Robert Adamson 1

Robert lives in Yorkshire with his wife, Eileen. He has 2 adult daughters from his first marriage. He trained civil servants and emergency service personnel, has produced award-winning videos, is the author of many training books, and helped in the development of an internationally acclaimed model for inter-personal skills training. Politically he has been a candidate for Europe and Westminster and in local He campaigns on environmental issues and disability matters (he has Multiple Sclerosis). Robert is experienced as a public speaker, in using inter-personal skills and in team-building. Re-Elect (Kas) Qassim AFZAL ONE

FPC, 2015 Develop a distinctive, progressive and independent policies for a fair, free and open society, policies that enhance the capabilities of all…

Ÿ Elected: in N/Manchester in 98 1st LD Cllr Ÿ 32 % Swing (the biggest in the UK) Politician Ÿ Fought 10 council elections Businessman Ÿ Fought 3 Euro elections Consultant Ÿ Fought 3 Parliamentary elections Ÿ TV presenter Highest vote against Gerald Kaufman MP Lecturer Chief executive of a abi media marketing consultancy Mentor delivering, startups, economic development, FDI, and media training in the UK and internationally Well-connected: inside and outside the party and has a well-earned reputation for his committed activism for thirty years, he has combined his business career with a wide range of voluntary work & politics. Member of Advisory Board of Grassroutes to Government network He’s Vice Chair for the PCA Executive Party: Qassim currently serves on the FE, FCC and the International Relations Committee. He is also a member of the DCMS & IAT (foreign affairs) committee, elected to the Interim Peers panel, acted PPC Kas on the as chair of Manchester City LibDems, the LGA campaign trail Equalities Executive and a Board member & Chair NW picks up daughter Development Agency Business Forum, (EMBF) Zaynab from School Qassim promises to continue working hard for members at every level within the party and thanks those who have voted for him. Attendance & Punctuality = 100% Qassim in 14 years never missed a London Meeting Nominators: Rt Hon Dr MP AFZAL No. 1 Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP please Contact me: [email protected], mobile: 07956 87 30 46 @QassimAfzal


A friendly regional figure with national reach “Policy is not dry and distant; it drives the agenda of the party and touches on all aspects of our lives.” Our members are our greatest resource, with a depth of knowledge and understanding. We should be tapping into that by a much wider representation on our federal committees. Out there are members with experience of the real world, doers and thinkers. Let’s end the centralising of our politics and policies. We Lib Dems have a long tradition as independent-minded people. Our councillors have led the way with superb local initiatives. We should consult as widely as possible before agreeing policy at our conferences. That isn’t always the case now. About Kay: From the South West, Kay has advised on three Lib Dem policy groups. Kay is a farmer, a rural environmentalist, a scientist and small business owner. Kay also works in Africa helping countries feed themselves and with UK business in the EU. A former fellow councillor:- “Kay is straight-forward and incapable of bulls**t”. Thank you for reading this. Please give Kay your first preference vote

for Federal Policy Committee.

Feel free to contact Kay at [email protected] with any questions KAY BARNARD 1 Katherine Bavage for FPC Give me your first preference if you think: ● Party policy debate has to engage more with online privacy and surveillance issues in a party where 4 months after conference passes a motion endorsing a digital bill of rights, the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act can pass into law; ● It's time conference had debates about Big Data, Open Source, Free licensing, the digital economy or technology strategy as central to its social and economic policies - not Katherine's boxed away as ‘that techy stuff’; experience: ● If you share my belief that new Party roles: technologies and digital Joined the Party in 2006. participation are going to be crucial Yorkshire and Humber Lib Dem. to delivering social justice and liberal values; Former parliamentary caseworker, local party secretary and local ● If you think we need to invest more council candidate. in researching and shaping how Member of social liberal forum and liberal values can be enshrined or passionate advocate of policies that undermined by how we approach champion fairness and equality. the increasingly central role of Career: technology in our political and public life. Postgraduate degree in Political Communication. What I want to achieve on FPC: Worked within Child Protection and ● Specific work and consultation with Adoption and Fostering directorates experts to move to embedding for over three years. technical innovation into all our Fundraising and Communication policy approaches; roles for Universities. ● Bring real-world experience from Contact me: the fields of social care, higher education and the charity sector to @Bavage our party policy making process; [email protected] ● Enhance our communication of policy messaging to the public by /KatherineBavageFPC contributing to position papers. Katherine Bavage #1 BENNIONPhil A vital scrutiny champion and voice for the regions Dr Phil Bennion is one of the sharpest policy brains in the Lib Dems, who served 10 years on FPC prior to 2012. In 28 months as a Midlands MEP, he won praise across party lines for work on employment and transport legislation, especially on safer lorries and opening air and rail networks. A strong supporter of devolution, he worked with Heseltine and Labour on a radical 2013 blueprint for shifting power and money to city regions. A working farmer with a PhD in agronomy, Phil is an expert in sustainable rural policy. We need him back as a ‘Rural Champion’ on an urban-dominated FPC, where in previous terms his work was a huge asset to our MPs. With another degree in economic history, Phil was one of the first to push the £10,000 income tax threshold.  Lib Dem spokesman on Employment and "Getting policy right will make or break us Transport in Brussels from 2012 -14. next year. Campaign bullet points need to  As MEP authored the Bennion Report on be backed with costed and credible proposals. employee participation and pushed EU- “The Scottish referendum means devolution wide laws for safer lorry design. and decentralisation are again centre stage.  Phil is an effective campaigner. Before Inconsistencies will be ruthlessly exposed, so being MEP, he was a councillor for 12 we need to be careful and clear. years and a three time Parliamentary and “As MEP, my work on the EP’s South Asia European candidate. delegation (to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri  Chair of LDEG 2007-12, Phil is editor of Lanka in particular) will bring important LibDem EuroFILE. A member of Railfuture. international experience to FPC.”  PhD in agronomy. Phil got sustainability criteria put into EU legislation to stop rain- forest timber being claimed as biomass.

For forensic and clear policy-making WE NEED PHIL RE-ELECTED Phil BENNION 1 Phil needs your FIRST PREFERENCE. Kelly-Marie Blundell

A Record of Action Federal Policy Committee Championed Liberty, Equality and 2012-2014 . Community during Federal Policy Parliamentary Candidate Committee meetings for Guildford Lib Dem Disability Association Stood up for Welfare, those in poverty Vice Chair and tackled inequality including . Social Liberal Forum Council disability and gender within the party. 2011-current Moved Welfare Reform Motion, Food . Poverty Motion and Equality for Disabled People Motion A Promise of More Work to make policy reflect the views of . the party as a whole . Make equality a key tenet of our Manifesto See the Manifesto through to . completion


@KellyMarieLD SHARON BOWLES No 1. For Federal Policy Committee

I joined the Liberal Democrats to help make policy. That has always been my driver and as it turned out I was lucky enough to have a substantial influence over financial services and company law during my time as an MEP and Chair of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. Now I want to look wider again at this vital time in the run up to the General Election and beyond. We face tough times because the country is tired of austerity and in a bid to end it may vote for anything to bring change. Our offering has always been a balanced diet, with the heart the Tories lack and the head Labour never had. But we must be more than the moderators that cut out the excesses of left and right. There is good stuff in our draft manifesto - empowerment through education is crucial. Health and welfare really matter, and if we don't build houses we are educating our children just to see many of them leave in a housing-led brain drain. It is homes that will keep them here more than a balanced budget. I have never been enslaved by conformity, no matter the forum, and that will be my approach on the Federal Policy Committee. Please give me your first preference vote so that I can use all my long experience to help our Party and our country.

