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41:, 4THE DA&ILY iNE&RlL, i~I~NIiG, DECJB~Afil22, 1887. TT E EWS ERA D.. rect. When 200,000 American citizens porting a bugqp, non-par tisan ticket, abnl PERSNAL.. 1" make a formal statement of their wishes, is now suffering the demoralizatioi uei. it is not only just, but right that they ally attending defeat. L. B. Knox, of Orlando, is at the Tremont. should be given a hearing by Congress. If But let the leaders gird up their loit Fred M. Harris, of Chicago, is at the Duval. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1887. they had been 200,000 convicts, their peti- again, read the riot act to the rank and James B. Borland, of Citra, is at the Tre tion should of right be received and con- file, expel and disown the traitors who mont. morning by the Florida sidered; and Senator EDMUNDS simply aided the Republicans to deceive us, and D. Wyatt Aiken, of New York, is at the Issued every -sno Printing and Publishing Company. made himself absurd by pretending that reason with and correct those sincere Dem- Duval. the Mormons should not be heard. ocrats who supported the non-partisan E.Haussman, of New York, is a guest of the St. James and indoor Pharmacy The trouble with the Vermonter is that ticket through a mistaken sense of duty. St. James.a W Opricus-Herklmercrner Newnan Block, 24 ZastBay Street, he has an street.Jacksonville. Fla. of the Senate."oppressive idea of the " dignity haveWhen been this given has Deena fair done, representation and all factions in theMajor Dual. N. R. Gruelle, of Gainesville, isat BENJBE, LL ,+fH G H ESE 9 CHII EMMT IST, Telephone No. 245. JJ4~J If the Senate's dignity is to keep it from the party councils, let us prepare Mrs. W. N. Thompson, of Fernandina, is at Member of the British Pharmaceutical Association. doing justice to all men, everybody will for a partisan campaign next year. Let the Tremont.Departmentthemostmporant n our busns, SUBSORIPTION RATES. agree that it cannot lose its dignity too eyery man on the ticket glory in his honor George D. Wilson, of Windsor, isa guest of to this end ourekeep only the pures t thDremotmicalp, Frt ind Extractbins, ..................... One Year....8.00Year ............$8.00 soon.soon_ and his Democracy; let us-all pull together, the Tremont. Elixirs, etc.,to be found in this country oro_ in Europe. Six Months ... ........................ 4.00 Senator EDMUNDS likewise seems to and we will have no trouble in defeating Charles E. Fuste, of the Plant System, is at -o ThreeOne Month...................... Months ..................... 20075 think that he is a member of a modern the Republicans even if thl latter should at the Tremont. Quinine and Quinine Pills Lowest Prices One Week ............................... 5 Councl of Ten, and that he has power over again adopt the discreditable expedient of Mrs. Sherman Conant stopped at the St.. at peopl stopatpeddcies Weekee a....full......... n5 ofsPatentn andan Fortg and Domes Delivered by mail or by city the people of the United States fully equal buying a daily newspaper's alleged influ- James yesterday. keepie a full line of Patent and Homeopathic:Medicines,Foreign and Domes carriers free of charge. carriee to that of theth men ho ruled in tiMineral Waters, Toilet Articles of every description, Sponge A the secret ence. Mrs. G. L. Taber, of Glen St. Mary, isa and Chamois Skins. etc., etc., which we sell on small margin. All SubscriptionsSprictlyin Advance, chamber at one end of thp Bridge of guesoftheTogni - 0 iSSAaN paper.L caldTh9neMs.R of. L.eTaeo f -egtnayis n.hmi kn ec t. hc eselo ml agn Sighs.Sighs.___ TherA SSA ULT ON MT.LAMAR. Charles G. Ellis, of Como, isenjoying the Correspondence Solicited. Telephone No. 47. T WFOa KL Nws-H ALDThere is a pape dTer hospitality of the Tcgni. be published each Thursdayuand delivered by STILL ANOTHER STEP ONWARD. published in New York City, which ex- hta the cml1aire steamboat owner Wh1at Am to DoS B H8 be each Thursday,o andnew Inadvance.tAnnouncementseo p- of Tennese, is at the Carleton a ow er Wtm 1 ou D maiilto subsoriberesfor $1 per year, iadnc" A ouem tsof new enterprises pro- pects decent people to read and believe in of Tennesse, is at the Carleton: - to.o iiuns r na ESTABLISHTED 1876. S ADVERTISING RATES, for either the DAILY . it, yet it publishes the following in its Th symptoms of Biliousness are unhap or the WERKLY, or both, will be furnished jected by the NEWS-HERALD have become editorial column: . D. Tilton and wife, and Mrs. Tilton, of pily too well known. They differ in dif upon applloatioa. so frequent fAppently Republicans Philadelphia, are at the Carleton. rent