

Jeremy Gibson


Facsimile of the Poll Book for and Hundreds

Offprint from Cake & Cockhorse Volume 11, No. 8, Spring 1991 Bun6ury Historicuc Society

President: The Lord Saye and Sele

Chairman: Dr. J.S. Rivers, Homeland, Middle Lane, , Banbury (tel. 0295 730672)

Deputy Chairman: J.S.W. Gibson, F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S.

Editor of Cake and Cockhorse D.A. Hitchcox, 1 DoPchester Grove, Banbury OX16 OBD (tel. 0295 253733)

Hon. Secretary: Hon. Treasurer : Ms. Julia Nicholson, M.A., G.J.S. Ellacott, F.C.A., Sanbury Museum, 3 Deers Farm, , 8 Horsefair, Banbury OX15 4DS Banbury OX16 OAA (tel. Home 0295 258493; (tel. 0295 259855). Business 0295 250401).

Programme Secretary : Hon. Research Adviser: Xiss P. Renold, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., J.S.W Gibson, 51 Woods tock Close, Harts Cottage, OX2 8DD Church Hanborough, (tel: 0865 53937). Oxford OX7 2AB (tel. 0993 882982).

Committee Members: Mrs. J.P. Bowes, Mr. A. Essex Crosby, Miss F4. Stanton, Mr. H. White.

Details of the Society's activities and publications will be found on the back cover.

Front cover: Detail from "The Canvass", one of the famous series of four pictures by Hogarth deplcting the course of an election, and actually based an the 1754 Oxfordshire election. Cake and Cockhorse

The Magazine of the Banbury Historical Society issued three times a year

Volume 11 Number 8 Spring 1991

Shelia Stewart Book Review - A Testimony of her Times based on Penelope Hind's Diaries and Correspondence 1787-1838. 181

J.S.W. Gibson The 1754 Election in North Oxfordshire 183

Annual Report, 1990 and Revenue Accounts for the year ended 31 December 1990 21 5

Brion Little Report of December 1890 Historical Society Meeting - The Railway between Hatton and Banbury in the 1950's R.J. Blenkinsop 216

BOOK REVIEW A Testimony of her limes: based on Penelope Hind's Diaries and Correspondence, 1787-1838, Sarah Markharn. Published by Michael Russell Wilton, 1990, x, 246pp., illus. f15.95.

There are some intriguing glimpses of country life in Sarah Markham's A Testimony of her Times. Old Dame Picket, who swept the tiles of 'her sweet and sacred abode' with a swan's wing. Penelope's sbep-brother, John Loveday, moving house to Williams- cote byccal, the only casualty being some valuable china 'when a crane broke on it when unloading a barge at wharf.' There are interesting allusions to the new invention of steam-sail ships, the craze for ballooning, the dissatisfaction with the goings-on at the English Court, the fear of a country parson's household in facing up to the terror-gangs of the Tythe riots, and the need to employ a Neighbourhood Watch-man to deter the vandals and burglars. For the majority of her life Penelope, or 'Pen' as Sarah Markham calls her throuqhout this book, was a parson's wife and

181 lived in the of Findon in Sussex. Her beloved invalid sister, Miss Sarah Loveday, lived with them. Pen had no children and lived her life mainly through those who ministered unto her, her faithful servants and their children who served her and her husband and her sister with devoted affection. I regret that, despite her position as the parson's wife, she hardly ever ventured beyond this small compass of relationships into discovering for herself the wider world of the parish outside. The book will certainly interest those studying the domestic relationships of the period, those who know the names of the famil- ies and places she mentions, and those who are interested in the development of children's speech and behaviour. She enjoyed the infant company and progress of the servant's children. Her description,of Lucy's first attempt to walk is delightful: (p.137).. 'From the window in my room Sarah and I have been watching little Lucy Miles performing the great feat of walking alone, the nurse and Martha Taylor standing some yerds apart and she toddling from one to the other with a haste beyond good speed .... She did not seem aware that once set a'going she could stop for anything till she reached either for her goals; so, tempted to cast a hasty side- look at some chickens asshe paced on, she was off her balance and dropped, but raised herself, chuckled at her hurtless tumble, and again trotted on. On our calling to her from the window she looked UP and, not able to attend to us and her feet at the same time, dropped again, but presentlywas. on her feet and spinning away like a tetotum'. 'Pen' died in 1846 at the age of eighty-seven, old enough to have been courted in her youth by 'a survivor of the crew who sailed round the worldwith Captain Cook'. She must have been rather ugly in old aqe, having neglected her teeth so that one which protruded was 'out of doors' according to one of the children. lhe fact that Pen records this remark against her appearance with amusement reveals one of the attractions of her character; but, on the whole, I did not warm to her as a diarist. I suppose it is inevitable when an author summarises another's diaries the original persona becomes somewhat distanced from the reader and the author's own personality is revealed. It was Sarah Markham's warm affection for her subject, and my admiration for the meticulous care she has taken in condensing Pen's twenty-eight volumes of diaries and letters into A Testimony of Her limes that kept me reading to the end.

Sheila Stewart

Note: Although this book has no direct connection with the Banbury area, its subject, like the author, was born a Loveday, two of a family who have contributed much to Banburyshire over the past two centuries. Mrs. Markham, a member of our Society, earlier wrote a widely- acclaimed biography of Penelope's father, John Loveday of Caversham.

182 THE 1754 ELECTION IN NORTH OXFORDSHIRE Although before 1831 parliamentary franchise was limited, those entitled to vote for the two County Members were still numerous. All 40s. free- holders might vote, whether or not they were resident in the county. This made elections so expensive for the candidates that those involved sought to avoid them, by agreements which meant Members could be returned unop- posed. The boroughs were left to the Whigs, the more prestigious county representation to the Tories. For 1754 this agreement broke down, and the contest of that year became Oxfordshire's most famous parliamentary election. It left a ple- thora of printed matter, pamphlets and poll books, and one lasting result was the county's first successful newspaper, Jackson's oxford Journal. Its history is recounted in detail by R.J. Robson in The Oxfordshire Flection of 1754: A Study in the Interplay of City, County and Univer- sity Politics (, 1949) and by G.H. Dannatt in the Archive Teaching-Unit of the same main title (Oxfordshire C.C., 1970). The Borough of Banbury had its own Member, who was elected solely by the eighteen members of the Corporation, normally voting in the (Whig) interest of the North family of . However, many Banbury residents were 40s. freeholders, and thus had a say in the election of County Members, just as did their neighbours in the villages around. In 1754 we are able to see where their political allegiance lay. The poll was any- thing but secret. Poll books were printed after the election showing just how each person had voted. Manuscript canvassing lists, compiled in the months prior to the election, also survive. And there are many accounts of pre-election meetings in newspapers and pamphlets. The body of this article is made up of onc such report, two canvassing lists of north Oxfordshire freeholders, and a facsimile reprint of one of the poll books, for the Hundreds of Banbury and Bloxham. The Tory, or Old Interest, candidates were Viscount Wenman of Thame (an Irish peer) and Sir James Dashwood of Park. Both had before represented the City of Oxford in the Commons. Dashwood was a major landowner in the north of the county, able to ride from Kirtlington to Banbury on his own land. The candidates of the Whigs, or New Interest, were Sir Edward Turner of and Lord (Thornas) Parker, son of the Earl of Macclesfield, A colourful Whig supporter was Lady Susan Keck, wife of Anthony Keck of Great Tew. Lady Susan rode all over the north of the county canvassing. Most of the election activity seems to have taken place elsewhere in the county, but there was one notorious affair in February 1754 which became known as the Battle of Chipping Norton. This had been preceded at Banbury by an incident described in Jackson's Oxford Journal of 2 Febru- ary 1754 and in a subsequent pamphlet. [J.O.J. 40. iii] On Monday last, Lord Parker and Sir Edward Turner, gave a splendid Enter- tainment to the Freeholders of the Town and Neighbourhood of Banbury: there was present, the Duke of Marlborough, great numbers of Gentlemen, and more than 400 Freeholders; upon this Occasion, Mr. Sansbury, the worthy Mayor, complimented his Grace and the Candidates with the Use of two magnificent Silver Punch Bowls, which, altho' very large, were fre- quently replenish'd, to the many loyal Healths proposed by that numerous 183 :' ... tuo magnificent Silver Punch Bouls..." The punch bowls and the borough's tuo maces uere sold in 1835 by the unreformed Corporation to the Marquess of Bute. of Yroxton Abbey, to liquidate their debt. This photograph, from the second edition of Potts' "History of Ban- bury" (1978), must date from the sale of 1923.

Detail from "The Feast". one of the famous series of four pictures by Hogarth depicting the course of an election. actually based on the 1754 Oxfordshire election.

184 Assembly. The Evening concluded with the greatest Signs of JOY and Victory, notwithstanding the mean Artifices that were used to raise a Disturbance by the Friends of the opposite Party. IBodleian Library: GA Oxon. 8O.927.1 New Interest Moderation or a Short Account of Some Fxtraordinary Proceedings at BANBURY on the Tuenty-Fighth of last Month and at CHIPPING NORTON on the First Instarrt. Seeing in Mr. Jackson's Journal of the Second Instant, an Account of an Entertainment given by the New Interest Candidates, on Monday, the Twenty-Eighth of January at Banbury, and as his Correspondent for want of better Information (to put no worse Construction upon it) hath, therein, omitted several Particulars, I have drawn up, and here present you with, a plain Recital of the Transactions of that memorable Meeting, that the World may no longer remain in Ignorance, or be deceived by false Insin- uations. I need not mention who of the New Interest Chiefs were present; that having been done already. Let it suffice, that an Entertainment was provided, by them, at four several Houses for Tag-rag and Bobtail; in short, for any one that would partake of it: and those summoned and collected from all Parts of the Country; many of whom were paid for their Attendance and services, as will anon manifestly appear. Lord Wenman and Sir James Dashwood being then attending Parliament, some of their Friends thought proper to invite the Freeholders in their Interest only to partake of a little good Cheer at seven other Houses: principally for the sake of keeping them out of Harm's Way.* No Disturbance of any sort tiappen'd till ccrtain Chiefs sallied out at the Head of their Mob, who were mostly armed with Bludgeons, and entering tumultuously a yard belonging to a House where some of the Old Interest Freeholders were entertained: One of whom was foolishly ask'd, by one of the Candidates, what was the Matter7 who answered, surely you Sir Ed--- must know that best. The Ostler, who was littering his Horses in the Stable, hearing a Noise, and coming out, with his Prong in his Hand, to see the Occasion of it, was immediately knocked down, seized, and carried to the Town Jail, for having, as they said, an unlawful Weapon in his Hand. Pray, are Bludgeons lawful weapons? I shall make no Reflection upon the Justice of this Proceeding, but shall leave it to be discuss'd by my candid Readers. When by their Behaviour, as it is imagined, they thought they had sufficiently enraged the People, they withdrew to some other Part of the Town; but soon after met a Check for their Insolence: For it is certain that one of the Candidates had his Head broken in the Fray. The next Morning two Men were taken up, and carried before the Mayor, Recorder, etc. assembled at the Town Hall; as was, likewise, the poor Man who had been confin'd all Night; but no one appearing against them, after being detained there for a considerable 'Time, they were released.

