simpson, with Judge, John •'*"8 aU I p. m. No other cere­ ments for the event. I f and C hell—center of ntoet of agreement early today on the \ a g ^ and again you •per cent in the pgat three the activity during the earlier riot language of a resolution to J ^ve to aatisfy cus- TUNA, can 39c years as the result the juet a month ago today., set up new disarmament tobiers. not juet aell to city’s three-year fluoridation The convicts, Steinhauser aaid; thenL I t’ takes PBO- demanded "to see somebody" about talks, U.N. sources reported. state Butter program, according to a auiy PLe T ^ just thinga, the food we're getting." In more than a week of dicker­ President Eisenhower Ponders Point to aatMJt customers. Vi lb. Sections lb. 72e vey conducted under the ' Within a few minutes Jefferson ing with the Russians, Canada as A t PUidiairt you meat \ Auspices of the New Britain Cltirpolicemen and members of the the principal agent sought accord the kind ^ people PARKING D^tfil^Society. , '/ State '■.pllghway Patrol converged on thes4 principles: whoae c o u X t e o u A HlgMBt reduction In an A|:e on the priroh with riot guna, rifles 1. The disarmament commis­ friendly eervle^ls. In Parcel carry out group wai S2 per cent emonff 8- and tear gafr equipment.. sion will authorize Britain, onn Join Itself an tavital^ to I’S Self Serve And year-olds, the report covering Steinhauser gxpresaed belief this France, the United States. Cana­ oome back^—sat sarviea to demonstration rould be stopped da. and the Soviet Union to hold nearly 1,400 achool children of ell quickly. your car agea indicated. Other Age groups cloMd door meetings similar to Showed reductions from 41 to 1 In .the earlier riof; ,the damage the ones they held in London last In Alliance per cent. was estimated at between three summer. PINEHURST FOrOTAUTY MEATS MEAT DEPARTMENT Abbreviated Report Olven ^ n d five million dollars'and In- 2. The commission will consid­ oujded the lose of seven buildings, er all disarmament plans .which ' Paris, Oct. 22 (4V-W ith / The "abbreviated report", prob­ moat of them industrisl piabtr. A meatman n n put any d e g ^ o f quiality he wants to ably the first of iU kind ih New have been placed before it. Includ­ the threat of complete failure in ground meats. UnfortunatelyKmost franks, sausage, Four convicts) were killed and ing the Britiah-Fronch compro­ of French-German talks on England, waa presented at h.Den- about 30 injured serinsly enough cold cuts and hamburg lo(^ alil^ The housewife and tal Society meeting laat night by mise, the Soviet agreement to de­ the Saar overshadowinf their for hoapitaliaatlen. Three guaida lay atomic bans until a half way- her family only learn the difference ifrhen she serves Dr. Franklin M. Erlenbach, chief also were Injured. decision^ the 14 members of MEAT DEPARTMENT of the Divlaion of Dental Hygiene, mark has been reached, the U. S. them. Many customers tell us we have the. finest and State Health Dept. Col. Hugh H. Waggoner, super­ plan for a control agency,, and In­ the North Atlantic Treaty most dependable ground meats in t o w n .^ ^ some today ^ H«avy W m im ii StMr S. InspMtvd The survey did atate, however, intendent of the State Highvyay dian proposals, covering a number Orglnization (NATO>-today . use 89c grade for meat loaf . 59c chuck that "fluoridation will eventually Patrol, who rushed to the prison of angles of disarmament. ited West Germany to to head armed officers, said ha be­ ground for renlly tasty “hamburgs,” or if\you prefer affect a reduction’ on prevalence of Report of the new accord came join their alliance. tooth decay of approximately 60 lieved "they're settling down aa Sir Percy Spender, A'uatraiian round steak .ground, buy that for 86c lb, Evbiy pound now." French Premier Pierre Mendea- per cent.
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    Val Lewton A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress Prepared by Mary A. Lacy Revised by Mary A. Lacy with the assistance of Michael W. Giese Manuscript Division, Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 2003 Contact information: http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/mss/address.html Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress Manuscript Division, 2004 2004-07-01 converted from EAD 1.0 to EAD 2002 Collection Summary Title: Papers of Val Lewton Span Dates: 1924-1982 Bulk Dates: (bulk 1926-1951) ID No.: MSS81531 Creator: Lewton, Val Extent: 90 items; 3 containers plus 4 oversize; 6.2 linear feet; 5 microfilm reels Language: Collection material in English Repository: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Abstract: Motion picture producer, screenwriter, and novelist. Correspondence, film scripts, scrapbooks, and other papers pertaining chiefly to Lewton's career as a publicity writer and as a story editor for David O. Selznick at Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer (1928-1942); as scriptwriter and producer of Cat People and other horror films for RKO Radio Pictures (1942-1947); and as novelist, especially as author of No Bed of Her Own (1932). Selected Search Terms The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the Library's online catalog. They are grouped by name of person or organization, by subject or location, and by occupation and listed alphabetically therein. Names: Lewton, Val Selznick, David O., 1902-1965 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer RKO Radio Pictures, inc. Lewton, Val. No bed of her own (1932) Subjects: Cat people (Motion picture) Horror films Motion picture industry--United States Publicity Occupations: Motion picture producers and directors Novelists Screenwriters Administrative Information Provenance: The papers of Val Lewton, motion picture producer, screenwriter, and novelist, were given to the Library of Congress by his son, Val Edwin Lewton, in 1992.
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