41:, 4THE DA&ILY iNE&RlL, i~I~NIiG, DECJB~Afil22, 1887.

TT E EWS ERA D.. rect. When 200,000 American citizens porting a bugqp, non-par tisan ticket, abnl PERSNAL.. 1" make a formal statement of their wishes, is now suffering the demoralizatioi uei. it is not only just, but right that they ally attending defeat. L. B. Knox, of Orlando, is at the Tremont. should be given a hearing by Congress. If But let the leaders gird up their loit Fred M. Harris, of Chicago, is at the Duval. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1887. they had been 200,000 convicts, their peti- again, read the riot act to the rank and James B. Borland, of Citra, is at the Tre tion should of right be received and con- file, expel and disown the traitors who mont. morning by the sidered; and Senator EDMUNDS simply aided the Republicans to deceive us, and D. Wyatt Aiken, of New York, is at the Issued every -sno Printing and Publishing Company. made himself absurd by pretending that reason with and correct those sincere Dem- Duval. the Mormons should not be heard. ocrats who supported the non-partisan E.Haussman, of New York, is a guest of the St. James and indoor Pharmacy The trouble with the Vermonter is that ticket through a mistaken sense of duty. St. James.a W Opricus-Herklmercrner Newnan Block, 24 ZastBay Street, he has an street.Jacksonville. Fla. of the Senate."oppressive idea of the " dignity haveWhen been this given has Deena fair done, representation and all factions in theMajor Dual. N. R. Gruelle, of Gainesville, isat BENJBE, LL ,+fH G H ESE 9 CHII EMMT IST, Telephone No. 245. JJ4~J If the Senate's dignity is to keep it from the party councils, let us prepare Mrs. W. N. Thompson, of Fernandina, is at Member of the British Pharmaceutical Association. doing justice to all men, everybody will for a partisan campaign next year. Let the Tremont.Departmentthemostmporant n our busns, SUBSORIPTION RATES. agree that it cannot lose its dignity too eyery man on the ticket glory in his honor George D. Wilson, of Windsor, isa guest of to this end ourekeep only the pures t thDremotmicalp, Frt ind Extractbins, ...... One Year....8.00Year ...... $8.00 soon.soon_ and his Democracy; let us-all pull together, the Tremont. Elixirs, etc.,to be found in this country oro_ in Europe. Six Months ...... 4.00 Senator EDMUNDS likewise seems to and we will have no trouble in defeating Charles E. Fuste, of the Plant System, is at -o ThreeOne Month...... Months ...... 20075 think that he is a member of a modern the Republicans even if thl latter should at the Tremont. Quinine and Quinine Pills Lowest Prices One Week ...... 5 Councl of Ten, and that he has power over again adopt the discreditable expedient of Mrs. Sherman Conant stopped at the St.. at peopl stopatpeddcies Weekee a....full...... n5 ofsPatentn andan Fortg and Domes Delivered by mail or by city the people of the fully equal buying a daily newspaper's alleged influ- James yesterday. keepie a full line of Patent and Homeopathic:Medicines,Foreign and Domes carriers free of charge. carriee to that of theth men ho ruled in tiMineral Waters, Toilet Articles of every description, Sponge A the secret ence. Mrs. G. L. Taber, of Glen St. Mary, isa and Chamois Skins. etc., etc., which we sell on small margin. All SubscriptionsSprictlyin Advance, chamber at one end of thp Bridge of guesoftheTogni - 0 iSSAaN paper.L caldTh9neMs.R of. L.eTaeo f -egtnayis n.hmi kn ec t. hc eselo ml agn Sighs.Sighs.___ TherA SSA ULT ON MT.LAMAR. Charles G. Ellis, of Como, isenjoying the Correspondence Solicited. Telephone No. 47. T WFOa KL Nws-H ALDThere is a pape dTer hospitality of the Tcgni. be published each Thursdayuand delivered by STILL ANOTHER STEP ONWARD. published in New York City, which ex- hta the cml1aire steamboat owner Wh1at Am to DoS B H8 be each Thursday,o andnew Inadvance.tAnnouncementseo p- of Tennese, is at the Carleton a ow er Wtm 1 ou D maiilto subsoriberesfor $1 per year, iadnc" A ouem tsof new enterprises pro- pects decent people to read and believe in of Tennesse, is at the Carleton: - to.o iiuns r na ESTABLISHTED 1876. S ADVERTISING RATES, for either the DAILY . it, yet it publishes the following in its Th symptoms of Biliousness are unhap or the WERKLY, or both, will be furnished jected by the NEWS-HERALD have become editorial