SBSP Bulletin 2005 Vol. 14
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Bulletin of the SCANDINAVIAN-BALTIC SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY . � PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1st SYMPOSIUM OF THE SCANDINAVIAN � ' BALTIC SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY, VILNIUS, LITHUANIA r.ri, -�"' ''<. 26-29 May, 2005 � ) ;j '.. .]v._:./vJl <-· �]/ .. ....- Vol. 14 2005 Ulli,IJ(TIN ()F TilE SCANDINAVIAN-BALTIC S()('IETY Ff>R PARASITOLGY Fdlim lntilll lliittilldsen, (Jonm.tharalll0��1@�y_g_ti!_1�, National Veterinary Institute, l' 1 1 I !o� I ·.r, I kp, OO.U Osl11, NORWAY. Phone: +47 23216410 Fax: +47 23216301 llw Htdklltt u; a co11tinuation of' the Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for l',l!lhll! thv la�;t rvgular issue of this was Volume 12-13 (2003). The Bulletin will I!!I!IIIHW on an JJTegular basi�;, for publication of proceedings from the society's tlhTI!IIg-;. hll mmc inl(mnation about the society, see our home page: In t•Jptthhsp/ Society Board: l'n•'>ldt·llt: Secretary: l•,;n I il!ll';�;ntt (kttrlsk((llhi,i::;) Charlotte Maddox-Hyttel ([email protected]) ln•;!t!ulc llq F.Xpl.·rilllclltal Pathology Section for Immunology and lituvrrnlv of kchmd, Parasitology Kcldil! v/Ve:;lttrlandswg Danish Institute for Food and Veterinary IS ll / H�·ylqavik, I< 'I�LAND Research l'holl!' I \:1'1 'i(J/4700 Biilowsvej 27 ht I Yvl 'l(J'/W'N DK-1790 Copenhagen V, DENMARK Phone: (+45) 72 34 62 13 Vlrt' Pre'lhlrnt: Fax: (+45) 72 34 61 81 t Vulldunas (gegy<l)k(il),ek�Qil!) lt•di!lllllil'! Treasurer: lihlllttlc or l�cology Katja Pulkkinen ([email protected]) iltJIII:; I Jmvnsity Department of Biological and r\lwdn 1111 n:; 2 Environmental Science I I !Hi,) I) Vlitlltls 21, LITIIUANIA University of Jyvaskyla l'hmw I \ /0 .'1 27292(>9 P.O.Box 35 hl I l /0 0 )/29257 FIN-40350 Jyvaskyla, FINLAND Phone: +358-(0)14-2604220 Fax: +358-(0)14-2602321 Hmml l\lNnlwrs:Romualda Pctkeviciute ([email protected]), Lithuania and Einar Stt tlllllu';, 1 tliHll ,s!n>mm��, Norway r 'uvi't: ltt N<H�;�· mylhology, the giant ash tree- Yggdrasill - spreads its limbs over the ' 111 u !lliWk 111d The ash has three roots, each of them sucking water from its own spring. llw In,,, '•Jl' mg 11 vvrgclmir · is f(mnd in the ice cold North; next to the spring, the serpent 1!1!''1!,, p, nw;dn;.·;ly gnawing at the roots ofthe ash. The second spring - Mimisbmnnr !lh' •.nw ,.J wisdorn and is guarded by Mimir. The third spring - Uroarbmnnr - is dcd !111 W!lllH.'ll, the Norns, which mete out man's thread of life. Ill f�<.llWilY hy liS Hepro A/S ISSN 0803-4907 EMO RAAMATUKOGU PROCEEDINGS of the 1 st SYMPOSIUM OF THE SCANDINA V/AN-BALTIC SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY Vilnius-Lithuana 26-29 May, 2005 Editors: Romualda PetkeviCiute and Gediminas Valkiunas Symposium Secretariat: Secretariat, 1st Symposium of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology Institute ofEcology, Vilnius University, Akademijos 2, Vilnius- 21, LT-08412, Lithuania. Fax:+ 370 5 272 92 57, E-mail: [email protected], Internet adress: 11 Scientific Organising Committee Tor Andreas Bakke, Norway Muza Kirjusina, Latvia Ewert Linder, Sweden Charlotte Maddox-Hyttel, Denmark Karl Skimisson, Iceland Gediminas ValkiUnas, Lithuania TellervoE. Valtonen, Finland Mats Wahlgren, Sweden Local Organising Committee in Vilnius, Lithuania Tatjana Iezhova Vytautas KontrimaviCius J advyga Olechnoviciene Romualda Petkeviciute Grazina Staneviciute Gediminas Valki Unas We are pleased to acknowledge the following sponsors Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Institute of Ecology, Vilnius University Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation lll CONTENTS PREFACE Welcome by the president of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology Karl Skirnisson . ... .... ... ....... ... .......... ... ... .... ... ...... ... ..... ..................... .. ............... ..... ...... 1 Late Professor Peter Nansen and the Baltics Michael Larsen, Ch arlotte Maddox-Hyttel, and Gediminas Va lkiiinas........... ..................... ....... 3 Patterns of cytochrome b sequence diversity in avian haemosporidians: Diversity among host species and populations S. Bensch .... ........... ............ .............. ... .... ....... .... .... ......... ........ ....... ................ ......... 5 Epidemiology and transmission biology of Ech inococcus multilocularis in Europe P. Deplazes ................... ...... ......... ..... ................ ... ..... ........ ........... ................................ ....... ......... 7 Neospora and neosporosis: An update on epidemiology and diagnosis B. Gottstein . ... .. ... ............... ............................ ................................. ............. ..... ............ ..... 