1 David Boyle There is one thing I want to achieve on the policy committee – to make sure we go into the general election with a distinctive, radical, green and effective economic policy – including local banks, local enterprise and local diversity. The party urgently needs bold, distinctive and coherent new approaches, and therefore thinkers on the FPC.

The truth is we have neglected our thinking over the past decade, especially when it comes to economics. With a powerful and distinctive economic policy, we are a serious political force; without one we’re just a pressure group. If I’m re-elected to the FPC, that’s what I want to achieve: a bold new Liberal economics that can replace the failures of ‘trickle down’, which can:  Put the energy of enterprise first, before the needs of big business monopolies, and to underpin a new economic revival – based on social enterprise – which does not leave some places behind.  Make sure the rewards of business benefit those involved and drive sustainable prosperity.  Re-imagine banking as an effective force to drive local enterprise, not a corrosive drag on recovery. DAVID IS:

 Lib Dem Voice Blogger of the Year 2013 and fellow of the New Economics Foundation.  A former editor of Liberal Democrat News (1992-8).  Author of Broke (2014), The Human Element (2011), Authenticity (2003), The Tyranny of Numbers (2001), Blondel’s Song (2004) and 40 other books and reports.  Independent reviewer for the government’s Barriers to Choice Review (2012/13). Elect David Boyle: Federal Policy Committee

For a manifesto that’s: Green Fair Distinctive

I’ve been Vice Chair of the FPC and Manifesto Group for the last two years. Re-elect me to finish the job of producing a manifesto we can be proud of – which means a manifesto that’s:

Green Duncan is: Investing in green energy and transport will • Environmental policy expert revive the economy and lay the foundations • Summator on pre-manifesto for long-term prosperity. Protecting the natural debate at Glasgow environment improves quality of life and strengthens communities. Green policies are • Vice Chair, FPC, and Vice Chair, a strength for the party and an area of real Manifesto Group distinctiveness from the Tories. • Special adviser to Chris Huhne at DECC, 2010–12 Fair • Chair, Federal Conference Eliminating the deficit is the right thing to do – Committee, 2003–10 but it needs tax rises alongside spending cuts. The mansion tax by itself isn’t enough – I want • Editor, Green Book and Green to explore closing more loopholes, land value Manifesto taxation and a financial transactions tax. • Editor, Reinventing the State: Social for the 21st Distinctive Century There’s a tendency for the leadership to want • Editor, Journal of Liberal History to pre-negotiate the manifesto, watering down policies they think the other parties won’t agree You can contact Duncan at with. This is wrong and I will oppose it. [email protected] DUNCAN BRACK I will ensure that: - Liberal policies on motions voted on by party members are instituted by Federal Policy Committee. - The Party does not shy away from dealing with difficult issues. - Policy documents and motions are less bureaucratic and more accessible. - Greater transparency of FPC by communicating with members through email and social media. - Policy committee will be inclusive - as disabled woman with chronic disease Lupus and macular degeneration, I’d ensure that disabled voices are heard at FPC. - As past Councillor, PPC, and Euro Candidate knows policy needs road- testing with activist base not just Party HQ.

Experience - Chaired Equalities Working Group 2013-14, delivered paper 'Ex- panding Equality: Unlocking Potential'. - Successfully summated motion on safer sex work 2014. - Successfully moved motion to make Education Policy fairer for part- time study 2011. - Played key role in Women’s policy 2009. - Brings ‘real world’ experience to policy; Belinda was a beautician who went on to get First class Psychology degree and is now a Uni- versity Lecturer. - 20yr record of campaigning on equalities, education, science policy, animal welfare, civil liberties. - Fighter for liberal values, Belinda is known for independence of thought. - Belinda doesn't shy away from difficult issues the party needs to address. - Renowned academic at Birkbeck, written four books on critical so- cial policy Belinda Brooks-Gordon Prateek Buch for FPC – your first preference for evidence-based policy inspired by social liberal values Facing our first election as a party of government, for the Liberal Democrats to remain a credible, independent party our policies must be distinctive, progressive and radical enough to tackle the economic, environmental and societal challenges we face.

Prateek has served on the federal policy committee for two years, and is a leading member of the Social Liberal Forum (, which exists to promote policies that achieve social justice and actively narrow gaps in power and opportunity between the rich and poor. Prateek Buch has the dynamism and track record to develop and promote the policies we need to remain the only liberal voice in British politics.

As a member of FPC I have: ● Argued for our 2015 manifesto to include distinctive, progressive and independent policies, with a focus on the economy, education and climate change. ● Served on the party’s health policy committee, helping to shape our approach to health and social care so it is joined-up, equitable, evidence-based and accountable. As your choice for FPC 2014-16, I would: ● Help ensure the most effective, social liberal General Election Manifesto possible for 2015, arguing for policies that enhance the capabilities of all, especially the most vulnerable, to live the lives they value in a free and open society ● Engage with views from throughout the to ensure a balanced, cooperative approach to policy-making. Specifically, I would help develop and promote policies on an innovative, green economy; stakeholder capitalism; accountable, evidence-based government,;civil liberties; and the social determinants of health.

As a Liberal Democrat and Social Liberal Forum activist, I will continue to: ● Promote the Social Liberal Forum’s economic platform and argue for a social liberal approach to a fair, sustainable economy through FPC policy-making, party conference and in public discussions. ● Argue for an evidence-based, social liberal approach to public policy through conference speeches and fringe meetings, at the Social Liberal Forum Conference and in articles for New Statesman, Lib Dem Voice, Huffington Post, Liberator and in the Guardian and Independent.

I joined the Liberal Democrats for the same reason you did – to help bring about a fairer economy and a stronger society that balances the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community and where no-one is enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. To help party realise that ambition - at a time when British politics needs a social liberal voice - vote Prateek Buch as your first preference for evidence-based policies inspired by social liberal values. email: [email protected] Twitter: @prateekbuch Butt Philip

This election matters. The committee you elect will sign- off the manifesto for the next General Election and will need to begin a radical review of policy I the 18 months after May 2015. The platform we fight the next election on must be based on the decision conference has made. After the General Election, we need to work to develop a fresh set of LIBERAL and RADICAL policies, shaped by Liberal Democrat values, not coalition compromises. Social Justice – we need to articulate a truly Liberal welfare Z Member of the Federal policy. Too much deficit-reduction has fallen on those who Policy Committee 2002- can least afford it. Taxation needs to be reformed to protect 2004 and 2005-2010 the poorest workers, this includes NI reform, not just income tax cuts. We must make more progress on the Z Local Councillor since taxation of land. We must champion opportunity for all 2007, Mayor of Wells regardless of background and work to ensure educational 2013-14 opportunity is not stifled by economic hardship. Z Member of the Council Environmentalism – we must build on the environmental of the Social Liberal successes we have had in Government. We must push Forum 2010-12 further towards a sustainable, low-carbon economy. We can rebuild the UK economy as a world-wide environmental Z Former President of leader, developing and manufacturing low-carbon energy and Lancaster University transport. Liberal Democrats Internationalism - we must articulate an internationalist, Z Parliamentary Candidate Liberal vision of foreign policy. We must continue to argue for Bridgwater and for Britain to be at the heart of the EU, leading the EU and West 2010 leading reform. We must champion international aid in the face of those who see the aid budget as an easy cut. We Got a question? must work with Liberal parties across the world to ensure Get in touch! our platform builds on the best of international Liberalism. Email: [email protected] Constitutional Reform – the Scottish referendum has brought the issue of devolution in England to a head. As well Mobile: 07811871274 as devolving much-needed powers to the Scotland, Wales T witter: @theobuttphilip and Northern Ireland, we must bring in proposals for radical Facebook: devolution and decentralisation across England. STV and Lords Reform must continue to be at the heart of our platform. Butt Philip  David Buxton For Federal Policy Committee Charity Leader – Committed Liberal - Policy Specialist David Buxton MBA is Chief Executive of a Nationwide Charity, Extensive Experience as Councillor and PPC, Co-founder of Liberal Democrats Disability Association.

