Corrections and additions for

Damselflies of Brazil - II -

F.A.A. Lencioni (2006)

Figure A4(E), page 10, was unintentional omitted in the figure sources, the figure was taken from Moulton et al, 1987. Argia eliptica, page 89, synonym of Argia collata.(Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2015) Argia euphorbia, page 90, not occur in Argentina. Argia thespis, page 108, synonym of Argia collata. (Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2015) Cyanallagma interruptum, page 117, not occur in Brazil. Homeoura silviae, page 131, not occur in Brazil. Metaleptobasis manicaria, page 165, synonym of M. diceras (determined by von Ellenrieder, 2013). Oxyagrion egleri, page 180, female described (Machet, 1989).

Modification in the species’ status after the publication of the book:

Acantagrion taxaense, page 69, transferred to a new (Fluminagrion) by Anjos-Santos, Lozano & Costa, 2013. Aeolagrion flammeum, page 78, transferred to a new genus (Phoenicagrion) by von Ellenrieder, 2008. Helveciagrion obsoletum, page 123, transferred to Telebasis by Garrison, 2009. Helveciagrion simulacrum, page 124, transferred to Telebasis by Garrison, 2009. Helveciagrion vulcanoae, page 125, transferred to Telebasis by Garrison, 2009. Homeura ambigua, page 127, transferred to Argentagrion by von Ellenrieder, 2008a. Leptobasis costalimai, page 155, transferred to a new genus (Tuberculobasis) by Machado, 2009. Leptobasis inversa, page 156, transferred to a new genus (Tuberculobasis) by Machado, 2009. Leptobasis mammilaris, page 157, transferred to a new genus (Tuberculobasis) by Machado, 2009. Oxyagrion egleri, page 180, transferred to Acanthagrion by von Ellenrieder & Lozano, 2008. Skiallagma baueri, page 195, species not belong to Brazil (synonym of Xiphiagrion cyanomelas by Garrison, 2012). Telagrion cornicauda, page 197, transferred to Aceratobasis by von Ellenrieder & Garrison, 2008. Telagrion diceras, page 198, species is a chimera (Metaleptobasis + Telagrion) by von Ellenrieder, 2013. Telagrion fulvellum, page 198, transferred to a new genus (Dolonagrion) by Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2008. Telagrion macilentum, page 201, transferred to Aceratobasis by von Ellenrieder & Garrison, 2008. Telagrion mourei, page 202, transferred to Aceratobasis by von Ellenrieder & Garrison, 2008. Telagrion nathaliae, page 203, transferred to Aceratobasis by von Ellenrieder & Garrison, 2008. Telebasis limoncocha, page 213, synonym of T. griffinii by Garrison, 2009.

New Coenagrionidae species from Brazil described after the publication of the volume II (separated by paper)

Oxyagrion zielmae Costa, Souza & Muzon, 2006

Schistolobos boliviensis Daigle, 2007

Leptagrion afonsoi Machado, 2007

Homeoura obrieni von Ellenrieder, 2008a

Angelagrion fredericoi Lencioni, 2008 Angelagrion nathaliae Lencioni, 2008

Phoenicagrion flavescens Machado, 2009a Phoenicagrion ibseni Machado, 2009a Phoenicagrion karaja Machado, 2009a Phoenicagrion megalobos Machado, 2009a

Telebasis carvalhoi Garrison, 2009 Telebasis leptocyclia Garrison, 2009

Denticulobasis ariken Machado, 2009 Denticulobasis garrisoni Machado, 2009 Tuberculobasis arara Machado, 2009 Tuberculobasis guarani Machado, 2009 Tuberculobasis karitiana Machado, 2009 Tuberculobasis macuxi Machado, 2009 Tuberculobasis tirio Machado, 2009

Tukanobasis corbeti Machado, 2009b

Cyanallagma corbeti Costa, Santos & Souza, 2009

Mesoleptobasis elongata Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2009

Telebasis celiovallei Machado, 2010a Telebasis divaricata Machado, 2010a Telebasis lenkoi Machado, 2010a Telebasis myrianae Machado, 2010a Telebasis pallida Machado, 2010a Telebasis pareci Machado, 2010a Telebasis pataxo Machado, 2010a

Telebasis luizae Lencioni, 2010

Oxyagrion mirnae Machado, 2010

Austrotepuibasis alvarengai Machado & Lencioni, 2011 Austrotepuibasis demarmelsi Machado & Lencioni, 2011 Austrotepuibasis manolisi Machado & Lencioni, 2011

Acanthagrion chicomendesi Machado, 2012a Acanthagrion flaviae Machado, 2012a Acanthagrion kaori Machado, 2012a Acanthagrion triangulare Machado, 2012a

Leptagrion cyanosticta Machado, 2012

Metaleptobasis falcifera von Ellenrieder, 2013 Metaleptobasis inermis von Ellenrieder, 2013 Metaleptobasis leniloba von Ellenrieder, 2013 Metaleptobasis longicauda von Ellenrieder, 2013 Metaleptobasis paludicola von Ellenrieder, 2013 Metaleptobasis spatulata von Ellenrieder, 2013 Metaleptobasis tridentigera von Ellenrieder, 2013 Metaleptobasis truncata von Ellenrieder, 2013