1 0 Complement evasion in the host-parasite relationship S. Meri .................................. ....... ..................... ..... ........ ............. ................. ... ...... .......... ........... 15 Stress in the life of a parasitic nematode M. E. Viney ................................. ..... ...... ........................................... ................................. ....... 16 Early evolution of the cellular domains: From prokaryotic sex, to symbiosis, to eukarya? B. T Wa lther ............ .. ....... ......................... ....................... .... ...................... .................. .... ..... ... 18 SUBMITTED PAPERS- ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS Impact of anthropogenic pressure on Ixodestick population, cadmium tolerant tick population appearance, tick microbiocenosis, vector capacity and immunity A.N. Alekseev, H. V Dubinina & P.A. Ch irov ............................................................................ 21 Community structure of cestodes fr om shrews in southern Km·elia VS. Anikanova ...... .... ... ........ ... ..... ............ ..... ..... ........ ................. ......... ............. .................... 22 Morphological variability of tapeworms of the genus Proteocephalus ( cestoda: proteocephalidae) L. V Anikieva ..... ....... ..... ..... ... ..... ...... ... ... ............ .... .................. ...... ............ .......... ...... 23 Results of ecological and faunistic studies of coccidians in mammals of Lithuania T Arnastauskiene .... .... ....... ...... .......... .......... .. ......... ... ...................................... ... .................... 24 An overview of wild mammalian helminthology in Japan M Asakawa & H. Hasegawa ............... ... ....................... ................................... ............... ....... 24 Blood parasites of great snipe Gallinago media in Belarus A. P. Babushnikova & P. V Pinchuk. .. .... ....... ......... .... ..... .... ........... ........................ ................ 25 iv Diversity and ecology of metazoan parasites in Baltic cod Adus morhua callarias fr om the Lithuanian economic zone of the Baltic sea E. Bacevicius ............. ..................... .... ................. ........... .............. ........................... ...... ..... ...... 26 Helminths of lynx Lynx ly nx and wolf Canis lupus in Latvia G. Bagrade, K. Vvismanis & J. Ozolir;ts... ....................... ...... .... ............. ................... ............. ... 27 Formation of parasite fauna ofbrown trout Salmo truttae 1. from small lake-river systems of northern Karelia Y Y Barskaya & E. P. Ieshko ... ... ...... ...... ...... ............ ........ ....... ......... ... ........ ....... ................... 28 Parasite fauna of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum, 1792) under acclimatization Y Y Barskaya & 0. V. No vokhatskaya ... ............ ............. ........ .............................................. ..... 29 Prevalence of ectoparasitoses in dogs and cats among other skin diseases S. Belova ...... ................ ............. ........ .............................. ...................... ..................................... 30 Reliability of mitochondrial dna in an acanthocephalan: The problem ofpseudogenes D. Benesh, M. Tiirola &E.T.Va ltonen ................... ...... ...... .......... ...... ... ........ ..... ... .... .... ........... 31 Peculiarities of development and distribution ofbloodsucking biting midges ( ceratopogonidae: culicoides) in Lithuania R. Bernotiene .... ........ ..... ........ .... .... ....... .............. .... .......... ....... ........... ......... ................. ........... 31 The fauna of helminths of common shrew in the north-westernpalea rctic R. Binkiene & V.S. Anikanova ..... .... .......... ............................... ...................... ............ ........ ..... 32 Cestodes of the genus Ap loparaksis clerc, 1903 (Cyclophyllidea) from gulls S. Bondarenko & V. Kontrimavichus... ................. ......... .... ..... ...................... ...... ........ ..... ..... .... 33 Effects of fo rest fr agmentation on malaria infections in wild african rainforest birds C. Bonneaud, R. Sehgal, S. Saatchi, & T. B. Smith ....... ...... ......... ........................... ............... .. 34 Influence of the living condition on toxocarosis risk in children in central Poland A. Borecka, J. Gawor & H. Zarnowska ....... ........... ........... ................................ ............... ........ 35 Bovine natural killer cells produce interferon gamma and kill infected autologous fibroblasts upon in vitro infection with Neospora caninum in cattle P. Boysen, S. Klevar, I. Olsen &A. K. Storset ....... ................. ................................... ... .... ..... 36 First report on prevalence of Echinococcus spp. in naturally