column: . D. Tilton and wife, and Mrs. Tilton, of pily too well known. They differ in dif upon applloatioa. so frequent fAppently Republicans , are at the Carleton. rent individuals to some extent, A bil COMtUINioAeos of'all kinds should be ad- so frequent of late that we trust the Appently someRepublicans are willing to rn i seloom e eter. see Mr. Lamar confirmed, in spite of his indis Charles T. Logan, of the AtlantConstitutio, ions man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too dressed to Tan NEws-HER ALD. Florida public will not tire of them. But frequently, alas, he has an excellent appe R Abe madeshould by check, putable unfitness, because they think the of- is in the city a guestof the Everett. tite for liquids, but none for solids-of a i i pREpress, money orderho or d -egistered ade letter.e •0, ex- as they are all made in the interestof the fensiveness of such an appointment would be R. T. Stunt, of Indiana, a United States morning. His tongue will hardly bear at any time if it is not hite SUBscal nas desiring to have their papersSUBSamms public, deirig this can t havhardly t be possible, longerigh rememberedwit pulicopinon and would n tat haveeenttha greater postoffice inspector, is at the Tremont. insctionfurred, it i.rough: at all events. forwarded to a new address will please state We have a word to say to our Palatka weight with public opinion in that event than Landlord Togni's register yesterday con- The di festive system is wholly out of whether they get the daily or the weekly edi- if he should be rejected. That is possible, but tained the signature of R. D. Shaw, of Citra. order, and diarrhea or constipation may be tion. In ordering ohanges they should give patrons this morning. The putting on of it is not both the old and the new addr ess. a good reason for placing on the Su- R. Gamble, ofPalatka, a conductor ooronthe a symptom or the two'tw ay alternate. a special NEWS-HERALD train to St. Au- preme Court bench a man against whom there Florida Southern Railroad, is stopping at theThereofare ofenThereemorrhoids dinoreven lossi TOAVRIES N DTR. h ra eaigpbi o lrd are valid objections so many and so serious. Hfe of blood. There may be giddiness, and gustine was but the first step in reaching t wouldvalid equallyobjections serve so asmany a reason and forso confirm-serio Duval. often headacheedchTn and aciditycdiyoVltuec or flatulence UI D;)OI'fit TO ADVERTISERS AND EDITORS. the great reading public of Florida at a ing every bad appointment, and for confirm- H. H. Raymond, traveling passenger agent and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. Senatorsnonerigh ~~ofth toehaveorplac inethest cour of ToGcoecAut loer , it efcts bucare gil THE NEWS*HERALDe~n iel$1nohasaiynwp-Senators the larg- much earlier hour in the day than by the ing the worsthave of no them right allto placethe morein the court,willing, of ofDuval. the Mallory line, is one of the guests of the ToGre correct - ugustall this, Flower, if not iteffect costs a but cure, a trifeGutr s 1k1LlAPitlR Ie , est circulation of any daily newspa. old method. This has enabled us to take last resort a man of Mr. LAMAR'opiions, con- Hamilton Leith, a wealthy coal dealer and and thousands attests itsetficacy. per published in Florida, and t another step onward. Step number two duct and record, or of his personal ssociations insurance agent of Birmingham. Ala., is at the THE ARCH TRAITOR'S XALADY.' 'T ready at all times to prove the as- spans the gap between St, Augustine and with jobbers and repudiators, because they Carleton. sertion- setlnbyy submittingubltln booksbok andadPalatka p athe and gap places between the St, NEWS Augustine HE RALD and in think so improper a selection may reveal to the Dr. Charles A. Bacon, of New York, an uncle MoreInteresting Data Aiding Case ofne Mental to Diagnose IDisorder. His FIS ING -:-TACKLE subscription lists to competent and public more of the true inwardness of Presi- of Dr. Bacon, of the Board of Health, is at the From the Florida Defamer. -AGENT FOR dsbsinterest arte thediitrse latter ate.In city fully an hour earlier than dent CLEVELAND'S administration. St. James. omits issue of yesterday the clique organ, : D.E,::E : . disnterese parties by the direct route from Jacksonville. In order to give our readers ea