ARPads: Mid-air Indirect Input for Eugenie Brasier, Olivier Chapuis, Nicolas Ferey, Jeanne Vezien, Caroline Appert

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Eugenie Brasier, Olivier Chapuis, Nicolas Ferey, Jeanne Vezien, Caroline Appert. ARPads: Mid-air Indirect Input for Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2020 - IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Nov 2020, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. 13 p. ￿hal-02915795￿

HAL Id: hal-02915795 Submitted on 16 Aug 2020

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Eugenie Brasier∗ Olivier Chapuis* Nicolas Ferey† Jeanne Vezien† Caroline Appert∗

ABSTRACT Interacting efficiently and comfortably with Augmented Reality (AR) headsets remains a major issue. We investigate the concept of mid-air pads as an alternative to gaze or direct hand input to control a cursor in windows anchored in the environment. ARPads allow users to control the cursor displayed in the headset screen through movements on a mid-air plane, which is not spatially aligned with the headset screen. We investigate a design space for ARPads, which takes into account the position of the pad relative to the user’s body, and the orientation of the pad relative to that of the headset screen. Our study suggests that 1) indirect input can achieve the same performance as direct input while causing less fatigue than Figure 1: (left) Mid-air indirect input: hand movements on an ARPad hand raycast, 2) an ARPad should be attached to the wrist or waist control the location of the cursor in the AR window (an ARPad is an rather than to the thigh, and 3) the ARPad and the screen should invisible plane in mid-air, which is colored in translucent blue here have the same orientation. for illustration purposes). (right) Our design space for ARPads: the virtual plane can be located at different positions (wrist, waist or thigh), Keywords: AR headset; Indirect input; Small scale gestures and can have different orientations (vertical or horizontal). Index Terms: Human-centered computing—Human computer interaction (HCI)—Interaction paradigms—Mixed / augmented re- ality; Human-centered computing—Human computer interaction (Fig. 1-left and Fig. 4), like a trackpad does with a cursor displayed 1 (HCI)—Interaction techniques—Gestural input on a laptop’s screen. As already demonstrated in the context of remote control of distant vertical screens [43], this indirect way of 1 INTRODUCTION controlling a cursor enables users to adopt more relaxed postures and perform gestures that are subtle, and thus more acceptable in Augmented Reality (AR) headsets make it possible for users to public [16]. get private, in-situ user interfaces. They can offer personalized We investigatea design space for such indirect input in the context e.g. exhibits in museums ( , [54]), deliver specific instructions in an of AR headsets. As illustrated in Fig. 1-right, we consider two e.g. educational context ( , [20]), or display data visualizations related dimensions: where the gestures are performed relative to the user’s to objects in the environment [66]. Interacting with virtual objects body (wrist, waist or thigh), and what the main orientation of those displayed in the headset is typically achieved through gaze and gestures is (horizontal, vertical). We implement specific designs in hand gestures performed in front of the headset. For example, the this space in an AR headset that has a limited-size viewport (i.e., a Microsoft Hololens requires users to move their head to adjust the Microsoft Hololens 1). We conduct a study to evaluate these designs cursor position over the object of interest, and then raise their arm as well as two direct input baselines (gaze and hand raycast) on both to perform an air-tap hand gesture in the tracking area located ahead discrete and continuous input tasks. Our study results indicate that: of the headset. 1) indirect input can achieve the same performance as direct input Both gaze input and mid-air gestures have drawbacks. Mid-air while causing less fatigue than hand raycast; 2) an ARPad is more gestures can quickly get tiring when the arms are in an upward posi- efficient when positioned close to users’ wrist or waist rather than tion [5,30], while gaze-based input suffers from precision issues [72] to their thigh; and 3) users perform better with an ARPad when its and is prone to accidental selections [33,34]. In the case of AR head- orientation matches that of the headset screen. sets that estimate gaze based on head position and orientation, the situation is even worse as the object to select needs to be put in 2 RELATED WORK the viewport’s center, making peripheral (but potentially interesting) objects leave the user’s field of view. Furthermore, large gestures Indirect input is a fundamental concept in HCI that received a lot performed in mid-air can be socially awkward [1]. So can unnatural of attention in the literature about pointing. We only discuss here head movements. This might result in a mismatch between displayed on works that are closely related to our contribution, focusing on content that is intended for private consumption and exaggerated interaction with head-mounted displays and mid-air gestures for movements to interact with this content. interacting with portable devices. We investigate the concept of ARPad as a means to replace or 2.1 Interacting with Head-mounted Displays complement the default input channels of AR headsets. An ARPad can be seen as a virtual plane in which users perform small scale Usability is a key aspect to consider if we want to facilitate the movements to control the cursor displayed in the headset’s screen adoption of AR glasses [39]. Many projects in the literature aim at improving interaction with such devices. As mentioned above, *Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Inria, LRI, Orsay France. interaction with AR headsets usually relies on gaze input. While Email: [ brasier | chapuis | appert] fast, gaze input suffers from precision issues [72]. Gaze input thus †Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, LIMSI, Orsay France. benefits from the addition of other modalities [40] such as a mouse Email: [ ferey | vezien] in a desktop setting [76] or a handheld touch device in a mobile

