Horse Breeding in England and India and Army

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Horse Breeding in England and India and Army S E C O N D ED I T I ON H O R S E — B R E E D I N G I N E N G L A N D A N D I N D I A A N D ARMY H O R S E S AB RO A D I R AL T E R G I L B E Y B A RT W . S , Ant/107 of ' H O RSE S F O R T H E ARMY ; T H E G REAT O R WAR H O RSE ; SMALL H O RSE S IN WARFARE ; H OR SES PA ST AND PRE SENT ; T H E HARNE S S H O RS E ; Y O UNG R ACE - H o RS E s ; EARLY CARRIAGE S AND R O ADS ; ANIMAL PAINTERS O F & c & c . ENGLAND , , I L L US TRATED LO N D ON " V O C o . N E W B S E C . INT N , 9 RIDGE TREET , C O N T E N T S HORSE - B REEDI NG I N 1 884 TH E PRESENT STATE O F A FFA I RS HORSES B RE D I N E NGLA ND HORSES B RED F O R S PORT O NLY PURC H ASE O F ENGLISH MA RES B Y FOREI GNERS HORSES W A NTE D F O R TH E A RMY S I ZEA B LE HA RNESS HORSES PRIVATE E NTERPRISE I N ENGLAND B REEDI NG W IT H OUT PREJ UD I CE ‘ LANDLORDS WOULD D O WELL TO GIVE C H O ICE O F S TA LL IONS CA USE O F FA I LUR E I N E NGLIS H HORSE - B REEDI NG HEI GH T O F R A CE - HORSES FROM 1 7 00 TO [ 90 0 C H A RA CTER O F R A CE - HORSE S FROM I 7 o o T O 1 90 0 TH E INTRODU CTI ON O F S H ORT R A CES TH E R OA DSTER O F A CENTURY A G O W H AT FOREI GN N ATIONS A R E DOI NG HORSE - B REEDI NG IN FRA NCE ' HORSE - B RE E DI N G I N GERM A NY (PRUSS IA ) HORSE - B REEDI NG I N HUNG A RY HORSE - B RE E D IN G I N A USTRI A HORSE - B REED ING I N ITA LY HORSE - B REEDI NG I N R USSI A H ORSE - B REED I N G I N TU RK EY HORSE - B REEDI NG I N IND I A " ' Opi n i o n s of th e L a te Vetem l z ary Co lo nel H a llen rs e nd a rs t i m r v e a e B r s r e o n s Fi t e vo u o p o N tiv e ed . A my R m u t d r e - h e wa o f an o s di n . a e are s ffi e s i n t H B re e g N tiv M . D i culti y i m r v e m e ns s o ro re d s . o Pu rc hase o f s a o . n p nt . t lli E gl i h Th ughb O n r r all o ns o ro red s fro bj e cti o s to Th o o ughb e d St i . Th u ghb m s ral a . H a ne a l o ns. es l s o f s n o ro re d A u t i ck y St l i R u t u i g Th ughb , a ne a n ra a l ns o ro re d and ra re s i n H ck y d A b St l i o . Th ughb A b Si e a e e r s o f n s o ar o s B o mb ay P re s id e ncy . R l tiv m it y o u g t ck by v i u f n i r 1 n w n the o rse s a o ns . o mmi S i o n o I u 0 0 rro rs i o r t lli C S q y 9 . E ki g H r d n e and fo r o rse s fo r s o r i n nd a . al o ns B e e i g Sch e m e . D m h p t I i St li e rw r a l s z e o f the ra a e and s z e o f the o rs e o v o ke d . Sm l i A b Cl im t i h Opi n i o n s of Maj o r Gen eral S H ’ 7 0 1 m Wa lt o n \ s s n s s e . o r o f o ld B e ng al tuds . h o rtco mi ng o f e x i ti g y t m . V k S S nd s r n ara e r f are s n re d . o e ess ne ss I i c imi nate b re ed i g . Ch ct o m ig o H p l o f evo lvi ng an A ngl o - I nd i an ho rse TH E HORSE - B REEDI NG (IN D I A ) COMM ISSI ON O F 1 90 0 - 1 I LL USTRATI O N S PAG E A C K the ro er o fthe N n D u e O f am l o n OVER HA C , p p ty i th k H i t HUNTER S I RE — COGNA C H EI G H T O F R ACE - H ORSES FROM 1 70 0 T O 1 90 0 S H AR K O RVI LLE ’ K I NG GEORGE I V S HA C KNEY A NGLO - N ORMA N STA LLI ON — R A D ZIWI LL O L D E N B URG H M A RES i v PR E F A C E Certa in c/z anges leav ing co m e o ver t/z e co ncli ti o n ’ I of o u r no rse - oreea i ng i nclnstry i n E nglana da ring ’ t/z e last ew ears ana m o re recent info rm atio n f y , co ncerning tne wo rk of lco rse— oreecli ng i n I ndia and toe starts o F rance Ge rm an I tal and f , y, y ' ’ ’ R nssi a lt ao z n been o ota i nea t/z i s Seco na E ition g , d ’ nas een nz ae n r o a ecessa y. Cnapters o n S i z eaole H a rness H o rses and o n ’ “ ” Tae H ezg/et a na Cnaracter of R ace— H o rses fro m 1 7 0 0 to 1 90 0 nave been a dded to tae l t x t o rigina e . ’ Tne particu lars of fo reign stna estaolis/z ments given i n tae fo llo wing pages sno w no w f ally Co ntinental natio ns realise tne impo rtance of enco u ra in lz o rse- oree cli n and Me valu e tne g g g, y r - continu e to set o n E ngli sn o eecli ng stoc/é . E lsennanc H all 0 m A ril 1 0 6 3 p , 9 H O R S E - B R E E D I N G I N E N G LA N D AN D I N D I A A N D A R MY H O R S E S A B R O A D H O R S E - B R E E DI N G I N 1 8 84 M ore than twenty years since I drew attention * to the f neglect displayed in England in the breeding O Horses . Stress was then laid upon o u r increasing dependence on foreign cou ntries for supplies of horses of the generally usefu l stamp ; and u pon the mistaken policy Of selling tb Continental b u yers the mares we might with profit to ou rselves retain u for breeding purposes at home , if s ch mares are properly mated . T H E P R E S E N T S TAT E O F A F FA I R S M u ch has happened to alter the general condition of ' affai rs si nce those words were spoken ; Since the first edition Of 1 0 1 this book appeared in the year 9 , the change in some departments Of road transport in Britain has been increasingly - l rapid . We have seen the horse drawn tramcar rep aced in many Cities by the electrically driven car ; and the motor driven omnibus threatens now to displace the horse - drawn vehicle . ’ Wzth D i scusswn thereo n A Paper read at 78 8 4 at the Farmers Club . ’ b the D uke o Westmmster arl C arrz n to n Si r N i el Ki n Sco te y f , E g , g g , Mr.
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