~~ * Before the New Interest Chiefs went round the Town, their Mob was collected together and Marshalled in the Yard belonging to the Thxe- Tuns; being first order'd to March Man by Man before the commanding Officers, and as they passed by, each Person, who was unprovided, had a Bludgeon and Six-pence presented to him; for what Purpose, the Events of that Day plainly demonstrated. 185 I have asserted that the Mob was hired; and do again aver It: TO evince the Truth of which, the Masons who were at work for Lady Dalkeith at as the Candidates, etc., passed by in their way to Banbury, make no Scruple of declaring that they bargained with them for a Guinea down. and a Guinea more when they came to Banbury, which was paid them accordingly. This is a slight sketch of the New Interest Proceedings at Banbury; and tho' bad they are, I believe those at Chipping Norton will be thought much worse... [The remaining four pages of the pamphlet are devoted to Chipping Norton. Cordeaux and Merry's Oxfordshire bibliography lists as item 730, "Old interest fury; or, A full and true account of some extraordinary proceed- ings.. .at Banbury.. .and Chipping Norton." 1754, 15pp., in the British Library (no further reference). Unfortunately I have had no opportunity to compare this (doubtless conflicting) report.] So much for the physical side of electioneering. Two canvassing lists survive in family collections, respectively in the Old Interest (Tory), prepared for William Taylor of Williamscote, and in the New Interest (Whig), in the North (of Wroxton) Manuscripts at the Bodleian Library. The more important is in the Loveday of Williamscote archive, - lished by kind permission of our member Mrs Sarah Markham. Mrs Markham is daughter of the late Dr Thomas Loveday of Williamscote and is descended from William Taylor (d. 1772), who assumed the additional name of Loder. Probably associated with it is another document in this archive, a 1753 tax assessment list of Banbury inhabitants, which we hope also to print in due course. This canvassing list, for Banbury Hundred, is much longer than that in the North MSS. Around 150 voters are listed for the Borough of Banbury alone. For this section I was able to research those listed, so details of occupation and date of death are added. The other places covered (with about 350 voters listed) are Cropredy, the Bourtons, Pres- cote, , Coton, Williamscote, , Claydon, , ; Charlbury, Fawler and Finstock. Quite apart from its length, the comments on likely voting intentions make this a fascinating document (and will probably ring a sympathetic bell with readers who have them- selves been involved in canvassing). That in the North Collection, now in the Bodleian Library, was pre- pared for the New Interest (Whig). This (in two parts) lists 92 free- holders: 28 with land in Bourton Field, mostly living in Great or Little Bourton; in a place written as 'Shelford' but is in fact Shutford; Bals- cot; Wroxton; and elsewhere. Taken together one gets the impression that the Tories had a far more efficient election organisation than the Whigs, which probably reflects their land ownership in the area. The canvass lists show the voting intentions, so far as could be ascertained. The printed poll books, from which the sections for the Hundreds of Banbury and Bloxham (effectively the northern part of the county) are reproduced, published after the election, show the way people actually voted. In fact whether they had the right qualification in the first place was sometimes still in dispute. There are at least two print-ed versions of the poll, published by supporters of the opposing Parties; Cordcaux and Merry's bibliography lists six. The interest to the present day local and family historian is in the names printed, and what in addition to their political persuasion is revealed about these lndlviduals. The facsimile is taken from that printed at 'the Theatre'. 186 What is of importance, not shown in the canvassing lists, is the in- clusion of the actual occupier of the property which gives its freehold owner the franchise. These people had no vote, but, that could easily be the coincidence of occupying leasehold rather than freehold Property; they might well be prosperous and influential - and even if not, they were still living in the place, which was not necessarily the case for their landlords. I have resisted the temptation to make any detailed analysis of the voting patterns, or this article might be delayed another ten years. The lists are there for readers to draw their own conclusions. The figures themselves reveal the extent of freehold possession more than political leanings, an early indication of the 'open' and 'closed' which are an important aspect of local history studies. Villages such as Broughton, Hanwell and Wroxton, with one dominant landowner, had very few voting freeholders. In contrast, those places (outside Banbury and ) with the most voters (all in Bloxham Hundred) include, as well as large villages such as Adderbury and Bloxham, less obvious places: Bodicote, Wigginton, and, particularly, the - and all wit-h Whig majorities. In Banbury Hundred the villages with most freeholders were Great Bour- ton, Claydon (both Tory) and Wardington (even). Banbury and Neithrop themselves were Tory but with significant Whig minorities (89 to 58). What these numbers do reveal is that political influence in county elections did not directly relate to land ownership, as the fewer the freeholders in a place, the fewer the votes. This could to an extent be replaced by the power of patronage and custom, but with not nearly such effect and certainty as in the rotten boroughs, where franchise was confined to a small self-perpetuating number (Banbury is an excellent example) or depopulated pocket boroughs with only a handful of voting freeholders. Thus the Norths could return their selected Member for Banbury (with plenty of sweeteners for the fortunate eighteen aldermen and burgesses), but Wroxton only produced one vote for the County Member. No attempt has been made to correlate these three lists. Comparison of the names will provide a salutary reminder of the discrepancies to be found in spelling, quite apart from the possibility of greater errors. On occasion it may also reveal changes of allegiance. Its greatest interest is to show some of the people who lived or at least owned freehold property in the Banbury area at a time when other population listings 3re rare. In the total vote in the county, Wenman polled 2,033; Dashwood, 2,014; Parker, 1,919; and Turner, 1,890. On the face of it, the Old Int-erest had a narrow majority. However, the scrutiny demanded by the Whigs and the subsequent action of the Sheriff in returning all four candidates meant that the House of Commons was left to settle a disputed election. This turned on obscure legal rulings on the interpretation of freehold and its voting qualification. Eventually, a year and a day later, the Whig House of Commons overturned the apparent result and returned Lhe New Interest candidates .. At the next General Election, in 1761, Oxfordshire preferred compro- mise to contest, and returned Dashwood in the Old Interest, Slr Charles Spencer, a brother of the Duke of Marlborough, in the New. Jererny Gibson Acknouledgmcnts. I uould like to thank staff at Oxfordshire Archives and oxford ~~~a\ Studies Library for help in identifying the poll book from which the facsimile is taken. 187 From Loveday of Yilliamscote Archives, canvassing list prepared for William Taylor. Transcriber's Note. Entries in square bracKets are written in pencil in the original. under 'Vote'. W = Wenman; D = Dashwood; P = Parker; T = Turner; 3 =Dubious; N =Neuter.

Oxfordshire. An Account of the Several Freeholders within the Borough of Banbury ard the Hundred of Banbury, who have Forty Shillings a Year & upwards, and are assea [SIC] to the Land Tax; And of such Freeholders who are Possessed of Forty Shlll17gs a Year and upwards and are not assessed to the Land Tax, Wit'h an Acccunt of Such as are Under Age, or otherwise Disqualified from Voting. Borough of Banbury [those holding land in Neithrop as ?yell are asterisked] Freeho Lders ' Places Vote Observations Occupation Bur. !+'ill lives o,f Abode and Queries (from parish reqs. i Pr.

Abdy, -- [W D] 7 where he lives and which for Aplir., Berjanin Banbury P T Lately appointed attorney 1773 PCC steward Lady Dalkeith Appletree, John [W D] Saker, Joseph Ban bury 7 is his Freehold breechesmaker 1769 worth 40s. a year. Wd. be PT, no Vote. Baker, 'rhomas do. [W Dl Will give no body an breechesmaker 1780 PCB answer, it is appre- hended will stay at home Barnes, Robert do. WD parish clerk 1785 Barres, William WD Yarretr, Cilliam do. WD carrier 1783 PCC Barnitt. -- ?how long as he p'chasd. Is supposrd if a vote to be PT [3irCh, George do. P Tl Bennit. Michael do. 3 An old man and very baker 1757 PCB odd, has formerly promised to vote WD; it is thought not to vote at all Berry, William do. WD slatter 1755 PCB [Bloxai, Richard do. W Dl malts ter 1776 PCB Bloxam/Bloxham, John' do. PT sawyer/joiner 1772 Sloxam, Nathaniel do. PT No vote wool-comber 1780 Bloxhan, Thomas do. PT joiner 1760 3off:r., Lucas do. WD Boyer, -- Lcrndon PT [3radfcrd, William Banbury P Tl 'Jradfcrd, Thorras do. WD J.P., alderman 1760 PCC Burden, Janes do. PT Its presumed will be shoemaker 1755 Ssrfcr?, Edward. do. 3 Its thought he wont apothecary, MD 1787 PCB vore. apothecary adrford, Richard do. WD gent. 1782 PCC [Fiyrio?, Idvdrd N'hants. P Tl Rurges , 'Ynomas Banbury ? is his Freehold gardener 1772 worth 40s. a year; or baker 1793 wd. be WD, no vote. Surton, Edmund London WD Busby, Edward Banbury PT A Quaker 1781 iL:ler, Willlam do. WD garter-weaver; 1768 PCB innholder, victualler adtler, John do. PT slater 1765 PCB Cal lcot t , 'Wi 11 lam. do. PT yeoman, Neithropl759 PCB But:er, Timothy Neithrop PT A Quaker 1765 [kller ir? registers] isa Borough of Banbury continued Freeholders ' Places vote Observations Occupation Bur. Will Names of Abode and beries (from parish Pew. I l+. Calcott. Richard Banbury D T blacksmith 1778 pcc Calloway, Richard do. WD jersey-weaver 1779 PCB [Callow in registers] Cartwright, Aynhoe, See other places in Wllliar, Esqr. N'hants. the Cuntrey Chamberlaine, William Banbury ? If Wheeler the barber/ tailor 1768 goes, who its thoughr will vote PT, Chamberlain will vote WD, else will stay at home, its pre- sumed; if wanted may be prevail'd on to go, WD. Ckarlcs. [Willian] do. PT Charles. Richard do. WD PT Was WD till Lady S.K. 1788 PCB took his son Clarson, Henry do. WD ?vintner; J.P.1780 PCC Clarson. Samuel do. WD senior Alderman and J.P. 1794 Cope, Sir Jonathan See their Votes in Cope, Sir Monoux some parts ye County Councer, -- Bloxham See Bloxham's list Crapley [Cropleyl, Banbury N gent. 1757 PCB William Dawks, Thomas do. WD 7 Is his house is own. victualler 1760 PCB He says it is. Deacle, William N Deacle, John do. PT ? If any freehold in Oxon. It is said no vote; the house is Wm. Deaclename. Dent, Charles do. IP Tl ? Is his estate 40s. a year Doyley, Robert do. WD gent. 1763 Doyley, Sttyhrn do. WD Doyley, Thomas do. WD NO vote tallow chandler 1766 Dumbleton, -- do. PT Quaker Elder, -- do. WD It's thought will be WD Elkington, Edward Cropredy WD Evans. John M' tin Cheney P T Fowler. John Banbury P T Gardner, Samuel do. WD grazier; innholder 1764 PCB Gardner, Valentine do. WD Gardner, Robert do. WD baker 1765 Gardner, Robert Sulgrave ? [W D erased] Gascogine [sic], Rd Banbury W D Gilkes, John do. PT maltster; grazier 1770 PCB Gill, Pere nr Evesham, Worcs W D Gibberd, Revd.John Waddon, Bucks P T Goodwin. Francis Banbury W D tanner; JP b Chamberlain of Borough 1763 PCC Grant, John do. P T Sansbury's servant Governor of the Workhouse; yeoman 1768 PCB Grant, John Bodicote [P T] see Bodicote Greenhall, William Banbury W D Gulliver, John do. ?his is houseis own or his Mothers. Is apprehended has no vote, if has will be PT. Gunn, William. do. 7 First promised WD. [see Neithrop] has since been at Treats on the other Side, tls thought yet will Vote WD. W Dl