1The parallel is not to be considered literally as a trackpad enables relative cursor control (with clutching actions) while our implementation of an ARPad enables absolute control (as a graphics tablet). setting [69]. Gaze input also suffers from the Midas Touch prob- capture gestures that are performed at chest height. ShoeSense [6] lem [33, 34], which can cause accidental activation commands in augments a shoe with a to track large-amplitude arm the absence of a proper selection mechanism. Selection with gaze and hand gestures to control wearable applications. Such wearable is usually performed using a dwell action. It can also rely on an tracking equipment has the advantage of allowing users to perform additional device [33,72]. When targets are moving, selection can mid-air gestures with arms in a position lower than when optical also be achieved with eye pursuit [37, 60]. sensors are mounted on the headset itself. Mid-air gestures have also received a lot of attention as a means OwnerShift [17] is a recent technique for (VR) to interact with head-mounted displays. They remove the need for headsets that enables users to progressively relax their posture dur- additional devices and allow users to perform direct manipulation ing long-lasting interactions. Two optical sensors are mounted on of objects that are within arm’s reach [46]. Mid-air gestures can the headset itself, one oriented along users’ sight, the other oriented be complemented with another modality such as speech [59] or downward. Users see a virtual representation of their hands, which gaze [56]. Commercial solutions like the Microsoft Hololens rely on gets progressively shifted up so as to encourage users to shift their gaze for pointing and air tap gestures for selection. In this specific real hands down, smoothly transitioning from overhead to waist. context of AR headsets, optical sensors for tracking hand gestures OwnerShift builds upon the set of techniques that play with the are usually mounted on the headset, looking in the direction of users’ rubber hand illusion [7]. For example, the Go-go Interaction Tech- sight (e.g., [12, 26]). This means that users have to perform gestures nique virtually extends users’ arms to reach distant objects without at a relatively high height, which quickly causes discomfort and walking [62]. The converse approach also works: instead of virtually fatigue [30, 57]. extending users’ body, virtual objects can be brought closer in motor When users do not need to keep their hands free, an external space while preserving their positions in visual space [49]. However, device can be used as a controller for Head-mounted Displays. AR gives less freedom than VR as it makes it challenging to modify This external device can be a smartwatch [58], a smartphone [8], the representation of users’ body. a tablet [70], or a custom one [64]. The tangibility of an external Gunslinger [43] addresses the fatigue problem of mid-air gestures device usually improves comfort and precision. For instance, a in a more radical manner. Relying on what has been later called at- smartphone can act as a trackpad for pointing content displayed your-side gestures [67] and earlier used for zooming actions in [52], on a distant screen [68] or in AR [11]. A spatially tracked mobile Gunslinger allows users to remote control a large display using small- device can control 6 DOF for manipulating spatial content [45,48]. scale movements that are performed in a relaxed posture. One Leap Further adding multitouch input, users can even perform advanced Motion controller is attached to each thigh, tracking both hands manipulations in VR [70]. Conversely, while portable devices can when arms are along the body. Users point with their dominant address weaknesses of HMDs in terms of input, HMDs can also hand following a trackpad metaphor, and activate commands with address weaknesses of portable devices in terms of output [22,77]. specific postures of their non-dominant hand. Gunslinger’s support For instance, an AR display can enlarge a smartphone’s display to for pointing is very similar to a horizontal ARPad attached to users’ accommodate a large information space [53] or to distribute widgets thigh in our design space, with one notable difference: Gunslinger across displays [21]. works in relative mode (with clutching actions) while ARPads work For tasks performed in the office, users can lay a tablet on their in absolute mode. desk and use its soft keyboard for text entry in VR [23]. They can also use a mouse [20] or a physical keyboard [23]. In a mobile 2.3 Extending Input Space in the Air context, a smartwatch can be used to interact with remote content: Extending the interaction space in the air is a strategy that has been for raycast pointing [58], for indirect pointing [74, 77] or for text implemented for devices other than head-mounted ones. It was input [2]. All these projects advocate using an external input device initially investigated for small devices because of the limited size of to interact with HMDs. We argue that bare-hand input can comple- their interaction surface, which causes occlusion and precision issues. ment such techniques or replace them when an external device is For example, the Gesture Watch [38] allows users to perform mid-air not available. Bare-hand input also has the advantage of making gestures above the watch. Gestures are performed with the dominant HMDs stand-alone devices, and of leaving users’ hands free for hand over the watch worn on the non-dominant arm (the watch is other actions. equipped with an array of proximity sensors). The Abracadabra A hands-free alternative consists in using the user’s body as an wristwatch [28] extends a watch’s sensing area above the surface input device with large-amplitude gestures performed on the whole in the same way, but differs in the sensing technology: the finger body [18] or with finger gestures performed on specific parts of from the dominant hand wears a magnet, making it trackable by the the body (e.g., on the forearm [29], on the hand palm [50], on watch’s magnetometers. Here again, those techniques share some the abdomen [71], and even on the face [42, 65, 75]). Wearable similarities with ARPads when they are located on users’ wrist with devices also support portability. Dobbelstein et al. have proposed a horizontal orientation. wearables for interacting with headset screens with, e.g., a touch- Building upon the concept of continuous interaction space, that enabled belt [13] and pocket [14]. Finally, foot taps have also considers a touch surface and the space around it as a continuum [44], been investigated recently as a means to perform menu selection Chen et al. equip a smartphone with a depth camera in order to with head-mounted displays [51]. However, these latter solutions extend the vocabulary of possible commands with air+touch ges- require custom sensors, have limited input capabilities and might tures [10]. The combination of touch and mid-air input has also raise questions regarding social acceptance. proven efficient for performing large amplitude slide gestures on a smartphone [4] or on a smartwatch [27]. 