Residential Travel Plan

Erection of 329 dwellings, formulation of new access points from Sleaford Road and Dunston Road, provision of new internal access roads, and provision of new sustainable drainage infrastructure (Planning Application Reference: 20/0029/FUL)

Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham

March 2021 Residential Travel Plan – Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham

Project Title: Erection of 329 dwellings, formulation of new access points from Sleaford Road and Dunston Road, provision of new internal access roads, and provision of new sustainable drainage infrastructure (Planning Application Reference: 20/0029/FUL)

Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham

Residential Travel Plan

Client: JCO Developments Ltd

Date: March 2021 Revision: Version 1.2

Project Ref: 2795

Prepared by: Quality Assured: Authorised by: Lizzy Spurr James Rigby Venezia Ross-Gilmore MRTPI MCIHT MIED MRTPI Principal Planning and Transport Business & Finance Director Director Consultant

This document has been prepared by Globe Consultants Limited for the sole use of our client (the “Client”) and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and the terms of reference agreed between Globe Consultants Limited and the Client. Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by Globe Consultants Limited, unless otherwise expressly stated in the document. No third party may rely upon this document without the prior and express written agreement of Globe Consultants Limited.

© Globe Consultants Limited 2020 2 Residential Travel Plan – Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham

Contents 1. Introduction ...... 4 1.1. The Proposed Development ...... 4 1.2. The Site ...... 5 2. Scope of the Travel Plan...... 7 3. Travel Plan Coordinator ...... 8 3.1. s106 Planning Agreement ...... 9 3.2. Sales Team ...... 9 4. Site Audit ...... 10 4.1. The Development Site Location ...... 10 4.2. Local Highway Network ...... 10 4.3. Development Proposals ...... 11 Access ...... 11 Parking ...... 11 4.4. Sustainable Transport ...... 12 Accessibility ...... 12 Walking ...... 13 Cycling ...... 14 Public Transport - Bus ...... 15 Public Transport - Train ...... 17 5. Current Travel Patterns ...... 18 5.1. Census ...... 18 5.2. Trip Generation ...... 18 5.3. Results of Travel Plan Survey ...... 19 6. Aims and Objectives ...... 20 7. Targets ...... 21 8. Measures, Initiatives and Actions ...... 22 8.1. Travel Information Pack ...... 22 8.2. Promotional Campaigns ...... 22 8.3. Development Site Website ...... 22 8.4. Walking and Cycling ...... 22 8.5. Public Transport ...... 23 8.6. Car Sharing ...... 23 9. Monitoring and Review ...... 24 9.1. Online Travel Management Tool ...... 24 10. Conclusion ...... 25

© Globe Consultants Limited 2020 3 Residential Travel Plan – Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham

1. Introduction

This Travel Plan has been produced for Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham.

Paragraph 111 of the February 2019 ‘National Planning Policy Framework’ [NPPF] (Section 9 – Promoting Sustainable Transport) states that:

‘All developments which generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a Travel Plan, and the application should be supported by a transport statement or transport assessment so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed’.

Additionally, Paragraph 003 of the Planning Practice Guidance document ‘Overarching principles on Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements’ (March 2014) advises that Travel Plans should be created to help achieve modal shift to more sustainable modes of travel. These should provide:

“…long-term management strategies for integrating proposals for sustainable travel into the planning process. They are based on evidence of the anticipated transport impacts of development and set measures to promote and encourage sustainable travel (such as promoting walking and cycling). They should not, however, be used as an excuse for unfairly penalising drivers and cutting provision for cars in a way that is unsustainable and could have negative impacts on the surrounding streets”

A Travel Plan is a site-specific management strategy for attempting to manage the number and type of trips generated by a site in a sustainable way and to deliver sustainable transport objectives. It is a living document that sets out ways to reduce the number of single occupancy vehicle trips generated by a site. It includes aims, targets, measures and incentives to encourage the use of sustainable travel modes.

The Travel Plan process includes monitoring, review, and refinement as travel survey data is collected and the trends in travel patterns are determined. The initiatives in this report may be amended or altered over time.

The overall objective of the travel planning process is to minimise the number of single-occupancy vehicle trips generated by residents and visitors travelling to and from the development site by encouraging the use of modes other than private car (e.g. walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing).

1.1. The Proposed Development

The Application was granted full planning permission from North Kesteven District Council on 17 February 2021 for the following operations:

“Erection of 329 dwellings, formulation of new access points from Sleaford Road and Dunston Road, provision of new internal access roads, and provision of new sustainable drainage infrastructure”.

The Site is included as a Residential Allocation listed in Policy LP52 of the Central Local Plan (CLLP) and identified on CLLP Policies Map under site reference CL904. The Site forms the only parcel of land formally allocated for residential development by the CLLP in the village of Metheringham and, therefore, is expected to play a key role in supporting the delivery of much needed additional housing over the CLLP plan period.

