(ARM) Program: Southern Great Plains Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART) Site
a(;l'7' ANt/EAiSfTM-Be 'Jr' DOeEA'0680 Environmental Assessment for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program: Southern Great Plains Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART) Site Environmental Assessment and Information Sciences Division Afgorsna National Laboratory Operated by The University of Chicago, under Contract W-3t-tO9*Eng-38, for ft© United States Department of Energy TMI5 rVVM IMPKST tR I IN! Argonne National Laboratory Argonna, National Laboratory,, with, facilities, in. the. states of Illinois, and Idaho, ia owned: by the United; States government, and; operated by to University of Chicago- under the provisions of s contract with the Pepgrtrrtant ot Energy. This- technical memo is g. product of Argonne'g. E-nvironrmintal' ftssasamsnE and Information Sciences (EAIS) pivNon-, FOP informationi orn th» division; a scientific and.: engineering activities, contact; Director, Environmental1 Assessment and: Information Sctances Division Argonne National: Laboratory Argonne, Illinois 6G439-4at-s Telephone goa), 252-075$ Preaantect in ttfe technical memo are preliminary results of gngoing work op work that is rrtorgi limited' in acopa finrt ttepth than thaE deacnbacj! in forms!1 reports laauedi by the E-AI3 Diviaion. Disclaimer Tnia report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of th& United: State* Govommont, Naithet the United States Government noc any agency thereof, nac any of thoif smployees, makaa any warranty-,. express or implied, or assumes any legal liability OF responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,
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