Expert’s Corner

You’re an expert in your field, and that means your opinion matters and has value. Now you have a place to put your knowledge to work for you and your organization. Expert’s Corner connects you with other top leaders and decision makers in your sector, expanding your network and your new business development opportunities. Put your thought leadership to work. Expert’s Corner is your place to shine.

Join the community where you can share the wisdom and insight of featured experts on an array of topics ranging from crisis communications and reputation management, IPO communications, the impact of the blockchain on advertising and marketing, artificial intelligence in Marcom, ethics in the c-suite, and much more.


>> Financial communications

>> Health communications

>> Tech trends in PR & marketing

>> The tokenized economy

>> Ethics in the c-suite

>> Artificial intelligence in marketing communications

>> The death of trust: Real news, “fake news,” and the cyber plots designed to divide us

>> Storytelling techniques and trends

>> Reputation management and trends


To produce, share and promote your brand and capabilities via the distribution of your thought- leadership content, advertising to our community of 170,000+ Corporate Communications, Public Relations, Marketing, Investor Relations & Financial Communications professionals and listing in the CommPRO Directory. PROGRAM DETAILS

Sponsored Post, published on and on our daily E- letter as well as distibution via our syndication partners including Apple News, News360, , and more.

$1,500 (Value)

Advertisement featured on the homepage slider for 30 days, as well as advertising on your sponsored content in perpetuity.

$3,000 (Value)

30-Day Sponsorship of the CommPRO E-Letter. (12 display ad placements)

$2,000 (Value)

Listing in the CommPRO Directory.

$250 (Value)


>> CommPRO’s website attracts 75,000 unique visitors per month.

>> Our executive briefing E-Letter is distributed to 170,000+ members of our community of managerial, executive and C- suite professionals who have subscribed to receive news and knowledge relevant to professionals working in the communications disciplines – corporate communications, public relations, marketing, financial communications and investor relations.

>> More than 3 million subscribers to news aggregation apps Feedly and News360.

>> Global audiences through online syndication including; Apple News,, , AllTop, FeedBurner, FeedAge, Blog Digger and Feed Listing.

>> All major social media channels including, , and Linkedin.