189 Borough of Banbury continued Freeholders Places Vote Observations Occupation Bur. Will Na-es of Abode and Queries (from parish reqs.) Pr. Hampton, George Banbury PT MA; dissenting minister 1796 PCB Hams, John do. WD 1754 Handes, Benjamin do. carpenter 1771 Hawtln, Joseph' do. N An old man, Blind; brazier 1757 ag.74 tis thought will stay at home. is Inclinations are P T. [HugheS, John W Dl ? farmer of Wykham 1778 PCB Haycock, Lewis N Haynes, Thomas Banbury PT A Quaker ironmonger 1756 -Herb_ert. -- Broughton WD Hirons, William, Senr. Banbury WD 1758 PC9 or tallow-chandler 1762 or tanner, Neithrop 1772 PCC Hopkins, William do. WD Horseman, John do. WD barber 1784 PCB [Thorp, Samuel Dray ton Janeso:. , John Banbury PT painter 1768 PCY Jarviss. John do. WD garter-weaver 1759 PCB Kecning, Richard do. WD surgeon 1755 Keniizg, Robert. do. WD 7 if he has a Vote Lambert, William' do. N Has been with Lady SK/ fellmonger 1760 PCB and is supposed to be PT Lenbert, Richard do if he has 40s. P am./ ?cooper 1784 Tis thought he wd. be or butcher 1792 PCB Eaisely prevd* Lamprey, John do. PT clockmakcr 1759 PCB Lane, Jaines do. WD gent. 1780 PCB Lane, John do. WD shoemaker 1760 or grocer/gent 1779 PCC Long, Andrew do. WD apothecary 1754 Long, William do. WD gent . 1785 PCC Lucas, George do. WD innholder 1767 PCB May, Janes do. WD Jersey-comber 1766 Neman, John do. PT master shag/ 1775 PCC [see Hodgkins b Eloxham, Banbury and Shutford Plush1 plush weaver Osborn, Job do. WD locksmith 71800 Overton, [John) do. P T Quaker Owen, -- P T Dead who is his Heir Pain, John Banbury W D gent 1773 PCB Pargeter, William do. WD tailor 1766 Pedley, Hunphrey do. PT tailor ,1785 PCB Perryn, -- Giles s Wycomb W D [Neithropl Pettypher, James Banbury W D shoemaker 1777 PCB Reynolds, Michael do. [PI N Quaker 1758 Reynolds, Thos Baker do. WD baker 1762 PCB Roberts, Samuel do. WD innholder 1763 PCB Rowley, Robert do. 4-4- [PT] staymaker Russell, William Bodicote see Bodicote Rymill, Robert. Banbury W D gent. 1794 Rymill. John. do. WD baker 1785 Sale, Samuel do. WD weaver; dyer 1760 Sansbury, Samuel Mbyor]* dn. P T Suppose will stay athome J.P. 1758 PCC Shurley, William Kites Hardwick, W D ?[if] this man'sname ?dyer 1773 Warw. is Shurly or Cleaver

190 Borough of Banbury continued Freeholders ' Places Vote Observations Occupation Eur. Will Names of Abode and Queries (from parish regs.) pr. Solden, [Corbetl Winchester W D Solden. -- do. WD Spires, Samuel' Banbury P T Spurrer, Berrl. do. PT ironmonger 1775 PC3 [Spurritt/Spurrett, Bernard, In registers] Stone, Thomas Banbury P 7 Quaker 1769 Tolbott, John do. WD senr. 1797 [Talbot in registers] 'Tatam. Revd. Robert Fenny WD Compton, Warw. Taylor, William Banbury W D Dead rna 1t s t er 1754 PCB Terry, James do. PT toyman 1757 PCB Towsey, Edward -- N 1784 [Towersey in registers] Tredwell, Robert Banbury W D Twisleton, Esqr. Broughton See Broughton Tylor. Robert Banbury 1769 PCB or Robert Taylor, shoemaker 1761 PCB Walker, -- Bodico t e See Bodicote if not the same as wrote off Wardle. Revd. John' Banbury N See Bourton, Neithrop,/ MA, Vicar ofB. 1758 & several other places where he as a Vote; thought will Vote WD. Webster, John do. PT baker 1760 [Wells. G. London P T] Thought will vote WD Wells, Thomas Culworth ?if a Vote if his houses are taxed. Its thought riot. Welchnan, -- London 7 Welchman, John Brackley W D See Encham Wheat ley , Thomas Banbury W D See Bourton ironmonger 1775 [Wilson, John Bodicote W D] Wheeler, Harvey Banbury ? barber 1763 PCB West, Revd. Samuel Maidford, N N'hants. Wild, William Banbury P T flax/hemp-dresser 1781 PCB Wise, Joseph do. PT eldest serjeant at mace 1755 PCB Woodfield, Richard do. WD mercer 1758 PCB Wright. William do. WD journeyman tanner 1763 Wyatt, William do. WD slatter 1761

W = 61; D = 62; P = 36; T = 37; 3 = 8; N = 9 An Account of Freeholders at Banbury worth 40s. a Year and upwards and assessed to the Land Tax, whose Owners at Present have no Votes. Box, -- . A Minor under Age. ? where he lives. Fox, Charles, Esqr., of Chalcomb, N'hants. A Minor. to whom Gregory's Gardens Belong. to whom Jarvisses House Belong. Of London. Gunn. Samuel. A Minor. Lamley. -- . A Minor. Neal, Fulk. A Minor. [Occurs in registers, but no burial.] Thorp. -- . A Widow. Wells, -- . do. Wilson, -- . A roman Catholick. The parsons Barn yard Belonging to a Minor. Seasants Tenements make a Vote, to whom they Belong if not to one of King Sutton. The Blue Boar Makes a Vote, 7 to whom it belongs. Leaver, -- , widow. She and her Daughter have a Freehold at Banbury, the daughter is Lately Married. ? to whom. Of Oxford. 191 Neithrop [those holding land in Banbury as well are omitted - see Banbury above] Freeholders ' Places Vote Observations Occupation Bur. Will Names of Abode and @cries (from parish regs.) pr. [Aris, Edward Neithrop P T] Barber, Edward, Esq. Adderbury see Adderbury 9at-ne5, William Bodicote see Bodicote Suchnal, Wm., Esqr. Oxhay nr St Albans PT Burmil, -- Neithrop P T Burton, Edmund London Calcot, William Neithrop W D yeoman 1759 PCB Charles, Richard Drayton see Banbury [described as 'of Banbury' there] Chields, [Rd. 1 Neithrop a Minor Claridge, Willlam ? where he lives Crosse, Revd., at Cannington nr Bridgewater, Som. WD Very like to be Neutral Dashwood, Sr James Kirtlington see other places Deeds, -- at some Coll, Oxon 7 if at age Dixon, -- PT Steward to Ear' Brooke Eadowes, George Adderbury P T Elder, John Neithrop W D Gibbard, Revd Tim. PT Gibbard, Thomas Neithrop P T gent., alderman 1790 PCB Goodd:n, Revd Nath. nr Salisbury N An old man like to be N. Coldby, John Nei throp gardener 1773 [Cough, -- Neithrop W D] Gougt?, -- see Souldern Grapt, Thomas Neithrop W D weaver 1758 Gunn, Richard do. PT 1761 Gum, John do. WD 1774 Cunn, Richard, Eden'son do. W D 1776 PCB Gum, Willian do. PT farmer 1775 PCC Jones, Richard High Wycombe 3 how he will vote Keel, Obadiah Banbury [W D] victualler 1766 Palmer, Thomas do. WD weaver 1780 PCB Rosse. John, Revd. Cropredy see Cropredy Russel, William Bodicote see Bodicote [TLllarp 3 Banbury P Tl Sabin, Paul London ? who this man is Souyham, Richard Neithrop P T 1767 Thorp, Samuel Banbury P T laceman 1762 PCC Treddel?. Richard Swalcliffe see Swalcliffe Venners, Henry Warwick see Bodicote [Wells, John W 01 Wal ford, Thomas Sibford see Sibford bJebs:er. William Neithrop W D farmer 1786 Whigh tcrick , Pe :er do. WD Peter Wigh:wick, wheelwight 1755 PCB Wilsor:, -- -- , Yks 9 about him, he marrd. Mr Burdett's widow You:ck, Thas., senr. Blockley W D Youlck, Thos., jun?. Neithrop W D gent. 1790

W = 11; D = 11; P = 11; T = 11; 3 = 1; N = 1 One Stroud of Neithrop pretends to a Vote at Woodstock ? if true & how he votes. There is also one Wm. Sharpe a Gardner from Greatworth, N'hants., who about a year ago p'chasd. a freehold at Neithrop by which he retends to have a Vote, and has Promised to w D. 7 if a Vote and how long p'chass . He is a Man not to be dependedon. No more Freehplders at Neithrop worth 40s. a year either assessed to the Land Tax or not.

192 Freeho lders ' Nmes Abode Vote Freeholders ' Names Abode Vote Cropredy Bourtons continued Anker, Samuel Cropredy Hows, John Bour tons PT 3 if a Vote. CollegeLease for3 Lives. Hughes. Job warnington WD Bloxham, -- do. Kenning, Richard Banbury (See) do. [Kimbel, John London ? T] Boothby, Sr William In the Army P T Kimbel, John Bourton WD[PTl Daniel, Willian Southam, Warw. W D Luckkuck, John do. Hunt, Thomas Cropredy WD No vote ' Lanprey, Johr! do. WD Rosse, Revd. John Cropredy (see) Mansel!, Nehemiah do. WD Southam, James. Senr. Bourtons WD Head. Edward do. WD Southam, James, Junr. do. WD liosse, Revd. John do. N Stanton, Mat thias do. WD Wyatt, Joseph do. WD Tims, William do. WD Turner, -- Milton (see) Freeholders at Cropredy having40s.P'ann Verney, Grivell cllfton (see) b b upwards not assessed to ye Land Tax. Walford, Thomas Sibford (see) Andrews, William Coton by Wardington Walker, -- Adderbury Tomms, William Cropredy 3 who he will vote for Wardal, Revd. John Banbury (see) Bourtons Watts, John Cropredy WD Allen, John Huscott Mill W D Watts, Joseph Bourton WD Al!en, Thomas Bourton PT Weaver, Ezra do. WD Allet, John Bourtons WD Wheatly, Thomas Banbury (see Allet, Thonas Appletree nr W D Wyatt, William do. (see) Aston in the Walls Wyatt, Charles do. (see) Aplin, -- Banbury (see) There are no other Freeholders at Bourton Bagley, George Bourton WD worth 40s. Per Annum. Barnes, Richard do. WD Saseley, John Wormleighton P T Prescott Batchelor, William Bourton WD Danvers, Sr John Smithland, IPT] Batchelor. James Mollington WD Leicester Blencowe. William Bourton Sr Joseph his Father Dead and it is Borton, Williarn do. 4-4- [P T] thought Sr John will vote P T Borton, Thonas Horley WD Boucher, John Bourton No other Freehold of any sort at Prescott Bowers, -- W D Wardington Checkley, Thomas Bourtons WD Checkley, Hawtin Wardington (see) Allet, Job , N'hts P T Cherry, Richard Bourtons PT Arnold. Thomas Wardington N Cherry, William do. WD Batman, Daniel Chipp [Warden] P T [Eagles. Pere(711 [W DI Bennet, John Chalcombe WD Eagles, -- Wardington WD Blackemore, Thomas Cropredy WD Eagles, John Cropredy Blencowe, Nathl. Chalcombe PT A ninor Lately been at Tew, b promised P T Fairbrother, William Bourtons WD Bull, Alban Chalcombe WD Fairbrother, Richard do. WD Checkley, Hawtin Wardington PT French, Samuel do. 3 Cole, Richard do. if he as a Vote. His Father is dead and he has not 40s. French, Richard do. ? a year Freehold Was PT, biit as he works for Mr Fair- Cole, Richard Coton brother there tls thought will be WD A Minor French, Jere. Bourtons Coleman, John Wardington DT :f 40s. a year. No. No Vote. Cross, Anthony Wilscott WD Gardner, Ceorge Bourtons WD Danvers, Richard Wardington [WD] Goodwin, Benjamin do. PT Holds iswife's Joyntbya forrnerHusband Goodwin, Joseph do. WD Denton. George, Esqr. Wardington D T Hall, Thomas do. WD [Eagles, Jno(3) W D1 Hernmings. Peter do. WD Eden, John Wardington [p T]

