(DMSA), A Non-Toxic, Water-Soluble Treatment For Heavy Metal Toxicity

by Alan L. Miller, N.D.

Abstract Heavy metals are, unfortunately, present in the air, water, and food supply. Cases of severe acute , , , and are rare; however, when they do occur an effective, non-toxic treatment is essential. In addition, chronic, low-level exposure to lead in the soil and in residues of lead-based paint; to mercury in the atmosphere, in dental amalgams and in seafood; and to cadmium and arsenic in the environment and in cigarette smoke is much more common than acute exposure. Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is a sulfhydryl-containing, water-soluble, non-toxic, orally-administered metal chelator which has been in use as an to heavy metal toxicity since the 1950s. More recent clinical use and research substantiates this compound’s efficacy and safety, and establishes it as the premier metal compound, based on oral dosing, urinary excretion, and its safety characteristics compared to other chelating substances. (Altern Med Rev 1998;3(3):199-207)

Introduction Contamination of water, air, and food by numerous chemicals and non-essential ele- ments, such as heavy metals, is an unfortunate byproduct of a complex, industrialized, high- tech society. The resultant accumulation of heavy metals in the human body poses a significant health risk, leading to a wide array of symptomatology, including anemia, learning deficits, reduced intelligence, behavioral and cognitive changes, tremor, gingivitis, hypertension, irrita- bility, cancer, depression, memory loss, fatigue, headache, hyperuricemia, gout, chronic renal failure, male infertility, osteodystrophies, and possibly multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s dis- ease. Although human lead toxicity has decreased in the United States since discontinuation of the use of lead as a gasoline additive, it continues to be a significant problem, especially in urban areas, where lead-based paint exposure is still an issue, and in areas where lead is mined and/or smelted. Chronic mercury toxicity from occupational, environmental, dental amalgam, and contaminated food exposure, is a significant threat to public health. Other heavy metals, including cadmium and arsenic, can also be found in the human body due to cigarette smoke, and occupational and environmental exposure. Diagnostic testing for the presence of heavy

Alan L. Miller, N.D.—Technical Advisor, Thorne Research, Inc.; Senior Editor, Alternative Medicine Review. Correspondence address: P.O. Box 25, Dover, ID 83825. [email protected]

Alternative Medicine Review Volume 3, Number 3 1998 Page 199 Copyright©2001 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprints Without Written Permission Figure 1.

SH SH over forty years ago identified DMSA as an HOCCC C OH effective antidote to heavy metal poisoning. DMSA was subsequently studied for twenty years in the People’s Republic of China, Japan, H HO O and Russia before scientists in Europe and the meso - 2,3 - Dimercaptosuccinic Acid (DMSA) United States “discovered” the substance and its potential usefulness in the mid-1970s.1 DMSA is a (containing two SHSH H sulfhydryl, or S-H, groups) and an analogue of (BAL, British Anti-Lewisite), H CCC SO3H a lipid-soluble compound also used for metal chelation (see Figure 1). DMSA’s water solu- HHH bility and oral dosing create a distinct advan- tage over BAL, which has a small therapeutic 2,3 Dimercapto - 1 - propanesulfonic Acid (DMPS) index and must be administered in an oil solu- tion via painful, deep intramuscular injection.2 SHSH H DMSA, on the other hand, has a large thera- peutic window and is the least toxic of the 3 H CCC OH dithiol compounds.

HHH Lead Lead exposure is still a public health 2,3 - Dimercapto - 1 - propanol (Dimercaprol, BAL) problem in the United States, being found in approximately 21 million pre-1940 homes. Dust and soil lead, derived from flaking, metals, and subsequently decreasing the weathering, and chalking paint, also contrib- body’s burden of these substances, should be ute to chronic exposure. an integral part of the overall treatment regi- Lead competes in the body with cal- men for individuals with the above-mentioned cium, causing numerous malfunctions in cal- symptomatology or a known exposure to these cium-facilitated cellular metabolism and cal- substances. cium uptake and usage, including inhibition It has long been acknowledged that of neurotransmitter release and blockade of sulfhydryl-containing compounds have the calcium channels and calcium-sodium ATP ability to chelate metals. The sulfur-contain- pumps. ing amino acids and , The central nervous system (CNS) cysteine’s acetylated analogue N- appears to be affected the greatest by lead. , the methionine metabolite S- Children in particular are susceptible to its adenosylmethionine, alpha-, and the devastating effects on mental development and tri-peptide (GSH) all contribute to intelligence. Neurobehavioral deficits the chelation and excretion of metals from the resembling attention deficit disorder have also human body. been found in lead-exposed children.4 Blood Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid lead concentrations of 20-25 µg/100 ml can (DMSA), is a water-soluble, sulfhydryl- cause irreversible CNS damage in children.5 containing compound which is an effective oral chelator of heavy metals. Initial studies