Challenges for Party and Government Nearly 30 years of Party Experience at Policy in next 5 years include: every level including advising on Public Service Policy Non-integrated Health and Social Care systems facing ageing David says “Our next generation of population, budget pressures and new policies have to clearly show we’re the treatment demand Government Party of Social Justice! We have to hold onto our liberal values and English Devolution – Defining the ideals. We do this by embracing our best liberal answer to delivering local assets, our members and inviting liberally change in our modern social society minded voters into our policy process. Equality for everyone – To signal Only together can we build an effective change across the country, we must party in government that can win!” be Radical in the reform needed in Please elect me to FPC to ensure our Party us Members are heard and so too David has the experience, ideas and is Radical Liberalism! long-standing values to push through the Why vote for me? Radical Reforms our Party needs. The FPC needs new ideas! We must David Buxton has: use our ability to communicate our Over 20 years of Senior Management vision and values, and make our experience in Third and Public Service policies more relevant, and for a more Sectors inclusive and equal society Leads a large membership organisation My policy interests include social and with policy development at its heart health care, diversity and equality, voluntary sector, disability and special Worked in Local Government Senior educational needs. Commissioning on frontline Health and Social Care David Buxton 1 Contact at [email protected]

David Buxton For Federal Executive AW.indd 2 14/10/2014 23:39 Andrew Chamberlain – #1 for Federal Policy Ctte • Scottish Policy Committee member for two years with input into drafting the 2010 and 2011 Scottish election manifestos. • Councillor in North Ayrshire for five years and group leader for three. • North Ayrshire COSLA representative with responsibility for scrutinising Scottish Government policy. • MA Economics/Philosophy from the University of Glasgow. • MA Multimedia Journalism from Glasgow Caledonian University. • Experienced journalist and copywriter.

The immediate task for the FPC is to draft a manifesto that draws party policy together and tells the public a coherent story about where we want to take the country. We must then begin the process of forming new policies that take Britain further in a liberal direction. I believe that I have the experience and skills necessary to help with both of these tasks.

The Scottish independence referendum achieved a record turnout because voters saw independence as a radical proposal that would significantly impact on their lives and wanted to vote for or against it. The positive reason given by most supporters of independence for their stance was that it would give them power to shape their country. The rise of UKIP is being driven in part by a similar desire to gain control. Empowerment is a key part of modern liberalism and should be at the heart of our manifesto, backed up by sane liberal policies as opposed to the divisive, populist chicanery of Farage and Salmond.

A large chunk of the electorate on both sides of the border are looking for a cause to believe in. The Liberal Democrats have more to fear from being too moderate than from being radical. If we are bold then during the next parliament we will have an opportunity to engage with young and radically minded voters like never before. It is only through allowing ourselves to drift into small-c conservatism that we risk looking irrelevant.

Going forward, I believe that we should be investigating asset-based welfare policies as a means to give people control over their lives. It is far better to help people gain the assets they need to stand on their own two feet than to require them to continually return cap in hand to the state for benefits payments. Housing is an area where this could be pursued. Time to start winning again! Stan Collins

for Federal Policy Committee A manifesto to meet the challenge In 2015 we face a huge round of English local elections on the same day as the General Election. It is not just a time of risk but of opportunity as well: this must be the election in which we retain our parliamentary seats and start to hold and regain council seats in large numbers to rebuild our base. Campaigning against the BNP in Burnley We need a manifesto and policies which About Stan Collins will hang together at all levels and across all policy areas: a manifesto to ¨ Active and effective campaigner campaign on, a manifesto with blood who knows that having good, in its veins! Not just a document to easy-to-explain policies are negotiate another coalition. vital to our success Real member involve- ¨ Experience of devising local policy to fight and win elections and which ment in making policy can be delivered when we’ve won When the 2015 elections are over we ¨ FPC’s Representative on Lib Dem must change our policy process to Parliamentary Committee for make it more agile and more transparent. Communities and Local Government We must devise a way which involves ¨ Member of LGA Lib Dem Executive our members much more at an early stage - not just to sign it off at Conference. ¨ District Councillor since 1979, County councillor & member of Lake Stan Collins District National Park Authority If you have any questions please contact ¨ Former chair of North West England Stan by phone on 01539 821086 or Lib Dems’ Policy Committee by email [email protected] Stan COLLINS 1 Ruth Coleman-Taylor for FPC

After four turbulent years in government, FPC needs to give the policy backup to promoting the party’s achievements in office, defending our seats next May and preparing for a number of post election scenarios. I believe the party needs to develop distinctive, radical and progressive Liberal Democrat policies on which to fight and win in the local and General Elections in 2015.

I am experienced in policy development at local, regional, national and European levels and in overseeing local service delivery. As a member of FPC, I would contribute my expertise in implementing policy in the real world.

My former posts include Leader of North Wiltshire DC, Member, LGA Executive, Chair, Local Government International Bureau, Member,EU Committee of the Regions and former Vice-Chair of FPC. Current Member, ALDC, ALDES, EMLD, LDW and Email: [email protected] SLF and a supporter of LD4SOS. Tel: 01706817952 or 07788580013 Vote Ruth COLEMAN-TAYLOR 1 Adam Corlett for FPC

 a leading expert in tax, welfare and economic policy able to properly scrutinise proposals and push for bold policy development

 a track record of improving our drugs and tax policy both internally and with experience of party com- mittees from the other side – as an external speaker

 will push for a more open FPC the next FPC election will see all members able to vote: we need far more information and regular updates to give a basis for voting and ensure skills are not ignored

Adam Corlett is an economist at an independent think tank, working to help low and middle income families through better policy. From the North West, and with a background in science, he is a regular contributor to LibDemVoice and other outlets.

Feel free to get in touch with questions email: [email protected] twitter: @adamcorlett Alec Dauncey For Federal Policy Committee

British politics is about to get more complicated, and probably, nasty. Change is in the air, we need to rise to the challenge, and opportunity.

After the Election we have hard policy work to do. We must clearly answer: “What is the point of the Liberal Democrats?”

We are a decent centrist party. But to have a role at the centre we must also be distinctive and coherent, and above all, radical. I’d relish bringing my skills and experience to this, please support me.