2.2 Overcoming Fatigue of Mid-air Gestures In light of the above, mid-air gestures remain a very good candidate 3 ARPAD DESIGN SPACE for interacting with headset screens. However, tracking such gestures Mid-air indirect input, as a concept, is not novel. But all possible in a portable setting is not trivial. Some research prototypes embed designs have not been systematically investigated. This section cameras in clothes, shoes or jewels. For example, the Gesture describes our design space for ARPads. This space encompasses Pendant [19] is a wearable device used to control home environments techniques from the literature, as well as novel ones that build upon with mid-air gestures. SixthSense [47] extends the Gesture Pendant prior work on mid-air gestures for portable devices. by combining a projector and a camera in a pendant. It can project An ARPad is an imaginary pad on which users can move their digital content in the physical environment in front of the user, and hands to control the position of a cursor displayed in the headset Waist Vertical hr the where ( smartwatches with relative gestures mid-air pointing, indirect on focusing not Although indirection. of definition the to key is it as screen AR TION TION etrfi h rjcoyo ib rudjoints. around might limbs that of surfaces trajectory curved could the consider We fit and movementsbetter comfortable. planes for be 2D allow might beyond that to go even plane order sagittal in the screen to headset parallel the of the y-axis where the case the consider also investigat- could an worth for be example, might values For investigation other ing. first values, our specific physical limit two a we these with While to experience computer. have laptop who a users on to ex- trackpad familiar can be we to as it interesting, pect particularly is configuration This screen. straight look users consider when also screen We headset consider ahead. the We of that stands. matches pad tation the which within plane 2D the of tation and low arms their keep fatigue. can less users experience level, should waist at tracked high are held gestures are [30], arms air when gestures the mid-air in of performing fatigue were the users about their results 47], of [19, front pendant in a gestures by tracked were tures [43]. users’ project to Gunslinger the in control cursor for used been parts: already body three consider specifically we Here, gestures. dimension space, design locations our different In at body. gestures at- their perform are to to sensors relative able the be part will users body to, which optical tached on attaching Depending requires them. environment to their leaving sensors in while move gestures to mid-air free Tracking users (discussed section). contexts previous mobile the for in gestures mid-air on work previous it. on depend strongly aspects ergonomic of positioning 2, the Fig. to in relate illustrated that space, dimensions design two Our implementing on large. for focuses is possibilities pad of mid-air number a The such screen. distant a of imaginary an rather is Gustafson by nary envisioned However, concept support. the visual from any differ without and hands operate bare users their [25], interfaces imaginary Like screen. study. we that configurations specific six the the where how dimensions: two along structured is the space design Our 2: Figure P AD h eoddimension, second The dimension, first The ARPad O interfaces ersnstebd atcoet hc sr efr mid-air perform users which to close part body the represents ecie the describes ODY OSITION and B P RIENTATION Waist Chest as hc orsodt ae hr the where cases to correspond which pads, Thigh ARPad Wrist Wrist Wrist ARPad slctdrltv oteue’ oy( body user’s the to relative located is aeas encniee o mrvn interaction improving for considered been also have Waist r prtdwt iethn etrs An gestures. hand direct with operated are soine ( oriented is 90° x-axisrotation Fg 3). (Fig. Horizontal srttd90 rotated is ARPad ecie the describes e.g. samr rmsn pint td.When study. to option promising more a is device 2,3].I rjcsweemdarges- mid-air where projects In 38]). [28, , B Horizontal ARPad ODY Chest Thigh P spsto eaiet h srsbd as body user’s the to relative position ’s P AD AD hc sue o nietcontrol indirect for used is which , P O P ◦ oee,cnieigempirical considering However, . O OSITION AD RIENTATION oae ls ousers’ to close located sa biu addt si has it as candidate obvious an is rudtexai fteheadset the of x-axis the around RIENTATION Vertical O ARPad as hc orsodt cases to correspond which pads, parallel RIENTATION ARPad sdrcl oiae by motivated directly is , spsto eaiet the to relative position ’s .Bu onsindicate points Blue ). srttd90 rotated is Vertical (rotated) ecie h orien- the describes , B 90° y-axisrotation ODY tal. et ARPad P OSITION ARPads hr imagi- where B B ODY ODY Thigh ◦ ARPads sorien- ’s ARPads ARPad around Thigh P P ,and ), with we , OSI OSI - - , . { Vertical eipeetdtesix the implemented We wtotbigafce yha oin.Ojc ikn nteAR the in picking Object motion). head by affected being (without imple- to (2017.4.3.0) MixedRealityToolkit the and (2017.2.4.f1) -adyae Fg ).Ti en hta1mhn oeetwill movement hand 1cm a that means This . 4) (Fig. y-axes and x- iue4 oto ipa ai o otoln usrdslydi the in the displayed on cursor movements a through controlling screen for headset ratio display Control 4: Figure S,wihi unsnste oteHlLn i sockets. via HoloLens the via to computer be them the cannot sends to turn Motion data in sends Leap which it the USB, HoloLens, As the to plugged HoloLens. directly the and Motion Leap 1.38 move cursor the make 1cm:1.38 of ratio implemented display we control unnatural studies, a perform pilot to by have Informed would movements. users rather which co-planar plane on a plane on actual projected an an are that than movements means all This which plane. inside that cuboid to orthogonal is that the transform axis We to cuboid itself. this device from the coordinates is origin of whose Dimensions system coordinate postures. hand for engine an issue recognition potential a any aspects cognitive eliminating to and AR, related motor for control on indirect focus in to involved order in choice this relativemade implements in postures, which illustrated clutching [43], as with Gunslinger tape, control to velcro opposed of As pieces 3. with Fig. users to Motion ( Leap the orientation pad’s the on Depending pointer. this from raycasting Motion through achieved Leap is the scene with each sensed updated been gets has position what pointer on The depending one. frame the main in the cursor as the instance Unity registered and on the MRTK, reused from relied We face cursor. We AR own our controller. ment Motion Leap a and HoloLens values crossing from result designs These space. design our in stand ARP 4 iue3: Figure Thigh euea xenlcmue o omncto ewe the between communication for computer external an use We hands. users’ tracking for controller Motion Leap a on rely We six the where shows 5-left Fig. ARPad dx =1cm/ dy =1cm/ , o P for } Waist AD Waist Δ Δ r 10.3 are x =1.38 y =1.38 Δ , P x AD Wrist ROTOTYPES , Wrist ◦ ◦ (or 4.62cm) (or 4.62cm) Δ O y RIENTATION for } × and TeLaMto rvdsa3D a provides LeapMotion The cm. 18.3