further the f in- C. A. Baird, general passenger agent of the writhing undethe exposure ofthe lique drgeaad E T BA TRE ack s i sight into the character of the Tribune we Tavares, Orlando & Atlantic Railroad, is a wth uder theexposure ofthe deahead J WEST BAY STREET, A wil sy tht tis pperin te pst hs deavored to humbug the public, said:J ALLthe cigar stores havenot yet removed The people of Palatka have given ample will say that this paper in the past has guest of the Duvaf.with which it en- Jacksonville, - Florida. those objectionable pictures from their evidence in the past of their appreciation claimed in effect: Mr. H. H. Plumb, of the Mann Boudoir Car We wish to assure the Florida Defamer that we_ ,_ windows. of a live, Democratic journal published in That JAMES G. BLAINE of Maine is an Company, accompanied by his wife, are knowthewages paid every man in its employ; we dknow what it gets for its advertising; we know that Jacksonville, and placed in their hands honest man. pojourning at the Everett. HERALDtsrculation ; and iswe smallerknow that itsthan proprthat ofetor, the the NEws arch THE old proverb that "two heads are even at a ate hour in the forenoon. For That GROVER CLEVELAND is a dishonest W. T. Walthall, Jr., business representative traitor of Florld is losing from $1, to $2,UU perg Ellmore Dramatic Company, th. better than one, if one is a sheep's head," th urngew aet takte. man. of the Florence As one good turn deserves another, perhaps should have this proviso attached: But the patronage we have to thank them. That RUTHERFORD B. HAYEs was elected arrived in the city yesterday and registered at it may be as well just at this time to inform the sheep's head should not have the last Now they can have an opportunity of President in 1876. the Tremont. the conductors of the clique organ of a few of W e have handled only say so. showing their appreciation still further by That all Democrats are bad and all Re- Masters Louis Mattair and Charles Baldwin, The hipgs thwe Times-Union haveon the Pills of the well-known sas.shwngteippecaiotilfuterb publicans are good. who have been attending school at the Uni- fileThe among proprietors their papersof the Times-a copy Union of the have salary ontePlso 'hew l-n n aesrd oh -patronizingthe paper Po..ITIONISTs have scored another vic- parnzn h aUnderwhchrechethm .1vrsiyolistthese circumstances we think versity of Tennessee, have returned to the city chiefof andthe businessclique organ,manager from don the to editorin-makeofMc the tele- make of McKessonesso & Rob tory. Sumter county voted on the liquor first. that Mr. LAMAR will not be seriously con- toremain during the holidays. graph messenger boy, and copy-holder, and bins years and have question yesterday and went dry by a large Step number two is by no means the last cerned to find that a paper entertaining Captain A. N. Haig, well known as having templaten the imposagitiomenin stockhaupn eon-rs, for ina e majority. Thi is a good example for Du-one. We hope to ultimately give all Flor-such eccentric views is not satisfied with comanded for a number of years the fruit whose money ies wasted in paying high salaries, found them variably re-, schooner Henry M. Clark, plying between this to'hovices to whom no experienced newspaper * Valida a better news service than is possible his character and attainments, city and the West Indies,has returned to Jack- thianwould they know about the newspapeekfor busany- le and u to In Florida Itis considered a public outrage at this time. blnenihpriaHas the Tribune becomeaeta so thoroughly tcno sonville after an extended tour in Europe. thingess. they ow about the newspaper bs- quality.i . WW e ,sil 'eltell them t Fra g u uillinded with partisan rage that it cannot sehey also know what the clique organ's com- still to speakIn badof health.-a ma as beingST. A UOrGUnsS TINE'SS, ENTERPRISENTRPRSE..idiscussiona?observe the ordinary decencies of political SMALL THINGS IN LIFE. positioncentsabislekyoftakshatarmeennensofaeadun bill is from week opadftohesinlerricesigueconsiderablyhe telegraphingwofweek, and can at prices considerable lowerbolowerght New Orleans Picayune. give the precise figures down to the number of S He is certainly in a healthy State-what- As announced in our news columns this Does it not know very well that LUcIUS Oscar Wilde's baby is lucky. It takes after cent othe Int o hedf e te n i than they can bebought ever may be his condition, morning, an electric street railway is Q. C. LAMAR is a man sans peur et sans Itis oh .wh is a fi belo der that tke s okholdrs' money has elsewhere in the city is John L.Sullivan who is a firm believer ie T i We E- GES NY HoMsiiiamong the many contemplated improve- reproche, and that it only makes itself ina Christmas box.