193 Fpeeko :ders ' Names Abode Vote Freeholders ' Names Abode Vote Wardington continued Wardington continued French, Edmund Market Harbro W D Freeholders in Wardington having 40s. a Gardner, Thomas Wardington WD year 6 upwards b not assessed to the He rents some woods Bucks of NewC Oxon Land Tax It will be p'per for the ward" to write :o him again Ainge, William Wardington Ainge, Davi do. Gardner, John Wardington [W] D F Gardner, Ceorge Crop redy WD Gardner, Simon do. Gardner, William do. Gibbs, James Souldern (see) Giles, Edward do. Gill, John Wardington PT Giles, John do. PT Heartwell, Thomas do. Lovel, Richard do. A Minor Gzbbin, William w1 lscot t WD Harrio:, Revd. Helmdon, N'hts W D Rodgers, Richard do. - H?a!ey, John Wardington WD Townsend, John do. tiirons, John do. DT Townsend, Robert Byfield, N'hants. ?irons, Richard do. PT Worral, Samuel Wardington Hunr, John Wi lsco te WD Wilson, Joseph do. Jcffs. Cressencc Chalcombe PT There is a house and yard land Belongs Lord Cuilford's Butcher intended to be to Saml. Harriss of Wardington held by Yeuter Bct must vote TP his Grandmother For her Life. Lambert, William P T Coton Love!, Richard Wardington PT Yuddin, William do. PT Freeholds at Coton having 40s. a year b i'etigher, Revd. Wm. Wormleighton P T upwards b not assessed to the Land Tax. No: in possession until May 11 1753. Thos Wilks his Tenant will prove it. Cutteridge, Samuel Coton Handcock, Jonathan do. Prestage. Kimbel Culworth WD -- Reason, -- nr Barford. Warw. W D Handcock, Overthorpe #hat Town A Servant Fellow. his Mother holds Rogers. John Wardington PT part for her Life. Ross, John Cropredy (see) Knibb, Samuel Wardington Russel, Villiam Bodicote (see) Yilliamscott Sa5:n. William Wardington PT Savage, Mat thew Edgcote PT Andrews, John WllSCOtt PT Sracey, William Wardington PT Baker, Thomas S:acey, John do. PT No Body knows where he is or what he Stacey, Samuel do. PT has done with is land, Its said his Stanly, William Warkworth WD Son has a Vote Ho!ds his wives Joynture by a former Baggott, John London kusband If not convey'd to Trustees for the Tay!or als Parriss, Rd. Cropredy W D use of his Mother for Life . 'TL8tct-er.Michael Wardington [W] DT Bull, Joseph PT Humphrys, Richard Willscott WD '!orsc!l, Thomas do. WD '/.'bcey,Thomas Warmington WD Langly, John do. N Lord, Joseph do. Ward. Wn., Senr. Wardington PT Lord, Benjamin Middleton C. W D 'Aord, '$3.. Junr. do. PT Moss, Richard Wilscott DT k'llkes. Thones do. WD Wyh:t, William Banbury (see) Pedley, Nathaniel WD WYatt. John Thorpe Mandeville W D Smith, -- Byfield WD Taylor, William w1 llscott WD lhere is one John Wykes of Wardington, He as a Vote also at Alkerton Mr Chauncy's Bailiff, who Married the *widow Franck & Holds the Joynture made Freeholders at Willscott having 40s. a b her by Former Husband of Alkerton in Year and upwards not assessed to the B!oxbam Hundred b will Vote PT Land Tax Bryant, Widow, or Wright Byfield 7 to whom this belongs Drake, Thomas w1 lscott Its said his Mother holds it For life. Freeholders ' Names Abode Vote Freeholders ' Names Abode Vote Williamscott continued Claydon continued Goodman, -- Cottages at Claydon having Freeholds Pliveys house ? to whom it belongs worth 40s. a year and upwards & not Hunt, William Cropredy assessed to the Land Tax Lea, Frances Wilscote Beere, Owin claydon Hoss, Thonas do. Hartwell, John do. Pedley, Richard do. Wells, Thomas do. Wheeler, William do. White, Edward do. dead Svalcliffe Clattercote Arnold, Revd' New Coll Oxon W D Calcot, Richd. Swalcliffe Cartwright, Wm., Esqr. Aynoe (see Shutford) See other places Hirons, -- Woodstock PT Claydon Hidgcoe, John Swalcliffe WD Matthews, Josh. Swalcli ff e Astel, Josiah Claydon WD (see ) Is the Honl. Mr Spencer Tent., wad. Matthews, Thomas do. therefore Chuse to stay at home, But (see Tadmarton ) if wanted will Vote WD Morrey, John do. Astel, John Claydon WD (see Horley) Beere, George Warmington- WD Smith, Thomas do. ? [W D] Buswell, John WD ?if he has a Vote Buswill, Martin WD Summerton, Edmund do. WD [both] Were WD suposd* to be so still Tredwell, Richard Ladbrook, Warw. V D Cartwright, Wm., Esqr. Aynoe Wise, William Swalcliffe Mill see some other places Wykham, Wn., Esqr. A Minor Collins, Jos. Claydon PT A Quaker Freeholders at Swalcliffe Having 40s. a Daviss, William do. W-D- Year and Upwards and not assessed to the [French, Samuel Bourton P Tl Land Tax Freeman, Thomas Horley WD Green, John a Mason Swalcliffe Griffin, Richard Farnborough WD Loggin, Edmund do. Harriss, Anthony Claydon N Holds by a Lease from New Coll Oxon Haslewood, Barnabas do. WD renewable every 4 years Hatton, [Wm.] WD Turner, -- do. Hawten' John Avon Dasset W D Holds also by a Lease of some Coll. Hawton, Henry Oxon Hill, Thomas Claydon WD Wheatley, Widow do. Holbech, Wm., Esqr* Farnborough W D ?If not sold & to whom Justinian Hunt of Cropredy is dead, he had a Vote at Claydon, ? Wr his wife Shutford for has all the Land, her Life, or his Alcock, Nicholes Senr. Shutford P T Son Knibb, James Claydon WD Alcock, Nicholas Junr. do. PT Loggin, John Chalcombe WD Alcock, Samuel do. WD Montgonery , Frans' Wormleighton P T Calcott, Richard Swalcliffe WD Orton, George Claydon WD Dean, Thomas Shutford PT Deeley, Isaac do. Rosse, John, Revd. Cropredy (see) See Barton in Wootton Hund., where he Savage, William Claydon WD is PT Somes, William Ranstrop, N'hts W D Southam, George D Ellis, Samuel do. WD , Nicholass, John do. PT Tarver Clay don WD Wardall, Revd. John Banbury (see) Tompson, Caleb North Newington Tue, William Claydon WD Wilkes, Ancor Shutford WD Wimbush, -- Farnborough W D Winter, John do. WD [Gardner, William Adderbury P Tl ?If there was not one Johnson who was an Exciseman Marrd* a Widow in whose right he has a Vote.

195 Fpeeholders ’ Names Abode Vote Freeholders ’ Names Abode Vote Shutford continued Fawler Freeholders at Shutford having 40s. and No Freehold at Fawler upwards a year, 6 not assessed to the Finstock Land Tax Martin, John Finstock WD Alcock, Robert Shutford Alcock, Samuel do. [Warcus P Tl Berry, Robert do. No other Freehold at Finstock worth 40s. Clark, Thomas do. a year assessed to ye Land Tax, Jobson, John do. Padbury, John do. Tom ’s Names W D P T DbN ?NA Pratt, -- do. in .. Spencer, Thomas do. Banbury Hundred Taylor, William do. Banbury Borough 61 62 36 37 9 10 Wheelwright 8 Bourtons 3131552 2 Taylor, Wllliam do. Charlbury a Ma!tster 12 12 8 8 Clettercote Turner, Joseph do. Claydon 242422 1 3 Charlbury Cropredy 6611 122 Fawler Af!et, Thomas Ramsden WD Finstock nr. Charlbury 11 Neithrop 11 11 11 11 1 2 Allen, Daniel Burford PT Arrowsmith, Revd.Chars* Wilton WD Shutford nr. Charlbury 55441 11 Swalcliffe 4411 4 [Blles(’), Rd.(’) W D1 Ward 1ngton Sai!iss, Edward Charlbury WD 19 24 20 25 2 1 3 12 Co ton Busby, Parker do. WD Williamscott 5 6 2 3 1110 Cleydon, Edward Senr. do. WD Cleydon, Edward Junr. do. WD Collier, Robert do. WD Total of Votes: [Cox, John] Franklin, John do. PT Wenman 179 Harris, Richard Walcot nr. WD Dashwood 186 Charl bury Parker 90 Hawtin, John Charlbury PT Turner 97 Leigh, Roht., Esqr. do. Dubious 14 See some other place Neuter 15 Luck, Revd. D.. do. P @ere 18 [?arker on!y] Freeholders worth 40s. Moss, John do. WD P’ann & upwards not Pou?:or., -- do. PT assessed to the Ranfford, Nicholas do. WD Land Tar 42 Spinoe!ow, Edward Chilson nr. P T Charlbury Splndelow, Robert Charlbury PT Spindelow, William do. PT Tenant, Williarn do. WD Turtle, Edward WD ’ where he lives [Harvy W Dl ’ If there are not two Votes at Charlbury not set down wlll vote WD.

No more Freeholds at Charlbury worth 40s. a year assessed to ye Land Tax.

!95 Bodleian Library. North MS A.5, f.143. Treehclders ' Ycrpes Abode/Fstate Vote Freeholders Names Abode/Tstate VOLC Land in 'Boreton Field' Living at Wroxton lial 1, Yr. W D Harris, Mr. Wroxton b Lithershal: ? T Checkley. Tho. do. WD Carpenter, Willm. Horley PT Blizcowe, Willm. do. WD Grantham, Thos . P T Tinms. Willn. do. WD Living at Shenington, Glos. (now Oxon.) Allet:, Jno. do. WD Pedley, Nathanl. - WD Henmins, Peter do. WD Treadwell, Ellis South Newington P T Va: ts , Joseph do. WD . Thos. A1ker ton PD S:ar:oi, Mathias do. WD French, Wm. - PT Mr. do. 7WD :air3ro:hers, Diston, Mr. ChippingNorton D Sarner, Geo. Cropredy 'WD Soc:nam, ,arnes Grea: Bourton W D P = 35; T = 34; W = 21; D = 22; Boreton, Willm. do. PT Neuter = 1; Dountl'ul = 2. Kimboll, jno. do. PT North MS A.5, f.144. Luckuck. Jno. do. PT French, Sanl. do. PT Living at Chalcombe, N'hants. f,? len , Thos. do. PT Bull, Mr. Shotteswell W D Goodwin, Benj. do. PT Blincowe. Mr. - WD Mander, Tho. do. PT Jeffs. Cr. - PT 'Qdery if a vote' Bennet. Mr. - WD How. Jno.. senr. Little BourCon P T Loggan. Mr., curate - WD Y3ri, Jno., junr. do. PT Living at Weston, N'hants. Cnerry, Richd. do. PT Lovel, James - 12 'r hrns, R:chd. do. WD Satchelor, Willn. do. WD Living at Chipping Warden, N'hants. Wcavour, Szra do. WD Ba teman, Danl . - PT Cherry, 'Wiiln. do. WD Lambert, Willm., junr. Wardington P T Southam. James, junr. do. WD Allen. Jobb do. PT Beasley, Jno. Wormleighton P T Living at Neithrop ('Netherthorp'); only Living at Shutford ('Shelford') a few appear in the preceding list and >.lcock. Richolas, senr. Shutford P T the printed poll book; none have any Alcock, Eiicholas, junr. do. P T location of estate given. Dean, :has. Shut ford PT Southam, Richd. Pi aohnston, Mr. South Newington P T Barns, Robt. P 1' Eliis. Saml. Wroxton WD Grant, Thos. w 3 W:c:er, Jno. Shut ford WD Caulcut. Willm. Y D Dealey. Filchd. - PT Goldby, Mr. P '? Flicholls, Mr. Snutfora b PT Weightwick, Peter WD hlcock, Saml. Shutford WD Gunn, Jno., senr. wu Shepherd, Winters do. WD Eadon, Jno. \ WD 3edsley, Jno. Wormleighton/Bourton Gunn, Wm. PT 'See 3owton list' Gum, Richd. PT Montgomery, Mr. WormleightonKlaydon P T Gibbard, Thos. P? Bullard, Timothy PT Cole, Mr. Hanwell/ - PT Webster, Willm. W D Caulcott, Mr. do. / - PT Austin, Jno. P 'r Grant., Thos. do. /Bicester P T 'Query if a vote' Bl~llar.'Thos. St.otteswell/ - IhbtfU Airs ["Arrisl, Thos. HelmdonlSibford P T Yixon, Yr. Hanuell/ - do. Prat, Willm. do. / do. Neuter Living at Balscott Hariot. Mr. Helmdon/Wardington w D Gardner. Thos. Balscott PT Baker, Danl. Faulcot/ - C Gardzer, Willn. do. PT Dorell, blr..Thos. Farnford/Horsepath ? T Gardner, Richd. do. PT Walford. Mr. Jno. iongborough/'Cancum' p 'r Priss, Jno. Yarn ton PT [both] Canvass'd by Kr. Wyatt. +i.L.:rs, Ed. Ba lscot t PT White, Thos. Shotteswell/ - 3 ?Zi?bo,d, Richd. PT Cauldicut, Thos. do. / - ? T W?zg, :no. Bodicote PT P = 16; T = 16; W = 13; D = 13; Neuter = 2.