© Globe Consultants Limited 2020 4 Residential Travel Plan – Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham

The site will provide a mixture of 1, 2 and 2.5 storey properties:

• 4no. 1 bedroom dwellings • 83no. 2 bedroom dwellings • 148no. 3 bedroom dwellings • 89no. 4 bedroom dwellings • 5no. 5 bedroom dwellings

The dwellings would comprise a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced properties.

A total of 25% of the properties to be constructed would delivered as affordable housing (Policy LP11), and 31% of the properties would be constructed to the higher access standard M4(2) of the Building Regulations (Policy LP10).

The proposed Site layout plan has been reproduced below on a not-to-scale basis from drawing number J59-03 J prepared by D B L Architectural Design, which was part of the final and approved set of drawings. The purpose of this reproduced figure is to provide further insight into the proposed development and its relationship with the existing built form of the village of Metheringham.

Figure 1: Proposed Site layout, reproduced on an NTS basis from drawing no. J59-03 J

1.2. The Site

The Site consists of approximately 15.33 hectares of agricultural land located immediately northwest of the existing village boundary of Metheringham. The Site is broadly rectangular and centres on National Grid Reference TF063618.

The Site is bound by the B1188 (Sleaford Road) to the west and Dunston Road to the east. Further agricultural fields to the north of the Site provide natural delineation of the Site boundary, whereas residential cul-de-sacs and associated domestic curtilages accessed from Kings Road establish a straight-line Site boundary to the south.

Sleaford Road runs directly parallel to the Site and provides access to the city of Lincoln to the north and town of Sleaford to the south. The majority of the portion of Sleaford Road adjacent to the Site is subject to the National 60 mph Speed Limit, though to the south-west (prior to the B1202 Metheringham Heath Lane junction) this is reduced to 50 mph. There are no pedestrian footpaths

© Globe Consultants Limited 2020 5 Residential Travel Plan – Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham

located on Sleaford Road, however, a substantial verge and hedging serves as a considerable barrier between the Site and the road. To the east, Dunston Road runs adjacent to the Site and provides a direct connection between Metheringham village centre and the village of Dunston to the north. The residential footprint of Metheringham extends past Dunston Road to the east, and so this Application would serve to ‘balance’ the built form of the village by introducing an appropriate form of development to the west of Dunston Road. Dunston Road is also subject to the National 60 mph Speed Limit, though this is reduced to 30 mph south-east of the Site. There is, however, a public footpath (Lincolnshire RoW reference: Meth/35/4) which runs continuously along Dunston Road providing direct pedestrian accessibility to both Metheringham village centre and the village of Dunston.

There are several public right of ways (PRoWs) located on or adjacent to the Site. The largest of which is footpath Meth/6/1, which runs along the Site’s northern boundary and connects Dunston Road with Sleaford Road (where the footpath subsequently terminates). In addition to this, footpath Meth/759/1 runs between the Site’s southern boundary and Ashdale Close (though terminates prior to reaching Ashdale Close), whereas footpath Meth/6/2 connects the Site with Franklin Close (located south of the Site but further east than Ashdale Close). The Site Location plans shown in Figure 2 further illustrates the existing Site context.

Figure 2: Site Location

The community possesses a variety of amenities including a primary school, two churches, convenience store, four public houses, GP Surgery, community library and is served by its own railway station. The railway station is on the Lincoln to Peterborough line. In addition, there are regular bus services providing connections to Lincoln and Sleaford.

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2. Scope of the Travel Plan

Travel Plans are an integral component of the current planning system and are required for most developments; they are equally applicable to developments that both generate trips (e.g. housing) or attract trips (e.g. employment, leisure).

There are four main types of Travel Plan:

• Full Travel Plans - include clear targets, measures to achieve those targets, and a monitoring and review framework. • Interim (Outline) Travel Plans – where the end user is unknown, and a further Travel Plan will be needed when there is further information. • Framework Travel Plans - where there are numerous end users for the development e.g. mixed-use development, with each user then requiring an individual Travel Plan. • Travel Plan Statements - smaller developments which do not justify a Full Travel Plan.

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3. Travel Plan Coordinator

Given the considerable size of the Site, the Travel Plan Coordinator role will be undertaken by a member of the JCO Developments Ltd team with appropriate authority to ensure that measures are implemented effectively and to approve budget spend. The Sales Team will however have a key day- to-day role in the delivery of the Travel Plan, responsible for encouraging the ongoing Travel Plan process, promoting the Travel Plan, and acting as a key contact for employees, visitors and any other stakeholders.

The details of the Travel Plan Coordinator will be confirmed at a later date in accordance with the Travel Plan Action Plan – a draft copy of which is provided at Appendix 1.

