SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2015 Mexico tightens German mayoral candidate wounded in knife attack noose on fugitive drug lord ‘El Chapo’ Page 10 Page 9 Three Palestinian stabbers killed

HEBRON: Three were shot dead Palestinian youths in several sectors of trying to stab Israelis in east and Hebron, wounding 11 with rubber bullets the West Bank yesterday, as violence that has and one with a live round, Palestinian medics fuelled international concerns of a full-scale said. uprising showed no let-up. The violence that In , a Palestinian tried to has raged for more than two weeks prompt- stab a soldier at a checkpoint in East ed a “very concerned” US President Barack but was shot dead by other soldiers. Police Obama to call for calm as the UN Security said the assailant was a 16-year-old from Council held an emergency meeting Friday. nearby , the same neighbour- Including alleged assailants, 40 Palestinians hood that was home to three Palestinians have been killed since the violence erupted who carried out attacks earlier this week. on October 1. Seven Israelis have lost their Israeli security forces have deployed massive- lives. ly in Jerusalem to try to halt the attacks and, The mounting death toll has prompted on Wednesday, began setting up checkpoints fears of a new Palestinian intifada, or uprising, in parts of east Jerusalem, including Jabel like those of 1987-1993 and 2000-2005, when Mukaber. But that has failed to stop the vio- thousands were killed in near-daily violence. lence. Two of yesterday attacks took place in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron, where ‘Inflammatory Rhetoric’ some 500 Jewish settlers live in a heavily The United States, which tried but failed guarded enclave in the city centre surround- last year to broker peace talks between ed by nearly 200,000 Palestinians. The third and the Palestinians, urged leaders on both was at a checkpoint in a Jewish settlement sides to help rein in the unrest. “We are very neighborhood of Israeli-annexed east concerned about the outbreak of violence,” Jerusalem. Obama said in Washington Friday. “It’s impor- In the first Hebron incident, a Palestinian tant for both (Israeli) Prime Minister tried to stab a settler before his intended vic- (Benjamin) Netanyahu...and (Palestinian) tim, who was unharmed, shot him dead, the president (Mahmoud) Abbas and other peo- army said. Palestinian security sources identi- ple in positions of power, to try to tamp down fied the assailant as 18-year-old Fadel Al- rhetoric that may feed violence or anger or Kawatsmi. Video circulated by Palestinian misunderstanding,” he said. activists showed a young man wearing a kip- US Secretary of State John Kerry, who pa brandishing a pistol as shots rang out could travel to the region soon, has spoken BEIT FURIK: Palestinians mourn as they take a last look at the body of Ehab Hanani, 19, who was fatally shot during clashes with Israeli before Israeli soldiers moved in to pull him separately to Abbas and Netanyahu to ask troops on Thursday, at the family house during his funeral in this West Bank village on the outskirts of Nablus yesterday. —AP away from a body lying on the ground. them to restore calm. Abbas has been under In the second attack, a Palestinian girl pressure over recent comments that some tographer to stab and wound a soldier out- thing of the past - Israel has warned that it “lone wolf” operations. The violence came attempted to stab a female Israeli soldier out- have labelled incitement and has called for side a Jewish settlement. As hundreds of may not hand over the bodies of those after repeated clashes in September between side a border guard base before being shot peaceful protests without explicitly con- Palestinians joined the funeral of Ayad responsible for attacks to their families for Israeli forces and Palestinian youths at east dead by her would-be victim, Israeli police demning the violence. But on Friday he con- Awawdeh in the West Bank village of Dura burial. The violence began on Oct 1, when a Jerusalem’s flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque com- said. The soldier suffered minor injuries to her demned an arson attack the previous night yesterday, his mother told AFP her son had suspected cell of the Islamist movement pound. Near the border with Gaza, the Israeli hand, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said. on Joseph’s Tomb, a West Bank site which is “watched the news on television the whole Hamas murdered a Jewish settler couple in army defused a rocket fired overnight Friday Palestinian media said her assailant was aged holy to Jews. The same day, four Palestinians time and exploded with anger at seeing so the West Bank in front of their children. But from the Palestinian territory that failed to 16. Troops later opened fire at stone-throwing were killed, one after posing as a news pho- many horrors”. Such funerals may soon be a subsequent attacks are believed to have been explode, a military spokesman said. —AFP