Revista Cátedra, of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of Universidad Central del Ecuador has a quarterly frequency, it publishes the first fifteen days of the first month of each period from January-April, May-August, September-December. Director/Editors-in-chief Ph.D. Sergio Lujan Mora, MSc. Verónica Simbaña Gallardo. Location: Quito - Ecuador, belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of Universidad Central del Ecuador. ISSN electrónico: e-ISSN: 2631-2875 Revista Cátedra OJS:
[email protected] Web page: Revista Cátedra E-mail:
[email protected] Phone number: (+593) 2506-658 ext. 111 o 22904-760 Open Access politics: articles are published using the license Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) ( Plagiarisms detection: the journal uses the antiplagiarism system URKUND. The editorial process is managed using OJS (Open Journal System). The journal accepts articles written in Spanish and English. INFORMATION SERVICES: social networks, Facebook Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) Revista Cátedra, 2(2), pp. 1-1, May-August 2019. e-ISSN: 2631-2875 AUTHORITIES: UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR FACULTY OF LETTERS AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Ph.D. Fernando Sempértegui Rector Dra. María Augusta Espín Academic Vice Chancellor Dra. María Mercedes Gavilánez Research, Doctorate program and Innovation Vice Chancellor MSc. Marco Pozo Zumárraga Administrative Vice Chanceller Ph.D. Guillermo Terán Acosta Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences Ph.D. Juan Carlos Cobos Velasco Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences Zip code: Av.