SMA Honor System Undergoes Series of Changes, Corps Elects Nominees Editors and Managers of the Kablegram Honor Committee Members Were Elected Yesterday
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&he Kabletjram Vol. 39 Staunton Military Academy, Kable Station, Staunton, Virginia, Friday, November 4, 1955 No. 3 SMA Honor System Undergoes Series Of Changes, Corps Elects Nominees Editors and Managers of The Kablegram Honor Committee Members Were Elected Yesterday East Wednesday afternoon the Corps nominated members from each class for the 1955-1956 Honor Committee. Yester- day, the final voting took place. Members of the Senior Class who were elected are Hector Cases and William Foard while Arthur Stern and Bob Fraser were elected in the Junior Class. Bob Bird and John Morris were elected in the Sophomore and Freshman Classes respectively. Cadet Major Lee Lawrence is an automatic member and president of the committee. This constitutes the first time in the history of the school that Honor Committee members have been elected, not appointed. At the beginning of the year, Colonel Dey, Superintend- ant, appointed a committee of three faculty officers to study the honor systems of outstanding institutions of higher learn- ing. Col. Enslow, Captain Mahone, SMA Varsity and Jayvees and Captain Haddock, the three fac- Play During The Week-End ulty, studied the systems, and upon The Staunton Military Academy arriving at a satisfactory honor sys- Junior Varsity football team will tem, turned it in to the Superintend- travel to Charlottesville, Va. tonight to play Albermarle High School ant. One of the articles of the new Front Row: Wm. Foard, Hector Cases, Jack Swagler. Top Row: John Kork, Jim Pittman, under the lights. The varsity will system says that the head of the Jon Levy, Jim Wilson. play a military league opponent to- committee is to be a member of the morrow when they play Massanut- ten Military Academy at Wood- faculty. This job was given to Ma- Capt. Wm. Kable stock. jor Charles Weidinger, PMS&T. Lt. Col. Dove Announces Promoted To Col. The superintendent has announced that Capt. William G. Kable II has been promoted to the position of exe- Cotillion Club Committee Permanent Positions cutive officer of the Academy ar.d given the rank of colonel. Colonel Kable is the Grandson of Members Are Announced For 1955-56 Kablegram Capt. William H. Kable (1837-1912) The temporary Cotillion Club Committee was announced who founded the academy in 1860. The academy was incorporated in Wednesday after a series of meetings by Colonel Webb, the Cases Named Editor June 1893. After Capt. Kable's death faculty advisor. This year's committee membership was based in 1912, Col. Kable's Father, Col. on contribution to the preparation for dances and participation Lt. Col. William K. Dove, Faculty advisor of the Kable- William G. Kable, became president at dances. The members are Cadet Major Lee Lawrence, gram, has announced the permanent appointments for the pa- Cadet Captains Logan Blank and Hector Cases, Cadet 1st lieu- per. Hector J. Cases of San Juan, Puerto Rico, has been tenants Jon Levy, Arvid Purdey, David Carr, James Manning, named Editor-in-Chief. During his four years on the staff, and John Kork, 2nd Lieutenants Felix Torres, John Bizik, and Cases has held the positions of reporter, Sports Editor, Co Richard Rasely, Cadet Master Sergeant George Collier, and Editor-in-Chief, and now head editor. Cases, who commands Cadet Sergeant First Class Lance Cooper. ..,•..,,;. the second battalion, is in his sixth year at SMA. William The officers elected by the mem- Foard from Hyde, Maryland, is the News Editor. Foard, "C" bers are President, Lee Lawrence; company commander, is in his third year at the Academy. Faculty - Staff Vice-President, Hector Cases; Sec- Jack Swagler, a lieutenant in "D" company, has been named retary, Logan Blank, and! Treasur- Sports Editor. This is Swagler's second year as head of the er, Richard Raseyl. Entertained At The purpose of the. Cotillion Club Sports Department. Committee is to set the dates for the dances, arrange for the bands, John Kork from Cleveland, Ohio, "Fox" Again Gains COL. KABLE Annual Supper is the Advertising Manager. Kork, and work in cooperation with the The faculty and staff of Staun- decorating committee. .1.1 the commander of "G" company, has Honor Company of the academy and held this office until his death in 1920. Col. Kable ton Military Academy were enter- been on the "Hill" for four years and During the month of October, represents the third generation of the tained at the school's annual Hal- FIRST QUARTER on the paper for three. Jon Levy, Kable Family to hold an executive "F" company excelled among the lowe'en Supper Saturday night. For Regimental Adjutant from Baton seven companies on the "Hill." F office in the academy. EXAM SCHEDULE the occasion, the