Argia cuneifera Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2015 Argia gemella Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2015 Argia loutoni Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2015 Argia meioura Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2015 Argia palmata Garrison & von Ellenrieder, 2015

Acanthagrion franciscoi Machado & Bedê, 2016 Franciscagrion franciscoi Machado & Bedê, 2016 Franciscagrion longispinum Machado & Bedê, 2016 Franciscobasis franciscoi Machado & Bedê, 2016 Franciscobasis sonia Machado & Bedê, 2016 Minagrion franciscoi Machado & Bedê, 2016 Oxyagrion franciscoi Machado & Bedê, 2016


ANJOS-SANTOS, D., LOZANO, F. & COSTA, J.M., 2013. Fluminagrion gen. nov. for Acanthagrion taxaense Santos, 1965, from Brazil (: Coenagrionidae). IJO 16(2): 145-155 COSTA, J.M., IRINEU DE SOUZA, L.O. & MUZON, J., 2006. Descriptions of three new species of Odonata from Brazil. Zootaxa 1314: 53-68 COSTA, J.M., T.C. SANTOS & L.O.I. SOUZA, 2009. Cyanallagma corbeti sp. nov. from Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). IJO 12(12): 323-329 DAIGLE, J.J., 2007. Telagrion boliviensis spec. nov. from Bolivia (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 36(3): 291-294 GARRISON, R.W. & VON ELLENRIEDER, N., 2008. Dolonagrion nov. gen. for Telagrion fulvellum from South America (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). IJO 11(2): 173-183 GARRISON, R.W. & VON ELLENRIEDER, N., 2009. Redefinition of Mesoleptobasis Sjöstedt 1918 with the inclusion of Metaleptobasis cyanolineata (Wasscher 1998) comb. nov. and description of a new species, Mesoleptobasis elongata (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa 2145: 47-68 GARRISON, R.W. & VON ELLENRIEDER, N., 2015. of the genus Argia of the Guiana Shield (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa 4042: 1-134. GARRISON, R.W., 2009. A synopsis of the genus Telebasis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). IJO 12(1): 1-121 GARRISON, R.W., 2012. Skiallagma baueri Förster 1906, a geographically misplaced , is a junior synonym of Xiphiagrion cyanomelas Selys 1876 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa 3514: 84-88 LENCIONI, F.A.A., 2008. Angelagrion gen. nov. with description of A. nathaliae sp. nov. and A. fredericoi. Zootaxa 1968: 23-32 LENCIONI, F.A.A., 2010. Telebasis luizae spec. nov. from Brazil (Zygoptera : Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 39(1): 71-74 MACHADO, A.B.M. & LENCIONI, F.A.A., 2011. Austrotepuibasis gen. nov. with descriptions of three new species from Brazil (Zygoptera : Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 40(1): 27-37 MACHADO, A.B.M., 2007. Leptagrion afonsoi sp. n. from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Lundiana 7(2): 125-126 MACHADO, A.B.M., 2009. Denticulobasis and Tuberculobasis, new genera close to Leptobasis, with description of ten new species (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa 2108: 1-36 MACHADO, A.B.M., 2009a. Four new species of Phoenicagrion von Ellenrieder, 2008 from Brazil (Odonata, Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa 2517: 44-52 MACHADO, A.B.M., 2009b. Tukanobasis gen. nov. with the description of T. corbeti sp. nov. from the Amazonian region of Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). IJO 12(2): 331-336 MACHADO, A.B.M., 2010. Oxyagrion mirnae spec. nov. from Brazil (Zygoptera : Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 39(4) : 353-356 MACHADO, A.B.M., 2010a. Seven new species of Telebasis from Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa 2384: 53-64 MACHADO, A.B.M., 2012. Leptagrion cyanostigma sp. nov. from Brazil with a study of blue pterostigma in Zygoptera (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). IJO 15(2): 81-86 MACHADO, A.B.M., 2012a. The apicale species group of Acanthagrion, with description of four new species and a hook-moving apparatus (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 41 (3), 201–223 MACHET, P., 1989. Contribution à l'étude des odonates de Guyane Française. l. Zygoptera. Opusc. zool. Flumin, 40: 1-16 MOULTON. S.R., S.E. TRAUTH & G.L. HARP. 1987. The mesostigmal complex of Argia using scanning electron microscopy (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 16 (3): 285-289. VON ELLENRIEDER, N. & GARRISON, R.W., 2008. A redefinition of Telagrion Selys and Aceratobasis Kennedy stat. rev. and the description of Schistolobos gen. nov. for Telagrion boliviense Daigle (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Trans. Am. Ento. Soc. 134(1+2): 1-22 VON ELLENRIEDER, N. & LOZANO, F., 2008. Blues for the red Oxyagrion: a redefinition of the genera Acanthagrion and Oxyagrion (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). IJO 11(1): 95-113 VON ELLENRIEDER, N., 2008. Phoenicagrion gen. nov. for Leptagrion flammeum, with description of a new species, P. paulsoni, from Peru (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). IJO 11(1): 81-93 VON ELLENRIEDER, N., 2008a. Revalidation of Argentagrion and redefinition of Homeoura, with the description of H. obrieni n. sp. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg. 67(1-2): 81-106 VON ELLENRIEDER, N., 2013. A revision of Metaleptobasis Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America. Zootaxa 3738: 1-155