ARPads B Thigh ◦ ODY nvsa angle. visual in ARPads P . dnie bv sn Microsoft a using above identified oypstosfrteLa Motion Leap the for positions body OSITION ARPad ◦ ARPad hc suiomo ohthe both on uniform is which , B ODY oki bouemd.We mode. absolute in work

dx ein htw investigate we that designs IPointingSource dy ihvle { values with ARPad spaeb goigthe ignoring by plane ’s P OSITION . FocusManager ,w attach we ), Horizontal ARPad inter- sa is , Thigh Waist Wrist Head Gaze Horizontal

ThighHorizontal WaistHorizontal WristHorizontal HeadGaze Hand Vertical

ThighVertical WaistVertical WristVertical HeadHand

Figure 5: (Left) Indirect input conditions: the six ARPad specific configurations from our design space {Thigh,Waist,Wrist}×{Horizontal,Vertical}. (Right) Direct input conditions: Gaze and Hand raycast. .

5 EXPERIMENT H3 Vertical ARPads perform better than horizontal ones. The Our study aims at assessing 1) how indirect input performs in com- level of indirection between the motor space and the visual parison with direct input, and 2) what ARPad designs perform best. space is even higher when both spaces differ in their orientation. This might degrade user performance even more. 5.1 Direct Input Baselines H4 An ARPad at Wrist position performs better than at Waist HeadGaze – An AR headset cursor is usually controlled through or Thigh positions. When the ARPad is located on the Wrist, gaze, allowing users to directly look at the object they want to select. users can move their non-dominant hand to adjust the plane’s In current headsets such as the Microsoft HoloLens, gaze orientation location and orientation. This enables bimanual actions where is actually estimated based on head orientation. Our first baseline the non-dominant hand sets the context for precise actions per- (HeadGaze) corresponds to this default cursor control technique. formed with the dominant one. Such an asymmetric division HeadHand – In our second baseline, users directly control the cursor of labor might prove efficient [24]. with their hand. The cursor position results from a raycast along the vector headset-hand. As opposed to indirect techniques, HeadHand 5.3 Participants implements a 1:1 control display ratio to make the cursor position match that of the hand. This corresponds to the Image-Plane tech- 16 participants (11 men and 5 women) volunteered for the exper- nique in [35]. iment. All of them were right-handed. Our experiment started with a question about their prior experience with AR and VR head- 5.2 Hypotheses sets. Twelve participants reported that they never to rarely used AR Our experiment compares the eight techniques illustrated in Fig. 5. headsets, and the other four answered sometimes to daily. Eleven Our hypotheses regarding their comparative performance were as participants answered never to rarely for VR headsets, and five of follows: them sometimes to daily.

H1 Users experience more fatigue with HeadHand than with 5.4 Apparatus ARPads. This first hypothesis is the actual motivation for using Our experiment ran on a Microsoft HoloLens 1 (30◦ × 17.5◦ screen) indirect input as an alternative to hand direct input. Freehand and a Leap Motion controller (running Orion 4.0.0+52238). Com- interaction when holding arms up in the air are tiring [30]. munication between the Leap Motion and the HoloLens was enabled ARPads let users keep their arms in positions that are more by a Microsoft Surface Book 2 through WiFi / UDP. comfortable than HeadHand does. The experiment scene was rendered in an AR vertical window H2 Users perform better with direct techniques than with ARPads. of 47.5 × 84.5 cm. It was positioned at a distance of 194cm from Visual and motor spaces are not spatially aligned with ARPads. the headset when starting an experiment session (i.e., its visual size Such an indirection can degrade user performance, as is the is 24.57◦ × 13.96◦). The window then remained fixed in space if case for a typing task on a software keyboard in Virtual Real- users moved their head. The control display ratio for ARPads in ity [23]. We expect that this indirection will also be cognitively this specific case is thus 1cm:4.62cm. A 1cm hand movement on demanding when pointing with an ARPad, and that it may an ARPad makes the cursor move 1.38◦ in visual angle, which is affect user performance. 4.62cm in the window (Fig. 4). for 500ms (dwell) to make it disappear. This makes the next target to acquire turn white. We chose to rely on dwell actions for target selection so as not to involve any additional input device or gesture recognition engine that could have introduced some noise. All targets in a series have the same size. Some series fea- ture Large targets (2.36◦), Medium targets (1.18◦) or Small targets (a) (b) (0.59◦). Targets are laid on a 7.78◦-diameter circle.3 The difficulty Figure 6: The pointing task. (a) The target to acquire is colored white. of the pointing task is thus an inverse function of target size. (b) It turns green when the cursor enters it. Users have to keep the For each elementary pointing task, we measure acquisition time cursor inside it for 500ms to make it disappear. (i.e., the time interval between the last target’s disappearance and the time at which the current target is selected), as well as the number of errors (i.e., how many times the cursor leaves the target before it gets selected). As the cursor is located at the center of the scene at the beginning of a series, its distance to the first target is smaller than the diameter of the ring on which targets are laid out. We thus ignore the first target acquisition of all series.

5.5.2 Task 2: Continuous, trajectory-based interactions (a) (b) Participants have to follow a circular target (0.59◦ in diameter) that Figure 7: The pursuit task. (a) The cursor is green when it is close to moves in a quasi-random manner within a square of 11.66◦×11.66◦ the target. (b) As it is getting further from the target, it turns reddish. (Fig. 7). Participants are instructed to follow this target in order to keep the cursor as close as possible to it. We limited the duration of A Leap Motion controller has some limitations regarding the pursuit tasks to 30 seconds. The target trajectory seemed random range within which it can accurately track users’ hands. In particular, to participants, but was actually pre-computed in order to balance the hand must not be too close to the device (i.e., distance should the difficulty across participants and techniques. In our experiment be at least 8cm). We made users aware of this limit by providing design, users had to perform a series of three pursuit tasks with some feedback. When users’ hand is getting close to the limit, each of the eight techniques. We thus generated three target paths the border of the AR window progressively turns red, indicating in advance using a sum of four sinusoids for both the x- and -y that they should adjust their hand position. The operator instructed directions with parameter values reported in [17]. We used the same the participants about how to interpret this visual feedback at the three paths for each participant × technique block. 2 beginning of the experiment. For each pursuit task, we consider the mean angular distance between the target and the cursor (we incrementally compute this 5.5 Tasks value at each frame). As in several recent studies (e.g., [17,40,51]), our tasks focus on 2D interaction. This does not limit ARPads to 2D interactions, however. 5.6 Design and Procedure An ARPad can also be used for interacting with 3D content same as We follow a within-subject design with the primary factor TECH- mouse input can control 3D software on desktop workstations. NIQUE. Fig. 5 gives an overview of the eight TECHNIQUE conditions. Participants had to perform two types of task with each technique. Each indirect technique (i.e., ARPad) is a combination of the two The first type of task aims at operationalizing discrete interactions. It secondary factors BODYPOSITION and PADORIENTATION, which consists in a typical pointing task implemented according to the ISO correspond to the respective dimensions in our design space. For 9241-9 standard [32]. The second type of task aims at rather opera- the two direct techniques, we consider the value of BODYPOSITION tionalizing continuous interactions that typically occur during direct to be Head but the other secondary factor rather corresponds to the manipulation of objects or during gesture-based input. Inspired by modality: Gaze or Hand. the study conducted to evaluate OwnerShift [17], we operationalize Fig. 8 illustrates the presentation order of trials in our experiment. such continuous tasks with the pursuit tracking task introduced by Each participant completed four blocks, one per BODYPOSITION. Poulton [61]. The presentation order for these blocks was counterbalanced with a Latin Square. There were two subblocks per BODYPOSITION block, 5.5.1 Task 1: Discrete, point-based interactions one per PADORIENTATION (for BODYPOSITION=Head, there were Participants perform pointing tasks in diverse directions by acquiring one Gaze and one Hand subblock). Presentation order between the a series of targets that are laid out in a circular manner. As illustrated couple of subblocks was also counterbalanced across participants in Fig. 6, participants acquire eight targets successively. The next target to acquire is colored white. It turns green as soon as the cursor 3One visual degree corresponds to 3.39cm in the AR vertical window enters it. The participant then has to keep the cursor inside the target displayed at 194cm from the headset, and to 1.73cm in motor space for indirect techniques. Our conditions thus correspond to 8cm-, 4cm- or 2cm- 2Such “Out of range” events occurred rarely in our experiment. For targets laid out on a 26.5cm-diameter circle in AR window, and to 1.73cm-, Indirect Techniques, it happened: (i) in 3% of pointing trials; (ii) between 0.87cm- or 0.43cm-targets on a 5.74cm-diameter circle in motor space for 0.05% and 1.8% of total time per pursuit trial. indirect techniques.