197 The Poll of the Freeholders of Ozfordshire, taken at &ford ... Aprit 1754. 5. or A. before the Names signifies Sworn or Afflrm [the latter usually indicating a Quaker]. C. after the Name, Copyhold. BANBURY H U N D R E D.

BANBURY. Place of AboL. Occiper nnd Frte!oId -1 5 s. Bdy, Thomas London Mdry Jerwis Tcncnicnt -4 Aplin, Renjainin hibury Self Ten-t I S. App!ctrec, John Deddir&on Widow Robins Ten- t2 S. Exigcr, Ovcrbury ,Banbury Widow Clerk Land S. Ba!xr. Thomas Banbury Self Ten-t S. Earns,' Ilokrt Nethrop Eh.Harcot Ten-t S. Barns, Willixn Banbury Self Ten-t S. Barnet, George Banbury Self Tcn-t 1 1 S. Barrett, William Banbury Thornas Bdrksr Ten-t S. Bennett, Michael Ban bu ry Self Tcn-t I 1 S. Birch, Jarnes Covertry -Terry Ten-t I 1 S. Blosham, John Banbury Self Ten-t r 1 S. Uloxham, Thomas Bnnbury Self Tcn,t r 3 S. Bloxliam, Richard Bnnbury Self Ten-t S. Bo\vycr, John Whitechappel, Lond. Willinm Dundafs Tcn-t F '1 S. Bougli,m, Lucas Banbury Self Ten-t S. Bradford, Thornas Banbury Self Ten-t S. Bradford, William Banbury Self Tcn-t F 1 S. Burford, Richard Banbury Self , Ten-t

S. Uurford, Edward Banbury I Stlf Lds k Ten-t F -l S. Burden, Jamcs ' Banbury Sclf Tcn-t P 1 S. Bury, William Banbui y Bdw. Bcalent Tcn-t A Buiby, Edivard Banbury Sdf Ld & Ten-t P -I S. Butler, Wil!iam Banbury Self Tcn-t s. Butler, John Banbiiry Sclf l'cn-t P I A Bynion, Edward No1 thampton, T. Sainhbury Ten- t r 'r S. Calcot, Richard Ranbury Wni B'iker Ten-t P I s. G!cot, Wi 11 in in Banbury Self Ld P T S. Callow, Richard Banbury Selik Wheeler Tey-t S. Cave, John Piccadilly, London \I'm Grecn.ill 'l'cn-t ? r S. Chnr!cs, Richard Banbury Sclf 1.1cn-t S. Charles, Wllliam Banbury Self Teii-t ? r S. Clarfon, Henry Bnnbury Scli Ten-t S. Clnrlon, Samuel Bnnburi Self 'Ten-t S. Hardwiclc Wm Shirley r.r cl)- t S. Cannington, Someif. llichaid Iicdmm Tcn-ts S. Banbury Sclf Ten-t S. !)cn:le, John Banbury Sclf 'ren-t > r S. Iht: Clnrles Bdi~btiry SeX I_.1eii-ts > r S. E!d, Timo~liy Baribusy Sclf Ten-t CALVBURY' HUNDRED.

1 B.~NBLJI~Y. Place of Ahdt. Occupier nnd Frezhold. I, -_w, -.T < Elkinton, Edw~rd Cropcrdy Jo. Pain Tenemcn WI < Evnns, Jolin ' FIiddleton Cheney Johli Eyrcs Ld 1 T i'owlcr, Joliii Baiibury Self Ten-i 1 7- < Fox, WI I I i:1m Bd I ibu ry Self Tcn- WI < Gaidiiw, llobei t Sulgrovc, North-fli William Bloxham Ten-) WI 5 Tcn-i I c w ~ G.udlicr; saiin~zl Banbury Self Ten-! cv c r: G.irdiicr, V~!cntinc Banbury Sclf Ten-! cv I: c Gibbcid, John, Clerk Widdeii, Bucks John Goodwin Ten-1 I 1 E Gillts, John ~ Banbury Self Ten-I I 7 S Goodwin, Francis Banbury Self Tcn-t LV I: S Gimt, Johi ' Bodicot Richard Cox , Ten-i I: S Giant, John ! , Banbury Self Ten-t r 1 S Gcciiall, Williain Banbury Self Ten-t I!: S Gullrvcr, Samuel Baiibury Self Ten- t k I Gum, John Baiibury Self Ten-t C S Haniptoil, Gcorge Banbury Self Ten-t F T S Ilains, Jchn Ganbury Self Ten-t I: S 13a:ids, Gsnjamiri Banbury . Self Tcn-t I: T r! l-hyiies, ThornJs Banbury Self Ten-t F T S Naynes, Itobcrt Athop Richard Bull c Ten-t c S Hcrbert, Smiucl Broughton -Welll1 Ten-t c S Horfenian, Johii Usiibury Sclf Ten-t C S Hoplriiis, Willinin Banbury J. Hurnphrcys Ten-t D S Hu$ics, Jolin Wcllford, Glouc. Nat. 13lushatn Ten-t D s Hyrons, 1Villimi Baiibury Sclf Ten-t D S Jxvis, John Biiibury Mr Ln~nbert Ten-t D S ICciiiiing, Richard Banbury Tlionias hat TCl1-t D s ICeiinitig, Rob. IZaiiibow Oxford -iacicron Tcn-t D S Lsmliert, John Banbury Sclf Ld 8 Tcn-t 3 r S. Lmbert, liichard Baiibury Widow Bcalc Ten-ts I) S. Lwiprcy, John Banbury Self : Tcii-t 3 r S. Loiig, William Bsnbury Self Tc11-t U S. Lucas, Gcorge Banbury. J. Lane Ten-t U s. M3y, James Banbury Sclf . Tell-t 3 r S. Uiller, Saiidcrfon, Efq; Iiadway S31nuel Leaver Tcn-t 3 r s. \Jcw~~ian,John Banbui y Sclf Ten-t 3 r S. Olborii, Job Baiibury Sclf Tcii-t U A 3vcrtoi1, Joh Baiibury Sclf Ten-t 3 r S. ?sin, John E.lllbuly Sclf Tcn-tr D S. ?aIiiicr, Thomx Biiibury John Balrcr Tc1i-t D S. 'ugitcr, Willi~m Baiibury John Hollaiid 7-1 C11-t D S. 'cdley, Hurnphry Biiibury Sclf 'l'tn-t 3 r S. 'cttifu, Jmc; hnbury Sclf Ten-t D ri kynclds, Micli3el Banbury Sclf Tun-t >

199 BAN B U R Y' H U N D R E D. BANBURY. 'Plarc, of Abode. Orcupicr md Freeho/d. tY . -- S Reynolds, Thornas Banbury Self Tenement W I S Roberts, Samuel Banbury , Self Ten-t W I S Rowlcy, John CheRer AllrsAllington Ld & Ten-t W I S Roivley, Robert . Banbury James Moorby Ten-t S Rymill, John Banbury Self Ten-t W I S Rymill, Robcrt Banbury Self 'Ld & Ten-t W 1 S Sale, Samuel Banbury Ii. Clarion ' Ten-t W I S< Slicer, John . Banbury Self Ten-t W I S< joden, Corbct WincheAer John Johnfon Ten-t W I S< ;piers, Samucl Banbury Mxy Bloxham. Ten-ts S. jpurrett, Barnet, Banbury Self Ten-t

S. Stone, Thornas I Ncthrop Thomas' Gardner Ten-t S. ralbott, John Banbury ScIf Ten-t W I: S. ratram, Robert, Clerk Fenny-Cornpt. War. J6hn Jnrvis Ten-t \V 1 s. Terry, Jaines Bnnbury Self . Ten-t . S. rhorpc, Samuel Binbury IVm Webiter Ld & Ten-t s. rrcndwell, Robert Banbury Self Ten-t W I: S. rurncr, Richard Banbury Jofeph Baker Ten-ts W I: S. Nalkcr, John Embury H. Hemmings Land WI: S. rVatfon, Jolm Ranbury Self Ten-t W I: S. Nebiter, John Banbury Self Ten-t S. vl'elchrnan, Edwar London Tho. Dumbleton Ten-t W I: S. Ncrlls, M'illiam Culworth North-hh. Williarn Standifer Ten-t W I: S. Nild, William Banbury Self Ten-t S. Nilfon, John Bodicot . Samuel Roberts Ten-t W C S. A'ife, Jofeph E3llbUl.Y Self , Ten-t S. Noodfield, Ilichxd Banbury Self , Ten-t W D S. Nright, William Banbury Self Ten-t W D s. Nynt, Chnrlcs Binbury Rd. Fairbrother Land WD S. Nyat, William Baiibury Self , Ten-t --W -D BOIILTO?~,GREAT --70 7' S. Lllcn, John Hulkett Mill Self ' Ld W D S. LllCfl, ThOmiS G. Boreton Self Ld S. illet, John G. Boreton Self Ld & Ten-t W D S. illet, Thpmas Appletree, North-lh. John Luckock Land \V 1) S. latchclor, Jmco Mollingon Rich. Barnes Ld & Ten-t \Y D S. lagley, George G. Boreton Rd. Fairbrother Land 11' D S. lcazely, John Worrnleighton JohnLuckoclc Ld & Ten-t s. Ilcncow, M'illiarn' G. Boreton Self Ld 1x1 n s. lourton, Thornas Horley Sdf Ld S. lourton, William G. Boreton Self Ld S. lourton, William L. Boreton John Cleydon Ld & Ten-t W D S jouchier, John G. Boreton Self La V/ D S. jowcrs, John North.Newton Ezra Weaver Ld & Ten-t VJ D

200 BANBURY HUND.RED. BORETON,GREAT. Place OfAbode. Occupier and Freehold. --rv L S. Clieckley, Thornas G. Boreton Self ,Land w c S. Cherry, William G. Boreton Geo. Claridge Ld. & Ten-t WE S. "aglcs, Ezro 'Gaucott, Bucks JohnEagles Ld \Y 1: S. Eagles, Joliii Wardingtoii W. Shakcfpear Ld WI: s. Fairbi oilier, Iliclinrd G. Boreton Self Ld & Ten-t w c S. Fail biotiicr, Willixh G. Borcton Self . Ld & Ten-t wc S. Frcnc!i, Ricliard G. Boreton John Toylor Ld & Ten-t S. Gnrdncr, George G. Boretop GeorClaridge Dd &-Ten-t- wc S. Goodwiii, 'Bcrijnrnin Boreton Geo. Clxidgc Ld S. Goodnin, Jofepli G. Boreton Self Ld & Ten-t wc S. Hall, Thornas G. Boreton Self Ld & Ten-t wc S. Hemrnings, Peter :G. Boreton Self Ld & Ten4 wc S. How, John, fen. L. Boreton Self Ld & Ten-t S. How, John, jui. G. Boreton . Self Ld S. Hughes, Job Warrnington,Warw,, Jcr.French Ld WE S. Kirnble, John G. Boreton Self Ld S. Southarn, James;.ien. G. Boreton ' Self Ld & Ten-t WE S. Stanton, Matthias G. Boreton Tho. Gardn'er Ld wc S. Tiinms, William G. Eaeton Self Ld & Ten-t wc S. Varney, Grcvile Clifton Will. Clark Ld. 8 Ten-t wc S. Wdker, Edward Adderbury. Jam. Southam Ld . WE s. Watts, John Cropredy John Butcher Ld wc S. Wcavcr, Ezra G. Boreton Self Ld & Ten-t --WE BORBTON,LITTLE --27 2: S. Batchclor, William L. Boreton Self Ld &. Ten-t WE S. Barnes, Richard L. Boreton Mat.Townfend Ld & Ten-t WE S. Goode, Samuel Mollington Ezra Weaver Ld wc S. Kimble, John York-Build. Lond. Tho. Kimble Ld & Ten-t S. Sourhain, Junes, jun. L. Boreton Self Ld --WE CHARLBUIlY. --44 -. S. Bdpir, Francis C. Charlbury Self; Ten-t S. Barnes, Edwnrd C. Charlbury Self ' td& Ten-t S. BaKct, Francis, .Efq; 'Walcotc Self Ld WD S. Biles, Edward ' Charlbury Self Ld & Tea-t WD S. Butby,'Milt.s Parker . Cliarlbury Sclf Ld & Ten-t WD S. Cleydon, Edward Charlbury Self Ld . WE S. Cleydon, Edward Charlbury Self Ld WE S. Collier, Iloobert Ch3rlbury Self Ten-t WE S. Cox, John, Clerk 'Oxford - Annuity WE s. Edwards, George C. Ch~lbury Self Ten-t S. Evatiifs, John C. 'Hmboruugh John Sorrcl Ten-t S. Fairbrotliqr, John C. Fawler Self&R.Gardner Ld S. Fraiiklin, John 'C.'Charlbu+ Self & Sons Ten-t