-Judge. r he ieeofn the mes- Union are enabled to do thisknoforw, E-CoN 5SMAN LYrNCH, "of Mississippi, ments in St. Augustine. While the prob- absurd by affecting to think otherwise? n rfeit post informationt o the public,preooselYtth onof are enabled to do this for and likewise of color, says that the voters . y.g eriseA deceitful woman is like a counterfeit post-. information to the public,precisely how many, andofrace in thathis State never discriminates lem of rapid transit in That city may not The paper that HORACE GREELY founded al card-a fraud on the males.-New Orleans r ldrb ho few es of the ws nLD the reason that we purchase 7 of his race in that State never discriminate yet be one demanding an immediate solu- but unfortunately did not live to edit Picayune. State. They know that the number ofa news on account of color. Then they have got- tion, still upofi the question of reaching ten happil ovri uigte tfv in these days, shows in the first fe a llgnlmnneboys usisaln feul is aboutin Jacksfour to on one vlle ofw those sho who theell sell Tes-very the NEWS- ry largentie~uti quanti " e apply over it during the past five the suburbs quickly and conveniently de- lines of its utterances that it is well ity. The man who etspie with a -knife isel HERi aD;to eb o the NOws-HERALD'S ties- larger qes ... ,pends pn tthe gwgrowth aappliedand development of the aware that Mr. LAMAR'S confirmation is igible to Congress.-Aita California boys havefor left permission them within to sell the the past Time month -Union and fact, than otherquantities, retail dealer A MAN paid $5 and costs for kissing an- city. a foregone conclusion. Eventhe ,Repub- Lol the poor councilman whose untutored because they couldn'tt sell the other paper." fct, other man's wife in St. Louis. The Court As a general thing it may be said that lican leaders in the Senate have conceded mind sees a job in every ordinance and ex- They knowand are prepared to prove that in the South-and are, sat added insult to injury. Stolen waters a town is ready for public improvements that his appointment is an eminently pect to raise the wind.-New Orleans Pica- h nisby saed of he nm w h des-Un are sweet, and to tell a husband that a kiss of this nature whenever business men proper one, and this fact shows that the yune. ALD for the entire seven days of the week. S wt a very mo erate - file rolistoroflea t htsi-ev nthso thaver ongnrlsoko stolen from his wife by another man is of recognized good judgment in the Tribune really has no ground upon which "I-knewa man once who never told a lie." file prietorso f the Times-Union have n profit. Our general stock of only worth $5,is bringing the price down community are willing to advance the it can stand. "Who was he?" "A Chicago Drummer." "Non- tigers in the NEWS-HERALD, with the amount within the reach of the poorest inhabitant, money necessary for them. There sense!" "Heused to tell two at a time."- ow thly by each advertiser, and thidey is nothing equal to a railroad THE POPE AND THE IRISH. Town Topics. pk n toth e humbueo r vadelts ery i apartment of the clique organ as well as every M i[G MR.J. J. HARRIS, for the past five years for opening up a country, and mak- The sending of the Duke of Norfolk as They are debating at the club whether life is te Aaes pr n the aeri is ken thyaeMeaig tteclbwehe i at prices which even the little Metropolis re d editor and proprietor of the Sanford ing it blossom into prosperity and wealth, a special envoy to Rome by Queen Victoria worth living. Old soak-I have enjoyed all fuses day after day, and which have not been don't run S, Journal, has sold out to Messrs. VERON~CE This is just as true of a city and its sub- has caused very much concern in England the pleasures of life. Young bloke-Have you accepte by any newspaper in Jacksonville iS COt. W e d n't run and SMITH. Mr. HARRIS has given San- burbs as of more extensive and less civi- among Her Gracious Majesty's subjects, ever been sober?