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Poor quality nutrition, including Mercury deficiencies in and calcium, are known Humans are exposed to mercury pri- to exacerbate the manifestations of lead marily in two forms: mercury vapor and me- exposure, including its CNS effects. Acute thyl mercury compounds. Unfortunately, mer- adult lead exposure to renal proximal cury is a ubiquitous substance in our environ- tubular damage; chronic exposure causes renal ment. Mercury vapor in the atmosphere makes dysfunction characterized by hypertension, its way into fresh and salt water by falling in hyperuricemia, gout, and chronic renal failure.6 precipitation. Methyl mercury compounds are Inorganic lead is absorbed, distributed, created by bacterial conversion of inorganic and excreted. Once in the blood, lead is dis- mercury in water and soil, which subsequently tributed primarily among three compartments concentrates in seafood and fish. Dietary fish Ð blood, soft tissue (kidney, bone marrow, liver, intake has been found to have a direct correla- and brain), and mineralizing tissue (bones and tion with methyl mercury levels in blood and teeth). Mineralizing tissue contains about 95 hair.9,10 percent of the total body burden of lead in “Silver” amalgam dental fillings are adults. the major source of inorganic mercury expo- After lead is absorbed in the human sure in humans.11 This term, however, is a mis- body, it reacts with (sulfhydryl) groups nomer, as this compound is not predominately on peptides and proteins, inhibiting enzymes silver; the proper term should be “mercury involved in heme synthesis and interfering amalgam.” The most common dental filling with normal neurotransmitter functions.7 This material, amalgams contain approximately 50 natural reaction with is also the body’s percent liquid metallic mercury, 35 percent method of eliminating lead, especially from silver, 9 percent tin, 6 percent , and a the liver. Hepatic glutathione attaches to lead trace of zinc.12 As they are prepared and placed and enhances its excretion in the feces. Un- in the patient’s mouth, the dentist and the per- fortunately, hepatic glutathione can be depleted son preparing the amalgam,13,14 as well as the in this manner, resulting in less glutathione patient are exposed to mercury vapor (HgO). being available for conjugation of other toxic substances. In addition to these hepatic effects, individuals with higher concentrations of Clinical studies indicate DMSA is a safe and blood lead have been noted to have lower lev- effective means of decreasing the body burden of els of erythrocyte reduced glutathione.8 De- these metals. creased erythrocyte glutathione is due to the fact that 99 percent of lead in the blood is at- Lead Arsenic tached to red blood cells; the remaining one Mercury Cadmium percent is in the plasma. Lead stored in bone has a half-life of 25 years, although lead in bone can be mobilized into the blood, and sub- The patient is further exposed to mercury va- sequently to other tissues. por as the amalgam releases HgO when the individual chews,15-17 brushes,18 or drinks hot beverages.16-18 Studies of mercury content in expired air of those with and without amal- gams have found significantly higher baseline mercury levels in subjects with amalgams, and

Alternative Medicine Review Volume 3, Number 3 1998 Page 201 Copyright©2001 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprints Without Written Permission Laboratories Performing Hair and/or Urine Mercury Analyses