S. M. A. Library, Rouge, Louisiana, is the Copy Editor. received 72.63 points, next comes Col. Kable was born in Staunton, Thursday—November 10, 1955 The Circulation Manager is James the Band with 65.65 points, and in Virginia, June 4, 1912. He attended decorated with fall foliage, display- 8:15 — 10:30 — English II, III, Wilson, from Keswick, Virginia. Wil- third place was C company with SMA from 1929 through 1932. After ed a. harvest motif. Centerpieces of IV; 10:45 — 1:00 — Conflicts, son is the sergeant major in the sec- 57.56 points. The factors that de- leaving the academy,' he resided in autumn leaves, bolstered by sprigs of English I; 1:10 Lunch; 2:15 — ond batallion staff. This is Wilson's cide Honor Company are Sunday Richmond, Virginia for one year and bittersweet, were attractively set off 4:30 — Modern Lang. (Span, third year at SMA and his second parades, march-ins to mess, efficient French) in 1933 he went to New York City by candlelight. Also in evidence were year on the staff. Helping Foard in guard details, and the PMS&T's where he studied voice. He returned Friday—November 11, 1955 displays of corn and pumpkins. the News Staff is Ralph Bolton, the rating. The Professor of Military to Richmond, and shortly thereafter 8:15 — 10:30 — Science; 10:45 head reporter, while David Work, Science gives a rating based on in- he came to Staunton and assumed his As the guests arrived they were — 1:00 — Latin ; 1:10 — Lunch; Harris and Leon Sandlin assist. spections made by the Military De- first duties here at SMA. Col. Ka- received by the supper committee con- 2:15 — 4:30 — History. Larry Schlein, and Guillermo partment for neat uniforms and ble's first position at SMA was that sisting of Colonel and Mrs. H. C. Saturday—November 12, 1955 Vivado are the staff reporters. Logan haircuts. Cadets who lose their of general clerk and supervisor of James, Major and Mrs. Edward L. 8:15 — 10:30 — Alg. & Trig.; Blank, Jim Cunningham, and Bobby rifles also will lose points for their the canteen. Dodge, Major and Mrs. Simon M. 10:45 — 1:00 — Geometry; 1:10 Fraser assist Pittman in the feature company. Also, cadets caught wear- In 1938 he was appointed to the — Lunch. ing white socks will lose points Painter, and Lieutenant James T. department. Aiding Swagler are John- Board of Directors, and in 1952 he Liberal subjects and other sin- for their company. This is the Sabin. Soft music was played as the ny Dean, head reporter, Lee Lawrence, was advanced to the position of sec- gle class subjects will he fitted second consecutive time that First dinner of fried chicken and sliced Barry Goldwater, and Tom McGow- reary of the corporation. ham was served by a staff of wait- into the schedule at convenient en. Bill Kirkpatrick is the mailing Lieutenant Jim Manning's boys In addition to serving as secretary ers from the Mess Hall under the points. clerk. The photographer for the have acquired the coveted "Honor (Continued on Page 4) direction of Ol. Joe Taylor. paper is Ken Gartner. Company Banner." mm ■Hi THE KABLEGRAM The Kablegram Editorial Staff Rogue's Gallery Hector J. Cases — Editor-in-Chief William Foard—News Editor Jack Swagler—Sports Editor "HONEY BEAR" "NOSE" James Pittman—Features Editor Jon Levy—Copy Editor Alias Jack P. Swagler Alias Frank M. Pesce Claim to Fame .. Swimming Team Claim to Fame 4 year S. F. C. News Racket Under Purdey Racket History 11 Gartner, Bolton R., Work, Harris, Sandlin, Vivado, Fisher, Schlein Jinx Sue Jinx Goldschmid; Sentenced to U. N. C. Sentenced to N. Y. U. Features "RED" "THE BIG ONE" Blank, Cunningham, Schmidt, Fraser Alias Bob R. Kelley A1>as Hector J. Cases Sports Claim to Fame a senior Claim to Fame Stuart Hall Racket *.. letters Racket Plans to pitch this year Dean, Lawrence, McGowan, Goldwater B. Jinx roommate Jinx The Fat One Business Staff Sentenced to Rollins Sentenced to Harvard James Wilson John Kork "CHINK" 'LIBERACE" Circulation Manager Advertising Manager Alias Tony Lopez AUas Kenneth Gartner Claim to Fame . Terrific Jitterbuger CIaim to Fame Music lessons FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1955 Racket Fairfax Hall Racket Music lessons Jinx Too many girls Jlnx Music lessons Sentenced to Brooklyn U. Sentenced to Music lessons HECTOR CASES At The Rainbow's End "THE SPIC" "TORDIE" Alias Humberto Rosquete Alias Bradford Tordofl Claim to Fame . 35 spelling errors According to an ancient superstition, at the rainbow's end Claim to Fame Women lies a fabulous pot of gold, easily accessible to the person who Racket leaves on theme Pass In Review Racket Playing merengue (a Jinx Col. Webb finds the end of the rainbow. Of course this superstition is The second battalion is commanded Sentenced to .... Washington & Lee Spanish jetterbug) absolute nonsence, but the principal thought in its forms the Jinx Can't move to South by Cadet Captain Hector Cases.