-Town Topics. siand Prtheday know thals at de it down in summer ford a first clamss daily, and the reputation lized regions. The buildingof this electric It is said among more reasonable folks The Prince of Wales has offered his compli- astisersarecharged others,.and that three in andmost fourtimesas cases the stock-much kee ~ t of the new owners is a sufficient guaran- street railway in to the southwestern and that the Duke goes merely to deliver the ments to the Prince of Whalers, our own Sul- holders hande the soft side eofthecusthi.tock- keep pretty well everything tee that the paper will be kept up to its western suburbs would give property a Queen's congratulations on the occasion livan, and seems to have recognized in him the whcThere ne are nrtseveral disclos otheredww things av they on knowtem that- youlin are l ynt want present standard, new start in those localities, and stimulate of the Pope's jubilee; and why not? Her long-sought typical American.-Alta Califor- thatwhen the dnext asses men is paid, i f any the building of residences to Such an ex- Majesty enjoyed a regular home-made nia. of the stockholders can be found willingto ourun line. If we have'nt Not many months ago Mayor BURBRIDGE tent that the road would shortly become jubilee of her own some months ago, and Silencing a bore: He-"I fear I am weary- pour more money into the bottomles hole,i got it, -we wi get it at short repealed all the permits held by peanut self-supporting. His Holiness sent over the polite assurance ing you with myprosy conyersation. Youlook paying off backt indebetness.not notice, we aa tenders and compelled them to remove The street railway in Jacksonville has of his and most distinguished consideration, onlya little thinking tired." howShe-"Oh, very tired no, you indeed; must Ibe."- was prvaelThe statementto our ceraboutthe kowlee Tie-Unio taletossing it and we are gener y their stands from the street corners. Of been a paying investment from the very Could the Queen do less? Judge. privately to our certain knowledgeutfor at least informed that it is about late the Mayor has ceased his vigilance and first, although prior to the building of it Others, however, think that it means e theemonths,f sn ut forthosia afod Cutoe (nthesauat)"hel stie u~ng the bakborn of the dishaeartndgoesw re i street fakirs and push carts are to be seen many could be found who thoaght that the re-establishment of regular diplomatic Customer (inthe restaurant)--"The last timesti gthe backbone of the disheartened useless to go elsewhere if on all the principal streets. They should Jacksonville was hardly ready for a line of relations betweenmertPntif: ad Herte hatIMajestyTRF govern-LK illAre I was you here, sure wait thiser, isIis all found right?" a hair Waiter in my (oonfi- s statotosirststarted dhe thae Whenconfidential~ thetralkmonh clique organg smits pro-a youy U cagetannot get itit at + S again be brought under subjection. street cars. They had only failure to pre- ment an the Pontiff; that NoRFOLK will dently)-"Yes sah, I done took 'em all out."- sectors was that within three months (some put dict for the enterprise. Springfield, East remain in Rome as England's Ambassa- Epoc. Unionsi would stldbe broken doadownreafokd andoroeago out t of theathe ff( THE approach of Christmas is heralded Jacksonville and Riverside would still be dor; and that it is a wise side-play, taken "How much will one of these turkeys cost in field. The projectors aforesaid are no hand Ly an increase of business at the postoffice in the heart of the Florida forests but for by Lord SALISBURY to strengthen English sack suit?" "I'm too busy to joke, young omer thaen the ere six moreexperience andtey abut . and the express company's rooms. Clerks the building of these suburban railways. Coercion in Ireland. If the Pope can be man." "Where's the joke? That card in the good deal less money, and theirhastalk nowor-the COr Bay and Ocean are now busy handling packages of all sorts We incline to the opinion that St. Au- induced to discountenance Irisji Home window says 'full-dressed turkeys 20 cents a esprit ndsof their dream. They a come r verhe destined to all parts of the