Doctor’s Data 800-323-2784 mercury can decrease hepatic cell Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab 800-522-4762 viability by mechanisms stated Meridian Valley Clinical Lab 800-234-6825 earlier. MetaMetrix Clinical Lab 800-221-4640 Arsenic and Cadmium Environmental arsenic and up to a 15.6-fold increase in mercury in ex- 15,16 cadmium exposure comes from pollutants dis- pired air after chewing. Mercury release charged from industries utilizing these met- was found to be greater in corroded amalgams 18 als, including herbicide and battery manufac- compared to new, polished fillings. Mercury turers. These metals are also found in ciga- vapor from amalgams enters the bloodstream rette smoke. after being inhaled into the lungs. Cadmium, as well as lead and mercury, Comparisons of blood levels of mer- can interact metabolically with nutritionally cury and the number of amalgams show a di- essential metals. Cadmium interacts with rect correlation between number of amalgam calcium in the skeletal system to produce fillings and concentration of blood17,19 and 13,14,20 osteodystrophies, and competes with zinc for urine mercury. In addition, a statistically binding sites on metallothionein, which is significant correlation was found between the important in the storage and transport of zinc number of dental amalgam fillings and mer- during development. cury content of the kidney cortex (p <0.0001) Biliary excretion seems to be an essen- and the occipital lobe cortex of the brain (p 21 tial factor for the fecal elimination of cadmium <0.0016) in cadavers. and arsenic, although these metals may be also After removal of all amalgams, there excreted in the urine.27,28 is a transient increase in mercury concentra- tion in the blood, plasma, and feces, followed by a decrease in blood levels below the pre- Pharmacokinetics of DMSA removal baseline.11,19,22,23 In healthy individuals, approximately Mercury vapor is lipid soluble, freely 20 percent of an oral dose of DMSA is ab- passing through cell membranes and across the sorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Ninety- blood-brain barrier. Methyl mercury also five percent of the DMSA that makes it to the easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and the bloodstream is bound to albumin. Most likely, placenta.7 Inorganic and methyl mercury have one of the sulfhydryls in DMSA binds to a a high affinity for sulfhydryls, reacting cysteine residue on albumin, leaving the other intracellularly with the sulfhydryl group on S-H available to chelate metals. In healthy fast- glutathione and cysteine, and histidine residues ing men, 90 percent of the DMSA recovered in proteins, and allowing transport out of the in the urine was found to be mixed cell. In rats, it was found that mercury secretion of DMSA (DMSA attached to one or two cys- into the bile was dependent on glutathione teine molecules), and 10 percent was free un- secretion into the bile, suggesting the biliary changed DMSA. No mixed disulfides were 29-31 secretion of mercury is in large part dependent found in the blood. It is thought these are on the biliary transport of GSH.24-26 In humans, formed as albumin releases DMSA in the kid- 32 90 percent of mercury elimination is via the ney. feces, with only 10 percent normally being In three children with , excreted in the urine.12 A decrease in hepatic free DMSA was found in the blood of all sub- glutathione content secondary to excretion of jects, while it was found in only one out of five healthy adult subjects. It is not known

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whether this is an age-related phenomenon, or found DMSA or calcium disodium ethylene-

exactly what the significance of this finding diamine tetraacetic acid (CaNa2EDTA) pro- might be. It is unknown if these pharmacoki- duced significant reductions in kidney, bone netic parameters are different in other metal and brain lead levels, but DMSA produced toxicities or concomitant disease processes. greater reductions of bone lead.37 For instance, if the patient has increased gut In a preliminary animal study, permeability, does this increase DMSA absorp- combination therapy with DMSA and

tion? CaNa2EDTA was more effective than either Studies addressing the possibility that individual chelator at increasing urinary and DMSA may chelate metal stored in the gut, fecal elimination of lead, and reducing hepatic, because a significant percentage of an oral renal, and femur lead concentrations in rats.38 dose is not absorbed, have yet to be done. A It has been suggested that chelating

study of whole body retention in mice of agents, including BAL and CaNa2EDTA, may radioactively-tagged, orally-administered mobilize and redistribute lead to soft tissue, mercuric chloride revealed DMSA and its including the brain. Lead-exposed rats given

analogue DMPS (2,3-dimercapto- CaNa2EDTA showed an initial decrease in propanesulfonate) (see Figure 1), given orally bone and kidney lead, and an increase in he- at the same time as the mercury, significantly patic and brain lead concentrations, indicat- decreased the absorption and whole body ing redistribution to these organs.39 Rats ad- retention of the metal.33 This is an important ministered DMSA in combination with

finding which suggests administration of CaNa2EDTA showed increased urinary lead DMSA a short time after an acute ingestion of output and decreased tissue burden versus use mercury will chelate the metal and decrease of these therapeutic substances individually. the amount absorbed. It does not, however, No redistribution of lead to the brain was ob- answer the question of whether DMSA will served with the combined therapy. A decrease bind gut reservoirs of mercury or whether it in blood zinc level was noted with the combi-