201 CISXRLBUW. Hac& Abode. Occppier and Frerhofd. s. Hdrrcy,;John, EQ; BethndGflen, Mid. Alex. ryood Ten-& I""::W D Is. 'Howard, Samacl C. Charlbury . Self Ten-t. s. genkinfon, Banks, Eiy; All SoubCpll.Oxford - Annuity W D S. Izard, Abel Spelbury Self Ten-; .W D S. Luck, Jamcs, D. D. Charlbury Self Ten-t 'P s. Margitts, William C. Cllarlbury Self Ld &rFen-t P-J S, Mofs, John Char1bury Sclf *. Ld & ,Ten:t ,\V D s. Polton, William C. Charlbury Self Ld 1' 1 s: Stanton, John C. Charlbury Self Ten-t' PI s. Williams, Thomas Wdcotc - Annuity ----Ly ,D. CLATTERCOTT. ----12.12XI r CLAYDON. s. Aficll, John Claydon Serf Ld . W',D s. Beere, Gorge Warmington, War. .Tho.,&a&y Ld &Ten;! W D, s. Bufwll, Maitin Claydon Geo. Orton Ld w D' ; S. Colhns. TofeDh Clavdon Self Ld BcTen-t .:L. p 'I s. Davies,' kiltam Clatdon Tho. Wells Ld & Ten-t WD s. Freeman, Thomis Horley Wid. Beere Ld &-Tcn-.f WD s. French, Samuel Great Boretoa Self . _. Ld & TFn-1 ' ET s. Gardner, William Adderbury Will.~a~agc.cLd l?T s: Hattcn; \ViJlhril Kiddington -$pvaga .Ld &! Tcn-t I$ D s. Ha\ptin,:Hcnry Farnborough, war. Ant. Qr4fi Ld WD S. Hawin, John Avon DalTet, ditto Ant. Bph *,Ld Iw. D S. Hazlemood, Barnab. Claydon Self . ,-Ld & Ten-t ,iV D ' S. Hill, .T)lomas 'Claydon T. Rctbinfon ' Ld WD Yol beach,VYillitrn,Efq; Farnborough Ifaac Aeol . Ld s. [(nib, James Claxdon Self: Ld.& Ten-t s. Loggin, John, Clerk ChawcombNorth-fi.Geo. Orton. 1 Ld S. Mont~omery,Francis Wmleighton Ifaac AitoI Ld s. Orton, George Claydon Self ' . . Ld &..Tenrt S. Savagc, 'WiJliwn' Claydon Self . .. Ld s. Soarncs, Wjlljm Ranitsop, Korthamp. Ifanc.ARo1 Ld S. hutham; George Nightcott Will. Savage,. Ld k Ten-t S. rarver, Simoii .Claydon Self , , Ld & Ten-t s. rue, Wjllim Claydon Self ' ;Ld S Wimbtdh, Job Farnborough Will. J3eafly Ld & Ten-t, S. Wymcn:; Bcnjimin Ddventry North-@. Jd~nArcher, -,Ld COTTf N, COWTHORPL CROPREDV S. -Iunt, Thonns Wr~xtoti, ' Juit. Hunt ,, Ld

202 i)AlVD Ui? H U N D R E D.

CIZOPREDY. Plocz of Abode. Occu,bier mid Frdold.

S. Lsinprey, John Cropredy N. Mankl Land s. !bh~kl,1Vehciiiiah Ciopredy Self Ld S. lknd, Edward Croprcdy JolinToms Ld S. Wyat, Joleph . Ciopredy Self Ty:hc6

\’A\Y L ER. C S. Ryinan; Williniii Charlbury Self Ld -F FINSTOKE. I S. Csmden, Thomas C, Finltolte Self Ld F S. Martyn, John Finltoke Aiin. from Lds in Finltoke S. Sniitli, Thomas C. Afcott . Self Ld F S. Warcus, Richard Bictlter -Harris Ld F HARDWICK. 3 S. CO~JC,Jariaihaii, Etq; Orton, Huntingdfii, Jo1in:Sdmon Lds F &~OLLINGT.ON; -I NETIIERTHORP. A Bullcr, Timothy Nc-thurp Self Ld P S. Barncs, William Boddlcoft Self Ld S. Burling, James Ne-thorp, Self Tcn-t P S. Calcott, Williain Nc-thorp Self Ld S. Calcort, Robert Well3 Hanwell Wlll Cdcott Ld P S. Childs, Ricliard Hounflow WmSauiiders Ld P s. Edcri, John Ne-thorp Self Ld S. Sibberd, Thomns Ne-tliori SClt Ten+ P S. Gibberd, Tim. Clerk Althorp, Line. Jolln Gilks Ld P S. Gibberd, Willimi St. bliutiii’s, Welt. Anii Dace Ten-t P S. Goff, Richard Upper Heyford Peter Whitwkk M S. Goldby, John, fen. Ne-thorp Self Ld P S. Crjiit, Thomas Self Ten-t S. Griffin, Williatii , ~~~?,%arrvickni, I. Trcdwell Ten-t S. Gunii, John Ne-thoi p Self Ld S. Guiiii, IWiard Ne-thorp Self Ld P S. Sum, Willinm Ne-thorp Self Ld h Ten-t S. ihl, Obadiah Nc-thorp Self Ten-t S. Pain, Jonas Tackbrook, WarW. - Ld S. Parrin, Wdiiam Childseiconib, Glou. Jam,. Southh Ld S. Sanlbury, Thornas Corthorp Self Ten-t P S. Shar ,Thornas Ne- thorp Self Ld h Ten-t P S. Soutiarn. Richard Nc-tlioro Tohn Aufiiii Ld P s. Tnylor, George Banbur; John Butler Ten-t , W r v. Wardk, John, Clerk Baiibur)t WinButler Ld IW


9. Webfier, William 'Ne-thorp Self Land and Tenement S. WebRer, John Beckley WmSaundcrs Ld & Ten-t Wells, John, Clerk Eafngton Arnb. Claridge Ld S. Wells, Thomas London John Gilkcs Ld P 'I S. Whitwick, Pe:er Ne-thorp Self Ld & Ten-t S. Yonick, Thornas Braclcley Self Ld S. Yonick, Thomas jun. Coithorp Self Ld PRESCOT. S. Ianvers, Sir John, Bart. Swithland, Leiceit. Edw. Taylor Ld SHUTFORD. S. 4lcock, I&, Shutford Self Ld S. ilcock, Nic. Shutford Self Ld S. ilcock, Samuel Shutford - Self Ld S. :alcot, Richard Swdcliffe H. Bradford Ld & Ten-t IIYlr S. lean, Thomas Shutford Self Ld S. Cllis, Samuel Shutford N. Alcock, & T. Dean Ld W C S. ohnfon, Steph. Shutford Self Ld & Ten-t S. Milks, Anchor Shutford Nic. Alcock Ld WI: S. Ninter, John Shutford Self Ld IWI? SWACLIFFE.' S. Lrnold, Edm. Clerk New College, Oxf. Self Tythes S. Iitchcock, John Swvacliffe Sclf Ld W D S. mith, Thornns Swacliffl Self S. oiiiertoii, Edm. Swaclitic Tho. Wilks WARDISCTON. - S. Allet, Job Bydon Northnmp. Rd. Hyrons Ld S. Batciiian, Dan. ChipWardcnNorthf. Snm. Wilks Ld s. r3CllIlCt, John Chalcornb Rd. Mofs Ld w IDD S. Blackemore, Tho. Cropredy John Hunt Ld \'v S. Blencow, Nath. Chnlconih Self Ld \'v D S. Bull, Alban Chalcomb John Arnold Ld W D 5. Chcckley, Hawtin Wardington' . Self Ld & Ten-t S. Crofs, Anthony Williamfcott - Ld & Tenit W D S. Danvers, Richard Wardington Self 'Ld & Ten-t W D S. Denton, Georgt, Efq; Wardington Sclf .Ld & Teq-t D S. Eadcn, John Wardington Self Ld S. Frcncli, Edm. Market Harborough Self .Ms& Ten-ts W D Cropredy Rd.Hyrons Ld 1% 'D Wardington Self Ld 1% D Wardington Self Ld & Ten-t VL D Wardington Self Ld I. 204 i: AN B U R Y H'U N D R E D. \vA 1: D1 N GTON. Place ofAo&. Occupier and Frcebdd. -W i -T S. Ha~riott,Edw. Clcrl; I-Ielmdon, North-lh. JohnMaffers Ld & Ten-t W S. flczley, John WardingFon Self Lds & Tent-s W S. Huiii)i!iicys, llicliard Williamicott Self Ld & Ten-t W S. h') roi:s, John Wardington Self Lds & Tent-s r S. I-Iyrons, I

S. L311nllv.0 ,. .,l'ohn Williarnfcott Self Ld S. Lord, Pei~jainin -bIiddlctoti Cheney N.Jo. Lord .Ld S. Pcdly, Natli. Shetiington,,Glou. Win Cole .Ld s. hth, Jamcs Byfield J. Hyrons Ld rayloc, William, Efq; Williamfcott Self Ld - -- I


I ADDERBURY. P face f&oak Occtgier niid Freehld. --v 1 _-PI SI-I, Jofepfi Barford Jonah Cox Lands w I S Ayris, Sam. C. Adderbury Self - PT U.irbcr, Edward, Efq; Adderbury Wm Poulton Lds w I A Barret, George Adderbury Nath. Barrett Lds P' S. BKIIow, John Adderbury Self - W I S. Eellow, Kxhird Adderbury Self Lds w I S. Blye, Thornas, Clerk Adderbury G. Pottingcr Lds P' S. Brsdford, Henry C. Bodicot Self - P' S. Cornock, Lorenzo C. Addcrbury Self - P: S. Corccck, Thomas Adderbury WrnGough Lds IV I Cox, John, Clerk Adderbury -Irons Lds - w I Cox, Johh Adderbury Self Lds P1 Cox, Thomas Adderbury H. Freeman Lds P1 S. Cox, Timothy C. Adderbury Self - r? S. Doyley, William Adderbury Self Lds \v r S. Foikett, Thomas Adderbury Self Lds WE S. Gardncr, James C. Adderbury Self - P'1 Gardner, John Adderbury Self Lds ?? S. Gardner, Henry C. Adderbury Jmcs Gnrdner - '1 s. Gardner, Williarn Adderbury lohri Bellow Lds ND A. Gawthorn, John Adderbury Self Lds ND W D '7 'T 'T 'T Y D S. MeKenger, Benjamin Milton IYrn Nen!c Lds PT Meffcngcr, William Plumpton, North-fli. John L.yi:e Lds PT A. Olliffe, Thcmas Wiccornb, Bucks Wrn Cox 1.ds PT S. I Pottinger, Gtorge Adderbury Stlf Lds VD S. Salmon, Thomas C. Adderbury Self - PT Sliciifion, William Adderbury Wrn Yeale Lds PT Swift, John Wm Ncrlc 1,tls VD PT I' D PT PT -- PT --I 5 '5