Our Policy Priorities: My Policy Experience

• Lead in formulating a • Lead European Parliament coherent federal vision for the Candidate in Wales 2014. UK, urgently finding answers to the English question. • Member of Welsh Policy Committee. • Radical, clear, concrete, deliverable increases in power • A forester, teaching at to communities, reconnecting Bangor University, living in people. Aberystwyth, and completing a PhD on forest policy and • Strong attractive . policies: win-wins for voters. • Past: Whitehall Policy Officer: forestry, climate change, and Find me on Facebook, or tropical deforestation. Special email me: [email protected] Adviser to Welsh Lib Dem ministers 2003. EPPS

Contact: [email protected], or Facebook An active radical voice on FPC

There is a job to be done to complete the Manifesto, explaining - or creating! - the My record: Party’s vision in the process. There is 9 years’ FPC another job to start to restate core values experience since 1998 which the Party seems to some to have lost. Policy working group Unfortunately Party secrecy rules prevent me member over the years from saying what, I have worked closely through Former councillor in the Manifesto Group as well as FPC to try and Reading and West Oxfordshire; former ensure policies that are identifiably Liberal. group leader holding My record over the balance of power. To rebuild we need to some 15 years Stood in 2010 General restate our values - shows that I’m not Election in Reading making them part of a shrinking violet East, and 2001 against everything we do when the Party one D. Cameron! gets it wrong! Co-Chair of Social I understand what FPC can and can’t do, and will Liberal Forum 2012-14 actively ensure it stays true to our values. In Member of Liberator particular I will push for an overall package to Collective balance the books that doesn’t affect the most Helped see off 2005 vulnerable more than our 2010 manifesto would. attempt to scrap all I will stand up for sustainable radical and social Party policy and 1990s disastrous dalliances Liberal ideas. Even with fewer resources, we with Tony Blair! need to get a clear message across about what Wrote and moved we’re for. That means much better internal party plenty of policies and discussion from FPC, and with our backbench amendments teams whose work remains largely unsung and Member, Tax Commission whose role remains vital. Please give me your FIRST preference if at all possible - so I can continue to work for YOU! Keep a radical, experienced voice on FPC  Sandra Gidley

For Federal Policy Committee

 11 years as a Lib Dem councillor  10 years as a Member of Parliament  Chaired Gender Balance Task Force for 4 years  Experience of FE and FPC  President of South Central Lib Dems  Wants to see policy that you can sell on the doorstep  Any questions? E-mail me on [email protected]

Dear Conference Rep

I have always been proud to belong to a party in which the members play a real part in developing policy. I want to keep it that way.

However, we have seen far too many compromises over the last few years. Whilst some of this has been a necessary requirement of being in Coalition it is vital that, as we approach the next General Election, we need policy that is as Liberal as possible and is not associated with the Conservatives.

After the election it is vital that we, as a party, re-establish our Liberal credentials so that the electorate really know what we stand for.

People know that I am an independent thinker and not afraid of asking the difficult questions if I think that will benefit the party that I love.

So please vote for me to ginger up the FPC!


Sandra Gidley – keeping policy Liberal 1 David Grace : Open up policy-making

“As a party we are proud of our internal democracy and are always boasting about it. Our policies are (mostly) decided by conference but how much do you as a member feel involved ? Conference edits policy but FPC’s working groups write it. Do you know how these groups are set up ? How to take part in them or influence their work ? Most people on them live and work within the M25. I am determined that after the General Election we will develop a policy process that is open and transparent to all members, that involves local and regional parties and is not restricted to the few who have the time and the money to take part now. We must reform the process to represent the experience and diversity of our party across the UK. ”

Public and professional life Starting as a lawyer at the GLC, David has worked in and with local, national and European government. As a professional and as a volunteer he has managed campaigns on the environment, conservation, regional policy and peace and security. He has wide experience of fund- raising and now runs an educational trust which supports federal studies. He has worked with people from all parties and none and is Senior Vice-Chair of the European Movement.

Liberal, Liberal Democrat and Social Liberal Since joining the Liberal Party in 1974 David has served in positions at all levels and campaigned in many local, national and European elections. He holds to the party’s century-old commitment to social justice.

Social Liberal Forum, Council Member 2012-14, Head of Office 2014- Membership Development Officer, Cambridge 2013- English Council 2012 Federal Policy Working Group on Defence 2012 -13 Federal Policy Working Group on Sustainable Prosperity & Jobs 2011- 12 East of England, Chair of Policy Committee 2014- Secretary, Yeovil Liberal Democrats 2010-11 Candidate, European Parliament elections, South-East 2009 Federal Policy Working Group on Future of Trident 2006-7 Chairman, Liberal Democrats for Peace & Security 2006 – Chair, Candidates Approval Panel, Lewes 2002-3 Liberal /SDP Alliance Candidate, Gainsborough & Horncastle 1985-7

For more information, see David Grace for FPC 2014 on Facebook or e-mail [email protected] SPENCER HAGARD

Open & Engaging FPC needs radical change to its values and processes. As a new FPC member, I will argue for FPC to: Ÿ work with the party membership to produce an inspiring vision of a modern liberal society Ÿ reference all FPC policy work to our vision Ÿ reform FPC methods to become accessible, engaging and communicative Ÿ promote skills in policymaking throughout the membership and beyond Spencer engages politically Reforming Chair of Cambridge Liberal Democrats, passionate campaigner, active member of FPC working group on political and constitutional reform, co-sponsor and speaker on Party's groundbreaking policy change on NHS reintegration. Spencer achieves personally A leader in public and voluntary sectors in health and associated fields, locally, nationally, and globally, Spencer has a track record of achievement in policy development and its implementation, and in successful organisational change.

Andrew Duff (MEP, 1999-2014) 'Spencer is a radical Liberal policy maker – bold, clever and persistent' Julian Huppert MP: 'Through vision, drive and persistence, Spencer has constantly engaged our local members in party policymaking' Cllr. Sian Reid (City Council Leader, 2010-12): 'Spencer's political energy enthuses, motivates and transforms' Vote Jeremy Hargreaves back on to the FPC We are the only party to believe that everyone should be able to do what they want with their own lives - and to support them doing so, not try and do it for them.

This central Liberal Democrat insight needs to shine through from every page of our manifesto - from tax and welfare policy, to public services like the NHS, education and transport.

We need to set out a manifesto that thinks first of the weakest, is instinctively concerned for civil liberties, environmentally aware, internationalist, and above all, a society that is open.

! Chair of the tax policy group (2012-13) ! Professionally, previously a manager in a global private sector firm - now a ! Chair of the group which wrote the senior manager in the NHS policy paper on the NHS, education, transport and public services (2013-14) ! Formerly a member of the team running a flagship Lib Dem Council ! Chair of the policy working group on ! Former Chair of the wellbeing and quality of life (2009-11) Lib Dem European Group ! Vice chair of FPC 2004-2012 ! Experienced Parliamentary candidate For an experienced, hardworking liberal voice on FPC – give Jeremy your first preference! David Hall-Matthews No. 1 for FPC About David: Fellow Liberal Democrat, David was one of the These are critical times for founders of the Social our great party. Liberal Forum, and its The manifesto that FPC produces for the 2015 General Chair from 2009-12. Election will not only He consistently called determine how much ground for greater we are able to recover from the differentiation from divided main parties and narrow nationalists - it the Tories from Day 1 will set our direction for the years ahead. of the Coalition, and It is vital that we put fairness and social for Liberal Democrats justice back at the centre of our policy agenda, so that we can really deliver a Fairer Society and in government to Opportunity for All. demand more Please give me your 1st preference, so I can fairness in all ensure our manifesto puts fairness first. government Best wishes, departments. David He has served on five 3 things to remember about David: policy working groups, Ÿ An experienced policy adviser, authoring most recently chairing several party policy papers and helping the group that draft speeches for , Lynne produced the 2012 Featherstone and others; paper "Tackling Ÿ Former Chair of the Social Liberal Forum, Inequality at its campaigning for Lib Dems always to put Roots." Fairness First; Ÿ Married with a young Leading transparency campaigner, with son, David has spent long commitment to opening FPC up to all the last two and a half party members. years as Managing Contact David: Director of the highly I want FPC to listen to ALL party members. successful global Please let me know what YOU think our top transparency policies should be on 07792 910493, campaign Publish [email protected] or via Twitter: What You Fund. @dhallmatthews. David Hall-Matthews No. 1 for FPC Dr Evan Harris

• MP Oxford West and Abingdon 1997-2010 • Member FPC 2006-2014 with one of the top attendance records • Arguably the party’s most successful “amender” of draft policies • Work as Associate Director of Hacked Off

(the campaign for a free & accountable press)

Contact me at [email protected] and on twitter @drevanharris

I supported the creation of the coalition based on the agreed coalition agreement and applaud the work of Nick and his team in showing that Lib Dem votes are not wasted and that we can deliver liberal democracy in Government. But we took too long to show our independence and to demonstrate what terrible Tory policies we had stopped.