country. The gustine is not beginning a system of street Rule, through the influence of the Duke pound.' "-New Haven News. the fact that it is no longer a question of break- a - AND number of many order packages at the railways a bit too soon. Desirable resi- of Norfolk, who is himself a devoted Cath- In the suburbs, . Housewife-Can you n on thg 1 in- bu ,ut s roin iy Coo.f anar t t postoffice is nearly double that of last year. deuce lots in the city already command olie England will have gained an advant- solder and fix tin things? Tinker-Yes, ma'am., the stockholders and gulling theiadvertisers, This is conclusive evidence of the increased high prices, and builders of houses whose age well worth the venture. Housewife-Well, mend this. Tinker-I can't, they can keep their bantlinhaliver since the population and prosperity of this city. means are limited must su- I'oquote firstday of itsexistencefailed to show a large look to the In our opinion, however, the Duke will qut correctly from the Greek, I must fis ayo tseitecsaie o+hwa ag burbs. An electric railway would make have a barren mission. POPE LEO is not say 'that pan is dead."-Town Topics. balance on the profit side, and wlil show it this il t th hmak l THE election of Hon. JOHN S. BARBOUR this property at once valuable, and its only great and wise; he is better than "I have a girl," says a Jerseyman, "that's so they~~tea difficultyiffsiuty ofof makingn collections.collecins Last,+Last as MAHONE's successor gives Virginia with proximity to the city and its accessibility either, because he is merciful. His deal- modest she wouldn't even learn improper month's record was one of the most satisfac- h ) - JOHN W. DANIEL, the noblest representa- would add wonderfully to the general'' pros- ings' with the'because McGLYNN and other politico- fractions in school." "My girl is more modest story in theof historythe marked of tie paper,gain inespecially circulation so ! tion she membesdvaned ofthe b madeaousehave relityat eenoce. bside, th Duk of Nrfolnishnlyne yoetelrme dhereMrs.eendrcks'boaringawyadvseetemwnwito ook has had in the Senate since the parity. As the capital is not wanting, the religious complications, have proven the thant tha," retorted anther, "she ay agoes wh it ch e rs of the clquo organ have \retTeSTIe1{ war. During the past two years, many eletcrict i o n s hrailway e in St. Augustine should wisdom and foresight of the great Pontiff. Strangert o t h e e x(to t r oboy o m in t o druh a n g store)-"Boy,h e mi n . "a can confidentlo w e ds t o assertionsc k h o ld ers ofof thet he gover-sanguine, l e o r nc b andh e members of the House have been advanced be made a reality at.once. besides,the Duke of Norfolk isonly one you tel me whe rr Hedis boyin enddie themtnotot elo ea ngunetsste to the Senate. We now recall FRYE, Catholic; the Irish people are millions, who house is? I'm looking for a room." Boy- are. No putting in of fast presses or running' HALE, BLACKBURN, ALLISON, DANIEL, OUR SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE. for centuries have fought and suffered for "Yesser, I'm going to deliver a package of Per- f"scial ntaenw tt them.d i 26 OCEAN STRE i BARBOUR, REAGAN, PADDOCK, CHACE and ,iut a o enta hycudntpit 2 C A T E T O Running special newspaper trains is not the Church. The good father is not an sian powder there in 'bout five minutes, an I'll papers enough with their slow country press, ia new thing, by any means. The greatunfeeling ingrate to turnagainst his show you where it is."--Epoch. th edyolnotplace ithepapers, when printed, TELEPHONE . * - .N O.50. jounasheNothan f Wsthae n-childrencenssuchsenterprisespefornallongewhile.dJacksonville in their long, and now nearly suc- before the people.anti out Theutterly real refuse difficulty to accept has -:O: ThE Cincinnati CommereMaGazettedpro- o a t cessfn l struggle for personal liberty and POINTS FOR POLITICIANS. been, and is, and will he, that the people in , fssesfes notn to tunderstand odertandi ththe mean~usee ro-gagedof Butsa special newspaper train. is a new the right of local self-government. 