individuals to some extent, A bil COMtUINioAeos of'all kinds should be ad- so frequent of late that we trust the Appently someRepublicans are willing to rn i seloom e eter. see Mr. Lamar confirmed, in spite of his indis Charles T. Logan, of the AtlantConstitutio, ions man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too dressed to Tan NEws-HER ALD. Florida public will not tire of them. But frequently, alas, he has an excellent appe R Abe madeshould by check, putable unfitness, because they think the of- is in the city a guestof the Everett. tite for liquids, but none for solids-of a i i pREpress, money orderho or d -egistered ade letter.e •0, ex- as they are all made in the interestof the fensiveness of such an appointment would be R. T. Stunt, of Indiana, a United States morning. His tongue will hardly bear at any time if it is not hite SUBscal nas desiring to have their papersSUBSamms public, deirig this can t havhardly t be possible, longerigh rememberedwit pulicopinon and would n tat haveeenttha greater postoffice inspector, is at the Tremont. insctionfurred, it i.rough: at all events. forwarded to a new address will please state We have a word to say to our Palatka weight with public opinion in that event than Landlord Togni's register yesterday con- The di festive system is wholly out of whether they get the daily or the weekly edi- if he should be rejected. That is possible, but tained the signature of R. D. Shaw, of Citra. order, and diarrhea or constipation may be tion. In ordering ohanges they should give patrons this morning. The putting on of it is not both the old and the new addr ess. a good reason for placing on the Su- R. Gamble, ofPalatka, a conductor ooronthe a symptom or the two'tw ay alternate. a special NEWS-HERALD train to St. Au- preme Court bench a man against whom there Florida Southern Railroad, is stopping at theThereofare ofenThereemorrhoids dinoreven lossi TOAVRIES N DTR. h ra eaigpbi o lrd are valid objections so many and so serious. Hfe of blood. There may be giddiness, and gustine was but the first step in reaching t wouldvalid equallyobjections serve so asmany a reason and forso confirm-serio Duval. often headacheedchTn and aciditycdiyoVltuec or flatulence UI D;)OI'fit TO ADVERTISERS AND EDITORS. the great reading public of Florida at a ing every bad appointment, and for confirm- H. H. Raymond, traveling passenger agent and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. Senatorsnonerigh ~~ofth toehaveorplac inethest cour of ToGcoecAut loer , it efcts bucare gil THE NEWS*HERALDe~n iel$1nohasaiynwp-Senators the larg- much earlier hour in the day than by the ing the worsthave of no them right allto placethe morein the court,willing, of ofDuval. the Mallory line, is one of the guests of the ToGre correct - ugustall this, Flower, if not iteffect costs a but cure, a trifeGutr s 1k1LlAPitlR Ie , est circulation of any daily newspa. old method. This has enabled us to take last resort a man of Mr. LAMAR'opiions, con- Hamilton Leith, a wealthy coal dealer and and thousands attests itsetficacy. per published in Florida, and t another step onward. Step number two duct and record, or of his personal ssociations insurance agent of Birmingham. Ala., is at the THE ARCH TRAITOR'S XALADY.' 'T ready at all times to prove the as- spans the gap between St, Augustine and with jobbers and repudiators, because they Carleton. sertion- setlnbyy submittingubltln booksbok andadPalatka p athe and gap places between the St, NEWS Augustine HE RALD and in think so improper a selection may reveal to the Dr. Charles A. Bacon, of New York, an uncle MoreInteresting Data Aiding Case ofne Mental to Diagnose IDisorder. His FIS ING -:-TACKLE subscription lists to competent and public more of the true inwardness of Presi- of Dr. Bacon, of the Board of Health, is at the From the Florida Defamer. -AGENT FOR dsbsinterest arte thediitrse latter ate.In city fully an hour earlier than dent CLEVELAND'S administration. St. James. omits issue of yesterday the clique organ, : D.E,::E : . disnterese parties by the direct route from Jacksonville. In order to give our readers ea further the f in- C. A. Baird, general passenger agent of the writhing undethe exposure ofthe lique drgeaad E T BA TRE ack s i sight into the character of the Tribune we Tavares, Orlando & Atlantic Railroad, is a wth uder theexposure ofthe deahead J WEST BAY STREET, A wil sy tht tis pperin te pst hs deavored to humbug the public, said:J ALLthe cigar stores havenot yet removed The people of Palatka have given ample will say that this paper in the past has guest of the Duvaf.with which it en- Jacksonville, - Florida.