206 I' 1; 0 X HAM-i-f U N D R E D.

LICE RTOX. Place of Abodt. Occupier piid Freebold. I A - Bradford, John Wrrmington, War. Rich. Taylor Lds s. Butler, Jolcph, Clerk All:crtoii W. Hitchcox Lds I-loypcr, John Slieniiigton, Glouc. W. Hitchcox Rent - s. Shclfwll, Thoiiias Sheniiigton, Glouc. Rich. Marfli Lds F Townflicnd, John Alkertoii Ant. Neale Lds - M'yltcs, John Wardington -Hitchcock Lds -I: B A LSCO TT . -2 S. Gardiicr, Ricliard Balfcot W. Gardner Lds P s. Gardncr,'Williani Balfcot Self Lds - -P BARFORDSt. JOHN'S, -2 Bclcllicr, William, Culworth, North-h. W. Poulton !As Hirons, Richard Barford I\ich. Harris Lds - s. Poultcn, William Adderbury Self Lds - BLOXIIAM. --0 s. Auftin, John C. Bloxham Self - P S. Batman, Wni . C. Bloxhani 'Self &. Tho. Stanton P Counccr, John Blox hani Jolin Payne Lds P S. Zouncer, John C. Bloxham Win Walker - P Zouncer, Lyne Bloxham W. Gakoignc Lds P S. Zox, Tliomas C. Bloxham Self - P S. Dralcc, Thornas. C. Bloxhani Self &. S. Gibbs - P S. Drake, William C. Bloxham Self & Win Drake, jun. P S. 3ralte, Wm jun. C, Bloxhain Self - P S. 'lint, Wm C. Bloxham Self - P s. Sardncr, James C. North Newtoil Rich. Hill, & John Bull 1' S. 3dcoigne, John C. Bloxhani Self - P S. 2afccoigiie, Wrn C. Bloxhain. Self - P >odrviii, Tho. Clerk Bloxham Vicaraze S. 3all, Wm C. Shipit. on Sto. WOIC;Jo. 'wiggins Lds P S. i-;~flcwood,Tho. C. Bloxliarii Rich. Hill - P :Iemminp, Robert Bloxham Self'. LllS I' S. :1111, l

207 BLOXHAM HUNDRED. ELOXHAM. Place of Abode. Orrirpiei mid Freehold. --PI S, Shaylor, Willinm C. Bloxham Self - PI S. Walker, William C. Bloxham Self - PI A Watts, John C. Bloxham 6elf - PT S. \Vatfon, John C. Bloxham Self - 1' 7 S. Wife, Thomas . C. Bloxham Self - --PT - !8 2: BODICOT. -- S. Bloxham, Jof. Bodicot Wm North Lds PT S. Bonharn, John Bodicot .Self Lds PT Bucknal, J. Afiell, Efq; Oxey, Hertfordh. John Wilfon Lds PT S. Cooling, Samuel Bodicot Self Lds Freeman, Richard Bilton, Warwick&, Wm Webb Lds - Sibbert, Thomas Bodicot John Wife Lds PT S. Srant, Thomas .Bodicot .Self Lds S. Hall, John Bodicot Self .Lds, Hxwood, Thomas Bodicot , T. Hill & R.Benbow - PT S. Hcwitt, William Bodicot 8 Gracc Harris Lds PT Mirons, IVilliam Banbury Tho. Wife Lds PT fluckell, Hawtry Bodicot Self Lds S. Huckell, Hawtry, jun. Bodicot Self , Lds Lorel, Jof. Bodicot Self Lds '- North, Willixn . Bodicot Sclt: Lds PT s. Robins, Thomas Bodicot Self Lds PT S. RuKcl, IVilliam, Efq; Bodicot Eliz. Cole Ld PT Tlyrrell, Jof. Bodicot . JoCTurner Ld \.f'alton, John Bodicot Self - . Lds S. \"ebb, John Bodicot Self * Lds PT s. VJife, John, jun. Bodicot W. Grant & Tho. Wife PT ?. Wik, l

208 BLOXHAM HUNDRED. DRAYTON. Plnce A6ode. Occupier and Fnehold. of --7V 1 PP S. Ciiarlcs, John Draytoii Mich. Prentice Ld Wl VIctcalfE, Edwnrd, Efq; Drayton -Duffell Lds WT Stoiic, Edwaid, Clcrk Chipping-Norton ReLTory Vqhcatly, 'llamas Banbury Samuel Cook Lds --w K HANWLLL. --4' Lockwood, Edw. Clerk Kingithorpe, Northf, JOT. Nichols Ld WL HORLEY. -- 11f$i11,Williain, Clerk Buthop, Gloucelt, WmJudd Vicarage S. Zwpentcr, Willivn ' Wroxton Archer Ld Colc, Wiltiam Hanwell JohnPnt Lds - Slazc, Sainuel George Horley Mary SawTe Lds WE Soodwin, John Banbury Mary Sawle Lds - W- L S. Zooclwin, Rich. Clerk Horley Wm Judd Lds S. Zrimes, Robert C. Horton Self - S. Lucliuck, John Bourton Hicks Lds. s. Ucrry, John Swacliff - Self Ld w c Pratt, John Horley Self Ld -WE White, Thomas Shotiwell, Warwic. Self M --WE HORNTOX. --55 S. 3an\vcll, John Horn ton Self - s. 3~iiwel1,Richard d Hornton Self - 3anacle, George Itchington, Warwic. Rich. Murray Ld WD hes, Thomas Moreton Pinkney, E. Gardner & W. Mould North-ihire hlcott, Ricliard 'Horn ton Self Ld W!D Xaver, John Hornton self Ld - W/D >ardner, Valentine Horn ton Self Lds S. =dcoin, Simoii Hornton Self Lds wlD S. :licks, Tliomas Hornton Self Lds s. '%oriis, Joliii C.' Hornton Self - S. larret, Srrphcn .Hornton Jo. Sowdcn Lds W,D S. Mold, William Hornton Edw. Gardiier Lds IW D VIU~T~Y,John Hornton Self Lds IW D \Jorth, Thornas Middleton Cheney Peter Gilks Lds - W D S. 'cykiiis, John Horn ton Self, Ld WD S

209 R L 0 x H.AM H U N.D R E D. MfLCOMB. Place of Abode. Ocrupicr arid Frcehold. --P'I Brotherton, John Milcomb. Self Land PT s. Burchall, Robcrt . Milcomb Robert Lovell Lds PT Davis, John Steeple Afton John Tuftin Lds PT S. Handefyde, R. Pet. Efq; Gains Hall, Hunt. Jof. Norton Ld PT S. Hawten, William Milcomb Self Ld - NIalyrn, George, Clerk Camps Hill, Yorkfli. John Tuftin Ld PT >farfliall, Willlain Warwick Anti Marlhall Ld PT S. Sorton, Jofeph Milcomb Tho. Field 1.d PT Pennington, John Ayno Wm Rogcrs, Rent, Lds A Shank, Thomas Milcomb Self Ld PT S. l'arney, \Villiani hlilcomb Penn, Gdcoyne, Varney, LI -- 8 ,8 MILTON. - -- S. Barnes,'John Milton Self - S. Barnes, !ifatthew Over Worton John Barnes . Lds S. Doyley, Chriito. Efq; Inner Temple -Gardner Lds S. Eait, Georgc Milton Self Lds - Roivley, Samuel Milton Wm Turner Lds s. Smith, Mofcs Milton John Banner Lds PI S!vift, Job Milton Self Lds P2 S. Turner, John Milton Self Lds - P1 S. Turner, Thornas Adderbury Win Turner Lds PI S. Turner, Williain Milton Self Lds S. Weiton, Anthony Oxford John Bariies' Lds _- MOLLISGTON. --QL Caldcot, Thornas Shotswell, Warw. Rich. Robins Lds P? Gardner, John Farthinghoe, Northf. Anth. Smith Lds - S. Gofielow, John Mollington Samuel Good' Lds Hollbech, HugIi, Efq; Warwick -Holloway Lds - -. NORTHNEWTON. --I1 S. De!afield, Richard North Newton Self Ld - f:a:don, Jonathan Adderbury John Bowers Lds ?T l'ardon, Kicliard North. Newton John Bowers Lds ?T Haynes, George Culworth, North-h. John Bowers Lds S. K:ng, William, jut,. Broughton Samuel King Lds Pcrkins, John North Newton Self Lds Cconcr, John North Newton Jam. Roberts Ld - PT 'rI:omfon, Cnleb Nortli Newton Self I,d PT i'wiflcton, John, Efil; Bioughton Rich. klaffy Ld PT

210 B L o X HA M H-UN D R E D. Nott~iiNLWTON. Place of/lbode. 0ccu)ier and Fmhdd. x 1 - - Wollunies, John Warmington, War. Jam. Robcrts Ld -\ - -, -1 mid GOI~E. c Aufiio, Nicholas Sibbcrds Srlf Ld P V Auff in, Richard Sibberds ILobt. Gilks Lds P S Auffin, Robert Sibberds Self . Ld v S Carter, Williqn . Si bberds Self Lds - P F Cawcut, Tlioiiias Sibberds Self' Lds F S Chmberlniii, Wtn Banbury . Ncli. Hopldns Lds P Colcs, Ceorge Sibberds SKIf Lds P 201~s; John Sibberds ' Snin. Coles Lds P Eyre, Tliomas Hclmedon, North. E.Gilks,Wid. Lds P ?ox, John . Sibberds Rich. Fox ' Lds P S >corge, Francis Sibberds ' SKlf Lds - n S ;cor,oe, William Sibberds Francis Gcorgc.Lds n S ;illcs, John Claydon, Bucks ' Win Harris Lds * n S. Xks, John Sibberds Sclf Ld n ;ills, Richard Sibberds Tho. Gilks Lds P S. 3ilks, Thomas Sibberds Sclf Ld A A Xts, Thonias Sibberds Self Ld 2 Xks, Thornas Sibbcrds Self ' Lds - P ;~llts, Thoiiias Sibbeids Self Ld P ;illts, Thoinas ' Sibhrds Sclf Lds P hen, Thonias Sibberds John Stinton Ld ? A -his, John Lower Wortoii ?'. Treadwcll Ld P larris, Jofeph Sibbcrds John I-Iarris Ld P A -his, Thon~as J31oAam T.Treddwell Ld -- P S. Iarris, Williaiii Sibberds Jofepli Hariis .Ld 3 Iaycock, Lewis Sibberds T.Trcadwell Ld - hynes, Charles Sibberds Self . Lds ? S. lopkins, John Sibberds , Sclf Lds - V S. lopltins, John Sibberds Nehemiali Aopkins Lds V lopkins, John Sibberds Jeficy Treadwcll Lds V lopkins, Nehemiah Sibberds Self ,. Ld V S. Iopltitis, Richard Sibberds Self Lds - 1' Ioplticis, William Sibberds Sclf Lds V A mib, Beiijamin Clenlienwell, Midfx. Tho. Wdford, Efq; Lds 3 A. mnb, Benjamin Sibberds . Jof. Pettiford Lds . > A. anb, John Rowlwright WmCole, Lds P ,anib, John Sibberds Self Lds - P S. rainb, Thomas Sibberds Self Lds D S. mnpct, Williani Sibberds Sclf , Lds D S. ivcly, Nathaniel Burdorp Self Lds - P