The Residential Travel Plan will be updated by the Travel Plan Coordinator once further details are known; however, it is likely that the sales team will also undertake the Travel Plan Coordinator role.

The Travel Plan Coordinator’s role is at the centre of the Travel Plan process. The key duties and responsibilities will be as follows:

• To be the key decision maker on day-to-day matters of implementation of the Travel Plan. • Liaise with residents, visitors and any other stakeholders. • Promote the Travel Plan and produce publicity and travel information. • Undertake an annual Travel Survey (for a period of 5 years following occupation of the last of the residential units or one year post final occupation whichever is the greater). • Monitor the progress of the Travel Plan following each Travel Survey, and produce a Travel Plan Update Report. • Provide a point of contact for residents and visitors for travel advice.

The costs of carrying out the monitoring and review process are the responsibility of the developer. In order to successfully monitor a Travel Plan, Lincolnshire County Council’s Transport Planning Team, require a monitoring fee, secured through a planning obligation made pursuant to section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. It is understood that a financial contribution will be used to cover officer time and the overheads required in order to coordinate and complete the monitoring process over the lifetime of the Travel Plan at a reasonable and proportionate level.

It is anticipated that the build-out will be undertaken at a rate of 40 dwellings per year and, as such, it is estimated that this period will last for approximately 9-years once development commences. Feedback provided in respect of an earlier iteration of this Residential Travel Plan by Lincolnshire County Council stating that this financial contribution should cover to one year post final occupation, resulting in an anticipated financial contribution period of 10-years once development commences.

It is understood that the budget for the Travel Plan itself does not need to be included within the S106 agreement, but rather indicates to Lincolnshire County Council that the developer has considered and allowed for sufficient monies to commit to the plan.

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3.1. s106 Planning Agreement

The s106 planning agreement was finalised in February 2021 and it included the following measures for sustainable transport and the promotion of active travel modes:

• Payment of a commuted sum of £30,000 (£10,000 per annum for 3 years) towards enhancing bus route 31 through the provision of a Saturday service. • Payment of a commuted sum of £10,000 towards the cost of monitoring the Residential Travel Plan. • Payment of a commuted sum to cover the cost of off-site footway/cycle connection(s) from the site’s southern boundary to the existing village. • Payment of a commuted sum of £3,200 towards the extension of the existing speed limits o Dunston Road and Sleaford Road.

3.2. Sales Team

There is a perfect opportunity to influence new residents’ travel habits when they first move into their new home. The sales team will have the opportunity to encourage sustainable travel by promoting sustainable travel options.

Each member of the sales team will make themselves familiar with the travel information pack and the aims and objectives of the Travel Plan. The sales team then will be able to provide travel advice to new residents and emphasize the importance of the Travel Plan.

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4. Site Audit

4.1. The Development Site Location

The Application site is located to the north of the village of Metheringham within the North Kesteven district of Lincolnshire. It is a relatively rectangular parcel of land, approximately 15 hectares in size. Metheringham lies approximately 9 miles to the south of Lincoln and 10 miles to the north of Sleaford.

The site is bounded by development to the south and there are residential properties on Dunston Road opposite. The site is bordered to the north and west by agricultural land. The site currently comprises agricultural land with a field access.

4.2. Local Highway Network

The Dunston Road forms part of the eastern boundary of the site and provides a north-south route between the village of Metheringham and the village of Dunston to the north. To the north of the village, Dunston Road is subject to national speed limit and has 2m footway on the eastern side of the carriageway. The footway is a public footpath (Lincolnshire RoW reference Meth/35/4) which runs continuously along Dunston Road providing direct pedestrian accessibility to both Metheringham village centre and the village of Dunston.

Figure 3: Local Highway Network - Dunston Road adjacent to the Site

Within the village adjacent to the site and to the south of the site, Dunston Road is subject to a 30mph speed limit. It has a 2m wide footways on both sides of the carriageway.

The B1188 Sleaford Road forms the western boundary of the site and provides access to the city of Lincoln to the north (as well as the villages of Branston and Canwick) and town of Sleaford (and villages of Blankney, Scopwick, Digby, Dorrington, and Ruskington) to the south. The majority of the portion of Sleaford Road adjacent to the site is subject to the National 60 mph Speed Limit, though to the south-west (prior to the B1202 Metheringham Heath Lane junction) this is reduced to 50 mph. There are no pedestrian footpaths located on Sleaford Road, however, a substantial verge and hedging serves as a considerable barrier between the site and the road.

© Globe Consultants Limited 2020 10 Residential Travel Plan – Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham

To the west of the B1188 Sleaford Road there is the A15 Sleaford Road providing an ‘A road’ north- south link between Lincoln to the north (as well as the village of Bracebridge Heath) and Sleaford (and villages of Leasingham and Holdingham) to the south.