We now need to have a very clear focus and develop a manifesto which is distinctive, radical and progressive. We must ensure:

1) we are seen as entirely independent of other parties at the general election.

2) there is nothing in the manifesto to suggest that we are in any way favourable to another coalition with the Tories.

3) we distance ourselves from Conservative policies that, by virtue of the coalition, have been imposed on our ministers and our party – especially those like the disastrous NHS reforms which were not even in the coalition agreement.

4) we make no concessions to UKIP, Labour, Tory or tabloid illiberalism on subjects like immigration or human rights

This means that in publishing the manifesto, the FPC should in no way be inhibited by the coalition record from pursuing true Liberal Democrat policies, based on our convictions.

• The FPC must respect the views of the Party Conference where these have been expressed in clear votes (for example with regard to free schools, airport policy, and the protection of the NHS from marketization).

• The priorities set out in the manifesto must reflect those of the party as a whole – as expressed by conference votes and the elected FPC, not those of any Government clique.

• Those policies with which we are most associated must be those stressed in the manifesto to avoid a repeat of the tuition fee policy disaster.

As an active member of the Social Liberal Forum (SLF) I believe we must always stress our progressive values and prioritise social justice.

Please support me for Federal Policy Committee Please return Jo Hayes to the Federal Policy Committee. Dear colleagues,

I ask for your first preference vote to return me to the FPC.

I’m in this party as the party that challenges the status quo and abuses of power - wheher by government authorities, big business, polluting industries or the boss in the office who is prejudiced.

So we should take a principled stand on issues that are fundamental to us, but under severe threat from populist and nationalist sentiment: Ÿ Civil liberties and the European Convention on Human Rights Ÿ Secret courts - we should repeal them Ÿ The environment - zero carbon by 2050 and strong policies to pro- tect wildlife and ecosystems before it’s too late Ÿ EU membership and free movement of EU citizens.

Born and brought up in Essex. Educated at local state schools, Oxford University (1st class degree) and Yale Law School (on a scholarship). Practising barrister. Law reform campaigner; successfully challenged Labour Attorney- General over closed appointments. Chaired Westminster & City and Colchester local parties; elected Colchester borough councillor 2012. Chaired Women Liberal Democrats and Association of Women Barristers; elected to Federal Policy Committee, Federal Executive and ELDR. Current member of ALDE Council delegation. Please give me your first preference vote. Antony Hook for Federal Policy Committee Experience that I will bring to the FPC

I am a practical campaigner with 15 years experience. I know what is needed from our policies when Liberal Democrats are on the doorstep or talking to the media.

I know about building a persuasive case from my career as a barrister specialising in jury trials. We need to re-build the case to vote Lib Dem. We need to know what facts we want to establish, prove those facts with evidence and put them together in a compelling narrative that explains who the Lib Dems are, who we all are as a society and what our common purpose is. We need to speak from values and build an emotional connection between the party and the public. My Priorities for Action

We need a policy platform that inspires Britain, connects with people we’ve lost and gives our candidates a position of strength, which must include:

Ÿ Education for young and old, helping people train, and re-train, for successful lives in the modern world.

Ÿ Use technology to benefit all, save the environment, creating new jobs to replace many old jobs that will simply cease exist in the years ahead.

Ÿ Narrow the widening gulf between richest and poorest.

Ÿ More accountable parliamentary democracy in the UK and in Brussels.

Ÿ Protect civil liberties and legal aid.

Ÿ Find hope in Britain for all, including so-called “left behind voters”. 1


Experience…….Passion…….Independence……. Experience…….Passion…….Independence……. Experience…

The run up to the next election this is a crucial time for the party. It is essential to have members on FPC who are prepared to challenge and to work hard to ensure our manifesto is the best it can be. We need strong and bold commitments, especially those on the front of our manifesto that could turn out to be our red lines. Our key pledges must seek to reduce inequality, protect the planet for our children and resist the continuing attack on our civil liberties and human rights. Our approach to the economy has to demonstrate how we balance the need to reduce the deficit with the responsibility to care for the most vulnerable. That is why I support the calls within the party for a living wage and against unfair welfare cuts. That is why I particularly welcome Nick Clegg’s commitment to parity for mental health care. That is why I am committed to policies that protect our civil liberties and human rights, that invest in green technologies and measures to tackle climate change. That is why I am for a manifesto that a commitment to our children and young people at its heart.

I have a track record of being prepared to challenge, of supporting socially liberal policies that contribute to, rather than detract from, our vision and of working constructively with others to make that vision a reality. If you want someone who will continue to speak up for a progressive radical programme that will contribute to creating that freer, fairer society we are all committed to, vote Linda Jack No 1!

Vote Linda Jack – No I

‘the heartbeat of the party’

Simon Hughes MP

Contact me on 07793556099

[email protected] Elizabeth Jewkes for Federal Policy Committee

• Architect of the policy to raise the income tax threshold • Policy Lead for Liberal Democrat Women • Deputy Chair of Lib Dem Christian Forum

In 2008, I created the policy of “She would ensure strong raising the income tax Liberal values are maintained and that our threshold and campaigned to policy is effective with get it adopted as party policy. clear outcomes”. I’ve also worked with others, such Elizabeth Adams as Amnesty International to create policies that make a real “She would be an asset to difference to people’s lives. FPC” Jane Brophy I’ve never stood for a federal committee before, if you want to “Like a terrier with a rat” see my innovative ideas at FPC, Brenda Smith please give me your first preference vote. Any questions?

Elizabeth [email protected] Elizabeth Jewkes 1 for Federal Policy Committee

Arts’ Policy Gender Equality

Social Children’s Rights Justice

LGBT+ Mental Health Green Policy Equal Pay Education

Family Policy AsylumAsylum Seekers

These are some of the issues I care passionately about! I joined the Liberal Democrat’s fairly recently, hoping to make a difference. I want to see a country with meaningful gender equality and resolute protection for children’s rights, built on a green future.

A member of Oxford East, I I would like to join FPC with a view am a concert pianist and have to drafting a new Arts’ Policy a doctorate in music ...check Paper. The last paper, Art Figures out my web page: 2000, is fourteen years old! The arts have a huge economic impact in our country. We need a current I believe in grassroots activism! People like paper that speaks to arts’ me can provide fresh perspectives to FPC! education, funding, equal pay and apprenticeships.