21 1 SIBllERDs FERRIES Place pf Abodc. Occupier and Frcdold. I mid GORE. Norton, John Sibberds . . Self Lands S. Pettiford, Jofepli Sibberds Self Lds Salmon, William Sibberds Self Lds A. Smith, Henry Sibberds Self Lds Smith, John Sibberds Henry Snlith Lds I A. Soaden, John Sibberds Sdf ' Lds Sticliley, William Sibberds Sclf . Lds - Tyler, John - North h'ewton John Lamb Lds S. Taylor, Thomas Sibberds . Sclf ,Lds I S. Toms, Edward Sabbington, Bucks WidowFox '.Lds S. Treadwel!, Ricliard Ladbroke, Warw. Ric. Hopkins Lds f S. Treadwell! Thomas Sibberds Self Lds I Lvalford, Thomas, Efq; Sibberds Self Lds Walter, Nathaniel Srbberds \Yill. Salmon 'Lds -I 2 TADMERTON. - Xltin, William Tadmerton Jofi. Chefter Lds I: S. Boheme, George Dunftable, Bedfordf. Jo. Bennet Lds I: Carter, Crefcens Tadmenon Self Lds L S. Davifon, Thomas Hackney, Middlefex -Coleman Lds S. Hancock, Richard Mariton St. Lawr. N. John Bower Lds c S. Harrifon, Robcrt, Clerk Tadmerton Crei. Carter Lds c Hawtcn, Edwrd Tadmerton Wm Pargiter, Ld S. tvatthetvs, Jofeph Swacliff Self Ld - c Matthews, Thomas Swacliff Jof. Cheiter Lds c Pirgiter, CVillidrn Tadrnenon Sclf Lds -0 e ~VIGGINGTOS. - A. Edwxrds, Tobias Warwick Wm Wynt Lds Eld, Thomds Middle Afion Mat. Harwood Lds 3 [:ox, Jnmes Sandford Wm Wyat Lds Gilkr, WiIIiam Wiggington Self Lds Goodwin, Tfiomas Wiggington Thomas Hall Lds s. Hall, John Hampton Nath. Newel1 Ld Hall, John Wiggington Self Ld Hall, Richard Wiggington Self Ld S. Hall, Thomas Wiggington Sclf Ld - Harwood, Matthew Wiggington Self Ld Hnwten, Robert, Wiggington Nath. New Ld Langh3m, George Swerford Mat. Harwood Ld Lvne, Henry Deddington -North Ld Lithall, Jofeph Great Tew Wm Wynt Ld

212 I WIGGINGTQN. Plnce of Abode. Occupier and Freehdd. Mattlicws, John Wiggington Self Ld Ncv/sll, Jofcph Wicksford, Warw. John Pain Ld NOltll, John Wiggington Self Cd Pilrfons, Robert South Newton T. Hall, & T. Cox Land S. 'Pqnc, Francis, Clerk Swerford . Will. Wyat - / Sali~o~~,Ilichard Wiggington Self Ld S. ! Salit1011,Richard, jun. Wiggington Self Ld 1 Soinerton, John Ledwell Mat. Harwood M S. 1 Watfol;, Jdin, Clerk Somcrton Jo. Greval - Wydt, John Wiggington self Ld . PT S. Iw~,William Wiggington Self Ld I I 20 20 I WllQyroN. S. 'Hirrls, John Wroxton Self Ld --PT --XI

The tnird of Hogarth's election serles, "The Polling". The poll actually took place in Broad Street, Oxford, over three days, the poll booths (one for each of tne four:een Hundreds) backing on to Exeter College. The Old Interest organised a mob which guarded the booths with men twenty deep, enough to have prevented the Whigs from voting. Fortunately for the New Interest, the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College were solidly Whig, and with their own mob con- trolled the Turl, so that New Interest supporters were able to get access to the booths via the College's main gate there and back gate on to Broad Street. 213 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY - ANNUAL REPORT, 1990 Your Commitree have pleasure in submitting the 33rd Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, for the year 1990. As already reported in Cake & Cockhorse, our Secretary, Melissa Barnet, vacated this post on her departure to Bristol. We have been delighted to welcome as our new Secretary Julia Nicholson, her successor at the Wuseum. We also accepted with regret the retirement of Nan Clifton, who organised the meetings programme and was Secretary for many years. The connittee has otherwise remained unchanged under the chairmanship of Dr John Rivers. Another year's programme of excellent and varied lectures was organ- ised by Penelope Renold: the winter and spring had Hugh White on Roman 3ath, the ever-popular film 24 Square Miles, Sally Barker on the shape of fashion, concluding with a village meeting hosted by the Adderbury Historical Society, who put on an impressive display of their work and achievements. The autumn started in martial vein with Peter Dick on 1642 and the battle of Edgehill. The variety continued with Vera Hodgkins in a menorable and possibly last appearance on Shutford plush, Brian Durham on the excavation of the Bishop's Palace at Witney and, coming within recent memory, R.J. Blenkinsop on the railway between Hatton and Banbury in the 1950's. In the summer Hugh White arranged interesting visits to the Corinium Museum at Cirencester, to Sulgrave Manor and to houses in Balscote, end- ing with hospitality at his own fascinating home. The A.G.M. was once again held at , by invitation of our President and Lady Saye and Sele, whose kindness in giving us an extended tour was much appreciated. During the year issues of Cake & Cockhorse got back to their seasonal appearance, thanks to Dr P.E. Tennant and the Local History Society, who allowed us to reprint the article on the Civil War as it affected our area. Other contributors during the year included Regindld Apletree. Elizabeth Asser, Joan Bowes, Nan Clifton, Jeremy Gibson, Brian Little, Weaver Owen and Penelope Renold. It is hoped that Brian's reports on meetings will become a regular feature. It is much regretted that the promised records volume of Tudor and Stuart tax lists has yet to appear. Another volume in preparation is coming from Dr Tennant, arising out of his research into the Civil War. ana wlll inciude extensive quotation from original sources mentioned in his article. A vorthy use was found for the bulk of the income from the Brinkworth Fund, in the form of a grant of f250 to Banbury School for their project on the new motorway, the M40, and its effect on the area. At the request of the Council, advice was given on prominent local individuals and families in past centuries whose names might suitably be perpetuated in new housing developments. Once again the failure to produce a records volume means an accumu- lating surplus earmarked for publications. Costs of meetings, adminis- tration and the distribution of Cake & Cockhorse all rose, though inclu- sion of the 'Past Times' catalogue again helped offset some of these. Production costs of the magazine were again kept as low as possible thanks to Ann Hitchcox's help with typing two of the issues.

"Tber.ty-four Square Miles" IS a documentary on the area betueen Banbury and Chipping Nor- tor. in :Sk&, now available as a VHS videotape for E25 from lrilith Video, CornerCottage. Brickyard Lane. Bourton. Gillinghaa. Dorset SP8 SPJ.

214 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVENUE ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st December 1990 Income 1990 1989 Subscriptions 1,709 1,638 Less: Transfer to Publications Account -509 1.200 462 1,176 Income Tax refund on covenants 88 85 Deposit Account Interest 332 262 Dona: ions -52 -173 1,672 1.696 Expenditure Coke & Cockhorse, production 761 726 ?os tage and envelopes -276 -184 1,037 910 Less, Sales -90 -90 947 820 Secretarial and administrative expenses 151 79 Eall hire and Speakers' expenses 166 117 Less. Donations at meetings ( 16) ( 9) S,Jbscriptions to other bodies, and sundries 2' --1,268 2 1,027 Surplus for the year, transferred to Capital Account Saga- f> - PUBLICATIONS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st December 1990 Income Proportion of Subscriptions 509 462 Sales of Publications 507 407 Less: Discounts --- 129 Less. Share of Cake & Cockhome -90 -90 188 926 650 Expenditure ---- Surplus for the year, transferred to Publications Reserve f 926-

BRINKWORTH PRIZE FUND Income: Interes: received 282 230 Expenditure: Prize grant -250 --- Surplus for the year, transferred to Prize Fund f?- f -go BALANCE SHEET as at 31st December 1990 Capital Account: As at 1st January 1990 2.438 1.769 Add Surplus for the year -404 2.842 -669 2,438 Publications Reserve: As at !s: January 1990 2,065 1,415 Ldd Surplcs far :he year 926 2.991 -650 2.065 Brinkworth Prize: As at 1st January 1990 2,711 2,481 Add Surplus for the year -32 2.743 -230 2.711 Subscriptions received in advance 143 111 Sucdry creditors -70 -374 f -8,789 f 7.699 Represented by: Cash at Natwest Bank, Banbury Current Account 528 469 Deposit Account -5,980 6,508 5.230 5,699 Brinkworth Fund Investment Lonbard Nor:h Central -2,281 -2,000 f 8.789 f 7,699 - - I ha-le a2di:ed the above Balance Sheet and the annexed Revenue Accounts, and I certify then to be in accordance with the books and information supplied to me. 9th February 1991 R.J. Mayne, F.C.A., F.C.M.A. 215 REPORT OF BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY LECTURE

Thursday 1,3th December 1990 "The Railway between Hatton and Banbury in the 1950's'' R.J. Blenkinsop

Memories of steam fill the pages of many glossy books but none can be better recorded bhan by a Blenkinsop camera. Whether his favourite biack and white or enriched by colour, these pictures recall an era of kings and castles, sidings and Saturday specials. Short locals jostled with longer inter-cities for pride of place in this unique recollection of a south midlands line. Signalmen might have needed '180' on an engine front to check destination but for the railway buff it took names like "The Cornish- man" to set the blood really tingling. some focus on freight also helped to establish the flavour of the line. This could be as common as Peterborough bricks or as rere and mysterious as a submarine. Easily a highlight of the evening was the spotlighting of stations. Who indeed could forget Hatton with its advert for Virol and its tyrannical tea room lady who could be pgrsuaded to pull a pint at any time of day. Snow Hill's soaring heights contrasted strangely with the almost unnoticed Coventry Avenue. Meanwhile back to the rails and our speaker was parading almost the whole range of railway livery. Plum and split milk coaches had an appeal all of their own. Any idea that the permanent way was for permanent trains was soon shattered by the interspersal of occasion services. There was the Bolshoi Ballet Special and a train that ran in association with the festival of Britain. Lineside memorabilia got more than just a mention. Water troughs, signalboxes, speed gantries and motive power depots all found a place in the cavalcade of railway history. Steam may now be limited to the occasional enthusiast's excur- sion but it is talks like this that really recall the smoke plume and smut of a past generation. The next time you hear "British Rail regrets" don't forget that tyrannical lady at Hatton!

---ooo--- Brian Little.

216 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Banbury Historical Society was founded in 1957 to encourage inter- est in the history of the town of Banbury and neighbouring parts of Oxfordshire, and Warwickshire. The magazine Cake and Cockhorse is issued to members three times a year. This includes illustrated articles based on original local his- torical research, as well as recording the Society's activities. Well over one hundred issues and approaching three hundred articles have been published. Most back issues are still available and out-of-print issues can if required be photocopied. Publications still in print include: old Banbury - a short popular history, by E.R.C. Brinkworth. The BuiZding and Furnishing of St. Mary's Church, Banbury. The Globe Room at the Reindeer Inn, Banbury. Tecords series: Wigginton ConstabZes' Books 1691-1836 (vol. 11, with Phlllimore). Banbury WiZZs and Inventories 1591-1650, 2 parts (vols. 13, 14). Banbury Corporation Records: Tudor and Stuam (vol. 15). Victorian Banbury, by Barrie Trinder (vol. 19, with Phillimore). : A Northamptonshire Village, by Nicholaj Cooper (vol. 20). Banbury CaoZ Records, ed. Penelope Renold (vol. 21). Banhurg Baptism and Burial Registers, 1013-1858 (vol. 22). Current prices, and availability of other back volumes, from the Hon. Secretary, c/o Banbury Museum. In preparation: Lists of Tudor and Stuart Banbury Taxpayers, includ- ing the May 1642 subsidy for the Hundreds of Banbury, Bloxham and ?loughley (mentioning almost as many names as the Protestation Returns of a few months earlier, for which the Banbury Borough and Ploughley :hndred returns do not survive). Others planned: Selected years from 3usher's Banbury List and Directory, 1795-1880; Letters to the 1st Earl of Guilford (of Wroxton, father of Lord North, Prime Minister and M.P. for Banbury); News items for the Banbury area from Jackson's Oxford Journal (from 1'752) and the Oxford Mercury (1795-6) ; and Selections from diaries of William Cotton Risley, Vicar of Deddington 1836-1848. Meetings are held during the autumn and wmter, normally at 7.30 p.m. at the North Oxfordshire Technical College, Broughton Road, Banbury, on the second Thursday of each month. Talks are given by invited lecturers on general and local historical, archaeological and architectural subjects. In the summer, the AGM is held at a local country house and other excursions are arranged. Hembership of the Society is open to all, no proposer or seconder being needed. The annual subscription is €8.00 including any records volumes published, or f5.00 if these are not required. Application forms may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, c/o Banbury :rluseurn, 8 Horsefair, Banbury, Oxon. OX16 OAA.

Printed by Parchment (Oxford) Limited