'Thirty-eight widows of soldiers of the Rev- thea State organ newspaper. of a local cliqueThat diffiultyas a subsiitute they willfor GI ASA ND LAZIA S 'tariff reform Democrat," since Mr. RAN- thig for Frda ate E e solution are still carried on the pension roll. never overcome, and it leads straight to an in. DALL is himself In favor of reforming the therefore, claims allthehcreditand honor A CHANCE TO LAUGH.. The postal telegraph question will occupy terview with the sheriff. NI GLAZING. tariff. The Comimercia~ Gazette is not accruing from this innovation, and will Passenger (on street car, alarmed) Madam, a fair share of attention at Washington this Machinery and Burning Oil. half so ignorant as it pretends to be. The do you feel a fit coming On? winter.. WHEN WOMEN BECOME BRIDES. genuinesoDeorat avoprefomin tog the modestly appropriate the resulting practi- Madam (haughtily)-No, sir; I'm trying to The report that the Irving Hall Democracy 1 genuine Democrat favors reforming to the cal reward. To know that we are serving find my pockech.-St. Louis Post-Dispatch. in New York was to disband provesunfounded. "'Does ma riage change a man?' you ask." tpciofpngpoint f ipingr. RAveLL' out every kindurtu ofare- apepeciatethe people ofit,of Florida wll, well, an greatand thatmeasre they ha-d)l-I1shallHusband (who be hasat the a little office "engagement"very late to-night, on The prominence given the revenue reiorm (His tone and look were sad.) appreciate it,will, in a great measure, my dear, posting my books, and ou'had better issue has hastened the active Presidential "The firstweek of our wedding tour former" is to reform in the direction compensate for our extra outlay of cash mi prtcie1iyarfoou oulyocah notWife--¥ery situp for me.well, John. WhenW I get ready to campaignCongressman by some Struble, months. of Iowa, believes with Took all the change I had."-Hr~' r aara e 5 a il prttieiniquity, hy r and energy, go bed I'll just say good night to you throughSeaoPlmrttthRpuianaty"

hdiametrically e opposed in practice.opposed in theory and must We shall take especial pride in this St the"My telephone.-Chiago son, did not I see Times.you reading an ac- shouldSenator take Palmer up Prohibition.-bn that the Republican party Manyhacuto a homely, unattractivehrprvle-~e girl gets ahus be!opposed to practice.Augustine train service and it shall be our count of a prize fight in the paper thi morn- Ex-Congresman Sypher, of Louisiana, an- band ch account of her par value.-Life. endeavor to constantly improve it. There ing?" ticipates an invasion of tariff Republican cam- Women are the dearest creatures in the ASoUHR paper says, without a word is a certain exhilaration and excitement in as i live.-" vassers in every doubtful Southern district world, but they can't tell how a shoe fits until of protest: doing business at a chain lightning speed' "Never mind about that, my son. I merely next year. they see the number.-BrminghamRepubli ++ collected"The bill during to refund the warthe Stateswould the dispose direct of tax a and whenbaktt such expressions of appreciation -- -Burlingtonigo Freee Press.rs.TeUdrDog dw t T Une In The Fight. ca There isa differenebetween signing a mare pretty good portion ofthetreasuryourlus. come back to us as those uttered by the mother-in-law dies. Her daughter is in [The following poem has been credited to riage certificate and a lecture contract, but -DEPOT WITH We Should think so, but that is a bill leading citizens of St. Augustine yester- despair, and her husband endeavors to calm various wir n raun uie wmn r+lw nngito.o;i-T T T A Thi LC Wesolu hnhtio ilher. various writers, and frequently published women are stowin tinding itout.-Boston Com- I E A RD & C ,

which every right-minded -Democrat will day, the incentive to renewed effort is at "Remember, my dear, she was old, very anonymously. Its author was David Barker, nornwealth. jump on with both feet. The author of once doubled. It gives an added pleasure old.'es but you know she always sa ealawyer of Penobscot county, Maine, who ,. * that' bill doesn't propose to refund the to the service, would live to be a hundred." gained considerable reputation in his State by Not a Formidable Robber Either. abominably unjust and unconstitutionalhem.