Day break 30’ break 30’ break

0 30 60 90 0 30 60 90

Tutorial Pointing Pursuit

Figure 8: Experiment timeline

and body positions. Finally, within each subblock, the presentation order of tasks was always the same: a tutorial session, followed by Thigh Waist Wrist Head all pointing tasks and then all pursuit tasks. In the tutorial session of a block, the operator quickly introduced the technique to be tested. When the technique was an ARPad, the operator used a cardboard sheet to illustrate where the pad stood 3000 and what its orientation was. Participants then had to point at eight targets, one at each corner of the screen and one at the middle of each side. If needed, participants were free to perform this training session again at will, before actually starting the block. Participants then completed 2×3 pointing series (one series actually consists Pointing Time (ms) of eight elementary pointing tasks as detailed above). Pointing series were grouped by three, which were always presented in an increasing order of difficulty: Large, Medium, and Small targets. * ** The first group of three is considered practice, and the other one is *** * 002000 1000 0 used for analysis. Finally, participants performed three pursuit tasks Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Gaze Hand as described above. Here, the first one is considered practice while Figure 9: Notched box plot for the pointing time per TECHNIQUE, the other two are for analysis. grouped by BODYPOSITION, then by PADORIENTATION for indirect We took particular care not to have a transfer of fatigue from one techniques or modality for direct techniques. Pointing time includes technique to the other. As Fig. 8 illustrates, our experiment was dwell time for selection. divided into two sessions of 1h30mn each, performed on consecutive days. Each session was also divided into two sub-sessions of 30 minutes, separated by a 30-minute break to let participants rest. indirect techniques only consider a subset of data, as PADORIEN- They could rest longer if they wanted to. In all cases, they started a TATION is not crossed with BODYPOSITION in the Head condition. BODYPOSITION block only after having self-assessed themselves Our experimental design ensures a balanced number of measures as not tired. We counterbalanced presentation order for the two across the different groups that we compare in all cases. However, PADORIENTATION conditions within a block so as not to have when we analyze data for indirect techniques only, results might have always the same transfer direction from one orientation to the other. been slightly impacted by the presentation order as the counterbal- Participants had to answer several questionnaires during the ancing strategy applies to the whole set of technique conditions. We course of the experiment. The first one had to be filled in at the very evaluate this impact as low, as the global Latin Square still ensures beginning of the procedure. It consisted of the consent form and two a balanced presentation order between pairs of indirect techniques. questions about their prior experience with head-mounted displays. The only impact might come from the presentation of baseline direct Then, at the end of each BODYPOSITION condition, they had to rate techniques in-between two indirect conditions. the mental demand, the physical demand and the perceived perfor- Finally, we analyze participants’ feedback through questionnaires. mance of the technique for each of the two pad orientations (using definitions and associated 20-point Likert scales from NASA-TLX). 5.7.1 Pointing Task Collecting participants’ comparative feedback between techniques is Direct and Indirect Techniques (Time). Fig. 9 shows pointing somewhat conflicting with the aim of minimizing transfer of fatigue time (Time) for each TECHNIQUE, and Fig. 10 shows a breakdown of between conditions. As sessions were run across two separate days, these data per TARGETWIDTH. An ANOVA for model Time ∼ TECH- participants might have had difficulties recalling conditions that they NIQUE × TARGETWIDTH reveals a significant effect of TECHNIQUE tested on the first day. To help participants remember each technique, (F = 9.02, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.16), and of TARGETWIDTH (F = 9340, conditions were illustrated with the pictograms used in Fig. 5. They 7,105 G 2,30 p<0.001, η2 =0.69) on Time. Moreover, the ANOVA reveals a signifi- were displayed in each instruction message all along the experiment, G cant TECHNIQUE × TARGETWIDTH interaction effect (F14,210 =3.28, and were printed in the questionnaires. 2 p<0.001, ηG =0.06). Unsurprisingly, TARGETWIDTH has a significant effect on Time. 5.7 Results The larger the target, the easier the task, as reflected by the shorter We use repeated measures ANOVAs and post-hoc paired t-tests for pointing time. quantitative analyses (with aggregated data, after having checked HeadGaze has the best completion Time on average. It is sig- that there is no strong violation of normality). We use ART ANOVAs nificantly faster than the two Thigh techniques (p’s < 0.001), than and post-hoc paired Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for qualitative WaistHorizontal (p=0.007), and than HeadHand (p<0.001). We then analyses. To decrease the probability of Type I errors, we apply look at the interaction with TARGETWIDTH. For large and medium Bonferroni-Holm corrections. Our graphs represent data distribution targets, we have the same results (with similar p’s). However, for using notched box plots (notches show the 95% confidence interval small targets, HeadGaze is only significantly faster than Thigh- for the median). We use R [63] to run our analyses. ANOVAs rely Horizontal (p=0.017) and HeadHand (p=0.033). This suggests that on the ez [41] and ARTool [36] packages. Post-hoc tests rely on HeadGaze suffers from an increase in pointing difficulty, which is functions t.test and wilcoxsign_test of the coin [31] package, in line with previous work that discusses the precision issues users and the p.adjust function. Charts rely on the ggplot2 library [73] face with gaze input [33, 34, 72]. for box plots and the likert package for Likert graphs. WristVertical ranks second regarding average completion Time. We first analyze data collected in pointing tasks, then in pur- WristVertical is significantly faster than the two Thigh techniques suit tasks. For both tasks, we analyze the effect of TECHNIQUE (p’s=0.010). Looking closer at the interaction with TARGETWIDTH, to get a comparison between the different ARPads and with the we can see that, for small targets, WristVertical becomes significantly direct baselines (i.e., Head condition). We then analyze the effect faster than HeadHand (p=0.021). Here again, we can see that users of PADORIENTATION and BODYPOSITION for indirect techniques have relatively more trouble with direct techniques than with indirect only in order to understand how each of the two dimensions of the techniques for tasks that require more precision. As HeadHand is design space contributes to their performance. These results help to implemented based on a raycast along the headset-hand vector, it interpret differences between indirect techniques. Such analyses for might also have suffered from involuntary head movements. Small Medium Large 4000 Pointing Time (ms)