Any questions? Talk to me! [email protected] Contact me on 07980 803088 Susan Juned [email protected] Experience that counts

Former Council Leader and Council Group Leader. District Councillor for 24 years until 2014 and County Councillor 1993 - 2005. Current FPC member. Parliamentary candidate in three General Elections and two European elections. I am a regular contributor to the environment, resource efficiency and Dear Colleagues, energy policies of the Party and wrote The Liberal Democrats are entering a chapter for the Green Book. I have their most critical time. We need a clear the experience of running successful political identity with achievable, costed businesses and other organisations, policies based upon our core values. We setting strategic directions and putting also need to inspire a nation. I want to policy into practice. be a part of ensuring that this happens. My priorities Other experience Liberal Values - our party has a strong Scientist and business woman who core set of values and ideas that make us distinctive. In 2015 we need to show works with universities, business and that we have made a difference in local councils to put research results into Government. practice. Specialist in renewable Campaigning - we must deliver social energy, energy efficiency, sustainable justice, localism and a green economy. development and environment. A green economy is good for business Voted a West Midlands Green Leader. as well as being fair. Support for young Founder and Director of an energy people gives our country a future. eficiency charity. Health care and tax has to be fair. SUSAN JUNED 1 Policies, Principles, Philosophy “Policies are founded on what we believe. “Yes, good policy is important - we need to have the details and Parliamentarians need to know and sell the Party’s policies. “We also need big ideas and policies to tell people what we really stand for - not just a catalogue of details aimed at Speaking at Glasgow on the interest groups and the next Election. Pre-Manifesto: “We need big ideas and policies which “As an FPC member, I shall fight to make are symbols of what we stand sure that the Liberal Democrats put our for; what we’ve got is a list, principles and philosophy at the forefront not a rallying cry; a scheme not a vision”. of our 2015 Manifesto and our messages”. Snippets from a Life in Some Priorities for the new FPC: Liberalism: Thinking beyond June 2015 * Led Age Concern: twice voted the UK’s most effective Involve all members in making and understanding campaigning charity policy - we should promote discussion and debate. * CBE for work on 2006 It’s not enough to give us an opportunity to pensions settlement contribute - we need the tools and encouragement. * UK, EU and global work on human rights, diversity and Lead a national programme with State and equalities. Chaired LI Human Regional Parties to make philosophy and belief Rights Committee exciting. We need to motivate workers for the long * Focus editor in Burnley haul, not just each Parliament. * Founder Chair, ALDC If we are involved in government, we must learn from our successes and mistakes and not just Want to know more? repeat history. [email protected] 07778 271177 Supported by the Social Liberal Forum

FPC Sarah Ludford

Political & policy record Over nearly a quarter century I’ve represented the Liberal Democrats at Council, Westminster and European levels. And for all that time I’ve been a member of the Federal Policy Committee, elected either by Conference or by my fellow MEPs. Returning to the House of Councillor, Lords, I’ll focus on our core Liberal values of justice and London Borough of internationalism. Islington Campaigning vigour 1991-1999 I’m also a strong campaigner across London Life Peer and beyond. For the 1997 to date General Election we must highlight to voters our key MEP for London achievements and positive 1999-2014 outlook.

Vote for evident experience and undimmed energy! Sarah Ludford 1 Carl Mayhew

Carl Mayhew 5 Sussex Road, Wyton, Huntingdon, PE28 2EY 07503741661 [email protected] Dear Friend, The Liberal Democrats have always been at the forefront of policy making on the environment, taxation, civil liberties, electoral reform and education. I would work on the FPC to make sure this would stay the case. About Carl However one area we are weak is in what we v Experienced local would do to reform our complex benefit system. campaigner We need to face up to some home truths. v Worked at one of There has been massive changes to the Britain’s largest welfare system and having worked at one of Jobcentres the largest Jobcentres in Britain I have seen v Social Liberal first hand the effects. Forum Member Making sure we have something to say on this v Accredited party area is crucial, we can’t leave this debate to the trainer Conservatives. v Winner of It’s up to the Liberal Democrats to make ‘Greenest Liberal sure we take the right action to provide Democrat’ at our opportunity for all and protect the most last conference in disadvantaged. Brighton in 2007 Carl v Former Norwich City Councillor Carl Mayhew v P.S. Please give me your first preference vote Experience working on local to get someone who will work to make sure we manifestos have something to say on welfare reform. Carl Mayhew #1 for FPC I have thought before of standing for this committee. What has driven me over the edge is the continuing presence of child poverty in our midst. It is a disgrace that working families are having to line up at food banks. I firmly believe that raising a child IS WORK and in itself a valid contribution to the future well being of us all. We need to get money to children to alleviate child poverty just as we have done to pensioners to alleviate pensioner poverty. No-child households have gained far more per person from the tax cuts than those with children. That’s what wound me up!! What else am I good for? A retired chemistry teacher I understand clearly the urgent need to tackle climate change. Living, and for 23 years a councillor, in a town at the mouth of a river I understand what both the threat and the mitigation can mean in real terms. Three grandsons provide the motivation to respond to the evidence. I have learned to handle the bureaucracy (not love at first sight I’m afraid). And still I volunteer to act as regional secretary. A key player in Norman Baker’s campaign team since 1990, I have learned the difference between policy and campaign messages. Both say what we are about. The second guides marketing to help us get where we need to be to put the first into practice. For all round informed common sense and the willingness to do the work, please give me your first preference vote. Thank You! Judith Ost 1 [email protected] 01273 517108 Nominated by Lynne Featherstone MP Liberal values, practical application & Gordon Lishman

"Influential and highly respected" Ÿ - Andrew Marr Mark has served on committees of both the Ministry of Justice and the Electoral Commission, advising Parliamentarians. Ÿ Mark is a founder member of the Open Policy Expert Rights Group and a contributor to the Dictionary of Liberal Thought Dr. Mark Pack has contributed to 24 books on . politics, technology, legal matters and the history of liberalism, including Reinventing the State: for the 21st Century, Community Politics Today and the Dictionary of Liberal Thought. Mark is used to dealing with the details of legislation, and has given evidence to an election law Select Committee. He brings policy expertise, an understanding of our shared liberal values and over 25 years commitment to liberalism to the Federal Policy Committee. Practical Policies We need policies that are true to our liberal values - and which can stand up to media scrutiny. Dr Mark Pack knows from the sharp end just how that scrutiny works as he works in communications and is often in the media defending the party's policies, including on the BBC News, Sky, Radio Scotland and Radio Wales. That means Mark can help ensure the FPC produces policies which campaigners and candidates find useful, popular and robust. He wants the party to give greater emphasis to real devolution to local government, to modernising the state for the digital age and to more clearly communicating our values, not just technocratic details.

Winning Policies Find out more: We need people on FPC who understand Phone: 07944 942 104 campaigning - as it is only through winning Twitter: @markpack votes and elections that policies can turn Facebook: into action. The best policies combine Email: principle and popular appeal. [email protected]

Mark was Head of the Party's 2001 and 2005 "One of the party’s key internet general election campaigns. He is a member of the thinkers on campaigning" - Social Liberal Forum and one of ALDC's regional reps. He Daily Telegraph is co-author of 101 Ways To Win An Election and has twice co-authored the party's General Election Agents Manual. Tom Papworth #1 for Federal Policy Committee This round of federal committee elections are among the most important in our party’s history. FPC will shape not only our 2015 manifesto but very possibly the policy platform of the next government. FPC needs people who have experience of developing public policy at the highest levels. Priorities for the next parliament Ÿ End the housing crisis by delivering on our “Policy needs to be practical and effective, promise to build 300,000 homes a year but it also needs to make sense to voters. I served for seven years as a councillor (three Ÿ Creating a strong, competitive economy with as Group Leader) and have been a candidate high living standards and meaningful, well-paid for parliament and the Greater London jobs Assembly. I understand how to relate policy Ÿ A real devolution of power to campaigns - a major challenge for 2015.” † From Westminster to the regions Experience & Expertise † From central to local government Over 15 years public policy experience † From politicians to individuals. Ÿ Associate Director for Economic Policy Ÿ Well-run, well-structured, well-resourced public at CentreForum, the liberal think tank services. Ÿ Worked in the Cabinet Office, for charities, trade associations and policy institutes in London and Stockholm Ÿ Published policy papers on immigration, housing, higher education, early years education, economic policy and the Liberal Democrat party Ÿ Worked with parliamentarians to develop the Reform of the Planning System motion passed by conference in Spring 2014 Ÿ Served on the Lib Dem International “Members of FPC are frequently called upon to explain Security Policy Working Group. Liberal Democrat policy on television and radio. I have substantial media experience including appearing on [email protected] BBC and Sky News and .” @tompapworth SIMON PIKE