There are several public right of ways (PRoWs) located on or adjacent to the Site. The largest of which is footpath Meth/6/1, which runs along the Site’s northern boundary and connects Dunston Road with Sleaford Road (where the footpath subsequently terminates). In addition to this, footpath Meth/759/1 runs between the Site’s southern boundary and Ashdale Close, whereas footpath Meth/6/1 connects the Site with Franklin Close (located south of the Site but further east than Ashdale Close).

The Spires and Steeples Trail is situated to the east of the development site. The trail consists of public footpaths and bridleways which can be walked or run throughout the year. The trail begins at the Lincoln Cathedral and ends at St Denys’ Church in Sleaford, covering a distance of 26 miles. The trail brings together the rich history, heritage and local stories of the area. Along the trail there are many beautiful artworks, churches, and interesting landscapes. There is an annual challenge which provides the opportunity to follow the trail with others and raise money for charity.

4.3. Development Proposals


The Site will be accessed from Dunston Road and Sleaford Road.

The main access road will provide direct and indirect access for 303 no. dwellings and has been designed in accordance with the requirements of the Lincolnshire Development Roads and Sustainable Drainage Design Approach document (November 2017 edition). The main access road will be served by a 2-metre wide footway and one side with linear swales on the other side which will convey highway and plot drainage to 2 no. Detention Basins.

The remaining 26 properties would be served via 4no. individual private access drives, two from Dunston Road and two from Sleaford Road.

There will be numerous connections throughout the site to enable permeability for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.


Private residential car parking will be provided in accordance with Lincolnshire Development Roads and Sustainable Drainage Design Approach document (November 2017 edition) which contains design guidance and the following reference to car parking standards:

• A minimum of 2 spaces for a dwelling with 3 or less bedrooms; and, • A minimum of 3 spaces for dwellings with 4 or more bedrooms. Where it is possible and practicable to do so, safe and secure cycle parking will be provided within the proposed development. It is considered that dwellings with associated garages provide adequate cycle storage opportunities. All plots benefit from generous rear garden space which will allow the installation of a shed / bicycle storage facility by future residents if required, secure rear access is also available to all plots.

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4.4. Sustainable Transport


The Revised Framework does not set specific criteria or maximum distances that it considers are appropriate in terms of the proximity between proposed developments and key supporting services and infrastructure. Similarly, the highways authority has no such local criteria that it applies in the assessment of schemes, and instead defers to guidance including the Institute of Highways and Transportation’s (IHT) 'Guidelines For Providing For Journeys On Foot'. The IHT guidelines within that document state that the preferred maximum walking distances to town centres and schools range from 800m to 2km, and for other uses 1.2km. Suggested walk catchment areas for commuting are 500m (desirable), 1km (acceptable) and 2km (preferred maximum).

Due to the location of the Site, the vast majority of the amenities and key facilities on offer within the village of Metheringham fall well within the 1.2km yardstick applied within the IHT guidelines (as demonstrated by Table 1 which follows). The exception is the Industrial Estate which is located approximately 1.40km distance from the Site, though this is not considered to be excessively above the IHT guidelines.

Amenity Approximate Distance Approximate Walking Amenity from Site1 Time from Site2 Nearest Bus Stop – 120m 2-minutes Nearest Bus Stop – Dunston Road Dunston Road Convenience store 480m 7-minutes Convenience store Pharmacy 500m 7-minutes Pharmacy Post Office 510m 7-minutes Post Office Church 515m 7-minutes Church Public House 590m 8-minutes Public House Metheringham 590m 11-minutes Metheringham Primary School Primary School Community Library 650m 7-minutes Community Library GP Surgery 805m 10-minutes GP Surgery Metheringham 1.3km 17-minutes Metheringham Railway Station Railway Station Metheringham 1.4km 18-minutes Metheringham Industrial Estate Industrial Estate Table 1: Approximate distance from Application Site to local amenities (not exhaustive)

1 Distance given is the straight-line distance between the Site and the amenity 2 Walking times given are an estimate only and have been calculated at an estimated walking speed of 3 miles per hour. Walking times have been rounded to the nearest whole minute.

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The majority of roads in the village have footway provision to a good standard with dropped kerbs present as well as street lighting. The surrounding roads are generally lightly trafficked making the walking environment an attractive one.

The majority of the village is within walking distance of the site. This means that residents and visitors will be able to walk for short journeys within the village, instead of using the private car. Opportunities for walking is further aided by the relatively flat topography of the village and the immediate environs.

There are several public right of ways (PRoWs) located on or adjacent to the Site. The largest is footpath Meth/6/1, which runs along the Site’s northern boundary and connects Dunston Road with Sleaford Road (where the footpath subsequently terminates). The footpath’s surface will be upgraded as part of this planning permission, to encourage an increase in users.