* * * * ** * **

0020 3000 2000 1000 0 * * * ** * * ** * TH TV WaH WaV WrH WrV HG HH TH TV WaH WaV WrH WrV HG HH TH TV WaH WaV WrH WrV HG HH Figure 10: Notched box plots for the pointing time per TECHNIQUE × TARGETWIDTH condition. TH: ThighHorizontal, TV: ThighVertical, WaH: WaistHorizontal, WaV: WaistVertical, WrH: WristHorizontal, WrV: WristVertical, HG: HeadGaze, HH: HeadHand

WaistVertical ranks third regarding average completion Time. But POSITION × TARGETWIDTH interaction effect, t-tests (correction it is significantly faster than ThighHorizontal only (p=0.013). Further- n = 9) show that the superiority of Wrist over Waist is significant more, WaistVertical’s advantage is for large targets only (p=0.008). for small targets only. But, overall, ARPads seem to perform best Tests do not reveal any significant difference for medium and small. when they are positioned at users’ wrist (H4). Overall, these results partially support H , which states that 2 Direct and Indirect Techniques (Precision). To select a target, direct techniques outperform indirect ones. HeadGaze actually participants had to keep the cursor for at least 500ms within the performs very well, but HeadHand does not perform well. However, target’s boundaries (dwell). We counted a TargetLeave (TL) event the ARPad that has the best average completion time (Wrist × Verti- each time the cursor went out of the target, before successfully cal) is not significantly slower than HeadGaze. This suggests that selecting it. The number of such events provides an indicator of indirect input can achieve performance close to that of direct input users’ precision with the different techniques, as it increases with with gaze. the difficulty of stabilizing the cursor. For this analysis, we consider the full set of collected data (direct Indirect Techniques only (Time). Considering data for indi- and indirect techniques). With averages of 1.71 and 1.36 respectively, rect techniques in isolation, we can analyze the effect of PADORI- HeadGaze and HeadHand have a significantly higher number of TL ENTATION with an ANOVA according to model: Time ∼ BODY- events than indirect techniques (p’s<0.001), which have an average of POSITION × PADORIENTATION × TARGETWIDTH. We observe TL=0.58 by elementary pointing task. Vertical ARPads at the Thigh the same significant effect of TARGETWIDTH (F = 279, p < 0.001, 2,30 position have a slightly higher number of such events (0.74) than η2 =0.65), but we also observe a significant effect of both BODYPOSI- G other ARPads, and actually significantly more than ARPads at the TION (F =12.6, p<0.001, η2 =0.10) and PADORIENTATION (F =10.1, 2,30 G 1,15 Wrist location (p’s=0.013), which have an average of TL=0.46. p = 0.003, η2 = 0.04). We also have one significant interaction effect: G This suggests that the two direct techniques, HeadGaze and BODYPOSITION × TARGETWIDTH (F =4.02, p=0.003, η2 =0.03). 4,60 G HeadHand, suffer from precision issues, which probably explains Our study suggests that participants are significantly faster why their comparative performance decreases with small targets. with Vertical ARPads than with Horizontal ones (H3). Moreover, t-tests (corrected n = 3) reveal a strict order of performance be- Fitts’ Law. Fig. 11 shows how collected data fit Fitts’ law for tween the three body positions: Wrist outperforms Waist (p=0.04), each technique. We can observe that the point for small targets which in turn outperforms Thigh (p = 0.04). Regarding the BODY- is systematically above the linear regression line, and even more

MT = 52 + 666.ID ● MT = −189 + 675.ID MT = 34 + 563.ID adj. r2 = 0.939 adj. r2 = 0.935 ● adj. r2 = 0.975 ●

● ● ● ● ● ● MT (ms) MT (ms) MT (ms) ● MT = −394 + 688.ID MT = −706 + 904.ID 2 = 2 = adj. r 0.891 ● adj. r 0.86 ID ID ID 0 500 1500 2500 0 500 1500 2500 0 500 1500 2500 ● 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 ● ●

ThighVertical WaistVertical WristVertical MT (ms) ● MT (ms)

● MT = −244 + 784.ID MT = −155 + 730.ID ● MT = 277 + 533.ID adj. r2 = 0.939 adj. r2 = 0.951 adj. r2 = 0.978 ● ID ID 0 500 1500 2500 0 500 1500 2500 ● ● ● 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 ● ● ● HeadGaze HeadHand MT (ms) MT (ms) MT (ms)