Newbury & West Berkshire – South Central Region for fairness and evidence-based policy

As a party of Government: We will need policies that are ambitious but are achievable, if we are to deliver a stronger economy and a fairer society. We will need to capture the hearts and minds of the electorate. Federal Policy Committee will play a key role in developing a vision for the Lib Dems through and beyond the next Parliament. As a member of FPC: I will strive for Lib Dem policies that are true to our values while being deliverable and based on evidence. I will seek ways to increase the inclusion and contribution of party members in the development of our policies. About me A lifelong Liberal and Lib Dem voter, I joined the party during the 2010 election campaign, immediately after the first leaders’ debate, and I have attended every Conference since then. I am now Secretary of Newbury & West Berkshire local party, a member of English Council, and a committee member of ALDES (the Association of Liberal Democrat Engineers and Scientists) and Liberal Democrats for Electoral Reform. I am a Chartered Engineer, working in management of radio frequencies. It can take many years to reach an international consensus in this field, and a further decade for implementation, which has given me experience of developing and gaining consensus on long-term policies. [email protected] Dr. Catherine Royce Who am I? ● I have spent the last 20 years working with ● I’m a medical doctor with medical research groups within Europe and both frontline and R&D beyond in Africa, Asia and China, and experience in the NHS, the believe I have gained some insight into how pharma industry and the other cultures function, and of the ‘not for profit’ health sector. interdependence of peoples. ● I’m also a former PPC and ● We need to safeguard and even increase currently an approved the overseas development budget, our ‘soft’ power needs as candidate for Westminster. much investment as we make in the hardware, and I believe it ● I’m an Executive member of could yield much more favourable and durable results. Liberal Democrat Women in ● Our history gives us a unique place in world diplomacy which the policy subgroup, a we should use more, and focus on bombs less. member of Lib Dem Engineers and Scientists ● Our opinions are respected abroad, and we are still seen as (ALDES), and a member of an important beacon of human rights and democracy – albeit the Ageing Society Working an imperfect example! The International Relations Committee Group which prepared the plays an important role in keeping the dialogue going, and I’d 2014 policy paper ‘Age like to be a part of that endeavour. Ready Britain’. ● Three things I’m passionate about: Equality, equality, equality! Catherine ROYCE 1 B YOUR FIRST CHOICE FOR FEDERAL POLICY COMMITTEE NAME


About James - an experienced Policy Wonk WHY JAMES ing government policy nation- James has a strong record as a cam- ally, including achieving regu- Inside Story 2 paigner and policy practitioner in lation of predatory Claims Inside Story 2 national politics, and has been active management companies and in the Party since the late 1980s, aggressive bailiffs, extending Inside Story 2 worked for MPs and NGOs and has protection against disability served on several party policy work- discrimination, and improved Inside Story 3 ing groups from the ageing society, to funding for community advice Inside Story 4 equalities, justice and consumer af- and legal aid services. He is fairs. He is a regular speaker at Party adept at working across party Inside Story 5 Conferences and active in a wide lines and is currently working range of party groups such as the So- for an independent non- Inside Story 6 cial Liberal Forum (SLF) - as an Exec party/cross-party commission member, the Liberal Democrat Law- on the future of community yers Association, and has been Com- advice services. pany Secretary to Centreforum. James is also an experienced cam- A qualified lawyer Experienced and paigner for the Party, having stood Professionally, James works in the (Barrister—Non-practising), highly qualified in the last two General Elections charities and legal sectors and has James also holds a Doctorate (Castlepoint 2005, Putney 2010), Expertise across held key roles in several different in Politics from undertaking and campaigned in other guises in diverse social advice, disabilities and mental health research in Bosnia into its Fife, North Yorks, Southport, West policy fields charities including Mind and Citizens post-war reconstruction, and Country and several London bor- Advice, and has written countless has also obtained Masters De- Engaged in policy oughs. He is PPC for Suffolk policy and research reports. He is also grees in Theology, Economic work across the Coastal for 2015. He therefore a passionate advocate on social jus- History and International Rela- Party. tice issues. Many of James’ cam- understands how policy messages tions. paigns have been effective in chang- play on the doorstep.  Enthusiastic

My Priorities for Federal Policy Committee

1. Map the Gaps: Too 2. Engage Civil Society, Expertise 3. Consult and Liaise: 4. Put Social Justice first often gaps emerge in our and Evidence: It may be heresy, Consultation help gets poli- Our Constitution says we body of policy work and but us party/political hacks don’t cy right, even if the pro- exist to tackle poverty, papers. Eg on Welfare we always know best! We need to listen cess gets boring. The Par- ignorance and conformity. have not had a working more to what NGOs and Charities ty should not be bounced Our Party is not a free group or comprehensive say, and to academics studying poli- into policy positions that market think-tank, so work commissioned for cy and socio-economic data. The have not been tested - so where tensions arise be- some years, and likewise best Policy Working Groups do this we should engage our tween the practical needs other areas such as civil well, but there is a lack of consistent PPCs, Council Groups and of social justice and cohe- justice, and the structure, approach. We should make better grassroots leaders in sion, and the doctrines of finance and responsibili- use of our SAOs and professional stress testing new ideas pure free market econom- ties of local government. I groups in the Party - I reject the sim- before they are presented ics, I will always prioritise would like to see more of plistic mantra that engaging profes- as fait accompli to Confer- social justice. Justice is the motions passed at sional knowledge puts producer ence. FPC should liaise what sets us free, and Conference followed up above consumer interests; we need with Frontbench spokes- should always remain the with dedicated work. to draw on practical operational and men & parliamentary back- cornerstone of Liberalism. Gaps lead to confused or systems expertise, and avoid relying bench groups to ensure contradictory messages. on theoretical propositions. they do the same.

To get in contact email or call me at [email protected] 01728 605764 / 07508327606 As a Senior Fund Manager I have had extensive experience both producing high-quality value-added research, and assessing research produced by other members of the team. My work involved the use of rigorous decision-making processes. I have analysed many industries, and have had access to top management in each sector covered. I am an LSE graduate, and a Chartered Accountant.

I have had a wide range of life experiences, growing up in 1970s London, for a short while above my parents’ corner shop! I am a child of Pakistani immigrants. I have travelled extensively, both for work and pleasure, including to South Korea, Venezuela, to the US and to Eastern Europe.

I am a member of the Working Policy Group for Immigration, Asylum and Identity, and in this capacity have spoken at Conference and taken part in the Consultation Session. I am Chair of Ealing branch and an Approved Candidate. I am a good communicator, and I would be honoured to be elected onto the FPC!