In addition, footpath Meth/759/1 runs between the Site’s southern boundary and Ashdale Close, whereas footpath Meth/6/1 connects the Site with Franklin Close (located south of the Site but further east than Ashdale Close).

Figure 4: Public Footpath

There will also be a further dedicated footway/cycle connection from the site to/from Sargent Close as required by planning condition no. 16:

16 No development shall commence until a scheme for pedestrian and cycle path connection(s) from the southern linear open space of the development with the existing village has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. The submitted scheme shall show for the connection(s) to be constructed to an adoptable specification agreed to by the District Council, along with evidenced confirmation the path(s) will be capable of adoption and maintenance by the County Council, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the District Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details and timing of the works.

Reason: To minimise dependency on the private car and to promote sustainable site access, to accord with policies LP9 and LP13 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (adopted 2017).

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This will provide suitable connection for pedestrians and cyclists between the open space within the development site and the existing village via Sargent Close, in order to promote sustainable and active travel modes.

Figure 5: New footway/cycleway link between the development site and Sargent Close

A 2km walking distance remains the typically accepted benchmark for assessing pedestrian accessibility, and the entirety of Metheringham is within walking distance.

Figure 6: 2km Walking Isochrone (Site Location indicated by the yellow star)


It is widely accepted that cycling has the potential to replace a significant amount of single occupancy vehicle trips of up to 5km.

A 5km cycling distance remains the typically accepted benchmark for assessing cycle accessibility, and the whole of Metheringham and nearby villages such as Dunston and Blankney are within a comfortable cycle distance.

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Figure 7: 5km Cycling Isochrone (Site Location indicated by yellow star)

Lincolnshire is predominantly flat therefore opportunity for cycling is aided by the relatively flat topography of the village and the immediate environs. The majority of roads in the village have a speed limit of 30mph and even in the absence of a specific cycle route provision it is likely to be used by cyclists. This means that residents of the proposed development will be able to cycle for short journeys within the village, instead of using the private car.

Public Transport - Bus

The nearest bus stops are on Dunston Road approximately 120m or a 2-minute walk distance, well within the recommended 400m maximum walk distance. The bus stops are served by 2 local bus services (5 InterConnect, and 31/X31) plus a limited once a week shoppers service to a major supermarket in North Hykeham.

There is also pick up available from the 18M Metheringham Call Connect service. This is a flexible bookable bus service. CallConnect buses operate throughout rural areas of Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire, Rutland, Peterborough and East Northants. Journeys are available to anyone of any age. The service is designed to improve transport opportunities in rural communities and market towns where conventional bus services are limited or infrequent. The CallConnect bus service operates Monday to Saturday. Everyone is welcome to use the CallConnect bus service for any reason and as frequently as required. The service is operated by modern, accessible minibuses and services operate between 7am-7pm Monday to Friday and 7.30am-6.30pm Saturday. Every CallConnect bus operates within an area of up to 12 miles giving passengers access to hundreds of locations.

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The bus stop provision consists of:

• Northbound stop - The bus stop consists of a bus stop flag with timetable information on a bus stop post.

Figure 8: Dunston Road Bus Stop (northbound)

• Southbound stop – The bus stop consists of a bus stop flag with timetable information on a bus stop post.

Figure 9: Dunston Road Bus Stop (southbound)

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Service Route First Bus Last Bus Frequency 5 Lincoln – Boston 0812 1827 Hourly InterConnect Boston - Lincoln 0706 1709 Hourly 31/X31 Sleaford – Lincoln 0725 1840 2 Hourly Lincoln - Sleaford 0615 1745 2 Hourly Table 2: Bus Services Monday - Friday

Service Route First Bus Last Bus Frequency 5 Lincoln – Boston 1027 1827 Hourly InterConnect Boston - Lincoln 0706 1709 Hourly Table 3: Bus Services Saturdays

Bus information will be kept up to date using

This website also includes a Lincolnshire Bus Map and journey planner, upcoming timetable changes, information on CallConnect Bus, Lincolnshire Concessionary Bus Pass, Town Maps, Accessing Lincolnshire Transport, and Live Help function.

Public Transport - Train

The nearest railway station is Metheringham Railway Station. The station is managed by Railway (EWR). operates all the services. The station is unstaffed and has limited facilities; two waiting shelters, bicycle storage, service timetable information and ‘Help Points’. Tickets are bought from the guard on the train.

The train station is within easy walking and cycling distance from the Site. Train fare for a return journey between Metheringham-Lincoln is currently £4.90 and this is considered to offer a cheaper and more sustainable mode of transport than use of the private vehicle for such journeys (when considering the cost of fuel and parking).

The station provides services to and from Lincoln, Ruskington, Sleaford and Spalding on the Lincoln Central to Peterborough.