will assist the liver in elimination of mercury nation, as has been observed with CaNa2EDTA due to chronic exposure. monotherapy.40 In a study of lead’s pro-oxidant activ- DMSA Treatment in Lead Toxicity ity and the effect of thiol substances as anti- DMSA has been used since the 1950s oxidants, five weeks of lead exposure in mice as an antidote for lead poisoning in Russia, depleted hepatic and brain glutathione (GS) Japan, and the Peoples Republic of China. levels, and increased malondialdehyde DMSA has been shown in recent studies to be (MDA), a marker of lipid peroxidation. DMSA a safe and effective chelator of lead, reducing administration for seven days resulted in a re- blood levels significantly.1,34,35 At a dose of 10 duction in blood, liver, and brain lead levels. mg/kg for five days in adult males, DMSA N-acetylcysteine supplementation decreased lowered blood lead levels 35.5 percent; a more MDA levels, indicating amelioration of oxi- aggressive approach utilizing a 30 mg/kg dose dative stress by NAC, but it did not decrease lowered blood lead 72.5 percent. Clinical lead levels.41 symptoms and biochemical indices of lead In an animal study, co-administration toxicity also improved.35 of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) with DMSA en- An animal study indicated DMSA is hanced the urinary excretion of lead in rats an effective chelator of lead in soft tissue, but compared to DMSA alone.42 it may not chelate lead from bone.36 Another

Alternative Medicine Review Volume 3, Number 3 1998 Page 203 Copyright©2001 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprints Without Written Permission A suggested protocol for lead toxicity Chelation of Mercury from the is to identify and remove the environmental Brain exposure, and use DMSA 10 mg/kg three times In rats, following intravenous admin- a day for the first five days, followed by 14 istration of methyl mercury, DMSA was found days at 10 mg/kg twice a day. to be the “most efficient chelator for brain mer- cury.”51 DMSA Treatment in Mercury In another animal study, DMSA was Toxicity given four days after methyl mercury injec- DMSA has been in recent use as a treat- tion in mice, and continued for eight days. ment for since Friedheim DMSA removed two-thirds of the brain mer- reported on DMSA treatment of experimental cury deposits, NAP removed approximately toxicity in mice in 1975, noting its low toxic- one-half, while DMPS did not remove signifi- ity and favorable efficacy compared to BAL cant amounts of mercury from the brain.44 and D-.43 Since that time, numer- DMSA has also been used effectively ous animal and human studies have shown in arsenic and cadmium poisoning.2,3,52 DMSA administration increases urinary mer- cury excretion and reduces blood and tissue Mercury Diagnostic and Treatment 3,33,44-47 mercury concentration. Protocol In a comparison study of chelating Hair analysis is an inexpensive and agents, eleven construction workers with acute valuable tool for evaluating prior mercury ex- mercury poisoning were treated with either posure.10,53 An effective way to evaluate mer- DMSA or N-acetyl-D,L-penicillamine (NAP), cury toxicity quantitatively is to determine the another sulfhydryl-containing metal chelator. amount of mercury excreted in the urine after DMSA treatment resulted in greater urinary a challenge dose of DMSA. A baseline 24-hour excretion of mercury than NAP.48 urine is collected before the challenge, then In a study of single-dose, DMSA-in- again on day three of a three-day dosing of duced urinary excretion in occupationally-poi- 200 mg three times a day. soned workers, a significant increase in uri- The therapeutic dosage of DMSA for nary mercury excretion was noted, especially mercury toxicity is not well defined in the lit- in the first 24 hours. Mercury excretion was erature. Doses as high as 30 mg/kg per day greatest in the first eight hours after oral have been used, with no serious side effects DMSA administration.49 noted.34 One DMSA treatment protocol sug- After methylmercuric chloride admin- gests 10 mg/kg day taken in divided doses for istration in rats, DMSA, DMPS, and NAP were three days. The patient then discontinues tak- studied for their ability to remove mercury ing DMSA for 14 days, then takes it again for from blood and tissue. DMSA was the most 3 days. Five to 10 treatment cycles may be effective at removing mercury from the blood, necessary.54 Another protocol suggests 500 mg liver, brain, spleen, lungs, large intestine, skel- per day on an empty stomach, every other day etal muscle, and bone. DMPS was more ef- for a minimum of five weeks. For very sensi- fective at removing mercury from the kid- tive patients, 250 mg per day, every other day neys.50 may be necessary, with an increase to 500 mg after two to three weeks, for a total of five weeks of therapy.55 More studies need to be done to define optimal dosing strategies for