Vote for me for FPC! Humaira Sanders Dr Julie Smith (Baroness Smith of Newnham)

I am seeking your support in my re-election to the Federal Policy Committee. I believe my experience, expertise and enthusiasm make a valuable contribution to this committee and to party policy-making more generally, and I would be grateful for your first preference vote.

What do I have to offer?

Experience As a city councillor for over a decade and former portfolio-holder for Customer Services and Resources, I know how local government works and am committed to strengthening our party’s commitment to localism. Having had responsibility for the implementation of the changes to council tax and other benefits, I am acutely aware of how national government impacts on the work of local councils, and it’s not always positive. It is vital therefore that we have strong Liberal Democrat policies at every level of government. As a Federal Policy Committee member for the last nine years and Vice-Chair for the last two, I have played an active role in shaping the policies that went into our last European and general election manifestos, and hope to continue that work.

Expertise I am Director of the European Centre and a fellow of Robinson College, Cambridge University. Before this, I ran the European Programme at Chatham House for four and a half years, lived in Germany and taught at the Central European University in Budapest. Many years of commitment to internationalism and seeking to shape the debate on it have seen me chair the Liberal International British Group, and serve on numerous party working groups on Liberal Democrat values, security, better governance and Europe. I chaired our Defence working group last year.

Enthusiasm I am a tireless campaigner for Liberal Democrat values on the doorstep, and in federal party committees, working groups and federal conference. I believe we must widen engagement across the whole party. As a member of the Manifesto Group I have spoken at various consultation events and believe that such activities should be extended to make sure that all our members, not just those who attend Conference, are able to participate in party policy-making.

I’m convinced that as a party we must be consistent and distinctive, but with policies that are always realistic, achievable in government and grounded in our liberal and social democratic values. If re-elected to FPC, I will continue to fight tirelessly for these, our values.

I hope you will give me your 1st preference vote.

Email: [email protected]; Telephone: 01223 766259; Mobile: 07801 850970

SMITH, Julie 1 Please vote for JANE SMITHARD for FPC

“We must campaign strongly on our record in this Government.....and on what more we can achieve in the next one.”

I am standing for the Federal Policy Committee because

I believe it’s the Economy and how people feel it personally affects them that will ultimately determine who wins at the General Election. My experience is in business, IT and the law and I have spent my entire political life campaigning at grass roots. I also see the immense potential of unlocking the value of women in the workplace and the economy. Our policies should keep focused on reducing the deficit, creating a fairer society and growing the economy so that we can afford the reforms we believe in.

If you agree, please support me with your First preference (or other) vote. Thank you.

Why vote for Jane?

1. Qualified as a Barrister and Arbitrator, I work in the IT sector as Group Company Secretary, General Counsel and (the first woman) Executive Board Member of a leading UK software plc. I previously ran my own Legal Consultancy business for 20 years. 2. I am Vice President of the Parliamentary Candidates’ Association and former Chair. My focus is on providing the right tools for our candidates to fight their campaigns. 3. I started the PCA’s Parliamentary Campaigner, the campaign briefing for candidates which focuses on key issues and clear messaging. I chair its Editorial Board. 4. A founder member of the Party I have stood as a Parliamentary Candidate in 3 General Elections. 6. I am a previous member of both the FE and FCC, chairing numerous debates at Conference. 7. I provided political and legal advice to Helena Morrissey for the Morrissey Inquiry into Ethical Standards within the Party. 8. I have always been a strong proponent of equal opportunity in both politics and business and have experienced first-hand the difficulties of juggling career and parenthood. My son is now studying in Berlin, giving me now more time to devote to the Party again. Jane SMITHARD : 1 Candidates Statement Nigel Taylor - Federal Policy Committee

I have been an active member of the Lib Dems for 8 years and a regular conference rep. I was Chairman of Orpington Liberal Democrats for 2 years. Stood twice as a candidate for Bromley Council and continue to campaign for Lib Dems in the London Borough of Bromley. My priorities are for the party to develop its policies on:- 1. The Environment, especially on transport and railways. We need policies which encourage economic growth but are environmentally sustainable. We need to make the transport system work for ordinary people without destroying the planet. 2. Education – We must encourage the education system to develop all our children to their maximum potential. We must work with all stakeholders, Teachers, Parents and Children to achieve this end. 3. Europe – We must play an active part in developing policies in the interest of Britain, rather than threatening to leave if we don’t get our own way. Also I support our commitment to good economic management, looking after the most vulnerable in society and defending personal liberties. My background is in engineering. I am a creative thinker. I have a good understanding of the science behind climate change. I believe this will make me an ideal member of the Federal Policy Committee. I have worked most of my career in the Rail industry, developing and implementing computer systems. Currently I am a Strategic Analyst in the Information Systems Strategy function of Network Rail. I have been a member of European Working groups, setting the standards for railway operations across the entire EU. In this capacity I have got a lot of experience how to make Europe work for Britain. • From Todmorden, West Yorkshire. 3rd generation activist, joined Party in 2001. Ÿ LibDem MEP for Yorkshire & Humber 2012 -2014, now working full time as Project Manager in a cancer charity.

Ÿ Active in local, national and European elections and by-elections, mostly in Yorkshire, some in London. Ÿ Exec Member inc Local Party chair (Brussels & Europe, 2002- 2008). Exec Member (Islington 2009-2010), Attended Yorkshire regional Exec 2012-2014. Ÿ European parliamentary candidate for Yorkshire & Humber, 2009,Parliamentary candidate for Rotherham, 2010. Ÿ Member SLF Ÿ Skills include event organising & fundraising, encouraging and supporting activists to stand for public office, media appearances defending and promoting LibDem policies.

Ÿ Liberal policy making experience esp. in health, the environment and youth policy. Ÿ Committed to social justice, equality,diversity and keeping a strong green thread running through our policies, and evidence based policy especially in science related matters. Ÿ Internationalist outlook and international experience. Ÿ Reminding FPC to take EU affairs/work of ALDE into account. Ÿ Will push for Liberal, bold, progressive and practical policies, esp for serious and radical policies for real devolution in the UK. Ÿ Thinking more about young people and diverse communities in our policy making. Contact me by email: [email protected] Follow me on Twitter: @RTaylor_LibDem Dr Jenny Woods Evidence-informed Ÿ Values-driven Ÿ Policy specialist

Evidence-informed, values-driven, policy specialist.

I came into politics because I got angry! I saw policy-makers neglecting the big social and environmental challenges facing our world; threatening our future through ignorance of potential solutions, so I decided to do something about it. It seems to be working! My biggest win so far was creating party policy early enough to be effective, leading to our civil liberties victory in throwing out the Snoopers’ Charter. I aim to keep us ahead of the game in other policy areas too. Solid Evidence I lead a university Policy Fellowships Programme drawing on the best academic research from colleagues across many fields, from international development and environmental sustainability to welfare and education. Working with this world- class resource, I gather research evidence for sound decision-making. Strong Values Good evidence only makes good policy when it’s applied with understanding. For our democratic party, that understanding comes from the wide experience of our membership. In my work role, I coordinate expert networks - gathering input from many participants, drawing out ideas and developing consensus. I’ll do the same to ensure FPC works with our membership, collating your contributions, making certain our party’s policy truly reflects our liberal and democratic values. If you want someone who can draw on the best research evidence and with the experience to use it wisely – please select me for FPC @DrJennyWoods Vice Chair, Association of Liberal Democrat Engineers & Scientists. Member SLF. 2014 Winner of Liberal Democrat Women’s Patsy Calton Award for “outstanding contribution to the party”

I want to build a better future & make sure no-one gets left behind