The site is approximately 14km from Lincoln Railway Station which provides connection services:

• Newark Northgate and Leicester via Newark Castle and Nottingham using the Nottingham – Lincoln line ‘Midland Line’ • Leeds and Sheffield via Retford and direct services to Doncaster using the Doncaster – Lincoln line ‘Great Northern and Great Eastern Joint Line’ • Town via Market Rasen with occasional journeys to Cleethorpes • London Kings Cross on a two-hourly basis on a Monday to Saturday

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5. Current Travel Patterns

5.1. Census

The 2011 Census Data shows that in Metheringham 12.6% of households have no car/van available. There is an average of 1.4 car/vans per household. This compares to 1.17 car/vans per household nationally in 2011 and 1.31 car/vans per household in the county of Lincolnshire.

In accordance with previous comments offered by the Lincolnshire County Council Transport Planning Team that, in Metheringham, roughly 4.3% work mainly at or from home and residents use the following modes of travel to work:

• 4.3% walk • 1% use a bicycle • 2.3% catch a bus/minibus/coach • 2.5% use a train • 0% use a taxi • 0.9% use a motorcycle/scooter/moped • 4.6% are a passenger in a car/van • 74% drive a car/van

5.2. Trip Generation

As part of the Transport Assessment, the TRICS database was used to determine the likely number of trips that the development would generate. The scheme in the Transport Assessment Addendum (July 2020) included for a robust figure of 386 dwelling houses, and the final approval was for 329 dwelling houses.

The following tables summarise the predicted weekday AM and PM peak hour vehicle trip rate for the houses.

Arrivals Departures Total Trip Rate Trips Trip Rate Trips Trip Rate Trips AM 0.078 28 0.369 134 0.447 162 PM 0.313 114 0.179 65 0.492 179 Table 4: Proposed Vehicle Trip Generation - Residential Dwellings

Arrivals Departures Total Trip Trips Trip Rate Trips Trip Trips Rate Rate Pedestrians 0.237 86 0.231 84 0.468 170 Bicycles 0.011 4 0.022 8 0.033 12 Public Transport 0.067 24 0.059 21 0.126 46 Total People 3.532 1,282 3.679 1,335 7.211 2,618 Table 5: Proposed Sustainable Transport Modes Trip Generation - Residential Dwellings

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The majority of trips generated by the development will be vehicle trips by private car, however, there are opportunities to encourage people to walk, cycle and use public transport through the Travel Plan.

5.3. Results of Travel Plan Survey

The baseline (first) Travel Plan Survey will be conducted by the Travel Plan Coordinator within three months of first occupation or once a suitable level of dwellings to provide a reasonable response (circa 50) are occupied, whichever is sooner.

The results of the baseline Travel Plan Survey will be included in this section of the Residential Travel Plan once it has been conducted, and the Residential Travel Plan Report will be reissued to the Council.

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6. Aims and Objectives

The central aims and objectives of the Residential Travel Plan can be summarised as follows: • Reduce single occupancy car journeys to and from the development site and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport • Increase awareness of the alternative travel options • Promote healthy active lifestyles

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7. Targets

The Travel Plan Coordinator (TPC) is responsible for ensuring that associated targets are identified to assist with the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Travel Plan.

Travel Plan targets should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). It is important that Travel Plans include for a range of measures which encourage changes in travel behaviour.

Target 1 10% reduction in single occupancy car use by 202X

Target 2 10% increase in walking and cycling by 202X

Target 3 10% increase in use of public transport and/or car sharing by 202X

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8. Measures, Initiatives and Actions

To reach the aim of reducing single occupancy car journeys to and from the development site, measures will be implemented to raise awareness of alternative transport options and promote healthy active lifestyles.

8.1. Travel Information Pack

There is a commitment by the developer to ensure sufficient funds are available to produce and distribute a Travel Information pack to each household upon first occupation and this will include information about the Travel Plan, walking, cycling, public transport e.g. bus timetables, local taxi firms and car sharing information. The developer will ensure that the information is current and will liaise with Lincolnshire County Council before distribution to ensure that the contents are comprehensive and up-to-date.

It will also include a voucher (to the maximum value of £20 per household) to increase incentive choice and offer either; a personal alarm or pedometer (for walkers), a hi-visibility jacket / D-lock or cycle safety check (for cyclists) or bus ticket (for public transport users). Residents can then opt for the incentive most beneficial to them.

8.2. Promotional Campaigns

Promotional campaigns will be undertaken to coincide with national initiatives such as:

• National Walking Month (May) • Bike Week (June) • Cycle to Work Day (September) • European Mobility Week (September)

These campaigns will be promoted via the Development Site Notice Board.