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this substance. Be aware that sulfhydryl com- 9. Turner MD, Marsh DO, Smith JC, et al. pounds in DMSA will make urine smell very Methylmercury in populations eating large quantities of marine fish. Arch Environ Health sulfurous. Adequate communication with the 1980;35:367-377. patient regarding this issue is important, so 10. Wilhelm M, Muller F, Idel H. Biological they are not taken by surprise. monitoring of mercury vapour exposure by Adjunctive nutrient therapy includes scalp hair analysis in comparison to blood and hydrolyzed whey protein, as it contains cys- urine. Toxicol Lett 1996;88:221-226. teine and cysteine residues which can be of 11. Sandborgh-Englund G, Elinder CG, benefit while using DMSA. Cysteine is the Langworth S, et al. Mercury in biological fluids after amalgam removal. J Dent Res rate-limiting step in glutathione production, 1998;77:615-624. necessary for fecal heavy metal excretion and 12. Lorscheider FL, Murray JV, Summers AO. hepatoprotection. Whey also contains Mercury exposure from “silver” tooth fillings: branched-chain amino acids, which will oc- emerging evidence questions a traditional cupy transport sites at the blood-brain barrier, dental paradigm. FASEB J 1995;9:504-508. effectively keeping bound metals from being 13. Jokstad A. Mercury excretion and occupational exposure of dental personnel. Community Dent re-deposited in the brain. Supplemental dos- Oral Epidemiol 1990;18:143-148. ing of N-acetylcysteine, 500 mg three times 54 14. Nilsson B, Nilsson B. Mercury in dental per day, can also be helpful. A multi-mineral practice. II. Urinary mercury excretion in supplement can be taken between cycles. dental personnel. Swed Dent J 1986;10:221- 232. References 15. Vimy MJ, Lorscheider FL. Intra-oral air mercury released from dental amalgam. J Dent 1. Aposhian HV. DMSA and DMPS Ð Water- Res 1985;64:1069-1071. soluble for heavy metal poisoning. Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 1983;23:193-215. 16. Svare C, Peterson L, Reinhardt J, et al. The effect of dental amalgams on mercury levels in 2. Muckter H, Liebl B, Reichl FX, et al. Are we expired air. J Dent Res 1981;60:1668-1671. ready to replace dimercaprol (BAL) as an arsenic antidote? Hum Exp Toxicol 17. Abraham JE, Svare CW, Frank CW. The effect 1997;16:460-465. of dental amalgam restorations on blood mercury levels. J Dent Res 1984;63:71-73. 3. Graziano JH. Role of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning. 18. Derand T. Mercury vapor from dental amal- Med Tox 1986;1:155-162. gams, an in vitro study. Swed Dent J 1989;13:169-175. 4. Winneke G, Kramer U. Neurobehavioral aspects of lead neurotoxicity in children. Cent 19. Snapp KR, Boyer DB, Peterson LC, Svare Eur J Public Health 1997;5:65-69. CW. The contribution of dental amalgam to mercury in blood. J Dent Res 1989;68:780- 5. Landrigan PJ, Baker EL. Exposure of children 785. to heavy metals from smelters: epidemiology and toxic consequences. Environ Res 20. Jokstad A, Thomassen Y, Bye E, et al. Dental 1981;25:204-224. amalgam and mercury. Pharmacol Toxicol 1992;70:308-313. 6. Perazella MA. Lead and the kidney: nephropathy, hypertension, and gout. Conn 21. Maas C, Bruck W, Haffner HT, Schweinsberg Med 1996;60:521-526. F. [Study on the significance of mercury accumulation in the brain from dental amal- 7. Clarkson TW. Metal toxicity in the central gam fillings through direct mouth-nose-brain nervous system. Environ Health Perspect transport]. Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed 1987;75:59-64. 1996;198:275-291. [Article in German] 8. Ignacak J, Brandys J, Danek M, Moniczewski 22. Ekstrand J, Bjorkman L, Edlund C, A. [Selected biochemical indicators of the Sandborgh-Englund G. Toxicological aspects effect of environmental lead on humans]. Folia on the release and systemic uptake of mercury Med Cracov 1991;32:111-118. [Article in from dental amalgam. Eur J Oral Sci Polish]. 1998;106:678-686.

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