ID ID ID 0 500 1500 2500 0 500 1500 2500 0 500 1500 2500 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 ThighHorizontal WaistHorizontal WristHorizontal Figure 11: Linear regression analysis with respect to Fitts’ law (Movement Time as a function of Index of Difficulty) for all techniques. Performance Thigh Waist Wrist Head ThighHorizontal 25% 75% ThighVertical 31% 69% WaistHorizontal 50% 50% WaistVertical 6% 94% WristHorizontal 38% 62% WristVertical 0% 100% HeadGaze 6% 94% HeadHand 19% 81%

. 0.9 0.6 Physical ThighHorizontal 44% 56% ThighVertical 56% 44% WaistHorizontal 50% 50%

Angular Distance Angular (degree) WaistVertical 44% 56% WristHorizontal 75% 25% * * * * * * WristVertical 62% 38% * * HeadGaze 12% 88% HeadHand 94% 6% . 0.3 0.0 Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Gaze Hand Mental Figure 12: Notched box plot for the average angular distance in ThighHorizontal 31% 69% degree between the cursor and the target during the pursuit. Results ThighVertical 69% 31% are grouped by TECHNIQUE. WaistHorizontal 38% 62% WaistVertical 0% 100% WristHorizontal 44% 56% above the line that would pass through the other two points (large WristVertical 6% 94% and medium targets). This indicates a “small target effect” [9], HeadGaze 25% 75% with small targets being more difficult to acquire than what Fitts’ HeadHand 12% 88% law predicts. This effect is stronger for the direct techniques than −100 −50 0 50 100 it is for the indirect techniques, and it is particularly strong for Percentage HeadGaze. This accounts for the low adjusted r2 for the direct Figure 13: Participants’ grades for the following three NASA-TLX techniques, as well as the high (i.e., bad) slope of their regression scales: perceived performance, physical demand, and mental de- lines. Again, these results are consistent with the precision issues mand. The plot relies on color coding and binning: each score is that users encounter with direct techniques. Interestingly, we can assigned a color, and the color patch’s size is proportional to the ratio also notice that WristHorizontal has the lowest (i.e., best) slope, but of times this score was given. Right (green) is better. a very high intercept. This suggests that users might have a bit of trouble in initiating a movement with this technique, but that it likely 5.7.3 Qualitative Results better scales with the task difficulty. Fig. 13 shows participants’ qualitative feedback for each technique 5.7.2 Pursuit Task along the following scales: perceived performance, physical de- mand, and mental demand. ART ANOVAs reveal a significant effect For the pursuit task, our measure is the average angular distance of TECHNIQUE for each of these scales: F =4.97, p<0.001 for per- between the target and the cursor (AngularDistance) over a 30s trial. 7,105 ceived performance, F7,105 = 9.70, p < 0.001 for physical demand, and