--aoTlgrh.a ib u s d csu n "True, darling, but she only said that•+ to an- his poetical writin gs. He was known as the ot aetroiidareeP r Correspondence Solicited. cotton tax collected from the Southern JACKSONVILLE DEAOCRACY. . "Bard of Exeter," from the town in which he From the Detroit Free Press, pliedaciti-_Iimle -' States. To take all the whipping and The Jacksonville NEWS-HERALD says that The Temperane Question in Indiana I know that the world-te great big world- zen when interrogatdby a reporter at his have to pay all the expense of having it,the Democratic party in that city "needs dis- From the Indianapolis Journal. From thepeasant to the king, place of business the other day. laid on, is more than ought to be expected, eiplining and mobilizing." We think so, too. allThe along cam tha aign line+ ofh1888 and atIust no be point aggressive more than ag- HasAnd a differenta different tal song from to sing.the tale I tell, "I"Could could, you though identify there the was parties? only one." Orange Auction even of the South. With a R~epublican mayor and only five of the gressive than at that which marks the temper- -"And you let one man hold you up?" crtainlyeighteen needsaldermen reorganizing Democrats, if theJacksonville Democrats didance not question. ask for Theabolition anti-slavery to be putmen into of the1860 ButIf theyformer say I Icare am notwrong a single or I'm fig right; woman.""it was not a man. It was a medium-sized F-AND r a dn SENATORS CALL AND EDM platform on which they stood. They only I shall always go in for the weaker dog. "For theland'sssake, but howdidshe do "t!0d The bald-headed icycle from Vermont, as tle Record. power, and asked for not a word against slav- hall, called me her dear, and said she'd got to The regular sales of this Company are held our Washington correspondentourWasingonorrspodetaplytrm aptly terms ThThe abveabove articlertcleis is onlynl onone ofmaof many y-the ideaitself, in theirhut demandedstandard hearer.a represdutative They were of I knowWill neverthat the a moment world-theogreat stop big world- haveenrobdhawyagodmntmsinhe ten yards of twenty-shilling silk. I've everyaehouse Tuesday ofthe and Friday. .&W at 2p.Ra-iroad m. at their (Jo. ; Senator EDMUNDS, will probably not be to be found in the State papers in these ofwilling the future. to trust That the detailsis all tothat the wisedevelopment temper- ToBut see will which shout dog foraay the be dogin fault,on toatpitenyar.. be robbed thatway good many times in the gradedire t according consne toto theus shallstandard ror grad. quite so eager to attack Senator CALL days, and it shows pretty conclusively dance men ask of us, and we must grant this or Bog adopted by the State Orange Union, and hick hereafter. The Florida Representative that we do not stand alone in our views somebody else will. Let us take an honest, -But for me-I never shall pause to ask - Had Never Heard This Story. will receive careful attention, and returns will has long since made it apparent that he is about the recent election in this city, aggressivegold, stand against that liquor Which dog may be in the right; be made promptly. not the man to be bulldozed, and we sup- The Democracy of Jacksonville, as our rnstly on thas u athe ther a FortheunderdogintWhileit beats at all That pictures personality,Bram Stroker, Stencils will be furnished on application, als pose...pose Senator EDMUNDS forgot the fact contemporary truly, says, needs+ .reorgani-. d reamedill there of will now bethan a wasway. war Measures dreamed noofin more 1860 ; Per~hance what I've said were better not said, givesgvs an amusingau comnpnhseffortsepmmentuponhiseto to to... etrfheudsie. ftfe uerign t p

- - -- when he made his nncalled-for attack. zation; and w e may add that it needs it may be necessary. If so, we will report to Or 'twere better I said it in incog, attract an audience to hear him speak about JACOI) HUFF, A. 8, HANN > he position of Senaeor CALL in refer- very quickly. +Thep was sold out them, and the people will sustain us, fo~ the But~ with heart and with glass filled chuck0to President Lincoln. Brain was there, and we Gen'l..u.. t...... tionla - aid c ryu y. h Dictry ni0o n liquor.power must not and shall not rule this H the -brim, , - believe Henry Irving ~as in the seats. But t t e U h e t n s n f l c - t h e ~ e p u b l c a n s b y b e n gttri ck d i n t o u p - c o u nt r y . H e r e' s- lu q k t h~ eb o t t o md o g . +t j+he' r e as n o a ud i en c e . - - - P. O o. ++, ..++:++ ++ ++ + + +::++' %++ +:++ +++---h -++;:'++?+ +++