8.3. Development Site Website

The development site website will include information about the Travel Plan, and relevant walking, cycling, and public transport information including an informative map.

8.4. Walking and Cycling

The potential for walking and cycling will be improved by the production of a walking and cycling map detailing the main routes, and promotional material raising awareness of the health benefits. The developer will ensure that the information is kept up-to-date.

This will tie into National Walking Month, Bike Week, Cycle to Work Day, and European Mobility Week.

As is previously noted within this Residential Travel Plan, the Applicant is committed to providing safe and secure cycle parking within the proposed development. Furthermore, in order to increase opportunities for further sustainable modes of transport internally within the development, safe and

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secure cycle parking will also be provided at a suitable location adjacent to the Local Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) area of public open space.

8.5. Public Transport

The potential for using public transport will be improved by the production of a public transport map detailing the main bus routes and bus stop locations in the vicinity of the site. The developer will ensure that all information is kept up-to-date.

The developer will liaise with the local bus company to explore the possibility of discounted bus tickets for residents.

Information about the Park and Ride, and Lincoln BIG Bus Deal associated with Stagecoach for people who work in the city of Lincoln will also be provided.

8.6. Car Sharing

Car sharing will provide the opportunity to use the flexibility of the car but reduce the impact that travel has on the environment.

The developer will promote the use of online car sharing websites particularly Liftshare (, a free car sharing ‘matching service’ for all those who live, work and travel around Lincolnshire.

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9. Monitoring and Review

The Travel Plan Coordinator will organise and manage the annual review, for a period of up to 1 year post final occupation. The baseline (first) Travel Plan Survey will be conducted by the Travel Plan Coordinator within three months of first occupation or once a suitable level of dwellings to provide a reasonable response (circa 50) are occupied, whichever is sooner.

The Travel Plan Coordinator role will include ensuring measures are implemented, monitoring the success of the Travel Plan, undertaking annual travel surveys, resolving problems implementing the measures, and amending measures and targets to reflect progress of the Travel Plan.

The key monitoring tool will be a survey of residents and visitors on annual basis using the survey questionnaire. The aim will be to achieve a minimum 25-50% survey response rate, and in the event this is not achieved, this will trigger further work and a more detailed multi modal travel survey will be undertaken.

The main areas of monitoring will include:

• Walking • Cycling • Use of public transport • Use of Car Sharing • Modal split • Visitor travel The data collected from the annual travel survey will be evaluated to ascertain whether there has been any change in modal split. Following the evaluation process, the Travel Plan Coordinator will consider the results and draw conclusions, before deciding on the most appropriate course of action for the Travel Plan. This may involve the amendment of targets and reassessment of initiatives.

The Travel Plan Coordinator will communicate the results of the annual travel survey to residents, visitors and other major stakeholders as appropriate.

Results of the surveys will be reported to the County Council within one month of the surveys being conducted.

9.1. Online Travel Management Tool

Lincolnshire County Council now use an online travel plan management tool to assist in monitoring of travel plans. This tool, Modeshift STARS, allows users to collect data and information linked to the site and input into the system. Where residents do not have email access, paper versions of the survey can be used. The process allows online access for the site Travel Plan Coordinator and the local authority, is more efficient than paper, and enables more effective monitoring of the Travel Plan for both parties.

The County Council recommends that the Travel Plan Coordinator uses this system to undertake resident surveys and help with the monitoring of the Travel Plan which could ultimately lead to accreditation and recognition.

Further information can be found at

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10. Conclusion

This Travel Plan demonstrates the Developer’s commitment to promoting sustainable transport. The Residential Travel Plan has the overall objective to minimise the number of single-occupancy vehicle trips generated by residents and visitors travelling to and from the development site by encouraging the use of modes other than private car (e.g. walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing). It aims to do this through encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport, increasing the awareness of the alternative travel options, and promoting healthy active lifestyles.

This Travel Plan is a live document and will be updated by the Travel Plan Coordinator as appropriate including when further information becomes available and circumstances change.

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Appendix 1 Travel Plan Action Plan (Draft)

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Objective: Reduce single occupancy car journeys to and from the development site and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport

Objective: Increase awareness of the alternative travel options

Objective: Promote healthy active lifestyle

Measure Action/s Priority Date Responsibility Target Comments Level

Travel Plan Appoint Travel High To be completed by Developer 1, 2, 3, Notify the local highway authority Travel Plan Officer Coordinator Plan the Travel Plan with name and contact details Coordinator Coordinator when first occupation is known

Travel Produce High To be completed by Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Produce information/maps showing location of local Information information/ the Travel Plan Coordinator amenities, walking routes, cycle routes and bus maps Coordinator when facilities (refer to Travel Plan) first occupation is known

Update High To be completed by Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Update development sales website with relevant Website the Travel Plan Coordinator walking, cycling, public transport information including Coordinator when an informative map. first occupation is known