Direct and Indirect Techniques (AngularDistance). An F7,105 =6.69, p<0.001 for mental demand. ANOVA for the model AngularDistance ∼ TECHNIQUE reveals Participants’ perceived performance is consistent with quantita- 2 a significant effect of TECHNIQUE (F7,105 = 7.65, p < 0.001, ηG = 0.27). tive data. They feel most efficient with WristVertical, WaistVertical Fig. 12 shows the comparative performance of techniques. The best and HeadGaze. However, few of the differences are statistically sig- performing techniques are HeadGaze, WristVertical, HeadHand, nificant. Only WristVertical and HeadGaze are graded significantly and WaistVertical. Corrected t-tests (n = 28) do not reveal any sig- better than ThighVertical (p=0.040 and p=0.014). nificant difference between these four techniques. This suggests that Grades associated with physical demand are in line with H1: HeadHand performs comparatively better for continuous tasks than HeadHand is the most tiring technique on average. HeadHand it does for pointing tasks. is actually significantly more demanding than all other techniques Pairwise t-tests also reveal a few interesting differences. First, the (p’s < 0.038) except WristHorizontal (p = 0.098). Regarding physical two ARPads at Thigh perform significantly worse than the two direct demand, the only other significant differences are about HeadGaze, techniques and than WristVertical (p’s<0.01). Second, WaistHorizon- which is graded as less tiring than WristHorizontal (p = 0.005) and tal performs significantly worse than both WristVertical (p=0.015) WristVertical (p = 0.022). Average grades for Wrist techniques are and HeadGaze (p=0.031). actually high. This is interesting: while participants were fast and Indirect Techniques only (AngularDistance). To analyze the precise with WristVertical, they also found it quite tiring. effect of PADORIENTATION, we filter out data for indirect tech- Regarding mental demand, participants found it particularly de- niques only (as we did for pointing tasks above). An ANOVA for manding to interact with ThighVertical, which has has been graded model AngularDistance ∼ BODYPOSITION × PADORIENTATION significantly worse than both direct techniques (p’s<0.037), WaistVer- reveals a significant effect of PADORIENTATION (F1,15 =10.8, p=0.005, tical (p = 0.013), and WristVertical (p = 0.011). Also, for Waist and 2 ηG = 0.10) and a significant BODYPOSITION × PADORIENTATION Wrist, horizontal ARPads have been graded significantly more de- 2 interaction (F2,30 =6.63, p=0.004, ηG =0.09), but no effect of BODYPO- manding than vertical ones (p=0.021 and p=0.030, respectively). 2 SITION (F2,30 =1.70, p=0.200, ηG =0.04). Pairwise t-tests reveal where Regarding PADORIENTATION, we also asked participants about the interaction comes from: Vertical ARPads perform better than their preferred orientation for each BODYPOSITION. Fig. 14 shows Horizontal ones only for Waist (p=0.033) and Wrist (p=0.011) body participants’ answers. While preferences are unclear between the positions. Whatever their orientation, ARPads located at the thigh two Thigh techniques (p = 0.210), they preferred Vertical for both perform particularly poorly for continuous tasks. But, overall, Waist (p<0.001) and Wrist (p=0.021). We also asked them about their our study suggests that Vertical ARPads are more efficient than preferences between the two direct techniques: they all preferred Horizontal ones (H3). Gaze over Hand. Horizontal Vertical interactions, and they might be particularly relevant for some situa- tions such as, e.g., remote control in a seated position. But, overall, Thigh 69% 31% Waist seems to be the best compromise. Users were efficient and felt Waist 6% 94% comfortable with this body position. Wrist 19% 81% Participants performed better and expressed a clear preference 0 25 50 75 100 for Vertical ARPads over their Horizontal counterparts. Despite Percentage experience with trackpads on laptops, a difference in orientation Figure 14: Preferred PADORIENTATION per BODYPOSITION for indi- between visual and motor spaces seems to have a negative impact. rect techniques (for direct techniques, all participants consistently preferred Gaze over Hand). 7 CONCLUSIONANDFUTUREWORK Interaction with HMDs usually benefits from an external device. The results of the above two paragraphs are in line with H3. The Bare-hand input can complement device-based techniques when larger the difference between the visual space and the motor space, users want to keep their hands free or when they do not have access the less usable an ARPad is (more tiring and less liked). However, to an external device. However, implementing bare-hand input that the Thigh seems to be an exception: ThighVertical received a very does not cause too much fatigue is challenging. We contribute poor grade for mental demand and there is no clear PADORIENTA- guidelines for such cases by investigating a design space for ARPads. TION preference between the two ARPads. This echoes participants’ We report on a study evaluating some ARPad designs and how feedback during the experiment: seven of them mentioned having they compare with direct input baselines. In our study, gaze input trouble understanding how the cursor’s position was mapped to hand performed very well but suffered from precision issues. Participants’ movements in both Thigh conditions. This might be because of performance with ARPads suggest that well-designed indirect input ARPads’ lateral location in comparison with Wrist and Waist posi- can achieve the same level of performance as direct gaze input. In tions which are more centered on the sagittal plane. For example, addition, ARPads are particularly relevant for long-lasting or precise one participant mentioned that they were expecting vertical ARPads interactions as they minimize fatigue and cope with precision issues at the Thigh to be parallel to the sagittal plane (i.e., Vertical (rotated) related to gaze input. in our design space – Fig. 2). We designed it this way to be consis- We do not advocate for replacing direct input with indirect input, tent across body positions, but it might be interesting to reconsider however. Direct input actually performed well in our study and is our design for the Thigh position. For example, we could position probably more intuitive. We rather believe that both types of input the Leap Motion to make it track in front of the thigh as opposed to should co-exist, allowing users to freely choose the type of input sideward, as proposed by two participants. that best suits their context and task. For example, both types of input could be combined in bi-manual techniques where one hand 6 IMPLICATIONS FOR DESIGN performs direct object selection, and the other hand performs long or fine parameter adjustments using indirect input. Users could also Data collected in our experiment support most of our hypotheses, decide to rely on indirect input when they want their interactions be and bring additional insights from which we can derive guidelines more subtle [3] or rely on direct input when, on the contrary, they about implementing indirect input for AR headsets. want them be transparent to others [15]. Supporting the coexistence of both requires implementing mode switching techniques. Such 6.1 Direct Input vs. Indirect Input mode switches could be implicit, relying on hand location relative First, users actually perform better on average with direct gaze input to headset orientation, in the spirit of the Gaze-Shifting technique than with any of the other techniques we have tested. However, well- for pen input [55]. designed ARPads allow users to reach a similar level of performance Finally, this preliminary study suggests directions for future work. overall. In particular, our study showed that direct input suffers from First, ARPads tested in this study implement absolute control with precision issues, and that indirect input might be better suited to a headset that has a limited-size viewport. Considering absolute interaction with small objects. control was necessary to test the effect of an ARPad’s position on Second, as we hypothesized, direct hand input is very tiring. users’ performance without any confound from a posture recogni- However, our study also showed that direct hand input (HeadHand) tion engine (for e.g., clutching actions for relative control). A larger performs quite well for continuous tasks, better than it does for viewport would require considering one or several of the following pointing tasks. It thus remains a good candidate to consider for strategies: increasing the CD gain, enlarging ARPads, or implement- brief manipulations. However, it quickly causes fatigue, so its use ing a clutching mechanism. Second, complementing ARPads with should be limited to manipulations that do not last too long. To subtle audio or haptic feedback could help users get a better sense give a rough estimate, pursuit tasks in our experiment lasted only of where the pad stands in the air. This is particularly relevant when 30s but already caused much fatigue. Direct hand input should relying on technology such as the Leap Motion, which has tracking definitely be considered neither for long manipulations of objects limitations. Third, our informal observations suggest that users do nor for repetitive tasks. not adopt planar movements when interacting with an ARPad.A fine-grained analysis of users’ movements could help refine the pads’ 6.2 Guidelines for the Design of Indirect Input orientation, or even consider pad surfaces that are not planar. Fi- nally, in our experiment, participants were interacting with graphical The data collected yield guidelines for practitioners regarding objects that were displayed in a world-anchored window that was in ARPads’s position as well as their orientation. front of them. It would be interesting to study cases where users are Users’ performance with Thigh was poor in comparison to Waist not well positioned in front of the window they are interacting with. and Wrist. Comparison between Waist and Wrist is more nuanced. Participants performed slightly better with ARPads located at Wrist ACKNOWLEDGMENTS for discrete tasks. However, qualitative feedback also showed that they found them more tiring than ARPads at Waist position. Further- This research was partly supported by project VizGest (CNRS PEPS more, one limitation of the Wrist position is that it prevents users S2IH - 2018). We wish to thank the participants of our experiment. from performing bi-manual interactions for, e.g., controlling two We also wish to thank Emmanuel Pietriga and all ILDA members cursors. ARPads at Wrist are good candidates for short-duration for their feedback. REFERENCES LBW120:6. ACM, 2018. doi: 10.1145/3170427.3188513 [1] D. Ahlström, K. Hasan, and P. Irani. Are you comfortable doing [17] T. Feuchtner and J. Müller. Ownershift: Facilitating overhead interac- that?: Acceptance studies of around-device gestures in and for pub- tion in virtual reality with an ownership-preserving hand space shift. lic settings. 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