Produce Travel High To be completed by Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Produce a travel questionnaire that seeks to obtain Survey the Travel Plan Coordinator basic travel information Questionnaire Coordinator when

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first occupation is known

Provide Site High To be completed by Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Provide a site notice board. This will include Notice Board the Travel Plan Coordinator information about the travel plan e.g. promotional Coordinator when campaigns. first occupation is known

Car Sharing Provide High To be completed by Travel Plan 1, 3 Promote car sharing, and the use of online car sharing information on the Travel Plan Coordinator websites particularly LincShare the benefits of Coordinator when (, a car car sharing first occupation is sharing ‘matching service’ for all those who live, work known and travel around Lincolnshire.

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Objective: Reduce single occupancy car journeys to and from the development site and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport

Objective: Increase awareness of the alternative travel options

Objective: Promote healthy active lifestyle

Measure Action/s Priority Date Responsibility Target Comments Level

Travel Promotional Medium To be completed by Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Promotional material for the development will include Information material the Travel Plan Coordinator information about walking, cycling, and public Coordinator when transport information, including an informative map. first occupation is known

Travel Survey High To be completed by Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 First survey to be undertaken 3 months after the first Survey the Travel Plan Coordinator occupation Coordinator when first occupation is known

Update Travel High To be completed by Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Update the Travel Plan Statement to include the Plan the Travel Plan Coordinator baseline travel data, targets, and any other applicable Coordinator when amendments following the survey first occupation is known

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Objective: Reduce single occupancy car journeys to and from the development site and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport

Objective: Increase awareness of the alternative travel options

Objective: Promote healthy active lifestyle

Measure Action/s Priority Date Responsibility Target Comments Level

Travel Update Medium Ongoing Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Maintain an up-to-date database of relevant Database database Coordinator transport and travel information

Bus Discussions Medium Ongoing Travel Plan 3 Continued discussions with bus operators concerning Measures with bus Coordinator timetable changes, potential discounts etc. operators

Cycling Review cycle Medium Ongoing Travel Plan 2 Regular inspection of cycle parking provision on site parking Coordinator e.g. is it sufficient, does it require any maintenance. provision

Travel Provide Site Medium Ongoing Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Update information on the site notice board. This will Information Notice Board Coordinator include information about the travel plan e.g. promotional campaigns.

Update High Ongoing Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Update the development sales website with relevant Website Coordinator walking, cycling, public transport information including an informative map

© Globe Consultants Limited 2020 30 Residential Travel Plan – Land east of Sleaford Road (B1188) and west of Dunston Road, Metheringham


Objective: Reduce single occupancy car journeys to and from the development site and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport

Objective: Increase awareness of the alternative travel options

Objective: Promote healthy active lifestyle

Measure Action/s Priority Date Responsibility Target Comments Level

Promotional National High May Travel Plan 2 Site Notice Board Campaigns Walking Coordinator Month

Bike Week High June Travel Plan 2 Site Notice Board Coordinator

Cycle to Work High September Travel Plan 2 Site Notice Board Day Coordinator

European High September Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Site Notice Board Mobility Week Coordinator

National High October Travel Plan 1, 3 Site Notice Board Liftshare Week Coordinator

Travel Survey Survey High July Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Subsequent surveys on the anniversary of second Coordinator travel survey

Survey Visitors High July Travel Plan - Subsequent surveys on the anniversary of first travel Coordinator survey

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Walking Review Medium October Travel Plan 2 Annual inspection of local walking routes and report infrastructure Coordinator issues/defects to Lincolnshire County Council e.g. provision lighting

Cycling Review Medium October Travel Plan 2 Annual inspection of local cycling routes and report infrastructure Coordinator issues/defects to Lincolnshire County Council e.g. provision lighting, pot holes

Public Review Medium October Travel Plan 3 Annual inspection of nearby bus infrastructure e.g. bus Transport infrastructure Coordinator stop flag, pole, shelter, seating, timetable information, provision hard standing, and raised kerbing. Report issues/defects to Lincolnshire County Council

Distribute Medium With Travel Survey Travel Plan 3 Distribute bus timetables with the travel survey and updated bus and as appropriate Coordinator when significant changes are made to the timetable timetable information

Travel Update Medium October Travel Plan 2, 3 Review and update maps showing location of local Information information Coordinator amenities, walking routes, cycle routes and bus maps facilities

Update High October Travel Plan 1, 2, 3 Review and update the development sales website Website Coordinator with relevant walking, cycling, public transport information including an informative map

Car Sharing Provide Medium October Travel Plan 1, 3 Promote car sharing, and the use of online car sharing information on Coordinator websites particularly LincShare the benefits of (, a car car sharing sharing ‘matching service’ for all those who live, work and travel around Lincolnshire.

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